Figure 3. Schematic representation of the interactions between the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, the adipose tissue and the hypothalamic appetite-satiety centers. ARC: arcuate nucleus, PVN: paraventricular nucleus, LHA: lateral hypothalamic area, CRH: corticotropin-releasing hormone, ACTH: corticotrophin, POMC: proopiomelanocortin, NPY: neuropeptide Y AgRP: agouti related peptide, α -MSH: α -melanocyte-stimulating hormone, Y1: neuropeptide Y receptor type 1, MC4R: melanocortin receptor type 4, TRH: thyrotropin-releasing hormone, MCH: melanin concentrating hormone, OXY: oxytocin. Activation is represented by solid green lines and inhibition by dashed red lines.