Endocrinology of Aging

1 Growth Hormone in Aging Jose M. Garcia, MD, PhD, George R Merriam, M.D. and Atil Y Kargi, M.D.
2 Diabetes in the Elderly Anna Milanesi, MD PhD and Jane E. Weinreb, M.D.
3 Management of Diabetes and Hyperglycemia in Hospitalized Patients Ketan Dhatariya, MBBS, MSc, MD, MS, FRCP, PhD and Guillermo E. Umpierrez, MD, CDE, FACE, MACP
4 Evaluation and Treatment of Dyslipidemia in the Elderly Elani Streja, Ph.D. and Kenneth R. Feingold, MD
5 Hyperthyroidism in Aging Mary H. Samuels, M.D.
6 Hypothyroidism in Older Adults Matthew I. Kim, M.D.
7 Thyroid Nodules and Cancer in the Elderly Melissa G. Lechner, MD, PhD and Jerome M. Hershman, MD
8 Adrenal Androgens and Aging Nektaria Papadopoulou-Marketou, MD, PhD, Eva Kassi, MD, PhD and George P. Chrousos, MD, ScD, MACE, MACP, FRCP,
9 Adrenal Incidentalomas Eleftherios Chatzellis, MD and Gregory A. Kaltsas, MD, FRCP
10 The Postmenopausal Woman Cassandra Roeca, M.D., Zain Al-Safi, M.D. and Nanette Santoro, M.D.
11 Age-Related Changes in the Male Reproductive System Shalender Bhasin, MB, BS, Rodrigo J. Valderrabano, MD and Thiago Gagliano-Jucá, MD, PhD
12 Benign Prostate Disorders Nathan Lawrentschuk, MB, BS, FRACS, Gideon Ptasznik and Sean Ong
13 Prostate Cancer Detection Matthew John Roberts, MB BS, PhD, Patrick Teloken, MS MD, Suzanne K Chambers, AO B Beh Sci (Hons), PhD., Scott G Williams, MB BS, B Med Sci, FRANZCR, John Yaxley, MB BS FRACS, Hema Samaratunga, MBBS LRCP (Lond) MRCS (UK) FRCPA, Mark Frydenberg, MB BS, PhD, FRACS and Robert A. (‘Frank’) Gardiner, AM, MBBS, MD, FRACS, FRCS
14 The Epidemiology and Pathogenesis of Osteoporosis Clifford J Rosen, M.D.
15 Osteoporosis: Clinical Evaluation E. Michael Lewiecki, MD, FACP, FACE
16 Osteoporosis: Prevention and Treatment Sarah Zaheer, MD and Meryl S. LeBoff, MD
17 Clinical Problems Caused by Obesity Ioannis Kyrou, M.D., PhD, M.Ed., FHEA, Harpal S. Randeva, MD, PhD, FRCP, Constantine Tsigos, MD, PHD, Gregory A. Kaltsas, MD, FRCP and Martin O. Weickert, MD, FRCP
18 Obesity In The Elderly Alexis M. McKee, MD and John E. Morley MB, BCh