Editorial Team

S. Faisal Ahmed, MD, PhD
After receiving his clinical and scientific training in Edinburgh, London and Cambridge, Professor Ahmed was appointed as a consultant in paediatric endocrinology at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Yorkhill, Glasgow in 2000 and was appointed as the Samson Gemmell Chair of Child Health at the University of Glasgow in 2012. Since 2019 he has also held an additional chair at Leiden University as Professor of Endocrine Registries. Professor Ahmed’s research has focussed on improving the health of people with a wide range of rare conditions, and especially those with conditions affecting sex development or growth and skeletal development. He has led on several training activities including as the Chair of the PETCA initiative (2009-2011), Chair of the ESPE Summer School (2011-2014), founder member of the DSDNet Training Schools (2013-2016) and founder member of the I-DSD Postgraduate Course (2022-). In 2021, Professor Ahmed was awarded the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology Research Award and in 2024 he was appointed as the Editor in Chief of Endocrine Connections.

Bradley Anawalt, MD
Dr. Anawalt is the Chief of Medicine at the University of Washington Medical Center and Professor and Vice Chair of the Department of Medicine at the University of Washington. His principal areas of research are in male infertility, male hormonal contraception and male reproductive physiology. His excellence in teaching has been recognized with several University of Washington Department of Medicine teaching awards: 2014 Marvin Turck Award for excellence in teaching and clinical care, 2007 Endocrinology Fellowship Teaching Award, and 1999 Paul Beeson Award (selected by the internal medicine residents). He has been the North American editor for the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology (2012-2020), Associate Editor for Endocrine Reviews (2014-2017) and has served on the editorial board of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (2006-2010 and 2010-2014). He has won outstanding reviewer awards from the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism and the Annals of Internal Medicine. He serves as a consultant to the United States Anti-Doping Agency. He has had leadership positions in the United States Endocrine Society including Council member (2014-2017), Chair of the Hormone Health Network (2006-2010 and 2010-2014) and Clinical Chair of the 2011 Annual Meeting. His clinical focus is in the area of male reproductive endocrinology, and he has received several national and regional awards from his peers for clinical expertise. He earned his bachelor’s degree in anthropology at the University of Santa Clara and his medical degree at the University of California at Davis. He completed his internal medicine residency at the University of Washington in 1992 and served as chief resident at the Seattle VA Medical Center 1992-1993. He completed a fellowship in endocrinology at the University of Washington and joined the faculty in 1995.

Marc R Blackman, MD
Dr Blackman is a Sr. Physician Scientist, and previously served as Associate Chief of Staff for R&D, at the Washington DC VA Medical Center. He is a physician scientist, teacher, and administrator; and am ABIM Certified in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism. As an endocrinologist and gerontologist/geriatrician, he has extensive grant, publication, and practical experience in T1-T4 research, and research mentoring. His clinical and translational research relates to (1) endocrine and metabolic changes that occur in healthy and unhealthy aging individuals, and in patients with age-related sarcopenia, traumatic brain injury, and chronic kidney disease; and (2) AI studies in geriatrics, heart failure and opioid use. He serves as lead site investigator on a new, VA funded, multicenter study examining the effects of rhGH administration on health related QOL, as well as body composition and cardiometabolic outcomes, in Veterans with mild TBI, and is a co-I on several previous and ongoing clinical trials investigating neuromuscular health and exercise in patients with stages 3 and 4 chronic kidney disease (NCT03160326, NCT04397159, NCT03582982. To date, he has mentored 48 pre-doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows and faculty, many of whom have gone on to highly successful, grant funded research careers. He is a Professor of Medicine and Rehabilitation Medicine at Georgetown University; VA representative to the Executive Committee of the Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical & Translational Science, an NIH/NCATS funded CTSA hub; Clinical Professor of Medicine at George Washington University; Professor of Medicine (Part-time) at The Johns Hopkins University; Chief Specialty Editor, Frontiers in Endocrinology (Aging); Associate Editor, Endocrinology of Aging, Clinical Aspects in Diagrams and Images, Elsevier S&T Books (September, 2020); Associate Editor, Endocrinologia Del Envejecmiento En Esquemas E Imagenes. Aspectos Clinicos, Elsevier S&T Books, (April, 2023, in press); and Co-Editor-in-Chief, Book Series (17 Monographs): Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism in Diagrams and Images (Endocrinologia, Diabetes Y Matabolismo En Esqumas E Imagenes), Elsevier S&T Books (in preparation). He has published > 500 scientific journal articles, editorials, chapters, books, and abstracts.

Alison Boyce, MD
Alison Boyce, MD is a pediatric endocrinologist and Associate Research Physician in the Skeletal Diseases and Mineral Homeostasis Section, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health. Dr Boyce’s work focuses on bone and mineral metabolism, including rare and pediatric skeletal disorders. She is the Principal Investigator of a natural history study in fibrous dysplasia/McCune-Albright syndrome, a rare disease affecting the skeletal and endocrine systems, and has characterized many aspects of this disorder and its treatment. Additional studies focus on disorders of fibroblast growth factor-23, primary connective tissue disorders, and hypoparathyroidism. Dr Boyce is a faculty member in the joint National Institutes of Health and Children’s National Pediatric Endocrinology fellowship training program. She holds an adjunct position at Children’s National Health System, where she attends in the multidisciplinary Bone Health clinic in partnership with the Division of Orthopaedics. She is a founding member of the Fibrous Dysplasia/McCune-Albright Syndrome International Consortium, and serves as Medical Advisor to the Fibrous Dysplasia Foundation.

George Chrousos, MD, MACE, MACP, FRCP(UK)
Professor of Pediatrics and Endocrinology, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes, First Department of Pediatrics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School, "Aghia Sophia" Children's Hospital, Athens, Greece. Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens, Athens, Greece. E-mail: chrousge@med.uoa.gr; chrousog@mail.nih.gov; chrousos@gmail.com

Emiliano Corpas MD, PhD
Emiliana is a specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition and in Internal Medicine affiliated with Hospital Universitario de Guadalajara, Spain (1982-2018), Associate Professor of Endocrinology at the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad de Alcalá (1984-2018) and currently Honorary Professor at same University and Consultant of the HLA Hospital of Guadalajara (Spain).
Dr. Corpas graduated from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and completed his residency in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology at the Hospital Universitario de la Princesa (Madrid). In 1988 he received his Ph.D. at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid on a cross-sectional study of aging in a healthy population. From 1989 to 1992 he was a Medical Associate of the National Institute of Health (NIH-NIA) at the "Gerontology Research Center" in Baltimore (USA) and a Visiting Scientist of the Department of Medicine at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, for three years. At that time, he investigated the endocrinology of aging, particularly the age-related changes of the GH hypothalamic-pituitary axis. From 1989 to 1996, he published as a first author, several original papers and reviews in national and international journals of high impact factor, on different aspects of endocrinology and aging.
Since 1996 he has devoted his academic and educational work in Endocrinology to develop his own website for patients and medical practitioners (www.endocorpas.com). He published an electronic book in Castilian-Spanish, titled Endocrinología y Diabetes en Esquemas a Imágenes (Endocrinology and Diabetes in Diagrams and Images) in 2012 (updated in 2014), of which he is author and editor. The e-book is made up of 50 chapters written in a systematic and visual format with diagrams and images, having more than 2,500 electronic pages and 35 co-authors. Dr. Corpas is also author and editor of an electronic monograph in Castilian-Spanish, titled Endocrinología del Envejecimiento. Aspectos Clínicos en Esquemas e Imágenes (Endocrinology of Aging. Clinical Aspects in Diagrams and Images), composed of 12 chapters, over 800 pages and published in 2015. Both books were endorsed by several academic and scientific institutions of Spain and are hosted now in his own website
Since 2018 to present, he has led as editor-in-chief the recently published book "Endocrinology of Aging: Clinical Aspects in Diagrams and Images" (ISBN: 9780128196670; Imprint: Elsevier Inc. 2021; Page Count: 712) https://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9780128196670/endocrinology-of-aging https://www.amazon.com/Endocrinology-Aging-Clinical-Aspects-Diagrams/dp/012819667X
He is currently conducting the Castilian-Spanish first edition of the above mentioned book whose title is Endocrinología del Envejecimiento. Aspectos Clínicos en Esquemas e Imágenes (Endocrinology of Aging. Clinical Aspects in Diagrams and Images) that will be published in April of 2023 by Elsevier of Spain (ISBN 978-84-9113-969-0), aimed for all the Spanish language community of physicians.
He has written several book chapters and led accredited programs and courses for postgraduate training on endocrinology and diabetes. Since 1995, Dr. E. Corpas is a regular scientific advisor of some multinational pharmaceutical corporations and he practices private clinical endocrinology in Guadalajara (Spain) and Madrid. He is frequently invited to give lectures on endocrinology of aging topics, especially in different Latin American countries.
He has been a member of the Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism editorial board. He has been recently named (2022) member of the experts’ committee on endocrinology and metabolism of the “Fundación Sociedad Iberoamericana de Información Científica” (Ibero-American Foundation for Scientific Information).

Ketan Dhatariya, MBBS, MSc, MD, MS, FRCP, PhD
Professor Ketan Dhatariya graduated from the University of London in 1991 and did his diabetes and endocrinology training in and around London. For 2 years during his training he was also a part time General Practitioner in the evenings. He took some time out of his training to spend a year doing intensive care medicine and anaesthetics. After he finished his diabetes training in 2001 he went to do a 2 year research fellowship in endocrinology at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, USA. He was appointed as a consultant in diabetes, endocrinology and general medicine at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital in 2004, and Honorary Professor of Medicine at the University of East Anglia in 2019.
He is a full time clinician and his predominant areas of interest are inpatient diabetes – in particular peri-operative diabetes care, the management of diabetes related emergencies, and the ‘diabetic foot’. He leads one of the largest foot clinics in the East of England.
He has several national roles in the UK. He is currently the Chair of the Joint British Diabetes Societies Inpatient Care Group where he has led or co-authored several national guidelines on the management of various aspects of inpatient diabetes care including the guideline on peri-operative diabetes care. He is the Chair of the Examining Board for the UK Specialist Clinical Exam in Diabetes and Endocrinology, as well as Chair of the newly developed European Board Examination in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism. He is the President of the Diabetes and Endocrine section of the Royal Society of Medicine. He is an Associate Editor of Diabetic Medicine and BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care.
Dr Dhatariya has over 140 peer reviewed publications, and has published over a dozen book chapters on inpatient diabetes, peri-operative diabetes care or on the diabetic foot.
You can find more by visiting www.norfolkdiabetes.com

Kathleen Dungan, MD, MPH
Professor of Medicine at The Ohio State University Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism. Dr. Dungan attended medical school at OSU and completed her residency and fellowship in 2006 at University of North Carolina. She then returned to OSU where she serves as the division Associate Director of Clinical Services and the director of endocrine clinical trials, and oversees the inpatient diabetes program. She divides her time in clinical care and research in diabetes. Her research focuses on diabetes clinical trials, and ranges from quality improvement, pharmaceutical, and device interventions in the inpatient and outpatient settings. She has presented several times at national meetings such as the ADA and Endocrine Society and has published numerous manuscripts and chapters ranging from glucose monitoring, incretin based therapies, and insulins, to mechanistic and outcomes studies in hospitalized patients.

Kenneth R. Feingold, MD
Kenneth R. Feingold, MD, is an Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco. He received his medical degree from the State University of New York, Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse, New York. He completed his internship and residency in internal medicine at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin and a fellowship in endocrinology and metabolism at the University of California, San Francisco.
Dr. Feingold is a member of the American Society for Clinical Investigation, American Diabetes Association, and Endocrine Society. He is an associate editor for the Journal of Lipid Research.
Dr. Feingold’s clinical interests have focused on diabetes, obesity, and lipid disorders. His research interests have focused on the effects of inflammation on lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, the role of lipid synthesis and metabolism in the epidermis in forming the cutaneous permeability barrier, and the role of oxidized lipids in inducing atherosclerosis. He has published more than 500 papers and book chapters in the field of metabolism.

Hans Hofland, MD
Hans (J.) Hofland MD PhD is a Consultant Endocrinologist and Clinician Scientist at the Erasmus MC and Erasmus MC Cancer Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. He is specialized in the fields of steroid biology, endocrine oncology and radionuclide therapy.

Sanjay Kalra, MBBS, MD(Med), DM(Endo), FRCP (Edin)
Dr. Sanjay Kalra, DM (AIIMS) has been a consultant endocrinologist at Bharti Hospital, Karnal, India, for over two decades. He serves as Education Editor of the International Society of Endocrinology (ISE) as well as Deputy Chair of the ISE Working Group on Advocacy and Partnership. He works to improve endocrine education across the world, and has spearheaded the global EndoText webinars on clinical cases. Immediate Past President of the Endocrine Society of India (ESI) (2020/21), and Vice-President of South Asian Federation of Endocrine Societies SAFES), he remains busy in clinical care, patient education, research and medical writing.
He contributes to multiple international journals, including Diabetes Therapy and Frontiers in Clinical Diabetes and Healthcare in editorial roles. Executive Editor of the Indian Journal Endocrinology Metabolism (IJEM); from 2011 to 2015, he is also Section Editor, Diabetes, of the Endocrine Society of India (ESI) Manual of Clinical Endocrinology (1st and 2nd editions) and Section Editor, Endocrinology, of the Association of Physicians of India (API) Textbook of Medicine, 11th edition.
He won the global DAWN Award for best translational research in diabetes in 2009. In his spare time, he finds time to indulge in his favorite hobby, the folk dance bhangra, and exercise with the traditional Indian bell-club, the mugdar.

Gregory A. Kaltsas, MD, FRCP
Professor in General Medicine-Endocrinology, 1st Department of Propaedeutic Internal Medicine Laiko Hospital, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. email: gkaltsas@med.uoa.gr

Nitin Kapoor, MD, DM, PhD
Dr. Nitin Kapoor is Professor of Endocrinology at the Christian Medical College Vellore, India and has an honorary position at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute in Melbourne, Australia. He completed his endocrine super-specialty training (DM-Endocrinology) & Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Endocrinology at CMC, Vellore. He then completed his PhD research on clinical and genetic indicators of obesity from the University of Melbourne, Australia.
He has been conferred with the prestigious AR Seth gold medal by the Endocrine Society of India (2020), The young investigator award by the Sri Lankan Endocrine Society (2019), Melbourne Research Scholarship (2016 - 2020), Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR University Gold Medal in Endocrinology (2015), AV Gandhi award for Excellence in Endocrine research (2014), The IJEM Award for Excellence in Endocrine writing (2014) and several other awards.
He has more than 170 PubMed indexed peer reviewed publications in national and international journals and his keen areas of interest, are in the field of Obesity & Metabolic syndrome, Pituitary Disorders and Metabolic Bone Disease. He has spearheaded the write up and is editor of the current and the previous edition of the book “A practical Guide to Diabetes Mellitus” released in April 2018.
Dr Nitin is also an elected member of the Executive committee of the Indian Society of Bone and Mineral Research and The Endocrine Society of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry for the year 2021-24.

Christian A. Koch, MD, PhD
Professor, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism, Department of Medicine, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA. Christian.koch65@gmail.com, Christian.koch@fccc.edu

Peter Kopp, MD
Peter Kopp is a Professor of Medicine and Médecin Chef in the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Metabolism at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Dr. Kopp obtained his MD degree and his training in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology at the University of Berne, Switzerland. In 1993, he moved to the United States for a research fellowship supported by a grant of the Swiss National Science Foundation and joined Dr. Larry Jameson at Northwestern University in Chicago. After 3 years, he joined the faculty at Northwestern and rose through the ranks to full professor. He has directed the Center for Genetic Medicine (CGM) at the Feinberg School of Medicine of Northwestern University in Chicago from 2007 to 2014. In 2018, he has moved back to Switzerland to his current position.
Dr. Kopp has extensive clinical experience in clinical endocrinology with a focus on thyroid cancer and thyroid dysfunction. His research is focusing on the molecular pathophysiology and genetics of thyroid and other endocrine disorders. Since 2013 he is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Thyroid, an appointment that reflects his recognized expertise in clinical and basic thyroidology. He has been a member of the thyroid cancer guideline panel of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network from 2002 to 2018. Dr. Kopp is an author or co-author of more than 170 publications, including chapters in major textbooks such as Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine and he serves as a co-editor of Werner and Ingbar’s textbook The Thyroid.

Márta Korbonits, MD, PhD, DSc, FRCP
Márta Korbonits, MD, PhD, DSc, FRCP is Professor of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Centre Lead for Endocrinology and Deputy Institute Director at William Harvey Research Institute at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London. She is a graduate from the Semmelweis Medical School, Budapest. She was a Medical Research Council Clinician Scientist Fellow working on ghrelin and the hormonal regulation of the metabolic enzyme AMP-activated protein kinase. Her current interests include endocrine tumorigenesis, especially the genetic origin of pituitary adenomas and other endocrine tumour syndromes. She works on both the clinical characterisation as well as molecular aspects of pituitary diseases and leads a large international consortium to study these rare conditions. She published over 200 original papers and has a Scopus H-index of 53. She shares her time between clinical patient care, clinical research and laboratory based research as well as teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level. She was a recipient of the Society for Endocrinology Medal, the Endocrine Society Delbert Fischer award, The Harrison Award from the Endocrine Society of Australia, The Hadden Lecture Award from the Irish Endocrine Society and the Lady Estelle Wolfson Lecture Award. She was member of the executive board of the Society for Endocrinology, Pituitary Society, European Neuroendocrine Association and European Society of Clinical Investigation. She is Programme Committee Chair for the European Society of Endocrinology. As an Associate Editor for the Journal of the Endocrine Society and for ENDOTEXT she is responsible for the pituitary field. She is member of editorial board of Scientific Reports, Annals of Human Genetics, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, and Pituitary.

Christopher S. Kovacs, MD, FRCPC, FACP, FACE
Dr. Christopher S. Kovacs is University Research Professor, and Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology and Metabolism), Obstetrics & Gynecology, and BioMedical Sciences, at Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.
He obtained his MD and did an Internal Medicine residency at Queen’s University, an Endocrinology fellowship at University of Alberta, a postdoctoral research fellowship in bone and mineral metabolism at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, and training in bone histomorphometry at University of Melbourne.
His practice involves osteoporosis and general endocrinology. His research focuses on bone and mineral metabolism during pregnancy, lactation, and fetal development.
Among more than a dozen awards for research accomplishments, he received the Gold Medal in Medicine from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, the Dr. Harvey Guyda Educator of the Year Award from the Canadian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (CSEM), and Young Investigator Awards from the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, Advances in Mineral Metabolism, and CSEM. He has served on the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of Science, study sections of the National Institutes of Health, and Canadian Institutes of Health Research panels. He has been a consultant to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health, and Health Canada. He conceived and edited the multi-authored textbook Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Endocrinology: Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Clinical Management (Elsevier, 2019).

Wendy Kuohung, MD
Dr. Wendy Kuohung is the Director of the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology at Boston Medical Center and an Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Boston University School of Medicine. Dr. Kuohung received her medical degree from the Yale University School of Medicine. She completed her residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Boston University Medical Center and fellowship training in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Dr. Kuohung is a former Reproductive Scientist Development Program scholar and has received several NIH research grants since 2003. She received the BUSM Resident Award for Excellence in Teaching in Ob/Gyn in 2001 and the Harvard Medical School Teaching Award in Reproductive Endocrinology in 2003. She has published numerous peer-reviewed publications and chapters. Her research interests lie in infections of the placenta and reproductive tract, and she has clinical expertise in advanced minimally invasive gynecologic surgery, female infertility, and fertility preservation. In addition to Boston University Medical Center, her practice sites include Boston IVF in Waltham, MA, USA.

Blandine Laferrère, MD, PhD
Dr. Blandine Laferrère is Professor of Medicine at Columbia University, a full time Attending Physician in the Division of Endocrinology, and board certified in endocrinology. She got her medical degree from the University Claude Bernard in Lyon, France, where she did her residency and trained as an endocrinologist. During a post-doctoral fellowship in the laboratory of Dr. Richard Wurtman, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, she studied neuropeptide regulators of food intake behavior. Later in the laboratory of Dr. Harry Kissileff at the New York Obesity Research Center, she studied laboratory measures of food intake behavior in humans. She has dedicated her research carrier on the endocrine aspects of obesity and type 2 diabetes, first on the regulation of leptin and ghrelin under the mentorship of Dr. Xavier Pi-Sunyer, then more recently on the role of the incretin hormones as possible mechanism of glucose control after bariatric surgery. Dr. Laferrère is the Director of the Translational Biomarker Core of the Columbia Diabetes Research Center. In July 2019, she became the Columbia site PI for two landmark studies, the DPPOS and the LookAHEAD study. She is a visiting Professor in the laboratory of Dr. François Pattou in Lille, France.

Miles Levy, MD
Miles Levy is consultant endocrinologist at University Hospitals of Leicester and Honorary Associate Professor at Leicester University. His research interest includes the genetics of endocrine tumours and the role of circulating tumour DNA, functional imaging in endocrine tumours, and the association of pituitary tumours and headache. He has an interest sodium disorders, having co-written the SFE Guidelines for hyponatraemia and Diabetes Insipidus. He is CRG Lead Endocrinology for Midlands and East, and Training Programme Director for Diabetes and Endocrinology East Midlands South. He is active in the Society for Endocrinology and is currently Editor in Chief of the SfE Website You and Your Hormones, on the Clinical Committee and Public Engagement Committee, and Media Advisor for the Society. He co-writes the endocrinology chapter for Kumar & Clarke and co-editor Endocrinology at a Glance, and education Lead for Endocrinology at Leicester Medical School. He continues to be interested in general medicine and takes part in the full on-call rota. However, his most serious academic pursuits are playing music in his two bands (The Levy Circus and Suzy Goes Commando), and Arsenal Football Club.

Elizabeth A. McGee, MD
Elizabeth McGee MD received her medical degree from the University Of Tennessee College Of Medicine in Memphis. Her residency in obstetrics and gynecology and a fellowship in reproductive endocrinology and infertility were completed at the University of Texas, Southwestern/ Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas. She also completed a research fellowship as a Reproductive Scientist Development Program Scholar at Stanford University with Aaron Hsueh. She is currently a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Vermont and Director of the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility and the UVM Center for Reproduction.
Dr McGee is a member of ASRM, SREI, SSR, SRI, and Endocrine Society. She has served on NIH study sections, and programmatic reviews, and is a board examiner for the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She has been on the editorial boards of Reproduction, Biology of Reproduction and Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine, and is an associate editor of Journal of Assisted Reproduction.
Her clinical interests are infertility, endocrinology and menopause. Her research has focused on ovarian physiology and folliculogenesis, hormone function, TGFb, access to care and interdisciplinary women’s health.

Robert McLachlan, MD, PhD
Professor Robert McLachlan is Director of Clinical Research at the Hudson Institute of Medical Research and Consultant Endocrinologist at the Monash Medical Centre in Melbourne, Australia. He is a physician-scientist having obtained a PhD in reproductive medicine from Monash University in 1987 and then he undertook a position as a Visiting Scientist at the University of Washington, Seattle with Dr William Bremner in 1987-1989. Upon returning to Australia he has developed clinical and research interests in the fields of spermatogenesis, male fertility regulation and androgen physiology. He is Consultant Andrologist to the Monash IVF Group with research interests in the genetics of male infertility. He has served as President of the Fertility Society of Australia and as Secretary of the International Society of Andrology, and as a consultant to the WHO on male fertility regulation. Since 2006, he has been Director of the Andrology Australia, a Federal Government initiative committed to research and community & professional education in male reproductive health. He has published more than 220 original papers, reviews and chapters and serves on editorial boards of leading endocrine and andrology journals, and as Editor of the Male Reproduction Section of www.ENDOTEXT.org .

Radhika Muzumdar, MD
Chief, Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes, UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Professor of Pediatrics and Cell Biology University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Radhika.muzumdar@chp.edu
Radhika Muzumdar is the chief of the Division of Pediatric Endocrinology and professor of pediatrics and cell biology.
Dr. Muzumdar completed medical school at Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai and residency in Topiwala National Medical College in Mumbai, India. She completed her pediatric residency at State University of New York, and fellowship in Pediatric Endocrinology at Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She joined the faculty at Children’s Hospital of Montefiore until her recruitment to CHP in Jan 2014 as Division Director of Pediatric Endocrinology.
Her clinical interests include care of children with diabetes, growth and adrenal disorders, thyroid problems and disorders of puberty. Her research is focused on GH, insulin-like growth factors and their binding partners, and a novel mitochondria-associated peptide called humanin on glucose homeostasis, energy metabolism, cardiovascular health and aging. Her lab is also studying the link between Absent in Melanoma 2 (AIM 2) and obesity, bone health and life span. In addition to the NIH, Muzumdar has received grant support from multiple funding agencies, including the Pediatric Endocrine Society (PES), American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR), Beck Foundation, and Endocrine Fellows Foundation and Children’s Hospital Foundation.
Dr. Muzumdar serves/has served on several national and international study sections, including the NIH, AFAR research council, Binational Israel foundation, Israeli Science Foundation, Marsden Fund (New Zealand) and Wellcome trust UK. She served as standing member on the NIA/ASG study section and is on AFAR’s National Scientific Advisory Council. Dr. Muzumdar was the principal investigator of the Research Training in Pediatric Endocrinology program (T32). She is an active member of the PES. She is chair of the National Mentoring initiative of PES and past Chair of the Research advisory council of PES. She is the President of the ADA board of Western Pennsylvania.

Jonathan Q. Purnell, MD, FTOS
Dr. Jonathan Q Purnell is a Professor of Medicine in the Oregon Health & Science University Knight Cardiovascular Institute and the Division of Endocrinology, and is the Associate Director of the Bob and Charlee Moore Institute for Nutrition and Wellness. He completed medical school at Oregon Health & Science University, Internal Medicine residency at the University of Vermont, and Endocrine Fellowship at the University of Washington under the mentorship of Dr. John Brunzell. His work as a physician scientist focuses on understanding the causes and consequences of obesity, metabolic syndrome, dyslipidemia, and diabetes in humans. Dr. Purnell is a member of the American Physiology Society, The Endocrine Society, The Obesity Society, The American Federation of Medical Research, and The American Diabetes Association.

Rodolfo Rey, MD, PhD
Dr. Rey is Head of CEDIE-Centro de Investigaciones Endocrinológicas “Dr César Bergadá” (Centre for Research in Endocrinology), a translational research unit of CONICET (National Scientific and Technical Research Council) at Ricardo Gutiérrez Children’s Hospital in Buenos Aires, and Professor of Histology, Embryology, Cell Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Dr Rey obtained his MD degree from the University of Rosario, Argentina, and his PhD degree from University of Buenos Aires. He also holds a degree in Andrology from the Argentine Society of Andrology, a degree in Human Genetics form the Argentine Society of Genetics, and a Master in Endocrinology and Cell Interactions from University of Paris XI, France. He trained in Paediatrics and Paediatric Endocrinology at Hospital de Niños "R. Gutiérrez" in Buenos Aires and in developmental endocrinology with Dr Nathalie Josso at the INSERM research unit in Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, France, where he focused on AMH – Anti-Müllerian hormone. His main clinical and research interests are the developmental physiology of the gonadal axis and the disorders of the gonadal axis development.

Rakesh Sahay, MD, DNB, DM (Endo), FICP, FACE
Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sahay is Professor and Head of Department of Endocrinology at the Osmania Medical College and Osmania General Hospital in Hyderabad, India. He has been actively involved with the conduct of the Global Endotext webinars. He has been associate Editor with Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism from 2011-20 and on the Editorial board of Thyroid Research and Practice. He is the President Elect of the Endocrine Society of India and the Vice President of the South Asian Federation of Endocrine Societies. He is involved in Patient Care and Clinical Research in the field of Endocrinology and Diabetes.

Amy Sanghavi Shah MD, MS, NLA
Dr. Shah is a Professor of Pediatrics in Endocrinology, Clinical Lipidologist, and Director of the Type 2 Diabetes Program at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Dr. Shah completed medical school at St. George’s University, residency at Loyola University in Chicago and her pediatric endocrine fellowship at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Her clinical and research interests focus on youth onset obesity and type 2 diabetes and their impacts of future cardio metabolic health including lipid abnormalities, cardiovascular effects, and impacts on the developing brain.

Frederick Singer, MD
Director, Endocrine/Bone Disease Program, John Wayne Cancer Institute, 2200 Santa Monica Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90404. Clinical Professor of Medicine, UCLA. singerf@jwci.org

Mark A. Sperling, MD
Mark A Sperling currently serves as Professorial Lecturer in Pediatrc Endocrinology at Mt Sinai Medical Center in New York (2015-). A graduate of the University of Melbourne, School of Medicine (1962) and a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (1967) he was a Fellow in Pediatric Endocrinology in Pittsburgh (1968-70); an Assisstant/Associate Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (1970-78); Professor and Founding Chair of Pediatric Endocrinology, Cincinnati Children’s Hopsital (1978-89); Vira Heinz Professor and Chair, Dept of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh(1988-2001) and Professor of Pediatrics(1988-2014).
Mark’s research focused on the hormonal regulation of glucose metabolism in the fetus, newborn and child with emphasis on insulin, glucagon and growth hormone in health and disease. This research was suppported for over 30years by grants from the NIH and foundations and included RO1, Research Career Development Award NIH, program projects, training and research center grants. He served on the editorial boards of several endocrine journals, including two terms for “Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism”,” Diabetes”, “AM. J of Physiology” and “Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders”. He was the Founding Editor in Chief of “Pediatric Diabetes” The Journal of the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD 1999-2017) and of “Frontiers in Pediatric Endocrinology”. He edits the textbook “Pediatric Endocrinology” (5th edition 2020) and was the editor of “Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Etiology and Treatment”. His CV lists ~250 publications, including ~170 peer reviewed.
Mark is a member of several distinguished scientific societies, including the American Pediatric Society, Society of Clincal Investigation and the Association of American Physicians. He served on the American Board of Pediatrics (Endocrinology), on the Council of the Society for Pediatric Research, the Maternal and Child Health Research Committee of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Diabetes Advisory Board, appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services. He was President of the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society (now the Pediatric Endocrine Society) in 2002-3. He received the ISPAD prize for Contributions to Science and Education in Diabetes in 2012 and the Van Wyk prize in 2020, the highest award given by the Pediatric Endocrine Society for Lifetme Achievement and Contribution to Pediatric Endocrinology.
Mark considers his most rewarding achievement the mentoring of future leaders in the field of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes; his former trainees include Department Chairs and Chiefs of Pediatric Endocrinology at universities in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and faculty at various endocrine programs in the USA.

Constantine A. Stratakis, MD, D(med)Sci, PhD(hc)
Constantine A. Stratakis is recognized for his research, mentorship, and leadership and he remains an active clinician seeing patients with endocrine and genetic disorders. Over the last 25 years in his research, Dr. Stratakis has employed genome-wide tools to identify most of the genes known to predispose to adrenocortical tumor (ACT) and pituitary adenoma (PA) formation. His laboratory has identified the genetic defects for Carney complex, Carney Triad, the dyad of paragangliomas and gastric stromal sarcomas (a.k.a. Carney-Stratakis syndrome), and described new entities such as X-LAG (X-linked acrogigantism) and 3-PAs (the 3 Ps association of paragangliomas pheochromocytomas and PA). It was his identification of the protein kinase A (PKA) regulatory subunit type 1A (PRKAR1A) as the gene responsible for Carney complex in 2000 that led to the identification of the PRKACA gene as the most commonly mutated gene in all benign ACTs in 2014. Dr. Stratakis described novel genes, such as GPR101 in gigantism, and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) defects in a variety of tumors, and led the efforts to show that many gastric stromal sarcomas (GIST) form due to SDH deficiency. He is the author of more than 700 publications, his work has been cited >25,000 times, and he served in major Editorial roles, including Deputy Editor, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (2010-2015) and co-Editor, Hormone & Metabolic Research and Molecular & Cellular Endocrinology (2016/7-today). Dr. Stratakis received the 1999 Award for Excellence in Published Clinical Research and the 2009 Ernst Oppenheimer Award, both from the Endocrine Society, and the 2019 Dale Medal from the Society for Endocrinology and many other honors. He also has been named Visiting Professor in academic centers around the world and has received two honorary degrees from the Universities of Liege and Athens, respectively. As a mentor, Dr. Stratakis has trained more than 200 students, residents, pre-doctoral, post-doctoral and clinical fellows, and now nurtures the careers of junior faculty members and investigators. He has received numerous recognitions for his mentorship and teaching. Dr. Stratakis is widely recognized for his leadership, including in professional organizations. He just completed his year as the 2018-2019 President of the Society for Pediatric Research (SPR), and served as Scientific Director, NICHD, NIH (2009-20).

Dace Trence, MD
Dace L. Trence, MD, FACE is currently Director of the Diabetes Care Center and Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle. She is also the University of Washington Endocrine Fellowship Program Director and Director of Endocrine Days, a medical education program for endocrinologists practicing in the Pacific Northwest. She currently serves on the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Board of Directors, chairing the AACE CME committee. She has been on the editorial boards of several journals including Clinical Diabetes. She has had articles published in JCEM, JAMA, Diabetes Care and is a co-author of Optimizing Diabetes Care for the Practitioner. Her current interests include improving educational processes in diabetes self management, clinical training of health care professionals, and vitamin D effects on glycemic control.

Don P. Wilson, MD, FNLA
Department of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, Cook Children's Medical Center, Fort Worth, TX, USA. Don.Wilson@cookchildrens.org

Wouter W. de Herder, MD, PhD
Professor of Endocrine Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Erasmus Medical Center and Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. w.w.deherder@erasmusmc.nl