
Diabetic Neuropathies



Diabetic neuropathy (DN) is the most common form of neuropathy in developed countries and may affect about half of all patients with diabetes (DM), contributing to substantial morbidity and mortality and resulting in a huge economic burden. DN encompasses multiple different disorders involving proximal, distal, somatic, and autonomic nerves. It may be acute and self-limiting or a chronic, indolent condition.  DN may progress insidiously or present with clinical symptoms and signs that may mimic those seen in many other diseases.  The proper diagnosis therefore requires a thorough history, clinical and neurological examinations, and exclusion of secondary causes. Distal peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is the most common manifestation and is characteristically symmetric, glove and stocking distribution and a length-dependent sensorimotor polyneuropathy. It develops on a background of long-standing chronic hyperglycemia superimposed upon cardiovascular risk factors. Diagnosis is mainly based on a combination of symptoms and signs and occasionally neurophysiological tests are required. Apart from optimizing glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factor management, there is no approved treatment for the prevention or reversal of DPN. Even tight glycemic control at best limits the progression of DPN in patients with type 1 DM, but not to the same extent in type 2 DM. It has been estimated that between 3 and 25% of persons with DM might experience neuropathic pain. Painful DPN can be difficult to treat, and is associated with reduced quality of life, poor sleep, depression, and anxiety. Pharmacotherapy is the mainstay symptomatic treatment for painful DPN. The reported prevalence of diabetic autonomic neuropathy (DAN) varies widely (7.7 to 90%) depending on the cohort studied and the methods used for diagnosis, and can affect any organ system. Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy (CAN) is significantly associated with overall mortality and with morbidity, including silent myocardial ischemia, coronary artery disease, stroke, DN progression, and perioperative complications. Cardiovascular reflex tests are the criterion standard in clinical autonomic testing.




Diabetic neuropathy (DN) is the most common and troublesome complication of diabetes mellitus, leading to the greatest morbidity and mortality resulting in a huge economic burden for diabetes care (1,2). It is the most common form of neuropathy in the developed world, accounting for more hospitalizations than all the other diabetes related complications combined. It is the primary risk factor for complications such as foot ulceration, which is responsible for 50-75% of non-traumatic amputations (3). In the United Kingdom, the cost of managing diabetic foot disease is greater than the combined cost of three of the four most common cancers – breast, lung and prostate (4,5). DN is a set of clinical syndromes that affect distinct regions of the nervous system, singly or combined.  It may be silent and go undetected while exercising its ravages; or it may present with clinical symptoms and signs that, although nonspecific and insidious with slow progression also mimics those seen in many other diseases.




Diabetic neuropathy results in a variety of syndromes and can be subdivided into focal/multifocal neuropathies, including diabetic amyotrophy, and symmetric polyneuropathies, including sensorimotor polyneuropathy (DPN). The latter is the most common type. The Toronto Diabetic Neuropathy Expert Group defined DPN as a symmetrical, length-dependent sensorimotor polyneuropathy attributable to metabolic and microvascular alterations as a result of chronic hyperglycemia exposure (diabetes) and cardiovascular risk covariates (6).  Its onset is generally insidious, and without treatment the course is chronic and progressive. The loss of small fiber-mediated sensation results in the loss of thermal and pain perception, whereas large fiber impairment results in loss of touch and vibration perception. Sensory fiber involvement may also result in “positive” symptoms, such as paresthesias and pain, although up to 50% of neuropathic patients are asymptomatic. DPN can be associated with the involvement of the autonomic nervous system, i.e., diabetic autonomic neuropathy (7,8) and in its cardiovascular form is associated with at least a three-fold increased risk for mortality (9,10). Cardiac autonomic dysfunction in patients with diabetes is strongly associated with major cardiovascular events and mortality (11).


Painful DPN which occurs in up to 34% of patients with diabetes is defined as ‘pain as a direct consequence of abnormalities in the peripheral somatosensory system in people with diabetes’ (12). Persistent neuropathic pain interferes significantly with quality of life (QOL), impairing sleep and recreation; it also significantly impacts emotional well-being, and is associated with – if not the cause of – depression, anxiety, loss of sleep, and noncompliance with treatment (13).  Painful DPN can pose a significant clinical management challenge and if poorly managed can lead to mood and sleep disturbances. Hence, recognition of psychosocial problems that co-exist with neuropathic pain is critical to the management of painful DPN. For many patients, optimal management of chronic pain may require a multidisciplinary team approach with appropriate behavioral therapy, as well as input from a broad range of healthcare professionals (14). 




Figure 1 and Table 1 describe the classification first proposed by PK Thomas (15) and modified in a recent Position Statement by the American Diabetes Association (16).

Figure 1. Classification of diabetic neuropathy


Table 1.  Classification of Diabetic Neuropathies

A. Diffuse neuropathy

  Distal Symmetrical Peripheral Neuropathy

   • Primarily small-fiber neuropathy

   • Primarily large-fiber neuropathy

   • Mixed small- and large-fiber neuropathy (most common)



    • Reduced Heart Rate Variability

    • Resting tachycardia

    • Orthostatic hypotension

    • Sudden death (malignant arrhythmia)


    • Diabetic gastroparesis (gastropathy)

    • Diabetic enteropathy (diarrhea)

    • Colonic hypomotility (constipation)


    • Diabetic cystopathy (neurogenic bladder)

    • Erectile dysfunction

    • Female sexual dysfunction

   Sudomotor dysfunction

    • Distal hypohydrosis/anhidrosis,

    • Gustatory sweating

   Hypoglycemia unawareness

   Abnormal pupillary function

B. Mononeuropathy (mononeuritis multiplex) (atypical forms)

            Isolated cranial or peripheral nerve (e.g., Cranial Nerve III, ulnar, median, femoral, peroneal)

      Mononeuritis multiplex (if confluent may resemble polyneuropathy)

C. Radiculopathy or polyradiculopathy (atypical forms)

            Radiculoplexus neuropathy (a.k.a. lumbosacral polyradiculopathy, proximal motor amyotrophy)

      Thoracic radiculopathy

D. Nondiabetic neuropathies common in diabetes

          Pressure palsies

          Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy

          Radiculoplexus neuropathy

          Acute painful small-fiber neuropathies (treatment-induced)




The natural history of DPN remains poorly understood, as there are few prospective studies that have examined this. The main reason for this is the lack of standardized methodologies for the diagnosis of DPN. Unlike diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy, the lack of simple, accurate and readily reproducible methods of measuring neuropathy is a major challenge. Furthermore, the methods currently used are not only subjective and reliant on the examiner’s interpretation but tend to diagnose DPN when it’s already well established. Nevertheless, it appears that the most rapid deterioration of nerve function occurs soon after the onset of type 1 diabetes; then within 2-3 years there is a slowing of the progress with a shallower slope to the curve of dysfunction (17).  In contrast, in type 2 diabetes, slowing of nerve conduction velocities (NCVs) may be one of the earliest neuropathic abnormalities and often is present even at diagnosis.  In fact, there is accumulating evidence that indicates that the risk of DPN is increased even in patients with prediabetes. In a large population study conducted in Augsburg, Southern Germany, the prevalence of DPN was 28% in subjects with known diabetes, 13% in impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), 11% among those with impaired fasting glucose and 7% in those with normal glucose tolerance (18). After diagnosis, slowing of NCV generally progresses at a steady rate of approximately 1 m/sec/year, and the level of impairment is positively correlated with duration of diabetes. Moreover, nerve conduction velocities remained stable with intensive therapy but decreased significantly with conventional therapy (19,20). In a long term follow up study of type 2 diabetes patients (9), electrophysiologic abnormalities in the lower limb increased from 8% at baseline to 42% after 10 years; in particular, a decrease in sensory and motor amplitudes (indicating axonal destruction) was more pronounced than the slowing of the NCVs. However, there now appears to be a decline in this rate of evolution. It appears that host factors pertaining to general health, management of risk factors and nerve nutrition are changing/improving. This is particularly important when doing studies on the treatment of DPN, which have always relied on differences between drug treatment and placebo, and have apparently been successful because of the decline in function occurring in placebo-treated patients (21).  Recent studies have pointed out the changing natural history of DPN with the advent of therapeutic lifestyle change and the use of statins and ACE inhibitors, which have slowed the progression of DPN and drastically changed the requirements for placebo-controlled studies (22,23).  It is also important to recognize that DPN is a disorder wherein the prevailing abnormality is loss of axons that electrophysiologically translates to a reduction in amplitudes and not conduction velocities; therefore, changes in NCV may not be an appropriate means of monitoring progress or deterioration of nerve function.  Moreover, small, unmyelinated nerve fibers are affected early in DM and are not assessed in NCV studies. Other methods such as quantitative sensory testing, autonomic function testing, skin biopsy with quantification of intraepidermal nerve fibers (IENF), or corneal confocal microscopy are necessary to identify these patients. These techniques will be discussed in greater depth later in this chapter.


Although, the true prevalence is unknown and reports vary, it is estimated to be 30% with a range between 6-54% of patients with diabetes (24). It largely depends on the criteria and sensitivity of the diagnostic tests used to define neuropathy, the population (e.g., hospital/community or urban/rural), or the country surveyed and even the etiology of diabetes (24,25). Eleven to 13% of patients reported DN using a questionnaire based survey (26,27); 42-54% were found to have neuropathy when more sensitive measures such as nerve conduction studies were used (28,29). Neurologic complications occur equally in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus and additionally in various forms of acquired diabetes (30).


The major morbidity associated with somatic neuropathy is foot ulceration, the precursor of gangrene and limb loss. Neuropathy increases the risk of amputation 1.7 fold; 12 fold if there is deformity (itself a consequence of neuropathy), and 36 fold if there is a history of previous ulceration (31). For more than a decade now, it has been recognized that a limb is lost to diabetes every 30 seconds worldwide (32). According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), lower-limb amputations are ten times more common in people with diabetes than in people without diabetes (32, 33). Each week in England there is about 169 amputations in people with diabetes and almost all of these individuals have DN (34). Amputation is not only devastating in its impact on the individual and their family, but also leads to loss of independence and livelihood. In low-income countries, the financial costs can be equivalent to 5.7 years of annual income, potentially resulting in financial ruin for individuals and their families (35). DN also places a substantial financial burden on health-care systems and society in general.




In both type 1 and 2 diabetes, chronic hyperglycemia has a key role in the pathogenesis of DPN (36). The benefit of glucose lowering is, however, more pronounced in type 1 diabetes (78% relative risk reduction) (37) compared to type 2 (5-9% relative risk reduction) (38). In fact, the benefit of intensive glucose lowering is greatest in younger patients at early stages of the disease. This treatment effects becomes weaker once nerve damage is established. The relationship between glycemic control and DPN in type 2 diabetes is less clear cut. Even when trials have shown that tighter glucose control might have a modest beneficial effect in preventing progression of DPN in type 2 diabetes, such as the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) study (39), confusion has arisen when it was reported that a self-reported history of DPN at baseline was associated with an increased risk of mortality with intensive glycemic treatment (40). This highlights the differences between the pathogenesis of DPN in type 1 and 2 diabetes and emphasizes the point that many people with type 2 diabetes develop DPN despite adequate glucose control. The presence of other risk factors, weight gain and multiple comorbidities may have significant roles to play. Although hyperglycemia and duration of diabetes play an important role in DPN, other risk factors have been identified. The EURODIAB Prospective Complications study in type 1 diabetes demonstrated that the incidence of DPN is associated with other potentially modifiable cardiovascular risk factors, including hypertriglyceridemia, hypertension, obesity and smoking (41). More recently, data from the ADDITION study also implicated similar cardiovascular risk factors in the pathogenesis of DPN in type 2 diabetes (26).




Despite considerable research, the pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy remains undetermined (42).  This is one reason why, despite several clinical trials, there has been relatively little progress in the development of disease-modifying treatments (43). Historically, a number of causative factors have been identified including persistent hyperglycemia, microvascular insufficiency, oxidative and nitrosative stress, defective neurotrophism, and autoimmune-mediated nerve destruction.  Figure 2 summarizes our current view of the pathogenesis of DPN (44). Detailed discussion of the different theories is beyond the scope of this Chapter and there are several excellent recent reviews (45).

Figure 2. Pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathies. Ab, antibody; AGE, advance glycation end products; C’, complement; DAG, diacylglycerol; ET, endothelin; EDHF, endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor; GF, growth factor; IGF; insulin-like growth factor; NFkB, nuclear factor kB; NGF, nerve growth factor; NO, nitric oxide; NT3, neurotropin 3; PKC, protein kinase C; PGI2, prostaglandin I2; ROS, reactive oxygen species; TRK, tyrosine kinase.



The spectrum of clinical neuropathic syndromes described in patients with diabetes mellitus includes dysfunction of almost every segment of the somatic peripheral and autonomic nervous system (16). Each syndrome can be distinguished by its pathophysiologic, therapeutic, and prognostic features.


Focal and Multifocal Neuropathies


Focal neuropathies comprise focal limb neuropathies and cranial neuropathies.

Focal limb neuropathies are usually due to entrapment, and mononeuropathies must be distinguished from these entrapment syndromes (Table 2) (46). Mononeuropathies often occur in the older population; they have an acute onset, are associated with pain, and have a self-limiting course resolving in 6–8 weeks. Mononeuropathies can involve the median (5.8% of all diabetic neuropathies), ulnar (2.1%), radial (0.6%), and common peroneal nerves (47). Cranial neuropathies in patients with diabetes are extremely rare (0.05%) and occur in older individuals with a long duration of diabetes (48). The commonest cranial neuropathy is the third nerve palsy and patients present with acute onset unilateral pain in the orbit or sometimes with a frontal headache. There is typically ptosis and ophthalmoplegia, although the pupillary response to light is usually spared. Recovery occurs usually over three months (48). The clinical onset and time-scale for recovery, and the focal nature of the lesions on the third cranial nerve, on post-mortem studies suggested an ischemic etiology.  It is important to exclude any other cause of third cranial nerve palsy (aneurysm or tumor) by CT or MR scanning, where the diagnosis is in doubt. Fourth, sixth and seventh cranial nerve palsies have also been described in patients with diabetes, but the association with diabetes is not as strong as that with third cranial nerve palsy.


Table 2. Distinguishing Characteristics of Mononeuropathies, Entrapment Syndromes and Distal Symmetrical Polyneuropathy



Entrapment syndrome







Single nerve but may be multiple

Single nerve exposed to trauma

Distal symmetrical poly neuropathy

Nerves involved

CN III, VI, VII, ulnar, median, peroneal

Median, ulnar, peroneal, medial and lateral plantar

Mixed, Motor, Sensory, Autonomic

Natural history

Resolves spontaneously





Rest, splints, local steroids, diuretics, surgery

Tight Glycemic control, Pregabalin, Duloxetine, Antioxidants, “Nutrinerve”, Research Drugs.

Distribution of Sensory loss

Area supplied by the nerve

Area supplied beyond the site of entrapment

Distal and symmetrical. “Glove and Stocking” distribution.

CN, cranial nerves; NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs


Entrapment Syndromes


These start slowly and will progress and persist without intervention. A number of nerves including the median, ulnar, radial, lateral femoral cutaneous, fibular, and plantar nerves are vulnerable to pressure damage in diabetes. The etiology is multifactorial involving metabolic and ischemic factors, impaired reinnervation, and even obesity. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs three times as frequently in people with diabetes compared with healthy populations (49) and is found in up to one third of patients with diabetes.  Its increased prevalence in diabetes may be related to repeated undetected trauma, metabolic changes, or accumulation of fluid or edema within the confined space of the carpal tunnel. The diagnosis is confirmed by electrophysiological studies. Treatment consists of rest, aided by placement of a wrist splint in a neutral position to avoid repetitive trauma.  Anti-inflammatory medications and steroid injections are sometimes useful. Surgery should be considered if weakness appears and medical treatment fails (50).  It consists of sectioning the volar carpal ligament or unentrapping the nerves in the ulnar canal or the peroneal nerve at the head of the fibula and release of the medial plantar nerve in the tarsal tunnel amongst others. A more detailed review of other peripheral nerves vulnerable to entrapment in anatomically constraint channels are discussed elsewhere (51).


Proximal Motor Neuropathy (Diabetic Amyotrophy) and Chronic Demyelinating Neuropathies


For many years proximal neuropathy has been considered a component of DN.  Its pathogenesis was ill understood (52), and its treatment was neglected with the anticipation that the patient would eventually recover, albeit over a period of some 1-2 years and after suffering considerable pain, weakness and disability. The condition has a number of synonyms including diabetic amyotrophy and femoral neuropathy.  It can be clinically identified based on the occurrence of these common features: 1) primarily affects those aged 50 to 60 years old with type 2 diabetes; 2) onset can be gradual or abrupt; 3) presents with severe pain in the thighs, hips and buttocks, followed by significant weakness of the proximal muscles of the lower limbs with inability to rise from the sitting position (positive Gower's maneuver); 4) can start unilaterally and then spread bilaterally; 5) often coexists with distal symmetric polyneuropathy; and 6) is characterized by muscle fasciculation, either spontaneous or provoked by percussion. Pathogenesis is not yet clearly understood although immune-mediated epineural microvasculitis has been demonstrated in some cases. Despite limited evidence of efficacy some immunosuppressive therapy is recommended using high dose steroids or intravenous immunoglobulin (53). Close monitoring and appropriate management of blood glucose is advised if high dose steorids are used (54). The condition can occur secondary to a variety of causes unrelated to diabetes, but which have a greater frequency in patients with diabetes than the general population.  Hence, it is important to exclude other causes such as chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), monoclonal gammopathy, circulating GM1 antibodies, and inflammatory vasculitis (55,56). In the classic form of diabetic amyotrophy, axonal loss is the predominant process (57). Electrophysiologic evaluation reveals lumbosacral plexopathy (58). In contrast, if demyelination predominates and the motor deficit affects proximal and distal muscle groups, the diagnoses of CIDP, monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance, and vasculitis should be considered (59,60).  The diagnosis of these demyelinating conditions is often overlooked although recognition is very important because unlike DN, they are sometimes treatable. Furthermore, they occur 11 times more frequently in patients with diabetes than nondiabetic patients (61,62).  Biopsy of the obturator nerve have revealed deposition of immunoglobulin, demyelination and inflammatory cell infiltrate of the vasa nervorum (63). Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) protein content is high and lymphocyte count increased.  Treatment options include: intravenous immunoglobulin for CIDP (64), plasma exchange for MGUS, steroids and azathioprine for vasculitis, and withdrawal of drugs or other agents that may have caused vasculitis. It is important to divide proximal syndromes into these two subcategories, because the CIDP variant responds dramatically to intervention (65), whereas amyotrophy runs its own course over months to years. Until more evidence is available, they should be considered separate syndromes.


Diabetic Truncal Radiculoneuropathy


Diabetic truncal radiculoneuropathy affects middle-aged to elderly patients and has a predilection for male sex (16).  Acute onset of pain is the most important symptom and it occurs in a girdle-like distribution over the lower thoracic or abdominal wall. It can be uni- or bilaterally distributed. Motor weakness is rare but there may be local bulging of the muscle. Patchy sensory loss may be present and other causes of nerve root compression should be excluded. Resolution generally occurs within 4-6 months (16).


Rapidly Reversible Hyperglycemic Neuropathy


Reversible abnormalities of nerve function may occur in patients with recently diagnosed or poorly controlled diabetes. These are unlikely to be caused by structural abnormalities, as recovery soon follows restoration of euglycemia.  Rapidly reversible hyperglycemic neuropathy usually presents with distal sensory symptoms, and whether these abnormalities result in an increased risk of developing chronic neuropathies in the future remains unknow (8).


Generalized Symmetric Polyneuropathy




Acute sensory (painful) neuropathy is considered by some authors a distinctive variant of distal symmetrical polyneuropathy (66). The syndrome is characterized by severe pain, cachexia, weight loss, depression and sexual dysfunction. It occurs predominantly in male patients and may appear at any time in the course of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.  It is self-limiting and invariably responds to simple symptomatic treatment (67). Conditions such as Fabry's disease, amyloidosis, HIV infection, heavy metal poisoning (such as arsenic), and excess alcohol consumption should be excluded. Autonomic nervous system involvement can also occur and can be very disabling.


Patients report unremitting burning, deep pain and hyperesthesia especially in the feet. Other symptoms include sharp, stabbing, lancinating pain; “electric shock” like sensations in the lower limbs that appear more frequently during the night; paresthesia; tingling; coldness, and numbness. Signs are usually absent with a relatively normal clinical examination, except for allodynia (exaggerated response to non-noxious stimuli) during sensory testing and, occasionally, absent or reduced ankle reflexes. There are no motor signs and little or no abnormality on nerve conduction studies.


Acute sensory neuropathy is usually associated with poor glycemic control but may also appear after sudden improvement of glycemia. Most commonly associated with the onset of insulin therapy, being termed "insulin neuritis",it can also occur with oral hypoglycemic treatment. Patients present with severe neuropathic pain and/or autonomic symptoms with or without an acute worsening of retinopathy.  Although the pathologic basis has not been determined, one hypothesis suggests that changes in blood glucose flux produce alterations in epineural blood flow, leading to ischemia; proinflammatory cytokines from activation of microglia have also been implicated (68). Hence, rapid glycemic changes in patients with uncontrolled diabetes increases the risk of this complication and should be avoided. A 2-3% (10-42mmol/mol) decrease in HbA1c over 3 months is associated with a 20% absolute risk of developing this complication. The risk exceeds 80% with a decreased in HbA1c of >4% (20mmol/mol) (69).  A study using in vivo epineural vessel photography and fluorescein angiography demonstrated abnormalities of epineural vessels including arteriovenous shunting and proliferating new vessels in patients with acute sensory neuropathy (68). Other authors relate this syndrome to diabetic lumbosacral radiculoplexus neuropathy (DLRPN) and propose an immune mediated mechanism (70).


The key in the management of this syndrome is achieving and maintaining blood glucose stability (71).  Most patients also require medication for neuropathic pain. The natural history of this disease is resolution of symptoms within one year.




The most common form of neuropathy in diabetes is a distal symmetrical polyneuropathy.  It occurs in both type 1 and type 2 DM with similar frequency and may already be present at the time of diagnosis of type 2 DM (18). Sensory symptoms include numbness (‘dead feeling’), paraesthesia, and neuropathic pain (hyperalgesia, allodynia, deep aching, burning and sharp stabbing sensations). Patients do occasionally present paradoxically with a painful/painless leg i.e. painful neuropathic symptoms in the presence of severe sensory loss (72). Symptoms begin in the toes before progressing in a stocking and then a glove distribution as the disease progresses. Unsteadiness or sensory ataxia leading to increased falls risk occurs in advanced neuropathy loss of proprioception, foot deformity, and abnormal muscle sensory function (73). In the absence of painful symptoms, the onset of DPN is insidious whereby patients remain completely asymptomatic and signs discovered by a detailed neurological examination. Unfortunately, DPN is often already established or well advanced when identified by bedside clinical examination.


It is critically important to annually (at least) examine the feet of patients with diabetes as loss of protective sensation is the strongest risk factor for diabetic foot ulceration. On physical examination, a symmetrical stocking like distribution of sensory abnormalities in both lower limbs is usually seen. In more severe cases, hands may be involved. All sensory modalities can be affected, particularly vibration, touch and position perceptions (large Aα/β fiber damage); and pain, with abnormal heat and cold temperature perception (small thinly myelinated Aδ and unmyelinated C fiber damage, see Figure 3, 4 and 5; Table 3). Deep tendon reflexes may be absent or reduced, especially in the lower extremities, although this may occur with advancing age in the absence of neuropathy. When DPN is established, small muscle wasting of the foot and extensor halluces longus may be seen but severe weakness is rare and should raise the possibility of a non-diabetic etiology of the neuropathy. High arching of the foot, clawing of the toes with prominent metatarsal heads also become apparent – increasing the risk ulceration (74). A thorough assessment of patient’s footwear is essential. A poor fit, abnormal wear from internal pressure areas and foreign objects found in footwear are common causes of trauma leading to foot ulceration (75).

Figure 3. Clinical presentation of small and large fiber neuropathies. Aα fibers are large myelinated fibers, in charge of motor functions and muscle control. Aα/β fibers are large myelinated fibers too, with sensory functions such as perception to touch, vibration, and position. Aδ fibers are small myelinated fibers, in charge of pain stimuli and cold perception. C fibers can be myelinated or unmyelinated and have both sensory (warm perception and pain) and autonomic functions (blood pressure and heart rate regulation, sweating, etc.)

Figure 4. Clinical manifestations of small fiber neuropathies

Figure 5. Nerve fibers of the skin and their functions


Table 3. Subtypes of Neuropathies

Clinical Manifestations of Small Fiber Neuropathies:

•           Small thinly myelinated Aδ and unmyelinated C fibers are affected.

•           Prominent symptoms with burning, superficial, or lancinating pain often accompanied by hyperalgesia, dysesthesia, and allodynia.

•           Progression to numbness and hypoalgesia (Disappearance of pain may not necessarily reflect nerve recovery but rather nerve death, and progression of neuropathy must be excluded by careful examination).

•           Abnormal cold and warm thermal sensation.

•           Abnormal autonomic function with decreased sweating, dry skin, impaired vasomotion and skin blood flow with cold feet.

•           Intact motor strength and deep tendon reflexes.

•           Negative nerve conduction velocity findings.

•           Loss of cutaneous nerve fibers on skin biopsies.

•           Can be diagnosed clinically by reduced sensitivity to 1.0 g Semmes Weinstein monofilament and prickling pain perception using the Waardenberg wheel or similar instrument.

•           Patients at risk of foot ulceration and subsequent gangrene and amputations.

Clinical Manifestations of Large Fiber Neuropathies

•           Large myelinated, rapidly conducting Aα/β fibers are affected and may involve sensory and/or motor nerves.

•           Prominent signs with sensory ataxia (waddling like a duck), wasting of small intrinsic muscles of feet and hands with hammertoe deformities and weakness of hands and feet.

•           Abnormal deep tendon reflexes.

•           Impaired vibration perception (often the first objective evidence), light touch, and joint position perception.

•           Shortening of the Achilles tendon with pes equinus.

•           Symptoms may be minimal: sensation of walking on cotton, floors feeling "strange", inability to turn the pages of a book, or inability to discriminate among coins.  In some patients with severe distal muscle weakness, inability to stand on the toes or heels.

•           Abnormal nerve conduction velocity findings

•           Increased skin blood flow with hot feet.

•           Patients at higher risk of falls, fractures, and development of Charcot Neuroarthropathy

•           Most patients with DPN, however, have a "mixed" variety of neuropathy with both large and small nerve fiber damages.




Diabetic peripheral neuropathy can be diagnosed by the bedside with careful clinical examination of the feet and legs using simple tools within a few minutes. The basic neurological assessment comprises the general medical and neurological history, inspection of the feet, and neurological examination of sensation using simple semi-quantitative bed-side instruments such as the 10g Semmes-Weinstein monofilament, Neuropen (76) (to assess touch/pressure), NeuroQuick (77) or Tiptherm (78) (temperature), calibrated Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork (vibration), pin-prick (pain), and tendon reflexes (knee and ankle) (Table 4).  In addition, assessment of joint position and motor power should also be assessed. The Rydel Seiffer tuning fork is a 128 Hz tuning fork which allows quantifiable assessment of vibration perception in the feet of diabetic patients. When vibrating, two triangles appear on the graduated scale of 0–8 which join together as the amplitude decreases. The normal range for the graduated tuning fork on the dorsal distal joint of the great toe is ≥5/8 scale units in persons 21-40 years old, ≥4.5/8 in those 41-60 years old, ≥4/8 in individuals 61-71 years old, and ≥3.5/8 scale units in those 72-82 years old (79). In resource, limited settings the simple Ipswich Touch Test can be performed by lightly touching the tips of the first, third and fifth toes (80). It is recommended that a simple foot examination to detect loss of protective foot sensation, pedal pulses, and foot deformity is performed from the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, 5-years after the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes and annually thereafter (81,82,16). This is performed in order to determine the risk of foot ulceration and prompt early referral for foot protection, regular podiatry or specialist input.


Table 4.  Examination - Bedside Sensory Tests

Sensory Modality

Nerve Fiber


Associated Sensory Receptors


Ab (large)

128 Hz

Tuning fork

Ruffini corpuscle mechanoreceptors

Pain (pinprick)

C (small)


Nociceptors for pain and warmth


Ab, Aa (large)

1 g and 10 g


Pacinian  corpuscle

Light touch

Ab, Aa (large)

Wisp of cotton

Meissner’s corpuscle


Ad (small)

Cold tuning fork

Cold thermoreceptors


A consensus definition of DPN has been proposed by the Toronto Diabetic Neuropathy Expert Group, see below (6). In a clinical context, the diagnosis of ‘possible’ or ‘probable’ DPN is normally sufficient without the need for specialist investigations. For research purposes further tests are needed for a diagnosis of ‘confirmed’ DPN’, ‘Subclinical’ DPN or small fiber neuropathy.


Toronto Classification of DPN (6)


1)         Possible DSN: The presence of symptoms or signs of DPN may include the following: symptoms–decreased sensation, positive neuropathic sensory symptoms (e.g., “asleep numbness,” prickling or stabbing, burning or aching pain) predominantly in the toes, feet, or legs; or signs–symmetric decrease of distal sensation or unequivocally decreased or absent ankle reflexes.


2)         Probable DPN: The presence of a combination of symptoms and signs of neuropathy including any 2 or more of the following: neuropathic symptoms, decreased distal sensation, or unequivocally decreased or absent ankle reflexes.


3)         Confirmed DPN: The presence of an abnormality of nerve conduction and a symptom or symptoms, or a sign or signs, of neuropathy confirm DPN.  If nerve conduction is normal, a validated measure of small fiber neuropathy (with class 1 evidence) may be used. To assess for the severity of DPN, several approaches can be recommended: for e.g., the graded approach outlined above; various continuous measures of sum scores of neurologic signs, symptoms or nerve test scores; scores of functions of activities of daily living; or scores of predetermined tasks or of disability.


4)         Subclinical DPN: The presence of no signs or symptoms of neuropathy are confirmed with abnormal nerve conduction or a validated measure of small fiber neuropathy (with class 1 evidence).  Definitions 1, 2, or 3 can be used for clinical practice and definitions 3 or 4 can be used for research studies.


5)         Small fiber neuropathy (SFN): SFN should be graded as follows: 1) possible: the presence of length-dependent symptoms and/or clinical signs of small fiber damage; 2) probable: the presence of length-dependent symptoms, clinical signs of small fiber damage, and normal sural nerve conduction; and 3) definite: the presence of length-dependent symptoms, clinical signs of small fiber damage, normal sural nerve conduction, and altered intraepidermal nerve fiber density (IENFD) at the ankle and/or abnormal thermal thresholds at the foot (Figure 4).


The following findings should alert the physician to consider causes for DPN other than diabetes and referral for a detailed neurological work-up: 1.) pronounced asymmetry of the neurological deficits, 2.) predominant motor deficits, mononeuropathy, or cranial nerve involvement, 3.) rapid development or progression of the neuropathic impairments, 4.) progression of the neuropathy despite optimal glycemic control, 5.) symptoms from the upper limbs, 6.) family history of non-diabetic neuropathy, and 7.) diagnosis of DPN cannot be ascertained by clinical examination.


Conditions Mimicking Diabetic Neuropathy


An atypical pattern of presentation of symptoms or signs, i.e., the presence of relevant motor deficits, an asymmetrical or proximal distribution, or rapid progression, always requires referral for electrodiagnostic testing. Furthermore, in the presence of such atypical neuropathic signs and symptoms other forms of neuropathy should be sought and excluded.  A good medical history is essential to exclude other causes of neuropathy: a history of trauma, cancer, unexplained weight loss, fever, substance abuse, or HIV infection suggests that an alternative source should be sought. Screening laboratory tests may be considered: serum B12 with its metabolites, folic acid, thyroid function, full blood count, metabolic profile, and serum free light chains (16).


There are a number of conditions that can be mistaken for painful DPN: intermittent claudication in which the pain is exacerbated by walking; Morton’s neuroma, in which the pain and tenderness are localized to the intertarsal space and are elicited by applying pressure with the thumb in the appropriate intertarsal space; osteoarthritis/inflammatory arthritis, in which the pain is confined to the joints, made worse with joint movement or exercise, and associated with morning stiffness that improves with ambulation; radiculopathy in which  the pain originates in the shoulder, arm, thorax, or back and radiates into the legs and feet; Charcot neuropathy in which the pain is localized to the site of the collapse of the bones of the foot, and the foot is hot rather than cold; plantar fasciitis, in which there is shooting or burning in the heel with each step and there is exquisite tenderness in the sole of the foot; and tarsal tunnel syndrome in which the pain and numbness radiate from beneath the medial malleolus to the sole and are localized to the inner side of the foot. These contrast with the pain of DPN which is bilateral, symmetrical, covering the whole foot and particularly the dorsum, and is worse at night interfering with sleep.  


Scored Clinical Assessment Tools for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy


Scored Clinical assessments provide standardized, quantitative, and objective measures to assess for both the severity of symptoms and the degree of neuropathic deficits. These tools which have been subjected to strict validation studies, are sufficiently reproducible but require some minimal training. The most widely used instruments include: the Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument Questionnaire (MNSIQ, 15-item self-administered questionnaire), Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument (MNSI, MNSIQ plus a structured clinical examination), Michigan Diabetic Neuropathy Score (neurological assessment coupled with nerve conduction studies) (83), Toronto Clinical Neuropathy Score (TCNS, composite score of neuropathy symptoms sensory exam and reflexes) (84), modified TCNS (composite score of neuropathy symptoms and signs) (85), Neuropathy Disability Score (neuropathy signs, including reflexes) (86), Neurological Disability Score (neurological examination of cranial nerves, and upper and lower limbs) (87), the Neuropathy Symptom Score (assessment of sensory, motor and autonomic neuropathy symptoms) (87), and the Neuropathy impairment score (NIS) for neuropathic deficits (impairments) (87). A number of instruments have also been used to assess neuropathic pain and these include: the Neuropathy Total Symptom Score-6 (NTSS-6; measures frequency and intensity of neuropathic symptoms) (88), PainDETECT (patient administered 10-item questionnaire) (89), DN4 (Doleur Neuropathique en 4 Questions; 7 sensory descriptors and 3 clinical signs) (90) and the Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory (NPSI; self-administered 12-item questionnaire evaluating different symptoms of neuropathic pain) (91).


Objective Devices for the Diagnosis of Neuropathy


Nerve conduction studies are the current ‘gold’ standard for the diagnosis of DN. This robust measure also predicts foot ulceration and mortality. However, they are time consuming, labor intensive, costly, and impractical in routine clinical care.


Skin biopsy has become a widely used tool to investigate small caliber sensory nerves including somatic unmyelinated intraepidermal nerve fibers (IENF), dermal myelinated nerve fibers, and autonomic nerve fibers in peripheral neuropathies and other conditions (92).  Different techniques for tissue processing and nerve fiber evaluation have been used.  For diagnostic purposes in peripheral neuropathies, the current recommendation is to perform a 3-mm punch skin biopsy at the distal leg and quantification of the linear density of IENF in at least three 50-µm thick sections per biopsy, fixed in 2% PLP or Zamboni's solution, by bright-field immunohistochemistry or immunofluorescence with anti-protein gene product (PGP) 9.5 antibodies (93). Quantification of IENF density appeared more sensitive than sensory nerve conduction study or sural nerve biopsy in diagnosing SFN.


Quantitative sensory testing (QST) enables more accurate assessment of sensory deficits - also those related to small fiber function - by applying controlled and quantified stimuli and standardized procedures. Moreover, assessment of thermal thresholds can be a helpful tool in the diagnostic pathway of small fiber polyneuropathy (16).


Point of Care Devices for the Diagnosis of DN


Significant progress has been made to develop point-of-care (POC) devices that are capable of diagnosing early, subclinical neuropathy. Papanas et al have recently comprehensively reviewed these devices (94). Therefore, we will briefly outline the following devices: the NeuroQuick 77, NeuroPAD (95), NC-Stat DPN-Check (96), Corneal Confocal Microscopy (CCM) (97,98), and Sudoscan (99,100).




The DPN-Check is a novel, user-friendly, handheld POC devices that performs a sural nerve conduction study in three minutes (Figure 6). It is an acceptable proxy to standard nerve conduction studies which are time-consuming, expensive, and often require patients to be seen in specialist’s clinics. The DPN check has been demonstrated to have excellent reliability with an inter- and intra-observer intraclass correlation coefficients of between 0.83 and 0.97 for sensory nerve action potentials respectively (101). It also has good validity with 95% sensitivity and 71% specificity when compared against reference standard nerve conduction study (101) for the diagnosis of DN.

Figure 6. DPN Check device

As detailed above, nerve conduction studies are only an assessment of large nerve fiber function. DPN, on the other hand, usually involves both small and large nerve fibers, with some evidence suggesting small nerve fiber involvement early in its natural history (102,103). Small nerve fibers constitute 80-91% of peripheral nerve fibers and control pain perception, autonomic and sudomotor function. Although intraepidermal nerve fiber density measurement from lower limb skin biopsy is considered the gold standard for the diagnosis of small fiber neuropathy (104,92) it is invasive and hence not suitable for routine screening. However, a number of POC devices have been developed to assess small fiber dysfunction. These include:




Thinly myelinated Aδ and unmyelinated C-fibers are small caliber nerves that mediate thermal sensation and nociceptive stimuli. Quantitative sensory testing of thermal discrimination thresholds is a non-invasive test used to examine impaired small nerve fiber function. NeuroQuick is a handheld device for quantitative bedside testing of cold thermal perception threshold. It allows near patient assessment of small fiber dysfunction avoiding the use of time-consuming and expensive quantitative sensory testing equipment in a laboratory. To date, one published clinical validation study has been performed in a diabetic population which suggests it is a valid and reliable screening tool for the assessment of small fiber dysfunction (77). Use of NeuroQuick was more sensitive in detecting early DPN compared to the traditional bedside screening tests such as the tuning fork or elaborate thermal testing (77). However, it is a psychophysical test that relies on the cognition/attention of the patient. Furthermore, the coefficients of variation for repeated NeuroQuick measurements ranged between 8.5% and 20.4% (77). Further studies are required to demonstrate whether the NeuroQuick is a useful screening tool to detect small fiber dysfunction in DPN.




This is a 10-minute test which measures sweat production on the plantar surface of the foot (Figure 7). It is based on a color change in a cobalt compound from blue to pink which produces a categorical output with modest diagnostic performance for DPN compared to electrophysiological assessments. If the patch remains completely or partially blue within 10 min, the result is considered abnormal (105).   No training is required to administer Neuropad, nor does it require responses from the patient. Therefore, this method of assessment may be more suitable for screening in community settings and those with cognitive or communication difficulties who have to respond to other methods of assessment. A number of clinical validation studies (95, 106) have been conducted which demonstrates low sensitivity for large fiber neuropathy (50-64%) but much higher sensitivity for small fiber neuropathy (80%) 107. Neuropad has also shown good reproducibility with intra- and inter-observer coefficient of variation between 4.1% and 5.1% (108).

Figure 7. NeuroPAD




Corneal confocal microscopy (CCM, Figure 8) is a noninvasive technique used to detect small nerve fiber loss in the cornea which correlates with both increasing neuropathic severity and reduced IENFD in patients with diabetes (103,109). A novel technique of real-time mapping permits an area of 3.2 mm² to be mapped with a total of 64 theoretically non-overlapping single 400 µm² images (110). There have been a number of clinical validation studies including one 3.5-year prospective study in T1DM which demonstrated relatively modest to high sensitivity (82%) and specificity (69%) of CCM for the incipient DPN (98). It has good reproducibility for corneal nerve fiber length measurements with intra- and inter-observer intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.72 and 0.73 respectively. Currently, CCM is used in specialist centers, but would suit widespread application given its easy application for patient follow-up. However, large, multicenter, prospective studies are now required to confirm that corneal nerve changes unequivocally reflect the complex pathological processes in the peripheral nerve. Moreover, the establishment of a normative database and technical improvements in automated fiber measurements and wider-area image analysis may be useful to increase diagnostic performance.

Figure 8. Examples of corneal nerve fiber density in a patient with no diabetic neuropathy on the left and with established diabetic neuropathy on the right.



Contact Heat Evoked Potentials (CHEPS) has been studied in healthy controls, newly diagnosed and established patients with diabetes, and patients with the metabolic syndrome. It does appear that CHEPS is capable of detecting small fiber neuropathy in the absence of other indices, and that CHEPS correlates with quantitative sensory perception and objective tests of small fiber structure (intraepidermal nerve fiber density) (111) and function (cooling detection threshold and cold pain) (112) .




Sudoscan®, an instrument capable of detecting chloride ion flux in response to a very low current (Figure 9), is an objective and quantitative sudomotor function test with promising sensitivity and specificity in the investigation of DPN (113). The entire evaluation takes only 2 minutes and can be done in an ambulatory setting. A measurement of electrochemical skin conductance (ESC) for the hands and feet, that are rich in sweat glands, is generated from the derivative current associated with the applied voltage. Sensitivity and specificity of foot ESC for classifying DPN were 87.5% and 76.2%, respectively. The area under the ROC curve (AUC) was 0.85 (99).

Figure 9. SUDOSCAN test of sudomotor function being performed



In summary, the sensitivity of point of care devices seems acceptable and perhaps a combination of devices may be used in the future for detecting DPN. However, there is high heterogeneity and patient selection bias in most of the studies. Further studies are needed to evaluate the performance of point of care devices against Wilson criteria for screening of undiagnosed DPN at the population level. Prospective studies of hard endpoints (e.g., foot ulcerations and lower limb amputations) are also necessary to ensure that the benefits of screening are important for patients. The cost-effectiveness of implementing screening using these devices also needs to be carefully appraised. Point of care devices provide rapid, non-invasive tests that could be used as an objective screening test for DPN in busy diabetic clinics, ensuring adherence to current recommendation of annual assessment for all patients with diabetes that remains unfulfilled.


Summary of Clinical Assessment of DPN


Symptoms of neuropathy can vary markedly from one patient to another. For this reason, a number of symptom screening questionnaires with similar scoring systems have been developed. These questionnaires are useful for patient follow-up and to assess response to treatment. A detailed clinical examination is the key to the diagnosis of DPN.  The latest position statement of the American Diabetes Association recommends that all patients with diabetes be screened for DPN at diagnosis in type 2 DM and 5 years after diagnosis in type 1 DM. DPN screening should be repeated annually and must include sensory examination of the feet and ankle reflexes (16).  One or more of the following can be used to assess sensory function: pinprick (using the Waardenberg wheel or similar instrument), temperature, vibration perception (using 128-Hz tuning fork) or 10-g monofilament pressure perception at the distal halluces. For this last test a simple substitute is to use 25 lb strain fishing line cut into 4 cm and 8 cm lengths, which translate to 10 and 1 g monofilaments respectively (114). The most sensitive measure has been shown to be the vibration detection threshold, although sensitivity of 10-g Semmes-Weinstein monofilament to identify feet at risk varies from 86 to 100% (115,116). Combinations of more than one test have more than 87% sensitivity in detecting DPN (117). Longitudinal studies have shown that these simple tests are good predictors of foot ulcer risk (118). Numerous composite scores to evaluate clinical signs of DN, such as the Neuropathy Impairment Score (NIS) are currently available. These, in combination with symptom scores, are useful in documenting and monitoring neuropathic patients in the clinic (119). Feet should always be examined in detail to detect ulcers, calluses, and deformities, and footwear must be inspected at every visit. However, these simple bedside tests are crude and detect DN very late in its natural history. Even the benefits gained by standardising clinical assessment using scored clinical assessments such as the Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument (MNSI) (120), the Toronto Clinical Neuropathy Score (TCNS) (84,85) and the United Kingdom Screening Test (UKST) (86), remain subjective, heavily reliant on the examiners’ interpretations (121). Bedside tests used to aid diagnosis of neuropathy such as the 10g monofilament (122), the Ipswich Touch Test (80), and vibration perception threshold using the tuning fork (123) are not only reliant on patients’ subjective response but are mainly utilised to identify the loss of protective foot sensation and risk of ulceration (124). As such, these tests tend to diagnose DPN when it is already well-established (125). Late diagnosis hampers the benefits of early identification which includes a focus on early, intensified diabetes control, and the prevention of neuropathy-related sequelae. Conversely, the situation is different for the detection of diabetic retinopathy using digital camera-based retinal photography (126) or diabetic kidney disease using blood and urine tests. These developments led to the institution of a robust annual screening program that has led to significant reduction in blindness, such that retinopathy is no longer the commonest cause of blindness in working age adults (127) and reductions in end stage renal failure (128). Unfortunately, by the time neuropathy is detected using these crude tests, it is often very well established and consequently impossible to reverse or even to halt the inexorable neuropathic process.


In the clinical research settings nerve conduction studies, quantitative sensory testing, and skin biopsy is used to identify and quantify early, subclinical neuropathy. Multiple studies have proven the value of Quantitative Sensory Testing (QST) measures in the detection of subclinical neuropathy (small fiber neuropathy), the assessment of progression of neuropathy, and the prediction of risk of foot ulceration (117,129,130). These standardized measures of vibration and thermal thresholds also play an important role in multicenter clinical trials as primary efficacy endpoints. A consensus subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology stated that QST receive a Class II rating as a diagnostic test with a type B strength of recommendation (131).


The use of electrophysiologic measures (nerve conduction velocity, NCV) in both clinical practice and multicenter clinical trials is recommended (6, 132). In a long term follow-up study of type 2 patients with diabetes (28) NCV abnormalities in the lower limbs increased from 8% at baseline to 42% after 10 years of disease. A slow progression of NCV abnormalities was seen in the Diabetes Control and Complication Trial (DCCT). The sural and peroneal nerve conduction velocities diminished by 2.8 and 2.7 m/s respectively, over a 5-year period (21). Furthermore, in the same study, patients who were free of neuropathy at baseline had a 40% incidence of abnormal NCV in the conventionally treated group versus 16% in the intensive therapy treated group after 5 years. However, the neurophysiologic findings vary widely depending on the population tested and the type and distribution of the neuropathy. Patients with painful, predominantly small fiber neuropathy have normal studies. There is consistent evidence that small, unmyelinated fibers are affected early in DM and these alterations are not diagnosed by routine NCV studies (45). Therefore, other methods, such as QST, autonomic testing, or skin biopsy with quantification of intraepidermal nerve fibers (IENF) are needed to detect these patients (22,133,134). Nevertheless electrophysiological studies play a key role in ruling out other causes of neuropathy and are essential for the identification of focal and multifocal neuropathies (46,8).


Intraepithelial Nerve Fiber Density


The importance of the skin biopsy as a diagnostic tool for DPN is increasingly being recognized (45, 135). This technique quantitates small epidermal nerve fibers through antibody staining of the pan-axonal marker protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5). Though minimally invasive (3-mm diameter punch biopsy), it enables a direct study of small fibers, which cannot be evaluated by NCV studies. It has led to the recognition of the small nerve fiber syndrome as part of IGT and the metabolic syndrome (Figure 10). When patients present with the “burning foot or hand syndrome”, evaluation for glucose tolerance and the metabolic syndrome (including waist circumference, blood pressure, and plasma triglyceride and HDL-C levels) becomes mandatory.  Therapeutic life style changes (136) can result in nerve fiber regeneration, reversal of the neuropathy, and alleviation of symptoms (see below). 

Figure 10. Intraepidermal nerve fiber loss in small vessel neuropathy. Loss of cutaneous nerve fibers that stain positive for the neuronal antigen protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5) in metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

It is widely recognized that neuropathy per se can affect the quality of life (QOL) of patients with diabetes. A number of instruments have been developed and validated to assess QOL in DPN. The NeuroQoL measures patients’ perceptions of the impact of neuropathy and foot ulcers (137). The Norfolk QOL questionnaire for DPN is a validated tool addressing specific symptoms and the impact of large, small, and autonomic nerve fiber functions (138). The tool has been used in clinical trials and is available in several validated language versions. It was tested in 262 subjects (healthy controls, controls with diabetes, and DPN patients): differences between DN patients and both diabetes and healthy controls were significant (p<0.05) for all item groupings (small fiber, large fiber, and autonomic nerve function; symptoms; and activities of daily living (ADL). Total QOL scores correlated with total neuropathy scores. The ADL, total scores, and autonomic scores were also greater in controls with diabetes compared to healthy controls (p<0.05), suggesting that diabetes per se impacts some aspects of QO (137).


The diagnosis of DPN is mainly a clinical one with the aid of specific diagnostic tests according to the type and severity of the neuropathy. However other non-diabetic causes of neuropathy must always be excluded, depending on the clinical findings (B12 deficiency, hypothyroidism, uremia, CIDP, etc.) (Figure 11).

Figure 11. A diagnostic algorithm for assessment of neurologic deficit and classification of neuropathic syndromes: B12, vitamin B12; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CHEPS, Contact Heat Evoked Potentials CIDP, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; EMG, electromyogram; Hx, history; MGUS, monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance; NCV, nerve conduction studies; NIS, neurologic impairment score (sensory and motor evaluation); NSS, neurologic symptom score; QAFT, quantitative autonomic function tests; QST, quantitative sensory tests; Sudo, sudomotor function testing.

Central Nervous System Involvement


Hitherto considered a disease of the peripheral nervous system, there is now mounting evidence of central nervous system (CNS) involvement in DN (Figure 12). Several magnetic resonance imaging studies provide valuable insight into CNS alterations in DN. From the spinal cord (139,140) to the cerebral cortex, structural (141), biochemical (142,143), perfusion (144), and functional changes (145,146) have been described. Although the initial injury may occur in the peripheral nerves, concomitant changes within the CNS may have a crucial role in the pathogenesis and determining clinical phenotype and even treatment response in painful DN.


Central nervous system involvement was first recognized in the 1960’s when post-mortem autopsy studies of patients with advanced diabetes found evidence of spinal cord atrophy, demyelination, and axonal loss (147,148). These findings were largely dismissed as being secondary to poor diabetes control and infection (e.g., syphilis) rather than DN. Indeed, the pathological abnormalities in the spinal cord were reported in isolation and not examined in the context of DN related peripheral nerve changes. Subsequent studies performed in the late 70’s and 80’s utilized advances in somatosensory evoked potentials and demonstrated central (brain and spinal cord) slowing in humans with DN (149) and rodent models (150). With the advent and accessibility of demonstrated magnetic resonance imaging in the 90’s and early 00’s, investigators were able to demonstrate clear spinal cord involvement in the form of cervical cord atrophy not only in patients with established DN (140) but also in those with early subclinical DN (139). Subsequent studies have sought to apply advances multimodal magnetic resonance imaging to gain unique insights into brain involvement, particularly brain regions involved with somatosensory and nociception in DN – e.g. primary somatosensory cortex (141) and the thalamus (142). Accompanying the reduction in cervical spine volume is a reduction in primary somatosensory cortical volume in both painful and painless DN (141). Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies have demonstrated evidence of thalamic neuronal dysfunction in painless but not in painful DN – indicating that preservation of thalamic neuronal function may be a prerequisite for the perception of pain in DN (142). In addition, there was also an increase in thalamic vascularity (144), altered thalamic-cortical functional connectivity (146), and a reorganization of the primary somatosensory cortex in patients with painful DN (146). Thus, the involvement of the central nervous system in DN has opened a whole new area of further research and has great potential for future patient stratification and development of new therapeutic targets.

Figure 12. Multimodal magnetic resonance imaging studies of the central nervous system in diabetic neuropathy.

Risk Factors for Diabetic Polyneuropathies


Diabetic neuropathy is the end results of a culmination of several etiologically linked pathophysiological processes – some not fully understood. Although hyperglycemia and duration of diabetes play an important role in DN, other risk factors have been identified. The EURODIAB Prospective Complications study demonstrated that the incidence of DN is associated with other potentially modifiable cardiovascular risk factors, including hypertriglyceridemia, hypertension, obesity and smoking (41). In the Look AHEAD study in patients with type 2 diabetes, there was a greater increase in neuropathic symptoms (but not neuropathic signs) in the control cohort (diabetes support and education program) compared to the cohort receiving intensive diet and exercise lifestyle intervention programmed focused on weight loss (151).




Treatment of DN should be targeted towards a number of different aspects: firstly, treatment of specific underlying pathogenic mechanisms; secondly, treatment of symptoms and improvement in QOL; and thirdly, prevention of progression and treatment of complications of neuropathy.


Targeting Risk Factors




Several long-term prospective studies that assessed the effects of intensive diabetes therapy on the prevention and progression of chronic diabetic complications have been published. The large randomized trials such as the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) and the UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) were not designed to evaluate the effects of intensive diabetes therapy on DPN, but rather to study the influence of such treatment on the development and progression of the chronic diabetic complications (152,153). Thus, only a minority of the patients enrolled in these studies had symptomatic DPN at entry. Studies in patients with type 1 diabetes show that intensive diabetes therapy retards but does not completely prevent the development of DPN.  In the DCCT/EDIC cohort, the benefits of former intensive insulin treatment persisted for 13-14 years after DCCT closeout and provided evidence of a durable effect of prior intensive treatment on DPN and cardiac autonomic neuropathy (“hyperglycemic memory”) (154,155).


In contrast, in patients with type 2 diabetes, who represent the vast majority of people with diabetes, the results were largely negative. The UKPDS showed a lower rate of impaired vibration perception threshold (VPT) (VPT >25 V) after 15 years for intensive therapy (IT) vs. conventional therapy (CT) (31% vs. 52%). However, the only additional time point at which VPT reached a significant difference between IT and CT was the 9-year follow-up, whereas the rates after 3, 6, and 12 years did not differ between the groups. Likewise, the rates of absent knee and ankle reflexes as well as the heart rate responses to deep breathing did not differ between the groups (153). In the ADVANCE study including 11,140 patients with type 2 diabetes randomly assigned to either standard glucose control or intensive glucose control, the relative risk reduction (95% CI) for new or worsening neuropathy for intensive vs. standard glucose control after a median of 5 years of follow-up was −4 (−10 to 2), without a significant difference between the groups (156).  Likewise, in the VADT study including 1,791 military veterans (mean age, 60.4 years) who had a suboptimal response to therapy for type 2 diabetes, after a median follow-up of 5.6 years no differences between the two groups on intensive or standard glucose control were observed for DPN or microvascular complications (157). In the ACCORD trial (39), intensive therapy aimed at HbA1c <6.0% was stopped before study end because of higher mortality in that group, and patients were transitioned to standard therapy after 3.7 years on average. At transition, loss of sensation to light touch was significantly improved on intensive vs standard diabetes therapy. At study end after 5 years, MNSI score >2 and loss of sensation to vibration and light touch were significantly improved on intensive vs standard diabetes therapy. However, because of the premature study termination and the aggressive HbA1c goal, the neuropathy outcome in the ACCORD trial is difficult to interpret.


In the Steno 2 Study (158), intensified multifactorial risk intervention including intensive diabetes treatment, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitors, antioxidants, statins, aspirin, and smoking cessation in patients with microalbuminuria showed no effect on DPN after 7.8 (range: 6.9-8.8) years and again at 13.3 years, after the patients were subsequently followed for a mean of 5.5 years.  However, the progression of cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) was reduced by 57%. Thus, there is no evidence that intensive diabetes therapy or a target-driven intensified intervention aimed at multiple risk factors favorably influences the development or progression of DPN as opposed to CAN in patients with type 2 diabetes.  However, the Steno study used only vibration detection, which measures exclusively the changes in large fiber function.




Observational and cross-sectional studies have demonstrated, to varying degrees, an association between lipids and DPN (159). The strongest evidence, however, is for the association of elevated levels of triglycerides and DPN (160). In a study of patients with T2DM there was a graded relationship between triglyceride levels and the risk of lower-limb amputations (160). Likewise, another study demonstrated that hypertriglyceridemia was an independent risk factor of loss of sural (myelinated) nerve fiber density and lower limb amputations (161). In addition to hypertriglyceridemia, low-level of HDL cholesterol is reported to as an independent risk factor for DPN (159). However, clinical studies investigating the effects of statins on the development of DPN are far from conclusive. This is partly because several large statin studies that included patients with diabetes did not report data on the development of microvascular disease (162,163) let alone DPN. The Freemantle Diabetes Study, an observational study with cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis, suggested that statin or fibrate therapy may protect against DPN in T2DM (164). Two subsequent, relatively small, randomized clinical studies have reported improvements in nerve conduction parameters of DPN following 6 to 12 weeks of statin treatment (165,166). The Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) study has since, demonstrated that fibrates are beneficial in preventing microvascular complications (retinopathy and nephropathy) and non-traumatic lower limb amputations but DPN outcomes have not been reported (167). Subsequently, a patient registry study from Denmark, found that the use of statins before diagnosis of incident diabetes was protective against the development of DPN (168). In summary, whether lipid lowering treatment reduces the risk of DPN —a possibility raised by these data—will need to be addressed in other studies preferably in randomized controlled trials.




An association between hypertension and DPN has been demonstrated in several observational studies in both T2DM (169,170) and T1DM (171). There is some preliminary evidence from relatively small randomized control trials with improvements in DPN based on clinical and nerve conduction parameters following antihypertensive treatment with angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (172) and calcium channel blockers (173). However, the significance of this relationship is uncertain as several large intervention studies targeting hypertension (26) studies failed to show a reduction in DPN despite clear benefits in renal and retinal complications (174). One possible explanation is that the methods used in these intervention studies to diagnose/quantify DPN lacked the necessary sensitivity or reliability to diagnose/quantity DPN let alone examine differences between study groups. The heterogeneity in effect size estimates for this outcome in many of these studies supports this view. Another possible explanation for this finding could be the strengthening of guidelines for diabetes care and the more widespread routine use antihypertensive treatment.




Several studies have revealed an association between obesity and polyneuropathy even in the presence of normoglycemia (175,176) The prevalence of polyneuropathy, however, increases in obese patients with prediabetes and diabetes (177). Subsequent studies appear to demonstrate that adopting a healthy lifestyle incorporating a balanced diet, regular aerobic and weight-resistance physical activities may reverse the process, particularly if they are undertaken at an early stage of DPN (136,178,179). A randomized control study of a 2.5-hour, weekly supervised treadmill exercise and dietary intervention program aimed at normalizing body mass index or losing 7% baseline body weight in T2DM demonstrated significant improvement in markers (intraepithelial nerve fiber density and regenerative capacity) of DPN (180). However, once DPN is established, restoration of normal weight did not show significant improvement.


Targeting Underlying Pathophysiological Mechanisms




Several studies have shown that hyperglycemia causes oxidative stress in tissues that are susceptible to complications of diabetes, including peripheral nerves. Figure 2 presents our current understanding of the mechanisms and potential therapeutic pathways for oxidative stress-induced nerve damage. Studies show that hyperglycemia induces an increased presence of markers of oxidative stress, such as superoxide and peroxynitrite ions, and that antioxidant defense moieties are reduced in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy (181). Therapies known to reduce oxidative stress are therefore recommended. Therapies that are under investigation include aldose reductase inhibitors (ARIs), α-lipoic acid, γ-linolenic acid, benfotiamine, and protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors.


Advanced glycation end-products (AGE) are the result of non-enzymatic addition of glucose or other saccharides to proteins, lipids, and nucleotides. In diabetes, excess glucose accelerates AGE generation that leads to intra- and extracellular protein cross-linking and protein aggregation. Activation of RAGE (AGE receptors) alters intracellular signaling and gene expression, releases pro-inflammatory molecules, and results in an increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that contribute to diabetic microvascular complications. Aminoguanidine, an inhibitor of AGE formation, showed good results in animal studies but trials in humans have been discontinued because of toxicity (182).  Benfotiamine is a transketolase activator that reduces tissue AGEs. Several independent pilot studies have demonstrated its effectiveness in diabetic polyneuropathy. The BEDIP 3-week study used a 200 mg daily dose, and the BENDIP 6-week study used 300 and 600 mg daily doses; both studies demonstrated subjective improvements in neuropathy scores in the groups receiving benfotiamine, with a pronounced decrease in reported pain levels (183). In a 12-week study, the use of benfotiamine plus vitamin B6/B12 significantly improved nerve conduction velocity in the peroneal nerve along with appreciable improvements in vibratory perception. An alternate combination of benfotiamine (100 mg) and pyridoxine (100 mg) has been shown to improve diabetic polyneuropathy in a small number of patients with diabetes (184,185). The use of benfotiamine in combination with other antioxidant therapies such as α-Lipoic acid (see below) are commercially available.


ARIs reduce the flux of glucose through the polyol pathway, inhibiting tissue accumulation of sorbitol and fructose. In a 12-month study of zenarestat a dose dependent improvement in nerve fiber density was shown (186). In a one year trial of fidarestat in Japanese patients with diabetes, improvement of symptoms was shown (187), and a 3 year study of epalrestat showed improved nerve function (NCV) as well as vibration perception (188). Epalrestat is marketed only in Japan and India. Newer ARIs are currently being explored, and some positive results have emerged (189), but it is becoming clear that these may be insufficient per se and combinations of treatments may be needed.


Gamma-Linolenic acid can cause significant improvement in clinical and electrophysiological tests for neuropathy (190). Alpha-Lipoic acid or thioctic acid has been used for its antioxidant properties and for its thiol-replenishing redox-modulating properties. A number of studies show its favorable influence on microcirculation and reversal of symptoms of neuropathy (191,192). A meta-analysis including 1,258 patients from four randomized clinical trials concluded that 600 mg of i.v. α-lipoic acid daily significantly reduced symptoms of neuropathy and improved neuropathic deficits (193). The SYDNEY 2 trial showed significant improvement in neuropathic symptoms and neurologic deficits in 181 diabetes patients with 3 different doses of α-lipoic acid compared to placebo over a 5-week period (194). The long-term effects of oral α-lipoic acid on electrophysiology and clinical assessments were examined during the NATHAN-1 study.  The study showed that 4 years of treatment with α-lipoic acid in mild to moderate DSP is well tolerated and improves some neuropathic deficits and symptoms, but not nerve conduction (195). Additional long-term RCTs could further strengthen the rationale for the use of these agents in clinical practice. Safety profiles of α-lipoic acid are favorable during long-term treatment. An overview on the usual dosages of α-lipoic acid and benfothiamine, most frequent adverse events and scientific evidence can be found here (193,196,197,185).


Protein kinase C (PKC) activation is a critical step in the pathway to diabetic microvascular complications. It is activated by both hyperglycemia and disordered fatty-acid metabolism, resulting in increased production of vasoconstrictive, angiogenic, and chemotactic cytokines including transforming growth factor β (TGF-β), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), endothelin (ET-1), and intercellular adhesion molecules (ICAMs). A multinational, randomized, phase-2, double blind, placebo-controlled trial with ruboxistaurin (a PKC-β inhibitor) failed to achieve the primary endpoints although significant changes were observed in a number of domains (198). Nevertheless, in a subgroup of patients with less severe DN (sural nerve action potential greater than 0.5 μV) at baseline and clinically significant symptoms, a statistically significant improvement in symptoms and vibratory detection thresholds was observed in the ruboxistaurin-treated groups as compared with placebo (199). A smaller, single center study showed improvement in symptom scores, endothelium dependent skin blood flow measurements, and quality of life scores in the ruboxistaurin treated group (200). These studies and the NATHAN studies have pointed out the change in the natural history of DPN with the advent of therapeutic lifestyle change, statins and ACE inhibitors, which have slowed the progression of DPN and drastically altered the requirements for placebo-controlled studies. Several studies (201,202) have demonstrated that patients with type 1 diabetes who retain some β-cell activity are considerably less prone to developing microvascular complications than those who are completely C-peptide deficient, and that C-peptide may have substantial anti-oxidant, cytoprotective, anti-anabolic, and anti-inflammatory effects.  C-peptide administration for 6 months in type 1 diabetes has been shown to improve sensory nerve function (203).




There is increasing evidence that there is a deficiency of nerve growth factor (NGF) in diabetes, as well as the dependent neuropeptides substance P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and that this contributes to the clinical perturbations in small-fiber function (204). Clinical trials with NGF have not been successful but are subject to certain caveats with regard to design; however, NGF still holds promise for sensory and autonomic neuropathies (205). The pathogenesis of DN includes loss of vasa nervorum, so it is likely that appropriate application of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) would reverse the dysfunction. Introduction of VEGF gene into the muscle of DM animal models improved nerve function (206). However, VEGF gene studies with transfection of the gene into the muscle in humans failed to meet efficacy end points in painful DPN trials 207. Hepatocyte growth factor (208,209) (HGF) is another potent angiogenic cytokine under study for the treatment of painful neuropathy.  INGAP peptide comprises the core active sequence of Islet Neogenesis Associated Protein (INGAP), a pancreatic cytokine that can induce new islet formation and restore euglycemia in diabetic rodents. Maysinger et al showed significant improvement in thermal hypoalgesia in diabetic mice after a 2-week treatment with INGAP peptide (210,211).




Several different autoantibodies in human sera have been reported that can react with epitopes in neuronal cells and have been associated with DN.  Milicevic et al have reported a 12% incidence of a predominantly motor form of neuropathy in patients with diabetes associated with monosialoganglioside antibodies (anti GM1 antibodies) (63). Perhaps the clearest link between autoimmunity and neuropathy has been the demonstration of an 11-fold increased likelihood of CIDP, multiple motor polyneuropathy, vasculitis, and monoclonal gammopathies in diabetes (61). New data, however, support a predictive role of the presence of antineuronal antibodies on the later development of neuropathy, suggesting that these antibodies may not be innocent bystanders but neurotoxins (212). There may be selected cases, particularly those with autonomic neuropathy, evidence of antineuronal autoimmunity, and CIDP, that may benefit from intravenous immunoglobulin or large dose steroids (59).


Summary of Treatment of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy


In summary, the risk factors for DPN are well recognized and to-date only small-scale intervention studies targeting these risk factors that have used appropriate DPN biomarkers have been conducted. Nevertheless, these have provided preliminary evidence for the efficacy of multifactorial risk factor management in preventing the development and progression of DPN. Hence, early identifications of subjects with insipient/sub-clinical neuropathy using validated, yet novel non-invasive point of care devices will allow larger studies to determine if targeted intensified cardiometabolic risk factor control can prevent clinical DPN or halt disease progression. Unfortunately, despite several clinical trials, there has been relatively little progress in the development of disease modifying treatments despite some advances in the management of symptoms in painful DN, as described below.






Peripheral neuropathic pain in diabetes is defined as “pain arising as a direct consequence of abnormalities in the peripheral somatosensory system” after exclusion of other causes (213). Nerve damage results in the release of inflammatory mediators which activate intracellular signal transduction pathways in the nociceptor terminal, prompting an increase in the production, transport, and membrane insertion of transducer channels and voltage-gated ion channels (214). Following nerve injury, different types of voltage-gated sodium and calcium channels are up-regulated at the site of the lesion and in the dorsal root ganglion membrane, promoting ectopic spontaneous activity along the primary afferent neuron and determining hyperexcitability associated with lowered activation threshold, hyper-reactivity to stimuli, and abnormal release of neurotransmitters such as substance P and glutamate (215, 216). As a consequence of this hyperactivity in primary afferent nociceptive neurons, important secondary changes may occur in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and higher up in the central nervous system leading to neuron hyperexcitability. This phenomenon, called central sensitization, is a form of use-dependent synaptic plasticity, considered a major pathophysiological mechanism of neuropathic pain (217).




Painful DPN is often underdiagnosed and under treated. Binns-Hall et al. trialed a ‘one-stop’ microvascular screening service, which tested a model for patients to receive combined eye, foot (DPN and painful-DPN), and renal screening (218). A new diagnosis of painful-DPN in this cohort was identified in 25% of participants using the validated screening tool for neuropathic pain, the Doleur Neuropathique en 4 Questions (DN4). Additionally, Daousi et al. found that in a community sample of 350 patients with diabetes 12.5% of patients with painful-DPN had not reported their symptoms to their treating physician (219). This study also found that 39.3% had never received treatment for their painful neuropathy. In the clinical environment, most cases of painful DPN can be diagnosed with a careful history to identify presence of typical painful neuropathic symptoms lasting > 3 months and clinical examination to demonstrate the clinical signs of DPN. In these circumstances and other causes are excluded (see above), there is no need for further investigations.


A number of self-administered questionnaires have been developed, validated, translated, and subjected to cross-cultural adaptation both to diagnose and distinguish neuropathic as opposed to non-neuropathic pain  (screening tools such as the Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs (LANSS) Pain Scale (220), Douleur Neuropathique en 4 questions (DN4), Neuropathic Pain Questionnaire (NPS) (221), pain DETECT (89) and to assess pain quality and intensity such as the Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (222), the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) (223), and the Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory (NPSI) (224).


It is important to assess the intensity (severity) of neuropathic pain as it is helpful when assessing and monitoring response to therapy. The best approach is to use a simple 11-Point numerical rating scale (Likert scale) or a visual analogue scale. In clinical trials of neuropathic pain treatment a number of questionnaires are used to capture the complex, multidimensional impact of chronic pain. According to IMMPACT (Initiative on Methods, Measurement and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials) the following assessments are performed to assess the efficacy and effectiveness of new treatments: 1. pain intensity measured on a 0 to 10 numerical rating scale (NRS); 2. physical functioning assessed by the Multidimensional Pain Inventory (MPI) and Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) Interferences scale; 3. emotional functioning, assessed by the Beck Depression Inventory (BPI) and Profile of Mood states; and 4. patient rating of overall improvement, assessed by the Patient Global Impression of Change (PGI-C) (225).


Quality of Life


Over time the persistence of extremely unpleasant painful symptoms can have a profound impact upon its sufferers’ lives. This often results in a poor quality of life (226), disruption of employment (227), and mood disturbance (13). This adds to the burden of suffering and increases the challenge of managing neuropathic effectively. This is further compounded when patients also suffer from other co-morbid conditions associated with diabetes. Painful-DPN is also an expensive condition, incurring high healthcare costs (228). Data from the US found that patients with DPN and painful-DPN have greater healthcare resource utilization and costs than those with diabetes alone (228). Patients with severe painful-DPN incurred five-fold higher annual direct medical costs (USD $30,755) than for patients with diabetes alone (USD $6632) (226).


Sensory Profiling  


For many years, sensory profiling has been the mainstay for identifying a homogenous subgroup of neuropathic pain patients in clinical pain research. The basis of this approach is that painful symptoms reflect specific pathophysiological mechanisms, which are present to varying degrees in individual patients (229,230). Detailed sensory profiling using quantitative sensory testing (QST) can be used to subgroup patients into more homogenous cohorts (pain phenotypes), which could then be targeted with treatments known to act specifically on pathophysiological pathways underlying the phenotypes (231) (Figure 13). QST refers to a battery of standardized, psychophysical tests (e.g., thermal testing, pin prick, pressure algometry, and von Frey filaments) used to assess central and peripheral nervous system sensory function (232). In DPN, QST has been used for several decades mainly for diagnosing and quantifying the extent of small and large nerve fiber impairment in individuals predominantly with painless DPN. In the context of pain somatosensory phenotyping, a standardized QST protocol was developed by the German Research Network on Neuropathic Pain (DFNS), which includes 12 sensory testing parameters (i.e., cold and warm detection thresholds, paradoxical heat sensations, thermal sensory limen procedure, cold and heat pain thresholds, mechanical detection threshold, mechanical pain threshold, mechanical pain sensitivity, dynamic mechanical allodynia, wind-up ratio, vibration detection threshold, and pressure pain threshold) (232). The positive and negative results of individual patients are obtained by comparison against a normative QST reference dataset, comprised of age- and sex-stratified healthy individuals.

Figure 13. Schematic representation of the generation of pain. (A) Normal: Central terminals of c-afferents project into the dorsal horn and make contact with secondary pain-signaling neurons. Mechanoreceptive Aβ afferents project without synaptic transmission into the dorsal columns (not shown) and also contact secondary afferent dorsal horn neurons. (B) C-fiber sensitization: Spontaneous activity in peripheral nociceptors (peripheral sensitization, black stars) induces changes in the central sensory processing, leading to spinal-cord hyperexcitability (central sensitization, gray star) that causes input from mechanoreceptive Aβ (light touch) and Aδ fibers (punctuate stimuli) to be perceived as pain (allodynia). (C) C-fiber loss: C-nociceptor degeneration and novel synaptic contacts of Aβ fibers with “free” central nociceptive neurons, causing dynamic mechanical allodynia. (D) Central disinhibition: Selective damage of cold-sensitive Aδ fibers that leads to central disinhibition, resulting in cold hyperalgesia. Sympat, sympathetic nerve

Two Distinct Pain Phenotypes – The Non-Irritable and Irritable Nociceptor


Application of the QST technique has shown that there are two distinct subgroups of patients who have particular patterns of sensory symptoms and signs: (a) a predominant differentiation with loss of sensory function (non-irritable nociceptor phenotype), and (b) a relatively preserved small fiber function associated with thermal/mechanical hypersensitivity (irritable nociceptor phenotype) (231). Using the DFNS protocol, the PiNS reported that the non-irritable nociceptor was the predominant phenotype in painful DPN, whilst only a minority of patients had the irritable nociceptor phenotype (6.3%) (233). Nevertheless, a small but significant proportion of patients (15%) did demonstrate signs of sensory gain with dynamic mechanical allodynia, often in combination with hyposensitivity across a range of small and large nerve fiber sensory assessments. The presence of allodynia would suggest that aberrant central processing of sensory inputs has an important role in these patients. Recent studies have demonstrated proof-of-concept for using sensory profiling to improve clinical trial efficiency by demonstrating that some treatments are more effective in patients with the irritable versus the non-irritable nociceptor phenotype (230-234). However, most of these studies examined patients with peripheral neuropathy of diverse causes.


Phenotype-Driven Therapeutic Experience in Painful DPN


Examples of studies that focused on painful DPN include an open label retrospective study using the DFNS protocol, which evaluated key phenotypic differences in sensory profiling associated with response to intravenous lidocaine in patients with severe, intractable painful DPN (235). Patients with the irritable nociceptor phenotype were more likely to respond to intravenous lidocaine, which inactivates sodium channels, compared to the non-irritable nociceptor phenotype (235). In fact, dynamic mechanical allodynia and pain summation to repetitive pinprick stimuli were the only evoked ‘gain of function’ QST parameters that informed treatment response. The presence of these sensory gain parameters suggests aberrant central processing with hyperexcitable neurons driven by abnormal sodium channel regulation, generating ectopic impulses and amplifying afferent sensory inputs. In another painful DPN study by Campbell et al. of topical clonidine, sensory profiling was performed using the capsaicin challenge test (236). The post-hoc analysis demonstrated a significant reduction in pain in the patient subgroup with increased spontaneous pain following cutaneous capsaicin administration, indicating the presence of functioning and sensitized nociceptors. Bouhassira et al. published post-hoc analysis data of treatment response based on sensory profiling using the Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory (NPSI) questionnaire from the Combination vs Monotherapy of pregabalin and duloxetine in Diabetic Neuropathy (COMBO-DN) study (237). This study examined the effect of high-dose duloxetine, a serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor, or pregabalin, a calcium channel blocker, as monotherapy versus combined pregabalin and duloxetine for painful DPN. The investigators showed that adding pregabalin (300 mg) to duloxetine (60 mg) improved the dimensions of ‘pressing pain’ and ‘evoked pain’ more significantly. On the other hand, increasing duloxetine from 60 mg to 120 mg daily improved the dimension ‘paresthesia/dysesthesia’ to a greater extent.




In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, and phenotype-stratified study of patients with painful DPN Demant et al. reported that oxcarbazepine was more efficacious for relief of peripheral neuropathic pain in patients with the irritable vs the nonirritable nociceptor phenotype (234).  Based on this and other recent studies, current opinion with regard to neuropathic pain clinical trials recommends a detailed sensory profiling of participants at baseline; and even if there is no significant separation of a drug with placebo, a subgroup analysis can be performed to see if the drug was efficacious in a particular subgroup. If there is a clear signal that this was the case, a further, adequately powered, phenotype stratified trial would be designed.   


Sensory profiling can also identify subgroups with altered endogenous pain modulation to predict treatment outcomes of drugs and other interventions that affect a given mechanism. Figure 14 describes the different nerve fibers affected and possible targeted treatments.


In a study of pain modulation in DPN, individuals were assessed using QST for conditioned pain modulation (CPM), a psychophysical paradigm in which central pain inhibition is measured via the phenomenon of ‘pain inhibiting pain,’ via the simultaneous administration of a conditioning painful stimulus at a distant body site. The pain in participants with abnormal CPM was more receptive to duloxetine, which is believed to increase descending inhibitory pain pathway activation, than individuals with normal pain modulation, although there was no comparison to placebo in this open-label study (238).

Figure 14. Schematic representation of the generation of pain. (A) Normal: Central terminals of c-afferents project into the dorsal horn and make contact with secondary pain-signaling neurons. Mechanoreceptive Aβ afferents project without synaptic transmission into the dorsal columns (not shown) and also contact secondary afferent dorsal horn neurons. (B) C-fiber sensitization: Spontaneous activity in peripheral nociceptors (peripheral sensitization, black stars) induces changes in the central sensory processing, leading to spinal-cord hyperexcitability (central sensitization, gray star) that causes input from mechanoreceptive Aβ (light touch) and Aδ fibers (punctuate stimuli) to be perceived as pain (allodynia). (C) C-fiber loss: C-nociceptor degeneration and novel synaptic contacts of Aβ fibers with “free” central nociceptive neurons, causing dynamic mechanical allodynia. (D) Central disinhibition: Selective damage of cold-sensitive Aδ fibers that leads to central disinhibition, resulting in cold hyperalgesia. Sympat, sympathetic nerve

Taken together, these studies support the notion that mechanism-based approaches to pain management may be feasible in painful DPN. However, in an elegant mechanistic study, Haroutounian et al examined 14 patients with neuropathic pain of mixed etiology [unilateral foot pain from nerve injury (n=7) and distal polyneuropathy (n=7)] to determine the contribution of primary afferent input in maintaining peripheral neuropathic pain (239). Each patient underwent randomized ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve block with lidocaine versus intravenous lidocaine infusion. They found that peripheral afferent input was critical for maintaining neuropathic pain, but improvement in evoked hypersensitivity was not related to improvements in spontaneous pain intensity. This suggests that further studies are needed to rationalize sensory phenotyping in order to optimize clinical trial outcomes in painful DPN. Moreover, given the rarity of the irritable-nociceptor phenotype, as determined by QST, a single assessment modality may be unlikely to help stratify patients and combining with additional modalities may be necessary (e.g., brain imaging). 


Brain Imaging in Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy


Recent advances in neuroimaging provide us with unique insights into the human central nervous system in chronic pain conditions (240). We now have a better understanding how the brain modulates nociceptive inputs to generate the pain experience, and how this is disrupted in patients with painful DPN. However, to date, brain imaging serves mainly as a research tool, with minimal direct application in clinical trials for pain or clinical practice. While mechanistic approaches that require carefully evaluating specific responses to guide therapy have significant appeal (e.g., cold, heat, von Frey etc.), in practice, these are time consuming and may be difficult to implement in busy clinical practices. Furthermore, these are psychophysical measures which rely on patient responses and may be subjective and biased. Sensory profiling methods also do not capture the complex and multidimensional pain experience, which affects emotional and cognitive processing in addition to sensory processing. For example, chronic pain patients often undergo neuropsychological changes, which include changes in emotion and motivation or changes in cognition (241). Chronic pain may also arise after the onset of depression, even in patients without a prior history of pain or depression. Collectively, these clinical insights suggest a better strategy for assessing and treating painful DPN, given it is a chronic disease of dynamic process (e.g., evolution of co-morbid phenotypes such as anxiety or depression), which is not easily reversed in most patients. It is important to determine specific targets that are relevant to pain across individuals, because modulating activation in these targets may provide evidence that a compound engages a target or attenuates nociceptive processing.


Structural and functional cortical plasticity is a fundamental property of the human central nervous system, which can adjust to nerve injury. However, it can have maladaptive consequences, possibly resulting in chronic pain. Studies using structural magnetic resonance (MR) neuroimaging have demonstrated a clear reduction in both spinal cord cross-sectional area (139) and primary somatosensory cortex (S1) gray matter volume in patients with DPN (141). These findings are supported by studies in other pain conditions, which have also reported dynamic structural and functional plasticity with profound effects on the brain in patients with neuropathic pain. More recently, it has been demonstrated how brain structural and functional changes are related to painful DPN clinical phenotypes (146). Patients with the painful insensate phenotype have a more pronounced reduction in S1 cortical thickness and a remapping of S1 sensory processing compared to painful DPN subjects with relatively preserved sensation (146). Furthermore, the extent to which S1 cortical structure and function is altered is related to the severity of neuropathy and the magnitude of self-reported pain. These data suggest a dynamic plasticity of the brain in DPN driven by the neuropathic process and may ultimately determine an individual’s clinical pain phenotypes.

Over the last decade, resting-state functional MR imaging (RS-fMRI) – a quick, and simple non-invasive technique – has become an increasingly appealing way to examine spontaneous brain activity in individuals, without relying on external stimulation tasks. During a typical RS-fMRI examination, the hemodynamic response to spontaneous neuronal activity (bold oxygen level dependent, BOLD) signal is acquired whilst subjects are instructed to simply rest in the MR scanner (242). The data acquired is used in brain mapping to evaluate regional interactions or functional connectivity, which occur in a resting state. Most studies use a machine learning approach to identify patterns of functional connectivity, which differentiates patients from controls. RS-fMRI experiments in painful DPN have reported greater thalamic-insula functional connectivity and decreased thalamic-somatosensory cortical functional connectivity in patients with the irritable versus non-irritable nociceptor phenotype (235). There was a significant positive correlation between thalamic-insula functional connectivity with self-reported pain scores (235). Conversely, there was a more significant reduction in thalamic-somatosensory cortical functional connectivity in those with more severe neuropathy. This demonstrates how RS-fMRI measures of functional connectivity relates to both the somatic and non-somatic assessments of painful DPN. In one study, using a machine learning approach to integrate anatomical and functional connectivity data achieved an accuracy of 92% and sensitivity of 90%, indicating good overall performance (235). Multimodal MR imaging combining structural and RS-fMRI has also been used to predict treatment response in painful DPN. Responders to intravenous lidocaine treatment have significantly greater S1 cortical volume and greater functional connectivity between the insular cortex and corticolimbic system compared to non-responders (235). The insular cortex plays a pivotal role in processing the emotion and cognitive dimensions of the chronic pain experience. The corticolimbic circuits have also long been implicated in reward, decision making, and fear learning. Hence, these findings suggest that this network may have a role in determining treatment response in painful DPN.


Using advanced multimodal MR neuroimaging, a number of studies have demonstrated alterations in pain processing brain regions, which relate to clinical pain phenotype, treatment response, and behavioral/psychological factors impacted by pain. Taken together, these assessments could serve as a possible Central Pain Signature for painful DPN. The challenge now is to apply this potential pain biomarker at an individual level in order to demonstrate clinical utility. To this end, applying machine learning (243) to leverage brain imaging features from a quick 6-minute RS-fMRI scan to classify individual patients into different clinical pain phenotypes is appealing. Future studies should externally validate and optimize current models in larger patient cohorts to examine if/how such models can be used as biomarkers in clinical trials of pain therapeutics. Although many of the findings described are consistent with neuroimaging studies in other chronic pain conditions, it is difficult to assess convergence of findings across a number of relatively small cohort studies employing different analytical methods to derive complex models involving a large number of distributed brain regions (244). These are important limitations that are being addressed with 1) a number of large scale multi-center studies in progress or in preparation (MAPP consortium (245) and Placebo Imaging consortium (246), and 2) several consensus statements by key stakeholders, promoting standardized approaches and reporting and transparent/sharable models. 


General Principals of Managing Painful DPN


Managing painful symptoms in DPN may constitute a considerable treatment challenge. The efficacy of a single therapeutic agent is not the rule, and most patients require combination therapy to control the pain. The present ‘trial and error’ approach is to offer the available therapies in a stepwise fashion until an effective treatment is achieved (247,248). Effective pain treatment considers a favorable balance between pain relief and side effects without implying a maximum effect. The following general considerations in the pharmacotherapy of neuropathic pain require attention (249):


  • The appropriate and effective drug has to be tried and identified in each patient by carefully titrating the dose based on efficacy and side effects.
  • Lack of efficacy should be judged only after 2-4 weeks of treatment using an adequate dose.
  • As the evidence from clinical trials suggests a > 50% reduction in pain for any monotherapy, combination therapy is considered a ‘robust’ response. A reduction of pain of 30-49% may be considered a ‘clinically relevant’ response.
  • Potential drug interactions have to be considered given the frequent use of polypharmacy in patients with diabetes.


For many patients, optimal management of chronic pain may require a multidisciplinary team approach with appropriate behavioral therapy, as well as input from a broad range of healthcare professionals. Here we highlight the common agents used to manage painful DPN and key papers to demonstrate the evidence base. The most recent guidelines for pharmacotherapy for neuropathic pain in general and specifically in painful DPN can be found elsewhere (16,250,251,252,253,254,67, 255,256).




Antidepressants are commonest agents used in the treatment of chronic neuropathic pain (217). The putative mechanisms of interrupting pain transmission by these agents include inhibition of norepinephrine and/or serotonin reuptake within the endogenous descending pain-inhibitory systems in the brain and spinal cord (257). Antagonism of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate receptors that mediate hyperalgesia and allodynia has also been proposed.


Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs)


Imipramine, amitriptyline, and clomipramine induce a balanced reuptake inhibition of both norepinephrine and serotonin, while desipramine is a relatively selective norepinephrine inhibitor. The most frequent adverse events of tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are anticholinergic symptoms including tiredness and dry mouth and may exacerbate cardiovascular and gastrointestinal autonomic neuropathy. The starting dose should be 25 mg (10 mg in frail patients) taken as a single night time dose one hour before sleep. The maximum dose is usually 150 mg per day and doses >100mg should be avoided in the elderly.


TCAs should be used with caution in patients with orthostatic hypotension and are contraindicated in patients with unstable angina, recent (<6 months) myocardial infarction, closed-angle glaucoma, heart failure, history of ventricular arrhythmias, significant conduction system disease, and long QT syndrome. Their use is limited by relatively high rates of adverse events and several contraindications.


Serotonin Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRI)


The efficacy and safety of duloxetine has been evaluated in 7 RCTs establishing it as a mainstay treatment option in painful DPN. Several systematic reviews demonstrate a moderate strength of evidence for duloxetine reduces neuropathic pain to a clinically meaningful degree in patients with painful DPN (258,259,260). Patients with higher pain intensity tend to respond better than those with lower pain levels. The most frequent side effects of duloxetine (60/120 mg/day) include nausea (16.7/27.4%), somnolence (20.2/28.3%), dizziness (9.6/23%), constipation (4.9/10.6%), dry mouth (7.1/15%), and reduced appetite (2.6/12.4%). These adverse events are usually mild to moderate and transient. To minimize them the starting dose should be 30 mg/day for 4-5 days. In contrast to TCAs and some anticonvulsants, duloxetine does not cause weight gain, but a small increase in fasting blood glucose may occur (261).


Venlafaxine is another SNRI that has mixed action on catecholamine uptake. Compared to duloxetine, the strength of evidence for venlafaxine is lower and it could be considered an alternative if duloxetine is not tolerated. At lower doses, venlafaxine inhibits serotonin uptake and at higher doses it inhibits norepinephrine uptake (262). The extended release version of venlafaxine was found to be superior to placebo in painful DPN in non-depressed patients at doses of 150-225 mg daily, and when added to gabapentin there was improved pain, mood, and quality of life (263).  In a 6-week trial comprised of 244 patients the analgesic response rates were 56%, 39%, and 34% in patients given 150-225 mg venlafaxine, 75 mg venlafaxine, and placebo, respectively. Because patients with depression were excluded, the effect of venlafaxine (150-225 mg) was attributed to an analgesic, rather than antidepressant, effect. The most common adverse events were tiredness and nausea (264); additionally, clinically important electrocardiogram changes were found in seven patients in the treatment arm.




Calcium Channel Modulators (a2-δ ligands)


Gabapentin is an anticonvulsant structurally related to g-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that plays a role in pain transmission and modulation. The exact mechanisms of action of this drug in neuropathic pain are not fully elucidated. Among others, they involve an interaction with the L-amino acid transporter system and high affinity binding to the a2-δ subunit of voltage-activated calcium channels. A Cochrane review reported 4 out of 10 patients with painful DPN achieved greater than 50% pain relief with gabapentin compared to placebo (2 out of 10). Pain was reduced by a third or more for 5 in 10 with gabapentin and 4 in 10 with placebo. Over half of those treated did not benefit from worthwhile pain relief but experienced adverse event (265).


In contrast to gabapentin, pregabalin is a more specific a2-δ ligand with a 6-fold higher binding affinity. It also has a more rapid onset with a dose-dependent linear pharmacokinetic profiled i.e., 600mg/day being more effective that 300mg/day (266). Hence, the administration (BD vs QDS) and dose titration of pregabalin in considerably easier compared to gabapentin. A recent Cochrane review reported moderate quality evidence for the efficacy of pregabalin in painful DPN compared to placebo (267). 3 or 4 in 10 people had pain reduced by half or more with pregabalin 300 mg or 600 mg daily, and 2 or 3 in 10 with placebo. Pain was reduced by a third or more for 5 or 6 in 10 people with pregabalin 300 mg or 600 mg daily, and 4 or 5 in 10 with placebo.


Common side-effects associated with the use of gabapentinoids include weight gain, edema, dizziness, and somnolence. They should be used with caution in patients with congestive cardiac failure (NYHA class III or IV) and renal impairment (dose reduction required). Pooled trial analysis of adverse events showed a higher risk of side-effects with increasing pregabalin dose but not older age (268). The misuse and abuse of gabapentinoids is a growing problem in the US and in Europe necessitating monitoring for signs of misuse/abuse and caution when used in at risk populations (269). Gabapentinoids may also increase the risk of respiratory depression, a serious concern for patients taking opioids or with underlying respiratory impairment (270,271,272).




C-fibers utilize the neuropeptide substance P as their neurotransmitter, and depletion of axonal substance P (through the use of capsaicin) will often lead to amelioration of the pain. Prolonged application of capsaicin, a highly selective agonist of transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 (TRPV1), depletes stores of substance P, and possibly other neurotransmitters, from sensory nerve endings. This reduces or abolishes the transmission of painful stimuli from the peripheral nerve fibers to the higher centers (273). The 8% capsaicin patch (Qutenza) (274) is authorized for the treatment of peripheral neuropathic pain. In one RCT in painful DPN, a single application of 8% capsaicin patch applied for 30min provided modest pain relief for up to 3 months (275). Specialist trained staff are required for application which can be repeated every 2-3 months. A Cochrane review of low dose (0.025% and 0.075%) topical capsaicin cream was not able to provide any recommendations due to insufficient data (276).




Lidocaine has unique analgesic properties. Although the exact mechanism by which intravenous lidocaine provides systemic analgesia is unknown, it is thought to have both peripheral and central mechanisms of action (277,278,279). It exhibits state-dependent binding where sodium channels that are rapidly and repeatedly activated and inactivated are more readily blocked (280). This state-dependence is thought to be very important in limiting the hyperexcitability of cells exhibiting abnormal activity. Thus, it is likely to have greater efficacy in patients with neuropathic pain (281,282) and has been used to relieve chronic pain for over 50 years (283). A Cochrane review of 30 RCT found that intravenous lidocaine (284), which is more effective than its oral analogue (mexilitine, NNT10-38) and gastrointestinal intolerance most common side effect and major factor limiting its use) (284,285) and is more effective than placebo in decreasing neuropathic pain. It was found to be generally well tolerated with little or no side effects (286). Hence, intravenous lidocaine is a recognized treatment option for patients with severe painful DPN (287), and is included in clinical guidelines (288).


Although 5% lidocaine patch is being used in patients with postherpetic neuralgia (289), there is insufficient evidence to recommend its use in those with painful DPN.




Tramadol and NMDA Receptor Antagonists


The most examined compounds in painful DPN are tramadol, oxycodone, and tapentadol. Tramadol is a centrally acting weak opioid and SNRI for use in treating moderate to severe pain.  More severe pain requires administration of strong opioids such as oxycodone (µ-opioid agonist) or tapentadol (µ-opioid agonist and SNRI).  There is limited data available on the efficacy of these agents from relatively small-scale studies. Recent Cochrane reviews graded the available evidence as mostly of low or very low quality and likely to overestimate the efficacy of tramadol and oxycodone in the treatment of painful DPN (290,291). Side effects typical of opioids were common including somnolence, headache, and nausea. There is an increased risk of serotonergic syndrome if tramadol and tapentadol are prescribed with other agents with serotonin reuptake inhibitor properties and thus best avoided. Nevertheless, there is role for these agents as 2nd or 3rd line analgesics for painful DPN in carefully selected patients unresponsive to standard treatments. Non-pharmacological and non-opioid analgesic treatments should be optimized and established and/or not tolerated/contraindicated before opioid treatment is considered (292). Regular monitoring/evaluation of efficacy is recommended particularly if treatment is longer than 3 months. Opioids are associated with less pain relief during longer trials possibly due to opioid tolerance or opioid induced hyperalgesia. Moreover, adverse outcomes such as dependence, overdose, depression, and impaired functional status were more common in patients with neuropathic pain (painful DPN 68%) receiving long-term (>90 days) vs short term (<90 days) of treatment (293). Hence, referral to specialist or centers with experience in opioid use is recommended to avoid risks.




A psychological component to pain should not be underestimated. Hence, an explanation to the patient that even severe pain may remit, particularly in poorly controlled patients with acute painful neuropathy or in those painful symptoms precipitated by intensive insulin treatment. Thus, the empathetic approach addressing the concerns and anxieties of patients with neuropathic pain is essential for their successful management (294).




The temperature of the painful neuropathic foot may be increased due to arterio-venous shunting. Cold water immersion may reduce shunt flow and relieve pain. Allodynia may be relieved by wearing silk pajamas or the use of a bed cradle. Patients who describe painful symptoms on walking as comparable to walking on pebbles may benefit from the use of comfortable footwear (255).




A 10-week uncontrolled study with a follow-up period of 18-52 weeks in patients with diabetes showed significant pain relief after up to 6 courses of traditional Chinese acupuncture without any side effects (295). A single-blind placebo-controlled randomized trial of acupuncture in 45 subjects with painful DN recently reported an improvement in the outcome measures assessing pain in the acupuncture arm relative to sham treatment (296). However, Chen and colleagues warn that design flaws and lack of robust outcome measures of pain in acupuncture trials make meaningful conclusions difficult (297).  Larger controlled studies are needed to confirm these early findings.




Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) influences neuronal afferent transmission and conduction velocity, increases the nociceptive flexion reflex threshold, and changes the somatosensory evoked potentials. In a 4-week study of TENS applied to the lower limbs, each for 30 minutes daily, pain relief was noted in 83% of the patients compared to 38% of a sham-treated group. In patients who only marginally responded to amitriptyline, pain reduction was significantly greater following TENS given for 12 weeks as compared with sham treatment. Thus, TENS may be used as an adjunctive modality combined with pharmacotherapy to augment pain relief  (298).


Frequency-modulated electromagnetic nerve stimulation (FREMS) in 2 studies, including a recent double-blind randomized placebo controlled trial with 51 weeks of follow-up, proved to be a safe treatment for symptomatic diabetic neuropathy, with immediate but transient reduction in pain and no effect on nerve conduction velocities (299,300).  Six out of eight trials analyzed in a recent review evaluating the use of electrical stimulation in painful DN found significant pain relief in patients treated with electrical stimulation compared with placebo or sham treatment (301). 


Electrical spinal cord stimulation (SCS) was first reported in painful DPN in 1996 (302). With electrodes implanted between T9 and T11, 8 out of 10 patients reported greater than 50% pain relief. Most of these early devices utilized low-frequency stimulation (40-60Hz) with two RCTs demonstrating moderate utility (n=36 to 60) with 6-month to 24-month follow up (303,304,305) with responder attrition within 12 months (306). Modern iterations of SCS employ high-frequency stimulation (10kHz) provides pain relief without generating paresthesia (307,308,309,310). A recent RCT examine the use of 10kHz electrical SCS in patients with refractory painful DPN compared to conventional medical management in 216 randomized patients (311). 50% reduction in pain relief was observed in 5% in the control group compared to 79% in the electrical SCS group with 6 months follow up. The main limitation of this study was the lack of blinding and potential for placebo effects as an important confounding factor. Nevertheless, this is an interesting finding which should open a new area for further research. Overall complications of electrical SCS include wound infection and lead migration requiring reinsertion. Currently, therefore, this invasive treatment option should be reserved for patients who do not respond to analgesic combination pharmacotherapy.




Surgical decompression at the site of anatomic narrowing has been promoted as an alternative treatment for patients with symptomatic DPN. A systematic review of the literature revealed only Class IV studies concerning the utility of this therapeutic approach. Given the current evidence available, this treatment alternative should be considered unproven. Prospective randomized controlled trials with standard definitions and outcome measures are necessary to determine the value of this therapeutic intervention (312,313).


The odds ratios for efficacy of neuropathic pain medications are given in Figure 15. In addition, Table 5 shows the dosages of the different drugs and the commonly encountered side effects.

Figure 15. Efficacy analysis of drugs used for the treatment of PDN

Guidelines for Pharmacotherapy of Painful Neuropathy


Figure 16 is a pharmacotherapy algorithm that we propose for the management of painful neuropathy in diabetes. This presumes that the cause of the pain has been attributed to DPN and that all causes masquerading as DPN have been excluded. The identification of neuropathic pain as being focal or diffuse dictates the initial course of action. Focal neuropathic pain is best treated with splinting, steroid injections, and surgery to release entrapment. Diffuse neuropathies are treated with medical therapy and in a majority of cases, need combination therapy.  Essential to the DPN evaluation is the identification of the patient’s comorbidities, potential adverse events, and drug interactions. When single agents fail, combinations of drugs with different mechanisms of action should be considered. Comorbidities that accompany pain include depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbances, all of which must be addressed for successful management of pain. Treatment of peripheral neuropathic pain conditions can benefit from further understanding of the impact of pain response and QOL, including activities of daily living (ADLs) and sleep. Patients often benefit from participation in pain management groups and psychological intervention to develop/gain better coping strategies and deal with harmful/disruptive pain-related behaviors. There is currently minimal evidence for the use of combination treatment for painful DPN – hence, most guidelines recommend switching to an alternative agent. There are also few head-to-head comparator trials of commonly used agent evaluating efficacy and safety between drugs. We await the outcome of the much-anticipated OPTION-DM study – head-to-head multicenter, RCT will inform clinicians of the most cost effective monotherapy (amitriptyline, pregabalin and duloxetine) followed by combination therapy for painful DPN (314).

Figure 16. Algorithm for the Management of Symptomatic Diabetic Neuropathy. Non-pharmacological, topical or physical therapies can be useful at any time. SNRIs, serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors; TCA, tricyclic antidepressants.





The autonomic nervous system (ANS) supplies all organs in the body and consists of an afferent and an efferent system, with long efferents in the vagus (cholinergic) and short postganglionic unmyelinated fibers in the sympathetic system (adrenergic). A third component is the neuropeptidergic system with its neurotransmitters substance P (SP), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), and calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) amongst others. Diabetic autonomic neuropathy (DAN) is a serious and common complication of diabetes but remains among the least recognized and understood. Diabetic autonomic neuropathy (DAN) can cause dysfunction of every part of the body, and has a significant negative impact on survival and quality of life (315). The organ systems that most often exhibit prominent clinical autonomic signs and symptoms in diabetes include the pupils, sweat glands, genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract, adrenal medullary system, and the cardiovascular system (Table 6). Clinical symptoms generally do not appear until long after the onset of diabetes. However, subclinical autonomic dysfunction can occur within a year of diagnosis in type 2 diabetes patients and within two years in type 1 diabetes patients (316).



Table 6. Clinical Manifestations of Autonomic Neuropathy



Tachycardia/ Bradycardia

Systolic and diastolic dysfunction

Decreased exercise tolerance


Orthostatic tachycardia and bradycardia syndrome

Sleep apnea

Anxiety/ depression

Cardiac denervation syndrome

Paradoxic supine or nocturnal hypertension

Intraoperative and perioperative cardiovascular instability


Decreased thermoregulation

Decreased sweating

Altered blood flow

Impaired vasomotion



Esophageal dysmotility

Gastroparesis diabeticorum



Fecal incontinence


Erectile dysfunction

Retrograde ejaculation

Neurogenic bladder and cystopathy

Female sexual dysfunction (e.g., loss of vaginal lubrication)




Heat intolerance

Gustatory sweating

Dry skin


Hypoglycemia unawareness

Hypoglycemia unresponsiveness


Pupillomotor function impairment (e.g., decreased diameter of dark-adapted pupil)

Pseudo Argyll-Robertson pupil



Microvascular flow is under the control of the ANS and is regulated by both the central and peripheral components of the ANS. Defective blood flow in the small capillary circulation is found with decreased responsiveness to mental arithmetic, cold pressor, hand grip, and heating (317). The defect is associated with a reduction in the amplitude of vasomotion (318) and resembles premature aging (277). There are differences in the glabrous and hairy skin (319) and is correctable with antioxidants (320). The clinical counterpart is a dry cold skin, loss of sweating, and development of fissures and cracks that are portals of entry for organisms leading to infectious ulcers and gangrenes. Silent myocardial infarction, respiratory failure, amputations, and sudden death are hazards for diabetes patients with cardiac autonomic neuropathy (321). Therefore, it is vitally important to make this diagnosis early so that appropriate intervention can be instituted (322).


Disturbances in the autonomic nervous system may be functional, e.g., gastroparesis with hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis, or organic wherein nerve fibers are actually lost. This creates inordinate difficulties in diagnosing, treating, and prognosticating as well as establishing true prevalence rates. Tests of autonomic function generally stimulate entire reflex pathways. Furthermore, autonomic control for each organ system is usually divided between opposing sympathetic and parasympathetic innervations, so that heart rate acceleration, for example, may reflect either decreased parasympathetic or increased sympathetic nervous system stimulation. Since many conditions affect the autonomic nervous system and autonomic neuropathy (AN) is not unique to diabetes, the diagnosis of DAN rests with establishing the diagnosis and excluding other causes (Table 7 and 8). The best studied diagnostic methods, for which there are large databases and evidence to support their use in clinical practice, relate to the evaluation of cardiovascular reflexes (Figure 17). In addition, the evaluation of orthostasis is fairly straightforward and is readily done in clinical practice (Figure 18), as is the establishment of the cause of gastrointestinal symptoms (Figure 19) and erectile dysfunction. The combination of cardiovascular autonomic tests with sudomotor function tests may allow a more accurate diagnosis of diabetic autonomic neuropathy (323). Tables 9 and 10 below present the diagnostic tests that would be applicable to the diagnosis of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy. These tests can be used as a surrogate for the diagnosis of AN of any system since it is generally rare to find involvement (although it does occur) of any other division of the ANS in the absence of cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction. For example, if one entertains the possibility that the patient has erectile dysfunction due to AN, then prior to embarking upon a sophisticated and expensive evaluation of erectile status, a measure of heart rate and its variability in response to deep breathing would - if normal - exclude the likelihood that the erectile dysfunction is a consequence of disease of the autonomic nervous system. The cause thereof would have to be sought elsewhere. Similarly, it is extremely unusual to find gastroparesis secondary to AN in a patient with normal cardiovascular autonomic reflexes.


Table 7. Differential Diagnosis of Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy

Clinical Manifestations

Differential Diagnosis


Resting tachycardia, Exercise intolerance

Orthostatic tachycardia and bradycardia syndromes

Cardiac denervation, painless myocardial infarction

Orthostatic hypotension

Intraoperative and perioperative cardiovascular instability

Cardiovascular disorders

Idiopathic orthostatic hypotension, multiple system atrophy with Parkinsonism, orthostatic tachycardia, hyperadrenergic hypotension

Shy-Drager syndrome




Congestive heart disease

Carcinoid syndrome


Esophageal dysfunction

Gastroparesis diabeticorum



Fecal incontinence

Gastrointestinal disorders



Secretory diarrhea (endocrine tumors)

Biliary disease

Psychogenic vomiting



Erectile dysfunction

Retrograde ejaculation


Neurogenic bladder

Genitourinary disorders

Genital and pelvic surgery

Atherosclerotic vascular disease


Alcohol abuse


Heat intolerance

Gustatory sweating

Dry skin

Impaired skin blood flow

Other causes of neurovascular dysfunction

Chaga's disease




Hypoglycemia unawareness

Hypoglycemia unresponsiveness

Hypoglycemia associated autonomic failure

Metabolic disorders

Other cause of hypoglycemia, intensive glycemic control and drugs that mask hypoglycemia


Decreased diameter of dark- adapted pupil

Argyll-Robertson type pupil

Pupillary disorders



Table 8. Diagnosis and Management of Autonomic Nerve Dysfunction


Assessment Modalities


Resting tachycardia, exercise intolerance, early fatigue and weakness with exercise

HRV, respiratory HRV, MUGA thallium scan, 123I MIBG scan

Graded supervised exercise, beta blockers, ACE-inhibitors

Postural hypotension, dizziness, lightheadedness, weakness, fatigue, syncope, tachycardia/bradycardia

HRV, blood pressure measurement lying and standing

Mechanical measures, clonidine, midodrine, octreotide, erythropoietin, pyridostigmine


Sympathetic/parasympathetic balance

Clonidine, amitryptylline, trihexyphenidyl, propantheline, or scopolamine ,botox, Glycopyrrolate


Table 9.  Diagnostic Tests of Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy



Resting heart rate Beat-to-beat heart rate Variation*

>100 beats/min is abnormal. With the patient at rest and supine (no overnight coffee or hypoglycemic episodes), breathing 6 breaths/min, heart rate monitored by EKG or ANSCORE device, a difference in heart rate of >15 beats/min is normal and <10 beats/min is abnormal, R-R inspiration/R-R expiration >1.17. All indices of HRV are age-dependent**.

Heart rate response to Standing*

During continuous EKG monitoring, the R-R interval is measured at beats 15 and 30 after standing. Normally, a tachycardia is followed by reflex bradycardia. The 30:15 ratio is normally >1.03.

Heart rate response to Valsalva maneuver*

The subject forcibly exhales into the mouthpiece of a manometer to 40 mmHg for 15 s during EKG monitoring. Healthy subjects develop tachycardia and peripheral vasoconstriction during strain and an overshoot bradycardia and rise in blood pressure with release. The ratio of longest R-R shortest R-R should be >1.2.

Spectral analysis of heart rate variation, very low frequency power (VLFP 0.003-0.04) and high frequency power (HFP 0.15-0.40 Hz)

Series of sequential R-R intervals into its various frequent components. It defines two fixed spectral regions for the low-frequency and high-frequency measure.

Systolic blood pressure response to standing 

Systolic blood pressure is measured in the supine subject. The patient stands and the systolic blood pressure is measured after 2 min. Normal response is a fall of <10 mmHg, borderline is a fall of 10-29 mmHg, and abnormal is a fall of >30 mmHg with symptoms.

Diastolic blood pressure response to isometric exercise

The subject squeezes a handgrip dynamometer to establish a maximum. Grip is then squeezed at 30% maximum for 5 min. The normal response for diastolic blood pressure is a rise of >16 mmHg in the other arm.

EKG QT/QTc intervals Spectral analysis with respiratory frequency

The QTc (corrected QT interval on EKG) should be <440 ms. VLF peak (sympathetic dysfunction) LF peak (sympathetic dysfunction) HF peak (parasympathetic dysfunction) LH/HF ratio (sympathetic imbalance)

Neurovascular flow

Using noninvasive laser Doppler measures of peripheral sympathetic responses to nociception.

* These can now be performed quickly (<15 min) in the practitioners' office, with a central reference laboratory providing quality control and normative values. LF, VLF, HF =low, very low and high frequency peaks on spectral analysis. These are now readily available in most cardiologist's practice.** Lowest normal value of E/I ratio: Age 20-24:1.17, 25-29:1.15, 30-34:1.13, 35-30:1.12, 40-44:1.10, 45-49:1.08, 50-54:1.07, 55-59:1.06, 60-64:1.04, 65-69:1.03, 70-75:1.02 .


Table 10. Diagnostic Assessment of Cardiovascular Autonomic Function



Resting heart rate

Beat to beat variation with deep breathing (E:I ratio)

30:15 heart rate ratio with standing

Valsalva ratio

Spectral analysis of heart rate variation , high frequency power (HFP 0.15-0.40 Hz)

Spectral Analysis of HRV respiratory frequency

Resting heart rate

Spectral analysis of heart rate variation, very low frequency power (VLFP 0.003-0.04)

Orthostasis BP

Hand grip BP

Cold pressor response

Sympathetic skin galvanic response (cholinergic)

Sudorimetry (cholinergic)

Cutaneous blood flow (peptidergic)

Figure 17. This is a sample power spectrum of the HRV signal from a subject breathing at an average rate of 7.5 breaths per minute (Fundamental Respiratory Frequency, FRF = 0.125 Hz). The method using HRV alone defines two fixed spectral regions for the low-frequency (LF) and high-frequency (HF) measure (dark gray and light gray, respectively). It is clear that the high-frequency (light gray) region includes very little area under the HRV spectral curve, suggesting very little parasympathetic activity. The great majority of the HRV spectral activity is under the low-frequency (dark gray) region suggesting primarily sympathetic activity. These representations are incorrect because the slow-breathing subject should have a large parasympathetic component reflective of the vagal activity. This parasympathetic component is represented correctly by the method using both HRV and respiratory activity which defines the red and blue regions of the spectrum in the graph. The blue region defined by the FRF represents purely parasympathetic activity whereas the remainder of the lower frequency regions (red region) represents purely sympathetic activity.

Figure 18. Evaluation of postural dizziness in patients with diabetes

Figure 19. Evaluation of a patient with suspected gastroparesis

The role of over-activation of the autonomic nervous system is illustrated in Figure 20 (324).

Figure 20. Role of over-activation of autonomic nervous system

There are few data on the longitudinal trends in small fiber dysfunction. Much remains to be learned of the natural history of diabetic autonomic neuropathy. Karamitsos et al (325) reported that the progression of diabetic autonomic neuropathy is significant during the 2 years subsequent to its discovery.


The mortality for diabetic autonomic neuropathy has been estimated to be 44% within 2.5 years of diagnosing symptomatic autonomic neuropathy (29).  In a meta-analysis, the Mantel-Haenszel estimates for the pooled prevalence rate risk for silent myocardial ischemia was 1.96, with 95% confidence interval of 1.53 to 2.51 (p<0.001; n = 1,468 total subjects). Thus, a consistent association between CAN and the presence of silent myocardial ischemia was shown (284) (Figure 21).

Figure 21. Relative risks and 95% CIs for studies of cardiovascular neuropathy (CAN) and mortality. Pooled relative risk for 10 studies with CAN define by two or more measures: 3.45 (95% CI 2.66–4.47). Pooled relative risk for 4 studies with CAN defined by a single measure: 1.20 (1.02–1.41). REF: Maser, R. E., Mitchell, B. D., Vinik, A. I., and Freeman, R. Diabetes Care. 2003;26(6):1895-1901.

Prevention and Reversibility of Autonomic Neuropathy


It has now become clear that strict glycemic control (37) and a stepwise progressive management of hyperglycemia, lipids, and blood pressure as well as the use of antioxidants (326) and ACE inhibitors (327) reduce the odds ratio for autonomic neuropathy to 0.32 (328). It has also been shown that early mortality is a function of loss of beat-to-beat variability with MI. This can be reduced by 33% with acute administration of insulin (329). Kendall et al (330) reported that successful pancreas transplantation improves epinephrine response and normalizes hypoglycemia symptom recognition in patients with long standing diabetes and established autonomic neuropathy. Burger et al (331) showed that a reversible metabolic component of CAN exists in patients with early CAN.


Management of Autonomic Neuropathy




The syndrome of postural hypotension is posture-related dizziness and syncope. Patients who have Type 2 diabetes mellitus and orthostatic hypotension are hypovolemic and have sympathoadrenal insufficiency; both factors contribute to the pathogenesis of orthostatic hypotension (332). Postural hypotension in the patient with diabetic autonomic neuropathy can present a difficult management problem. Elevating the blood pressure in the standing position must be balanced against preventing hypertension in the supine position.


Supportive Garments: Whenever possible, attempts should be made to increase venous return from the periphery using total body stockings. But leg compression alone is less effective, presumably reflecting the large capacity of the abdomen relative to the legs (333). Patients should be instructed to put them on while lying down and to not remove them until returning to the supine position.


Drug Therapy: Some patients with postural hypotension may benefit from treatment with 9-flurohydrocortisone. Unfortunately, symptoms do not improve until edema occurs, and there is a significant risk of developing congestive heart failure and hypertension. If fluorohydrocortisone does not work satisfactorily, various adrenergic agonists and antagonists may be used (Table 11). Enhancement of ganglionic transmission via the use of pyridostigmine (inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase) improved symptoms and orthostatic hypotension with only modest effects in supine BP for patients with POTS. Similarly, the use of b-adrenergic blockers may benefit the tachycardia, and anticholinergics, the orthostatic bradycardia. Pyridostigmine has also been shown to improve HRV in healthy young adults.  If the adrenergic receptor status is known, then therapy can be guided to the appropriate agent.  Metoclopramide may be helpful in patients with dopamine excess or increased sensitivity to dopaminergic stimulation. Patients with α2-adrenergic receptor excess may respond to the α2-antagonist yohimbine. Those few patients in whom ß-receptors are increased may be helped with propranolol. α2-adrenergic receptor deficiency can be treated with the α2-agonist clonidine, which in this setting may paradoxically increase blood pressure. One should start with small doses and gradually increase the dose. If the preceding measures fail, midodrine, an α1-adrenergic agonist, or dihydroergotamine in combination with caffeine may help. A particularly refractory form of postural hypotension occurs in some patients post-prandially and may respond to therapy with octreotide given subcutaneously in the mornings.



Table 11. Pharmacologic Treatment of Autonomic Neuropathy

Clinical status



Side effects

Orthostatic hypotension


9α flouro hydrocortisone, mineralocorticoid

0.5-2 mg/day

Congestive heart failure, hypertension


Clonidine, α2 adrenergic agonist

0,1-0,5 mg, at bedtime

Orthostatic Hypotension, sedation, dry mouth, constipation, dizziness, bradycardia.


Octreotide, somatostatin analogue

0.1-0.5 mg/kg/day

Injection site pain, diarrhea

Orthostatic tachycardia and bradycardia syndrome


Clonidine, α2 adrenergic agonist

0.1-0.5 mg, at bedtime

Orthostatic Hypotension, sedation, dry mouth, constipation, dizziness, bradycardia.


Octreotide, somatostatin analogue

0.1-0.5 μg/kg/day

Injection site pain, diarrhea

Gastroparesis diabeticorum


Domperidone, D2-receptor antagonist

10-20 mg, 30-60 min before meal and bedtime



Erythromycin, motilin receptor agonist

250 mg, 30 minutes before meals

Abdominal cramps, nausea, diarrhea, rash


Levosulphide, D2-receptor antagonist

25 mg, 3 times/day


Diabetic diarrhea


Metronidazole, broad spectrum antibiotics

250 mg, 3 times/day, minimum 3 weeks

Anorexia, rash, GI upset, urine discoloration, dizziness, disulfiram like reaction.


Clonidine, α2 adrenergic agonist

0.1 mg, 2-3 times/day

Orthostatic Hypotension, sedation, dry mouth, constipation, dizziness, bradycardia.


Cholestyramine, bile acid sequestrant

4 g, 1-6 times/day



Loperamide, opiate-receptor agonist

2 mg, four times/day

Toxic megacolon


Octreotide, somatostatin analogue

50 μg, 3 times/day

Aggravate nutrient malabsorption (at higher doses)



Bethanechol, acetylcholine receptor agonist

10 mg, 4 times/day

Blurred vision, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, salivation, and hypotension.


Doxazosin, α1 adrenergic antagonist

1-2 mg, 2-3 times/day

Hypotension, headache, palpitation

Exercise Intolerance


Graded supervised exercise

20 minutes, 3 times/week

Foot injury, angina.



Clonidine, α2 adrenergic agonist

0.1-0.5 mg, at bedtime and divided doses above 0.2 mg

Orthostatic Hypotension, sedation, dry mouth, constipation, dizziness, bradycardia.


Amitryptiline, Norepinephrine & serotonin reuptake inhibitor

150 mg/ day

Tachycardia, palpitation


Propantheline, Anti-muscarinic.

15 mg/ day PO

Dry mouth, blurred vision



2-5 mg PO

Dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, tachycardia, photosensitivity, arrhythmias.






Scopolamine, anti-cholinergic

1.5 mg patch/ 3 days; 0.4 to 0.8mg PO

Dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, drowsiness, and tachycardia.


Glycopyrrolate, anti-cholinergic

1-2 mg, 2-3 times daily.

Constipation, tachycardia, dry mouth.

Erectile dysfunction





Sildenafil (Viagra), GMP type-5 phosphodiesterase inhibitor

50 mg before sexual activity, only once per day

Hypotension and fatal cardiac event (with nitrate-containing drugs), headache, flushing, nasal congestion, dyspepsia, musculoskeletal pain, blurred vision


Tadalafil (Cialis), GMP type-5 phosphodiesterase inhibitor

10 mg PO before sexual activity only once per day.

Headache, flushing, dyspepsia, rhinitis, myalgia, back pain.


Verdenafil (Levitra), GMP type-5 phosphodiesterase inhibitor

10 mg PO, 60 minutes before sexual activity.

Hypotension, headache, dyspepsia, priapism.





During sleep, increased sympathetic drive is a result of repetitive episodes of hypoxia, hypercapnia, and obstructive apnea (OSA) acting through chemoreceptor reflexes. Increased sympathetic drive has been implicated in increased blood pressure variability with repetitive sympathetic activation and blood pressure surges impairing baroreflex and cardiovascular reflex functions (284). A direct relationship between the severity of OSA and the increase in blood pressure has been noted. Furthermore, the use of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) for the treatment of OSA has been shown to lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular autonomic nerve fiber function for individuals with OSA. Withdrawal of CPAP for even a short period (i.e., 1 week) has been shown to result in a marked increase in sympathetic activity (284).




Gastrointestinal motor disorders are frequent and widespread in patients with type 2 diabetes, regardless of symptoms (334) and there is a poor correlation between symptoms and objective evidence of a functional or organic defect. The first step in management of diabetic gastroparesis consists of multiple, small feedings; decreased fat intake as it tends to delay gastric emptying; maintenance of glycemic control (335,336); and a low-fiber diet to avoid bezoar formation. Metoclopramide may be used. Domperidone (337,338) has been shown to be effective in some patients, although probably no more so than metoclopramide. Erythromycin given as either a liquid or suppository also may be helpful. Erythromycin acts on the motilin receptor, "the sweeper of the gut," and shortens gastric emptying time (339). Several novel drugs, including the ghrelin (orexigenic hormone) and ghrelin receptor agonists, motilin agonist (mitemcinal), 5-HT4-receptor agonists and the muscarinic antagonist are being investigated for their prokinetic effects (340,341).  If medications fail and severe gastroparesis persists, jejunostomy placement into normally functioning bowel may be needed. Different treatment modalities for gastroparesis include dietary modifications, prokinetic and antiemetic medications, measures to control pain and address psychological issues, and endoscopic or surgical options in selected instances (342).


For additional information see the Endotext chapter entitled “Gastrointestinal Disorders in Diabetes”.




Enteropathy involving the small bowel and colon can produce both chronic constipation and explosive diabetic diarrhea, making treatment of this complication difficult.


Antibiotics: Stasis of bowel contents with bacterial overgrowth may contribute to the diarrhea. Treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics is the mainstay of therapy, including tetracycline or trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole. Metronidazole appears to be the most effective and should be continued for at least 3 weeks.


Cholestyramine: Retention of bile may occur and can be highly irritating to the gut. Chelation of bile salts with cholestyramine 4g tid mixed with fluid may offer relief of symptoms.


Diphenoxylate plus atropine: Diphenoxylate plus atropine may help to control the diarrhea; however, toxic megacolon can occur, and extreme care should be used.


Diet: Patients with poor digestion may benefit from a gluten-free diet, while constipation may respond to a high-soluble-fiber diet supplemented with daily hydrophilic colloid. Beware of certain fibers in the neuropathic patient that can lead to bezoar formation because of bowel stasis in gastroparetic or constipated patients.


For additional information see the Endotext chapter entitled “Gastrointestinal Disorders in Diabetes”.




Erectile dysfunction (ED) occurs in 50-75% of men with diabetes, and it tends to occur at an earlier age than in the general population. The incidence of ED in men with diabetes aged 20-29 years is 9% and increases to 95% by age 70. It may be the presenting symptom of diabetes. More than 50% notice the onset of ED within 10 years of the diagnosis, but it may precede the other complications of diabetes. The etiology of ED in diabetes is multifactorial. Neuropathy, vascular disease, diabetes control, nutrition, endocrine disorders, psychogenic factors as well as drugs used in the treatment of diabetes and its complications play a role (343,344). The diagnosis of the cause of ED is made by a logical stepwise progression in all instances. An approach to therapy has been presented to which the reader is referred; Figure 22 below shows a flow chart modified from Vinik et. al., 1998 (302).

Figure 22. Evaluation of patients with diabetes with erectile dysfunction

A thorough work-up for impotence will include: medical and sexual history; physical and psychological evaluations; blood tests for diabetes and levels of testosterone, prolactin, and thyroid hormones; tests for nocturnal erections; tests to assess penile, pelvic, and spinal nerve function; and a test to assess penile blood supply and blood pressure. The flow chart provided is intended as a guide to assist in defining the problem. The healthcare provider should initiate questions that will help distinguish the various forms of organic erectile dysfunction from those that are psychogenic in origin. Physical examination must include an evaluation of the autonomic nervous system, vascular supply, and the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.


Autonomic neuropathy causing ED is almost always accompanied by loss of ankle jerks and absence or reduction of vibration sense over the large toes. More direct evidence of impairment of penile autonomic function can be obtained by (1) demonstrating normal perianal sensation, (2) assessing the tone of the anal sphincter during a rectal exam, and (3) ascertaining the presence of an anal wink when the area of the skin adjacent to the anus is stroked or contraction of the anus when the glans penis is squeezed, i.e., the bulbo-cavernosus reflex. These measurements are easily and quickly done at the bedside and reflect the integrity of sacral parasympathetic divisions.


Vascular disease is usually manifested by buttock claudication but may be due to stenosis of the internal pudendal artery. A penile/brachial index of <0.7 indicates diminished blood supply. A venous leak manifests as unresponsiveness to vasodilators and needs to be evaluated by penile Doppler sonography.


In order to distinguish psychogenic from organic erectile dysfunction, nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) measurement can be done. Normal NPT defines psychogenic ED, and a negative response to vasodilators implies vascular insufficiency. Application of NPT is not so simple. It is much like having a sphygmomanometer cuff inflate over the penis many times during the night while one is trying to have a normal night's sleep and the REM sleep associated with erections. The individual may have to take home the device and become familiar with it over several nights before one has a reliable estimate of the failure of NPT.


Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction


A number of treatment modalities are available and each treatment has positive and negative effects; therefore, patients must be made aware of both aspects before a therapeutic decision is made. Before considering any form of treatment, every effort should be made to have the patient withdraw from alcohol and eliminate smoking. If possible, drugs that are known to cause erectile dysfunction should be removed. Additionally, metabolic control should be optimized.


Relaxation of the corpus cavernous smooth muscle cells is caused by NO and cGMP, and the ability to have and maintain an erection depends on NO and cGMP. The peripherally acting oral phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors block the action of PDE5, and cGMP accumulates, enhancing blood flow to the corpora cavernosum with sexual stimulation. This class of agents consists of sildenafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil. They have been evaluated in patients with diabetes with similar levels of efficacy of about 70%. A 50 mg tablet of sildenafil taken orally is the usual starting dose, 60 minutes before sexual activity. Lower doses should be considered in patients with renal failure and hepatic dysfunction. The duration of the drug effect is 4 hours. Generally, patients with diabetes require the maximum dose of each agent, sildenafil 100 mg, tadalafil 20 mg, and vardenafil 20 mg. Before prescribing a PDE5 inhibitor, it is important to exclude ischemic heart disease. These are absolutely contraindicated in patients being treated with nitroglycerine or other nitrate-containing drugs. Severe hypotension and fatal cardiac events can occur (345). Side-effects include headache, flushing, dyspepsia, and muscle pain (346). Direct injection of prostacyclin into the corpus cavernosum will induce satisfactory erections in a significant number of men. Also, surgical implantation of a penile prosthesis may be appropriate. The less expensive type of prosthesis is a semirigid, permanently erect type that may be embarrassing and uncomfortable for some patients. The inflatable type is three times more expensive and subject to mechanical failure, but it avoids the embarrassment caused by other devices.


Female Sexual Dysfunction


Women with diabetes mellitus may experience decreased sexual desire and more pain on sexual intercourse, and they are at risk of decreased sexual arousal, with inadequate lubrication (347). Diagnosis of female sexual dysfunction using vaginal plethysmography to measure lubrication and vaginal flushing has not been well established.


For additional information on this topic see the Endotext chapter entitled “Sexual Dysfunction in Diabetes”.




In diabetic autonomic neuropathy, the motor function of the bladder is unimpaired, but afferent fiber damage results in diminished bladder sensation. The urinary bladder can be enlarged to more than three times its normal size. Patients are seen with bladders filled to their umbilicus, yet they feel no discomfort. Loss of bladder sensation occurs with diminished voiding frequency, and the patient is no longer able to void completely. Consequently, dribbling and overflow incontinence are common complaints. A post-void residual of greater than 150cc is diagnostic of cystopathy. Cystopathy may put the patients at risk for urinary infections.


Treatment of Cystopathy


Patients with cystopathy should be instructed to palpate their bladder and, if they are unable to initiate micturition when their bladders are full, use Crede's maneuver (massage or pressure on the lower portion of abdomen just above the pubic bone) to start the flow of urine. The principal aim of the treatment should be to improve bladder emptying and to reduce the risk of urinary tract infection. Parasympathomimetics such as bethanechol are sometimes helpful, although frequently they do not help to fully empty the bladder. Extended sphincter relaxation can be achieved with an alpha-1-blocker, such as doxazosin. Self-catheterization can be particularly useful in this setting, with the risk of infection generally being low.




Hyperhidrosis of the upper body, often related to eating (gustatory sweating), and anhidrosis of the lower body, are a characteristic feature of autonomic neuropathy. Gustatory sweating accompanies the ingestion of certain foods, particularly spicy foods, and cheeses. There is a suggestion that application of glycopyrrolate (an antimuscarinic compound) might benefit diabetes patients with gustatory sweating (348). Low-dose oral glycopyrrolate in the range of 1 mg to 2 mg once daily can be tolerated without problematic adverse effects to alleviate the symptoms of diabetic gustatory sweating. Although more long-term data are needed, the use of glycopyrrolate for diabetic gustatory sweating may be a viable option (349). Symptomatic relief can be obtained by avoiding the specific inciting food. Loss of lower body sweating can cause dry, brittle skin that cracks easily, predisposing one to ulcer formation that can lead to loss of the limb. Special attention must be paid to foot care.




Hypoglycemia Unawareness


Blood glucose concentration is normally maintained during starvation or increased insulin action by an asymptomatic parasympathetic response with bradycardia and mild hypotension, followed by a sympathetic response with glucagon and epinephrine secretion for short-term glucose counter regulation, and growth hormone and cortisol secretion for long-term regulation. The release of catecholamine alerts the patient to take the required measures to prevent coma due to low blood glucose. The absence of warning signs of impending neuroglycopenia is known as "hypoglycemic unawareness". The failure of glucose counter regulation can be confirmed by the absence of glucagon and epinephrine responses to hypoglycemia induced by a standard, controlled dose of insulin (350).


In patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, the glucagon response is impaired with diabetes duration of 1-5 years; after 14-31 years of diabetes, the glucagon response is almost undetectable. Absence of the glucagon response is not present in those with autonomic neuropathy. However, a syndrome of hypoglycemic autonomic failure occurs with intensification of diabetes control and repeated episodes of hypoglycemia. The exact mechanism is not understood, but it does represent a real barrier to physiologic glycemic control. In the absence of severe autonomic dysfunction, hypoglycemia unawareness is at least in part reversible.


Patients with hypoglycemia unawareness and unresponsiveness pose a significant management problem for the physician. Although autonomic neuropathy may improve with intensive therapy and normalization of blood glucose, there is a risk to the patient, who may become hypoglycemic without being aware of it and who cannot mount a counterregulatory response. It is our recommendation that if a pump is used, boluses of smaller than calculated amounts should be used and, if intensive conventional therapy is used, long-acting insulin with very small boluses should be given. In general, normal glucose and HbA1 levels should not be goals in these patients to avoid the possibility of hypoglycemia. The use of continuous glucose monitoring with hypoglycemic alarms can be very helpful in warning patients of hypoglycemia and in preventing severe hypoglycemic reactions.


Further complicating management of some patients with diabetes is the development of a functional autonomic insufficiency associated with intensive insulin treatment, which resembles autonomic neuropathy in all relevant aspects. In these instances, it is prudent to relax therapy, as for the patient with bona fide autonomic neuropathy. If hypoglycemia occurs in these patients at a certain glucose level, it will take a lower glucose level to trigger the same symptoms in the next 24-48 hours. Avoidance of hypoglycemia for a few days will result in recovery of the adrenergic response.


For additional information on this topic see the Endotext chapter entitled “Hypoglycemia During Therapy of Diabetes”.




Management of DN encompasses a wide variety of therapies. Treatment must be individualized in a manner that addresses the particular manifestation and underlying pathogenesis of each patient's unique clinical presentation, without subjecting the patient to untoward medication effects. An increased understanding of the pathogenesis of DN will lead to more effective approaches to diagnose and treat this condition.  Refinements and adoption of new approaches to measure quantitatively and diagnose DN early is crucial, so that appropriate therapies (risk factor modification or pathogenic) can be commenced before nerve damage is established. These tests must be validated and standardized to allow comparability between studies and a more meaningful interpretation of study results. Our ability to manage successfully the many different manifestations of DN depends ultimately on our success in uncovering the pathogenic processes underlying this disorder.




This chapter updates the original Endotext chapter on this topic written by Aaron Vinik, Carolina Casellini, and Marie-Laure Nevoret.




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The Effect of Inflammation and Infection on Lipids and Lipoproteins



Chronic inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and psoriasis and infections, such as periodontal disease and HIV, are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Patients with these disorders also have an increase in coronary artery calcium measured by CT and carotid intima media thickness measured by ultrasound. Inflammation and infections induce a variety of alterations in lipid metabolism that may initially dampen inflammation or fight infection, but if chronic could contribute to the increased risk of atherosclerosis. The most common changes are decreases in serum HDL and increases in triglycerides. The increase in serum triglycerides is due to both an increase in hepatic VLDL production and secretion and a decrease in the clearance of triglyceride rich lipoproteins. The mechanisms by which inflammation and infection decrease HDL levels are uncertain. With inflammation there is also a consistent increase in lipoprotein (a) levels due to increased apolipoprotein (a) synthesis. LDL levels are frequently decreased but the prevalence of small dense LDL is increased due to exchange of triglycerides from triglyceride rich lipoproteins to LDL followed by triglyceride hydrolysis. In addition to affecting serum lipid levels, inflammation also adversely effects lipoprotein function. LDL is more easily oxidized as the ability of HDL to prevent the oxidation of LDL is diminished. Moreover, there are a number of steps in the reverse cholesterol transport pathway that are adversely affected during inflammation.  The greater the severity of the underlying inflammatory disease, the more consistently these abnormalities in lipids and lipoproteins are observed. Treatment of the underlying disease leading to a reduction in inflammation results in the return of the lipid profile towards normal. The changes in lipids and lipoproteins that occur during inflammation and infection are part of the innate immune response and therefore are likely to play an important role in protecting the host. The standard risk calculators for predicting cardiovascular disease (ACC/AHA, Framingham, SCORE, etc.) underestimate the risk in patients with inflammation. It has been recommended to increase the calculated risk by approximately 50% in patients with severe inflammatory disorders. The treatment of lipid disorders in patients with inflammatory disorders is similar to patients without inflammatory disorders. Of note statins, fibrates, and fish oil have anti-inflammatory properties and have been reported to have beneficial effects on some of these inflammatory disorders.




A number of chronic inflammatory diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), ankylosing spondylitis, Sjögren's syndrome, polymyalgia rheumatica, inflammatory bowel disease, and psoriasis are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (1-9). For example, in a meta-analysis of twenty-four studies comprising 111,758 patients with 22,927 cardiovascular events it was observed that there was a 50% increased risk of CVD death in patients with RA (10). In some studies patients with RA have a similar risk for a cardiovascular event as patients with diabetes (11). Similarly, women with SLE in the 35- to 44-year age group were over 50 times more likely to have a myocardial infarction than were women of similar age in the Framingham Offspring Study (12). As a final example, a meta-analysis of 14 studies reported that in individuals with severe psoriasis the risk for cardiovascular mortality was 1.37, the risk for myocardial infarction was 3.04, and the risk for stroke was 1.59 times higher than the general population (13). It should be noted that the pathology in psoriasis is localized to the skin but nevertheless even this disorder, by inducing systemic inflammation, is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.


Further, supporting the link of RA, SLE, and psoriasis with atherosclerosis are studies showing that patients with these disorders have an increase in coronary artery calcium measured by CT and carotid intima media thickness measured by ultrasound (14-20). Finally, even children and adolescents with SLE have an increase in carotid intimal-medial thickness (21). Thus, it is clear that patients with a number of different chronic inflammatory diseases have an increased risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular complications.


In addition, chronic infections are also associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis (22-24). Since the development of effective anti-viral agents, it has been widely recognized that a major cause of morbidity and mortality in HIV infected patients is due to cardiovascular disease (25,26). Moreover, numerous studies have demonstrated an association of periodontal infections with an increased risk of atherosclerotic vascular disease (27). Additionally, carotid intima-media thickness is increased in patients with periodontal disease (28-31). The link between various chronic infections, such as HIV, dental infections, Helicobacter pylori, chronic bronchitis, and urinary tract infections with cardiovascular disease is presumably due to the chronic inflammation that accompanies these infections (32). For certain infections such as chlamydia pneumonia and cytomegalovirus it is possible that the association with cardiovascular disease is due to a direct role in the vessel wall.


To definitively link inflammation with cardiovascular disease studies determining the effect of anti-inflammatory drugs on cardiovascular events have been carried out. The Cantos study has provided data supporting a link between inflammation and cardiovascular disease (33). In this trial 10,061 patients with a previous myocardial infarction and a hsCRP level of 2 mg/L or more were randomized to canakinumab, a monoclonal antibody targeting interleukin-1β, or placebo. At 48 months canakinumab did not reduce lipid levels from baseline but did reduce hsCRP levels by approximately 30-40% indicating a decrease in inflammation. Most importantly, canakinumab administration led to a significantly lower rate of recurrent cardiovascular events than placebo. In addition, several randomized trials have demonstrated that colchicine reduces cardiovascular events in patients with chronic cardiovascular disease (34-36). These results support the hypothesis that inflammation increases the risk of cardiovascular events and that reducing inflammation will decrease events. In contrast to the positive trials described above, a trial using methotrexate to inhibit inflammation failed to reduce cardiovascular event (37). However, in this trial methotrexate did not reduce levels of interleukin-1β, interleukin-6, or C-reactive protein raising the possibility that methotrexate did not effectively inhibit inflammation and therefore did not reduce cardiovascular events. Clearly further studies determining the effect of drugs that reduce inflammation on cardiovascular events are required.


The mechanisms by which chronic inflammation and infection increase the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease are likely multifactorial. As will be discussed below inflammation and infection induce a variety of alterations in lipid and lipoprotein metabolism that could contribute to the increased risk of atherosclerosis.     




Rheumatoid Arthritis


The most consistent abnormality in patients with RA is a decrease in HDL-C and apolipoprotein A-I levels (9,38-41). In particular, small HDL particles are decreased in patients with RA (42). Patients with more severe RA have the greatest reductions in HDL-C levels (38-41,43). There is an inverse correlation of CRP levels with HDL-C levels (i.e., higher CRP levels are associated with lower HDL-C levels). With regards to total cholesterol and LDL-C, there is more variability with many studies showing a decrease, other studies showing no change, and some studies showing an increase in patients with RA (38-41,43). The more severe the RA the greater the likelihood that the LDL-C levels will be decreased. Small dense LDL levels are increased in RA (44,45). Serum triglyceride levels tend to be increased in patients with RA (38-41,43,46). Levels of lipoprotein (a) are characteristically elevated in patients with RA and correlate with CRP levels (47-49).  


Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


The changes in serum lipids and lipoproteins seen in patients with SLE are very similar to those observed in patients with RA (50-52). Specifically, there is a decrease in HDL-C levels and an increase in serum triglyceride levels. LDL-C levels are variable and maybe increased, normal, or low but small dense LDL levels tend to be increased. Lipoprotein (a) levels are also increased (53). Similar to RA the more severe the disease state the greater the alterations in serum lipid levels.




A large number of studies have compared serum lipid levels in controls and patients with psoriasis (54). However, many of these studies included only a small number of subjects and the results have therefore been extremely variable with some studies showing alterations in serum lipid levels in patients with psoriasis and other studies showing no changes. In general, there is a tendency for an increase in serum triglycerides and a decrease in HDL-C levels in patients with psoriasis (55-59). Additionally, a number of studies showed an increase in LDL-C and lipoprotein (a) levels in patients with psoriasis (55,56,58). Small dense LDL levels and oxidized Lp(a) are also increased in psoriasis (46) (60). This variability between studies is most likely due to differences in the severity of the psoriasis with more severe disease demonstrating more robust alterations in lipid levels. The prevalence of other abnormalities that affect lipid metabolism such as obesity and abnormalities in glucose metabolism could also account for the variability in results.


Other Inflammatory Disease


Decreased HDL-C levels have also been observed in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, Sjögren's syndrome, and ankylosing spondylitis (61-64). LDL-C and triglyceride levels varied but LDL-C levels tended to be decreased and triglyceride levels increased.


Periodontal Disease


Differences exist between studies but in general patients with periodontitis tend to have increased LDL-C and triglyceride levels and decreased HDL-C levels (65-69). Additionally, the prevalence of small dense LDL is increased in patients with periodontitis (68,70). The severity of the periodontitis correlated with the changes in the in the lipid profile with patients with increased periodontal disease having higher triglyceride levels, lower HDL-C levels, and smaller LDL particle size (71). Moreover, treatment of periodontitis improved the dyslipidemia, with the HDL-C levels increasing and the LDL-C levels decreasing (68,72,73).  


Acute Infections


Patients with a variety of different infections (gram positive bacterial, gram negative bacterial, viral, tuberculosis, parasitic) have similar alterations in plasma lipid levels. Specifically, total cholesterol, LDL-C, and HDL-C levels are decreased while plasma triglyceride levels are elevated or inappropriately normal for the poor nutritional status (32,74-81). As expected apolipoprotein A-I, A-II, and B levels are reduced (74,79,80). While LDL-C levels were decreased, the concentration of small dense LDL has been found to be increased during infections (82-84).That plasma cholesterol levels decrease during infection has been known for many years as it was described by Denis in 1919 in the Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC 29: 93, 1919). The alterations in lipids correlate with the severity of the underlying infection i.e., the more severe the infection the more severe the alterations in lipid and lipoprotein levels (85,86). The decreases in plasma cholesterol levels can be quite profound and a case report described HDL-C levels < 10mg/dl and LDL-C levels < 3mg/dl in sepsis (87).


Of note studies have demonstrated that the degree of reduction in total cholesterol, HDL-C, and apolipoprotein A-I are predictive of mortality in patients with severe sepsis (81,88-92). Moreover, epidemiologic studies have suggested that low cholesterol, LDL-C, and HDL levels increase the chance of developing an infection (93-96). Additionally, a genetic approach, which reduces the risk of confounding variables, has suggested a causal relationship between low HDL-C levels and an increased risk of infections (97,98). During recovery from the infection plasma lipid and lipoprotein abnormalities return towards normal. The changes in lipid and lipoproteins that occur during infection can be experimentally reproduced in humans and animals by the administration of endotoxin and lipoteichoic acid (32,99).   




Thus, in these different inflammatory disorders and infectious diseases, the alterations in plasma lipid and lipoprotein levels are very similar with decreases in plasma HDL being consistently observed. Also of note is the consistent increase in small dense LDL and Lp(a) level (the increase in Lp(a) occurs in inflammatory diseases but not infections) (32,100). There is also a tendency for plasma triglyceride levels to be elevated and LDL-C levels decreased. The greater the severity of the underlying disease the more consistently these abnormalities in lipids are observed. Additionally, treatment of the underlying disease leading to a reduction in inflammation results in a return of the lipid profile towards normal. This is best illustrated in periodontal disease where intensive dental hygiene can reverse the abnormalities in the lipid profile (72,73).


Table 1. Effect of Inflammation and Infection on Lipid and Lipoprotein Levels

Triglycerides- Tend to be increased

HDL-C- Decreased

LDL-C- Variable but with more severe inflammation or infection they are decreased

Small dense LDL- Increased

Lp(a)- Increased with inflammation; may decrease with certain infections




Treatments that reduce inflammation will return the lipid profile towards normal resulting in an increase in plasm HDL levels and a decrease in triglyceride levels. If LDL levels were reduced at baseline, treatment that reduces inflammation will also result in an increase in LDL levels (i.e., a return towards “normal” levels) (101-103). Many of the drugs used for the treatment of RA, SLE, and psoriasis decrease inflammation and have been shown to increase both HDL and LDL levels (9,101,102,104). The increase in HDL tends to be more robust. In a few instances, drugs used to treat inflammatory disorders have effects on lipid metabolism that are independent of the reduction in inflammation. For example, high dose glucocorticoid treatment results in an increase in serum triglyceride and LDL levels due to the increased production and secretion of VLDL by the liver (105-107) and hydroxychloroquine has been reported to lower total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides in patients with RA and SLE (108-110).




Inflammation and infections increase the production of a variety of cytokines, including TNF, IL-1, and IL-6, which have been shown to alter lipid metabolism (32). Many of the changes in plasma lipids and lipoproteins that are seen during chronic inflammation and infections are also observed following the acute administration of cytokines (32).


Increased Triglyceride Levels


Multiple cytokines increase serum triglyceride and VLDL levels (TNF, IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, etc.) (32). Following a single administration of a cytokine or LPS (a model of gram-negative infections), which stimulates cytokine production, an increase in serum triglyceride and VLDL levels can be seen within 2 hours and this effect is sustained for at least 24 hours. The increase in serum triglycerides is due to both an increase in hepatic VLDL production and secretion and a decrease in the clearance of triglyceride rich lipoproteins (figure 1) (32). The increase in VLDL production and secretion is a result of increased hepatic fatty acid synthesis, an increase in adipose tissue lipolysis with the increased transport of fatty acids to the liver, and a decrease in fatty acid oxidation in the liver. Together these changes provide an increased supply of fatty acids in the liver that stimulate an increase in hepatic triglyceride synthesis (32). The increased availability of triglycerides leads to the increased formation and secretion of VLDL. The decrease in the clearance of triglyceride rich lipoproteins is due to a decrease in lipoprotein lipase, the key enzyme that metabolizes triglycerides in the circulation (32). A variety of cytokines have been shown to decrease the synthesis of lipoprotein lipase in adipose and muscle tissue (32). Studies have also shown that inflammation also increases angiopoietin like protein 4, an inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase activity, which would further block the metabolism of triglyceride rich lipoproteins (111). In SLE, antibodies to lipoprotein lipase have been reported and are associated with increased triglyceride levels (112,113).

Figure 1. Pathogenesis of Hypertriglyceridemia

Production of Small Dense LDL


The elevation in triglyceride rich lipoproteins in turn has effects on other lipoproteins (32). Specifically, cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP) mediates the exchange of triglycerides from triglyceride rich VLDL and chylomicrons to LDL. The increase in triglyceride rich lipoproteins per se leads to an increase in CETP mediated exchange, increasing the triglyceride content of LDL. The triglyceride on LDL is then hydrolyzed by hepatic lipase leading to the increased production of small dense LDL.


Decreased HDL Levels


In addition to a decrease in HDL, inflammation can also lead to structural changes in this lipoprotein (32). During inflammation HDL particles tend to be larger with a decrease in cholesterol ester and an increase in free cholesterol, triglycerides, and free fatty acids. Furthermore, there are marked changes in HDL associated proteins and the enzymes and transfer proteins involved in HDL metabolism and function (figure 2 and 3).

Figure 2. Changes in HDL Protein Composition During Inflammation

Figure 3. Changes in Enzymes and Transfer Proteins During Inflammation

The precise mechanism by which inflammation and infection decrease HDL levels is uncertain and is likely to involve multiple mechanisms (32). Decreases in apolipoprotein A-I synthesis in the liver occur during inflammation and would result in the decreased formation of HDL. However, in acute infection and inflammation HDL decreases faster than would be predicted from decreased synthesis of apolipoprotein A-I. Increased serum amyloid A (SAA) production by the liver and other tissues occurs during inflammation and infection and the SAA binds to HDL displacing apolipoprotein A-I, which can accelerate the clearance of HDL. However, the overexpression in SAA in the absence of the acute phase response does not result in a decrease in HDL levels (114). Inflammation results in a decrease in LCAT leading to decreased cholesterol ester formation, which would prevent the formation of normal HDL, leading to decreased cholesterol carried in HDL. Elevations in triglyceride rich lipoproteins that accompany inflammation and infection can lead to the enrichment of HDL with triglycerides that can accelerate the clearance of HDL. Finally, cytokine induced increases in enzymes such as secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) and endothelial cell lipase, which metabolize key constituents of HDL, could alter the stability and metabolism of HDL. Given the complexity of HDL metabolism it is not surprising that multiple pathways could be affected by inflammation, which together may account for the decrease in HDL levels.


Increased Lipoprotein (a)


The mechanism accounting for the increase in lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)) during inflammation is likely due to increased apolipoprotein (a) synthesis, as apolipoprotein (a) is a positive acute phase protein whose expression is up-regulated during inflammation (32,115). The apolipoprotein (a) gene contains several IL-6 responsive elements that enhance transcription (116). Tocilizumab an antibody against IL-6, that is used to treat RA, has been shown to decrease Lp(a) levels (117) .






While the levels of LDL do not consistently increase and may even decrease with inflammation and infection, many studies have indicated that inflammation and infection are associated with small dense LDL (32). These small dense LDL particles are believed to be more pro-atherogenic for a number of reasons (118). Small dense LDL particles have a decreased affinity for the LDL receptor resulting in a prolonged period of time in the circulation. Additionally, they more easily enter the arterial wall and bind more avidly to intra-arterial proteoglycans, which traps them in the arterial wall. Finally, small dense LDL particles are more susceptible to oxidation, which could result in an enhanced uptake by macrophages (119).


Several markers of lipid peroxidation, including conjugated dienes, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, malondialdehyde, and lipid hydroperoxides are increased in serum and/or circulating LDL during inflammation and infection (32,71,120-123). Moreover, LDL isolated from LPS-treated animals is more susceptible to oxidation in vitro (32). Oxidized LDL is taken up very efficiently by macrophages and is thought to play a major role in foam cell formation in the arterial wall (124). Additionally, antibodies to oxidized LDL are present in patients with SLE and could facilitate the uptake of an antibody LDL complex via the Fc-receptor in macrophages (120). Finally, studies have shown that LDL isolated from patients with periodontal disease leads to enhanced uptake of cholesterol esters by macrophages (71)




In addition to a decrease in serum HDL, inflammation and infection affects the anti-atherogenic properties of HDL (32,125,126). Reverse cholesterol transport plays a key role in preventing cholesterol accumulation in macrophages thereby reducing atherosclerosis. Many steps in the reverse cholesterol transport pathway are adversely affected during inflammation and infection (figure 4 and 5)  (43,127). First, cytokines induced by inflammation and infection decrease the production of Apo A-I, the main protein constituent of HDL. Second, pro-inflammatory cytokines decrease the expression of ABCA1, ABCG1, SR-B1, and apolipoprotein E in macrophages, which will lead to a decrease in the efflux of phospholipids and cholesterol from the macrophage to HDL. Third, the structurally altered HDL formed during inflammation is a poor acceptor of cellular cholesterol and in fact may actually deliver cholesterol to the macrophage (43,61,127-134). HDL isolated from patients with RA, SLE, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis, periodontal disease, and acute sepsis are poor facilitators of cholesterol efflux (61,128-133,135). Similarly, the experimental administration of endotoxin to humans also results in the formation of HDL that is a poor facilitator of the efflux of cholesterol from macrophages (136). Of note treatments that reduce inflammation in patients with RA, psoriasis, or periodontitis can restore towards normal the ability of HDL to remove cholesterol from cells (133,137-139). Fourth, pro-inflammatory cytokines decrease the production and activity of LCAT, which will limit the conversion of cholesterol to cholesteryl esters in HDL. This step is required for the formation of a normal spherical HDL particle and facilitates the ability of HDL to transport cholesterol. Fifth, pro-inflammatory cytokines decrease CETP levels, which will decrease the movement of cholesterol from HDL to Apo B containing lipoproteins, an important step in the delivery of cholesterol to the liver. Sixth, pro-inflammatory cytokines decrease the expression of SR-B1 in the liver. SR-B1 plays a key role in the uptake of cholesterol from HDL particles into hepatocytes. Finally, inflammation and infection decrease both the conversion of cholesterol to bile acids and the secretion of cholesterol into the bile, the two mechanisms by which cholesterol is disposed of by the liver.

Figure 4. Effect of Inflammation on Reverse Cholesterol Transport (from reference (127))

Figure 5. Effect of Inflammation on the Factors Involved in Reverse Cholesterol Transport (from reference (127))

Another important function of HDL is to prevent the oxidation of LDL. Oxidized LDL is more easily taken up by macrophages and is pro-atherogenic (124). Paraoxonase is an enzyme that is associated with HDL and plays a key role in preventing the oxidation of LDL. Inflammation and infection decrease the expression of paraoxonase 1 in the liver resulting in a decrease in circulating paraoxonase activity (32). Plasma paraoxonase levels are decreased in patients with RA, SLE, psoriasis, and infections (140-148) Studies have shown that HDL isolated from patients with RA and SLE have a diminished ability to protect LDL from oxidation and in fact may facilitate LDL oxidation (125). Moreover, in patients with RA, reducing inflammation and disease activity with methotrexate treatment restored HDL function towards normal (149). Additionally, treatment with atorvastatin 80mg improved the function of HDL in patients with RA (150). 


Thus, it should be recognized that in patients with inflammatory disorders and infections the absolute levels of lipids and lipoproteins may not be the only factor increasing the risk of atherosclerosis (32,54,121,125-127). Rather functional changes in LDL and HDL maybe pro-atherogenic and thereby contribute to the increased risk of atherosclerosis in inflammatory disorders and infections. Additionally, the increase in lipoprotein (a) may also play a role.


Table 2. Pro-Atherogenic Changes During Inflammation

Increased triglycerides

Decreased HDL

Increased small dense LDL

Increased Lp(a)

Oxidized LDL

Dysfunctional HDL




The changes in lipids and lipoproteins that occur during inflammation and infection are part of the innate immune response and therefore are likely to play an important role in protecting from the detrimental effects of infection and inflammatory stimuli (32,151-153). Some of the potential beneficial effects are listed in Table 3. Thus, the changes in lipid and lipoprotein metabolism that occur during inflammation may initially be protective but if chronic can increase the risk of atherosclerosis.


Table 3. Beneficial Effects of Lipoproteins

Redistribution of nutrients to immune cells that are important in host defense

Lipoproteins bind endotoxin, lipoteichoic acid, viruses and other biological agents and prevent their toxic effects

Lipoproteins bind urate crystals

Lipoproteins bind and target parasites for destruction

Apolipoproteins neutralize viruses

Apolipoproteins lyse parasites




Deciding When to Treat


As noted earlier, patients with inflammatory disorders are at an increased risk for atherosclerosis and this is not totally accounted for by standard lipid profile measurements and other risk factors (1-3,9). Some authors have advocated considering inflammatory disorders as a cardiovascular risk equivalent similar to diabetes; risk calculators (ACC/AHA, Framingham,  and SCORE) commonly used for deciding on lipid lowering therapy do not take into account this increased risk in patients with inflammatory disorders (3,154,155). It should be noted that the QRISK calculator ( does factor in the presence of RA when calculating risk (156). Not surprisingly, the standard risk calculators for predicting cardiovascular disease (ACC/AHA and Framingham) underestimate the risk in this population (157-162). Even the Reynolds Risk Calculator (, which uses measurements of hsCRP levels, a marker of inflammation, underestimates the risk of cardiovascular events in patients with inflammatory disorders (157-161). Thus, using these calculators will underestimate cardiovascular risk in patients with inflammatory disorders. However, in both the 2018 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association and 2019 European Society of Cardiology (ESC)/European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) guideline recommendations, the presence of inflammatory disease is included as a risk factor, which can influence decisions on whether to initiate treatment (163,164).


A reasonable approach is to use the standard approach and calculators but increase the calculated risk by approximately 50% in patients with severe inflammatory disorders. For example, if a patient with severe RA has a 5% ten-year risk and 40% lifetime risk one might increase the ten-year risk to 7.5% and lifetime risk to 60%. This approach has been recommended by an expert committee who advocated introducing a 1.5 multiplication factor (i.e., 50% increase) in patients with RA (9). Alternatively, one could carry out imaging studies such as obtaining a coronary artery calcium score to better define risk. Whatever the approach taken, it is crucial to recognize that patients with inflammatory diseases have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and therefore one needs to be more aggressive.


Guidelines from the American College of Cardiology (ACC)/American Heart Association (AHA) and European Society of Cardiology (ESC)/European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) are briefly summarized in table 4, 5,and 6 (163,164) and are discussed in detail in the Endotext chapter “Guidelines for the Management of High Blood Cholesterol” (165).


Table 4. ACC/AHA Guidelines

In patients with clinical ASCVD initiate high intensity statin therapy or maximally tolerated statin therapy. High intensity statin therapy is atorvastatin 40-80mg per day or rosuvastatin 20-40mg per day.

In very high-risk ASCVD, use an LDL-C > 70 mg/dL (1.8 mmol/L) to consider addition of non-statins (ezetimibe or PCSK9 inhibitors). Very high-risk includes a history of multiple major ASCVD events or 1 major ASCVD event and multiple high-risk conditions.

In patients with LDL-C ≥190 mg/dL [≥4.9 mmol/L]) begin high-intensity statin therapy. If the LDL-C level remains ≥100 mg/dL (≥2.6 mmol/L), adding ezetimibe is reasonable.

In patients with diabetes aged 40-75 years with an LDL > 70mg/dL begin moderate intensity statin therapy. For patients > 50 year consider high intensity statin to achieve a 50% reduction in LDL-C.

In adults 40 to 75 years of age without diabetes mellitus and with LDL-C levels ≥70 mg/dL (≥1.8 mmol/L) start a moderate-intensity statin if the 10-year ASCVD risk is ≥7.5%. Moderate intensity therapy is atorvastatin 10-20mg, rosuvastatin 5-10mg, simvastatin 20-40mg, pravastatin 40mg.


Table 5. ESC/EAS Cardiovascular Risk Categories

Very High-Risk

ASCVD, either clinical or unequivocal on imaging

DM with target organ damage or at least three major risk factors or T1DM of long duration (>20 years)

Severe CKD (eGFR <30 mL/min/1.73 m2)

A calculated SCORE >10% for 10-year risk of fatal CVD.

FH with ASCVD or with another major risk factor

High Risk

Markedly elevated single risk factors, in particular total cholesterol >8 mmol/L (>310mg/dL), LDL-C >4.9 mmol/L (>190 mg/dL), or BP >180/110 mmHg.

Patients with FH without other major risk factors.

Patients with DM without target organ damage, a with DM duration >_10 years or another additional risk factor.

Moderate CKD (eGFR 30-59 mL/min/1.73 m2).

A calculated SCORE >5% and <10% for 10-year risk of fatal CVD.

Moderate Risk

Young patients (T1DM <35 years; T2DM <50 years) with DM duration <10 years, without other risk factors.

Calculated SCORE >1 % and <5% for 10-year risk of fatal CVD.

Low Risk

Calculated SCORE <1% for 10-year risk of fatal CVD


Table 6. ESC/EAS LDL Cholesterol Goals

Very High Risk

LDL-C reduction of >50% from baseline and an LDL-C goal of <1.4 mmol/L (<55 mg/dL) is recommended

High Risk

LDL-C reduction of >50% from baseline and an LDL-C goal of <1.8 mmol/L (<70 mg/dL) is recommended

Moderate Risk

LDL-C goal of <2.6 mmol/L (<100 mg/dL) should be considered

Low Risk

LDL-C goal <3.0 mmol/L (<116 mg/dL) may be considered.


Treatment Approach


As in all patients with lipid abnormalities the initial approach is lifestyle changes. Dietary recommendations are not unique in patients with inflammatory disorders. Exercise is recommended but depending upon the clinical situation the ability of patients with certain inflammatory disorders to participate in an exercise regimen may be limited. Exercise programs will need to be tailored for each patient’s capabilities. Treatment of the underlying disease to decrease inflammation is likely to be beneficial (9,166). Studies have shown that increased disease activity is associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular disease while lower disease activity is associated with a lower risk (9,167-173). Moreover, treatments that reduce disease activity can decrease cardiovascular risk (9,166).


Drug Therapy


This section on drug therapy will focus solely on the studies that are unique to patients with inflammatory diseases. Detailed information on the use of these drugs can be found in the Endotext chapters on cholesterol lowering drugs and triglyceride lowering drugs (174,175).




As expected, studies have demonstrated that statins lower LDL-C levels in patients with inflammatory disorders to a similar degree as patients without inflammatory disorders. For example, in a randomized trial in 116 patients with RA with a mean LDL-C level of 125mg/dl, the effect of atorvastatin 40mg was compared to placebo (176). Atorvastatin reduced LDL-C by 54mgdl vs. 3mg/dl in the placebo group (176). Similarly in the IDEAL trial there was a small subgroup of patients with RA (177). The IDEAL trial compared the ability of atorvastatin 80mg vs. simvastatin 20-40mg to reduce cardiovascular events. The lowering of LDL-C with either simvastatin or atorvastatin was similar in the patients with and without RA (177). Finally, a combined analysis of the IDEAL, Treat to New Target (TNT), and CARDS trials reported that the decrease in LDL-C levels with statin therapy was similar in patients with or without psoriasis (178). Studies have shown similar reductions in LDL-C levels with statin therapy in patients with SLE (179-181). The effects of statin treatment on other lipid parameters were also similar in patients with and without inflammatory diseases. Thus, as expected statins improve the lipid profile in patients with inflammatory disorders. In some studies, the incidence of statin associated side effects have been increased in the patients with inflammatory disorders. Specifically, in the IDEAL trial RA patients reported myalgia more frequently than patients without RA (10.4% and 7.7% in RA patients vs 1.1% and 2.2% in non-RA patients receiving simvastatin and atorvastatin respectively) (177). Note that this does not necessarily indicate that statins induce myalgias more frequently in patients with RA as there was not a placebo group in the IDEAL trial. Rather it is likely that patients with RA have an increased prevalence of myalgias.


A key question is whether statin therapy will reduce cardiovascular events in patients with inflammatory diseases. A number of studies have looked at surrogate markers for events such as changes in carotid intima-media thickness or changes in cardiac calcium scores in patients treated with statins. The results have varied with some studies showing benefits and other studies showing no effects. Rollefstad et al measured changes in carotid plaque size in 86 patients with inflammatory joint disease treated with rosuvastatin for 18 months (182). The LDL-C levels decreased from 155mg/dl to 66mg/dl and plaque height was significantly reduced (182). Similarly, Mok et al treated 72 patients with SLE with rosuvastatin 10mg or placebo for 12 months and reported that carotid intima-media thickness appeared to decrease (179). Moreover, Plazak et al treated 60 patients with SLE with atorvastatin 40mg or placebo for 1 year and measured changes in coronary calcium score (180). They observed an increase in coronary calcium in the placebo group while there was no change in the patients treated with statin therapy (180).  In contrast, Petri et al treated 200 patients with SLE with atorvastatin 40mg or placebo for 2 years and measured both carotid intima-media thickness and coronary calcium score (183). In this study no beneficial effects of statin therapy were observed (183). Similarly, Schanberg et al treated 221 children with SLE with atorvastatin 10-20mg or placebo for 36 months and did not observe a beneficial effect of statin treatment on carotid intima-media thickness (181). Additionally, Tam et al also failed to find a decrease in carotid intima-media thickness with rosuvastatin treatment in patients with RA (184). Thus, the effect of statin therapy in patients with inflammatory disorders on these surrogate markers of atherosclerosis is uncertain.


There are no large randomized controlled trials evaluating the impact of statin therapy on cardiovascular disease outcomes in patients with inflammatory disease. A subgroup analysis of a small number of patients with SLE in the ALERT study has been reported (185). The ALERT study was a randomized placebo-controlled trial examining the effect of fluvastatin 40-80mg on cardiovascular events after kidney transplantation. In this trial fluvastatin therapy reduced the risk of cardiovascular events by 74% in the patients with SLE (185). Additionally, a post hoc analysis of patients with inflammatory arthritis in the IDEAL and TNT trial has been reported (186). The IDEAL trial compared atorvastatin 80mg vs simvastatin 20-40mg and the TNT compared atorvastatin 80mg vs. atorvastatin 10mg. In these trials, statin therapy resulted in a decrease in lipid levels in the patients with inflammatory arthritis to a similar degree as patients without inflammatory arthritis (186). Moreover, there was an approximate 20% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular events in patients treated with atorvastatin 80mg compared to moderate dose statin therapy in patients with and without inflammatory arthritis (186). Similarly, a post hoc analysis of the IDEAL and TNT trials reported a similar reduction in cardiovascular events with high dose statin therapy compared to low dose statin therapy in patients with psoriasis (178). A trial that focused solely on patients with RA was initiated but stopped early due to a lower than expected event rate (187). In this trial 3,002 patients with RA were randomized to atorvastatin 40mg/day vs. placebo for a median of 2.51 years.  As expected, the reduction in LDL-C levels was significantly greater in the atorvastatin group compared to placebo (-30mg/dL, p<0.001). There was a 34% risk reduction for major cardiovascular events in the atorvastatin group compared to placebo that was not statistically significant due to the small number of events. Of note, the decrease in events was actually greater than expected based on the Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ Collaboration meta-analysis of the effect of statins in other populations (42% decrease per 39mg/dL in this trial whereas in the large collaboration meta-analysis there was a 21% decrease per 39mg/dL). The number and type of adverse events were similar in the atorvastatin and placebo groups. Taken together these results strongly suggest that patients with inflammatory diseases will have a reduction in cardiovascular events with statin theapy.


It is well recognized that statins have anti-inflammatory properties and studies have consistently demonstrated a decrease in CRP levels in patients treated with statins (175). Two meta-analyses have explored the effect of statin therapy on disease activity in patients with RA. A meta-analysis by Ly et al included 15 studies with 992 patients and reported that statin therapy decreased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP, tender joint count, swollen joint count, and morning stiffness (188). Similarly, a meta-analysis by Xing et al included 13 studies with 737 patients (189). They reported that statin therapy decreased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP, tender joint count, and swollen joint count (189). Additionally, the disease activity score 28 (DAS28), which focuses on joint pathology, decreased significantly in the patients treated with statin therapy and the patients with the most active disease benefited the most (189,190).


In contrast to the beneficial effects seen in patients with RA, in randomized placebo controlled trials in patients with SLE studies by Plazak et al and Petri et al failed to show a decrease in disease activity with statin therapy (180,183). In psoriasis treatment with statins has produced mixed results with some studies showing a decrease in skin abnormalities and others showing no significant effect or even an increase in disease activity (191). A meta-analysis of 5 randomized trials with 223 patients found that statins may improve psoriasis, particularly in patients with severe disease (192). Finally, treatment with statins has been shown to improve periodontal disease and reduce inflammation (193-195). Thus, statins can decrease the clinical manifestations of RA, periodontitis, and perhaps psoriasis but has no effect on the clinical manifestations of SLE. These differences could be due to the relative severity of the inflammatory response and/or the specific pathways that induce inflammation in these different disorders.


The effect of statins on outcomes in patients with sepsis has been extensively studied. Numerous observational studies have shown that patients treated with statins have a marked reduction in morbidity and mortality (196,197). For example, in a meta-analysis by Wan et al of 27 observational studies with 337,648 patients, statins were associated with a relative mortality risk of 0.65 (CI 0.57-0.75) (197). However, in randomized placebo controlled clinical trials statin administration has not been shown to reduce mortality or improve outcomes (196-198). For example in a meta-analysis by Wan et al of 5 randomized controlled trials with 867 patients the relative risk was 0.98 (197). Similarly, a meta-analysis by Pertzov et al of fourteen randomized trials evaluating 2628 patients also did not observe any benefits of statin therapy in patients with sepsis (199). Additionally, a recent study examining the effect of rosuvastatin on sepsis associated acute respiratory distress also failed to demonstrate a benefit of statin therapy (200). Finally, meta-analyses of observational studies have found that statins in patients with COVID-19 infections are beneficial (201,202) but a randomized trial failed to demonstrate that statin treatment was beneficial (203). Thus, while observational data suggested that statins may be beneficial the more rigorous randomized placebo-controlled trials have not provided evidence of benefit. 




Fibrates, gemfibrozil and fenofibrate, are used to lower triglycerides and raise HDL-C levels. However, fibrates, by activating PPAR alpha, are well known to have anti-inflammatory effects. Several studies have shown that fibrate therapy improves the clinical manifestations in patients with RA. For example, Shirinsky et al treated 27 patients with RA with fenofibrate and reported a significant reduction in disease activity score (DAS28) (204). A recent review described 4 randomized trials and 2 observation trials of fibrates in patients with RA and in general these studies showed that fibrate therapy decreased disease activity in patients with RA (205). The authors are not aware of clinical trials of fibrate therapy in patients with sepsis, psoriasis, SLE, and periodontal disease. Thus, there is a suggestion that the anti-inflammatory properties of fibrates may beneficially impact disease activity, but clearly further studies are required.




Bile acid binders are used to lower LDL-C levels. While there are no studies of the effect of bile acid binders in patients with either RA, SLE, or periodontal disease, there are two studies in patients with psoriasis. Both Roe and Skinner et al reported that the treatment of patients with psoriasis with bile acid binders improved the skin condition (206,207). The mechanism for this beneficial effect is unknown.




Ezetimibe is used to lower LDL-C levels. There is a single six-week trial in 20 patients with RA that demonstrated that ezetimibe treatment decreased total cholesterol, LDL-C, and CRP levels (208). Moreover, ezetimibe treatment reduced disease activity (208). The mechanism for this beneficial effect is unclear.




Fish oil (omega-3-fatty acids) is widely used to reduce serum triglyceride levels and is recognized to have anti-inflammatory properties. There are numerous studies examining the effect of fish oil therapy on inflammatory diseases. A meta-analysis of 17 randomized controlled trials by Goldberg and Katz of the effect of omega-3-fatty acids in patients with RA reported that treatment with omega-3-fatty acids reduced joint pain intensity, morning stiffness, number of painful and/or tender joints, and the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (209). Similarly, a meta-analyses by Lee et al and Gioxari et al also demonstrated that fish oil had beneficial effects in patients with RA (210,211). In psoriasis, a recent review of 15 trials reported that overall, there was a moderate benefit of fish oil supplements with 12 trials showing clinical benefit and 3 trials showing no benefit (212). In contrast, Gamret et al evaluated fish oil treatment in patients with psoriasis in 20 studies (12 randomized controlled trials, 1 open-label nonrandomized controlled trial, and 7 uncontrolled studies) (213). They reported that most of the randomized controlled trials showed no significant improvement in psoriasis, whereas most of the uncontrolled studies showed benefit when fish oil was used daily. In a meta-analysis of eighteen randomized controlled trials involving 927 study participants reached the conclusion that fish oil as monotherapy for psoriasis had not affect but when combined with conventional treatments appeared to be beneficial (214). In SLE four randomized trials have demonstrated clinical benefit with fish oil therapy, while three trials failed to show disease improvement (215-221). Finally, there are data suggesting that treatment with fish oil reduces periodontal disease (222-224). A major limitation of the studies in patients with periodontal disease is that in these trials the experimental group treated with fish oil also was simultaneously treated with aspirin making it difficult to be sure that the beneficial effects were solely due to fish oil supplementation (222,223). A meta-analysis of 20 randomized trials involving 1514 patients with sepsis reported that parenteral or enteral omega-3 fatty acid supplementation was associated with a decrease in mortality and length of stay in the intensive care unit (225). Taken together these studies indicate that in addition to lowering serum triglyceride levels, fish oil therapy may have beneficial effects on the underlying inflammatory disorder in some instances.




Niacin is used to lower LDL-C levels and triglycerides and raise HDL-C levels.  The authors are not aware of clinical trials of niacin in patients with RA, SLE, psoriasis, or periodontal disease.




PCSK9 inhibitors are used to lower LDL-C level. In addition, PCSK9 inhibitors also lower Lp(a) levels. The authors are not aware of clinical trials of PCSK9 inhibitors in patients with RA, SLE, psoriasis, or periodontal disease.




Bempedoic acid is used to lower LDL-C levels. The authors are not aware of clinical trials of bempedoic acid in patients with inflammatory diseases or infections.


Treatment Strategy


The first priority in treating lipid disorders is to lower the LDL-C levels to goal, unless triglycerides are markedly elevated (> 500-1000mg/dl), which increases the risk of pancreatitis. LDL-C is the first priority because the database linking lowering LDL-C with reducing cardiovascular disease is extremely strong and we now have the ability to markedly decrease LDL-C levels in the vast majority of patients. Dietary therapy is the initial step but, in many patients, will not be sufficient to achieve the LDL-C goals. If patients are willing and able to make major changes in their diet it is possible to achieve remarkable reductions in LDL-C levels but this seldom occurs in clinical practice (for details see the Endotext chapter on the effect of lifestyle changes on lipids and lipoproteins) (226).


Statins are the first-choice drugs to lower LDL-C levels and many patients with inflammatory disorders will require statin therapy. Statins are available as generic drugs and are relatively inexpensive. The choice of statin will depend on the magnitude of LDL-C lowering required and whether other drugs that the patient is taking might alter statin metabolism thereby increasing the risk of statin toxicity. For example, cyclosporine affects the metabolism of many of the statins and in patients taking cyclosporine fluvastatin appears to be the safest statin (227).


If a patient is unable to tolerate statins or statins as monotherapy are not sufficient to lower LDL-C to goal the second-choice drug is either ezetimibe or a PCSK9 inhibitor. Ezetimibe is a generic drug and relatively inexpensive and can be added to any statin. PCSK9 inhibitors can also be added to any statin and are the drugs of choice if a large decrease in LDL-C is required to reach goal (PCSK9 inhibitors will lower LDL-C levels by 50-60% when added to a statin, whereas ezetimibe will only lower LDL-C by approximately 20%).  Bile acid sequestrants are an alternative particularly if a reduction in A1c level is also needed. Bempedoic acid also lowers LDL-C by approximately 20% and is another alternative. Ezetimibe, PCSK9 inhibitors, bempedoic acid, and bile acid sequestrants additively lower LDL-C levels when used in combination with a statin, because these drugs increase hepatic LDL receptor levels by different mechanisms, thereby resulting in a reduction in serum LDL-C levels. Niacin and the fibrates also lower LDL-C levels but are not usually employed to lower LDL-C levels


The second priority should be non-HDL-C (non-HDL-C = total cholesterol – HDL-C), which is particularly important in patients with elevated triglyceride levels (>150mg/dl). Non-HDL-C is a measure of all the pro-atherogenic apolipoprotein B containing particles. Numerous studies have shown that non-HDL-C is a strong risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease. The non-HDL-C goals are 30mg/dl greater than the LDL-C goals. For example, if the LDL goal is <100mg/dl then the non-HDL-C goal would be <130mg/dl. Drugs that reduce either LDL-C or triglyceride levels will reduce non-HDL-C levels. If LDL-C is only slightly below goal increasing drug dose or adding drugs to further lower LDL-C is a reasonable approach. If the LDL-C is significantly below goal lowering TG levels is reasonable.


The third priority in treating lipid disorders is to decrease triglyceride levels. Initial therapy should focus on lifestyle changes including a decrease in simple sugars and ethanol intake and initiating and exercise program. Fibrates, niacin, statins, and omega-3-fatty acids all reduce serum triglyceride levels. Typically, one will target triglyceride levels when one is trying to lower non-HDL-C levels to goal. Patients with very high triglyceride levels (> 500-1000 mg/dl) are at risk of pancreatitis and therefore lifestyle and triglyceride lowering drug therapy should be initiated early. Note that there is limited evidence demonstrating that lowering triglyceride levels reduces cardiovascular events with fibrates, niacin, and most omega-3-fatty acid preparations. A study has shown that adding the omega-3-fatty acid icosapent ethyl (EPA) to statins in patients with elevated triglyceride levels reduces cardiovascular events (228). In addition, the potential beneficial effects of fish oil on disease activity in many patients with inflammatory diseases make the use of omega-3-fatty acids an attractive choice in patients with inflammatory diseases and elevated triglyceride levels/non-HDL-C levels.


The fourth priority in treating lipid disorders is to increase HDL-C levels. There is strong epidemiologic data linking low HDL-C levels with cardiovascular disease, but whether increasing HDL levels with drugs reduces cardiovascular disease is unknown and studies have not been encouraging (229). Life style changes are the initial step and include increased exercise, weight loss, and stopping cigarette smoking. The role of recommending ethanol, which increases HDL levels, is controversial but in patients who already drink moderately there is no reason to recommend that they stop. The most effective drug for increasing HDL levels is niacin, but studies have not demonstrated a reduction in cardiovascular events when niacin is added to statin therapy (230,231). Fibrates and statins also raise HDL-C levels but the increases are modest (usually less than 15%). Additionally, the ACCORD-LIPID trial failed to demonstrate that adding fenofibrate to statin therapy reduces cardiovascular disease (232). Unfortunately, given the currently available drugs, it is very difficult to significantly increase HDL-C levels and in many of our patients we are unable to achieve HDL-C levels in the recommended range. Furthermore, whether this will result in a reduction in cardiovascular events is unknown.


Note that there is very limited evidence that adding fibrates or niacin to lower triglyceride levels and/or increase HDL-C levels will reduce cardiovascular events. However, the studies of fibrates or niacin in combination with statins did not specifically target patients with high triglycerides, high non-HDL-C, and low HDL-C levels. The only drugs in combination with statin therapy that has been shown to further reduce cardiovascular events when added to statin therapy are ezetimibe, PCSK9 inhibitors, and icosapent ethyl (EPA), an omega-3-fatty acid (175).


In summary, modern therapy of patients with inflammatory diseases demands that we aggressively treat lipids to reduce the high risk of cardiovascular disease in this susceptible population. Furthermore, treatment with lipid lowering drugs in some instances may improve the underlying inflammatory disorder.




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The global epidemic of type 2 diabetes remains one of the greatest health challenges of our time. The collective human and economic costs are staggering and rising. Widespread initiatives now exist to prevent diabetes wherever possible. These initiatives are singularly focused on preventing diabetes in the very highest risk group: people with prediabetes. Plasma glucose concentrations can exist over a continuum with normoglycemia on one side and diabetes mellitus on the other. Nevertheless, the concept of “prediabetes” – a state of neither normoglycemia or bonafide diabetes – has been in the clinical purview since the first formal diagnostic criteria of diabetes itself. Most can agree that prediabetes represents a high-risk state for diabetes (and for the sake of this review, high-risk for type 2 diabetes, specifically), but consensus is lacking for much else, including the diagnostic thresholds, if, when, or what to initiate as to pharmacotherapy for diabetes prevention, and whether prediabetes is actually just an earlier form of diabetes warranting similarly aggressive risk factor modification for diabetes-related complications. In this chapter, PREDIABETES, we will review the recommendations for screening, diagnosis, and intervention, largely according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA).  We will also look at the pathogenesis of this highly heterogeneous dysglycemic state as well as an increasing body of evidence that treatment of prediabetes back to normoglycemia should be the goal for people with prediabetes. Lastly, the scientific evidence reviewed will be distilled into an example of a conversation intended to engage patients in this process.




In 1979-1980, the National Diabetes Data Group and World Health Organization introduced the first formal diagnostic criteria for diabetes (1,2). Cross sectional observations that the presence of both microvascular disease (MVD) (3-6)and cardiovascular disease (CVD) (7,8) were higher when fasting plasma glucose (FPG) was >140 mg/dl and/or 2-hour post-challenge glucose (2h-PG) was >200 mg/dl were confirmed in longitudinal population studies, providing rationale for these cut points (9-11). Nevertheless, clear evidence that lowering plasma glucose could prevent diabetic complications was not available until the 1993 publication of the Diabetes Complications and Control Trial (DCCT) (12). The DCCT noted an inflection point between A1c 6.5-7.0% (48-53 mmol/mol) and risk for retinopathy, as well as a 76% reduction in retinopathy, in participants with type 1 diabetes randomized to intensive treatment (12). Hence, the A1c goal of <6.5-7.0% soon became – and has remained – the major benchmark of care for people with diabetes (type 1 and 2) (13).  


Diagnostic criteria for diabetes have evolved over the years, lowering plasma glucose thresholds (14) and even advocating use of the A1c for diagnosis (15), while continuing to calibrate these thresholds against risk for retinopathy. Far less well known than the landmark publication of the DCCT is the re-analysis of the original data demonstrating a flaw in the models with no inflection point in A1c and risk for retinopathy noted (16). Instead, reduction in retinopathy was appreciated across the A1c range, including what is now considered the pre-diabetic A1c range. The first formal diagnostic criteria for “pre”-diabetes (i.e. impaired glucose tolerance) were introduced concurrently with those for diabetes itself (1). Diagnostic thresholds for prediabetes have been more moveable (14,15,17) and more controversial. Despite evidence demonstrating higher MVD and CVD in people with prediabetes compared to their normoglycemic peers (18-21), treatment of people with prediabetes is uncommon (22,23) as the notion of a “pre” disease presents a clinical and regulatory conundrum. 




Much ado has been made about the cost-effectiveness of screening for prediabetes.  Nevertheless, because roughly one-quarter of people with diabetes in the U.S. remain undiagnosed (24), numerous guidelines do advocate screening for dysglycemia (e.g. diabetes and prediabetes). According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) together with the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), an informal assessment of risk factors or use of a risk assessment tool (e.g. can guide who should undergo blood testing (25). Children >10 years old or who have gone through puberty (whichever occurs first) who are >85th% weight for height, with one or more risk factors (Table 1), should be screened. Non-pregnant adults >35 years without risk factors, or adults of any age who are overweight (BMI>25 kg/m2 or BMI >23 kg/m2, if Asian ethnicity) and have one or more risk factors (Table 1), should be screened. The screening test should be A1c, fasting glucose, or 2-hour glucose, and repeated at least at 3-year intervals for those whose screening reveals normoglycemia and once yearly in those diagnosed with prediabetes (26).


Table 1.  Risk Factors for Prediabetes and Diabetes

First-degree relative with type 2 diabetes

Non-Caucasian ethnicity

History of cardiovascular disease

Hypertension (blood pressure >140/90 or use of anti-hypertensive medication)

HDL cholesterol <35 mg/dl and/or triglyceride concentration >250 mg/dl

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome

Physical inactivity (<90 min/wk aerobic activity)

Presence of severe obesity, acanthosis nigricans and/or skin tags




According to the ADA and EASD, the diagnosis of prediabetes is made when the fasting plasma glucose (FPG) is 100-125 mg/dl (5.6-6.9 mmol/l; “impaired fasting glucose” (IFG)), plasma glucose concentration is 140-199 mg/dl (7.8-11.1 mmol/l; “impaired glucose tolerance” (IGT)) 2 hours after a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), and/or A1c 5.7-6.4% (26) (Table 2).  Unlike diagnostic criteria for diabetes that are based on their predictive value for retinopathy (14), diagnostic thresholds for prediabetes are based on the likelihood of developing overt diabetes (27-30).  However, discussion regarding the existing cut points is ongoing. Longitudinal data from a cohort of Israeli soldiers suggest that a fasting glucose above 87 mg/dl (4.8 mmol/l) is associated with an increased risk of future diabetes (31). Further, misclassification is common given the day-to-day variability in the fasting (15%) and 2-hour (46%) glucose concentrations (32). A1c can be confounded by a number of comorbid conditions like renal disease, anemia, and hemoglobinopathies (see  and must be done using a method certified by the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (NGSP).  Use of the 1-hour glucose value (i.e., >155 mg/dl post-OGTT), fructosamine, 5-androhydroglucitol among others have also been proposed, but none are standardized hence none currently recommended (33,34). Despite the fact that A1c-defined prediabetes appears to confer worse outcomes than prediabetes defined by fasting or 2-hour glucose criteria (35), the use of the A1c is not supported by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the diagnosis of prediabetes (36).


Table 2.  Current Diagnostic Criteria for Prediabetes (ADA & EASD)

Fasting plasma glucose 100-125 mg/dl


Glucose 140-199 mg/dl 2-hours post 75 g OGTT


A1c 5.7-6.4%




The changes in diagnostic criteria over the past years make it difficult to estimate exact trends in the global burden of prediabetes. However, by combining recent data from diverse sources, the prevalence of prediabetes can roughly be approximated. In 2021, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimated that 96 million Americans – 38% of the adult population – had prediabetes demonstrating an increase in the percent of the population that has prediabetes that had previously been stable (24). Discordance in the diagnostic criteria for prediabetes, regional differences in surveillance and reporting for chronic diseases, and other cultural nuances pose challenges in estimating the global burden of prediabetes. To this point, the literature is currently devoid of any estimate of global prevalence of IFG, specifically. In 2017, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimated the worldwide prevalence of IGT at 318 million - a number expected to increase to 482 million by 2040 ( – with no further update in 2021. Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) would contend that the prevalence of IFG is twice that of IGT (37) (using ADA criteria), suggesting that the worldwide prevalence of prediabetes (IFG and/or IGT) may exceed 1 billion. Most alarming is that roughly one- third of people with IGT (and possibly IFG) are between 20 and 39 years old, thus are expected to spend many years at risk for or with diabetes (




Screening for and diagnosis of prediabetes is advocated as it represents a high-risk state for the development of overt type 2 diabetes. A recent meta-analysis showed that the yearly progression rate to diabetes in individuals with prediabetes is 3.5-7.0% (vs. 2%/year in their normoglycemic counterparts) (28), with highest rates in those with combined IFG and IGT and the lowest in those with IFG by ADA (vs. WHO) definition (38). Increasing A1c is also associated with increased risk of diabetes with yearly incidence rates approximating 5% for those with an A1c of 5.7-6.0% and up to 10% for those with an A1c of 6.1-6.4% (39).  Adding non-glycemic risk factors (Table 1) to the diagnosis of prediabetes markedly increases risk for diabetes, approaching 30% per year (40).  Decompensation from prediabetes to diabetes appears rapid in the later stages (41) and may warrant closer monitoring for people close to the thresholds for diabetes as well as earlier risk factor modification.


A recent study looked at the prevalence of prediabetes and risk of developing diabetes in 3412 individuals between 71 and 90 years of age (42). The prevalence of diabetes in this population was very high with 44% meeting the criteria based on A1C, 59% based on fasting glucose, 73% based on either A1c or fasting glucose, and 29% based on both A1c and fasting glucose. After a median 5-year follow-up only 9% of individuals with prediabetes based on A1c developed diabetes and only 8% of individuals with prediabetes based on fasting glucose developed diabetes. In individuals with prediabetes based on both A1c and fasting glucose levels 12% developed diabetes during the 5-year follow-up period. Many of the individuals with prediabetes regressed to normal glycemia. Thus, in the elderly the risk of progressing from prediabetes to diabetes appears to be lower than in middle aged individuals.  




Not long ago, the universal teaching was that post-prandial hyperglycemia always preceded fasting hyperglycemia in the evolution of diabetes (Figure 1).  The past decade has ushered in compelling evidence that this is not always the case. IFG can be isolated or precede IGT, IGT can be isolated or precede IFG, or they can be concurrent in the prediabetic state (27,29,43) (Figure 1).  This realization has sparked rigorous investigations into the pathogenesis of the subtypes - IFG, IGT and IFG/IGT - as discreet prediabetic states. Early studies used the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) to delineate IFG from IGT, concluding that IFG was more insulin resistant than IGT (43).  Most noteworthy is the fact that this conclusion is inherently flawed since HOMA relies on FPG (i.e., HOMA-IR = FPG x FPI / 22.5) and IFG is defined by FPG.  Fortunately, more rigorous investigations have followed.

Figure 1. A) Former concept as to the pathophysiology of prediabetes and diabetes >10 years ago; B) Current knowledge as to the pathophysiology of prediabetes and diabetes <10 years

In some individuals, type 2 diabetes seems to develop as a consequence of inherent beta cell dysfunction (44). In others, development of insulin resistance precedes defects in the pancreatic beta cells (44,45). These findings underscore that prediabetes (like type 2 diabetes) is not a single disease entity, but rather multiple diseases with different pathologies (Table 3) and trajectories for disease development. This notion is supported by longitudinal data from the Whitehall II Study illustrating that the underlying disease mechanisms for individuals developing type 2 diabetes differ depending on whether diabetes is diagnosed by increased fasting or 2-hour plasma glucose levels (44). Further, this heterogeneity in the disease process is present decades before the clinical onset of diabetes.  Defects unique to IFG and IGT may be collective or unique when IFG and IGT exist in combination (46).


Table 3. Overview of the Distinguishing Features of IFG vs. IGT








Men > women

Women > men








High plasma triglycerides



Low HDL cholesterol





Site of insulin resistance


Skeletal muscle




Type of beta cell defect

1st phase insulin secretion

2nd phase insulin secretion





Impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG)




In healthy humans, circulating plasma glucose concentration is maintained in a narrow range by the liver’s ability to regulate its direction of glucose flux (47).  By virtue of hepatic insulin resistance (48), decreased hepatic glucose clearance (49), or lower glucose effectiveness (50), endogenous glucose production (EGP) becomes abnormal in the development of isolated IFG (48,51-54).  EGP, as measured by glucose rate of appearance (Ra), has been reported as 8-25% higher in people with IFG vs. normal glucose tolerant (NGT) controls in some studies (46,54), or “inappropriately” comparable to NGT (given the higher circulating glucose and insulin levels in IFG) in others (48,55). It is clear that the liver, rather than muscle, plays a distinctive role in the pathogenesis of IFG.




Unique defects in beta cell function are seen in concert with the defects in the liver in people with isolated IFG. Collective data suggest that beta cell function may be intrinsically impaired, vs. acquired, in IFG. This notion is supported by epidemiologic studies showing diminished insulin response to glucose in normoglycemic individuals who later develop isolated IFG (56) and that this defect may be seen as long as 18 years before they are diagnosed with diabetes (44).  Furthermore, beta cell dysfunction has been demonstrated in individuals with isolated IFG and normal peripheral insulin sensitivity (48,51). 


The exact manner of beta cell dysfunction in IFG appears specific to 1st vs. 2nd phase insulin secretion (55,57).  It should be pointed out, however, that 1st phase insulin secretion is only appreciated in response to an intravenous glucose challenge bringing its physiologic relevance into question. Studies carefully examining insulin secretion in IFG (vs. NGT or IGT) have uniformly noted decrements in response to intravenous, but not oral, glucose challenges (46,48,51,54,55). Collectively, these data imply a dependence on the incretin hormones to maintain normal insulin secretion in IFG that may diverge from the role of the incretin hormones to facilitate insulin secretion in IGT.




Despite the implication of different roles for the incretin hormones in conferring IFG vs. IGT, existing data are conflicting (51,58). Likewise, plasma glucagon concentrations (51), adipose tissue mass and function (59) do not appear different, and other pathogenic features such as intramuscular lipids have not been compared between the subtypes of prediabetes. Of note, people with IFG tend to be male and younger – whereas those with IGT female and older - and have slight differences in their risk factors for CVD (43,60,61).


Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT)




Despite reports of greater hepatic fat in people with IGT vs. IFG (62), skeletal muscle, rather than liver, has been implicated as the site of insulin resistance in isolated IGT. Glucose rate of disappearance (Rd; a measure of muscle insulin sensitivity) has been shown to be 42-48% lower in IGT vs. NGT (48,55) with only minimal impairments seen in IFG (54).  Because of the larger contribution of muscle (vs. liver) to whole-body insulin sensitivity, people with isolated IGT demonstrate on average 15-30% lower whole body insulin sensitivity compared to those with isolated IFG(51,52,57).




In contrast to IFG, beta cell dysfunction appears to be acquired rather than intrinsic in IGT. For example, long-term population studies have not noted early defects in people destined to develop isolated IGT (56).  Nevertheless, beta cell dysfunction has been repeatedly observed in people with established IGT, particularly when significant whole body and skeletal muscle insulin resistance co-exists (51,56,63,64).  The exact manner of beta cell dysfunction in IGT appears specific to 2nd vs. 1st phase insulin secretion (55,57) and is observed whether or not the incretin-axis is invoked during the assessment. 


A1c-Defined Prediabetes


Recent trends in medical practice have seen the 2-hour OGTT fall from grace and be replaced by the A1c, even for the diagnosis and surveillance of prediabetes. Being that A1c is a composite of fasting and post-prandial glucose concentrations, it cannot delineate IFG from IGT nor any of the pathology unique to either. Alpha-hydroxybuytric acid, linoleoyl-glycerophosphocholine, and oleic acid have been shown predictive of 2-hour glucose values in three European cohort studies (65), hence may hold value if the pathophysiologic differences between IFG and IGT are to guide clinical decision-making in the future.  Currently, the strategies for diabetes prevention do not discriminate between the subtypes of prediabetes.




With the global surge in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes, focus on its prevention has intensified. Clinical trials for diabetes prevention around the globe have universally enrolled participants with untreated prediabetes (mostly IGT) due to their high risk for acquiring overt diabetes (28). Approaches for the prevention of diabetes have included intensive lifestyle modification (66-68) (Figure 2) or drug therapy using glucose-lowering medications (69-76)  (Figure 3) or anti-obesity medications (77-81) (Figure 4). Lifestyle interventions have utilized a low fat (<30% calories from fat; <10% from saturated fat) hypocaloric diet and moderate intensity exercise ~150 minutes per week for the purpose of 5-7% weight reduction. With the exception of the NAVIGATOR Trial (75), collective results demonstrate that diabetes incidence can be reduced by 20-89% over 2.4-6 years in a wide range of ethnic groups. 

Figure 2. Major trials using intensive lifestyle interventions for diabetes prevention

Figure 3. Major trials using glucose-lowering medications for diabetes prevention

Figure 4. Major trials using anti-obesity medications for diabetes prevention

Despite success amongst the various strategies employed, only intensive lifestyle modification has been universally advocated. The lifestyle curriculum designed for the U.S. Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) serves as the foundation for the National DPP (NDPP) – the translational effort of bringing clinical trial results to the real world ( A recent meta-analysis of 63 publications stemming from international real-world translations of clinical trial lifestyle curriculum demonstrated a 3% reduction in absolute risk and 29% reduction in relative risk for active participants, even when weight loss was modest (82). Likewise, the National Health Service Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP) began implementation across the United Kingdom in 2016 (83).  Evaluation of the program showed a consistent ~40% reduction in onset of diabetes over 13.4 months, including when the curriculum was delivered by lay volunteers (84). Initiation of metformin in people with pre-diabetes is recommended for those younger than 65 years old with a body mass index (BMI) >25 kg/m2 (85). To date, only ~0.7% of people with prediabetes in the U.S. are treated with metformin (23). It should be noted that no medication is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of prediabetes – not even metformin – as the FDA does not recognize prediabetes as a disease. In fact, the mere notion of a “pre” disease creates a clinical and regulatory conundrum. In 2008, the FDA issued guidance for industry developing drugs for the treatment or prevention of diabetes stating that it would consider approving pharmacotherapy for prediabetes if the drug could show “clinical benefit” (e.g. a delay or lessening in micro- or macrovascular complications) (  Increasing evidence shows this may be possible.




It is alluring to imagine an A1c threshold below which patients are fully protected from diabetic complications (86). This quest has proven less straightforward than is widely acknowledged.  People with prediabetes can suffer the same micro-, macrovascular, and non-vascular complications as people with diabetes, just at a lower incidence rate. Further, data exist and studies ongoing to show clear benefit from early intervention for people with prediabetes (




Diabetes remains a leading cause of blindness, kidney failure, and amputations around the world. Benchmarks for diabetes care are explicitly based on the prevention of such microvascular complications (13). Nonetheless, complications of diabetes increase with increasing glycemia, even in the prediabetic glucose range. For example, nearly 10% of DPP participants had diabetic retinopathy, without diabetes, in a cross sectional analysis (19).  Moreover, data from NHANES suggests the steepest increase in risk for retinopathy occurs at an A1c of 5.5% (18), which would be considered normoglycemia by current ADA and WHO criteria. Polyneuropathy has also been reported as more prevalent in prediabetes, affecting 13% of people with IGT and 11.3% with IFG compared to 7.4% with NGT (21). Lastly, microalbuminuria doubles in prevalence with the onset of IFG or IGT, whereas its progression appears slower at the diagnostic threshold for overt diabetes (87). Recent trends reveal chronic kidney disease (defined as a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) < 60 ml/min/1.73 m2) is now as prevalent in people with prediabetes as diabetes itself (88). 


Perhaps more surprising than the incidence and prevalence of microvascular disease in people with prediabetes are data showing benefit from early interventions.  For example, the DPP Outcomes Study (DPPOS) demonstrated a 21% lower prevalence of the composite microvascular endpoint (retinopathy, nephropathy and/or neuropathy) in women who had been randomized to the intensive lifestyle intervention and followed 15 years post-randomization and a 28% lower prevalence across the treatment groups when diabetes was prevented (89).  In the roughly 600 participants with prediabetes that entered the Swedish Obesity Study (SOS), the composite microvascular endpoint was 82% lower in those who underwent bariatric surgery a median of 19 years after their procedure – an effect size that was much greater than for those who entered the study with either diabetes or normoglycemia (90).  Lastly, retinopathy was shown reduced by 40% in the 30-year follow-up of the Da Qing Study – a study that rendered a meager average of 1.8 kg weight loss during the intervention period (91).  Altogether, there is increasing evidence that people with prediabetes are at risk for classic complications of diabetes and these can be prevented with early intervention (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Trials demonstrating a reduction in microvascular disease in people with prediabetes



In 2010, a meta-analysis by Ford et al. illustrated an approximate 20% increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in people with prediabetes, irrespective of type (IFG or IGT), criteria used to define it, or the development of diabetes (20). As a continuous variable, however, CVD risk appears more closely related to 2-hour than fasting glucose (92).  In 2018, serial cross sectional data from NHANES showed surprising similarity in the prevalence of myocardial infarction and stroke in people with prediabetes vs. diabetes (88) likely due to the dramatic fall in incident myocardial infarction and stroke in people with diabetes (93).  This finding implies that CVD may now be as common in people with prediabetes as with diabetes (recently reviewed by (94)). It should be recognized that whether the elevated glucose is causing the increased risk of CVD in individuals with prediabetes is uncertain as prediabetes is associated with other factors such as obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, hypertension, hypercoagulation, and inflammation that could be playing important roles in increasing the risk of CVD.


As with microvascular disease, data do exist that early intervention also prevents macrovascular disease in people with prediabetes (Figure 6).  The first study to contend that this may be the case came from a post-hoc analysis of STOP-NIDDM – a trial that used acarbose to prevent or delay diabetes in people with prediabetes.  This analysis showed a highly unexpected 49% lower probability of any CV event in the group randomized to acarbose (95).  Interestingly, the trial was repeated, powered with benefit as the a priori hypothesis and did not succeed at recapitulating the prior findings (73). Differences in medication dosage and ethnic admixture may or may not explain the discrepancy. Nevertheless, pioglitazone has been shown to reduce CV events over 4.8 years in insulin-resistant people 6 months post-stroke with an average A1c of 5.8% (96).  Likewise, the Da Qing Study revealed a 33% lower CV mortality and 26% lower all-cause mortality, whilst still preventing diabetes, 30 years into the post-randomization follow-up (91).  CV data from the DPPOS is expected shortly with great anticipation that prediabetes may finally be recognized as an earlier form of diabetes warranting intervention. While the effect of lowering glucose levels in individuals with prediabetes is uncertain given the high risk of CVD in this population aggressive treatment of dyslipidemia and hypertension is indicated given the large number of studies showing benefits.

Figure 6. Trials demonstrating a reduction in macrovascular disease in people with prediabetes

Not Necessarily Vascular


Although risk factor modification largely focuses on preventing the classic complications of diabetes, greater attention is being paid to a much larger scope of possible comorbidities.  A recent study elaborated on structural brain abnormalities in people with prediabetes that are linked to dementia, stroke, and depression and hypothesized that glucose-lowering may reverse the abnormalities (97).  Functionally, these brain changes lead to slower processing speeds and cognitive deficits (98).  Mild cognitive impairments are accelerated by the presence of prediabetes leading to frank dementia (99). Unequivocally, cognitive impairments and dementia dramatically reduce quality of life for both patients and their care-takers.  Fortunately, patient-reported outcomes are becoming increasing revered as a scientific endpoint and may provide additional rationale for treating prediabetes. The much-anticipated long term outcomes from the DPPOS (expected 2020-2025) also include examining treatment effect on cognition, aspects of aging, quality of life, health care utilization and cancer.




In clinical trials to date, interventions were deemed successful if diabetes was prevented or delayed, yet many participants remained with prediabetes. Arguably, prevention of diabetes and its complications lies in the restoration of normoglycemia rather than in the maintenance of prediabetes.  This was confirmed by a post-hoc analysis from the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS) (100). This analysis demonstrated a 56% lower risk of diabetes 10 years from randomization among those who were able to achieve normoglycemia during DPP vs. those who remained with prediabetes. Additionally, restoration of normoglycemia reduced prevalence of microvascular disease (101) and CV risk factors despite less use of medication to lower lipids and blood pressure (102).  The concept that diabetes and CV risk can be significantly reduced over the long-term through the pursuit of normoglycemia represents a major shift in our current thinking and has quickly gained consensus as the goal for people with prediabetes (103,104). Clinical predictors (105) and calculators as to the likelihood of regression (106)can be used to select and activate patients. Importantly, restoration of normoglycemia – as opposed to “diabetes prevention” – is clinically actionable. 


Exactly how normoglycemia should be achieved is far less clear. Data from the DPP would contend that only lifestyle modification, not metformin, is useful in achieving normoglycemia in people with prediabetes (105) (Figure 7). Of note, lifestyle modification has been shown particularly effective in women (107) and the elderly (108). The thiazolidinediones (TZD’s) have also demonstrated their ability to restore normoglycemia in people with prediabetes (71,72,109) and may gain greater acceptance in this population now that their CV safety has been established.  An increasing number of trials are focused on the ability of medication or lifestyle to not only prevent or delay onset of diabetes, but restore normoglycemia (79,110,111).




As we follow the recommended steps for screening and diagnosis of prediabetes outlined above, the next step in beginning the conversation with a patient with prediabetes is educating them about what the diagnosis means.  An A1c of 5.7-6.0% carries up to a 25%/5-year risk, whereas an A1c 6.0-6.4% carries up to a 50%/5-year risk, and prediabetes period carries up to a 70% lifetime risk of diabetes.  Further, people with prediabetes can suffer complications of diabetes even if they never convert. Early intervention can prevent diabetes by more than 50% if normoglycemia can be attained – even if transiently. Intensive lifestyle modification and a number of glucose-lowering and anti-obesity medications have been shown as capable to achieve this.  Metformin is recommended for younger, overweight people with prediabetes even though it may not achieve normoglycemia as readily. Micro- and macrovascular risk factor modification is critical.  Plasma glucose concentrations should be followed and re-screening for diabetes done annually.




In the light of the global burden of prediabetes affecting close to one billion people, the high progression rates to type 2 diabetes, and the increased risk of both micro- and macrovascular complications and death (112), efforts focused on preventing progression to diabetes and its complications are crucial. Although both intensive lifestyle intervention and various medications have proven to be effective for prevention or delay of diabetes in people with prediabetes, their uptake has been slow. This is true even in light of emerging data showing the vast benefits of early interventions.  Our best bet to recognize prediabetes as a disease is probably by calling it what it is: early diabetes (94) and treat it as such, eradicating the term “prediabetes” for good.




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Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 4



Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 4 (MEN4) (OMIM #610755) has many similarities with MEN1, but is caused by germline mutations in CDKN1B. MEN4 is less common than MEN1. Clinical manifestations of MEN4 encompass: primary hyperparathyroidism, pituitary adenomas. and gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms. In line with MEN1 other neoplasms may occur.




Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 4 (MEN4) (OMIM #610755) was initially named MENX and was first described in rats (1-3). MEN4 is caused by germline mutations in CDKN1B (Cdkn1b in rats), a tumor suppression gene encoding for the protein p27Kip1 (commonly referred to as p27 or as KIP1). The CDKN1B gene is located on chromosome 12p13.1 (4). p27 is a member of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (CDKI) family which regulates the cell cycle (5, 6). Germline mutations in CDKN1B lead to reduced expression of p27, thereby resulting in uncontrolled cell cycle progression. To date, most of the reported human mutations were missense. These mutations were deemed pathogenic due to their in vivo or in vitro effects on the function of p27. In humans, two CDKI families were identified: the INK4a/ARF and Cip/Kip family (7). Natalia Pellegata and colleagues reported in 2006 a three-generation family with apparently MEN1-related tumors, but turned out to become the first reported cases of MEN4 in humans (2). The incidence of CDKN1B mutations in patients with a MEN1-related phenotype is likely to be in the range of 1-4% (8-10). MEN4 screening is recommended for all patients with a MEN1-related phenotype without the presence of a MEN1 gene mutation. All first-degree relatives of patients with MEN4 should be offered genetic testing (11-13).




Primary Hyperparathyroidism


Primary hyperparathyroidism has been reported in up to 80%-90% of cases with MEN4 (3). The indications for parathyroid surgery in MEN4 are the same as for MEN1 and the approach in MEN4-related primary hyperparathyroidism may be similar to that in MEN1 (14, 15). It is suggested that screening for hyperparathyroidism with serum calcium measurements (and parathyroid hormone levels (PTH) if indicated) should start at the age of 15 years in MEN4 mutation carriers (16, 17).


Pituitary Adenomas


Pituitary involvement in MEN4 is the second most common manifestation of the disease, affecting approximately 1/3 of the reported cases to date. The types of pituitary disorders in MEN4 include: nonfunctional pituitary adenoma, acromegaly and gigantism, prolactinoma, or Cushing’s disease (13, 18-27). Pituitary tumors in MEN4 generally present with less aggressiveness and smaller size compared to those in MEN1 (21). The management of pituitary tumors in MEN4 is similar to other sporadic or familial cases (14). Routine surveillance for the development of pituitary tumors in patients with MEN4 should be performed on a case-by-case basis and following the current guidelines for MEN1 (14, 17).


Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms (GEP NENs)


The prevalence of GEP NENs in MEN4 is approximately 25%. These include gastroduodenal or pancreatic NENs (panNENs), which are either nonfunctioning or secreting several peptides and hormones, including gastrin, insulin, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), or vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) (10, 15, 18, 28, 29). It appears that there is a decreased penetrance of gastroduodenal NENs or panNENs in MEN4 as compared to MEN1. The clinical syndromes associated with these hormonal overproductions can be found elsewhere (30-33). The diagnosis and management of panNENs in MEN4 is similar to that in MEN1 (14). Screening for gastroduodenal NENs and panNENs should be initiated according to MEN1 screening protocols (14).


Other Neoplasms


Cervical neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC), secreting and non-secreting adrenal tumors, testicular cancer, breast cancer, papillary thyroid cancer, colon cancer, carcinoid, and meningioma have been reported in MEN4 cases (2, 8, 10, 12, 16, 27).




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Craniopharyngiomas are rare intracranial tumors that mainly arise in the sellar/parasellar (particularly suprasellar) region. They present in both children and adults with a wide range of clinical manifestations. Histologically, they are benign tumors with distinct adamantinomatous and papillary subtypes. Beta-catenin gene mutations have been identified in the adamantinomatous subtype and activating mutations in BRAF (V600E) in the papillary variant, opening further avenues in our understanding of their pathogenesis. Despite their benign classification, management is challenging due to unpredictable growth and the involvement of adjacent critical structures particularly for vision and hypothalamo-pituitary function. Surgery with or without external irradiation currently represents the mainstay of therapy for most patients; however, the optimal protocol for the management of these tumors has not yet been established. Further management options include intracystic irradiation or bleomycin, stereotactic radiosurgery, systemic chemotherapy, or targeted BRAF inhibitors (for the papillary subtype); however, the outcomes of these approaches have not yet been validated with large scale clinical trials. Following treatment, patients face a high burden of morbidity due to visual, endocrine, hypothalamic, and neuropsychological dysfunction, and long-term mortality rates are substantially elevated compared with the general population.




Craniopharyngiomas account for 2–5% of all primary intracranial neoplasms and for up to 15% of intracranial tumors in children (1). Their annual incidence is reported as around 0.18 cases per 100,000 people (2), and genetic susceptibility seems unlikely. Craniopharyngiomas may be detected at any age, even in the prenatal and neonatal periods (3) and a bimodal age distribution with peak incidence rates at ages 5–14 and 50–74 years has been proposed (2,4). In population-based studies from the USA and Finland, no gender differences have been found (4,5).




Craniopharyngiomas are epithelial tumors arising along the path of the craniopharyngeal duct (the canal connecting the stomodeal ectoderm with the evaginated Rathke’s pouch). Based on the WHO classification, they are assigned grade I. Rare cases of malignant transformation (possibly triggered by previous irradiation) have been described (1). Two main pathological subtypes have been reported: the adamantinomatous variant and the papillary variant (1,6).


The adamantinomatous variant is the most common subtype and may occur at any age (Figure 1). Macroscopically, adamantinomatous craniopharyngiomas have cystic and/or solid components, necrotic debris, fibrous tissue and calcification. The cysts may be multiloculated and contain liquid ranging from “machinery oil” to shimmering cholesterol-laden fluid consisting of desquamated squamous epithelial cells, rich in membrane lipids and cytoskeleton keratin. They tend to have sharp and irregular margins, often merging into a peripheral zone of dense reactive gliosis, with abundant Rosenthal fiber formation (consisting of irregular masses of granular deposits within astrocytic processes) in the surrounding brain tissue and vascular structures. The epithelium of the adamantinomatous type is composed of three layers of cells: a distinct palisaded basal layer of small cells with darkly staining nuclei and little cytoplasm (somewhat resembling the basal cells of the epidermis of the skin); an intermediate layer of variable thickness composed of loose aggregates of stellate cells (termed stellate reticulum), with processes traversing empty intercellular spaces; and a top layer facing into the cyst lumen with abruptly enlarged, flattened and keratinized to flat plate-like squamous cells. The flat squames are desquamated singly or in distinctive stacked clusters and form nodules of “wet” keratin, which are often heavily calcified and appear grossly as white flecks. The keratinous debris may elicit an inflammatory and foreign body giant cell reaction. The presence of the typical adamantinomatous epithelium or of the “wet” keratin alone are diagnostic, whereas features only suggestive of the diagnosis in small or non-representative specimens include fibrohistiocytic reaction, necrotic debris, calcification and cholesterol clefts (1).

Figure 1A. Histology of adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma. Islands of tumor with finger-like protrusions into surrounding brain tissue with central accumulation of keratin nodules; HE x40 magnification.

Figure 1B. Histology of adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma. Well-differentiated epithelium with peripheral palisading, nodular whorls, and pale, microcystic areas termed ‘stellate reticulum’, as well as pale eosinophilic ‘wet keratin’ nodule (right bottom); HE x200 magnification.

Figure 1C. Histology of adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma. Beta-catenin immunohistochemistry of area shown in A, highlighting dark staining nodular whorls; x40 magnification

Figure 1D. Histology of adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma. Basal epithelium demonstrating the aberrant nuclear accumulation of beta-catenin in nodular whorls (arrowheads) due to beta-catenin mutation; Anti-beta-catenin, x400 magnification.

The papillary variant has been almost exclusively described in adult populations (accounting for 14-50% of adult cases but only around 2% of pediatric cases) (Figure 2). It consists of mature squamous epithelium forming pseudopapillae and of an anastomosing fibrovascular stroma without the presence of peripheral palisading of cells or stellate reticulin, and with membranous beta-catenin immunoreactivity only. The differential diagnosis between a papillary craniopharyngioma and a Rathke’s cleft cyst may be difficult, particularly in small biopsy specimens, as the epithelial lining of the Rathke’s cysts may undergo squamous differentiation; however, the lack of a solid component and the presence of extensive ciliation and/or mucin production are suggestive of Rathke’s (1,6).

Figure 2A. Histology of papillary craniopharyngioma. Papillae lined by non-keratinizing squamous epithelium and containing loosely structured connective tissue; HE x20 magnification.

Figure 2B. Histology of papillary craniopharyngioma. Connective tissue harbors a patchy lymphocytic infiltrate (asterix); HE x100 magnification.

Figure 2C. Histology of papillary craniopharyngioma. Non-keratinizing squamous epithelium highlighted by beta-catenin immunostain, x20 magnification.

Figure 2D. Histology of papillary craniopharyngioma. Squamous epithelium showing membranous immunoreactivity of beta-catenin, lacking clusters with aberrant nuclear accumulation, x400 magnification.

Although the pathogenesis of craniopharyngiomas has not been fully elucidated, our understanding in this field has increased significantly in recent years. Beta-catenin gene (CTNNB1) mutations have been identified in the adamantinomatous subtype affecting exon 3 which encodes the degradation targeting box of beta-catenin; the mutant form is resistant to degradation leading to accumulation of nuclear beta-catenin protein (a transcriptional activator of the Wnt signaling pathway) (Figure 1D). Furthermore, strong beta-catenin expression has been shown in the adamantinomatous subtype indicating re-activation of the Wnt signaling pathway and subsequent de-regulation of several downstream pathways (7-10). Molecular analysis also implicates the immune response in the pathogenesis of adamantinomatous craniopharyngiomas. Cells within this subtype show signs of inflammation (in both cystic and solid components), and increased levels of cytokines including Interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-8 and IL-10 have been identified(10-12). Furthermore, the expression of immune related genes is increased, and the immune check point proteins Programmed Death Ligand 1 (PD-L1), and Programmed Cell Death Protein 1 (PD-1) are expressed in both subtypes of craniopharyngioma(10,13).  For papillary craniopharyngiomas specifically, a number of studies using whole exome sequencing, next-generation panel sequencing, pyrosequencing and Sanger sequencing have shown the presence of activating mutations in the BRAF (V600E) gene;  the prevalence of which varies according to the sequencing method, generally being between 81 and 100% (8). BRAF mutations can lead to activation of the MAPK/ERK (Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase / Extracellular signal Regulated Kinases) pathway, which ultimately results to increased cell growth, proliferation, and cell survival(10). Whilst BRAF mutations are found in numerous cells within papillary craniopharyngiomas, only a small cluster of progenitor cells expressing the SOX2/SOX9 (Sex Region Y Box 2 and 9) transcription factors are believed to be involved in their tumorigenesis(14). It has also been suggested that the two pathological subtypes have different epigenomic and transcriptomic signatures, and that the cell clusters in the adamantinomatous subtype may have a functional role in the promotion of tumor invasion (8).






Most craniopharyngiomas are located in the sellar/parasellar region and the majority (94-95%) have a suprasellar component. Other rare locations include the nasopharynx, the paranasal area, the sphenoid bone, the ethmoid sinus, the intrachiasmatic area, the temporal lobe, the pineal gland, the posterior cranial fossa, the cerebellopontine angle, the midportion of the midbrain or, mainly relating to the papillary variant, within the 3rd ventricle(1). Plain skull X-rays, although seldom used nowadays, may show calcification and an abnormal sella. CT is helpful for evaluation of the bony anatomy, the identification of calcification and the discrimination of the solid and cystic components. They are usually of mixed attenuation; the cyst fluid has low density and the contrast medium enhances any solid portion, including the cyst capsule (1). MRI is particularly useful for the topographic and structural analysis of the tumor. The radiological appearance depends on the proportion of the solid and cystic components, the content of the cyst(s) (cholesterol, keratin, hemorrhage), and the amount of calcification present. A solid lesion appears as iso- or hypointense relative to the brain. On pre-contrast T1-weighted images, it shows enhancement following gadolinium administration, and is usually of mixed hypo- or hyperintensity on T2-weighted images. Large amounts of calcification may be visualized as areas of low signal on both T1- and T2-weighted images. A cystic element is usually hypointense on T1- and hyperintense on T2-weighted sequences, and a thin peripheral contrast-enhancing rim of the cyst can be shown on T1-weighted images. Protein, cholesterol, and methemoglobin may cause high signal on T1-weighted images, while very concentrated protein and various blood products may be associated with low T2-weighted signal (1). Imaging examples from cystic, solid, and mixed solid-cystic craniopharyngiomas are shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3A. MRI images of craniopharyngiomas. Coronal section showing cystic craniopharyngioma on post-contrast T1-weighted MRI. The cyst contents are isointense and the cyst rim enhances following contrast.

Figure 3B. MRI images of craniopharyngiomas. Sagittal section of 3A.

Figure 3C. MRI images of craniopharyngiomas. Sagittal section showing a solid craniopharyngioma on T1-weighted imaging which enhances after contrast.

Figure 3D. MRI images of craniopharyngiomas. Coronal section showing a solid craniopharyngioma on T1-weighted imaging which enhances after contrast.

Figure 3E. MRI images of craniopharyngiomas. Sagittal section showing a craniopharyngioma with mixed solid and cystic components on post-contrast T1-weighted imaging.

Figure 3F. MRI images of craniopharyngiomas. Coronal section showing a mixed solid and cystic craniopharyngioma with mixed signal intensities on T2-weighted imaging.

The consistency of craniopharyngiomas can be purely or predominantly cystic, purely or predominantly solid, and mixed. When present, the calcification patterns vary from solid lumps to popcorn-like foci or, less commonly, to an eggshell pattern lining the cyst wall. Hydrocephalus has been reported in 20-38% and is probably more frequent in childhood-diagnosed disease (41-54%).


The differential diagnosis includes a number of sellar or parasellar lesions, including Rathke’s cleft cyst, dermoid cyst, epidermoid cyst, pituitary adenoma, germinoma, hamartoma, suprasellar aneurysm, arachnoid cyst, suprasellar abscess, glioma, meningioma, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis and Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Differentiation from a Rathke’s cleft cyst (typically small, round, purely cystic lesions lacking calcification), or from a pituitary adenoma (in the rare case of a homogeneously enhancing solid craniopharyngioma), may be particularly difficult (1,15).


Clinical and Hormonal Manifestations at Presentation


Patients with craniopharyngioma may present with a variety of clinical manifestations attributed to pressure effects on vital structures of the brain (visual pathways, brain parenchyma, ventricular system, major blood vessels and hypothalamo-pituitary system) (15-17). Their severity depends on the location, size, and growth potential of the tumor. The duration of the symptoms until diagnosis ranges between 1 week to 372 months(1). The presenting clinical manifestations (neurological, visual, hypothalamo-pituitary) are shown in Table 1. Headaches, nausea/vomiting, visual disturbances, growth failure (in children) and hypogonadism (in adults) are the most frequently reported. Other less common or rare features include motor disorders, such as hemi- or monoparesis, seizures, psychiatric symptoms such as emotional lability, hallucinations and paranoid delusions, autonomic disturbances, precocious puberty, the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone, chemical meningitis due to spontaneous cyst rupture, hearing loss, anosmia, nasal obstruction, epistaxis, photophobia, emaciation, Weber’s syndrome (ipsilateral III cranial nerve palsy with contralateral hemiplegia due to midbrain infarction), and Wallenberg’s syndrome (signs due to occlusion of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery) (1). It has been proposed that in cases of craniopharyngioma diagnosed in childhood, compromised growth rate is already evident in early infancy, whereas an increase in weight tends to present later and is a predictor of obesity (18). 


The hypothalamo-pituitary function at presentation may be severely affected; a summary of the results of various studies using different diagnostic tests and criteria shows that GH deficiency is present in 35–100% of the evaluated patients, FSH/LH deficiency in 38–91%, ACTH deficiency in 21–68%, TSH deficiency in 20–42% and diabetes insipidus in 6–38%.


Table 1. Presenting Clinical Features in Children and Adults with Craniopharyngioma (10)










Menstrual disorders




Visual field defects




Decreased visual acuity








Growth failure




Poor energy




Impaired sexual function




Impaired secondary sexual characteristics

(pts aged ≥13 years)








Other cranial nerves palsies












Cognitive impairment

(memory, concentration)




Anorexia/weight loss




Optic atrophy




Hyperphagia/excessive weight gain




Psychiatric symptoms/change in behavior












Decreased consciousness/coma




Cold intolerance























Surgery Combined or Not with External Irradiation


Surgery combined or not with adjuvant external beam irradiation is currently one of the most widely used first therapeutic approaches for craniopharyngiomas. These tumors pose challenges mainly due to their sharp, irregular borders and to their tendency to adhere to vital neurovascular structures, making surgical manipulation potentially hazardous to vital brain areas. When large cystic components are present, fluid aspiration provides relief of the obstructive manifestations and facilitates the consecutive removal of the solid portion, which should not be delayed for more than a few weeks due to the significant risk of cyst refilling (15,19). The attempted extent of excision has been a subject of significant debate and depends on the size (achieved in 0% of lesions >4 cm) and location of the tumor, the presence of hydrocephalus (particularly difficult for retrochiasmatic or within the 3rd ventricle), >10% calcification, tumor adherence to the hypothalamus, brain invasion, as well as the experience, individual judgment during the operation, and general treatment policy (aggressive or not) adopted by each neurosurgeon (1,20-22). In recent years, many tertiary centers have adopted a more conservative surgical approach, electing for partial or limited resection with radiotherapy over complete resection, when possible, with aim of hypothalamic sparing and reducing subsequent morbidity (23). In microsurgical series, post-operative mortality ranges between 0 and 5.4% (24), while in a meta- analysis including 2,955 patients early mortality of 2.6% after transsphenoidal and 3.1% after transcranial surgery were reported (25).


Interestingly, until 1937, when Carpenter et al. (26) first described the beneficial effects of radiotherapy following aspiration of cyst contents in 4 cases, craniopharyngiomas were considered radioresistant. Historically, the role of irradiation started being established almost two decades later, following the report of the favorable outcome of the combination of minimal surgery and high-dose supervoltage irradiation in a series of 10 patients by Kramer et al. (27). The irradiation of cystic craniopharyngiomas carries the risk of cyst enlargement, arising during or within 6 months after radiotherapy, reported in 10-60% of patients (28-31). Whilst urgent surgical decompression may be needed in some cases, enlargement is transient, and does not represent tumor recurrence (15,30,32).


Recurrence Following Surgery


Recurrent tumors may arise even from small islets of craniopharyngioma cells in the gliotic brain adjacent to the tumor, which can remain even after gross total removal. The mean interval for diagnosis of recurrence following various primary treatment modalities ranges between 1 and 4.3 years. Remote recurrences as late as 30 years after initial therapy have been reported; possible mechanisms include transplantation during the surgical procedures and dissemination by meningeal seeding or CSF spreading (1). Series with radiological confirmation of the radicality of resection show that recurrence rates following gross total removal range between 0 and 62% at 10 years follow-up. These are significantly lower than those reported after partial or subtotal resection (25-100% at 10 years follow-up). In cases of limited surgery, adjuvant radiotherapy significantly improves the local control rates (recurrence rates 10-63% at 10 years follow-up).  Finally, radiotherapy alone provides 10 years recurrence rates ranging between 0 and 23% (1). These results were based on the use of conventional fractionated external beam radiotherapy; tumor control rates with newer higher precision techniques, such as fractionated stereotactic conformal radiotherapy, have remained optimal with 5-year progression free survival exceeding 90% (33,34). Tumor control rates achieved by proton beam therapy in patients with craniopharyngioma are promising (35), but studies with long-term follow-up are needed. Studies with statistical comparisons of the local control rates achieved by gross total removal or the combination of surgery and radiotherapy have not provided consistent results. The interpretation of data regarding effectiveness of each therapeutic modality must be done with caution, since the published studies are retrospective, non-randomized and often specialty-biased.


The growth rate of craniopharyngiomas varies considerably and reliable clinical, radiological, and pathological criteria predicting their behavior are lacking. Thus, apart from significant impact of the treatment modality as mentioned above, attempts to identify other prognostic factors for recurrence (age, group at diagnosis, sex, imaging features, pathological subtypes) have not provided consistent results (1).


The management of recurrent tumors remains challenging, as scarring/adhesions from previous operations or irradiation make successful removal difficult. In such cases, total removal is achieved in a substantially lower rate when compared with primary surgery (0-25%). Perioperative mortality is increased following recurrence, occurring in as many as 11-24% (22). The beneficial effect of radiotherapy (proceeded or not by second surgery) in recurrent lesions has been clearly shown(15,36). Recurrent lesions with significant cystic component not amenable to total extirpation may be treated by repetitive aspirations through an indwelling Ommaya reservoir apparatus. In a small series of 11 adult patients with cystic craniopharyngiomas treated with Ommaya reservoirs, local control was achieved in 8 patients (72.7%) without the need for additional treatment over a follow up period of 41.4 months (37).


Intracystic Irradiation


Intracavitary irradiation (brachytherapy) involves stereotactically guided instillation of beta-emitting isotopes into cystic craniopharyngiomas. It delivers a higher radiation dose to the cyst than external beam radiotherapy, resulting in damage of the secretory epithelial lining, elimination of fluid production, and cyst shrinkage. The efficacy of various beta and gamma-emitting isotopes (mainly 32phosphate, 90yttrium, 186 rhenium, 198gold) has been investigated in a number of studies, but given that none of them has the ideal physical and biological profile, there is no consensus on which is the most suitable therapeutic agent. In a systematic review which included 66 children treated with brachytherapy, a reduction in tumor size was reported in 89% of children with cystic only craniopharyngiomas, and in 58% in those with mixed cystic and solid components (38). In series with mean or median follow-up between 3.1 and 11.9 years providing intracavitary irradiation (mainly with 90yttrium or 32phosphorus) at doses of 200-270 Gy, complete or partial cyst resolution was seen in 71-88%, stabilization in 3-19%, and increases in 5-10% of cases (39-44). New cyst formation or increase in the solid component of the tumor were observed in between 6.5 and 20% of cases. Although beta emitters have short range tissue penetrance, lesions in close proximity to the optic apparatus should be approached with caution (39-44). Deterioration of vision has been reported in 10-58% of cases and has been attributed to failure of cyst collapse, formation of new cysts, increase in the solid tumor, or possibly radiation damage. The reported control rates combined with low surgical morbidity and mortality render brachytherapy an attractive option for predominantly cystic tumors, particularly those that are monocystic. 


Intracystic Bleomycin


Intracystic installation of the anti-neoplasmatic agent bleomycin has been used in the management of craniopharyngiomas. The drug is administered through an Ommaya reservoir connected to a catheter. In published reports the tumor control rates range between 0 and 100%. However, evidence supporting its efficacy is limited mostly to case reports or non-randomized retrospective studies, and a Cochrane review (45) exploring the effects of bleomycin in children could not recommend its use. Direct leakage of the drug to surrounding tissues during the installation procedure, diffusion though the cyst wall, or high drug doses have been associated with various toxic (hypothalamic damage, blindness, hearing loss, ischemic attacks, peritumoral edema) or even fatal effects (1,46,47).The value of this treatment option in tumor control or even in delaying surgery and/or radiotherapy, as well as the optimal protocol and the clear-cut criteria predicting the long-term outcome, remain to be established in large series with sufficient follow-up.


Intracystic Interferon-Alpha


Intracystic interferon-alpha is not neurotoxic and is therefore associated with a lower risk of adverse events when compared to other intracystic treatments. Despite encouraging results in a number of studies with short follow up, a large multicenter study demonstrated tumor progression in 75% of patients by a median of just 14 months (48,49).


Stereotactic Radiosurgery


Stereotactic radiosurgery delivers a single or small number of fraction(s) of high dose ionizing radiation to precisely mapped targets, keeping the exposure of adjacent structures to a minimum. Tumor volume and close attachment to critical structures (e.g., optic apparatus) are limiting factors for its application. Risk of optic neuropathy is <1% when the optic chiasm is constrained to a maximal dose of 10 Gy, 20 Gy, and 25 Gy, for single-fraction SRS, 3-fraction SRS, and 5-fraction SRS respectively (50). SRS achieves tumor control in a substantial number of patients with small volume lesions and reported 5-year progression free survival ranges between 61% and 90.3% (51-55). Rate of tumor control following SRS is negatively associated with tumor volume (56), thus it is particularly useful for well-defined residual disease following surgery or for the treatment of small, solid recurrent tumors situated at least 3-5mm away from the optic chiasm (49). Increasing margin dose and maximum dose >35Gy have been associated with increased risk of neurologic deficit following SRS (57). Studies with long-term follow-up evaluating the optimal marginal dose, its role in the prevention of tumor growth, and its effects on neurocognitive and neuroendocrine function, are needed.


Systemic Chemotherapy/Interferon-Alpha 


The potential benefit of systemic chemotherapy in craniopharyngiomas has been investigated in a very limited number of patients. Thus, Bremer et al. (58) reported a case of successful management of a recurrent cystic tumor with the combination of vincristine, carmustine (BCNU) and procarbazine. Lippens et al. (59), after administration of five courses of doxorubicin and lomustin in 4 children with multiple or very rapid recurrences, achieved local control in 75% of them after 3-12 years follow-up. Jakacki et al. (60), in a series of 12 patients aged <21 years with progressive or recurrent craniopharyngiomas, showed that after 12 months of treatment with interferon-alpha, tumor reduction of at least 25% was observed in 3 cases. However, during the first weeks of therapy 6 patients experienced an increase in the size of the cystic component, which was finally considered as progressive disease in half of them. Interestingly, 67% of patients that completed one year of therapy without progressive disease had an increase in the size of their tumor at a median period of 11 months after discontinuation of the drug. The cytotoxicity (predominantly hepatic, neurological and cutaneous), requiring temporary discontinuation and/or dose reduction within the first 8 weeks of therapy, was significant (in up to 60% of the cases). In 2012, the same group explored the use of pegylated interferon (a derivative of interferon-alpha with a longer half-life) in five patients; all demonstrated a radiological response to treatment and two of them had a complete response (61). A subsequent phase two multi-center study gave disappointing results. Of 18 adults and children with recurrent craniopharyngiomas who were given systemic pegylated interferon, only one attained a sustained response beyond 3 months (62).


Targeted Therapy


The finding that most papillary craniopharyngiomas harbor a BRAF (V600E) mutation has opened avenues for use of pharmacological agents specifically targeting and inhibiting mutant BRAF in cases resistant to other treatments. A number of case reports and small case series have demonstrated a significant reduction in tumor size (used alone or in combination with MEK inhibitors), applied neoadjuvantly or after surgery, with or without prior radiotherapy (8,49,63-73). Common side effects associated with BRAF and MEK inhibitors seen from their use in other diseases (such as metastatic melanoma and papillary thyroid cancer) include rash, fever, diarrhea, arthralgia, and liver dysfunction (74). Cases of adamantinomatous craniopharyngiomas responding to MEK inhibitors (75), or controlled with IL-6 inhibitors used alone or in conjunction with VEGR inhibitors (12), have also been reported. The pros and cons of these new treatment modalities, particularly for aggressive tumors, warrant further assessment by trials with large number of patients and adequate follow-up. Two clinical trials (BRAF and MEK inhibitors for papillary craniopharyngiomas, and IL-6 inhibitors for children with adamantinomatous craniopharyngiomas) are currently ongoing (76,77). Initial results from one of these trials – a phase two study which included sixteen patients with papillary craniopharyngiomas harboring the BRAF V600E mutation – have been presented. All patients were treated with oral vemurafenib (BRAF inhibitor) and cobimetinib (MEK inhibitor) in 28-day cycles. Median age and follow up duration were 49.5 years and 1.8 years respectively. In those where volumetric imaging data was available, 14 (93.3%) had a radiological response to treatment, with a median tumor reduction of 83%. Grade 3 (severe) toxicities occurred in 12 patients, whilst grade 4 (potentially life threatening) toxicities occurred in two patients. Three patients stopped treatment due to adverse events (78).




Craniopharyngiomas are associated with significant long-term morbidity (mainly involving endocrine, visual, hypothalamic, neurobehavioral, and cognitive sequelae), which is attributed to the damage of critical structures by the primary or recurrent tumor and/or to the adverse effects of the therapeutic interventions. Notably, the severity of the radiation-induced late toxicity is affected by the total and per fraction doses, the volume of the exposed normal tissue, and the young age in childhood populations (1).




Long-term endocrine morbidity is significant. At last assessment, the rates of individual hormone deficits range between 88-100% for GH, 80-95% for FSH/LH, 55-88% for ACTH, 39-95% for TSH and 25-86% for ADH (1). Restoration of pre-existing hormone deficits following surgical removal is rare, and aggressive surgery leads to more frequent pituitary dysfunction (1,23,79).


The phenomenon of «growth without growth hormone» has been reported in some children with craniopharyngioma who show normal or even accelerated linear growth, despite their untreated GH deficiency. The pathophysiological mechanism has not been clarified; the obesity-associated hyperinsulinemia has been proposed as a factor stimulating growth by affecting serum concentrations of IGF-I or by binding directly to the IGF-I receptor (80,81). Review of adult patients with craniopharyngioma and severe GH deficiency but no recent GH treatment (from the KIMS database: Pfizer International Metabolic Database) has shown that those with childhood-onset disease were shorter than those with adult-onset disease, and obesity was more common in the adult-onset patients. Furthermore, quality of life, assessed by Quality of Life-Assessment of Growth Hormone Deficiency in Adults (QoL-AGHDA) and the Nottingham Health Profile, was markedly reduced with no significant differences between those with childhood-onset and those with adult-onset disease (82). A 3-year longitudinal analysis of the changes in height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) SDS in 199 GH-treated pre-pubertal children with post-surgical and/or post-irradiated craniopharyngioma showed that GH therapy induced excellent linear growth compared with children with other forms of organic GH deficiency. Still, the children with craniopharyngioma had a higher BMI; GH had no salutary effect on weight SDS and caused only a mild improvement in BMI SDS (83). A study of 351 patients with adult-onset craniopharyngioma compared with 370 patients with non-functioning pituitary adenomas matched for age and sex (all GH deficient) demonstrated that, after two years of GH replacement, there were significant similar improvements in both groups in free-fat mass, total and low-density lipoprotein and Quality of Life Assessment in the GH-deficient score compared with baseline. Results from a 12-year prospective study showed children with craniopharyngioma treated with GH had improved weight and quality of life outcomes compared to those who were not replaced, or in those who only received GH as adults (84). Observational studies have also shown that growth hormone replacement is not associated with increased risk of tumor recurrence.


Diabetes insipidus with an absent or impaired sense of thirst confers a significant risk of serious electrolyte imbalance, and is one of the most difficult complications to manage. In this group of patients, the maintenance of osmotic balance has been shown to be precarious with recurrent episodes of hyper- or hyponatremia contributing to morbidity and mortality. Careful fluid balance with close monitoring of intake/output and daily weights is crucial.




Visual outcome is adversely affected by the presence of visual symptoms at diagnosis and by daily irradiation doses >2 Gy (1). Radiation optic neuropathy occurs in 1–2% patients receiving doses to 50 Gy and this is mostly confined to those with pre-radiotherapy visual impairment, with the risk being higher with doses of 55 Gy and above (1,28).




Hypothalamic damage may result in hyperphagia and uncontrollable obesity, disorders of thirst and water/electrolyte balance, behavioral and cognitive impairment, loss of temperature control and disordered sleep pattern. Among these, obesity is the most frequent (reported in 26-61% of the patients treated by surgery combined or not with radiotherapy) and is a consequence of the disruption of the mechanisms controlling satiety, hunger, and energy balance (1,15,85-88). Possible contributing mechanisms include lack of sensitivity to endogenous leptin (89,90) and reduced energy expenditure, and is exaggerated by comorbidities including neurological defects, visual failure, somnolence (91), sleep disturbance, hypopituitarism and psychosocial disorders (92). In a study of 63 survivors of childhood craniopharyngioma, all those with marked obesity after surgery had evidence of significant alterations of the normal hypothalamic anatomy, with their MRI showing either complete deficiency or extensive destruction of the floor of the 3rd ventricle (93). Several image grading systems, used pre- or post-operatively, have been proposed to help predict hypothalamic sequalae and hypothalamic morbidity by defining hypothalamic involvement on imaging and severity of tumor adherence to the hypothalamus (94-98). Furthermore, it has been reported that the basal metabolic rate adjusted to total body weight is significantly lower in adults with craniopharyngioma compared with controls, and that the energy intake/basal metabolic rate ratio is significantly lower in subjects with tumor growth into the 3rd ventricle (99). Children with surgically-treated craniopharyngioma were found to have decreased aerobic capacity during an exercise test, which was most pronounced in those with hypothalamic involvement.  Interestingly, in this study, GH treatment was associated with significant positive effect on aerobic capacity only in the absence of hypothalamic involvement (100). Finally, high levels of the orexigenic gastric hormone ghrelin have not been found in these patients (101). Factors proposed to be associated with significant hypothalamic morbidity are young age at presentation, hypothalamic disturbance at diagnosis, hypothalamic invasion, attempts to remove adherent tumor from the region of hypothalamus, multiple operations for recurrence, and hypothalamic radiation doses >51 Gy (1,102,103). Interestingly, in a retrospective study including 45 adults with craniopharyngioma followed for a median of 26 months, a lower BMI pre-operatively was predictive of greater post-operative weight gain(104). In contrast, a higher pre-operative BMI has been found to be associated with severe post-operative obesity in children(18). Hypothalamic obesity often results in devastating metabolic and psychosocial complications, necessitating provision of dietary and behavioral modifications, encouragement of regular physical activity, psychological counselling, and anti-obesity drugs. Based on a limited number of published cases, gastric bypass surgery results in weight loss; in a systematic review and meta-analysis including 21 cases of bariatric surgery for hypothalamic obesity in patients with craniopharyngioma (6 with adjustable gastric banding, 8 with sleeve gastrectomy, 6 with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and 1 with biliopancreatic diversion), it was shown that the maximal mean weight loss was achieved in the gastric bypass group after 12 months (105). Furthermore, Weismann et al. (106) in a series of 7 patients with morbid obesity after surgery for craniopharyngioma, who underwent laparoscopic gastric banding or laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, reported no significant loss of body weight. A case control study suggested that Roux-en-Y surgery, but not sleeve gastrectomy, yielded equivalent weight loss in craniopharyngioma patients to those with “common” obesity and resulted in significant reductions to BMI after one year (107). The same group subsequently conducted a larger, multi-center case control study, with a median follow up of 5.2 years (108). Obese patients with craniopharyngioma had a mean weight loss of 22% at 5 years after bariatric surgery; irrespective of type of procedure. In contrast to their original findings (107), obese controls lost more weight after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, whereas sleeve gastrectomy led to similar results in both groups (108). Medical therapies including dextroamphetamine, the combination of diazoxide and metformin (aiming to reduce the hyperinsulinemia), octreotide (aiming to reduce hyperinsulinemia and simultaneously enhance the insulin action), glucagon-like peptide-1 analogues, and a novel methionine aminopeptidase 2 inhibitor, have all been proposed as potential approaches to this significant problem (92). However, outcomes following these therapies are variable and long-term benefits have not yet been established. Studies with large number of patients and longer follow-up are needed to establish the efficacy and safety of these surgical and medical management options.


Neuropsychological and Cognitive


The compromised neuropsychological and cognitive function in patients with craniopharyngioma after surgery and radiation therapy contributes significantly to poor academic and work performance, disrupted family and social relationships, disrupted body image, and impaired quality of life. Gross total resection, radiotherapy, pre-operative hypothalamic involvement, or intra-operative hypothalamic injury have been associated with a lower quality of life in adults and children with craniopharyngioma (109). It has also been proposed that visual, neurological, and endocrine morbidities negatively impact neuropsychological outcomes (110,111). Areas particularly affected (especially in childhood-onset disease) include memory, attention, executive function, and motivation (110,112-114), with hypothalamic involvement being a risk factor for poorer outcomes (113). In a series of 121 patients followed-up for a mean period of 10 years, Duff et al.(115) found that 40% had poor functional neuropsychiatric outcome. Karavitaki et al. (15), in a series of 121 patients, found cumulative probabilities for permanent motor deficits, epilepsy, psychological disorders necessitating treatment, and complete dependency for basal daily activities at 10-year follow-up of 11%, 12%, 15% and 9%, respectively. There is no consensus on the therapeutic option with the least unfavorable impact on the neurobehavioral outcome, necessitating prospective studies with formal neuropsychological testing and specific behavioral assessment before and after any intervention.  Such data will be particularly important for young children, as there are uncertainties including whether delaying irradiation is a reasonable policy in this age group. 


Long-Term Mortality


The mortality rates of patients with craniopharyngioma have been described to be 3-6 times higher than that of the general population and reported 10-years survival rates range between 83% and 93% (1,87). Qiao et al.(116) reported a significant fall in the SMR from 6.2 (95% CI 4.1-9.4) to 2.9 (95% CI 2.2-3.8) for studies published before 2010, and after 2010, respectively (116). Apart from the deaths directly attributed to the tumor (pressure effects to critical structures) and to the surgical interventions, the risk of cardio-/cerebrovascular and respiratory mortality is increased (1,117,118). In one study which included 244 patients with childhood onset craniopharyngioma, 11% of patients developed a cerebral infarction. Hydrocephalus and gross total resection were identified as risk factors, and none were attributable to radiotherapy (119). The increased cardiovascular mortality in this population may be driven in part by hypothalamic obesity and related metabolic complications. Long-term follow-up of adult patients with craniopharyngiomas has demonstrated increased prevalence of the metabolic syndrome compared with the general population (120), and hypothalamic involvement has been shown to have negative impact on mortality (121). It has been suggested that in childhood populations the hypoadrenalism and the associated hypoglycemia, as well as the metabolic consequences of ADH deficiency and absent thirst, may also contribute to the excessive mortality. The impact of tumor recurrence on the long-term mortality is widely accepted and the 10-year survival rates in such cases range between 29% and 70%, depending on the subsequent treatment modalities (15).




Craniopharyngiomas present many unique challenges for clinicians.  Whilst controversies regarding the optimal management approach for these rare tumors still exist, the need to prevent hypothalamic morbidities associated with surgical intervention in this area is essential.

Enhanced understanding of the pathogenesis of both adamantinomatous and papillary craniopharyngiomas has led to the concept of targeted medical therapy, an area at the forefront of translational research. Optimal outcomes following the use of BRAF V600 and MEK inhibitors have been described in case reports and are a promising treatment prospect, with hope that their efficacy and safety are supported by the results of large, prospective, randomized studies.

Patients face a high burden of post-treatment morbidity due to endocrine, visual, hypothalamic, and neuropsychological complications, and mortality rates are increased compared with the general population. Obesity is one of the most significant comorbidities with often devastating sequelae; its pathogenesis is multifactorial, and its management is one of the most challenging problems clinicians have to deal with. Given the complexity of these tumors, care for these patients should be provided by an experienced multidisciplinary team.




Radiology images provided courtesy of Dr. Swarupsinh Chavda, Consultant Neuroradiologist, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, UK.




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Disorders of Growth Hormone in Childhood



Growth is a fundamental process of childhood and growth disorders remain one of the commonest reasons for referral to a pediatric endocrinologist. Growth can be divided into four phases – fetal, infancy, childhood and the pubertal phase with different hormonal components influencing growth at each stage. The GH-IGF1 axis plays a major role in the childhood phase of growth with a significant role alongside sex steroids during puberty while in infancy thyroid hormone and nutrition are vital. Although an uncommon cause of short stature disorders of the GH-IGF1 axis are extremely important due to the effectiveness of recombinant human growth hormone therapy for the child with GH deficiency (GHD). Here we review the diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency through a combination of auxology, biochemistry, imaging, and genetic testing. Particular focus is given to the accuracy of IGF-1/BP3 for diagnosis as well as the known problems with GH stimulation tests and GH assays. Isolated GHD is caused by mutations in GH1, BTK, and RNPC3 while GHD seen as part of multiple pituitary hormone deficiency is known to be caused by mutations in a wide variety of genes. A variety of structural malformations of the brain can be associated with congenital GHD with the commonest being the presence of an ectopic posterior pituitary or Septo-optic dysplasia. Acquired GHD is rarer and caused by tumors, radiotherapy, hypophysitis, and traumatic brain injury.  Treatment with recombinant human GH is highly efficacious in improving height in children with GH deficiency and extremely safe. Short stature disorders are, rarely, also caused by a variety of other disorders of the GH-IGF1 axis. Resistance to growth hormone is seen in Laron syndrome and in mutations in IGF1 and IGF1R while decreased bioavailability of IGF1 is seen in ALS deficiency and PAPPA2 deficiency. Treatment with recombinant human IGF1 (rhIGF1) is available for those with IGF-I deficiency caused by either Laron syndrome or IGF1 mutations. rhIGF1 is effective in improving height but treatment is less effective than the use of GH to treat GH deficiency.  The role of IGF1 in pre-natal growth is highlighted by the phenotype of patients with IGF1R or IGF1 mutations where pre-natal growth is commonly impaired and children born small for gestational age. GH excess is much rarer than GH deficiency in childhood and can be caused by pituitary adenomas, optic nerve gliomas (seen predominantly with NF1), McCune Albright syndrome, or Carney complex. Treatment is with surgery, somatostatin analogs, or GH receptor antagonists.




 A 5-year-old girl was referred to her local community pediatrician by her health visitor with concerns about growth and poor calorie intake. Height at presentation was 91.5 cm (-4.1 SD) with weight 12.5 kg (-3.4 SD) and head circumference 48.8 cm (-2.5 SD).  Her teeth were affected by multiple caries which made chewing hard foods painful and she therefore ate only soft foods. Development was reported to be normal and she was performing well in school. Her parents had noticed loud snoring and tonsils were enlarged on examination.


She was born at term by vaginal delivery with a birth weight of 3.5kg and was the youngest of 6 children. The parents were consanguineous (first cousins) and there was a family history of short stature in distant cousins. Mother was 147 cm tall (-2.7 SD) and father 165.1 cm (-1.5 SD). There was a history of diabetes mellitus type 2, diabetic nephropathy and thalassemia in mother and the father had a history of recurrent kidney stones. 


On review in the endocrinology clinic prominent forehead, depressed nasal bridge and a high-pitched voice were noted.  General investigations (detailed below) were normal; however, IGF-I and IGFBP-3 concentrations were low with high basal GH and peak GH concentrations (the latter >40µg/L). The combination of low IGF-I with raised GH concentrations suggested a diagnosis of GH insensitivity. In view of the history of snoring the patient was referred to an ENT surgeon who noted large prolapsing tonsils with mild apneic episodes on sleep study. Due to the propensity of IGF-I therapy to induce tonsillar hypertrophy, she underwent tonsillectomy.


Treatment with recombinant human IGF-I was started at the age of 6 years and 1 month initially with 0.6 mg (38 mcg/kg/) BD, increasing after 1 week to 1.1 mg (70 mcg/kg) BD and then to 1.7 mg (108 mcg/kg) BD. There were no problems with hypoglycemia. Height velocity increased from 3.6 cm/year to 10.3 cm/year over the first year of treatment. Sequencing of the GH receptor identified a known intronic point (A>G) mutation between exons 6 and 7 in which leads to inclusion of a pseudoexon and an additional 36 amino acids in the extracellular domain of the GHR.


At the age of 9 years and 3 months she was noted to be at breast stage 3 and in order to preserve height potential she has been treated with GnRH analogue (Zoladex LA). The IGF-I dose has been increased to maintain dose in the range 100 – 120 mcg/kg/BD and at 10 years 3 months height is 125.8 cm (-2.1 SD) with weight 32 kg (-0.2 SD). There has been some lipophypertrophy around the injection sites and she required an adenoidectomy due to a recurrence of her snoring (with daytime somnolescence) caused by a large obstructing adenoidal pad.


Baseline Investigations

Serum electrolytes, urea, creatinine, liver function tests, calcium, phosphate, hemoglobin – all normal

Karyotype 46 XX

TSH 2.2 mU/L (0.3 -5.0) free T4 17 pmol/L (11 - 24)

Prolactin 174 mU/l (85 – 250)

IGF-I <25 ng/mL (55 – 280)

IGFBP-3 0.7 mg/L (1.5 – 3.4)

ALS 3.2 mg/L (2.3 – 11)

Fasting glucose 4.0 mmol/L Insulin 2.1 mIU/L (2.3 - 26)

Skeletal survey – no evidence of skeletal dysplasia

Bone Age delayed by 18 months


Arginine stimulation Test

Time (min)       Growth Hormone (µg/L)

-15                   19.3

0                      4.0

15                    4.8

30                    14

60                    >40

90                    >40

120                  15.6


Standard Synacthen Test

Time (min)       Cortisol (nmol/L)

0 min               213

30 min             624

60 min             742


GnRH Test at age 5 years

Time                LH (IU/L)         FSH (IU/L)

0                      <0.1                 1.7

30                    2.7                   14

60                    3.3                   18




Growth is a fundamental process of childhood. It can be divided into four phases – fetal, infancy, childhood, and pubertal growth. Although growth occurs as a continuum, the endocrine control of each phase is distinct. The fetal phase includes the fastest period of growth with a crown-rump velocity of 62cm/year during the second trimester. Growth during this phase is dependent upon placental function and maternal nutrition in addition to hormonal factors especially IGF-I, IGF-II and insulin (1,2).  Although size at birth (and hence fetal growth) is profoundly affected by IGF-I deficiency during fetal life (3), the effects of congenital GH deficiency are much less marked with a mild reduction in birth size (4). 


Fetal Phase


During the first year of life, growth declines from an initial velocity of around 25cm/year to around 10cm/year. Previously it has been thought that during this period growth hormone did not have a significant influence on growth however it is now clear that children with growth hormone deficiency display reduced height velocity from birth (5). In addition to growth hormone, thyroid hormone and adequate nutrition are vital for normal growth during infancy.


Infancy Phase


During the first two years of life there is a significant period of catch-up or catch-down growth so while size at birth is not well correlated with parental height, by two years of age the correlation between parental and child heights significantly improves (6). It has been hypothesized that this catch up growth is the result of a central mechanism which detects the difference between the actual and expected size and acts to increase growth velocity (7). No experimental evidence exists for this hypothesis. The second hypothesis on the origin of this catch up/down growth is that it arises from alterations in growth plate senescence. Catch down growth is associated with a reduction in the number of stem cell divisions within the growth plate while catch up growth would be due to a compensatory increase in the number of stem cell divisions within the growth plate (8).


Childhood Phase


There is a gradual transition from the infancy phase into the childhood phase of growth from 6 months to 3 years of age. Prepubertal growth velocity is relatively constant between 4-7 cm/year with the lowest growth velocity of life occurring immediately before the onset of puberty. During childhood growth is mainly controlled by the influence of the GH-IGF-I axis along with thyroid hormone.


Pubertal Growth


The final phase of growth is puberty – the period of transition from the pre-pubertal state to the full development of secondary sexual characteristics and achievement of final height. Puberty begins with the onset of activity within the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis leading to the production of androgens (in males) and estrogen (in females). In males the first sign of pubertal development is enlargement of the testes while in females it is development of breast buds. The production of androgens and estrogen is associated with an increase in activity within the GH-IGF-I axis. Administration of testosterone to boys increased both GH and IGF-I concentrations (9) but this effect is dependent upon aromatization as co-administration of an estrogen receptor antagonist (10) or administration of dihydrotestosterone (11) (the active form of testosterone that cannot be aromatized) does not lead to an increase in GH or IGF-I concentrations. In girls there is also an increase in IGF-I levels and GH secretion during puberty but the mechanisms underlying this are less clear. Administration of oral or transdermal estrogen induces a decline in serum IGF-I concentrations and a consequent increase in GH secretion (12).  


Fusion of the epiphyseal growth plates is induced by the activity of estrogen on ERα as patients with mutations in the genes encoding Erα (13) or aromatase enzyme (14) result in failure of fusion of the epiphyses and tall stature.


This chapter will firstly discuss the physiology of the GH-IGF-I axis along with signal transduction of GH and IGF-I and then consider the diagnosis and treatment of growth hormone deficiency before discussing individual pathological conditions associated with both GH deficiency and GH excess. Disorders leading to GH deficiency have been divided into congenital and acquired. 




Physiology of the GH-IGF-I Axis


Release of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) from the hypothalamus regulates the secretion of GH from the anterior pituitary both by increasing GH1 gene transcription and by promoting the secretion of stored GH. GHRH release is pulsatile and influenced by somatostatin and Ghrelin. Ghrelin is a 28 amino acid peptide produced in the stomach (15) and acts via the GH secretagogue receptor (GHSR). The active hormone is the octanoylated form produced by Ghrelin O-acetyltransferase(16) and is cleaved from the 117 amino acid preprohormone. In addition to the role in GH secretion Ghrelin also acts as an appetite stimulant (17) and stimulates the secretion of insulin (18), ACTH (19), and prolactin (19). In vivo the action of Ghrelin requires an intact GHRH system to influence GH secretion (20) but in vitro is capable of directly stimulating GH (15). Somatostatin is a peptide derived from pre-pro-somatostatin within neurons of the anterior periventricular nucleus which project to the median eminence. There are two main forms of somatostatin – 14 and 28 amino acid variants.  It acts via the somatostatin receptors of which there are 5 subtypes (SSTR1-5). The anterior pituitary expresses SSTR1, 2, 3 and 5 (21). Somatostatin acts to decrease the secretion of GH by inhibiting GHRH secretion, directly inhibiting GH secretion in the anterior pituitary (22), antagonizing the activity of Ghrelin (20) as well as inhibiting its secretion (23). Somatostatin tone determines trough levels of GH and reductions in somatostatin tone are a major factor in determining the time of a pulse of GH.  GH secretion is also stimulated by hypoglycemia and exercise. A summary of the factors influencing GH secretion is given in Figure 1.


GH is released from the somatotrophs of the anterior pituitary in a pulsatile manner with the pulses predominantly overnight, increasing in amplitude with age (24). The pulse amplitude is maximal in the pubertal years consistent with the raised IGF-I levels and growth velocity at this time (25).  In males there is greater diurnal variation in peak amplitude, with higher peaks overnight and a lower baseline GH level compared to females. Overall GH production is higher in females. GH peak amplitude is linked to IGF-I concentrations while nadir GH is linked to waist-hip ratio (26).  


Growth Hormone and GH signal Transduction


Growth Hormone (GH) is encoded  by the GH1 gene located at chromosome 17q23.3 and is a 191 amino acid single chain polypeptide (27). There are 20 and 22kDa isoforms of GH generated by alternative splicing (the smaller isoform lacks amino acids 32-46) with the 20kDa accounting for around 10-20% of circulating GH (28).  While GH1 is expressed within the anterior pituitary a 20kDa variant of GH is encoded by the GH2 gene but this is expressed in placenta and not in the pituitary (29).

Figure 1. Physiology of the GH-IGF-I Axis. Release of GHRH from the hypothalamus is under the control of somatostatin (inhibitory) and Ghrelin (stimulatory). Alterations in GHRH tone led to pulsatile release of GH from the anterior pituitary. GH has widespread effects on muscle, fat and in the growth plate. IGF-I is produced in liver and in local tissues in response to GH stimulation. Red lines indicate feedback loops. Figure reproduced and adapted from Butcher I Molecular and Metabolomic Mechanisms Affecting Growth in Children Born Small for Gestational Age PhD thesis University of Manchester 2013.

In the circulation GH is bound to Growth Hormone Binding Protein (GHBP). GHBP is generated either by proteolysis cleavage of the extracellular domain of the growth hormone receptor (GHR) by metzincin metalloproteinase tumor necrosis factor-α converting enzyme (30) or by alternative splicing of the GHR (31). The 22kDa isoform of GH has the highest affinity for GHBP with the 20kDa and placental GH having a lower affinity (32).  GHBP has a molecular mass of 60kDa and acts to prolong the half-life of GH with an increase from 11 minutes to 80 minutes (33). GHBP also acts to maintain the circulating pool of GH within the vasculature (34), reducing the ability of the circulating pool of GH to bind to peripheral GHRs.


The actions of GH are mediated via the GHR, a 620 amino acid protein containing a 246-residue extracellular domain, a single24 amino acid transmembrane helix and a 350 amino acid intracellular domain. The GHR gene is located on chromosome 5p13 and contains 10 exons. The GHR exists in a pre-dimerized form on the cell surface. In contrast to previous models, it is now recognized that dimerization per se is insufficient to initiate signaling (35).  GH binds to the GHR via two binding sites – initial binding is via the high affinity site 1 followed by binding to the low affinity binding site 2 (36). GH binding induces a conformational change in the dimerized GHR including rotation of one of the GHR subunits (see Figure 2).  This results in locking together of the extracellular receptor-receptor interaction domain and repositioning of the box 1 motifs in the intracellular domain increasing the distance between them. In turn this leads to repositioning of tyrosine kinases, including JAK2 (37). This repositioning is crucial to JAK2 activation. In the inactive state two JAK2 molecules (each attached to one of two dimerized GHRs) are positioned so that the kinase domain of one JAK2 molecule interacts with the inhibitory pseudokinase domain of the other JAK2 molecule. After repositioning, due to the conformational change induced by GH binding, the inhibitory kinase-pseudokinase interaction is lost and the kinase domains of each JAK2 molecule interact with each other leading to JAK2 activation (38).


Activation of the GHR results in JAK2 mediated phosphorylation of the signal transducers and activator of transcription proteins (STAT), including STAT1, STAT3, STAT5A and STAT5B. STAT5A and 5B are recruited to the phosphorylated GHR where their Src homology 2 (SH2) domain is phosphorylated by JAK2. STAT5A/B then homo- or heterodimers and translocate to the nucleus (37,39) (see Figure 3). Activation of STAT1 and STAT3 is also via phosphorylation by JAK2 but this does not require recruitment to the GHR.  JAK2 also phosphorylates the Src homology domain of SHC (leading to activation of the mitogen activated protein kinase pathway) and the insulin receptor substrates (IRS-1, IRS-2 and IRS-3), which, in turn activate phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase and induces translocation of GLUT4 to the membrane. In addition to activation of JAK2, activation of the GHR also leads to direct activation of the Src family kinases, which are capable of activating the mitogen activated protein kinase pathway (40), and activation of protein kinase C via phospholipase C. Activation of protein kinase C stimulates lipogenesis, c-fos expression and increases intracellular calcium levels by activating type 1 calcium channels.

Figure 2. Growth hormone binding to the extracellular domain of the growth hormone receptor reorients the pre-existing homodimer so that one growth hormone receptor subunit rotates relative to the other. This structural reorientation is transmitted through the transmembrane domain resulting in a repositioning of tyrosine kinases bound to the cytoplasmic domain of the receptors. The distance between the box 1 motifs increases between inactive and active states and this movement is fundamental to activation of JAK2. Phosphorylation of JAK2 in turn leads to phosphorylation of STAT molecules, activation of the MAPK cascade and activation of IRS-1. STAT5a and STAT5b homo/heterodimerize and translocate to the nucleus. Figure kindly supplied by Dr Andrew Brooks, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland.

GH signal transduction is regulated via several mechanisms: JAK2 is autoinhibitory with the pseudokinase domain inhibiting the catalytic domain (41), SHP1 binds to and dephosphorylates JAK2 in response to GH and GH also phosphorylates the transmembrane signal regulatory glycoprotein SIRPα1 which dephosphorylates JAK2 and the GHR.


The net result of GH signal transduction is the transcription of a set of GH dependent genes and the production of IGF-I the combination of which mediates the actions of GH including effects on cell proliferation, bone density, glucose homeostasis and serum lipids.


Insulin Like Growth Factors, Their Binding Proteins and Signal Transduction




The two insulin-like growth factors, IGF-I and IGF-II, are single chain polypeptide hormones sharing 50% homology with insulin. IGF-I is a 70 amino acid 7.5 kDa protein with four domains – A, B, C and D. The prohormone also contains a c-terminal peptide that is cleaved in the Golgi apparatus before secretion. IGF-II is a 67 amino acid peptide also with a molecular weight of 7.5 kDa. The mitogenic and, in part, the metabolic effects of GH are mediated via IGF-I rather than IGF-II.  The IGFs circulate bound to the IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs), of which there are six classical high affinity IGFBPs. The IGFs form a ternary complex with an IGFBP and the Acid Labile Subunit (ALS), an 85kDa protein secreted by the liver.  99% of serum IGF-I is bound to a ternary complex which acts to prolong the half-life of IGF-I (42). IGF-I is produced in both the liver and in peripheral tissues and thus can act in an autocrine and paracrine manner.




The IGF-1R is a transmembrane heterotetramer consisting of consisting of two extracellular α chains and two membrane-spanning β chains linked by several disulphide bonds (43). Ligand binding sites are present in the α subunits while the β subunits contain the juxtamembrane domain, tyrosine kinase domain and a carboxy terminal domain (44). Ligand binding to the α subunit activates the intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity of the β subunit which leads to autophosphorylation of tyrosine kinases in the juxtamembrane, tyrosine kinase and carboxy terminal domains. This autophosphorylation provides docking sites for substrates including the insulin receptor substrates (IRS-1, -2, -3, -4) and Shc. IRS-1 and Shc recruit the growth factor receptor bound protein 2 that associates with son of sevenless to activate the MAPK pathway. IRS-1 also activates PI3K via its regulatory subunit, p85, leading to activation of AKT which phosphorylates BAD and activates mTOR leading to inhibition of apoptosis and stimulation of proliferation. A summary of IGF-I signal transduction is given in Figure 3.


Mouse studies have delineated the relative contribution to growth of the GH-IGF system – deletion of Igf1 or Igf2 results in a 40% reduction in birth weight with a reduction of 55% where Igf1r is deleted (45). Deletion of Igf1 with Igf1r or Igf2 leads to a 70% reduction in birth weight and death from respiratory distress at birth (45) whereas the Igf2r appears to negatively regulate growth as deletion of this gene results in an increase in size to 130% of wild type. IGF-I is produced in both the liver and in peripheral tissues and thus can act in an autocrine and paracrine manner. It appears that autocrine/paracrine IGF-I is more important for growth than liver derived IGF-I as a hepatic specific deletion of Igf1 in mouse resulted in no impairment of growth despite a 75% reduction in serum IGF-I concentrations (46) while a triple liver specific deletion of Igf1/Igfals/Igfbp3 resulted in a 97.5% reduction in circulating IGF-I concentrations with a 6% decrease in body length (47).

Figure 3. IGF-I Signal Transduction. Binding of IGF-I leads to phosphorylation and activation of IRS-1 which, in turn, activates the PI3K and MAPK pathways.



The diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency in childhood is multifactorial process and includes 1) auxological assessment 2) biochemical tests of the GH-IGF-I axis and 3) radiological evaluation of the hypothalamus and pituitary (normally with MR imaging). Prior to evaluation of the GH-IGF-I axis in a short child other diagnosis such as familial short stature, hypothyroidism, Turner syndrome, chronic illness such as Crohn’s disease and skeletal dysplasias should be considered and evaluated appropriately. Patients to be evaluated for growth hormone deficiency include (48,49):


  1. Severe short stature (defined height >3 SD below mean)
  2. Height more than 1.5 SD below mid parental height
  3. Height >2 SD below mean with height velocity over 1 year >1 SD below the mean for chronological age or a decrease of more than 0.5 SD in height over 1 year in children aged >2 years
  4. In the absence of short stature – a height velocity more than 2 SD below mean over 1 year or >1.5 SD below mean sustained over 2 years
  5. Signs indicative of an intracranial lesion or history of brain tumor, cranial irradiation, or other organic pituitary abnormality.
  6. Radiological evidence of a pituitary abnormality
  7. Signs and/or symptoms of neonatal GHD




Disorders of GH can be divided into those that cause growth hormone deficiency or growth hormone excess. In childhood growth hormone deficiency is rare with an incidence of 1 in 4000 while the incidence of childhood GH excess is not known but only around 200 cases have been reported in the literature (50).  Causes of GH deficiency are listed in Table 1.


Table 1. Causes of Growth Hormone Deficiency







GHRHR mutations

GH1 mutations

Structural brain malformations

Pituitary stalk interruption syndrome

Rathke’s cyst

Agenesis of corpus callosum

Septo-optic dysplasia


Midline Tumors


Optic nerve Glioma


Pituitary adenoma

Cranial Irradiation



Traumatic Brain Injury

Road Traffic Accident


CNS infections



Inflammation and Auto-immunity


Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis


Psychosocial deprivation



Clinical Presentation of GH Deficiency


GH deficiency can present either in isolation (isolated GHD - IGHD) or in combination with other pituitary hormone insufficiencies (multiple pituitary hormone deficiency - MPHD). In the neonatal period MPHD typically presents with reduced penile size, episodes of hypoglycemia, and prolonged unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. MPHD is associated with breech delivery, adverse incidents in pregnancy, and admission to the newborn intensive care unit (51).  Children with severe growth hormone deficiency often appear young for their age and have midface hypoplasia and increased truncal adiposity (see Figure 4). The major clinical feature of GH deficiency is growth failure; typically, this occurs after the first year of life but may be apparent earlier in severe GHD. The earliest manifestations are a reduction in height velocity followed by a reduction in height standard deviation score (SDS) adjusted for mean parental height SDS. The child’s height SDS will ultimately fall below -2SD with the time taken to achieve this depending on the severity and duration of GHD.

Figure 4. Child with Laron syndrome. Short stature with typical facial appearance of GH insensitivity with midface hypoplasia, this finding is common to GH deficiency as well.

Biochemical Assessment of the GH-IGF-I Axis


Multiple assays have been developed to measure GH in serum. A consensus statement of the GH-IGF-I research society in 2000 recommended that assays used should use monoclonal antibodies to measure the 22kDa variant of human GH and that the reference preparation should be the WHO standard 88/624 (a recombinant human 22kDa GH at 3 IU = 1mg) (48,52).


Growth Hormone Stimulation Tests and GH Profiles


A number of growth hormone stimulation tests have been developed and can be divided into screening tests or definitive tests. Screening tests include exercise, fasting, levodopa, and clonidine and are characterized by low toxicity, ease of administration but low specificity. Definitive tests include the insulin tolerance test, glucagon, and arginine stimulation tests. Using the auxological criteria above a peak GH concentration below 10µg/L has traditionally been used to support the diagnosis of GHD. GHD is not a dichotomous state but exists as a continuum from severe GHD to normality and there is known to be an overlap in peak GH concentrations between normal children and those with GHD.  For this reason, and due to the advent of more sensitive monoclonal antibodies based on the recombinant human GH reference standard, some units will use a more stringent cut-off for the diagnosis of GHD e.g., 7µg/L. Where the diagnosis is isolated idiopathic GHD two pharmacological tests are required. Only one provocative test of GH secretion is required in children with one or more of the following criteria:


  1. Central nervous system pathology affecting the pituitary or hypothalamus
  2. A history of cranial irradiation
  3. An identified pathological genetic variant known to be associated with GHD
  4. Multiple pituitary hormone deficiency




The gold standard test is considered to be the Insulin Tolerance Test.  This test relies upon an intravenous dose of insulin to induce hypoglycemia with a subsequent rise in GH expected as part of the counter regulatory response to hypoglycemia (53). Cortisol secretion also rises in response to hypoglycemia and thus this test also assesses the hypothalomo- pituitary-adrenal axis. The patient is required to fast overnight and, in the morning, a reliable intravenous line is inserted following which an insulin dose of 0.1units/kg is administered. The dose is reduced to 0.05 units/kg in children under 4 and where there is known or likely multiple pituitary hormone deficiency. This test is generally not recommended for infants and in this group the dose of insulin would be reduced further to 0.01units/kg. After administration of insulin there is careful bedside monitoring of blood glucose concentration and once the blood glucose has reached <2.6 mmol/L (47 mg/dL) the patient eats a high carbohydrate meal. Administration of 10% glucose at 2ml/kg may be required in order to restore adequate blood glucose concentrations. This should be prepared in advance of the start of the test along with an appropriate dose of IV hydrocortisone (this should be given after hypoglycemia where there is known adrenal insufficiency or where hypoglycemia is more severe or prolonged than expected). 50% dextrose is recommended by some for the correction of hypoglycemia during the test but administration of such hyperosmolar solutions has been associated with adverse outcome (54) including cerebral edema. Due to the risks associated with this test it should only ever be performed in a center with appropriate experience.




The glucagon test is one of a number of safer alternative GH provocation tests. Intramuscular administration of glucagon leads to an increase in GH due to a rise in insulin levels compensating for the increase in serum glucose (55). Maximum GH peak occurs 2-3 hours after injection of glucagon. Although less common than with the insulin tolerance test hypoglycemia can occur with the glucagon stimulation test where there is an excessive insulin response. There should therefore be blood glucose monitoring throughout the test and a meal consumed at the end of the test. Nausea and vomiting are other common side effects.




Arginine administration stimulates the release of GH by inhibiting somatostatin release. Following an overnight fast arginine is administered intravenously at 0.5g/kg (maximum dose 30g) over 30 minutes. Unlike glucagon or insulin, arginine does not directly cause hypoglycemia and thus the arginine stimulation test may be safer, particularly for those patients with predisposition to hypoglycemia. Examples of patients where an arginine test would be suitable where the insulin or glucagon-based tests would not be suitable include patients with diabetes and a history of seizures or children with disorders of cerebral glucose uptake (GLUT2 deficiency) where the patient should be continuously ketotic. Arginine can be combined with L-dopa or GHRH. For combined tests, particularly the arginine-GHRH test it is important to have a test specific cut off for the diagnosis of GHD as with a powerful stimulus of GH secretion a higher cut off is required (a normal peak GH response for arginine-GHRH has been defined at 19-120 µg/L(56)).  GHRH can be used on its own as a provocative agent but is greatly affected by variations in somatostatin tone leading to a highly variable response. In addition, false negative tests may occur in children with hypothalamic damage.


Oral agents used in GH stimulation tests include clonidine and L-Dopa. Both clonidine and L-Dopa act by increasing adrenergic tone to increase GHRH and decrease somatostatin levels. A fast of 6 hours is required prior to the test. Since clonidine is a drug used to lower blood pressure hypotension is a potential side effect. Drowsiness is also a frequent occurrence during this test.




Significant problems exist with GH stimulation tests – peak GH varies according to the stimulus used (57), false positive results in normal pre-pubertal children are frequent (56), the tests have poor reproducibility and there is also variability in GH level with GH assay used (58). Peak GH is also reduced in obesity and for adults BMI specific cut-offs for the diagnosis of GHD have been developed (59).


Low GH levels to provocation tests frequently occur in the immediate peripubertal period. Given the known action of the sex steroids to augment endogenous GH secretion this has led some pediatric endocrinologists to prime children of peripubertal age but without clinical signs of puberty undergoing GH stimulation testing with exogenous sex steroids (diethylstilbestrol, ethinylestradiol and testosterone can be used). Around 50% of pediatric endocrinologists routinely use priming for GH stimulation tests(60). Some endocrinologists will prime boys >9 years and girls >8 years others will prime only those with a delayed puberty >13-14 years in boys and > 11 or 12 years in girls. In one study by Marin et al(61) where 61% of healthy prepubertal children failed to demonstrate a peak GH >7µg/L to three GH provocative tests (exercise, insulin and arginine) but after administration of estrogen 95% of these children demonstrated a peak GH >7 µg/L. Multiple other studies have confirmed this result in healthy peripubertal children with growth impairment (62).  Thus, the argument in favor of priming is that it prevents false positive diagnoses of GHD in this group. The concerns about priming are that it only briefly augments the GH response which then returns to suboptimal levels which may be insufficient for normal growth. Thus priming may result in failure to treat children with transient peripubertal GH deficiency who would have benefitted from treatment (62).


24 hour or overnight 12-hour GH profiles with measurement of serum GH every 20 minutes have been proposed as an alternative assessment of GH secretion. The obvious disadvantages are the large number of samples required and costs, particularly of the overnight hospital admission. While a 24 hour GH profile has a high reproducibility there is also a large degree of inter individual variability limiting the usefulness of the procedure as a diagnostic test (63).


A diagnosis of GH neurosecretory dysfunction can be made where the patient presents with signs/symptoms of GHD with low IGF-I concentration, a normal peak GH level to pharmacological stimulation but absence of spontaneous GH peaks on 24 hour serum GH profile (64). This diagnosis has not been identified in adults and given the interindividual variability in 24-hour GH profiles caution should be made before coming to GH neurosecretory dysfunction as a diagnosis, particularly where there is no history of cranial irradiation.


Measurement of IGF-I and/or IGFBP-3


IGF-I and IGFBP-3 are, unlike GH, present at relatively constant concentrations in serum throughout the day and can therefore be measured by a simple blood test without the need for pharmacological stimulation. IGF-I is suppressed in states of poor nutrition and both IGF-I and IGFBP-3 concentrations vary with age and pubertal stage, thus normative ranges taking into account age, Tanner stage, and BMI have been recommended (52). The majority of IGF-I exists bound in the ternary IGF-I/IGFBP-3/ALS complex (thus free IGF-I is very low and difficult to measure) and assays therefore require a step to remove the IGF binding proteins before measurement of total IGF-I. Incomplete removal of IGF-I can potentially lead to false low IGF-I concentrations. Both IGF-I and IGFBP-3 have a low sensitivity (~50%) with a high specificity (97%) (65,66) and thus are of limited value in isolation. They do, however, form a vital component of the assessment of a child for GHD combined with auxological, other biochemical and radiological data.




Identifying abnormalities of the hypothalamo-pituitary axis provides powerful evidence for the diagnosis of GH deficiency in the short child. The most common abnormality identified in congenital GHD is the so-called pituitary stalk interruption syndrome consisting of a variable combination of anterior pituitary hypoplasia, ectopic posterior pituitary, and thinning or interruption of the pituitary stalk (67). Loss of the vascular pituitary stalk increases the risk of MPHD 27-fold but required gadolinium-DTPA administration to reliably distinguish presence/absence of vascular stalk (68). Other potential findings in congenital GHD include


  1. Septo-optic dysplasia – combination of absence of septum pellucidium, optic nerve hypoplasia and hypopituitarism. May be associated with an ectopic posterior pituitary and anterior pituitary hypoplasia.
  2. Abnormalities of the corpus callosum – agenesis, corpus callosum cysts
  3. Holoprosencephaly
  4. Eye abnormalities – microphthalmia or anophthalmia (GLI2 or OTX2 mutations)
  5. Absent olfactory bulbs (FGFR1, FRF8 and PROKR2 mutations)
  6. Pituitary hyperplasia (seen in patients with PROP1 mutations)
  7. Hypothalamic hamartoma (Pallister-Hall syndrome)
  8. Empty sella
  9. Absence of the internal carotid artery
  10. Arnold-Chiari malformations
  11. Arachnoid cysts
  12. Syringomyelia


In acquired GHD tumors affecting the hypothalamo-pituitary axis will frequently be identified – craniopharyngiomas, adenomas, and germinomas. Thickening of the pituitary stalk may be identified in Langerhans cell histiocytosis.


As well as a role in the diagnosis of GH deficiency MR imaging can also help predict which patients will require re-testing of growth hormone status at the end of growth. Young adults with MRI abnormalities have an increased risk of persisting GHD into adulthood (69).


GH Therapy


All children diagnosed with GH deficiency should be treated with recombinant human growth hormone as soon as possible after the diagnosis is made. The aim of treatment is to normalize height – both to within the normal range for the population and to achieve a height within the child’s target range. GH is administered as a once daily subcutaneous injection in the evening. Starting dose is usually in the range of 25-35µg/kg/day with maximum dose being 50µg/kg/day. In children with more severe GHD (evidence by a lower peak GH level, more severe presentation, MRI abnormality) the response to GH is better and often height can be normalized with lower doses of GH e.g., 17-35 µg/kg/day (70). Prediction models (discussed below) are available and in GHD have been shown to reduce variability in response but do not improve height gain (71). Children receiving GH therapy should be seen every 3-6 months and the GH dose titrated to height velocity and height gain. Monitoring of IGF-I concentrations is recommended to avoid prolonged periods of supraphysiological IGF-I levels. In general, IGF-I should be measured at least annually but can be measured more frequently particularly where there has been a recent increase in dose. A reduction in dose would normally be considered were two consecutive IGF-I levels were above +2 SD. As a guide to dose adjustment a 20% alteration in dose leads, on average, to a 1 SD change in IGF-I concentration (72).  Treatment is continued until the child is post-pubertal and growth is either completely ceased or is <2cm per year.  A growth chart from a child with congenital GHD treated with recombinant human GH therapy is shown in Figure 5.


Currently there is no single accepted definition of poor response to GH treatment with suggestions including change in height SDS <0.3 or 0.5 during the first year of treatment, change in height velocity <+3cm/year during 1st year of treatment, change in height velocity <+1SD or a height velocity <-1 SD during the first year of therapy.  Depending on the definition used 20-35% of patients display a poor response (73). It is important to discuss the possibility of a poor response with the family prior to staring therapy.

Figure 5. Growth Chart from child with GH deficiency. GH therapy is started at age 4 with height SDS -3.7 SD. There is a sustained improvement in height velocity leading to a final height of +1.5 SD.

Multiple long-acting preparations of growth hormone are at various stages of development (74). A phase three trial in adults with GHD have been completed and has demonstrated similar efficacy with a once weekly injection of a long-acting GH compared to conventional daily GH (75). Trials in children are currently ongoing.


Prediction of Response to GH Therapy and the d3-Growth Hormone Receptor Polymorphism


Initial work predicting the response to GH therapy was based on auxological and biochemical data, particularly from the Kabi International Growth Study (KIGS), a large surveillance study of over 62,000 patients treated with GH in childhood. Prediction models developed included models for idiopathic isolated GH deficiency (76) and early onset isolated GH deficiency (77).  For the idiopathic isolated GH deficiency prediction model the model explained 61% of the variability on GH response. Factors included in the prediction model were peak GH during stimulation test, age at start of GH therapy, height SDS minus mean parental height SDS, growth hormone dose and weight SDS. Other prediction models derived from alternative datasets have also been produced for GHD (78,79).


Around 50% of the European population are homo- or heterozygous for a polymorphism of the GHR that leads to deletion of exon 3 and 22 amino acid residues near the N-terminal. In 2004 it was reported that GH signaling via the GHR with the d3 was increased and that children treated with GH under the SGA license or with idiopathic short stature showed an increased first year growth velocity where they were homo- or heterozygous for the d3 polymorphism (80). Since this original report there have been many studies assessing the effect on the d3 polymorphism on response to GH therapy in GH deficiency, Turner syndrome, SGA children and in children with idiopathic short stature. A meta-analysis of these studies in 2011 indicated that, compared to children homozygous for the full-length allele, children homozygous for the d3 polymorphism have an increase in 1st year height velocity SDS of 0.14 SD and children heterozygous for the d3 polymorphism has an increase of 0.09 SD (81).  Thus, it appears that the d3 polymorphism has a modest effect mediating the response to GH therapy.


The PREDICT study was a large international observational study which assessed the contribution of single nucleotide polymorphisms in over 100 candidate genes to GH response in a cohort of children with GH deficiency or Turner syndrome (82,83). GH response was assessed by change in IGF-I concentrations over 1 month and by height velocity change over the first year of treatment. Carriage of 10 polymorphisms within 7 different genes, related in particular to cell signaling, were identified to be associated with change in IGF-I over the first month of GH treatment and height velocity over the first year of treatment. In addition to assessing association between genotype and response to GH therapy the PREDICT study also assessed the use of basal gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells to predict GH response. There were 1188 genes where the expression level was associated with low response and 865 genes where expression level was associated with a high response to GH therapy (83). Network analysis of the human interactome associated with these genes indicated that glucocorticoid, estrogen, and insulin receptor signaling, and protein ubiquitination pathways were most represented by the genes where association was linked to high or low response to GH therapy.


A recent genome wide association study examining GH responsiveness did not identify any significant SNPs in their primary analysis (the primary analysis utilized all diagnostic groups for GH treatment together) (84).  They did identify 4 SNPs in a secondary analysis stratifying by diagnosis and limiting to European ancestry – the closest associate genes are UBE4B, LAPTM4B, COL1A1/NT5DC1 and CLEC7A/OLR1(84).




Genetic Disorders Causing Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency


Initial reports suggested that only around 12% of cases of isolated growth hormone deficiency were associated with abnormalities of the hypothalamus or pituitary on MR imaging (85). More recent studies have indicated that up to 26% of cases of isolated GHD are associated with MR abnormalities (86), particularly anterior pituitary hypoplasia and ectopic posterior pituitary.  Within the remaining cohort of patients with IGHD an increasing number of genetic causes have been identified.




IGHD type 1a is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner and is due to homozygous deletions and nonsense mutations in the GH1 gene leading to a complete absence of the GH protein from serum. The clinical presentation is with severe growth hormone deficiency and growth failure from 6 months of life with height SDS >4.5 SD below mean. Typically patients respond well to initial therapy with GH but then develop anti-GH antibodies leading to a loss of efficacy (87). Treatment with IGF-I is an option for such patients.


IGHD type 1b is also autosomal recessive and caused by mutations in the GH1 gene – either mis-sense, splice site or nonsense or by mutations within the GHRHR (the gene encoding the GHRH receptor). The clinical phenotype in IGHD type 1b is milder than that of IGHD 1a with the presence of low but detectable levels of GH to stimulation tests. These patients show a good response to treatment with GH without the development of anti-GH antibodies.


The GHRHR is a 423 amino acid G-coupled protein receptor. It contains seven transmembrane domains encoded for by a 13-exon gene on chromosome 7p15. While human mutations leading to isolated GH deficiency have been found in the GHRHR gene, to date no such mutations have been identified in the gene encoding the ligand, GHRH. The initial link between a GHRHR mutation and impaired growth was in the little mouse, where Lin et al identified an amino acid substitution in codon 60 of the mouse GHRHR (88). The substitution of glycine for aspartic acid (D60G) prevented the binding of GHRH to the mutant receptor. Subsequent to the identification of the mutation in mouse a nonsense mutation (p.E72X) was identified in two patients in a consanguineous family of Indian ethnic origin (89). Since this initial report multiple families have been reported and splice site mutations, missense mutations, nonsense mutations, microdeletions and one mutation in the promoter (90). The clinical phenotype of an individual with a GHRHR mutation is that of autosomal recessive inheritance of IGHD, anterior pituitary hypoplasia (defined as pituitary height more than 2 SD below mean), GH concentrations are either undetectable or very low in response to provocation tests and IGF-I/IGFBP-3 levels are low. In contrast to patients with GH1 mutations midface hypoplasia, neonatal hypoglycemia and microphallus are less common. Intelligence is normal and affected individuals are fertile.


Expression of GHRHR is upregulated by the pituitary transcription factor POU1F1 and this results in somatotroph hypertrophy. Because of this effect on somatotrophs anterior pituitary hypoplasia is commonly seen on MR imaging but there have been reports of GHRHR mutations with normal pituitary morphology (91).




IGHD Type 2 is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutations in the GH1 gene.  The severity of GH deficiency is highly variable. While the name of the condition suggests only GH is affected, in practice loss of other pituitary hormones has been reported and patient must be followed up to identify these additional hormone deficiencies. Loss of TSH, ACTH, prolactin and gonadotrophins have all been reported (92).


IGHD type 2 is most commonly caused by mutations that affect splicing of GH1, particularly splicing of exon 3 (93).  The most frequent mutations are within the first six bp of the exon 3 donor splice site (93) but mutations in the exon 3 splice enhancers and intron splice enhancers have also been reported (90). The exon 3 splice mutations lead to the exclusion of exon 3 and the production of a 17.5kDa isoform of GH lacking amino acids 31-71, responsible for connecting helix 1 and helix 2 of the mature GH molecule. This abnormal 17.5 kDa variant GH is retained within the endoplasmic reticulum, disrupts the Golgi apparatus and reduces the stability of the 22kDa GH isoform (94). In addition to GH trafficking of other hormones including ACTH is disrupted. A mouse model overexpressing the 17.5kDa isoform demonstrated anterior pituitary hypoplasia with invasion by activated macrophages. The loss of additional pituitary hormones is likely to result from the disrupted hormone trafficking as well as the pituitary inflammation and destruction. Children with IGHD type II may display anterior pituitary hypoplasia on MR imaging. Currently there is no specific treatment in man to ameliorate the effects of the 17.5kDa isoform. A small interfering RNA based therapy has been successful in the mouse model of IGHD type 2 (95) but the delivery system used involved inserting the short hairpin RNA as a transgene. Successful implementation of such a therapy in humans will require an alternative mode of delivery capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier. As well as the classical exon 3 splice site mutations IGHD type 2 is also caused by missense mutations. These have been reported to lead to impaired GH release (96) or to alter folding of GH (97).  




IGHD Type 3 is of x-linked recessive inheritance and the males described were both immunoglobulin and GH deficient. A single patient has been reported with a mutation in the BTK gene (resulting in exon skipping) with x-linked agammaglobulinemia and GH deficiency (98).


One family has been reported with isolated GHD caused by mutations in RNPC3 (99). The three affected sisters had compound heterozygous mutations in RNPC3 (p.P474T and p.R502X) and presented with classical severe isolated GHD with anterior pituitary hypoplasia on MR imaging. RNPC3 encodes a component of the minor spliceosome responsible for splicing of a small subset (<0.5%) of introns which are present in ~3% of human genes. Given that splicing is an essential basic process present in all tissues it is interesting that the phenotype seen is pituitary specific.  The patients displayed relatively minor perturbations in splicing which is hypothesized to be tolerated in most tissues, but not in the developing pituitary. Response to GH treatment is reported to be excellent (100).


Genetic Disorders Leading to Abnormal Pituitary Development and Multiple Pituitary Hormone Deficiency


Mutations in an increasing number of genes lead to loss of multiple pituitary hormones including growth hormone (summarized in Table 2).  A brief summary of each is given below – for an extensive review of pituitary development and it’s genetic control see Bancalari et al (101).




The paired homeobox domain protein HESX1 is one of the earliest specific markers of the pituitary primordium and it acts as a transcriptional repressor. Mutations in HESX1 are associated with septo-optic dysplasia (102) and MPHD (103,104) which can be inherited in an autosomal recessive or autosomal dominant pattern. In addition to the MRI appearances associated with septo-optic dysplasia patients with HESX1 mutations can have an ectopic posterior pituitary (104).




The OTX2 homeobox gene is a homologue of the Drosophila orthodenticle protein. It is expressed early in gastrulation and is involved in development of the central nervous system and eye. In humans OTX2 mutations have been identified in patients with anophthalmia or microphthalmia with isolated GHD or MPHD (105). On MR imaging an ectopic posterior pituitary and small anterior pituitary have been associated with OTX2 mutations. 




SOX3 is a single exon gene located on the X chromosome, is expressed widely throughout the ventral diencephalon and is involved in the development of Rathke’s pouch (106). In humans SOX3 duplications (107) or polyalanine expansion (108,109) have been associated with X-linked hypopituitarism with or without mental retardation. The pituitary phenotype is variable from isolated GHD to MPHD. MRI findings may include anterior pituitary hypoplasia, ectopic posterior pituitary, and corpus callosum abnormalities.




PITX2 is a homeodomain transcription factor expressed in the rostral brain and oral ectoderm during development and throughout the anterior pituitary in adult life. Axenfeld-Riegler syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by ocular, dental and craniofacial abnormalities in addition to pituitary abnormalities. Mutations in PITX2 have been found in patients with Axenfeld-Riegler syndrome and GH deficiency (110).


LHX3 and LHX4


LHX3 and LHX4 encode LIM domain proteins expressed in Rathke’s pouch involved in transcriptional regulation. Homozygous loss of function mutations in LHX3 have been associated with hypopituitarism, sensorineural deafness and cervical abnormalities (rigid cervical spine and cervical spina bifida occulta) (111,112). The MRI appearance may be of a small or enlarged pituitary or a hypointense lesion compatible with a microadenoma.  Mutations in LHX4 lead to a range of pituitary dysfunction from GHD to MPHD (113) with a pituitary phenotype including anterior pituitary hypoplasia, ectopic posterior pituitary and in one family there was pointed cerebellar tonsils suggestive of an Arnold Chiari Malformation (114).




GLI2 is a mediator of Sonic Hedgehog signal transduction and is expressed in the oral ectoderm and ventral diencephalon. Heterozygous mutations in GLI2 lead to a variable combination of holoprosencephaly and hypopituitarism (115,116). Other clinical findings may include a cleft lip/palate, postaxial polydactyly and anophthalmia.




FGFR1, FGF8 and PROKR2 were previously known to be involved in the pathogenesis of Kallmann syndrome (hypogonadotropic hypogonadism with anosmia). Screening of a cohort of 103 patients with hypopituitarism identified mutations in these Kallmann syndrome genes in eight patients (FGFR1 n=3, FGF8 n=1, PROKR2 n=4) (117).  An EPP was identified in one patient with an FGFR1 mutation and a hypoplastic anterior pituitary in one patient with a PROKR2 mutation.




Prophet of Pit-1 (PROP1) is a homeodomain transcription factor with expression limited to the anterior pituitary. It acts as a transcriptional repressor downregulating HESX1 and as an activator of POU1F1. PROP1 mutations are associated with GH, prolactin, TSH and LH/FSH deficiency with rare cases of ACTH deficiency. PROP1 mutations are the commonest genetic cause of hereditary MPHD accounting for ~50% of familial cases (117).  MRI findings include both small and large anterior pituitary glands and even extension of the pituitary to form a large suprasellar mass which waxes and wanes before involuting (118).  Gonadotrophin deficiency in patients with PROP1 mutations is highly variable and can present with micropenis and cryptorchidism to delayed pubertal onset potentially indicating a role of PROP1 in maintenance of gonadotrophin function.




The first genetic cause of multiple pituitary hormone deficiency, identified in 1992, was mutations in the POU1F1transcription factor (119).  It is essential for the development of somatotrophs, lactotrophs, and thyrotrophs, consequently mutations in POU1F1 lead to deficiency of GH, TSH and prolactin. Anterior pituitary size is most often small but can be normal with normal stalk and normally sited posterior pituitary. The hormone deficiencies can present at any time from birth to adolescence.




Mutations in IGSF1 (immunoglobulin superfamily member 1) were identified initially as a cause of central hypothyroidism and macro-orchidism (120). IGSF1 is a membrane glycoprotein expressed in Rathke’s pouch. The identified mutations lead to aberrant protein trafficking and protein mislocalisation.  In a small number of subjects mild or transient GHD has been identified (121,122). It is clear that the immunoglobulin superfamily of proteins may have a wider role in controlling pituitary hormone secretion with mutations in immunoglobulin superfamily member 10 associated with constitutional delay in growth and puberty (123).




A single family with a homozygous frameshift loss of function mutation in ARNT2 has been described. The affected individuals demonstrated multiple pituitary hormone deficiency including diabetes insipidus along with post-natal microcephaly, frontal and temporal lobe hypoplasia, seizures, developmental delay, visual impairment and congenital abnormalities of the urinary tract (124). ARNT2 is a HLH transcription factor which is known to dimerize with SIM1, a known regulator of neuronal differentiation.




Transcription factor 7-like 1 is a regulator of WNT/β-catenin signaling and is expressed in the developing forebrain and pituitary. Two patients with heterozygous missense variants have been reported – one diagnosed with GHD and one with low IGF-I concentrations (124). MRI findings are listed in Table 2. In both families there were unaffected family members also carrying the variant. Given functional studies confirmed the deleterious nature of the variant this is likely to represent autosomal dominant inheritance with variable penetrance.




RAX encodes a transcription factor involved in eye and forebrain development. A child with a homozygous frameshift truncating mutation in RAX has been identified with a phenotype including anophthalmia, bilateral cleft lip and palate with congenital hypopituitarism (125).




Laminin b2 is a basement membrane protein with autosomal recessive mutations associated with congenital nephrotic syndrome, ocular abnormalities and developmental delay. One patient has been reported with isolated growth hormone deficiency, optic nerve hypoplasia, and a small anterior pituitary in association with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis with a compound heterozygous missense mutation in LAMB2 (126).




TBC1 Domain Family member 32 is thought to be a ciliary protein and a cause of oral facial digital syndrome type IX (127). Two families with biallelic mutations in TBC1D32 and hypopituitarism have been reported (128). For the first family there were two affected siblings and they had panhypopituitarism with an absent anterior pituitary, ectopic posterior pituitary and retinal dystrophy while in a third family the affected proband had anterior pituitary hypoplasia, growth hormone deficiency and developmental delay (128). Facial dysmorphism was present with prominent forehead, low set posteriorly rotated ears, hypertelorism and a flat nasal bridge.  Autosomal recessive mutations in another ciliopathy related gene IFT172 have been reported to cause GHD with an ectopic posterior pituitary (129).




MAGEL2 and L1CAM mutations have been identified in patients with a combination of hypopituitarism and arthrogryposis (130). MAGEL2 mutations cause Schaaf-Yang syndrome which is similar to Prader-Willi Syndrome with hypotonic, obesity, developmental delay, contractures and dysmorphism.  GHD, diabetes insipidus and ACTH deficiency have been reported in 4 patients. In one patient with L1 syndrome due to a L1CAM mutation arthrogryposis was present with GHD.




EIF2S3 encodes a protein involved in the initiation of protein synthesis with mutations associated with developmental delay and microcephaly. In three patients’ mutations in EIF2S3 have been associated with GHD and central hypothyroidism (131). Inheritance is X-linked.




FOXA2 is a transcription factor involved in pituitary and pancreatic B-cell development and de novo heterozygous mutations cause a phenotype of congenital hypopituitarism with congenital hyperinsulinism (132).




In addition to the above mutations in CDON (133) (nonsense heterozygous), GPR161(134) (homozygous missense) and ROBO1(135) (heterozygous frameshift, nonsense and missense) have been associated with pituitary stalk interruption syndrome.


Table 2. Genetic Defects of Pituitary Development and their Phenotype


Pituitary Deficiencies

MRI phenotype


Other phenotypic features




Absent PP, ectopic PP, thin stalk, thin corpus callosum, delayed myelination


Hip dysplasia, hydronephrosis, vesico-ureteric reflux, neuropathic bladder, microcephaly, prominent forehead, deep set eyes, retrognathia



Small anterior pituitary, ectopic posterior pituitary, absent stalk





Small anterior pituitary, white matter loss,

X-linked recessive

Developmental delay and microcephaly, glucose dysregulation (hyperinsulinemia hypoglycemia and post-prandial hyperglycemia)



Small anterior pituitary, ectopic posterior pituitary


Congenital ptosis, alopecia, syndactyly, nail hypoplasia



Normal or small anterior pituitary, corpus callosum agenesis


ASD and VSD, brachydactyly, brachycephaly, preauricular skin tags, ocular abnormalities, seizures



Absent corpus callosum, optic nerve hypoplasia

AD or AR

Holoprosencephaly, Moebius syndrome, craniofacial defects, high arched palate, maxillary hypoplasia, microcephaly, spastic diplegia



Small shallow sella turcica, anterior pituitary hypoplasia, absent stalk


Congenital hyperinsulinism


GH, TSH and ACTH with variable gonadotrophin deficiency

Anterior pituitary hypoplasia


Holoprosencephaly, cleft lip and palate, anophthalmia, postaxial polydactyly, imperforate anus, laryngeal cleft, renal agenesis



Anterior pituitary hypoplasia


Pallister-Hall syndrome Postaxial polydactyly, hamartoblastoma


Isolated GHD through to panhypopituitarism with TSH, LH, FSH, ACTH, prolactin and ADH deficiency

Optic nerve hypoplasia, absence of the septum pellucidum, ectopic posterior pituitary, anterior pituitary hypoplasia

AR and AD

Developmental delay



Ectopic posterior pituitary, anterior pituitary hypoplasia


Retinopathy, metaphyseal dysplasia, and hypertension with renal failure



GH (transient/partial), TSH, prolactin

Normal in the majority of cases.  Frontoparietal hygroma, hypoplasia of the corpus callosum, and small stalk lesion reported.

X-linked recessive

Macro-orchidism, delay in puberty



Generalized white matter loss and thin corpus callosum

X-linked recessive

Arthrogryposis, hydrocephalus, VSD, developmental delay, scoliosis, astigmatism



Small anterior pituitary, optic nerve hypoplasia


Congenital nephrotic syndrome, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, developmental delay


GH, TSH, LH, FSH, prolactin

Small, normal or enlarged anterior pituitary


Short neck with limited rotation


GH, TSH and ACTH deficiency

Small anterior pituitary, ectopic posterior pituitary, cerebellar abnormalities, corpus callosum hypoplasia





Small posterior pituitary, thin corpus callosum and optic nerve hypoplasia

Heterozygous mutations on paternal allele

hypotonia, obesity, developmental delay, contractures and dysmorphism



Normal or small AP, pituitary stalk agenesis, ectopic posterior pituitary, Chiari I malformation

AR or AD

Microcephaly, bilateral anophthalmia, developmental delay, cleft palate


GH, TSH, prolactin

Small or normally sized anterior pituitary

AR and AD




Hypoplastic corpus callosum, normal or small anterior pituitary


Club foot, syrinx spinal cord, microcephaly, epilepsy


GH, TSH, LH, FSH, prolactin, evolving ACTH deficiency

Small, normal or enlarged anterior pituitary – may evolve over time





Absent sella turcica and pituitary


Anophthalmia, bilateral cleft lip and palate



Small or absent anterior pituitary, ectopic or absent posterior pituitary, interrupted or absent stalk


Strabismus, ptosis


GH, TSH, LH, FSH, ACTH.  Most commonly isolated GHD

Anterior pituitary and infundibular hypoplasia, ectopic posterior pituitary, corpus callosum abnormalities including cysts

X-linked recessive

Learning difficulties


LH, FSH variable GH deficiency

Anterior pituitary hypoplasia, optic nerve hypoplasia, septo-optic dysplasia, hypothalamic hamartoma


Microphthalmia, anophthalmia, micropenis, sensorineural deafness, gastro-intestinal tract defects.


Isolated GHD to panhypopituitarism

Absent or hypoplastic anterior pituitary, ectopic posterior pituitary


Retinal dystrophy, developmental delay, facial dysmorphism (prominent forehead, low set posteriorly rotated ears, hypertelorism and a flat nasal bridge). 




Absent posterior pituitary, anterior pituitary hypoplasia, optic nerve hypoplasia, parital agenesis of corpus callosum, thin anterior commissure




Bioinactive GH


Short stature associated with normal to high levels of growth hormone with low serum IGF-I concentrations “bioinactive GH” was first described in 1978 (136). This disorder is associated with a good clinical response to GH therapy and multiple subsequent cases have been reported in the literature (90). These multiple case reports contained no information on the genetic cause of the disorder.  The first demonstration of the mechanism responsible for bioinactive GH came in 1997 (137) when Takashi and co-workers described a heterozygous glycine to aspartic acid substitution at amino acid 112 of the GH molecule resulting in impaired binding of the mutant GH to GHR. Reported mutations such as the R77C mutation (138,139) have also been found in normally statured relatives and functional work has failed to identify any difference between wild type and R77C GH on GHR binding, activation of the JAK/STAT pathway, secretion studies or ability to induce cell proliferation (140,141). The clinical scenario of normal to high GH concentrations with low IGF-I levels is not uncommon and a diagnosis of bioinactive GH should not be made unless a mutation is identified where there is a demonstration that the function of the variant GH is impaired.


A homozygous missense mutation (C53S) in the GH1 gene was reported in a Serbian patient with height SDS of -3.6 at 9 years of age (142). Altered affinity for the GH receptor was demonstrated in functional studies, presumably due to alteration of the disulphide bond between Cys-53 and Cys-65 in the GH molecule.


Laron Syndrome


Laron syndrome, caused by loss of function mutations in the GHR gene(143), was first described in 1966 (144). Since then more than 250 patients have been described in the literature with over 70 missense, nonsense, indels and splice mutations within the GHR gene (145). The majority of mutations describe are inherited in an autosomal recessive manner but autosomal dominant inheritance has been described in a small number of cases (146).  Patients present with severe short stature having been born with normal birth size. The facial phenotype is similar to severe GH deficiency with frontal bossing and midface hypoplasia. Intellect, development and head circumference are normal. IGF-I, IGFBP-3 and ALS concentrations are low in serum with normal to raised baseline GH levels with raised peak stimulated GH level. Typical adult height is around -5 SD. Measurement of GHBP in serum is useful as, when markedly low, indicates absence of the extracellular component of the GHR. Since mutations can occur in the transmembrane or intracellular domains, the presence of GHBP in serum does not exclude a diagnosis of Laron syndrome.  The standard diagnostic test is an IGF-I generation test. Specificity of this test is around 77-91% and when applied to a population with low prevalence of GH insensitivity the positive predictive value of the test is likely to be low (147). In addition, there is a limited normative data for the IGF-I generation test. Buckway at al reported the results of IGF-I generation tests in normal subjects and subjects with GH deficiency, Laron syndrome and idiopathic short stature (148). Sensitivity of the IGF-I generation test in this population (who all had the same E180 splice mutation in the GHR, was 77% (the cut off for a normal result on this test was an increase in IGF-I to >15ng/mL post-GH stimulation (149)). Diagnosis of Laron syndrome therefore relies upon integration of clinical and biochemical findings and selecting patients for further genetic studies.


Recombinant human IGF-I therapy provides limited benefit in improving height. In an observational study containing 28 patients with Laron syndrome the results of treatment with 120 mg/kg/day IGF-I for a mean duration of 5 years increased height SDS from -6.1 SD to -5.1 SD (150). In the first year of treatment there was a marked increase in height velocity from 2.8 to 8.7 cm but height velocity markedly decreased after the first year of treatment. In a separate report of 21 individuals with GH insensitivity – 5 of whom had Laron syndrome there was an increase in height SDS from baseline of +1.9 SD with treatment of 120 mcg/kg/day IGF-I for a mean of 10.5 years (151). The treatment effect is markedly lower than that of GH in children with severe congenital GH deficiency (an example of a growth chart of a child with Laron syndrome treated with IGF-I is given in Figure 6). While GH therapy stimulates both hepatic and local IGF-I production, subcutaneous injections of IGF-I do not simulate this local IGF-I production. In addition, GH therapy normalizes not only IGF-I levels but levels of IGFBP-3 and ALS whereas in GH insensitive subjects treated with IGF-I there is no increase in IGFBP-3 or ALS concentrations. Thus, it would be expected that the injected IGF-I would have a much lower half life than endogenous IGF-I. A combined therapy of IGF-I with IGFBP-3 disappointingly was less effective in improving height (152).

Figure 6. Growth chart of girl with Laron syndrome treated with recombinant human IGF-I (Increlex) from age of 5.8 years when height SDS was -4.2 SD. There is an increase in height velocity over the first year of treatment which is reduced in subsequent years of therapy. Height SDS improves to -2.1 SD by 10.25 years but this has been associated with the onset of puberty at 9 years (treatment with the GnRH analogue Zoladex was introduced at 9.8 years). Current height lies within parental target range. M denotes maternal height and F denotes adjusted paternal height.

STAT5b Mutations


The signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT) family contains seven proteins (STAT1, -2, -3, -4, -5a, -5b and -6). Mutations in STAT1(153) and STAT3 are associated with immune deficiency and a mutation in STAT5b was described in a patient with growth hormone insensitivity and immune deficiency (154).  The initial report was of a homozygous missense mutation in exon 15, encoding the critical SH2 domain leading to aberrant folding and aggregation of the protein. Six other mutations have been described including a nonsense mutation in exon 5 (155), two distinct nucleotide insertions (156,157) in exons 9 and 10 containing the DNA binding domain, a missense variant within the SH2 domain (158), a four nucleotide deletion in exon 5 (159) and a single nucleotide deletion in the Linker domain (160).


Until recently all the mutations identified were homozygous and the disorder is predominantly inherited in an autosomal recessive manner but dominant negative mutations have now been reported (161).  There is some evidence of a mild effect of the heterozygous state as height SDS in parents of affected children is consistently below mean height for the population with range from -0.3 SD to -2.8 SD. Birth weight appears to be within normal limits but postnatal height is severely impaired with height SDS range of -3 to -9.9 (158). Growth is comparable to children with Laron syndrome. Bone age and puberty is commonly delayed perhaps reflecting in part the chronic state of ill health. A prominent forehead, depressed nasal bridge and high-pitched voice are seen in some patients. The biochemical findings are compatible with growth hormone insensitivity with normal to high basal growth hormone concentrations and a raised stimulated peak GH level. Of note, 1 subject had a low stimulated peak GH concentration of 6.6 mcg/. Serum IGF-I, IGFBP-3 and ALS concentrations were consistently low in all subjects, remaining low at end of an IGF-I stimulation test.


Clinical differentiation of patients with STAT5b mutations form those with Laron syndrome can be made with the immunodeficiency. All but one of the reported cases has presented with chronic pulmonary disease, particularly lymphoid interstitial pneumonia, with the other child having severe hemorrhagic varicella. Two patients have died from their lung disease and a further patient has required lung transplantation. Patients with STAT5b mutations also have raised serum prolactin levels which can also be helpful with diagnosis.


Acid Labile Subunit Deficiency


The human IGFALS gene is located on chromosome 16p13.3 and ALS deficiency is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern with homozygous and compound heterozygous mutations identified including missense, nonsense, deletions, duplications and insertions. The mutations are spread throughout the IGFALS gene which contains 2 exons and encodes a protein of 605 amino acids (162). The majority of the mutations are located in the 20 central leucine rich domains.  The clinical phenotype, first described in 2004 (163), is of very low serum concentrations of IGF-I, IGFBP-3 and ALS with a moderate degree of short stature (-2 to -3SD). 


Limited data is available on size at birth but weight appears to be within the lower half of the normal range (-0.2 to -1.9 SD) with only one individual reported to be SGA with a birth weight of -2.2 SD. The data on birth length is even more limited but all individuals measured were within normal range at -1.5 to +1.0 SD. Data on height during childhood is more abundant and hemorrhagic it is clear that postnatal growth is affected in the majority of individuals carrying ALS mutations.  Mean prepubertal height in 17 patients was reported as -2.61 SD (range -3.9 to -1.06 SD) with final adult height of -2.15 SD (range -0.5 to -4.2 SD). There is a preponderance of males in the literature (88% reported cases) which may represent the increased likelihood of males with short stature to present to health care providers. In male’s pubertal onset is commonly delayed (6/11 with onset puberty >14 years and 3/11 onset >15 years).  Serum IGF-I and IGFBP-3 standard deviation scores are very low (-3.3 to -11.2 SD for IGF-I and -3.6 to -18.5 for IGFBP-3), with undetectable ALS concentrations in all but one case (164). Levels of GH are increased with a mean peak GH of 46µg/L.


The relatively modest growth impairment in ALS deficiency is likely to be due to the preservation of the local production and action of IGF-I with deficiency of hepatic derived IGF-I. The diagnosis should be suggested by the presence of very low concentrations of IGF-I and, in particular, IGFBP-3 in the presence of moderate growth impairment. Although measurement of ALS is not routinely available this would also be a useful diagnostic tool.


Response to treatment with GH therapy has been poor and one child treated with recombinant human IGF-I did not improve height after 1 year of treatment.


IGF-I Gene Mutations


Deletions and mutations within the IGF1 gene are an extremely rare cause of GH insensitivity. The first patient was reported in 1996 (3) and there have been four subsequent affected families reported (165-168). The first patient described had a homozygous deletion of exons 3 and 5 of the IGF1 gene leading to frameshift and generation of a premature termination codon. He had undetectable levels of serum IGF-I with normal concentrations of IGFBP-3 and ALS with raised baseline and spontaneous GH peak levels. He was born small for gestational age at 1.4 kg at term and displayed profound post-natal growth impairment with sensorineural hearing loss, microcephaly and developmental delay. 


One subsequent report identified a similar phenotype of growth impairment, developmental delay, microcephaly and hearing impairment with a homozygous missense variant in exon 6 of IGF-1(167). The patient also had low IGF-I concentrations and high GH levels. Subsequent studies have identified this variant in individuals with normal height and there may be an alternative cause for this child’s growth impairment.


There have been two cases reported with similar phenotype of growth impairment, microcephaly and hearing impairment in individuals associated with homozygous mutations within the IGF1 gene (166,168). These mutations (V44M and R36Q) reduce the binding affinity of IGF-I for IGF1R. A large family with short stature and a heterozygous IGF1 mutation (c.402+1G>C) inducing splicing out of exon 4 with subsequent frameshift and truncated peptide (165)has also been reported.  This family included 5 short individuals with the heterozygous IGF1 mutation and an additional 5 individuals who are short but do not have the IGF1 variant. The phenotype of the proband was less severe than other IGF1 mutation patients with normal birth size (3.0kg) but significant post-natal growth impairment (presenting height -4.0 SD), normal hearing, normal development except for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and mildly reduced serum concentrations of IGF-I (-2.2 SD) with normal IGFBP-3 serum levels (-1.25 SD).


For all patients reported to date, treatment with GH has been ineffective. Treatment with recombinant human IGF-1 may be more effective but may be complicated by the development of antibodies in those patients with IGF1deletions. It should however be effective for patients with bioinactive IGF-I.


Chromosome 15 Abnormalities and Mutations Affecting the IGF-I Receptor


The phenotype of patients with mutations in the IGF1R gene is similar, if slightly milder, to patients with IGF1 gene defects. They are born SGA and continue to grow poorly with microcephaly and variable developmental delay. Reported birth weights are from -1.5 to -3.5 SD with head circumference of -2.0 to -3.2 SD. Birth length SDS is highly variable at -1.0 to -5.0 SD while childhood height ranges from -2.1 to -4.8 SD (169). The initial patient described had a compound heterozygous mutation (170) within IGF1R while all other patients to date have heterozygous mutations. These mutations are dispersed throughout the gene (169). Missense (171,172), nonsense (170), small deletions (173)and duplications (174) have already been identified leading to a variety of deleterious effects on the IGF1R including loss via nonsense mediated decay (174), production of a truncated protein (170), altered trafficking(171), reduced ligand binding (175) and altered tyrosine kinase activity (172). Serum IGF-I concentrations can be normal or raised but are generally > +1 SD.


Response to treatment with GH therapy is variable – of 5 patients reported no response was seen in two patients, an equivocal response seen in another two patients and only one patient responded well to therapy (169). GH dose ranged from 0.025 to 0.07 mg/kg/day with the best responder treated with the lowest dose of GH. The rationale behind GH therapy is that it increases hepatic and local production of IGF-I to improve growth. Where there is resistance to IGF-I it is not surprising that GH therapy is less effective. For most disorders clinicians the aim of GH therapy is to improve growth without generating IGF-I concentrations above the normal rage. For IGF1R mutations, given the IGF-I resistance, it may not be possible to achieve adequate growth without using high dose GH therapy with subsequent IGF-I concentrations above the normal reference range.  The long-term effects of such therapy in this patient group are unknown and before embarking on such a strategy a careful discussion about the risks and benefits should be undertaken with the child/parents


Prior to the identification of mutations within the IGF1R gene there were reports of patients with abnormalities of chromosome 15 including monosomy, ring chromosome and unbalanced translocations. Allelic loss of chromosome 15 was described to result in growth impairment (176) while trisomy of chromosome 15 results in overgrowth (177), given the location of IGF1R at chromosome 15q26 it was hypothesized that the growth alterations were due to a dosage effect on IGF1R. The clinical phenotype is highly variable depending on the chromosomal aberration e.g., 15q26 deletion is associated with congenital diaphragmatic hernia as well as growth impairment (178). Response to GH therapy appears better for patients with chromosome 15 abnormalities with a first-year increase in height SDS of 0.8-1.5 (179).  


Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein A2 Deficiency


Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A2 is a metalloproteinase responsible for the cleavage of IGFBP-3 and IGFBP-5, an essential step in releasing IGF-I from the ternary complex and allowing it to bind to the IGF1R. Two families have been reported with loss of function mutations in PAPPA2 leading to growth impairment with increased concentrations of IGF-I, ALS, IGFBP-3 and IGFBP-5 and a resultant reduction in free IGF-I (180). GH concentrations are raised due to the reduced free IGF-I. Birth size is moderately reduced in some subjects and the degree of postnatal growth impairment is highly variable ranging from -3.8 SD to -1.0 SD. Other clinical features include mild microcephaly, small chins and long thin fingers. Treatment with rhIGF-I in one family demonstrated an increase in height SDS of +0.4 SD over 1 year of treatment (181) while in the second family treatment was discontinued due to headache in one of two siblings (182).




Tumors of the Hypothalamus or Pituitary




Craniopharyngiomas are non-glial intracranial tumors derived from malformed embryonal tissue thought to originate from ectodermal remnants of Rathke’s pouch or residual embryonal epithelium of the anterior pituitary (183). More than 70% of adamantinomatous craniopharyngiomas contain a mutation of the β-catenin gene (184). Although rare, craniopharyngiomas are the commonest childhood tumor affecting the hypothalamo-pituitary axis accounting for 55-90% of sellar and parasellar lesions in childhood (185). The incidence is 0.5-2 per million per year (186) with 30-50% of cases diagnosed in childhood. In contrast to adulthood where the commonest histological type of craniopharyngioma is papillary, in excess of 70% of childhood craniopharyngiomas are adamantinomatous and associated with cyst formation. Survival rates with craniopharyngiomas are excellent exceeding 90% at 10 years (187)after diagnosis but morbidity with visual defects, hypothalamic obesity, and pituitary hormone deficiency is high.


Presentation is with a combination of symptoms of raised intracranial pressure, visual impairment, and endocrine deficits. Up to 87% of cases present with a least one pituitary hormone deficiency – the commonest being GH deficiency present in up to 75% of cases at diagnosis (188). The prevalence of GH deficiency rises after treatment to >90% of patients – with both surgical intervention and radiotherapy implicated in this increase in GH deficiency.  Additional pituitary hormone deficits are common including diabetes insipidus which is present in 92% of cases (189).


Therapy for craniopharyngiomas can include a combination of surgery, radiotherapy and intra-lesional chemotherapy. Surgery can be via the transcranial or transsphenoidal route.  Where it is possible to remove the entire tumor without causing damage to the hypothalamus or optic nerves this is the treatment of choice. For larger tumors involving these structures controversy exists on whether the benefits of a complete resection, namely a reduction in the risk of recurrence/progression, are outweighed by the surgical morbidity particularly hypothalamic obesity, visual impairment, and adipsic diabetes insipidus (190,191).  The alternative strategy is a limited surgical resection followed by adjuvant treatment with either conventional radiotherapy or proton beam therapy.  Recurrence rates for complete resection are 15-46% (192), 70-90% for patients treated with surgical partial resection alone and 21% for patients treated with surgical resection and radiotherapy (193).


There is good evidence to suggest that replacement GH therapy does not increase the risk of recurrence in craniopharyngioma (194,195) and that the gain in height is similar to that seen in congenital isolated GH deficiency. In one report the mean time between diagnosis and initiation of GH therapy was 2.3 years (194). A period of time after diagnosis, prior to the introduction of GH therapy, allows the completion of surgery and radiotherapy and a period of observation. Despite the reports on the overall safety of GH in craniopharyngioma rapid regrowth of the tumor after the initiation of GH therapy has been reported (196).




Pituitary adenomas are rare in childhood comprising only 3% of supratentorial tumors of childhood (197). Functioning adenomas are more common than non-functioning adenomas with the commonest being prolactinomas, followed by ACTH secreting adenomas then GH secreting adenomas. In one series of 41 patients with childhood onset adenomas, 29 (70%) were prolactinomas, 5 (12%) were ACTH secreting adenomas, one patient (2%) presented with a GH secreting adenoma and the remaining 6 patients (15%) presented with non-functioning adenomas (198).  GH deficiency was present in four out of the 41 patients during childhood and 13 patients during follow up into adulthood. All patients who developed GH deficiency had a macroadenoma. In approximately 5% of cases pituitary adenomas are familial and this is known to be caused by mutations in the genes encoding MENIN (199) and Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Interacting Protein (200).




Optic pathway gliomas are tumors of the pre-cortical visual pathway which may also involve the hypothalamus. In around 1 in 3 cases they are associated with neurofibromatosis type 1 (201). They commonly present with ophthalmological signs and symptoms with the main endocrine presentation being precocious puberty. In the majority of cases there is limited or no progression of the tumor and only monitoring is required. Surgery not recommended for most cases due to the possibility of post-operative visual impairment. Where required initial treatment is with chemotherapy with radiotherapy reserved for teenagers and younger children who have not responded to chemotherapy. Although effective with a 90% 10-year progression free survival radiotherapy is associated with an increased risk of worsening visual impairment, endocrine deficits, cerebrovascular disease, and neurocognitive deficits.


GH deficiency in optic pathway gliomas can be present prior to radiotherapy but is much more common post radiotherapy. In one study of 68 children with optic pathway gliomas 19 developed GH deficiency, 15 of whom had received radiotherapy (202). In another study of 21 patients with optic pathway gliomas treated with radiotherapy only one patient had GH deficiency pre-radiotherapy while all patients had GH deficiency post radiotherapy (203).  GH therapy is highly effective and restores adult height to within normal range (204). Optic pathway gliomas can be associated with GH excess, especially in NF1 syndrome related cases.




Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disorder with a prevalence of ~4 per million children (205). It is a condition in which there is proliferation and accumulation of clonal dendritic cells (LCH cells) bearing an immunophenotype very close to that of the normal epidermal Langerhans cells of the skin (205). LCH cells can spread to nearly any site in the body, proliferate and lead to local inflammation and tissue destruction. The commonest pituitary hormone deficit in Langerhans cell histiocytosis is diabetes insipidus which develops in around 25% of childhood patients with LCH while GH deficiency is the second commonest endocrinopathy present in 9-12% of childhood LCH patients.




Neuroendocrine abnormalities of the hypothalamo-pituitary axis evolve with time after radiation induced damage. The first, and sometimes only, hormone deficiency following radiation exposure of the HPA axis is growth hormone deficiency. The risk of GH deficiency is related to the total radiation dose, fraction size and time between fractions. Almost all children exposed to >30 Gy cranial irradiation will develop GH deficiency around 65% of those receiving <30 Gy develop GH deficiency by 5 years post radiotherapy (206). Isolated GH deficiency has also been reported in children exposed to 18-24 Gy as used prophylactically in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (207) and in children exposed to as little as 10 Gy as part of total body irradiation (208).  


The hypothalamus is thought to be the site of radiation induced damage to the HPA as when exposed to radiation <50 Gy hormone deficiencies remain common ~90% after 10 years (209)  but in contrast delivery of radiation doses 500-1500 Gy to the pituitary alone result in lower rates of endocrinopathy – 40% 14 years after exposure (210).  Additional evidence of the susceptibility of the hypothalamus to radiation induced damage comes from the high prevalence rates of hypothalamic dysfunction on dynamic endocrine tests observed after radiation exposure (211)  and the presence of impaired GH secretion to stimuli acting through the hypothalamus with normal GH secretion to stimuli acting directly on the pituitary (212). Within the hypothalamic-pituitary axis there is differential sensitivity to radiation induced damage with the somatotrophic axis being the most vulnerable to damage, followed by GnRH-FSH/LH and then the CRH-ACTH and TRH-TSH axes which are the least sensitive to radiation induced damage (213).  This sequence of loss of pituitary hormones in radiation induced damage is seen in both animal models (213,214) and in humans where lower doses of radiation (e.g. 18-30 Gy used in treatment of childhood leukemia and brain tumors) leads to isolated GHD(215) whereas higher doses of radiation >60 Gy, used in the treatment of skull base tumors and nasopharyngeal carcinomas, leads to multiple pituitary hormone deficiency (216,217). Risk of pituitary hormone deficiency increases with time elapsed after radiation exposure in addition to the radiation dose – in one study around 50% of children treated with 27-32 Gy for a brain tumor were GHD after one year of treatment, with 85% GHD by 5 years post treatment and almost all GHD by 9 years post treatment (206).




One form of GHD particularly well described following radiation injury to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis is GH neurosecretory dysfunction (218-220). Neurosecretory dysfunction is characterized by normal responses to pharmacological stimuli of GH secretion but reduced spontaneous physiological GH secretion.  GH neurosecretory function in seen most frequently with lower radiation doses of <24 Gy (220) and it appears that doses >27 Gy both spontaneous and pharmacologically stimulated GH responses are reduced (221).  The possibility of GH neurosecretory dysfunction makes the diagnosis of GHD in children exposed to cranial irradiation challenging. The presence of normal IGF-I and IGFBP-3 concentrations in many children with radiation induced GH deficiency (222-225) (proven with multiple pharmacological stimulation tests) compounds these difficulties.


For children with brain tumors that can exfoliate cells into the cerebrospinal fluid (e.g., ependymoma or medulloblastoma) radiotherapy is delivered to the spine in addition to cranial irradiation. Spinal irradiation has a profound effect on growth and leads to reduced height and disproportionate growth with decreased upper to lower segment ratio (226).   Brauner et al compared children treated with craniospinal irradiation to those receiving cranial irradiation alone with height SDS being significantly lower in the craniospinal group at 1.46 SD compared to the cranial irradiation only group with a height SDS of -0.15 (221). Final height in adults who received craniospinal irradiation is also significantly lower than adults receiving cranial irradiation alone (-2.37 v -1.14 SD) (227). Lower age at radiation exposure is associated with a lower adult height SDS (227) with height loss from spinal irradiation estimated at 9 cm when exposed at 1 year, 7cm when exposed at 5 years and 5.5 cm when exposed at 10 years.


Response to treatment with GH therapy is poorer in children with radiation induced GH deficiency than in children with congenital GHD. For most patients with congenital GHD, GH therapy will lead to significant catch-up growth but in patients with radiation induced GH deficiency catch up growth is rare (228,229). However, while GH treatment does not appear to induce catch up growth it prevents a further decline in height SDS (228,230).  The cause of the poorer response seen in patients with radiation induced GH deficiency are likely to be multifactorial including early puberty, delayed GH therapy, use of lower doses of GH and the direct effect of spinal irradiation. GH therapy in children who have previously received craniospinal radiotherapy does prevent further height loss but does so at the expense of further exaggerating the skeletal disproportion seen in these patients.


There is extensive evidence linking the GH-IGF-I system to risk of cancer via several sources:


  1. Up-regulating the activity of the GH-IGF-I axis in leads to increased development of tumors in animal models (for review see Yaker et al (231)).
  2. In vitro evidence of expression of GH, GHR and IGF-I/II by tumors and the ability GH and IGF-I to induce cancer cell proliferation and metastases (for review see Clayton et al (232))
  3. Epidemiological evidence has linked higher serum IGF-I concentrations to cancer risk (233-236)
  4. Increased risk colorectal and thyroid cancers in patients with acromegaly (a condition of chronic GH excess) (237-239)


This evidence did lead to concerns about the risk of administration of GH therapy to patients with GH deficiency and a history of cancer. The majority of studies examining risk of recurrence in children with cancers treated with GH indicate that there is no increased risk of recurrence (240-244).  One notable exception is the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study based in centers in North America where the standardized incidence ratio of second malignancy was elevated (2.1 at average follow up of 18 years) in the 361 individuals treated with GH (245).  The majority of brain tumor recurrences occur during the first two years after completion of primary treatment and this has led to the recommendation that treatment with GH should be considered after this time point. This strategy prevents the association between early tumor recurrence and GH therapy by families but potentially denies children with tumor or radiation induced GH deficiency treatment for a considerable length of time. Children with brain tumors require monitoring of growth and consideration should be given to testing for GH deficiency in children with growth failure who have completed primary treatment. GH therapy should be carefully discussed with the family and oncologist where it is considered before 2 years post primary treatment.




Traumatic brain injury is relatively common in childhood with ~180 children per 100,000 population sustaining a closed head injury each year. The proposed mechanism for traumatic brain injury induced hypopituitarism is that injury to the hypophyseal vessels which transverse the stalk leads to anterior pituitary ischemia and infarction. Postmortem studies of fatal closed head injuries identified hypothalamic lesions suggestive of infarction and ischemia in 43% of cases and pituitary lesions in 28% of cases (246). Although there have been multiple published case reports of anterior pituitary dysfunction in traumatic brain injury for many years (247) there has been a large increase in the number of systematic studies of pituitary function in survivors of traumatic brain injury since 2000. Several moderately sized studies of adult traumatic brain injury survivors have demonstrated risk of post-injury hypopituitarism. Deficiency of GH and gonadotrophins was more common than TSH or ACTH deficiency with 10-28% of patients being GH deficient and 8-30% of patients being gonadotrophin deficient (248-253). In the majority of these studies there has been no relationship between time post injury or injury severity and risk of pituitary dysfunction.


Until 2006 the literature on childhood traumatic brain injury and hypopituitarism was limited to case reports (for review of the case reports see Acerini et al (254)). The first report of pituitary function in children with traumatic brain injury studies a cohort of 55 patients (22 studied retrospectively and 30 studied prospectively) and identified 2 patients with low peak GH concentrations (255). Khadr et al reported a 39% rate of abnormalities of pituitary function tests in 33 childhood traumatic brain injury patients (256). None of these were felt to be clinically significant.  In this study 7 patients had a low peak GH concentration but 6 out of the 7 were thought to have peri-pubertal blunting of the GH response with one borderline post-pubertal GHD patient who declined further examination (256).  Poomthavorn et al (257) described a cohort of 54 patients with childhood brain injury 4 of whom had known multiple pituitary hormone deficiency prior to the start of the study, in the 50 patients screened however, there were no patients identified with GH deficiency.


The largest study of childhood traumatic brain injury and pituitary function is by Heather et al (258). It examined the pituitary function of 198 survivors of childhood traumatic brain injury. Importantly they used an integrated assessment of GH stimulation tests (including 2nd test with priming where required), auxology and IGF-I concentrations in order to reach a diagnosis of GHD. While a low peak GH concentration (<5µg/L, used as the cut off for diagnosis of GHD in New Zealand at the time of the study) was identified in 16 patients, height SDS ranged from -0.9 SD to +3.6 SD and IGF-I concentrations were within normal limits for all subjects. For this study population had the diagnosis of GHD been based solely on a GH stimulation test and a cut off of 10µg/L for the diagnosis of GHD, 33% of patients would have been incorrectly diagnosed as GHD.


The risk of hypopituitarism in childhood traumatic brain injury appears to be low and currently routine screening of pituitary function in this group is not justified outside the context of on-going research studies.




Hypophysitis is characterized by cellular infiltration and inflammation and can be classified as lymphocytic, xanthomatous, granulomatous, necrotizing, IgG4-related and mixed forms.  Lymphocytic hypophysitis is the commonest type but overall the disease is extremely rare with an estimated incidence of 1 per 9 million population (259). Presentation is often with visual disturbance, headache and vomiting. MRI may identify a homogeneous enhancing sellar mass. In adults’ deficiency of TSH and ACTH are particularly common and diabetes insipidus is said to be rare (260). The limited pediatric case reports include several children with diabetes insipidus and it may be that the pattern of hormone insufficiency is influenced by age at presentation.  Hypophysitis is more common in pregnant women but can also occur in non-pregnant women, men and in children (261,262).  Definitive diagnosis is with histopathology while treatment includes hormone replacement therapy and surgery where the sellar mass compresses the optic chiasm. The medical treatment of choice is high dose glucocorticoid therapy but alternative reported therapies include azathioprine (263), methotrexate (264), cyclosporin A (265) and stereotactic radiation (266).




While short stature and GHD are common reasons to consult a pediatric endocrinologist, tall stature is a far less common reason to present to a pediatric endocrinologist. Within the group of patients presenting with tall stature in childhood the majority will have either familial tall stature or a genetic/syndromic cause for their tall stature (e.g., Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome, Sotos syndrome, Marfan Syndrome, Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome).  GH excess is an extremely rare disorder in pediatric practice. Causes of GH excess include GH secreting pituitary micro or macroadenomas, ectopic GHRH production and genetic abnormalities affecting GH secretion (McCune Albright syndrome and Carney complex).


The commonest symptom of GH excess in childhood is rapid growth. In a series of 15 childhood patients (6 female) with GH secreting adenomas reported by Takumi eta al (267) all the patients presented with rapid growth although 3 also had visual signs/symptoms, 3 amenorrhea, 2 headaches, 1 with hypogonadism and 1 with precocious puberty. Microadenomas were present in 4/15 patients. Acromegalic features such as soft tissue growth of the hands and feet, mandibular overgrowth with prognathism, forehead protrusion and deepening of voice can also occur. The presence of acromegalic features in likely to be linked to the timing of onset (more common with onset in adolescence) and the presence of hypogonadism.  Additional clinical features include excessive sweating, carpal tunnel syndrome, lethargy, arthropathy, impaired glucose tolerance and hypertension. Although rare in childhood, hypertension and glucose intolerance are seen in approximately 15% of adolescents presenting with GH excess (268).


The diagnosis of GH excess is based on the clinical features and auxology in combination with biochemical evidence. Measurement of IGF-I concentration is useful but the reference range used must be specific for the gender, age and pubertal stage of the child. As IGF-I concentrations rise during puberty a precocious puberty will lead to a raised growth velocity with a serum IGF-I concentration which may be raised for age and gender will not be raised for pubertal stage. Due to the variability of GH levels throughout the day assessment of growth hormone levels is either via an oral glucose tolerance test for GH suppression or a GH day curve. The oral glucose tolerance test for GH suppression is essentially identical to a standard oral glucose tolerance test but with measurement of glucose, insulin and GH at 0, 60, 90, 120 and 150 minutes. A normal response is suppression of GH levels to < 0.4 mcg/L (269). Some centers will undertake a GH day curve – measurement of at least 5 separate GH levels over 12 hours, however, given that adolescence is the age at which there is maximal physiological GH secretion and the lack of GH day curve normative data in adolescence interpretation of this test can be challenging.


Benign GH secreting adenomas are the most common cause of GH excess. Mutations in the genes encoding GPR101 (causing X-linked acrogigantism), MENIN (270), aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein (200) and p27 (271) are known to predispose to the development of pituitary adenomas. Overall, most GH secreting adenomas are sporadic but the proportion with a genetic basis is likely to be higher in childhood.


Transsphenoidal surgery is the treatment of choice for patients with microadenomas, macroadenomas without cavernous sinus or bone extension or where the tumor is causing symptoms from compression (272). Surgical removal is expected to lead to a biochemical cure in 75-95% of patients, with lower probability of cure in patients with macroadenomas. There are three classes of medical treatments for GH excess:


  1. Dopamine agonists – cabergoline, bromocriptine
  2. Somatostatin analogues – octreotide, pasireotide, lanreotide
  3. GH receptor antagonists - pegvisomant


Medical therapy can be used either where there is failure of surgical therapy, where the tumor is not amenable to surgery or prior to surgery/radiotherapy. Dopamine agonists are the only oral therapy available. Of the dopamine agonists available, only cabergoline has shown efficacy (273) in acromegalic patients and as monotherapy achieves a biochemical cure in a minority of patients (274). Cabergoline is most useful either in tumors which co-secrete prolactin as well as GH or in combination with another therapeutic agent. The somatostatin analogues are effective in both reducing GH and IGF-I levels as well as reducing tumor size. Long acting, once monthly preparations of the somatostatin analogues represent the mainstay of therapy. Somatostatin analogues achieve biochemical resolution in up to 70% of patients (275) and tumor shrinkage (mean size reduction of 50%) in 75% of patients (276). Pegvisomant is the only GH receptor antagonist therapy available and is the most effective therapy at achieving a biochemical cure but in a small proportion (~2%) leads to tumor growth.  Radiotherapy is generally reserved as a third line treatment due to the long-time taken to achieve maximum effect (up to 10 years (277)) and risks of hypopituitarism (up to 50% by 5 years post radiotherapy), visual problems and late effects of cerebrovascular disease and second tumors.  Given the rarity of GH secreting tumors in childhood close liaison with an adult endocrinologist experienced in the management of acromegaly is recommended for a pediatric endocrinologist when faces with such a patient.



McCune Albright Syndrome


McCune Albright syndrome is disorder characterized by the clinical triad of polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, café au lait skin hyperpigmentation and gonadotrophin independent precocious puberty. It is caused by postzygotic activating mutations of GNAS which encodes a stimulatory subunit of G protein, Gsα (278).  GHRH receptor is a G protein coupled receptor and thus McCune Albright syndrome can lead to autonomous GH hypersecretion from the pituitary by activating the signal transduction pathway downstream of this receptor. In a cohort of 58 children and adults with McCune Albright syndrome Akintoye et al (279) identified 12 patients (21%) with GH excess including 6 (4 female, 2 male) who were <16 years. IGF-I concentrations in 10/12 were >2.5 SD above mean but in 2 patients surprisingly they were low at -2.5 and -0.2 SD. This may be due to the cyclical nature of the hormone hypersecretion in McCune Albright syndrome. MR imaging identified microadenomas in 4 patients and no tumor visible in the remaining patients. Clinical diagnosis of GH excess remains difficult as the facial changes can be masked or mistaken for the development of fibrous dysplastic changes in bone and the precocious puberty can mask the GH induced growth excess. The presence of a normal final height in a patient with precocious puberty indicates the potential presence of GH excess (279). Co-secretion of prolactin is common and the majority of patients have hyperprolactinemia. Due to bone thickening and fibrous dysplasia surgery is not usually an option for treatment and radiotherapy is contra-indicated because of the potential for sarcomatous change in fibrous dysplasia. Of the 11 patients with MAS associated acromegaly 6 were treated with cabergoline and then octreotide. Although 5/6 responded to cabergoline treatment with a reduction in IGF-I concentrations none normalized their IGF-I concentration and a combination of cabergoline and octreotide normalized IGF-I concentrations in 4/6 patients.  In a crossover trial of somatostatin analogue therapy and Pegvisomant in McCune Albright induced GH excess pegvisomant was effective in normalizing IGF-I concentrations in 4/5 patients while somatostatin therapy was effective in 3/5 patients (280).


Carney Complex  


The Carney complex is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by skin pigmentary abnormalities, myxomas, endocrine tumors or overactivity, and schwannomas. It is known to be caused by loss of function mutations in the PRKAR1A gene which encodes the regulatory subunit of protein kinase A (281). Dissociation of the regulatory subunits from the catalytic subunits of protein kinase A leads to activation of signal transduction. Under normal circumstances this dissociation is triggered by cAMP. Carney complex associated mutations lead to loss of the regulatory subunit and increased activity of protein kinase A associated signal transduction.  GH secreting adenomas are reported in 10% of patients with carney complex but these are rare before puberty (282). Mild abnormalities in GH, IGF-I and prolactin levels are present in up to 79% of patients and there probably a long period of sommatomammotroph cell hypertrophy and mild hypersecretion prior to the development of true GH excess (283). Histology of Carney complex associated GH tumors is distinct and includes the presence of multifocal tumors, somatomammotroph hypertrophy and the secretion of multiple hormones from the tumor (284).




Growth disorders are one of the most common reasons for referral to a pediatric endocrinologist. GH deficiency can be effectively treated with recombinant human growth hormone but controversy still exists over the diagnosis of GH deficiency in childhood, particularly in relation to priming of GH stimulation tests. Over the past decade there has been a great expansion in our knowledge of the genetic causes underlying the congenital disorders causing hypopituitarism and GH deficiency but this has not yet led to any new therapies. While extremely rare in pediatric practice GH excess is an important diagnosis to consider in the tall child/adolescent and management should be undertaken in conjunction with an adult endocrinologist.


Important Concepts


  • GH signal transduction is not induced by GHR dimerization but by a conformational change in the predimerized GHR leading to repositioning of the BOX1 motifs
  • The diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency is made by combining information from auxology, biochemistry, and neuroimaging.
  • In addition to GH deficiency and Laron syndrome there are now additional disorders of the GH-IGF-I axis – Stat5b deficiency, ALS deficiency, haploinsufficiency, and mutations in IGF1R and mutations in the IGF-I gene.
  • There is an expanding number of genes where mutations lead to a disturbance of pituitary gland formation and pituitary hormone deficiency, however in the majority of patients with congenital hypopituitarism the genetic etiology remains unknown. Consider genetic screening in patients where there are multiple affected individuals in the family and in children where they have associated eye abnormalities.
  • Response to growth hormone therapy is generally very good in patients with congenital GH deficiency where a final adult height within parental target range should be expected. In contrast, in patients with radiation induced GH deficiency, GH treatment is less effective and acts mainly to prevent further height loss.
  • Recombinant human IGF-I is available for treating children with GH insensitivity. While first year height velocity often improves significantly the long-term effects on height are less effective than in children with congenital GH deficiency treated with growth hormone.
  • GH excess is an extremely rare disorder in childhood. All childhood patients with a GH secreting adenoma should be screened for mutations in AIP and MEN1 and management should be shared with an adult endocrinologist.




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Surgical Treatment of Pituitary Adenomas


The overwhelming majority of pituitary adenomas are benign and present either with characteristic syndromes of excess hormone secretion or secondary to mass effect by the growing tumor. The common hypersecretory syndromes include Cushing’s disease, acromegaly/gigantism, and hyperprolactinemia. Local mass effects on the pituitary can cause varying degrees of hypopituitarism. As the tumor grows beyond the confines of the sella turcica, the visual pathways are commonly affected and visual field deficits are present. Effective medical therapy is available for prolactin secreting adenomas. With the exception of these tumors, transsphenoidal surgery remains the first-line treatment for most other pituitary adenomas. Medical therapy for growth hormone secreting adenomas and for Cushing’s disease continues to evolve.


Pituitary adenomas may be classified according to their clinical/radiographic characteristics (Table 1) and, more recently, their cell lineage (Table 2). Those tumors that measure less than 10 mm in diameter are considered microadenomas; macroadenomas are those 10 mm or larger (Fig. 1A, B, C, and D). Macroadenomas may also be sub-categorized as "giant" if their extent reaches far beyond the normal confines of the pituitary region or their greatest diameter exceeds 4cm (Fig 1E, F, and G). Pituitary adenomas may also be categorized based on their functional/secretory status. The hypersecretory adenomas cause distinctive clinical syndromes that include acromegaly/gigantism caused by growth hormone (GH) secreting adenomas, the classic Forbes-Albright syndrome (amenorrhea-galactorrhea) caused by prolactin (PRL) secreting adenomas, TSH-secreting adenomas, the occasional hypersecreting FSH/LH adenoma, and Cushing's disease/Nelson’s syndrome caused by corticotropin (ACTH) secreting adenomas. The non-functioning adenomas (NFAs) are “silent” and only perturb the endocrine system due to mass effects on the normal gland causing hypopituitarism (decreased pituitary hormone production) and generally present either incidentally, because of visual loss, or with secondary subtle hormonal abnormalities. The new histopathological classification considers the majority of tumors to be clinically silent gonadotropin tumors staining for SF-1. The next category is the true null cell adenoma which stains for no pituitary hormones with none of the other transcription factors or hormones being detected.

Table 1. Clinical/Radiographic Classification Schemes of Pituitary Adenomas



Microadenoma/ Macroadenoma

 £ 10 mmm/ > 10 mm

Non-Functioning adenoma


Functioning adenoma


 Endocrinologically inactive, patient may present with pituitary deficiency or cranial nerve deficits (CN 2 most commonly)


Excess of pituitary hormone secretion:  GH adenoma; PRL adenoma; ACTH adenoma; TSH adenoma; GH -PRL adenoma; FSH/LH adenoma (rare, most are non-functioning)


Other plurihormonal hypersecretory adenomas

Abbreviations: CN = cranial nerve, GH = growth hormone, PRL = prolactin, ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone, TSH = thyroid stimulating hormone, FSH = follicle stimulating hormone, LH = luteinizing hormone

Figure 1. Tumor Classification based on size.  Microadenoma: Coronal and sagittal T1 weighted MRIs with contrast with arrow indicating the location of the tumor (A and B).  Macroadenoma: Coronal and sagittal T1 weighted MRIs of a typical macroadenoma (C and D).  Giant invasive macroadenoma: Coronal and sagittal T1 MRIs with contrast in a patient in whom the tumor compresses the right temporal lobe and invades the sphenoid sinus (E and F).  In another patient, the sagittal MRI reveals a tumor that has not only invaded the sphenoid sinus but compresses the brainstem; the tumor is highlighted (G and H).

The new cell lineage classification system of pituitary adenomas is a result of recent studies which have uncovered the shared transcription factor profiles present in adenoma cell lines (1). For detailed information on the pathology and pathogenesis of pituitary adenomas, see the corresponding Endotext chapter. The most common transcription factor profile is PIT1, which is shared by somatotroph, lactotroph, and thyrotroph adenomas.  PIT1 mediates differentiation, expansion, and survival of these three cell types (Table 2). In adenomas, evidence supports an HMGA mediated upregulation of PIT1 (2). HMGA genes are usually active during embryogenesis but not in normal adulthood (3). A new paradigm has evolved, which generally begins with transcription factor mediated monoclonal expansion of a single cell line followed by variable differentiation and retention of secretory capability. Patients harboring multiple pituitary adenomas present a unique scenario in which the true pathogenesis and pathogenetic process underlying neoplastic growth could involve distinct multicentric monoclonal expansion (“Multiple-Hit Theory”) or adenoma transdifferentiation across cell lines (“Transdifferentiation Theory”) (4).

Table 2. Cell Lineage Classification of Pituitary Adenomas (1)


 Cell type



Transcription factor profile



GH ± PRL ± a-subunit




PIT1, ER-a


TSH-b, a-subunit








FSH-b or LH-b or a-subunit



Null cell



Abbreviations: GH= growth hormone, PRL= prolactin, TSH = thyroid stimulating hormone, ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone, LMWCK = low molecular weight cytokeratin


Pituitary adenomas account for approximately 10 to 15% of surgically-treated primary tumors of the central nervous system (CNS) (5-9). The incidence appears higher in African Americans in whom pituitary adenomas account for over 20% of non-metastatic CNS tumors (10, 11). The incidence rate of pituitary tumors has increased from 2.5 to 3.1 per 100,000 per year (annual percentage change of 4.25%). Although the incidence varies according to age, sex, and ethnic group, between approximately 0.5 and 8.5 per 100,000 in the population are diagnosed annually with a pituitary adenoma (5, 12-14). In a large cohort study between 2004 and 2009, the largest incidence peak was 8.5 for males 75-79 years old (14). Autopsy series indicate that pituitary tumors are quite common, and that nearly 25% of the population may harbor undiagnosed adenomas (15, 16). The majority of these tumors are less than 3-5 mm in diameter and would not require medical or surgical intervention. More recent series using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of healthy subjects indicate that approximately 10% of the population harbors pituitary lesions. Some series report a higher rate of diagnosis among women of childbearing age, despite a similar incidence in women and men  (5, 13). Because disruption of the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis in women is more evident than in men, women with pituitary adenomas may present to clinical attention at a higher rate, and earlier, than men.


Among the varying classes of adenomas, prolactinomas and non-functioning adenomas have the highest incidence, and account for nearly two-thirds of all pituitary tumors. Prolactin-secreting adenomas comprise 40 to 60% of functioning adenomas and are the most common subtype of pituitary tumor diagnosed in adolescents (6). The majority of microadenomas occur in women in their second and third decades. Men generally present later, in their fourth and fifth decades, almost always with macroadenomas.


GH secreting adenomas represent approximately 20-30% of all functioning tumors. Nearly three quarters of GH secreting adenomas are macroadenomas. Approximately 40 to 60 individuals per million have acromegaly (17-19). Between 3 and 4 new cases per million are diagnosed annually (17-20). Most present in their 3rd to 5th decades after they have been developing symptoms and signs for many years  (18). Acromegaly has been associated with an increased incidence of cardiovascular, respiratory, and cerebrovascular disease, as well as an increased risk of colon cancer. Studies have reported an increased risk of mortality compared to the unaffected population (17, 20). Although some studies report a higher incidence of several cancers, others have only confirmed an increased risk of colon cancer  (21, 22). There is some evidence that mortality risk may be different between the sexes. Etxabe et al. found a higher mortality rate in men than in women  (18). Other reports found similarly increased mortality in both sexes  (23). Still others report increased risks of death in men from cardiovascular, respiratory, cerebrovascular, and malignant disease, but only from cerebrovascular disease in women  (17).


ACTH adenomas account for 15 to 25% of all functioning adenomas and are the most common pituitary tumors diagnosed in pre-pubertal children (6). The majority of ACTH adenomas, regardless of age, are microadenomas. Approximately 39 individuals per million have Cushing's disease from an ACTH-secreting adenoma and the annual incidence is estimated at 2.4 per million (24). Cushing's disease is more common in women, most of whom present in their third and fourth decades (24, 25). There is a high incidence of hypertension and diabetes mellitus as well as higher vascular disease-related mortality (24, 26). Nelson’s syndrome can develop after adrenalectomy in patients with Cushing’s disease, as negative feedback is then lost to a previously unrecognized intrasellar ACTH adenoma. These patients may develop hyperpigmentation, and the ACTH-secreting pituitary tumors often become aggressive over time. 


Advances in neuroimaging, namely CT, CT angiography and particularly magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have improved the visualization of the pituitary region. Increasing numbers of adenomas are diagnosed incidentally during the evaluation of sinus disorders (15%), trauma (19%), and stroke (15%), among others. These "incidentalomas" are not necessarily asymptomatic. Visual deficits are present in 5-15% of cases and up to 50% when formal testing is employed (27). Some degree of pituitary dysfunction is found in up to 15-30% (27, 28). More than one third are macroadenomas and, of these, approximately 30% will show significant enlargement over time (28-31). Small asymptomatic incidental microadenomas are less likely to have clinically significant growth and often can be followed over time with repeated MRIs.

Although increasing numbers of tumors are diagnosed incidentally, pituitary adenomas more often present secondary to hypersecretion, hypopituitarism, or mass effect (Table 3).

Table 3. Presenting Features of Pituitary Adenomas


GH-secreting adenoma: Acromegaly

ACTH-secreting adenoma: Cushing's disease/Nelson’s syndrome

Prolactin-secreting adenoma: Amenorrhea-galactorrhea

TSH-secreting adenoma: Secondary hyperthyroidism

Pituitary insufficiency

Symptoms: diminished libido, infertility, fatigue, weakness

Gonadal dysfunction, Hypothyroidism, Adrenal Insufficiency, Somatotroph Insufficiency

Mass Effect (symptoms related to compressed adjacent structures)

Optic chiasm: bitemporal visual field deficit and diminished visual acuity

Cavernous sinus: trigeminal nerve, facial pain; cranial nerves III, IV, VI, diplopia, ptosis, mydriasis, anisocoria

Pressure on dura or diaphragma sellae: headache

Hypothalamus: behavior, eating, and vigilance disturbances (somnolence)

Temporal lobe: complex partial seizures, memory and cognitive disturbances


Discovered during the evaluation for headaches, trauma, nasal sinus disorders, dizziness

Hypersecretory Syndromes

(For detailed descriptions see corresponding chapters in Endotext)

Acromegaly induces characteristic growth hormone-induced structural changes in physiognomy. There is an insidious coarsening of facial features with an enlarged forehead, enlarged tongue, malocclusion of the teeth, and prognathism (Fig 2). Patients' hands and feet also enlarge. Many patients may develop excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). The external hypertrophy of tissue is paralleled throughout the body. Enlargement of the tongue and hands is common. Patients may suffer from enlarged organs (visceromegaly) and overgrowth of joints and cartilage, along with high blood pressure, cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, sleep apnea, spinal canal narrowing (facet hypertrophy), and carpal tunnel syndrome. Significant numbers of patients with acromegaly also have impaired glucose metabolism and diabetes mellitus.

Figure 2. Acromegaly.  A. Coronal T1 weighted MRI with contrast in a patient with an intrasellar GH secreting adenoma.  Arrows indicate the common finding of “cutis gyrata”.  B. Sagittal T1 weighted MRI in the same patient with arrows indicating the frontal bossing and the enlarged frontal sinus, and * the tumor.


Cushing's disease causes changes in body habitus with characteristic increased weight gain, truncal obesity, "buffalo hump", enlargement of supraclavicular fat pads and moon facies. Skin changes are also common and include purple striae, easy bruisability, ruddy complexion, and increased body and facial hair. Patients suffer from fatigue, proximal muscle weakness, osteoporosis, psychological/psychiatric disorders, high blood pressure, and impaired glucose metabolism. They often have headache, menstrual disorders, and cognitive and emotional dysfunction.


Women with prolactinomas classically present with amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea and galactorrhea. Most are in their childbearing years, and are more likely to pursue medical attention for infertility and menstrual irregularity. Men, and women beyond their reproductive years, more often have headache, visual symptoms, sexual dysfunction, and signs of decreased pituitary function. Amenorrhea and galactorrhea are not specific to prolactinomas, however. Prolactin secretion is under constant inhibitory control from the hypothalamus. Any lesion that imposes pressure upon the portal venous connection of the pituitary stalk (infundibulum) connecting the hypothalamus and pituitary gland can interrupt these inhibitory dopaminergic signals.  This, in turn, causes an increase in serum prolactin levels, and mimics a prolactinoma, i.e., a 'pseudo-prolactinoma'. In such cases serum prolactin levels are usually only moderately elevated. As a general rule, serum prolactin levels over 200 ng/ml (3600mU/L) are indicative of prolactinomas (32).


Tumor growth impairs the normal secretory function of the anterior pituitary and causes hypopituitarism. Common complaints include diminished sex drive, fatigue, weakness, and hypothyroidism. Pituitary insufficiency generally develops slowly over time.  However, acute pituitary insufficiency may occur in the setting of pituitary apoplexy, a condition in which the tumor infarcts or has internal bleeding (Fig 3). Pituitary tumor apoplexy can be particularly devastating, because it combines acute hypopituitarism and adrenal insufficiency with a rapidly expanding intracranial mass, and often causes visual loss or even sudden blindness.

Figure 3. Pituitary tumor apoplexy.  Sagittal T1 weighted MRI without contrast in a patient presenting with pituitary tumor apoplexy.  Note the fluid-fluid level within the tumor indicative of the apoplectic tumor.

Neurological Dysfunction

Neurologic signs and symptoms develop as adenomas grow beyond the confines of the sella turcica and exert pressure upon adjacent brain structures. As tumors enlarge, they compress the optic nerves and optic chiasm, and patients experience visual deficits and diminished visual acuity. Classically this causes a bitemporal hemianopia, i.e., visual loss in the temporal fields of each eye. Tumor growth may also affect other nerves (such as the 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th cranial nerves) and cause facial pain and/or double vision or drooping of the eyelid. Headache, although a non-specific complaint, can occur when a tumor stretches the dural sac that surrounds the pituitary gland. Headache from pituitary lesions is usually frontal or retro-orbital – it may be bitemporal or radiate to the occipito-cervical region.  Many patients will have been previously diagnosed with “migraine”, or “tension-headache” (33).


A panel of endocrinological tests can often confirm the clinical diagnosis of pituitary adenoma. Serum GH and IGF-1 levels screen for acromegaly. Failure to suppress GH levels after an oral glucose load (oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)) can further confirm the diagnosis. Although any macroadenoma may cause moderate increases in serum PRL, levels greater than 200 ng/ml (3600 mU/L) are highly suggestive of a prolactin secreting adenoma. Dilution of the samples for assay may be necessary to avoid the “hook effect” related to macroprolactinemia.

Endocrinologic studies that suggest Cushing's disease includes an elevated ACTH and late night salivary or elevated 24-hour urine free cortisol (UFC), loss of the normal diurnal variation in cortisol levels, and suppression of serum cortisol levels after high dose dexamethasone but failure to suppress after low dose dexamethasone. Inferior petrosal vein sampling after corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) stimulation (i.e., Inferior Petrosal Sinus Sampling; IPSS) may be required to confirm and localize the pituitary source. At times, prior to diagnosing Cushing's disease, other ectopic sources of excess ACTH, such as bronchogenic or pancreatic carcinoma and pulmonary carcinoid tumors, must be excluded. This can often be accomplished with a CT scan or MRI of the chest and abdomen and with novel nuclear imaging tests (34, 35). Obesity, alcoholism, and depression also elevate serum cortisol levels, and the diagnosis of Cushing's disease should be made with caution in these “pseudo-Cushing’s” settings (36). 


Although some incidentally-discovered microadenomas that do not cause symptoms may be followed clinically and with repeated MRI, patients with macroadenomas generally need medical or surgical intervention. Therapeutic goals include improved quality of life and survival; elimination of mass effect and reversal of related signs and symptoms, normalization of hormonal hypersecretion; preservation or recovery of normal pituitary function, and prevention of recurrence of the pituitary tumor.


Medical therapy is available for most hypersecretory tumors (37-40). The majority of prolactin-secreting adenomas are effectively treated with dopamine agonists (bromocriptine and cabergoline). Cabergoline is generally preferred as a result of  a better side-effect profile, and between 80-90% of patients can achieve hormonal control (37). Surgical intervention is ordinarily reserved for those who are intolerant of medical therapy because of multiple side effects (e.g., nausea, headache, impulsive or compulsive behavior), whose prolactin levels remain elevated, or whose tumors continue to grow despite maximal medical treatment.


Medical treatment using somatostatin analogues (octreotide, lanreotide, and pasireotide) and dopamine agonists (cabergoline) have varying degrees of efficacy for treating GH adenomas.  The growth hormone receptor antagonist, pegvisamont, can be used in combination with other agents (41-43), and hormonal control can generally be achieved in about 60-90% of patients (37).  Although medical therapy is most often reserved for those patients’ awaiting surgery or those with persistent disease postoperatively, some advocate primary medical therapy, particularly for invasive tumors (44, 45). There is some conflicting evidence that pre-surgical medical therapy may improve surgical outcome (46).


Ketoconazole and/or metyrapone therapy can normalize serum cortisol levels in patients with Cushing's disease preoperatively 50-75% of the time. Metyrapone and ketoconazole inhibit enzymes in the adrenal gland required for steroid synthesis. A new and safer formulation, levoketoconazole is now available.  Along with acromegaly, surgery remains the first-line therapy for ACTH secreting tumors and Cushing disease. Clinical trials have also demonstrated some role for medical therapy with cabergoline or pasireotide, and with mifepristone (cortisol receptor blocker) in selected cases (47, 48).A new agent, osilodrostat, is under development.


The disadvantage of medical treatment of hypersecretory syndromes is that it is usually suppressive in nature and not fully cytotoxic. Tumors often recur when medications are discontinued, or they become resistant to therapy. Potential new targets are being explored, but have not yet reached clinical practice (49-51). 


Radiotherapy is most often employed in conjunction with medical or surgical therapy. Fractionated external beam radiation therapy can reduce excessive hormone production and can reduce the incidence of tumor recurrence (52); however, it can be replaced by  stereotactic radiotherapy with focal conformal fractionated delivery. Gamma knife, Cyberknife, proton beam or linear accelerator stereotactic radiosurgery is increasingly considered as adjunctive therapy for pituitary tumors, and can be effective in normalizing hormonal hypersecretion and preventing recurrence (53-55). Whether by fractionated external beam or radiosurgery, the effects of radiotherapy are delayed. Patients require continued suppressive medical therapy during the period between treatment and effect. There is also a significant incidence of radiation-induced delayed hypopituitarism (52). There is no evidence to date that one of these various modalities is superior to another in efficacy, risks of complications, recurrence rates, or incidence of hypopituitarism. For more information on radiotherapy for pituitary tumors, see the corresponding chapter in Endotext.


Indications for Surgery

For most pituitary tumors, surgery remains the first-line treatment of symptomatic pituitary adenomas. Large or invasive asymptomatic tumors may also warrant surgical consideration. It is sometime possible to estimate a tumor’s invasiveness on an MRI using the Knosp grading system (56). Asymptomatic tumors with evidence of radiographic invasion or displacement of the optic apparatus may benefit from surgery to prevent neurological deficits and progressive pituitary dysfunction. Surgery is also chosen secondarily when medical treatment fails for the treatment of prolactinoma. Regardless of the tumor type, surgery provides prompt relief from excess hormone secretion and mass effect. There is evidence to suggest that debulking of medically refractory prolactinomas and GH adenomas can return these tumors to a responsive state (57, 58). Rarely is surgery recommended as first line therapy for prolactinomas (59).  Surgery may be indicated in pituitary apoplexy with acute vision loss £ 72 hours as a result of mass effect on the optic chiasm from hematoma formation. Studies have shown that some patients with pituitary apoplexy can be successfully treated without operative intervention, but they are often confounded by selection bias, and the ideal patient has not been conclusively established for operative versus non-operative treatment (60-62).

Peri-Operative Management

A major component of the surgical management of patients with pituitary tumors actually occurs in the peri-operative period. Detailed information on peri-operative management of pituitary tumors can be found elsewhere (63). Briefly, pre-operative planning is very important in order to avoid complications and achieve optimal outcomes. It is obligatory to note any prior nasal surgery, review prior imaging, and obtain adequate pre-operative imaging for integration with neuronavigational systems. Typically, a high resolution T1 post contrast MRI is adequate for neuronavigational registration. The authors advocate additional imaging that includes (1) coronal and sagittal T1-weighted pre and post contrast images with at least 3mm slice thickness through the parasellar region for identification of the tumor, pituitary gland/stalk, cavernous sinus, and vasculature, (2) axial T2-weighted images of the sella to measure intercarotid distance, and (3) a coronal and sagittal strong T2-weighted Constructive Interface in Steady State (i.e., CISS, also known as FIESTA) through the parasellar region to identify midline structures and the optic chiasm. For revision surgery, a CT scan of the sinuses can be helpful to identify abnormal osseous anatomy. The imaging should be reviewed to identify normal gland and pituitary stalk, look for cavernous sinus invasion, identify arachnoid diverticula, and verify anatomical landmarks. Finally, it is critical to assess pre-operative pituitary function and replete necessary hormones (especially cortisol and thyroid hormones) prior to surgery. Remember to replete cortisol before thyroid hormone to avoid precipitating an adrenal crisis. For more information on the evaluation and management of pituitary hormone deficiency, see corresponding chapters in Endotext.


Post-operative management varies from routine to very complicated depending on the lesion size and extent of the operation and post-operative pituitary function. Patients with complete removal of intrasellar non-functioning tumors and intraoperative preservation of the normal pituitary gland without a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak can have a relatively benign post-operative course. It is important to monitor closely for diabetes insipidus (DI), check a fasting morning cortisol to rule out secondary adrenal insufficiency, and restrict fluids as appropriate to prevent the syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone (SIADH) (64). Patients with larger suprasellar or invasive tumors and/or those with CSF leaks requiring more extensive skull base reconstructions may require ICU care (65, 66). For information on the management of endocrine dysfunction and post-operative care in Cushing’s disease and Acromegaly, please see the corresponding chapters in Endotext.

Surgical Technique

The minimally invasive transsphenoidal approach can be used effectively for 95% of pituitary tumors. Exceptions are those large tumors with significant temporal or anterior cranial fossa extension. In such circumstances, transcranial approaches are often more appropriate. Occasionally, combined transsphenoidal and transcranial approaches are used. Nevertheless, some surgeons extend the basic transsphenoidal exposure in order to remove some of these tumors and avoid a craniotomy (Fig. 4) (67-70).


The transsphenoidal approach is a versatile method for treating pituitary tumors (Table 4). Endoscopic approaches may be used in isolation or as an adjunct to the other transsphenoidal approaches (Fig. 4) (71-78). Computer-guided neuronavigational techniques are nearly ubiquitous at major pituitary centers in lieu of traditional fluoroscopic guidance (79, 80). The role of neuronavigation is most pertinent in recurrent adenomas in which the midline anatomy has been distorted by previous transsphenoidal surgery. Intraoperative MRI is increasingly available and appears to be most applicable for large tumors (81).  There are three basic variations of the transsphenoidal approach.

Figure 4. Endoscopic approach. Intra-operative photograph of one surgeon (left) driving the endoscope while the main surgeon (right) resects the tumor.


Table 4. Transsphenoidal Surgery for Pituitary Adenomas: Personal Summary of 3744 Cases over a 36 year period

Type of Adenoma

Number of Patients (%)

Functioning adenomas


GH adenoma (Acromegaly)

662 (17.7)

PRL adenoma

975 (26.0)

ACTH adenoma (Cushing's disease)

680 (18.2)

TSH adenoma

45 (1.2)

Non-functioning adenomas

1382 (36.9)


The patient is placed in a lawn-chair position and a hemi-transfixion incision is made just inside the nostril so that the scar cannot be seen after surgery (Fig. 5). Most often the entire procedure can be accomplished endonasally. Conversion to a sublabial approach may be necessary for large macroadenomas and children in whom the exposure through one nostril is sometimes inadequate. A submucosal plane is developed along the nasal septum back to the level of the sphenoid sinus. Bone of the septum can be harvested for use later in the operation. The bone in front of the pituitary gland is also removed, the dura opened, and tumor is extracted in fragments (Fig. 6). Afterwards the saved bone, cartilage, or artificial material can be used to refashion the normal housing of the pituitary gland. Closure is rapid and consists of several interrupted absorbable sutures in the nasal mucosa and temporary nasal packing to promote healing of the mucosa.

Figure 5. Standard positioning for the endonasal approach (above). Below left, endonasal hemitransfixion incision; below right, direct sphenoidotomy technique.

Figure 6. Left, standard endonasal approach showing the trajectory to sella in sagittal view; Right, sequential steps used in tumor removal and repair of the sellar floor common to all techniques.


This approach uses incisions deeper within the nasal cavity (Fig 6, lower right. The incision for the septal pushover technique is made at the junction of the cartilaginous and bony septum. Submucosal tunnels are developed on either side of the bony septum until the sphenoid sinus is reached. Another option to reach the sphenoid sinus is by performing a direct sphenoidotomy. Using this method, no incision is made in the septum. Instead, the posterior part of septum just in front of the sphenoid sinus is deflected laterally and the sphenoid sinus is entered directly. There are several advantages to these techniques. Because there is no submucosal dissection of the cartilaginous septum, the risk of an anterior nasal septal perforation is eliminated. In addition, there is less need for nasal packing postoperatively, a frequent cause of postoperative pain and discomfort. The main drawback of these more direct approaches is that the exposure is not as wide as can be achieved by the standard endonasal transseptal approach in which the cartilaginous septum can be more extensively mobilized.


The pure endoscopic approach has much appeal and is becoming the procedure of choice at many pituitary centers  (82, 83). Surgery begins at the sphenoid rostrum where a direct anterior sphenoidotomy is performed after identifying the natural sphenoid os within the sphenoidoethmoidal recess. Some surgeons prefer to perform the surgery using a single nostril. A binostril approach, however, provides more maneuverability and two-handed microdissection. To achieve an adequate exposure for the binostril approach, the middle and superior turbinates are lateralized and the bony septum just in front of the sphenoid sinus is removed. The sphenoidotomy is widened from the midline inferior vomer to the ethmoid air cells superiorly and then laterally until the carotid arteries are easily visualized (Fig 7-A). This allows instruments to be used in both nostrils simultaneously. Although a specialized endoscope holder may be used during tumor removal, the “3-hand” technique is advocated by many surgeons. The “3-hand” or “4-hand” technique requires two surgeons; one surgeon maneuvers the endoscope while another has both hands free to remove the tumor using microsurgical techniques. The surgical team is typically a neurosurgeon and otolaryngologist with experience in skull base surgery. Extended approaches are more commonly performed by teams rather than individuals (80, 84). The endoscope provides panoramic magnified views of the sellar anatomy during both the approach to and resection of tumors (Fig 7 – A, B). The option of using angled endoscopes allows surgeons to inspect for residual tumor, particularly along the cavernous sinus walls and the suprasellar region (85) (Fig 7 – C, D). No nasal packing is required as the procedure is performed posterior to the septum. The main disadvantages are the procedure’s learning curve and that the depth of field may problematic for some surgeons. There are 3D endoscopes and continued development of High Defintion (HD) imaging that may help to alleviate this potential problem. A recent international survey showed that about 7% of surgeons report using the 3D endoscope for transsphenoidal surgery. Advances in patient specific anatomical modeling is increasingly available for integration with the neuronavigation in the form of “augmented reality” which helps the surgeon visualize otherwise hidden anatomical structures (86). Finally, given the importance of vision preservation during endonasal surgery, especially with extended approaches, new developments in visual evoked potential monitoring are being studied (87). The clinical benefit of these new technologies is promising but still uncertain.

Figure 7. Endoscopic views.  A.  After the anterior wall of the sphenoid sinus is opened, the endoscope provides a panoramic view of the sella and surrounding anatomy. B. Endoscopic view of the tumor bed after resection.  C. Endoscopic view of the right cavernous sinus wall using the 0 degree endoscope.  D.  Note the dramatically improved view of the right cavernous sinus wall in the same patient using the 45 degree endoscope.  (arrowhead= carotid artery)


Surgical outcomes after surgery for pituitary adenomas can be divided into functional outcomes and oncologic outcomes. Functional goals include the relief of symptoms and improvement or preservation of pituitary and visual function, along with improved quality of life (88-90). Visual deficits in patients with non-functioning pituitary adenomas are improved in approximately 80-90%. Some visual deterioration may occur in 0-4%. Most patients with intact pituitary function preoperatively retain their normal function. Those with preoperative pituitary deficiency regain function in 27% of the cases. The remaining patients are managed with hormone replacement therapy. Oncologic outcomes relate to tumor resection, recurrence, and biochemical remission from hormonal excess. Ten-year recurrence rates are approximately 16%, although only 6% require additional treatment (Table 5). On long-term follow-up, 83% of patients are alive and well without evidence of disease.

Table 5. Results of Transsphenoidal Surgery, Personal Summary of 3093 Cases over a 28 year period. Proportions (%) represent cumulative incidence.



10-year Recurrence

Non-functioning adenoma

Not applicable*


GH adenoma






PRL adenoma






ACTH adenoma



12% (Adults)

42% (Pediatric)



 *Visual improvement occurs in 87% of those with preoperative visual loss.


Currently, using strict criteria for remission and in expert hands, transsphenoidal surgery obtains remission in 85-90% of patients with acromegaly with microadenomas and 65% of those harboring macroadenomas. For functional tumors, remission rates vary by tumor size and tumor type (91). Microadenomas typically have higher biochemical remission rates and remission rates are highest for microprolactinomas (92.3%) and lowest for somatotroph macroadenomas (40%). Currently, acromegalic symptoms are improved in 95% and recurrence is less than 2 percent at ten years. Ninety seven percent of patients have preserved normal pituitary function  (92). Modern criteria for remission include normal IGF-1 levels and either GH suppression to less than 0.4 ng/ml with oral glucose tolerance test or fasting GH less than 1.0 ng/ml. Using these criteria, surgical biochemical remission is over 60% (93). Both repeat surgery and medical therapy are options for those with residual disease and/or biochemical recurrence (37, 94).


Patients with prolactinomas who present for surgery are most often those who have failed medical management. Endonasal surgery for prolactinomas is associated with additional risks resulting from tumor fibrosis after dopamine agonist therapy but remission rates are still quite good. Prolactin levels are normalized in about 87% of microadenomas and 56% of macroadenomas (Table 5). The recurrence rate among those patients who are normalized after a transsphenoidal operation is 13% at ten years. Preserved pituitary function occurs in all but 3%.


Surgical management of Cushing's disease achieves a 91% remission rate for microadenomas, but falls to 65% for those with macroadenomas. Some 10-20% of adults experience recurrence after ten years. Postoperative stereotactic radiosurgery has achieved remission in approximately 60-70% of patients whose disease either did not remit following surgery or recurred (95).


Pituitary surgeons, with all health care professionals, strive for excellence in the care of our patients, it is becoming clear that criteria must be developed in order optimize surgical outcomes. Recently, a consensus statement on Pituitary Tumor Centers of Excellence (PTCOE) was released (96). In brief, PTCOE should be independent non-for-profit organizations, widely recognized by endocrinologist and pituitary surgeons, aimed at the advancement of pituitary science and the highest quality of patient care. They should also be recognized by external societies and act as resident training centers.

Complications of Transsphenoidal Surgery

Complication avoidance is central to transsphenoidal surgery given the close proximity of major neurologic and vascular structures (97, 98). Recently, surgical checklists for endonasal transsphenoidal surgery have been developed in order to optimize surgical outcomes and avoid complications (99). The overall mortality rate for transsphenoidal surgery is less than 0.5% (Table 6). Major morbidity (cerebrospinal fluid leak, meningitis, stroke, intracranial hemorrhage, and visual loss) occurs in between 1 and 3% of cases. Less serious complications (sinus disease, nasal septal perforations, and wound issues) occur in approximately 1-7%. Larger invasive tumors and giant adenomas are associated with a higher morbidity. In the modern era, more aggressive extended approaches to large invasive tumors has led to a higher incidence of CSF leak, but the use of the pedicled nasoseptal flap has been largely successful in preventing recurrent leaks with a success rate of up to 98.6% (100). The nasoseptal flap can also be used again in certain revision cases with good results (101).


Table 6. Complications of Transsphenoidal Surgery (1972-2017). Personal historical series and a modern results covering a 45 year period and 4,246 cases.

 Outcome Measure

Cumulative Incidence (%)



1992-2017 (102)




Major complication: (CSF leak, meningitis, ischemic stroke, intracranial hemorrhage, vascular injury, visual loss)


CSF leak 2.6%

Other 3.2%

Minor complication: (sinus disease, septal perforations, epistaxis, wound infections and hematomas)




Pituitary adenomas are a complex set of benign tumors that present with characteristic hypersecretory syndromes and mass effect. Although medical and radiotherapy offer effective treatment for particular functional tumors in specific situations, transsphenoidal surgery continues to provide optimal outcomes for non-prolactin secreting adenomas with a low incidence of major morbidity.


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Atypical Forms of Diabetes



While most patients with diabetes have Type 1 diabetes (T1D) or Type 2 diabetes (T2D) there are other etiologies of diabetes that occur less frequently. In this chapter we will discuss a number of these less-common causes of diabetes. It is clinically very important to recognize these uncommon causes of diabetes as treatment directed towards the underlying etiology can at times result in the remission of the diabetes (for example Cushing’s Syndrome) or be required to avoid other complications of the underlying disorder (for example hemochromatosis, which in addition to causing diabetes can lead to severe liver disease and congestive heart failure). In this chapter the following disorders that are associated with diabetes are discussed: 1) genetic disorders of insulin action (Type A insulin resistance, Donohue Syndrome/Leprechaunism, Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome); 2) maternally inherited diabetes mellitus and deafness syndrome; 3) disorders of the exocrine pancreas (pancreatitis, trauma/pancreatectomy, neoplasia, cystic fibrosis, hemochromatosis); 4) endocrinopathies (acromegaly, Cushing’s syndrome, glucagonoma, pheochromocytoma, hyperthyroidism, somatostatinoma, primary hyperaldosteronism); 5) drug induced; 6) infections; 7) immune mediated (stiff-man syndrome, anti-insulin receptor antibodies); 8) ketosis prone diabetes (Flatbush diabetes); and 9) genetic disorder sometimes associated with diabetes (Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, Wilsons syndrome, Wolfram syndrome, Friedreich ataxia, Huntington chorea, Bardet-Biedl syndrome (Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome), myotonic dystrophy, porphyria, Prader-Willi syndrome, Alström syndrome). Gestational diabetes, monogenic diabetes (maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY) and neonatal diabetes), lipodystrophy, fibrocalculous pancreatic disease, diabetes associated with HIV infection, diabetes due to the autoimmune polyglandular syndromes, and post-transplant diabetes are not discussed in this chapter as they are discussed in other Endotext chapters.




While most patients with diabetes have Type 1 diabetes (T1D) or Type 2 diabetes (T2D) there are other etiologies of diabetes that occur less frequently. In this chapter we will discuss a number of these less-common causes of diabetes (see table 1). Note that gestational diabetes, monogenic diabetes (maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY) and neonatal diabetes), lipodystrophy, fibrocalculous pancreatic disease, diabetes associated with HIV infection, diabetes due to the autoimmune polyglandular syndromes, and post-transplant diabetes are discussed in separate Endotext chapters (1-7). It is clinically very important to recognize these uncommon causes of diabetes as treatment directed towards the underlying etiology can at times result in the remission of the diabetes (for example Cushing’s Syndrome) or be required to avoid other complications of the underlying disorder (for example hemochromatosis, which in addition to causing diabetes can lead to severe liver disease and congestive heart failure).


Table 1. Non-Type 1 Non-T2D Classification       

Genetic defects of beta-cell development and function

MODY (common causes- GCK, HNF1A, HNF4A, HNF1B) 

Neonatal Diabetes (common causes- KCNJ11, ABCC8, INS, 6q24)

1.     Mitochondrial DNA

Genetic defects in insulin action

1.     Type A insulin resistance

2.     Donohue Syndrome (Leprechaunism)

3.     Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome

4.     Lipoatrophic diabetes

Diseases of the exocrine pancreas

1.     Pancreatitis

2.     Fibrocalculous pancreatic disease

3.     Trauma/pancreatectomy

4.     Neoplasia

5.     Cystic fibrosis

6.     Hemochromatosis (iron overload)

Thalassemia (iron overload)


1.     Acromegaly

2.     Cushing’s syndrome

3.     Glucagonoma

4.     Pheochromocytoma

5.     Hyperthyroidism

6.     Somatostatinoma

7.     Primary hyperaldosteronism

Drug- or chemical-induced hyperglycemia

1.     Vacor

2.     Pentamidine

3.     Nicotinic acid

4.     Glucocorticoids

5.     Diazoxide

6.     Check point inhibitors

7.     Dilantin

8.     Interferon alpha

9.     Immune suppressants

10.  Others (statins, psychotropic drugs, b-Adrenergic agonists, thiazides, etc.)


1.     Congenital rubella

2.     HCV

3.     HIV


Immune-mediated diabetes

1.     Stiff-man syndrome

2.     Anti-insulin receptor antibodies

3.     Autoimmune polyglandular syndromes

Diabetes of unknown cause

1.     Ketosis-prone diabetes (Flatbush diabetes)

Other genetic syndromes sometimes associated with diabetes

1.     Down syndrome

2.     Klinefelter syndrome

3.     Turner syndrome

4.     Wilsons syndrome

5.     Wolfram syndrome

6.     Friedreich ataxia

7.     Bardet-Biedl syndrome (Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome)

8.     Myotonic dystrophy

9.     Prader-Willi syndrome

10.  Alström syndrome




Maternally inherited diabetes mellitus and deafness is a mitochondrial disorder characterized by diabetes and progressive sensorineuronal hearing loss (8,9). Mitochondrial DNA is only transmitted from the mother as the sperm lacks mitochondrial DNA (8). Therefore, over 50% of affected individuals with MIDD have a mother with diabetes.  A mother with this disorder transmits the mutation to almost all of her offspring (10). However, the proportion of somatic cells with the mutation can vary considerably, a condition called heteroplasmy (9). The higher the number of somatic cells with a mutation the greater is the penetrance of symptoms and disease severity. Additionally, the proportion of somatic cells with a mutation can vary from tissue to tissue and explains the variability in the manifestations of this disorder (9). The prevalence of mitochondrial diabetes in the diabetes population depends on ethnic background and ranges between 0.2% and 2%, with the highest prevalence in Japan (10).


MIDD is associated with a point mutation in a transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA) gene at position 3243 with an A to G transition (8,9). In addition to diabetes and auditory impairment, the m.3243A>G mutation can cause other clinical manifestations including central neurological and psychiatric disorders, eye disease, myopathy, cardiac disorders, renal disease, endocrine disease, and gastrointestinal disease (8,9). Other point mutations in mitochondrial DNA can also result in diabetes and deafness but these mutations are rare in comparison to m.3243A>G (8-10).


It is thought that defects in mitochondrial function result in the decreased production of ATP following glucose uptake by beta cells resulting in decreased insulin secretion in response to elevated glucose levels (8,9). Additionally, mitochondrial dysfunction in the highly metabolically active pancreatic islets ultimately results in the loss of B‐cell mass further compromising insulin secretion (9). Insulin sensitivity is usually normal (10). Other tissues that are metabolically active may also be adversely effected by the inability of the mitochondria to produce ATP including the cells in the cochlea (9).


The clinical syndrome of MIDD can phenotypically resemble either T1D or T2D (9,10). The age of onset varies between childhood and mid-adulthood. Approximately 20% of patients present acutely with high glucose levels and even ketoacidosis (9). Most patients do not have islet cell antibodies but they are present in a small number of patients (9). This could be due to concomitant T1D or to the development of antibodies secondary to beta cell destruction due to mitochondria dysfunction. Patients tend to be thin rather than obese (9). This disorder can be distinguished from MODY by the presence of multi-organ involvement, particularly sensorineural hearing loss, and maternal rather than autosomal dominant transmission. Initially patients may be treated with diet and/or oral agents but overtime most patients with MIDD progress to requiring insulin therapy (8-10).


As the name implies this disorder is recognized by the presence of diabetes and deafness and a family history of these conditions in maternal relatives (9,10). Hearing loss is present in approximately 75% of patients and typically precedes the development of diabetes (9). Hearing loss is more common and severe in males (9). Approximately 10-15% of patients, in addition to having diabetes and deafness, also have the syndrome of mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke‐like episodes (9). The m.3243A>G mutation can cause a wide spectrum of abnormalities that include neurological abnormalities (strokes, dementia, seizures), psychiatric disorders including recurrent major depression, schizophrenia and a variety of phobias, macular retinal dystrophy with pigmentation, proximal myopathy, cardiomyopathy, renal failure, short stature, endocrine dysfunction, and gastrointestinal complaints (9). The finding of classical retinal dystrophy and hyperpigmentation on routine eye exam should suggest the diagnosis of maternally inherited diabetes mellitus and deafness. Once suspected the diagnosis of MIDD should be confirmed by genetic testing for the mitochondrial DNA point mutation at position 3243 (A>G). This is usually initially carried out on blood cells but if negative urinary cells or skeletal muscle can be tested and if necessary one can test for other mutations that cause similar phenotypes (11). Once a diagnosis is confirmed first-degree family members at risk should be screened for the mutation and provided with genetic counseling. For those carrying the mutation without clinical manifestations, screening for diabetes and monitoring of kidney function, hearing, and cardiac function should be carried out.




Overview of Insulin Receptor Defects


Mutations in the insulin receptor can cause different degrees of insulin resistance but do not need to be associated with diabetes per se (12). A large number of different mutations have been described and they can be classified as mutations that prevent synthesis of the receptor, inhibit transport of the receptor to the plasma membrane, decrease insulin binding to the receptor, impair transmembrane signaling, or increase receptor degradation (13). Pancreatic beta cell hyperplasia and hyperinsulinemia can compensate for the insulin resistance preventing hyperglycemia. Fasting hypoglycemia and postprandial hyperglycemia may be observed. Overtime the beta cells’ ability to secrete insulin diminishes and frank diabetes usually develops. Treatment of the diabetes may require very high doses of insulin (14). Unfortunately, insulin sensitizers have not been very effective in patients with insulin receptor defects. In contrast to the typical patients with insulin resistance, obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and fatty liver are not usually present (14,15). Acanthosis nigricans, pigmentation in the neck or axillae, is a visible sign of severe insulin resistance (12,14). In females, severe insulin resistance is usually associated with hyperandrogenism, oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea, anovulation, hirsutism, acne, and masculinization (12,14). It is hypothesized that the ovarian dysfunction and acanthosis nigricans is due to high levels of insulin acting via the IGF1 receptors (15). The amount of residual insulin receptor function determines the specific syndrome in patients with insulin receptor mutations (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Insulin Receptor Mutation Syndromes (Modified from reference (12)). Severe disorders are usually homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations while milder forms are often heterozygotes.

Type A Insulin Resistance


This autosomal dominant disorder includes patients with severe insulin resistance and acanthosis nigricans (12,14). Patients have normal growth and females show ovarian hyperandrogenism that typically presents in the peripubertal period (14). In females, hyperglycemia develops after ovarian hyperandrogenism and acanthosis nigricans. Males display only acanthosis nigricans and they often remain undiagnosed even after the development of symptomatic diabetes, which may not occur until the patients are adults. These patients have mutations in the insulin receptor gene that decreases the activity of the insulin receptor (13,14). In addition, mutations in transcription factors that stimulate the expression of insulin receptors can lead to a similar phenotype as mutations in the insulin receptor (10). Inherited defects in pathways downstream of the insulin receptor can also lead to clinical abnormalities similar to mutations in the insulin receptor (10,11).


Donohue Syndrome (Leprechaunism)


Donohue syndrome is a rare congenital, autosomal recessive syndrome characterized by very severe insulin resistance due to mutations in the insulin receptor gene, dysmorphic features such as protuberant and low-set ears, flaring nostrils and thick lips, growth retardation, failure to thrive, and early death (13). The name leprechaunism relates to the elfin features of those affected. Clinical features include in addition to acanthosis nigricans, hypertrichosis, hirsutism, dysmorphic facies, breast enlargement, abdominal distension, and lipoatrophy. Patients have extremely high levels of insulin and can develop impaired glucose tolerance or overt diabetes. The prognosis for infants with this condition is very poor and most will die in the first year of life. When parents, who are heterozygous for mutations in the insulin receptor are studied, many of these individuals are insulin resistant (13).


Rabson-Mendenhall Syndrome


The Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome represents another disorder of extreme insulin resistance (14). This autosomal recessive syndrome is associated with mutations in the insulin receptor gene (12). Initially fasting hypoglycemia, postprandial hyperglycemia, and marked hyperinsulinemia may be observed (12). When beta-cells decompensate, hyperglycemia may become very difficult to treat. Clinical features include in addition to acanthosis nigricans, phallic enlargement, precocious pseudopuberty, short stature, and abnormal teeth, hair and nails (13,14). Hyperplasia of the pineal gland is an unusual feature (13). Prognosis is poor as diabetes is difficult to control even with high insulin doses (13). Hyperglycemia leads to microvascular disease and/or diabetic ketoacidosis resulting in death in the second and third decades of life (12). Leptin administration has resulted in an improvement in this syndrome (16,17).




Diseases that destroy the pancreas can cause DM even in individuals who do not have risk factors for diabetes (18). In the medical literature this is often referred to as Type 3C diabetes. Acquired causes of damage to the pancreas include pancreatitis, trauma, infection, pancreatic carcinoma, and pancreatectomy. Inherited disorders that affect the endocrine pancreas, such as hemochromatosis, thalassemia, and cystic fibrosis, can also cause insulin deficiency and diabetes. The distribution of causes for diabetes secondary to pancreatic disorders in one study was chronic pancreatitis (79%), pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (8%), hemochromatosis (7%), cystic fibrosis (4%), and previous pancreatic surgery (2%) (19). The prevalence of diabetes secondary to pancreatic disease is estimated to range from 1% to 9% and likely will depend on the patient population studied (20). In a population study carried out in New Zealand the prevalence of diabetes secondary to pancreatic disorders was close to that of T1D (21).




Pancreatitis may lead to the destruction of the beta cells due to inflammation and irreversible fibrotic damage  (22). In addition to destroying the beta cells, pancreatitis also leads to the destruction of glucagon secreting alpha-cells and pancreatic polypeptide secreting cells (22). The decrease in insulin secretion is the primary mechanism leading to hyperglycemia. In addition, the decrease in secretion of pancreatic polypeptide leads to a decrease in hepatic insulin sensitivity resulting in increased hepatic glucose production (23). Nutrient malabsorption that occurs secondary to pancreatitis leads to impaired incretin secretion that can result in diminished insulin release by the remaining beta-cells (24). Acute pancreatitis can induce transient hyperglycemia that can last for several weeks or permanent hyperglycemia (20,25,26). Predictors of the development of diabetes include obesity, a family history of diabetes, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, history of pancreatic surgery, pancreatic calcifications, and long duration of pancreatitis (27).


The prevalence of diabetes secondary to pancreatitis varies greatly with studies in North America estimating a prevalence of 0.5%-1.15% whereas in Southeast Asia, where tropical or fibrocalcific pancreatitis is endemic, a prevalence of approximately 15%-20% has been reported (22) (see chapter in Tropical Endocrinology Section of Endotext entitled “Fibrocalculous Pancreatic Diabetes” for an in depth discussion of this entity (7). Recently, data from the UK Royal College of General Practitioners Research and Surveillance Centre found 559 cases of diabetes following pancreatic disease in 31,789 cases of adults newly diagnosed with diabetes (1.8%) (28). Most cases of diabetes following pancreatic disease were classified as T2D (28). In another study approximately 50% of the patients with diabetes secondary to pancreatitis were not recognized and were incorrectly thought to have T2D (5). It is very likely that many cases of diabetes secondary to pancreatitis are not recognized to be due to pancreatic disease.


The prevalence of diabetes in patients with diagnosed pancreatitis has ranged between 26-80%, depending on the cohort and duration of follow up (20,22,29). The prevalence of diabetes increases with the duration of pancreatitis and early onset of calcific disease (22). Because of the high risk of diabetes in patients with pancreatitis these patients should be periodically screened for the presence of diabetes with measurement of fasting glucose and/or A1c levels.


At times it can be difficult to distinguish diabetes secondary to pancreatitis from T1D or T2D. The following diagnostic criteria have been proposed (Table 2) (22).


Table 2. Proposed Diagnostic Criteria for Diabetes Secondary to Pancreatitis

Major Criteria (must be present)

Presence of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (monoclonal fecal elastase-1 test or direct function tests)    

Pathological pancreatic imaging (endoscopic ultrasound, MRI, CT)    

Absence of T1D associated autoimmune markers

Minor Criteria

Absent pancreatic polypeptide secretion    

Impaired incretin secretion (e.g., GLP-1)    

No excessive insulin resistance (e.g., HOMA-IR)    

Impaired beta cell function (e.g., HOMA-B, C-Peptide/glucose-ratio)    

Low serum levels of lipid soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K)


It should be recognized that these proposed criteria have not been rigorously tested nor are all criteria available in routine clinical practice. In addition, there are a number of key considerations. First, long-standing T1D and T2D are associated with exocrine pancreatic failure (30). It has been estimated that 26% to 74% of patients with T1D and 28% to 36% of patients with T2D have evidence of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (18). Second, patients with diabetes are at a higher risk for developing acute and/or chronic pancreatitis (31). Lastly, patients with previous episodes of pancreatitis may also develop T1D or T2D independently of their exocrine pancreatic disease. When diabetes occurs in patients with a pre-existing diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis it is likely that the pancreatitis is an important contributor to the development of the diabetes.


Testing for T1D associated autoimmune markers can be helpful in separating T1D from diabetes secondary to pancreatic disease. The presence of islet cell antibodies supports the diagnosis of T1D. The pancreatic polypeptide response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia, secretin-infusion, or a mixed nutrient ingestion can be helpful in separating T2D from diabetes secondary to pancreatic disease. Patients with diabetes secondary to pancreatitis have an absent or reduced pancreatic polypeptide response while patients with T2D have an elevated pancreatic polypeptide response (22,29). Studies have shown that pancreatic polypeptide regulates hepatic insulin sensitivity and the absence of pancreatic polypeptide leads to hepatic insulin resistance and enhances hepatic glucose production, which could contribute to the abnormal glucose metabolism that occurs with pancreatic disease (20).


In patients with diabetes secondary to pancreatitis hyperglycemia can be mild to very severe depending upon the degree of pancreatic destruction leading to impaired insulin production and secretion (18,20,22). Glycemic control may be unstable due to the loss of glucagon secretion in response to hypoglycemia, carbohydrate malabsorption, and inconsistent food intake due to pain and/or nausea secondary to pancreatitis (i.e., “brittle diabetes”) (18,20,22). Whether glycemic control is worse in patients with diabetes secondary to pancreatitis is uncertain as older studies reported worse glycemic control and more recent studies have reported that glycemic control was similar to other patients with diabetes (18). The ability to obtain good glycemic control is likely to be related to the degree of pancreatic insufficiency with patients with a total absence of pancreatic function being more difficult to control.


In patients with relatively mild diabetes treatment with metformin is indicated. The GI side effects (nausea, abdominal complaints, diarrhea) of metformin may not be tolerable in some patients with pancreatitis. In observational studies metformin therapy has been associated with a reduction in the development of pancreatic cancer in patients with diabetes (32). Given the increased risk of pancreatic cancer in patients with diabetes and/or pancreatitis a reduction in the development of pancreatic cancer would be a potential added benefit of metformin therapy (33-35). There are conflicting data on whether treatment with DPP4-inhibitors or GLP1-analogues can cause pancreatitis, but until this issue has been unequivocally settled, it is wise to refrain from using these drugs in patients who have had pancreatitis without a clear reversible etiology (for example, gallstone pancreatitis status post cholecystectomy). Thiazolidinediones should probably be avoided as patients with pancreatitis and malabsorption are at increased risk for osteoporosis and thiazolidinediones may potentiate this problem.


Chronic pancreatitis is a progressive disease and therefore it is likely that glycemic control will worsen overtime and most patients will eventually require insulin therapy (22). Many patients will have severe insulin deficiency and will need to be treated with insulin therapy using regimens employed in patients with T1D. Because of the absence of glucagon secretion patients with diabetes secondary to pancreatitis are more susceptible to severe hypoglycemia with insulin therapy but diabetic ketoacidosis is not commonly observed due to the absence of glucagon.


Patients with diabetes secondary to pancreatitis are at risk for microvascular complications and lower extremity arterial disease and therefore routine testing for eye disease, kidney disease, foot ulcers, and neuropathy should be instituted (36-39).


Finally, it should be recognized that patients with diabetes secondary to pancreatitis will almost always have exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (29). Many patients with chronic pancreatitis manifest fat malabsorption without symptoms and therefore a thorough evaluation is required. Oral pancreatic enzyme replacement is beneficial in these patients. Of note, pancreatic enzyme supplementation can improve incretin secretion and thereby may benefit glycemic control (20,24,40). Fat soluble vitamin deficiency commonly occurs (Vitamin A, D, and K) and many patients will require supplementation with fat-soluble vitamins.




The metabolic abnormalities that occur after pancreatic surgery depend on the amount and area of the pancreas removed and whether the remaining pancreas is normal or diseased (23). The basis for this variability is due to the distribution of β and non-β islet cell types in the pancreas. Islet density is relatively low in the head of the pancreas and gradually increases through the body toward the tail region by greater than 2-fold and thus α- and β-cells predominate in the tail. In contrast, the cells that secrete pancreatic polypeptide are mainly localized in the head of the pancreas. Distal pancreatectomy usually causes little change in the metabolic status unless more than 50% of parenchyma is excised in patients with diffuse disease or more than 80% in patients with normal pancreatic function (23). Approximately 4.8 to 38% of patients develop diabetes after a distal pancreatectomy (23). Resection of the head of the pancreas results in a decrease in pancreatic polypeptide, hepatic insulin resistance, and fasting hyperglycemia. Approximately 20% of patients develop diabetes after resection of the head of the pancreas (23). It should also be recognized that removal of pancreatic tissue can accelerate the development of T2D by decreasing insulin secretion in patients with impaired glucose metabolism (41).


Patients who have undergone total surgical pancreatectomy have a deficiency of insulin, glucagon, and pancreatic polypeptide and require insulin treatment. In general, there are several differences from typical T1D, including exocrine deficiency, low insulin requirements, and a higher risk of hypoglycemia due to the decrease in glucagon, which stimulates hepatic glucose production (glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis). Pancreatectomized patients are prone to hypoglycemia and a delayed recovery from hypoglycemia. In an evaluation of 180 patients post pancreatectomy 42% experienced one or more hypoglycemic events on a monthly basis (42). In addition to treatment with insulin, pancreatic enzyme supplements are always needed. Intraportal islet auto transplantation has been used to prevent the development of diabetes with total pancreatectomy and/or reduce the risk of developing difficult to control diabetes (43-45).


Pancreatic Cancer


A high percentage of patients with pancreatic carcinoma have diabetes (20,46). In one study 68% of patients with pancreatic cancer also had diabetes (47). The prevalence of diabetes in patients with pancreatic cancer is much higher than in other common malignancies (46,47). In patients with pancreatic cancer who also have diabetes, the diagnosis of diabetes occurred less than 2 years prior to the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer in 74% of patients (48). In a population-based study 0.85% of patients over the age of 50 years with newly diagnosed diabetes were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer within 3 years (49). In a study of 115 patients over 50 years of age who were hospitalized for new-onset diabetes 5.6% were found to have a pancreatic cancer (50). Many patients with pancreatic cancer lose weight and therefore deteriorating glycemic control in conjunction with weight loss and anorexia should raise the possibility of an occult pancreatic cancer (46,51). Other clues to the presence of pancreatic cancer in a patient with new onset diabetes are the lack of a family history of diabetes, a BMI < 25, and the absence of features of the metabolic syndrome such as dyslipidemia and hypertension. Given the high incidence of diabetes relative to the incidence of pancreatic cancer the routine screening of all patients who develop diabetes is not cost effective. However, in selected patients with the features described above screening is appropriate.


Conversely, long standing T2D increases the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by approximately 1.5 to 2-fold indicating a bidirectional relationship (23,46,52). This risk may persist even after adjustment for obesity and smoking, risk factors for pancreatic cancer. Diabetes is both a risk factor for the development of pancreatic cancer and a complication of pancreatic cancer.


As discussed above diabetes may develop secondary to chronic pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis increases the risk of pancreatic cancer. Thus, patients with diabetes secondary to chronic pancreatitis are at a higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer (53).  


The strongest evidence linking pancreatic cancer with incident diabetes is the beneficial effects of cancer resection on glycemic control (46). In a small study in 7 patients, Permert and colleagues reported an improvement in diabetes status and glucose metabolism after subtotal pancreatectomy (54). Similarly, Pannala and colleagues in a larger study reported that after pancreaticoduodenectomy, diabetes resolved in 17 of 30 patients (57%) with new-onset diabetes but was unaffected in patients with longstanding diabetes (48). Litwin and colleagues noted similar improvements in glucose metabolism after surgery in patients with pancreatic cancer but a deterioration in patients with chronic pancreatitis (55). Finally, studies have also shown that a good response to chemotherapy in patients with pancreatic cancer can also improve glucose levels (56). Taken together these results demonstrate a benefit from tumor removal and suggest that new-onset diabetes associated with pancreatic cancer may be a paraneoplastic phenomenon.


The mechanism accounting for the development of new onset diabetes by pancreatic cancers is unknown (46). In contrast to other pancreatic disorders the etiology of diabetes is not due to destruction of the pancreas as patients with new onset diabetes and pancreatic cancer have hyperinsulinemia rather than low insulin levels and as noted above the diabetes improves after resection (20). Additionally, the pancreatic cancers may be very small and thus unlikely to cause pancreatic insufficiency. Pancreatic cancer is associated with insulin resistance but the factors leading to insulin resistance are unknown (20).


In patients with pancreatic cancer the main goal of the treatment of diabetes is to prevent the short- term metabolic complications and facilitate the ability of the patient to tolerate treatment of the pancreatic cancer (surgery and chemotherapy). Given the poor survival of patients with pancreatic cancer prevention of the long-term sequelae of diabetes is not a major focus. Metformin is a preferred hypoglycemic agent because there are observational studies suggesting that metformin may improve survival in patients with pancreatic cancer (57-59). However, randomized trials have failed to demonstrate a benefit of metformin therapy in patients with pancreatic cancer (60,61).




Hemochromatosis is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by increased iron absorption by the GI tract and increased total body iron stores (62). The excess iron is sequestered in many different tissues including the liver, skin, heart, and the pancreas. The classic triad of hemochromatosis is diabetes mellitus, hepatomegaly, and increased skin pigmentation (“bronze diabetes”), but clinical features also include gonadal failure, arthropathy, and cardiomyopathy (62).


In early studies diabetes was present in over 50% of patients with hemochromatosis (63,64). More recently the prevalence of diabetes in patients with hemochromatosis has decreased to approximately 20% of patients, presumably due to the early diagnosis and treatment of hemochromatosis due to genetic testing (63-66). In patients with hemochromatosis screening for the presence of diabetes should be periodically carried out.


Diabetes was typically observed in persons who also had severe iron overload and cirrhosis (64). In recent studies with lower rates of diabetes impaired glucose tolerance was observed in approximately 30% of patients with hemochromatosis (63,66). It should be noted that iron overload from any cause can result in diabetes (67). For example, patients with thalassemia develop iron overload due to the need for frequent transfusions (68,69). The prevalence of diabetes in patients with thalassemia has been declining since the more aggressive and widespread use of iron chelation therapy (69).


There are two abnormalities that lead to abnormal glucose metabolism in patients with hemochromatosis and iron overload (63). First, iron overload leads to beta cell damage with decreased insulin production and secretion. Pathologic examination revealed hemosiderin deposition and iron-induced fibrosis of the islets (64). The decrease in insulin secretion is the primary defect leading to the development of diabetes (63,64,66). Of note glucagon secretion does not appear to be deficient in patients with diabetes and hemochromatosis suggesting that the iron overload has a preferential toxicity for beta cells compared to alpha cells (64,70,71). Similarly, basal and stimulated pancreatic polypeptide levels are also not decreased in diabetic patients with hemochromatosis (72). Thus, the hormonal abnormalities differ in patients with iron overload induced diabetes compared to patients with pancreatitis induced diabetes. The second abnormality is insulin resistance that occurs due to iron overload hepatic damage and/or secondary to obesity (63,64). In addition, a genetic predisposition to diabetes potentiates the development of metabolic dysfunction. Many patients with hemochromatosis and diabetes have a relative with diabetes (73).


The typical micro and macrovascular complications of diabetes occur in patients with hemochromatosis (64,73). In a study by Griffiths and colleagues, 11 of 49 patients with hemochromatosis and diabetes had diabetic retinopathy (74). Sixty percent of the patients with hemochromatosis who had diabetes for greater than 10 years had retinopathy. The incidence of retinopathy is similar to that observed in the general diabetes population (73,74). Similarly, Becker and Miller observed that 7 of 22 patients with diabetes and hemochromatosis had pathologic evidence of diabetic glomerulopathy (75).


The treatment of hemochromatosis by phlebotomy has a variable impact on glucose metabolism (63). In patients who do not yet have complications or organ damage an improvement of insulin secretory capacity and normalization of glucose tolerance has been observed (63,64). Glucose metabolism often improves in patients with impaired glucose tolerance (63,76). In patients with diabetes improvement in glucose metabolism by phlebotomy may occur but is not as common as in “pre-diabetics” (63,76,77). In one study 28% of patients with diabetes and hemochromatosis on insulin or oral agents showed improved glucose control following phlebotomy therapy (78).


Cystic Fibrosis


Cystic Fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder due to a defect in the chloride transport channel (79). Cystic fibrosis related diabetes is rare in children but is present in approximately 20% of adolescents and 40-50% of adults with cystic fibrosis (80,81). As patients with cystic fibrosis live longer it is likely that the number of patients with cystic fibrosis and diabetes will increase. The development of diabetes is associated with more severe cystic fibrosis gene mutations, increasing age, worse pulmonary function, undernutrition, liver dysfunction, pancreatic insufficiency, a family history of diabetes, female gender, and corticosteroid use (80,81).


The primary defect in patients with cystic fibrosis related diabetes is decreased insulin production and secretion due to fibrosis and atrophy of the pancreas with a reduction of islet mass (80). In addition, mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene may have direct effects on the ability of beta cells to secrete insulin (81,82). Beta cell dysfunction is not complete with residual insulin secretion and thus patients with cystic fibrosis related diabetes do not typically develop ketosis (80). Reduced alpha cell mass also occurs so while fasting glucagon levels are normal, glucagon secretion in response to hypoglycemia is impaired (80). Peripheral and hepatic insulin resistance may also occur secondary to infections and inflammation (81).


Some of the clinical features of cystic fibrosis related diabetes are similar to T1D as patients are young, not obese, insulin deficiency is the primary defect, and features of the metabolic syndrome (hyperlipidemia, hypertension, visceral adiposity) are not usually present (80). However, cystic fibrosis related diabetes is not an autoimmune disease (islet cell antibodies are not present) and ketosis is rare because endogenous insulin is still produced (80). Fasting glucose levels are often normal initially with elevated postprandial glucose levels due to a reduced and delayed insulin response to carbohydrates while basal insulin is often adequate to maintain normal glucose levels (83). Patients with cystic fibrosis related diabetes are not at high risk to develop atherosclerosis and heart disease is not a major issue (80-82). This is likely due to malabsorption leading to life-long low plasma cholesterol levels and the shortened length of life (80,81). As life expectancy increases the risk of macrovascular disease may increase. Microvascular complications do occur in cystic fibrosis related diabetes and are related to the duration of diabetes and glycemic control (80,81,83). The American Diabetes Association recommends screening for complications of diabetes beginning 5 years after the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis related diabetes (84)


Lung disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with cystic fibrosis and both insulin insufficiency and hyperglycemia negatively affect cystic fibrosis lung disease (85). Numerous studies have shown that the occurrence of diabetes in patients with cystic fibrosis is associated with more severe lung disease and increased mortality and this adverse effect disproportionately affects women (80,83,85). In patients with cystic fibrosis lung function is critically dependent on maintaining normal weight and lean body mass. Insulin deficiency leads to a catabolic state with the loss of protein and fat (80). Multiple studies have shown that insulin replacement therapy improves nutritional status and pulmonary function in patients with cystic fibrosis related diabetes (80). In addition, elevated blood glucose levels result in elevated blood glucose levels in the airways, which promotes the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and increase pulmonary infections (80,83). Of note recent studies have shown that the marked increase in mortality in patients with cystic fibrosis related diabetes compared to patients with cystic fibrosis only has diminished (86). It is likely that early diagnosis and aggressive treatment has improved survival in patients with cystic fibrosis related diabetes.


Because of the adverse effects of diabetes on lung function in patients with cystic fibrosis routine screening for diabetes is recommended (85). It is recommended that annual screening begin at age 10 (85). While fasting glucose and A1c levels are routine screening tests for diabetes, in patients with cystic fibrosis these tests are not sensitive enough (85). Fasting glucose and A1c testing will fail to diagnose approximately 50% of patients with cystic fibrosis related diabetes (82,85). However, recent studies have suggested that a screening A1c >5.5% would detect more than 90% of patients with diabetes and therefore with further confirming studies measuring A1c levels could become an initial screening approach (84).  As noted above, abnormalities in postprandial glucose characterizes cystic fibrosis related diabetes and it is therefore recommended that an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) be utilized for the diagnosis of diabetes in patients with cystic fibrosis (85). Studies have shown that the diagnosis of diabetes by OGTT correlates with clinically important cystic fibrosis outcomes including the rate of lung function decline, the risk of microvascular complications, and the risk of early death (85). Moreover, the OGTT identified patients who benefited from insulin therapy (85). Additional screening recommendations are shown in Table 3 and the interpretation of these tests are shown in Table 4.


Table 3. ADA and Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Recommendations for Screening for Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes (CFRD) (85)

1.     1) The use of A1C as a screening test for CFRD is not recommended.

2.     2) Screening for CFRD should be performed using a 2-h 75-g OGTT. 

3.     3) Annual screening for CFRD should begin by age 10 years in all CF patients who do not have CFRD.

4.     4) CF patients with acute pulmonary exacerbation requiring intravenous antibiotics and/or systemic glucocorticoids should be screened for CFRD by monitoring fasting and 2-h postprandial plasma glucose levels for the first 48 h. If elevated blood glucose levels are found by SMBG, the results must be confirmed by a certified laboratory.

5.     5) Screening for CFRD by measuring mid- and immediate post-feeding plasma glucose levels is recommended for CF patients on continuous enteral feedings, at the time of gastrostomy feeding initiation and then monthly by SMBG. Elevated glucose levels detected by SMBG must be confirmed by a certified laboratory.

6.     6) Women with CF who are planning a pregnancy or confirmed pregnant should be screened for preexisting CFRD with a 2-h 75-g fasting OGTT if they have not had a normal CFRD screen in the last 6 months. 

7.     7) Screening for gestational diabetes mellitus is recommended at both 12–16 weeks’ and 24–28 weeks’ gestation in pregnant women with CF not known to have CFRD, using a 2-h 75-g OGTT with blood glucose measures at 0, 1, and 2 h. 

8.     8) Screening for CFRD using a 2-h 75-g fasting OGTT is recommended 6–12 weeks after the end of the pregnancy in women with gestational diabetes mellitus (diabetes first diagnosed during pregnancy). 

9.     9) CF patients not known to have diabetes who are undergoing any transplantation procedure should be screened preoperatively by OGTT if they have not had CFRD screening in the last 6 months. Plasma glucose levels should be monitored closely in the perioperative critical care period and until hospital discharge. Screening guidelines for patients who do not meet diagnostic criteria for CFRD at the time of hospital discharge are the same as for other CF patients.

CF= cystic fibrosis; CRFD= cystic fibrosis related diabetes; OGTT= oral glucose tolerance test, SMBG= self-monitored blood glucose


Table 4. Criteria for the Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes (85)

1.     1) During a period of stable baseline health the diagnosis of CFRD can be made in CF patients according to standard ADA criteria. Testing should be done on 2 separate days to rule out laboratory error unless there are unequivocal symptoms of hyperglycemia (polyuria and polydipsia); a positive FPG or A1C can be used as a confirmatory test, but if it is normal the OGTT should be performed or repeated. If the diagnosis of diabetes is not confirmed, the patient resumes routine annual testing.

·       2-h OGTT plasma glucose >200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l)

·       FPG >126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/l)

·       A1C > 6.5% (A1C <6.5% does not rule out CFRD because this value is often spuriously low in CF.)

·       Classical symptoms of diabetes (polyuria and polydipsia) in the presence of a casual glucose level >200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l)

2.     2) The diagnosis of CFRD can be made in CF patients with acute illness (intravenous antibiotics in the hospital or at home, systemic glucocorticoid therapy) when FPG levels >126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/l) or 2-h postprandial plasma glucose levels >200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/ l) persist for more than 48 h.

3.     3) The diagnosis of CFRD can be made in CF patients on enteral continuous drip feedings when mid- or post=feeding plasma glucose levels exceed 200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l) on 2 separate days.

4.     4) Diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus is diagnosed based on 0-, 1-, and 2-h glucose levels with a 75-g OGTT if any one of the following is present:

·       FPG >92 mg/dl (5.1 mmol/l)

·       1-h plasma glucose >180 mg/dl (10.0 mmol/l)

·       2-h plasma glucose >153 mg/dl (8.5 mmol/l)

5.     CF patients with gestational diabetes mellitus are not considered to have CFRD, but require CFRD screening 6–12 weeks after the end of the pregnancy.

6.     5) The onset of CFRD should be defined as the date a person with CF first meets diagnostic criteria, even if hyperglycemia subsequently abates.

CF= cystic fibrosis; CRFD= cystic fibrosis related diabetes; OGTT= oral glucose tolerance test


There is evidence that elevations in glucose below the levels typically used to diagnose diabetes result in adverse effects on the lungs (83). Thus, some experts recommend that treatment should be considered for individuals with abnormal glucose levels which do not meet the criteria for diabetes if there is evidence of declining lung function or weight loss (83).


A unique feature in the treatment of patients with cystic fibrosis related diabetes is that insulin is the treatment of choice in all patients (85). Studies have shown that cystic fibrosis patients on insulin therapy who achieve good glycemic control demonstrate improvement in weight, protein anabolism, pulmonary function, and survival (85). No specific insulin treatment regimen is recommended and the regimen should be individualized for the patient. For example, a patient with elevated postprandial glucose levels will benefit from meal time rapid acting insulin. It should be noted that patients with cystic fibrosis induced diabetes still have endogenous insulin production, which allows for the achievement of good glycemic control. Oral diabetes agents are not as effective as insulin in improving nutritional and metabolic outcomes and therefore are not recommended (85). For most patients with cystic fibrosis related diabetes an A1c < 7% is recommended but the A1c goal can be higher or lower for certain patients based on clinical judgement. Also of note is that cystic fibrosis patients require a high-calorie, high-salt, high-fat diet.


Ivacaftor, a cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator modulator, is a relatively new agent to treat cystic fibrosis and has been shown to partially reverse the disease. Interestingly in case reports ivacaftor has been shown to markedly improve glycemic control (81,87). In a recent retrospective observation study approximately 1/3 of patients with CFRD had either a resolution of their diabetes or marked improvement with ivacaftor therapy (88). Additionally, the risk of developing CFRD is decreased in patients treated with ivacaftor (89). This beneficial effect is likely due to an improvement in insulin secretion (81,90).




Viral Infections


Viral infections, particularly enterovirus and herpes virus infections, have been postulated to play a role in triggering the autoimmune reaction that leads to the development of T1D (91-93). This phenomenon is discussed in detail in the Endotext chapter on the pathogenesis of T1D and the Endotext chapter on changing the course of the disease in T1D (94,95). In rare instances a viral infection has been associated with the fulminant development of diabetes due to the destruction of beta cells (96).


Congenital Rubella


Congenital rubella infection has been shown to predispose to the development of T1D that usually presents before five years of age (97). It has been estimated that approximately 1-6% of individuals with the rubella syndrome will develop diabetes in childhood or adolescence (97,98). The mechanism for this association is unknown. In addition, studies have also shown that patients with congenital rubella also develop T2D (98). In one series 22% of individuals with congenital rubella developed diabetes later in life (98). Fortunately, with increased vaccinations, congenital rubella has become a disease of the past in developed countries.


Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)


Meta-analyses and large data base studies have demonstrated that HCV infection is associated with an increased risk of T2D (99-104). In a meta-analysis of 34 studies the risk of diabetes in patients with HCV infection was increased by approximately 70% (99). Moreover, HCV infection is associated with an increased risk of T2D independent of the severity of the associated liver disease (i.e. occurs in patients without liver disease) but the risk of T2D was higher in HCV patients with cirrhosis (100). As expected, the risk of diabetes is increased in HCV patients if the BMI is increased, there is a family history of diabetes, older age, more severe liver disease, and male sex. Conversely, the prevalence of HCV infection in patients with T2D is higher than in non-diabetic controls (100,104,105). In a meta-analysis of 22 studies with 78,051 individuals it was found that patients with T2D were at a higher risk of HCV infection than non-diabetic patients (OR = 3.50; CI = 2.54-4.82) (105). Finally, diabetes is a significant risk factor for the development of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in HCV infected patients (104,106-109).


Given the increased risk of diabetes in HCV infected patients it seems prudent to routinely screen HCV positive patients for diabetes. Conversely, screening patients with diabetes for HCV infection seems reasonable given the availability of drugs that can effectively treat HCV infections.


Patients with diabetes and HCV infection are insulin resistant in the liver and peripheral tissues (104,109,110). Insulin resistance is present in HCV infection in the absence of significant liver dysfunction and prior to the development of diabetes (110). Treatment that reduces viral load decreases insulin resistance and the risk of developing diabetes in HCV (104,110,111). The insulin resistance in individuals with HCV infections may be due to inflammation induced by cytokines such as TNF-alpha or monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, released from HCV-induced liver inflammation (104,109). Additionally, HCV may directly activate the mTOR/S6K1 signaling pathway, inhibiting IRS-1 protein function and thereby down-regulating GLUT-4 and up-regulating the gluconeogenic enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase-2 (104,109).


Studies have shown that direct-acting antiviral agents that eradicate HCV infection are associated with improved glycemic control in patients with diabetes indicated by decreased A1c levels and decreased insulin use (109,112). Additionally, in a database study of anti-viral treatment for HCV infection, a decrease in end-stage renal disease, ischemic stroke, and acute coronary syndrome was reported (113). These beneficial results on key outcomes need to be confirmed in randomized trials (this may be impossible as withholding treatment of HCV is not appropriate). Treatment of diabetes with metformin or thiazolidinediones is preferred as studies have suggested that these drugs may lower the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma, liver-related death, or liver transplantation in patients infected with HCV (114,115).




Studies have shown that COVID-19 infections are associated with hyperglycemia and new onset diabetes (116). In a meta-analysis of 8 studies with a total of 3711 COVID-19

patients 492 cases of newly diagnosed diabetes were found (14.4%) (117). There are a number of possibilities that could explain this association (116):

  • The diabetes could be secondary to acute illness and stress induced hyperglycemia. Stress induced hyperglycemia has been observed after other acute conditions including other infections.
  • Pre-existing diabetes could be first recognized during a COVID-19 infection
  • SARS-CoV-2 virus could directly damage the beta cells leading to decreased insulin secretion and hyperglycemia.
  • SARS-CoV-2 virus could lead to pancreatitis indirectly effecting beta cell function
  • The strong immune response that is seen in COVID-19 infections (cytokine storm) could indirectly lead to beta cell dysfunction.
  • The use of high dose glucocorticoids in patients with severe COVID-19 could lead to hyperglycemia and diabetes.


Hopefully, future studies will better characterize the mechanisms leading to new onset diabetes in patients with COVID-19 infections and determine whether there is a unique mechanism for this association.




A number of endocrine disorders are associated with an increased occurrence of diabetes.  Increased levels of GH, glucocorticoids, catecholamines, glucagon cause insulin resistance and increased levels of catecholamines, somatostatin, and aldosterone (by producing hypokalemia) decrease insulin secretion and hence can adversely affect glucose homeostasis. The disturbance in glucose metabolism occurring secondary to endocrine disorders may vary from a moderate degree of glucose intolerance to overt diabetes with symptomatic hyperglycemia. Additionally, the endocrine disorders can worsen glycemic control in patients with pre-existing diabetes.




This condition is caused by excessive production of growth hormone (GH) from the pituitary (118). The prevalence of DM in patients with acromegaly is between 10-40%; the prevalence of diabetes and glucose intolerance effects more than 50% of patients (118-120). As expected, there is an increased prevalence of diabetes mellitus with age, elevated BMI, a family history of diabetes, and longer duration of acromegaly (119). Diabetes may be present at the time of the diagnosis of acromegaly (121). Higher plasma IGF-1 concentrations correlate with an increased risk of diabetes suggesting that the biochemical severity of acromegaly influences the risk of developing abnormalities of glucose metabolism (122). Patients with acromegaly should be screened for abnormalities in glucose metabolism (120). The prevalence of acromegaly in patients with diabetes is unknown but is likely to be very low given that acromegaly is an uncommon disorder (60 per million) and diabetes is very common (118).


GH is a counter regulatory hormone to insulin and is secreted during hypoglycemia (123,124). In patients with acromegaly insulin resistance is the major abnormality leading to disturbances in glucose metabolism (119,121,125). The insulin resistance is driven primarily through GH induced lipolysis, which results in glucose-fatty acid substrate competition leading to decreased glucose utilization in muscle (119,121,125). Additionally, inhibition of post receptor signaling pathway of the insulin receptor also likely plays a role in the insulin resistance (125). Increased hepatic gluconeogenesis also contributes to the hyperglycemia (119,125). Lipolysis increases the delivery of glycerol and fatty acids to the liver, which serve as a substrate and energy source for gluconeogenesis. In some patients with acromegaly increased insulin secretion compensates for the insulin resistance and glucose metabolism remains normal (119). If insulin secretion cannot increase sufficiently to compensate for the insulin resistance glucose intolerance or diabetes develops (119).


Treatment is directed at the cause of the acromegaly (118). Successful surgical removal of the pituitary adenoma improves hyperglycemia and glucose metabolism has been reported to normalize in 23–58% of people with pre-operative diabetes after surgical cure of acromegaly (119-121). Lower IGF-1 and growth hormone levels post operatively correlate with remission of diabetes (126). A meta-analysis of 31 studies with 619 patients treated with somatostatin analogues for acromegaly reported a decrease in insulin levels and glucose levels during a glucose tolerance test but no change in fasting glucose or A1c levels (127). The absence of greater benefit in glucose homeostasis with somatostatin analogues could be secondary to somatostatin analogues inhibiting insulin secretion (118). Of note, while first generation somatostatin analogues appear to have mild or neutral effects on glucose metabolism in patients with acromegaly, treatment with pasireotide, a second-generation somatostatin analogue, aggravated glucose metabolism leading to the development of diabetes in some instances (128,129). The adverse effect of pasireotide is due to inhibiting insulin secretion and decreasing the incretin effect. There are little data on the impact of cabergoline on glucose homeostasis in patients with acromegaly but the available studies suggest that it modestly improves glucose metabolism (120). Studies have shown that bromocriptine can improve glucose homeostasis (119,120,130).  Finally, treatment with the growth hormone receptor antagonist, pegvisomant, has beneficial effects on glucose homeostasis (131,132).


The treatment of diabetes in patients with acromegaly is similar to the treatment in other patients with diabetes (119). Patients with acromegaly are often lean with low body fat and therefore dietary recommendations may need to be modified. Additionally, since insulin resistance is the primary defect in patients with acromegaly the use of insulin sensitizers may be especially effective but there are no studies comparing the efficacy of various hypoglycemic agents in patients with acromegaly (119). Data suggest that active acromegaly with elevated GH levels enhances the development of microvascular disease (121). The effect of acromegaly on the development of macrovascular disease is unclear (121). Ketoacidosis is uncommon in patients with diabetes and acromegaly.   


Cushing’s Syndrome


Cushing’s syndrome is due to elevated glucocorticoids that can be caused by the overproduction of ACTH by pituitary adenomas or ectopic ACTH producing tumors, overproduction of glucocorticoids by the adrenal glands due to adenomas or hyperplasia, or the exogenous administration of glucocorticoids (133). In patients with Cushing’s syndrome diabetes is present in 20-47% of the patients, while impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is present in 21-64% of cases (134). Risk factors for the development of diabetes in patients with Cushing syndrome include age, obesity, and a family history of diabetes (134). The prevalence of diabetes varies depending on the etiology of Cushing’s syndrome (pituitary 33%, ectopic 74%, adrenal 34%) (135). In patients with endogenous Cushing’s syndrome the relationship of the degree of hypercortisolism and abnormalities in glucose metabolism has been inconsistent with some studies showing a correlation and other studies no relationship (136). For example, in one study, in patients with endogenous Cushing’s syndrome the prevalence of abnormalities in glucose metabolism and diabetes did not differ in patients with slightly elevated (not greater than 2x the upper limit of normal), moderately elevated (2-5X the ULN), and severely elevated (>5x the ULN) levels of urinary free cortisol (137). In patients with exogenous Cushing’s syndrome high doses of glucocorticoids and longer duration of treatment are more likely to cause diabetes (120,136). Elevated glucocorticoids are more likely to cause high glucose levels in the afternoon or evening and in the postprandial state (120). Hyperglycemia resulting from exogenous steroids occurs in concert with the time-action profile of the steroid regimen employed, such that once daily morning administration of an intermediate acting steroid (prednisone or methylprednisone) causes peak hyperglycemia within 12 hours (post-prandial) while long-acting or frequently administered steroids cause both fasting and postprandial hyperglycemia.


Patients with Cushing’s syndrome should be screened for the presence of abnormalities in glucose metabolism (136). It should be noted that fasting glucose levels are often normal with abnormalities present during an oral glucose tolerance test (134,136). Screening with A1c levels or with an oral glucose tolerance test are therefore preferred. The abnormalities in glucose metabolism may contribute to the increased risk of atherosclerosis in patients with Cushing’s syndrome.


The prevalence of Cushing’s syndrome in patients with diabetes is uncertain with studies reporting very different results ranging from 0 to 9% (136). The selection process used and the criteria used to determine the presence of Cushing’s syndrome likely greatly influences the results with studies that select patients with marked obesity, poor glycemic control, and poorly controlled hypertension finding a higher percentage of patients with diabetes having Cushing’s syndrome. A recent meta-analysis of 14 studies with a total of 2827 patients with T2D reported that 1.4% had Cushing’s syndrome based on biochemical analysis (138). In a multicenter study carried out in Italy between 2006 and 2008, 813 patients with known T2D without clinically overt hypercortisolism were evaluated for Cushing’s syndrome (139). After extensive evaluation 6 patients (0.7%) were diagnosed to have Cushing’s syndrome. Four patients had an adrenal adenoma and their diabetes was markedly improved with the disappearance of diabetes in three patients and discontinuation of insulin therapy in the remaining patient. One patient had bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia and one patient had ACTH dependent Cushing’s syndrome with a normal pituitary MRI. In approximately 15-35% of patients with an incidental adrenal nodule mild autonomous cortisol secretion with T2D is present (140,141). After surgical removal of the adenoma in patients with autonomous cortisol secretion diabetes normalized or improved in 62.5% of patients (5 of 8) (142). However, not all studies have seen such dramatic improvements in diabetes after adenoma removal (143). Clearly additional studies (preferably large randomized trials) are required to better define the prevalence of mild subclinical Cushing’s syndrome in patients with diabetes and whether treating the subclinical Cushing’s syndrome in these patients will improve their glycemic control. For a detailed discussion of autonomous cortisol secretion see the chapter on Adrenal Incidentalomas in the Adrenal section of Endotext (144).


Currently, routinely screening patients with T2D for Cushing’s syndrome is not recommended (136). Nevertheless, clinicians should be aware of the possibility of Cushing’s syndrome and screen appropriate patients with T2D (young patients, negative family history of diabetes, patients with physical findings suggestive of Cushing’s syndrome, patients with difficult to control diabetes or hypertension) (136).    


Glucocorticoids function as a counter regulatory hormone to insulin and increase in response to hypoglycemia (145). Glucocorticoids disrupt glucose metabolism primarily by inducing insulin resistance in liver and muscle and by stimulating hepatic gluconeogenesis (134,136). The increase in hepatic gluconeogenesis is mediated by several mechanisms including a) directly stimulating the expression of gluconeogenic enzymes b) stimulating proteolysis and lipolysis leading to an increase delivery of amino acids, glycerol, and fatty acids to the liver that provides substrates and energy sources for gluconeogenesis c) inducing insulin resistance and d) enhancing the action of glucagon (134,136). The glucocorticoid induced increase in insulin resistance is due to inhibition of the post-receptor signaling pathway of the insulin receptor, which will result in a decrease in the uptake of glucose by skeletal muscle and adipose tissue (134). In addition to the above glucocorticoids can accelerate the degradation of Glut4 in beta cells, which impairs the ability of beta cells to secrete insulin in response to glucose (146).


Treatment of Cushing’s syndrome by removal of a pituitary tumor, an ectopic ACTH producing tumor, or an adrenal lesion result in a marked improvement in glucose metabolism and in many patients a remission of the diabetes (134,136). In patients with persistent Cushing’s syndrome drug therapy may be needed to normalize cortisol levels. Studies have shown that ketoconazole (200–1200 mg/day), metyrapone (250–4500 mg/day), mifepristone (300–2000 mg/day), or cabergoline (1-7mg/day) improves glucose metabolism in patients with Cushing’s syndrome (120,136).  In contrast, pasireotide has been shown to significantly worsen glucose tolerance, despite control of hypercortisolism, in patients with Cushing’s syndrome (120,136). In patients with exogenous Cushing’s syndrome it is important to use as low a dose as possible of glucocorticoids for the shortest period of time to avoid complications of therapy including disrupting glucose homeostasis (147).


The management of diabetes in patients with Cushing’s disease is similar to the treatment of other patients with diabetes (120). Since insulin resistance is a key defect in patients with Cushing’s syndrome the use of insulin sensitizers may be especially effective but there are no studies comparing the efficacy of various hypoglycemic agents in patients with Cushing’s syndrome (120). Pioglitazone and rosiglitazone can increase the risk of osteoporosis and it should be noted that patients with Cushing’s syndrome also have a high risk of osteoporosis. As noted above, postprandial glucose levels are preferentially increased in Cushing’s syndrome and therefore drugs that lower postprandial glucose levels, such as DPP4 inhibitors, GLP1 receptor agonists, alpha glucosidase inhibitors, and rapid acting insulin may be very useful (120). In glucocorticoid-treated patients requiring a basal-bolus insulin regimen, a higher requirement of short-acting insulin than basal insulin is frequently required (usually approximately 70% of total insulin dose as prandial and 30% as basal) (120). Because of the insulin resistance in patients with Cushing’s syndrome higher doses of insulin are often required to achieve glycemic control. Patients with Cushing’s syndrome are at higher risk for developing macrovascular disease and therefore the treatment of dyslipidemia and hypertension is required (148,149).  




Pheochromocytomas are rare neuroendocrine tumors that secrete norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine (150). In pheochromocytomas the prevalence of diabetes mellitus has been estimated to be between 15-40% and impaired glucose tolerance as high as 50% (151-153). Patients with diabetes were older, had a longer known duration of hypertension, higher plasma epinephrine levels, increased urinary metanephrine excretion, and larger tumors (152,153). Surprisingly the BMI did not differ between patients with and without diabetes perhaps because more active tumors with higher catecholamine levels lead to weight loss (152,153). In most instances the diabetes is relatively mild but in rare instances can be severe with ketoacidosis (154). The association of hypertension with diabetes in a young patient who is not overweight is a clue to the presence of a pheochromocytoma (152).


Catecholamines, acting primarily by the beta-adrenergic receptors, stimulate glucose production by the liver by increasing glycogenolysis and increase insulin resistance leading to a decrease in tissue disposal of glucose, which together result in elevations in glucose levels (155-157). In addition, catecholamines acting via the alpha-adrenergic receptors, inhibit insulin secretion by the beta cells and acting via the beta-adrenergic receptors, increase glucagon secretion by the alpha cells (158). A decrease in insulin secretion and an increase in glucagon secretion would facilitate the development of hyperglycemia.


With tumor resection the diabetes resolves or markedly improves in the vast majority of patients (>90%) with a pheochromocytoma (152,153). A duration of diabetes of less than 3 years is associated with a remission of diabetes (159). It should be noted that post-surgical removal of a pheochromocytoma, hypoglycemia can occur in approximately 5% of patients (160). Most of these hypoglycemic episodes occur in the first 24 hours and are more likely to occur in patients with large tumors and high urinary metanephrine levels (160). If surgery is unsuccessful the use of alpha and beta blockers may improve insulin resistance and glucose homeostasis (161).




Hyperthyroidism in patients without diabetes leads to an increase in glucose intolerance (162). Whether hyperthyroidism causes frank diabetes is unclear because much of the older literature that purports that hyperthyroidism causes diabetes used criteria for diabetes that differs greatly from current guidelines. For example, the study of Kreines and colleagues reported that 57% of patients with hyperthyroidism had diabetes but the criteria for diabetes was a 1 hour glucose >160mg/dL plus a 2 hour value >120 mg/dL during an oral glucose tolerance test (163). A study from China using oral glucose tolerance tests did not find a major difference in the prevalence of diabetes in patients with Grave’s disease (11.3%) vs controls (10.0%) (164). Additional studies using modern criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes are required to better elucidate the risk of developing diabetes in patients with hyperthyroidism. It should be noted that hyperthyroidism may worsen glycemic control in patients with diabetes by increasing hexose intestinal absorption, decreasing insulin sensitivity, and increasing glucose production (165).


T1D and Grave’s disease can occur together as part of the autoimmune polyglandular syndrome (166).




Glucagonomas are extremely rare and are associated with a characteristic rash termed necrolytic migratory erythema (82% of patients), painful glossitis, cheilitis, angular stomatitis, normochromic normocytic anemia (50-60%), weight loss (60-90%), mild diabetes mellitus (68-80%), hypoaminoacidemia, low zinc levels, deep vein thrombosis (50%), and depression (50%) (167,168). Glucagon stimulates hepatic glucose production by increasing gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis leading to an increase in plasma glucose levels (169). Removal of the tumor results in remission of the diabetes.




Somatostatinomas are extremely rare tumors that may present with a triad of diabetes mellitus, diarrhea/steatorrhea, and gallstones, but weight loss and hypochlorhydria also occur (170). Approximately seventy-five percent of patients with pancreatic somatostatinomas have diabetes mellitus while diabetes occurs in only approximately 10% of patients with intestinal tumors. Typically, the diabetes is relatively mild and can be controlled with diet, oral hypoglycemic agents or small doses of insulin (170). Somatostatin inhibits insulin secretion which can result in elevations in plasma glucose levels (139). Increased secretion of somatostatin by cells in the pancreas may be in closer proximity to beta cells and more effective in inhibiting insulin secretion. Somatostatin also inhibits glucagon secretion and therefore diabetic ketoacidosis is very unusual but has been reported (171). Additionally, replacement of functional islet cell tissue by pancreatic tumor may also contribute to the development of diabetes in patients with a pancreatic somatostatinoma (170). Removal of the tumor results in remission of the diabetes.


Primary Hyperaldosteronism


Hypokalemia secondary to hyperaldosteronism can impair insulin secretion and result in diabetes. Potassium replacement will improve glucose homeostasis.


Additionally, in a large meta-analysis the risk of diabetes (OR 1.33, 95% CI 1.01–1.74) and the metabolic syndrome (OR 1.53, 95% CI 1.22–1.91) was modestly increased in patients with primary hyperaldosteronism (172). Studies have shown that aldosterone independent of potassium levels reduces insulin secretion and induces insulin resistance via the impairment of post-receptor signaling (173).




A large number of different drugs have been shown to adversely affect glucose homeostasis (Table 1). Most of these drug’s act in conjunction with other risk factors for T2D and are usually not the sole cause of diabetes. Drug-induced hyperglycemia is often mild and may be clinically asymptomatic, but in some instances can result in the development of severe hyperglycemia manifesting as diabetic ketoacidosis. There are a number of mechanisms by which drugs induce alterations in glucose metabolism including inducing insulin resistance or inhibiting insulin secretion. In most cases the diabetes remits when the drug is stopped but in some instances the diabetes can be permanent. Use of a rodenticide (N-3 pyridylmethyl-N’4 nitrophenylurea, VacorÒ), structurally related to streptozotocin, was removed from the market in the 1980s because the ingestion of this compound resulted in insulin-dependent diabetes due to beta cell destruction (174). In this section we will focus on drugs that cause major changes in glucose homeostasis or drugs that are commonly used in clinical practice.


Antihypertensive Drugs


In a meta-analysis the risk of developing diabetes varied between different classes of antihypertensive drugs (175).  The odds ratios were: ARB 0.57; ACE inhibitor 0.67; CCB: 0.75; placebo 0.77; beta blocker 0.90 with the thiazide group set at 1.00. Similarly, in the ALLHAT study the risk of developing diabetes was greater in the thiazide group than in patients treated with an ACE inhibitor or a calcium channel blocker (176). In a meta-analysis of 10 studies of beta-blockers and 12 studies of diuretics in patients without diabetes it was found that beta-blockers increased fasting blood glucose concentrations by 11.5 mg/dL and diuretics by 13.9 mg/dl (177). In a meta-analysis of twelve studies with 94,492 patients beta-blocker therapy resulted in a 22% increased risk for new-onset diabetes compared with nondiuretic antihypertensive agents (178). Thus, both thiazide diuretics and beta blockers increase the risk of developing diabetes while ARBs and ACE inhibitors reduce the risk (179).


The hyperglycemia secondary to thiazide diuretics may in some instances be due to decreased insulin secretion secondary to potassium loss, which can be improved with potassium replacement (180). In addition, thiazides may directly affect insulin secretion similar to diazoxide (see below). Finally, thiazides also increase insulin resistance and enhance hepatic glucose production (180).


The effect on glucose metabolism differs between different beta-blockers and carvedilol, the third-generation beta-blocker has beneficial effects on glucose metabolism (179,180). A greater inhibition of insulin secretion occurs with non-selective beta-blocking agents (180). Beta blockers decrease insulin secretion and increase insulin resistance (179,180). In addition, beta-blockers increase weight, which could also adversely affect glucose homeostasis (181). Finally, beta-blockers increase the risk of severe hypoglycemia by decreasing the recovery from hypoglycemia and masking the symptoms of hypoglycemia (182).




Diazoxide is a non-diuretic benzothiadiazine derivative, which increases plasma glucose levels by inhibiting insulin secretion through opening the potassium/ATP channels in beta cells (183). Diazoxide is used to control hypoglycemia in patients with insulinomas (184).




In a meta-analysis of 13 trials with over 90,000 subjects, there was a 9% increase in the incidence of diabetes during follow-up among subjects receiving statin therapy (185). All statins appear to increase the risk of developing diabetes. In comparisons of intensive vs. moderate statin therapy, Preiss et al observed that patients treated with intensive statin therapy had a 12% greater risk of developing diabetes compared to subjects treated with moderate dose statin therapy (186). Older subjects, obese subjects, and subjects with high glucose levels were at a higher risk of developing diabetes while on statin therapy (187). Thus, statins may be unmasking and accelerating the development of diabetes that would have occurred naturally in these subjects at some point in time. In patients without risk factors for developing diabetes, treatment with statins does not appear to increase the risk of developing diabetes.


The mechanism by which statins increase the risk of developing diabetes is unknown (187). Studies suggest that the inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase per se may be leading to the statin induced increased risk of diabetes via weight gain (187). However, a large number of studies have now shown that polymorphisms in a variety of different genes that lead to a decrease in LDL cholesterol levels are also associated with an increase in diabetes suggesting that decreases in LDL cholesterol levels per se alter glucose metabolism and increase the risk of diabetes (187). How decreased LDL cholesterol levels effect glucose metabolism is unknown.


In some studies statins have been shown to increase insulin resistance (188) and in some studies to decrease insulin secretion (189,190). Clearly further studies are required to understand the mechanisms by which statins increase the risk of developing diabetes.




A recent meta-analysis examined the effect of niacin therapy on the development of new onset diabetes (191). In 11 trials with 26,340 non-diabetic participants, niacin therapy was associated with a 34% increased risk of developing diabetes (RR of 1.34; 95% CIs 1.21 to 1.49). This increased risk results in one additional case of diabetes per 43 initially non-diabetic individuals who are treated with niacin for 5 years (0.47% ten-year risk or 4.7 per 1000 patient years). Results were similar in patients who were receiving niacin therapy in combination with statin therapy. It has been recognized for many years that niacin induces insulin resistance (192). The mechanisms by which niacin induces insulin resistance are unknown but possible mechanisms include a rebound increase in free fatty acids with niacin therapy or the accumulation of diacylglycerol (192).




Pentamidine is an antiprotozoal agent known to cause hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia (180). Pentamidine induces a direct cytolytic effect on pancreatic beta cells leading to insulin release and hypoglycemia, which is then followed by beta cell destruction and insulin deficiency resulting in diabetes (193,194).




Dilantin can cause hyperglycemia and there have been cases of diabetic ketoacidosis (195,196). The adverse effect of dilantin on glucose metabolism is mediated primarily by an inhibition of insulin secretion (180).


Alpha Interferon


Treatment with alpha interferon in rare instances can cause T1D. Of 987 patients treated with alpha interferon for chronic hepatitis C, 5 patients developed T1D (197). The clinical course is characterized by the abrupt development of severe hyperglycemia at times with ketoacidosis (198). High titers of anti-islet autoantibodies are present and almost all patients require permanent insulin therapy (198). Treatment with interferon alpha facilitates the development of autoimmune disorders including T1D (199). Other autoimmune disorders frequently occur, particularly thyroid dysfunction.


Checkpoint Inhibitors


There are several checkpoint inhibitors; ipilimumab a cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 inhibitor (CTLA-4 inhibitor); nivolumab and pembrolizumab, programmed cell death protein 1 inhibitors (PD-1 inhibitors); atezolizumab, avelumab, and durvalumab. programmed cell death 1 ligand inhibitors (PD-L1 inhibitors) (200). Both CTLA-4 and PD-1 play a key role in the maintenance of immunological tolerance to self-antigens thereby preventing autoimmune disorders (200). Immune mediated hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hypophysitis, primary adrenal insufficiency, hypoparathyroidism, and insulin-deficient diabetes have been reported as a complication of the use of these drugs (200,201). In a meta-analysis of 38 randomized clinical trials with 7551 patients, autoimmune diabetes occurred in only 0.2% of the patients and was primarily seen with the use of PD-1 inhibitors (200). In another meta-analysis of 101 studies with 19,922 patients the incidence of autoimmune diabetes was 2.0% (95% CI, 0.7–5.8) for nivolumab and 0.4% (95% CI, 0.2–1.3) for pembrolizumab (201). The occurrence of autoimmune diabetes with other checkpoint inhibitors was rare (201).


The onset of diabetes ranges from a few weeks up to one year after initiating therapy and typically presents with polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss and dehydration (201,202). Severe hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis is commonly observed (202). Because of the acute occurrence A1c levels may not be elevated. C-peptide levels are very low and approximately 50% of patients have islet cell antibodies (GAD, ICA, IAA or IA-2; GAD antibodies are the most commonly observed) (201,202). Insulin treatment is required and it is likely that the diabetes will be irreversible (201,202).


For additional information on the checkpoint inhibitor associated diabetes see the Endotext chapter “Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Related Endocrine Adverse Events” in the Disorders that Affect Multiple Organs section (203).


Antipsychotic Drugs


A large number of studies have linked second generation antipsychotic medications with the development of T2D (Table 5) (204,205). In a meta-analysis of a large number of studies it was reported that olanzapine and clozapine treatment resulted in a greater increase in glucose than aripiprazole, quetiapine, risperidone and ziprasidone (206). Another meta-analysis has further shown that aripiprazole has a reduced risk of T2D compared to other antipsychotic agents (207). With regards to first generation antipsychotic drugs, chlorpromazine has a high risk of disrupting glucose metabolism while haloperidol, fluphenazine, and perphenazine have a low risk (204). It is thought that antipsychotic drugs induce diabetes by multiple mechanisms: (1) they inhibit insulin signalling in muscle cells, hepatocytes and adipocytes thereby causing insulin resistance; (2) they induce obesity, which can also cause insulin resistance; and (3) they cause direct damage to β-cells, leading to dysfunction and apoptosis of β-cells (205,208).


Table 5. Risk of Diabetes of Selected First- and Second-Generation Antipsychotics


Risk of diabetes*

First-generation antipsychotic










Second-generation antipsychotic


















*Relative to other antipsychotics. Not all the risk of diabetes or weight gain is related to the antipsychotic. Table modified from (205)


Androgen Deprivation Therapy


A number of studies have shown that androgen deprivation therapy increases the risk of developing diabetes (209). For example, a study by Tsai reported that androgen deprivation therapy was associated with a 1.61-fold increased diabetes risk (95% CI 1.38-1.88) and the number needed to harm was 29 (210). The androgen deprivation induced diabetes typically develops after a year of treatment (209). Androgen deprivation therapy induces insulin resistance (209). The increase in insulin resistance may be due to an increase in visceral fat mass and/or an increase in pro-inflammatory adipokines such as TNF-a, IL-6, and resistin (209).


Immunosuppressive Drugs


Immunosuppressive drugs used after organ transplantations increase the risk of diabetes (211). In general, tacrolimus has been associated with a greater risk of developing diabetes compared to cyclosporine (211,212). The calcineurin inhibitors, tacrolimus and cyclosporine, decrease insulin secretion and synthesis (211,212). Additionally, tacrolimus and cyclosporine inhibit glucose uptake in human subcutaneous and omental adipocytes (212).


Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Inhibitors (mTOR inhibitors)


mTOR inhibitors, sirolimus and everolimus, can induce diabetes (213).  The adverse effect of mTOR inhibitors on glucose metabolism is due to insulin resistance secondary to a reduction of the post receptor insulin signalling pathway and a reduction of insulin secretion via a direct effect on the pancreatic beta cells (211,213).




Hyperglycemia is common with the use of asparaginase treatment ranging from 2.5% to 23% in the pediatric population and as high as 76% in adults with PEG-asparaginase use (214,215). Hyperglycemia usually resolves within 12 days after the last dose (214). Risk factors predisposing to hyperglycemia with asparaginase treatment include a history of impaired glucose tolerance, age >10 years, obesity, family history of diabetes mellitus, and history of Down syndrome (214,215). Diabetic ketoacidosis has been described with asparaginase treatment but is not a common occurrence (214). Decreased insulin secretion, increased insulin resistance, and increased glucagon secretion may contribute to the hyperglycemia observed with asparaginase. Additionally, asparaginase can induce pancreatitis, which can also lead to hyperglycemia (214).


Glucocorticoids, Somatostatin, and Glucagon


The effects of these hormones on glucose metabolism were discussed in the section on Endocrinopathies.


HIV Antiretroviral Therapy


The effect of the drugs used to treat patients living with HIV on the development of diabetes is discussed in the Endotext chapter “Diabetes in People Living with HIV” in the Diabetes section (6).




Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA)


LADA is an autoimmune disorder that resembles T1D but shows a later onset and slower progression towards requiring insulin therapy (216-218). The ADA includes LADA as T1D whereas WHO classifies LADA as a hybrid form of diabetes (T1D and T2D) (84) ( Epidemiological studies suggest that LADA may account for 2–12% of all cases of diabetes in the adult population (216,217,219). To differentiate LADA from T1D and T2D, the Immunology of Diabetes Society has proposed three criteria: (a) adult age of onset (> 30 years of age); (b) presence of at least one circulating autoantibody (GAD, ICA, IAA or IA-2) and; (c) insulin independence for the first 6 months after the time of diagnosis (216,217). Of the various antibodies associated with autoimmune diabetes GAD antibodies are present in most patients with LADA (216,217,219). Patients with high titers of GAD antibodies progress to requiring insulin more rapidly (218). LADA subjects appear to have a faster decline in C-peptide levels compared to autoantibody negative patients with T2D (219). It should be noted that classic T1D can occur in adults and this is defined as those adult patients with antibodies (GAD, ICA, IAA or IA-2) that require insulin therapy at diagnosis or soon after diagnosis (217,219). In contrast, patients with LADA can often go many years before requiring insulin therapy (217). Whether LADA is just a slowly progressing form of T1D or a hybrid T1D and T2D is unclear (Table 6).


Table 6. Comparison of T1D, LADA, and T2D






Tend to be young

>age 25

Tend to be adult

Family history





Low, often undetectable


Normal or high






Tend to be lean

Tend to be lean

Usually overweight

Metabolic syndrome




Insulin requirement


Varies, rapid progression


Genetic risk






Intermediate between T1D & T2D





In a retrospective study, Fourlanos and colleagues pointed out several features that increase the likelihood of a patient with “T2D” having LADA (220). These features include age of onset <50 years of age,  acute symptoms (polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss), BMI <25 kg/m2, personal history of autoimmune disease, and family history of autoimmune disease (220). The presence of at least two of these clinical features indicated a 90% sensitivity and 71% specificity for identifying a patient with LADA (220). As compared to patients with T2D, LADA patients have a lower rate of hypertension, lower total cholesterol levels, higher HDL cholesterol levels, and a decreased frequency of the metabolic syndrome (217,219). HLA-DQB1 risk genotypes have been consistently positively associated and protective genotypes have been negatively associated with LADA (218). However, in addition to genotypes that associate with T1D, patients with LADA also have an increased frequency of genotypes that associate with T2D (TCF7L2, FTO, and SLC30A8) (218).


Some have proposed GAD antibody testing all patients with T2D (221) to diagnose LADA but given the given the increased costs and the relatively frequent occurrence of false positive tests compared to true positives in a low-risk population this strategy is not widely accepted (222). The ADA suggests selective testing in adults without traditional risk factors for T2D and/or younger age (84). 


In LADA patients initially glycemic control can be achieved with hypoglycemic agents other than insulin but overtime patients progress to requiring insulin therapy. Sulfonylureas seem to accelerate the progress to requiring insulin therapy and therefore should be avoided (223). Because of the progressive loss of beta cell function there is an increased risk of diabetic ketoacidosis with SGLT2 inhibitors and therefore these drugs should be used with caution. Monitoring ketone levels in patient with LADA treated with SGLT2 inhibitors would be prudent. Novel therapies to preserve beta cell function would be ideal in patients with LADA but at this time there are no proven strategies to preserve beta cell function.


In a long- term follow-up (median 17.3 years) comparing microvascular outcomes in patients with LADA or T2D it was observed that the risk of renal failure/death, blindness, vitreous hemorrhage, or retinal photocoagulation was decreased in the patients with LADA during the first 9 years (adjusted HR 0.45; p<0.0001), whereas in subsequent years their risk was higher (HR 1·25; p=0.047) (224). This difference was attributed to higher A1c levels in the LADA patients. The prevalence of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular mortality is similar in patients with LADA and T2D (225,226).


Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndromes


T1D can occur as part of the autoimmune polyglandular syndromes. These disorders are discussed in the Endotext chapter “Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndromes” in the Disorders that Affect Multiple Organs section (4).


Stiff-person syndrome


Stiff-person syndrome is a rare autoimmune disorder of the nervous system with fluctuating stiffness and spasm of the skeletal muscles that occurs more frequently in females than males (approximately 2/3 women) (227). Muscle involvement is symmetrical and the lower extremities are affected more commonly than the upper extremities and proximal limb and axial muscles are affected more severely than distal muscles (227). Most patients have very high levels of anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) antibodies (227). 30-65% of these individuals also develop beta cell destruction and T1D (228). Diabetes may occur several years prior to the development of the stiff person syndrome (60%) or after the development of the stiff person syndrome (227,228). The stiff person syndrome without GAD antibodies is not associated with diabetes (228). Other autoimmune manifestations are also common, particularly thyroid disorders and pernicious anemia (227,228).


Autoimmune Insulin Resistance Type B Syndrome


Insulin resistance can result from autoantibodies directed against the insulin receptor, which either inhibit insulin from binding to the receptor or stimulate the receptor (229). Thus, they can cause either hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia, even alternating in the same patient. The patients usually present with very high glucose levels and significant weight loss (229). The diagnosis can be confirmed by demonstrating the presence of autoantibodies to the insulin receptor. The prevalence of type B insulin resistance syndrome is unknown but is quite rare (229). Middle-aged women are most often affected and often have other manifestations of autoimmune disease such as SLE or Sjogren’s. However, this disorder can also affect males and younger patients. Patients may have signs of insulin resistance including acanthosis nigricans and ovarian hyperandrogenism. Of note the acanthosis nigricans may involve the lips and the periocular region resulted in a typical facial appearance (229). Serum testosterone levels are often elevated in females (229). Patients often need excessive amounts of insulin (1,000 U or more per day). One can add insulin sensitizers such as metformin and/or thiazolidinediones to try to reduce the insulin dose, which can in some patients be greater than 10,000U per day (229). Treatment includes immunosuppression and/or plasmapheresis to halt the autoantibody production and decrease antibody levels (230). Approximately 1/3 of patients will undergo a spontaneous remission with reversal of the hyperglycemia/hypoglycemia and the clinical manifestations (229).




Ketosis-Prone Diabetes in Adults (Flatbush Diabetes)


This syndrome is characterized by the acute onset of severe hyperglycemia with or without ketoacidosis, which after several weeks to months no longer requires insulin therapy and can be treated with diet or oral hypoglycemic agents (231,232). These patients typically have a history of polyuria, polydipsia, and weight loss for less than 4 to 6 weeks indicating an abrupt onset of the disorder in glucose metabolism and no history of an event that could have precipitated the hyperglycemia (232). The initial presentation is suggestive of T1D. While in most patients insulin therapy can be stopped there are some patients who continue to require insulin treatment (231). This syndrome occurs in black populations (African American, African-Caribbean, sub-Saharan African), Hispanic populations, and Asian (Chinese, Indian, and Japanese) populations but is not typically seen in Caucasians (231,232).  The typical patient is male, middle-aged, overweight or modestly obese with a strong family history of diabetes (231,232). Patients are negative when tested for islet cell antibodies (GAD, ICA, IAA or IA-2) (231). Recurrent episodes of ketoacidosis can occur but the clinical course is typical of patients with T2D (231,232). Treatment with hypoglycemic agents reduces the risk of recurrence (232,233). With long-term follow-up many patients eventually require insulin therapy similar to what is observed in patients with T2D (233).


During the episode of severe hyperglycemia patients with ketosis-prone diabetes have lost the ability of glucose to stimulate beta cell insulin secretion but nonglycemic pharmacologic agents (glucagon and arginine) can stimulate insulin secretion (231). After restoration of normal glycemia the ability of glucose to stimulate insulin secretion returns towards normal and by 8-12 weeks has maximally improved (231). Usually patients with this syndrome have a modest reduction in stimulated insulin secretion (231). Why these patients temporarily lose the ability for glucose to stimulate insulin secretion is unknown. Additionally, during the acute episode of hyperglycemia the patients are severely insulin resistant, which improves during a period of euglycemia (232,233).


Clinically, it is important to recognize this syndrome as some patients presenting with diabetic ketoacidosis, particularly if they are non-Caucasians, may not have T1D but rather have ketosis-prone diabetes. It is estimated that between 20% and 50% of African-American and Hispanic patients with a new diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis have ketosis-prone diabetes (232). After restoration of euglycemia the management of these patients is similar to the management of patients with T2D and they frequently do not require permanent insulin treatment.




There are a number of inherited monogenic disorders that secondarily can be associated with diabetes. The mechanisms linking these disorders with diabetes is often not clear.


Chromosomal Abnormalities




Down’s syndrome is due to trisomy of chromosome 21 and occurs in 1 in every 787 liveborn babies (234). Down’s syndrome is often associated with autoimmune disorders like T1D and thyroiditis (234,235). The prevalence rate of T1D in patients with Down's syndrome has been estimated to be between 1.4 and 10.6%, which is higher than in the general population (236). In another study there was a 4-fold increased prevalence of diabetes in patients with Down’s syndrome (237). Diabetes in patients with Down’s syndrome often presents earlier in life with 22% of participants developing diabetes by 2 years of age (238). The presence of diabetes is often associated with other autoimmune disorders, particularly hypothyroidism and celiac disease (235). Anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies (GAD antibodies) are very frequently present in Down’s syndrome subjects developing diabetes (235). Down’s syndrome patients with diabetes have similar HLA genotypes as non-Down’s syndrome patients with T1D (235). Interestingly, while patients with Down’s syndrome and diabetes are typically treated with simpler regimens their glycemic control tends to be as good or better than the usual patient with T1D, perhaps related to a simpler lifestyle and acceptance of routine (235). The cause of the increased autoimmunity in patients with Down’s syndrome may be due to the abnormal expression of the AIRE gene, which regulates T-cell function and self-recognition and is located on chromosome 21 (21q22.3 region) (234,235).




Klinefelter syndrome is due to an extra X chromosome in men (XXY) resulting in hypergonadotropic hypogonadism and low testosterone levels (239). The prevalence of Klinefelter syndrome is approximately 1 in 500 to 1 in 1000 males (239). Patients with Klinefelter syndrome are frequently obese, insulin resistant, and at increased risk to develop T2D (240). The prevalence of overt diabetes in Klinefelter syndrome is estimated to be between 10-39% (240,241). Additionally, the prevalence of diabetes is even higher (up to 57%) in patients with the more severe karyotypes (48, or 49 chromosomes) (240). Klinefelter syndrome patients develop diabetes earlier in life (onset around 30 years) and their BMI is lower than what is usually observed in patients with T2D (240). Whether testosterone therapy will be of benefit in preventing or treating diabetes in patients with Klinefelter syndrome is uncertain (241). Given the increased risk of developing T2D patients with Klinefelter syndrome should be periodically screened for diabetes.


Interestingly, one study reported an increased prevalence of T1D in patients with Klinefelter syndrome (242). Furthermore, a recent study reported that 8.2% of patients with Klinefelter syndrome had autoantibodies specific to T1D (Insulin Abs, GAD Abs, IA-2 Abs, Znt8 Abs) (243). Additional studies are required to better elucidate whether Klinefelter syndrome increases the risk of developing T1D.




Turner syndrome is the most common chromosomal abnormality in girls, affecting approximately 1:2,500 of female live births (244). The condition is caused by complete or partial deletion of an X chromosome (244). The incidence of both T1D and T2D has been reported to be increased in patients with Turner syndrome (245). However, the link between T1D and Turner syndrome is not well characterized while the link with T2D is clearly established (246,247). For example, in a study of 224 patients with Turner syndrome 56 (25%) had T2D whereas only 1 patient (<0.5%) had T1D (248). Patients with Turner syndrome have an increased risk of autoimmune disorders, particularly hypothyroidism and celiac disease, but the risk of autoimmune T1D is much less (247,249). Four percent of patients with Turner syndrome have been shown to have GAD antibodies, which is greater than the 1% prevalence seen in the general population (249).


The prevalence of glucose intolerance is estimated to be from 15-50% while the prevalence of T2D is estimated to be approximately 10-25% (247,248). T2D occurs at a relatively young age in patients with Turner syndrome. Decreased beta cell function and decreased insulin sensitivity was observed in teenagers with Turner syndrome and was accompanied by an increased prevalence of impaired fasting glucose and impaired glucose tolerance compared to controls (250). Increased obesity is common in patients with Turner syndrome, which likely contributes to the abnormalities in glucose metabolism (246). Both insulin resistance and decreased insulin secretion are present in patients with Turner syndrome but the development of hyperglycemia in patients with T2D appears to be driven by decreased insulin secretion (246,247). Because of the high prevalence of diabetes, it is recommended to screen A1c with or without fasting glucose levels annually beginning at 10 years of age (247). Growth hormone therapy does not appear to increase the risk or worsen diabetes (246,247). Growth hormone therapy may lead to a decrease in adiposity and impaired glucose tolerance, which suggests it may actually improve glucose homeostasis (247). Similarly, sex steroid hormone replacement therapy also does not appear to have major adverse effects on glucose metabolism in patients with Turner syndrome (246).




Williams syndrome (Williams-Beuren syndrome) is a multisystem disorder characterized by transient infantile hypercalcemia, distinctive facial dysmorphism, and supravalvular aortic stenosis (251,252). In addition, gastrointestinal problems, dental anomalies, developmental delay/intellectual disability, anxiety disorders, and attention deficit disorder may occur as well as a variety of endocrine abnormalities including reduced statural growth, obesity, dyslipidemia, early pubertal development, hypothyroidism, and decreased bone density (251,253). Williams syndrome is due to a deletion on chromosome 7q, leading to the loss of 25–27 contiguous genes and thus individuals with Williams syndrome have only a single copy of these genes (252). This deletion almost always arises de novo in the affected individual. The estimated prevalence of Williams syndrome is ~1/7,500 and effects both males and females (252).


Numerous studies have shown a high prevalence of T2D and impaired glucose tolerance in patients with Williams syndrome (251). The abnormalities in glucose metabolism occur during adolescence and are not necessarily associated with obesity (251). Of note insulin resistance is observed initially followed by a loss of insulin secretion (251). Markers of islet autoimmunity are not observed (251). In a review of 7 studies with 154 participants with Williams syndrome and an average age ranging from 13 to 35 years of age it was observed that 18% had diabetes and 42% impaired glucose tolerance (251). Because of this high risk for diabetes, it is recommended that patients with Williams syndrome be screened for diabetes beginning in adolescence (251). Note-worthy is that A1c was frequently not abnormal and therefore screening should be with fasting glucose levels or an oral glucose tolerance test (251).


Diseases of the Endoplasmic Reticulum


The endoplasmic reticulum folds and modifies newly formed proteins to make them function properly. Therefore, diseases affecting the endoplasmic reticulum usually affect many organs.




Wolfram syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder characterized by T1D, diabetes insipidus, optic nerve atrophy, hearing loss, and neurodegeneration (254,255). There are also rare autosomal dominant forms of this disorder (255). This syndrome is sometimes called DIDMOAD (diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and deafness). The prevalence is approximately one per 770,000 but varies depending upon the specific population (254,255). The onset of the clinical picture is highly variable in both severity and clinical manifestations (255). This disorder typically has a very poor prognosis with the median age at death being 30 years (254). Diabetes mellitus is usually the first manifestation, typically diagnosed around age 6 (254). The diabetes is not immune mediated but is characterized by insulin deficiency (255). Almost all patients require insulin therapy (255). Residual beta cell function persists and therefore good glycemic control tends to be easier to achieve in Wolfram syndrome than immune mediated T1D (255). However, over time C-peptide levels decrease (256). The development of optic atrophy and hearing loss in children with diabetes are clues to the presence of this syndrome. Until the onset of optic atrophy and hearing loss these patients are usually thought to have typical T1D with an absence of antibodies (255). Confirmation of the diagnosis can be made by identifying mutations in the WFS1 gene (Wolfram syndrome type 1) (254). The WFS1 gene encodes a transmembrane protein (wolframin) localized to the ER (endoplasmic reticulum) and mutations result in ER stress leading to beta cell dysfunction and death (254).


Mutations in CISD2 gene cause a similar recessive type of Wolfram syndrome (Wolfram syndrome type 2) with patients exhibiting bleeding from upper intestinal ulcers and defective platelet aggregation without diabetes insipidus and psychiatric disorders (255). CISD2 encodes for a protein that moves between the ER and mitochondrial outer membrane (255).  


Unfortunately, there are currently no specific treatments to restore ER function and prevent the complications of this disorder.


Base Pair Repeat Syndromes     




Friedreich ataxia is a rare recessive disorder caused by triplet repeats (GAA) in the mitochondrial frataxin gene characterized by slowly progressive ataxia associated with dysarthria, muscle weakness, spasticity particularly in the lower limbs, scoliosis, bladder dysfunction, absent lower limb reflexes, and loss of position and vibration sense (257). The onset usually occurs before 25 years of age (257). Cardiomyopathy occurs in 2/3 of patients and up to 30% of patients have diabetes (257). The disorder effects approximately 1 in 30,000 Caucasians.


Diabetes occurs in 8-32% of patients with Friedrichs ataxia and an even higher percentage have impaired glucose tolerance (258,259). Hyperglycemia commonly develops approximately 15 years after the manifestation of neurological symptoms often presenting acutely with patients requiring insulin therapy (258,259). In a number of instances patients presented with ketoacidosis (259). Both insulin deficiency and insulin resistance have been reported in patients with Friedreich ataxia (259). It is hypothesized that mutations in frataxin result in alterations in mitochondria function that impair the ability of beta cells to secrete insulin in response to glucose and increase the risk of beta cell death (259).


There are no controlled studies comparing different diabetes therapies in patients with Friedreich ataxia. Metformin and thiazolidinediones inhibit the mitochondrial respiratory chain and therefore they should probably be used with caution in patients with mitochondrial disease (259). Additionally, thiazolidinediones increase the risk of congestive heart failure and patients with Friedreich ataxia have a high risk of cardiomyopathies and therefore should be avoided. Insulin is often required to achieve glycemic control.




Huntington’s disease is an autosomal dominant disorder that begins in adulthood (usually 30-50 years of age) and has distinctive motor defects (chorea, dystonia, and dyskinesia), psychiatric symptoms (depression and anxiety), and cognitive decline (260). This disorder is due to an unstable expansion of CAG repeats in the first exon of the gene that encodes the protein huntingtin (260). The prevalence of this disorder is approximately 5-12 per 100,000 (260,261). While an early study reported that approximately 10% of patients with Huntington’s disease have diabetes a careful review of recent studies reached the conclusion that the prevalence of diabetes in patients with Huntington’s disease is not increased and might actually be decreased (261,262).




Myotonic dystrophy type 1 is an autosomal-dominantly inherited disease characterized by myotonia, distal muscular dystrophy, cataracts, hypogonadism, and frontal hair loss that occurs in middle age (263). The disease is due to a CTG triplet repeat expansion in the myotonic dystrophy protein kinase gene (263). Diabetes is not a characteristic finding in myotonic dystrophy type 1 but the prevalence is increased 2-4-fold in patients with this disorder compared to the general population (263-265). A large study in Korea with 387 patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1 found that 27% had diabetes (266). Patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1 and diabetes have elevated insulin levels suggesting insulin resistance (263,264). Pioglitazone alone and in combination with metformin has been reported to improve glycemic control in patients with myotonic dystrophy and diabetes (267,268).


Obesity Syndromes




Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS), also earlier referred to as Laurence Moon Biedl syndrome, is a rare autosomal recessive disease with a prevalence of about 1/125,000 (269,270). BBS belongs to the group of ciliopathies characterized by obesity, retinal degeneration, finger anomalies, hypogonadism, renal abnormalities, and intellectual impairment (269,270). It can result from autosomal recessive mutations in at least 22 genes (BBS), which play a key role in structure and function of cilia (269,270). In a study of 152 patients with BBS it was reported that approximately 75% were obese and the average BMI was 35.7kg/m2 (270). Twenty-five of these patients with BBS had diabetes (16.4%) with 24 having T2D and 1 having T1D (270). Of the 24 patients with T2D six patients were diet controlled, eight were taking metformin, and 10 were on insulin therapy. The mean A1c of subjects with T2D was 7.8 (270). In a smaller series of 46 patients, it was reported that 22 had T2D (46%) and the median age of onset of diabetes mellitus was 43 years (217). The risk of developing diabetes increases with age. In the BBS patients without diabetes fasting glucose, insulin levels, and HOMA-IR were significantly increased in the BBS group compared with an age and BMI matched control group (270). The metabolic syndrome was present in 54% of the patients with BBS (270).




PWS is a rare autosomal dominant disorder due to a mutation or deletion of several genes in an imprinting region on chromosome 15 (271). PWS in children is associated with excessive eating and morbid obesity, hypogonadism, low muscle tone, and short stature (271). The hyperphagia that occurs in PWS is believed to be due to a hypothalamic abnormality resulting in lack of satiety. This leads to excessive obesity in children, which is often associated with T2D due to severe insulin resistance (271). Approximately 20- 25% of adults with PWS have T2D with a mean age of onset of 20 years (271,272). Individuals with PWS who develop early diabetes have severe obesity, a high prevalence of psychiatric and metabolic disorders, and a family history of overweight and T2D (272). In recent years the earlier diagnosis and education of parents, use of growth hormone therapy, and the frequency of group homes specific for PWS have led to a reduction in the development of morbid obesity resulting in a decrease in the development of T2D among individuals with PWS (271). Metformin has been shown to be effective in the treatment of PWS patients with diabetes (273). Studies of GLP1 receptor agonists demonstrated lowering of A1c levels but effects on weight loss have been inconsistent (274).




Alstrom syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder with a prevalence of less than one per million characterized by retinal dystrophy, hearing loss, childhood truncal obesity, insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, T2D, hypertriglyceridemia, short stature in adulthood, cardiomyopathy, and progressive pulmonary, hepatic, and renal dysfunction (275-277). Symptoms appear in infancy and multi-organ pathology leads to a decreased life expectancy (275,276). The syndrome is caused by mutations in ALMS1, which is a ciliary protein and hence many of the features of Alstrom syndrome resemble those seen in the Bardet-Biedl syndrome (275-277). Diagnosis is confirmed by finding biallelic pathogenic variants in ALMS1 gene.


Severe insulin resistance secondary to abnormalities in GLUT4 trafficking, hyperinsulinemia, and impaired glucose tolerance frequently present in early childhood and are often accompanied by acanthosis nigricans (275,277). T2D develops early in life with a mean age of onset at 16 years (275). In one study 82% of patients with Alstrom syndrome older than 16 years of age have T2D (278). Weight loss with diet, exercise, and medications is indicated (279). Therapy with oral agents, particularly insulin sensitizing agents, may be effective but insulin therapy may be required (275,279).






Porphyria cutanea tarda has been associated with diabetes (280), but given that many patients with this disorder also have iron overload, genes for hemochromatosis, and HCV and HIV infection it is very difficult to tell if porphyria cutanea tarda per se is responsible for the association with diabetes (281,282).




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New Osteoporosis / Vertebral Compression Fractures



Osteoporosis is a prevalent disease characterized by reduced bone mass and architectural deterioration, which leads to structurally weakened bone and an increased risk of fragility fractures. A fragility fracture is defined as a fracture occurring with minimal trauma, such as falling from standing height. These fractures rise exponentially with age and most commonly involve the spine, hip, humerus, and wrist. Vertebral compression fractures are the most common osteoporotic fractures with an estimated 700,000 per year in the United States (1). However, most patients with vertebral fractures are unaware that they have fractured as only ~1/3rd are clinically diagnosed. While there are effective treatments to reduce the risk of fractures, only 23% of patients with fragility fractures receive osteoporosis evaluation and treatment.




Bone is a dynamic organ with continuous remodeling to maintain a healthy skeleton—osteoclasts resorb bone and osteoblasts form new bone (2). Osteoporosis results from a net increase in bone resorption relative to bone formation. The receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa β (RANK), RANK ligand (RANKL), and osteoprotegerin (OPG) are key regulators of bone resorption. Interaction between RANKL and RANK stimulates osteoclastic differentiation, while OPG, made by osteoblasts, binds with RANKL and inhibits bone resorption. In addition, the Wnt signaling pathway is a network of proteins that is involved in activating the transcription of genes that direct the differentiation and proliferation of osteoblasts. Sclerostin, produced by the osteocytes embedded in bone, is the product of the SOST gene. Sclerostin reduces the Wnt signaling pathway, thereby, suppressing bone formation by osteoblasts. Some of the key factors that are mechanistically involved in bone turnover are therapeutic targets for osteoporosis treatment. See Table 4 for summary of treatments.


Fragility Fractures


Vertebral compression fractures are associated with substantial morbidity including: acute and chronic back pain, height loss, kyphosis, restrictive lung disease, early satiety, reduced quality of life, and increased mortality (1). A spine fracture is associated with a 5-fold risk of a subsequent spine fracture and a 2-fold risk of hip and other fractures. Hip fractures are serious fractures that can lead to pain, disability, loss of independence, and high mortality. A Danish registry study published in 2018 found that one-year excess mortality was 20-25% after femur or pelvic, 10% following vertebral, and 5-10% following humerus fractures.


There is a high prevalence of low vitamin D levels among hip fracture patients. Since there is a large care gap for patients with fragility fractures, there are critical ongoing efforts to try to implement inter-disciplinary, hospital-based approaches to advance fracture care. It is imperative to ensure timely outpatient follow-up to correct the vitamin D deficiency, evaluate patients for other secondary causes of osteoporosis, and institute osteoporosis treatment. See Treatment section for further description of management of these fractures.




Assessment of osteoporosis risk factors and measurement of bone mineral density (BMD) by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) are important to determine which individuals are at increased risk of fractures. Low bone mass (osteopenia) is present when the BMD is between 1.0 and 2.5 SDs below peak bone density of young, healthy individuals. More than 50% of fragility fractures occur in these patients. Osteoporosis, according to the World Health Organization, is defined as a BMD ≤-2.5 SDs of young normal. BMD testing is typically measured at the proximal femur and lumbar spine, though the 1/3 radius should be measured in patients with hyperparathyroidism ( The Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation (BHOF; formerly the National Osteoporosis Foundation) currently recommends that women >65 years, men >70 years, and postmenopausal women and men >50 years with risk factors or fracture after age 50 receive screening DXA scans (3). The BHOF recommends monitoring osteoporosis by an annual measurement of a patient’s height, preferably with a mounted stadiometer, and BMD testing 1-2 years after initiating therapy and every 2 years thereafter. Because spine fractures are often not clinically evident, imaging for spine fractures (vertebral fracture assessment by DXA or X-ray) is recommended, particularly in older adults with osteopenia and after adult-age fracture (>50 years of age), glucocorticoid use, or diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism (See Table 1) (3, 4).


The FRAX® calculator was designed to quantify an individual’s absolute fracture risk ( In addition to BMD, the following risk factors are included—ethnicity, age, body mass index, prior fracture history, glucocorticoid use, alcohol use, smoking, rheumatoid arthritis, and other secondary causes of osteoporosis. If the 10-year absolute fracture risk is ≥3% for hip fractures or ≥20% for other major osteoporotic fractures, pharmacologic therapy should be considered. Note that the FRAX calculator is not designed for those with osteoporosis on BMD testing but mainly for those with low bone mass.


Using a specialized software (incorporated in DXA machines), Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) can be generated from lumbar spine DXA images and is a measure that reflects bone microarchitecture and predicts fracture risk independent of bone density. TBS can now also be incorporated in the FRAX score.


Table 1. Imaging Assessment Recommendations

DXA Tests:
Women aged ≥65 and older men aged ≥70
Younger postmenopausal women and men aged 50-69 with risk factors for bone loss or fractures
Adults who have a fracture at age ≥50
Adults with a medical condition or taking a medication associated with bone loss and/or fractures

Vertebral Imaging Tests:
Women aged ≥65 if T-score is ≤ -1.0 at the femoral neck

Women aged ≥70 and men aged ≥80 if T-score is ≤ -1.0 at the lumbar spine, total hip, or femoral neck 
Men aged 70-79 if T-score is ≤ -1.5 at the lumbar spine, total hip, or femoral neck
Postmenopausal women and men aged ≥50 with specific risk factors:

-        Fracture(s) during adulthood (age ≥50) from any cause

-        Historical height loss of ≥1.5 inches (4 cm)

-        Prospective/interval height loss of ≥0.8 inches (2 cm)

-        Glucocorticoid therapy

-        Hyperparathyroidism


When the diagnosis of a low bone density is made, a work-up to look for secondary causes of osteoporosis should be considered. See Table 2.


Table 2. Secondary Causes of Osteoporosis

Endocrinological Abnormalities

Glucocorticoid excess, hyperthyroidism, hypogonadism, anorexia, prolactinoma, hyperparathyroidism

Hematologic Disorders

Multiple myeloma, mastocytosis, leukemia

Renal Disease

Metabolic bone disease, nephrolithiasis

Connective Tissue Disorders

Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

Gastrointestinal Diseases

Celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, post-gastrectomy, bariatric surgery

Rheumatological Disorders

Ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis


Glucocorticoids, cyclophosphamide, aromatase inhibitors, heparin, methotrexate, androgen deprivation therapy, gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists, proton-pump inhibitors, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors


Laboratory evaluation may include the following: calcium, phosphorus, liver tests (including alkaline phosphatase), CBC, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, 24-hour urine calcium, +/- parathyroid hormone, and thyroid stimulating hormone (if clinical evidence of hyperthyroidism or those already on thyroid hormone replacement), and serum testosterone level in men. For select cases one may consider obtaining specialized tests for gastrointestinal disorders (tissue transglutaminase for celiac disease with an IgA level), infiltrative diseases (serum tryptase for mastocytosis), neoplastic (serum and urine protein electrophoresis), or excess glucocorticoid (24-hour urine cortisol, dexamethasone suppression test).






The management of a vertebral compression fracture involves both pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic approaches. The acute pain typically subsides over several weeks, but pain management with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, neuropathic pain agents, or narcotics may be needed. A 2-4 week course of calcitonin, administered as one spray (200 IU) per day intranasally, may help patients who need additional acute pain management. Spinal bracing may help with pain by limiting movement of bone fragments against one another, and physical therapy may improve mobility and reduce fear of falling. Vertebral fractures are common in older adults and secondary fracture prevention is important. After a vertebral fracture, patients should immediately start osteoporosis treatment to prevent subsequent vertebral fractures, particularly teriparatide, abaloparatide, zoledronic acid, denosumab, or romosozumab, which have been shown to reduce vertebral fracture risk within the first year of treatment.


Procedures such as vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty have been thought to be effective for acute fracture pain; however, this finding has not been replicated across studies, especially in those controlled by sham operations. This lack of a clear benefit is also offset by the small but serious risks of these procedures, which include epidural cement leak leading to possible nerve root compression, osteomyelitis, cement pulmonary embolism, and the possibility of subsequent vertebral fractures in adjacent vertebrae. A Cochrane review published in 2018 found no demonstrable clinically important benefits for vertebroplasty compared with placebo (sham procedure), and the results did not differ according to duration of pain (≤6 weeks vs. >6 weeks) (5). A 2019 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) task force concluded that, for patients with painful vertebral fractures, there was no significant benefit for vertebroplasty compared to placebo or sham procedures and recommended against the use of balloon kyphoplasty (6). If vertebral augmentation is considered in select patients with disabling spine fractures, osteoporosis treatment should be initiated concurrently.


Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis affects the spine greater than other sites. Glucocorticoids have a major effect on reducing bone formation and also increase bone resorption. Thus, there are two sites for targeted intervention—anabolic and anti-resorptive treatments, respectively. The American College of Rheumatology has recommended starting bone protection therapy for adults ≥40 years taking prednisone at a dose of ≥2.5 mg/day for ≥3 months if at moderate to high risk for fracture (i.e., FRAX 10-year risk of major osteoporotic fracture >10%, FRAX 10-year risk of hip fracture >1%, osteoporosis by bone density criteria, or prior osteoporotic fracture) (7). The Food Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the following anti-resorptive agents — risedronate, alendronate, zoledronic acid, and denosumab — and the anabolic agent teriparatide for glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. In a randomized trial, teriparatide was superior to alendronate in preventing BMD declines at the spine and hip.


With regards to hip fractures and the use of zoledronic acid once yearly, the timing of this FDA-approved treatment for secondary fracture prevention is important. There is a significant reduction in vertebral and non-vertebral fractures and mortality as well as an increase in hip BMD in those who receive zoledronic acid and supplemental vitamin D between two weeks and 90 days following a hip fracture.




Adequate calcium and vitamin D intake are essential. In 2010, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) set recommendations for daily calcium and vitamin D requirements (8). See Table 3.


Table 3. Recommended Daily Intakes of Elemental Calcium (adapted from 2010 IOM report)

Calcium Intake

Women 19 to 50 years / Men 19 to 70 years
Women ≥51 years / Men ≥71 years

1000 mg
1200 mg

Vitamin D Intake

Women and Men < 70 years

Women and Men > 70 years




Obtaining calcium through the diet is preferred. However, if taking calcium supplements, for those on proton pump inhibitors, calcium citrate (e.g., Citracal®) is preferred given better absorption over calcium carbonate and can be taken on an empty stomach. Preparations of Citracal® include Maximum Plus (315 mg of calcium per tablet) and Petite (200 mg of calcium per tablet). Calcium carbonate (e.g., Oscal®, Caltrate®), ranging from 500 to 600 mg per tablet, should be taken with food to allow optimal absorption.


Vitamin D deficiency is a prevalent problem. The IOM guidelines recommend a daily dose of vitamin D3 of 600 IU for individuals ≤70 years of age and 800 IU daily for those ≥71. Other societies recommend 800-1000 IU of vitamin D for high-risk adults with osteoporosis. Patients with vitamin D deficiency need much higher doses. Although there is debate, the BHOF and other organizations currently recommend a 25-hydroxyvitamin D level ≥30 ng/mL. There are ongoing, population-based studies that are evaluating the effects of supplemental vitamin D on fractures and bone health measures.


Recommendations for lifestyle and dietary modification include weight-bearing exercises, balance training, muscle-strengthening, fall prevention interventions, smoking cessation, and moderate alcohol consumption.




Table 4 lists the currently available osteoporosis drugs approved by the FDA, their dosage, indication, and general efficacy to reduce fractures.


Table 4. FDA-approved Treatments for Osteoporosis: Dose, Fracture Indication, Efficacy and Side Effects


Dose & Administration

Fracture Reduction *

Side Effects



70 mg PO once weekly

V, N, H

Upper GI symptoms, rare bone pain, osteonecrosis of the jaw (rare), atypical femur fracture (rare).


150 mg PO monthly; 3 mg IV every 3 months



35 mg PO once weekly; 150 mg PO once monthly

V, N, H

Zoledronic Acid (ZA)

5 mg IV once yearly

V, N, H

Mild flu like syndrome during and after ZA infusion (pre-treat with acetaminophen); ZA should not be given if severe renal impairment (GFR <35 mL/min). After a hip fracture, vitamin D and ZA should be initiated 2 weeks to 90 days after the fracture.

SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators)


60 mg PO daily


Hot flashes, deep vein thrombosis (rare)

Parathyroid Hormone

Teriparatide (PTH 1-34)

20 mcg SC daily

V, N

Nausea, hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, hypotension (rare)

(PTHrP 1-34)

80 mcg SC daily (for maximum of 2 years)

V, N

Nausea, hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, dizziness, osteosarcoma (in rodents)

RANKL inhibitor


60 mg SC every 6 months

V, N, H

Skin infections, other uncommon infections, osteonecrosis of the jaw (rare), atypical femur fractures (rare), bone loss/vertebral fractures upon discontinuation

Sclerostin inhibitor


210 mg SC every month for 12 months

V, N, H

Injection site reaction, major adverse cardiac events, osteonecrosis of the jaw (rare), atypical femur fracture (rare)



200 IU nasally or
100 IU subcutaneously every other day


Nasal congestion, malignancy

V: vertebral, N: non-vertebral, H: hip




Pharmacologic treatment is indicated for those with osteoporosis by BMD criteria; fragility vertebral or hip fracture regardless of BMD; fragility fracture of the pelvis, proximal humerus, or wrist with osteopenic range BMD; and elevated FRAX scores.


The most commonly used therapy is a bisphosphonate, which has long skeletal retention, decreases bone turnover, and reduces the risk of fractures (see Table 4). Alendronate, risedronate, and zoledronic acid decrease vertebral, non-vertebral, and hip fractures, whereas ibandronate decreases vertebral but not hip or non-vertebral fractures. There is concern about the association of its long-term use and risk of atypical femur fractures. These fractures (1) can occur along the subtrochanteric femur, (2) are associated with minimal or no trauma, (3) are in transverse or short oblique configuration, and (4) usually are complete fractures through both cortices. Some patients have prodromal symptoms of thigh or groin pain in the affected leg; bilateral atypical femur fractures may also be present. The incidence of these types of fractures is very low, and the consensus has been that the number of fractures prevented far exceeds the number of these fractures occurring as a result of bisphosphonates. According to the available limited, post-hoc data analyses, continuation of therapy after 3 years for zoledronic acid and 5 years for oral bisphosphonates may be considered in those with hip, spine, or multiple other osteoporotic fractures before or during therapy, osteoporosis at the hip after treatment, or high fracture risk. According to the 2011 FDA review, more data are needed concerning long-term bisphosphonate use. Until these data are available, annual evaluation and follow-up should involve decisions as to whether a 1-2 year or greater bisphosphonate holiday is needed, according to each individual’s risk, or to consider the use of alternative treatments as needed. It is important, however, to follow patients with a history of low bone mass or osteoporosis who are on a bisphosphonate holiday. Another rare complication is osteonecrosis of the jaw, which usually occurs in the setting of an invasive dental procedure. This complication is primarily seen in cancer patients who are receiving zoledronic acid on a monthly basis to prevent cancer-related fractures.


Denosumab, FDA approved in June 2010, is a monoclonal antibody that reduces RANKL, inhibiting the cellular mechanisms underlying bone resorption. It decreases the risk of vertebral, non-vertebral, and hip fractures and can be judiciously used in those with renal dysfunction. Denosumab has also been associated with rare cases of atypical femur fractures and osteonecrosis of the jaw. Of note, a drug holiday from denosumab is not recommended due to rebound bone loss and risk of multiple vertebral fractures with discontinuation. If denosumab is to be discontinued, it should be followed by bisphosphonate treatment.


Anabolic agents teriparatide (1-34 recombinant PTH) and abaloparatide (1-34 recombinant PTHrP) stimulate overall bone formation, improve bone structure, increase BMD particularly at the spine, and reduce risk of vertebral and non-vertebral fractures. In postmenopausal women with history of vertebral fracture, teriparatide has been shown to reduce incident vertebral and clinical fractures more than risedronate. Abaloparatide appears to be more effective at increasing bone density at the total hip compared to teriparatide and is less likely to cause hypercalcemia. They are administered as daily subcutaneous injections. Due to increased risk of osteosarcoma in rodents, these agents were limited to 2 years in a lifetime. However, due to twenty years of post-surveillance data showing no increased risk of osteosarcoma in humans, use of teriparatide is no longer restricted to 2 years. Use of abaloparatide, which was FDA approved in 2017, continues to be restricted to 2 years. These treatments should not be used in patients with active malignancy, history of radiation therapy, elevated alkaline phosphatase, or Paget’s disease. Anabolic agents should be followed by anti-resorptive therapy to consolidate gains in BMD.


Romosozumab, FDA approved in April 2019, is fully human monoclonal antibody that inhibits sclerostin and simultaneously reduces bone resorption and stimulates bone formation. Clinical studies of romosozumab have shown reduced risk of vertebral and nonvertebral, and hip fractures compared to placebo as well as alendronate. However, there were more adjudicated serious cardiovascular events in the romosozumab treatment arm compared to the alendronate arm. Thus, according to the FDA, romosozumab should not be used in patients who have had a myocardial infarction or stroke within the preceding year. A course of romosozumab is 12-months long, as the anabolic effects of romosozumab wane before then. There is no limit of courses. Similar to the parathyroid hormone analogues, romosozumab should also be followed by anti-resorptive therapy.




Once an initial bone density is measured, a follow-up BMD should be done 1-2 years after the initial screening and depending on whether pharmacologic therapy was initiated. Biochemical bone turnover markers and collagen breakdown products (e.g., N-telopeptide, C-telopeptide, collected in the morning) at baseline and after 3 months of treatment may be helpful in select patients to determine patient response to a therapeutic intervention. Clinical musculoskeletal evaluation and annual height measurements are important in the identification of spine fractures. Fragility fractures increase exponentially with advancing age, and evaluation and treatment of new fractures are critical for secondary prevention of fractures and healthy aging.




LeBoff M.S., Greenspan S.L, Insogna K.L., Lewiecki E.M., Saag K.G., Singer A.J., Siris, E.S. The Clinician's Guide to Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis. Osteoporos Int. In press.


Camacho, P. M., Petak, S. M., Binkley, N., Diab, D. L., Eldeiry, L. S., Farooki, A., Harris, S. T., Hurley, D. L., Kelly, J., Lewiecki, E. M., Pessah-Pollack, R., McClung, M., Wimalawansa, S. J., & Watts, N. B. American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists/American College of Endocrinology Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis – 2020 Update. Endocr Pract. 2020;26(Suppl 1), 1–46..


Eastell R., Rosen C.J., Black D.M., Cheung A.M., Murad M.H., Shoback D. Pharmacological Management of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women:  An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019;104(5):1595-1622.


Shoback D., Rosen C.J., Black D.M., Cheung A.M., Murad M.H., Eastell R. Pharmacological Management of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women:  An Endocrine Society Guideline Update. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020;105(3): 587–594




  1. Ensrud K.E., Schousboe J.T. Clinical practice. Vertebral fractures. N Engl J Med. 2011;364(17):1634–42. [PubMed]
  2. Rosen CJ. The Epidemiology and Pathogenesis of Osteoporosis. In: De Groot LJ, Chrousos G, Dungan K, Feingold KR, Grossman A, Hershman JM, Koch C, Korbonits M, McLachlan R, New M, Purnell J, Rebar R, Singer F, Vinik A, editors. Endotext [Internet]. South Dartmouth (MA):, Inc.; 2000-2017 Feb 21.
  3. LeBoff M.S., Greenspan S.L, Insogna K.L., Lewiecki E.M., Saag K.G., Singer A.J., Siris, E.S. The Clinician's Guide to Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis. Osteoporos Int. In press.
  4. Chou S.H., LeBoff M.S. Vertebral Imaging in the Diagnosis of Osteoporosis: a Clinician's Perspective. Curr Osteoporos Rep. 2017;15(6):509–520. [PubMed]
  5. Buchbinder R., et al. Percutaneous vertebroplasty for osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018;4:CD006349. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
  6. Ebeling P., et al. The Efficacy and Safety of Vertebral Augmentation: A Second ASBMR Task Force Report. J Bone Miner Res. 2019; 34(1):3-21.
  7. Buckley L, Guyatt G, Fink H, Cannon M, Grossman J, Hansen K, Humphrey HB, Lane NE, Magrey M, Miller M, Morrison L, Rao M, Robinson AB, Saha S, Wolver S, Bannuru RR, Vaysbrot E, Osani M, Turgunbae M, Miller A, McAlindon T. 2017 American College of Rheumatology Guideline for the Prevention and Treatment of Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2017;69(8):1521-1537.
  8. Institute of Medicine. In Ross AC, Taylor CL, Yaktine AL, Del Valle HB e, eds. Dietary reference intakes for calcium and vitamin D. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences; 2011.

Age-Related Changes in the Male Reproductive System


In male mammals, changes at all levels of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis, including alterations in the GnRH pulse generator, gonadotropin secretion, and testicular steroidogenesis, in addition to alterations of feed-forward and feed-back relationships contribute to the age-related decline in circulating testosterone concentrations. The rate of age-related decline in testosterone levels is affected by the presence of chronic illness, adiposity, medication, sampling time, and the methods of testosterone measurement. Epidemiologic surveys reveal an association of low testosterone levels with changes in sexual function, body composition, physical function and mobility, and increased risk of diabetes, late life persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia), unexplained anemia of aging, osteoporosis and bone fractures. Age-related decline in testosterone should be distinguished from classical hypogonadism due to known diseases of the hypothalamus, pituitary, and the testis. In young hypogonadal men who have a known disease of the hypothalamus, pituitary, and testis, testosterone therapy is generally beneficial and has been associated with a low frequency of adverse events. However, neither the long-term benefits in improved health outcomes nor the long-term risks of testosterone therapy are known in older men with age-related decline in testosterone levels. Well-conducted randomized trials have found that testosterone replacement of older men with unequivocally low testosterone levels improves sexual desire, erectile function, and overall sexual activity; lean body mass, muscle strength and some measures of physical function and mobility; areal and volumetric bone density and bone strength; depressive symptoms; and corrects anemia of aging. Testosterone treatment does not worsen lower urinary tract symptoms but the effects of long-term testosterone treatment on the risk of prostate cancer and major adverse cardiovascular events remain unknown. Although testicular morphology, semen production, and fertility are maintained up to a very old age in men, there is clear evidence of decreased fecundity with advancing age and an increased risk of specific genetic disorders related to paternal age among the offspring of older men. Thus, reproductive aging of men is emerging as an important public health problem whose serious societal consequences go far beyond the quality-of-life issues related to low testosterone levels.


Aging of male mammals is a very recent evolutionary event observed mostly in humans and animals in captivity. Most animal species in the wild with few exceptions [e.g., short-finned pilot whales, killer whales and some fish (1)] do not live beyond their reproductive years; during periods of food deprivation, many small animals may not even live beyond puberty. Even among humans, only the men and women of the past three generations have enjoyed a life expectancy of greater than fifty years. With increasing life expectancies of human populations across the globe, today, most men and women can expect to spend a substantial proportion of their lifespan past their procreative years.


The historical transition towards aging of human populations has profoundly influenced the health and wellbeing of older adults in their post-reproductive years as well as the size, health, vitality, and economies of human societies (2). At an individual level, many conditions related to reproductive aging, including sexual dysfunction, subfertility or infertility, conditions related to sex-steroid deficiency, genitourinary disorders, pelvic floor disorders, and cancers of the reproductive and accessory organs motivate middle-aged and older men and women to seek medical care. At a societal level, reproductive aging poses a potential threat to the reproductive capacity, health, and welfare of the current and future generations (2,3). Birth-rates in the United States, which had been declining since the turn of the nineteenth century - except during a short baby boom period after World War II - have trended below replacement levels since 1971 (Figure 1) (3-6). Several factors have contributed to this trend, including a growing proportion of couples having their first child after age 30, and an increasing proportion postponing pregnancy beyond age 35 (Figure 1) (4,7).  Societal developments underpinning these trends include the availability of contraceptives that enable couples to separate their sexual and procreative lives; increased work force participation and changing career expectations of women; and a higher age of the male and female partners at reproductive union (2,3). Postponement of childbearing to an older age increases the risk of involuntary childlessness because of the adverse effects of advanced maternal and paternal age per se on fecundity, increased risk of comorbidities associated with advancing age that may indirectly affect fecundity, and the age-related changes in reproductive behaviors (4,8-11).

Figure 1. Birth rates, mean age of mother at first childbirth, and the proportion of infants born in the United States to women >35 years of age since 1970. Legend. The birth rate per 1000 population declined from 18.4 in 1970 to 11.8 in 2017. The mean age of mothers at first child birth increased from 21.4 years in 1970 to 26.6 in 2016. The proportion of all infants born in the USA to mothers > 35 years increased from 4.6% in 1970 to 14.9% in 2012. Birth rates are per 1,000 population estimated as of July 1 for each year except in 1970 and 1980, which were estimated as of April 1. Reproduced with permission from Bhasin S, Kerr C, Oktay K, Racowsky C. The Implications of Reproductive Aging for the Health, Vitality and Economic Welfare of Human Societies. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019 Apr 16:jc.2019-00315. doi: 10.1210/jc.2019-00315. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 30990518. The original figure was based on data derived from: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Vital Statistics System: birth data. Available at: Accessed 24 June 2021.

The health issues related to reproductive aging of women have been the subject of intense research for nearly 50 years and are covered in other sections of this textbook (12-15). This chapter focuses only on the reproductive aging of men, which has recently begun to garner considerable attention as reflected by the opening of hundreds of men's health clinics across the United States, and in the growing sales of testosterone and erectile dysfunction products.


The aging of men is associated with functional alterations at all levels of the reproductive axis that affect both the steroidogenic and gametogenic compartments (16-19). As discussed in this chapter, there is agreement that serum testosterone levels decline with age, a decline that is exacerbated by the accumulation of comorbidities (20,21); however, the long-term effects of testosterone supplementation on health-related outcomes in older men have not been fully examined. Long-term safety data on the effects of testosterone supplementation on the risk of prostate cancer and major adverse cardiovascular events are also lacking. The recent publication of several well-conducted placebo-controlled trials of testosterone in middle-aged and older men has greatly advanced our understanding of the effects of testosterone treatment on sexual function, mobility, vitality, lower urinary tract symptoms and atherogenesis progression (22-28). However, in the absence of long-term, adequately-powered randomized trials of the effects of testosterone on hard patient-important health outcomes – fractures, falls, physical disability, progression from prediabetes to diabetes, remission of depressive disorders, wellbeing, and progression to dementia - the risks and benefits of long-term testosterone replacement in older men remain incompletely understood. The first section of this chapter reviews the pathophysiology and health consequences of age-related decline of testosterone levels and offers a patient-centric individualized approach to the treatment decisions. The second section describes the age-related alterations in the gametogenic compartment of the testes.





Many studies suggest that aging per se affects the gonadal axis independently of the co-morbidities that accrete with aging, but there remains controversy about the relative contributions of the aging and the accumulation of co-morbidities to the age-related decline in testosterone levels. A few studies of older men have reported preservation of normal testosterone concentrations and its circadian rhythm in healthy older men (29,30). However, many other cross-sectional studies have shown that even after accounting for the potential confounding factors such as time of sampling, concomitant illness and medications, and technical issues related to hormone assays, serum total testosterone levels are lower in older men in comparison to younger men (31-52). Several longitudinal studies (31-34)also have confirmed a gradual but progressive decrease in serum testosterone concentrations from age 20 to 80. Adiposity, chronic illness, weight gain, lifestyle factors, medications, and genetic factors affect testosterone levels and the trajectory of the age-related decline in testosterone levels in men (29,32,35,53-56).  The rate of age-related decline is greater in older men with chronic illness and adiposity than in healthy, non-obese older men (35,53,54). In the European Male Aging Study, adiposity and comorbidities were more strongly associated with low testosterone levels than age (57).


In contrast to the sharp reduction in ovarian estrogen production at menopause, the age-related decline in men does not start at a discrete coordinate in old age; rather, total testosterone concentrations, after reaching a peak in the second and third decade, decline inexorably throughout a man’s life (Figure 2). Because of the absence of an identifiable inflection point at which testosterone levels begin to decline abruptly or more rapidly, many investigators have questioned the validity of the concept of “andropause”, which misleadingly implies an abrupt cessation of androgen production in men (39,58). The term ‘late-onset hypogonadism’ has been proposed to reflect the view that in some middle-aged and older men (> 65 years), the age-related decline in testosterone concentration is associated with a cluster of symptoms and signs in a syndromic constellation which resembles in some aspects that observed in men with classical hypogonadism (47,59).

Figure 2. The distribution of total and free testosterone levels by decades of age in male participants of the Framingham Heart Study, the European Male Aging Study (EMAS) and the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS). Means and standard deviations are shown. To convert total testosterone from ng/dL to nmol/L, multiply concentrations in ng/dL with 0.0347. To convert free testosterone from pg/mL to pmol/L, multiply concentrations in pg/mL with 3.47. Reproduced with permission from Bhasin et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Aug;96(8):2430-9.

Sex-hormone binding globulin concentrations are higher in older men than younger men (32,43,48). Thus, the age-related decline in free testosterone levels is of a greater magnitude than that in total testosterone levels. Similarly, there is a greater percent decline in bioavailable testosterone concentrations (the fraction of circulating testosterone that is not bound to SHBG) than in total testosterone concentrations.


An Expert Panel of the Endocrine Society defined androgen deficiency as a syndrome resulting from reduced production of testosterone and characterized by a set of signs and symptoms in association with unequivocally low testosterone levels (16). Many epidemiologic studies have defined androgen deficiency solely in terms of serum testosterone concentrations below the lower limit of the normal range for healthy, young men leading to inaccurate estimates of the prevalence of androgen deficiency in older men. Additionally, serum testosterone levels in most studies were measured using direct immunoassays, whose accuracy in the low range has been questioned. Not surprisingly, the estimates of the prevalence of androgen deficiency in older men have varied greatly among different studies. In the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA) (31), 30% of men over the age of 60 and 50% of men over the age of 70 had total testosterone concentration below the lower limit of normal range for healthy young men (325 ng/dL, 11.3 nmol/L). The prevalence was even higher when these investigators used a free testosterone index to define androgen deficiency (31). In contrast, more recent studies that have used liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry found the prevalence of androgen deficiency to be significantly lower than that observed in the MMAS and BLSA (39,40,47-50). Although 10–15% of men aged ≥65 years have low total testosterone levels (Table 1) (47-50), the prevalence of late-onset hypogonadism defined by symptoms and a total testosterone level <8 nmol/L in the EMAS was 3.2% for men aged 60–69 years and 5.1% for those aged 70–79 years (47). The Healthy Man Study in Australia found no significant age-related decline in testosterone or dihydrotestosterone in men who reported being in good health (60). The authors of the Health Man Study have argued that ill health, rather than aging itself, is the major contributor to androgen deficiency in older men. A Finnish cross-sectional study also demonstrated very low prevalence of low serum testosterone concentrations in older men who were healthy (39).


Table 1. Percent of Community-Dwelling Older Men with Unequivocally Low Testosterone Level in Population Studies


Principal Investigator

Number of Men with Age > 65 years

% Men with Testosterone <250 ng/dL

Framingham Heart Study (FHS)




Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study (MrOs)




European Male Aging Study (EMAS)




Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS)




Data derived from Bhasin et al, JCEM 2011; Orwoll et al, JCEM 2009; Wu et al, NEJM 2010; Hirsch et al, JCEM 2009.



Circulating testosterone concentrations are a function of testosterone production and clearance rates; the age-related decline in serum testosterone concentrations is primarily a consequence of decreased production rates in older men (20,21,43-45,48). Plasma clearance rates of testosterone are, in fact, lower in older men than in younger men (54,55). The decline in testosterone production in older men is the result of abnormalities at all levels of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (42-44,60-71).



Pulsatile GnRH secretion is attenuated in older men. In addition, there are disturbances of the feedback and feed-forward relationships between testosterone and LH secretion (63,71,72). Thus, the sensitivity of pituitary LH secretion to androgen-mediated feedback inhibition is increased; in addition, the ability of LH to stimulate synchronously testicular testosterone secretion (feedforward) is attenuated (63,71,72). Veldhuis has shown that the orderliness of LH pulses and the synchrony between LH and testosterone pulses are decreased in older men (63,71,72); in addition, there is greater variability in LH pulse frequency, amplitude, and secretory mass in older men, in comparison to younger men (71,72).




There is considerable heterogeneity in circulating LH and FSH concentrations in individual older men; both hypogonadotropic and hypergonadotropic hypogonadism have been reported (54,59). As a group, serum LH and FSH concentrations are higher in older men than in young men (32,33). However, serum LH concentrations do not increase in proportion to the age-related decline in circulating testosterone levels, due to the impairment of GnRH secretion and alterations in gonadal steroid feedback and feedforward relationships (60-71).


In the EMAS, secondary hypogonadism (low testosterone and low or normal LH) was more prevalent (nearly 12%) than primary hypogonadism (low testosterone and elevated LH, 2%) (57). Secondary hypogonadism was associated with obesity and comorbid conditions, while primary hypogonadism was associated predominately with age (57). Nearly 10% of men in EMAS had normal testosterone levels and elevated LH; these men with elevated LH tended to be older and in poor health and were at increased risk of developing low testosterone and other comorbid conditions (73).


The data on LH response to GnRH are somewhat inconsistent across studies. Urban et al (65) used an interstitial cell bioassay to measure serum concentrations of bioactive LH and found that although basal bioactive LH concentrations were similar in this sample of young and older men, older men demonstrated diminished LH response to GnRH administration. However, in a subsequent study, Zwart et al (66) found greater gonadotropin responsiveness to GnRH in older men than younger men; the maximal and incremental LH and FSH secretory masses in response to graded doses of GnRH were significantly higher in healthy, older men than in younger men. The estimated half-lives of LH, FSH, or alpha-subunit did not significantly differ between young and older men (66).


The Brown Norway rat has been widely used as a model of reproductive aging. In this experimental model, the prepro-GnRH mRNA content and the number of neurons expressing prepro-GnRH mRNA are lower in older male rats in comparison to young rats (67,68). The GnRH content of several hypothalamic areas is also lower in intact older rats than younger rats (67). Older Brown Norway rats exhibit significant reductions in glutamate and -aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels in the hypothalamus compared to young rats (68). These observations suggest that the decreased hypothalamic excitatory amino acid expression and the reduced responsiveness of GnRH neurons to N-methyl-D-aspartate may contribute to the altered LH pulsatile secretion observed in old rats (68).


Infusions of testosterone and DHT are associated with greater reductions in mean serum LH and FSH levels and the frequency of LH pulses in older men in comparison to young men (69). Winters et al (64) reported that the degree of LH inhibition during testosterone replacement of older, hypogonadal men was significantly greater than in young, hypogonadal men suggesting that older men are more sensitive to the feedback inhibitory effects of testosterone on LH. Deslypere et al (69) also found decreased LH pulse frequency and a greater degree of LH inhibitory response to estradiol administration in older men than young controls. Age-related increase in FSH levels is not associated with a progressive or proportionate decrease in inhibin B levels (70). Thus, the mechanistic basis of FSH increase with advancing age is not fully understood, although the lack of change in inhibin B levels suggests that Sertoli cell function is relatively preserved in older men.




Testosterone secretion in healthy, young men exhibits a diurnal rhythm characterized by higher concentrations in the morning and lower concentrations in the late afternoon. The diurnal rhythm of testosterone secretion is dampened in older men (41,51). Testosterone response to LH and human chorionic gonadotropin is decreased in older men, compared to younger men (42-44).



Many physiological changes that occur with advancing age, such as the loss of bone and muscle mass, increased fat mass, impairment of physical and sexual functions, loss of body hair, and decreased hemoglobin levels, are similar to those associated with androgen deficiency in young men. Aging is associated with loss of skeletal muscle mass (Figure 3), muscle strength and power, and progressive impairment of physical function (74-98). Epidemiological studies of older men have reported associations between low testosterone levels and some age-related conditions, although these associations are weak. For instance, in a number of epidemiologic studies, such as the St. Louis Inner City Study of Aging Men (77), the Olmsted County Epidemiological Study (76), and the New Mexico Elderly Health Study (79,80), low bioavailable testosterone levels (unbound and albumin-bound testosterone) were associated with low appendicular skeletal muscle mass. Low bioavailable testosterone levels also have been associated with decreased strength of upper as well as lower extremity muscles (77,78) and decreased performance in self-reported as well as performance-based measures of physical function (99-103). Low free testosterone levels have also been associated with the development of mobility limitation and the frailty syndrome (104-107).

Figure 3. A schematic diagram of the age-related changes in body composition in 7265 men. Lines represent the longitudinal changes in body weight (black line), fat mass (red line) and fat-free. mass (blue line) components from age 20 years. The estimated mass values at age 20 years were as follows: body mass, 72.72 kg; fat mass, 9.14 kg; fat-free mass, 64.09 kg. Figure adapted with permission from Jackson et al. Br J Nutr. 2012;107(7):1085-91.

The association of testosterone levels with sexual dysfunction has been inconsistent across studies because of the heterogeneity and variable quality of instruments used to assess sexual dysfunction, problems of testosterone assay quality, and failure to distinguish among various categories of sexual dysfunction (108-113). Androgen deficiency and erectile dysfunction are two independently distributed clinical disorders and because both disorders are prevalent in middle-aged and older men, they can often co-exist (112,113). Low testosterone levels were associated with low sexual desire in the MMAS (108). Among men enrolled in the testosterone trials, free and total testosterone levels were independently associated with sexual desire, erectile function, and sexual activity scores (114).


In the EMAS, total and free testosterone levels were associated with overall sexual function in middle-aged and older men (47). This relationship was observed more robustly at testosterone concentrations <8 nmol/L, but not at higher testosterone concentrations (115). Men deemed to have low total and free testosterone levels in EMAS were more likely to report decreased morning erections, erectile dysfunction, and decreased frequency of sexual thoughts than those with normal testosterone levels (48). In another study of men over the age of 50 who had benign prostatic hyperplasia, sexual dysfunction was reported only by men with serum total testosterone levels less than 225 ng/dL (110).


Aging of humans is attended by a decline in several aspects of cognitive function; of these multiple domains of cognition that decline with aging, declines in verbal memory, visual memory, spatial ability, and executive function are associated with the age-related decline in testosterone (109-113,115-124).


The relationship of testosterone levels with depression has been inconsistent across epidemiologic studies (125-129). Low testosterone levels in older men are associated more with late-onset low grade persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) but not with major depression (128-130). In general, testosterone levels are lower in older men with dysthymic disorder than in those without any depressive symptoms (129).


Several epidemiologic studies of older men (131-135), including MrOS (131), Rancho Bernardo Study (132), Framingham Heart Study (133), and the Olmsted County Study (134) - have found bioavailable testosterone levels to be associated with bone mineral density, bone geometry, and bone quality (135); the associations are stronger with bioavailable testosterone and estradiol levels than with total testosterone levels. In the MrOS Study, the odds of osteoporosis in men with a total testosterone less than 200 ng/dL were 3.7-fold higher than in men with normal testosterone level (131); free testosterone was an independent predictor of prevalent osteoporotic bone fractures (136).


Several studies have evaluated the association of testosterone levels and mortality (137-141). Some, but not all, studies found higher all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality in men with low testosterone levels than in those with normal testosterone levels. In a meta-analyses of epidemiologic studies of community-dwelling men, low testosterone levels were associated with an increased risk of all-cause and CVD death (Figure 4) (142,143). However, the strength of the inferences of these meta-analyses was limited by considerable heterogeneity in study populations; it is possible that effects may have been driven by differences in the age distribution and the health status of the study populations (142-146).

Figure 4. The relationship of low testosterone level with all-cause mortality in a meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies of community-based men. Eleven studies which enrolled 16,184 subjects were included in this meta-analysis. There was considerable heterogeneity of the age distribution, health status, and other subject characteristics. Reproduced with permission from Araujo et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2011;96:3007-19.

Testosterone levels are not correlated with aging-related symptoms assessed by the Aging Male Symptom (AMS) score or with lower urinary tract symptoms assessed by the IPSS/AUA prostate symptom questionnaire (144). Some cross-sectional studies found no difference in serum testosterone levels between men who had coronary artery disease and those who did not have coronary artery disease; other studies have reported testosterone levels to be lower in men with coronary artery disease than in men without coronary artery disease (145-150).


Epidemiologic studies, especially cross-sectional studies, can only demonstrate associations; causal relationships are difficult to establish from these studies. Furthermore, the associations between testosterone levels and health-related outcomes are generally weak. The inferences are further confounded by the co-linearity of aging-related co-morbid conditions, low testosterone levels, and age-related changes in body composition and inflammatory markers. Although epidemiologic studies have reported associations between the age-related changes in circulating testosterone levels and skeletal muscle mass, muscle strength and physical function; sexual and cognitive functions; areal and volumetric bone density and fracture risk; and mood, long-term randomized trials are needed to determine whether these relations are causal.


Potential Beneficial Effects of Testosterone Treatment in Older Men with Low Testosterone Levels


It has been hypothesized that increasing serum testosterone concentrations in older men with low testosterone levels into a range that is mid-normal for healthy, young men would improve physical function and mobility, some domains of sexual and cognitive functions, energy and sense of wellbeing, and reduce the risk of falls and fractures, and improve overall quality of life. A number of randomized trials have demonstrated improvements in measures of sexual function, lean and fat mass, and areal and volumetric bone mineral density; however, there has been a paucity of long-term, placebo-controlled, randomized trials that are adequately powered to detect clinically meaningful changes in health outcomes such as fracture rates, physical disability, progression to dementia, remission of late onset low grade persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia), progression from prediabetes to diabetes, and overall quality of life. Furthermore, none of the previously published studies had sufficient power to address the long-term risks of prostate and cardiovascular disease. 


The following section describes the effects of testosterone supplementation on multiple organ systems focusing on physical function, sexual function, vitality, bone health, mood, wellbeing, and depression, and cognitive function.





Sarcopenia, the loss of muscle mass and function, is an important consequence of aging (75-79). The principal component of the decrease in fat-free mass is the loss of muscle mass; there is little change in non-muscle lean mass (81-87). Between 20 and 80 years of age, the skeletal muscle mass decreases by 35-40% in men (85), in part due to decreased muscle protein synthesis (92). Although there is a loss of both type I and type II fibers, there is a disproportionate decrease in the number of type II muscle fibers that are important for the generation of muscle power (93,94). In spite of the significant depletion of skeletal muscle mass, body weight does not decrease, and may even increase because of the accumulation of body fat (81-87) (Figure 3).


The loss of skeletal muscle mass that occurs with aging is associated with a reduction in muscle strength (95-98). There is a substantial decrease in muscle strength and power between 50 and 70 years of age, primarily due to muscle fiber loss and selective atrophy of type II fibers (93-98). The loss of muscle strength is even greater after the age of 70; 28% of men over the age of 74 could not lift objects weighing more than 4.5 kg (97). With increasing age, there is a progressive reduction in muscle power (151,152), the speed of strength generation, and fatigability, the ability to persist in a task.


Loss of muscle mass and strength leads to impairment of physical function, as indicated by the impaired ability to arise from a chair, climb stairs, generate gait speed, and maintain balance (151-154). The impairment of physical function contributes to loss of independence, and increased risk of physical disability, falls and fractures in older men.


Anabolic Effects of Testosterone in Humans: Testosterone Trials in Healthy, Hypogonadal Men, Men with Chronic Illness, and Older Men


The anabolic effects of testosterone on the muscle have been a source of controversy for over sixty years. The athletes and recreational bodybuilders use large doses of androgenic steroids with the belief that these compounds increase muscle mass and strength. Until recently, the academic community was skeptical about such claims because of the problems of study design. However, a large number of studies in healthy young men, healthy hypogonadal men, men with chronic illness, and in healthy older men have established that testosterone administration improves skeletal muscle mass, maximal voluntary strength, leg power, aerobic capacity, and some measures of physical performance and mobility (154-165). In a systematic review of testosterone trials in healthy, hypogonadal men, testosterone therapy increased fat-free mass and body weight (Figure 5) (154-161).

Figure 5. The effects of testosterone therapy on body composition, muscle strength, and sexual function in intervention trials. The point estimates and the associated 95% confidence intervals are shown. Panel A shows the effects of testosterone therapy on, grip strength, fat mass and lean body mass in a meta-analysis of randomized trials (data derived from Bhasin et al. Nat Clin Pract Endocrinol Metab. 2006;2(3):146-59; figure reproduced with permission from Spitzer et al. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2013;9(7):414-24). Panel B shows the effects of testosterone therapy on sexual function in a meta-analysis of randomized trials (figure adapted with permission from Ponce et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018;103(5):1745-54).

The anabolic effects of testosterone on fat-free mass, muscle size, and maximal voluntary strength are related to the administered testosterone dose and the circulating testosterone concentrations (166-168) (Figure 6). The administration of supraphysiologic doses of testosterone in eugonadal men increases fat-free mass, muscle size, and maximal voluntary strength (166-169).

Figure 6. Testosterone Dose Response Relationship in Young and Older Men. In this study, healthy, young men (18-34 years of age) and healthy older men (60-75 years of age) were treated with a long-acting GnRH agonist plus graded doses of testosterone enanthate for 20 weeks. Shown are mean (±SEM) changes from baseline in fat free mass (upper left), skeletal muscle mass (upper right), fat mass (lower left), and leg press strength (lower right) in young (black bars) and older (lightly shaded bars) men. Adapted with permission from Bhasin et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Feb;90(2):678-88.

Testosterone effects on muscle performance are domain-specific: testosterone administration increases maximal voluntary strength and leg power, but does not affect fatigability or specific tension (167). The gains in maximal voluntary strength during testosterone administration are proportional to the increase in muscle mass; unlike resistance exercise training, testosterone does not improve the contractile properties of the human skeletal muscle (167).


Resistance exercise training augments the anabolic response to androgens; thus, men receiving testosterone and resistance exercise training together experience greater gains in fat-free mass and muscle strength than those receiving either intervention alone (169). The anabolic effects of testosterone are also augmented by concomitant recombinant growth hormone administration (170). Although it has been speculated in the sports medicine literature that increasing the protein intake can enhance the muscle mass and strength gains in response to anabolic stimuli such as resistance exercise training or androgens, the evidence supporting such speculation is weak. In a recent controlled feeding study, increasing the daily protein intake to a level (1.3 g/kg/day) higher than the recommended daily allowance (0.8 g/kg/day) for six months did not increase lean body mass or maximal muscle strength more than that associated with the daily intake of the recommended daily allowance of 0.8 g/kg/day (171) . The higher level of daily protein intake (1.3 g/kg/day) also did not augment the gains in lean body mass and muscle strength in response to testosterone administration above that observed in participants eating the recommended dietary allowance for protein (171,172). 


Testosterone replacement of young, hypogonadal men has been reported to increase muscle protein synthesis (158,173,174). The effects of testosterone replacement on muscle protein degradation need further investigation.


Systematic reviews (155,175,176) of randomized, placebo-controlled trials in HIV-infected men with weight loss (176-181) have revealed that testosterone therapy for 3 to 6 months was associated with greater gains in lean body mass than placebo administration (difference in lean body mass change between placebo and testosterone arms 1.22 kg, 95% CI 0.23-2.22 for the random effect model). In two (176,180) out of three trials that measured muscle strength (176,180,181), testosterone administration was associated with significantly greater improvements in maximal voluntary strength than placebo. Testosterone therapy had a moderate effect on depression indices (-0.6, 95% CI -1.0, -0.2) (182) and fatigue (183), but did not improve overall quality of life (182,183). Changes in CD4+ T lymphocyte counts, HIV copy number, PSA, plasma HDL cholesterol, and adverse event rates were not significantly different between the placebo and testosterone-treatment groups (176-183). Overall, short-term (3-6 months) testosterone use in HIV-infected men with low testosterone levels and weight loss can induce modest gains in body weight and lean body mass with minimal changes in quality of life and mood. This inference is weakened by inconsistency of results across trials, and heterogeneity in inclusion and exclusion criteria, disease status, testosterone formulations and doses, treatment duration, and methods of body composition analysis (155). Data on testosterone effects on physical function, risk of disability, or long-term safety in HIV-infected men are limited.


Testosterone administration increases fat-free mass and decreases fat mass in older men with low testosterone levels. Meta-analyses (155,183) of randomized trials (184-188) that included middle-aged and older men with low or low normal testosterone levels, and that used testosterone or its esters in replacement doses for >90 days, have confirmed that testosterone administration is associated with a significantly greater increase in whole body and appendicular fat-free mass and a greater reduction in whole body and appendicular fat mass than placebo (Figure 5). The average gains in fat-free mass generally were greater in trials that used injectable testosterone esters than in those which used transdermal testosterone gel, presumably because of the higher doses of testosterone delivered by the injectable formulations than by transdermal gel formulations. The change in body weight did not differ significantly between the testosterone and placebo groups.


Testosterone administration improves stair climbing speed and power, and self-reported physical function, as assessed by the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36 (MOS SF36) questionnaire. Testosterone’ Effects on Atherosclerosis Progression in Aging Men Trial (The TEAAM Trial), a randomized trial conducted in healthy community-dwelling older men without functional limitations and low to low-normal testosterone levels, showed that testosterone replacement for 3-years was associated with modest improvements in leg-press and chest-press power and the stair-climb power (163). Changes in gait speed generally have been modest and inconsistent across randomized trials (25,185,188,189). Testosterone administration is associated with small improvements in aerobic capacity and attenuation of the age-related decline in VO2peak (Figure 7) (164,165).

Figure 7. Effects of testosterone administration on measures of muscle performance and physical function in randomized testosterone trials in older men. Panel A shows the mean (SD) change from baseline to maximal voluntary strength in the leg press and chest press exercises and on loaded stair climbing power at either the end of the intervention period or at the last measurement performed in who dropped out before study completion in the testosterone in older men with mobility limitation (The TOM Trial). The minimal clinically important difference (MCID) for each outcome was determined using an anchor-based method within the trial. The proportion of men (percent) whose change from baseline either equaled or exceeded the MCID is shown below the figure along with the P-value for the comparison of placebo and testosterone groups (figure adapted with permission from Spitzer et al. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2013;9(7):414-24). Panel B shows the long-term effects of testosterone administration on aerobic capacity in older men participating in the TEAAM trial. Data points represent mean changes from baseline and error bars are 95% CI in VO2peak (L/min) and in peak work rate. P values indicate the overall effect of the testosterone intervention over time (figure reproduced with permission from Traustadóttir et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018;103(8):2861-2869).

One reason for the variable improvements in physical function in various testosterone trials is that the measures of physical function used in previous studies had low ceilings. Another confounder of the effects of anabolic interventions on muscle function is the learning effect. For instance, subjects who are unfamiliar with weightlifting exercises often demonstrate improvements in measures of muscle performance simply because of increased familiarity with the exercise equipment and technique. Because of the considerable test-to-test variability in tests of physical function, it is possible that previous studies did not have adequate power to detect meaningful differences in measures of physical function between the placebo and testosterone-treated groups. It is also possible that neuromuscular adaptations needed to translate strength gains into functional improvements require a lot longer than the 3 to 6-month duration of most of the previous trials. The measures of physical function that are more robustly related to lower extremity muscle strength, such as stair climbing speed and power, have shown more consistent improvements in testosterone trials than walking speed (22,23,190).


Only a few testosterone trials have been conducted in older men with functional limitations (22,26,28,190-192). In a trial of pre-frail or frail men (28), administration of 50 mg testosterone gel daily for 6 months induced greater improvements in lean mass, knee extension peak torque, and sexual symptoms than did placebo gel (28). Performance-based measures of physical function did not differ significantly between groups, but they improved in the subgroup of frail elderly men (28). In Testosterone in Older Men (TOM) Trial, older men with mobility limitation were randomly assigned to either placebo or 10 g testosterone gel daily for 6 months (22,190). The testosterone dose was adjusted to achieve testosterone levels between 17.4 nmol/l and 34.7 nmol/L (500 to 1000 ng/dL). The improvements in leg-press strength, chest-press strength and power, and loaded stair-climbing speed and power were significantly greater in men assigned to testosterone arm than in those receiving placebo (Figure 7). A greater proportion of men in the testosterone arm improved more than the minimal clinically important difference for leg-press and chest-press strength and stair-climbing speed than that in the placebo arm. Because of a higher frequency of cardiovascular-related events in the testosterone arm compared with the placebo arm, the trial’s data and safety monitoring board stopped further administration of study medication (22,190). The findings of the TOM trial and other epidemiologic studies have heightened the concern that frail elderly men with a high burden of chronic co-morbidities may be at an increased risk of adverse events (22), providing the impetus to develop, strategies to achieve increased selectivity and a more favourable risk to benefit ratio (22).


The Testosterone Trials were a coordinated set of seven randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trials designed to determine the benefits of testosterone therapy in older men 65 years and older with low testosterone levels and clinical symptoms of androgen deficiency on a variety of androgen-dependent outcomes (192). To participate in these trials, the men had to be eligible for at least one of the three main trials (the Sexual Function Trial, the Physical Function Trial, or the Vitality Trial). The men were assigned to testosterone or placebo gel for 1 year and the dose was adjusted to maintain testosterone concentrations within the normal range for healthy young men.  The Physical Function Trial of the TTrials recruited older men with self-reported difficulty walking or climbing stairs and walking speed less than 1.2 m/s and an average of two morning fasting testosterone levels less than 275 ng/dL (162). The 6-minute walking distance improved significantly more in the testosterone than in the placebo group among all men in the TTrials, but not in those who were enrolled in the PFT (162). The self-reported physical function assessed using the physical component of the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36 questionnaire, improved more in the testosterone group than in the placebo group in all men in TTrials and in men enrolled in the PFT (162). The men in the testosterone group were more likely to report improvement in their walking ability than men in the placebo group. The changes in 6-minute walking distance were significantly associated with changes in testosterone, free testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and hemoglobin levels, and to baseline gait speed and self-reported mobility limitation (162). Thus, testosterone treatment of older men with mobility limitation consistently improved self-reported walking ability, modestly improved 6-minute walking distance (162). The number of falls was similar in the testosterone and placebo arms (162).


Innovative strategies to translate gains in muscle mass and strength induced by testosterone into functional improvements are needed (18). Resistance exercise training augments the anabolic effects of androgens on muscle mass and performance and physical function (193). Thus, adjunctive exercise training might be required to induce the neuromuscular and behavioural adaptations that are necessary to translate the gains in muscle mass and strength into clinically-meaningful functional improvements (18). In addition, there is some evidence that the anabolic response of skeletal muscle to dietary protein is attenuated with age (194,195). These findings have raised the question whether the current recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for protein (0.8 g/kg/day) is adequate to preserve lean body mass and physical function in older adults. However, In a recent controlled feeding study in functionally-limited older men with usual protein intake less than or equal to the RDA for protein (171) higher protein intake exceeding the RDA did not increase lean body mass, muscle performance or physical function nor augmented the anabolic response to testosterone. However, higher protein intake was associated with lower whole body and visceral abdominal fat, although no significant changes in metabolic biomarkers (fasting glucose, fasting insulin, HOMA-IR, leptin, adiponectin, IL-6, and hs-CRP) were observed (196). These findings suggest that the current RDA for protein is adequate to maintain lean body mass and higher protein intake above the RDA does not promote additional gains in muscle mass or physical function with or without testosterone supplementation.


Mechanisms of Androgen Action on Muscle


Testosterone-induced increase in muscle mass is associated with hypertrophy of both type I and II muscle fibers (197). The absolute number and the relative proportion of type I and type II fibers do not change during testosterone administration. Testosterone-induced muscle fiber hypertrophy is associated with dose-dependent increases in myonuclear number and satellite cell number (198), suggesting that testosterone administration increases the number of muscle progenitor cells.


Testosterone administration has been shown to increase fractional muscle protein synthesis and improve the reutilization of amino acids (173,174). The effects of testosterone on muscle protein degradation have not been well studied. However, the muscle protein synthesis hypothesis does not explain the reciprocal decrease in fat mass or the increases in myonuclear and satellite cell number that occur during testosterone administration (198). Testosterone promotes the differentiation of mesenchymal multipotent muscle progenitor cells into the myogenic lineage and inhibits the differentiation of these progenitor cells into the adipogenic lineage (199,200). Thus, testosterone promotes the formation of myosin heavy chain II positive myotubes in multipotent cells and up-regulates markers of myogenic differentiation, such as MyoD and myosin heavy chain (199,200). Testosterone and DHT inhibit adipogenic differentiation and downregulate markers of adipogenic differentiation, such as PPAR-¡ and C/EBPµ (201). 


Testosterone’s effects on myogenic differentiation are mediated largely through its binding to the classical androgen receptor, which induces a conformational change in the androgen receptor protein, promoting its association with its co-activator, beta-catenin, causing the complex to translocate into the nucleus (200,202). The androgen receptor – beta-catenin complex associates with TCF-4 and activates a number of Wnt target genes (200,202), including follistatin. Follistatin cross-communicates the signal from the AR-beta- catenin pathway to the TGF-beta signaling pathway, blocking signaling through the TGF-beta / Smad 2/3 (201,203). Follistatin plays an essential role in mediating the effects of testosterone on myogenic differentiation (203,204). Jasuja et al (204) found that the administration of recombinant follistatin selectively increased muscle mass and decreased fat mass but had no effect on prostate growth. Recombinant follistatin and testosterone each regulated the expression of a large number of common genes in the skeletal muscle, but they differed substantially in the expression profile of genes activated in the prostate (204). Among the genes activated differentially by testosterone but not by follistatin in the prostate, Jasuja et al (204) identified polyamine pathway as an important signaling pathway. The polyamine pathway has been known to be involved in regulating prostate growth. Administration of testosterone in combination with an inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase-1, a key enzyme in the polyamine pathway, to castrated male mice restored levator ani muscle mass but not prostate mass, indicating that ODC1 plays an important role in mediating the effects of testosterone on the prostate (Figure 8) (204). Therefore, combined administration of testosterone plus ODC1 inhibitor provides a novel approach for achieving selectivity of testosterone’s anabolic effects on the muscle while sparing the prostate (204).

Figure 8. Testosterone Plus Ornithine Decarboxylase 1 Inhibitor as a Selective Prostate Sparing Anabolic Therapy. Intact and castrated adult male mice were treated for 2-weeks with vehicle or testosterone with and without α-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), a specific Odc1 inhibitor, as follows: Intact, castrated (Cx), castrated + 15µg/day T (Cx+T), castrated +15µg/day T+ 15µg/day DFMO (Cx+T+DFMO). Levator ani weights (right panel) in mice treated with testosterone plus DFMO were similar to those in intact controls and testosterone-treated castrated mice. Prostate weights in castrated mice were lower than in intact controls and were restored by testosterone administration to levels seen in intact mice (left panel). Mice treated with testosterone plus DFMO had significantly lower prostate weights than intact controls or castrated mice treated with testosterone alone, but not significantly different from those in castrated mice treated with vehicle alone. Thus, testosterone plus ODC1 inhibitor could serve as prostate-sparing selective anabolic therapy. Reproduced with permission from Jasuja et al. Aging Cell. 2014 Apr;13(2):303-10.

The Role of Steroid 5-Alpha Reductase and DHT in Mediating Androgen Effects in the Muscle


Although the enzyme steroid 5-alpha-reductase is expressed at low concentrations within the muscle (205,206), we do not know whether conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone is required for mediating testosterone's effects on the muscle. Men with benign prostatic hypertrophy who are treated with a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor do not experience muscle loss (207). Similarly, individuals with congenital 5-alpha-reductase deficiency have normal muscle development at puberty (207). These data suggest that 5-alpha reduction of testosterone to DHT is not obligatory for mediating its effects on the muscle. However, all the kindred with steroid 5-alpha reductase deficiency that have been published to-date have had mutations of type 2 isoform of the enzyme. Similarly, finasteride is a weak inhibitor of only the type 2 isoform of the enzyme. The circulating concentrations of DHT in male patients with congenital mutation of type 2 steroid 5-alpha reductase enzyme or in men treated with finasteride are lower than eugonadal men; however, these patients still produce significant amounts of DHT and their circulating DHT concentrations are often in the lower end of the range in healthy young men. Long-term administration of dutasteride, a dual and potent inhibitor of both 5-alpha reductase isoforms, has not been associated with significant reductions in bone mineral density (207). This issue is important because if 5-alpha reduction of testosterone to DHT were not obligatory for mediating its anabolic effects on the muscle, then it might be beneficial to administer testosterone with an inhibitor of steroid 5-alpha reductase or to develop selective androgen receptor modulators that do not undergo 5-alpha reduction.


To determine whether testosterone’s effects on muscle mass and strength, sexual function, hematocrit, prostate, sebum production, and lipids are attenuated when its conversion to DHT is blocked, we administered to healthy men, 21-50 years, a long-acting GnRH-agonist to suppress endogenous testosterone. We randomized them to placebo or dutasteride (dual inhibitor of steroid 5-alpha reductase type 1 and 2) 2.5-mg daily, plus 50, 125, 300, or 600-mg testosterone enanthate weekly for 20-weeks (208). Changes in lean and fat mass, leg-press and chest-press strength, were related to testosterone dose but did not differ between placebo and dutasteride groups (208). The relation between testosterone concentrations and the changes in lean body mass, maximum voluntary muscle strength, hematocrit, and sebum production was similar between dutasteride and placebo arms (Figure 9) (208). Changes in sexual-function scores, bone markers, prostate volume, and PSA did not differ between groups (208). These data indicate that testosterone’s conversion to DHT is not essential for mediating its effects on muscle mass and strength, sexual function, hematocrit, or sebum production in men over the range of testosterone concentrations achieved in this trial (208). These data are consistent with studies that have reported that administration of steroid 5α-reductase inhibitors has little or no effect on muscle or bone mass (209-211). The isoforms of steroid 5α reductase enzyme also catalyze the 5α reduction of cortisol, progesterone, bile acids and other metabolites. In the central nervous system, 5α-reductase is the rate-limiting enzyme in the conversion of progesterone to allopregnanolone that serves as a positive allosteric modulator of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptors to modulate neural pathways that regulate mood, affect, and  cognition (212-214). Low levels of allopregnanolone have been implicated in the pathogenesis of some forms of depressive and anxiety disorders (215). An intravenous preparation of allopregnanolone was found to be efficacious and approved for the treatment of postpartum depression (216,217) and is being investigated for the treatment of other depressive disorders. Steroid 5α-reductase enzymes are also involved in cortisol metabolism and in the pathogenesis of metabolic disease (218).

Figure 9. The Role of 5-alpha-Dihydrotestosterone in Men. In this randomized trial, healthy men, 18-50 years, received a long-acting GnRH-agonist to suppress endogenous testosterone. They were then randomized to either placebo or dutasteride (dual inhibitor of steroid 5-alpha reductase types 1 and 2) 2.5-mg daily, plus 50, 125, 300, or 600-mg testosterone enanthate weekly for 20-weeks (535). Changes in fat-free mass (upper panel) and leg-press strength (lower panel), were related to testosterone dose but did not differ between placebo and dutasteride groups (535). The relationship between change in total testosterone (TT) levels and change in fat-free mass and leg press strength (right panels) did not differ between men assigned to placebo or dutasteride arms. Reproduced with permission from Bhasin et al, JAMA. 2012 Mar 7;307(9):931-9.

The Role of CYP19A1 (Aromatase) in Mediating Testosterone’s Effects on the Muscle


Studies of aromatase knockout mice have revealed higher fat mass and lower muscle mass in mice that are null for the P450-linked CYP19A1 aromatase gene (219). Similarly, humans with CYP19A1 mutations have decreased muscle mass and increased fat mass, and they exhibit insulin resistance (220). Data from these experiments of nature suggest that aromatization of testosterone to estradiol is important in mediating androgen effects on body composition. Finkelstein et al (221) have recently examined the relative roles of testosterone and estradiol in regulation of muscle and fat mass, and sexual function. These investigators found that testosterone’s effects on lean mass, muscle size, and strength were not significantly attenuated when its conversion to estradiol was blocked by administration of an aromatase inhibitor (221).




Testosterone is an important regulator of fat mass and distribution. Lowering testosterone concentrations by administration of a GnRH agonist increases fat mass, and testosterone administration in hypogonadal men decreases whole body fat mass (159,222-224). The loss of fat mass during testosterone administration occurs both in the appendices as well as the trunk and is distributed evenly between the superficial subcutaneous and deep intra-abdominal and intermuscular compartments (166,223). The effects of testosterone on whole body fat mass are related to the administered testosterone dose and the circulating testosterone concentrations (166,223).


Mechanisms of Testosterone’s Effects on Fat Mass and Metabolism  


The effects of testosterone on fat mass are mediated through its conversion to estradiol by the aromatase enzyme encoded by CYP19A1 (221).  Men with inactivating mutations of CYP19A1 are characterized by increased fat mass, metabolic syndrome, hepatic steatosis, and insulin resistance (225-227). Estradiol replacement of male aromatase knockout mice reverses the adiposity and metabolic abnormalities associated with estrogen deficiency (228).


Testosterone regulates adipose tissue mass and metabolism through multiple mechanistic pathways. Androgens inhibit adipogenic differentiation of multipotent mesenchymal progenitor cells; these effects are blocked by androgen receptor blocker, bicalutamide (200,201,229). Testosterone regulates fat oxidation but does not appear to affect triglyceride secretion over short durations (230).


Testosterone, after its aromatization to estradiol, acts through the estrogen receptors in specific brain regions to regulate eating behavior, energy expenditure, and adipose tissue metabolism. The deletion of estrogen receptor α (ER-α) in specific brain regions is associated with adiposity, hyperphagia, and hypometabolism (231); estradiol acting through ER-α regulates eating behavior and energy expenditure differentially through actions on different hypothalamic neurons (231).  Activation of estrogen receptor β (ER-β) by selective agonists inhibits weight gain, adiposity, increases energy expenditure and thermogenesis, and reverses hepatic steatosis in mice through direct effects on xenobiotic and bile acid receptors in the liver (232).




Regulation of Sexual Function by Testosterone  

Sexual function in men is a complex process that includes central mechanisms for regulation of sexual desire and arousal, and local mechanisms for penile tumescence, orgasm, and ejaculation (233). Primary effects of testosterone are on sexual interest and motivation (233-238). Testosterone replacement of young, androgen deficient men improves a wide range of sexual behaviors including frequency of sexual activity, sexual daydreams, sexual thoughts, feelings of sexual desire, attentiveness to erotic stimuli, and spontaneous erections (233-241).  Kwan et al (237)demonstrated that androgen-deficient men have decreased frequency of sexual thoughts and lower overall sexual activity scores; however, these men can achieve erections in response to visual erotic stimuli. Hypogonadal men have lower frequency and duration of the episodes of nocturnal penile tumescence; testosterone replacement increases both the frequency and duration of sleep-entrained, penile erections (239-241). Although both orgasm and ejaculation are believed to be androgen-independent, hypogonadal men have decreased ejaculate volume and their orgasm may be delayed.


Although hypogonadal men can achieve erections, it is possible that achievement of optimal penile rigidity might require physiologic testosterone concentrations. Testosterone regulates nitric oxide synthase activity in the cavernosal smooth muscle (242). Testosterone administration in orchiectomized rats increases penile blood flow and has trophic effects on cavernosal smooth muscle (243-245).


In male rodents, all measures of mating behavior are normalized by relatively low testosterone levels that are insufficient to maintain prostate and seminal vesicle weight (246,247). Similarly, in men, sexual function is maintained at relatively low normal levels of serum testosterone (221,238,248). Testosterone’s effects on libido are mediated through its conversion to estradiol (221).

Total and free serum testosterone levels are positively associated with sexual desire, erectile function and sexual activity in older men with unequivocally low testosterone levels and symptoms of sexual dysfunction (114). These findings suggest that low testosterone levels may contribute to impaired sexual functioning in older men.


Erectile dysfunction and androgen deficiency are two common but independently distributed, clinical disorders that sometimes co-exist in the same patient (112,113,233,249). Hypogonadism is a clinical syndrome that results from androgen deficiency (16); in contrast, erectile dysfunction is usually a manifestation of a systemic vasculopathy, often of atherosclerotic origin. Thus, androgen deficiency and erectile dysfunction have distinct pathophysiology. Eight to ten percent of middle-aged men presenting with erectile dysfunction have low testosterone levels (113,249-251).


Clinical Trials of the Effects of Testosterone Therapy on Sexual Function of Older Men with Low Circulating Testosterone Concentrations


In open-label trials, testosterone treatment has been shown to improve sexual function in young men with classical hypogonadism due to disorders of the hypothalamus, pituitary, or testes (159,252). However, previous trials evaluating the benefits of testosterone therapy in men 60 years and older with age-related decline in testosterone levels on sexual functioning have yielded inconsistent results (253), with some studies showing improvement (254,255), while others have suggested no clear benefit (23). The inconsistencies in these previous studies are due to several factors, including small sample sizes, inclusion of men who were not clearly hypogonadal or did not have sexual symptoms, inclusion of men with heterogeneous sexual disorders, variable treatment durations, and the use of outcomes assessment tools that had not been rigorously validated.


In a small number of placebo-controlled trials of testosterone that have been conducted in men with sexual symptoms and low testosterone levels (24,26,161), testosterone replacement has been associated with a small but significant increase in overall sexual activity, sexual desire, erectile function, and sexual satisfaction.  A meta-analysis of these placebo-controlled trials found that testosterone replacement of hypogonadal men is associated with a small but significant increase in sexual desire [standardized mean difference (SMD): 0.17; 95% CI, 0.01, 0.34], erectile function (SMD: 0.16; 95% CI, 0.06, 0.27), and sexual satisfaction (SMD: 0.16; 95% CI, 0.01, 0.31) (256). 


The Sexual Function Trial of the TTrials determined the efficacy of testosterone treatment for 1-year on sexual function in symptomatic, community-dwelling, older men ≥65 years with low testosterone levels (26). Testosterone administration for 1-year to raise testosterone concentrations into a range that is mid-normal for healthy young men was associated with significant improvements in sexual activity, desire, and erectile function (257). The treatment effects tended to wane over time, and the effect on erectile function was substantially smaller than that reported with phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors (258). The magnitude of increase in testosterone levels was related to the improvements in sexual activity and desire, but not erectile function (257). There was no clear testosterone threshold level of effect.


Testosterone does not improve sexual function in middle-aged and older men who have normal testosterone levels and do not have any sexual symptoms (23). Testosterone replacement therapy does not improve ejaculatory function in men with ejaculatory disorder (259).


It had been speculated that testosterone administration might improve erectile response of men with ED to selective phosphodiesterase inhibitors (260-262). To determine whether the addition of testosterone to a phosphodiesterase-5-inhibitor improves erectile response, we conducted a randomized, placebo-controlled trial (263), in men, 40-to-70 years, with erectile dysfunction and low total testosterone< 11.5 nmol/L (330ng/dL) and/or free testosterone <173.5 pmol/L (50 pg/mL). All participants were initially started on sildenafil alone and the sildenafil dose was optimized based on their response during a 3 to 7-week run-in period (263). The participants were then randomized to 10-g testosterone or placebo gel for 14-weeks in combination with the optimized sildenafil dose (263). The administration of sildenafil alone was associated with substantial increases in erectile function domain (EFD) score and total and satisfactory sexual encounters (263). However, the change in EFD score in men assigned to testosterone plus sildenafil did not differ significantly from that in men assigned to placebo plus sildenafil (263). Changes in total and successful sexual encounters, quality-of-life, and marital-intimacy did not differ between testosterone and placebo groups. Even among the subsets of men with baseline testosterone <250 ng/dL or those without diabetes, there were no significant differences in EFD scores between the two arms (263). Another placebo-controlled trial of men with erectile dysfunction who were non-responders to tadalafil also did not show a greater improvement in erectile function in men assigned to the testosterone arm than in those assigned to the placebo arm (262). Thus, in randomized trials, the addition of testosterone to PDE5Is has not been shown to improve erectile function in men with erectile dysfunction (262,263).

Synopsis of The Effects of Testosterone on Sexual Function


In older hypogonadal men with low sexual desire, testosterone treatment improves sexual desire, erectile function, and overall sexual activity. Androgen deficiency is an important cause of low sexual desire disorder (233). Therefore, serum testosterone concentrations should be measured in the diagnostic evaluation of hypoactive sexual desire disorder as well as erectile dysfunction, recognizing that low sexual desire is often multifactorial; systemic illness, relationship and differentiation (the ability of individuals in a relationship to maintain their distinct identities) issues, depression, and many medications can be important antecedents or contributors to low sexual desire and sexual dysfunction.




The Effects of Androgen Deficiency on Bone Mass


Testosterone deficiency is associated with a progressive loss of bone mass (264-267). In one study performed in sexual offenders (264), surgical orchiectomy was associated with a progressive decrease in bone mineral density of a magnitude similar to that seen in women after menopause. Similarly, androgen deficiency induced by the administration of a GnRH agonist, surgical orchiectomy, or an androgen antagonist for the treatment of prostate cancer leads to loss of bone mass (265-267) and an increase in fracture risk (268,269), which is related to the dose of GnRH agonist and the degree of testosterone suppression (270). In male rats, surgical orchiectomy or androgen blockade by administration of an androgen receptor antagonist is associated with loss of bone mass (271).


Androgen deficiency that develops before the completion of pubertal development is associated with reduced cortical and trabecular bone mass (272,273). During the pubertal years, bone accretion, and bone length and thickness is regulated by sex steroids. During puberty, sex hormones slow long bone growth and accelerate axial growth. Prepubertal sex hormone deficiency allows continued long bone growth and slows axial growth resulting in longer limbs and a shorter trunk (eunuchoidal proportions)  (274). Sex differences in bone width are also established during pubertal development. Men increase bone width by periosteal bone formation and women mostly by endocortical apposition  (275). Young men with constitutional delay of puberty have lower bone mineral density (276), which does not improve spontaneously 2 years later (277). Indeed, men with hip fractures have been shown to have smaller femoral head diameters, which may potentially be related to delayed puberty (278). Therefore, individuals with sex-steroid deficiency before or during peri-pubertal years may end up with suboptimal peak bone mass and increased lifetime fracture risk. Similarly, men with acquired androgen deficiency have lower bone mineral density than age-matched controls (155).


Clinical Trials on The Effects of Testosterone Therapy on Bone in Young, Hypogonadal Men


Testosterone therapy of healthy, young, hypogonadal men is associated with significant increases in vertebral bone mineral density (156,279-283). However, bone mineral density is typically not normalized after 1-2 years of testosterone replacement therapy (156). Some hypogonadal patients included in these testosterone trials had panhypopituitarism and also suffered from growth hormone deficiency. It is possible that concomitant GH replacement might be necessary for restoration of normal bone mineral density. Excessive glucocorticoid replacement might also contribute to bone loss in these patients. In addition, some participants had experienced testosterone deficiency before the onset and completion of pubertal development; the individuals who develop androgen deficiency during the critical pubertal developmental window of bone accretion, may end up with decreased peak bone mass, and testosterone administration may not be able to restore bone mass to levels seen in eugonadal age-matched controls. Many testosterone replacement trials were less than 3 years in duration, and it is possible that a longer period of testosterone administration might be necessary to achieve maximal improvements in bone mineral density. Indeed, Behre et al (279) reported that bone mineral density in some hypogonadal men continued to increase even after many years of testosterone treatment using a scrotal transdermal patch and reached the levels expected for age-matched eugonadal controls.


Cross-Sectional Studies of the Relationship Between Sex-Hormone Concentrations and Osteoporosis in Older Men 


The age-related decline in sex hormones is associated with age-related changes in bone mineral density and increased risk of osteoporotic fractures (131-136,284,285). Older men with hip fractures have lower testosterone levels than age-matched controls (286). Bioavailable testosterone levels have been found to be better predictors of fracture risk than total testosterone levels (287). Interestingly, a U-shaped association between endogenous testosterone concentrations and incident fractures was recently observed, with midrange plasma testosterone levels being associated with lower incidence of any fracture and with hip fracture compared to lower or higher testosterone (288). Men with osteoporosis have been found to have lower DHT levels than those without osteoporosis (289). In the Cardiovascular Health Study, in which testosterone and DHT levels were measured by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry, circulating DHT, but not testosterone, was found to be negatively associated with hip fracture risk in men (290).


In epidemiologic studies, estradiol levels are more strongly associated with bone mineral density of the spine, hip, and distal radius than total testosterone levels (132,134,135,285). Men with low bioavailable estrogen have increased risk of non-vertebral fracture which is increased further in those with low bioavailable estrogen, low bioavailable testosterone as well as high SHBG (287) suggesting a complex interplay of these hormones in fracture resilience.  Mendelian randomization analysis have found that increased genetically determined estradiol levels are associated with increase in lumbar spine bone mineral density (291) and lower fracture risk (292).  The CYP19A1 alleles associated with higher estradiol levels are associated with higher bone mineral density (291).


Clinical Trials of the Effects of Testosterone Therapy on Bone of Middle-Aged and Older Men with Low Circulating Testosterone Concentrations 


Earlier studies of testosterone replacement of relatively healthy older men that examined the effects of testosterone on bone mineral density reported inconsistent results (188,189,293,294). One study found greater increases in vertebral bone mineral density in the testosterone arm of the trial than in the placebo arm, while another study did not find any significant differences between the change in vertebral or femoral bone mineral density between testosterone and placebo groups (294). A meta-analysis of randomized trials found a significantly greater increase in lumbar bone mineral density but not in femoral bone mineral density in the testosterone arms of trials that used intramuscular testosterone than in placebo arms (Figure 10) (295); transdermal testosterone had no significant effect.

Figure 10. The effects of testosterone therapy on bone health in intervention trials. Panel A shows the effects of testosterone therapy on lumbar and femoral bone mineral density in a meta-analysis of randomized trials (data derived from a meta-analysis by Tracz et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006;91(6):2011-6.; figure adapted with Spitzer et al. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2013;9(7):414-24). Panels B and C show the effects of testosterone replacement for 12 Months on volumetric bone mineral density and estimated bone strength of trabecular, peripheral, and whole bone of the spine and hip, as assessed by quantitative computed tomography (figure reproduced with permission from Snyder et al. JAMA Intern Med. 2017;177(4):471-479).

The Bone Trial of the TTrials determined the effects of testosterone replacement for 1-year in men 65 years or older with low testosterone levels on volumetric bone mineral density and bone strength using quantitative computed tomography (296). This trial found significantly greater increases in volumetric bone mineral density and estimated bone strength in the testosterone arms compared to placebo; specifically, these increases were most prominent in the spine than hip and more in trabecular than peripheral bone (Figure 10). The treatment effects on volumetric bone density and bone strength observed in the TTrials compare favorably with those reported in trials of bisphosphonates and some selective estrogen receptor modulators.


The T4Bone substudy of the T4DM trial determined the effect of 24 months of testosterone treatment on bone microarchitecture and bone mineral density of men aged 50 years or older enrolled in a community-based lifestyle program using high resolution-peripheral quantitative computed tomography (297). Compared to placebo, testosterone treatment increased cortical and total bone mineral density of the tibia and radius, as well as cortical area and thickness at both sites. Testosterone treatment also increased areal thickness at the lumbar spine (297).


Future studies are needed to determine whether these improvements from testosterone treatment are associated with reduced fracture risk in older men with low testosterone levels.


Mechanisms of Androgen Action on the Bone 


Testosterone increases bone mass by several mechanisms (298). Short-term studies of androgen replacement have shown inconsistent increases in markers of bone formation, but a more consistent reduction in markers of bone resorption (283,298-300). These observations suggest that testosterone increases bone mineral density in part through its aromatization to estrogen, which inhibits bone resorption. Estrogen deficiency contributes to increased bone resorption and remodeling by multiple mechanisms. Estrogens regulate the activation frequency of bone functional basic multicellular units, the duration of the resorption phase and the formation phase, and osteoclast recruitment (301). The protective effects of estrogen on bone in both male and female mice during growth and maturation are mediated largely through estrogen receptor-alpha (302-308). 17β-estradiol has also been shown to increase connexin-43 based intracellular communication which may modulate the bone response to mechanical loading in osteocytes (309). Dias and colleagues found that treatment with testosterone for 12-months improved lumbar spine bone mineral density compared to placebo but not in men treated concomitantly with anastrozole, suggesting that aromatization of testosterone to estrogen may be required for maintaining bone mineral density (310). Similarly, another recent study found significant reduction in spine bone mineral density in men treated with testosterone and anastrozole for 16-weeks that was independent of testosterone dose (311). In addition, treatment with lower testosterone doses were associated with greater increases in bone turnover markers; an effect that was significantly greater in combination with anastrozole. DHT suppresses osteoclast formation in vitro via NF-kB ligand (RANKL) mediated effects, comparable to estradiol (312); the clinical significance of DHT in suppressing bone resorption is incompletely understood.


Testosterone also directly stimulates osteoblastic bone formation. Androgen receptors have been demonstrated on osteoblasts and on mesenchymal stem cells (313). Testosterone stimulates cortical bone formation (314). Sclerostin is secreted by osteocytes and inhibits osteoblast differentiation. Sclerostin was found to be negatively related to total and free testosterone in men with idiopathic osteoporosis (312). Hypogonadal men have higher serum sclerostin levels than eugonadal men, and DHT directly suppresses sclerostin production in cultured human osteocytes through an AR-mediated mechanism (315). Testosterone also stimulates the production of several growth factors within the bone, including IGF-1; these growth factors may contribute to bone formation (316). Leydig cells in the testis secrete insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) in addition to testosterone. INSL3 has been reported to have a negative association with sclerostin in specific populations and INSL3 downregulates sclerostin protein expression in cultured osteocytes (317). Osteocalcin secreted by osteoblasts acts on Leydig cells through the GPRC6A receptor, suggesting a possible feedback mechanism for bone-testis crosstalk (318). Testosterone increases muscle mass, which may indirectly increase bone mass by increased loading. Testosterone might inhibit apoptosis of osteoblasts through non-genotropic mechanisms (319,320). In addition to its effects on bone mineral density, testosterone might reduce fall propensity because of its effects on muscle strength and reaction time.


We have shown that testosterone has dose dependent effects on erythropoiesis (321) possibly through increased erythropoietin and reduced hepcidin (322). Hematopoietic cells and bone cells are interdependent and support each other at different stages in development   (323,324). Androgen deficiency seems to favor hematopoietic precursor differentiation to an osteoclast fate (312), which is consistent with the decreased bone resorption observed with testosterone supplementation (275,287-289). We have shown that older men in the MrOS study with accelerated bone density loss (>0.5%/year) have increased risk of anemia (325), and that anemia increases the risk of non-spine fractures independent of bone density (326). In a prospective analysis of the Cardiovascular Health Study, we have recently shown that men with anemia and, separately, men with decreasing hemoglobin were at increased risk of hip fracture (327). Low endogenous testosterone levels have been associated with lower hemoglobin (328), which is reversible with testosterone supplementation (329). It is possible that testosterone sufficiency is required for a healthy hematopoietic niche in men, which is then able to support a favorable microenvironment for bone health.


In men androgens and estrogens both play independent roles in regulating bone resorption (301). Estradiol levels above 10 pg/ml are generally believed to be sufficient to prevent increases in bone resorption and decreases in BMD in men (311).


Synopsis of The Effects of Testosterone on Bone 


Testosterone replacement has been shown to increase vertebral and femoral bone mineral density, and bone strength in older men with unequivocally low testosterone levels (16). Testosterone increases bone mass by multiple mechanisms. Testosterone’s aromatization to estrogen plays an important role in regulating bone health in men. Testosterone’s effects on fracture risk have not been studied. 




Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Studies Correlating Sex-Hormone Levels and Cognitive Function


Several lines of evidence suggest that testosterone regulates several domains of cognition, sexually dimorphic behaviors, mood, and affect, and the neuropathology of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Testosterone is aromatized to estrogen in the brain, and some effects of testosterone on cognition might be mediated through its conversion to estradiol. Additionally, androgen receptors are expressed in the brain (330), and androgen effects on brain organization during development (331,332) are mediated through androgen receptor. Androgens increase neurite arborization, facilitating intercellular communication (331-334). Testosterone is metabolized in neurons as well as in glial cells to DHT, which is further converted reversibly in some cell types such as type 1 astrocytes to 5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol (335), which is a potent modulator of GABA on GABAA receptors but a weak ligand for AR and ER (336). The 3β isomer of androstanediol, 5α-androstan-3β,17β-diol, is also synthesized in the brain; this steroid is a ligand for ERβ (337).  Thus, testosterone treatment may potentially expose the brain to a range of biologically active metabolites, all of which may contribute to the observed responses. Testosterone also affects serotonin, dopamine, acetylcholine (333), and calcium signaling (334). Thus, testosterone could influence cognitive function and the development and progression of AD neuropathology through multiple mechanistic pathways.


The age-related decline in serum testosterone levels has been associated with impairment in cognitive function (338). Androgens effects on cognitive function are domain-specific. For instance, observations that men outperform women in a variety of visuo-spatial skills suggest that androgens enhance visuo-spatial skills (339). In !Kung San hunter-gatherers of Southern Africa, testosterone, but not estradiol, levels correlated with better spatial ability and with worse verbal fluency (340). Women with congenital adrenal hyperplasia with high androgen levels score higher on tests of spatial cognition than their age- and gender-matched siblings (341). 46, XY rats with androgen insensitivity perform worse on tests of spatial cognition than their age-matched controls (342). Other studies have reported a complex relationship between androgen levels and spatial ability (123,343-345). Circulating levels of dihydrotestosterone, a metabolite of testosterone that is not converted to estrogen, positively correlated with verbal fluency (340). Barrett-Conner et al (122) found positive associations between total and bioavailable testosterone levels, and global cognitive functioning and mental control, but not with visuospatial skills. In the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (346), higher free testosterone index was associated with better scores on visual and verbal memory, visuospatial functioning, and visuomotor scanning. Men with low testosterone levels had lower scores on visual memory and visuospatial performance (346); however, some studies have shown no association of serum testosterone levels with domains of visual and verbal memory, and executive function in older men (347,348). In the Concord Health and Aging in Men Project, the authors found that changes in serum testosterone levels over time, rather than baseline testosterone levels, were predictive of cognitive decline (338).


The Potential Role of Testosterone in the Pathobiology of Alzheimer's Disease


A large body of preclinical and epidemiologic data shows that testosterone acts as a negative regulator of endogenous Ab amyloid accumulation in the brain, attenuates tau phosphorylation, reduces neuro-inflammation, exerts neuronal protective effect in response to injury and disease, and promotes neuronal regeneration and connectivity. However, the randomized trials data generated largely in community dwelling middle-aged and older adults without cognitive deficits or Alzheimer's Disease neuropathology have been inconclusive for reasons that are discussed below.   


Testosterone acts as a negative regulator of endogenous Ab amyloid accumulation in the brain through multiple mechanisms. Surgical orchiectomy of male rats is associated with increased accumulation of Ab amyloid in the brain; the accumulation of Ab amyloid in surgically orchiectomized rats is prevented by DHT administration but not by estradiol administration (349-351).  In male Brown-Norway rats, age-related decreases in testosterone and DHT are associated with increased brain levels of Ab amyloid (350). Testosterone promotes the conversion of amyloid precursor protein (APP) to soluble APP-alpha rather than A beta amyloid. Consistent with these findings, prolonged treatment of cultured cortical neurons and neuroblastoma cell lines with testosterone resulted in increased production of soluble sAPP-a and decreased production of Ab amyloid (349). This effect of testosterone on the processing of APP is mediated in part through its aromatization to estradiol (352). However, there is strong evidence of mediation through a direct androgen receptor (AR)-mediated pathway as well (350-353). 


In 3XTg-AD mouse model of Alzheimer’s Disease, orchiectomy at age 3 months is associated with significantly increased accumulation of Ab amyloid in hippocampus CA1, amygdala, and subinculum at age 6 months (352,353).  DHT treatment of orchiectomized mice prevents the accumulation of Ab amyloid as well as deterioration of spontaneous alternation behavior (353).  DHT also reduces Tau-phosphorylation in orchiectomized triple transgenic mouse model of AD (352).  Androgens upregulate the expression of neprilysin, the enzyme that catalyzes the degradation and clearance of Ab amyloid in neuronal cells (354) and decrease Ab amyloid accumulation (355). 


Testosterone also attenuates AD-like tau pathology. In gonadectomized mice, testosterone as well as estradiol reduce tau phosphorylation (356,357).  Androgens also reduce tau phosphorylation induced by acute heat shock and injury in male rats independent of estradiol (358).


Testosterone exerts neuroprotective effects in many brain regions. Androgens promote neuronal viability during neural development as well as in adult brain following mechanical injury and disease-related toxicity  (359-361).  Testosterone protects motor neurons in the spinal cord following axotomy (359-361).  In this experimental model, testosterone treatment accelerates the rate of nerve regeneration and attenuates neuronal loss (359,360,362-364).


Testosterone exerts neuroprotective effects across the lifespan in brain areas susceptible to neurodegeneration in AD (365-368). Thus, in cultured neurons, testosterone reduces neuronal apoptosis induced by oxidative stress and Abamyloid (369-371).


Testosterone promotes neuronal growth, connectivity, and functioning. Testosterone increases neurite arborization, and synapse formation facilitating intercellular communication (372-375).  Testosterone also has nongenomic effects, and affects serotonin, dopamine, acetylcholine and calcium signaling (376-378).  Androgen receptors are expressed in the brain, and androgen effects on organization of the brain during development are likely mediated directly through AR. Some additional effects of testosterone are mediated through its conversion to estradiol.


Testosterone also exerts protective effects against neuroinflammation. Orchiectomy as well as obesogenic diet are each associated with increased expression levels of proinflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-1beta in the cerebral cortex in middle-aged male rats (370). The castration-induced upregulation of proinflammatory cytokines TNFa and IL-1b effect is prevented by testosterone supplementation (370). Similar stimulatory effects of testosterone on the expression of proinflammatory cytokines were observed in mixed glial cell cultures in vitro (370).  5aDihydrotestosterone inhibits interleukin-1a or tumor necrosis factor a-induced proinflammatory cytokine production via androgen receptor-dependent inhibition of nuclear factor kB activation (371). Low testosterone also is associated with increased macrophage infiltration in sciatic nerve in castrated male rats (371). The mechanisms of these protective effects of testosterone on neuroinflammation are incompletely understood but appear to require both androgen receptor and estrogen receptor-mediated pathways (371).


Epidemiological Data on the Association of Testosterone Levels with Cognitive Function and AD Pathology


Some but not all epidemiologic studies have found an association between low circulating testosterone levels and AD (346,379-384); the relation appears to be stronger between free testosterone levels and the risk of AD than between total testosterone and AD (346). The strength of the association between testosterone and AD is affected by apolipoprotein ε4 genotype, a genetic risk factor for AD (380); men with one or more ε4 alleles have lower testosterone levels and a higher risk of AD than men without an ε4 allele (380).


In longitudinal follow-up of male participants of the Baltimore Longitudinal Study on Aging (346), the men who were healthy at baseline and developed a clinical diagnosis of AD had significantly lower free testosterone levels than those who did not develop AD.  The age-related decline in circulating free testosterone levels preceded the clinical diagnosis of AD by nearly 10 years (346). 


Rosario et al. (384) found that low brain levels of testosterone were associated with increased risk of AD in men. In human postmortem brain tissue from neuropathologically normal men, tissue levels of testosterone but not E2 showed an age-related decline (384). The brain tissue levels of testosterone were significantly lower in AD cases as compared with neuropathologically normal cases after controlling for age (384).

Epidemiologic investigations of the association of circulating testosterone levels with age-related changes in cognitive function are in agreement that androgens effects on cognitive function are domain-specific. Generally, men with low testosterone levels perform less well than those with normal testosterone levels on tests of verbal fluency, visuospatial abilities, verbal memory, and executive function (121,122,385-388). Some inconsistency in findings across studies is likely related to heterogeneity of study populations, lack of standardization of cognitive assessments across studies, inaccuracy and imprecision of testosterone immunoassays, and the use of variable thresholds of testosterone levels to define "low". Some studies have suggested a curvilinear relation between testosterone levels and cognitive function; both low and high testosterone levels are associated with worse function suggesting that there may be an optimal level at which cognitive performance is optimized (386).


Clinical Trials Data


No adequately powered randomized placebo-controlled trials of testosterone replacement have been conducted in men with AD (389-392). The clinical trials data on the effects of testosterone on cognition have provided conflicting results; these trials were limited by their small size, inclusion of men who were not clearly hypogonadal and who did not have cognitive impairment or AD neuropathology, and use of outcomes that were not directly related to AD phenotype. Some studies have reported improvements in verbal memory and visuospatial skill while others found no effect (389,391-393).


The Testosterone Trials, a set of 7 coordinated trials of community-dwelling older men with unequivocally low testosterone levels, measured using liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), showed no significant effect on delayed paragraph recall – the primary outcome of the trial (26,390). Post hoc analysis of the TTrials data showed small but significant improvement in executive function (390). The TTrials had many attributes of good trial design - prospective allocation of participants, parallel groups, blinding, and high retention rates, but progression of AD was not a primary aim of the trial (26). The trial’s duration of one year was not long enough to evaluate effects on clinically meaningful measures of cognitive function or AD pathology. The trial did not include any measures of AD pathology, including A beta amyloid or Tau-protein or blood or CSF markers of AD. The participants in this well conducted trial were not selected prospectively based on cognitive deficits or risk of AD. A few small testosterone supplementation studies (sample size varying from 11 to 47) of 6 weeks to 6-month duration in men with cognitive impairment of AD have reported modest improvements in verbal and spatial memory but the small sample sizes, short intervention durations, variable eligibility criteria, and inclusion of men without confirmed AD, and inclusion of men with normal testosterone levels limit the interpretability of these data (391,392).      


In a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial, Huang et al investigated the effect of testosterone administration for 3-years on multiple domains of cognitive function in a large cohort (n=280) of men 60 years and older with low or low-normal testosterone levels (394). In this trial of older, cognitively healthy men, testosterone administration was not associated with significant improvement in any domain of cognitive function (Figure 11). These findings are similar to another recent placebo-controlled clinical trial conducted in older men 65-years and older (n=493) with low testosterone levels, which showed that treatment with testosterone for 1-year was not associated with improved cognitive function or memory (Figure 11) (390). Sensitivity analysis that was limited to men with minimal cognitive impairment also did not find significant differences in measures of cognition between the testosterone and placebo groups (390).

Figure 11. Effects of testosterone therapy on cognition domains in older men. Left panels show the long-term effects of testosterone therapy in visual and verbal memory, spacial ability and executive function in the TEAAM trial (36 months of treatment). Data displayed as baseline and post-randomization cognitive function test scores by group and study visit. Error bars are 95% CIs for mean scores and p-values are for the estimated difference between treatment effects, controlling for baseline values, age, and education (figure adapted from Huang et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018;103(4):1678-1685.) Right panels show adjusted mean change from baseline to 6 months and 12 months for men with age-associated memory impairment by treatment group in cognition domains in the Cognitive Function Trial of the TTrials (12 months duration; figure adapted from Resnick et al. JAMA. 2017;317(7):717-727).

Synopsis of the Effects of Testosterone on Cognition


In spite of the robust preclinical data that testosterone acts as a negative regulator of endogenous Ab amyloid accumulation in the brain, attenuates tau phosphorylation, reduces neuro-inflammation, exerts neuronal protective effect in response to injury and disease, and promotes neuronal regeneration and connectivity and some epidemiologic evidence that decline in testosterone levels increases the risk of incident clinical AD, the randomized trial data on the effects of testosterone on cognition is highly equivocal. The randomized clinical trials in community dwelling older adults without cognitive deficit or AD neuropathology have not found clinically meaningful improvements in cognitive function. The inconsistency in findings cannot yet be interpreted as conclusive evidence that there is no effect. Limitations of previous studies include limited sample sizes, inclusion of men with no clear cognitive deficit or AD neuropathology, the use of a variety of neuropsychological tests that are not clinically meaningful in the context of AD or dementia; the use of differing protocols in clinical trials. The effects of testosterone therapy on clinically important outcomes in men with cognitive impairment have not been studied. The efficacy of testosterone replacement in men with cognitive impairment, such as in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, needs further investigation in larger randomized controlled trials.



Circulating testosterone concentrations have not been consistently associated with major depressive disorder in men (128,129,395-398). Rather, testosterone levels appear to be associated with a late-life low grade persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) (128,129,395-398). Intervention trials have failed to demonstrate statistically significant or clinically meaningful improvements in patients with major depressive disorder (399). Placebo-controlled trials of testosterone in men with refractory depression also have not consistently shown a beneficial effect of testosterone (399-402). A meta-analysis of randomized trials reported modest improvements in depressive symptoms in testosterone-treated men compared to placebo-treated  men (403),  but there is no convincing evidence that testosterone treatment can induce remission in men with major depressive  disorder (404). Two small trials in men with dysthymia have reported greater improvements in depressive symptoms in testosterone-treated men than in placebo-treated men (405,406). Adequately powered long-term randomized trials are needed to determine whether testosterone replacement therapy can induce remission in older hypogonadal men with late-onset, low grade persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia).  


There is anecdotal evidence that androgens improve energy and reduced sense of fatigue (407). Testosterone administration increases hemoglobin and red cell mass, stimulates 2, 3 DPG concentrations thereby shifting the oxygen – hemoglobin dissociation curve favorably to improve greater oxygen delivery, and induces muscle capillarity (322,408,409). Additionally, testosterone stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis and mitochondrial quality (410). All of these adaptations would be expected to improve net oxygen delivery to the muscle, improve aerobic performance, and reduce fatigability. The effects of testosterone on fatigue and vitality have been studied in some randomized trials. Endogenous levels of total and free testosterone are not significantly associated with vitality in older hypogonadal men with sexual dysfunction, diminished vitality, and/or mobility limitation (114). In the Vitality Trial of the TTrials, testosterone treatment for 1-year did not improve vitality in older men with low vitality measured using the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy (FACIT)-scale but men receiving testosterone did report a small but statistically significant improvement in mood.  These findings are consistent with other randomized controlled studies (23,171,190), showing no clear benefit on fatigue and health-related quality of life with testosterone therapy.


Supraphysiologic doses of androgenic steroids such as those abused by athletes and recreational bodybuilders have been associated with aggressive responses to provocative situations (411), increased scores on Young’s manic scale, and with affective and psychotic disorders in some individuals (412); these adverse effects have not been reported with physiologic testosterone replacement.

By improving some aspects of physical and sexual function, testosterone supplementation might be expected to improve health-related quality of life. However, only a few small trials have evaluated the effects of testosterone on health-related quality of life. A systematic review of a small number of randomized trials has not revealed a significant improvement in composite health-related quality of life scores, but testosterone therapy improves scores on the physical component of MOS SF-36 (16,159). 


Risks of Testosterone Administration in Older Men


Short-term testosterone administration in healthy, young, androgen-deficient men with classical hypogonadism is associated with a low frequency of relatively mild adverse effects such as acne, oiliness of skin, and breast tenderness. However, the long-term risks of testosterone supplementation in older men are largely unknown. There are several unique considerations in older men that may increase their risks of testosterone administration. Serum total and free testosterone concentrations are higher in older men than young men at any dose of testosterone therapy, due to decreased testosterone clearance in older men (61). Older men exhibit greater increments in hemoglobin and hematocrit in response to testosterone administration than young men (321), adjusting for testosterone dose. Altered responsiveness of older men to testosterone administration might make them susceptible to a higher frequency of adverse events, such as erythrocytosis, or to unique adverse events not observed in young hypogonadal men. The baseline prevalence of disorders such as prostate cancer, benign prostatic hypertrophy, and cardiovascular disease that might be exacerbated by testosterone administration is high in older men; therefore, small changes in risk in either direction could have enormous public health impact. Furthermore, the clustering of co-morbid conditions in the frail elderly might render these men more susceptible to the adverse effects of testosterone therapy than healthy young hypogonadal men.


The contraindications for testosterone administration include history of prostate or breast cancer (16). Benign prostatic hypertrophy by itself is not a contraindication, unless it is associated with severe symptoms, as indicated by IPSS symptom score of greater than 21. Testosterone should not be given without prior evaluation and treatment to men with baseline hematocrit greater than 50%, severe untreated sleep apnea, or congestive heart failure with Class III or IV symptoms (16). Testosterone suppresses spermatogenesis and should not be prescribed to men who are considering having a child in the near future.  


The risks of testosterone administration include acne, oiliness of skin, erythrocytosis, induction or exacerbation of sleep apnea, leg edema, transient breast tenderness or enlargement, and reversible suppression of baseline spermatogenesis (16) (Table 2). Abnormalities of liver enzymes, hepatic neoplasms, and peliosis hepatis that have been reported previously with orally administered, 17-alpha alkylated androgens, have not been observed with replacement doses of transdermal or injectable testosterone formulations. The two major areas of concern and uncertainty are the effects of long-term testosterone administration on prostate cancer and major adverse cardiovascular events.


Table 2. Potential Adverse Effects of Testosterone Replacement in Older Men

Adverse Events for Which There is Evidence of Association with Testosterone Administration

1.         Erythrocytosis

2.         Acne and oily skin

3.         Detection of subclinical prostate cancer

4.         Growth of metastatic prostate cancer

5.         Reduced sperm production and fertility

Potential Adverse Events for Which There is Weak Evidence of Association with Testosterone Administration

1.         Gynecomastia

2.         Male pattern balding (familial)

3.         Growth of breast cancer

4.         Induction of worsening of obstructive sleep apnea

Formulation Specific Adverse Effects

1.     1.         Oral Tablets (not recommended)

·                          - Effects on liver enzymes and HDL cholesterol (methyltestosterone)

1.     2.          Pellet Implants

¨                        -. Infection, extrusion of pellet

2.     3.          Intramuscular Injections

¨                         - Fluctuations in mood or libido

¨                         - Pain at injection site

¨                         - Coughing episodes immediately after injection

3.     4.          Transdermal Patches

¨                         - Skin reaction at the patch application site

4.     5.          Transdermal Gel

¨                         - Potential risk of transference to partner

¨                         - Skin irritation and odor at application site

¨                         - Stickiness, slow drying, dripping

5.     6.           Buccal Testosterone Tablets

¨                         - Alterations in taste

¨                         - Irritation of gums

Adapted with permission from the Endocrine Society Guideline for Testosterone Therapy in Men with Hypogonadism in: Bhasin et al J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2018;103(5):1715-1744.




The long-term consequences of testosterone supplementation on the risk of heart disease remain unknown and have been the subject of debate (145,413-417). Some known effects of testosterone such as increase in hematocrit, suppression of plasma HDL cholesterol, and salt and water retention, might be expected to increase cardiovascular risk. Some other effects such as testosterone’s vasodilator effect on coronary arteries resulting in increased coronary blood flow, reduction of whole body and abdominal fat mass, and improved brachial reactivity might be perceived as beneficial. Testosterone’s effects on coagulation are complex; testosterone administration is associated with stimulation of both anti-coagulant and pro-coagulant proteins.


Androgen Effects on Plasma Lipids 


Cross-sectional studies of middle-aged men found a positive relationship between serum testosterone levels and plasma HDL-cholesterol concentrations (415,418-421). Lower testosterone levels in men are associated with higher levels of dense LDL particles (418), triglycerides (421,422) and prothrombotic factors (423).


The effects of androgen supplementation on plasma lipids depend on the dose, the route of administration (oral or parenteral), the type of androgen (aromatizable or not), and the subject population (whether young or old, and hypogonadal or not). Supraphysiological doses of testosterone and non-aromatizable androgens frequently employed by bodybuilders undoubtedly decrease plasma HDL-cholesterol levels (424-427). However, administration of replacement doses of testosterone in older men has been associated with only a modest decrease or no change in plasma HDL-cholesterol (16,22,23,25,184,186-189,428-430), and without a significant effect on cholesterol efflux capacity from macrophages (431), suggesting preserved HDL function.


Androgens and Other Cardiovascular Risk Factors 


Cross-sectional studies have found a positive association between circulating testosterone concentrations and tissue plasminogen activator activity (432), and a negative relationship between testosterone and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 activity, fibrinogen, and some other prothrombotic factors (432), suggesting an antithrombotic effect of testosterone. However, testosterone increases hematocrit (433), as well as neutrophil, monocyte and platelet counts (434). In men, higher neutrophil counts – even within the normal range - are associated with cardiovascular disease (435). Similarly, higher monocyte counts within the normal range have been suggested as a risk-factor for coronary artery plaque formation and cardiovascular mortality (436). Additionally, testosterone administration increases thromboxane A2 receptor density on human platelets, increasing platelet aggregability ex vivo (437,438). Observational studies have not found a consistent relationship between testosterone treatment and the risk of venous thromboembolism (439-443), although one study reported a small increase in VTE risk in the first few months after starting testosterone treatment (439).


Cross-sectional studies have reported conflicting findings on the association of endogenous testosterone levels and inflammatory markers (444-449). Intervention trials of testosterone generally have not found a significant effect of testosterone on inflammatory markers (430,450). Even supraphysiological doses of testosterone have been found not to affect C-reactive protein (451). Similarly, a prospective cohort study did not find meaningful changes in inflammatory markers in men with prostate cancer receiving androgen deprivation therapy (452).


Androgens and Coronary Artery Disease 


Whether variation of testosterone within the normal range is associated with risk of coronary artery disease remains controversial. Of the 30 cross-sectional studies reviewed by Alexandersen (145), 18 reported lower testosterone levels in men with coronary heart disease, 11 found similar testosterone levels in controls and men with coronary artery disease and 1 found higher levels of DHEAS. Prospective studies have failed to reveal an association of total testosterone levels and coronary artery disease (146-150,453-455). The common carotid artery intimal media thickness, a marker of generalized atherosclerosis, is negatively associated with circulating testosterone levels (150).


One interventional study (456), reported that testosterone undecanoate given orally improved angina pectoris in men with coronary heart disease. Testosterone infusion acutely improves coronary blood flow in a canine model and in men with coronary artery disease (457-463). Short-term administration of testosterone induces a beneficial effect on exercise-induced myocardial ischemia in men with coronary artery disease (462). This effect may be related to a direct vasodilator effect of testosterone on the coronary arteries resulting in increased coronary blood flow. Testosterone replacement has been shown to increase the time to 1-mm ST-segment depression (460). However, in another study, there were no differences between the placebo or testosterone groups in peak heart rate, systolic blood pressure, maximal rate pressure product, perfusion imaging scores, or the onset of ST-segment depression (462). Yue et al (463) reported that testosterone induces endothelium-independent relaxation of rabbit coronary arteries via potassium conductance. Testosterone is a potent vasodilator; it induces nitric oxide synthesis in human aortic endothelial cells in vitro (464). Testosterone has been shown to be an inhibitor of L-type Ca2+ channel. In human cells transfected with α1C subunit of the human cardiovascular L-type Ca2+ channel, testosterone inhibits these calcium channels with a potency that is similar to that of dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (465).


Effects of Testosterone Supplementation on Atherosclerosis Progression


In some animal models, orchiectomy accelerates and testosterone administration retards atherogenesis progression (466). The protective effect of testosterone on aortic atherogenesis in this preclinical model is mediated through its conversion to estradiol by the CYP19A1 in the blood vessel wall (466).


Two large placebo-controlled trials have evaluated the effects of testosterone treatment on atherogenesis progression in middle-aged and older men. The Testosterone’s Effects on Atherosclerosis Progression in Aging Men (TEAAM) Trial determined the effects of testosterone therapy on progression of subclinical atherosclerosis in the common carotid artery using sonographic measurement of common carotid artery intima-media thickness (CCA-IMT) and the coronary artery calcium scores measured using MDCT. The participants in the TEAAM Trial were 308 men, 60 years and older, with total testosterone between 100 and 400 ng/dL or free testosterone below 50 pg/mL (23). Men were randomized to receive either 75 mg of transdermal testosterone gel or placebo gel daily and received for 3 years. Neither the progression of CCA-IMT nor coronary artery calcium scores differed between the men randomized to the testosterone and placebo groups (Figure 12) (23).

Figure 12. Effects of testosterone administration on atherosclerosis progression. Panels A and B show data from the TEAAM trial (Basaria et al. JAMA. 2015;314(6):570-81; figure reproduced with permission from JAMA) Panel C shows data from the Cardiovascular Trial of the TTrials (data from Budoff et al. JAMA. 2017;317(7):708-716; figure adapted from Gagliano-Jucá & Basaria, Asian J Androl. 2018;20(2):131-137).

In the cardiovascular trial of the TTrials, 138 men with serum total testosterone below 275 ng/dL received either testosterone gel or placebo gel for one year and were evaluated by coronary computed tomographic angiography for progression of non-calcified and calcified coronary artery plaque volume, as well as coronary artery calcium score (467). Consistent with the findings of the TEAAM Trial, the changes in coronary artery calcium scores did not differ between the testosterone and placebo groups over one year of intervention. However, the increase in non-calcified plaque volume (primary endpoint) was significantly greater in men assigned to the testosterone arm than in those assigned to placebo arm (Figure 12) (467); there were baseline differences in non-calcified plaque volume between the two groups. The clinical implications of these findings to cardiovascular risk remain to be established.


Testosterone and Cardiac Arrhythmias


Testosterone has important effects in cardiac electrophysiology (468); it increases potassium currents derived from the human ether-a-go-go related gene (hERG) (469), and inhibits the depolarizing delayed calcium current (ICaL) (470), with its effects on ICaL being more meaningful than on hERG (471). These effects lead to shortening of ventricular cardiomyocyte repolarization time, which can be seen in the electrocardiogram as shortening of the heart-rate corrected QT interval (QTc). Indeed, cross-sectional studies have observed a negative association between serum testosterone levels and QTc duration (472). Additionally, in randomized trials of testosterone replacement to men with low testosterone levels, testosterone treatment shortened QTc duration in community-dwelling older men (473) and in men with chronic heart failure (474). Similarly, in a prospective cohort study, androgen deprivation therapy in men with prostate cancer was associated with QTc prolongation compared with men with prostate cancer not receiving the therapy (475). As QTc prolongation is associated with an increased risk of ventricular tachyarrhythmias (torsades de pointes) and sudden cardiac death (476-478), it is not surprising that androgen deprivation therapy is associated with a higher risk of arrhythmia, cardiac conduction disturbances and sudden death (479,480). A small case series study and analysis of the European pharmacovigilance database concluded that “conditions or drugs leading to male hypogonadism were associated with torsades de pointes”, and “correction of hypogonadism with testosterone replacement therapy can treat or prevent torsades de pointes” (481).


Cross-sectional studies have also linked low androgen levels in men to an increased risk of atrial fibrillation (482-484), and normalization of testosterone levels with testosterone replacement is associated with a decreased incidence of atrial fibrillation compared with untreated hypogonadal men (485). These findings need corroboration in randomized trials.


The Effects of Testosterone on Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events (MACE)


To-date, no randomized trials have been large enough or of sufficiently long duration to determine the effects of testosterone treatment on MACE (416). The frequency of MACE reported in randomized testosterone trials has been low—even lower than that expected for the age and comorbid conditions of the participants (18,486,487). A randomized trial of testosterone in older men (The TOM Trial) with mobility limitation was stopped early due to a higher frequency of cardiovascular-related events in men assigned to testosterone than in those assigned to placebo (22), heightening concern about the cardiovascular safety of testosterone in frail older men. In contrast to many other testosterone trials in older men, which recruited relatively healthy older men, the participants in the TOM trial had a high prevalence of chronic conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypertension, and hyperlipidaemia (22). Men, 75 years of age or older, and men with high on-treatment testosterone levels seemed to be at the greatest risk of cardiovascular-related events. In secondary analyses, these events were found to be associated with changes in serum free testosterone and estradiol levels (488). The dose of testosterone used in the TOM trial was higher than that used in some previous trials, but not dissimilar from or lower than that used in some other trials. The cardiovascular events were small in number and of variable clinical significance. The TOM trial was not designed for cardiovascular events; therefore, the cardiovascular events were not a pre-specified endpoint, and were not collected in a standardized manner, nor adjudicated prospectively. Additionally, many of the cardiovascular events were not MACE.


The higher cardiovascular adverse event incidence in testosterone-treated older men observed in the TOM trial was not reproduced in two larger trials of longer duration published more recently; in the TEAAM trial, the incidence of major adverse cardiac events throughout the 3 years of intervention was similar between groups (23). Similarly, in the TTrials, the number of MACE (myocardial infarction, stroke or death related to cardiovascular disease) during the one year of treatment was similar in the two groups, with seven men in each group experiencing an event (26). The number of MACE in the TEAAM and Ttrials were too few to permit strong inferences on the effects of testosterone treatment on MACE.


The Hormonal Regulators of Muscle and Metabolism in Aging (HORMA) trial reported a significantly greater increase in blood pressure in men treated with testosterone than in those treated with placebo (489). Testosterone administration causes salt and water retention (490), which can induce edema and worsen pre-existing heart failure.


Several meta-analyses of randomized testosterone trials have been published (413,486,487,491,492); however, these meta-analyses are limited by the small size of most trials, heterogeneity of study populations, poor quality of adverse-event reporting, and short treatment duration in many trials. None of the testosterone trials to date was sufficiently powered to adequately assess safety outcomes. The rigor of adverse-event reporting varied greatly among studies. The MACE was not ascertained rigorously nor adjudicated in most trials except in the TTrials.


The meta-analyses of randomized testosterone trials (487,491-494) and retrospective analyses of electronic medical records data (495-498) have also yielded inconsistent findings. These meta-analyses and pharmacovigilance studies have suffered from many limitations that are inherent in retrospective analysis of electronic medical records data. These studies included heterogeneous populations, and differed in the duration of intervention and study design. They used variable definitions and ascertainment of cardiovascular outcomes. The cardiovascular events were not prespecified, not collected prospectively and were not adjudicated. Treatment indications, treatment regimens, on-treatment testosterone levels and exposure differed among studies. These studies also suffered from a potential for residual confounding in that the patients assigned to testosterone therapy differed from comparators in baseline cardiovascular risk factors. Because of these inherent limitations and inconsistency of findings, these epidemiologic studies do not permit strong inferences about the relation between testosterone therapy and mortality and cardiovascular outcomes.


Synopsis of the Effects of Testosterone on Cardiovascular Risk 


The long-term effects of testosterone replacement therapy on MACE remain unknown. The FDA conducted an extensive review and concluded “the studies...have significant limitations that weaken their evidentiary value for confirming a causal relationship between testosterone and adverse cardiovascular outcomes”. Nevertheless, the FDA directed the pharmaceutical companies to add in the drug label information about a possible increased risk of cardiovascular events with testosterone use. An independent review conducted by the European Medicines Agency also found no consistent evidence of an increased risk of coronary heart disease associated with testosterone treatment of hypogonadal men. Long-term randomized trials of the effects of testosterone replacement on MACE are needed and are particularly important because even small changes in incidence rates could have significant public health impact.


A large randomized, placebo-controlled trial to study the effects of testosterone replacement therapy on the incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events in men 45 to 80 years of age with low testosterone levels and one or more symptoms of testosterone deficiency, who are at increased risk for cardiovascular events is currently underway (The TRAVERSE Trial, NCT03518034). The intervention duration is up to 5 years in this trial of over 6,000 men. The efficacy outcomes include adjudicated clinical fractures, remission of low-grade persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia), progression from pre-diabetes to diabetes, correction of anemia, and overall sexual activity, sexual desire, and erectile function. This randomized, placebo-controlled trial offers an historical opportunity to advance our understanding of the cardiovascular safety and long-term efficacy of testosterone replacement in middle-aged and older hypogonadal men.



Figure 13. Circulating Concentrations of SHBG, but not total or free testosterone, were associated prospectively with risk of incident diabetes in the Massachusetts Male Aging Study (MMAS). In a prospective analysis of data from the Massachusetts male Aging Study, total testosterone (left panel) and free testosterone (middle panel) were not associated significantly with risk of incident diabetes. Only SHBG concentrations were associated with incident diabetes in longitudinal analysis. Reproduced with permission from Lakshman et al J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2010;65(5):503-9.




Spontaneous (156) and experimentally induced (222) androgen deficiency is associated with increased fat mass, and testosterone replacement decreased fat mass in older men with low testosterone levels (16). In epidemiologic studies, low testosterone levels are associated with higher levels of abdominal adiposity (499,500). Testosterone administration promotes the mobilization of triglycerides from the abdominal adipose tissue in middle-aged men (501). Surgical castration in rats impairs insulin sensitivity; physiologic testosterone replacement reverses this metabolic derangement (502). However, high doses of testosterone impair insulin sensitivity in castrated rats (502), suggesting a biphasic relationship in which both low and high testosterone levels impair insulin resistance. Androgens increase insulin-independent glucose uptake (503) and modulate LPL activity in a region-specific manner (504).


Testosterone levels are lower in men with type 2 diabetes mellitus compared with controls (505-510). Low total testosterone levels have been associated with lower insulin sensitivity (505,511) and increased risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome in community dwelling men both cross-sectionally and longitudinally (508-510,512-520). However, the association of free testosterone and type 2 diabetes mellitus has been inconsistent; some studies have reported a weak relationship (509,510,512) while others have failed to find any relationship (508,514). Circulating sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and some SHBG polymorphisms also have been associated negatively with the risk of type 2 diabetes (508-510,512-516,521-524). For instance, individuals with the rs6257and rs179994 variant alleles of the SHBG single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) have lower plasma SHBG levels and a higher risk of type 2 diabetes (521-524). Similarly, individuals with the rs6259 variant have higher SHBG levels and lower type 2 diabetes risk (524). We performed longitudinal analyses of men participating in the Massachusetts Male Aging Study (525), a population-based study of men aged 40-70 years (Figure 13) to evaluate whether SHBG is an independent predictor of T2DM (526). After adjustment for age, body mass index, hypertension, smoking, alcohol intake and physical activity, the hazard ratio  for incident type 2 diabetes was 2.0 for each one SD decrease in SHBG and 1.29 for each one SD decrease in total testosterone (525). Free testosterone was not significantly associated with type 2 diabetes. The strong association of T2DM risk with SHBG persisted even after additional adjustment for free testosterone. The association of SHBG polymorphisms with type 2 diabetes suggests a potential role of SHBG in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. In a Mendelian randomization analysis of the UK Biobank data, genetically determined free testosterone levels were associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in a sexually dimorphic manner after adjusting for SHBG levels; men with low genetically determined free testosterone levels had increased risk of type 2 diabetes while women with low genetically determined free testosterone levels had reduced risk of type 2 diabetes (527).

Figure 13. Circulating Concentrations of SHBG, but not total or free testosterone, were associated prospectively with risk of incident diabetes in the Massachusetts Male Aging Study (MMAS). In a prospective analysis of data from the Massachusetts male Aging Study, total testosterone (left panel) and free testosterone (middle panel) were not associated significantly with risk of incident diabetes. Only SHBG concentrations were associated with incident diabetes in longitudinal analysis. Reproduced with permission from Lakshman et al J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2010;65(5):503-9.

HbA1c levels did not differ between groups. Homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), a marker of insulin resistance, improved modestly in men who were assigned to testosterone compared with placebo (532). Dhindsa et al reported improvement of insulin sensitivity with testosterone replacement for 24 weeks in hypogonadotropic hypogonadal men with type 2 diabetes (511). Overall, studies have failed to show improvements in diabetes outcomes or consistent changes in measures of insulin sensitivity (18,430,451,532-536) even though interventional trials have found a consistent reduction in whole body fat as well as abdominal fat (18,123,343). Indeed, in the TEAAM trial, 3 years of testosterone supplementation decreased fat mass in community-dwelling older men with low or low-normal serum testosterone concentrations, but did not improve insulin sensitivity (Figure 14) (537). The T4DM trial, one of the largest testosterone trials conducted to-date, evaluated the effects of 2 years of testosterone treatment in men aged 50 to 74 years with impaired glucose tolerance or newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes and a serum testosterone concentration below 404 ng/dL enrolled in a lifestyle program. Compared to placebo, testosterone treatment in conjunction with a life style program was associated with a lower proportion of participants with type 2 diabetes (538). It is important to note, however, that the men enrolled in the T4DM trial were not hypogonadal.

Figure 14. Long-term effects of testosterone therapy on insulin sensitivity in older men. Change in insulin sensitivity over time measured by the octreotide insulin suppression test and estimated as the mean concentration of glucose at equilibrium (SSPG). Figure adapted from Huang et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018;103(4):1678-1685.



There is no evidence that testosterone causes prostate cancer (539). A retrospective analysis of the Registry of Hypogonadism in Men (RHYME) (540) and several meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials (486,541,542) did not find an increased risk of prostate cancer in men receiving testosterone. Also, there is no consistent relationship between endogenous serum testosterone levels and the risk of prostate cancer (16,18,123,343,542-545). A meta-analyses of prospective cohort studies did not find a significant association between endogenous total testosterone levels and prostate cancer (542). Conversely, an analysis of 20 prospective studies found that men in the lowest tenth of free testosterone concentration had a lower risk of prostate cancer (OR=0.77, 95%CI= 0.69 to 0.86; p<0.001) compared with men with higher concentrations (545). Similarly, in the male participants in the UK Biobank followed for a mean of 6.9 years, higher genetically determined free testosterone was associated with a higher risk of prostate cancer, while total testosterone was not associated with prostate cancer risk (Figure 15) (546). The men with Klinefelter Syndrome have lower risk of prostate cancer than the general population. Taken together, these data suggest that life-long exposure to testosterone treatment in hypogonadal men could potentially increase the risk of prostate cancer.

Figure15. Mendelian Randomization: Genetically Determined Bio-Testosterone Associated with Increased Prostate Cancer Risk. Legend: UK Biobank Study: Genetic determinants of bioavailable testosterone were positively associated with risk of prostate cancer in men and ER+ breast cancer and endometrial cancer in women. Reproduced with permission from: Ruth KS, et al. Nat Med. 2020;26(2):252‐258.

Prostate cancer is an androgen–dependent tumor, and testosterone treatment is known to promote the growth of metastatic prostate cancer (544,547). Testosterone administration has been historically contraindicated in men with history of prostate cancer (16,543). The prevalence of subclinical, microscopic foci of prostate cancer in older men is high (548-555). There is concern that testosterone administration might make these subclinical foci of cancer grow and become clinically overt. In addition, older men with low testosterone levels may have prostate cancer (556,557). Morgentaler et al (556,557) reported a high prevalence of biopsy-detectable prostate cancer in men with low total or free testosterone levels despite normal PSA levels and normal digital rectal examinations. However, this study did not have a control group, and we do not know whether sextant biopsies of age-matched controls with normal testosterone levels would yield a similarly high incidence of biopsy-detectable cancer. Therefore, this study should not be interpreted to conclude that there is a higher prevalence of prostate cancer in older men with low testosterone levels, or that low testosterone levels are an indication for performing prostate biopsy.


Effects of Testosterone Therapy on Prostate Events


None of the testosterone trials in middle-aged or older men had sufficient power or intervention duration to detect meaningful differences in the incidence of prostate cancer between testosterone and placebo-treated men. Testosterone treatment of hypogonadal men increases PSA levels (16,558), which may lead to urological referral for prostate biopsy. A systematic review of randomized testosterone trials in middle-aged and older men found (413) that men treated with testosterone in clinical trials were at significantly higher risk for undergoing prostate biopsy than placebo-treated men (413). Because of the high prevalence of subclinical prostate cancer in older men, the higher number of prostate biopsies in testosterone-treated men could lead to increased detection rates of subclinical prostate cancer in comparison with placebo-treated men. Thus, testosterone therapy of middle-aged and older men is associated with a higher risk of prostate biopsy and a bias towards detection of a higher number of prostate events (18,413).


Administration of exogenous testosterone or suppression of circulating levels of testosterone by administration of a GnRH antagonist is not associated with proportionate changes in intra-prostatic testosterone or DHT concentrations. For instance, in a randomized controlled trial, Marks et al (559) measured intraprostatic testosterone and DHT levels in older men treated with placebo or testosterone. Surprisingly, intraprostatic DHT concentrations were not significantly higher in testosterone-treated men than in placebo-treated men (559). Similarly, the expression levels of androgen-dependent genes in the prostate were not significantly altered by testosterone administration (559). In separate studies, lowering of circulating testosterone levels by administration of a GnRH antagonist was not associated with changes in intraprostatic androgen concentrations (560,561).  


Effects of Testosterone Replacement on Serum PSA Levels


Serum PSA levels are lower in androgen–deficient men and are restored to normal following testosterone replacement (16,558,562-570). Lowering of serum testosterone concentrations by withdrawal of androgen therapy in young, hypogonadal men is associated with a decrease in serum PSA levels. Similarly, treatment of men with benign prostatic hyperplasia with a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, finasteride, is associated with a significant lowering of serum and prostatic PSA levels (570,571). However, serum PSA levels do not increase progressively in healthy hypogonadal men with replacement doses of testosterone. The increase in PSA levels during testosterone replacement might trigger evaluation and biopsy in some patients (16,543).


More intensive PSA screening and follow-up of men receiving testosterone replacement might lead to an increased number of prostate biopsies and the detection of subclinical prostate cancers that would have otherwise remained undetected (16,543). Serum PSA levels tend to fluctuate when measured repeatedly in the same individual over time (572-574). There is considerable test-retest variability in PSA measurements (572-574). Some of this variability is due to the inherent assay variability, and a significant portion of this variability is due to unknown factors. Fluctuations are larger in men with high mean PSA levels. Variability can be even greater if measurements are performed in different laboratories that use dissimilar assay methodology (572-574).


An important issue is what increment in PSA level should warrant a prostate biopsy in older men receiving testosterone replacement. To address this issue, we conducted a systematic review of published studies of testosterone replacement in hypogonadal men (543). This review indicated that the weighted effect size of the change in PSA after testosterone replacement in young, hypogonadal men is 0.68 standard deviation units (95% confidence interval 0.55 to 0.82). This means that the effect of testosterone replacement therapy is to increase PSA levels by an average 0.68 standard deviations over baseline. Because the average standard deviation was 0.47 in this systematic analysis, the standard deviation score of 0.68 translates into an average increase in serum PSA levels of about 0.30 ng/ml in young hypogonadal men (543). The average change in serum PSA levels after testosterone replacement in studies of older men was 0.43 ng/mL (543). The data from the Proscar Long-Term Efficacy and Safety Study (PLESS) demonstrated that the 90% confidence interval for the change in PSA values measured 3 to 6 months apart is 1.4 ng/mL (570). Therefore, a change in PSA of >1.4 ng/ml between any two values measured 3 to 6 month apart in the same patient is unusual (16,543).  In the TTrials, 2.4% of men receiving testosterone had increases above 1.4 ng/mL at 3 months, and 4.7% at 12 months (26).


Carter et al, based on the analysis of PSA data from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging, reported that PSA velocity, defined as the annual rate of change of PSA, is different in men who develop prostate cancer than in those who do not (575-577). Thus, PSA velocity greater than 0.7 ng/ml/year was unusual in men without prostate cancer whose baseline PSA was between 4 and 10 ng/ml (575-577). However, most men being considered for testosterone replacement will have baseline PSA less than 4 ng/ml. In a subsequent analysis, the same group reported that the PSA velocity in men with baseline PSA between 2 and 4 ng/ml was 0.2 ng/ml/year (577). Because test-to-retest variability in PSA measurement is far greater than this threshold, it is likely that the use of this threshold of 0.2 ng/ml/year to select men for prostate biopsy would lead to many unnecessary biopsies.


In eugonadal, young men, administration of supraphysiological doses of testosterone does not further increase serum PSA levels (166,169,578). These data are consistent with dose response studies in young men that demonstrate that maximal serum concentrations of PSA are achieved at testosterone levels that are at the lower end of the normal male range; higher testosterone concentrations are not associated with higher PSA levels (166,169).


In summary, these data suggest that the administration of replacement doses of testosterone to androgen-deficient men can be expected to produce a modest increment in serum PSA levels. Increments in PSA levels after testosterone supplementation in androgen-deficient men are generally less than 0.5 ng/mL and increments in excess of 1.4 ng/mL over a 3–6-month period are unusual. Nevertheless, administration of testosterone to men with baseline PSA levels between 2.6 and 4.0 ng/mL will cause PSA levels to exceed 4.0 ng/mL in some men. Increments in PSA levels above 4 ng/mL will trigger a urological consultation and many of these men will be asked to undergo prostate biopsies. However, considering the controversy over prostate cancer screening and monitoring, the decision to monitor PSA levels during testosterone treatment and the decision to refer a patient for consideration of prostate biopsy should be made only after informing him of the risks and benefits of prostate cancer screening and monitoring and engaging the patient in a shared decision-making process.


Monitoring PSA Levels in Older Men Receiving Testosterone Replacement (Tables 3 and 4)


Older men considering testosterone supplementation should undergo evaluation of risk factors for prostate cancer; the Endocrine Society guideline suggest a baseline PSA measurement and a digital prostate examination (16). Prostate cancer screening has some risks; therefore, initiation of prostate monitoring should be a shared decision, made only after a discussion of the risks and benefits of prostate cancer monitoring. Men with history of prostate cancer, should not be given androgen supplementation and those with palpable abnormalities of the prostate or PSA levels greater than 3 ng/ml should undergo urological evaluation. After initiation of testosterone replacement therapy, PSA levels should be repeated at 3 months and annually thereafter (16). Although measurements of free PSA and PSA density have been proposed to enhance the specificity of PSA measurement, long term data, especially from studies of testosterone replacement in older men, are lacking. Considering the interassay variability and the longitudinal change in PSA previously discussed, an Endocrine Society Expert Panel recently suggested that men receiving testosterone replacement should be referred to urological consultation if: 1) PSA increases more than 1.4 ng/mL in the first 12 months of treatment; 2) a PSA above 4 ng/mL is confirmed; or 3) a prostatic abnormality is detected on digital rectal examination (16). After 12 months of treatment, prostate monitoring should follow standard guidelines for prostate cancer screening taking into account the age and race of the patient (16).


Table 3. Recommendations for Monitoring of Men Receiving Testosterone Therapy

A. Explain the potential benefits and risks of monitoring for prostate cancer and engage the patient in shared decision making regarding the prostate monitoring plan.

B. Evaluate the patient at 3–12 months after treatment initiation and then annually to assess whether symptoms have responded to treatment and whether the patient is suffering from any adverse effects

C. Monitor testosterone concentrations 3–6 months after initiation of therapy:

·       --Therapy should aim to raise testosterone into the mid-normal range.

·       --Injectable testosterone enanthate or cypionate: measure testosterone midway between injections. If midinterval T is >600 ng/dL (24.5 nmol/L) or <350 ng/dL (14.1 nmol/L), adjust dose or frequency.

·       --Transdermal gels: assess testosterone 2–8 h following the gel application, after the patient has been on treatment for at least 1 week; adjust dose to achieve testosterone in the mid-normal range.

·       --Transdermal patches: assess testosterone 3–12 h after application; adjust dose to achieve concentration in the mid-normal range.

·       --Buccal T bioadhesive tablet: assess concentrations immediately before or after application of fresh system.

·       --Testosterone pellets: measure concentrations at the end of the dosing interval. Adjust the number of pellets and/or the dosing interval to maintain serum T concentrations in the mid-normal range.

·       --Oral T undecanoate: monitor serum T concentrations 3–5h after ingestion with a fat-containing meal.

·       --Injectable testosterone undecanoate: measure serum T levels at the end of the dosing interval just prior to the next injection and aim to achieve nadir levels in low-mid range.

D. Check hematocrit at baseline, 3–6 months after starting treatment, and then annually. If hematocrit is >54%, stop therapy until hematocrit decreases to a safe level; evaluate the patient for hypoxia and sleep apnea; reinitiate therapy with a reduced dose.

E. Measure BMD of lumbar spine and/or femoral neck after 1–2 year of testosterone therapy in hypogonadal men with osteoporosis, consistent with regional standard of care.

F. For men 55–69 years of age and for men 40–69 years of age who are at increased risk for prostate cancer who choose prostate monitoring, perform digital rectal examination and check PSA level before initiating treatment; check PSA and perform digital rectal examination 3–12 months after initiating testosterone treatment, and then in accordance with guidelines for prostate cancer screening depending on the age and race of the patient.

G. Obtain urological consultation if there is:

·       An increase in serum PSA concentration.1.4 ng/mL within 12 months of initiating testosterone treatment

·       A confirmed PSA > 4 ng/mL at any time

·       Detection of a prostatic abnormality on digital rectal examination

·       Substantial worsening of lower urinary tract symptoms

Adapted with permission from the Endocrine Society Guideline for Testosterone Therapy in Men with Hypogonadism in: Bhasin et al J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2018;103(5):1715-1744.


Table 4. Indications for Urological Consultation in Men Receiving Testosterone Replacement

1.     1) An increase in serum or plasma PSA concentration >1.4 ng/mL within any 12-month period after initiating testosterone treatment

2.     2) A PSA >4.0 ng/mL

3.     3) Detection of a prostatic abnormality on digital rectal examination

4.     4) An AUA/IPSS prostate symptom score of >19

Adapted with permission from the Endocrine Society Guideline for Testosterone Therapy in Men with Hypogonadism in: Bhasin et al J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2018;103(5):1715-1744.


Testosterone and Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy  


Testosterone replacement can be administered safely to men with benign prostatic hypertrophy who have mild to moderate symptom scores. The severity of symptoms associated with benign prostatic hypertrophy can be assessed by using either the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) or the American Urological Association (AUA) Symptom questionnaires. Androgen deficiency is associated with decreased prostate volume and androgen replacement increases prostate volume compared to  age–matched controls (559,562,566,567). Meta-analyses of testosterone trials have not found statistically significant difference in lower urinary tract symptoms scores in hypogonadal men receiving testosterone replacement compared to placebo (Figure 16) (256,579). However, in patients with pre–existing, severe symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy, even small increases in prostate volume during testosterone administration may exacerbate obstructive symptoms. In these men, testosterone should either not be administered or administered with careful monitoring of obstructive symptoms.

Figure 16. Adverse events associated with testosterone therapy in randomized trials. The relative risk and 95% CI for development of erythrocytosis (RR= 8.14; 95%CI= 1.87 to 35.40) and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS; RR= 0.38; 95%CI= -0.67 to 1.43) in randomized testosterone trials derived from meta-analyses published by Ponce et al., 2018 are shown. The figure was adapted with permission from Ponce et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018;103(5):1745-54.



Testosterone replacement is associated with increased red cell mass and hemoglobin levels (Figure 16) (256,329,580-585). Therefore, testosterone replacement should not be administered to men with baseline hematocrit of 52% or greater without appropriate evaluation and treatment of erythrocytosis (16) (Table 3). Administration of testosterone to androgen–deficient young men is typically associated with a small increase in hemoglobin levels. Clinically significant erythrocytosis is uncommon in young hypogonadal men during testosterone replacement therapy, but can occur in men with sleep apnea, significant smoking history, or chronic obstructive lung disease. Testosterone administration in older men is associated with greater increments in hemoglobin than observed in young, hypogonadal men (321). The magnitude of hemoglobin increase during testosterone therapy appears related to the testosterone dose, the increase in testosterone concentrations during testosterone therapy, and age (321). Testosterone replacement by means of a transdermal system has been reported to produce a lesser increase in hemoglobin levels than that associated with intramuscular testosterone enanthate and cypionate presumably because of the substantially higher testosterone dose and average circulating testosterone levels achieved with testosterone esters (586).


Testosterone increases hemoglobin and hematocrit by multiple mechanisms (322,408,409,587). Testosterone administration stimulates iron-dependent erythropoiesis by suppressing hepcidin transcription and increasing iron availability for erythropoiesis (322,408,409,587). Additionally, testosterone stimulates erythropoiesis by a direct effect on bone marrow hematopoietic progenitors and increasing the numbers of myeloid progenitors. Testosterone also stimulates erythropoietin and alters the set-point of the relationship between erythropoietin and hemoglobin (322). Testosterone supplementation can correct anemia in older men with unexplained anemia of aging and anemia of inflammation (322,329,409). Suppression of testosterone secretion in men receiving androgen deprivation therapy reduces hematocrit and hemoglobin levels by slowing erythropoiesis independently of changes in erythropoietin levels (588).     


Monitoring Hematocrit During Testosterone Replacement Therapy (Table 3)


Hematocrit levels should be measured at baseline and 3 months after institution of testosterone replacement or after increase in dosage, and every 12 months thereafter. It is not clear what absolute hematocrit level or magnitude of change in hematocrit warrants discontinuation of testosterone administration. Plasma viscosity increases disproportionately as hematocrit rises above 50%. Hematocrit levels above 54% may be associated with increased risk of neuro-occlusive events. Therefore, testosterone dose should be withheld if hematocrit rises above 54%; once hematocrit falls to a safe level, testosterone therapy may be re-initiated at a reduced dose or with a different formulation (16).  




Circulating testosterone concentrations are related to sleep rhythm and are generally higher during sleep than during waking hours (589-592). Testosterone secretory peaks coincide with the onset of rapid-eye movement sleep. Aging is associated with decreased sleep efficiency, reduced numbers of REM sleep episodes, and altered REM sleep latency, which may contribute to lower circulating testosterone concentrations (590-594).  The degree of sleep-disordered breathing increases with age and is associated with reduced overnight plasma bioavailable testosterone. Thus, changes in sleep efficiency and architecture are associated with alterations in testosterone levels in older men (590-594). Sleep apnea and disordered sleep are often associated with low testosterone levels (595), particularly in patients with more severe cases of OSA (i.e. severe hypoxemia) (596). Some potential mechanisms by which OSA may decrease endogenous testosterone levels include disruption of pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion from restricted sleep and/or recurrent nocturnal hypoxia (597,598), which is further exacerbated by obesity. OSA treatment with continuous positive airway pressure has been demonstrated to increase serum testosterone levels (599).


Testosterone can induce or exacerbate sleep apnea in some individuals, particularly those with obesity or chronic obstructive lung disease (589-594,600). This appears to be due to direct effects of testosterone on laryngeal muscles. Testosterone administration depresses hypercapnic ventilator drive and induces apnea in primate infants (594). Short-term administration of high doses of testosterone shortens sleep duration and worsens sleep apnea in older men (601). The frequency of sleep apnea in randomized testosterone trials in older men has been very low (16,486) and no randomized trial has reported an increased incidence of OSA or OSA worsening in men randomized to the testosterone arm compared to the placebo arm. 


Testosterone should not be given to men with severe untreated OSA without evaluation and treatment of sleep apnea. Several screening instruments can be used to detect sleep apnea. A history of loud snoring, and daytime somnolence, in an obese individual with hypertension increases the likelihood of having sleep apnea; such patients should be referred for a sleep study.




Testosterone administration can induce breast tenderness; however, gynecomastia is an uncommon complication of testosterone replacement therapy. Even with administration of supraphysiological doses of testosterone enanthate, less than 4% of men in a contraceptive trial developed detectable breast enlargement (580). Breast cancer is listed as a contraindication for testosterone replacement therapy primarily because of concern that increased estrogen levels during testosterone treatment might exacerbate breast cancer growth. There are, however, few case reports of breast cancer occurring as a complication of testosterone treatment. Men with Klinefelter’s syndrome have a higher risk of breast cancer than the general population (602).


An Individualized, Patient-Centric Approach to Shared Decision Making in the Evaluation and Treatment of Older Men with Low Testosterone Levels


Recent large randomized clinical trials, especially the TTrials, have substantially expanded our understanding of the efficacy and short-term safety of testosterone in older men with low testosterone levels. However, none of the trials has been long enough or large enough to determine the effects of testosterone treatment on major adverse cardiovascular events and prostate cancer risk. Furthermore, the long-term efficacy of testosterone treatment in improving hard outcomes – physical disability, fractures, falls, progression to dementia, progression from prediabetes to diabetes, remission of late-life low grade persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) - remains to be established. Adherence with testosterone treatment is poor and in one survey, nearly 50% of men prescribed testosterone, discontinued treatment within 3 months.  Population level screening of all older men for androgen deficiency is not justified (16) because of the lack of agreement on a case definition, the paucity of data on the performance characteristics of the screening instruments (e.g., the ADAM questionnaire (603), the Aging Male Symptoms questionnaire (604), and the MMAS questionnaire (605)) and the lack of clarity on the public health impact of the androgen deficiency syndrome in the general population.


Recognizing the lack of evidence of the long-term safety and efficacy of testosterone therapy in older men with symptomatic androgen deficiency, the expert panel of the Endocrine Society recommended against testosterone therapy of all men 65 years or older with low testosterone levels (16). Instead, the panel suggested that “in men >65 years who have symptoms or conditions suggestive of testosterone deficiency (such as low libido or unexplained anemia) and consistently and unequivocally low morning testosterone, clinicians offer testosterone therapy on an individualized basis after explicit discussion of the potential risks and benefits” (16).


The decision to offer testosterone treatment to older men with low testosterone levels should be guided by an individualized assessment of potential benefits and risks  (Figure 17) (606).  Determine whether the patient has clear evidence of testosterone deficiency recognizing the imprecision and inaccuracy of many available immunoassays and the substantial overlap in the symptoms of hypogonadism and aging per se. Perform a careful general health evaluation to identify conditions, such as prostate cancer, erythrocytosis, heart failure, or a hypercoagulable state that could increase the risk of harm. Weigh the burden of patient's symptoms and conditions associated with testosterone deficiency against the potential benefits and the uncertainty of long-term harm. Evaluate prostate cancer risk recognizing that prostate cancer screening and monitoring has some risks. Weigh the bother and distress associated with symptoms of testosterone deficiency and patient's values and risk tolerance against the uncertainty of benefits and long-term risks, and the burden, cost, and risks of treatment and monitoring. The participation of the patient who is well informed of the potential benefits and risks in the shared decision to initiate testosterone treatment can enable a more thoughtful treatment plan and increased adherence with the treatment and monitoring (606).

Figure 17. An evidence-based, individualized approach to testosterone therapy in older men with testosterone deficiency. The decision to offer testosterone treatment to older men with low testosterone levels should be guided by an individualized assessment of potential benefits and risks. Testosterone deficiency needs to be evaluated using reliable assays for the measurement of total and free testosterone levels. Patients should also be evaluated for conditions that are likely to respond to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) as well as conditions that could be adversely impacted, such as prostate cancer, erythrocytosis, heart failure, or a hypercoagulable state. It is important to consider each patient’s burden of symptoms, individual preferences, and risk tolerance against the uncertainty of long-term benefits and risks, the burden and risks of monitoring, and the cost. Reproduced with permission from Bhasin S. 2021. J Clin Invest. 2021;131(4):e146607.

Testosterone therapy can be instituted using any of the available approved formulations based on considerations of pharmacokinetics, patient convenience and preference, cost, and formulation-specific adverse effects (16).  The men receiving testosterone therapy should be monitored using a standardized monitoring plan to facilitate early detection of adverse events and to minimize the risk of unnecessary prostate biopsies (Table 2), as recommended by the Endocrine Society expert panel (Table 3) (16).




Women are more fertile below the age of 40, and fecundity decrease after age 35 and fertility ceases at the inception of menopause, around age 50. Increasing age in women confers greater risk for infertility, spontaneous abortion, and genetic and chromosomal defects among offspring. In contrast, there is no critical age at which sperm production or function, and fertility cease in men (607-614).  Although serum testosterone concentrations decrease below the normal range in a significant minority of older men, men over the age of 60 years commonly father children; the oldest father on record was 94-years old (607,609). Even though many older men are fertile, the overall fertility and fecundity decline with aging. The interpretability of data on the effects of aging on male fertility is limited by the small size of the studies and the low overall event rates.


Paternal age is associated with an increased risk of germ line mutations in FGFR2, FGFR3, and RET genes and inherited autosomal dominant diseases, such as Apert's syndrome, achondroplasia, and Costello Syndrome, respectively, in the offspring of older men (614-623). These monogenic disorders have been referred to as paternal age effect (PAE) disorders. Approximately one third of babies with diseases due to new autosomal dominant mutations are fathered by men aged 40 years or older (624).


Some other disorders such as schizophrenia, autism, and bipolar disorder have also been linked to paternal age (Figure 18) (615,616,622,623). The rate of de novo mutations increases with paternal age (622), which may contribute to the increase risk of neurodevelopmental diseases such as schizophrenia and autism (622).

Figure 18. Impact of paternal age on incidence of schizophrenia and early-onset bipolar disorder. Increasing paternal age at conception increases the relative risk of having an offspring with schizophrenia (panel A; figure adapted from Malaspina et al. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2001 Apr;58(4):361-7.) and the odds ratio of having a child with early-onset bipolar disorder (compared to fathers aged 20 to 24 years; panel B; data derived from Frans et al. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2008 Sep;65(9):1034-40)

The accumulation of these de novo germ line mutations with increasing paternal age has been explained by the “selfish spermatogonial selection" hypothesis (618,619).  According to this hypothesis, the somatic mutations in male germ cells that enhance the proliferation of germ cells could lead to within-testis expansion of mutant clonal lines (620,621), thus favoring the propagation of germ cells carrying these pathogenic mutations, and increasing the risk of mutations in the offspring of older fathers (620,621). Interestingly, the risk of autism has also been associated with the age of the father as well as the grandparent (623). These concerns have prompted the American Society of Reproductive Medicine to state in their guidelines that semen donors should be younger than 40 years of age so that potential hazards related to aging are diminished (610).


Some cardiac defects have also been attributed to aberrant genetic input from older men.  For instance, a case-control study of 4,110 individuals with congenital heart defects born between 1952 and 1973 in British Columbia, found a general pattern of increasing risk with increasing paternal age among cases relative to controls for ventricular septal defects, atrial septal defects, and patent ductus arteriosus (617,624). The risk of schizophrenia has also been reported to increase with paternal age (618) and possible loci affecting this risk have been identified (625). In addition, a modest proportion of preeclampsia, normally associated with increased maternal risk factors including age, might be attributable to an increase in paternal age although no gene loci have been identified (626). These observations need further corroboration.


Although there is a positive association between paternal age and incidence of aneuploidy, it has been difficult to dissociate the effect of paternal age from the confounding influence of the advanced maternal age. After accounting for various confounders, there does not appear to be a major independent effect of increased paternal age on the incidence of autosomal aneuploidies (608,609,615,616,627,628). The existence of a paternal age effect on Down syndrome is controversial. Earlier studies from the 1960s and 1970s found no correlation between Down syndrome and paternal age (e.g.,(629)). However, a study in New York from 1983 to 1997 found a significant greater numbers of mothers and fathers 35 years of age and older, respectively, among parents of patients with Down’s syndrome (630). Among the cases of Down syndrome evaluated, paternal age had a significant effect only when the mothers were 35 years of age or older, and was the highest when both the Mother and Father were older than 40 years in which case the risk of Down Syndrome was 6 times that observed among couples younger than 35 years of age (630).


Changes in Fertility of Older Men  


A review of studies examining fertility at different ages demonstrated significant age-related differences in fertility rates in men; men older than 50 have lower pregnancy rates, increased time to pregnancy, and subfecundity compared to younger men (608,609,615,631,632). Some changes in fertility rates might be related to age-related decrease in sexual activity.  A literature review found no significant change in sperm concentration with aging when comparing men under the age of 30 to those greater than 50 years (613). However, in general, semen volume, sperm motility, and the number of morphologically normal sperm decrease with advancing age (Table 5; (45,608-614,622,627,628,631,633)). A number of these studies, however, did not control for important confounding variables. Of the 21 studies in which sperm densities were compared among men of different age groups (613), only four studies adjusted for the duration of abstinence, well known to affect sperm concentration. In addition, there is significant heterogeneity in the populations studied; most of the studies examined data from semen of sperm donors while others examined men from infertility clinics. Sperm donors might represent a healthier group of men than the general population; conversely men in infertility clinics might be more likely to have abnormalities of sperm number or function. Even studies that have controlled for abstinence as well as alcohol and tobacco use have shown an age-related decrease in semen volume. In one study of men whose partners had bilateral tubal obstruction or absence of both tubes and who were treated by conventional IVF, the odds ratio of failure to conceive was higher for men 40 years of age or older (634).


Table 5: Changes in Semen Quality and Fertility in Men with Age


Age comparison


Semen volume

30 versus ³50 years

3-22% decrease

Sperm concentration



Abnormal sperm morphology

£30 versus ³ 50 years

4-18% increase

Time to pregnancy

<30-35 versus >30-50 years

5-20% increase

Pregnancy rates

<30 versus > 50 years

23-38% decrease



11-250% increase

From a Literature Review by Kidd et al., 2001 (501)



In a comparison of younger men (21-25 years) with older men (>50) referred for andrological evaluation, the ejaculate volume, progressive sperm motility, and sperm morphology were lower in older men than younger men after adjustment for duration of sexual abstinence (635). The older men also had a higher frequency of sperm tail defects, suggesting epididymal dysfunction (636). In addition, the fructose content was significantly lower in older men suggesting a defect in the seminal vesicle contribution to semen. There were no significant differences in sperm concentration and testicular size between the young and older men in this study.


Necropsies on adult men of different ages have revealed that the testicular volume is lower only in men in the 8th decade of life (637). A recent study examined testicular germ cells obtained by orchiectomy from 36 older men with advanced prostate cancer and by testicular biopsy from 21 younger men with obstructive azoospermia, as controls (638). The ratios of primary spermatocytes, round spermatids, and elongated spermatids to Sertoli cells were significantly decreased in the testes of older men, but the ratio of spermatogonia to Sertoli cell number remained unchanged (638,639). Older men are characterized by lower rates of germ cell apoptosis and cell proliferation compared with younger men, suggesting that germ cell proliferation and apoptosis diminish with aging (639).


Other studies evaluating the fidelity of the germ cell compartment are cross-sectional and depend on analyses of sperm number and semen quality; large-scale chromosomal analyses in healthy community dwelling men are scarce as most data are derived from fertility clinics.  A review of studies examining semen quality at different ages demonstrated significant age-related decrease in semen volume and sperm morphology. The change in sperm morphology has been hypothesized to be due to an increase in aneuploidy with age. Härkönen et al (628) found that sperm morphology was directly associated with the number of chromosomes in sperm and that men with higher aneuploidy rates for chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y had lower sperm motility and sperm concentrations. Despite the changes in sperm morphology and motility from older men, in vitro fertilizing capacity of the sperm is well preserved (45,634).


There are several difficulties in interpreting these data on age-related changes in sperm density and function. The normal range for sperm concentration in men is wide where sperm concentration above 15 million/ml (total sperm per ejaculate > 39 million) is considered normal. Thus, even though average sperm concentrations decline with aging, they are still are in the normal range (45,632,638). Furthermore, normal sperm counts do not always correlate with normal sperm function.


Studies in flies demonstrate more germ cells during larval than adult stages suggesting age-related quiescence of the germ line (640). Significant age-related decreases in germ cells and spermatogenesis also have been reported in rodents and primates (641-645). The Brown Norway rat has been studied as a model of aging of the human male reproductive system because in this rodent model, serum testosterone levels decrease with aging, as they do in humans (642-644). Along with changes in hypothalamic-pituitary hormones, alterations in sperm counts, sperm maturation, Sertoli cell number, and progeny outcomes have been observed in this rodent model (Table 6) (626,642-651). Analysis of ribosomal DNA from germ cells of the male brown Norway rat has revealed hypermethylation of ribosomal DNA (645,652). Alterations in ribosomes have been theorized to promote aging of cells by multiplying errors in protein synthesis which initially might elude gross morphological analysis but eventually might lead to germ cell degeneration (652). Further assessment of spermatogonial stem cell populations is needed.  In many animal models of life span extension, there is a trade-off between longer life and fecundity, although there are some exceptions (653).


Table 6.  Changes in the Reproductive Axis in the Brown-Norway Rat






530, 531



530, 531



530, 531



530-532, 534

Germ Cells



Sertoli Cells


531, 537



531, 537

Seminiferous Tubules


531, 537

Seminiferous Tubule Function


534, 537

Epididymal function



Sperm morphology



Sperm motility



Sperm Count






Since Sertoli and Leydig cells are crucial to spermatogenesis, changes in these cells could affect sperm number and function. Age-related changes in the supporting structures for sperm maturation have been described in the Brown Norway rat.  These changes include reductions in the numbers of Leydig and Sertoli cells (643-645). Changes in the supporting cells and structures for sperm maturation have been invoked to explain the age-related decrease in sperm number and fecundity in rats. In stallions, the numbers of Sertoli cells decreases with aging but individual Sertoli cells display a remarkable capacity to accommodate greater numbers of developing germ cells (654).  


In men, Sertoli cell number has been reported to be lower in men aged 50 to 85 years than in men aged 20 to 48 years (655). The apoptotic rate of primary spermatocytes in aged men was also significantly elevated compared with that of younger men, resulting in a decrease of the number of primary spermatocytes per Sertoli cell (639), leading the authors to suggest that there might be a failure of the Sertoli cells to support spermatogenesis in older men.


Sertoli cells produce inhibin, which regulates gonadotropin expression from the pituitary. Inhibin B has been identified as the physiologically important form of inhibin in men and as a valuable serum marker of Sertoli cell function and spermatogenesis.  Higher gonadotropins and lower inhibin levels in older men suggest a decline in Sertoli cell function (655); however changes in circulating inhibin B levels with advancing age have been inconsistent (70,655-657). Overall, these data suggest a possible decline in Sertoli cell number and function in older.


Aging is accompanied by a progressive, albeit variable, decline of Leydig cell function with a decrease of mean serum free (or bioavailable) testosterone levels in the population between age 25 and 75 years (658). Total Leydig cell volume and the absolute number of Leydig cells decline with advancing age, although total testis weight does not change substantially with age (658-662). In one study, age accounted for more than a third of the variation in Leydig cell number, and explained more than half the variation in daily sperm production (661). This might in part be explained by a fusion of Leydig cells resulting in fewer but multinucleated Leydig cells with age (662). The functionality of the multinucleated cells is not known.




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