
Helminths And Endocrinology


Helminths are parasitic worms that can infect humans. They are broadly classified as flatworms (including Cestodes and Trematodes) and roundworms (nematodes). These worms infect organs such as intestines, liver, skin, as well as other tissues. These infections are more common in underdeveloped parts of the world affecting almost one-sixth of the world population. These infections can lead to a variety of endocrine manifestations. A decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus has been observed in affected populations. Helminths modulate the host immunity towards a type 2 immune response which is anti-inflammatory in nature. An increase in T regulatory cells has also been seen which reduces T cell response to infections.  By virtue of these changes, chronic inflammation is suppressed in adipose tissues - this phenomenon may explain the protective effect in type 2 diabetes mellitus. A reduction in insulin resistance independent of BMI has been observed in animal as well as human studies. Hepatic lipid production can be reduced by the soluble egg antigen from certain schistosomes. The immunomodulatory effects of helminth infections can also protect against autoimmune endocrine conditions such as type 1 diabetes mellitus and Graves' disease. These observations may reflect the well-known "hygiene hypothesis". Thyroid nodules and hypothyroidism can occur in helminth infections. Insights into thyroid physiology, including thyroid hormone receptors and de-iodination pathways, have been obtained from studies in helminths. Certain helminth infections can impair osteoclast maturation suggesting potential implications for osteoporosis. Similarities between human and helminth bone morphogenetic protein pathways have been observed. Adrenal masses as well as adrenal insufficiency, have been observed in helminth infections. Infertility has frequently been reported with Schistosomiasis due to inflammation in the genital tracts. An estrogen like compound may be produced by schistosomes which can lead to hypogonadism in males. The helminth, Caenorhabditis elegans can serve as a model for studies on Kallman syndrome as the KAL-1 gene appears to be functionally conserved in this helminth.  A reduction in IGF-1 levels may be seen in adults infected with helminths. Apart from these manifestations, novel insights regarding endocrine disease mechanisms as well endocrine physiology can be derived from studies on helminths.


The term helminth refers to parasitic worms which are broadly classified as flatworms (including Cestodes and Trematodes) and roundworms (nematodes) (1). These infections may be soil-transmitted and present as intestinal infections while others may invade different tissues such as blood vessels or other organs. These parasitic worms are endemic in several parts of the world, specifically in underdeveloped and parts of developing countries (1). It is estimated that approximately one-sixth of the world’s population is affected by helminth infections  (2). Helminths employ complex mechanisms to evade host immunity. They induce malnutrition in the host while simultaneously ensuring an adequate supply of nutrients for their own growth and reproduction.

Table 1. Classification of Helminths



Affected Organ




Cestodes -Taenia, Echinococcus


 Trematodes- Schistosoma, Fasciola




Ascaris, Enterobius, Necator, Ancylostoma, Trichuris, Strongyloides




Onchocerca, Loa, Wuchereria


These immunological and metabolic interactions between helminth and the host may modulate the pathophysiology of several endocrine disorders including diabetes, thyroid disorders, and gonadal disorders apart from others. A discussion of each of these groups of disorders is presented below.


Diabetes mellitus is among the most common endocrine disorders with its rapidly growing prevalence earning it the designation of a pandemic. While type 1 diabetes mellitus is an autoimmune disease, type 2 diabetes is mediated by insulin resistance which is of multifactorial origin with genetics, environmental factors, and inflammation all playing their part. Among these factors, it has been noticed that areas with a high prevalence of soil-transmitted helminth infections have a relatively lower prevalence of diabetes (3). Although several other factors may also be operational in such areas, there are several proposed mechanisms by which helminth infections may influence diabetes and its pathogenesis.

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Type 2 diabetes mellitus has been described as a chronic inflammatory disorder. Chronic inflammation in adipose tissues has been shown to be among the factors underlying this disease. The inflammatory process in adipose tissue involves infiltration by inflammatory cells such as lymphocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils.  Eosinophils on the other hand appear to have an anti-inflammatory effect. Apart from infiltration, several phenotypic changes occur in these cells which tip the balance towards inflammation. These include the predominance of T helper type 1 (Th1) and T helper type 17 (Th17) instead of the T helper type 2 (Th2) and the regulatory T cells (Tregs). The Th1 and Th17 cells promote the macrophage activation into classically activated macrophages (CAM) which in turn secrete inflammatory markers such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin 6 and 12(IL6, IL12). TNF-α has been shown to interfere with insulin signaling. On the other hand, Th2 and T reg cells secrete IL-3 and IL 4 which stimulate the formation of alternatively activated macrophages (AAM) which are anti-inflammatory and express IL-10. Adipokines such as leptin, lipocalin 2, retinol-binding protein (RBP4), resistin, angiopoietin-like protein 2 (ANGPTL2), IL-6, IL-1, CC-chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2), CXC-chemokine ligand 5 (CXCL5) are also pro-inflammatory while adiponectin may have anti-inflammatory actions.

Helminth infections are associated with induction of type 2 immune response which involves increased activation of Th2 cells, eosinophilia, and production of IgE. The Th2 response in turn manifests as increased secretion of IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, IL-10, IL-13 which are anti-inflammatory. This also promotes the induction of anti-inflammatory AAMs.  Similarly, helminth infections are associated with an increase in T reg cells which mediate a state of T cell hypo-responsiveness. These changes on one hand limit the damage to host tissues by uncontrolled inflammation in response to helminth antigens and on the other hand prevent the clearance of the helminth from the host. The T cell hypo-responsiveness to parasite antigens can spill over to other antigens as well and this phenomenon has been invoked to explain the reduced prevalence of certain allergic and autoimmune disorders in helminth infected populations. Therefore, it has been hypothesized that since the immunological changes associated with helminth infections are anti-inflammatory in nature, they can reduce chronic inflammation in adipose and other tissues, thereby mitigating insulin resistance and the resultant type 2 diabetes.

The above hypothesis is supported by epidemiological data. In a study from China, previous schistosome infection was associated with a lower prevalence of obesity and metabolic syndrome as compared to those without such infection (4). Another study, which used ultrasonography to document chronic liver disease caused by schistosomiasis, found that metabolic syndrome prevalence was reduced to half of that seen in those without evidence of schistosomiasis (5). Serological evidence of chronic Strongyloides stercoralis infection was associated with a 61% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes as compared to those who did not have this infection, despite adjustment for parameters such as age, BMI, and hypertension (6). In Indonesia, higher insulin sensitivity was demonstrated in patients who had infections with soil-transmitted helminths as evidenced by lower BMI and HOMA-IR levels (7). A randomized controlled trial to demonstrate the effect of ongoing helminth infection on insulin sensitivity has been conducted (8). This trial randomized households in an area endemic for helminth infection to receive albendazole or placebo over a period of time. In this trial, treatment of helminth infected subjects with albendazole lead to an increase in insulin resistance along with a reduction in IgE and eosinophil counts. However, at the community level, insulin resistance remained unchanged (9).

While the mechanisms of the reduction in type 2 diabetes have not been concretely studied in humans, animal studies provide support for the role of immunomodulation. Infections with Schistosoma mansoni, Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, and Litomosoides sigmodontis have been shown to increase eosinophils and AAMs in mice with diet-induced obesity (10–12). These animals had improved insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance - this effect was lost in eosinophil deficient mice. S. mansoni soluble egg antigen and egg-derived ὠ-1 antigens stimulate innate lymphoid type 2 cells which produce IL-5 and IL-13 cytokines necessary for sustaining eosinophils and AAMs (13). L. sigmodontis Ag-treated obese mice had greater numbers of CD4+Foxp3+ Tregs in white adipose tissues as compared to controls indicating the upregulation of these cells as a mechanism of reducing insulin resistance (12).

Apart from these immunomodulatory mechanisms, the effect on body weight and gut microbiota are also potential mechanisms. The soluble egg antigen of S. japonicum, has been shown to reduce hepatic expression of microRNA 802 (miR802) which suppresses hepatic lipid production by upregulating the AMPK pathway. This has been proposed to be a future therapeutic target in obesity (14). However, the effect of helminth infection on insulin sensitivity has been shown to be independent of BMI in mice (10). This echoes the study on Australian aboriginals where the findings persisted despite adjusting for BMI (6).

Similarly, data on gut microbiota changes is scanty and conflicting. A few studies show an increase in gut bacterial diversity after helminth infection (15,16). Other authors have not found any significant changes in gut microbiota (17). While the mechanisms require further elucidation in both animal as well as human studies, there seems to be sufficient evidence to support the role of helminth infections in modulating the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Regarding type 1 diabetes, the type 2 immune response and suppressive regulatory environment induced by helminths may induce a protective effect. The incidence of type 1 diabetes has been increasing rapidly in developed countries and these regions are relatively less affected by helminth infections (18). The hygiene hypothesis has been invoked to explain this phenomenon (19). There are very few human studies which directly look at helminth infection and amelioration of type 1 diabetes risk. Enterobiasis did not reduce risk of type 1 diabetes in a population based study (19). Several animal studies do support the protective role of helminth infection. Axenic Caenorhabditis elegans antigen can protect against type 1 diabetes in the non-obese diabetes (NOD) mouse model (20). Trehalose produced by some helminths can alter intestinal microbiota leading to induction of CD8+ T cells which protect against type 1 diabetes in mice models (21). The severity of type 1 diabetes in mice models is ameliorated by recombinant Schistosoma japonicum cystatin and fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (22). Interestingly, children with schistosomiasis appear to have islet cell antibodies and defects in insulin secretion when compared to non infected siblings of children with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (23). Future studies may further shed light on this interesting topic.


There appears to be a bidirectional relationship between the thyroid gland and helminth infections. On one hand, helminths appear to possess several proteins which are analogous to those involved in human thyroid physiology while on the other hand helminths can play a role in several thyroid diseases.

Thyroid hormone receptors which were earlier thought to be found only in chordates have been found to be present in S. mansoni (24). Two homologues of mammalian thyroid receptor (TR) has been isolated and characterized in S. mansoni (25), The thyroid hormone receptor beta from S. japonicum has also been characterized and evaluated as a vaccine candidate for this infection (26). Similarly, a nuclear hormone receptor has been identified in S. stercoralis which has some resemblance with steroid/thyroid hormone receptor found in humans (27). A transthyretin like protein has also been identified in Schistosoma dublin and Caenorhabditis elegans, although its function is unclear (28). Thyroid hormones may be essential for helminth growth and multiplication. In mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni, thyroid hormone therapy led to parasite multiplication and an increase in size whereas iodine deficient or thyroid hormone receptor knockout mice had lesser parasite numbers and smaller sized worms (29).

Some novel insights into thyroid physiology have also come from studies in helminths. Studies on the nematode Caenorhabditis have helped elucidate the mechanisms behind toxic effects of excess iodine - the dual oxidase maturation factor (DOXA-1) being among the implicated factors (30). Similarly, helminth studies have shown that iodotyrosine deiodinase may also have a role in regulating potassium channels in muscles (31).

Hypothyroidism and Thyroid Nodules

With respect to thyroid disorders, hypothyroidism and thyroid nodules appear to have some associations with helminth infections. S. stercoralis has been associated with hypothyroidism in one case report (32). Fasciola gigantica infection in buffaloes has been shown to lead to lymphocytic thyroiditis and hypothyroidism (33).

Hydatid cyst disease can mimic thyroid nodules and is often diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology (34). Cysticerosis may also present as a thyroid nodule (35). Similarly, microfilaria have also been found in fine needle aspirations from the thyroid (36). Schistosomiasis may interfere with technetium pertechnetate uptake in various tissues including the thyroid as demonstrated in mice- this may have implications for thyroid scan performed in infected humans (37).


Graves' disease, which is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism, may be affected by helminth infections. Considering that helminths affect host immune response and Graves' disease is an autoimmune process, such an association is not unexpected. Graves' disease is characterized by autoantibodies to the TSH receptor which leads to gland enlargement, hyperthyroidism, as well as extrathyroidal manifestations such as orbitopathy and dermopathy.  Animal models of Graves' disease have been developed which involve introduction of TSH receptor complementary DNA. It has been shown in such a mouse model that prior infection with S. mansoni may lead to a sustained Th2 type immune response towards the parasite egg antigens. This Th2 type immune response prevented the development of Graves' disease when mice were immunized with non-replicative recombinant adenovirus expressing the human TSHR. However, if given after disease onset, the Schistosoma infection could not cure the disease. Graves’ disease was once thought to be a Th2-type immune response, but recent studies have described a Th1-type as well as a Th2-type response suggesting that reversal of an activated immune response to the TSH receptor is not possible (38).  Based on similar findings with other infections, a hygiene hypothesis for Graves disease has also been proposed (39). 


There is limited information regarding calcium metabolism and bone health in helminth infections. Hydatid cyst disease involving the vertebrae has been described recently  and pathological hip fracture has also been reported (40,41). However, this is likely to represent direct involvement of the bone rather than alterations in bone metabolism.

Inflammatory arthritis is associated with secondary osteoporosis. The Th2 type immune response seen with helminth infections may attenuate inflammatory arthritis. N. brasiliensis was able to inhibit arthritis and bone loss in two experimental models of inflammatory arthritis (42). In vitro osteoclast differentiation has been shown to be inhibited by excretory/ secretory products from Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri, a murine helminth (43).  C-terminal sequence of Fasciola helminth defense molecule-1 (C-FhHDM-1) has been shown to reduce RANKL secretion as well as prevents both the formation of osteoclasts and acidification of lysosomes in animal models [6]. These features may be beneficial in osteoporotic states. However, in a study on pregnant mice, Heligmosomoides bakeri infection in late pregnancy and lactation led to a decrease in maternal bone mineral density and was associated with an increase in levels of inflammatory cytokines (IL-1 beta and IL-6) (44).

There may be several similarities between human and helminth physiology with respect to certain metabolic pathways. Homologues of  osteonectin, also called SPARC [Secreted Protein Acidic and Rich in Cysteine]), have been found in C. elegans while S. mansoni has homologues of TGF-beta receptor (45,46). More recently, it has been found that bone morphogenetic protein signaling may be conserved between humans and helminths, especially C. elegans. Secreted Modular Calcium-binding protein-1 (SMOC-1) gene identified in Caenorhabditis elegans may promote BMP signaling leading to the growth of the helminth (47,48). While BMP pathway plays several roles in human physiology including bone growth, the implications of these discoveries in helminths are still unclear.


Helminth infections in the adrenal with presentation as an adrenal mass have been reported in the literature.  Paragonimus westermani has been reported in a patient who had a lung cavity and an adrenal mass (49). Echinococcus multilocularis can infrequently present as a right adrenal mass detected incidentally (50). Adrenal schistosomiasis has also been reported (51). F. gigantica can cause adrenal insufficiency in animals (33). Acute adrenal insufficiency accompanied by adrenal hemorrhage has also been reported with S. stercoralis (52).

Activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis leading to immunosuppression has been shown in mouse studies with Angiostrongylus cantonensis (53). While chronic immunosuppressive  therapy can lead to hyperinfection with helminths like S. stercoralis (54,55), adrenalectomized mice appeared to have higher worm burden and worm fecundity rates when infected with S mansoni (56). Previous mouse studies have shown adrenal hypertrophy and higher cortisol levels in S. mansoni infection (57). In vitro treatment of S. mansoni with adrenal hormones suggests that DHEA has a toxic effect with cercariae being more susceptible than schistosomula and adults (58).


The manifestations of helminth infections with respect to gonads include hypogonadism and infertility. 


  1. mansoni infection has been associated with low normal testosterone and elevated estrogen levels in males although hepatic dysfunction may also play a role in these abnormalities (59). Patients infected with Loa loa and Mansonella perstans filariasis are more likely to have low testosterone and elevated gonadotropins as compared to control subjects (60). Further research in this area revealed that an estradiol-related compound was present in schistosome worm extracts (61). Later, the same authors confirmed the presence of this estradiol-related compound by mass spectrometry and also demonstrated that this compound has an antagonistic activity on the estrogen receptor and leads to a reduced expression of the estrogen receptor (62). Schistosome eggs can also convert estrogens to catechol-estrogens which in turn can be metabolized to active quinones. These quinones can cause DNA modifications and are implicated in the pathogenesis of malignancies related to schistosomiasis (63). These hormonal changes explain the pathogenesis of hypogonadism in schistosomiasis.


Schistosomiasis has been well recognized as a cause of infertility especially in females. Apart from hypogonadism caused by alterations in the estrogen axis, schistosomiasis can affect the genital tract leading to infertility. Genital involvement occurs in the form of granulomatous inflammation, fibrosis, and adhesion formation. The manifestations of this infection in females include tubal blockage, tubal pregnancy, tubal abortions, hemoperitoneum, preterm births, and miscarriages (64). Males can also have direct testicular inflammation along with, blockage of the genital ductal system and venous drainage leading to infarction. However, the involvement of male genital tract has been reported infrequently (65). Female infertility has also been reported with enterobiasis (66). Filarial involvement of male genitalia leading to hydrocele is well recognized (67). Male sterility can occur in such cases (68).

Some insights into genetic hypogonadism may come from helminth studies. The gene responsible for Kallman syndrome, KAL-1, appears to have a functionally conserved homologue in C. elegans. This gene plays a role in morphogenesis by influencing migration of epidermal cells in C. elegans. This discovery has established C. elegans as a model for study of Kallman syndrome for which a mouse model has proved to be elusive [33].


Children with helminth infections may have impaired growth- a phenomenon that can easily be attributed to malnutrition. However, helminth infections in adults are associated with significantly lower free IGF-1 which showed improvement after anti-helminth treatment(69). IGF-BP3 levels remain unchanged. Thus, direct effects on the GH-IGF-1 axis may occur in these infections.


Table 2. Endocrine Manifestations of Helminth Infections

May protect against development of type 2 and type 1 diabetes mellitus

Hypothyroidism and thyroid nodules

May protect against Graves' disease

May protect against osteoporosis

Adrenal masses and acute adrenal insufficiency

Hypogonadism and infertility

Growth failure via reduction in IGF-1levels


In conclusion, helminths appear to play an important role in several endocrine disorders in endemic areas. Apart from contributing to the pathogenesis of disease, they may have a protective effect in some metabolic disorders. Novel insights regarding endocrine disease mechanisms as well endocrine physiology can be derived from studies using helminths. This is an interesting area for research which should encourage both helminthologists as well as endocrinologists.


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Endocrine Disruptor Chemicals



Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) impact health and disease. Scientific research conducted over the last few decades has solidified our knowledge of the health impacts of these chemicals. Intrauterine exposure of EDCs can have transgenerational effects, thus laying the foundation for disease in later life, when exposure may not be documentable. The meticulously orchestrated endocrine system is often a target for these chemicals. As the endocrine system is central to the body’s physiological and biological functions, EDCs can lead to perturbations in the functioning of an individual. Exposure to EDCs can occur right from children’s products to personal care products, food containers to pesticides and herbicides. Moreover, there are many unsuspected chemicals which may be contributing to the disease burden in the society, which have never been studied. The dose response relationship may not always be predictable for the different EDCs as even low-level exposures that may occur in everyday life can have significant effects in a susceptible individual. Although individual compounds have been studied in detail, the effects of a combination of these chemicals are yet to be studied in order to understand the real-life situation, where human beings are exposed to a cocktail of these EDCs. This chapter aims to summarize the available literature regarding these EDCs and their effects on endocrine physiology.




Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) are a ubiquitous problem. This is a global issue and health hazard not well addressed due to lack of evidence and testing. Only a few EDCs are known and the others are suspected or yet to be explored (1). EDCs represent a broad class of natural or synthetic chemicals which are widely dispersed in the environment. This can be ingested or consumed or inhaled and may be found in larger quantities or trace amounts in serum, placenta, fat, umbilical cord blood etc. Exposure to EDCs can occur as early as in gestational period or childhood and can impact later stages of life. EDCs can alter normal physiological mechanisms in our body leading to a myriad of endocrinological problems both in children and adults.


The Endocrine Society defined EDC as “an exogenous chemical, or mixture of chemicals, that interfere with any aspect of hormone action.” In other words, the chemical substances that can affect the endocrine system resulting in adverse effects are called Endocrine Disruptor Chemicals (EDCs) (2). These chemicals often bind to the endogenous receptors (e.g.: estrogen receptor, steroid receptor) and interfere with the normal function of brain, reproductive organs, development, immune system, and other organs (3).


The common EDCs are bisphenol A (BPA), perchlorate, dioxins, phthalates, phytoestrogens, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), triclosan, perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), pesticides like dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDT) and its metabolite dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), organophosphorus compounds, alkylphenols(surfactants), parabans, methoxychlor,  diethylstilbestrol (DES), fungicide vinclozolin, and natural hormones (2) (4) (5). Among these, BPA is the most commonly encountered EDC, which has both estrogenic and antiandrogenic properties. EDCs are  mostly lipophilic in nature and resistant to metabolism (6). EDCs are usually present in food, beverages, pesticides, or air. People who get exposed to any of these EDCs may have hormonal imbalance. Even a small amount of EDC consumed can result in hormonal imbalance especially in children (2). Sometimes they are stored in body fats, and transferred to the developing fetus via the placenta (6).


Studies on animal models and humans reveal that the mechanisms through which the EDCs act involve divergent pathways. The EDC`s can act like endogenous hormones and thereby increase or decrease the cellular response. Also, they can block the effects of hormones and stimulate or inhibit the production of hormones. They can thus interfere with synthesis, transport, action, and degradation of hormones (7). EDCs can act via nuclear receptors, nonsteroidal receptors, transcription coactivators, and certain enzymatic pathways (5).




The effect of EDCs was first noticed by pig farmers in USA. Farmers observed pigs fed on moldy grain did not reproduce. Later it was found that moldy grain contained mycoestrogens. Several other incidents with such EDCs were noticed by farmers in other parts of the world. In 1940, diethylstilbestestrol (DES), a synthetic estrogen, was prescribed to women in their first trimester of pregnancy to prevent threatened miscarriage. Later in 1971, a rare vaginal cancer in daughters born to mothers who had taken DES was noted. All these events inspired Rachel Carlson to write a book named ‘Silent Spring’. In this book the author warned about long- term consequences of the use of pesticides and herbicides. In another book ‘Our Stolen Future ‘by Theo Colbron, Dianne Dumankosi, and John Peterson Meyers additional evidence on EDC was described. The hypothesis and evidence generated by this book was used for future research on EDC. This booked paved the path for the US regulators to create the United States Environment Protect Agency.




EDCs are not the same as hormones but they can mimic hormones, and produce ill effects in the body.


Table 1. The Difference Between Hormone and Endocrine Disruptor Chemicals. (4)(8)



(1)  These are chemical substances produced by the body and transported via bloodstream to the cells and organs which carry receptors for the hormone and on which it has a specific regulatory effect.

(1) Exogenous substance that alters function(s) of the endocrine system and consequently causes adverse effects in an intact organism, or its progeny, or populations.

(2) They act via specific receptors and produces class effects

(2) They act via hormone and other receptors and produces abnormal functions and interactions.  

(3) No bio accumulation

(3) Results in bioaccumulation

(4)  Non-linear dose response with saturable kinetics

(4) Non-linear dose response with saturable kinetics

E.g.; steroid hormones, thyroid hormones

E.g.; Perchlorate, Dioxins, Phthalates




EDCs can affect several systems in our body resulting in many ill health effects. There is evidence showing various diseases are linked to EDCs as shown in Table 2.


Table 2. Examples of EDCs and Their Possible Mechanisms Resulting in Clinical Conditions. (4)(9)(10)


Main Sources

Possible Mechanism

Clinical condition


Detergents Shampoos


Mimics estrogen

Breast cancer


Plastic products

Personal care products (perfume, moisturizer)

Not yet known

Testicular and ovarian toxicants

Polychlorinated biphenyls

(chlorinated/ halogenated/





Electrical applications

Estrogenic and anti-androgenic activity

Indirectly regulate circulating gonadal hormones.

Inducers of CYP1A and CYPIIB

Decreased NMDA receptor binding in striatum, frontal cortex and hippocampus, cerebellum 

Reduced glutamate and dopamine

Acts at AhR signaling pathways resulting in cytotoxic effects


Neurobehavioral defects like cognitive deficits in children


Thyroid toxicity

Susceptibility to infections

Cancers (especially Breast Cancer)


TBBPA- Tetrabromobisphenol A, CYP - cytochrome P450 enzymes, NMDA- N-methyl-D-aspartate, AhR - aryl hydrocarbon receptor




Neuro- Hypothalamic Effects


According to recent studies one in eight children 2-9 years of age suffer from neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) in India. NDDs include speech and language disorders, autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, vision impairment, ADHD, learning disorders, etc. EDCs are one among other risk factors associated with development of NDDs in children. NDD burden can be lessened by eliminating the causative factors or by preventing exposure to them. The major EDCs associated with NDDs are PCB and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs).  Other EDCs that are linked to NDDs but lack firm evidence are brominated flame retardants, perfluorinated compounds, and pesticides. Animal studies reveal that EDCs can alter or affect neuronal development, synaptic organization, neurotransmitter synthesis and release, and structural development of the brain (11). Studies of pregnant women who lived near Lake Michigan, with high levels of exposure to PCBs, revealed that children of mothers with the highest exposure levels were much more likely to have lower average IQ levels and poorer performance on reading comprehension (12). BPA and phthalates have also been shown to be associated with behavioral problems in children, including anxiety and depression (13,14). Prenatal pesticide exposure has been linked to increased likelihood of children having autism spectrum disorder or developmental delay (15).


EDCs can cause perturbations of the neuroendocrine processes originating in the hypothalamus, and can also act on the steroid hormone receptors and other signaling pathways that occur widely throughout the brain. The critical period of exposure is important because even minor alterations in hormones can alter the neurobiological outcome during development. Our knowledge in this area is predominantly derived from animal studies as human studies (postmortem studies, accurate measurement of hypothalamic releasing hormones) are not feasible. Animal studies have shown the variable effects of BPA exposure on ER α and β protein and mRNA expression in different areas of the brain (16,17,18,19). Treatment of adult male and female rats for 4 days with low-dose BPA had significant effects on mRNAs for aromatase (increased in both sexes) and 5α-reductase 1 (decreased in females) in the prefrontal cortex (20). Although we know that developmental EDC exposure can alter the expression of genes and proteins for steroid hormone receptors, we cannot draw generalized conclusions from these animal models and future research should target especially this area of early EDC exposure.


EDC exposure can also have neuroendocrine effects. Animal studies have reported on the stimulatory as well as inhibitory actions of BPA on GnRH and kisspeptin systems (21,22). Studies on PCBs and phthalates have shown mixed results. Animal studies have shed some light on the effect of EDCs on the developing hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis. BPA exposure has been found to be associated with an increase in adrenal weight and an attenuated stress response (23). Basal corticosterone, as well as CRH- or ACTH-induced corticosterone release, has been found to be significantly suppressed in PCB exposed rats (24). These effects of EDCs on the HPA axis leading to aberrant stress response needs to be evaluated further in humans. Animal studies have opened up some new and interesting possibilities of EDC exposure with changes in AVP and oxytocin levels and social behavior (25,26).


Thyroid Function


EDCs can interfere with thyroid hormone synthesis, release, transport, metabolism and clearance.


Table 3.  EDCs Effect on Thyroid Function (27,28)



Possible Outcome


Oxidant in solid rocket propellants, fireworks, airbag deployment systems, etc.

Interferes with the uptake of iodide into the thyrocyte by sodium/iodide symporter (NIS)



Interferes with the uptake of iodide



Soy protein

TPO inhibitors resulting in goiter in children





They can act as TR agonist or antagonist, or reduce circulating levels of T4 resulting in relative hypothyroidism, increase in expression of glial fibrillar acidic protein leading to neurotoxicity in children.




Food cans

Dental sealants

Binds to TRb and antagonizesT3 activation.

It can block T3-induced oligodendrocyte development from precursor cells, resulting in ADHD. Halogenated BPA can act as TR agonists, TBBPA bind to TR and induces GH3 cell proliferation and GH production.



PCB - Polychlorinated biphenyls, BPA - Bisphenol A, ADHD- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, TBBPA - Tetrabromobisphenol A, T4 - tetraiodothyronine (thyroxine), T3 - triiodothyronine, TPO – Thyroperoxidase, TR – Thyroid Receptor, TH - Thyroid hormone, GH- Growth Hormone


Adipose Tissue and Metabolic Disorders




Obesity can result in the metabolic syndrome, reproductive problems, and cardiovascular risk factors. “Obesogens” are defined as “xenobiotic chemicals that can disrupt the normal developmental and homeostatic controls over adipogenesis and/or energy balance” (29). The “obesogen hypothesis” suggests that prenatal or early-life exposure to certain EDCs compounded by sedentary lifestyle and improper nutrition predisposes certain individuals to become obese later in life (30).  


In DES exposed mice an increase in body fat, leptin, adiponectin, interleukin (IL) - 6, triglyceride (TG) was observed. EDCs cause upregulation of gene expression involved in adipocyte differentiation and lipid metabolism resulting in fat accumulation (31). PPARg (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors), a major regulator of adipogenesis, are expressed in adipocytes. It promotes adipocyte differentiation and the induction of lipogenic enzymes. During activation, PPARg along with retinoid X receptor (RXR), forms a heterodimer complex which then binds to PPAR response elements for regulation of fatty acids and repression of lipolysis. EDCs like tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin acts as PPARg and RXR agonists and increases adipose tissue mass.


Phytoestrogens mimic endogenous estrogens and exert various biological actions. They can bind to estrogen receptor (ER)a and estrogen receptor (ER)b and influence lipogenesis. One of the major sources of phytoestrogens is soy protein which contains genistein, a phytoestrogen. At low doses genistein inhibits lipogenesis whereas at high doses it can promote lipogenesis (27). EDCs like BPA, phthalates, dioxins perfluorinated compounds, and some pesticides are emerging as potential obeso­gens warranting further research.


Table 4. Potential Obesogenic Actions of EDCs

·      Agonist at PPARᵧ and RXRα (32)

·      Promotion of adipogenesis through ERs (33)

·      Increase in enzymatic activity of 11-β hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11-β HSD type 1) (34)

·      Increase in insulin stimulated lipogenesis (35)

·      Alterations in blood levels of insulin, leptin, and adiponectin (36)

·      Alteration of central energy regulatory pathways (37)

·      Decreased TRH expression and type 4 melanocortin receptors in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and stimulation of orexigenic pathways (38)

·       Epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of adult-onset obesity (39)




EDCs can disrupt glucose homeostasis in our body by affecting both insulin- and glucagon-secretory cells. Any toxic chemical that kills β cells or disrupts their function has been termed a “diabetogen”. The “diabetogen hypothesis” suggests that “every EDC circulating in plasma able to produce insulin resistance, independently of its obesogenic potential and its accumulation in adipocytes, may be considered a risk factor for metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes” (40). The obesogenic EDCs are risk factors for type 2 diabetes as well and lead to the dangerous combination of obesity and diabetes or “Diabesity”. However, certain EDCs may directly cause insulin resistance and defects in insulin production and secretion, without significantly affecting the weight of the individual. Studies have shown that acute treatment with BPA causes a temporary hyperinsulinemia, whereas longer-term exposure suppresses adiponectin release, and aggravates insulin resistance, obesity related syndromes, and development of diabetes mellitus. The hyperinsulinemia is attributed to the very rapid closure of ATP-sensitive K+ channels, potentiation of glucose-stimulated Ca2+ signals, and release of insulin via binding at extranuclear ER (41). Low doses of DES have been shown to impair the molecular signaling that regulates glucagon production through non genomic mechanism (27). POPs have been demonstrated to have direct effects on insulin signaling (42). They can lead to insulin resistance by causing adipose tissue inflammation. Heavy metals such as arsenic and mercury have also been considered as potential diabetogens. Intake of a high fat diet along with exposure to a cocktail of these EDCs (DEHP, BPA, PCB153, and TCDD) has been found to have sex specific alterations in the metabolic milieu in offspring. In males, there was alteration in the cholesterol metabolism whereas in females, there was pronounced effect on the glucose metabolism through a decrease in ER α expression and estrogen target genes (43).


The causal relationship between EDCs and type 1 diabetes is an area warranting research as animal studies have shown exposure to EDCs associated with insulitis (44).


Reproductive System


Over the past few decades there has been a surge in the incidence of reproductive system related disorders among both the males and females. EDCs can be attributed to this surge. Exposure to EDCs especially phytoestrogens have resulted in early menarche and polycystic ovarian diseases (PCODs) in adolescent girls. Infertility affects up to 15% of couples in the reproductive age group worldwide. The EDCs and their effect on reproductive system is summarized in Table 5.


Table 5. Effects of EDCs on the Reproductive System (27)(9)


Possible Mechanism

Possible Clinical Condition




Epigenetic (altered DNA methylation in germ cell lines)

AR antagonism


Undescended testes

Delayed puberty

Prostate disease/cancer

Dysregulates the gland development Formation of

mammary tumor


Increased ER expression in


Epigenetic silencing of


Hypospadias Cryptorchidism Micropenis

Epididymal cysts

Vaginal adenocarcinoma

Ectopic pregnancy





Induction of aromatase

Reduced insulin-like factor





Risk of breast cancer in females

Precocious and early puberty



Estrogen agonist / Estrogen antagonist / antiandrogenic activity

Prostate cancer

Early onset of menarche

Delayed pubertal


Accumulates in breast adipose tissue


ER agonist/antagonist

Antiandrogen and decreases testosterone synthesis


Reduced anogenital distance and

Leydig cell function


Increased cell proliferation in

the breast


ER agonist


Inhibition of apoptotic activity in breast

Increased number of progesterone receptor positive

epithelial cells

Nongenomic activation of ERK1/2

Reduced sulfotransferase inactivation of estradiol

Prostate cancer

Testicular cancer in fetus

Altered breast development

Early puberty


ER agonist


Interfere with sex-steroid


Inhibition of cyclooxygenase2 via AhR


Premature thelarche


Breast cancer

DES – Diethylstilbestrol, DDT – dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene, DDE - dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylen, DNA – Deoxyribonucleicacid, AR – Androgen Receptor, ER – Estrogen Receptor, AhR - aryl hydrocarbon receptor, ERK1/2 - extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2, mRNA – messenger RNA




In vivo animal studies and thereafter in vitro studies indicate that exposure to BPA (1–30M) impairs meiotic progression in human fetal oocytes, increased levels of recombination, and induces epigenetic changes that may contribute to chromosome congression failure (45,46). Studies in rats have shown that neonatal BPA exposure decreased the numbers of all follicle types and increased atretic follicles during adulthood (47). In vitro animal studies have demonstrated the toxic effect of phthalates on the follicle growth and inhibition of estradiol production (48). Similar toxic effects of pesticides and environmental pollutants on gene expression, follicle growth and oocyte quality have been confirmed in animal studies. BPA and phthalates have also been implicated in altered steroidogenesis in the gonads (49). Findings of alteration in uterine structure and function after exposure to EDCs is more concerning as it may lead to abnormalities in implantation and recurrent abortions (50). BPA exposure has been associated with increased risk of implantation failure and miscarriages (51). Animal studies have also pointed towards the transgenerational effect of prenatal BPA exposure on female fertility (52). Experimental studies have shown an association between phthalate exposure and reduced fertility (53). The findings of these studies need to be confirmed in the human ovary to fully understand the impact of these EDCs on fertility and reproductive health as well as the transgenerational impact. EDCs have also been found to have adverse effects on menstrual cyclicity in women. Fungicide exposure has been associated with a significant decrease in bleeding (54). BPA and pesticides may accelerate ovarian failure and may lead to premature menopause in women (55). In utero exposure to DES increases the lifetime risk of premature menopause (56). Propyl paraben, a preservative in personal care product, was associated with lower antral follicle counts as well as higher day-3 FSH levels indicating accelerated ovarian aging (57). It may not be exposure to just a single EDC and more often than not it may be a cocktail of these that could lead to early reproductive senescence. In animal studies, late gestational exposure to DES causes ovarian hyperandrogenism and menstrual abnormalities similar to those in women with PCOS (58). A few epidemiological studies have pointed towards an association between phthalate exposure and risk of endometriosis, possibly due to increased viability of cells (59). 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) exposure may disrupt cannabinoid signaling in the human endometrium and lead to increased inflammation in the endometrium (60). TCCD exposure can cause a progesterone-resistant phenotype that may persist over multiple generations, suggesting that TCDD exposure has transgenerational effects on endometriosis (61). TCDD increases the expression of thymus-expressed chemokine and promotes the invasiveness of endometrial stromal cells by increasing the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9(62). TCDD also reduces the expression of CD82 (a wide-spectrum tumor metastasis suppressor that inhibits the mobility and invasiveness of cells), and increases the expression of CCL2-CCR2, which recruits macrophages and further down-regulates CD82 (63). Pesticides like fenvalerate stimulate the growth of uterine fibroid cells by enhancing cell cycle progression and inhibiting apoptosis through an ER-independent pathway (64). DES exposure has been shown to increase the occurrence of early onset fibroids in the Sister Study and Nurses’ Health Study II (65,66). Given the multiplicity of effects of EDCs on the female reproductive system, there remains an urgent need for future studies to confirm the findings of experimental and animal studies and understand the underlying mechanisms.




EDCs, by virtue of their antiandrogenic and estrogenic effects can have a profound influence on the male reproductive physiology. Studies on the causative effect of EDCs on hypospadias have not given consistent results due to the small number of subjects studied. Levels of chlorinated pesticides have been found to be higher in breast milk of mothers with cryptorchid boys (77). Studies on the incidence of cryptorchidism with xenoestrogen exposure showed detectable levels of lindane and mirex in placenta with higher cryptorchidism risk (78). Higher dioxin levels in breast milk and dibutyltin concentrations in placenta were associated with cryptorchidism in Danish boys (79). Dioxins may have estrogenic effects through interaction of the dioxin-AhR nuclear translocator complex with estrogen receptor. High exposure to DDE and PCBs also has a higher risk of cryptorchidism (80). Environmental factors play an important role in the development of testicular cancers. Cryptorchidism and hypospadias are well-characterized risk factors of testicular germ cell cancers (TGCC). Although TGCC is probably a condition with fetal origins, it has been practically difficult to prove the association between pre and postnatal exposure of EDCs and TGCC, given the long lag time between exposure and effect. A positive association of TGCC with DDE (81) and chlordane exposure (cis-nonachlor and trans-nonachlor) has been found (82). Intra uterine exposure to EDCs that affect the spermatogonial stem cells or Sertoli cells, can cause irreversible changes that result in permanently low adult sperm number. PCB exposure may affect sperm DNA integrity and motility (83). DDE exposure has been inversely associated with sperm motility and total sperm count (84), and positively correlated with defects in sperm chromatin condensation and morphology (85). Fetal and perinatal exposure via breast-feeding to dioxin in the Seveso accident was associated with reductions in sperm concentration, number of motile sperm, and total sperm number (86). PBDEs used as flame retardants have been found to negatively affect sperm concentration, testicular size and sperm motility (87). The major impediment to establishing a causal role of these effects of EDCs is the long lag time between the critical exposure and the manifestation of the adverse outcomes.




There has been a decrease in the age of breast development but the age of menarche has not changed significantly. This finding alerted researchers about the possible interfering role of EDCs in pubertal mechanisms. Results of epidemiological studies have been equivocal on the effects of BPA and phthalates on pubertal onset (67,68). Studies have pointed towards higher kisspeptin levels in girls exposed to phthalates, which may promote precocious puberty (69). There have been inconsistencies between animal and human studies and hence, inconclusive data on the effects of other EDCs like pesticides and environmental contaminants on puberty. Apparently innocuous substances like lavender oil and tea tree oil present in lotions and creams can lead to prepubertal gynecomastia by their estrogenic effects (70). A very interesting hypothesis has been put forward to explain the role of EDCs in precocious puberty seen in immigrant girls from developing countries. Early and temporary exposure to weakly estrogenic dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) in developing countries, where the exposure is still high, could stimulate hypothalamic maturation while the pituitary gonadotrophins are inhibited via a negative feedback that prevents manifestation of central maturation. This negative feedback disappears after withdrawal from the exposure, as happens when the child migrates to a different environment. This could precipitate precocious puberty in these migrant children (71). High exposure to endosulfan has been shown to be associated with pubertal delay, due to its antisteroidogenic properties (72). Dioxins act through aryl hydrocarbon receptors and thereby interact with other nuclear receptors. Exposure in boys has been associated with delayed puberty and in girls with delayed thelarche due to its antiestrogenic effects (73,74). Lead exposure has been implicated in delayed puberty in both boys and girls (75,76). Endocrine disrupters may alter the levels of endogenous hormones and their ratios by influencing their production, secretion, binding to carriers, metabolism and excretion. When studying these compounds, one needs to keep in mind about their active metabolites and the multiplicity of effects on the complex endocrine milieu.  


Hormone Responsive Cancer


Most cancer occur due to genetic predisposition or exposure to environmental or occupational hazards. EDCs can alter the genes and result in uncontrolled proliferation of cells. Almost all the EDCs identified are known to cause cancer. People working in certain industries like coal, steel, rubber, textile, paper manufacturing, paint are at higher risk of developing cancers due to increased exposure to these EDCs. Studies have shown that early exposure to these EDCs BPA, PCBs, perflourinated compounds, phthalates, and some pesticides can increase cancer risk(1).Several EDCs that mimic endogenous estrogens are potential carcinogens. The estrogen-responsive cancers including breast, endometrial, ovarian, and prostate cancers are caused due to several chemical xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens (88). EDC exposure during the critical periods of mammary gland development like gestation, puberty, and pregnancy may predispose to carcinogenesis. Dioxin exposure, especially TCDD has been found to increase the incidence of breast cancer (89). Inconsistent results have been obtained with regards to pesticide exposure and breast cancer risk, possibly due to individual chemicals studied whereas in real life, humans are often exposed to a mixture of them. Breast cancer patients present more frequently with a combination of aldrin, DDE, and DDD, and this mixture has not been found in healthy women (90). Exposure to diethyl phthalate, the parent may be associated with a 2-fold increase in breast cancer risk (91). EDCs may influence other estrogen dependent cancers as well. In women previously exposed to chlorotriazine herbicides, there was a significant 2.7-fold increased risk for ovarian neoplasms (92). Higher PFOA levels are associated with ovarian cancer (93). In males, those EDCs that can interfere with androgen and estrogen signaling pathways can increase the risk of prostate cancer. A classic example of developmental exposure and onset of latent disease is the progeny of mothers exposed to DES during pregnancy. Although prostatic structural abnormalities have been documented in this cohort (94), the exact effect on prostate cancer is yet to be ascertained as the cohort is still being followed up. Pesticide exposure and carcinogenesis has garnered much interest after the Agricultural Health Study (AHS) in the United States. Specific organophosphate insecticides like fonofos, malathion, terbufos, and aldrin) have been associated with increased risk of aggressive prostate cancer (95). Certain organophosphates like coumaphos and organochlorine (aldrin) pesticides increase prostate cancer risk in men with a family history of the disease (96). Compounds like chlorpyrifos, coumaphos, fonofos, and phorate strongly inhibit the hepatic CYP1A2 and CYP3A4 enzymes that metabolize testosterone, estradiol, and estrone (97) and thereby act as EDCs apart from causing DNA damage by oxidative stress. TCDD, the most toxin dioxin in the Agent Orange herbicide spray has been found to have a strong positive association in the incidence and aggressiveness of prostate cancer in the Vietnam veterans (98). Trace elements like arsenic and cadmium, have been classified as EDCs due to their ability to act as a ligand and/or interact with members of the steroid receptor superfamily and have been implicated in prostate cancer although more conclusive studies are needed.


Effect on The Adrenals


The adrenal gland is probably one of the most ignored glands in toxicology, despite it being very sensitive to toxins. By virtue of its intense vascularity, its capacity for uptake and storage of lipophilic agents and high local concentrations of enzymes of CYP family with potential for bioactivation of toxins, the adrenals are very susceptible to the toxic effects of EDCs. The results of toxicological research on adrenals may not always be straightforward because of the dynamic nature of the HPA axis. Thus, even in the face of compromised adrenal steroidogenesis, it is not surprising to find relatively normal levels of circulating cortisol, albeit with an increased ACTH drive. Hence, scientists studying the toxic effect of EDCs on the adrenals, need to take into account the ACTH and cortisol levels as well as the adrenal weight. One of the earliest evidences for an adrenal disruptor was the use of the anesthetic, etomidate, which inhibits CYP11B1, leading to adrenal insufficiency. Another direct inhibitor of adrenal steroidogenic enzymes is a derivative of the pesticide DDD, mitotane (o,p’-DDD), which is used to treat Cushing’s syndrome. Polychlorinated biphenyl 126 (PCB126) causes an increase in aldosterone biosynthesis by increasing expression of CYP11B2, the enzyme which catalyzes the final step of aldosterone biosynthesis. High concentrations PCB126 has been shown to increase expression of the Angiotensin 1 (AT1) receptor, enhancing angiotensin II responsiveness of adrenal cells. Lead has also been reported to increase aldosterone synthesis by a mechanism consistent with upregulation of CYP11B2. It has also been reported that a class of herbicides (2-chloro-s-triazine herbicides) increase the expression of CYP19, which encodes aromatase, raising the possibility of increased adrenal estrogen secretion (99). The lack of a clear understanding of the adrenal toxicology can be overcome by the use of sophisticated endocrine studies, which take into account the dynamicity of the HPA axis.




Studies on animals have shown that EDCs can affect germ cell lines. In a cohort study of 47,540 women with history of exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) during pregnancy and ADHD diagnosis were followed up to three generations (F0, F1, F2) to know consequences of exposure to DES. This study revealed that the progeny of mothers who used DES in the 1st trimester of pregnancy had higher risk of developing ADHD. BPA is another EDC which can lead to neuroendocrinal problems (100). This highlights the ill effects of EDCs in vertical transmission. EDCs like perfluorooctanoic acid have been implicated in pregnancy induced hypertension. There have been some pointers towards an association between BPA and preterm birth but it has not been conclusively proven in experimental animal studies (101).


Phthalate exposure during pregnancy may be associated with increased odds of prematurity (102). The possible mechanisms are interference with the placental function via effects on trophoblast differentiation and placental steroidogenesis which could increase the risk of preterm birth. Similar genetic effects of pesticides have also been shown to result in increased prematurity and preterm birth. This risk has been shown to be magnified in those with certain genetic mutations, highlighting the gene- environment interaction (103). Environmental contaminants like TCCD exert pro-inflammatory effects on the placenta, leading to infection-mediated preterm birth (104). EDCs have also been implicated in adverse birth outcomes. In the Generation R study in The Netherlands, prenatal BPA exposure was associated with reduced fetal weight and head circumference (105). The same study also showed that maternal phthalate exposure was associated with an increased time-to-pregnancy (106) and impaired fetal growth during pregnancy and decreased placental weight (107). In a similar Japanese study, maternal urinary MEHP levels were negatively associated with anogenital distance (AGD) in male offspring (108). Pesticide exposure during the second trimester of pregnancy have been negatively associated with birth weight, birth length, and head circumference as shown in the data from Center for Health Assessment of Mothers and Children of Salinas (CHAMACOS) (109). Increased incidence of infants being born as small for gestational age has also been reported in mothers who were exposed to pesticides (110). A sex dependent nature of these adverse birth outcomes has been demonstrated in a Chinese study with a decrease in gestational duration in girls but not boys (111). Similarly, in the Hokkaido Study on Environment and Children’s Health, an ongoing cohort study in Japan, PCDF and PCDD exposures were negatively associated with birth weight and infant development, with males being more susceptible than females (112). However, not all studies are shown these consistent adverse effects of EDCs. Hence future studies should confirm these preliminary findings and also study certain EDCs which have never been studied so far in experimental and epidemiological studies.




EDCs may be in complex forms or in trace amounts in biological fluids or environment which makes it difficult to identify or detect them. The methods used for the detection of these compounds should be highly sensitive and specific. These include liquid chromatography, gas chromatography and capillary electrophoresis. The bioassay techniques (Receptor binding assay, Receptor gene assay, DNA binding assay) are either qualitative or quantitative and can be helpful to know the biological effects of the complex samples. Due to the complexities and trace amount of the EDC, preconcentration is required (5). However, the limitations in sensitivity, reproductivity, difficulty in separation, and affordability still remain.



Newer methods are being explored to predict the effect of chemical disruptors using artificial intelligence (AI).  Combining artificial neural network (ANN) and chemical similarity approaches, a significant role of AI in chemical endocrine receptor disruption prediction has been demonstrated. For example, isoflavone genistein, a phytoestrogenfrom soy was found to be active or disruptive whereas isoflavone daidzein from the soy was predicted to be inactive or non-disruptive (113).  ANN can be used to predict chemical activity against estrogen and androgen receptors. Machine learning and ANN can more accurately and precisely predict EDCs in future.


Biosensors are newer devices which can detect chemicals up to femtomolar limit of detection.  Aptasensors, Nanotubes, Molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP)-based sensors are the emerging EDC detectors (114). Recently a device called ‘Tethys’ has been invented to detect presence of lead in water. Lead is known to affect the hormone signaling and central nervous system. This device works on the basis of nanocarbon tubes and could send water quality information via Bluetooth (115).


Among several computer aided approaches,  invitro and in silico predictions are now used to predict large number of chemical disruptors in the environment (116). Also the ligand-based models, like QSAR models which can predict biological activities of EDC and structure-based models can be combined with Artificial Intelligence technology for more accurate EDC predictions (117).




Pesticide use has increased over the years due to intensification of agricultural practices in the tropical countries. While the developed countries do have a well-established legal framework for pesticide environmental risk assessments, such requirements are either not available or inadequately implemented in tropical countries. Added to these woes are the fact that cheap compounds that are environmentally persistent and highly toxic, banned from agriculture use in developed countries, still remain popular in developing countries (118). These may lead to soil and water contamination with pesticide residues. The effect of these compounds on the applicators as well as the consumers are manyfold. In a multi-centric study to assess the pesticide residues in selected food commodities (Surveillance of Food Contaminants in India, 1993), DDT residues were found in about 82% of the 2205 samples of bovine milk. Data on 186 samples of 20 commercial brands of infants’ formulae showed the presence of residues of DDT and Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers in about 70 and 94% of the samples with their maximum level of 4.3 and 5.7 mg/kg respectively (119). The average daily intake of HCH and DDT by Indians was reported to be 115 and 48 mg per person respectively, which were higher than those observed in most of the developed countries (120). Over these continuous levels of exposure through food, water and soil are the occasional spillovers and accidents that lead to greater exposure. Although these exposures have been documented well in literature, there are sparse studies from the tropical areas on the long-term effects, especially in relation to the endocrine system. Although there are compelling social and economic benefits for the rampant use of EDCs, the policymakers need to be made aware of the long term and sometimes transgenerational effects of these molecules.




EDCs are an emerging global health problem that requires urgent attention and action. The most common EDCs that we encounter in our day-to-day life are BPA, PCBs, paraben etc. This results in endocrinological problems in all the age groups. There is an urgent need of novel biomarkers, detectors or assays using novel technologies for the early detection of EDCs. The novel technologies like Artificial Intelligence, OMICS (Genomics, Epigenomics, Mitochondriomics) and Nano technology are the new-way forward in this regard. Food and Health authorities play a vital role in curbing this problem. Food and safety laws should be more stringent and higher throughput screening for EDCs should be done prior to approval of any products. BPA free, paraben free products should be encouraged. Industrialists and others manufacturers must make sure not to pollute the water with the industrial wastes. All these measures will help in eliminating EDCs related health problems.




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Thin Fat Obesity: The Tropical Phenotype of Obesity



Disorders like diabetes and obesity have reached pandemic proportions globally. However, this problem is a little different in some tropical countries especially in the south Asian region. Countries like India and China have the leading number of people living with type 2 diabetes mellitus but paradoxically a much lower number of people with obesity (as defined by body mass index). This paradox is partly explained by the unique thin-fat phenotype prevalent in this region. Though this concept was described about 15 years ago, further evidence regarding its prevalence, pathophysiology, diagnosis, cardiometabolic risks, treatment, and implications for policy change are still emerging. The thin-fat phenotype is known by several other names in the scientific literature including normal weight obesity, metabolic obesity, metabolically unhealthy non-obese, etc. It is defined as an individual who has normal body weight (as measured by body mass index) but a disproportionately high body fat percentage (based on ethnicity and gender specific cutoffs). This phenotype is found to be very common in tropical countries and associated with a high cardiometabolic risk, which is similar to individuals with overt obesity. Moreover, the mortality associated with this phenotype is also significantly higher than nonobese subjects and thus this phenotype needs to be identified as a distinct entity. While evidence for the best therapeutic protocols is still emerging, an improvement in lifestyle intervention shows a slow but a positive trend in improving the cardiometabolic risk of this phenotype. The role of examining the underlying genetic makeup and the use of surrogate measures to estimate body fat could be useful adjuncts in the further characterization of this unique phenotype. In this chapter we summarize the current existing literature of this unique disorder and its importance in tropical countries.




Developing countries in the south Asian region are undergoing a rapid transition towards an increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases but at the same time still grappling with undernutrition and infectious diseases. This dual burden of disease may appear as a transient phenomenon but may have deeper implications in determining the phenotype of cardiometabolic diseases in this population (1). One such example is of obesity and diabetes (2, 3). Though countries like India and China are the leading countries with the largest number of people with diabetes there is paradoxically a much smaller number of people with obesity in these countries (4). This paradox is largely due to the altered body composition with increased visceral adipose tissue and decreased lean mass leading to this unique thin fat phenotype that has been described in individuals of south Asian descent (5).


Moreover, this problem is further compounded by a younger age of development of these cardiometabolic disorders, a rapidly increasing prevalence, and significant financial constraints for most people to afford good healthcare in these countries (6). This complex situation highlights the need to appropriately identify at risk individuals and intervene in those who have a high cardiometabolic risk irrespective of their apparently lean phenotype. In this review, we discuss this unique thin fat phenotype seen in tropical countries, its prevalence, pathogenesis, clinical implications, and discuss the current evidence-based management.


This unique south Asian phenotype was classically described in a seminal paper published in the Lancet in the year 2004 called the YY Paradox (7). This pictorial abstract compared the body mass index and body composition of a Caucasian and an Indian physician. It showed how despite both having a similar normal body mass index (22.3 kg/m2), the body fat content was much higher in the Indian doctor. (21.2% vs 9.1%). Following this, several studies have examined the underlying pathophysiology of this phenotype (8, 9); however, better understanding of the utility and role of the conventional obesity indicators in this phenotype is needed. Furthermore, there is also a need to validate novel clinical and genetic indicators that can be used for mass screening such that the burden of non-communicable disorders in this region can be decreased (10).




Thin fat obesity has been known by several names in the scientific literature. Names such as normal weight obesity, metabolic obesity, metabolically unhealthy non-obese, skinny fat, and sarcopenic obesity(especially in elderly) have been used in the past (5, 11). However, the term normal weight obesity was first described in 2006, by De Lorenzo as an individual with a high body fat despite normal weight (12). Simultaneously it was also observed that the Asian phenotype was very different from the West and the “thin fat phenotype” was commonly found in the Indian ethnicity, both those residing in India and overseas (7, 13).


Normal weight obesity or the thin fat phenotype is defined as the presence of an increased body fat percentage in an individual with normal body mass index (5, 14, 15). Though there has been a consensus to use a lower body mass index cutoff for the south Asian population(≥ 25 kg/m2 defined as obesity instead of  ≥ 30 kg/m2 as proposed for Western populations), there has been a significant differences in the defining the thresholds for body fat percentages to overall define this phenotype (16). The most widely used cutoff for body fat percentage in the Asian population is ≥ 20.6 kg/m2 for men and 33.4% in women, which has been rounded to the closest decimal in the table below (4). It is thus important to note, that in addition to the type of obesity indicator used for defining obesity, it is equally critical to use an appropriate ethnicity specific threshold of a given indicator. The cut points for different obesity indicators in India compared to that for Western population is summarized in Table 1.


Table 1. Cutpoints Used for Different Obesity Indicators in South Asian and Western Populations


South Asians

Western Population

Body Mass Index

-        Underweight

-        Normal Weight

-        Overweight

-        Obese I

-        Obese II

-        Obese III


< 18.5 kg/m2

18.5 to 22.9 kg/m2

23 to 24.9 kg/m2

25 to 29.9 kg/m2

30 to 34.9 kg/m2

35 to 39.9 kg/m2


< 18.5 kg/m2

18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2

25 to 29.9 kg/m2

30 to 34.9 kg/m2

35 to 39.9 kg/m2

 > 40 kg/m2

Waist Circumference:

-        Men

-        Women


> 90cm

> 80cm


> 102cm

> 88cm

Waist Hip Ratio:

-        Men



> 0.9

> 0.8


> 0.9

> 0.8

Body Fat percentage:

-        Men



> 20%

> 33%


> 25%

> 35 %




Assessment of obesity in any given patient would depend on two factors. The obesity indicator chosen to assess the obesity status and the cut-off used to define the threshold of obesity (17). Though several obesity indicators have been used for the evaluation of obesity, over the year’s focus had changed to use ethnicity specific cut-offs (10). In addition to the conventionally used indicators like body mass index, waist circumference, and waist hip ratio, more recently neck circumference, waist height ratio, and body fat estimation have been added to the diagnostic armamentarium (18, 19). If more sophisticated imaging is available, visceral fat estimation is now considered the most reliable obesity indicator that may accurately predict underlying cardiometabolic risk factors (19, 20).


The key merits and disadvantages of different clinical/ imaging-based obesity indicators are summarized in Table 2. In addition to these other methods such as bio-electrical impedance, potassium counter, and underwater weighing have also been used. Data is still emerging with respect to ethnicity specific cutoffs for these indicators and no universally acceptable thresholds have been defined for different ethnicities.(21)


Table 2. Comparison of Different Clinical/Imaging Based Obesity Indicators

Obesity Indicators



Body Mass Index

Easy to measure


Strongly correlated with body fat levels.

Conventionally used for many years.

Does not distinguish between body fat and lean body mass

Not a good predictor of body fat in the elderly

Gender and ethnicity-based differences are not detected.

Waist circumference

Easy to measure


Strongly correlated with body fat in adults

Shown to predict mortality

Measurement procedure not standardized

Lack of good reference data for children

Difficult to measure in individuals with morbid obesity.

Skin fold thickness





Fast and easy

Not as accurate or reproducible as other methods

Very hard to measure in individuals with a BMI of 35 or higher

Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA)


Can measure visceral adiposity

Very low radiation exposure

Can precisely estimate lean mass and fat.

Expensive and currently used in research settings

Not portable

Limited availability

Cannot be used with pregnant women

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)


Allows for measurement of specific body fat compartments, such as Visceral fat and subcutaneous fat

This is expensive and only used in research settings.

Equipment is very heavy and cannot be moved.


In a recent study from southern India, we found that waist circumference, waist height ratio, and waist hip ratio were the best indicators to detect underlying type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Indian population (18). More importantly, body mass index. which is the most common obesity indicator used in many south Asian countries, did not perform well in detecting undiagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus. Though waist circumference is now advocated as a good indicator of centripetal obesity and an indirect measure of visceral adipose tissue, its widespread use in clinical practice is still not routine (22). Furthermore, in recent guidelines assessment of obesity is now advocated to be measured beyond the lens of mere calculated numbers but rather to focus on a more holistic assessment of comorbidities, mental health, and quality of life (23-25).




Globally, there is limited data on the prevalence of normal weight obesity and this is further compounded by the different diagnostic cutoffs that have been used to define it. Furthermore, the method of body fat estimation may further augment the problem. Table 3 summarizes the prevalence of normal weight obesity in different tropical countries and the cutoffs used.



Table 3. Prevalence of Normal Weight Obesity in Different Tropical Countries


Body fat assessment

Body fat % - criteria




Kapoor et al


Bio impedance

≥ 20.6% in men;

≥ 33.4% in women

32% [95% confidence interval (CI) 29.1-34.5].




Kim et al 2014 (26)

Bio impedance

≥ 20.6% in men;

≥ 33.4% in women

In normal BMI Subjects - 36% in men; 29% in women


Madeira et al.



Skin fold thickness

TSF + þSSF ≥ P90 ~ 23.1% in men; 33.3% in women

9.2% in men; 9.0% in women


Marques-Vidal et al.

2010 (28)

Bio impedance

≥ 30% overall

3.2% in men; 10.1% in women


Romero-Corral et al.


Bio impedance

≥ 20.6% in men;

≥ 33.4% in women

Among normal-BMI subjects: 33.4%

North Americans

Ramsaran C et al 2017(30)

Bio impedance

≥23.1% males, ≥33.3% females

19.9% [95% confidence interval (CI) 15.1-25.7].

Trinidad and Tobago


Ji T et al

2020 (31)

Bio impedance

male ≥25% and female ≥35%)




In a recently published study from southern India, it was found that about two third of participants who had a non-obese BMI (< 25 k/m2), actually had a high body fat percentage. These individuals with normal weight obesity, accounted for about one third of the entire study population. (14)


As shown in table 3 there is a wide variation in the prevalence of normal weight obesity across different tropical countries but appears to higher than observed in North America. The key reasons for the wide variation in the prevalence of normal weight obesity across the world are multifactorial. In addition to the role played by the genetic background and ethnicity, the method of body fat assessment, the body fat thresholds used to define obesity, the prevalence of overt obesity in that community, and other factors like low birth weight may be responsible for the variation (32). These are discussed in greater detail in the pathophysiology section of this chapter.


The high prevalence of normal weight obesity, across different continents calls for better screening and early identification of this poorly recognized phenotype. Many of these patients may go unnoticed by the treating physician and the high risk of metabolic abnormalities such as type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension that may lead to severe complications not appreciated. Moreover, a unified diagnostic criterion for establishing a diagnosis of normal weight obesity is needed for being able to compare the prevalence of this phenotype across different populations. However, there a need for ethnicity specific cutoffs and recently countries from the south Asian region have used the body fat percentage cutoff as ~20% for men and 33% for women (4, 5, 10) (Table 1).




Several factors have been implicated in the pathogenesis of the thin fat phenotype in the south Asian population. (Figure 1). Though overall, there has been in an increase in the prevalence of overt obesity in south Asian countries, which could be attributed to the increased urbanization and reduced physical activity, there still remains a paradox between the disproportionately large number of people with type 2 diabetes and the relatively small number of individuals with overt obesity. The intake of high fat - high sugar meals, easy access to energy dense foods, and limited physical activity have been further compounded by the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic (Figure 2) (33-35). Overall, a rapid economic transition in many tropical countries has led to an increased availability of processed foods, more environmental pollution, mechanization of lifestyle and limited time to do physical activity contributing to a rapid increase in the prevalence of obesity in these countries. (36-38).


Though urbanization is known to increase the risk of obesity, for the development of the thin-fat phenotype there have been speculations that migration of people from a rural to the urban setting may play a significant role especially in the Indian setting. In a study by Kinra et al, it was found that body fat percentage increased rapidly in the first decade following migration unlike many other cardiometabolic parameters which changed more gradually (39).


Low birth weight has also been implicated in the development of this “thin fat” phenotype described in the Indian population. In 2003, Yajnik et al, published findings to support that the thin fat Indian phenotype is present even in newborns. Neonates from Indian origin were compared to those born from a European ancestry in the United Kingdom (40). The authors found the Indian newborn babies were thin in terms of their skeletal mass but had a relatively high amount of subcutaneous fat. This led to term “thin fat neonate” and was in line with the previous thrifty phenotype suggested by Barker (41). These findings provided further impetus to ongoing studies of nutritional programming as a basis for Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD).

Figure 1: The key factors implicated in the pathogenesis for the development of the thin-fat phenotype in the south Asian population

Stress associated with maternal malnutrition and a consequent maternal glucocorticoid surge could lead to intrauterine growth retardation and subsequent changes in the fetal hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis could cause altered ectopic fat deposits, including in the pancreas (42). There is also a possible role of maternal vitamin B12 in influencing fetal growth and programming for chronic diseases, explained through several interlinking metabolic pathways involving methionine and folate cycles collectively called the once carbon hypothesis (43).


In a previously published study from our center, we found that individuals with a low birth weight showed trends towards an unhealthy body fat distribution, lower lean body mass, impaired glucose tolerance, and an elevated diastolic blood pressure, even while they were just in their second decade of life (44). More recent evidence from basic science experiments have revealed that not only the birthweight but even the post-natal diet could play an important role in developing normal weight obesity (45).


Figure 2: The bidirectional impact of obesity and COVID-19

A higher visceral adipose tissue content which is now considered the most important predictor of cardiometabolic disorders is also said to be higher in individuals from the south Asian region (46). The classical thin fat phenotype is also well explained in this population by the fat overflow hypothesis. This states that south Asians have a much lower capacity of storing fat in the subcutaneous region. Thereby when exposed to high calorie intake the subcutaneous tissue is overwhelmed and the extra fat content then spills into ectopic sites. The classic ectopic sites include the omentum (visceral adipose tissue), kidney, heart, intestine and liver. This then leads to higher amount of VAT despite similar total body fat compared to the European population and therefore the development of normal weight obesity (47).


Several genetic variations have also been studied to understand the origins of the thin fat phenotype in the Indian population. Several variants of the FTO and MC4R gene have been implicated in development of this phenotype but further studies are needed in this regard (48). Moreover, the presence of monogenic causes of obesity is higher in the south Asian population due to a higher prevalence of consanguinity (49, 50).




This poorly recognized thin fat phenotype is not only common in the south Asian region but also has significant clinical implications with respect to cardio metabolic risk. This is important not only for health care providers practicing in south Asia but is also applicable to the health care of south Asian individuals who have migrated to different countries (51).

Figure 3. Prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia in individuals with normal weight obesity as compared to non-obese and overtly obese individuals


In a recent study done in south India it was found that individuals with normal weight obesity had a significantly higher prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia (defined by the NCEP-ATP III guidelines (52)) as compared to those without obesity. More importantly, the prevalence of these cardiometabolic risk factors were similar to individuals with obesity (Figure 3). After adjusting for other risk factors the odds of normal weight obese individuals having type 2 diabetes mellitus was found to be 2.72 (95% CI:1.46-5.08) as compared to non-obese individuals (53). A similar study from China found that individuals with normal weight obesity also had a significantly higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome when compared to non-obese individuals (54).


In the Women's Health Initiative study including 161,808 postmenopausal women between 50 to 74 years, it was found that women with normal weight obesity had a twofold higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus (55). When compared to non-obese individuals, those with normal weight obesity have not only been found to have a higher risk of atherosclerosis but normal weight obesity has been found to be an independent risk predictor for presence of soft plaques in blood vessels after adjustment for blood pressure, blood glucose, lipid level, c-reactive protein, medications, smoking status, and physical activity (56). In another study involving 23,748 individuals, people with normal weight obesity had a significantly higher odds of having a high Framingham risk score for cardiovascular disease (OR 1.973, 95% CI 1.596-2.439) as compared to normal individuals (57). Similar findings have been found in either sex and even in children, adolescents, and younger adults (58-60).


Another important clinically relevant subject related to the thin fat phenotype especially in tropical countries comes with the intersection of non-communicable diseases with chronic cachectic infectious disease. A classic example of this would be the presence of cardiometabolic disorders with an infectious disease like AIDS. We recently reviewed the association of HIV-AIDS with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in south Asian countries (61). With better treatment of HIV infected individuals, the life expectancy and morbidity due to the virus per se has greatly improved. However, in most tropical countries there is limited screening facilities, widespread use of non-metabolic friendly antiviral drugs, and an existing thin fat phenotype making the prevalence of NAFLD much higher and yet very obscure.


In the recent ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, obesity has been considered as one of the key risk factors for increased mortality in the younger population. However, there is emerging evidence that individuals with normal weight obesity especially in the south Asian countries are also more likely to develop severe disease (35). There are several risk factors that have been described to associate the bidirectional relationship between COVID 19 and normal weight obesity (Figure 2).


Mortality Associated with Normal Weight Obesity


Individuals with normal weight obesity have been found to have a higher all-cause mortality and major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events after an acute coronary syndrome when compared to those without normal weight obesity (adjusted (HR 1.83; 95% CI: 1.04-3.31) (62). In another recent study from the Women’s Health Initiative study cohort, which involved 156,624 women followed for a total of 2,811,187 patient years, it was found that women with normal weight obesity were found to have a higher all-cause mortality (HR 1.31; 95% CI, 1.20-1.42) and higher cardiovascular mortality (HR 1.25; 95% CI, 1.05-1.46). There was no difference in the mortality risk between women who had normal weight obesity as compared to those who had overt obesity. Moreover, this is the first study to show that cancer related mortality was also higher in women with normal weight obesity as compared to those who were normal weight without centripetal obesity (HR 1.20; 95% CI, 1.01-1.43) (63).


Considering the higher risk of cardiometabolic disease and the higher mortality in people with normal weight obesity, there has been a recent concern in army recruits as they are predominantly deemed fit from an obesity perspective based only on body mass index measurements (64).




Accurate assessment of body fat is one of the key methods of identifying at-risk individuals in the south Asian population. More specifically detection of visceral adipose tissue is clinically more relevant. However, the gold standard for assessment of total body fat and ectopic fat depots is by using a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is limited by the cost, availability, and the expertise required in tropical countries. Several other methods of assessing body fat have been described in literature. These include Dual energy x ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan, bio-electrical impedance, computed tomography (CT), body plethysmography, skin fold thickness, etc. (4, 10). The advantages of using DXA scans is that there is minimal radiation exposure, provides estimates of visceral adipose tissue, and is relatively easy to interpret. However, it is still costly and not widely available in many south Asian countries. DXA scans also cannot be used in community-based studies due to the large size of the DXA scanner compared to other portable machines that estimate fat such as bio-electrical impedance. Though there has been a good concordance between the fat estimation between bio-impedance and DXA scan, it is important to note that this concordance has been seen in normal ranges of body fat. Bio-impedance tends to over-estimate lower body fat percentages and under estimate higher values of body fat percentage (65). Nevertheless, its safe, rapid, and inexpensive. It is important to standardize for the variables that can modify the impedance values. These include room temperature, body position, electrode placement, quantity of urine in the bladder, food and water consumption, and proximity of exercise to time of evaluation.


In a large study from rural China involving more than 7000 participants waist circumference  was found to be a better tool than body adiposity index to predict body fat percentage (measured by DXA), however the correlation coefficients between waist circumference and body fat percentage ranged between 0.24 to 0.66 in men and 0.12 to 0.77 in women, across different age groups. (66)


Apart from the method of estimation, it is also important to use the appropriate threshold for diagnosing abnormal body fat percentage. The impact of using different cut points for the diagnosis of normal weight obesity has been mentioned before. As per the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology guidelines a body fat percentage of more than 35% for women and 25% for men was set as a threshold for the diagnosis of obesity. However, for Asian countries a cut off of 33.4% for women and 20.6% for men, has been commonly used (4, 10).


Though measures of body fat estimation are helpful in clinical practice their widespread use in low -middle income countries may not be possible and good surrogate measures of visceral fat estimation may be the better way forward in such cost restrained settings. We recently studied the utility of using METS-VF, a novel surrogate measure to estimate visceral adipose tissue in Indian subjects with morbid obesity. This performed better than all other common clinically used obesity indicators and had the highest area under the curve 0.78 (95% CI: 0.72-0.85) for predicting VAT. At a cutoff of 7.3, METS-VF was found to have a good sensitivity and reasonable specificity in predicting high visceral adipose tissue in this population (6). Other surrogate measures of FAT assessment that have been used include ‘VAT=TAAT-SAAT model and ap VAT (anthropometrically predicted VAT). Though they have been shown to be useful in selected populations, they have not been validated in many tropical countries (6).


While METS-VF uses simple clinical and biochemical parameters, including - waist-height ratio (WHtr), age and sex. LDL cholesterol, serum triglycerides and fasting glucose the VAT=TAAT-SAAT model uses only clinical variables like Waist Circumference, proximal thigh circumference, age and body mass index. Ap VAT is derived from a regression-based model including height, body mass index, and circumferences of the waist and thigh (67-69).




At this point there is only limited information with respect to the management of the thin fat phenotype, which is widely prevalent in the south Asian population. Only a few intervention studies are available in the literature, and this is an important area of future research. The currently available literature is only based on life-style interventions.


A very recently published study exploring the effect of a 12 weeks eu-energetic but high protein diet in women with normal weight obesity in a randomized controlled fashion, revealed no change in body weight at 12 weeks but a favorable change in body composition was noted. The eu-energetic was defined as equal amount of energy content in both groups according to the resting metabolic rate based on the Harris–Benedict predictive formula. (70). In another exercise based intervention, It was found that interval exercise and short duration accumulated exercises (10 minutes x 3 times of cycling) were more favorable in individuals with normal weight obesity as compared to continuous exercises (1 cycling session of 30 minutes) (71).


We recently studied the impact of peer led Lifestyle based intervention in an unselected group of individuals including individuals with normal weight obesity at two years of follow-up. The intervention was based on specific targets in diet, physical activity, reduced tobacco and alcohol consumption, and was delivered through multiple sessions by trained peer leaders. Though there has been a significant improvement in reducing the overall cardiovascular risk of the entire study population and benefit in preventing diabetes in certain subgroups in the intervention arm, there was only a minimal improvement noted in the cardiometabolic parameters of individuals with normal weight obesity. The failure in this study to see benefit in patients with normal weight obesity was disappointing (53).


The clinical and policy implications of the normal weight obese phenotype are challenging and are summarized in Figure 4. With the limited information that it is currently available, it seems that this phenotype is either more resistant to change than the conventional obesity phenotype or requires more time to show significant improvement in metabolic parameters. The current practice recommendations may only be based on existing literature on overall populations where this phenotype is commonly prevalent. The Indian diabetes prevention study is one such example where individuals with prediabetes were randomized to an intensive lifestyle program targeting a weight reduction of about 7-10% of the original weight along with physical activity of at least 150 minutes per week to the intensity of brisk walking. The relative risk reduction to prevent diabetes was only 29% in this population as compared to 58% in the US based, Diabetes prevention Program (72). Furthermore, addition of Metformin did not add a huge benefit in reducing the risk in this study population but bariatric surgery has been shown to be effective in achieving diabetes remission in another study including individuals with BMI between 22-35 Kg/m2 individuals (73).


Thus, with existing literature it may be prudent to evaluate all individuals with normal weight obesity for underlying cardiometabolic risk factors like diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia. Treatment for these conditions could be started based on standard guidelines but probably warrant a closely monitored approach and long-term follow-up. It is of paramount importance to educate these patients about their potential cardiometabolic risks which may otherwise be overlooked due to an obscure phenotype. Further research is needed to study the impact of long-term lifestyle changes and other medications on cardiometabolic risk factors, in individuals with normal weight obesity.

Figure 4: The clinical and policy implications of the normal weight obese phenotype




To conclude the obesity phenotype in many tropical countries including several south Asian countries is very different from other populations. Given the large prevalence and significantly higher associated cardiometabolic disorders with the thin fat phenotype, it needs to be recognized as a distinct entity such that it can be identified and managed appropriately. While evidence for the best therapeutic protocols is still emerging, a good life style intervention focusing on healthy dietary practices, regular exercise, and reducing tobacco and alcohol consumption shows a positive trend in improving the cardiometabolic risk of this phenotype. The role of examining the underlying genetic makeup and use of surrogate measures to estimate body fat could be useful adjuncts in the further characterization of this unique phenotype.




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Infections in Endocrinology: Viruses



Viruses are one of the simplest pathogenic organisms infecting the human body. Association between viral infections and endocrine system is complex and has not been fully studied. Viral infections can induce several physiological changes in the human endocrine system, resulting in cytokine mediated activation of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis to increase cortisol production, thus modulating the immune response. Further, many viral infections impact different endocrine organs, either by direct viral invasion or by systemic or local inflammation resulting in transient or permanent endocrinopathies; both hyper and hypofunction of endocrine organs may ensue. Viruses can encode production of specific viral proteins that have structural and functional homology to human hormones. Since endocrine hormones have immunoregulatory functions, endocrinopathies may alter the susceptibility of human body for viral infections. Recently the pandemic causing SARS 2 CoV infection has been shown to affect multiple endocrine organs through a variety of mechanisms, highlighting the significance of viral infection related endocrinopathies in morbidity and mortality. With improving understanding of viruses and their role in the human endocrine system, further research on this field would be required to explore new targets for prevention and treatment of endocrinopathies.




The endocrine system plays a vital role in homeostasis and immunity. Hormones modulate host defenses by strengthening or weakening the body’s immune system, being one of the key determinants of susceptibility of humans for infections. On the other hand, infective agents through different mechanisms may affect endocrine organs, causing endocrinopathies.


Viruses are the most abundant form of life on earth, estimate at 10 quintillion (1031) (1, 2). They are obligate parasites with single or double-stranded DNA or RNA, infecting a variety of hosts; bacteria, algae, fungi, plants, insects, and vertebrates. Viral infections are common among humans, resulting in diseases which may extend into epidemics. The literature is evolving on viral agents being important pathogens in endocrine disorders. Knowledge about the interplay between viruses and the human endocrine system would expand the understanding of acute and chronic effects of viral disease on the human body.




The role of viruses in the human body is diverse. Many viruses have been identified to play an essential part in the human microbiome, with an estimate of 380 trillion viral particles inhabiting the human body. This human virome consists of:


  1. Human Endogenous Retroviruses (HERV): These viruses are integrated viral genomic material which consists of 8% of the total human genome (1, 3). As they are incorporated into the human genome, they are transmitted vertically to offspring. The function of the HERV in the human genome is not known. However, transcription of these genes may produce proteins, which may alter the function of regulatory genes and elicit an immune response (autoimmune diseases) or cell growth (cancers) in the host (4, 5).


  1. Bacteriophages: These viruses inhabit their bacterial hosts, mainly in the human gut in addition to the skin and oral cavity (6, 7). Mostly they show a symbiotic relationship with their host. They may promote health or disease by phage-mediated lysis of pathogenic or commensal bacteria triggered by external factors, thereby controlling bacterial populations and promoting evolutionary advantages to host bacteria (e.g., antibiotic resistance through the transfer of genetic material)


  1. Eukaryotic viruses: These viruses infect human cells often resulting in symptomatic diseases or may exist in an asymptomatic carrier state (8).




Being an obligate parasite, viruses need to enter the human cell in order to replicate and complete its life cycle. The first step of viral entry into a host cell involves recognition and binding to host cell specific receptors by viral surface proteins (fusion proteins/ spikes). This specificity determines the host range for a particular virus (e.g. HIV viral surface protein, gp120 specifically interact only with CD4, CCR5, and CXCR4 molecules on T lymphocytes) (9). Subsequent events are conformational change of fusion proteins and subsequent entry into the cell through endocytosis (e.g. Adenovirus), cell membrane fusion (e.g. HIV) or direct cell to cell contact (virological synapses e.g. HTLV1) (10). Once the viral DNA or RNA material is inside the host cell, they are incorporated into the host genome and replication of the viral genome and/or transcription of specific proteins will occur. The replicated viral genome gets assembled with viral proteins to produce an increased number of viral particles (virions), which will be released from the infected cell by cell lysis or budding from the host cell. Some viruses undergo a lysogenic cycle where the viral genome is incorporated into a specific location in the host chromosome. This viral genome is known as provirus and mostly remain non-functional within host cells until being activated at some point when the provirus gives rise to active virus which would lead to the cellular death, necrosis, or apoptosis of the host cell (9).


Many changes occur in the infected cell and its surrounding tissues leading to immune modulations. Direct cellular damage could occur in the infected host cell by viral proliferation/replication. Proteins encoded by the viral genome can also modulate cellular functions and cause damage to the infected cell (11). Further, the virus itself and infected tissues trigger the innate immune system through cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, TNF-α, IFN-α/β, TGF-β), complements, and natural killer cells (12, 13). The resultant immune response can cause inflammation or subsequent damage to the infected cell which may further progress to inflammation and damage of nearby uninfected cells (11, 14). Virus induced tissue inflammation increases the production of systemic mediators of inflammation, which may induce a systemic inflammatory condition in the host, affecting many other organs ((11, 15). Subsequently adaptive immunity develops where the host develops cell mediated immunity (to control disease) and humoral immunity with antibodies (to prevent reinfection) against specific viruses (12).  




Virus induced changes of endocrine cells and organs can occur in several ways (11).


  1. Activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis indirectly as a result of systemic viral infection and inflammation.
  2. Damage to specific endocrine cells by direct viral infection of the cell (through stages of the viral cell cycle).
  3. Damage to specific endocrine cells by viral proteins produced within the cell as a result of viral replication within the cell.
  4. Damage of virus infected endocrine organs by inflammation through activation of an immune reaction (innate and cell mediated).
  5. Damage of uninfected endocrine organs through the systemic immune response as a result of the immune reaction to the viral infection.
  6. Damage of uninfected endocrine organs through autoimmune mechanisms/cross reaction of antibodies.
  7. Viral gene products may induce an alteration of hormonal activity/ production by endocrine cells.


Pituitary Gland




Any virus which causes systemic viremia and inflammation may stimulate the HPA axis to release cortisol through early innate proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-α) and late acquired T cell cytokines (INF-ϒ and IL-2) during an acute viral infection (16). These mediators act on the CRH producing cells of the hypothalamus, corticotrophs in the anterior pituitary as well as on the adrenal cortex to increase glucocorticoids during the illness. Cytokines (IL-1, -2, -4, -7, -8, TNFα and INF-α) are responsible for the expression of glucocorticoid receptors on lymphocytes and neutrophils, enhancing the immune reaction (17). While the stress hormones norepinephrine and epinephrine mobilize immune cells into the blood stream, epinephrine and cortisol are responsible for enhancing differentiation of specific immune cells and directing the cells to the tissues where they are needed (18-20). On the other hand, elevations in glucocorticoids negatively regulate the immune system to reduce the further production of cytokines (e.g., HSV-1, MCMV, influenza,) and promote switching of cellular immunity to humoral immunity, thus protecting the body from an overactive immune response (16). The extent of viral induced glucocorticoid production is specific to the virus and the immune response stimulated by the virus; thus, in infections like LCMV clone E350 where no significant inflammation occurs, glucocorticoid production is minimal (21). However, mouse models with corneal inoculation of HSV-1 virus have shown that even without significant viremia, brainstem infection of HSV-1 can alter the HPA axis stress response through central mediated pathways (22).




Hypothalamo-pituitary dysfunction due to infections remain underestimated (23). Isolated or multiple anterior pituitary hormone deficiencies had been identified during acute viral illnesses of the central nervous system, especially following viral meningo-encephalitis (24, 25). Pituitary dysfunction mainly involves corticotrophin deficiency and hyperprolactinemia and to a lesser extent gonadotrophin, growth hormone, or thyrotrophin deficiencies (24-27). The prevalence of individual deficiencies following viral infections vary among studies. Patterns of hormonal deficiencies following CNS infections depend on the type of causative agent, the localization of the infection, as well as with the severity of the disease (24). Partial or complete deficiency of specific hormones may occur depending on the degree of damage (28).


The main mechanisms involved in hypopituitarism with examples are shown in Table 1.


Table 1. Virus Induced Changes in Pituitary Function







HPA activation


T cell mediated


Any virus causing significant inflammation

(11, 16)


Hypothalamic involvement




Hypophysitis by direct viral infiltration


HSV-1/2, HIV, Hanta, SARS 

(29, 32-36)

Ischemia/infarction causing apoplexy


Hanta, Influenza A

(33, 37)

Hemorrhage to pituitary (Later empty Sella)


Hanta, VZV

(28, 38-40)

Antibody mediated hypophysitis



SARS-COVID 19, Rubella

(41, 42)

Mechanism not identified


Coxsackie B5, Influenza A,

(24, 43, 44)


Dopaminergic stress response



(52, 53)


Damage to hypothalamic/ stalk / posterior pituitary cells




Diabetes insipidus

Direct viral invasion


Hanta, CMV, HSV, Coxackie B1



Hypophysitis can occur either early in the acute phase of the infection or at a later stage as a sequela of a CNS infection (24, 25). A proportion of patients who have deficiencies in anterior pituitary hormones during the acute phase of a viral infection recover hormonal function, typically within 1 year, indicating the transient nature of the damage in a subset of patients (25, 29). Delayed development of pituitary insufficiency can remain asymptomatic or present with vague symptoms. The deficiencies in such case will remain permanent, needing life-long hormonal replacement. If not for a high degree of suspicion, hypopituitarism can be misdiagnosed as the post-encephalic syndrome (23).


Acute viral infections can cause hyperprolactinemia in response to elevated cytokines IL-1, IL-2 and IL-6, which stimulate prolactin production (52). Further, certain viral infections (e.g., HIV) directly reduce the dopaminergic tone increasing prolactin levels (53). Macrophages, monocytes, lymphocytes, and natural killer cells possess prolactin receptors. Prolactin binding to these receptors activates downstream signaling pathways that will stimulate immune cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival (52). Prolactin also antagonizes the immunosuppressive effects of TNF-α and TGF-β (54). Therefore, elevated prolactin acts as an immunomodulator during acute infections.


Although rare, CNS viral infections may also present as an emergency with pituitary apoplexy, precipitating ischemia or bleeding in a normal pituitary gland or a pituitary tumor (33, 37, 38, 40). Some patients present with the empty sella syndrome following initial hemorrhagic insult to the pituitary, mostly with anterior pituitary hormonal deficiencies.




SIADH is a well-known complication of infections, particularly CNS viral infections with HSV and tick-born infections(55, 56). The possible mechanism is cytokines released during inflammation, especially IL-6, causing non-osmotic release of vasopressin from the posterior pituitary (57). The presence and severity of hyponatremia depends on the infective agent, severity of the infection, and infected foci. Hyponatremia portends a worse prognosis (45).


Direct viral destruction of ADH and oxytocin producing neurons in the hypothalamus, pituitary stork, or posterior pituitary would result in central diabetes insipidus (49). It is usually associated with anterior pituitary hormone deficiency and is described mainly in immunocompromised patients with encephalitis (49, 58, 59). 


Thyroid Gland


Systemic viral infections may result in alterations of thyroid functions, giving rise to the “Sick Euthyroid syndrome”, “non-thyroidal illness syndrome”, or “Low T3 syndrome”(60). This is characterized by decreased levels of serum T3 and sometimes thyroxine (T4), without an increased secretion of TSH. Mechanisms involved are elevated circulating cytokines, cortisol, and free fatty acids influencing deactivation of deiodinase-1 enzyme (reduces T4 to T3 conversion), activation of deiodinase-3 enzyme (increased conversion of T3 to rT3), down regulation of hypothalamo-pituitary-thyroid axis resulting in normal or low TSH levels despite low T3 levels, and changes in thyroid binding proteins (61).


Direct viral invasion of the thyroid gland with subsequent cytotoxic T-cell mediated inflammation of the gland results in infiltration of thyroid follicles with disruption of the basement membrane leading to subacute thyroiditis and the release of thyroid hormones (62). Presence of viral material had been identified in diseased thyroid glands in certain patients (e.g., mumps) while others show viral IgG antibodies / rise in titers (Mumps, Coxsackie, adeno and influenza) (63, 64). However, elevated antibodies to common respiratory tract viruses may be an anamnestic response due to the inflammatory process (65). Epidemiological data has shown subacute thyroiditis during outbreaks of viral infections and seasonal clustering when viral infections are also commonly seen (66).


Viruses triggering the immune response leading to the development of autoimmune thyroid diseases like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Grave’s disease has been suggested (67, 68). Possible mechanism include (69);

  • Molecular mimicry: recognizing an epitope on an external antigen
  • TLR activation by virus and heat-shock protein effects
  • Enhanced thyroid expression of human leukocyte antigen molecules


The above mechanisms could facilitate the development of antigen-specific adaptive immunity, causing autoimmune thyroiditis (68, 70). In Grave’s disease, significant homology had been identified in HIV-1 induced viral Nef-protein and the human TSH receptor, raising the possibility of T cell activation through a viral antigen acting as an autoantigen (71). Further, EBV infection results in over-expression of HLA antigens, predisposing to immune mediated mechanisms of Grave’s disease (72).


Elevated levels of TBG had been observed in patients with HIV in both stable and ill patients (36). The mechanism of this finding is unknown but care should be taken in interpreting total T4/T3 levels in patients with HIV.


Table 2. Virus Induced Diseases of the Thyroid Gland






Sick euthyroid syndrome

Deactivation of deiodiase-1 (through cytokine mediated inflammation)

Low T3

Normal or low T4/TSH

Any virus causing significant inflammation

(32, 61)

Activation of deiodinase-3

Down regulation of HPT axis

Changes in circulating proteins

Subacute thyroiditis

Direct viral invasion

Hyperthyroidism followed by hypothyroidism

(mostly reversible within 12 months)

Mumps, Coxsackie, adeno, influenza, SARS

(63, 64, 73)

Autoimmune hypothyroidism

Development of adaptive immune system through:

-        Molecular mimicry

-        TLR activation

-        HLA over expression


Antibody mediated

Overt hypothyroidism (Low T4/T3, Raised TSH

Parvovirus B19, mumps, rubella, coxsackie, HSV, Hep C, E, EBV


Subclinical hypothyroidism (normal T4/T3, raised TSH)

Autoimmune hyperthyroidism (Grave’s Disease)

Hyperthyroidism (Low TSH, raised T4/T3)


(71, 72, 74)


Parathyroid Glands and Calcium Metabolism


Although rare, parathyroid dysfunction following viral infections has been documented in case reports. Acute hyperparathyroidism has been reported with acute Hepatitis B infection, where hypercalcemia resolved following resolution of the hepatitis. It was postulated that antibody mediated lowering of the calcium set point in the  parathyroid gland had resulted in hyperparathyroidism (75).


Hypoparathyroidism is documented with several viral infections including HIV and SARS-COVID 19 (76-78). Parathyroid cells express a protein recognized by antibodies against CD4, the HIV-1 receptor. Therefore, it is possible for the virus to directly infect the parathyroid cells and also circulating autoantibodies against CD4, may impaired PTH release though direct interaction (76).


Hypocalcemia is a well-recognized metabolic derangement in some viral infections (e.g., Dengue, measles, SARS-COVID-19), indicating severe disease and worse outcomes (79-81). This is usually transient during the active disease and could be secondary to vitamin D deficiency, hypoalbuminemia secondary to infection, calcium influx into damaged cells, or hypoxia induced cytokine release mediating impaired PTH secretion or tissue response to PTH (82).






Different viral infections are linked as a potential trigger for the development of Type 1 diabetes. This happens through different mechanisms; direct pancreatic β-cell lysis or immune mediated progressive β-cell destruction though autoimmunity generated from molecular mimicry, bystander activation of autoreactive T cells, and loss of regulatory T cells (83). As a result, hyperglycemia / new-onset insulin dependent diabetes develops.


Direct β-cell damage can occur as a result of viral invasion resulting in beta-cell lysis (e.g. coxsackieviruses, Rubella, mumps, enterovirus, influenza, Hep C (84-87) or inflammation following pancreatitis secondary to viral infection (hepatotropic virus, coxsackie virus, CMV, HSV, mumps, varicella-zoster virus), systemic inflammation, or immunomodulation (88). Although the incidence of diabetes following acute pancreatitis is as high as 23% (89), the incidence following viral pancreatitis had not been studied.


Virus induced autoimmunity appears to be the main mechanism for viral induced type 1 diabetes. However, the role of viruses seems to be more complex. Certain virus infections induce upregulation of  MHC class I on β cells, thereby enhancing recognition of β cells by autoreactive CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes, thus inducing autoimmunity (90). However, some virus strains (LCMV, CVB) reduce the incidence or delay the onset of type 1 diabetes, probably through a TLR mediated mechanism (90). Whether inductive or protective autoimmunity depends on several factors; level of infection (more severe infections enhance diabetes while low-replicating strains of the same infection seem protective), genetic predisposition, presence of other detrimental environmental triggering factors like viruses, and direct β-cell toxins (91). Adding to the complexity, research on the intestinal virome has shown that certain changes in the intestinal virome precede autoimmunity, especially in developing type 1 diabetes in genetically susceptible people (92).


To-date, literature support viral infection (e.g. enterovirus, influenza virus, cytomegalovirus, mumps, rubella, rotavirus, and coxsackie virus) mediated autoimmune destruction of beta-cells through molecular mimicry or activating cross-reactive T cells as one of the potential mechanisms for the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes (93).


Adrenal Glands


Primary adrenal insufficiency is a well-known consequence of certain viral infections. Common pathological mechanisms are direct viral invasion causing adrenalitis, adrenal hypofunction due to immunological impact from systemic inflammatory response, and viral-induced autoimmune destruction of the adrenal gland (94). Although less frequent, adrenal glands can be infected in early HSV-1 and -2 infections irrespective of the immune status of the host, with the adrenal gland having the highest number of viral particles of any organ (95). SARS-COVID 19 virus also affects the adrenals by direct cytopathic effects by the virus or due to the systemic inflammatory response (96). Antibody mediated adrenal insufficiency is also seen in SARS viral infection by producing molecular mimics to ACTH. Antibodies to the viral peptides bind both viral protein and host ACTH, may destroy ACTH or reduce the functionality of the hormone, thus reducing the ability of ACTH to induce cortisol production (97).


More severe forms of adrenal disruption (usually bilateral) are seen in less common fulminant viral infections; H5N1 avian influenza causing multifocal necrosis of adrenal cells (98),  filoviruses (e.g. Ebola) giving rise to liquefaction of the adrenals (99). Further, immunosuppression has been identified as a predisposing factor for severe adrenal infections. Echoviruses serotypes 6 and 11 which cause lethal disseminated intravascular coagulation in children can affect the adrenals with hemorrhagic necrosis (100). CMV adrenalitis had been reported in more than half of the patients with AIDS, with or without evidence of CMV viremia (101, 102).


Adrenal glands are the most commonly affected endocrine organ by HIV infection (103, 104). Early stages of HIV result in a rise in cortisol secretion, as an adaptive response to a stressor. In some patients, this rise in cortisol levels may precipitate reactivation of EBV. During the latter stages, adrenal ‘burnout’, direct viral infection, co-infection by opportunistic microbes (viral – CMV, bacterial, fungal), anti-adrenal cell antibodies (unique to HIV infection), and increased peripheral cortisol resistance may lead to progression to overt adrenal failure (105-107). An autopsy series has shown the adrenal gland to be pathologically compromised in 99.2% of cases of patients with AIDS, highlighting the degree of damage in immunocompromised state (108).


Some adrenal neoplasms have a viral etiological relationship, particularly in HIV infected people; EBV associated lymphoma of the adrenal gland and AIDS-associated neoplasms (e.g. Kaposi sarcoma from HHV-8, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma) (109).






Viruses are well known to cause orchitis, both unilateral and bilateral, as a consequence of a systemic viral infection. Mumps virus is the commonest viral infection affecting the testes, being the most common complication of mumps in post-pubertal men (110). Virus attacks the testicular tissues, leading to an innate immune response, inflammation, and perivascular intestinal lymphocyte infiltration. Resultant swelling exert pressure on intratesticular tissues and leads to testicular atrophy (111, 112). In addition to having varying degrees of hypogonadism, viral infection leads to subfertility; transient changes in sperm count, mobility, and morphology of fertility in unilateral disease while 30 – 87% having infertility due to oligo-asthenospermia in bilateral disease (113). Other viruses have also been identified to cause direct testicular damage including coxsackievirus, varicella, echovirus, Hep E, Zika virus, and cytomegalovirus, leading to varying degree of testicular damage but to a lesser extent than mumps virus (114-116). Certain viruses have also been detected in semen (e.g., Zika, Ebola, HIV, Hep B, Herpes and SARS-COV) and within spermatozoa (e.g., HIV, Hep B and Zika) of infected patients (117, 118). Although some of these could contribute to vertical transmission as well as affect fertility, the role of the viruses needs to be clarified with further research (119, 120).


HIV infects the testis early during the course of the disease, targeting testicular leucocytes and germ cells, but is not associated with any apparent morphological changes (121). Viral infection of the germ cells is important in vertical transmission of the disease. Further, HIV-2 and SIV but not HIV-1 are known to damage Leydig cells and reduce testosterone levels (122). HIV/AIDS also make the testes more susceptible for opportunistic infections like CMV, EBV and TB (123). Some evidence has emerged for an oncogenic effect of HIV and EBV infection on human testis but further research is needed (124). 


Although viral orchitis induces humoral immune response and result in anti-sperm antibodies, their causal link to subfertility or hypogonadism is unclear (110, 125).




Viruses affect ovaries through similar mechanisms as the testes; direct invasion and innate immune mediated oophoritis, resulting in changes in estrogen/progesterone to cause varying degrees of hypogonadism as well as affect fertility (126, 127). Mumps, Zika, HIV, and CMV viruses have been documented in the literature as common viral culprits affecting the ovaries and the clinical manifestations range from being silent infections to oophoritis resulting in premature menopause (126-128).


Further, some viruses (e.g. CMV) had been implicated in ovarian carcinogenesis but further studies need to clarify the exact causal effect and pathogenesis (129).


Viral Protein Mediated Modulation of Hormone System


New insights have shown that the viral genomes can produce viral peptide sequences that possess homology with human hormones, growth factors, and cytokines. Such viruses may affect human physiology not by infecting and damaging tissues nor by eliciting immune responses but by producing molecules which mimic the action of functional molecules. Recent research pointed out that viruses belonging to Iridoviridae family, which commonly infect fish, but have been also identified in the human virome (blood and feces), produce viral insulin like peptide (VILP), which has homology to human insulin/ IGF-1 (130). These VILPs could compete with endogenous ligands, stimulate or impair post receptor signaling in an autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine basis. They bind to human receptors and stimulate downstream signaling, increase glucose uptake by adipocytes in vitro and in vivo, and stimulate cell proliferation and growth, but less potently than human insulin/IGF-1 (130-132). The role of VILPs are not fully understood and further research is needed to explore the links between VILP and T1DM, insulin resistance, and certain neoplastic growths in association with viral infections.


Other “viral hormones” have also been identified, with structural and/or functional homology to human hormones including IGF-1 and IGF-2, endothelin-1 (ET1), endothelin-2, TGF-β1 and TGF-β2, fibroblast growth factors 19 and 21, inhibin, adiponectin, resistin, adipsin, and irisin in various viruses (132). However, their exact role in altering human physiology in a beneficial or harmful manner is yet to be identified.


Certain virus genome encoded proteins may alter the human genomic expression of particular hormones. A classic example is HTLV-1 infected cells producing PTHrP causing hypercalcemia by trans-activation of the PTHrP gene through the TAX viral gene product (133). Certain viral products act at the cellular receptor/post receptor level, resulting in alterations of intracellular hormonal signaling pathways. HIV-1 related Vpr and Tat protein may induce hypersensitivity of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) resulting in lipodystrophy and insulin resistance (134). A similar mechanism is suggested for Paget’s disease, where there is a possible mumps viral peptide (Nucleocapsid transcript) induced hypersensitivity of osteoclastic receptors to vitamin D (135).  Inactivation of hormone receptor / post receptor signaling may be seen with some viruses; RSV protein miR-29a down regulates GR receptors (136); poxvirus MCV MC013L protein induces inhibition of glucocorticoid nuclear receptor transactivation (137), and E1A protein produced by Adenovirus blocks the action of glucocorticoids on transcription activity genes (138) resulting in resistance to glucocorticoids. As illustrated by the above examples, viral encoded proteins may affect the human endocrine system through alteration of endocrine signaling systems.




HPA Axis


Patients with untreated or undertreated adrenal insufficiency are at a higher risk of infections as well as 5-fold higher mortality from infection compared to the normal population (139, 140). Impaired innate immune function, especially with lower natural killer cells among patients with adrenal insufficiency has the potential to make them more susceptible to invading pathogens and cause a higher rate of death following viral infections (141-143). On the other hand, among patients with undiagnosed glucocorticoid deficiency, the initial HPA axis response to increase the level of glucocorticoids in response to the immune mediators will be altered, hence appropriate shaping of the downstream immune response will not take place. This may result in overactive immune response to the viral infections, affecting mortality and morbidity. Replacement regimes which restore physiological glucocorticoid secretion patterns have been shown to reduce susceptibility to infections as well as to improve mortality among patients with adrenal insufficiency (144). Therefore, appropriate steroid treatment regimens should be employed in patients with deficiencies in the HPA axis depending on their clinical state (Doubling steroid dose in mild viral infections, up to 200mg/24-hours hydrocortisone in moderate-severe viral infections) (145).


Stress induced hypercortisolemia and elevated epinephrine levels, which occur as a physiological mechanism, could mediate latent viral reactivation (HSV, EBV, VZV) through IL-6 mediated pathways, precipitating viral infections (146-148). However, the level of stress may also determine the threshold for reactivation (e.g. low stress levels precipitating VZV,  high stress levels precipitate an increase in HSV-1 DNA load) (148).


Viral infections have an increased prevalence and more severe disease course among patients who are immunosuppressed compared to the general population (149). Cushing’s syndrome or over treatment with steroids impair immune function and are considered as an immunocompromised state with high susceptibility for severe viral infections. Further, the high glucocorticoid levels may mask the initial symptoms of viral infection, delaying medical treatment and would lead to a clinical course which is more difficult to predict than in the normal population (150, 151). In addition, concordant viral infection may precipitate adrenal crisis in patients on glucocorticoid replacement therapy, which adds to the increased mortality from viral illness (139).






Several anterior pituitary hormones have immunoregulatory roles (152). GH, PRL, TSH, and gonadotrophins show stimulatory effects on immune cells while gonadal steroids tend to suppress immune mechanisms (153-156). Patients with multiple deficiencies of anterior pituitary hormones would therefore have variable alterations in their immune systems and show an increased susceptibility for infections and an increased tendency to develop serious infections (157).




Elevated prolactin levels act as immunomodulators and enhance the host innate and adaptive immune system. Thus, prolactin may protect the host from viral infections as well as help in containing viral infections (52-54).


Thyroid Gland


Thyroidal diseases have not been shown to increase the susceptibility to viral infections.


Parathyroid Glands




Several in vivo and in vitro studies have demonstrated the immunomodulatory effect of parathyroid hormone. PTH receptors had been identified on cells involved in immune pathways, including neutrophils and B and T lymphocytes (158). In patients with CKD and secondary hyperparathyroidism, elevated PTH has been shown to affect immune cells causing impaired migration, reduced phagocytic and bactericidal activity, and inhibited granulocyte chemotaxis (159, 160). T and B lymphocyte proliferation and antibody production are also affected by PTH. Thus, PTH may reduce the host response to viral infections and increase the susceptibility for severe viral infections (159).




Gender had been one of the key epidemiological factors determining the prevalence and intensity of human viral infections, with men tending to be more susceptible (161). It was shown that females mount a stronger innate and adaptive immune response than males, giving rise to the above differences (162). Rodent studies had demonstrated that in addition to the influence of the sex chromosomes on immune cells, sex hormones also account for this difference through their effects on the immune systems by influencing cell signaling pathways resulting in differential production of cytokines / chemokines and also enhancing T-cell populations and adaptive immune systems through receptors on immune cells (163-165).


Low testosterone levels negatively impact the outcome of certain viral infections. Low levels seen in elderly men and in young men with hypogonadism result in higher morbidity and a worse clinical course following certain viral infections (e.g. Influenza) and antibody response is reduced compared to young healthy males (166). Furthermore, treatment with testosterone has been shown to reduce mortality and improve disease course in both young and elderly males with hypogonadism (166). These changes were mainly due to alterations in the immune response by testosterone receptor mediated leukocyte contraction to limit inflammation (monocytes, CD8+ T cells, degranulation and reduced cytokine production) rather than limiting viral replication (165, 167).


Estrogen acts as a potent anti-inflammatory hormone that reduces the severity of viral infections such as the influenza virus. Estrogen alters the production of chemokines, target organ recruitment of neutrophils, and cytokine responses of virus-specific CD8 T cells to protect against severe influenza (168). Estrogen shows bipotential effects; small or cyclical amounts enhancing proinflammatory cytokine responses and high or sustained circulating levels reducing production of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines (169). Female hypogonadism in the form of natural menopause or pathological hypogonadism in young women has been shown to increase susceptibility for viral infections while the use of hormonal replacement therapy or estrogen replacement has reduced viral infections and hospital admissions (170).




Chronic hyperglycemia is known to be associated with altered innate immune response with reduced chemotaxis, phagocytosis, killing by polymorphonuclear cells and monocytes/macrophages, a reduced response of T cells, reduced neutrophil function, and varying disorders of humoral immunity (171). These defects in immune response predisposes patients with diabetes, especially individuals with poor glycemic control, to different viral infections as well as results in a more severe disease (172). Respiratory viruses like influenza  are known to affect patients with diabetes commonly and have a sixfold higher risk of hospitalization compared to non-diabetics (173). Further, SARS-CoV-2 virus also tends to result in more severe infections in patients with poorly controlled diabetes (174).




Severe systemic viral infections tend to cause changes in thyroid profile, which is known as Non-Thyroidal Illness (NTI)/ Sick Euthyroid syndrome. Classic changes in the thyroid profile are low T3 and normal/low TSH and fT4 levels. Low T3 levels and the presence of NTI has been associated with severe viral infections and poor outcomes in several viral infections (e.g., CNS viral infections, SARS-Cov-2) (60, 175).


Among many other markers of disease severity, low serum calcium level is also a predictor for severe disease and worse clinical outcome among patients with Dengue and SARS-COV-2 infections (82, 176, 177). The above markers could be used in addition to the usual clinical parameters for assessment and prediction of disease severity and prognosis.




Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus has spread across the globe rapidly since the end of 2019 (Corona virus disease 2019; COVID-19), causing an unprecedented pandemic with significant mortality and morbidity. Because of the novelty of the disease, the possible impact on the endocrine system is not fully understood. However, emerging evidence support that COVID-19 has significant effects on the endocrine system. Additionally, patients with certain endocrinopathies face a worse outcome from COVID-19 infections.


SARS-CoV-2 virus uses the host angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) as the receptor for fusion and entry into human cells in order to complete its life cycle (178). Lung is the principal target of COVID-19 virus due to an abundancy of ACE2 receptors and is responsible for the main symptoms of the disease but many endocrine organs (hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, pancreas, adrenals, gonads) also express ACE2 receptors abundantly and this predisposes viral entry into endocrine organs and subsequent viral induced changes (179, 180). Possible pathogenic mechanisms are direct viral entry and destruction of cells, inflammation induced cellular dysfunction, and immune/antibody mediated hormonal dysfunction.


COVID-19 and Endocrinopathies


Data on the impact of COVID-19 infections on endocrine organs are emerging. Previous SARS viral infection outbreaks have revealed a spectrum of endocrinopathies which span from asymptomatic disease to gross hypofunction of endocrine organs (hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, pancreas and gonads). Considering the similarities of other SARS viruses and SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) in structure and pathogenic mechanisms, we can assume that a similar spectrum of diseases can be expected during COVID-19 pandemic.  Table 3 outlines a summary of available data on the impact of COVID-19 infection on endocrine organs.


Table 3. COVID-19 Infection Related Endocrinopathies





Hypothalamus / Pituitary

Hypopituitarism (Hypocortisolism / Secondary hypothyroidism)

Hypothalamic involvement


(181, 182)

Hypophysitis from direct viral infiltration

(29)*, (183)

Molecular mimicry for ACTH inducing antibody production, with subsequent destruction of ACTH


Central diabetes insipidus

Hypoxic Encephalopathy following COVID-19 pneumonia

Autoimmune neuroendocrine derangement



Through cytokines

-        Non-osmotic release of ADH

-        Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction pathway inducing ADH release

Intravascular volume depletion inducing non-osmotic baroreceptor activation

Pain inducing ADH release through hypothalamus


Thyroid gland

Primary hypothyroidism

Direct viral invasion

Consequence of subacute thyroiditis


(188, 189)

Subacute thyroiditis

Direct viral invasion and inflammation

(188, 189)

Grave’s disease

Virus induced trigger for autoimmunity


Sick euthyroid syndrome

Cytokine induced dysregulation of deiodinases

(190, 191)

Parathyroid gland

Data limited


Diabetes †

(Type 1 & Type 2)

Inflammation / cytokine activation and resultant insulin resistance ‡



Viral invasion and destruction of islet cells

Development of autoimmunity against islet cells ‡




Diabetes ketoacidosis

Worsening of pre-existing diabetes by above ‡ mechanisms

New onset of type 1 diabetes


Adrenal glands

Primary adrenal insufficiency

Adrenal necrosis and vasculitis from direct cytopathic effect or inflammatory response


Bilateral adrenal hemorrhage





Inflammation / direct viral invasion


Hypogonadism †


Direct testicular damage by the virus

Indirect inflammatory/immune response in the testicles

(199, 200)

Impairment of sperm quality †

Direct inversion of testes/seminiferous tubules / semen

Elevated immune response in testis

Autoimmune orchitis


Gonads (Ovary)

Data limited

* Evidence based on SARS-Cov-1/ SARS virus infections

† Need further scientific evidence to establish the effect of infection on endocrine dysfunction


In addition to the COVID-19 virus induced hormonal changes, certain pre-existing endocrinopathies may influence the disease course of COVID-19. Patients with immunocompromise due to active Cushing’s disease or long term poorly controlled diabetes are more prone for severe COVID-19 infections and have an increased morbidity and mortality (174, 202). Therefore, care must be taken to treat these patients to achieve good control of their disease state as well as to recognize the increased severity of COVID-19 infections. Patients with adrenal insufficiency are also considered to have an increased risk of  more severe COVID-19 infections with a higher complication risk, including adrenal crisis and mortality (139, 203). Careful management of glucocorticoid replacement would minimize the risk.




Viruses, being one of the common infective agents affecting humans, play an important role related to physiological and pathological changes in the endocrine system. Through different mechanisms; direct and indirect, viruses influence endocrine organs causing hypo- or hyperfunction. Such changes can result in transient or permanent changes in endocrine glands. On the other hand, certain endocrinopathies may affect the course of viral infections, by altering immune mechanisms. Therefore, thorough knowledge of the interaction of viruses with the endocrine system is important and further research is warranted to gain more detailed insights.




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Protozoa and Endocrine Dysfunction



Protozoa are parasitic organisms that are among the most important pathogens worldwide. They are classified into four groups and in infected persons, the disease process may be asymptomatic. Of the four groups, Flagellates and Sporozoa are implicated in the causation of endocrine dysfunction and metabolic abnormalities. The disease condition caused by the flagellates include Giardiasis, Leishmaniasis, and Trypanosomiasis and all cause endocrine abnormalities that range from growth retardation, hypogonadism, adrenal insufficiency, thyroid dysfunction which is largely a resultant effect of the sick euthyroid syndrome, and the syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion. The Sporozoan disease that notably give rise to metabolic abnormalities is malaria especially severe malaria which is commonly caused by P Falciparum infection. Hypoglycemia is one of the defining criteria for severe malaria and in Africa where malaria is endemic the reported prevalence rate of hypoglycemia in children is as high as 60%. Other abnormalities which are infrequently reported requiring treatment albeit temporarily are hyperglycemia, hypocalcemia, and diabetes insipidus. Adrenal insufficiency when is present is a poor prognostic factor in severe malaria. Toxoplasmosis is acquired or vertically transmitted and may present with neuroendocrine manifestations and adrenal insufficiency resulting from infiltration of the affected endocrine organs with the parasites.




A parasite is an organism that lives on or in a host organism and gets its food from or at the expense of its host. The three main classes of parasites that can cause disease in humans include helminths, protozoa, and ectoparasites.


Protozoa are microscopic, one-celled organisms that can be free-living or parasitic in nature. Their ability to multiply in humans contributes to their survival and also permits serious infections to develop from just a single organism. Transmission of protozoa that live in a human’s intestine to another human typically occurs through a fecal-oral route and for those that live in the blood or tissue of human’s transmission to other humans is via an arthropod vector (1). Protozoa that are infectious to humans are classified into four groups based on their mode of movement;


Mastigophora – the flagellates, e.g., GiardiaLeishmania, Trypanosoma

Sporozoa – organisms whose adult stage is not motile e.g., PlasmodiumCryptosporidium, Toxoplasma gondii,

Ciliophora – the ciliates, e.g., Balantidium

Sarcodina – the ameba, e.g., Entamoeba




Mastigophora is a phylum of protozoans of the Kingdom Protista, consisting mainly of free-living flagellated unicellular organisms that reproduce by binary fission and whose habitat includes fresh and marine waters. Leishmania and Trypanosoma live in the blood, lymph, and tissue spaces and are typically transmitted from one host to another by blood feeding arthropods.




This is a diarrheal illness that is caused by Giardia (also known as Giardia intestinalis, Giardia lamblia, or Giardia duodenalis). It is a microscopic parasite and is the most common cause of protozoa associated diarrhea worldwide. The prevalence rate of Giardiasis is higher in developing countries than in the developed countries of the world with Giardia species being endemic in areas of the world that have poor sanitation and high-risk groups including immunocompromised individuals (2-3).




The parasite is found on surfaces or in soil, food, or water that has been contaminated with feces from infected humans or animals. Infection is transmitted commonly through ingestion of infectious G lamblia cysts. In the intestine, excystation occurs and trophozoites are released into the feces. A summary of the transmission of the parasite is shown in Figure 1.

Giardia infrequently is transmitted sexually specifically through oral-anal practices. The incubation period is 3-35 days but 7-10 days on the average.

Figure 1. Life Cycle of Giardia. Source- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



The clinical manifestations include acute or chronic diarrheal disease, but the infection may be asymptomatic even in children. In a Nigeria Study (3) that evaluated stool samples of children aged between 0-5 years, about half-(41%) were positive for G. lamblia. The extraintestinal manifestations of Giardiasis include allergic presentations resulting from immune system activation, and long-term consequences such as ocular pathologies, arthritis, allergies, growth failure, muscular, and metabolic complications (4-5).




The complications relating to endocrine and metabolic dysfunction include growth failure and hypothyroidism. The Nigerian Report described above showed a positive association between asymptomatic giardiasis and malnutrition. The relation between Giardiasis and growth failure is explained mainly by malabsorption leading to protein energy malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies. Other than nutritional status, other contributory factors to growth stunting in children include sanitary and socio-economic conditions, loss of intestinal surface area, and maldigestion (4-5).


Giardia infection has no direct effect or impact on thyroid function but has been reported to indirectly affect thyroid status. Worsening of hypothyroidism related to malabsorption of levothyroxine tablets occasioned by the presence of Giardia infection has been documented in the literature (6-7).




The diagnosis is made by demonstration of cysts or trophozoites in stool samples. Other means of diagnosis include small bowel biopsy and stool ELISA. The mainstay of treatment is metronidazole. Patients with stunted growth often experience catch- up growth following treatment of giardiasis.




Leishmaniasis is a poverty related protozoal disease caused by the Leishmania donovani complex. There are 3 main forms of leishmaniases – visceral (also known as kala-azar, the most serious form of the disease), cutaneous (the most common), and mucocutaneous. The clinical spectrum of leishmaniasis ranges from a self-resolving cutaneous ulcer to a mutilating mucocutaneous disease and even to a lethal systemic illness. In Nigeria cutaneous leishmaniasis is the commonly occurring type and has been noted to occur in Northern Nigeria especially in areas bordering the Niger Republic.


Types of Leishmaniasis




Leishmania spp. is a parasite with a dimorphic life cycle that is controlled by the passage from vector to host .All three forms of Leishmaniasis are transmitted by the bite of infected female sand fly. The vector phase of the life cycle begins when the vector ingests blood containing the parasites with the parasites undergoing differentiation and ultimately becoming promastigotes and pass into the proboscis where where they can inoculate the host during feeding of the vector (8). These human and vector stages of Leishmania are shown in Figure 2. Infiltration of the reticuloendothelial system by amastigotes leads to the biochemical and clinical features of the disease.


Vertical transmission of visceral leishmaniasis may occur during pregnancy while cutaneous leishmaniasis may be transmitted through physical contact. Transmission via contaminated needles, blood transfusion, sexual intercourse and vertical transmission are modes of transmission that are documented albeit infrequently (8).

Figure 2. Life cycle of Leishmania. Source -CDC



Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) may present with fever, malnutrition, weight loss , hepatosplenomegaly and death if treatment is delayed or sub-optimal. Cutaneous Leishmaniasis presents with skin ulceration and nodules and the Mucocutaneous form of Leishmaniasis with skin and mucous involvement.




Evidence of involvement of several endocrine organs- pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, and sex glands- via histopathologic studies have been documented in VL (9). However abnormal endocrine function tests in some instances without clinical manifestations have been documented.


Reports from Africa and Europe show that thyroid function may be affected in VL but the abnormalities detected are most likely a result of euthyroid sick syndrome (ESS) or non-thyroidal illness (NTI) with no clinical presentation of thyroid disease (10-12). VL has been reported to present with primary adrenal insufficiency in with clinically overt features and in some cases biochemical evidence without clinical features may occur. Primary adrenal insufficiency (AI) was reported in VL in a patient without HIV infection and a patient with concomitant HIV infection and was attributable to parasitic infiltration of the organ (13-14). A Brazilian Series reported a prevalence rate of AI to be about 50% in persons with VL (12). In the Brazilian Report (12) that compared hormonal parameters between persons with chronic leishmaniasis and control subjects, the following were noted in some of the subjects with leishmaniasis; a) features of pituitary dysfunction characterized by low TSH, low T4, and low T3 levels (ESS/NTI), b) elevated ACTH with normal cortisol levels, c) high FSH, LH, and low testosterone levels. Other endocrine abnormalities include low parathyroid hormone (PTH) and decreased total and ionized calcium levels.


An unusual presentation of VL is adrenal cysts which has been reported to come to clinical attention because of the mass effect (15-16). The Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH) is often reported in VL with hyponatremia documented as a significant contributory factor to mortality of the disease (17). The endocrine and metabolic abnormalities of Leishmaniasis and potential mechanisms underlying their occurrence are shown in Table 1. 


Table 1. Endocrine and Metabolic Dysfunction in Visceral Leishmaniasis

Endocrine Gland

 Hormonal Status

The Level of Abnormality

Underlying Mechanism


Thyroid Gland

Low TSH, Low T3, Low T4


High TSH, Low T4, Low T3

Hypothalamic/Pituitary Axis



Malnutrition in VL may lead to suppressed TSH and subsequent low TH production.

Parasitism of the pituitary gland.


No clinical features of thyroid disease


Low T4, High TSH

Primary hypothyroidism /Thyroid gland


Primary thyroid insufficiency due to the infiltration of the thyroid gland causing thyroiditis


Adrenal Gland

Low Cortisol, High ACTH

Primary adrenal insufficiency

Parasitic Infiltration of the adrenal cortex

 Mucosal pigmentation, chronic diarrhea, weight loss


High ACTH, Normal Cortisol

Primary adrenal insufficiency

Parasitic Infiltration of the adrenal cortex

These patients have normal cortisol levels but were unable to mount an adequate response to stress


High ACTH, high cortisol

Hypothalamus, Pituitary

Stress Response


Parathyroid gland

Low PTH, Hypocalcemia

Renal (interstitial nephritis) and GIT

Hypomagnesaemia resulting from increased renal loss.

GIT loss from possible malabsorption and frequent diarrhea.


Posterior pituitary gland

Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH)

Hypothalamo-Pituitary Axis

Volume depletion from vomiting leading to increased serum osmolality and resultant Vasopressin release from the PPG.

Intense inflammatory response from multiple organ involvement leads to activation of HPA axis and Vasopressin release.


Hyponatremia, elevated urinary osmolality and reduced serum osmolality


High FSH, High LH and low testosterone

Primary hypogonadism

Parasitism of the testes, reduced testicular size with fewer Sertoli and Leydig cells. Malnutrition may be contributory to the low testosterone level

Delayed Puberty

Erectile dysfunction




A combination of clinical symptoms and laboratory parameters clinches the diagnosis. The laboratory tests involve the detection of the parasites in samples taken from the base of the ulcer and dermal scrapings- Wright ‘s stain detects round or ovoid parasite in the cytoplasm of macrophages.


Polymerase chain reaction for detection of the parasite in peripheral blood and bone marrow samples IS diagnostic. Other tests to support the diagnosis is the Leishman test, which essentially refers to observation of a delayed tuberculin type of reaction following an Intradermal injection of leishmanial antigen.


The mainstay of treatment is the pentavalent antimony compounds. Other pharmacotherapies include amphotericin B, oral miltefosine, pentamidine, and antibiotics. Treatment is individualized, thus persons with associated endocrine/metabolic dysfunction are treated on a case-by-case basis.




This is an anthropozoonosis caused by a protozoan hemoflagellate. Trypanosoma cruzi in American trypanosomiasis, also known as Chagas disease, is transmitted to human host by a tick. Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) also known as sleeping sickness is caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense in West and Central Africa andTrypanosoma brucei rhodosiense in East Africa is transmitted to human hosts by bites of infected tsetse flies.

Figure 3. The pathogen in human African trypanosomiasis



In HAT the tsesefly (glossina specie) injects metacyclic trypomastogotes into the skin and these pass into the blood stream and are subsequently carried to other parts of the body and body fluids. The tsetsefly becomes infected when it bites an infected person. Trypanosoma brucei gambiense may also be acquired congenitally from an infected mother.


Chagas disease is transmitted by a group of blood-feeding insects known as kissing bugs or triatomid bugs. The pathogen normally circulates between bugs and wild animals in sylvatic habitats; infected bugs in domestic habitats can transmit Chagas to humans and domestic animals (dogs, guinea pigs). Details of the life cycle and transmission of the pathogen is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Transmission of Chagas Disease



Trypanosomiasis may cause acute illness but on the other hand the infection may be asymptomatic. Chagas disease (CD) presents in three phases: acute, indeterminate, and chronic. The acute phase occurs immediately following infection and is usually asymptomatic in most people but when symptomatic, presentation is essentially those of malaise and skin lesions. The indeterminate phase is usually asymptomatic but may progress to a chronic phase where organ systems mainly the heart and sometimes the gastrointestinal tract are affected.


HAT is characterized by an early hyper-hemolytic phase in which the trypanosomes are restricted to the blood and the lymphatic system and also characterized by organomegaly and lymphadenopathy. This is followed by a late phase or the meningo-encephalitic stage characterized by neuro-psychiatric and endocrinal disorders.




These occur infrequently and includes systemic neuroendocrine manifestations in the sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia. In HAT, documented endocrine abnormalities include adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism, and hypogonadism in the absence of autoantibodies (18). Some authors have reported thyroid dysfunction specifically hypothyroidism in untreated HAT (19).


Adrenal insufficiency in trypanosomiasis may be primary or secondary and this is seen especially in untreated cases (20). The adrenal may serve as a reservoir for the T. cruzi infection and some investigators have noted a correlation between Chagasic myocarditis and infection within the central vein of the adrenal gland (21).


Secondary hypogonadism in both sexes had also been demonstrated in some reports which clearly showed that in the majority of the cases, the pathology was not at the level of the pituitary gland but rather an extra pituitary origin (22). Clearly, primary hypogonadism was not demonstrated to be a contributory factor to cases of hypogonadism in persons with trypanosomiasis.


Metabolic abnormalities are infrequently reported however a case of spurious hypoglycemia (23) has been documented in which hypoglycemia was attributable to invitro utilization of glucose by the parasite. The metabolic and endocrine abnormalities are shown in Table 2.


Table 2. Endocrine and Metabolic Dysfunction in Trypanosomiasis

Endocrine Gland

 Hormone /Hormonal status

The level of abnormality

Possible reason

Clinical Presentation

Thyroid Gland

Low TSH, Low T3 Low T4


High TSH, Low T4, Low T3

Secondary hypothyroidism


Primary hypothyroidism 

Elevated plasma cytokines related to untreated HAT

Parasitic thyroiditis


HPA Axis

Subnormal Cortisol response to ACTH






Subnormal cortisol response to ACTH


Subnormal ACTH and cortisol response to (CRT) test


Primary Adrenal Insufficiency








Secondary adrenal insufficiency

Parasitic invasion of the adrenal gland.

Iatrogenic: Suramin in doses exceeding the quantity employed in the treatment of trypanosomiasis inhibits adrenocortical hormone synthesis.

Adaptation of the HPA state to the cytokines released due to inflammatory status of the underlying disease


Glucose metabolism

Low glucose levels

Spurious Hypoglycemia



Clinical hypoglycemia

Invitro utilization of glucose by trypanosome


Iatrogenic: Pentamidine


HPG Axis

In Men: Low Testosterone, Low LH and FSH


Positive response of testosterone to GnRH/LHRH stimulation



In women: Low Estradiol, low basal LH and FSH levels and positive response to GnRH/ LHRH

Secondary hypogonadism






Tertiary hypogonadism






Tertiary hypogonadism

Most likely due to inflammatory status of the underlying disease




Mechanism not known but may be due to cytokine release






Mechanism not known but may be due to cytokine release

Loss of libido, Impotence




















Diagnosis of HAT involves a three-tiered approach for infections due to T.b. Gambiense and a two-tiered approach for that due to T.b. rhodosiense. The three steps for gambiense HAT include a screening test, diagnostic confirmation, and stage determination while that for rhodesiense HAT are diagnostic confirmation and stage determination. Screening is for gambiense HAT involves serology - CATT (Card Agglutination Test for Trypanosomiasis), which detects the presence of specific antibodies in the patient’s blood or serum. Diagnostic confirmation is done to detect the presence of trypanosomes in lymph node aspirates, chancre smear, or in blood. Stage determination is via the detection of trypanosomes (after centrifugation) and white cell count in the cerebrospinal fluid (lumbar puncture):Hemolymphatic stage is characterized by the absence of trypanosomes AND ≤ 5 white cells/mm3 and the Meningoencephalitic stage is defined by evidence of trypanosomes OR > 5 white cells/mm3.


Diagnosis of Chagas disease is via identification of Trypanosoma cruzi by direct microscopy of fresh blood or blood concentrated by the microhematocrit method. Serological tests for anti-Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies are performed for cases of suspected disease but no definitive diagnosis by microscopy.




Acute or chronic Chagas disease can be treated with either benznidazole or nifurtimox for those without cardiac or GIT complications. Drugs employed in the management of HAT include Nifurtimox, Eflornithine, Melarsoprol, Pentamidine, and Prednisolone (24).




Sporozoans are a group of non-flagellated, non-ciliated and non-amoeboid protists that are responsible for diseases such as malaria and toxoplasmosis.




Malaria is an infection caused by single-celled parasites that enter the blood through the bite of an Anopheles mosquito. These parasites, called plasmodia, belong to at least five species; P falciparum, P vivax, P ovale, P malariae and P knowlesi. Plasmodium parasites spend several parts of their life cycle inside humans and another part inside mosquitoes. During the human part of their life cycle, Plasmodium parasites infect and multiply inside liver cells and red blood cells.


Malaria infection begins when an infected female Anopheles mosquito bites a person, injecting Plasmodium parasites, in the form of sporozoites, into the bloodstream and then to the liver. In the liver, asexual multiplication of the sporozoites take place and these are released from the liver as merozoites which invade the red blood cells and multiply within the red cells until the cells burst and the released merozoites invade more red cells with the cycle repeating itself and causing fever. Some of the merozoites leave the cycle of asexual multiplication and instead of replicating within the cells develop into sexual forms of the parasites known as gametocytes. Following the bite of an infected person, gametocytes are ingested by the mosquito and develop into gametes which ultimately become sporozoites which travel to the mosquito’s salivary glands (25).



Uncomplicated malaria presents with fever, headache, and generalized malaise. Severe malaria refers to the demonstration of asexual forms of the malaria parasites (commonly P falciparum) in a patient with a potentially fatal manifestations or complications of malaria. Severe malaria is characterized by altered mentation, severe hemolysis, some metabolic abnormalities, and organ complications.




Hypoglycemia is commonly documented in severe malaria and hyperglycemia although infrequently reported is seen in severe malaria as well as uncomplicated malaria. Hypocalcemia is also reported in severe malaria as well as in cases of uncomplicated malaria.


Hypoglycemia may be iatrogenic due to quinine administration or due to increased glucose turnover secondary to increased glucose uptake resulting from anaerobic glycolysis and alterations in glucose production in severe malaria (26). Nigeria Reports have hypoglycemia (blood glucose <2.2mmol/L) documented in 60% of children diagnosed with severe malaria (27). Hyperglycemia on the other hand infrequently occurs in persons with malaria and it may present in uncomplicated malaria or severe malaria due to P falciparum infection. The causes of hyperglycemia sometimes necessitate the temporary use of insulin and is multifactorial. These include release of counter-regulatory hormones in response to the stress of the underlying malaria disease condition and pro inflammatory cytokines which increase blood glucose (28). Other proposed reasons for hyperglycemia are reduced sensitivity to insulin and increased gastric and small intestine permeability for sucrose in malaria patients (29-30).


Hypocalcemia is reported in severe malaria as well as in cases of uncomplicated malaria. It has been shown that there is an inverse relationship between parasite load and calcium levels with calcium levels returning to normal following treatment and parasite clearance (31). Altered magnesium metabolism and disturbed parathyroid gland function have been documented as possible reasons for hypocalcemia in malaria (32).


The pituitary-thyroid axis may be depressed in severe malaria and this is most likely attributable to adaptations of the pituitary-thyroid axis to the underlying illness. A Report has noted suppressed T4 and TSH levels with a poorly responsive pituitary gland to TRH stimulation as evidenced by low TSH levels following stimulation (33-34).  Another possible mechanism underlying the secondary hypothyroidism is parasitic sequestration within the hypothalamo-pituitary portal system (35).


Clinical and biochemical parameters of central diabetes insipidus which in some cases warranted treatment has been reported in severe malaria. The suggested mechanism is obstruction of the neurohypophyseal microvasculature (36-37).


Primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency which may present with subnormal cortisol levels and in some cases overt features of hypocortisolemia may be seen in severe malaria. Primary adrenal insufficiency may be due to necrosis or impaired circulation due to sequestration of parasites. Some reports have results suggestive of cytokines playing a role in modulating the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in secondary adrenal insufficiency. Other potential mechanisms for secondary adrenal insufficiency are erythrocyte sequestration within the hypothalamic -pituitary portal system, altered setpoint for cortisol inhibition of ACTH, and production of a peptide like mammalian somatostatin which has been found to inhibit ACTH secretion in vitro (38-39).




Direct microscopy employed on thin and thick blood films enable parasite detection, species identification, quantification, and monitoring of parasitemia. Serology via the rapid diagnostic tests which detects the parasite antigen can be employed.

Figure 5: Giemsa-stained peripheral blood smear. Arrow A showing a classic, ring-shaped trophozoite of Plasmodium falciparum. Arrow B showing a classic, headphone-shaped trophozoite of P. falciparum. Arrow C showing two trophozoites of P. falciparum within the same red blood cell. (Reproduced from BMJ Case Reports (Surce-Parikh et al. Classic image: peripheral blood smear in a case of Plasmodium falciparum cerebral malaria

Severe malaria regardless of the infecting specie is treated with intravenous Artesunate and interim oral treatment, artemether -lumefantrine. Other oral antimalarial drugs are Atovaquone-proguanil, Quinine. and Mefloquine.




Toxoplasmosis is an infection with Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular protozoon, which is ingested in the form oocysts in material contaminated by feces from infected cats. Oocysts may also be transported to food by flies and cockroaches.




It is primarily an intestinal parasite in cats and has a wide host of intermediate hosts including sheep and mice and exists in three forms: oocysts, tachyzoites, and bradyzoites. Oocysts are only produced in the definitive host – the cat. When passed in the feces and then ingested, the oocysts can infect humans and other intermediate hosts where they develop into tachyzoites- rapidly multiplying trophozoite form of T. gondii. They divide rapidly in cells, causing tissue destruction and spreading the infection. The transmission of toxoplasmosis is shown in Figure 5. Tachyzoites in pregnant women are capable of infecting the fetus. Eventually tachyzoites localize to muscle tissues and the CNS where they convert to tissue cysts, or bradyzoites which is the dormant stage. This is thought to be a response to the host immune reaction. Ingestion of cysts in contaminated meat is also a source of

infection, as bradyzoites transform back into tachyzoites upon entering a new host.

Figure 5. Mode of transmission of toxoplasmosis



Toxoplasmosis is often asymptomatic or associated with mild self-limiting symptoms except in immunocompromised persons and sometimes in cases that are congenitally transmitted via the transplacental route (congenital toxoplasmosis).


CNS toxoplasmosis is one of the most common and important opportunistic infections in patients who are immunocompromised -the clinical manifestations are often nonspecific, with the most common presenting symptoms being headache, lethargy, fever, and focal neurologic signs. In congenital toxoplasmosis (CT), chorioretinitis is the most common manifestation and may cause seizure, hydrocephalus, and psychomotor delay.




Endocrine defects in toxoplasmosis are usually neuroendocrine in nature and may occur in congenital toxoplasmosis as well as acquired toxoplasmosis. Endocrine manifestations of   Toxoplasmosis include hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, precocious puberty, short stature, and diabetes insipidus. Documented hormonal abnormalities in persons with congenital toxoplasmosis result from hypothalamo-pituitary dysfunction and include growth hormone, gonadotropin, and ADH deficiency (40-41) (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Computerized tomography of brain showing dilated ventricles with multiple subependymal and parenchymal calcifications (arrow). (Source: Mohammed S et al; Congenital toxoplasmosis presenting as central diabetes insipidus in an infant: a case report BMC Res Notes. 2014; 7: 184.

Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism may occur transiently as a result of the modulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary axis by cytokines. Trypanosomiasis which is seen as a ring enhancing lesions in the brain during MRI imaging is an organic cause of the neuroendocrine abnormalities noted in some series (42-44).


Toxoplasmosis has been suggested as a possible risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Some Researchers have suggested that Toxoplasma gondii directly effects pancreatic cells through beta cell destruction (45-46).




Diagnosis is made via direct detection of the parasites in body fluid and tissue samples.

Serology and molecular techniques are also employed in the diagnosis. Imaging preferable MRI is of use in suspected CNS involvement. Pyrimethamine, Sulfadiazine and Trimethorprin, and sulfamethoxazole are pharmacotherapies for managing toxoplasmosis.




Balantidiasis is a disease caused by Balantidium coli, a ciliated protozoan and the only ciliate known to be capable of infecting humans. It is transmitted via contaminated water or food through cysts often associated with swine, the primary reservoir host. Endocrine and metabolic dysfunction or abnormalities are not documented in Balantidiasis.




Amoebiasis is a diarrhea illness caused by infection with Entamoeba histolytica and is acquired by fecal-oral transmission. In some instances, extraintestinal diseases may occur but endocrine and metabolic dysfunction are not known to occur.




Protozoal infections are rare but significant causes of metabolic and endocrine abnormalities. The possibility of protozoal infections as possible causes of these abnormalities should be sought out in regions where these infections are prevalent especially after exclusion of other commonly occurring causes.




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Infections in Endocrinology: Tuberculosis



Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the etiological agent of tuberculosis (TB), is responsible for the largest number of deaths worldwide caused by a single organism. Over 25% of the world population is infected with M. tuberculosis, though active infections account only for a small percentage. Though some degree of endocrine dysfunction is invariable in all patients with TB, clinically significant endocrinopathy other than glucose intolerance is rare. This chapter reviews endocrine dysfunction and endocrinopathies associated with TB infection related to the adrenal, thyroid and pituitary glands. Additionally, functional derangement of sodium and calcium homeostasis is also covered. Adrenal involvement can be found in up to 6% of patients with active TB, however isolated adrenal involvement is seen only in a fourth of these. The most common clinical manifestation is Addison’s disease (AD). Clinical manifestations of AD appear only after 90% of the adrenal cortices have been compromised. Thyroid tuberculosis (TTB) is very rare, even in countries with a high prevalence of TB. TB has been seen to involve the thyroid in 0.1 to 1% of patients. Primary pituitary TB (in the absence of systemic involvement and/or constitutional symptoms) is extremely rare, and secondary pituitary TB is more commonly encountered in clinical practice. Pituitary TB should be considered in the differential of a suprasellar mass especially in developing countries, as the condition is potentially curable with treatment. Hyponatremia has been commonly seen in patients admitted to the hospital with TB. The commonest cause of hyponatremia is the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis (SIAD). Other causes include untreated primary or secondary adrenal insufficiency, volume depletion, hyponatremia associated with volume excess and hypoalbuminemia and rare cases of cerebral salt wasting seen with tuberculous meningitis. The prevalence of hypercalcemia in patients with TB has ranged from 2-51% in various studies. The primary determinant in the development of hypercalcemia among patients with TB appears to be their Vitamin D status and nutritional calcium intake.




Mycobacterium tuberculosis the etiological agent of tuberculosis (TB) was directly responsible for 1.3 million deaths in 2019. A majority of these deaths happen in patients without human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) co-infection making M. tuberculosis the pathogen responsible for the largest number of deaths in the world by a single organism. Additionally, TB is among the top ten causes of death worldwide (1).


Most cases of primary TB infections are clinically, bacteriologically, and radiologically inapparent. This primary infection in 5-10% patients leads to active disease after a period of latency within 2 years of contracting the infection. In another 5% the disease becomes active much later in life after a decline in general immunity. It is thought that over 25% of the world’s current population is infected with M. tuberculosis though active infections account only for a small percentage. In the year 2019 over 10 million patients were newly diagnosed with clinical TB. South East Asia accounted for over 44% of these along with Africa (25%), Western Pacific (18%), Eastern Mediterranean (8.2%), Americas (2.9%) and Europe (2.5%). The eight countries of India (26%), Indonesia (8.5%), China (8.4%), Philippines (6.0%), Pakistan (5.7%), Nigeria (4.4%), Bangladesh (3.6%) and South Africa (3.6%) account for two thirds of the world’s newly diagnosed cases last year (1).


As previously noted most active TB infections are reactivation of latent primary TB though a small but significant percentage of patients have active TB related to new exogenous re-infection. The most common primary site of adult active TB are the highly aerated upper lobes of the lungs. The defining pathology includes the presence of granulomas containing epithelioid cells, Langhan’s giant cells surrounded by lymphocytes with a center of caseous necrosis and varying degrees of fibrosis. This chapter focuses on the endocrinology of tuberculous infection (2, 3).




The two-way communication between the immune system and the neuroendocrine system is well known and documented. An activated immune cascade can affect all the endocrine systems of the body. Adrenal steroids are the primary hormones that modify immune responses. The up-regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis by inflammation related to infections is primarily mediated by the action of inflammatory cytokines on the hypothalamic releasing factors. Cytokines like Interleukin-6 (IL-6), Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) stimulate the secretion of corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) from the hypothalamus leading to corticotrophin (ACTH) secretion from the pituitary. The action of ACTH on the adrenal cortex leads to secretion of both cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Cortisol inhibits the T- lymphocyte mediated Th1 response while DHEA antagonizes the cortisol action on Th1 response. This intense immune-endocrine response to acute infection leads to early mobilization of the immune cells and a robust immune response by the host against the offending pathogen (4, 5).


However, in TB the chronic persistent activation of the immune-endocrine axis leads to misuse of the immune-endocrine axis and can exacerbate damage to the host. Primarily the prolonged activation of the HPA and resultant increase in glucocorticoid (GC) secretion leads to a change in the T-lymphocyte response from Th1 to Th2 response (6). Beyond this GCs can interfere with gene expression of certain transcription factors like nuclear factor kappa-β(NF-κβ) (7), inhibit the proliferation of effector T cells and cause an increased rate of apoptosis of the regulatory T cells (8). Clinical studies in patients with TB have shown increased circulating levels of cytokines like IL-6, IL-10, interferon-α (IFN-α) and cortisol. However, DHEA levels have been consistently shown to be well below normal levels. In summary, GCs appear to have an adverse effect on the anti-TB immune response while DHEA appears to have a favorable effect. This balance is adversely impacted with the chronic inflammation seen in TB.


Some of these changes in immune-endocrinology have also been implicated in the morbidity associated with TB. In vitro studies suggest that negative immune response to mycobacterial antigens was associated with increased IL-6 production which in turn was associated with lower body weights among patients with TB. Higher circulating IL-6 was also associated with loss of appetite (9). The increased circulating GCs additionally mobilize peripheral lipid stores and inhibit protein synthesis and favor loss of lean body mass. Hypothalamic CRH secretion also appear to have direct catabolic effects on the body other than its effect mediated through increased GC secretion (10). Among the adipocyte hormones there is a decrease in leptin and increased secretion of adipocytokines in TB. In an acute infection the above adaptive response appears to be useful by directing limited energy stores to the immune response away from the body’s physiological needs. However, in chronic infections like TB these changes lead to a chronic metabolic deficit leading to cachexia which in turn then affects the further ongoing immune response and disease outcome (11, 12).  


Some of these alterations in the immune-endocrine axis in M. tuberculosis infection are summarized in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Immune-Endocrine changes in male patients with tuberculosis (TB). Cytokine release by the T Lymphocytes stimulate the production of releasing factors (RFs) particularly Corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF) by the hypothalamus. Increased corticotrophin release from the pituitary is followed by the increased production of cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) which is increased in TB, in turn, inhibits DHEA production by adrenal cells despite corticotrophin related stimulation to produce increased DHEA. Overall, in patients with TB there is a decrease in the adrenal DHEA production in contrast to patients with acute infections. This unbalanced cortisol/DHEA production ratios from the adrenal cortex along with a reduction in testosterone from the testes favor a Th1→Th2 T Lymphocyte immune shift. The action of cytokines and cortisol on the adipose tissue leads to reduced amounts of leptin production. Leptin is also an immune-stimulant. TB patients also display an increased production of growth hormone (GH) and prolactin probably related to the protracted inflammation, in addition to augmented levels of thyroid hormones via an increase in the pituitary production of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). However, despite an increase in TSH there is no change in Free T4 and a decline in Free T3 hormones because of the inhibitory effect of TGF- β This overall pattern is responsible for anorexia, low food intake, lipid mobilization, decrease in protein synthesis which all contribute to the state of cachexia seen in patients with advanced TB (adapted from D’Atillio et al) (12).



Though some degree of endocrine dysfunction is invariable in all patients with TB, clinically significant endocrinopathies other than glucose intolerance is rare. In a small study of 50 patients hospitalized with sputum-positive pulmonary TB in South Africa the commonest endocrine dysfunction noted was a low free T3 state as part of sick euthyroid syndrome in over 90% of patients. The other common endocrine dysfunction noted in the study was a 72% prevalence of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism among male patients and a 64% prevalence of hyponatremia of whom almost half of them (17/50) had documented syndrome of inappropriate diuresis (SIAD). No patients in this study had clinically significant adrenal insufficiency and one patient had hypercalcemia (13).


In disseminated TB, seeding of the various endocrine glands with mycobacteria and formation of tubercules is common. In an autopsy study performed in over 100 patients who succumbed to disseminated TB done in the eighties, 53% had involvement of the adrenals, 14% had seeding into the thyroid gland, 5% had direct involvement of the testes, and 4% had seeding into the pituitary gland. Among these 100 patients only one had antemortem clinical adrenal insufficiency (14).


The full spectrum of possible endocrine abnormalities seen with tuberculosis is summarized in Table 1.


Table 1. Endocrine Abnormalities Seen with Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection and with Anti-Tubercular Therapy


Diabetes Insipidus


1.     Sellar mass lesion

2.     Tuberculous abscess

3.     Sellar Tuberculoma

4.     Thickened stalk with pituitary interruption syndrome

5.     Isolated hyperprolactinemia

6.     Incidental partial or complete hypopituitarism 

7.     Isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

8.     Pituitary dysfunction seen with Tuberculous meningitis


1.     Tubercular thyroiditis

2.     Cold abscess of the thyroid

3.     Chronic fibrosing thyroiditis

4.     Sick euthyroid syndrome

5.     Para-amino-salicylic acid (PAS) related goiter

6.     Ethionamide and rifampicin related thyroid dysfunction




1.     Stress hyperglycemia

2.     Frank diabetes

3.     Pancreatic abscess 


1.     Isolated TB orchitis

2.     TB epididymitis

3.     Epididymo-orchitis 

4.     Primary gonadal failure


1.     Tubo-ovarian abscess

2.     Tubal blockage

3.     Unexplained infertility

Water Metabolism

1.     Hyponatremia

2.     Syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuresis (SIAD)

3.     Cerebral salt wasting (CSW)

Vitamin D-Calcium Metabolism

1.     Parathyroid hormone independent hypercalcemia

2.     Vitamin D deficiency/hypocalcemia related to isoniazid and rifampicin


1.     Tubercular adrenalitis

2.     Addison’s disease

3.     Reversible adrenal insufficiency

4.     Isolated DHEA deficiency 


In this chapter we will review endocrine dysfunction and endocrinopathies associated with TB infection related to the adrenal, thyroid and pituitary glands. Additionally, functional derangement of sodium, and calcium homeostasis will be covered. Glucose intolerance, diabetes and tuberculosis is a large area of public health and will not covered in this chapter.




TB can involve both adrenal glands primarily or the involvement may be part of disseminated TB. Both conditions may present with primary adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s Disease). Anti-tuberculous therapy (ATT)-related enzyme induction abnormalities can also lead to adrenal dysfunction and in some cases unmask subclinical adrenal insufficiency. Chronic steroid therapy used in the treatment of some types of tuberculous infection can lead to suppression of HPA axis and secondary adrenal insufficiency. Finally, it is important to remember that pituitary involvement in central nervous system (CNS) TB can sometimes lead to isolated corticotropin deficiency with adrenal insufficiency or it can be part of generalized hypopituitarism 


Tuberculosis and Addison’s Disease


Thomas Addison in 1855 first described chronic adrenal failure, or Addison’s disease (AD), due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection involving both the adrenal glands. In his paper describing AD, 6/11 patients had tuberculous involvement of the adrenal glands. In 1930, Guttman reported a large series of 566 cases with AD, of which 70% was due to tuberculous adrenalitis (15). In 1956 only 25% of AD was related to TB infection (16). The decreasing incidence of tubercular adrenal failure in Western literature was highlighted in a recent large study of 615 cases of AD from Italy in 2011; in this series only 9% of cases were due to TB (17).


This decline in the number of patients with AD related to TB has not been seen in countries endemic for TB like India and South Africa. In India, tuberculous etiology was found in 47% of patients with AD, and of them 85% had enlargement of one or both adrenal glands on imaging (18). The differences between AD due to TB and those with idiopathic AD is summarized in Table 2. In South Africa, 32% of patients with AD had tubercular etiology (19). The most common cause of AD worldwide, however, is autoimmune adrenalitis.


Table 2. Differences in Clinical Presentation of Tubercular Addison’s Disease (AD) versus Idiopathic AD (18)

Clinical Features




Mean age (in years)




Durations of symptoms before diagnosis (in months)




Sex Ratio (M: F)



< 0.05

Presentation as crisis (%)




Evidence of other autoimmune disease (%)



< 0.05

Evidence of extra-adrenal TB (%)



< 0.05

Adrenal Cytoplasmic Antibodies (%)



< 0.05




Adrenal TB develops from hematogenous or lymphatic spread, hence is often associated with extra-adrenal infection. The rich vascularity of the adrenal gland and high levels of local corticosteroids that suppress cell mediated immunity create an ideal microenvironment for the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (20). Adrenal involvement can be found in up to 6% of patients with active TB, however isolated adrenal involvement is seen only in a fourth of these (1.5-3% of cases with tubercular infection) (21, 22). Clinical manifestations of AD appear only after 90% of the adrenal cortices have been compromised (23).


The patterns of adrenal gland involvement in TB are summarized below and in Figure 2 (24):

  1. Chronic infection of the adrenal gland, with clinical manifestations of primary adrenal insufficiency appearing years after initial infection. Pathologically these patients have small atrophic fibrous glands with or without calcification.
  2. Isolated adrenal gland involvement early in the course of disease usually within 2 years of the primary infection. Pathologically these patients most commonly present with bilateral adrenal enlargement because of mass lesions secondary to production of cold abscesses within the adrenal glands. Milder enlargement can be seen in patients with extensive granulomas within the adrenal gland. Lastly, patients with isolated adrenal tuberculosis may also present with normal sized glands with granulomatous inflammation seen microscopically. Calcifications maybe seen in these cases as well.
  3. Secondary adrenal insufficiency due to prolonged steroid therapy in disseminated TB or tubercular involvement of the pituitary or hypothalamus.
  4. Subclinical steroid deficiency unmasked by ATT-related enzyme induction.

Figure 2. Mechanisms of adrenal insufficiency with tuberculosis. Both primary adrenal failure and secondary adrenal insufficiency are possible. The presentation of primary adrenal failure can be both acute and chronic. In patients with acute presentation usually within 2 years of tuberculous infection, the pathological presentations could be one of the three noted. Chronic primary adrenal failure is pathologically defined by atrophic and fibrosed glands. [ATT-Anti-tuberculous therapy



Adrenal TB can be found in any age, however is more commonly seen in adults. Rare cases have also been described in the pediatric age group (25, 26). Thomas Addison’s first description of AD showed a constellation of symptoms like “general languor and debility, remarkable feebleness of heart’s action, and a peculiar change in the color of the skin.” Classic manifestations of AD in the form of malaise or fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, muscle and joint pain, orthostatic hypotension, skin hyperpigmentation and salt craving are often present. Mineralocorticoid deficiency leads to postural hypotension, while hyperpigmentation occurs due to activation of the melanocortin 1 receptors (MC1R) in turn because of high ACTH levels (27). In some patients, however, hyperpigmentation can be absent due to reduced stimulation of MC1R from adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH), resulting in an alabaster-like appearance (27). A prior history of TB may also be provided in some patients.




Computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) are useful non-invasive tools in the diagnosis of adrenal TB. CT has been regarded as the modality of choice for diagnosing adrenal TB, and should include both non-contrast and contrast-enhanced techniques. Adrenal involvement is usually bilateral (28), and findings vary according to course of disease.


  • Early stage: In the first two years, CT shows noncalcified enlarged adrenals with areas of lucency reflecting caseous necrosis, and a peripheral rim of contrast-enhanced parenchyma. Contours of the adrenal glands are generally preserved.
  • Late stage: As disease progresses, the adrenals normalize in size, then shrink, and have calcific foci with irregular margins. Calcifications are best visualized on non-contrast CT scans. These may be either diffuse, focal or punctate in nature (22). These findings correlate with long-standing fibrosis and dystrophic calcification seen with tuberculous granulomas.




Common findings in patients with adrenal TB include hyponatremia, hyperkalemia and normochromic anemia (27). Hyponatremia can occur due to decreased inhibitory control of vasopressin secretion, resulting in mild SIAD (29). The Mantoux (tuberculin) test usually is strongly positive and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is elevated.


  • In primary AD, baseline serum ACTH levels are higher than 100 pg/ml, plasma renin levels are elevated and serum aldosterone levels are low. In secondary AD, ACTH levels will be low or inappropriately normal, while mineralocorticoid secretion will be normal (27).
  • Serum DHEAS will also be low in patients with both primary and secondary AD (27).
  • Adrenal insufficiency can be demonstrated by low morning plasma cortisol with a reduced response to synthetic ACTH (27). Impaired ACTH-stimulated cortisol responses have also been observed with lower baseline cortisol levels, and both higher and lower cortisol responses to ACTH stimulation in patients with isolated pulmonary TB without adrenal involvement (24). Injectable tetracosactide hexa-acetate, ACTH 1-24 (Synacthen®) (SST), is not marketed or easily available in many developing countries in the world including India. An alternative ACTH which is injectable long-acting porcine sequence, ACTH 1-39 (Acton Prolongatum®) (APST), is easily available and much cheaper. In a study done recently in India by Nair et al in 20 patients with established adrenal insufficiency and 27 controls, the area under the curve of APST (at 120 min) was 0.986 when compared to the standard SST, thus proving its high accuracy. A serum cortisol cut off value of 19.5 µg/dL at 120-min following APST showed a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 88% (30).




Macroscopic involvement of the adrenal gland can be seen in up to 46% of patients with adrenal TB. Bilateral involvement is seen in nearly 70% of patients, however they may not be equally affected. Mean combined weight of adrenal gland ranges from 10-37 gm (mean 17 gm) (31). Caseous necrosis can be seen grossly within a large cavity or within multiple scattered tubercles.


Histopathologically, destruction of both the cortex and the medulla is seen with the following patterns of adrenal gland involvement (24):

  1. Presence of granulomas, with or without necrosis. The granulomas show epithelioid cell collections with typical Langhan’s giant cells and an admixture of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Ziehl-Neelsen stain is very useful for detecting acid fast bacilli (AFB) within the necrotic areas, as well as within the granulomas.
  2. Glandular enlargement with destruction of parenchyma by necrotizing granulomas.
  3. Mass lesion secondary to formation of cold abscesses. In these cases, CT-guided fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is helpful for demonstration of AFB, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and culture for Mycobacterium tuberculosis In most cases, a combination of histopathology, PCR and culture may be required to confirm the diagnosis.
  4. Adrenal atrophy secondary to fibrosis resulting from long-standing tuberculous infection (32).




The differential diagnosis for adrenal enlargement includes primary or metastatic tumors, lymphomas, fungal infections like cryptococcus and histoplasma, amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, hemangiomas and adrenal cortical hyperplasia (24, 28). Tissue sampling for microbiological (PCR and culture) and pathological analysis should adequately distinguish between them.




Treatment for active adrenal TB is similar to the regimen followed for extrapulmonary TB with use of multidrug ATT. Rifampicin induces hepatic enzymes that increase the metabolism of glucocorticoids; hence higher doses of replacement glucocorticoids may be required. Rarely, Rifampicin may trigger an adrenal crisis.


In cases of chronic disease, adrenal gland function is unlikely to recover due to massive destruction of the gland (20, 28). However, a few authors report improvement in adrenal function when patients are given ATT early in the course of disease (33-35). This may be in part due to the remarkable regenerative capacity of the adrenal cortex to undergo hyperplasia and hypertrophy during active infection (20).


Hormone replacement for primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency related to TB follow the same principles as autoimmune or idiopathic primary AD or secondary adrenal insufficiency. In addition to appropriate glucocorticoid replacement mineralocorticoid replacement may be required. Care must be taken to educate patients about stress dosing and the need for parenteral steroids when the patient may not be able to take or absorb oral glucocorticoids. 




The thyroid gland is an uncommon site for infection by M. tuberculosis. Thyroid TB (TTB) is therefore very rare, even in places with a high prevalence of TB. The primary presentation of TTB is as a mass or a goiter. Overt hormonal dysfunction is very uncommon in TTB. However, in patients with tuberculosis affecting any organ clinically insignificant abnormalities in thyroid function tests are very common. ATT also causes both structural and functional thyroid dysfunction. Pre-operative diagnosis of TTB can be made only with a high index of suspicion while evaluating thyroid nodules especially in communities with a high prevalence of TB (36).




  1. tuberculosis has been documented to be involved in the thyroid gland of 0.1 to 1% of patients who underwent thyroid tissue sampling for any indication (37-39). In an autopsy series of patients with advanced disseminated TB occurring in the pre- and post-antibiotic era, 14% had evidence of thyroid gland involvement (14). In a large cohort of 2,426 patients from Morocco, only eight had evidence of TB (0.32%). These were in the form of goiter or as a solitary thyroid nodule. In a study from India, thyroid involvement has been seen in 0.43% of specimens obtained from FNAC (40), while among Turkish patients undergoing thyroidectomy, 0.25 - 0.6% showed thyroid involvement by M. tuberculosis (41, 42).




Thyroid involvement in TB is very uncommon. A few postulated intrinsic properties of the thyroid which are proposed not to allow Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli to survive include (24, 36):

  • Presence of iodine-containing colloid possessing bacteriostatic activity.
  • High blood flow within the thyroid gland with the presence of intracellular iodine.
  • Increased phagocytosis within the gland, seen in hyperthyroidism.
  • Rich lymphatic supply to the thyroid.
  • Thyroid hormones themselves exercise anti-TB roles.


TTB can be primary or secondary

  1. Primary TTB is involvement of the thyroid gland alone, with no evidence of TB elsewhere in the body.
  2. Secondary TTB is usually the result of hematogenous, lymphatic and/or direct spread from an active tubercular focus involving the cervical lymph nodes or larynx. Secondary TTB is much more commonly encountered than primary TTB, and TTB may go undiagnosed in many cases especially where clinical signs are non-specific (24).


Clinical Features


TTB occurs slightly more commonly in women as compared to men (M: F = 1:1.4) and occurs over a wide age range of 14 to 83 years, median age of 40 ± 16 years for men and 43 ± 17 years for women (36).


TTB can manifest as a localized swelling with cold abscess mimicking carcinoma, as multinodular goiter, as a solitary thyroid nodule without cystic component, or very rarely as an acute abscess. The various presentations are summarized in Figure 3. Rarely TTB may present as a goiter or a chronic fibrosing thyroiditis. Presence of cervical lymphadenopathy may raise suspicion of malignancy (36). Clinical presentation is often subacute, but may be acute in cases of abscess (43). Pain associated with swelling, thyroid tenderness, fever and localized extra-thyroidal findings such as dysphagia, dysphonia or recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy are less common in TTB as compared to patients with acute bacterial thyroiditis (24). However, some patients with TTB may present with pyrexia of unknown origin. Table 3 documents with differences in clinical presentation between TTB and bacterial thyroiditis.

Figure 3. Presentations of thyroid tuberculosis (TTB). Relatively common presentations in green and rarer ones in yellow and orange colors.


Table 3. Clinical Features that Help Differentiate Between Tuberculous Thyroiditis and Bacterial Thyroiditis

Clinical Features

Tuberculous Thyroiditis

Bacterial Thyroiditis







Duration of illness (mean duration) (Ref;24)

105 days

18 days







Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Palsy (Hoarseness)



History of previous thyroid illness



Tenderness over the gland






Elevated Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)



1Rare reports of presentation as pyrexia of unknown origin


Most patients with TTB are euthyroid and do not have pre-existing thyroid disease. Very rarely TTB can be associated with hypothyroidism, with a period of subclinical hyperthyroidism preceding the hypothyroidism (44). Myxedema can occur in cases with extensive destruction of the thyroid gland by disseminated TB, which can also be fatal (45). Past history of TB may be elicited in some cases, and patients may have history of cervical lymphadenopathy (43).


Radiological and Laboratory Findings


Chest X-ray, ESR, and tuberculin skin test should be performed in all cases of suspected TTB. The diagnosis is made only after FNAC or histopathological examination of the surgical specimen when FNAC is negative (43). Sputum AFB may rarely assist in diagnosis in cases with associated pulmonary TB.


Ultrasonography usually shows a heterogenous, hypoechoic mass similar to a neoplastic nodule. Anechoic areas with internal echoes may be seen in abscesses. Contrast-enhanced CT scan can determine the location of the necrotic lesions (46).


On MRI the normal thyroid is homogenously hyperintense relative to the neck muscles on both T1 and T2-weighted images. TTB may show intermediate signal intensity due to granulomatous inflammation, however, this appearance is also seen in thyroid carcinoma. Abscesses appear hypointense on T1 and hyperintense on T2-weighted images, and may show peripheral rim of contrast enhancement (47).


Thyroid function tests (TFT) are usually normal in patients with TTB. Thyrotoxicosis in the initial stage of rapid release of thyroid hormone, and myxedema in the later stage of thyroid gland destruction have also been noted, and patients may have abnormal TFT accordingly (24). Only 5.2% of patients with TTB have abnormal TFT (36).


Pathology of Thyroid TB


In most cases, TTB can be diagnosed on FNAC which typically shows epithelioid cell granulomas with Langhan’s giant cells, peripheral lymphocytic infiltration and purulent caseous necrosis. The yield of AFB by the Zeihl Neelsen stain is more with FNAC samples than in biopsies. The aspirates can be sent for TB culture or PCR. TB-PCR is much more sensitive in detecting M. tuberculosis deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from FNA samples, and is an alternative to rapid diagnosis of TB in AFB-negative cases (40). The diagnosis is substantiated by histopathology which typically shows granulomas, Langhan’s giant cells and necrosis (Figure 4). Few cases show dense lymphocytic infiltrate with prominent germinal centers, resembling lymphocytic or Hashimoto thyroiditis (Figure 5).

Five pathological varieties of TTB have been described (36):

  1. Multiple miliary lesions throughout the thyroid gland
  2. Goiter with caseation necrosis
  3. Cold abscess
  4. Chronic fibrosing tuberculosis
  5. Acute abscess

Fig 4. Case of TTB showing granulomas within the thyroid parenchyma comprised of epithelioid cells with Langhan’s giant cells (yellow arrows) and foci of necrosis (black arrows). Hematoxylin and eosin, 100x.

Figure 5. Case of TTB showing dense lymphocytic infiltrate with prominent germinal centers in the thyroid parenchyma (arrow). Hematoxylin and eosin, 100x.


Differential Diagnosis


TTB, although rare, should be considered in the list of differentials for solitary or multinodular thyroid nodules, and abscesses (36). Reidel’s thyroiditis may mimic chronic fibrosing tuberculosis clinically, however histopathology clinches the diagnosis (42).




ATT remains the cornerstone of treatment. Surgery has a limited role with drainage of abscess, avoiding total destruction of gland and subsequent hypothyroidism. However inadvertent total thyroidectomies are performed as the pre-operative diagnosis is commonly a malignancy. In cases were TB was diagnosed prior to surgery, ATT is well tolerated with resolution of symptoms, reduction in thyroid mass symptoms, and with favorable reversal of thyroid hormonal dysfunction. Standard ATT schedules are followed. Thyroid hormone levels should be monitored before, during, and after treatment. Despite strict ATT, recurrence and failure rate is 1% due to resistance to ATT drugs (48).


Functional and Structural Alterations of Thyroid Functions with Active Tuberculosis and with Anti-tubercular Therapy


Among hospitalized patients with TB without any evidence of involvement of the thyroid gland sick euthyroid syndrome with low free T3 is common. The estimates vary between 63-92% and probably is the commonest endocrinopathy seen in patients with TB (13,49). As with other unwell patients the degree of reduction in Free T3 serves both as a marker for severity of the disease and mortality. In the study by Chow et al, all patients who survived the hospitalization had normal TFT within one month of initiation of ATT. In community dwelling patients with TB, the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction is unclear.


Thyroid hormones are metabolized in the liver and the kidneys. In the liver, the enzyme CYP3A4 belonging to the hepatic cytochrome P450 family is responsible for the metabolism. Rifampicin is a potent activator of the P450 system and this leads to an increase in T4 turnover. In most adults with normal a hypothalmo-pituitary-thyroid axis this increase in turnover is compensated by an increase in the production of thyroid hormones and a slight increase in thyroid volume. This may be noted biochemically as a slight increase in free T3 and total T3 levels after rifampicin administration. There are no changes in free T4 and TSH concentrations (50). Among patients with pre-existing thyroid disease with a limited capacity to increase production of thyroid hormones, the rifampicin-mediated increase in free T4 turnover might lead to the need for an increase in thyroid hormone replacement therapy. In a retrospective cohort of patients on levothyroxine replacement therapy, the addition of rifampicin as part of ATT led to a need for a 26% increase in dose in patients on thyroid hormone replacement therapy and a 50% increase in patients on suppressive therapy post thyroidectomy for differentiated thyroid cancer (51).


Older anti-tubercular agents have more profound effects on thyroid physiology. Studies by Munkner et al demonstrated an association between the use of p-amino salicylic acid (PAS) and the development of goiter (52). PAS and ethionamide were also associated with significant risk of developing hypothyroidism (53, 54). However, these agents are currently not used as first line agents. It is prudent to monitor TFTs 6-8 weeks after initiation of any of these three agents in patients who have pre-existing thyroid dysfunction.




Direct involvement of the pituitary gland by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis is very rare. Some of the earliest published reports of pituitary TB include von Rokitansky who noted tubercles in the hypophysis as early as 1844, Letchworth in 1924 who reported a case of primary pituitary tuberculoma on autopsy examination, and Coleman and Meredith documented a case of pituitary TB in 1940 (55, 56).


The spectrum of involvement (Figure 6) of the pituitary gland with TB includes sellar, parasellar, and stalk tuberculomas and sellar tubercular abscesses. Patients with tuberculous meningitis exhibit a range of functional pituitary dysfunction even in the absence of any evidence of direct invasion/extension of the disease into the sella. Among survivors of tubercular meningitis hypopituitarism was noted 10 years after the primary disease. Hypothalamic pituitary dysfunction such as isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism may accompany cachexia and weight loss that can complicate more extensive disease. Infiltrative tubercular disease of the stalk can produce pituitary interruption syndrome including isolated diabetes insipidus and hyperprolactinemia.


In most cases the diagnosis of tuberculosis of the pituitary is established on histopathology, often in the absence of confirmatory culture studies or positive acid-fast stains (57). Although the diagnosis is difficult on clinical and radiological examination, pituitary TB should be considered in the differential of a suprasellar mass especially in developing countries, as the condition is potentially curable with ATT (58, 59).


Figure 6. Spectrum of structural and functional disease of the pituitary seen with tuberculosis

Sellar Tuberculoma/Abscess




The incidence of pituitary TB is very low. In an autopsy series of 3,533 cases, only 2 of 89 intracranial tuberculomas involved the sella turcica, while in another autopsy series of 14,160 cases, only 2 cases of TB were encountered involving the anterior pituitary lobe (50).  In patients with late generalized TB, the incidence of pituitary involvement is 4% (14). Nearly 70% of pituitary TB reported worldwide has been reported from the Indian subcontinent, probably attributable to the higher prevalence of TB in this location (60). In the largest series from India, 18 cases of sellar TB were diagnosed based on histopathology from 1148 pituitary surgeries (60).




Pituitary TB can arise either from hematogenous seeding, in the presence or absence of miliary disease, or from direct extension from the brain, meninges or sinuses. TB can either involve the pituitary gland alone, or involve the adjacent and/or distant organs as well (60). Both the adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis may be involved by TB. Supra-sellar extension is common in pituitary TB with only rare cases confined to the sella (57). 




Pituitary TB occurs at a mean age of 34.1 ± 13.6 years (age range 6 to 68 years), and is more common in women (F:M = 2.7:1). Young children are at high risk of progression of TB including CNS disease. Clinical presentation is often indolent. Duration of symptoms average 4 months (60, 61).


Pituitary involvement, either as a sellar abscess or tuberculoma presents primarily with symptoms of a sellar mass. The common presentations clinically are gradual onset of headache (85.2%), visual loss (48.1%) (Figure 7), seizures and cranial nerve palsies. Patients with infiltration of the stalk by tuberculomas may present with central diabetes insipidus with polyuria (8.6%) or menstrual abnormalities related to hyperprolactinemia like amenorrhea in women (37.3%) and galactorrhea (23.7%) (60, 61). Growth retardation and hypogonadism are rare findings in children with pituitary TB (61). Hyperphagia resulting in obesity or weight gain has also rarely been documented which may occur due to the loss of sensitivity of the appetite-regulating network in the hypothalamus to afferent peripheral humoral signals (62). Apoplexy, characterized by acute infarction and/or hemorrhage in the pituitary gland, is an uncommon presentation of pituitary TB (63). Systemic and constitutional symptoms may or may not be present; low grade fever may be seen in 14.8% of patients. Other organs may show evidence of TB in 26.9% (60, 64). Tuberculous meningitis may be associated in a few cases.

Figure 7. Bitemporal hemianopsia demonstrated on perimetry.



The diagnosis of primary pituitary TB is challenging and often difficult. Radiologically pituitary TB can mimic pituitary adenoma, arachnoid cyst, pyogenic abscess, metastasis, or craniopharyngioma. MRI typically shows a sellar mass which may extend into the suprasellar region, involving the optic nerves and inter-carotid space (Figure 8). T1-weighted MR images appear isointense. T2-weighted images show central hyperintensity corresponding to caseous necrosis, and gadolinium contrast imaging may show thick ring enhancement in the periphery with central hypointense areas. Meningeal enhancement with enhancement of the thickened pituitary stalk may favor non-adenoma etiology. Additional findings like sellar/suprasellar calcification and sellar floor erosion have also been described (57, 63-65).

Figure 8. Magnetic resonance imaging of a patient with pituitary tuberculosis shows a sellar mass lesion measuring 2.1 cm x 1.9 cm x 1.4 cm with suprasellar extension A) heterogenous predominantly increased signal intensity on T2 weighted imaging and B) hypointense on T1 weighted imaging. C and D) Significant homogenous post contrast enhancement of the mass lesion on axial (C) and sagittal (D) views, respectively. Involvement of the pituitary stalk and superior displacement of the optic chiasma is also seen. Bright signal of posterior pituitary is maintained.

MR spectroscopy can detect elevated lipid peaks in a tuberculoma at 0.9, 1.3, 2.0 and 2.8 ppm, and a phosphoserine peak at 3.7 ppm. Lipid resonance at 0.9 and 1.3 ppm occur due to methylene and terminal methyl groups on fatty acids found in caseous necrosis (66)




Panhypopituitarism may be encountered on evaluation of anterior pituitary hormones like thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), early morning cortisol, growth hormone, prolactin, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).


Testing for HIV and immunocompromised states should be considered in the appropriate clinical setting. Positive tuberculin test and elevated ESR may be seen in patients with systemic involvement.




The most common pattern of tuberculous involvement of the pituitary on histopathological examination is granulomas without caseation necrosis (59.6%) as show in Figure 9A. Granulomas may be miliary or may coalesce together to form a conglomerate mass. Reticulin stain helps demonstrate loss of normal reticulin pattern of the pituitary (Figure 9B). The granulomas are composed of epithelioid cells, Langhan’s giant cells, and lymphocytes (Figure 9C-D). Immunohistochemistry (IHC) with CD68 can help confirm the presence of epithelioid histiocytes in cases of unequivocal morphology, while CD3, CD20 and CD138 can highlight a mixture of T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes and plasma cells, respectively (Figure 10A-D). Pus and caseation necrosis are seen less commonly, and in these cases the yield of AFB is greater than with cases without necrosis. As with other sites, demonstration of AFB on biopsy material is very low. In such cases growth of M. Tuberculosis organisms on culture and TB PCR aid in diagnosis.

Figure 9. Pituitary tuberculosis. Biopsy of the pituitary showing nests of pituicytes (black arrows) destroyed and separated by confluent granulomas (red arrow). A) low power view, Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E), 100x; B) corresponding area showing reticulin-free zones (asterisks) occupied by granulomas, Gordon and Sweet’s silver reticulin stain, 100x; C & D) higher power views showing non-caseating granulomas comprised of epithelioid cells with occasional Langhan’s giant cells (top left) and lymphocytes, H&E, 400x.

Figure 10. Immunohistochemistry in pituitary tuberculous granulomas shows mixed inflammatory infiltrate made up of epithelioid histiocytes (CD68), T-lymphocytes (CD3), B-lymphocytes (CD20) and occasional plasma cells (CD138) (A-D, respectively). Diamino benzidine chromogen, 100x.



Sarcoidosis must be considered in the differential of non-caseating granulomatous hypophysitis, and shows naked granulomas without infiltrating lymphocytes. IgG4-related disease typically shows increase in plasma cells of the IgG4 subtype with storiform fibrosis. Histiocytic lesions like Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) usually involve the infundibulum and typically show presence of Langerhans’s histiocytes with eosinophils. LCH is more common in children and young adults. Other inflammatory lesions involving the pituitary stalk are lymphocytic infundibuloneurohypophysitis (LINH), Wegener’s granulomatosis, and pituitary stalk parasitosis (67). Fungal granulomas involving the hypophyseal region can be ruled out by performing fungal stains on tissue sections (60).




Transsphenoidal approach is preferred for surgery and is used for diagnosis and decompression of adjacent structures. Typical intra-operative findings are firm to hard, non-suckable greyish tissue with thickening of the dura. Pituitary TB can be managed conservatively if the diagnosis is confirmed with cerebrospinal fluid TB PCR and other tests.

ATT may be given for up to 18 months and patients should be on periodic follow up with assessment of hormonal profile. Lifelong replacement of hormones may be required in some patients (68). Recurrence of TB in lymph nodes despite completion of 18 months of ATT has been reported to occur due to resistance of M.tuberculosis bacilli to Rifampicin (69).


Pituitary Dysfunction in Patients with Tuberculous Meningitis (TBM)


In an Indian study of 75 patients with tuberculous meningitis, common pituitary functional abnormalities included hyperprolactinemia (49%), cortisol insufficiency (43%), central hypothyroidism (31%) and multiple hormone deficiencies (29%) (70). Prevalence of functional pituitary abnormalities seen in TBM in multiple studies from India is summarized in Table 4 (71, 72).  In addition, there may be hyponatremia.


Table 4. Pituitary Involvement in Patients with Tuberculous Meningitis


Delhi (70)

Chandigarh (71)

Lucknow (72)

Number of patients




Any Involvement of Pituitary




Single Axis Involvement




More than one axis (Panhypopituitarism)




Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism








Secondary Adrenal insufficiency




Central hypothyroidism




Isolated Growth hormone deficiency




Syndrome of Inappropriate anti-diuresis 




Diabetes Insipidus




NR- Not reported


Even among patients who survive tuberculous meningitis, pituitary dysfunction may persist. A study done by Lam in Hong Kong showed growth hormone deficiency to be the most common finding in patients younger than 21 years of age with tuberculous meningitis after 10 years of surviving tuberculous meningitis (73). 




Hyponatremia has been commonly seen in patients admitted to the hospital with TB. Though data about the prevalence of hyponatremia among community treated patients with uncomplicated pulmonary TB is sparse, among inpatients admitted with TB, hyponatremia has been seen in 10-76% of patients (74-78). The commonest cause of hyponatremia is the SIAD. Other causes include untreated primary or secondary adrenal insufficiency, volume depletion, hyponatremia associated with volume excess, and hypoalbuminemia and rare cases of cerebral salt wasting seen with tuberculous meningitis (79) (Figure 11). Hypernatremia is rarely encountered and usually signifies involvement of the hypothalamus or the pituitary stalk leading to diabetes insipidus.

Figure 11. Causes of hyponatremia in patients with Tuberculosis. [SIAD-Syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuresis]. Green boxes are common causes, yellow is less common and the red boxes are rare.

Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuresis (SIAD)


In the absence of adrenal deficiency, patients with non-CNS TB who are adequately hydrated (euvolemic) the hyponatremia is almost always a consequence of retention of free water despite low serum osmolality (inappropriate antidiuresis). Wiess and Katz first noted the association between active untreated TB and syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis (SAID). In four patients with active TB and hyponatremia they noted excessive urinary sodium excretion. When these four patients were put on fluid restriction there was an improvement in the serum sodium levels. All patients who survived also had gradual normalization of serum sodium levels and SAID with treatment of TB (80).


Three different mechanisms have been proposed for the development of SIAD in patients with tuberculosis without evidence of adrenal involvement.

  1. The first proposed mechanism in common with other pulmonary diseases is the stimulation of baroreceptors by chronic hypoxemia that can accompany extensive pulmonary TB. There is release of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) in response to baroreceptor stimulation which leads on to SIAD (81).
  2. The second possible mechanism proposed is a shift of the “osmostat” towards the left as seen in patients with decreased effective circulating volume leading to ADH release at lower serum osmolality. Investigators have noted higher circulating ADH levels in the serum despite hyponatremia which subsequently declined when free water was administered. The intact response to hypoosmolality suggested that the osmoregulation set up in the hypothalamus was functioning normally but at a lower osmolar threshold for ADH release (82).
  3. The third mechanism proposed is the ectopic secretion of ADH by the tubercular granuloma. This mechanism was proposed by the authors of a case where a patient with well-established diabetes insipidus developed SIAD and hyponatremia after contracting pulmonary tuberculosis (83).


Patients with CNS TB have a higher prevalence of hyponatremia compared to those with pulmonary infections. In adult patients with TBM the prevalence of a low sodium state has varied from 45-65% in different studies (84-86). In children with TBM the prevalence varied from 38-71% in different studies (87-89). In children with TBM and hyponatremia there appears to be an association with mortality and increased intracranial pressures (87, 90). A recent review from India compiled data from over 11 studies comprising a total of 642 patients with TBM and found the prevalence of hyponatremia to be 44%. Unlike non-CNS TB the commonest etiology of hyponatremia among patients with CNS TB is cerebral salt wasting (CSW) rather than SIAD (36% vs 26%) (86). The other less common causes of hyponatremia encountered in TBM include the following

  1. Dehydration and hypovolemic hyponatremia due to anorexia, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea
  2. Drug induced including use of diuretics, osmotic agents like mannitol and anti-seizure medications like carbamazepine and phenytoin.
  3. Secondary adrenal insufficiency and rarely primary adrenal insufficiency




Most patients with SIAD and TB are asymptomatic and do not require any treatment. The hyponatremia accompanying SIAD self corrects itself when ATT is started (82). Fluid restriction is only required in symptomatic patients or in patients with severe hyponatremia. Prior to restricting fluids in patients with non-CNS TB it is important to rule out dehydration either by assessing volume status clinically, assessing volume status with urine spot sodium levels, or measuring central venous pressures in unwell patients. In patients with CNS TB, it is important to rule out CSW prior to initiating fluid restriction. Hypertonic saline infusions are limited to patients with life threatening symptoms like seizures and deep coma attributable to hyponatremia (86). Care should be taken to correct hyponatremia at a rate not faster than 8-10 mEq/L in 24 hours to avoid central pontine myelinolysis.  


Cerebral Salt Wasting (CSW)


CSW refers to changes in renal salt handling that accompanies CNS disorders which leads to natriuresis and hypovolemia. The accompanying dehydration and decrease in effective circulating volume triggers ADH release via baroreceptors. The action of ADH on collecting tubules then leads to selective water resorption and relative water excess and hyponatremia despite overall hypovolemia. The putative renal natriuretic triggers include atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), and c-type natriuretic peptide. In TBM the most likely natriuretic trigger is BNP (91). What induces BNP release in patients with TBM is less well characterized. The putative mechanisms that trigger BNP release include sympathoadrenal activation, increase in intracranial pressure, and vasospasm in cerebral arteries (92). In patients with CNS TB statistically CSW is more likely to be the cause of hyponatremia and should always be ruled out prior to labelling them as SIAD and starting fluid restriction. A simple diagnostic criterion proposed by Kalita et al (86) includes meeting all the 3 essential criteria and meeting at least 3 out of 5 additional supportive criteria to label the patient has having CSW. Table 5 lists the clinical and biochemical differences between SIAD and CSW.


Essential Criteria (meets all three)

  1. Polyuria (>3 liters of urine in 24 hours over 2 days)
  2. Documented hyponatremia
  3. Exclusion of other cause of natriuresis like adrenal insufficiency, salt losing nephropathies, use of diuretics, hepatic and cardiac failure.


Additional criteria (meet 3 out of 5)

  1. Clinical evidence of hypovolemia and dehydration
  2. Documented negative fluid balance either by careful weight monitoring or by strict intake and output records
  3. Urine spot Sodium > 40 mEq/L
  4. Central Venous Pressure (CVP) < 6 cm of water
  5. Laboratory evidence of dehydration including an increase in hemoglobin and hematocrit, increase in blood urea nitrogen and increase in albumin than previously.


Table 5. Differentiation Between Syndrome of Inappropriate Anti-Diuresis (SIAD) and Cerebral Salt Wasting (CSW)




Extracellular Volume



Body Weight



Fluid Balance









Hematocrit/Albumin/Blood Urea Nitrogen



Central Venous Pressure

Normal or slightly high





The primary treatment for CSW is fluid replacement with or without oral salt loading for as long as polyuria continues. Isotonic fluids are preferred for replacement. If the patient has a central venous line then the central venous pressure (CVP) measurements would guide the fluid replacements. In the absence of a CVP line fluid balance is needed by either meticulous intake and output charting or use of daily weight measurements.


In patient’s refractory to fluid replacement and oral salt loading, oral fludrocortisone (OFC) has been tried as there is an inhibition of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) system in CSW. A recent randomized control trial was conducted in 36 patients with CSW associated with TBM. Half of them received OFC (0.4-1mg/day) plus fluid and oral salt and the other half received only fluids and oral salt. The patients who received OFC in addition had quicker normalization of serum sodium levels (4 days vs 15 days; p 0.04) and lesser cerebral infarctions related to vasospasm (6% vs 33%; p 0.04). However, OFC use was associated with severe hypokalemia and significant hypertension in 2 patients each and in one patient there was an episode of pulmonary edema. OFC had to be withdrawn in 2/18 patients because of these serious adverse events. There was no difference in mortality or disability at 3 and 6 months among patients who received OFC vs the patients who did not (93).




Hypercalcemia in Patients with Tuberculosis


Hypercalcemia has been known to be associated with a number of granulomatous diseases. The three commonest granulomatous diseases causing hypercalcemia include sarcoidosis, TB, and fungal infection (94). The prevalence of hypercalcemia in patients with TB has ranged from 2-51% in studies done from South Africa (2%), Hong Kong (6%), India (10.6%), Sweden (25%), Malaysia (27.5%), Greece (25% & 48%) and Australia (51%) (13, 95-101). In contrast, prospective studies from the United Kingdom, Belgium, and Turkey did not show any hypercalcemia among patients with newly diagnosed tuberculosis (102-104). The primary determinant in the development of hypercalcemia among patients with TB appears to be their Vitamin D status and nutritional calcium intake. In populations with high nutritional calcium intake and adequate sunlight exposure like in Greece and Australia the prevalence of hypercalcemia is highest. Among countries with good sunlight exposure but poor nutritional calcium intake like most Asian countries there is a more modest prevalence of hypercalcemia. The countries with good nutritional calcium intake but poor sunlight exposure and low Vitamin D levels appear to have the lowest prevalence of hypercalcemia. This has been elegantly explained by Chan et al (105). However, some outliers like the higher prevalence in Sweden and moderate prevalence in India are not completely explained by this hypothesis alone.


In a recent paper looking at retrospective records of patients admitted with TB at a tertiary care hospital in Vellore almost 20% of patients were found to have albumin-adjusted hypercalcemia. The authors looked at the risk factors for hypercalcemia by comparing them with the patients without hypercalcemia assuming that background nutritional calcium intake and Vitamin D levels were similar. The primary risk factors for the development of hypercalcemia within this group was presence of renal dysfunction or frank renal failure, use of diuretics, disseminated tuberculosis, and presence of co-morbidities like diabetes and hypertension (106).




The definitive mechanism that causes hypercalcemia among patients with TB is still unclear. Alternative etiologies for hypercalcemia including adrenal insufficiency, primary hyperparathyroidism, primary hyperthyroidism, milk alkali syndrome have been ruled out in many of the case series. Biochemically several investigators have shown an increase in the levels of 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D along with low or normal levels of 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels. This suggests an increase in the conversion of 25-hydroxy vitamin D to 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D (107). This conversion is mediated by the enzyme 1-α-hydroxylase found in the kidney. However, hypercalcemia is even reported in patients with chronic renal failure and among those with absent kidneys (108, 109). This suggests a non-renal site of enzymatic activity. 


The tubercular granuloma is suggested as the site for the extra renal 1-α-hydroxylase activity (110). Activated macrophages can express 1-α-hydroxylase activity and in patients with active TB activated macrophages retrieved by broncho-alveolar lavage were able to synthesize 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D in vitro studies (111). The macrophage production of 1-α-hydroxylase is probably important for the immune response to tuberculous infection. The binding of active Vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D) to Vitamin D receptors within the immune cells stimulates autophagy and production of cytokines that contribute to the clearance of the mycobacterium from the body (112, 113). In addition, active Vitamin D contributes to the downregulation of the inflammatory response of the body to reduce damage to bystander host tissues (114). The increased intestinal absorption of calcium and observed hypercalcemia may be an unintended consequence of this immune-protective phenomenon.


This also explains why patients with low levels of substrate (25-hydroxy vitamin D) for the enzyme or among those with poor calcium intake there is less likelihood of the development of hypercalcemia.




Most patients with hypercalcemia related to TB infection are asymptomatic. Rarely patients develop symptoms related to hypercalcemia including polyuria, anorexia, nausea, weakness and lethargy, more serious CNS symptoms like delirium.


Patients may develop hypercalcemia later in the course of TB after commencement of therapy with improvements in nutritional and albumin status and improvement in nutritional calcium intake. 




A Cochrane review of Vitamin D supplementation in patients with TB did not show any benefits in terms of improved outcomes but there was also no increased risk of developing hypercalcemia (115). Most patients have gradual resolution of hypercalcemia on ATT over 1 to 7 months (96).

Hypocalcemia in Patients Treated with Rifampicin and Isoniazid

Hypocalcemia was noted for the first time in United Kingdom during a randomized control trial of anti-tubercular chemotherapy after several months of therapy. Fourteen out of the 325 patients on the trial developed hypocalcemia. In this trial none of the 325 patients was noted to have hypercalcemia. On the whole as a group the mean calcium levels dropped significantly during the course of the treatment trial. The mechanism is proposed to be the action of both Rifampicin and Isoniazid on vitamin D metabolism (102).


When isoniazid is given to normal subjects there is a brisk decline in the levels of active Vitamin D (1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D). There is slower decline in the levels of 25-hydroxy vitamin D accompanied by a compensatory increase in the levels of parathyroid hormones. In the same study isoniazid was shown to inhibit cytochrome p450 related hepatic mixed function oxidase and it is assumed that since the renal 1-α Hydroxylase is also related to cytochrome P450 system there would be decreased conversion of 25-hydroxy vitamin D to 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D (116).


On the other hand, rifampicin is an inducer of hepatic hydroxylase which should in theory lead to an increase in active Vitamin D levels. However, when rifampicin was given to normal volunteers there was a fall in 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels with no changes to the levels of 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D. The possible explanation for this decline is likely to be that the higher metabolic turnover of active Vitamin D induced by rifampicin is not compensated by an increase in dermal production or increased nutritional provision of vitamin D (117). Regardless, in treatment regimens that include both rifampicin and isoniazid there is a very real possibility of the development of not just hypocalcemia but unmasking of rickets and osteomalacia especially when the patient is poorly nourished.



TB can involve almost all endocrine glands as a primary disease-causing destruction and loss of function. In enclosed spaces like the pituitary fossa and neck the granuloma/tuberculoma/cold abscess can replace vital structures and cause symptoms related to a mass. This chapter did not cover direct tubercular involvement of the ovaries, testes, and the pancreas.


Additionally, a whole range of functional hormone abnormalities can accompany the effect on chronic inflammation on the immune-endocrine pathways. Metabolic derangement in calcium and water metabolism are covered in detail. Abnormalities in glucose metabolism are not covered because of the vast amount of information now available on the public health aspects of TB and diabetes mellitus.


Fortunately, most abnormalities are self-limited and resolve with successful ATT. However, one needs to consider the rare possibility of a hormonal emergency like an adrenal crisis, hypercalcemic emergency, or pituitary apoplexy in the context of TB.




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Environmental Endocrinology: An Expanding Horizon


Environment is an important determinant of endocrine health and certain endocrine disorders could also have a significant impact on the surroundings. Environmental endocrinology is an emerging field of medicine which encompasses the bidirectional impact of endocrine disorders and the physical, chemical, biological, and social environment of an individual. As we aim to improve endocrine health, it is also important to address the external environmental factors that may affect a given endocrine condition. As more data is emerging on this subject, it will help to formulate clinical practice guidelines and policies to optimize endocrine disorders in light of a given external environment.



Environment with respect to health refers to all the physical, chemical and biological factors extrinsic to a person, even encompassing the related behavioral responses. The given surroundings can have a significant impact on an individual’s health and even health conditions can influence the environment over a period of time (1). Environmental health is an upcoming field and is referred to as the science and practice of preventing human illness while promoting wellbeing, by identifying and evaluating environmental changes. It further helps to identify and limit exposure to hazardous physical, chemical, and biological agents and thereby limiting their exposure to prevent adverse effects on human health (2). Multiple disciplines of medicine are involved in studying this field and research dealing with environmental health often has a direct impact on policy and practice. Amongst various organ systems that are impacted with environmental health, the endocrine system is maximally affected and very relevant in tropical countries (3, 4). This has been shown across different species and in humans across their life span (5-7). The environmental changes can even result in epigenetic alterations that may then transcend across generations (3, 8). In this chapter, we explore the bidirectional relationship of environment and the endocrine system and suggest a future road map for addressing the research gaps identified in this field (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Relationship of the environment and endocrine system


The Influence of the Physical Environment on the Endocrine System

In the last century several nuclear disasters have happened from time to time. The impact of these on the endocrine system has widely been reported and is a classic example as to how the physical environment can affect the endocrine system (9-11). The unfortunate incidents in Fukushima and Chernobyl have led to a large amount of exposure of radioactive substances that have been released into the environment. In addition to their adverse effects on reproductive health and carcinogenesis, a considerable impact has been noted on many endocrine glands including the pituitary, thyroid and gonads (12).


Following the Chernobyl accident in 1986, it was noted that individuals living in the surrounding areas had a 50% lower sympathetic activity and a 36% lower adrenal cortical activity including a significantly lower blood cortisol level. They also were noticed to have increased hypophyseal-thyroid system dysfunction, higher incidence of goiter, and autoimmune thyroiditis (13). An increased level of thyroxine-binding globulin, lower concentrations of free T3, and an increased risk of non-toxic single nodular and multinodular goiters have been reported (14). On the other extreme, an increased secretion of gonadotropic hormones and accelerated sexual development in women was documented. Higher rates of juvenile diabetes were also noticed in those exposed to the radioactive substances. Higher levels of prolactin and renin, with lower progesterone levels have been documented (14).


A similar incidence was repeated in Fukushima in 2011, following a tsunami which caused extensive damage to the nuclear reactor situated there. Though the radiation amount released into the environment was relatively less, the exposure was to a significantly larger population (12). Multiple endocrine effects have also been described secondary to the radiation exposure followed by non-accidental deliberate nuclear weapon testing (15). These effects need to be proactively followed and documented as they have strong policy implications. 


Another important environmental health domain which has been of concern in recent times, is the health effects of forest fires. Apart from the multitude of environment related effects of vast forest fires, they also are known to affect the endocrine system (16). Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs), released during such forest fires are known endocrine disruptors with steroid like actions and their chronic exposure could affect the hypothalmo-pituitary-adrenal axis (17).


In addition to these the impact of built environment, limited areas for safe physical activity, and an increased number of fast-food outlets are responsible for an increasing prevalence of obesity in some developing countries (18).


Apart from these examples at the macro-environment level, the micro-environment could also have an impact on the endocrine system. A classic example to support this is hypogonadism in men caused by excessive use of sauna, hot tubs, Jacuzzis, heated car seats, and laptop use. The increased testicular temperature caused by excessive exposure to these activities can impair spermatogenesis (19, 20). Apart from direct effect of heat, excessive use of laptops and mobile phones also exposes the body to higher amount of radio frequency electromagnetic radiation, leading to multiple systemic effects including reduced spermatogenesis and increased blood pressure (21).


The Effect of Changes in the Chemical Environment on Endocrinology


Globally, the endocrine disruptor chemicals (EDCs) are the best-known examples of how the chemical environment can influence the endocrine system. EDCs are defined as exogenous chemicals that may alter any part of the endocrine system which may include interference in hormone synthesis, secretion, circulation, metabolism, receptor interaction, or elimination (22). Based on the site of their origin - EDC’s have been classified as industrial, residential, or agricultural. The common EDC’s used in industries include polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and alkylphenols. Several pesticides, insecticide, herbicides, phytoestrogens, and fungicides that are used in farming are classified as agricultural and those used in household products like phthalates, polybrominated biphenyls, and bisphenol A are considered as residential (23). EDCs have gathered much interest in recent years and are known to affect several endocrine systems especially the gonadal axis (24). A brief summary has been provided in the table below.


Table 1. Endocrine disruptors affecting different endocrine organs

Endocrine system

Endocrine disruptor chemical



Phytoestrogens (i.e., isoflavonoids, cumestans, lignans, stilbens); pesticides (i.e., organophosphates, carbamates, organochlorines, synthetic pyrethroids); Polyvinyl chloride (PVC); phenols, dioxins, heavy metals, perfluorooctanoic acid.

Precocious puberty, delayed puberty, disruption of the circadian rhythm


Xenoestrogens, Hexachlorobenzene

Adrenal biosynthetic defects


Perchlorate, thiocyanates, nitrates



Phthalates, vinclozolin, acetaminophen, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE)

Phthalates, diethylstilbestrol, bisphenol A (BPA)

PCB, phtalates, atrazine, genistein, BPA, parabens, triclosan, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), and metoxychloride (MXC)

Phthalates, bisphenol A, biphenyls, and vinclozolin,

Testicular dysgenesis syndrome





Female infertility







Male infertility

Endocrine gland cancer

PDBE, organochlorides, PCB, DDT, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), arsenic, and cadmium

Triclocarban, PCB

PCB, dioxins, cadmium, phytoestrogens, DES, furans, ethylene oxide

Testicular Cancer




Thyroid Cancer

 Breast Cancer


In addition to EDC’s several other occupational exposures can also cause endocrine disorders. Exposure to cadmium in silversmiths, without proper personal protective equipment could lead to renal tubular acidosis and subsequent hypophosphatemic osteomalacia (25). Chronic exposure to fluoride through drinking water is known to produce a sclerotic bone disease associated with osteomalacia (26). Exposure to other heavy metals like copper has also been associated with different endocrine disorders as seen in Wilson’s disease (27, 28). Altered exposure to certain food items, may also lead to endocrine disorders. While exposure to cow milk and cassava has been associated with development of diabetes, deficiency of iodine containing sea foods in non-coastal areas is associated with the goiter (29, 30).


The Impact of Biological Changes in the Environment on the Endocrine Milieu


The most recent and a very lucid example of how the biological environment can affect the endocrine system, is that of COVID -19. It has been shown that COVID-19 can have a myriad of effects on different endocrine systems. However, the most pertinent of all has been its association with diabetes (31-33). Interestingly not only COVID-19 can affect diabetes control but presence of diabetes can also have a direct impact on the outcome of COVID-19 (Figure 2).

Figure 2. The bidirectional relationship between COVID-19 and Diabetes

Similar to COVID-19, there have been reports of other communicable diseases intersecting with non-communicable endocrine disorders. A few common examples that are cited in literature include presence of NAFLD (Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease) in individuals with HIV infection, the association of osteoporosis with Hepatitis B infection, cytomegalovirus associated with Paget’s disease of the bone etc. (34, 35).


Certain infections may also be responsible for hormonal deficiencies. An example is histoplasmosis that is predominantly spread by bat droppings can result in adrenal insufficiency. This along with adrenal tuberculosis is still the most common cause of primary Addison’s disease in tropical countries unlike the West where autoimmune adrenalitis is the foremost cause. Similar infective etiologies have also been described to cause hypophysitis and resulting hypopituitarism.


The after effects of a of vasculo-toxic snake bite on pituitary and other endocrine organs also comes under the domain of biological environment impacting the endocrine system.


The Aftermath of Changing Social Environment on the Endocrine System


The social environment can influence the endocrine system in several ways. One such impact that has been increasing in recent years, is an increase in road traffic accidents on highways with higher speed limits, leading to traumatic brain injury. This has been associated with both acute and chronic hypopituitarism. Though first described in 1918, it was initially thought to be a rare phenomenon, but over the years has been recognized with increasing frequency (36). It is currently reported in about one third of patients with a traumatic brain injury (37). However, in autopsy studies up to 86% have demonstrated pituitary injury following traumatic brain injury (38).


Social norms and religious customs may further have an impact on the endocrine system. From the impact of prolonged periods of fasting on glycemic control to being customarily clad in veils leading to vitamin D deficiency, several such examples have been cited in literature.




The Influence of Endocrine Disorders on the Physical Environment


Globally, a rapid increase in the prevalence of obesity has brought about changes in the physical environment ranging from furniture sizes in clinics to more weight friendly gymnasiums. Additionally, operation tables have now become more accommodative of higher weights (39).


Another endocrine disorder that has brought about significant changes in the physical environment is osteoporosis. With an increasing life expectancy and consequent increase in the aged population, there has been a remarkable increase in the prevalence and awareness of osteoporosis. Subsequent fall protective arrangements are in place in several public places and transport facilities (40). Separate priority lines have been made available in different areas where prolonged waiting may be required (41). Moreover, battery operated cars are provided for them in airports and railway stations.



The changes in the chemical environment secondary to endocrine disorders are predominantly due to deficiency of chemical substances leading to hormone deficiencies. Nutritional vitamin D deficiency and iodine deficiency thyroid disorders have led to a massive fortification campaign in several countries. The impact of both these supplementations have seen phenomenal success across different countries especially in the tropical region (42, 43).


In a recently published study from Ireland, it was found that almost two-thirds of the mean daily vitamin D intake of adults came from fortified foods like milk and bread. Though individually milk and bread only helped to meet about 30 and 50% of recommended daily allowance, fortifying both simultaneously could help in meeting 70% of the RDA. This shows the impact of how widespread vitamin D deficiency could be managed by altering the chemical environment of commonly available foods (42).


Along similar lines a high prevalence of iodine deficiency disorders a few decades ago, has driven the salt iodination movement in several countries. This is another example of how an endocrine disorder can lead to changes in the surrounding chemical environment. This has definitely resulted in a reduction in the prevalence of goiter in many countries (44, 45).


The Effect of Endocrine Disorders on the Biological Environment


The classic example of how endocrine disorders could change the biological environment of an individual is how presence of diabetes and obesity could alter the clinical course of COVID 19. It is now clear that the presence of these comorbidities could increase the severity, prolong hospitalization and even increase the mortality of COVID-19 infected individuals (31-33, 46).


Other biological disorders that could depend on the endocrine milieu of a person include hormone dependent cancers. Elevations of specific hormones that can increase the risk of certain cancers provide a good opportunity to provide novel therapeutic options that may help in the management the hormone sensitive tumors (47). The commonly cited examples of these hormone dependent tumors where the alteration in the hormone levels could affect the biological activity of these disorders include breast, ovarian, and prostate malignancies.


The Footprint of Endocrine Diseases on the Social Environment


The rapid increase in the prevalence of diabetes and obesity have changed the availability of different foods and beverages available in social gatherings and supermarkets. Now sugar free foods and drinks are available in every gathering, which was not commonly present a few decades ago. Moreover, fat free snacks, low calorie deserts, and high fiber food options have become the new norm in the current day society (48).




Even though several examples of the bidirectional impact of environment and endocrine disorders are cited in this chapter, data on this subject are still emerging and more evidence is needed to precisely quantify its impact. This will enable future practice guidelines and polices to improve the quality of life of people affected with endocrine disorders by modifying their environment and also help in positively changing the physical, chemical, biological, and social environment with respect to a given endocrine disorder.




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Pancreatic Islet Function Tests



Objective: To describe testing indications and protocols for the evaluation of pancreatic islet function. Methods: A review of the literature and consensus guidelines concerning testing of pancreatic islet function was performed. Results: Indications for screening for diabetes mellitus are reviewed. Diagnostic criteria for diagnosis are fasting plasma glucose ≥ 126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/l) or random glucose ≥200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l) with hyperglycemic symptoms, hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) ≥6.5%, and oral glucose tolerance testing (OGTT) 2-h glucose ≥200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l) after 75 g of glucose. One-step and two-step strategies for diagnosing gestational diabetes using pregnancy-specific criteria as well as use of the 2-h 75-g OGTT for the postpartum testing of women with gestational diabetes (4-12 weeks after delivery) are described. Testing for other forms of diabetes with unique features are reviewed, including the recommendation to use the 2-h 75 g OGTT to screen for cystic fibrosis-related diabetes and post-transplantation diabetes, fasting glucose test for HIV positive individuals, and genetic testing for monogenic diabetes syndromes including neonatal diabetes and maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY). Elevated measurements of pancreatic islet autoantibodies (e.g., to the 65-KDa isoform of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65), tyrosine phosphatase related islet antigen 2 (IA-2), insulin (IAA), and zinc transporter (ZnT8)) suggest autoimmune type 1 diabetes (vs type 2 diabetes). IAA is primarily measured in youth. The use of autoantibody testing in diabetes screening programs are recommended only in first degree relatives of an individual with type 1 diabetes or in research protocols. C-peptide measurements >3 years after clinician diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in adults can be helpful in identifying those who have type 1 diabetes (low or undetectable c-peptide) from those who may have type 2 or monogenic diabetes. Use of OGTTs to examine insulin secretory reserve and intravenous glucose tolerance testing are also reviewed. These tests are primarily used in research studies. Evaluation of glycemic control is discussed, with special attention to hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and its correlation with mean blood glucose levels as well as assays of other glycated serum proteins. Finally, protocols used to evaluate hypoglycemia (glucose < 55 mg/dl (3.1 mmol/l)) are described, such as the supervised prolonged fast, during which measurements of glucose, insulin, c-peptide, oral insulin secretagogues, proinsulin, and beta-hydroxybutyrate are obtained. Insulinoma is suggested by elevated insulin, proinsulin and c-peptide levels, beta-hydroxybutyrate < 2.7 mmol/l, and undetectable insulin secretagogues. Use of a modified OGTT in the evaluation of the dumping syndrome is also described, as are the mixed meal test, glucagon tolerance test, c-peptide suppression test and evaluation of autoimmune hypoglycemia.




Early detection and treatment of diabetes mellitus is important in preventing the chronic and acute complications of this disease. Individuals with symptoms suggestive of hyperglycemia, such as polyuria, polyphagia, polydipsia, unexplained weight loss, blurred vision, excessive fatigue, or infections or wounds that heal poorly should be promptly tested.


The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends routinely screening for type 2 diabetes in adults every three years beginning at age 45. In asymptomatic people, testing for type 2 diabetes should be considered in adults of any age if they are overweight or obese (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2, or ≥ 23 kg/m2 if Asian), planning pregnancy, and/or if they have additional risk factors as listed below in Table 1. Repeat screening should be performed at least every three years. Patients with prediabetes should be screened yearly (1). The US Preventive Services Task Force recommends glucose screening for all asymptomatic overweight or obese adults ages 40-70 (2); the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists recommends screening at risk individuals at any age (3).

Table 1. Risk Factors for the Development of Type 2 Diabetes (1)

Physical inactivity

First-degree relative with diabetes

High-risk race/ethnicity (e.g., African American, Latino, Native American, Asian American, Pacific Islander)

Women who delivered a baby weighing >9 lb. or were diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes

Hypertension (≥140/90 mm Hg or on therapy for hypertension)

HDL cholesterol level <35 mg/dL (0.90 mmol/L) and/or a triglyceride level >250 mg/dL (2.82 mmol/L)

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome

HbA1C ≥5.7%, Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT), or Impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG) on previous testing

Other clinical signs or conditions associated with insulin resistance (e.g., severe obesity, acanthosis nigricans)

History of cardiovascular disease



Type 2 diabetes is becoming a growing problem in children and adolescents in high-risk populations. To address this issue, the ADA recommends screening overweight [body mass index (BMI) ≥85th percentile] or obese (BMI ≥95th percentile) youth at least every 3 years, beginning at age 10 or at the onset of puberty, if they have 1 or more additional risk factors listed below in Table 2. Repeat testing should be done more frequently if BMI is increasing (1).

Table 2.  Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes in Children and Adolescents

Family history of type 2 diabetes (first and second-degree relatives)

High risk ethnicity (Native Americans, African-Americans, Latino, Asian/Pacific Islanders)

Signs of or conditions associated with insulin resistance (acanthosis nigricans, hypertension, dyslipidemia, small-for-gestational-age birth weight, or polycystic ovary syndrome)

Maternal history of diabetes or gestational diabetes during child's gestation




The diagnosis of diabetes can be made using the fasting plasma glucose, random plasma glucose, oral glucose tolerance test, or hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) (1). Testing should be performed on 2 separate days using one or more of the above tests, unless unequivocal hyperglycemia is present. Alternatively, in the absence of symptoms of hyperglycemia, diabetes can be diagnosed if there are two different abnormal test results from the same sample (1).




The use of the HbA1c assay was recommended for the diagnosis of diabetes in 2009 by an International Expert Committee (4). HbA1c levels reflect overall glycemic control and correlate with the development of microvascular complications. An HbA1c ≥ 6.5% on two separate occasions can be used to diagnose diabetes. An HbA1c level of 6.0% to less than 6.5% identifies high risk of developing diabetes. The ADA considers individuals with a HbA1c of 5.7% to 6.4% at increased risk for developing diabetes (1). HbA1c should not be used to diagnose gestational diabetes, diabetes in HIV positive individuals, post-organ transplantation, or in people with cystic fibrosis.

Table 3.  ADA Criteria for the Diagnosis of Diabetes (1)

HbA1C ≥6.5%. The test should be performed in a laboratory using a method that is National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program certified and standardized to the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) assay.

FPG ≥126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L). Fasting is defined as no caloric intake for at least 8 h.

2-h plasma glucose ≥200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) during an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT). The test should be performed as described by the WHO, using a glucose load containing the equivalent of 75 g anhydrous glucose dissolved in water.

In a patient with classic symptoms of hyperglycemia or hyperglycemic crisis, a random plasma glucose ≥200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) without repeat testing for confirmation.


Fasting and Random Plasma Glucose


Fasting plasma glucose is one method recommended by the ADA for the diagnosis of diabetes in children and non-pregnant adults (1). The test should be performed after an 8 hour fast. For routine clinical practice, fasting plasma glucose may be preferred over the oral glucose tolerance test because it is rapid, easier to administer, is more convenient for patients and providers, and has a lower cost (1). A random plasma glucose level, which is obtained at any time of the day regardless of the time of the last meal, can also be used in the diagnosis of diabetes in a patient with classic symptoms of hyperglycemia or hyperglycemic crisis.

Table 4.  Fasting Plasma Glucose Criteria


Fasting Plasma Glucose

Normal glucose tolerance

<100 mg/dl (5.6 mmol/l)

Impaired fasting glucose (pre-diabetes)

100-125 mg/dl (5.6-6.9 mmol/l)

Diabetes mellitus

≥126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/l)


For the diagnosis of diabetes, standard venous plasma glucose specimens should be obtained. Specimens should be processed promptly, since glucose is metabolized at room temperature. This process is influenced by storage temperature, storage time as well as other factors, and is accelerated in the presence of bacteria or leukocytosis.


Whole blood glucose specimens obtained with point-of-care devices should not be used for the diagnosis of diabetes because of the inaccuracies associated with these methods. Capillary and venous whole blood glucose concentrations are approximately 15% lower than plasma glucose levels in fasting specimens.


Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)




Formal oral glucose tolerance tests can be used to establish the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. They are more cumbersome and costlier than the fasting plasma glucose test, however, the use of only the fasting plasma glucose may not identify a proportion of individuals with impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes (5). A plasma glucose level 2-hours after a glucose challenge may identify additional individuals with abnormal glucose tolerance who are at risk for microvascular and macrovascular complications, particularly in high-risk populations in which postprandial (versus fasting) hyperglycemia is evident early in the disease (6,7).


When using an OGTT, the criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes is a 2 h glucose >200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l) after a 75-gram oral glucose load (ADA and WHO criteria). The 75-gram glucose load should be administered when the patient has ingested at least 150 grams of carbohydrate for the 3 days preceding the test and after an overnight fast. Dilution of the 75-gram oral glucose load (300-900 ml) may improve acceptability and palatability without compromising reproducibility (8). The patient should not be acutely ill or be taking drugs that affect glucose tolerance at the time of testing, and should abstain from tobacco, coffee, tea, food, alcohol and vigorous exercise during the test.

Table 5.  Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Glucose Criteria


2-h Plasma Glucose (after 75-gram Glucose Load)

Normal glucose tolerance

<140 mg/dl (7.8 mmol/l)

Impaired glucose tolerance(pre-diabetes)

140-199 mg/dl (7.8-11.1 mmol/l)

Diabetes mellitus

≥200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l)




The prevalence of gestational diabetes (GDM) varies among racial and ethnic groups and between screening practices, testing methods, and diagnostic criteria. The overall frequency of GDM in the 15 centers participating in the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) Study was 17.8% (9), and regional estimates may vary from 10% to 25 % depending on the population studied (10). The prevalence increases with increased number of risk factors, such that 33% of women with 4 or more risk factors have gestational diabetes (11). This condition is important to diagnose early because of the increased perinatal morbidity associated with poor glycemic control.


The US Preventive Task Force recommends screening for gestational diabetes in asymptomatic women after 24 weeks (12); the ADA recommends screening all pregnant women routinely between 24- and 28-weeks’ gestation. If the woman has risk factors, however, screening should be performed at the initial prenatal visit using standard criteria (1).

Table 6.  Risk Factors for the Development of Gestational Diabetes

Overweight or obese

Previous history of impaired glucose tolerance, gestational diabetes, or delivery of a baby weighing >9 lb.

Glycosuria or history of abnormal glucose tolerance

Family history of diabetes (especially first degree relative)

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, hypertension, glucocorticoid use

History of poor obstetric outcome

Age (>25 years)

High risk ethnicity

Multiple gestation


Table 7.  Low Risk for the Development of Gestational Diabetes

Age (< 25 years)

Normal weight pre-pregnancy

Low risk ethnicity

No first-degree relatives with diabetes

No history of abnormal glucose tolerance

No history of poor obstetric outcome


Table 8.  Time of Initial Testing for Gestational Diabetes

Risk of Development of Gestational Diabetes

Time of Initial Testing for Gestational Diabetes

Low risk

24-28 weeks gestation

Average risk

24-28 weeks gestation

High risk

As soon as feasible; repeat at 24-28 weeks if earlier testing normal


More than one method has been recommended for the screening and diagnosis of gestational diabetes. The criteria for the diagnosis of this condition remain controversial because the glucose thresholds for the development of complications in pregnancies with diabetes remain poorly defined. Currently, the ADA suggests screening for GDM with either the “one-step” or “two-step” approach (1). Long term outcome studies evaluating pregnancies complicated by GDM are currently underway and hopefully a uniform approach will be adopted.


One-Step Strategy


The International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Group (IADPSG), an international consensus group with representatives from multiple obstetrical and diabetes organizations including the ADA recommend that all women not previously known to have diabetes undergo a 75-gram 2-hour OGTT at 24-28 weeks of gestation. This approach, which has been adopted internationally, is expected to increase the prevalence of GDM as only one abnormal value is sufficient to make the diagnosis (1,13). In 2017, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) stated that clinicians may make the diagnosis of gestational diabetes based on only one elevated blood glucose value if warranted, based on their population, although this organization still supports the “two step” approach for diagnosis of GDM (14).

Table 9.  Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Glucose Criteria for the Diagnosis of GDM

75-gram 2- hour OGTT: Performed at 24-28 weeks gestation in the morning after an overnight fast of at least 8 hours

GDM is diagnosed when any of the following values are exceeded:


≥ 92 mg/dL (5.1 mmol/L)

One Hour

≥ 180 mg/dL (10.0 mmol/L)

Two Hour

≥ 153 mg/dL (8.5 mmol/L)

These glucose thresholds were based on outcome data of the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes (HAPO) study that conveyed an odds ratio for adverse maternal, fetal and neonatal outcomes of at least 1.75 based on fully adjusted logistic regression models (15).

Two-Step Strategy 

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) as well as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have been in support of the "two step" approach which consists of universal screening of all pregnant women at 24-28 weeks gestation with a 50-gram glucose challenge regardless of timing of previous meals, followed by a 100-gram three-hour OGTT in screen positive patients (14, 16).


In the two-step approach, first a 50-gram oral glucose load is administered regardless of the timing of previous meals. The following thresholds have been defined as a positive screen: ≥130 mg/dL, ≥135 mg/dL, or ≥140 mg/dL (7.2 mmol/L, 7.5 mmol/L, or 7.8 mmol/L); the lower threshold has an estimated sensitivity and specificity of 88-99% and 66-77% compared to 70-88% and 69-89% respectively for the higher cutoff values of ≥135 mg/dL or ≥140 mg/dL (1).

Table 10.  Abnormal Glucose Level on Screening Test

50-gram Glucose Load

1-h Plasma Glucose

≥130 mg/dl (7.8 mmol/l)


If the screening test is abnormal, the diagnosis of gestational diabetes should be confirmed using a formal 100-gram OGTT. This test should be performed after an overnight (8-14 h) fast. It is generally recommended that the woman ingest at least 150 grams of carbohydrate/day for the 3 days prior to testing to prevent false positive results; however, the necessity of this preparatory diet in normally nourished women has been challenged (17). The ADA recommends using the Carpenter/Coustan criteria (1). At least 2 of the following 4 venous plasma glucose levels must be attained or exceeded to make the diagnosis of GDM (1).

Table 11.  Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Glucose Criteria for the Diagnosis of GDM



National Diabetes Data Group


≥95 mg/dl (5.3 mmol/l)

≥105 mg/dl (5.8 mmol/l)

One Hour

≥180 mg/dl (10.0 mmol/l)

≥190 mg/dl (10.6 mmol/l)

Two Hours

≥155 mg/dl (8.6 mmol/l)

≥165 mg/dl (9.2 mmol/l)

Three Hours

≥140 mg/dl (7.8 mmol/l)

≥145 mg/dl (8.1 mmol/l)



Women with a history of GDM are at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than women without GDM (18,19). Women at the highest risk are those with multiple risk factors, those who had more severe gestational diabetes, and those with poorer beta cell function (11). The ADA recommends testing women 4-12 weeks after delivery using a two-hour 75-gram OGTT. Women with normal results should be retested at least every 3 years. It is recommended that women with impaired fasting glucose or impaired glucose tolerance be retested on a yearly basis (1).


Special Populations



Diabetes is common in patients with cystic fibrosis and is associated with adverse effects on nutritional status as well as pulmonary function. Annual screening for diabetes is recommended for individuals over age 10 with cystic fibrosis (1). HbA1c and fructosamine can be inaccurate in this population. In a retrospective analysis of the Toronto cystic fibrosis database, screening for diabetes using a HbA1c cutoff of 5.5% had a sensitivity of 91.8% and specificity of only 34.1% (20) but more studies need to be performed before the use of HbA1c is generally recommended for the diagnosis of diabetes in these individuals.


The use of the 2-hour 75 gm OGTT is recommended for the screening of healthy outpatients with cystic fibrosis. For patients receiving continuous drip feedings, laboratory glucose levels at the midpoint or immediately after feedings should be obtained. The diagnosis of diabetes is based on glucose levels ≥200 mg/dL on 2 separate occasions. If the patient is acutely ill or ingesting glucocorticoids, a FPG ≥126 mg/dL or 2-hour postprandial glucose ≥200 mg/dL that persists for >48 hours is sufficient to diagnose diabetes (21, 22). 




Screening for prediabetes and diabetes by measuring fasting glucose before and 3-6 months after starting or changing antiretroviral therapy is recommended for everyone living with HIV (1).  If normal, a fasting glucose test should be performed yearly.  Screening using a HbA1c test is not recommended for diagnosis due to risk of inaccuracies (1, 23). 




After an individual has had an organ transplant and is on stable immunosuppressive therapy, routine screening for diabetes is recommended.  The recommended screening test is an OGTT post- transplantation (1).




The hyperinsulinemic euglycemic insulin clamp procedure is the gold standard for measuring insulin resistance, and the hyperglycemic clamp is the gold standard for measuring insulin secretion.  These are only used in research studies. Fasting data and data from OGTTs are more often used due to ease of performance and lower cost. A simple widely used research method, the Homeostasis Model (HOMA), uses fasting glucose (G) and insulin (I) levels (or c-peptide (C) instead of insulin) to estimate beta cell function and insulin sensitivity. The HOMA calculator as well as additional information concerning this method can be found at: Insulin secretion has also been estimated using the Insulinogenic Index [IGI; ∆I30/∆G30] and the C-peptide Index (∆C30/∆G30). Additional estimates of insulin sensitivity include the Quantitative Insulin Sensitivity Check Index [QUICKI; 1/log(FI) + log (FG)] and the Whole-Body Insulin Sensitivity Index [WBISI]. The Oral Disposition Index is a measure of insulin secretion relative to insulin sensitivity [1/IFx (∆C30/∆G30)]. These measures are not used in routine clinical care.  A surrogate marker of insulin resistance is the lipid accumulation product (LAP) index, which uses information that can be obtained in routine clinical practice (24). It is calculated as follows: females (waist circumference-58) x (triglyceride [mmol/L]); males (waist circumference-68) x (triglyceride [mmol/L]).  The LAP cannot be used if triglycerides are >15 mmol/L.


Intravenous Glucose Tolerance Test


The short intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) is used in research studies to assess first phase insulin release. This acute insulin secretory response is typically lost early in the development of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes due to reduction of beta cells and islet cell dysfunction. Abnormal IVGTT results can occur prior to the onset of the diabetes. The test is performed after an overnight 10 h fast, and the patients are instructed to ingest at least 150 grams of carbohydrate for the 3 days preceding the test. A 25-gram glucose bolus (of a 25% glucose solution) is given intravenously, and the acute insulin response calculated from the third to fifth minute after the glucose bolus. The short intravenous glucose tolerance test is sometimes used to assess pancreatic function after pancreatic transplantation.


In the Diabetes Prevention Trial Type 1, a glucose load was given intravenously (0.5 g/kg body weight up to a maximum of 35 grams) over 3 minutes, and insulin levels at 1- and 3-minutes post-load were used to estimate acute insulin production (25). Individuals with low insulin response (<100 uU/ml) and positive autoantibodies were at high risk of developing type 1 diabetes. Until effective interventions are established, however, the routine use of this test for the detection of early type 1 diabetes is not recommended.


The standard intravenous glucose tolerance test is used in research studies to estimate insulin sensitivity (SI) and glucose effectiveness (SG) using minimal model methodology. The procedure for the standard intravenous glucose tolerance test is to intravenously inject glucose (0.33 g/kg body weight) over 2 minutes and to frequently sample for glucose and insulin over 3-4 hours. Modifications include the addition of a tolbutamide (125 mg/m2) or insulin (20-30 mU/kg) infusion 20-25 minutes after the glucose load. These tests are not used in clinical practice.


Additional information can be found in the chapter entitled “Assessing Insulin Sensitivity and Resistance in Humans” in the Diabetes or Endocrine Testing Protocol sections of Endotext.


C-Peptide Testing


During the processing of proinsulin to insulin in the beta cell of the pancreas, the 31 amino acid connecting peptide which connects the A and B chains, called c-peptide, is enzymatically removed and secreted into the portal vein. C-peptide circulates independently from insulin and is mainly excreted by the kidneys. Levels are elevated in renal failure. Standardization of different c-peptide assays is still suboptimal. C-peptide testing is used to examine insulin secretory reserve in people with diabetes.  Another important use of c-peptide measurements is in the evaluation of hypoglycemia, described below (see Section “Evaluation of Hypoglycemia”).


At the time of type 1 diabetes diagnosis, c-peptide levels commonly overlap with those observed in type 2 diabetes, and cannot reliably distinguish between these diabetes types. With longer duration, there is progressive loss of c-peptide, and although c-peptide levels in many individuals with long-standing type 1 diabetes are extremely low or undetectable, there is heterogeneity in residual beta cell function with detectable c-peptide being more common in adult-onset type 1 diabetes (26). In type 1 diabetes, detectable c-peptide is associated with better glycemic control, less hypoglycemia, and decreased microvascular disease (27-28).


Type 2 diabetes is heterogeneous, with many individuals having progressive loss of beta cell function over many years evidenced by decreasing c-peptide levels. Fasting and glucose-stimulated c-peptide levels have been used in the past to distinguish type 1 (severe insulin deficiency) from type 2 diabetes with limited success. However, targeted testing may be more discriminatory.  When random c-peptide testing was performed >3 years after clinical diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, 13% had a c-peptide ≥200 pmol/L, and after islet autoantibody and genetic testing, 6.8% of these were reclassified: 5.1% as having type 2 diabetes and 1.6% as having monogenic diabetes (29).


C-peptide stimulation using glucagon or a mixed meal such as Sustacal, has also been used to help differentiate between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and to determine the need for insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes. In the glucagon stimulation test, glucose, insulin and c-peptide levels are measured 6 and 10 min after the intravenous injection of 1 mg of glucagon. Normal stimulation of c-peptide is a 150-300% elevation over basal levels. In the mixed meal tolerance test, Sustacal (6 mg/kg up to a maximum or 360 ml) is ingested over 5 minutes, and glucose and c-peptide are measured 90 min after oral ingestion.


These tests have had limited general clinical utility since they do not reliably discriminate between patients who require insulin therapy. They have been used in research studies and in the evaluation of patients after pancreatectomy and pancreatic transplantation. In the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial, a basal c-peptide value of <0.2 pmol/ml and stimulated level of <0.5 pmol/ml were used to confirm the presence of type 1 diabetes at entry (30).




Islet autoantibodies can be detected early in the development of type 1 diabetes and are considered markers of autoimmune beta cell destruction. They predict progressive beta cell destruction and ultimately beta cell failure. The autoantibodies for which specific immunoassays are available include the 65-KDa isoform of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65), insulin autoantibodies (IAA), zinc transporter antibodies (ZnT8), islet cell antigen 512 autoantibodies (ICA512), and autoantibodies to the tyrosine phosphatase related antigens islet antigen 2 (IA-2) and IA-2b. Measurements of ICA512, which are autoantibodies to parts of the IA-2 antigen, are no longer recommended. The presence of high levels of 2 or more antibodies is strongly predictive of type 1 diabetes mellitus. These antibodies may be detected before the onset of type 1 diabetes, at the time of diagnosis and for variable amounts of time after diagnosis. They have been used in screening for type 1 diabetes in first-degree relatives of an individual with type 1 diabetes or in research studies related to the early detection, treatment and prevention of type 1 diabetes ( These measurements are not recommended for use in general screening programs in low-risk individuals.


Commercially available assays for autoantibodies are sometimes useful in distinguishing type 1 diabetes from type 2 diabetes. The absence of detection of these antibodies, however, does not exclude the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. Since IAA can form in response to insulin therapy, detection can be the result of insulin injections or autoimmune insulin antibody formation. GAD65 antibodies are frequently observed early in the course of type 1 diabetes. They are also present in the rare neurological disorder, stiff-man syndrome, and in some patients with polyendocrine autoimmune disease.


In adults with newly diagnosed diabetes for whom type 1 diabetes is a possible diagnosis, GAD65 is commonly measured first, along with or followed by IA2 and ZnT8. IAA are more commonly detected in young children who develop type 1 diabetes and are generally not measured in adults.


Lynam and coworkers (31) developed a clinical multivariable model to help differentiate between type 1 and type 2 diabetes in adults ages 18-50 years.  The model includes age at diagnosis, BMI, islet autoantibodies (GAD, IA-2), and a type 1 diabetes genetic risk score.  The authors define type 1 diabetes by a non-fasting c-peptide <200 pmol/L and rapid insulin requirement within the first 3 years of diagnosis. The definition of type 2 diabetes was not requiring insulin treatment within the first 3 years after diagnosis or, if insulin was used, having a c-peptide measurement of >600 pmol/L at ≥5 years post-diagnosis.  Since the measures of the genetic variants in the type 1 diabetes genetic risk score are not widely available, this model is not used clinically in the United States.




Monogenic diabetes syndromes account for 1%-5% of all individuals with diabetes and have been primarily classified as neonatal diabetes or Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) based on clinical characteristics. More than 50 affected genes have been described. A Diabetes Care Expert Forum assembled in 2019 to re-consider the classification of monogenic diabetes syndromes. They recommend a classification system based upon molecular genetics, listing the affected gene, inheritance/phenotype, disease mechanism/special features, and the treatment implications (32).


When genetic testing is considered, involvement of centers with expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of monogenic diabetes syndromes is recommended (1).  Laboratories performing genetic testing should participate in quality assurance programs (32).  Proper diagnosis is critical since treatment approaches will differ depending upon the gene affected. 

Table 12.  When to Consider Genetic Testing for Monogenic Diabetes Syndromes

Diabetes diagnosed younger than 6 months of age

Diabetes in children and young adults not characteristic of type 1 or type 2 (negative pancreatic auto-antibodies, non-obese, no features of metabolic syndrome) and with a strong family history (diabetes in successive generations suggesting dominant inheritance)

Fasting glucose 100-150 mg/dL, stable A1c (5.6-7.6%), especially if in a non-obese child or young adult


The ADA recommends immediate genetic testing for all infants diagnosed with diabetes within the first 6 months of life (1). Common causes of neonatal diabetes include mutations in the following genes: KCNJ11 (potassium inward-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 11), ABCC8 (ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C, member 8 of the potassium channel), INS (preproinsulin), 6q24 (PLAGL1, HYMA1), GATA6, EIF2AK3, EIF2B1 and FOXP3.


MODY most commonly manifests before age 25 years but can be diagnosed in older individuals. The inheritance is typically autosomal dominant. Individuals who have positive islet autoantibody test results and/or low c-peptide concentrations should not be tested for monogenic diabetes syndromes (33). The number of genetic mutations responsible has been increasing each year. Most common forms include: HNF4A-MODY (hepatocyte nuclear factor-4 alpha; MODY 1), GCK-MODY (glucokinase; MODY 2), HNF1A-MODY (hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 homeobox A;MODY 3 ), PDX1-MODY (MODY 4), HNF1B-MODY (hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 beta; MODY 5), NEUROD1-MODY (MODY 6), and INS-MODY (MODY 10).  A MODY risk calculator is available at:




Hemoglobin A1c


Glycosylated hemoglobin, or the hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) assay, is the most widely accepted laboratory test for the measurement of glycemic control and is recommended for routine use in the management of patients with diabetes mellitus. HbA1c levels reflect average blood glucose levels over the preceding 2-3 months. Although the life span of erythrocytes is approximately 120 days, HbA1c levels represent a weighted average of blood glucose levels, with youngest red blood cells, reflecting mean glucose levels over the past month, contributing to a greater extent than older ones.


The International Federation of Clinical Chemistry Working Group on HbA1c defines the HbA1c as the hemoglobin A that is irreversibly non-enzymatically glycosylated at one or both N-terminal valines of the beta-chains of the hemoglobin. Multiple methods have been certified to measure HbA1c. The National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program, which was started in 1996, has been largely successful in its goal to standardize HbA1c assays throughout the United States to the HPLC method used in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. The process has involved certification and proficiency testing, and long-term monitoring of quality control data. Providers should only use laboratories that are certified by the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program. Information concerning certified methods and laboratories can be found on their website


A consensus statement on the international standardization of HbA1c assays was issued by the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, the International Diabetes Federation, the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes, the Japanese Diabetes Society and the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (34). HbA1c assays should be calibrated to this reference method and results reported in a standardized manner (A1c (%); A1c (mmol/mol), and estimated average glucose).


The ADA recommends determining HbA1c levels every 3 to 6 months to monitor glycemic control (1). Reducing the HbA1c level to as close to normal as possible is directly related to the reduction in the development and progression of the chronic complications of diabetes (31, 35-37). The ADA goal HbA1c is <7% (if this can be accomplished safely) but states that lower goals may be appropriate in individual patients. Higher HbA1c goals may be appropriate for patients with a history of severe hypoglycemia, limited life expectancy, advanced complications, and/or comorbid conditions and those in whom a lower goal is difficult to attain (1). The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists target HbA1c is 6.5% for otherwise healthy patients at low risk for hypoglycemia. HbA1c targets should be individualized in patients with concurrent illness or those at risk for hypoglycemia (38).


The international A1c-Derived Average Glucose Study (ADAG) utilized frequent self-monitoring of blood glucose in adults with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and no diabetes. The study described a linear relationship between HbA1c and average glucose level (39).  In the ADAG study, there was no significant difference in the regression lines between HbA1c and mean glucose levels among ethnic and racial groups, although there was a trend toward a difference in regression lines between African/African-American and Caucasian adults. Other studies have shown differences in HbA1c by race and ethnicity, but the reasons for this remain unknown and the individual differences within racial groups are greater than the variation between races (40-42). At this time the recommended HbA1c target does not differ based on race or ethnicity.


Table 13.  Correlation of HbA1c with Mean Blood Glucose Concentrations (39, 42-43)

Hemoglobin A1c (%)

Approximate Mean Plasma Glucose (mg/dL)


Nathan et al 2008 (ADAG study; reference 31)

Beck et al 2017
(reference 35)

















Table 14. Relationship of HbA1c Levels with Mean Glucose Levels

Hemoglobin A1c (%)

Mean Glucose Concentrations (95% CI; reference 1)

Fasting (mg/dL)

Premeal (mg/dL)

Post meal (mg/dL)

Bedtime (mg/dL)



























Depending upon the assay method being used, certain hemoglobinopathies may interfere with results. This problem is highly method-dependent. Inaccurate results may be obtained in the presence of salicylates, chronic alcohol or opiate use, hyperbilirubinemia, liver or renal disease, iron deficiency, vitamin C, vitamin E, hypertriglyceridemia, lead poisoning, recent blood transfusions, and when there are conditions of abnormal red blood cell turnover such as in anemia, hemolysis, pregnancy, or use of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents. See for a full list of interferences for different methods.


Because of the improved standardization and reference method for the HbA1c assay, both the ADA and an International Expert Committee suggest that a HbA1c > 6.5% on two occasions is diagnostic of diabetes (1,4). Benefits of the use of HbA1c for the diagnosis of diabetes are that the test is easy to perform, does not have to be performed in the fasting state, and does not require any special preparation. Potential problems include interference by factors associated with abnormal red blood cell turnover and cost (44). The HbA1c range that indicates high risk of developing diabetes is considered 6.0% to <6.5% by the International Expert Committee (4) and 5.7% to 6.4% by the ADA (1).


Fructosamine, Glycated Albumin and 1,5-Anhydroglucitol


Assays of glycated serum proteins, which mostly measure glycated serum albumin, can reflect short-term glycemic control. The fructosamine assay is most commonly used. Since albumin has a short half-life (14-20 days), this test indicates average blood glucose levels over the past few weeks, which can be helpful in certain conditions such as pregnancy or in patients with hemoglobinopathy or abnormal red blood cell turnover (1,45). These tests may be affected by hypertriglyceridemia, hyperbilirubinemia, hyperuricemia, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, as well as by low serum protein and albumin levels. The relationship between these measures of glycemic control and HbA1c, fasting glucose and mean glucose have been reported in few studies shown below:

Table 15. Relationship Between Tests to Measure Glycemic Control

Hemoglobin A1c (%)

Mean Fasting Glucose (mg/dL)

Mean CGM Glucose (mg/dL)

Mean (Range) Fructosamine (μmol/L)

Mean (Range) Glycated Albumin (%)

Mean (Range) 1,5-anhydroglucitol (μg/mL)




219 (89-240)

12.2 (5.6-13.5)


100 b











126 b








13.3 (7.9-15.6)













6.5 b
















7.7 a
























10.5 a






a-c References 46-48: ARIC study (adults)

d Reference 49: DirecNet study (youth)

CGM: continuous glucose monitoring


Assays of 1,5-anhydroglucitol (1,5-AG) are an alternative measure of hyperglycemia. In the kidney, 1,5-AG is filtered by the glomeruli and reabsorbed in the proximal tubules. This reabsorption is competitively inhibited by glucose. When high glucose levels are associated with glycosuria, there is increased 1,5-AG excretion in the urine and lower serum levels. Concentrations of 1,5-AG reflect hyperglycemia-induced glycosuria over the prior 1-2 weeks. This test may be affected by pregnancy, advanced renal disease (CKD stages 4-5), and by use of SGLT-2 inhibitors.


There are few of studies demonstrating the usefulness of the fructosamine, glycated albumin, and 1,5-AG assays in predicting the development of diabetes-related complications (46, 50). Racial differences have also been reported for these assays (50). Since their clinical usefulness is not well established, testing is generally recommended in situations where HbA1c testing is expected to be inaccurate (e.g., abnormal red blood cell turnover).


Continuous Glucose Monitoring


Glucose data from continuous glucose monitors (CGM) are increasingly being used to assess glycemic control.  These data have the advantage of displaying glycemic patterns, glucose variability, time in target range, and time in hypoglycemia.  CGM is discussed in detail in the chapter entitled “Monitoring Technologies – Continuous Glucose Monitoring, Mobile Technology, Biomarkers of Glycemic Control” in the Diabetes section of Endotext.




Symptomatic hypoglycemia is defined clinically using Whipple's triad, which includes the presence of symptoms (confusion, lightheadedness, loss of consciousness, seizure, aberrant behavior, sweating, palpitations, weakness, blurred vision, or hunger) at the time of a low plasma glucose level, with improvement of symptoms when plasma glucose levels return to normal (51). The physician should determine if the patient truly has hypoglycemia prior to seeking an etiology. A plasma glucose level < 55 mg/dl (3.1 mmol/l) should raise the suspicion for a hypoglycemic disorder and initiate further evaluation, but many authorities rely on a glucose <40 mg/dl (2.2 mmol/l) as being diagnostic (52). Although symptoms are commonly observed when plasma glucose falls to <55 mg/dl (3.1 mmol/l), levels of <45 mg/dl (2.5 mmol/l) are associated with cognitive dysfunction (neuroglycopenia). Capillary glucose determinations should not be used in the evaluation of hypoglycemic disorders due to their poor accuracy in these situations.


The Endocrine Society has published clinical practice guidelines for the evaluation and management of hypoglycemic disorders (53). In persons without diabetes, drugs or critical illnesses, hormone deficiencies, and non-islet cell tumors should be considered based on the clinical findings (54). If the cause of the hypoglycemia is not evident then plasma glucose, insulin, c-peptide, proinsulin, β-hydroxybutyrate, insulin antibodies, and a screen for oral hypoglycemic drugs should be obtained during an episode of spontaneous hypoglycemia. Glucagon 1 mg IV should then be administered with careful follow up of the glucose response. This will help determine if the condition is related to excessive endogenous insulin production. The diagnosis of pancreatic hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia is supported by the demonstration that insulin secretion is not suppressed normally when the patient develops hypoglycemia. If testing cannot be conducted during an episode of spontaneous hypoglycemia, the prolonged fast or mixed meal test followed by the administration of glucagon is the most useful diagnostic study.


Some patients who have had bariatric surgery for the treatment of obesity, most commonly Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, will develop hypoglycemia. This is associated with abnormal OGTTs and mixed meal tests, abnormal transport of food to the small intestine, and, in some cases, hypersecretion of insulin and incretin hormones (55-58). Spontaneous hypoglycemia has been reported after islet auto-transplantation for chronic pancreatitis as well; a deficient glucagon response to hypoglycemia during a mixed meal test has been reported (59).


Prolonged Fast


The gold standard test in the evaluation of hypoglycemia is the 72-hour supervised fast although a 48-h fast is almost as effective in diagnosing patients with suspected insulinoma (60). The purpose of the fast is twofold. The first is to diagnose hypoglycemia as the cause of the patient's symptoms. The second is an attempt to determine the etiology of the hypoglycemia. Due to the risk of hypoglycemia, patients should be admitted to the hospital to undergo the fast in a monitored setting. The fast could be initiated in a carefully monitored outpatient facility, with the patient entering the hospital if the fast is not terminated prior to the closing of the site. Baseline bloodwork can include cortisol, growth hormone, glucagon, and catecholamines if deficient counterregulation is suspected.


During the fast, patients are allowed no food but can consume non-caloric caffeine-free beverages for up to 72 hours. The onset of the fast is the time of the last food consumption. During the fast all non-essential medications should be discontinued. Simultaneous insulin, c-peptide and glucose samples are obtained at the beginning of the fast and every 4-6 hours thereafter. Once the plasma glucose falls to <60 mg/dl, specimens should be taken every 1-2 hours under close supervision. Patients should continue activity when they are awake. The fast continues until the plasma glucose falls below 45 mg/dl (2.5 mmol/l) (plasma glucose <55 mg/dl (3.1 mmol/L) is recommended in the most recent Endocrine Society guidelines (53)) and symptoms of neuroglycopenia develop, at which time, insulin, glucose, c-peptide, oral insulin secretagogues, proinsulin and beta-hydroxybutyrate levels are obtained and the fast is terminated (52). Additional samples for insulin antibodies, anti-insulin receptor antibodies, IGF-1/IGF-2, and plasma cortisol, glucagon or growth hormone can also be obtained if a non-islet cell tumor, autoimmune etiology, or hormone deficiency is suspected. A glucagon tolerance test is then frequently performed to aid in diagnosis (Glucagon, 1 mg intravenously, administered with careful follow up of the glucose response every 10 minutes for 30 minutes. Further details regarding the glucagon tolerance test are below). Patients are fed at the conclusion of the test.


The diagnosis of endogenous hyperinsulinism is likely if the patient has neuroglycopenic symptoms, a fall in plasma glucose to <55 mg/dl, inappropriately elevated beta-cell polypeptides (insulin, proinsulin and c-peptide levels; see below table), with undetectable oral insulin secretagogue levels. β-hydroxybutyrate <2.7 mmol/L, and an increase in plasma glucose ≥25 mg/dL (1.4 mmol/L) after intravenous glucagon (53).


Table 16. Distinguishing Causes of Symptomatic Hypoglycemia (glucose < 55 mg/dl (3.0 mmol/l)) After a Prolonged Fast

Insulin (µU/mL)

C-peptide (nmol/L)

Proinsulin (pmol/L)

Oral hypoglycemic medication






Exogenous insulin





Endogenous insulina





Oral hypoglycemic (drug-induced)

a Insulinoma, non-insulinoma pancreatogenous hypoglycemia (NIPHS), post gastric bypass hypoglycemia.

Adapted from: Cryer, PE, et al. Evaluation and Management of Adult Hypoglycemic Disorders: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 94:709-728, 2009


Approximately 75% of patients with insulinomas are diagnosed after a 24 hour fast and 90-94% at 48 hours. Although some experts advocate conducting the prolonged fast for only 48 hours (60), others disagree, arguing that prolonging the fast up to 72 hours minimizes misdiagnosis and maximizes the probability of diagnosing an insulinoma (61).


Limitations of the prolonged fast:

  • Normal subjects, especially young women, can occasionally have plasma glucose levels of <40 mg/dl (2.2 mmol/l)
  • Rare insulinomas suppress their release of insulin in response to hypoglycemia
  • Insulin levels can sometimes be artificially elevated in the presence of anti-insulin antibodies.


OGTT and Mixed Meal Test


When the diagnosis of the dumping syndrome is being considered, a modified OGTT has been recommended (62).  After an overnight fast, a 75-gm glucose load is administered.  Glucose levels are measured at baseline and every 30 min up to 180 min.  To diagnose hypoglycemia due to the dumping syndrome, a glucose reading of <50 mg/dL is observed, typically between 60 and 180 min after receiving the glucose load. 


For patients with hypoglycemic symptoms several hours after meals, an OGTT or mixed meal test may be performed. The mixed meal test has not been well standardized. This test is typically done after an overnight fast. Patients eat a meal similar to one that provokes their symptoms. If this is not possible then a commercial mixed meal may be used. Patients are then observed for several hours. Samples for plasma glucose, insulin, c-peptide, and proinsulin are collected prior to the meal and every 30 minutes thereafter for 5 hours. If symptoms occur prior to the end of the test then additional samples for the above are collected prior to administration of carbohydrates. If Whipple’s triad is demonstrated, testing for oral hypoglycemic drugs and testing for insulin antibodies should be done. Interpretation of test results is the same as for the 72-hour fast or spontaneous hypoglycemia


Glucagon Tolerance Test


The glucagon tolerance test serves as a supplemental study to aid in the diagnosis of hypoglycemic disorders when results from the prolonged fast are inconclusive. Following an overnight fast (or at the conclusion of a prolonged fast), 1 mg of glucagon is injected intravenously over 2 minutes. Plasma glucose and insulin levels are measured at baseline, and either 10, 20, and 30 minutes after glucagon, or at 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 minutes after glucagon injection. In normal patients, maximum insulin response occurs rapidly and usually does not exceed 100 uU/ml (peak insulin 61+19 uU/ml at 3-15 minutes), and the serum glucose levels peak at 20-30 minutes (140 +24 mg/dl) (63).


Insulinoma patients demonstrate an exaggerated insulin response to glucagon, with values often exceeding 160 uU/ml within 15-30 minutes of the injection (peak insulin 93-343 uU/ml at 15 minutes) (54). In the hypoglycemic patient at the conclusion of the prolonged fast, an increase in plasma glucose of >25 mg/dl (1.4 mmol/l) post-glucagon suggests an insulin-mediated etiology (63).


Patients with malnutrition or hepatic disease may be unable to have a hyperglycemic response to glucagon due to depleted hepatic glycogen stores. Insulin responses in these subjects may be increased but not to the degree seen in subjects with an insulinoma. Drugs such as diazoxide, hydrochlorothiazide and diphenylhydantoin can cause false negative results (62). Patients with non-islet cell tumors such as hemangiopericytomas and meningeal sarcomas can have similar glucose elevations (30 mg/dl) as subjects with insulinomas following glucagon injection (65).


Another limitation of the glucagon stimulation test is the failure of some insulinoma patients to hypersecrete insulin following glucagon injection. This problem was reported in 8% of patients with insulinomas in one study (66). In addition, patients with cirrhosis with portocaval anastomosis can have peak insulin levels that are indistinguishable from subjects with insulinomas. Obese subjects and patients with acromegaly can also have exaggerated peak insulin responses, as can patients treated with sulfonylurea drugs and aminophylline.

An additional disadvantage of this test is the danger of causing hypoglycemia after 90-180 min (66) as well as inducing nausea and vomiting. Because of the possibility of severe hypoglycemia, a physician needs to be present during the test.


Autoimmune Hypoglycemia


The insulin autoimmune syndrome is a rare condition whereby antibodies, either directed against insulin or against the insulin receptor, are responsible for hypoglycemia. Autoimmune hypoglycemia due to insulin antibodies should be suspected when the hypoglycemia is associated with high insulin levels (usually >100 uU/mL) and incompletely suppressed C-peptide levels. Insulin levels are rarely >100 uU/mL in the presence of hypoglycemia due to an insulinoma. Although these elevated insulin levels can be observed with exogenous insulin administration, the associated c-peptide levels are usually extremely low. Autoimmune hypoglycemia is most often seen in people of Japanese descent but has been described in other populations (67). Autoimmune hypoglycemia may also be due to antibodies to the insulin receptor. These patients will have mildly elevated insulin levels (thought to be due to decreased clearance of insulin) and suppressed c-peptide levels, and may have other autoimmune conditions. Antibodies to insulin and/or proinsulin and insulin receptor antibodies can interfere with the measurements of pancreatic hormones using immunoassays (68-69). Insulin, proinsulin and/or insulin receptor antibody testing is needed to confirm the diagnosis of autoimmune hypoglycemia. This testing does not need to be done at the time of hypoglycemia.


C-Peptide Suppression Test


C-peptide and insulin are secreted in equimolar concentrations in the pancreas, making c-peptide levels a good marker of endogenous insulin secretion. The c-peptide suppression test can be used to test for an insulinoma or to provide supplemental diagnostic information, especially if the results of a supervised fast are not definitive. The c-peptide suppression test must be carefully administered, since the patient is given intravenous insulin to induce hypoglycemia. The advantage of the test is that it is of much shorter duration than the supervised fast.


The c-peptide suppression test is performed following an overnight fast. The procedure is to infuse regular insulin, 0.125 U/kg body weight, intravenously over 60 minutes. Blood samples are obtained from the contralateral arm at 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes for determination of insulin, c-peptide, and plasma glucose levels. An abnormal result is a lower percentage decrease of c-peptide at 60 minutes compared to normative data appropriately adjusted for the patient's body mass index and age (70). For example, an abnormal result for a 45-year-old with a BMI of 25-29 kg/m2 would be <61% suppression of c-peptide at 60 minutes (70). An alternative method (Regular insulin 0.075 IU/kg/hr. infused intravenously over 2 hours) using a different classification plot has been proposed (71) but few data using it have been published.


Limitations of this test include the fact that some patients with a documented insulinoma have normal c-peptide levels including normal percent decrease in c-peptide levels. There is also the danger of inducing severe hypoglycemia. In addition, little data concerning the reliability, sensitivity and safety of this test are published.




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Pituitary Tumors in Childhood



The pituitary region in childhood can be mainly affected by two kinds of neoplasia: craniopharyngiomas and pituitary adenomas. Craniopharyngiomas accounts for 1.2 to 4% of all childhood intracranial tumors, at this age adamantinomatous with cyst formation is the most common histological type. Craniopharyngiomas are benign from a histological point of view, but they can be aggressive, invading surrounding tissues and bony structures. Clinical presentation is non-specific with neurological disturbances, such as headache and visual field defects, together with manifestations of endocrine deficiency. Pituitary adenomas constitute less than 3% of supra-tentorial tumors in children, they are less common in pediatric patients than in adolescents or adults. Prolactinoma is the most frequent adenoma type in children, followed by the corticotrophinoma and the somatotrophinoma. Non-functioning pituitary adenomas, TSH-secreting, and gonadotrophin-secreting adenomas are extremely rare in children, accounting for only 3-6% of all pituitary tumors. Presenting symptoms are typically related to endocrine dysfunction, rather than to mass effects. Pituitary adenomas in childhood may have a genetic cause and, in some cases, additional manifestations can occur as part of a syndromic disease. Therapeutic options depend on the tumor type, with surgical approach often remaining the first choice.




Pituitary function depends on the integrity of the hypothalamo-pituitary axis and the functionality of numerous differentiated cell lines in the anterior pituitary lobe that specialize in specific hormone production. The development of these cell lines is the result of events during pituitary organogenesis that are under the sequential control of transcription factors (1). Any abnormality occurring in the pituitary gland, either congenital (congenital malformations, genetic abnormalities) or acquired (perinatal insults, tumors, infections), will cause profound alterations of the whole endocrine system.

Tumors in the pituitary region can be classified on the basis of topographic criteria as intra-, supra- para- or retrosellar (2). Intrasellar tumors are mostly represented by pituitary adenomas (more than 90% of all intrasellar lesions), while dys-embryogenetic lesions such as Rathke’s pouch cyst or pituitary blastomas are less frequent. The suprasellar tumors are dys-embryogenetic lesions of the midline such as craniopharyngiomas, germinomas, dermoid or epidermoid cysts, lipomas, teratomas, and hamartomas. Other tumors such as meningiomas or gliomas are uncommon during childhood or adolescence. Craniopharyngiomas, the most common cause of hypopituitarism in childhood, and adenomas are the most frequent lesions of the pituitary region in children and adolescents. Virtually all tumors of this region are benign.


This chapter aims at reviewing the most recent epidemiological, diagnostic, and therapeutic knowledge on pituitary tumors in childhood and adolescence.




Craniopharyngiomas are rare embryonic malformations of the sellar and parasellar area with an incidence of 0.5 to 2 cases per million persons per year, 30 to 50% of all cases presenting during childhood and adolescence (3-7). They originate from squamous rest cells of the remnant of Rathke’s pouch between the adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis in the region of the pars tuberalis. Rathke’s pouch is a cystic diverticulum from the roof of the embryonic mouth that gives rise to the adenohypophysis and determines the induction of the neurohypophysis. Craniopharyngiomas represent 1.2 to 4% of all childhood intracranial tumors (8-10) and show a bimodal distribution during the first-second decade of life and then in the fifth, apparently without any gender difference (5, 7). The tumor generally originates in the suprasellar region (94-95%), purely suprasellar (20–41%) or both supra- and intrasellar (53–75%), whereas the purely intrasellar forms (5-6%) are less frequent (5). Extremely rare are forms originating in the III ventricle, in the rhinopharynx, in the sphenoid, or in other locations (5). In their pure form, the adamantinomatous form and papillary form are clinicopathologically distinct. In childhood and adolescence, its histological type is usually adamantinomatous with cyst formation (3-7).


The pathogenesis of adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma is characterized by the deregulation of the Wnt pathway, in particular by activating mutations in exon 3 of the CTNNB1 gene encoding for β-catenin (11-13). Otherwise, most of papillary craniopharyngioma show a BRAF V600E mutation, resulting into activation of MAPK pathway (13, 14). Papillary forms exhibiting BRAF V600E mutations are rarely found in the pediatric age range (15, 16).


Craniopharyngiomas are benign from a histological evaluation but they can be aggressive, invading surrounding bony structures and tissues; they commonly have cystic components that may be multiple and generally cause compression of adjacent neurological structures (3-7). The adamantinomatous form is more locally aggressive and is characterized by a higher rate of recurrence than the papillary form (17). The molecular basis of this phenomenon is still not defined; however, a recent study showed that tissue infiltration could be favored by signaling of tyrosine kinase (18).


Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis


The diagnosis of craniopharyngioma is often made late, sometimes years after the initial appearance of symptoms. Neurological disturbances, such as headache and visual field defects, together with manifestations of endocrine deficiency such as stunted growth and delayed puberty, are the common presenting symptoms of craniopharyngiomas (3-7). Among adult-onset craniopharyngioma patients, hormonal deficits at the time of diagnosis are much more pronounced when compared with childhood-onset craniopharyngioma patients (3). At diagnosis, endocrine dysfunction is found in up to 80% of patients (3-7). Reduced GH secretion is the most frequent finding, present in up to 75% of patients, followed by FSH/LH deficiency in 40%, and ACTH and TSH deficiency in 25% (3-7). Despite the fact that the tumor is frequently large at presentation, the pituitary stalk is usually not disrupted, and hyperprolactinemia secondary to pituitary stalk compression is found in only 20% of patients (3-7). Diabetes insipidus is also relatively uncommon, occurring in ~17% of patients (3-7, 19). An increase in weight tends to occur as a later manifestation, shortly before diagnosis (3-7). Then, the clinical combination of headache, visual impairment, decreased growth rate, and/or polydipsia/polyuria would be very suggestive of childhood craniopharyngioma in the differential diagnostic process (20).


To date, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) before and after gadolinium application is the standard imaging for the detection for craniopharyngiomas. The neuroradiological diagnosis of craniopharyngiomas is based on the features of the lesion itself and on its relations with the surrounding structures. Particularly, the diagnosis is mainly based on the three characteristic components of the tumor: cystic, solid and calcified (5, 7, 21-23). The cystic component (Fig.1 and 2) constitutes the most important neoplastic part (up to the 70-75% of the total volume), and shows a variable signal depending on the chemical-physical properties of its content (24). A fluid content will appear hypointense in T1 and hyperintense in T2 while a lipid (due to cholesterol), methemoglobin or protein content will appear as hyperintense in T1 and T2 sequences. The solid portion shows an isointense signal in T1 and a hyperintense signal in T2 with enhancement after gadolinium, at variance with the cystic component (Fig. 3 and 4). However, enhancement after paramagnetic contrast is not a consistent feature (24). Computed tomography (CT) imaging is the only way to detect or exclude calcification, which is found in approximately 90% of tumors and therefore a crucial differentiating component for diagnosis (21-23).Calcification appears as areas of low signal in all sequences (23). The radiological appearance of non-homogeneous signal or a prevalent cystic component should not be regarded as a proof of a craniopharyngioma, since macroadenomas can also sometimes be characterized by patterns resembling craniopharyngiomas. Moreover, the craniopharyngioma, without evidence of calcification, could be confused with different neoplasms such as hypothalamic/chiasmatic astrocytomas, germ cell tumors, or Langerhans cell histiocytosis (24).

Figure 1. Resonance imaging T1-weighted sequences on coronal planes. Intra- and suprasellar craniopharyngioma in an 8-year-old boy presenting with reduced growth velocity and headache. This tumor has a total cystic component as shown by the hyper-intense spontaneous signal. (Kindly provided by S. Cirillo, II University of Naples)

Figure 2. Resonance imaging T1-weighted sequences on sagittal planes. Intra- and suprasellar craniopharyngioma in an 8-year-old boy presenting with reduced growth velocity and headache. This tumor has a total cystic component as shown by the hyper-intense spontaneous signal. (Kindly provided by S. Cirillo, II University of Naples)

Figure 3. Resonance imaging T1-weighted sequences on sagittal plane before IV gadolinium chelate administration. Extra-axial craniopharyngioma in the intra and suprasellar space, with non-homogenous signal due to calcifications and cysts, in a 7- year-old boy presenting with reduced growth velocity, sleepiness, and visual loss. (Kindly provided by S. Cirillo, II University of Naples).

Figure 4. Resonance imaging T1-weighted sequences on sagittal plane after IV gadolinium chelate administration. Extra-axial craniopharyngioma in the intra and suprasellar space, with non-homogenous signal due to calcifications and cysts, in a 7- year-old boy presenting with reduced growth velocity, sleepiness, and visual loss. After contrast medium non-homogenous enhancement of the solid component. (Kindly provided by S. Cirillo, II University of Naples).

Treatment Strategy


The treatment of craniopharyngioma is individualized on the basis of clinical presentation and several tumoral features such as dimension, location and extension, balancing the therapeutic radicality and the consequent risk of relapse with the onset of neurologic and endocrine complications. In instances where the onset of manifestation is an emergency with symptoms of raised intracranial pressure or rapid deterioration in visual function, to relieve these symptoms and prevent further visual deterioration initial surgical treatment, for hydrocephalus or tumor cyst decompression may be necessary prior to definitive treatment of the tumor (3-7).


To date, surgery remains the first treatment option in pediatric craniopharyngiomas. Craniopharyngiomas are characterized by variability of localization and a relationship with important structures like the hypothalamus, optic chiasm, third ventricle, and vessels of the circle of Willis: for this reason, there is no paradigmatic surgical treatment (25). The main purpose of surgery is significant tumoral removal and the operative approach is generally dictated by localization and extent of the craniopharyngioma. Optimal initial localization, without involvement of the hypothalamus and optic chiasm, allows one to aim at radical resection preserving visual and hypothalamic functions; indeed, purely infra-diaphragmatic as well as supra-diaphragmatic/infra-chiasmatic tumors have a favorable surgical outcome with higher gross total resection rates in experienced hands. Otherwise, lesions extending within the third ventricle and lesions beyond 3cm in diameter, independent of their localization, are characterized by a greater complexity of treatment and a worse therapeutic outcome. In effect, radical resection and attempting total neoplastic removal results in significantly impaired functional outcomes (26, 27) , so currently many prefer subtotal removal and subsequent radiotherapy. Aside from the traditional microscopic approach via the subfrontal or pterional craniotomy, transsphenoidal approaches and other minimal invasive surgical methods, e.g., catheter implantation into cystic formations of the tumor, have become popular (26, 27). The transsphenoidal approach is appropriate for infra-diaphragmatic lesions, whereas tumors with suprasellar extensions require a transcranial approach. Nevertheless, the extended transsphenoidal approach has been used in lesion with supradiaphragmatic extension, showing a higher frequency of endocrine and neurological complications compared to the use of the same technique for an intra-diaphragmatic one (28).


Radiotherapy is required in case of incomplete tumor removal, which is common for extra-sellar craniopharyngiomas, and can effectively be added to avoid recurrences, determining lower progression rates (21%) compared to subtotal surgery alone (71-90%) (28). In children, however, the benefit of any additional radiotherapeutic treatment should be balanced against the high risk of inducing hypopituitarism later in life. In a retrospective preliminary review aiming at evaluating the efficacy and toxicity of fractionated proton radiotherapy in the management of pediatric craniopharyngioma, local mass control was reported in 14 of 15 patients with few acute side effects and newly diagnosed panhypopituitarism, a cerebrovascular accident (from which the patient recovered), and an out-of-proton-field meningioma in a single patient who received previous radiotherapy as a long-term complications (8, 29).


Modern radiotherapy techniques allow a better conformation of the field of action, reducing the dose on the structures adjacent to the craniopharyngioma and the consequent adverse effects, particularly endocrine and visual ones. Currently, intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and proton beam therapy (PBT) have shown encouraging results in the pediatric population (25).


Further, therapeutic options for large cystic craniopharyngiomas are cyst drainage and intracystic instillation of Interferon-alpha, whereas instillation of bleomyicin is no longer used because of neurotoxicity due to leakage.Recently, a multicenter trial on the systemic use of peginterferon alpha-2b, administered subcutaneously, ended prematurely due to a lack of efficacy on the relapse prevention of the solid portion of the neoplasm (28). Relapse of craniopharyngioma occurs in about 35% of patients and the management of recurrence is influenced by previous therapy (30).


Currently, attention focuses on the potential of molecular target therapy. Agents that effect the Wnt pathway are not currently available, whereas evaluation of the use of vemurafenib and dabrafenib (BRAF inhibitors) and the combination of dabrafenib and trametinib (a MEK inhibitor) are showing encouraging results (14, 15, 31-33).




Pituitary adenomas are the most common cause of pituitary disease in adults but they are less common in children, becoming increasingly more frequent during the adolescent years (34-37). The estimated incidence of pituitary adenomas in childhood is still unknown since most published series included patients with onset of symptoms before the age of 20 yrs as pediatric patients. Pituitary adenomas constitute less than 3% of supra-tentorial tumors in children, and 2.3-6% of all pituitary tumors treated surgically (34, 35, 38, 39). The average annual incidence of pituitary adenomas in childhood has been estimated to be 0.1/million children (40). Among all supra-tentorial tumors treated during a 25-year period in a center, pituitary adenomas were diagnosed in only 1.2% of children (41). Pituitary carcinomas are rare in adults and extremely rare in children (42). The first, and probably unique, case of pituitary carcinoma in a child was described by Guzel et al. in 2008. A 9-year-old girl, with an history of hydrocephalus treated with ventriculoperitoneal shunt 3 years before, complained of progressive visual and gait disturbance, headache, and speech difficulties. Neurological examination revealed visual loss, papilledema, and dysarthria. Magnetic resonance revealed a large tumor mass in frontal region, multiple lesions in sellar-parasellar region, posterior fossa, and multiple intraspinal metastatic lesions. Gross total resection of frontal mass was performed, and the histopathological and immunohistochemical exams revealed a pituitary carcinoma. Despite of the post-operative use of temozolomide, the patient died after 2 months without response to this therapy (43). There is no consensus on the alleged greater invasiveness of pituitary adenomas in children than in adults, while a slightly greater prevalence in females has been reported (7, 34-36, 40). However, gender distribution reflects the relative contribution of the two main groups, PRL- and ACTH- secreting adenomas, which predominate in most series reported. Prolactinoma is indeed the most frequent adenoma histological type in children, followed by the corticotrophinoma and the somatotrophinoma (44). Non-functioning pituitary adenomas, TSH-secreting, and gonadotrophin-secreting adenomas are very rare in children, accounting for only 3-6% of all pituitary tumors. ACTH-secreting adenomas have an earlier onset and predominate in the pre-pubertal period, where interestingly male cases are more frequent, while GH-secreting adenomas are very rare before puberty, except in XLAG (7). Similar to adults, presenting symptoms are generally related to the endocrine dysfunction, such as growth delay and primary amenorrhea, rather than to mass effects (41, 42, 44-48). Symptoms of pituitary tumor presentation differ according to the tumor type as shown in Table 1 and detailed in the specific sections.


Table 1. Prevalence of Clinical Symptoms and Signs in Children/Adolescents with Pituitary Adenomas. Data drawn from ref. 47-53



PRL-secreting adenomas











 Clinically non-functioning











Delayed/arrest growth











Delayed/Advanced bone age











Delayed puberty












Early sexual development
















Fatigue or weakness


























Glucose intolerance































High school performance


























Menstrual irregularities












Mild hyperthyroidism


















Premature thelarche









Primary amenorrhea












Sleep disturbances
















Visual field defects











Weight increase









– Absent; –/+ rare; ––/+ very rare; + present; ++ frequent; +++ frequent in macroadenomas




Prolactinomas are the most frequent pituitary tumors both in childhood and in adulthood, and their frequency varies with age and sex, occurring most frequently in females between 20-50 years (35, 44, 49-51). Also, pediatric prolactinomas are more frequent in girls, but earlier onset, larger adenoma volume, and higher serum prolactin levels are found in boys (52).


Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis


PRL-secreting adenomas are usually diagnosed at the time of puberty or in the post-pubertal period, and clinical manifestations vary in keeping with the age and sex of the child (34-36, 44, 50, 51). Pre-pubertal children generally present with a combination of headache, visual disturbance, growth failure, and amenorrhea (Table 1). Growth failure is not, however, a common symptom: in fact, in two different retrospective studies, 4% of 25 patients (51) and 10% of 20 patients (53) were reported to have short stature at the diagnosis of prolactinoma. Weight gain has been reported to occur in patients with hyperprolactinemia (54-56) but never described in children. In a re-evaluation of the young/adolescent patients with hyperprolactinemia admitted to the University Federico II from January 1st 1995 to December 31st 2004 (44, 57), short stature was found in 7 of 50 patients (14%), five girls and two boys, and another two patients, one girl and one boy, had their height below or at the 5th percentile and another 8 (3 girls) had their height between the 5th and 10th percentile. The height percentiles in the patients with extrasellar/invasive macroprolactinomas were lower than in those having smaller tumors (Fig. 5). Additionally, all girls presented with oligomenorrhoea or amenorrhea; most also had galactorrhea; gynecomastia was present in 12 of 21 boys (57.1%). The most common symptoms of prolactinomas in the peripubertal age are those associated with deficiency of the pituitary-gonadal axis. Menstrual irregularities in girls are common in all types of pituitary adenomas, except those causing Nelson’s syndrome (58). Galactorrhea should be carefully investigated by expressing the breast, because teenagers may not spontaneously refer to it as a symptom, and frequently it is not spontaneous. Headache and visual field defects predominate in patients bearing large adenomas (Table 2).

Figure 5. Height (shown as mean percentiles for age) and Body Mass Index in 50 patients with prolactinomas diagnosed before 20 years of age. Data from ref. (57).


Table 2. Presentation of Prolactinomas in Children and Adolescents: The Two-Decade Experience of the Department of Endocrinology and Oncology, University “Federico II” of Naples. Data from reference (57)





Enclosed Macroadenomas


Extrasellar and/or Invasive Macroadenomas


















Age at diagnosis (yrs)








Basal PRL levels (μg/L)








Tumor volume on MRI (mm3)








Symptoms (%)





Secondary or Primary Amenorrhea1
































Visual field defects
















Calculated only in 1girls or 2boys.


Impairment of other pituitary hormone secretion was reported to occur in a minority of patients at diagnosis (44, 51, 53, 58), and in some patient’s hypopituitarism developed after surgery. In a more recent analysis (59), we can confirm that only a minority of patients bearing large adenomas had a severe degree of hypopituitarism, while a very few patients with either microadenomas or enclosed macroadenomas had isolated hormone deficiency (Fig. 6). Macroadenomas at presentation are more likely in boys than in girls (37, 38, 44, 53, 60). In our series (57), microprolactinoma and enclosed macroadenomas were more frequent in females with a ratio of 1.7:1 while large macroprolactinomas were 2 times more frequent in males (Table 2).

Figure 6. Prevalence of pituitary deficit according with prolactinoma size in 50 patients at diagnosis. Data from ref. (57).

Hyperprolactinemic patients have a decrease in bone mineral density (BMD), and progressive bone loss has been demonstrated in untreated patients (61). Young hyperprolactinemic men were shown to have a more severe impairment of BMD than patients in whom hyperprolactinemia occurred at an older age (62). In 20 patients with diagnosis of hyperprolactinemia during adolescence, we found (63) significantly lower BMD values in adolescents than in young adult patients with hyperprolactinemia. This finding was confirmed in a large cohort of patients (57). In 22 patients all having a diagnosis of prolactinomas before the age of 18 yrs, the bone mineral density (BMD) in the lumbar spine was significantly lower than in age-matched controls (Fig. 7). The use of drugs to increase bone mass, such as amino bisphosphonates, has not been investigated.

Figure 7. Bone density (BMD) measured as g/cm2 or z-score in 22 patients with prolactinoma (individual data shown as solid circles) and their sex- and age-matched controls (data shown as mean ± SD). Data from ref. 52, modified from ref. (57).

The diagnosis of prolactinoma is based on the measurement of serum PRL levels and neuroradiological imaging. The differential diagnosis of hyperprolactinemia should consider any process interfering with dopamine (DA) synthesis, its transport to the pituitary gland, or its action at lactotroph DA-receptors. A single measurement of PRL levels is unreliable since PRL secretion is markedly influenced by physical and emotional stress. Basal PRL levels greater than 200ng/l are diagnostic, whereas levels between 100 and 200ng/ml and the presence of a mass requires additional investigation to rule out mass an effect of a non-functioning adenoma versus a prolactin- secreting adenoma. Some peculiar conditions should, however, be remembered (64). Serial serum PRL measurements at 0, 30 and 60 min after the needle was inserted into an antecubital vein is a valuable and simple measure to identify stress- related hyperprolactinemia in order to avoid diagnostic pitfalls and unnecessary treatments. It is important to exclude from the assay the monomeric PRL forms, big-prolactin (b-PRL), and big big- prolactin (bb-PRL); the latter may contain immunoglobulin (IgG) (65). These molecular complexes are seldom active but may be measured by the PRL assay. The absence of a clinical syndrome of hyperprolactinemia will suggest the presence of macroprolactin. The ‘high-dose hook effect’ can be a serious problem in the differential diagnosis between prolactinomas and non-functioning adenomas (NFPA): it is mandatory, in these cases and in every patient with a pituitary mass and hyperprolactinemia, to dilute PRL samples routinely (1:10 and 1:100 dilutions) or to use alternative methods to immunoradiometric assays. The difference between macroprolactinomas and ‘pseudoprolactinomas’ is essential to provide a correct treatment approach (66). This problem is, however, of little relevance in children and adolescents, as non-functioning macroadenomas are very rare at this age.


Treatment Strategy


The goals of prolactinoma treatment are the control of PRL excess and its clinical consequences, and the removal of pituitary adenoma. Today dopamine-agonists (e.g., bromocriptine, quinagolide, or cabergoline) should be considered the first treatment approach for pediatric prolactinomas (34, 44, 51-53, 59, 60). According to a recent study, dopamine-agonists should be started immediately at prolactinoma diagnosis even in case of severe visual impairment. If there are no improvement in visual defects and serum prolactin levels in the first 24-hours, early surgical treatment should be considered to avoid further visual deterioration and radiological signs of progression. The efficient use of dopamine-agonists reduces the necessity of surgical approach (52).


Situations requiring first-line neurosurgery typically occur in invasive macroadenomas: in these cases, the aim is resecting the tumor to relief the mass effect. Anyway, in these cases surgical cure usually cannot be obtained so medical therapy after debulking neurosurgery is required, with the benefit of a better response to anti-dopaminergic therapy due to the cytoreduction (67).


Treatment with dopamine-agonists is effective in normalizing PRL levels and shrinking tumor mass in the majority of adult patients with prolactinomas (34, 44, 51-53, 59, 60), preserving pituitary function and visual field in most cases (51). In children and adolescents, bromocriptine has been used successfully by several investigators (51, 68-71). In our series, bromocriptine at doses ranging from 2.5-20 mg/day orally normalized prolactin in 38.5% of patients (51). In the remaining patients, 10 with macro- (Fig. 8) and 6 with microprolactinoma (Fig. 9), PRL levels remained above the normal range despite a progressive increase of the dose of the drug. However, the possibility that some patients were indeed not taking bromocriptine appropriately cannot be ruled out as poor compliance to any chronic treatment is a well-known phenomenon in children and adolescents. In addition, some patients required drug discontinuation for intolerable side effects regarding the gastrointestinal tract. Both quinagolide, at doses ranging from 0.075-0.6 mg/day, or cabergoline, at doses ranging from 0.5-3.5 mg/week orally, two selective DA receptor subtype-2 selective agonists, have been reported to be effective in reducing PRL secretion and tumor size in most adult patients with prolactinoma, even in those previously shown to be poorly responsive or intolerant to bromocriptine (57). There are now data on cabergoline, showing that it is more effective and often better tolerated than bromocriptine, due to less and milder side effects. For these reasons cabergoline should be the initial treatment of choice.

Figure 8. Serum PRL response to different dopaminergic drugs, namely bromocriptine (BRC), quinagolide (CV), and cabergoline (CAB) in 15 children with macroprolactinomas. The shaded area represents the normal PRL range. Data are shown as nadir PRL values at diagnosis and during treatment. Data from ref. 51.

Figure 9. Serum PRL response to different dopaminergic drugs, namely bromocriptine (BRC), quinagolide (CV), and cabergoline (CAB) in 11 children with microprolactinoma. The shaded area represents the normal range. Data are shown as nadir PRL values at diagnosis and during treatment. Data from ref. (51).

Of our 50 cases (57), cabergoline induced normalization of PRL levels in all but 3 cases. Two of the three patients had large extrasellar macroprolactinomas (tumor volume of 4579 mm3 and 1983 mm3 respectively) with baseline PRL levels of 3300 μg/L and 1700 μg/L, respectively that progressively decreased but did not normalize after 2-7 years of treatment. Tumor shrinkage by 93.2% and 54.5% was seen in both patients. The third patient had a microprolactinoma (tumor volume=123.6 mm3) with a baseline PRL levels of 500 μg/L that progressively decreased to 88 μg/L at the last follow-up after 6 years of treatment and achieved tumor shrinkage by 53.9% (57). Only one case of pituitary apoplexy following cabergoline treatment in a young patient has been reported so far (72). Twelve of our 50 patients (one with enclosed macroprolactinoma and 11 with microprolactinoma) achieved the disappearance of the tumor so that they were withdrawn from treatment (57). In our former series, tumor shrinkage was observed in most patients with macroadenomas and even in some with microprolactinomas (Fig. 10). The easy weekly administration makes cabergoline an excellent therapeutic approach to children/adolescents with prolactinoma. Cabergoline has been reported to be tolerated, even at rather high doses (73). Relevant safety issues to be considered in patients treated with cabergoline are possible cardiac valve derangement (74-76) and psychiatric adverse effects (mood changes or obsessive behavior including hypersexuality). These phenomena were first described in patients with Parkinson’s disease, who require higher doses of the dopamine agonists than patients with prolactinomas, but has now been documented in patients with pituitary adenomas as well. Cardiac safety of treatment with cabergoline in prolactinomas, even long-term, has been demonstrated in adults (77, 78), so use in children should also be safe, although we need to be aware of cumulative dose builds up if treatment has been started in childhood. Knowledge about psychiatric consequences of dopamine agonists used in pediatric prolactinomas is still scant. Psychotic symptoms during bromocriptine therapy were observed in a child by Hoffman et al. (52). Bulwer et al. also described a case of an adolescent male with a giant prolactinoma who developed impulsive/compulsive sexual symptoms during cabergoline treatment. These were diagnosed as an iatrogenic effect, a hypothesis supported by symptomatic improvement during a one-month trial off cabergoline (79). Despite the rarity of both pediatric prolactinomas and development of psychiatric side effects of dopamine agonists, this important aspect it needs to be further investigated.


In patients with tumors resistant to dopamine agonists as well as in those showing severe neurological symptoms at diagnosis, surgery is indicated. Radiotherapy should be limited to the cases with aggressive tumors, non-responsive to dopamine agonists, because of the risk of neurological damage, hypopituitarism, and second malignancies later in the lives of these patients (44, 51-53, 57).

Figure 10. Tumor mass response after bromocriptine, quinagolide, or cabergoline treatment in 15 children with macro- and 11 with microprolactinoma. Data are shown as number of cases with empty sella; greater than 50% tumor shrinkage; 20-50% tumor shrinkage or less than 20% tumor shrinkage shown as unmodified tumor volume. Data from ref. (57).



Cushing's disease (CD), caused by an ACTH-secreting pituitary corticotroph adenoma, is the commonest cause of Cushing’s syndrome (CS) in children over 5 years of age (80, 81). CS can occur throughout childhood and adolescence; however, different etiologies are commonly associated with particular age groups with CD being the commonest cause after the pre-school years. The peak incidence of pediatric CD is during adolescence (81). A macroadenoma is rarely the cause of CD in children; pediatric CD is almost always caused by a pituitary microadenoma with diameter <5 mm with a significant predominance of males in pre-pubertal patients (80, 81).


The molecular basis of pediatric Cushing’s disease is complex. Recently, pathological variants of USP8 gene have been found in an elevated number of ACTH-secreting adenomas; in the pediatric population USP8 mutated adenomas are clinically distinguished from wild-type adenomas for older age at diagnosis, female preponderance, and more frequent recurrence. In USP8 wild-type adenomas, BRAF and USP48 mutations have been noted. In pediatric corticotrophinomas, the presence of copy number variations, indicating chromosomal instability, has been related to larger size and more frequent invasion of the cavernous sinus (82).


There are other extremely rare germline conditions that can predispose to the development of pediatric corticotrophinoma such as DICER1, CABLES1, and CDKN1B mutations. DICER1 syndrome is characterized by pituitary blastomas, and manifest itself in early infancy with a highly deadly Cushing’s syndrome. CABLES1 is another potential ACTH-secreting adenoma predisposition gene, whose mutation has been found in very few pediatric cases. CDKN1B mutation occurs in the MEN4 syndrome, in which pituitary tumors arise usually in adults, as no gene mutations have been found analyzing children bearing a pituitary adenoma (82).


Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis


The clinical manifestations of CD are mostly the consequence of excessive cortisol production. The clinical presentation is highly variable, with signs and symptoms that can range from subtle to obvious (Table 1). The diagnosis is generally delayed since a decrease in growth rate may be the only symptom for a long time. Growth failure in CD may be due to a decrease of free IGF-I levels and/or a direct negative effects of cortisol on the growth plate (83, 84). In a series of 50 children with CD, Magiakou et al. (85) found that obesity and growth retardation were the most frequent symptoms (in 90 and 83% of patients, respectively). Weight gain and stunted growth were the most frequent symptoms also in the series by Weber et al. (86) and Devoe et al. (87). The skin of the face is plethoric, and atrophic striae can be found in the abdomen, legs, and arms. Muscular weakness, hypertension, and osteoporosis, especially of the spine, are common. Results on BMD or bone metabolism in children with CD have been reported only in a limited number of patients in a few studies (86, 88). Consistent with the findings in adult patients, marked osteopenia was also found in affected children. The bone loss is more evident in trabecular than in cortical bone (89). As compared to patients with adult-onset disease, those with childhood-onset CD have a similar degree of bone loss at the lumbar spine and similar increased bone resorption (90). In a study conducted in 10 patients with childhood-onset and 18 with adulthood-onset CD, BMD at the lumbar spine was significantly lower than in sex and age-matched controls (Fig. 11) (90). Osteoporosis was found in 16 patients (57.1%) (8 adolescent (80%) and 8 adult (44·4%) patients) while osteopenia was found in 12 patients (42.8%) (2 adolescent (20%) and 10 adult (55·6%) patients) (90). Additionally, we have reported that two years of cortisol normalization improved but did recover bone mass and turnover neither in children nor in adult patients with CD (91). This negative finding suggests that a longer period of time is necessary to restore bone mass after the cure of CD and, thus, other therapeutic approaches may be indicated to limit bone loss and/or accelerate bone recovery in these patients (87). In a study Lodish et al. (92) analyzed retrospectively, 35 children with CD; in these patients, vertebral BMD was more severely affected than femoral BMD and this effect was independent of degree or duration of hypercortisolism. BMD for the lumbar spine improved significantly after TSS; osteopenia in this group may be reversible. Complete reversal to normal BMD was not seen.

Figure 11. Z score of bone density at lumbar spine in 10 patients with childhood onset Cushing’s disease compared to 10 healthy adolescents of matched sex- and age and in 18 patients with adult-onset Cushing's disease compared to 18 healthy adults matched sex- and age. Data from ref. (90).

Hypercortisolism leads to decreased bone formation through direct or indirect inhibition of osteoblast function, while bone resorption is normal or increased in patients with CD (90, 93). Hypercortisolism is known to be associated with loss of skeletal mass and can lead to increased vertebral fracture risk (94, 95). It should also be noted that in children with CD the direct negative effect of hypercortisolism on bone formation is further worsened by concomitant hypogonadism and GH deficiency, both of which are associated with decreased BMD. Children with CD often have musculoskeletal weakness and can have decreased weight-bearing activity that may contribute to impaired BMD.


Children with CD may also have impaired carbohydrate tolerance, while overt diabetes mellitus is uncommon. Excessive adrenal androgens may cause acne and excessive hair growth, or premature sexual development in the first decade of life. On the other hand, hypercortisolism may cause pubertal delay in adolescent patients. Peculiarly, young patients with CD may present neuropsychiatric symptoms which differ from those of adult patients. Frequently, they tend to be obsessive and are high performers at school.


The differential diagnosis of CD includes adrenal tumors, ectopic ACTH production, and the very rare ectopic CRH-producing tumors. However, ectopic ACTH secretion is extremely rare in the pediatric age. In a child/adolescent with suspected CD the diagnosis is based on measurement of basal and stimulated levels of cortisol and ACTH. Measurement of 24-h urinary free cortisol is elevated, and a low dose of dexamethasone (15 μg/Kg) at midnight does not induce suppression of morning serum cortisol concentrations as in normal subjects (96). Loperamide, an opioid agonist, lowers cortisol secretion and has been proposed as a reliable screening test for hypercortisolism in children and adolescents (97) , but has not achieved popular use. Suppression of the spontaneous circadian variations of serum cortisol is another feature of CD. Suppression of cortisol by more than 50% after high-dose dexamethasone (150 μg/kg) given at midnight will confirm that hypercortisolism is due to an ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma (97). Midnight salivary cortisol measurements have been suggested as an alternative non-invasive screening test in the diagnosis of CS in adults(98), but is there is not much experience of its use in this age group.


All patients should undergo pituitary MRI with the administration of gadolinium, but since ACTH- secreting pituitary adenomas are significantly smaller than all other types of adenomas, often having a diameter of 2mm or less (99), pituitary MRI may fail to visualize the tumor. In most instances the diagnosis of CD can be made by initial clinical and laboratory data (Fig.12). Bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling has a high specificity, so that no patient with extra-pituitary CS runs the risk of being submitted to transsphenoidal surgery, but it carries a significant number of false negative results (99). This procedure can also be technically difficult in children, and the risk of morbidity from surgery and/or anesthesia must be considered.


Lateralization of the adenoma can be of greater help to the surgeon than pituitary scanning (100). Therefore, bilateral venous sampling should only be performed in centers with wide experience in the technical procedure as well as in the interpretation of the results. If a patient without anomalous venous drainage patterns exhibits a lateralizing ACTH gradient of 2:1 or greater (101, 102), removal of the appropriate half of the anterior pituitary gland will be curative in 80% of cases (99). Kunwar and Wilson (99) reported that in the presence of a negative surgical exploration, a guide to the probable location of the adenoma is invaluable, and under the right circumstances, a hemi-hypophysectomy is appropriate and successful in most cases.

Figure 12. The diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome. LDST, low dose suppression test; HDST, high dose suppression test; CRH, corticotrophin releasing hormone. Data from ref. (36).

Treatment Strategy


The goal of the treatment of Cushing’s disease are normalization of cortisol levels, reversion of hypercortisolism-related signs and symptoms, and pituitary adenoma removal. Transsphenoidal adenomectomy is the treatment of choice for ACTH-secreting adenomas in childhood and adolescence, because of the greater prevalence of microadenomas in this population that allows for total tumor removal and thus disease remission. Radiotherapy could be the first-line treatment in children with surgical contraindications (103). Transsphenoidal microsurgery is considered successful when it is followed by remission of signs and symptoms of hypercortisolism and by normalization of laboratory values. Surgical excision is successful in the majority of children, with initial remission rates of 70-98% and long-term cure of 50-98% in most studies (38, 39, 80, 81, 84, 86, 87, 104-109). The success rate decreases when the patients are followed-up for more than 5 years (84, 86, 87), and the outcome cannot be predicted either by preoperative or immediate postoperative tests (87). Surgical cure was found in 59% of 27 patients over a 21-year period, with a higher age favoring cure, as did an identifiable tumor seen at surgery and positive histology (110). Several conditions are indeed predictors of Cushing’s disease recurrence in children: older age at the time of disease symptoms, younger age at the time of surgery, larger tumor diameter, and mutations in USP8 gene in resected tumor tissue (111).The recurrence rate of Cushing’s disease in children in about 40% in 10 years (67).

Noteworthy in pediatric patients there are several technical difficulties with the transsphenoidal surgical approach due to a different anatomic conformation in children compared to adults. In children, the smaller size of the sella and pituitary may interfere with surgical maneuvers, in addition to the difficult identification of surgical landmarks due to different anatomic variations of sellar region such as the shorter intercarotid distance and piriform aperture, and the low pneumatization of sphenoid bone. Furthermore, in children with skull base lesions short nasal-sellar and vomer-clivus distances and smaller transsphenoidal angles than healthy children have been noted (112).


Surgery is usually followed by adrenal insufficiency and patients require hydrocortisone replacement for 6-12 months. After normalization of cortisol levels, resumption of normal growth or even catch-up growth can be observed. Generally, final height is compromised compared to target height (68, 85). Johnston et al. (113) have, however, reported that some children do achieve a normal final stature. However, even if catch-up and favorable long-term growth can be achieved after treatment for Cushing's disease, post-treatment GH deficiency is frequent (114). Lebrethon et al. (114) demonstrated that early hGH replacement may contribute to a favorable outcome on final stature (Fig.13). A re-analysis of this series confirmed that pediatric Cushing’s disease patients achieve a normal final stature provided that replacement therapy including GH is correctly performed (115). Normal body composition is more difficult to achieve. Many patients remain obese and BMI SDS was elevated at mean interval of 3.9 years after cure in 14 patients (115).


Rarely, surgery may induce panhypopituitarism, permanent diabetes insipidus, and cerebrospinal fluid leak (46); transient diabetes insipidus, and cerebrospinal fluid leak occur more frequently in pediatric patients than adults (116). Probably such a higher prevalence may be due to technical difficulties related to the anatomy of pediatric sellar region. Cure is more likely to be achieved and morbidity is low if the surgery is performed by an experienced neurosurgeon, by analogy with other studies performed in acromegaly (113).

Figure 13. GH treatment in children with Cushing’s disease improves the height gain. Upper graph: Evaluation of growth (change (D) in height SD score) in eight patients during hGH treatment. Bottom graph: Individual changes of height standard deviation score before and after GH replacement. 1= At diagnosis; 2= Before GH treatment; 3= After 1 year of GH treatment; 4= Final height. Data drawn from ref. (114).

In recent times, the endonasal approach, consisting in a direct access of neurosurgeon to the sellar region through the patient’s nares, has also been used in pediatric Cushing’s disease, usually using an endoscope aiming to improve surgical visualization. However, because of small patients’ nares, an expert neurosurgeon is required (112). Nowadays, while there is little evidence of this less invasive technique are available, it seems to be an effective treatment for pediatric CD, without relapses observed in treated patients (109, 117, 118). However, no studies comparing microscopic and endoscopic endonasal technique in pediatric pituitary adenomas are available (67).


The treatment modality in patients who have relapses after transsphenoidal adenomectomy is still controversial. Some authors recommend repeat surgery (84, 119), while others favor radiotherapy (120, 121). Transsphenoidal surgery is actually suggested as a second-line treatment in recurrent or persistent CD patients (103), and is required in case of incomplete initial tumor removal, in patients with tumor reappearance after initial complete surgical resection, or even in persistent patients in the days immediately after first TSS aiming to optimize therapeutic efficacy (116). The efficacy of a second surgical treatment in Cushing’s pediatric disease is still unclear, due to the presence in literature of only single case reports, or case series. Interestingly, in one of this case series Lonser et al. reported an initial diseaseremission in 93% of patients (122).


Radiotherapy techniques currently used for pediatric corticotrophinomas are divided in two groups: conventional radiotherapy (RT) and stereotactic RT. Conventional RT, in which small, daily radiation doses are delivered to the target tumor over a 25-30 days period, and stereotactic RT, where high radiation doses are delivered to a more precisely identified target area, minimizing radiation exposure to the surrounding central nervous system structures. Stereotactic RT could be performed as a single treatment, called stereotactic radiosurgery such as gamma-knife radiosurgery, or as a fractionated treatment, called stereotactic conformal radiotherapy.


Disease remission using conventional radiotherapy is reached by about 80% of pediatric corticotrophinoma (113, 121, 123-127). Conventional RT is a safe treatment, as no nerve damage or other major complications were observed in treated patients. Compared to adults with Cushing’s disease treated with Conventional RT as a second-line treatment, this seems to be slightly more effective in pediatric corticotrophinoma (116). There are only two studies concerning gamma-knife radiosurgery in the pediatric population, reporting a remission rate of 87.5 % and 79.2%, respectively (128, 129). Radiotherapy usually requires time before reaching its maximum result, and for this reason pharmacotherapy could be considered as a temporary treatment until this achievement (103, 116). Of note, hypothalamo-pituitary dysfunction is an early and frequent complication of radiation (87).


For the medical therapy of Cushing’s disease, three pharmacological categories are currently available: pituitary-directed agents, adrenal-directed agents, and glucocorticoid receptor antagonists. Scientific evidence regarding their use in pediatrics is scant, and there are no data on the use of mifepristone in pediatric patients.


Data on the use of etomidate, an adrenal-directed agent, in the emergency management of severe hypercortisolemia seems to be promising. There are at least 3 case reports demonstrating that intravenous infusion of etomidate at doses ranging from 1 to 3.5 mg/h, with constant dose titration according to serum levels, adding contemporaneous hydrocortisone infusion at 0.25-0.5 mg/kg/h to prevent adrenal insufficiency is a safe and effective approach in patients with very severe Cushing’s disease prior to bilateral adrenalectomy (130-132).


Moreover, experience with cabergoline for CD in childhood and adolescence is also limited (133). Bilateral adrenalectomy is actually a third-line treatment, employed in cases of surgical and radiotherapeutic failures. This therapeutic approach has gradually lost his importance in the context of pediatric corticotrophinoma treatment, due to the side effects and the growing evidence of pharmacological treatment as valid therapeutic alternative (116, 119).


It is interesting that in pediatric Cushing’s disease patients, in contrast to adult ones, there does not appear to be complete recovery from cognitive function abnormalities despite rapid reversibility of cerebral atrophy (134).




GH excess derives from a GH-secreting adenoma in over 98% of cases. In adulthood, these adenomas are relatively rare with an incidence of 1.1 new cases/100,000 individuals per year, and a prevalence from 3 to >13 cases per 100,000 individuals according to the country under study (135) , while gigantism is extremely rare with a little bit more than 400 reported cases to date (136, 137). In childhood, GH-secreting adenomas account for 5-15% of all pituitary adenomas (138). In less than 2% of the cases excessive GH secretion may depend on a hypothalamic or ectopic GH releasing hormone (GHRH)-producing tumor (gangliocytoma, bronchial or pancreatic carcinoid), which causes somatotroph hyperplasia or a well-defined adenoma (139-142).


Nowadays, approximately 50% of patients with pituitary gigantism have a known genetic mutation causing the disease, so genetic counselling should be considered (143). In this genetic context, pituitary gigantism could be part of syndromic, or non-syndromic disease. Recently, non-syndromic pituitary gigantism has been described due to aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein (AIP) gene mutations and Xq26.3 microduplication causing X-linked acrogigantism (XLAG) (144-146). AIP mutations occur in about 40% of gigantism cases, sporadically or in the setting of familial isolated pituitary adenoma (FIPA)., and patients with truncating AIP mutation had a younger age at disease onset and diagnosis, compared to patients with non-truncating AIP mutation (146).


Typically, AIP-mutated adenomas bear several features: early disease is manifest usually in the second decade of life, the majority of the cases are GH- or mixed GH/prolactin-secreting pituitary adenomas (144, 146), the tumors are large and invasive, often with suprasellar extension, resistance to first-generation SSA treatment is common, thus require a multimodal treatment and pituitary apoplexy can often occur, especially in pediatric patients (82, 137, 146). Interestingly, AIP-mutated patients with GH excess had been shown to be taller than the non-mutated counterparts (147).


XLAG represents 10% of the cases of pre-pubertal gigantism (143). X-LAG is due to a submicroscopic chromosome Xq26.3 duplications that include GPR101 gene, which is differentially overexpressed in the affected pituitary adenoma (82, 148). Duplications are germline in females and somatic in sporadic males with variable levels of mosaicism in the latter (82). Somatic mosaicism occurs in sporadic males but not in females with XLAG syndrome, although the clinical characteristics of the disease are similarly severe in both sexes (148). Three rare case of families in which the germline duplication was transmitted from the affected mother to son have been described, and all carriers of the duplication had gigantism (149). The disease often occurs during the first year of life, mostly in females and as sporadic disease.


Regarding the characteristics of the pituitary gland at diagnosis in these patients, most of them harbor macroadenomas, generally mixed GH- and PRL-secreting tumors, while a minority have hyperplasia alone (82, 137, 145). A pattern of multiple microadenomatous foci against a hyperplastic background has also been described (82).Noteworthy is the peculiar presence of acromegalic features in these pediatric patients, and a poor response to SSA treatment such as AIP-mutated somatotrophinomas (82).


Concerning syndromic pituitary gigantism, Carney Complex and McCune-Albright syndromes contribute to gigantism approximately in 1% and 5% respectively, where pituitary hyperplasia or a distinct pituitary adenoma could be found in the pituitary gland (82, 143). GH-secreting adenomas may also occur in MEN1 syndrome and cause 1% of cases of pituitary gigantism; the possibility of pituitary hyperplasia due to GHRH hypersecretion from neuroendocrine tumor should be considered in this syndromic context (143).


Somatotrophinomas could also be one of the manifestations of the MEN4 syndrome and the pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma and pituitary adenoma association (82) (151).

GH excess and consequent gigantism could be a rare manifestation of NF-1 syndrome, characterized by the presence of optic pathway gliomas but not pituitary adenomas, in addition to the characteristic syndromic manifestations. In this case it can be speculated that GH secretion could be either due to loss of somatostatinergic inhibition or presence of excessive GHRH secretion due to disrupted regulation of GHRH by the optic pathway tumor (82).


Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis


In adults, chronic GH and IGF-1 excess causes acromegaly, which is characterized by local bone overgrowth, while in children and adolescents leads to gigantism. The associated secondary hypogonadism delays epiphysial closure, thus allowing continued long-bone growth (Fig.14). However, the two disorders may be considered along a spectrum of GH excess, with principal manifestations determined by the developmental stage during which such excess originates (Table 1). Supporting this model has been the observation of clinical overlap between the two entities, with approximately 10% of acromegalics exhibiting tall stature (150), and the majority of giants eventually demonstrating features of acromegaly (151).


Gigantism predominantly affects males (78%), is generally characterized at diagnosis by the presence of a macroadenoma, often invading surrounding structures (54.5%), and prolactin co-secretion is present in 34% of pituitary adenomas causing pituitary gigantism (143). As demonstrated, older age at diagnosis, and the consequent longer time of exposure to higher GH and IGF-1 levels than normal, is associated with an increased prevalence of many pathological signs and symptoms, particularly those related to longer-term exposure such as joint disease, facial changes, skin changes, and diabetes mellitus (136, 143). In contrast to adults where there is an increased prevalence of cardiovascular, respiratory, neoplastic, and metabolic complications (136, 141, 152), there is no report of similar complications in childhood.


In our study, we did not find any patient with hypertension, arrhythmias, diabetes or glucose intolerance; as expected, however, some degree of insulin resistance and enhanced ß-cell function was observed in our patients at diagnosis (153). In a study conducted in six patients with gigantism, Bondanelli et al. (154) showed that 33% of giant patients had left ventricular hypertrophy and inadequate diastolic filling, 16.7% had isolated intraventricular septum thickening and impaired glucose metabolism. In acromegaly, clinical features develop insidiously and progressively over many years and in modern epidemiological studies the average delay between the onset of symptoms and diagnosis is approximately 5 years (135), while the presentation of gigantism is usually dramatic and the diagnosis is straightforward. All growth parameters are affected although not necessarily symmetrically. Mild-to-moderate obesity occurs frequently (138), and macrocephaly has been reported to precede linear and weight acceleration in at least one patient (155). All patients also had coarse facial features, disproportionately large hands and feet with thick fingers and toes, frontal bossing and a prominent jaw (138). In girls menstrual irregularity can be present (156) while glucose intolerance and diabetes mellitus are rare. Tall stature and/or acceleration of growth velocity was observed in 10 of 13 patients. Headache, visual field defects, excessive sweating, hypogonadism, and joint disorders may also be present (143). Several cases of ketoacidosis have been reported(157, 158).


The diagnosis of acromegaly and gigantism is usually clinical, and can be readily confirmed by measuring GH levels, which in more than 90% of patients are above 10 μg/l (139-141). The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is the simplest and most specific dynamic test for both the diagnosis and the evaluation of the optimal control of GH excess (139-141). In healthy subjects, the OGTT (75-100 grams) suppresses GH levels below 1 μg/l after 2 hours, while in patients with GH-secreting adenoma such suppression is lacking, and a paradoxical GH increase is frequently observed. GH excess should be confirmed by elevated circulating IGF-I concentrations for age and gender (159, 160). The assay of IGF-I binding protein-3 is conversely not useful for diagnosis nor for the follow-up of the patients (161, 162). The presence of different GH isoforms in patients with gigantism/acromegaly may represent a diagnostic problem (163). A greater sensitivity of the GH assay may facilitate the distinction between patients and normal subjects, as shown by the use of a chemiluminescent GH assay (164). It might help in demonstrating the persistence of GH hypersecretion after surgery or during medical therapy. In cases of clinical and laboratory findings suggestive of a GH-producing adenoma, pituitary MRI must be performed to localize and characterize the tumor (141-143) (Fig. 15).


Figure 14. The patient’s growth and weight chart with normal growth and weight curves (solid lines, 5th, 50th, 75th, and 95th percentile). Measurements subsequent to therapeutic intervention. Reproduced from (165), with permission.

Figure 15. The extent of tumor invasion as visualized with coronal and lateral MRI views and their outlines. Reproduced from (165) with permission.

Treatment Strategy


The objectives of treatment of GH excess are tumor removal with resolution of its eventual mass effects, restoration of normal basal and stimulated GH secretion, relief of symptoms directly caused by GH and IGF-1 excess, and prevention of progressive disfigurement, bone expansion, osteoarthritis and cardiomyopathy which are disabling long-term consequences, as well as prevention of hypertension, insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus and lipid abnormalities that are risk factors for vascular damage (139-141). The currently available treatment options for pituitary gigantism include surgery, radiotherapy, and pharmaco-therapeutic suppression of GH levels.


For pituitary gigantism treatment, combination therapy is often necessary due to the aggressiveness of the disease, and the consequent low rate of primary control using both surgical and medical first approach, 26 % and 4% respectively (143). Satisfactory results are obtained in the treatment of hyperprolactinemia using dopamine agonists in prolactin co-secreting adenomas.


Transsphenoidal adenomectomy is the cornerstone in the treatment of GH-secreting tumors, and is a valid first-line therapeutic option (143). In pediatric patients with gigantism, transsphenoidal surgery was found to be as safe as in adults (166), although some technical difficulties exist due to the different anatomic conformation in children compared to adults as previously reported in the ACTH-secreting adenoma section. The surgical approach can be difficult in McCune-Albright syndrome patients due to the fibrous dysplasia in the surrounding tissue.


In patients with intrasellar microadenomas, surgical removal provides biochemical control with normalization of IGF-I in 75–95% of patients (167, 168). In case of macroadenomas, particularly when they exhibit extrasellar growth, transcranial approach might be requested, and persistent postoperative hypersecretion of GH occurs frequently. Despite this, tumor debulking contributes to improving disease control using medical therapy (143). In most surgical series, only about 60% of acromegalic patients achieve circulating GH levels below 5 μg/l (169-173), with better success score when the neurosurgeon is skilled in pituitary surgery (169, 170).


Concerning gigantism, for medical treatment it is necessary to consider that several drugs used for acromegaly are not formally studied in children, and for those employed drug-dosing is labelled for adults and might not be directly applicable in pediatric patients. Treatment with somatostatin analogues can be effective in patients with GH excess (150, 174, 175), although limited data are available in adolescent patients. Octreotide given subcutaneously in two patients was shown to inhibit GH levels and reduce growth velocity (176, 177). Of interest, in adolescents, as in adults, we observed tumor shrinkage by 30% on average after first-line treatment with somatostatin analogues. Whether this treatment has facilitated the subsequent surgical approach in this series could not be ruled out because of the limited number of cases studied. Treatment was tolerated very well by all patients (153).


 As about one third of patients had concomitant hyperprolactinemia and combined treatment with dopaminergic compounds such as cabergoline and somatostatin analogues, may be necessary.


In another case of a 15 yr-old girl with a mixed GH/PRL-secreting adenoma (165), octreotide-LAR (at the dose of 20 mg/28 days) combined with cabergoline (at the dose of 0.5 mg twice/week) normalized serum GH and IGF-I levels, and decreased growth rate from 12 cm/yr to nearly 2.5 cm/yr. This association has be proven to be effective also in an adolescent bearing a somatotropinoma in the context of McCune-Albright syndrome (178). In seven of the eight hyperprolactinemic patients included in our study, combined treatment with octreotide plus bromocriptine or octreotide-LAR or lanreotide plus cabergoline was effective and well tolerated by all patients. Only two patients (15.4%) of the entire series still presented with active acromegaly after treatment with surgery and pharmacotherapy with somatostatin analogues plus dopamine-agonists(153).


Although long-acting somatostatin analogues have been shown to be effective and safe in pediatric patients, this therapy often fails to achieve disease control especially in the most frequent genetic forms of pituitary gigantism (AIP-mutated adenomas and X-LAG acrogigantism), which are characterized by poor responses to first generation SSAs. Recently the successful use of pasireotide LAR has been reported in two cases of AIP-mutated gigantism not controlled by surgery and first-generation somatostatin analogues, respectively. Pasireotide LAR allowed not only biochemical control but also the reduction of the pituitary adenoma volume. These patients developed pasireotide-induced diabetes, controlled by drug therapy (179).


The GH receptor antagonist pegvisomant is a very potent drug which has been introduced into clinical practice. In patients with resistant acromegaly, the use of the GH-receptor antagonist pegvisomant was followed by normalization of IGF-I levels in more than 80% of patients (180-182). However, there are few data related to pediatric patients. In a 12-year-old girl with tall stature (178 cm), bearing a GH/PRL-secreting macroadenoma inoperable since tumor tissue was fibrous and adherent to the optical nerves, the GH receptor antagonist at a dose of 20 mg/day completely normalized IGF-I levels (183). In a 3.4 year-old girl with a GH/prolactin-secreting adenoma, treatment with pegvisomant and cabergoline was effective to normalize IGF-I levels and height velocity without side effects (184). Combined therapy with the addition of pegvisomant to octreotide LAR rapidly allowed biochemical control in three children with pituitary gigantism, pituitary tumor size did not change despite concomitant therapy with a somatostatin analogue (185). The main limit of pegvisomant is the eventual adenoma size increase during treatment, requiring treatment suspension. Pegvisomant was successfully used also in the youngest known patient with AIP-related pituitary adenoma, in which despite of the previously transsphenoidal surgery, and the medical treatment after surgery with temozolomide, subsequently in addition to bevacizumab, IGF-1 was normalized only after pegvisomant treatment (186).


Radiation therapy is rarely used in pediatric patients, and is generally is considered only after the failure of both primary surgical and medical therapies, because of a maximum response is achieved 10–15 years after radiotherapy is administered (187, 188), and the involvement of surrounding structures in the radiation-induced damage. Radiation-induced damage of the surrounding normal pituitary tissue results in hypogonadism, hypoadrenalism, or hypothyroidism in most patients within 10 years (187), whereas complications such as optic nerve damage, cranial nerve palsy, impaired memory, lethargy, and local tissue necrosis have been reduced thanks to improved precise isocentric simulators and accurate dosing techniques. At long term follow-up, about 43% of patients with pituitary gigantism among who undergone to secondary radiotherapy have shown controlled GH and IGF-I levels (136). Noteworthy, as a consequence of the multiple operations and radiotherapy, 64% of patients develop hypopituitarism during long-term follow-up (143).




This tumor type is rare in adulthood and even rarer in childhood and adolescence with only a few cases reported so far (189). Plurihormonal adenomas with GH and TSH co-secretion can also occur. It is frequently a macroadenoma presenting with mass effect symptoms such as headache, visual disturbance, together with variable symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism (Table 1). TSH-secreting adenomas must be differentiated from the syndrome of thyroid hormone resistance (190). In most cases, the classical criteria of lack of TSH response to TRH stimulation, elevation of serum α-subunit levels, and a high α-subunit/TSH ratio along with a pituitary mass on MRI, are diagnostic of a TSH-secreting adenoma (190).


Treatment Strategy


Transsphenoidal surgery is the first treatment approach to these tumors. However, since the majority of these adenomas are macroadenomas, which tend to be locally invasive, surgery alone fails to normalize TSH and thyroid hormone levels in most cases. In adults, radiotherapy is recommended as routine adjunctive therapy when surgery has not been curative (190). However, due to the high frequency of post-radiotherapy hypopituitarism, in children pharmacotherapy is the preferred second choice. There is very little success with dopamine agonists for treatment of these tumors (191). In contrast, therapy with somatostatin analogues normalizes TSH levels in the majority of patients, and tumor shrinkage occurs in approximately half of cases (192-195) and shown be useful in children as well. Rabbiosi et al., first used lanreotide successfully as first-line treatment in a pediatric patient bearing a macroadenoma characterized by a low probability of complete surgical eradication due to its antero-superior extension. The response to medical treatment was optimal, with significant tumor shrinkage and development of central hypothyroidism after few months. Thus, suggesting that preoperative somatostatin analogue treatment used for tumor shrinkage may be helpful to prepare a hyperthyroid patient to surgery (189). Before this somatostatin analogue in the pediatric age had only been used in two post-pubertal boys (189). Chronic treatment with SR-lanreotide reduced plasma TSH and normalized fT4 and fT3 levels, suggesting its use in the long-term medical treatment of these adenomas (190, 195).




Clinically non-functioning adenomas (NFAs) are extremely rare in childhood, compared with adults (196). Nonetheless, there is in vitro and in vivo evidence that almost all of these tumors synthesize glycoprotein hormones or their subunits (197, 198). In adults, NFAs represent 33-50% of all pituitary tumors, while in pediatric patients they account for less than 4-6% of cases (38, 40, 44), for this reason incidentally discovered adenomas in childhood are rare (199). In a study, 5 out of 2288 patients treated at Hamburg University between 1970-1996 were diagnosed to bear a clinically NFAs (196). In a most recent surgical series, 9 out 85 pituitary adenomas (10.6%) were NFAs in the pediatric group (107). Most silent adenomas arise from gonadotroph cells, the clinical presentation includes visual field defects, headache, and some degree of pituitary insufficiency since invariably all patients had a macroadenoma (Table 1). Recent data show that hypogonadism is the most frequent pituitary deficiency at diagnosis occurring in 71.4% of pediatric patients, followed by TSH deficiency (33.3%), and GH and ACTH deficiency (both 11.1%). No case of diabetes insipidus occurred in this pediatric series (107). Larger macroadenoma could also cause hydrocephalus due to the obstruction of foramen of Monro (199). A modest hyperprolactinemia can also be present due to pituitary stalk compression (196).


Treatment Strategy


The first approach to these adenomas, silent and even functioning, is transsphenoidal surgery to remove tumor mass and decompress parasellar structures. As in the other adenoma types, surgery has a low morbidity and leads to an improvement of visual symptoms in the majority of cases. Endoscopic endonasal unilateral transsphenoidal approach to the pituitary (204), which has the same indications as the conventional transsphenoidal microsurgery, overcomes many of the potential problems tied to the surgical route, thanks to its minimal invasiveness. This procedure involves no sublabial dissection nor any fracture of the facial bones with dental or naso-sinusal complications. Furthermore, a wider surgical vision of the operating field is obtained, which potentially improves the likelihood of a better and safer tumor removal. In addition, this procedure requires a shorter hospitalization, permits a rapid recovery of the child (205), and maintains neuroendocrine-pituitary integrity, with ensuing normal growth. This approach can also be safely used for the surgical removal of remnant pituitary tumors (206). After surgery these patients partially recover from hypopituitarism. Postoperative radiotherapy can be used in patients with subtotal tumor removal to prevent tumor re-growth and reduce residual tumors, but is burdened by a high prevalence of pan-hypopituitarism (207-209).


Medical therapy has poor effects on clinically non-functioning adenomas (197, 210), and data are from adults. A positive response to cabergoline associated with detection of dopamine receptors in vitro has been proven in clinically non-functioning adenomas (211). Positive effects of cabergoline were observed in some patients with α-subunit secreting adenomas, mostly in patients with tumors expressing high number of dopamine D2 receptors (212). Greenman et al. proved that dopamine agonists treatment in adult patients with NFAs is associated with decreased prevalence of residual adenoma growth after neurosurgery. A decrease in residual mass was observed in 38% of patients treated immediately after surgery, while a stable or enlarged residual adenoma was observed in 49% and in 13%, respectively. A significant shrinkage or stabilization of residual mass was achieved (58%) also in patients in which the administration of the same therapy was performed when residual growth was noted during the post-operative follow-up (213). In vitro, chimeric dopamine/SSTR agonists are effective in inhibiting cell proliferation in two-thirds of non-functioning adenomas (214). Somatostatin analogues and dopamine agonists have not been tested in children/adolescents with clinically non-functioning adenomas.


Concerning medical therapy for functioning gonadotroph adenomas, there is little published information in the literature about the use of dopamine agonists, somatostatin analogues, GnRH agonists, and antagonists in the pediatric age range (203).




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Diabetic Retinopathy


Diabetic retinopathy is a significant life-altering complication affecting patients with diabetes. Understanding its pathogenesis, prevention, and treatment is critical to delivering effective and comprehensive care for patients with diabetes at all stages. This review discusses the risk factors, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, and treatment options for diabetic retinopathy, with an emphasis on practical information useful for endocrinologists and other non-ophthalmologists.


Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the most common microvascular complication of diabetes and a leading cause of blindness worldwide and in the US (1-3). The individual lifetime risk of DR is estimated to be 50–60% in patients with type 2 diabetes and over 90% in patients with type 1 diabetes (4). It is the most frequent cause of blindness in adults between 20-74 years of age in developed countries (5). The same pathologic mechanisms that damage the kidneys and other organs affect the microcirculation of the eye (6). With the global epidemic of diabetes, one expects that diabetes will be the leading global cause of vision loss in many countries (1,2). While DR is specific for diabetes, other eye disorders, such as glaucoma and cataracts, occur earlier and more frequently in people with diabetes (5).

Often, by the time patients seek ophthalmologic examination and treatment, there are significant alterations of the retinal microvasculature. Therefore, it is important for non-ophthalmologists to recognize the importance of eye disease in patients with diabetes so that appropriate referral to eye-care specialists can be a part of their diabetes management program.


In the Wisconsin Epidemiologic Study of Diabetic Retinopathy (WESDR), the prevalence of DR in patients with type 1 diabetes was 17% in those with less than 5 years of diabetes vs 98% in those with 15 or more years of diabetes (6). Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) was absent in patients with type 1 diabetes of short duration but present in 48% of those with 15 or more years of diabetes. In patients with type 1 diabetes, the 25-year rate of progression of DR was 83%, with progression to PDR occurring in 42% of patients (7). Improvement of DR was observed in 18% of patients with type 1 diabetes. In the WESDR, 3.6% of patients with type 1 diabetes were legally blind, and 86% of the blindness was attributable to DR (8). The risk of blindness increases with the duration of diabetes.

In the WESDR, patients with type 2 diabetes of less than 5 years had a prevalence of DR of 28%, while in patients with greater than 15 years of diabetes, the prevalence was 78% (6). A considerable number of patients with type 2 diabetes (12-19%) have DR at the time of the diagnosis of diabetes (1). The prevalence of PDR was relatively low in patients with type 2 diabetes (2%) in patients with less than 5 years duration vs 16% in patients with greater than 15 years duration of diabetes (6). The prevalence of DR and PDR was greater in the patients with type 2 diabetes using insulin. In the patients with type 2 diabetes, 1.6% were legally blind, and one-third of cases of legal blindness were due to DR (8).

Of note, the WESDR cohort is 99% white, and data suggest a higher prevalence of DR in Mexican-Americans and African-Americans with type 2 diabetes (6,9,10). Asians appear to have the same or lower prevalence of DR (1,10). DR occurs in both males and females with diabetes, but males appear to be at a slightly higher risk (9). Diabetic macular edema (DME) occurs more commonly in patients with type 2 diabetes, and with the marked increase in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes, DME is becoming more common (2). DME is over two times more prevalent than PDR (9).

In a pooled analysis of 35 studies between 1980 and 2008, among 22,896 individuals with diabetes, the overall prevalence of DR was 34.6%, PDR 6.96%, DME 6.81%, and vision-threatening DR 10.2% (11). The longer the duration of diabetes, the greater the prevalence of all of these diabetic eye manifestations (11). Moreover, the prevalence of DR, PDR, and DME was greater in patients with type 1 diabetes (77%, 32%, and 14%) compared to patients with type 2 diabetes (32%, 3, and 6%) (1,11).

In developed countries the incidence and the risk of progression of DR have greatly declined in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes (1,2,12). The WESDR showed that from 1980 to 2007, the estimated annual incidence of PDR decreased by 77%, and vision impairment decreased by 57% in patients with type 1 diabetes (12). In an analysis of 28 studies with 27,120 patients, the rates of DR and PDR were lower among participants in 1986-2008 than in 1975-1985 (13). Thus, patients with recently diagnosed type 1 or type 2 diabetes in developed countries have a much lower risk of PDR, DME, and visual impairment as compared with patients who developed diabetes in the past (1,12). This marked decrease in the prevalence and incidence of DR and vision impairment is likely due to improved glycemia control, early screening for eye disease, and the more aggressive treatment of blood pressure (1). However, in countries with limited medical resources, this reduced risk of DR and vision impairment is not occurring (2).

In caring for patients with diabetes, health care providers must bear in mind the substantial risks of developing visual loss that these patients face and the treatments that can reduce this risk. For affected patients, diabetes-related visual loss decreases the quality of life and interferes with the performance of daily activities.



The most important treatable risk factor for the development of DR is hyperglycemia. In patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, elevated HbA1c levels are associated with an increased risk and progression of DR (2,7,14-16). Most importantly, randomized controlled trials comparing intensive glycemic control vs. usual care demonstrated a decrease in DR. A meta-analysis of 6 relatively small randomized trials prior to the publication of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) reported that after 2 to 5 years of intensive therapy the risk of retinopathy progression was significantly reduced (OR 0.49, p = 0.011) (17). Intensive therapy significantly retarded retinopathy progression to more severe states such as PDR or changes requiring laser treatment (OR 0.44, p = 0 018) (17).

The DCCT was a randomized, controlled study of intensive glycemic control (HbA1c approximately 7%) vs. usual care (HbA1c approximately 9%) in 1,441 patients with type 1 diabetes (18). This study found that intensive glucose control reduced the risk of developing retinopathy by 76% compared to usual care (18). In patients with pre-existing retinopathy, intensive control slowed progression of the DR by 54% (18). For every 10% reduction in HbA1c (e.g., 10% to 9% or 9% to 8.1%) the risk of retinopathy progression was reduced on average by 44% (19).The DCCT participants were followed in an observational Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) study. During the EDIC study, the mean HbA1c levels became very similar in the intensive and usual care group, with the HbA1c of the intensive treatment group increasing to approximately 8% and the usual care group HbA1c decreasing to approximately 8% (19). Despite the similar A1c levels in the 2 groups over 30 years there continued to be an approximately 50% risk reduction of further DR progression and the development of PDR and DME in the original intensive control group, a phenomenon termed metabolic memory (19). These results indicate the need for early intensive glucose control.

In the Kumamoto study, 110 patients with type 2 diabetes were randomly assigned to a multiple insulin injection treatment group (MIT group) or to a conventional insulin injection treatment group (CIT group) and followed for 6 years (20,21). HbA1c levels were 7.1% in the MIT group and 9.4% in the CIT group. Moreover, the development of DR after 6 years was 7.7% for the MIT group and 32.0% for the CIT group in the primary-prevention cohort (no microvascular disease at baseline) (P = 0.039), and progression of DR occurred in 19.2% of the MIT group and 44.0% of the CIT group in the secondary-intervention cohort (microvascular disease at baseline) (P = 0.049). This study demonstrated that improved glycemic control reduced DR in patients with type 2 diabetes.

In the UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS), 3,867 newly diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes were randomized to diet therapy alone or to sulfonylureas or insulin with the goal of achieving a fasting glucose of 108 mg/dL (6mMol/L) in those treated with sulfonylureas or insulin (intensive group). Over 10 years, HbA1c levels were approximately 7.0% in the patients treated with sulfonylureas/insulin therapy compared with 7.9% in the diet group. This study found a 25% reduction in the risk of microvascular endpoints, including the need for diabetic retinal laser treatment, with intensive glucose control (22). A risk reduction of 21% per 1% decrease in HbA1c was observed in this trial. Patients were closely followed after the study ended, and HbA1c levels after one year became similar in the two groups. Similar to the results seen in the DCCT/EDIC study, the benefits on microvascular disease persisted in the intensive control group, confirming the concept of metabolic memory in patients with type 2 diabetes (23).

The ACCORD study was a randomized trial that enrolled 10,251 individuals with type 2 diabetes who were at high risk for cardiovascular disease to receive either intensive or standard treatment for glycemia (HbA1c 6.4% vs. 7.5%). A subgroup of 2,856 individuals were evaluated for the effects of intensive vs. standard care at 4 years on the progression of diabetic retinopathy by 3 or more steps on the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Severity Scale. After 4 years, the rates of progression of diabetic retinopathy were 7.3% in the intensive group vs.10.4% in the standard therapy group (odds ratio, 0.67; P=0.003) (24). It should be noted that in an analysis of the entire ACCORD study cohort, three-line change in visual acuity was reduced in the intensive control group (HR 0.94, CI 0.89-1.00; p=0.05) but no differences in photocoagulation, vitrectomy, or severe visual loss were observed (25). Four years after the ACCORD trial ended, DR progressed in 5.8% of the intensive treatment group vs.12.7% in the standard treatment group (odds ratio 0.42, P < 0.0001) (26), once again confirming the concept of metabolic memory.

It should be noted that two large cardiovascular outcome trials, the ADVANCE trial and the VADT, failed to demonstrate a benefit of intensive glucose control on diabetic retinopathy (27,28). However, a meta-analysis of the four large cardiovascular outcome studies in patients with type 2 diabetes (UKPDS, ACCORD, ADVANCE, and VADT) found that more intensive glucose control resulted in a decrease in HbA1c of -0.90% and a 13% reduction in the need for retinal photocoagulation therapy or vitrectomy, development of PDR, or progression of DR (29). Another meta-analysis of 7 trials with 10,793 participants reported a 20% decrease in DR with intensive glycemic control (0.80, 0.67 to 0.94; P=0.009) (30).

Taken together, these results clearly demonstrate that in patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, improvements in glycemic control will reduce the risk of the development and progression of DR.  

 Rapid Improvement in Glycemic Control

Deterioration of DR, upon initiation of intensive diabetes treatment, was described in the 1980s in patients with type 1 diabetes who were treated intensively with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusions (31-34). In patients with poor glycemic control and DR, rapidly improving glycemic control can worsen DR and, in some instances, result in PDR or DME. This worsening can occur as soon as 3 months after initiating intensive glycemic control. In the DCCT early worsening was observed at the 6- and/or 12-month visit in 13.1% of patients in the intensive treatment group and in 7.6% of patients assigned to conventional treatment (odds ratio, 2.06; P < .001) (35). In the DCCT the most important risk factors for early worsening of DR were a higher HbA1c level and reduction of this level during the first 6 months of treatment (35). It must be recognized that in the DCCT the long-term outcomes in intensively treated patients who had early worsening were similar to or more favorable than outcomes in conventionally treated patients (35). This early worsening of DR with improved glycemic control has also been described in patients with type 2 diabetes treated with insulin or GLP-1 agonists, following bariatric surgery, in pregnant women with diabetes, and following pancreatic transplants in patients with type 1 diabetes (36). The mechanism(s) leading to early worsening of DR with improvements in glycemic control are unknown (36).

While this worsening is distressing, it must be recognized that the long-term benefits of improving glycemic control on DR greatly outweigh the risks of early worsening. Ophthalmologic evaluation should be obtained prior to initiating intensive treatment and close monitoring should occur at 3-month intervals for 6 to 12 months in patients with significant pre-existing DR.


In the WESDR, blood pressure (BP) was not related to incidence or progression of retinopathy in the patients with type 2 diabetes using insulin or the type 2 patients not using insulin, but in the patients with type 1 diabetes systolic BP was a significant predictor of the incidence of DR (37). In contrast, in the UKPDS and other studies high BP in patients with type 2 was associated with the development of DR (2,16,38). In one prospective study the risk of DR increased by 30% for every 10 mm Hg increase in systolic BP at baseline (39).

While observational studies can show an association, randomized controlled trials are required to demonstrate causation and the benefits of treatment. A number of studies have examined the effect of lowering BP in patients with hypertension on the development and progression of DR.


The UKPDS examined the effect of tight vs. less tight BP control in 1,148 hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes (40). In the tight BP control group (captopril and atenolol), BP was significantly reduced compared to the less tight group (144/82 mm Hg vs.154/87 mm Hg; (P<0.0001). After nine years the tight BP control group had a 34% reduction in the deterioration of retinopathy (P=0.0004) and a 47% reduced risk (P=0.004) of deterioration in visual acuity. Additionally, patients in the tight BP group were less likely to undergo photocoagulation (RR, 0.65; P = .03), a difference primarily due to a decrease in photocoagulation due to maculopathy (RR, 0.58; P = .02) (41). In contrast to glycemic control, the benefits of lowering BP were not sustained when therapy was discontinued and the differences in blood pressure were not maintained, indicating the absence of metabolic memory (42).

The HOPE study was a randomized study that compared ramipril vs. placebo in 3,577 participants with diabetes who had a previous cardiovascular event or at least one other cardiovascular risk factor (43). The baseline BP was approximately 142/80 mm Hg, and BP decreased by 1.92/3.3 mm Hg in the ramipril group vs a 0.55 mm Hg increase in systolic BP and 2.30 mm Hg decrease in diastolic BP in the placebo group.  This study was not focused on DR but did report that the need for laser was 9.4% in the ramipril group vs. 10.5% in the placebo group (22% decrease; p=0.24).

The ADVANCE study examined the effect of BP control on DR in 1,241 patients with type 2 diabetes (44). Patients were randomized to BP-lowering agents (perindopril and indapamide) or placebo and followed for approximately 4-5 years. Baseline BP was approximately 143/79 mm Hg. In the group randomized to BP medications, a decrease in systolic BP of 6.1 ± 1.2 mmHg and diastolic BP of 2.3 ± 0.6 mmHg was observed (p < 0.001 for both).  Fewer patients on BP lowering therapy experienced new or worsening DR compared with those on placebo (OR 0.78; 95% CI 0.57–1.06; p = 0.12), but the difference was not quite statistically significant. Certain secondary outcomes were significantly reduced (for example DME) in the BP lowering group, but most other eye end points were not significantly decreased compared to the placebo group.

The ACCORD eye study evaluated 2,856 patients with type 2 diabetes for the effect of intensive BP control (BP<120 mm Hg) vs standard BP control (BP<140 mm Hg) on the progression of DR after 4 years of treatment (24). Systolic BP was 117 mm Hg in the intensive-therapy group and 133 mm Hg in the standard-therapy group. The progression of DR was 10.4% with intensive blood-pressure therapy vs. 8.8% with standard therapy (adjusted odds ratio, 1.23; P=0.29).

The Appropriate Blood Pressure Control in Diabetes (ABCD2) Trial was a randomized blinded trial that compared the effects of intensive versus moderate BP control in 470 patients with type 2 diabetes and hypertension (45). The intensive group was treated with either nisoldipine or enalapril, while the usual care BP group received placebo. The mean blood pressure achieved was 132/78 mm Hg in the intensive group and 138/86 mm Hg in the moderate group. Over the 5-year follow-up period, there was no difference in the progression of DR between the intensive and moderate groups.

Thus, in patients with hypertension, randomized trials of lowering BP have not consistently shown beneficial effects on DR.


There are numerous possible explanations for the differences in results between these studies. First, the severity of the hypertension may be important, with greater responses in individuals with higher BP levels. Second, the magnitude of the reduction in BP may be important, with greater benefit with greater decreases in BP. Third, the duration of the study may be an important variable, with the longer the study the greater the chances of benefits. Fourth, the presence of DR at baseline and the severity of DR at baseline may influence the response to BP lowering. Fifth, patient variables such as glycemic control, age, diabetes type, duration of diabetes, etc., may influence results. Finally, the drugs used to lower BP may be a key variable as described below.


Because of the potential benefits of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors) and angiotensin receptor inhibitors (ARBs) (Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS) inhibitors) on microvascular disease independent of BP effects, a number of studies have explored the effects of these drugs on DR in patients without elevated BP. Below we briefly describe the largest of these studies.

The EUCLID trial was a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial in 354 patients with type 1 diabetes who were not hypertensive and were normoalbuminuric (85%) or microalbuminuric (46). Study participants were randomized to lisinopril or placebo and followed for 2 years. Systolic BP was 3 mm Hg lower in the lisinopril group than in the placebo group. DR progressed in 23.4% of patients in the placebo group and 13.2% of patients in the lisinopril group (p=0.02). Notably progression to PDR was also reduced in the lisinopril treated group.

The Appropriate Blood Pressure Control in Diabetes (ABCD1) trial was a randomized trial in 480 normotensive type 2 diabetic subjects of more intensive vs. usual BP control (47). The intensive group was treated with either nisoldipine or enalapril, while the usual care BP group received placebo. Mean BP in the intensive group was 128/75 mm Hg vs. 137/81 mm Hg in the placebo group (P < 0.0001). After a mean follow-up of 5.4 years, the intensive BP control group demonstrated less progression of diabetic retinopathy (34% vs. 46%, P = 0.019). PDR developed in 0% of patients in the intensive therapy group vs. 3.9% in the placebo group. However, in patients who at baseline did not have DR, the number of patients developing retinopathy was similar in the two groups (39% of patients in the intensive therapy group vs. 42% in the placebo group).

The DIRECT- Prevent 1 trial was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 1,421 normotensive, normoalbuminuric individuals with type 1 diabetes without retinopathy (48). Patients were randomized to candesartan or placebo and followed for 4.7 years. Mean systolic and diastolic BP was reduced by 2.6 mm Hg and 2.7 mm Hg, respectively, in the candesartan group vs. the placebo group. DR developed in 25% of the participants in the candesartan group vs. 31% in the placebo group (18% decrease). 

The Direct Protect 1 was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 1,905 normotensive, normoalbuminuric patients with type 1 diabetes with existing retinopathy (48). Patients were randomized to candesartan or placebo and followed for 4.7 years. Mean systolic and diastolic BP was reduced by 3.6 mm Hg and 2.5 mm Hg, respectively, in the candesartan group versus the placebo group. There was an identical 13% progression of DR in the placebo and candesartan groups, and progression to the combined secondary endpoint of PDR or clinically significant DME, or both, did not differ between the two groups.

The DIRECT-Protect 2 trial was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 1,905 normoalbuminuric, normotensive, or treated hypertensive people with type 2 diabetes with mild to moderately severe retinopathy (49). Patients were randomized to candesartan or placebo and followed for 4.7 years. The decrease in systolic/diastolic blood pressure was 4.3/2.5 mm Hg greater in the candesartan group than in the placebo group in individuals who were receiving antihypertensive treatment at baseline (p<0·0001 for both), and for those not on anti-hypertensive therapy at baseline the decrease was 2.9/1.3 mm Hg (p=0.0003/p=0.0045). The risk of progression of retinopathy was non-significantly reduced by 13% in patients on candesartan compared to the placebo group (HR 0.87; p=0.20). However, regression on active treatment was increased by 34% (HR 1.34; p=0.009), and overall change towards less severe retinopathy by the end of the trial was observed in the candesartan group (odds 1.17; p=0.003).

The RASS trial was a controlled trial involving 223 normotensive patients with type 1 diabetes and normoalbuminuria and who were randomly assigned to receive losartan, enalapril, or placebo (50). The systolic and diastolic BP during the study were lower in the enalapril group (113/66 mm Hg) and the losartan group (115/66 mm Hg) than in the placebo group (117/68 mm Hg) (P<0.001 for the two systolic and P≤0.02 for the two diastolic comparisons, respectively). After 5 years progression in DR occurred in 38% of patients receiving placebo but only 25% of those receiving enalapril (P=0.02) and 21% of those receiving losartan (P=0.008).   


Many of the studies described above used either an ACE inhibitor or an ARB with variable results on DR. To better understand the effect of RAS inhibitors on DR, a meta-analysis has extensively examined these studies and a number of other trials (51). In 7 studies with 3,705 participants without DR, RAS inhibitors reduced the development of DR by 27% (p= 0.00006). This decrease in the development of DR was seen in patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes and patients who were hypertensive or normotensive. In 16 studies with 9,580 participants with pre-existing DR, RAS inhibitors decreased the progression of DR by 13% (p=0.00006). This decrease in progression of DR was seen in patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes and patients who were normotensive. In hypertensive patients there was a trend (7% decrease) that was not statistically significant. It should be noted that in the hypertensive patients RAS inhibitors were compared to other hypertensive drugs, and the number of hypertensive participants was relatively small (n=839). Therefore, the absence of a decrease in progression of DR in hypertensive patients is not definitive. Six studies with 2,624 participants examined the effect of RAS inhibitors on inducing regression of DR. RAS inhibitors increased the regression of DR by 39% (p=0.00002), and this beneficial effect was seen in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. ACE inhibitors were more effective in reducing the development, progression, and regression of DR than ARBs. Thus, with the data available, RAS inhibitors appear to have benefits on DR above and beyond their effects on BP control.  


Observational studies have shown an association of elevated BP with a higher risk of DR. As should be obvious from the above discussion, the beneficial effects of lowering BP in hypertensive patients on DR have not produced consistent results. Several large carefully carried out studies have failed to demonstrate a beneficial effect of lowering BP on DR (ACCORD, ADVANCE, ABCD2). Potential reasons for this inconsistency were discussed above. It is unlikely that future studies will provide definitive data on this issue, as lowering BP in hypertensive patients with diabetes to prevent cardiovascular disease is essential, and therefore designing clinical trials regarding DR will be very difficult. From the clinician’s viewpoint, treating hypertension in patients with diabetes to prevent cardiovascular disease is standard therapy and may also have beneficial effects DR. Similar to the beneficial effects on renal disease, RAS inhibitors appear to decrease the development and progression of DR, and therefore when treating patients with diabetes who are hypertensive, one should be preferentially consider RAS inhibitors to lower BP in patients with or at high risk of DR. In normotensive patients the available data suggests that RAS inhibition will have beneficial effects on DR, and further studies in this population are possible and would be informative.          


Observational studies of the association of plasma lipids with DR have been inconsistent (52) with some studies reporting an increased risk of DR with elevated lipid levels (53-57), while other studies have not observed a relationship between lipid levels and DR (10,38,58-60). Of note a Mendelian randomization study did not demonstrate a causal role of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, or triglycerides on DR (61). From the clinician’s point of view the key question is whether lowering lipid levels will have a beneficial effect on DR.


Small studies in the 1960’s presented evidence that treatment with clofibrate improved diabetic retinopathy (62,63). Larger randomized studies have confirmed these observations.

The Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) study was a randomized trial in patients with Type 2 diabetes. Patients were randomly assigned to receive either fenofibrate 200 mg/day (n=4895) or placebo (n=4900). Laser treatment for retinopathy was significantly lower in the fenofibrate group than in the placebo group (3.4% patients on fenofibrate vs 4.9% on placebo; p=0.0002) (64). Fenofibrate therapy reduced the need for laser therapy to a similar extent for maculopathy (31% decrease) and for proliferative retinopathy (30% decrease). In the ophthalmology sub-study (n=1012), the primary endpoint of 2-step progression of retinopathy grade did not differ significantly between the fenofibrate and control groups (9.6% patients on fenofibrate vs 12.3% on placebo; p=0.19). In patients without pre-existing retinopathy there was no difference in progression (11.4% vs 11.7%; p=0.87). However, in patients with pre-existing retinopathy, significantly fewer patients on fenofibrate had a 2-step progression than did those on placebo (3.1% patients vs 14.6%; p=0.004). A composite endpoint of 2-step progression of retinopathy grade, macular edema, or laser treatments was significantly reduced in the fenofibrate group (HR 0.66, 95% CI 0.47-0.94; p=0.022).

In the ACCORD Study a subgroup of participants was evaluated for the progression of diabetic retinopathy by 3 or more steps on the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Severity Scale or the development of diabetic retinopathy necessitating laser photocoagulation or vitrectomy over a four-year period (24). At 4 years, the rates of progression of diabetic retinopathy were 6.5% with fenofibrate therapy (n=806) vs. 10.2% with placebo (n=787) (adjusted odds ratio, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.42 to 0.87; P = 0.006). Of note, this reduction in the progression of diabetic retinopathy was of a similar magnitude as intensive glycemic treatment vs. standard therapy.

A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study in 296 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and DR evaluated the effect of placebo or etofibrate on DR (65). After 12 months an improvement in ocular pathology was more frequent in the etofibrate group vs the placebo group ((46% versus 32%; p< 0.001).

The MacuFen study was a small double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study in 110 subjects with DME who did not require immediate photocoagulation or intraocular treatment. Patients were randomized to fenofibric acid or placebo for 1 year. Patients treated with fenofibric acid had a modest improvement in total macular volume that was not statistically significant compared to the placebo group.

Taken together these results indicate that fibrates have beneficial effects on the progression of diabetic retinopathy (66). The mechanisms by which fibrates decrease diabetic retinopathy are unknown, and whether decreases in serum triglyceride levels plays an important role is uncertain. Fibrates activate PPAR alpha, which is expressed in the retina (67). Diabetic PPARα KO mice developed more severe DR while overexpression of PPARα in the retina of diabetic rats significantly alleviated diabetes-induced retinal vascular leakage and retinal inflammation, suggesting that fibrates could have direct effects on the retina to reduce DR (67).


Several large database studies have suggested that statin use reduces the development of DR (68-71). Unfortunately, the number of randomized clinical trials testing the hypothesis that statin therapy reduces DR development or progression is very limited.

In a study by Sen and colleagues, 50 patients with diabetes mellitus (Type 1 and 2) with good glycemic control and hypercholesterolemia and having DR were randomized to simvastatin vs. placebo (72). Visual acuity improved in four patients using simvastatin and decreased in seven patients in the placebo group and none in the simvastatin group (P = 0.009). Fundus fluorescein angiography and color fundus photography showed improvement in one patient in the simvastatin group, while seven patients showed worsening in the placebo group (P = 0.009).

In a study by Gupta and colleagues, 30 patients with type 2 diabetes with clinically significant macular edema, dyslipidemia, and grade 4 hard exudates were randomized to receive atorvastatin or no lipid lowering drugs (73). All patients received laser therapy. Ten (66.6%) of 15 patients treated with atorvastatin and two (13.3%) of 15 patients in the control group showed a reduction in hard exudates (P =.007). None of the patients treated with atorvastatin and five (33.3%) of 15 in the control group showed subfoveal lipid migration after laser photocoagulation (P =.04). Regression of macular edema was seen in nine eyes in the atorvastatin group and five in the control group (P =.27).

In a study by Narang and colleagues, 30 patients with clinically significant macular edema with a normal lipid profile were randomly treated with atorvastatin or with no lipid lowering drugs. All patients received laser therapy. After a 6-month follow-up visual acuity, macular edema and hard exudates resolution was not significantly different in the two groups.

The data on the benefit of statin therapy on DR are not very strong. Given the current recommendations to prevent cardiovascular disease, most patients with diabetes are treated with statins, and therefore it is unlikely that large randomized trials of the effect of statin therapy on DR are feasible.


A Study of Cardiovascular Events in Diabetes (ASCEND) was a randomized, placebo controlled, double blind, cardiovascular outcome trial of 1-gram omega-3-fatty acids (400 mg EPA and 300 mg DHA ethyl esters) vs. olive oil placebo in 15,480 patients with diabetes without a history of cardiovascular disease (primary prevention trial) (74). Total cholesterol, HDL-C, and non-HDL-C levels were not significantly altered by omega-3-fatty acid treatment (changes in TG levels were not reported). After a mean follow-up of 7.4 years the development of retinopathy and the need for laser therapy based on self-report was similar in the omega-3-fatty acid and placebo group. Thus, at this time there is no evidence that omega-3-fatty acids influence DR.


It has been estimated that 0.67% of patients treated with niacin develop macular edema (75). 


Diabetic retinopathy may progress during pregnancy and up to one year postpartum. For additional information on retinopathy during pregnancy see the chapter in Endotext on “Diabetes in Pregnancy” (76).


Some individuals develop DR despite good glycemic control and short duration of disease, while others do not develop DR, even with poor glycemic control and longer duration of diabetes (77). Additionally, the strongest environmental factors (duration of diabetes and HbA1c) only explained about 11% of the variation in DR risk in the DCCT trial and 10% in the WESDR study (12,78). Thus, factors other than glycemic control play an important role.  There is a familial relationship in the development of DR, as twin and family studies indicate a genetic basis (79,80). The differences in the prevalence of DR in different ethnic groups may be related to genetic factors (79). Unfortunately, the identification of genetic susceptibility loci for DR through candidate gene approaches, linkage studies, and GWAS has not provided conclusive results (79-81). From a clinician’s point of view, if there is a family history of DR, one should aggressively control risk factors for DR and ensure close eye follow-up.  


The American Academy of Ophthalmology has recommended screening for diabetic retinopathy 5 years after diagnosis in patients with type 1 diabetes, and at the time of diagnosis in patients with type 2 diabetes. Patients without retinopathy should undergo dilated fundus examination annually. If mild non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) is present, exams should be repeated every 9 months. Patients with moderate NPDR should be examined every 6 months. In severe NPDR, exams should be conducted every 3 months. Patients with a new diagnosis of proliferative diabetic retinopathy should be examined every 2 to 3 months, until they are deemed stable, at which point examinations can be performed less frequently. During pregnancy, patients should be examined every 3 months, since retinopathy can progress rapidly in this setting (2019 AAO preferred practice pattern document for monitoring diabetic retinopathy:

The American Diabetes Association 2020 guidelines (5) recommends the following:

  • Adults with type 1 diabetes should have an initial dilated and comprehensive eye examination by an ophthalmologist or optometrist within 5 years after the onset of diabetes.
  • Patients with type 2 diabetes should have an initial dilated and comprehensive eye examination by an ophthalmologist or optometrist at the time of the diabetes diagnosis.
  • If there is no evidence of retinopathy for one or more annual eye exams and glycemia is well controlled, then screening every 1–2 years may be considered. If any level of diabetic retinopathy is present, subsequent dilated retinal examinations should be repeated at least annually by an ophthalmologist or optometrist. If retinopathy is progressing or sight-threatening, then examinations will be required more frequently.
  • Programs that use retinal photography (with remote reading or use of a validated assessment tool) to improve access to diabetic retinopathy screening can be appropriate screening strategies for diabetic retinopathy. Such programs need to provide pathways for timely referral for a comprehensive eye examination when indicated.
  • Women with preexisting type 1 or type 2 diabetes who are planning pregnancy or who are pregnant should be counseled on the risk of development and/or progression of diabetic retinopathy.
  • Eye examinations should occur before pregnancy or in the first trimester in patients with preexisting type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and then patients should be monitored every trimester and for 1 year postpartum as indicated by the degree of retinopathy.


Various mechanisms account for the features of diabetic retinopathy. Histopathologic analysis shows thickening of capillary basement membranes, microaneurysm formation, loss of pericytes, capillary acellularity, and neovascularization. Microaneurysms, outpouchings of the capillary wall, serve as sites of fluid and lipid leakage, which can lead to the development of diabetic macular edema. Theories on the biochemistry of these end-organ changes include toxic effects from sorbitol accumulation, vascular damage by excessive glycosylation with crosslinking of basement membrane proteins, and activation of protein kinase C-ß2 by vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), leading to increased vascular permeability and endothelial cell proliferation. VEGF, produced by the retina in response to hypoxia, is believed to play a central role in the development of neovascularization (1,82). 


Nonproliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (NPDR)

Studies have found that retinopathy in both insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetes occurs 3 to 5 years or more after the onset of diabetes. In the WESDR, the prevalence of at least minimal retinopathy was almost 100% after 20 years (83). A more recent study has confirmed that at least 39% of young persons with diabetes developed retinopathy within the first 10 years (84). The earliest clinical sign of diabetic retinopathy is the microaneurysm, a red dot seen on ophthalmoscopy that varies from 15 to 60 microns in diameter (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Microaneurysms and intraretinal hemorrhages in nonproliferative retinopathy. (UCSF Department of Ophthalmology)

The lesions can be difficult to distinguish from intraretinal hemorrhages on examination, but with fluorescein angiography microaneurysms can be identified easily as punctate spots of hyperfluorescence (Figure 2, 3). By contrast, hemorrhages block the background fluorescence and therefore appear dark.

Figure 2. Microaneurysms: hyperfluorescent dots in early phase of fluorescein angiogram (arrows). (Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, Dept. of Ophthalmology)


Figure 3. Two minutes later, fluorescein leakage from the microaneurysms gives them a hazy appearance. (Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, Dept. of Ophthalmology)

The severity of NPDR can be graded as mild, moderate, severe, or very severe. In mild disease, microaneurysms are present with hemorrhage or hard exudates (lipid transudates). In moderate NPDR, these findings are associated with cotton-wool spots (focal infarcts of the retinal nerve fiber layer or areas of axoplasmic stasis) or intraretinal microvascular abnormalities (vessels that may be either abnormally dilated and tortuous retinal vessels, or intraretinal neovascularization). The “4-2-1 rule” is used to diagnose severe NPDR: criteria are met if hemorrhages and microaneurysms are present in 4 quadrants, or venous beading (Figure 4) is present in 2 quadrants, or moderate intraretinal microvascular abnormalities are present in 1 quadrant. In very severe NPDR, two of these features are present.

The correct evaluation and staging of NPDR is important as a means of assessing the risk of progression. In the ETDRS, eyes with very severe NPDR had a 60-fold increased risk of developing high-risk proliferative retinopathy after 1 year compared with eyes with mild NPDR (85). For eyes with mild or moderate NPDR, early treatment with laser was not warranted, as the benefits in preventing vision loss did not outweigh the side effects (1). By contrast, in very severe NPDR, early laser treatment was often helpful.

Figure 4. Venous beading (arrows) in a case of proliferative diabetic retinopathy. (UCSF Department of Ophthalmology)

Capillary closure can also result in macular ischemia, another cause of vision loss in NPDR. This can be identified clinically as an enlargement of the normal foveal avascular zone on fluorescein angiography (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Capillary dropout around the fovea (white arrow) and in the temporal macula (black arrow). (Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, Dept. of Ophthalmology)

Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) 

Macular edema may be present at all the stages of diabetic retinopathy and is the most common cause of vision loss in nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy. Because of the increased vascular permeability and breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier, fluid and lipids leak into the retina and cause it to swell. This causes photoreceptor dysfunction, leading to vision loss when the center of the macula, the fovea, is affected. In the ETDRS, diabetic macular edema (DME) was characterized as "clinically significant" if any of the following were noted (Figure 6): retinal thickening within 500 microns of the fovea, hard exudates within 500 microns of the fovea if associated with adjacent retinal thickening, or an area of retinal thickening 1 disc diameter or larger if any part of it is located within 1 disc diameter of the fovea (86).

Figure 6. Clinically significant macular edema with hard exudates in the fovea. Cotton-wool spots are present near the major vessels. (UCSF Department of Ophthalmology)

Although the cause of the microvascular changes in diabetes is not fully understood, the deficient oxygenation of the retina may induce an overexpression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), with a consequent increase in vascular leakage and retinal edema (87). Besides ischemia, inflammation may also play a role in the development of macular edema in diabetic retinopathy. In fact, elevated levels of extracellular carbonic anhydrase have been discovered in the vitreous of patients with diabetic retinopathy (88). Carbonic anhydrase may originate from retinal hemorrhages and erythrocyte lysis and may activate the kallikrein-mediated inflammatory cascade, contributing to the development of DME.

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a widely used imaging technique that provides high-resolution imaging of the retina (Figure 7) (89). Working as an “optical ultrasound,” OCT projects a light beam and then acquires the light reflected from the retina to provide a cross-sectional image. Most patients with DME have diffuse retinal thickening or cystoid macular edema (presence of intraretinal cystoid-like spaces). In some patients, DME may be associated with posterior hyaloidal traction, serous retinal detachment or traction retinal detachment (90). Cystoid macular edema and posterior hyaloid traction are significantly associated with worse visual acuity (90).

Figure 7. OCT image showing diabetic macular edema (UCSF Department of Ophthalmology).

Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (PDR)

In proliferative diabetic retinopathy, many of the changes seen in NPDR are present in addition to neovascularization that extends along the surface of the retina or into the vitreous cavity (Figure 8). These vessels are in loops that may form a network of radiating spokes or may appear disorganized. In many cases the vessels are first noted on the surface of the optic disc, although they can be easily missed due to their fine caliber. Close inspection often reveals that these new vessels cross over both the normal arteries and the normal veins of the retina, a sign of their unregulated growth.

Figure 8. Active neovascularization in PDR. Fibrovascular proliferation overlies the optic disc (white arrow). Loops of new vessels are especially prominent superior to the disc and extending into the macula, where leakage of fluid has led to deposition of a ring of hard exudate around the neovascular net (black arrow). (UCSF Department of Ophthalmology)

New vessels can also appear on the iris, a condition known as rubeosis iridis (Figure 9). When this occurs, careful inspection of the anterior chamber angle is essential, as growth of neovascularization in this location can obstruct aqueous fluid outflow and cause neovascular glaucoma.

Figure 9. Rubeosis iridis in a case of PDR. Abnormal new vessels are growing along the surface of the iris (arrows). (UCSF Dept. of Ophthalmology)

Neovascularization can remain relatively stable or it can grow rapidly; progression can be noted ophthalmoscopically over a period of weeks. Preretinal new vessels often develop an associated white, fibrous tissue component that can increase in size as the vessels regress. The resulting fibrovascular membrane may then develop new vessels at its edges. This cycle of growth and fibrous transformation of diabetic neovascularization is typical. The proliferation occurs on the anterior surface of the retina, and the vessels extend along the posterior surface of the vitreous body. Fibrous proliferation takes place on the posterior vitreous surface; when the vitreous detaches, the vessels can be pulled forward and the thickened posterior vitreous surface can be seen ophthalmoscopically, highlighted by areas of fibrovascular proliferation.

The severity of PDR can be classified as to the presence or absence of high-risk characteristics. As determined in the Diabetic Retinopathy Study, eyes are classified as high-risk if they have 3 of the following 4 characteristics: the presence of any neovascularization; neovascularization on or within 1-disc diameter of the optic disc; a moderate to severe amount of neovascularization (greater than 1/3 disc area neovascularization of the disc, or greater than 1/2 disc area if elsewhere), or vitreous hemorrhage.

Vision loss in proliferative diabetic retinopathy results from three main causes. First, vitreous hemorrhage occurs because the neovascular tissue is subject to vitreous traction. Coughing or vomiting may also trigger a hemorrhage. Hemorrhage may remain in the preretinal space between the retina and the posterior vitreous surface, in which case it may not cause much vision loss if located away from the macula (Figure 10). In other cases, though, hemorrhage can spread throughout the entire vitreous cavity, causing a diffuse opacification of the visual media with marked vision loss (Figure 11, 12).

Figure 10. Preretinal hemorrhage: blood trapped between the retina and the vitreous in a case of incomplete vitreous detachment. Visual acuity is unaffected. (UCSF Department of Ophthalmology)

Figure 11. Left: moderate vitreous hemorrhage; vision = 20/150. Right: 1 year later after spontaneous clearing of the hemorrhage; vision = 20/30. (Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, Dept. of Ophthalmology)

Figure 12. Dense vitreous hemorrhage almost completely obscuring the view of the fundus. (Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, Dept. of Ophthalmology)

Another cause of severe vision loss in PDR is retinal detachment. As the fibrovascular membranes and vitreous contract, their attachments to the retina can cause focal elevations of the retina, resulting in a traction retinal detachment (Figure 13). In other cases the retinal vessels can be avulsed or retinal holes may be created by this traction, leading to a combined traction-rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (Figure 14).

Figure 13. Marked fibrosis with traction exerted on the retina outside the central macula (arrows). The macula does not appear to be elevated centrally. (UCSF Dept. of Ophthalmology)

Figure 14. Traction retinal detachment outside the macula. Note elevation of retinal vessel out of the plane of focus (white arrow). Scatter photocoagulation scars are seen peripherally (black arrow). (UCSF Dept. of Ophthalmology)

Finally, patients with PDR may have macular nonperfusion or coexisting diabetic macular edema that causes vision loss through photoreceptor dysfunction.


Tight glucose and blood pressure control are critical systemic factors in controlling the progression of diabetic retinopathy. Ocular complications of diabetes are addressed directly through treatment with laser photocoagulation, intravitreal injections, or surgery. Laser treatment has been the primary approach to vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy for decades. Recent randomized clinical trials have demonstrated that intravitreal anti-VEGF agents are more effective than laser under certain conditions.

Laser Photocoagulation for NPDR

Diabetic macular edema is believed to result from fluid and lipid transudation from microaneurysms and telangiectatic capillaries. Focal laser photocoagulation is used to heat and close the microaneurysms, causing them to stop leaking (Figure 15). Macular edema often improves following this form of treatment. Some clinicians apply laser burns in a grid pattern overlying areas of retinal edema without directing treatment to specific microaneurysms; this method can also be effective in reducing retinal thickening. The mechanism by which grid laser treatment achieves these results is not known.

The ETDRS found that the risk of moderate visual loss in eyes with diabetic macular edema was reduced by 50% by photocoagulation (91,92). At 3 years, 24% of untreated eyes experienced a 3-line decrease in vision compared with 12% of treated eyes. Eyes meeting the criteria for clinically significant macular edema in which the edema was closest to the center were most likely to benefit from treatment. Side effects of laser treatment can include scotomata, noticeable immediately after the procedure, if treatment is performed too close to the fovea. Late enlargement of laser scars can also occur, causing delayed visual loss. Inadvertent photocoagulation of the fovea is a risk of the procedure. Since the amount of energy used is minimal, the treatment is performed under topical anesthesia.

In the ETDRS study, only a very small percentage of eyes improved with focal laser treatment, highlighting the fact that the goal of laser treatment is not to improve vision, but rather to stabilize it and prevent worsening. It is also true that inclusion criteria for that study were based on the presence of “clinically significant” macular edema threatening the macula, even if the visual acuity was not yet reduced. For this reason, it has been argued that the study enrolled patients with excellent visual acuity, making it difficult to demonstrate small improvements in vision after laser treatment.

Due to the recent evidence on the efficacy and safety of anti-VEGF therapy for diabetic macular edema, different modalities of laser therapy have been proposed. Laser may be able to stabilize macular edema and reduce the need for multiple anti-VEGF injections. Modified ETDRS laser techniques include lower intensity laser burns, and they take particular care in maintaining a greater space from the center of the fovea (93). Subthreshold laser therapy and minimalistic FA-guided treatment of microaneurysms may also induce less damage to the macula than the classic ETDRS approach (94).

Figure 15. Focal laser scars in the macula following treatment for macular edema (arrow). Edema has resolved. (Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, Dept. of Ophthalmology) 

Laser Photocoagulation for PDR

Scatter laser photocoagulation, also known as panretinal photocoagulation (PRP), is an important treatment modality for PDR and severe NPDR (92). Laser spots are placed from outside the major vascular arcades to the equator of the eye, with burns spaced approximately 1/2 to 1 burn width apart (Figure 16, 17). Although the treatment destroys normal retina, the central vision is unaffected since all spots are placed outside the macula. The theory underlying this treatment is that photocoagulation of the ischemic peripheral retina decreases the elaboration of vasoproliferative factors contributing to PDR. Indeed, VEGF levels in the vitreous are increased in eyes with neovascularization, and they are lower after scatter photocoagulation (95). Other factors such as insulin-like growth factor-1 are similarly elevated in the vitreous of eyes with PDR (96).

Side effects of scatter photocoagulation can include decreased night vision and dark adaptation, and visual field loss. The procedure can be painful, so treatment may be divided into several sessions, and either topical or retrobulbar anesthesia may be used.

Figure 16. Scatter photocoagulation scars in an eye with active PDR. Note that all scatter laser scars are located outside the macula. (UCSF Department of Ophthalmology)

Figure 17. View of laser scars superior to the macula in the same eye. Spots are approximately one-half burn width apart. In the treated area, the retinal vessels are sclerotic (arrows). (UCSF Department of Ophthalmology)

The Diabetic Retinopathy Study evaluated the effects of scatter photocoagulation in over 1700 patients with PDR or severe NPDR. Patients had one eye randomized to treatment and one eye to observation. Treatment was shown to reduce severe visual loss by 50% (97). The ETDRS also found a positive risk-benefit ratio for early scatter treatment in patients with severe NPDR or early PDR. Interestingly, a subsequent study demonstrated that scatter laser performed at a single sitting was not worse than treatment divided over four sessions in terms of inducing macular edema or decreasing visual acuity (98).

Panretinal photocoagulation may induce or aggravate diabetic macular edema, reduce contrast sensitivity and affect the peripheral visual field (85). Macular edema can be approached by focal laser or intravitreal injections before or at the time of panretinal photocoagulation. However, it is not recommended to delay panretinal photocoagulation in high-risk PDR.

The study protocol S has shown that intravitreal anti-VEGF agents may be a substitute for panretinal laser treatment (99). This multicenter randomized clinical trial compared ranibizumab to PRP in patients with PDR. Mean visual acuity letter improvement at 2 years was +2.8 in the ranibizumab group vs +0.2 in the PRP group (P < 0.001). Mean peripheral visual field sensitivity loss was worse, vitrectomy was more frequent, and DME development was more common in the PRP group. Further studies are needed in order to evaluate the long-term implications of using anti-VEGF agents alone. Ranibizumab may be a reasonable treatment alternative to consider for patients with severe NPDR or non-high-risk PDR who can follow-up regularly.

Corticosteroids for DME

It has been demonstrated that corticosteroids stabilize the blood-retinal barrier, inhibiting leukostasis and modulating the expression of VEGF receptor (100). On this basis, periocular and intraocular injections and sustained-release steroid implants have been utilized for the treatment of diabetic macular edema. It should be remembered that any of these different methods to deliver corticosteroids to the macula carry a potential risk of increasing the intraocular pressure (glaucoma) and inducing cataract.

The use of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide has become accepted as a treatment option for diabetic macular edema. Several formulations are available: Kenalog-40, which has a black box warning against intraocular use, and the preservative-free Triesence. Preliminary data from a randomized clinical trial showed that intravitreal corticosteroids induced a noticeable improvement of visual acuity and foveal thickness in patients with severe, refractory DME (101). However, intravitreal steroids do not appear to be more efficacious than laser treatment in giving a stable, sustained improvement in vision in the long run, as demonstrated by a recent large study (102).

A peribulbar corticosteroid injection is of particular interest for eyes with DME that have good visual acuity where the risks of an intravitreal injection may not be justified. Any intravitreal injection through the pars plana, in fact, may directly damage the crystalline lens or cause a severe, sight-threatening infection of the eye (bacterial endophthalmitis). Unfortunately, in 2007 a randomized clinical trial showed that peribulbar triamcinolone, with or without focal photocoagulation, is not effective in cases of mild DME with good visual acuity (103).

The fact that triamcinolone maintains measurable concentrations in the vitreous cavity for approximately 3 months stimulated further studies on sustained-release or biodegradable intraocular implants that can deliver steroids for a longer period of time.

A fluocinolone acetonide implant (Retisert) was investigated in a multicenter, randomized clinical trial for the treatment of diabetic macular edema. Although the efficacy of this surgically implanted material was demonstrated, it induced cataract in virtually all phakic patients and severe glaucoma needing surgery in 28% of eyes (104,105).

A biodegradable dexamethasone implant (Ozurdex), now approved for the treatment of DME, has demonstrated similar efficacy with more acceptable side effects. At day 90, a visual acuity improvement of 10 letters or more was seen in more eyes in the Ozurdex group (33.3%) than the observation group (12.3%; P = .007), but the statistical significance was lost at day 180 (106). The implant was generally well tolerated.

A smaller device releasing fluocinolone acetonide, implantable suturelessly with an office procedure thorough a 25-gauge needle, has been recently approved for DME in the USA (Iluvien). This implant has been evaluated in the FAME (Fluocinolone Acetonide in Diabetic Macular Edema) study where 956 patients were randomized worldwide (107). At month 36, the percentage of patients who gained ≥15 in letter score was 28% compared with 19% (P = 0.018) in the sham group. In patients who reported duration of DME ≥3 years at baseline; the percentage who gained ≥15 in letter score at month 36 was 34.0% compared with 13.4%. Almost all phakic patients in the insert group developed cataract, but their visual benefit after cataract surgery was similar to that in pseudophakic patients. The rate of glaucoma surgery at month 36 was 5% (108).

Anti-VEGF Drugs for DME 

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is an angiogenic factor that plays a key role in the breakdown of the blood–retina barrier and is significantly elevated in eyes with diabetic macular edema (109). Antibody fragments that bind VEGF and inhibit angiogenesis were originally developed as intraocular injection for the treatment of exudative age-related macular degeneration. These anti-VEGF drugs have been tested for the treatment of DME with interesting results.

The first agent that became available was Pegaptanib 0.3 mg (Macugen) (110). A randomized trial demonstrated after 2 years of therapy a gain of 6.1 letters in the pegaptanib arm versus 1.3 letters for sham (P<0.01) (111). Since it is targeted to the isoform VEGF-165 only, it is generally considered very safe but possibly less effective than newer anti-VEGF drugs.

Bevacizumab (Avastin), directed to all the isoforms of VEGF, has been used off-label for the treatment of DME worldwide. The first evidence came from a study on 121 patients with DME followed over 3 months in a phase II randomized clinical trial (112). Recently, the BOLT study demonstrated a mean gain of 8.6 letters for bevacizumab versus a mean loss of 0.5 letters when compared to classic macular laser. The patients received a mean of 13 injections over two years, and the treatment was well tolerated with no progression of macular ischemia (113).

Ranibizumab (Lucentis) binds all isoforms of VEGF and is FDA approved for the treatment of diabetic macular edema. In the Ranibizumab for Edema of the Macula in Diabetes (READ-2) study, ranibizumab-only was superior to laser and to combined therapy (114). The RESTORE study confirmed that ranibizumab monotherapy and combined with laser was superior to standard laser. At 1 year, no differences were detected between the ranibizumab and ranibizumab plus laser arms (115). A larger DRCR study supported ranibizumab plus prompt or deferred photocoagulation as a mainstay of current therapy for patients with DME (116). In the RESOLVE study, at month 12, mean visual acuity improved from baseline by 10.3±9.1 letters with ranibizumab and declined by 1.4±14.2 letters with sham (P<0.0001) (117). The RISE and RIDE studies confirmed the efficacy and the safety of intravitreal monthly injections of ranibizumab with similar results (118).

Aflibercept (Eylea), active against all VEGF-A isoforms, is also FDA-approved for the treatment of DME. In the DA-VINCI study, the different dose regimens of aflibercept demonstrated a mean improvement in visual acuity of 10 to 13 letters versus -1.3 letters for the laser group with a large proportion of eyes (about 40%) gaining 15 or more ETDRS letters at week 52 (119).

More recently, The Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network Protocol T compared bevacizumab, ranibizumab, and aflibercept in the treatment of center-involving CSME (120). When the initial visual-acuity loss was mild, there were no significant differences among study groups. However, at worse levels of initial visual acuity (20/50 or worse), aflibercept was more effective than bevacizumab. The differences between bevacizumab and ranibizumab and between ranibizumab and aflibercept were not statistically significant.

Currently, on the basis of the above evidence, anti-VEGF therapy is first-line therapy for center-involving macular edema, with possible deferred focal laser treatment. It should be mentioned that adverse side effects associated with intravitreal injections are uncommon but severe and include infectious endophthalmitis, cataract formation, retinal detachment, and elevated IOP. 

Vitreous Surgery for PDR

Surgery may be necessary for eyes in advanced PDR with either vitreous hemorrhage or retinal detachment. In the case of vitreous hemorrhage, many cases will clear spontaneously. For this reason, clinicians often wait 3 to 6 months or more before performing vitrectomy surgery. If surgery is indicated because of persistent non-clearing hemorrhage, retinal detachment involving the macula, or vitreous hemorrhage with neovascularization of the anterior chamber angle (a precursor of neovascular glaucoma), then vitrectomy is performed via a pars plana approach. The vitreous is removed, fibrovascular membranes are dissected away from the retina, retinal detachment is repaired, and scatter laser treatment is applied at the time of surgery via direct intraocular application.

The Diabetic Retinopathy Vitrectomy Study assessed the value of early vitrectomy in patients with severe PDR. The study found that early intervention increased the likelihood of obtaining 20/40 vision or better in eyes with recent severe vitreous hemorrhage or severe PDR. Compared with 15% of control eyes, 25% of treated eyes achieved this level of vision at 2 years (109). In type 1 diabetes, the benefit of early surgery was even more pronounced, with 36% of treated eyes achieving 20/40 vision compared to 12% of control eyes. The importance of this study, performed between 1976 and 1983 when vitrectomy techniques were much less advanced than they are today, was that it showed conventional “watch and wait” management will not necessarily lead to the best visual outcomes in cases of severe PDR. In practice, clinicians evaluate the risks and benefits of each option before proceeding with scatter photocoagulation, vitrectomy, or observation in such cases.

Recently, the DRCR Protocol D evaluated the effects of pars plana vitrectomy in eyes with moderate vision loss from DME and vitreomacular traction. Although retinal thickness was generally reduced, visual acuity results were less consistent (121). Vitrectomy for refractory, chronic diabetic macular edema in the absence of vitreomacular traction should be reserved to selected cases.

Intravitreal ocriplasmin (Jetrea) is able to induce enzymatic vitreolysis and posterior vitreous detachment and could have a role, eventually associated with vitrectomy, in the treatment of vitreomacular traction and macular edema in diabetic retinopathy (122). 


Current therapies are limited in their ability to reverse vision loss in diabetic retinopathy. For example, although focal laser photocoagulation can help stabilize vision by reducing macular edema, it rarely improves vision. Corticosteroids induce cataract progression and intraocular pressure elevation. Anti-VEGF agents do not increase cataract formation rates but they generally need more frequent intravitreal injections, carrying the risk of endophthalmitis; they can temporary increase IOP; they might have systemic adverse effects. For addressing these issues, new sustained-release devices are being designed, and studies are ongoing to test new intravitreal medications.

The development of new treatment modalities is being guided by an understanding of the mechanisms of the disease. From this perspective, researchers are now focusing on the role of inflammation on DME. NSAIDs, anti-TNF agents (Etanercept and Remicade), mecamylamine (an antagonist of nACh receptors), and intravitreal erythropoietin are currently under investigation for the treatment of refractory diabetic macular edema (123).

In order to create a national taskforce to study and treat diabetic retinopathy, in 2002 the National Eye Institute instituted the Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network ( DRCR is a collaborative network dedicated to design and carry out multicenter clinical trials on diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema. The DRCR network currently includes over 150 participating sites with over 500 physicians throughout the United States.

The DRCR Network has an ongoing project to study genes involved in diabetic retinopathy.


Retinopathy remains a challenging complication of diabetes that can adversely affect a patient’s quality of life. Although ophthalmologists can often stabilize the condition or reduce vision loss, prevention and early detection remain the most effective ways to preserve good vision in patients with diabetes. Ensuring tight glucose and blood pressure control and referring patients for ophthalmologic examination are important ways in which internists and other clinicians can help to maximize their patients’ vision and therefore their quality of life. New treatments may offer greater hope for sustained visual improvement in patients with diabetic retinopathy.


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