If you want to send a comment about our site, please email Dr. Kenneth Feingold at Kenneth.Feingold@ucsf.edu.
Thank you so much for making EndoText available to us. It is a wonderful resource and a must have companion. Nitin Mayur, MD 3/7/2018
I will make the utmost effort to promote the ENDOTEXT website among my colleagues. I would like to congratulate you and all the volunteers of ENDOTEXT editorial staff for the quality of the information provided and especially for the ease of access to all endocrinologists around the world. Thank you for your commitment and dedication to medicine and above all for contributing to the improvement of the quality of our professional practice for the benefit of our patients. Sincerely, Dr. Rui Augusto Hudari G. de Souza - BRAZIL.
I would like to congratulate you and all the volunteers of ENDOTEXT editorial staff for the quality of the information provided and especially for the ease of access to all endocrinologists around the world. Thank you for your commitment and dedication to medicine and above all for contributing to the improvement of the quality of our professional practice for the benefit of our patients. I will make the utmost effort to promote the ENDOTEXT website among my colleagues. Sincerely, Dr Rui Augusto Hudari G. de Souza - BRAZIL. 7/8/2017
Thanks a lot for your fabulous online books. I love them very much. Haixia Guan 12/30/2016
I have using Endotext on line, for a long period of years. It has help me in my responsability as Professor of Medicine and Clinical Research. Madrid 12/4/2016
I believe the work of your team and yourself is of great valuable in the field of Medicine. Specially for the great scientific degree of the subjects and of being free for this purpose. Its actually number one in the medicine media.
Excellent web-based resource, well written and comprehnsive coverage of most endocrine disorders.11/16/2015 5:32 AM
When I need to curbside an endocrinologist, though, we can assume I've tried a textbook and a web search. I just found Endotext and am absolutely amazed. It is fabulous. Where has this been all of my [professional] life? 11/9/2015 2:08 PM
I love books- regret, hard copy books are and will be obsolete 11/1/2015 4:11 PM
Endotext it's a extremely helpful tool , easy access and available everywhere, constantly up to date. To me there is no more reason to have printed textbook .10/17/2015 1:05 AM
I think EndoText is an excellent resource, especially for OB/GYN or for those residents considering an extended fellowship or subspeciality in endocrinology. 10/13/2015 12:56 PM
I think it is very important to come across this book it is well structured, updated, and helpful especially for post graduate degrees in endocrinology. I strongly recommend to study from this nice text book
I find Endotext to be the best Endocrinology book available on-line, and I find extraordinary that it is available worldwide for everyone who needs the information any time, any where. Please feel free to list my name as a member of this important group. Please also feel free to let me know any way I can help as member of this group. Lidia Moreno-Castaneda 11/1/2014
I am an Endocrinologist from Santa Fe, Argentina. I have been using Endotext.org and Thyroidmanager.org for several years. I consult them at least once a week. It is really an excellent tool for update all endocrine topics, and, as you said, "very valuable and useful, for nothing".I always recommend it to all my colleagues, endocrinologist and clinitians. And also to my pupils, I teach in the School of Medicine of Universidad Nacional del Litoral, here, in my city. So, I am very grateful to you and all authors and editors of this invaluable texts. Best Regards. Fabiana M. Masjoan
I wanted to thank Dr. Ashley Grossman as well as EndoText for the assistance with my Cushing's syndrome case (posted 05/09/12 on the web site)! The patient underwent bilateral adrenalectomy and is doing extremely well. She is now with almost full strength and very close to returning to work as an Ob/Gyn nurse. She is very pleased with her progress and has been doing well on maintenance steroid replacement. We still do not yet know the source of her ACTH, but she is doing clinically better and we now have the time to (hopefully) find the source in the future during her follow-up.A big THANK YOU to Dr. Grossman and the staff of EndoText for your help with this case!Brandon 1Oct 2012 Brandon Chock, MD, ECNU, CCD Department of Endocrinology Ontario Medical Center
I am an REI, one year out of fellowship and have been using your wonderful website to study for my REI written board exam which I'll be taking next Friday. I'm one of those learners who does better when my hand is moving on a page taking notes, so I printed out many chapters to take notes on. Sadly, that is not very environmentally conscious, but it's just the best way for my brain to absorb. Your website has been infinitely helpful to me - thank you for organizing such a wealth of well-written information.LPF
I am currently a third year REI fellow and I just wanted to thank you for the Thyroid Manager and your involvement in Endotext, it has been an invaluable resource as I prepare my Grand Rounds and study for my boards. You'll be interested to hear that ABOG (American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology) who sets the requirements for Board certification in my subspecialty has named Endotext as a main resource for studying for both written and oral boards as opposed to some of the well known textbooks we classically reference. Thanks again for your unbelievably prompt help.LCE 5/14/2011
ONE OF MANY SIMILAR RESPONSES TO OUR RECENT USER SURVEY REGARDING REGISTRATION Thank you for the information on the recent planned updates for the on-line textbooks. I certainly use the information in these textbooks weekly and appreciate the fact that they are up-to- date with accurate information supplied by prominent authors. I would not be opposed to a fee - yearly or otherwise - and certainly think that $10.00/yr is a reasonable fee. It may be that this restriction will limit casual use of the website which would be unfortunate, however. I think once a medical practitioner realizes the quality of the on-line textbooks they would be happy to pay the fee. It would seem that the web site could be "advertised" to medical practitioners and perhaps offered on a "trial" basis so they would be willing to look at what is available to them and realize the value. Thank you for keeping us informed and providing this wonderful service.E S
I think this is one of the most important website.
Your website is an invaluable source of information - especially in 3rd world countires suffering from continuous financial constraints in obtaining up to date information from the web.
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Excelent site.
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Fabulous site - very informative
I would like to become a memeber of the site to gain access to all of the published work related to endocrinology thx
Great site. Thank you!
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I am a pediatrician,pediatric diabetologist and I have a great interest in endocrinology.
Wonderful website, truly a helpful resource of up to date information in an era of pay as you go
very important this site for me, thanks
muy buena pagina
My sincere thanks to the entire group of people that form. I am post gradista of endocrinology'm in my first year and their data is excellent. Santiago Klaere Carriel 6/15/09 Dear Prof L De Groot I am Dr. O Khatib, MD, FRCP, FFPH, PhD, working as section head-Consultant endocrinology at Saad Specialist Hospital, International Adviser for Royal Colleges of Physicians, London, UK, and worked previously as Regional Adviser for Diabetes and Endocrinology at WHO, like to express my deep thanks for this web which is really an endocrinology treasure.Best regards Oussama Khatib, MD, FFPH, FRCP, PhD 6/30/09
Hi!So thanks for your messages about all so interesting sources I usually went to WWW.THYROIDMANAGER.ORG , and studied carelly each question and its reply,its very useful for my clinic work This time you show me the new address WWW.ENDOTEXT.ORG,Iam so grateful for your kind,I will watch this net carefullyThanks again! huangyong1910@hotmail.com 7/1/09
Dr. Khosla and De Groot, Thank you so much for your response. I will use this information to begin discussions with our nuclear medicine department, since they are the ones who perform and interpret all of our DXAs here. By the way, this is a wonderful service to the endocrine and general medical community!Kent K. Ishihara, MD 7/7/09
I have benefited a great deal from these wonderful websites, and feel that my patients have as well. I will continue to tell every endocrinologist I meet about them.DCL, MD, Virginia, USA
can't tell you how much you've been helping me! I was in a really big trouble because I' am endocrinologist physician only about one year and the clinic experience is not very large, so that I made my judgement basicly on Williams where I find a cut off for stimulated Lh of 6,9mui/ml for girls. So I was closly of that value but I was not very sure if it was enough for initiate the treatement. Thank you very much and I hope I could dare to take your time for other questions in the future!C M, Romania
"-- my colleague in Sydney asked around and all his residents use Endotext all the time and don't bother buying textbooks --"AG Dec 2006
Thank you very much for the answer, it was very helpful. As you might have presumed because of my surname I am the son of MF (which you might have met from Bart's). I had this doubt myself and not my dad but I could not get in touch with him to ask about this issue (we live in separate cities). I have recently discovered this website (endotext) and found it very useful. This part of asking questions to experts is simply fantastic. I am a junior doctor doing Internal Medicine and aspiring Endocrinology for the future.Best Regards,A F 20 July 2006
I am an endocrinology fellow at Upstate Medical University in Syracuse. I would like to thank you and the rest of the authors for compiling this wonderful online tex t book. It has been a great referenceSincerely , W Wafa 1 Jan 2005
Just a quick note about how incredibly great I found the section on Ca and bone in Endotext. Congratulations, we will be using it for our fourth year students - save $ - that is scarce for them and is outstanding.Dolores, UCSF September 17, 2004
After coming home from the meeting, I did explore www.endotext.orgwebsite and found it to be extremely useful in my clinical practice. This was the most valuable resource that I got out of the meeting!J.D, MD May 5, 2004
Congratulations on the www.Endotext.org product. It is truly wonderful, and as teaching faculty we use it regularly.Gregory Tennyson, MD
As a practicing Endocrinologist I find the Endotext site a very useful site concerning clinical questions and when preparing lectures for students or residents.Sincerely yours, R. N, MD
Dear Dr. De Groot, You did not exaggerate - endotext is fabulous! The first time I checked it out, I did the case of the month-- thanks for all the wonderful discussions and the links to the important chapters.
This is better than any endo book- very user friendly, very detailed , so practical. I am looking forward to many hours of reading Endotext!
Thanks so muchClaudia Panzer Endo Fellow ( with Lew Braverman) Boston University Medical Center Boston MA
Thank you for your mail and the information. I wish to congratulate you on the successful establishment of the website. Thanks to the great work ofyou and your colleagues, information can now be available easily to physicians around the world. This is indeed extremely helpful in the present era of explosion of information. I just wish to say a vote of thanks and appreciation to your meaningful project.A W K,MD The University of Hong Kong Queen Mary Hospital Hong Kong March 10, 2003
I find Endotext to be an absolutely invaluable resource, thanks for any and all work you're doing for it!David