FIGURE 19. Schematic diagram showing processing of a TGF-b family ligand.
TGF-b family ligands are translated as dimeric precursor proteins comprising two polypeptide chains, each containing a large N-terminal pro-region and a much smaller C-terminal mature domain. Processing involves cleavage at sites between the two domains and dissociation of the pro-region domain. A homodimeric precursor is shown, as is the case for AMH, but heterodimeric precursors also exist for other TGF-b family members.
Reprinted from ref. 303: di Clemente N, Jamin SP, Lugovskoy A, Carmillo P, Ehrenfels C, Picard J-Y, Whitty A, Josso N, Pepinsky RB, Cate RL. Processing of anti-Müllerian hormone regulates receptor activation by a mechanism distinct from TGF-β. Molecular Endocrinology 24:2193-2206 (2010). Copyright 2010, The Endocrine Society, with permission. http://mend.endojournals.org/content/24/11/2193.abstract