The Iodine Deficiency Disorders
This chapter provides an overview of the disorders caused by iodine deficiency. Extensively referenced, it includes data on dietary sources of iodine, goitrogens, the effects of iodine deficiency throughout the lifecycle, the pathophysiology of iodine deficiency, as well as strategies for control and monitoring of the iodine deficiency disorders, such as iodized salt and iodized oil. It emphasizes the role of iodine deficiency in the development of brain damage and neurocognitive impairment, assessment of the iodine status of a population, the potential side effects of excessive iodine intake and current worldwide epidemiological data.
This chapter provides a global overview of the disorders caused by iodine deficiency. Special emphasis will be put on recent developments such as the role of iodine deficiency in the development of brain damage and neurocognitive impairment, assessment of the iodine status of a population, strategies for control and monitoring of the iodine deficiency disorders (IDD), as well as side effects of iodine. Up to date information on IDD can be obtained by visiting the website of the Iodine Global Network (IGN)
The native iodine content of most foods and beverages is low, and most commonly consumed foods provide 3 to 80 µg per serving (3-7). Major dietary sources of iodine in the USA, Europe and Australia are bread, milk and to a lesser extent seafood (3,4). Based on direct food analysis, mean intake of dietary iodine is ≈140 µg/day in Switzerland and 100-180 µg/day in Libya (3,6). Boiling, baking, and canning of foods containing iodised salt cause only small losses (of foods contain(8). Iodine content in foods is also influenced by iodine-containing compounds used in irrigation, fertilizers, and livestock feed. Iodophors, used for cleaning milk cans and teats in the dairy industry, can increase the native iodine content of dairy products through contamination of iodine containing residues (9); there are few data on the bioavailability of iodine or potential health risks from these iodophors. Traditionally, iodate was used in bread making as a dough conditioner, but it is being replaced by non-iodine-containing conditioners. Recommendations for daily iodine intake by age group are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Recommendations for iodine intake (µg/day) by age or population group
Age or population groupa | U.S. Institute of Medicine (ref.5) | Age or population groupc | World Health Organization (ref.1) |
Infants 0–12 months b | 110-130 | Children 0-5 years | 90 |
Children 1-8 years | 90 | Children 6-12 years | 120 |
Children 9-13 years | 120 | ||
Adults n 9-13 yea | 150 | Adults >12 years | 150 |
Pregnancy | 220 | Pregnancy | 250 |
Lactation | 290 | Lactation | 250 |
a Recommended Daily Allowance. b Adequate Intake. c Recommended Nutrient Intake.
Studies in rats have been carried out using the diet consumed by the people of Jixian village in China (10-13). This village was severely iodine deficient with 11% prevalence of endemic cretinism. The diet included available main crops (maize, wheat), vegetables, and water from the area with an iodine content of 4.5 µg/kg. After the dam had received the diet for 4 months, there was obvious neonatal goiter, fetal serum T4 was 3.6 µg/L compared to controls of 10.4 µg/L and they had higher 125I uptake and reduced brain weights. The density of brain cells was increased in the cerebral hemispheres. The cerebellum showed delayed disappearance of the external granular layer with reduced incorporation of 3H leucine in comparison to the control group.
Other more detailed studies have been carried out on the number and distribution of dendritic spines along the apical shaft of the pyramidal cells of the cerebral cortex of the rat (14). These dendritic spines can be accurately measured and have been studied in relation to both iodine deficiency and hypothyroidism. Their appearance and development reflects the formation of synaptic contacts with afferents from other neurons. In normal rats there is a progressive increase in the number of spines from 10 to 80 days of age.
These studies have demonstrated a significant effect of an iodine deficient diet on the number and distribution of the spines on the pyramidal cells of the visual cortex. This effect is similar to that of thyroidectomy. More detailed studies following thyroidectomy indicated the importance of the timing of the procedure. If carried out before the 10th day of life, recovery is unlikely to occur unless there is immediate replacement with L-T4. At 40 or 70 days, replacement can restore a normal distribution of spines even if there is a 30 day delay in its initiation. These differences confirm the need for early treatment of congenital hypothyroidism and prevention of iodine deficiency in the newborn infant in order to prevent brain damage and mental retardation.
Severe iodine deficiency has been produced in the marmoset (Callithrix Jacchus Jacchus) with a mixed diet of maize (60%), peas (15%), torula yeast (10%) and dried iodine deficient mutton (10%). The newborn iodine-deficient marmosets showed some sparsity of hair growth (15). The thyroid gland was enlarged with gross reduction in plasma T4 in both mothers and newborns, and was greater in the second pregnancy than in the first, suggesting a greater severity of iodine deficiency. There was a significant reduction in brain weight in the newborns from the second pregnancy, but not from the first. The findings were more striking in the cerebellum with reduction in weight and cell number evident and histological changes indicating impaired cell acquisition. These findings demonstrate the significant effects of iodine deficiency on the primate brain.
Severe iodine deficiency has been produced in sheep (16) with a low-iodine diet of crushed maize and pelleted pea pollard (8-15 ug iodine/kg) which provided 5-8 ug iodine per day for sheep weighing 40-50 kg. The iodine deficient fetuses at 140 days were grossly different in physical appearance in comparison to the control fetuses. There was reduced weight, absence of wool growth, goiter, varying degrees of subluxation of the foot joints, and deformation of the skull. (Fig. 2) There was also delayed bone maturation as indicated by delayed appearance of epiphyses in the limbs (17). Goiter was evident from 70 days in the iodine-deficient fetuses and thyroid histology revealed hyperplasia from 56 days gestation, associated with a reduction in fetal thyroid iodine content and reduced plasma T4 values. There was a lowered brain weight and DNA content as early as 70 days, indicating a reduction in cell number probably due to delayed neuroblast multiplication which normally occurs from 40-80 days in the sheep. Findings in the cerebellum were similar to those already described in marmoset (16).
A single intramuscular injection of iodized oil (1 ml = 480 mg iodine) given to the iodine deficient mother at 100 days gestation was followed by partial restoration of the lambs’ brain weight and body weight with restoration of maternal and fetal plasma T4 values to normal (16). Studies of the mechanisms involved revealed significant effects of fetal thyroidectomy in late gestation and a significant effect of maternal thyroidectomy on brain development mid gestation. The combination of maternal thyroidectomy (carried out 6 weeks before pregnancy) and fetal thyroidectomy produced more severe effects than that of iodine deficiency, and was associated with greater reduction in both maternal and fetal thyroid hormone levels (17). These findings in animal models confirm the importance of both maternal and fetal thyroid hormones in fetal brain development.
The term IDD refers to all the ill-effects of iodine deficiency in a population that can be prevented by ensuring that the population has an adequate intake of iodine (1). These effects are listed in Table 2. Brain damage and irreversible mental retardation are the most important disorders induced by iodine deficiency: in 1990 it was estimated that among the 1572 million people in the world exposed to iodine deficiency (28.9 % of the then world population), 11.2 million were affected by overt cretinism, the most extreme form of mental retardation due to iodine deficiency and that another 43 million people were affected by some degree of itellectual impairment (18). Thus, iodine deficiency was a leading global cause of preventable mental impairment.
Table 2. The spectrum of iodine deficiency disorders, IDD (ref.1).
Fetus |
Miscarriage Stillbirths Congenital anomalies Increased perinatal morbidity and mortality Endemic cretinism |
Neonate |
Neonatal goiter Neonatal hypothyroidism Endemic neurocognitive impairment Increased susceptibility of the thyroid gland to nuclear radiation |
Child and adolescent |
Goiter (Subclinical) hypothyroidism Impaired mental function Retarded physical development Increased susceptibility of the thyroid gland to nuclear radiation |
Adult |
Goiter with its complications Hypothyroidism Impaired mental function Spontaneous hyperthyroidism in the elderly Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism Increased susceptibility of the thyroid gland to nuclear radiation |
Iodine Deficiency In Pregnancy
Iodine deficiency in the fetus is the result of iodine deficiency in the mother. The consequence of iodine deficiency during pregnancy is impaired synthesis of thyroid hormones by the mother and the fetus. An insufficient supply of thyroid hormones to the developing brain may result in neurocognitive impairment (19-25). The physiologic role of thyroid hormones is to ensure that normal growth and development occurs through specific effects on the rate of cell differentiation and gene expression. Thyroid hormone action is exerted through the binding of T3 to nuclear receptors which regulate the expression of specific genes in different brain regions during fetal and early postnatal life. The T3 which is bound to the nuclear receptors is primarily dependent on its local intracellular production from T4 via type II deiodinase and not from circulating T3.
Brain Development In Humans
Figure 1 shows the time course of the development of the brain and of thyroid function in the human fetus and neonate. Brain growth is characterized by two periods of maximal growth velocity (26). The first one occurs during the first and second trimesters between the third and the fifth months of gestation. This phase corresponds to neuronal multiplication, migration and organization. The second phase takes place from the third trimester onwards up to the second and third years postnatally. It corresponds to glial cell multiplication, migration and myelinization. The first phase occurs before fetal thyroid has reached its functional capacity. During this phase, the supply of thyroid hormones to the growing fetus is almost exclusively of maternal origin while during the second phase, the supply of thyroid hormones to the fetus is essentially, but not solely, of fetal origin (27).

Figure 1. Ontogenesis of thyroid function and regulation in humans during fetal and early postnatal life in relation to the velocity of brain growth. From Delange and Fisher (ref.28).
In humans, T4 can be found in the first trimester coelomic fluid from 6 weeks of gestational age, long before the onset of secretion of T4 by the fetal thyroid, which occurs at the 24th week of gestation (29). Nuclear T3 receptors and the amount of T3 bound to these receptors increases six to tenfold between 10 and 16 weeks (30). The T4 and T3 found in early human fetuses up to mid gestation are likely to be entirely or mostly of maternal origin. As a consequence, infants born to women with hypothyroxinemia at 12 weeks gestation (fT4 concentrations; <10th percentile) had lower developmental scores (31). In addition, substantial amounts of T4 are transferred from mother to fetus during late gestation (32). The deiodinases are involved in the action of thyroid hormones in the brain, especially deiodinase D3 that is found in the uterine implantation site and in the placenta, producing rT3 from T4 and 3’,5’-T2 from T3 and thus having a protective effect to avoid an excess of thyroid hormone reaching the fetus.
Severe Iodine Deficiency in Pregnancy: Cretinism and Increased Fetal and Perinatal Mortality
The most serious adverse effect of iodine deficiency is damage to the fetus. Iodine treatment of pregnant women in areas of severe deficiency reduces fetal and perinatal mortality and improves motor and cognitive performance of the offspring. Severe iodine deficiency in utero causes a condition characterized by gross mental retardation along with varying degrees of short stature, deaf mutism, and spasticity that is termed cretinism. These disorders are described in detail below.
Mild-To-Moderate Deficiency in Pregnancy
The potential adverse effects of mild-to-moderate iodine deficiency during pregnancy in humans are unclear (33). Observational studies have shown associations between both mild maternal iodine deficiency and mild maternal thyroid hypofunction and decreased child cognition (33). In Europe, several randomized controlled trials of iodine supplementation in mild-to-moderately iodine deficient pregnant women have been done, and iodine reduced maternal and newborn thyroid size, and, in some, decreased maternal TSH; however, none of the trials showed an effect on maternal and newborn total or free thyroid hormone concentrations (33). No data are yet available from randomized placebo-controlled trials in regions of mild to moderate iodine insufficiency on the relation between maternal iodine supplementation and neurobehavioral development in the offspring (33).
Iodine Deficiency in the Neonate
An increased perinatal mortality due to iodine deficiency has been shown in Zaire from the results of a controlled trial of iodized oil injections alternating with a control injection given in the latter half of pregnancy (34). There was a substantial fall in infant mortality with improved birth weight following the iodized oil injection. Low birth weight of any cause is generally associated with a higher rate of congenital anomalies and higher risk through childhood. This has been demonstrated in the longer term follow up of the controlled trial in Papua New Guinea in children up to the age of 12 years (35) and in Indonesia (36).
A reduction of infant mortality has also been reported from China following iodine supplementation of irrigation water in areas of severe iodine deficiency. Iodine replacement has probably been an important factor in the national decrease in infant mortality in China (37).
Apart from mortality, the importance of thyroid function in the neonate relates to the fact that the brain of the human infant at birth has only reached about one third of its full size and continues to grow rapidly until the end of the second year (38). Thyroid hormone, dependent on an adequate supply of iodine, is essential for normal brain development as has been confirmed by the animal studies already cited.
Studies on iodine nutrition and neonatal thyroid function in Europe in the early 1980s confirmed the continuing presence of iodine deficiency affecting neonatal thyroid function and hence a threat to early brain development (39). A series of 1076 urine samples were collected from 16 centers from 10 different countries in Europe along with an additional series from Toronto, Canada and analyzed for their iodine content. The results of these determinations are shown in Table 3. The distribution was skewed so that arithmetic means were not used, but the results were expressed in percentiles. Some very high values were seen which could be attributed to the use of iodinated contrast media for radiological investigation of the mother during pregnancy. There was a marked difference in the results from the various cities. The high levels in Rotterdam, Helsinki and Stockholm differed from the low levels in Gottingen, Heidelberg, Freiburg and Jena by a factor of more than 10. Intermediate levels were seen in Catania, Zurich and Lille.
Table 3. Frequency distributions of urinary iodine concentrations in healthy term infants in 14 cities in Europe and in Toronto, Canada
Urinary Iodine Concentration (ug/L) | |||||
City | Number of infants | 10th Percentile | 50th Percentile | 90th Percentile |
Frequency (%) of values Below 50μg/L |
Toronto | 81 | 4.3 | 14.8 | 37.5 | 11.9 |
Rotterdam | 64 | 4.5 | 16.2 | 33.2 | 15.3 |
Helsinki | 39 | 4.8 | 11.2 | 31.8 | 12.8 |
Stockholm | 52 | 5.1 | 11.0 | 25.3 | 5.9 |
Catania | 14 | 2.2 | 7.1 | 11.0 | 38.4 |
Zurich | 62 | 2.6 | 6.2 | 12.9 | 34.4 |
Lille | 82 | 2.0 | 5.8 | 15.2 | 37.2 |
Brussels | 196 | 1.7 | 4.8 | 16.7 | 53.2 |
Rome | 114 | 1.5 | 4.7 | 13.8 | 53.5 |
Toulouse | 37 | 1.2 | 2.9 | 9.4 | 69.4 |
Berlin | 87 | 1.3 | 2.8 | 13.6 | 69.7 |
Gottingen | 81 | 0.9 | 1.5 | 4.7 | 91.3 |
Heidelberg | 39 | 1.1 | 1.3 | 4.0 | 89.8 |
Freiburg | 41 | 1.1 | 1.1 | 2.3 | 100.0 |
Jena | 54 | 0.4 | 0.8 | 2.2 | 100.0 |
Data on neonatal thyroid function was analyzed for four cities where enough newborns (30,000 - 102,000) had been tested. The incidence of permanent congenital hypothyroidism was very similar in the four cities but the rate of transient hypothyroidism was much greater in Freiburg, associated with the lowest level of urine iodine excretion, than in Stockholm, with intermediate findings from Rome and Brussels.
In developing countries with more severe iodine deficiency, observations have now been made using blood taken from the umbilical vein just after birth. Neonatal chemical hypothyroidism was defined by serum levels of T4 lesser than 3 ug/dl and TSH greater than 100 mIU/L). In the most severely iodine deficient environments in Northern India, where more than 50% of the population has urinary iodine levels below 25 ug per gram creatinine, the incidence of neonatal hypothyroidism was 75 to 115 per thousand births (40). By contrast in Delhi, where only mild iodine deficiency is present with low prevalence of goiter and no cretinism, the incidence drops to 6 per thousand. In control areas without goiter the level was only one per thousand.
There is similar evidence from neonatal observations in neonates in Zaire in Africa where a rate of 10% of biochemical hypothyroidism has been found (41). This hypothyroidism persists into infancy and childhood if the deficiency is not corrected, and results in retardation of physical and mental development (42). These observations indicate a much greater risk of mental impairment in severely iodine deficient populations than is indicated by the presence of cretinism.
Another important aspect of iodine deficiency in the neonate and child is an increased susceptibility of the thyroid gland to radioactive fall-out. Thyroidal uptake of radioiodine reached its maximum value in the earliest years of life and then declined progressively into adult life (43). The apparent thyroidal iodine turnover rate was much higher in young infants than in adults and decreased progressively with age. In order to provide the normal rate of T4 secretion, Delange (43) estimated the turnover rate for intrathyroidal iodine must be 25-30 times higher in young infants than in adolescents and adults. In iodine deficiency a further increase in turnover rate is required to maintain normal thyroid hormone levels. This is the reason for the greatly increased susceptibility of the neonate and fetus to iodine deficiency. Iodine deficiency also causes an increased uptake of the radioiodide resulting from nuclear radiation. Protection against this increased uptake can be provided by correction of iodine deficiency.
Iodine Deficiency in the Child
There is cross-sectional evidence that impairment of thyroid function evidenced in mothers and neonates in conditions of mild-to-moderate iodine deficiency affects the intellectual development of their offspring. Aghini-Lombardi et al. (44) reported that in children aged 6-10 years in an area in Tuscany who had mild iodine deficiency (64 μg iodine/day), the reaction time was delayed compared with matched controls from an iodine sufficient area (142 μg iodine/day). The cognitive abilities of the children were not affected. Similarly, it was reported that in an area of Southern Spain with mild iodine deficiency (median urinary iodine of 90 μg/L), the intelligence quotient (IQ) was significantly higher in children with urinary iodine levels above 100 μg/L (45).
A recent randomized controlled study in Albania in a moderately iodine deficient area showed that information processing, fine motor skill and visual problem solving significantly improved in school-children after iodine repletion of the population (46). In a randomized, placebo-controlled, trial in mildly-deficient New Zealand children aged 10-13 y, children were randomly assigned to receive a daily tablet containing either 150 μg iodine or placebo for 28 wk (47). At the end of the trial, the overall cognitive score of the iodine-supplemented group was 0.19 SDs higher than that of the placebo group (P<0.02). These controlled trials suggest that mild to moderate iodine deficiency could prevent children from attaining their full intellectual potential (46,47). As these anomalies were reversible, they probably result from lately acquired and reversible subclinical hypothyroidism, rather than from fetal and/or neonatal hypothyroidism.
In severe iodine deficiency, the frequency distribution of IQ in normal appearing children is shifted towards low values as compared to children who were not exposed to in utero iodine deficiency because of correction of the deficiency in the mothers before or during early gestation (48-49). In a meta-analysis of 19 studies on neuromotor and cognitive functions in conditions of moderate to severe iodine deficiency, Bleichrodt and Born (50) concluded that iodine deficiency resulted in a loss of 13.5 IQ points at the level of the global population.A more recent metanalysis conducted on studies in China produced a very similar result (51). Several of these studies are summarized in Table 4.
Table 4. Neurointellectual Deficits in Infants and Schoolchildren in Conditions of Mild to Moderate Iodine Deficiency
Spain |
Lower psychomotor and mental development than controls | Bleichrodt et al. 1989 (52) |
Italy | |||
Low preceptual integrative motor ability Neuromuscular and neurosensorial abnormalities |
Vermiglio et al. 1990 (53) |
Tuscany | WECHSLER RAVEN | Low verbal IQ, perception, motor and attentive functions | Fenzi et al. 1990 (54) |
Tuscany |
WISC Reaction time |
Lower velocity of motor response to visual stimuli |
Vitti et al. 1992 (55) Aghini-Lombardi et al. 1995 (44) |
India |
Verbal, pictorial learning tests Tests of motivation |
Lower capacities learning |
Tiwari et al. 1996 (56) |
Iran | Bender-Gestalt Raven | Retardation in psychomotor development | Azizi et al. 1993 (57) |
Malawi | Psychometric tests including verbal fluency | Loss of 10 IQ points as compared to iodine-supplemented controls | Shrestha 1994 (58) |
Benin | Battery of 8 non verbal tests exploring fluid intelligence and 2 psychomotor tests | Loss of 5 IQ points as compared to controls supplemented with iodine for one year | van den Briel et al. 2000 (59) |
Data from cross-sectional studies on iodine intake and child growth are mixed, with most studies finding modest positive correlations (60). In five Asian countries, household access to iodized salt was correlated with increased weight-for-age and mid-upper-arm circumference in infancy (61). However, controlled intervention studies of iodized oil alone and iodine given with other micronutrients have generally not found effects on child growth (60). In iodine-deficient children, impaired thyroid function and goiter are inversely correlated with IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 concentrations (62). Recent controlled trials found iodine repletion increased insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 and insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP)-3 and improved somatic growth in children (60).
Iodine deficiency in the adult
Iodine status is a key determinant of thyroid disorders in adults (63). Severe iodine deficiency causes goitre and hypothyroidism because, despite an increase in thyroid activity to maximise iodine uptake and recycling in this setting, iodine concentrations are still too low to enable sufficient production of thyroid hormone. In mild-to-moderate iodine deficiency, increased thyroid activity can compensate for low iodine intake and maintain euthyroidism in most individuals, but at a price: chronic thyroid stimulation results in an increase in the prevalence of toxic nodular goitre and hyperthyroidism in populations. Thus, a consequence of longstanding iodine deficiency in the adult (64-67) and child (68) is the development of hyperthyroidism, especially in multinodular goiters with autonomous nodules. The pathogenesis of this syndrome is discussed later in this chapter, in the section on side effects of iodine supplementation.
This high prevalence of nodular autonomy usually results in a further increase in the prevalence of hyperthyroidism if iodine intake is subsequently increased by salt iodisation. However, this increase is transient because iodine sufficiency normalises thyroid activity which, in the long term, reduces nodular autonomy. Increased iodine intake in an iodine-deficient population is associated with a small increase in the prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism and thyroid autoimmunity; whether these increases are also transient is unclear. Thus, optimisation of population iodine intake is an important component of preventive health care to reduce the prevalence of thyroid disorders (63).
Endemic goiter
Endemic goiter is characterized by enlargement of the thyroid gland in a significantly large fraction of a population group, and is generally considered to be due to insufficient iodine in the daily diet. Endemic goiter exists in a population when >5% of 6-12 year-old children have enlarged thyroid glands

Figure 2 shows a young girl with a soft diffuse goitre and an elderly woman with a huge, longstanding multinodular goiter, both resulting from iodine deficiency.
Most mountainous districts in the world have been or still are endemic goiter regions. The disease may be seen throughout the Andes, in the whole sweep of the Himalayas, in the European Alps where iodide prophylaxis has not yet reached the entire population, in Greece and the Middle Eastern countries, in many foci in the People's Republic of China, and in the highlands of New Guinea. There are or were also important endemias in non-mountainous regions, as for example, the belt extending from the Cameroon grasslands across northern Zaire and the Central African Republic to the borders of Uganda and Rwanda, as well as in Holland, Central Europe and the interior of Brazil. An endemic existed in the Great Lakes region in North America until it was corrected by iodized salt in the early 1900s.
Goiter maps of various countries have been repeatedly drawn, requiring modification as successful prophylactic measures have been introduced. Although goiter was an important problem in many regions of the United States in the past (69), more recent US surveys have shown it in no more than 4-11% of schoolchildren, with evidence of continued adequate iodine nutrition in the country since 1988 (70,71). This finding is a testimony to the effectiveness of iodine prophylaxis in preventing endemic goiter. The world or regional distribution of goiter was exhaustively reviewed by Kelly and Snedden in 1960 (72) and, most recently, in 2005 (73).
These surveys reveal striking differences in the rate of goiter in different endemic regions and even in adjacent districts. The geographic unevenness of an endemia undoubtedly has much to do with the habits of the population and their ability and/or desire to import iodine containing foods. In attempting to account for the variability in the expression of endemic goiter from one locality to the next, the availability of iodine should be investigated before searching for some other subtle dietary or genetic factors. The key to the problem almost always lies in the availability of iodine. One must also consider the possibility that an observed goiter rate may not reflect current conditions, but rather may be a legacy of pre-existing iodine deficiency that has not yet been entirely resolved by an improvement in the supply of iodine. The assessment of goiter in a population, and its limitations, are discussed in the section on assessment of the IDD status of the population.
Iodine Deficiency
The arguments supporting iodine deficiency as the cause of endemic goiter are four: (1) the close association between a low iodine content in food and water and the appearance of the disease in the population; (2) the sharp reduction in incidence when iodine is added to the diet; (3) the demonstration that the metabolism of iodine by patients with endemic goiter fits the pattern that would be expected from iodine deficiency and is reversed by iodine repletion; and 4) iodine deficiency causes changes in the thyroid glands of animals that are similar to those seen in humans (74,75). Almost invariably, careful assessment of the iodine intake of a goitrous population reveals levels considerably below normal.
Goitrogenic factors
Although the relation of iodine deficiency to endemic goiter is well established, other factors may be involved. A whole variety of naturally occurring agents have been identified that might be goitrogenic in man (76,77). It should be recognized that goitrogens are usually active only if iodine supply is limited and/or goitrogen intake is of long duration. Many of these have only been tested in animals and/or have been shown to possess antithyroid effects in vitro. These compounds belong to the following chemical groups:
- Sulfurated organics (like thiocyanate, isothiocyanate, goitrin and disulphides)
- Flavonoids (polyphenols)
- Polyhydroxyphenols and phenol derivatives
- Pyridines, phthalate esters and metabolites,
- Polychlorinated (PCB) and polybrominated (PBB) biphenyls
- Organochlorines (like DDT)
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)
- Inorganic iodine (in excess)
Gaitan (76) divides goitrogens into agents acting directly on the thyroid gland and those causing goiter by indirect action. The former group is subdivided into those inhibiting transport of iodide into the thyroid (like thiocyanate and isothiocyanate), those acting on the intrathyroidal oxidation and organic binding process of iodide and/or the coupling reaction (like phenolic compounds) some phthalate derivatives (disulfides and goitrin) and those interfering with proteolysis, dehalogenation and hormone release (like iodide and lithium).
Indirect goitrogens increase the rate of thyroid hormone metabolism (like 2,4-dinitrophenol, PCB's and PBB's). Soybean, an important protein source in many third world countries, interrupts the enterohepatic cycle of thyroid hormone (78) and may cause goiter when iodine intake is limited.
Some of these goitrogens are synthetic and are used medicinally. Others occur in certain widely used food plants (79). The initial recognition of dietary goitrogenesis is attributed to Chesney et al. (80) who in 1928 found that rabbits fed largely on cabbage developed goiters. In 1936, Barker (81) found that thiocyanate used in large doses to treat hypertension resulted in goiter. In 1936, Hercus and Purves (82) reported their studies on the production of goiter in rats by feeding the seeds of several species of Brassica (rape, choumoellier, turnip, etc.). Both Mackenzie and MacKenzie (83) and Astwood (84) found in the 1940’s that certain drugs such as thiourea and related compounds caused hyperplasia of the thyroid when administered to rats. Their investigations quickly led to the introduction of the thionamide series of antithyroid drugs, now so familiar in clinical therapeutics.
Thiocyanate and precursors of thiocyanate, such as the cyanogenic glycosides, form another group of widely distributed natural antithyroid substances. They have been found particularly in the widely used tuber cassava (manioc) (85). Cassava causes goiter when fed to rats (86). Certain sulfur-containing onion volatiles are also goitrogenic (87). All of these substances interfere with the accumulation of thyroidal iodide, an effect that usually can be overcome by an increasing iodine intake.
Delange et al. (88) observed a striking difference in incidence of goiter in two regions of an isolated island in the Kivu Lake in Eastern Dem. Rep. of Congo, although the iodine intake of both groups was approximately the same. There was a major difference in the use of cassava. Cassava has been implicated as a contributing factor in endemic goiter in Zaire (89,90). In a study of several communities in the Ubangi region of Zaire, a relationship between goiter, thiocyanate and iodide excretion was described. The thiocyanate was derived from intestinal breakdown of the cyanogenic glycoside, linamarin, from cassava and its conversion to thiocyanate by the liver. The results indicated a reciprocal relationship between iodide and thiocyanate in that increasing amounts of iodide protected increasingly against the thiocyanate derived from the cassava (89). Thiocyanate may cross the human placenta (89, 91) and affect the thyroid of the fetus.
Excessive intake of iodine may cause goiter. A localized endemia has been reported on the coast of Hokkaido in Northern Japan (92). In this district the diet contained a huge amount of seaweed, and excretion of 127I in the urine exceeded 20 mg/day. The uptake of RAI by the thyroid was low, and some of it could be discharged by administration of thiocyanate, indicating impairment of organification. Similar findings have been reported from coastal (93) and continental (94) China.
Firm evidence for goitrogenic action in humans has only been shown for a few compounds: thiocyanate, goitrin, resorcinol, dinitrophenol, PBB's and its oxides, excess iodine and high doses of lithium (77). A definite role in endemic goiter has only been proved for thiocyanate and sulfurated organics, although substantial and circumstantial evidence favors the view that natural goitrogens, acting in concert with iodine deficiency, may determine the pattern and severity of the condition. An example is the possible role of the consumption of pearl millet in the etiology of endemic goiter in Sudan (95).
Selenium deficiency may have profound effects on thyroid hormone metabolism and possibly also on the thyroid gland itself (96-98). In this situation the function of type I deiodinase (a selenoprotein) is impaired. Type I deiodinase plays a major role in T4 deiodination in peripheral tissues. It has been shown that when, in an area of combined iodine and selenium deficiency, only selenium is supplemented, serum T4 decreases (99). This effect is explained by restoration of type I deiodinase activity leading to normalization of T4 deiodination while T4 synthesis remains impaired because of continued iodine deficiency.
Selenium deficiency also leads to a reduction of the selenium containing enzyme glutathione peroxidase. Glutathione peroxidase detoxifies H2O2 which is abundantly present in the thyroid gland as a substrate for the thyroperoxidase that catalyzes iodide oxidation and binding to thyroglobulin, and the oxidative coupling of iodotyrosines into iodothyronines. Reduced detoxification of H2O2 may lead to thyroid cell death (96,100). Elevated H2O2 levels in thyrocytes may be more toxic under situations of increased TSH stimulation such as is present in areas with severe iodine deficiency. Extensive epidemiological data collected in China indicated that all selenium-deficient areas were IDD-endemic areas. However, the reverse is not true: IDD can be very severe in many selenium-rich areas (101).
Deficiencies of iron (102,103) and vitamin A (104) may also have a goitrogenic effect in areas of iodine deficiency (Table 5).
Table 5. Dietary Goitrogens
Goitrogen | Mechanism |
Foods | |
Cassava, lima beans, linseed, sorghum, sweet potato | Contain cyanogenic glucosides; they are metabolized to thiocyanates that compete with iodine for thyroidal uptake |
Cruciferous vegetables: cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, turnips, rapeseed | Contains glucosinolates; metabolites compete with iodine for thyroidal uptake |
Soy, millet | Flavonoids impair thyroid peroxidase activity |
Nutrients | |
Selenium deficiency | Accumulated peroxides may damage the thyroid, and deiodinase deficiency impairs thyroid hormone synthesis |
Iron deficiency | Reduces heme-dependent thyroperoxidase activity in the thyroid and may blunt the efficacy of iodine prophylaxis |
Vitamin A deficiency | Increases TSH stimulation and goiter through decreased vitamin A-mediated suppression of the pituitary TSHβ gene |
There are no gross or microscopic features that distinguish the thyroid of endemic goiter from changes that may appear in simple and sporadic goiter. The changes evolve through stages. In the very young, or in older patients who have lived under constant iodide deprivation, the finding is extreme hyperplasia. In some instances only a cellular organ is found, with little or no colloid. (Figure 3) The evolution of pathologic findings in humans have been detailed and well illustrated by Correa (105) and Studer and Ramelli (106) and follow the pattern of events first described by Marine (107) and known as the Marine cycle. In this formulation, repeated episodes of hyperplasia induced by iodine deficiency are followed by involution and atrophy, the result being a gland containing a mixed bag of nodules, zones of hyperplasia, and involuting, degenerative, and repair elements.

Figure 3. Histological section of large goiter removed because of pressure symptoms in Papua New Guinea, showing intense hyperplasia with no colloid. From Buttfield and Hetzel (140).
A diagnosis of endemic goiter implies that the cause is known, or at least strongly suspected. Usually water and food are found to have very low iodine content. The thyroid glands are often diffusely enlarged in childhood, but are almost always nodular in adults. The typical laboratory findings are elevated radioiodine thyroidal uptake (RAIU), normal or low T4 and FT4 levels, normal or elevated T3 levels, normal or elevated TSH levels, and diminished urinary 127I excretion. RAIU is typically suppressible when thyroid hormone is given, but not always. Scanning with radioiodine or TcO4- shows a mottled distribution of the isotope. Antithyroglobulin or thyroperoxidase antibodies are usually absent. In an area of endemic goiter, the diagnosis can be presumed if the goiter is a community problem, but one must always be wary of missing individual patients with thyroiditis, thyrotoxicosis or thyroid carcinoma.
When iodine intake is abnormally low, adequate secretion of thyroid hormones may still be achieved by marked modifications of thyroid activity. These adaptive processes include stimulation of the trapping mechanism of iodide by the thyroid as well as stimulation of the subsequent steps of the intrathyroidal metabolism of iodine leading to preferential synthesis and secretion of T3. They are triggered and maintained by increased secretion of TSH. The morphological consequence of prolonged thyrotropic stimulation is thyroid hyperplasia (108).
The first functional consequence of iodine deficiency is an increase in the uptake of iodide by the thyroid mediated via a transmembrane protein, the sodium iodide symporter (NIS) (109). There is a clear inverse relation between iodine supply and thyroidal uptake of radioiodide. The increased uptake may be accompanied by and may result from an increase in the serum levels of TSH. However, elevated TSH in endemic goiter is usually systematically found only in conditions of extreme iodine deficiency. In conditions of mild iodine deficiency, elevated TSH is typically found in only a small fraction of subjects, usually the youngest (110). It is possible that it is the sensitivity of the thyroid to TSH rather than the TSH level itself that mainly varies with iodide supply. However, whatever the relative roles of TSH levels and sensitivity to TSH, the thyroid is stimulated as demonstrated by increased secretion and elevated serum levels of thyroglobulin.
For any adequate adjustment of iodine supply to the thyroid, iodide trapping must fulfill two conditions. First, it must reduce the amount of iodide excreted in the urine to a level corresponding to the level of iodine intake in order to preserve the preexisting iodine stores. Second, it must ensure the accumulation in the thyroid of definite amounts of iodide per day, estimated at least 100 μg/day in adolescents and adults. The increase in the iodide clearance by the thyroid despite the decrease in the serum concentration of iodide maintains a normal absolute uptake of iodide by the thyroid and an organic iodine content of the thyroid which remains within the limits of normal (i.e., 10-20 mg) as long as the iodine intake remains above a threshold of about 50 μg/day. Below this critical level of iodine intake, despite a further increase of thyroid iodide clearance, the absolute uptake of iodide diminishes and the iodine content of the thyroid decreases with functional consequences resulting in the development of a goiter (111,112).
Thyroid hyperplasia induced by iodine deficiency is associated with an altered pattern of thyroid hormonogenesis: the abnormal configuration of the poorly iodinated thyroglobulin in the thyroid colloid is accompanied by an increase in poorly iodinated compounds, monoiodotyrosine (MIT) and T3, and a decrease in diiodotyrosine (DIT) and T4. The increase of the MIT/DIT and T3/T4 ratios is closely related to the degree of iodine depletion of the gland (113).
The T3/T4 ratio in the serum may be elevated in conditions of iodine deficiency because: 1) thyroidal secretion of T4 and T3 is in the proportion in which they exist within the gland; and/or 2) preferential secretion of T3 or increased peripheral conversion of T4 to T3. The shift to increased T3 secretion plays an important role in the adaptation to iodine deficiency because T3 possesses about 4 times the metabolic potency of T4 but requires only 75 % as much iodine for synthesis.
However, efficient adaptation to iodine deficiency is possible in the absence of goiter as demonstrated in nongoitrous patients in endemic goiter areas such as New Guinea (114) and the Congo (115). Moreover, adequate adaptation to iodine deficiency has been demonstrated in areas of severe iodine deficiency in the absence of endemic goiter (116). This clearly indicates that goiter is not required for achieving efficient adaptation to iodine deficiency. Rather, in these conditions, efficient adaptation to iodine deficiency is possible thanks to a high iodide trapping capacity but with only a slight enlargement of the thyroid. At this stage, the characteristic hyperplastic picture includes abundant parenchyma, high follicular epithelium and rare colloid.
On the contrary, in large goiters, the major part of the gland is occupied by extremely distended vesicles filled with colloid with a flattened epithelium. The mechanism responsible for the development of colloid goiter is not fully understood (117), but it does not appear to be TSH hyperstimulation. It must be the consequence of an imbalance between thyroglobulin synthesis and hydrolysis, i.e. secretion. In these conditions, iodide is diluted while thyroglobulin is in excess, resulting in a lesser degree of iodization of thyroglobulin and, consequently, in a decrease in iodothyronine synthesis and secretion (118). Hydrolysis of large amounts of poorly iodinated thyroglobulin will result in an important leak of iodide by the thyroid and enhanced urinary loss of iodide, further aggravating the state of iodine deficiency (119). Therefore, large colloid goiters in endemic iodine deficiency represent maladaptation instead of adaptation to iodine deficiency because they may produce a vicious cycle of iodine loss and defective thyroid hormones synthesis.
Endemic cretinism
When McCarrison described cretinism in north-western India during the first decade of this century (120), he delineated a neurologic form, with predominantly neuromotor defects, including strabismus, deaf-mutism, spastic diplegia, and other disorders of gait and coordination. The patients usually had a goiter. The other form, which he called the myxedematous form, showed evidence of severe hypothyroidism, short stature, and markedly delayed bone and sexual maturation. The patients usually had a thyroid normal in size and position, and were seldom deaf.
Neurological Cretinism
The three characteristic features of neurological endemic cretinism in its fully developed form are extremely severe mental deficiency together with squint, deaf mutism and motor spasticity with disorders of the arms and legs of a characteristic nature. (Figure 4). As would be expected with a deficiency disease, there is a wide range in the severity of the clinical features in the population affected (120-122).

Figure 4 (a). Male from Ecuador about 40 years old, deaf-mute, unable to stand or walk. Use of the hands was strikingly spared, despite proximal upper-extremity spasticity.

Figure 4 (b). Male from South western China with the typical facies of neurological cretinism, who is also deaf-mute and suffering from less severe proximal muscle weakness in lower limbs.
Mental deficiency is characterized by a marked impairment of the capacity for abstract thought but vision is unaffected. Autonomic, vegetative, personal, social functions and memory appear to be relatively well preserved except in the most severe cases.
Deafness is the striking feature. This may be complete in as many as 50% cretins. It has been confirmed by auditory brain stem evoked potential studies which showed no cochlear or brain stem responses even at the highest sound frequencies. These findings suggest a cochlear lesion. In subjects with reduced hearing a high tone defect is apparent. Deafness is sometimes absent in subjects with other signs of cretinism. Nearly all totally deaf cretins are mute and many with some hearing have no intelligible speech.
The motor disorder shows a characteristic proximal rigidity of both lower and upper extremities and the trunk. There is a corresponding proximal spasticity with markedly exaggerated deep tendon reflexes at the knees, adductors and biceps. Spastic involvement of the feet and hands is unusual or, if present, is much milder than that of the proximal limbs. Function of the hands and feet is characteristically preserved so that most cretins can walk. This observation is very useful in differentiating cretinism from other forms of cerebral palsy commonly encountered in endemic areas, such as cerebral palsy from birth injury or meningitis.
In addition to frank cretinism, a larger proportion of the population suffers from some degree of intellectual impairment and coordination defect. Comparative population based neuropsychological assessments of children in areas of iodine deficiency compared with areas with adequate iodine intake confirm a shift of the intelligence curve to the left in the iodine deficient areas. Careful examination of affected individuals in such areas reveals a pattern of neurological involvement similar to that seen in frank cretins, although of milder degree. In assessing these less severe defects, nonverbal tests are most helpful and school progress is a good indicator. After the age of 3 years drawings are very useful, indicating a defect in visual motor integration. Finally, elevated hearing thresholds have been reported in children with no other signs of endemic cretinism in conditions of mild iodine deficiency (123).
DeLong (124) suggests that the neuropathological basis of the clinical picture includes underdevelopment of the cochlea for deafness; maldevelopment of the cerebral neocortex for mental retardation; and maldevelopment of the corpus striatum (especially putamen and globus pallidus) for the motor disorder. The cerebellum, hypothalamus, visual system, and hippocampus are relatively spared.
Pathophysiology of neurological cretinism
Developmental neuropathology and available epidemiologic data suggest that the period from about 12-14 weeks until 20-30 weeks of gestation may be the critical period during which damage occurs (19). Cortical and striatal neuron proliferation, migration, and early formation of neuropil occur between 12 and 18 weeks. Cochlear development occurs at the same time. These data correlate well with the data from the Papua New Guinea trial which indicated that iodine repletion must occur by three months of pregnancy to prevent cretinism (35).
Studies already cited above on the effect of iodine deficiency on brain cell development in the newborn rat, sheep and marmoset suggest that iodine deficiency has an early effect on neuroblast multiplication. Brain weight is reduced and there are a reduced number of cells, a greater density of cells in the cerebral cortex and reduced cell acquisition in the cerebellum. Because maternal thyroxine crosses the placenta, it is now envisaged that neurological cretinism is predominantly caused by maternal hypothyroidism due to iodine deficiency (125). It has been suggested that an autosomal recessive predisposition, besides maternal iodine deficiency, may play an etiological role in neurological cretinism (126).
Myxedematous Cretinism
The typical myxedematous cretin (Fig 5) has a less severe degree of mental retardation than the neurological cretin, but has all the features of extremely severe hypothyroidism present since early life, as in untreated sporadic congenital hypothyroidism (127-129): severe growth retardation, incomplete maturation of the facial features including the naso-orbital configuration, atrophy of the mandibles, puffy features, myxedematous, thickened and dry skin, dry and decreased hair, eyelashes and eyebrows and much delayed sexual maturation.

Figure 5. Myxedematous endemic cretinism in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Four inhabitants aged 15-20 years : a normal male and three females with severe longstanding hypothyroidism with dwarfism, retarded sexual development, puffy features, dry skin and hair and severe mental retardation.
Contrasting with the general population and with neurological cretinism, goiter is usually absent and the thyroid is often not palpable, suggesting thyroid atrophy. This diagnosis is confirmed by thyroid scans that show a thyroid in the normal location but of small volume with a very heterogeneous and patchy distribution of the tracer (114). Thyroidal uptake of radioiodine is much lower than in the general population. The serum levels of T4 and T3 are extremely low, often undetectable, and TSH is dramatically high. Markedly enlarged sella turcicas have been demonstrated, suggesting pituitary adenomas (130).
Myxedematous cretinism used to be particularly common in Zaire. Early reports indicated limited neurological abnormalities in the cretins in this country, but one has to be cautious in interpreting these reports as comprehensive neurological examinations had not been performed (128). The movements are torpid and the reflex relaxation is usually much prolonged. However, hyperreflexia and Babinski signs were occasionally reported while knock knees and flat feet were obvious in the photographs of these patients in the literature. Subsequent expert neurological examination of some of these patients by De Long (120) suggested some of them had the neurological signs reported in the neurological type of cretinism, but they were partly obscured by the status of severe hypothyroidism. This is an important finding as it indicates in utero damage from hypothyroxinemia from maternal iodine deficiency does occur in myxedematous cretinism and is followed by severe, irreversible hypothyroidism in infancy and childhood.
Etiology and Pathophysiology of myxedematous cretinism
Three additional factors, acting alone or in combination, have been proposed for explaining the particularity of thyroid atrophy characteristic of the myxedematous type of cretinism (131):
1) Thiocyanate overload resulting from the chronic consumption of poorly detoxified cassava (88). Its role has been suggested in Zaire from the observation that populations in areas with severe but uniform iodine deficiency exhibit cretinism only when a critical threshold in the dietary supply of SCN is reached. SCN crosses the placenta and inhibits the trapping of iodide by the placenta and fetal thyroid (41, 90). This explanation is not necessarily relevant to other areas such as western China where myxedematous cretinism has been described.
2) Selenium deficiency. Severe selenium deficiency has been reported in Zaire in populations where myxedematous cretinism is endemic (95,98). Selenium is present in glutathione peroxidase (Gpx) that detoxifies H2O2 produced in excess in thyroid cells hyperstimulated by TSH because of iodine deficiency. Accumulation of H2O2 within the thyroid cells could induce thyroid cell destruction and thyroid fibrosis resulting in myxedematous cretinism. It has been proposed that the combination of deficiencies in iodine and selenium and SCN overload are required for the occurrence of severe thyroid failure during the perinatal period, and subsequent development of myxedematous cretinism (95).
3) Immunological mechanisms. Some authors (132,133) but not others (134) suggested immunological factors cause destruction of the thyroid, both in endemic and sporadic congenital hypothyroidism. The role of autoimmunity in the etiology endemic cretinism remains controversial.
Four methods are generally recommended for assessment of iodine nutrition in populations: urinary iodine concentration (UI), the goiter rate, serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), and serum thyroglobulin (Tg) (see overview in Table 6). These indicators are complementary, in that UI is a sensitive indicator of recent iodine intake (days) and Tg shows an intermediate response (weeks to months), whereas changes in the goiter rate reflect long-term iodine nutrition (months to years).
Thyroid size
Two methods are available for measuring goiter: neck inspection and palpation, and thyroid ultrasonography. By palpation, a thyroid is considered goitrous when each lateral lobe has a volume greater than the terminal phalanx of the thumbs of the subject being examined. In the classification system of WHO (1), grade 0 is defined as a thyroid that is not palpable or visible, grade 1 is a goiter that is palpable but not visible when the neck is in the normal position (i.e., the thyroid is not visibly enlarged), and grade 2 goiter is a thyroid that is clearly visible when the neck is in a normal position (see Figure 6). Goiter surveys are usually done in school age children.
However, palpation of goiter in areas of mild iodine deficiency has poor sensitivity and specificity; in such areas, measurement of thyroid volume (Tvol) by ultrasound is preferable (135). Thyroid ultrasound is non-invasive, quickly done (2-3 mins per subject) and feasible even in remote areas using portable equipment. However, interpretation of Tvol data requires valid references from iodine-sufficient children. In a recent multicenter study, Tvol was measured in 6-12 y-old children (n=3529) living in areas of long-term iodine sufficiency on five continents. Age- and body surface area- specific 97th percentiles for Tvol were calculated for boys and girls (136). Goiter can be classified according to these international reference criteria, but they are only applicable if Tvol is determined by a standard method (1).
In areas of endemic goiter, although thyroid size predictably decreases in response to increases in iodine intake, thyroid size may not return to normal for months or years after correction of iodine deficiency (137,138). During this transition period, the goiter rate is difficult to interpret, because it reflects both a population’s history of iodine nutrition and its present status. Aghini-Lombardi et al. (138) suggested that enlarged thyroids in children who were iodine deficient during the first years of life may not regress completely after introduction of salt iodization. If true, this suggests that to achieve a goiter rate <5% in children may require that they grow up under conditions of iodine sufficiency. A sustained salt iodization program will decrease the goiter rate by ultrasound to <5% in school-age children and this indicates disappearance of iodine deficiency as a significant public health problem (1). WHO recommends the total goiter rate be used to define severity of iodine deficiency in populations using the following criteria: <5%, iodine sufficiency; 5.0%–19.9%, mild deficiency; 20.0%–29.9%, moderate deficiency; and >30%, severe deficiency (1).
Urinary iodine concentration (UIC)
Because >90% of ingested iodine is excreted in the urine, UI is an excellent indicator of recent iodine intake. UI can be expressed as a concentration (µg/L), in relationship to creatinine excretion (µg iodine/g creatinine), or as 24-hour excretion (µg/day), which is termed urinary iodine excretion (UIE). For populations, because it is impractical to collect 24-hour samples in field studies, UI can be measured in spot urine specimens from a representative sample of the target group, and expressed as the median, in µg/L (1). Variations in hydration among individuals generally even out in a large number of samples, so that the median UI in spot samples correlates well with that from 24-hour samples. For national, school-based surveys of iodine nutrition, the median UI from a representative sample of spot urine collections from ≈1200 children (30 sampling clusters x 40 children per cluster) can be used to classify a population’s iodine status (1) (Table 7).
However, the median UI is often misinterpreted. Individual iodine intakes, and, therefore, spot UI concentrations are highly variable from day-to-day (139), and a common mistake is to assume that all subjects with a spot UI <100 µg/L are iodine deficient. To estimate iodine intakes in individuals, 24-hour collections are preferable, but difficult to obtain. An alternative is to use the age-and sex adjusted iodine:creatinine ratio in adults, but this also has limitations (140). Creatinine may be unreliable for estimating daily iodine excretion from spot samples, especially in malnourished subjects where creatinine concentration is low. Daily iodine intake for population estimates can be extrapolated from UI, using estimates of mean 24-hour urine volume and assuming an average iodine bioavailability of 92% using the formula: Urinary iodine (µg/L) x 0.0235 x body weight (kg) = daily iodine intake (5). Using this formula, a median UI of 100 μg/L corresponds roughly to an average daily intake of 150 μg.
Thyroid stimulating hormone
Because serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) concentration is determined mainly by the level of circulating thyroid hormone, which in turn reflects iodine intake, TSH can be used as an indicator of iodine nutrition. However, in older children and adults, although serum TSH may be slightly increased by iodine deficiency, values often remain within the normal range. TSH is therefore a relatively insensitive indicator of iodine nutrition in adults (1). In contrast, TSH is a sensitive indicator of iodine status in the newborn period (141, 142). Compared to the adult, the newborn thyroid contains less iodine but has higher rates of iodine turnover. Particularly when iodine supply is low, maintaining high iodine turnover requires increased TSH stimulation. Serum TSH concentrations are therefore increased in iodine deficient infants for the first few weeks of life, a condition termed transient newborn hypothyroidism or hyperthyrotropinemia. In areas of iodine deficiency, an increase in transient newborn hypothyroidism, indicated by >3 % of newborn TSH values above the threshold of 5 mIU/L in whole blood collected 3 to 4 days after birth, suggests but is not diagnostic of iodine deficiency in the population (141, 142). TSH is used in many countries for routine newborn screening to detect congenital hypothyroidism. If already in place, such screening offers a sensitive indicator of population iodine nutrition providing the timing of heel-stick blood collection is standardised and the TSH assay is modified to report TSH values in the range from normal to the cut-off level for diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism (141). Newborn TSH is an important measure because it reflects iodine status during a period when the developing brain is particularly sensitive to iodine deficiency.
Thyroglobulin (Tg) is synthesized only in the thyroid, and is the most abundant intrathyroidal protein. In iodine sufficiency, small amounts of Tg are secreted into the circulation, and serum Tg is normally <10 µg/L (143). In areas of endemic goiter, serum Tg increases due to greater thyroid cell mass and TSH stimulation. Serum Tg is well correlated with the severity of iodine deficiency as measured by UI (144). Intervention studies examining the potential of Tg as an indicator of response to iodized oil and potassium iodide have shown that Tg falls rapidly with iodine repletion, and that Tg is a more sensitive indicator of iodine repletion than TSH or T4 (145,146). However, commercially-available assays measure serum Tg, which requires venipuncture, centrifugation and frozen sample transport, which may be difficult in remote areas.
A new assay for Tg has been developed for dried blood spots taken by a finger prick (147,148), simplifying collection and transport. In prospective studies, dried blood spot Tg has been shown to be a sensitive measure of iodine status and reflects improved thyroid function within several months after iodine repletion (147,148). However, several questions need to be resolved before Tg can be widely adopted as an indicator of iodine status. One question is the need for concurrent measurement of anti-Tg antibodies to avoid potential underestimation of Tg; it is unclear how prevalent anti-Tg antibodies are in iodine deficiency, or whether they are precipitated by iodine prophylaxis (149). Another limitation is large interassay variability and poor reproducibility, even with the use of standardization (143). This has made it difficult to establish normal ranges and/or cutoffs to distinguish severity of iodine deficiency. However, recently international reference ranges for DBS Tg in iodine-sufficient school children (4-40 μg/L) has been made available (147) and a similar reference range proposed for DBS Tg in iodine sufficient pregnant women (150).
Thyroid hormone concentrations
In contrast, thyroid hormone concentrations are poor indicators of iodine status. In iodine-deficient populations, serum T3 increases or remains unchanged, and serum T4 usually decreases. However, these changes are often within the normal range, and the overlap with iodine-sufficient populations is large enough to make thyroid hormone levels an insensitive measure of iodine nutrition (1).
Table 6. Indicators of iodine status at population level
Indicator (units) |
Age Group | Advantages | Disadvantages | Application |
Median urinary iodine concentration (μg/L) |
School-age children, adults and pregnant women |
§ Spot urine samples are easy to obtain § Relatively low cost § External quality control program in place
§ Not useful for individual assessment § Assesses iodine intake only over the past few days § Meticulous laboratory practice needed to avoid contamination § Sufficiently large number of samples needed to allow for varying degrees of subject hydration |
See Table 7 |
Goiter rate by palpation (%) | School-age children |
§ Simple and rapid screening test: § Requires no specialized equipment |
§ Specificity and sensitivity are low due to a high inter-observer variation § Responds only slowly to changes in iodine intake |
Degree of IDD by goiter rate : § 0-4.9% - None § 5-19.9% - Mild § 20-29.9% - Moderate § ≥30% - Severe |
Goiter rate by ultrasound (%) | School-age children |
§ More precise than palpation § Reference values established as a function of age, sex, and body surface area |
§ Requires expensive equipment and electricity § Operator needs special training § Responds only slowly to changes in iodine intake |
Thyroid stimulating hormone (mIU/L) |
Newborns |
§ Measures thyroid function at a particularly vulnerable age § Minimal costs if a congenital hypothyroidism screening program is already in place § Collection by heel stick and storage on filter paper is simple |
§ Not useful if iodine antiseptics used during delivery § Requires a standardized, sensitive assay § Should be taken by heel-prick at least 48 hours after birth to avoid physiological newborn surge |
A <3% frequency of TSH values >5 mIU/L indicates iodine sufficiency in a population |
Serum or whole blood thyroglobulin (μg/L) |
School-age children and adults |
§ Collection by finger stick and storage on filter paper is simple § International reference range available § Measures improving thyroid function within several months after iodine repletion |
§ Expensive immunoassay § Standard reference material is available, but needs validation |
Reference interval in iodine-sufficient children is 4-40 μg/L
Table 7. Epidemiological criteria for assessing iodine nutrition in a population based on median and/or range of urinary iodine concentrations (from ref.1).
Median urinary iodine (μg/L) | Iodine intake | Iodine nutrition |
School-aged children | ||
<20 | Insufficient | Severe iodine deficiency |
20-49 | Insufficient | Moderate iodine deficiency |
50-99 | Insufficient | Mild iodine deficiency |
100-199 | Adequate | Optimal |
200-299 | More than adequate | Risk of iodine-induced hyperthyroidism in susceptible groups |
>300 | Excessive | Risk of adverse health consequences (iodine-induced hyperthyroidism, autoimmune thyroid disease and hypothyroidism) |
Pregnant women | ||
< 150 | Insufficient | |
150 – 249 | Adequate | |
250 – 499 | More than adequate | |
≥ 500 | Excessivea | |
Lactating womenb | ||
< 100 | Insufficient | |
≥ 100 | Adequate | |
Children less than 2 years old | ||
< 100 | Insufficient | |
≥ 100 | Adequate |
a The term “excessive” means in excess of the amount required to prevent and control iodine deficiency.
b In lactating women, the figures for median urinary iodine are lower than the iodine requirements because of the iodine excreted in breast milk.
Iodized salt
Iodized salt is considered the most appropriate measure for iodine fortification (1). The advantage of iodized salt is that it is used by nearly all sections of a community, irrespective of social and economic status. It is consumed as a condiment at roughly the same level throughout the year. Its production is often confined to a few centers so that fortification can occur on a large scale and with better controlled conditions. There are two forms of iodine which can be used to iodize salt: iodide and iodate, usually as the potassium salt. Iodate is less soluble and more stable than iodide and is therefore preferred for tropical moist conditions. When used, both are generally referred to as "iodized" salt.
The daily requirement of iodine is 150 µg per person for adults (1). The level of iodization of salt has to be sufficient to cover this requirement, considering potential losses from the point of production to the point of consumption, including the expected shelf life. It also should take into account the per capita salt consumption in an area. Although salt consumption in the range 10-15 g per day is common in developed countries, this is regarded as excessive because of a potential increased risk of hypertension. Therefore, intakes in the range of 3-6 g per day, or even less, are being recommended. This potential reduction in salt intakes should be taken into account when setting iodine levels in fortified salt. Iodized salt can also be used as a feed supplement for cattle and other livestock in iodine deficient areas. Allowing for these factors, the level of iodine as iodate currently recommended to provide 150 ug of iodine per day is in the range of 20-40 mg per kg salt (1).
The packaging of the iodized salt is very important. Jute bags have been used extensively but in humid conditions, the salt absorbs moisture. The iodate dissolves and will drip out of the bag if it is porous, and much of the iodine will be lost; up to 75% over a period of nine months. To avoid this, waterproofing is required, achieved by a polythene lining inside the jute bag or else a plastic bag. The additional cost of a plastic bag may be justified by reduced iodine losses and the potential resale value of the bags (151,152).
The use of iodized salt in the prevention of IDD has been reviewed (151). The control of the iodine concentration in salt at production level should be performed by using titration methods to provide quantitative data or, in the case of imported salt, by using reliable test kits to provide qualitative data at the point of entry. Consignments with suspect iodine levels should be rechecked by titration. National monitoring programs should: 1) periodically check salt iodine levels in retail shops and households using reliable test kits; 2) conduct occasionally goiter prevalence surveys; and 3) regularly measure urinary iodine. In order to determine the proportion of households using adequately iodized salt in a large geographic area, it is recommended to use cluster surveys at the provincial or national levels. It is also recommended to identify high risk communities where there are inadequate proportions of households using adequately iodized salt.
Salt iodization remains the most cost-effective way of delivering iodine and of improving cognition in iodine-deficient populations (153). Worldwide, the annual costs of salt iodization are estimated at 0.02-0.05 US$ per child covered, and the costs per child death averted are US$ 1000 and per DALY gained are US$34-36 (153). Looked at in another way, prior to widespread salt iodization, the annual potential losses attributable to iodine deficiency in the developing world have been estimated to be US$35.7 billion as compared with an estimated US$0.5 billion annual cost for salt iodization, i.e., a 70:1 benefit:cost ratio (154).
Iodine supplements
In areas of iodine deficiency where iodized salt is not available, iodine supplements are recommended by expert groups for women of reproductive age, pregnant women and lactating women (1,155). All pregnant women should consume approximately 250 µg iodine daily (1,155). To achieve a total of 250 µg iodine ingestion daily, strategies may need to be varied based on country of origin; in some countries, iodized oil supplements (see below) given once a year may be appropriate, in others, potassium iodide supplements may be given daily (1,155). In most regions, including the United States, women who are planning pregnancy or currently pregnant, should supplement their diet with a daily oral supplement that contains 150 µg of iodine in the form of potassium iodide (155). This is optimally started at least 3 months in advance of planned pregnancy. There is no need to initiate iodine supplementation in pregnant women who are being treated for hyperthyroidism or who are taking LT4 (155).
Iodized oil
Iodized oil ("Lipiodol®") was first used for the correction of iodine deficiency in Papua New Guinea (73). Buttfield and Hetzel (156) demonstrated the effectiveness of a single iodized oil injection (4 ml) in correcting iodine deficiency for a period of up to 4 1/2 years. Another trial in the Western Highlands of New Guinea demonstrated prevention of endemic cretinism and a reduction in fetal and neonatal deaths in the iodine treated group, if the iodized oil injection was given before pregnancy (126). Goiter in the treated population often resolved one to three months after the injection. However, the administration of iodized oil to adults with multinodular goiters in several other countries has not seen resolution or even diminution in size of their goiters.
Extensive additional studies on the use of iodized oil in the correction and prevention of IDD have been conducted in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe (157). The physiology and pharmacology of iodized oil in goiter prophylaxis has been extensively reviewed (158). Experience has confirmed the convenience of 200-400 mg the oral administration of iodized oil at yearly intervals through the primary health care system at the village level. In general, the effect of oral administration lasts half the time of the same dose given by injection (159-161). In regions of moderate-to-severe iodine deficiency without effective salt iodisation, lactating women who receive one dose of 400 mg iodine as oral iodised oil soon after delivery can provide adequate iodine to their infants through breastmilk for at least 6 months, enabling the infants to achieve euthyroidism (162). Recommendations from WHO-UNICEF-ICCIDD for oral iodized oil supplementation of women and children are shown in Table 8.
Table 8. Recommendations for iodine supplementation in pregnancy and infancy in areas where <90% of households are using iodized salt and the median UI is <100 µg/L in schoolchildren (from ref.1)
Women of child bearing age |
A single annual oral dose of 400 mg of iodine as iodized oil OR A daily oral dose of iodine as potassium iodide should be given so that the total iodine intake meets the RNI of 150 µg/d of iodine. |
Women who are pregnant or lactating |
A single annual oral dose of 400 mg of iodine as iodized oil OR A daily oral dose of iodine as potassium iodide should be given so that the total iodine intake meets the new RNI of 250 µg/d iodine.
Children aged 0-6 months |
A single oral dose of 100 mg of iodine as iodized oil OR A daily oral dose of iodine as potassium iodide should be given so that the total iodine intake meets the of 90 µg/d of iodine
Children aged 7-24 months old |
A single annual oral dose of 200 mg of iodine as iodized oil as soon as possible after reaching 7 months of age OR A daily oral dose of iodine as potassium iodide should be given so that the total iodine intake meets the RNI of 90 µg/d of iodine |
An iodized oil supplementation program is necessary when other methods have been found ineffective or are inapplicable. Iodized oil can be regarded as an emergency measure for the control of severe IDD until an effective iodized salt program can be introduced. The spectacular and rapid effects of iodized oil in reducing goiter can be important in demonstrating the benefits of iodization, which can lead to community demand for iodized salt. In general, iodized oil administration should be avoided over the age of 45 because of the possibility of precipitating hyperthyroidism in subjects with longstanding goiter (see further in section VI 3).
The possibility of linking up an iodized oil program with other preventative programs, such as the Child Immunization Program, has been discussed (163). Great progress has been made with child immunization programs in Africa and Asia. To this series of measures, oral iodized oil administration could readily be added to cover young children over the first 2-5 years of life. Women of reproductive age would require separate coverage through the primary health care system, especially the family planning health care system or in antenatal services at the same time as with tetanus toxoid.
Iodized bread
Iodized bread has been used effectively in the State of Tasmania in Australia (164). Successful use of iodized bread was also reported in Russia (165). Since 2009 by law in Australia and New Zealand, all salt used in baking of bread and similar edible products must be iodized salt. Early results from urinary iodine monitoring in Australia since implementation of this mandatory practice has seen correction of mild iodine deficiency in the population as a whole (6).
Iodized water
Water has some of the advantages of salt as a vehicle for iodine fortification. Both are daily necessities and thus their iodization will reach the most vulnerable groups – the poor and the isolated. Water fortified at a regular rate with iodine provides the thyroid with a steady daily ration, which is physiologically desirable (166).
Systems for iodization of drinking water can be classified as follows:
- Silicone elastomers releasing iodine. A commercial version of this approach is the “Rhodifuse” system of Rhône-Poulenc-Rorer-Doman (now Adventis). Silicone matrices containing 30 % sodium iodide are placed in polyethylene baskets. When the baskets are placed in wells, sodium iodide is released into the water according to the porosity and the surface/volume ratio. Initially successfully used in Mali (167), the system was then used in Burkina Fasso and the Central African Republic. Limitations to the system were climatic conditions, the cost of the diffuser and its maintenance. A similar device was manufactured locally in Malaysia (168).
- Iodide added to running water in pipes. A commercial example is the Hydroline system used in Sicily (169). The apparatus consisted of a canister filled with coarse crystals of iodine through which water was diverted from the line by a pressure differential. The system was highly efficient with a cost estimated at $ 0.04/person/day. A similar system used in the Sarawak region of Malaysia resulted in the reduction of goiter rate from 61% to 30% within 9 months together with improved thyroid function (170).
- Iodide added to run-off water. This technique was used by Cao at all (171) in Southern Xinjiang, China. It resulted in an increase of iodine intake by plants, possible benefits on rice production, increased iodine uptake by the thyroids of sheep and chickens, increased iodine in eggs and increased survival of newborn lambs.
- Manual addition of iodine to standing water. In this approach, iodine is added directly to vessels containing drinking water. It has been used most notably in northern Thailand, particularly to improve iodine nutrition in schoolchildren.
A review of water iodization programs (166) concluded that when properly monitored, the procedure is efficient in controlling iodine deficiency in smaller communities. But it is generally more expensive than iodized salt in large-scale national programs and that it is unlikely to be self-sustaining in poor rural countries and thus requires permanent external funding.
Until 1990, only a few countries Switzerland, some of the Scandinavian countries, Australia, the U.S. and Canada were completely iodine sufficient. Since then, globally, the number of households using iodized salt has risen from <20% to >70%, dramatically reducing iodine deficiency (172). This effort has been achieved by a coalition of international organizations, including ICCIDD (now IGN), WHO, MI and UNICEF, working closely with national IDD control committees and the salt industry; this informal partnership was established after the World Summit for Children in 1990.
The two most commonly used approaches to assessing iodine nutrition on the population level are estimation of the household penetration of adequately iodized salt (HHIS) and measurement of urinary iodine concentrations (UICs) (173). UIC surveys are usually done in school aged children (SAC), because they are a convenient population, easy to reach through school based surveys and usually representative of the general population (173). Therefore, WHO use UICs from 6-12 y-old children in nationally-representative surveys, expressed as the median in µg/L, to classify a population’s iodine status (Table 1). More countries are beginning to carry out studies in high-risk population groups, i.e. women of reproductive age, pregnant women and younger children, however data is limited and the majority of countries still conduct routine iodine monitoring in SAC (174).
In 2017, representative UIC surveys are available for 139 countries. There are no up-to-date UIC data available for 55 countries. Available UIC data now cover >98% of the world’s population of SAC (174).

Figure 7: Shows countries classified by iodine nutrition in 2017 according to degree of public health importance based on the median UIC. Iodine intake is inadequate in 19 countries, adequate in 110 and excessive in 10. There are no up-to-date UIC data available for 55 countries. Reference (174).
Overall, approximately 75% of households worldwide have access to iodized salt. Those with the greatest access are living in the WHO regions of the Western Pacific and the Americas, and those with the least access are residing in the Eastern Mediterranean region (175,176).
The International Child Development Steering Group identified iodine deficiency as one of four key global risk factors for impaired child development where the need for intervention is urgent (177). But controlling IDD in the remaining 1/3rd of the global population at risk will not be easy. Although the key contributors to successful national programs have been identified (1), reaching economically disadvantaged groups living in remote areas and convincing small scale salt producers to iodize their salt are major challenges. An important strategy will be to strengthen national coalitions that include government partners, national and international agencies, the health-care sector and salt producers. In the countries that have begun iodized salt programs, sustainability will become a major focus. These programs are fragile and require a long-term commitment from governments. In several countries where iodine deficiency had been eliminated, salt iodization programs fell apart, and iodine deficiency recurred (178). Children in iodine deficient areas are vulnerable to even short-term lapses in iodized salt programs (179). To this end, countries should monitor the state of their iodine nutrition every three years and report to the World Health Assembly on their progress (180).
Advocacy should focus on damage to reproduction and cognitive development. Governments need to understand the serious impact of iodine deficiency; many still equate iodine deficiency with goiter, a mostly cosmetic problem and thus a low priority. IDD is one of the most important causes of preventable neurocognitive impairment worldwide, and elimination of IDD can contribute to at least five of the Millennium Development Goals (181): 1) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; 2) Achieve universal primary education; 3) Reduce child mortality; 4) Improve maternal health; and 5) Develop a global partnership for development. The World Bank (182) strongly recommends that governments invest in micronutrient programs, including salt iodization, to promote development, concluding: “Probably no other technology offers as large an opportunity to improve lives at such low cost and in such a short time.”
The social process for successful implementation of a national IDD control program includes the following components (1):
- situation assessment
- communication of results to health professionals, political authorities and the public
- development of an action plan
- implementation of the plan
- evaluation of its impact at population level
The last phase, monitoring, is often neglected not only because it is the last phase in the process, but because it may be overshadowed by other components of the program such as implementation. In addition, many countries affected by IDD are low-income countries without the financial or technical resources to support a laboratory needed to properly monitor salt quality and iodine status.
The most cost-effective way to achieve the virtual elimination of IDD is through universal salt iodization, USI. The indicators used in monitoring and evaluating IDD control programs include both indicators to monitor and evaluate the salt iodization process, as well as indicators to monitor the impact of salt iodization on the target populations (these have been discussed previously).
Table 10 summarizes the criteria for monitoring progress towards sustainable elimination of IDD as a public health problem (1). It is considered that iodine deficiency has been eliminated from a country when:
- access to iodized salt at household level is at least 90%
- the median urinary iodine concentration is at least 100 μg/L and with less than 20 % of the samples below 50 μg/L
- when at least 8 of the 10 program indicators listed in Table 10 are implemented
Table 10. Summary of criteria for monitoring progress towards sustainable elimination of IDD as a public health problem (ref.1)
Indicators | Goals |
Salt Iodization Proportion of households using adequately iodized salt |
> 90 % |
Urinary iodine Proportion below 100 μg/L Proportion below 50 μg/L |
< 50 % < 20 % |
Programmatic indicators
Currently, there is much less information available on the impact of salt iodization programs than on the implementation of programs. The monitoring data of all countries affected by IDD are summarized country by country in an up-to-date database held by WHO (173).
Also, surprisingly, few longitudinal or case control studies have addressed the influence of USI on disorders induced by iodine deficiency, such as impairment of thyroid function, low birth weight, perinatal mortality and morbidity and the prevention of mental retardation. The oft-quoted statement that correction of iodine deficiency protects 50-100 million neonates from brain damage and mental retardation annually is politically attractive, but scientifically questionable. It results simply from a multiplication of the birth rate of the affected countries by the percentage of access to iodized salt at household level. Both figures lack precision. Moreover, this calculation implies that 100 % of neonates born in iodine deficient areas before the implementation of programs of iodine supplementation suffered intellectual impairment, which is a gross overestimation.
As discussed so far in this chapter, iodine deficiency impairs thyroid function. Similarly, iodine excess, including overcorrection of a previous state of iodine deficiency, can also impair thyroid function. The effect of iodine on the thyroid gland is complex with a “U shaped” relation between iodine intake and risk of thyroid diseases. Both low and high iodine intake are associated with an increased risk of thyroid disorders. Healthy adults with normal thyroid glands can tolerate up to 600-1100 μg iodine/day without any side effects (5,183) (Table 11). However, this upper limit is much lower in a population which has been exposed to iodine deficiency for a prolonged period in the past. The optimal level of iodine intake to prevent any thyroid disease may be a relatively narrow range around the recommended daily intake of 150 μg (184).
Table 11. Tolerable upper intake level for iodine (µg/day)
Age group | EC/SCF, 2002 | IOM, 2001 |
1-3 years | 200 | 200 |
4-6 years | 250 | 300 |
7-10 years | 300 | 300 |
11-14 years | 450 | 300 |
15-17 years | 500 | 900 |
Adult | 600 | 1100 |
Pregnant women >19 years | 600 | 1100 |
Iodide goiter and iodine-induced hypothyroidism
When iodine intake is chronically high, as in coastal areas of Japan (91) due to daily intake of seaweeds rich in iodine or, in Eastern China, because of the high iodine content of the drinking water from shallow wells (92), the prevalence of thyroid enlargement and goiter is high, as compared to populations with normal iodine intakes. Also, the prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism is elevated. The mechanisms behind this impairment of thyroid function are probably both iodine enhancement of thyroid autoimmunity and reversible inhibition of thyroid function by excess iodine (the Wolff-Chaikoff effect) in susceptible subjects (185). However, this type of thyroid failure has not been observed in neonates after the administration of huge doses of iodized oil to their mothers during pregnancy (162). Increased thyroid volume in children due to iodine excess has been observed when the median urinary iodine is >500 μg/L (186).
Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism, IIH
Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism (IIH) is the main complication of iodine prophylaxis. It has been reported in most iodine supplementation programs (187). But it is rare following a well executed program of iodine supplementation, for example as in Iran (188). The outbreak of IIH most extensively investigated occurred in Tasmania in the late 1960’s. This followed iodine supplementation simultaneously by tablets of iodide, iodized bread and the use of iodophors by the milk industry (189). The incidence of hyperthyroidism increased from 24/100000 in 1963 to 125/100000 in 1967. The disease occurred most frequently in individuals over 40 years of age with multinodular goiter and preexisting heart diseases (189). The most severe manifestations were cardiovascular and were occasionally fatal. The epidemic lasted about 10 to 12 years, but it was followed by an incidence of hyperthyroidism somewhat less than that existing prior to the epidemic.
The introduction of iodized salt in Zimbabwe resulted in a sharp increase in the incidence of IIH from 3/100000 to 7/100000 over 18 months (190). A high risk of IIH was also reported from Eastern Congo following the introduction of iodized salt (191). A multicenter study conducted in seven African countries, including Zimbabwe and Congo (192) showed that the occurrence of IIH in the last two countries was due to the sudden introduction of poorly monitored and excessively iodized salt in populations which had been severely iodine deficient for very long periods in the past. The conclusion of the study was that the risk of IIH was related to a rapid increment of iodine intake resulting in a state of acute iodine overload.
IIH following iodine fortification of salt cannot be entirely avoided even when fortification provides only physiological amounts of iodine. In a well-controlled longitudinal study in Switzerland, the incidence of hyperthyroidism transiently increased by 27% during one year after the iodine supply was increased from 90 μg/day to 150 μg/day (193).
The reason for the development of IIH after iodine fortification and/or supplementation is thought to be that iodine deficiency increases thyrocyte proliferation and mutation rates which, in turn, trigger the development of multifocal autonomous growth with scattered cell clones harboring activation mutations of the TSH receptors (194). Measurement of total intrathyroidal iodine by means of X-ray fluorescence scanning shows that only some nodules keep their capacity to store iodine, become autonomous and cause hyperthyroidism (195). It should be noted that there is considerable anecdotal evidence that increased iodine intake in patients with Graves’ disease may exacerbate hyperthyroidism in susceptible patients.
It thus appears that IIH can be considered one of the iodine deficiency disorders, and it may be largely unavoidable in the early phase of iodine repletion in iodine deficient populations, particularly in those with moderate to severe iodine deficiency. Its incidence reverts to normal or even below normal after one to ten years of iodine supplementation (196).
Iodine-induced thyroiditis
Another potential complication of excessive iodine intake is the aggravation or the induction of autoimmune thyroiditis by iodine supplementation. In experimental conditions, excessive iodine intake can precipitate spontaneous thyroiditis in genetically predisposed strains of beagles, rats or chickens (196). Potential mechanisms involved in iodine-induced thyroiditis in animal models include: 1) triggering of thyroid autoimmune reactivity by increasing the immunogenicity of thyroglobulin; and/or 2) damage to the thyroid and cell injury by free radicals.
Attention was drawn to iodine-induced thyroiditis in humans when studies conducted in the United States following the implementation of salt iodization showed an increased frequency of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis in goiters removed by surgery (197). Studies following the introduction of iodized oil in Greece pointed out the possible development of thyroid autoantibodies (198). Kahaly et al. (199) reported the development of thyroid autoantibodies and lymphocytic infiltration in 6 out of 31 patients with endemic goiter treated during 6 months with a dose of 500 μg potassium iodide (KI) per day. Acute massive iodine overload (daily consumption of at least 50 mg iodine daily) in healthy adults resulted in a sharp increase in thyroid peroxidase antibody titers together with elevated prevalence of goiter and serum TSH values. The prevalence of all abnormalities decreased after removal of iodine excess (202).
Finally, cross sectional studies of populations with different iodine intakes in Italy (63), Great Britain (64) and more recently in Denmark and Iceland (65) showed that the frequency of thyroid autoantibodies and hypothyroidism is higher in iodine replete populations than in iodine deficient populations. It is also recognized that the frequency of thyroid antibodies (200) and of autoimmune thyroiditis (201) is higher in the United States than in Europe, while the iodine intake is lower in Europe.
To investigate the effects of iodine intake on thyroid disorders in China, a prospective 5-year survey was done in three rural communities with mildly deficient, more than adequate (previously mildly deficient iodine intake), and excessive iodine intake (median UIs of 88, 214 and 634 µg/L, respectively) (203,204). High iodine intakes did not increase rates of overt hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, but did increase cumulative incidence of subclinical hypothyroidism (0.2 percent, 2.6 percent, and 2.9 percent, respectively) and autoimmune thyroiditis (0.2 percent, 1.0 percent, and 1.3 percent, respectively). In most people, these disorders were not sustained.
Denmark has documented the pattern of thyroid disease after careful introduction of iodized salt. Pederson et al (205,206) prospectively identified new cases of overt hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism in Denmark before and for the first 6-7 yr after introduction of iodized salt. There was a moderate increase in the incidence rate of overt hypothyroidism (RR = 1.35; 95% CI = 1.11-1.66) that occurred primarily in young and middle-aged subjects with previously moderate iodine deficiency. The overall incidence rate of hyperthyroidism also increased, from 102.8 to 138.7/100,000/year. But in contrast to IIH, many of the new cases were observed in younger adults (20-39 y), and were presumably of autoimmune origin.
Thyroid cancer (TC)
In animals, chronic overstimulation of the thyroid by TSH can produce thyroid neoplasms (207). However, the relationship between thyroid cancer and endemic goiter has long been debated without agreement on a possible causal relationship (208-212). The available evidence suggests iodine deficiency is a risk factor for thyroid cancer, particularly for follicular TC and possibly, for anaplastic TC (213). A recent review (213) concluded that: a) there are consistent data showing an increase in thyroid cancer (mainly follicular) in iodine deficient animals; b) there is a plausible mechanism (chronic TSH stimulation induced by iodine deficiency); c) there is consistent data from before and after studies of iodine prophylaxis showing a decrease in follicular thyroid cancer and anaplastic thyroid cancer; d) there is an indirect association between changes in iodine intake and thyroid cancer mortality in the decade from 2000 to 2010; e) autopsy studies of occult thyroid cancer show higher microcarcinoma rates with lower iodine intakes; and f) case control studies suggest a lower risk of TC with higher total iodine intakes.
It appears the prognosis of thyroid cancer is significantly improved following iodine supplementation due to a shift towards differentiated forms of thyroid cancer that are diagnosed at earlier stages. Overall, it appears that correction of iodine deficiency decreases the risk of, and the morbidity from, thyroid cancer (2013).
Thus, the benefits of correcting iodine deficiency far outweigh its risks (63, 214, 215). Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism and other adverse effects can be almost entirely avoided by adequate and sustained quality assurance and monitoring of iodine supplementation which should also confirm adequate iodine intake.
In summary, enormous progress has been made globally over the past two decades in understanding and eliminating iodine deficiency as the major cause of preventable brain damage in the fetus, newborn and infant and as a cause of thyroid disorders in adults. Three quarters of the world’s population now has access to iodine on a daily basis through edible iodized salt, but sustainability remains a challenge in many countries. Many recent excellent clinical research studies have revealed that IDD are not confined to remote, mountainous areas in developing countries as we once thought, but are a global public health problem that affects most countries, including developed countries and island nations (216). The recognition of the universality of iodine deficiency highlights the need for more research into the pathogenesis and consequences of mild to moderate iodine deficiency and the development of new strategies to establish and maintain sustainable IDD elimination.
Molecular links between Obesity and Diabetes: “Diabesity”
Severe obesity represents a major risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Due to the strong association of obesity and diabetes, the term “diabesity” was coined, suggesting a causal pathophysiological link between both phenomena. The majority of individuals with T2DM are obese, highlighting the pivotal role of increased adiposity as a risk factor for diabetes. However, only a relatively small fraction of obese individuals will develop T2DM. On a population level, the link between obesity and its secondary complications is well described. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these complications are still poorly understood. Three main hypotheses have been developed in recent years to bridge the gap between epidemiology and pathobiochemistry: (1) The “inflammation hypothesis” asserts that obesity represents a state of chronic inflammation where inflammatory molecules produced by infiltrating macrophages in adipose tissue exert pathological changes in insulin-sensitive tissues and β-cells. (2) The “lipid overflow hypothesis” predicts that obesity may result in increased ectopic lipid stores due to the limited capacity of adipose tissue to properly store fat in obese subjects. Potentially harmful lipid components and metabolites may exert cytotoxic effects on peripheral cells. (3) The “adipokine hypothesis” refers to the principal feature of white adipose cells to function as an endocrine organ, and to secrete a variety of hormones with auto- and paracrine function. Expanding fat stores can cause dysfunctional secretion of such endocrine factors, thereby resulting in metabolic impairment of insulin target tissues and eventually failure of insulin producing β-cells. For complete coverage of all related areas of Endocrinology, please visit our on-line FREE web-text, WWW.ENDOTEXT.ORG.
Severe obesity represents a major risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), a disease characterized by insulin resistance, insulin hyposecretion and hyperglycaemia.1-3 According to statistics, already 415 million people worldwide were affected by diabetes in 2015 (estimated) and this number is expected to rise to 642 million by 2040.4 Due to the strong association of obesity and diabetes, the term “diabesity” was coined, suggesting a causal pathophysiological link between both phenomena.5,6
The majority (~80%) of individuals with T2DM are obese, highlighting the pivotal role of increased adiposity as a risk factor for diabetes. However, only a relatively small fraction of obese individuals develops T2DM.7 In fact, most obese, insulin-resistant individuals do not develop hyperglycemia, indicating that their pancreatic β-cells still produce and secrete sufficient amounts of insulin in order to compensate for the reduced efficiency of insulin action in the periphery.1,8,9 Thus, in addition to an increased adipose mass, additional factors are likely to determine the risk for β-cell dysfunction and the susceptibility for β-cell destruction and diabetes. Nevertheless, despite recent advances in the understanding of body weight regulation and insulin action, the risk factors that determine which obese, non-diabetic individuals will eventually develop diabetes still remain unknown.
Obesity results from a period of a positive energy balance during which adipocytes store excess triglycerides, resulting in cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia. However, fat depots do not expand uniformly as they accumulate lipids, and the adverse effects of excess fat storage have been frequently attributed to intra-abdominal (i.e. visceral) fat tissue. Using a variety of measures (oral glucose tolerance test, intravenous glucose tolerance test, euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamps), selective excess of visceral adipose tissue (visceral adiposity) has been linked to insulin resistance in humans.10-19 Interestingly, no relationship between visceral fat and impaired glucose metabolism has been observed in studies with non-obese individuals.20,21 On the other hand, other studies found that abdominal subcutaneous fat correlates with insulin sensitivity as well as visceral fat in euglycemic clamps, thus challenging a unique role for the visceral fat depot in modulating insulin sensitivity.22,23 However, in another study, Klein and coworkers reported that large-volume abdominal liposuction of subcutaneous fat did not improve insulin sensitivity of liver, skeletal muscle, and adipose tissue (as assessed by euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamps), at least not within 12 weeks post surgery.24 In accordance to these results, removal of visceral fat has been found to improve insulin sensitivity in humans,25,26 supportive of a causal role of intra-abdominal fat for the insulin resistance in obese individuals. However, the relationship between the amount of visceral fat and insulin sensitivity has been controversially discussed throughout recent years and a number of clinical studies show that surgical removal of this fat depot (e.g. via omentectomy) did not lead to improved whole-body glycemia or even BMI of the patients.27-30 Interestingly, a number of adipose-tissue related sub-phenotypes have been identified, one of these the so-called “TOFI” (“thin on the outside, fat on the inside”) subjects. These patients present a normal BMI (< 25 kg/m2) but increased abdominal obesity and therefore exhibit an increased risk to develop insulin resistance and T2DM.31,32 In contrast to TOFI, the so-called “fat-fit” subjects show no gross impairments of glucose metabolism despite their elevated body adiposity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2).32,33
Visceral fat is defined as adipose tissue located inside the peritoneal cavity—within the parietal peritoneum and transversalis fascia, excluding the spine and paraspinal muscles. As such, appropriate techniques for precise measurements of visceral fat, however, have been controversial. In humans, the amount of abdominal visceral fat is determined by a number of different techniques, including anthropomorphic measurements (waist-hip-ratio, waist circumference, abdominal sagittal diameter), computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and ultrasound. Comparative measurements using CT and MRI have revealed a fairly high correlation between both methods.34-36 In the recent years, Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) has emerged as reliable technique to measure body composition with high-precision, low X-ray exposure, and short-scanning time.37,38 In studies that included these imaging techniques and common clinical measurements, the abdominal sagittal diameter was found to be the most specific predictor of visceral adipose volume, but measurements of waist circumference and sagittal diameter are also highly correlated. Even though waist circumference varies considerably between sexes and among different ethnic groups, it has been proposed as a crude, but efficient, anthropomorphic readout for abdominal adiposity.39,40 And lastly, the amount of visceral fat is correlated to total body fat even though considerable variation in individual fat distribution has been reported,41-44 Thus, despite the lack of a ”gold standard” for the quantitative assessment of regional fat distribution in humans, most of the evidence suggests a specific association between visceral fat with an increased risk for insulin resistance and diabetes.
Interestingly, deficiency of fat tissue (lipodystrophy) predisposes to similar metabolic complications as an excess of fat in obesity, such as insulin resistance, T2DM, and hepatic steatosis (reviewed in Refs 45 and 4645,46). Moreover, fat transplantation into lipodystrophic mice ameliorated the diabetic phenotype of the animals either partially or completely, implicating that the failure to properly store lipids in depots is causal for lipodystrophic diabetes.47 Also in normal lean animals, fat transplantation has been shown to result in beneficial metabolic effects.48,49 Thus, adipose tissue may have both beneficial and adverse effects on whole-body metabolism, depending on where it accumulates.
On a population level, the link between obesity and its secondary complications is well described. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these complications are still poorly understood.50 Even though the evidence indicates a detrimental role of visceral fat in terms of insulin sensitivity, relatively little is known about distinct physiological and biochemical properties of fat tissue derived from different anatomic locations. On the one hand, transplantation experiments with fat tissue from different adipose depots in mice have not conclusively revealed intrinsic differences between subcutaneous and visceral fat.47,49 On the other hand, factors that have been attributed to confer differential metabolic effects of subcutaneous versus visceral fat include increased portal release of FFA and glycerol from omental/mesenteric fat directly to the liver, and also differences in endocrine and metabolic functions of fat depots.
Three main hypotheses have been developed in recent years to bridge the gap between epidemiology and pathobiochemistry:
(1) The “inflammation hypothesis” asserts that obesity represents a state of chronic inflammation where inflammatory molecules produced by infiltrating macrophages in adipose tissue exert pathological changes in insulin-sensitive tissues and β-cells.
(2) The “lipid overflow hypothesis”, also known as “Adipose Tissue Expandability Hypothesis” predicts that obesity may result in increased ‘ectopic’ lipid stores (lipid that accumulates outside the normal depots, such as in the organ tissue of the liver, muscle, and pancreas) due to the limited capacity of adipose tissue to properly store fat in obese subjects. Potentially harmful lipid components and metabolites may exert cytotoxic effects on peripheral cells, including liver and β-cells, thereby impairing function, survival, and regeneration.
(3) The “adipokine hypothesis” refers to the principal feature of white adipose cells to function as an endocrine organ, and to secrete a variety of hormones with auto- and paracrine function. It has been proposed that expanding fat stores in obesity cause dysfunctional secretion of such endocrine factors, thereby resulting in metabolic impairment of insulin target tissues and eventually failure of insulin producing β-cells.
In the following, these three hypotheses are briefly discussed.
The “Inflammation Hypothesis”
Inflammatory processes are thought to play a key role in the development of obesity-related insulin resistance and type 2-diabetes. In adiposity there are fundamental changes in adipose tissue secretory functions51. An excess of adipose tissue produces a number of pro-inflammatory cytokines leading to a state of chronic subclinical inflammation associated with both insulin resistance and type-2 diabetes.52 The term “metaflammation” describes this low-grade, chronic inflammation orchestrated by metabolic cells in response to excess nutrients and energy.53
How does a spill-over of these inflammatory products into circulation finally lead to insulin resistance? Weisberg et al54 described that macrophages accumulate in adipose tissue of obese subjects and suggested that these macrophages are derived from the circulation. Further studies indicated that adipose tissue macrophages (ATMs) that accumulate during diet-induced obesity (DIO) are not only an important source of adipose tissue inflammation but also mediate insulin resistance in adipocytes.55 The amount of macrophages in adipose tissue correlates positively with two indices of adiposity: Body mass index (BMI) and adipocyte size. The exact mechanisms underlying ATM recruitment and activation are still not fully understood. One factor potentially responsible for obesity-induced inflammation by increasing ATM recruitment is Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF), a chemokine-like inflammatory regulator directly associated with the degree of peripheral insulin resistance.56 Adipose tissue macrophages are considered to be a major reservoir of pro-inflammatory molecules in adipose tissue54. These cytokines exert various functions in the pathogenesis of the disease progression (Figure 1). Some of the most important inflammatory factors are described below.
Figure 1. The “inflammation hypothesis.” Pathophysiology of obesity-induced chronic inflammation and peripheral insulin resistance.
DAG, diacylglycerol; IL-1, interleukine-1; MCP-1, monocyte chemotactic protein-1; TNF, tumor necrosis factor alpha; Toll-like receptor 4, TLR-4; Details in the text.
Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha:
Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) is a pluripotent cytokine primarily produced from macrophages.57 Its expression was shown to be elevated in different mouse and rat models of obesity and diabetes.58 In vitro, TNF-α suppresses the expression of most adipose-specific genes in murine adipocytes, including the enzymes involved in lipogenesis.59 It was also shown that TNF-α induces insulin resistance, in part through its ability to inhibit intracellular signaling from the insulin receptor.60 Moreover, addition of TNF-α to cells in vivo increased the intracellular concentration of ceramides.61 Ceramides can directly induce DNA fragmentation and apoptosis. In skeletal muscle, diacylglycerols and ceramides operate as lipotoxic mediators engaging serine kinases that disrupt the insulin signaling cascade and diminish insulin sensitivity.62 Further, it was discovered that ceramides are able to induce lipoapoptosis in β-cells.63 In addition, TNF-α was shown to induce the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS).64 Production of ROS increased selectively in adipose tissue of obese mice, causing dysregulated production of adipocytokines (fat-derived hormones), including adiponectin, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, interleukin-6 (IL-6), and monocyte chemotactic protein-1.65 However, clinical studies with Etanercept, a neutralizing protein for circulating TNF-α failed to demonstrate an improvement of insulin sensitivity in humans,66,67 indicating that acute reduction of systemic TNF-α may not be sufficient to induce metabolic benefits in the periphery.
TNF-Like Weak Inducer of Apoptosis:
TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK) belongs to the TNF superfamily and was shown to have pro-inflammatory action in adipocytes mediated by the nuclear factor-κB (NFκB) and ERK but not JNK signaling pathways.68 The cytokine promotes the secretion of MCP-1 and RANTES and up-regulates CCl21 and CCL19 expression. Whereas expression levels of membrane-bound TWEAK (mTWEAK) and its receptor Fn14 are increased during obesity, the amount of soluble TWEAK (sTWEAK) was decreased, thereby enhancing the pro-inflammatory activity elicited by TNF-α.69,70
Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1:
The pro-inflammatory chemokine monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) attracts leukocytes to inflamed sites and is regulated by NFκB. 71 Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 represents the first discovered and most extensively studied human CC chemokine and is also known as CCL2 (Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2). CC chemokines are characterized by the conserved position of four cysteine residues responsible for protein stabilization.56 Insulin was found to induce expression and secretion of MCP-1 substantially both in vitro in insulin-resistant adipocytes and in vivo in insulin-resistant obese mice (ob/ob). It was suggested that elevated MCP-1 levels may induce adipocyte dedifferentiation and contribute to pathologic states associated with hyperinsulinemia and obesity, including type 2 diabetes.72 Expression and plasma concentration of MCP-1, however, were shown to be increased both in genetically obese diabetic (db/db) mice and in wildtype mice with high-fat diet-induced obesity, leading to the assumption that increased MCP-1 expression contributes to the macrophage infiltration of adipose tissue and, finally, to the development of insulin resistance.73 Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 has been developed into one of the most important targets for a variety of therapeutic approaches to improve diabetic vascular conditions over the years.74
The role of the cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) in the regulation of lipid metabolism is controversial.75 If produced in large amounts by adipose tissue, IL-6 causes insulin resistance in adipocytes and skeletal muscle.76 Contrary to the expectations, IL-6-deficient mice develop obesity. However, excess body weight was only reported in very mature animals.77 Interestingly, chronic exposure of IL-6 produces insulin resistance in skeletal muscle, whereas short-term exposure as consequence of exercise has beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity.78 Thus, despite the evidence of IL-6 as a major player in the regulation of metabolism, the role of this cytokine in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and diabetes remains incompletely understood.
Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is a cytokine that is also secreted by stimulated macrophages and has many actions that overlap those of TNF-α. For instance, IL-1 increases hepatic triglyceride secretion and serum triglyceride levels.79 Common polymorphisms of the IL-1 gene that influence IL-1 activity are also associated with fat mass in humans.80 Pro-inflammatory pathways in adipose tissue have been shown to be directly activated by free-fatty acids (FFA). In turn, the inflammatory status of macrophages is linked to body fat content. In lean mice, macrophages in WAT are in their active M2 state and produce immunosuppressive factors. However, in obese mice, macrophages are in a pro-inflammatory M1 state (F4/80+, CD11b+, CD11c+), highly responsive to the pro-inflammatory effect of FFA that bind the Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs).81 Increased cytokine release via TLRs as a consequence of FFA binding was proposed as potential pathomechanism causing insulin resistance.82 Interestingly, in a clinical study, blockade of IL-1 receptor with Anakinra, a recombinant IL-1 receptor antagonist, improved HbA1c levels and proinsulin-to-insulin ratio but had no effect on systemic insulin sensitivity.83
Toll-Like Receptor-4:
Toll-like receptors are membrane-spanning, non-catalytic receptors that respond to different microbial antigens, therefore representing an important factor of the innate immunity.84 Toll-like Receptor-4 (TLR-4) is thought to be another important factor in fatty acid-induced insulin resistance. Scherer and coworkers were the first ones that found it expressed on 3T3-L1 adipocytes and activated by lipopolysaccharides (LPS).85 Characterization of TLR-4 as the main endogenous sensor for LPS in adipocytes supports the relevance of fat tissue in immune processes.86 Additionally, TLR-4 was recently shown to be directly activated by dietary saturated fatty acids, thereby promoting inflammatory aspects of the metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis.87 In addition, stimulation of TLR-4 with activation of the Erk pathway was shown to upregulate IL-6 as well as MCP-1 release in adipose tissue. Therefore, it can be suggested that activation of TLR-4 in adipocytes induces inflammation and, as a consequence, promotes the progression towards diabetes. This mechanism provides new evidence for a coupling of visceral adipose dysfunction with the development insulin resistance and T2DM.88
Inflammation is thought to be a major factor in the development of insulin resistance and diabetes. Increased secretion of adipocyte-derived inflammatory cytokines and fatty acids are directly linked to impaired insulin sensitivity in obesity.89 However, inflammatory processes do not account exclusively for the development of insulin resistance since there are studies showing subjects with T2D but without any alterations in inflammatory markers.90 Inflammation alone can therefore not explain how obesity affects insulin sensitivity and certainly not why only a small fraction of obese individuals develop T2DM.
The “Lipid Overflow Hypothesis”
Healthy adipose tissue is characterized by the ability to expand passively to accommodate periods of nutrient excess. In contrast, adipose tissue in polygenic mouse models of obesity-induced diabetes, as well as in obese humans, may fail to fully accommodate excessive nutrient loads.91-93 If the adipose tissue expansion limit is reached, lipids can no longer be stored appropriately in adipose tissue and consequently “overflow” to other peripheral tissues such as skeletal muscle, liver, and pancreas.94,95 Subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) represents the largest adipose tissue depot and, in addition, is considered the least metabolically harmful site for lipid storage. The SAT can expand either by increasing the size of the cells (hypertrophic obesity) and/or by recruiting new cells (hyperplastic obesity). In contrast to the hyperplastic response, which seems to be protective against SAT dysfunction, hypertrophic obesity is associated with increased T2D risk.96,97 The storage of this ectopic fat in non-SAT tissues is directly linked to the progression of insulin resistance and type-2-diabetes.98,99 Thus, fat accumulates in tissues that are not adequate for lipid storage, and as a consequence, lipid metabolites might accumulate within those tissues that inhibit insulin signal transduction (Figure 2).
Figure 2: The “lipid overflow hypothesis.” Pathophysiology of obesity-induced ectopic lipid stores that cause peripheral insulin resistance and impaired β-cell function.
CPT-1, carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1; DAG, diacylglycerol; GLUT2, facilitated glucose transporter, member 2 (SLC2A2); HAD, β-hydroxyacyl dehydrogenase; IRS1, insulin receptor substrate 1; MafA, pancreatic beta-cell-specific transcriptional activator MafA; PKC, Protein kinase C; Details in the text.
This hypothesis is supported by several rodent models of lipodystrophy. These animals are extremely lean but often suffer from marked insulin resistance, diabetes, hypertriglyceridemia, hepatosteatosis, and low HDL (high-density lipoprotein)-cholesterol levels – a metabolic profile similar to that observed in obesity-related metabolic syndrome.100,101 Moreover, recent studies demonstrate a lipodystrophy-like phenotype also in the general human population since subjects who are of normal weight but metabolically unhealthy (∼20% of the normal weight adult population) have a greater than 3-fold higher risk of all-cause mortality and/or cardiovascular events.46 Leptin replacement in patients with generalized lipodystrophy can serve as efficient therapy to improve insulin sensitivity by reducing ectopic fat accumulation, especially in the liver.102-104
Thus, an increased fatty acid flux from normal fat depots towards non-adipose tissues (NAT), e.g. skeletal muscle, heart, liver, and pancreatic β-cells appears to be a critical factor in mediating lipotoxicity. Among the substances known to impair insulin signaling, the most prominent examples include diacylglycerols (DAGs) and ceramides, which have both been shown to impair insulin action in a number of peripheral tissues.105-107
Lipotoxicity- Skeletal Muscle and Adipocytes:
Skeletal muscle insulin resistance is associated with high levels of stored lipids in skeletal muscle cells.108 A high lipid accumulation and/or lower triglyceride turnover can induce lipotoxicity within the skeletal muscle cell.109 Lipid infusion can induce peripheral and hepatic insulin resistance in rats and humans.110,111 There are multiple regulatory sites controlling the complex process of fatty acid (FA) metabolism in skeletal muscle. Long-chain FA (LCFA) oxidation involves lipolysis and LCFA release from the adipose tissue, delivery of FFA to the skeletal muscle, transport across the plasma membrane, lipolysis of intramuscular triacylglycerol (IMTG), activation with addition of a coenzyme A thioester (LCFA-CoA), transport across the mitochondrial membranes and ultimately oxidation.112 Obese individuals display a disturbed lipid oxidation in skeletal muscle. This leads to accumulation of fatty acids and therefore to enhanced levels of triglycerides, fatty acyl CoA, diacylglycerols, and ceramides.113-115 Accumulation of these metabolites may be able to impair insulin signaling through different mechanisms, such as increased serine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate 1 by Protein kinase C (PKC) β and reduced serine phosphorylation of AKT.116,117 Besides disturbances in the insulin signaling cascade, several other factors could be involved in the direction of LCFA or LCA-CoA towards esterification rather than oxidation in obesity and type-2 diabetes. It has long been debated whether reduced mitochondrial function is the cause of, or secondary to, insulin resistance and T2D. Numerous studies, however, have shown that the activity of the key enzymes of fatty acid oxidation, citrate synthase (CS) and β-hydroxyacyl dehydrogenase (HAD) are significantly reduced in skeletal muscle in obesity and type 2 diabetes.118-121 Additionally, it has also been shown that the activity of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1) in muscle was also reduced in association with obesity,122 and that mitochondrial oxidative capacity is low in insulin-resistant subjects.123 Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 converts acyl-CoA molecules to their acyl carnitine derivatives prior transport of the mitochondrial inner membrane.124
Plasma non-esterified free fatty acids (NEFAs) are suggested to contribute to the development of insulin resistance, since they have been shown to activate the inflammatory nuclear factor kappa-B (NFκB) pathway in human muscle biopsies.125,126 In humans, it was demonstrated that free fatty acids induce insulin resistance by inhibition of glucose transport.127 In addition to the negative impact on insulin sensitivity, there is very recent evidence that lipid droplet (LD) formation is also impaired by an overflow of lipids. It has been shown that LD formation requires some of the same components of the machinery involved in regulated fusion of vesicles including the two soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive-factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins SNAP23 and syntaxin-5. SNAP23 has been shown to be an essential factor for trafficking of GLUT4-containing vesicles to the plasma membrane, and a more recent study found that SNAP23 is also involved in LD formation in adipocytes.128 Interestingly, the study reported that excessive LD formation inhibited GLUT4 translocation by competing for SNAP23 and that overexpression of Snap23 in these cells restored insulin sensitivity. Thus, SNAP23 might constitute a link between glucose and lipid metabolism, respectively.
Lipotoxicity- Pancreatic Beta Cell:
The development of type 2 diabetes is caused by a combination of insulin resistance and impaired pancreatic β-cell secretion.129 With progression from euglycemia to type 2 diabetes, β-cells progressively fail to compensate for the increase insulin demand in peripheral tissues. The pathogenesis is thereby characterized by different stages, leading from compensatory insulin resistance to decompensated hyperglycemia.130 In manifest type 2 diabetes, β-cells are exposed to both high doses of glucose (glucotoxicity) and lipids (lipotoxicity), respectively.131 Lipotoxicity, manifests as incorporation of large amounts of triglycerides in pancreatic islets, leading to β-cell death.132
While rodents are often preferred models to study disease progression, polygenic mouse models more closely resemble human physiology and preferred over the monogenic models such as in defective leptin signaling (db, ob).133,134 New Zealand Obese (NZO) mice develop a polygenic disease pattern of obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes.134,135 The onset of hyperglycemia is characterized by an elevated proliferation rate and hypertrophy of the β-cells136 leading to β-cell failure in most of the male animals.137 The disease progression is characterized by a gradual loss of glucose transporter 2138 and the transcription factor v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein A (avian) (MafA).139 Interestingly, NZO mice fed a carbohydrate-free high fat diet become obese and insulin resistant but are protected from β-cell failure.139-141 In contrast mice fed a diet rich in both carbohydrates and fat rapidly develop diabetes, indicating that the additive toxicity of an overflow of carbohydrates and lipids is important for the progression of β-cell failure.139,140,142,143
Inability to store fat (lipodystrophy) or overflow of excess lipids from normal fat depots contributes to “ectopic” deposition of lipids and their metabolites in organs important for glucose metabolism, including muscle, liver, and the pancreas. Numerous studies have demonstrated involvement of these lipid metabolites in the development of insulin resistance and diabetes. Moreover, recent evidence indicates that hyperglycemia is a critical factor contributing to lipid-induced beta cell failure and diabetes. Thus, many leading scientists consider type 2 diabetes, a disorder with manifestations of abnormal glucose metabolism, to be at its most fundamental molecular level a disorder of lipid metabolism.
The “Adipokine Hypothesis”
Adipose tissue is not only a storage compartment for triglycerides but also a major endocrine and secretory organ, which releases a wide range of factors (adipokines) that signal through paracrine and hormonal mechanisms.144 Some of these secreted molecules are involved in inflammatory processes, such as TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and MCP-1 as described above. The expanding volume of adipose tissue during obesity raises circulating levels of these inflammatory markers and is therefore thought to contribute to insulin resistance145 and the development of T2DM (Figure 3).
Figure 3: The “adipokine hypothesis.” Pathophysiology of obesity-induced dysfunction of adipokines in adipose cells contributing to peripheral insulin resistance.
AdipoR2, adiponectin receptor 2; AMPK, AMP-activated protein kinase; PEPCK, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase; RBP4, retinol binding protein 4; Details in the text.
More than 100 different factors secreted by adipocytes have been identified over the past years, and it seems likely that this number will increase further due to the progress in analytical chemistry.146 Some of the prominent members of hormones produced by the adipose tissue are described below.
Leptin was the first adipokine discovered to influence body fat mass. It is predominantly secreted from white adipose tissue and exerts its main function by repressing food intake and promoting energy expenditure through sites of action in the central nervous system.147 The leptin receptor is expressed in the arcuate, ventromedial, dorsomedial, and lateral hypothalamic nuclei, which are known to regulate food intake.148 Mutation of both the leptin gene (ob) as well as the leptin receptor gene (db) leads to severe obesity, hyperphagia and insulin resistance in mice.149 The ob mutation was first hypothesized in 1950, when animal caretakers of the Jackson Laboratory observed the spontaneous occurrence of an obese phenotype in a mouse.150 but was not described as a non-sense mutation in the leptin gene until more than 40 years later.151
Expression and secretion of leptin is correlated with the amount of body fat and adipocyte size.152 Humans with mutations in both alleles of either leptin or the leptin receptor are obese, but these homozygous mutations are extremely rare.153 To the contrary, the vast majority of obese individuals display high plasma leptin levels in proportion to their increased body fat. Consequently, attempts to treat obesity by leptin administration have been mostly unsuccessful due to an apparent leptin resistance of these patients.154 Nevertheless, leptin improves insulin sensitivity by several mechanisms. In the liver and in skeletal muscle, leptin enhances glucose homeostasis by decreasing intracellular lipid accumulation155 and, in skeletal muscle, by direct activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)156. In addition, leptin is able to inhibit insulin secretion by both, a direct effect on pancreatic β-cells, and an indirect mechanism via activation of the SNS (sympathetic nervous system) by the CNS (central nervous system).157-160
Adiponectin represents another important adipokine that has to be considered in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Up-regulation of this collagen-like plasma protein secreted by adipocytes or its receptor is known to improve insulin sensitivity and endothelial function.52,161,162 Adiponectin has been closely linked to diseases such as obesity, the metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and essential hypertension through its anti-inflammatory effects.163,164 In obesity and diabetes, adiponectin biosynthesis is impaired, and in vitro studies demonstrate suppression of adiponectin expression by various inflammatory and oxidative stress factors.165,166
Adiponectin regulates glucose and lipid metabolism by targeting the liver and skeletal muscle through two transmembrane receptors (AdipoR1 and AdipoR2). While AdipoR1 is most abundant in skeletal muscle, AdipoR2 is predominantly expressed in the liver.167 Improvement of insulin sensitivity is reached through activation of AMPK as well as increased expression of PPARα target genes.168 Adiponectin also has a key role in differentiation of subcutaneous preadipocytes and in the central regulation of energy homeostasis.161,169
Resistin expression and secretion differs between humans and rodents. In rodents, resistin is predominantly secreted from mature adipocytes with some weak expression in pancreatic islets and hypothalamus. In contrast, humans express resistin primarily in macrophages where it is thought to be involved in the recruitment of other immune cells, and in the secretion of pro-inflammatory factors.170 Because of these interspecies differences, it may have a less important role in humans during the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and diabetes. However, insulin-resistant mice display increased resistin levels and treatment with a thiazolidinedione, which activates adipocyte PPAR receptors and improves insulin sensitivity, lowers plasma resistin levels.52,171 In addition, some studies describe a role for resistin in the regulation of hepatic glucose production.172
Opposed to adiponectin, resistin decreases AMPK phosphorylation in liver, which leads to suppression of fatty acid oxidation and stimulation of glucose production.173 In vitro data from cultured adipocytes demonstrated a decreased insulin-stimulated glucose transport and disturbed adipocyte differentiation after resistin treatment.174,175 In humans, resistin is thought to impair insulin signaling by upregulating expression of the lipid phosphatase PTEN.170
Retinol Binding Protein 4:
Retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4) is predominantly expressed in adipose tissue and the liver and was first linked to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance when Abel and coworkers described that RBP4 was highly expressed in adipocytes of insulin resistant GLUT4-knockout mice.176 In addition, injection or overexpression of RBP4 in mice led to impaired insulin sensitivity. On the molecular level, RBP4 was shown to induce hepatic expression of the gluconeogenic enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) and to inhibit insulin signaling in skeletal muscle.177 Thus, at least in rodents, increased serum RBP4 leads to impaired glucose uptake in skeletal muscle with concomitant increase of hepatic glucose production.178
In humans, RBP4 influence on glucose homeostasis is less clear. Retinol binding protein 4 levels are elevated in plasma from obese and diabetic subjects.179 However, in larger groups a definitive correlation between RBP4 and measures of insulin sensitivity could not be demonstrated.180
Visfatin, also known as nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT) and pre-B-cell colony enhancing factor 1 (PBEF1), is predominantly expressed in visceral adipose tissue, from which the name visfatin was derived. As an adipokine, the protein had been also found in the bloodstream where it has been shown to exert insulin-like functions. In mice, administration of visfatin was shown to lower blood glucose levels, whereas mice with a mutation in visfatin had increased levels of circulating glucose.181 However, subsequent studies have produced conflicting results regarding the association between visceral fat mass and plasma visfatin in humans.182,183 and the initial study was, in part, retracted.184 Despite these inconsistencies, a positive correlation between visfatin gene expression in visceral adipose tissue and BMI was seen in some human studies, as well as a negative correlation between BMI and visfatin gene expression in subcutaneous fat.182,185 In summary, the provided evidence of a direct link between visfatin action and human type 2 diabetes mellitus is still weak and its role in obesity and insulin resistance remains to be elucidated.52
Visceral adipose tissue-derived serpin or serpinA12 (Vaspin) was originally identified as an adipokine predominantly secreted from visceral adipose tissue. In humans, obesity and T2DM are associated with elevated vaspin serum concentrations and expression levels in adipose tissue, suggesting a compensatory role in response to diminished insulin signaling in obesity. In obese mice, Vaspin administration improves glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, and reduces food intake.186,187 The exact cellular mechanisms of Vaspin action have yet to be elucidated, but a recent study demonstrated that Vaspin inhibited TNF-α- and IL-1-mediated activation of NF-κB and its downstream signaling molecules in a concentration-dependent manner and thereby protected endothelial cells from inflammation caused by pro-inflammatory cytokines.188 Moreover, a single-nucleotide polymorphism (rs2236242) was described to be positively associated with type 2 diabetes in 2759 participants in the KORA F3 study bearing an increased risk of diabetes independent of obesity, suggesting a link between vaspin and glucose metabolism.189
Omentin was described as a novel adipokine which is mainly produced by visceral adipose tissue and exhibits insulin-sensitizing action. Circulating levels of omentin are reduced in the obese state and in patients with T2DM. The beneficial effects of omentin are thought to be caused by a vasodilatation of blood vessels and attenuation of C-reactive protein-induced angiogenesis, potentially via the nuclear factor B signaling pathway, a potent pro-inflammatory signaling pathway.190 In addition, omentin has been shown to block TNFα-induced JNK and NF-κB activation.191 As with adiponectin, circulating levels of omentin are lower in obesity and also inversely correlated with measures of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and lower serum omentin concentrations were found in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes compared to healthy individuals.192 However, it has to be elucidated whether the association of circulating omentin levels with the risk of T2DM is independent of BMI or can entirely be explained by obesity. In addition, further studies are needed to distinguish entirely between adiponectin and omentin action and whether omentin also shows a counter-regulatory increase in pro-inflammatory conditions.193
The peptide apelin is expressed among several tissues and secreted by adipocytes. Apelin gene expression levels are increased in adipose tissue from mouse models of obesity and hyperinsulinemia. Moreover, obese and hyperinsulinemic patients demonstrate elevated plasma levels of apelin. However, apelin plasma levels depend on several factors, including blood glucose levels and plasma triglyceride concentration.194 Currently, apelin is being considered as a biomarker and drug target, but its role in the development of both obesity and type 2 diabetes needs to be clarified with convincing clinical studies.195,196
Cardiotrophin-1 (Ctf1) is expressed in different tissues and secreted as an adipokine. Targeted disruption of cardiotrophin-1 in mice leads to obesity and insulin resistance.197 However, studies in humans have yielded contradictory results regarding cardiotrophin-1 levels and its association with obesity.198 The role of cardiothrophin-1 in the regulation of metabolic circadian rhythms is the focus of current research.199
WNT1-Inducible Signaling Pathway Protein-1:
Wnt1-inducible signaling pathway protein-1 (Wisp1) was recently described as a new adipokine. Its expression and secretion are increased in the course of differentiation of human adipocytes. Changes in body weight regulate both expression of Wisp-1 in adipose tissue and plasma levels of secreted Wisp-1.200 Interestingly, Wisp-1 serum levels are elevated in obese patients affected with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus.201,202
Micro RNA (miRNA)- Containing Exosomes:
Micro RNA’s are small, noncoding sequences of RNAs that control a multiplicity of gene expression processes in diverse organs. In adipose tissue, miRNA’s are important regulators of cellular metabolism such as cell differentiation and lipid storage. Expression of miRNAs is altered in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes.203,204 Interestingly, the action of miRNAs is not restricted to the cells of their original expression. Adipocyte-specific targeted disruption of the miRNA-processing enzyme Dicer in mice decreased the number of circulating exosomal miRNAs. Dicer (-/-) mice manifest glucose intolerance and insulin resistance, presumably mediated via increased fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) plasma levels. There is evidence for a direct effect of circulating miRNAs derived from adipose tissue on FGF21 translation in the liver.205 In addition, a recent study showed that adipose tissue macrophages secrete miRNA-containing exosomes. Transfer of exosomes from obese to lean mice led to increased glucose intolerance and insulin resistance, and vice versa. The authors identified miRNA-155 as a potential target acting via the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma.206
Fatty Acid Esters Of Hydroxy Fatty Acids:
Recently, a novel family of lipids, the so-called fatty acid esters of hydroxy fatty acids (FAHFAs), has been identified. These branched fatty acid esters can be found in a variety of tissues with highest amounts in adipose tissues. A specific group of FAHFAs, the PAHSAs (Palmitic acid esters of hydroxy-stearic acids), have been shown to have beneficial metabolic effects. Circulating PAHSA levels are reduced in insulin resistant people, and serum levels correlate highly with insulin sensitivity. Moreover, treatment of obese mice with PAHSAs leads to improved glucose tolerance and increased insulin secretion. In adipocytes, PAHSAs signal through the omega-3 fatty acid receptor GPR120 to enhance insulin-stimulated glucose uptake.207 The production of FAHFAs in adipose tissue is tightly linked to the abundance of the insulin-responsive glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) and the ability of adipocytes to transport glucose into the cell. Increased glucose uptake activates the nuclear transcription factor carbohydrate response element binding protein (CREBP), thereby enhancing lipogenesis and the synthesis of FAHFA’s.208 In addition, PAHSAs have been demonstrated to exert anti-inflammatory effects by repressing macrophage-induced tissue inflammation.209
Adipocyte-derived factors such as adipokines and cytokines may provide direct links between obesity and the onset and progression of type 2 diabetes. Recent advancements in analytical technologies, in particular mass spectroscopy methods, may lead to further future discoveries of novel adipokines and cytokines that play roles in regulating intra-organ cross talk and metabolism.
Genetic Factors
Genetics clearly plays an important role in conferring the risk for the development of metabolic diseases. Variant genes determine the individual susceptibility towards known risk factors and may explain why only a fraction of obese individuals develop T2DM whereas the majority of diabetics are obese. In recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS’s), numerous variant genes were identified that predispose to diabetes or obesity.210,211 However, due to the relatively small contribution of the individual single nuclear polymorphisms (SNPs) to the overall disease risk, the predictive value of the gene variants is relatively small, and the pathophysiological relevance of many of these SNPs remains to be clarified. When combined, the genes identified so-far by GWAS explain only 15-20% of the heritable variance of metabolic diseases.212,213 An example of contradictory results of GWAS’s versus functional in vivo data represents the fat mass and obesity associated (FTO) gene. In different GWAS’s, SNPs located in the first intron of the FTO gene were associated with an altered body mass index,214,215 whereas Fto knockout mice develop postnatal growth retardation and exhibit a reduced body length.216 In contrast, no association of FTO was detected for height in humans.214,217 Although new in vivo data exist that reflect the human pathophysiology more precisely, the discrepancies of the GWAS’s and functional approaches remain apparent.218
Thus, even though many studies have confirmed FTO and TCF7L2 as two major genes implicated in obesity and diabetes in humans, respectively, GWAS’s have provided only limited mechanistic insights into the pathophysiology of these diseases.214,219-221 Novel approaches combining classical familial linkage analysis methods with whole-genome sequencing (WGS) are currently emerging as an important and powerful analysis method, especially since rare variants, which are not well interrogated by GWAS’s, could be responsible for a substantial proportion of complex human diseases.222,223
Perspectives: Positional Cloning to Identify Novel Genes In (and Out) of the Adipocyte
Polygenic mouse models have proven to be important tools to investigate molecular mechanisms that link obesity and T2DM. Despite novel advancements in the sequencing technology, the most successful strategy to identify and characterize new risk alleles is represented by a positional cloning approach.224,225 This approach capitalizes on a combination of breeding of multiple recombinant congenic mouse lines and of expression profiling of critical genomic regions that confer the phenotype. Using this approach, nine gene variants were identified as candidates for type 2 diabetes and/ or obesity during the last years. Sorcs1 encodes for a protein of largely unknown function that binds to a transcription factor responsible for islet vascularization.226 Lisch-like factor was described to be responsible for reducing β-cell mass and β-cell replication rates.227 Zfp69, a zinc-finger transcription factor, was described as causal gene for the diabetogenic Nidd1 quantitative trait locus (QTL) derived from the lean SJL (Swiss Jim Lambert) mouse strain and responsible for the distribution of lipids between different organs. Recently, it was shown that Zfp69 modulates hepatic insulin sensitivity in mice.93,228,229 Ifi202b, a member of the Ifi200 family of interferon inducible transcriptional modulators modulates fat accumulation through expression of adipogenic genes such as 11β-HSD1.230,231 Syntaxin-binding protein 5-like (Stxbp5l) or tomosyn-2 was identified in an F2 intercross from the BTBR T (+) tf (BTBR) Lep(ob/ob) and C57BL/6 (B6) Lep(ob/ob) mouse strains as a key negative regulator of insulin secretion.232 The same crossbreeding approach yielded Tsc2 as a gene underlying a QTL for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) on chromosome 17. It was demonstrated that Tsc2(+/-) mice exhibited an increase in lipogenic gene expression levels in the liver in an insulin-dependent manner.233 The gene encoding the bile acid transporter Slco1a6 has been presented as a candidate gene for altered transport of taurocholic acid (TCA), resulting in broad gene regulation in pancreatic islets.234 In an NZO-based crossbreeding approach, one of the components of the KATP channel in pancreatic β-cells, Abcc8, was identified as causative factor in early-phase glucose-mediated insulin secretion.235 Lastly, Tbc1d1, a Rab-GAP protein that is presumably involved in GLUT4 vesicle sorting in skeletal muscle was identified as causal variant for the Nob1 obesity QTL derived from a crossbreeding of lean SJL with obese NZO (New Zealand obese) mice.91,236,237 Interestingly, both QTL, Nidd1 and Nob1 exhibit strong epistatic interaction as well as interaction with dietary fat in an outcross model of NZO and lean SJL mice.91,93,238 and both Zfp69 and Tbc1d1 genes are directly responsible for fat storage and fatty acid oxidation, respectively. This underscores the importance of altered lipid partitioning as a common denominator in the pathogenesis of obesity-driven diabetes.
All nine positionally cloned genes were located within consensus QTL regions, i.e. loci that have been linked to diabetes-related traits in multiple crossbreeding experiments. In fact, our meta-analyses of 77 published genome-wide linkage scans with hundreds of QTL strongly indicated the presence of consensus regions for metabolic traits in the mouse genome, and these hotspots could provide guidance for identifying novel gene variants involved in the development of the disease.239,240 Nevertheless, generation and refinement of novel polygenic mouse models is important since complex genetics seems to contribute significantly to the pathogenesis of the human disease 241 Moreover, diverse genetic tools such as the generation of Chromosome Substitution Strains (CSSs) and combination of classical breeding approaches with high-throughput genotyping, sequencing and genetic engineering technologies, and information repositories highlight the power of the mouse for genetic, functional, and systems studies of complex traits and disease models.242
Although immune system, ectopic fat, and macro/micronutrients all contribute in part to the susceptibility for diabetes in the obese state, most of the underlying molecular mechanisms are still poorly understood. The identification of susceptibility genes mediating the progression of type 2 diabetes is crucial to prevent the massive epidemics of the disease. Future research will be focused not only on gene-gene interactions but also on the interplay of genetic and environmental risk factors.
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Contraception is important for the prevention of unintended pregnancies worldwide. Many contraceptives also have other medical benefits, such as decreasing endometrial and ovarian cancer risk or regulating the pain and bleeding of menstruation. It is essential for all physicians to have a basic knowledge of contraceptives, given that 99% of women in the United States will use contraception at some point in their reproductive lives. This chapter provides an overview of the various hormonal and non-hormonal methods. There is an emphasis placed on efficacy, pharmacology and the mechanism of action for each category of contraceptives. Progestin-only methods include the implant, intrauterine devices (IUDs), injectables and pills. Combined estrogen-progestin methods include pills, patch and vaginal ring. Non-hormonal methods include the copper IUD and barrier methods such as condoms or diaphragms. Non-contraceptive benefits and contraindications for each particular method are also described. Finally, some future developments are discussed. For complete coverage of this and all related areas of Endocrinology, please visit our FREE on-line web-textbook,
The global population is at an all-time high at over 7 billion people. A large percentage of this population growth is in less developed countries where access to reproductive health care is limited. However, even in industrialized countries, unintended pregnancies do occur. The rate of unintended pregnancies in the United States is higher than much of the industrialized world and approaches 50%.[i] About 12% of these unintended pregnancies in the U.S. occur in teenagers and 75% occur in women who are poor or low income.[ii] While 2% of U.S. women have an induced abortion every year,[iii] about half of the unplanned pregnancies are carried to term.[iv] The rates of unwanted pregnancy in the United States are at least four times higher than in some countries in Europe and Japan.[v] These differences do not appear to be explained solely by exposure to the risk of pregnancy because other countries such as the Netherlands and Sweden have teenagers who engage in sexual activity earlier than most teenagers in the United States.[vi] The cost of contraception to the consumer and lack of insurance coverage for contraception had been identified as contributors to the high unintended pregnancy rate in the U.S. prior to passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).3 The ACA contraceptive mandate then required most insurers to cover contraception without cost-sharing beginning in August 2011.[vii] However, not all women have insurance and the politics of contraceptive coverage are ever shifting. Even without cost sharing, women continue to choose less effective methods and/or use methods incorrectly and inconsistently. While the varied reasons for inconsistent contraceptive use have yet to be fully elucidated, the rate of unintended pregnancies is declining as uptake of contraception, and long-acting reversible contraception (LARC), in particular, increases.1
There is an ever increasing variety of contraceptives available to couples. Each method has its own distinct advantages and disadvantages. The ideal contraceptive would be effective, reversible, easy to use, not coitally dependent, safe, free of side effects, and inexpensive. Because one objectively perfect method does not yet exist, the choice of a family planning method should be individualized to each couple and may change during a woman's reproductive life. Currently, methods may be non-hormonal, progesterone-containing, or estrogen- and progesterone-containing. There have been, and there will continue to be, great strides to modify and optimize these methods. This chapter will serve as a review of contraceptive options with focus on the efficacy, mechanism of action, and non-contraceptive effects.
There are inherent risks in our methodology for defining the efficacy of a contraceptive method. If 100 women used a contraceptive method for a year and five became pregnant, we cannot say that the method was 95% effective. We do not know who would have become pregnant without using family planning. Thus, we rely on a failure rate to describe the effectiveness of a method. However, all failure rates are not calculated equally and have different implications.
Most estimates of a contraceptive's efficacy refer to the first year of its use. Overall, the longer a woman uses a contraceptive method, the less likely it is to fail. Thus, the failure rate in the second year is lower than the first and the failure rate in the fifth year is lower than in that of the second. There are two commonly used failure rates to compare contraceptive methods: typical use and perfect use. 'Perfect use' is a measure of efficacy if the method is used perfectly, consistently, and according to specific guidelines. It represents the efficacy of the method in the laboratory setting (method failure rate). 'Typical use' estimates the probability of pregnancy during the first year of using the method in “the real world” setting. This measure of effectiveness takes into account occasional non-use of the method, incorrect use of the method, as well as pure failure of the method. Generally speaking, methods that are coitally dependent, such as condoms and diaphragms, have a larger disparity between typical use and perfect use. The failure rate for perfect use for oral contraceptive pills is approximately 0.3%, but the typical failure rate is about 9%.[ix] Given that it is impossible to predict if women will use a method perfectly, it is appropriate to quote typical-use failure rates in clinical counseling (Table 1). Methods that are long acting and require one visit to a clinician such as an IUD or an implant have very little disparity between perfect use and typical use, and thus are the most effective methods of contraception.
Method | Typical Use | Perfect Use |
Implant | 0.05 | 0.05 |
Male sterilization | 0.15 | 0.1 |
LNG IUD (52mg) | 0.2 | 0.2 |
LNG IUD (19.5mg) | 0.2 | 0.2 |
LNG IUD (13.5mg) | 0.4 | 0.4 |
Female sterilization | 0.5 | 0.5 |
Copper IUD | 0.8 | 0.6 |
Depo Provera | 6 | 0.2 |
Pill | 9 | 0.3 |
Patch | 9 | 0.3 |
Ring | 9 | 0.3 |
Diaphragm | 12 | 6 |
Male condom | 18 | 2 |
Female condom | 21 | 5 |
Withdrawal | 22 | 4 |
Fertility awareness | 24 | 0.4-5 |
No method | 85 | 85 |
Table 1: Typical use and perfect use one-year failure rates for contraceptive methods9,[x],[xi]
The major portion of the contraceptive effect in systemic hormonal methods is due to the progestin compound. Progestins confer most of the contraceptive benefit by suppressing LH and ovulation. Progestins in oral contraceptives are derived from 19 nor-testosterone and include norethindrone, norethindrone acetate, ethynodiol diacetate, norgestrel, levonorgestrel, norethynodrel, desogestrel, norgestimate, and gestodene.
Progestins should be categorized according to their active structure and their parent compound. There are three molecularly distinct types of progestins: estranes, gonanes, and pregnanes. Estranes include norethindrone, norethindrone acetate, ethynodiol diacetate, and lynestrenol. Gonanes include desogestrel, norgestimate, and gestodene. Gonanes and estranes differ in their half-life and with respect to their estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects. Pregnanes are used in injectable methods. Drospirenone is a spironolactone analog with anti-mineralocorticoid and anti-androgenic activity.[xii]
Progestin-only methods have many documented mechanisms of action, including inhibition of ovulation, thickened and decreased cervical mucus, suppression of mid-cycle peaks of LH and FSH, inhibition of progesterone receptor synthesis, reduction in the number and size of endometrial glands, reduction in ciliary activity within the fallopian tube, and premature luteolysis (decreased functioning of the corpus luteum).[xiii],[xiv],[xv],[xvi] Progestins at high concentrations likely suppress the initiation of folliculogenesis at the level of the hypothalamus. At slightly lower concentrations folliculogenesis can be initiated but the progestin prevents the LH surge at the level of the pituitary and therefore prevents ovulation. At even lower concentrations, progestins alter cervical mucus, tubal motility and/or the endometrium.[xvii]
Estrogens primarily serve to regulate bleeding, but also inhibit FSH and prevent formation of the dominant follicle.[xviii] In contrast to the long list of progestin formulations, only a few estrogenic compounds are used in hormonal contraceptives: ethinyl estradiol (EE), mestranol, and estradiol valerate. Other estrogens, particularly estetrol, are being tested clinically in contraceptive preparations. EE is pharmacologically active whereas mestranol must be converted into EE before it becomes active. Most contraceptives currently on the market contain 35 micrograms of estrogen or less. Ethinyl estradiol is absorbed rapidly and undergoes extensive hepatic first pass metabolism. Its plasma half-life has been reported to be in the range of 10-27 hours. Its half-life in tissue, such as endometrium, appears to be longer.
While there is a great increase in the number of hormonal contraceptive options, most of these methods are a "variation on a theme.” The mechanism of action of hormonal contraception is primarily through the suppression of ovulation, but progestational effects include:[xix]
- Inhibition of ovulation by suppressing luteinizing hormone (LH);
- Thickening of cervical mucus, thus hampering the transport of sperm;
- Possible inhibition of sperm capacitation;
- Hampered implantation by the production of decidualized endometrium with exhausted and atrophic glands.
Estrogenic effects include:[xx]
- Partial inhibition of ovulation in part by the suppression of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), depending on dose;
- Alteration of secretions and cellular structures of the endometrium within the uterus.
Current progestin-only methods include an etonogestrel (ENG) subdermal implant, intrauterine devices, depot medroxyprogesterone acetate, and progestin-only pills.
Advantages: Progestin-only methods do not have an estrogen component, thereby decreasing the complications attributable to estrogen (such as, cardiovascular disease, venous thromboembolism, and thrombophlebitis). Specific non-contraceptive benefits of these methods include scanty or no menses, decreased menstrual cramps and pain, suppression of pain associated with ovulation, decrease in endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, and pelvic inflammatory disease, and potential improvement of the pain associated with endometriosis. All progestin-only contraceptive methods are reversible. Non-oral administration of progestin provides long term, effective contraception, decreases the risk of ectopic pregnancy, and is not coitally dependent. Specific indications for these methods may include women who are breastfeeding, women who are at greater risk for thromboembolic events, and all women who cannot take estrogen.
Disadvantages: These methods do not protect against sexually transmitted disease and HIV, and can alter the menstrual cycle (including breakthrough bleeding with an increased number of days of light bleeding, and potential amenorrhea).
The contraindications to progestin-only contraceptives are listed in Table 2. The only absolute contraindications are pregnancy, unexplained abnormal vaginal bleeding suspicious for a serious underlying condition, and breast cancer. Active liver disease has been deleted from the list of contraindications to DMPA. In general, one should exercise care when using this method in women with acute, severe liver disease or liver tumors.
Table 2. Contraindications to Progestin-only Hormonal Contraceptives
Progestin-only contraception should not be used for women with the following conditions:
• Known or suspected pregnancy • Unexplained vaginal bleeding • Breast cancer
Progestin-only IUDs should not be initiated in the following conditions: • Suspected uterine infection • Cervical cancer
Caution should be used when prescribing progestin only pills in the following conditions: • Concurrent medication that cause progestins to be metabolized more rapidly: • anti-seizure medications: phenytoin, carbamazepine, primidone, phenylbutazone, felbamate, ozcarbazine and lamotrigine (lamotrigine levels decreased by progestins) • antibiotics: rifampin/rifampicin • ritonavir- boosted protease inhibitors • Women who have undergone bariatric surgery may have difficulty with absorption.
*There is no evidence that progestin-only methods increase the risk of cardiovascular events in a fashion similar to the combined oral contraceptive pill. Even though there is no evidence that progestin-only contraceptives cause cardiovascular events, the product labeling might still list active cardiovascular disease (or history of disease) as a contraindication.
There is one progestin-only implant available in the United States. It is a single rod that contains 68mg of etonogestrel (ENG). It is placed subdermally, usually in the upper extremity, in the office with local anesthesia. It is FDA approved for up to 3 years. Small studies indicate continued efficacy for 4 or even 5 years, but insufficient numbers of obese BMI women have been included to make definitive recommendations in that cohort.[xxi],[xxii] Larger studies are needed to routinely recommend extended use.
Efficacy: The typical failure rate of the ENG implant is reported to be about 1 in 1000. However, there are compiled data that demonstrate a Pearl Index of 0.00 (1716 women with 4103 women years of implant use and no pregnancies.[xxiii],[xxiv] There does appear to be a decrease in efficacy when combined with drugs that increase hepatic metabolism (Table 2).. Because of these possible interactions, the WHO classifies the implant in women taking these medications as category 2 (benefits likely outweigh the risks).
Side effects: The most common side effect and most reported reason for removal of the implant is an irregular or unpredictable bleeding pattern24,[xxv]. Approximately ¼ of women reported prolonged or frequent bleeding. Fortunately, most women state that menstrual flow overall decreases with each successive year of implant use and the most common patterns were infrequent bleeding and amenorrhea.[xxvi] There appears to be a slightly increased incidence of clinically insignificant ovarian cysts in users of the implant. Unlike the concerns with depot medroxyprogesterone and bone mineral density (BMD), limited data suggest that the ENG implant does not have any effect on BMD.[xxvii] Weight gain, however, has not been well studied. Some trials report an increase of BMI by less than 1%, and perhaps as many as 12% of women will report an increase in weight. When looking at reasons why women have the implant removed, only 3-7% state it was because of weight gain. Therefore, it appears that weight gain is clinically insignificant25,[xxviii],[xxix].
Risks: The risks and contraindications are the same as those for other progestin-only methods.
Non contraceptive benefits: The ENG implant likely improves dysmenorrhea. To date there is no randomized control trial comparing the implant to other acceptable treatments of dysmenorrhea. However, An observational study26 of 315 women showed that of the 187 women who reported dysmenorrhea at baseline, 151 (81%) had improvement of their dysmenorrhea and 26 (14%) reported no change.
Although intrauterine devices (IUDs) are the most widely used form of reversible contraception worldwide, they are an underutilized contraceptive method in the United States.[xxx] IUDs and implants are the most effective methods of reversible contraception (20 times as effective as the hormonal methods of the pill, patch and ring), and have high user acceptability, with few medical contraindications.[xxxi]
Mechanism of action: There are five IUDs currently available in the U.S.: a copper IUD (Paragard®) and four progestin-impregnated intrauterine systems (IUS): Liletta®, Mirena®, Kyleena®, and Skyla®. Both medicated and non-medicated intrauterine devices (IUDs) have multiple mechanisms of action that provide for contraceptive protection. Both medicated and non-medicated IUDs can alter the uterine lining so that it becomes unfavorable for implantation. Release of copper ions also alters fluid in the uterine cavity in a manner that impairs the viability of sperm, thereby inhibiting fertilization. This mechanism may be responsible for the high efficacy of copper IUDs as emergency contraception.
IUDs can also alter both sperm motility and integrity.30,[xxxii],[xxxiii],[xxxiv] Medicated, or hormonal IUDs, can interfere with sperm motility by thickening cervical mucus. Sperm head-tail disruption has been reported in the presence of a copper IUD.30 IUDs, whether hormonal or non-hormonal, do not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases. However, it is important to recognize that IUDs are not associated with PID,[xxxv],[xxxvi] and that the historical associations that both physicians and the lay public maintain between IUDs and PID/tubal infertility are false.
Timing of IUD insertion: The IUD can be inserted at any point in the cycle as long as the provider is reasonably certain the patient is not pregnant. An IUD can be inserted immediately postpartum, post abortion, or as an 'interval' insertion. Interval Insertion: An 'interval' insertion is defined as insertion in women who are neither postpartum nor post abortion, or an insertion in women 6 weeks after delivery.[xxxvii] Traditionally, physicians were taught that the best time for IUD insertion was either during menses or immediately after menstruation. Limiting insertion to these time points, however, created a barrier to their use. Data now suggest that IUD insertion between cycle days 12 to 17 results in greater IUD continuation rates. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reviewed data from more than 9,000 copper T-200 IUD insertions and found that IUDs placed after cycle day 11 resulted in fewer IUD removals during the first 2 months of IUD use. Insertions after day 17 resulted in more frequent IUD removal due to pain, bleeding, or accidental pregnancy.[xxxviii]
Progestin-only IUD: The 52mg LNG IUS (Mirena, Liletta) initially releases 20 mcg of levonorgestrel per day from a polymer cylinder mounted on a T-shaped frame (32mm x 32mm) containing 52 mg levonorgestrel; it is covered by a release rate-controlling membrane. Mirena is FDA approved for 5 years of use; Liletta is FDA approved for 4 years of use. However, large studies support continued efficacy for 7 years of use with either brand.[xxxix] The failure rate is low: 0.16 per 100 woman years of use. Its mechanisms of action include production of an atrophic and inactive endometrium, disturbed ovulation, and thickening of the cervical mucus. Ovulation may be inhibited in about 20% of women, but this is not the main mechanism of action. The mean number of bleeding and spotting days is initially increased but both the volume of menstrual flow and the number of days of bleeding are reduced over time.[xl] During the first year of use, about 16% of women will be become amenorrheic and average menstrual bleeding days decrease to 2 per month by 12 months of use.40 A recent meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials reveal that LNG-20 IUS users were significantly more likely than all other IUD users to discontinue its use because of hormonal side effects and amenorrhea,[xli] so appropriate counseling is an important component of success. Initial irregular spotting or bleeding, and hormonal side effects like acne and ovarian cysts may occur in some users. In part because there is no user-dependence, the LNG-20 IUS offers much improved effectiveness over other hormonal methods.41,31
The 19.5mg LNG IUS (Kyleena) initially releases 17.5mcg of levonorgestrel per day during the first year from a 19.5mg reservoir mounted on a smaller T-shaped frame (28 x 30mm). Consequently, it has a more narrow insertion tube. 88% women in the first year and 100% of women in the third year of use will continue to ovulate.[xlii] Although decreased over time, average number of bleeding/spotting days is higher than with the 52mg IUS.11 Kyleena is FDA approved for 5 years and there are no studies of extended use.
The 13.5mg LNG IUS (Skyla) has the same sized T frame and inserter as the 19.5mg IUS, but contains 13.5 mg of levonorgestrel, and initially releases 14mcg levonorgestrel per day, declining to 5mcg/day after 3 years. Less than 4% of women will have ovulation inhibition, and 6% of women have amenorrhea after 1 year. It is FDA approved for 3 years and there are no studies of extended use.[xliii]
Specific populations: One population of interest is nulliparous women. The failure rate of IUDs is low and similar for both parous and nulliparous women. Acceptability, using the surrogate marker of continuation rate, shows a 90% retention rate in nulliparous women at one year. As with efficacy, expulsion rates between parous and nulliparous appear to be the same, likely between 1-5% for all comers. The risk of infection does not seem to vary between the parous and nulliparous women.[xliv] The 19.5mg and 13.5mg IUSs are marketed toward nulliparous women, but it is unknown as to whether its structural differences confer any specific benefits over the 52mg IUS in this population.
Non-contraceptive uses of 52mg LNG IUS: Multiple descriptive studies and clinical trials have been performed on the non-contraceptive benefits:[xlv],[xlvi],[xlvii],[xlviii],[xlix],[l],[li]
- Treatment of menorrhagia in women with uterine fibroids and adenomyosis
- Treatment of pain in women with endometriosis
- Alternative to hysterectomy for women with menorrhagia
- Prevention of endometrial hyperplasia in menopausal women using estrogen therapy
- Prevention of endometrial proliferation and polyps in breast cancer survivors taking tamoxifen
One such study evaluated the efficacy and performance of the LNG-IUS in 44 women with menorrhagia after medical therapy had failed.51 At 12 months, 79.5% of participants continued use of the LNG-IUS. After LNG-IUS insertion, the most common bleeding pattern at 3 months was spotting followed predominantly by amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea at 6, 9, and 12 months. Hemoglobin levels significantly increased from 10.2 g/L before insertion to 12.8 g/L at 12 months (p<0.01).
The LNG-IUS is an effective treatment for menorrhagia. It is becoming increasingly evident that the LNG-IUS is also effective in the treatment of menorrhagia due to fibroids. All studies in a systematic review showed an increase in hemoglobin. Early observational data shows that the LNG-IUS does not appear to decrease the size of the fibroids. Expulsion rates also varied in these studies from 0-20%, which probably reflects the great variety of cavity size and shape among women with fibroids.[lii],[liii]
Another prospective study observed that the 20mcg LNG-IUS provided more effective treatment for endometrial hyperplasia than oral progestin.[liv]
Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA; Depo-Provera®) is delivered by a deep intramuscular injection of 150 mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) every 12 weeks.[lv] Pharmacologically active levels (>0.5mg/ml) of MPA are achieved within 24 hours of injection. Serum levels remain >1.0 ng/ml for approximately three months after administration. By the fifth month, levels drop to 0.2mg/ml.[lvi] There is also a subcutaneous preparation of Depo-Provera, which administers 104 mg of MPA. DMPA's main mechanism of action is inhibition of ovulation.
Non-contraceptive benefits of DMPA[lvii]
Decreased risk of:
- Endometrial cancer
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Pelvic Inflammatory diseases
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Uterine Leiomyomata
Improvements of the following conditions:
- Menorrhagia/Dysmenorrhea
- Premenstrual syndrome symptoms
- Pain in women with endometriosis
- Seizures refractory to conventional anti-convulsants
- Hemoglobinopathy
- Endometrial hyperplasia
- Vasomotor symptoms in menopausal women
- Pelvic pain/dyspareunia in ovarian origin post hysterectomy
- Metastatic breast cancer
- Metastatic endometrial cancer
Efficacy: With ideal use, the failure rate is 0.3 per 100 woman-years which is similar to rates found with surgical sterilization.[lviii] Variations in body weight and concurrent medications have not been shown to alter efficacy.[lix] The typical-use failure rate is 6/100 women-years.
Side Effects: The most commonly cited side effects of DMPA are changes in menstrual patterns, weight, and mood. After 3 months of use, almost one-half of DMPA users report amenorrhea with the majority of the remaining women complaining of irregular bleeding.[lx] By the end of one year, nearly 75% of users will experience amenorrhea.[lxi] Short courses of high-dose estrogen do little to reduce bleeding among DMPA users.[lxii] In addition, early re-administration of DMPA (at 8-10 weeks instead of 12 weeks) does not reduce bleeding.[lxiii] Although many users of DMPA report weight gain, recent controlled studies show that its long-term use does not cause a significant increase in body weight.[lxiv] Product labeling for DMPA includes depression as a possible side effect. Two well-designed studies addressed the issue of depression and DMPA use. Patients followed up to one year after DMPA initiation showed no worsening of depressive symptoms compared to those who did not use Depo-Provera.[lxv],[lxvi] In clinical trial settings, DMPA does not cause statistically significant weight gain.[lxvii],[lxviii] However, African American women, Navajo Native Americans, and women with high baseline body mass index may be predisposed to weight gain with the use of this method.[lxix] Studies have shown that neither DMPA nor progestin-only injectable is associated with increased risk of breast cancer.[lxx]
Risks: A recent review showed that levels of triglyceride and total cholesterol do not change with DMPA use.69 Seven of the ten studies that measured serum lipid levels revealed a decrease in high density lipoprotein (HDL) while three out of five studies showed an increase in mean low density lipoprotein (LDL) levels. The clinical significance of these findings remains to be determined. In contrast to combination OCs, Depo-Provera is not associated with increases in coagulation-related factors or in blood pressure.[lxxi] Recent studies provide reassuring evidence that decreases in bone mineral density in current and recent Depo-Provera users are reversible and appear to be similar to changes seen in lactation.[lxxii]
Bone loss: On November 17, 2004, the FDA placed a black box in DMPA package labeling regarding the long-term use of DMPA and bone loss. Anecdotally, this warning had an immediate impact on decreased prescription of DMPA.[lxxiii] Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate use has not been linked to menopausal osteoporosis or fractures. A cross-sectional study from the WHO demonstrated that even after four years of use, BMD in former adult DMPA users is similar to that of never users.72 The 2002 cohort study of BMD in adult women performed by Scholes et al.[lxxiv] demonstrated that at 3 years of follow-up, BMD of former DMPA users was comparable to that of never users of injectable contraception. While the FDA warning also specifically heightened concerns about teens and bone loss in the setting of DMPA, a 2005 report from Scholes et al.[lxxv] showed that use of DMPA in this population does not put patients at risk for osteoporosis later in life. This cohort study followed 170 adolescents (including 80 who used DMPA at baseline) and found that recovery of BMD was complete within 12 months following DMPA discontinuation. BMD was ultimately observed to be higher in the former than in the never users of DMPA. Duration of DMPA use was not observed to impact speed of BMD recovery following DMPA discontinuation. A Cochrane review indicated that there may be a small increased risk of fracture in women with increased duration of use.[lxxvi]
Progestin-only pills, also called the 'minipill' have a dose of progestin that is very close to the threshold of contraceptive efficacy; therefore, these pills must be taken continuously at the same time each day and without a pill-free interval. Less than one percent of oral contraceptive prescriptions in the United States are for the progestin-only oral contraceptive.[lxxvii] This form of contraception is traditionally most often used in women who are breastfeeding or in women who have contraindications to estrogen. However, most women are candidates for this method. Only one progestin-only formulation is available in the United States with 0.35mg of norethindrone per pill. It is important to note that ovulation is not always inhibited with the use of progestin-only pills. Approximately half of cycles have suppressed ovulation and thus contraceptive efficacy is dependent on the other progestin related mechanisms listed previously.77
Efficacy: The typical failure rate of progestin-only pills is similar to that with combined oral contraceptives,[lxxviii] despite the fact that efficacy is only for 27 hours and requires consistent administration. Serum levels of progestin peak 2 hours after administration and return to near baseline levels within 24 hours.77 Variation of only a few hours in administration can be the difference in the progestin-only pill providing its contraceptive protection. Women should be prepared to use a back-up method if they are three hours late in taking the pill, if one pill is missed or if there is a delay in its administration. Furthermore there are data to suggest that the efficacy of progestin-only pills in the setting of rifampin, certain anticonvulsants (excluding lamotrigine) and ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitors is decreased. The WHO subsequently categorizes progestin-only pills in these settings as risks may outweigh benefits.
Side Effects: The main side effect associated with progestin-only pills is menstrual cycle irregularity. Spotting or breakthrough bleeding, amenorrhea, and shortened length of menstrual cycles are the most common irregularities experienced. A randomized, double-blind study by the WHO showed that an average of 53% of users had frequent bleeding, 22% had prolonged bleeding, 13% had irregular bleeding, and 6% had amenorrhea within 3 months of initiation.[lxxix] Menstrual irregularity is a common reason for method discontinuation. Other less common side effects include nausea, dizziness, headache, and breast tenderness.
Risks: In general, any contraceptive method protects against ectopic pregnancy. However, if progestin-only pill users get pregnant, on average 6-10% of the pregnancies will be ectopic, higher than the rate seen in women not using any method of contraception (2%).77 The overall risk, however, remains lower than the general population because so few women actually become pregnant (7%) while using this method of contraception.
A recent WHO case-control study of cardiovascular disease and progestin-only pill use found no significant increase in the risk of acute myocardial infarction (RR=1.0, 95%CI, 0.2-6.0), stroke (RR=1.1, 95%CI, 0.6-1.9), or venous thromboembolism (RR=1.8, 95%CI, 0.8-4.2) (34). Thus far, progestin-only pills appear to have little or no effect on lipid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, hypertension, and coagulation factors.77
The bioavailability of progesterone is poor, so progestins derived from androgens are used instead. There are many active progestins in addition to norethindrone. They are classified into generations as shown in Table 3.18,19
Generation | Progestins | Notes |
First | norethynodrel, norethindrone, norethindrone acetate, and ethynodiol diacetate | Low potency, well tolerated, more breakthrough bleeding with low doses of estrogen |
Second | Levonorgestrel, norgestrel, norgestimate | Higher potency, less breakthrough bleeding, more androgenic side effects |
Third | desogestrel, norgestimate, gestodene | Decreased androgenic side effects |
Fourth | drospirinone | Anti-androgenic and anti-mineralocorticoid effects |
While manipulation of the timing of the pill-free-interval has been practiced by gynecologists for decades, there are now marketed ways to decrease the number of withdrawal bleeds experienced on the standard pill pack, which contains 21 active pills and 7 placebo pills (“21/7”). There are “24/4” regimens with only 4 days per month of placebo pills. Pills such as 'Seasonale' are packaged such that women take the pill for 84 consecutive days, and then stop for a week before inducing a withdrawal bleed. This method allows women to bleed only once every three months. This regimen is especially useful for women who suffer from endometriosis, heavy periods or severe PMS or menstrual cramps. Clinical trials have highlighted breakthrough bleed as an adverse effect of these extended formulations. However, many women favor the decreased number of bleeding days experienced with these newer regimens. Furthermore, there is evidence of greater ovarian suppression with potential for lower failure rates with these regimens.
Non-contraceptive Benefits of Combined Oral Contraceptives
Today there is a range of non-oral, non-daily hormonal contraceptive available, and the face of contraceptive management has changed. However, oral contraceptives have been widely used for decades, and they represent the most extensively studied drug on the market. Research regarding oral contraceptives focused on possible health risks. Many of the concerns of these health risks have been allayed. There is a large body of evidence demonstrating non-contraceptive health benefits of oral contraception. Table 3 is a list of potential non-contraceptive benefits. Specific clinical situations are described below.
Table 3. Advantages of oral contraceptives20
· Reduction of ovarian and endometrial cancer risk · Decreased benign breast disease · Reversibility and quick return to fertility · Favorable bone mineral density profile · Reduced risk of benign ovarian tumors and ovarian cysts · Reduced risk of colorectal cancer · Reduced dysfunctional uterine bleeding · Decrease in menstrual flow and menorrhagia · Decrease in primary dysmenorrhea · Decreased risk of iron deficiency anemia · Improvement in hirsutism and acne · Decreased perimenopausal vasomotor symptoms · Decreased risk of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)/premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
Reduction in ovarian cancer risk: Reduction in ovarian cancer risk increases with greater oral contraceptive use although protection is provided after as little as 3 to 6 months.[lxxxi] Compared to non-users, women who have used oral contraceptives for four years or fewer have a 30% decreased risk of ovarian cancer. If they used combined OC's for 5-11 years, they have a 50% reduction of risk; if they used combined OC's for more than 12 years, there is an 80% reduction in risk. This protective effect persists for at least 15 years after OC discontinuation.[lxxxii],[lxxxiii] These data hold true for women at genetically increased risk of breast cancer. The Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO) recommends OC use for women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 in the absence of contraindications. Given the devastating effects of this disease and our lack of success with screening and early diagnosis, the chemo-prophylactic effects of oral contraceptives should be emphasized.
Prevention of Endometrial Cancer: There is a 50% reduction in endometrial cancer risk in OC users compared with never users.[lxxxiv] Reduced risk depends on duration of OC use. The risk is reduced by 20% with 1 year of use, 40% with 2 years of use, and 60% with 4 or more years of use.[lxxxv] The actual duration of protection after discontinuation is unknown but is estimated to be at least 15 years.[lxxxvi]
Benign Breast Disease: OC use significantly reduces fibrocystic breast change and fibroadenoma development.[lxxxvii],[lxxxviii],[lxxxix] The Oxford Family Planning Association Study found a decreased risk of benign breast disease with increasing duration of use; current users, however, were at lowest risk.[xc] Fibrocystic change is significantly decreased after 1 to 2 years of use,[xci] and lasts up to 1 year after OC discontinuation.90
Bone Mineral Density: Studies of both premenopausal and postmenopausal women seem to favor bone-sparing effects of OC's. A past history of OC use provided protection against low bone mineral density in a cross-sectional, retrospective study (OR=0.4, 95%CI, 0.2-0.5).[xcii] The same study observed increasing protection with increasing duration of use. Few studies have shown a protective effect against fracture risk-a case-control study showed that use of any OC in women after the age of 40 years provided significant protection against hip fractures during their menopause (OR=0.7;95%CI, 0.5-0.9).[xciii] Many studies, however, have not found a favorable association between OC's and bone mass.[xciv],[xcv] No study thus far has found a detrimental effect of OC's on bone mineral density.[xcvi]
Functional Ovarian Cysts: In general, studies of current monophasic or triphasic OC formulations demonstrate that OCs do not have a significant effect on the development of functional ovarian cysts.[xcvii],[xcviii]
Colorectal Cancer: A meta-analysis of pooled relative risks of colorectal cancer for ever-use of OCs from case-control studies was 0.81 (95%CI, 0.69-0.94) and from four cohort studies was 0.84 (95%CI, 0.72-0.97).[xcix] Women using high-dose OCs (with 50mcg estrogen) for greater than 96 months had a relative risk of 0.6 (95%CI, 0.4-0.9).[c] It is unclear if the results from this study apply to women using lower-dose oral contraceptives.
Relief from menstrual disorders: A randomized clinical trial of patients with dysfunctional uterine bleeding showed an 81-87% improvement in bleeding within 3 months compared to a 36-45% improvement seen in placebo treated patients.[ci] The likelihood of iron-deficiency anemia appears to be decreased in both current and past combination OC users. Anecdotal reports of treating primary dysmenorrhea with OCs document their effectiveness.[cii]
Reduction of acne: Two randomized, placebo-controlled trials showed that nearly 50% of women treated with a triphasic OCs containing norgestimate had an improvement in acne compared to 30% of women on placebo.[ciii],[civ] Ortho Tri Cyclen and Estrostep are approved by the FDA for the treatment of acne. Another pill that contains ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone is also effective in treating this condition, and may lead to overall improvement in facial acne.[cv] Other OCs too are being evaluated for similar use.[cvi],[cvii] All combination OCs likely reduce acne via an increase in sex hormone binding protein and a subsequent decrease in serum testosterone.
Reduced risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes: In 2004, a study on the WHI database revealed that use of OCs is associated with better cardiovascular outcomes, including any cardiovascular disease, hypercholesterolemia, angina, myocardial infarction, transient ischemic attack, peripheral vascular disease, and need for cardiac catheterization. The data showed that increasing age, elevated body mass index and smoking greatly increased the risks, even in OC users.[cviii],[cix]
Many prescribing patterns of oral contraceptive and other hormonal contraceptive methods are based on perception rather than evidence-based medicine. Evidence-based medicine relies on the integration of clinical expertise with the best evidence from systematic review of research. As clinicians, we can use this methodology to refute misconceptions about oral contraceptives and promote many non-contraceptive benefits.[cx] However, there are some important contraindications to the use of estrogen-containing hormonal contraceptives (Table 4).
Table 4. Contraindications for the use of combined oral contraception
Estrogen-containing contraception should not be used for women with the following conditions:[cxi]
• Known presence or history of deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism; • History of cerebral vascular accident, coronary artery or ischemic heart disease; • Diabetes with microvascular complications (neuropathy, retinopathy), duration greater than 20 years or older than 35 years; • Personal history of estrogen-dependent cancer including current or history of breast cancer; • Current pregnancy; • Migraines with aura, focal neurological symptoms, vascular risk factors, vascular disease, or age greater than 35 years; • Smoker, age greater than 35 years; • Hypertension • Liver disease (benign hepatic adenoma, liver cancer, active viral hepatitis, or severe cirrhosis); • Major surgery with prolonged immobilization or any surgery of the legs;
Oral Contraceptive Use and The Risk of Thromboembolism
The link between estrogen use and venous thromboembolism was identified more than 20 years ago.[cxii] Since then, there has been extensive literature that describes and attempts to elucidate this risk. A summary of these data show relative risks of venous thromboembolism ranging from 2.1 - 4.4.[cxiii] It has been a demonstrated that risk increases as estrogen dose increases. Despite these risks, it is still safer for a woman to use oral contraceptives than to become pregnant. The attributable risk, or number of new cases of venous thromboembolism attributable to estrogen, is on the order of about 6 per 100,000 women years.113 This is in contrast to the risk of venous thromboembolism in pregnancy - it is estimated that there are approximately 20 cases per 100,000 pregnant women years. Table 5 provides a summary of relative risk for VTE in different populations of women.
Table 5. Relative Risk of Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)
Relative Risk (New cases per 100,000 women/year)
General Population
1 (4-5)
Pregnant Women
20 (48-60)
High-dose (>50μg EE) OCs
6-10 (24-50)
Low-dose (<50μg EE) OCs
3-4 (12-20)
Factor V Leiden carrier
6-8 (24-40)
Factor V Leiden Homozygote
80 (320-400)
Factor V Leiden carrier + OCs
30 (120-150)
Prothrombin G20210A carrier
3-4 (12-20)
Prothrombin G20210A mutation + OCs
7 (28-35)
Protein C or S deficiency
6-8 (24-40)
Protein C or S deficiency + OCs
6-8 (24-40)
Oral Contraceptive Use and Risk of Breast Cancer:
The relationship between OC use and breast cancer remains controversial. Two studies provide evidence that OC use is not associated with an increase in breast cancer incidence. The first study was conducted by the Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Disease. This group reanalyzed approximately 90% of the epidemiologic data available worldwide concerning oral contraceptive use and breast cancer risk.[cxiv],[cxv] The findings included a slight increase in the relative risk of localized breast cancer associated with current oral contraceptive use (relative risk 1.24, 95% CI 1.15-1.33) or oral contraceptive use within 1-4 years (relative risk 1.16, 95% CI 1.08-1.23) compared to never use. The study also demonstrated that breast cancers diagnosed in OC users were significantly less advanced than those in never users (relative risk 0.88 for spread of disease beyond the breast). They also noted there was no change in the effect of OC use associated with breast cancer by family history. Importantly, they demonstrated no overall effect of OC use that was associated with breast cancer by duration of use, dose, formulation, age at use, or age at breast cancer diagnosis. Oral contraceptive users and non-users older than 50 years have the same cumulative risk of diagnosis of breast cancer. Oral contraceptive use may accelerate the diagnosis of breast cancer but does not affect the overall risk.115
The second study involved over 8000 women, half of which had the diagnosis of breast cancer.[cxvi] Overall, 77% of cases and 79% of controls had ever used OCs. Ever users and current users of OCs were found not to have an increased risk of breast cancer compared to women who had never used OCs (OR 0.9, 95%CI 0.8-1.0 and 1.0, 95% CI, 0.8-1.0, respectively). The relative risk did not increase with increasing duration of OC use or higher estrogen doses. In addition, family history of breast cancer did not significantly impact risk.
In a third study,[cxvii] the authors showed an increased annual risk of breast cancer diagnosis of one per 7,690 women per year using hormonal contraception. Important limitations exist in this recent paper. The research was conducted via multiple Danish registries, which are methods of data collection, but not a study design. Thus, these studies do not fall directly into standard epidemiologic classifications, and are subject to the biases of retrospective cohort studies. More specifically, the method of detection of the study outcome (breast cancer diagnosis) was not specified, nor was the stage of the diagnosis, nor whether or not the mortality due to breast cancer differed among women who had and had not used hormonal contraception. The clinical significance and health outcomes of higher breast cancer detection rates in the hormonal contraceptive users could not be determined. Finally and most importantly, the reference group, women who chose never to use hormonal contraception, may also make other behavioral, health and lifestyle decisions, including having additional clinical examinations, that affect their risk of cancer. This small absolute risk is unlikely to have clinical significance for women prioritizing pregnancy prevention, especially considering that previously published research[cxviii] shows that users of oral contraceptives are protected from other cancers including colorectal, endometrial, and ovarian cancer.
Oral Contraceptive Use and Liver Cancer
Non-case control studies of reproductive age women in western developed nations have reported an association between oral contraceptive and liver cancer. Recent population-based data, however, do not suggest any association between liver cancer and OC use among women in five developed nations. In addition, reassuring data from two studies in developing countries, including a large WHO study, do not support an increased risk of liver cancer with oral contraceptive use.[cxix]
Oral Contraceptive Use and Gallbladder Disease
Studies suggested in the 1970's that oral contraceptives were associated with an increased risk of gall bladder disease. Since then, numerous case-control and cohort studies have described an increased risk of benign gallbladder disease in oral contraceptive users. A meta-analysis of these studies published in 1990, however, found that few of these studies could stand up to internal validity measures. The relationship between benign gallbladder disease and oral contraceptives yields a relative risk of 1.1 with a 95% CI 1.1 - 1.2.81
Second Versus Third Generation Oral Contraceptives and Deep Vein Thrombosis.
There is no strong biological evidence that specific progestins have differential effects on VTE risk. While clotting factors may be altered differentially by specific progestins such data are not clinically relevant because we do not have a proven surrogate marker for VTE risk.[cxx] In the mid 1990's pharmaco-epidemiological studies reported that women using "third generation" oral contraceptives had a higher risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) compared to women using "second generation" OCs.[cxxi],[cxxii],[cxxiii] Studies performed after the initial observation demonstrate a weak association between oral contraceptive use and VTE (strength of association ranges from 0.7 to 2.3). Paradoxically, larger doses of estrogen are associated with lower risks for VTE in these studies. This finding has questioned the biological plausibility of the hypothesis of associating 'new progestins’ to an increased risk of deep venous thrombosis (DVT).
It was suggested that the original studies included newer users of oral contraceptives that may have been innately at higher risk for DVT (new-user bias), thus biasing the results.8,[cxxiv] After reanalysis of the data, the FDA issued a statement stating that the risk of DVT with the 'new progestins "is not great enough to justify switching to other products".
The association of second versus third generation progestin and the risk of VTE was further analyzed in 2 separate meta-analyses. Twelve observational studies were included in one meta-analysis of the relative risk of VTE for OCs containing either desogestrel and gestodene or levonorgestrel.[cxxv] The relative risk of VTE in users of OCs with desogestrel and gestodene v levonorgestrel was 1.7 (95% CI, 1.3-2.1), an increase of approximately 11 more cases of VTE per 100,000 women per year. When accounting for duration of use and new use (less than 1 year), this increased risk persisted. However, differences in BMI and other comorbidities that may act as confounders were not accounted for in these studies.
The results in another meta-analysis of seven cohort and case-control studies similarly show the biases in these studies. The overall adjusted odds ratio for third versus second generation oral contraceptives was 1.7 (95% CI, 1.4-2.0).[cxxvi] Among first-time users (<1 year of use), the odds ratio for third versus second generation preparations was 3.1 (95% CI, 2.0-4.6), which decreased to 2.0 (95% CI, 1.4-2.7) in longer term users (1 year of use). In this paper, the new-user effect is clearly demonstrated.
Lidegaard et al retrospectively assessed the influence of OCs on the risk of VTE in women aged 15-44 years.[cxxvii] After adjusting for age, BMI, length of OC use, and family history of coagulopathies, the odds of VTE among current second generation OC users compared to non-users was 2.9 (95% CI, 2.2-3.8) while the odds of current third generation OC users compared to nonusers was 4.0 (95% CI, 3.2-4.9). After correcting for duration of use and differences in estrogen dose, the third/second generation risk ratio was 1.3 (95% CI, 1.0-1.8; p<0.05).
If there is any increased risk of VTE with third generation OCPs, this is likely to be marginal, with small absolute risks. The majority of the risk is conferred by the estrogen, which should be factored into contraceptive decision-making. Despite the heated debate and the revealed flaws with such study designs, a similar argument is now in the literature with regard to drospirenone-containing OCPs. Several studies have investigated the risk of VTE associated with OCPs containing drosperinone vs other progestins. The EURAS study, initiated in 2001 and including more than 120,000 COC users in Europe, found comparable risk of DVT among the 3 categories of progestins.[cxxviii] This study was not only large, but also of prospective study design and the primary objective was to assess safety across COC user groups. Two other studies have shown an increased risk of VTE in drosperinone users.[cxxix],[cxxx] These studies are limited by flawed methodologies in a similar fashion to the studies that caused controversies around the 3rd generation progestins. In one study[cxxxi] only 1.2% of COC users used drosperinone-containing OCPs, which results in unstable estimates. In the other retrospective cohort study the relative risk for drosperinone-using women was elevated, but these one-year estimates are unreliable because of left censoring (women had varying risk-levels at entry to the study). The estimates of risk after the first year are in line with the EURAS study.
COC concerns for women with other risk factors:
Factor V Leiden mutation may independently increase the risk of DVT. The Factor V mutation occurs in 3-5% of Caucasians and is responsible for the majority of cases of venous thrombosis in which a mechanism is identifiable. A recent study suggested that the combination of third generation oral contraceptives and the Factor V Leiden mutation may increase the risk of DVT 30-50-fold.130 This study has been criticized for its lack of validation and methodology.
Other inherited thrombophilias, such as the prothrombin G20210A defect, and Protein S or Protein C deficiency, have been associated with an increased risk of VTE. Multiple studies have shown that this risk increases in the setting of OC use.
A recent retrospective cohort study of patients with a documented VTE showed that compared to non-users, OC use increases the risk of thrombosis in carriers of antithrombin, protein C and protein S defects six fold.131 Interestingly, risk of VTE in carriers of Factor V Leiden was not significantly increased.
Another investigator retrospectively analyzed OC exposure and incidence of VTE in thirteen female patients with the prothrombin G20210A defect (12 of which were heterozygote for the defect).[cxxxii] All thirteen women took OCs for an average of 10 years without any thrombotic complication. Interestingly, the homozygote took OCs with a 'third generation' progestin for 6 years without a thrombotic event. Another investigator noted that of those patients who develop VTE soon after initiating OCs (<6 months), most are thrombophilic.[cxxxiii] Among women with protein C or protein S deficiency, antithrombin deficiency, Factor V Leiden or prothrombin 20210A mutations, the risk of developing a DVT during the first year of OC use was increased 11-fold (95% CI, 2.1-57.3).[cxxxiv]
A pooled analysis of 8 case-control studies revealed that the odds ratio for VTE associated with OC use was 10.25 (95% CI, 5.59-18.45) in factor V Leiden carriers and 7.14 (95% CI, 3.39-15.04) in carriers of the prothrombin G20210A mutation.127 The crude odds ratios for VTE (not specifically analyzing the effect of OCs) were 4.9 (95%CI, 4.1-5.9) for factor V Leiden and 3.8 (95%CI, 3.0-4.9) for the prothrombin 20210A mutation.
Therefore, all healthy women who are diagnosed with a DVT while using oral contraceptives should be tested for possible Factor V Leiden mutation or Protein S or Protein C deficiency, although screening beforehand is not warranted.
Oral contraceptive use and risk of myocardial infarction: Myocardial infarction is a very rare event in non-smoking women of reproductive age. For women younger than 35 who do not smoke, the incidence of myocardial infarction is less than 1.7 per 100,000 woman years.113 This rate is notably higher between the ages of 40 and 45 years and is about 21 per 100,000 woman years. Review of the evidence shows that the association between current combined oral contraceptive use (containing 35 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol or less) and myocardial infarction is weak, with a relative risk ranging from 0.9 to 2.5. There is no evidence to support an increased or decreased risk of myocardial infarction due to past oral contraceptive use compared to no use.[cxxxv] Smoking has been identified as an independent risk factor for myocardial infarction; the combination of smoking and oral contraceptive use can be synergistic for increasing the risk of a MI.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has the following recommendations:135,[cxxxvi]
- Combined oral contraceptives can be use safely by women of any age who are non-smoking, normotensive, and non-diabetic.
- For women who smoke, and are 35 years or younger, oral contraceptives containing 35 micrograms or less are recommended.
- For women who smoke and are 35 years or older, oral contraceptive use is contraindicated.
Oral contraceptive use and risk of stroke: The link between high dose oral contraceptive pills and ischemic stroke has historically been determined with a strength of association ranging from 2.9 to 5.3.113 However, as dose of estrogen decreased, the odds ratio and relative risks in further studies all decreased as well. A summary of the data by the WHO123,124 concludes that there is no significant increased risk of ischemic stroke in women younger than 45 years old who use oral contraceptives. Overall, the strength of association between the use of lower dose oral contraceptives and stroke is weak, with odds ratios ranging from 1.1 to 1.8, with most 95% confidence intervals including 1.0.113 There is no consistent strong evidence linking oral contraceptive use to hemorrhagic stroke. Women of any age who have migraines with aura should not take combination oral contraceptive pills.[cxxxvii] Since smoking, hypertension, and migraine headaches all are independent risk factors for stroke, it must be concluded that women with other independent risk factors may have a slightly increased risk of stroke while taking the oral contraceptive pill. There is ample evidence, however, to suggest that there is no significant increase in ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke in OC-using women with no other risk factors. Because the baseline risk of stroke is rare in reproductive aged women, the attributable risk of oral contraceptives is quite small. In summary, evidence shows that current low dose oral contraceptives are safe with regard to vascular disease for a great majority of healthy non-smoking women who seek an effective contraceptive method.
The number of combined oral contraceptive pill preparations on the market has increased in recent years. There are new formulations of pills with a dosage of estrogen as low as 20 micrograms. Some physicians use the 'Quick Start' approach to pill initiation: this allows for immediate ingestion of the first dose of the pill in the office after a negative pregnancy test regardless of menstrual cycle day. A clinical trial has shown that is approach is safe, and results in higher ultimate rate of pill use than the conventional approach that initiates pill use after the onset of menses.[cxxxviii] In general, the efficacy, side effects and cycle control of these new preparations are similar to those with 35 micrograms of estrogen. The "lower" dose pills offer the theoretical advantage of less estrogen and therefore fewer estrogen side effects and medical complications. It remains to be determined if the new "lower" dose pills confer the same non-contraceptive benefits of the "higher" dose pills. A recent Cochrane review found that there is no difference in contraceptive effectiveness for lower dose pills. Compared to the higher-estrogen pills, several COCs containing 20 μg EE resulted in higher rates of early clinical trial discontinuation (overall and due to adverse events such as irregular bleeding) as well as increased risk of bleeding disturbances (both amenorrhea or infrequent bleeding and irregular, prolonged, frequent bleeding, or breakthrough bleeding or spotting). So, while COCs containing 20 μg EE may be theoretically safer, this has not been proven and low-dose estrogen COCs have in higher rates of bleeding pattern disruptions.[cxxxix]
An oral contraceptive containing 30mcg ethinyl estradiol and 3mg drospirenone works in a manner similar to other oral contraceptives, effectively inhibiting ovulation and producing cervical mucus that is hostile to sperm motility. Unlike other progestins used in oral contraceptives, drospirenone is an analogue to spironolactone and has biochemical and pharmacologic profiles similar to endogenous progesterone.[cxl] Drospirenone has both anti-mineralocorticoid and anti-androgenic activity. Its anti-androgenic activity may leads to suppression of undesired symptoms such as acne and hirsutism. Its anti-mineralocorticoid activity balances the aldosterone-stimulating effects of estrogen, thereby potentially reducing water-retention and weight gain.
Another preparation offers a hormone-free, placebo length of only 2 days. Twenty-one days of 20mcg ethinyl estradiol and 150mcg of desogestrel is followed by 2 days of placebo and 5 days of 10mcg ethinyl estradiol. Within 18 months of use, absence of withdrawal bleeding and intermenstrual bleeding have been reported to occur in 5.5% and 12% of total cycles, respectively.[cxli] Nearly three-quarters of participants in a large, open-label study reported one or more side effects, including headache, breast pain, dysmenorrhea, and menstrual irregularities.
Psychological/behavioral effects of hormonal contraception: Data from randomized controlled trials fail to support the assertion that combined oral contraceptives cause adverse psychological symptoms. One randomized double-blind study of 462 women looked at the percentage of traditionally “hormone-related” side effects in a 6-month comparison of COC versus placebo pill users. Symptoms of emotional lability and physical symptoms of headache, nausea, breast pain, abdominal bloating, back pain, weight gain, and decreased libido were studied, and there were no differences in the incidence of these symptoms between the COC and placebo groups.[cxlii] In a 2002 review of prospective, controlled studies of the effect of COCs on mood, four studies found no significant group differences in negative affect across the entire menstrual cycle, one study found that COC users reported less negative affect across the cycle, one study found higher negative affect throughout the cycle of a monophasic but not a triphasic COC, and two studies found that COC users experienced higher positive affect.[cxliii] Common to all the studies of the psychological effects of COCs was a beneficial outcome: there was less variability in negative affect, and less negative affect during menstruation in patients taking COCs.
Many studies have focused on the role of the progestin as a contributor to dysphoric mood. Two studies have shown worsening of mood with a higher progestin to estrogen ratio.[cxliv],[cxlv] Thus, switching to a formulation with a lower progestin to estrogen ratio may improve mood in women who have negative mood symptoms with COCs. However, evidence regarding mood disturbances with COCs is sparse.
Effective, safe contraception is achieved with combination estrogen and progestin delivery via a contraceptive skin patch or a vaginal ring. The general mechanism of action of these methods is similar to that of combined oral contraceptives. These methods offer the advantage of non-daily administration, relative ease of administration, potential greater compliance and thus potential greater efficacy.
Transdermal Patch
The once-weekly contraceptive patch delivers 150mcg of norelgestromin, the active metabolite of norgestimate, and 20mcg of ethinyl estradiol daily to the systemic circulation.[cxlvi] Ten percent of American women have used or currently used the patch.[cxlvii] Typical use includes placement of the patch on the same day of each week for 3 consecutive weeks followed by a patch-free week. Serum levels of the estrogen and progestin components are maintained for 2 days beyond the recommended 7 days of wear. Therefore, patients do not have to change the patch at the exact same time each week.
The patch is composed of 3 layers: an outer protective layer of polyester, a medicated, adhesive middle layer, and a clear, polyester liner that is removed before patch application. Patients can maintain normal activity, including bathing, swimming and heavy exercise while using the patch. It is recommended that wearers avoid use of oils, creams or cosmetics that may interfere with adhesion of the patch.
Compared to OCs with 250mcg norgestimate and 35mcg ethinyl estradiol, the patch suppresses ovulation to a similar degree[cxlviii]. It is as effective as oral levonorgestrel/ethinyl estradiol in altering cervical mucus and in providing cycle control. The overall and method-failure probabilities of the transdermal patch (through 13 cycles) are 0.7% and 0.4%, respectively.146 Perfect compliance (21 days of consecutive dosing followed by 7 days of no medication) was achieved in 90% of patients in the above study. However, efficacy trials of the patch have shown that participants less than 20 years age were less likely to use the patch correctly as compared with the pill.[cxlix] The noncontraceptive effects of transdermal administration have not yet been studied, but are expected to be similar to the combined oral contraceptive pill. A recent clinical trial did not demonstrate the same improved continuation rates with the "quick start" method in patch users as was seen in oral contraceptive users.[cl]
Vaginal Ring
For numerous decades, the vagina has been identified as a potential organ for drug absorption.[cli],[clii] The anatomy of the vagina allows for the easy placement of a ring to achieve this purpose.
A combination estrogen/progestin vaginal ring was approved for use in 2001 and was used by 6% of US women of reproductive age by 2006-2010.147 It is a flexible transparent circular tube, 54 mm (2 inches) in diameter and 4 mm (1/4 inch) thick. The ring is made of ethylene vinyl acetate polymer and contains a hormone reservoir that releases 0.120 μg of etonogestrel and 0.015 μg of ethinyl estradiol each day over a three-week period.[cliii] Hormone content in the ring is sufficient to provide a "grace period" of at least 14 additional days,[cliv] so woman can leave it in place for a full month and then immediately replace it to avoid menstruation, if they so desire. Etonogestrel, also called 3-ketodesogestrel, is also a synthethormone. It is the active metabolite of desogestrel, the progestin component of commonly used oral contraceptives.
The mechanism of action of a vaginal ring is similar to other hormonal contraceptives. Initiating ring use during the first five days of a normal cycle ensures that ovulation in that cycle is suppressed. Similarly, allowing no more than seven ring-free days each month, and making sure that the ring is in place continuously, with no more than three hours out in one day are also important for efficacy.153 Overall pregnancy rates are reported to be 0.65 per 100 woman-years (all first-year users).103 This level of effectiveness is similar to that found for women using combined oral contraceptives. Adherence to rules for ring use was very high, with consistent and correct use reported in 90.8% of all cycles. Women using the ring also reported good cycle control, with expected withdrawal bleeding in 98% of cycles, and bleeding at other times in only 6.4% of cycles.155
The ring can be placed in any position in the vagina that is comfortable. A total of 8% of women note the sensation of the ring in the vagina. If the ring is removed for intercourse it can be cleaned with water and must be replaced within three hours. Risks and adverse reactions possible with use of combined hormonal oral contraceptives also are likely to apply to the vaginal contraceptive ring. The ring does not prevent against sexually transmitted disease. Some women using the ring experienced side effects related to the device itself including vaginal discomfort or problems during intercourse, vaginal discharge, or vaginitis. These device-related problems were reported by 2-5% of women.[clv] Overall acceptability and tolerability of the ring were very high in the clinical trials performed to date.
Emergency contraception prevents pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse. Emergency contraception (EC) does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. The emergency contraceptive formulations available in the United States include the CuT380A IUD,[clvi],[clvii],[clviii] ulipristal acetate (UPA) selective progesterone receptor modulator, and 150 mcg of levonorgestrel (Plan B and Plan B One-Step). Combined oral contraceptive tablets can also be used by following the “Yuzpe regimen,” which can be found on the internet for various pill formulations.
The Copper “T” IUD can be inserted up to 7 days after unprotected intercourse and is ideal for women who desire long-term contraception going forward.[clix] It is 99% effective for emergency contraception.
The current treatment schedule for emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) is one dose within 120 hours of unprotected intercourse.158 Ulipristal acetate is more effective than levonorgestrel for emergency contraception, especially in obese women. Estimates of effectiveness range from 62-85%.[clx] Effectiveness is sustained throughout the 120 hours after unprotected intercourse. Combined and progestin-only ECPs reduce the risk of pregnancy by about 75-88%.[clxi] Effectiveness declines with increasing delay between unprotected intercourse and initiation of treatment.[clxii]
Mechanism of action: Oral emergency contraception likely inhibits or delays ovulation.[clxiii] Some investigators have shown histological alterations in the endometrium suggesting impairment of endometrial receptivity to implantation[clxiv] while others have found no such effects.[clxv],[clxvi] Other possible mechanisms include interference with corpus luteum function, thickening of cervical mucus, and alterations in tubal transport of sperm, egg, or embryo.[clxvii] Emergency contraceptives do not interrupt an already established pregnancy. The Copper “T” IUD does not have an established mechanism of action as an emergency contraceptive but likely creates a hostile environment for sperm as well as for the egg and possibly an embryo.
Progestin-only emergency contraceptives are more effective and associated with significantly less nausea and vomiting than combined emergency contraceptive pills.[clxviii] The only absolute contraindication to the use of emergency contraceptive pills is a confirmed pregnancy. The absence of contraindications is likely due to the very short duration of exposure and low total hormone content. There are no conclusive studies of women who were already pregnant when they took emergency contraceptive pills or of women pregnant after failed emergency contraception. However, there is no epidemiologic evidence that progestins are teratogenic and observational studies provide reassurance regarding birth defects.[clxix]
The FDA has granted approval for the over the counter use of progestin-only EC for prevention of pregnancy. There are no longer any restrictions on age or gender for purchasing progestin-only EC. Evidence has been reported that making ECPs widely available does not increase risk-taking behavior or increase the incidence of unintended pregnancy.[clxx] Additionally, it has been demonstrated that women most likely to seek emergency contraception are those already concerned about or using contraception.[clxxi],[clxxii]
Copper IUDs can be inserted up to five to seven days after ovulation to prevent pregnancy. Insertion of a Copper IUD is significantly more effective than the use of hormonal emergency contraception. The use of a Copper IUD can reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy by more than 99%.[clxxiii] Furthermore, 86% of parous and 80% of nulliparous women retain the IUD after insertion for emergency contraception.162
Multiple forms of barrier methods are currently used: male and female condoms, the diaphragm, the contraceptive sponge, and cervical cap. Vaginal barriers are easy to use and are non-invasive. They can be used with little advance planning. Consistent and correct uses are absolutely essential for barrier effectiveness; most failures occur due to improper or inconsistent use. The 'typical use' pregnancy rate for these methods can be as high as 20-30%. The male condom has a 'typical use' failure rate of 14%. Recent studies have shown that teens were most likely to use condoms for birth control and 66% used a condom when they became sexually active.173
Mechanism of action: Both the male and female condoms provide a physical barrier that prevents sperm and egg interaction. They are intended for one time use only. Condoms also provide some protection against HIV and STI.
Diaphragms and cervical caps use two different mechanisms, a physical barrier as well as a spermicidal chemical. They are available by prescription only, and must be sized by a health professional for a proper fit. They are always used with spermicidal agents. Diaphragm provides protection for 6 hours and cervical cap for 48 hours after insertion.
The contraceptive sponge is a disc shaped polyurethane device and contains a 1,000 mg of nonoxynol-9. It does not require prescription, and provides protection for up to 24 hours after insertion. The typical use pregnancy rate for this method is 10-40%.
Vaginal barriers have many advantages: protection against sexually transmitted infections, immediate protection without much prior planning, easy access, and no systemic side effects. Disadvantages include: discomfort with placement and use, possible latex allergy (for condoms and the orthoflex diaphragm), increased incidence of urinary tract infections and bacterial vaginosis; and associations have been reported with toxic shock syndrome. In addition, a health care provider may be required to do the initial fitting for diaphragms, necessitating an extra visit to the physician's office. A comparison of the ability of contraceptive methods to reduce sexually transmitted disease is found in Table 6.
Table 6. Contraceptive Methods and STD Protection
Contraceptive Method
Effect on Reproductive Tract
Effect on Bacterial STDs
Effect on Viral STDs
Diaphragm, Cervical cap, Sponge
Reduces risk of PID; associated with vaginal and urinary infections
Some protection against cervicitis; increases organisms associated with bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis and urinary tract infections
No protection against vaginal infection or external genitalia transmission; prevention of HPV controversial. No protection against HIV
Female condom
Occasional local irritation
In vivo protection against recurrent trichomonal infections suggests possible protection against other STDs
In vitro impermeability to HIV, cytomegalovirus
Foreign body reaction within the uterus;
Copper IUD: No protection
LNG-IUS: associated with decreased upper-genital tract infection
No protection
Latex male condom
Occasional latex allergy
Protection against most pathogens in genital fluids
Less protection against organisms transmitted from external genitalia (HSV and HPV)
Combination oral contraceptive
Increased cervical ectopy; decreased risk of symptomatic PID requiring hospitalization
No protection against bacterial STDs; possible increase in cervical chlamydia
Data on HIV transmission risks conflicting; role regarding risk of HPV infection and cervical dysplasia unclear
DMPA/ Implants
Atrophic endometrium; thickening of cervical mucus
Assume no protection
May promote HIV transmission
Spermicide with nonoxynol-9
Risk of chemical irritation of vaginal epithelium/alteration of the vaginal flora with high doses
Data suggests increased HIV transmission risk that is dose and frequency dependent
Tubal ligation
Changes associated with surgery
No protection
No protection
Contraceptive Vaginal rings
Increased Vaginal discharge in some users
No protection
No protection
Spermicides can be purchased without a physician's prescription in supermarkets and pharmacies. They can be used alone but are often used in conjunction with a vaginal barrier method (diaphragm, sponge, or cap). Nonoxynol-9 (N-9), the most commonly used spermicide, is an agent that destroys the sperm cell membrane, thereby immobilizing sperm. But, recent studies have shown that N-9 does not protect against STIs and HIV.[clxxiv] Spermicidal formulations include gels, creams, suppositories, film and male condoms. Pregnancy rates among typical users range from 5% to 30% in the first year of use.19 Methodology in determining these rates has not been consistent leading to skepticism of much of the data. Like the barrier methods, the effectiveness of spermicides is dependent on their consistent and correct use. Its advantages are similar to barrier methods of contraception.
Efforts to combine effective contraception and protection against HIV and STI transmission are of the utmost priority because the incidence of transmission of HIV and STIs is greatest in women of reproductive age.[clxxv]
Any substance that can reduce the transmission of HIV and STI when applied to the vagina is considered a microbicide. A randomized double-blind, placebo controlled trial studied tenofovir vaginal gel in 889 women in South Africa. The antiretroviral tenofovir gel is applied to the vagina sometime within 12 hours prior to sex and then again within 12 hours after sex. This study showed that it cut HIV transmission by approximately 39%. Even more encouraging were those women who were “high adherers” meaning they reported and demonstrated using the gel with >80% of each act of vaginal intercourse. This subcategory of women showed a 54% decrease in HIV infection compared to placebo. In summary HIV incidence in the tenofovir arm was 5.6 per 100 women years vs. 9.1 per 100 women-years in the placebo arm.[clxxvi] While this is promising, real world adherence is low, thus promoting the search for alternative delivery mechanisms, such as vaginal rings.[clxxvii] As many as 60 potential compounds are currently under development. These formulations will probably be used as an adjunct to condoms, but may be used as primary protection for those who are unable or unwilling to use condoms consistently. These microbicides will work by either killing or immobilizing pathogens possibly by forming a barrier between pathogen and vaginal tissues, preventing the infection from entering target cells, preventing a pathogen from replicating once it has entered cells, by boosting the vagina's or rectum's own defense system or by acting like invisible condoms. The most desirable qualities of a new formula microbicide would be that it is applicable hours before sexual intercourse, it is not messy or "leaky," and spreads rapidly and evenly over the vagina and cervix.148
Some compounds may increase the host natural defenses against certain sexually transmitted pathogens by maintaining the normal acidic pH of the vagina in the presence of semen. They contain lactobacillus which naturally resides in the human vagina and produces hydrogen peroxide to kill HIV and STDs. Examples are: Lactobacillus suppositories, Buffer gel, and Acid gel (ACIDFORM).
Invisible Condoms: Thermoreversible Gel - Prevents infection by forming a protective barrier after being inserted into the vagina or rectum. It is a liquid at room temperature and quickly turns into an impermeable gel inside the rectal/vaginal canal.
Abstinence: Couples who avoid sexual intercourse are practicing abstinence. Effectiveness for preventing pregnancy is 100%, but HIV and STIs may spread through the oral or rectal mucus membrane.
Coitus Interruptus: Also known as the withdrawal method, coitus interruptus entails withdrawal of the penis from the vagina (and external genitalia) immediately prior to ejaculation. Effectiveness depends largely on the man's ability to withdraw prior to ejaculation. Its actual efficacy is difficult to measure but the probability of pregnancy among perfect users is estimated to be approximately 4% in the initial year of use.[clxxviii]
Fertility Awareness: Symptothermic method - Natural family planning methods use the signs, symptoms, and timing of a normal menstrual cycle to avoid intercourse during fertile intervals. These methods are effective because of periodic abstinence during the fertile period of a woman's menstrual cycle. The fertile period of a woman's menstrual cycle can be determined by using cycle beads, a calendar, measuring basal body temperature and monitoring cervical secretions.178
Calendar Method: Estimating the fertile period during each menstrual cycle is based on 3 assumptions: (1) ovulation occurs on day 14 (±2 days) before the onset of the next menstrual flow, (2) the ovum survives for approximately 24 hours, and (3) sperm remain viable up to 5 days. Past cycle lengths give an estimate of fertile days within a given cycle. Avoidance of pregnancy is achieved by abstinence beginning about 5 days before and ending nearly 5 days after ovulation.
Basal Body Temperature: Most ovulatory cycles demonstrate a biphasic temperature pattern with lower temperatures in the first half of the cycle and higher temperatures beginning at the time of ovulation and continuing for the remainder of the cycle. Because this method does not adequately predict ovulation in advance, couples are instructed to abstain from intercourse or use a barrier method of contraception for the first half of the menstrual cycle until at least 2 days after a rise in temperature signifying ovulation.
Cervical Secretions: Changes in the character of cervical mucus can signify the fertile period of a woman's menstrual cycle. Cervical mucus that is abundant, clear or white, stretchy, and slippery represents the fertile period. Ovulation most likely occurs within 1 day of the appearance of cervical mucus that is abundant, stretchy and slippery. After ovulation, cervical secretions appear thick, cloudy and sticky. Couples are counseled to avoid intercourse when cervical secretions are first noted until 4 days after the peak of clear and slippery cervical mucus.
Couples can also use a combination of natural family planning methods (i.e., basal body temperature measurements and cervical secretion monitoring) to further avoid an undesired pregnancy. In addition, recent advances in home hormonal detection kits allow for detection of ovulation and better timing of abstinence for avoidance of pregnancy.
Lactation Amenorrhea Method (LAM) - Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding provides more than 98% protection from pregnancy in the first 6 months after birth.[clxxix] This method of contraception requires complete or nearly complete infant dependence on breast milk so that frequent suckling (at least 6-10 times per day) prevents ovulation. High frequency of feeds, long duration of each feed, night feeds, and short intervals between breastfeeds delay the return of ovulation.[clxxx],[clxxxi] Infant suckling disrupts the pulsatile release of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) by the hypothalamus resulting in abnormal pulsatility of LH and subsequent anovulation.[clxxxii] Ovulation however can occur even in the absence of menstruation. The probability of ovulation occurring before menstruation increases with time after delivery; the probability that women will ovulate before the resumption of menses increases from 33-45% during the first 3 months after delivery to 87-100% more than 12 months from delivery.[clxxxiii] To maintain effective contraception, another method should be used as soon as menstruation resumes, the frequency or duration of breastfeeding is reduced, food (or bottle) supplements are introduced, or the duration since delivery is 6 months. This method provides no protection against sexually transmitted diseases, but may help reduce post partum bleeding.
The near future will bring improved modifications of current methods including barrier methods, hormonal methods and intrauterine devices. Combined oral contraceptive pills using estetrol for the estrogen component are being developed in Europe. Phase II studies using a combination of estetrol and drospirinone in a 24/4 pill show a favorable bleeding profile and have high user satisfaction.[clxxxiv],[clxxxv] The next generation of contraceptives will likely be focused on new mechanisms of action. Targets include all aspects of the female and male reproductive system from gamete development to gamete delivery, fertilization and implantation. The goal of these new methods will be the interruption of key components of the system allowing safe, effective contraception with a minimum of side effects. The challenge facing the development of these new methods is allowing modification or interruption of the reproductive system with a minimum of effect on other body systems. Specifically, an optimal method would provide reversible interruption of reproductive capacity of the male and/or female without affecting the endocrine system. This is particularly important in the male as secondary sexually characteristics, and even behavior, are closely linked to any change in the hormonal milieu. Other challenges include the development of simple and cost effective methods. The next breakthrough in contraceptives will be the identification of a key molecular aspect of reproduction. If a specific receptor can be identified, an antagonist can be developed. If a critical enzyme is identified, an inhibitor can be synthesized.
Areas of interest will be in disruption of ovulation with anti-progestins or blocking the action of matrix metaloproteinases needed for the physical breakdown of the follicle. Folliculogenesis may be blocked by specific FSH antagonists, or interruption of folliculogenesis at the local level by growth differentiation factor-9. Other possible targets include blocking resumption of meiosis in the oocyte, or blocking egg activation (which is necessary before an egg is capable of fertilization and to prevent polyspermic fertilization). Finally the specific steps necessary for implantation may be identified and selectively disrupted – and research on molecules involved in implantation and angiogenesis is currently being done in mouse models.
Male hormonal contraception: male hormonal contraception may come to light in the distant future. In particular, the identification of genes in various aspects of testicular steroidogenesis, spermatogenesis and sperm maturation may provide novel targets for fertility regulation. Progestins act on the hypothalamic pituitary axis and suppress spermatogenesis and production of the hormone testosterone. It has been hypothesized that progestin implants with long acting add-back testosterone injections, oral progestagens with testosterone injections, or oral desogestrol with testosterone implants may produce azoospermia without affecting the other physiological and biological effects of testosterone.[clxxxvi] Future work will determine if these targets can be useful in developing novel strategies for male contraception.
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Evaluation of Amenorrhea, Anovulation, and Abnormal Bleeding
Amenorrhea not due to pregnancy, lactation, or menopause is a relatively common abnormality of the reproductive years and indicative of a defect somewhere in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian-uterine axis. This chapter considers the various causes of amenorrhea and their treatment. It also considers the diagnosis and treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding at all stages of life.
Amenorrhea may be defined as 1) the absence of menstruation for 3 or more months in women with past menses (i.e., secondary amenorrhea) or 2) the absence of menarche by the age of 15 years in girls who have never menstruated (i.e., primary amenorrhea). Recent data suggest that pubertal development, and hence menarche, continues to begin earlier in American girls (3). Consequently, some clinicians would consider initiating evaluation of a girl with primary amenorrhea by age 14, particularly if 5 or more years had passed since the first evidence of pubertal development. Women who menstruate fewer than 9 times in any 12-month period (defined as oligomenorrhea) should be evaluated identically to women with secondary amenorrhea. These women are typically oligo- or anovulatory. The separation of amenorrhea into the categories primary and secondary is artificial and should not be considered in the evaluation of the amenorrheic woman. Likewise, the term “postpill” amenorrhea, sometimes used to refer to women who do not menstruate within 3 months of discontinuing oral contraceptives, conveys nothing about the cause of the amenorrhea and should not alter the evaluation.
Amenorrhea is not a diagnosis in itself but rather a sign of a disorder. In general, menses general occur at intervals of 28 ± 3 days in two-thirds of women, with a normal range of 18-40 days.
It is useful to think about 3 broad categories of amenorrhea:
- Anatomic causes, including pregnancy, that almost always can be identified by physical examination alone.
- Ovarian failure.
- Chronic anovulation resulting from any of a number of endocrine disturbances.
These three categories are delineated in Table 1.
Table 1. Categories of Amenorrhea
1. Anatomic Causes |
1. Pregnancy
2. Müllerian agenesis or dysgenesis (uterine, cervical, or vaginal) 3. Cervical stenosis 4. Various disorders of sexual differentiation 5. Intrauterine adhesions (Asherman syndrome) |
2. Ovarian Failure |
1. Menopause
2. Genetic abnormalities 1. X chromosomal causes 1. Structural alterations, mutations in, or absence of an X chromosome 1. Gonadal dysgenesis with stigmata of Turner syndrome (most 45,X) 2. Gonadal dysgenesis without stigmata of Turner syndrome 1. Pure gonadal dysgenesis (46,XX) 2. Premature ovarian failure with mutations in the X chromosome 1. Mutations in POF1 (Xq26-q28) 2. Mutations in POF1 together with Fragile X (FMR1) premutations (Xq27.3) 3. Mutations in POF2A or 2B (Xq22 or Xq21) 4. Mutations in POF4 together with mutations in bone morphogenetic protein 15 (Xp11.2) 2. Trisomy X with or without mosaicism 3. Mutations with a 46, XY karyotype (Pure gonadal dysgenesis) 1. Mutations in Xp22. 11-21.2 (Swyer syndrome) 2. Mutations in 5 cen 4. Autosomal causes 1. In association with myotonia dystrophica or other abnormalities 2. Mutations involving enzymes with reproductive effects 1. 17α-Hydroxylase deficiency (CYP17A)(10q24.3 2. Galactosemia (Galactose- 1 – phosphate uridyltransferase deficiency)(9p13) 3. 20,22-Lyase (P450scc) and aromatase (P450arom) deficiency 3. Mutations involving reproductive hormones, their receptors, and actions 1. Mutations inactivating LH or FSH (theorectical) 2. Mutations in inhibin A (INHA) 3. Receptor mutations 1. FSH receptor (2p21-p16) 2. LH receptor (2p21) 4. Mutations in the hormone action pathways 4. Known genetic alterations of other specific genes 1. FOXL2 (a forkhead transcription factor associated with the blepharophimosis/ptosis/epicanthus inverse syndrome) 2. ELF2B (a family of genes associated with CNS leukodystrophy and ovarian failure) 3. BMP15 (bone morphogenetic factor 15, involved with folliculogenesis) 4. PMM2 (phosphomannomutase) 5. AIRE (autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy syndrome) 6. STAG3 (encoding a meiosis-specific subunit of cohesion)(7q21.3-22.2) 3. Immune Dysfunction 1. Association with other autoimmune disorders (15-20% of cases, 4% with steroidogenic cell autoimmunity) 2. Isolated 3. In association with congenital thymic aplasia 4. Physical Insults 1. Chemotherapeutic (especially alkylating) agents 2. Ionizing radiation 3. Viral agents 4. Surgical extirpation 5. Gonadotropin-Secreting Pituitary Tumors (Extremely Rare) 6. Idiopathic |
3. Chronic Anovulation |
1. Hypothalamic
1. Psychogenic, including pseudocyesis 2. Exercise-associated 3. Eating disorders, nutritional 4. 2□ to systemic illness 5. Hypothalamic neoplasms 6. Some forms of isolated (idiopathic) hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (including Kallmann syndrome) 2. Pituitary 1. Some forms of isolated (idiopathic) hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (including Kallmann Syndrome) 2. Hypopituitarism 3. Pituitary neoplasms, including mucroadenomas 3. With inappropriate steroid feedback 1. Functional androgen excess (PCOS) 2. Adrenal hyperplasia 3. Neoplasms producing androgens or estrogens 4. Neoplasms producing hCG (including trophoblastic disease) 5. Liver and renal disease 6. Obesity 4. Other endocrine disorders 1. Thyroid dysfunction 2. Adrenal hyperfunction |
It is generally impossible to distinguish between ovarian failure and chronic anovulation without laboratory testing.
The most important aspect of the clinical evaluation is the history and physical examination. During the physical examination, special attention should be directed toward evaluating:
- Body dimensions and habitus.
- Distribution and extent of terminal androgen-stimulated body hair.
- Extent of breast development by Tanner staging and the presence or absence of any breast secretions.
- External and internal genitalia, with emphasis on evidence of exposure to androgens and estrogens.
History, physical examination and determination of basal concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and prolactin will identify the most common causes of amenorrhea. Administration of exogenous progestin has been recommended in the past, both as a clinical aid to diagnosis and to evaluate the biological levels of estrogen. Either progesterone in oil (100 - 200 mg im) or medroxyprogesterone acetate (5 - 10 mg orally daily for 5 - 10 days) can be given. Any genital bleeding within 10 days of the completion of these regimens is regarded as a positive test. If the test is negative (suggesting low levels of endogenous estrogen), then an estrogen and a progestin together (e.g., oral conjugated estrogen, 2.5 mg daily for 25 days, together with oral medroxyprogesterone acetate, 5-10 mg for the last 10 days of estrogen therapy) should induce bleeding if the endometrium is normal. This test will determine with certainty if the outflow tract is intact. However, the results are not always definitive. In fact, in one survey almost half the women with so-called premature ovarian failure bled in response to progestin (4). Thus, progestin challenge should never be used as the sole diagnostic test by which amenorrheic women should be evaluated. In women with evidence of hirsutism, at least total testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels should be determined to rule out any serious cause (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Flow diagram for the laboratory evaluation of amenorrhea. Such a scheme must be considered as an adjunct to the clinical evaluation of the patient. CAH -= congenital adrenal hyperplasia; DHEAS = dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate; FSH = follicle-stimulating hormone; HCA = hypothalamic chronic anovulation; PCO = polycystic ovary syndrome; PRL = prolactin; T = testosterone; TSH = thyroid-stimulating hormone. Originally from Rebar RW, The ovaries. In: Smith LH Jr, ed. Cecil textbook of medicine, ed. 18. Philadelphia. WB Saunders, 1992:1367)
The World Health Organization has divided women with amenorrhea into three groups originally based upon a suggestion of Insler (5):
Group I (hypothalamic-pituitary forms of amenorrhea) consists of women with no evidence of endogenous estrogen production (based on urinary measurements), normal prolactin levels, and normal or low FSH levels.
Group II (polycystic ovary syndrome) consists of women with evidence of endogenous estrogen production (on urinary measurement) and normal levels of prolactin and FSH.
Group III (gonadal failure) consists of women with elevated FSH levels.
HYPERGONADOTROPIC AMENORRHEA (Primary Hypogonadism; Gonadal Failure; Primary Ovarian Insufficiency)
It is frequently impossible to diagnose hypergonadotropic amenorrhea, also called presumptive ovarian failure and, more recently, primary ovarian insufficiency, without the measurement of basal serum FSH levels. This is especially true because ovarian failure may occur at any time from embryonic development onward. The ovaries normally fail at the time of menopause, when virtually no viable oocytes remain. Premature ovarian failure (POF) or premature menopause generally is defined as consisting of the triad of amenorrhea, hypergonadotropinism, and hypoestrogenism in women under the age of 40 years (5a). From what is known about follicular development and atresia, it appears that premature ovarian failure can arise from abnormalities in the recruitment and selection of oocytes. The follicles may undergo atresia at an accelerated rate or a smaller than normal pool may undergo atresia at the normal rate to yield early oocyte depletion. FSH must be involved because it is the principal hormonal regulator of folliculogenesis. Circulating gonadotropin levels rise whenever ovarian failure occurs because of decreased negative estrogen feedback to the hypothalamic-pituitary unit. Gonadotropin levels sometimes increase even in the presence of viable oocytes, but the explanation for such increases is unclear. Thus, use of the term POF is inappropriate. In 5-10% of patients, spontaneous pregnancy has occurred many years after the initial diagnosis (4,6). Thus, it is more appropriate to refer to this disorder as hypergonadotropic amenorrhea, primary hypogonadism, hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, or primary ovarian insufficiency, but the term premature ovarian failure is well established in the literature.
It is now clear that POF is a heterogeneous disorder. Premature loss of oocytes could result from a reduced germ cell endowment in utero, accelerated atresia, or failure of all germ cells to migrate to the genital ridges in early development. There may be marked differences in oocyte endowment and rates of follicular atresia among women (7,8). Only now are investigators learning about the molecular factors that regulate oocyte number and development. Because information in this field is changing rapidly, it is probably impossible to provide a definitive classification of the disorder, but it is possible to enumerate many of the apparent causes (Table 1).
It is becoming clear that genetic abnormalities are perhaps the most important cause of premature ovarian failure (Table 1). Although it is estimated that only 10-15% of women with POF have a recognized genetic cause for their disorder(8a), this will no doubt increase with time. New genetic causes are identified almost monthly, and it is impossible to list all genetic causes in any such table.
Individuals with the various forms of gonadal dysgenesis typically present with hypergonadotropic amenorrhea regardless of the extent of pubertal development and the presence or absence of associated anomalies or stigmata. It is well known that cytogenetic abnormalities of the X chromosome can impair ovarian development and function. Studies of 46,XX individuals and those with various X chromosomal depletions have confirmed that two intact X chromosomes are necessary for maintenance of oocytes (9) The gonads of 45,X fetuses contain the normal complement of oocytes at 20 to 24 weeks of fetal age, but these rapidly undergo atresia so that none are typically present by the time of birth (10). Primary or secondary amenorrhea typically occurs in women with deletions in either the short or the long arm of one X chromosome.9 Mutations at independent loci on the X chromosome at Xq26-28 (POF1), Xq13.3-22 (POF2), and Xp11.2 have been identified that also are linked to POF. One gene in the POF2 region has homology to the DIA allele in Drosophila, mutants of which result in male and female infertility. A breakpoint in the last intron of the DIAPH2 gene (the homologue of the Drosophila diaphanous gene) has been associated with familial POF in women (11).
Although individuals with Turner syndrome usually are apparent on physical examination, patients with pure and mixed gonadal dysgenesis typically have no obvious identifying features. Women with pure gonadal dysgenesis, who generally present with sexual infantilism and primary amenorrhea, are of normal height and have none of the somatic abnormalities associated with Turner syndrome (12,9) Affected individuals have either a 46,XX or 46,XY karyotype. In mixed gonadal dysgenesis, a germ cell tumor or testis accounts for one gonad, with a streak, rudimentary gonad, or no gonad accounting for the other (9,13). The 45,X/46,XY karyotype is most frequent, but affected individuals may have any of several other reported karyotypes. The vast majority of affected individuals are raised as females, with mild to moderate virilization occurring at puberty. Abnormal genitalia may be noted at birth. Because of the malignant potential of intraabdominal gonads in individuals with a Y chromosomal component (14-16) the gonads should be removed.
Additional X chromosomes also are present in some women with POF (17). These women typically develop normally and may bear children early in adulthood and commonly develop POF after age 30.
Mutations in the Familial Mental Retardation-1 (FMR1) gene, located at Xq27 and which can lead to fragile X syndrome, can also lead to POF (18). Although the gene changes involved in the abnormalities associated with this gene are quite complex, the basic principles can be summarized. Normal individuals have 5-50 repeats of the cytosine-guanine-guanine (CGG) trinucleotide in the gene. Expansion of this trinucleotide to greater than 200 repeats inactivates the gene and leads to the fragile X syndrome. In addition to mild to severe mental retardation, affected males typically present with long narrow faces, increased head circumference, dysmorphic ears, prominent jaws and foreheads, and large testes. Females are less severely affected, presumably because one of the two X chromosomes is inactivated independently in every cell in the body, and only one of the chromosomes carries the mutations. Some individuals have 50-200 repeats of the CGG sequences, and these individuals are considered premutation carriers. The women who are carriers of this unstable premutation can have further expansion of the trinucleotide in their germ cells and transmit the full syndrome to their offspring; in some families, the carrier state can be transmitted for several generations before expansion occurs. Men who are premutation carriers virtually never have further expansion in germ cells but can transmit the premutation to their female offspring. It is now recognized that POF develops in about 20% of female premutation carriers (19,20). In addition, about 2% of women with sporadic POF and 14% of women with familial POF have this unstable mutation (21,22). These observations make a convincing argument for testing women with POF for mutations of FMR1. Men with the premutation are known to sometimes develop tremors and ataxia as well as more subtle neurological and emotional difficulties (the so-called Fragile X-Associated Tremor-Ataxia Syndrome, FXTAS).
Several other specific gene mutations (not necessarily located on the X chromosome) also can result in POF. These include mutations involving the inhibin alpha gene (INHA), a gene at chromosome 3q23 involving a forkhead transcription factor associated with blepharophimosis-ptosis-epicanthus inversus (BPES) type I syndrome (23,24), a family of genes associated with central nervous system leukodystrophy and ovarian failure (EIF2B) (25), the gene involving bone morphogenetic factor 15 (BMP15) which is known to play a role in folliculogenesis (26), the phosphomannomutase (PMM) gene, and the gene associated with the autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy syndrome (AIRE) (27). More recently, a mutation altering a meiosis-specific subunit of the cohesion ring, which ensures correct sister chromatid cohesion, has been identified as a cause of POF in one large family (8a). No doubt other mutations will be identified as causes of POF in some affected women. Several rare inherited enzymatic defects also may be associated with premature ovarian failure. These include partial deficiencies in four enzymes in the steroidogenic pathway, 17a-hydroxylase, 17,20-desmolase, 20,22-desmolase, and aromatase, as well as galactosemia.
Girls with 17α-hydroxylase deficiency (involving the CYP17A gene) who survive to their teens present with sexual infantilism; primary amenorrhea; increased circulating levels of LH, FSH, deoxycorticosterone, and progesterone; and hypertension with hypokalemic alkalosis (28-30). Ovarian biopsy has revealed no evidence of orderly follicular maturation but instead has demonstrated numerous, large cysts and primordial follicles. Presumably, the enzyme deficiency does not permit normal follicular development. The startling observation that normal follicular growth and development with successful fertilization in vitro can be achieved with exogenous gonadotropins in individuals with 17α-hydroxylase deficiency raises significant questions about why there is no follicular development in affected girls (31).
Several case reports have described individuals with mutations in the CYP19 (aromatase P450) gene (32-34). Aromatase deficiency appears to be inherited in an autosomal recessive manner and is manifested in 46,XX individuals by female pseudohermaphroditism with clitoromegaly and posterior labioscrotal fusion at birth; enlarged cystic ovaries associated with elevated FSH levels during childhood; lack of pubertal development in association with further enlargement of the clitoris, normal development of pubic and axillary hair, and continued existence of enlarged multicystic ovaries during the teenage years; and severe estrogen deficiency, virilization, and enlarged multicystic ovaries in association with markedly elevated gonadotropin levels in adulthood. Administration of exogenous estrogen results in prompt lowering of circulating gonadotropin levels. Ovarian biopsy showed many closely packed primordial follicles in an affected 17-month old (33), but biopsy in a 13-year old showed excessive atresia (34).
Girls with galactosemia, a disorder in which galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase activity is decreased and that is characterized by mental retardation, cataracts, hepatosplenomegaly, and renal tubular dysfunction, also may develop premature ovarian failure with hypergonadotropinism even when a galactose-restricted diet is introduced early in infancy (35).
Data from a variety of sources indicate that abnormalities in the structure, secretion, metabolism, or action of gonadotropins can cause POF. It is now known that at least one form of premature ovarian failure is caused by mutations in the FSH receptor (FSHR). Affected individuals present with primary or secondary amenorrhea and elevated levels of FSH and may have ovarian follicles present on transvaginal ultrasound. One specific mutation on chromosome 2p (C566T: alanine to valine) in exon 7 of the FSHR was identified in several Finnish families (36,37), but the mutation must be very rare outside of Finland because it has not been detected in some other populations (38,39).
The “resistant ovary” syndrome may be the result of a gonadotropin postreceptor defect. As originally described, the Savage syndrome (named after the first patient described) consisted of young amenorrheic women with elevated peripheral gonadotropin concentrations, normal but immature follicles in the ovaries on biopsy, 46,XX karyotype with no evidence of mosaicism, complete sexual development, and hyposensitivity (i.e., resistance) to exogenous gonadotropin stimulation (40).
Altered forms of immunoreactive LH and FSH in urinary extracts from women with POF compared to those from oophorectomized and postmenopausal women have been reported, suggesting that metabolism and/or excretion of gonadotropin is altered in some cases (41). Some individuals with POF and evidence of intermittent follicular activity may have low molecular weight receptor-binding activity that antagonizes normal FSH binding (42).
Destruction of oocytes by any of several environmental insults, including ionizing radiation, various chemotherapeutic (especially alkylating) agents, and certain viral infections may accelerate follicular atresia (43). Although there is no evidence that cigarette smoking will result in POF, cigarette smokers experience menopause several months before nonsmokers.
More and more girls and young women who are treated for a variety of malignancies are surviving free of disease and subsequently presenting with transient or permanent ovarian failure. Strategies for reducing the likelihood of ovarian failure in women cured of their malignancies are being investigated by several groups. Cryopreservation of oocytes and ovarian tissue before therapy remains experimental at this point in time. Still, both males and females of reproductive age should be appraised of the potential for preserving gametes before treatment of any malignancy is initiated.
Approximately half of all individuals receiving 400-500 rads to the ovaries over four to six weeks will develop permanent ovarian failure (44). For any given dose of radiation, the older the woman, the greater the likelihood of her developing ovarian failure. It appears that about 800 rads is sufficient to result in permanent ovarian failure in all women. The transient nature of the hypergonadotropic amenorrhea in some women suggests that some follicles may be damaged but not destroyed by lower doses of radiation. To minimize the dose of radiation received by the ovaries, transposition to the pelvic sidewalls, often by laparoscopy, is recommended. One series noted preservation of ovarian function in about 90% of women undergoing transposition (45). Similarly, the older the woman at the of chemotherapy, the more likely is the ovarian failure (46). In general, it appears that the greater the number of oocytes present in the ovaries at the time of therapy with radiation or chemotherapy, the more likely it is that normal ovarian function will continue. Although the data are limited, the frequency of congenital anomalies does not appear to be increased in the children of women previously treated with chemotherapeutic agents (47).
Premature ovarian failure may be associated with a number of autoimmune disorders (4). The most common association may be with thyroiditis. Ovarian failure occurs commonly in women with polyglandular failure, including hypoparathyroidism, hypoadrenalism, and mucocutaneous candidiasis4. The heterogeneous nature of this disorder is suggested by the many different endocrinopathies that may be associated with premature ovarian failure. Autoimmune ovarian failure may occur independently of any other autoimmune disorder.
Autoimmune lymphocytic oophoritis was originally reported in association with adrenal insufficiency (Addison disease). Women with steroidogenic cell autoimmunity have lymphocytic oophoritis resulting in the ovarian failure. When POF occurs in association with adrenal insufficiency, the ovarian failure presents first about 90% of the time. The presence of antibodies to the 21-hydroxylase enzyme measured by a commercially available immunoprecipitation assay will identify women who may have occult adrenal insufficiency at the time of initial presentation as well as those who should be followed closely for the subsequent development of adrenal insufficiency (48,49). At the present time there is no good test to document the presence of antibodies to any specific ovarian antigens. The best evidence of antibodies to ovarian tissue comes from a study documenting FSH receptor antibodies in two women with myasthenia gravis and hypergonadotropic amenorrhea (50). Immunoglobulins that block the trophic actions of FSH but not LH also have been reported (51).
The thymus gland influences reproductive function (52). Congenitally athymic girls have ovaries devoid of oocytes (53). Irradiation and chemotherapeutic (especially alkylating) agents used to treat various malignancies are increasingly causes of premature ovarian failure (54-56). Inexplicably, both of these modalities have been associated with “reversible” ovarian failure. Ovulation and cyclic menses return in some individuals after prolonged intervals of hypergonadotropic amenorrhea associated with signs and symptoms of profound hypoestrogenism. Preliminary studies suggest that gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (but not oral contraceptive agents) may provide some protection from ovarian damage (57). Rarely, the mumps virus can affect the ovaries and cause ovarian failure (58).
Individuals with premature ovarian failure warrant thorough evaluation to eliminate potentially treatable causes and to identify associated disorders that may require therapy (5a). In general, young women who experience loss of regular menses for three or more consecutive months should be evaluated. Failure to initiate pubertal development by age 13 or begin menstruating by age 15 also warrants evaluation.
Several laboratory tests are indicated in women with POF, beginning with measurement of basal levels of prolactin, FSH, and TSH (after pregnancy is ruled out). FSH levels are typically greater than 30 mIU/ml in women with ovarian failure. If the FSH level is greater than 15 mIU/ml on initial screening, then the measurement should be repeated and serum estradiol should be measured as well to document hypogonadism. In addition, the simultaneous measurement of basal LH levels may be helpful in discerning if any oocytes remain. In general, if the estradiol concentration is greater than 50 pg/mL or if the LH level is significantly greater than the FSH level (in terms of mIU/mL) in any sample, the probability of viable oocytes is considerable. Irregular uterine bleeding, as an indication of estrogen stimulation, also provides good evidence of remaining functional ovarian follicles. It is not uncommon to identify women with intermittent menstruation, hypoestrogenism, and hypergonadotropinism. Visualization of follicles on transvaginal ultrasound also provides evidence of functional oocytes. Because a number of pregnancies have occurred after biopsy of ovaries devoid of oocytes, ovarian biopsy cannot be recommended for affected women.
Other indicated laboratory tests include measurement of thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins (because of the frequency of thyroiditis), adrenal antibodies, fasting glucose, electrolytes, and bone density by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Also indicated are an analysis of karyotype and fragile X premutation screening, particularly in the presence of a family history of mental retardation. If adrenal antibodies are detected, then a corticotropin stimulation test is indicated to identify women with adrenal insufficiency. One series evaluated 119 women with karyotypically normal spontaneous POF and found that 32 patients had hypothyroidism (27%) and 3 had adrenal insufficiency (2.5%) (59).
Even women with X-chromosomal abnormalities have delivered normal children and subsequently developed POF prior to age 40. Thus, neither parity nor age rules out the possibility of a chromosomal abnormality. Unexpected karyotypic findings that may be inherited have important implications for other family members. Also, by finding an explanation for the POF, patients with normal karyotypes may be reassured, and the patients with abnormal karyotypes can be counselled. Surgical removal of the gonads is indicated in any individual in whom a Y chromosome is identified.
Women who experience spontaneous POF are unprepared for the diagnosis. Taking the time to present the findings with sensitivity and to counsel appropriately is most important. Patients may benefit from referral to a psychologist and/or to an organization such as the Premature Ovarian Failure Support Group or Rachel’s Well ( Patients should be reassessed at intervals of one to two years for the presence of other disorders associated with POF.
Even in women with intermittent ovarian failure, estrogen replacement is appropriate to prevent the accelerated bone loss that occurs in affected women (4). Although exogenous estrogen may be given either as part of combined estrogen-progestin therapy or in the form of combined oral contraceptives, sequential therapy with exogenous estrogen and progestin is most physiologic. The estrogen should always be given with a progestin to prevent endometrial hyperplasia. Because women with ovarian failure may conceive while on estrogen therapy (including combined oral contraceptive agents), affected women should be counseled appropriately and cautioned to have a pregnancy test if withdrawal bleeding does not occur or if signs and symptoms suggestive of pregnancy develop. Despite these considerations, probably no other contraceptive agent is required for those women who do not wish pregnancy but who are sexually active, because pregnancy occurs in less than 10% (4). Although rare pregnancies in women with premature ovarian failure have occurred after ovulation induction with human menopausal and chorionic gonadotropins, the low likelihood should lead the physician to discourage patients from selecting such therapy. There is no evidence that ovulation and pregnancy occur more commonly in response to ovulation induction than spontaneously in these patients. Hormone replacement treatment to mimic the normal menstrual cycle, with oocyte donation for embryo transfer, provides the greatest possibility for pregnancy in women desiring pregnancy (60,61).
There are no data documenting safety of estrogen-progestin in young women with POF, but there are no reports of excessive risks either. Findings documenting risks in postmenopausal women do not apply to women with POF for whom estrogen therapy really represents replacement. Similarly, there are no data documenting the optimal form of estrogen and progestin to use in women with POF. It is important to remember that these young patients typically require twice as much estrogen as postmenopausal women to relieve any signs and symptoms of estrogen deficiency. Thus, one reasonable regimen would be 100 mm of estradiol per day by a skin patch, combined with 5-10 mg of medroyprogesterone acetate for 12 calendar days each month. The skin patch deliver a constant infusion of estradiol, avoids the first pass effect on the liver, and will maintain regular menses and be well tolerated by most patients.
Chronic anovulation may be viewed as a steady state in which the monthly rhythms associated with ovulation are not functional. Although amenorrhea is common, irregular menses and oligomenorrhea may occur as well. Chronic anovulation further implies that viable oocytes remain in the ovary and that ovulation can be induced with appropriate therapy.
Chronic anovulation is the most common pathological cause of oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea in women of reproductive age (Table 2). Appropriate management requires determination of the cause of the anovulation. However, anovulation can be interrupted transiently by nonspecific induction of ovulation in most affected women.
Functional Hypothalamic Chronic Anovulation (FHA)
Functional hypothalamic chronic anovulation may be defined as anovulation in which dysfunction of hypothalamic signals to the pituitary gland causes failure to ovulate. It remains unclear whether the primary abnormality is always present within the hypothalamus or sometimes occurs as a result of altered inputs to the hypothalamus. The term is used to refer to women who may be affected with suprahypothalamic or hypothalamic chronic anovulation. Although isolated gonadotropin deficiency frequently is caused by hypothalamic dysfunction, it is preferable to consider such individuals separately. However, partial forms of isolated gonadotropin deficiency may be virtually impossible to differentiate from hypothalamic chronic anovulation.
Numerous studies have documented an increased incidence of amenorrhea in women who exercise strenuously, diet excessively, or are exposed to severe emotional or physical stresses of any kind (1,62.63). Such amenorrheic persons fall into this group of women considered as having hypothalamic chronic anovulation, which is sometimes called functional amenorrhea. The diagnosis of FHA is suggested by the abrupt cessation of menses in women younger than 30 years of age who have no clinically evident anatomic abnormalities of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis or any other endocrine abnormalities. The term hypothalamic amenorrhea was first proposed by Klinefelter and colleagues in 1943 for anovulation in which hypothalamic dysfunction is thought to interfere with the pituitary secretion of gonadotropin (64).
Although FHA is a common cause of oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea, relatively little is known about its pathophysiologic basis. The diversity of women presenting with FHA indicates that this is a heterogeneous group of disorders with similar manifestations. Compared with a matched control population, young women with secondary amenorrhea are more likely to be unmarried, to engage in intellectual occupations, to have had stressful life events, to use sedative and hypnotic drugs, to be underweight, and to have a history of previous menstrual irregularities (1). Although it has been suggested that the percentage of body fat controls the maintenance of normal menstrual cycles, it is more likely that diet, exercise, stress, body composition, and other unrecognized nutritional and environmental factors contribute in various proportions to amenorrhea.
Hormonally, basal circulating concentrations of pituitary (i.e., LH, FSH, TSH, prolactin, growth hormone), ovarian (i.e., estrogens, androgens), and adrenal hormones (i.e., dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEAS, cortisol) typically are within the normal range for women of reproductive age (65). However, mean serum gonadotropin, gonadal steroid, and DHEAS levels often are slightly decreased, and circulating and urinary cortisol levels are generally increased compared with those in normal women in the early follicular phase of the menstrual cycle (63,66). Despite low levels of circulating estrogen, affected women rarely have symptoms related to estrogen deficiency. Typically, the pulsatile secretion of gonadotropin is diminished, but these individuals respond normally to exogenous gonadotropin-releasing hormone.
In a comprehensive guideline issued in 2017, the Endocrine Society noted that one common feature of women with FHA is that all have a relative “energy deficit” (65a). The underlying cause of FHA may be a young woman’s overzealous approach to “healthy” behavior – and those habits can be difficult to change.
Eating disorders are common in adolescents and young women and may represent the most severe forms of functional hypothalamic chronic anovulation (67,68). Eating disorders are generally divided into three diagnostic categories: 1) anorexia nervosa, 2) bulimia nervosa, 3) binge eating disorders, and 4) other atypical eating disorders.
All eating disorders are characterized by altered eating habits or weight-control behavior. Poor nutrition can impact physical health. In addition, disturbed behavior in bulimia and anorexia is not due to any general medical disorder or any other psychiatric condition.
The constellation of amenorrhea often preceding weight loss, a distorted and bizarre attitude toward eating, food, or weight, extreme inanition, and a disordered body image makes the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa obvious in almost all cases (69-71). Demographically, 90% to 95% of anorectic women are white and come from middle- and upper-income families. In DSM-5 amenorrhea is no longer required to make the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa.
What distinguishes bulimia nervosa from anorexia nervosa is repeated binges at least once each week during which there is loss of self-control with unusually large amounts of food eaten. In most cases, binge eating is followed by compensatory self-induced vomiting or laxative abuse. Individuals with bulimia seldom have body weights that are significantly altered from ideal. Thus, body weight is the most obvious difference that distinguishes bulimia from anorexia nervosa. Many women with bulimia are ashamed or distress by their actions and are often more willing to accept treatment than individuals with anorexia. Symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders are common.
Anorexia nervosa most commonly arises in the mid-adolescent years. Self-induced dietary restrictions quickly get out of control. In some cases, the disorder is of short-standing and self-limited, whereas in others the disorder becomes well entrenched and long-standing.
Bulimia nervosa usually begins later in adolescence. Often bulimia begins similarly to anorexia. However, episodes of binge eating eventually interrupt the dietary restriction, and body weight increases to near normal levels. Women with bulimia commonly seek treatment more than five years after disease onset.
Peripheral gonadotropin and gonadal steroid levels generally are lower than in the early follicular phase of the menstrual cycle (72). As patients with anorexia undergo therapy, gain weight, and improve psychologically, sequential studies of the ultradian gonadotropin rhythms show progressive gonadotropin changes paralleling those normally seen during puberty. Initially, there is a nocturnal rise in gonadotropins, followed by an increase in mean basal gonadotropin levels throughout the 24-hour period (73-75). The responses of severely ill anorectics to GnRH are also similar to those observed in prepubertal children and become adult-like with recovery or with treatment with pulsatile GnRH (76). Because the metabolism of estradiol and testosterone is also abnormal, normalizing with weight gain, some of the gonadotropin changes may be secondary to peripheral alterations in steroids (77).
Several abnormalities indicate hypothalamic dysfunction, including mild diabetes insipidus and abnormal thermoregulatory responses to heat and cold (71). Affected individuals have altered body images as well (78).
Still other central and peripheral abnormalities exist. There is evidence of chemical hypothyroidism, with affected patients having decreased body temperature, bradycardia, low serum triiodothyronine (T3) levels, and increased reverse T3 concentrations (79,80). Circulating cortisol levels also are elevated, but the circadian cortisol rhythm is normal (81). The increased cortisol seems to be caused by the reduced metabolic clearance of cortisol as a result of the reduced affinity constant for corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG) present in such patients (82). Moreover, like women with endogenous depression, anorectics suppress significantly less after dexamethasone administration than do normal subjects (83). Anorectics also have reduced ACTH responses to exogenous corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), suggesting normal negative pituitary feedback by the increased circulating cortisol (84).
Although rigorous studies have not been performed in women with bulimia, presumably such individuals have endocrine disturbances similar to those of women with anorexia nervosa.
Societal attitudes encourage dieting and pursuit of thinness, particularly in young women. Several reproductive problems, including hypothalamic chronic anovulation, have been associated with simple weight loss. Affected women are distinctly different from anorectics in that they do not fulfill the psychiatric criteria for anorexia. The cessation of menses does not occur before significant weight loss in such women, although this sequence is common in anorectics. The few studies that have been conducted in amenorrheic women with simple weight loss suggest that the abnormalities are similar to those observed in anorectics, but are more minor and more easily reversed with weight gain (85). Although it has been suggested that the amenorrhea in these women is secondary to metabolic defects resulting from undernutrition, the possibility of separate central defects has not been excluded (86). The importance of normal body weight to normal reproductive function is evident in studies of a tribe of desert-dwelling hunter-gatherers in Botswana (87). The weights of the women vary markedly with the season, being greatest in the summer, and the peak incidence of parturition follows exactly 9 months after the attainment of maximal weight.
Regular endurance training in women is associated with at least three distinct disorders of reproductive function: delayed menarche, luteal dysfunction, and amenorrhea (88,89). In 1992 the American College of Sports Medicine coined the term the “female athletic triad” to describe the three disorders recognized as sometimes occurring together in female athletes: disordered eating, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis (90). Activities associated with an increased frequency of reproductive dysfunction include those favoring a slimmer, lower-body-weight physique such as middle and long distance running, ballet dancing, and gymnastics. Swimmers and bicyclists appear to have lower rates of amenorrhea despite comparable training intensities. The cause of these disorders remains to be established and may involve many factors. Dietary changes, the hormonal effects of acute and chronic exercise, alterations in hormone metabolism because of the increased lean-to-fat ratio, and the psychological and physical “stress” of exercise itself may all contribute and may vary in importance in different individuals. Women engaged in endurance training frequently also have disordered attitudes toward eating, and a number of studies have documented low leptin levels and the absence of normal circadian leptin variation (91-94).
In untrained women who underwent a program of strenuous aerobic exercise (running 4-10 miles/day) combined with caloric restriction, menstrual dysfunction was induced (95). The spectrum of abnormalities in these women included luteal phase dysfunction, loss of the midcycle LH surge, prolonged menstrual cycles, altered patterns of gonadotropin secretion, and amenorrhea. Subsequent studies have indicated that luteal phase defects can occur soon after beginning endurance training in the majority of untrained women (96). However, in contrast to these findings, others observed that a progressive exercise program of moderate intensity did not affect the reproductive system of gynecologically mature (mean age, 31.4 years), untrained, eumenorrheic women (97). It was suggested that relatively young gynecologic age or an earlier age of training onset in particular adversely affects menstrual cyclicity.
Many amenorrheic athletes welcome the onset of amenorrhea. However, significant osteopenia, usually affecting trabecular bone, has been reported in these women (98-100). It appears that the loss in bone density secondary to hypoestrogenism nullifies the beneficial effects of weight-bearing exercise in strengthening and remodeling bone (99,101). Such women are at risk for stress fractures, particularly in the weight-bearing lower extremities, and bone density may remain below those of eumenorrheic athletes even after resumption of menses (102).
Stress is generally acknowledged to play a role in the cause of this form of amenorrhea, even though the term stress itself remains difficult to define. Amenorrheic runners subjectively associate greater stress with running than do runners with regular menses (103) (Fig.2).
Figure 2. Subjective stress associated with running. Subjects were asked to evaluate the stress associated with running on a scale from 0 to 10, with 10 being maximal. The means + standard errors are shown. The number of subjects in each group is shown in the bar. MDR - middle distance runners (15-30 miles per wee) with regular menses; LDR - long distance runners (>30 miles per week) with regular menses; AR = amenorrheic runners. Stress was significantly greater (p<0.001) in both long distance and amenorrheic runners compared to middle distance runners. (Data from Schwartz et al., reference 103).
However, no increase in amenorrhea was observed in a competitive group of young classical musicians, who presumably were experiencing similar stress, compared with a group of young ballet dancers, in whom the incidence of amenorrhea was quite high (104). Basal levels of circulating cortisol and urinary free cortisol excretion, indicative of increased stress, are increased in both eumenorrheic and amenorrheic runners (105) (Fig.3). It is likely even the eumenorrheic runners in this particular study had subtle reproductive abnormalities.
Figure 3. 24 Hour-urinary free cortisol excretion in normal control subjects (NC) eumenorrheic runners (R) and amenorrheic runners (AR). The number of subjects is shown in each bar. (Data from Villaneuva et al, reference 105).
Because levels of CBG, the disappearance rate of cortisol from the circulation, and the response of cortisol to adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) were not altered in the women runners compared with sedentary control subjects, secretion of ACTH and possibly of CRH must be increased in women who run. Abnormalities of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis also are indicated by the observations that serum ACTH and cortisol responses to exogenous CRH are blunted as are the responses to meals (105,106).
The observation that amenorrheic runners also have subtle abnormalities in hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroidal function provides support for the concept that exercise-associated amenorrhea is similar to other forms of hypothalamic amenorrhea (107).
Amenorrhea may occur in women with a definite history of psychological and socioenvironmental trauma (86,108). The incidence of amenorrhea is quite high among depressed women, and the effects of lifestyle and nutritional status are difficult to differentiate from variables such as stress. Studies of individuals in whom a definite psychological traumatic event preceded the onset of amenorrhea have revealed low to normal basal levels of serum gonadotropins with normal responses to GnRH, prolonged suppression of gonadotropins in response to estradiol, and failure of a positive feedback response to estradiol (86,108-110). Increased basal levels of cortisol and decreased levels of DHEAS also have been noticed in women with psychogenic amenorrhea compared with eumenorrheic women (62). The mean levels of circulating cortisol are increased in such women largely because of an increase in the amplitude of the pulses of cortisol (111). Moreover, studies of depressed women have revealed abnormal circadian rhythms of cortisol and early “escape” from dexamethasone suppression (112,113).
The mechanism by which emotional states or stressful experiences causes psychogenic amenorrhea is not yet established. Evidence suggests, however, that a cascade of neuroendocrine events that may begin with limbic system responses to psychic stimuli impairs hypothalamic-pituitary activity (114). It has been suggested that increased hypothalamic b-endorphin is important in inhibiting gonadotropin secretion (114).
Psychological studies have found several social and psychological correlates of psychogenic amenorrhea: a history of previous pregnancy losses, including spontaneous abortion (115,116), stressful life events within the 6-month period preceding the amenorrhea (117,118), and poor social support or separation from significant family members during childhood and adolescence (113,118). Many women with psychogenic amenorrhea report stressful events associated with psychosexual problems and socioenvironmental stresses during the teenage years.108 Women with psychogenic amenorrhea also tend to have negative attitudes toward sexually related body parts, more partner-related sexual problems, and greater fear of or aversion to menstruation than do eumenorrheic women (117). Distortions of body image and confusion about basic bodily functions, especially sexuality and reproduction, are common (116).
The various forms of hypothalamic chronic anovulation associated with altered lifestyles just discussed have several features in common. Altered GnRH and LH secretion seems to be the common result from altered hypothalamic input. It remains unclear if these disorders form a single disorder or several closely related disorders. Moreover, similar forms of amenorrhea are sometimes seen in women with severe systemic illnesses or with hypothalamic damage from tumors, infection, irradiation, trauma, or other causes.
The treatment of patients with functional hypothalamic chronic anovulation is controversial and difficult. The Endocrine Society recommends a multidisciplinary approach including medical, dietary, and mental health support (65a). Psychological therapy and support or a change in lifestyle may cause cyclic ovulation and menses to resume. However, ovulation does not always resume, even after the lifestyle is altered. The treatment of affected women in whom menses do not resume and who do not desire pregnancy is difficult. Most physicians now advocate the use of exogenous sex steroids to prevent osteoporosis. Therapy consisting of oral conjugated estrogens (0.625-1.25 mg), ethinyl estradiol (20 mg), micronized estradiol-17β (1-2 mg), or estrone sulfate (0.625-2.5 mg) or of transdermal estradiol-17b (0.05-0.1 mg) continuously with oral medroxyprogesterone acetate (5 to 10 mg) or oral micronized progesterone (200 mg) added for 12-14 days each month is appropriate. Sexually active women can be treated with oral contraceptive agents. These women appear to be particularly sensitive to the undesired side effects of sex steroid therapy, and close contact with the physician may be required until the appropriate dosage is established. If sex steroid therapy is provided, patients must be informed that the amenorrhea may still be present after therapy is discontinued.
Some physicians believe that only periodic observation of affected women is indicated, with barrier methods of contraception recommended for fertility control. Contraception is necessary for sexually active women with hypothalamic chronic anovulation because spontaneous ovulation may resume at any time (before menstrual bleeding) in these mildly affected individuals. Women who refuse sex steroid therapy should be encouraged to have spinal bone density evaluated at intervals to document that bone loss is not accelerated. Adequate calcium ingestion should be encouraged in all affected women.
For women desiring pregnancy who do not ovulate spontaneously, clomiphene citrate (50-100 mg/d for 5 days beginning on the third to fifth day of withdrawal bleeding) can be used. However, clomiphene is frequently ineffective in these hypoestrogenic women. Treatment with human menopausal and chorionic gonadotropins (hMG-hCG) or with pulsatile GnRH may be effective in women who do not ovulate in response to clomiphene. Because the underlying defect in hypothalamic amenorrhea is decreased endogenous GnRH secretion, administration of pulsatile GnRH to induce ovulation can be viewed as physiologic; it offers the additional advantages of decreased need for ultrasonographic and serum estradiol monitoring, a decreased risk of multiple pregnancies, and a virtual absence of ovarian hyperstimulation. A starting intravenous dose of GnRH of 5 mg every 90 minutes is effective (119). After ovulation is detected by urinary LH testing or ultrasound, the corpus luteum can be supported by continuation of pulsatile GnRH or by hCG (1500 IU every 3 days for four doses). Ovulation rates of 90% and conception rates of 30% per ovulatory cycle can be expected (120). Unfortunately GnRH is no longer available in the United States because it was used so infrequently.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has also been shown to be effective (120a).In a small trial involving 16 patients randomized to CBT or observation for 20 weeks, six women in the CBT group and only one in the observation group resumed ovulation. The CBT focused on changing attitudes towards eating habits, exercise, body image, problem-solving skills, and stress reduction.
One report noted improvements in reproductive function in a group of eight women with hypothalamic amenorrhea due to strenuous exercise or low weight who received recombinant human leptin for up to three months (121). As might be expected for a heterogeneous disorder, however, only three of the women ovulated in response to this therapy. Another study suggests that kisspeptin-54 may have utility in the future in treating hypogonadotropic hypogonadism by increasing LH pulsatility (121a).
In general, women with anorexia and bulimia nervosa should not have ovulation induced until their disease is in remission. It is clear that cognitve-behavioral therapy that focuses on modification of the specific behaviors and ways of thinking that support the patient’s eating disorder should be a part of any treatment plan (122). Addition of antidepressant drugs, especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, may be of additional benefit in treating women with bulimia nervosa.
Isolated Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
Individuals with isolated (also termed idiopathic) hypogonadotropic hypogonadism fail to undergo pubertal maturation. Most have functional GnRH deficiency, but some appear to have abnormalities of gonadotropin deficiency localized to the pituitary gland (122a).
As originally described in 1944, Kallmann syndrome consisted of the triad of anosmia, hypogonadism, and color blindness in men (123). Women may be affected as well, and other midline defects may be associated (124-126). Because autopsy studies have shown partial or complete agenesis of the olfactory bulb, the term olfactogenital dysplasia also has been used to describe the syndrome (127). Because isolated gonadotropin deficiency may also occur in the absence of anosmia, the syndrome is considered to be quite heterogeneous.
Data indicate that in many patients the defect is a failure of GnRH neurons to form completely in the medial olfactory placode of the developing nose or the failure of GnRH neurons to migrate from the olfactory bulb to the medial basal hypothalamus during embryogenesis (128). In some patients, structural defects of the olfactory bulbs can be seen on magnetic resonance imaging (129). It appears likely that this disorder forms a structural continuum with other midline defects, with septo-optic dysplasia representing the most severe disorder.
Some individuals with isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism are normosmic. The molecular abnormalities identified thus far explain why some are anosmic and others are not (122a). The first mutations identified in Kallmann syndrome involve a cell surface adhesive gene, KAL1, which prevented normal development of the olfactory bulb and the neurologic tract responsible for transport of GnRH to the median eminence of the hypothalamus. Since that time, mutations in several other genes needed for development of the olfactory bulb and the neurologic tract needed for GnRH transport have been identified. Gene defects in individuals with normal smell include defects in the GnRH receptor gene, the gene responsible for GnRH production (GNRH1), the gene responsible for GnRH processing (PCSK1), and GnRH secretion (GPR54). Mutations of the KISS1-derived peptide receptor GPR54 have been particularly studied and indicate that the hypothalamic neuropeptide kisspeptin is a component of the GnRH pulse generator (122b).
Gene mutations localized to the pituitary and resulting in isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism include those associated with the GnRH receptor (GNRHR) and the production of the β subunit of gonadotropin. Mutations with the leptin, leptin receptor, and DAX1 genes appear to cause hypogonadotropic hypogonadism within both the hypothalamus and pituitary. These latter mutations appear to be associated with extreme obesity. There are also a number of mutations associated both with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and other pituitary or endocrine deficiencies.
Clinically, affected individuals typically present with sexual infantilism and a eunuchoidal habitus, but moderate breast development may also occur. Primary amenorrhea is the rule. The ovaries usually are small and appear immature, with follicles rarely developed beyond the primordial stage (130). These immature follicles respond readily to exogenous gonadotropin with ovulation and pregnancy, and exogenous pulsatile GnRH can also be used to induce ovulation (131). Replacement therapy with estrogen and progestin should be given to affected women not desiring pregnancy.
Circulating LH and FSH levels generally are quite low. The response to exogenous GnRH is variable, sometimes being diminished and sometimes normal in magnitude, but rarely may be absent (132,133). Although the primary defect in most individuals appears to be hypothalamic, with reduced GnRH synthesis or secretion, a primary pituitary defect may occasionally be present. In addition, partial gonadotropin deficiency may be more frequent than has been appreciated.
Hyperprolactinemic Chronic Anovulation
About 15% of amenorrheic women have increased circulating concentrations of prolactin, but prolactin levels are increased in more than 75% of patients with galactorrhea and amenorrhea (134). Radiologic evidence of a pituitary tumor is present in about 50% of hyperprolactinemic women, and primary hypothyroidism always must be considered. Individuals with galactorrhea-amenorrhea (i.e., hyperprolactinemic chronic anovulation) frequently complain of symptoms of estrogen deficiency, including hot flushes and dyspareunia. However, estrogen secretion may be essentially normal (135). It is not clear if the hyperprolactinemia or the “hypoestrogenism” causes the accelerated bone loss seen in such individuals (136). Signs of androgen excess are observed in some women with hyperprolactinemia; androgen excess may rarely result in PCOS. In hyperprolactinemic women, serum gonadotropin and estradiol levels are low or normal.
Most hyperprolactinemic women have disordered reproductive function, and it appears that the effects on gonadotropin secretion are primarily hypothalamic. The mechanism by which hypothalamic GnRH secretion is disrupted is unknown but may involve an inhibitory effect of tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons (135, 137). It has been proposed that increased hypothalamic dopamine is present in hyperprolactinemic women with pituitary tumors but is ineffective in reducing prolactin secretion by adenomatous lactotropes. The dopamine can, however, reduce pulsatile LH secretion and produce acyclic gonadotropin secretion through a direct effect on hypothalamic GnRH secretion.
It has been suggested that mild nocturnal hyperprolactinemia may be present in some women with regular menses and unexplained infertility (138). Galactorrhea in women with unexplained infertility may reflect increased bioavailable prolactin and may be treated appropriately with bromocriptine (139). Bromocriptine or cabergoline therapy may also be indicated in normoprolactinemic women with amenorrhea and increased prolactin responses to provocative stimuli (140).
Hypopituitarism may be obvious on cursory inspection or it may be quite subtle. The clinical presentation depends on the age at onset, the cause, and the woman’s nutritional status. Loss of axillary and pubic hair and atrophy of the external genitalia should lead the physician to suspect hypopituitarism in a previously menstruating young woman who develops amenorrhea. In such cases, a history of past obstetric hemorrhage suggesting postpartum pituitary necrosis (i.e., Sheehan syndrome) should be sought (141). Failure to develop secondary sexual characteristics or to progress in development once puberty begins must always prompt a workup for hypopituitarism.
Individuals with pituitary insufficiency often complain of weakness, easy fatigability, lack of libido, and cold intolerance. Short stature may occur in individuals developing hypopituitarism during childhood. Symptoms of diabetes insipidus may be observed if the posterior pituitary gland is involved. On physical examination, the skin is generally thin, smooth, cool, and pale (i.e., “alabaster skin”) with fine wrinkling about the eyes; the pulse is slow and thready; and the blood pressure is low.
An evaluation of thyroid and adrenal function is of paramount importance in these individuals. Thyroid replacement therapy must be instituted and the patient must be euthyroid before adrenal testing is initiated. Serum gonadotropin and gonadal steroid levels typically are low in hypopituitarism. Responses to exogenously administered hypothalamic hormones often fail to localize the cause to the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland in affected patients.
Radiographic evaluation of the sella turcica is indicated in any individual with suspected hypopituitarism. The ovaries appear immature and unstimulated, but because oocytes still are present, ovulation can be induced with exogenous gonadotropins when pregnancy is desired. Exogenous pulsatile GnRH may also be used to induce ovulation if the disorder is hypothalamic. Moreover, oocytes may undergo some development, and even ovarian cysts may appear in the absence of significant gonadotropic stimulation. When pregnancy is not desired, maintenance therapy with cyclic estrogen and progestin is indicated to prevent signs and symptoms of estrogen deficiency.
A Heterogeneous Disorder
In 1935, Stein and Leventhal focused attention on a common disorder in which amenorrhea, hirsutism, and obesity were frequently associated (142) (Fig.4). Since that time, this syndrome has been the topic of innumerable studies (142a,142b).
Figure 4. Facial hirsutism in a 17-year-old woman with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
With the development of radioimmunoassays for measuring reproductive hormones, it became clear that women with what is called PCOS shared several distinctive biochemical features. Compared with eumenorrheic women in the early follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, affected women typically have elevated serum LH levels and low to normal FSH levels (143). Virtually all serum androgens are moderately increased, and estrone levels are generally greater than estradiol levels (144). Ovarian inhibin physiology is normal (145). Also increased in women with PCOS are levels of anti-mullerian hormone (AMH); it appears that the more severe the disorder, the higher are the levels of AMH (145a). The increased AMH levels appear due to the increased number of small antral follicles as well as to intrinsic characteristics of the granulosa cells in PCOS.
Many women with the biochemical features of PCOS have small or even morphologically normal ovaries and are not overweight or hirsute. Not all women with PCOS present with the characteristic features. Moreover, excess androgen from any source or increased conversion of androgens to estrogens can lead to the constellation of findings observed in PCOS (146). Included are such disorders as Cushing syndrome, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, virilizing tumors of ovarian or adrenal origin, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, and obesity. In all of these disorders, the ovaries may be morphologically polycystic. Although no clinical and biochemical criteria describe the syndrome strictly, a conference convened by the National Institutes of Health (147) developed diagnostic criteria for PCOS:
- Clinical evidence of hyperandrogenism (e.g., hirsutism, acne, androgenetic alopecia) and/or hyperandrogemia (e.g., elevated total or free testosterone).
- Oligoovulation (i.e., cycle duration >35 days or <8 cycles per year).
- Exclusion of related disorders (e.g., hyperprolactinemia, thyroid dysfunction, androgen-secreting tumors, 21-hydroxylase-deficient nonclassical congenital adrenal hyperplasia.)
A subsequent expert conference convened in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, in 2003 and sponsored in part by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) recommended that PCOS be defined when at least two of the following three features are present: 1) oligo- and/or anovulation, 2) clinical and/or biochemical signs of hyperandrogenism, and 3) polycystic ovaries. This definition also states that other androgen excess or related disorders should be excluded prior to assigning the diagnosis of PCOS (148,149). By these criteria neither hyperandrogenism nor ovulatory dysfunction is required to make the definition of PCOS. This latter definition is now the most widely accepted; it is becoming increasingly common to spell out the phenotypes of patients reported in studies of PCOS as recommended by an NIH consensus conference in 2012 (149a).
A subsequent consensus conference on PCOS noted that there has been no overall agreement as to how to diagnose PCOS in adolescence (149b). Because both acne and irregular menstrual cycles are common in adolescents, while hirsutism develops slowly over time, it has been suggested that all three elements of the Rotterdam criteria should be present in teens in order to make the diagnosis of PCOS (149c). These investigators suggest that amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea should be present for at least two years after menarche (or until at least age 16), that the ovaries on ultrasound should be enlarged to greater than 10 cm3 (because numerous small cysts are commonly present during adolescence), and that hyperandrogenemia and not just signs of androgen excess should be present to diagnose PCOS in teenagers.
PCOS may be viewed as a state of chronic anovulation associated with LH-dependent ovarian overproduction of androgens. Clinically, the perimenarcheal onset of symptoms is a common feature. It has been estimated that PCOS affects approximately 5% of women of reproductive age, making it the most common form of chronic anovulation (150, 151). Some clinicians believe that PCOS may be the most common endocrinopathy. Although the cause of this disorder remains unknown, there is some evidence of autosomal dominant transmission in some affected individuals (152, 153). Disorders presenting similarly but with different underlying causes can be considered as having chronic anovulation with inappropriate feedback.
Polycystic Ovaries
Grossly, the ovaries of most women with PCOS are bilaterally enlarged and globular. (Fig.5)
Figure 5. Gross and cut appearance of typical polycystic ovaries. Multiple small follicular cysts are apparent in the cut section.
They are often described as having an “oyster shell” appearance because they have smooth, glistening capsules and are the appropriate color. The tunica albuginea is often thickened diffusely, and many cysts 3 to 7 mm in diameter are present on cut section. Because ovulation rarely occurs, corpora lutea may be present. Histologically, the follicular cysts are usually lined by granulosa cells and surrounded by a thickened and luteinized theca interna and are in various stages of maturation and atresia. When islands of luteinized thecal cells are found scattered throughout the ovarian stroma, not just around the follicles, the term hyperthecosis is sometimes used. The clinical syndrome accompanying this pathologic finding is typically characterized by massive obesity, severe hirsutism reflecting particularly excessive ovarian overproduction of androgens, acanthosis nigricans, glucose intolerance with insulin resistance, and hyperuricemia. (Fig.6)
Figure 6. Appearance of a woman with hyperthecosis, sometimes referred to as the HAIR-AN syndrome (hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance, acanthosis nigricans). The obesity, hirsutism, acne, and acanthosis nigricans are obvious.
Insulin action at the target cell appears defective in these patients, with some individuals having antibodies to insulin receptors and others apparently having a postreceptor defect (154, 155). PCOS and hyperthecosis appear to represent facets of the same disease process rather than two distinct entities. Some authorities, however, maintain that the two represent different disorders.
The follicles in the ovaries of women with PCOS do not mature completely. However, in vitro studies have failed to detect any primary defect in the steroidogenic capacity of polycystic ovaries (156). Although there seems to be a relative deficiency in aromatase activity in the granulosa cells of polycystic ovaries, this deficiency can be corrected by FSH in vitro and in vivo.
Other Clinical and Biochemical Features
Although all women with PCOS produce androgens at increased rates compared with eumenorrheic women, only some present with hirsutism, largely because of varying sensitivity at the level of the hair follicle. The hyperandrogenism is rarely sufficient to produce overt virilization. Signs of markedly elevated androgen levels, including clitoromegaly, temporal balding, and deepening of the voice, may suggest an androgen-producing tumor, especially if these features developed rapidly. Women with PCOS invariably are well estrogenized, with normal breast development and abundant cervical mucus on examination. Because obesity is found in only about 50% of women with PCOS, it is doubtful that obesity is central to its cause.
About 50% of women with PCOS have amenorrhea, about 30% have irregular bleeding, and about 12% have “cyclic menses” (146). No particular pattern of menstrual bleeding is characteristic of women with PCOS, although a history of oligomenorrhea is probably most common. Because only about 75% of women with PCOS are infertile, women with PCOS do ovulate occasionally.
Two other biochemical features warrant discussion. First, obese and normal-weight women with PCOS generally release increased quantities of insulin in response to a standard glucose challenge compared with weight-matched eumenorrheic individuals (157, 158). Many investigators now regard the insulin resistance as the central abnormality in the disorder, but this has not been established with certainty. Thus, regardless of body weight, 30 to 80 percent of women with PCOS experience insulin resistance and compensatory hyperinsulinemia (159). Based on studies in a very well characterized subset of obese women with the disorder, the insulin resistance present in PCOS appears to represent a postreceptor signalling aberration and differs from the insulin resistance observed in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and simple obesity (118). The compensatory hyperinsulinemia that results causes exaggerated effects in other tissues as well. These effects include increased ovarian androgen secretion; excessive growth of the basal cells of the skin leading to acanthosis nigricans in some women; increased vascular and endothelial reactivity, which may lead to hypertension and vascular disease; and abnormal hepatic and peripheral lipid metabolism, which may cause dyslipidemia. Thus, it is now recognized that women with PCOS are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in addition to endometrial carcinoma because of anovulation. Because treatment with a GnRH analogue reduces ovarian androgen secretion but does not correct the insulin resistance in women with PCOS, the defect in insulin action presumably is not due to abnormal sex steroid levels (160). The possibility that a defect in the secretion or action of insulin or some related growth factor is central to the cause of PCOS cannot be entirely excluded and is gaining increasing support as the cause of hyperandrogenemia in women with PCOS (161). The pivotal role of insulin resistance in PCOS is strongly suggested by the beneficial effects of insulin-sensitizing agents such as metformin, troglitazone, and D-chiro-inositol on metabolic and reproductive function, regardless of the patient’s weight (162-165).
In addition, perhaps 10% to 15% of women with PCOS have mild hyperprolactinemia in the absence of radiographic evidence of a pituitary tumor, possibly because of chronic acyclic estrogen secretion (166). Although hyperprolactinemia is associated with increased adrenal production of DHEAS, the increased adrenal androgen production seen in women with PCOS usually does not correlate with the hyperprolactinemia.
Pathophysiology of the Chronic Anovulation
A growing body of evidence indicates that disordered insulin action precedes the increase in androgens in PCOS. The administration of insulin to women with PCOS increases circulating androgen levels (161, 167). The administration of glucose to hyperandrogenic women increases circulating levels of insulin and androgen (168). Weight loss decreases levels of insulin and androgens (169). The suppression of circulating insulin levels experimentally by diazoxide reduces androgen levels (170). The suppression of androgen secretion to normal levels with GnRH agonists does not lead to normal insulin responses to glucose tolerance testing in obese women with PCOS (160, 171, 172).
The hyperinsulinemia may cause hyperandrogenemia by binding to IGF-I receptors in the ovary (173). Activation of ovarian IGF-I receptors by insulin can lead to increased androgen production by thecal cells (174). Moreover, independent of any effect on ovarian steroid production, increased insulin inhibits the hepatic synthesis of SHBG (175). Insulin directly inhibits insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 in the liver, permitting greater local activity of IGF-I in the ovary (176).
Regardless of the cause of PCOS, it is possible to construct a rational pathophysiologic mechanism to explain the disorder (Fig.7).
Figure 7. Pathophysiologic mechanisms associated with PCOS that may help explain the chronic anovulation.
Regardless of the source or cause of androgen excess, a vicious cycle of events causing persistent anovulation commences. The androgen is converted to estrogen, primarily estrone, in the periphery. The estrogen feeds back on the central nervous system-hypothalamic-pituitary unit to induce inappropriate gonadotropin secretion with an increased LH to FSH ratio. The estrogen stimulates GnRH synthesis and secretion in the hypothalamus, causing preferential LH release by the pituitary gland. The estrogen may also increase GnRH by decreasing hypothalamic dopamine. Selective inhibition of FSH secretion by increased ovarian inhibin may also occur in PCOS. Possible inhibition of FSH secretion by increased androgen secretion has not been considered. The increased LH secretion stimulates thecal cells in the ovary to produce excess androgen. The androgen also inhibits production of SHBG, resulting in increased free androgen and predisposing affected women to hirsutism. The morphologic ovarian changes undoubtedly are secondary to hormonal changes. The absence of follicular maturation and the reduced estradiol production by the ovaries apparently result from a combination of inadequate FSH stimulation and inhibition by the increased concentrations of intraovarian androgen. The low levels of SHBG probably facilitate tissue uptake of free androgen, leading to increased peripheral formation of estrogen and perpetuating the acyclic chronic anovulation. The androgenic basis for the inappropriate estrogen feedback is partly shifted from the site of origin to the ovaries. The increased estrogens (and perhaps androgens) may also stimulate fat cell proliferation, leading to obesity. The current data suggest that there is no defect in the hypothalamic-pituitary axis in PCOS but rather that peripheral alterations result in abnormal gonadotropin secretion.
Appropriate therapy demands that potential causes such as neoplasms be eliminated. Besides facilitating fertility, the aims of treatment in women with PCOS are three-fold: to control hirsutism, to prevent endometrial hyperplasia from unopposed acyclic estrogen secretion, and to prevent the long-term consequences of insulin resistance. The treatment must be individualized according to the needs and desires of each patient.
For the anovulatory woman with PCOS who is not hirsute and who does not desire pregnancy, therapy with an intermittent progestin (e.g., medroxyprogesterone acetate, 5 to 10 mg orally, or micronized progesterone, 200 mg orally, for 10 to 14 days each month) or oral contraceptives if she is younger than 35 years of age, does not smoke, and has no other significant risk factor should be provided to reduce the increased risk of endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma present in such a woman because of the unopposed estrogen secretion. The woman taking progestins intermittently should be informed of the need for effective barrier contraception if she is sexually active, because these agents as administered do not inhibit ovulation, and ovulation occasionally occurs in PCOS. There is no evidence that the use of low-dose combined oral contraceptive agents increases the risks associated with insulin resistance in women with PCOS, and the benefits in preventing endometrial hyperplasia are clearly established. The progestin-containing IUD can be used both for contraception and to prevent endometrial hyperplasia, especially for women who cannot or will not take oral contraceptives.
Therapy for the woman with PCOS who is hirsute is somewhat different in some circumstances. In general, oral contraceptives provide initial therapy for affected women with mild hirsutism and provide protection from endometrial hyperplasia.
For women with PCOS who are overweight, it is reasonable to encourage lifestyle changes (149a, 176a). It is also recommended that women with PCOS be screened for diabetes, typically by an oral glucose tolerance test, although measurement of hemoglobin A1C may suffice (176a). Weight loss alone (of even less than 10%) may result in decreased insulin resistance and resumption of ovulation (177-179). However, lifestyle changes are difficult for patients to adopt. The use of insulin-sensitizing agents such as metformin is increasing but is not approved by the FDA. Whether the use of such agents will decrease the likelihood of the consequences of the metabolic alterations associated with insulin resistance is unclear. At present no data regarding the long-term safety and efficacy of these agents exist. What is clear is that only short-term trials of perhaps 3 months’ duration are needed to determine if insulin-sensitizing agents will be useful: responsive individuals will resume cyclic menstruation and ovulation in this short time frame and insulin levels will fall substantially (162,163,180,181).
Predicting which individuals with PCOS will respond is not possible at the present time. However, many clinicians believe that the therapy is low in risk, and the agents are relatively inexpensive. The use of these agents should probably be contemplated only in women with well documented insulin resistance and PCOS. Metformin should be administered only if the patient’s creatinine is normal and should be discontinued during illnesses to prevent the occurrence of lactic acidosis. Individuals should be cautioned that they may anticipate nausea or diarrhea on beginning metformin. Consequently the drug should be increased slowly to the maximal dose of 2.5 g per day orally.
For the woman with PCOS who wants to conceive, clomiphene citrate is used initially because of its high success rate and relative simplicity and inexpensiveness. A randomized trial has documented that letrozole is more effective than clomiphene in women with PCOS and a BMI >30 (181a). In fact, data are accumulating to indicate that letrozole is as effective as clomiphene in all women with PCOS, whether obese or not (181b). Both clomiphene citrate and letrozole can now be considered as first-line agents for inducing ovulation in PCOS even though letrozole is not approved for this indication by the U.S. FDA. 181b Other possible therapeutic approaches to ovulation induction include the use of gonadotropins (perhaps preceded by a GnRH analogue), FSH alone, pulsatile GnRH, and wedge resection of the ovaries at laparotomy (181c). Wedge resection or any other surgical manipulation of the ovaries should be performed only after all other methods of ovulation induction fail, an ovarian tumor is possible because of ovarian size or circulating androgen levels, or fertility is unimportant, because pelvic adhesions frequently result from surgery and may contribute to infertility. Laparoscopic ovarian follicular cautery or laser vaporization can also be used successfully to induce ovulation (182,183). However, these procedures also cause adhesion formation in a significant percentage of women. In addition, the success of medical therapy does not justify routine use of these procedures.
There are some largely uncontrolled studies suggesting that insulin-sensitizing agents, alone or in combination with clomiphene citrate, may improve both ovulatory function and fertility in some women with PCOS (162, 163,180). A trial may be warranted in women who do not respond to clomiphene before considering the use of more expensive agents to induce ovulation. However, a large randomized clinical trial documented that clomiphene citrate is more effective than metformin in inducing ovulation and resulting pregnancy; moreover, there was no further improvement when the two agents were used concurrently (183a). Metformin should not be considered as first-line therapy for women with PCOS desiring pregnancy.
Cushing Syndrome
Along with the well-known physical manifestations in Cushing syndrome-central obesity, moon facies, and pigmented striae-are the less visible endocrinologic changes of amenorrhea, hirsutism, and infertility. The mechanisms responsible for the chronic anovulation are unclear, but several possibilities exist. The various degrees of adrenal androgen excess in Cushing syndrome of all causes together with obesity may cause excessive extraglandular conversion of androgens to estrogens in fat cells and inappropriate acyclic feedback to the hypothalamic-pituitary unit (184). The increased levels of CRH and ACTH in Cushing disease may affect the hypothalamic-pituitary secretion of GnRH and LH, as suggested for hypothalamic chronic anovulation.
Thyroid Dysfunction
As a result of significant changes in the metabolism and interconversion of androgens and estrogens, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are associated with menstrual disorders ranging from excessive and prolonged uterine bleeding to amenorrhea. The altered sex steroid metabolism leads to inappropriate feedback and chronic anovulation. The changes are corrected by appropriate treatment of the underlying thyroid disease.
Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is the most common indication for gynecologic consultation. AUB is also believed to be the indication for 80-90% of D&C procedures performed in nonpregnant women in the United States, accounting for about 350,000 procedures annually (185). By some measures AUB is the second most common indication for hysterectomy in the U.S. after uterine leiomyomas, accounting for approximately 20% or 120,000 procedures annually (186,187).
AUB may be defined as uterine bleeding occurring at unexpected times or of abnormal duration and may take any of several forms, with the bleeding altered in frequency, duration, and/or amount. Because the terminology and definitions for disturbances of menstrual bleeding are so confused, it is best to use the term AUB and then to describe the bleeding pattern as precisely as possible (187a). AUB always must be differentiated from bleeding originating in the urinary or gastrointestinal tracts. Broadly speaking, AUB can be divided into “organic causes”, which are found in perhaps 25% of cases, and so-called “dysfunctional” (or anovulatory) uterine bleeding (Table 2)
Table 2. Etiology of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
1. Organic Causes |
a. Systemic disease
i. Coagulation disorders (Primary or secondary) ii. Thyroid dysfunction iii. Liver disease a. Pregnancy-related disorders b. Malignancies c. Benign uterine abnormalities (i.e., fibroids, polyps) d. Iatrogenic causes (i.e., IUDs, estrogens) e. Lower genital tract disease f. Functional ovarian cysts and other benign ovarian neoplasms |
2. Reproductive tract disease |
a. Pregnancy-related disorders
b. Malignancies c. Benign uterine abnormalities (i.e., fibroids, polyps) d. Iatrogenic causes (i.e., IUDs, estrogens) e. Lower genital tract disease f. Functional ovarian cysts and other benign ovarian neoplasms |
3. “Dysfunctional” (anovulatory) uterine bleeding (DUB) |
Organic causes can be divided further into those associated with any of a number of systemic diseases and those associated with disorders of the reproductive tract. DUB may be defined as resulting from a functional abnormality of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis and is present in the majority of women with AUB. It is perhaps best to refer to anovulatory bleeding rather than to DUB because many studies include in reports of DUB women who clearly have organic abnormalities.
The frequency of the various causes of AUB varies with the age of the patient. DUB is more common early and late in the reproductive years. Organic causes, especially neoplasms, increase with advancing age. In any woman of reproductive age, pregnancy must be ruled out, because bleeding related to complications of pregnancy is probably the most common cause of abnormal bleeding.
Different abnormalities cause AUB during the prepubertal years. Newborn girls sometimes spot for a few days after birth because of placental estrogenic stimulation of the endometrium in utero. Withdrawal of the estrogen at birth leads to sloughing of the endometrium. Accidental trauma to the vulva or vagina is the most common cause of bleeding during childhood. Vaginitis with spotting, most often because of irritation from a foreign body, also may occur. Prolapse of the urethral meatus and tumors of the genital tract also must be considered in the differential diagnosis. When the bleeding is due to the ingestion of estrogen-containing drugs (typically oral contraceptives) by children, there is rarely significant pubertal development. Of course, sexual abuse always must be considered in the young girl presenting with abnormal bleeding. Thus, it is clear that most of the prepubertal causes of bleeding are really not uterine in origin.
Although perhaps as many as half of all menstrual cycles are anovulatory when menses begin, the actual incidence of DUB in adolescents is low. Typically, anovulatory bleeding occurs at intervals longer than normal menstrual cycles, while bleeding due to organic causes tends to occur more frequently than regular menses. In most cases of anovulatory bleeding beginning in adolescence, there is spontaneous resolution. However, it is important to remember that up to 20% of patients with AUB during the teenage years have a primary coagulation disorder (188). It is also important to rule out pregnancy-related bleeding during the reproductive years.
Any woman over the age of 35 with AUB must be evaluated for a malignancy, despite the fact that most causes of such bleeding are benign. Endometrial hyperplasia clearly is a possibility in women who do not ovulate on a regular basis, even at a much earlier age than 40. The finding of endometrial hyperplasia after the menopause always should result in a search for a source of estrogen, either from exogenous therapy or from an endogenous (commonly ovarian) neoplasm.
Evaluation and Treatment
In the evaluation of the woman with AUB, obtaining a thorough history is of paramount importance. Emphasis should be placed on learning the pattern and quantity of bleeding. Because most women are poor at estimating blood loss and recalling exactly when they bled, all patients should be asked to keep a prospective menstrual calendar in which they record days and severity of bleeding. Menses lasting for more than 8 days or in which more than 80 ml of blood is lost are probably abnormal (i.e., menorrhagia). It has been estimated that up to 20% of women have excessive menstrual blood loss and that the incidence is similar for African-American and white U.S. women (189).
Obviously the physical examination also is important. The hemodynamic stability of any patient with abnormal bleeding should be assessed. The pelvic examination will rule out obvious organic causes. Warranted laboratory tests include measurement of hCG at the point of service, a complete blood count to assess hematological status, a platelet count and other coagulation studies to rule out a coagulation defect, and thyroid function studies to rule out a thyroid abnormality.
Just which patients should undergo further assessment of the endometrium is problematic, as is the type of evaluation to be undertaken. An endometrial biopsy is indicated in any woman over age 35 with AUB, in any woman with a prolonged history of irregular bleeding, and in most, if not all, women with severe bleeding. Measurement of endometrial thickness by transvaginal ultrasound appears to be of value in postmenopausal women who are not taking exogenous estrogen. Several studies have indicated that there is almost never any significant pathology when the endometrial thickness is less than 5 mm (190). Sonohysterography (SHG), sometimes termed saline infusion sonography (SIS), has become increasingly popular because it can be done in the office at the time of the initial evaluation and appears almost as accurate as hysteroscopy in diagnosing abnormalities within the uterine cavity (191,192). Some clinicians prefer hysteroscopy because it is generally superior to blind biopsy in identifying abnormalities and allows for treatment of many abnormalities at the time of diagnosis. Unfortunately it is also the most expensive of the various procedures; moreover, it is not clear that this procedure is needed to make the diagnosis in most cases. Until definitive data indicate when each of these procedures is warranted, physicians will need to exercise their individual judgment in evaluating women with AUB.
The management of AUB also requires judgment, but a few principles serve the clinician well. First, rule out an organic cause for the bleeding. Then remember that hormonal therapy can almost always stop anovulatory bleeding, but both the patient and the physician must recognize that bleeding will recur at a later (hopefully controlled and planned) time. In general, medical management is always preferred for the treatment of DUB, especially if the patient is interested in future childbearing or if menopause will occur shortly. The actual management of DUB depends on the severity of the problem, the age of the patient, and her desires regarding future fertility.
In young women, typically teenagers, with DUB, only reassurance and prospective charting may be necessary in those with mild irregular bleeding, especially because most adolescents will begin or resume regular ovulatory cycles within several months (188). In teens in whom the bleeding has been more prolonged and erratic such that there is some anemia (but the patient is hemodynamically stable), therapy must be individualized. If the young woman is sexually active (but not pregnant), a progestin-dominant oral contraceptive should control the bleeding and simultaneously provide contraception. Alternatively, a progestin such as medroxyprogesterone acetate (5-10 mg daily for 10-14 days) may be given every 30 to 60 days to induce intermittent “chemical curettage” and prevent chronic unopposed stimulation of the endometrium. However, it often takes several months before intermittent progestins can control irregular uterine bleeding. Oral iron therapy should always be provided as well. In general, the hormonal therapy can be discontinued, if desired, in 6 to 12 months. Most women will have regular menses when therapy is stopped, but thorough evaluation is warranted if irregular bleeding recurs.
In acute severe menorrhagia (with signs of acute blood loss such that the patient is hemodynamically unstable), blood transfusion may be required to restore hemodynamic stability. Once more hormonal therapy is almost always effective in controlling the bleeding. Any of several regimens may be utilized, but in general large doses of estrogen must be given initially and progestin must be added to stabilize the endometrium. For example, an oral contraceptive agent containing 35 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol may be given every 6 hours until the bleeding stops (generally within 48 hours). The dosage then may be tapered by reducing by one pill every other day (4,4,3,3,2,2,1,1 pills per day). Withdrawal bleeding may be permitted after the dosage has been reduced to one tablet each day or may be deferred for several days by continuing to administer one tablet daily. The patient then should be maintained on oral contraceptives given in the usual cyclic fashion for 6 to 12 months. If hormonal therapy cannot control the bleeding, the diagnosis of DUB should be questioned, and evaluation and biopsy of the endometrium are warranted.
Treatment of the woman over age 35 with AUB is more problematic. Organic causes of uterine bleeding are more common and mandate at least visualization if not sampling of the endometrium. Hormonal therapy with a progestin alone or with estrogen and a progestin can be used to control bleeding; combination therapy may be more effective. It is clear that low-dose combination oral contraceptive agents are effective in the majority of women with DUB (193). Hysterectomy is more commonly employed in this age group, particularly if the patient no longer desires childbearing.
A number of medications have proven effective in the treatment of menorrhagia associated with ovulatory menstrual cycles. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) are clearly of benefit in some, but not all, women with increased menstrual blood loss. Five of seven randomized trials concluded that mean menstrual blood loss was less with NSAIDs than placebo, while two showed no significant difference (194). This therapy can be used for long-term treatment because side effects, mainly gastrointestinal, are mild with intermittent therapy administered only when the patient is bleeding. They can be given in combination with oral contraceptives or progestins to achieve more effective reduction in menstrual blood loss. Although not approved by the FDA for this purpose, studies from Europe indicate that progestin-containing IUDs may be the most effective therapy for menorrhagia, effecting a reduction in blood loss of as much as 90% in some women (195). The androgenic steroid danazol is also effective in reducing blood loss, even at relatively low doses of 200-400 mg per day, but side effects are common and more severe than with other medical therapies. Epsilon-aminocaproic acid (EACA), tranexamic acid (AMCA), and para-aminomethylbenzoic acid (PAMBA) are potent inhibitors of fibrinolysis and have been used effectively, particularly in Europe, to reduce menstrual blood loss, but side effects limit their utility (196,197). Tranexamic acid is now approved for use in the United States. Although extensive data are lacking, it is likely that GnRH analogs, perhaps with “add back” therapy to prevent bone loss, are very effective in reducing blood loss (198), but their expense mitigates using them except in those women who fail to respond to other methods of medical management and who wish to retain their childbearing capacity.
A few other comments are warranted. For women of reproductive age who desire childbearing, induction of ovulation is an effective means of controlling anovulatory bleeding. More than half of functional ovarian cysts, most commonly follicular and corpora luteal cysts, induce some form of menstrual irregularity, ranging from amenorrhea to menorrhagia, and most resolve spontaneously. Clearly abnormal bleeding is also a common complaint of women using hormonal and other forms of contraception. It is also important to remember that thyroid dysfunction may cause any disorder of bleeding ranging from amenorrhea to menorrhagia.
Lastly there is little if any role for the use of depot medroxyprogesterone acetate in the management of AUB. This is particularly true for the treatment of acute bleeding and for individuals in whom the cause of the bleeding has not been established with certainty. Although DMPA may be effective in some women, the drug is also known to cause irregular bleeding and may merely compound the problem. Other, more easily reversible forms of contraception are equally or more effective and should be used.
There are several approaches to the surgical treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding. The appropriate procedure depends on the individual circumstances.
Dilatation and curettage (D&C) is indicated for diagnostic purposes in those women in whom endometrial sampling is warranted but in whom endometrial biopsy in the office is not feasible or has been nondiagnostic. Although D&C has been found empirically to be effective in the management of acute uterine bleeding unresponsive to medical therapy, the therapeutic effect of the procedure is usually limited to the current bleeding episode. When D&C is performed for acute bleeding, it should be followed immediately by administration of cyclic exogenous estrogen and progestin in order to optimize long-term cycle control.
It has been estimated that the blind technique of D&C misses the diagnosis of intrauterine lesions in 10 to 25% of patients. Several studies have indicated that hysteroscopy with directed biopsy is at least as accurate as D&C in detecting endometrial abnormalities. Difficulties with hysteroscopy include its cost, the skill required to perform the procedure and evaluate what is seen, and the fact that it is not useful as a simple screening procedure. Hysteroscopy is probably most useful in individuals with AUB in whom no lesion is detected by other methods but in whom the abnormal bleeding persists.
Surgery that attempts to destroy the endometrium selectively, called endometrial ablation, has been reported for decades. Early approaches utilized thermocoagulation and irradiation. Hysteroscopic endometrial ablation can be conducted in several ways: using laser or electrical or thermal energy to coagulate or vaporize the tissue or resecting the endometrium with a loop electrode deployed via a modified urological resectoscope. Non-hysteroscopic endometrial ablation, involving blind destruction of the endometrium using computer-assisted energy delivery systems, is becoming increasingly popular because newly available approaches and those under development are less expensive than surgical approaches, require less training, and some can be performed in an office setting. Thermal balloon ablation systems are now available in the United States. Although trials comparing the various approaches are relatively uncommon, it appears that all the approved methods of endometrial ablation are equally effective (199-201). The reported incidence of complications with endometrial ablation is relatively low (200). A comprehensive survey of 87 Dutch hospitals indicates half of all complications are related to entry into the endometrial cavity (i.e., uterine perforation and cervical trauma) (202). Other complications include those related to anesthesia, failed access, hemorrhage, and the systemic absorption of distension media. Complications are more commonly encountered early in the experience of a given surgeon.
Data from several reported series suggest that endometrial ablation will result in initial amenorrhea in 50-75% of patients, acceptable reduction in blood loss in another 20-30%, and no significant reduction in blood loss in approximately 10% (199,201). Repeating the procedure a second time appears to be successful in over half the patients initially experiencing a treatment failure.
There is class I evidence from a Cochrane review that use of GnRH agonists prior to endometrial ablation results in shorter procedures, greater ease of surgery, a lower rate of post-operative dysmenorrhea, and a higher rate of post-surgical amenorrhea (203). Several randomized trials allowed a meta-analysis which documented that women undergoing hysteroscopic endometrial ablation had shorter hospital stays, fewer post-operative complications, and resumed activities earlier than those undergoing hysterectomy for increased menstrual bleeding (204). However, there was a significant advantage in favor of hysterectomy in the improvement in heavy menstrual bleeding and satisfaction rates up to 4 years after surgery compared with endometrial ablation. Moreover, rates of re-operation in women undergoing endometrial ablation increase steadily over time after the initial surgery, up to about 40% at 4 years (205). The direct costs of endometrial ablation may well be greater than hysterectomy if patients are followed long enough after their initial procedure (205). Thus, currently endometrial ablation may be an appropriate alternative to hysterectomy for the rare case of DUB or menorrhagia that is unresponsive to conservative management in a woman who is not desirous of future childbearing. Ablation may be very useful in women who are sufficiently ill such that they are poor candidates for hysterectomy.
The most common indication for the removal of uterine fibroids by myomectomy is menorrhagia, followed by pelvic pain or pressure and infertility. The reported effectiveness of myomectomy for menorrhagia is about 80%, but it is not clear what percentage of these patients have failed medical therapy. Although recurrence of myomas following myomectomy is observed in up to 50% of cases, reportedly only 10-15% of women undergoing myomectomy require subsequent surgery such as hysterectomy. MRI –guided focused ultrasound is being used increasingly to treat myomas without surgery.
The effectiveness of hysterectomy for AUB (virtually 100%) has contributed to its popularity as a primary treatment modality for this disorder. Unfortunately, the inefficiency of hysterectomy, due to its greater morbidity, mortality, and cost, makes it an inappropriate choice for management of the great majority of patients presenting with AUB. Current data would suggest that only 1-2% of women presenting with abnormal bleeding will ultimately require hysterectomy when given an appropriate trial of nonsurgical management. Hysterectomy usually should be reserved for the patient with other indications, such as leiomyomas or uterine prolapse. Hysterectomy should be used to treat persistent AUB after all other medical therapy has failed and the amount of menstrual blood loss has been documented to be excessive by some direct measurement (such as a fall in hematocrit).
Any bleeding in postmenopausal women not taking exogenous estrogen must be investigated. Vaginal, cervical, and rectal bleeding must be distinguished from uterine bleeding. Endometrial sampling is warranted in all postmenopausal women not on estrogen with uterine bleeding. The role of ultrasound in management continues to evolve: Many clinicians find it acceptable to defer biopsy if the endometrial thickness is less than 5 mm in diameter. In women not taking estrogen, the most common cause of uterine bleeding is endometrial atrophy.
Bleeding in postmenopausal women taking estrogen is more problematic. In women on sequential estrogen and progestogen, bleeding should occur only near the end or following the course of progestogen. If such is the case, endometrial sampling never may be indicated. An endometrial biopsy is warranted for bleeding at any other time. Despite the fact that a very few cases of endometrial cancer are associated with endometrial thickness of less than 5 mm in diameter on ultrasound, some clinicians are choosing to evaluate women with unscheduled bleeding by ultrasound alone.
When to sample women on continuous estrogen and progestogen is less clear. Sampling for bleeding occurring during the first 6 months these steroids are administered is rarely necessary. After the initial 6 months, any bleeding warrants biopsy. Biopsy would seem to be indicated at yearly intervals for women who continue to have some bleeding on continuous estrogen and progestogen.
A recent systematic review concluded that irregular bleeding was more than twice as common with a continuous as opposed to a sequential regimen, but with longer duration of treatment, continuous combined therapy was more protective than sequential therapy in preventing endometrial hyperplasia (206). There was also evidence of a higher incidence of hyperplasia under long cycle sequential therapy (progestogen every 3 months) compared to monthly sequential therapy.
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Genetic Defects in Thyroid Hormone Supply
Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is the most frequent endocrine-metabolic disease in infancy, with an incidence of about 1/2500 newborns [1, 2]. In the last 20-30 years the incidence of congenital hypothyroidism in newborns has increased from 1:4000 to 1:2000 [3, 4]. This phenomenon could be explained by using a lower b-TSH cutoff, that allowed the detection of an unsuspected number of children with neonatal hypothyroidism [5]. With the exception of rare cases due to hypothalamic or pituitary defects, CH is characterized by elevated TSH in response to reduced thyroid hormone levels. In absence of an adequate treatment, CH determines growth retardation, delays in motor development, and permanent intellectual disability.
In the majority of cases (80-85%), primary permanent CH is associated with TD. These forms include developmental disorders such as athyreosis, ectopy, hemiagenesis or hypoplasia.
TD occurs mostly as sporadic disease, however a genetic cause has been demonstrated in about 2-5% of the reported cases [8]. Genes associated with TD include several thyroid transcription factors expressed in the early phases of thyroid organogenesis (NKX2.1/TITF1, FOXE1/TITF2, PAX8, NKX2.5) as well as genes, like the thyrotropin receptor gene (TSHR) expressed later during gland morphogenesis.
In the remaining 15-20% of cases, CH is caused by inborn errors in the molecular steps required for the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones, and generally it is characterized by enlargement of the gland (goiter), presumably due to elevated TSH levels [9]. Generally, thyroid dyshormonogenesis shows classical Mendelian recessive inheritance.
Rarely CH has a central origin, as consequence of hypothalamic and/or pituitary diseases, with reduced production or function of thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) or thyrotropin hormone (TSH) [10]. For complete coverage of this and all related areas of Endocrinology, please visit our FREE on-line web-textbook,
CH is usually a sporadic disease with a frequency of about two girls for each boy [11]. Familial cases occur with a frequency that is 15-fold higher than by chance alone [12]. The genetic basis of these familial cases has been established in some, but not all pedigrees [13].
An increased prevalence of the disease is reported in twins [14], with approximately 12 fold increased incidence compared to singletons, even if a discordance rate of 92% between monozygotic (MZ) twins has been observed [15].
The incidence of CH differs significantly among different ethnicities and regions, ranging from 1 in 30,000 in the African-American population in the United States [16, 17] to 1 in 900 in Asian populations in the United Kingdom [18].
In absence of an adequate treatment, severe CH results in serious mental retardation, in motor handicaps as well as in the signs and symptoms of impaired metabolism. Before the introduction of a neonatal screening program, congenital hypothyroidism was one of the most frequent causes of mental retardation.
The clinically detectable consequences of CH strongly depend on severity and duration of thyroid hormone deprivation, but there is also a large individual variability in treatment response.
In the first four-six months after birth, only untreated patients with severe CH have clinical manifestations. Milder cases can remain undiscovered for years. Clinical features of CH are subtle and non-specific during the neonatal period due in part to the passage of maternal thyroid hormone across the placenta; however, early symptoms may include:
- Decreased activity
- Wide posterior fontanel
- Poor feeding and weight gain
- Small stature or poor growth
- Long-term jaundice
- Decreased stooling or constipation
- Hypotonia
- Hoarse cry
- Coarse facial features
- Macroglossia
- Umbilical hernia
- Developmental delay
- Pallor
- Myxedema
- Goiter
Infants with congenital hypothyroidism are usually born at term or after term. Infants with obvious findings of hypothyroidism (eg, macroglossia, enlarged fontanelle, hypotonia) at the time of diagnosis have intelligence quotients (IQs) 10-20 points lower than infants without such findings. Often, they are described as "good babies" because they rarely cry and sleep most of the time.
Anemia may occur, due to decreased oxygen carrying requirement. The accumulation of subcutaneous fluid (intracellularly and extracellularly) is usually more pronounced in patients with primary (thyroid) hypothyroidism than in those with pituitary hypothyroidism. Thickening of the lips and macroglossia is due to increased accumulation of subcutaneous mucopolysaccharides (i.e., glycosaminoglycans). Alteration of the mandibular second molars may be the consequence of long-term effects of severe hypothyroidism on craniofacial growth and dental development [19]. In addition, histological changes in the vocal cords (VCs) have also been described [20]. A recent study demonstrated that CH children diagnosed during neonatal screening and adequately early treated, showed similar vocal and laryngeal characteristics compared to children without CH [21].
A small but significant number (3-7%) of infants with CH have other birth defects, mainly atrial and ventricular septal defects or other cardiac malformations (approximately 10% of infants with CH, compared with 3% in the general population) [22].
Most newborn babies with CH have few or no clinical manifestations of thyroid hormone deficiency, and in the majority of cases the disease is sporadic. Indeed, it is not possible to predict which infants are likely to be affected by CH. For these reasons, newborn screening programs were developed in the mid-1970s to detect this condition as early as possible. The screening consisted in the measurement of thyrotropin (TSH) on heel-stick blood specimens.
Congenital Hypothyroidism was one of the first diseases screened in neonatal screening programs (NS) [23, 24]. Screening programs for CH were initially developed in Quebec, Canada, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1974 [25], and have now been establish in almost all over the World [26].
Since the introduction of the screening, prevalence of CH significantly changed ranging from 1:6500 (estimated before of NS program) [27], to 1:3000 live births in recent years [4]. This fact is probably associated with an increase in the survival of preterm newborns [4, 5], with environmental [14], and ethnic factors, as well as with the reduction in the cutoff values [3, 5] used for neonatal TSH.
Neonatal screening programs allow for early detection and treatment of CH, and have proven to be successful in preventing brain damage.
Worldwide, most neonatal screening programs are TSH based in the first 3 days of life and effectively detect only thyroidal congenital hypothyroidism (CHT), missing the central CH (CCH). This is characterized by an impairment of TSH production, with low circulating thyroid hormones and low, improperly normal, or slightly high TSH levels [28].
Recently, some countries have developed screening methods measuring both T4 and TSH on the same blood spot simultaneously or stepwise (“T4+TSH-method”). These methods allowed also the identification of CCH [29-31], however it should be noted that low T4 and normal TSH can be also associated with thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) deficiency, a laboratory condition that requires no treatment. Discriminate between these two conditions is crucial [32] and measurements of circulating TBG or other tests may be necessary [33].
In the past years, the diagnosis of primary CH was made when serum TSH was ≥10 mIU/mL, regardless of the T4 concentration. A recent retrospective study including children screened from 2003 to 2010, showed that 9.13% of the children with b-TSH levels between 5 and 10 mIU/mL also developed hypothyroidism [34]. Indeed, the authors suggested to reduce the cut-off for b-TSH to 5 mIU/mL. The lower cut-off levels allowed the identification of undiagnosed CH cases, however determined significant increases in the number of children to recall, leaded to higher costs of the screening and generated anxiety in parents and relatives of healthy babies [35]. Despite these problems, the usage of lower TSH cut-off has also been proposed in several other studies [36-38].
When the TSH concentration on a dried blood spot exceeds the established threshold, additional studies can be performed to obtain diagnostic confirmation end etiological definition of CH. If these studies will determine a delay in the beginning of the treatment, they should be performed later during the babies life.
Tests commonly used to determine the underlying cause of congenital hypothyroidism are presented in Table 2.
- Thyroid scintigraphy, with 99mtechnetium or 123I, is the most informative diagnostic procedure in patients with thyroid dysgenesis [39, 40] providing etiologic diagnosis, as in alteration in the iodine transporter (NIS) [40]. If the radioisotope uptake has not been performed at birth, it is necessary performed this imaging screening after 3 years of age, when the T4 treatment interruption does not compromise the neurocognitive development of the child [31]. Recently it has been suggested that intramuscular injections of recombinant human TSH can be useful to perform 123I- uptake studies during L-thyroxine treatment in CH patients [41, 42].
- Ultrasound represents the gold standard for measuring thyroid dimensions, but lacks sensitivity for detecting small glands and it is less accurate than scintigraphy in showing ectopic glands [43]. Moreover, visualization of neonatal thyroid on ultrasound may be challenging for unexperienced sonographists [44].
More than 80% of newborn infants with TSH elevation can be diagnosed correctly on initial imaging with combined radioisotope scan and ultrasound.
- Assay of serum thyroglobulin (Tg) will be useful in to establish the presence of some thyroid tissue.
- More specialized tests, such as perchlorate discharge, evaluation of serum, salivary, and urinary radioiodine [45], and measurement of serum T4 precursors, may be necessary to delineate specific inborn errors of thyroid hormone biosynthesis [46].
- When both the maternal and fetal thyroid glands are compromised, significant cognitive delay can occur despite early and aggressive postnatal therapy. Maternal thyrotropin-stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR)-blocking antibodies (Abs) can be transmitted to the fetus and cause combined maternal-fetal hypothyroidism. Measurement of TSHR Abs is necessary to establish the diagnosis; the presence of other thyroid Abs is insufficiently sensitive and may miss some cases [47].
- The measurement of the total urinary iodine excretion differentiates inborn errors from acquired transient forms of hypothyroidism due to iodine deficiency or iodine excess.
- A small number of infants with abnormal screening values will have transient hypothyroidism as demonstrated by normal serum T4 and TSH concentrations at the confirmatory laboratory tests. Transient hypothyroidism is more frequent in iodine-deficient areas and it is much more common in preterm infants. CH can also be the consequence of intrauterine exposure to maternal antithyroid drugs, maternal TSHR-blocking antibodies (TSHRBAb), as well as heterozygous DUOX1 and DUOX2 or TSHR germ-line mutations [48, 49]. Because the transient nature of the hypothyroidism will not be recognized clinically or through laboratory tests, initial treatment will be similar to that of the infant with permanent CH, however at a later age interruption of therapy allows to distinguish transient from permanent hypothyroidism [50].
Genetic classification of congenital thyroid diseases
1. Central hypothyroidism
Congenital central hypothyroidism (CCH) is a rare disease in which thyroid hormone deficiency is caused by insufficient thyrotropin (TSH) stimulation of a normally-located thyroid gland. Patients with this disorder cannot be identified by neonatal screening program based on the measurement of TSH alone, while combined assay of T4 and TSH will allow the identification of patients with CCH [29, 32, 51].
Initially the incidence was estimated between 1:29.000 and 1:110.000 [52-54], while the more recent study from the Netherlands suggests that it may occur in 1:16.000 newborns, representing up to 13% of cases of permanent congenital hypothyroidism [55, 56].
So far, rare genetic defects have been identified in patients affected by CCH. The disorder can be caused by mutations in genes involved in pituitary development such as POU1F1, PROP1, HESX1, LHX3, LHX4 and SOX3. In these cases, central hypothyroidism does not occur in isolation, but is one of the evolving pituitary hormone deficiencies [57].
In contrast, the isolated CCH is determined by mutations in genes specific to the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis such as: TSHB (encoding the B-subunit of the TSH glycoprotein hormone), TRHR (the specific 7-transmembrane domain receptor for hypothalamic thyrotropin-releasing hormone [58]), IGSF1 (a protein regulating the expression of TRHR in pituitary thyrotropes) [59], and the recently identified TBL1X (a subunit of the NCoR-SMRT complex) [60].
1.1 Developmental defects of the pituitary
The pituitary gland is formed from an invagination of the floor of the third ventricle and from Rathke’s pouch, developing into the thyrotropic cell lineage and the four other neuroendocrine cell types, each defined by the hormone produced: TSH, growth hormone (GH), prolactin, gonadotropins (luteinizing hormone [57] and follicle-stimulating hormone [61]), and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).
The ontogeny of the pituitary gland depends on numerous developmental genes that guide differentiation and proliferation. These genes are highly conserved among species, suggesting crucial evolutionary roles for the proteins (PIT1 and PRPO1, HESX1, LHX3, LHX4 and SOX3).
Lhx3 and Lhx4 belong to the LIM family of homeobox genes that are expressed early in Rathke’s pouch. In Lhx3 knockout mice the thyrotropes, somatotropes, lactotropes, and gonadotropes cell lineages are depleted, whereas the adrenocorticotropic cell lineage fails to proliferate. This murine knock out model shows that pituitary organ fate commitment depends on Lhx3. Lhx4 null mutants show Rathke’s pouch formation with expression of a glycoprotein subunit, TSH-beta, GH and Pit1 transcripts, although cell numbers are reduced.
In humans, homozygous or compound heterozygous carriers of LHX3 mutations present with combined pituitary hormone deficiency diseases and cervical abnormalities with or without restricted neck rotation. Some patients also present with sensorineural hearing loss. Mutations can also be frameshift or splicing anomalies. In addition, the heterozygous carriers of a dominant negative LHX3 mutation are characterized by limited rotation of the neck. Patients with heterozygous missense or frameshift mutations in LHX4 have variable phenotypes, including GH disease and variable TSH, gonadotropin and ACTH deficiencies with a hypoplastic anterior pituitary, with or without an ectopic posterior pituitary [62, 63].
Hesx1 (also called Rpx), a member of the paired-like class of homeobox genes, is one of the earliest markers of the pituitary primordium [64]. Extinction of Hesx1 is important for activation of downstream genes such as Prop1, suggesting that the proteins act as opposing transcription factors [65]. Targeted disruption of Hesx1 in the mouse revealed a reduction in the prospective forebrain tissue, absent optic vesicles, markedly decreased head size, and severe microphthalmia. A similar phenotype it has been observed in patients with the syndrome of septo-optic dysplasia (SOD). SOD is a complex and highly variable disorder, diagnosed in the presence of: 1) optic nerve hypoplasia, 2) midline neuroradiologic abnormalities and/or 3) anterior pituitary hypoplasia with consequent hypopituitarism [62]. The number of genetic factors implicated in this condition is increasing and currently includes HESX1, OTX2, SOX2 and SOX3. These genes are expressed very early in forebrain and pituitary development and so it is not surprising that mutations affecting these genes can induce the SOD disorders.
Very recently Sonic hedgehog (Shh) has been associated to SOD, since mouse embryos lacking in the gene exhibit key features of the disease, including pituitary hypoplasia and absence of the optic disc [66].
The human HESX1 gene maps to chromosome 3p21.1–3p21.2, and its coding region spans 1.7 Kb, with a highly conserved genomic organization consisting of four coding exons. The first homozygous missense mutation (Arg160Cys) was found in the homeobox of HESX1 in two siblings with SOD [64]. Subsequently several other homozygous and heterozygous mutations have been shown to present with different phenotypes characterized by pituitary hormone deficiency and SOD [65, 67].
1.2 Defects in the TRH and TRH receptor
The TRH receptor (TRHR) is a G-protein- coupled receptor located at pituitary thyrotropes and activated by hypothalamic TRH. The synthesis, secretion, and bioactivity of TSH necessary for following production of thyroid hormones, depend by TRH-TRHR signaling [59].
In mice, homozygous deletion of the TRH gene produced a phenotype characterized by hypothyroidism and hyperglycemia [68]. Only a few patients with reduced TRH production have been described in the literature [69, 70], but no human mutations have been identified so far.
Mice lacking the TRH receptor appear almost normal, with some growth retardation, and decreased serum T3, T4, and prolactin (PRL) levels but normal serum TSH [71]. So far, four mutations in TRHR gene were identified in human. In the first case, the patient was a compound heterozygote for an early stop codon (p.R17X) and an in-frame deletion added to a missense change (p.S115- T117del + p.A118T) in the other allele [58]. The same p.R17X mutation was found also in the second patient in homozygous state [72], whereas the third exhibited a homozygous missense mutation (p.P81R) [73]. More recently has been identified in a consaguineous family a homozygous missense mutation (c.392T>C; p.I131T) located at a highly conserved hydrophobic position of G-protein-coupled receptor, which reduces the affinity for TRH, compromising the signal trasduction [74]. The same mutation, was present in the mother, two brothers and grandmother, but in heterozygous status leading to isolated hyperthyrotropinemia.
1.3 Defects in Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) synthesis
The thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is produced and secreted by the thyrotrophic cells of the anterior pituitary gland and it is the classic ligand for the TSH receptor (TSHR) in the thyroid. TSH is a heterodimeric glycoprotein consisting of an α subunit and β subunit, The α subunit is shared with other glycoprotein hormones (i.e. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and chorionic gonadotropin (CG)), whereas the TSHβ subunit is unique, determining the specificity of TSH. The beta-subunit (gene map locus 1p13) synthesis is under the control of several transcription factors, including POU1F1 and PROP1.
Pit1 (called POU1F1 in humans) is a pituitary-specific transcription factor belonging to the POU homeodomain family. The human POU1F1 maps to chromosome 3p11 and consists of six exons spanning 17 Kb encoding a 291 aminoacid protein.
Identified mutations of the POU1F1 gene in human result in combined pituitary hormone deficiency (CPHD) with an incidence between 38% and 77% in unselected cohorts, and between 25% and 52% in patients with a family history of CPHD. To date, several recessive and six dominant POU1F1 gene mutations have been described in CPHD patients and include missense, nonsense, frameshift, whole gene deletion and two mutations that result in the mis-splicing of the pre-mRNA [75, 76].
Deficiency of GH, prolactin and TSH is generally severe in patients harbouring mutations in POU1F1. The patients are often affected by extreme short stature, learning difficulties, and anterior pituitary hypoplasia [76].
Prop1 (Prophet of Pit1) is a pituitary-specific paired-like homeodomain transcription factor required for the expression of Pit1, and transcriptional activator to stimulate pituitary cell differentiation. Dwarf mice, harboring a homozygous missense mutation in Prop1, exhibit GH, TSH and prolactin deficiency, and an anterior pituitary gland reduced in size by about 50%. Additionally, these mice have reduced gonadotropin expression [77].
The human PROP1 maps to chromosome 5q. The gene consists of three exons encoding for a 226 aminoacids protein. After the first report of mutations in PROP1 in four unrelated pedigrees with GH, TSH, prolactin, LH and FSH deficiencies [78], several distinct mutations have been identified in over 170 patients [65], suggesting that mutations in PROP1 are the most prevalent cause of multiple pituitary hormone deficiency, accounting for up to 50% of familial cases, although the incidence of PROP1 mutations is much lower in sporadic cases [62].
Affected individuals exhibit recessive inheritance [67]. The timing of initiation and the severity of hormonal deficiency in patients with PROP1 mutations is highly variable: diagnosis of GH deficiency preceded that of TSH deficiency in 80%. Following the deficiencies in GH and TSH, there is a reduced fertility due to gonadotropin insufficiency. Although most patients fail to enter puberty spontaneously, some start puberty before deficiencies in LH and FSH evolve. ACTH deficiency is a relatively late manifestation of PROP1 mutation, often evolving several decades after birth. The degree of prolactin deficiency and pituitary morphological alterations are variable [65].
1.4 Structural Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone defects
Mutation in the TSH-beta gene are a rare cause of congenital hypothyroidism. Available data have been reviewed by Miyai [79, 80].
Several mutations in TSHB gene were identified in the last years, including missense, non-sense, frameshift and splice-site. The most commonly reported mutation is the C105Vfs114X mutation, located on exon 3 of the TSHB gene, and firstly described in 1996 [81]. In all the reported cases, the mutations were homozygous or compound heterozygous. So far, no genotype-phenotype correlation has been reported. The patients present all clinical sign of hypothyroidism, and the severity of the pathology depend by start of treatment. Very recently [82], direct sequencing of the coding region of the TSHB gene revealed two homozygous nucleotide changes. The first C.40A>G (rs10776792) is a recurrent alteration that can also be found in healthy individuals. The other variation was c.94G>A at codon 32 of exon 2, which results in a change of glutamic acid to lysine (p.E32K). For both variations, both patients were homozygous and the parents were heterozygous.
1.5 Deficiency of immunoglobulin superfamily member 1 (IGSF1)
IGSF1 is a plasma membrane immunoglobulin superfamily glycoprotein [83, 84]. Human IGSF1 and murine Igsf1 mRNAs are highly expressed in Rathke’s pouch and in adult pituitary gland and testis. Moreover, IGSF1 protein is expressed in murine thyrotropes, somatotropes, and lactotropes, but not in gonadotropes or in the testis [85]. Igsf1 knockout mice showed no alternation of follicle stimulating hormone synthesis or secretion, and normal fertility [61].
The physiological role of IGSF1 is unknown, but it’s lack is responsible for a variety of symptoms such as hypothyroidism, prolactin deficiency, macroorchidism and delayed puberty. IGSF1 is important for the pituitary-thyroid axis and the development puberty and thus represents a new player controlling growth and puberty in childhood and adolescence. So far, 10 distinct IGSF1 mutations have been described in 26 patients [85], one deletion in male patient [86], and other six mutations have been identified in Japanese subjects [87-90]. Recently, a novel insertion mutation, c.2284_2285insA [91], has been discovered by whole-exome sequencing in three siblings affected by mild neurological phenotype. The mutations included in-frame deletions, single nucleotide deletions, nonsense mutations, missense mutations and one single-base duplication. In vitro expression studies of several mutations done to analyze the functional consequences demonstrated that the encoded proteins migrated predominantly as immature glycoforms and were largely retained in the endoplasmic reticulum, resulting in decreased membrane expression [85]. It is likely that there is no clear genotype-phenotype correlation. Even in familial cases sharing the same IGSF1 defects, a variable degree of hypothyroidism was observed [85, 92]. Other genetic or environmental factors may influence the phenotypic expression of IGSF1 deficiency.
1.6 TBLX1
TBL1X, transducin β-like protein 1 X-linked, is a part of the nuclear receptor corepressor (NCoR)-silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid hormone receptors (SMRT) complex. In mice, the reduction of TH synthesis can be caused by disruption of NCoR, while the peripheral sensitivity to TH increases [93]. Initially, TBL1X gene mutations in humans were associated to hearing loss [94], but not to CCH, but Heinen & co recently identified six novel missense mutations in eight patients diagnosed with isolated CCH and hearing defects [60]. Functional studies demonstrated that the mutations cause an aberrant protein folding and stability, altering the structural and functional properties of TBLX1.
2. Alterations of thyroid morphogenesis (thyroid dysgenesis)
Thyroid dysgenesis (TD) is the most frequent form (~ 75%) of primary permanent congenital hypothyroidism (CH). TD includes several disorders caused by errors during thyroid development, such as athyreosis (absent gland), hypoplasia (reduced gland) or ectopy (gland located in aberrant position) [46].
The most critical events in thyroid organogenesis occur during the first 60 days of gestation in man and the first 15 days in mice. It is likely that alterations in the molecular events occurring during this period can be associated to TD. Studies on thyroid development in normal and mutated mouse embryos indicate that the simultaneous presence of Pax8, Nkx2-1, Foxe1, and Hhex is required for thyroid morphogenesis. Indeed, thyroid dysgenesis is present in animal models with mutations in these genes, and mutations in the same genes have been identified in patients with congenital hypothyroidism associated with TD.
2.1 Athyreosis
Athyreosis is the absence of thyroid follicular cells (TFC) in orthotopic or ectopic location. This condition can either be the consequence of lack of formation of the thyroid bud or results from alterations in any of the step following the specification of the thyroid bud and determining a defective survival and/or proliferation of the precursors of the TFC. In athyreotic patients, the presence of cystic structures resulting from the persistence of remnants of the thyroglossal duct is frequently reported. This finding indicates that in these subjects some of the early events of thyroid morphogenesis have taken place but the cells fated to form the TFCs either did not survive or switched to a different fate. In many cases, scintigraphy failed to demonstrate the presence of thyroid tissue, but thyroid scanning by ultrasound reveals a very hypoplastic thyroid gland.
So far, the absence of thyroid was reported in 3 patients with CH associated to FOXE1 gene defects (Bamforth-Lazarus syndrome) (p.S57N, p.A65V, and p.N132D), in four subjects carrying a mutation in PAX8, in two patients with NKX2-1 mutation, in two patients with NKX2-5 mutation [8, 95] and in one patient with both a heterozygous NKX2-5 mutation and a heterozygous mutation in the PAX8 promoter region [96]. Recently, mutational screening in TSHR, NKX2.1, in FOXE1, in NKX2.5 and in PAX8 was performed in 100 Chinese subjects affected by thyroid athyreosis [97]. Several mutations have been identified, but the most of them were previously reported and the bioinformatics analysis suggested they were benign with no clinical relevance. Only the TSHR variants have been suggested to have deleterious effects by in silico analysis.
2.2 Ectopic thyroid
The ectopic thyroid is the consequence of a failure in the descent of the developing thyroid from the thyroid anlage region to its definitive location in front of the trachea. In the majority of cases, the ectopic thyroid appears as a mass in the back of the tongue (lingual thyroid, usually functioning). Sublingual ectopic tissues are less frequent; in this case, thyroid tissue is present in a midline position above, below or at the level of the hyoid bone. Ectopic thyroid tissues within the trachea or thyroid tissue in the submandibular region have also been reported.
The thyroid ectopy is the most common spectrum of thyroid dysgenesis, occurring in up 80% of CH caused by TD, but only the 3% of CH cases are explained by inherited mutation in the gene involved in thyroid development.
To date, mutational analysis performed in several countries, demonstrated the presence of mutation in patients with thyroid ectopy in NKX2-5 gene (p.R25C, p.A119S, p.R161P), FOXE1 (p.R102C) and PAX8 (p.R108X, p. T225M, p.R31H) [8, 23].
Monozygotic (MZ) twins are usually discordant for CH due to thyroid dysgenesis, suggesting that most cases are not caused by transmitted genetic variation. One possible explanation could be the onset of somatic mutations in migrating genes after zygotic twinning. However, significant somatic methylation profile differences were not observed between ectopic and orthotopic thyroids [98], nor somatic mutations were found by exome sequencing of lymphocytic DNA from MZ twins discordant for CHTD [99]. Since the monoallelic genes are more vulnerable to other benign monoallelic genetic or epigenetic mutations, the autosomal monoallelic expression (AME) could explain discordance and the sporadic nature of CH [100]. The study showed that the AME is observed for some genes in ectopic and orthotopic thyroids. These genes are involved in epithelial–mesenchymal transition, cell migration, cancer, and immunity. Therefore, also in this case, no thyroid-specific mutations were observed in ectopic tissues in any of the genes normally involved in thyroid development and associated with thyroid dysgenesis.
Recently, several DUOX2 mutations have been identified in a cohort of 268 children affected by TD (134 of whom were thyroid ectopy cases), by whole-exome sequencing (WES). Seven mutations were nere reported before (G201E, L264CfsX57, P609S, M650T, E810X, and M822V, and E1017G) while eight (P138L, D506N, H678R, R701Q, A728T, S965SfsX29, P982A, and S1067L) have been previously described [101]. These findings suggest that also DUOX2 could play a role in thyroid development.
2.3 Hypoplasia
Orthotopic and hypoplastic thyroid is reported in 5% of CH cases. Thyroid hypoplasia is a genetically heterogeneous form of thyroid dysgenesis, since mutations in NKX2-1, PAX8 or TSHR gene have been reported in patients with thyroid hypoplasia.
NKX2.1 mutations have been described in several patients with primary CH, respiratory distress and benign hereditary chorea, which are manifestations of the “Brain-Thyroid-Lung Syndrome” (BLTS). In the majority of cases haplo-insufficiency has been considered to be responsible for the phenotype. Only a few mutations produce a dominant negative effect on the wild type NKX2-1, and among those in two cases a promoter-specific dominant negative effect was reported [102]. So far, more than 96 mutations in the NKX2.1 gene have been identified [103]. Interestingly, not all mutational carriers display the full phenotype of BLTS but have only involvement of two or even one part of the syndrome. Very recently, Hermanns &co [104] described a patient affected by TD with hypoplastic thyroid gland, respiratory disease and cerebral palsy who presented mutations in both PAX8 (p.E234K) and NKX2.1 (p.A329GfsX108) genes. Functional studies demonstrated no transcriptional activity or DNA-binding of NKX2.1 mutant protein. Contrary the PAX8 mutant protein was normally located into the nucleus, and has no functional impairment. These results confirm the role of NKX2.1 mutant protein in the manifestation of the BTLS phenotype and suggest that other molecular mechanisms could be causative of the disease.
NKX2.5 was recently found mutated in patients affected by thyroid hypoplasia and no cardiovascular defects [105]. Both these mutations (c.73C>T and c.63A>G) were previously described [106, 107]. The c.73C>T was found in patients affected by thyroid ectopy and without congenital heart defects [107] and showed a deficiency in dimer formation without effects on the DNA binding capacity. The c.63A>G did is a silent mutation that determines no changes in the aminoacid sequence. It has been reported in a patients with thyroid hypoplasia [108] but also in healthy controls [105].
The involvement of PAX8 has been described in sporadic and familial cases of CH with thyroid hypoplasia [109-111]. All affected individuals are heterozygous for the mutations and autosomal dominant transmission with incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity has been described for the familial cases. In vitro transfection assays demonstrated that the mutated proteins are unable to bind DNA and to drive transcription of the TPO promoter. By NGS analysis performed in a cohort of 11 families, a heterozygous PAX8 (p.R31C) was identified in two siblings with CH and hypoplastic thyroid [112]. One of the patients also presented unilateral kidney agenesis. The mutation completely inactivates the activity of the transcription factor, as previously reported for the p.R31H [113, 114]. The frequent observation of mutation occurring in this aminoacid suggested that position 31 in the PAX8 protein can be a mutational hot spot.
TSHR belongs to the G-protein coupled receptors superfamily. The gene encoding TSHR maps to chromosome 14q31 and to mouse chromosome 12. It consists in ten exons codify for a 764 aminoacid protein. The role of the TSHR in thyroid differentiation was first identified in Tshr hyt/hyt mice, affected by primary hypothyroidism with elevated TSH and hypoplastic thyroid, as a consequence of a loss of function mutation in the fourth transmembrane domain of TSHR (pro556Leu), which abolishes the cAMP response to TSH. Several patients with homozygous or compound heterozygous loss-of-function TSHR mutations have been reported. The disease, known as resistance to TSH (OMIM #275200) is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, and patients are characterized by elevated serum TSH levels, absence of goiter with a normal or hypoplastic gland, and normal to very low serum levels of thyroid hormones. The clinical manifestations are very variable spanning from euthyroid hyperthyrotropinemia to severe hypothyroidism. A novel non-synonymous substitution was recently reported in the HinR of the large N-terminal extracellular domain of the TSHR gene in a patient with thyroid hypoplasia. Since this p.S304R TSHR variant does not affect the TSH binding nor the cAMP pathway activation, it was not possible to establish his role in the clinical phenotype [23].
2.4 Hemiagenesis
Thyroid hemiagenesis (THA) is a rare congenital abnormality, in which one thyroid lobe fails
to develop. Thyroid hemiagenesis is often associated with mild and/or transient hypothyroidism but several patients were found to be euthyroid.
The incidence of the disorder is estimated at 0.05–0.5% of the general population. THA occurs usually as an isolated feature, more frequently in women than in men. In the large majority of the cases, the left lobe is absent [115].
The molecular mechanisms leading to the formation of the two thyroid symmetrical lobes, which are impaired in the case of hemiagenesis, are still unclear and in humans. In contrast, Shh-/- mice embryos can display either a non-lobulated gland [116] or hemiagenesis of thyroid [117], and hemiagenesis of the thyroid is also frequent in mice double heterozygous Titf1+/-, Pax8+/- [118].
In the majority of patients with thyroid hemiagenesis, the genetic background remains unknown. Additionally, THA family members commonly present other thyroid developmental anomalies (i.e., thyroid agenesis, ectopy or thyroglossal duct cyst), suggesting a common genetic background for different thyroid developmental anomalies of the gland.
Mutations in NKX2.1, PAX8 or FOXE 1 are rarely associated with THA. novel single nucleotide substitution in exon 2 of the PAX8 gene (c.162 A>T; p.S54C) was recently identified 13/16 members of a family with hypothyroidism and variable phenotype (thyroid hemiagenesis to normal) [119].
FOXE1 contains within its coding sequence a polyalanine tract of variable length, ranging from 11 to 19 alanines [120]. Several studies have pointed to the potential role of FOXE1-polyAla length polymorphism in determining the susceptibility to TD [121-123].
Avery recent study, demonstrate the potential association between proteasome-related genes and THA. In a cohort of 34 sporadic patients and three families with THA several mutations have been identified in proteasome genes PSMA1, PSMA3, PSMD2, and PSMD3. The functional studies indicate that the mutations can lead to accumulation of undegraded protein aggregates and exert a toxic effect on the thyroid cell [124].
2.5 Other genetics defects
Recently, several other genes have been suggested to play a role in the pathogenesis of thyroid dysgenesis, including JAG1, GLIS3, CDCA8 or SLC26A4.
2.5.1 GLIS3
In a rare syndrome, CH can be associated to neonatal diabetes (NDH). These patients exhibit reduced T3 and T4 levels with elevated TSH and Tg. Patients additionally develop hyperglycemia and hypo-insulinemia. They often also presented polycystic kidney disease, hepatic fibrosis, glaucoma and mild mental retardation. Thyroid ultrasound and scintigraphy suggested athyreosis or hypoplasia. In most of the cases, the patients do not respond to conventional treatment and TSH remains elevated, despite normalization of serum T4 levels. This form has been associated to GLIS3 mutations [125, 126]. GLIS3 is a transcription factor containing five Krüppel-like zinc finger domains and sharing high homology with GLI zinc finger proteins. It has been postulated to have a critical role in the regulation of a variety of cellular processes during development [127]. GLIS3 may act as a transcriptional activator or repressor, but its precise role in thyroid development and function remains to be determined [128]. So far, few patients with syndromic CH and GLIS3 mutations have been identified [126]. Very recently, a novel GLIS3 deletion has been published in a CH girl that also presented camptodactyly, syndactyly and polydactyly [129], and mutations have been reported in patients with CH and abnormalities in external genitalia, not previously described [130].
2.5.2 JAG1
Studies in zebrafish suggested the involvement of Notch pathway in congenital hypothyroid phenotype [131]. In humans, heterozygous JAG1 variants are known to account for Alagille syndrome type 1 (ALGS1), a rare multisystemic developmental disorder characterized by variable expressivity and incomplete penetrance, but a recent study on a cohort of 21 young Alagille patients revealed an increased risk of non-autoimmune hypothyroidism (28%) in the presence of JAG1 heterozygous mutations [132, 133].
2.5.3 CDCA8
Recently, genetic variants in CDCA8 (also called BOREALIN) were identified in a study of three consanguineous families with thyroid dysgenesis [134]. The thyroid phenotypes observed in patients carrying CDCA8 variants is extensive, ranging from thyroid agenesis or ectopy to euthyroid individuals with asymmetric thyroid lobes or thyroid nodules. This variability makes the role of CDCA8 in thyroid dysgenesis still unclear and controversial.
2.5.4 SLC26A4
Pendrin (SLC26A4, PDS) alterations have been initially associated to Pendred syndrome (see later). Recently, NGS techniques used in patients with TD, demonstrated the frequent presence of SLC26A4 mutations also in patients with TD. The mutations were initially identified in a patient with hypoplastic thyroid tissue and severe hearing problems [135], but later the prevalence of SLC26A4 mutation was calculated to be 4% among studied Chinese CH patients [136].
2.5.5 DNAJC17
Studies on mouse models indicated that neither Pax8 or Nkx2.1 heterozygous null mice showed overt thyroid defects, while double heterozygous mice for both Nkx2.1 and Pax8 (DHTP) had a severe hypothyroidism characterized by thyroid hypoplasia or hemiagenesis [118]. The DHTP hypothyroid phenotype was strain specific, and the same authors identified in Dnajc17 the strain-related modifier gene for hypothyroidism. DNAJC17 belongs to the heat-shock-protein-40 type III family. DNAJC17 proteins interact, via a highly-conserved domain (J domain) with Hsp70 chaperone proteins, regulating their activity and controlling the disassembly of transcriptional complexes [137, 138].
Very recently a DNAJC17 mutational screening has been performed in a cohort of 89 CH patients. The analysis identified only one rare variant (c.610G>C) and one polymorphism (c.350A>C) in affected patients. Both variants were already reported in databases and the frequency of the alleles was not different between TD patients and controls [139].
3. Defects in thyroid hormone synthesis (dyshormonogenesis)
In about 15% of cases, CH is due to hormonogenesis defects caused by mutations in genes involved in thyroid hormone synthesis, secretion or recycling. These cases are clinically characterized by the presence of goiter, and the molecular mechanisms have been well defined.
In thyroid follicular cells, iodide is actively transported and concentrated by the sodium iodide symporter present in the baso-lateral membrane. Subsequently it is oxidised by hydrogen peroxide generation system (thyroperoxidase, Pendrin) and bound to tyrosine residues in thyroglobulin to form iodotyrosine (iodide organification). Some of these iodotyrosine residues (monoiodotyrosine and diiodotyrosine) are coupled to form the hormonally active iodothyronines (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). When needed, thyroglobulin is hydrolyzed and hormones are released in the blood. A small part of the iodotyronines is hydrolyzed in the gland, and iodine is recovered by the action of specific enzymes, namely the intrathyroidal dehalogenases (Figure 1).
Defects in any of these steps lead to reduced circulating thyroid hormone, resulting in congenital hypothyroidism and goiter. In most of the cases, the mutations in these genes appear to be inherited in autosomal recessive fashion [9].
3.1 Sodium-iodide symporter
The sodium-iodide symporter (NIS) is a member of the sodium/solute symporter family that actively transports iodide across the membrane of the thyroid follicular cells. The human gene (SLC5A5) maps to chromosome 19p13.2-p12. It has 15 exons encoding for a 643-amino acid protein expressed primarily in thyroid, but also in salivary glands, gastric mucosa, small intestinal mucosa, lacrimal gland, nasopharynx, thymus, skin, lung tissue, choroid plexus, ciliary body, uterus, lactating mammary tissue and mammary carcinoma cells, and placenta. Only in thyroid cells iodide transport is regulated by TSH. It has been demonstrated that the δ-amino group at position 124 of NIS protein, is required for the transporter’s maturation and cell surface targeting [140].
The inability of the thyroid gland to accumulate iodine was one of the early known causes of CH, and before the cloning of NIS, a clinical diagnosis of hereditary iodide transport defect (ITD) was made on the basis of goitrous hypothyroidism and absent thyroidal radioiodine uptake. To date, 15 mutations in the SLC5A5 gene have been identified in patients with ITD [141]. Some of these, including V59E, G93R, Δ439-443, R124H, Q267E, T354P, G395R, and G543E, have been studied in detail and have provided key mechanistic information on NIS function. Since SLC5A5 mutations are inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, NIS gene defects can be detected only when both alleles are mutated and the clinical picture is characterized by hypothyroidism of variable severity (from severe to fully compensated) and goiter. Furthermore, the actual prevalence of NIS gene mutations may be higher than that reported [142].
3.2 Thyroperoxidase
The most frequent cause of dyshormonogenesis is thyroperoxidase (TPO) deficiency. TPO is the enzyme that catalyses the oxidation, organification, and coupling reactions. Accumulation of iodine in the thyroid gland reaches a steady state between active influx, protein binding, and efflux, resulting in a relatively low free intracellular iodide concentration in normal conditions, while increased in the presence of TPO defects. The kinetics of iodide uptake and release can be traced by administration of radioiodide. Radioiodide uptake and perchlorate inhibition gives an idea of the intrathyroidal iodide concentration in relation to the circulating iodine. Iodine organification defects can be quantified as total or partial: total iodide organification defects are characterized by discharge of more than 90% of the radioiodide taken up by the gland within 1 hour after administration of sodium perchlorate, usually given 2 hours after radioiodide. A total disappearance of the thyroid image is also observed. Partial iodide organification defects are characterized by discharge of 20% to 90% of the accumulated radioiodine [143].
Mutations in TPO gene (particularly nonsynonymous cSNPs) can lead to severe defects in thyroid hormone production, due to total or partial iodide organification defects. Based on the literature, exons 7–11 encoding the catalytic center of the TPO protein (heme binding region) are crucial for the enzymatic activity. Nonsense, splice-site, and frameshift mutations have been also described by several groups [141].
3.3 DUOX1 and DUOX2
The generation of H2O2 is a crucial step in thyroid hormonogenesis. DUOX1 and DUOX2 are glycoproteins with seven putative transmembrane domains. These proteins, map on chromosome 15q15.3, and their function remained unclear until a factor, named DUOXA2, which allows the transition of DUOX2 from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi, was identified [144]. The coexpression of this factor with DUOX2 in HeLa cells is able to reconstitute the H2O2 production in vitro. A similar protein (DUOXA1) is necessary for the complete maturation of the DUOX1.
In murine models, only DUOX2 loss of function mutation have been associated with hypothyroidism; thus, the role of DUOX1 in thyroid biology remains unclear [145].
DUOX2 mutations usually cause transient CH or permanent CH with partial iodide organification defect. Permanent and transient CH may result from both mono- and biallelic mutations, and phenotypic heterogeneity may occur with similar mutations [146].
To date, at least 41 patients belonging to 33 families have been reported to carry mutations in DUOX2 gene [147]. Recently, a case of CH with a homozygous loss-of-function mutation in DUOX1 (c.1823-1G>C) was reported. The mutation was inherited digenically with a homozygous DUOX2 nonsense mutation (c.1300 C>T, p. R434*) [148]. Probably, the inability of DUOX1 to compensate for the DUOX2 deficiency in these kindred may underlie the severe CH phenotype.
3.4 Pendrin
The Pendred syndrome is characterized by congenital neurosensorial deafness and goiter. The disease is transmitted as autosomal recessive disorder. Patients have a moderately enlarged thyroid gland, are usually euthyroid and show only a partial discharge of iodide after the administration of thiocyanate or perchlorate. The impaired hearing is not constant. In 1997, the PDS gene was cloned and the predicted protein of 780 amino acids (86-kD) was called Pendrin. The PDS gene maps to human chromosome 7q31, contains 21 exons, and it is expressed both in the cochlea and in the thyroid. Pendrin has been localized in the apical membrane of thyroid follicular cell [149]. In thyroid follicular cells, and in transfected oocytes, Pendrin is able to transport iodide.
A number of mutations in the PDS gene have been described in patients with Pendred syndrome. Despite the goiter, individuals are likely to be euthyroid and only rarely present congenital hypothyroidism. However, TSH levels are often in the upper limit of the normal range, and hypothyroidism of variable severity may eventually develop.
In the last years, mutation in the PDS gene have also been associated with thyroid dysgenesis [135, 136].
3.5 Thyroglobulin
Thyroglobulin is a homodimer protein synthesized exclusively in the thyroid. The human gene is located on chromosome 8q24 and the coding sequence, containing 8307 bp, is divided into 42 exons [150]. Patients with disorders of thyroglobulin synthesis are moderately to severely hypothyroid and often present goiter. Usually, plasma thyroglobulin concentration is low, especially in relation to the TSH concentrations, and does not change after T4 treatment or injection of TSH. Patients classified in the category “thyroglobulin synthesis defects” often have other abnormal iodoproteins, mainly iodinated plasma albumin, and they excrete iodopeptides of low molecular weight in the urine. At least 70 distinct inactivation TG gene mutations have been described [150, 151]. Scintigraphy shows high uptake (due to induction of NIS expression by TSH stimulation) in a typically enlarged thyroid gland.
3.6 DEHAL1
In addition to the active transport from the blood due to NIS, iodine in the thyroid follicular cells derives also from the deiodination of monoiodotyrosine and diiodotyrosine. The gene encoding for this enzymatic activity was recently identified and named IYD (or DEHAL1) [152]. The human gene maps to chromosome 6q24-q25 and consists of six exons encoding a protein of 293 amino acids, a nitroreductase-related enzyme capable of deiodinating iodotyrosines. In the past it has been suggested that IYD mutations could be responsible for congenital hypothyroidism, but only in 2008 the first IYD mutations were described in three different consanguineous families. All the patients had homozygous IYD mutations, and presented goiter and hypothyroidism. The onset of symptoms was very variable, either at birth or later in infancy or childhood. A particular mutation of IYD, (c.658G>A, p.Ala220Thr), was reported in a heterozygous 14-yr-old boy affected by hypothyroidism and goiter, suggesting a possible dominant effect of the mutation. Very recently, a new IYD mutation was identified by genome-wide approach in a 20-yr-old patient with hypothyroidism and goiter and in his 4.5-yr-old apparently healthy sister in a consanguineous Moroccan family [153]. Since hypothyroidism is infrequent at birth, patients with biallelic IYD mutations are normally not identified as CH at the screening, but they subsequently came to medical attention between 1.5 and 8.0 years of age [141].
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Legend to figure.
Figure 1. Main steps involved in the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones. The picture schematizes the main enzymatic reactions involved in biosynthesis, production and release of thyroid hormones in the thyroid follicular cell. Congenital alteration in any of the reported steps can be associated to congenital hypothyroidism (dysormonogenesis).
1. Clinical picture of the forms of congenital hypothyroidism with a genetic origin
Thyroid alteration | Thyroid morphology | Gene | Clinical manifestations |
Central hypothyroidism | No goiter | LHX3 and LHX4 | Hypothyroidism, combined pituitary hormone deficiency, short stature, metabolic disorders, reproductive system deficits, nervous system developmental abnormalities |
HESX1 | Hypothyroidism, septo-optic dysplasia (SOD): hypoplasia of the optic nerves, various types of forebrain defects, multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies | ||
TRH and TRHR | Hypothyroidism, short stature | ||
IGSF1 | Hypothyroidism, prolactin deficiency, macroorchidism, delayed puberty, neurological symptoms | ||
TBLX1 | Congenital hypothyroidism and hearing defects | ||
Thyroid dysgenesis | Athyreosis | PAX8 | No goiter, severe hypthyroidism |
NKX2-5 | No goiter, severe hypothyroidism, no cardiac alterations | ||
FOXE1 | Severe hypothyroidism, Bamforth-Lazarus syndrome | ||
Thyroid ectopy | NKX2-5 | No goiter, hypothyroidism, no cardiac alterations | |
FOXE1 | Hypothyroidism, Bamforth-Lazarus syndrome | ||
PAX8 | Congenital hypothyroidism, non-syndromic | ||
DUOX2 | Congenital hypothyroidism, non-syndromic | ||
Thyroid hypoplasia | NKX2-1 | No goter, variable hypothyroidism (mild to severe), choreoathetosis, pulmonary alterations | |
TSHR | Reistance to TSH: no goiter, variable hypothyroidism (mild to severe) | ||
PAX8 | No goiter, variable hypothyroidism (moderate to severe) | ||
Dysormonogenesis | Goiter | NIS | Variable hypothyroidism (moderate to severe) |
TPO | Variable hypothyroidism (moderate to severe) | ||
DUOX1 and DUOX2 | Permanent hypothyroidism (mild to severe), transient and moderate hypothyroidism | ||
DUOXA2 | Variable hypothyroidism (mild to severe) | ||
PDS | Moderate hypothyroidism and deafness; | ||
TG | Variable hypothyroidism (from moderate to severe) | ||
DHEAL1 | Variable hypothyroidism (mild to severe) |
Table 2. Tests used to complete the diagnosis of CH
- Imaging studies (to determine thyroid location and size)
- Scintigraphy (99mTc or 123I)
- Ultrasonography
- Functional studies
- 123I uptake
- Serum thyroglobulin
- Suspected inborn errors of thyroid hormone synthesis
- 123I uptake and perchlorate discharge
- Serum/salivary/urine iodine studies
- Suspected autoimmune thyroid disease
- Maternal and neonatal serum thyroid-antibodies determination
- Suspected iodine exposure (or deficiency)
- Urinary iodine measurement
Clinical Problems Caused by Obesity
Obesity constitutes a worldwide epidemic with prevalence rates which are increasing in most Western societies and in the developing world. By 2025, if this trend continues, the global obesity prevalence will reach 18% in men and exceed 21% in women. Furthermore, it is now well-established that obesity (depending on the degree, duration, and distribution of the excess weight/adipose tissue) can progressively cause and/or exacerbate a wide spectrum of co-morbidities, including type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, reproductive dysfunction, respiratory abnormalities, psychiatric conditions, and even increase the risk for certain types of cancer. This chapter presents an overview of these links focusing on the most common obesity-related co-morbidities.
During the past few decades, the prevalence rates of obesity [defined as body mass index (BMI) over 30 kg/m2] have been increasing at a rapid pace in both Western societies and the developing world (1), reaching 641 million adults being obese in 2014 [266 million men and 375 million women], compared to 105 million adults in 1975 [34 million men and 71 million women] (2). Notably, if this trend persists, the global obesity prevalence is predicted to rise to 18% in men and surpass 21% in women by 2025 (2). Overall, obesity can be considered a chronic relapsing and progressive disease (3) and a leading risk factor for global deaths. Furthermore, alarming trends of weight gain have also been documented for children and adolescents, undermining the present and future health status of the population (4-7). To highlight the related threat to public health, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared obesity a global epidemic, also stressing that in many cases it remains an under-recognized problem of the public health agenda (1, 8, 9).
Depending on the degree and duration of weight gain, obesity can progressively cause and/or exacerbate a wide spectrum of co-morbidities, including type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease (CVD), liver dysfunction, respiratory and musculoskeletal disorders, sub-fertility, psychosocial problems, and certain types of cancer (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Co-Morbidities Associated with Overweight and Obesity.
These chronic diseases have been shown to have strong correlations with BMI, and closely follow the prevalence patterns of excessive body weight in all studied populations (10, 11). Notably, the risk of developing a number of obesity-related co-morbidities rises exponentially with increasing BMI over 30 kg/m2, which is further associated with a graded increase in the relative risk of premature death, primarily from CVD (9, 10, 12). For individuals with BMI between 25 and 29.9 kg/m2 (pre-obesity) the risk of premature mortality is weaker and appears to be influenced mainly by fat distribution (Figure 2). Indeed, fat accumulation intra-abdominally and subcutaneously around the abdomen (central, abdominal, visceral, android, upper body or apple-shaped obesity) is associated with higher risk for cardiometabolic diseases, independent of BMI (13, 14). On the other hand, fat accumulation in the subcutaneous regions of hips, thighs and lower trunk (gluteofemoral, peripheral, gynoid, lower body or pear-shaped obesity) is considered less harmful or even protective against cardiometabolic complications (13, 15-17).
Figure 2. Relationship Between Body Mass Index (BMI) and Mortality (data from Calle et al. NEJM 1999 (12)).
Notably, individuals of certain ethnic backgrounds, regardless of the country of residence, are predisposed to central/abdominal obesity and more vulnerable to obesity-related complications (18-21). Indeed, studies in South Asian, Japanese, and Chinese populations have demonstrated significantly higher risk for insulin resistance, T2DM and CVD compared to matched overweight/obese Caucasians (22-24). Accordingly, rigorous cut-off points have been proposed for weight management among these populations, diagnosing obesity with BMI thresholds as low as 25 kg/m2 and defining central obesity based on ethnicity specific cut-off values of waist circumference (22-27).
In any case, obesity should be recognized by the treating physician as a key risk factor for the health of the patient, and appropriate weight loss treatments should be offered to patients with obesity, independently of other related co-morbidities (28-30). Weight management is crucial and should be suggested promptly even when these individuals are otherwise healthy (e.g. metabolically healthy patients with obesity) to prevent and/or delay the onset of obesity-related complications. Interestingly, recent advances in treatment options for CVD risk factors and acute coronary syndromes are now offering improved cardio-protection outcomes and appear to prolong life expectancy in patients with obesity. Indeed, epidemiologic data support the notion that, in developed societies increasing numbers of these patients are expected to live more than previously predicted, despite failing to reduce their excessive body weight (31, 32). As such, it is estimated that growing and progressively ageing populations in Western societies will continue to develop an increasing burden of obesity-related disease, including complications (e.g. chronic liver disease, respiratory or mobility problems) which were previously under-diagnosed or under-expressed due to earlier mortality (expansion of obesity-related morbidity) (31, 33, 34). Subsequently, the economic impact of obesity on health care costs is profound and will continue to increase, while the additional indirect costs (e.g. absence from work, reduced productivity and disability benefits) are also substantial. National surveys in the UK have shown that obesity is directly responsible for almost 7% of the overall morbidity and mortality, with a direct cost to the Neational Health System (NHS) that currently exceeds five billion pounds per year and could potentially rise to more than nine billion pounds by 2050 (35-37).
Childhood obesity also poses a significant burden due to a spectrum of complications both in the short term and later in life, highlighting the need for early intervention and prevention of obesity in children and adolescents (5, 38, 39). It should be noted that the absolute BMI is not an appropriate screen index to identify children with elevated body fat mass since BMI normative values differ based on age and gender. Hence, in the pediatric population BMI should be plotted on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s percentile curves to identify the corresponding BMI percentile category ( [obesity in children and adolescents will be reviewed in detail in the EndoText chapter dedicated to Pediatric Obesity].
Obesity-Related Co-morbidities Resulting from Fat distribution and Function
Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus constitutes a rather diverse group of metabolic disorders which are characterized by hyperglycemia (e.g. type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, maturity onset diabetes of the young, drug-induced diabetes, diabetes secondary to pancreatic damage) (40). Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) comprises up to 90% of all diagnosed diabetic cases in adults and is typically associated with presence of various degrees of obesity. Depending on ethnicity, age and gender, 50-90% of T2DM patients exhibit a BMI over 25 kg/m2, while patients with BMI over 35 kg/m2 are almost 20 times more likely to develop T2DM compared to individuals with BMI in the normal range (18.5-24.9 kg/m2 for Caucasians) (40, 41). Indeed, T2DM rates have been increasing both in developed and developing countries following the documented prevalence trends of obesity (2, 42, 43); hence, the term “diabesity” has been introduced to describe this twin epidemic (43-45).
Large-scale population studies have shown that obesity is the most important independent risk factor for insulin resistance and T2DM (46-49). In adults, the relative risk for T2DM begins to increase even at BMI values within the normal weight range, 24 kg/m2 for men and 22 kg/m2 for women, while it rises exponentially with increasing BMI over 30 kg/m2 (Figure 3). Thus, morbid obesity is associated with markedly high relative risk for T2DM in both genders, up to 90 and 40 for women and men, respectively (46, 47). Although visceral adiposity is more prominent in men, obesity appears associated with higher T2DM risk in women compared to men (50, 51). Moreover, T2DM increases the risk of CVD by three to four times in women and two to three times in men, after adjusting for other risk factors (52). Interestingly, impaired glucose homeostasis and T2DM have been linked to X-chromosomal loci (53); however, the relative contribution of these loci to the onset of T2DM is not fully clarified yet. Overall, it appears that an interplay exists between gender, ethnicity, and certain adipose tissue characteristics which plays an important role in the association between obesity and related cardiometabolic comorbidities, including T2DM (54). Moreover, children and adolescents with obesity are now increasingly diagnosed with impaired glucose tolerance and T2DM (55-58).
Figure 3. Body Mass Index (BMI) and Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) in Male and Female Adults (based on data from Colditz GA et al. Ann Intern Med. 1995 (47) and Chan JM et al. Diabetes Care 1994 (46)).
Furthermore, a strong association exists between central obesity and T2DM, beyond the impact of BMI (13, 14, 59, 60). Both insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia correlate positively to visceral fat accumulation which constitutes an independent risk factor for T2DM. Accordingly, anthropometric indices of central obesity (e.g. waist circumference, waist-to-height ratio and the visceral adiposity index) are utilized to better assess the obesity-related risk of T2DM and CVD (61-63). The higher cardiometabolic risk associated with central fat distribution is attributed to a combination of factors, relating mainly to a more deleterious adipocyte secretory profile in these fat depots. Indeed, visceral adipose tissue is more lipolytic (decreased insulin-mediated inhibition of the hormone-sensitive lipase and increased catecholamine-induced lipolysis) causing a greater flux of free fatty acids (FFA) into the portal circulation with lipotoxic effects, primarily in the liver and skeletal muscle (64, 65). Additionally, adipocytes in visceral fat depots exhibit increased secretion of pro-inflammatory adipokines (e.g. tumor necrosis factor-α and intrerleukin-6) and decreased secretion of adiponectin, hence, leading to decreased insulin sensitivity and activation of pro-inflammatory pathways in the adipose tissue, liver, and skeletal muscle (66, 67). Hormonal changes either at the systemic level of various neuroendocrine axes (e.g. chronic mild hypercortisolemia and dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, as seen in chronic stress) or at the local level of the visceral adipose tissue (e.g. increased conversion of cortisone to cortisol via type 1 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, 11β-HSD1, in fat depots) may increase lipogenesis and thus contribute to adverse metabolic consequences of central obesity (68-70).
It should be noted that, insulin resistance in patients with obesity leads to chronic compensatory hyperinsulinemia, which in turn may promote further weight gain (71). On the other hand, it is interesting that acute and short-term increases of circulating insulin levels can even reduce liver fat accumulation, at least in mice (72). This concept may contribute to the documented beneficial effects of dietary protein and certain insoluble cereal fibers which induce a short-term surge in insulin secretion (73-75). Several studies indicate that both dietary protein and cereal fiber intake are associated with beneficial effects on blood glucose regulation and body fat distribution in the long-term (76-86). With high protein diets, this appears to be mainly related to increased satiety and weight loss (86, 87). Intake of insoluble cereal fiber appears to improve insulin sensitivity and the risk of developing T2DM, with the only moderate weight loss involved unlikely being the driving factor (84, 85, 88, 89). Indeed, in an 18 week randomised controlled isoenergetic trial in 111 overweight or obese subjects, whole-body insulin sensitivity markedly improved with the intake of a diet high in cereal fiber (85). Interestingly, existing data also indicate that high protein intake in sedentary, at-risk subjects who typically fail to lose weight in the longer term regardless the diet (90) could have adverse effects on insulin resistance and T2DM risk. Of note, Wang et al. have investigated the metabolite profiles in 2,422 normoglycemic subjects who were followed for 12 years, with 201 of the subjects having developed T2DM (91). Five branched-chain and aromatic amino acids (isoleucine, leucine, valine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine) showed highly-significant associations with the future development of T2DM, with replication of the results in an independent, prospective cohort (91). The authors proposed amino acid profiling as a potential predictor for future diabetes, but a potential causal link between dietary protein intake and future diabetes cannot be excluded. Despite the widely claimed beneficial effects, there is increasing evidence that longer term high intake of both animal and total protein may have detrimental effects on insulin resistance (85, 86, 92-99), diabetes risk (100, 101) and the risk of developing CVD (102, 103). This could be especially detrimental in pre-diabetic subjects with obesity who already have impaired insulin secretion and may be resistant to the anabolic response to high protein intake (104), thus lacking several potentially important compensatory mechanisms for protein-induced worsening of insulin resistance (86). Furthermore, obese patients are typically sedentary, with potential additional unfavourable effects on protein-regulated mTOR/S6K1 signaling and the development of insulin resistance, as suggested by studies in rodents (105). Finally, whereas in elderly people low protein intake may have detrimental effects, recent studies have linked high protein intake to cancer risk and overall mortality in younger individuals (below the age of 65 years) (103). Given this evidence, further research is clearly needed before high protein diets should be widely proposed as a safe tool for weight loss in sedentary subjects with obesity that typically fail in long-term weight maintenance after an initial diet-induced weight loss and are already at high-risk of developing T2DM.
Overall, in chronic hyperinsulinemia a vicious cycle is formed, where fat accumulation causes generalized insulin resistance (insulin resistance in adipose tissue, liver and skeletal muscle) combined with increased insulin secretion and vice versa. Decreased insulin sensitivity in adipose tissue is crucial for initiating and fuelling this vicious cycle (106, 107). Normally, insulin-mediated inhibition of hormone-sensitive lipase in adipocytes decreases FFA release from fat depots, leading to lower FFA plasma concentrations, inhibition of hepatic glucose production and increased muscle glucose uptake. However, in T2DM uninhibited lipolysis in insulin-resistant adipocytes causes persistently increased circulating FFA levels. In turn, this leads to reduced peripheral glucose utilization, increased hepatic glucose production and decreased insulin sensitivity in the liver and skeletal muscle (108, 109). Thus, adipocytes play a crucial role in the overall regulation of glycemia in T2DM, although the adipose tissue glucose uptake is less than 5% of the total glucose disposal (107).
In the liver, insulin regulates the hepatic glucose production rate by activating specific enzymes which induce glycogenesis and suppressing enzymes involved in gluconeogenesis. Hepatic insulin resistance can be defined as the failure of insulin to adequately suppress hepatic glucose production and is associated with fasting hyperglycemia in T2DM (110). Notably, the lipogenic actions of insulin do not appear to be compromised in insulin-resistant states, as will be further discussed in the following section of this chapter about obesity and fatty liver disease. Under normal fasting conditions, circulating levels of insulin are low and fasting hepatic glucose production matches the basal glucose utilization (equal gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis rates). In T2DM, the fasting glucose production in the liver is increased due to hepatic insulin resistance despite compensatory hyperinsulinemia (107). Overall, the absolute amount of hepatic glucose production is moderately increased in T2DM patients compared to that of healthy controls, but is inadequately suppressed relative to the raised concentrations of glucose and insulin (111). This increased fasting hepatic glucose production exhibits a linear correlation with the degree of fasting hyperglycemia and is caused primarily by accelerated glucose synthesis through the gluconeogenic pathway (112). On the other hand, insulin resistance in skeletal muscle fuels postprandial hyperglycemia in T2DM, since skeletal muscles are responsible for most of the glucose disposal after meals. Decreased insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscles of T2DM patients causes impaired insulin-stimulated glucose uptake which is both reduced and delayed (113). This postprandial under-utilization of glucose by skeletal muscles is superimposed on increased hepatic glucose production rates, thus, compounding the magnitude and duration of postprandial hyperglycemia.
Although necessary, insulin resistance alone is not sufficient for T2DM development since the pancreas has the capacity to adapt by accordingly increasing both beta-cell mass and insulin secretion. Due to these compensatory mechanisms, normoglycemia can be maintained despite reduced insulin sensitivity in the periphery. Thus, inadequate insulin secretion is a crucial component of the T2DM pathophysiology (107). Obesity contributes to beta-cell decompensation and impaired insulin secretion through the related insulin resistant state and various glucotoxic and lipotoxic effects on the pancreas. Lipotoxicity can cause beta-cell dysfunction depending on the degree of exposure to FFA and on the underlying genetic predisposition for T2DM. In vitro, prolonged exposure of beta-cells to high FFA concentrations increases FFA oxidation and causes accumulation of intracellular metabolites (e.g. citrate and ceramide) which impair glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and promote apoptosis (107, 114). Clinical studies have also confirmed that sustained high FFA plasma levels can impair insulin secretion in predisposed individuals (115). On the other hand, pharmacological inhibition of lipolysis in non-diabetic individuals with strong family history of T2DM can improve insulin secretion (116). Similarly, glucotoxicity can impair beta-cell function depending on the duration and degree of hyperglycemia. In vitro, prolonged beta-cell exposure to high glucose concentrations causes glucose desensitization, impairs insulin gene transcription and induces apoptosis (107). Clinical studies have also reported that reduced beta-cell sensitivity to glucose plays a predominant role in patients with impaired glucose tolerance (117, 118).
Finally, it should be emphasized that both the insulin resistant state in obesity and the related acquired beta-cell defects can be restored, at least in part, with weight loss and good glycemic control. Indeed, several studies have reported that even modest weight loss (e.g. weight loss achieved by lifestyle interventions, including diet and exercise to increase physical activity) is important for T2DM prevention, significantly reducing the risk and delaying the onset of the disease (14, 119-127).
Obesity-Related Inflammatory and Procoagulant State: Link to CVD and Metabolic Syndrome
Following the recognition of adipocytes as endocrine cells, research has further focused on studying the links between obesity-related complications and the development of a chronic low-grade inflammatory state in obesity. As such, it became evident that weight gain progressively promotes sub-clinical inflammation in patients with obesity, which is mainly attributed to secretion of various pro-inflammatory factors, including adipokines/cytokines and chemokines (e.g. leptin, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β) (128-140). The pro-inflammatory nature of adipose tissue is heightened in proportion to fat accumulation and exhibits positive correlations with increasing BMI and especially with visceral adiposity (65, 130-133, 141). Thus, central obesity appears to trigger and exacerbate an inflammatory cascade that initially evolves within fat depots. Over time, this exerts systemic effects, since enhanced adipose tissue secretion of pro-inflammatory adipokines persists for as long as the excess abdominal fat mass is maintained. Compiling evidence suggests that this obesity-related activation of pro-inflammatory signaling pathways is linked to key CVD risk factors (e.g. insulin resistance and T2DM), as well as to atherosclerosis and thrombosis (59, 142-146). Indeed, NLRP3 inflammasome activation appears to be a key underlying mechanism/link between obesity-related chronic inflammation and insulin resistance (129).
Obesity induces multiple constitutional alterations in the micro-environment and cellular content of adipose tissue depots, which collectively promote differentiation of pre-adipocytes, insulin resistance and pro-inflammatory responses (130-133). A closer look at the underlying molecular interplay unveils a vicious cycle between pre-adipocytes, mature adipocytes and macrophages, which reside in adipose tissue of patients with obesity (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Adipose Tissue and Low-Grade Inflammatory State in Obesity.
TNF-α: tumor necrosis factor-α, MCP-1: monocyte chemotactic protein-1, IL-8: interleukin 8, IL-1: interleukin-1, IL-6: interleukin-6.
Weight gain enhances both lipogenesis and adipogenesis inside fat depots, as well as secretion of pro-inflammatory adipokines and chemokines (e.g. monocyte chemotactic protein-1, MCP-1, and IL-8) into the circulation. In response to such chemotactic stimuli mononuclear cells are recruited from the circulation and transmigrate into adipose tissue depots, increasing the number of resident activated macrophages (147-149). In turn, this growing population of macrophages secretes cytokines, such as TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6, which can potentially aggravate the pro-inflammatory and insulin resistant profile of adipocytes; although there is also a body of literature suggesting that IL-6 does not cause insulin resistance (133, 150, 151). Thus, sustained fat accumulation establishes an unremitting local pro-inflammatory response within the expanding adipose tissue. This cascade progresses to a chronic low-grade generalized inflammatory state in obesity, mediated by persistent release of pro-inflammatory adipokines of adipocyte and/or macrophage origin and coupled with decreased adiponectin secretion (130-132, 152), with deleterious effects on peripheral tissues and organs (e.g. liver, skeletal muscles, vascular endothelium). These effects promote hepatic and skeletal muscle insulin resistance, hypertension, atherosclerosis, hypercoagulability, thrombosis and enhanced secretion of acute-phase reactants (e.g. C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, haptoglobin) (130-133, 153).
The procoagulant state in obesity is further characterized by increased levels of fibrinogen and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), which promote atherogenic processes and increase the related CVD risk (145, 154-157). Fibrinogen is synthesized by hepatocytes and holds a pivotal role in the coagulation cascade, being a major determinant of plasma viscosity and platelet aggregation, whilst also potentially playing a pro-inflammatory role in vascular wall disease (158). Expression of fibrinogen in the liver is up-regulated by IL-6 during the acute phase reaction, and various studies have documented an association between elevated fibrinogen levels and increasing BMI (159). Interestingly, fibrinogen has also been shown to predict weight gain in middle-aged adults (160). PAI-1 regulates the endogenous fibrinolytic system and constitutes the main inhibitor of fibrinolysis by binding and inactivating the tissue plasminogen activator, thus increased PAI-1 activity leads to decreased clearance of clots. Elevated PAI-1 levels have been associated with increased BMI, visceral adiposity and obesity-related cardiometabolic complications (145, 161-165). Enhanced adipose tissue expression of PAI-1 has been reported in obesity, particularly in visceral adipose tissue (166), while an inverse relationship was also demonstrated between PAI-1 activity and adiponectin in overweight and obese women (164, 165).
It is also noteworthy that a putative integration of adipocytes into the innate immune system has been suggested, thus linking metabolic and inflammatory signaling pathways. Apart from their documented reciprocal interactions inside adipose tissue depots, the inherent similarities between adipocytes and macrophages are of particular interest (133, 167, 168). Although these cells clearly belong to distinct lines, they have a common ancestral origin from the mesoderm during early embryogenesis. Mature adipocytes differentiate from pluripotent mesenchymal stem cells which, under certain conditions, become committed to the adipocyte lineage and produce pre-adipocytes. Notably, pre-adipocytes appear to have the ability to differentiate into macrophages and to function as macrophage-like cells, developing phagocytic activity against microorganisms (169, 170). Furthermore, analysis of the adipocyte gene expression profile in obesity revealed striking resemblances to that of macrophages, with adipocytes expressing specific cytokine genes (e.g. IL-6, TNF-α) which were typically associated to macrophages (171, 172). Finally, both pre-adipocytes and mature adipocytes express Toll-like receptors (TLRs) which are cardinal regulators of innate and adaptive immune responses and can be directly activated by both lipopolysacharide (LPS) and fatty acids (173). This advocates the hypothesis that the adipose tissue may also play a role as an immune organ (174), with potential implications for treatment of obesity-related complications. Identifying common initial inflammatory mechanisms could lead to therapeutic interventions that may inhibit at earlier stages the adipose-initiated pro-inflammatory cascade and, thus, prevent the onset of clinical complications. Indeed, therapeutic interventions to inhibit inflammatory pathways in obesity have shown promising results with beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity in mouse models and human trials (130).
Metabolic Syndrome: Definitions and Quest for a Single Set of Diagnostic Criteria
All the aforementioned findings support the notion that obesity-related pro-inflammatory pathways mediate deleterious cardiometabolic effects which can lead to clinical manifestations of the metabolic syndrome. In 1988, Reaven proposed the term “Syndrome X” to describe a constellation of metabolic abnormalities, including glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia and hypertension, which frequently cluster together revolving around insulin resistance (175). All these metabolic disorders are established independent CVD risk factors and their coexistence correlates with high CVD morbidity and mortality, an association that aptly led to the description of the syndrome as the “deadly quartet” (176). Since then, the term “Metabolic Syndrome” has been adopted to better illustrate this clustering of cardiometabolic risk factors, opening new opportunities for the study of their interrelationships (177, 178). Existing evidence on the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome, based on large US, European, and Australian cohorts, indicate that, depending on the applied definition, it affects over a quarter of the adult population in Western societies (179-181). Furthermore, meta-analysis data have shown that the metabolic syndrome is associated with a 2-fold increase in CVD outcomes and a 1.5-fold increase in all-cause mortality (182). Several prominent medical bodies/scientific societies, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance (EGIR), and the National Cholesterol Education Program-Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP-ATP III), have proposed different metabolic syndrome definitions to help identify individuals at high risk for cardiometabolic complications in clinical practice (Figure 5) (183-185).
However, these definitions applied diagnostic criteria that varied significantly, thus limiting comparability between studies and creating confusion regarding their use by clinicians (177). In order to address the need for widely accepted criteria that could be easily applied in different settings and ethnic populations, in 2005 the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) issued a consensus statement introducing a worldwide metabolic syndrome definition based on assessment of simple anthropometric and plasma measurements [waist circumference, blood pressure and plasma levels of triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and fasting glucose] (Figure 5) (186). This consensus identified central obesity as the hallmark of the metabolic syndrome and the prerequisite component for its diagnosis. Furthermore, to increase the applicability in various ethnic groups, central obesity diagnosis in the IDF definition relies on waist circumference measurements, which puts into practice a set of ethnic-specific cut-off values. Thus, an approach was adopted to take into account the fact that individuals of specific ethnic origin (e.g. South Asians), regardless of their country of residence, are predisposed to central obesity and more susceptible to complications of visceral adiposity (20-24, 26). Overall, the IDF consensus was a targeted effort to offer a metabolic syndrome definition set on criteria that would be friendly to routine clinical practice and could be uniformly applied in different settings and patient groups. Moreover, the adopted rationale for this definition took into account the growing body of evidence which supported the crucial role of central obesity in the pathophysiology of insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome.
Of note, the published IDF consensus statement included a recommended “Platinum standard” list of additional criteria to be included in epidemiological and other research studies regarding the metabolic syndrome (186, 187). Assessment of multiple metabolic parameters was proposed, including markers of adipocyte function (leptin, adiponectin), inflammatory markers (C-reactive protein, TNF-α, IL-6), and coagulation markers (PAI-1, fibrinogen), together with evaluation of fat distribution (visceral adiposity, liver fat), and precise measurements of insulin resistance, endothelial dysfunction, atherogenic dyslipidemia and urinary albumin. Incorporating these variables into comprehensive research on the pathophysiology of the metabolic syndrome components aimed to further advance the understanding of the underlying pathogenetic pathways/mechanisms.
Figure 5. Different Definitions of the Metabolic Syndrome.
It is also important to mention that, the waist circumference values in the IDF definition were proposed as initial guidelines based on available evidence and, thus, were accepted as neither complete nor definite (23, 186). Further epidemiological studies are still required in this field in order to offer additional data and contribute to identify more accurate cut-off points for waist circumference in various populations (e.g. Sub-Saharan Africans, South and Central Americans, Asian, Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East populations). Indeed, cut-off points of >85-90 cm for men and >80 cm for women have been suggested in Japan, while in China threshold values of >85 cm and >80 cm have been proposed in men and women, respectively, and slightly lower values in India (188-190).
Figure 6. Criteria for clinical diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the American Heart Association/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (AHA/NHLBI) and recommended waist circumference thresholds for abdominal obesity by organization (adopted from Alberti et al. Circulation 2009 (25)).
In 2009, another attempt was made to resolve the differences between metabolic syndrome definitions, which resulted in a joint interim statement from the American Heart Association/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (AHA/NHLBI) and the IDF (25). To harmonize the metabolic syndrome criteria, this statement accepted the previous five criteria of the IDF and ATP-III definitions and agreed that central obesity should not be a prerequisite for diagnosis, which instead should be confirmed by the presence of any 3 of the 5 accepted risk factors (Figure 6). In this joint definition, central obesity is defined based on population- and country-specific thresholds of waist circumference with a recommendation that the IDF cut-offs should be used for non-Europeans, while either the IDF or the AHA/NHLBI cut-offs can be used for people of European origin until more data become available (Figure 6).
The more recent metabolic syndrome definitions have contributed in setting more widely accepted diagnostic criteria for both research and clinical practice (25, 181, 186, 191). Despite these efforts, there has been significant debate and controversy as to whether the diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome adds more value compared to its individual components, especially in clinical decision making (177, 192-199). Indeed, based on a more recent report of a WHO Expert Consultation the metabolic syndrome is considered useful mainly as an educational concept with limited practical utility as a diagnostic or disease management tool (198, 199). However, the metabolic syndrome diagnosis and its definitions are still applied in research studies and in clinical practice, whilst both traditional and technology supported lifestyle interventions are utilized for the treatment of the metabolic syndrome and its components (200). As such, it is important to stress that, in parallel to the risk conferred by a metabolic syndrome diagnosis, additional risk factors, such as age, gender, smoking, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) plasma levels and other obesity-related comorbidities (e.g. non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and obstructive sleep apnea), substantially increase the related CVD risk and must be comprehensively assessed and addressed in routine clinical practice, as will be further reviewed in the EndoText chapter dedicated to the metabolic syndrome and its treatment.
Obesity and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
The liver is the largest solid organ in adults, constituting 2-3% of the body weight and accounting for 25-30% of the total oxygen consumption. Normal hepatic function is essential for preserving metabolic homeostasis and a dynamic crosstalk exists between the liver and adipose tissue to regulate carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism. Obesity may cause hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia, as well as ectopic fat accumulation and insulin resistance in the liver. In turn, this can impair hepatic function and lead to a spectrum of abnormalities, ranging from elevation of circulating liver enzyme levels and steatosis to local inflammation (steatohepatitis), cirrhosis, liver failure and even liver cancer (201-208). The term non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is now applied to describe this spectrum of hepatic abnormalities.
The relationship between obesity and liver dysfunction has been noted in the literature since the first half of the past century (209). In 1980, the term non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) was introduced by Ludwig et al. to describe findings in 20 patients at the Mayo clinic exhibiting a non-alcohol related liver disease which was histologically similar to alcoholic hepatitis (210). Hepatocellular steatosis is the hallmark of the disease (triglyceride deposition in the liver higher than 5% of the total liver weight), and the presence of more than 5% of steatotic hepatocytes in a liver tissue section is now regarded as the minimum criterion for the histological diagnosis of NAFLD (211-213). This steatosis reflects ectopic fat deposition in the liver which is more frequently macrovesicular (one large intracellular fat droplet displacing the nucleus). Microvesicular steatosis (numerous small intracytoplasmic fat vesicles not displacing the nucleus) may also occur, but is less frequent and it can be underestimated due to limitations of routinely applied staining techniques (211-213).
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease pathology extends from steatosis to steatohepatitis and fibrosis. In 1999, Matteoni et al. proposed a histologic classification of NAFLD into four distinct types (Figure 7) (214).
Figure 7. Natural History of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). A. Histological classification as proposed by Matteoni et al. (214). Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) represents the most severe form of NAFLD (NAFLD types 3 and 4) and can progress to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). B. NAFLD activity score (NAS) proposed for histological scoring and staging of NAFLD in order to consistently assess the disease and compare outcomes of therapeutic interventions (adopted from Kleiner et al. Hepatology 2005 (206, 215)).
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis(NASH) corresponds to types 3 and 4 of this classification, representing the most severe histologic form of NAFLD. In addition to steatosis, NASH is characterized by various degrees of inflammation, hepatocyte injury and fibrosis which may gradually lead to cirrhosis (211-213). Subsequently, various scoring systems for grading and staging of NAFLD have been developed to assess the disease and compare outcomes of therapeutic interventions. The Pathology Committee of the NASH Clinical Research Network designed and validated a histological feature scoring system for the entire spectrum of NAFLD lesions and proposed the NAFLD activity score (NAS) which was developed as a tool to measure changes in NAFLD during therapeutic trials (Figure 7) (212, 213, 215). It must be noted that distinction between NASH and alcoholic hepatitis may be difficult at the histological level, and, thus, a detailed alcohol consumption history is always crucial when evaluating patients with suspected NAFLD in clinical practice (203). Indeed, according to the recent clinical practice guidelines for the management of NAFLD by the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), and the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO), the interaction between moderate alcohol intake and various metabolic factors in fatty liver must always be considered (216). Non-invasive scoring systems and methods have also been proposed in order to identify advanced fibrosis in NAFLD patients, including the NAFLD Fibrosis Score (NFS), the Enhanced Liver Fibrosis (ELF) panel and transient elastography which measures liver stiffness non-invasively (203, 216-218).
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is now recognized as the most common cause of chronic liver disease, with rising prevalence and worldwide distribution which follows the global trends of obesity and T2DM (201-203, 208, 219, 220). Data on NAFLD prevalence in the general adult population vary depending on the applied diagnostic criteria and the population studied. Moreover, large-scale population studies are generally hindered by the fact that this liver disease can remain asymptomatic for years, may coincide with other chronic liver diseases and requires a liver biopsy for definite diagnosis (203, 221). Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is thought to be present in approximately 25% of the Asian population, and in 25% to over 30% of the US population with a corresponding NASH prevalence of 3-6% in the US (201, 203, 208, 219). Moreover, in the US it is estimated that the prevalent NAFLD cases will increase by 21%, from an estimated 83.1 million cases in 2015 (25.8% prevalence among all ages, and 30% prevalence among individuals aged ≥ 15 years) to 100.9 million cases in 2030, whilst, in parallel, the prevalent NASH cases will increase by 63%, from 16.52 to 27 million cases (222). Estimates of the NAFLD prevalence worldwide, based on a variety of assessment/diagnosis methods, range from 6.3% to 33%, with a median of 20% in the general adult population, whilst the estimated NASH prevalence ranges from 3% to 5% (203). Recently, the pooled overall global prevalence of NAFLD diagnosed by imaging has been estimated at 25.24% (95% CI: 22.10-28.65), with the highest prevalence rates in the Middle East and South America and the lowest in Africa (223). Particularly significant are also the reported data in cohorts with T2DM and/or obesity which consistently document very high NAFLD prevalence rates, thus suggesting strong pathogenetic links. Indeed, the majority of patients with T2DM and/or obesity appear to develop steatosis, while NASH can be diagnosed in 10-20% of these cases (203, 208, 220). Of note, NAFLD prevalence is even higher among patients with severe obesity, since the reported prevalence of NAFLD in bariatric surgery patients can exceed 90%, whilst up to 5% of these patients may have unsuspected cirrhosis (203, 220, 224, 225). It must be highlighted that NAFLD is not restricted to adults, but also exhibits increasing prevalence among the pediatric population (estimated pediatric NAFLD prevalence of 3-10%), with reported NAFLD prevalence rates of up to 80% in children with obesity based on studies from the US, Europe and Japan (203, 226).
Gender, age and ethnicity are associated with the prevalence of NAFLD (203, 220). As such, gender differences appear to exist, and, although the initially available data suggested female predominance, male gender is now considered a risk factor for NAFLD (220). Furthermore, several studies have shown that NAFLD prevalence increases with age, although relevant studies on individuals older than 70 years remain rather limited (203, 223, 227). Family clustering and significant ethnic variations have also been documented, supporting the role of genetic predisposition (203, 219, 228, 229). Asian populations are considered particularly susceptible to NAFLD, partly due to body composition differences, with NAFLD prevalence rates that range between 20% in China and 15-45% in South Asia and Japan (219, 230). In addition, Hispanic individuals have significantly higher, and non-Hispanic blacks have significantly lower, NAFLD prevalence, compared to non-Hispanic whites (203, 229).
Studies on the natural history of NAFLD have shown that the underlying histologic stage dictates the prognosis of the disease, which appears to rely crucially on the presence of fibrosis (Figure 7) (201, 203, 208, 218, 220, 231-233). It is generally accepted that simple steatosis with absence of inflammation and fibrosis is associated with a benign and stable long-term course in the vast majority of the cases, exhibiting no or very slow histological progression (203, 218, 220). On the other hand, patients with NASH can exhibit histological progression to cirrhotic-stage disease (203, 218, 220). Indeed, NASH is associated with an increased risk for developing cirrhosis, liver failure and even hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), with studies indicating that 3-15% of NASH cases can progress to cirrhosis over 10-20 years (234, 235). The prognosis is poor once NASH-related cirrhosis is established and a high proportion of these cases will require liver transplantation. Furthermore, HCC has been reported to develop at an annual rate of 2-5% in NASH patients with cirrhosis (236, 237). In a study with long-term follow-up of a small cohort with biopsy-proven NAFLD (129 patients followed for 13.7 years) NASH patients had significantly reduced survival due to liver-related and CVD causes (238). Overall, the age and gender adjusted mortality rate in NAFLD patients is significantly higher compared to the general population (both for overall and liver-related mortality) (203, 232, 239). A meta-analysis by Musso et al. reported that NAFLD has a 2-fold risk of T2DM and an increased overall mortality (OR: 1.57, 95% CI: 1.18-2.10) due to liver-related problems and CVD, with the odds ratio of liver-related mortality in the presence of advanced fibrosis being 10.06 (95% CI: 4.35-23.25; p=0.00001) compared with less advanced fibrosis stages (218). Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease severity tends to increase with age, but regression is also possible if prompt and effective weight loss interventions are applied before the stage of cirrhosis. However, signs of regression can be misleading, particularly in older patients, since progressing fibrosis may be silent or even associated with normalization of aminotransferases levels and improvement of steatosis and inflammation features. This often reflects a transition of NASH to cryptogenic cirrhosis which is associated with high HCC risk (203, 233, 240, 241).
The pathogenesis of NAFLD has been the subject of intense research in recent years (201). Initially, Day et al. first proposed a two stage hypothesis/model in order to provide a pathophysiological rationale (“two-hit” model), describing steatosis (reversible intracellular deposition of triacylglycerols) as the initial stage (first “hit”) that sensitizes the liver to the “second hit” (generation of free radicals, oxidative stress and cytokine-induced hepatic injury) which induces progression to fibrosis (242). This model offered an initial framework to study NAFLD pathogenesis; however, it is now regarded that progression to steatohepatitis is not limited to a “two-hit” process, but rather involves multiple interacting mechanisms occuring in parallel (208, 233, 243). Indeed, the pathogenesis of NAFLD appears to involve a complex interplay between genetic predisposition, environmental factors (e.g. diet composition, sedentary lifestyle, smoking), metabolic dysregulation (e.g. dyslipidemia, lipotoxicity and hyperglycemia) and other contributors, such as dysbiosis of the gut microbiota (201, 207, 208, 228, 233, 243-247).
In the context of this chapter, we will briefly highlight crucial pathophysiologic processes linking obesity (especially central/visceral obesity) and obesity-related insulin resistance with NAFLD and its progression to NASH. Fat accumulation in adipose tissue depots is typically followed by ectopic fat deposition in the liver and skeletal muscle and by insulin resistance in these tissues. Although hepatic insulin resistance can develop independently as a result of increased hepatocyte triglyceride content, growing evidence indicates that this usually follows insulin resistance in adipose tissue (207, 208, 245). Thus, obesity-related insulin resistance can cause fatty liver and, vice versa, excessive intrahepatic fat accumulation may promote insulin resistance and weight gain (110). However, the lipogenic actions of insulin appear to remain uncompromised in insulin-resistant states; hence, de novo fatty acid synthesis is undeterred even in the presence of marked insulin resistance (e.g. hepatic transcription of the gene encoding SREBP-1c remains stimulated by both insulin and glucose; Figure 8). Insulin resistance induces decreased inhibition of lipolysis in adipocytes, as well as decreased inhibition of gluconeogenesis and increased lipogenesis in the liver. Thus, steatosis is closely associated with an overall enhanced hepatic influx of circulating FFA that have been released by insulin resistant adipocytes. Importantly, in central obesity visceral fat depots exhibit a higher lipolysis turnover creating an amplified direct supply of FFA to the liver via the portal vein, which can account for 20-30% of the total hepatic FFA influx (248). Moreover, there is also evidence that hepatic accumulation of previously stored body fat and saturated dietary fat may induce hepatic insulin resistance (249).
Figure 8. Signaling Pathways Leading to Hepatic Triglyceride Accumulation in Insulin-Resistant States. In insulin sensitive states, insulin binds to its receptor and activates IRS1 and IRS2 which, via PKB/Akt, block gluconeogenesis (FOXO1) and fatty acid oxidation (FOXA2). In insulin resistance, the FOXA2 pathway may remain responsive to insulin when inhibition of FOXO1 is impaired, resulting in decreased fatty acid oxidation. In turn, elevated glucose activates both SREBP-1c and ChREBP, enhancing pancreatic insulin secretion (compensatory hyperinsulinemia). SREBP-1c blocks IRS2 signaling in the liver, further promoting hepatic glucose production, and probably counteracting the suppressive effect of SREBP-1c on gluconeogenic genes. Insulin, ChREBP and SREBP-1c also induce FASN and ACAC, leading to increased production of fatty acids. Thus, in insulin-resistant states hepatic triglycerides accumulate as a result of both reduced fatty acid oxidation and increased fatty acid production. Red arrows indicate the direction of changes in insulin-resistant states. ACAC: Acetyl-CoA carboxylase; ChREBP: carbohydrate response element-binding protein; FASN: fatty acid synthase; FOX: forkhead transcription factor; PKB: protein kinase B/Akt; SREBP: sterol response element-binding protein (adopted from Weickert et al. Diabetologia 2006 (110)).
On the other hand, newly produced fat by the liver, as well as mono- and poly-unsaturated dietary fat are likely to have less deleterious or even beneficial effects, suggesting compartmentalization of fatty acid metabolism in hepatocytes (249). In the context of hepatic insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia can further increase the intrahepatic triglyceride content by stimulating de novo lipogenesis (DNL), impaired hepatic fatty acid oxidation and decreased VLDL efflux, while dietary fatty acids also contribute to steatosis (Figure 9) (250, 251). Indeed, it has been shown that of the triacylglycerol accounted for in the liver of NAFLD patients approximately 60% originates from serum FFA, 26% from DNL, and 15% from the diet (250). Moreover, a positive correlation is reported between the degree of insulin resistance and steatosis (252).
Furthermore, progression from steatosis to NASH and cirrhosis also appears connected to a diffusion of detrimental effects from adipose tissue depots to the hepatic cellular level (203-208). Indeed, NASH development in the steatotic liver involves increased hepatic insulin resistance and lipid peroxidation, in combination with local pro-inflammatory, oxidative stress, and endoplasmic reticulum stress responses. In obesity-related insulin resistance these pathways are triggered and fuelled by hyperleptinemia, hypoadiponectinemia and increased circulating concentrations of adipose-derived cytokines (e.g. TNF-α and IL-6). Intermittent exposure of the steatotic liver to this adverse adipokine profile increases hepatic insulin resistance and leads to mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, cell injury, apoptosis and fibrosis (203-208). Hepatocytes are also stimulated to locally secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines and factors (e.g. TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β). In addition, hepatic stellate cells and Kupffer cells are activated, while circulating inflammatory cells are chemo-attracted and infiltrate the liver (253, 254). The outcome of these processes is a chronic pro-inflammatory state inside the liver, which bears resemblance to the low-grade inflammation within adipose tissue depots in obesity. Further research in the pathophysiology of NAFLD is required to fully clarify these underlying pathogenetic mechanisms, and lead to targeted therapeutic interventions which could either prevent steatosis or stop/delay progression to steatohepatitis.
Figure 9. Free Fatty Acid (FFA) Circulation Through the Liver (adopted from Roden et al. Nat Clin Pract Endocrinol Metab 2006 (251) with data from Nielsen et al. J Clin Invest 2004 (248). Adipose tissue delivers approximately 80% of circulating FFA in the fasted state, reduced to 60% postprandially. In normal-weight persons dietary fat is responsible for the bulk of the portal supply to hepatic FFA, with the remaining proportion being derived mainly from subcutaneous fat. The contribution of FFA supplied from visceral adipose tissue increases in individuals with obesity, whereas a lower percentage of FFA is supplied from both subcutaneous fat depots and dietary fat. This could be important given that the source of FFA might be relevant for metabolic effects of hepatic lipid accumulation (reviewed in Weickert et al. Diabetologia 2006 (110)). FACoA: long-chain fatty acids bound to coenzyme A.
Detailed description of the treatment options for NAFLD is beyond the scope of this chapter. Various position papers and clinical practice guidelines have been published by international and national scientific societies (216, 255). As such, EASL, EASD, and EASO have recently issued clinical practice guidelines for the management of NAFLD (216). It must be noted that, while several clinical trials are exploring the safety and efficacy of various agents for the treatment of NASH and hepatic fibrosis, no agent is specifically approved by regulatory agencies for NASH treatment (201, 216). Thus, weight loss remains vital for the management of NAFLD patients with obesity. Evidence suggests that weight loss of at least 3-5% of the body weight appears necessary to improve steatosis, while greater weight loss (up to 10%) may be required to improve necroinflammation (203). Therefore, pragmatic approaches should be discussed with NAFLD patients with overweight/obesity in order to adhere to lifestyle modifications combining dietary interventions and increased physical activity (e.g. aerobic exercise or resistance training), aiming to achieve and maintain a meaningful weight loss (201, 216). In addition to weight loss interventions, appropriate treatment for any coexisting metabolic syndrome manifestation (e.g. for T2DM, dyslipidemia and hypertension) should be also offered in order to both improve the underlying liver pathology, and to further address the associated high CVD morbidity and mortality.
Obesity and Gallbladder Disease
Gallbladder disease is a common gastrointestinal disorder in Western countries and cholelithiasis represents the most frequent hepatobiliary pathology, primarily with gallstones composed of cholesterol (approximately 80% of gallstones are cholesterol stones) (256, 257). The prevalence of gallstones reaches 10-20% in the adult population in developed countries and it is estimated that in the US alone more than 700,000 cholecystectomies are performed per year with annual costs of approximately 6.5 billion US dollars (257, 258). Female gender, increasing age, and family history are typical risk factors for gallstones, while the main modifiable risk factors include obesity, metabolic syndrome, and high caloric intake (257-260). Overall, cholelithiasis is strongly associated with being overweight and obese and a classic medical textbook mnemonic for gallstone risk factors is known as the "4 Fs" (“fat, female, fertile, and forty”) (41, 260-265). The relative risk of gallstone formation rises as body weight increases, exhibiting a positive correlation with increasing BMI which is more pronounced when BMI exceeds 30 kg/m2 (41, 261-263). In the Nurses’ Health Study women with BMI over 30 kg/m2 had twice the risk of gallstones compared to non-obese women, while a 7-fold excess risk was noted in women with BMI over 45 kg/m2 compared to those with BMI less than 24 kg/m2 (263). Obesity and female gender remain risk factors for gallstone disease even in children and adolescents (266-268). Higher prevalence of cholelithiasis with increasing BMI is also reported in men; however, this association appears less potent and appears to depend more on abdominal fat accumulation than on body weight alone (262, 269, 270). Indeed, large prospective studies among US adults of both genders indicate that indices of central obesity (e.g. waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio) can predict the risk of gallstones and cholecystectomy independent of BMI (271, 272).
In addition to a higher prevalence of cholesterol gallstones, a study on gallbladder pathology in morbidly obese individuals has further documented significantly increased prevalence of cholecystitis and cholesterolosis (273). Interestingly, obesity may be also associated with inflammation and fatty infiltration of the gallbladder (fatty gallbladder disease, including cholecystosteatosis and steatocholecystitis), which results in abnormal wall structure and decreased gallbladder contractility (274, 275). Of note, it has been reported that NASH prevalence in patients with morbid obesity and gallbladder disease can be as high as 18%, with insulin resistance being more common in concurrent NASH and gallbladder disease (276). Moreover, another study reported cholelithiasis as an independent risk factor of NAFLD (277). Finally, obesity appears to increase both the risk of hospital admission and the length of hospital stay for gallbladder disease (278), as well as the conversion rate from laparoscopic cholecystectomy to open surgery in patients with symptomatic gallstone disease (279).
Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the association between excess body weight and formation of cholesterol gallstones, focusing primarily on secretion of supersaturated bile and gallbladder stasis (256, 280-284). Thus, obesity is characterized by a high daily cholesterol turnover which is proportional to the total body fat mass and can result in elevated biliary cholesterol secretion (256, 280-282). This leads to supersaturation of the bile which becomes more lithogenic with high cholesterol concentrations relative to bile acids and phospholipids. Notably, in patients with obesity the bile also remains supersaturated for much longer periods of time and not only during the fasting state. Furthermore, obesity is associated with gallbladder hypomotility and stasis which predispose to gallstones formation. Increased fasting and residual volumes, as well as decreased fractional emptying of the gallbladder have also been reported in patients with obesity (285-288). Interestingly, hyperinsulinemia may cause both increased cholesterol supersaturation and gallbladder dysmotility (289-292).
Rapid weight loss in patients with obesity is also associated with increased risk of gallstone formation (293-300). Of note, weight cycling has been also shown to increase the risk of cholecystectomy, independent of BMI (301). Increased bile lithogenicity during weight loss is potentially attributed to an enhanced flux of cholesterol through the biliary system, while low intake of dietary fat may further impair gallbladder motility and cause stasis (293, 294, 300). Thus, diets with moderate levels of fat may reduce cholelithiasis risk by triggering gallbladder contractions and maintaining an adequate gallbladder emptying (293). A meta-analysis has also indicated that use of ursodeoxycholic acid can also prevent gallstone formation after surgical weight loss interventions (302).
The increased risk of gallstone formation with rapid weight loss is of particular significance following bariatric surgery. It is suggested that patients with severe obesity undergoing bariatric surgery should be considered at high risk for developing gallstone disease independently of other risk factors (295-299). Indeed, a retrospective study regarding predictors of gallstone formation after bariatric surgery reported that weight loss exceeding 25% of the initial body weight was the only postoperative factor that helped in selecting patients for postoperative ultrasound surveillance and subsequent cholecystectomy once gallstones were identified (296). Another study comparing cholecystectomy cases after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and gastric banding reported that the frequency of symptomatic gallstones did not differ significantly between the first two procedures, while it was significantly lower after gastric banding potentially due to lower and slower weight loss (298). Concomitant prophylactic cholecystectomy with bariatric procedures has been suggested in order to prevent postoperative gallstone formation (303, 304). However, there is no clinical consensus on this point, while a growing body of evidence suggests that concomitant cholecystectomy should not be routinely performed during bariatric surgery, but only in bariatric patients with symptomatic gallbladder disease or at a second stage after the bariatric operation in patients who had or developed asymptomatic gall stones (305-310).
Gallstones are the major risk factor for biliary tract cancers and particularly for gallbladder cancer; however, gallbladder cancer is rare in Europe and North America reflecting the widespread and earlier adoption of cholecystectomy (high-risk areas remain mainly in South America and India where access to gallbladder surgery is still inadequate) (311-313). Subsequently, studies on the relationship between obesity and gallbladder cancer are limited. However, the available data are consistent in indicating that obesity is indeed associated with increased risk of gallbladder cancer, potentially attributed to higher risk of cholelithiasis and chronic inflammation (305, 311). Meta-analysis data that included eleven studies (three case-control and eight cohort studies with a total of 3288 cases) have also confirmed that excess body weight could be considered a risk factor for gallbladder cancer (314). In this meta-analysis, compared to normal weight individuals, the summary relative risk of gallbladder cancer for overweight and obese subjects was 1.15 (95% CI, 1.01-1.30) and 1.66 (95% CI, 1.47-1.88), respectively. Notably, the documented association with obesity was stronger for women (relative risk of 1.88; 95% CI, 1.66-2.13) than for men (1.35; 95% CI, 1.09-1.68). Accordingly, the 2016 working group of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has concluded that there is sufficient evidence to support that excess body fatness causes gallbladder cancer (315, 316).
Obesity and Reproduction
Obesity can cause dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis in both genders (317-319) (see also corresponding chapter in EndoText on Endocrine Consequences of Obesity). Reproductive disorders are more frequent in obese women, presenting with a wide range of manifestations that extend from menstrual abnormalities to infertility, while obese men can exhibit decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, sub-fertility and more rarely hypogonadism (318, 320-324). Despite recent progress in understanding the role of adipose tissue in multiple neuro-endocrine networks, the exact pathogenetic mechanisms linking excess fat accumulation to HPG dysfunction have not been fully elucidated. As such, current research is focused on interactions between adipokines and the HPG (325), with leptin being the prototype adipokine which plays a vital role as a pleiotropic modulator of energy homeostasis and reproduction (318, 319, 326-331). Furthermore, increased metabolism of sex steroids within adipose tissue depots can lead to abnormal plasma levels of androgens and estrogens, thus, potentially affecting the reproductive axis in obesity (332-335). Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) is also implicated in obesity-related reproductive dysfunction by regulating the bio-availability of sex steroids (336). Patients with obesity tend to exhibit decreased circulating SHBG levels, with higher bio-available sex-steroid levels and increased sex-steroid clearance. This results from direct suppression of SHBG synthesis in the liver by insulin, which is apparently more potent in central obesity due to more pronounced insulin resistance and compensatory hyperinsulinemia (332-334, 337). Finally, it must be noted that a psychological component may also frequently be present, with reciprocal relationships between obesity and psychological comorbidities, especially anxiety and depression. This can significantly contribute to male and female impairment in sexual functioning, which may manifest as decreased sexual desire, lack of sexual activity enjoyment, difficulties in sexual performance and avoidance of sexual encounters (338-340).
Female Reproductive System and Obesity:
In 1952, Rogers et al. first published a study documenting the relation of obesity to menstrual abnormalities (341). Since then it has become evident that, a close link exists between body weight and reproductive health in females from menarche to menopause and beyond (Figure 10).
Figure 10. Hormonal Changes and Clinical Manifestations of Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal (HPG) Axis Dysfunction in Females with Obesity.
From an evolutionary perspective, menarche marks the beginning of the reproductive potential, which requires sufficient energy stores to facilitate pregnancy and lactation. Thus, it is not surprising that the onset of menstruation is closely related to the presence of a critical body fat mass (342-344). Of note, leptin links energy homeostasis to female reproductive function and appears to act as a metabolic gate to gonadotropin secretion, with minimum critical leptin levels and/or receptor signally being necessary to initiate and maintain the menstrual cycle (318, 319, 325, 328, 342, 345). Indeed, in female patients with anorexia nervosa low leptin levels are associated with amenorrhea and decreased LH and FSH, while regain of fat mass stimulates LH and FSH leading to resumption of menstrual function (345). Several epidemiological studies report a clear correlation between obesity and earlier puberty onset in girls with increased BMI (346-348). In Western societies, the age of pubertal maturation appears to be decreasing among girls in relation to increased prevalence rates of childhood and adolescent obesity (349, 350). However, this is often linked to decreased reproductive performance later in life and growing evidence suggests that weight gain can also lead to earlier ovarian failure and menopause (351, 352).
Menstrual disturbances are the most common manifestation of HPG dysfunction in women with obesity, extending from dysmenorrhea and dysfunctional uterine bleeding to amenorrhea (318, 323, 353, 354). The degree of clinical manifestations is reported to have a strong correlation with BMI and appears related to body fat distribution, since central obesity commonly leads to more severe symptoms (323, 324, 353-355). Abnormal menstrual patterns in women with obesity are primarily attributed to altered androgen, estrogen and progesterone levels (Figure 10), whilst weight loss can restore menstrual regularity, in part, by decreasing androgen aromatization to estrogens in adipose tissue depots (318, 353, 354). Women with obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) constitute a distinct category characterized by (i) polycystic ovaries; (ii) oligo- or anovulation; and (iii) clinical and/or biochemical signs of hyperandrogenism (2 out of 3 criteria according to the Rotterdam consensus for PCOS) (356). Notably, PCOS women with obesity exhibit higher risk of menstrual abnormalities compared to BMI matched women without PCOS, attributed to worse endocrine/metabolic profiles involving various degrees of hyperinsulinemia accompanying insulin resistance that lead to enhance ovarian-stimulated hyperandrogenism (134, 137, 357).
Female obesity is additionally associated with decreased fertility due to chronic anovulation (318, 324, 353, 354). Several studies have reported higher risk of anovulatory infertility with increasing BMI (358-362). Central fat distribution is considered to play a crucial role in this association through hyperinsulinemic hyperandrogenemia that disrupts ovulation, as also documented in PCOS (353, 354, 363). Interestingly, prehistoric statuettes that are presumed to be fertility idols, including the famous “Venus of Willendorf”, depict women with obesity characterized by pronounced buttocks and thighs (364, 365). Furthermore, obesity can also decrease the success rate of assisted conception methods such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) (366-371). Although additional data are still required, women with obesity appear to require higher doses of ovarian stimulation drugs and have increased risk of cycle cancellation and fewer oocytes collected, as well as lower pregnancy and live birth rates compared to normal-weight women (353, 354, 366, 371-375). Thus, weight loss (even modest weight loss of 5-10%) is advised for women with obesity that seek fertility treatment in order to increase the chances of a favorable outcome (376, 377). However, despite good evidence supporting the role of diet, physical activity/exercise, and behavior changes regarding optimal weight gain during pregnancy (378), there is clearly a need for further research into preconception weight loss interventions in order to study the effects of these interventions on key related outcomes (e.g. on live birth rates and the health of both the infant and the mother) and establish better evidence-based guidelines (321). Overall, pregnant women with obesity can be classified as having a high-risk pregnancy associated with increased rates of miscarriage, in addition to a spectrum of both maternal (e.g. gestational diabetes, hypertension and pre-eclampsia, urinary tract infections, thromboembolism, increased incidence of operative delivery, anesthetic risks and postpartum hemorrhage) and fetal (e.g. macrosomia, neural-tube defects and stillbirth) complications (379, 380).
Finally, obesity is also a risk factor for endometrial, postmenopausal breast and ovarian cancer (315, 316, 381-383). The higher risk of these hormone-sensitive gynecologic malignancies in women with obesity is attributed to elevated endogenous estrogen levels that persist even after menopause (adipose tissue consists the major source of postmenopausal estrogen production from androgens) (384, 385). Hyperinsulinemia appears to independently contribute to carcinogenesis, as will be reviewed in the following section of this chapter on obesity and cancer (384-386).
Male Reproductive System and Obesity:
Clinical manifestations of obesity-related HPG axis dysfunction exist also in men, although these appear to be less frequent compared to those in women (320, 323, 325). However, research has been focused mainly on the impact of obesity on the female reproductive health. Thus, it is plausible that the adverse effects of obesity on reproduction in men have been underestimated. Indeed, in recent years, following the increasing availability of assisted conception methods, a growing body of evidence indicates that obesity can significantly impair the male reproductive health, leading to decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and sub-fertility/infertility (Figure 11) (318, 320, 323-325, 333, 351).
Figure 11. Hormonal Changes and Clinical Manifestations of Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal (HPG) Axis Dysfunction in Male Patients with Obesity.
Data on secular trends of pubertal maturation in boys and potential relationships to obesity are less clear and partly conflicting (346, 348-350, 387). As such, various studies have reported that increasing BMI and adiposity can be associated with either earlier or later pubertal onset in boys, while lack of correlation has also been documented (348, 387-391). Furthermore, assessing male puberty can be more subjective and unreliable due to lack of a landmark pubertal event similar to menarche in girls. Thus, further data are required to clarify the impact of childhood obesity on male sexual maturation.
Impaired male fertility is also associated with increasing BMI, especially in men with severe obesity when BMI exceeds 40 kg/m2 (318, 323, 324, 392-394). Semen quality can be significantly affected, and it is reported that both overweight and obese men exhibit markedly higher incidence of oligozoospermia and asthenospermia compared to normal-weight men (320, 323, 325, 392, 395-397). This is primarily attributed to decreased circulating testosterone levels due to higher aromatization of androgens to estrogens in adipose tissue depots, thus suppressing gonadotrohin levels; while SHBG levels can also be decreased (Figure 11) (333, 334, 337, 351, 398). In addition to hormonal changes, men with obesity are predisposed to elevated scrotal temperature, since the scrotum remains in close contact with surrounding tissues, which can potentially increase the risk of altered semen parameters and infertility (318, 323, 399). Finally, severe and longstanding obesity is associated with other comorbidities (e.g. T2DM and macrovascular disease), which further increase the risk of sexual dysfunction in men and can lead to sub-fertility.
In addition, both epidemiologic and mechanistic evidence indicates that there is an association between obesity and prostate cancer, although the data are relatively limited and have been inconsistent (315, 400-406). Large prospective studies link obesity with an increased risk of aggressive (high-grade) prostate cancer, while, on the other hand, obesity is inversely associated with indolent (low-grade) tumors (407-409). Of note, early data also suggest that obesity may be more closely linked to prostate cancer depending on race and molecular subtyping (e.g. in African American patients and in patients with TMPRSS2-ERG-positive tumors) (402). However, it must be highlighted that epidemiologic data on prostate cancer incidence should be interpreted with caution because men with obesity tend to have larger prostate size and lower circulating prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels (lower PSA due to either lower androgen levels or hemodilution effects); parameters affecting the sensitivity and specificity of both prostate needle biopsy and PSA screening in this population (403-405, 410, 411). Interestingly, it has been reported that the accuracy of PSA in predicting prostate cancer did not change by BMI category in Asian men (411, 412). More consistently obesity has been associated with a higher risk of prostate cancer-specific mortality (401, 404, 405, 413). For the clinical practice, it has been suggested that men with obesity and prostate cancer should continue to be offered active surveillance as a management option, since their risk of competing mortality is higher compared to normal-weight men (402). Overall, the underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms for the associations between obesity and prostate cancer are considered multifactorial, including changes in androgen levels, increased circulating adipokines, hyperinsulinemia and the low-grade chronic inflammation state in obesity (403, 405, 406, 414).
Obesity, Stress and Psychiatric Co-Morbidities
A growing body of evidence indicates that common psychological disorders, such as depression, anxiety and chronic stress, constitute risk factors for developing obesity, metabolic syndrome manifestations, and CVD (415-419). Indeed, prospective data from the Whitehall II cohort documented that common mental disorders increase the risk of obesity in a dose-dependent manner (more episodes of the disorder correlated with higher future obesity risk) (420). Moreover, the odds of obesity in the presence of mental disorders tend to increase with age (421). As such, in a large community-based cohort of elderly persons that was followed for 5 years, baseline depression was associated with increased abdominal fat accumulation independent of overall obesity, suggesting pathogenetic links between depression and central obesity (422). In addition, existing evidence indicates that prolonged and/or intense stress can lead to subsequent weight gain. In the Hoorn Study, enhanced visceral adiposity and higher probability of previously undiagnosed T2DM were associated to the number of major stressful life events during a 5-year preceding period (423). Chronic work-related stress has also been identified as an independent predictive factor for general and central obesity during midlife (424, 425). Interestingly, weight gain in female UK students during their first year at university was related to higher levels of perceived stress (426).
On the other hand, epidemiologic data further support positive correlations between obesity and both depression and anxiety disorders risk (427, 428). These associations appear primarily concentrated among individuals with severe obesity and among females (429-434). The level of existing evidence on these associations is considered relatively moderate, since gender differences and multiple obesity-depression covariations (moderating/mediating factors) are probable, while a limited number of high-quality prospective studies have been published (435-439). However, the “jolly fat” hypothesis, associating obesity with decreased depression risk, should be revisited (440-443). Of note, a U-shaped quadratic relationship between BMI and depression can be proposed (444). In accord with epidemiologic data, there is also an increasing number of prospective, controlled studies reporting remission of depressive symptoms and improved psychological functioning following weight loss through bariatric procedures (445-450). Thus, reversibility is noted regarding adverse effects of obesity on mental health. Conversely, it must be also highlighted that depressive and anxiety disorders are shown to have strong predictive value for reduced weight loss in patients with obesity even when surgical interventions are applied (451).
Overall, obesity can be considered to hold a bi-directional association with psychological well-being, especially with chronic stress and mood disorders (416, 429, 435). This reciprocal relationship is complex and the underlying pathogenetic interplay has not been fully elucidated. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain links between obesity and mental health in both directions, mainly focusing on over-activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and sympathetic nervous system (SNS), as well as on the role of health risk behaviors (Figure 12) (452-457).
Figure 12. Reciprocal Relations Between Obesity (Mainly Visceral) and Stress. Chronic stress, manifested with depressive and/or anxiety symptoms, can induce prolonged activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and sympathetic nervous system (SNS) which, together with health risk behaviors, can progressively lead to visceral obesity and vice versa (adopted from Kyrou et al. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2009 (457)).
As aforementioned, particularly central obesity induces an unremitting low-grade inflammatory state that is characterized by high plasma levels of pro-inflammatory adipokines (131, 132). This adverse adipokine profile (decreased adiponectin and increased TNF-α, IL-6, and leptin levels) can act as a persistent stress stimulus, leading to chronic hypercortisolemia and SNS activation which predispose to depression and anxiety (454, 458). Conversely, chronic stress and depression, associated with mild hypercortisolemia and increased sympathoadrenal activity, favor visceral fat accumulation and obesity (e.g. favoring enhanced appetite, insulin resistance and increased adipogenesis) (459-463). Interestingly, sleep disorders (e.g. chronic insomnia, inadequate sleep or poor sleep quality) are also shown to exhibit associations with dysregulated energy balance, obesity and T2DM, mediated through SNS activation and changes in circulating adipokines (e.g. leptin, TNF-α and IL-6) and gut hormones (e.g. ghrelin, glucagon) (464-467). Thus, a deleterious vicious cycle appears to be formed, where weight gain causes prolonged stress system activation (manifested with depression and/or anxiety and/or sleep disorders) and vice versa, mediated through hormonal and adipokine effects on multiple endocrine axes and the central nervous system (457, 461, 462). Furthermore, obesity is associated with sedentary lifestyle and socioeconomic disadvantage which increase the risk of depression (468). In turn, over-nutrition, comfort eating, alcohol abuse, and low physical activity are common features of depression and anxiety disorders, promoting the development of obesity. Moreover, patients with obesity often experience obesity-related stigma and discrimination, which further contribute to clinical manifestations of depression and low self-esteem (427, 469). The aforementioned associations highlight the importance of assessing and treating psychiatric co-morbidity as part of weight management interventions (431, 451). In the context of a multidisciplinary approach, clinicians should also take into consideration that several widely prescribed antidepressants and antipsychotic agents can induce weight gain (e.g. tricyclic antidepressants, paroxetine, mirtazapine, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, lithium, clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone) (470, 471).
Obesity and Cancer Risk
Compelling evidence over the past years indicates that obesity and obesity-related diabetes are associated with higher incidence of certain types of cancer (315, 316, 472-484). Indeed, excess adiposity is now considered a key cancer risk factor, so that obesity and physical inactivity are currently recognized among the most important modifiable risk factors for primary cancer prevention, together with tobacco use (316, 484, 485). In 2016, a working group of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reassessed the preventive effects of weight control on cancer risk, reviewing the existing epidemiological evidence, as well as mechanistic data and studies in experimental animal models (315, 316). The special report on the findings of this IARC working group concluded that there is sufficient evidence that excess body fatness causes cancer of the esophagus (adenocarcinoma), gastric cardia, colon and rectum, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, breast (postmenopausal), corpus uteri (endometrium), ovary, kidney (renal-cell), meningioma, thyroid, and multiple myeloma (315, 316) (Figure 13). Moreover, according to this IARC working group, currently there is limited evidence to support this link for male breast cancer, fatal prostate cancer, and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, whilst inadequate relevant evidence exists for squamous-cell carcinoma of the esophagus, and cancer of the gastric noncardia, extrahepatic biliary tract, lung, skin (cutaneous melanoma), testis, urinary bladder, and brain or spinal cord (glioma) (Figure 13).
In accord with what is noted for the majority of obesity-related co-morbidities, central obesity is identified as an independent, at least in part, predictor of increased cancer risk. Waist circumference correlates primarily with cancer of the endometrium, breast, colon, pancreas and liver, suggesting pathogenetic links between visceral adiposity and carcinogenesis at these sites/organs (486-488). Overall, the risk of cancer in adults appears to increase when BMI exceeds 22 kg/m2, and, thus, there is a cancer prevention recommendation regarding body adiposity from the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) to stay as lean as possible within the normal BMI range (recommended public health goal for a median BMI between 21 and 23 kg/m2 in adults, depending on normal ranges for different ethnic populations) (489-491). Moreover, emphasis must also be placed on the increasing evidence supporting the impact of weight loss in reducing the obesity-related cancer risk (492-495). Of note, gender and ethnic differences appear to exist regarding the impact of obesity and weight gain on certain types of cancer. Thus, significantly stronger association is documented between BMI and colon cancer in males, whilst correlations between BMI and breast cancer risk appear more potent in the Asia-Pacific region compared to Europe, North America, and Australia (496, 497). Furthermore, the prospective, controlled Swedish Obese Subjects (SOS) study showed that bariatric surgery was associated with a reduction in the cancer incidence among women by 42%, while there was no effect on the cancer incidence among men (492, 494). In addition, the duration of obesity appears to be another significant parameter in the association between increased BMI and cancer risk, with data from the Women’s Health Initiative showing that a longer duration of overweight/obesity is associated with higher risk of developing several types of cancer (e.g. the risk of endometrial cancer increased by 17% for every 10-year increase in the duration of overweight in adulthood) (498). Accordingly, childhood obesity may also be associated with increased cancer risk and is suggested to have long-term consequences (e.g. increased risk of death from colon cancer), although further research is required to clarify the exact links between childhood obesity and different types of cancer (39, 499, 500).
Figure 13. Level of evidence regarding the cancer-preventive effect of the absence of excess body fatness according to cancer site/type, based on the special report of the 2016 working group of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).
[Adopted from: International Agency for Research on Cancer Handbook Working Group. N Engl J Med. 2016 Aug 25;375(8):794-8. (315)].
In general, overweight and obesity also constitute adverse prognostic factors among cancer survivors (individuals who are living with a diagnosis of cancer or have recovered from the disease), associated with worse survival rates and increased recurrence risk for several types of cancer (489-491). Indeed, existing evidence links increased BMI with recurrence and compromised survival in women with breast cancer (501, 502). Furthermore, data on colon cancer survival suggest that patients with obesity have greater overall mortality and shorter disease-free survival intervals, although more evidence is required (503-506). Finally, as aforementioned, obesity appears associated to higher prostate cancer-specific mortality and risk of aggressive prostate cancer (403-409, 413).
It is also interesting to note that, various studies have suggested an association between obesity and delayed cancer detection in clinical practice. This may be attributed either to weight-related barriers and patient delay (the period from first onset of symptoms to first medical consultation) or to greater difficulty in performing clinical examinations (e.g. examination of larger breasts in women with obesity or abdominal examination in central obesity) and diagnostic procedures (e.g. less accurate biopsy detection of prostate cancer in men with obesity due to larger size of the prostate) (404, 507-510). Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that the disease burden may be higher in patients with obesity and cancer due to increased risk for both cardiometabolic co-morbidity (e.g. T2DM and ischemic heart disease) and post-chemotherapy or postoperative complications.
In addition to environmental factors and genetic predisposition, multiple mechanisms have been proposed to explain the epidemiologic associations between obesity and cancer (511-514). Insulin resistance and chronic compensatory hyperinsulinemia appear to play a crucial role in the pathophysiology of obesity-related carcinogenesis, which may vary depending on the cancer type/site (Figure 14) (386, 483, 515-518).
Figure 14. Overview of Proposed Mechanisms that Link Obesity and Increased Cancer Risk.
Obesity, particularly central/visceral, causes insulin resistance and chronic compensatory hyperinsulinemia. Increased insulin levels have been shown to induce mitogenic effects and contribute to tumorigenesis through activation of both the insulin receptor and the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) receptor. Hyperinsulinemia can also suppress the synthesis of insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 (IGFBP-1) in the liver and locally in other tissues, while is also associated with reduced plasma IGFBP-2. In turn, this decrease in IGFBP-1 and IGFBP-2 levels leads to increased bio-availability of IGF-1 which promotes cellular proliferation and inhibits apoptosis through its receptor in several tissues (386, 483, 515, 519, 520). Increased levels of estrogens and androgens are also considered to mediate carcinogenic effects, particularly for endometrial and post-menopausal breast cancers. Circulating SHBG levels are markedly decreased in patients with central obesity and hyperinsulinemia due to suppression of SHBG synthesis in the liver by insulin. Thus, higher free sex-steroid levels are present in the circulation increasing the risk for hormone-sensitive gynecologic malignancies (333, 334, 337, 515). Enhanced metabolism of sex steroids within adipose tissue depots can further contribute to increased plasma levels of androgens and estrogens in obesity (Figure 14) (332-334). Finally, existing evidence suggests that changes in circulating adipokines (e.g. hypoadiponectinemia and hyperleptinemia) and the chronic low-grade inflammatory state in obesity may also directly promote carcinogenesis (386, 483, 511-514, 517, 521).
obesity-related co-morbidities due to mechano-physical effects
The aforementioned co-morbidities are closely related to adipose tissue secretion of multiple adipokines, hormones and factors that induce deleterious autocrine, paracrine and endocrine effects. A second principal mechanism leading to obesity-related disease reflects increased physical burdens imposed by excess fat mass to various body sites (522). Indeed, enhanced local biomechanic stress due to accumulated fat and increased body weight (e.g. on the joints, respiratory tract, blood vessels or within the abdominal compartment) causes and/or exacerbates several co-morbidities which are common in patients with obesity, such as knee osteoarthritis, back pain, restrictive lung disease, obstructive sleep apnea, gastroesophageal reflux disease, hernias, and chronic venous insufficiency. Of note, even these complications are further aggravated by the adverse metabolic profile and chronic inflammatory state in obesity, amplifying the overall burden of the disease and creating a vicious cycle which can be effectively broken only by sustained weight loss.
Obesity and Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most frequent joint disorder worldwide and one of the leading causes of chronic pain and disability in the adult population of Western societies, particularly among the elderly (523). Obesity is a major risk factor for knee OA, with available data indicating that weight gain can precede the disease onset by several years and that this increased risk begins as early as the third decade of life (524-530). Indeed, a systematic review by Blagojevic et al. reported obesity as one of the main factors consistently associated with knee OA (pooled odds ratio of 2.63, 95% CI: 2.28-3.05) (525). Moreover, a prospective population-based study in Finland with a follow-up of 22 years documented a strong association between BMI and risk of knee OA, with relative odds ratio of 7.0 (95% CI: 3.5-14.10; adjusted for age, gender and other covariates) for individuals with obesity compared to those with BMI less than 25 kg/m2 (531). Overall, the lifetime risk of symptomatic knee OA increases with increasing BMI and it is suggested that each additional BMI unit above 27 kg/m2 can lead to a 15% increase of this risk, with the association being more prominent in women compared to men and for bilateral than for unilateral disease (529, 530, 532-534).
Obesity appears to also increase the risk of hip and hand osteoarthritis, although these associations are less consistent (523, 535-540). Furthermore, excess body weight is an important predictor of progressive knee and hip OA with patients with obesity exhibiting higher risk for deteriorating disease and development of disability (522, 523, 529, 530). Of note, it has been shown that weight loss of approximately 5.1 kg over a 10-year period can reduce the odds of developing symptomatic knee OA by more than 50% (541). Functional disability in patients with obesity diagnosed with knee OA may also be improved with weight loss over 5% or at the rate of more than 0.25% per week within a 20 week-period (542). Finally, a growing body of evidence indicates that bariatric surgery may benefit patients with obesity and knee or hip OA, although further high-quality randomized studies assessing the impact of bariatric surgery and subsequent weight loss on these conditions are still required (543, 544).
The association of obesity with OA of weight-bearing joints is primarily attributed to repetitive over-loading during daily activities, which progressively causes cartilage destruction and damage to ligaments and other support structures (529, 530, 533, 545, 546). Abnormal gait, muscle weakness and alignment disorders may be further contributing factors for development of OA in patients with obesity. It is important to note that, increasing BMI is also associated with higher injury rates, including those related to falls, sprains/strains, joint dislocations and lower extremity fractures (547). In turn, joint injuries (e.g. meniscal ligament tears in the knee, fractures and dislocations) increase the risk of later developing OA in the injured joint (548). However, OA in non-weight-bearing joints (e.g. in the hand) and increased frequency of OA in women with obesity indicate that a metabolic/hormonal component may also link obesity to OA, in addition to biomechanic causes (549-551). Current evidence suggests that adverse hormonal and metabolic profiles in obesity (e.g. changes in leptin, adiponectin, TNF-α and IL-6, as well as hyperglycemia, lipid abnormalities and chronic inflammation) can play a role in the pathogenesis of OA. Indeed, increasing attention is now focused on the effects of leptin and the local dysregulation of adipokine production in osteoarthritic joints, while adipokines are also suggested as surrogate biomarkers for the severity of OA (529, 530, 533, 549-556).
Obesity and the Skin
Obesity is associated with several dermatologic conditions (557-562). Striae distensae (striae or stretch marks) is a common dermatosis in patients with obesity, representing linear atrophic plaques which are created due to tension and skin stretching from expanding fat deposits (557, 560, 561). Obesity-related striae are distributed primarily in the abdomen, breasts, buttocks, and thighs and pose more of a cosmetic problem. Clinically, these striae appear to be lighter, narrower, and less atrophic compared to striae in Cushing’s syndrome which are characterized by more intense (purple) color and inordinate breadth (> 1 cm) and depth. Acanthosis nigricans can be also noted in patients with obesity and hyperinsulinemia due to insulin resistance and is manifested with hyperpigmented, velvety, irregular plaques often in the folds of the back of the neck, axilla and groin, as well as on knuckles, extensor surfaces, and face (558, 560, 561). Skin tags are also commonly associated with hyperinsulinemia and acanthosis nigricans (557). Of note, women with obesity may also exhibit hirsutism and acne vulgaris as a result of both hyperandrogenism and hyperinsulinemia. Furthermore, weight gain is also associated with cellulite due to changes in the epidermis and dermis mostly in women and in areas such as the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. Due to excessive sweating and increased friction between skin surfaces, a number of skin infections are more frequent in obesity including oppositional intertrigo (inflammation-rash in body folds), candidiasis, candida folliculitis, folliculitis and less often cellulitis, erysipelas or fasciitis. Moreover, obesity is a risk factor for lower limb lymphedema, chronic venous insufficiency and stasis pigmentation, while wound healing tends to be slower in patients with obesity (557). Growing evidence also indicate that patients with obesity are at increased risk of inflammatory dermatoses, such as psoriasis (557, 560). Finally, although the currently available evidence has been regarded as inadequate by the 2016 IARC working group (315), there are data indicating the obesity may also be associated with increased risk of skin cancer (particularly malignant melanoma) (557, 560, 563).
Obesity and the Respiratory System
Increased body weight and fat accumulation in the abdomen and chest wall can have a significant impact on respiratory physiology leading to deterioration of pulmonary function, attributed primarily to increased mechanical pressure on the thoracic cage and trunk (564-567). Although the detrimental effects on conventional respiratory function tests are often modest until BMI exceeds 40 kg/m2, patients with obesity may exhibit reductions in lung volumes and respiratory compliance, as well as in respiratory efficiency (566-568). Severe obesity is associated with decreased total lung capacity (TLC), expiratory reserve volume (ERV) and functional residual capacity (FRC), as a result of mass loading, splinting and restricted decent of the diaphragm (564-568). Reduced FRC impairs the capacity to tolerate periods of apnea and represents the most consistently documented effect of obesity on respiratory function (568-570). Functional residual capacity can be reduced even in overweight individuals and declines exponentially with increasing BMI to the extent that it may approach residual volume (RV) (568, 570). On the other hand, RV is usually within the normal range in patients with obesity but can also be increased, suggesting concurrent obstructive airway disease and gas trapping (568-570). Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) are also modestly affected in obesity and, thus, these spirometric variables frequently remain within normal limits in otherwise healthy adults and children with increased BMI (571, 572). However, both FEV1 and FVC exhibit a tendency to decrease with weight gain and improvements have been reported following weight loss (572-575). Longitudinal studies have aslo demonstrated an inverse association between BMI and FEV1 (576, 577). It is important to note that FEV1 is regarded as an independent predictor of all-cause mortality and a risk factor for CVD (e.g. ischemic heart disease and stroke) and lung cancer (578, 579). Furthermore, increasing BMI is related to an exponential decline in respiratory compliance, which is attributed primarily to reduced lung compliance due to increased pulmonary blood volume and to reductions in chest wall compliance due to local fat accumulation (580, 581). Decreased respiratory compliance is associated with FRC reductions and impaired gas exchange (569, 582). Conversely, total respiratory resistance is increased in severe obesity mainly due to increases in lung resistance (580, 581). These changes in respiratory compliance and resistance are more marked in the supine position and can affect the breathing pattern which becomes shallow and rapid. Overall, the work of breathing is enhanced and can lead to restricted maximum ventilatory capacity and respiratory muscle inefficiency with heightened demand for ventilation and relative hypoventilation during activity (566). The impact of obesity on respiratory function is generally greater in men compared to women, probably attributed to gender-related differences in fat distribution, highlighting the crucial role of central obesity (583-585). Indeed, indices of central/visceral adiposity are considered better predictors of respiratory function than body weight or BMI, whilst an inverse association exists between waist circumference and both FEV1 and FVC (585, 586). Data show that, on average, an increase in waist circumference of 1 cm is associated with reductions of 13 ml and 11 ml in FVC and FEV1, respectively, after adjustment for gender, age, height, weight and pack-years of smoking (585, 586). Adverse effects on the lungs caused by circulating adipokines and chronic inflammation in central obesity are also considered to mediate these heighten associations with respiratory dysfunction (567, 568).
Obesity is further associated with a spectrum of distinct respiratory conditions, including obstructive sleep apnea, obesity hypoventilation syndrome, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (564, 587-592). Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a prevalent respiratory disorder in the general population, and is shown to be particularly common in men and women with obesity (593). Obstructive sleep apnea is characterized by recurrent episodes of temporary airflow cessation (apnea) or reduction (hypopnea) during sleep, which are caused by total or partial upper airway collapse and result in decreased oxygen saturation (repeated episodes of hypoxemia and hypercapnia) (587, 594). Airflow is restored with arousal, thus disrupting the normal sleep pattern and adversely affecting sleep quality. Subsequently, OSA can lead to various clinical manifestations including snoring, choking episodes during sleep, nocturia, restless and un-refreshing sleep, daytime fatigue and hypersomnolence, impaired concentration, hypertension, decreased libido, irritability and personality changes, while it is also distinctly associated with increased incidence of motor vehicle accidents. Screening for OSA can be performed through validated questionnaires (e.g. the Epworth Sleepiness Scale and the Berlin Questionnaire) (587, 595, 596), and is particularly important for the clinical practice in patients with obesity and/or other obesity-related cardiometabolic disease (e.g. in patients with T2DM or PCOS) (597, 598), while the diagnosis of OSA relies on polysomnography which remains the “gold standard” diagnostic method (587, 595, 596). By consensus, an apnea is defined as airflow cessation for at least 10 seconds and is classified as obstructive or central based on presence or absence of respiratory effort, respectively (599). Accordingly an episode of hypopnea is defined based on the presence of either (i) reduced airflow by ≥30% from baseline for at least 10 seconds with ≥4% desaturation from baseline or (ii) reduced airflow by ≥50% for at least 10 seconds with ≥3% desaturation or an arousal (599). OSA severity is usually defined by the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) which represents the number of apneas plus hypopneas per hour of documented sleep (mild OSA: AHI of 5 to 15; moderate OSA: AHI of more than 15 to 30; and severe OSA: AHI of more than 30 (600) However, it must be noted that AHI does not necessarily reflect the severity of clinical symptoms and use of other indices has also been suggested (e.g. based on hypoxemia) (601, 602). Of note, a long-term consequence of OSA is alterations in the central control of breathing, with episodes of central apnea due to progressive desensitization of respiratory centers to hypercapnia. These episodes are initially limited during sleep, but eventually can lead to the obesity-hypoventilation syndrome (Pickwickian syndrome), which is characterized by obesity, sleep disordered breathing, alveolar hypoventilation, chronic hypercapnia and hypoxia, hypersomnolence, right ventricular failure, and polycythemia (603).
Obstructive sleep apnea prevalence is increasing in Western societies and appears to be higher in men and among the elderly (593, 604). US data from the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study reported that the estimated population prevalence of OSA (AHI of 5 or more) in middle-aged men and women (30-60 years old) was 24% and 9%, respectively, with 4% of men and 2% of women also presenting daytime hypersomnolence (605). Obesity, especially central, is recognized as a major risk factor for OSA (587, 594, 604, 606, 607). Several studies have reported a consistent association between increased BMI and OSA risk, with an extremely high OSA incidence among subjects with severe obesity (55-100% in patients evaluated for bariatric surgery) (594, 608-610). Notably, a prospective population-based study documented that even moderate weight gain can increase the risk of OSA, with a 10% weight gain predicting a 6-fold (95% CI, 2.2-17.0) increase in the odds of developing moderate to severe sleep-disordered breathing, while a 10% weight loss predicted a 26% (95% CI, 18%-34%) decrease in the AHI (611). Neck circumference, reflecting central obesity and fat deposition around the upper airways, is regarded as a better predictor of OSA risk compared to body weight and BMI (612, 613). Indeed, it has been shown that neck circumference is associated with the severity of OSA independently of visceral obesity, especially in non-obese patients (614). Finally, available data also suggest that waist circumference can exhibit a stronger association with OSA risk compared to BMI, highlighting the role of upper body fat distribution in the pathophysiology of OSA (615).
Multiple mechanisms appear to mediate the association between obesity and OSA (587, 594, 606, 607). Existing evidence suggests both direct genetic contribution to OSA susceptibility, as well as indirect genetic contribution implicated through obesity, craniofacial structure features, regulation of sleep and circadian rhythms, and neurological control of upper airway muscles (616). Overall, contributing factors for development of sleep-disordered breathing include older age, male gender, anatomically narrow upper airways, increased tendency for upper airway collapse, and variations in neuromuscular control of upper airway muscles and in ventilatory control mechanisms (587). Cervical fat deposition in obesity with fat deposits in the lateral wall of the pharynx may decrease the caliber of the upper airways and increase their collapsibility, mainly due to increased thickness of the lateral pharyngeal muscle wall (617-619). Furthermore, in patients with obesity impairment of the upper airway dilator muscles has been also suggested, with data showing increased genioglossus fatigability (620). Abdominal fat accumulation also leads to decreased longitudinal upper airway tension and increased upper airway collapsibility due to the aforementioned changes in respiratory function and lung volumes (564-568). Chronic intermittent hypoxia in OSA appears to increase reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and oxidative stress (Figure 15). In addition, insulin resistance, circulating adipokines (e.g. leptin), pro-inflammatory cytokines (e.g. IL-6 and TNF-α), are also considered to further aggravate OSA, particularly in central obesity (594, 606, 621-624). Finally, research has been recently focused on the role of increased SNS activity, which is thought to result from chronic intermittent hypoxia and disruption of normal sleep patterns (sleep fragmentation and recurrent arousals), on insulin resistance and HTN. In turn, insulin resistance promotes further central fat accumulation and CVD risk, which aggravate OSA, thereby forming a vicious cycle (625-627).
Figure 15. Potential mechanisms linking weight gain, insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and hypertension in patients with obesity and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (adopted from Arnarsdottir et al. Sleep 2009 (623)).
Sustained weight loss (e.g. by lifestyle modification with diet and exercise) can significantly reduce the AHI and improve the clinical manifestations of OSA (594, 628). Promising results have been also reported from studies exploring the impact of bariatric surgery on OSA (628), with meta-analysis data showing that up to 85% of OSA patients may exhibit remission and complete resolution of sleep-disordered breathing (629). However, it is important to note that although weight reduction improves OSA, patients with severe obesity undergoing bariatric surgery should not necessarily expect to be cured of OSA following weight loss. Indeed, another meta-analysis regarding the effect of bariatric-induced weight loss on measures of OSA demonstrated that the mean AHI after weight loss with bariatric procedures was consistent with moderately severe OSA (a pooled baseline AHI of 54.7 events per hour was reduced to a final value of 15.8 events per hour) (630). Nevertheless, a more recent systematic review performed to determine which of the common available bariatric procedures (i.e. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric banding or biliopancreatic diversion) is the most effective for the treatment of OSA reported that all these procedures had significant beneficial effects on OSA (over 75% of the bariatric patients exhibited at least improvement), with biliopancreatic diversion being the most successful and gastric banding being the least successful in improving or resolving OSA (631). Interestingly, recurrence of OSA has been reported following initial improvements with weight loss even without concomitant weight regain (632). This can be attributed to variation in fat loss from different body sites with persisting fat deposition in the neck, and to other mechanisms which contribute to increased upper airway collapsibility independent of body weight (607).
In clinical practice, physicians should also be reminded that the link between OSA and obesity is bi-directional, with untreated OSA predisposing to weight gain and obesity. Short sleep duration predicts future obesity and newly diagnosed OSA patients often experience a history of recent weight gain in the period preceding the diagnosis (633, 634). Finally, a significant proportion of OSA patients remains undiagnosed and this potentially poses an additional risk to bariatric surgery candidates, since OSA appears associated with higher risk of adverse outcomes occurring within 30 days after surgery (e.g. death, deep-vein thrombosis or venous thromboembolism, reintervention with percutaneous, endoscopic or operative techniques and failure to be discharged from the hospital within 30 days after surgery) (609, 635-638). Of note, it has been reported that OSA screening prior to bariatric surgery identifies an additional 25% of patients as having OSA; although, in this study, unscreened patients with severe obesity did not exhibit an increased incidence of cardiopulmonary complications after surgery compared to screened patients (639). To address this point for the clinical practice, in 2016 a consensus meeting was held in Amsterdam that issued a consensus guideline that, based on the existing evidence, comprehensively addressed the issue of perioperative management of OSA in bariatric surgery (640).
In this chapter, we have discussed major disorders/diseases that are associated with obesity and are caused, at least in part, by adipose tissue accumulation. These include disturbances of glucose metabolism, manifestations of the metabolic syndrome, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, obstructive sleep apnea, and various types of cancer, as well as unfavorable outcomes regarding reproduction, stress levels, and psychiatric disorders.
In clinical practice it should be noted that individuals with obesity often vary significantly regarding clinical manifestations of obesity-related morbidity, and it appears that patterns of lipid partitioning are a major determinant of their metabolic profile (65). Distribution of body fat plays an important role in this context (65, 641). As such, visceral accumulation of excess body fat is shown to be strongly associated with most of the obesity-related disorders including insulin resistance (642), and T2DM (643), as well as with all-cause mortality (644). On the other hand, increased subcutaneous fat depots can even have protective metabolic effects (645-647). Although not all previous studies have shown an independent effect of the subcutaneous abdominal fat on insulin sensitivity (646) and controversial findings have also been reported (648), data suggest that an expanded fat mass, particularly of subcutaneous adipose tissue, may function as a sink for glucose uptake and triglyceride accumulation resulting in compensatory improvement of insulin sensitivity (647). In agreement with this hypothesis, it has been shown that enabling a massive expansion of the subcutaneous adipose tissue mass in the ob/ob mouse model potently counteracts the development of insulin resistance associated with excess caloric intake (649). Importantly, evidence from rodent models of obesity and research into the genetic basis of human obesity have started to provide novel insight into the predisposition to weight gain and the pathophysiology of obesity-associated co-morbidity [rodent models of obesity and the genetics of obesity in humans will be reviewed in detail in the corresponding EndoText chapters].
In conclusion, obesity constitutes a complex, multifactorial disease associated with a wide spectrum of comorbidities due to both a deleterious endocrine/metabolic profile of the expanded/accumulated adipose tissue, and an increased physical burden imposed on various body sites/organs. Thus, even in cases of “metabolically healthy” obese individuals (presenting with a predominantly female type of fat distribution and absence of metabolic abnormalities) multiple other parameters and the risk of long-term adverse outcomes (e.g. risk of CVD, osteoarthritis, disability, psychological comorbidity) need to be seriously considered when discussing the benefits of various weight management interventions (28, 650, 651).
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Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma
Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PPGLs) are rare neuroendocrine tumors arising from chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla or neural crest progenitors located outside of the adrenal gland, respectively. These tumors are derived from either sympathetic tissue in the adrenal or extra-adrenal abdominal locations (sympathetic PPGLs) or from parasympathetic tissue in the thorax or head and neck (parasympathetic PPGLs). The clinical presentation is so variable that a PPGL has been described as "the great masquerader". The varied signs and symptoms of PPGLs are attributed to hemodynamic and metabolic actions of the catecholamines produced and secreted by these tumors. For a better understanding of clinical symptomatology of PPGLs, one needs to be aware of the tumor physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology, which were discussed in detail in this chapter. While most PPGLs are benign, about 10% of pheochromocytomas and 25% of PGL are malignant. The newer targeted therapies for metastatic PPGLs are likely to be based on our understanding of tumor biology and the design of new highly specific compounds with fewer side effects. There has been an extensive research in the field of PPGLs in the last decade that shed light on genetic etiology and multiple possible metabolic pathways that lead to these tumors. In this article, we detail the current literature on diagnosis and management of PPGLs with a special focus on recent advancements in the field. For complete coverage of this and related areas of eendocrinology, please see WWW.ENDOTEXT.ORG.
Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PPGLs) are highly vascular neuroendocrine tumors that arise from chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla or their neural crest progenitors located outside of the adrenal gland, respectively1. PPGLs are estimated to occur in about 2–8 of 1 million persons per year and about 0.1% of hypertensive patients harbor a PPGL. About 10% of patients with PPGL present with adrenal incidentaloma2. Per 2017 – WHO classification of tumors (fourth edition), based on their location/origin, these neuroendocrine tumors are classified as tumors of the adrenal medulla and extra-adrenal paraganglia3. These tumors are derived either from sympathetic tissue in adrenal or extra-adrenal abdominal locations (sympathetic PPGLs) or from parasympathetic tissue in the thorax or head and neck (parasympathetic PPGLs)4. Sympathetic PPGLs frequently produce considerable amounts of catecholamines, and in approximately 80% of patients, they are found in the adrenal medulla1,4. Remaining 20% of these tumors are located outside of the adrenal glands, in the prevertebral and paravertebral sympathetic ganglia of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Extra-adrenal PPGLs in the abdomen most commonly arise from a collection of chromaffin tissue around the origin of the inferior mesenteric artery (the organ of Zuckerkandl) or aortic bifurcation. In contrast, most parasympathetic PPGLs are chromaffin-negative tumors mostly confining to the neck and at the base of the skull region along the glossopharyngeal and vagal nerves, and only 4% of these tumors secrete catecholamines4. These head and neck PGLs were formerly known as glomus tumor or carotid body tumors. Most PPGLs represent sporadic tumors and about 35% of PPGLs are of familial origin with about 20 known susceptibility genes making them most strongly hereditary amongst all human tumors5,6. Based on these genetic mutations and pathogenetic pathways, PPGLs can be classified into three broad clusters- cluster 1, cluster 2 and cluster 3. Cluster 1 includes mutations involving in overexpression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) (due to pseudohypoxia) and impaired DNA methylation leading to increased vascularization. Cluster 2 includes activating mutations of Wnt-signaling pathway (Wnt receptor signaling and Hedgehog signaling). This activation of Wnt and Hedgehog signaling is secondary to somatic mutations of CSDE1 (Cold shock domain containing E1) and MAML3 (Mastermind like transcriptional coactivator 3) genes7. Abnormal activation of kinase signaling pathways like PI3Kinase/AKT, RAS/RAF/ERK, and mTOR pathways account for cluster 3 mutations3,8. On the other hand, based on biochemical secretory patterns, PPGLs can be characterized into three different phenotypical categories – noradrenergic phenotype (predominant norepinephrine secreting), adrenergic phenotype (predominant epinephrine secreting) and dopamine secreting. These biochemical phenotypes of PPGL lead to a constellation of symptoms (based on the predominant hormone secreted) leading to different clinical manifestations.
Hypertension is the most common sign and may be sustained or paroxysmal, with the latter more usual presentation occurring on a background of normal blood pressure or sustained hypertension. PPGL may also present with hypotension (excessive stimulation of beta adrenoreceptors by elevated levels of epinephrine), postural hypotension or alternating episodes of high and low blood pressure10. Headache occurs in up to 90% of patients with PPGL. In some patients’ catecholamine-induced headache may be similar to tension headache. Excessive, most commonly, truncal sweating occurs in approximately 60-70% patients. A typical sign of catecholamine excess is also pallor seen in approximately 27% of patients whereas only a few patients can present with flushing11. The presence of 3 Ps triad including headache (pain), palpitations and generalized inappropriate sweating (perspiration) in patients with hypertension should lead to immediate suspicion for a PPGL. Other common (but non-specific) complaints are severe anxiety, tremulousness, nausea, vomiting, weakness, fatigue, dyspnea, weight loss despite normal appetite (caused by catecholamine-induced glycogenolysis and lipolysis), visual problems during an attack and profound tiredness and polyuria most commonly experienced after an attack. Most patients also present with severe episodes of anxiety, nervousness, or panic attacks. Attacks (spells) of signs and symptoms may occur weekly, several times daily, or as infrequently as once every few months. Most last less than an hour, but rarely more than several days. Attacks may be precipitated by palpitation of the tumor, postural changes, exertion, anxiety, trauma, pain, ingestion of foods or beverages containing tyramine (certain cheeses, beers, and wines), use of certain drugs (histamine, glucagon, tyramine, phenothiazine, metoclopramide, adrenocorticotropic hormone), intubation, induction of anesthesia, chemotherapy, endoscopy, catheterization, and micturition or bladder distention (with bladder tumors). Less frequent clinical manifestations include fever of unknown origin (hypermetabolic state) and constipation12. Due to sustained hypertension secondary to 1- adrenoceptor mediated vasoconstriction, patients with noradrenergic phenotype can have hypertensive encephalopathy sometimes leading to ischemic attack/stroke, intestinal ischemia leading to intestinal necrosis followed by sepsis, renal failure, muscle necrosis and myoglobinuria13,14. In contrary, patients with adrenergic phenotype can present with hypotension resulting in tachycardia and even cardiogenic shock due to the vasodilatory effects of epinephrine, mediated through prominent β2-adrenoceptor overstimulation15,16. Patients with dopaminergic phenotype may have some very non-specific manifestations as described above in this section, e.g. nausea and vomiting (possibly due to some D2 receptor stimulation in brain), diarrhea (stimulation of D1 receptors in gut) and hypotension (due to vasodilatory effects of dopamine)17. Except for clinical signs and symptoms as described thus far, patients with malignant PPGL can, in up to 54% of cases, present with tumor related pain due to large primary tumors or due to metastatic lesions, most often bone metastases18.
Highly variable symptomatology in patients with PPGL may reflect variations in nature and types of catecholamines secreted, as well as co-secretion of neuropeptides: vasoactive intestinal peptide, corticotrophin, neuropeptide Y, atrial natriuretic factor, growth hormone-releasing factor; somatostatin, parathyroid hormone-related peptide, calcitonin, and adrenomedulin. The classic example is the PPGL with ectopic secretion of corticotrophin or corticotrophin-releasing factor, resulting in the presentation of Cushing’s syndrome19,20. PPGLs have also been described that secrete excessive amounts of vasoactive intestinal peptide, this resulting in presentation of watery diarrhea and hypokalemia21.
As described above, neglecting the secretory status of these tumors predisposes patients to serious and potentially life threatening cardiovascular complications due to catecholamine excess, including severe hypertension, acute myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmias, pulmonary edema, heart failure due to aseptic cardiomyopathy, and shock22.
The diagnosis is based on documentation of catecholamine excess by biochemical testing and localization of the tumor by imaging. Both are of equal importance, although the rule of endocrinology applies to the diagnostic algorithm of PPGL as well, making biochemical diagnosis as initial step followed by localizing studies. Moreover, biochemical analysis helps us in understanding the biochemical phenotype of the tumor so that further genetic and imaging studies can be tailored accordingly.
Missing a PPGL can have a detrimental outcome. Therefore, biochemical evaluation should include highly sensitive tests to safely exclude a PPGL. PPGLs can secrete all, none, or any combination of catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine) depending upon their biochemical phenotype. As the secretion of catecholamines from a PPGL is episodic; a single estimation of plasma or urinary epinephrine and norepinephrine most likely misses the biochemical diagnosis in about 30% of cases. In contrast, the metabolites of catecholamines (epinephrine is metabolized to metanephrine and norepinephrine is metabolized to normetanephrine) are constantly released into circulation23. This intra-tumoral process occurs independently of catecholamine release, which can occur intermittently or at low rates. In line with these concepts, numerous independent studies have confirmed that measurements of fractionated metanephrine (i.e. normetanephrine and metanephrine measured separately) in urine or plasma provide superior diagnostic sensitivity over measurement of the parent catecholamines24. Consequent to the above considerations, current US Endocrine Society guidelines recommend plasma free metanephrine or urinary fractionated metanephrine as initial screening tests25. These results, in addition to dopamine and plasma 3-methoxytyramine (3-MT as the dopamine metabolite), can be used to accurately establish the biochemical phenotype of a tumor26,27. A high diagnostic sensitivity for the detection of these tumors is achieved if blood measurements are collected in the supine position especially after an overnight fast and after a patient has been recumbent in a quiet room for at least 20 to 30 minutes before sampling28 . Fractionated urinary metanephrine, with measurement of urinary creatinine for verification of collection, can be used as alternative options especially in centers where supine blood sampling is not feasible. Caffeine, smoking, and alcohol intake as well as strenuous physical activity should be withheld for approximately 24 hours prior to testing to avoid false-positive results. Certain medications like tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors can cause a false elevation in catecholamine and metanephrine levels11. A detailed list of medications that can interfere with testing is listed in Table 1. One should consider withholding these medications (only if patient’s clinical condition permits) that can lead to false-positive test results. A 3-4- fold increase in metanephrine levels above the upper limit of the age-adjusted reference is rarely a false-positive result, except when patients are on antidepressants. Metanephrine levels within the reference range typically exclude the tumors, while equivocal results (<3-4-fold above the upper limit) require additional tests if reference intervals are appropriately established and measurement methods are accurate and precise29,30. False-negative metanephrine could be observed in tumors that are smaller than 1 cm, dopamine-secreting head and neck tumors (recommend measuring 3-MT), or nonfunctional tumors5. Also, it is important to note that urine dopamine levels should never be used in the diagnostic work up as most of the dopamine present in mammalian urine is formed in renal cells, rendering this test unacceptable for evaluation of PPGLs27.
Table 1: Medications That Interfere With Testing of Fractionated Plasma or Urinary Metanephrines
Adapted from Hannah-Schmouni et al (11) with permission.
As the underlying genetic mutation leads to variable expression of biosynthetic enzymes (due to mutation-dependent differentiation of progenitor cells), there is a profound difference in the types and amount of catecholamines produced by these tumors31. Moreover, regulatory and constitutive secretory pathways, which are also genotype dependent, contribute to variations in the catecholamine content displayed by tumors31. Hence, greater understanding of the genetic background will allow physicians for further advancements in diagnostic approaches (and thus treatment options). Approaching genetic testing using an individual patients’ clinical presentation is considered cost-effective, timely and valuable for early and effective treatment of patients, especially with hereditary PPGLs. For a better understanding of tailoring of biochemical analysis based on the clinical presentation, we briefly describe biochemical phenotype correlations in this section. As described above in the section 1, PPGLs can be broadly classified into three biochemical phonotypes – noradrenergic, adrenergic and dopaminergic. Tumors can be classified to non-secretary type if they are not making any hormones (usually seen in parasympathetic PPGLs).
Noradrenergic Phenotype:
This phenotype comprises of PPGLs that predominantly produce norepinephrine and are therefore characterized by elevated norepinephrine and normetanephrine levels32. PPGLs of cluster 1 (pseudohypoxia-related tumors) belong to this biochemical phenotype. A typical noradrenergic phenotype is suggestive of mutations in the tumor suppressor von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) in VHL syndrome, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) type A, B, C, or D, fumarate hydratase (FH), malate dehydrogenase type 2 (MDH2), and endothelial pas domain protein 1 (also known as hypoxia-inducible factor type 2A) (EPAS1/HIF2A) genes. Genetic mutations of SDHAF2 are also included in this cluster though there is limited evidence exists on their biochemical nature (Table 2). Krebs cycle (SDHx, FH, MDH2) and hypoxia signaling pathway (VHL, HIF2A, PHD1, PHD2) PGL-related gene mutations cause HIF-2α stabilization, promoting chromaffin/paraganglionic cell tumorigenesis33. A summary of the clinical characteristics of patients with each genetic mutation is presented in Table 2. Patients with elevated normetanephrine levels (and/or normal 3-methoxytyramine levels) should undergo genetic screening for mutations in the above-mentioned genes, especially if other syndromic features are absent. The location of PPGLs with the noradrenergic phenotype is typically extra-adrenal; however, they may also be limited only to the adrenal glands, especially in the VHL syndrome. They also often present as multifocal, recurrent, or metastatic.
Table 2: Genotype-biochemical phenotype correlation of PPGLs
Adapted from Gupta et al (5) with permission.
Adrenergic Phenotype:
PPGLs predominantly secreting metanephrines are included in this phenotype. PPGLs of cluster 2 (kinase signaling-related tumors) belong to this biochemical phenotype. These tumors are usually well differentiated, and contain phenylethanol-N-methyltransferase (PNMT) enzyme that regulates the conversion of norepinephrine to epinephrine. The enzymatic activity is typically located in adrenal medulla and so location of a tumor with this phenotype is typically adrenal, however, they may also be seen in extra-adrenal locations, especially in TMEM127 mutation34. Patients presenting with predominantly elevated levels of metanephrine should usually undergo genetic screening for RET and NF1 mutations first5,32. Nevertheless, most often patients with these mutations are usually first diagnosed based on other syndromic features of the disease and may only require biochemical and genetic testing to confirm the suspicion. Genetic screening for TMEM127 may be considered for adrenergic PPGLs once mutations in NF1 and RET are ruled out35. Other mutation that can be considered under this category is MAX mutation, which is intermediate between the adrenergic and noradrenergic phenotype and hence, targeted genetic screening for this gene may be considered in cases of adrenal PPGLs when other susceptibility genes have been ruled out36.
Dopaminergic Phenotype:
PPGLs that predominantly secrete dopamine with or without mild increase in norepinephrine (normetanephrine) are classified under the dopaminergic phenotype. The dopaminergic phenotype is common with head and neck PPGLs (carotid body tumors), though adrenal tumors have also been reported37. The dopamine produced by these tumors is metabolized to 3-MT and so increased 3-MT levels are of an important diagnostic value, especially in cases with normal dopamine levels38. The dopaminergic phenotype is typically seen in metastatic disease, especially related to SDHB and SDHD mutations, though there are a few case reports of the dopaminergic phenotype in NF1, VHL, and MEN2A. The common presence of the dopaminergic phenotype in metastatic disease may be attributed to proliferation of poorly differentiated progenitor cells leading to decrease dopamine decarboxylase activity.
Tumor localization should usually only be initiated once the clinical evidence and a biochemical proof of a PPGL is established. In patients with a hereditary predisposition, a previous history of a PPGL, or other PPGL syndromic presentations where the pre-test probability of a PPGL is relatively high, less-compelling biochemical evidence might justify the use of imaging studies. Imaging also plays a key role in a screening process for patients with genetic predispositions to PPGL development. For carrier screening, along with biochemical evaluations, a CT or MRI is often recommended every few years to detect tumors in early stages, if at all. Adding whole-body imaging is particularly important for SDH mutation carriers, as these tumors are sometimes missed by only biochemical evaluations39.
Either computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are recommended for initial PPGL localization (more than 95% of PPGLs are found)1,40. Compared to MRI, CT has a better spatial resolution and hence used as first choice imaging modality. Though both CT and MRI have equal sensitivity in localizing PPGLs, use of T2-weighted MRI imaging is recommended especially in patients with metastatic PPGL, for detection of skull base and neck PGLs, patients with surgical clips, in patients with an allergy to CT contrast and for patients in whom radiation exposure should be limited (children, pregnant women, patients with known germline mutations, and those with recent excessive radiation exposure).
On CT, adrenal pheochromocytomas typically have a heterogeneous appearance, often with some cystic areas. Depending upon the composition of PPGL, calcifications and/or hemorrhage may be seen. On dual-phase contrast-enhanced CT, pheochromocytomas can also be distinguished from other adrenal masses due to higher intensity during the arterial phase, with enhancement levels greater than 10 HU (usually more than 20 HU is diagnostic) and washout less than 50% at the end of 10 minutes (it is important to note that adrenal cancers also have limited washout)41. However, in case of high fat content, adrenal pheochromocytoma may also resemble adrenal adenomas. If the adrenal PPGL is less than 3 cm and the patient is younger than 40 years and has no family history of PPGL, no further imaging workup needs to be performed before proceeding to definitive management42. On T2-weighted MRI, adrenal pheochromocytoma typically appear as bright lesions (compared to that of liver), although cystic or necrotic components may affect this classic appearance. If imaging of the adrenal glands is normal, imaging of additional areas of the body should be performed. Imaging should be completed of the abdomen, followed by the pelvis, chest, and neck and extremities should be included in case of metastatic disease (to evaluate for bone metastasis).
Although CT and MRI have almost equal and excellent sensitivity for detecting most PPGLs, these anatomical imaging approaches lack the specificity required to unequivocally identify a mass as a PPGL. The higher specificity of functional imaging modalities offers an approach that overcomes the limitations of anatomical imaging, providing justification for the coupling of the two approaches. Upon CT or MRI lesion confirmation, a patient’s biochemical phenotype, tumor size, family history, syndromic presentation, and metastatic potential plays a key role to determine the need of functional imaging. The patients with a single, epinephrine or metanephrine secreting adrenal tumor that is less than 5 cm, will most likely not benefit from additional functional imaging, since these tumors are almost always confined to the adrenal gland and present with a small likelihood of metastases, even if hereditary component is present43. On the contrary, functional imaging is necessary for lesions that secrete norepinephrine or normetanephrine and are larger than 5 cm, or associated with a hereditary tumor syndrome (as these characters determine the metastatic potential). Functional imaging also allows determination of the extent of disease, including the presence of multiple tumors or metastases, information that can be important for appropriately guiding subsequent management and treatment44.
Historically, functional imaging has been performed with 123I- or 131I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scintigraphy. Though 123I-MIBG SPECT has high sensitivity for detection of adrenal pheochromocytoma, it has unacceptably low sensitivity for the detection of extra-adrenal PGLs (56% to 75%) and metastases, especially in the presence of SDHx mutations45. Moreover, certain medications, such as opioids, tricyclic antidepressants, and anti-hypertensives like labetalol, can also affect MIBG uptake, leading to less intense or false-negative scans. Nonetheless, 123I-MIBG is useful to identify patients with metastatic PPGL because MIBG avid lesions indicate that these patients may benefit from treatment with therapeutic doses of 131I-MIBG. Given the low sensitivity of MIBG imaging, US Endocrine Society Guidelines recommend using 18F-FDG PET scan as a preferred modality of functional imaging in patients with metastatic disease25. However, many recent studies have shown that metastatic lesions were missed on 18F-FDG PET scan46,47. As PPGLs express somatostatin receptors (SSTRs), imaging modalities based on SSTR (DOTA peptides, particularly 68GaDOTA(0)-Tyr(3)-octreotate (68Ga-DOTATATE) are emerging as gold standard functional tests.
The first functional imaging specific to neuroendocrine tumors, including PPGLs developed was 18F-fluorodopa (18F-FDOPA), an amino acid analog and catecholamine precursor that is taken up by the amino acid transporter. Initially lower sensitivity was now improved by inhibiting DOPA decarboxylase by pretreatment with carbidopa, which enhances the tracer uptake by the tumor48. From all PPGLs, 18F-FDOPA PET is extremely sensitive for patients with head and neck PGLs, sometimes identifying small tumors missed by all other imaging techniques. This technique also appears to be particularly effective for patients with SDH mutations or biochemically silent PHEO/PGL or both and may be valuable as a screening technique, particularly for patients with SDHD mutations. 18F-fluorodopamine (18F-FDA), which is similar to dopamine and taken up by norepinephrine transporters. 18F-FDA PET is another PPGL specific tracer that offers excellent diagnostic sensitivity and spatial resolution, and appears particularly useful for localization of some primary and metastatic PPGLs, but this imaging modality is not use often these days since it has been surpassed by 68Ga-DOTATATE and 18F-FDOPA PET. A prospective study demonstrated the superiority of 68Ga-DOTATATE in a cluster of 22 patients, in which DOATATE could localize 97.6% metastatic lesions whereas 18F-FDG PET/CT, 18F-FDOPA PET/CT, 18F-FDA PET/CT, and CT/MRI showed detection rates of 49.2 %, 74.8 %, 77.7 %, and 81.6 % respectively (p<0.01)49. King et al50 and recently Janssen et al46 reported that 18F-FDOPA as well as 68Ga-DOTATATE PET are equally good in the localization of head and neck SDHx-related and non-hereditary PPGLs. However, a recent prospective analysis by Archier et al51 concluded that 68Ga-DOTATATE is superior to 18F-FDOPA in localizing small head and neck PPGLs especially caused by SDHD mutation making it a preferred modality of imaging in head and neck PPGLs. On the contrary, the study showed that small adrenal pheochromocytomas (usually seen with MEN2 and NF1 syndromes) are better detected with 18F-FDOPA51. This might be secondary to high physiological uptake of 68Ga-DOTATATE in adrenal gland, compared to 18F-FDOPA. Table 3 summarizes the current proposed PET radiopharmaceuticals for PPGL imaging according to genetic background52.
Table 3: Current proposed PET radiopharmaceuticals for PPGL imaging based on genetic background
Adapted from Taïeb et al (52) with permission.
While most PPGLs are benign, about 10% of pheochromocytomas and 25% of PGL are malignant. The prediction of malignant behavior of PPGL is not straight-forward and is often challenging. Several markers (Ki-67 index, expression of heat-shock protein 90, activator of transcription3, pS100 staining, increased expression of angiogenesis genes, and N-terminal truncated splice isoform of carboxypeptidase E)53-57 and a scoring system (pheochromocytoma of adrenal gland scaled score)58 were developed, which were later found to have suboptimal correlation to malignant behavior showing that these techniques may not be sufficient for distinguishing between benign and malignant tumors and that larger studies including various hereditary and non-hereditary PPGLs are definitely needed to confirm some initial findings59. Having said that, several independent risk factors for metastatic disease were established, including the presence of SDHB mutations, extra-adrenal location, size of primary tumor > 5 cm (in SDHB-related PPGLs over 3.5 cm), younger age of initial diagnosis of PPGL and elevated 3-MT levels18,49,60-63.
PPGL typically metastasize to lungs, liver, bones, and lymph nodes and patients with metastatic disease suffer from diminished quality of life due to localized pain caused due to metastasis, consequences of catecholamine excess and of course, treatment side effects64. Though bone metastases are thought be less aggressive with a better survival (compared to non-skeletal metastases), they are associated with complications not limiting to bone pain, spinal cord compression, bone fractures, and hypercalcemia65. Irrespective of site of metastases, the 5-year overall survival for malignant PPGL is about 60%63.
The definitive treatment of PPGL is surgical excision of the tumor. Laparoscopic surgery is commonly the technique of first choice for resection adrenal and extra-adrenal PPGLs when oncologic principles can be followed66. Exposure to high levels of circulating catecholamines during surgery may cause hypertensive crises and arrhythmias, which can occur even when patients are preoperatively normotensive and asymptomatic. All patients with PPGL should therefore receive appropriate preoperative medical management to block the effects of released catecholamines25. Hence, it is of utmost importance that preparation of the patient for surgery requires adequate preoperative medical treatment to minimize operative and postoperative complications. Exceptions to this rule include endocrine emergencies like necrotic PPGL leading to severe hypotension, other surgical emergencies67 or the tumors that secrete high amounts of dopamine or epinephrine.
Pre-Operative Medical Management (Blockade):
As described above, once diagnosed with PPGL, patients should be placed on antihypertensive medications, preferentially a- followed by b-adrenoceptor blockade1. Table 4 summarizes the list of available drugs and suggested doses. The first choice should be an α-adrenoceptor blocker. A b-adrenoceptor blocker may be used for preoperative control of arrhythmias, tachycardia or angina. However, loss of b-adrenergic-mediated vasodilatation in a patient with unopposed catecholamine-induced vasoconstriction via a-adrenoceptors can result in dangerous increases in blood pressure sometimes hypertensive crisis. Therefore, b-adrenoceptor blockers usually should not be employed without first blocking α-adrenergic mediated vasoconstriction. Labetalol (more potent b than a antagonistic activities with a:b of 1:5) should not be used as the initial therapy because it can result in paradoxical hypertension due to its high affinity to b-adrenoceptors. Phenoxybenzamine, a long-acting α-adrenoceptor blocker is commonly preferred drug in patients who have elevated blood pressures. Short acting α-adrenoceptor blockers like prazosin, terazosin, and doxazosin are used when phenoxybenzamine is not available or when not available or when a patient's hypertension is not severe enough to warrant the use of a long-acting α-adrenoceptor blocker68. As there is a high chance that these medications can cause orthostatic hypotension, they should be started at night68. The doses should be titrated to achieve normo-tension or mild tolerable hypotension. The patients should also be advised to maintain adequate water and salt intake to maintain adequate intravascular volume. Calcium channel blockers (CCBs) can be added if a goal blood pressure control is not achieved with adequate α- and β-adrenoceptor blockade. CCBs can also be used as initial agents of choice in patients who have normo-tension/mild hypertension, and/or who could not tolerate α-blocker due to hypotension (usually seen in PPGLs that secrete dopamine predominantly). Patients with non-secreting head and neck tumors with normal blood pressure may not be placed on pre-procedural blockade69.
Table 4: Medications used for symptom management and preoperative blockade for PPGLs
Adapted from Martucci et al (42) with permission.
In patients who did not achieve adequate blood pressure control despite being on optimized doses of α- and β-adrenoceptor blockade, metyrosine (competitive inhibitor of tyrosine hydroxylase) can be added to prevent catecholamine synthesis. Metyrosine acts by decreasing the catecholamine synthesis and its main side effects include depression, anxiety, and sleepiness due to its effects on central nervous system (as it can cause blood brain barrier)69.
In some patients’, blood pressure can reach very high values and such a situation is termed a hypertensive crisis when it is life-threatening or compromises vital organ function. The hypertensive crises are the result of a rapid and marked release of catecholamines from the tumor. Patients may experience hypertensive crises in different ways. Some report severe headaches or diaphoresis, while others have visual disturbances, palpitations, encephalopathy, acute myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, or cerebrovascular accidents. Therefore, it is crucial to start proper antihypertensive therapy immediately. Treatment of a hypertensive crisis due to PPGL should be based on administration of phentolamine. It is usually given as an intravenous bolus of 2.5 mg to 5 mg at 1 mg/min. If necessary, phentolamine’s short half-time allows this dose to be repeated every 5 minutes until hypertension is adequately controlled. Phentolamine can also be given as a continuous infusion (100 mg of phentolamine in 500 mL of 5% dextrose in water) with an infusion rate adjusted to the patient’s blood pressure during continuous blood pressure monitoring. Alternatively, control of blood pressure may be achieved by a continuous infusion of sodium nitroprusside (preparation similar to phentolamine) at 0.5 to 10.0 µg/kg per minute (stop if no results are seen after 10 minutes)69.
Certain medications are to be avoided in patients with PPGLs. Effects of some drugs are more obvious due to their mechanism of action, such as dopamine D2 receptor antagonist metoclopramide. More recently, peptide and corticosteroid hormones, including corticotropin, glucagon and glucocorticoids (intravenous) have been shown to have adverse reactions in this patient population. Other classes of drugs contraindicated in patients with PPGL are tricyclic anti-depressants, anti-depressants that are serotonin or norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors like Cymbalta and Effexor. Displacement of catecholamines from storage can have devastating sequelae. Many drugs for obesity management fall in this category such as phentermine (Adipex, Fastin and Zantryl), phendimetrazine (Bontril, Adipost, Plegine), sibutramine (Meridia), methamphetamine (Desoxyn) and phenylethylamine (Fenphedra). Other over the counter medications such as nasal decongestants containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or phenylproanolamine can also lead to drug interference.
As described earlier, surgical resection is the treatment of choice. The risks of operative mortality are extremely low if performed by an experienced surgical team including a skilled anesthesiologist to monitor for intra-operative hypertensive crises69. Laparoscopic procedure is the preferred technique when feasible and has similar outcomes as open-surgery. Surgery can also be used as a curative treatment for recurrent, or limited metastatic tumors; it can also be used as a debulking technique for patients with extensive metastatic disease to reduce symptoms and imminent complications from tumor size. However, the long-term benefits of debulking procedures for patients with metastatic disease may be limited70.
Post-Operative Management:
Although a few patients suffer from hypotension in the immediate post-operative period, most require treatment, which is best remedied by administration of fluids. Hypoglycemia in the period immediately after tumor removal is another problem that is best prevented by infusion of 5% dextrose started immediately after tumor removal and continuing for several hours thereafter. Post-operative hypoglycemia is transient, whereas low blood pressure and orthostatic hypotension may persist for up to a day or more after surgery and require care with assumption of sitting or upright posture42.
The long-term prognosis of patients after operation for PPGL is excellent, although nearly 50% may remain hypertensive after surgery. Biochemical testing should be repeated after about 14-28 days from surgery to check for remnant disease. Importantly, normal postoperative biochemical test results do not exclude remaining microscopic disease so that patients should not be misinformed that they are cured and that no further follow-up is necessary. On long-term follow-up, about 17% of tumors recur, with about half of these showing signs of malignancy. Although follow-up is especially important for patients identified with mutations of disease-causing genes, there is currently no method based on pathological examination of a resected tumor to rule out potential for malignancy or recurrence. Thus, long-term periodic follow-up is recommended for all cases of PPGL5,42.
Radiofrequency Ablation (Rfa), External Beam Radiation And Radiotherapy:
RFA, external radiation and radiotherapy with 131I-MIBG therapy can be used in patients with metastatic disease in whom surgery may not be feasible. RFA has been successfully used in liver and bone metastases71,72. External beam radiation is a common treatment modality in patients with inoperable head and neck paragangliomas73. Radiation therapy with gamma knife, or cyber knife have begun to replace traditional external-beam radiation for glomus jugulare tumors, owing to their more precise targeting of radiation and increased dose capability74. For patients with a positive MIBG uptake, therapy with 131I MIBG can be a valuable treatment modality. It is important to note that the patients should be taken off medications (labetalol, tricyclic antidepressants, and certain calcium antagonists) that can block MIBG uptake by the tumors. In some patients, radiotherapy targeting somatostatin receptors (DOTA peptides (DOTATATE, DOTATOC, and DOTANOC), radio labeled with lutetium (177Lu), yttrium (90Y), orindium (111In) has been successfully used and is currently an emerging modality of therapy for metastatic inoperable PPGLs75-78.
Chemotherapy And Molecular Targeted Therapies:
Traditional chemo-therapy with cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and dacarbazine (CVD) has been used most extensively with progressive and widely metastatic PPGLs79,80. CVD chemotherapy is usually well tolerated for long periods, with and increased time between the doses can be tried in patients who develop toxicities. Clinicians using the chemotherapy, should be aware of potentially fatal complications arising from excessive catecholamine release as tumor cells are destroyed (usually within the first 24 hours) and patient should be closely monitored, preferentially in intensive care unit, especially in patients who have extensive disease and high baseline catecholamine levels. Experience with other chemotherapy agents such as temozolomide; streptozotocin with other agents; ifosfamide; cyclophosphamide and methotrexate; cisplatin and 5-flurouracil is limited to case reports81,82. Molecular targeted therapies such as sunitinib (tyrosine kinase inhibitor) and everolimus (mTOR inhibitor) have been tried with mixed results83-85. As we gradually progress in understanding the pathophysiology of PPGLs, newer modalities of targeted therapies can be explored (e.g., HIF pathway and mTOR pathway antagonists)33,86.
- PPGLs are neural crest-derived tumors, and currently more than 40% have a known genetic cause. Thus, all patients with PPGLs should be considered for genetic testing. Recently new syndromes were described associated with these tumors: Carney-Stratakis and Pacak-Zhuang syndromes.
- Genetic testing should be based on several considerations: syndromic features, family history, age at diagnosis, multifocal and metastatic presentation, tumor location, and a specific biochemical phenotype.
- PPGLs are tumors that are mainly diagnosed based on the measurement of plasma or urinary metanephrine and 3-MT since 30% of these tumors do not secrete catecholamines.
- Patients with metastatic disease should undergo appropriate genetic testing based on the biochemical profile and tumor location.
- Computed tomography (CT) is the first-choice imaging modality. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is recommended in patients with metastatic PPGL, for detection of skull base and neck PGLs, in patients with surgical clips that cause artifacts when using CT, in patients with an allergy to CT contrast, and in patients in whom radiation exposure should be limited (children, pregnant women, patients with known germline mutations and those with recent excessive radiation exposure).
- 18F-FDOPA or 68Ga DOTATATE scanning is preferred functional modality in patients with primary solitary or metastatic disease.
- 123I-MIBG scintigraphy as a functional imaging modality in patients with metastatic PPGL detected by other imaging modalities when radiotherapy using 131I-MIBG is planned.
- All patients with a hormonally functional PPGL should undergo preoperative blockade with α-adrenoceptor blockers followed by β-adrenoceptor blockade as the first choice to prevent perioperative cardiovascular complications for 7-14 days.
- Minimally invasive adrenalectomy is recommended for most adrenal PPGLs and open resection for large or invasive PPGLs to ensure complete resection and avoid local recurrence.
- Multidisciplinary teams at centers with appropriate expertise to ensure favorable outcome should treat all patients with PPGL.
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