
Pathogenesis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus



Numerous distinct pathophysiologic abnormalities have been associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).  It is well established that decreased peripheral glucose uptake (mainly muscle) combined with augmented endogenous glucose production are characteristic features of insulin resistance. Increased lipolysis, elevated free fatty acid levels, along with accumulation of intermediary lipid metabolites contributes to further increase glucose output, reduce peripheral glucose utilization, and impair beta-cell function.  Adipocyte insulin resistance and inflammation have been identified as important contributors to the development of T2DM. The presence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [NAFLD] is now considered an integral part of the insulin resistant state.  The traditional concepts of “glucotoxicity” and lipotoxicity, which covers the process of beta cell deterioration in response to chronic elevations of glucose and lipids, has been expanded to encompass all nutrients [‘nutri-toxicity”].  The delayed transport of insulin across the microvascular system is also partially responsible for the development of tissue insulin resistance.   Compensatory insulin secretion by the pancreatic beta cells may initially maintain normal plasma glucose levels, but beta cell function is already abnormal at this stage, and progressively worsens over time.  Concomitantly, there is inappropriate release of glucagon from the pancreatic alpha-cells, particularly in the post-prandial period. It has been postulated that both impaired insulin and excessive glucagon secretion in T2DM are secondary to an “incretin defect”, defined primarily as inadequate release or response to the gastrointestinal incretin hormones upon meal ingestion.  To a certain extent, the gut microbiome appears to play a role in the hormonal and metabolic disturbances seen in T2DM.  Moreover, hypothalamic insulin resistance (central nervous system) also impairs the ability of circulating insulin to suppress glucose production, and renal tubular glucose reabsorption capacity may be enhanced, despite hyperglycemia.   These pathophysiologic abnormalities should be considered for the treatment of hyperglycemia in patients with T2DM. 




In the post-absorptive state (10-12 hour overnight fast), the majority of total body glucose disposal takes place in insulin independent tissues (1).  Under basal conditions, approximately 50% of all glucose utilization occurs in the brain, which is insulin independent and becomes saturated at a plasma glucose concentration of about 40 mg/dl (2). Another 25% of glucose uptake occurs in the splanchnic area (liver plus gastrointestinal tissues) and is also insulin independent (3). The remaining 25% of glucose metabolism in the post-absorptive state takes place in insulin-dependent tissues, primarily muscle (4,5). Basal glucose utilization averages ~2.0 mg/kg.min and is precisely matched by the rate of endogenous glucose production (1,3-7). Approximately 85% of endogenous glucose production is derived from the liver, and the remaining amount is produced by the kidney (1,8,9). Approximately one-half of basal hepatic glucose production is derived from glycogenolysis and one-half from gluconeogenesis (9,10).


Following glucose ingestion, the balance between endogenous glucose production and tissue glucose uptake is disrupted. The increase in plasma glucose concentration stimulates insulin release from the pancreatic beta cells, and the resultant hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia serve (i) to stimulate glucose uptake by splanchnic (liver and gut) and peripheral (primarily muscle) tissues and (ii) to suppress endogenous glucose production (1,3-7,11-14).


Hyperglycemia, in the absence of hyperinsulinemia, exerts its own independent effect to stimulate muscle glucose uptake and to suppress endogenous glucose production in a dose dependent fashion (14-16). The majority (~80-85%) of glucose that is taken up by peripheral tissues is disposed of in muscle (1,3-7,11-14), with only a small amount (~4-5%) being metabolized by adipocytes (17). Although fat tissue is responsible for only a fraction of total body glucose disposal, it plays a very important role in the maintenance of total body glucose homeostasis (see below). Insulin is a potent inhibitor of lipolysis and even small increments in the plasma insulin concentration exerts a potent anti-lipolytic effect, leading to a marked reduction in the plasma free fatty acid level (18). The decline in plasma FFA concentration results in increased glucose uptake in muscle (19) and contributes to the inhibition of endogenous glucose production (16,20). Thus, changes in the plasma FFA concentration in response to increased plasma levels of insulin and glucose play an important role in the maintenance of normal glucose homeostasis (21,22).


The maintenance of whole-body glucose homeostasis is dependent upon a normal insulin secretory response by the pancreatic beta cells and normal tissue sensitivity to the independent effects of hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia (i.e., the mass-action effect of glucose) to augment glucose uptake. In turn, the combined effects of insulin and hyperglycemia to promote glucose disposal are dependent on three tightly coupled mechanisms: (i) suppression of endogenous (primarily hepatic) glucose production; (ii) stimulation of glucose uptake by the splanchnic (hepatic plus gastrointestinal) tissues; and (iii) stimulation of glucose uptake by peripheral tissues, primarily muscle (1,4,14). Muscle glucose uptake is regulated by flux through two major metabolic pathways: glycolysis (of which ~90% represents glucose oxidation) and glycogen synthesis.


Hepatic Glucose Production


In the overnight fasted state, the liver of healthy subjects produces glucose at the rate of ~1.8-2.0 (1,3,4,6,18,54). This glucose flux is essential to meet the needs of the brain and other neural tissues, which utilize glucose at a constant rate of ~1-1.2 (2,169).  Brain glucose uptake accounts for ~50-60% of glucose disposal during the post-absorptive state and this uptake is insulin independent. Therefore, brain glucose uptake occurs at the same rate during absorptive and post-absorptive periods and is not altered in T2DM (214).  Following glucose ingestion, insulin is secreted into the portal vein and glucagon release is inhibited, and this new hormonal ratio is carried to the liver, where it suppresses hepatic glucose output. If the liver does not perceive this insulin signal and continues to produce glucose, there will be two superimposed inputs of glucose into the body, one from the liver and another from the gastrointestinal tract, and marked hyperglycemia will ensue.


In subjects with T2DM and mild to moderate fasting hyperglycemia (140-200 mg/dl, 7.8-11.1 mmol/L) basal endogenous glucose production [EGP] is increased by ~0.5 mg/kg.min. Consequently, during the overnight sleeping hours (i.e., 2200 h to 0800 h), the liver of an 80-kg individual with diabetes and modest fasting hyperglycemia adds an additional 35 g of glucose to the systemic circulation. The increase in basal EGP is closely correlated with the severity of fasting hyperglycemia (1,3,4,6,18,54,157-159,162). Thus, in T2DM with overt fasting hyperglycemia (>140 mg/dl, 7.8 mmol/l), an excessive rate of EGP and glucose output is the major abnormality responsible for the elevated fasting plasma glucose concentration. The close relationship between fasting plasma glucose concentration and EGP has been demonstrated in numerous studies (164-166,170-174).


In the post-absorptive state, the fasting plasma insulin concentration in subjects with T2DM is 2-4-fold greater than in subjects without diabetes. Because hyperinsulinemia is a potent inhibitor of EGP (1,3,4-6,16,18,164,165,175), hepatic resistance to the action of insulin must be present in the post-absorptive state to explain the excessive output of glucose. Hyperglycemia per se also exerts a powerful suppressive action on EGP (15,167,175-177). Therefore, the liver, primarily, also must be glucose resistant with respect to the inhibitory effect of hyperglycemia to suppress glucose output, and this has been well documented (15,167,178,179).


Using the euglycemic insulin clamp technique in combination with tritiated glucose, the dose response relationship between endogenous glucose production and the plasma glucose concentration has been defined by Groop, DeFronzo, et al (18). The following points should be emphasized: (i) first, the dose-response curve relating inhibition of EGP to the plasma insulin concentration is quite steep, with an effective dose for half-maximal insulin concentration (ED50) of ~30-40 µU/ml; (ii) in individuals with T2D the dose response curve is shifted to the right, indicating the presence of hepatic resistance to the inhibitory effect of insulin on hepatic glucose production. However, at plasma insulin concentrations within the high physiologic range (~100 µU/ml), the hepatic insulin resistance can be largely overcome and a near normal suppression of EGP can be achieved; (iii) the severity of the hepatic insulin resistance is related to the severity of the diabetic state. In T2DM with mild fasting hyperglycemia, an increment in plasma insulin concentration of 100 µU/ml causes a complete suppression of EGP. However, in diabetic subjects with more severe fasting hyperglycemia, the ability of the same plasma insulin concentration to suppress EGP is impaired (18). These results suggest that there is an acquired component of hepatic insulin resistance and that this defect becomes progressively worse as the diabetic state decompensates over time.


The glucose released by the liver in the post-absorptive state can be derived from either glycogenolysis or gluconeogenesis (6,16,176). Studies employing the hepatic vein catheter technique have shown that the uptake of gluconeogenic precursors, especially lactate, is increased in subjects with T2DM (180). Consistent with this observation, radioisotope turnover studies, using lactate, alanine, and glycerol have shown that ~90% of the increase in HGP above baseline can be accounted for by accelerated gluconeogenesis (181,182). More recent studies employing 13C-magnetic resonance imaging (183) and D2O (184,185) have confirmed the important contribution of accelerated gluconeogenesis to the increase in HGP. An increased rate of glutamine conversion to glucose also has been shown to contribute to the elevated rate of gluconeogenesis in subjects with T2DM (186), which may be, in part, derived from renal gluconeogenesis (8). The mechanisms responsible for the increase in hepatic gluconeogenesis include hyperglucagonemia (187), increased circulating levels of gluconeogenic precursors (lactate, alanine, glycerol) (181,188), increased FFA oxidation (18,162,189), enhanced sensitivity to glucagon (190) and decreased sensitivity to insulin (1,4.18,164,165). Although the majority of evidence indicates that increased gluconeogenesis is the major cause of the increase in EGP in subjects with T2DM (181- 186), it is likely that accelerated glycogenolysis also contributes to it (181,191). 


The presence of both direct and indirect effects of insulin in suppressing EGP and release into the circulation were recently demonstrated in animals using intra-portal and systemic insulin infusions (430). The results provided evidence that, in addition to a direct action of insulin on hepatic enzymes, the inhibition of adipose tissue lipolysis represents an important mechanism by which insulin regulates the rate of gluconeogenesis.  This is therefore, accomplished indirectly, by controlling the supply of free fatty acids, which are essential to the process of glucose synthesis de novo.  The rate-limiting step in achieving fast and complete inhibition of adipose tissue lipolysis is the transendothelial transport of insulin across tissue capillaries.  Additional data obtained during systemic infusions of free fatty acids and in experiments where adipocyte lipolytic factors were manipulated, together with observation in mice lacking hepatic Foxo1 & Akt1/2 signaling have confirmed this indirect action of insulin on gluconeogenesis (430-432).  These findings have generated the hypothesis that in patients with T2DM, insulin may be transported slowly across tissue capillaries, which delays the inhibition of lipolysis with subsequent impairment of the suppression of EGP.


On the other hand, animal studies (431), where insulin was infused directly into the portal vein, mimicking normal insulin secretory pattern, showed that there is complete and swift inhibition of EGP.  These observations were confirmed when plasma glucagon and fatty acid levels were clamped at basal values, and in conditions where brain insulin action was blocked.  Authors conclude that the direct hepatic effect of insulin in the regulation of EGP is more relevant and that, the indirect effect is redundant in physiological conditions.  Acute insulin suppression of endogenous gluconeogenesis is largely an indirect effect mediated by the inhibition of adipose tissue lipolysis, which reduces delivery of non-esterified fatty acids and glycerol to the liver.  The major direct effect of insulin on hepatic glucose metabolism is the regulation of glycogen metabolism.  Hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia are required to maximally stimulate net hepatic glycogenesis.  In T2DM, lipid-induced hepatic insulin resistance, high rates of adipose tissue lipolysis and hyperglucagonemia impair glucose metabolism in the liver (432).


Because of the inaccessibility of the liver in man, it has been difficult to assess the role of key enzymes involved in the regulation of gluconeogenesis (pyruvate carboxylase, phosphoenol- pyruvate carboxykinase), glycogenolysis (glycogen phosphorylase), and net hepatic glucose output (glucokinase, glucose-6-phosphatase). However, considerable evidence from animal models of T2DM and some evidence in humans have implicated increased activity of PEPCK and G-6-Pase in the accelerated rate of hepatic glucose production (192-194).


Recently, changes in hypothalamic insulin signaling have been shown to affect endogenous glucose production. The activation of the insulin receptor in the third cerebral ventricle is capable of suppressing glucose production, independent of plasma insulin or other counter-regulatory hormones.  Conversely, central antagonism to insulin signaling impairs the ability of circulating insulin to inhibit glucose production (6A).  These observations have raised the possibility that hypothalamic insulin resistance contributes to hyperglycemia in T2DM.

The Role of the Kidney

The kidney also has been shown to produce glucose and estimates of the renal contribution to total endogenous glucose production have varied from 5% to 20% (8,9,195). These varying estimates of the contribution of renal gluconeogenesis to total glucose production are largely related to the methodology employed to measure glucose production by the kidney (196). One unconfirmed study suggests that the rate of renal gluconeogenesis is increased in T2DM with fasting hyperglycemia (197). Arguing against this possibility are studies employing the hepatic vein catheter technique which have shown that all of the increase in total body EGP (measured with 3-3H-glucose) in T2DM can be accounted for by increased hepatic glucose output (measured by the hepatic vein catheter technique) (3). A more relevant aspect on the role of the kidney in the dysregulation of glucose homeostasis in diabetes is the maintenance of hyperglycemia, which results from a maladaptive enhancement of the tubular glucose transport threshold (9A, 9B). It has been hypothesized that in response to an elevated glucose load presented to the proximal tubular lumen, the sodium glucose co-transporter system increases its reabsorptive capacity by upregulating the SGLT-2 expression and kinetics (9C).  However, more recent studies conducted in humans who underwent unilateral nephrectomy were not able to confirm the over-expression of either SGLT-2 or SGLT-1 proteins in proximal renal tubules of patients with T2DM compared to non-diabetic controls (433, 434).  The augmented tubular glucose transport described in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes may result from a functional enhancement of the activity of these co-transporters.  The elevated renal threshold to plasma values between 220-250 mg/dl for the excretion of glucose into the urine in these patients, thus may be secondary to a sustained hyperglycemia. If this is confirmed, the maladaptive process of recycling a substantial amount of glucose back into the peripheral circulation may be attenuated with near-normoglycemia, possibly reversible. In any case, this contribution of the kidney to hyperglycemia in diabetic patients represents one additional pathogenic mechanism that has been underappreciated.

Peripheral (Muscle) Glucose Uptake

Muscle is the major site of glucose disposal in man (1,3-5,14). Under euglycemic hyperinsulinemic conditions, approximately 80% of total body glucose uptake occurs in skeletal muscle (1,3-5). Studies employing the euglycemic insulin clamp in combination with femoral artery/vein catheterization have examined the effect of insulin on leg glucose uptake in subjects with T2DM and control subjects (3). Since bone is metabolically inert with regards to carbohydrate metabolism and adipose tissue takes up less than 5% of an infused glucose load (17,198,199), muscle represents the major tissue responsible for leg glucose uptake.


In response to a physiologic increase in plasma insulin concentration (~80-100 μU/ml), leg (muscle) glucose uptake increases linearly, reaching a plateau value of 10 mg/kg leg wt per minute (3). In contrast, in lean subjects with T2DM, the onset of insulin action is delayed for ~40 min and the ability of the hormone to stimulate leg glucose uptake is markedly blunted, even though the study is carried out for an additional 60 min in the group with T2DMto allow insulin to more fully express its biological effects (3). During the last hour of the insulin clamp study, the rate of glucose uptake was reduced by 50% in the group with T2DM (3). These results provide conclusive evidence that the primary site of insulin resistance during euglycemic insulin clamp studies performed in subjects with T2DM resides in muscle tissue. Using the forearm and leg catheterization techniques (13,153,200,202), a number of investigators have demonstrated a decreased rate of insulin-mediated glucose uptake by peripheral tissues. The use of positron emission tomography (PET) scanning to quantitate leg glucose uptake in subjects with T2DM has provided additional support for the presence of severe muscle resistance to insulin in diabetic subjects (203).   


Vascular and Myocardial Insulin Resistance


The first and rate-limiting step in insulin-mediated glucose disposal is the transit of insulin from the plasma to the muscle.  Crossing of insulin from the circulation into the muscle interstitium is governed by vascular endothelium.  The transendothelial transport depends on the insulin receptor binding to the endothelial cell membrane and requires the activation of the nitric oxide synthase.  The transport of insulin across the endothelial cell layer appears to involve a complex vesicular trafficking process, which is saturable.  Insulin is known to promote capillary vasodilation particularly in the postprandial period to facilitate entry and distribution of fuel substrates, including glucose.  Several studies sampling lymph and interstitial glucose, using dialysis techniques, have suggested that a delay in insulin transfer from the plasma to the tissue may play an important role in the development of insulin resistance (427-429).  Thus, impairment of insulin action may be secondary to a decrease in capillary density [chronic situations] or to a defective increase in blood flow or micro-capillary recruitment [acute conditions] (429). These abnormalities have been described in obese insulin-resistant and in the skin flow response of patients with diabetes. 


Myocardial insulin resistance translates to abnormal intracellular signaling and reduced glucose oxidation rates in animal models of obesity (435).  It adversely affects myocardial mechanical function and tolerance to ischemia and reperfusion.  The heart is a dynamic organ that requires continuous energy in the form of ATP in order to meet contractile demands.  This is achieved via a constant supply of blood-borne oxidizable substrates.  The majority of ATP is derived from fatty acid oxidation [60-70%].  Glucose and lactate extracted from the circulation account for the remainder 30-40%.  However, when blood glucose and insulin levels are elevated, such as immediately after a meal, glucose becomes the major fuel for myocardial oxidation and, it may represent up to 70% of the total substrate oxidation by cardio-myocytes.  Long–chain fatty acids are taken up by the heart proportionately to circulating levels, via a passive facilitated transport.  Once inside the cytosol, they are degraded into acetyl-CoA moieties that enter the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation process.  The excess fatty acids are re-esterified to form diacyl- and triacyl-glycerides and, these lipid intermediates are stored in the form the myo-cellular lipid pool.  Glucose enters the myocardial cells both via GLUT-1 passive and insulin-stimulated GLUT-4 active transport.  These are dictated by myocardial contraction demands and circulating insulin levels.  Intracellular glucose is phosphorylated and, either stored as muscle glycogen or anaerobically oxidized to pyruvate. Under normal oxygen delivery, pyruvate is converted to acetyl-CoA, which enters mitochondrial oxidation.  In conditions of ischemia, low oxygen forces the conversion of pyruvate into lactate (435).


It is believed that myocardial insulin resistance with typical defects in glucose transport and oxidation develops, in part, because of an excess supply of fatty acids.  In addition to a direct competition with glucose utilization, there is evidence that the accumulation of intracellular lipid intermediates interferes with insulin signaling.  The molecular defects responsible for the insulin resistance in the cardio-myocytes are analogous to the skeletal muscle.  The local generation of reactive oxygen species and other elements also participate in obstructing insulin action. Although the cellular and metabolic manifestations may be similar, the consequences of insulin resistance in the heart muscle tends to express with lower tolerance for ischemia and poor mechanical function.  Consequently, patients with insulin resistance are susceptible to earlier and more severe cardiovascular complications.   


Splanchnic (Hepatic) Glucose Uptake


In humans, it is difficult to catheterize the portal vein, and glucose disposal by the liver has not been examined directly. Using the hepatic vein catheterization technique in combination with the euglycemic insulin clamp, the contribution of the splanchnic (liver plus gastrointestinal) tissues to overall glucose homeostasis has been examined in lean subjects with T2DM with mild to moderate fasting hyperglycemia (3). In the post-absorptive state, there is a net release of glucose from the splanchnic area (i.e., negative balance) in both control and subjects with T2DM, reflecting glucose production by the liver. In response to insulin, splanchnic glucose output is promptly suppressed (reflecting the inhibition of HGP) and, by 20 min, the net glucose balance across the splanchnic region declines to zero (i.e., there was no net uptake or release) (3). After 2 h of sustained hyperinsulinemia, there is a small net uptake of glucose (~0.5 1.min-1) by the splanchnic area (i.e., positive balance). This uptake is virtually identical to the rate of splanchnic glucose uptake observed in the basal state, indicating that the splanchnic tissues, like the brain, are insensitive to insulin at least with respect to the stimulation of glucose uptake (3,5,6,175). There was no difference between diabetic and control subjects for glucose taken up by the splanchnic tissues at any time during the insulin clamp study (3).


The results of these studies illustrate another important point: namely, that under conditions of euglycemic hyperinsulinemia, very little of the infused glucose is taken up by the splanchnic (and therefore hepatic) tissues (3,5,6,175). During the insulin clamp, the rate of whole-body glucose uptake averaged 7, and of this, only 0.5 or 7%, was disposed of by the splanchnic region. Because the difference in insulin-mediated total body glucose uptake between the T2DM and control groups during the euglycemic insulin clamp study was 2.5, from a purely quantitative standpoint it is obvious that a defect in splanchnic (hepatic) glucose removal never could account for the magnitude of impairment in total body glucose uptake following intravenous glucose/insulin administration. However, after glucose ingestion, the oral route of administration and the resultant hyperglycemia conspire to enhance splanchnic (hepatic) glucose uptake (6,7,11,12,16,26,175) and, under these conditions, diminished hepatic glucose uptake has been shown to contribute to the impairment in glucose tolerance in T2DM (see discussion below) (6,204,205).


Summary: Whole Body Glucose Utilization


Insulin-mediated whole body glucose utilization during the euglycemic insulin clamp represents essentially skeletal muscle glucose utilization. There is a noticeable decrease for glucose taken up in the body in T2DM patients compared with non-diabetic subjects. On the other hand, net splanchnic glucose uptake, quantitated by the hepatic venous catheterization technique, is similar in both groups and averaged 0.5 Adipose tissue glucose uptake accounts for less than 5% of total glucose disposal (17,198,199). Brain glucose uptake, estimated to be 1.0-1.2 in the post-absorptive state (2,169,206), is unaffected by hyperinsulinemia (169). Muscle glucose uptake (extrapolated from leg catheterization data) in control subjects accounts for ~75-80% of the total glucose uptake (1,3,4). In subjects with T2DM, the largest part of the impairment in insulin-mediated glucose uptake is accounted for by a defect in muscle glucose disposal. Even if adipose tissue of subjects with T2DM took up absolutely no glucose, it could, at best, explain only a small fraction of the defect in whole body glucose metabolism.


Glucose Disposal during OGTT


In everyday life, the gastrointestinal tract represents the normal route of glucose entry into the body. However, the assessment of tissue glucose disposal following glucose ingestion presents a challenge because of the difficulties in quantitating the rate of glucose absorption, suppression of hepatic glucose production, and organ (liver and muscle) glucose uptake. Moreover, because the plasma glucose and insulin concentrations are changing simultaneously, it is difficult to draw conclusions about insulin secretion or insulin sensitivity.


To address these issues, Ferrannini, DeFronzo, and colleagues (7,11,12,205) administered oral glucose to healthy control subjects in combination with hepatic vein catheterization to examine splanchnic glucose metabolism. The oral glucose load and endogenous glucose pool were labeled with [1-14C] glucose and [3-3H] glucose, respectively, to quantitate total body glucose disposal (from tritiated glucose turnover) and endogenous HGP (difference between the total rate of glucose appearance, as measured with tritiated glucose, and the rate of oral glucose appearance, as measured with [1-14C] glucose).


During the 3.5 h after glucose (68 g) ingestion: (i) 19 g, or 28%, or the oral load was taken up by splanchnic tissues; (ii) 48 g, or 72%, was disposed of by peripheral (non-splanchnic) tissues; (iii) of the 48 g taken up by peripheral tissues, the brain (an insulin-independent tissue) accounted for ~15 g (~1, or 22%, of the total glucose load (12); (iv) basal HGP declined by 53%. Similar percentages for splanchnic glucose uptake (24%-29%) and suppression of HGP (50%-60%) in normal subjects have been reported by other investigators (13,204,207-209). The contribution of skeletal muscle to the disposal of an oral glucose load has been reported to vary from a low of 26% (207) to a high of 56% (208), with a mean of 45% (11,13,207-209). These results emphasize several important differences between oral and intravenous glucose administration. After glucose ingestion: (i) EGP is less completely suppressed, most likely due to activation of local sympathetic nerves that innervate the liver (210); (ii) peripheral tissue (primarily muscle) glucose uptake is quantitatively less important; (3) splanchnic glucose uptake is quantitatively much more important.


In individuals with T2DM (12,204,205,211,212) the disposition of an oral glucose load is significantly altered. The disturbance in glucose metabolism is accounted for by two factors: (i) decreased tissue glucose uptake and (ii) impaired EGP suppression. Splanchnic glucose uptake is similar in diabetic and control groups. Inappropriate suppression of EGP accounted for nearly one-third of the defect in total-body glucose homeostasis, while reduced peripheral (muscle) glucose uptake accounted for the remaining two-thirds. Since hyperglycemia per se enhances splanchnic (hepatic) glucose uptake in proportion to the increase in plasma glucose concentration (24,175), the splanchnic glucose clearance (SGU/plasma glucose concentration) is markedly reduced in all subjects with T2DM following glucose ingestion. Using a combined insulin clamp/OGTT technique, impairment in glucose uptake by the splanchnic tissues in subjects with T2DM has been demonstrated directly (213).


The gastrointestinal incretin hormones, which are produced in response to nutrient intake and potentiate the stimulus to insulin secretion in the postprandial period have been implicated as additional factors in the pathogenesis of T2DM (4A,28-30). The combined actions of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP) can account for most of the incretin effect in normal subjects (4B). Recent demonstration that in T2DM the incretin effect is impaired, diminished or absent (4B) has rekindled interest in the potential role of these gastrointestinal peptides in the abnormal handling of glucose by splanchnic tissues and perhaps, in the decline in beta-cell insulin secretion.


When viewed in absolute terms, most studies have demonstrated that the total amount of glucose taken up by all tissues of body over the 4-hour period following the ingestion of an oral glucose load is normal (13) or slightly decreased (204,205,211). However, this occurs at the expense of postprandial hyperglycemia. Thus, the efficiency of glucose disposal, i.e., the glucose clearance (tissue glucose uptake/plasma glucose concentration), is severely reduced. It should be emphasized that it is not the absolute glucose disposal rate, but rather the increment in glucose disposal above baseline that determines the rise in plasma glucose concentration above the fasting value. Every published study (13,204,205,211) has demonstrated that the incremental response in whole-body glucose uptake is moderately to severely reduced in individuals with T2DM. Similar results have been reported for forearm muscle glucose uptake (13,201,202,208,209), pointing out the important contribution of diminished muscle glucose disposal to impaired oral glucose tolerance in T2DM.


In summary, results of the OGTT indicate that both impaired suppression of EGP and decreased tissue (muscle) glucose uptake contribute approximately equally to the glucose intolerance of T2DM. The efficiency of the splanchnic (hepatic) tissues to take up glucose (as reflected by the splanchnic glucose clearance) also is impaired in individuals with T2DM.


Summary of Insulin Resistance in T2DM


Insulin resistance involving both muscle and liver are characteristic features of the glucose intolerance in individuals with T2DM. In the basal state, the liver represents a major site of insulin resistance, and this is reflected by overproduction of glucose despite the presence of both fasting hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia. This accelerated rate of hepatic glucose output is the primary determinant of the elevated fasting plasma glucose concentration in T2DM. Although tissue (muscle) glucose uptake in the post-absorptive state is increased when viewed in absolute terms, the efficiency with which glucose is taken up (i.e., the glucose clearance) is diminished. After glucose infusion or ingestion (i.e., in the insulin stimulated state) both decreased muscle glucose uptake and impaired suppression of HGP contribute to the insulin resistance. Following glucose ingestion, the defects in insulin-mediated glucose uptake by muscle and the suppression of glucose production by insulin contribute approximately equally to the disturbance in whole-body glucose homeostasis in T2DM. However, under euglycemic hyperinsulinemic conditions, EPG is largely suppressed and impaired muscle glucose uptake is primarily responsible for the insulin resistance.



Subjects with T2DM manifest abnormalities both in tissue (muscle, fat, and liver) sensitivity to insulin and in pancreatic insulin secretion. To understand how these two metabolic disturbances interact to produce the full-blown diabetic condition, it is necessary to quantitate insulin action and insulin secretion in the same individual over a wide range of insulin sensitivity. This dynamic interaction is demonstrated graphically by results obtained in healthy, lean, young normal glucose tolerant women who received a euglycemic insulin clamp (1 and were stratified into quartiles based upon the rate of insulin-mediated glucose disposal (49).


Insulin secretion was measured independently on a separate day with a +125 mg/dl hyperglycemic clamp. Insulin resistance and insulin secretion were strongly and positively correlated (r=0.79, p<0.001).  Women who were the most insulin resistant (quartile 1) had the highest fasting plasma insulin concentrations and highest early and late phase plasma insulin responses. Similar results relating the plasma insulin response and the severity of insulin resistance have been reported in normal glucose tolerant subjects with the minimal model technique (46,47) and the insulin suppression test/oral glucose tolerance test (214).


A number of groups have examined the dynamic interaction between insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity in subjects with T2DM (1,4,34,35,38,39,42,46-48,58-61,150,162).

DeFronzo (4) studied lean (ideal body weight < 120%) and obese (ideal body weight > 125%) subjects with varying degrees of glucose tolerance as follows: Group I-obese subjects (n=24) with normal glucose tolerance; Group II-obese subjects (n=23) with impaired glucose tolerance; Group III-obese subjects (n=35) with overt diabetes, subdivided into those with a hyperinsulinemic response and those with a hypoinsulinemic response during a 100-gram OGTT; Group IV-normal weight subjects with T2DM (n=26); Group V-normal weight subjects (n=25) with normal glucose tolerance. All subjects ingested 100 g of glucose to provide a measure of glucose tolerance and insulin secretion. Whole-body insulin sensitivity was quantitated with the euglycemic insulin (~100 µU/ml) clamp technique, which was performed with indirect calorimetry to quantitate rates of glucose oxidation and non-oxidative glucose disposal. The later primarily reflects glycogen synthesis (215).


In normal weight subjects with T2DM, insulin-mediated whole-body glucose uptake was reduced by 40-50% and the impairment in insulin action resulted from defects in both oxidative and non-oxidative glucose metabolism (4). Obese individuals without T2DM were as insulin resistant as the normal-weight subjects with T2DM (4). Defects in both glucose oxidation and glucose storage contributed to the insulin resistance in the obese nondiabetic group. From the metabolic standpoint, therefore, obesity and T2DM closely resemble each other.


Similar results concerning reduced whole-body insulin sensitivity in individuals with obesity and T2DM have been reported by other investigators (160,161,166,216-218). Despite nearly identical degrees of insulin resistance, normal-weight subjects with T2DM manifested fasting hyperglycemia and marked glucose intolerance, whereas the obese individuals without diabetes had normal or only minimally impaired oral glucose tolerance (4). This apparent paradox is explained by the plasma insulin response during the OGTT. Compared with control subjects, the obese group without diabetes secreted more than twice as much insulin, and this was sufficient to offset the insulin resistance. In contrast, in normal-weight subjects with T2DM, the pancreas, when faced with the same challenge, was unable to augment its secretion of insulin sufficiently to compensate for the insulin resistance. This imbalance between insulin supply by the beta-cells and the insulin requirement by tissues resulted in a frankly diabetic state, with fasting hyperglycemia and marked glucose intolerance.


The fact that plasma insulin response to the development of insulin resistance typically is increased during the natural history of T2DM does not mean that the beta cell is functioning normally. To the contrary, recent studies (4C) have demonstrated that the onset of beta-cell failure occurs much earlier and is more severe than previously appreciated.


Recognizing that simply measuring plasma insulin response to a glucose challenge does not provide a valid index of beta cell function, a series of studies were conducted in subjects with normal glucose tolerance (NGT), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and T2DM, using an oral glucose tolerance test to evaluate the increment in insulin secretion in response to an increment in plasma glucose. A euglycemic insulin clamp to measure insulin sensitivity was also performed to address the adjustment of the beta cell to the body’s sensitivity to insulin.


Thus, the results yielded a better measure of beta-cell function expressed per increment of plasma glucose and corrected for the degree of insulin resistance, the so-called disposition index [ΔI/ΔG ÷IR]. These data revealed a substantial decrease in beta-cell function, most evident in individuals with IGT who had lost anywhere from 60 to 85% of the total insulin secretory capacity.


When obesity and diabetes coexist in the same individual, the severity of insulin resistance is only slightly greater than that in either the normal-weight diabetic or nondiabetic obese groups (4), and the magnitude of the defects in glucose oxidation and non-oxidative glucose disposal are similar in all obese and diabetic groups. Although hyperinsulinemic and hypoinsulinemic obese diabetic subjects were equally insulin resistant, the severity of glucose intolerance is worse in the hypoinsulinemic group, and this was related entirely to the presence of severe insulin deficiency.


In the obese nondiabetic subjects, tissue sensitivity to insulin is markedly reduced, but glucose tolerance remains perfectly normal because the beta cells are able to augment their insulin secretory capacity appropriately to offset the defect in insulin action. As the obese individual develops impaired intolerance, there is a further reduction in insulin-mediated glucose disposal, which is due primarily to a decrease in glycogen synthesis. However, there is only a small additional impairment in glucose tolerance, because the beta cells are able to further augment their secretion of insulin to counteract the deterioration in insulin sensitivity. The progression of the obese, glucose intolerant person to overt diabetes is heralded by a decline in insulin secretion without any worsening of insulin resistance. The obese diabetic has tipped over the top of Starling's curve of the pancreas and is now on the descending portion. Even though the plasma insulin response is increased compared to nondiabetic control subjects, it is not elevated appropriately for the degree of insulin resistance and there is evidence that there is ~80% of beta-cell functional loss by the time of diagnosis in diabetic subjects. The beta cell insulin response during the OGTT is best represented by the change in plasma insulin over the change in plasma glucose concentration, taking into consideration the degree of insulin resistance for each individual, the so-called Insulin Secretion /Insulin Resistance Index or Disposition Index as shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1- Log normalization of the relationship between 2-hour plasma glucose and Insulin Secretion/ Insulin Resistance in subjects with normal glucose tolerance (NGT), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). There is a linear decline in the insulin secretory capacity with the development of the disease, such that by the time clinical diabetes with hyperglycemia become evident, the loss of beta-cell secretion of insulin is below 5% of NGT controls.


The natural history of T2DM described above is consistent with results in humans and monkeys published by other investigators (33-39,42,43,59-61,98,150). In lean subjects with a wide range of glucose tolerance, Reaven et al (42) demonstrated that the progression from normal to impaired glucose tolerance was marked by the development of severe insulin resistance, which was counterbalanced by a compensatory increase in insulin secretion. The onset of T2DM was associated with no (or only slight) further deterioration in tissue sensitivity to insulin.  Rather, insulin secretion declined and the impairment in beta cell function was paralleled by a decrease in glucose tolerance.  A similar sequence of events has been documented prospectively in Pima Indians (34-39,58,60), in Caucasians (1,4,41,42,44,47,59, 162, 219), Pima Indians (34-39,58,60,219), and Pacific Islanders (33,62,220) and, is consistent with the development of T2DM in the rhesus monkeys (48).  As monkeys grow older, they become obese and develop a diabetic condition closely resembling human T2DM. The earliest detectable abnormality in this primate model is a decrease in tissue sensitivity to insulin. Because of a compensatory increase in insulin secretion, the fasting plasma glucose concentration and glucose tolerance remain normal.


The studies detailed above indicate that insulin resistance is an early and characteristic feature of the natural history of T2DM in high-risk populations. Overt diabetes develops only in those individuals whose beta cells are unable to appropriately augment their secretion of insulin to compensate for the defect in insulin action. It should be recognized, however, that there are well-described populations with T2DM in whom insulin sensitivity is normal at the onset of diabetes, whereas insulin secretion is severely impaired (81-83). How frequently this occurs in a typical patient with T2DM remains to be determined. This insulinopenic variety of diabetes appears to be more common in African-Americans, elderly subjects, and in lean Caucasians.  In this later group, it is important to exclude type 1 diabetes, since ~10% of Caucasians with older onset diabetes are islet cell antibody and/or GAD positive (220).


Primary Hypersecretion of insulin


An alternative view to explaining the “state of insulin resistance” is the notion that primary beta cell overstimulation results in insulin hypersecretion.  This leads to the development of obesity and insulin resistance, and then, to beta cell exhaustion (436).  In a model that presupposes beta cell hypersecretion as the initial manifestation of beta cell dysfunction, insulin sensitivity is modulated by insulin secretion.  When beta cell hypersecretion occurs, the responsiveness of insulin-sensitive tissues to insulin is downregulated and, these tissues become insulin resistant.  The latter becomes necessary to maintain normal glucose tolerance, without the adverse outcome of hypoglycemia.  However, considering that beta cell hypersecretion is primary and ‘fixed’, when insulin sensitivity is acutely improved, hypoglycemia would be expected to ensue.  In either case, the demonstration of the existence of a feedback loop that regulates glucose metabolism has made it clear that assessment of the adequacy of beta cell function requires knowledge of both the degree of insulin sensitivity and the magnitude of the insulin response. 


When considering the feedback loop governing glucose metabolism, in the face of increased insulin secretion, insulin resistance should develop as a protective measure to maintain normal glucose concentrations without hypoglycemia. This is supported by observations in patients with insulinomas, in whom the risk of hypoglycemia is reduced by the downregulation of insulin action with the development of insulin resistance (437).  Further support for this downregulation of insulin action comes from studies in healthy individuals with normal glucose tolerance in whom insulin resistance developed during 3–5 days of chronic physiologic hyperinsulinemia, achieved by insulin infusion balanced by glucose infusion to prevent hypoglycemia (438).  Higher basal insulin levels have been documented in individuals with obesity and impaired glucose tolerance before the development of T2DM and, identified as a risk factor for diabetes.  However, in these studies, OGTT glucose levels were already higher in those who progressed and could be a confounder. Thus, although studies provide some support for the concept of a potential independent pathogenic role of primary hyperinsulinemia in dysglycemia a stronger, more definitive proof is still missing. 


Therefore, while it is clear that T2DM is a heterogeneous condition characterized by beta cell failure, whether beta cell dysfunction or primary hyperinsulinemia is the early event in the pathogenesis of dysglycemia is now up for debate. Although there is sufficient evidence in humans (and animal models) to support the principal defect as being early beta cell dysfunction associated with reduced insulin secretion, it is incumbent on the proponents of the primary hyperinsulinemia hypothesis to undertake further studies to make their case more forcefully. Improved understanding of whichever mechanism underlies beta cell dysfunction should allow us to provide better preventative and therapeutic interventions for T2DM.


Delayed Insulin Clearance in Diabetes


The role of delayed (or decreased) insulin clearance as a contributor to insulin resistance and to the development of T2DM has been studied.  Insulin availability in the systemic circulation is determined by the rate of beta cell secretion and its rate of hepatic/peripheral/renal clearance.  Insulin levels modulate expression and activity of the insulin receptors in target tissues, which ultimately determines insulin action. The main site of insulin clearance is the liver that removes approximately 50% of endogenous insulin with the remainder being cleared by the kidneys and the skeletal muscle.  Receptor-mediated insulin endocytosis is the primary mechanism by which insulin is removed from the circulation and inactivated.  Upon binding to its receptor, the insulin-receptor complex is internalized through the formation of clathrin-coated vesicles, and is delivered to the endosomes; the acidification of the endosomes then allows the dissociation of the hormone from its receptor and their sorting in different directions. Most of the internalized insulin is next targeted to lysosomes where it is degraded, whereas a smaller fraction remains intact. Both degradation products and intact insulin are segregated in recycling vesicles and released from cell.  Defects in the intracellular processing of insulin have been reported in cells from insulin resistant individuals and reduced insulin clearance has been observed in individuals with IGT.  More recently, it has also been demonstrated that reduced insulin clearance predicts the development of T2DM independently of confounding factors.  There is evidence in animal model of fat-induced insulin resistance supporting the idea that decreased insulin clearance may serve as a compensatory mechanism to alleviate b-cell stress from excessive demand in these conditions of insulin resistance (439).  The extent to which delayed insulin clearance is responsible for the advancement of insulin resistance and its role in the pathogenesis of T2DM remains unknown.    


Nutrient-induced Stress on Insulin Secretion


There is growing support to the theory that an excess of calorigenic nutrients ingested over time presents the pancreatic islet beta-cells with an overwhelming burden, which might lead to toxic hormonal and metabolic adaptations.  It is well recognized that the short-term effects of glucose, lipids and amino acids perfusing the beta cells in the endocrine pancreas include the stimulation of insulin biosynthesis and secretion.  Excessive exposure to these nutrients is believed to over-stimulate the beta cells with a constant and uninterrupted demand for insulin release and, possibly induce changes in tissue insulin sensitivity.  Chronically, abundant nutritional intake will trigger augmented insulin secretion and insulin resistance, both of which have been shown to contribute to the pathogenesis of T2DM.  Eventually, there is altered glucose sensing and depletion of insulin stores.  The de-differentiation, with beta cell death that follows is likely to play a role in the progression of the disease.  Thus, the traditional concepts of “glucotoxicity” and lipotoxicity”, which defines the process of beta cell deterioration in response to chronic elevation of glucose and lipids in the pericellular milieu, has now been expanded to encompass all nutrients [‘nutri-toxicity”].


The biochemical mechanisms underlying beta cell adaptation and failure associated with “nutri-toxicity” are not entirely clear, but appear to be related to oxidative stress.  Various pathways in the cytosol, endoplasmic reticulum [ER] and mitochondria are involved, which tend to affect the insulin secretory capacity of the beta cell.  In conditions of mild-to-moderate “nutri-stress”, such as in overweight/obesity, there is exaggerated basal and nutrient stimulated insulin secretion.  Slightly elevated blood glucose concentration, hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance become progressively more evident.  Obesity with beta cell failure and T2DM result when there is more advanced and prolonged nutri-stress”.  The metabolic machinery of the beta cell is overwhelmed and, there is mitochondrial and ER dysfunction, which result in severe oxidative stress.  As a consequence, insulin synthesis and secretion become impaired and there is intra- cellular accumulation of toxic metabolites with beta cell de-differentiation and death (440).





The majority (>80%) of persons with T2DM in the US are overweight (221). Both lean and especially obese persons with T2DM are characterized by day-long elevations in the plasma free fatty acid concentration, which fail to suppress normally following ingestion of a mixed meal or oral glucose load (222). Free fatty acids (FFA) are stored as triglycerides in adipocytes and serve as an important energy source during conditions of fasting. Insulin is a potent inhibitor of lipolysis, and restrains the release of FFA from the adipocyte by inhibiting the enzyme hormone sensitive lipase. In patients with T2DM the ability of insulin to inhibit lipolysis (as reflected by impaired suppression of radioactive palmitate turnover) and reduce the plasma FFA concentration is markedly reduced (17). It is now recognized that chronically elevated plasma FFA concentrations can lead to insulin resistance in muscle and liver (1,4,19,21,22,51,162,223,224) and impair insulin secretion (22,225,226). Thus, elevated plasma FFA levels can cause/aggravate three major pathogenic disturbances that are responsible for impaired glucose homeostasis in individuals with T2DM and the "triumvirate" (muscle, liver, beta cell) was joined by the "fourth musketeer" (227) to form the "disharmonious quartet". In addition to FFA that circulate in plasma in increased amounts, individuals with T2DM and obese individuals without T2DM have increased stores of triglycerides in muscle (228,229) and liver (230,231) and the increased fat content correlates closely with the presence of insulin resistance in these tissues. Triglycerides in liver and muscle are in a state of constant turnover and the metabolites (i.e., fatty acyl CoAs) of intracellular FFAs have been shown to impair insulin action in both liver and muscle (1,4,92). This sequences of events has been referred to as "lipotoxicity" (1,4,22,93). Evidence also has accumulated to implicate "lipotoxicity" as an important cause of beta cell dysfunction (22,93) (see earlier discussion).


Adipocyte Inflammation and Insulin Resistance


Increased risk of developing T2DM is found in patients who have chronic, low-grade adipocyte inflammation and who are also insulin resistant (441).  The mechanisms of adipose tissue inflammation and the related insulin-resistant state are complex.  Visceral adiposity is known to be highly active in releasing numerous inflammatory cytokines [Adipokines] that are strongly implicated in the genesis of tissue insulin resistance and T2DM.  Adipokines provide an important link between obesity and insulin resistance IR.  Adiponectin is a unique adipokine that is inversely related to the metabolic syndrome, T2DM, and atherosclerosis.  Adiponectin increases fatty acid oxidation while reducing glucose production in liver, and ablation of the adiponectin gene in mice induces insulin resistance and T2DM.  Adiponectin is also anti-inflammatory; it suppresses tumor necrosis factor (TNF) actions in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and inhibits nuclear factor kappa-beta [NFκB and monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells.  Human resistin is an adipokine secreted by infiltrating inflammatory cells in human adiposity and can stimulate synthesis and secretion of other cytokines in adipocytes and endothelial cells.  Leptin, a well-known adipokine, normally functions centrally to suppress appetite, but most obese patients are leptin resistant and have increased circulating leptin.  In obesity, hyperleptinemia contributes to inflammation through modulation of T-cell and monocyte functions.  A role for retinol-binding protein 4 [RBP-4], a more recently described adipokine has been proposed to be linked to inflammation.


Visfatin is a novel adipokine that is increased in obesity, is pro-inflammatory, and has an insulin-mimetic effect via binding to the insulin receptor.  A member of the lipocalin family, lipocalin-2, also known as neutrophil gelatinase–associated lipocalin, modulates inflammation and is another adipokine that is elevated in the adipose tissue of obese mouse models and in the plasma of obese and insulin-resistant humans.  In vitro studies suggest that lipocalin-2 induces insulin resistance in adipocytes and hepatocytes. The plasma level of another member of the lipocalin family, lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase, serves as a biomarker of coronary atherosclerosis.  Thus, multiple adipose-secreted factors that are capable of impairing the cellular action of insulin have been suggested to be involved in the development of insulin resistance and facilitate the development of T2DM.


It should be recognized that nutritional fatty acids can modulate the inflammatory response, particularly via NFκB activity, and promote insulin resistance.  Further-more, inflammatory modulation of adipocyte differentiation increases free fatty acid release. The mechanisms of free fatty acid-associated insulin resistance include protein kinase C (PKC) activation, endoplasmic reticulum stress, and increased oxidative burden.  Free fatty acids also inhibit insulin receptor substrates [IRSs] and induce insulin resistance in skeletal muscle and liver.  Increased fatty acid flux from adipose tissue to liver causes hepatic insulin resistance by increasing gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis, and glucose-6-phosphatase expression and activity, and by enhancing lipogenesis and triglyceride synthesis attributable to activation of the transcription factor sterol-CoA regulatory element binding protein.  Finally, free fatty acids cause endothelial insulin resistance and damage by impairing insulin and nitric oxide–dependent signaling, thus contributing to the vascular injury observed in adiposity.


The initial insult in obese individuals that triggers inflammation and systemic insulin resistance may occur through recruitment of macrophages and innate immune antigen activation of inflammatory receptors in the membrane.  This can be perpetuated with secretion of chemokines, retention of macrophages in adipose, and secretion of adipokines.  The inflammatory milieu induces adipocyte inflammatory cascades, such as the NFκB pathway, via activation of various kinases, and this modulates adipocyte transcription factors, attenuates insulin signaling, and increases the release of pro-inflammatory adipokines and free fatty acids. Inflammatory attenuation of adipocyte differentiation further exacerbates adipose dysfunction. These paracrine and endocrine adipose inflammatory events induce a systemic inflammatory and insulin-resistant state, favoring the development of T2DM.


FFA and Muscle Glucose Metabolism


Four decades ago, Randle (232) proposed that increased FFA oxidation restrains glucose oxidation in muscle by altering the redox potential of the cell and by inhibiting key glycolytic enzymes. The excessive FFA oxidation: (i) leads to the intracellular accumulation of acetyl CoA, a potent inhibitor of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), (ii) increases the NADH/NAD ratio, causing a slowing of the Krebs cycle, and (iii) results in the accumulation of citrate, a powerful inhibitor of phosphofructokinase (PFK). Inhibition of PFK leads to the accumulation of glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-P) which in turn inhibits hexokinase II. The block in glucose phosphorylation causes a buildup of intracellular free glucose which restrains glucose transport into the cell via the GLUT4 transporter. The resultant decrease in glucose transport was postulated to account for the impairment in glycogen synthesis, although a direct inhibitory effect of fatty acyl Co-As on glycogen synthase also has been demonstrated (233). This sequence of events via which accelerated plasma FFA oxidation inhibits muscle glucose transport, glucose oxidation, and glycogen synthesis is referred to as the "Randle Cycle" (232). It should be noted that the same scenario would ensue if the FFA were derived from triglycerides stored in muscle (228,229) or from plasma (222).


Felber and coworkers (59,159,162,234,235) were amongst the first to demonstrate that in obese non-diabetic and diabetic humans, basal plasma FFA levels and lipid oxidation (measured by indirect calorimetry) are increased and fail to suppress normally after glucose ingestion. The elevated basal rate of lipid oxidation was strongly correlated with a decreased basal rate of glucose oxidation, as well as with reduced rates of glucose oxidation and non-oxidative glucose disposal (glycogen synthesis) following ingestion of a glucose load. Further validation of the Randle Cycle in man has come from studies employing the euglycemic insulin clamp. In normal subjects, physiologic hyperinsulinemia (80-100 μU/ml) causes a 60-70% decline in plasma FFA concentration and a parallel decline in plasma FFA and total body lipid oxidation (18). When Intralipid is infused concomitantly with insulin to maintain or increase the plasma FFA concentration/oxidation, both glucose oxidation and non-oxidative glucose disposal are inhibited in a dose dependent fashion (223). Using magnetic resonance imaging, it has been shown that the FFA-induced inhibition of non-oxidative glucose disposal reflects impaired glycogen synthesis (236). The inhibitory effect of elevated plasma FFA levels can be observed at all plasma insulin concentrations, spawning the physiologic and pharmacologic range (223).

The inhibitory effect of an acute elevation in plasma FFA concentration on muscle glucose metabolism is time dependent. Thus, the earliest (within 2 hours) observed abnormality is a defect in glucose oxidation (237), as would be predicted by operation of the Randle cycle (232). This is followed (between 2-3 hours) by defects in glucose transport and phosphorylation and eventually (after 3-4 hours) by impaired glycogen synthesis.


Biochemical/Molecular Basis of FFA-Induced Insulin Resistance


The original description of the Randle cycle was formulated based upon experiments performed in rat diaphragm and heart muscle (232). More recent studies performed in human skeletal muscle suggest that mechanisms in addition to those originally proposed by Randle are involved in the FFA-induced insulin resistance. Thus, several groups (236,238,239) have failed to observe a rise in muscle G-6-P and citrate concentrations when insulin-stimulated glucose metabolism was inhibited by an increase in the plasma FFA concentration. Elevated plasma FFA levels also failed to inhibit muscle phosphofructokinase activity. Thus, while increased FFA/lipid oxidation and decreased glucose oxidation are closely coupled, as originally demonstrated by Randle, mechanisms other than product (i.e., elevated intracellular G-6-P and free glucose concentrations) inhibition of the early steps of glucose metabolism must be invoked to explain the defects in glucose transport, glucose phosphorylation and glycogen synthesis.


Studies in humans and animals have shown a strong inverse correlation between insulin- stimulated glucose metabolism and increased intramuscular lipid pools, including triglyceride (240-242), diacyl-glycerol (DAG) (243,244), and long chain fatty acyl CoAs (FA-CoA) (245). An acute elevation in plasma FFA concentration leads to an increase in muscle fatty acyl CoA and DAG concentrations. Both long chain fatty acyl CoAs and DAG activate PKC theta (243), which increases serine phosphorylation with subsequent inhibition of IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation (246,247). Consistent with this observation, two groups have shown that in human muscle elevated plasma FFA levels inhibit insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS-1, the association of the p85 subunit of PI-3 kinase with IRS-1, and activation of PI-3-kinase (248,249). Direct effects of long chain fatty acyl CoAs on glucose transport (250), glucose phosphorylation (251), and glycogen synthase (233) also have been demonstrated in muscle. Lastly, increased muscle ceramide levels (secondary to increased long chain fatty acyl CoAs) have been shown to interfere with glucose transport and to inhibit glycogen synthase in muscle via activation of PKB (252). In summary, elevated plasma FFA concentrations can induce insulin resistance in muscle via multiple mechanisms involving alterations in a variety of intracellular lipid signaling molecules which exert their inhibitory effects on multiple steps (insulin signal transduction system, glucose transport, glucose phosphorylation, glycogen synthase, pyruvate dehydrogenase, Krebs cycle) involved in glucose metabolism.


Fatty Liver Disease in T2DM


As the epidemics of obesity increases worldwide in conjunction with T2DM, there is a parallel and proportionate increase in the prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).  A subtype of NAFLD, which can be characterized as nonalcoholic steato-hepatitis (NASH) is a potentially progressive liver disease that can lead to cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, liver transplantation, and death.  NAFLD is also associated with extrahepatic manifestations such as chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease and sleep apnea.  Despite this important burden, we are only beginning to understand its pathogenesis and the contribution of environmental and genetic factors to the risk of developing the progressive course of fatty liver disease.  Of interest, however, despite the fact that the risk of liver-related mortality and the advancement to liver fibrosis are increased in patients with NAFLD, the leading cause of death is cardiovascular disease (442-443).


NAFLD and NASH are stages of fatty liver disease that are associated with obesity, insulin resistance, T2DM, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and metabolic syndrome.  In these individuals, a net retention of lipids within hepatocytes, mostly in the form of triglycerides, is a prerequisite for the development of fatty liver disease.  The primary metabolic abnormality leading to lipid accumulation (steatosis), however, is not well understood, but it could potentially result from insulin resistance and alterations in the uptake, synthesis, degradation or secretory pathways of hepatic lipid metabolism. Insulin resistance represents the most reproducible factor in the development of fatty liver disease.  There is also some evidence that lipids synthesis de novo”, a process derived from excess non-utilized carbohydrates accumulated in hepatocytes contributes to the intracellular lipid pool.  Once an excessive amount of lipids accumulate inside the hepatocytes, a steatotic liver develops.  This makes the cellular architecture of the liver vulnerable to further injury, when challenged by additional insults. There is a presumption that progression from simple, uncomplicated steatosis to steato-hepatitis to advanced fibrosis results from two operating “hits” due to: i) insulin resistance with further accumulation of fat within hepatocytes, and ii) generation of reactive oxygen species due to lipid peroxidation with cytokine production and Fas ligand induction.  The oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation are key factors in the development and progression from steatosis to more advanced stages of liver damage.  In addition, this sequence of events reflects similar systemic processes, which worsen tissue insulin resistance with impairment of insulin secretion and accelerated atherogenesis, related primarily to the pro-inflammatory state (442).


FFA and Blood Flow


Insulin is a vaso-dilatory hormone and the stimulatory effect of insulin on muscle glucose metabolism has been shown to result from: (i) a direct action of insulin to augment muscle glucose metabolism, and (ii) increased blood flow to muscle (253,254). The vaso-dilatory effect of insulin is mediated via the release of nitric oxide from the vascular endothelium (255). In insulin resistant conditions, such as obesity and T2DM, some investigators have suggested that as much as half of the impairment in insulin-mediated whole body and leg muscle glucose uptake is related to a defect in insulin's vaso-dilatory action (253,254), although the link between insulin-mediated vasodilation and increased blood flow, as well as the underlying mechanisms have been challenged by others (256, 256A). More recent studies employed contrast-enhanced ultrasonography using 1-methyl-xantine to demonstrate that insulin infusion promotes capillary recruitment in healthy individuals. These data have suggested that there is a time-dependent effect of insulin on regional blood flow redistribution with capillary pre-sphincter relaxation preceding vasodilation and consequent increase in skeletal muscle glucose metabolism (256B). These observations also provided a partial explanation for the discrepant findings reported on the topic of insulin, fatty acids and vasodilatation.


Because T2DM and obesity are insulin resistant states characterized by day-long elevation in the plasma FFA concentration (222) and impaired endothelium dependent vasodilation (253), investigators have examined the effect of increased plasma FFA levels on limb blood flow and muscle glucose uptake (257,258). In healthy, non-diabetic subjects an acute physiologic increase in plasma FFA concentration inhibited metha-choline (endothelium dependent) but not nitroprusside (endothelium independent) stimulated blood flow in association with an impairment in insulin-stimulated muscle glucose disposal. In subsequent studies, the inhibitory effect of FFA on insulin-stimulated leg blood flow was shown to be associated with decreased nitric oxide availability (259). FFA elevation also inhibits nitric oxide production in endothelial cell cultures by decreasing nitric oxide synthase activity (259). Since the IRS-1/PI-3 kinase signal transduction pathway is involved in the regulation of nitric oxide synthase activity (260), one could hypothesize that FFA-induced inhibition of the insulin signal transduction pathway is responsible for the blunted vaso-dilatory response to the hormone.


FFA and Hepatic Glucose Metabolism


The liver plays a pivotal role in the regulation of glucose metabolism (1,4,6,11,16,205). Following carbohydrate ingestion, the liver suppresses its basal rate of glucose production and takes up approximately one-third of the glucose in the ingested meal (12,24,25,205).

Collectively, suppression of glucose production and augmentation of hepatic glucose uptake account for the maintenance of nearly one-half of the rise in plasma glucose concentration following ingestion of a carbohydrate meal.  Hepatic glucose production is regulated by a number of factors, of which insulin (inhibits) and glucagon and FFA (stimulate) are the most important. In vitro studies have demonstrated that plasma FFA are potent stimulators of endogenous glucose production and do so by increasing the activity of pyruvate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy-kinase, the rate limiting enzymes for gluconeogenesis (261,262).  FFA also enhances the activity of glucose-6- phosphatase, the enzyme that ultimately controls the release of glucose by the liver (263).


In normal subjects, increase plasma FFA levels stimulate gluconeogenesis (264,265), while a decrease in plasma FFA concentration reduces gluconeogenesis (264). It has been shown that a significant portion of the suppressive effect of insulin on hepatic glucose production is mediated via inhibition of lipolysis and a reduction in circulating plasma FFA concentrations (16,266,267).  Moreover, FFA infusion in normal humans under conditions that simulate the diabetic state (268) and in obese insulin-resistant subjects (269) enhances hepatic glucose production, most likely secondarily to stimulation of gluconeogenesis.  In subjects with T2DM, the fasting plasma FFA concentration and lipid oxidation rate are increased and are strongly correlated with both the elevated fasting plasma glucose concentration and basal rate of hepatic glucose production (18,51,59,162,190,270). The relationship between elevated plasma FFA concentration, FFA oxidation, and hepatic glucose production in obesity and T2DM is explained as follows: (i) increased plasma FFA levels, by mass action, augment FFA uptake by hepatocytes, leading to accelerated lipid oxidation and accumulation of acetyl CoA. The increased concentration of acetyl CoA stimulates pyruvate carboxylase, the rate limiting enzyme in gluconeogenesis (261,262), as well as glucose-6-phosphatase, the rate-controlling enzyme for glucose release from the hepatocyte (263); (ii) the increased rate of FFA oxidation provides a continuing source of energy (in the  form of ATP) and reduced nucleotides (NADH) to drive gluconeogenesis; (iii) elevated plasma FFA induce hepatic insulin resistance by inhibiting the insulin signal transduction system (244- 248). In patients with T2DMthese deleterious effects of elevated plasma FFA concentrations occur in concert with increased plasma glucagon levels (181,190,271), increased hepatic sensitivity to glucagon, and increased hepatic uptake of circulating gluconeogenic precursors.


The Role of Gut Microbiome


Recently the potential role of the gut microbiome in metabolic disorders such as obesity and T2DM has been identified (444).  Obesity is associated with changes in the composition of the intestinal microbiota, and the obese microbiome seems to be more efficient in harvesting energy from the diet.  Lean male donor fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) in males with the metabolic syndrome resulted in a significant improvement in insulin sensitivity in conjunction with an increased intestinal microbial diversity, including a distinct increase in butyrate-producing bacterial strains.  Such differences in gut microbiota composition might function as early diagnostic markers for the development of T2DM in high-risk patients.  Products of intestinal microbes such as butyrate may induce beneficial metabolic effects through enhancement of mitochondrial activity, prevention of metabolic endotoxemia, and activation of intestinal gluconeogenesis via different routes of gene expression and hormone regulation. There is currently an enormous effort in trying to better understand, amongst other things, whether bacterial products (like butyrate) have the same effects as the intestinal bacteria that produce it, in order to ultimately pave the way for more successful interventions for obesity and T2DM.   Rapid development of the currently available techniques, including the use of fecal transplantations, has already shown promising results, so there is hope for novel therapies based on the microbiota in the future.


Summary: FFA and the Pathogenesis of Obesity and T2DM


n obese individuals and in the majority (>80%) of subjects with T2DM, there is an expanded fat cell mass and the adipocytes are resistant to the anti-lipolytic effects of insulin (18). Most individuals with obesity or T2DM are characterized by visceral adiposity (272) and visceral fat cells have a high lipolytic rate, which is especially refractory to insulin (273). Not surprisingly, both T2DM and obesity are characterized by an elevation in the mean day-long plasma FFA concentration. Elevated plasma FFA levels, as well as increased triglyceride/fatty acyl CoA content in muscle, liver, and beta cell, lead to the development of muscle/hepatic insulin resistance and impaired insulin secretion.



Figure 2. Summary of the Eight Principal Mechanisms Contributing to Hyperglycemia in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes


The eight principle known causes leading to hyperglycemia through the pathogenesis of T2DM are summarized in Figure 2. It is already established that decreased peripheral glucose uptake combined with augmented endogenous (hepatic) glucose production are characteristic features of insulin resistance. Increased lipolysis with accumulation of intermediary lipid metabolites contributes to further enhance glucose output while reducing peripheral utilization. Compensatory insulin secretion by the pancreatic beta-cells eventually reaches a maximum and, then it progressively deteriorates. Concomitantly, there is inappropriate release of glucagon from the pancreatic alpha-cells, particularly in the post- prandial period. It has been postulated that both impaired insulin and excessive glucagon secretion in T2DM are facilitated by the “incretin defect”, defined primarily as inadequate response of the gastrointestinal “incretin” hormones to meal ingestion in addition to islet-cell resistance to the potentiating action on insulin-secretion by these gastrointestinal peptides. Moreover, considering that hypothalamic insulin resistance (central nervous system) with an elevated sympathetic drive, typically seen in patients with T2DM also impair the ability of circulating insulin to suppress glucose production. The fact that renal tubular glucose reabsorption capacity is enhanced in diabetic patients also contributes to the development and maintenance of chronic hyperglycemia.  Thus, the time has arrived to advance the concept from the “triumvirate” to the “omnious octet” (4A). Further, recent observations have recognized that a chronic low-grade inflammation with activation of the immune system are involved in the pathogenesis of obesity-related insulin resistance and T2DM (4D). Adipose tissue, liver, muscle and pancreas are themselves sites of inflammation in presence of obesity. Infiltration of macrophages and other immune cells as well as the presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines in these tissues has been associated with insulin resistance and beta-cell impairment. The possibility that endothelial dysfunction and changes in vascular capillary permeability affect peripheral insulin action has also been raised (4E). These pathogenic mechanisms must be taken into account when deciding for the treatment of hyperglycemia in patients with T2DM.




The stimulation of glucose metabolism by insulin requires that the hormone must first bind to specific receptors that are present on the cell surface of all insulin target tissues (1,274-277). After insulin has bound to and activated its receptor, "second messengers" are generated and these second messengers initiate a series of events involving a cascade of phosphorylation- de-phosphorylation reactions (1,274-280) that eventually result in the stimulation of intracellular glucose metabolism. The initial step in glucose metabolism involves activation of the glucose transport system, leading to influx of glucose into insulin target tissues, primarily muscle (1,281,282). The free glucose, which has entered the cell, subsequently is metabolized by a series of enzymatic steps that are under the control of insulin. Of these, the most important are glucose phosphorylation (catalyzed by hexokinase), glycogen synthase (which controls glycogen synthesis), and phosphofructokinase (PFK) and PDH (which regulate glycolysis and glucose oxidation, respectively).


Insulin Receptor/Insulin Receptor Tyrosine Kinase


The insulin receptor is a glycoprotein consisting of two alpha subunits and two beta subunits linked by disulfide bonds (1,274-277). The alpha subunit of the insulin receptor is entirely extracellular and contains the insulin-binding domain. The beta subunit has an extracellular domain, a transmembrane domain, and an intracellular domain that expresses insulin- stimulated kinase activity directed towards its own tyrosine residues (1,274-277). Insulin receptor phosphorylation of the beta subunit, with subsequent activation of insulin receptor tyrosine kinase, represents the first step in the action of insulin on glucose metabolism (274- 277). Mutagenesis experiments have shown that insulin receptors devoid of tyrosine kinase activity are completely ineffective in mediating insulin stimulation of cellular metabolism (283,284). Similarly, mutagenesis of any of the three major phosphorylation sites (at residues 1158, 1163, and 1162) impairs insulin receptor kinase activity, resulting in a decrease in the acute metabolic and growth promoting effects of insulin (283,285).


Insulin Receptor Signal Transduction


Following activation, insulin receptor tyrosine kinase phosphorylates specific intracellular proteins, of which at least nine have been identified (282). Four of these belong to the family of insulin-receptor substrate proteins: IRS-1, IRS-2, IRS-3, IRS-4 (the others include Shc, Cbl, Gab-1, p60dok, and APS). In muscle IRS-1 serves as the major docking protein that interacts with the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase and undergoes tyrosine phosphorylation in regions containing amino acid sequence motifs (YXXM or YMXM).  When phosphorylated, these serve as recognition sites for proteins containing src-homology 2 (SH2) domains (where y = tyrosine, M = methionine, and x - any amino acid) (274,275).  Mutation of these specific tyrosines severely impairs the ability of insulin to stimulate glycogen synthesis and DNA synthesis, establishing the important role of IRS-1 in insulin signal transduction (282). In liver, IRS-2 serves as the primary docking protein that undergoes tyrosine phosphorylation and mediates the effect of insulin on hepatic glucose production, gluconeogenesis and glycogen formation (287). In adipocytes, Cbl represents another substrate which is phosphorylated following its interaction with the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase, which is required for stimulation of GLUT 4 translocation.


Phosphorylation of Cbl occurs when the CAP/Cbl complex associates with flotillin in caveolae, or lipid rafts, containing insulin receptors (288,289).


In muscle, the phosphorylated tyrosine residues on IRS-1 mediate an association between the two SH2 domains of the 85-kDa regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase), leading to activation of the enzyme (274-284,290,291). PI3-kinase is a heterodimeric enzyme comprised of an 85-kDa regulatory subunit and a 110-kDa catalytic subunit. The latter catalyzes the 3-prime phosphorylation of phosphatidylinositol (PI), PI-4-phosphate, and PI-4,5- diphosphate, resulting in the stimulation of glucose transport (274-277). Activation of PI3-kinase by phosphorylated IRS-1 also leads to activation of glycogen synthase (274,275), via a process that involves activation of PKB/Akt and subsequent inhibition of kinases such as GSK-3 (292) and activation of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) (293). Inhibitors of PI3-kinase impair glucose transport (274-277,294) by interfering with the translocation of GLUT 4 transporters from their intracellular location (281,282) and block the activation of glycogen synthase (295) and hexokinase (HK)-II expression (296). The action of insulin to increase protein synthesis and inhibit protein degradation also is mediated by PI-3 kinase and involves the activation of mTOR (297,298). mTOR controls translation machinery by phosphorylation and activation of p70 ribosomal S6 kinase (p70rsk) (297) and phosphorylation of initiation factors (299). Insulin also promotes hepatic triglyceride synthesis via increasing the transcription factor steroid regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP)-1c (300), and this lipogenic effect of insulin also appears to be mediated via the PI3-kinase pathway (274).


Other proteins with SH2 domains, including the adapter protein Grb2 and Shc, also interact with IRS-1 and become phosphorylated following exposure to insulin (274-276,301). Grb2 and Shc serve to link IRS-1/IRS-2 to the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) signaling pathway, which plays an important role in the generation of transcription factors (274,275). Following the interaction between IRS-1/IRS-2 and Grb2 and Shc, Ras is activated, leading to the stepwise activation of Raf, MEK, and ERK.  Activated ERK then translocates into the nucleus of the cell, where it catalyzes the phosphorylation of transcription factors.  These promote cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation (274-276,301-303).  Blockade of MAP kinase pathway prevents stimulation of cell growth by insulin but has no effect on the metabolic actions of the hormone (304-306).


Under anabolic conditions insulin stimulates glycogen synthesis by simultaneously activating glycogen synthase and inhibiting glycogen phosphorylase (307-309). The effect of insulin is mediated via the PI3 kinase pathway which inactivates kinases, such as glycogen synthase kinase-3 and activates phosphatases, particularly protein phosphatase 1 (PP1). It is believed that PP1 is the primary regulator of glycogen metabolism (307-310). In skeletal muscle, PP1 associates with a specific glycogen-binding regulatory subunit, causing the activation [de-phosphorylation] of glycogen synthase; PP1 also inactivates [phosphorylates] glycogen phosphorylase.  The precise steps that link insulin receptor tyrosine kinase/PI 3-kinase activation to the stimulation of PP1 have yet to be defined. Some evidence suggests that p90 ribosomal S6- kinase may be involved in the activation of glycogen synthase (274). Akt also has been shown to phosphorylate and thus inactivate GSK-3 (292). This decreases glycogen synthase phosphorylation, leading to the enzyme activation (292). A number of studies have convincingly demonstrated that inhibitors of PI3-kinase also inhibit glycogen synthase activity and abolish glycogen synthesis (274,293,310). From the physiological standpoint, it makes sense that activation of glucose transport and glycogen synthase should be linked to the same signaling mechanism to provide a coordinated stimulation of intracellular glucose metabolism.


Insulin Signal Transduction Defects in T2DM


Both receptor and post-receptor defects have been shown to contribute to insulin resistance in individuals with T2DM. Some, but not all studies have demonstrated a modest 20-30% reduction in insulin binding to monocytes and adipocytes from patients with T2DM (1,311- 316). This reduction is due to a decreased number of insulin receptors without change in insulin receptor affinity. In addition to the decreased number of cell-surface receptors, a variety of defects in insulin receptor internalization and processing have been described (314,315).


However, some caution should be employed in interpreting these studies. Muscle and liver, not adipocytes, represent the major tissues responsible for the regulation of glucose homeostasis in vivo and insulin binding to solubilized receptors obtained from skeletal muscle biopsies and liver has been shown to be normal in obese and lean diabetic individuals when expressed per milligram of protein (312,313,316-318). Moreover, a decrease in insulin receptor number cannot be demonstrated in over half of subjects with T2DM (319,320), and it has been difficult to demonstrate a correlation between reduced insulin binding and the severity of insulin resistance (321,322). The insulin receptor gene has been sequenced in a large number of patients with T2DM from diverse ethnic populations using denaturing-gradient gel electrophoresis or single- stranded conformational polymorphism analysis, and, with very rare exceptions (323), physiologically significant mutations in the insulin receptor gene have not been observed (324,325). This excludes a structural gene abnormality in the insulin receptor as a cause of common T2DM.


Insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity has been examined in a variety of cell types (skeletal muscle, adipocytes, hepatocytes, and erythrocytes) from normal-weight and obese diabetic subjects. Most (278,301,312,313,320,326-328), but not all (317,329) investigators have found reduced tyrosine kinase activity that cannot be explained by alterations in insulin receptor number or insulin receptor binding. However, near-normalization of the fasting plasma glucose concentration, (by weight loss) has been reported to correct the defect in insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity (330). This observation suggests that the defect in tyrosine kinase is acquired and results from some combination of hyperglycemia, defective intracellular glucose metabolism, hyperinsulinemia, and insulin resistance - all of which improved after weight loss. A glucose-induced reduction in insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity has been demonstrated in rat fibroblast culture in vitro (331). Insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity assays are performed in vitro, and the results of these assays could provide misleading information with regard to insulin receptor function in vivo. To circumvent this problem, investigators have employed the euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp in combination with muscle biopsies and anti- phospho-tyrosine immunoblot analysis (301). Such analysis yields a "snap shot" of the insulin- stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation state of the receptor in vivo. The results of these studies have demonstrated a substantial decrease in insulin receptor tyrosine phosphorylation in both obese nondiabetic and subjects with T2DM (301,328). When insulin-stimulated insulin receptor tyrosine phosphorylation was examined in normal-glucose-tolerant or impaired- glucose-tolerant individuals at high risk of developing T2DM, a normal increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor has been observed (332). These observations are consistent with the concept that impaired insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity in patients with T2DM is acquired secondarily to hyperglycemia or some other metabolic disturbance.


A physiologic increase in the plasma insulin concentration stimulates tyrosine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor and IRS-1 in lean healthy subjects to 150-200% of basal values (280,301,328,332,333). In obese subjects without T2DM, the ability of insulin to activate these two early insulin receptor signaling events in muscle is reduced, while in subjects with T2DM insulin has no significant stimulatory effect on either insulin receptor or IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation (301). The association of p85 protein and PI3-kinase activity with IRS-1 also is greatly reduced in obese non-diabetic and subjects with T2DM compared to lean healthy subjects (301,328- 334). Insulin also failed to increase the association of the p85 subunit of PI3-kinase with IRS-2 in muscle, indicating that T2DM is characterized by a combined defect in IRS-1 and IRS-2 function (301,328). The decrease in insulin stimulation of the association of the p85 regulatory subunit of PI3-kinase with IRS-1 is closely correlated with the impairment in muscle glycogen synthase activity and in vivo insulin-stimulated glucose disposal (301). Defective regulation of PI3-kinase gene expression by insulin also has been demonstrated in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue of subjects with T2DM (335). In animal models of diabetes, an 80% decrease in IRS-1 phosphorylation and a greater than 90% reduction in insulin-stimulated PI3-kinase activity have been reported (336).


In the insulin resistant, normal glucose tolerant offspring of two parents with T2DM, IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation and the association of p85 protein/PI3-kinase activity with IRS-1 are markedly decreased despite normal tyrosine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor; these insulin signaling defects are correlated closely with the severity of insulin resistance, measured with the euglycemic insulin clamp technique (332). In summary, a defect in the association of PI3-kinase with IRS-1 and its subsequent activation appears to be a characteristic abnormality in T2DM, is closely correlated with in vivo muscle insulin resistance, and is unrelated to a disturbance in insulin receptor tyrosine phosphorylation. Several groups (337,338) have reported that a common mutation in the IRS-1 gene (Gly 972 Arg) is associated with T2DM, insulin resistance, and obesity, but the physiologic significance of this mutation remains to be established (339).


The profound insulin resistance of the PI3-kinase signaling pathway contrasts markedly with the ability of insulin to stimulate MAP kinase pathway activity in insulin-resistant individuals with T2DM and in individuals with obesity without T2DM (301,328). Hyperinsulinemia increases MEK1 activity and ERK1/2 phosphorylation and activity to the same extent in lean healthy individuals as in patients with insulin resistance and obesity without T2DM and patients with T2DM (301,328). This finding of selective insulin resistance is similar to that recently observed in vasculature of Zucker fatty rats (340). Two possible reasons for this difference are alternate insulin signaling pathways and differential signal amplification. With regard to the former, the MAP kinase pathway can be activated either through Grb2/Sos interaction with IRS-1/IRS-2 or with Shc. Because IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation is dramatically reduced in the diabetics, it is possible that insulin activation of the MAP kinase pathway in vivo primarily occurs through Shc activation. There is evidence from in vitro studies to support this concept (341). Like ERK and MEK activity, insulin increased Shc phosphorylation to the same extent in lean and obese nondiabetic and subjects with T2DM (301). These results indicate that, in T2DM, insulin induces sufficient activation of the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase to increase Shc phosphorylation normally. It also is possible that differential signal amplification in the PI3-kinase and MAP kinase pathways can explain their differing susceptibilities to the effects of insulin resistance.


Maintenance of insulin stimulation of the MAP kinase pathway in the presence of insulin resistance in the PI3-kinase pathway may be important in the development of insulin resistance. ERKs can phosphorylate IRS-1 on serine residues (342), and serine phosphorylation of IRS-1 and the insulin receptor itself has been implicated in de-sensitization insulin receptor signaling (343). Continued ERK activity, when IRS-1 function already is impaired, could lead to a worsening of insulin resistance. Thus, subjects with T2DM or obesity have inappropriately high MAP kinase activity. One also could postulate that insulin resistance in the metabolic (PI3- kinase) pathway, with its compensatory increase in beta cell function and hyperinsulinemia, leads to excessive stimulation of the MAP kinase pathway in vascular tissue (301,302). This would result in the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells, increased collagen formation, and increased production of growth factors and inflammatory cytokines, possibly explaining the accelerated rate of atherosclerosis in individuals with T2DM (340A, 340B).


Glucose Transport


Activation of the insulin signal transduction system in insulin target tissues leads to the stimulation of glucose transport. The effect of insulin is brought about by the translocation of a large intracellular pool of glucose transporters (associated with low-density microsomes) to the plasma membrane (281,282,344). There are five major, different facilitative glucose transporters with distinctive tissue distributions (281,282,345,346) (Table 1). GLUT4, the transporter regulated by insulin is found in insulin-sensitive tissues (muscle and adipocytes), has a Km of ~5 mmol/l, which is close to that of the plasma glucose concentration, and is associated with HK-II (347- 349).  In adipocytes and muscle, its concentration in the plasma membrane increases markedly after exposure to insulin, and this increase is associated with a reciprocal decline in the intracellular GLUT4 pool.  GLUT1 represents the predominant glucose transporter in the insulin- independent tissues (brain and erythrocytes), but also is found in muscle and adipocytes. It is located primarily in the plasma membrane, where its concentration changes little after the addition of insulin. It has a low Km (~1 mmol/l) and is well suited for its function, which is to mediate basal glucose uptake. It is found in association with HKI (347-349).  GLUT2 predominates in the liver and pancreatic beta-cells, where it is found in association with a specific hexokinase, HKIV (347-350).  In the beta-cell, HKIV is referred to as gluco-kinase (350,351). GLUT2 has a high Km, (~15-20 mmol/l) and, as a consequence, the glucose concentration in cells expressing this transporter rises in direct proportion to the increase in plasma glucose concentration. This characteristic allows these cells to respond as glucose sensors.  In summary, each tissue has a specific glucose transporter and associated hexokinase, which allows it uniquely to carry out its specialized function to maintain whole-body glucose economy.


Table 1. Classification of Glucose Transport and HK Activity According to their Tissue Distribution and Functional Regulation


Glucose transporter

HK computer





Glucose dependent




Glucose dependent




Insulin dependent




Insulin dependent




Glucose sensor

GK beta-cell


HK-IVB (glucokinase)

Glucose sensor




Sodium dependent




Sodium dependent


Glucose transport activity in patients with T2DM uniformly has been found to be decreased in adipocytes (281,282,320,351,352) and muscle (281,282,354-356). In adipocytes from humans with T2DM and rodent models of diabetes, there is a severe reduction in GLUT4 mRNA and protein, and the ability of insulin to elicit a normal translocation response and to activate the GLUT4 transporter after its insertion into the cell membrane is impaired (281,282,320,353,357). In contrast, muscle tissue obtained from lean and obese subjects with T2DM exhibits normal or increased levels of GLUT4 mRNA expression and normal levels of GLUT4 protein (358-361). Moreover, acute (2- 4-h) physiological hyperinsulinemia does not increase the number of GLUT4 transporters in muscle in either healthy subjects or subjects with T2DM (358-361). Several studies have demonstrated an increase in muscle GLUT4 mRNA levels in response to insulin in control subjects (333,360), but not in subjects with T2DM (360), suggesting insulin resistance at the level of gene transcription. However, the physiological significance of the blunted increase in muscle GLUT4 mRNA levels in subjects with T2DM is unclear, since both basal and insulin- stimulated GLUT4 protein levels are normal. Large populations of subjects with T2DM have been screened for mutations in the GLUT4 gene (362,363). Such mutations are very uncommon and, when detected, have been of questionable physiologic significance.


The results summarized above indicate that the gene (GLUT4) encoding the major insulin- responsive glucose transporter and its transcriptional/translational regulation are not impaired in T2DM. However, in contrast to the normal expression of GLUT4 protein and mRNA in muscle of subjects with T2DM, every study that has examined adipose tissue has reported reduced basal and insulin-stimulated GLUT4 mRNA levels, decreased GLUT4 transporter number in all subcellular fractions, diminished GLUT4 translocation, and impaired intrinsic activity of GLUT4 (281,282,353,361,364). These observations demonstrate that GLUT4 expression in humans is subject to tissue-specific regulation. Although insulin does not increase GLUT4 expression in muscle, it stimulates the translocation of GLUT4 transporters from their intracellular location to the cell membrane (354,365,366). In humans with T2DM, the ability of insulin to stimulate GLUT4 translocation in muscle is impaired (354,367). Using a novel triple- tracer technique, the in vivo dose-response curve for the action of insulin on glucose transport in forearm skeletal muscle has been examined in nondiabetic and subjects with T2DM (368-370). Insulin-stimulated inward muscle glucose transport is severely impaired in subjects with T2DM who are studied under euglycemic conditions. The defect in glucose transport cannot be overcome by repeating the insulin clamp at each subject's normal fasting glucose (hyperglycemia) level. Since the number of GLUT4 transporters in the muscle of subjects with T2DM is normal (358-361), impaired GLUT4 translocation (281,354,367) and decreased intrinsic activity of the glucose transporter (366,371) must be responsible for the defect in muscle glucose transport. Impaired in vivo muscle glucose transport in T2DM also has been demonstrated using MRI (372) and PET (373).


Glucose Phosphorylation


Glucose phosphorylation and glucose transport are tightly coupled phenomena (374). Isozymes of hexokinase (HKI-HKIV) catalyze the first committed intracellular step of glucose metabolism, the conversion of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-P) (347-350,375) (Table 1). HKI, HKII, and HKIII are single-chain peptides that have a number of properties in common, including a very high affinity for glucose and product inhibition by G-6-P. HKIV, also called gluco-kinase, has a lower affinity for glucose and is not inhibited by G-6-P. Gluco-kinase (HKIVB) is believed to be the glucose sensor in the beta-cell, while HKIVL plays an important role in the regulation of hepatic glucose metabolism.


In both rat (375-377) and human (333,348,378-380) skeletal muscle, HKII transcription is regulated by insulin. HKI also is present in human skeletal muscle, but it is not regulated by insulin (378). In response to physiological euglycemic hyperinsulinemia, HKII cytosolic activity, protein content, and mRNA levels increase by 50-200% in healthy non-diabetic subjects (378,380) and this is associated with the translocation of hexokinase II from the cytosol to the mitochondria (381). In contrast, insulin has no effect on HK-I activity, protein content, or mRNA levels (378).


In forearm muscle, insulin-stimulated glucose transport (measured with the triple tracer technique) has been shown to be markedly impaired in lean subjects with T2DM (370). However, since the rate of intracellular glucose phosphorylation was impaired to an even greater extent, insulin caused an increase in the intracellular free glucose concentration. By performing the insulin clamp at each subject’s normal level of fasting hyperglycemia, normal rates of whole- body glucose disposal and a normal rate of glucose influx into muscle was elicited. However, the rate of intracellular glucose phosphorylation increased only modestly; consequently, there was a dramatic rise in the free glucose concentration within the intracellular space that is accessible to glucose. These observations indicate that in individuals with T2DM, while both glucose transport and glucose phosphorylation are severely resistant to the action of insulin, impaired glucose phosphorylation (HKII) appears to be the rate-limiting step for insulin action. A similar pattern of impaired muscle glucose phosphorylation and transport is present in the insulin-resistant, normal glucose-tolerant offspring of two diabetic parents (382). These results are consistent with dose-response studies using PET to evaluated glucose phosphorylation and transport in skeletal muscle of subjects with T2DM (373). They also are consistent with 31P-NMR studies (383) which demonstrate that, during hyperinsulinemia, muscle G-6-P concentrations decline in subjects with T2DM versus control subjects. However, subsequent studies using 31P-NMR in combination with 1-14C-glucose suggest that the defect in insulin-stimulated muscle glucose transport exceeds the defect in glucose phosphorylation and is responsible for the decline in muscle glucose-6-P concentration (372). Because of methodologic differences, the results of the triple tracer (370) and MRI (372) studies cannot be reconciled at present. Nonetheless, observations from these studies are consistent in demonstrating that the defects in glucose phosphorylation and glucose transport in muscle are established early in the natural history of T2DM and cannot be explained by glucose toxicity (91). Clear evidence that HKII activity is crucial for glucose uptake derives from studies in transgenic mice who overexpress HKII. In this model, HKII over-expression increased both insulin- and exercise-stimulated muscle glucose uptake (384).


In healthy nondiabetic subjects, physiologic hyperinsulinemia for as little as 2-4 hours increases muscle HKII activity, gene transcription, and translation (333,378). In lean subjects with T2DM insulin-stimulated HKII activity and mRNA levels are markedly reduced compared to controls (383,385). Decreased basal muscle HKII activity and mRNA levels (385) and impaired insulin-stimulated HKII activity (379,380,386,387) in subjects with T2DM have been reported by other investigators. A decrease in insulin-stimulated muscle HKII activity also has been described in individuals with IGT (388). Because of its central role in insulin-mediated muscle glucose metabolism, several groups have looked for point mutations in the HKII gene in individuals with T2DM (388-390). Although several nucleotide substitutions have been found, none have been located close to the glucose and ATP binding sites and none have been associated with insulin resistance. Thus, an abnormality in the HKII gene is unlikely to explain the inherited insulin resistance in common variety T2DM.


Glycogen Synthesis


After glucose is phosphorylated by hexo-kinase II, it either can be converted to glycogen or enter the glycolytic pathway. Of the glucose that enters the glycolytic pathway, ~90% is oxidized. At low physiologic plasma insulin concentrations, glycogen synthesis and glucose oxidation are of approximately equal quantitative importance. With increasing plasma insulin concentrations, glycogen synthesis predominates (18,391). If the rate of glucose oxidation (determined by indirect calorimetry) is subtracted from the rate of whole-body insulin-mediated glucose disposal (determined from the insulin clamp), the difference represents non-oxidative glucose disposal (or glucose storage) (17,360), which primarily reflects glycogen synthesis (1,4,162,216,392).  Glucose conversion to lipid accounts for <5% of total body glucose disposal (18,198,199) and, less than 5-10% of the glucose taken up by muscle is released as lactate (5,393,394).  


Reduced insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis is a characteristic finding in all insulin-resistant states, including obesity, diabetes, and the combination of obesity plus diabetes (1,4,18,43,59,159,162,218,219,377,393-395). Impaired glycogen synthesis also represents the major cause of insulin resistance in obese subjects with normal or only slightly impaired glucose tolerance (1,4,162,218,393,395,396).  Thus, the inability of insulin to promote glycogen synthesis is a characteristic and early defect in the development of insulin resistance in both obesity and T2DM. The emergence of overt diabetes with fasting hyperglycemia is associated with a major reduction in insulin-mediated non-oxidative glucose disposal (glycogen synthesis) in all ethnic groups (1,4,18,162,377,396).  Impaired glycogen synthesis also has been demonstrated in the normal-glucose-tolerant offspring of two diabetic parents (43,397), in the first-degree relatives of people with T2DM (41,398,399), and in a normoglycemic twin of a monozygotic twin pair in which the other has T2DM (101).


Using NMR imaging spectroscopy, a decrease in insulin-stimulated incorporation of [1H, 13C]- glucose into muscle glycogen of subjects with T2DM has been demonstrated directly (215). In T2DM, there was a marked lag in the onset of insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis that was similar to the delay in insulin-mediated leg muscle glucose uptake. The rate of glycogen synthesis in subjects with T2DM was decreased by ~50%, paralleling the decrease in total glucose uptake by leg muscle (3).  Also, impaired muscle glycogen synthesis accounted for essentially all of the defect in whole body glucose disposal.


In summary, an abundance of convincing evidence demonstrates that impaired glycogen synthesis is the major metabolic defect in normal glucose tolerant subjects with obesity, in individuals with IGT, and in patients with overt diabetes. Moreover, numerous studies have documented that the earliest detectable metabolic abnormality responsible for the insulin resistance in normal glucose tolerant individuals who are destined to develop T2DM is impaired glycogen synthesis (4,41,43,101,382,392,399,400).


Glycogen synthase is the key insulin-regulated enzyme which controls the rate of muscle glycogen synthesis (307,308,310,379,401,402). Insulin enhances glycogen synthase activity by stimulating a cascade of phosphorylation/de-phosphorylation reactions (307,308,361-363,403) (see above discussion of insulin receptor signal transduction), which ultimately lead to activate PP1 (also called glycogen synthase phosphatase) (307,308,310,402). The regulatory subunit (G) of PP1 has two serine phosphorylation sites, called site 1 and site 2.  Phosphorylation of site 2 by cAMP-dependent kinase (PKA) inactivates PP1, while phosphorylation of site 1 by insulin activates PP1, leading to the stimulation of glycogen synthase (307,308,402,404). Phosphorylation of site 1 of PP1 by insulin in muscle is catalyzed by insulin-stimulated protein kinase 1 (ISPK-1) (309,405), which is part of a family of serine/threonine protein kinases termed ribosomal S6-kinases.  Because of their central role in muscle glycogen formation, considerable attention has focused on the three enzymes glycogen synthase, PP1, and ISPK-1 in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance in T2DM.


Glycogen synthase exists in an active (dephosphorylated) and an inactive (phosphorylated) form (307-310). Under fasting conditions, total glycogen synthase activity in subjects with T2DM is reduced and the ability of insulin to activate glycogen synthase is severely impaired (301,384,406-410). An impaired ability of insulin to activate glycogen synthase also has been demonstrated in the normal glucose tolerant relatives of individuals with T2DM (400).

Insulin-mediated activation of glycogen synthase and insulin-stimulated glycogen synthase gene expression has been shown to be impaired in cultured myocytes and fibroblasts from subjects with T2DM (411,412). Studies in insulin-resistant nondiabetic and diabetic Pima Indians have documented that the ability of insulin to activate muscle PP1 (glycogen synthase phosphatase) is severely reduced (413). PP1 dephosphorylates glycogen synthase, leading to its activation. Therefore, a defect in PP1 appears to play an important role in muscle insulin resistance (309).


The effect of insulin on glycogen synthase gene transcription and translation in vivo has been studied extensively. Most studies (378,414,415) have shown that insulin does not increase glycogen synthase mRNA or protein expression in human muscle studied in vivo. However, glycogen synthase mRNA expression is decreased in muscle of patients with T2DM (415,416), explaining in part the decreased glycogen synthase activity in this disease. However, the major abnormality in glycogen synthase regulation in T2DM and other insulin resistant conditions is its lack of de-phosphorylation and activation by insulin as a result of insulin receptor signaling abnormalities (see previous discussion). The glycogen synthase gene (417) has been the subject of intensive investigation. An association between glycogen synthase gene markers and T2DM has been demonstrated in Japanese, French, Finnish, and Pima Indian populations. However, DNA sequencing has revealed either no mutations (418) or rare nucleotide substitutions (419,420) that cannot explain the defect in insulin-stimulated glycogen synthase. Nonetheless, the association between the glycogen synthase gene and T2DM (418) suggests that another gene close to the glycogen synthase gene may be involved in the development of T2DM. The genes encoding the catalytic subunits of PP1 (421) and ISPK-1 (422) have been examined in insulin-resistant Pima Indians and Danes with T2DM. Several silent nucleotide substitutions were found in the PP1 and ISPK-1 genes in the Danish population; the mRNA levels of both genes were normal in skeletal muscle (422). No structural gene abnormalities in the catalytic subunit of PP1 were detected in Pima Indians (422). Thus, neither abnormalities in the PP1 and ISPK-1 genes nor abnormalities in their translation can explain the impaired enzymatic activities of glycogen synthase and PP1 that have been observed in vivo. Similarly, there is no evidence that an alteration in glycogen phosphorylase plays any role in the abnormality in glycogen formation in T2DM (423). In summary, glycogen synthase activity is severely impaired in patients with T2DM and in insulin-resistant normal glucose tolerant individuals who are predisposed to develop T2DM. However, the defect cannot be explained by an abnormality in the genes encoding glycogen synthase or is promoter or by other key genes - PP1 or ISPK-1 - involved in the regulation of glycogen synthase activity.


Glycolysis/Glucose Oxidation


Glucose oxidation accounts for ~90% of total glycolytic flux, while anaerobic glycolysis accounts for the other 10% (393,394). Two enzymes, phosphofructokinase (PFK) and pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) play pivotal roles in the regulation of glycolysis and glucose oxidation, respectively. In individuals with T2DM the glycolytic/glucose oxidative pathway has been shown to be impaired in many individuals with T2DM (393,394). Although one study suggested that the activity of PFK is modestly reduced in muscle biopsies from subjects with T2DM (424), the majority of evidence indicates that the activity of PFK is normal (407,412,417). Insulin has no effect on muscle PFK activity, mRNA levels, or protein content in either nondiabetic or diabetic individuals (417). PDH is a key insulin-regulated enzyme whose activity in muscle is acutely stimulated by a physiological increment in the plasma insulin concentration (415). Three previous studies have examined PDH activity in patients with T2DM. Insulin-stimulated PDH activity is decreased in isolated subcutaneous human adipocytes from patients with T2DM (425) and in skeletal muscle from subjects with T2DM undergoing euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamps (426). However, when patients with T2DM had muscle biopsies during hyperglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamps, activation of PDH by insulin was normal (409), in concert with normalized rates of muscle glucose uptake. These results suggest that insulin stimulation of PDH activity is influenced by glycolytic flux.


Both obesity and T2DM are associated with accelerated FFA turnover and oxidation (1,4,18,162), which would be expected, according to the Randle cycle (232), to inhibit PDH activity and consequently glucose oxidation (see prior discussion). Thus, any observed defect in glucose oxidation or PDH activity could be acquired secondarily to increased FFA oxidation and feedback inhibition of PDH by elevated intracellular levels of acetyl-CoA and reduced availability of NAD. Consistent with this observation, the rates of basal and insulin- stimulated glucose oxidation have been shown to be normal in the normal glucose tolerant offspring of two parents with T2DM (43) and in the first-degree relatives of subjects with T2DM (41,423), while it is decreased in subjects with overt T2DM (1,4,393,394,427). Studies examining PHD activity in muscle tissue from lean diabetic subjects with mild fasting hyperglycemia are needed before the role of this enzyme in the development of insulin resistance in T2DM can be established or excluded.


In summary, post-binding defects in insulin action primarily are responsible for the insulin resistance in T2DM. Diminished insulin binding, when present, is small, occurs in individuals with IGT or very mild diabetes, and results secondarily from downregulation of the insulin receptor by chronic sustained hyperinsulinemia. In patients with T2DM and overt fasting hyperglycemia, post-binding defects are responsible for the insulin resistance. A number of post-binding defects have been documented, including diminished insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity, insulin signal transduction abnormalities, decreased glucose transport, reduced glucose phosphorylation, and impaired glycogen synthase activity. The glycolytic/glucose oxidative pathway appears to be largely intact and, when defects are observed, they appear to be acquired secondarily to enhanced FFA/lipid oxidation. From the quantitative standpoint, impaired glycogen synthesis represents the major pathway responsible for the insulin resistance in T2DM, and family studies suggests that a defect in the glycogen synthetic pathway represents the earliest detectable abnormality in T2DM. Recent studies link the impairment in glycogen synthase activation to a defect in the ability of insulin to phosphorylate IRS-1, causing a reduced association of the p85 subunit of PI 3-kinase with IRS-1 and decreased activation of the enzyme (PI 3-kinase).


Mitochondrial Dysfunction


In obesity and T2DM, impaired oxidation, reduced mitochondrial contents, lowered rates of oxidative phosphorylation and the production and release of excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been reported. Mitochondrial biogenesis is regulated by various transcription factors such as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator-1α (PGC-1α), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), estrogen-related receptors (ERRs), and nuclear respiratory factors (NRFs).  Mitochondrial fusion is promoted by mitofusin 1 (MFN1), mitofusin 2 (MFN2) and optic atrophy 1 (OPA1), while fission is governed by the recruitment of dynamin-related protein 1 (DRP1) by adaptor proteins, such as mitochondrial fission factor (MFF), mitochondrial dynamics proteins of 49 and 51 kDa (MiD49 and MiD51), and fission 1 (FIS1).  Phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN)-induced putative kinase 1 (PINK1) and PARKIN promote DRP1-dependent mitochondrial fission, and the outer mitochondrial adaptor MiD51 is required in DRP1 recruitment and PARKIN-dependent mitophagy.  Several molecular abnormalities affecting these critical aspects of mitochondrial dynamics have been identified in obese individuals and in patients with T2DM (446). 


The generation of new mitochondria, mitochondrial biogenesis, is presumed to be defective in patients with T2DM because the expressions of PGC-1α and its targeted genes are reduced.  They are associated with an impaired ability to produce mitochondrial ATP and increased ROS production from the electron transport chain.  There is some preliminary evidence that stimulation of mitochondrial biogenesis by pharmacological activation targeting these molecules is beneficial in the treatment of T2DM and obesity.  The accumulation of damaged or depolarized mitochondria in pancreatic β cells is associated with oxidative stress and favors subsequent development of diabetes.  Mitochondria in pancreatic β cells are continuously recruited in the fusion and fission processes.  In a cultured pancreatic β cell line (INS-1), high levels of glucose- and palmitate-induced mitochondrial fusion arrested and reduced respiratory function.  In INS1 cells, mitochondria with fission demonstrated reduced Δψ and decreased levels of the fusion protein OPA1. The inhibition of fission machinery proteins using DRP1 and FIS1 RNAi resulted in decreased mitochondrial autophagy, the accumulation of oxidized mitochondrial proteins, reduced respiration, and impaired insulin secretion.  All of these suggest that selective fission of damaged mitochondria is followed by their removal by autophagy.  In another study, INS-1 cells were treated with palmitate and high glucose, and the fragmentation of mitochondria with reduced fusion activities was observed. The application of FIS1 RNAi that shifts the dynamic balance to favor fusion is able to prevent mitochondrial fragmentation, maintain mitochondrial dynamics, and prevent apoptosis.  Thus, although not entirely elucidated, abnormal mitochondrial fusion and fission dynamics in the pancreatic β cells may play an important role in beta cell dysfunction and the progression of T2DM.


Obesity and T2DM are associated with impaired skeletal muscle oxidation, reduced mitochondrial contents, and lowered rates of TCA cycle enzymes and OXPHOS.  Patients with T2DM and obesity also demonstrated reduced expression of MFN2, which may be related to the reduced function of mitochondria in skeletal muscle.  In 17 subjects with obesity, 12 weeks of exercise improved insulin sensitivity and fat oxidation.  Skeletal muscle biopsy in these patients revealed that decreased phosphorylation and reduction of DRP1 at serine 616 were negatively correlated with increases in fat oxidation and insulin sensitivity (447).  In this same study, there was a trend towards an increase in the expression of both MFN1 and MFN2.  Studies in hepatocytes have recently demonstrated that the role of MAMs in calcium, lipid, and metabolite exchange is altered in obesity and T2DM.  Although the ER and mitochondria play distinct cellular roles in the process of intermediary metabolism, obesity is known to lead to a marked reorganization of MAMs, which results in mitochondrial calcium overload, reduced respiratory function, and augmented oxidative stress (448).  In contrast, disrupting the integrity of MAMs by knocking out cyclophilin D leads to hepatic insulin resistance through the disruption of inter-organelle Ca2 transfer, ER stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, lipid accumulation, the activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase and PKCε.  In addition to the beta-cell and skeletal muscle defects described earlier, these altered molecular pathways in the liver represent potential targets for new pharmaceutical intervention to be explored in future studies including individuals with obesity and patients with T2DM.




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Adrenocortical Carcinoma


Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare endocrine malignancy arising from the adrenal cortex often with unexpected biological behavior. It can occur at any age, with two peaks of incidence: in the first and between fifth and seventh decades of life. Although ACC are mostly hormonally active, precursors and metabolites may be also produced by dedifferentiated and immature malignant cells. Distinguishing the etiology of an adrenal mass, between benign adenomas, which are quite frequent in general population, and malignant carcinomas with dismal prognosis is challenging. However, recent advances in genomic, pathology, and staging allow the development of standardization of pathology reporting and refinement of prognostic grouping for planning treatment of the patients with ACC. Besides, no single histopathological as well as no single imaging method, hormonal work-up, or immunohistochemical labelling can definitively prove the diagnosis of ACC. Over several decades’ great efforts have been made in finding novel reliable and available diagnostic and prognostic factors including steroid metabolome profiling or target gene identification. Preliminary data show that for localized ACC, molecular makers (gene expression, methylation, and chromosome alterations) could predict cancer recurrence. Nevertheless, many of these markers need further validation and some are difficult to be widely applied in clinical settings. ACC is frequently diagnosed in advanced stages and therapeutic options are unfortunately limited. Surgery remains the “gold standard’ treatment. The management of patients with ACC requires a multidisciplinary approach. Immunotherapy in advanced ACC has been investigated in different studies however, the reported rates of overall response rate and progression free survival were generally poor. Thus, new biological markers that could predict patient prognosis and provide individualized therapeutic options are required.


Adrenocortical cancer (ACC) is a rare disease with an annual incidence of 0.7-2 cases per million per year and two distinct age distribution peaks, the first occurring in early adulthood and the second between 40-50 years with women being more often affected than men (55-60%) (1,2). Although the great majority of ACCs are sporadic in origin, they can also develop as part of familial syndromes the most common being the Beckwith-Wiedeman syndrome (11p151 gene, IGF-2 overexpression), the Li-Fraumeni syndrome (TP53 gene germline and somatic mutation), the Lynch syndrome (MSH2, MLH1, MSH6, PMS2, EPCAM  genes), the multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) 1 (MEN1 gene), and familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP gene, catenin somatic mutations),  neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1 gene) and Carney complex (PRKAR1A  gene) syndromes (Table 1) (1-4). In recent years several multi-center studies have shed light on the pathogenesis of ACC but ‘multi-omic’ studies have recently revealed that only a minority of ACC cases harbor pathogenic driver mutations. 


Table 1. Clinical and Genetic Features of Familial Syndromes Associated with ACC

Genetic disease

Gene and chromosomal involvement

Organ involvement

Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome

CDKN1C mutation

KCNQ10T1, H19 (epigenetic defects) 11p15 locus alterations

IGF-2 overexpression

Macrosomia, macroglossia, hemihypertrophy (70%), omphalocele, Wilm’s tumor, ACC (15-

20% adrenocortical tumors)

Li-Fraumeni syndrome P53(17p13)

Soft tissue sarcoma, breast cancer, brain

tumors, leukemia, ACC

Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia syndrome 1

Menin (11q13)

Parathyroid, pituitary, pancreatic, bronchial tumors

Adrenal cortex tumors (30%, rarely ACC)

Familial Adenomatous polyposis

APC (5q12-22)

Multiple adenomatous polyps and cancer colon and rectum

Periampullary cancer, thyroid tumors,

hepatoblastoma, rarely ACC

SBLA syndrome

Sarcoma, breast and lung cancer, ACC



Six or more light brown dermatological spots ("café au lait spots

At least two neurofibromas

Carney Complex


Lentigines, Atrial Myxoma, and Blue Nevi


The clinical features of sporadic ACCs are due to hormonal hypersecretion and/or tumor mass and spread to surrounding or distant tissues. An increasing number of cases (≈ 10-15%) are increasingly been diagnosed within the group of incidentally discovered adrenal masses (incidentalomas). However, the likelihood of an adrenal incidentaloma being an ACC is rather low (2, 6, 7). Approximately 50-60% of ACCs exhibit evidence of hormonal hypersecretion, usually that of combined glucocorticoid and androgen secretion (Table 2). Nearly 30-40% of patients with primary ACC present with a mass-related syndrome as abdominal or dorsal pain, a palpable mass, fever of unknown origin, signs of inferior vena cava (IVC) compression, and signs of left-sided portal hypertension. Rarely, complications such as hemorrhage or tumor rupture may also occur. Lately the number of patients that are identified while being investigated for an adrenal incidentaloma is rapidly increasing (5).


In biochemical studies the first step is the measurement of steroid hormones which is initially guided by the clinical presentation. According to the ESMO-EURACAN (European Society for Medical Oncology—the European Reference Network for rare adult solid cancers) Clinical Practice Guidelines from 2020 in cases of suspected ACC, an extensive steroid hormone work-up is recommended assessing gluco-, mineralo-, sex- and precursor-steroids (6-8). For all adrenal masses, diagnosis of pheochromocytoma should be excluded by measuring plasma-free or urinary-fractionated metanephrines to avoid intraoperative complications.


Table 2. Signs and Symptoms of ACC and Recommended Testing for Confirmation of

Hypersecretory Syndromes


Hormonal testing (ENSAT 2005, ESMO-EURACAN - Clinical Practice Guidelines 2020)


Centripetal fat distribution.

Skin thinning – striae.

Muscle wasting – myopathy. Osteoporosis.

Increased blood pressure (BP),

Diabetes Mellitus

Psychiatric disturbance

Gonadal dysfunction

Overnight dexamethasone suppression test (1mg)

24-hour free cortisol,

Basal ACTH (plasma),

Basal cortisol (serum)

[for diagnosis minimum 3 out of 4 tests)

Androgen hypersecretion


Menstrual irregularity – infertility

Virilization (baldness, deepening of the voice, clitoris hypertrophy)




17-hyrdoxy-progesterone (17OHPG)

Mineralocorticoid hypersecretion

Increased BP


Potassium (serum)

Aldosterone to renin ratio

Estrogen hypersecretion

Gynecomastia (men)

Menorrhagia (post-menopausal women)


Non-hypersecretory syndrome



Although studies of hereditary neoplasia syndromes have revealed various chromosomal abnormalities related to ACC development the precise genetic alterations involved are still unknown. Most common mutations implicated in sporadic ACC are insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2), catenin (CTNNB1 or ZNRF3) and TP53 mutations (1, 4, 9). The Wnt/β- catenin constitutive activation and insulin growth factor 2 (IGF2 overexpression) are the most important implicated genetic pathways. Germline TP53 mutations and dysregulation of the Gap 2/mitosis transition and the insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R) signaling have also been described. Steroidogenic factor 1 (SF1) plays an important role in adrenal development and is frequently overexpressed in ACC. Recently, ACC global -omics profiling studies revealed frequent detected genetic and epigenetic alterations, including loss of heterozygosity at 17p13, alterations at the 11p15 locus, and mutations in TP53, CTNNB1, ZNRF34, CDKN2A, RB1, MEN1, PRKAR1A, RPL22, TERF2, CCNE1, and NF1 genes. Decreased expression of MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and/or PMS2 consistent with high microsatellite instability/mismatch repair protein deficiency (MSI-H/MMR-D) status have also been reported (4, 9).


A palpable mass causing abdominal pain in the presence of IVC syndrome is highly suggestive of an ACC. This is substantiated further by the presence of symptoms/signs of combined hormonal secretion (cortisol and androgens), virilizing or rarely feminizing symptoms/signs confirmed with the use of specific endocrine testing (Table 2). As the majority of ACCs are relatively large (size > 8cm, weight >100g) at diagnosis, specific imaging features are used to distinguish them from other adrenal lesions (1, 2, 3). If adrenal imaging indicates an indeterminate mass other parameters should be considered including tumor size > 4 cm, combined cortisol/androgen hormone excess, rapidly developing symptoms and/ rapid tumor growth and/or young age (e.g., < 40 years) at presentation, that all might point to an ACC (1, 2, 3, 5, 7).


Other adrenal lesions that need to be considered in the differential diagnosis are myelolipomas, adrenal hemorrhage, lymphoma, adrenal cysts, metastases, and mainly adrenal adenomas, the majority of which have distinctive imaging features. There is no role for biopsy in a patient who is considered suitable for surgery of the adrenal mass (5, 6, 7).


Computerized Tomography (CT) imaging of the adrenals is the major tool showing a unilateral non- homogenous mass, > 5cm in diameter, with irregular margins, necrosis, and occasionally calcifications. Due to the low-fat content X-Ray density is high (>20 Hounsfield Units, HU); in a series of 51 ACC none had a density of less than 13 Hounsfield Units (HU) (6-8). However, a recent study including almost 100 ACCs showed that increasing the unenhanced CT tumor attenuation threshold to 20 HU from the recommended 10 HU increased specificity for ACC at 80% [95% CI 77.9–82.0] vs. 64% [61.4–66.4] while maintaining sensitivity at 99% [94.4– 100] vs. 100% [96.3–100]; (PPV 19.7%, 16.3–23.5) [EURINE-ACT study] (10). The presence of enlarged aorto-caval lymph nodes, local invasion, or metastatic spread, are highly suggestive of ACC. For 3-6 cm size lesions, measuring CT-related tumoral density before and after contrast administration, and estimating washout percentage can be helpful; less than 50% after 15 minutes, is associated with >90% specificity (7, 8). On Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), ACC appears hypo or isointense in relation to the liver on T1-weighted images, and following gadolinium enhancement and chemical shift techniques the diagnostic accuracy obtained can be as high as 85-100% (7, 8). Recently Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging with 18F-fluoro-2deoxy-D-glucose (18FDG-PET) has been proposed as possibly the best second-line test to assess indeterminate masses by unenhanced CT exhibiting 95-100% sensitivity and 91-94% specificity that increases further when fused with CT imaging. Furthermore, 18FDG-PET can also be used as a staging procedure identifying metastatic adrenal disease missed by conventional imaging studies including CT of the chest (7, 8). With the proper implementation of imaging studies there is no need for any adrenal biopsy.


The expression of steroidogenic factor 1(SF1) is a valid marker to document the adrenal origin (distinction of primary adrenocortical tumors and non-adrenocortical tumors) with a sensitivity of 98% and a specificity of 100%. If this marker is not available, a combination of other markers can be used which should include inhibin-alpha, melan-A, and calretinin. European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumors (ENSAT) has shown that KI-67 is the most powerful prognostic marker in both localized and advanced ACC indicative of aggressive behavior and that higher Ki-67 levels are consistently associated with a worse prognosis (2, 6, 11, 12). Weiss system, based on a combination of nine histological criteria that can be applied on hematoxylin and eosin-stained slides for the distinction of benign and malignant adrenocortical tumors, is the best validated score to distinguish adenomas from ACC although with high inter-observer variability. A reticulin algorithm has been used for diagnosis of ACC which involves an abnormal//absent reticulin framework and at least one of the three following criteria (tumor necrosis, presence of venous invasion and mitotic rate of >5/50 high power field) (12). Studies have proposed the use of proliferative index (Ki-67 index > 5%) and IGF2 over-expression to confirm the diagnosis of ACC (11, 12). It is important to note that no single microscopic criterion on its own is indicative of malignancy and there is subjective variability in the interpretation.


As survival depends on stage at presentation several different classification histopathological systems have evolved with the reported 5-year survival using the ENSAT system being 82% for stage I, 61% for stage II, 50% for stage III, and 13% for stage IV disease (Table 3) (6-8). Tumor size remains an excellent predictor of malignancy as tumors > 6cm have a 25% chance of being malignant compared to 2% of those with a size < 4cm. As there is no single distinctive histopathological feature indicative of malignancy the Weiss score has been used with a score >3 being suggestive of malignancy and recently Ki-67 labelling index >10%.  A relatively new system published by a European group in 2015 is the Helsinki score which relay on mitotic rate, necrosis and Ki-67 index (3x mitotic count [>5/50 high power fields] + 5x presence of necrosis + Ki-67 proliferative index) of ACC and focus on the predicting diagnosis as well as prognosis of ACC. A Helsinki score >8.5 is associated with metastatic potential and warrant the diagnosis of ACC (12). Altered reticulin pattern, Ki-67% labelling index and overexpression of p53 protein were found to be useful histopathological markers for distinguishing benign adrenocortical tumors from ACCs; however only pathological p53 nuclear protein expression was found to reach statistically significant association with poor survival and development of metastases, although in a small series of patients (11).


 Table 3. Staging System for ACC Proposed by the International Union against Cancer (WHO 2004) and the European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumors (ENSAT).


WHO 2004

ENSAT 2008















T1-4,N0-1, M1

M0: No distant metastasis, M1: Presence of distant metastasis, N0: No positive lymph nodes, N1: Positive lymph node(s), T1: Tumor ≤5cm, T2: Tumor > 5cm, T3: Tumor infiltration to surrounding tissue, T4: Tumor invasion into adjacent organs or venous tumor

thrombus in vena cava or renal vein.


The median overall survival (OS) of all ACC patients is about 3-4 years (6, 7). The prognosis is, however, relatively heterogeneous. Complete surgical resection provides the only means of cure (6, 7, 13, 14). In addition to radical surgery, disease stage, proliferative activity/tumor grade, and cortisol excess are independent prognostic parameters (6, 7, 13, 14). Five-year survival rate is 60-80% for tumors confined to the adrenal space, 35-50% for locally advanced disease, and significantly lower in case of metastatic disease ranging from 0% to 28% (6-8). ENSAT staging is considered slightly superior to the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) staging. Additionally, the association between hypercortisolism and mortality was consistent. As Ki-67 has been shown to be related with prognosis in both localized and advanced ACC, threshold levels of 10% and 20% have been considered for discriminating low from high Ki-67 labelling index; however, it is not clear whether any single significant threshold can be determined. Patients with stage I-III disease treated with surgical resection had significantly better median overall survival (OS) (63 vs. 8 months; p= 0.001). In stage IV disease, better median OS occurred in patients treated with surgery (19 vs. 6 months; p=0.001), and post-surgical radiation (29 vs. 10 months; p=0.001) or chemotherapy (22 vs. 13 months; p=0.004) (6-8, 13, 14). Overall survival varied with increasing age, higher comorbidity index, grade, and stage of ACC at presentation. There was improved survival with surgical resection of the primary tumor, irrespective of disease stage; post- surgical chemotherapy or radiation was of benefit only in stage IV disease (7, 13). The 5 year-survival of adult patients from multiple datasets with ACC after surgery range from 40% to 70%. The estimated five-year overall survival rate for patients with ACC in recent cohorts is slightly less than 50% (7, 13).


Preliminary data also shows that for localized ACC, molecular makers (gene expression, methylation, and chromosome alterations) could predict cancer recurrence (15, 16). Nevertheless, many of these markers need further validation and some are difficult to be widely applied in clinical settings. The development of genomics has led to a new classification of ACC by two independent international cohorts; one from ENSAT network in Europe (15) and the other from the Cancer Genome Atlas consortium in America, Europe and Australia (16), with two distinct molecular subgroups, C1A and C1B being associated with poor (5-year survival rate of 20%) and good overall prognosis (5-year survival rate of 91%), respectively. The C1B group is characterized by low mutation rate, and a very low incidence of mutations of the main driver genes of ACC whereas the C1A group is characterized by high mutation rate and driver gene alterations. This group is further divided into a subgroup of aggressive tumors showing hypermethylation at the level of the CpG islands located in the promoter of genes (“CIMP phenotype”).




The management of patients with ACC requires a multidisciplinary approach with initial complete surgical resection in limited volume disease (stages I, II and occasionally III). Mitotane (1,1-dichloro-2(o- chlorophenyl)-2-(p-chlorophenyl) ethane [o,p’DDD]) is the only currently available adrenolytic medication achieving an overall response of approximately 30%.




The aim of surgery is to achieve a complete margin-negative (R0) resection as patients with an R0 resection have a 5-year survival rate of 40-50% compared to the < 1year survival of those with incomplete resection (7, 14). Patients with stage III tumors and positive lymph nodes can have a 10-year OS rate of up to 40% after complete resection. When a preoperative diagnosis or high level of suspicion of ACC exists, open surgical oncological resection is recommended as locoregional lymph removal might improve diagnostic accuracy and therapeutic outcome. However, the wide range of reported lymph node involvement in ACC (ranging from 4 to 73%) implies that regional lymphadenectomy is neither formally performed by all surgeons nor accurately assessed or reported by all pathologists (7, 14). Laparoscopic adrenalectomy should be considered for tumors with size up to 6 cm without any evidence of local invasion. Routine locoregional lymphadenectomy should be performed with adrenalectomy for highly suspected or proven ACC and it should include (as a minimum) the peri-adrenal and renal hilum nodes. Preservation of the tumor capsule is essential whereas involvement of the IVC or renal vein with tumor thrombus is not a contraindication for surgery. However, even following an apparently complete surgical resection, 50-80% of patients develop locoregional or metastatic recurrence. Although such patients may be candidates for aggressive surgical resection, routine debulking is not recommended except for control of hormonal hypersecretion (6, 7, 14). Ablative therapies particularly targeting hepatic disease are used to decrease tumor load and the hypersecretory syndromes. Individualized treatment decisions are made in cases of tumors with extension into large vessels based on multidisciplinary surgical team. Such tumors should not be regarded ‘unresectable’ until reviewed in an expert center.




Mitotane has traditionally been used for ACCs obtaining a partial or complete response in 33% of cases mainly by metabolic transformation within the tumor and through oxidative damage. Besides its cytotoxic adrenal action mitotane also inhibits steroidogenesis.


Adjuvant mitotane treatment is proposed in those patients without macroscopic residual tumor after surgery but who have a perceived high risk of recurrence (stage III, KI-67%>10%). However, patients at low/moderate risk of recurrence (stage I-II, R0 resection, and Ki-67 ≤ 10%) do not benefit significantly from adjuvant mitotane (results from ADIUVO trial) (17). When indicated mitotane should be initiated within six weeks and not later than 3 months (7, 14). Adjuvant mitotane should be administrated for at least 2 years, but no longer than 5 years. However, the optimal duration of adjuvant mitotane treatment still remains unsolved and mainly dependents on personal preferences and expertise. According to a recent study the present findings do not support the concept that extending adjuvant mitotane treatment over two years is beneficial for patients with ACC at low risk of recurrence (18).


The tolerability of mitotane may be limited by its side effects mainly nausea, vomiting, neurological (ataxia, lethargy), hepatic and rarely hematological toxicity (7, 18). Measurement of serum mitotane levels, targeting a range of 14-20 mg/l, seems to correlate with a therapeutic response while minimizing toxicity using variable dosing regimens (6-8). Mitotane causes hyperlipidemia and increased hepatic production of hormone binding globulins (cortisol, sex hormone, thyroid and vitamin D) increasing total hormone concentration while impairing free hormone bioavailability. The induction of hepatic P450- enzymes by mitotane induces the metabolism of steroid compounds requiring high dose glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid replacement.


Hormonal excess causes significant morbidity in ACC patients. Although mitotane reduces steroidogenesis it has a slow onset of action necessitating the use of other medications targeting adrenal steroidogenesis (ketoconazole, metyrapone, aminoglutathemide, and etomidate). As adrenal insufficiency may occur close supervision is required to titrate adrenal hormonal replacement therapy.


Cytotoxic Chemotherapy


In metastatic ACC or when progression on mitotane, systematic therapy is recommended. Although cisplatin containing regimens have shown some responses, most studies lack enough power and comparisons between different regimens are only few. The most encouraging results originate from the combinations of etoposide, doxorubicin and cisplatin with mitotane (EDP-M) achieving an overall response of 49% of 18 months duration (FIRMA-CT study) (19). This regimen was equally effective as first line treatment or after failing of the combination of streptozotocin with mitotane and is the currently the preferred scheme. In patients who progress under mitotane monotherapy, EDP treatment is also recommended (7, 19). The combination of gemcitabine with capecitabine is used for patients failing EDP- and for non-responding patients. Targeted therapies with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (mainly sunitinib) have only been suggested albeit results have not been great. Although initially promising, treatment with IGF-1R antagonists did not prove to be efficacious suggesting that combination therapies may be the way forward.


Radiation Therapy


Radiotherapy has a role in symptomatic metastatic disease particularly bone disease with positive responses in up to 50% - 90% of cancer patients. It is a local therapy which is mainly recommended in incomplete resection, recurrent or metastatic disease.




Several Immunotherapy agents that have been evaluated in clinical trials for metastatic ACC patients including the immune checkpoint inhibitors pembrolizumab, nivolumab, and avelumab which are monoclonal antibodies directed toward PD-L1, the ligand-binding partner of PD-1, that is expressed on tumor cells. Four immune checkpoint inhibitors (pembrolizumab, avelumab, nivolumab, and ipilimumab) have investigated the role of immunotherapy in advanced ACC. Despite, the different primary endpoints used in these studies, the reported rates of overall response rate and progression free survival were generally poor (Table 4) (20-23). Three main potential markers of response to immunotherapy in ACC have been described: Expression of PD-1 and PD-L1, microsatellite instability, and tumor mutational burden (20). However, none of these parameters has been validated in prospective studies. Several mechanisms may be responsible of immunotherapy failure, and a greater knowledge of these mechanisms might lead to the development of new strategies to overcome the immunotherapy resistance.  


Two clinical trials using the PD-1 inhibitor pembrolizumab as monotherapy in ACC have been reported (20, 21). The observed median PFS and OS in the first study were 2.1 and 24.9 months, respectively. Six patients in the study had microsatellite-high and/or mismatch repair deficient status (MSI-H/MMR-D), for which pembrolizumab is an FDA approved therapy. In the second study, 5 of 14 patients (36%), developed stable disease at 27 weeks and 2 exhibited a partial response. Nivolumab monotherapy was tested in a phase II trial (22). The best response observed in this trial was 1 out of 10 patients with an unconfirmed partial response and 2 out of 10 patients developing stable disease (22). Avelumab has been evaluated in a phase 1b clinical trial. in patients with metastatic ACC who had progressed after first-line platinum-based therapy (23). In this trial including 50 patients, 3 patients showed a partial response and 21 (42%) patients stable disease (42%). Median PFS and OS were 2.6 and 10.6 months, respectively.


Table 4. Studies that have Investigated Immunotherapy in Patients with ACC



Population (n)

Prior systemic treatment


Pembrolizomab 200 mg every 3 w (35 cycles)



PFS=2.1, OS=24.9 ORR (RECIST)=23%

Pembrolizomab 200 mg every 3 w (35 cycles)




SD at 27 w=36%, ORR(RECIST)=14%

Nivolumab 240 mg every 2 w




PFS=1.8, ORR=11%

Avelumab 10 mg/kg every 2 w (±mitotane)




PFS=2.6, OS=10.6, ORR=6%

ORR= objective response rates; PFS= progression-free survival; SD= stable disease; OS= overall survival


Combinations therapies with these agents are also evolving. Pembrolizumab along with the VEGF-targeted multi-kinase inhibitor lenvatinib was used in a small retrospective case series including 8 heavily pre-treated patients (the median number of prior lines of systemic therapy was4) with progressive or metastatic ACC (24). The median PFS in these patients was 5.5 months (95% CI 1.8–not reached). Two (25%) patients showed a partial response, one (12.5%) patient had stable disease, and five (62.5%) patients developed progressive disease.


Other immunotherapies that have been evaluated include the monoclonal antibodies figitumumab and cixutumumab directed against the ACC-expressed insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) receptor, the recombinant cytotoxin interleukin-13-pseudomonas exotoxin A, and autologous tumor lysate dendritic cell vaccine (25, 26). All of these agents have shown modest clinical activity. Figitumumab in particular was evaluated in a phase I trial. in 14 patients with metastatic ACC. The best response to treatment observed in this trial was stable disease seen in 8 of 14 patients. Toxicities were generally mild and included hyperglycemia, nausea, fatigue, and anorexia. Similarly, to figitumumab, cixutumumab (IMC-A12) was evaluated in combination with mitotane in a phase II trial as first-line therapy for patients with advanced or metastatic ACC (26). The study was terminated early due to slow accrual and limited efficacy. The recorded PFS was only 6 weeks (range: 2.66–48), and in 20 evaluable patients, the best ORR was a partial response (PR) in one patient and stable disease in a further seven. Toxicities observed included grade 4 hyperglycemia and hyponatremia and one grade 5 multiorgan failure.


Immune Modulators


The potential utility of thalidomide treatment in ACC was evaluated in a retrospective cohort study of the European Networks for the Study of Adrenal Tumors registry (27). In this study, 27 patients with progressive to mitotane or metastatic ACC were treated with 50–200 mg thalidomide daily. The best response noted was stable disease in two patients, while the remaining 25 patients had progressive disease. The median PFS was 11.2 weeks, with a median OS of 36.4 weeks. Thalidomide was generally well tolerated, with fatigue and gastrointestinal upset being the most commonly observed side effects.


Evolving Therapies


Active areas of research in this field include combinations of immune checkpoint inhibitors, combination tyrosine kinase and immune checkpoint inhibitors, cancer vaccines, and glucocorticoid receptor antagonists combined with immune checkpoint inhibitor therapies ( Targeting mTOR pathway alone with everolimus did not produce significant responses. An extended phase I study of the anti-IGF-1R monoclonal antibody cixutumumab with an mTOR inhibitor showed a partial but short-lived response. Other potential targets are antagonists of β-catenin and Wnt signaling pathway and SF-1 inverse agonists. The application of radionuclide therapy using 131I-metomidate has recently been explored. However, despite recent advances in dysregulated molecular pathways in ACCs, these findings have not yet been translated into meaningful clinical benefits.




Patients who have undergone an apparently curative resection should be followed up regularly using endocrine markers and abdominal imaging. After complete resection, radiological imaging every 3 months for 2 years and then every 3-6 months for a further 3 years is proposed. 18FDG-PET should be performed at regular intervals to detect recurrent disease in high-risk patients. Patients on mitotane therapy should be regularly monitored measuring serum mitotane levels ensuring adequate replacement therapy. In case of recurrence not amenable to surgical excision patients should be enrolled in prospective clinical trials.




Besides considerable accumulated knowledge on the genetic profiling the pathogenesis of ACC is still not delineated although groups of patients with a worse outcome could be identified. Stage of the disease remains a strong predictor of overall survival whereas new evolving biomarkers need to be further validated. Imaging with 18FDGPET is an integral part of the staging procedure but the available medical therapies for patients with advanced disease have not shown a major impact on patients' prognosis. Further research is needed to identify high risk patients and formulate efficacious therapies for patients with advanced disease.




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Update On Pancreatic Transplantation In The Management Of Diabetes


Pancreas transplantation is the most effective therapeutic option that can restore insulin independence in beta-cell penic recipients with diabetes. Because of life-long immunosuppression and the initial surgical risk, pancreas transplantation is a therapeutic option only in selected patients with diabetes. Based on renal function, candidates for pancreas transplantation can be classified into three categories: uremic patients, post-uremic patients (following a successful kidney transplantation), and non-uremic patients. Uremic patients are best treated by a simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplantation. Post-uremic patients can receive a pancreas after kidney transplantation. Non-uremic patients can receive a pancreas transplant alone, if diabetes is poorly controlled resulting in hypoglycemia unawareness, and in the presence of evolving chronic complications of diabetes. Results of pancreas transplantation have improved over time and are currently non-inferior to those of renal transplantation alone in recipients without diabetes. A functioning pancreatic graft can prolong patient survival, dramatically improves quality of life of recipients, and may ameliorate the course of chronic complications of diabetes. Unfortunately, because of ageing of the donor population and lack of timely referral of potential recipients, the annual volume of pancreas transplants is declining. Considering that the results of pancreas transplantation depend on center volume, and that adequate center volume is required also for training of newer generations of transplant surgeons, centralization of pancreas transplantation activity should be considered. The recent world consensus conference on pancreas transplantation provides an independent appraisal of the impact of pancreas transplantation on modern management of diabetes as well as expert guidelines for the practice of pancreas transplantation.


Transplantation of an immediately vascularized pancreas allograft (PTx) is currently the most effective therapy to consistently restore insulin-independence in beta-cell depleted recipients with diabetes (1-3). Islet cell transplantation may achieve the same result, especially in patients who require fewer insulin units (4-5). As compared with PTx, islet cell transplantation is associated with lower procedure-related morbidity but requires the same immunosuppression, may necessitate multiple donors, and insulin-independence, when achieved, is not often maintained long-term (1-5). However, results reported very recently from centers of excellence show, that in properly selected patients, islet cell transplantation may achieve insulin-independence rates similar to those of PTx (6).

Unfortunately, PTx is not indicated in all insulin-dependent patients with diabetes because of the initial risk associated with surgery (7) and the need for life-long immunosuppression (8). In the appropriate recipient, however, PTx prolongs survival, especially when associated with kidney transplantation (9,10), restores near-normal metabolic control (11-14), improves the course of secondary complications of diabetes (11,12,15-26) and dramatically improves quality of life (27).

PTx includes several approaches. In the most common scenario a pancreas allograft is transplanted simultaneously with a kidney in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes and end stage diabetic nephropathy (simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation; SPK). Grafts are typically obtained from a single deceased donor. Alternatively, a cadaver pancreas can be transplanted simultaneously with a living donor kidney (SCPLK) (28), or a segmental pancreas graft and a kidney graft can be donated from the same live donor (SLPK) (29). The pancreas can also be transplanted alone (PTA), in pre-uremic recipients, or after a successful kidney transplant (PAK), in post-uremic recipients. When the pancreas is transplanted without a kidney from the same donor, the graft is considered to be solitary because renal function cannot be used to anticipate rejection in the pancreas (so called “sentinel kidney” function) (30). In rare circumstances the pancreas is transplanted in the setting of multivisceral organ transplantation (31). This type of PTx is not considered in this review, since it is not performed in the typical recipient with diabetes to primarily reverse diabetes, but rather for technical reasons in the context of a multiorgan graft required to address specific, and rare, conditions requiring this extreme type of transplantation.


Thanks to the availability of exogenous insulin therapy, Type 1 diabetes has changed from an immediately fatal disease to a chronic disease. Sub-optimal metabolic control, coupled with genetic predisposition (32-34), can lead to the development of severe secondary complications many years after the diagnosis of diabetes. These complications are associated with significant morbidity and reduce life expectancy of affected individuals. Patients with diabetes who have poor metabolic control despite intensive insulin therapy and/or who develop progressive secondary complications can benefit from PTx as near-physiologic metabolism is re-established. These complications include: retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, and cardiovascular disease. Diabetic nephropathy is the leading indication to PTx, as either SPK or PAK.

Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both (35). Diabetes mellitus can be classified into four types: type 1 (resulting from autoimmune destruction of beta-cells, and accounting for 5-10% of all cases), type 2 (caused by relative insulin deficiency in the setting of insulin resistance, typically associated with obesity, and representing some 90% of the cases), gestational diabetes (first diagnosed during pregnancy), and a heterogeneous group identified as “other specific types” (35).

In nearly all countries diabetes has a high, and continuously growing, prevalence (36,37). In Western countries, these figures are mainly due to changes in life style, including diet high in saturated fats and decreased physical activity, eventually leading to obesity. Regarding type 1 diabetes, which accounts for most potential recipients of PTx, the prevalence of the disease in the United States is estimated to be 1,250,000 persons, with an annual incidence of 35,000 new cases (38).

Diabetes causes significant morbidity and increases mortality in affected individuals (35,39). The risk of heart disease and stroke is increased 3 to 5-fold, and 50-70% of patients with diabetes die of these events. Fifteen years after the onset of diabetes, diabetic retinopathy is present in the majority of patients. Eventually, 20-30% of patients with diabetes will develop severe visual impairment over the years. Reduction in the incidence of diabetic nephropathy among patients with type 1 diabetes, by approximately 10%, was overcompensated by a 20% increase in the incidence of this complication in patients with type 2 diabetes, leading to a net increase of the prevalence of diabetic nephropathy among dialyzed patients and confirming diabetic nephropathy as the leading cause of end-stage renal failure (39). Incidence of end-stage renal disease in patients with diabetes is higher compared to the patients without diabetes, with a relative risk of 6.2 in the white population and 62.0 among Native Americans. Diabetic neuropathy, in its several forms, affects up to 50% of people with diabetes. In combination with reduced blood flow, neuropathy in the feet increases up to 25-fold the chance of foot ulcers and of several fold eventual limb amputation (40).


There is a large amount of evidence recommending that glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) should be maintained below 7.0% to reduce the incidence of microvascular disease (35,41). However, the effects of intensive diabetes management on the occurrence of macrovascular complications remains somewhat elusive, tending to be more evident in type 1 diabetes (42), as compared with type 2 diabetes (43,44). More stringent metabolic control (e.g., HbA1c 6.0–6.5%), when achieved without significant hypoglycemia or other adverse effects of treatment, can be preferred in patients with short disease duration, long life expectancy, and without significant cerebrovascular disease (41). On the other hand, less tight metabolic control (e.g., HbA1c 7.5–8.0%) can be accepted in patients at risk of severe hypoglycemia and/or with limited life expectancy, advanced vascular complications, or extensive comorbid conditions (41).


PTx is performed to restore an endogenous source of servoregulated insulin production in beta-cell penic patients with diabetes. In technically successful PTx, restoration of beta-cell mass is consistently and reproducibly expected to induce insulin-independence, although at the price of significant surgical morbidity and life-long immunosuppression (2,45). In most patients with diabetes there is a clear advantage in receiving a pancreas graft, when also a kidney graft is needed to reverse end-stage renal failure. Moreover, PTx is indicated in selected patients with complicated and/or labile diabetes, when the risk of surgery and immunosuppression is surpassed by the ongoing risk of ineffective insulin therapy (2,45,46).

Based on these principles, the prototype recipient for PTx is a patient with type 1 diabetes without detectable c-peptide, poor metabolic control and/or progressive secondary complications of diabetes. However, selected patients with type 2 diabetes with high insulin needs, low to mild insulin resistance, and non- or mildly obese, may achieve insulin-independence after PTx and enjoy results similar to those of patients with type 1 diabetes (2,45,46).

Since failure of conventional, insulin-based, therapy is required to become eligible for PTx, most recipients have a 20- to 25-year history of diabetes. By this time, most recipients have developed end-stage nephropathy and also require a kidney transplant. Ideally, these patients should receive an SPK transplant because diabetic nephropathy is associated with high mortality rate, and 75% of insulin-dependent patients with diabetes do not survive longer than 5 years with dialysis (47-49). SPK improves patient survival versus either dialysis or deceased donor kidney transplantation (9,10,50).

In fragile recipients deemed not suitable for SPK, renal transplantation from a live donor is an attractive possibility either as definitive treatment or as a bridge to PAK. Actually, live donor renal transplantation may be worthily pursed also in patients otherwise eligible for SPK because of organ shortage (2,45,46). SCPLK provides an additional transplant opportunity, since it still exploits the benefits of live donation for the kidney but does not require the sequential PAK to correct the diabetes. The main disadvantages of SCPLK are the fact that the pancreas is a solitary graft, and that live renal donation cannot be programmed as it has to be performed when the deceased donor pancreas graft becomes available. To do so, three surgical teams have to work simultaneously (one for the deceased donor, one for the live donor, and one for the transplant) making organization and coordination quite complex (28). Considering that correction of uremia is key in these patients (10), but that ideal donors suitable for SPK are becoming extremely rare (51), when a deceased donor is available a kidney alone transplantation (KTA) should be considered as a valid alternative to leaving the patient with end-stage renal disease while waiting for a SPK donor, who may never become actually available. After KTA, PAK could allow correction of diabetes, thus preventing recurrence of diabetic nephropathy in the renal graft in the long-term period. Paradoxically, surgical complications associated with PAK could jeopardize renal function in the short-term period making the indication for PAK a matter of debate especially in terms of baseline renal function. Although there is no agreed cut-off of renal function to safely proceed with PAK, a stable renal function with a creatinine clearance of at least 60 ml/min/1.73 m2, and a negative urine analysis are all considered important criteria (2,46,52).

According to the American Diabetes Association, PTA may be an option in selected patients with diabetes who have recurrent hypoglycemia unawareness, and/or have medical or psychological problems with insulin therapy (52). Normal or near-normal renal function is also required because the anticipated long-term beneficial effects of sustained insulin-independence on diabetic nephropathy may be surpassed by accelerated deterioration of renal function caused mostly by the nephrotoxic effects of immunosuppressants (22,50,53). Additional evidence shows that also patients with progressive complications (i.e., reversible nephropathy, progressive retinopathy, and severe neuropathy) may improve significantly with PTA (13,20). Although the impact of PTA on patient survival is still debated (54,55), in suitable recipients, PTA improves the course of diabetic retinopathy (18), diabetic neuropathy (13), and diabetic nephropathy (22,50,53), and reduces the level of cardiovascular risk (13,15).

Each patient eligible for PTx is, by definition, at high risk for cardiovascular disease, making cardiac and vascular work up key in this transplant population. In recipients of solitary pancreas grafts (PAK and PTA) accurate estimate of renal function is also mandatory, as the risk of renal dysfunction/failure is reduced when the GFR is ≥ 60-70 mL/min (56). The decision to pursue a solitary PTx should hence be well balanced against the inherent risks of PTx. On the contrary, insulin-dependent patients with diabetes have in SPK their ideal treatment modality. The evaluation process in these patients should explore all possible venues to permit transplantation because continued dialysis is associated with short survival. Unfortunately, many patients are already too sick when they are first referred for transplantation and cannot be offered the chance of SPK.

Although type-2 diabetes is often characterized by obesity and peripheral insulin resistance, recent studies have demonstrated that the old paradigm is no longer generally applicable. Several studies showed improved glycemic control after pancreas transplantation in subsets of patients with type 2 diabetes, especially if body mass index is less than 35 kg/m2 (57).


According to the International Pancreas Transplant Registry (IPTR) and the US Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) approximately 51,000 PTx have been performed worldwide (> 31,000 from the United States and >20,000 from other countries) (51,56). Considering that reporting to these registries is mandatory only for US Centers, the real number of PTx performed worldwide exceeds reported registry figures.

According to IPTR data, the total number of PTx steadily increased in the United States until 2004 (peaking at a total of 1484) but has since declined substantially with fewer than 1000 procedures performed in 2014 and in 2015. The overall amount of pancreas transplants decreased slightly, from 1027 in 2018 to 1015 in 2019(56). This remains considerably higher than the nadir of 947 reported in 2015, with a slight decrease attributed to declining in PTAs (124 to 99) and PAKs (68 to 44) from 2018 to 2019. In fact, SPKs continued to increase, from 835 to 872, the highest annual number of SPKs performed in the last decade.

The reasons for the decline in PTx activity are not immediately understood. In the history of solid organ transplantation good results, such as those currently achieved by PTx, typically portend higher volumes. Decline in PTx volumes coincided with a reduction in the number of active PTx centers with only 11 Institutions performing ≥ 20 PTxs per year and most centers performing < 5 PTxs annually (51). The outcome of PTx is known to be influenced by center volume (58). Additionally, lower PTx volumes per center are expected to reduce the opportunities for training of younger generations of transplant physicians and surgeons, thus potentially worsening future outcomes of PTx and further reducing the volumes of PTx, in a vicious circle.

The reason for the current decline in PTx activity is multifactorial. Some factors are historical, such as limited referral of potential recipients (51), and incomplete procurement of pancreas grafts from otherwise suitable donors (59). Other factors, however, are newer and less correctable with educational or training programs for healthcare professionals (60). These factors include the progressive ageing of donor population (61), the increasing number of obese donors (62), and the growing proportion of cerebrovascular accidents as a cause of brain death (61). The combination of these epidemiologic factors makes the “ideal” pancreas donor (age ≤ 40 years, low BMI, death due to trauma, short stay in the intensive care unit, and hemodynamic stability without, or with low dose, vasoactive amines) extremely rare (63). These factors, along with the duration of cold graft storage, are summarized in the Pancreas Donor Risk Index (63). This index, conceived to optimize the use of all grafts suitable for PTx, has instead promoted additional donor selection and further reduced the number of PTx (64). Although it is known that PTx can be pursued using marginal donors with good results (65,66), most centers are not willing to accept this type of donor, as their use may be associated with higher rates of early graft failure.


The global coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus reduced the worldwide transplant activity due to the overload of the health system and concern for patient safety. Since the first few months of the pandemic, the transplant community worked on characterizing infection, morbidity, and mortality from COVID-19 in the transplanted or waitlisted patient comparing outcomes to the general population. According to a worldwide survey, pancreas transplant activity declined shortly after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic because of both a reduction in patient referrals and utilization of deceased donors (67). There are limited clinical data on COVID-19 in PTx recipients, including a few case reports (68,69) and small series (70-73). As detailed in a recent review, COVID-19 in PTX recipients was mostly managed by reduction of immunosuppression with withdrawal of antimetabolites. Despite lower immunosuppression, the risk of rejection and graft loss does not appear to be clearly increased (74).


Shortage of suitable brain-dead donors (DBD), has forced the transplant community to explore the venue of donation after cardiac death (DCD). Based on Maastricht criteria (64) there are four categories of DCD donors. PTx is pursued in type 3 DCD donors, also known as controlled DCD donors. In this category of donors, cardiac arrest is awaited following withdrawal of ventilatory support in patients with fatal brain injuries who are not expected to progress to brain death (64). The use of this type of donors is associated with high organizational needs and may be influenced by national attitudes and regulations (65), but the results of PTx are quite encouraging making this source of grafts worth of further exploration (75-78).

In a recent systematic review and meta-analysis, Shahrestani and Co-workers identified 18 studies on PTx from DCD donors. No difference was noted in allograft survival (hazard ratio, 0.98; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 0.74-1.31; p= 0.92), and recipient survival up to 10 years after PTx between DBD and DCD donors (hazard ratio, 1.31; 95% CI, 0.62-2.78; p= 0.47). The odds ratio for vascular thrombosis was 1.67 times higher in PTx from DCD organs (95% CI, 1.04-2.67; p= 0.006), but this difference was not evident in PTx from a subgroup of DCD who were treated with heparin (78).


The history of pancreas transplantation has been shaped by developments in surgical techniques (7) and advancements in immunosuppressive regimens (79). It is now accepted that pancreas grafts are composed by the entire gland with an attached duodenal segment and that the organs are procured with minimal dissection in the donor during the heart beating period. A single arterial conduit is prepared at the back-table, usually by anastomosing the peripheral branches of a Y-shaped donor iliac graft to the cut ends of the superior mesenteric and splenic arteries (80). In rare circumstances, a segmental pancreas graft made of the body and tail of the gland, can be transplanted. This type of graft is used when there are concerns on perfusion of the pancreatic head/duodenum to allow PTx in otherwise “difficult to transplant” recipients, such as patients with high immunization titers. A segmental pancreas graft is also used from live donors (29). Pancreas grafts are highly sensitive to ischemia-reperfusion injury (63). Despite the incidence of surgical complications not significantly increasing until 20 hours of preservation (81), most centers now prefer to maintain the period of cold storage to ≤ 12 hours (82).

At the moment, the gold standard for pancreas graft preservation is static cold storage using the University of Wisconsin solution (83). When the period of cold storage is not exceedingly long also Celsior (84) and histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate (85) can be accepted. The use of histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate has been associated with higher rates of graft pancreatitis (86). Reduction of perfusion volumes are thought to prevent these complications. IGL-1 in a newer preservation solution, but data on PTx are yet scarce (87). As with other organs, machine perfusion is being explored also for pancreas allografts. The potential of this innovative preservation strategy in PTx remains to be established (88).

Regarding transplantation techniques, it is quite surprising that none was clearly shown to be superior over the other procedures (89). Despite this, some surgical techniques have become very popular and are currently considered standard procedures for PTx. The main variations in PTx technique regard the site for venous drainage (either systemic or portal) and the site for exocrine drainage (either urinary or enteric). In enterically drained grafts other major variations are the use of a Roux-en-Y isolated loop or the creation of a direct anastomosis between the donor duodenum and the recipient small bowel (90), duodenum (91-94), or stomach (95).

The combination of systemic venous effluent and enteric exocrine drainage is currently prevalent (7) as the alleged metabolic and immunologic advantages of portal venous drainage have not been unambiguously proven (96). Bladder drainage along with the inclusion in the graft of a duodenal segment (97 PTx is not employed very frequently at the present time because of frequent urologic and metabolic complications.

The greatest innovation in surgical technique is the description of laparoscopic, robotic-assisted, PTx. The initial experience by Boggi et al (98,99) was recently duplicated at the University of Illinois at Chicago (100). This makes PTx a minimally invasive procedure and is associated with obvious advantages but has high organizational needs, and requires surgeon and team training in advanced robotic procedures.


Current state-of-the art immunosuppression in PTx was recently reported in a review article (101) and practice recommendations were provided by the proceedings of the first world consensus conference on pancreas transplantation (WCCPTx) (102-103).

Although the immunologic outcome of PTx has improved over the years, rejection still occurs quite frequently (from 20-30% in SPK to around 40% in PTA) (104). Accordingly, the use of T-cell depleting antibody induction is still preferred in some 90% of recipients, while an anti-interleukin-2 receptor antibody alone is used in the remaining 10%. In last two decades, maintenance immunosuppression regimens have employed tacrolimus and mycophenolate in over 80% of the patients (105-106). The use of cyclosporine and/or mammalian target of rapamycin has been mostly considered in the setting of switching in case of documented side effects related to the standard regimen (107) Steroids may be withdrawn or minimized to avoid their side effects, including the risk of glucose intolerance (108-109). The recent evidence that development of donor specific antibodies occurs in PTx and is associated with worse immunologic outcome, further compounds the field and could require the adoption of newer protocols for the treatment of antibody-mediated rejection such as a combination of anti CD20, intravenous immunoglobulins, and protease inhibitors (110). Early experiences suggest that switch from calcineurin inhibitors to belatacept, a T-cell co-stimulation blocker used to prevent acute rejection in adult renal transplant recipients, may reduce nephrotoxicity without evidence of increased risk of kidney or pancreas rejection (111,112). Belatacept may represent an important strategy for preservation of renal and pancreatic function after SPK transplantation, either as first-line or rescue therapy. A trial in primary SPK transplantation (NCT01790594), using belatacept for induction and for maintenance, in combination with mycophenolate mofetil and low dose calcineurin inhibitors, with early steroid withdrawal, was recently completed.

According to a recent review no major improvement in immunosuppressive regimens used for PTx was achieved during the last 20 years. Most PTx patients receive induction with depleting antibodies and maintenance with a combination of a calcineurin inhibitor (with tacrolimus being more prevalent than cyclosporine) plus mycophenolate and steroid maintenance. Newer drug combinations and well-designed prospective studies are needed to further improve the outcome of PTx (101).


PTx carries the highest risk of post-transplant complications among all solid organ transplants, as a consequence of the medical complexity of recipients with diabetes and the susceptibility of pancreas allografts to develop vascular thrombosis and pancreatitis. Occurrence of post-operative complications reduces the rate of graft survival, with allograft pancreatectomy being required in some 5% of PTx recipients, but does not affect patient survival (113). Life-threatening complications still occur in approximately 3% of recipients, mostly because of development of an arterial pseudoaneurysm or an arteroenteric fistula (114).

In the long–term, malignancies as well as bacterial, viral, and fungal infections remain a significant cause of mortality and morbidity (114). Among a cohort of 360 SPK transplants, overall 5-year patient survival was 84%, but 25 recipients (6.9%) developed malignant tumors. Almost one-fourth of the cancers were skin tumors and 5 patients developed post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLD) (106). According to the SRTR/Annual Data Report the cumulative incidence of PTLD at 4 years is 2.3% after PTA, 0.9% after SPK, and 1.1% after PAK. The higher frequency of PTLD in PTA patients is likely related to their increased immunosuppression and higher rates of acute rejection (104,116,117). The incidence of other cancers is 3- to 4-fold higher compared with the background population (115).


According to the International Pancreas Transplant Registry, 5- and 10-year graft function rates in 21,383 PTx, performed from 1984 to 2009, are 73 and 56%, respectively, for SPK; 64 and 38%, respectively, for PAK; and 53 and 36%, respectively, for PTA (1).

Cardiovascular and/or cerebrovascular events are the leading cause of recipient death either short- (<3 months post-transplant) and long-term (>1-year post-transplant) (118). In patients with type 1 diabetes, SPK has been shown in several studies to increase the observed versus expected lifespan, as compared with a kidney transplant alone (119,120). According to a large study of 13,467 patients, using data from the US Scientific Renal Transplant Registry and the US Renal Data System, the patient survival rate at 10 years post-transplant was significantly higher in recipients of a SPK than of a KTA from a deceased donor. In fact, recipients of a SPK had the greatest longevity (23.4 years), as compared with 20.9 years for recipients of a KTA from a living donor and 12.8 years for recipients of a KTA from a deceased donor (10,121).

In recipients of PAK, evidence shows that the PTx improves long-term patient and kidney graft survival rates. Also, glomerular filtration rates are significantly higher after PAK than after KTA (122). In recipients of PTA who have brittle diabetes mellitus, the mortality rate at 4 years is lower than that in the waiting list candidates (123). Earlier reports stating a survival disadvantage for recipients of solitary pancreas transplants (PTA and PAK) compared with patients on the waiting list for a transplant now seem to be unsubstantiated (54).

Pancreas graft survival rate is based on insulin independence. In the past decade, unadjusted graft survival rates at 1 year were 89% for SPK, 86% for PAK and 82% for PTA. Equivalent figures at 5 years were 71%, 65%, and 58%, respectively (118). More recently, 10-year actual insulin independence rates have been reported to exceed 80% in SPK and 60% in PTA (12,13).

The greatest improvements are seen in the gains over time in the estimated half-life (50% function) of pancreas grafts. The estimated half-life is now 14 years for SPK, and 7 years for both PAK and PTA. Moreover, the estimated half-life has increased to 10 years in recipients of PAK or PTA with a functioning pancreas graft at 1-year post-transplant. The longest pancreas graft survival time, by category, has been 26 years (SPK), 24 years (PAK) and 23 years (PTA) (124).

The leading cause of pancreas loss is rejection (125,126). Autoimmunity is also increasingly recognized as a cause of graft failure (127,128). The diagnosis of pancreatic rejection is based on laboratory markers and imaging techniques, but core biopsy remains the final diagnostic tool. In SPK, a rise in serum creatinine can be a surrogate for pancreas rejection suspicion; however, discordant kidney and pancreas rejection have been described (129). An increase in serum amylase and lipase, although not specific, can be an initial sign of pancreatic immune-activation. Hyperglycemia occurs only in cases of severe beta-cell dysfunction or destruction, and therefore it is a late marker of rejection. Guidelines for the diagnosis of PTx rejection have been recently updated with major implementation for the identification of antibody mediated rejection (130). Pancreatic antibody mediated rejection is a combination of serological and immunohistological findings consisting of donor specific antibody detection, morphological evidence of microvascular injury, and C4d staining in interacinar capillaries. The newest Banff schema recognizes different patterns of immunoactivation, including the recurrence of autoimmune diabetes that is characterized by insulitis and/or selective beta-cell destruction. Among the different causes of graft loss, recent studies have proven that despite immunosuppression, the recurrence of autoimmune disease is not a rare event (129). Historical experience with segmental PTx in identical twins showed that, without immunosuppression, autoimmune destruction of beta cells occurs early after PTx (131). Immunosuppression prevents such recurrence in most, but not in all, patients (127).

Graft failure of any organ has a negative impact on patient survival. In recipients of SPK, kidney graft loss increases the relative risk of death by a factor of 17.6 and pancreas graft loss by a factor of 3.1. In recipients of PAK, kidney graft loss increases the relative risk of death by a factor of 4.3 and pancreas graft loss by a factor of 4.1. In recipients of PTA, pancreas graft loss increases the relative risk of death by a factor of 4.1 (132).


The excess mortality seen in type 1 diabetes is largely related to diabetes and its comorbidities. Acute complications are represented by hyperglycemic syndromes (most commonly ketoacidosis, less frequently the hyperosmolar syndrome) and hypoglycemia induced by exogenous insulin therapy. They contribute to 80% of all early (<10-year diabetes duration) deaths, and for a 15% of deaths thereafter. Most early acute deaths result from diabetic ketoacidosis (often at diabetes onset or after an acute illness), whereas later acute deaths tend to result from hypoglycemic episodes (133,134). Successful PTx restores a regulated endogenous insulin production and eliminates the need for exogenous insulin administration. As such, no acute diabetic complication is seen in patients with fully functioning pancreatic graft. In addition, PTx improves hypoglycemia counter-regulation, by improving catecholamine and glucagon responses to glucose lowering. These improvements are stable and long-lasting, and have been shown up to 19 years from the grafting (135). Recently, the use of beta cell replacement therapy has been discussed for patient with problematic hypoglycemia, defined as two or more episodes per year of severe hypoglycemia or as one episode associated with impaired awareness of hypoglycemia (136). In such cases, if appropriate educational and technological interventions are not sufficient to improve the condition, PTx is indicated (136). It is therefore reasonable to consider PTx in patients with type 1 diabetes who are at proven risk for serious episodes of insulin-induced hypoglycemia and who demonstrate refractoriness to conventional medical management (135,136).


Chronic diabetes complications are a major burden of the disease, dramatically contributing to deterioration of quality of life and reduced survival in the population with type 1 diabetes (137). They can be broadly separated into two categories: microvascular and macrovascular. The first ones are due to damage of small vessels involving eyes, kidneys and nerves, while the others are related to damage in larger blood vessels.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the most common, highly specific microvascular complication of diabetes, with prevalence strongly related to duration of diabetes and the levels of glycemic control. Numerous studies have been performed to elucidate the role of PTx on the clinical course of this complication. Initial work (138,139) found that SPK with subsequent normalization of blood glucose concentrations did not play a role in preventing or reversing retinal damage, but more recent studies support the view that PTx has beneficial effects. In a study conducted on 48 successful SPK, a careful eye examination was performed before and up to 60 months after grafting, with standardized classification of DR (19). The results showed, compared with a group of non-transplanted, matched patients with type 1 diabetes, that SPK recipients had a significantly higher rate of improvement or stabilization of the retinal lesions, depending on the severity of retinopathy at the time of transplantation. A report describing 112 patients with functioning SPK showed an improvement and/or stabilization in 73.5% patients with non-proliferative retinopathy, with an important decrease in the number or ophthalmologic procedures after a period of 4 years (140). Regarding the role of PTA, the course of DR was studied prospectively in PTA recipients and in non-transplanted patients with type 1 diabetes, with a follow-up of almost 3 years (18). The PTA and non-PTA groups consisted respectively of 33 (follow-up: 30 +/- 11 months) and 35 patients (follow-up: 28 +/- 10 months). Best corrected visual acuity, slit lamp examination, intraocular pressure measurement, ophthalmoscopy, retinal photographs, and in selected cases angiography were performed by the authors. At baseline, 9% of PTA and 6% of non-PTA patients had no diabetic retinopathy, 24 and 29% had non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR), whereas 67 and 66% had laser-treated and/or proliferative diabetic retinopathy (LT/PDR), respectively. No new case of diabetic retinopathy occurred in either group during follow-up. In the NPDR PTA group, 50% of patients improved by one grading, and 50% showed no change. In the LT/PDR PTA, stabilization was observed in 86% of cases, whereas worsening of retinopathy occurred in 14% of patients. In the NPDR non-PTA group, diabetic retinopathy improved in 20% of patients, remained unchanged in 10%, and worsened in the remaining 70%. In the LT/PDR non-PTA group, retinopathy did not change in 43% and deteriorated in 57% of patients. Overall, the percentage of patients with improved or stabilized diabetic retinopathy was significantly higher in the PTA group (18). Therefore, although cases of early deterioration of diabetic retinopathy have been reported after pancreas transplantation (141), current evidence indicates delay of development and/or increased rate of stabilization of this complication following functioning pancreatic graft (142,143).

Diabetic Kidney Disease

Type 1 diabetes mellitus patients present a high risk of developing renal complications. Diabetic kidney disease, or CKD attributed to diabetes, occurs in 20 – 40% of patients with diabetes and is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) (144). Progression to ESRD in this patient population has important prognostic implications (48,145) and proves to be resistant to most nephroprotective therapeutic measures (146). As discussed above, simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPK) in T1D patients is associated with improved patient survival compared to solitary cadaveric renal transplantation (10,121,147,148). Regarding the survival of the grafted kidney, the SPK approach generally guarantees better results compared with the cadaveric donor kidney only transplant. In long-term results (>10 years), the kidney graft survival rate in SPK is equal or better compared to that observed with a living donor solitary renal transplantation (149). Successful long-term normoglycemia as obtained by a functioning pancreas can also prevent recurrence of diabetic glomerulopathy in the kidney graft, as shown histologically by comparing renal biopsies from SPK or PAK versus kidney transplant alone (follow-up 1 to 6 years, approximately). In addition, SPK has been reported to be associated with better creatinine levels and reduced urinary albumin excretion in SPK patients, compared to kidney alone grafted individuals (150). Along similar lines, in patients with type 1 diabetes and long-term normoglycemia after successful SPK transplantation, kidney graft ultrastructure and function were better preserved compared with LDK transplantation alone (151). Altogether, the available information indicates that pancreas transplantation plays a role in protecting the grafted kidney and preventing the recurrence of diabetic nephropathy in renal allografts.

In the case of PTA, the effects on the native kidneys are not fully established yet. Currently available immunosuppressive drugs are nephrotoxic, and this places pancreas transplantation recipients, like other solid organ recipients (152), at risk for post-transplant nephropathy (153,154). Gruessner et al. (155) showed that a serum creatinine level above 1.5 mg/dL, recipient age below 30 years and or tacrolimus levels > 12 mg/dl at 6 months were significantly associated with the development of overt renal failure after PTA. However, in another study (156) no significant deterioration of renal function was observed at 1 year after PTA in patients with glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of about 50 ml/min. Initial work from our group showed no significant change in creatinine concentration and clearance and an improvement in proteinuria at 1 year after PTA (22). More recently, we reported the results achieved in 71 PTA recipients 5 years after transplantation (13,20). In this series proteinuria improved significantly, and only one patient developed ESRD. In the 51 patients with sustained pancreas graft function, kidney function (serum creatinine and glomerular filtration rate) decreased over time with a slower decline in recipients with pretransplant eGFR less than 90 ml/min in comparison to those with pretransplant eGFR greater than 90 ml/min; this finding is possibly due to the correction of hyperfiltration following normalization of glucose metabolism. However, another study (157) reported an accelerated decline in renal function after PTA in the patient population with lower pretransplant GFR. Important information on this issue has been provided by a study conducted with 1135 adult recipient of first PTA (55). The authors have subdivided their series of recipients into three groups, depending on the eGFR (ml/min/1.73 m2): ≥ 90 (n: 528), 60-89 (n: 338) and < 60 (n: 269). The patients were followed up to 10 years and the outcome was ESRD, according to the need for maintenance dialysis or kidney transplantation. The results indicated that at 10 years the cumulative probability of ESRD was 21.8%, 29.9% and 52.2% in recipients with pre-transplant eGFR ≥ 90, 60-89 and < 60 ml/min/1.73 m2, respectively (55). Overall, data available indicates the renal function before PTA as a major factor affecting post-transplantation evolution of the function of the native kidneys. The course of diabetic nephropathy after pancreas transplantation has also been characterized histologically (158-160). Fioretto et al. (161) performed protocol biopsies in patients who had received a successful PTA and found that, whereas 5 years after transplant the histologic lesions of diabetic nephropathy were unaffected, at 10 years reversal of diabetic glomerular and tubular lesions was evident. The histologic reversibility of diabetic nephropathy was previously shown in the case of transplantation of human cadaveric kidneys into recipients without diabetes (162,163) and is supported by the current favorable outcome of deceased diabetic donor kidneys (164). Of interest, a recent study has shown that mortality in PTA recipients who develop ESRD is similar to that found in type 1 diabetic patients on dialysis (165). Therefore, current evidence indicates that normoglycemia ensuing after successful pancreas transplantation prevents and may even reverse diabetic nephropathy lesions in native kidneys and kidney grafts. This has to be balanced with the potential nephrotoxic effects of immunosuppression.

Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy affects approximately 50% of T1D patients and is associated with reduced survival (166,167). All types of pancreas transplantation may have beneficial effects on diabetic neuropathy (sensory, motor, and autonomic) (168-172). Navarro et al. (171) compared the course of diabetic neuropathy in 115 patients with a functioning pancreas transplantation (31 SPK, 31 PAK, 43 PTA without and 10 PTA with subsequent kidney transplantation) and 92 control patients over 10 years of follow-up. Using clinical examination, nerve conduction studies, and autonomic function tests, the authors found significant improvements in the transplanted groups (similar across the different subgroups) (171). Allen et al. demonstrated a gradual, sustained, and late improvement in nerve action potential amplitudes, consistent with axonal regeneration and partial reversal of diabetic neuropathy, in SPK recipients. Two distinct patterns of neurological recovery were analyzed: conduction velocity improved in a biphasic pattern, with a rapid initial recovery followed by subsequent stabilization. In contrast, the recovery of nerve monophasic amplitude continued to improve for up to 8 years (170). Similarly, we found a significant improvement in Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument scores (173), vibration perception thresholds, nerve conduction studies, and autonomic function tests in a series of PTA patients with long-term follow-up (13,20). The beneficial effects of pancreas transplantation on cardiac autonomic neuropathy were also reported by Cashion et al. (174) using 24 h heart rate variability monitoring. However, spectral analysis of heart rate variation was performed by Boucek et al. (175), but without significant findings. Interestingly, Martinenghi et al. (172) monitored nerve conduction velocities in five patients who underwent SPK, reporting a significant improvement which was strictly dependent on pancreas graft function. Nerve regeneration is defective in patients with diabetes (166). In a case report, Beggs et al. (176) performed sequential sural nerve biopsies after PTA and found histologic evidence of nerve regeneration. Quantification of nerve fiber density in skin biopsies (177-179) or in gastric mucosal biopsies obtained during endoscopy (180) is an interesting tool to assess diabetic neuropathy. However, Boucek et al. (181,182) did not find any significant improvement in intraepidermal nerve fiber density after pancreas transplantation. In contrast, Mehra et al. used corneal confocal microscopy, a noninvasive and well validated imaging technique (183,184), and were able to find significant small nerve fiber repair within 6 months after pancreas transplantation. These latter findings have been recently confirmed (26). Lately, it has been observed that successful pancreas transplantation improved cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy (185). However, the impact of pancreas transplantation on late, serious autonomic neurological complications (gastroparesis, bladder dysfunction) is still unsettled.

Cardiovascular Disease

Patients with diabetes present an increased risk for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, mainly due to diffuse coronary atherosclerosis and diabetic cardiomyopathy (132). After SPK, cardiovascular events remain a primary cause of morbidity and mortality (186), both in the immediate postoperative period (187) and in the long term (188). Preoperative cardiovascular assessment is mandatory to select patients who may maximally benefit from transplantation (189,190), which could also include myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (191).

In SPK recipients, improvement in macrovascular disease (including cerebral vasculopathy and morphology) and cardiac function has been generally observed. A retrospective study of cardiovascular outcomes after SPK and cadaveric kidney-alone transplantation (192) showed cardiovascular death rate (acute myocardial infarction, acute heart failure, lethal arrhythmias, acute pulmonary edema) of 7.6% in SPK, 20.0% in kidney alone and 16.1% in dialyzed patients. In the same study, SPK was associated with improved left ventricular ejection fraction, left ventricular diastolic function, blood pressure, peak filling rate to peak ejection rate ratio and endothelial dependent dilation of the brachial artery (193,194). A study by Biesenbach et al compared SPK and KTA: after 10 years from the procedure, in the SPK group the authors showed a significant lower frequency of vascular complications which included myocardial infarction (16% vs. 50%), stroke (16% vs. 40%) and amputations (16% vs. 30%). In addition, when the cardiovascular outcomes after SPK or living donor kidney-alone transplantation were compared, it was found that SPK was associated with reduced long-term cardiovascular mortality especially in a long term follow up (195). Less information is available regarding the effects of PTA on the cardiovascular system. In a single center experience with 71 consecutive PTA followed for 5 years, clinical cardiac evaluation and doppler echocardiographic examinations were performed. The authors observed that left ventricular ejection fraction increased significantly, and several parameters of diastolic function improved (13). Most of these findings were confirmed after 8 years from transplant (11). As for the effects of PTx on the peripheral arteries, the available information suggests that this type of transplantation neither aggravates nor improves peripheral vascular disease events or progression (196). However, some authors have reported that SPK is protective against atherosclerotic risk factor and progression, prothrombotic state, endothelial function and carotid intima media thickness independent of significant changes in other risk factor (197).


The first WCCPTx was held in Pisa (Italy) October 18-19, 2019. Based on the analysis and discussion of 597 studies, an independent jury provided 49 jury deliberations concerning the impact of pancreas transplantation on the treatment of patients with diabetes, using the Zurich-Danish model, while a group of 51 experts, from 17 countries and 5 continents, provided 110 recommendations for the practice of PTx. Consensus was reached after two online Delphi rounds with a final voting at the consensus conference on Pisa. Each recommendation received a GRADE rating (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations) and was validated using the AGREE II instrument (Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II). Quality of evidence was assessed using the SIGN methodology (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network).

The WCCPTx conveys several important messages. First, both SPK and PTA can improve long-term patient survival. Second, PAK increases the risk of mortality only in the early period after transplantation, but is associated with improved life expectancy thereafter. Third, all types of PTx dramatically improve of quality of life of recipients. Fourth, depending on severity at baseline, PTX has the potential to improve the course of chronic complications of diabetes. Fifth, SPK transplantation should be performed before initiation of dialysis or shortly thereafter, as time on dialysis has negative prognostic implications for patients with diabetes. As a consequence, kidney grafts should be preferentially allocated to patients listed for an SPK transplant (102-103).


As shown by the WCCPTx, PTx has a high therapeutic index, when correctly indicated and performed at proficient centers. Therefore, all possible efforts should be made to make this important treatment option available in a timely manner to all suitable recipients.


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Diffuse Hormonal Systems



Neuroendocrine (NE) cells are rare epithelial cells that, in addition to having an endocrine function, express markers and peptides otherwise associated with neurons and the central nervous system. NE cells can be found as either single cells or small clusters of cells dispersed throughout the parenchymal surface epithelium of different tissues, including the lung, the intestine, and the pancreas. The observation that NE cells, which are dispersed throughout the body in different tissue sites, are often innervated and secrete bioactive compounds that can act both locally and systemically, led to the idea of the diffuse neuroendocrine system, a diffuse hormonal system composed of NE cells. NE cells perform important endocrine functions. Furthermore, NE cells are implicated in several human diseases. In particular, a group of rare tumors that presumably arise from NE cells, neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs), have sparked a great deal of interest in NE cell biology. NENs can arise in almost all tissues but they show the highest incidence in the lung and the gastroenteropancreatic (GEP) system. In this chapter, we will outline what is currently known about NE cell differentiation and function, focusing specifically on NE cells of the lung, pulmonary neuroendocrine cells (PNECs), and the most prominent NE cells of the GEP system: enteroendocrine cells (EECs) of the small intestine and stomach and pancreatic endocrine cells. We will also discuss the potential role of these specific NE cells in the context of tissue injury. Finally, we will provide a brief overview of NEN biology with regards to NENs arising in the lung and GEP system.  




Neuroendocrine (NE) cells are epithelial cells that, in addition to having an endocrine function, express markers and peptides otherwise associated with neurons and the central nervous system (1,2). NE cells can be defined by the presence of dense secretory granules and the expression of general NE markers including chromogranin A and synaptophysin. The first identified NE cells were the enterochromaffin (EC) cells of the small intestine, whose distinctive shape and histological properties piqued the interest of scientists during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In particular, dense secretory granules within NE cells hint to their endocrine function. These secretory granules also make NE cells reactive to chromium and silver, which makes them easy to identify using histological staining methods. Throughout their history, NE cells in the intestine have been referred to in the literature with a variety of names recalling their distinct reactions to histological stains: clear cells (did not pick up conventional stains), chromaffin cells (reacted to chromium salts), argentaffin cells (affinity for silver stains), and Kulchitsky cells (in honor of one of the scientists who studied them) (3,4). 


Following the description of NE cells in the intestine, histological studies revealed the presence of NE cells not only throughout the intestinal mucosa, but also in other epithelial tissues (1–8). NE cells can be found as either single cells or small, often innervated clusters of cells dispersed throughout the parenchymal surface epithelium of different tissues, including the small intestine, the lung, and the urogenital tract. As is the case for the cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans, the C cells of the thyroid, and adrenal medullary cells, NE cells can also form distinct clusters of cells within endocrine glands.


In 1938, drawing on his histological studies of NE cells in the pancreas and intestine, Friederich Feyrter proposed that NE cells comprise a diffuse neuroendocrine system. Nearly 30 years later, Anthony Pearse refined this idea of the diffuse neuroendocrine system by showing that NE cells, much like neurons, are able to metabolize amines and produce polypeptide hormones. Thus, the concept of a diffuse neuroendocrine system that functions as a diffuse hormonal system and is composed of cells dispersed throughout the body that, through the secretion of bioactive compounds, communicate in a coordinated fashion with their surroundings and with the nervous system solidified (8,9). Famously, Pearse also suggested that NE cells are all derived from the neural crest. This hypothesis, however, was later disproved by several elegant lineage tracing experiments. With the exception of the cells of the adrenal medulla, the extra-adrenal paraganglia, and C cells of thyroid, which are indeed derived from the neural crest, different types of NE cells are derived from the epithelial progenitors of their respective tissue sites (3).


While the specific function of pancreatic islet cells, the cells of the adrenal medulla, and C cells of the thyroid, for example, have been well-established both in terms of their contribution to specific organ function and the maintenance of homeostasis; the specific functions of other NE cells are less well defined. Furthermore, the list of polypeptide hormones and neuropeptides secreted by NE cells is continuously being updated and further refined. Studies that elucidate the developmental differentiation trajectories of NE cells from different tissues have expanded the list of common NE marker genes so that it no longer includes only hormones and neuropeptides but also lineage specific transcription factors. A summary of common NE markers is provided in Table 1.


Table 1. Common NE Markers

NE Marker


Associated NE cell types


Transcription factor

PNECs, some gastric EECs


Transcription factor



Transcription factor

All NE cells

Chromogranin A (CHGA)*

Secretory protein

All NE cells

Synaptophysin (SYP)*

Synaptic vesicle glycoprotein

All NE cells

NCAM1 (a.k.a. CD56)*

Cell adhesion molecule

All NE cells

UCHL1 (a.k.a. PGP9.5)*

Deubiquitinating enzyme

All NE cells

Neuron Specific Enolase (NSE)*

Metabolic enzyme

All NE cells

* Indicates markers used in clinical diagnosis


Much of the interest in NE cell biology has been initiated by observations that have been made regarding their behavior in disease. In particular, a group of rare tumors that presumably arise from NE cells, neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs), have sparked a great deal of interest in NE cell biology inasmuch as this might relate to the genesis and peculiar clinical behavior of some of these tumors. NENs have been observed in almost all tissues, and consist of well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), tumors that proliferate and progress slowly, and neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs), poorly differentiated tumors that have a poor prognosis (10). While NENs were initially classified according to the embryological origin of their tissue site of incidence (i.e., foregut, midgut, or hindgut), they are now referred to according to their specific tissue site of origin and, in the case of tumors that elicit hormonal syndromes, according to the primary hormone they secrete.


NENs show the highest incidence in the lung and the gastroenteropancreatic (GEP) system (Figure 1). For this reason, as outlined above, while there are many different kinds of NE cells arising in many different tissue sites, for the purposes of this chapter, we will focus on the NE cells of the lung, pulmonary neuroendocrine cells (PNECs), and the most prominent NE cells of the GEP system: enteroendocrine cells (EECs) of the small intestine and stomach, and pancreatic islet cells or pancreatic endocrine cells (pECs). These cells are key components of the body’s diffuse hormonal system (Table 2).


Figure 1. Occurrence of the most common types of neuroendocrine neoplasms. The occurrence of the main types of neuroendocrine tumors presented as the percentage of all NENs (315,441). GI-NENs represent the largest subgroup of NENs, followed by lung and pancreatic NENs. Subtypes not listed in this figure include NENs from the thyroid, kidney, adrenal gland, breast, prostate and skin.



Table 2. Types of NE cells and Their Tissue Site

NE cell type

Tissue site

Predominant hormone



numerous (see text)

Alpha cells



Beta cells



Gamma/ PP cells



Delta cells



Epsilon cells

Pancreas (during development)


G cells

Stomach, duodenum, pancreas


D cells

Stomach, small intestine


Enterochromaffin cells (EC) cells

Stomach, small intestine, colon

Serotonin (5-HT)

EC-like (ECL) cells



X and X/A cells

Stomach (mainly), small intestine


L-I-N lineage cells

Small intestine (distal), Colon (L cells)

GLP-1, GLP-2, PYY, serotonin (L-cells), CCK, serotonin (I cells), NTS (N cells)

K cells

Small intestine (proximal)

GIP, serotonin




Pulmonary neuroendocrine cells (PNECs), the neuroendocrine cells of the lung, are prominent constituents of the diffuse neuroendocrine system. Although PNECs account for only 0.5% of the lung epithelium, their distinct morphological and histological staining properties, which are shared with the majority of NE cells, led to their prominence in early histological studies of the lung (11). First described in 1949 as “helle zellen” (‘bright cells’ in German), it was later appreciated that PNECs contain secretory granules and that they produce and secrete bioactive compounds, including serotonin (12–14). PNECs were thus added to the growing list of NE cells that make up the diffuse neuroendocrine system.


PNECs are found both as single cells within the lung parenchyma and as small clusters, called neuroendocrine bodies (NEBs) (Figure 2A) (15). In mammalian lung tissue, NEBs are distinctly located next to airway bifurcation points of the branching airways. Solitary PNECs, on the other hand, show a more divergent pattern of localization between species. Whereas in mice, solitary PNECs are mostly found in the trachea, in human lung tissue, they can be found throughout the airways. A distinct feature of PNECs is their direct innervation (16).


Figure 2. Pulmonary Neuroendocrine Cells (PNECs) in the upper airways. (A) Schematic depicting epithelial cell types found in the upper airways. Solitary PNECs and innervated Neuroendocrine Bodies (NEBs) are shown. (B) Diagram of signaling and transcription factor interactions that regulate PNEC differentiation.

Although the precise function of PNECs is not well-defined, their preservation across evolution -- similar cell types are found in fish gills and in all air-breathing vertebrates -- suggest an important physiological function (17–19). Furthermore, the position at airway bifurcation points of PNECs, their contact with the airway lumen, and innervation suggest a role in airway sensing. The bioactive compounds, hormones, and neuropeptides that PNECs secrete are known to affect oxygen sensing, pulmonary blood flow and bronchial tonus, and lung immune responses. The bioactive compounds secreted by PNECs include serotonin, calcitonin, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP), chromogranin A, gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), and synaptophysin, clearly suggesting an endocrine function for these cells (20–23). A summary of the hormones and neuropeptides expressed by PNECs and other NE cells discussed in this text is included in Table 3.


Table 3. NE Cell Expressed Hormones



NE cell types

Reported function in

described NE cell types



pulmonary blood flow and bronchial tonus

Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)


vasoregulation, bronchoprotection, immune cell recruitment

Gastrin releasing peptide (GRP)


Regulates mucus and cytokine production upon inflammation or inflammation-associated processes

Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)

PNEC and pECs

Regulates mucus and cytokine production upon inflammation or inflammation-associated processes

Somatostatin (SST)

PNECs and GEP NE cells

 (D cells)

Inhibits secretion of insulin, glucagon, PYY, serotonin, and gastrin

Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)


Acts as a neurotransmitter, an immune regulator, a vasodilator, and a secretagogue


PNECs and Gastric EECs

(ECL cells)

Stimulates gastric acid secretion

Ghrelin (GHRL)

PNECs, Gastric EECs (X/A cell), and pECs (Epsilon cells)

Stimulates appetite, promotes gluconeogenesis and increased gastric acid secretion

Cholecystokinin (CCK)


 (I cells)

Stimulates gallbladder contraction, pancreatic enzyme secretion, gut motility, satiety, and inhibits acid secretion

Serotonin (5-HT)


(EC cells)

Regulates vasodilation and smooth muscle contraction

Secretin (SCT)


Stimulates the release of bicarbonate and water to neutralize gastric acid

Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP)*

GI EECs (K cells)

Inhibits insulin secretion and to a lesser extent gastric acid secretion

Substance P (neuropeptide)

GI EECs (EC cells)

Regulates intestinal motility and mucosal permeability

Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1)

Intestinal EECs (L cells)

Stimulates insulin secretion and inhibits glucagon secretion

Neurotensin (NTS)

Intestinal EECs (N cells)

Inhibits gastric acid secretion

Glucagon (GCG)

pECs (alpha cells)

Increases blood glucose levels by stimulating glucose production and inhibiting glycogen storage by the liver

Insulin (INS)

pECs (beta cells)

Stimulates uptake of blood glucose by other tissues


pECs (G cells)

Stimulates gastric acid secretion

Pancreatic polypeptide (PPY)


(PP/gamma cells)

Inhibits glucagon and somatostatin

* Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP) is also known as glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide


PNECs in Development: Specification, Differentiation, and NEB Formation


PNECs are the first differentiated cell type to appear in the developing lung (15). The timing of PNEC differentiation in human lungs has not been comprehensively delineated but several studies have reported the appearance of PNECs in human fetal airways at 8 - 9 weeks of gestation (24). In mice, the fetal epithelial progenitor cells that give rise to mature PNECs appear for the first time at around embryonic day (E) 12.5 (25). These cells are defined by expression of the basic helix loop helix (bHLH) lineage transcription factor, ASCL1, which is required for their specification. Mice that carry null alleles of Ascl1 do not have PNECs (26,27).


PNEC lineage specification by expression of Ascl1 is followed by two key events that appear to happen in parallel: the formation of NEBs and the maturation of early Ascl1 expressing cells to fully differentiated PNECs. Using a lineage trace of Ascl1-positive cells in mouse embryonic lung, Kuo and Krasnow observed the first signs of PNEC clustering at around E13.5 to E14, followed by the appearance of bonafide NEBs, which contained mature PNECs at around E15.5 to E16 (25). In human fetal lungs PNEC clustering was first observed at about 9 to 10 weeks of gestation (28).


Although one might imagine that the formation of NEBs is likely achieved through proliferation of nascent PNECs, a different mechanism has been shown to be at play. Sparse lineage tracing of early fetal Ascl1-positive PNECs in mice using a multi-color lineage reporter showed that NEBs contained either different colored cells or a single labeled cell and multiple unlabeled cells, arguing that the PNECs in NEBs are not clonal (25). Live cell imaging of fetal mouse lung tissue showed that NEBs are formed through the migration and subsequent aggregation of PNECs at airway branchpoints (25,29). This process appears to be regulated by Slit-Roundabout (ROBO) signaling, a pathway more classically associated with axonal guidance (30). PNECs express the ROBO receptor and the lungs of mice where the Slit-ROBO pathway has been disrupted by mutation of either the Slit ligands or the ROBO receptor itself, have fewer NEBs and more solitary PNECs than the lungs of wildtype mice (21).


Concomitant with NEB formation, the transcriptional events initiated by expression of Ascl1 culminate in the emergence of fully differentiated, functional PNECs. In particular, expression of Ascl1 in lung progenitors induces expression of the zinc finger transcription factor, INSM1. PNECs in mice carrying mutant alleles of Insm1 fail to express the mature PNEC markers, CGRP and UCHL1 (ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1, a.k.a. PGP9.5). While the INSM1 targets that mediate the PNEC maturation process have not been delineated, INSM1 has been shown to directly repress the bHLH transcription factor and Notch target gene, Hes1 (Figure 2B) (31).


HES1 and other Notch signaling components play crucial roles in repressing the differentiation and specification of PNECs and, thereby, in mediating the NE versus non-NE cell fate choice. The lungs of mice in which Hes1 has been conditionally deleted in early lung progenitors have more ASCL1-positive cells and, in particular, fewer solitary PNECs, showing instead more and larger NEBs compared to the lungs of wildtype mice (29). The increased size of NEBs in Hes1-deficient lungs suggests a mechanism of cell fate specification through Notch-mediated lateral inhibition whereby Notch is activated in PNEC neighboring cells through binding of Notch receptors to the Notch ligands expressed on the surface of PNECs themselves. The activated Notch signaling in these PNEC neighboring cells induces expression of Hes1, which in turn represses the PNEC fate.


PNECs express the Notch ligands Dll1, Dll4, Jag1, and Jag2 shortly after their specification during lung development and the cells surrounding PNECs in NEBs express Notch receptors (32). Genetic loss of either all three Notch receptors or Dll1 and Dll4 Notch ligands in the developing mouse lung leads to a dramatic increase in the number and size of NEBs, phenocopying conditional deletion of Hes1 (32,33). In cultures of human airway cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells, inhibition of Notch signaling leads to increased numbers of PNECs (34,35).


As we will discuss in other parts of this text, two other bHLH transcription factors, NEUROG3 and NEUROD1 have been shown to play central roles in the differentiation of EECs and pancreatic islet cells. In contrast, as of yet, there is little evidence that these transcription factors are decisive for PNEC specification or differentiation. To date, Neurog3 expression has not been described in PNECs. While Neurod1 expression has been observed in some PNECs in both fetal and adult mouse lung, a limited number of studies have investigated its specific role in the PNEC lineage (27,36). Neurod1-null mouse lungs from mice less than 2 weeks old showed decreased numbers of solitary PNECs and more NEBs compared to lungs from age-matched wild type mice. However, this difference normalized once mutant mice were 6 weeks old (36). As will be discussed later on in this text, NEUROD1 is a marker of a subtype of the high-grade lung NEN, small cell lung cancer (SCLC), suggesting it might also play a role in normal PNEC biology.


Reactive PNEC Proliferations: PNECs in the Response to Lung Injury


Multiple studies have shown that PNEC numbers and NEB size are altered in several human disease conditions. Increased numbers of PNECs have been observed in the lungs of patients with COPD, asthma, cystic fibrosis, and some forms of pneumonia. Other pathological conditions associated with increased PNECs include sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), and congenital diaphragmatic hernias (CDH) (15). Studies in animal models and PNEC culture systems provide experimental evidence that PNECs respond to environmental stimuli by both proliferation and/or secretion of bioactive compounds.


The early observation that murine PNECs proliferate in response to a common form of experimental lung injury, naphthalene administration, and that this proliferation precedes epithelial lung regeneration, led to the hypothesis that PNECs are multipotent stem cells that aid in lung regeneration (37). Indeed, lineage tracing studies of PNECs following naphthalene induced lung injury showed that a rare subpopulation of PNECs, termed NEstem, can function as stem cells in this context (38). In response to naphthalene, NEstem cells proliferate and sometimes migrate to the site of injury where they dedifferentiate (lose NE identity) and take on other lung cell fates. The process of dedifferentiation and reprogramming was shown to be mediated by Notch signaling, recalling the role of this pathway in PNEC fate specification, and by EZH2 (38,39). Nonetheless, NEstem cells are not solely responsible for regenerating the lung after injury, as they were shown to contribute only to a small portion of the regenerated surface epithelium (38). Furthermore, genetic ablation of PNECs does not abrogate lung regeneration following naphthalene injury (23,39). 


In thinking about PNECs as components of a diffuse hormonal system, two questions arise from the studies of PNECs in the context of naphthalene lung injury. The first is, how do PNECs detect injury? Club cells, which express cytochrome P450 2F2 (Cyp2f2), metabolize naphthalene to a toxic metabolite and the accumulation of this toxic metabolite leads to cell death specifically in these cells (40). Given that PNECs proliferate at time points shortly after peak Club cell injury, it is likely that they are responding to the Club cell injury and not to the naphthalene itself. Consistent with this hypothesis, selective ablation of Club cells using genetic ablation techniques also resulted in PNEC proliferation (41). Nonetheless, injury associated signals that are specific to PNECs and their responses have not been identified.


The second question that arises is, besides functioning as stem cells, do PNECs have an endocrine or paracrine/autocrine function in the context of lung injury? Although this question has not been explored in the naphthalene injury model, evidence from other model systems and from human diseases suggest that PNECs respond to some forms of lung injury or disease through the secretion of bioactive compounds. Cigarette smoke, a common culprit of lung injury, provides a good example. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid from smokers has increased levels of peptides secreted by PNECs, implicating these cells in the cellular response to cigarette smoke in humans (42). The PNEC-secreted bioactive compounds associated with this response include GABA and GRP, and both of these molecules have been implicated in inflammation and inflammation-associated processes (42,43). It is likely that PNEC proliferation is also involved in the response to cigarette smoke and its primary component, nicotine. Increased PNECs have been observed in rats exposed to cigarette smoke pre- and postnatally and in rhesus monkeys exposed to nicotine prenatally (44,45).


Pointing to a critical role for PNECs in oxygen sensing in the lung, hypoxia and hypoxia-mimicking genetic modifications have been shown to result in higher numbers of PNECs in mice, rats, rabbits, and guinea pigs (22,46–49). Shortly after showing that the distinct dense cored vesicles of PNECs carried serotonin, Lauweryns and Cokelaere went on to show that this serotonin was secreted by PNECs upon exposure to hypoxia (14,49). This finding was further refined and shown to be dependent on changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentrations using cultured rabbit and hamster lung slices (50,51). Serotonin release by PNECs is likely a physiologically relevant functional response to hypoxia as serotonin has been shown to induce vasoconstriction of pulmonary arteries (52).


Increased expression in PNECs of the neuropeptide, CGRP, has also been linked to hypoxia (46,53). CGRP has been implicated in promoting alveolar regeneration and in mediating immune cell responses in the lung (21,54). Importantly, results from a study by Shivaraju et al. linked the expression of CGRP by PNECs to the hypoxia-induced regenerative response of epithelial cells in the trachea. When the authors ablated PNECs and exposed mice to hypoxia, they observed a defective regenerative response that could be rescued by intranasal administration of CGRP (46).


PNECs appear to also respond to hyperoxia-induced lung injury. Patients with BPD, a chronic lung disease associated with oxygen supplementation of premature infants, have increased numbers of GRP-expressing PNECs (55). In a baboon model of BPD, some of the lung defects associated with the disease could be prevented by treatment of the animals with a GRP blocking antibody, demonstrating that GRP is directly linked to the disease phenotype (56). GRP also plays a role in the lung’s response to viral pneumonia and in the fibrotic response to radiation therapy (57,58).


There is clear evidence for a close interplay between PNECs and immune cells. In particular, the effector molecules secreted by PNECs can recruit and activate different populations of immune cells. In one of the first studies to show this, researchers developed a mouse model of CDH, a birth defect that results in pulmonary hypoplasia and pulmonary hypertension (21). CDH is associated with both a heightened immune response and increased numbers of PNECs (59). To study CDH, since point mutations in SLIT and ROBO genes are associated with the disease, Branchfield et al. generated mice with lung-specific deletions of the roundabout receptors, Robo1 and Robo2. When Robo1 and Robo2 were deleted in the entire lung epithelium the authors noted elevated immune cell infiltration in the lung, thus mimicking one of the features of CDH. When Robo1 and Robo2 were deleted only in PNECs, the mice displayed the same phenotype, directly linking the defect to PNECs. Interestingly, ROBO1- and ROBO2-deficient PNECs have increased levels of CGRP and knockout of the gene encoding CGRP partly reversed the immune and lung phenotypes of mice deficient for ROBO1 and ROBO2 in the lung epithelium.  


A potential immune regulatory role for PNECs is also suggested by the observation that PNEC numbers are elevated in patients with asthma and that more chromogranin A-positive PNECs are seen in guinea pigs after allergen sensitization and challenge (60). Mice deficient of PNECs due to deletion of Ascl1 in the lung epithelium, show a dampened response to allergen challenge -- reduced goblet cell hyperplasia and reduced immune cell infiltration -- and this was tied directly to reduced levels of PNEC-derived GABA and CGRP, respectively (61).


Diseases of Primary PNEC Hyperplasia: NEHI and DIPNECH


Up to now we have highlighted instances of increased PNEC number or NEB size that appear to be consequent to or at least associated with some forms of acute or underlying lung injury. These examples are instructive in that they point to a role for PNECs and the molecules they secrete in mediating the response to external stimuli and injury in the lung. Save for lung NENs, which will be discussed in further detail later in this text, there are two notable clinical instances of primary -- as opposed to reactive -- PNEC proliferation that have no known etiology and are not associated with common pathogenic triggers: neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia of infancy (NEHI) and diffuse idiopathic neuroendocrine hyperplasia (DIPNECH).


NEHI is a rare pediatric lung disease consisting histologically of hyperplastic GRP-positive and serotonin-positive PNECs in the distal lung epithelium of otherwise normal lung tissue. Symptoms are usually first noted between 6 to 8 months of life and include tachypnea, retractions, crackles and hypoxemia (62). In some cases, patients with NEHI show an inconspicuous, patchy pattern of inflammation or fibrosis, generally assumed to be a consequence of the increased PNEC numbers rather than its cause (63). Interestingly, despite increased PNEC numbers in the lungs of patients with NEHI, from a study on a small patient cohort (5 patients), it appeared that PNECs were not actively proliferating in the lungs of these patients as no Ki67 and GRP double positivity was observed (63). Unfortunately, treatment for patients with NEHI are currently limited to supportive oxygen supplementation and, in some cases, additional nutritional support. The majority of NEHI patients show gradual improvement of symptoms and the disease is not associated with mortality. Nonetheless, recent reports show that some patients experience abnormal lung function persisting into adulthood (62,64,65). While the etiology of this disease remains unknown, there are indications of a genetic basis for the disease. One study identified four families with multiple members diagnosed with NEHI and showing an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance (66). Another study identified a heterozygous mutation in the NKX2.1 gene in members of a family with a history of childhood lung disease consistent with NEHI (67).


DIPNECH is a rare syndrome with adult onset consisting histologically of increased PNECs in the small bronchi and bronchioles and confined to the basement membrane, appearing as scattered PNECs, small nodules, or a linear proliferation of PNECs (68). These features are often seen in concomitance with what are referred to as tumorlets, PNEC proliferations that extend beyond the basement membrane but are less than 5 mm in diameter (69). Other histological features include fibrosis, chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate, and constrictive obliterative bronchiolitis. The majority of patients with DIPNECH are women and the disease is not associated with smoking or other lung diseases. Patients diagnosed with DIPNECH often present with symptoms including cough, exertional dyspnea and an obstructive or mixed obstructive/restrictive defect on pulmonary function test. A small number of patients with DIPNECH are diagnosed due to incidental findings (69).


DIPNECH was first recognized and formally defined in 1992 by Aguayo et al., who described the symptoms and histological features of 6 DIPNECH patients (42). While DIPNECH is considered a disease of primary rather than reactive PNEC proliferation, cases associated with parathyroid gland hyperplasia, acromegaly and pituitary adenoma, multiple endocrine neoplasia type I syndrome, and pulmonary adenocarcinoma have been reported (70–72). The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies DIPNECH as a preinvasive, possibly preneoplastic condition (73). Most patients with DIPNECH have multiple PNEC nodules, sometimes including both tumorlets and frank low grade lung NET (carcinoid) tumors (70). In contrast to NEHI where Ki67-positive PNECs were not observed, the PNEC proliferations in DIPNECH patients contain some Ki67-positive cells (63,74). While patients with DIPNECH most often follow a clinical course showing stability or slowly progressing functional decline, a small subset of patients have rapidly progressive disease including progression to respiratory failure or metastatic carcinoid tumors (70,75). To date, there is no standard of care for DIPNECH and the most effective treatment strategy for patients with DIPNECH are somatostatin analogues (SSAs), which have shown effectiveness in improving symptoms of cough and dyspnea in some patients (76–78). Considering that it has been well-established that SSAs inhibit the secretion of bioactive compounds from gastrointestinal NETs, the effectiveness of SSAs in treating cough and dyspnea in patients with DIPNECH suggests these symptoms are caused by the secretion of bioactive compounds by DIPNECH PNECs (79).


Lung NENs


Lung NENs account for 20-25% of all lung cancers and for 25-30% of NENs from all tissue sites (80,81). As is the case for NENs in general, lung NENs comprise both low grade, well-differentiated NETs and high grade, poorly differentiated NECs. Lung NENs can thus be subdivided into the high-grade carcinomas, small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and large cell neuroendocrine carcinomas (LCNEC), and the low-grade tumors, atypical carcinoids (AC), classified as intermediate grade, and typical carcinoids (TC), classified as low grade.   




The most common lung NEN, SCLC, accounts for 79% of all lung NENs and 30% of all lung cancers and is also the best studied among lung NENs (82). Consistent with its classification as NEC, SCLC is a highly aggressive tumor with a high rate of metastasis and a 10-year survival rate of only 1-2% (83). Among patients with SCLC, 97% have a history of smoking (18). While rare, patients with SCLC sometimes experience paraneoplastic endocrine syndromes, most commonly a syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) and ectopic Cushing’s syndrome (84). Studies of SCLC biology have been aided by a collection of tumor-derived cell lines, several patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models, and genetically engineered mouse models (GEMMs) of the disease (85–87). These preclinical model systems have allowed scientists to address questions in two key areas: the cell of origin of SCLC and molecular signatures predictive of therapeutic vulnerabilities.


Genetically, SCLC is a relatively homogeneous disease -- RB1 and TP53 are both almost universally lost in patient tumors (88). Conditional simultaneous genetic deletion of Rb1 and p53 in the mouse epithelium results in tumors that recapitulate many of the key features of the human disease at both the histological and molecular levels (87,89–91). Targeting the deletion of Rb1 and p53 to specific epithelial cell types in the lung provided definitive evidence that Cgrp-expressing PNECs are a cell of origin for tumors in this model (23,92). However, PNECs are not the only epithelial lung cell type that can be a cell of origin for mouse SCLC. A separate study showed that an, as of yet, unidentified CGRP-negative cell that is also negative for the canonical markers of two other common lung epithelial cell types gives rise to mouse SCLC lesions that are molecularly distinct from those initiated in CGRP-positive PNECs (93).


Genomic analysis of human and mouse SCLC primary tumors and cell lines has revealed commonly mutated genes and pathways, most notably loss of PTEN, NOTCH, and histone modification genes, and amplification of MYC family oncogenes (88,90,91). Several studies focused on metastasis in mouse SCLC have highlighted the role of NFIB in driving progression of some of these tumors, and data from human patients with SCLC support the clinical relevance of these findings (94–96). These studies, in combination with preclinical testing in mouse models and cell lines have suggested some degree of patient stratification. In particular, high expression of MYC is associated with tumor sensitivity to Aurora Kinase inhibitors (97).


The standard treatment regimen for patients with SCLC is a combination therapy of a platinum agent combined with etoposide (82). Despite a clinical response to these therapies in the majority of patients, almost all patients will then experience tumor recurrence (83). The analysis of the transcriptomes of both mouse and human SCLC tumors and cell lines has identified 4 molecular subtypes of SCLC, defined by their expression (or lack of expression) of 3 lineage-specific transcription factors: ASCL1 high, NEUROD1 high, POU2F3 high, and a fourth subtype that has low expression of NE transcription factors and has been proposed to be defined by expression of YAP1. A more recent study suggests a classification in which this fourth subtype is defined by expression of immune checkpoint genes and human leukocyte antigens (98,99). It has been hypothesized that the cell of origin for the POU2F3 high subtype of SCLC might be the pulmonary tuft cell, another chemosensory cell type in the lung distinct from PNECs (100,101).


Importantly, several studies using preclinical models of SCLC suggest that these molecular classifications can be used to stratify patients according to potential therapeutic vulnerabilities (102). Adding complexity to this schema, single cell RNAseq studies of mouse SCLC and of xenografts derived from circulating tumor cells from SCLC patients suggest that different molecular subtypes might represent different stages of progression where tumors begin in an ASCL1-high state and progress towards a non-NE state and that individual tumors might comprise cells belonging to different subtypes (101,103). Several studies have also shown other forms of intratumor heterogeneity in SCLC that have implications for patient therapy (104–106). Other new therapies suggested for SCLC include tricyclic antidepressants, therapies that target specific metabolic vulnerabilities, and therapies targeting the GNAS/ PKA/PP2A signaling axis (107–109).




Pulmonary LCNEC is less common than SCLC, accounting for 16% of all lung NENs (82). Like SCLC, pulmonary LCNECs are highly metastatic and are associated with smoking history and with an overall 5-year survival rate ranging from 15% to 25% (110). In contrast to SCLC, however, there are relatively few preclinical models for LCNEC and we know much less about the basic biology of this disease. This might partly explain why guidelines for treating patients with LCNEC are rather rudimentary (82,111). 


Pathohistological analysis of tumors from GEMMs of SCLC found that a portion of the mouse tumors in these models had a histological pattern consistent with LCNEC. While these LCNEC tumors only accounted for 10% of the tumors from the GEMM in which only Rb1 and p53 were conditionally deleted in the lung epithelium, they were much more prominent in the GEMM in which Rb1, p53, and Pten were conditionally deleted specifically in CGRP-expressing PNECs (87). A different GEMM, based on loss of Rb1 and expression of mutant p53 alleles, also develops both SCLC and LCNEC mouse tumors (112). These GEMMs have, thus far, not been used to explore the biology specifically of LCNEC and doing so might present some technical challenges. Recently, the first GEMM specifically for LCNEC was reported. In this model, Rb1, p53, Pten, and Rbl1 were simultaneously deleted in the mouse lung epithelium, resulting in a tumor spectrum consisting primarily of LCNEC and low-grade NETs (113).   


The majority of insights into LCNEC have been provided by molecular analysis of primary patient tumor samples. The most comprehensive analysis, consisting of whole exome sequencing of 60 LCNEC tumors and RNA-sequencing expression analysis of 69 LCNEC tumors, highlighted the existence of two major molecular subtypes of LCNEC (114). Type I LCNECs had a higher rate of alterations in TP53 and STK11/KEAP1 and an NE expression profile defined by high expression of ASCL1 and DLL3 and low expression of NOTCH. Type II LCNECs had frequent mutations in RB1and TP53, therefore resembling SCLC at the genomic level. The expression profile of type II LCNECs, however, was distinct from SCLC and instead was defined as NE low, with low expression of ASCL1 and DLL3 but high expression of NOTCH.


The description of these two molecular subtypes for LCNEC highlights a clinical conundrum relating to the treatment of patients with LCNEC: should they be treated with SCLC chemotherapy regimens or with chemotherapy regimens for non-NE non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) (111)? The report of an SCLC-like subtype of LCNEC (type I) and a NSCLC-like subtype of LCNEC (type II), might suggest a way to stratify patients for different chemotherapy regimens. In line with this idea, a retrospective analysis of LCNEC cases found that patients whose tumors either had wildtype RB1 or showed expression of RB1 protein had a better outcome when treated with a NSCLC chemotherapy regimen as opposed to a SCLC chemotherapy regimen (115).   


Other therapies beyond traditional chemotherapy regimens are also being explored for patients with LCNEC. One example that relates to patient stratification according to LCNEC subtype, which was defined in part by differential patterns of DLL3 expression, involves therapeutic strategies that use DLL3 to target tumor cells. Given that DLL3 is also expressed by some SCLC tumors, this also represents a potential therapeutic opportunity in SCLC. Although a DLL3-antibody conjugated to the DNA-damaging pyrrolobenzodiazepine dimer toxin did not provide a survival benefit in 2 phase 3 clinical trials, other DLL3 targeting approaches are being developed (116). In addition, several studies have uncovered potentially targetable molecular alterations in some LCNEC tumors, including activating EGFR mutations, FGFR1 amplifications, activating BRAF mutations, ALK rearrangements, and mutations affecting BDNF/TrkB signaling (114,117–119). Given that the majority of these targetable mutations have been identified in LCNEC tumors with wildtype RB1, the question remains as to how best to treat patients with RB1 mutant LCNEC (120).




Lung NETs comprise low grade typical carcinoids (TC) and intermediate grade atypical carcinoids (AC), accounting for 5% and 0.5% of all lung NENs, respectively (82). TC and AC tend to present in younger patients than LCNEC and SCLC, and the majority of patients are women and non-smokers (121). Although the majority of lung NETs are sporadic and non-functional, a small percentage of patients with Lung NETs, 5% of TC and < 2% of AC, present with paraneoplastic syndromes including those associated with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH), histamine, and serotonin (122,123). Some of these are more commonly associated with metastatic lesions of TC or AC (123). Approximately 5% of lung NETs are associated with the familial cancer syndrome caused by germline mutations in multiple endocrine neoplasia gene type I (MEN1). Interestingly, 5% to 10% of lung NETs are also associated with tumor multiplicity, a feature which might suggest a connection with either an unappreciated familial predisposition syndrome or with premalignant conditions such as DIPNECH (80,121).


The overall 10-year survival rates for stage I TC and AC are comparable ranging from 98% to 91%, respectively. In the case of stage IV tumors, 10-year survival for TC patients is 49% but is only 18% for patients with AC (124). A distinguishing feature of TC and AC is their relatively slow growth. Indeed, the pathological criteria for diagnosing carcinoids are the number of mitoses per mm2 and the presence of absence of necrosis: < 2 mitoses per mm2 and no necrosis for a diagnosis of TC, 2 to 10 mitoses per mm2 and demonstration of necrosis for a diagnosis of AC (82). Morphologically, carcinoids typically contain small cells that show nested, rosette, and trabecular growth patterns with peripheral palisading (125).


Complete surgical resection is the most common treatment for patients with TC and AC, and for the majority of these patients’ surgery is associated with a favorable survival prognosis. Unfortunately, however, a fraction of carcinoid tumors metastasizes, and tumor recurrence (even after apparent curative resection) has been reported in 1 to 6% and 14 to 29% of patients with TC and AC, respectively. Due to a highly variable time to relapse for patients with recurrence (0.2 to 12 years), the recommended follow-up period is 15 years (121,126–129). The reported incidence for lymph node metastasis for TC and AC is variable with rates ranging from 12% to 17% for patients with TC and from 35% to 64% for patients with atypical carcinoid (80,130). The incidence of distant metastases for both TC and AC is 3% and 21%, respectively (129,131).


The incidence of tumor recurrence and metastasis calls attention to a clinical need for systemic treatment options for patients with TC and AC tumors that are unresectable, as well as for the need for effective adjuvant therapy options that can be offered to patients after surgery. Unfortunately, standard chemotherapy and radiotherapy regimens have proven to be mostly ineffective in this patient population (80). The only treatment option shown to improve progression-free survival in patients with advanced and progressive TC and AC is the mTOR inhibitor everolimus (132).


Other therapeutic options for patients with TC and AC that are not currently considered standard of care due to limited clinical trials, include somatostatin (SST) analogues and peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT), and temozolomide with or without capecitabine. Given that pulmonary carcinoids can express SST receptors, patients with these tumors can be potentially considered for palliative treatment with unlabeled or radiolabeled SST analogues.


The lack of clarity regarding standard of care for patients with unresectable, metastatic, or recurrent TC and AC, points to an unmet need for not only new and effective systemic treatment strategies for these patients, but also for clear patient stratification criteria for predicting the probability of a response of a given patient tumor to specific therapeutic options. Furthermore, given the broad range of tumor malignancy for TC and AC, biomarkers that can predict the potential for tumor progression and metastasis or recurrence are also needed. Efforts to address these clinical needs have been hindered by both difficulties in performing molecular characterization of these tumors and by a dearth of preclinical models representative of the disease. Only a handful of cell lines exist for TC and AC and only one GEMM for TC and AC has been reported (133,134).


In contrast to SCLC and LCNEC, pulmonary carcinoids have a low tumor mutational burden, have very few recurrent or characteristic mutations, and rarely contain “driver” mutations in known oncogenes. The most commonly mutated gene in pulmonary carcinoids is MEN1, and up to 5 to 13% of patients with germline mutations of this gene are diagnosed with pulmonary carcinoids (135–137). The most commonly mutated class of genes in pulmonary carcinoids are chromatin remodeling genes, a category that includes MEN1, PSIP1, and ARID1A. Though prevalent in SCLC and LCNEC, mutations in RB1 and TP53 are rare in pulmonary carcinoids (135,136). Recurrent copy number alterations have also been identified in pulmonary carcinoids, including in genes that would imply targetable therapeutic vulnerabilities such as, EGFR, MET, PDGFRB, AKT1/PKB, PIK3CA, FRAP1, RICTOR, KRAS, and SRC (136,138).


Transcriptional and methylation analysis of primary pulmonary carcinoids has also revealed distinct subclasses of these tumors. Using multi-omics factor analysis (MOFA), Alcala et al. identified 3 molecular clusters, termed A1, A2, and B (139). While most of the tumors in clusters A1 and A2 were TC, tumors in cluster B were primarily classified as ACs. Tumors in cluster B had high expression of ANGPTL3 and ERBB4, were enriched for mutations in MEN1, and were associated with a worse overall survival. Consistent with a worse prognosis for patients with tumors in cluster B, tumors in this cluster also showed universal downregulation of the orthopedia homeobox protein gene, OTP, whose expression has previously been associated with an improved prognosis in patients with pulmonary carcinoids (126). A separate study performed a similar multi-omic analysis of an independent set of pulmonary carcinoids and also identified 3 molecular subtypes that they termed LC1, LC2, and LC3 (140). The concordance between the molecular subtypes identified in these two studies was shown through integration of the two datasets, further validating the use of these molecular classifications for pulmonary carcinoids (141). 


The molecular analysis of pulmonary carcinoids has provided evidence that supports the idea that a fraction of lung NENs may actually fall into a category that lies between G2 ACs and G3 NECs in terms of malignancy. While such a category is recognized in GEP-NENs and is termed well-differentiated G3 NET, its existence has only recently been suggested for lung NENs (142). The study by Alcala et al. identified a subgroup of ACs, termed “supra-carcinoids,” that showed the morphologic characteristics of pulmonary carcinoids, but whose transcriptional profile was closer to that of LCNECs (139). In their analysis of the transcriptional profiles of a series of LCNECs and ACs, Simbolo et al. identified 3 molecular clusters, C1, enriched for LCNECs, C3 enriched for ACs, and C2, which was mixed in terms of number of ACs and LCNECs and which showed intermediate molecular features (143). Finally, an earlier study by Rektman et al. had identified 2 examples of what they referred to as “carcinoid-like” LCNEC tumors -- tumors that showed a clear carcinoid-like morphology and a molecular profile consistent with ACs (low tumor mutational burden and mutation in MEN1) but that had been classified as LCNEC due to a high proliferation rate (118). 


The supra-carcinoids in the Alcala et al. study showed a higher expression of MKI67 than other carcinoids in the series, supporting an idea that has been purported in the literature concerning a potential role for percent Ki67 positivity in identifying pulmonary carcinoids more likely to be associated with a poor prognosis (144–146). Typically, ACs show a Ki67 positivity rate of less than 20%. However, some tumors diagnosed as AC show rates between 20 and 50% (147,148). Likewise, as indicated by the “carcinoid-like” LCNEC tumors in the Rekhtman et al. study, some tumors that would otherwise be considered ACs, are diagnosed instead as LCNEC due to having a high proliferation rate (118,149). Furthermore, the comparison of proliferation rates between matched primary stage IV pulmonary carcinoids and metastases indicated an increased proliferation rate in 35% of the metastases, suggesting increased proliferation as a feature of progression (148). This idea is further supported by the observation that Ki67 positivity was heterogeneous in the analyzed tumors with some regions of the tumors showing hot-spots of increased proliferation compared to the rest of the tumor. Beyond Ki67 positivity, a list of defining features of supra-carcinoids or borderline pulmonary carcinoids/neuroendocrine carcinomas has yet to be established.




Together, the organs connected throughout the mouth to the anus are known as the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and when the pancreas is included, these organs are collectively referred to as the gastroenteropancreatic (GEP) tract. Throughout the GEP tract endocrine cells can be found as either solitary cells, as is the case in the GI tract, or as innervated clusters, as is the case in the pancreas.


Throughout the gastrointestinal (GI) tract the solitary endocrine cells, which have a slender, elongated shape, are referred to as enteroendocrine cells (EECs). This classification helps to distinguish them from endocrine cells of other organs e.g., lung and pancreas. Despite representing only 1% of the gut epithelial cells, the large size of the intestinal epithelium makes it the body’s largest endocrine organ (150,151).


Compared to the slender EECs of the GI tract, the pancreatic endocrine cells, dispersed as clusters (known as islets of Langerhans) throughout the organ, have a more pyramidal or round-oval shaped appearance. An adult human has millions of islets, which collectively correspond to roughly 2% of the pancreatic epithelium (152,153). These islets are highly vascularized, a feature that enables pancreatic hormones to travel via the bloodstream to reach their target organs. In fact, the pancreatic hormones act both locally and systemically, eliciting responses throughout the body, consequently affecting the overall metabolic state of the organism. The sections below will provide an overview of the endocrine cells of the GEP tract as components of both the diffuse neuroendocrine system and the body’s diffuse hormonal systems. 




The first major organ of the GI tract is the stomach, which, in humans, can be divided into 4 functionally distinct compartments. From proximal to distal; the cardia is the connective region between the esophagus and the stomach, the fundus stores undigested food and gases, the corpus is the largest compartment and performs the digestive action of the stomach, and, finally, the pylorus regulates gastric emptying (Figure 3A) (154,155).

Figure 3. Gastric enteroendocrine cells. (A) Schematic showing the anatomical differences between the murine and human stomach (B) Schematic depicting epithelial cell types found in the gastric pylorus and corpus glands. Solitary gastric enteroendocrine cells are shown in orange. (C) Diagram of signaling and transcription factor interactions that regulate gastric enteroendocrine cell differentiation.

Histologically, the stomach comprises tubular-shaped mucosal invaginations containing a pit region of primarily surface mucous cells, and a gland region. The latter is further subdivided into the isthmus, neck, and base (Figure 3B). The primary differentiated cell types of the stomach are: mucus-producing pit cells, chief cells, which secrete digestive enzymes, acid-secreting parietal cells, gastric tuft cells, whose function is ill defined, and gastric EECs. These cells are continuously formed throughout life, albeit at different rates, by progenitor cells located in the isthmus of the gland region (156,157). With the exception of the cardia, which primarily contains pit cells and scattered parietal cells, gastric EECs can be found in all of the compartments of the stomach. In the corpus and fundus EECs are located in the lower third of the glands. EECs in the pylorus are located in the neck region (158).                                                  


Gastric EECs are divided into the following 5 main subtypes defined by their predominantly expressed hormone: G cells (gastrin), D cells (somatostatin), enterochromaffin (EC) (serotonin), EC-like (ECL) cells (histamine), and X/A cells (ghrelin) (Figure 3C) (159). While some gastric EEC subtypes overlap with those found in the intestine, comparison of duodenal EECs and gastric EECs by single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) suggested a distinct gastric EEC expression profile. These differences are most likely reflective of the tissue specific microenvironment of these EECs, the stimuli they are exposed to, and their different functions (160).     


As will be outlined in subsequent parts of this text, differentiation of intestinal EECs requires expression of the master bHLH transcription factor, NEUROG3. While NEUROG3 is important for gastric EECs, its role appears to be EEC subtype specific. Most gastric EECs are also dependent on ASCL1, the same transcription factor that initiates PNEC specification. Studies from two different groups, which independently generated Neurog3 null mice showed that while these mice lacked D-cells and G-cells and had decreased numbers of EC cells, ECL and X/A cells were unaffected (161,162). Ascl1 null mice displayed a similar but not identical phenotype, showing lack of D, G and EC cells and severely decreased numbers of X/A cells (163). ECL cells were not examined in Ascl1 null mice. Thus, some gastric EECs, such as D- and G- cells are dependent on both NEUROG3 and ASCL1, while others, such as X/A cells, are dependent on ASCL1 but not NEUROG3. EC cells appear to be entirely dependent on ASCL1, and only partially dependent on NEUROG3 (163). Ascl1 is not expressed in intestinal EECs from the mouse. Nonetheless, scRNA-seq of human intestinal EECs identified expression of ASCL1, suggesting a role for this transcription factor not only in gastric EECs but also in human intestinal EECs (164).


The EEC hormone most clearly associated with gastric function is gastrin, secreted by G-cells located in the pyloric compartment of the stomach. These cells are also found in the duodenum, but their function has been best studied in the stomach (160,164). Gastrin secreted into the bloodstream by G-cells binds to its receptor expressed by ECL cells in the corpus thereby stimulating them to secrete histamine, which, in turn, stimulates neighboring parietal cells to secrete gastric acid. Given that parietal cells themselves also express the gastrin receptor, gastrin release by G-cells can also directly stimulate parietal cells to secrete gastric acid (165–167). The other hormones produced by the gastric EECs are also secreted by other gastroenteropancreatic endocrine cells (GEP-ECs) and will be discussed in later sections.




Architecture and Cell Types of the Intestine


The gut can be divided into the small and large intestine (also known as the colon). The two primary functions performed by the small intestinal epithelium are 1) to form a barrier against the continuous chemical and mechanical insults induced by the undigested food, microorganisms, and toxins present in the intestinal lumen, and 2) to absorb nutrients from ingested food (150). This latter process occurs with an exceptionally high efficiency made possible by the large surface area generated by the intestinal epithelium’s folded structure. Protrusions known as villi contain differentiated non-mitotic cells, while invaginations known as crypts contain proliferative, self-renewing stem cells and their epithelial niche cells, Paneth cells. The colon lacks villi and its primary function is water absorption and movement of the stool. The continuous damage experienced by the intestinal epithelium necessitates a high cellular turnover to maintain organ function. The intestinal stem cells, marked by the expression of leucine-rich G-protein-coupled receptor 5 (LGR5), continuously replace lost cells via rapid division which regenerates the epithelium within 4-5 days (150).


The differentiated cells that originate from the LGR5+ stem cells can be divided into two main functional categories, absorptive (enterocytes and microfold cells) and secretory (EECs, goblet, Paneth, and tuft cells) (Figure 4A). Intestinal EECs secrete hormones in response to stimuli such as nutrients from digested food and metabolites produced by the gut microbiota (168,169). The stimuli that EECs respond to can be both mechanical and chemical, and the hormones they produce are secreted both locally and into the bloodstream, thereby allowing them to act not just locally but also systemically. Gut hormones regulate important functions such as digestion, nutrient absorption, appetite, and gastric as well as gut motility (170).


Figure 4. Intestinal enteroendocrine lineage specification. (A) Schematic of the intestinal epithelium. Solitary enteroendocrine cells (EECs) are depicted in purple. (B) Diagram of signaling and transcription factor interactions that regulate intestinal enteroendocrine cell differentiation. Differentiated EEC subtypes are highlighted with yellow circles.

Factors Regulating Commitment to the Secretory Lineage  


The rapid division of LGR5-positive stem cells gives rise to progenitor cells, the majority of which differentiate as they migrate upwards along the crypt-villus axis. The following section describes the differentiation of intestinal EECs and highlights some of the essential regulatory factors and signaling pathways that direct this process.




The first step in becoming an EEC is commitment to the secretory lineage, a process that is initiated by the transcription factor, ATOH1 (Protein atonal homolog 1). At the crypt bottom, active Notch signaling prevents the differentiation of stem and progenitor cells. Cell-cell contact between Notch ligand (Dll1 and Dll4) expressing Paneth cells and stem/progenitor cells results in the expression of the Notch target gene, HES1, which in turn represses the secretory cell fate by repressing ATOH1 (171,172). Hence, commitment to the secretory lineage requires inactivation of Notch signaling.


Inactivation of Notch signaling is concomitant with loss of contact with Paneth cells. Due to the high ratio of progenitor to Paneth cells in the crypt, not all progenitors can simultaneously be in touch with a Paneth cell and this results in stochastic loss of Paneth cell-stem cell contact. Additionally, as new progenitors are continuously generated by the stem cells in the crypt, older progenitors are pushed upward along the crypt-villus axis, causing them to lose contact with the Notch ligand-presenting Paneth cells. The resultant loss of active Notch in these cells enables expression of ATOH1 and commitment to the secretory lineage (173,174). Mice lacking Atoh1 do not have any secretory cells (173). In contrast, mice with null alleles of Hes1 have excessive numbers of secretory cells.


Factors Regulating Commitment to the EEC Lineage         


Transient expression of NEUROG3 commits Atoh1-expressing secretory progenitors to the EEC fate. Whereas Neurog3 knockout mice completely lack EECs, overexpression of Neurog3 leads to increased numbers of EECs and decreased numbers of goblet cells (162,175,176). Homozygous NEUROG3 mutations have been identified in children with generalized malabsorption and reduced numbers of intestinal EECs (177). Downstream targets of NEUROG3 include other transcription factors important for EEC differentiation such as NEUROD1, PAX4/6, NKX2.2, INSM1, and PDX1 (162,178–181). NEUROG3 is also implicated in cell cycle control: Neurog3 expression in mouse pancreatic endocrine progenitors leads to upregulation of the cell cycle inhibitor, Cdkn1a, and consequent cell cycle exit (182). Consistent with the idea that cell cycle exit biases secretory progenitors to the EEC lineage, inhibition of either epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) or mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling induced quiescence of intestinal stem cells in organoid culture. When this quiescence was reversed by reactivation of these pathways, the resulting organoids had an increased proportion of EECs (183).


Specification of the Different EEC Lineages  


While most progenitors generated in the crypt immediately begin migrating upwards, those primed to become EECs remain in the crypt for anywhere between 48h and 60h (184). During this time, these cells become committed to one of several divergent differentiation trajectories, each of which results in a different EEC subtype. Prior to leaving the crypt, EEC-committed progenitors have already started to express and secrete their lineage-defining hormones. The time required to produce a specific hormone varies between the different EEC lineages and this may explain why some EEC-committed progenitors remain in the crypt longer than others (184). 


Altogether, intestinal EECs produce more than 20 different hormones. The earliest classification of EECs was based on immunostainings and consisted of the following 8 EEC lineages as defined by the main hormone they were found to express: enterochromaffin (EC) cells that secrete serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT), I cells that secrete cholecystokinin (CCK), K cells that secrete gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP), L cells that secrete glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), X cells that secrete ghrelin (GHRL), S cells that secrete secretin (SCT), D cells that secrete somatostatin (SST), and N cells that secrete neurotensin (NTS) (185).


At the time that this classification was first proposed, it was believed that EECs belonging to a given subtype predominantly expressed the hormone that defined that EEC subtype. Thus, for example, it was believed that EC cells only predominantly expressed serotonin, and L cells only predominantly expressed GLP-1. However, new techniques for performing hormone co-stainings using multiple antibodies, fluorescent hormone reporter mice, and transcriptome-based sequencing of EECs have all led to the observation that some EECs express multiple subtype-defining hormones (186–190). The question thus arose, did these multihormonal EECs represent previously unidentified and distinct EEC subtypes? Or were they simply cells caught in a transition state along the EEC subtype differentiation trajectory? The latter would suggest that EECs are capable of hormonal plasticity and are therefore capable of transitioning from expression of one lineage defining hormone to another.




One of the first lines of evidence that EECs might undergo hormone switching was the observation that, while serotonin-producing EC cells were rapidly labeled after a single pulse of radioactive thymidine, secretin-producing S cells were labeled much later and only after multiple injections of the isotope (191,192). Thus, it was concluded that serotonin-expressing cells but not secretin-expressing cells had the ability to self-renew and that secretin cells did not differentiate before reaching the villus. Based on this data, one could postulate that serotonin-expressing cells might become secretin-expressing cells once they reach the villus.


A lineage relationship between EECs localized in the crypt and EECs localized in the villus was first suggested in 1990 by Roth and Gordon based on an immunohistochemical study in which it was observed that cells expressing substance P (encoded by the Tac1 gene) but not secretin were found in the crypt, cells expressing both substance P and secretin were found in the bottom of the villus, and cells expressing secretin but not substance P were found exclusively at the top of the villus. The majority of substance P-expressing and secretin-expressing cells co-expressed serotonin. The authors thus concluded that these hormones were sequentially expressed along the crypt villus axis (186). The fact that substance P-expressing cells were labeled by the thymidine analogue, BrdU, faster than secretin-producing cells further supported this idea of sequential expression of substance P and secretin by the same EEC (193). Functional evidence for dynamic hormone-switching in EECs was provided first by cell ablation studies showing that ablation of one EEC subtype led to decreased numbers of other EEC subtypes (194). Subsequently the generation of a novel mouse Neurog3 reporter allele, Neurog3Chrono, enabled more definitive delineation of dynamic hormone-expression patterns of single EECs (184).


In the Neurog3Chrono mouse, two fluorescent reporter proteins, an unstable mNeonGreen and highly-stable tdTomato, are expressed concurrently with endogenous Neurog3. As a result, the ratio of red to green fluorescence of a given EEC provides real-time information about the age of that cell relative to when it expressed Neurog3 (184). ScRNAseq of EECs from Neurog3Chrono mice provided definitive evidence that many EECs switch the hormone they produce throughout the course of their lives and furthermore suggested a more simplified EEC subtype classification consisting of five mature EEC lineages. One of these five lineages was the one proposed by Roth and Gordon of substance P expressing cells that give rise to serotonin-expressing cells and then to secretin-expressing cells. This lineage was also confirmed independently by lineage tracing of Tac1-expressing cells in the mouse intestinal epithelium (195). 


Two key observations from the Neurog3Chrono study substantiated a simplified EEC lineage classification. First, all EEC lineages except for SST-expressing D-cells began to express secretin upon entering the villus, thus rendering the S-cell lineage obsolete. Second, L-, I- and N- cells were shown to belong to a single lineage. Prior to this, observations from a mouse model of L-cell ablation had led the Schwartz lab to propose that L- and N- cells were part of the same lineage (194). The Neurog3Chrono study showed that, when located at the bottom of the crypt, L-cells secrete GLP-1 but, upon reaching the upper regions of the crypt, begin to express the I-cell defining hormone, CCK, and, finally, upon reaching the villus region, they begin to express the N-cell defining hormone, NTS. Thus, the EEC lineages or subtypes could be reduced to the following 5 main lineages: enterochromaffin (EC) cells that secrete Serotonin, K cells that secrete GIP, X cells that secrete GHRL, D cells that secrete SST, and LIN cells that secrete GLP-1, CCK and NTS (Figure 4B) (184).




EC cells are the most prevalent EEC subtype and they can be found in all regions of the intestine (196,197). They are slender, triangularly-shaped cells that can have protrusions extending towards the luminal surface of the intestine (198,199). EC cells are defined by their expression of both serotonin and tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (TPH1), an enzyme that catalyzes the rate limiting step in the biosynthesis of serotonin (189). Serotonin in EC cells is stored in pleomorphic granules and is released in response to chemical and mechanical stimuli. Although commonly associated with brain development and regulation of mood and stress, 95% of the body’s serotonin is produced by the intestine where it regulates functions such as motility, fluid secretion, and vasodilation (200–202). The response of EC cells to different types of stimuli is mediated, in part, through their expression of various receptors, including the olfactory receptor, OLFR558, which acts as a sensor for microbial metabolites, and the transient receptor potential A1 (TRPA1), a receptor-operated ion channel that detects dietary irritants (203). A subset of EC cells expresses the mechanosensitive channel Piezo2, which converts mechanical forces to secretion of fluids and serotonin (204).


Given the important functions exerted by serotonin, it is not surprising that EC cells are implicated in several GI pathologies (202). Consistent with the observation that most SI-NETs express serotonin, intestinal EC cells are thought to be the cell of origin for these tumors. An early hint that SI-NETs might indeed arise from EC cells was provided by a Immunohistochemical study in which serial sections of an entire ileal SI-NET tumor were stained for several EEC markers, including serotonin. The authors observed aggregates of proliferating EC cells within crypts in close proximity to the tumor, which the authors speculated were indicative of where the tumor had originated (205). A later study made the same observation in a larger cohort of SI-NET samples from eight different patients, supporting the idea that aberrant proliferation of EC cells within the crypt is associated with SI-NET formation (206).

More recently, it has been suggested that the cell of origin of SI-NETs is not necessarily a fully differentiated EC cell, but rather an EC cell that expresses not only the EC cell markers, TPH1 and CHGA, but also markers of reserve stem cells (207). As we will discuss later in this text (see, EECs can act as reserve niche and stem cells), lineage tracing of both progenitor cells and of cells expressing mature EC cell markers in the mouse intestinal epithelium has shown that EC cells can adopt a stem cell fate upon injury (208). This observation suggests a plausible scenario whereby, if an EC cell were to acquire a genomic (or other) aberration capable of driving NET genesis, it could be long lived enough to indeed give rise to a tumor. Consistent with this hypothesis, Sei et al. identified human EC cells co-expressing the EC cell marker TPH1, and markers associated with both canonical and reserve stem cells, within crypt EC cell microtumors in tissue sections from patients with familial SI-NETs (209,210).




Growth factor gradients change from high WNT, high EGF, high NOTCH, and low BMP, at the crypt bottom, to increasingly high BMP, low WNT, low EGF, and low NOTCH along the villus. Thus, upon leaving the crypt, EEC progenitors are exposed to increasingly different signaling environments. It was therefore attractive to speculate that these signaling gradients could induce hormone switching in EECs.


Adult stem cell (ASC) derived mouse and human intestinal organoids lack mesenchymal cells and are therefore not exposed to growth factor gradients but instead experience a constant environment determined by the media composition (211). Consequently, the ASC-derived intestinal organoid system provides researchers with a controlled, in vitro setting in which the signaling environment that intestinal cells experience can be modulated. Under expansion conditions that mimic the crypt environment and are optimized to promote stem cell maintenance, the EECs in mouse small intestinal organoids display a crypt hormone profile. However, when BMP4 was added to the culture media to mimic the villus environment, the EECs in the organoids expressed Secretin suggesting they had taken on a villus-like profile (195). The molecular mechanisms governing the hormone switching from GLP-1 to CCK to NTS observed in the L-I-N lineage remain to be unraveled but are likely to similarly involve cellular signals that differ along the crypt-villus axis.


Non-Neoplastic EEC Hyperplasia  


The previous sections described the formation of intestinal EECs. These cells and the hormones they secrete play a central role in regulating processes that are important for maintaining organismal function and energy homeostasis. It is therefore not surprising that EECs are implicated in a number of human disease conditions. Increased plasma level of EEC hormones and, in some cases, direct evidence of increased numbers of specific intestinal EEC subtypes have been reported in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), lymphocytic colitis, Celiac disease, H. pylori infection, and Giardia infection (212–215). A genome-wide association study (GWAS) identified a strong association between a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the promoter of the EEC transcription factor, PHOX2B, and Crohn’s Disease (CD), a form of IBD (216). The mechanism leading to intestinal EEC hyperplasia in these conditions is not clear, though there is some evidence that inflammatory cytokines are involved (213). Consistent with this idea, treatment of mice with IFN and TNF led to increased numbers of Chromogranin A-positive colonic EECs (217). Likewise, IL-13 has been linked to the response of EC cells to enteric parasite infection (218).


It is plausible that the observed changes in EEC numbers in these conditions are not necessarily or not only a result of the disease pathology, but are also mediators of the pathology itself. There is clear evidence for interplay between EECs, the immune system, sensory neurons, and commensal bacteria (168,219). Together with goblet cells, EECs have been shown to secrete the cytokine IL-17C in patients with IBD (220). EEC hormones have been shown to have immunomodulatory functions (219). Some EECs are directly innervated and one study showed that serotonin-expressing intestinal ECs form synapses with nerve fibers through which they can modulate nerve fiber activity (203). EECs express functional toll-like receptors (TLR) and can thereby interact with commensal bacteria by responding to the metabolites they produce (221). Furthermore, as EEC hormones are known to also act systemically, the consequences of disease associated alterations in their abundance or function are not limited to the GI tract. Most notably, GLP-1 and GIP, which amplify glucose stimulated insulin secretion, are less effective in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and GLP-1 receptor agonists are currently used to treat T2D and obesity (185).


The most well-documented examples of non-neoplastic EEC hyperplasia are hyperplasias of gastric and duodenal EECs. These include: ECL cell hyperplasia and G-cell hyperplasia. ECL-cell hyperplasia is associated with chronic excessive gastrin production, hypergastrinemia, resulting most commonly from achlorhydria due to chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG), gastrin-producing tumors in Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZES), and long-term proton-pump inhibitor (PPI) treatment (222). Lineage tracing of gastrin/cholecystokinin-2 receptor (CCK2R)-expressing cells in mice showed that CCK2R-expressing ECL cells in the isthmus but not the base of the stomach proliferated in response to PPI-induced hypergastrinemia (223). ECL cell hyperplasia only rarely progresses to neoplastic gastric ECL NETs. G-cell hyperplasia is most commonly observed as a secondary change associated with CAG in patients with pernicious anemia. In rare cases, it has also been observed in patients with peptic ulcer disease in conjunction with decreased numbers of a different gastric EEC, the SST producing D-cell. G-cell hyperplastic lesions do sometimes progress to G-cell NETs, gastrinomas (222).




The microenvironment in which LGR5-positive intestinal stem cells reside is known as the stem cell niche and includes Paneth cells. The stem cell niche presents the stem cells with cellular signals that prevent them from differentiating and help preserve their self-renewal capacity. Loss of Paneth cells or severe injury such as irradiation, chemotherapy treatment, or surgery can cause loss of intestinal stem cells. In these situations, several different epithelial cell populations have been shown to act as reserve stem cells (224–228). The first studies indicating that EECs could act as reserve stem cells followed the fate of secretory progenitors (224–228). As this progenitor population also contained progenitor cells fated to become Paneth or goblet cells, the contribution specifically of EECs could not be explicitly determined. A later study that used lineage tracing of a population of EEC committed secretory progenitors expressing markers of differentiated EECs showed that these cells can act as reserve stem cells, capable of both contributing to intestinal regeneration after irradiation and generating organoids in vitro (228).


Lineage tracing of mouse intestinal cells expressing either NEUROD1 or Tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH1; the rate limiting enzyme in Serotonin biosynthesis and considered an EC cell marker) showed that these cells, similar to the EEC committed secretory progenitors mentioned above, had the ability to contribute to homeostasis and to regeneration following irradiation induced injury (208). Given that the EEC-committed progenitors in the earlier study expressed Neurod1, and that a subset of these cells also expressed Tph1, it is unclear whether the Tph1 lineage-traced cells with regenerative capacity in this study were indeed mature differentiated EECs or the same multi-potent EEC committed secretory progenitors described before. More recently, it was shown that, upon genetic Paneth cell ablation, mature EECs replaced the ablated Paneth cells, serving as Notch-presenting niche cells for intestinal stem cells (229).




Located in the upper left abdomen behind the stomach, the adult pancreas, although being one anatomical entity, originates from two individual buds that arise from either side of the distal foregut endoderm during early embryonic development. As development progresses, these buds fuse to form the final glandular composite organ consisting of two compartments, one exocrine and one endocrine, which contain functionally and morphologically distinct cell types. Acinar cells secrete digestive enzymes which are transported to the duodenum by mucin-secreting ductal cells, and together these two cell types comprise the exocrine compartment. The endocrine compartment comprises 5 different pancreatic endocrine cell (pEC) types, each of which secretes a specific hormone: alpha (glucagon), beta (insulin), gamma/ PP (pancreatic polypeptide), delta (SST) and epsilon cells (ghrelin). As is the case for EEC-derived hormones, pancreatic hormones act both locally and systemically. Indeed, some pancreatic hormones are transported throughout the body via the bloodstream and instruct other organs to, among other things, release or store glucose from the blood. Hence, the pECs play a key role in nutrient metabolism, digestion, and glucose homeostasis (230).


Development and Differentiation of Pancreatic Endocrine Cells


In contrast to the GI tract where EECs are generated throughout the life of the organism, the pECs are almost exclusively generated during the fetal development of the organ (231). This process is orchestrated by an interplay of regulatory transcription factors. Whereas some of these transcription factors are expressed constitutively, others play a transient yet essential role in mediating pEC lineage commitment and differentiation (see table 4). Murine models have made invaluable contributions to our understanding of pEC generation. In rodents, pancreatic development is divided into 3 transition phases, each outlined below (Figure 5).


Table 4. NE Cell Lineage Transcription Factors

Transcription Factor

Associated NE cell types

Role (specifically in NE cells)


PNECs and gastric EECs

Lineage specification (26,27,163)


GEP NE cells

Lineage specification (transiently expressed) (161,162,175,176,232,233)


PNECs*, Intestinal EECs (L-I-N lineage), and pECs (beta cells)

Specification of some NE cell subtypes (not defined in lung, secretin-expressing cells and I-cells in the intestine, beta cells in the pancreas) (27,36,255,407,408)


(a.k.a. MATH1)

Intestinal EEC precursors

Specification of the intestinal secretory cell fate (precedes EEC lineage commitment) (173)


PNECs and GEP EECs**

NE cell maturation (31,160,180)


PNECs and Intestinal EECs

Maturation of CGRP+ PNECs (409); lineage specification (via inhibition of EEC fate in intestinal secretory progenitors) (410,411)


GEP EECs (G cells, some intestinal EECs, and pECs

Patterning and specification of gastric and duodenal EECs (G cells, SST- and GIP-expressing duodenal EECs) (412,413); Maintenance of beta cell maturity (414,415)


GEP EECs (some gastric EECs**, non EC intestinal EECs, and pECs)

Specification of non-EC intestinal EECs (416); maturation and survival of pECs in development (417,418); maintenance of adult beta cell function (419)



pEC differentiation during development (420); differentiation and maintenance of mature beta cells in the adult (421)


GEP EECs (gastric EECs**, some intestinal EECs, and pECs)

Differentiation of intestinal EECs (K, L, X, I, and EC cells) (184,422); pEC specification and differentiation in development (423,424); Regulation of insulin expression in beta-cells (425)


GEP EECs (some gastric EECs, duodenal EECs, some pECs)

Differentiation of EECs in the duodenum, of EC cells and D cells in the stomach (178), and of beta and delta cells in the pancreas (426,427)


GEP EECs (some gastric EECs, some duodenal EECs, some pECs)

Differentiation of D and G cells in the stomach, of K cells in the duodenum (178), and of alpha and epsilon cells in the pancreas (428,429)


Some intestinal EECs and some pECs

Regulation of cell fate within the intestinal EEC population (promotes EC, L-I-N, and K lineages) (179) and within the pEC population (promotes beta cell, alpha cell, and PP cell lineages) (252)


Some gastric EECs and some pECs

Differentiation of EC cells in the stomach**(430) and of beta cells in the pancreas (253)


Some pECs

Differentiation of alpha, beta, and PP cells in the pancreas (431,432)


Some gastric EECs

Differentiation of G cells in the stomach (433)


Some pECs

Maintenance of beta cell identity in the adult pancreas (257,434)


Some pECs

Differentiation of alpha and beta cells in the developing pancreas (246,247); Maturation of alpha and beta cells in the adult pancreas (247,256)


GEP NE cells (some gastric EECs, some intestinal EECs, and some pECs)

Differentiation of G cells in the stomach (435), of L-, I-, and K cells in the intestine (435), and of alpha cells in the developing pancreas (244,245); Maintenance of alpha cell identity in the adult pancreas (436)


Some intestinal EECs and some pECs

Differentiation of L cells and D cells in the intestine (437); Maintenance of adult beta cell maturation in the pancreas (438,439); Maturation of alpha cells in the developing pancreas (440)


Some intestinal EECs and some pECs

Differentiation of and maintenance of delta cell identity in the pancreas (262)(implicated in delta cells of the intestine (184,195))

* Role in PNECs no well defined

** Role in gastric EECs implicated by expression pattern


Figure 5. Rodent pancreas development. Schematic depicting the development of the murine pancreas. Islets of Langerhans containing the hormone-secreting endocrine cells are shown in blue and green.



The first transition phase starts at around embryonic day (E) 9.0-9.5 with the formation of the pancreatic buds and ends at around E12.5 with the start of branching morphogenesis. During this period, the dorsal bud gives rise to the first pancreatic endocrine progenitor cells. As is the case for intestinal EECs, the formation of pECs depends on the expression of the bHLH transcription factor NEUROG3, which is transiently expressed at a relatively low level starting at ~E9.0-E11.0. Mice with targeted disruption of Neurog3 lack pECs and die postnatally of diabetes (232). Consistent with this data in mice, human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) with null alleles of NEUROG3 fail to differentiate into pECs (233). Following this first pulse of Neurog3 expression, a limited number of pancreatic progenitors becomes committed to the pEC lineage, and some of these cells begin to express glucagon (234).




Branching morphogenesis continues throughout the first half of the second transition, (~E12.5-E15.5), during which the plexus expands and segregates into tip and trunk domains. From E16.5-E18.5 the epithelial plexus is remodeled into a ductal network with a tree-like structure. Inter- and intralobular ducts branch off from the main pancreatic duct, which connects the pancreas to the common bile duct. During this period, multipotent pancreatic progenitor cells, which make up the majority of cells at the beginning of this transition phase, become either unipotent, fated to become acinar cells at the tip, or bipotent, with the potential to form endocrine and ductal cells. These lineage commitments coincide with a second, more pronounced wave of Neurog3 expression that peaks at around E14.5-E15.5, and then rapidly decreases at around E17.5(235). This second wave of Neurog3 expression commits progenitors to the pEC fate and primes them towards one of the five pEC types.




During the tertiary transition, individual progenitor cells that have now become fated to the pEC fate by the second, higher pulse of Neurog3 expression delaminate from the ductal network through what is thought to be asymmetric cell division and/or epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). These pECs then migrate throughout the mesenchyme until they encounter other pEC-fated cells, aggregate with the help of Neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), and form oval shaped proto-islets (236,237). This process is reminiscent of the way, during lung development, PNECs form NEBs. The formation of fully mature islets requires their vascularization by endothelial cells and their innervation by neurons, both processes that take place from E16.5 onwards, and during the first weeks postnatally.




At birth the majority (more than 80%) of the pECs originates from endocrine progenitors and the remainder results from proliferation of preexisting pECs within the islets.




Although studies of human pEC development are limited, they have uncovered a few main differences compared to rodents. First, there seems to be only one pulse of NEUROG3 during the formation of human pECs (compared to two in the mouse), which occurs at around 8 weeks of gestation. Second, the premature proto-islet structures described above are formed earlier in human development (at 12 weeks post conception) (238,239). Finally, the mature islet architecture differs between rodents and humans (Figure 6). Rodent islets have a central core of beta cells, which are also the most common of all the islet cells (60–80%). The remainder of the endocrine cells, alpha cells (15–20% of the cells of the islet), delta cells (<10% of islet cells), and gamma/ PP cells (<1% of cells) surround the beta cells in a circular structure known as the mantle (240). Human islets do not display the same organized structure as rodent islets. Instead, there is a salt and pepper pattern where the different endocrine cells are randomly scattered within the islets. The proportion of the different pECs also differs as human islets have proportionally less beta but more alpha cells compared to rodent islets, consisting of circa 30% alpha cells, 60% beta cells, about 10% delta cells, and rare <1% gamma/PP cells and epsilon cells (241,242).


Figure 6. Differences between the murine and human pancreas. Schematic showing the anatomical differences between the murine and human pancreas in terms of both organ and islet architecture.


Pancreatic Islet Cells and Hormones – All with Their Own Function


This section describes the molecular and cellular characteristics of the different subtypes of pECs and their specific hormones and function during adult homeostasis (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Pancreatic endocrine cells. Diagram of signaling and transcription factor interactions that regulate pancreatic endocrine cell differentiation.



Alpha cells secrete glucagon and are the second most common pEC subtype. Glucagon contributes to maintaining homeostatic blood glucose levels by stimulating glucose production and inhibiting glycogen storage by the liver. The glucagon receptor, GCGR, is widely expressed by multiple organs besides the liver, and glucagon mediates multiple other physiological processes including amino acid metabolism, glomerular filtration by the kidney, lipolysis, and gastric motility (243).


The key factor promoting commitment of pEC progenitors to alpha cells is the transcription factor ARX. Deletion of Arxin Pdx1-expressing progenitors in the mouse leads to a complete loss of alpha cells, accompanied by a compensatory increase in the number of beta and delta cells, which results in the same total numbers of pECs in mutant and wildtype mice (244). Similarly, overexpression of Arx in the embryonic mouse pancreas or in developing islet cells results in an increase in the number of alpha and PP cells while diminishing the number of beta and delta cells (245). While ARX is required for alpha cell specification, the transcription factor, MAFB, is required for their final maturation and hormone expression. Mice with null alleles of MafB show a 50% reduction in insulin and glucagon positive cells (246). Moreover, adult mice in which MafB has been conditionally deleted in either Neurog3-expressing pEC progenitors or in mature pECs had reduced numbers of glucagon-positive cells (247).




The most well-known and abundant cell type of the Islets of Langerhans is the beta cell. Beta cells produce insulin which lowers the blood glucose levels via direct and indirect effects on target tissues. Binding of insulin to its receptor facilitates glycolysis in liver hepatocytes and skeletal muscle cells and promotes lipogenesis in the liver and white adipose tissue. Additionally, insulin inhibits hepatic gluconeogenesis and glucagon production by alpha cells (248–251).


Some of the most important transcription factors involved in the differentiation of beta cells are NKX2.2, NKX6.1, NEUROD1, MAFA, and MAFB. In mice lacking the homeodomain transcription factor NKX2.2, beta cell precursors fail to fully mature or produce insulin and, as a consequence, the mutant mice develop hyperglycemia and die shortly after birth (252). NKX2.6 lies downstream of NKX2.2, and in mice lacking Nkx6.1 beta cell neogenesis during the second transition is blocked, and the development of fully differentiated beta cells is prevented (253). NEUROD1 is also required for beta cell maturation (254). Neurod1 null mice have reduced beta cell numbers and fail to develop mature islets (255). Differentiating beta cells express both MafA and MafB, but fully mature beta cells in the mouse only express MafA. Conditional deletion of MafB in the mouse pancreas delayed beta cell maturation (247). Notably, MAFB is expressed in adult human beta cells and while human pluripotent stem cells with MAFB knockout are capable of pEC differentiation, they favor delta cell and PP cell specification at the expense of beta cells (256). MAFA is not essential for beta cell development but is required for insulin secretion and for maintenance of the beta cell identity (257).




Pancreatic delta cells, which make up ~5-6% of all islet cells, are responsible for the production of SST. Like insulin and glucagon, SST is a peptide hormone and cleavage of the precursor pro-hormone gives rise to two active isoforms, a long form that acts primarily in the central nervous system and a short form that acts on the organs of the GEP system. Delta cells predominantly secrete the short isoform of SST in response to a variety of stimuli including acetylcholine, glutamate, GLP-1, and urocortin3 produced by beta cells, ghrelin produced by epsilon cells, and high blood glucose levels (258). Within the islets, SST binds to one of its five different receptors on the surface of beta cells and alpha cells, thereby inhibiting the secretion of insulin and glucagon (259,260). SST also acts on cholangiocytes in the liver, inhibiting their secretion of fluids and thereby mediating bile flow (261).


The delta cell-specific transcription factor, haematopoietically expressed homeobox (HHEX), is required for both differentiation of delta cells during embryogenesis and maintenance of their identity in the adult. Deletion of Hhex in mouse pEC progenitors during development led to loss of delta cells by E16.5. Likewise, deletion of Hhex in adult mouse pancreatic delta cells led to a reduced number of delta cells and reduced secretion of SST (262). The phenotype of mice lacking HHEX in the pancreas speaks to the hormonal interplay between pECs: reduced SST secretion in mutant mice led to increased hormone secretion from alpha and beta cells in response to different stimuli. Indeed, despite not being expressed in beta cells, HHEX has been repeatedly identified through GWAS studies as a locus conferring susceptibility to T2D (263).




Epsilon cells, described for the first time in 2002, were the last islet cell type to be discovered. The number of pancreatic epsilon cells is highest during embryogenesis, comprising up to 10% of islet cells at mid-gestation, but their numbers then decrease such that they make up only a bit more than 1% of islet cells in the adult pancreas (264). Scattered throughout the islets, epsilon cells produce the growth hormone secretagogue ghrelin. The name of this hormone comes from the Proto-Indo-European root “ghre-”, meaning "to grow," which seems appropriate for a hormone that was discovered in efforts to identify the ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R) (265). Also known as the hunger hormone, ghrelin is a 28 amino acid peptide that needs to be post-translationally acetylated before it can bind to its receptor, GHS-R, and exert its function on its target cells in an expanding list of target organs (266).


Consistent with its stimulatory effect on food intake, ghrelin concentrations are highest during fasting. This function is primarily mediated by ghrelin secreted by gastric X cells. The other hallmark functions of ghrelin are stimulating fat deposition and stimulating growth hormone release from the pituitary. The list of functions attributed to ghrelin is still growing and includes regulating glucose and energy homeostasis, cardioprotection, muscle atrophy, and bone metabolism (267). Secretion of ghrelin is stimulated by glucagon and is inhibited by glucose, insulin, leptin, and GLP-2(268–270). In the pancreas, ghrelin secreted by epsilon cells binds to the GHS-R on delta cells, thereby inducing them to secrete SST, which in turn inhibits the secretion of insulin by beta cells (271,272). There is also some evidence that ghrelin promotes the survival and proliferation of beta cells (264).


A complex interaction between NKX2.2 and NEUROD1 appears to be involved in epsilon cell specification during development (264). However, the transcription factor most closely linked specifically to epsilon cells is PAX6, which appears to inhibit epsilon cell formation. Ghrelin-expressing cells are increased in the developing pancreas of Pax6 knock-out mice at the cost of alpha cells (273). Likewise, when Pax6 was deleted in the adult pancreas of mice, the same increase in epsilon cell numbers was observed, concomitant with loss of beta cells, alpha cells, and delta cells (274). A later study demonstrated that, upon loss of Pax6 expression, beta and alpha cells began to express ghrelin (275).




PP cells comprise less than 1-2% of the islets and the majority are located in the head of the pancreas. Perhaps due to their scarcity in the islets, not much is known about the genetic determinants of PP cell specification and maturation. Signals from the vagus nerve, enteric neurons, and arginine following meal intake stimulate PP cells to release pancreatic polypeptide (PP) (276). This hormone has the opposite effect of ghrelin and is referred to as the satiety hormone (277). Transgenic mice that overexpress PP show reduced weight gain and decreased fat mass, and long-acting PP analogues are being explored for the treatment of human obesity (278,279). Within the pancreatic islet, PP indirectly affects insulin secretion by inhibiting glucagon and SST secretion via a receptor expressed on alpha and delta cells, respectively (280,281).


Other members belonging to the same peptide hormone family as PP are neuropeptide Y (NPY) and peptide YY (PYY) which are produced in the GI tract. PYY is produced by L cells in the intestine and colon and its function mimics that of PP in the pancreas (282).


Pancreatic Endocrine Cells in Injury Repair


Injury to the pancreatic epithelium in the form of surgery, inflammation or metabolic trauma disrupts homeostasis by causing extensive cell loss. Failure in injury repair can result in organ dysfunction and cause clinical symptoms.


The youthful pancreas has a high potential to regenerate damaged tissue following injury (283,284). In contrast to the GI tract, however, where this capacity to regenerate is maintained throughout life, the regenerative capacity of pECs is limited in adult tissue (285,286). Through observations made in rodent injury models, mostly looking at beta cells, it has become clear that the endocrine pancreas employs multiple strategies to regain homeostasis following injury.




The ability of pre-existing beta cells to replicate in response to injury was first shown by the Melton lab. Using a beta-cell-specific lineage trace they found that the newly generated beta cells that arose following partial pancreatectomy originated from pre-existing ones (287). Using the same injury model, but an unbiased thymidine analogue based labelling technique, a different group came to the same conclusion (288).




An alternative hypothesis is that beta cell regeneration in the adult pancreas involves a process called neogenesis, which involves the formation of de novo beta cells derived from a stem or progenitor cell expressing Neurog3. Initial studies of neogenesis were based on in vivo pulse labelling with the thymidine analogue, BrdU. In one study, IFN-gamma induced beta cell depletion resulted in the appearance of budding duct/islet-like structures containing proliferative ductal cells as well as newly formed acinar and endocrine cells (289). Similar observations were made in two different models of pancreatic injury in rats, where regeneration involved marked proliferation of ductal cells, some of which expressed ductal and endocrine markers, followed by the formation of new pECs and islet structures (290,291). Researchers from the Heimberg lab found that, subsequent to pancreatitis induced by pancreatic duct ligation in mice, the region of the pancreas undergoing regeneration contained NEUROG3-positive cells, a portion of which also expressed ductal markers (292). Finally, a lineage trace of ductal cells in mice showed that, following injury, ductal, acinar, and endocrine cells all contained the lineage trace (293). Altogether, these studies suggest that, following injury, new pECs can be derived from a progenitor cell in the pancreas ductal epithelium, whose differentiation to the pEC fate is dependent on transient expression of Neurog3.




Finally, a landmark study from the lab of Pedro L. Herrera, provided evidence for yet another strategy employed by the pancreatic endocrine compartment to regenerate.  Prior to inducing genetic ablation of adult beta cells, the authors induced a lineage trace of glucagon-producing alpha cells. In the initial months following beta cell ablation, mice required supplementation with insulin. However, at 6 months post-ablation, mice no longer required supplemental insulin and their pancreata showed increased beta cell mass and beta cells that expressed both insulin and glucagon. At early time points following ablation, the majority of the regenerated beta cells in these mice contained the alpha cell lineage trace, arguing that the beta cells had resulted from trans-differentiation of the alpha cells (294). This provided new evidence of endocrine cell plasticity.


Pancreatic Endocrine Cell Hyperplasia


In the previous section we discussed observations relating to pEC regeneration in the context of conditions that lead to direct loss of pECs. Given defining pEC characteristics such as direct innervation and the role of pECs in mediating a number of physiological processes, it is likely that pECs also respond to stimuli produced in the context of other pathological conditions. As we have discussed in previous sections of this text, EEC and PNEC hyperplasia have each been observed in the context of inflammation or injury of their respective tissue sites. Likewise, an increase in the number pECs has been observed as a response to some pathological conditions relating to the pancreas (295,296). Moreover, focal endocrine hyperplasias have been observed incidentally in the pancreas of up to 10% of screened adults at autopsy (297).


The pEC mass is normally 1% and 3% of the total pancreatic mass in adults and infants, respectively. If this increases to more than 2% or 10% of the total pancreatic mass in adults or infants, respectively, it is defined as pEC hyperplasia (222,297,298). Some instances of pEC hyperplasia involve a general increase in the size of pancreatic islets that results in an increase in overall islet cell numbers but not in a change in the relative frequencies of one pEC subtype versus another. However, the majority of pEC hyperplasia are associated with an increase in the number of a specific subtype of pEC, most commonly alpha and beta cells. Hyperplasia of other pEC subtypes including the rare gamma/PP cells have also been reported. Morphologically, pEC hyperplasia either appears as large islets (larger than 250 mm in diameter) or as budding structures protruding from the ductal epithelium (297). The latter budding structures are reminiscent of the structures described above in mouse models of pEC injury and are suggestive of pEC neogenesis.




Beta cell hyperplasia is commonly observed in patients with insulin resistance and early T2D and is likely a physiological response to these conditions. Other clinical conditions in which beta cell hyperplasia is implicated include persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy (PHHI) and non-insulinoma pancreatogenous hypoglycemia syndrome (NIPHS) (299–302). These conditions are associated with dysregulated insulin secretion and hypoglycemia in infants and neonates or in adults, respectively.


The pancreas of patients with PHHI is characterized by the presence of either focal beta cell hyperplasia, resulting in a focal increase in islet size or, more commonly, of diffuse beta cell hyperplasia in which enlarged islets and small, irregularly shaped endocrine cell clusters are found throughout the pancreas (297). The percentage of beta cells present within the islets of patients with PHHI is increased such that they account for 70-90% of the islet (222). Increased proliferation of not just beta cells but also of ductal and centroacinar cells has been reported in the pancreas of patients with PHHI (303). PHHI is caused by mutations in ABCC8 and KCNJ11, which encode for subunits of the ATP-sensitive potassium channel involved in insulin secretion, as well as by mutations in genes affecting beta cell metabolism such as glucokinase (GCK), glutamate dehydrogenase (GLUD1), and short chain fatty acid hyroxyacyl dehydrogenase (SCHAD) (304).


NIPH is defined by postprandial hypoglycemia and, unlike PHHI, the genetic cause has not been clearly identified. The pancreas of patients with NIPH exhibits an increase in both number and size of the islets, and contains endocrine cells budding from the ductal epithelium (305,306). Symptoms of both PHHI and NIPH can be resolved through either partial or near total pancreatectomy.




Alpha cell hyperplasia (ACH) is a rare condition most commonly caused by mutations in the gene that encodes for the glucagon receptor, GCGR (307,308). The number of islets in patients with ACH is increased and the islets vary in size, are often larger, and contain a high proportion of alpha cells (309). Patients with ACH often, though not always, also present with hyperglucagonemia, and multiple pancreatic NETs. The multifocality of ACH and pancreatic NET lesions in these patients, and the observed presence of large islets showing signs of morphological transition from ACH to glucagonomas suggests that ACH lesions can progress to frank glucagonomas (308,309). Interestingly, these patients do not display features of glucagonoma syndrome due to their GCGR mutations. Mice with germline null mutations in Gcgr, or with liver-specific deletion of Gcgr also develop ACH that can progress to glucagonomas. Pharmacologic interruption of glucagon signaling in mice also leads to ACH. In these models, ACH appears to be primarily driven by alpha cell proliferation, though it is possible that transdifferentiation of other pECs or of ductal cells is also involved. It is interesting to note that the clear link between GCGR function and ACH implies a signaling feedback loop that regulates both the number of glucagon-producing alpha cells and their secretion of glucagon. One of the signals that is likely to contribute to ACH is amino acids. Serum amino acid levels are increased in patients with ACH and transcriptomic analysis of mouse models of ACH have shown altered expression patterns for genes involved in amino acid catabolism and transport (310).




Compared to alpha and beta cell hyperplasia even less is known about PP cell hyperplasia, which occurs very rarely. As with alpha and beta cell hyperplasia the number and size of the pancreatic islets in patients with PP cell hyperplasia is increased and contain a high proportion of PP cells (311–313). In 50% of the reported PP hyperplasia cases, the patients had suffered from gastrinoma or ZES. In addition, there is no correlation between PP cell number and PP serum levels. It is possible that PP hyperplasia arises as an effect of gastrinomas (297). There are also no genetic changes directly related to the onset of this condition.




GEP-NENs encompass all NENs that arise along the GEP tract and account for 55 to 70% of NENs from all tissue sites (82,314,315). GEP-NENs comprise both well-differentiated NETs and poorly differentiated NECs. In addition, some GEP-NENs occur as GEP-mixed neuroendocrine/non-neuroendocrine neoplasms (GEP-MiNEN) that can be either well- or poorly- differentiated and are characterized by their mixed morphology showing endocrine and non-endocrine features. Based on proliferation (measured by mitotic count and Ki67 index) GEP-NETs are further subdivided into low (G1), intermediate (G2), and high (G3) grade NETs (82). G3 well-differentiated NETs are associated with a poor prognosis and show a decidedly more aggressive clinical behavior than G1 and G2 GEP-NETs. G3 well-differentiated NETs are more commonly observed in the pancreas than in other GEP tissue sites. GEP-NECs can be subdivided into small cell NEC and large cell NECs.




GEP-NECs comprise 10-20% of all NENs, with roughly 38% arising in the GI tract (colon, anus, rectum) and 23% in the pancreas (316). GEP-NETs and GEP-NECs display different mutational profiles and are therefore considered separate disease entities. Indeed, the most common site for NECs is the large bowel, whereas the most common site for NETs is the ileum (316). In addition, the observations that some GI-NECs show features resembling adenocarcinomas or squamous cell carcinomas and that up to 40% of NECs show non-endocrine features, have led some researchers to hypothesize that GEP-NECs are more closely related to non-endocrine tumor types than to high grade (G3) NETs (82,317,318).


The importance of the two genes RB1 and TP53 in the genesis of NECs is highlighted by the fact that these genes are commonly mutated in both lung-NECs and GEP-NECs. TP53 mutations have been identified in 20-73% of all GEP-NECs (319–323) while RB1 mutations have been identified in 44-86% of all GEP-NECs (322,324–326). The limited number of studies that have performed genomic analyses of GEP-NECs have also identified other genes that are commonly mutated in GEP-NECs, including KRAS, SMAD4 and APC (318,327,328). In addition, GEP-NECs are characterized by frequent and severe chromosomal abnormalities (79).

As discussed previously, generating a GEMM of SCLC was achieved through conditional tissue-specific deletion of Rb1 and p53 in the mouse lung epithelium (89). In contrast, attempts to generate GEMMs of RB1; TP53 mutant GEP-NECs by deletion of Rb1 and p53 in targeted mouse GEP tissues have proven to be less straightforward and have given mixed results (329). Conditional deletion of Rb1 and p53 in renin-expressing mouse pECs led to the generation of highly aggressive, metastatic, glucagon-producing tumors (330). Given the expression of glucagon in combination with the aggressive course of the tumors developed by this GEMM, however, it is unclear whether they are a more suitable model for sporadic glucagonomas or for pancreatic NECs. In human patients, pancreatic NECs are almost exclusively non-functional, i.e., they do not secrete symptom-inducing hormones (331). In the RIP-Tag2 GEMM, instead, SV40 T-antigen is expressed in beta cells, thereby effectively abrogating the Rb1 and p53 pathways in these pECs. RIP-Tag2 mice primarily develop aggressive insulinomas and, to a lesser extent, poorly differentiated pancreatic NECs (332). The RIP-Tag2 model has been instrumental in delineating stepwise aspects of pancreatic NEN tumorigenesis and in identifying therapeutic strategies for these tumors in patients (329). Nonetheless, whether this GEMM can be used as a reliable model for pancreatic NECs is unclear. 


In addition to GEMMs, cell lines and, more recently, GEP-NEC patient-derived tumor organoid lines have been generated (333,334). Patient-derived tumor organoids, 3D long-term cultures of tumor cells, can be expanded long-term, can be cryopreserved, and have been shown to be representative of the patient tumor tissue from which they were derived at both the genetic and phenotypic levels (335). Recently, a genetically engineered organoid model of GEP-NECs was generated by CRISPR/Cas9 mediated compound knock-out of RB1 and TP53 combined with overexpression of 6 transcription factors in otherwise normal colon organoids (333). Interestingly, in the absence of transcription factor overexpression, compound knock-out of RB1 and TP53 was not sufficient to generate GEP-NECs from these cells.   


Together with genomic analyses of GEP-NECs, studies using preclinical models of GEP-NECs have been informative. Nonetheless, to date, strategies for stratifying patients in terms of the molecular characteristics of their tumors and the likely response of their tumors to specific therapies are lacking. Currently, the primary treatment strategies for GEP-NECs use platinum agents combined with etoposide, based on the relative effectiveness of this approach in treating SCLC, which is a more common and better studied NEC subtype (336–338). Overall, the response rate for GEP-NECs to first line therapy is 40-60%. Upon relapse or the tumors becoming refractory, there are no well-established second-line therapies. This is reflected in a median survival of 38 months in patients with localized disease and only 5 months in patients with metastatic disease (339). Other potential treatment strategies for patients with GEP-NECs that are currently undergoing clinical trials are the mTOR inhibitor everolimus and some forms of immunotherapy (336–338).                                               




GEP-NETs represent 80-90% of all GEP-NENs and comprise many different tumor types. GEP-NETs are classified as functional or nonfunctional depending on whether they secrete symptom-causing hormone peptides. Functional GEP-NETs, which can arise throughout the GEP-tract, include gastrinomas and insulinomas (10). GEP-NETs are highly heterogeneous with regards to their biological behavior and clinical presentation, course, and prognosis. The most common tissue sites of primary GEP-NETs are the small intestine, the rectum, the colon, the pancreas (12.1%), and the appendix (315). In general, G1 and G2 GEP-NETs are associated with high 5-year survival rates ranging from 75 to 79% and from 62 to 74%, respectively. The 5-year survival rate for patients with G3 well-differentiation NETs, on the other hand, shows more variability between NETs of the intestine (40%) and NETs of the pancreas (7%) (340). Notably, the recognition of the category of G3 well-differentiated pancreatic NET by the WHO in 2017 has had important implications for patients and clinicians, as it highlighted the fact that some pancreatic NETs, despite showing morphological features and differentiation more commonly associated with low-grade NETs, show aggressive behavior more similar to that of NECs (82,331).


The most prevalent sites of origin for GEP-NETs show regional differences that are likely reflective of differences in both environmental and genetic factors. GI-NETs arising from the small intestine or colon are most common in the USA, small intestinal or pancreatic NETs are more common in Europe, while in Asia gastric and rectal NETs are most prevalent (341). The most well studied GEP-NETs are pancreatic NETs and SI-NETs.


Gastric NETs (G-NETs) are relatively rare and only account for 4 to 6% of NENs (342,343). These tumors are classified into one of four categories according to their clinical characteristics. Most G-NETs are type I tumors, which are associated with CAG and arise as multiple small nodules. These tumors rarely metastasize. Type II G-NETs are very similar to type I tumors but are commonly associated with MEN1 syndrome (in conjunction with gastrin producing pancreatic NETs) or ZES. Type I and type II G-NETs arise as a consequence of excessive gastrin. Type III G-NETs are sporadic tumors that are not associated with other gastric conditions and present as large, solitary lesions. Finally, type IV tumors, G-NECs, are both the very rare and the most malignant. These tumors arise sporadically and are poorly differentiated. While type I, II, and III G-NETs are ECL cell tumors, type IV G-NECs arise from other endocrine cell types (344).


Small intestinal NETs (SI-NETs) are the most common neoplasm arising in the small intestine (345). They include NETs arising in the jejunum and ileum, with the ileum being the major site of incidence (346). A unique feature of ileal SI-NETs is that they are multifocal in 10-20% of cases, with the different tumors arising independently (347). Moreover, ileal SI-NETs have a high rate of metastasis, with >50% of ileal SI-NET patients presenting with metastases at the time of diagnosis (348). Finally, the majority of SI-NETs produce serotonin, causing many of these to induce carcinoid syndrome, the most common functional hormonal syndrome of patients with NETs (349). Clinical symptoms of carcinoid syndrome include watery diarrhea, flushing, hypotension, breathlessness, wheezing, and loss of appetite, all attributable to not just increased serum levels of serotonin but also of prostaglandins, histamine, bradykinin, and tachykinins (9,350). Carcinoid syndrome is most often observed when NETs, having metastasized to the liver, secrete their biologically active compounds directly into the systemic circulation (351). Carcinoid syndrome can cause carcinoid heart disease in which elevated serum serotonin levels cause fibrosis in the heart. Symptoms of carcinoid syndrome attributable to serotonin can be ameliorated through the administration of serotonin-inhibiting therapies (340,352).


Of note, duodenal NETs are sometimes considered separately from SI-NETs as they more closely resemble gastric and pancreatic NETs in terms of their mutational profile (353). Whereas the serotonin producing EC cells are thought to be the cell of origin of SI-NETS, duodenal NETs more commonly express gastrin and somatostatin (described in more detail later in this chapter) and are therefore thought to arise from G and D cells (354,355).


Pancreatic NETs (PanNETs) are the best studied subtype of GEP-NET and are the only subtype for which the category of high grade G3 well-differentiated NET has been officially recognized (356). While some well-differentiated PanNETs are functional and consist of a single hormone-producing cell type, the majority of PanNETs are non-functional and contain a mixture of cells expressing markers for the different pEC types (357,358). PanNETs are thought to arise from differentiated endocrine cells of the islets of Langerhans. However, a recent study based on next generation DNA methylation analysis suggests that they may also arise from the exocrine pancreas (359).


Familial GEP-NETS


While the majority of the GEP-NETs arise sporadically, approximately 5% occur as part of a hereditary cancer predisposition syndrome (360). The most common of these syndromes are associated with the development of duodenal and PanNETs and are caused by germline mutation in one of five different genes: MEN1, tuberous sclerosis complex 1 (TSC1), tuberous sclerosis complex 2 (TSC2), Von Hippel–Lindau (VHL), and neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) (361). Of these, MEN1 is the gene most strongly implicated in PanNETs. MEN1 encodes for the protein menin, which acts as a scaffold for both transcription factors and chromatin-modifying enzymes (362–364). Thus, although its exact function is yet to be determined, menin has been suggested to play a role in multiple processes including DNA damage repair, cell cycle regulation, histone methylation, and mTOR pathway activity (365).


Familial SI-NETs are far rarer and have been associated with germline mutations in CDKN1B, inositol polyphosphate multikinase (IPMK), and MutY DNA glycosylase gene (MUTYH) (366–369). Notably, germline mutations in CDKN1B have been shown to be causative of the MEN4 familial cancer syndrome in which patients develop parathyroid, pituitary, and, more rarely, SI-NETs (323). Finally, there is one example of a single consanguineous family in which several family members were affected by hypergastrinemia and consequent gastric ECL NETs. These familial G-NETs were shown to be caused by germline inactivating mutations in the gene for a proton pump expressed by parietal cells and involved in gastric secretion, ATP4a (370).


Genetics of Sporadic GEP-NETs


Although rare, familial cancer syndromes associated with NETs have pointed to genes and pathways that are also important for the genesis of sporadic NETs. Genetic studies have revealed that somatic inactivation by mutation, chromosomal alteration, or epigenetic silencing of genes such as MEN1, TSC2, and VHL, each associated with a familial NET syndrome, are found in approximately 40%, 35%, and 25% of sporadic pancreatic NETs (371,372). Familial SI-NET syndromes are rarer, and of the causative genes for these syndromes, only mutations in CDKN1Bhave also been identified in 9% of sporadic SI-NETs (373). Of note, the largest whole genome analysis of pancreatic NETs to date, uncovered germline mutations in CDKN1B and MUTYH in pancreatic NETs from patients that had no family history of the disease, therefore implicating alterations in these genes also in the genesis of pancreatic NETs and, perhaps, of GEP-NETs in general (371,372). Incidentally, germline variants in pancreatic NET samples in this cohort were also identified in checkpoint kinase 2 (CHEK2), and BRCA2 (371,372).    


Molecular analysis of pancreatic NETs also uncovered alterations in genes that are not implicated in familial NET syndromes. In particular, Jiao et al. identified recurrent mutations in PTEN and PIK3CA in pancreatic NETs. This study also identified recurrent mutations in the chromatin remodeling enzymes DAXX (death domain associated protein) and ATRX (α thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linked), in 25% and 18% of pancreatic NETs (374). DAXX and ATRX function together in a complex that deposits histone H3.3 at different sites including telomeres and mutations in ATRX/DAXX were mutually exclusive in pancreatic NETs (372). ATRX/DAXX mutations in pancreatic NETs were correlated with chromosomal instability and the activation of a telomerase independent telomere maintenance mechanism, alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) (375,376). Perhaps it is thus not entirely surprising that ATRX/DAXX mutations are more often found in G3 pancreatic NETs than G1/G2 pancreatic NETs and are associated with reduced patient survival (323,375). Other mutations found in G3 pancreatic NETs and associated with shorter survival times are mutations in ARID1A and CDKN2a (377,378).


Whereas several driver mutations have been identified in pancreatic NETs, identifying a clear genetic driver of SI-NETs has been more difficult. Instead, the development of sporadic SI-NETs seems to be dependent on chromosomal aberrations. Loss of chromosome (chr) 18 is observed in more than 60% of SI-NETs. While the functional importance of this chromosomal loss in SI-NETs has not been determined, one study identified allelic loss of BCL2, CDH19, DCC, and SMAD4 (all on chr 18) in 44% of SI-NETs (379). Loss of chr 9 and 16 or gain of chr 4, 5, 7, 14 or 20 are also recurrently observed in SI-NETs, albeit at lower frequencies (353,380–383). Targeted mutational and copy number analysis of metastatic SI-NETs has identified recurrent mutations in APC, CDKN2C, BRAF, KRAS, PIK3CA, and TP53, though at relatively low frequencies (ranging from 4 to 10%) (328,379,384).


Although genomic studies demonstrate that SI-NETs and pancreatic NETs have distinct genomic profiles, a common pathway alteration stands out -- activation of mTOR/PI3K signaling. In pancreatic NETs the pathway is recurrently activated by frequent loss of negative regulators of the pathway (PTEN, TSC1/2) and by recurrent activating mutations in PIK3CA. Likewise, this pathway is implicated in SI-NETs by the observation of recurrent activating mutations in KRAS, BRAF, and PIK3CA as well as, more commonly, of frequent copy number gains in components of this pathway, including SRC and mTOR itself (323). Frequent alteration of CDKN family genes also appears to be a common feature of both GEP-NET subtypes, suggesting deregulation of the cell cycle is also important for NETs. Finally, though not discussed in this text, aberrant methylation patterns are likely to contribute to GEP-NETs in general and some studies have suggested that methylation patterns can be used to stratify GEP-NETs with implications for patient prognosis (385–387).


Treatments for GEP-NETs


The main alternatives used to treat GEP-NETs for which surgical resection is not possible are hormone analogs, PRRT, the mTOR inhibitor everolimus, and for pancreatic NETs, sunitinib. Chemotherapy mainly targets proliferative cells and is therefore predominantly used on NECs and G2 pancreatic NETs.


Somatostatin analogues (SSAs) such as octreotide and lanreotide bind to the somatostatin receptors (SSTR1-5) and mimic the natural hormone’s ability to exert an inhibitory function on the cell’s hormone secretion. To prolong their effect, these analogues have been synthetically engineered to have an increased half-life compared to the endogenous hormone. Administration of SSAs is common in the treatment of functional GEP-NETs as they prevent the tumors from secreting excessive amounts of hormones and thus alleviate clinical symptoms (388,389). Although GEP-NETs can express all five somatostatin receptors, the majority express SSTR2. Binding of SSAs to SSTR2 has been shown to decrease proliferation and lead to disease stabilization in GEP-NET patients (390–392). In addition, SSAs can also be coupled to radioactive isotopes and used for targeted radiological therapy. The internalization of the radioactive isotope by the cancer cells causes DNA damage and cell death (393,394).


As discussed previously, the mTOR-AKT pathway plays an important role in GEP-NETs. Consistent with this, inhibitors of this pathway such as everolimus have been shown to have a positive effect (132,395,396). Cell type-specific drugs have also been used in the treatment of pancreatic NETs and one of the oldest drugs is streptozotocin, a beta cell specific cytotoxic agent that has been used for almost four decades (397). Streptozotocin selectively enters beta cells via the glucose transporter, GLUT2, causing DNA damage resulting in cell death (398). Finally, inhibitors of receptor tyrosine kinases, vascular endothelial growth factor and its receptor have been effective in the treatment of GEP-NETs, most notably, pancreatic NETs as they are often highly vascularized (399,400).




When comparing neuroendocrine cells from different tissues, multiple recurrent themes can be identified. For one, their development relies on the expression of bHLH transcription factors ASCL1 and NEUROG3. Animal models have highlighted the differential roles played by these two transcription factors in the formation and differentiation of NE cells of the diffuse NE system. Whereas ASCL1 drives PNEC lineage commitment in the lung, NEUROG3 is essential for the formation of the intestinal EECs and pECs. Both ASCL1 and NEUROG3 appear to be important for the development of gastric EECs. Another interesting difference can be seen in the expression pattern of these transcription factors. Whereas NEUROG3 is transiently expressed during the formation of GEP endocrine cells, ASCL1 is constitutively expressed in lung progenitor and mature PNECs. The mechanistic differences and biological reason behind these differential dependencies on either ASCL1 or NEUROG3 remain to be determined.


Second, NE cells of the diffuse NE system appear to be involved in the response to some forms of injury, as indicated by their increased numbers in some disease conditions. Importantly, comparing NE cells during development or homeostasis to NE cells in disease conditions has the potential to uncover aberrations in common pathways and regulatory factors that contribute to or mediate the pathological state. This kind of analysis is likely to provide candidate targets for the development of new (targeted) therapies.


Another recurrent theme in the biology of neuroendocrine cells from different tissues, is the crosstalk between NE cells and their environment. This crosstalk can be seen both in the response of NE cells to environmental stimuli and in the direct influence they can exert both locally and systemically through the bioactive compounds they secrete. Finally, the ideas of NE cell plasticity and NE cell heterogeneity are ones that have not been fully explored but might be important to their function. As an example of the former, although EECs are named after their predominantly expressed hormone, they can also be multi-hormonal and even change their hormone expression depending on their location within the tissue. While EEC hormonal switching is just starting to be discovered within the intestinal tract, it is likely that a similar degree of plasticity in hormone expression exists for other NE cell types. Indeed, some hints of plasticity between endocrine cells can also be seen in pancreatic endocrine cells, where some studies imply trans-differentiation of alpha cells to beta cells under certain conditions. Regarding NE cell heterogeneity, it is interesting to note that, whereas the initial studies of NE cells were driven by observations about their shared features, with the advancement of single-cell sequencing technologies, the more recent era of NE cell research has highlighted a previously underappreciated heterogeneity of different tissue-specific NE cell populations (34,35,164,183,401,402). NE cell heterogeneity highlights the plasticity and dynamic nature of these cells as they respond to external stimuli and microenvironmental signals in a context-specific manner.


With regards to NENs, next generation sequencing efforts have started to characterize the mutational landscape of NENs. So far, these have been mostly focused on pancreatic and lung NENs. Similar studies of NENs originating from other organs would be of value as they could provide new insights into NEN biology. Importantly, candidates discovered in genome-wide genomic studies need to be validated to determine whether they represent drivers or passengers throughout disease progression. Additionally, their exact mechanistic function is of importance if they are to become targets for drug development. For NENs with a lower mutational burden and few recurrent mutations, epigenome, non-coding or protein level changes may play a more significant role in disease initiation and progression. These possibilities are just starting to be explored.


A significant challenge in studying NENs is the development of model systems that can be used to study both basic as well as translational NEN biology. Currently, the most commonly used models include GEMMs, cell lines, and patient derived xenografts (PDX). Although these model systems have provided invaluable knowledge about NEN biology they also have their limitations. GEMMs have been instrumental in the study of SCLC and some very specific subtypes of pancreatic NETs (RIP-Tag2 mice and Men1 mutant mice). Nonetheless, the current GEMMs for different NENs do not cover the entire range of different tumor types encompassed by NENs. Furthermore, species differences require comparisons and/or end stage studies in human derived model systems.


Cell lines, which while being robust and relatively cheap to culture, suffer from genetic changes occurring over time and may not recapitulate the full tumor heterogeneity.


PDX models circumvent those limitations while providing analysis in an in vivo environment, but have a very low engraftment rate of <10% and tedious logistics (403). Organoids derived from healthy tissue provide researchers with the means to study normal NE cell differentiation via the establishment of differentiation protocols (183,195) and offer the potential to model NEN disease progression by stepwise genome engineering, as has been achieved for other tumor types (333,404–406). Moreover, in vitro drug screens on patient-derived tumor organoids have the potential to aid personalized treatment. However, to date only a handful of NEN organoid lines have been established. Of note, most of those organoid lines represent NECs, rather than NETs (333,334).


Although NEN biology is starting to be explored in more detail, much remains to be discovered. A combination of both basic and translational research will be needed to provide the biological insights necessary to significantly be able to improve or establish novel clinical treatment options for NENs.




We thank Lisanne den Hartigh for help with making figure 5 and Joep Beumer for helpful discussions. Figures 1 - 4 and 6-7 were created with This work was supported by an EMBO long-term fellowship (AALTF 332-2018 to A.A.R.) and funding from the Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation under a Petersen Accelerator Award (H.C. and T.D.). 




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Hypertension in Diabetes



The coexistence of diabetes and hypertension is known to have a multiplicative effect on adverse clinical outcomes with respect to both microvascular and macrovascular disease. Effective management of diabetes should therefore include a multifaceted approach combining optimal control of blood pressure and lipids with appropriate glycemic control. The pathophysiology of hypertension in diabetes involves maladaptive changes in the autonomic nervous system, vascular endothelial dysfunction, enhanced activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, immune function alterations, and harmful environmental factors. Multiple high-quality randomized controlled trials have shown improvement in morbidity with lowering of elevated blood pressure in people with diabetes. Attention must be paid to individual risk factors and co-morbidities with a goal of less than 130/80 mm Hg in most patients with diabetes who are at higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) than those without diabetes.  Good glycemic control, optimizing weight, and promotion of exercise as well as lessening harmful environment factors such as air pollution exposure are integral components of the approach to blood pressure control in these patients. Judicious selection of therapy and consideration of relevant side-effect profiles is paramount. The potential for both beneficial and detrimental drug interactions must be kept in mind and drug combinations should be chosen after due deliberation. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers remain preferred agents for initiation of antihypertensive therapy, while combined use of these agents is not recommended due to poor renal outcomes. With the advent of newer antidiabetic agents such as SGLT inhibitors and GLP1 receptor agonists, consideration should be given to their antihypertensive, renal, and cardiovascular disease lowering properties when initiating therapy for glycemic control.




Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES) database show that the incidence of Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has risen steeply in the last few decades. It is estimated that diabetes affects 34.2 million people in US 10.5% of US population. 73.6% of individuals with diabetes aged 18 years or more have hypertension. The coexistence of hypertension and diabetes in a large population of patients is not coincidental; individuals with T2DM often display a constellation of metabolic derangements termed the cardiometabolic or cardiorenal metabolic syndrome (1). This syndrome comprises a cluster of CVD risk factors including T2DM, hypertension, dyslipidemia, central obesity, and chronic kidney disease. The coexistence of hypertension and diabetes in these individuals substantially increases the risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD), cerebrovascular accident (CVA), retinopathy, and nephropathy (2). The rising prevalence of obesity and sedentary lifestyles in the US are the major driver of both diabetes and hypertension and the resulting health care costs are a serious public health concern. Increasingly, the role of environmental factors such as food deserts and environmental pollution in the promotion of diabetes, hypertension, and CVD is being appreciated. These harmful environmental factors especially affect minorities and other disadvantaged populations.


The increasing prevalence of T2DM in the general population has expectedly been paralleled by a rise in microvascular and macrovascular complications. Despite major advances in healthcare delivery, diabetes mellitus continues to be the leading cause of blindness, end stage renal disease (ESRD), and non-traumatic lower limb amputations in the US as well as the seventh leading cause of death as of 2017 (1). While optimal glycemic control remains paramount in the prevention of microvascular complications (retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy), concurrent cardiometabolic derangements such as hypertension and dyslipidemia play a pivotal role in the initiation and progression of macrovascular disease (ischemic heart disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease) (3). Effective management of diabetes should therefore include a multifaceted approach combining optimal control of blood pressure and lipids with appropriate glycemic control (4). This chapter will focus on the management of hypertension in patients with diabetes.




The pathophysiology of hypertension in diabetes can be traced to maladaptive changes and complex interactions between the autonomic nervous system, a maladaptive immune system, enhanced activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) as well as adverse environmental factors. The factors listed below play a major role in the pathogenesis of hypertension and have been targeted for therapeutic interventions (2,5).


Sedentary Lifestyle, Excessive Caloric Intake and Insulin Resistance


Sedentary lifestyle and excessive caloric intake can lead to increased adiposity which has been associated with increased risk of worsening insulin resistance. Insulin resistance has been linked in turn to an increased vascular oxidative stress, inflammation, and endothelial dysfunction characterized by diminished vascular nitric oxide bioactivity, all of which promote vascular stiffness resulting in a persistent elevation of blood pressure and the promotion of CVD (6,7).


Elevated Intravascular Volume


Intravascular volume is strongly influenced by total body sodium content. Sodium is the major extracellular cation in human beings, and possesses osmotic activity which helps determine effective arterial blood volume. A mismatch between sodium intake and sodium loss can result in a positive sodium balance. The ensuing increase in intravascular sodium concentration stimulates an influx of water along the osmotic gradient, thus raising intravascular volume. Elevated intravascular volume consequently increases venous return to the heart boosting cardiac output in accordance with the Frank Starling Law, and this process eventually leads to elevated arterial pressure (8). There is also increasing evidence that increased activation of sodium inward transport in endothelial cells contribute to increased vascular stiffness and elevated blood pressure in states of obesity and insulin resistance as exists in most patients with T2DM (7).


Increased blood pressure (BP) from intravascular volume expansion is typically corrected by a rise in glomerular filtration and compensatory urinary salt excretion. This phenomenon of increased salt excretion in a state of elevated blood pressure has been termed pressure natriuresis. Unfortunately, this mechanism alone cannot correct persistently elevated blood pressure, principally because of secondary changes within the kidney microvasculature and maladaptive changes within the glomerular apparatus itself that lower glomerular filtration and stimulate sodium reabsorption. These changes are most apparent in overt chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end stage renal disease (ESRD), both of which are characterized by concurrent volume overload and sustained hypertension. Hypertension in CKD/ESRD is often difficult to control and requires restoration of normal vascular volume, which can be achieved by means of diuretics or dialysis (8,9).


Premature Vascular Aging


Changes in vessel lumen elasticity affect the ease with which blood can flow through arteries. Minimal reductions in lumen diameter can lead to exponentially increased resistance to blood flow. Patients with hypertension often demonstrate structural and functional changes that adversely alter the lumen of small arteries and arterioles. The vascular remodeling, low grade inflammation, vascular fibrosis and stiffening seen with hypertension in individuals with diabetes can arise as a response to elevated BP. Patients with diabetes thus manifest accelerated premature vascular aging characterized by impaired endothelial mediated relaxation, enhanced vascular smooth muscle contraction and resistance as well as vascular stiffness (7). These maladaptive vascular changes both contribute to the development of hypertension and accelerate the harmful effects of hypertension on vessel integrity (8,10).


Autonomic Nervous System Dysregulation


The autonomic nervous system is an important determinant of BP. Both the sympathetic and the parasympathetic systems are involved in the regulation of BP. Increased sympathetic activity leads to an increase in heart rate, force of contraction of ventricles, peripheral vascular resistance, and fluid retention. These physiological actions combine to promote BP elevation. Decreased parasympathetic outflow also results in increased heart rate and relative sympathetic hyperactivity thus contributing to an elevation in BP. Dysregulation of these pathways is seen with central obesity, insulin resistance, and sleep apnea. Hypertension associated with these disorders is often accompanied by increased sympathetic activity, an activated RAAS, and resistant hypertension. Furthermore, activation of the sympathetic nervous system also promotes insulin resistance and risk of T2DM. The autonomic dysfunction seen with T2DM can also contribute to these changes and thus worsen hypertension. The relevance of these pathways in the pathogenesis of hypertension and diabetes is demonstrated by the observation that interruption of the central sympathetic outflow by renal denervation is associated with improved insulin sensitivity, better glycemic control, and reductions in BP (2,8).


Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System (RAAS)


The RAAS pathway plays a central role in maintaining normal BP. RAAS activation is closely linked to the pathogenesis of hypertension via the cardiovascular and renal effects of elevations, particularly of plasma aldosterone level.  Angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor and acts directly to increase vascular smooth muscle tone. Angiotensin II also stimulates secretion of aldosterone, which promotes sodium and water retention, leading to elevated blood pressure through volume expansion.  Obesity is associated with elevated plasma aldosterone levels, even in the absence of elevation of angiotensin levels. This elevation is thought to be related, in part, to secretion of aldosterone releasing factors from the expanded adipose tissue (7). Understanding the physiology of RAAS is essential as it is the principal target for angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), and increasingly mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists, which are cornerstones of BP management in individuals with diabetes (8).


Renin is a proteolytic enzyme secreted by the juxtaglomerular cells in the kidney. Renin cleaves circulating angiotensinogen to angiotensin I. ACE within the lung capillaries then converts angiotensin I into angiotensin II. Production and release of renin is tightly regulated by many interdependent factors such as renal perfusion pressure, sodium chloride concentration in distal tubule of nephron, and stimulation of renin secreting cells by the sympathetic nervous system.


Physiologic activation of RAAS is seen with renal hypoperfusion due to hypovolemia. Release of renin from the juxtaglomerular apparatus results in a cascade of events, culminating in increased production of angiotensin II. Angiotensin II then raises blood pressure through direct vasoconstriction and by stimulation of aldosterone secretion leading to sodium and water retention and restoration of intravascular volume (8).


Obesity and insulin resistance are associated with inappropriate activation of RAAS and the sympathetic nervous system. Increased adiposity has been linked with high levels of plasma aldosterone suggesting that RAAS may be chronically overactive in obesity (7). Angiotensin II and aldosterone have been shown to inhibit insulin metabolic signaling in classical insulin sensitive tissues and this likely plays a role in impaired endothelial-mediated vascular relaxation and the development of hypertension. Angiotensin II and aldosterone may also promote insulin resistance through non-genomic mechanisms such as activation of serine kinases and increased serine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate 1, reduced phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase engagement and protein kinase B stimulation, diminished insulin metabolic signaling, and impaired nitric oxide mediated vascular relaxation. (11,12). Increasingly it is recognized that elevated aldosterone in conjunction with hyperinsulinemia, as often exists in obesity and insulin resistance, promote vascular stiffness and associated increases in hypertension and CVD (7).


Renal Dysfunction


Renal dysfunction appears to share a reciprocal relationship with hypertension in diabetic individuals. While hypertension itself is recognized as a risk factor for chronic kidney disease in the setting of diabetes, it is important to note that diabetic nephropathy also contributes to development of hypertension. This reciprocal relationship is most obvious in type 1 diabetics without pre-existing hypertension. Longitudinal studies have shown that microalbuminuria precedes hypertension in this population, and the prevalence of hypertension rises progressively with worsening kidney disease, approaching 90% in type 1 diabetics with end stage renal disease. Proposed mechanisms include volume expansion secondary to increased renal sodium reabsorption, peripheral vasoconstriction arising from endothelial dysfunction, dysregulated activation of the RAAS, upregulation of endothelin1, and downregulation of nitric oxide (13).


Role of Innate and Adaptive Immunity


There is emerging evidence that innate immunity and acquired immunity are involved in angiotensin II and aldosterone-induced hypertension and vascular disease (6). Animal studies suggest that intact T cell function is required for full expression of these adverse effects and that T cells and macrophages mediate the oxidative injury associated with these effects. On the other hand, the protective properties of T regulatory cells in animal models suggests a potential therapeutic role for these cells, although at this time such interventions are limited to the research setting.


Environmental and Socioeconomic Factors


There are marked disparities in hypertension between White and Black Americans. This disparity is increasing despite higher levels of awareness and treatment of their hypertension amongst Black Americans as compared to their White counterparts (14). This disparity has been magnified with the recent Covid-19 pandemic with disproportionate levels of morbidity and mortality amongst communities of color. Some have suggested that this disparity in Covid outcomes are related to similar environmental, economic, and social inequities as those that promote hypertension, obesity, and diabetes (15).


Foods that are traditionally considered healthy and promoted as components of the DASH diet (16) are often unavailable to people living in these communities due to either lack of access or reasons of affordability. Instead, they become consumers of cheap high salt and high caloric foods, a process that naturally leads to obesity and hypertension (15). Furthermore, lack of safe outdoor spaces discourages exercise and targeted advertising increases poor health decisions such as smoking. These effects are further reinforced by a study of Black and White Americans living in the same environmental setting (long term integrated neighborhoods).  In the Exploring Health Disparities in Integrated Communities-South Western Baltimore (EHDIC-SWB) study it was found that although the odds ratio for hypertension was higher in Blacks in the sample population, it was decreased by roughly 30% as compared to NHANES data. The authors concluded that social and environmental exposure explained a substantial proportion of race differences in persons with hypertension and diabetes (17).




Accurate measurement of BP is key for both diagnosis and effective management of hypertension. BP measurement is most often conducted in the medical office, where it can be performed either through the auscultatory technique of listening to Korotkoff sounds or the oscillometric technique employed in automated devices. Use of oscillometric devices has largely replaced the auscultatory method primarily for reasons of convenience and concerns over inter-observer variability with manual measurements. However, it is important to remember that even automated measurements can be erroneous if certain precautions are not taken. Measurements should be made in the seated position after the patient has rested for 3-5 minutes, and preferably with an empty bladder. No exertion, physical exercise, eating, smoking or exposure to stress for at least 30 minutes before BP reading. Three readings within a period of 2 weeks will be ideal. The device used should be calibrated regularly to ensure reliable readings. Improper cuff size is a common source of erroneous readings. It is recommended that cuff bladder length be equal to the patient’s arm circumference measured at the midpoint of acromion and olecranon process and the width be equal to about one-half of the arm circumference. Use of a cuff that is too small is more common because of the rising incidence of obesity and results in overestimation of blood pressure. Despite using all these precautions, there can be significant variability between individual readings and American Heart Association (AHA) recommends obtaining at least two readings during each clinic visit (18).


Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is a fully-automated non-invasive modality that involves placement of a blood pressure cuff on the non-dominant arm with measurements every 15 to 30 minutes over the course of a 24-hour period.  Compared to in-office blood pressure measurement, ABPM has higher prognostic value for target organ damage and cardiovascular outcomes (19). The primary advantage of ABPM lies in its comprehensive nature unlike office monitoring that relies on single measurements. This format permits detection of distinct blood pressure patterns such as sustained, white-coat, masked, and nocturnal hypertension, as well as non-dipping or reverse-dipping patterns that cannot be detected with office measurements alone. These patterns are associated with varying cardiovascular outcomes and must therefore be managed quite differently. White-coat hypertension denotes a situation wherein office measurements are in the hypertensive range but ABPM readings are consistently normal. This phenomenon is attributed to the effect of an observer at the time of measurement; it is associated with minimal cardiovascular risk and is not an indication for antihypertensive therapy. It should be noted however that individuals with white-coat are at elevated risk for developing sustained hypertension and should therefore be monitored periodically. On the other hand, masked hypertension refers to a situation where office measurements are normal but ABPM shows readings in the hypertensive range. This phenomenon is associated with increased cardiovascular risk comparable to that seen with sustained hypertension. Importantly, masked hypertension is more common in diabetic individuals and obese patients. It is assumed that these patients benefit from aggressive antihypertensive therapy although no randomized controlled trials have been performed to confirm such expectations (20).


Blood pressure normally displays a physiologic circadian rhythm, dipping by more than 10% during the night relative to daytime readings.  Patients in whom blood pressure drops by less than 10% are said to have a non-dipping pattern. This non-dipping pattern is more prevalent in diabetic individuals and has been associated with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy. Its contribution to progression of diabetic complications is more controversial. Hyperglycemia itself can influence the normal nocturnal dip through its effect on circulating plasma volume, blood flow distribution and renal hemodynamics (21).




The importance of rigorous blood pressure control in prevention of diabetes-related morbidity cannot be overemphasized. This holds true for macrovascular as well as microvascular complications and is supported by a mounting body of evidence. The United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS), showed 44, 32, and 34 percent reductions in risks for stroke, diabetes related deaths, and retinopathy respectively with blood pressure reduction (target blood pressure <150/85 mm Hg). A linear relationship between systolic blood pressure reduction and adverse outcomes was seen in readings as low as 120 mm Hg (22,23).


The Hypertension On Target (HOT) trial showed a reduction in CVD with lowering of diastolic blood pressure. Interestingly however, this benefit was only seen in patients with diabetes, suggesting the need for establishing a different and perhaps more aggressive blood pressure target in this population subgroup (24).


The Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron MR Controlled Evaluation (ADVANCE) trial was the first study designed specifically to address blood pressure control in subjects with diabetes. The results were impressive, showing significant reduction in microvascular events, cardiovascular deaths, and all-cause mortality with aggressive reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure (mean achieved blood pressure of 134/74 mm Hg versus 140/76 mm Hg) (25).


Major medical societies including the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommend a target blood pressure of less than 130/80 mm Hg for patients with diabetes. The first trial to seek justification for this recommendation was the Normotensive Appropriate Blood Pressure Control in Diabetes (ABCD) trial. Although no specific blood pressure target was pursued, the mean attained blood pressure of 128/75 mm Hg in the intensive treatment group, was under the systolic target of 130 mm Hg. Over a follow up of five years, no significant difference was seen in creatinine clearance (primary outcome) or cardiovascular events when compared to the placebo group (mean blood pressure 137/81). The intensive treatment group did manifest significant reductions in progression of retinopathy, albuminuria, and absolute risk of stroke (26,27).


The notion of a systolic blood pressure goal of less than 130 mm Hg was challenged by the ACCORD blood pressure trial. This large randomized control trial compared a systolic target of <120 mm Hg (intensive therapy) to a systolic target of <140 mm Hg (standard therapy). With more than 4500 patients and a mean follow up of 4.7 years, no significant difference was seen between the two groups in terms of combined CVD outcomes (heart attack, stroke, and cardiovascular death). Importantly, similar to the results of the ABCD trial, a 40 percent reduction was seen in stroke risk (28). This study was confounded by factors that do not allow for recommendations based on the outcomes of this study.


The most recent large-scale randomized control trial that examined a lower systolic blood pressure goal was the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT). This trial compared the benefit of treatment to a systolic blood pressure target of less than 120 mm Hg (intensive-treatment group) with the treatment to a target of less than 140 mm Hg (standard-treatment group). At 1 year, the intensive-treatment group had a mean systolic blood pressure of 121.4 mm Hg versus the standard-treatment group with a mean systolic blood pressure of 136.2 mm Hg. The results showed significantly lower rates of fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular events and death from any cause in the intensive-treatment group. Serious adverse events possibly or definitely related to the intervention were statistically more frequent in the intensive-treatment group with a hazard ratio of 1.88 (P<0.001). This study included 9361 participants with a median follow up of 3.26 years; however, patients with diabetes were excluded. The SPRINT trial therefore supports a lower goal but cannot be applied directly to the diabetic population because of its study design (29).


Some experts have suggested that the ACCORD trial was underpowered to show a significant difference for the primary endpoint. A recently pooled analysis merged the data from the SPRINT and ACCORD trials and looked at the same primary endpoint that was used in SPRINT. The primary endpoint differed from the ACCORD trial in that it included unstable angina and acute decompensated heart failure in addition to myocardial infarction, stroke and CVD death. The final analysis showed a significant favorable effect for the intensive treatment group in both patients with and without diabetes. This suggests that there may not be a differential beneficial effect of intensive blood pressure lowering (i.e., to less than 130/80 mm Hg) in patients with T2DM (30). It must also be noted that both the SPRINT and ACCORD trials involved BP measurements under strictly controlled conditions that would be expected to yield lower readings compared to conventional clinic settings. This observation raises questions about whether more liberal targets might be used in real world settings to achieve comparable cardiovascular benefits.


In conclusion, multiple high-quality randomized controlled trials have shown improvement in morbidity with correction of elevated BP in people with diabetes. Patients with T2DM appear to be particularly susceptible to the deleterious effects of hypertension in initiation and progression of CVD. In the treatment of hypertension in patients with diabetes attention must be paid to individual risk factors, co-morbidities, and patient preferences when considering lower treatment targets. A lower blood pressure target, for instance, might be more appropriate for a young person who would likely benefit from a reduction in stroke risk and reduced progression of retinopathy without experiencing unwanted side effects of hypotension, syncope, and hyperkalemia that are encountered more commonly in the older population and those with multiple co-morbidities.


Key outcome studies and results are summarized in table 1.


Table 1. Key Outcome Studies and Results

Outcome Study



United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS)

Blood pressure reduction

(< 150/85 mmHg)


44 % risk reduction in stroke


32 % risk reduction in

diabetes related deaths


34 % risk of retinopathy


Hypertension On Target Trial (HOT)

Lower diastolic blood pressure


Reduction in CVD


Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron MR Controlled Evaluation trial (ADVANCE)

Reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure     

(134/74mmHg vs 140/76mmHg)


Reduction in microvascular events, cardiovascular deaths, and all-cause mortality


Normotensive Appropriate Blood Pressure Control in Diabetes Trial (ABCD)

Intensive blood pressure control

(128/75mmHg vs 137/81mmHg)


Reduction in progression of retinopathy, albuminuria, and absolute risk of stroke


No difference in creatinine clearance or cardiovascular events



ACCORD Study Group Trial

Intensive blood pressure control

(Systolic target <120mmHg vs <140mmHg)


40% risk reduction for stroke


No difference for combined CVD outcomes (heart attack, stroke, and cardiovascular death)


Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT)

Intensive blood pressure control

(Systolic target <120mmHg vs <140mmHg)


Achieved mean blood pressure 121.4mmHg vs 136.2mmHg


Reduced rates of fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular evens and death


Increased adverse events related to intensive group





Treatment of hypertension in patients with diabetes is challenging as these patients can develop resistant hypertension. Moreover, individuals with diabetes have a higher incidence of cardiac and renal comorbidities that can lower tolerance to aggressive antihypertensive therapy. An effective treatment regimen must therefore address all aspects of the complex metabolic derangements seen in this population group (4).


This section will focus chiefly on the treatment of hypertension in association with T2DM. We will examine treatment strategies by drug class, critically reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of each. The importance of accurately measuring BP and using proper techniques needs to be emphasized, especially considering the lifelong implications for the patient. Once a diagnosis of hypertension has been established in a patient with diabetes, it is imperative that aggressive treatment be initiated in a timely manner. It is also worth noting that with some exceptions, the degree of blood pressure reduction achieved is of greater importance than the class of antihypertensive employed.


The various classes of antihypertensive drug that are commonly employed in diabetic individuals are summarized in table 2. The overall approach to hypertension in a diabetic patient is outlined in figure 1.

Figure 1. Approach to hypertension in the diabetic patient


Table 2. Summary of Antihypertensive Agents with Emphasis on Patients with Diabetes

Class with representative examples

Preferred use

Notable side effects


Effect on insulin resistance and/or glycemic control

ACE inhibitor*

·     Lisinopril

·     Ramipril

·     Benazepril


Also preferred in:

·     Proteinuric CKD

·     HFrEF

·     Established CAD

·     Hyperkalemia

·     Acute kidney injury (up to 25% rise in creatinine is expected)

·     Angioedema

·     Cough

·     Teratogenicity

·    Pregnancy

·    Avoid concomitant use with aliskiren or ARB



·     Telmisartan

·     Valsartan

·     Losartan

·     Irbesartan

·     Candesartan

Diabetics who are intolerant of ACE inhibitors

Also preferred in:

·     Proteinuric CKD

·     HFrEF

·     Established CAD

·     Hyperkalemia

·     Acute kidney injury (up to 25% rise in creatinine is expected)

·     Teratogenicity

·     Pregnancy

·     Avoid concomitant use with aliskiren or ACE inhibitor


Direct renin inhibitor**

·     Aliskiren

Diabetics with proteinuric CKD who are intolerant of both ACE inhibitors and ARBs

·     Hyperkalemia

·     Acute kidney injury

·     Teratogenicity

·     Pregnancy

·     Avoid concomitant use with ACE inhibitor or ARB


Thiazide-like diuretic

·     Chlorthalidone

·     Indapamide

·     HCTZ

Hypervolemic or edematous patients

Must be used before diagnosing “resistant hypertension”

·     Photosensitivity

·     Hyponatremia

·     Hypokalemia

·     Hypomagnesemia

·     Hyperuricemia

·     Orthostatic hypotension

·     Pregnancy

·     Use with caution in cirrhotic patients (risk of hyponatremia)

·     Ineffective in advanced CKD-GFR<30

Worsened with HCTZ

Indapamide has positive effect

Dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker*

·     Nicardipine

·     Amlodipine

Patients who are already on preferred agents but not at target blood pressure

·     Peripheral edema

·     None but should not be initiated until other preferred agents have been started


Beta adrenergic blocker

·     Carvedilol

·     Nebivolol

·     Metoprolol

Preferred in:

·     History of myocardial infarction

·     HFrEF

·     Orthostatic hypotension

·     Acute decompensation of heart failure

·     Bronchospasm

·     Hypoglycemia unawareness

·     Depression

·     Impotence

·     Avoid in active bronchospasm, vasospastic disorders

·     Avoid if pheochromocytoma suspected (until adequate alpha blockade)

·     Use with caution in PVD

Worsened with non-vasodilating agents like metoprolol and not with Carvedilol and nebivolol

Mineralocorticoid receptor blocker

·     Spironolactone

·     Eplerenone

·     Finerenone

Preferred in:

·     HFpEF and HFrEF

·     Resistant hypertension

·     Primary aldosteronism

·     Hyperkalemia

·     Gynecomastia (with spironolactone)

·     Avoid in pregnancy

·     Caution if using with ACE, ARB or renin inhibitors

Improved with spironolactone, unknown with other agents

Preferred agents within each class are bolded. Preference is based on available evidence from randomized control trials.

*All agents in this class are considered equivalent

**Only agent currently approved in this class

Abbreviations: ACE: Angiotensin converting enzyme; ARB: Angiotensin receptor blocker; CAD: Coronary artery disease; CKD: Chronic kidney disease; HCTZ: Hydrochlorothiazide; HFpEF: Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; HFrEF: Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction; PVD: Peripheral vascular disease. GFR: Glomerular Filtration rate


Lifestyle Modification


Lifestyle modification is a very important and often overlooked aspect of treatment of diabetes and hypertension. Changes to lifestyle that appear to have health benefits include:


  • Reducing salt intake to less than 1.5 g/day
  • Increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables (8-10 servings per day)
  • Increasing consumption of low- fat dairy products (2-3 servings per day)
  • Increasing activity levels/ engaging in regular aerobic physical activity (e.g., brisk walking 30 min/day)
  • Losing excess weight
  • Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption (less than 2 drinks (30 ml ethanol)/day for men and less than 1 drink (15ml of ehanol)/day for women)


Lifestyle modification may be used as a sole treatment modality in patients with BP <140/90, but ideally should be combined with pharmacotherapy in patients with systolic blood pressure (SBP) ≥ 140 and/or diastolic blood pressure (DBP) ≥ 90 mm Hg. It is generally agreed that lifestyle modification has modest antihypertensive effects, yielding an effective blood pressure reduction of 5-10 mm Hg. Nevertheless, ancillary benefits of improved cardiovascular fitness, reduced adiposity, and the possibility of future reduction in medication doses make such interventions an indispensable part of the management of these patients.


Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors


ACE inhibitors inhibit the angiotensin converting enzyme and thus prevent conversion of angiotensin 1 to angiotensin II. This along with other mechanisms leads to decreased peripheral resistance and lowering of BP. ACE inhibitors selectively dilate the efferent renal arterioles and therefore lower intraglomerular pressure. This hemodynamic effect is reno-protective in patients with diabetic kidney disease. An acute rise in serum creatinine may occur at the onset of ACE inhibitor therapy. Elevation of serum creatinine by up to 30% above baseline is acceptable and does not mandate stopping therapy but does underscore the need for careful monitoring. The beneficial effects of ACE inhibitors on renal and cardiac function are widely recognized (31,32,33) and these agents are prescribed almost reflexively as initial antihypertensive treatment in patients with concomitant diabetes and hypertension (34). However, it must be noted that the primary advantage of ACE inhibitors over other classes of antihypertensive agents, lies in their proven ability to slow the progression of proteinuria.


ACE inhibitors possess a favorable side effect profile and are well-tolerated in general. Use of these agents is not associated with adverse alterations in lipid profile, glucose levels, and uric acid levels, such as those seen with other antihypertensive agents. As noted above creatinine elevation is frequently observed and should not require cessation of therapy unless excessive. On the other hand, dry persistent cough, another common side effect, is a reasonable cause for discontinuation of therapy. Patients with long standing diabetes, diabetic nephropathy, and hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism/ type 4 renal tubular acidosis can develop hyperkalemia with these drugs. Angioedema – a severe hypersensitivity reaction more commonly observed in the African American population, is also associated with ACE inhibitor use and the drug should be permanently discontinued in such patients. Further, ACE inhibitors have teratogenic potential by interfering with fetal kidney development and caution must be exercised while using ACE inhibitors in females of child bearing age (33).


Due to their potential benefits and favorable risk benefit profile, ACE inhibitors have been established as the benchmark by which newer classes of antihypertensive agents are judged, especially in patients with diabetes and diabetic kidney disease.


Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARBs)


ARBs exert similar salutary effects as ACE inhibitors, by displacing angiotensin II from its receptor. The main advantage of ARBs over ACE inhibitors is the lower incidence of cough and angioedema with their use. The ONTARGET trial compared the ARB telmisartan to the ACE inhibitor Ramipril and the combined use of these drugs. This trial established general non-inferiority of telmisartan compared to ramipril with regards to BP control as judged by outcomes such as cardiovascular deaths, myocardial infarction, stroke, and hospitalization for heart failure. Additionally, the telmisartan arm had substantially lower rates of cough and angioedema. Data from the ONTARGET trial also showed that although both telmisartan and ramipril offered equivalent renal protection, the combined use of these two drugs led to inferior renal outcomes (35). A combination of ACE inhibitors and ARBs is therefore not recommended at this time. As with ACE inhibitors, hyperkalemia remains a potential adverse effect. The risk of hyperkalemia can be attenuated by combining these agents with other medications like thiazide or loop diuretics which promote urinary potassium loss. ARBs used to cost substantially more than ACE inhibitors but the advent of generic ARB’s have addressed this concern. Today ARBs are a popular choice for treatment of hypertension, and for prevention of renal complications in patients with diabetes, and are the preferred treatment in patients who develop a cough with ACE inhibitors (34).




Diuretics transiently decrease blood pressure by boosting renal sodium excretion and consequently lowering plasma volume. Overtime, these changes in volume status revert back to normal, but the antihypertensive effect persists due to a decrease in peripheral vascular resistance. Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) and related sulfonamide compounds (chlorthalidone) are effective for blood pressure management in patients with mild to moderate hypertension and eGFR >50. In patients with eGFR <30, loop diuretics or a combination of loop diuretics and thiazides are more efficacious (34).


Data from the Swedish Trial in Old Patients with Hypertension-2 (STOP Hypertension-2) trial demonstrated that diuretics were as efficacious as ACE inhibitors or calcium channel blockers (CCBs) in lowering BP and reducing cardiovascular mortality in patients with diabetes (36).


Use of diuretics is associated with metabolic derangements like hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, and hyperuricemia. Once again, the risk of hypokalemia associated with diuretic use can be mitigated by combining a diuretic with medications, like an ACE inhibitor, ARB, potassium-sparing diuretic, or aldosterone antagonist (37). Patients with T2DM and concomitant hypertension also demonstrate impaired nocturnal BP dipping compared to patients without diabetes. Chlorthalidone, with its longer duration of action and higher potency might be a better choice to treat hypertension in this subgroup of patients (38).


Calcium Channel Blockers (CCBs)


CCBs are sub-classified as Dihydropyridines (DHPs) (amlodipine, felodipine, isradipine, nicardipine, nifedipine) and non-DHPs (NDHPs) (verapamil, diltiazem). DHPs exert their antihypertensive activity through peripheral vasodilatation, without significantly affecting cardiac conduction and contractility. NDHPs also have a modest antihypertensive effect, but they affect cardiac automaticity and conduction, and hence are primarily used for management of arrhythmias (34).


The strongest evidence for CCB use over other classes of antihypertensive drugs comes from the Avoiding Cardiovascular Events through Combination Therapy in Patients Living with Systolic Hypertension (ACCOMPLISH) trial. This trial was designed to compare benazepril plus amlodipine to benazepril plus hydrochlorothiazide in subjects with hypertension and a high risk of cardiovascular events, and showed fewer cardiovascular events in the CCB/ACE combination arm when compared to the ACE/Diuretic combination arm (39). These results are not in line with those of ALLHAT trial which found that ACE inhibitors, CCBs and alpha-blockers were not superior to thiazide diuretics for either BP control or improvement of cardiovascular or renal outcomes (40). Regardless of these conflicting results, the available evidence positions calcium channel blockers in line with ACE/ARBs and thiazides for treatment of hypertension in patients at high risk for cardiovascular events. CCB’s are well tolerated by most patients. Common side effects include headache, peripheral edema, and flushing (41).


Adrenergic Receptor Antagonist


The adrenergic receptor antagonists have been sub-classified into three categories: beta-blockers, alpha-blockers, and combined alpha and beta-blockers. Alpha-beta blockers like carvedilol and labetalol produce greater reductions in BP compared to pure beta blockers (34).


Beta-blockers have gained popularity due to mortality benefits in patients with heart failure and in patients who have sustained a myocardial infarction. Despite lack of robust evidence, beta- blockers are widely used for primary prevention of myocardial infarction as well. Use of beta-blockers can be associated with precipitation of bronchospasm, worsening peripheral arterial disease, sexual dysfunction, and worsening of glycemic control. Of particular concern is the decreased perception of hypoglycemia symptoms in patients with diabetes (42).


Beta-blockers are also known to alter insulin resistance and lipid metabolism – properties that are especially relevant in diabetic individuals. However, these effects vary across individual drugs and are more often seen with older non-vasodilatory beta-blockers such as atenolol, metoprolol and propranolol. For instance, a randomized control trial comparing metoprolol and carvedilol in patients with T2DM demonstrated that metoprolol was associated with worsened glycemic control compared to carvedilol at doses titrated to achieve comparable BP control (43). The same study also revealed that carvedilol had beneficial impacts on lipid profile with lowering of total cholesterol, triglycerides and non-HDL cholesterol. In contrast, metoprolol use was associated with increased need for lipid lowering therapy with statins (44). Similarly, labetalol and nebivolol, highly selective beta-1-blockers with nitric oxide dependent vasodilatory properties have been shown to improve insulin resistance (45). Unopposed activation of the alpha-adrenergic system has been proposed as a putative mechanism (46). Nebivolol also decreases cellular stiffness and stimulates endothelial cell growth causing improved endothelial function (47).


Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists 


Steroidal mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) antagonists (spironolactone and eplerenone) and new non-steroidal antagonists such as finerenone are particularly efficacious in those with resistant hypertension, which is more common in persons with obesity and diabetes (7). They also lower mortality in patients with heart failure by blocking the deleterious effects of aldosterone on cardiac remodeling. Addition of finerenone to patients receiving ACE inhibitors or ARB reduced urinary albumin excretion compared to placebo. The FIDELIO-DKD trial also showed improved cardiovascular outcomes and reduced progression of kidney disease with finerenone (48).


Hyperkalemia is a common side effect of steroidal MR antagonists, and monitoring for hyperkalemia is of particular importance, as MR antagonists are often added to an ACE inhibitor or an ARB. This is less of a problem with the newer non-steroidal MR antagonists (49). Gynecomastia and menstrual irregularities are other potential adverse effects seen with spironolactone. Eplerenone is a more selective aldosterone antagonist and it seldom causes anti-androgenic effects. It is likely that the newer non-steroidal MR antagonist will negate many of these concerns, and they will likely be increasingly used for treatment of hypertension in patients with diabetes.


Direct Renin Inhibitors 


Aliskiren, a first in class direct renin inhibitor was approved by FDA in 2007. It is an effective antihypertensive agent and provides end-organ protection, but its exact place in the hypertension treatment algorithm remains uncertain. Aliskiren improves left ventricular hypertrophy, and shows synergism when used in combination with ARB. Its side effect profile is similar to ARBs and monitoring of potassium levels is recommended (34). The Aliskiren Trial in Type 2 Diabetes Using Cardiovascular and Renal Disease Endpoints (ALTITUDE) trial was a randomized control trial evaluating the efficacy of Aliskiren in combination with ACE inhibitors or ARBs in patients with T2DM. It was prematurely halted because of increased cardiovascular events and safety concerns. Additionally, there was more hyperkalemia and hypotension with the combination (50). It is possible that these adverse events were related to use of combination therapy analogous to the ONTARGET trial. At this time, Aliskiren should not be used in combination with ACE inhibitors or ARBs for management of hypertension in patients with T2DM. Aliskiren may be used for its antiproteinuric effect in patients who are intolerant of both ACE inhibitors and ARBs.




Several anti-diabetic medications possess modest antihypertensive properties. These should be kept in mind especially in patients concurrently receiving antihypertensive drugs who may experience hypotensive symptoms if caution is not exercised. On the other hand, several of these drugs provide cardiovascular protection, likely in part from their antihypertensive effects that make them attractive options for patients at increased cardiovascular risk. Anti-diabetic medications with these properties include thiazolidinediones, dipeptidyl diphosphatase (DPP-4) inhibitors, glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists, and sodium glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT 2) inhibitors. Of these classes, GLP-1 receptor agonists appear to exert the largest effect on blood pressure (51).


In a metanalysis of 16 randomized control trials comparing the GLP-1 agonists exenatide and liraglutide to placebo as well as other antihyperglycemic agents, BP reduction was seen. Against placebo, exenatide lowered systolic BP by approximately 6 mm Hg. Similarly, a mean reduction of about 5 mm Hg in systolic BP was seen with liraglutide versus placebo (52). A randomized control trial studying the hemodynamic effects of dulaglutide also showed a reduction in systolic BP regardless of baseline readings (53). The other classes of anti-hyperglycemic medications have shown reductions in systolic BP of less than 5 mm Hg (51).


Due to their sodium and volume lowering properties, the SGLT2 inhibitors were looked at early on for effects on BP. In phase 2 and 3 trials, canagliflozin and dapagliflozin showed modest reductions in BP, just under 4 mm Hg (54,55). A recent meta-analysis confirmed this finding across all other major SGLT2 inhibitors currently on the market with a mean reduction of 3.6/1.7 mm Hg in blood pressure as compared to placebo. This reduction is comparable to that seen with low dose hydrochlorothiazide (56). The exact mechanism of BP reduction is not completely understood but is postulated to be mediated by osmotic diuresis, natriuresis, and weight loss (57,58). Importantly, these agents have been shown to have CVD and renal disease reducing properties in patients with diabetes (54,59,60).




Despite advances in diagnosis and management, a significant proportion of diabetic individuals develop microvascular and macrovascular complications throughout their lifetime. Indeed, many patients present with advanced complications at diagnosis. These comorbidities must be considered when choosing an antihypertensive regimen because of ancillary benefits and potential for harm. Proteinuria and chronic kidney disease are most responsive to ACE inhibitors and ARBs and these agents are considered standard of care for such patients. On the other hand, beta-blockers have demonstrated benefit in the settings of established coronary artery disease and heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) but have no proven mortality benefit in their absence. Their use should therefore be restricted to the appropriate settings. Beta-blockers may exacerbate peripheral arterial disease due to reflex vasoconstriction and are best avoided in such patients. Beta-blockers should also be avoided in patients with a history of brittle diabetes and frequent hypoglycemia because of their ability to mask symptoms of hypoglycemia and thus contribute to hypoglycemia unawareness. Mineralocorticoid antagonists have shown proven benefits in HFrEF and should be included in antihypertensive regimens for diabetics with heart failure.




Resistant hypertension is defined as BP greater than 140/90 mm Hg despite a therapeutic strategy that includes appropriate lifestyle modifications along with a diuretic and two other antihypertensive drugs from different classes, administered at optimal doses. It poses a special therapeutic challenge for endocrinologists. It is important to keep in mind that a number of other conditions need to be excluded before diagnosing resistant hypertension. Medication non-adherence must always be ruled out and barriers such as cost and side effects should be addressed. White coat hypertension can be remarkably resistant to therapy or alternatively be associated with intolerable side effects at home, leading to medication non-adherence and can be assessed by means of ABPM. Finally, secondary causes of hypertension should be looked for. The list of causes for secondary hypertension is extensive and includes such diverse disorders as renal artery stenosis, hyperaldosteronism, obstructive sleep apnea, and illicit drug use. Of special interest to the consulting endocrinologist are the various endocrine disorders that manifest with hypertension including primary hyperaldosteronism, pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas, Cushing’s syndrome, and hypo- and hyperthyroidism. Many of these disorders are characterized by distinct clinical presentations, and an exhaustive and expensive evaluation should be discouraged in the absence of supportive signs and symptoms. Obstructive sleep apnea deserves special mention because of its close association with diabetes and obesity and must always be considered in patients with resistant hypertension. Once diagnosed, secondary hypertension is often amenable to specific therapies with immediate improvement in BP.


After confirming a diagnosis of resistant hypertension and excluding possible secondary causes, pharmacological therapy with addition of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists is typically the most effective intervention. These agents are effective in patients with T2DM when added to existing treatment with an ACE inhibitor or ARB, diuretic and calcium channel blocker. Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists also reduce proteinuria and have additional cardiovascular benefits as noted above. However, adding a mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist to a regimen that already includes an ACE inhibitor or ARB increases the risk for hyperkalemia. Therefore, these patients need regular monitoring of serum creatinine and potassium.




Patients with type 1 diabetes currently make up about 5% to 8% of the total diabetes population in the US (1). In contrast to patients with T2DM, patients with type 1 diabetes typically develop renal disease before developing hypertension. Longitudinal studies of type 1 diabetics consistently show development of proteinuria prior to onset of hypertension (13). However, once hypertension has developed, it accelerates the course of microvascular and macrovascular disease similar to patients with T2DM. Unfortunately, there is limited data in type 1 diabetics. A randomized trial has demonstrated that an ACE inhibitor protects against deterioration in renal function in insulin-dependent diabetic nephropathy and is significantly more effective than blood-pressure control alone (69). Therefore, guidelines for antihypertensive therapy in these patients are extrapolated from patients with T2DM, such as a preference for therapy with an ACE inhibitor or ARB. Furthermore, as tight glycemic control with insulin is the cornerstone of management of these patients, beta-blockers should be avoided because of their propensity to promote hypoglycemia and their ability to mask symptoms of hypoglycemia (61).


Perhaps the most distinctive aspect of hypertension in type 1 diabetes relates to the role of glycemic control in its prevention. Data from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) and the Epidemiology of Diabetes Intervention and Complications (EDIC) trials showed that intensive therapy reduced incident hypertension by 24% over a 15 year follow up period (62). Interestingly the reduction in incident hypertension was not seen while the subjects were actually on intensive control but only appeared years later, suggesting that the connection between hyperglycemia and hypertension is not direct but rather is mediated through chronic complications of diabetes such as diabetic nephropathy.




The ongoing novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has disproportionately affected individuals with multiple medical comorbidities. For instance, a large observational study from China showed that up to 23.7% of patients with severe infection had hypertension and 16.2% had diabetes compared to just 13.4% and 5.7% respectively, of patients with non-severe infection (63). The higher incidence of adverse outcomes seen with COVID-19 in patients with hypertension and diabetes is now believed to be related not only to the direct immunosuppressive effects of these comorbidities but also to common underlying socioeconomic themes such as lack of access to quality healthcare and healthy foods (64).


Further research on COVID-19 infection in this subset of patients led to questions on the role of ACE inhibitors and ARBs in its pathogenesis. Specifically, the observation that the novel coronavirus binds to human cells via the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 raised concerns that medications like ACE inhibitors and ARBs that increase levels of this enzyme might accelerate infection with the novel coronavirus. However, at this time there are no clinical data to support this hypothesis and the European Society of Cardiology Council on Hypertension, the American College of Cardiology (ACC)/ American Heart Association (AHA)/ Heart Failure Society of America (HFSA) and the American Society of Hypertension have all released policy statements strongly recommending that patients continue treatment with their usual antihypertensive regimen. Therefore, at this time, recognizing the multiple benefits obtained with these classes of medications in patients with diabetes or hypertension, it is not advisable to discontinue therapy simply because of COVID-19 infection (65).




The high blood pressure clinical practice guidelines released by the ACC/AHA Task Force in 2017 redefined hypertension as a blood pressure greater than 130/80 mm Hg and eliminated the category of pre-hypertension altogether. By lowering the threshold for diagnosis, this new definition immediately reclassifies a large proportion of individuals with diabetes as hypertensive, and consequently raises the incidence and prevalence of hypertension in the diabetic population. These guidelines recommend that pharmacologic therapy be initiated in patients with diabetes who have a blood pressure of greater than 130/80 mm Hg as it is assumed that they have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In the general population it is recommended that the 10-year atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk be calculated. Pharmacotherapy should be initiated in those with an ASCVD risk of greater than ten percent when the blood pressure is greater than 130/80 mm Hg while the remainder can be treated with lifestyle modification alone (66).


The position statement on cardiovascular risk management in diabetes released by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) in 2021 retains the traditional cut off of 140/90 mm Hg for diagnosis of hypertension among individuals with diabetes. Just like the ACC/AHA guidelines, the ADA guidelines incorporate the ASCVD risk calculator in their treatment algorithm. The ADA guidelines differ however, in that the score is used to determine the target blood pressure. Thus, individuals with diabetes who have a score below fifteen percent have a target blood pressure of less than 140/90 mm Hg while individuals with a score greater than fifteen percent should aim for less than 130/80 mm Hg if such a goal can be safely achieved. This approached is based on observations from the SPRINT and other trials that the absolute benefit from BP reduction correlated with absolute baseline cardiovascular risk. These guidelines also emphasize the importance of individualized treatment targets and considering patient preferences and provider judgement when setting blood pressure goals (67).


Both the ACC/AHA guidelines and the ADA guidelines recommend pharmacologic therapy with two drugs belonging to different classes in patients with stage 2 hypertension, defined as a blood pressure greater than 160/100 mm Hg. This recommendation is based on evidence from multiple trials showing that combination therapy is safe and more efficacious than monotherapy in achieving blood pressure control. Combination therapy also leads to faster lowering of blood pressure and accelerates achievement of target levels, minimizing target organ damage in patients with stage 2 hypertension. The ADA guidelines also support use of single pill fixed dose combinations to maximize patient adherence. However, it should be noted that single pill combinations are often difficult to titrate, leading to suboptimal dosing of one component because of intolerance to maximal dosing of the other. This is especially relevant for ACE-inhibitors, ARBs and beta-blockers that show dose dependent benefits and should always be up titrated to maximally tolerated doses.




Adequate treatment of hypertension in patients with diabetes is critical for prevention of end-organ damage and limiting the massive socioeconomic burden imposed by these disorders.

However, despite an abundance of evidence supporting tight control of blood pressure in diabetic individuals, it is sobering to note that BP targets are not met in the majority. Indeed, a larger retrospective registry-based study showed that as recently as 2018 only 48% of adults with diabetes were able to achieve a blood pressure of less than 130/80 mm Hg (68). Barriers to achieving good control include poor access to quality healthcare, lack of awareness among patients and providers, and concerns about side effects of tight control especially among older and frail individuals.


Judicious selection of therapy and consideration of relevant side-effect profiles is paramount. The potential for both beneficial and detrimental drug interactions should be kept in mind and drug combinations should be chosen after due deliberation. ACE inhibitors and ARBs continue to enjoy a special place in the management of hypertension in patients with diabetes and remain the preferred agents in this population subgroup. Combined use of these agents, however, is not recommended due to poor renal outcomes and hyperkalemia. The ancillary antihypertensive effects of antidiabetic medications should also be considered when designing an optimal regimen.


Goal blood pressure in patients with diabetes remains a subject of active discussion. This is reflected in the divergent recommendations offered by major organizations as noted above. While the evidence for lowering of blood pressure to a target of 140/90 mm Hg is unequivocal, the benefits of further intensification of therapy are less clear and must be balanced against the risk of adverse events such as falls, electrolyte abnormalities, and renal failure. Moreover, BP measurement protocols applied in trial settings can yield lower readings than comparable measurements in real world clinic settings, raising questions of whether such tight control is truly needed. A nuanced approach based on cardiovascular risk factors, comorbidities and patient preferences is encouraged.




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         1993 Nov 11;329(20

Pregestational Diabetes Mellitus



The physiologic changes which occur during the reproductive cycle are vast and involve every body system.  In this chapter, we will review the metabolic changes that occur during normal pregnancies and those affected by pre-gestational diabetes.  Due to the significant overlap in maternal and perinatal risks secondary to pre-gestational diabetes and obesity, we will review the risks of maternal obesity and hyperglycemia on maternal, fetal, and neonatal outcomes. Management of preexisting diabetes in pregnancy will be reviewed in detail including up to date medications and diabetes technologies. Postpartum issues including changes in insulin sensitivity, breastfeeding and contraception for women with preexisting diabetes will be discussed. 




In recent years, increasing focus has been placed on improving preconception and inter-pregnancy care for reproductive aged individuals (1,2).  Obstetric and perinatal outcomes are improved when an individual with pre-gestational diabetes enters the pregnancy in a medically-optimized state (3–6).  Since roughly 50% of pregnancies are unplanned, it is in the patient’s best interest if their team begins discussing contraception and family planning during adolescence and early adulthood, as recommended by the ADA (7).  Among those with pre-gestational diabetes, emphasis on importance of strict glycemic control, folic acid supplementation, discontinuation of potentially harmful medications (such as statins, angiotensin converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors), encouraging weight loss in overweight/obese women and optimization of associated medical conditions, including complications of diabetes, are all important components of preconception care.


Hyperglycemia in the months leading up to conception and through the first trimester confers a significant “dose-dependent” risk of congenital anomalies, including cardiac and skeletal defects, as well as miscarriage (8–10).  A hemoglobin A1c value ≤6.0% around the time of conception is associated with a risk for congenital anomalies of 1-3%, similar to the baseline population risk (9).  Furthermore, if diabetes is poorly controlled or sequelae such as renal and cardiac disease are present at the time of conception, obstetric risks of preeclampsia, preterm delivery, and stillbirth are also increased (11,12).


We encourage health care providers to view every encounter with an individual of reproductive age as a pre-conception visit (figure 1). Socio-economic barriers including poor health literacy, smoking, being unmarried, lower family income, and poor relationship with their provider are associated with an absence of pre-pregnancy care, so increased efforts must be made to provide avenues to discuss family planning among these patients (13).  Some suggested solutions include app-based platforms to engage patients and provide education on diet and lifestyle as well as pharmacy-based surveys to identify individuals who require folic acid supplements or other medication adjustments (14,15).

Figure 1. Adapted from Wilkie, G. & Leftwich, H. (2020). Optimizing Care Preconception for Women With Diabetes and Obesity. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology.



Understanding normal glucose levels in pregnancy is important for setting glycemic targets in women with diabetes. The first change that happens is a fall in fasting glucose levels, which occurs early in the first trimester. In the second and third trimesters, glucose levels rise slightly due to insulin resistance. A careful review of the literature including all available trials using continuous glucose monitors (CGM), plasma glucose samples, and self-monitored blood glucose (SMBG) demonstrated that pregnant women without diabetes (body mass index (BMI) 22-28 kg/m2) during the 3rd trimester (~34 weeks) have on average a fasting blood glucose (FBG) of 71 mg/dl; a 1 hour postprandial (PP) glucose of 109 mg/dl; and a 2 hour value of 99 mg/dl, much lower than the current targets for glycemic control for women with diabetes during pregnancy (16). (See figure 2). Increasing gestational age and maternal BMI affect "normal" glucose levels. A longitudinal study of 32 healthy, normal weight women between 16 weeks’ gestation to 6 weeks postpartum demonstrated a rise in mean glucose levels from 16 weeks (4.57 mmol/l (82.3 mg/dl) to 36 weeks (5.22 mmol/l (94.0 mg/dl) which was maintained at 6 weeks postpartum (5.20 mmol/l (93.7 mg/dl)) using CGM (17). Two-hour postprandial levels were increased rising from 95.7 mg/dl at 16 weeks to a peak of 110.6 mg/dl at 36 weeks. Although fasting blood levels are lower in pregnancy, postprandial glucose levels are slightly elevated which is likely related to the many impaired insulin actions; altered β cell secretion, hepatic gluconeogenesis and placenta derived circulating hormones (18).


Figure 2. Glucose Levels During Pregnancy



Hyperglycemia is a known teratogen whether occurring from T1DM or T2DM and can result in complex cardiac defects, CNS anomalies such as anencephaly and spina bifida, skeletal malformations, and genitourinary abnormalities (19,20). A systematic review of 13 observational studies of women with T1DM and T2DM demonstrated that poor glycemic control resulted in a pooled odds ratio of 3.44 (95%CI 2.3-5.15) of a congenital anomaly, 3.23 (CI 1.64- 6.36) of spontaneous loss, and 3.03 (1.87-4.92) of perinatal mortality compared to women with optimal glycemic control (21). Women with a normal A1c at conception and during the first trimester have no increased risk while women with a A1c of 10-12% or a fasting blood glucose >260 mg/dl have up to a 25% risk of major malformations (22,23). A recent analysis of 1,676 deliveries to women with preexisting diabetes between 2009-2018 found a similar significant rate of anomaly especially with increasing A1c taken at the first prenatal visit: women with A1c of 10% had a major congenital anomaly rate of 10% while women with A1c of 13% had a 20% major anomaly rate. The overall anomaly rate was 8% in this modern cohort. Most women in the cohort had T2DM (n=1,449) and fewer had T1DM (n=149), however more women with T1DM had infants with anomalies. The offspring of women with T1DM have higher prevalence of neonatal death (RR 4.56 [95% CI 3.42, 6.07], p < 0.0001) as well as infant death (RR 1.86 [95% CI 1.00, 3.46], p = 0.046) compared to offspring of women without diabetes (113). Periconception A1c >6.6% (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 1.02 [95% CI 1.00, 1.04], p = 0.01), preconception retinopathy (aOR 2.05 [95% CI 1.04, 4.05], p = 0.04), and lack of preconception folic acid supplementation (aOR 2.52 [95% CI 1.12, 5.65], p = 0.03) were all independently associated with risk of neonatal and infant death (24). Most organizations recommend women achieve an A1c of less than 6.5% prior to conception (25,26). For women with hypoglycemia unawareness, less stringent glycemic targets may need to be used such as an A1c <7.0%. The A1C falls in pregnancy and if it is possible without significant hypoglycemia, an A1c of less than 6% is recommended.


The mechanism of glucose-induced congenital anomalies has not been fully elucidated (27). It has been shown that diabetes-induced fetal abnormalities may be mediated by a number of metabolic disturbances including elevated superoxide dismutase activity, reduced levels of myoinositol and arachidonic acid, and inhibition of the pentose phosphate shunt pathway. Oxidative stress appears to be involved in the etiology of fetal dysmorphogenesis and neural tube defects in the embryos of diabetic mice are also associated with altered expression of genes which control development of the neural tube (28).


Women with T2DM are more likely to be treated for dyslipidemia and hypertension. Chronic hypertension occurs in 13-19% of women with T2DM and many of these will be prescribed an ACE-inhibitor or Angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) (29). The data on risk for first trimester exposure to ACE inhibitors is conflicting (see nephropathy section). Depending on the indication for use, an informed discussion on the benefits and risks of stopping these agents before pregnancy must occur but they should certainly be stopped as soon as a missed period occurs. The data on teratogenicity of statins for treatment of hypercholesterolemia is also conflicting and is based on animal, not human, studies (30).  Pravastatin has had favorable effects on vascular endothelial growth factor in animal studies (31–33). A small multicenter pilot study examining pravastatin in prevention of preeclampsia in high-risk women found that pravastatin was safe when started between 12-16 weeks gestation. There is a large randomized clinical trial of 1,550 women evaluating pravastatin to prevent preeclampsia ongoing currently ( ID NCT03944512).  At this time, current guidelines recommend that statins be stopped prior to pregnancy, but definitely at diagnosis of pregnancy.




Pregnancy is a complex metabolic state that involves dramatic alterations in the hormonal milieu in addition to changes in adipocytes and inflammatory cytokines. There are high levels of estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, cortisol, human chorionic gonadotropin, placental growth hormone, human chorionic somatomammotropin (human placental lactogen), leptin, TNFα, and oxidative stress biomarkers. In addition, decreases in adiponectin worsen maternal insulin resistance in the second trimester, in order to facilitate fuel utilization by the conceptus (34).


Metabolically, the first trimester is characterized by increased insulin sensitivity, which promotes adipose tissue accretion in early pregnancy. What mediates this increased insulin sensitivity remains unclear. Women are at increased risk for hypoglycemia, especially if accompanied by nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. Although most women show an increase in insulin sensitivity between 6-20 weeks’ gestation of pregnancy and report more frequent episodes of hypoglycemia, especially at night, there is a transient increase in insulin resistance very early in pregnancy (prior to 10 weeks), usually followed by increased insulin sensitivity up until 14-20 weeks (35).


In the fasting state, pregnant women deplete their glycogen stores quickly due to the fetoplacental glucose demands, and switch from carbohydrate to fat metabolism within 12 hours, resulting in increased lipolysis and ketone production (36–38).  In women without diabetes, the second and third trimesters are characterized by insulin resistance with a 200-300% increase in the insulin response to glucose (39).  This serves to meet the metabolic demands of the fetus, which requires 80% of its energy as glucose, while maintaining euglycemia in the mother. The placental and fetal demands for glucose are considerable and approach the equivalent of ~150 grams per day of glucose in the third trimester (37).  In addition, the maternal metabolic rate increases by ~150-300 kcal/day in the third trimester, depending on the amount of gestational weight gain in pregnancy. These increased nutritional needs place the mother at risk for ketosis, which occurs much earlier than usual without adequate oral or intravenous nutrients, frequently referred to as "accelerated starvation of pregnancy" (36).  See “Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Pregnancy” section for further details.




Although historically, T1DM has been more prevalent than T2DM in women of child-bearing age, this is changing with increased obesity rates worldwide. The prevalence of prediabetes and diabetes is a burgeoning global epidemic (40,41). In the United States, the prevalence of diabetes among adults between 1980 and 2020 has quadrupled with an estimated 21.9 million adults living with diabetes, including reproductive aged women (41). There was higher prevalence of diabetes among non- Hispanic blacks and Mexican Americans (42).  In Canada, the number of women with pre- existing diabetes has increased 50% between 1996 and 2001 with T2DM representing a growing proportion (43). There is limited data on the burden of diabetes during pregnancy in low and middle income countries around the world (44).


Both women with T1DM and T2DM are at increased risk of poor obstetrical outcomes, and both can have improved outcomes with optimized care (5,45).  The White Classification (Table 1) was developed decades ago by Priscilla White at the Joslin Clinic to stratify risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with T1DM according to the age of the patient, duration of diabetes, and presence of vascular complications of diabetes. Although recent evidence suggests that the classification does not predict adverse pregnancy outcomes better than taking into account the increased risk of micro- and macrovascular disease (e.g. retinopathy, nephropathy, hypertension, coronary artery disease, etc.), it is still often used in the U.S. to indicate level of risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes (46).  Although it was developed to use in women with T1DM rather than T2DM, given the very low prevalence of T2DM in women of childbearing age decades ago when it was first established in 1949, many also apply it to this group of women. ACOG further modified it in 1986 and GDM was added to the classification and designated as A1 (controlled by diet alone) and A2 (controlled by medication). Women with T2DM are at least as high of a risk of pregnancy complications as women with T1DM. The reasons for this may include older age, a higher incidence of obesity, a lower rate of preconception counseling, disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds, and the co-existence of the metabolic syndrome including hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and chronic inflammation

 [29]. Furthermore, the causes of pregnancy loss appear to differ in women with T1DM versus T2DM. In one series comparing outcomes, >75% of pregnancy losses in women with T1DM were due to major congenital anomalies or prematurity (47).  In women with T2DM, >75% were attributable to stillbirth or chorioamnionitis, suggesting that obesity may play a role.


Table 1. Modified White Classification of Pregnant Diabetic Women


Diabetes onset age (year)

Duration (year)

Type of Vascular


Medication Need

Gestational Diabetes (GDM)











Pre-gestational Diabetes







10-19 OR





<10 OR


















Renal Transplant






Coronary Artery






Treatment Options in Achieving Glycemic Control


All women with T1DM and T2DM should target an A1c of <6.5% preconception when possible. For women with T2DM on oral or noninsulin injectable agents, consider switching to insulin prior to pregnancy, even in women with goal glycemic control.




No oral hypoglycemics are approved for pre-existing diabetes in pregnancy although glyburide and metformin have been used in multiple RCTs for GDM. (Please see Endotext Gestational Diabetes chapter). There is no evidence that exposure to glyburide or metformin in first trimester are teratogenic, but both do cross the placenta, metformin substantially more than glyburide (48–50).  There appear to be no metformin receptors in the embryo but there are metformin receptors in the fetus. There is minimal data on thiazolidinediones or meglitinides and no data on incretin-based therapies (dipeptidyl peptidase [DPP]-4 inhibitors and glucagon-like peptide [GLP]-1 analogues). It is recommended that women with T2DM who are actively trying to become pregnant should be switched from oral or noninsulin injectable hypoglycemic agents to insulin prior to conception if possible. This rationale is based on the fact that it may take some time to determine the ideal insulin dose prior to the critical time of embryogenesis. Furthermore, oral hypoglycemic agents alone are likely to fail to control glucoses during pregnancy given the insulin resistance of pregnancy. However, women who conceive on any oral agents should not stop them until they can be switched effectively to insulin because hyperglycemia is potentially much more dangerous than any of the current available therapies to treat diabetes (51). There are potential concerns for sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors in pregnancy based on a case of profound polyuria in a pregnant patient with familial renal glycosuria (mutation in gene encoding SGLT2 transporter) (52).  Furthermore, pregnancy causes polyuria and glycosuria normally due to increased glomerular filtration rate, and it is unknown whether SGLT2-inhibitors would provide additional efficacy. Metformin is sometimes used preconception and throughout the first trimester in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) not for glycemic control but to improve fertility and prevent early miscarriage. Recent guidelines do not recommend metformin as a first line agent for ovulation induction in women with PCOS and infertility, but rather letrozole. There is no known teratogenic effect of metformin when used in women with PCOS (50,53,54).


Oral agents may be considered if insulin is not a possible treatment in special situations, such as patient declining insulin therapy due to injection phobia, history of intravenous drug use, or cost. For women with preexisting diabetes who decline insulin therapy, oral agents are preferable to no therapy. Their use is unlikely to result in adverse outcomes from the agents themselves unless hyperglycemia is inadequately controlled. There are few studies looking at metformin use among pregnant women with T2DM (55,56).  One study of 106 women with T2DM receiving metformin during pregnancy compared to insulin alone treatment found a large failure rate of metformin monotherapy (84.9% of metformin only group required addition of insulin), less neonatal hypoglycemia (p=<0.01), less NICU stay >24 hours (p=o.o1), less maternal weight gain (p<0.01), less gestational hypertension (p=0.029); however, SGA infants were more common in the metformin group compared to the insulin only group (p<-0.01) (55).  In a small randomized pilot study of 19 pregnant women with T2DM (8 receiving metformin and 11 receiving insulin), there was no significant difference in glycemic control, NICU stay, cesarean section, need for neonatal dextrose between the two groups (56). The Metformin in Women with Type 2 Diabetes in Pregnancy Trial (MiTy) is currently enrolling pregnant women with T2DM who are on insulin, randomizing them to metformin or placebo, and should be a very helpful in evaluation of maternal and neonatal outcomes (57).




Given lack of long-term safety data on metformin use in pregnancy, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommend insulin as the first line agent for treatment of diabetes in pregnancy, including preexisting diabetes and GDM (25,26).  Insulin therapy must be individualized for women with preexisting diabetes in pregnancy.


Basal Insulin


Basal insulin is given 1-2 times daily or via a continuous insulin infusion pump. Although there are less safety data on the use of long-acting insulin analogues in pregnancy, they do appear to be safe. There were early concerns that glargine may have a more pronounced mitogenic effect due to the higher affinity to the IGF-1 receptor. A recent meta-analysis did not demonstrate any difference in maternal or fetal outcomes in pregnancies exposed to glargine vs. NPH (58).  Early case reports raised concern over progression of retinopathy with glargine, however recent studies in the non-pregnant population have not shown this. The efficacy and safety of detemir has been confirmed in a multinational RCT involving 371 women, approximately half of whom were enrolled prior to pregnancy (59,60).  There were no differences in any of the maternal or neonatal outcomes. Overall glycemic control was slightly better with detemir compared to NPH, with lower fasting glucose, less risk of maternal hypoglycemia and slightly reduced A1c levels. There have been no studies looking at safety of newer basal insulins such as degludec (Tresiba), glargine U300 (Toujeo), and the biosimilar glargine (Basaglar). Basal insulin may be provided as two doses of NPH or with one of the long-acting analogues - detemir preferred over glargine. The absence of a peak with glargine and detemir may result in inadequate control of fasting glucoses, which can often be ameliorated by the use of NPH before bedtime to take advantage of its 8-hour peak. The evening dose of NPH usually needs to be moved to bedtime to avoid nocturnal hypoglycemia and prevent fasting hyperglycemia.  A recent study evaluating detemir vs NPH in 108 women with type 2 diabetes during pregnancy found improved neonatal and maternal outcomes with use of detemir. Women using detemir compared to NPH had improved composite outcome of adverse neonatal outcomes, shoulder dystocia, large for gestational age, neonatal intensive care unit stay, respiratory distress, or hypoglycemia as well as improved maternal outcomes, including less hypoglycemia and fewer hypertensive disorders.  Although women with T2DM may sometimes achieve adequate glycemic control with twice-daily injections, perinatal outcomes were better with four times daily compared to twice-daily regimens in both women with T2DM and GDM in a randomized study (61).


Bolus Insulin


Bolus insulin dosing is provided with short acting insulin with doses calculated based on pre-meal glucose and carbohydrate intake using a correction factor and insulin to carbohydrate ratio (62). For women that do not know how to count carbohydrates, fixed meal-time insulin dosing can be prescribed. Lispro and aspart have been used in multiple trials in pregnancy, and their safety and efficacy are well-established. Lispro and aspart are preferred  to regular insulin due to improvement in postprandial glycemia and reduced hypoglycemia, while fetal outcomes were similar (63,64). Patient satisfaction has also been higher for patients using lispro or aspart compared to regular insulin. There are no data on short acting insulin glulisine, ultra-fast acting aspart, nor the recently FDA approved ultra-fast acting insulin lispro in pregnancy. Lispro or aspart insulin may be especially helpful in women with hyperemesis or gastroparesis because they can be dosed after a successful meal and still be effective. It has been demonstrated that rapid acting insulins may take longer to reach maximal concentrations (49 [37-55] vs 71 [52-108] min) in late gestation (65).  Thus, for some women it may be necessary to take mealtime insulin 15-30 minutes prior to the start of a meal (termed pre-bolusing).




Many patients with T1DM or long-standing T2DM require multiple daily injections (4-5 injections per day) or an insulin pump to achieve optimal glycemic control during pregnancy. Many women with T1DM use continuous insulin infusion pumps and CGM during pregnancy (66).  CGM will be reviewed in detail below. There have been several studies showing insulin pump use is safe in pregnancy. In a large multicenter trial of women with T1DM during pregnancy, there was improved A1c both in the first trimester as well as in the third trimester and no difference in rates of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) or severe hypoglycemia compared to women with T1DM treated with multiple daily injections during pregnancy (67).  Most studies have shown improvement in glycemic control, but not all (68–70).  Most studies have shown similar maternal and perinatal outcomes (71). An analysis of data from 248 women with T1DM enrolled in the Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Women With Type 1 Diabetes in Pregnancy Trial (CONCEPTT) showed that women using MDI therapy versus insulin pump therapy had similar first trimester glycemia but MDI users had lower glycemia at 34 weeks than insulin pump users and were more likely to achieve target A1c. MDI users were more likely to achieve target A1c (p = 0.009 and p = 0.001, respectively).  In this analysis, pump users had lower hypoglycemia fear but increased NICU admissions, neonatal hypoglycemia, and hypertensive disorders compared to MDI users. There are no definitive studies favoring continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (insulin pump) over multiple daily injections (70,72,73).  RCTs of multiple daily injections versus the insulin pump generally showed equivalent glycemic control and perinatal outcomes. Insulin pumps can be especially useful for patients with nocturnal hypoglycemia, gastroparesis, or a prominent dawn phenomenon(72). 


Disadvantages of insulin pump therapy include cost and the risk for marked hyperglycemia or DKA as a consequence of insulin delivery failure from a kinked catheter or from infusion site problems, although rare (74). Patients should be educated on how to quickly recognize and manage insulin pump failure. Therefore, it may be optimal to begin pump therapy before pregnancy due to the steep learning curve involved with its use and the need to continually adjust basal and bolus settings due to the changing insulin resistance in pregnancy. However, in motivated pregnant patients with a multidisciplinary team of diabetes education specialists and pump trainers, insulin pump initiation is safe in pregnancy. Several studies demonstrate the significant changes in bolus more than basal insulin requirements during pregnancy which should be understood to achieve optimal glycemic control (71,75). 


A recently published paper on the use of a closed loop pump in pregnancy was very favorable but a pregnancy–specific algorithm was required (76).  There are currently two FDA-approved hybrid closed loop systems on the market in the United States, the Medtronic 670G with recent upgrade to the 770G and the Tandem T-slim X2 with Control IQ technology. Neither semi closed loop system is approved for use in pregnancy, partly due to the lack of large safety trials and that each has an algorithm that fixes the target glucose at higher levels than goal glycemia in pregnancy. With the rise in popularity of these automated insulin pump systems, women are becoming pregnant using these automated insulin pumps and using off label in pregnancy. A discussion needs to occur with their diabetes care team about continuing to use the pump off-label in pregnancy or switching to manual (or non-automated) mode. A case series of three women using the Medtronic 670G in pregnancy in auto mode at varying times and durations has shown some improvement in time in range when in auto mode although the women did not achieve the A1c target in pregnancy (<6%). This case series is too small to evaluate obstetric or neonatal outcomes and highlights the need for larger trials on automated insulin delivery systems in pregnancy. Well-designed randomized clinical trials with appropriate glycemic control outcomes (using CGM) and adequate power to examine obstetric and neonatal outcomes are needed to make strong recommendations regarding the benefits of hybrid closed loop insulin pump therapy in pregnancy. However, recruitment to such trials is challenging. The next generation of closed loop pumps that allow for customized lower targets for pregnancy and are responsive to the fairly rapid changes in insulin sensitivity from week to week are anticipated in the near future (77). There have been few studies evaluating hybrid closed loop insulin delivery systems in pregnancy. A randomized study evaluating hybrid closed loop therapy in women with T1DM during pregnancy vs sensor-augmented pump therapy (SAPT) showed that hybrid closed loop insulin pump therapy achieved a higher percentage of glucose time in range compared to patients using SAPT alone (76). This study included a subset of women who continued closed loop therapy through labor and delivery, and these women achieved a high percentage of glucose in range during hospitalization and delivery. In this study, there were no significant differences in time in hypoglycemic range or adverse outcomes between the hybrid closed loop group and SAPT group. In one study using intermittent blinded CGM in which the information was used by the health care team to adjust insulin treatment, there was improved glycemic control in the third trimester and a reduction in macrosomia rates (78). In another study of intermittent use of real time CGM (where glucose results are simultaneously displayed) there was no improvement of glycemic control or macrosomia (79).


With the burgeoning technology options for management of diabetes during pregnancy, research on hybrid closed loop insulin pump technologies during pregnancy is needed. There are currently a couple of studies of hybrid closed loop systems in pregnancy, the Pregnancy Intervention with a Closed Loop System and the Automated Insulin Delivery Among Pregnant women with T1D.


Importance of Glycemic Control


Failure to achieve optimal control in early pregnancy may have teratogenic effects in the first 3- 10 weeks of gestation or lead to early fetal loss. Poor glycemic control later in pregnancy increases the risk of intrauterine fetal demise, macrosomia, cardiac septal enlargement in the fetus, perinatal death, and metabolic complications such as hypoglycemia in the newborn. Target glucose values for fasting and postprandial times should be discussed with the patient. Current guidelines are that fasting and premeal blood glucose should be <95 mg/dl, the 1 hour postprandial glucose <130-140mg/dl and the 2-hour postprandial glucose <120mg/dl (80).


Although a review of the literature suggests that the mean FPG, 1-hour PP, and 2-hour PP +/- 1 SD glucoses are significantly lower in normal weight women in the 3rd trimester (FPG ~71 +/- 8 mg/dl; 1-hour PP ~109 +/- 13 mg/dl; 2-hour PP 99 +/- 10 mg) than current therapeutic targets, (19), no RCTs have been completed to determine whether lowering the therapeutic targets results in more favorable pregnancy outcomes or decreases large for gestation age (LGA). A prospective study in pregnant women with T1DM showed less preeclampsia with glucose targets of fasting <5.1 mmol/L (92 mg/dl), preprandial <6.0 mmol/L (108 mg/dl) and 1 hour postprandial <7.8 mmol/L (140 mg/dl) (81). An A1c should be done at the first visit and every 1-3 months thereafter depending on if at target or not (<6% if possible with minimal hypoglycemia) (25,51).  Additional labs and exams recommended for women with preexisting diabetes during pregnancy are summarized in Table 2.


Table 2. Evaluation of Pregnant Women with Preexisting Diabetes


Initially and every 1 – 3 months


TSH every trimester if + TPO antibodies


Repeat if borderline due to doubling in pregnancy


For evaluation for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and as baseline

preeclampsia labs

Cr; Urine albumin or protein

If abnormal, obtain 24-hour urine for protein and estimated CrCl Repeat Prot/Cr ratio or 24-hour urine every 1 – 3 months if significant proteinuria or hypertension

Ferritin, B12

Obtain for anemia or abnormal MCV, especially B12 if T1DM DM

Baseline preeclampsia labs

Consider Uric Acid; Obtain CBC with platelet count in addition to AST, ALT, BUN, Cr, 24-hour urine for protein, Cr


For women ≥35 years or CV risk factors; Consider further evaluation if indicated

Dilated Retinal Exam

Within 3 months of pregnancy or first trimester and repeat evaluation according to risk of progression


The risk of maternal hypoglycemia needs to be weighed with the risk of maternal hyperglycemia. Maternal hypoglycemia is common and often severe in pregnancy in women with T1DM.  During the first trimester, before the placenta increases the production of hormones, nausea and increased insulin sensitivity may place the mother at risk for hypoglycemia. Women must be counseled that their insulin requirements in the first trimester are likely to decrease by 10-20% (82). This is especially true at night when prolonged fasting and continuous fetal-placental glucose utilization places the woman at even a higher risk for hypoglycemia. One of the highest risk periods for severe hypoglycemia is between midnight and 8:00 a.m. Pregnant women with diabetes complicated by gastroparesis or hyperemesis gravidarum are at the greatest risk for daytime hypoglycemia. In a series of 84 pregnant women with T1DM, hypoglycemia requiring assistance from another person occurred in 71% of patients with a peak incidence at 10-15 weeks gestation (83).  One third of subjects had a least one severe episode resulting in seizures, loss of consciousness, or injury. There are also data to suggest that the counterregulatory hormonal responses to hypoglycemia, particularly growth hormone and epinephrine, are diminished in pregnancy (84,85). This risk of hypoglycemia may be ameliorated if efforts are made to achieve good glycemic control preconception, by the use of analogue insulins, and with the use of CGM (86,87) Insulin pumps with or without CGM may help achieve glycemic targets without increasing hypoglycemia (67,76,88). 


Use of CGM especially with real-time sensor glucose data shared with a partner or loved one has been shown to reduce fear of hypoglycemia in pregnancy. The risk of hypoglycemia is also present in pregnant women with T2DM, but tends to be less so than in women with T1DM (89). The risk of hypoglycemia to the fetus is difficult to study but animal studies indicate that hypoglycemia is potentially teratogenic during organogenesis, which would translate into a gestational age between 3-10 weeks in the human (90). Exposure to hypoglycemia in utero may have long-term effects on the offspring including neuropsychological defects, so intensive efforts must be made to avoid it (90). To help reduce risk of nocturnal hypoglycemia, women with T1DM especially if using NPH insulin may need a small bedtime snack and/or reduce overnight basal insulin doses. The patient should have a glucagon emergency kit and carry easily absorbed carbohydrate with her at all times. Education of patients and care providers to avoid hypoglycemia can reduce the incidence of hypoglycemia unawareness. The incidence of severe hypoglycemia in pregnant women with T1DM can be reduced often without significantly increasing A1c levels and is a priority given hypoglycemic unawareness worsens with repeated episodes and can result in maternal seizures and rarely maternal death (91).


By 18-20 weeks of gestation, peripheral insulin resistance increases resulting in increasing insulin requirements so that it is not unusual for a pregnant woman to require 2-3 times as much insulin as she did prior to pregnancy depending on baseline insulin resistance, carbohydrate intake, and body mass index. In a study of 27 women with T1DM on an insulin pump, the carbohydrate-to-insulin ratio intensified 4-fold from early to late pregnancy (e.g. 1 unit for every 20 grams to 1 unit for every 5 grams), and the basal insulin rates increased 50% (71).


Glucose Monitoring Timing and Frequency


Pregnant women with diabetes must frequently self-monitor their glucose in order to achieve tight glycemic control. Since fetal macrosomia (overgrowth) is related to both the fasting and postprandial glucose excursions, pregnant women with diabetes need to monitor their post-meal and fasting glucoses regularly and women with T1DM or T2DM using a flexible intensive insulin regimen also need to monitor their pre-meal glucoses (92).


Postprandial glucose measurements determine if the insulin to carbohydrate ratios are effective in meeting glycemic targets as optimal control is associated with less macrosomia, metabolic complications in the fetus, and possibly preeclampsia (81,93).  Due to the increased risk of nocturnal hypoglycemia with any intensive insulin therapy, glucose monitoring during the night is often necessary given the frequent occurrence of recurrent hypoglycemia and resulting hypoglycemic unawareness with the achievement of tight glycemic control.




CGM may help identify periods of hyper- or hypoglycemia and certainly confirm glycemic patterns and variability (78,94).  The ADA and ACOG recommend that CGM may be used as adjunctive therapy with self-monitored blood glucose (SMBG) values in pregnancy especially in those with frequent or severe hypoglycemia. In pregnancy, the mean sensor glucose may be better at estimating glycemic control than A1c. For women with T1DM, the International Consensus on Time in Range recommends increasing time in range in pregnancy quickly and safely with a pregnancy goal sensor glucose range of 63 to 140 mg/dl (3.5-7.8 mmol/L) with >70% time in range, <25% time above range (>140 mg/dl [>7.8 mol/L], <4% of time below 63 mg/dl (<3.5 mmol/L), and <1% time below 54 mg/dl (<3 mmol/L). The expert guidance did not recommend time in range goals for patients with T2DM or gestational diabetes due to lack of clear evidence in these populations.


CGM has been an advancing technology with tremendous improvements in accuracy, comfort, longer duration, convenience, and insurance coverage over the past decade. Some newer CGM devices are factory calibrated and do not require fingerstick glucose calibrations. There are also flash CGM systems on the market which require scanning of the sensor with a receiver to display the sensor glucose. Although CGM is currently not approved for use during pregnancy, many women with T1DM and some with T2DM use the technology preconception and continue to do so during pregnancy, or are started on CGM during pregnancy off-label. Pregnant women with diabetes may use CGM either in conjunction with an insulin pump or with MDI therapy to help achieve glycemic control. Sensor-augmented pump therapy (SAPT) and hybrid closed loop pump therapy have growing data in pregnancy. The Continuous glucose monitoring in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes (CONCEPTT) trial was a large multicenter trial examined CGM use in women planning pregnancy as well as pregnant women with T1DM using either MDI or insulin pump therapy (94). This study found statistically significantly lower incidence of large for gestational age (LGA) infants, less neonatal intensive care unit stays more than 24 hours, and less neonatal hypoglycemia. This study found a small difference in A1c among the pregnant women using CGM, less time spent in hyperglycemia range, and more time spent in range. Importantly this was the first study to show improvement in non-glycemic outcomes for CGM use in pregnancy (94). A follow-up study to the CONCEPTT trial found that pregnant women using real time CGM compared to capillary glucose monitoring were more likely to achieve ADA and NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence) guidelines for A1c targets by 34 weeks gestation.


Sensor glucose values from CGM may not be as accurate at extremes of hypo- or hyperglycemia or with rapid changes in glucose, so patients should always check fingerstick glucose if the patient feels the glucose is different than the displayed sensor glucose. CGM values may have a lag time behind actual plasma glucose values.




Women should be up-to-date on screening for complications of diabetes prior to conceiving. Diabetes care providers should discuss risk of progression of complications during pregnancy especially in women with retinopathy and nephropathy.




Diabetic retinopathy may progress during pregnancy and throughout the first year postpartum. However, pregnancy does not cause permanent worsening in mild retinopathy (95,96). The cause for progression in moderate and especially severe proliferative retinopathy is likely due to a combined effect of the rapid institution of tight glycemic control, increased plasma volume, anemia, placental angiogenic growth factors, and the hypercoagulable state of pregnancy (97,98). In 179 pregnancies in women with T1DM DM who were followed prospectively, progression of retinopathy occurred in 5% of women. Risk factors for progression were duration of diabetes >10 years (10% versus 0% in the <10-year duration of diabetes group), moderate to severe background retinopathy (30% versus 3.7% in the no or background diabetic retinopathy group), and a trend for those women who had the greatest fall in A1c (97). The risk of progression of retinopathy is most pronounced in women with more severe pre-existing proliferative retinopathy, chronic hypertension, preeclampsia, development of hypertension during pregnancy, and poor glycemic control prior to pregnancy and dilated retinal exams during pregnancy are indicated (99). Proliferative retinopathy may also progress during pregnancy, especially in women with hypertension or poor glycemic control early in pregnancy (100).  Pregnancy can also contribute to macular edema, which is often reversible following delivery (101).


Therefore, women with T1DM and T2DM should have ophthalmological assessments before conception. All guidelines recommend that women have a comprehensive eye exam or fundus photography before pregnancy and in the first trimester. Laser photocoagulation for severe non-proliferative or proliferative retinopathy prior to pregnancy reduces the risk of vision loss in pregnancy and should be done prior to pregnancy (26). Women with low-risk eye disease should be followed by an ophthalmologist during pregnancy, but significant vision-threatening progression of retinopathy is rare in these individuals. For vision-threatening retinopathy, laser photocoagulation can be used during pregnancy (101).  Safety of bevacizumab injection during pregnancy is not clear with some case reports of normal pregnancy after bevacizumab injections for macular edema in pregnancy, and other early pregnancy loss following bevacizumab injection. In women with severe untreated proliferative retinopathy, vaginal delivery with the Valsalva maneuver has been associated with retinal and vitreous hemorrhage. Little data exist to guide mode of delivery in women with advanced retinal disease and some experts have suggested avoiding significant Valsalva maneuvers—instead offering assisted second-stage delivery or cesarean delivery (23).


Diabetic Nephropathy/Chronic Kidney Disease


Microalbuminuria and overt nephropathy are associated with increased risk of maternal and fetal complications (102–105). Although proteinuria increases during pregnancy in women with preexisting nephropathy, those with a normal glomerular filtration rate (GFR) rarely have a permanent deterioration in renal function provided blood pressure and blood glucose are well controlled (106–108). Those with more severe renal insufficiency (creatinine >1.5 mg/dl) have a 30-50% risk of a permanent pregnancy-related decline in GFR (109). Among pregnant women with diabetes, nephropathy significantly increases the risk of preeclampsia which is seen in 35-64% of women with baseline nephropathy and 9-17% of women with diabetes without nephropathy.  Factors which may contribute to worsening nephropathy in pregnancy include the hyperfiltration of pregnancy, increase in protein intake, hypertension, and withdrawal of ACE Inhibitors or ARBs. More stringent control of blood pressure in pregnancy may reduce the likelihood of increasing protein excretion and reduced GFR. In a series of 36 women with T1DM and nephropathy, maternal and obstetric outcomes were strongly dependent on the degree of maternal renal function (110). In women with a creatinine clearance of >80 cc/min, the prematurity rate was 19% and the mean birth weight was 2670 grams in comparison to women with a creatinine clearance of 30-80 cc/min in whom 60% of the infants were premature and the mean birth weight was only 1640 grams. Overall, ~50% of the patients developed nephrotic range proteinuria, 97% of the patients required antihypertensive treatment, and 20% of the children had neurodevelopmental delays. In normal pregnancy, urinary albumin excretion increases up to 30 mg/day and total protein excretion increases up to 300 mg/day. Women with pre-existing proteinuria often have a significant progressive increase in protein excretion, frequently into the nephrotic range, in part due to the 30-50% increase in GFR that occurs during pregnancy.


Prior to conception, women should be screened for chronic kidney disease. Dipstick methods are unreliable and random urine protein/creatinine ratios are convenient but not as accurate as methods to carefully quantify proteinuria using 24-hour urine excretions in pregnancy. There have not been studies looking at spot urine albumin to creatinine ratio versus 24-hour urine protein assessment in pregnant women with diabetes. In hypertensive pregnant women, one study found that the spot urine albumin to creatinine ratio had higher diagnostic accuracy than 24-hour urine protein assessment (111). It is reasonable to collect a spot urine albumin to creatinine ratio in patients who have not followed through with collection of 24-hour urine specimens.


There is conflicting information on whether first-trimester exposure to ACE inhibitors and ARBs is associated with an increased risk of congenital malformations. A meta-analysis, limited by small study size (786 exposed infants), demonstrated a significant risk ratio (relative risk [RR] 1.78, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.07–2.94) for increased anomalies in infants exposed to first-trimester ACE inhibitors and ARBs compared to the normal population (112). However, the increased risk of congenital anomalies appears to be more related to hypertension itself, rather than drug exposure. There was no statistically significant difference (RR 1.41, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.66–3.04) when ACE inhibitor and ARB exposed pregnancies were compared to other hypertensive pregnancies. A large cohort study of women with chronic hypertension including over 4100 pregnant women exposed to ACE inhibitors during the first trimester of pregnancy found no significant increase in major congenital anomalies (113).  Exposure in the second and third trimesters is clearly associated with a fetal renin-angiotensin system blockade syndrome, which includes anuria in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, which may be irreversible. However, one recent case report of a pregnant women with anhydramnios who had ARB exposure at 30 weeks’ gestation had normalization of amniotic fluid volume after cessation of the medication. Furthermore, there were no apparent renal abnormalities at birth or 2 year follow up (114). Women who are taking ACE-inhibitors or ARBs should be counseled that these agents are contraindicated in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Women who are actively trying to get pregnant should be switched to calcium channel blockers (such as nifedipine or diltiazem), methyldopa, hydralazine, or selected B-adrenergic blockers such as labetalol.


Women who are considering pregnancy but not likely to become pregnant in a short time and who are receiving renal protection from ACE inhibitors or ARBs due to significant underlying renal disease can be counseled to continue these agents. However, they should closely monitor their menstrual cycles and stop these agents as soon as pregnancy is confirmed.


Women with severe renal insufficiency should be counseled that their chances for a favorable obstetric outcome may be higher with a successful renal transplant. Women with good function of their renal allografts who have only mild hypertension, do not require high doses of immunosuppressive agents, and are 1-2 years out from their renal transplant have a much better prognosis than women with severe renal insufficiency and who are likely to require dialysis during pregnancy. Successful pregnancy outcomes have been reported in 89% of these successful renal transplant patients (115). Timing of conception in relation to transplant is controversial and should be individualized. Pre-pregnancy graft function can help predict risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes, especially preeclampsia, and postpartum graft function (116).


Cardiovascular Disease


Although infrequent, cardiovascular disease (CVD) can occur in women of reproductive age with diabetes. The increasing prevalence of T2DM with associated hyperlipidemia, hypertension, obesity, advanced maternal age, and inflammation is further increasing the prevalence of CVD. CVD most often occurs in women with long-standing diabetes, hypertension, and nephropathy (117). Because of the high morbidity and mortality of coronary artery disease in pregnancy, women with pre-existing diabetes and cardiac risk factors such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension, smoking, advanced maternal age (>35), or a strong family history should have their cardiac status assessed with functional testing prior to conception (51,118). There are limited case reports of coronary artery disease events during pregnancy, but with the increased oxygen demand from increased cardiac output, events do occur and need to be treated similarly to outside of pregnancy, trying to minimize radiation exposure to the fetus (117,119,120).  In a recent study of 79 women with history of coronary artery disease prior to pregnancy of which 22.8% had preexisting diabetes, there were low rates of cardiac events during pregnancy in all women with and without diabetes but more frequent poor obstetric and neonatal outcomes including small for gestational age, preeclampsia, and preterm delivery. This study confirms the need for preconception counseling and cardiac testing for women with risk of or known coronary artery disease.


Due to the increased cardiac output of pregnancy, decrease in systemic vascular resistance, and increase in oxygen consumption, the risk of myocardial ischemia is higher in pregnancy. Myocardial oxygen demands are even higher at labor and delivery, and activation of catecholamines and stress hormones can cause myocardial ischemia. Coronary artery dissection is also more common in pregnancy and typical chest pain should be appropriately evaluated. An EKG should be considered preconception for any woman with diabetes older than 35 years (23). Women with longstanding diabetes and especially those with other risk factors for coronary artery disease (hyperlipidemia or hypertension) should be evaluated for asymptomatic coronary artery disease before becoming pregnant. Women with atypical chest pain, significant dyspnea, or an abnormal resting EKG should also have a cardiology consultation for consideration of a functional cardiac stress test before pregnancy. Statins should be discontinued before conception since there is inadequate data about their safety during pregnancy. However, if a woman has severe hypertriglyceridemia with random TG >1000 or fasting >400, placing her at high risk for pancreatitis, it may be necessary to continue fibrate therapy if a low-fat diet, fish oil, or niacin therapy is not effective or tolerated. Triglycerides typically double to quadruple in pregnancy placing women at high risk for this condition. There is inadequate data on the use of ezetimibe in pregnancy. (See Endotext chapter on Lipid and Lipoproteins during Pregnancy).




There are limited data on diabetic neuropathy during pregnancy. Neuropathy may manifest as peripheral neuropathy, gastroparesis, and cardiac autonomic neuropathy. Gastroparesis may present as intractable nausea and vomiting, and it can be particularly difficult to control both the symptoms and glucoses in women with gastroparesis during pregnancy. For patients with gastroparesis, timing of insulin delivery in relation to the meal needs to carefully be weighed against the risk of hypoglycemia as discussed previously.




Associated Autoimmune Thyroid Disease


Up to 30-40% of young women with T1DM have accompanying thyroid disease, and women with T1DM have a 5-10% risk of developing autoimmune thyroid disease first diagnosed in pregnancy (most commonly Hashimoto's thyroiditis) (121). TSH should be checked prior to pregnancy since the fetus is completely dependent on maternal thyroid hormone in the first trimester (122,123). Women with positive TPO antibodies should have their TSH checked each trimester (Table 2) since the demands of pregnancy can unmask decreased thyroid reserve from Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Thyroid hormone requirements increase by 30-50% in most pregnant women, often early in pregnancy due to increase in thyroid binding globulin stimulated by estrogen. For most women on thyroid hormone replacement prior to pregnancy, the American Thyroid Association (ATA) and ACOG recommend TSH be within the trimester-specific reference range for pregnancy at a particular lab, or if not provided, preconception and first trimester TSH <2.5 mU/L and second and third trimester TSH goals <3 mU/L, and thyroid hormone replacement should be adjusted to achieve these goals (124,125). For diagnosis of hypothyroidism during pregnancy, recent recommendations from the ATA recommend new reference ranges for TSH during pregnancy and screening in women with history of T1DM each trimester with reference range being 0.4 from the lower limit of the nonpregnant TSH reference range and 0.5 from the upper non-pregnant range which results in a new TSH range of ~0.1-4mUl/L(124,126). This recommendation is based on the TSH range in pregnant women in the Maternal Fetal Medicine Units Network, and there was no benefit in treating women with levothyroxine with TSH <4.


Other Autoimmune Conditions


Other autoimmune conditions are also more common among women with T1DM compared to women without T1DM. Celiac disease has been estimated to have a prevalence of 3-9% in individuals with T1DM and is more common among females than males (127,128). This can often lead to vitamin D deficiency and iron deficiency and it is reasonable to screen women with T1DM for vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy if they have not been previously screened.  Autoimmune gastritis and pernicious anemia are also more common among individuals with T1DM than patients without diabetes with prevalence approximating 5-10% and 1-3%, respectively (129). Addison’s disease is also seen in 0.5-1% of patients with T1DM (129).




Pregnancy predisposes the mother to accelerated starvation with enhanced lipolysis, which can result in ketonuria after an overnight fast. DKA may therefore occur at lower glucose levels (~200 mg/dl or ~11 mmol/l), often referred to as "euglycemic DKA" of pregnancy, and may develop more rapidly than it does in non-pregnant individuals (130,131). Up to 30% of episodes of DKA in pregnant women with diabetes have occurred with glucose values <250 mg/dl (13.9 mmol/L).  Women also have a lower buffering capacity due to the progesterone-induced respiratory alkalosis resulting in a compensatory metabolic acidosis. Furthermore, euglycemic DKA is not uncommon in pregnancy due to increased propensity to ketosis in pregnant women and glomerular hyperfiltration in pregnancy which causes glycosuria at lower serum glucoses. Any pregnant woman with T1DM with unexplained weight loss or unable to keep down food or fluids should check urine ketones at home and if positive, a chemistry panel should be ordered to rule out an anion gap even if the maternal glucose is <200 mg/dl. It should also be recommended to check urine ketones with any glucose >200 mg/dL.


Maternal DKA is associated with significant risk to the fetus and poor neonatal outcomes including morbidity and mortality.  Cardiotography of the fetus during maternal DKA suggests fetal distress (as evidenced by late decelerations) and in one study improved with correction of maternal acidosis. In a study of 20 consecutive cases of DKA, only 65% of fetuses were alive on admission to the hospital (131). Once the patient was hospitalized and treated, the risk of fetal loss declined dramatically. Risk factors for fetal loss included DKA presenting later in pregnancy (mean gestational age 31 weeks versus 24 weeks); glucose > 800 mg/dl; BUN > 20 mg/dl; osmolality > 300 mmol/L; high insulin requirements; and longer duration until resolution of DKA. The fetal heart rate must be monitored continuously until the acidosis has resolved. There was no maternal mortality in this small series. In another case series of DKA in pregnancy, almost all women presented with nausea and vomiting (97%) and the majority had improvement of hyperglycemia to <200 mg/dL within 6 hours of admission and resolution of acidosis within 12 hours (132). Causes of DKA in pregnancy vary widely with infection less common as a precipitant (133). Of the infectious causes, pyelonephritis was the most common. However, there is often no precipitant other than emesis in the pregnant woman who can develop starvation ketosis very quickly. In a series of 37 pregnant women with DKA, emesis alone accounted for 42% of the cases (60% of these women had gastroparesis), and 17% were non- compliant with prescribed insulin dosing. Beta agonist therapy, insulin pump failure, infection, undiagnosed pregnancy, and new onset diabetes each accounted for 8% of the cases.


Prolonged fasting is a common precipitant for DKA and it has been shown that even women with GDM can become severely ketotic if they are given B-mimetic tocolytic medications or betamethasone (to accelerate fetal lung maturity) in the face of prolonged fasting (134). It is imperative to remember that the pregnant woman unable to take glucose orally requires an additional 100-150 grams of intravenous glucose to meet the metabolic demands of the pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. Without adequate carbohydrate (often a D10 glucose solution is needed), fat will be burned for fuel and the patient in DKA will remain ketotic. Diabetic ketoacidosis carries the highest risk of fetal mortality in the third trimester thought in part due to the extreme insulin resistance in these patients and insulin requirements to treat DKA that are nearly twice as high as in the second trimester (131).




Individuals with pregestational diabetes are at increased risk of complications of pregnancy secondary to hypertensive disease (51,135).  Serum creatinine, AST, ALT, and platelets as well as proteinuria (24-hour collection or random protein to creatinine ratio) should be collected as early as possible in pregnancy to establish a baseline and provide counseling on risks associated with significant proteinuria or renal failure. The updated ACC/AHA categorization of normal and abnormal blood pressure ranges outside of pregnancy have not been adopted in the obstetric population (136).  Normal blood pressure values in pregnancy are defined as <140/90 mmHg; blood pressures ≥160/110 mmHg are considered severely elevated and warrant prompt treatment for maternal stroke prevention (137).


Although outside of pregnancy achieving a BP < 120/80 is renal-protective, there are no prospective trials that have demonstrated that achieving this goal improves pregnancy outcomes. Emerging evidence does suggest some elevated risk of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, low birth weight, and preterm birth with increasing blood pressures >140/90 mmHg (138,139).   Establishing blood pressure thresholds at which treatment should be initiated remains challenging due to the competing interests of the mother and fetus (137,140).  Relative hypotension increases the risk for poor uteroplacental perfusion and fetal growth restriction, while poorly controlled hypertension is associated with increased risk of stroke, placental abruption and preterm delivery (141–143). 


Among individuals with pregestational diabetes and pregestational (chronic or essential) hypertension, blood pressure treatment should be continued or initiated and titrated with a goal value of ~135/85 mmHg (108).  A lower goal of 120/80 mmHg should be achieved in the setting of diabetic nephropathy (108).  Women with diabetic nephropathy are at extremely high risk of developing preeclampsia which often leads to intrauterine growth restriction and prematurity. Even women with microalbuminuria are at a higher risk of preeclampsia than women without microalbuminuria.  Blood pressure control is imperative to try to minimize the deterioration of renal function. Preferred anti-hypertensive agents in pregnancy include calcium channel blockers (Nifedipine, Amlodipine), select beta-blockers (Labetalol), and alpha-2 agonists (Methyldopa) (137).  ACE-inhibitors and ARBs are contraindicated in all trimesters of pregnancy and diuretics are reserved for the treatment of pulmonary edema due to concerns that further decreasing the intravascular volume with diuretics could further compromise tissue and placental perfusion. All classes of hypertensive agents are safe in lactating mothers in the postpartum period (144).


After 20-24 weeks gestation, elevated blood pressure should prompt evaluation for preeclampsia. The etiology and pathophysiology of preeclampsia continues to be incompletely characterized, though evidence strongly suggests the microvascular disease may begin early in pregnancy at the time of implantation and manifest in the second or third trimesters (137,145). As a result, treatment of elevated blood pressure has not been shown to prevent preeclampsia. Since 2014, the US Preventative Task Force recommends low dose aspirin (81 mg) daily after 12 weeks’ gestation for those at high risk of preeclampsia who do not have a risk or contraindication to aspirin use (137,146,147). High risk factors include pregestational diabetes, chronic hypertension, history of preeclampsia, renal disease and should prompt low-dose aspirin initiation in the second trimester; ≥2 moderate risk factors such as nulliparity, obesity, age ≥35, family history of preeclampsia, or personal socioeconomic or poor obstetric history should also prompt use of low-dose aspirin (146,147). 




Maternal hyperglycemia has temporal effects on the developing pregnancy based on gestational age at exposure (6,51,148).  Hyperglycemia around the time of conception and early pregnancy is associated with increased risk of miscarriage, congenital anomalies, with cardiac malformations being most common, as well as placental dysfunction related to “end-organ damage” which could lead to growth-restricted fetuses (6). An early dating ultrasound in the first trimester is recommended to confirm gestational age of the fetus and to coordinate detailed anatomic survey at 18-20 weeks gestation. A fetal echocardiogram should be offered at 20-22 weeks if the A1c was elevated (>6.5-7.0) during the first trimester (148).


Later in pregnancy, hyperglycemia is associated with excessive weight gain in the fetus, with abdominal circumference and shoulder girth primarily measuring larger than expected for gestational age (149–151).  Consideration can be made for serial ultrasound evaluation of fetal growth if there is suspicion of abnormal growth, though at minimum, a growth ultrasound in the third trimester should be performed (51).  Serial ultrasounds are used to monitor growth and if the estimated fetal weight is less than the 10th percentile (small for gestational age (SGA)), umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry as an adjunct antenatal test is recommended to estimate the degree of uteroplacental insufficiency, predict poor obstetric outcome and assist in determining the optimal timing of delivery (152).


The association of pregestational diabetes and increased risk for stillbirth was documented as early as the 1950s, leading to a historical practice of intense monitoring with weekly contraction stress test and fetal lung maturity testing prior to delivery (153). Data emerged identifying congenital anomalies as a key factor in stillbirth; with increased focus on improved glycemic control in early pregnancy, stillbirth rates were reduced significantly (154,155).  Contemporary practice typically consists of non-stress testing 1-2 times per week, with or without biophysical profile testing, with initiation around 32 weeks gestation (156).  However, due to the increased risk of uteroplacental insufficiency and intrauterine fetal demise in patients with longstanding T1 DM, especially in those women with microvascular disease, diabetic nephropathy, hypertension, or evidence of poor intrauterine growth, fetal surveillance may be recommended earlier. While comorbidities such as poor glycemic control, vascular complications, hypertension, or nephropathy have a summative effect on risk for perinatal complications, antenatal testing is recommended for all patients with pregestational diabetes (156).  A positive correlation between HbA1c and stillbirth is observed- the higher the HbA1c >6.5%, the higher the risk (157,158). Fetal hypoxia and cardiac dysfunction secondary to poor glycemic control are probably the most important pathogenic factors in stillbirths among pregnant women with diabetes (159).




Delivery management and the timing of delivery is made according to maternal well-being, the degree of glycemiccontrol, the presence of diabetic complications, growth of the fetus, evidence of uteroplacental insufficiency, and the results of fetal surveillance (160). A third trimester anesthesia consultation should be considered in the setting of concerns about cardiac dysfunction or ischemic heart disease, pulmonary hypertension from sleep apnea, hypertension, thromboembolic risks, potential desaturation while laying supine in women with severe obesity, or the possibility of difficult epidural placement or intubations.


Optimal delivery timing in the setting of pregestational diabetes requires a balance of perinatal risks, typically stillbirth versus risks of prematurity. In general, patients with reassuring fetal monitoring can continue a pregnancy until 39 weeks gestation, though expectant management beyond the estimated due date is not advised (161). Concurrent medical complications of mother or fetus may take precedent and require consideration for delivery prior to 39 weeks (161).  When late preterm delivery is necessary, it should not be delayed for administration of corticosteroids for fetal lung maturity, as this practice has not been evaluated in pregnancies complicated by pregestational diabetes, and neonatal hypoglycemia may result (162). 


With regards to route of delivery, a vaginal delivery is preferred for women with diabetes due to the increased maternal morbidity of cesarean delivery such as infection, thromboembolic disease, and longer recovery time. Nevertheless, when the estimated fetal weight is >4500g in the setting of diabetes, an elective cesarean delivery may be offered (163).


The target range for glycemic control during labor and at the time of delivery is 70-125 mg/dL; maintenance in this physiologic range aims to reduce to risk of neonatal hypoglycemia (164).  To achieve this goal, most women with preexisting diabetes require management with an insulin drip and a dextrose infusion, though laboring individuals can eat and continue their home insulin regimen prior to admission. Ideally scheduled cesarean deliveries will occur in the morning, so that patients can simply reduce their morning long-acting insulin dosing by half on the day of surgery, though consideration can be made to skip it in a patient with well controlled T2DM who hadn’t required medication prior to pregnancy. An individual being admitted for scheduled induction of labor can be instructed to reduce long-acting insulin dosing for both the night before and morning of the induction (165).  Once the patient is eating, the insulin drip can be discontinued and subcutaneous insulin resumed. Alternative management options include ongoing use of insulin pump or subcutaneous insulin, though both often pose logistic challenges due to the unpredictable length of labor. Prevention of neonatal hypoglycemia must be weighed against risk of maternal hypoglycemia during labor.


With the delivery of the placenta, insulin requirements drop in an acute and dramatic fashion, with most womenneeding roughly 10-30% less than their pre-pregnancy insulin doses or 1/2 to 1/3 of their third trimester insulindosages; some women require no insulin for the first 24-48 hours (164). A glucose goal of 100-180 mg/dl postpartum seems prudent to avoid hypoglycemia given the high demands in caring for an infant and especially in nursing women as the increased caloric demands of lactation are known to reduce insulin requirements.


Immediate Risks to Newborn


The immediate neonatal period is characterized by the transition from in-utero to independent physiology, with unique risks in neonates born to individuals with diabetes.  Glycemic control throughout the entire gestation as well as in the hours before birth both influence this transition. As previously described, hyperglycemia early in pregnancy may result in congenital anomalies, such as cardiac anomalies, which complicate the transition to post-natal circulation. Glycemic control in the second and third trimester may result in a macrosomic infant with increased adiposity in the shoulders and abdomen. And finally, hyperglycemia during labor exacerbates the adjustment of the neonatal pancreas when glucose delivery via the placenta abruptly ceases.


Even with aggressive management of diabetes, the incidence of neonatal complications ranges from 12-75% (166) In a large analysis of nearly 200,000 neonates, severe neonatal morbidity was increased in neonates born to women with pregestational diabetes compared to those with gestational diabetes or no diabetes at an odds ratio of 2.27 and 1.96 respectively (167).  Driving this relationship was the increased risks of respiratory distress syndrome, mechanical ventilation, and neonatal death (167).  Additionally, neonates were more likely to be large for gestational age and require neonatal intensive care unit admission (167).  In the setting of poor glycemic control, respiratory distress syndrome may occur in up to 31% of infants due to known insulin antagonism of cortisol on fetal pneumocytes and surfactant production (168). The estimated odds ratio between pregestational diabetes and neonatal respiratory distress syndrome is 2.66 (169). With extremely poor glucose control, there is also an increased risk of fetal mortality due to fetal acidemia and hypoxia. One study found higher rates of neonatal hypoglycemia in women managed with continuous insulin infusion pump during pregnancy compared to multiple daily injection therapy, although confounders including early maternal BMI and duration of an insulin infusion play a role (170).


Macrosomia places the mother at increased risk of requiring a cesarean section and the infant at increased risk for shoulder dystocia. Shoulder dystocia can result in Erb’s palsy, Klumpke palsy, clavicular and humeral fractures, and hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, with overall neonatal injury rate of 5.2% (171,172). Shoulder dystocia occurs nearly 20% of the time when a 4500-gram infant is delivered vaginally. Nevertheless, shoulder dystocia remains challenging to predict, with 60% of shoulder dystocias occur in neonates weighing <4000g (173). There are a number of conflicting studies regarding induction versus cesarean section for suspected macrosomia (174–176).  A large RCT performed in France, Switzerland, and Belgium compared induction of labor at 39 weeks gestation to expectant management among individuals with LGA fetuses, though insulin-dependent diabetes was an exclusion factor (176).  Induction of labor was associated with a significant reduction in the composite primary outcome (significant shoulder dystocia, fracture of the clavicle or long bone, brachial plexus injury, intracranial hemorrhage, or neonatal death), with a RR of 0.32 (95% CI 0.15-0.71)(176). While a small but significant difference in spontaneous vaginal delivery was noted between groups, rates of operative vaginal delivery and cesarean deliveries were not significantly different (176). Current guidelines from ACOG do not recommend delivery prior to 39 weeks for suspected macrosomia (177).




The postpartum care for mothers with diabetes should include counseling on a number of critical issues including maintenance of glycemic control, diet, exercise, weight loss, blood pressure management, breastfeeding, contraception/future pregnancy planning, and postpartum thyroiditis (for T1 DM). It has been demonstrated that the majority of women with pre-existing diabetes, even those who have been extremely adherent and who have had optimal glycemic control during pregnancy, have a dramatic worsening of their glucose control after the birth of their infant (178,179). Unfortunately, individuals utilizing public insurance often lose access as early as 6 weeks postpartum. Historically, the postpartum period has been relatively neglected, as both the new mother and her physician relax their vigilance. However, this period offers a unique opportunity to institute health habits that could have highly beneficial effects on the quality of life of both the mother and her infant and potentially achieve optimal glycemic control prior to a subsequent pregnancy.


Home glucose monitoring should be continued vigilantly in the postpartum period because insulin requirements drop almost immediately and often dramatically at this time, increasing the risk of hypoglycemia. Women with T1DM often need to decrease their third trimester insulin dosages by at least 50%, often to less than pre-pregnancy doses, immediately after delivery; they may have a "honeymoon" period for several days in which their insulin requirements are minimal. Some estimates of insulin requirements postpartum suggest that women may require as little as 60% of their pre-pregnancy doses, and requirements continue to be less than pre- pregnancy doses while breastfeeding (180). For women on an insulin pump, the postpartum basal rates can be discussed and preprogrammed prior to delivery to allow a seamless transition to the lower doses following delivery (181). If well controlled prior to pregnancy, pre- pregnancy insulin delivery settings can serve as an excellent starting point for the postpartum period, with an expected decrease in basal rates by 14% and increase in carb ratios by 10% (181).


Women with T1DM have been reported to have a between 3-25% incidence of postpartum thyroiditis (182). Hyperthyroidism can occur in the 2–4-month postpartum period and hypothyroidism may present in the 4–8-month period. Given the significance of this disorder, a TSH measurement should be offered at 3 and 6 months postpartum and before this time if a patient has symptoms (124).




Both the benefits of breastfeeding- and conversely, the risks of failing to do so- are profound and well documented for both mother and child (183).  Pregestational diabetes and obesity have been identified as an independent risk factors for low milk supply, raising the question whether the metabolic milieu during lactogenesis I in mid-pregnancy or during the transition to lactogenesis II and III after delivery may be contributing (184).  Additional challenges emerge at the time of delivery, with considerable separation of mothers and infants due to NICU admission and treatment for prematurity, respiratory distress syndrome, and hyperglycemia (167).  Dyads can be set up for success with policies and procedures that encourage antenatal colostrum collection, early initiation of pumping if unable to directly breastfeed, and ample lactation consultant support. Women with both T1 DM and T2DM have lower rates of breastfeeding despite good intentions (185,186).  When women have stopped breastfeeding, most stop due to low milk supply rather than diabetes specific reasons (187).


When individuals with diabetes are successful in breastfeeding their infants, benefits include reduction in postpartum weight retention and reduced risk for obesity and insulin resistance in offspring(188). Conflicting data exists on the relationship between breastfeeding and the incidence of type 1 diabetes in offspring of women with pregestational diabetes, though breastmilk induction at the time of complementary food introduction is linked to reduced risk of islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes (189,190).


Additional considerations must be made for individuals with Type 2 diabetes as they consider oral agents in the postpartum period. Acceptable levels of metformin have been identified in breastmilk, rendering it a safe medication for lactating women (191,192). A small study suggested that glyburide and glipizide do not appreciably cross into breast mild and may be safe (193). There are no adequate data on the use of thiazolidinediones, meglitinides, or incretin therapy in nursing mothers.


Statins should not be started if the woman is nursing due to inadequate studies in breastfeeding mothers. Women who are candidates for an ACE-inhibitor can be started on one of these agents at this time as they have not been shown to appear significantly in breast milk (144).




Starting at puberty, it is recommended to provide women with diabetes preconception counseling including discussion of options for contraceptive use based on the Medical Eligibility Criteria (MEC) according to WHO and CDC (7,194).  Counseling on contraceptive choices should be patient-centered and focused on the short- and long-term reproductive goals of the patient, taking into consideration the alternative-no contraception- and associated individualized risks of carrying a pregnancy to term. A meta-analysis found that low-income women with diabetes had low rates of postpartum birth control and more often were offered permanent contraception rather than reversible options (195).


Taken in isolation, a diagnosis of diabetes without vascular complications is compatible with all hormonal and non-hormonal contraception options: copper intrauterine device, levonorgestrel-releasing IUD, progestin implant, depo medroxyprogesterone acetate, progestin only pills, and combined estrogen-progestin methods (194). Evidence of vascular disease is a contraindication to combined hormonal contraception and depo medroxyprogesterone acetate (194).  A large study recently found an overall low risk of venous thromboembolism among women with T1DM and T2DM (196). Concurrent conditions and habits such as poorly controlled hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, or smoking increase the risk of venous thromboembolic events (197). Systematic reviews failed to find sufficient evidence to assess whether progestogen-only and combined contraceptives differ from non-hormonal contraceptives in diabetes control, lipid metabolism, and complications in women with pre-existing diabetes (198,199).


Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) methods lasting 3-10 years include copper and hormonal intrauterine devices as well as progestin implants. There is no increase in pelvic inflammatory disease with the use of intrauterine devices in women with well controlled T1DM or T2DM after the post-insertion period. Immediate postpartum implants and IUDs are becoming increasingly available to patients who desire LARCs, and are effective in spacing pregnancies in high risk populations (200).  For women who have completed childbearing and desire permanent sterilization, laparoscopic methods are safe and effective (201).




Obesity alone or accompanied by Type 1 diabetes (T1DM), Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) or gestational diabetes (GDM) carries significant risks to both the mother and the infant, and obesity is the leading health concern in pregnant women (202–204). By the most recent NHANES statistics in women over age 20, 57% of black women, 44% of Hispanic or Mexican American women, and 40% of white women are obese (205).  Independent of preexisting diabetes or GDM, obesity increases the maternal risks of hypertensive disorders, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), proteinuria, gall bladder disease, aspiration pneumonia, thromboembolism, sleep apnea, cardiomyopathy, and pulmonary edema (203,206). In addition, it increases the risk of induction of labor, failed induction of labor, cesarean delivery, multiple anesthesia complications, postoperative infections including endometritis, wound dehiscence, postpartum hemorrhage, venous thromboembolism, postpartum depression, and lactation failure. Maternal obesity independently increases the risk of first trimester loss, stillbirth, recurrent pregnancy losses, and congenital malformations including central nervous system (CNS), cardiac, and gastrointestinal defects and cleft palate, shoulder dystocia, meconium aspiration, and impaired fetal growth including macrosomia. Most significantly, obesity increases the risk of perinatal mortality (202). Because so many women with T2DM are also obese, all of these complications increase the risk of poor pregnancy outcomes in this population. The majority (50-60%) of women who are overweight or obese prior to pregnancy gain more than the recommended amount of gestational weight by the Institute of Medicine guidelines (207,208). This results in higher weight retention postpartum and higher pre-pregnancy weight for subsequent pregnancies.


Obesity is an independent risk factor for congenital anomalies including spina bifida, neural tube defects, cardiac defects, cleft lip and palate, and limb reduction anomalies (209).  Several reports have demonstrated an association of maternal BMI with neural tube defects and possibly other congenital anomalies (210). One study concluded that for every unit increase in BMI the relative risk of a neural tube defect increased 7% (210). In addition to an increased anomaly risk with maternal obesity, it is well known that detection of fetal anomalies in first and second trimester isreduced by 20% due to difficulty in adequate visualization in the setting of maternal obesity (211,212). There is conflicting evidence on the role of folic acid in these obesity-associated congenital anomalies (213–216).


Obese women with normal glucose tolerance on a controlled diet have higher glycemic patterns throughout the day and night by CGM compared to normal weight women both early and late in pregnancy (217, 218,219) The glucose area under the curve (AUC) was higher in the obese women both early and late in pregnancy on a controlled diet as were all glycemic values throughout the day and night. The mean 1-hour postprandial glucose during late pregnancy by CGM was 115 versus 102 mg/dl in the obese and normal weight women respectively and the mean 2-hour postprandial values were 107 mg/dl versus 96 mg/dl, respectively, both still much lower than current therapeutic targets (<140 mg/dl at 1 hour; < 120 mg/dl at 2 hours).


Women with Class III obesity (BMI>40) actually have improved pregnancy outcomes if they undergo bariatric surgery before becoming pregnant given such surgery decreases insulin resistance resulting in less diabetes, hypertension, and macrosomia compared to those who have not had the surgery (218,219). In any woman who has had prior bariatric surgery, it has been shown in systematic review to reduce the rate of gestational diabetes and preeclampsiain future pregnancies, however many studies are confounded given 80% of patients post bariatric surgery remain obese (220),. Following bariatric surgery, pregnancy should not be considered for 12-18 months post-operatively and after the rapid weight loss phase has been completed. Close attention to nutritional deficiencies must be maintained, especially with fat soluble vitamins D and K as well as folate, iron, thiamine, and B12. In a study of a cohort of infants born to obese women who had bariatric surgery, the offspring had improved fasting insulin levels and reduced measures of insulin resistance compared to siblings born prior to bariatric surgery (221). 




Currently, there is no consensus on the ideal macronutrient prescription for pregnant women or women with GDM, and there is concern that significant restriction of carbohydrate (33- 40% of total calories) leads to increased fat intake given protein intake is usually fairly constant at 15-20% (26,80,222). It is also important to asses intake along with energy requirements which is known to increase in pregnancy by approximately 200, 300, and 400 kcal/d in the first, second, and third trimesters, respectively, but these values vary depending on BMI, total energy expenditure, and physical activity (223). Women with pre-existing diabetes and GDM should receive individualized medical nutrition therapy (MNT) as needed to achieve treatment goals.


Pregravid BMI should be assessed and gestational weight gain (GWG) recommendations

should be consistent with the current Institute of Medicine (IOM) weight gain guidelines (See Table 3) due to adverse maternal, fetal and neonatal outcomes (224). However, there are many trials which support no weight gain for women with a BMI of ≥30 kg/m2 with improved pregnancy outcomes and the lack of weight gain or even modest weight loss, did not increase the risk for small for gestational age (SGA) infants in the obese cohort. Further, targeting GWG to the lower range of the IOM guidelines (~11 kg or 25 lbs. for normal weight women; ~7 kg or 15 lbs. for overweight women; and 5 kg (11 lbs.) for women with Class 1 obesity (BMI 30-34 kg/m2).9 kg/m2) has been shown in many trials to decrease the risk of preeclampsia, cesarean delivery, GDM, and postpartum weight retention (225). This is an increasing public health concern given risks of excessive weight gain (greater than IOM recommendations) including cesarean deliveries, post-partum weight retention for the mother, large for gestational age infants, macrosomia, and childhood overweight or obesity for the offspring (223). Obese women are at increased risk of venous thromboembolism postpartum, and this risk is augmented in those who have had a cesarean section, resulting in ACOG’s recommendation for pneumatic sequential compression devices for those who have had cesarean section (226–228). 


TABLE 3. Institute of Medicine Weight Gain Recommendations in Singleton Pregnancy


Total weight gain


2nd/3rd trimester rate of weight gain


Low (<19.8 kg/m2)


1.0 (1-1.3 lb./week)

Normal (19.8-26 kg/m2)


1.0 (0.8-1 lb./week)

High (>26-29 kg/m2)


0.66 (0.5-0.7 lb./week)

Obese (>29 kg/m2)


0.5 (0.4-0.6 lb./week)


There is also increasing evidence that overweight or obese women with GDM may have improved pregnancy outcomes with less need for insulin if they gain weight less than the IOM recommendations without appreciably increasing the risk of SGA (229–231). For obese women, ~25 kcal/kg rather than 30 kcal/kg is currently recommended (232).  However, other investigators would argue for a lower caloric intake (1600-1800 calories/day), which does not appear to increase ketone production (233).


The diet should be culturally appropriate and women should consume at least 150 grams of carbohydrate, primarily as complex carbohydrate and limit simple carbohydrates, especially those with high glycemic indices (80). Protein intake should be at least 1.1 g/kg/day (15-20% of total calories) unless patients have severe renal disease. Patients should be taught to control fat intake and to limit saturated fat to <10-15% of energy intake, trans fats to the minimal amount possible, and encourage consumption of the n-3 unsaturated fatty acids that supply a DHA intake of at least 200 mg/day (22). Diets high in saturated fat have been shown to worsen insulin resistance, provide excess TGs and FFAs for fetal fat accretion, increase inflammation, and have been implicated in adverse fetal programming effects on the offspring (see risk to offspring above). A fiber intake of at least 28 g/day is advised and the use of artificial sweeteners, other than saccharin, are deemed safe in pregnancy when used in moderation (23).


For normal weight women with T1DM with appropriate gestational weight gain, carbohydrate and calorie restriction may not be necessary as long as it is appropriately covered by insulin. Emphasizing consistent timing of meals with atleast a bedtime snack to minimize hypoglycemia in proper relation to insulin doses is important.  Many patients who dose prandial insulin based on an insulin to carbohydrate ratio are skilled at carbohydrate counting. 


Exercise is an important component of healthy lifestyle and is recommended in pregnancy by ACOG, the ADA, and Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (25,234). The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued physical activity guidelines for Americans and recommend healthy pregnant and postpartum women receive at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (i.e., equivalent to brisk walking) (235).  A large meta-analysis of all RCTs on diet and physical activity, which evaluated RCTs (using diet only n=13, physical activity n=18 or both n=13) concluded that dietary therapy was more effective in decreasing excess GWG and adverse pregnancy outcomes compared to physical activity (236). However, there was data suggesting that physical activity may decrease the risk of LGA infants (LGA, >90th percentile). There was no increase in SGA infants (SGA; <10thpercentile) with physical activity. Submaximal exertion (≤70% maximal aerobic activity) does not appear to affect the fetal heart rate and although high intensity at maximal exertion has not been linked to adverse pregnancy outcomes, transient fetal bradycardia and shunting of blood flow away from the placenta and to exercising muscles has been observed with maximal exertion. Observational studies of women who exercise during pregnancy have shown benefits such as decreased GDM, cesarean and operative vaginal delivery and postpartum recovery time, although evidence from RCTs is limited (237,238).


Some data suggest that women who continued endurance exercise until term gained less weight and delivered slightly earlier than women who stopped at 28 weeks but they had a lower incidence of cesarean deliveries, shorter active labors, and fewer fetuses with intolerance of labor (239).  Babies weighing less were born to women who continued endurance exercise during pregnancy compared with a group of women who reduced their exercise after the 20th week (3.39 kg versus 3.81 kg). Contraindications for a controlled exercise program include women at risk for preterm labor or delivery or any obstetric or medical conditions predisposing to growth restriction.




Early Life Origins of Metabolic Diseases


Given the strong associations between maternal diabetes and obesity and the risk of childhood obesity and glucose intolerance, the metabolic milieu of the intrauterine environment is a critical risk factor for the genesis of adult diabetes and cardiovascular disease (203,240–243).  The evidence of this fetal programming and its contribution to the developmental origins of human disease (DoHAD) is one of the most compelling reasons why optimizing maternal glycemic control, identifying other nutrients contributing to excess fetal fat accretion, emphasizing weight loss efforts before pregnancy, ingesting a healthy low-fat diet, and avoiding excessive weight gain are so critical and carry long term health implications to both the mother and her offspring. The emerging field of epigenetics has clearly shown in animal models and non-human primates that the intrauterine environment, as a result of maternal metabolism and nutrient exposure, can modify fetal gene expression (244,245).


Maternal hyperglycemia in early pregnancy has been associated with childhood leptin levels at 5 years of age, even when adjusted for maternal BMI and other confounders (β=0.09 ± 0.04, p=0.03) (246). In this study, higher maternal glucose levels post-75-gram glucose tolerance test in the second trimester were associated with greater total body fat percentage as measured by DXA in the children at 5 years of age.


There are data, especially in animal and non-human primate models, to support that a maternal high fat diet andobesity can influence mesenchymal stems cells to differentiate along adipocyte rather than osteocyte pathways, invoke changes in the serotonergic system resulting in increased anxiety in non-human primate offspring, affect neural pathways involved with appetite regulation, promote lipotoxicity, regulate gluconeogenic enzymes in the fetal liver generating histology consistent with NAFLD, alter mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle, and program beta cell mass in the pancreas (242,247–254).  These epigenetic changes are being substantiated in human studies with evidence of differential adipokine methylation and gene expression in adult offspring of women with diabetes in pregnancy and through alterations in fetal placental DNA methylation of the lipoprotein lipase gene which are associated with the anthropometric profile in children at 5 years of age (255). These findings further support the concept of fetal metabolic programming through epigenetic changes (256). As a result, the intrauterine metabolic environment may have a transgenerational influence on obesity and diabetes risk in the offspring, influencing appetite regulation, beta cell mass, liver dysfunction, adipocyte metabolism, and mitochondrial function.


Offspring of mothers with type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes have higher risk of childhood obesity, young adult or adolescent insulin resistance and diabetes, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease (257–262) . The risk of youth onset diabetes is higher in offspring of mothers born with pregestational type 2 diabetes than with gestational diabetes (14-fold compared to 4-fold risk) (263). These epigenetic changes are not isolated to maternal BMI alone but it has also been demonstrated that paternal factors impact offspring risk of obesity and diabetes (264,265). Offspring of women with T1DM have a risk of developing T1DM of about 1-3%. The risk is higher in the offspring if the father has T1DM rather than the mother (~3-6%) and if both parents have T1DM, the risk is ~20% (266,267).




The obstetric outlook for pregnancy in women with pre-existing diabetes has improved over the last century and has the potential to continue to improve as rapid advances in diabetes management, fetal surveillance, and neonatal care emerge. However, the greatest challenge health care providers face is the growing number of women developing GDM and T2DM as the obesity epidemic increases affecting women prior to pregnancy. In addition, the prevalence of T1DM is increasing globally. Furthermore, obesity-related complications exert a further deleterious effect on pregnancy outcomes. The development of T2DM in women with a history of GDM as well as obesity and glucose intolerance in the offspring of women with preexisting DM or GDM set the stage for a perpetuating cycle that must be aggressively addressed with effective primary prevention strategies that begin in-utero. Pregnancy is clearly a unique opportunity to implement strategies to improve the mother’s lifetime risk for CVD in addition to that of her offspring and offers the potential to decrease the intergenerational risk of obesity, diabetes, and other metabolic derangements.




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Hyperthyroidism in Aging



Hyperthyroidism in the elderly is a serious clinical condition that is associated with significant morbidity. It may be difficult to diagnose due to the confounding effects of drugs and acute or chronic illnesses on the interpretation of thyroid function tests. In addition, there is a relative paucity of typical hyperadrenergic symptoms in older patients with hyperthyroidism, who instead may present with unexplained weight loss, neurocognitive changes, or cardiovascular effects. Of particular concern is the elevated risk of atrial fibrillation and cardiovascular complications in this age group. There is increasing evidence that even mild (subclinical) hyperthyroidism in the elderly is associated with these risks. Graves’ Disease and toxic multinodular goiter are the most common etiologies of hyperthyroidism in the elderly, although other causes of hyperthyroidism also occur. The use of amiodarone or administration of iodinated contrast agents can also lead to hyperthyroidism, and are commonly prescribed to older patients. Radioiodine or thionamide therapy are typically used to treat hyperthyroidism in older patients. Treatment decisions must be individualized, taking into account projected lifespan, comorbidities, and side effects of therapy.




Hyperthyroidism is a common disorder (1); a population-based survey (2) conducted over 40 years ago revealed a prevalence in the general UK population of around 2.7% in women (10-fold less in men) and of undiagnosed disease in around 0.5% of women. A more recent population-based survey in the United States revealed a prevalence of hyperthyroidism of 1.3%, with no difference between men and women (3). This prevalence decreases to 0.4% if one excludes patients with known thyroid disease and those taking thyroid hormone preparations, indicating that many cases of hyperthyroidism are due to overtreatment with exogenous thyroid hormone.


A number of studies have reported the prevalence of hyperthyroidism specifically in elderly populations. Prevalence rates vary depending on whether patients taking thyroid hormone are included, but most surveys report that approximately 1–3% of subjects over the age of 60-65 years have hyperthyroidism (2-7).  If one excludes patients taking thyroid hormone, prevalence rates of hyperthyroidism appear similar in younger and older populations (3).



Classical symptoms and signs of thyrotoxicosis are shown in Table 1 (1).  While some or all of these may be present in elderly subjects with thyrotoxicosis, the clinical picture is often different in this age group (8,9). Problems such as weight loss and depression or agitation may predominate - so-called "apathetic" thyrotoxicosis, a condition in which more typical symptoms and signs reflecting sympathetic activation such as tremor and hyperactivity are absent (10-12). Instead, cardiovascular symptoms and signs often predominate in older patients, including atrial fibrillation. Other findings more common in older patients with hyperthyroidism include fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, apathy, agitation, or cognitive decline (11-14). Particularly in this age group, the diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis should also be considered in the presence of other symptoms and signs considered "non-specific" in nature, such as muscle weakness, persistent vomiting, hypercalcemia, and worsening osteoporosis.


Table 1. Symptoms and Signs in Hyperthyroidism



1. Weight loss

2. Sweating/heat intolerance

3. Nervousness/agitation

4. Tiredness

5. Muscle weakness

6. Palpitation

7. Shortness of breath

8. Tremor




2. Hyperactivity

3. Proximal myopathy

4. Sinus tachycardia

5. Atrial fibrillation/atrial dysrhythmias

6. Systolic hypertension

7. Goiter

8. Lid lag/lid retraction

9. Ophthalmopathy*

10. Pretibial myxedema*

11. Thyroid acropachy*


* specific for Graves’ Disease

Cardiovascular Complications


Cardiovascular complications of thyrotoxicosis are especially common in the elderly and may be a cause of significant morbidity and mortality (1,15). A number of studies have reported increased all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, and increased risks of atrial fibrillation, arterial embolism, acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, venous thromboembolism, and stroke in hyperthyroid patients, compared to euthyroid controls (16-20). Risks are higher in older subjects and in untreated or undertreated groups, with a direct association between the duration of suppressed TSH levels and mortality in both untreated and treated patients (19). Risks decrease with treatment, regardless of treatment modality (21,22). All-cause mortality is also increased in treated hypothyroid patients with suppressed TSH levels, highlighting the importance of avoiding overtreatment.


In addition to classical findings of sinus tachycardia and systolic hypertension, it is well recognized that atrial fibrillation complicates thyrotoxicosis in about 15% of cases (23). The incidence of this complication rises with age, so it is observed more frequently in the elderly (24). It has been estimated that atrial fibrillation occurs at least three times more commonly in those with thyrotoxicosis than those without. Development of atrial fibrillation may itself lead to deteriorating cardiac status, especially in the presence of pre-existing heart disease, and it may also be associated with embolic complications, especially cerebral embolism (25). These influences probably contribute significantly to the increased cardiovascular and cerebrovascular mortality described above. Furthermore, the likelihood of spontaneous restoration of sinus rhythm in those with atrial fibrillation complicating thyrotoxicosis lessens with age, probably reflecting the presence of underlying ischemic, hypertensive, or valvular heart disease (26).

In view of these cardiovascular manifestations/complications, the diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis should be suspected in all subjects presenting with atrial fibrillation, worsening heart failure, systolic hypertension, and deteriorating ischemic heart disease. Nonetheless, case-finding studies have shown that thyrotoxicosis accounts for less than 5% of newly diagnosed cases of atrial fibrillation (23).

Bone Metabolism and Hyperthyroidism


The other significant consequence of thyrotoxicosis is its effect on bone metabolism. Overt hyperthyroidism is associated with increased bone turnover and reduction in bone mineral density (27). Meta-analysis of available data (28) has shown that this influence is especially marked in estrogen deficient postmenopausal women. While antithyroid treatment results in an improvement in bone mineral density, recovery is incomplete so risks of osteoporosis associated with aging, especially in women, are exacerbated (29). Several large-scale epidemiological studies (16,30) have revealed independent associations between a history of thyrotoxicosis and risk of fracture of the femur.



It is essential that a clinical suspicion of thyrotoxicosis is confirmed or refuted by biochemical testing before further investigation or treatment is contemplated (1). The single most important biochemical test is measurement of serum TSH. If the serum TSH concentration is within the normal range, then a diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis is effectively ruled out. Exceptions to this rule are rare TSH-dependent causes of hyperthyroidism, such as TSH-secreting tumors of the pituitary and syndromes of thyroid hormone resistance, although these diagnoses are more typically associated with a modest rise in TSH (with raised serum thyroid hormones, as opposed to the usual pattern of raised TSH in conjunction with low thyroid hormone levels).


Studies of healthy elderly subjects have shown that serum concentrations of thyroxine (T4) and tri-iodothyronine (T3) are unchanged compared with younger age groups (31). Analysis of large U.S. population-based normative data suggest that there is a slight increase in the upper limit of normal TSH levels with aging, but the lower limit of normal TSH levels remains relatively unchanged (32). Therefore, in a healthy older patient, a low or suppressed TSH level suggests hyperthyroidism. On the other hand, "non-thyroidal" illnesses and drug therapies that alter tests of thyroid function are more common with increasing age. These effects typically lead to reduced peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 and reduction in serum T3 concentrations. Serum TSH may be unaffected by illness, although a reduction in TSH is commonly seen, as is a modest elevation in TSH particularly during the recovery phase of illness (33). Therefore, in an acutely or chronically ill older patient, interpretation of a low TSH level must be done with caution, as low serum TSH, especially if below the normal range but nonetheless detectable, often reflects a "non-thyroidal" illness or therapy with a wide variety of drugs (34) (Table 2). A diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis should be confirmed biochemically by measurement of serum free thyroxine (T4) (and in some cases T3 if free T4 is in the high/normal range and T3-toxicosis is therefore suspected).


Table 2. Effect of Drugs on Tests of Thyroid Function



Serum T4


Serum T3


Serum TSH




¯, ®



¯, ®






¯, ®


¯, ®






­ total T4


­ total T3






¯, ®


¯, ®




Acetylsalicylic acid


­, ®


­, ®


¯ ®












­, ®


­, ®


¯, ®




¯, ®


¯, ®




Anabolic steroids


¯ total T4


¯ total T3





In the majority of cases of thyrotoxicosis, a typical biochemical picture of elevated free T4 and T3 with associated undetectable TSH will be observed. In some cases, a biochemical diagnosis of "T3-toxicosis" is evident, characterized by elevation of serum T3 in the absence of a rise in T4. This is typically observed in mild cases of toxic nodular hyperthyroidism and early in the course of Graves' hyperthyroidism. In some instances, the converse is true in that a rise in T3 is absent despite elevation in free T4 and suppression of TSH in a patient thought clinically to have thyrotoxicosis. This lack of rise in T3 may reflect the presence of another "non-thyroidal" illness, evident upon re-testing once the other morbidity is eliminated.


Graves' Disease and Toxic Nodular Hyperthyroidism


In iodine replete parts of the world, Graves' disease is the most common endogenous cause of thyrotoxicosis. In the elderly, however, toxic nodular hyperthyroidism becomes an important cause (1,35). In all age groups, toxic nodular hyperthyroidism is more common in areas of the world that are relatively iodine deficient (36). The natural history of goiter is of progression from the presence of diffuse thyroid enlargement to development of one or more nodules and eventual autonomous function of one or more of these nodules resulting in thyrotoxicosis. This natural history is typically long so the elderly patient presenting with thyrotoxicosis often describes the presence of a goiter for many years. A relatively rare cause is the presence of a single toxic adenoma - a benign tumor exhibiting autonomous secretion of thyroid hormones. This diagnosis accounts for less than 2% of cases of thyrotoxicosis occurring in the US (36). Biochemically, the development of autonomous function in a nodular goiter is first evidenced by suppression of serum TSH with normal serum concentrations of thyroid hormones ("subclinical" hyperthyroidism - see below), followed by elevation of serum T3 and free T4.


In many cases, the cause of thyrotoxicosis is obvious from the clinical picture (1,35). The diagnosis of Graves' disease may be evident by the presence of diffuse goiter and ophthalmopathy, whereas toxic nodular hyperthyroidism is characterized by the presence of a nodular goiter on examination of the neck. It should be noted, however, that the thyroid might be impalpable in about 30% of cases of Graves' disease or toxic nodular hyperthyroidism. If the cause of thyrotoxicosis is not obvious, further investigation may be warranted. The presence of thyroid autoantibodies (to thyroid peroxidase - TPO and/or thyroglobulin) is suggestive (but not diagnostic of) Graves' disease; TSH receptor antibodies are more specific for the diagnosis. Such antibodies are positive in 90% of Graves’ Disease cases, and are usually negative in cases of toxic nodular hyperthyroidism. If TSH receptor antibodies are positive in the presence of a nodular goiter, both conditions may co-exist. Radioisotope scanning, using technetium-99m or iodine-123, typically shows a diffuse pattern of uptake in Graves' disease, in contrast to the presence of multiple "hot" nodules with surrounding thyroid tissue not demonstrating any uptake in cases of toxic nodular hyperthyroidism (figure 1). Occasionally, a single "hot" nodule, with absent uptake elsewhere in the thyroid is observed. This finding suggests the presence of a toxic nodular adenoma.

Figure 1. Radionuclide imaging of the thyroid illustrating hot nodules in toxic nodular hyperthyroidism (right) which contrasts with a diffuse uptake in Graves' Disease (left)

 Other Causes of Thyrotoxicosis


Although Graves' disease and toxic nodular goiter are by far the most common causes of endogenous thyrotoxicosis in older patients, it is important to consider other diagnoses. As in other age groups, the elderly patient may develop transient thyroid hormone excess secondary to a temporary thyroiditis, i.e., destruction of the thyroid with release of pre-formed thyroid hormones (35). Sub-acute thyroiditis should be suspected if the patient complains of sore throat or neck tenderness, typically associated with symptoms of a viral illness or an upper respiratory tract infection. The diagnosis is confirmed by the finding of a raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and absent or very low uptake of iodine-123. This is an important diagnosis to make since antithyroid treatment with antithyroid drugs or radioiodine is inappropriate, because it is ineffective and because the condition resolves spontaneously (usually after a self-limiting period of hypothyroidism).  Silent thyroiditis has a similar clinical course as subacute thyroiditis, but the gland is not tender and there is no increase in ESR.  Both subacute and silent thyroiditis can occur in older patients, although the peak age range for these two conditions is among younger patients (37).


Iodine-induced thyroiditis should be considered in patients with a history of iodine ingestion (e.g., in the form of sea weed preparations or over the counter iodine containing compounds, such as expectorants) or after administration of iodine containing radiographic contrast agents (35). The diagnosis can be confirmed by the finding of low iodine uptake. This condition also remits spontaneously and radioiodine therapy is contraindicated. This diagnosis is more common in older patients, who are more likely to receive iodinated contrast agents and to have underlying multinodular goiters that predispose them to iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis.


Finally, it should be noted that exogenous thyrotoxicosis due to excessive doses of thyroid hormone in the treatment of hypothyroidism is quite common.  One study indicated that over 40% of older subjects taking thyroid hormone had low TSH levels, indicating excess thyroid hormone doses (38). A second study reported that iatrogenic thyrotoxicosis accounted for about 50% of low TSH events in a large cohort of subjects, with the highest rates in older women (39). A third study reported that thyroid hormone use increased 1.8-fold in the UK from 2001-2009, with decreasing TSH thresholds for initiating treatment. Of concern, 90% of treated subjects remained on L-T4 for > 5 years, and 16% had low or suppressed TSH levels, indicating excessive doses (40). A fourth study reported that thyroid hormone use doubled in the U.S. from 1997-2016, from 4% to 8%, while expenditures for thyroid hormone tripled. Thyroid hormone use was higher in women, older individuals, and non-Hispanic whites (41). These reports clearly indicate that thyroid hormone is being over-prescribed, with high risks of overtreatment and potential clinical consequences, particularly in older subjects who may have underlying cardiac issues or osteoporosis.

 Amiodarone Induced Thyrotoxicosis


The diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction should be considered in an elderly patient prescribed the antiarrhythmic agent amiodarone. This drug is widely used in the older age group for control of dysrhythmias, particularly those associated with poor left ventricular function. Amiodarone is an iodine-containing compound that affects the results of tests of thyroid function, even in those who are euthyroid (35,42). Typically, amiodarone, through its effect on peripheral conversion of T4 to T3, results in modest reduction in serum concentrations of T3 (often to below the normal range) and modest elevation in serum T4 (often to above the normal range). TSH is typically slightly elevated early after commencement of treatment and normalizes later in euthyroid patients.  Therefore, beginning 2-3 months after amiodarone is started, the serum TSH level is an accurate indication of thyroid function.


Although amiodarone results in overt thyroid dysfunction in 5-10% of cases, it is important not to over-interpret mildly abnormal results of tests of thyroid function. Thyrotoxicosis should only be diagnosed in the presence of significant elevation of free T4, together with elevation in serum T3 and suppression of TSH; sometimes serum T3 is at the upper range of normal rather than elevated, probably because of associated "non-thyroidal" illness in this age group, together with the block of T4 to T3 conversion seen with amiodarone.


 Antithyroid Drugs


The thionamides – methimazole (or its precursor drug carbimazole) and propylthiouracil - represent the mainstay of drug treatment of thyrotoxicosis (1,35). These drugs inhibit the oxidation and organification of iodide and hence block the synthesis of T4 and T3 early in their biosynthetic pathway. They represent the most effective and rapid means of reducing circulating thyroid hormone concentrations. They can be used in several ways: short-term in preparation of the patient for definitive treatment with radioiodine or surgery, medium term in the hope of inducing remission in cases of thyrotoxicosis due to Graves' disease, or long-term for control of clinical and biochemical thyroid hormone excess.


In many elderly patients, thionamides are used short-term in the preparation for curative treatment. A typical starting dose of methimazole is 20-30 mg per day as a single daily dose. In contrast, propylthiouracil is typically given in divided doses, the equivalent to methimazole 20 mg being 200mg. Doses higher than this are rarely required, since high doses have not been shown to be more effective in terms of restoration of euthyroidism in prospective studies (43,44). Since compliance is better and side effects are less frequent, methimazole or carbimazole are considered the drugs of choice, in preference to propylthiouracil (35). Serum free T4 should be checked 4-6 weeks after beginning therapy and the thionamide dose adjusted accordingly. It is usually possible to render the patient euthyroid (or near euthyroid) after 2-3 months, so they can proceed to curative therapy.


Drug side effects are relatively uncommon, but it is essential that all subjects (in whichever age group) be warned (preferably in writing) of the potential risk of agranulocytosis so that they present urgently for a full blood count if they develop a fever or sore throat. Agranulocytosis often, but not always, occurs in the first few weeks after beginning thionamide therapy and is probably more common in those taking higher doses (35). The latter observation represents a relative contraindication to doses of methimazole/carbimazole of greater than 20-30 mg per day; doses higher than this are rarely necessary in the elderly.


Other serious side effects can occur, notably antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated-vasculitis (typically associated with prescription of propylthiouracil), hepatitis, or pancreatitis (35,44), although these are rare. These serious complications, together with agranulocytosis, represent absolute contraindications to further use of thionamides. Less serious side effects such as pruritic rash are more common and can usually be managed conservatively, although sometimes a change in drug therapy from one thionamide to another is required (ATA guidelines).



In general, remission rates following thionamide therapy in Graves' hyperthyroidism are less than 50%, nonetheless, there is some evidence that the remission rate in Graves’ may be higher in the elderly age group, probably reflecting the presence of milder disease. If the objective is to achieve remission or "cure" of thyrotoxicosis secondary to Graves' disease, then thionamide treatment should be prescribed for a course of not less than 12 or 18 months, since shorter courses are associated with a lower rate of remission (35). Drug doses should be titrated according to serum concentrations of free T4 (serum TSH may remain suppressed for months); the majority of subjects will require a methimazole maintenance dose of 5-10 mg daily once normal fT4 levels are achieved (propylthiouracil 50-100mg daily in divided doses). Larger dose requirements are suggestive of poor compliance. Poor prognostic features for achieving long-term remission (35) (established in younger age groups) include male sex, the presence of a large goiter and biochemically severe disease at diagnosis. Most relapses of Graves' thyrotoxicosis occur 3-6 months after thionamide withdrawal.


Although standard recommendations for treating Graves’ disease with thionamides include a 12-18 month course of therapy, recent studies suggest that long term thionamide therapy is safe and efficacious (46,47). This option may be particularly useful in older patients with limited life expectancies, since it leads to more rapid attainment of euthyroidism and lower rates of hypothyroidism than radioactive iodine or surgery (48). Updated guidelines for treating hyperthyroidism now include the option for long-term thionamide therapy (35).



Time-limited courses of thionamides virtually never result in remission or cure of thyrotoxicosis secondary to toxic nodular goiter, although some spontaneous fluctuation in the severity of the disease is seen. Thionamides may thus be used short-term (as above) to induce euthyroidism prior to definitive treatment, but a time-limited course should not be prescribed in the hope of inducing cure. Recent studies show that long-term thionamide therapy is safe and efficacious in toxic nodular hyperthyroidism (47,49).  Once biochemical control has been achieved, biochemical monitoring every 3-6 months is desirable.



Beta adrenergic blockers are useful adjuncts to thionamides in the management of thyrotoxicosis. In cases of thyroiditis or mild cases of hyperthyroidism proceeding to radioiodine, they may be the only additional treatment required. Beta adrenergic blockers act promptly to reduce symptoms and signs of tremor and to improve tachycardia and associated palpitations (35). Such agents should be used cautiously in elderly subjects with heart failure (although a beneficial effect often results because of amelioration of some of the cardiovascular effects of thyroid hormone excess) and in those with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Propranolol has been widely used in thyrotoxic subjects but requires multiple daily dosing; longer acting beta adrenergic blockers such as atenolol (50-100mg daily) may therefore be preferred.


Other adjunctive therapies include salicylates for relief of local pain and tenderness in cases of subacute thyroiditis; occasionally glucocorticoids such as prednisolone are required short-term.

Anticoagulation with coumarin derivatives such as warfarin should be considered in elderly subjects with thyrotoxicosis complicated by atrial fibrillation. This is driven by evidence for embolic complications. There have been no controlled trials of the use of anticoagulants in thyrotoxic atrial fibrillation, but overwhelming evidence of their efficacy in other settings argues in favor of their use in this situation (50), unless contraindications exist. Therapy to restore sinus rhythm should be considered but not until the patient has been rendered euthyroid. This therapy may comprise pharmacological cardioversion (with agents such as sotalol) or electrical cardioversion. Restoration of sinus rhythm is more likely in those whose atrial fibrillation is of short duration and in those without underlying heart disease (23), although rates of restoration of sinus rhythm may be relatively low, even with cardiologic intervention (24).

 Radioiodine Therapy


Radioiodine (I-131) is a reasonable therapy in elderly hyperthyroid subjects, as it can be administered by mouth in the outpatient setting and is associated with few side effects. Some patients notice sore throat or neck tenderness (reflecting a radiation thyroiditis), but this is usually mild and transient. Its long-term efficacy is well established (35). Reports of potential risks of secondary cancers following radioactive iodine therapy for hyperthyroidism have been inconsistent, but long-term risks appear modest, and are likely to be of less importance in older subjects (51-53). There are few, if any, contraindications to radioiodine therapy apart from inability to comply with local radiation protection regulations. Such compliance may be difficult to achieve in hospital or nursing home residents, those with urinary incontinence, and those with significant mental impairment. In such cases, long-term thionamide therapy is often the best practical option (see above).


A relative contraindication to the use of radioiodine in cases of Graves' thyrotoxicosis is the presence of moderate or severe ophthalmopathy. There is a slightly increased risk of development or worsening of pre-existing thyroid eye disease in those treated with radioiodine compared with thionamides or surgery (35). Problematic eye disease is more likely in those with pre-existing ophthalmopathy, in smokers (smoking is an independent risk factor for development of ophthalmopathy in Graves’ disease), and those with severe biochemical disease. In view of evidence (35) that a course of glucocorticoid abolishes any increase in risk of ophthalmopathy in those receiving radioiodine, many experts prescribe a short course of prednisone/prednisolone at the time of therapy. Typical doses of prednisone are 0.4-0.5 mg/kg/day starting 1-3 days following I-131 therapy and continued for one month, with gradual tapering over the next two months. However, recent data suggest that a lower dose of prednisone of 0.2 mg/kg/day for 6 weeks may be equally efficacious (54).


In those with severe clinical and biochemical thyrotoxicosis it is desirable to restore euthyroidism before proceeding to radioiodine therapy. This is because of the theoretical risk of inducing "thyroid storm" due to thyroid destruction and release of pre-formed thyroid hormones following radioiodine administration, together with the need to stop thionamide therapy temporarily at the time of treatment. In mild cases (judged both clinically and biochemically), such pre-treatment with thionamides may be unnecessary and radioiodine may be given as initial therapy or after short-term preparation with beta-adrenergic blockers.



Many studies have attempted to define optimal radioiodine doses in the hope of inducing euthyroidism and avoiding iatrogenic hypothyroidism in hyperthyroid patients (35). Studies have examined attempts to titrate doses of radioiodine according to factors such as thyroid size (judged clinically or by imaging), isotope uptake, or isotope turnover in the thyroid. Older literature suggested that cases of toxic nodular hyperthyroidism require larger doses of radioiodine to induce euthyroidism than cases of Graves' disease. It is clear, however, that measures of thyroid size or isotope uptake/turnover generally do not allow effective "dose titration". Furthermore, the dose of radioiodine required to cure toxic nodular hyperthyroidism is not different from that required in Graves' disease in the majority of cases (55). In some subjects with large goiter, higher initial doses or multiple treatments are required.


Many large thyroid centers thus avoid attempts at radioiodine "dose titration" and administer empirical doses. Such an approach avoids the necessity for extra hospital visits to document isotope uptake into the gland or the need for other imaging. The dose of radioiodine administered varies between centers, and is determined in part by radiation protection restrictions that vary considerably around the world. Typically, a dose of radioiodine is chosen which can be administered in the outpatient setting and which results in cure of thyrotoxicosis in the majority after a single dose, while not inducing hypothyroidism in all. In iodine-replete parts of the world such as the US and UK, a standard dose of radioiodine is 10-15 mCi or 400-600 MBq. In a UK series (56) a dose of this size resulted in cure of thyrotoxicosis in more than two thirds, at a cost of early hypothyroidism in 50%. Some centers administer larger doses to those with large goiter or to men, in view of evidence of relative radioresistance in these groups. There is also evidence that use of thionamides, especially propylthiouracil, before and/or after radioiodine treatment also induces relative radioresistance and hence the need for repeat dosing or a larger initial dose (35). It has been suggested that large doses should be administered routinely to elderly subjects, particularly those with cardiovascular disease or complications, to be certain of rapid restoration of euthyroidism. This view is reinforced by evidence that effective cure as indicated by the development of hypothyroidism requiring thyroxine replacement therapy is associated with a lessening of vascular mortality (compared with those not rendered hypothyroid) (17) and more likely conversion to sinus rhythm in those with AF associated with hyperthyroidism (24).



Thionamide therapy should be withdrawn 3-7 days before radioiodine (to allow iodine uptake into the thyroid) and should be restarted after a similar period post-treatment if the elderly subject has severe disease, incomplete biochemical control, significant complications (e.g., atrial fibrillation), or has return of symptoms in the short period of thionamide withdrawal before radioiodine therapy. After therapy, clinical and biochemical assessment should be carried out every 4-6 weeks for the first few months so that thionamide doses may be adjusted (according to free T4) and hypothyroidism identified. A transient rise in serum TSH may be seen in the first few months after radioiodine and does not necessarily indicate permanent hypothyroidism, but more marked biochemical or symptomatic hypothyroidism usually indicates the need for life-long T4 therapy. Persistence of biochemical hyperthyroidism 6 months after radioiodine therapy usually indicates the need for re-dosing. Unless small empirical doses are administered, the vast majority of patients with either toxic nodular hyperthyroidism or Graves' disease are rendered euthyroid (off all treatment) or hypothyroid (on T4) with one, two or (uncommonly) three doses (56,57). Occasional cases of apparent resistance to radioiodine treatment are seen.


Long-term, patients treated with radioiodine require biochemical follow-up for detection of hypothyroidism. Such follow-up is essential since the incidence of hypothyroidism is significant even many years after radioiodine and eventually up to 90% of those treated in this way become hypothyroid (35). Hypothyroidism rates may be slightly lower in those with toxic nodular hyperthyroidism (56) because of relative sparing of normal thyroid tissue through concentration of isotope in "hot" autonomous nodules.

 Surgical Treatment of Thyrotoxicosis


Surgical treatment of thyrotoxicosis is a viable option in selected patients, and if experienced thyroid surgeons are available (35). However, there is a higher risk of complications of anesthetic and surgery in elderly subjects, which limits its utility in this population.


If surgery is contemplated, it is essential that clinical and biochemical euthyroidism are restored beforehand. This requires therapy with thionamides, ideally for 2-3 months prior to surgery, sometimes in conjunction with pre-operative preparation with beta-adrenergic blockers or Lugol's iodine (35). Thorough preparation is essential in order to avoid thyroid storm post-operatively, as well as other significant complications of thyroid hormone excess, especially cardiovascular complications.


There is on-going debate regarding the most appropriate surgical approach for treatment of thyrotoxicosis. Many large centers advocate total thyroidectomy for Graves' hyperthyroidism, since partial thyroidectomy is associated with significant rates of short - and long-term recurrence (35), while in expert hands surgical complication rates should be similar. Such complications include bleeding into the neck, hypoparathyroidism, and damage to recurrent laryngeal nerves. Hypothyroidism is inevitable after total thyroidectomy (the patient leaves the hospital on T4 therapy) but is also common after partial thyroidectomy. Life-long follow-up (as with cases treated with radioiodine) is essential for detection of hypothyroidism (and recurrence of hyperthyroidism) after partial thyroidectomy.


Cases of toxic nodular hyperthyroidism may be treated by thyroid lobectomy or excision of a single hot nodule. Such an approach has the theoretical advantage of avoidance of hypothyroidism, as well as improvement in cosmetic appearance in those with large goiter. It should be noted, however, that reduction in nodule/goiter size is also evident after radioiodine therapy, albeit after several months. Surgery may be considered appropriate if toxic nodular goiter is associated with obstructive symptoms or if there is concern about the presence of co-existent malignancy in the goiter/nodules.

 Treatment of Amiodarone-Induced Thyrotoxicosis (AIT)


This condition is difficult to treat and a cause of significant morbidity/mortality in patients with underlying cardiac disease (35,58).  AIT can be diagnosed many months after amiodarone has been discontinued, since it persists in the body for long periods of time.  AIT can be a life-threatening diagnosis, since it worsens arrhythmias and cardiac function in patients who already have compromised cardiovascular systems. 


There are two types of AIT. Type 1 AIT occurs in patients with pre-existing thyroid abnormalities such as nontoxic multinodular goiters or subclinical Graves’ Disease. This type is thought to be due to iodine overload, since amiodarone is 37% iodine by weight. Type 2 AIT is a destructive thyroiditis that causes thyrotoxicosis by the release of pre-formed thyroid hormone, which can be prolonged. Some experts report that these two types can be distinguished by measurement of serum interleukin-6 (raised in destructive thyroiditis) or by ultrasonographic definition of thyroid vascularity (35,58). These tests are not, however, routinely available, and it is increasingly recognized that these varieties may co-exist.


In general, thionamide therapy should be considered first line treatment of Type 1 AIT. High dose glucocorticoids are considered first-line therapy for Type 2 AIT, although they can have significant side effects in elderly patients. In practice, it can be difficult to distinguish Type 1 from Type 2 AIT, and in severe acute cases, both thionamides and prednisone are sometimes started simultaneously. Type 2 AIT responds more quickly to glucocorticoids than Type 1 AIT responds to methimazole, so a rapid response to therapy is an indirect indicator of Type 2 AIT.  Perchlorate may be a helpful adjunct therapy, although it is not commercially available in the U.S.


Withdrawal of amiodarone is often not possible because of the serious nature of underlying dysrhythmias leading to amiodarone treatment, although it should be carefully considered. In any case, the long half-life of the drug (around 50 days) determines that any effect of amiodarone withdrawal is slow. Because of the iodine content of the drug, radioiodine therapy is ineffective because the radioisotope is not taken up into the thyroid. Radioiodine treatment is typically not feasible until at least 6 months after amiodarone withdrawal. Several groups have described surgical treatment of AIT, with a recent report suggesting that patients treated with thyroidectomy had lower 5-year cardiovascular and 10-year all-cause mortality, compared to medically treated AIT patients (59). Restoration of euthyroidism with thionamides is preferable pre-operatively if possible.



"Subclinical" hyperthyroidism is a biochemical diagnosis characterized by a low serum TSH with normal serum thyroid hormone concentrations. Many of the subjects included in the studies quoted at the beginning of this chapter had subclinical, rather than overt, hyperthyroidism, as subclinical hyperthyroidism is more common than overt disease. There is significant variation in the reported prevalence of subclinical hyperthyroidism in the elderly, with typically quoted prevalence of 0.8 – 2% (35). As with overt hyperthyroidism, prevalence rates are lower if one excludes subjects taking thyroid hormone preparations. The prevalence of endogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism in a population depends on age, gender and iodine intake (3,60,61).


The most common cause of suppression of TSH in the general population is exogenous thyroid hormone therapy, typically levothyroxine (LT4). Population surveys (62) have shown that approximately one quarter of those prescribed LT4 long-term display reduction in TSH suggestive of mild over-treatment; (this is deliberate in the relatively small number of patients with a history of thyroid cancer). Since LT4 is prescribed to many patients over 60 years old, this medication is a common cause of subclinical hyperthyroidism. In fact, a recent study showed that over 40% of patients over the age of 64 years treated with levothyroxine had low TSH levels, indicating overtreatment (38).


In patients not receiving exogenous thyroid hormone therapy, the differential diagnoses of a low or undetectable TSH includes nonthyroidal illness and medications (see above). Once these have been excluded, nodular goiter is the next most common cause of low serum TSH in this age group. In subjects with a nodular goiter, either detectable clinically or evident on isotope imaging, suppression of serum TSH represents the earliest biochemical marker of thyroid autonomy and onset of hyperthyroidism. Other causes of endogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism in the elderly include Graves’ Disease, subacute thyroiditis, and silent thyroiditis, as in younger patients, although these are less common.


The natural history of endogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism is variable, and depends on the underlying cause. Most patients have stable subclinical hyperthyroidism over years, but a sizable minority either progress to overt hyperthyroidism or normalize their thyroid function (35).  A low but detectable TSH probably has less pathophysiological significance than a completely suppressed TSH, in terms of clinical consequences as well as progression rates. In addition, endogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism, for example secondary to nodular goiter, is probably of greater significance than exogenous (due to levothyroxine therapy) since the former is associated with higher serum T3 concentrations.


There is little evidence to suggest that subclinical hyperthyroidism is associated with significant symptoms (63), but there is a growing body of evidence that low serum TSH is associated with adverse effects, particularly on heart, bone, and brain, and possibly increased all-cause and cardiovascular mortality.


An important study of the Framingham population of the US (64) first revealed a 3-fold increased incidence of atrial fibrillation in subjects aged over 60 with serum TSH of less than 0.1 mU/L, compared with those with normal serum TSH. The likelihood of developing atrial fibrillation was also increased, but less markedly, in those with low but detectable TSH. The group in this survey with low TSH was heterogeneous and included some subjects taking exogenous T4 therapy. Similar findings have been reported in larger population-based studies since this initial observation (35). 


Recent studies have also reported that subclinical hyperthyroidism is associated with increased mortality and cardiovascular events in subjects 65 years and older (19,21,65).  A meta-analysis of individual-level data from 52,674 participants pooled from 10 cohort studies concluded that subclinical hyperthyroidism confers a 24% increased risk of overall mortality and 29% increased risk of cardiovascular mortality (66). Some of these studies, including the meta-analysis, have also examined non-fatal cardiovascular events in subclinical hyperthyroidism, with similar increased risks (66-69). Data indicate that subclinical hyperthyroid subjects appear to be at particular risk for the development of heart failure (66,70,71), especially older subjects and those with lower TSH levels.


Adverse effects of subclinical hyperthyroidism on bone may occur. A recent meta-analysis of 6 prospective cohorts (5,458 subjects, median age 72 years, 5% with subclinical hyperthyroidism) reported that older subjects with subclinical hyperthyroidism had increased annual rates of bone loss at the femoral neck, especially if the TSH was less than 0.1 mU/L (72).  A second meta-analysis of 13 prospective cohorts (70,298 subjects, median age 64 years, median follow-up 12 years, 3% with subclinical hyperthyroidism) reported that subjects with subclinical hyperthyroidism had increased rates of hip fracture, clinical spine fracture, non-spine fracture, and any fracture (73).  Risks were greatest if the TSH was less than 0.1 mU/L.  There is also evidence for improvement in bone metabolism or BMD after treatment of endogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism (74). Finally, in hypothyroid subjects who were started on LT4 and followed for a mean of 7 years, the number of 6-month periods with low TSH levels increased the risk of hip and major osteoporotic fractures in post-menopausal women, but not in men (75).  This further illustrates the importance of avoiding overtreatment in hypothyroidism.


Mood and cognitive function have also been examined in older subjects with subclinical hyperthyroidism (76). A meta-analysis of 11 studies (16,805 subjects, mean age over 70 years, median follow-up 3.5 years) reported an increased risk of dementia in subclinical hyperthyroid subjects (77).  A more recent prospective cohort study (2,558 subjects ages 70-79 years, median follow-up 9 years) reported an increased risk of dementia if the TSH was suppressed, but not if the TSH was low but detectable (78).  Reports on associations between subclinical hyperthyroidism and rates of depression or anxiety have been variable, with some studies indicating no association in older subjects (35,79), while others report increased rates of depressive symptoms in subclinical hyperthyroidism (80).


Concerns about effects of mild thyroid hormone excess upon heart and bone, and more recently on cognitive function, have led to a trend towards treatment of this condition. In those taking exogenous thyroid hormone, management is relatively straightforward, namely reduction in prescribed dose and re-checking of serum TSH 6-8 weeks later. For those not taking T4, many experts administer either antithyroid drugs or radioiodine to those with persistent subclinical hyperthyroidism, especially in subjects with atrial fibrillation or other underlying cardiac disease. Prospective trials confirming benefit of such therapy have yet to be performed, but analysis of large datasets indicate that prolonged periods of undertreatment confer increased risks (19,21).  Based on this, consensus guidelines recommend that older subjects and those with AF or other vascular risk factors should be treated (35).



Several factors should be considered before a decision is made to institute either population or targeted screening for thyroid disorders in groups such as the elderly. Firstly, screening programs should be instituted only for those conditions in which the benefits of screening outweigh the costs. Whether benefits outweigh the costs depends on accurate quantification of these issues, then a judgment as to whether the costs of screening are justified. Although it is clear that hyperthyroidism is common, there are no data that demonstrate that identified subjects benefit from being diagnosed; it is not sufficient to demonstrate only that such subjects exist. Such benefits and costs should ideally be based upon the results of a randomized controlled trial in an appropriate sample of the relevant population. In considering costs, those incurred by those who do not themselves gain from the screening program should be considered. If, for example, the screening process uses a test such as serum TSH with occasional positives, then some patients may be exposed to investigations which are unnecessary, with accompanying risk and potential morbidity.


While overt and subclinical hyperthyroidism are common in older subjects, and while there is evidence for adverse consequences of these diagnoses, the evidence that treatment in a screened population improves morbidity/mortality, and that the risks of such treatment outweigh the costs, is currently inconclusive. There should, nonetheless, be a high index of suspicion for hyperthyroidism in this age group and a low threshold for biochemical testing, especially in those with a previous personal or family history of thyroid disease or those with conditions such as atrial fibrillation that may reflect hyperthyroidism. Care must also be taken to recognize the atypical presentations of hyperthyroidism that occur in this age group, including unexplained weight loss and psychiatric symptoms.



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Anaerobic Infections and Endocrinology



Anaerobic bacteria are present as part of the normal microbial flora in the human body. These bacteria turn virulent whenever the host defense mechanisms are compromised. Diabetes and glucocorticoid abuse are the two common endocrine conditions that predisposes individuals to anaerobic infections. Anaerobic infections are common in tropical countries and can affect any tissue or gland resulting in severe organ dysfunction. Microbial endocrinology deals with the bidirectional interaction between the hormones and the microbes. The interaction is influenced by the virulence factors released from the microbes, inflammatory mediators, and the hormonal dysfunction. In this chapter, we shall discuss the various anaerobic bacterial infections relevant in endocrinology practices.




The term “anaerobic” broadly denotes intolerance to oxygen. Anaerobic bacteria are the commonest bacteria in the bacterial flora present on the skin and mucous membranes (1). They are broadly divided into three types based on their relation to oxygen and growth potential as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1. Types of anaerobic bacteria


Virtually all anaerobic infections are derived from the normal bacterial flora of the body. The virulence characteristics of the organisms are kept in check by the defense mechanisms and a breach in the same may lead to infection. The risk of anaerobic infection is determined by the balance between the inoculum, virulence characteristics, and the host defenses. Previously, anaerobic infections were considered to be less prevalent due to the lack of identification techniques and the fastidious nature of the bacteria (2). Increased awareness, antibiotic misuse resulting in changing microbiome, ease of culture and diagnostic techniques helped in demonstrating that anaerobic infections also are frequent in clinical practice.


Microbial endocrinology is a term coined in 1992, to describe the bi-directional interplay between microbes and endocrine hormones (3). Endocrine glands are located deep in the human body with the exception of the thyroid gland. Most of the endocrine glands have a thick capsule protecting them from the contagious spread of infection. The endocrine glandular tissue is highly vascular, thereby not conducive for the growth of anaerobic bacteria. However, anaerobes can overcome the host defenses resulting in infection and breaks in the anatomic barrier can occur due to surgery, trauma, or the disease process itself from within. The predisposing factors for anaerobic infections include diabetes, immunosuppression, malignancy, neutropenia, and decreased redox potential in the tissues.




The taxonomy of anaerobes has changed recently due to the improvement in diagnostic techniques. The development of advanced culture methods, next generation sequencing technology, and metagenomics has improved the understanding of anaerobic bacteria (4). Previously, the antibiotic susceptibility pattern of most of the anaerobes was not clear due to the difficulties in culture methods. Advanced diagnostic techniques like DNA hybridization, mass spectrometry, multiplex PCR, and oligonucleotide array technologies helped in improving the classification as well as the understanding of antibiotic susceptibility patterns of these bacteria. A simple taxonomical classification of anaerobic bacteria useful in clinical practice is shown in figure 2.

Figure 2. Types of anaerobic bacteria


Estrogen and Vaginal Flora


The healthy vaginal flora consists of Lactobacillus species and estrogen plays an important role in maintaining this flora (5). Estrogen increases vaginal epithelial activity resulting in a thickened layer of epithelium with glycogen deposition. The Lactobacilli breaks the glycogen into lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide locally, resulting in the vaginal pH being maintained in acidic range (< 4.5) to prevent the growth of anaerobic bacteria. Bacterial vaginosis is a common infection in women due to a shift of the vaginal microbiome from Lactobacillus flora to a mixture of facultative and obligatory anaerobic bacteria. The typical microorganisms include Gardnerella vaginalis, Mycoplasma hominis, and Atopobium vaginae. Postmenopausal females have a higher risk of bacterial vaginosis due to the precipitous decline in the concentration of estradiol. Evidence shows that topical estrogen therapy in these women normalize the vaginal flora and reduce the risk of anaerobic infections (6).


Adrenal Hormone and Anaerobes


Exposure to any form of stress elevates sympathetic nervous system activity and releases adrenaline and noradrenaline from the adrenal medulla. Prolonged stress induces a shift in immunity from Th1 linked cellular immunity to Th2 linked humoral immunity. In addition to many host tissues, microbes also respond to the catecholamines and increase their virulent characteristics (7). The hormonal communication between bacteria and humans involves the presence of interkingdom signaling receptors. Bacterial cell membrane bound histidine kinases (QseC and QseE) act as adrenergic sensors to detect the local hormone concentrations. QseC also modulate the expression of many genes that increase the virulence and inflammation. This is one of the mechanisms that interlink the immune-endocrine interactive pathway mediated by stress hormones.


Stress induced alterations in the anaerobes of the gingival flora led to the observation that noradrenaline and adrenaline act as environmental cues for bacteria (8). The spectrum of biological effects of the stress hormones on gingival flora could range from halitosis to atherosclerotic plaque rupture leading to acute coronary syndrome. These hormones affect the growth of Fusobacterium, Propionibacterium, and Prevotella and the hormonal effects are mostly species or strain specific. The biological adverse effects are mediated by changes in biofilms, bacterial adaptation techniques, bacterial adherence, and release of the cytotoxic enzymes.




Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the most common metabolic and endocrine disorder that predisposes an individual to the development of infections. The defective immune responses seen in patients with DM could exacerbate the risk of anaerobic infections. Though many superficial and deep infections are common in patients with DM, few amongst them are unique in their description. The unique anaerobic infections seen in patients with DM include emphysematous cholecystitis and emphysematous pyelonephritis. Malignant otitis externa is also unique to DM but is mostly polymicrobial in origin.


Diabetic Foot Disease


Diabetic foot disease is the commonest cause of lower limb amputation in clinical practice. The lifetime risk for a diabetic foot disease is about 25% in certain patients with diabetes. The infections are usually polymicrobial in nature and lead to considerable morbidity and occasional mortality. Anaerobic infections are more common in wounds that are deep seated and are often resistant to the antibiotics and conservative measures (9). Peptostreptococcus and Bacteroides species are the two common anaerobic bacteria of the diabetic foot. Anaerobic bacteria could be either primary or secondary colonizers in the etiology of diabetic foot ulcers. The ischemic and necrotic wounds have a higher rate of anaerobic infection due to the associated low blood supply and low redox potential that facilitate the growth of these bacteria. There is an ethnic variation in the bacterial etiology of diabetic foot infections. Anaerobic osteomyelitis is typically seen associated with diabetic foot ulcers and presents with a chronic non-healing ulcer of the leg. Early surgical debridement, antibiotic therapy with a spectrum against anaerobes, foot revascularization along with proper foot care are the guiding principles in the management of diabetic foot disease. 


Fournier’s Gangrene


Fournier’s gangrene (FG), first described in 1883, is a rare necrotizing infection of the perineal and genital skin due to both aerobic and anaerobic organisms (10). There is a male preponderance and the disease is mostly described in middle age and elderly patients. The predisposing factors for FG include diabetes mellitus, immunosuppression, and alcoholism. Recently SGLT2 inhibitors have been linked with an increased risk of FG. The condition leads to microthrombi of the small subcutaneous vessels leading to local necrosis and gangrene which is a fertile nidus for anaerobic bacteria to spread rapidly in the subcutaneous tissues. Initially, the patient presents with cellulitis of the scrotal skin and progression of symptoms may lead to severe sepsis and death. The reported mortality rates with FG are about 25 – 30% and the management includes extensive surgical debridement along with broad spectrum antibiotics and hemodynamic supportive measures.


Necrotizing Fasciitis


Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a life-threatening soft tissue infection that causes local tissue destruction, necrosis, and severe sepsis (11). FG is also a form of NF restricted to the genital area. NF is divided into four types based on the etiological organisms. Type 1 NF is polymicrobial in origin including anaerobes, whereas, type 2 NF is due to either Streptococcus or Staphylococcus. Type 3 and 4 are less common and are due to Vibrio species and fungi respectively. The predisposing factors include DM, malignancy, immunosuppression, alcohol abuse, and systemic chronic debilitating disease. Initial presentation mimics that of cellulitis and early clues to the NF are pain and systemic features out of proportion to the local swelling and the presence of hemorrhagic bullae. Patients with diabetes and NF tend to have polymicrobial infections, severe renal impairment, delayed diagnosis. and multiple co-morbid ailments in comparison to NF patients without diabetes (12). Management principles are similar to FG and include surgical debridement, broad spectrum antibiotics, and supportive measures.




Infection of the tissues surrounding the teeth are known as periodontitis and is usually caused by the anaerobic gram-negative bacteria. This is more common in patients with type 2 DM and this complication is often known as the “Sixth” complication of diabetes. The links between diabetes and periodontitis are mediated by oxidative stress, advanced glycation end products leading to immune dysfunction, inflammatory marker release, and increased tissue destruction (13). Periodontitis also exacerbates insulin resistance due to the release of cytokines and chemokines. DM is characterized by periapical bone destruction, poor wound healing, and also has a direct effect on the dental pulp integrity. Periodontitis is an independent marker of mortality in patients with T2DM and it is essential to treat these two conditions simultaneously for better outcomes.




Endocrine glands are usually resistant to localized infections due to their location, high vascularity, and in some glands the presence of a protective capsule preventing the local spread of infection. However, these natural barriers are broken in certain conditions leading to the development of infections.


Thyroid Gland


The thyroid gland is resistant to bacterial infection due to the high iodine content, blood supply, and thick capsule. Acute suppurative thyroiditis (AST) is a complication due to the anaerobic bacterial infection of the thyroid gland (14). Porphyromonas, Propionibacterium and Streptococcus are the common bacteria that have been reported to lead to AST. Many of these bacteria live as commensals in the gingival epithelium. These patients usually present with a tender neck mass and systemic features of inflammation, similar to the presentation of subacute thyroiditis (SAT). It is essential to differentiate between AST and SAT, as glucocorticoids worsen the former and are indicated in the later condition. The majority of the AST patients are euthyroid, whereas, the SAT presents with features of thyrotoxicosis. AST is seen involving the left side of thyroid gland, whereas, SAT involves both sides similarly. Ultrasonography and aspiration cytology aid in the confirmation of the diagnosis. Therapy consists of appropriate antimicrobial drugs and surgical drainage of an abscess if present.


Pituitary Gland


The intrasellar location and the high rate of blood flow per gram makes the pituitary gland resistant to the development of local infections. However, a few case reports have described anaerobic abscesses in the sella that could be due to blood stream infection (15). The patients present with features of a pituitary mass including local compression and hormonal dysfunction. Surgical drainage of the abscess along with prolonged anti-anaerobic therapy is essential for recovery. There may be residual hormonal dysfunction in patients necessitating long-term hormonal replacement.


Adrenal Gland


Adrenal gland infections are very rare in clinical practice and are usually predisposed by the presence of a blood collection in the gland. The presenting features include fever with chills, abdominal pain, and occasionally features of adrenal deficiency. The infection is mostly due to the aerobic bacilli, but polymicrobial infections are not uncommon. Recent reports suggest the beneficial role of metagenomic next generation sequencing (mNGS) that helps in the early identification of the anaerobic infection (16). mNGS technology helps in identification of multiple anaerobic bacteria simultaneously and the results are available in less than 48 hr, unlike conventional culture which takes more than a week. Management is similar to any other organ involvement with pus drainage and prolonged antibiotics.




Infertility affects about 10 – 15% of couples and infections constitute one of the major contributory factors for infertility (17). Female and male factors account for about 40% of etiologies exclusively, whereas, both partners along with an idiopathic etiology account for the remaining 20%. Anaerobic infections constitute one of the common infectious causes of infertility, albeit, predominantly in females.


Female Infertility


Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is the commonest cause leading to female infertility due to tubal adhesions, mucosal damage, and tubal occlusion. PID is caused by multiple organisms which include Chlamydia, Neisseria, and anaerobes. Bacterial vaginosis is a major contributory factor in the pathogenesis of PID as evidenced by the identification of the similar microbial flora (18). Bacteria ascend the genital tract via the endocervical and endometrial epithelia including the lymphatics. Lower abdominal pain and vaginal discharge are the two common symptoms of PID. Early identification of PID, prompt antibiotic therapy, and surgical drainage of the pus result in the cure without residual tubal complications. Patients with recurrent abortions have also been shown to have vaginal colonization with Gardnerella vaginalis and facultative anaerobes (18). This indicates an association between the altered vaginal microflora, local and systemic inflammation, change in the immune mediators, chemokines and cytokines, impaired implantation, placentation, and blood vessel transformation culminating into the recurrent abortions.


Male Infertility


Anaerobic infections affect semen quality and the total sperm concentration leading to male infertility. The semen samples from sub-fertile men are characterized by the presence of a large number of pus cells and multiple bacteria (19). Anaerobic bacteria affect the ability of the sperm to penetrate the cervical mucosa by the release of microbial toxins. Anaerobic infections are not routinely identified with the standard methods of culture and should be ruled out in all patients with unexplained oligoasthenospermia along with the presence of pus cells in the semen. Positive microbial cultures, however do not convey the exact location of the infection as the semen consists of secretions from the multiple glands including the prostate. A classic four specimen technique could be helpful in the localization of the infection and these patients require long term antibiotic therapy.




Gut microbes are essential for the host immune system and help in digestion and maintenance of local tissue integrity. The intestinal bacteria mediate their beneficial effects by breaking dietary constituents into various short chain fatty acids which act as beneficial signals in metabolism and immunomodulation (21). Though it’s very difficult to characterize the entire gut microbiome, parameters such as alpha species diversity, ratio between the beneficial (Akkermansia, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus etc.) and the harmful (Enterococcus, Bacteroides, Lachnospiraceae etc.) bacteria are used in laboratory evaluation. Recent reports have emerged that the gut microbiome plays an important role in the etiopathogenesis of metabolic disorders including type 2 DM and obesity.


Diet and environmental factors play an important role in shaping the gut microbiome. The diversity in the gut microbiota could also be a contributory factor in the prevalence of the metabolic disorders between different ethnic populations (22). Increasing use of the antibiotics, environmental pollution, and consumption of refined products have led to alterations in the microbial flora with a shift from a healthy flora to an unhealthy one. Proinflammatory molecules secreted from intestinal bacteria translocate to the blood stream triggering metabolic endotoxemia, which is described as the leaky gut syndrome. The gut-blood barrier is often broken with the colonization of the anaerobic bacteria in the gut replacing the normal flora.  


The microflora in individuals is a key determinant in directing the response to antibiotics and probiotics. The fecal samples of Japanese patients with T2DM showed lower bacterial counts of obligatory anaerobes and higher content of facultative anaerobes in comparison to the control population. There is also a higher percentage of gut bacteria in the circulation, thereby confirming the leaky-gut hypothesis (23).  Apart from metabolic disorders, the gut dysbiosis has not been shown to affect other endocrine disorders.




Antimicrobials are the cornerstone of therapy against the anaerobic infections. In a few cases, the antibiotic therapy is supplemented with the surgical drainage of the pus. The therapy is often prolonged due to the slow growth rate of the anaerobes, polymicrobial nature of the infection, and the development of antibiotic resistance (24). The commonly used antimicrobials against anaerobic infections include metronidazole, carbapenems, quinolones, beta-lactams, chloramphenicol, tigecycline, and clindamycin. Many of these drugs have no significant endocrine side-effects except for the dysglycemia with the use of quinolones. Other endocrine effects due to the protracted use of these drugs are summarized in the table 1.


Table 1. Endocrine Side-Effects of Antimicrobials used Against Anaerobic Infection


Endocrine side-effects


Altered gut microbiome

Anterior pituitary inhibition



Reduced absorption of levothyroxine

Seizures in thyrotoxicosis patients






Inhibition of thyroid hormones production

Clindamycin & Carbapenems





Anaerobic infections are common in clinical practice and diabetes is the most common endocrine condition predisposing for these infections. Anaerobic organisms have hormonal interactions with gonadal and adrenal hormones and the field of microbial endocrinology is expanding rapidly. Organ specific anaerobic infections may lead to endocrine dysfunction in the form of infertility, glandular abscess, and hypofunction of the involved endocrine axis. A high index of clinical suspicion is essential to identify anaerobic infections especially in the tropical countries. The principles of management are prolonged antibiotic therapy along with drainage of the pus. Systemic supportive therapy and extensive debridement is essential in life threatening anaerobic infections like necrotizing fasciitis.




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Androgen Physiology: Receptor and Metabolic Disorders



Androgens are an important class of C19 steroid hormones that control normal male development and reproductive function. The main circulating androgen is testosterone, which is produced in the Leydig cells of the testis and can also act as a pro-hormone after being metabolized to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or estradiol (E2). The biological actions of testosterone and DHT are mediated by the androgen receptor, a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily, which in response to hormone regulates gene expression in target tissues. In this chapter the biosynthesis of androgens, receptor structure/function, and the consequences of genetic changes impacting on receptor expression and signaling in disorders of male development are discussed.




Androgens are important hormones for expression of the male phenotype. They have characteristic roles during male sexual differentiation, but also during development and maintenance of secondary male characteristics and during initiation and maintenance of spermatogenesis (1, 2). The two most important androgens in this respect are testosterone and 5α-dihydrotestosterone [Figure 1].

Figure 1. Structure of testosterone and 5α-dihydrotestosterone and anti-androgens.

While acting through the same androgen receptor, each androgen has its own specific role during male sexual differentiation: testosterone is directly involved in development and differentiation of Wolffian duct derived structures (epididymides, vasa deferentia, seminal vesicles and ejaculatory ducts) [Figure 2A], whereas 5α-dihydrotestosterone, a metabolite of testosterone, is the active ligand in a number of other androgen target tissues, like urogenital sinus and tubercle and their derived structures (prostate gland, scrotum, urethra, penis) [Figure 2B] (3, 4).

Figure 2. Specific actions of testosterone (T) and 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT). A) Testosterone is synthesized in the testis under the control of luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary. After entering target cells in the hypothalamus, pituitary, testis, and Wolffian duct, T binds to the androgen receptor (AR) and the T-AR complex binds to specific DNA sequences and regulates gene transcription, which can result in negative feedback regulation of gonadotrophin synthesis and secretion, in initiation and regulation of spermatogenesis, and in differentiation and development of Wolffian ducts. B) T is synthesized in the testis under the control of LH, enters target cells in urogenital sinus, urogenital tubercle, and several other androgen target tissues and is metabolized to DHT by the enzyme 5α-reductase type 2. DHT binds directly to the AR and the DHT-AR complex interacts with specific DNA sequences and regulates gene transcription resulting in differentiation and development of the prostate, the external genitalia, and during puberty several secondary male sex characteristics.

The interaction of both androgens with the androgen receptor is different. Testosterone has a twofold lower affinity than 5α-dihydrotestosterone for the androgen receptor, while the dissociation rate of testosterone from the receptor is five-fold faster than of 5α-dihydrotestosterone (5). However, testosterone can compensate for this "weaker" androgenic potency during sexual differentiation and development of Wolffian duct structures via high local concentrations due to diffusion from the nearby positioned testis. In more distally located structures, like the urogenital sinus and urogenital tubercle the testosterone signal is amplified via conversion to 5α-dihydrotestosterone.




Androgens (testosterone and 5α-dihydrotestosterone) belong to the group of steroid hormones. The major circulating androgen is testosterone, which is synthesized from cholesterol in the Leydig cells in the testis. Testosterone production in the fetal human testis starts during the sixth week of pregnancy. Leydig cell differentiation and the initial early testosterone biosynthesis in the fetal testis are independent of luteinizing hormone (LH) (6-8). During testis development production of testosterone comes under the control of LH which is produced by the pituitary gland. Synthesis and release of LH is under control of the hypothalamus through gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and inhibited by testosterone via a negative feedback mechanism [Figure 2A] (9).The biosynthetic conversion of cholesterol to testosterone involves several discrete steps, of which the first one includes the transfer of cholesterol from the outer to the inner mitochondrial membrane by the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (Star) and the subsequent side chain cleavage of cholesterol by the enzyme P450scc (10). This conversion, resulting in the synthesis of pregnenolone, is the rate-limiting step in testosterone biosynthesis. Subsequent steps require several enzymes including, 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, 17α-hydroxylase/C17-20-lyase and 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 3 [Figure 3] (11).

Figure 3. Biosynthetic pathways for testosterone and DHT synthesis. The classic pathway show testosterone synthesized from cholesterol with further metabolism to DHT. The alternative or “backdoor” pathway shows DHT production without going through testosterone. Note only some of the enzymes are shown for clarity.



Metabolism of testosterone to 5α-dihydrotestosterone occurs through the classical pathway [Figure 3] and is essential for initiation of the differentiation and development of the urogenital sinus into the prostate [Figure 2B]. Differentiation of male external genitalia (penis, scrotum and urethra) also strongly depends on the conversion of testosterone to 5α-dihydrotestosterone in the urogenital tubercle, labioscrotal swellings, and urogenital folds (1). In recent research there has been considerable interest in the alternative or ‘backdoor’ pathway of DHT production (12 and references therein). This pathway has been found to have a significant role in the normal masculinization of the male fetus (see 13) and abnormal virilization of the female fetus in cases of congenital adrenal hyperplasia resulting from mutations in the enzyme P450 oxidoreductase (14).


The irreversible conversion of testosterone to 5α-dihydrotestosterone is catalyzed by the microsomal enzyme 5α-reductase type 2 (SRD5A2) and is NADPH dependent [Figure 4] (15). The cDNA of the gene for 5α-reductase type 2 codes for a protein of 254 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular mass of 28,398 Dalton (16, 17).

Figure 4. Metabolism of testosterone to DHT by the enzyme 5α-reductase type 2 (SDR5A2).

The NH2-terminal part of the protein contains a subdomain proposed to be involved in testosterone binding, while the COOH-terminal region is involved in NADPH-binding (3). The enzyme 5α-reductase type 2 belongs to the 5α-reductase family which is composed of 3 subfamilies with a total of 5 members (18). There are three isozymes: type 1, type 2 and the more recently discovered type 3, which has a role in the conversion of polyprenols to dolichols (important step in protein N-glycosylation) (19, 20). The other members are the proteins glycoprotein synaptic 2 (GPSN2) and glycoprotein synaptic 2 like (GPNS2L) and are most likely involved in double bond reduction during fatty acid elongation (21).




The Androgen Receptor and the Nuclear Receptor Family


Actions of androgens are mediated by the androgen receptor (NR3C4; Nuclear Receptor subfamily 3, group C, gene 4). This ligand-dependent transcription factor belongs to the superfamily of 48 known human nuclear receptors (22). This family includes receptors for steroid hormones, thyroid hormones, all-trans and 9-cis retinoic acid, 1,25 dihydroxy-vitamin D, ecdysone and activators of peroxisome proliferation (23-25). An increasing number of nuclear proteins have been identified with a protein structure homologous with that of nuclear receptors, but without a known ligand. These so-called "orphan" receptors form an important subfamily of transcription factors acting either in the absence of any ligand or with yet unknown endogenous ligands (26). Comparative structural and functional analysis of nuclear hormone receptors has revealed a common structural organization in 4 different functional domains: a NH2-Terminal Domain, a DNA-Binding Domain, a Hinge Region and a Ligand Binding Domain [Figure 5].

Figure 5. Steroid hormone receptor family. Sequence homologies between the human androgen receptor (hAR), human progesterone receptor (hPR), human glucocorticoid receptor (hGR), human mineralocorticoid receptor (hMR), and the human estrogen receptor alpha (hERα) and beta (hERβ).

The current model for androgen action involves a multi-step mechanism as depicted in Figure 6. Upon entry of testosterone into the androgen target cell, binding occurs to the androgen receptor either directly or after its conversion to 5α-dihydrotestosterone. Binding to the receptor is followed by dissociation of chaperone protein complexes (e.g., heat shock proteins) in the cytoplasm, simultaneously accompanied by a conformational change of the receptor protein resulting in a transformation and a translocation to the nucleus. The complex of chaperone and chaperone-associated proteins is collectively called the ‘foldosome’ and has functions beyond the classical role in the cytosol. The foldosome can for instance affect nuclear translocation and target gene expression (27, 28). Upon binding in the nucleus to specific DNA-sequences the receptor dimerizes with a second molecule and the homodimer entity recruits further additional proteins (e.g., coactivators, general transcription factors, RNA-polymerase II) via specific interaction motifs (29). This finally results in transcriptional activation or suppression of specific androgen responsive genes (30).


Figure 6. Simplified model of androgen action in an androgen target cell. The androgen receptor (AR) binds testosterone or its active metabolite DHT. After disassociation of heat shock proteins (hsp) the receptor enters the nucleus via an intrinsic nuclear localization signal and binds as a homodimer to specific DNA elements present as enhances upstream of androgen target genes. The next step is recruitment of coactivators, which form the communication bridge between the receptor and several components of the transcription machinery. The direct and indirect binding of the androgen receptor with several components of the transcription machinery (e.g., RNA polymerase II (RNA Pol II), general transcription factors (GTFs)) are key events in nuclear signaling. This communication triggers subsequent mRNA synthesis and consequently protein synthesis resulting in androgen responses. A non-genomic pathway involving the AR via cross-talk with the Src/Raf-1Erk-2 pathway is also known.

Interestingly androgen signaling via the androgen receptor can also occur in a non-genomic, rapid and sex-nonspecific way by crosstalk with the Scr, Raf-1, Erk-2 pathway [Figure 6] (31, 32). The classical androgen receptor is also involved in androgen-mediated induction of Xenopus oocyte maturation via the (MAPK)-signaling cascade in a transcription independent way (33, 34).


Cloning and Structural Organization of the Androgen Receptor Gene


Since cloning of the human androgen receptor cDNA our insights into the mechanism of androgen action have increased tremendously. Only one androgen receptor cDNA has been identified and cloned, despite the two different ligands (35-38). The concept of two hormones and one receptor to explain the different actions of androgens has been generally accepted and, according to the information available from the human genome project, it is very unlikely that additional genes exist coding for a functional nuclear receptor with androgen receptor-like properties (25).


The androgen receptor gene is located on the X-chromosome at Xq11.2 -12.  The gene spans 186,587 kilobases (kb) in total and codes for a protein with a molecular mass of approximately 110 kDa [Figure 7] (39, 40). The gene consists of 8 coding exons and the structural organization of the coding exons is essentially identical to those of the genes coding for the other steroid hormone receptors (e.g., exon/intron boundaries are highly conserved) and is characterized by unusually long 5’- and 3’-UTRs [Figure 7] (36, 41-43, 47). As a result of differential splicing in the 3' - untranslated region two androgen receptor mRNA species (of around 7.5 and 10 kb, respectively) have been identified in several human tissues and cell lines (36): only the larger transcript is seen in rodent tissues (36, 43, 47). There is no structural indication in the androgen receptor mRNA for any preferential use of either of the two transcripts or transcript specific functions, but it can be speculated that tissue-specific factors may determine which transcript is present in which androgen target tissue. In the human prostate and in genital skin fibroblasts the 10 kb size mRNA is predominantly expressed (43). It may also be significant that a number of micro-RNAs have been identified and validated that target the 3’-UTR that are likely to contribute to the regulation of receptor levels (44-46) [Figure 7].

Figure 7. Human androgen receptor gene was mapped to the long arm of the X chromosome. The human androgen receptor gene consists of coding exons and unusually long 5’- and 3’ UTRs. These have been shown to be important for transcriptional regulation (binding sites for both positive and negative regulatory factors) in the case of the 5’UTR. The 3’UTR region of the mRNA is targeted by a number of microRNAs (miRNAs). The androgen receptor has been shown to downregulate its own mRNA through response elements located in the 5’UTR and exon 2.

Regulation and Expression of the Androgen Receptor Gene


The promoter for the androgen receptor gene lacks TATA and CCAAT elements and transcription is driven primarily by the Zn-finger transcription factor Sp1. Sp1 binds to GC-boxes upstream of the transcription start site (-46 to -41 bps) and within the 5’UTR (+429 to +442) (47-52) [Figure 7]. In addition, the promoter and the region spanning the 5’-UTR and exon 1 contains a CpG island that demonstrates tissue-selective methylation patterns (53) and to be associated with loss of AR expression in prostate cancer (54).


Transcription of the receptor gene is under both positive and negative regulation (55, 58). Recent studies have focused on the auto-down regulation of the receptor mRNA in prostate cells. Balk and co-workers (56) identified, using chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), binding sites for ligand bound androgen receptor within the second intron and a second negative androgen response elements has been characterized in the 5’UTR (+611 bp) of the human receptor gene (57). Unravelling the molecular mechanism(s) for androgen-dependent down regulation, including possible synergy between the identified elements, in different cell types and tissues is an active area of research (58).


In addition to regulation by hormone, recent work has also highlighted the importance of the balance between positive (Sp1) and negative (Purα) transcription factors binding to the 5’UTR of the human gene in determining the expression of receptor mRNA in different prostate cancer cell models (52 and references therein).


Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms


The androgen receptor DNA-binding and ligand-binding domains have a high homology with the corresponding domains of the other members of the steroid receptor subfamily (59) [Figure 5].


There is a remarkably low homology between the androgen receptor NH2-terminal domain and that of the other steroid receptors [Figure 5, see above] (60-65). A poly-glutamine stretch, encoded by a polymorphic (CAG)nCAA - repeat is present in the NH2-terminal domain (66). The length of the repeat has been used for identification of X-chromosomes for carrier detection in pedigree analyses (67, 68). Variation in length (9 - 38 glutamine residues) is observed in the normal population and has been suggested to be associated with a very mild modulation of androgen receptor activity (69). This assumption is based on in vitro experiments after transient transfection of androgen receptor cDNA's containing (CAG)nCAA - repeats of different lengths (70, 71). In translating this finding to the in vivo situation, it can be envisaged that either shorter or longer repeat lengths can result in a relevant biologic effect during life. This concept has been explored in epidemiological studies of men with prostate cancer or infertility. With respect to prostate cancer, a clear picture has not emerged, and controversy persists. In several studies, shortening of the (CAG)nCAA repeat length in exon 1 of the androgen receptor gene was found to correlate with an earlier age of onset of prostate cancer, and a higher tumor grade and aggressiveness (72-74). However, in other epidemiological studies in prostate cancer patients these associations were not confirmed (75, 76).


In several investigations in male infertile patients an association was found between a longer (CAG)nCAA repeat and the risk of defective spermatogenesis (77-79). This suggests that a less active androgen receptor, due to a moderate expanded repeat length, may be a factor in the etiology of male infertility.


The (CAG)nCAA - repeat in exon 1 of the androgen receptor gene is expanded in patients with spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) and varies between 38 and 75 repeat units (69, 80, 81). Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy is characterized by progressive muscle weakness and atrophy and is associated with nuclear accumulation of androgen receptor protein with the expanded polyglutamine stretch in motor neurons. Clinical symptoms usually manifest in the third to fifth decade and result from severe depletion of lower motor nuclei in the spinal cord and brainstem (69, 82, 83). SBMA patients frequently exhibit endocrinological abnormalities including testicular atrophy, infertility, gynecomastia, and elevated LH, FSH and estradiol levels. Sex differentiation proceeds normally, and characteristics of mild androgen insensitivity appear later in life.


The neurotoxicity of the polyglutamine androgen receptor may involve generation of NH2-terminal truncation fragments, as such peptides occur in SBMA patients, but several other mechanisms have also been suggested for the molecular basis of SBMA (84, 85). Therapeutic approaches in SBMA are focusing on reducing nuclear localized mutant androgen receptor via enhanced mutant androgen receptor degradation or by disrupting the interaction with androgen receptor coregulators (86, 87). In a phase 3 clinical trial it was shown that the use of leuprorelin, a synthetic neuropeptide with an inhibitory action on LH secretion and consequently on testicular testosterone synthesis, is associated with improved swallowing function in SBMA patients, suggesting that interference by a pharmacon in testosterone-mediated AR aggregation can be a potential therapy in SBMA patients (88). The selective action of dutasteride (a 5α-reductase inhibitor) in motor neurons, by reducing significantly the formation of the active androgen 5α-dihydrotestosterone, resulted in a slowdown of the progression of SBMA and illustrated that active androgen depleting therapies can be promising in the treatment of SBMA (89).


In general patients with an expanded CAG repeat are expected to have a low incidence of prostate cancer. However, a rare case has been reported in which a high stage prostate cancer has been detected in a SBMA patient, which responded to a maximal androgen blockade therapy (90).


An important step in the receptor-mediated mechanism of action of androgens involves the NH2-terminal domain interacting with the COOH-terminal ligand binding domain (N/C interaction). (See details below under ‘Androgen Receptor Functional Domain Structure’). This N/C interaction is also a prerequisite for androgen receptor aggregation and toxicity in SBMA. Interference of the N/C interaction by selective androgen receptor modulators ameliorates aggregation and toxicity (91).


The androgen receptor is a substrate for numerous post-translational modifications (see below) and phosphorylation of serine 516 has been associated with cleavage of the receptor and cytotoxicity (92). In contrast, phosphorylation of serines 215 and 793, by Akt kinase, was found to prevent nuclear translocation and receptor transactivation (93). Interestingly, methylation on arginine residues 210, 212, 787, 789 enhanced cytotoxicity and the authors proposed that this was as a consequence of mutual antagonism of phosphorylation (serines 215, 792) and arginine methylation (94). Similarly, prevention of SUMOylation rescues the SBMA phenotype in a mouse model by enhancing receptor-dependent transcriptional activity (95).


The isoflavone genistein, which is derived from soy, is a potential therapeutic agent in SBMA, because this androgen receptor modulator can effectively disrupt the interaction between the co-regulator ARA70 and the androgen receptor and promotes the degradation of the mutant receptor in neuronal cells. (96). Similarly, targeting molecular chaperone complexes with small molecule modulators (e.g., 17-AAG, YM-1) has been shown to reduce neurotoxicity and enhance receptor-dependent degradation (reviewed in 81).


Several therapeutic approaches have been investigated at different levels in the androgen receptor signaling pathway and aggregation process, in SBMA mouse models. However, translating these results to the human situation in SBMA patients has its limitations and is far from a complete cure of SBMA patients (97, 98).




The current sequence of the androgen receptor cDNA and the amino acid numbering of the corresponding protein is based on the NCBI reference sequence NM_000044.3. This is different from the original numbering scheme used over the past 20 years that was based on Gen-Bank mRNA sequence M20132.1 (36).


In order to correctly identify mutations previously published, the following changes should be kept in mind: the variable polyglutamine tract length is two longer (23 instead of 21), whereas the variable polyglycine tract length is one shorter (23 instead of 24) for NM_000044.3 versus M20132.1, respectively. Consequently, the androgen receptor protein of the new reference sequence is one amino acid longer, that is, 920 residues, leading to a +2 shift in amino acid numbering between residues 78 and 449 and to a +1 shift between residues 472 and 919 compared with the previously used standard reference sequence. The +1 shift involves all the amino acid residues in the DNA-binding domain (DBD) and ligand-binding domain (LBD). The new reference numbering is further explained and illustrated in Figure 8 and will be used throughout the text.

Figure 8. Reference numbering of the androgen receptor (AR) of protein. The numbering of the amino acid residues is according to National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) reference sequence number NM_000044.3, which refers to a gene size of 187,246 nucleotides and an AR protein of 920 amino acid residues with a polyglutamine tract of 23 and a polyglycine tract of 23 (110). Amino acid numbering +2 between 78 and 449; Amino acid numbering +1 between 472 and 919. In addition, a number of splice variants of the AR have been identified in prostate cancer cell lines and patient samples. These splice variants lack most or all of the LBD but retain a functional DBD and NTD with unique C-terminal sequences derived from cryptic exons (CE) (e.g., AR-v7).



The NH2-terminal Domain


The androgen receptor NH2-terminal domain (NTD) harbors the major transcription activation functions and several structural subdomains. The NTD of the androgen receptor, as that of the other steroid receptors, can be considered as an intrinsically disordered protein domain, existing as an ensemble of conformers. It has a structure between a fully unfolded state and a structured folded conformation: this molten-globule-like conformation has the propensity to form helical structures, despite its structurally plasticity (99-102). Within its 539 amino acids, two independent activation domains have been identified: activation function 1 (AF-1) (located between residues 103 and 372) that is essential for transcriptional activity of full-length androgen receptor, and activation function 5 (AF-5) (located between residues 362-486) that is required for transactivity of a constitutively active androgen receptor, which lacks its LBD (103). Evidence is available now that the AF-5 region in the receptor NH2-terminal domain interacts with a glutamine rich domain in p160 cofactors like SRC-1 and TIF2/GRIP1 and not with their LxxLL-like protein interacting motifs (104-107).


Recent years have seen further structural and functional insights into the intrinsically disordered NTD. Key discoveries include the high-resolution mapping of helical regions within the AF1 domain (108) that were in very good agreement with previous predictions (109); and the identification of a helical segment involving the WHTLF motif responsible for TFIIF binding (110). Also of note are helical regions mapping to the poly-Q and adjacent leucine stretch (111) and the sequence immediately preceding the DBD (112). Collectively, these studies emphasize the presence of helical regions within the NTD and its propensity to adopt a more helical structure underpinning function.


Another function of the androgen receptor NH2-terminal domain is its binding to the COOH-terminal LBD (N/C interaction) (113, 114). The NH2-terminal regions required for the binding of the LBD have been mapped to two essential units: the first 36 amino acids and residues 372-495 (115).


The hormone dependent interaction of the NH2-terminal domain with the ligand binding domain can play a role in stabilization of the androgen receptor dimer complex and in stabilization of the ligand receptor complex by slowing the rate of ligand dissociation and decreasing receptor degradation (116, 117). Agonists like T and DHT, but not antagonists like hydroxyflutamide or bicalutamide induce the N/C interaction in full length receptor. In a FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer) study it was clearly shown that the androgen receptor N/C interaction is rapidly initiated in the cytoplasm after hormone binding as an intramolecular interaction and is followed by an intermolecular N/C interaction in the nucleus, contributing to receptor dimerization (118). The N/C interaction occurs preferentially in the mobile androgen receptor, where it protects the coactivator binding groove for ultimately unfavorable protein-protein interactions. Specifically bound to DNA, the N/C interaction is lost allowing cofactor binding (119). Several mutations in the ligand binding domain, detected in patients with the syndrome of androgen insensitivity, negatively affect the interaction of the NH2-terminal domain with the ligand binding domain, while androgen binding was impaired, indicating the importance of this interaction (120).


In addition to the role of the NH2-terminal domain in protein-protein interactions it has also been reported to modulate DNA binding, leading to a lower apparent binding affinity for both selective and non-selective response elements (see also below) (121). These findings suggest a further role of the NH2-terminal domain, in interdomain interactions and allosteric regulation of receptor activity.


The DNA-binding Domain


The DNA-binding domain is the best conserved among the members of the receptor superfamily [Figure 5]. It is characterized by a high content of basic amino acids and by nine conserved cysteine residues [Figure 9A]. Detailed structural information has been published on the crystal structure of the DNA-binding domain of the glucocorticoid receptor complexed with DNA (122). 3D-information is also available for the androgen receptor-DNA interaction on an artificial DNA response element (123) [Figure 9B]. The folding of the DBD is similar to that reported for the glucocorticoid and estrogen receptor DBDs.

Figure 9. Structure of the DNA binding domain of the androgen receptor. A) The protein structure is represented in the one letter code. The domain consists of two zinc cluster modules, which are stabilized by the coordination binding of a zinc atom (red dot) by 4 cysteine residues (yellow). The first zinc cluster contains the P-box (proximal box) of which three residues determine androgen response element recognition. The second zinc cluster contains the D-box (distal box) in which amino acids are located that are involved in protein-protein interactions with a second receptor molecule in the homodimer complex. B) Structure of the AR-DBD bound to DNA (Pdb 1R41). C) Consensus androgen receptor response element.

Briefly, the DNA-binding domain has a compact, globular structure in which three substructures can be distinguished: two zinc clusters and a more loosely structured carboxy terminal extension (CTE) (124). Both zinc substructures contain centrally one zinc atom which interacts via coordination bonds with four cysteine residues [Figure 9].


The two zinc coordination centers are both C-terminally flanked by an α-helix (122, 123). The two zinc clusters are structurally and functionally different and are encoded by two different exons [see Figures 7 and 8]. The α-helix of the most N-terminal located zinc cluster interacts directly with nucleotides of the hormone response element in the major groove of the DNA. Three amino acid residues at the N-terminus of this α-helix are responsible for the specific recognition of the DNA-sequence of the responsive element [Figure 9A]. These three amino acid residues, the so-called P(proximal)-box [Gly; Ser; Val;] are identical in the androgen, progesterone, glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors, and differ from the residues at homologous positions in the estradiol receptor. It is not surprising therefore, that the androgen, progesterone, glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors can recognize the same response element. The receptor DNA binding domain requires a CTE of minimally four residues (amino acids 626 – TLGA – 629) for proper binding to an ARE (androgen response element) with an inverted repeat of high affinity ARE-half sites and a CTE of at least twelve residues (amino acids 626 – TLGARKLKKLGN – 637) for binding to an ARE with one high and one low affinity half site (125). For the hormone and tissue-specific responses of the different receptors additional determinants are needed. Important in this respect are DNA-sequences flanking the hormone response element, receptor interactions with other proteins and receptor concentrations. The second zinc cluster motif is involved in protein-protein interactions such as receptor dimerization via the so-called D(distal)-box [Figure 9A and B] (122, 123).


DNA Response Elements for the Androgen Receptor


In vitro the androgen receptor binds to 15 bp palindromic sequences [Figure 9C]. These non-selective elements are also recognized and bound by the glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid and progesterone receptors. In contrast, androgen response elements demonstrate selectivity for the receptor. In an animal model, termed Specificity-affecting androgen receptor Knock-in or SPARKI, where the androgen receptor-DBD has been replaced by that of the glucocorticoid receptor-DBD, binding to selective AREs is disrupted (126). These mice have a reproductive phenotype, with male reproductive tissues having reduced weight and size and the animals showing reduced fertility. Interestingly the SPARKI males also demonstrated differential gene expression with the Rhox5 mRNA significantly reduced which correlated with a role for a selective ARE, necessary for receptor-dependent transcription of this gene (126).


More recently a number of genome-wide studies, using chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), have increased our knowledge of androgen-regulated genes and have demonstrated a significant variability in DNA response element architecture, with imperfect palindromic sequences and half-sites identified as potential receptor binding sites (30, 127-131). These studies have also highlighted the enrichment of pioneering factors, such as FOXA1 and GATA2 in close proximity to receptor binding sites (30, 127-131).


The Hinge Region


Between the DNA-binding domain and the ligand binding domain is located a non-conserved hinge region, which is also variable in size in different steroid receptors [Figure 5]. The hinge region can be considered as a flexible linker between the ligand binding domain and the rest of the receptor molecule. The hinge region is important for nuclear localization and contains a bipartite nuclear localization signal. Co-repressor binding can also occur via the hinge region (125). In some nuclear receptors, including the androgen receptor, acetylation can occur in the hinge region at a highly conserved consensus site [KLLKK] [Figure 11, see below] (132, 133).


The Ligand Binding Domain


Finally, the second-best conserved region is the hormone binding domain. This domain is encoded by approximately 250 amino acid residues in the C-terminal end of the molecule [Figure 5, see above] (37, 60-63, 134). The crystal structure of the human androgen receptor ligand binding in complex with the synthetic ligand methyltrienolone (R1881) and 5α-dihydrotestosterone, respectively, have been determined [Figure 10A and B] (135, 136).

Figure 10. Structure of the ligand binding domain of the human androgen receptor. A) The crystal structure of the LBD with DHT bound (pdb 1137). Specific amino acid- hormone interactions are illustrated in the right-hand panel. B) The LBD structure with the synthetic agonist R1881 and a coactivator peptide with an FxxLF motif bound to AF2 region (pink oval) (pdb 1XOW). C) Structure of the LBD showing the location of the BF3 pocket (blue oval) with triiodothyroacetic acid/TRIAC bound (pdb 2PKL).

The 3-dimensional structure has the typical nuclear receptor ligand binding domain fold (59). Interestingly the ligand binding pocket consists of 18 amino acid residues interacting more or less directly with the bound ligand, with a relatively small number of specific hydrogen-bonds and hydrophobic interactions determining hormone-selectivity [Figure 10A] (135). The ligand binding pocket is somewhat flexible and can accommodate ligands with different structures. The structural data are being used in designing optimized selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) (137, 138). Several AR mutations found in prostate tumors have been investigated functionally, including T878S, T878A, H875T, V716M, W742C, and L702H as a single mutation or in combination with T878A. Similar to T878A these AR mutations have a broadened ligand specificity and are activated by different low affinity ligands like estradiol, progesterone, glucocorticoids and different partial and full antagonists (139-146).


Crystallographic data on the ligand binding domain complexed with agonist predict 11 helices (no helix 2) with two anti-parallel β-sheets arranged in a so-called helical sandwich pattern. In the agonist-bound conformation the carboxy-terminal helix 12 is positioned in an orientation allowing a closure of the ligand binding pocket. Upon hormone binding the fold of the ligand binding domain results in a globular structure with an interaction surface for binding of interacting proteins like co-activators (AF2) [Figure 10B]. In this way the androgen receptor selectively recruits a number of proteins and can communicate with other partners of the transcription initiation complex. Crystallization studies of wild type androgen receptor ligand binding domain with antagonists have not been reported so far. However, the structural consequences of surface modulatory compounds on the receptor LBD crystals complexed with DHT are promising for future developments of new androgen receptor modulators including a new type of androgen receptor antagonists (147).


The androgen receptor can use different transactivation domains (AF1 and AF5, respectively, in the NH2-terminal domain and AF2 in the COOH-terminal domain) depending on the "form" of the receptor protein [Figure 8, see above] (103). The AF2 function in the ligand binding domain is strongly dependent on the presence of nuclear receptor coactivators. In vivo experiments favor a ligand-dependent functional interaction between the AF-2 region in the ligand-binding domain with the NH2-terminal domain (113, 115). In fact, the AF2 surface demonstrates a preference for more bulky hydrophobic amino acids over the LxxLL motif and the structural basis for this has been described (148-150). Thus, the receptor NTD FxxLF motif [Figure 10B] is more effective at forming a charge clamp with Glu898 and Lys721 and burying the phenylalanine residues into the AF2 pocket, whereas peptides containing the sequence LxxLL make weaker and fewer contacts with the LBD.


Interestingly, a previously unknown regulatory surface cleft, named BF-3, has been identified in the receptor LBD (147) [Figure 10C]. BF-3 comprises of Ile-673, Phe-674, Pro-724, Gly-725, Asn-728, Phe-827, Glu-830, Asn-834, Glu-838 and Arg-841. The androgen receptor transcriptional activity and co-activator binding can be decreased by binding of thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and TRIAC and three non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to the BF-3 pocket. In addition, several mutations of the amino acid residues of BF-3 have been found in subjects with either androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS, loss of function mutation) or in prostate cancer (gain of function mutation) (151). Mutational analyses have shown the requirement of several of these amino acid residues for receptor-dependent transcriptional activity. However, these analyses have been performed only in the presence of DHT (147). The influence of each of these residues in the presence of T3, TRIAC or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is therefore unknown.


A long-standing question in the field concerning dimerization of the AR-LBD has recently been resolved with new crystallographic studies (152, 153). The work from the Estébanez-Perpiñá group identified sequences in helix 5 as novel dimerization interface. Significantly, a number of point mutations associated with androgen insensitivity or prostate cancer map to this region emphasizing its functional importance for AR signaling (152).


Androgen Receptor Splice Variants Lacking the LBD


Deletions in the ligand binding domain abolish hormone binding completely (154). Deletions in the N-terminal domain and DNA-binding domain do not affect hormone binding. Deletion of the ligand binding domain leads to a constitutively active androgen receptor protein with trans-activation capacity comparable to the full-length androgen receptor (154). Thus, it appears that the hormone binding domain acts as a repressor of the trans-activation function in the absence of hormone. This regulatory function of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in the absence of hormone, is not unique for the androgen receptor and has been reported also for the glucocorticoid receptor (155).


The generation of NH2-terminal splice variants involves the use of cryptic exons (AR-v1and -v7) or exon skipping (AR-v12) [Figure 8] (156). Androgen receptor variants have been shown to regulate similar patterns of gene expression to the full-length hormone-bound receptor (157). However, intriguingly there are a growing number of studies reporting unique sets of genes expressed by AR-v7 (157, 158), both expected and variant-specific target genes for AR-v12 (159) or differential regulation of classical androgen receptor-target genes (160). Importantly, these constitutively active splice variants have been identified in prostate cancer cell-lines, xenographs and prostate cancer patients undergoing androgen ablation therapy (157-159, 161-163).


Structural Insights from a DNA-bound Complex of Full-length Androgen Receptor


A major development in our understanding of AR mechanism of action has been the recent description of the structure of the full-length receptor bound to DNA and co-regulatory proteins (SRC-3 and p300) (164). The structures of the receptor alone or in a transcriptional active complex were solved by cryo-EM at resolution of 12 to 20 Å and reveal several interesting features. Particularly striking is the folding of the NTD of each monomer into a ‘life buoy ring’ surround the LBD-DBD dimer, creating a platform for SRC-3 and p300 binding, as well as N/C interaction and contacts between the NTDs (164). In contrast to a similar structure of the estrogen receptor α (165), only one molecule of SRC-3 is bound to the AR and the conformation of each NTD is proposed to be different based on visualizing antibodies recognizing the very N-terminus and AF1 regions resulting in an asymmetric appearance. This could have implications for protein-protein interactions and transcriptional regulation: for, example does the conformation of the NTDs change depending on the nature of the DNA binding site? It was also of note that the binding of p300 was enhanced in the presence of SRC-3, suggesting the latter stabilized the binding of the former. However, it is worth noting that previous biochemical studies demonstrated folding of the AR-AF1, using a chemical chaperone (TMAO) or an SRC-1 polypeptide, similarly enhanced subsequent co-regulatory protein binding (166) supporting a model of induced folding of AF1 and assembly of transcription complexes.




Methylation, Acetylation, Ubiquitination and SUMOylation


The androgen receptor protein can be extensively covalently modified either by methylation, acetylation, ubiquitination, SUMOylation or phosphorylation [Figure 11] (132, 133, 167-171).

Figure 11. Post-translational modifications of the human androgen receptor. AC, acetylation of lysine residues (631, 633, and 634); CH3, methylation of lysine (633); P, phosphorylation of serines (16, 83, 96, 215, 258, 310, 426, 516, 651, and 792); SUMO-1, sumoylation on lysines (388 and 521); Ub, ubiquitination of lysines (846 and 848).

All these reactions are reversible and consequently enzymes that mediate dephosphorylation, deacetylation, deubiquitination, demethylation and de-SUMOylation are also potential regulators of androgen receptor activity. A total of 23 sites in the androgen receptor protein have been identified undergoing direct modification (170). These posttranslational modifications can contribute significantly to androgen receptor structure, activity and stability. It has been shown for instance that the histone methyltransferase SET9 is able to methylate the receptor in the hinge region at the Lysine residues 631 and 633 resulting in enhancement of transcriptional activity of the receptor (172, 173). The same Lysine residues together with Lysine 634 can be acetylated and the acetylation-deficient mutants have a decreased transcriptional activity, while the acetylation-mimetic mutations showed an enhanced transcriptional activity (132, 174). Recently, phosphorylation of serine 83 was observed to result in recruitment of the histone acetyltransferase p300, acetylation of the receptor and enhanced receptor stabilization and transcriptional activity (175).


Conversely, disruption of acetylation, through mutating the lysine residues or knock-down of p300 resulted in receptor ubiquitination and degradation. This study elegantly demonstrates how different post-translational modifications of the androgen receptor can work in concert to regulate receptor expression and activity. RNF6 dependent ubiquitination of Lysine residues 846 and 848 in the receptor protein results in recruitment of the coregulator ARA54 by the androgen receptor and directly determines promoter selectivity and specificity of the receptor (176).


SUMOylation of the androgen receptor occurs at two sites Lysine residues 388 and 521, but SUMOylation only at Lysine 388 results in a significant reduction of transcriptional activity (177). However, recent, whole genome analysis revealed that SUMOylation regulated both receptor recruitment to DNA and target gene selection (178). Significantly, the physiological importance of SUMOylation has been demonstrated in a knock-in mouse model, ARKI, where the SUMOylation sites were mutated to arginine (179). Male animals developed normally but were found to be infertile due to defects in epididymal sperm maturation. Crucially, In the ARKI animals the AR-dependent transcriptional activity was impaired in the epididymis and there was an absence of receptor SUMOylation linking this PTM to normal male reproduction and fertility (179).




The androgen receptor can be phosphorylated at serine, threonine and tyrosine residues (170, 171, 180, 181). Immediately after translation the androgen receptor becomes phosphorylated resulting in the appearance of two isoforms separable by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (182). The non-phosphorylated faster migrating 110 kDa isoform is converted into a 112 kDa phospho-isoform. Mutational analysis of serine 83 or serine 96 in the androgen receptor NH2-terminal domain abolishes this up-shift indicating that phosphorylation of these serine residues likely contributes to the phosphorylation of the 112 kDa androgen receptor isoform (70, 183). Phosphorylation of Serine 83 by CDK9 stabilizes androgen receptor chromatin binding, mediates transcriptional activity and can influence prostate cancer cell growth (184, 185). This serine residue is also phosphorylated after stimulation of Plexin-B1 resulting in nuclear translocation of the receptor protein (186). Three other androgen receptor phosphorylation sites have been identified using mutational analysis and trypsin-digestion of 32P-labelled androgen receptor followed by HPLC analysis and Edman degradation (183, 187, 188). These include the serine residues at position 516, 651, and 663. Ser-516 phosphorylation by MAP kinase is linked to altering the nuclear cytoplasmic shuttling and to the EGF-induced increase in androgen receptor transcriptional activity (189). Furthermore, androgen receptor intranuclear localization and transcriptional activity has been correlated with phosphorylation of serine 310 by CDK1, demonstrating a role for phosphorylation in regulating the receptor in a cell-cycle-dependent manner (181, 190). Transcription factor TFIIH also phosphorylates the receptor at Ser516 and is an essential partner in the cyclic recruitment of the transcription machinery (191). Substitution of serine 651 reduced androgen receptor activity by up to 30%. Furthermore, dephosphorylation of receptor phosphorylated at serine 651 by protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) can modulate androgen receptor translocation to the nucleus (192). More recently, PP1α has been shown to bind to the receptor-LBD and prevent ubiquitination and receptor degradation (193). Several other sites have been identified in the NH2-terminal domain at positions S16, S215, S258, S310, and S426 (180, 194-196). The function of phosphorylation of these sites is in the majority of the cases unknown or controversial. Two additional sites (S579 and S792) have been identified and characterized in the DNA-binding and ligand binding domains, respectively (189, 197). Phosphorylation of serine 579 by PKC kinase alters the nuclear cytoplasmic shuttling and elimination of phosphorylation at serine 579 eliminates EGF-induced transcriptional activation (189).


Besides the basal phosphorylation resulting in the 110-112 kDa doublet, addition of androgen induces another shift and the generation of a 110-112-114 kDa androgen receptor triplet (70). This triplet is the result of both an addition and a redistribution of phosphorylated sites, however, it is unknown which exact residues are involved (198). Interestingly, mutations that inactivate androgen receptor function, such as mutations resulting in loss of DNA binding or transactivation, inhibit the formation of the 114 kDa isoform. This suggests that part of the androgen - induced phosphorylation occurs during or after androgen receptor transcription regulation (70).


Functional phosphorylation at three tyrosine residues has also been demonstrated and extensively studied. The androgen receptor tyrosine residue 536 is highly phosphorylated. This phosphorylation is induced by EGF via activation of Src tyrosine kinase and may be important for prostate cancer cell growth under androgen-depleted conditions (199, 200). Activation of Cdc42-associated tyrosine kinase Ack1 can result in phosphorylation of tyrosine residues 269 and 365 enhancing androgen receptor transcriptional function and promoting androgen independent prostate cell growth (200, 201) and disrupting phosphorylation primarily of tyrosine 269 results in impaired nuclear localization (202). Recently it was reported that threonine phosphorylation of the receptor can also occur. Aurora A induces androgen receptor transactivation activity by phosphorylation of Threonine residue 284 (203).


In conclusion, phosphorylation of the androgen receptor can occur at serine, threonine and tyrosine residues by specific kinases and can be directly or indirectly linked to activation upon hormone binding, altering of nuclear cytoplasmic shuttling, modulation of DNA binding and transcriptional activity (168, 170, 181, 199, 204). Furthermore, phosphorylation of the androgen receptor can play an essential role in the hormone-independent activation of the androgen receptor by protein kinases in the MAPK and AKT (protein kinase B) signaling pathways, activated either through HER-2/neu or growth factors (205, 206).




Androgen receptor antagonists are compounds that interfere in some way in the biological effects of androgens and are frequently used in the treatment of androgen-based pathologies. The steroidal anti-androgens, cyproterone acetate (CPA) and RU38486 (RU486; mifepristone), have partial agonistic and antagonistic actions. Interestingly both compounds also display partial progestational and glucocorticoid actions and are therefore not considered to be pure anti-androgens. The non-steroidal anti-androgens hydroxyflutamide, nilutamide and bicalutamide [see Figure 1] are pure antiandrogens (207-209). Recent developments have led to the generation and marketing of second-generation non-steroidal antiandrogens, such as enzalutamide (formerly called MDV3100) [Figure 1], which have been reported to be more effective at blocking receptor nuclear translocation and activity (210). Recently, two new anti-androgens apalutamide and darolutamide have received FDA approval for treatment of non-metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer (see 211, 212). However, resistance to enzalutamide has now also been identified as a result of an Phe876Leu point mutation in the LBD (213) and the expression of NH2-terminal domain splice variants (163) in CRPC, emphasizing the need for continued research and development of strategies to switch off androgen receptor signaling.


Mechanism of Action of Antiandrogens


In contrast to the full antagonists hydroxyflutamide and bicalutamide, CPA and RU486 can partially activate the androgen receptor with respect to transcription activation (214). With a limited proteolytic protection assay, it was demonstrated that binding of androgens by the androgen receptor results in two consecutive conformational changes of the receptor molecule. Initially, a fragment of 35 kDa, spanning the complete ligand binding domain and part of the hinge region, is protected from digestion by the ligand. After prolonged incubation times with the ligand a second conformational change occurs resulting in protection of a smaller fragment of 29 kDa (214, 215). In the presence of several anti-androgens (e.g., cyproterone acetate, hydroxyflutamide and bicalutamide) only the 35 kDa fragment is protected from proteolytic digestion, and no smaller fragments are detectable upon longer incubations. Obviously, the 35 kDa fragment can be associated with an inactive conformation, whereas the second conformational change, only inducible by agonists and considered as the necessary step for transcription activation, is lacking upon binding of anti-androgens.


During treatment of advanced prostate cancers, resistance develops to several of the above-mentioned anti-androgens, mostly due to mutations rendering the receptor protein less sensitive to anti-androgens. Promising results were reported for a newly developed second generation of antiandrogens for castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC): ASC-J19, enzalutamide (MDV3100), apalutamide (ARN-509), AZD 3514, Compound30 and VPC-3033. (87, 210, 216-220). Characteristics of this new generation of anti-androgens are androgen displacement, inhibition of receptor- mediated transcription and enhancement of androgen receptor degradation. Clinical applications in prostate cancer were reported for enzalutamide (221-223). However, resistance to enzalutamide and apalutamide has been reported in prostate cancer due to a mutation at residue Phe877Leu (213, 224). Interestingly this mutation is located in a residue next to the LNCaP prostate cancer cell line mutation Thr878Ala (139, 225), supporting the view that this region in the ligand binding domain of the androgen receptor is very susceptible to mutagenesis in prostate cancer, which may lead to the tumor becoming resistant to hormone-based therapies.


Selective Androgen Receptor Modulation (SARMs)


Androgen signaling via the androgen receptor can occur in a non-genomic, rapid and sex-nonspecific way by crosstalk with the Scr, Raf-1, Erk-2 pathway [Figure 6, see above] (31, 32, 226). The anti-apoptotic action via the androgen receptor in bone cells (osteocytes, osteoblasts), and also in HeLa cells, could be induced by androgens and estrogens and inhibited by antiandrogens as well as anti-estrogens. The anti-apoptotic action appeared to be dissociated from the genomic action of the androgen receptor. The progesterone-induced oocyte maturation in Xenopus laevis also appears to be mediated in a non-genomic way by androgens and the androgen receptor via activating the MAPK pathway after the rapid conversion of progesterone to androstenedione and testosterone (33). These findings stimulated the development of new compounds (SARMs) which can selectively activate the androgen receptor either in a non-genomic pathway or in a genotropic transcriptional activation pathway. The term SARM (= Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) was introduced in 1999 in analogy of the term SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) (227). A SARM can be defined as a molecule that targets the androgen receptor, and elicits a biological response, in a tissue-specific way. In a sense, anti-androgens (molecules that specifically target the androgen receptor pathway resulting in inhibition of the biological effects of androgens) can be considered as a special subtype of SARMs. Extensive overviews of current clinical trials with newly developed SARMs by several different pharmaceutical companies have been presented (228-230).


The structural basis for SARM binding and activity has been reviewed (138). Based on the conformational changes of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain induced by androgens or anti-androgens, it can be concluded that the different transcriptional activities displayed by either full agonists (testosterone, 5α-dihydrotestosterone, methyltrienolone), partial agonists (RU486 and CPA) or full antagonists (hydroxyflutamide, bicalutamide, enzalutamide) are the result of recruitment of a different repertoire of co-regulators (coactivators or corepressors) as a consequence of these conformational changes. The differential recruitment of co-regulators can be considered as a special form of ligand-selective modulation of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain and can also be applied in a broader sense to the tissue selective modulation of androgen action, where levels of co-activators and co-repressors may ultimately determine the final activity (229-232).




Genetic mouse models in which the androgen receptor gene has been inactivated (so-called ARKO [androgen receptor knock-out] mouse models) are valuable tools to understand in detail the role of receptor-mediated pathways in male and female reproductive functions. For this purpose several different mouse models have been developed for studying androgen receptor mediated tissue-specific action in almost all known androgen target tissues, although the application of the mouse findings to the human situation has its limitation (233-238). Furthermore, the development of a mouse model for imaging of luciferase activity under control of endogenous androgen receptor activity has contributed to a further elucidation of tissue-specific receptor action (239).




There is growing evidence for the involvement of the androgen receptor in the gender biases seen in a wide range of pathological conditions, from cancers of non-reproductive tissues (i.e., bladder, liver) (see 240, 241) to cardiovascular and metabolic disease (see 242-244). However, in this review we will focus on receptor mutations leading to defects of male development and fertility.


Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome


It has been known for quite some time that defects in male sexual differentiation in 46, XY individuals have an X-linked pattern of inheritance. It was Reifenstein who reported in 1947 on families with severe hypospadias, infertility, and gynecomastia (245). The end-organ resistance to androgens has been designated as androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) and is distinct from other XY disorders of sex development (XY, DSD; formerly named male pseudohermaphroditism) like 17β-hydroxy-steroid dehydrogenase type 3 deficiency or 5α-reductase type 2 deficiency (3, 246-248). It is generally accepted that defects in the androgen receptor gene can prevent the normal development of both internal and external male structures in 46, XY individuals and information on the molecular structure of the human androgen receptor gene has facilitated the study of molecular defects associated with androgen insensitivity. Due to the X-linked character of the syndrome, only 46, XY individuals are affected, while in female carriers only sporadic reports are available on delayed menarche (249). Naturally occurring mutations in the androgen receptor gene are an interesting source for the investigation of receptor structure-function relationships. In addition, the variation in clinical phenotypes provides the opportunity to correlate a mutation in the androgen receptor structure with the impairment of a specific physiological function.


Clinical Features of the Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS)


The main phenotypic characteristics of individuals with the complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) are: female external genitalia, a short, blind ending vagina, absence of Wolffian duct derived structures like epididymides, vasa deferentia, and seminal vesicles, the absence of a prostate, the absence of pubic and axillary hair and the development of gynecomastia (250, 251). Müllerian duct derived structures are usually absent because anti-Mullerian hormone action is normal due to the presence of both testes in the abdomen or in the inguinal canals. Usually, testosterone levels are within the normal range (10 - 40 nmol/L) or elevated, while elevated luteinizing hormone (LH) levels (> 10 IU/L) are also found indicating androgen resistance at the hypothalamic-pituitary level. The high testosterone levels are also substrate for aromatase activity, resulting in substantial amounts of estrogens, which are responsible for further feminization in CAIS individuals.


Clinical Features of the Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (PAIS)


In the partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS) several phenotypes ranging from individuals with predominantly a female appearance (e.g., external female genitalia and pubic hair at puberty, or with mild clitoromegaly, and some fusion of the labia) to persons with ambiguous genitalia or individuals with a predominantly male phenotype (also called Reifenstein syndrome) (250, 251). Patients from this latter group can present with a micropenis, perineal hypospadias, and cryptorchidism. In the group of PAIS individuals, Wolffian duct derived structures can be partially to fully developed, depending on the biochemical phenotype of the androgen receptor mutation. At puberty, elevated luteinizing hormone, testosterone, and estradiol levels are observed, but in general, the degree of feminization is less as compared to individuals with CAIS. Individuals with mild symptoms of undervirilization (mild androgen insensitivity syndrome) and infertility have been described as well. Phenotypic variation between individuals in different families has been described for several mutations (251-254). However, in cases of CAIS no phenotypic variation has been described within one single family, in contrast to families with individuals with PAIS (255).


Genetics of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS)


Since the cloning of the androgen receptor cDNA in 1988 and the subsequent elucidation of the genomic organization of the androgen receptor gene, molecular diagnostic tools have been available for the molecular analysis of the androgen receptor gene in individuals with AIS. In addition to endocrinology data, such as levels of testosterone, luteinizing hormone, androstenedione, and 5α-dihydrotestosterone, which can vary widely in AIS individuals, the most reliable approach is the sequencing of each individual androgen receptor exon and the flanking intron sequences. In general, AIS can be routinely analyzed and separated from entirely different syndromes presenting with similar phenotypes including testicular enzyme deficiencies, 5α-reductase type 2 deficiency, and Leydig cell hypoplasia due to inactivating luteinizing hormone receptor mutations. Furthermore, in pedigree analysis intragenic polymorphisms like the highly polymorphic (CAG)nCAA repeat encoding a poly-glutamine stretch, the polymorphic GGN repeat encoding a poly-glycine stretch, the HindIII polymorphism [Figure 8, see above] (39) and the StuI polymorphism (256), can be used as X-chromosomal markers (67, 257, 258). Extensive general information can be obtained at the internet site, for the androgen receptor gene (NR3C4) and on the 233 identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP’s).


Mutations in the Androgen Receptor Gene


In the androgen receptor gene, 4 different types of mutations have been detected in 46, XY individuals with AIS: single point mutations resulting in amino acid substitutions or premature stop codons, nucleotide insertions or deletions most often leading to a frame shift and premature termination, complete or partial gene deletions (>10 nucleotides), and intronic mutations in either splice donor or splice acceptor sites which affect the splicing of androgen receptor RNA (151). In general, in 70% of the cases, androgen receptor gene mutations are transmitted in an X-linked recessive manner, but in 30% the mutations arise de novo. When de novo mutations occur after the zygotic stage, they result in somatic mosaicisms (259). The most recent update on androgen receptor gene mutations is available at (151).




Mutations in the NH2-terminal domain (exon 1 of the gene) do not occur frequently and the vast majority of the mutations result directly in a stop codon or in premature termination due to frameshifts caused by nucleotide insertions or deletions. Mutations in 103 different codons have been reported in the NH2-terminal domain, which is approximately 18 % of all codons in exon 1 ( ) (151, 260-264).


An interesting mutation is described in the fourth nucleotide, which results in a decreased translational efficiency of the androgen receptor mRNA in an individual with PAIS (265). Three other missense mutations were reported in combination with mosaicism or with a mutation in another region of the gene. In a family with PAIS associated with severe hypospadias, the length of the androgen receptor NH2-terminal poly-glutamine repeat has been reported to be shortened to only 12 glutamine residues (266). The shortened glutamine stretch as such is not the cause for the androgen resistance, but it seems to increase the thermolability of the androgen receptor in combination with a point mutation in exon 5 (Y764C) in the ligand binding domain. This point mutation causes rapid dissociation of hormone, but no thermolability. These data support a functional interaction of the two separated regions in the androgen receptor and indicates further that the defect becomes critical in only some of the androgen target tissues because of the partial character of the androgen resistance found in this family (266).




In general, mutations in the DNA binding domain (e.g., single nucleotide substitutions) result in a normal hormone-binding protein, which is defective in DNA-binding/dimerization and consequently in transcription activation. In total, 71 different mutations have been reported in 38 different codons in the DNA-binding domain, which is approximately 43% of all codons in exons 2 and 3 ( ) (151, 260, 264, 267, 268). Thirty-four mutations were observed in the first zinc cluster and thirty-two in the second zinc cluster. Since the 3D structure of the DNA-binding domain of several nuclear receptors have been published earlier than that of the androgen receptor DNA-binding domain, the consequence of several mutations in the androgen receptor DNA-binding domain have been predicted initially on basis of the structure of the glucocorticoid receptor DNA-binding domain (122, 123).This is illustrated in two studies in which 3D-modelling of the mutated DNA binding domain of the androgen receptor predicts the functional activity of mutant receptors (269, 270). A mutation (G578R) in the so-called P-box [Figure 9, see above], which is involved in androgen response element recognition, was found in a PAIS individual. This mutation differentially affects transactivation of several natural and synthetic promoters, suggesting that androgen target genes may be differentially affected by this mutation (271). An interesting observation was made with respect to the second zinc cluster in which either one of two adjacent arginine residues (Arg608 & Arg609) were found to be mutated in PAIS individuals who developed breast cancer [Figure 9, see above] (272, 273). It is speculated that a decrease in androgen action within the breast cells could account for the development of male breast cancer by the loss of a protective effect of androgens. However, the same mutations in several other PAIS individuals did not result in breast cancer development.


The mutation Ala597Thr in the second zinc cluster in the so-called D-box resulted in abolishment of dimerization in a PAIS individual [Figure 9, see above] (274). A similar mutation at an identical position in the second zinc cluster of the glucocorticoid receptor DNA-binding domain has been created to discriminate between dimerization/DNA binding of the glucocorticoid receptor and protein-protein interactions with other transcription factors such as the AP-1 transcription complex (275). It appeared that the dimerization mutant did not affect the cross-talk with other transcription factors. In this way, a tissue-specific response can be influenced by a single amino acid change and if this is also true for the mutant androgen receptor then the partial phenotype can be explained. Interestingly a Ser580Arg, also located in the D-box can cause significantly different phenotypes ranging from under-virilization to a normal male phenotype (276).




In the so-called hinge region, located between amino acid residues 623 and 671 [Figure 8, see above], only nine mutations have been reported. The relatively low number of mutations in the hinge region (only in 18 % of all codons) indicates that this region might be very flexible and that some variation in composition and length of this region is not detrimental for androgen receptor function ( (151).  Four amino acid substitutions within the hinge region have been described that resulted in CAIS, four in PAIS and one in MAIS ( (151). The Ile665Asn substitution on the border of the hinge region and ligand-binding domain, resulted in a decreased hormone binding (277).




It can be expected that mutations in the ligand binding domain might affect different functional aspects (e.g., loss of ligand binding, changes in ligand binding affinity and specificity, changes in co-activator receptor interactions, changes in receptor stability and thermolability). A large number of mutations (283 different mutations in 164 codons, which is in 66 % of all codons of the ligand binding domain) in the ligand binding domain have been reported in all 5 exons in individuals with either CAIS, PAIS or MAIS ( ) (151, 260, 265, 278-286). Most mutations are located in exons 4 (62 mutations), 5 (77 mutations) and 7 (54 mutations). Interestingly mutations are found in 13 of the 18 amino acid residues considered to interact with the ligand directly (120). For some mutations (in total 25, distributed over the whole ligand binding domain) either a complete (CAIS) as well as a partial (PAIS) phenotype (13 cases) or a CAIS and a PAIS and a mild (MAIS) phenotype (4 cases) or a PAIS and a MAIS phenotype (8 cases) has been described, indicating that phenotype does not always match with genotype. In the AF-2 core region (894-EMMAEIIS-901) of the androgen receptor ligand-binding domain a relatively low number of mutations have been reported [see Figure 10 for location of AF-2]. At positions methionine 895 (deletion), Met896, Ala897, Glu898 and Ile899 (all substitutions) have been described in individuals with the complete syndrome (287, 288). It can be speculated that in this part of helix 12 mutations in the androgen receptor ligand-binding domain are very deleterious for androgen receptor function as well as those in helix 5 and in the β-turn, wherein almost every amino acid residue has been found to be mutated in AIS individuals ( ) (151). Functional analysis of an androgen receptor mutation, Gln903Lys in helix 12, in an individual with partial androgen insensitivity, indicated that this residue is important for modulation of NH2/COOH terminal interaction and TIF-2 activation (289). Interestingly a mutation, Phe827Leu, found in a PAIS patient, displayed an unexpected increased N/C interaction and TIF2 coactivation (290). An explanation for the phenotype of the patient could be that the receptor mutant recruits a different repertoire of co-activators absent in genital tissues. Alternatively, an altered conformation of the ligand binding domain may enhance preferential recruitment of co-repressors.


Several reports have established the pathogenic nature of androgen receptor mutations found in AIS individuals with different functional assays (260, 289-292). In order to optimize molecular diagnosis an extensive functional analysis of receptor mutations is desired. For counselling strategies and for future outcome predictions a correct functional diagnosis is very important as well as for prognosis on the risks of gonadal malignancy (293). A combination of different functional analyses, designed to test androgen receptor mutations at different stages in receptor functioning (e.g., hormone binding, transcriptional activation, cofactor binding, translocation to the nucleus and nuclear dynamics) will provide a more accurate prediction of androgen receptor action and will help to establish a more exact phenotypic characterization.




Only a few cases (8 different deletions in 15 different patients) have been reported on partial or complete androgen receptor gene deletions, indicating the relatively low frequency of this type of androgen receptor defect ( (151, 294). All cases reported are found in CAIS individuals, with the exception of two cases, one in which an exon 4 deletion was found in a person with azoospermia (295) and another one in which a large intron 2 deletion of at least 6 kb was reported involving a branch point site, which resulted in a partial exon 3 skipping during the splicing process (294).


Deletion of either exon 3 or exon 4 occur both in-frame and result in a non-functional protein lacking either the second zinc cluster or the hinge region and the NH2-terminal part of the ligand-binding domain [see Figure 7 for genomic organization of the androgen receptor gene]. In case of an exon 3 deletion, an intact and functional ligand-binding domain is present [Figure 7]. So far, functionally significant mutations in the androgen receptor promoter region or in the 5'- and 3'- untranslated regions of the gene have not been reported.




A special group of interesting, but rare, mutations are the splice donor and splice acceptor site mutations in the androgen receptor gene in AIS individuals ( ) (151). For all splice donor sites in the gene, the consensus splice donor site sequence GTAAG/A is present. The twelve reported mutations in donor splice sites are all substitutions either at position +1 (G  A or G  T), position +2 (T  C), position +3 (A  T), position + 4 (AT) or position + 5 (G  A) and result in defective splicing with the consequence of one or more exons spliced out, or the use of a cryptic splice donor site within the preceding exon (264, 296-301). In 11 of the reported cases, the phenotype is complete androgen insensitivity. In one case, an insertion of one nucleotide (T) at position + 4 in the splice donor site of intron 6 has been reported, resulting in a partial androgen insensitive phenotype (300). Only 5 mutations have been reported in splice acceptor sites, which all affect the splicing of the androgen receptor RNA. Interestingly, a substitution at position -11 (T G) has been found in the pyrimidine-rich region of the splice acceptor site of intron 2, resulting in the activation of a cryptic splice acceptor site at position -70/-69 and consequently in the insertion of 69 nucleotides (corresponding to 23 additional amino acid residues) in the mRNA between exons 2 and 3 (302). The corresponding protein is defective in DNA-binding because the insertion has occurred between the first and second zinc cluster. In another CAIS patient a splice junction mutation at the intron2/exon3 splice acceptor site resulted in the utilization of the same cryptic splice acceptor site and also in the insertion of 69 bp in the mRNA, predicting the insertion of 23 amino acid residues in frame between the two zinc clusters (303).


Androgen Receptor Gene Mutations in Cancers


Mutations in the androgen receptor gene have also been reported to be associated with prostate cancers, breast cancers, larynx cancers, liver cancers and testicular cancers ( ) (151).




The metabolism of testosterone to 5α-dihydrotestosterone by the enzyme 5α-reductase type 2 (SRD5A2) is essential for the initiation of the differentiation and development of the urogenital sinus into the prostate. The differentiation of the male external genitalia (penis, scrotum and urethra) also strongly depends on the conversion of testosterone to 5α-dihydrotestosterone in the urogenital tubercle, labioscrotal swellings and urogenital folds, respectively [Figure 2B, see above] (3, 4). Interestingly in the SPARKI mouse expression of Srd5α2 gene is significantly impaired in the epididymis and the androgen-regulation of the gene was demonstrated to involve three selective AREs (304). 


Clinical Features of the Syndrome of 5α-reductase Type 2 Deficiency


46, XY individuals with impairment of 5α-reductase type 2 have normally virilized Wolffian duct derived structures, with seminal vesicles (although small seminal vesicles have been reported as well), with vasa deferentia, epididymides and ejaculatory ducts and no Mullerian duct derived structures (3, 305, 306). However, differentiation of the urogenital sinus and genital tubercle is not observed, resulting in absence of the prostate and in ambiguous or in female external genitalia at birth (3, 305, 306). Affected 46, XY individuals are therefore often raised as girls. At puberty all affected individuals show some or a severe degree of virilization often resulting in deepening of the voice, an increased muscle mass, growth of the penis, scrotal development, testicular descent and sometimes leading to a gender change (3, 307).


Gynecomastia in adulthood does not occur. The additional virilization may result from the action of testosterone because testosterone is available at high levels during puberty. In addition, some testosterone may be converted to 5α-dihydrotestosterone by some residual 5α-reductase activity and by the action of 5α-reductase type 1, which is expressed in non-genital skin, pubic skin, liver and certain brain regions. In the affected 46, XY individuals a typical female pubic hair pattern develops, while the facial and body hair amount is absent or reduced (4). This last observation points to a role for 5α-reductase type 2 in the normal development of this type of body hair. Male pattern baldness has never been observed. 5α-reductase type 2 deficient patients are usually infertile due to the absence or underdevelopment of the prostate and seminal vesicles, in addition to oligospermia or azoospermia due to maldescent of the testes. However, paternity has been reported in some cases, either by intrauterine insemination or after in vitro fertilization in combination with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (3, 305, 308-310). 46, XX female carriers have normal fertility, decreased body hair and delayed menarche, normal sebum production but no history of acne (3, 305). This suggests a role of 5α-reductase type 2 enzyme in females in the physiology and pathophysiology of body hair growth, menarche and follicular development (305).


Molecular Basis for the Syndrome of 5α-Reductase Type 2 Deficiency


A reflection of defective or absence 5α-reductase type 2 enzyme activity can be obtained in patients’ serum and urine samples by measuring testosterone levels (elevated), 5α-dihydrotestosterone levels (decreased) and by measuring the ratio of testosterone/5α-dihydrotestosterone (increased after hCG stimulation) (3). Furthermore, in cultured genital skin fibroblasts (if available) the conversion of testosterone to 5α-dihydrotestosterone can be assessed and is an option for establishing a defective enzyme. In broken cell preparations at pH 5.5, the type 2 isozyme activity is measured more specifically and can be compared with a preparation from a normal person (3).


Genetic analysis of 5α-reductase type 2 deficiency has become possible since the cloning of the cDNA (17). The gene is located on chromosome 2 at locus 2p23. The enzyme is encoded by 5 exons and the most reliable approach to detect gene mutations is the sequencing of each individual exon and the flanking intron sequences [Figure 12]. A relatively large number of loss of function mutations in the type 2 steroid 5α-reductase has been identified in 46XY individuals with this rare autosomal recessive disorder of sex development (46XY, DSD).


Interestingly worldwide 87 different mutations have been detected in the 5α-reductase type 2 gene in patients with the syndrome of 5α-reductase type 2 deficiency in several different ethnic groups [Figure 12] (3, 4, 285, 305-307, 311-339). Identical mutations have been reported in different ethnic groups and some of them can be considered to be due to a founder effect and some to have occurred de novo (340-342). The mutations were found in all five exons of the gene, although the majority of the mutations are reported in exons 1 and 4 [Figure 12].


The mutations comprise of 57 amino acid substitutions (65.5%), one complete gene deletion (3, 306), one complete exon 1 deletion (16), one substitution at stop codon 255 resulting in a Serine residue (336), ten small deletions resulting in either a premature stop codon or in an in-frame amino acid residue deletion, four small insertions (335), nine nonsense mutations and four splice site mutations, resulting in aberrant splicing [Figure 12]. The majority of the reported patients are homozygous for one of the mutations. A smaller number of patients appeared to be compound heterozygous, while a small group of patients are heterozygous (331, 340, 341).


In general male carriers of a single mutant allele have normal fertility as is the case for female carriers. The largest investigated kindreds were found in the Dominican Republic, in Turkey and in New Guinea (3, 305, 333). In all three kindreds the high incidence can be directly related to a founder affect in geographical isolated populations with a high degree of inbreeding. For other cases also a large incidence of proven consanguinity is reported (3, 305).


In prostate cancer de novo mutations in the 5α-reductase type 2 have been reported, resulting in increased 5α-reductase activity (317, 333, 343, 344).  This finding indicates a role for increased 5α-dihydrotestosterone levels in the prostate, during prostate cancer progression in a subset of patients. The V89L mutant significantly reduced SRD5A2 enzymatic activity by almost 30% (316, 342, 343). The rare allele frequency of the V89L variant is 22%, 23,5%, and 46,1% for African Americans, Caucasians, and Asians, respectively, paralleling a substantial racial/ethnic variation in prostate cancer risk, indicating that this polymorphism might be implicated in prostate cancer carcinogenesis (343-346).




Androgenic steroids are important for normal development and function of male reproductive tissues and for anabolic actions in muscle and bone. The multiple actions of the main circulating androgen testosterone and the more potent metabolite DHT are mediated by a single intracellular receptor protein, the androgen receptor. The hormone-bound receptor acts primarily to differentially regulate gene expression in target tissues and its encoding gene is located on the X chromosome, making it a single-copy gene in males. Thus, genetic changes affecting expression or structure/function of the receptor protein will lead to a range of diseases associated with loss or impaired androgen signaling, including disruption of male development, infertility or a late onset neurodegenerative disease (SBMA). Furthermore, altered expression and genetic changes in the receptor are also key drivers in progression of prostate cancer to a therapy-resistant stage.


Since the first cloning of the androgen receptor cDNA, over thirty years ago, considerable progress has been made in our understanding of receptor structure and function. Advances include: the availability of 3D-structures of the isolated LBD with different ligands bound and the isolated DBD; structural characterization of the intrinsically disordered NH2-terminal domain; first glimpse of the structure of full-length AR transcriptional complex on DNA; the identification of a plethora of co-regulatory proteins binding to the ligand- and NH2-terminal domains; identification of gene regulatory pathways in target cells; and a better understanding of the impact of genetic changes affecting receptor structure/function. Future research will likely focus on the mechanisms determining cell/tissue-selective expression and function of the androgen receptor in both normal and pathophysiological conditions and a more complete structural descriptions of the full-length receptor bound to different DNA response elements and co-regulatory proteins.




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Treatment of Diabetes mellitus in Children and Adolescents


The incidence of Type 1 Diabetes continues to increase around the world. Advances in technology of insulin delivery systems including closed loop and continuous glucose monitoring are improving the possibilities of maintaining desirable glucose control. Type 2 Diabetes is increasing in the adolescent age groups across the world, in certain populations especially including Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Hispanics, African Americans, and South East Asians. For Type 2 Diabetes, the pharmacological armamentarium has markedly increased by the addition of GLP-1 agonists, DPP4 antagonists, and SGLT2 inhibitors, each of which has improved metabolic control and cardiovascular outcomes. To date, these newer modalities are being tested in adolescents with T2DM but several are not yet officially approved for this age group. Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) remains the initial presentation of some 30%-40% of pediatric patients, and DKA remains the leading cause of death, sometimes associated with Cerebral Edema; complications are also very high in children/adolescents presenting with Hyperglycemia/Hyperosmolar syndrome in the context of a T2DM clinical picture. Appropriate treatment in medical centers with trained personnel and modern laboratory facilities has markedly reduced the mortality and morbidity associated with DKA and Hyperglycemic-Hyperosmolar Syndrome.






Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life-threatening metabolic decompensation considered to be a medical emergency and caused by a combination of insulin deficiency and the action of counter-regulatory hormones(1). The biochemical, metabolic and acid-base abnormalities that occur have been extensively documented at a physiologic level and to some extent at a molecular level (2-4).  Briefly, deficiency of insulin prevents the entry of glucose into insulin-sensitive cells in tissues such as liver, muscle, and fat and its appropriate metabolism. Sensing intra-cellular glucopenia, the organism responds by increased secretion of the 4 counter-regulatory hormones, glucagon, cortisol, growth hormone, and catecholamines. Acting synergistically, these hormones increase glucose production via glycogen breakdown and gluconeogenesis, induce lipolysis and ketogenesis and result in hyperglycemia, osmotic polyuria, dehydration, increased thirst, and acidosis from the accumulation of ketoacids, principally β-hydroxybutyrate, (B-OHB) which exceed buffering capacity, as well as lactic acidosis from the ensuing dehydration and limited tissue perfusion. Hence, the symptoms and signs are polyuria, polydipsia, dehydration, tachycardia, deep sighing respiration (Kussmaul breathing), and the smell of acetone on the breath, and abdominal pain and nausea imitating an acute abdominal condition; paradoxically, despite dehydration, blood pressure may be normal or elevated reflecting the effects of catecholamines (Table 1). These manifestations develop over hours or days, in contrast to hypoglycemia which can occur suddenly. In cases of new diabetes, weight loss, increased appetite, and nocturia, or enuresis in previously toilet-trained child, are almost universally present if a careful history is elicited. Left untreated, clouding of consciousness due decreased cerebral oxygen perfusion, acidosis, and neural biochemical changes lead to coma and eventually death. Absolute insulin deficiency occurs most often at onset of evolving T1DM, but it may also occur after deliberate or inadvertent omission of insulin in a child or adolescent responsible for their own care, or with kinking or obstruction of tubing in insulin pumps. Relative insulin deficiency occurs with major physiological stressors such as sepsis, infection, or severe trauma that result in profound increased secretion of the counter-regulatory hormones which overwhelm the actions of insulin. Recurrent episodes of DKA are almost the result of psycho-social mal-adjustment. These concepts are summarized in figure 1.


TABLE 1. Clinical and Biochemical Manifestations of Diabetic Ketoacidosis




Hyperglycemia (11-50mmol/l)

Rapid, deep, sighing (Kussmaul respiration)

Variable degrees of acidosis (PH<7.3; HCO3 <15meq/l)

Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain mimicking an acute abdomen

Ketosis-serum BOHB (>3mmol/l)

Progressive obtundation and loss of consciousness

Elevation of BUN and Creatinine

Increased leukocyte count with left shift

Fever only when infection is present

Non-specific elevation of serum amylase

Figure 1. Pathophysiology of diabetic ketoacidosis(7). Copyright © 2006 American Diabetes Association. From Diabetes Care, Vol. 29, 2006:1150-1159. Reprinted with permission of The American Diabetes Association

Criteria for Defining DKA


The criteria for a diagnosis of DKA are hyperglycemia with glucose ≥200mg/dl (≥11mmol/l), pH ≤7.30 or bicarbonate (HCO3) ≤15mmol/l, and ketonuria or B-OHB ≥2.0mmol/l. Severity of DKA is defined by the degree of acidosis; mild=pH 7.20-7.30, HCO3 10-15mmol/l; moderate=pH 7.1-7.2, HCO3 5-10mmol/l; severe =pH<7.1, HCO3<5 mmol/l. Hyperglycemia usually ranges between 200-1000mg/dl (16.6-50.5mmol/l);values >1000mg/dl should raise the possibility of hyperosmolar hyperglycemia, separately discussed below. The reported frequency of DKA varies from about 13% to 80% in various countries and is generally higher in less developed countries; it is inversely related to socio-economic development, level of education of the family, and to the incidence of diabetes mellitus in the location. In the United States, about 30-40% of newly diagnosed patients with DM present in DKA, reflecting delay in establishing the diagnosis of diabetes in a child, particularly in children <5years of age (8-11).


Table 2 illustrates the average losses of fluids and electrolytes in diabetic ketoacidosis and maintenance requirements in normal children adapted from references (4, 7, 9).


TABLE 2.  Fluid and Electrolyte Losses and Maintenance Requirements in DKA


Average (range) losses

24-hour maintenance requirements


70 mL/kg (30-100)

≤10 kg: 100 mL/kg/24hrs

11-20 kg: 1000 mL+ 50 mL/kg/24 hr for each kg from 11-20

>20 kg: 1500 mL+ 20 mL/kg/24 hr for each kg >20


6 mmol/kg (5-13)

2-4 mmol/kg


5 mmol/kg (3-6)

2-3 mmol/kg


4 mmol/kg (3-9)

2-3 mmol/kg


1 mmol/kg (0.5-2.5)

1-2 mmol/kg


Principles of Treatment  


The principles of treatment enunciated here are based on those of the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes, the American Diabetes Association, and the Pediatric Endocrine Societies of Europe and the USA (4, 7, 11).


Mild cases of DKA such as might occur in a patient using an insulin pump in which the tubing has become obstructed, or mild upper respiratory or mild abdominal infection without significant vomiting or diarrhea in an educated patient and strong family support might be managed via telephone instructions. When fluids are tolerated, 3-4 ounces of clear fluids (approximately 100ml) can be offered hourly. In addition, rapid acting insulin 0.1-0.2U/kg is given every 2-4 hours, glucose levels are checked via home meters and urinary ketones are checked via strips. Resolution of hyperglycemia and ketonuria, and tolerance to oral fluid intake indicates successful management and return to customary regimens including pump settings and/or subcutaneous basal-bolus insulin regimens.


For new onset patients, those that cannot tolerate oral fluid intake, and those with moderate to severe DKA, we recommend admission to a unit with capabilities similar to those of an ICU, possessing written guidelines on management, physicians and nursing staff trained in the management of DKA, bedside glucose and blood gas monitoring, vital sign monitoring (pulse, blood pressure, respiration), and laboratory back-up of acid-base and electrolyte status. A thorough physical examination including level of consciousness should determine the overall clinical status, degree of dehydration, and consider the need to evaluate for infection. Supplemental oxygen may be provided via mask or nasal cannula, and a gastric tube passed if the patient is vomiting. Urine output should be measured via bag collection and catheterization avoided if possible.  A blood sample should be obtained for measurement of glucose, electrolytes, β-OHB, acid-base status, hematocrit, and complete blood count; blood cultures and imaging studies should be considered in cases of suspected sepsis as the precipitating cause and appropriate antibiotics given. A modest increase in WBC with neutrophil predominance may reflect an acute phase response rather than sepsis; even if an acute abdominal condition is suspected, surgery should be deferred until several hours of resuscitation with fluids and electrolytes has occurred. Access for IV infusion should be established; this or preferably a separate IV site can serve as source of blood sampling.


The initial resuscitation consists of intravenous saline bolus infusion at 10-20 ml/kg over 1-2 hours depending on the degree of dehydration. Clinical assessment of dehydration is based on physical findings such as heart rate, blood pressure, speed of capillary refill, tissue turgor, and dry coated tongue and is generally rated as 5% (mild),10% (moderate) or greater than 10% (severe). Urine output is not a reliable sign as it usually continues due to the osmotic diuresis of hyperglycemia; diminished urine output may reflect evolving renal failure. Clinical judgment of degree of dehydration is notoriously inaccurate and can result in over or under estimation; hematocrit or a very recent weight may aid in assessment of the degree of dehydration so as to more accurately guide the amount and composition of fluids to be infused and in turn reduce the risk of the occurrence of cerebral edema (12, 13). Hence initial estimates of dehydration and osmolality of plasma based on glucose and electrolyte status, as well as acid base resolution, require re-assessment as treatment progresses. The initial resuscitation period with normal (0.9%) sodium chloride solution provides an opportunity to elicit a careful history and formulate the plan of management focused on provision of fluid, electrolytes, insulin, and monitoring to anticipate and correct complications.




The amount of fluid to be administered is based on the estimated degree of dehydration, e.g., 5% of body weight in Kg, plus daily maintenance (see table 2) evenly infused over 24-36 hours, subtracting the fluid administered as resuscitation. For example, a 30kg child with estimated dehydration of 5% would require 1500 ml for deficit plus 1700 ml for daily maintenance, yields a total of 3200 ml (table2); subtracting the 20ml/kg bolus of normal 0.9% saline from this total (600ml), leaves 2600 ml, or approximately 100 ml/hour over the initial 24 hours with adjustments made according to response. The total daily fluid infused should rarely exceed 1.5-2.0 times daily maintenance.




Sodium Chloride


Normal isotonic saline is the initial crystalloid of choice to be given over the initial 4-6 hours. This fluid is hypotonic relative to the osmolality of the patient’s plasma which can be calculated as 2(Na meq/dl + K meq/dl) plus glucose in mmol, or mg/dl divided by 18. Assuming a Na of 140meq, K 4.0meq and glucose of 450 mg/dl, the osmolality is 284+25 = 309 mosm. Normal (0.9%) saline has an osmolality of 286meq/l; the difference between the osmolality of the infused saline and patient’s plasma becomes greater as the glucose concentration in plasma rises. But it is important to note that the infusate remains hypotonic relative to plasma as long as the hyperglycemia persists; decline in plasma osmolality must be carefully monitored to avoid rapid osmotic shifts that facilitate entry of water to the intracellular /intracerebral compartment. After the first 4-6 hours, 0.5-0.75 N saline plus added potassium(K) as the phosphate, acetate or chloride maintains an osmolality of the infusate close to that of the patient’s plasma. Because of the concerns regarding use of chloride in worsening acidosis, some have recommended the use of lactated Ringers solution or sodium acetate in lieu of normal saline (7).




During acidosis K moves from the intra cellular to the extracellular compartment and considerable K is then lost in urine. As a result, total body K stores are almost always depleted and with correction of acidosis, K returns to the intracellular compartment resulting in hypokalemia, which may precipitate cardiac arrhythmia. Hyperkalemia is less common and may reflect impaired renal function. Hence, after initial resuscitation, as soon as urine output is documented, K should be added to the infusate at a concentration of 20-40 meq/l. The potassium may be in the form of potassium chloride, but this adds to the hyperchloremia which may result in persistent hyperchloremic acidosis. Hence, some recommend that the K may be administered, at least in part, as the acetate or phosphate, which may have additional benefit as described below. Total amounts of potassium replacement should not exceed 0.5mm/kg/hour. Potassium replacement should continue throughout the period of IV therapy to assist in the repletion of potassium stores. This may not be fully accomplished during IV therapy and continues when oral intake is resumed. The measurement of K concentration is an essential component of biochemical monitoring as described below; additional rapid monitoring of K concentration in plasma is in the evaluation of the EKG which may show high peaked T waves with hyperkalemia and low amplitude of T waves, T wave inversion, prolonged PR interval and prominent U waves with hypokalemia. 




As with potassium, phosphate stores are depleted in ketoacidosis and further losses occur with ongoing diuresis during treatment and the effects of insulin in promoting intracellular entry. Severe hypophosphatemia (<1mg/dl) may be associated with depletion of ATP and the resultant deleterious effects on any energy requiring processes, including muscle function, CNS disturbances, hemolysis, and rhabdomyolysis. In addition, phosphate participates in the regulation of the oxygen dissociation curve, so depletion impairs oxygen release to tissues and further exacerbates acidosis by promoting lactate accumulation. On the other hand, infusing phosphate is associated with hypocalcemia and limited trials have not shown consistent beneficial effects in the treatment of DKA. An advantage however, is its cautious use in limiting hyperchloremia and hence acidosis by providing some of the potassium requirement as phosphate rather than chloride, alternating KCl with KPO4 and monitoring calcium concentration to avoid or treat hypocalcemia. We use this approach in our practice recommendations.




Fluid therapy alone incompletely corrects many of the biochemical features of DKA, but full resolution of DKA requires insulin to switch off ketogenesis, restore acid-base balance, and resume anabolic processes. For moderate to severe acidosis, we recommend a starting dose of insulin(regular) at 0.1 U/Kg/hour, infused intravenously until acidosis is curtailed; insulin should be continued even if the blood glucose concentration has declined to ~300mg/dl or less and additional glucose provided as 5%-10% solution to maintain glucose at ~300mg/dl. Temporarily switching off the insulin infusion may result in rebound or persistence of acidosis, as insulin is essential to curtail keto-acid production and enable metabolism of keto-acids to bicarbonate. It is permissible to reduce the insulin dose to 0.05U/Kg/hr if there is difficulty in maintaining glucose at ~300mg/dl, even with additional glucose infusion, but insulin infusion should not stop until acidosis is resolved and pH is 7.3 or higher. In those admitted with mild acidosis, or those who administered basal insulin prior to admission, the starting dose of insulin should be 0.05U/Kg/hr, in order to avoid too rapid decline in the glucose concentration. Monitoring of blood glucose decline may require upward adjustment of the insulin dose if glucose is not declining at least 50 mg/dl/hour. An intravenous insulin bolus of insulin is not recommended to be given at the start of therapy and may not be effective as acidosis promotes dissociation of hormone binding to its cognate receptor. Where venous access is not possible, IM or SQ fast acting insulin (aspart or lispro) may be given at a starting dose of 0.2-0.3U/Kg and doses of 0.1-0.2 U/kg repeated 1-2 hours apart depending on response in terms of decline in glucose and correction of acidosis.




In controlled trials in adults, bicarbonate therapy has not been effective in shortening the time of acidosis; bicarbonate actually may cause harm. Harm may occur because HCO3- combines with the H+ to form H2CO3 which dissociates to H2O and CO2.Whereas HCO3- does not cross the blood-brain barrier, CO2 diffuses readily across the blood-brain barrier and may exacerbate acidosis. In addition, large doses of bicarbonate may induce alkalosis and promote hypokalemia. Although controlled trials have not been performed in children, observational outcomes in pediatric studies show resolution of acidosis with provision of fluids and insulin; bicarbonate therapy is not recommended in published guideline (4, 7, 12). In severe acidosis, with pH <7.0, myocardial contractility may be impaired and here bicarbonate may be helpful. In these circumstances, bicarbonate may be infused at 1-2mmol/Kg over 60 minutes and acid -base status reassessed thereafter. Bicarbonate therapy may be useful in treatment of severe hyperkalemia. Bicarbonate must not be given as a bolus in treating DKA.


An example of the losses and management of DKA in a child with weight 30kg (Surface area 1M2) are shown in Tables 3 and 4.


TABLE 3. Fluid and Electrolyte losses Based on Assumed 7% Dehydration in a Child with Diabetic Ketoacidosis*

Fluid and electrolyte

Approximate accumulated losses with 7% dehydration

Approximate requirements for maintenance (36hrs)

Approximate working total

Water (mL)




Sodium (mEq)




Potassium (mEq)




Chloride (mEq)




Phosphate (mEq)




*Weight 30 kg; surface area 1 M2; See tables 2 and 3, references (4, 7, 12) and text for source of losses of water and electrolytes       


TABLE 4. Replacement Therapy for a Child with Assumed 7% Dehydration and DKA


Fluid composition/amount


Sodium (mEq)


Chloride (mEq)


Potassium (mEq)

Phosphate (mEq)


Hour 0-2:

500 mL N. SALINE (0.9%NaCl)







Hour 2-6:



0.1 U/kg/hr


+ 40mEq KCl/L






Hour 6-12:



0.1 U/kg/hr

900ML 0.5N. SALINE +40mEq  KCl/L






Subtotal: initial 12 hr







Next 24 hr:



0.1 U/kg/hr

2400 mL 0.5N SALINE


2ndLITER ADD KCl    20 mEq

3rdLITER ADD KPO4 20 mEq

























Total 36 hr:

4400 ml





*Weight 30 kg; surface area 1 M2; In this formulation, calculated fluid deficit has been corrected by about 12 hours and basal requirement over the ensuing 24 hours; total fluid over the 36 hours has not exceeded 2 times daily maintenance. Total sodium infused only modestly exceeds the calculated deficit, but total chloride excess is considerable and may be associated with persistent (hyperchloremic) acidosis. Potassium and phosphate repletion is incomplete and continues after transition to oral intake of nutrition and subcutaneous insulin therapy. This example is for illustrative purposes only; the actual amount and composition of infused fluids is dictated by the biochemical responses monitored and recorded during therapy. Detailed discussion of electrolyte replacement can be found in references (12) and (13).




A flow sheet to record clinical and biochemical progress is an essential component of therapy. Actual real-time monitoring of vital signs should be complemented by hourly recordings. Initial chemical laboratory tests must include blood glucose, serum electrolytes with emphasis on sodium, chloride, and potassium, as well as phosphate, calcium, pH, pCO2, HCO3, base excess, BUN and creatinine as indices of renal function and β-hydroxybutyrate(B-OHB) as a measure of ketosis. Measurement of urine output, urine glucose and ketones also must be recorded. The urine ketone measurement uses the sodium nitroprusside reaction which measures aceto-acetic acid and weakly acetone, but not B-OHB, the predominant ketone in blood. Hence, the major contributor to ketoacidosis is not reflected in the urinary ketone measurement. Bedside blood glucose, electrolyte, and acid base, and ketone meters are very useful but must be verified by periodic formal laboratory measurements. Initially, hourly measurement of glucose, electrolytes, and acid base status are recommended for the first 4 hours and 2-4 hourly thereafter depending on indices of improvement and resolution of acidosis, defined as pH≥7.3 or bicarbonate ≥15 mm/l. At this time transition to oral intake and discontinuation of IV therapy can be undertaken; absence of ketonuria should not be a criterion as this may continue for some time due to conversion of B-OHB to aceto-acetate as ketosis resolves. After the first day, once daily measurement of electrolytes, acid base and renal function should be performed until restoration of normal function is confirmed.




Oral intake may be begun when clinical recovery has occurred even if the acid base status and ketonuria have not completely resolved. Oral sips of clear liquids precede the introduction of oral fluids to gradually supplant the IV provision and total daily fluid restricted to no more than 1.5 times calculated daily maintenance. The first dose of regular or fast acting insulin is given subcutaneously approximately 1-2 hours before discontinuing the IV insulin to allow for absorption. For patients on a basal-bolus insulin regimen, the first dose of basal insulin may be administered in the evening while the IV insulin is maintained till the morning and then discontinued.


Mortality and Morbidity of DKA


Mortality of DKA has declined markedly in the past 2 decades largely due to greater referral of patients to specialized centers (5, 6, 14). Cerebral edema (CE) is responsible for the majority of deaths and survivors of CE may have severe or mild residual impairment of CNS function including memory impairment (15-17). Several other causes of mortality and morbidity occur, but each is individually rare and include venous and arterial CNS thromboses, pulmonary embolus, rhabdomyolysis, pancreatitis, ARDS, and infections such as rhino-cerebral mucormycosis and other rare entities. These rarer complications are more fully described in prior reviews (4, 7, 16).




Cerebral edema is the most feared complication of DKA occurring either early (cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury) or later during the course of therapy; mechanisms have not been clearly defined and whether the composition of IV fluids and their rate of administration contribute to or may prevent this complication is hotly debated (12-19). New onset, younger age and indices of severity have been associated with greater risk of this complication (20). Symptoms and signs include severe headache and development of bradycardia and hypertension as evidence of raised intracranial pressure, restlessness and irritability, localizing neurological features such as nystagmus and incontinence or polyuria without glucosuria as indicators of evolving diabetes insipidus, as well as evidence of papilledema.  Clinical diagnosis based on bedside evaluation of neurological state as shown below has been proposed (16). In this formulation, one diagnostic criterion, two major criteria, or one major and two minor criteria have a sensitivity of 92% and a false positive rate of only 4% (16).  Signs that occur before treatment should not be included in the diagnosis of cerebral edema. Diagnostic criteria include abnormal motor or verbal response to pain; decorticate or decerebrate posture; cranial nerve palsy (especially III, IV, and VI), and abnormal neurogenic respiratory pattern such as grunting, or Cheyne-Stokes respiration. Major criteria include altered mentation/fluctuating level of consciousness; sustained heart rate deceleration (decrease more than 20 beats per minute) not attributable to improved intravascular volume or sleep state; and age-inappropriate incontinence with a rise in serum sodium indicative of loss of free water(diabetes insipidus).Minor criteria include vomiting, headache; lethargy or not easily arousable; diastolic BP >90 mm Hg; young age( <5 years) (16). The mechanisms responsible for the development of cerebral edema in DKA appear to be both osmotic (12-14, 18, 20) and vasogenic (21, 22), and the timing of appearance as early or late in the course of treatment may depend in part on the major contribution of the mechanism involved. Treatment should begin with reduction in the rate of fluid administration, elevating the head of the bed, administration of mannitol, 0.5-1 g/kg IV over 10-15 minutes, and repeating the dose of mannitol if there is no initial response in 30 minutes to 2 hours. Hypertonic saline (3%), at a dose 2.5-5 mL/kg over 10-15 minutes, may be used as an alternative to mannitol, especially if there is no initial response to mannitol. After these measures have begun, imaging of the CNS should be arranged to identify intracranial pathology such as thrombosis and treat as appropriate.




  1. Ketone bodies measured in urine grossly underestimate the degree of ketosis, because the common method uses sodium nitroprusside which reacts strongly with aceto-acetate, weakly with acetone, and not at all with βOHB. Yet the actual amount of βOHB may be 5 times or more than aceto-acetate, especially in the presence of acidosis. As acidosis is corrected and more of the βOHB is converted to aceto-acetate, it appears as if the ketosis is getting worse, when in fact acidosis and clinical parameters are improving. Measurements of βOHB via bedside meters or formal laboratory methods are better means to monitor “ketone” status.
  2. After commencing treatment, acidosis may appear to worsen initially for 3 reasons (4). First, dilution of the total bicarbonate in the expanding fluid volume lowers the apparent bicarbonate concentration because the HCO3 is expressed as mmol/L, and while the total mmols may not have changed, they are distributed in a greater volume. Second, with initially rapid rehydration, accumulated lactic acid enters into the circulation. Third, the βOHB acid is excreted in urine after it is converted to Na Butyrate; the Na derives from NaHCO3, leaving bicarbonate which combines with H+ to yield CO2 and H2O and permits loss of the CO2 in respiration. In these processes, bicarbonate (HCO3) and Na are lost, further depleting the bicarbonate content of plasma. With rehydration and insulin, which together curtail ketogenesis, acid base balance gradually returns to normal (4).
  3. The use of phosphate as potassium phosphate or acetate rather than KCl, may reduce the large amount of chloride used and hence reduce hyperchloremic acidosis, as well as improving oxygen dissociation to enable lactate to be converted to pyruvate. However, this is not accepted by all authorities and some claim no additional benefit from using phosphate. In addition, the use of phosphate may result in hypocalcemia. However, with severe phosphate depletion, the use of phosphate is indicated and likely to be beneficial.


Recurring Episodes of DKA


A small subset of patients experience repeat episodes of DKA, and with each episode the prognosis for short-term and long-term outcome worsens. Recent data confirm that the majority of such recurrences reflect psycho-social maladjustments that require careful attention via medical and social support to avoid disastrous consequences (5, 6).




The hyperglycemia-hyperosmolar syndrome (HHS) is characterized by blood glucose concentrations >600mg/dl (>33.3 mmol/l), serum hyper-osmolality ≥330mmol/l, and minor acidosis and ketosis; serum bicarbonate remains >15meq/l and urinary “ketones” (aceto-acetate) are usually negative or only trace positive on testing urine via dipstick (7, 21, 22). Hospital admissions for HHS are increasing in incidence, have high morbidity, and though classically considered to occur in obese patients with T2DM it may occur in T1DM as frequently as in T2DM (23). Although there are similarities to diabetic keto-acidosis, the fundamental difference is a greater degree of dehydration and less acidosis, so that treatment should focus on fluid and electrolyte replacement, and less on provision of insulin; indeed, insulin should be withheld initially to prevent a too rapid fall in serum glucose and lowering of serum osmolality which might result in fluid shifts into the cerebral compartment and cerebral edema (CE). However, CE is rarer in HHS than in DKA. The degree of insulin deficiency and the magnitude of counter-regulatory response appear to be less severe, so that the symptoms and signs of DKA are absent or less pronounced; abdominal pain and Kussmaul respiration are absent, and vomiting is less severe. These milder features also lead to greater time in evolution, greater degrees of dehydration and electrolyte losses resulting from the polyuria, and are often compounded by intake of highly glucose-enriched carbonated soft drinks consumed due to thirst. Glucose concentrations commonly exceed 1000mg/dl, dehydration may be as much as twice that occurring in DKA and may be difficult to estimate due to co-existing obesity and hypertonicity which retains fluid in the intra-vascular compartment. Persistence of the polyuria due to the persistence of glucose concentrations exceeding renal threshold of ~200mg/dl during treatment, requires careful monitoring of clinical status and fluid replacement to avoid dehydration and vascular collapse. The risk of thrombosis is greater in HHS than in DKA, possibly as a result of osmotic disruption of endothelial cells, with release of thromboplastins facilitating coagulation.


Treatment should assume dehydration of 10%-15% and initially isotonic (normal) saline should be provided at 20ml/kg bolus infusions to restore fluid deficits and maintain vascular volume with assessment of serum chemistries every 1-2 hours; subsequently, 0.5-0.75 N saline, with added potassium and phosphate should be infused to replace calculated losses over 24-48 hours, guided by laboratory chemistry every 2-4 hours and ongoing clinical monitoring performed in an ICU or equivalent setting. The aim should be to control the decline in blood glucose to 100 mg/dl per hour; if glucose is not declining at a rate of at least 50 mg/dl, or ketosis is more than mild, insulin at a rate of only 0.025-0.05U/kg/hour may be used with caution and careful clinical and laboratory monitoring. Potassium, phosphate and magnesium losses may be considerable; potassium should be infused at 40meq/l added to each liter of saline, with balanced mixtures of potassium chloride and potassium phosphate, the latter to replete phosphate depletion which may predispose to rhabdomyolysis and hemolytic anemia. As in DKA, use of bicarbonate is not recommended. Magnesium also may be severely depleted in HHS and predispose to hypocalcemia; the recommended doses of magnesium replacement are 25-50mg/kg/dose given every 4-6 hours at a maximum infusion rate of 150mg/min(2gm/hr.) for 3-4 doses. In addition to cerebral edema, thrombosis, and rhabdomyolysis, malignant hyperthermia is reported as a complication. Monitoring for these complications is based in part on clinical anticipation e.g., hyperthermia, and supplemented by appropriate biochemical testing e.g., serum creatinine kinase for rhabdomyolysis. Some patients have features that combine DKA and HHS that reflect the degree of insulin deficiency; clinical acumen, earlier use of insulin, and careful monitoring of the patient’s vital signs and chemistries guide treatment, especially the earlier use of insulin in appropriate doses. This syndrome of HHS in adolescents and young adults was classically considered a feature of T2DM (24), an entity that is increasing at an annual rate of 4.8% in the obese population of the USA (25). Hence, the frequency of HHS as a presenting feature is also likely to increase, so that physicians caring for these patients in an ICU or equivalent setting must be alert to the differences in management with the greater focus on fluid and electrolyte replacement in HHS rather than the use of insulin as in DKA.  


Table 5. Monitoring of Patients with HHS in the ICU (1)

A.    Continuous cardiac, respiratory and blood pressure monitoring

B.    Hourly glucose and clinical assessment

C.    2-4hourly assessment of fluid balance(input/output); serum electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, CPK (creatine-phospho-kinase)

D.    4-6 hourly Calcium, phosphate, magnesium

E.    Be alert to complications-thrombosis, rhabdomyolysis, hyperpyrexia, cerebral edema.




The goals of treating diabetes mellitus in children are to maintain metabolism as near to normal by the appropriate provision of insulin, maintaining nutrition by meeting caloric requirements and balanced composition of food choices within the cultural preferences of the family, and to balance both insulin and nutrition with recommended exercise and activity to allow normal growth and development. In order to prevent diabetes related complications, especially long-term microvascular disease, glycemic control is crucial.  This optimal diabetes regimen requires intensive management by patients and their families along with a multidisciplinary approach with psychosocial support.  Glycemic control is assessed by periodic measurement of hemoglobin A1C levels.


Table 6. The American Diabetes Association Guidelines for the Target Glucose and HbA1C Levels (26)



Pre-prandial plasma glucose

90-130 mg/dl

Overnight plasma glucose

70-180 mg/dl




Insulin Therapy


The management of diabetes can be cumbersome.  In caring for children and adolescents with Type 1 diabetes, providers must take into account unique factors such as a child’s pubertal stage and growth, ability to provide self-care, supervision of care, school environment, and neurological vulnerability of hypoglycemia in young children. 


However, it is crucial to normalize glucose levels in order to prevent long-term consequences of diabetes especially from microvasculopathies, leading to neuropathy, renal failure, and blindness. In 1993, The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) reported results demonstrating that the intensive therapy of T1DM reduces the risk of development and progression of microvascular complications. Furthermore, these benefits outweighed the increased risk of hypoglycemia that accompanied intensive diabetes therapy (27). Thereafter, The Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) study assessed whether these benefits persisted after the end of DCCT. The findings of this study provide further support for the DCCT recommendation that most adolescents with T1D receive intensive therapy aimed at achieving glycemic control as close to normal as possible to reduce the risk of microvascular complications (28). This goal is not easily achieved even with a multi-dose insulin regimen of basal and short acting insulin that attempt to mimic normal patterns (Figure 2).


Figure 2. Normal Glucose and Insulin Profiles

This pattern is difficult to achieve because the perfect alignment of glucose and insulin in the normal person depends on a complex interaction of neural, hormonal, and nutritional signals that are absent in type 1 DM. Moreover, the “first pass” of endogenous insulin is via the portal vein to the liver, whereas SQ insulin injections first reach the liver via the systemic circulation. Hence the common problem of post-prandial hyperglycemia due to delay in the action of insulin during and immediately after a meal, and rebound hypoglycemia sometime after the meal. The following describes the insulin regimens recommended as standard of care attempting to reproduce the normal situation.


Figure 3. Time Course of Rapid and Long-Acting Insulin


Insulin Glargine and Detemir provide day-long basal insulin without significant peaks of action. In some children, however, Glargine may not be fully effective for a whole 24 hours and for this reason is usually given at night. This synthetic insulin cannot be safety mixed with other insulins in the same syringe due to pH incompatibilities. Throughout the day, short acting insulin preparations such as Insulin Aspart, Lispro, and Glulisine are given to normalize blood glucose levels and cover calories consumed during meals and as possible snacks. As 3 meals are eaten by most on a daily basis, short acting insulins should be given at least 3 times daily to prevent excessive hyperglycemic excursions.


Prepubertal children typically require a total daily insulin dose of ~ 0.7 -1 U/kg/day whereas pubertal children may require total daily insulin doses up to 1.2-1.5 U/kg/day; greater than 2.0 U/kg/day suggest extreme insulin resistance or non-compliance (29).  Of the total daily insulin dose, 40-60% should be given as basal insulin. The actual dose depends upon the level of glycemia and the quantity of calories and carbohydrates consumed. A fast-acting insulin bolus is given to cover meals, calculated from an estimation of the carbohydrate content in grams and an individual factor (insulin to carbohydrate ratio) relating insulin dosage to the amount of carbohydrate to be consumed. When using carbohydrate counting, the ‘500-rule’ can be used to obtain an initial carbohydrate ratio by dividing 500 by the total daily insulin dose.(29) The range is from 1 unit per 10-50 grams.  In addition to the meal bolus, the difference between the blood glucose recorded immediately before the meal and the target glucose concentration (120 mg/dl for older children; 150 mg/dl for younger children) is used to calculate a correction bolus, based on a theoretical Insulin Sensitivity Factor or ISF. This may range from 1 unit for 10- 200 mg/dl blood glucose depending upon age and body size. The ‘1800-rule’ can be used to obtain an initial ISF by dividing 1800 by the total daily insulin dose.


Table 7. Types of Insulin Preparations and Action Profiles (30)





Insulin lispro

(rapid acting)

15-30 mins

0.5-2 hrs

2-5 hrs

Insulin aspart

(rapid acting)

15 mins

1-3 hrs

3-5 hrs

Insulin glulisine

(rapid acting)

12-30 mins

1.5 hrs

5-6 hrs


(ultra-rapid acting)

5 mins

0.5 hrs

3-5 hrs


(short acting)

0.5-1 hrs

2-4 hrs

5-8 hrs


(medium acting)

2-4 hrs

4-10 hrs

8-16 hrs

Insulin glargine

(long acting)

2-4 hrs


24 hrs

Insulin detemir

(long acting)

1-2 hrs

6-12 hrs

20-24 hrs

Insulin degludec

(ultra-long acting)

0.5-1.5 hrs


42 hrs

Insulin glargine U300

(ultra-long acting)

6 hrs


24-36 hrs


The intermittent, short acting insulin given as a bolus should be injected 15 minutes before the meal in order to have its full effect when glucose rises during and after the meal. For infants and toddlers, these short acting insulin doses may be given after the meal if food consumption has been found to be unpredictable. In addition to the 3 meals, additional amounts of short acting insulin may be taken to cover snacks, and to reduce blood glucose concentration as appropriate at bedtime. An insulin "pen" is a convenient way of carrying multiple doses in a single dispenser but this pen device does not reduce the burden of multiple insulin injections.  Super long-acting insulin preparations e.g. Degludec or super-fast acting insulin e.g. FIAsp(Ultra-Fast acting insulin Aspart) are available and may have advantages in specific situations. In particular, a super-fast acting insulin would allow more rapid equilibration between the systemic and portal circulations, so offering advantages to prevent excessive rise in glucose after a meal and avoiding later development of post-prandial hypoglycemia (31, 32).  The half-life of insulin degludec exceeds the dosing interval resulting in a very low peak:trough ratio at steady state.


An alternative and better method of insulin delivery is the use of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) through use of an insulin pump. In this case, only short acting insulin e.g., lispro, glulisine), aspart, or FiAsp is taken as a continuous basal infusion and multiple boluses of insulin are given as above. The newer generation of CSII pumps automatically calculate meal and/or correction boluses based on input insulin-to carbohydrate ratios and insulin sensitivity factors plus estimates of the amount of carbohydrate consumed. The infusion site is best changed every 2 days to avoid skin infections. The advantages of CSII when used correctly are that insulin is delivered only as needed, and not in an anticipatory fashion as with long-acting insulin. Insulin boluses are also delivered only as needed, nutritional intake may be more liberal, glycemic excursions both as hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic episodes can be reduced, and the system is convenient and portable. Patients receiving insulin via CSII and their parents have generally reported improved treatment satisfaction. The one disadvantage of CSII is that since only short acting insulin is used (effects of rapid acting insulins are dissipated within 3 hours), any blockage in the tubing or pump failure can lead to rapid onset of hyperglycemia, accumulation of serum ketones, and an uncontrolled diabetic state. Thus, patients and their care-givers must be educated on treatment of hyperglycemia with an insulin pen or syringe in case of suspected pump malfunction which can be a common cause of DKA. 


With advanced technology, insulin therapy is becoming more physiologic. Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) therapy is transforming care of T1DM while continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) of interstitial fluid has become widely available and increasingly used in the US. Without continuous glucose monitoring, manual adjustment of insulin doses in response to changes in blood glucose are based only upon intermittent blood glucose testing and corrections.  Moreover, as previously mentioned, insulin injections or infusions are given subcutaneously and initially enter the systemic circulation, whereas endogenous insulin is secreted into the portal vein and act directly and immediately on the liver.


Currently, we are entering a new era of diabetes care for children, with the adoption of closed loop systems (33). All systems in development rely on glucose measurements via CGM transmitted to an insulin delivery system (pump) which uses a computerized algorithm to adjust insulin infusion based on upper and lower limits and the rate of change in increase or decrease of glucose values (34-36).  Modified versions of the closed-loop system that are semi-automated are FDA approved for use in children.  Semi-automated closed-loop systems, also known as hybrid closed loop systems, are characterized by the combination of automated insulin delivery via an algorithm for basal requirement and user-initiated insulin delivery for meals.  A setting to suspend insulin delivery when glucose is low or rapidly downward trending can be utilized to avoid hypoglycemia. To improve ease of mobility, a tubeless insulin pump that can be operated by a third party through a wireless receiver is available and useful for very young children with control exercised by a parent.    


Bi-hormonal systems (insulin and glucagon) can rapidly alter high or low glucose values and be used with safety during normal activity and exercise (37, 38).This system has not yet been approved for commercial use. However, the next decade should see application of these tools to an increasing number of patients with T1DM.


The clinical management for patients with T1DM is based on adequate insulin replacement matched to food intake and modified by exercise. Insulin is required throughout the whole day to prevent development of a starvation state and ketosis i.e., the basal insulin requirement.


Recurrent hypoglycemia represents a mismatch between insulin provided and caloric expenditure, which occurs as a result of not covering the basal amount or a bolus with appropriate food intake, malabsorption of food e.g., celiac disease, or exercise without adjustment in the insulin dose or omission of additional calories before or after the exercise. unexplained episodes of hypoglycemia require re-evaluation of the insulin regimen, exclusion of concurrent conditions such as acute illness with diminished food intake, and testing for celiac disease, hypothyroidism, and Addison’s disease. 


In special circumstances where adherence to recommended regimens is not being followed due to various psycho-social limitations, a twice daily regimen of pre-mixed insulin (NPH/Reg70/30) may be prescribed, though it is known not to be ideal. In developing countries with limited resources to treat diabetes, this twice daily dosing regimen of NPH and regular continues to be vital to avoid DKA but is associated with less optimal glycemic control. 


Glucose Monitoring


Patients on insulin regimens are encouraged to check glucose levels prior to meals and snacks, at bedtime, prior to exercise, and when they suspect low blood glucose.  This typically amounts to 4-6 glucose levels per day.  Blood glucose monitoring allows patients and families to evaluate their individual response to therapy, assess whether achieving glycemic targets, and help guide treatment decisions.


Continuous glucose monitors and intermittently scanned monitors measures interstitial glucose which correlates well with plasma glucose.  Time in range is defined as percentage of the day with blood glucose levels between 70 and 180 mg/dL.  A time in range target of more than 70% is recommended (39).  Time in range is becoming a key glycemic metric, in addition to glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) (39).  A correlation between improved HbA1c levels and fewer diabetes complications has been demonstrated (40).  Percent time in range provides real-time insights into glycemic variability and frequency of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. Time in range also correlates with complications of diabetes and HbA1c values and is being used to compare diabetes technology (40).




The goal of nutrition is to support normal growth and development, improve diabetes outcomes, and reduce cardiovascular risk factors.  Dietary recommendations should be based on healthy eating principles appropriate for all children and their families. Typically, distribution of energy sources recommended is 50-55% carbohydrates, <35% fat, and 15-20% protein (41).  Regular meals are recommended.  A commonly prescribed meal plan consists of 20% of calories at breakfast, 30% at lunch and 30% at dinner with 2 snacks of 10% each one of which is at bedtime to avoid nocturnal hypoglycemia. In the basal-bolus insulin regimen, insulin doses are matched to the amount of carbohydrates consumed during each meal. 


Protein and fat are not typically accounted for in the meal time insulin dose calculation though this issue is controversial and some authorities recommend that these protein-fat derived calories must be included. The predominant effect of dietary fats and protein is late postprandial hyperglycemia. Bolus corrections for insulin pump use when eating fatty meals have been devised and recommended (42-44).  Studies have found that lower glycemic index diets improved glycemic control compared to traditional higher glycemic index diets (45, 46).  Low glycemic index foods include whole-grain breads, pasta, temperate fruits, and dairy products


Dietary advice should be given in the context of cultural, ethnic and family traditions to be successful. Continuous nutritional education regarding a healthy diet and carbohydrate counting is recommended. Food labeling requirements have simplified the process, as many foods are clearly labeled with the amount of carbohydrate grams per serving. Additionally, apps, such as Calorie King, provide information on carbohydrate content of foods provided by many large restaurants.




Establishing and maintaining an active lifestyle should be the goal for all children. Increased physical activity is associated with better glucose utilization and increased insulin sensitivity leading to lower insulin requirements. However, blood glucose levels can be difficult to regulate during these intervals of exercise. Hypoglycemia is common during exercise and can possibly last up to 24 hours afterwards, due to increased insulin sensitivity (47). This increases the risk of nocturnal hypoglycemia. Factors during exercise frequently associated with hypoglycemia are excessive insulin dosing prior to exercise, prolonged duration, and higher intensity aerobic exercise (47).


To reduce the risk of hypoglycemia during prolonged exercise, reductions in bolus and basal insulin are typically needed. In children using CSII pumps, simply suspending or reducing the basal infusion rate can markedly reduce the risk of hypoglycemia during exercise. If insulin doses prior to exercise are not reduced, a snack of 1-1.5 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram is recommended (47). Meals with high carbohydrate content should be consumed shortly after exercise. As the effects of exercise can be prolonged, blood glucose should be measured before bed and a decrease in basal insulin (either long acting or overnight basal) should be considered after exercise later in the day. 


Any exercise should be avoided if blood glucose prior to exercise are high (>250 mg/dl) and associated with ketonuria. Exercise during such insulinopenic states is dangerous owing to the effects of uninhibited counterregulatory hormones and may precipitate diabetic ketoacidosis. 


Sick Day Management


Children with intercurrent illnesses such as fever or vomiting, should be closely monitored for the development of hyperglycemia and ketonuria. On sick days, blood glucose levels should be checked every 2-3 hours when not tolerating food and urine should be checked for the presence of ketones with every void. Correction doses with rapid-acting insulin should be given approximately every 3 hours. Persistent vomiting and/or ketonuria are signs of diabetic ketoacidosis; patients with such signs and symptoms should be evaluated in an emergency department immediately. 


Adequate fluid intake is crucial to preventing dehydration and accumulation of ketones. For blood glucose >200 mg/dl, rehydration with sugar free fluids is recommended. Sugar containing fluids such as flat soda or diluted juice may be necessary to maintain normoglycemia if blood glucose is <140 mg/dl. 


Management of Co-Morbid Conditions


Besides insulin replacement therapy for T1DM, co-existing hypertension and dyslipidemia should be aggressively treated; it is important to use age-appropriate references for determining the presence of hypertension and upper levels of acceptable lipid values of LDL and triglycerides. 


Increased urinary protein excretion is the earliest clinical finding of diabetic nephropathy. Measurement of the urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio in an untimed urinary sample is the preferred screening strategy for moderately increased albuminuria in all patients with diabetes and should be repeated yearly. Screening for increased urinary albumin excretion can be deferred for five years after the onset of disease in patients with type 1 diabetes because increased albumin excretion is uncommon before this time; screening should begin at diagnosis in patients with type 2 diabetes because many have had diabetes for several years before diagnosis. Abnormal results should be confirmed by repeat testing before establishing a diagnosis because of the large number of false positives that can occur. The normal ratio of microalbumin to creatinine is less than 30 mg/g.  Thus, a persistently elevated ratio of 30-300 mg/g signifies microalbuminuria. Microalbuminuria and/or hypertension should be a call for use of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors to minimize progression to chronic glomerulosclerotic damage. ACE inhibitors may induce angio-edema and can produce a troublesome dry cough.


Poorly controlled diabetes induces an increase in VLDL and triglyceride levels, when acute or chronic, pancreatitis may be induced. Diet reduced in animal fat and administration of fibrates (e.g., gemfibrozil or fenofibrate) may be used to combat hypertriglyceridemia. Co- existing Hashimoto's thyroiditis should be periodically sought through thyroid autoantibody analyses, and hypothyroidism when identified by elevated TSH levels, treated by thyroid hormone replacement. Celiac disease also should be regularly checked via titers of tissue transglutaminase antibody titers, and treated via gluten exclusion when diagnosis is confirmed by endoscopically obtained biopsy specimens. Addison's disease and atrophic gastritis/pernicious anemia should always be considered in patients with T1DM, especially with unexplained frequent episode of hypoglycemia, and if found, treated accordingly.




The increased incidence of T2DM is attributed to the increase in obesity worldwide. Approximately 3700 youths are diagnosed with T2DM every year in the US (25) and it is estimated that the number of youths with T2DM will almost quadruple from 22,820 in 2010 to be approximately 85,000 adolescents with T2DM by 2050 (48). Similar rates of increases in youths with T2DM are reported from the UK, India, China and Japan (48). The child with T2DM as part of the insulin resistance syndrome (IRS) should be aggressively treated to prevent the burgeoning complications of the condition. The development of complications associated with T2DM is accelerated in youth, with reported rates of 6% with renal failure within 5 years of diagnosis, and 2.3% end stage renal disease by 10 years.  


Initial education for T2DM should focus on dietary and lifestyle modifications and this education should continue to be reinforced with the goal being to decrease insulin resistance. The approaches should include an exercise program such as walking or swimming for 30-40 minutes most days of the week, since at the level of the muscle, exercise provokes glucose entry into muscle without the involvement of insulin. Sedentary time including homework, computer and phone related activities, and video games should be assessed and established for appropriateness in each family setting. Caloric restriction, particularly of carbohydrates, is the key to reducing weight, a task that has proven resistant to success in many instances.  Elimination of sugar containing sodas and juices has been shown to result in significant weight loss (49). Barriers include older age at diagnosis, difference in socioeconomic status, and poor diet within the household (50). Also, clinicians should understand the health beliefs and behaviors of the family and community and take into account cultural food preferences and the use of food during celebrations and cultural festivals in order to collaborate with the family on diabetes management.  


The use of metformin as first-line therapy is based on its glucose-lowering efficacy, safety profile, weight neutrality, and reasonable cost. In most countries, metformin is currently approved for use in children. Metformin is approved for the treatment of T2DM in children, but is also the drug of choice for insulin resistance syndrome, also known as metabolic syndrome (IRS) and impaired glucose tolerance because of its property in improving insulin sensitivity. Monotherapy with metformin was associated with durable glycemic control in approximately half of children and adolescents with T2DM (51). Some suggest that it is the gastro- intestinal side effects of the drug that accounts for much of its beneficial effects. However, the drug is effective in T2DM even without weight loss, an action attributed to reduced hepatic glucose output.


The guidelines from the ADA and EASD indicate that any FDA-approved second agent can be used in combination with metformin to improve glycemic control, whereas the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists recommends either incretin-based therapy or sodium glucose transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibition agents (52). Sulfonylureas are approved for use in adolescents in some countries; these agents bind to receptors on the K+/ATP channel complex resulting in insulin secretion. The PPAR-γ agonists are effective at insulin sensitization but are less useful in supporting weight loss. Further, they promote salt retention and a tendency for edema. A new class of drugs which inhibit the sodium co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) resulting in glycosuria at a lower blood glucose threshold than normal have become available, though not currently approved for use in children (canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, empagliflozin). Use of SGLT2 inhibitors has been associated with an increase in fungal infections of the genital areas and missed symptoms of evolving keto-acidosis.


Two drug classes were developed that target the incretin system and increase endogenous insulin secretion: glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 receptor agonists and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors. GLP-1 receptor agonists (e.g., liraglutide and exenatide) resist degradation by DPP-4 resulting in increased circulating levels of the administered drug (53). DDP-4 inhibitors (e.g., sitagliptin, vildagliptin and saxagliptin) reduce endogenous GLP-1 degradation, thereby maintaining circulating levels of GLP-1 with biological effect. Both these classes of drugs improve glycemic control with a low incidence of hypoglycemia because of their glucose-dependent mechanism of action. In addition to their effects on improving insulin secretion, these drugs lower glucagon and delay gastric emptying, and potentiate weight loss, in part through decreased appetite.


Whereas the glucagon like peptide one (GLP-1) analogue exenatide given by subcutaneous injection will lower blood glucose levels and complement metformin in provoking weight loss, it should be reserved for more severely diabetic adults and teenagers who have become unresponsive to diet and exercise programs.  Some formulations of GLP-1 analogues can be given once weekly.  In 2019, liraglutide was approved for adjunct use to improve glycemic control in pediatric patients 10 years and older with T2DM. (54, 55) Sitagliptin blocks the dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) enzyme preventing it from inactivating GLP-1, thus prolonging the action of GLP-1 once induced by a meal. Whereas the latter agent is in general weight neutral, it can be of adjunctive help in lowering hyperglycemic excursions. When these additional agents also fail to maintain near normoglycemia, then insulin should be given instead of the secretagogues.


Table 8. Glucose Management for Adult Patients with Type 2 Diabetes (52)



















Step 1: Dietary and lifestyle education- 3-5% weight loss; 150 min/week exercise

Step 2: Addition of metformin- Maximum daily dose of 2000 mg

Step 3: Addition of second antihyperglycemic drug



DPP4 inhibitor

GLP-1 agonist






















Major CV events






Heart failure






Step 4: Addition of insulin

Basal insulin with or without prandial insulin

*Saxagliptin is a DPP4 inhibitor associated with heart failure. Other DPP4 inhibitors have not been shown to cause heart failure. Whereas studies of these agents are under investigation, only a GLP-1 agonist is currently approved by the FDA for use in children and adolescents


One of the main goals of therapy in IRS/T2DM should be to achieve an ideal body mass index (kg/m2) for age and gender. This is not readily achievable with lifestyle modification and medical therapy in many subjects; bariatric surgery is emerging as a successful and durable treatment in adults and adolescents with IRS, obesity, and their associated complications (56-58). In adults the ADA recommends bariatric surgery in those with BMI of 30 kg/m2 or greater and poorly controlled DM (59). Bariatric surgery is an effective treatment for severe obesity that results in the improvement or remission of many obesity-related comorbid conditions, as well as sustained weight loss and improvement in quality of life. Mortality owing to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and respiratory conditions is reduced after bariatric surgery (60). A prospective follow up studies of bariatric surgery in adolescents with severe obesity showed a substantial and durable weight reduction and cardio-metabolic benefits (57, 58). Changes in glucoregulatory hormones produced by the gastrointestinal tract, bile acid metabolism, and GI tract nutrient sensing and glucose utilization are proposed mechanism for improvement in glycemic control after bariatric surgery (61). Currently, bariatric surgery is considered only in children with BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2 with comorbidities or BMI ≥ 50 kg/m2regardless of comorbidities (62, 63). Indications in adults are much less stringent; adults with BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2 with comorbidities are candidates for these procedures. Updated recommendations for adolescents provide more aggressive recommendations similar to those for adults (64). Bariatric surgery is now safe, with mortality comparable to common elective general surgical operations. Level 1 evidence show that bariatric surgery provides superior short-term and long-term weight loss and improvement of T2DM compared with conventional medical therapy. However, patients require life-long follow up and monitoring for nutritional deficiencies and abdominal issues, and to date, results in adolescents are relatively short term.  Pediatric patients who are being considered for bariatric surgery should be evaluated by a multidisciplinary team dedicated to providing long-term follow- up care postoperatively. In addition, selection criteria often exclude the population most in need of this proven procedure.


Treatment of Associated Comorbidities


The typical dyslipidemia associated with IRS and T2DM should be treated by reduced intake of animal fat and a fibrate such as gemfibrozil or fenofibrate. Where there is an increased level of triglycerides, restriction of animal fats and simple sugars should be recommended. However, those patients who have prominent elevations in LDL-cholesterol should be treated with a statin. The mixed use of a statin and a fibrate should be undertaken cautiously since the risks of muscle necrosis (rhabdomyolysis) with renal failure has been. In patients taking a statin gemfibrozil should not be used and fenofibrate is the fibrate of choice as the risk of myositis is less. Hypertension and microalbuminuria, when present, should be aggressively treated, preferably with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), at least initially. 


Oral contraceptive agents are often prescribed in IRS when there is evidence of hyper-androgenization, where they may counteract the effects of androgens. However, oral contraceptives also increase the level of hormonal binding globulins, including sex hormone binding globulin that binds testosterone, thereby lowering the level of free and bio-available testosterone. Estrogen containing therapies in a prepubertal patient increases the risk of premature closure of the epiphyses and hence risks loss of adult height; they also promote thrombosis and mitigate against weight loss.




Monogenic forms of diabetes constitute a heterogeneous group of disorders classified according to clinical features that suggest possible type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and neonatal diabetes, all in the absence of markers of autoimmunity such as circulating antibodies to various islet antigens. The genes responsible for these forms share a role in the formation or function of the pancreatic β-cell, limiting normal insulin secretion that depending on severity, and under certain conditions, results in clinical diabetes. Increasingly, it is being recognized that there is a continuum in the spectrum of these disorders such that the severity of the genetic defect responsible for insulin secretion or action determines the clinical pattern (65-68). This is perhaps best exemplified in the genetic defects of the ATP-regulated potassium channel (KATP) involving the ABCC8 gene coding for the sufonylurea receptor SUR1, and KCNJ11 coding for the subunits of Kir, the inward rectifying potassium channel itself. Severe activating mutations in these genes maintain the KATP in an open state and result in permanent neonatal diabetes, sometimes associated with developmental delay and epilepsy (DEND). Progressively less severe functional mutations may result in transient neonatal diabetes, or in a form of maturity onset diabetes of youth (MODY), or in T2DM.These activating mutations typically respond to sulfonylurea therapy, high dose for the severe mutations and lower doses for the less severe mutations, inducing endogenous insulin secretion mediated in part by GLP-1, and improved metabolic control superior to that obtained by exogenous insulin injection. Similar considerations apply to transcription factors such as hepatocyte nuclear factor1α (HNF1A) and hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (HNF4A), respectively responsible for MODY3 and MODY1, which may respond to oral sulfonylurea drugs, avoiding the need for injected insulin, at least initially. Heterozygous inactivating mutations in the glucokinase gene responsible for MODY2 delay insulin secretion and result in a mild diabetes that is not associated with an increased risk of macrovascular or microvascular complications, so that treatment with exogenous insulin or other drug therapies is not indicated (69). Hence, knowledge of the genetic mutation drives therapy, permits more precise genetic counselling, and may indicate prognosis. In an era of precision medicine and progressive decline in the cost of sequencing, genetic testing should be considered in those with a strong family history of diabetes, early onset diabetes, and in children or adolescents who present with features suggestive of T1DM, are negative for islet auto-antibodies, and have residual c-peptide secretion as determined by measurement or reflected in persistently low insulin requirements extending beyond 1 year after diagnosis. These concepts are discussed in greater detail in several recent publications (65-69).      


Maturity Onset Diabetes of Youth (MODY)


The term MODY refers to Maturity Onset Diabetes of Youth, a term coined by Fajans and Tattersall for a mild type of diabetes with autosomal dominant inheritance and varying degrees of impaired insulin secretion (70). The molecular basis for these entities was discovered initially to be due to transcription factors or the enzyme glucokinase responsible for phosphorylating glucose to enable its metabolism to yield ATP; numbering followed the timing of discovery of the genetic-molecular basis (70). There are now 14 entities considered to be MODY as listed in the table in our chapter on the “Etiology and Pathogenesis of Diabetes Mellitus in Children and Adolescents” in Endotext. Of the original 6 “classical” MODY entities, MODY3 (HNF1A mutation), MOY2 (GCK (glucokinase) mutation) and MODY1 (HNF4A mutation) constitute about 85% of all MODY cases (65-68). With rare exceptions, these patients present as milder types of diabetes before age 30-35 years, with a positive family history involving at least 2-3 generations, and negative for islet cell antibodies; a daily dose of insulin less than 0.5U/Kg /day after 1 year of diagnosis should raise suspicion for MODY. MODY affects both sexes and is found in all races, with a prevalence of ~2%-4% of patients diagnosed with diabetes ≤ 30 years (71, 72). The majority are misdiagnosed as type1 or type 2 diabetes and incorrectly and unnecessarily treated with insulin or ineffective drugs such as metformin. MODY 2 affects about 1:1000 people and in females may be noted for the first time during oral glucose tolerance testing in pregnancy, again resulting in inappropriate classification and treatment (73). Biomarkers such as the urinary C-peptide to creatinine ratio (≥0.2nmol/mmol), and negative islet cell antibodies (GAD and IA2) should lead to molecular genetic testing (72). Using this approach, the minimum prevalence of monogenic diabetes was found to be 3.6% of patients diagnosed ≤30years of age with diabetes (72). In a study screening for MODY in all antibody negative children with diabetes in a national population-based registry in Norway, the prevalence of MODY was found to be 6.5%, and in a study from Japan, 11/89 children with insulin requiring diabetes but negative for islet cell antibodies were found to have monogenic forms of diabetes involving mutations in INS, the insulin gene, and in HNF1A or HNF4A (74, 75). Mutations in HNF4A may be associated with large size at birth and neonatal hypoglycemia with hyperinsulinemia that resolves spontaneously, only later becoming manifest as diabetes. Family history is helpful but not essential; de novo mutations occur.


In summary, there should be a high index of suspicion for MODY in milder forms of diabetes and in those children who are islet cell negative; using biomarkers followed by molecular diagnostics, the yield becomes quite high for discovering a form of MODY. As the cost of molecular diagnostics declines, and newer algorithms to apply these tools to differentiate apparent type1 from monogenic forms of diabetes are being developed (76, 77), it is becoming apparent that some of these mutations also contribute to the genetics of apparent type 2 diabetes (78, 79). For MODY3 and MODY1, oral sufonylurea medication (Glipizide) is likely to be effective inducing endogenous insulin secretion; MODY2 does not require treatment. Genetic counselling should inform patients of the 50% likelihood of each of their offspring having MODY, so that inappropriate diagnosis and treatment is avoided. In addition, the prognosis for vascular complications is improved especially in MODY2, though not absolute in MODY3. MODY12 (ABCC8) and MODY13 (KCNJ11) are also responsive to oral sufonylurea medication, but may require careful upward titration. For the remaining forms of MODY, insulin is likely to be necessary to control diabetes. In particular, these less frequent forms of MODY may have involvement of other organ systems, e.g., kidney cysts and dysfunction in MODY5(HNF1B), gastrointestinal involvement in MODY8 (CEL), exocrine pancreatic disturbances in MODY4 (PDX-1), blood abnormalities in MODY11(BLK), as well as other abnormalities (see references (65-68) for details). Thus, establishing a diagnosis for a form of MODY has several important consequences. First, it guides treatment, obviating the need for insulin with its costs and discomforts in several forms of MODY, as well as anticipation for possible associated abnormalities. Second, it permits a more accurate prediction of the course and prognosis for complications, e.g., MODY2, which in turn has ramifications on the cost and ability to obtain life insurance policy, or the choice of occupations which may be restricted to a person with T1DM. Third, it permits precise genetic counselling for risk of occurrence in offspring, and targeted molecular screening for the existence of the mutation in suspected family members.    




Figure 4. Causes of Neonatal Diabetes

Neonatal diabetes mellitus (NDM) is defined as diabetes occurring in the first 6 months of life; for some authorities, the window extends to 9 months of age, but several of the mutations may manifest only later (65, 80, 81). For convenience, NDM is classified into 3 categories; transient NDM which constitutes about 45%, permanent NDM also constituting about 45%, and NDM associated with various other syndromic features, about 10% (Figure 4).


Transient Neonatal Diabetes


The transient forms are characterized by a period of remission during which glucose tolerance is normal, but diabetes usually recurs later in life. Of these transient forms, about 2/3rd involve methylation abnormalities in chromosome 6q24 which lead to malfunction of imprinted genes PLAGL, also known as ZAC, and HYMAI that arise by the mechanisms listed in the Figure. These infants display small size at birth due to inadequate in utero secretion of insulin, a major regulator of anabolic growth; there is rapid catch-up growth when insulin is provided by sub-cutaneous injection or via pump therapy with insulin diluted 1:10 so that 1 ml contains 10 U rather than the standard 100U/ml. Hyperglycemia and glucosuria are present but may be missed if not sought. Rare variants of these methylation defects may have initial hypoglycemia and devolve into hyperglycemia. Most are sporadic, but duplication of paternal chromosome 6 leads to dominant transmission (see figure). Of the remaining 1/3rd of TNDM, the majority harbor mutations in the KATP genes ABCC8 and KCNJ11 which respond to therapy via oral hypoglycemic agents such as glipizide; dosage requires titration to individual responsiveness. Approximately 5% of transient cases involve mutation in the insulin gene INS, the β-cell glucose transporter SLCA2A, or other genes as listed in Figure 4.


Permanent Neonatal Diabetes


Permanent NDM primarily involves 3 genes; severe mutations in KCNJ11 or ABCC8, and the insulin gene INS. Because the KATP channel and its’ genes are also expressed in the CNS, severe mutations also may affect neural function and development. Developmental delay, Epilepsy, and Neonatal Diabetes constitute the DEND syndrome, with associated physical and neuropsychological features; early treatment with oral sulfonylurea medication benefits neuropsychological function and timing of treatment influences outcome, i.e., the earlier the better (82-84). There is debate whether treatment with oral sulfonylurea should be started before confirmation of the genetic defect, but we recommend that it not be started, as the transition to oral agents with concomitant reduction in the injected insulin dose, essential to control the severe hyperglycemia and sometimes associated with DKA, is potentially dangerous and the dose of sufonylurea needed is much higher than that used in adults with T2DM. If successful, transition to oral therapy is associated with remarkable improvement of metabolic control due to stimulation of endogenous insulin secretion and neuropsychological improvement; it is also easier and less traumatic to the patient than insulin injection (80). We therefore recommend that such transitions be performed in a hospital setting according to a published protocol (85). When insulin therapy is used, either in mutations of the KATP channel or where it must be in mutations of INS which do not respond to sulfonylurea, using continuous subcutaneous infusion via a pump and diluted insulin, appears to be the best option (86).


Neonatal Diabetes and Associated Syndromes


About 10% of cases of NDM are associated with a spectrum of syndromic disorders; the more common ones are listed in the figure 4 and greater details can be found in the references (65-68, 77, 80, 81).  In all forms of neonatal diabetes, children are born small for gestational age; the smaller the child, the more severe the defect in insulin synthesis, secretion or action is likely to be. The associated abnormalities provide clinical clues, and it was the clinical associations that often defined the syndrome, before the genetic mutation was known. Next generation sequencing with a panel specifically designed for NDM can provide a rapid diagnosis and guide therapy, predict associated abnormalities, and infer possible interventions before some of the classical features have evolved (77, 81). Indeed, this is the approach now recommended, i.e., non-selective genetic testing in any case of neonatal diabetes. In addition, exome sequencing of unusual cases not covered by the panel may uncover new entities, as recently described for a form of autoimmunity associated with NDM that is responsive to a CTL4 mimetic (87). For most of the syndromic forms, insulin is the required therapy to control diabetes; an exception may be thiamine responsive megaloblastic anemia and diabetes which is due to mutation in the thiamine transporter SLCA29 and initially responsive to thiamine replacement (77, 80).




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