
Reproductive Health and Its Impact On Lipid Management in Adolescent and Young Adult Females



Lipids disorders are common in youth.  Adolescents and young women of childbearing age who have moderate to severe lipid disorders may benefit from treatment with lipid lowering medications (LLM). However, most of these medications are contraindicated in pregnancy.  Those who are sexually active should receive counseling on effective methods to prevent unplanned pregnancies. While contraceptives, when appropriate, are typically prescribed by primary care physicians, lipidologists are often asked to address the unique aspects related to use of long-term LLMs, such as statins, in females with hypercholesterolemia.  Appropriate counseling and management require not only knowledge of the effects of sexual maturation on lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, but a thorough understanding of current recommendations and potential harms associated with the use of some LLMs, such as statins, should pregnancy occur.  In this chapter, we review changes in lipid and lipoprotein metabolism during puberty, current guidelines for use of contraceptive methods in adolescent and young adult females and laws that pertain to this unique population.




There are a number of lipid disorders, both acquired and genetic, that may warrant pharmacotherapy, beginning at an early age.  These include primary hypercholesterolemia, such as familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), and the severe hypertriglyceridemia characteristic of familial chylomicronemia syndrome (FCS).  A discussion of the specific disorders causing moderate to severe dyslipidemia in adolescents and young adults can be found in Endotext (1-3).




It should be noted that lipid levels vary throughout childhood and adolescence.  Prior studies have described these changes. At young ages, lipid levels are similar between boys and girls (3-12). Cholesterol levels at birth are typically very low.  A review of studies of serum cholesterol in the U.S. concluded that total cholesterol (TC) concentration, which is approximately 65 mg/dl (1.68 mmol/l) in umbilical cord blood, rises after birth to reach a mean level of 165 mg/dl (4.27 mmol/l) by 2 years-of-age (13). When trends are analyzed by chronological age, mean TC levels generally peak between ages 9 to 11, followed by a decline during puberty.  There are gender differences in the levels of other lipids and lipoproteins as well.  A review of data from NHANES demonstrated that the prevalence of elevated levels of non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C) was greater in girls (9.4%) than in boys (7.5%) (14). Levels rise again after puberty to reach the adult values. 


Since puberty has such a remarkable effect on lipid levels, it is important to understand the stages of pubertal development in assessing and making recommendations for treatment of dyslipidemia in youth.  Puberty is defined as the age at or period during which the body of a girl or boy matures and becomes capable of reproduction. Classically, there are five well-defined stages of puberty, often referred to as Tanner or pubertal stages 1 to 5 (Figure 1) (15-17). 


Figure 1. Pubertal Stages

Menarche, the term used to define the first menstrual cycle or episode of vaginal bleeding in females, generally occurs at pubertal stage 4; while pubertal stage 5 is used to define adult sexual maturity in both males and females.  Despite earlier onset of secondary sexual characteristics, such as pubic hair, historically the median age at menarche has remained relatively stable - occurring at approximately 12 to 13 years-of-age in most females - across well-nourished populations in developed countries.  Over the past 30 years, data from the U.S. NHANES has found no significant change in the median age at menarche, except among the non-Hispanic black population, which has a 5.5-month earlier median age at menarche than occurred previously. 


Excessive weight gain during childhood is associated with earlier onset of puberty.  Environmental factors, including socioeconomic conditions, nutrition, and access to preventive health care, may also influence the timing and progression of puberty.


By 15 years-of-age, 98% of females will have experienced menarche (18). In addition to a benchmark marking the beginning of reproductive life in females, both premature and delayed menarche appear to be associated with increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk (19-21).  Women with prolonged and irregular menstrual cycles also appear to have higher risk for premature CVD and type 2 diabetes (T2D) (22,23).


Previous studies have taken into account pubertal changes in assessing lipid and lipoprotein levels in youth (24-30). It should be noted that youth of the same age, sex, and race show considerable variability in their degree of sexual maturation and somatic growth. Thus, at all pubertal stages, chronological age can vary widely. This suggests that the use of age alone may be misleading when assessing the levels and changes in lipid levels in this population. In a longitudinal study that assessed pubertal stage at various ages, the levels of TC, low density-lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and non-HDL-C decreased in all groups during puberty (31).  HDL-C decreased and triglyceride (TG) levels increased in males during puberty, while no changes were observed in females. For HDL-C, sex differences in the pattern of change emerged by pubertal stage 3 (31).  Prior data has also suggested that HDL-C concentrations continue to decrease in males into early adulthood while remaining constant in females (32).  Pubertal development should, therefore, be considered when determining criteria for initiation of lipid screening in youth; pre-pubertal (often before 9 years-of-age) and post-pubertal (typically after 17 years-of-age) screening might be useful despite current recommendations to screen between 9 to 11 years-of-age (31).  For females who become pregnant, it is important to be aware of the additional changes in lipids that have been well-described (33).




Management of dyslipidemia in adolescent and young adult females requires a thorough knowledge of lipid metabolism and physiologic changes that occur during pregnancy. Those who are considering pregnancy in the setting of a lipid disorder may benefit from preconception consultation with an obstetrician/maternal-fetal medicine specialist with knowledge of complex pregnancies to discuss the impact of pregnancy on maternal disease. If not seen prior to becoming pregnant, referral of those with severe dyslipidemia or FH is recommended early in pregnancy. Severe dyslipidemia has been associated with a variety of obstetric and maternal complications including preterm delivery, hypertension-related disorders of pregnancy, fetal growth restriction, increased fat deposition in the fetus, and maternal pancreatitis (34).


Physiologic changes that occur during pregnancy lead to an increase in plasma concentrations of lipids and lipoproteins. Maternal hyperlipidemia routinely occurs in the later part of pregnancy with levels of TG, very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL-C), LDL-C, and HDL-C increased compared to non-pregnant females (35). These changes are related to increased insulin resistance during pregnancy as well as increased production of estrogen (36). Given the expected increases seen in cholesterol during pregnancy and the limited treatment options that are available, routinely following lipid levels during pregnancy is not recommended. However, patients with severe hypertriglyceridemia who are at-risk of pancreatitis and those with FH who may develop symptomatic ASCVD during pregnancy are an exception and should be followed closely (37). Following delivery, cholesterol concentrations begin to decline with levels returning to baseline in most women by 6 weeks postpartum. However, some data suggest levels may remain elevated for as long as 20 weeks postpartum. Breastfeeding leads to decreases in TG levels, however HDL-C levels increase. The effect of breastfeeding on LDL-C levels is unclear (36).




In addition to heart-healthy living, use of LLMs is currently recommended as a treatment option for females with moderate-to-severe dyslipidemia (39,40).  When prescribing these medications, it is important to understand the potential risks of each drug class as well as each individual drug, and effects on reproductive health.  While rare, most adverse events are similar for male and female youth (41). 


Recommendations for use of LLMs, such as statins, in females of childbearing age should consider the potential ofteratogenicity (33, 39). To date there have been two systematic reviews that evaluated statins and teratogenicity.  Neither found evidence that statins cause congenital anomalies independent of concomitant medical conditions associated with their use (42,43).  Of interest, in women with a prior history of pre-eclampsia use of pravastatin during subsequent pregnancy has shown promising results for preventing recurrence (44,45). Nonetheless, caution is advised when recommending the use of statins in females, including adolescent and young adult females.



If an adolescent or young adult female becomes pregnant while taking a LLM other than a bile acid sequestrant (e.g., colesevelam), best practice has been to immediately stop the LLM and the patient should be followed closely by an obstetrician in addition to a lipid specialist. LDL apheresis can be safely used during pregnancy and may be beneficial to some women.


It should be stated, however, that in 2021 the FDA requested revisions to the prescribing information about statin use during pregnancy, noting that contraindication of these drugs in all pregnant women is not appropriate.  The FDA recommended removing this labeling, based upon the benefits statins may have in preventing serious or potentially fatal events in a small group of very high-risk pregnant patients. Removing the contraindication enables health care professionals and patients to make individual decisions about benefit and risk, especially for those at very high risk of heart attack or stroke, such as homozygous FH and females who have previously had a heart attack or stroke (47).




Lifestyle changes, including dietary modifications, are recommended for all individuals with lipid disorders and should be considered a cornerstone of lipid management in pregnancy as well. There are limited data, however, on use of non-statin medications to treat elevations in cholesterol and triglyceride during pregnancy. If any of the following medications are considered in an adolescent or woman of child-bearing age, the potential for pregnancy and relative risks must be taken into consideration.


Bile Acid Sequestrants


Despite reassurance of statin safety, only bile acid sequestrants are currently considered safe for use in treating LDL-C disorders during pregnancy and breastfeeding.




No data are available on use during pregnancy. Animal studies have found ezetimibe crosses the placenta. At levels significantly higher than those achieved with human doses, there appears to be a slightly increased risk of skeletal abnormalities in rats and rabbits. Therefore, this agent is not recommended for use during pregnancy. If used prior to pregnancy, ezetimibe should be discontinued prior to attempting to become pregnant (48).


PCSK9 Inhibitors (Monoclonal Evolocumab, Alirocumab and mRNA Therapy Inclisiran)


No data are available on use during pregnancy. An observational trial of evolocumab in pregnant women with FH was terminated after being unable to enroll sufficient subjects (4 patients in 4 years; clinical NCT02906124). PCSK9 inhibitors are not approved for use in pregnancy nor currently recommended (48).


Bempedoic acid


This drug should be discontinued when pregnancy is recognized, unless the benefits of therapy outweigh the potential risks to the fetus (49).




No data are available on use during pregnancy. Based on animal studies, exposure during pregnancy may lead to fetal harm (49).




This drug is not recommended during pregnancy due to concerns for fetal harm (49).




Limited data are available on use during pregnancy.  Adverse outcomes from the use of fibrates during the second trimester have not been reported. However, such observations are based on case reports (50). Most reported use of fibrates (both gemfibrozil and fenofibrate) during pregnancy occurred in the second trimester, after embryogenesis occurs. Studies in animals have found no increased risk of congenital malformations (48).


Omega-3-Fatty Acid


Lifestyle modifications with increase in dietary omega-3-fatty acids appear to be safe during pregnancy. Prescription omega-3-fatty acids are not approved for use during pregnancy (48).




No data are available on use during pregnancy. If used prior to pregnancy, volanesoren should be discontinued one month before attempting conception (51). This drug is not approved for use in the U.S.




In those at-risk of severe elevations in TG due to acquired (insulin resistance/diabetes) and genetic causes (FCS and MCS), case reports and reviews have reported use of plasmapheresis in those who develop pancreatitis. The procedure appears to be safe and has the advantage of quickly lowering TG levels (52,53).


LDL Apheresis


This procedure can be safely used during pregnancy and may be beneficial to some women with severely elevated lipids, such as FH (39).




Drugs such as statins are increasingly prescribed to females of childbearing age, including prior to the onset of sexual maturity. Since current guidelines still suggest avoidance or discontinuation of most LLMs during pregnancy, it is important for clinicians to consider the appropriate age at which a conversation regarding contraceptive options should be initiated. In addition to knowledge regarding pubertal development and reproductive ability, clinicians should have an awareness of current sexual practices amongst adolescents. According to the National Center for Health Statistics Reports, an estimated 55% of U.S. male and female teens have had sexual intercourse by 18 years-of-age; approximately 80% of teens used some form of contraception during their first episode of sex (54).


The proportion of youth who have had sexual intercourse increases rapidly throughout adolescence. In 2013, approximately 1% of 10-year-olds, 20% of 15-year-olds and 65% of 18-year-olds reported having had sexual intercourse (Figure 2).


Figure 2. Percent of individuals 10-40 years-of-age who have had sexual intercourse. Modified from J. Philbin, Guttmacher Institute, unpublished data from the National Survey of Family Growth, 2013 (93).

For youth 11 years-of-age and older, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends healthcare providers obtain a developmentally-appropriate sexual history, including assessing risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pregnancy, and provision of appropriate screening, counseling, and, if needed, contraceptives options for adolescents during clinic visits (55).


An adolescent’s sexual history should be updated regularly and conducted in a confidential and non-judgmental manner, re-addressing the needs for contraception, STI screening, and appropriate counseling regarding reduction of health risks related to sexual activity (56). Pregnancy testing should be conducted when appropriate or requested.


Key to effective history taking is an honest, caring, non-judgmental approach by the healthcare provider. Interviews should be conducted in a comfortable, matter-of-fact manner to encourage questions and to build trust. This can be accomplished by assessing the “5 Ps” of sexual history taking:


  • Partners
  • Prevention of pregnancy
  • Protection from STIs
  • Sexual Practices
  • Past history of STIs and pregnancy


To encourage compliance, counseling should incorporate techniques of motivational interviewing (57).


Although there has been a decline in recent years, the pregnancy rate amongst adolescent females in the U.S. remains substantially higher than in other Western industrialized nations and racial/ethnic and geographic disparities in teen birth rates persist (58-62).




While clinicians should review the effects on lipid levels when prescribing contraception, there are limited data to aid selection of a specific contraceptive method based upon the individual’s underlying presumed or confirmed lipid disorder.


Review of the CDC Summary Chart of US Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use suggests avoidance of estrogen containing birth control as well as DMPA in individuals at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, which would include those with lipid disorders. Preferred methods of contraception for this vulnerable population would include the copper IUD, which contains no hormones, followed by a levonorgestrel containing IUD, implant, and progestin only contraceptive pills.


Although the impact of estrogen and progestin on lipid parameters has been well described, it is not known whether the hormone formulation or the means of administration of various contraceptive methods have any clinical significance either in women with normal baseline lipid levels or in those with lipid disorders (Table 1) (63). Furthermore, insufficient data are available in regard to the effect of various contraceptive methods when used in individuals with well-defined lipid disorders.


Table 1. The Effects of Contraceptive Methods on Lipids and Lipoproteins

Contraceptive Method





Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill

·       Estrogen




For OCPs with an identical dose of estrogen, the choice and dose of the progestin component may affect net lipid changes (63,64)

·       Progestin




Transdermal Patch





Vaginal Ring










LDL-C = low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HDL-C = high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; TG = triglycerides; DMPA = Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate


In general, combined oral contraceptives (COCs) raise TGs slightly.  The effects on LDL-C and HDL-C are less predictable, but the effects are thought to be related to the dose of the ethinyl estradiol, the type of progestin, and health status of the patient (for example, obese versus not obese).  Once OCPs are discontinued, lipid and lipoprotein levels appear to return to pre-treatment levels (64). If an oral contraceptive is preferred, the use of COCs that contain 35 mcg or less of estrogen is generally recommended for most adult women with controlled dyslipidemia. 


Compared to COCs, transdermal and vaginal contraception have similar effects on lipid profiles. Barrier methods and IUDs are generally considered to be lipid neutral (65,66).


COCs have also been shown to increase plasma insulin and glucose levels and reduce insulin sensitivity in women; however, these effects are negligible for current formulations and among women of normal weight without polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).  For females who are overweight/obese and those with PCOS, potential adverse effects should be considered in the choice of contraceptive method (67-74).




How does one determine which contraceptive is the best option for an adolescent or young adult female with dyslipidemia?  From a practical point of view, this is largely dependent upon the individual’s needs, preference, resources, and ability to adhere to the method chosen. Abstinence is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, and is an important part of contraceptive counseling. Although adolescents should be encouraged to delay onset of sexual activity, adherence to abstinence in this age group is low. Therefore, healthcare providers are encouraged to discuss comprehensive sexual health and the risks/benefits of contraceptive options with all adolescents (56,75).


A review of the many options available for contraception is beyond the scope of this discussion. The safety and efficacy of contraceptive methods is also reviewed in the Endotext Chapter entitled “Contraception” (76). It is important to note that currently the most effective form of birth control is the contraceptive implant, followed by the IUD, and the progestin injection (Figures 3) (77).


Figure 3. Effectiveness of Contraceptive Options. (Adapted from World Health Organization 2011 and Trussell, 2011. (78,79). * The percentages indicate the number of women out of every 100 who experienced an unintended pregnancy within the first year of typical use of each contraceptive method.

Given their efficacy, safety, and ease of use, in coordination with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the AAP currently recommends long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) be considered first-line contraceptive choices for adolescents (56,80).


Key points for healthcare providers when recommending contraceptive methods:


  • Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) and the contraceptive patch are highly effective methods of contraception that are much safer than pregnancy.
  • It is appropriate to prescribe contraceptives or refer for IUD placement without first conducting a pelvic examination. Screenings for STIs, especially chlamydia, can be performed without a pelvic examination.
  • If appropriate, consistent and correct use of condoms with every act of sexual intercourse should be encouraged.
  • Physicians should have a working knowledge of the different combined hormonal methods and regimens for contraception and medical management of common conditions, such as acne, dysmenorrhea, and heavy menstrual bleeding.
  • Adolescents with chronic illnesses and disabilities (estimated to be16 to 25% of adolescents) have similar sexual health and contraceptive needs as their healthy adolescent counterparts, although the medical illness may complicate contraceptive choices (56).


Healthcare providers who desire more information regarding contraception options for adolescent and young adult females, including those with medical conditions, are encouraged to consult the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) U.S. Selected Practice Recommendations for Contraceptive Use (81,82).




Aside from concerns regarding the effects of medications during unplanned pregnancy, recommendations for choice of contraceptive methods in females with primary lipid disorders should follow the same guidelines as outlined for age-appropriate females.  Those with secondary dyslipidemia related to complicated, long-term medical conditions, such as chronic inflammatory diseases (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus), diabetes, and HIV may require addition considerations prior to recommending use of a specific contraceptive method. The concurrent use of medications may also affect contraceptive choices. Table 2 provides a brief summary of the current guidelines to assist in clinical decision-making. For a more detailed discussion, a review of the US Selected Practice Recommendations (US SPR) for Contraceptive Use, 2016 is recommended (74-81).


Table 2. Summary of Classifications for Hormonal Contraceptive Methods and Intrauterine Devices









a. BMI ≥30 kg/m2







b. Menarche <18 years and BMI ≥30 kg/m2







Cardiovascular Disease

a.              Multiple risk factors for ASCVDa








a. Adequately controlled hypertension







b. Elevated blood pressure levels (properly taken measurements)

i.  SBP 140–159 mm Hg or DBP 90–99 mm Hg







ii. SBP ≥160 mm Hg or DBP ≥100 mm Hg







c. Vascular disease







Known thrombogenic mutationsc







Rheumatic Diseases

Systemic lupus erythematosusd

a. Positive (or unknown) antiphospholipid antibodies





















b. Severe thrombocytopenia





















c. Immunosuppressive therapy





















d. None of the above





















Rheumatoid arthritis

a. Receiving immunosuppressive therapy





















b. Not receiving immunosuppressive therapy







Reproductive Tract Infections and Disorders

a. Irregular pattern without heavy bleeding





















b. Heavy or prolonged bleeding (regular and irregular patterns)





















Severe dysmenorrhea








High risk for HIV





















HIV infectione

















a. Clinically well receiving ARV therapy

















b. Not clinically well or not receiving ARV therapy

















Endocrine Conditions


a.     Non-insulin dependent and Insulin dependentf







b.     Nephropathy, retinopathy, or neuropathy














* Consult the respective appendix for each contraceptive method in the 2016 U.S. Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use for clarifications to the numeric categories.

aOlder age, smoking, diabetes, hypertension, low HDL, high LDL, or high triglyceride levels; bSystolic blood pressure ≥160 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure ≥100 mm Hg are associated with increased risk for adverse health events as a result of pregnancy; cFactor V Leiden; prothrombin mutation; and protein S, protein C, and antithrombin deficiencies are associated with increased risk for adverse health events as a result of pregnancy; dThis condition is associated with increased risk for adverse health events as a result of pregnancy; dFor women with HIV infection who are not clinically well or not receiving ARV therapy, this condition is associated with increased risk for adverse health events as a result of pregnancy; eInsulin-dependent diabetes; diabetes with nephropathy, retinopathy, neuropathy, or diabetes with other vascular disease; or diabetes of >20 years’ duration are associated with increased risk of adverse health events as a result of pregnancy; fNonvascular disease


Categories for classifying hormonal contraceptives and intrauterine devices

1 = A condition for which there is no restriction for the use of the contraceptive method.

2 = A condition for which the advantages of using the method generally outweigh the theoretical or proven risks.

3 = A condition for which the theoretical or proven risks usually outweigh the advantages of using the method.

4 = A condition that represents an unacceptable health risk if the contraceptive method is used.


Modified from Curtis, 2016 (81,82).





Same day initiation of a contraceptive, often referred to as a “quick start”, should be considered when appropriate, since delayed initiation may represent a barrier. All contraceptive methods can be initiated at any time, including on the day of the visit, if there is reasonable certainty that the adolescent or young adult female is not pregnant. This can be ascertained via history (no intercourse since last menstrual period or less than 7 days from the first day of last menstrual period) and a negative urine pregnancy test. In the setting of uncertainty regarding the possibility of pregnancy, initiation of COC, progestin only pills, and DMPA can proceed as the benefits are thought to outweigh the risks.  Insertion of an IUD, however, should be avoided until the absence of pregnancy can be reasonably confirmed.


Although pregnancy tests are often performed before initiating contraception, it should be noted that the accuracy of qualitative urine pregnancy tests varies. Pregnancy detection rates can vary widely because of differences in test sensitivity and the timing of testing relative to missed menses (83,84).  A history of starting a normal menstrual period within the last 7 days or a denial of sexual intercourse since the start of the last normal menstrual period may not always be reliable. In addition, a young adolescent female may not have undergone menarche or may have irregular cycles within the first several months of initiating menarche, making it difficult to use this measure to rule out pregnancy.


Prior to starting contraception, expectation of bleeding and possible menstrual changes associated with various methods should be reviewed.


For females in which there is an uncertainty about the risk of pregnancy, except for an IUD, the benefits of starting other contraceptive methods likely exceed any risk.  A pregnancy test should be repeated in 2-4 weeks. Additional information is available in the CDC’s U.S. Selected Practice Recommendations for Contraceptive Use.




As opposed to the general population, adolescent and young adult females with known dyslipidemia face a unique challenge. Machado and colleagues, noted dyslipidemia in 33% of 516 women (18-40 years-of-age), often accompanied by a history of smoking and an elevated BMI (85). Those with known medical problems or other special conditions might need additional examinations or tests before being considered appropriate candidates for a particular method of contraception.


All adolescent and young adult females at-risk of CVD should have their blood pressure measured before initiation of COCs to ensure there is no underlying hypertension that might be exacerbated by the medication. Measurements of weight and a calculated BMI at baseline is helpful in monitoring changes and offering timely counseling to those who might be concerned about weight change perceived to be associated with their contraceptive method.


For most healthy females, few examinations or tests are generally needed before initiation of most contraceptive methods. Research suggests that mandatory laboratory screening prior to initiation of contraceptive methods in this population can increase costs and may impose barriers to contraceptive access, critical in reducing unintended pregnancy (81,82,86). In general, laboratory tests, such as glucose, liver enzymes, hemoglobin and thrombogenic gene variants, pelvic examination and even screening for STD/HIV in the general population, are not recommended prior to initiation of treatment, since they do not contribute substantially to safe and effective use of the contraceptive method.




Guidelines for monitoring teenage girls with dyslipidemia during use of contraceptives are lacking. It seems reasonable, however, to measure fasting serum lipid levels within 3 months following initiation of a contraceptive; and less frequently once lipid parameters are stable. In those with an LDL-C 160 mg/dL or more, or multiple additional CVD risk factors (including smoking, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, TGs greater than 250 mg/dL, HDL-C less than 35 mg/dL, or a family history of premature coronary artery disease), use of alternative contraception method should be considered.  Preferred methods of contraception for this at-risk population include the copper IUD, which contains no hormones, followed by a levonorgestrel containing IUD, implant, and progestin only contraceptive pills. All are equally acceptable. No major concerns have been raised with interactions between lipid lowering medication and contraception.



One of the common legal concerns in treating youth less than 18 years-of-age is that of confidentiality for care surrounding reproductive health. The AAP supports policies of informed consent and protection of confidentiality for adolescents seeking contraception and sexual healthcare services. Confidentiality is critical in all discussions, care recommendations and documentation of sexual identity, sexual practices, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and contraceptive choices (56,87,88). These concepts are important, since limitations of confidentiality and consent are linked to lower use of contraceptives and higher adolescent pregnancy rates (89-92).


Over the past 30 years, in the U.S. states have expanded minors’ authority to consent to health care, including care related to sexual activity. This trend reflects the 1977 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Carey v. Population Services International that affirmed the constitutional right, in all states, to privacy for a minor to obtain contraceptives. The ruling also recognizes that while parental involvement is desirable, many minors will remain sexually active but may fail to seek reproductive advice or services if parental consent or acknowledged is required (93).


The majority of states have specific laws regarding a minor’s consent to contraception. The Guttmacher report (93) on current state laws and policies found:


  • 23 states and the District of Columbia explicitly allow all minors to consent to contraceptive services.
  • 24 states explicitly permit minors to consent to contraceptive services in one or more circumstances.
  • 4 states have no explicit policy on minors’ authority to consent to contraceptive services.


For states without specific laws, best practice guidelines, federal statutes and federal case law may support minor confidentiality and consent.  For example, family planning clinics funded by Title X of the federal Public Health Services Act (42 USC §§300–300a-6 [1970]) are required to provide confidential services to adolescents (94).


Even when a state has no relevant policy, case law or an explicit limitation, healthcare providers may provide medical care to a mature minor without parental consent, particularly if the state allows a minor to consent to related health services.


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) also specifically addresses minor confidentiality (95). Although HIPAA allows parents access to a minor’s medical record as personal representatives, that access is denied when the minor is provided with confidentiality under state or other laws or when the parent agrees that the minor may have confidential care (96).


Therefore, the AAP recommends that pediatricians have clinic policies that explicitly outline applicable confidential services and that healthcare providers discuss (and document) confidentiality policies with all parents and adolescents. HIPAA also states that if there is no applicable state law about the rights of parents to access the protected health information of their children, pediatricians (or other licensed health professionals) may exercise their professional judgment in providing or denying parental access to the medical records.  Providers are encouraged to include detailed documentation of the decision in the child's medical record (96).


Insurance, billing, and electronic health record systems create additional challenges, including an ability to maintain the confidentiality of visits, visit content, associated laboratory test results, and payment for the contraceptive method.  For additional discussion of electronic health records, the AAP has published a policy statement on health information technology (97). 


Although contraception services should be provided as a confidential service, adolescent females should be encouraged to involve parents or trusted adults whenever possible. In fact, many parents are supportive of minor consent and confidentiality for sexual health services (98,99). Adolescents who discuss sexuality and contraception with a parent or guardian are also more likely to use contraceptives consistently and are less likely to become pregnant (100,101).


For individuals who are sexually active, it is important to discuss and document a plan for pregnancy prevention.  Dermatologists have extensive experience with risk monitoring in adolescents. Use of isotretinoin, a medication with known teratogenic potential, requires an FDA mandated pregnancy prevention program (iPLEDGE).  In this program, females are required to undergo monthly pregnancy testing, and pharmacies, wholesalers and prescribers are all required to participate in a system of informed written consent, warning labels, database registration and monthly identification of contraceptive methods.  Despite its attempts to prevent adverse outcomes, the efficacy of this approach is debated (102).




For adolescent and young adult females who may benefit from use of lipid-lowering medication, it is important to consider the individual’s stage of sexual maturation and sexual history in addition to the lipid disorder when making recommendation for contraception.  For those who are sexually active, a comprehensive, developmentally appropriate discussion and documentation of a plan for reproductive health and pregnancy prevention is recommended.  Most adolescents consider healthcare providers a highly reliable source of healthcare information.  Establishing relationships with adolescents and families allow them to inquire about sensitive topics, such as sexuality and relationships, and to promote healthy decision-making. Several organizations provide excellent resources and extensive guidance in the appropriate use of contraceptive methods. With careful attention to confidentiality and reliable implementation of the individual plan for pregnancy prevention, healthcare providers can navigate the legal and ethical concerns while providing appropriate and compassionate care.  When used cautiously in a supportive healthcare environment, lipid-lowering medications are safe and effective in treating lipid disorders in adolescent and young adult females.




The authors would like to acknowledge Luke Hamilton, Suzanne Beckett, Dena Hanson, and Ashley Brock for their assistance in preparing and editing this manuscript.




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Osteoporosis: Prevention and Treatment



Despite the health consequences of osteoporosis and the availability of effective treatments, it is under-diagnosed and under-treated. For example, although 90% of patients with hip fractures have osteoporosis, in 2007 only 20% of patients with fragility fractures were evaluated and treated. In a retrospective study of patients with hip fractures, less than 15% of subjects were diagnosed and less than 13% were treated with medications for osteoporosis, including calcium and vitamin D. Fracture patients require evaluation of secondary causes and treatment of osteoporosis to help prevent subsequent fractures. The preceding chapters summarize the pathogenesis and the clinical evaluation of osteoporosis. This chapter will review established therapeutic options and new approaches for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Strategies include both lifestyle and medical approaches to enhance bone strength.




Osteoporosis is a major growing global health problem, resulting in 200 million osteoporotic fractures worldwide each year (1,2). Characterized by reduced bone mass and architectural deterioration, it leads to an increased risk of fragility fractures often occurring with minimal trauma such as falling from a standing height. These fractures rise exponentially with advancing age and most commonly involve the spine, hip or distal forearm. An estimated 1 in 2 women and 1 in 4 men aged 50 years and older will suffer a fragility fracture in their remaining lifetime. Hip fractures are the most serious of these fractures, given the high rates of morbidity and mortality. Approximately 50% of patients who sustain a hip fracture lose the ability to walk independently and 12-24% of women suffering a hip fracture die within the 1st year, compared to 33% of men (3-5). Vertebral compression fractures are the most common osteoporotic fractures, but they are often asymptomatic and found incidentally on imaging done for other reasons. Vertebral fractures are, however, associated with high rates of morbidity involving height loss, kyphosis, restrictive lung disease, back pain, and functional impairment. Vertebral fractures are associated with a 5-fold increased risk of future vertebral fractures and a 2 to 3-fold risk of other fragility fractures. Although there are very effective treatments to reduce fracture risk, only 30% of patients with fragility fractures have a bone density test and/or are treated for their underlying osteoporosis. There are currently critically needed national and international efforts to improve fracture care and bone health in women and men. Identification of osteoporosis at the time of a hip, spine, or other fragility fracture is imperative so that patients with fragility fractures can be evaluated for secondary causes of osteoporosis and treated with osteoporosis medications for their underlying bone disease.


The preceding chapters summarize the pathogenesis and the clinical evaluation of osteoporosis. This chapter will focus on reviewing established therapeutic options and new approaches for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Strategies include both lifestyle and medical approaches to enhance bone strength and reduce fractures.




Bone is a dynamic organ with continuous remodeling occurring as osteoclasts resorb bone and osteoblasts form new bone. Among the key regulators of this process is the receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B (RANK)/RANK ligand (RANKL)/osteoprotegerin (OPG) system. Interaction between RANKL, produced by the osteoblast lineage, and RANK receptor stimulates osteoclastic differentiation and activity; OPG, made by osteoblasts, is an endogenous decoy receptor that binds with RANKL, inhibiting bone resorption. In addition, the Wnt signaling pathway is involved in activation of transcription of genes that direct the differentiation and proliferation of osteoblasts. In the skeletal life cycle, there is acquisition of peak bone mass during adolescence and young adulthood. For women, bone loss is accelerated surrounding the time of menopause with decreases in bone mineral density (BMD) of approximately 2-3%/year. With advancing age, the decline in BMD occurs at a slower rate of approximately 0.1 to 0.5% per year in women and men.




BMD testing is typically measured in the proximal femur and lumbar spine, though the distal radius should be measured in patients with hyperparathyroidism or in those in whom the other major sites cannot be adequately assessed. Each SD below peak bone mass represents approximately 2-fold increase in fracture risk. Osteopenia is present when the BMD is between 1.0 and 2.5 SDs below bone density of young healthy individuals. More than 50% of fragility fractures occur in these patients (6). Osteoporosis is defined as a BMD≤-2.5 SDs of young normal, healthy individuals.


Vertebral imaging by DXA or X-ray is useful for identification of spinal fractures that frequently are not clinically evident. The Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation (BHOF, previously the National Osteoporosis Foundation) currently recommends DXA for women ≥65 years and men ≥70 years, or earlier if clinical risk factors are present. Physicians should routinely perform height measurements preferably with a stadiometer as there is an association between height loss and spinal fractures. The BHOF Clinical Guide recommends vertebral imaging for spinal fractures in the presence of height loss of 1.5 inches or more and longitudinal height loss of 0.8 inches or more for postmenopausal women and men age 50-69. Vertebral imaging is also recommended in women and men age 70 and 80 years and older, respectively (7). When the diagnosis of a low bone density compared with age-adjusted controls or osteoporosis is made, a work-up to look for secondary causes of osteoporosis should be considered. See Table 1.


Table 1. Secondary Causes of Osteoporosis

Endocrinological Abnormalities

Glucocorticoid excess, hyperthyroidism, hypogonadism (androgen insensitivity, Turner’s and Klinefelter’s Syndrome, hyperprolactinemia, premature menopause), anorexia, athlete triad, vitamin D deficiency, hyperparathyroidism, diabetes mellitus (Types 1 and 2)

Cardiovascular, Renal, Pulmonary and Miscellaneous Disorders

Chronic kidney disease, post-transplant bone disease, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive lung disease, AIDS/HIV

Connective Tissue Disorders

Osteogenesis imperfecta, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Marfan Syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis,

Gastrointestinal Diseases

Celiac sprue, Inflammatory bowel disease, post-gastrectomy, primary biliary cirrhosis, bariatric surgery

Hematological Disorders

Multiple myeloma, mastocytosis, leukemia, hemophilia, sickle cell disease, leukemia, lymphoma, thalassemia

Other Genetic Disorders

Homocystinuria, cystic fibrosis, hemochromatosis, hypophosphatasia

Rheumatological Disorders

Ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis


Aromatase inhibitors, heparin (long term), anticonvulsants, methotrexate, cytoxan, gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists and antagonists, tamoxifen (in premenopausal women), excess thyroid hormone, lithium, cyclosporine A, tacrolimus, glucocorticoids, thiazolidinediones, depo-medroxyprogesterone (premenopausal women) proton-pump inhibitors, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), tenofovir


Laboratory evaluation may include the following: Calcium, phosphorus, liver function tests (including alkaline phosphatase), complete blood count, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, 24-hour urine calcium +/- PTH, TSH (if clinical evidence of hyperthyroidism or those already on thyroid hormone replacement), and serum testosterone in men. For select cases, one may consider sending specialized tests for gastrointestinal disorders (tissue transglutaminase with an IgA level for celiac sprue), infiltrative diseases (serum tryptase for mastocytosis), neoplastic (serum and urine protein electrophoresis), or excess glucocorticoid (cortisol levels, dexamethasone suppression test for Cushing’s syndrome).


To quantify an individual’s absolute fracture risk, the World Health Organization (WHO) developed the FRAX® calculator (, an integrative measure of various risk factors and femoral neck bone mineral density. In addition to BMD, the following risk factors are included - ethnicity, age, BMI, prior fracture history (designated as a previous fracture in adult life that occurred spontaneously or a fracture arising from trauma, which in a healthy individual would not have resulted in a fracture), glucocorticoid use, excessive alcohol (≥3 units per day), smoking, rheumatoid arthritis, and certain secondary causes of osteoporosis. These secondary causes include Type 1 diabetes, osteogenesis imperfecta, long-standing hyperthyroidism, hypogonadism, premature menopause, malnutrition, malabsorption, or liver disease. If the 10-year absolute fracture risk is ≥3% for hip fractures or ≥20% for other major osteoporotic fractures, pharmacologic therapy should be considered (7). The FRAX® calculator should be utilized in postmenopausal woman ≥ 40 years and men ≥ 50 years with osteopenia. Although there are data analyzing the use of FRAX® in patients who have been treated with osteoporosis medications, its use is not currently validated for patients currently or formerly treated with pharmacotherapy for osteoporosis. Additionally, the FDA has approved the use of trabecular bone score (TBS), a structural measure derived from spinal bone density images that is associated with bone microarchitecture and fracture risk. Combining TBS and the FRAX score may increased the predictive value of the absolute fracture risk assessment (8).


Although the FRAX® calculator has greatly enhanced treatment of osteopenic women and men at risk for fractures, certain risk factors predictive of fracture risk are not accurately measured in this calculator. Patients on chronic glucocorticoids may warrant treatment earlier or at a lower threshold than determined by FRAX®; further, this tool does not include current or cumulative glucocorticoid doses or duration of treatment (9). Also, of note, spine BMD is not included in the algorithm. Once an initial bone density is measured, a follow-up BMD should be done 1-2 years after the initial screening depending on whether pharmacologic therapy was initiated. Biochemical bone turnover markers, collagen breakdown products, (e.g., N-telopeptide, C-telopeptide) may be helpful in select patients as an indicator of skeletal remodeling or to determine patient’s adherence to treatment.




While pharmacological therapies are a major focus of this chapter, exercise and strategies to strengthen muscles and prevent falls are important components of osteoporosis care. Skeletal loading and mechanical loads from muscle forces have important effects on bone strength (10). Meta-analyses and clinical investigations have shown that exercise produces modest increases in BMD often ranging between 1% and 3% (11). Physical activity helps to maximize BMD during adolescence and young adulthood, diminish bone loss during aging, and improve stability and strength to minimize falls and fractures in the elderly (11-14). However, these benefits come from slow skeletal adaptations to training over time. Because it takes three to four months to complete the bone remodeling cycle of bone resorption, formation, and mineralization, a minimum of at least six to eight months of an exercise intervention is likely required to achieve a change in bone mass that is quantifiable (15,16). The benefits of exercise are lost when people stop exercising, therefore lifelong physical activity at all ages is strongly endorsed by the BHOF. Exercise recommendations generally should include weight-bearing, muscle-strengthening, and balance training exercises for 30 minutes 5 days per week or 75 minutes twice weekly, often consistent with other general health recommendations. Weight-bearing exercises are activities that make the body move against gravity such as walking, jogging, dancing, tennis, and Tai Chi. To protect the spine in patients with low spinal bone density, maintaining a straight spine and avoiding arching and twisting are generally recommended.




Adequate calcium intake is essential to prevent calcium mobilization from the bone where 99% of calcium is stored. The effects of calcium supplementation on bone depend on age, menopausal status, calcium intake, and vitamin D sufficiency. Increased calcium intake is necessary during acquisition of peak bone mass and with advancing age. Calcium has modest effects on bone density (17). It is ineffective or minimally effective for prevention of bone loss in women within five years of menopause when there may be predominant effects of estrogen deficiency and other hormonal changes.


The Institute of Medicine's recommendations for daily calcium intake that meet the requirements of 97% of the population are shown in Table 2 (18). Unless a patient has an underlying disorder of calcium homeostasis, the upper limit of safety is considered 2,500 mg for adults aged 19 to 50 years and 2,000 mg for those >50 years (19). As maximum absorption of elemental calcium is about 500 to 600 mg at once, calcium intakes need to be divided into multiple doses throughout the day.


Table 2. Recommended Daily Elemental Calcium Intake (Adapted from 2011 IOM Report)

9-18 years 
Lactating Women

1,300 mg

Women 19-50 years, Men 19-70 years

1,000 mg

Women > 50 years, Men > 70 years

1,200 mg


Obtaining calcium through the diet is preferred. While dairy products contain the largest amount of endogenous calcium, many foods including juices, cereals, and cereal bars, may contain added calcium. An 8-ounce glass of milk or calcium-supplemented orange juice contains ~300 mg of elemental calcium, calcium-supplemented soy and almond milk contains ~450 mg, one ounce (or 1 cubic inch) of cheese contains ~200 mg, and certain cereals contain as much as 1000 mg. It is important for physicians to calculate the dietary calcium intake. Resources helpful for patients to calculate their calcium intake include the U.S. dairy council of California website,, the International Osteoporosis Foundation website,, and the NOF Clinical Guide also available on the website (7). The former allows patients to check off the type and quantity of calcium-containing foods they usually consume and then calculates total daily calcium, with suggestions on how to increase calcium intake to recommended levels. The latter provides an easy tool to calculate calcium intakes from calcium-rich, dietary sources.


Supplemental calcium should be used if an individual’s dietary calcium intake does not meet the recommended daily calcium intake. Calcium carbonate contains 40% of elemental calcium and is a commonly used calcium supplement (e.g., Tums™, Oscal™, Caltrate™, and generic preparations). Calcium carbonate should be taken with food because patients with achlorhydria (or those on proton pump inhibitors chronically) cannot absorb this calcium salt well on an empty stomach (20). Adverse effects of calcium carbonate may include bloating and constipation. Calcium citrate (e.g., Citracal™), which contains 24% elemental calcium, is more bioavailable than calcium carbonate, can be taken while fasting and as a result is the formulation suggested when patients are on proton pump inhibitors chronically.


There have been a number of concerns related to the use of supplemental calcium and the risk of kidney stones and cardiovascular disease. Data from epidemiologic research and clinical trials suggest that vitamin D reduces the incidence of fractures and may also prevent falls and declining physical function, yet the available data are not consistent (21). Data from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) calcium and vitamin D clinical trial (CT) of supplemental calcium (1000 mg daily) plus vitamin D (400 IU daily) versus placebo in 36,282 women showed a 17% increased risk of developing renal stones in those assigned calcium plus vitamin D. However, among those compliant with the calcium plus vitamin D regimen versus placebo, there was a 29% reduced risk of hip fracture over seven years (22). Some evidence suggests that calcium supplements but generally not dietary calcium may be associated with vascular calcifications and an increased risk for myocardial infarction (23). In a prospective study in the National Institutes of Health AARP Diet and Health Study of 388,229 women and men in whom baseline calcium intakes were ascertained after an average of 12 years of follow-up, supplemental but not dietary calcium intakes were associated with excess cardiovascular death in men but not women; adverse cardiovascular effects were only observed among smokers (23) (24). An analysis of the WHI randomized placebo-controlled calcium and vitamin D trial (CT) and the WHI prospective observational study (OS) showed that in the CT, in postmenopausal women who did not take supplemental calcium and vitamin D at baseline, supplemental calcium (1000 mg/day) and vitamin D (400 IU/D) versus placebo for ≥ 5years was associated with a 38% reduction in the risk of hip fracture. In a combined analysis of data from the CT and OS, supplemental calcium and vitamin D reduced the risk of a hip fracture by 35%. In these subset analyses of the large WHI, it is important to note that there were no adverse effects of supplemental calcium plus vitamin D on risks of myocardial infarction, stroke, or other cardiovascular disease (25). Although additional analyses are ongoing, calcium intakes within the ranges recommended by the IOM appear not to increase cardiovascular risk.


Recently, however, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommended against supplemental calcium (≤1000 mg/day) and low-dose vitamin D (≤400 IU/D) in healthy postmenopausal women due to lack of evidence of benefit in fracture reduction and evidence for increased risk of kidney stones. Thus, the risk of renal stones with calcium supplementation needs to be balanced with fracture reduction. These recommendations did not apply to adults with osteoporosis or vitamin D deficiency (22,26).




Vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency is a common problem in many individuals. Individuals at increased risk for low vitamin D levels include the elderly and those with low vitamin D intake, malabsorption, inadequate sunlight exposure, use of sunblock, dark skin pigment, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and use of medications that increase the metabolism of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency are common in adults with hip fractures (30,31). Vitamin D deficiency can lead to reduced calcium absorption, secondary hyperparathyroidism, and increased risk of fractures (30,32-34). Mild vitamin D insufficiency may not cause symptoms, but contributes to low bone mass. Severe vitamin D deficiency causes osteomalacia. In addition, although more data are needed, vitamin D deficiency has been associated with proximal muscle weakness, impaired physical performance, increased risk of falls, and possibly increased risks of some cancers (including colorectal, breast among others) (19,35-41). Deficient levels of vitamin D are generally defined as a 25-(OH) vitamin D <20 ng/ml, relative insufficiency as 21 to 29 ng/ml, and sufficient levels of vitamin D to prevent the rise in parathyroid hormone levels as a 25-(OH) vitamin D ≥ 30 to 32 ng/ml (42). The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) report showed that 32% of Americans have vitamin D deficiency (43).


Sources of dietary intake of vitamin D are limited and these include vitamin D-fortified milk and some soy milks (100 IU/glass), certain cereals, egg yolk, and oily fishes (e.g., salmon, mackerel, and sardines). Multivitamins typically contain 400 IU to 1,000 IU of vitamin D3, and many calcium preparations are supplemented with vitamin D. The NOF recommends 800 to 1000 IU vitamin D daily for adults aged 50 years and older, as do the International Osteoporosis Foundation and Endocrine Society (44,45). The IOM Committee report on the Dietary Reference Intakes for 97.5% of the population in North America was 600 IU/d of vitamin D for children and adults until age 70 and 800 IU/day for adults 71 years and older (46).


The USPTF recommended supplemental vitamin D for reduction in fall risk in women aged 65 and older. Although a meta-analysis of 31,022 individuals indicated that the highest quartile of vitamin D intakes (median 800 IU (and range 792 to 2000 IU/d) was associated with a 30% and 14% reduction in the risks of hip fractures and non-vertebral fractures, respectively, the USPSTF reported that recommendations concerning the safety and efficacy of higher doses of vitamin D on fracture reduction await additional research (26,27).


In the Vitamin D and Omega-3 Fatty Acid trial, a large randomized, placebo-controlled trial in 25,874 women and men across the United States of the effects of supplemental 2000 IU/d of cholecalciferol versus placebo determined the effect on the primary prevention of cardiovascular, fractures, cancer and other health outcomes. In addition, detailed in-person visits in a sub cohort provide extensive information on effects of supplemental vitamin D and/or omega-3 fatty acids on cardiovascular outcomes, bone health and many other clinical outcomes (28,29). This study found that in general, in a healthy population not preselected for low vitamin D levels or osteoporosis, supplemental vitamin D had no effect on bone density or bone structural measures or incident falls or fractures (194,195,196).


Patients with vitamin D deficiency need much higher doses. The upper limit of safety for vitamin D is 4000 IU/day. There are currently differing recommendations regarding the optimal 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD) level for bone health with the IOM committee recommending a 25-OH D level ≥20-29 ng/mL while several other societies recommend a 25-OHD level ≥30 ng/mL (44,45).


In the presence of vitamin D deficiency, it is safe to normalize vitamin D levels to a 25-(OH)D level of 30 ng/ml to prevent the compensatory rise in parathyroid hormone (PTH) level (33,47). This may be done in a variety of ways. High doses of vitamin D may be needed [e.g., 50,000 IU of D2 (ergocalciferol) or equivalent dose of D3(cholecalciferol) weekly for 8 weeks or according to the 25-hydroxyvitamin D level] (45). Individuals with malabsorption often require very high doses of supplemental vitamin D, and may benefit from evaluation by a bone specialist.




There are effective therapies for osteoporosis and promising therapeutics under development. The antiresorptive therapies that reduce bone turnover include: bisphosphonates; estrogen or hormone therapy, estrogen agonists/antagonists [selective estrogen-receptor modulators (SERMs)]; calcitonin; and denosumab, a human monoclonal antibody to RANK-ligand. At present there are two FDA-approved anabolic or bone forming osteoporosis therapy, teriparatide [PTH (1-34)] and abaloparatide. Romosozumab is a monoclonal antibody to sclerostin and stimulates bone formation and inhibits bone resorption. In selection of the optimal therapy for a given individual, it is important to consider patient preference, cost, mode of administration, duration of treatment, and the effects of a treatment on reduction of spine, hip and other non-spine fractures. Tables 4 and 5 lists the currently available osteoporosis drugs approved by the FDA, their dosage, indication, and general efficacy for fracture reduction.




In postmenopausal women, it is well known that estrogen therapy (ET) and hormone therapy [estrogen plus progesterone (HT)] prevent bone loss and increase BMD through interaction with estrogen receptors on bone cells, activation of tissue-specific genes and proteins, and/or a reduction in cytokines that stimulate osteoclast function (51-54). In addition to the bone density benefit, the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) did show that HT resulted in a 34% reduction in the risk of hip fractures and clinical spine fractures (55). However, the risks – increases in breast cancer, coronary heart disease (CHD), pulmonary embolism (PE), and stroke, outweighed the benefits. In addition, after cessation of ET or HT, the benefit of fracture reduction is not sustained (56,57). Although data from the WHI show that ET and HT reduce fractures, ET and HT are FDA-approved for the prevention of fractures but not for the treatment of osteoporosis (55,58).

Data has shown potential cardiovascular safety with use of ET in early menopause, though this remains controversial (the “critical window” hypothesis) (59-61).


Unlike oral estrogens, in postmenopausal women transdermal estrogens do not adversely affect clotting factors, and are therefore preferred. Transdermal estrogens prevent bone loss and are available in low doses (e.g., 0.014 to 0.0375 mg daily patch applied 2x/week). In women with premature or early menopause, hormone replacement can be considered until the natural age of menopause (51.3 years) (62). Before estrogen is prescribed, the benefits versus the risks of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and breast cancer should be reviewed. When prescribing estrogen, the FDA recommends the following: consider all non-estrogen preparations first for osteoporosis prevention; use the lowest dose of HT/ET for the shortest time interval to achieve therapeutic goals; and prescribe HT/ET when benefits outweigh risks in a given woman.


Estrogen Agonist/Antagonists


Estrogen Selective agonists/antagonists previously classified as selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) are a class of drugs that bind to estrogen receptors and can selectively function as agonists or antagonists in different tissues. Raloxifene (Evista™) is Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Raloxifene was also approved by the FDA in 2007 for reduction in the risk of invasive breast cancer in post-menopausal women with osteoporosis and postmenopausal women at high risk for invasive breast cancer. The Multiple Outcomes of Raloxifene Evaluation (MORE) study was a randomized clinical trial of the effects of raloxifene versus placebo on bone density and fractures in 7,705 postmenopausal women (mean age of 67 years) with osteoporosis. Compared with placebo, raloxifene treatment for three years increased BMD of the spine by 2.6% and of the femoral neck by 2.1%. Over three years, raloxifene reduced spine fractures by 55% in women without prevalent vertebral fractures and by 30% in women with more than one prevalent vertebral fracture (63). Raloxifene therapy did not lead to a reduction in hip or wrist fractures, which was further confirmed in the Continuing Outcomes Relevant to Evista (CORE) trial (64). Additional benefits of raloxifene include the reduction in invasive breast cancer risk and mild decreases in LDL-cholesterol, with no effect on the risk of cardiovascular disease.


The side effects of raloxifene include an increase in deep venous thrombosis similar to use of estrogen, along with a small increase in hot flashes and leg cramps, and a small increased risk of fatal stroke in the Raloxifene Use for the Heart (RUTH trial).


Tamoxifen, a SERM used for the prevention and treatment of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer, has estrogen-like effects in bone. It also stimulates the endometrium and can result in uterine hyperplasia or malignancy (65). Bazedoxifene, lasofoxifene, and arzoxifene are third-generation SERMs, none of which appear to cause endometrial hyperplasia (66,67). In a study of 7492 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, women who received bazedoxifene (20 mg or 40 mg daily) compared with placebo had a lower incidence of new vertebral fractures, but not non-spine fractures (68). In a 7-year phase III, placebo-controlled study of 7492 women with osteoporosis , bazodoxifene versus placebo resulted in a 36.5% (40 mg daily dose) and 30.4% (20 mg daily dose) reduction in morphogenic spine fractures and no effect of overall incidence of nonvertebral fractures (69). In October, 2013, a combination of conjugated estrogens plus bazedoxifene (DuaveeTM) was FDA-approved for the treatment of moderate-severe vasomotor symptoms related to menopause and to prevent osteoporosis after menopause.


At present raloxifene and bazodoxifene, are the only estrogen agonist/antagonist that are FDA-approved for prevention (raloxifene and bazodoxifene) and treatment (raloxifene only) of osteoporosis.


Table 4. Effects of FDA-Approved Hormonal Osteoporosis Therapies on Fractures


Most Common Dosage

Fracture Risk Reduction

FDA Indications*

Estrogen Therapy (ET) Hormone Therapy (HT)

Many oral and transdermal preparations

Spine, total hip


Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators

60 mg PO once daily


PMO - Prevention & Treatment; Reduce risk of invasive breast cancer in patients with osteoporosis and increased risk of breast cancer.

Basodoxifene + conjugated estrogens

20 mg/0.45 mg PO once daily


PMO- Prevention

PMO: postmenopausal osteoporosis; GIO: Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis




Calcitonin is a 32-amino acid peptide produced by the parafollicular cells of the thyroid that inhibits bone resorption through direct effects on the osteoclasts. Calcitonin is a highly conserved protein, with human and salmon calcitonin differing by only one amino acid. Injectable salmon calcitonin was approved by the FDA in 1984 for the treatment of osteoporosis, although current use is limited because of the availability of other more effective medications for the treatment of osteoporosis. Calcitonin nasal spray (Miacalcin™ and Fortical™ 200 IU daily) is a form of calcitonin (70) approved by the FDA for the treatment of osteoporosis in women more than five years past menopause. Although studies have shown calcitonin nasal spray to decrease spine fractures, there is no effect on the prevention of hip and other non-spine fractures. Current and future use of calcitonin for osteoporosis has been limited, however, because of data analyses showing a potential increased risk of cancers, particularly liver cancer with calcitonin use, though this remains controversial (71). An FDA review found no causal relationship between calcitonin use and cancer but cautioned that physicians should evaluate the potential benefit to relative risk of calcitonin use in patients.




Bisphosphonates are analogs of pyrophosphate that inhibit bone turnover and because of their phosphorous-carbon-phosphorous structure are resistant to hydrolysis. They have a strong affinity for calcium crystals and bind avidly to the surface of bone. Bisphosphonates suppress bone resorption and interrupt osteoclast activity directly through several mechanisms including inhibition of acid production, lysosomal enzymes, and the mevalonate pathway (72-74) and indirectly through their effects on osteoblasts and macrophages. They also inhibit osteoclast recruitment and induce osteoclast apoptosis. Thus, through various mechanisms, bisphosphonates reduce the depth of resorption pits (thereby producing positive bone balance at individual bone remodeling units) and decrease the formation of new bone remodeling units.




Oral bisphosphonates are poorly absorbed. Less than 3% is absorbed in the fasting state, and absorption is significantly reduced if these drugs are taken with food, calcium, or beverages other than water. The skeleton rapidly takes up approximately half of the absorbed bisphosphonate, and the remainder is excreted unchanged by the kidney within hours. The drug remains at the bone surface for several weeks before becoming embedded in bone, where it is biologically inert. The embedded drug then remains in bone for many years and is slowly released, although the skeletal retention varies among bisphosphonates. Potency and side effects of the bisphosphonates vary according to the side chains (75,76).


Effective Therapies for Osteoporosis


Alendronate (Fosamax™), risedronate (Actonel™, Atelvia™), ibandronate (Boniva™), and zoledronic acid (Reclast™) are all FDA approved for osteoporosis prevention and/or treatment. Their indication and specific fracture benefits on fracture reduction are shown in Table 5. It is important to select an osteoporosis medication that reduces spine, hip and non-spine fractures, especially in high-risk individuals. Since around 50% of patients discontinue bisphosphonates within 1 year of treatment, it is essential to review compliance and adherence with patients. Of the approved bisphosphonates, Alendronate, Risedronate, and Zoledronic acid are now generic, making them affordable options for patients.




Several longitudinal studies have shown that oral alendronate increases BMD and decreases the risk of osteoporotic fractures, and can be used for primary and secondary prevention


In a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials published between 1966 and 2007, the efficacy of alendronate in the primary and secondary prevention of osteoporotic fractures in postmenopausal women was evaluated (77). Eleven studies were selected, including three primary prevention studies (78-80) and eight secondary prevention studies involving women with low BMD on DXA and/or high prevalence of vertebral fracture (81-88). A total of 12,068 women received at least one year of oral alendronate (6543 women) or placebo (5525 women). Three trials, including the largest secondary prevention trial, Fracture Intervention Trial (FIT), used an initial daily dose of 5 mg and then switched to 10 mg for the remaining study duration. Other studies used 5 mg, 10 mg, or 20 mg of alendronate daily. The length of follow-up ranged from one to four years, and the mean ages were 53 to 78 years. With alendronate 10 mg daily for secondary prevention, there was a significant 45% relative risk reduction (RRR) in vertebral fractures, 23% RRR in non-vertebral fractures, and 53% RRR in hip fractures. For primary prevention, the RRR was only significant for vertebral fractures (45%). No statistically significant differences in adverse events were found in any included study.


The prevalence of osteoporosis is lower in men than in women. It is estimated that one out of two women and one out of four men over age 50 will develop an osteoporotic fracture (89). Several longitudinal studies have evaluated the efficacy of treatment interventions on bone in osteoporotic men. Orwoll et al. enrolled 241 men with a femoral neck T score of ≤ -2 with a lumbar spine T score ≤ -1 or a history of osteoporotic fracture and a femoral neck T score ≤ -1. Compared with placebo, alendronate significantly increased BMD at each site and decreased markers of bone turnover over two years. From baseline, alendronate increased BMD by 3.1% in the total hip and by 7.1% in the lumbar spine and decreased urinary N-telopeptides by 59% and bone-specific alkaline phosphatase by 38%. The incidence of vertebral fractures was 7.1% in the placebo group versus 0.8% in the alendronate group; there was insufficient power to assess the effects of alendronate on non-vertebral fractures (90). Similar results were seen in a smaller study of hypogonadism-induced osteoporosis, indicating no difference in the skeletal response to alendronate in the presence of hypogonadism.


Alendronate is also effective in the treatment of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. In glucocorticoid-treated men and women, alendronate resulted in increases in BMD (91,92) and decreases in incidence of radiographic vertebral fractures at two years (6.8% vs. 0.7%) (92).

Data show that weekly alendronate (70 mg) is effective and well tolerated, and this dosage has become the standard of care for use of this oral bisphosphonate. Alendronate is suitable for weekly dosing because of its long skeletal retention. It is often the first line treatment that is cost-effective as a generic preparation.


Long-term treatment with alendronate has beneficial effects on BMD. Bone et al. showed that spine BMD continued to rise in small increments during 10 years of treatment. Femoral neck and trochanter BMD increased during the first three years and then remained stable (93,94).


In an extension of FIT, the FIT Long-term Extension (FLEX) trial, 1099 women who had received alendronate (5 mg daily for two years and 10 mg daily thereafter) were again randomized to receive either 5 or 10 mg alendronate daily or placebo for five more years. With a pooled analysis of the alendronate doses, after five years, the alendronate-treated subjects had significantly better BMD changes at the total hip, femoral neck, lumbar spine, total body, and forearm. These changes included less loss of BMD at the total hip (placebo 3.38% decrease, pooled alendronate 1.02% decrease) and more gain in BMD at the lumbar spine (placebo 1.52% increase, pooled alendronate 5.26% increase). Subjects on placebo had increases in bone turnover markers compared with alendronate users. Alendronate users had lower risk of clinically recognized vertebral fractures, but the cumulative risk of nonvertebral fractures was not significantly different between the alendronate-treated women and those who received placebo. The authors concluded that for many women the discontinuation of alendronate for up to five years did not appear to significantly increase fracture risk, but women at high risk of vertebral fractures with a history of spinal fracture and a BMD T-score of -2 or less as well as those with osteoporosis according to BMD testing (T-score less than -2.5) after 5 years of treatment may benefit from continued alendronate use (95,96). This trial has limitations because patients with severe osteoporosis were excluded from enrollment, while those with osteopenia were included. There was an uncontrolled phase between FIT completion and FLEX enrollment. There was also a high dropout rate, limiting statistical power (97). As summarized below in the section on a bisphosphonate holiday, with these limitations, risk of fracture versus benefit of continuing treatment should be individualized.




Risedronate increases BMD and decreases fracture risk among postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Harris et al. reported data on 2,458 postmenopausal women with established osteoporosis (subjects had either two or more vertebral fractures or one vertebral fracture and lumbar spine T score of -2 or less) and who were randomized to risedronate (5 mg daily) or placebo. Over three years, risedronate increased lumbar spine BMD by 5.4% and femoral neck BMD by 1.6%. Risedronate decreased the risk of new vertebral fractures by 41% and decreased the risk of non-vertebral fractures by 39% at three years (98). Reginster et al. showed in osteoporotic women that risedronate reduced spine fractures within the first year of treatment (99).


Risedronate therapy also reduces fracture risk in men (100), and is effective in the prevention and treatment of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis in men and women (101).


Weekly risedronate (35 mg) preparation used clinically is effective and well tolerated (102-104). Brown et al. randomized 1,468 women to daily or weekly risedronate. The increase in lumbar spine BMD at one year was similar between groups. Weekly risedronate was well tolerated, and the occurrence of adverse events was similar in daily and weekly treatment groups (102). A weekly preparation of risedronate that can be taken after breakfast is also available for clinical use. Monthly dosing of risedronate is available (150 mg once a month). Both monthly dosing regimens were shown to be non-inferior in efficacy and safety to the 5 mg daily regimen at one year (105,106). Thus, monthly risedronate provides alternative regimen for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. A formulation that can be taken with food is also available.




Zoledronic acid, an intravenous bisphosphonate, has been FDA approved for years for the treatment of hypercalcemia of malignancy, multiple myeloma, and bone metastases from solid tumors. In August 2007, zoledronic acid (Reclast®) became the second intravenous bisphosphonate after ibandronate (Boniva®) to be FDA approved for treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. It is considerably more potent than other available bisphosphonates. Thus, small doses and longer dosing intervals may be used (107). Reid et al. showed that zoledronic acid (4 mg annually) increases BMD and decreases markers of bone turnover in postmenopausal women.


In the Health Outcomes and Reduced Incidence with Zoledronic Acid Once Yearly (HORIZON) study, a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 7765 post-menopausal women with osteoporosis were randomly assigned to receive a single 15-minute infusion of 5 mg of zoledronic acid or placebo at baseline, at 12 months, and at 24 months. The patients were followed over 36 months. In addition to positive effects on BMD and reduction in bone turnover biomarkers, treatment with zoledronic acid was associated with 70% RRR in morphogenic vertebral fractures and 41% RRR in hip fractures compared with placebo (108). Nonvertebral fractures, clinical fractures, and clinical vertebral fractures were reduced by 25%, 33%, and 77%, respectively. While adverse events, including change in renal function, were similar in both study groups, serious atrial fibrillation (AF) occurred slightly more frequently in the zoledronic acid group in the 3-year but not the 6-year data (108). Further analysis of the trial data and possible risk factors for rare AF are presented below under Adverse Effects (109).


In a study in 9355 women randomized to zoledronic acid versus placebo, zoledronic acid resulted in an early reduction in clinical fractures at one year that persisted for 3 years (110). Zoledronic acid is also effective in decreasing fracture risk in men (111).


In Horizon Recurrent Fracture trial, a double-blind, placebo-controlled study in adults with hip fractures, zoledronic acid versus placebo administered two weeks to 90 days post-surgical repair resulted in a 35% reduction in new clinical fractures and a 28% reduction in mortality (112). In a sub-sample analysis of this multi-national study, vitamin D deficiency was common and the median 25(OH)D level was only 14.7 ng/ml in these hip fracture study participants (113). Most study participants received 50,000 to 125,000 IU vitamin D at least two weeks prior to the zoledronic acid infusion. Once yearly infusion of zoledronic acid administered 2 weeks to 3 months after a hip fracture and after vitamin D supplementation, therefore, produced a decrease in clinical fractures and evidence of improved survival. Zoledronic acid is only FDA-approved therapy to reduce clinical fracture risk in adults with new hip fractures and provides skeletal protection for hip fracture patients as a once a year dosing. Zoledronic acid administered every 18 months for 6 years also decreased fracture incidence in women with low bone mass (197)




Ibandronate (oral and IV) is FDA-approved for the prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. In the larger clinical trial, it increased bone density and decreased vertebral fractures with both an oral daily regimen (2.5 mg daily) and an intermittent regimen (20 mg every other day for 12 doses every three months, 150 mg monthly) without reduction in hip fractures (114-116). Thus, unlike other bisphosphonates, ibandronate was not effective in decreasing non-spine fractures.


Pamidronate is not FDA approved for use in osteoporosis; however, it is occasionally used “off-label” for patients in patients with esophageal abnormalities (i.e., stricture or achalasia), organ transplants, or osteogenesis imperfecta. In adults, usually 30 to 60 mg is infused over two to four hours every three months. Pamidronate has been shown to increase BMD, but no fracture data are available (117-121).


Adverse Effects




In general, the bisphosphonates are safe medications. Studies showing the long-term safety of alendronate, risedronate, and zoledronic acid are available for up to 10, 7, and 6 years respectively. Oral bisphosphonates are associated with some GI symptoms, and rare cases of severe esophagitis have been reported with alendronate, although reports are not consistent. However, Lanza et al. carried out a placebo-controlled endoscopic study in 277 subjects and found that the incidence of upper GI symptoms and endoscopic lesions was similar in the placebo and weekly alendronate groups (122). While in controlled trials the incidence of GI adverse effects did not differ in alendronate versus placebo groups, in clinical practice some patients discontinue bisphosphonates because of adverse GI experiences.


Because of the risk of esophagitis, alendronate is contraindicated for patients with esophageal abnormalities that delay esophageal emptying such as stricture or achalasia, and both alendronate and risedronate should not be used in patients who are unable to stand or sit upright for at least 30 minutes after drug administration because of increased risk of adverse esophageal effects.




There has been concern over long-term bisphosphonate use and the reported risk of atypical femur fractures (AFF). AFF are thought to be stress or insufficiency fractures, caused by anti-resorptive-mediated suppression of intracortical remodeling, though the definite pathogenesis remains unclear. The absolute risk of AFF for patients taking bisphosphonates ranges from 3.2 to 50 per 100,000 person-years, but the risk with long-term bisphosphonate use is higher, ~100 per 100,000 person-years.


The Second Task Force of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) has defined AFF for case recognition. AFF must be located along the femoral diaphysis distal to the lesser trochanter and proximal to the supracondylar flare, and satisfy 4/5 major features: 1) the fracture is associated with minimal or no trauma, 2) the fracture line originates at the lateral cortex and is substantially transverse in its orientation (but can also be oblique as it progresses medially), 3) a complex fracture extends through both cortices and may have medial spike; or an incomplete fracture involves the lateral cortex, 4) the fracture is noncomminuted or minimally comminuted, and/or 5) localized periosteal or endosteal thickening of the lateral cortex is present at the fracture site (“beaking” or “flaring”). Other common features (minor features) include generalized increase in thickness of the femoral diaphyses, prodromal symptom of dull or aching pain in the groin or thigh, bilateral incomplete or complete femoral diaphysis fractures, and delayed fracture healing, though these are not required for case definition. Risk factors include use of bisphosphonates for >3-5 years, low vitamin D levels, and use of glucocorticoids (123).


The consensus has been that the number of fractures prevented far exceeds the number of AFF occurring as a result of bisphosphonate therapy, though further data is needed to guide decision-making around AFF risk.


Management of AFF recommended by the ASBMR task force includes surgical management with intramedullary fixation nailing or plating if the fracture is complete or incomplete accompanied by pain, with discontinuation of anti-resorptives, and adequate calcium and vitamin D intake. If the fracture is incomplete and pain is minimal, a trial of conservative management may be considered with use of crutches for 2-3 months, though there is a risk of progression to complete fracture with this method. In addition, obtaining X-ray imaging of the contralateral femur is recommended by the FDA, as ~28% of AFF also affect the contralateral leg. AFF noted on X-ray imaging should be followed by higher-order imaging, such as MRI or CT (123). Lastly, teriparatide may be considered in those who do not heal with other therapy (124).




Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws (ONJ) has also drawn attention even though this is a rare occurrence in patients treated with antiresorptive therapies. The International Task Force on Osteonecrosis of the Jaw defines ONJ as exposed bone in the maxillofacial region that does not heal within 8 weeks after identification by a health care provider, with prior exposure to an antiresorptive agent, and no history of radiation to the craniofacial region (125). It has been hypothesized that ONJ is the result of bone remodeling suppression combined with additional factors such as dental intervention or infection (126). Although very rare, it is more common after dental procedures such as tooth extraction. In 2005, the FDA requested that all oral and IV bisphosphonates include a class “precaution” labeling for ONJ. There have been no cases reported in randomized, placebo-controlled trials of alendronate, risedronate, or ibandronate. However, in a 2006 Medline review, 368 published cases were found, 94% of which involved patients receiving intravenous bisphosphonates, 85% of which involved patients with multiple myeloma or metastatic cancer. Only 4% of patients had osteoporosis and data suggests a time- and dose-dependent effect. 60% of reported cases of ONJ occurred after dentoalveolar surgery for infections (tooth extractions), and the remaining 40% were likely related to infection, denture trauma, or other oral trauma (127). Based on both published and unpublished data, the risk of ONJ associated with oral bisphosphonate treatment for osteoporosis is low, estimated between one in 10,000 and less than one in 100,000 patient-treatment years (128). Some experts have suggested stopping bisphosphonates during a time before and after-invasive dental procedures. The American Dental Association 2011 Recommendations indicate that for patients receiving bisphosphonate therapy, the risk of developing osteonecrosis of the jaw is low and that for dental care they do not currently recommend stopping bisphosphonates (129,130). The American Dental Association does recommend maintenance of good dental hygiene and routine dental care.


The International Task Force on Osteonecrosis of the Jaw in 2015 reported an incidence of ONJ of 0.001% to 0.01% in osteoporosis patients, which is slightly higher than the incidence in the general population (<0.001%). Risk factors for ONJ included glucocorticoid use, maxillary or mandibular bone surgery, poor oral hygiene, chronic inflammation, diabetes mellitus, ill-fitting dentures, as well as other drugs such as antiangiogenic agents. Incidence is greater in the oncology population (1-15%), who are receiving significantly more frequent and higher doses of anti-resorptives than the osteoporotic population. The task force recommended prevention of ONJ by eliminating or stabilizing oral disease prior to initiation of antiresorptive therapy, and considering the withholding of antiresorptive therapy in those at high risk for ONJ, such as cancer patients receiving bisphosphonates or denosumab and following extensive oral surgery until the surgical site heals with mature mucosal coverage (125). In a 2022 update by the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons’ Position Paper on Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws (MRONJ), the risk of MRONJ in osteoporotic patients treated with bisphosphonates was 0.02 to 0.05 percent, compared to 0 to 0.02 percent with placebo (198).




In the HORIZON trial, serious atrial fibrillation (AF) was seen more frequently in patients who received IV zoledronic acid (50 subjects, 1.5%) than in those who received placebo (20 subjects 0.5%) (108). Significant risk factors were active tachyarrhythmia, congestive heart failure, previous bisphosphonate use, and advanced age (109). In a review of the results from FIT, there were more serious AF cases in the alendronate group (N=47 subjects, 1.5%) than in the placebo group (N=31 subjects, 1.0%), but these differences were not significant (131). These findings raised concern about a risk of AF with bisphosphonate use. In a case-control study published in 2008, researchers found more AF subjects than controls had ever used alendronate (n=47, 6.5% versus n=40, 4.1%) (132). A review of data from multiple trials did not find an association between risedronate use and AF (133). It is unclear how bisphosphonates may increase the risk of AF. Hypotheses include the release of inflammatory cytokines when IV bisphosphonates are administered, calcium shifts that can occur with IV and potent oral bisphosphonates, and relative binding affinity of the various bisphosphonates to bone. Both cytokines and calcium shifts may increase the risk of AF. The FDA released a review of spontaneous post-marketing reports of AF associated with oral and IV bisphosphonates and did not identify a risk of AF (134,135). The FDA continues to monitor such reports.


Post-Hip Fracture Care


Given the high rates of morbidity and mortality, particularly within the first-year post-fracture, hip fractures are the most serious of the osteoporotic fractures. There is a high prevalence of low vitamin D levels among hip fracture patients that warrants correction at the time of fracture (30,31). Nationally and internationally there is a large gap in fracture care and only 20% of fracture patients are evaluated and treated for their underlying osteoporosis. A fracture liaison service that identifies patients with fractures and initiates bone density testing and treatment has been very effective in reducing costs and improving post-fracture care (136-139). At Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) Endocrinologists and members of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery have worked together since 2004 to implement a hospital-based approach to advance fracture care and reverse the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among hip fracture patient using the electronic health record (140). This inter-disciplinary fracture pathway for hip fracture patients called the Brigham Fracture Intervention Team Initiative or “B-Fit®” includes testing of 25(OH)D, calcium, and creatinine levels on admission to the hospital, administration of one dose of 50,000 units of vitamin D, daily supplemental calcium and vitamin D, and an Endocrinology evaluation. Outpatient care coordination between endocrinologists and Orthopedic Surgeons include assessment for secondary causes of osteoporosis, bone density testing, and pharmacological intervention to reduce subsequent fractures (7, 140-142). Many national organizations are seeking to bring together stakeholders and improve patient care so patients with fragility fractures are evaluated and treated for their underlying osteoporosis (7).


Other Precautions


Bisphosphonates are excreted by the kidneys and should not be used for patients with severe renal insufficiency (creatinine clearance < 35ml/min, Creatinine clearance <30 ml/min for Ibandronate). Studies in cancer patients, in whom cumulative doses are several-fold higher than in osteoporosis patients, show that age, concomitant non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use, prior pamidronate use, history of hypercalcemia, renal disease, hypertension, and smoking are risk factors for renal failure (143,144).


Approximately 20% to 30% of subjects treated initially with intravenous administration of pamidronate or zoledronic acid (108,145) may develop an acute-phase reactions (e.g. fever, malaise, myalgia), which is typically less severe with subsequent infusions. Patients should be hydrated and often are premedicated with acetaminophen; symptoms are usually mild and transient.


Hypocalcemia may occur, but this is usually mild and asymptomatic. To avert marked hypocalcemia, it is important to ensure that the patient is vitamin D sufficient, which according to the authors’ practices, can best be achieved by checking a 25-hydroxy vitamin D level prior to each infusion. In addition, calcium and creatinine levels should be tested before each intravenous bisphosphonate treatment.


Bisphosphonate Holiday


Bisphosphonates have robust effects on fracture reduction when used for 3-5 years. There are concerns about the long-term use. According to the 2011 FDA review as summarized in the New England Journal of Medicine (146) there is no global regulatory restriction on duration of use. Post-hoc analyses of data from the FIT and FLEX studies for alendronate (up to 10 years of alendronate therapy) and the randomized extension to the HORIZON-Pivotal Fracture Trial (up to 6 years of zoledronic acid therapy) provide some guidance in these important clinical decisions (96,147).


According to the available data, alendronate and zoledronic acid may be discontinued in patients at low risk of fracture after 5 or 3 years of therapy, respectively. In the FLEX trial, continuation of alendronate to 10 years duration of therapy did reduce non-vertebral fractures in those with FN T-scores <-2.5 assessed at year 5, but not in those with T-scores >-2.0 at year 5 (96). In the HORIZON extension trial, stopping Zoledronic acid after 3 years duration of therapy did not significantly increase the risk of subsequent fracture in those with T-score >-2.5, no recent fractures, and no greater than 1 risk factor(148). The subgroups of patients who might benefit from continued therapy without holiday at 5 (oral) or 3 (IV) years of therapy include those with T-score <-2.5 at the hip, recent fracture on therapy, and prevalent spine fractures. Otherwise, annual evaluation while on holiday to assess each individuals fracture risk is recommended, in order to decide when to resume therapy (149). High risk individuals may benefit from use of an alternative treatment such as teriparatide or in some instances, raloxifene, during the time of bisphosphonate holiday. Ongoing evaluation of patients on a bisphosphonate holiday is important to reduce the risk of subsequent fractures (95,96,146,147,150).


The ASBMR Task Force for managing osteoporosis in patients on long-term bisphosphonate therapy included consideration of continuing therapy in any patients with history of hip, spine, or multiple other osteoporosis fractures before or during therapy, those with hip BMD T-score<=2.5 after treatment, or high fracture risk (151). However, these approaches do not replace clinical judgment.


Drug Administration


Oral bisphosphonates should be taken in the morning with water on an empty stomach. Because oral bisphosphonates are poorly absorbed, patients should wait at least 30 minutes before ingesting other beverages, food, or medications. To help patients avoid esophageal irritation, they are instructed to swallow oral bisphosphonates with six to eight ounces of water and to remain upright for at least 30 minutes and until they have had their first meal of the day (152). Intravenous preparations must be infused slowly to avoid renal toxicity.


When choosing an oral bisphosphonate and in the absence of contraindications, alendronate is often selected as initial therapy because of its efficacy in reduction of spine and non-spine fractures and its availability as a low cost, generic preparation. In addition to alendronate, risedronate has been on the market for more than 10 years and has favorable safety profiles when used in the indicated populations. While oral ibandronate is popular for its monthly dosing schedule, ibandronate reduces the incidence of spine but not non-spine fractures. In addition, ibandronate’s IV dosing is more expensive and requires more frequent dosing than the once-yearly, zoledronic acid. Thus, it has a limited role in osteoporosis treatment. In patients who are unable to comply with the administration requirements of the oral agents, and in those who experience intolerable GI effects, intravenous zoledronic acid is an effective therapy to reduce spine and non-spine fractures. Like alendronate and risedronate, it reduces the incidence of vertebral and nonvertebral fractures. Zoledronic acid (5 mg infusion once a year) should also be considered in patients with a recent hip fracture after two weeks to 90 days. A post-hoc analysis suggested a superior bone density response when zoledronic acid was administered 4-6 weeks after a hip fracture than at the earlier time points (153). Vitamin D deficiency should be optimally corrected prior to use of zoledronic acid.




Denosumab is the first FDA-approved human monoclonal antibody that binds to the receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL), an important regulator of bone remodeling. RANKL is secreted by osteoblast precursors and binds to its receptor, RANK, located on osteoclasts. Osteoprotegrin is an endogenous cytokine and decoy receptor that binds RANKL and inhibits osteoclast activation (154). The binding of RANKL to RANK promotes osteoclast proliferation, differentiation, activation, and survival. Denosumab inhibits RANKL and osteoclastogenesis and markedly reduces bone resorption.


Fracture Data


Denosumab is administered for osteoporosis treatment as a subcutaneous injection of 60 mg every 6 months. In its pivotal phase III randomized placebo-controlled study of 7868 osteoporotic women ages 60-90 years (FREEDOM), denosumab compared with placebo given twice yearly for 3 years was associated with a relative decrease in the risk of vertebral, hip, and nonvertebral fractures by 68%, 40%, and 20% respectively (155). In the extension of this trial, denosumab use for up to 10 years was associated with cumulative BMD gains of 21.7% at the lumbar spine and 9.2% at the total hip. Persistent reductions of bone turnover markers and fracture incidence was also noted, with a positive safety profile with up to 10 years of continued use (199).


Drug Administration


Denosumab may have advantages over current osteoporosis therapies: infrequent dosing (every six months), and rapid, effective, but reversible antiresorptive activity; drug adherence is, however, important to prevent the increase in bone turnover markers after 6 months of therapy.


Adverse Effects


Adverse effects of densoumab include hypocalcemia, nausea, musculoskeletal pain, serious skin infections (small risk), infections, dermatologic reactions, and cystitis. Infection risk has been a concern based on RANKL inhibition of non-skeletal immune cells causing theoretical immune suppression. The initial FREEDOM trial showed slightly higher infection rates (3 cases in densoumab arm vs. 0 cases in placebo arm of endocarditis, 0.4% risk in densoumab arm vs. <0.1% in placebo arm of severe skin events) while the extension trial showed no increased risk of infection compared to placebo. Furthermore, a meta-analysis failed to show an increased risk of serious infections with denosumab use (157). Given the unclear infection risk, its use in immunocompromised patients should be cautious. In addition, very rare osteonecrosis of the jaw and atypical femur fractures have occurred with denosumab use (similar to bisphosphonates). Stopping denosumab therapy has been shown to result in bone loss and, in some instances, spine fractures (200). Therefore, unlike bisphosphonates, a treatment holiday is not recommended. The FDA recommends initiation of antiresorptive therapy and a number of treatment regimens are undergoing evaluation in an effort to prevent this bone loss.




Anabolic Action on Bone


Animal studies show that PTH is capable of both anabolic and catabolic actions on bone. PTH stimulates both bone formation and bone resorption; the net effect on BMD depends on the balance between these two processes (160). A continuous infusion of PTH increases both formation and resorption and leads to bone breakdown (160,161). However, intermittent exposure preferentially increases formation, thereby producing an anabolic effect on bone (160,162,163). Therefore, PTH can increase or decrease BMD depending on the pattern of exposure. Dosing PTH in a manner leading to stimulation of bone formation before causing bone resorption has become known as maximizing the “anabolic window” of PTH (164).


Cellular Mechanisms


PTH acts directly on osteoblasts and cells of the osteoblast lineage. PTH promotes differentiation of pre-osteoblasts to osteoblasts (161) and inhibits osteoblast apoptosis, thereby increasing the number of active osteoblasts (165). Furthermore, PTH triggers the production of several growth factors in bone cells, including insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) (161,166).




In 2002, the FDA approved teriparatide (Forteo™), injectable recombinant human PTH (1-34), for the treatment of men and postmenopausal women with osteoporosis who are at high risk for fracture (see Table 5). The biologically active fragment PTH (1-34) has properties similar to the full-length molecule PTH (1-84), which is approved for use in Europe. Antiresorptive agents, such as bisphosphonates, increase BMD up to ~ 8%. However, many patients with osteoporosis have lost as much as 30% of their peak bone mass. Thus, agents that have an anabolic effect on bone are desirable (158). PTH directly stimulates bone formation before bone resorption, has robust effects on spinal BMD, improves bone structure, and reduces spine and non-spine fractures. The sequence of changes in bone formation and resorption leads to what is described as the anabolic window (159).




In a large multicenter, randomized placebo-controlled trial, Neer et al. reported the effects of PTH (1-34) on bone density and fractures in 1,637 postmenopausal women with baseline vertebral fractures randomized to 20 µg PTH daily, 40 µg PTH daily, or placebo. At a mean of 18 months’ follow-up, 20 µg PTH daily increased lumbar spine BMD by 9.7%, femoral neck BMD by 2.8%, and total hip BMD by 2.6%. There was a decrease of 0.1% at the distal radius, but this was not significantly different from the change seen in the placebo group. PTH (20 µg daily) reduced the risk of vertebral fractures by 65% and non-vertebral fragility fractures by 53% (and is the FDA-approved dose for treatment of osteoporosis). The two PTH (1-34) doses reduced fractures to a similar degree, but headache and nausea were more common in the group receiving the higher dose of 40 µg daily (167).




In 2017, an additional PTH analog was FDA approved for the treatment of post-menopausal osteoporosis. Abaloparatide (Tymlos™) is a parathyroid (1-34) hormone-related protein (PTHrp) analog drug that shares similar anabolic effects as teriparatide. 




In the ACTIVE trial, a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Miller et al (202) studied the effect of abaloparatide 80 mcg daily versus placebo in 1901 women with osteoporosis and baseline vertebral fractures over 18 months. At a mean of 18 months’ follow-up, abaloparatide increased lumbar spine BMD by 11.2%, femoral neck BMD by 3.6%, and total hip BMD by 4.18%. New vertebral fracture incidence was 0.6% with abaloparatide versus 4.2% with placebo (86% relative risk reduction, p<0.001). There was a 43% relative risk reduction of non-vertebral fracture with abaloparatide, which just met statistical significance, P=0.049.


Combination Therapy of Teriparatide and Bisphosphonates or Denosumab


The effects of concurrent or sequential therapy with PTH and antiresorptive agents have been studied. Black et al. compared the effects of PTH (1-84), alendronate, or both in combination in postmenopausal women (168). At one year, spine DXA had increased in all three groups. There was no difference in spine DXA between the PTH group and the combination group. However, the PTH group had a significantly greater increase in volumetric BMD of the spine on quantitative CT than the alendronate and combination groups. Finkelstein et al. also carried out a study in men (169). PTH (1-34) was started at 6 months, and all three groups were followed for 30 months. Spine BMD as measured by both DXA and quantitative CT increased to a greater degree in the PTH group than in the alendronate and combination groups. Thus, these studies show no evidence of synergy between PTH and alendronate. Furthermore, alendronate administered prior to teriparatide may impair the anabolic activity of PTH. It is hypothesized that PTH is less effective when bone turnover is suppressed.


While concurrent treatment with PTH and alendronate does not appear to be additive, bisphosphonate therapy initiated immediately upon completion of PTH course is beneficial. Rittmaster et al. demonstrated that PTH followed by alendronate produces progressive increases in BMD. In this study, 66 postmenopausal women were randomized to either 50 µg of recombinant human PTH (1-84) daily or placebo for the first year, and then all subjects were treated with alendronate on an open label extension for the second year. During the first year, the PTH group gained 4.3% BMD at the lumbar spine while the placebo group gained 1.3%. During the second year, the PTH group gained 6.3% BMD at the lumbar spine while the placebo group gained 5.7%. Thus, subjects previously treated with PTH continued to gain BMD with subsequent alendronate therapy (158). Black et al. extended their trial mentioned above (168). Post-menopausal women who had received PTH (1-84) in year one were randomly assigned to an additional year of placebo (n = 60) or alendronate (n = 59). Over two years, alendronate after PTH (1-84) led to significant increases in BMD compared to placebo after PTH (1-84), most notable at trabecular bone areas of the spine as assessed by quantitative CT [31% increase in alendronate after PTH (1-84) group versus14% increase in placebo after alendronate group]. Significant BMD loss was seen in year two in the placebo after PTH (1-84)group (170). Kurland et al. reported similar findings in men (171). Twenty-one men were followed for up to two years after discontinuing PTH (1-34). Those who were treated with a bisphosphonate immediately upon completion of the PTH gained an additional 8.9% BMD at the lumbar spine at two years, while the men who did not go on bisphosphonate therapy lost 3.7% BMD at the lumbar spine at one year. These studies support the immediate use of bisphosphonates upon completion of the recommended 24-month course of PTH therapy to consolidate the increases in bone density.


The Denosumab and Teriparatide Administration (DATA) trial investigated the combination of denosumab and teriparatide vs. monotherapy for 2 years. Combination therapy of daily teriparatide and denosumab every 6 months showed increases in spine and hip bone density greater than either drug alone (172).In the absence of fracture outcomes, the role of combination teriparatide and denosumab therapy in osteoporosis remains to be determined, but this regimen may be a therapeutic option in patients with severe osteoporosis or in those who have failed conventional therapy. In the DATA-Switch study, an extension of the DATA trial, subjects who were on denosumab only were switched to teriparatide, and those on teriparatide only were switch to denosumab; the former group were found to have bone loss, whereas the latter group have continued BMD increase (173). This may indicate that the choice of initial and subsequent osteoporosis treatment is an important consideration.


In an overlap study of teriparatide with alendronate added to teriparatide after 9 months, found a greater increase in BMD with overlap compared to teriparatide alone (174). These findings may be due to a “reopening” of the anabolic window described with teriparatide use. Of note, fracture data is not available.


Adverse Effects


In general, teriparatide and abaloparatide, injections are well tolerated and have been safely used for a decade (175). PTH is cleared from the circulation within four hours of subcutaneous administration. A daily injection is necessary and transient redness at the injection site has been noted. Headache and nausea occur in less than 10% of subjects receiving a daily dose of teriparatide 20 µg. Mild, early, transient hypercalcemia can occur, but severe hypercalcemia is rare. Prior to starting a PTH or PTH-rp analog, it is suggested to obtain serum calcium, alkaline phosphatase, parathyroid hormone, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, and creatinine levels. Routine monitoring of serum calcium levels while on PTH or PTH-rp is not recommended by the manufacturer, though may be considered. Increases in urinary calcium (by 30 mg per day) and serum uric acid concentrations (by 13%) are seen but do not appear to have clinical consequences.


Fisher 344 rats treated with nearly life-long daily teriparatide or abaloparatide have an increased risk of osteosarcoma. Upon approval of teriparatide in 2002, the FDA placed a black box warning about osteosarcoma in rodents treated with teriparatide and the manufacturer has warned against using teriparatide in the following settings: Paget's disease or unexplained elevations of alkaline phosphatase, open epiphyses in children or young adults, bone metastases, prior radiation therapy involving the skeleton, metabolic bone disease other than osteoporosis, and hypercalcemia. As summarized by Cipriani et al in 2013, there have been 3 reported cases of osteosarcoma in adults treated with PTH (1-34), which does not appear to be greater than the prevalence of osteosarcoma in the population (175). In the Osteosarcoma Surveillance Study, a 15-year surveillance study with 7 years of follow-up, there has not been evidence of a causal relationship between use of teriparatide and risk of osteosarcoma in humans. Among the 1448 cases of osteosarcoma, no patient in this study had been previously treated with teriparatide (176).


 In 2021, the FDA removed the black box warning for teriparatide based on 18 years of post-marketing surveillance using case-finding studies, which ruled out any but a small potential increase in risk of osteosarcoma in humans with the drug. The FDA no longer limits the lifetime use to a total of 2 years and longer use can be considered in patients at high fracture risk. The black box warning was also removed for abaloparatide, however, use is limited to 2 years in patient’s lifetime until more data is available. Use of teriparatide and abaloparatide, however, should be avoided in patients at risk for osteosarcoma (e.g., younger patients with open epiphyses or those with a history of skeletal malignancies, unexplained alkaline phosphatase, Paget’s disease of bone or radiation therapy to bone).


Off Label Uses


Teriparatide has been used off-label for numerous reasons, including improvement of bone healing with atypical femur fractures, and for treatment of vertebral fracture pain and fracture healing. More clinical data is needed in these areas. A systemic review of teriparatide use for healing of bisphosphonate-related AFF found anecdotal evidence of beneficial effects on fracture healing, noting the need for prospective data (124). In a small study of 34 patients with acute vertebral fractures given teriparatide vs. risedronate, those who received Teriparatide had lower rates of vertebral collapse, though had no significant difference in back pain scores (177).


Drug Administration


Teriparatide is supplied in a disposable pen device for subcutaneous injection into the thigh or abdomen. The pen requires refrigeration between uses. The recommended dosage is 20 µg once a day for two years, though its lifetime use may be extended beyond this in certain clinical situations (such as if a patient remains at or returns to a high risk of fracture). Abaloparatide is also supplied in a disposable pen device for subcutaneous injection into the thigh or abdomen, and can be stored at room temperature after first use for up to 30 days. The recommendation dosage is 80 µg once daily for no more than two years.




Romosozumab is a monoclonal antibody to sclerostin, a potent inhibitor of osteoblast differentiation and bone formation by way of Wnt signaling inhibition.  Animal studies show that blocking the effect of sclerosin was associated with large increases in bone mass. In phase II trials, romosozumab administration shows increased BMD at the spine of 11.3%, as well as increased bone formation and decreased bone resorption (193). A dual effect of transiently increasing markers of bone formation (P1NP) while simultaneously lowering marker of bone resorption (CTX) was also demonstrated in the phase II trial.


Fracture Data


In its pivotal phase III trial (203) of 7180 women with osteoporosis, romosozumab reduced incidence of vertebral fractures compared to placebo by 73% at 12 months, and 75% at 24-months after transition to denosumab at 12 months. Non-vertebral fracture reduction was not demonstrated. In the ARCH trial (204), 4093 women with severe osteoporosis were randomized to Romosozumab or alendronate for 12 months. Incidence of new vertebral fractures was 4% with Romosozumab vs. 6.3% with alendronate (risk ratio 0.63, p=0.003). Changes in bone density were greater with Romosozumab compared to alendronate, 13.7% vs. 5% increase in lumbar BMD, and 6.2% vs.  2.8% increase in total hip BMD was demonstrated, respectively. In extension data, preservation of BMD accrual was achieved with transition to alendronate for up to 36 months based on trial duration.


Adverse Effects


Romosozumab has been associated with hypersensitivity reactions such as angioedema and urticaria. The most common side effects were arthralgia and headache (>5%). Cases of ONJ and AFF have been reported. Upon approval by the FDA in 2019, a black box warning was applied regarding a potential risk of heart attack, stroke, and cardiovascular death. In the ARCH trial, there was a higher rate of major adverse cardiac events (MACE), a composite endpoint of cardiovascular death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and nonfatal stroke. However, in post-hoc pooled analysis by the TIMI Group of both FRAME and ARCH data, a significantly high rate of cardiovascular event was not demonstrated. The Endocrine Society advises that women at high risk for cardiovascular disease or stroke should not be considered romosozumab pending further studies on its cardiovascular risk (201).




Glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis (GIO) affects the spine greater than other sites. The 2010 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) guidelines can be used to help clinicians determine appropriate therapeutic options in those on glucocorticoid therapy (181). Epidemiological data has consistently shown that those taking glucocorticoids have fractures at higher T-scores. Glucocorticoids not only increase bone resorption, but also reduce bone formation. Thus, there are two important steps for targeted intervention—bisphosphonates and teriparatide, respectively. Rapid bone loss is prevalent in the first 6-12 months of glucocorticoid therapy; however, the increased fracture risk is already present within 3 months of initiating glucocorticoids. Thus, bone protection therapy should be started, at the onset, if the duration of glucocorticoids is anticipated to be 3 months or longer. For postmenopausal women and men over age 50, treatment for GIO is determined based on whether the patient’s risk for fracture—using FRAX® and clinical judgment—is low (<10%), moderate (10-20%), or high (>20%). For those taking prednisone dose >7.5 mg/day, the FDA has approved the following bisphosphonates—Risedronate, Alendronate, Zoledronate—and the anabolic agent, Teriparatide, for the treatment of GIO. In a 3-year randomized trial evaluating the prevention and treatment of GIO, teriparatide was statistically superior to alendronate in preventing BMD declines at the spine and hip (182).


Table 5. Effects of FDA-Approved Osteoporosis Therapies on Fractures


Most Common Dosage

Fracture Risk Reduction

FDA Indications*


70 mg PO weekly

Spine, non-spine, hip

PMO Treatment and Prevention in women, Treatment of osteoporosis in men, GIO treatment.


150 mg PO monthly;
3 mg IV every 3 months


PMO Treatment and Prevention in women.


35 mg PO weekly;
150 mg PO monthly

Spine, non-spine, hip

PMO Treatment and Prevention in women, Treatment of osteoporosis in men, GIO treatment.

Zoledronic Acid (ZA)

5 mg IV / year (Treatment)
5 mg every other year (Prevention)

Spine, non-spine, hip

PMO Treatment and Prevention in women, Treatment of osteoporosis in men, GIO treatment

RANKL inhibitor

60 mg SC every 6 months

Spine, non-Spine, hip

PMO-Treatment in women and men at high fracture risk;

PTH - Teriparatide (PTH 1-34)

20 mcg SC daily (for maximum of 2 years)

Spine, non-Spine

PMO and GIO Treatment in women and men at high risk of fracture

PTH- Abaloparatide (PTH-rp 1-34)

80 mcg SC daily (for maximum of 2 years)

Spine, non-spine

PMO treatment in women at high risk of fracture

Anti-Sclerostin Antibody- Romosozumab

210 mcg SC monthly (for maximum of 12 months)

Spine, non-spine

PMO treatment in women at high risk of fracture

PMO: postmenopausal osteoporosis; GIO: Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis




When approaching a patient at high risk for fracture, several considerations may help guide the initial treatment selection. Anabolic agents (i.e., romosozumab, abaloparatide, or teriparatide) should be considered as first-line agents In patients deemed “very high risk” for fracture. This may include patients with very low T-scores <-3.0 at the lumbar spine or hip, recent fragility fracture, multiple risk factors for fractures or fractures while on approved osteoporosis therapy or intolerance to osteoporosis therapies. If anabolic treatment is contraindicated or not available for a patient, a parental anti-resorptive agent should be considered.


Denosumab can also increase bone density and reduce fracture risk in women and men at high risk for fracture. Denosumab is FDA approved to treat glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis in men and women at high risk for fracture, in women at high fracture risk on adjuvant aromatase inhibitor therapy for breast cancer,  and in men treated with androgen deprivation for prostate cancer.


In patients with advanced chronic kidney disease, treatment options can be limited. Bisphosphonates are generally contraindicated in those with eGFR <30-35. Denosumab (Prolia) is the preferred agent for those with more advanced kidney disease, given lack of direct renal toxicity and renal metabolism compared to bisphosphonates. However, it is important to note that though denosumab has been shown to improve bone mineral density in those with advanced renal disease, there is little evidence of fracture reduction in this population. Since patients with CKD may have several different types of metabolic bone diseases including osteoporosis, use of denosumab should be approached with caution given the increased complexity of bone disease in these patients.


It is important to note that when selecting an anabolic agent or denosumab, a plan for the next agent in their treatment sequence should be considered at the onset. Anabolic agents are approved for 1-2 years of use, thereafter their effects wane. At present use of teriparatide can be used for more than a total of 2 years in patients at high risk of fracture. Anti-resorptive agents should ideally be given after completion of a course of anabolic in order to prevent the bone loss that occurs with discontinuation of these therapies. Regarding denosumab, this is approved for 5-10 years of continuous use, but at the point when denosumab is discontinued, it must be followed at the time of first missed dose or just after with an alternative anti-resorptive to prevent rapid rebound bone loss and spine fractures. Ongoing research is assessing different approaches to prevent the bone loss associated with the discontinuation of denosumab. In patients with intolerance or a renal contraindication to using bisphosphonates, the options for the treatment sequence must be taken into account and discussed with the patient as part of shared-decision making.


Zoledronic acid is an appropriate first-line option for several different patient scenarios. As mentioned in the Zoledronic acid (ZA) section above, it is the optimal choice in patients post-hip fracture given the benefit in morbidity and mortality in this setting. ZA should also be considered in patients at high fracture risk who have upper gastrointestinal/esophageal disease, or significant malabsorption (i.e. post-gastric bypass surgery), as oral bisphosphonates may be associated with increased risk of GI intolerance or poor absorption and efficacy, respectively. In patients with compliance difficulties or major transportation concerns, zoledronic acid may also be optimal given its infrequent and flexible dosing (once yearly, though less frequently may also be appropriate in select patients). This is in contrast to denosumab, which requires strict adherence to an every 6 month schedule of injections in order to avoid the consequence of rebound bone loss if doses are missed or significantly delayed.


Lastly, raloxifene may be considered in patients within 10 years of menopause, who are at high fracture risk at the spine, and high risk for breast cancer based on familial history. Otherwise, an oral bisphosphonate (e.g., alendronate or risedronate) or intravenous bisphosphonate or denosumab is preferred over raloxifene as these therapies have been shown to reduce spine and non-spine fractures.


Clinical guides from the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation (7), American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists/American College of Endocrinology (205), and the Endocrine Society (201) provide more detailed information on the management of osteoporosis in high- risk patients.





Despite having highly effective and well-tolerated available therapeutics for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis, the rate of treatment of at-risk patients is much lower than desired. Based on prescription databases, bisphosphonate use declined by greater than 50% between 2008 and 2012 (183). In addition, the use of bisphosphonates among those with hip fractures declined from 15% in 2004 to only 3% in 2013, which is concerning given the high risk for future fracture in the setting of hip fracture (139). This decline in use temporally coincides with FDA warnings regarding potential risks related to anti-resorptive use, such as rare atypical femur fracture and osteonecrosis of the jaw, though the FDA has not restricted their use based on these risks (184). It is clear that many patients who would benefit from osteoporosis treatment are not receiving it, and this is a major concern for those who treat osteoporosis. Providers must be able to hold thorough and honest discussions with patients regarding the benefits and risks of osteoporosis treatment options in order for patients to accept and comply with needed treatment.




Osteoporosis is a major public health problem that affects approximately 50% of women and 25% of men aged 50 years and older and fractures increase exponentially with advancing age.  At present, a number of safe and very effective osteoporosis therapies are available. Antiresorptive agents, such as the bisphosphonates, raloxifene, estrogen (not approved for treatment) and denosumab increase bone density and reduce fractures. Teriparatide, abaloparatide, and romosozumab are anabolic therapies and their treatment effects are best consolidated with an inhibitor of bone resorption such as a bisphosphonate or denosumab. A comprehensive review of the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis is summarized in the 2022 Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation Clinician’s Guide (7). A multifaceted approach including calcium and vitamin D, exercise, pharmacologic therapy, and fall prevention strategies can reduce the risk of fractures and promote independent healthy lives in older men and women.  




We wish to acknowledge Anjali Grover, MD, Kara Mikulec, MD and Kathryn E. Ackerman, MD, MPH, and thank them for their past contributions to the Endotext chapter and Jill MacLeod for her assistance in preparation of this review.




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The Role of Exercise in Diabetes



Exercise is a key component to lifestyle therapy for prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes (T2D). These recommendations are based on positive associations between physical activity and T2D prevention, treatment, and disease-associated morbidity and mortality. For type 1 diabetes (T1D), we have evidence to support that exercise can reduce diabetes associated complications. However, there are physiological and behavioral barriers to exercise that people with both T2D and T1D must overcome to achieve these benefits. Physiological barriers include diabetes-mediated impairment in functional exercise capacity, increased rates of perceived exertion with lower workloads, and decision making regarding glycemic management. There are additional social and psychological stressors including depression and reduced self-efficacy. Interestingly, there is variability in the response to exercise by sex, genetics, and environment, further complicating the expectations for individual benefit from physical activity. Defining optimal dose, duration, timing, and type of exercise is still uncertain for individual health benefits of physical activity. In this review, we will discuss the preventative value of exercise for T2D development, the therapeutic impact of exercise on diabetes metabolic and cardiovascular outcomes, the barriers to exercise including hypoglycemia, and the impact of sex and gender on cardiorespiratory fitness and adaptive training response in people with and without diabetes. There are still many unknowns regarding the diabetes-mediated impairment in cardiorespiratory fitness, the variability and individual response to exercise training, and the impact of sex and gender. However, there is no debate that exercise provides a health benefit for people with and at risk for diabetes.




Exercise, together with medical nutrition therapy, forms the cornerstone of diabetes therapy. In their 2022 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes, The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends that adults with diabetes participate in both aerobic activity and resistance training. They specify that this should entail at least 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous aerobic activity per week, spread over at least three days per week to minimize consecutive days without activity, and two to three sessions of resistance exercise per week on nonconsecutive days (1). Regular exercise is associated with prevention and minimization of weight gain, reduction in blood pressure, improvement in insulin sensitivity and glucose control, and optimization of lipoprotein profile, all of which are independent risk factors for the development of T2D (2,3). Meeting physical activity guidelines has been associated with a 40% decrease in cardiovascular mortality with an even greater impact on all-cause mortality (3,4). This association is especially significant given that people with T1D and T2D have a two to six-fold increase in morbidity and premature mortality from clinical cardiovascular disease (CVD) (5).


Despite these positive links, 34.3% of Americans diagnosed with diabetes are categorized as physically inactive (<10 minutes per week of moderate or vigorous physical activity) and 23.8% are meeting the 150-minute segment of physical activity guidelines (6). A worldwide pooled analysis of data from 358 surveys across 168 countries showed that the global age standardized prevalence of insufficient physical activity was 27.5% in 2016. The highest levels of insufficient activity were in women in Latin America and the Caribbean (43.7%), South Asia (43.0%) and high-income Western countries (42.3%) and the lowest levels were in men in Oceania (12.3%) (7). It is important for health care providers to understand that diabetes can lead to significant physiological barriers to exercise. These barriers include impaired maximal and submaximal exercise capacity (8,9), social and psychological barriers to exercise in T2D (10,11), the direct stress on the cardiovascular system caused by exercise, and the risk of hypoglycemia (12). Additionally, exercise studies have shown individual variation in response to physical activity, suggesting that there may be some individuals who are “non-responders” to exercise, in that they do not reap the specific anticipated benefits of exercise therapy such as improved glucose, blood pressure, or lipid profiles. This variation in “response” may be due to the modality employed (aerobic vs resistance exercise), the adaptive response to timing of intervention, and the endpoint examined (13). For example, someone with diabetes may respond with increased fitness but experience no change in glucose. There are also sex differences in cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), discussed in more detail below (14). These findings speak to the complexity of the pathophysiology involved in exercise and the impact that diabetes has on these processes (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Cardiorespiratory fitness and Premature Mortality. CRF is a systems biology measure of the physiological response to a workload. Exercise requires cardiac, vascular, and skeletal muscle integration. Impairment is this integration is a risk for cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. Evidence supports a model wherein multiple modest functional derangements contribute to impaired CRF in uncomplicated type 2 diabetes.


In this chapter, we will discuss the relationship between exercise physiology and diabetes pathophysiology via an overview of the literature demonstrating the associations between exercise and preventative effects for diabetes, therapeutic value for established diabetes, and prognostic value for development of diabetic complications. We will discuss physiological and behavioral barriers that contribute to lack of achievement of physical activity guidelines including hypoglycemia and the impaired exercise capacity that diabetes itself can cause. We will conclude with a discussion on sex differences in exercise in diabetes.




Exercise is an established strategy for T2D prevention (3). The incidence of T2D is inversely proportional to participation in physical activity. In a systematic review by Warburton et al that analyzed 20 cohort studies, all were noted to show this inverse relationship with T2D incidence; additionally, when comparing the most active participants to the least active participants, they calculated the average risk reduction of the exercise intervention to be 42%. Within these studies, 84% showed a dose-response relationship to suggest that even small changes in physical activity level led to great reductions in T2D incidence (15).  Manson et al demonstrated that women who reported at least weekly vigorous exercise had a 16% reduced risk of developing T2D, when controlled for age and body mass index (16). In Hu et al’s analysis of the nurses’ Health Study, there was a 34% reduction in diabetes incidence for each hour per day of brisk walking (17). Furthermore, among high-risk women with a history of gestational diabetes, physical activity has been shown to be inversely associated with the incidence of type 2 diabetes in a dose-dependent manner (18).


Physical activity is also a modifiable risk factor that influences CRF; there is a strong association between CRF and incidence of T2D. In the Henry Ford Exercise Testing Project, people who achieved >= 12 metabolic equivalents (METs) had a 54% lower risk of incident diabetes compared to people achieving <6 METs (controlled for age, sex, race, obesity, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia) (19). In a study of middle-aged men by Lynch et al, men with CRF levels greater than 31.0 mL of oxygen per kilogram per minute who exercised at moderate intensity (>5.5 METs) for >40 minutes per week had a decreased incidence of diabetes. This effect was seen even within a subgroup of men at high risk for diabetes (overweight or hypertensive with positive parental history); engagement in this level of moderate intensity exercise in this group reduced their risk of diabetes by 64% compared to men who did not engage in physical activity (20). For reference, 1 MET is equivalent to the amount of oxygen consumed while sitting at rest, which is 3.5 ml/O2/kg/min (21) and expending 2 METs means that an individual is exerting 2 times the energy than they would be while sitting still. Examples of common activities and their associated energy costs in METs are shown in Table 1 (21, 22).


Table 1. Metabolic Equivalents (METs) Expended for Common Activities



Slow Walking (3 kilometers/hour)


Walking up stairs


Brisk Walking (6 kilometers/hour)


Bicycling (20 kilometers/hour)


Running (8 kilometers/hour)








CRF can be measured in a few different ways. The gold standard includes gas analysis and is reported as maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) or peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) (23). This can be impractical in a clinical setting, so several walk tests have been developed to estimate CRF that either measures how much distance a person can cover within the designated time frame or how long it takes them to cover a designated distance. The 6-minute walk test is used in at-risk populations (23) and the 400-meter walk test is often used in older adults (24). 


At a practical level, it is useful to ask individuals a few questions about their ability to climb stairs, any changes in their ability to walk a given distance, and if they’ve experienced any changes in perceived exertion or shortness of breath with activity.


Weight loss is important for prevention of T2D (25). Analysis of people in the intensive lifestyle intervention arm of the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Intensive Lifestyle indicated that there was a 16% reduction in diabetes risk per kilogram of weight loss (26). Theoretically, an increase in physical activity can lead to negative energy balance, which may result in weight loss if diet is unchanged. A study by Ross et al analyzed the effect of exercise-induced weight loss via a 500-700 kcal/day deficit during a 12-week intervention and showed an average weight loss of 7.6kg (8% initial body weight). Their findings also showed that exercise-induced weight loss decreases total fat percentage with increases in cardiovascular fitness to a greater degree than similar diet-induced weight loss (27). This degree of weight loss is uncommon in exercise interventional studies without simultaneous calorie restriction, so diet and exercise interventions should be administered simultaneously for maximal benefit (25). At the same time, there is a dynamic relationship between exercise dose, weight status, and diabetes incidence, wherein each of these components affects the other (3). To assess the complex association between obesity and physical inactivity for interaction, Quin et al conducted a systematic review that showed positive biological interaction on an additive scale (28). This interaction was further shown in a meta-analysis of 9 prospective cohort studies by Cloostermans et al, where there was a 7.4-fold increased risk of T2D in those who were obese and with a low physical activity level when compared to normal weight, highly active individuals (29).


Exercise aids with diabetes prevention even if weight loss is not achieved. There is a strong association between increased physical activity and prevention of weight gain (3). In DPP, those who achieved 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity per week had a 46% reduction in diabetes incidence, despite not always meeting weight loss goals (21). This effect was similarly seen in other international studies (Sweden (30), Finland (31), China (32), Japan (33), India (34)) when intensive lifestyle intervention was used for prevention of diabetes. The effect of exercise alone was specifically evaluated in the Chinese study where there was a reduction in incidence of diabetes by 33% in the diet-only group, 47% in the exercise-only group, and 38% in the diet-plus-exercise group; this effect was seen even when adjusting for interaction of BMI (31%, 46%, and 42% for diet, exercise, and diet-plus-exercise groups, respectively) (32). Additionally, Dai et al looked further into the efficacy of the type of exercise on prevention of diabetes. They randomized patients with prediabetes into 3 intervention groups of aerobic training (AT), resistance training (RT), and combined training (AT + RT). After 2 years of intervention, the T2D incidence was reduced by 74% in the AT + RT group, 65% in the RT alone group, and 72% in the AT alone group compared to controls. There was no significant difference in 2-hour glucose tolerance tests between intervention groups, providing support for both AT and RT, alone or in combination, benefiting T2D prevention (35).


Physical activity can also lead to improvement in cardiovascular risk factors. With regards to hypertension, there is an inverse relationship between blood pressure and physical activity level, with greater responses noted in those with hypertension/pre-hypertension compared to individuals with normal blood pressure (3). In the DPP, participants who received intensive lifestyle intervention had improved cardiovascular disease risk factor profiles (decreased blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels) compared to the metformin treated and placebo groups after 5 years; this improvement was achieved with a decreased need for lipid and blood pressure medication initiation (36). Additionally, while the LOOK AHEAD trial in overweight or obese adults with T2D was negative for its primary cardiovascular outcome (37), further analysis showed that increasing fitness had a beneficial effect on fasting blood glucose, HbA1c, and other cardiovascular risk factors (HDL, triglycerides, and diastolic blood pressure), and cognition beyond the effect of weight change (38).


There is significant variability in changes to CRF with exercise therapy; not all individuals respond positively to exercise intervention. CRF is not always related to physical activity and is determined by genetics and other factors. In the HERITAGE Family Study, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max, a measurement of CRF) response to exercise therapy varied significantly with some participants showing no improvement with exercise training and others exhibiting maximal improvement (>1L/min). Interestingly, there was 2.5 times more variance between families than within families, suggestive of a possible genetic component to exercise response (39). These individuals with little to no improvement with exercise are termed “non-responders.” In cross-over interventional studies that assessed poor responsiveness to aerobic exercise and resistance training, it was found that those who did not benefit from aerobic training, improved their CRF with resistance training. Alternatively, not all individuals who improved CRF with aerobic training had improvements with resistance training. This finding suggests that “non-responsiveness” may be related to exercise modality and that incidence of non-responsiveness to exercise for the endpoint of CRF may be resolved by changing the mode of training (40,41). All in all, to achieve the desired benefits of exercise (improvement in weight, glucose control, endurance, etc.), an individualized approach is key. One gap in practice is a lack of a commonly employed clinical measure of response to an exercise intervention. There is a need for exercise physiology expertise or provider comfort with exercise as a therapeutic tool to tailor and adjust sustained exercise interventions and employ exercise as medicine.




Diet and exercise (lifestyle modification) are considered by all diabetes clinical guidelines to be the foundation for diabetes management. Exercise can augment glucose disposal and improve insulin action, and thus can be a tool to aid in glucose regulation. Muscle contraction and contraction-mediated skeletal muscle blood flow leads to glucose uptake via insulin-dependent and independent mechanisms. Exercise-mediated glucose disposal can decrease circulating blood glucose but may be affected by other determinants of systemic glucose metabolism. The components of glucose disposal need to be considered to better understand the impact of exercise on glucose clearance. Glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) translocation is acutely stimulated by muscle contraction, increasing facilitated transport of glucose into the muscle. In addition, contraction augments skeletal muscle blood flow and thereby increases the rate of glucose dispersion into the muscle interstitial space (42). Insulin also recruits GLUT4 to the muscle surface. Muscle glycogen stores and exogenous glucose are consumed during exercise leading to a glucose/glucose-6-phosphate gradient that favors additional glucose entry into the skeletal muscle. Based on these factors and other molecular changes in skeletal muscle signaling, exercise can impact glucose homeostasis for up to 48 hours (43).


Exercise training increases skeletal muscle GLUT4 expression and augments insulin receptor signaling and oxidative capacity which optimizes insulin action and glucose oxidation and storage (44). Therefore, routine moderate exercise usually improves sensitivity to insulin in individuals with T2D (45). This exercise effect is impacted by exercise type (aerobic versus resistance), dose, duration, and intensity of activity. For example, the energy expended per week, is a product of frequency, intensity, and duration of exercise and correlates with changes in insulin sensitivity (46,47). There is also an impact of each bout of exercise. Newsom et al found that low intensity activity (50% VO2peak) improved insulin sensitivity for ~19 hours after exercise in obese adults (48). These findings support the recommendation that people with T2D should engage in daily exercise, with no more than 2 days elapsing between episodes of physical activity; consistency is key and even small amounts of exercise are beneficial (49).


The modality of exercise to induce maximal intended benefit in individuals with T2D is not as clear. Physical activity guidelines for Americans suggest a mixture of resistance and aerobic activity based on limited prospective studies in this population (50,51). Studies vary by intervention structure and duration and in most cases specific exercise interventions have not been compared head-to-head. In one randomized control trial of sedentary individuals with T2D, a combination of aerobic and resistance training for 9 months significantly lowered HbA1c levels compared to a non-exercise control group (50). Similarly, high intensity interval training (HIIT) session (10 minutes of intense exercise) reduces postprandial hyperglycemia in patients with T2D, suggesting that it can be a time efficient way to achieve benefits of exercise training (52). At the same time, any type of exercise is beneficial. Individuals with T2D who engage in exercise have a decrease in HbA1c by 0.67%, regardless of type of exercise (structured aerobic, resistance, or combined exercise training) (53). Therefore, the best therapy is one that an individual can and will maintain.


In patients with T1D, available evidence is mixed for whether exercise improves overall glycemic control, but it has been shown to have multiple benefits (54). Supervised exercise programs increase fitness in patients with T1D and inone study, VO2max increased by 27% after 4 months of participation in a bicycle exercise training program (55,56). Insulin requirements have also been shown to be reduced with exercise training in patients with T1D, with anywhere from a 6% to 18% daily insulin dose reduction across multiple studies (56–58). In the Pittsburgh Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus Morbidity and Mortality Study, activity level was inversely related to mortality risk and men who were sedentary were 3 times more likely to die than active males. A similar but nonsignificant trend was seen in women (59).


Regular exercise provides a physiological stress to the body and can generate adaptations such as induction of antioxidant defense mechanisms. Low exposure to a toxic or stress environment leads to positive biological responses, hormesis, whereas high exposure leads to negative responses (U-shaped dose response effect). Exercise induces low amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS) acutely, which positively stimulates oxidative damage-repairing enzyme activity and results in improved biological fitness (60). For example, in the context of exercise, ROS formation can stimulate nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), a transcription factor that is dormant in the cytoplasm. Low levels of oxidative stress stimulate Nrf2 translocation to the nucleus to stimulate expression of antioxidant enzymes; when Nrf2 activity is diminished, as in endothelial dysfunction, insulin resistance and abnormal angiogenesis is seen, such as in individuals with T2D (61). This is one example of the molecular response to exercise. Many such examples exist and demonstrate similarly positive profiles: reduction in inflammatory markers (c-reactive protein, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α) and upregulation of anti-inflammatory substances (interleukin-4 and interleukin 10) (62). Ristow et al showed that exercise mediated ROS are integral to the process by which exercise improves insulin sensitivity (as measured by glucose infusion rates during a hyperinsulinemic, euglycemic clamp and plasma adiponectin) (63). In their study, exercised muscles of previously untrained individuals showed a two-fold increase in oxidative stress (as measured by thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances [TBARS]). However, daily intake of antioxidant dietary supplementation (vitamin C and E) blunted this affect by blocking this initial step of transient increase of oxidative stress. Exercise mediated ROS induced expression of molecular regulators (PPARgand its coactivators PGC1a and PGC1b,) that coordinate insulin-sensitizing gene expression. Those treated with vitamin C and E had decreased expression of these molecular regulators. Consequently, non-supplemented individuals without diabetes had significant improvement in insulin sensitivity while those on antioxidant supplements had no change in insulin sensitivity. The NIH Molecular Transducers of Exercise (MoTrPAC) program will examine the molecular response to exercise in healthy people and rodent models to set the stage for more detailed assessments of these endpoints in disease states such as diabetes (64).


While lifestyle intervention through diet and exercise are the initial step in T2D treatment, pharmacologic therapy may also be needed to achieve glycemic targets for a person with T2D. Regardless, at each step of intensification of medical therapy for glucose or blood pressure lowering, exercise should be reinforced as an important part of treatment. Combination therapy with metformin monotherapy plus post-meal exercise, led to a 21% reduction in postprandial hyperglycemia, a comparable effect to that of sulfonylureas (-14%), thiazolidinediones (-20%), and dipeptidyl peptidase-4inhibitors (-23%) (65). At the same time, there is some evidence to suggest that metformin may attenuate the positive effects of exercise on insulin sensitivity and inflammation (66,67). Of note, these studies were performed in people with insulin resistance or increased risk of T2D and not in people with diabetes. Incorporation of exercise and diet into all diabetes management strategies is crucial for cardiometabolic health.




Beyond the therapeutic and preventative benefits of exercise discussed in previous sections, exercise also holds great prognostic value for people with diabetes. Observational studies have shown an inverse linear dose-response relationship between physical activity amount and mortality (68). Exercise capacity has been shown to be predictive of mortality in people with diabetes (69), echoing findings in the general population (70). Furthermore, decreased exercise capacity in people with T2D is associated with development of future cardiovascular events (71).


Additionally, associations between higher levels of physical activity and reduced complications in diabetes have been noted. Gulsin et al were able to show that exercise improved diastolic function in adults with T2D whereas weight loss via a low-energy diet alone did not improve diastolic function despite the diet leading to weight loss, improved glycemic control, and improved aortic stiffness and concentric LV remodeling (72). A meta-analysis on 18 studies of patients T1D and T2D showed that physical activity also increased glomerular filtration rate and decreased the urinary albumin creatinine ratio (73). In the Finish Diabetic Nephropathy (FinnDiane) Study, low levels of self-reported leisure-time physical activity in people with T1D was associated with a greater degree of renal dysfunction, proteinuria, CVD, and retinopathy (74) and Kriska et al found that men with insulin-dependent diabetes who reported higher levels of physical activity in their past had lower prevalence of nephropathy and neuropathy (75). Bohn et al also found an inverse relationship between physical activity level and both retinopathy and microalbuminuria in people with T1D in the Diabetes-Patienten-Verlaufsdokumentation (DPV) database (76). Interestingly, a large cohort study of adults with T1D and T2D in Australia found that physical activity was protective against developing advanced diabetic retinopathy requiring retinal photocoagulation (however this finding was only significant for men) (77).




Exercise holds great promise as a preventative and therapeutic intervention for people with diabetes. Yet, diabetes presents significant physiological, psychological, and socioeconomic barriers to physical activity. Despite these barriers, exercise remains a cornerstone of treatment for diabetes, and as such, it is useful to understand the barriers to exercise in diabetes and consider strategies for overcoming them (Table 2).


People with T2D are disproportionately sedentary and overweight (78) and report more physical discomfort during exercise (10). Excess weight itself can be a physical barrier to increased activity; in a study of obese subjects with diabetes, those who reported physical discomfort as a barrier to exercise had a significantly higher body mass index compared to those individuals who did not report it (36 vs 34, respectively, p=0.021) (79). A decreased level of fitness also contributes to this barrier of discomfort with physical activity. Functional exercise capacity (FEC), measured by VO2max, is impaired in both youth and adults with uncomplicated T1D and T2D (8,69). Insulin sensitivity has a direct association with VO2peak (80,81). Studies by Reusch, Regensteiner, and colleagues have demonstrated that adolescents and adults with uncomplicated T2D have reduced CRF compared to those without T2D. These findings persist in the absence of clinical cardiovascular disease and when matched by baseline exercise status and weight (82-84).


CRF is an outcome determined by various measures of cardiac and skeletal muscle function. Reductions in CRF are associated with reduced cardiac performance (85,86). Women recently diagnosed with T2D have been shown to have significantly increased pulmonary capillary wedge pressure and abnormal diastolic parameters during exercise compared to healthy control subjects, a finding concerning for subclinical diastolic dysfunction (14,87). Additionally, adolescents with T2D have been shown to have abnormal cardiac circumferential strain (CS), increased indexed LV mass, and decreased CRF compared to obese and lean healthy controls. In this study of youth with T2D, fat mass and low adiponectin correlated with CS and CRF. These associations suggest a role for obesity in cardiac impairment and CRF in T2D (88). In skeletal muscle, Reusch, Regensteiner and colleagues have reported a mismatch between skeletal muscle oxygen extraction, oxidative flux, and VO2peak in individuals with T2D (89,90). Additionally, studies have shown evidence of degradation of the vascular endothelial glycocalyx in individuals with T2D (91). These changes at the muscular level are thought to cause impaired microvascular perfusion, which likely ultimately contributes to decreased CRF in these individuals (92,93). Consistent with a relationship between microvascular dysfunction and fitness, people with diabetes who have developed microvascular complications (retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy with microalbuminuria) have decreased CRF compared to those without these complications (94). Fortunately, certain types of exercise can resolve the T2D associated impairment of skeletal muscle in vivomitochondrial oxidative flux. Scalzo et al showed that single-leg exercise training for 2 weeks increased in vivooxidative flux in participants with T2D but not in matched controls without T2D (95).


In addition to these cardiovascular contributions to impaired exercise function in diabetes, mitochondrial capacity is impaired (96), and mitochondrial content is reduced (97). Observations of an association between insulin sensitivity and exercise capacity (81) may also reflect additional metabolic determinants of exercise impairment beyond impaired muscle perfusion and reduced mitochondrial function. As a proof of concept, the PPARg  insulin sensitizer rosiglitazone has been shown to improve exercise capacity and insulin sensitivity in T2D in a three-month intervention (despite weight gain) (98,99). Improved CRF correlated with an improvement in endothelial function and blood flow (98). In contrast, in men with established coronary artery disease and T2D, a year-long-treatment with rosiglitazone lead to a decrease in CRF related to increased weight and subcutaneous fat mass expansion. Our current interpretation is that insulin action is a modifiable target for augmenting CRF but that currently available insulin sensitizers are not a durable intervention (100).


Exercise can be a cardiovascular stressor, and while chronic exercise is associated with a reduction in cardiovascular risk (101), acute exercise may precipitate events in susceptible individuals (102). Thus, in people at high risk for acute cardiovascular events, some caution is warranted in initiating a new exercise regimen. Low intensity exercise with high consistency may be a safer and more effective strategy than more sporadic, high intensity exercise. A cardiac rehabilitation approach is a great consideration, but not often covered by insurance. Discussion with a provider for people with diabetes prior to initiating an exercise program is recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine, especially if they are currently sedentary or have chronic complications from their diabetes (103). This recommendation is echoed but less formal in the ADA guidelines. In the opinion of these authors, people with diabetes should be encouraged to exercise and to build up to an exercise program. Providers should discuss anginal equivalents, and significant changes in exercise tolerance (for example, change in the distance a person can walk, or fewer flights of stairs) or shortness of breath with exercise as an indication for concern. Since exercise should be a vital sign, these discussions should happen with each clinical encounter. 


Additionally, presence of diabetes complications can be a barrier to exercise (74). There is a high association between diabetes complications and depression (104), which can reduce the desire to perform any activity. Decreased kidney function, such as that seen in diabetic nephropathy, is associated with a higher prevalence of anemia (105) which can make it difficult to exercise due to decreased oxygen delivery. Additionally, diabetic retinopathy with decreased vision, diabetic neuropathy with loss of balance, and diabetic foot ulcers can all pose physical limitations to exercise (106). Weight bearing exercise can increase foot trauma. Therefore, it is important for people with T2D to conduct frequent foot examinations when participating in physical activity. Contact footwear use can reduce rate of foot-related injury (107,108). However, these special considerations can lead to decreased incentive and increased distress when engaging in physical activity.


As may be expected, motivating people with diabetes to exercise regularly is often a considerable challenge in both T1D and T2D. Engaging people with diabetes to exercise generally requires changing ingrained lifestyle habits. Habitual and social barriers to exercise also add to the motivational difficulties of lifestyle-based interventions. Finally, barriers to exercise in T2D may be confounded by socioeconomic class. People with T2D tend to have lower socioeconomic status (109), which is itself associated with less physical activity (110). There is also increased concern for safety in low socioeconomic neighborhoods. Overcoming this array of physiological, psychological, and socioeconomic barriers to regular exercise in people with diabetes requires a nuanced, patient-specific approach. Strategies for motivating patients to engage in regular physical exercise include motivational interviewing (111), community-based interventions (112), group exercise, and surveillance using activity-tracking devices such as pedometers (113). Each of these strategies has been shown to achieve at least modest success, but the increasing prevalence and costs of T2D (114,115) indicate that more work is needed. 



Exercise can be acutely dangerous for people with diabetes who are on certain glucose lowering medications, such as insulin and sulfonylureas medications, as exercise can increase the risk of hypoglycemia in these patients. Hypoglycemia and fear of hypoglycemia with exercise represent real and major considerations for people with diabetes. These considerations are especially relevant to people with T1D, as episodes of severe (and particularly nocturnal) hypoglycemia are associated with large increases in mortality (116), and exercise can precipitate nocturnal hypoglycemia and impaired counterregulatory responses in people with T1D (117,118). This is also a risk, albeit to a lesser extent, for people with T2D on insulin or sulfonylureas (119). Exercise increases both the translocation and expression of GLUT4 (120), thus potentiating the effects of insulin, and greatly increases the metabolic demand for glucose (121). These factors predispose towards hypoglycemia. Exercise can impact glucose homeostasis for up to 48 hours (43). Fear of hypoglycemia is the primary barrier to exercise in people with T1D (12).


Different exercise modalities can cause varied effects on blood glucose in the acute setting. We will discuss simplified differences during a bout of moderate vs vigorous physical activity in the setting of a healthy individual (Figure 2) to contextualize the discussion that follows. The uptake of blood glucose by skeletal muscle increases with increasing intensity and duration of physical activity. With moderate activity, the fall in plasma glucose from muscle glucose uptake is coordinated with a fall in plasma insulin and increase in counterregulatory hormones, particularly glucagon, that help mobilize glucose (122). With vigorous activity, the distinction is that there is an exercise stimulated surge of counterregulatory hormones, independent of plasma glucose level, and this can stimulate an acute increase in plasma glucose (123). People with diabetes who are treated with insulin lose the ability to physiologically decrease circulating insulin with exercise and can have an impaired ability to augment secretion of glucagon, cortisol, growth hormone and catecholamines with exercise; factors that particularly predispose them to hypoglycemia. Post bout, muscle glycogen depletion from physical activity will lead to increased skeletal muscle glucose uptake for glycogen repletion and this increased insulin-independent glucose clearance contributes to a decrease in plasma glucose (124) (Figure 3).

Figure 2. Glucose homeostasis during a bout of moderate vs. vigorous physical activity.

Figure 3. Glucose homeostasis following a bout of physical activity.


In the literature, aerobic and resistance exercise are often compared as activities that have differing effects on hypoglycemia. The aerobic exercise regimens specified in the studies presented here are of moderate intensity and can be conceptualized as a moderate bout of physical activity and the resistance exercise regimens can be conceptualized as a vigorous bout. Yardley et al showed that resistance exercise tends to cause an acute increase in blood glucose superimposed with a subsequent increase in insulin sensitivity, whereas aerobic exercise causes a larger initial decrease in blood glucose but somewhat less sustained hypoglycemic effect. However, resistance exercise was associated with overall less blood glucose variability post-exercise (125). Additionally, a HIIT session is less likely to cause hypoglycemia compared to moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (126). There is also evidence that performing resistance exercise prior to aerobic exercise can also lead to decreased glucose variability during exercise and attenuate post-exercise hypoglycemia (127). The optimal duration, intensity, and order of specific types of physical activities to prevent hypoglycemia in patients with T1D is the subject of continued research. Steineck et al found that the time patients with T1D spent in hypoglycemia over a 5-day period was similar if they exercised 5 consecutive days, consisting of 4 minutes of resistance training followed by 30 minutes of aerobic training per session, or if they exercised 2 days in this 5-day period and performed 10 minutes of resistance training followed by 75 minutes of aerobic exercise each session (128). Much like all aspects of diabetes management, the way an individual responds to exercise can be anticipated based on the literature, however, each individual will need to measure their blood glucose pre- and post- exercise for 4-24 hours post bout to understand their needs. Other factors such as sleep, stress, general physical fitness, and prior exercise training can all impact the glucose response to an exercise bout.


Beyond the features of a session of exercise, the cornerstone of mitigating the risk of exercise induced hypoglycemia in patients who are on multiple daily injections of insulin or insulin pumps without hybrid closed loop features, includes insulin dose reduction and consumption of carbohydrates. Consensus recommendations consist of complex and personalized algorithms, but some generalizations are to reduce pre-exercise meal bolus within 90 minutes before aerobic exercise by 30-50% and to consume 30-60gm of high glycemic index carbohydrates per hour of sport. Post-exercise recommendations are especially important for afternoon and evening exercise as nocturnal hypoglycemia occurs commonly in individuals with T1D and this risk is increased with exercise that is done later in the day. Some recommendations are to decrease the bolus for the meal after exercise by 50% and reduce basal rate by 20% for 6 hours at bedtime if exercise occurred in the afternoon (129).


Hybrid closed loop (HCL) systems are becoming more widely available and used in practice. They require clinicians to modify recommendations for exercise to account for the principles that affect a specific system’s automated insulin delivery algorithms. One clear advantage of HCL systems in this context is that they have a predictive low glucose suspend feature that suspends insulin delivery when a low glucose is predicted in the next 30 minutes (130). An adage that does need to be re-examined for HCL is one described in the previous paragraph wherein patients may eat uncovered carbohydrate snacks or partially covered meals prior to exercise. In HCL systems, the rise in glucose from eating uncovered carbohydrates prior to exercise can lead to an increase in automated insulin delivery (130) and in our clinical experience, extra insulin on board can then sometimes precipitate hypoglycemia with exercise. More research is needed in this arena. One main strategy that is agreed upon to use for hypoglycemia prevention with HCL is to increase the target glucose for a session of exercise. Some systems call this a “temporary target” while in others, an increased target is embedded into their “exercise mode”. Based upon personalized factors, the increased target should be set anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours prior to initiating physical activity and it should remain on for the duration of the activity and in some situations, up to a few hours afterwards (130). In a study of patients with T1D placed on HCL, their target was increased from 2 hours prior to exercise initiation to 15 minutes after. They engaged in either HIIT or moderate intensity exercise in a cross-over study design and only 1 of 12 participants experienced hypoglycemia and it was during their session of moderate intensity exercise. Time spent in hypoglycemia for 24 hours afterwards measured by continuous glucose monitors was minimal in both groups (0 and 0.4% respectively for HIIT and moderate intensity) (131). Tagougui et al studied adults with T1D using a HCL system during 60 minutes of 60% VO2 peak exercise who were randomized to either 1) increase target glucose level and reduce their meal bolus by 33% 90 minutes before exercise 2) increase target glucose but take a full meal bolus 90 minutes before exercise or 3) not change target glucose and take a full meal bolus. The increased target was maintained until 1 hour after exercise. During exercise and the 1-hour recovery period, time spent in hypoglycemia was significantly reduced in both groups 1 and 2 compared to 3 and there was a trend towards less time in hypoglycemia in group 1 vs group 2 (p=0.06) but at the expense of 24.6% more time in hyperglycemia (132).




According to the IDF Diabetes Atlas, the prevalence of diabetes in adult women in 2021 was 10.2%, compared to 10.8% of men worldwide (133). When adjusted for associated risk factors, women with diabetes have a higher incidence of CVD death and congestive heart failure compared to men (134). Excess CVD in women with T2D correlates with increased adiposity and CVD risk factor burden present in T2D women (135,136).


Additionally, based on National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys between 2007 and 2016, girls and women with T2D have lower physical activity levels than men across all age groups and settings (137). This observation may be due to barriers to exercise, as mentioned above. Of importance, there are sex differences in barriers to exercise as well (138). Women are more likely than men to consider activities of daily living as exercise when referring to physical activity behavior. They are also more likely to report decreased knowledge or skills associated with physical activity (139). Additional barriers for exercise specific to women include decreased perceived neighborhood safety and decreased perceived easy access to locations for physical activity (140). Women also had less self-efficacy, i.e. successful execution of a physical activity behavioral change, than men for participating in physical activity when other common barriers emerged (e.g. time constraints, bad weather) (139). In a meta-analysis of T2D across the lifespan it was shown that across all ages, males participated in more moderate and vigorous activity than females and in adulthood and late adulthood, men were more likely to achieve physical activity recommendations than women (141).


Furthermore, women with T2D have a more pronounced exercise impairment in cardiorespiratory fitness then men with T2D (84,87). Interestingly, while obese women with T2D have reduced VO2 kinetics when compared with controls, there is no difference in impairments based on menopausal status (142). The mechanism behind these differences and how it relates to insulin-mediated cardiac and skeletal muscle perfusion impairments is currently being studied.




Exercise is an important therapy in prevention and treatment of diabetes. At the same time, this is easier said than done, especially given the barriers to exercise that individuals with diabetes must overcome. These barriers are further complicated by sex differences, with sex also affecting prognosis with a diabetes diagnosis. The etiology of diabetes-related decreases in cardiorespiratory fitness is not yet fully understood; further research is being undertaken in this area to address potential therapeutic targets. Given the discussed correlation between CRF and morbidity and mortality, such an approach could aid in reduction of disability and mortality associated with diabetes. Additionally, a better strategy is needed to measure response to exercise therapy to aid in modification of a regimen to ensure continuous benefit. Given the high heterogeneity in response to exercise, other genetic and environmental components may be responsible. Further research on genetic contributions to exercise response is needed. Ultimately, future therapy will need to be more personalized such that every individual with diabetes receives a specific prescription for exercise based on factors such as sex, diabetes type and duration, comorbidities, genetic background and exercise phenotype, and environment.




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Endocrine testing for the Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion (SIADH)



The diagnosis of Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion (SIADH) relies on an adequate assessment of a hyponatremic state (that is a serum sodium level <136 mmol/l) and on the exclusion of other causative conditions leading to an appropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). The understanding of mechanisms involved in pathological ADH secretion is essential for diagnosis and therapy. Although some forms are due to dysregulation in central nervous system regulation, other forms are dependent on diseases in peripheral organs and structures including ADH-producing/secreting neuroendocrine tumors, while others are induced by drugs. ADH regulation is closely linked to other systems such as the sympathetic nervous system via and baroreflex regulation. Patients with hyponatremia should be assessed carefully whether or not neurological symptoms exist. Further, assessment of volume status is needed. Based on symptoms and volume status, the need for intensive-care monitoring is determined. In parallel, laboratory findings of blood and urine must be analyzed appropriately. It is important to demonstrate true hyponatremia, which is paralleled by a decrease in serum osmolality. Mandatory laboratory diagnostic steps comprise the determination of blood and urine electrolytes and serum and urine osmolality, analysis of thyroid, adrenocortical, and kidney function as well as uric acid. Different test results such as a high fractional uric acid excretion may hint to an existing SIADH. Assessment of urine osmolality and urine sodium concentration and intravascular volume level may allow for further discrimination and may be indicative for a specific underlying disorder, causing SIADH. Brain volume changes (“hydrocephalus ex vacuo”) may depend on age rendering the elderly more tolerant to acute or chronic serum sodium changes. The course of incident hyponatremia, if documented, may affect therapy. A serum sodium drop within less than 48 hours is considered acute hyponatremia. A rapid bolus of 100 to 150 ml of intravenous 3% hypertonic saline is appropriate to avoid catastrophic outcomes in severe cases of acute symptomatic hyponatremia.




“Antidiuretic hormone” or “arginine vasopressin” (AVP) is physiologically released into the blood stream upon increases of plasma osmolality. AVP, a nine-amino-acid peptide, originates in the supraophthalmic nucleus (SON) of the hypothalamus and is directly regulated by plasma osmolality detected via a splice variant of the capsaicin receptor, the transient receptor potential vanilloid type-1 (Trpv1) receptor (1). AVP is axonally transported to the posterior pituitary and released into the blood upon respective stimulation. AVP regulation is, however, more complex than a mere response to changes of plasma osmolality. In fact, hypovolemia enhances AVP release upon increases of plasma osmolality. Conversely, hypervolemia attenuates AVP release for given increases of plasma osmolality.

In patients with “Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion” or SIADH, the cornerstone of diagnosis is hyponatremia (Na<136 mmol/l) (2) in a state of euvolemia, i.e. absence of either over- or dehydration. SIADH-related hyponatremia is caused by excess water reabsorption due to inappropriately high levels of AVP. Specifically, AVP binds to stimulatory G-protein-coupled vasopressin V2-receptors of the basolateral membrane of collecting-duct cells, thereby increasing the intracellular cAMP level, which, in turn, activates Aquaporin-2 channels of the brush-border membrane or urine side of the collecting-duct principal cells. AVP action results in a reduced free-water clearance resulting in a more concentrated urine and total-body water (TBW) expansion. AVP-mediated TBW expansion mediates sympathoinhibition (Figure 1).


Figure 1. Role of AVP in regulation of sympathetic tone. AVP translates into sympathoinhibition (Figure amended from (3) ).


In addition, AVP-induced TBW expansion translates into plasma-solute dilution leading to hyponatremia. Thereby, plasma osmolality (OSM) is decreased given the fact that sodium strongly determines OSM according to the following equation:  


OSM (calculated) = 2 x Na (mmol/l) + Glucose (mmol/l) + Urea (mmol/l) 


Besides AVP actions on OSM, AVP also enhances endothelial-cell synthesis and the release of von-Willebrand Factor, thereby affecting hemostasis (4). This AVP effect on hemostasis is therapeutically used in bleeding disorders involving Factor VIII or von-Willebrand factor deficiency (5, 6).


SIADH may be viewed as a primary central-nervous system dysregulation of OSM and/or thirst. The etiology still is incompletely understood. Alternatively, SIADH may relate to baroreceptor unloading due to clinically inapparent hypovolemia or, hypothetically, to carotid-artery atherosclerosis affecting baroreflex regulation (7). This alternative route of increased AVP release may ultimately translate into the clinical picture of SIADH. Generally, less wall distension of the carotid arterial walls and/or the aortic arch may lead to a decrease of arterial baroreceptor-related afferent autonomic nerve traffic to the rostral ventrolateral medulla and nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) translating into less sympathoinhibition (sympathoexcitation) and to an increased release of AVP (8) (Figure 2).


Figure 2. Baroreflex regulation and SIADH: arterial hypotension lowers baroreflex-mediated afferent nerve traffic to the nucleus tractus solitarii leading to an elevated efferent sympathetic nerve activity and increased AVP release.


Lastly, hypovolemia-related cardiopulmonary (CP) reflex deactivation mediated by less wall distension of the right atrial wall and pulmonary veins may increase plasma AVP leading to SIADH (9, 10). Conversely, CP reflex activation mediated by more right-atrial wall distension e.g. after body immersion in water is able to decrease plasma AVP (11).


The term “primary SIADH” is used for all above-mentioned causes involving a known or suspected dysregulation of OSM and/or circulating-blood volume. The term “secondary SIADH” is attributed to pituitary-independent causes of AVP increases, e.g., in hormone-active neoplasms such as small-cell lung cancer. In addition, a drug-induced type of SIADH is detailed here.




Both moderate and especially severe hyponatremia (Na < 125 mmol/l) found in newly admitted hospital patients is linked with a significantly elevated in-hospital mortality of 28% compared to 9% in-hospital mortality in normonatremic, matched control patients (12). Mortality, in fact, increases when serum Na levels are below 137 mmol/L (13). While (neurological) symptoms of hyponatremia such as gait disturbances, cognitive dysfunction and dizziness may lead to falls leading to subsequent injuries requiring medical care, either preceding symptom may be subtle and difficult to diagnose. Therefore, hyponatremia often is overseen or not given full attention. Furthermore, if hyponatremia is diagnosed, it is regularly classified to be asymptomatic. Diagnostic differentiation remains absent or incomplete. Thus, underlying reasons often remain obscure (14). However, cognitive and/or geriatric functional tests regularly reveal a significant impairment in states of hyponatremia.


Clearly, symptoms of hyponatremia depend on the time elapsed since the start of hyponatremia development. Hyponatremia developing in less than 48 hours may already present with severe symptoms which are mainly caused by cerebral edema and a high intracranial pressure. These include epileptic convulsions, a pronounced somnolence or coma, vomiting and/or a compromised respiratory regulation. Symptoms like headache or modest nausea generally reflect a rather moderate severity.


In patients with acute hyponatremia, a brief patient history and a physical examination should be performed (Table 1). In cases of a rather slowly developing or chronic hyponatremia, intracellular regulations such as decreased uptake of taurin aim to adapt to the decreased extracellular osmolality. Therefore, those patients may show very subtle or even no clinical alterations. Taurin is an endogenous amino acid that mediates cellular adaptation to hyperosmotic stress (15).

Table 1. Anamnestic Factors and Conditions Responsible for the Occurrence of an Acute Hyponatremic State (<48h)

Medical interventions:

General post-operative phase

Resection of the prostate

Exercise (e.g., long distance run) with increased and rapid fluid (water) intake

Extended sauna visit

Polydipsia (transient)

Severe pain attacks (including concomitant pharmacotherapy)

Initiation of new drugs

e.g., thiazides, terlipressin, psychiatric medication

For the diagnosis of SIADH, the first diagnostic step, hyponatremia needs to be ascertained. False laboratory “measurements” of serum Na+ comprise primarily a hyperglycemic state. According to Hillier et al (16) an estimation of the true sodium concentration in serum can be drawn from the formula:


Corrected (Na+) = Measured (Na+) + 2.4 x (glucose (mg/dl) - 100 mg/dl)/100mg/dl


For example, a serum glucose level of 400 mg/dl with a measured serum sodium of 120 mmol/l corresponds to a true sodium value of 127 mmol/l (16).


Likewise, pseudohyponatremia may occur in patients with paraproteinemia, e.g. multiple-myeloma patients (17).


Another pitfall with serum sodium is the mode of its determination: the usual method involves ion-selective electrodes, not flame-photometric determination and may yield occasionally “diluted” Na+ levels (elevated triglyceride levels, paraproteinemia). Measured, not calculated serum osmolality may help discriminate true from pseudohyponatremia: true hyponatremia associates with a decreased serum osmolality.


True-hyponatremic patients are regularly identified at hospital admission, e.g., in the emergency room. However, a large number of hospitalized patients have or develop either mild (Na 131 – 136 mmol/l), moderate (Na 126 – 130 mmol/l) or severe (Na <125 mmol/l) hyponatremia after admission during the hospital stay. Although many hyponatremic patients will present with chronic hyponatremia, however, some patients present with a proven acute hyponatremia. Since acute hyponatremia means an incomplete adjustment of the difference in osmolality between plasma (extracellular space) and intracellular cell space of tissues and organs such as the brain, a 48-hours threshold to discern acute from chronic hyponatremia appears reasonable. However, in everyday practice, this discrimination might not be feasible due to a lack of documentation of serum sodium levels in newly hospitalized patients.


As an important step in the approach to the hyponatremic patient is to determine volume status. Accordingly, a state of overhydration characterized by the presence of peripheral edema needs to be ruled out. Hyponatremia accompanied by peripheral edema, anasarca, jugular vein distension in absence of a significant tricuspid-valve regurgitation, dyspnea, and/or signs of a lung fluid or pulmonary edema on the chest radiograph are not consistent with the diagnosis of SIADH. Here, underlying diseases such as chronic heart failure should be diagnosed and addressed. Likewise, hyponatremia in a state of hypovolemia needs to be excluded. In exsiccosis, e.g., due to diuretics, both water and solutes may be lost. Hypovolemia triggers sympathoactivation via CP and baroreflex leading to an appropriate ADH release.


In patients presenting with hyponatremia in a state of euvolemia, i.e., absence of overhydration or exsiccosis, the diagnosis of SIADH should be considered, after excluding conditions such as chronic heart failure. A known and medically treated chronic heart failure condition may present as a hypervolemic, euvolemic or – when vigorously treated – hypovolemic state. Both, chronic heart failure and liver cirrhosis are characterized by arterial underfilling and, hence, activation of both the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and antidiuretic hormone leading to both sodium chloride retention and water retention. The net effect may be hyponatremia, if AVP stimulation dominates. Thus, urine-sodium measurements in 24-hours urine collection may prove the presence of a sodium-sparing disorder, thereby rendering SIADH unlikely.


A useful algorithm to approach hyponatremia is depicted in Figure 3.


Figure 3. Approach to the patient with hyponatremia (adapted and modified from (18), with permission).


In the clinical assessment, euvolemic patients suspected to have primary SIADH often show a slight weight gain by 5 – 10 % of body weight and/or a worsened condition of arterial hypertension, and urine output is normal or slightly reduced. In secondary, neoplasm-associated SIADH, however, an unexplained weight loss and/or state of cachexia may prompt further diagnostics including chest radiograph and thoracic computed tomography scan, if deemed necessary.


It is crucial to assess and to treat infections effectively, since they may establish or worsen a tendency to hyponatremia.


To correctly evaluate laboratory results besides aspects of methodology, diuretics,

especially thiazides, should be discontinued, and nutritional sodium chloride intake should not exceed 5 – 6 g per day.




The diagnostic, step-wise approach for evaluating hyponatremia in euvolemic patients is detailed below:


1st Step


Here, a laboratory work-up (Table 2) is proposed to establish a preliminary diagnosis being consistent with SIADH.


Table 2. Laboratory Work-Up for SIADH



SIADH Diagnosis







Uric acid

Thyroid hormones




<136 mmol/l













Uric acid



>100 mosm/kg

> 30 mmol/l

Normal or Low




As a diagnostic cornerstone of SIADH diagnosis, determination of fractional uric-acid excretion has recently emerged (SIADH increased). Fenske et al. (19) confirmed earlier reports demonstrating fractional uric-acid excretion (cut-off greater than 12 %) to rule out hyponatremic states with reduced extracellular fluid volume, e.g. due to diuretics (Figure 4).


Figure 4. Calculation of fractional uric acid excretion.

There is sometimes debate on whether measurements of AVP in the plasma are helpful or not for diagnosis of SIADH or other hyponatremic circumstances. There are, however; multiple obstacles rendering AVP determination and interpretation difficult. Only a few laboratories provide tests with good sensitivity, since AVP is very unstable when isolated from plasma and binds to other structures. A potential alternative is the more stable copeptin, also called C-terminal proarginine vasopressin, which is generated by enzymatic cleavage of the vasopressin prohormone. Strikingly, SIADH patients were shown to have an elevated plasma copeptin (20). As an additional way to diagnose SIADH, correlation of plasma copeptin with changes in plasma osmolality (step 2, step 3) can be used (21). Furthermore, a hypertonic (3%) saline test has been proposed for SIADH (20). However, this test strategy still needs to be validated.


2nd Step


Administration of 500 ml saline (NaCl 0.9 %) is regarded as an empiric, first-line therapeutic and diagnostic measure. Especially when arterial underfilling and baroreflex and/or CP reflex deactivation are thought to be relevant, i.v. saline corrects the initial disturbance that led to hyponatremia/SIADH. This relates, strictly speaking, to volume regulation and respective reflex stimulation. Isotonic saline may not resolve hyponatremia in cases of ongoing urine concentration with urine osmolality exceeding 400 mosm/kg.


In addition, a water-load test as described in, NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY, HYPOTHALAMUS, AND PITUITARY may be performed the next morning under utmost scrutiny and precaution, in the hospital. The water-load test relates to the fact that normal subjects excrete 78-82% of the ingested water load within 4 hours due to AVP suppression. In patients with SIADH, the expected urine amount within 4 hours is reduced to 30-40%. However, the test involves a massive water intake in a short period of time and, therefore, is not considered a safe procedure for the majority of patients for the following three reasons:

  • In SIADH patients, a relative intravascular overhydration will be enhanced.
  • An underlying cardiac co-morbidity may be adversely affected.
  • The water challenge may worsen the hyponatremia increasing the 

 risk of symptoms such as epileptic convulsions.


In the majority of patients with hyponatremia suspected to have SIADH, this test can be replaced by the following 3rdand 4th diagnostic step (below). The water-load test only adds information in hospitalized individuals free of cardiac conditions presenting with rather mild hyponatremia in whom the 4th step usually will not be performed. Again, the physician has to weigh risks and benefits of this water challenge versus alternate diagnostic steps (step 3, step 4 below).


3rd Step


A balanced fluid-intake restriction (500 ml/day) is able to correct hyponatremia over the next 3 to 4 days with an aimed plasma-sodium increase of 0.5 mmol/l/h or less than 10 mmol/l/day. Most patient do not tolerate a very strict fluid intake reduction.


4th Step


If step 1 – step 3 did not lead to an improvement of hyponatremia, therapy with an antagonist of the vasopressin V2-receptors, e.g. tolvaptan, for four days should be instituted (22) with an aimed plasma-sodium increase of 0.5 mmol/l/h or less than 10 mmol/l/day.




SIADH leads to an increase of free-water reabsorption, thereby increasing the circulating blood volume. By virtue of dilution mediated by AVP, both hematocrit and plasma sodium are decreased. Likewise, a decrease of urine output can be found.


In cases of a prolonged, subclinical hypovolemia, baroreflex- and/or CP-reflex unloading stimulates AVP secretion leading to the clinical picture of SIADH. There, discontinuation of diuretics and/or the empirical infusion of 500 ml saline (0.9 %) as outlined above in step 2 may correct such a state of subclinical hypovolemia and lead to an improvement in hyponatremia driven by SIADH.


In assessing key laboratory results including plasma and urine sodium concentration and -osmolality, both the theoretical or calculated OSM should be compared to the actually measured OSM. That way, states of hyponatremia due to uremia or hyperglycemia can be ruled out. In such cases of hyponatremia, high plasma urea or high plasma glucose lead to a rise in OSM prompting a physiologic release of AVP, which, in turn, leads to a plasma-sodium dilution in order to maintain a normal OSM.


Urine sodium within normal range rules out a dietary sodium deficiency or states of increased tubular sodium reabsorption such as in chronic heart failure or liver cirrhosis.


After fulfilling the above-mentioned steps to diagnose SIADH, the following conditions should be separately considered as a possible differential diagnosis:




  • Sodium chloride depletion, low dietary sodium intake regularly is accompanied by hypovolemia, low urine sodium, elevated serum uric acid and serum urea.


  • Anterior-lobe pituitary gland insufficiency often is accompanied with signs and symptoms, and respective laboratory findings indicating hormone deficiencies such as hypothyroidism, hypocortisolism or hypogonadism. In addition, bitemporal hemianopsia and hyperprolactinemia are found in cases of anterior-lobe pituitary tumors as a cause of anterior-lobe pituitary gland insufficiency.


  • Adrenal-gland insufficiency including iatrogenic mineralocorticoid-receptor antagonism (spironolactone/eplerenone) regularly is accompanied by hyperkalemia and hypovolemia.


  • Thiazide diuretics can induce hyponatremia by an AVP-dependent mechanism and by a thiazide-induced increase of water permeability in the medullary collecting duct.


  • Severe hypothyroidism regularly is accompanied by dilutional hyponatremia due to a reduced free-water clearance.


  • Chronic kidney disease: In salt losing nephropathy, a condition that occurs in advanced kidney failure with a GFR below 15 ml/min, hyponatremia is paralleled by hypovolemia. This is a feature classically seen in interstitial kidney disease. On the other hand, many patients with near end-stage renal failure show increased Na excretion to balance body sodium content, but, due to (continuous) reduction in urine production, a diluted urine cannot be achieved, leading to hyponatremia.


  • Acute kidney (transplant) failure without signs of uremia, a water-excretion dysfunction may lead to dilutional hyponatremia.


  • Hyperglycemia or poor diabetes mellitus control may lead to a so-called translational hyponatremia due to intra- to extracellular water shift and consequent plasma sodium dilution (see above).


  • Cerebral salt wasting is an important differential diagnosis to SIADH occurring in cases of aneurysmal subarachnoidal hemorrhage and in other intracranial pathologies. Cerebral salt wasting still is not completely characterized and most likely involves a putative central nervous system-derived factor and/or a sudden decrease of renal sympathetic nerve activity favoring a urinary loss of sodium chloride. Cerebral-salt wasting - associated urinary sodium-chloride loss improves after successful neurosurgical care of the initial intracranial disease condition and may require temporary high amounts of sodium chloride replacement.


  • Overdose of antidiuretic-hormone analogs in cases of known central diabetes insipidus. If the primary physician is unaware of the underlying medical condition, SIADH may be suspected based on laboratory results described above. Patient history including the medication list clarifies the diagnosis.



If left untreated, SIADH may lead to a severe, life-threatening hyponatremia with or without clinically apparent overhydration. Acute complications of SIADH include cerebral edema and epileptic convulsions. SIADH therapy clearly depends on the specific etiology and the severity of symptoms.


Once therapy is initiated, repeat measurements of plasma sodium are mandatory to gauge the therapeutic response, and, most importantly, to ascertain a slow plasma-sodium normalization with a recommended maximum rate of 0.5 mmol/l/h plasma-sodium increase. Again, the delivery of higher concentrated sodium chloride solution is allowed strictly for symptomatic patients. A significant proportion of in-hospital mortality relating to hyponatremia likely is due to a too rapid sodium normalization in long-standing hyponatremia. The consequence of too rapid sodium normalization is the osmotic demyelination syndrome due to a rapid intra- to-extracellular water transfer and subsequent brain swelling that exceeds the percentage of cerebrospinal fluid volume capacity (usually around 8% but higher in elderly with a hydrocephalus ex vacuo).


Besides the therapeutic goal to avoid rapid changes in plasma osmolality, the underlying reason of hyponatremia in SIADH, excess total body water, should be addressed by balanced fluid-intake reduction. All therapeutic interventions discussed here target the consequences of exaggerated AVP secretion rather than sodium-chloride supplementation.


In primary SIADH, plasma-sodium dilution can be addressed by an ongoing fluid-intake restriction of 500-800 ml/day which many patients do not tolerate well.


However, subclinical hypovolemia and ensuing baroreflex and CP reflex suppression leading to AVP stimulation should be kept in mind. Addressing arterial hypotension and/or central-venous hypotension is effective in lowering AVP in plasma. At the same time, fluid-intake restriction may appear contradictory. Even though fluid-intake restriction appears to be a proven measure in terms of attenuation of AVP consequences, it is the clinician`s judgement to test both interventions and compare the best results in terms of a slow plasma-sodium increase.


In secondary SIADH, identification of the neoplasm is the goal. A thorough tumor search using positron-emission tomography and computed tomography is warranted to further determine the underlying pathology and, if applicable, consider all options of curative therapy. Chemotherapy, surgical and/or radiation therapy of malignancies with AVP activity represent definitive therapeutic approaches. On clinical grounds, neoplasm-associated, secondary SIADH often requires V2-receptor antagonism therapy until a specific oncologic care plan is employed. This might be especially true while performing cytostatic therapy cycles with increased intravenously administered fluid volumes. However, to date, no survival benefit has been demonstrated in favor of V2-receptor antagonism in oncologic care of patients with secondary, neoplasm-associated SIADH.


Besides malignancies, infections such as tuberculosis have been associated with occurrence of SIADH (24).



Only if there are severe symptoms related hyponatremia, is it advised to administer a small amount of a hypertonic NaCl-solution for a very short period of time. In practice, this must be accomplished with closely monitored sodium concentration measurements which can be accomplished on a regular ward rather than in the intensive care unit, especially when considering the urgency. 150 ml of a 3% saline solution can be infused over 20 minutes. If the symptoms do not ameliorate with this management, the infusion with 100 ml of 3% hypertonic saline can be repeated every 30 minutes until the target serum Na is reached (usually 5-8 mmol increase from baseline). Above all, a 5 mmol/l increase in serum sodium concentration should not be exceeded within the first hour. These recommendations have also been summarized in recent guideline reports (18).


The management after relief of the symptoms should be focused on a careful administration of 0.9% (only) sodium chloride solution. Independently of the initial rise in serum sodium concentration by the above measures, the maximal rise within the first 24 hours should not exceed 10 mmol/l. In some cases of overcorrection, desmopressin can be administered (13, 23). In terms of reaching a sodium goal within a short time, a rapid intermittent bolus infusion of hypertonic solution is preferred to a slow continuous infusion (25).


Drug-Induced SIADH


Drugs (see Table in Ref. 18) such as vincristine, vinblastine, cyclophosphamide, carbamazepine, tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (e.g., citalopram), oxytocin, opiates, barbiturates, and nicotine may cause SIADH. Either they enhance ADH release, are analogues of ADH, or they amplify the renal effects of ADH. However, for some drugs, the mechanism remains unclear. If applicable, a suspected drug should be discontinued with close supervision of plasma sodium levels. Once hyponatremia improves after cessation of a specific drug, drug-induced SIADH is likely. However, unless re-exposure takes place, drug- induced SIADH is not proven.


Primary and Secondary SIADH


In both primary and secondary SIADH or in euvolemic, hyponatremic patients with suspected SIADH without a therapeutic effect of fluid-intake restriction, the lowest recommended standard dose of a vasopressin V2-receptor blocker, e.g., Tolvaptan, should be administered orally. Besides the diagnostic approach outlined above as step 4, empiric V2-receptor antagonism represents a rescue therapy and is suitable to gain time needed to perform further diagnostics and therapies in (suspected) SIADH.


Low-dose Tolvaptan therapy was shown to significantly improve hyponatremia (by 3 – 4 mmol/l) within 4 days when compared to placebo (26, 27). Alternatively, conivaptan (approved for SIADH in the United States) has a broader target than its competitors tolvaptan or mozavaptan. Conivaptan selectively targets the V1a and V2 receptors. Conivaptan can be administered intravenously in patients who are unable to take drugs orally. In addition, conivaptan has a longer bioavailability than newer vaptans including tolvaptan (28). In a large proportion of SIADH patients, whether or not the underlying circumstances leading to SIADH are known, fluid-intake restriction controls hyponatremia attributed to SIADH. It is important to note, that with the use of higher daily  tolvaptan dosages, the risk of liver injury may increase, as revealed in a recent study in which vaptans were tested to treat autosomal-polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) (29).


In essence, V2-receptor antagonism remains both a diagnostic and a therapeutic tool for SIADH when applied under scrutiny and for a limited period of time. To date, data on long-term use of V2-receptor blockers have not been published, especially for the use of a combined V1a-V2 receptor blockade. V2 antagonists that have been used for the treatment of SIADH are listed in Table 3. The fact that hyponatremia may reoccur shortly after V2-receptor-blocker discontinuation emphasizes the need to identify the underlying cause of SIADH in order to devise a definitive therapy.


Table 3. V2 Receptor Antagonists


Route of administration

Receptor affinity








(26, 27)




(only approved in Japan)





(only approved in U.S.A.)


      V2  /V1A

(28, 33)

In parenthesis: limited or no availability.




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Cryptorchidism and Hypospadias



Undescended testis (UDT) is a common abnormality, affecting about 1/20 males at birth. Half of these have delayed testicular descent, with the testis in the scrotum by 10-12 weeks after term. Beyond this spontaneous descent is rare. Current treatment recommendations are that UDT beyond 3 months of age need surgery before 12 months of age. Some children have scrotal testes in infancy but develop UDT later in childhood because the spermatic cord does not elongate with age, leaving the testes behind as the scrotum moves further from the groin with growth of the pelvis. This is now known as ascending/acquired cryptorchidism, and orchidopexy is controversial. Many authors recommend surgery once the testes no longer reside spontaneously in the scrotum, but some groups recommend conservative treatment. The fetal testis descends in 2 separate hormonal and anatomical steps, with the first step occurring between 8-15 weeks’ gestation. Insulin-like hormone 3 (INSL3) from developing Leydig cells stimulates the genito-inquinal ligament, or gubernaculum, to swell where it ends in the inguinal area of the abdominal wall. This holds the testis near the future inguinal canal as the fetal abdomen enlarges. By contrast, in female fetuses, lack of INSL3 allows the gubernaculum to elongate into a round ligament and lets the ovary move away from the groin. The second or inguinoscrotal phase is controlled by androgen and occurs between 25-35 weeks’ gestation, where the gubernaculum and testis migrate together to the scrotum. Androgens guide this complex process, both directly and indirectly via a neurotransmitter, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), released from the genitofemoral nerve. After migration is complete the proximal processus vaginalis closes (preventing inguinal hernia) and then the fibrous remnant disappears completely, allowing the spermatic cord to elongate with age, to keep the testis scrotal. The transabdominal phase is a simple mechanical process, and abnormalities are uncommon, with intra-abdominal testes found in 5-10% of boys with UDT. Anomalies of the complex inguinoscrotal phase account for most UDT seen clinically. The undescended testis suffers heat stress when not at the lower scrotal temperature (33 degrees Celsius), interfering with testicular physiology and development of germ cells into spermatogonia. UDT interrupts transformation of neonatal gonocytes into type-A spermatogonia, the putative spermatogenic stem cells at 3-9 months of age. Recent evidence suggests orchidopexy between 6-12 months improves germ cell development, with early reports of improved fertility, but little evidence yet for changes in malignancy prognosis. Hypospadias is also a common abnormality in newborn males, affecting about 1/150 boys. Androgens control masculinization of the genital tubercle into penis between 8-12 weeks’ gestation, with tubularization of the urethra from the perineum to the tip of the glans. If this process is disrupted hypospadias occurs, with a variable proximal urethral meatus, failed ventral preputial development producing a dorsal hood, and discrepancy in the ventral versus dorsal penile length, causing a ventral bend in the penis, known as chordee. Surgery to correct hypospadias is recommended between 6-18 months, as technical advances now allow operation to be done before the infant acquires long-term memory of the surgery. Severe hypospadias overlaps with disorders of sex development (DSD), so that babies without a fused scrotum containing 2 testes and who present with ‘hypospadias’ need full DSD investigations at birth.




Undescended testis, or "cryptorchidism", is a very common anomaly in male infants and pre-adolescent boys, with about 1 in 20 boys undergoing treatment by the time they reach puberty. Not only is it prevalent, but also there remain unresolved questions about prognosis in adult life. It is not known yet whether the dramatic changes in the recommended age for surgery (from 15 years of age in the 1950’s, to six months old now) (1-4) will decrease the risk of infertility or testicular cancer. However, current treatment is based on the assumption that early surgery will prevent germ cell degeneration during childhood, leading to improved fertility and fewer tumors (5, 6).


Our understanding of the embryology has advanced rapidly in recent years, with new theories and experimental evidence supporting a complex anatomical process controlled directly and indirectly by hormones (7, 8). The classification of cryptorchidism also is changing, with the recent recognition of acquired anomalies (9, 10). With so much change in the way we view and treat cryptorchidism, endocrinologists will need to keep checking on the evolving controversies described in this chapter.




The testes descend prenatally from their initial intra-abdominal location on the urogenital ridge into the low-temperature environment of the scrotum via a complex multi-stage mechanism (11).  Prior to 7-8 weeks of development, the gonadal position is similar in both sexes.  With the onset of sexual differentiation, the fetal testis begins producing anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH; also called Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS)) from the Sertoli cells, as well as androgen and insulin-like hormone 3 (INSL3) from the Leydig cells. These hormones are involved in controlling descent of the male gonad, which is held by two thickenings in the mesentery, the cranial suspensory ligament at the upper pole, and the genito-inguinal ligament, or “gubernaculum”, at the lower pole (12).


During the initial (transabdominal) phase of descent, regression of the cranial ligament and thickening of the gubernaculum allows the testis to be held near the inguinal region (13).  By contrast, in the female the cranial ligament persists while the gubernaculum remains thin and elongates, which together hold the ovary higher on the posterior abdominal wall as the fetal abdomen enlarges. The inguinal canal forms by the abdominal wall muscles developing around the caudal, gelatinous end of the gubernaculum, which initially ends at the future external inguinal ring.  By 15 weeks the testis is attached by a short, stout and gelatinous gubernaculum to the future internal inguinal ring, while the ovary is higher in the pelvis (14).


In mid gestation a diverticulum of the peritoneal membrane, known as the processus vaginalis, begins to elongate within the gubernaculum, which retains a central connection (known as the gubernacular cord) with the epididymal tail and the lower pole of the testis. The caudal end of the gubernaculum grows out of the abdominal wall and elongates towards the scrotum, extending the processus vaginalis eventually to the scrotum. Between 25-30 weeks’ gestation the testis descends rapidly through the inguinal canal, and then more slowly across the pubic region and into the scrotum, with descent within this peritoneal diverticulum complete by 35 weeks. After the testis reaches the scrotum, two further anatomical events complete the inguinoscrotal phase, the first of which is obliteration of the proximal processus vaginalis (15). The second event is involution of the gelatinous gubernacular bulb and its anchoring to the inside of the scrotum.  The former process prevents inguinal hernia or hydrocele and the latter process prevents extravaginal or perinatal torsion of the testis (6).


Figure 1. The embryological stages of testicular descent and the postnatal growth required to keep the testis in the scrotum.


The two main phases of descent appear to be controlled independently by hormones.  (Fig. 1). INSL3 is the major factor controlling gubernacular enlargement (16-18) and androgen, particularly DHT, and AMH appear to play minor roles in this "swelling reaction" of the gubernaculum (19-22).  Under the influence of the hormones mentioned above, the caudal end of the gubernaculum, where it attaches to the inguinal abdominal wall, enlarges by proliferation of the embryonic mesenchyme and deposition of extracellular matrix.  Androgens also are responsible for regression of the cranial suspensory ligament, but they are not sufficient alone for transabdominal descent. The phase of gubernacular migration is controlled both directly and indirectly by androgens, with the aid of the genitofemoral nerve (GFN) releasing calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) (23, 24).  Androgens act during a critical time window to regulate gubernacular development (25).  Recent evidence suggests that the androgen receptors controlling this masculinization of the GFN may not be in the nerve itself, but in the target organ, the inguinoscrotal fat pad in the  mammary line (26) .  The number of sensory neurons and the amount of CGRP in the genitofemoral nerve of rats are significantly less after exposure to the anti-androgen, flutamide, consistent with androgens stimulating structural and functional changes in the nerve. The nerve is proposed to orient the direction of gubernacular migration, while the physical force needed for elongation of the processus vaginalis is probably provided by intra-abdominal pressure (27). CGRP released from the nerve stimulates mitosis and cremaster muscle development in the gubernacular tip, enabling elongation to the scrotum (16). Estrogens have a minor inhibitory role in normal gubernacular development, but estrogenic endocrine disruptors may be responsible in larger doses for cryptorchidism secondary to suppression of the "swelling reaction" by inhibition of INSL3.


The trigger that initiates active migration of the caudal tip of the gubernaculum may come from the inguinoscrotal fat pad in the mammary line (28), as the androgen receptors are present in the mammary line mesenchyme but not in the adjacent gubernaculum during the critical window of androgenic programming in rodents (25, 29).  The gubernaculum has a surprisingly close link with the embryonic breast in normal marsupials as well as in eutherian animal models, such as the rat and mouse, especially after they have been exposed to the antiandrogen, flutamide (30, 31).


The primitive mammary line is in continuity with the apical ectodermal ridges of the upper and lower limb buds, and hence is likely to contain similar activated signaling systems as seen in limb bud development (32).  These signals are likely to initiate outgrowth of the gubernaculum from the abdominal wall, so that it can migrate to the scrotum.




Any anomaly in either the hormonal control or the anatomical processes in normal testicular descent will cause cryptorchidism (33). Hormonal defects in INSL3, AMH or androgenic action are identified only rarely, suggesting that mechanical anomalies may be more common.  Those patients with hormonal defects may present with rare disorders of sexual development (DSD) with cryptorchidism as part of the complex genital anomaly. The first or transabdominal phase involves little movement of the testis and this may explain the low frequency (5-10%) of intra-abdominal testes.  As the gubernacular swelling reaction holds the testis close to the inguinal canal while other structures grow further away, the transabdominal phase is only relative movement of the testis and hence less likely to be abnormal.  By contrast, the inguinoscrotal migration phase requires very significant mechanical and anatomical re-arrangements, and consequently, anomalies are common: over 60% of testes are found just outside the external inguinal ring, consistent with anomalous or arrested gubernacular migration. Transient deficiency of androgen production in utero,perhaps related to deficiency of gonadotropin production by the fetal pituitary or the placenta (34), may account for some, particularly where there is intra-uterine growth retardation. Anomalies of the genitofemoral nerve also may cause undescended testes. For example, perineal testes may be caused by an anomalous location of the genitofemoral nerve (35).


Inherited syndromes frequently are associated with cryptorchidism. Hypothalamic dysfunction, connective tissue disorders, neurogenic (e.g., spina bifida), and mechanical anomalies (e.g., arthrogryposis multiplex congenita) may all cause disruption in testicular descent (36-38).  Cryptorchidism is also common in infants with abdominal wall defects, such as exomphalos or omphalocele, gastroschisis and exstrophy of the bladder (39).


There is much current interest in the potential adverse effects of environmental estrogenic endocrine disruptors on the incidence of both cryptorchidism and hypospadias (40). In addition, there are data on the effect of diethylstilbestrol (DES) on cryptorchidism in male offspring of exposed mothers (41). In the latter case there is supporting evidence from animal models (42), although in the former, the cause-and-effect relationship is more tenuous, because the level of exposure is less clear, and the epidemiology may not have allowed for changes in diagnostic criteria over recent decades. More work is needed before we can ascertain a proven cause-and-effect link with synthetic molecules in the environment.


The body of the epididymis is hypoplastic and frequently is not tightly adherent to the cryptorchid testis (43). This is more common in high intra-abdominal testes and probably indicates significantly decreased androgen production. Whether epididymal-testicular separation is the cause or the result of cryptorchidism is not known (44). In addition, its effect on fertility is uncertain, even though the rete testis is nearly always still connected to the head of the epididymis.  Recent studies show a strong link between maternal smoking and cryptorchidism in male offspring (45, 46).




Up to 4-5% of newborn males show cryptorchidism, but this falls to 1-2% by 12 weeks after term, following normal (but postnatal) descent in premature infants, and delayed postnatal descent in some term babies. Beyond 12 weeks, spontaneous testicular descent is rare (47). Geographic differences in prevalence of cryptorchidism have been reported, with 9% of Danish boys with undescended testes at birth, compared with only 2% of males from Finland.  Some of these apparent differences, however, may be related to the definitions used for ‘cryptorchidism’ in these studies.  An undescended testis is best defined as a testis that cannot be manipulated into the bottom of the scrotum (without excess tension on the spermatic cord) by 12 weeks of age. Most testes (about 85%) are near the neck of the scrotum, or just lateral to the external inguinal ring, described by Denis Browne as the "superficial inguinal pouch”(48).


A few cryptorchid testes are within the inguinal canal, making them unpalpable unless they can be squeezed out of the external inguinal ring by compression. Ten percent of testes are intra-abdominal or absent (presumed to be secondary to prenatal torsion). Ectopic cryptorchid testes are rare (< 5%), and occur in the perineum, prepubic region, thigh, or the contralateral inguinal canal (transverse testicular ectopia) (49).




In infants with undescended testes, the testosterone and gonadotropin levels are diminished compared with normal infants between one and four months of age (50, 51), which is during the normal, transient hormonal surge, known as ‘minipuberty’ (52).  Whether this is a sign of primary endocrinopathy or secondary dysfunction of the testis, caused by heat stress when the gonad is not in the low temperature environment of the scrotum, is unknown. Postnatal increase in testosterone production is also diminished in premature infants, perhaps secondary to inadequate stimulation by chorionic gonadotropin in utero (53).  HCG is low compared with early pregnancy and may be of functional significance. Despite lower than normal androgen levels between 1 and 4 months of age, there is no apparent anomaly in androgen receptors from gonadal or skin biopsies collected at orchidopexy (54).


The postnatal secretion of both AMH and inhibin-B in cryptorchid infants is also deranged. Production of AMH from Sertoli cells normally increases between 4-12 months, but this surge is blunted in undescended testes (55, 56).  Inhibin-B normally increases at minipuberty and remains elevated into the second year of life , but levels in infants with cryptorchidism are lower (57).




Germ cells mature postnatally from a primitive gonocyte through a series of steps to primary spermatocytes by 3-4 years. This process is perturbed in cryptorchid testes, with failure of transformation of gonocytes into type-A spermatogonia between 4-12 months (58-60).  These observations suggest that germ cell deficiency may be at least partly secondary to early postnatal dysfunction, rather than being congenital, as proposed by some authors (61, 62).


Lack of germ cell transformation has been proposed to be secondary to postnatal androgen deficiency (60, 63) or low AMH levels (63).   Recent studies, however, suggest that transformation is normal in both infants and mice with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS), and may be mediated by activin or another TGF-family factor (64).  Abnormal postnatal maturation of gonocytes could lead to both infertility and malignancy (65)), although some authors propose that there may be congenital carcinoma in-situ-cells in the cryptorchid testis (61, 66, 67).


There is now a consensus that type-A spermatogonia are likely to be the stem cells for future spermatogenesis, and that their appearance between 3 and 12 months of age, as neonatal gonocytes transform, is the key step in postnatal germ cell development  (68, 69).  Should this be confirmed, it implies that early surgical intervention should lead to an excellent prognosis, as long as the subsequent germ cell deficiency is secondary to postnatal heat stress of the maldescended testis, and therefore reversible.  Failure of the totipotential gonocytes to transform into unipotential spermatogenic stem cells may leave some persisting gonocytes in the undescended testis, which is speculated to be the origin of subsequent tumors.




The aim of clinical examination is to locate the gonad, if palpable, and determine its lowest position without causing painful traction on the spermatic cord (which probably corresponds to the caudal limit of the tunica vaginalis) (70).  In infants, the diagnosis is straightforward because the scrotum is thin and pendulous.  Hypoplasia of the hemiscrotum indicates it does not contain a testis. The inguinal testis is within its tunica vaginalis which gives it significant mobility. Ultrasonography has become more frequently used for diagnosis of the impalpable testis, but generally is not contributory for true intra-abdominal testes. This is because absence of the testis (secondary to possible perinatal torsion) is common, and also because intra-abdominal testes are often concealed by the bowel and other viscera (71). In addition, the mobility of the undescended testis within its tunica vaginalis may make location by ultrasonography difficult.  An ultrasound scan can be justified in bilateral impalpable testes, to confirm the presence of a testis.  In addition AMH and inhibin-B should be measured to confirm the presence of functioning Sertoli cells (57).  A simple and reliable approach is to use laparoscopy, which readily locates the testis itself (or blind-ending gonadal vessels), and allows orchidopexy in experienced hands (72).




Newborn and Infant


Hormone therapy has become extremely controversial (73, 74) as it was based on the two assumptions that cryptorchidism is not only secondary to a deficiency of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, but also the mechanical processes were simple. Both hCG and GnRH therapy have been tried, with success rates ranging from 10-50%. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies have not shown more than marginal benefit with either hCG or GnRH (75-77). Despite proven endocrine control of descent, the mechanical factors appear to be too complex for this simple approach to be successful except for acquired undescended testes (76).  Because of its poor efficacy and possible side effects, a consensus meeting in Scandinavia several years ago recommended that hormone treatment be abandoned completely (73, 74).


Surgical treatment is based on the premise that early intervention will prevent secondary testicular degeneration caused by high temperature (35-37oC) as the lower temperature of the scrotum (33oC) is essential for normal postnatal germ cell maturation (78). Evidence of progressive germ cell loss in the cryptorchid testis after six months of age has accumulated over the last 50 years and now suggests that orchidopexy should be considered between 6 and 12 months of age (1-4).  The first signs of abnormal germ cell development can be seen between 4-12 months of age (60), and intervention is based on the premise that these changes are secondary to high temperature and should be reversible. Certainly in animal models, early intervention prevents germ cell loss (79).  A prospective study of children randomized to early (9 months) or late (3 years) surgery is showing improved testicular development with early intervention, as measured by ultrasonography at 4 years of age (80, 81).  Surgery at this very early age ideally needs a trained pediatric surgeon, as the technique is quite different from that for a 5-10 year-old boy (82, 83)


All baby boys need examination at birth to document gonadal position. Those infants without two fully descended testes should be re-examined at 12 weeks of age and, if a testis is still undescended, the child should be referred to a pediatric surgeon for possible surgical treatment. Orchidopexy is done as an ambulatory procedure, with discharge home a few hours after operation. General anesthesia is supplemented with local/regional analgesia, which will provide pain relief for the first few hours postoperatively.




The complication rate after orchidopexy is less than 5% in experienced hands (82, 83).  Wound infection is common in infants secondary to external contamination of the wound, although there is a low risk of atrophy of the testis which is greatest when intra-abdominal testes are pulled down under tension. Laparoscopy, with or without ligation of the testicular vessels (Fowler-Stephens procedure) (84), shows increasing success for high intra-abdominal gonads (72, 85, 86).  The prognosis for fertility, the primary aim of orchidopexy, remains uncertain (61),(87-89). However, extensive review of the recent literature suggests improved outcomes with very early surgery (89, 90).  Now that early germ cell maturation in the first year is known to be deranged, improved fertility is to be expected with very early orchidopexy (88-90). Unfortunately, it will be a few more years before the long-term outcome of this new consensus policy is known.


The risk of malignancy was previously calculated to be 5 -10 times greater than normal for a man with a history of unilateral cryptorchidism (91-95) when surgery was performed in mid-childhood.  The risk in a future generation for men who underwent orchidopexy in infancy is unknown at present, but is anticipated to be much lower than in the past, as supported by preliminary evidence (90) . 


Some clinical features are associated with statistically better outcomes, and include testes near the neck of the scrotum, and ascending or retractile testes (see below), where malignancy risk is now thought to be similar to men without cryptorchidism in childhood (61, 89). Poor prognostic factors are primary testicular or epididymal dysplasia, intra-abdominal or intra-canalicular position, associated strangulated inguinal hernia and (possibly) surgery late in childhood or adolescence (96).




Retractile Testes


Retraction of the testis out of the scrotum secondary to reflex contraction of the cremaster muscle is both normal and common and is involved in temperature control and protecting the testis from trauma. The reflex is absent or weak at birth and becomes more active after one year, reaching a peak in 5-10 year-old boys (97).


Many testes are erroneously described as "retractile" when they can be pulled down into the scrotum during the physical examination but retract back out of the scrotum on release. This retractability is assumed to be secondary to cremasteric activity, but an alternative explanation has been proposed recently, which is that the malposition may be caused by failure of the spermatic cord to elongate with age (98). Since the distance from external inguinal ring to the bottom of the scrotum increases from 5 cm at birth to 8-10 cm at 10 years of age, the spermatic cord must double in length to keep the testis in the scrotum during the first decade. Preliminary evidence suggests that failure of complete obliteration of the processus vaginalis may prevent normal postnatal elongation of the vas and vessels (99) (Fig. 2).


Figure 2. Acquired cryptorchidism occurs when the spermatic cord fails to elongate in proportion to growth between birth and late childhood. This figure shows what happens between birth and 5-10 years of age when the spermatic cord does not elongate with age.


Ascending Testes


The ascending testis is a special variant of acquired maldescent, in which there is delayed postnatal descent of the testis in the first three months after birth (100), (101).  Follow-up studies suggest that subsequent "ascent" of the testis is common later in childhood (102-104)). The cause for ascending testes is not resolved, with the only well-documented cause being neuronal dysfunction as seen in children with cerebral palsy and spastic diplegia (105). In normal children, the explanation is likely to be persistence of the processus vaginalis, either patent or as a fibrous remnant (106).


Management of Acquired Cryptorchidism


Both “retractile” and ascending testes are likely to be different names for what is, in effect, acquired cryptorchidism caused by persistence of the processus vaginalis (107-110). The normal spermatic cord elongates gradually with growth, and hence acquired cryptorchidism develops insidiously, presenting mostly between 5 and 10 years of age (111).  Orchidopexy is recommended by some authors once the testis can no longer reside spontaneously in the scrotum, and can be performed in the standard manner or by a scrotal approach (112). Once the fibrous remnant of the processus vaginalis is divided, the testis can reach the scrotum easily.  In The Netherlands recently there has been a consensus to treat acquired cryptorchidism conservatively (113), with follow-up suggesting a poor outcome for fertility (114).  However, whether early treatment by orchidopexy will improve the prognosis for fertility is not yet known.


The prognosis for this special group is probably much better than for congenital cryptorchidism, as the testis is normally located in the scrotum during infancy (89), (115, 116), when germ cell maturation is occurring. Unfortunately, previous studies of outcome for fertility and malignancy have not discriminated between congenital and acquired cryptorchidism, but recent studies suggest a mild suppression of fertility and little risk of malignancy (61),(89). The frequency of acquired cryptorchidism, may account for up to half of all children coming to orchidopexy (111),(117).




The primitive phallus begins to enlarge at 8 weeks of development in the male, in response to fetal androgens. The inner genital folds fuse in the midline in association with elongation and canalization of the endodermal urethral plate on the penile shaft, to create the anterior urethra up to the coronal groove by about 12 weeks’ gestation, while the urethra within the glans forms in mid-gestation by canalization of the endoderm forming the distal urethral plate (118, 119). The preputial skin forms from low folds on the dorsum of the shaft at the corona, eventually covering the entire glans (118).  Recent evidence suggests that some of the effects of androgen in penile development may be mediated by aromatization to estrogen, and estrogen receptors (ERα and ERβ) are located in the developing prepuce, glans and urethral plate (120).


Failure of urethral canalization and fusion leads to hypospadias (Greek for "hole underneath"), with secondary deficiency of the ventral prepuce ("dorsal hood") and relative deficiency in growth of the peri-urethral tissues compared with the corpora cavernosa, leading to "chordee", or ventral curvature of the penis (121), (Fig. 3).


Figure 3. Hypospadias is associated with a) failure of the urethral meatus to be located on the tip of the glans, and failed ventral fusion of the prepuce, causing a ‘dorsal hood’; and b) inadequate growth of the ventral shaft around the urethra, leading to bend, known as chordee.


Hypospadias occurs in one in every 100-300 boys, depending on the criteria used for diagnosis (122). About 10% of patients with hypospadias have a sibling or father with the anomaly, suggesting a polygenic inheritance pattern (123). The severity of the anomaly varies widely, from a perineal opening to an opening on the proximal glans, or even chordee with a normal urethral meatus.


Care is needed in diagnosis, as some infants with a disorder of sex development (DSD) and ambiguous genitalia may be diagnosed as "simple hypospadias” (124). Since hypospadias is an anatomical anomaly of anterior urethral development, the rest of the external (and also internal) genitalia should be normal. Patients with DSD, by contrast, have a more extensive genital anomaly, reflecting the failure of all androgen-dependent development.


A useful rule-of-thumb is to assume that any baby with "hypospadias", as well as an undescended testis and/or bifid scrotum, should be investigated for DSD, with immediate hormonal, chromosomal and anatomical studies. Immediate gender assignment as male is only safe when the scrotum is fused and both testes are descended fully (i.e., androgen-dependent genital development is normal).


Surgical treatment is required to reconstruct the penis in hypospadias (125-127). Despite numerous different operative techniques available, there are a few principles of management: a). Create an extension to the urethra to bring it to the tip of the glans, allowing normal micturition; b) Correct the chordee to create a straight shaft for normal sexual function; c) Finally, repair the dorsal hood for cosmetic reasons. In severe cases the skin is moved ventrally to create the urethra and elongate the ventral surface; in mild cases the dorsal hood can be repaired to restore the normal appearance of the foreskin. Surgery is best between 6-18 months, and this is the recommended age, as this avoids much psychological stress (128) (129) but the operation should be completed at the latest in infants or young children prior to school entry.  The operation may be done as day surgery, but may need admission with urinary diversion, depending on the severity of the anomaly and the surgeon’s preference.


The prognosis for micturition and sexual function is good, with improving cosmetic appearance with newer procedures (130). However, wound infection, hematoma, urethral breakdown to create a fistula, and stricture, continue to be serious problems, as the surgery requires significant skill (131, 132).



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Androgens and Cardiovascular Disease in Men



Testosterone is the principal male sex hormone or androgen, which regulates sexual characteristics and body composition. Testosterone is converted to bioactive metabolites dihydrotestosterone and estradiol. Circulating testosterone peaks in early adulthood and declines gradually across middle and older age: older men exhibit lower testosterone and dihydrotestosterone concentrations compared to younger men. In older men, lower testosterone concentrations are associated with higher incidence of cardiovascular events. Lower testosterone and dihydrotestosterone concentrations have also been associated with higher cardiovascular mortality in older men. However, causation is unproven as a randomized placebo-controlled trial of testosterone treatment sufficiently powered to examine outcomes of cardiovascular events or mortality has yet to be reported. Potential mechanisms by which testosterone could exert beneficial actions in the vasculature include reduction in cholesterol accumulation and modulation of inflammation. Smaller randomized trials of testosterone therapy have shown improvements in surrogate endpoints related to cardiovascular risk. However, other trials of testosterone have not shown improvements in carotid atherosclerosis, as assessed by carotid intima-media thickness. One study reported an increase in coronary atheroma assessed using coronary computed tomography angiography in older men receiving testosterone therapy over 12 months. Although one randomized trial of testosterone therapy in older men with mobility limitations reported an excess of adverse events in the treatment arm, larger recent trials in middle-aged to older men did not find any excess of cardiovascular adverse events with testosterone treatment. Meta-analyses of testosterone trials generally have not shown an increase in cardiovascular adverse events. Retrospective case-control studies of health insurance databases have major methodological limitations. The results from such studies are inconsistent, associating testosterone prescriptions with either increased or decreased risk of cardiovascular events, and with lower mortality. While androgen deprivation in men with prostate cancer results in adverse metabolic effects, abuse of high dosages of androgenic steroids is associated with harm. Thus, while some epidemiological studies associate higher circulating concentrations (but within the normal range) of endogenous androgens with lower risk of cardiovascular events and mortality, the effects of exogenous androgens in the form of testosterone therapy seeking to maintain physiological circulating androgen concentrations on the cardiovascular system remain uncertain. This evidence gap has to be accommodated in the current clinical management of hypogonadal men and should be addressed by further randomized interventional studies to clarify whether testosterone treatment has beneficial, neutral or adverse effects on the cardiovascular system.




Androgen Physiology




Testosterone (T) is the principal male sex hormone or androgen that regulates sexual maturation and secondary sexual characteristics and body composition in adult men (1). T undergoes conversion into two major bioactive metabolites, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) a more potent ligand for the androgen receptor, and estradiol (E2), a ligand for estrogen receptors (2). T is produced primarily by the testis, under stimulation of luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland, itself under regulation of gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus. The hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular (HPT) axis is under negative feedback regulation via T and E2, acting on the central components of the HPT axis (1,3-5).




Androgens play diverse roles in the body, and androgen deficiency in men results in multiple symptoms and signs extending from loss of libido, lethargy, fatigue, poor concentration to gynecomastia, accumulation of fat, loss of muscle mass, and osteopenia or osteoporosis (6,7). Actions of T are amplified by local conversion to DHT in tissues such as the prostate and skin by the enzyme 5α-reductase (8). Of note, some of actions of T, such as in bone and adipose tissue, are mediated via conversion to E2 by the enzyme aromatase (9-11).




Immunoassays have been the standard method for measurement of circulating sex hormones: however, these can exhibit non-specificity and method-dependent bias, particularly at lower hormone concentrations (12,13). Mass spectrometry is regarded as the gold standard for assay of T concentrations (14). Although mass spectrometry is preferred, it is not widely available and validated immunoassays can be informative (6,7). In the circulation, T (and DHT and E2) are bound with high affinity to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), T is also bound with lower affinity to albumin with a small fraction unbound or free (15). However, whether unbound or “free” T represents a more biologically active form of the hormone in vivo is controversial (16). A major difficulty is that measurement of free T using equilibrium dialysis is technically demanding and thus rarely performed. Instead, free T is typically calculated, and this result may vary according to the equations used (15-18). Furthermore, established reference ranges for free T are lacking (7,19). Thus, analysis of actions of T in the male body and cardiovascular system involves consideration of not only its bioactive metabolites, but also the accuracy of assays used and the limitations of calculated free T as a biomarker.


Androgens and Male Ageing




Circulating T peaks in early adulthood and declines gradually across middle and older age, thus older men exhibit lower T and DHT concentrations compared to younger men (20-22). Observational studies have shown longitudinal declines in T and DHT in ageing men, with parallel increases in LH and SHBG (23-25). This phenomenon suggests that in some men, there is progressive impairment of testicular endocrine function with ageing (25). However, whether older men with symptoms consistent with androgen deficiency and lower circulating concentrations of T compared to younger men, have an androgen deficiency state remains unclear (26,27). The bioactive metabolites of T, DHT and E2 measured with mass spectrometry have been associated with longer leucocyte telomere length, a measure of slower biological ageing, in middle-aged and older men (28,29). However, a study in mostly middle-aged men showed no association between T measured with immunoassay and leucocyte telomere length (30). Thus, there is considerable interest in the question of whether lower T concentrations might contribute to various manifestations of ill health in ageing men.




Men with disorders of the hypothalamus, pituitary, or testes resulting in hypogonadism have symptoms and signs of androgen deficiency, and low circulating T concentrations (6). These men are classified as having pathological (or classic or organic) hypogonadism, and T treatment is routinely offered to improve symptoms and restore body composition (6,7). However, low circulating T concentrations are found in many conditions where the HPT axis is intact, including ageing, obesity, and systemic illnesses (7,31). In this context, low T concentrations result from reduction or suppression of HPT axis function, rather than an intrinsic disorder of the HPT axis, with the label of “functional hypogonadism” applied (7,31). Obesity is closely associated with reduced circulating T and SHBG, and loss of excess weight restores endogenous production of T (32-35). Thus, low T might be a biomarker for the presence of systemic illnesses, rather than a contributing or causal factor. Whether or not, and if so which, men with functional hypogonadism should receive T treatment, remains the subject of debate (7,19,20).


Androgens and Risks of Cardiovascular Disease




Advancing age is an established risk factor for chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease (CVD) and mortality (36,37). Age is a component of all major cardiovascular risk calculators (38). Similarly, obesity, with its close associations with insulin resistance and diabetes risk, is a robust cardiovascular risk factor, and - unlike age - is a potentially modifiable one, whether via bariatric surgery or incretin-based medical therapy (41-44). This is illustrated by observational studies which show a reduction in cardiovascular events and mortality following bariatric surgery in patients who are obese (mean age 48 years) (41,42). Thus, advancing age and obesity are both associated with low circulating T concentrations, and are also risk factors for CVD. 




Given that age and obesity are associated with both low circulating T concentrations and increased risk of CVD, understanding the relationship between these factors becomes vitally important (45). Demographic change will result in increasing numbers of older men in communities worldwide, who will have lower circulating T concentrations and who are at risk of ill health including from CVD (36). If low T contributes to CVD risk, either directly or via its association with obesity, then this represents a potential pathway for intervention to preserve health in ageing men. Conversely, if T is a biomarker for CVD, it may still have a role in risk stratification and identification of men at risk who may benefit from non-hormonal interventions directed at conventional risk factors for CVD.




Associations of Androgens with Cardiovascular Events




Prospective cohort studies report the association of endogenous sex hormones with incidence of cardiovascular events (Table 1). Analyses invariably adjust for age, and typically also include adjustment for body mass index (or waist circumference) and other conventional cardiovascular risk factors. From studies reporting sex hormone results based on immunoassays, some longitudinal analyses have shown no association of total T concentrations with incidence of myocardial infarction (MI) or ischemic heart disease (IHD) events (46,49,53,63,64). In an analysis of 3,443 men aged ≥70 years from the Western Australian Health In Men Study (HIMS), low total T concentrations were associated with an increased incidence of stroke (50). This finding was confirmed by later studies (57,59). In another analysis from HIMS, higher LH was associated with incident IHD (52). One smaller study reported a U-shaped association of total T with incidence of cardiovascular events (54). There were conflicting associations of total E2 with stroke (47,48), and there was no association of total E2 with the incidence of MI (49). In one study, men with lower total T had a higher risk of heart failure, but this was not confirmed in another study (65,68).


Table 1. Cohort Studies Examining Associations Between Sex Hormones with Cardiovascular Events in Middle-Aged and Older Men

Study author and year

Size (n of men)

Follow-up (yr)

Age (yr)

Summary of results

Smith GD, 2005 (46)




No association of total T with IHD events or deaths.

Arnlov J, 2006 (47)




Higher total E2 at baseline associated with lower incidence of CVD events, total T was not associated.

Abbott RD, 2007 (48)




Baseline total E2 in top quintile (≥125 pmol/L) associated with higher risk of stroke, total T was not associated.

Vikan T, 2009 (49)




No association of total T or E2 with incident MI, or with CVD or IHD mortality.

Yeap BB, 2009 (50)




Total and free T in the lowest quartiles (<11.7 nmol/liter and <222 pmol/liter) predicted increased incidence of stroke or TIA.

* Ohlsson C, 2011 (51)




Men with total Ta in highest quartile (≥19 mol/L) had lower risk of CVD events. E2 was not associated.

Hyde Z, 2011 (52) 




Higher LH was associated with incident IHD.

Haring R, 2013 (53)


5, 10


No associations of baseline total T or total E2 with incident CVD events.

Soisson V, 2013 (54)

495; 146



Total T in lowest and highest quintiles associated with CHD or stroke.

* Shores MM, 2014 (55)




DHTb <1.7 or >2.6 nmol/L associated with cardiovascular events. Total T was not associated.

* Shores MM, 2014 (56)




Non-linear association of DHTb with stroke with lowest risk in men with DHT 1.7-2.6 nmol/L. Total Tb was not associated with stroke. DHT <0.86 nmol/L associated with CVD mortality.

* Yeap BB, 2014 (57)




Higher total Tc (>12.6 nmol/L) or DHT (>1.34 nmol/L) associated with lower incidence of stroke. Tc, DHT and E2 were not associated with MI.

* Srinath R, 2015 (58)




Td was not associated with incidence of CHD events, or cardiac-related mortality.

Holmegard HN, 2016 (59)




Total T in lowest decile (0-10thpercentile) associated with stroke.

* Chan YX, 2016 (60)




Total Tc, DHT and E2 were not associated with CVD events.

* Srinath R, 2016 (61)




Td was not associated with stroke.

Wang A, 2019 (62)




Neither total T nor free T were associated with CVD events.

* Gyawali P, 2019 (63)




Higher total Tc associated with lower risk of incident CVD events, but not with CVD mortality. E2 not associated.

Hatami H, 2020 (64)




Total T was not associated with risk of CVD events.

Zhao D, 2020 (65)




Lower total T associated with increased risk of incident heart failure.

* Collett T-H, 2020 (66)




Total Td not associated with CVD events.

* Boden WE, 2020 (67)




643 men with total Tb <10.4 nmol/L had higher risk of combined endpoint of CHD death, MI or stroke, compared with 1,475 men with total T ≥10.4 nmol/L.

Shafer S, 2021 (68)




Lower total T not associated with incident heart failure.

Yeap BB, 2022 (69)




Total T not associated with incident MI, stroke, heart failure or MACE. Calculated free T not associated with incident MI, stroke or heart failure, but associated with incidence of MACE.

IHD=ischemic heart disease, CVD=cardiovascular disease, MI=myocardial infarction, TIA=transient ischemic attack, CHD=coronary heart disease, MACE=major cardiovascular adverse event. * denotes studies where total T, DHT and/or E2 were measured using mass spectrometry. aT and E2 assayed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), bT and DHT assayed using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS), cT, DHT and E2 assayed by LC-MS, dT assayed using LC-MS


Recently the association of testosterone with CVD events was examined in the largest prospective cohort study to date, the United Kingdom (UK) Biobank (69). In this study of 210,700 men aged 40-69 years at baseline, with 9 years follow-up, 8,790 had an incident CVD event. Total T was not associated with risk of incident MI, ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, heart failure, nor major cardiovascular adverse events (MACE) defined as the composite endpoint of non-fatal MI, non-fatal ischemic stroke, and CVD death. The large size of the UK Biobank, and accumulation of outcome events over the period of follow-up, provided power to examine these associations in a robust fashion. UK Biobank used an immunoassay for measurement of serum T which may underestimate results compared to mass spectrometry (70), and UK Biobank men were generally healthier than the UK male population as a whole (71). Therefore, while these results are convincing, their generalizability to different populations in other regions needs to be established.




Prospective cohort studies where sex hormones were measured using mass spectrometry are shown (Table 1, marked with *). In the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study in Sweden (MrOS), a large prospective cohort study of 2,416 men aged 69-81 years, men with higher total T had a lower incidence of CVD events (51). In HIMS, a later analysis of 3,690 men aged 70-89 years with sex hormones measured using mass spectrometry confirmed the association of low total T with higher incidence of stroke (57). In these analyses, total E2 was not associated with these outcomes (51,57). Analyses from the Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) of 1,032 men aged 76 years suggested a U-shaped association of DHT with CVD events and stroke risk (55,56). Of note, an analysis from the Busselton Health Study (BHS) of 1,804 predominantly middle-aged men found no association of sex hormones with incidence of CVD events (60). Analyses from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study of 1,558 men aged 63 years found no association of sex hormones with CVD events (58,61), similar to the findings from a small subset of the MrOS USA study (66). By contrast, in the Men Androgen Inflammation Lifestyle Environment and Stress (MAILES) cohort of 1,492 men followed for 4.9 years, higher total T was associated with a lower risk of CVD events (63). Furthermore, in a post-hoc analysis of 2,118 men with metabolic syndrome participating in a trial of niacin or placebo plus simvastatin, men who had a baseline total T <10.4 nmol/L had higher risk of the combined endpoint of coronary heart disease death, MI or stroke, compared with men with higher total T concentrations (65).




Taken together, these epidemiological studies suggest that there may be an association of lower endogenous T concentrations with increased risk of CVD events in middle-aged and older men. However, the studies provide a mix of positive, equivocal and negative results. Major cohort studies using mass spectrometry for assay of sex hormones associated higher total T concentrations with lower risk of CVD events in older (51,57) and middle-aged to older men (63,67). There may be a predilection for lower testosterone, measured by mass spectrometry, to be associated with stroke risk (57). In one study lower DHT was associated with CVD events including stroke, with a non-linear association (55,56). Inconsistent results in other studies may have been due to smaller cohort sizes and fewer outcome events reducing the power available to detect underlying associations. However, in the largest ever prospective cohort study, the UK Biobank, there was no association of testosterone with a range of CVD events (69). Overall, epidemiological studies would suggest a possible protective effect of endogenous androgens against CVD events in the older population of men, rather than in relatively healthy middle-aged men.


Associations of Androgens with Cardiovascular Mortality




Several of the studies in Table 1 reported CVD-related mortality in addition to events. Other studies where the outcome was based on CVD-related mortality are summarized in Table 2. Studies almost invariably adjusted for age, and typically adjusted for BMI and other cardiovascular risk factors. In two studies using immunoassay for assay of sex hormones, T was not associated with CVD or ischemic heart disease (IHD) mortality (46,49). However, several other studies using immunoassay for sex hormones did find associations of lower endogenous total T concentrations with increased risk of CVD-related death (72,74,77,81). Lower calculated free T was also associated with increased CVD-related mortality in some studies (76,78,81), but was associated with lower IHD mortality in one study (73). Lower total E2 was associated with CVD mortality in one study (76). In an analysis from the UK Biobank of 149,436 men followed for 11.3 years, there was no association of either total or calculated free T with risk of CVD mortality (84).


Table 2. Cohort Studies Examining Associations Between Sex Hormones and CVD-Related Mortality in Middle-Aged and Older Men

Study author and year

Size (n of men)

Follow-up (yr)

Age (yr)

Summary of results

Khaw K-T, 2007 (72)

825 and 1489



Total T inversely related to mortality from all causes, CVD and cancer.

Araujo AB, 2007 (73)




Lower free T associated with lower IHD mortality. Equivocal association of lower DHT with IHD mortality.

Laughlin GA, 2008 (74)




Total T in the lowest quartile (<8.4 nmol/L) predicted increased mortality from all causes and from CVD and respiratory causes.

* Tivesten A, 2009 (75)




Total Ta and E2 levels in the lowest quartiles predicted all-cause and non-CVD mortality. T and E2 were not associated with CVD mortality.

Menke A, 2010 (76)




Lower free T associated with overall and CVD mortality in first 9 years of follow-up. Lower total E2 associated with CVD mortality. (Difference between 90th and 10thpercentiles for free T and total E2)

Haring R, 2010 (77)




Total T <8.7 nmol/L associated with increased all-cause, CVD and cancer mortality.

Hyde Z, 2012 (78)




Lower free T (100 vs 280 pmol/L) predicted all-cause and CVD mortality.

* Yeap BB, 2014 (79)




Optimal total Tb (9.8-15.8 nmol/L) predicted lower all-cause mortality. Higher DHT (>1.3 nmol/L) predicted lower IHD mortality. E2 was not associated with mortality.

* Pye SR, 2014 (80)




Presence of sexual symptoms and total Tc <8 nmol/L associated with all-cause and CVD mortality, total or free T not associated.

Holmboe SA, 2015 (81)




Higher T or free T (highest vs lowest quartile) associated with lower CVD mortality.

* Hsu B, 2016 (82)

1,705, 1,367 and 958

0, 2 and 5


Decrease in total Td over time associated with all-cause but not CVD mortality. Decrease in total E2d was associated with all-cause and CVD mortality.

* Chasland L, 2017 (83)




Higher physical activity and total Tb, DHT and E2 were not associated with CVD events. Men with higher physical activity and DHT had the lowest risk of CVD death. Men with lower physical activity and higher E2 had greater risk of CVD death.

Yeap BB, 2021 (84)




Men with lower total T had higher all-cause and cancer-related mortality, no association with CVD deaths.

IHD=ischemic heart disease, CVD=cardiovascular disease, CHD=coronary heart disease. * denotes studies where total T, DHT and/or E2 were measured by mass spectrometry; free T was calculated. aT and E2 measured using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). bT, DHT and E2 measured using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS), cT measured using GC-MS, dT and E2 measured using LC-MS.




Prospective cohort studies using mass spectrometry for assay of sex hormones are of interest. In an analysis from MrOS in Sweden, lower endogenous total T and E2 concentrations were associated with all-cause and non-CVD mortality, but not with CVD mortality (75). Interestingly, in an analysis from HIMS of 3,690 men aged 70-89 years at baseline, optimal endogenous total T concentrations were associated with survival, and higher DHT predicted lower IHD mortality (79). The CHS study reported consistent findings with lower DHT concentrations being associated with CVD mortality (56). An analysis from the European Male Ageing Study found that the combination of sexual symptoms and lower total T was associated with all-cause and CVD mortality, rather than total T or free T on their own (80). In an analysis from the Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project (CHAMP), longitudinal decreases in total T, DHT or E2 were associated with all-cause mortality, but only the longitudinal decrease in total E2 was predictive of CVD mortality (82). Finally, in an analysis from BHS in which physical activity and sex hormones concentrations were analyzed, men with higher levels of physical activity and higher DHT concentrations had the lowest risk of CVD death (83).




Several cohort studies have reported an association between lower endogenous T concentrations and increased mortality related to CVD, after adjusting for age and other cardiovascular risk factors. Of large studies using mass spectrometry for assay of sex steroids, MrOS in Sweden found an association of lower total T and E2 with all-cause rather than CVD mortality, while HIMS found an optimal total T to be associated with survival (75,79). HIMS found higher DHT was associated with lower IHD mortality (79), consistent with results from CHS (56), and in BHS the combination of higher DHT and higher levels of physical activity was associated with lower risk of death from CVD (83). Declining E2 may also have a role, being associated with CVD mortality in CHAMP (82). However, in relatively healthy middle-aged men (UK Biobank), there was no evidence of an association between total T and CVD mortality risk (84).


Therefore, allowing for some heterogeneity in cohort characteristics and results, lower endogenous T concentrations, measured using mass spectrometry, may be predictors of CVD related deaths in older men, as might lower or declining concentrations of its bioactive metabolites DHT and E2. However, this may not be the case in generally healthy middle-aged men. Whether lower concentrations of endogenous sex hormones are biomarkers or possibly contributing factors to these outcomes remains unclear from these observational studies, as proof of causality ultimately requires interventional studies and randomized controlled trials (RCTs).




Potential Mechanisms


Knowledge of potential mechanisms by which androgens might exert protective effects against atherosclerosis and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events would bridge the findings from epidemiological studies and clinical investigation. There are a substantial number of such studies with diverse models and results, a comprehensive discussion of each being beyond the scope of this chapter (for reviews, see (85,86)). Selected studies are discussed briefly in this context.


Cholesterol Accumulation in Animal Models


Experimental studies in castrated male rabbits fed a high cholesterol diet reported effects of testosterone treatment to reduce accumulation of cholesterol in the aortic wall and to reduce atheromatous plaque area and aortic intimal thickness (87-90). Similar results have also been reported in miniature pigs (91). Castration of low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR)-deficient male mice results in increased fatty steak lesion formation in the aorta compared to non-castrated controls, which is attenuated with testosterone supplementation (92). At least part of this effect may be mediated via conversion of T to E2. Of note, T and DHT increased calcification of plaque in apolipoprotein E (ApoE)-null mice, even as T had a neutral effect on plaque volume and DHT decreased plaque volume (93). In testicular feminized mice with a non-functional androgen receptor (AR) and low circulating T concentrations, T supplementation to physiological levels reduced fatty streak formation (94). Similarly, AR knockout mice (ARKO) showed increased aortic atherosclerosis, and atherosclerotic lesion area that was reduced with T treatment (95). In wild-type mice, T treatment reduced the presence of necrotic cores within plaque compared with placebo. Therefore, these animal studies suggest an effect of T treatment in reducing cholesterol accumulation and the development of atheromatous plaque, while increasing calcification. However, the actions of sex hormones are complex, being mediated partly via aromatization of T to E2, and occurring at least to an extent via AR-independent mechanisms.


Neointimal Formation and Vascular Smooth Muscle Proliferation




In a male rabbit aorta model of neointimal plaque formation induced by endothelial denudation, T treatment in vitroinhibited plaque development (96). In a male porcine model of coronary neointimal plaque formation following moderate angioplasty-induced arterial injury, castrated males exhibited greater intimal area compared to intact males and castrated males treated with T (97). T inhibited proliferation and increased expression of the cell-cycle regulator p27kip1 during neointimal formation. However, despite castration of wild-type mice resulting in increased neointimal formation following wire injury, selective deletion of AR from endothelial cells or smooth muscle cells did not affect lesion size (98). Therefore, effects of T on neointimal formation may be indirect, or mediated by AR-independent mechanisms.




Vascular smooth muscle cells contribute to progression of atherosclerotic lesions and formation of the fibrous cap (99). T was shown to regulate expression of proliferation-associated genes in skeletal myocytes and in myofibers in different muscles (100,101). Its role in smooth muscle cells in the vasculature is not well defined. In one study, T exerted a pro-proliferative effect on vascular smooth muscle cells in vitro, with increased DNA synthesis assessed using a thymidine incorporation assay (102). In that study the effect of T was blocked by the AR antagonist flutamide. In another study, T induced apoptosis in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells, in an AR-dependent manner (103). In one study, deletion of the AR in vascular smooth muscle cells did not change atherosclerotic plaque size in LDLR knockout mice (104). However, another study demonstrated that T, acting via the AR in vascular smooth muscle cells, might be involved in promoting vascular calcification (105). Therefore, T seems to exert indirect effects on neointimal proliferation in response to injury and may play a secondary role in the development and calcification of atheromatous plaque via complex actions in vascular smooth muscle.






A mechanistic link likely exists between inflammation and atherothrombosis (for reviews, see (106,107)). Statin therapy lowered both LDL cholesterol and C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations, reducing the risk of cardiovascular events in a primary prevention setting in adults with LDL <3.4 mmol/L and high-sensitivity CRP ≥2.0 mg/L (108). Recently, anti-inflammatory intervention utilizing canakinumab, a monoclonal antibody targeting interleukin-1β, in a secondary prevention setting in adults with high-sensitivity CRP ≥2.0 mg/L demonstrated a modest reduction in major cardiovascular events (109). However, a major trial using low-dose methotrexate showed no benefit in adults with previous MI or multivessel coronary artery disease and either type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndrome (110). By contrast, colchicine has shown promise in major RCTs as an anti-inflammatory agent to reduce cardiovascular risk in both acute and chronic secondary prevention settings (111,112). These results underscore the relationship between inflammation and atherosclerosis.




Of note, in vitro studies have shown effects of T to reduce production of inflammatory cytokines from monocytes, macrophages and endothelial cells (113-115). Deletion of monocyte-macrophage AR in LDLR knockout mice resulted in reduced atherosclerosis compared to LDLR knockout mice, suggesting a role for AR-mediated actions in inflammatory cells (104). In an elegant study, pre-pubertal castration of male ApoE knockout mice increased atherosclerotic lesion area, which was abolished by an anti-CD3 antibody targeting T cells, linking hormonal and immunologic regulation of atherosclerosis (116). In that study, both castration and depletion of AR in epithelial cells resulted in increased thymus weight, and mice with depletion of AR in epithelial cells showed increased atherosclerosis and increased infiltration of T cells in the vascular adventitia (116). These findings support a mechanism by which deficiency of androgen action modulates immune/inflammatory responses to promote atherosclerosis.




Older men treated with gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonists to suppress HPT axis function showed increased concentrations of circulating tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-6 (117). In a randomized cross-over trial of 27 men ranging in age from 36-78 years, T treatment given via intramuscular injections over one month reduced circulating concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1β, and increased concentrations of the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (118). In another study of 20 men with type 2 diabetes, there was an inverse correlation of baseline T and interleukin-6, but T treatment over three months, while reducing waist circumference, did not alter tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6, or C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations (119). In the Testosterone Trials (T-Trials), T treatment via transdermal gel over 12 months in men aged ≥65 years did not change concentrations of high-sensitivity CRP or interleukin-6 (120). In a study of men treated with DHT or with recombinant human chorionic gonadotrophin over three months, neither intervention affected markers of endothelial cell activation or inflammation (121). By contrast, in a trial of men with metabolic syndrome, men in the T treatment arm showed a reduction in high sensitivity CRP after 12 months of treatment (122). In a trial of 76 men with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes, T treatment over 9 months reduced markers of endothelial cell activation and inflammation, namely circulating concentrations of intracellular adhesion molecule type 1, p-selectin, and CRP (123). Therefore, the results of clinical studies are not wholly consistent. In summary, although the concept that T might exert anti-inflammatory actions protective against atherosclerosis is plausible, more evidence is needed using a direct measure of atherosclerosis.




Testosterone Effects on Angina and Vascular Function




Mechanistic studies in cell and animal models provide a plausible rationale for the epidemiological findings associating lower endogenous T concentrations with higher risk of CVD. However, clinical studies are necessary to clarify whether administration of T modulates clinical manifestations of CVD in vivo. Case series from the 1940s reported a beneficial effect of T therapy using intramuscular testosterone propionate to decrease the frequency and severity of angina attacks in an era where nitrate therapy was the mainstay of therapy (124-126). These early reports in men (and a small number of women) describe gradual improvements in symptoms over periods ranging from weeks to months. Conversely, a study in the 1960s found that administration of oral conjugated estrogen (that would suppress the HPT axis and serum androgen concentrations) to men resulted in adverse cardiovascular effects (127). In any case, as T is the native hormone which is metabolized in vivo to DHT and E2 (2), it is the preferred treatment for hypogonadal men (128), and represents the logical candidate for interventional studies.


More recent RCTs have revisited the issue of T treatment in men with CAD (Table 3A). In studies lasting from eight weeks to 12 months, T supplementation in men with CAD increased post-exercise ST segment depression (129), time to ischemia on exercise testing (130,132) and in a study in older men with diabetes, reduced the frequency of angina and silent myocardial ischemia during ECG Holter monitoring (133). These findings suggest either a protective effect of T on the myocardium, or an improvement in exercise capacity. A cross-over study found increased perfusion of myocardium supplied by unobstructed arteries, consistent with a vasodilatory action (131). Therefore, while existing data are limited, contemporary RCTs support historical observations suggesting a potentially beneficial effect of T supplementation in men with CAD.


Table 3. Selected Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) of Testosterone Supplementation in Middle-Aged and Older Men Reporting Outcomes Related to Angina (A), Artery Health (B), and Cardiovascular Adverse Events (C)

Study author and year

Population (men)

Formulation of T



N placebo










Jaffe MD, 1977 (129)

Men with ST segment depression on exercise (mean age 58 years)

T cypionate 200 mg weekly



8 weeks

Decreased postexercise ST segment depression in T-treated but not placebo group

English KM, 2000 (130)

Men with coronary artery disease (mean age 62 years)

Transdermal patch 5 mg



12 weeks

Increased time to 1-mm ST- segment depression during treadmill exercise

Webb CM, 2008 (131)

Men with angiographically proven coronary artery disease, 40-75 years

Oral T undecanoate 80 mg bd


8 weeks, cross-over

No difference in angina or endothelial function, decreased arterial stiffness, increased perfusion of myocardium

Mathur A, 2009 (132)

Men with chronic stable angina (men age 65 years)

Depot intramuscular T undecanoate



12 months

Increased time to ischemia, non-significant trend for decreased CIMT

Cornoldi A, 2009 (133)

Men with proven coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes (mean age 74 years)

Oral T undecanoate 40 mg tds



12 weeks

Reduced number of angina attacks and silent ischemic episodes on ECG Holter monitoring








Aversa A, 2010 (122)

Men with metabolic syndrome, T ≤11 nmol/L or free T ≤250 pmol/L (mean age 57 years)

Depot intramuscular T undecanoate 1,000 mg every 12 weeks




12 months*

Decreased high sensitivity CRP, improvement in CIMT

Basaria S, 2015 (164)

≥60 years, T 3.5-13.9 nmol/L or free T <173 pmol/L

Transdermal T gel 75 mg daily



3 years

No difference in rates of change in CIMT or coronary artery calcium

Budoff MJ, 2017 (168)

Men aged ≥65 years with T <9.5 nmol/L

Transdermal T gel 50 mg daily



12 months

Greater increase in non-calcified coronary plaque volume

Hildreth KL, 2018 (141)

Mean age 66 years, T 6.9-12.1 nmol/L

Transdermal gel, titrated to 13.9-19.1 or 20.8-34.7 nmol/L

41, 43


12 months

No effect of T on endothelial function or on CIMT








Basaria S, 2010 (172)

≥65 years, T 3.5-12.1 nmol/L or free T <173 pmol/L, mobility limitation

Transdermal gel 100 mg daily



6 months

Trial stopped prematurely due to excess cardiovascular events in T arm

Srinivas-Shankar U, 2010 (173)

≥65 years, T ≤12 nmol/L or free T ≤250 pmol/L, frail or intermediate frail

Transdermal gel 50 mg daily



6 months

T improved muscle strength and physical function, no signal for cardiovascular adverse events

Snyder P, 2016 (174)

≥65 years, T <9.5 nmol/L, sexual dysfunction (A), diminished vitality (B) and/or mobility limitations (C)

Transdermal gel 50 mg daily


(A 230,

B 236,

C 193)


(A 229,

B 238,

C 197)

12 months

Modest benefit of T on sexual function, no signal for cardiovascular adverse events

Wittert GA, 2021 (175)

50-74 years, waist ≥95 cm, T ≤14 nmol/L, and impaired glucose tolerance or newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes 

Depot intramuscular testosterone undecanoate 1000 mg every 3 months



24 months

All men received background lifestyle intervention (Weight Watchers). T reduced risk of type 2 diabetes at 2 years by 40%.

T=testosterone, CIMT=carotid intima media thickness, CRP=C-reactive protein. * men in placebo group switched to T after 12 months, extension study to 24 months no longer randomized.




Brachial artery endothelial function is an established measure of cardiovascular health examining both endothelial and vascular smooth muscle function, which mirrors responses in the coronary arteries (134). Assessment of arterial stiffness provides complementary insights into vascular health (135,136). In uncontrolled open-label studies in men with low baseline T concentrations, T supplementation improved both endothelial function and arterial stiffness (137,138). A study in hypogonadal older men found an improvement in arterial stiffness with transdermal T therapy (139). In a RCT of 55 obese men with type 2 diabetes, one year’s treatment with T undecanoate given as a depot intramuscular injection every 10 weeks improved endothelial function compared to placebo (140). However, other studies in middle-aged and older men did not show any effect of transdermal T treatment on endothelial function (141,142). There is a pathway by which T treatment is expected to improve endothelial function as in vitro studies demonstrate stimulation of nitric oxide synthesis in human aortic endothelial cells exposed to T (143). T might exert beneficial effects in the vasculature via actions to improve endothelial function and arterial stiffness, but additional studies are needed before a definitive conclusion can be made.


Testosterone and Atherosclerosis




Clinical studies of T have shown consistent results for T treatment to reduce circulating concentrations of total cholesterol to a modest degree (144-146). A trend for T to lower LDL cholesterol has been noted (144). T treatment appears to lower high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol again to a small degree (147). HDL cholesterol is involved in reverse cholesterol transport thus exerting anti-atherogenic activity, such that HDL function is an independent predictor of cardiovascular events (148,149). However, T may modulate HDL concentrations without a corresponding effect on HDL function (150). Of note, in observational studies, endogenous T concentrations correlated with circulating HDL and were inversely associated with total cholesterol (151,152). Thus, the prognostic significance of T-induced changes in lipid profiles, and the effect of T treatment on HDL-mediated anti-atherogenic action in men at risk for CVD remains unclear.




Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and the presence of carotid plaque are measures of preclinical carotid atherosclerosis, which can be assessed non-invasively using ultrasound (153). While low endogenous T concentrations are associated with increased CIMT in observational studies (154,155), it is less clear whether low endogenous T (or E2) predicts progression of CIMT (156-158). One study implicated low-grade inflammation in this process, finding an association of low non-SHBG-bound T with CIMT in older men with CRP ≥2 mg/L, but not in those with CRP <2 mg/L (159). Two cohort studies observed cross-sectional associations of low T concentrations with greater carotid plaque area (158,160). However, no association was found between baseline sex hormone concentrations and change in plaque area during follow-up, possibly due to increased use of anti-hypertensive and lipid-lowering therapy (158). One study reported an association of higher T concentrations with reduced CIMT and lower prevalence of carotid plaque in a cohort of community-dwelling men, but not in a cohort of men with angiographically proven CAD (161). In men with proven CAD, higher DHT was associated with less carotid plaque. Of note, E2 was associated with increased CIMT in community-dwelling men, but with less carotid plaque in men with CAD (161). One study found that higher E2 was associated with the presence of lipid core in carotid plaques in men, with no association of T concentrations (162). In a study of men who underwent carotid endarterectomy, the ratio of circulating T/E2 was inversely associated with plaque calcifications, macrophage staining and plaque neutrophil content, as well as plaque IL-6 protein (163). These findings associate sex hormone concentrations with CIMT and carotid plaque in men.


Several interventional studies reporting CIMT as an outcome are summarized (Table 3B). Of note, in a RCT of intramuscular T undecanoate 1,000 mg given every 12 weeks to men with metabolic syndrome, there was improvement in CIMT after 12 months of treatment (122). However, a larger RCT, Testosterone Effects on Atherosclerosis Progression in Aging Men (TEAAM), conducted over three years showed no effect of transdermal T treatment on rates of progression of CIMT (164). A smaller study, which tested both exercise training and transdermal T treatment over a period of 12 months, found no effect of either intervention on CIMT (141). Thus, while the RCT data are limited, the effects of T treatment on preclinical carotid atherosclerosis may be beneficial or neutral, but are unlikely to be adverse. See table 3, part B.




Coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) has emerged as a non-invasive method for imaging coronary atherosclerosis (165-167). Normal findings on CCTA are associated with a low risk of cardiovascular events, while the presence and extent of CAD demonstrated on CCTA are risk predictors for future cardiovascular events in large epidemiological studies (165-167). Therefore, there is considerable interest in the Cardiovascular sub-study of the T-Trials which reported CCTA outcomes for 73 men treated with transdermal T and 65 men receiving placebo over a 12-month period (168). In this study, men in the T-treated group experienced a greater increase in non-calcified and total coronary artery plaque volume, compared to men in the placebo group (168). However, the groups were unbalanced with men in the T-treated group having considerably lower non-calcified and total plaque volumes at baseline and at the end of the study compared with placebo-treated men. The fact that the two groups of men differed substantively in a key baseline characteristic makes the result of the study challenging to interpret (169). There was no difference in the rate of change of coronary calcium score between groups, albeit men in the T-treated group had lower coronary calcium scores at baseline and at the end of the study compared with men in the placebo group (168). The results for coronary calcium scores are concordant with the TEAAM trial that also showed no difference in coronary calcium scores with T treatment (164). Men in the T-Trials Cardiovascular sub-study overall had a high burden of plaque at baseline with 32% of T-treated men and 38% of placebo recipients having baseline Agatston scores ≥300 (168).


Of note, in the T-Trials Cardiovascular sub-study, data on plaque volume were not analyzed relative to vessel lumen to address the issue of whether vascular remodeling was occurring (170). Since then, CCTA technology has progressed to allow more detailed and sophisticated analysis of plaque characteristics associated with higher risk of coronary events, which were not applied in that study (171). While these findings are important and noteworthy, a larger RCT with balanced groups using current CCTA methodology would be needed to clarify the effect of T on coronary plaque characteristics. The findings are a timely reminder that until definitive RCTs are available, the effects of T on the cardiovascular system remain uncertain and may be beneficial, neutral or adverse.




Testosterone RCTs and Cardiovascular Adverse Events


Selected T RCTs, which have influenced this field, are summarized (Table 3, part C). These studies were underpowered for cardiovascular events and the possibility of type 1 and type 2 errors should be considered. A key RCT randomized 209 men aged 65 years and older, with mobility limitations and low or low-normal baseline T or free T, to transdermal T gel vs placebo for six months (172). Of note the starting dose of transdermal T (100 mg daily) was greater than the usual recommended starting dose (50 mg daily). The study was discontinued after an excess of adverse events was noted in the T arm (172). A contemporaneous RCT in a comparable population of 274 older men who were frail or intermediate frail, using a 50 mg daily dose of transdermal T over 6 months, was successfully completed showing improved muscle strength and physical function, with no signal for cardiovascular adverse events (173). The Testosterone Trials (T-Trials) has reported results from the main study and component sub-studies (174,176). These have been extensively reviewed (169,176). In T-Trials, 790 men aged 65 years and older, with symptoms of sexual dysfunction, diminished vitality or mobility limitations and baseline T <9.5 nmol/L (<275 ng/dL), were randomized to transdermal T gel at a starting dose of 50 mg daily vs placebo for 12 months (174). In T-Trials, T treatment improved sexual function to a moderate degree, while the primary outcomes for physical function and vitality were not met (174). T treatment improved anemia and volumetric bone density, with a neutral effect on cognition (176). The effects on coronary artery plaque volume have been discussed (see Section 4.2.3). T-Trials had a low rate of major cardiovascular adverse events (7 in each of the T and placebo arms).


Recently, a larger Australian RCT, Testosterone for the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T4DM) has been reported (175). T4DM was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 2-year, phase 3b trial done at six Australian tertiary care centers, which randomized 1,007 men to depot intramuscular testosterone undecanoate injections given every three months for two years, vs placebo, on a background of a lifestyle intervention (Weight Watchers) given to all participants. Inclusion criteria were age 50-74 years, waist circumference ≥95 cm and baseline T ≤14.0 nmol/L (≤403.8 ng/dL), and the presence of either impaired glucose tolerance or newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes based on oral glucose tolerance testing (175). In T4DM, testosterone treatment reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes at two years by 40% beyond the effect of the lifestyle intervention (relative risk 0·59, 95% confidence interval 0·43 to 0·80; p=0·0007). T4DM is the largest T RCT reported to date, and the incidence of cardiovascular adverse effects were similar in both T and placebo arms. In T4DM, 17 men in the placebo group and 12 in the T group had a major cardiovascular adverse event (13 men in the placebo arm and 7 in the testosterone arm had an ischemic heart disease event, 3 and 4 had cerebrovascular disease events respectively, and one in each group died from a cardiovascular-related cause) (175). Therefore, in keeping with T-Trials, the rates of major cardiovascular adverse events in T4DM were low, and comparable in testosterone and placebo-treated men.


At this point, it is worth commenting on the outcome of cardiorespiratory fitness. Low cardiorespiratory fitness, assessed as maximal oxygen consumption during exercise testing (VO2peak), is a strong independent predictor of all-cause and CVD mortality in apparently healthy men and in men with established CVD (177-179). Cardiorespiratory fitness has been recommended as a vital sign for use in clinical assessment (180). An earlier study over 12 months did not show an effect of T treatment on fitness (141), nor did a more recent study with a 12-week intervention (181). That study used a 2x2 factorial design, while exercise training resulted in improved VO2 peak within the 12-week period of intervention, T treatment did not, and there was no evidence within this relatively short timeframe of additive benefit (181). In the TEAAM study conducted over 3 years, placebo-treated men showed a decline in VO2peak over time, but the decline was attenuated in T-treated men (182). In TEAAM, there was no signal for cardiovascular adverse events with T (164). Part of the beneficial effect of T treatment on VO2peak might be mediated via its effect to raise hemoglobin concentrations (147,169,176), or its action on skeletal muscle (183,184). The net effect might be to preserve (or at least attenuate the loss of) cardiorespiratory fitness in ageing men, that could translate into a reduction in cardiovascular risk. However, in keeping with the results of T4DM, an extended duration of T intervention may be required to realize these benefits.


Meta-analyses of Cardiovascular Adverse Events in Testosterone RCTs


To date, no T RCT large and long enough to be powered for the outcome of cardiovascular events has been reported. However, meta-analyses of reported T RCTs have been performed to determine whether T is associated with a difference in the rate of cardiovascular adverse events (Table 4). Earlier meta-analyses done in 2007 and 2010 had found no significant difference in risk for cardiovascular adverse events (147,185). One analysis done in 2013 claimed an association of T treatment with increased risk of cardiovascular-related adverse events (186). However, subsequent meta-analyses done from 2013 to 2020 have not supported this finding (187-193). Instead, these have found no association of T treatment with risk of cardiovascular adverse events (Table 4).


Table 4. Meta-Analyses of Cardiovascular Adverse Events in Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) of T Supplementation in Men

Study characteristics


Study author and year

N of RCTs



N placebo

Adverse signal

No adverse signal

Haddad RM, 2007 (185)





No significant difference in odds ratio for any cardiovascular adverse event or MI.

Fernandez-Balsells MM, 2010 (147)




No significant difference for all-cause mortality, coronary bypass surgery or MI.

Xu L, 2013 (186)



T associated with increased risk cardiovascular-related event (OR 1.54, 95% CI=1.09-2.18)*.


Ruige JB, 2013 (187)

10 (>100 participants)




No significant difference in cardiovascular adverse events.

Corona G, 2014 (188)






No association of T supplementation with cardiovascular risk. For MACE OR=1.01 (95% CI 0.57-1.77).

Borst SE, 2015 (189)




No significant risk for cardiovascular-related adverse events.

Alexander GC, 2017 (190)

39, cut-off for T 10.4-16.7 nmol/L




No significant increase in risk of MI OR=0.87 (95% CI 0.39-1.93)*, stroke or mortality.

Elliott J, 2017 (191)

87, cut-off for T 12 nmol/L or cFT 225 pmol/L




Improved QoL, libido, depression and erectile function. No increase in risk of adverse events.

Corona G, 2018 (192)





No clear effect of T on incidence of CVD events. For MACE OR=0.97 (95% CI 0.64-1.46).

Diem SJ, 2020 (193)





Small improvement in sexual function and quality of life. Pooled risk for adverse cardiovascular outcomes did not differ between groups (OR=1.22, 95% CI 0.66-2.23).*

Hudson J, 2022 (194)

35 RCTs: 17 included in IPD meta-analysis

1,750 (IPD)

1,681 (IPD)


No significant difference between groups. For cardiovascular or cerebrovascular events OR=1·07 (95% CI 0·81–1·42).

MI=myocardial infarction, MACE=major adverse cardiovascular events, OR=odds ratio, 95% CI=confidence interval. QoL=quality of life, IPD=individual participant data. Unless otherwise specified, meta-analyses were conducted using random effects models. *fixed effects model


It is worth commenting on more recent meta-analyses that have included the results of the T-Trials. In the meta-analysis by Alexander et al. (2017), 39 RCTs were included. The meta-analysis found no significant increase in risk of MI (data from 30 RCTs utilized), stroke (9 RCTs) or mortality (20 RCTs) (190). However, caveats were noted with respect to the quality of the available evidence. In a network meta-analysis, Elliott et al. (2017) included RCTs that enrolled men with baseline T ≤12 nmol/L (≤346 ng/dl) or free T ≤225 pmol/L, including 87 RCTs overall (191). T treatment was associated with improved quality of life and libido, improvement in depression and in erectile function. There was no increase in risk of adverse events such as cardiovascular death, MI or stroke (191). Corona et al. (2018) studied 93 RCTs and found no clear effect of T on incidence of CVD events, with an odds ratio of 0.97 (95% confidence interval 0.64-1.46) for major cardiovascular adverse events (192).


Diem et al. (2020) examined 38 RCTs of at least six months duration, noting that few exceeded a 1-year duration, there was a lack of power to assess important harms, and limited data for men aged 18-50 years (193). They concluded that in older men with lower testosterone concentrations, in the absence of organic hypogonadism, T treatment resulted in small improvements in in sexual functioning and quality of life, with long-term safety and efficacy still uncertain. Recently Hudson et al. (2022) analyzed RCTs involving men with T ≤12 nmol/L and minimum duration of three months, identifying 35 studies and obtaining individual participant data from 17 of these with 3,431 participants (including T-Trials but not T4DM) (194). There was no significant difference in cardiovascular adverse events in testosterone vs placebo-treated men. The authors concluded that their results provide some reassurance about the short- to medium-term safety of T treatment for male hypogonadism (194). Clearly, the results of the TRAVERSE study, a testosterone cardiovascular safety trial, will be of considerable interest (195). For now, bearing in mind the limitations of meta-analyses of RCTs using reported adverse events as the endpoint, the weight of the currently available evidence from these sources indicates that T treatment is not associated with risk of cardiovascular adverse events.




Retrospective Studies of Testosterone Prescriptions 


Pending an adequately powered T RCT to clarify its effect on the risk of cardiovascular events, retrospective case-control studies have sought to fill this gap (Table 5). These studies are typically based on health insurance databases recording prescriptions for T and subsequent outcomes in men prescribed or not prescribed T. Limitations of these studies include lack of clinical data such as indications for prescribing, the absence of randomization and the possibility of recall and misclassification bias (196). Initial studies in male veterans and in men with type 2 diabetes associated T prescriptions with lower mortality (197,198). By contrast, two studies associated T prescriptions with increased risk of major cardiovascular events (199,200). Both have been subject of criticisms: the first over confusing statistical methodology and data inaccuracies (resulting in publication of an erratum), the second over the lack of an appropriate comparison group (209,210). Subsequent studies have associated T prescriptions with no increase in risk of MI (201), and with lower risk of death, MI and stroke (202,203). An interesting distinction was made in the studies by Sharma et al. (2015) and Andersen et al. (2016) in that men who were prescribed T who then had “normal” T concentrations, did better than men who had persistently low T concentrations or who did not receive T (202,203). However, it is important to note that these studies did not systematically assess testosterone concentrations at multiple times or multiple days. A single measurement of testosterone on a particular day, may not be an accurate reflection of testosterone concentrations achieved over sustained periods of time with different testosterone formulations (211).


Table 5. Retrospective Case-Control Studies of Men Prescribed T that Examined Associations of T Prescriptions with Cardiovascular Events and Mortality in Middle-Aged and Older Men

Study characteristics


Study author and year

Size (n of men)

Follow-up (yr)

Age (yr)

Favors no T

Favors T

Shores MM, 2012 (197)





Male veterans with total T ≤8.7 nmol/L, T prescribed in 398. T supplementation associated with lower mortality.

Muraleedharan V, 2013 (198)





Men with Type 2 diabetes, 238 with total T ≤10.4 nmol/L. T supplementation associated with lower mortality.

Vigen R, 2013 (199)




Male veterans who had coronary angiography and total T ≤10.4 nmol/L. T prescription associated with increased risk of death, MI or stroke.


Finkle WD, 2014 (200)


90 days


Men prescribed T. Higher rate of non-fatal MI in 90 days following prescription compared to preceding 1 year.


Baillargeon J, 2014 (201)

6,355; 19,065

4.1; 3.3



6,355 men prescribed T vs 19,065 matched non-users. T prescription not associated with increased risk of MI. For men with worse prognostic scores, T associated with reduced risk of MI.

Sharma R, 2015 (202)


6.2; 4.6; 4.7



Male veterans with low T. TRT resulting in normalization of circulating T (n=43,931) was associated with lower risk of death, MI and stroke, compared to TRT without normalization of T (n=25,701) or no TRT (n=13,378).

Anderson J, 2016 (203)





Men with T <7.4 nmol/L. T therapy achieving normal T (n=2,241) was associated with reduced risk of MACE compared to persistent low T (n=801). T therapy achieving either normal T or high T (n=1,694) associated with lower all-cause mortality compared to persistent low T.

Wallis CJD, 2016 (204)

10,311: 28,029




Men treated with T. T treatment associated with lower mortality HR=0.88 (95% CI=0.84-0.93) and prostate cancer risk HR=0.86 (95% CI=0.75-0.99). Shorter exposure (2 months) associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events and mortality, longer exposure (35 months) with reduced risk.

Cheetham TC, 2017 (205)

8,808: 35,527




Men ≥40 years, diagnosis or T <10.4 nmol/L. T associated with reduced risk of outcome of MACE, unstable angina, coronary revascularization, TIA. HR=0.67 (95% CI=0.62-0.73).

Loo SY, 2019 (206)




Men with low T and no evidence of HPT axis disease. T associated with increased risk of composite outcome of stroke/TIA/MI (HR=1.21, 95% CI 1.00-1.46), with risk highest in first 6 months to 2 years of T use (HR 1.35, 95% CI, 1.01-1.79). Risk of all-cause mortality lower with current T use (HR=0.64, 95% CI 0.52-0.78) and higher with past T use (HR=1.72, 95% CI 1.21-2.45), compared with non-use.


Oni OA, 2019 (207)





Male veterans with low total T and history of MI. All-cause mortality lower in men treated with T who normalized total T (N=755), vs men treated with T who did not normalize total T (N=542, HR=0.76, 95% CI 0.64-0.90), or men not treated with T (N=173, HR=0.76, 95% CI 0.60-0.98). No significant difference in the risk of recurrent MI between groups.

Shores MM, 2021 (208)





Male veterans with low T. Current transdermal T use not associated with risk for incident MI/ischemic stroke/venous thromboembolism (HR=0.89, 95% CI 0.76-1.05) in men without prevalent CVD, and in those with prevalent CVD was associated with lower risk (HR=0.80; 95% CI, 0.70-0.91). Current intramuscular T use not associated with risk for composite endpoint in men without or with prevalent CVD (HR=0.91, 95% CI 0.80-1.04; HR=0.98, 95% CI 0.89-1.09, respectively).

MI=myocardial infarction, TRT=testosterone replacement therapy, MACE=major cardiovascular adverse event comprising death, non-fatal MI and non-fatal stroke, TIA=transient ischemic attack.


A study by Wallis et al. (2016) found that T treatment was associated with lower mortality overall, but men who had T for a relatively shorter duration of exposure had increased risk, while men with longer duration of exposure had reduced risk (204). In a study by Cheetham et al. (2017) of men aged ≥40 years diagnosed with low T or with T <10.4 nmol/L, T treatment was associated with a reduced risk of major cardiovascular adverse events (205). Loo et al. (2019) reported contrary findings: analyzing a cohort of men with no evidence of HPT axis disease via the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink, they associated use of testosterone with higher risk of a composite outcome of stroke, transient ischemic attack or MI, with the risk highest in the first six to 24 months of T use (206). In that study all-cause mortality risk was lower with current T use, and higher with past T use. Those findings are not supported by two more recent analyses, involving men with prior heart disease or with multiple comorbidities (207,208). In a study of male veterans with low T concentrations and a history of MI, men receiving T treatment who had a subsequent normal testosterone concentration had a lower risk of death from any cause compared to men receiving T treatment who had a subsequent low T concentration (207). Those men also had a lower risk of death compared with men who did not receive T treatment. Finally, in a cohort of 204,857 male veterans with a mean age of 60.9 years and 4.7 chronic medical conditions who were followed for 4.3 years, current transdermal T use was not associated with risk for the composite outcome of incident MI, ischemic stroke or venous thromboembolism in men without prevalent CVD (208). On the other hand, it was associated with lower risk in men with prevalent CVD. In that study, current intramuscular T use not associated with risk for the composite endpoint in men without or with prevalent CVD (208).


In an earlier retrospective cohort study that compared the use of T gel with T injections, T injections were associated with greater risk of cardiovascular adverse events (212). Bearing in mind the limitations of non-randomized studies and the possibility of bias, and the absence of a control group not receiving T, an additional factor is that more than 90% of the T injections were T cypionate, enanthate or propionate (212), which are short acting formulations typically requiring fortnightly administration with marked fluctuations in blood concentrations. The analysis would not apply to long-acting depot injections of T undecanoate typically administered every 12 weeks, which provide more stable pharmacokinetics (128). It is worth noting in this context that a population-based case-control study (involving 19,215 patients with confirmed venous thromboembolism and 909,530 age-matched controls) found an increased risk of venous thromboembolism within the first six months of T treatment but not thereafter (213). By contrast a systematic review and meta-analysis including six RCTs (2,236 participants) and five observational studies (1,249,640 participants) found no evidence of an association between T treatment and venous thromboembolism (214). However, the authors of that study noted that the available RCT data might have had inadequate power to detect an increased risk.


In summary, earlier findings associating T prescriptions with adverse cardiovascular outcomes were echoed in a more recent study. However, most studies do not show such adverse signals, and associated T use with lower risk of adverse cardiovascular events or mortality, including several recent large studies. There is a suggestion that T treatment which achieves normal T concentrations may relate to lower risk of cardiovascular events and mortality. Bearing in mind the limitations of these retrospective, observational and non-randomized studies, which cannot prove causality, the available data provide some reassurance but are far from definitive.


Abuse of Androgenic Steroids


Androgenic steroids can serve as appearance and performance-enhancing drugs and are abused by some competitive athletes, recreational sportspersons and body builders (1,215,216). The use/abuse of androgenic steroids occurs in contravention of medical advice and applicable sporting regulations, typically without medical supervision using unapproved formulations often in excessive doses (216). The use/abuse can be interspersed with periods of non-use. Adverse effects include suppression of the endogenous HPT axis, reduced spermatogenesis and impaired fertility, decreased testicular volume, hair loss and gynecomastia and are well-recognized (1,215). There is also an appreciation that long-term abuse results in cardiovascular toxicity in the form of myocardial dysfunction and accelerated coronary atherosclerosis (217). However, this study could be confounded as men who abuse androgenic steroids may also consume many other substances and the androgen preparations might have harmful contaminants. Abuse using pharmacological dosing of various products is very distinct from medically supervised T therapy aiming to achieve physiological circulating concentrations of T (128). Nevertheless, this is a reminder that excessive exposure to androgens carries the risk of harm (1).




Lessons from the Available Evidence


Epidemiological data are consistent with a protective role for endogenous androgens against CVD. In some studies of middle-aged and older men, lower circulating concentrations of endogenous T are associated with higher incidence of cardiovascular events, particularly stroke. Lower circulating T and DHT concentrations have also been associated with higher cardiovascular mortality (discussed in sections 2.1-2.2). Potential mechanisms by which T could exert beneficial actions in the vasculature have been explored in experimental models. These include reduced cholesterol accumulation and modulation of inflammation (sections 3.1-3.4). Clinical studies have reported favorable effects of T treatment on angina symptoms and exercise tolerance, but its effect on subclinical atherosclerosis remains uncertain (sections 4.1-4.2). The T-Trials, T4DM and meta-analyses of existing T RCTs in general do not show any signal for cardiovascular adverse events (sections 5.1-5.2). Retrospective case-control studies have reported contrasting results but in general, men receiving T prescriptions appear to have lower risk of major cardiovascular events and lower mortality compared to men who did not receive T, particularly if T treatment was associated with subsequent normal concentrations of circulating T (section 6.1). It is important to bear in mind that there are contrasting findings, and beneficial associations of T with cardiovascular outcomes may be less evident in healthier middle-aged men. Therefore, epidemiological evidence and mechanistic data could be used to argue for an anti-atherogenic or a protective effect of T on the cardiovascular system, as could the majority of retrospective case-control studies. However, this remains to be proven in the context of prospective RCTs of T intervention.


Gaps in the Current Evidence Base


RCT data are lacking as to whether treatment of middle-aged and older men with T would reduce the risk of cardiovascular events. The T-Trials which used transdermal T gel over a 12-month intervention offer important evidence as to benefits of T treatment for sexual function, anemia and bone density in older men without apparent diseases of the HPT axis, who had lower circulating T concentrations compared with younger men and symptoms suggestive of (but not diagnostic for) androgen deficiency (174,176). T4DM demonstrated the benefit of T treatment to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in men at high risk, beyond the effects of a lifestyle intervention (175). T4DM also showed a beneficial effect of T treatment on sexual function, and on bone microarchitecture and density (175,218). The T-Trials and T4DM are also noteworthy for the absence of any adverse cardiovascular safety signal for T treatment in these populations of men (174,175). However, the findings of the T-Trials Cardiovascular sub-study regarding an increase in total coronary atheroma plaque volume, in men with substantial baseline atheromatous disease, require clarification (168).


Major evidence gaps pertain to the effects of T on the cardiovascular system, as to whether T acts to slow development or progression of coronary or carotid atheromatous plaque in middle-aged and older men, in the differing contexts of either primary or secondary prevention for CVD. If the action of T is to reduce cholesterol accumulation, and to reduce inflammation and neointimal response to injury (sections 3.1-3.4) then these actions may have more impact to prevent or reduce progression of early atherosclerosis, rather than to reverse established disease. The related questions are whether T intervention in a primary prevention setting will reduce growth of coronary or carotid atheromatous plaque, or whether in a secondary prevention setting T intervention would influence the incidence of cardiovascular events. Another important question relates whether transdermal vs depot intramuscular (T undecanoate) formulations of T have similar or differing effects on the cardiovascular system.


Neither T-Trials nor T4DM had any cardiovascular endpoints and will not answer the question as to whether T exerts beneficial, neutral or adverse effects on the cardiovascular system. The US multicenter RCT “A study to evaluate the effect of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) on the incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) and efficacy measures in hypogonadal men (TRAVERSE)” commenced recruitment in 2018 of men aged 45-80 years with T <10.4 nmol/L (<300 ng/dl) with evidence of CVD or at increased risk for CVD (195). TRAVERSE was designed as a cardiovascular safety study with the endpoint of myocardial infarction, stroke or death due to cardiovascular causes, aimed to enroll 6,000 men randomized to transdermal T gel or placebo, and is planned to complete in 2022. TRAVERSE will also examine outcomes of prostate cancer, sexual function, bone fractures, depression, anemia and diabetes (195). TRAVERSE will address the issue of the cardiovascular safety of T treatment in what would largely be a secondary prevention setting. This leaves unanswered the question of whether T intervention in a primary prevention setting would reduce development or progression of coronary or carotid atheroma.


Application to Clinical Practice


Current clinical practice recommendations prioritize the identification of men with classical or pathological hypogonadism who are androgen deficient due to diseases of the hypothalamus, pituitary or testes (6,7). In such men, T treatment consistently resolves symptoms and signs of androgen deficiency (6,7,19). In men with classical or pathological hypogonadism the benefits of T treatment likely outweigh possible cardiovascular risks. In any case, individualized assessment and management of cardiovascular risk factors and disease should be part of routine clinical care. Of note, the US regulatory agency required labelling to warn of a possible increased risk of cardiovascular events with T, but the European regulatory agency concluded there was no consistent evidence of increased risk of coronary heart disease with T therapy (19). Until more evidence is available, it may be prudent to adopt a degree of caution in older men who are frail or who have known CVD, and to optimize management of cardiovascular risk factors and disease before starting T treatment. Treatment should aim for physiological replacement of T using approved formulations and avoid excessive doses (128).


It is beyond the scope of this chapter to discuss controversies regarding the management of men with low endogenous T concentrations due to obesity or presence of systemic illnesses where the HPT axis is intact, but its activity may be suppressed (19,31). However, it is worth noting that in men where a clear indication for T treatment is lacking, the risks and benefits of an intervention need to be considered with special care. Further research is needed to determine whether and how T treatment might impact on the risk of CVD in men.




Some epidemiological studies have associated higher circulating concentrations (but within the normal range) of endogenous androgens with lower risk of cardiovascular events and mortality. In men with pathological hypogonadism, the benefits of T treatment likely outweigh putative risks of cardiovascular adverse events. However, the effects of exogenous androgens in the form of T therapy seeking to maintain physiological circulating androgen concentrations on the cardiovascular system remain uncertain. Additional information will be forthcoming once the results of the TRAVERSE trial are known. Current clinical care of hypogonadal men should recognize this evidence gap and allow for individualized assessment and management of pre-existing cardiovascular risk factors and disease in men requiring T therapy. Well-designed and adequately powered RCTs are needed to clarify whether T treatment has beneficial, neutral or adverse effects on the cardiovascular system in the general population of middle-aged and older men.




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Ovarian Reserve Testing



The ovaries affect far more than reproductive health. Estrogen affects cardiovascular, skeletal, mental health, and numerous other aspects of wellness. Additionally, ovarian dysfunction can reflect disequilibrium relating to multiple conditions. Efficient and effective ovarian testing can give women valuable answers about their fertility, time to menopause, and other conditions and symptoms they may face. Though no test is perfect, antral follicle count (AFC) and anti- Müllerian hormone (AMH) provide more sensitive and specific results that allow for the continuum of ovarian function, and have advantages over classic tests such as follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol, the clomiphene citrate challenge test (CCCT), and others. This chapter explores these and additional ovarian assays, their underlying mechanisms, and limitations that may favor one test over another depending on circumstances. Particular emphasis is given to evaluating perimenopausal status, procreation, and etiologies for amenorrhea.




Ovarian endocrinology is dynamic. Years of quiescence are followed by oscillating secretion until near burnout, but some function remains even after menopause. “Ovarian reserve testing” assesses where the ovaries are within this spectrum. These measures seem to most clearly relate to oocyte quantity, as multiple other factors (especially age) meaningfully affect oocyte quality and fecundability. However, quantity and quality are not completely independent, as abnormal ovarian reserve testing has been linked to increased blastocyst aneuploidy (1).


This chapter will characterize the main biochemical and sonographic approaches used in both classic and modern testing. Moreover, an assay, like any tool, has value relative to the task to which it is applied. Accordingly, this chapter will also discuss application of ovarian reserve tests to several common areas: assessing perimenopausal status, evaluating ovarian reserve for fertility, and addressing primary and secondary amenorrhea. Use of these markers in assessing the male is covered elsewhere (


Because consensus can be difficult, the following summaries reflect trends, though different perspectives exist and the literature continues to evolve. Existing research on ovarian reserve testing is often confusing because of heterogeneity among tested populations (the general population, infertility patients of all ages, infertility patients more than 35 years old, etc., see also data from the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART), Figure 1, (2)). Additionally, one must always keep in mind that as with all screening tests, no single result is definitive, since findings must be interpreted in context and should be repeated or supplemented as appropriate.

Figure 1. The relative effect of age on fecundity through in vitro fertilization (IVF) in 2020 according to the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) (2).


Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)


FSH was the first hormone directly linked to ovarian aging (3). It is secreted by the anterior pituitary and promotes the progression of antral follicles into dominant follicles. Feedback from estrogen, inhibin, and activin influence hypothalamic GnRH pulsatility, which determines pituitary FSH expression. Elevated FSH levels can be seen with dwindling reserve, where a greater FSH stimulus is required to drive folliculogenesis, but elevated levels also can be found in normal ovarian reserve if measured at the time of the LH surge. Low FSH levels are seen prior to puberty or with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. In addition to medical conditions that shift pituitary FSH expression, exogenous hormones and their modulators (clomiphene, letrozole, etc.), cimetidine, phenothiazines, and other medications can also shift levels.


Many non-FSH substrates can induce an FSH-like effect. Without describing in detail the spectrum of FSH assays that bypass this challenge, for which an excellent review is available (4), in the clinical setting FSH is typically measured by immunoassay. The sample is usually acquired by phlebotomy (24-hour urine collections are rarely used) on menstrual cycle day three for ovulatory patients, with day one being the first full day of flow.


Testing on cycle days two, four, or five is not unreasonable, but if a normal result would prompt retesting, a day three measurement or a different assay is preferred. Multiple cutoffs are used, with FSH levels of >16.7, >11.4, and <10 mIU/mL reflecting high, moderately high, and normal levels based on the World Health Organization (WHO) Second International Standard (5).

Because ovarian reserve is on a continuum, any cutoff selected should relate to goals of balancing positive and negative predictive values, and this is an issue that applies to other measures of ovarian reserve as well. In amenorrheic patients, a random sample is preferred to testing after hormonally induced menses. In the setting of amenorrhea, a concurrent progesterone level (<2 ng/mL) is a reasonable control to ensure that one is in the follicular phase.




Interpersonal and intercycle variation can be meaningful in patients at risk for moderately elevated FSH, which is why it has been called “Fluctuating Severely Hormone.” The problems with FSH’s sensitivity in part stem from it being a late marker of dwindling ovarian function, as summarized in Stages of Reproductive Aging Workshop + 10 conclusions (6). This limited predictive value is reflected in the NHANES III data, which showed 75% of women aged 40 to 44 years having normal levels at less than 10 mIU/mL, even though ovarian function is typically the rate limiting step at this age, and half of women aged 45 to 49 years had levels less than 11 mIU/mL (7). Sensitivity for FSH is often worse than specificity, with findings ranging from 11-86% and 45-100%, respectively (8). With anti-muellerian hormone (AMH) and antral follicle count (AFC) demonstrating better predictive value for ovarian response than FSH, these are more likely to be the tests of choice (9). Accordingly, relative to emerging alternatives, FSH testing increasingly is seen as less valuable than it used to be for procreative testing and more useful for evaluating perimenopausal status, hypergonadotropic and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, and central precocious puberty.





As with FSH, estradiol levels vacillate over the course of a menstrual cycle, peaking in both the late follicular and mid luteal phases. As ovarian reserve declines, the follicular phase shortens because of decreasing feedback inhibition by follicles recruited during the previous cycle. (This is why the first clinical sign of decreasing ovarian reserve is shortening menstrual cycle length.) With the follicular phase starting earlier, estradiol levels start rising closer to menses (and the classic day three FSH peak actually can occur prior to menses). As a result, an elevated day three estradiol level could reflect diminishing ovarian reserve.


Elevated estradiol (>60-80 pg/mL) may also lead to an artificially normal FSH, where higher estradiol levels lead to feedback suppression of FSH. Conversely, estradiol levels <20 pg/mL on day three depending on the circumstances can be consistent with normal ovarian function, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, or ovarian failure.




Estradiol is also typically measured by immunoassay after phlebotomy. The sample is usually drawn at the same time as FSH levels or randomly when assessing amenorrhea. Estrone, the primary postmenopausal estrogen, and estriol, the primary pregnancy estrogen, are not typically tested when evaluating ovarian function. Also, because oral estrogens are typically metabolized into many byproducts (with varying activity), serum estradiol levels often won’t reflect exogenous exposure. (However, transdermal estrogen administration can be monitored through serum levels.) Medical conditions, glucocorticoids, sex steroids, clomiphene, letrozole, GnRH agonists and antagonists, and other medications can alter estradiol levels, just as they could shift FSH levels.


For many conditions, an estradiol level is a reasonable proxy for ovarian inactivity. However, for assessing decreasing ovarian reserve, estradiol is neither a sensitive nor specific assay (9). Accordingly, when used for measuring ovarian reserve, estradiol has its greatest value as an internal control to ensure that one is testing at the expected portion of the menstrual cycle (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Ovarian, hormonal, and endometrial changes over the menstrual cycle. Adapted from Hall, et al., Hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone secretion and follicle-stimulating hormone dynamics during the luteal follicular transition (10).


Clomiphene Citrate Challenge Test (CCCT)



The clomiphene citrate challenge test combines measurement of FSH and estradiol levels prior to clomiphene exposure and FSH levels after clomiphene exposure. Clomiphene is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) that inhibits negative feedback inhibition by estradiol on the hypothalamus. Normally, increased estrogen levels decrease GnRH pulsatility, resulting in lower FSH levels through negative feedback. By using clomiphene to block feedback inhibition by estradiol, there is an increase in FSH, which enhances follicular recruitment, and which is why clomiphene can be used for ovulation induction and superovulation.


FSH and estradiol levels are assessed through immunoassay, as previously described. The CCCT is performed by having an FSH level drawn on the third day of the menstrual cycle, taking 100 mg of clomiphene orally cycle days five to nine, and then repeating the FSH level on cycle day number ten (11, 12). An estradiol level is also frequently drawn on the third day and sometimes on the tenth day as well.


When assessing ovarian reserve for fertility, FSH is a limited measure of ovarian response and a poor predictor of pregnancy and estradiol is predictive of neither (9). When combining the two through the CCCT, it is difficult to assess the degree of benefit through receiver operator curves (9). If benefit is unclear, cost-effectiveness is even less so. Accordingly, other measures of ovarian reserve are increasingly used instead of the CCCT, although this assay is still more commonly used than other provocative tests, such as the exogenous FSH ovarian reserve test (EFORT) and the GnRH agonist stimulation test (GAST). The CCCT has particularly suboptimal value in anovulatory patients. The reason is that the CCCT is primarily used to help discriminate normal ovarian reserve from poor reserve in patients with potentially borderline function. However, the typical anovulatory patient tends to have robust reserve (PCOS, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism) or poor reserve (primary ovarian insufficiency), so relative to alternative assays, a test designed to elicit subtleties is typically less important in this population.

Antral Follicle Count (AFC)


Follicular recruitment is in constant flux during the reproductive years, with less than 0.1% of oogonia present at birth ever making it to ovulation. Fluid surrounding numerous oocytes not selected to be the dominant follicle can be seen sonographically prior to regression. The more follicles visualized within the ovary, the greater the probable ovarian reserve, and AFC has been shown to correlate closely with the primordial follicular pool on histologic analysis. (13, 14). Though it remains for debate as to how much a dwindling follicular pool reflects oocyte quality as well as quantity, women with infertility are more likely to have lower antral follicle counts than those without infertility (15). Similarly, women with low antral follicle counts are much more likely to have cancellation for under response with IVF than those with normal counts (16). However, though low quantity in younger women may reflect fewer oocytes with which blastocysts can form, it does not clearly seem associated with higher rates of aneuploidy or miscarriage (17).


Antral follicle count can be measured at any time during the menstrual cycle, as well as when a woman is on hormonal contraceptives or is pregnant. Classically, a woman’s AFC is the total number of ovarian follicles measuring between two and nine millimeters, though many studies count follicles up to and including ten millimeters in size (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Ovarian sonographic imaging of women in their mid-30’s. Figure 3A is from a woman with premature ovarian failure and there are no visualized antral follicles (the sonographically anechoic regions measuring approximately two to nine millimeters within the ovary). Figure 3B is from a woman with tubal factor infertility, and for whom seeing a few follicles within a single plane of the ovary would be normal. Figure 3C is from a woman with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Though her ovary is arguably more multicystic than polycystic (which would typically have follicles concentrated on the periphery of the ovary), she met the criteria for PCOS and her ovary is clearly distinct from those shown in 3A and 3B. Of note, all three ultimately conceived with their own oocytes, so it should be remembered that the absence of visualized antral follicles makes conception far less probable, but not impossible.



Multiple cutoffs are used for what constitutes normal and poor ovarian reserve. Given that antral follicle count varies among cycles, it is reasonable to view the AFC as a continuum, with four total antral follicles reflecting limited reserve, but five antral follicles not being entirely reassuring. Additionally, what constitutes normal is age dependent, where ten total antral follicles may be common for women in their 30’s, but not their teens. Though many measures have been used to define polycystic ovarian morphology, the most accepted standard is that used in the Rotterdam criteria of, “12 or more follicles in each ovary measuring 2 to 9 mm in diameter, and/or increased ovarian volume (>10 ml).” This cutoff was chosen, as it was associated with 75% sensitivity and 98% specificity for distinguishing polycystic ovarian morphology (PCOM) from normal ovaries (18). Another frequently used definition comes from Adams, who considered an ovary polycystic if there were ≥ 10 follicles measuring <9 mm (19). Of note, in the development of guidelines for the WHO on PCOS, sonography was deemed preferable to AMH levels from a pragmatic standpoint. (20)


There is debate as to how much moving outside of the early follicular phase or hormonal modulation such as pregnancy and oral contraceptives will shift the measurement of antral follicle count. Both central and paracrine effects can occur and these are more likely to be meaningful in patients with suboptimal ovarian reserve. However, patients with reassuring ovarian reserve are unlikely to move into a non-reassuring category through these conditions if the ultrasound resolution allows for early antral follicle visualization and measurement.


Patient dependent and observer dependent limitations should also be considered. Patients with elevated BMI (particularly with increased vaginal adiposity) and/or scarring of the pelvis may be more likely to have ovaries with limited resolution for assessment, which could potentially underestimate ovarian reserve. Similarly, large cysts or endometriomas could exert a temporary paracrine effect underestimating reserve. Patients with previous ovarian surgery could also have inclusion cysts appearing similar to antral follicles, but these won’t develop with stimulation or have oocytes at follicular aspiration for IVF. For observer dependent limitations, it should be noted that in some multi-center studies where anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is found superior to antral follicle count, one can find most institutions having AMH and AFC equally predictive, but one site has an observer where there is a meaningful difference. This has led some to conclude AMH superior to AFC, but failure to properly train observers prior to research is a limitation to study design and may not necessarily reflect true diminished value in utilizing AFC for assessing ovarian reserve. ASRM 2022 Practice Committee Guidelines note, “When performed in an experienced center, AFC is a reasonable alternative to AMH” (29).

Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH, Müllerian Inhibiting Substance, MIS)


AMH is a homodimeric glycopeptide that in reproductive aged women is predominantly granulosa cell derived. The role of systemic AMH is not clear, but at the level of the ovary, it is believed to downregulate FSH mediated folliculogenesis. AMH expression is highest in secondary, preantral, and small antral follicles up until approximately 4 mm in size, and it stops being expressed by granulosa cells when the follicle measures in the 4 to 8 mm range (Figure 4).

Figure 4. The interplay of follicular development and hormonal secretion and responsiveness.


AMH seems to have a role in selecting the dominant follicle in addition to generally mediating preantral follicular recruitment. AMH levels start undergoing a log-linear decline approximately fifteen years prior to menopause and drop to very low levels approximately five years before menopause (21).


The AMH level associated with diminished ovarian reserve is assay specific and depends on the desired balance of sensitivity and specificity, but is typically below 1 ng/mL. The threshold for menopause is typically lower than the lower detectable limit for many assays, being slightly below 0.1 ng/mL (22). AMH <0.5 ng/mL seems associated with fewer than three follicles available at retrieval, 0.5-1 ng/mL with reduced response, 1-3.5 ng/mL with normal response, and >3.5 ng/mL with overresponse, reflecting greater risk for ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (23). Normal AMH values often exceed 2 ng/mL at 30, 1.5 ng/mL at 35, and 1 ng/mL at 40 as a quick reference for expected reserve at a given age.


The role of weight loss on AMH levels is open for debate, but should be substratified in women with and without PCOS. (51) Though a lack of association cannot be excluded due to limitations in sample size, there does not seem to be a clear shift in AMH with weight loss for non-PCOS patients. However, for those with elevated AMH from PCOS that has been effectively treated through diet, exercise, and/or bariatric surgery, there is improved fertility, even as AMH lowers to more normal levels. (51) It is unclear which signal transduction pathways drive these lower levels, as one would expect weight loss-associated shifts in adiponectin, leptin, and insulin to actually increase AMH through recognized mechanisms. Lifestyle may have a broader impact beyond weight on ovarian reserve, as both AMH and AFC are statistically lower in women with lower socioeconomic status (56).


AMH levels are measured through immunoassay on a sample obtained through phlebotomy. Values obtained have the distinct advantage of being equally valid at any point in the menstrual cycle. Because AMH is expressed primarily before FSH responsiveness occurs, it is believed that AMH remains a valid assay even when ovarian suppression occurs through smoking, oral contraceptives, GnRH agonists, and pregnancy (24). Though these factors can lead to transient ovarian suppression, they are unlikely to change levels so much as to meaningfully underestimate true reserve. The magnitude of effect through these reversible factors seems to be low, with age-specific AMH percentiles decreasing by 11% with oral contraceptives and 17% with pregnancy (25). Additionally, AMH levels drawn on day seven of the pill free interval seem to closely correlate with levels seen after oral contraceptive discontinuation (26).

A popular misconception is that just because it is valid to assess AMH throughout the

menstrual cycle and under a variety of inhibitory conditions, this should not be mistaken as meaning that AMH levels are static. Though levels of AMH tend to be steady state in perimenopausal patients, for those with higher ovarian reserve, AMH levels fluctuate significantly. This fluctuation, however, is not to the point where a person with robust ovarian reserve is likely to be categorized as having limited reserve (21).


AMH seems to have fewer limitations than most other assays. In fact, it seems to have the advantage that it not only is useful in predicting ovarian response to gonadotropin stimulation, but may even have limited value in predicting pregnancy rates (27). However, like other ovarian reserve assays, it does not appear particularly valuable in predicting viability once pregnancy has already been established. When there is discordance between AFC and AMH levels (e.g., low AFC but normal AMH or vice versa), ovarian response is often a hybrid of the two findings (above those with diminished reserve but less than that of those with normal reserve) (28).

Inhibin B


Inhibin B is similar to AMH in that it is a glycoprotein secreted by preantral follicles, with levels declining with age. Both inhibin A and B downregulate pituitary FSH secretion. However, Inhibin A levels are not used to predict ovarian reserve because they arise primarily from the dominant follicle rather than an earlier follicular cohort and therefore are less predictive. Inhibin B levels are relatively more useful, but overall remain suboptimally predictive, as they are a late finding for diminished ovarian reserve and typically start falling around four years prior to menopause (21).


Inhibin levels are measured by immunoassay after phlebotomy. Inhibin B levels fluctuate over the menstrual cycle, with peaks in the early to mid-follicular phase, as well as during ovulation. Accordingly, inhibin B is typically measured on the third day of the menstrual cycle in ovulatory women. Outside of ovarian reserve testing, in postmenopausal women, where inhibin B levels should be consistently low, a random level is particularly good for following granulosa cell tumors (>89% have elevated inhibin B) and also can be useful for following some epithelial cell ovarian tumors.


In addition to significant variation within the cycle, there is also meaningful variation among cycles. Because of limited sensitivity and specificity, this assay has greater value in those far more likely to have diminished reserve. Some have proposed using inhibin B in combination with other assays, but it is the opinion of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine that “combined ovarian reserve tests models do not consistently improve predictive ability over that of single ovarian reserve tests.” (29).

Ovarian Volume


Follicles, stroma, and vasculature all contribute to ovarian volume. The percentage that each contributes depends on the individual, her age, underlying gynecologic conditions, and where she is during the menstrual cycle.


Typically, ultrasound is used to measure the ovary in all 3 dimensions. These measurements are then applied in the formula for calculating the volume of an ellipse (D1 x D2 x D3 x 0.523). An ovarian volume of >10 cm^3 is considered consistent with PCOS. Although increased ovarian stromal volume distinguishes polycystic ovarian morphology from the multicystic ovary, stromal volume is not routinely measured. Alternative approaches that may improve the effectiveness of ovarian volume include the use of trapezoidal volume (30), 3D ultrasound (31), and color Doppler (32).


Ovarian volume shifts in response to normal physiologic changes (such as the presence of a dominant follicle) and coexisting medical conditions (such as endometriomas). Exogenous hormones can decrease ovarian volume (33), even though ovarian reserve itself has not changed. For these reasons, if evaluating the ovaries by ultrasound, antral follicle count is believed to be a better proxy for ovarian reserve.


Assessing Perimenopausal Status

Classically, ovarian insufficiency and failure have been defined as present when persistent FSH levels >40 µIU/mL are found with at least two radioimmunoassays more than a month apart. No detectable antral follicles in a patient without ovarian suppression is consistent with a perimenopausal state and fewer than two antral follicles has been deemed a more sensitive cutoff (29). The reason to not require the complete absence of follicles is that minimal follicular development is not unusual in postmenopausal women, as there can be a 14% prevalence and an 8% incidence of simple cysts in a given year (34). Similarly, though an undetectable AMH level would be consistent with menopause, in women with primary ovarian insufficiency, approximately a quarter of them will have below normal but detectable AMH levels and a sixth will have normal AMH levels (35). Though women with advancing age will have higher FSH levels, it remains unclear if women with elevated FSH earlier in their reproductive life will go through menopause earlier (36). Finally, it should be remembered that confirmation of primary ovarian insufficiency does not automatically mean completion of testing, as fragile X carrier screening and other evaluations may be appropriate.


Evaluating Ovarian Reserve for Fertility in Ovulatory Patients


For ovarian reserve testing prior to fertility therapy, there is more data on FSH than other measures. Generally, women of the same age with higher FSH levels seem to have lower fecundability (37). However, younger women with elevated FSH levels often have much better fecundability than older women with comparably elevated FSH (38) and age can be a better predictor of outcome than FSH (39). Though differences in pregnancy rates can be shown between those with high and low FSH, the assay in general has suboptimal sensitivity for both ovarian response and pregnancy rates, as reflected by receiver-operator curves (9).


A rarely addressed caveat is that though it is true that multiple studies are showing AMH and AFC to have a better balance of sensitivity and specificity than FSH, meta-analyses regarding the predictive value of FSH run the risk of being biased towards the null. The reason is that the earliest ovarian reserve testing research (using FSH) was done at a time when IVF success rates were lower. This caveat won’t apply to modern studies were FSH is directly compared with AMH or AFC, but one should account for temporal bias in meta-analyses if studies from the 1990s are included. One should also note, that 20% of the time there will be AMH and FSH discordance, particularly in older women where this can be as high as 33% (55).


Anti-Müllerian hormone levels and antral follicle count seem to be emerging as the best approaches to procreative testing. A survey of 796 centers noted 51% thought AMH the best measure for ovarian reserve, while 40% selected AFC, though ultimately 80% felt age was the best predictor for pregnancy (50). After accounting for age, AFC and AMH seem highly accurate in predicting poor response with IVF, while FSH does so only moderately (40). Not only are these measures commonly used for predicting under response, but they can also be used to predict hyperstimulation (41). Ovarian reserve assessment for reproductive purposes is fraught with controversy because different practitioners prefer different balances of sensitivity and specificity. At the minimum it should be recognized that this type of testing is meant to be screening for women who are more likely to have a poor response to ovarian stimulation, and findings are not necessarily diagnostic of ovarian failure or the degree of risk for premature menopause. However, results consistent with perimenopausal findings should be confirmed and appropriate counseling given. As stated by ASRM, “Extremely low AMH levels should not be used to refuse treatment in IVF” (29). The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) draws similar conclusions (42).


Since combined tests do not consistently improve the ability to predict ovarian response, many clinicians are simply using either AMH or AFC in the context of the patient’s age and reserve additional testing for atypical clinical pictures or to confirm significant ovarian insufficiency. In spite of this ASRM recommended approach, some argue that combined testing improves sensitivity in detecting suboptimal ovarian reserve. Whether or not the literature ultimately demonstrates this, a way of side-stepping this debate is by noting that combined testing is unlikely to be cost-effective. The reason is that if additional testing is unlikely to change management (especially when the vast majority of patients have normal results), it is very hard to show cost-effectiveness when doubling or tripling costs without clear benefit. Accordingly, if using combined testing, it should be selective rather than universal.


An additional note on ovarian reserve tests in procreation relates to their limitations. Though some appear better than others in predicting ovarian response to stimulation, most are limited at best in predicting pregnancy, and this predictive value is highly dependent on patient demographics within a study. This is not inherently a flaw in the assays; rather, infertility is often multifactorial, so when ovarian reserve testing is a subset of factors, this tends to bias its relevance towards the null. Studies showing an ovarian reserve test to be predictive of pregnancy in general tend to have older populations. (It has been argued as to whether this constitutes enrollment bias or limits external validity; however, it is reasonable to find a test having greater value when applied to a population at risk.)


Another limitation is that abnormal ovarian reserve testing does not always increase miscarriage rates (43), despite an association between abnormal testing and blastocyst aneuploidy (1). Studies show roughly a 25% increase in the probability per embryo of being aneuploid in the setting of diminished ovarian reserve (52, 53). This may underestimate the magnitude of effect, as many aneuploid embryos may not survive to biopsy and evaluation. This is why one can see the bottom quartile having higher rates of all embryos being aneuploid (19.3% vs 10.3%) and of having only one embryo to biopsy (31% vs 11%) (52). Further muddying the waters, for a particular age, though women with diminished ovarian reserve may have quantity issues without this always translating to quality (euploidy), looking at the 5%-10% of patients with lowest reserve may give a different answer than looking at the bottom quartile. The better performers among the population with the lowest reserve may bias the data towards the null. This is why when comparing the cited Jaswa (53) and Fouks (52) articles, one sees a higher rate of aneuploidy in the Jaswa study (71% DOR vs 55% controls) relative to Fouks (50% bottom quartile vs 60% middle quartiles), as the Jaswa DOR group arguably had more pronounced diminished ovarian reserve. A study by Morin focused on those with the bottom 10% for ovarian reserve and noted a decline in quantity didn’t shift quality (54). However, the bottom decile had triple the rate of no usable blastocysts (17% vs 5.3%) and lower live birth rates (41.2% vs 53.1% per cycle start), where arguably successful pregnancy is the ultimate metric of quality. The Morin DOR population was meaningfully younger than the Jaswa population, so DOR associated with aging is likely to be more concerning than comparable ovarian reserve in younger women (53, 54).


To further complicate the quantity vs. quality debate, there can be heterogeneity, where some women with DOR have far lower quality than others. Finally, follicular quantity is more valuable in identifying ovarian factors for subfertility patients but does not seem predictive of outcomes in patients who have suboptimal reserve, but have never tried to conceive (44).

Evaluating Amenorrhea in the Post-menarche, Pre-menopausal Patient

Numerous conditions can cause amenorrhea in reproductive aged women. Testing falls into two categories: diagnosing etiology and reassuring the patient that she is not in ovarian failure. For a more comprehensive discussion of how to evaluate etiology, please see the Endotext section on the Endocrinology of Female Reproduction. In general, and in addition to remembering to exclude pregnancy as a cause for amenorrhea, ASRM Practice Committee guidelines recommend FSH, TSH, and prolactin levels in addition to the usual history and physical exam (45) (An important contextual caveat is that AMH and AFC were not as well established when these guidelines came out in 2008). Though increasingly AFC is used in place of FSH, especially for evaluating hyperandrogenic women since AFC is part of the Rotterdam criteria (46), FSH still has a role in differentiating PCOS and forms of functional hypothalamic amenorrhea (47). See figure 5 for interpretation of test results.

Figure 5. Laboratory parameters in the setting of amenorrhea (43). Reproduced with permission of the author.


Regarding reassuring the patient, for gynecologists a transvaginal ultrasound to assess antral follicle count is relatively easy to perform, can often be performed promptly at the initial office visit, and can have a reassuring tangibility to patients when antral follicles are identified and their importance is explained. When sonographic evaluation of ovarian reserve is less available, a normal AMH level should be reassuring. Additionally, for patients who have been placed on oral contraceptives or other hormonal therapy without a diagnosis of etiology for amenorrhea, AFC and AMH levels may be lowered, but are still likely to remain within the normal range if the patient truly has normal reserve. Figure 6 provides information on the relative strengths of assays.

Figure 6. Relative strengths of assays for determining ovarian reserve (balancing positive and negative predictive values, typical costs, and available alternatives). AFC= antral follicle count, AMH= anti-mullerian hormone, CCCT= clomiphene citrate challenge test. * When combined with LH


Advancing technologies and improving cost has made direct to consumer (DTC) fertility testing a reality. DTC testing enhances patient access care, but can do so at the expense of oversight, insight, and broader perspective.  Moreover, though abnormal results may encourage a patient to seek out a physician for counseling, normal results may provide false security for fertility, which is multifactorial and more than ovarian reserve. Additionally, ovarian reserve testing in patients with untested fertility may provide limited predictive value for fecundability and ultimately fecundity (57). Ultimately, how do physicians interpret results in patients who may not warrant assessment? If DTC ovarian reserve testing is typically performed by fingerstick blood sampling, relative to a larger, better-preserved sample through traditional phlebotomy, sample accuracy at times can be suboptimal. Additionally, lack of assay standardization among labs can also hinder counseling patients on their results (58). If more information is available, the true questions are if we can use and trust the results?


When (and if) ovarian reserve testing is predictive, therapy can be focally applied early.  Current testing methods are often more reliable after DOR has already occurred and better predict response to therapies than pregnancy itself. The known causative association between Fragile X premutation in women and risk of decreased ovarian reserve leads to interest in genetic causes of decreased ovarian reserve. Studies have linked target genes and epigenetic changes to patients with diagnosed DOR (59, 60). If testing Fragile X, as well as testing for blepharophimosis, ptosis, and epicanthus inversus (BPES), can anticipate DOR, the challenge is not just in making the most of ovarian reserve where possible, but there is also a role for potentially reducing transmissible morbidity.


It has been said that a Rolex keeps time well, but makes for a lousy hammer. All ovarian reserve tests are merely tools and their value relates to the task to which they are applied. Even as we see increased use of AFC and AMH (48), we have to remember that ideal testing is “systematic, expeditious, and cost-effective” (49). In other words, when evaluating ovarian reserve, one should account for not only the symptoms and probable diagnosis, but also the turnaround time for results, and how to maximize value in testing. These latter two factors vary by site, so clinicians will have to find the right balance for their practice. Finally, one of the most important and cost-effective predictors is age (see Figure 1). In the procreative setting, after age is combined with another ovarian reserve test, the marginal benefit from further assays tends to be less (8). Accordingly, and with the exception of premature ovarian failure where independent confirmation is appropriate (due to discordance between age and the assay), until further studies justify effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, simultaneously using multiple ovarian reserve tests should be for selected patients rather than universal.




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Male Contraception



Men continue to have a strong interest and commitment to effective family planning. Traditional methods of male contraception have long included periodic abstinence, non-vaginal ejaculation, condoms, and vasectomy, the latter two representing physical methods to prevent sperm from reaching the site of fertilization. However, for male contraception the reversible methods are not reliable, and the only reliable method, vasectomy, is not intended as reversible. During the 20th century, a wide array of reversible and highly reliable female hormonal contraceptive methods was marketed; however, no new methods for male fertility regulation have been introduced for centuries. For men to share more equally the burdens as well as the benefits of family planning, more effective reversible male contraceptive methods need to be available. Most studies into male contraception have been conducted with hormonal methods, analogous to well-known female hormonal contraceptives, making them the closest to introducing a reliable, reversible male contraceptive method. The most promising hormonal approach is the combination of an androgen (usually testosterone) with a progestin and multiple studies have shown such combinations of depot steroids displays high contraceptive efficacy, based on reliable and reversible suppression of sperm output, with few side effects. While research into novel methods for male fertility regulation has continued in the public sector, private sector research into male contraception, essential for effective commercial product development, has stalled in recent decades.




A male contraceptive must reduce the number of fertile sperm ejaculated into the vagina to levels that reliably prevent fertilization (1). Conception can be prevented by diverting or suppressing sperm output and/or inhibiting sperm fertilizing capacity. So far, all male methods depend on mechanical means to reduce female exposure to sperm using either traditional drug and device-free methods (abstinence, withdrawal, non-vaginal intercourse) or contemporary male methods comprising condoms and vasectomy.  Unfortunately, among current male contraceptive options, the reversible methods are not reliable, and the reliable method is not intended as reversible. No new male contraceptive methods were introduced during the 20th century contrasting with highly reliable, reversible hormonal contraceptives developed for women over the last half century. Yet male involvement in family planning remains extensive. Globally, one third of couples using contraception rely on methods requiring active male participation (2) and current male methods remain (together with medicated intrauterine devices) the most cost-effective contraceptive methods in the USA (3). While reflecting traditional and ongoing reliance of family planning on male involvement, greater participation by men in sharing the burdens as well as the benefits of effective family planning require developing more effective, reversible male methods. Such greater participation could ameliorate the still large unmet need for contraception globally as 40% of pregnancies are still unintended with half of unintended pregnancies ending in abortion and those rates are higher among developed countries (4). Family planning must always remain a matter of personal choice by couples. This is highlighted by the human rights abuses of coercive national family planning programs enforcing family limitation (“one-child family”), including through forced sterilization and abortion, in India and China (5, 6). Such coercive national programs originated in the 1970’s prompted by uncritical belief in the “population explosion”, notably from influential publications such as the Club of Rome’s “Limits to Growth” and Ehrlich’s “Population Bomb”, now discredited by their failed, alarmist predictions. India’s forced sterilization program was overturned by popular democratic action within a few years of its imposition whereas China’s one-child family policy operated for nearly 4 decades before its ending in 2016. These issues echo in medical mistrust as a barrier to acceptance of male contraception among the Black American minority (7).  


Extensive public sector clinical research over the last 4 decades (8), despite minimal pharmaceutical industry involvement, has proven in principle that hormonal male contraception is feasible. Proof-of-principle is established for androgen-based hormonal suppression of spermatogenesis (9) achieving full reversibility (10), sufficient short-term safety (11) and acceptability to men and women (12, 13) culminating in the crucial proof of reliable contraceptive efficacy using androgen alone (14-17) or depot (18) or daily use (19) androgen-progestin combinations. Demographic modelling shows that introducing new male contraceptive methods, even if adopted by only a minority of men, would significantly reduce unintended pregnancies in Nigeria, South Africa, and the USA (20). Surveys of participants in clinical male contraceptive studies suggest that men may prefer a male contraceptive to be provided by their family doctor rather than specialists (21); however, the practical knowledge of non-specialists remains unsatisfactory and would require specific training (22). In addition to boutique contraception for adventurous early adopters, practical niches for male contraception include contraception after birth, during breast-feeding, or after abortion (23). Nevertheless, despite the proof-of-principle, strong community interest, and medical priority on the need for new, reversible male contraceptives, pharmaceutical industry development has ceased. This market failure reflects pharmaceutical industry perceptions of low profitability coupled with high risk in the context where a better return on investment is expected for developing drugs in more lucrative, less risky areas of chronic disease compared with the higher product liability risk of developing novel contraceptives for healthy men to compete with existing low-cost female methods. The possibility that Western market failure might be overcome if the growing perception of needs for voluntary family planning as a national priority in rapidly industrializing countries such as China, India and Brazil (24), has proved a failed hope. Novel approaches to finance further research such as philanthropic private sector funding (25) and public-private partnerships  (26) have been developed. The 2022 overturning by the US Supreme Court of what was long accepted as a constitutional right to abortion has refreshed interest in developing wider coverage of effective contraception, including for men, to reduce the demand for abortion.




Traditional Methods




Although theoretically effective, neither celibacy nor castration is an acceptable or practical contraceptive method. Periodic abstinence, the limiting of sexual intercourse to "safe" days (27), has high contraceptive efficacy if the rules are followed perfectly but the failure rates rise steeply with rule breaking (28). This cost- and device-free method is used by >40 million couples world-wide for family planning (2). The typical use 1st year failure rate is ~25% with ~47% of couples continuing use at 1 year in USA (29) but 8% and 52%, respectively, in France (30, 31). While inherently safe, it has limited acceptability due to low reliability, inflexibility, and interference in the spontaneity of sex.




Withdrawal is a traditional male method of contraception whereby intercourse culminates in extra-vaginal ejaculation (32). Often overlooked as a contraceptive method, withdrawal, together with abortion, was the major pre-industrial method of family planning largely responsible for the demographic transition from high to relatively low birth rates in industrial nation states and continues to be used by 40 million couples (2). This cost- and device-free method has limited reliability in its demanding requirement for skill and self-control. The typical use 1st year failure rate is 18-22% with 46% continuing use at 1 year in the USA (29, 33) and 10% and 55%, respectively, in France (30, 31). While safe and reasonably effective for experienced users, interfering with the pleasure of coitus leads to a correspondingly high failure rate in practice. Other sexual practices that avoid intravaginal ejaculation have also been used traditionally to avoid conception. These include masturbation, oral and anal intercourse, deliberate anejaculation and retrograde ejaculation (34).




After centuries of use in preventing sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy, now over 50 million couples rely on condoms for contraception (2). Condoms provide safe, cheap, widely available, user-controlled, and reversible contraception with few side-effects. In case of latex allergy, non-rubber (polyurethane, natural membrane) condoms can be substituted. Latex condoms are moderately effective at preventing pregnancy with a typical 1st year failure rate of 18% with 43% continuing use at 1 year in the USA (29, 33) and 3.3% and 47%, respectively, in France (30, 31). Recent US data suggest a reduction in failure rate to 13% (35). The discrepancy from the estimated 2% perfect-use failure rate (29) is mainly to human error, notably rushed use (36), misuse, or non-use rather than mechanical failure (breakage or slippage) (37). Differences in contraceptive use behaviors may explain lower reported 1st year failure rates for condoms in France (31). The major limitations of condoms for contraception are relatively high failure rates and interference with sexuality. The requirement for regular and correct application during foreplay disturbs the spontaneity of sex and dulls erotic sensation. These aesthetic drawbacks limit the popularity of condoms especially among stable couples (38). Latex condoms are perishable through tears or snagging on fingernails, clothing, or jewelry as well as deterioration from exposure to light, heat, humidity, or organic oils. 


Polyurethane condoms with improved tactile sensitivity were developed in the 1990’s to enhance acceptability (39), but they have shown reduced efficacy and mechanical performance compared with latex condoms in prospective randomized controlled clinical trials (40). Although the theoretical requirements for condom use to protect against sexually transmitted infections differ from those to prevent pregnancy, in practice the protections are similar (41). Laboratory testing of condoms standardizes integrity and durability for strength and leakage. Although viral penetration is not routinely tested, synthetic (latex or polyurethane) but not natural membrane condoms are not perfect at preventing passage of prototype human pathogenic viruses (42). Using a sensitive, objective biochemical marker (PSA) for seminal plasma exposure in vaginal swabs, vaginal exposure to semen was reduced by 50-80% even after mechanical condom failure (breakage, slippage) (43). Novel spermicides with virucidal properties that are being developed to provide dual antimicrobial and contraceptive protection (44)  might not enhance condom efficacy for either function because non-compliance is the major cause of failure for both (37).




Vasectomy, used by over 40 million couples for family planning (2), varies widely in prevalence between countries depending upon cultural factors, public education, and availability of male-oriented facilities (45). Recent data suggests a steady decline in vasectomy in the US over the first two decades of the 21st century (46). Having overcome a sordid history of applications to eugenics and other historical misadventures into the 20th century (47), vasectomy is now more widely used than female sterilization in some economically developed countries although female sterilization remain ~4 times more frequent worldwide (48). For men having completed their family and fit for minor surgery, vasectomy is a very safe and highly effective office procedure (49, 50). Relative contraindications include risks from office-type surgery (bleeding disorders, allergy to local anesthetic) or scrotal pathology (post-inguinal surgery scarring, keloid-proneness, active genitourinary or groin infections). Vasectomy is performed under local anesthesia via scrotal incisions and usually involves excising a segment of both vasa deferentia. Interposing a fascial barrier between the occluded cut ends significantly reduces the risk of failure due to recanalization (51, 52). The Chinese-developed "no-scalpel" technique (53)minimizes skin incision and reduces immediate side-effects (bleeding, infection) 10-fold to 0.3% compared with conventional vasectomy (54, 55). Chronic post-vasectomy pain (56) occurs with an estimated prevalence of ~15% at 7 months after vasectomy (57). It may be reported as groin or testicular pain precipitated or aggravated by intercourse, ejaculation, or exertion and accompanied by tender, distended epididymides (56, 57). Fascial interposition significantly reduces failure rate (52, 58) so that, in the hands of an experienced practitioner, no-scalpel vasectomy with fascial interposition is now the method of choice (55, 59). Additional studies suggest that cautery may further enhances reliability (60, 61) and that leaving an open testicular end reduces retrograde pressure-related complications (pain, sperm granuloma, epididymal and testicular damage) thereby better preserving reversibility (62-64).


Vasectomy is highly effective once sperm are cleared from the distal vasa deferentia. However, flushing with saline or water (65-69) or spermicides (nitrofurazone (70), euflavine (71, 72) or chlorhexidine (73)) during surgery does not accelerate sperm clearance, but the evidence remains weak (74). Non-irritant spermicides that inhibit sperm function without chemical sclerosis of the vasa that would impair potential reversibility, might have promise (75). Immediately following vasectomy, additional contraception must continue until azoospermia or near azoospermia (<0.1 million non-motile sperm per mL) is demonstrated usually at 3 months post-vasectomy when at least 95% of men reach this clearance criterion (76-79). Although azoospermia might occur sooner (80), reliable evidence is lacking to support the reliability of earlier time points as recanalization, where motile sperm persist in the ejaculate, may occur within the first few weeks after vasectomy (81) and persistence of motile sperm in the ejaculate indicates technical failure. Although detailed information on the rate of sperm clearance from the ejaculate after vasectomy remains sparse, time since vasectomy rather than number of ejaculations is more predictive of sperm clearance  (80). Contraceptive failures are rare; early failures are most often due to not awaiting sperm clearance (82) or occasionally misidentification or duplication of the vasa deferentia whereas late failures are due to spontaneous vas(a) recanalization (~0.1%) (83). Complications of vasectomy include post-surgical bleeding, wound or genito-urinary infections and fistulae, and chronic scrotal pain (50, 84) with risk of death estimated at ~1 per million vasectomies in developed countries although higher in developing countries (85). Vasectomy causes no consistent changes in circulating hormones (86), sexual function, or risk of cardiovascular or other diseases (49, 87, 88) including testicular cancer (89-91). A small increased risk of prostate cancer after vasectomy has been observed in case-control studies (92-94), but the increased risk is unaffected by vasectomy reversal (95, 96). This risk seems to be attributable to surveillance and detection bias, rather than a biological effect as indicated by consistent evidence from numerous cohort studies (96-102). Sperm antibodies develop in most vasectomized men but have no known deleterious health effects apart from a possible role in reducing fertility after vasectomy reversal (103) when sperm antibody titers are very high (>512) (104).


Vasectomy is a quick, simple, highly effective, and convenient method of permanent sterilization; its major drawback as a male contraceptive is its limited reversibility. Elective sperm cryostorage is occasionally useful but may reflect ambivalence about the irreversible intent of vasectomy. Cumulative rate of requests for reversal, mostly prompted by remarriage, are 2.4% at 10 year post-vasectomy but exceed 10% for young men (aged <25 years at vasectomy) (105).  Failed vasectomy reversal is now a significant cause of male infertility. Following microsurgical vasovasostomy, 80-100% have any sperm in the ejaculate ("patency") but normal sperm concentration is less common, and cumulative conception rate at 12 months is only ~50% compared to 80-85% at 12 months in healthy young couples not using contraception (105). This discrepancy is most probably attributable to technical limitations of microsurgery as even the lowest reported rates of azoospermia (bilateral non-patency) after microsurgical vasovasostomy indicate that nearly half such men have at least one non-patent vas deferens (106) so that re-operation should be a prominent consideration if pregnancy does not ensue. After technical failure, the wife’s age and time since vasectomy appear to be the dominant predictors of successful reversal (107, 108) Whether robotic microsurgery can improve the technical success of vasovasostomy to become a cost-effective and widely available alternative to human microsurgery remains to be established (109-111). Reversibility is better with microsurgery (106), presence of sperm in the vasal fluids from testicular end of stump (112), in younger men with shorter duration since vasectomy (105) and possibly with longer testicular vasal stump (113, 114); unfavorable predictors include non-microsurgical techniques, older age of wife (especially after 40 yr) (106, 115), high titers of sperm antibodies (104), and long duration (>10 years) since vasectomy (116-118) due to long-term epididymal (119), vasal (120) and testicular damage (116, 117, 121, 122).  Experimentally in a variety of mammalian species, open-ended vasectomy is preferable to complete vas occlusion in preventing the back pressure-induced damage to spermatogenesis and seminiferous tubular integrity which are important contributors to failure of vasectomy reversal (123, 124). An alternative to surgical vasectomy reversal either instead of, or after failed vaso-vasostomy, is sperm harvesting from epididymis or testis in conjunction with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)/in-vitro fertilization. Currently cost-benefit analyses suggest that microsurgical vaso-vasostomy is more cost-effective and safer in both North America (125) and Europe (126), with the wife’s age being a key determinant (107). However, optimal management depends on local clinical expertise as well as access to microsurgery and reproductive technologies. The feasibility of successful vasectomy reversal has led to the proposal that, although vasectomy is intended as permanent, some individuals may consider it a reversible contraceptive method (127). USA national economic indicators strikingly influence rates of vasectomy and of vasectomy reversal, which are increased and decreased, respectively, according to the unemployment rate and personal income (128); whether this applies in countries with national health schemes that reduce financial limitations on access to elective health care remains unknown.


Modern Methods




The efficacy, safety, simplicity, and acceptability of vasectomy suggest that a reversible mechanical method of vasa occlusion would be an attractive male contraceptive option. Since vasectomy reversal is neither cheap nor widely available, more reversible vasa occlusion methods are needed (129). A nonsurgical, potentially reversible technique involving percutaneous injections of polymers that harden in-situ to form occluding plugs which might be later removed to restore fertility was reported (130) but, despite preliminary positive findings (131), formal evaluation showed vasa occlusion had lower efficacy (inducing azoospermia) than vasectomy (132). In a phase II randomized clinical trial, urethane-coated nylon thread intra-vasa devices were more acceptable with fewer complications but were less effective in producing azoospermia, compared with no-scalpel vasectomy (133). A hydrophilic gel, composed of co-polymer of styrene and maleic anhydride delivered in dimethyl sulfoxide, forms a charged spermicidal biopolymer when injected into the vas deferens that is stable but potentially removable. Experiments in rats favor sodium bicarbonate over dimethyl sulphoxide for intravasal injection for effective reversal of occlusion (134). Preliminary non-comparative clinical evaluation showed azoospermia in 12 men with no pregnancies in their wives for 12 months following intravasal injection suggesting effective vasal occlusion (135); however, some morphologically damaged and non-functional sperm persist in the ejaculate (136) but the mechanisms of the deleterious effects on sperm structure and function remain unexplained(137). In an extended multi-center phase III study of 139 fertile married men who had a single, bilateral intravasal injection of a styrene maleic anhydride copolymer in 120 µl of dimethyl sulphoxide solution (Reversible Inhibition of Sperm under Guidance, RISUG) were followed for six months after injection. In six men, the injections failed to be delivered, but in the remainder, 110 achieved azoospermia within 1 month and 23 achieved azoospermia 3 to 6 months after the procedure. After ceasing condom use in the first 2 months after injection, there were no pregnancies in the 133 men with successful occlusion over the next 4 months whereas pregnancies were reported in two of six men who had failed injections; however, reversibility was not reported (138). Another phase III randomized controlled clinical trial has shown that a prototype implantable non-occlusive intra-vasal device, comprising a nylon thread encased in barium-impregnated polyurethane, is as effective for sterilization as standard no-scalpel sterilization with no more adverse effects (139); however the reversibility of this device remains to be demonstrated.   A promising development for a reversible vas occlusion is a solution for transcutaneous intravasal injection which forms a hydrogel in the vas to reversibly occlude it. The injection solution, comprising sodium alginate conjugated with thioketal and including titanium dioxide and calcium chloride, transforms after injection into the vas deferens into an occluding hydrogel. Subsequently, the occluding hydrogel can be cleared in vivo by non-invasive application of ultrasound that generates reactive oxygen species in the hydrogel causing cleavage of the thioketal and recanalizing the vas deferens. Experimental studies in rats demonstrated fully effective contraception and reversibility (140). Other technical developments including percutaneous injection of sclerosants and transcutaneous delivery of physical agents (ultrasound, lasers) continue to be developed slowly (141).




It has long been known (142) that even brief elevations of testicular temperature can profoundly suppress spermatogenesis (143) while sustained elevation may contribute to testicular pathology in cryptorchidism, varicocele, and occupational male infertility (144). A highly novel experimental approach has been reported using intravenously injected iron oxide nanoparticles that accumulate in the testis where they can be activated by an external alternating magnet field to generate testicular heating and damage to spermatogenesis (145); however, safe clinical application, and notably reversibility, remain to be demonstrated. Clinical studies evaluating the potential for tight scrotal supports as a practical male contraceptive method (146, 147) showed a reversible decrease in sperm output but of inadequate magnitude for reliable contraception. Experience of small numbers of men utilizing thermal male contraception has been favorable, apart from discomfort (148) but wider uptake would require substantial population education (149). Given the dubious acceptability and safety (150) of heat-induced suppression of sperm output, the feasibility of a male contraceptive method based on testicular heating remains to be established.




Sperm vaccines to interrupt fertility have long been of interest (151) with a 1937 patent issued for vaccination with semen (152). Sperm express unique epitopes within the immunologically protected adluminal compartment of the seminiferous tubules at puberty, long after the definition of immune self-tolerance hence explaining their potential autoimmunogenicity. Sperm autoimmunity may contribute to subfertility after vasectomy reversal and in ~7% of infertile otherwise healthy men (other than orchitis). Experimental models for an effective multivalent chimeric protein sperm vaccine targeting surface-expressed antigens involved in fertilization have been reported (153) but remain untested in men. Practical application of this method requires resolving problems of the millions of sperm ejaculated, representing a large antigenic load requiring virtually complete functional blockade, variability of individual immune responses, restricted access of antibodies into the seminiferous tubules and epididymis and the risks of autoimmune orchitis or immune-complex disease. Passive immunization may overcome the present limited predictability of active immunization with sperm antigens to reach quickly and maintain, as well as allowing for volitionally controllable offset, of effective immunocontraceptive titers (154). The smaller antigenic burden in the female reproductive tract requiring complete neutralization suggests that a sperm vaccine, using modern genetic engineering of sperm epitopes (155), may be better targeted for administration to women. However, the most suitable targets for contraceptive vaccines might be feral and wild animals (156, 157).




The lack of commercial product development for hormonal male contraceptives has made attractive the alternative option of innovative non-hormonal mechanisms to inhibit sperm production and/or function. These approaches have focused on developing feasible, druggable targets lacking off-target adverse effects for novel product development using either opportunistic or planned approaches to identify novel leads.


Opportunistic approaches include the identification through fortuitous pharmacological observation of male reproductive effects of drugs or natural products. Among older drugs, an orally active spermicide concentrated in semen (158), drugs inhibiting spermatogenesis  (159), ejaculation (160) or epididymal sperm function (161) have been identified. Further, among numerous plant products and natural medicines reputed to inhibit male fertility, the most widely tested was gossypol, a polyphenolic yellow pigment identified in China as causing epidemic infertility among workers ingesting raw cottonseed oil. In over 10,000 men purified gossypol reduced sperm output to <4 million/ml in >98% within 75 days with suppression maintained by a lower weekly maintenance dose (162). Although an effective male contraceptive, the systemic toxicity of gossypol, due to mitochondrial apoptosis (163), and irreversibility of sperm suppression precluded further clinical development (164) although it has potential anti-cancer applications (163). Subsequently, extracts of Tripterygium wilfordii, a traditional Chinese herbal medicine for rheumatoid arthritis and skin disorders, decrease sperm output and function and inhibit fertility in rodents and men. Studies aiming to characterize triptolide, an active alkaloid as a potential lead for an orally effective sperm function inhibitor, reveal prominent induction of germ cell apoptosis (165) at testicular (166) in addition to a post-testicular site of action (167). Additional opportunistic approaches include recognizing that the rapidly proliferating germinal epithelium is highly susceptible to cytotoxins such as drugs, heat, or ionizing irradiation which damage germ cell replication, resulting in inhibition of spermatogenesis. However, complete elimination of sperm by non-specific toxicity compromises full reversibility and the accompanying mutagenic risk from direct interference with DNA replication precludes safe use for reversible male contraception.


Alternatively, potential non-hormonal approaches to developing chemical male contraception focus on sperm development maturation and function (168) ensuring that targets are specific for sperm (169). Such approaches may exploit the numerous biological processes required for developing functionally mature, fertile sperm that create abundant targets for reversible inhibition of male fertility (170) . Prominent targets include either reducing sperm output via non-hormonal mechanisms regulating spermatogenesis or post-testicular inhibition of sperm functions. One approach to reduce sperm output is by exploiting the essential requirement for retinoic acid in spermatogenesis (171). Experimental genetic or pharmacological inhibition of vitamin A action inhibits the generation of mature sperm and male fertility (172, 173); however, the ubiquitous roles of vitamin A in cellular replication and differentiation requires thorough safety evaluation for off-target effects in clinical trials. More specific focus on the retinoic acid alpha receptor by developing alpha-specific inhibitors continue in pre-clinical development (174). Another series of orally active indazole carboxylic acid analogs, adjudin, gamendazole and indenopyridine derivatives (175-178), have been developed from the compound lonidamine but aiming to eliminating its non-specific muscle and liver toxicity while retaining its mechanism of action in causing reversible male infertility. The indazole carboxylic acid analogs cause reversible subfertility by disrupting highly specialized intercellular junctions between elongating spermatids and Sertoli cells leading to precocious detachment of immature, elongating spermatids that are then shed prematurely from the germinal epithelium. Clinical evaluation of such drugs remains at an early pre-clinical stage. Other discoveries of molecules with specific expression in sperm and contributions to sperm development and/or fertilizing ability may provide clues to novel leads for chemical non-hormonal male contraceptive drug development. These include protein phosphatase complex (179), cyclin dependent kinase 2 (180), testis-specific bromodomain (181), homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 4 (182) and histone demethylase KDM5B (183).


The seclusion of functionally immature post-meiotic, haploid sperm during their transit through seminiferous tubules and epididymis offers targets for chemical methods to regulate male fertility as sperm are stored and mature functionally. Post-testicular targets offer the advantages of fast onset and offset of action compared with hormonal methods; however, specific target identification, selective drug targeting to the epididymis or testis and human dose optimization remain challenging problems. A model, rapid-onset oral spermicide was first provided by the chlorosugars that showed rapid, irreversible effect on rodent epididymal sperm (184) but proved too toxic for clinical development. A recent promising drug lead was the recognition that an alkylated iminosugar drugs that inhibit glucosyltransferase, used therapeutically to reduce lysosomal glycosphingolipid accumulation in storage disorder type 1 (Gaucher's disease), miglustat, was a potent and reversible oral inhibitor of male mouse fertility but free from apparent systemic toxicity (161, 185). Miglustat treatment produced structural malformation of sperm acrosome, head and mid-piece with consequential impaired motility although sperm retain the ability to fertilize oocytes in-vitro and produce normal offspring. However, miglustat effects were species- and mouse strain-dependent and were not effective in rabbits (186) or men (187). Numerous proteins identified as specifically or uniquely expressed in the epididymis provide additional opportunities for development of novel non-hormonal male contraceptive targets (188-192). Signaling enzymes involved in the epididymal acquisition of sperm motility and capacity for hyperactivation and fertilization such as sperm-specific protein phosphatase PPIγ2, glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3), and calcium regulated phosphatase calcineurin (PP2B) and protein kinase A (PKA) have key role in sperm maturation, activation and fertilization that might provide clues to novel chemical, non-hormonal male contraceptive drugs (193). Post-testicular inhibition of purinergic and adrenergic receptors in the vas deferens to inhibit sperm movement through the ejaculatory ducts are feasible (194, 195), and a series of these receptor antagonists have been developed (196).  However, interference with ejaculation is unlikely to be an acceptable form of male contraception. An opportunistic approach based on a FDA-approved excipient, N,N dimethylacetamide that produced a reversible reduction in fertility of rats without hormonal effects has been reported (197).


The most rapidly growing area of opportunity arises from serendipitous discoveries of genes found to be necessary for normal fertility, often from gene knock-out mouse models displaying unexpected male sterility or subfertility (170). This rapidly expanding list includes distinctive steps in spermatogenesis involving either biological processes unique to spermatogenesis, notably meiosis (two-stage reductive division of diploid germinal cells into haploid gametes) and spermiogenesis (metamorphosis of haploid round spermatids into spermatozoa) or inhibiting functions essential to sperm fertilizing ability such as flagellar motility and sperm motion (including hyperactivation (198)), excurrent ductular transport, acrosome reaction (199), chemoattraction to and fertilization of oocytes (194, 200), acrosomal function (201)and testis-specific serine/threonine kinases involved in development of normal sperm morphology and function (202, 203). The most frequent mechanisms involves inhibition of ion channels in sperm (200, 204-211) or vas deferens smooth muscle (194, 195) leading to inhibition of sperm motility, hyperactivation and/or transport required for fertilization. One leading candidate is CatSper, the principal calcium channel activated by progesterone (212-216) and essential for the sperm hyperactivation required for fertilization (217). Experimental vaccines against CatSper epitopes inhibit murine fertility (218, 219).


In addition, drug screening programs using extensive high-throughput chemical libraries can be employed to identify suitable lead compounds using selective sperm function targets for further development including target optimization (220). For example, the inhibitor analogs of CatSper using patch clamping to identify channel blockade have identified probes suitable for drug discovery development (221). Similarly, screening of a chemical library identified phosducin-like 2, a testis specific phosphoprotein, which when knocked-out in mice, induced sterility due to globozoospermia with impaired sperm head formation (222) as well as screening of natural plant (223-225) and microbial (226) products continue as a source for lead compounds continues. Other products of drug screening that may interfere with DNA replication by targeting meiosis, incur additional theoretical safety risks of mutagenesis if intended for male contraception (227).




Hormonal methods are the closest to meeting the requirement for a reliable, reversible, safe, and acceptable male contraceptive. Although reliability is judged by the efficacy in preventing pregnancy in fertile female partners, as a hormonal male contraceptive aims to prevent pregnancy by reversible inhibition of sperm output, the suppression of spermatogenesis constitutes a useful surrogate marker for development and evaluation of prototype male contraceptive regimens. This makes defining the degree of suppression of sperm output required a key strategic issue in developing a hormonal male contraceptive (228).


Two landmark WHO studies, the first ever male contraceptive efficacy studies, involving 671 men from 16 centers in 10 countries established the proof of principle that hormonally-induced azoospermia provides highly reliable, reversible contraception (14, 15). Among the minority (~25%) of men who remained severe oligozoospermic (0.1-3 million sperm/ml) using weekly testosterone enanthate injections, contraceptive failure rate (~8% per annum) was directly proportional to their sperm output. Hence to achieve highly effective contraception, azoospermia is analogous to anovulation as a sufficient, but not necessary, requirement. Nevertheless, reliable contraception by modern standards (29) requires uniform azoospermia as the desirable target for male contraceptive regimens (229). No regimen yet achieves this consistently in all men, although in some Asian countries (e.g. China (15), Indonesia (230, 231)) an approximation to uniform azoospermia can be achieved by a variety of regimens. A study involving 308 Chinese men in 6 centers has shown that monthly injections of testosterone undecanoate provides highly effective and reversible contraception (17). No pregnancies were recorded among men who were azoospermic or severely oligozoospermic (≤3 million sperm per mL) providing a 95% upper confidence limit of pregnancy (contraceptive failure) rate of 2.5% per annum. The overall failure rate based on suppression of spermatogenesis was <4%. The prototype regimen was well tolerated apart from injection site discomfort due to large oil injection volume (4 mL) and reversible androgenic effects (acne, weight gain, hemoglobin, lipids). Nevertheless, despite these promising findings, non-Chinese men require combination hormonal regimens involving a 2nd gonadotropin suppressing agent, notably progestins, together with testosterone to ensure uniformly adequate spermatogenic suppression. Proof-of-principle for this combination approach was provided by a depot androgen/progestin regimen that observed no pregnancies among 55 couples during 35.5 person-years of exposure (95% upper limit of failure rate ~8%) in a study with satisfactory tolerability and reversibility for a prototype regimen (18). Hence, contraceptive efficacy studies show that highly effective contraception can be achieved with suppression of sperm output to near azoospermia (≤1 million per mL) (229). Ultimately, the efficacy of male contraception must be established by enumerating pregnancies prevented, and not counting sperm. The present paucity of male contraceptive efficacy studies, for which placebo controls are ethically impossible (232), makes systematic evaluations comparing practical clinical regimens a task for the future (233).


The reversibility of hormonal male contraceptive regimens is clearly established by an integrated re-analysis that pooled primary data from over 90% of all hormonal male contraceptive studies reported to show that all regimens show full reversibility within a predictable time course (234). This comprehensive review of the recovery of 1549 healthy eugonadal men, aged 18-51 years, who underwent 1283.5 man-years of treatment and 705 man-years of post-treatment recovery, showed the median times for recover to sperm densities of 10 and 20 million per mL were 2.5 months (2.4-2.7) and 3.0 months (2.9-3.1), respectively. Covariables such as age, ethnicity and hormonal or sperm output kinetics had significant but minor influence on the rate, but not the extent, of recovery.


Acceptability of a hormonal male contraceptive is high across a wide range of countries and cultures in potential male as well as female users (12). Willingness to use a hypothetical hormonal male contraceptive averaged 55% (range 29-71%) in an extensive, population representative survey of 9342 men aged 18-50 yr from 9 countries (4 Europe, 3 South America, Indonesia and USA) with consistency across a wide range of socio-economic and cultural settings (235, 236). Similar findings are reported in a 4-country study (UK, South Africa, Hong Kong, Shanghai) with 44-83% in each center (237) as well as 75% in Australia willing to try a hormonal male contraceptive (238). A majority of men in a US study were satisfied with and would recommend a transdermal gel-based hormonal contraceptive (239) and a majority of Chinese men were satisfied with monthly injections (240). Female partners from a variety of cultures also indicate high acceptability in a survey of 1894 women in 4 countries, among whom 40-78% would support and trust their male partners in stable relationships to use a hormonal male contraceptive (241). Corroborating the acceptability of hormonal male contraception are findings from experimental studies of prototype regimens for up to 12 months usage in which most participants confirm high levels of satisfaction and willingness to try a commercial product (239, 240, 242, 243).


Modern safety evaluation for hormonal contraceptive methods requires long-term, large scale studies of marketed products (244). Consequently, in the absence of any marketed male contraceptive, no long-term safety profile can be discerned. Nevertheless, 4 decades of clinical trials have consistently identified mainly minor adverse effects in short- or medium-term studies of prototype male hormonal contraception regimens (1, 8, 228). This was verified in an unique, placebo-controlled study of a combined androgen-progestin regimen which again proved highly effective at reversible suppression of sperm output although the inclusion of a placebo arm rendered it ethically impossible to evaluate contraceptive efficacy but provided insight into drug-related side effects (11). The study confirmed the benign medium-term safety profile for this prototype regimen in observing few serious adverse effects, none attributable to the steroid regimen, and, among the non-serious adverse effects reported, expected androgenic effects (acne, weight gain, sweating, changes in mood or libido) were more frequent than placebo but mild and rarely led to discontinuation (11). Nevertheless, the long-term safety evaluation of novel contraceptives requires large scale observational studies of extensively used drugs to define low frequency risks but can only occur after the marketing of suitable products.


Hence, prototype hormonal methods have proven reliability and reversibility and reasonable prospects for being well accepted and safe. Although they are the most likely opportunity in the foreseeable future to develop a practical contraceptive method for men, progress depends on pharmaceutical industry development. However, leadership in male contraceptive development has come almost exclusively from university-based investigators working with public sector organizations (8), notably WHO (245), CONRAD (246), and the Population Council (247). By contrast, commitment from pharmaceutical companies, including those that flourished in the post-war decades through developing female hormonal contraception, continued to languish over recent decades (24, 248) and is effectively ceased (249).


Steroidal Methods




Testosterone provides both gonadotropin suppression and androgen replacement making it an obvious first choice as a single agent for a reversible hormonal male contraceptive. Although androgen-induced, reversible suppression of human spermatogenesis has long been known (250-253), systematic studies of androgens for male contraception began in the 1970's (254, 255). Feasibility and dose-finding studies (256), mostly using testosterone enanthate (TE) in an oil vehicle as a prototype, showed that weekly im injections of 100-200 mg TE induce azoospermia in most Caucasian men (257)but less frequent or lower doses fail to sustain suppression (258-261). The largest experience with an androgen alone regimen arises from the two WHO studies in which over 670 men from 16 centers in 10 countries received weekly injections of 200 mg TE. In these studies ~60% of non-Chinese and >90% of Chinese men became azoospermic and the remainder were severely oligozoospermic (14, 15) (Figure 1). The high efficacy among Chinese men has also been replicated using monthly TU injections (16, 17). Effective gonadotropin suppression is a prerequisite for effective testosterone-induced spermatogenic suppression in human (18, 262-266) and non-human primates (267, 268). However, the reasons for within and between population differences in susceptibility to hormonally-induced azoospermia remain largely unexplained (269). Possible factors include population differences in reproductive physiology of environmental (270, 271), genetic (272-274) or uncertain (275, 276) origin that may lead to differences in rate and extent of suppression of circulating gonadotropins and/or depletion of intratesticular androgens. Limited invasive studies measuring intratesticular testosterone (and DHT) suggest that the degree of depletion may not predict reliably complete suppression of sperm output  (277-279) but other more widely applicable, non-invasive markers of endogenous Leydig cell function such as circulating epitestosterone (262) or 17-hydroxyprogesterone (280) or non-steroidal testicular products such as INSL3 (281) may be more analytically informative as to the relative roles of gonadotropin suppression and intratesticular androgen depletion. Exogenous testosterone causes suppression of sperm output with an average of 13 weeks to reach severe oligozoospermia (<1 million per mL) or azoospermia with suppression being maintained consistently during ongoing treatment (282) (Figure 2). Following cessation of treatment, sperm reappear within 3 months to reach sperm densities of 10 and 20 million per mL at an average of 11.5 and 13.6 weeks, respectively (282)with ultimately full recovery (10) (Figure 3). Apart from intolerance of weekly injections, there were few discontinuations due to acne, weight gain, polycythemia, or behavioral effects and these were reversible as were changes in hemoglobin, testis size, and plasma urea. There was no evidence of liver, prostate, or cardiovascular disorders (14, 15, 283).


Figure 1. Pooled summary of contraceptive efficacy from two WHO male contraceptive efficacy studies (14, 15) where contraceptive failure rate (pregnancy rate) is plotted against the current sperm concentration in the ejaculate. This illustrates a summation of all data pooled from both studies. Data comprise monthly observations of the mean sperm concentration (averaging monthly sperm counts) and whether a pregnancy occurred in that month or not. Pregnancy rate (per 100 person-years, Pearl index) on the y-axis is plotted against the cumulative sperm density (in million sperm per ml) indicating that contraceptive failure rates are proportional to sperm output. The inset is the same data re-plotted in discrete sperm concentration bands rather than cumulatively. For comparison, the average contraceptive failure rates in the first year of use (33, 407) of modern reliable contraceptive methods are indicated by diamond symbols.

Figure 2. Plot of suppression (left panel) and recovery (right panel) of sperm output from the WHO Studies 85921 (15) and 89903 (14) involved pooling ~14,000 semen samples from 16 centers in 10 countries (282). Data-points represent mean and SE (error bar) of semen samples grouped within weeks with between six and 383 samples per time-point. Note cube-root scale on y-axis. For suppression, the smooth line is the two-parameter, single term exponential decay function plotted to fit the data by non-linear regression. For recovery, the smooth line is the three-parameter sigmoidal curve plotted to fit the data by non-linear regression.

Figure 3. Recovery of spermatogenesis after cessation of treatment with hormonal male contraceptive regimens modified after an integrated re-analysis of over 90% of all reported studies (234). Data is plotted as a Kaplan-Meier survival plot of the increasing proportion of men recovering to various thresholds over time since last treatment. The data of last treatment is defined as the time elapsed from the end of the last treatment cycle, that is the latest date of the first missed treatment dose. The thresholds are a sperm concentration of 3, 10 or 20 million sperm per mL in the ejaculate or a return to their own pre-treatment baseline sperm concentration. The median time to achieving each threshold is tabulated together with its 95% confidence interval.

The pharmacokinetics of testosterone products are crucial for suppressing sperm output. Oral androgens have major first-pass hepatic effects producing prominent route-dependent effects on hepatic protein secretion (e.g., SHBG, HDL cholesterol) and inconsistent bioavailability. Short-acting testosterone products requiring daily or more frequent administration (oral, transdermal patches or gels) which may be acceptable for androgen replacement therapy present serious feasibility challenges in compliance for effective long-term hormonal contraception. Weekly TE injections required for maximal suppression of spermatogenesis (256) are far from ideal (284) and cause supraphysiological blood testosterone levels risking both excessive androgenic side effects and preventing maximal depletion of intratesticular testosterone for optimal efficacy (285, 286). Other currently available oil-based testosterone esters (cypionate, cyclohexane-carboxylate, propionate) do not differ from the enanthate ester (287), but longer-acting depot preparations such as injectable testosterone undecanoate are a substantial improvement. Subdermal testosterone pellets sustain physiological testosterone levels for 4-6 months (288) and the newer injectable preparations testosterone undecanoate (17), testosterone-loaded biodegradable microspheres (289) and testosterone buciclate (290) provide 2-3 months duration of action. Depot androgens suppress spermatogenesis faster, at lower doses and with fewer metabolic side effects than TE injections but azoospermia is still not achieved uniformly (291) although when combined with a depot progestin, this goal is achievable (18).


Oral synthetic 17-a alkylated androgens such as methyltestosterone (292), fluoxymesterone (293), methandienone (294)and danazol (295, 296) suppress spermatogenesis but azoospermia is rarely achieved and the inherent hepatotoxicity of the 17-a alkyl substitutent (297, 298) renders them unsuitable for long-term use. Athletes self-administering supratherapeutic doses of androgens also exhibit suppression of spermatogenesis (294, 299). Synthetic androgens lacking the 17-a alkyl substituent have been little studied although injectable nandrolone esters produce azoospermia in 88% of European men (300, 301) whereas oral mesterolone is ineffective (302). On the other hand, nandrolone hexyloxyphenylpropionate alone was unable to maintain spermatogenic suppression induced by a GnRH antagonist (303) in a prototype hybrid regime (where induction and maintenance treatment differ) whereas testosterone appears more promising (304). A 7-methyl derivative of nandrolone (MeNT), which is partly aromatisable but resistant to 5α-reductive amplification of androgenic potency, has been studied as a non-oral androgen for hormonal male contraceptive regimens (305). While its non-amplification by 5α reduction may be  theoretically prostate-sparing (306), dose titration to achieve essential androgen replacement at each relevant tissue might be more difficult to achieve than for testosterone (307) or impossible. Non-aromatisable androgens which lack estrogen- receptor-mediated effects such as on bone density maintenance (308) and sexual function (309, 310) may not be ideal for long-term hormonal contraception. More potent, synthetic androgens lacking 17-a alkyl groups (311, 312) remain to be evaluated.


Adverse effects due to testosterone administration in prototype hormonal contraceptive regimens include (asymptomatic) polycythemia, weight (muscle) gain, and acne as well as changes in mood or sexual behavior. These are usually minor in severity, reversible upon cessation of treatment and of minimal clinical significance (11).


The safety of androgen administration concerns mainly potential effects on cardiovascular and prostatic disease As the explanation for the higher male susceptibility to cardiovascular disease is not well understood, the risks of exogenous androgens are not clear (313, 314). In clinical trials, lipid changes are minimal with depot (non-oral) hormonal regimens (18, 291, 315, 316). Changes in blood cholesterol fractions observed during high hepatic exposure to testosterone and/or progestins, due to either oral first pass effects or high parenteral doses, have unknown clinical significance but, in any case, maintenance of physiological blood testosterone concentrations is the prudent and preferred objective. The real cardiovascular risks or benefits of hormonal male contraception will require long-term surveillance of cardiovascular outcomes (317).


The long-term effects of exogenous androgens on the prostate also require monitoring since prostatic diseases are both age and androgen dependent. Exposure to adult testosterone levels is required for prostate development and disease (318-320). The precise relationship of androgens to prostatic disease and in particular any influence of exogenous androgens remains poorly understood. Ambient blood testosterone or DHT levels do not predict development of prostatic cancer over future decades in prospective studies of adults (321). A genetic polymorphism, the CAG (polyglutamine) triplet repeat in exon 1 of the androgen receptor, is an important determinant of prostate sensitivity to circulating testosterone with short repeat lengths leading to increased androgen sensitivity (322), however the relationship of the CAG triplet repeat length polymorphism to late-life prostate diseases remains unclear (323). Among androgen deficient men, prostate size and PSA concentrations are reduced and returned towards normal by testosterone replacement without exceeding age-matched eugonadal controls (322, 324-326). In healthy middle-aged men without known prostate disease, very high doses of the potent natural androgen DHT for 2 years did not increase prostate size or age-related growth rate compared with placebo indicating that effects of even high dose exogenous androgen treatment has much less effect than age on the human prostate (308).  Similarly, self-administration of massive androgen over-dosage does not increase total prostate volume or PSA in anabolic steroid abusers although central prostate zone volumes increases (327). In-situ prostate cancer is common in all populations of older men whereas rates of invasive prostate cancer differ many-fold between populations despite similar blood testosterone concentrations. This suggests that early and prolonged exposure to androgens may initiate in-situ prostate cancer, but later androgen-independent environmental factors promote the outbreak of invasive prostate cancer. Therefore, it is prudent to maintain physiological androgen levels with exogenous testosterone, which then might be no more hazardous than exposure to endogenous testosterone. Prolonged surveillance comparable with that for cardiovascular and breast disease in users of female hormonal contraception would be equally essential to monitor both cardiovascular and prostatic disease risk in men receiving exogenous androgens for hormonal contraception.


Extensive experience with testosterone in doses equivalent to replacement therapy in normal men indicates minimal effects on mood or behavior (14, 15, 256, 328-330). A careful placebo-controlled, cross-over study showed that a 1000 mg TU injection in healthy young men produces minor mood changes without any detectable increase in self or partner-reported aggressive, non-aggressive or sexual behaviors (331). By contrast, extreme androgen doses used experimentally in healthy men can produce idiosyncratic hypomanic reactions in a minority (332). Aberrant behavior in observational studies of androgen-abusing athletes or prisoners are difficult to interpret particularly to distinguished genuine androgen effects from the influence of self-selection for underlying psychological morbidity (333).




Antiandrogens have been used to selectively inhibit epididymal and testicular effects of testosterone without impeding systemic androgenic effects (334). Cyproterone acetate, a steroidal antiandrogen with progestational activity, suppresses gonadotropin secretion without achieving azoospermia but leads to androgen deficiency when used alone (335). In contrast, pure non-steroidal antiandrogens lacking androgenic or gestagenic effects such as flutamide, nilutamide and casodex fail to suppress spermatogenesis when used alone (336, 337). Two studies evaluating the hypothesis that incomplete suppression of spermatogenesis is due to persistence of testicular DHT have reported no additional suppression from administration of finasteride, a type II 5a reductase inhibitor (338, 339); however as testes express predominantly the type I isoforms (340), further studies are required to conclusively test this hypothesis using an inhibitor of type I 5-a reductase (341).




Combination steroid regimens use non-androgenic steroids (estrogens, progestins) to suppress gonadotropins, in conjunction with testosterone for androgen replacement, have shown the most promising efficacy with enhanced rate and extent of spermatogenic suppression compared with androgen alone regimens (315, 342, 343). Synergistic combinations reduce the effective dose of each steroid and minimizing testosterone dosage could enhance spermatogenic suppression if high blood testosterone levels counteract the necessary maximal depletion of intratesticular testosterone (344, 345) as well as reducing androgenic side-effects (Figure 4).


Figure 4. Plot of time course of sperm output (expressed as sperm density in millions of sperm per mL) before and after implantation of two 200-mg testosterone pellets (400 mg total; closed circles), four 200-mg testosterone pellets (800 mg total; closed squares), four testosterone pellets plus depot progestin (800 mg total testosterone plus 300 mg DMPA; closed diamonds) and six 200 mg testosterone pellets mg (1200 mg total; open hexagons) in healthy fertile men (262). Results expressed as the mean and SEM. Note the cube root transformed scale on the y-axis.


Progesterone is a key precursor and steroidogenic intermediate for all bioactive natural steroids and the progesterone receptors A and B are structurally and evolutionarily the closest members of the nuclear receptor superfamily to the androgen receptor. Yet, although progesterone has crucial gestational and lactational roles in female reproductive physiology, it has no well-established role in male reproductive physiology apart from a possible role in sperm function (200, 346), possibly via non-genomic rather than a classically genomic mechanism (347). Nevertheless functional nuclear progesterone receptors are expressed in male brain, smooth muscle and reproductive, but not most non-reproductive, tissues (348). Synthetic progestins, steroidal structural agonistic analogs of progesterone, are potent inhibitors of pituitary gonadotropin secretion used widely for female contraception and hormonal treatment of disorders such as endometriosis, uterine myoma and mastalgia. Used alone, progestins suppress spermatogenesis but cause androgen deficiency including impotence (349, 350) so androgen replacement is necessary. Non-human primate studies indicate that this is mediated via a central hypothalamic-pituitary site of action rather than direct effects on the testis (351). Extensive feasibility studies concluded that progestin-androgen combination regimens had promise as hormonal male contraceptives if more potent and durable agents were developed (256, 352). The largest and most detailed multi-center study of the contraceptive efficacy of a androgen-progestin combination involving 320 healthy men aged 18-45 years together with their 18-38 year old female partners, both without known fertility problems, studied for up to 56 weeks while having intramuscular injections of 200 mg norethisterone acetate and testosterone undecanoate every 8 weeks that produced near-complete suppression (96% declined to <1 million/ml by 24 weeks) and reversible recovery (95% recovered by 52 weeks) of sperm output (353). Four pregnancies occurred in partners of 266 men with a pregnancy failure rate of 1.6% (95% confidence interval 0.6-4.1%). Prior information on androgen/progestin regimens derives from studies with medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) combined with testosterone. Monthly injections of both agents or daily oral progestin with dermal androgen gels produce azoospermia in ~60% of fertile men of European background with the remainder having severe oligozoospermia and impaired sperm function (256, 352, 354). Nearly uniform azoospermia is produced in men treated with depot MPA and either of two injectable androgens in Indonesian men (230, 231) or testosterone depot implants in Caucasian men (315). Smaller studies with other oral progestins such as levonorgestrel (342, 355, 356) and norethisterone (357, 358) combined with testosterone demonstrate similar efficacy to oral MPA whereas cyproterone acetate with its additional anti-androgenic activity has higher efficacy in conjunction with TE (343, 359) but not oral testosterone undecanoate (360). Highly effective suppression of spermatogenesis is reported with depot progestins in the form of non-biodegradable implants of norgestrel (361-363) or etonorgestrel (364, 365) or depot injectable medroxyprogesterone acetate (18, 315, 366, 367) or norethisterone enanthate (368, 369)coupled with testosterone (370). A comparative study showed that all four progestins (cyproterone acetate, levonorgestrel, norethisterone acetate and nesterone) displayed significant short-term gonadotrophin suppression when combined with testosterone (371). The pharmacokinetics of the testosterone preparation is critical to efficacy of spermatogenic suppression with long-acting depots being most effective while transdermal delivery is less effective than injectable testosterone (361). Progestin side-effects are few if sexual function and well-being are maintained by adequate doses of testosterone replacement. The metabolic effects depend on specific regimen with oral administration and higher testosterone doses exhibiting more prominent hepatic effects such as lowering SHBG and HDL cholesterol. After treatment ceases with depletion or withdrawal of hormonal depots, spermatogenesis recovers completely but gradually consistent with the time-course of the spermatogenic cycle (234, 282). Steroids with dual androgen and progestin properties may be potentially well suited to male contraception if the balance between these two bioactivities is properly balanced (372). A study comparing a gel combining nesterone (8.3 mg) with testosterone (62.5 mg) with the same dose of testosterone alone for daily transdermal application for 28 days demonstrated suppression of sperm output and serum gonadotropin to levels consistent with contraceptive efficacy and superior to testosterone alone indicating  the suitability of the combination gel for further product development (373). Two orally active nandrolone derivatives, dimethandrolone (374-376) and 11-methyl nandrolone dodecylcarbonate (377), are undergoing promising, early stage clinical development showing high acceptability in a short-term, placebo-controlled clinical trials (378, 379). Whether such daily use oral or transdermal gel (239, 380)-based male contraceptives will have sufficient user compliance to attain high contraceptive efficacy remains to be evaluated.


Estradiol augments testosterone-induced suppression of primate spermatogenesis (381) and fertility (382) but estrogenic side-effects (gynecomastia) and modest efficacy at tolerable doses make estradiol-based combinations impractical for male contraception (383). The efficacy and tolerability of newer estrogen analogs in combination with testosterone remain to be evaluated.




The pivotal role of GnRH in the hormonal control of testicular function makes it an attractive target for biochemical regulation of male fertility. Blockade of GnRH action by GnRH receptor blockade with synthetic analogs or GnRH immunoneutralization would eliminate LH and testosterone secretion requiring testosterone replacement. Many superactive GnRH agonists are used to induce reversible medical castration for androgen-dependent prostate cancer by causing a sustained, paradoxical inhibition of gonadotropin and testosterone secretion and spermatogenesis due to pituitary GnRH receptor downregulation. When combined with testosterone, GnRH agonists suppress spermatogenesis but rarely achieve azoospermia (344, 345, 384) being less effective than androgen/progestin regimens. By contrast, pure GnRH antagonists create and sustain immediate competitive blockade of GnRH receptors (385, 386) and, in combination with testosterone, are highly effective at suppressing spermatogenesis. Early hydrophobic GnRH antagonists were difficult to formulate and irritating, causing injection site mast cell histamine release. Newer more potent but less irritating GnRH antagonists produce rapid, reversible and complete inhibition of spermatogenesis in monkeys (387-389) and men (390, 391) when combined with testosterone. The striking superiority of GnRH antagonists over agonists may be due to more effective and immediate inhibition of gonadotropin secretion and thereby more effective depletion of intratesticular testosterone. Due to their highly specific site of action, GnRH analogs have few unexpected side-effects. Depot GnRH antagonist plus testosterone formulations suitable for administration at up to 3-month intervals could be promising as a hormonal male contraceptive regimen. Whether GnRH antagonists are more cost-effective than progestins as the second, non-androgenic component of combination male hormonal contraceptive regimens remains to be established (278, 303, 367, 392). The drawback of higher cost might be overcome by hybrid regimens using GnRH antagonists to initiate suppression followed by a switch to more economical steroids for maintenance of spermatogenic suppression in humans (304). A GnRH vaccine could intercept GnRH in the pituitary-portal bloodstream preventing its reaching pituitary GnRH receptors. A limitation of a GnRH vaccine is its uncertain and/or unpredictable reversibility. If it is not irreversible, the offset of contraceptive efficacy may vary between individuals and create practical difficulties in ensuring reliable contraception. Gonadotropin-selective immunocastration would require androgen replacement in men (393) and pilot feasibility studies in advanced prostate cancer are underway (394)but the prospects for acceptably safe application for male contraception remain doubtful (395). By contrast there are growing applications for anti-hormonal contraceptive vaccines in control of companion (pet), agricultural, zoo, feral and wild animal populations (156, 396).




Selective FSH blockade theoretically offers the opportunity to reduce spermatogenesis without inhibiting endogenous testosterone secretion. FSH action could be abolished by selective inhibition of pituitary FSH secretion with inhibin (397)or novel steroids (398), by FSH vaccine (399, 400) or by FSH receptor blockade with peptide antagonists (401). Although FSH was considered essential to human spermatogenesis, spermatogenesis and fertility persist in rodents (402-404) and humans (405) lacking FSH bioactivity. Even complete FSH blockade alone might produce insufficient reduction in sperm output and function required for adequate contraceptive efficacy (406). In addition to the usual safety concerns of contraceptive vaccines including autoimmune hypophysitis, orchitis or immune-complex disease, an FSH vaccine might be overcome by reflex increases in pituitary FSH secretion. Hence, FSH suppression is a necessary but not sufficient for a hormonal male contraceptive regimen.




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Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis in Human Energy Homeostasis



Low levels of physical activity combined with food intake in excess of daily energy expenditure over extended time periods precede weight gain and promote increases in body fat. Obesity and related insulin resistance are common sequelae of a chronically positive energy balance, potentially resulting in type 2 diabetes (T2D) and nonalcoholic/metabolic dysfunction associated fatty liver disease (NAFLD/MAFLD). The percentage of individuals considered as obese and morbidly obese is continuously rising and developing countries are catching up quickly as compared to industrialized nations. If the observed trend continues, global obesity prevalence will prospectively reach more than 21% in women and 18% in men by 2025. In addition to poor dietary habits, physical activity levels have decreased in recent decades in parallel with an increase in sedentary behavior. Given the technological advances in domestic, community, and working spaces in the last century it is not uncommon for people in industrialized countries to spend one half of their day sitting. As well, for a majority of people, voluntary physical exercise remains of minor importance. Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) refers to that portion of daily energy expenditure resulting from spontaneous physical activity that is not specially the result of voluntary exercise. Levels of NEAT ranges widely, with variance of up to 2000 kilocalories per day between two individuals of similar size. These differences are related to complex interactions of environmental and biological factors, including people’s differing occupations, leisure-time activities, individual molecular and genetic factors, and evidence that food intake has independent effects on spontaneous physical activity. Available data support the hypothesis that targeting NEAT could be an essential tool for body weight control. This comprehensive review systematically describes the definition, evaluation methods, and environmental and biological factors involved in the regulation of NEAT. It further emphasizes the association with obesity and related disorders and suggests practical relevant implications, but also potential limitations for the integration of NEAT in daily life.




The prevalence of obesity and resultant adverse health implications continues to rise in both sexes in the United States and worldwide (1). In 2011 Finucane et al. estimated international trends of mean, age-standardized, body mass index (BMI) and suggested that an estimated 1.46 billion adults worldwide had BMI of 25 kg/m² or greater, of these 205 million men and 297 million women were considered obese (2). Indeed, between 1980 and 2008 the prevalence of adult obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) has risen in every sub-region of the world except for Central Africa and South Asia (2). The mean BMI increase was reported to be 0.4 kg/m2 per decade for men and 0.5 kg/m2 for women (2). Comparable data have been presented by the NCD Risk Factor Collaboration Trial (3). With a focus on industrialized countries, the most prominent increases of mean BMI have been observed in the United States, followed by the United Kingdom and Australia. The United States had the highest BMI of all studied high-income countries, recent data from the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey indicate that obesity affects approximately 35% of the male and 40% of the female population (1, 4, 5). Similarly, populations of European and Eastern Mediterranean countries show an overweight prevalence of up to 50% (6). Further data indicate that compared to 1975, childhood obesity is much more common in 2016, with one obesogenic key driver in this group representing reduced physical activity (3, 7). This continuous rise in the incidence and prevalence of overweight and obesity in children, adolescents, and adults in the past century has created major burdens for national health care systems worldwide.


Obesity-related diseases are typically of chronic nature and include type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D), nonalcoholic/metabolic dysfunction associated fatty liver disease (NAFLD/MAFLD), peripheral artery and cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea, hypertension, as well as various cancers. In the United States, seven out of the leading ten causes of premature death and disability are represented by chronic diseases related to obesity (8). In fact, obesity is one of the most important avoidable risk factors for significant morbidity and premature mortality, leads to impaired quality of life, can elevate disability rates, and statistically reduces expected life span by seven years (9, 8, 10, 11).


The etiology of obesity is multifactorial, resulting from genetic and epigenetic, physiological, behavioral, sociocultural, and environmental factors leading to an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure (12). To this end excess body fat consistently results from a period of sustained net-positive energy balance, followed by homeostatically regulated weight maintenance. The roles of diet and caloric intake in these processes have been the principal focus of most mechanistic studies. In countries with high obesity prevalence rates, nutritional quality is mostly poor, but there is a controversy as to whether increased energy intake alone can explain the obesity epidemic. Trends for improved dietary quality and reduced energy intake have been observed in recent decades in the United Kingdom and among parts of the U.S.-population (13–15). For instance, since the 1980s obesity prevalence has substantially risen in Great Britain, while caloric intake appeared to decline on a population level (12). In order to explain such findings it was hypothesized that if physical activity decreases, body weight may increase if energy intake is not altered (16). Therefore, under conditions of unchanged caloric intake, the amount of daily physical activity emerged as major predictor (1, 17). Accordingly, the National Weight Control Registry of the United States has identified strategies for maintaining weight loss, which include engagement in higher levels of physical activity (1). Therefore, greater attention has been paid to addressing the energy expenditure side of the caloric balance equation, in particular with regards to prevention of body weight regain after successful weight loss.




Daily total energy expenditure (TEE) is the net amount of energy utilized by animals and humans to maintain core physiological functions and locomotion. Three main components of energy balance determine TEE: Basal metabolic rate (BMR), the thermic effect of food (TEF), also called diet-induced thermogenesis, and the energy expended for physical activity (18). Additional components may exist (e.g. energy costs of emotion), but apparently play a minor role with respect to energy balance (19–22). Multiple factors significantly affect our daily energy needs, including age, body composition, thyroid hormone status, catecholamine levels/sympathoadrenergic activity, ambient and body temperature, disease states, and certain medications (19, 18).


Basal Metabolic Rate


Basal metabolic rate (BMR) represents the minimal amount of energy expended to maintain all the body’s vital processes at rest (the basal state). BMR is essentially a function of lean body mass (LBM), which is estimated to account for 80% of BMR within and across species (23–29) . BMR is sometimes misinterpreted to imply the lowest level of energy expenditure during the day. This is, however, not true, since during sleep or undernutrition metabolic functions may be lower than that observed under basal conditions (27). In free-living individuals, BMR accounts for the main percentage of TEE (Figure 1), in healthy subjects with mainly sedentary occupations it predicts around 60% of the variance (22). Otherwise it is proportionally larger in individuals with minimal physical activity (e.g., in sedated and ventilated patients on an intensive care unit) (30).


Of note, it is not uncommon that the term resting energy expenditure (REE) is synonymously interchanged with BMR. However, BMR is measured in completely rested subjects, both before and during the measurements. Therefore, measurements are classically taken in the morning after 8 hours of sleep. Subjects should be lying supine, fully awake, and be fasted for at least 10-12 hours. The environment in which the measurements are taken should be thermo-neutral (22–26 °C) so that no thermoregulatory effect on heat production biases the results (19); and subjects should be free from emotional stress and familiar with the measurement apparatus (27). By contrast, REE is equivalent to postabsorptive energy expenditure at complete rest at any time of the day and can vary as much as 10% from BMR (21).


Some studies suggest BMR is reduced in those prone to become obese (31–33). It is, however, a matter of controversy as to whether a reduction of energy expenditure due to a decrease in BMR sufficiently explains the positive net energy balance that contributes to excess weight gain in the majority of subjects who become obese (34–36). On the other hand, LBM can be enlarged or even preserved by means of regular physical activity, which in turn can favorably modulate BMR (1, 37–39).


Thermic Effect of Food


Thermic effect of food (TEF) is the increment of energy expenditure above REE following meal ingestion that reflects the energy cost (burned) during food digestion, absorption, and storage. It is a relatively stable component of total energy expenditure (Figure 1). Thermic effect of food typically ranges between 8-15% of TEE and the variance of TEF has been associated with nutrient composition and energy content of consumed foods (40).


Physical Activity: EAT and NEAT


Physical activity is the second most significant contributor to TEE in most people (Figure 1). It is defined as the additional energy expenditure above REE and TEF that is required for performing daily activities and therefore also called physical activity-related or simply activity-related energy expenditure (PEE/AEE). PEE/AEE can be categorized into exercise-related activity thermogenesis (EAT) and non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT). Both vary widely within and between individuals.


For the majority of subjects in industrialized countries, exercise is believed to be negligible (20). According to NHANES data, 36.1% of the studied US population was categorized as sedentary, while a further 47.6% were physically active at low levels (40, 41). Remarkably, only around 16% of subjects in NHANES met recommended guidelines for physical activity or were highly active. Even so, the latter subjects did not necessarily exercise (42, 43, 41). Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that on a population level the percentage of subjects engaging in regular, intense physical exercise is low. In those who habitually participate in purposeful physical training, EAT is believed to maximally account for 15-30% of TEE (18, 44). Other authors suggest that the majority of subjects undergoing regular physical training, defined as “bodily exertion for the sake of developing and maintaining physical fitness,” do not exercise more than two hours a week, accounting for an average energy expenditure of 100 kilocalories (kcal) per day(45).  Such expenditure would contribute to only 1-2% to the variance of TEE. Taken together, for most human subjects EAT seems to not be a major contributor to TEE variance.


Figure 1. Model of human energy expenditure components (adapted from (46)). Exercise-related physical activity is comparable to exercise-related activity thermogenesis (EAT), while spontaneous physical activity is comparable to non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT); for further explanations see text. Note that parts of spontaneous physical activity are beyond voluntary control, also called “fidgeting.” Arrows symbolize the multiple and varying impacts of individual factors, genetic background, and environment.


In contrast, NEAT comprises the largest share of daily activity-related thermogenesis, including for most subjects engaging in regular physical training. It is important to note that both NEAT and spontaneous physical activity are not interchangeable but represent complementary concepts (47): NEAT refers to energy expenditure, while spontaneous physical activity describes the types of bodily activity that are not defined as purposeful movements but still contribute to NEAT. Some authors categorize NEAT into three main subcomponents comprising body posture, ambulation, and all other spontaneous movements including “fidgeting” (48). Accordingly, a certain percentage of spontaneous physical activity (and therefore NEAT) is beyond voluntary control (e.g., “fidgeting”).


NEAT corresponds to all the energy expended with occupation, leisure time activity, sitting, standing, stair climbing, ambulation, toe-tapping, shoveling snow, playing the guitar, dancing, singing, cleaning, and more (20, 22). These activities do not characteristically involve moderate- to vigorous-intensity activities in comparable manner as voluntary exercise, but occur at a low energy workload for minutes and up to hours (12).


The importance of NEAT becomes apparent when considering the following points: The variability in BMR between individuals of similar age, BMI and of equal gender ranges around 7-9% (49), while the contribution of TEF is maximally 15%. Thus, BMR and TEF are relatively fixed in amount and account for approximately three quarters of daily TEE variance. As EAT is believed to be negligible on a population level, NEAT consequently represents the most variable component of TEE within and across subjects. It is responsible for 6-10% of TEE in individuals with a mainly sedentary lifestyle and for 50% or more in highly active subjects (47, 22, 29).


Taken together, with respect to body mass regulation and modification of energy balance, NEAT must be considered as a factor with potentially major impact. This is of particular interest in terms not only of developing therapeutic strategies for the patient with obesity, but also for designing obesity-prevention strategies for populations. The following sections will focus on these issues, including the environmental and biological modification of NEAT.


Measurement of NEAT


For a better understanding of the potential role of NEAT in the context of obesity it is essential to recognize the strengths and limitations of available techniques used for the quantification of NEAT.


NEAT can be principally measured by two approaches: 1) by assessing total NEAT, and 2) by using the factorial approach (for extensive reviews of available techniques see (50, 51)).




Assuming that EAT is negligible, total NEAT can be calculated by subtracting BMR and TEF from TEE (16):


Equation 1:                 NEAT = TEE – (BMR + TEF)


To complete equation 1, TEE, BMR and TEF need to be measured. Under free-living conditions TEE can be reliably measured by using the doubly-labeled water method (16). This approach requires the application of stable isotopes (deuterium/2H2 and O18) containing water (2H2O18). The difference in the clearance rate of the two isotopes equals carbon dioxide (CO2) production generated during energy production and thus represents quantification of TEE (52)(Figure 2).


One necessary precondition of the doubly-labeled water method is that the O2 of expired CO2 is in equilibrium with the O2 in body water. Once ingested, O18 will be readily distributed in the systemic H2O, H2CO3 and CO2 pools. 2H2 will be dispensed in body water and the H2CO3 pool (equation 2).


Equation 2:                  CO2 + H2O ↔ H2CO3


The concentration of labeled O2 in body water will then decrease over time due to a loss of CO2 with expiration, perspiration, and in excreted body water (urine).  2H2 is mainly lost through excreted body fluids, yet a small percentage can be incorporated into body fat or protein. Since body water becomes tagged with known amounts of tracers at the same time at the beginning of the measurement period, the difference of elimination rates of both tracers equals CO2 excretion.


Doubly labeled water is usually administered at baseline after samples of blood, urine and saliva have been collected (21). Subsequent sample collections occur within 7-21 days after administration, when the isotopes are completely dispersed within body compartments. Isotope-ratio mass spectroscopy is used to measure 2H2 and O18 enrichments in collected samples, which are needed to finally calculate CO2 production. Thereby, TEE can be ascertained under free-living conditions with an error of about 6-8%. This error can be minimized by repeatedly gathering samples over the measurement period rather than relying on only two time points.


Figure 2. Schematic picture of the doubly labeled water method. CO2, carbon dioxide; 2H2, deuterium; O18, labeled oxygen.

It should be mentioned that the study of TEE classically relied on direct calorimetry (49, 18). Direct calorimetry, or direct measurement of heat loss from a subject, is achieved by using well-controlled environmental chambers. However, this requires participants to be confined to small rooms, which fails to capture the enormous variety of NEAT components in free-living individuals (21, 22).


By contrast, indirect calorimetry is an easily accessible and portable method commonly used to assess BMR, RMR and TEF. Indirect calorimetry is based on the principle that by measuring oxygen consumption (VO2), CO2 excretion (VCO2), or both over a defined time span, the metabolic conversion of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins into energy can be calculated using established formulae (18). The net energy released is typically expressed as kcal or Kilojoule (kJ). The small percentage of physiological protein oxidation can be estimated by nitrogen excretion in urine, or can be neglected without adding a substantial error in subjects who are in stable nitrogen balance (18).


Indirect calorimetry is accordingly one of the most commonly used approaches in clinical investigations, either in controlled metabolic-ward studies or in field settings. For instance, Levine et al. in their study on human NEAT applied indirect calorimetry to measure BMR and TEF (53). To measure TEF they provided participants with a meal containing a third of the subject’s daily weight maintenance energy needs. To estimate TEF over 24 hours, the measured energy expenditure area-under-the-curve obtained when they ate the standardize meal was multiplied by three (16). Alternatively, study protocols may ignore TEF as a non-substantial variable, or simply multiply TEE by 0.1 to yield a crude estimate.


When sensitive techniques are not available, BMR can be alternatively estimated by using validated age-, gender- and population-specific equations. For instance, the Harris-Benedict equation is widely used in clinical settings (18). However, this equation was derived from about 300 healthy, normal-weight Caucasian adults between 1907 and 1917 and its application, therefore, has limitations (18). Substantial error could be introduced by applying it to an inappropriate collective, including subjects who are with obesity, which is also true for other validated equations estimating BMR (18).


The physical activity level (PAL) is frequently used in studies to provide an index of activity when measurement of total NEAT is not possible. It is calculated by expressing TEE relative to BMR (15). Sedentary subjects in industrialized countries typically have a PAL of approximately 1.5 (see Table 1). The PAL rises to values of 2.0-2.4 with strenuous work and under certain conditions it can increase to values up to 3.5-4.5 (22). Using PAL, however, can also introduce significant bias in the assessment of NEAT, as under free-living conditions the cumulative error of PAL measurements can be as high as 7% (21).


Table 1. Physical Activity Levels (PAL) Predicted From Lifestyle (from 16).

Chair or bed bound


Seated work with no option of moving around and little or no strenuous leisure activity

1.4 – 1.5

Seated work with discretion and requirement to move around but little or no strenuous leisure activity

1.6 – 1.7

Standing work (e.g., homemaker, shop assistant)

1.8 – 1.9

Strenuous work or highly active leisure

2.0 – 2.4




Measuring total NEAT or using PAL provides no information regarding the individual components contributing to PEE/AEE. Therefore, the factorial approach is widely used to estimate NEAT constituents. Accordingly, all physical activities of a subject of interest are recorded over a defined time span, typically seven days. The energy equivalent of each activity is determined, and these equivalents are then apportioned according to the time spent by the individual with the respective activities. Finally, the data is totaled to get an estimate of the energy expenditure attributable to NEAT (21, 22). The first step when using the factorial approach is the quantification of a subject’s physical activities. Several methods are available to obtain such information, including questionnaires, interviews, and activity diaries. These approaches might be useful for estimates of particular activities, such as those related to occupational duties. Otherwise, they have substantial limitations, including inadequate or incomplete data recording, alteration of habits during assessment periods, and others (21, 22).


Measuring NEAT is a complex task when intensities of transition movements and fidgeting-like activities are the matter of research interest. By applying a combination of direct calorimetry and motion detectors, Ravussins’s group have shown that there is a considerable inter-person variability of daily energy expenditure, even after adjustment for differences in LBM (29). A large percentage of this variability among individuals was due to variability in the degree of e.g., "fidgeting." Thus, estimation of fidgeting-like activities represents a substantial subcomponent under conditions of NEAT measurement. However, subcomponents such as “fidgeting” might not be captured by many methods. Levine et al. proposed an accelerometer method that could predict 86% of activity related energy expenditure for the posture and locomotion component of NEAT compared with a room calorimeter, but predicted only 50% of the variance in fidgeting and did not discriminate various types of fidgeting (50). Therefore, more technically advanced approaches have been developed. Among these are motion detectors, floor-pressure-pad displacement, cine photography, pedometers, accelerometers, and global positioning systems (GPS) (21, 22). Recently, portable intelligent devices for energy expenditure and activity assessment were used to study subtypes of NEAT by the method of mechanical modeling (54).


However, depending on the degree of sophistication, all these approaches have limitations. While data obtained from triaxial accelerometers typically found in wearable activity monitors is often used as an estimate of activity-related energy expenditure, they only measure actual movements (not energy expended), and a combination of methods probably yields the most appropriate estimates (21, 22). For example, energy costs of single NEAT components are typically measured by means of indirect calorimetry, for which highly sophisticated portable systems are now available. Alternatively, tables with listed energy costs of NEAT activities may be used. This latter method is convenient and inexpensive, but for similar reasons as pointed out for PAL, substantial systematic errors can be introduced (21). Similar problems will arise when NEAT is assessed by multiple linear regression approaches at a population level (55).


Furthermore, principal problems ascend with the NEAT measurement per se, as little validated information is available concerning the time necessary to representatively assess spontaneous physical activity. Many studies report extrapolation of measured results of an individual’s energy expenditure obtained during a limited timeframe to longer intervals. In this regard, experienced investigators believe that measurements of approximately seven days will likely provide a representative assessment regarding a 2-4 month time span (21).


Taken together, the difficulty of getting true estimates under free-living conditions is a major reason why available information on human NEAT physiology is limited. Representative studies are needed that are conducted over appropriate time spans (months) and utilize a combination of the factorial approach and total NEAT measurement to overcome major limitations in current estimates.




There is a close interplay between environmental factors and individual characteristics with respect to NEAT as discussed below.


Effects of Occupation, Gender, and Age


Highly physically-active individuals expend up to three times more energy in 24-hours than subjects with negligible bodily activity (56). As previously discussed, NEAT accounts for a significant proportion of the observed differences at the population level TEE. Thereby, occupation clearly represents the key determinant of NEAT (45). Indeed, NEAT can vary by as much as 2000 Kcal per day when comparing two adults of similar body size, lean body mass, age and gender (Figure 3).


For an average worker spending most of her/his time in a seated position, occupational NEAT is relatively low and associated energy costs range at a maximum of 700 kcal per day (Figure 3). A comparable person working mainly in a standing position can increase their occupational NEAT to up to 1400 kcal per day, while an agricultural occupation would theoretically result in NEAT categories ranging around 2000 kcal per day or more (Figure 3) (45). Thus, occupations relying on intense physical activity can expend 1500 kcal per day more than a sedentary job.


Figure 3. The effect of occupational intensity on NEAT (adapted from (45)). The data assume a BMR of 1600 kcal per day.


This variation in daily NEAT between individuals and populations becomes even more accentuated when considering research from non-industrialized countries (57, 58). For instance, a study by Levine and colleagues included more than 5000 inhabitants of agricultural regions of the Ivory Coast of Africa (Figure 4).


Figure 4. Gender- and age-dependent physical activity levels (time engaged in work activities) of people living in agricultural communities of the Ivory Coast in Africa (adapted from reference (58)).


Each subject was studied over seven days and all of their daily tasks were recorded by a trained evaluator (58). Several lines of available evidence regarding NEAT were established from this study. First, a substantial effect of gender was observed as women apparently worked more than men in these societal constructs. Women were responsible for more than 95% of domestic and for an additional 30% of agricultural tasks. Otherwise, men exclusively worked in agricultural occupations and had more leisure time, resulting in substantially lower NEAT than women (45, 58). In contrast, men in Canada, Australia or the United Kingdom are reported to be up to three times more physically active than females, while data from the United States indicate comparable activity levels of genders (59, 60). Even less data is available on NEAT in children, but in general boys seem to be reproducibly more active than girls (61, 62).


A second important observation from the study of Levine et al. is the fact that decreased occupational NEAT was observed with aging (Figure 4) (58). An age-related decline of NEAT had been previously reported across species (63). The underpinnings for this age-effect on NEAT in free-living humans has been reported by Harris et al. (64), who showed that the substantial decrease in elderly as compared to younger subjects was mainly attributable to the ambulation subcomponent of NEAT. Elderly subjects walked less distance despite having a comparable number of daily walking periods compared to their younger counterparts. Indeed, elderly subjects performed 29% less non-exercise activity, corresponding to three miles less ambulation per day (64).


A further factor that should be considered to potentially impact NEAT could be sleep restriction. It was shown that subjects with 5.5 compared to 8.5 hours nighttime sleep opportunity had 31% fewer daily activity counts, spent 24% less time engaged in moderate plus vigorous physical activity and became more sedentary (65). However, the significance of these findings is currently limited to time spans over few weeks and it remains therefore unclear as to whether the results are also valid in terms of common problems, such as chronic sleep insufficiency or shift working. Although, some short-term experiments support the latter findings, conflicting data have also been reported on that matter (66–69). Future research will need to validate these associations and, if true, better understand mechanisms underlying restricted sleep time and alterations in PEE/AEE. Sleep restriction should be nevertheless regarded as potential biasing factor in future research projects on NEAT.


Industrialization and Societal Status


Industrialization and societal status are distinctive factors affecting NEAT. Urban environment and mechanization are associated with a decrease in daily physical activity. For example, it was shown that sales of labor-saving domestic machines (e.g. washing machines) and obesity rates are closely correlated in the U.S. population, while this association was not present with respect to energy intake (20, 22). Furthermore, it is known that poverty and societal aspects comprising neighborhood and educational status are associated with increased consumption of energy-dense foods, which is thought to contribute to higher obesity rates reported in lower socioeconomic groups (70, 71). Highly educated individuals report more leisure-time physical activity and are three times more likely to be physically active as compared to less educated individuals (20, 22).


Seasonal Effects


Seasonal variations also play a role for NEAT. Time spent in activity is twice as likely during the summer as compared to winter months and contributions to activity from agricultural or construction work plays a greater role in the summer season (20).


Together, available data indicate close relationships between environmental conditions and biological aspects of NEAT. Evidence suggests that the contribution of occupational activity to NEAT can vary by 2000 kcal per day. Since the accumulation of excess body fat is a result of positive energy balance, subtle perturbations of energy balance over sustained time periods are theoretically capable of contributing to unwanted weight gain. But once weight stability is again established at a higher weight, energy expenditure and energy intake need to be precisely matched to achieve a long-term persistency of body mass, as an error of 1% would lead to a gain or loss of 1 kg per year or some 40 kg between the ages of 20-60 years. Therefore, small alterations of energy balance by means of NEAT could theoretically result in significant effects with respect to severity of obesity in an individual and the prevalence of obesity in a population. Consequently, when considering how to influence NEAT as a strategy for the treatment or prevention of obesity, a central question arises: In what fashion does NEAT interact with another environmentally-influenced factor involved in energy balance, that of energy intake?


Alteration of NEAT with Varying Energy Availability from Foods


Alteration of energy balance is followed by multiple adaptations, but relatively few studies have addressed modulation of spontaneous physical activity and NEAT by variations in nutritional energy intake. The latter is part of the concept of adaptive thermogenesis (72).


Adaptive thermogenesis refers to changes in REE, EAT and NEAT, which are independent of changes in LBM and are, instead, modulated by other factors, including increased or decreased caloric intake (72). With caloric restriction, both REE and non-resting energy expenditure substantially contribute to changes in adaptive thermogenesis (72). Interestingly, in most studies, alterations in adaptive thermogenesis in response to overfeeding are in large part explained by raised non-resting energy expenditure (e.g., NEAT). However, the individual ability to adapt NEAT to manipulations of energy balance is highly variable between subjects and situations, particularly with respect to overfeeding (39). But if an individual is able to generate a significant upregulation of NEAT in the face of positive energy balance brought about by an increase in food intake, they may be more able to prevent obesity (34).




As discussed above, by using a combination of direct calorimetry and motion detectors, Ravussin et al. have shown that the inter-person variability of TEE is considerable and remains significant even after adjustment for LBM (29). A substantial percentage of this variability is explained by differences in spontaneous physical activity including “fidgeting” (29). Fidgeting-like activities accounted for a range in energy expenditure of 100-800 kcal per day in the subjects. Interestingly, the researchers observed elevated spontaneous physical activity levels in subjects with obesity as compared to those who were lean, indicating a positive relationship with elevated body mass. However, the latter study was performed under isocaloric conditions and over a short observation period. Therefore, the importance of this report was to establish the significance of spontaneous physical activity for energy balance, but whether acute variability in energy intake affects NEAT was not addressed. In their “weight clamping” study, Leibel et al. (73) overfed adults who were lean and overweight/obese by 10%, or approximately with 5000-8000 kcal per day over 4-10 weeks, followed by a weight maintenance period. Body composition, fecal caloric loss, TEE, REE, TEF and spontaneous physical activity were measured using multiple technical approaches including indirect calorimetry, the doubly labeled water method, and activity trackers in a subgroup (73). They showed that maintaining a 10% elevated body mass induced a significant increase of TEE by 9±7 kcal per kg LBM per day in subjects who had not been previously obese and by 8±4 kcal per kg LBM per day in those who had formerly been obese (73). The majority of this rise in TEE was attributable to non-resting energy expenditure. The magnitude of this effect was comparable in those who had previously not been obese and those who had been overweight or obese, indicating similar adaptations to overfeeding conditions (73). However, a related review pointed out the large inter-individual variability regarding the capability to adjust energy expenditure with overfeeding in the “weight clamping” experiments (46) and emphasized that in other human over-feeding studies there is a wide range of individual weight gain per unit of excessively consumed energy. Therefore, it can be proposed that some individuals show a remarkable capacity to increase energy expenditure in response to overfeeding, while others do not (46). It was further suggested that spontaneous physical activity, and accordingly NEAT, likely play an important role regarding the impact on body weight under such conditions.

Levine’s group was the first to systematically investigate the effect of overfeeding on the individual ability to adapt NEAT in free-living subjects (53). Using sophisticated methods and measuring NEAT over a representative time span, the authors overfed 16 volunteers (12 males, 4 females; age ranging from 25-36 years) by 1000 kcal per day over their weight maintenance requirements (20% of the calories came from protein, 40% from fat, 40% from carbohydrates). The energy surplus was paralleled by a mean TEE increment of 554 kcal per day. In this study 14% of this TEE increase was attributable to a rise in REE, approximating by 79 kcal per day. A further 25% of the TEE increment (136 kcal per day) corresponded to an increase in TEF, probably due to the relatively high percentage of protein intake. The most prominent effect was, however, attributable to enhanced physical activity thermogenesis, corresponding to around 336 kcal per day. As volitional exercise of the study subjects remained at a constant low level and since the authors did not detect changes in exercise efficiency, they concluded that about 60% of the increase in TEE due to overfeeding was attributable to NEAT (53). Again, however, the change in NEAT varied remarkably between subjects, ranging from -98 to +692 kcal per day. The maximal individual increase of NEAT constituted 69% of the excessively consumed 1000 kcal per day in this study (74). Moreover, the change in NEAT was directly predictive of the individual vulnerability or resistance to body fat accumulation (53).


A recent randomized study enrolled young aged female and male participants with variable BMI (19-30 kg/m2) and used gold standard methods to investigate not just the effect of caloric overfeeding, but also of protein intake on PEE/AEE (75). 140% of caloric needs including 5, 15, or 25% of energy from protein was fed for 56 days. Caloric overfeeding resulted in increased physical activity and correspondingly PEE/AEE including NEAT, even after adjustment for changes in body composition. By contrast, changes in physical activity were not related to protein intake. The authors concluded that increased PEE/AEE in response to weight gain might be one mechanism of modulating adaptive thermogenesis (75). But the results indicate also that the observed increase in activity was not likely effective at attenuating weight gain.


Other recent reports have failed to detect compensatory increases in spontaneous physical activity during short-term overfeeding in humans (76–80). While in several cases, methodological differences make them less directly comparable to Levine’s study, (76, 56, 77, 79), a study by Siervo et al. used state-of-the-art methods and applied a highly standardized 17-week protocol with progressive overfeeding from 20-60% energy in excess of maintenance needs (81) in lean, healthy men. Three sequential intervals of stepwise overfeeding were each separated by one week of ad libitum energy intake. In agreement with previous findings, between-subject variability concerning weight change during ad libitum phases was high (63). However, in contrast to Levine’s study (53), Siervo et al. failed to detect a significant systematic change in spontaneous physical activity (81). The authors therefore concluded that systematic elevations in energy intake induce very limited counter-regulatory responses in energy expenditure (63).


In summary, these data underscore the highly individual compensatory response regarding adaptive thermogenesis to overfeeding. From Levine and Apolzan et al., supportive evidence is provided for the susceptibility to gain body mass under standardized overfeeding conditions and identifies an individual’s ability to adapt NEAT as a potential modulator (75, 53, 20, 34). In accordance with findings of other overfeeding studies (reviewed in (74)), adaptations in thermogenesis by changes in NEAT observed between individuals may explain why some individuals are particularly susceptible or resistant to weight gain. The potential impact of age on these adaptational mechanisms remains unclear and should be addressed by future research.




While evidence with respect to systematic NEAT upregulation under overfeeding conditions remains somewhat controversial, TEE and spontaneous physical activity are consistently influenced with energy deprivation in the majority of available studies (72, 80). This is of importance as most subjects who are overweight or have obesity try to lose body mass through various calorie-restricted dietary strategies.


The first study to quantitatively investigate adaptive thermogenesis under conditions of food restriction was the Minnesota Starvation Experiment (reviewed in (46, 49, 72)). This evaluation showed a marked reduction in TEE that was later reproduced by numerous studies, independent of pre-starvation BMI or method used to induce weight loss (reviewed in (72)). For instance, Leibel et al. in a second arm of their “weight clamping” experiment evaluated the effect of a 10% body mass reduction, followed by weight maintenance at this level (73). While overfeeding was accompanied by a 16% increase of adjusted TEE, weight reduction from underfeeding induced a 15% decrement (57). As compared to overfeeding, it is well accepted that both REE and non-resting energy expenditure are affected by energy deprivation in humans and animal models (82, 72, 80).


These findings are supported by results from the so-called Biosphere 2 experiment, where the authors demonstrated a major reduction of TEE and spontaneous physical activity with body mass reduction over a two-year time period, which persisted after six months of body weight regain (46, 83). Demonstrated TEE reductions by adaptive thermogenesis in weight-regainers has been reproduced in other human studies (72). Of note, when subjects recover from starvation they spontaneously overeat and, moreover, if weight loss-induced adaptive thermogenesis persists (e.g. reduced NEAT), there is a significant risk of regaining weight and “overshooting” pre-starvation body mass (72). Thus, changes in non-resting energy expenditure with underfeeding (or overfeeding) appear to occur in a direction tending to return subjects to their initial body mass and to conserve body energy as recently described in humans as so-called “thrifty phenotype” compared to a “spendthrift phenotype” (84).


Regarding this, findings from a recent study in sedentary overweight females are of potential practical relevance (85). In this investigation, 140 pre-menopausal females reduced their body mass by an average of ~11 kg while undergoing a total of 800 kcal per day diet. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of three groups: no exercise, a structured aerobic training schedule, or an exercise program incorporating resistance training. Body composition, strength, TEE, REE and NEAT were measured using various approaches. One main finding was that TEE, REE and NEAT all declined with weight loss in the no-exercise group. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis was reduced by 150 kcal per day, which was equivalent to 27% compared to baseline levels. However, in subjects undergoing the exercise regimens only REE was reduced, while NEAT remained unaffected. Thus, since caloric deprivation appears to consistently decrease spontaneous physical activity, untrained subjects with obesity who plan to lose body mass by means of dietary intervention alone would be advised to engage in a concomitant exercise program so as to avoid negative effects on NEAT and mitigate weight cycling after reaching a lower body weight. Of note, the authors of this study emphasized that, consistent with the concept that “more is not always better,” exercising two days a week was capable of increasing NEAT but, paradoxically, an intense three days weekly schedule was followed by a substantial decrement in NEAT (85).


At this end, one further study of Levine’s group should be considered (78). NEAT as measured by gold standard methods and posture allocation was evaluated in mildly obese subjects and normal weight controls over a period of ten days. This baseline evaluation showed a 164 minute per day longer seated time in obese compared to lean subjects. A subset of eight obese subjects then underwent an intentional weight loss program over a time span of eight weeks and thereby lost significant body weight. Posture allocation was measured for another ten days after intervention. Interestingly, the weight losing obese subjects did not further reduce their NEAT in this experiment (78). The latter study has several limitations, e.g., the small number of enrolled subjects and the relatively short intervention period when compared to some of the above-mentioned trials. Levine and colleagues themselves emphasized that it was a pilot experiment (78). The data otherwise suggest that interindividual differences in posture allocation could at least in part be biologically determined and are therefore not necessarily influenced in every individual by e.g., reduced energy intake over short time periods. Over- and underfeeding studies in identical twins indeed suggest an important role of genetics regarding the variability underlying body mass regulation (86, 87). Specifically regarding NEAT, it is likely that due to the polygenetic nature of obesity, numerous pathways are involved in the regulation of spontaneous physical activity, as the latter has multiple environmental cues and affects a multitude of behaviors (8, 88). Zurlo et al. have shown that spontaneous physical activity levels cluster in families and could prospectively help to explain the propensity for weight gain (89). Moreover, according to a recent review up to 57% of the variability of spontaneous activity has been attributed to inheritance (90).


Otherwise, biological and genetic determinants can only partially explain NEAT variance. Models of human energy budgets related to exercise can provide a conceptual framework to better understand NEAT regulation in humans (reviewed in (39)). For instance, the so-called independent model predicts that changes in basal TEE have no impact on the energy budgeted for behavior, e.g., spontaneous physical activity. This model is analogous to the factorial model of exercise in humans that assumes that exercise has an additive effect on TEE (39). In contrast, the allocation model suggests that the total energy budget is constrained, and therefore, an increase in the energy cost related to maintaining basal functions will reduce the amount of available energy to support other functions, finally altering an individual’s behavior (39). The independent model would for example predict that exercise additively increases TEE, while the allocation model predicts that exercise leads to a reduction in some components, e.g., NEAT. Indeed there is evidence that each of these models is evident in different human populations, although studies suggest that e.g. allocation may be affected by confounders such as age (older more likely to reallocate), sex (males more likely to reallocate), and exercise volume (allocation more likely with higher volumes)  (39). Such aspects have to be considered and could help to integratively explain the contradictory findings of Levine et al. and from other researchers.


In summary, an integrative view of existing human overfeeding studies proposes that the magnitude of adaptations regarding energy expenditure varies largely between individuals. Subjects capable of responding with increased spontaneous physical activity to overfeeding can be categorized as “compensators” and are therefore less susceptible to obesity (“spendthrift phenotype”). Subjects unable to respond to a continued energy surplus with increased NEAT (e.g., “non-compensators” or “thrifty phenotype”) seemingly represent the majority of subjects on a population level, of which a major percentage will attempt dietary weight-loss strategies at some time in their lives. However, REE and non-resting energy expenditure including NEAT are reduced with underfeeding in the majority of subjects. They therefore represent a risk factor for weight regain after dietary intervention. Mild voluntary exercise during and maybe shortly after periods of dietary weight loss could be a promising strategy to avoid decreases in NEAT, although this alone will probably not fully compensate for the obligate decline in REE. Whether the majority of dieting subjects with obesity will continuously adhere to a structured exercise program during extended periods of weight maintenance as suggested by current recommendations is also uncertain (and unlikely) (42, 8, 43, 41). 


Therefore, to advance anti-obesity strategies that systematically increase or even conserve NEAT it is essential to understand the mechanisms contributing to regulation of spontaneous physical activity.




Principles of NEAT Regulation


The ability to adapt thermogenesis, and specifically NEAT, presupposes existing mechanisms in the body that sense, accumulate, and integrate internal and external directionality signals with respect to energy balance (20). Figure 5shows a proposed model of the principal regulation of spontaneous physical activity and correspondingly NEAT. In this model, physiological data regarding caloric intake, energy depots and energy expenditure are compiled centrally by the brain. These signals converge at the data acquisition center, are rectified to a common signal, and directed to a NEAT accumulator, which is constantly summing the net amount of NEAT per unit of time. The latter continuously refers to the energy balance integrator, which, in turn, modulates spontaneous physical activity in response to changes in energy intake. Thereby, energy balance resulting from these three components is in constant flux.


Figure 5. The NEAT hypothesis of energy balance (adapted from (20)).


Continuous arrows represent energy flow through the system, broken arrows stand for putative signaling pathways. BMR, basal metabolic rate; NEAT, non-exercise activity thermogenesis; TEF, thermic effect of food.


For example, under circumstances of positive energy balance during increased food intake, the energy balance integrator may mediate deposition of the caloric surplus in energy stores (adipose tissue) or alternatively dissipate the excess energy in the form of NEAT. More likely, since BMR is essentially fixed, some energy will be spent on food digestion and absorption (increased TEF), some will be deposited as body fat or in other depots, and the rest will be dissipated as NEAT (20). This model also supports the observation that although BMI and energy balance are continuously oscillating around a weight set point (or “set range”) under daily life conditions, body mass is remarkably stable in the long term. This is exemplified by data from the Framingham Study showing a mean body mass increase of only 10% over a 20 year time span in average adults (cited in (91, 92)).


Thus, it appears that the regulation of energy balance and body mass is realized by a complex network of precisely working auto-regulatory structures controlling effector systems, one of which being spontaneous physical activity. However, while ample available data detail the regulation of food intake, there is lack of information concerning the biological mechanisms driving NEAT (34). Most animal evidence supports the concept that NEAT can help to protect against obesity (93). Therefore, spontaneous physical activity has certainly potential for impacting body mass and energy balance. It is very likely that many of the biological systems involved in the regulation of energy intake are also involved in gathering and integrating information regarding NEAT and determining NEAT adaptation in humans (34).


Tissues, Organs, and Central Mechanisms Involved in NEAT Regulation


Several well-described central neuroendocrine systems are thought to regulate NEAT through interactions with peripheral tissues/organs known to affect energy balance (Figure 6).


Figure 6. Model for the neuroendocrine regulation of NEAT in the service of energy balance (adapted from (34)). Multiple external and internal signals are sensed and integrated, whereby defined brain structures (e.g., arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus, area postrema and nucleus of the solitary tract of the hindbrain, dopamine pathway of the mesolimbic system) interpret a multitude of sensory cues of energy availability. The involved brain systems have multiple ascending and descending projections affecting the amount of physical activity through arousal and limbic pathways, and descending neural projections and endocrine signals to modulate the energy efficiency of physical activity. Thereby, the central nervous system could adapt NEAT to adjust energy balance under conditions of caloric excess or starvation. Ach, acetylcholine; AgRP, agouti-related peptide; CART, cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript; CCK, cholecystokinin; LC, locus ceruleus; MCH, melanin-concentrating hormone; NPY, neuropeptide Y; POMC, pro-opiomelanocortin; (P)SNS, (para-)sympathetic nervous system; SNS, sympathetic nervous system; TMN, tuberomammilary nucleus; VP, ventral pallidum


These associated neural mechanisms of brain regions involve a multitude of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides (for extensive review see (34) and (94)). While all are important, this section will focus on the biological role of central orexin peptides as promising and potentially targeted regulators of spontaneous physical activity (for extensive review see (47)).


Experimental data indicate that injections of orexin A into defined brain regions reproducibly induce a dose dependent increase in spontaneous physical activity along with significant increments in NEAT. Moreover, current knowledge suggests a role for the orexin system in the control of arousal and sleep, and for reward and stress reactions. This has led to conduction of extensive research showing that the orexins A and B are produced by cleavage from a single pro-peptide (44). The majority of orexin A is synthesized in the lateral hypothalamus and perifornical area. Orexin A binds to two G protein-coupled receptors, namely orexin receptor type 1 (OXR1) and 2 (OXR2). OXR1 has high affinity for orexin A, while OXR2 has equal affinity for the A and B peptide. Receptor binding of orexin A is associated with increased intracellular calcium levels and followed by enhanced neuronal signaling (44).


Physiologically, orexin A is capable of modulating spontaneous physical activity, food intake, and sleep as evidenced by an obesity-resistant rat model with high orexin A activity (34). These animals show more ambulatory and vertical movement, independent of age or food availability (34). Intriguingly, this rat model exhibits lower body weight gain when fed a high-fat diet, despite consuming significantly more kcal per gram body mass. From this study, it appears that orexin A simultaneously enhances feeding behavior and induces physical activity, but the consumed calories are outweighed by those expended with spontaneous physical activity (47, 34). These data were confirmed by a mouse model with postnatal loss of orexin neurons (47). These mice exhibit hypophagia, decreased spontaneous physical activity, and develop spontaneous-onset obesity while consuming a regular chow-diet. Furthermore, in recent years so called DREADDs (Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs) have been developed and were applied to manipulate orexin neuron activity in specific animal models. Compared with previous work of targeted infusions of orexin and/or orexin agonists into the brain, the use of DREADDs allows for the sustained activation of the neurons of interest without needing to inject directly into the brain (95).


A high-fat diet model was used to evaluate the effect of DREADDs on NEAT, since spontaneous physical activity can be decreased under such circumstances. It was shown that NEAT was decreased in animals on the high-fat diet, and was increased to the NEAT level of control animals following activation of orexin neurons with DREADDs (95). Thus, these preliminary results clearly support the hypothesis that the orexin signaling system could be a promising target of modulation by drugs.


However, from the perspective of humans, data on orexin are currently scarce. Otherwise it was recently shown in a pilot study that plasma levels of orexin A correlated with physical activity levels including many NEAT features (96). Therefore, plasma orexin A could be considered as a biomarker of NEAT in future studies. Furthermore, the orexin system has been shown to be defective in the sleep disorder narcolepsy. Since obesity is a recognized comorbidity of narcolepsy in both animal models and humans (47), regulation of this signaling system has the potential to impact clinical endpoints, probably including the development of overweight and obesity.


The Role of Peripheral Tissues for NEAT Regulation: Adipose Tissue and Adipokines


Peripheral tissues are also believed to contribute to NEAT regulation (Figure 6). That NEAT can be influenced by over- and underfeeding has been extensively discussed in earlier sections; but it is essential to also reconsider that longitudinal studies of fasting humans show significant decreases in adaptive thermogenesis with starvation, while refeeding may induce a variable elevation (72). These adaptations are likely the result of feedback mechanisms between thermogenesis regulation and energy depots (Figures 5 and 6). It can be further hypothesized that adaptations of thermogenesis in response to fasting or overfeeding result, at least in part, from an adipose tissue-specific impact on thermogenesis (reviewed in (46)). Indeed, studies of white adipose tissue (WAT) have led to the recognition that this energy store represents an important endocrine organ communicating with the brain through secretion of so-called “adipokines.” Accordingly, adipokines could play a role for NEAT regulation (Figure 7) (97).


Figure 7. Essential elements in the regulation of thermogenesis including effects of WAT (adapted from (34, 98)). BAT, brown adipose tissue; cAMP, cyclic 5” adenosine monophosphate; COX, cyclooxygenase; IL, interleukin; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; PAMPs, pathogen associated molecular pattern; PGE, prostaglandin E; PKA, protein kinase A; SNS, sympathetic nervous system; UCP, uncoupling protein; WAT, white adipose tissue.


Leptin is such an adipokine signal that is the product of the rodent obese (ob) gene and human homolog (LEP) first characterized in 1995 (99). Due to its role regarding the sensing of energy stores and regulation of food intake, it was also suggested as an important signal with respect to adaptive thermogenesis (reviewed in (34, 98)). For instance, Dauncey and Brown studied ob⁄ob mice lacking leptin production and their lean littermates at comparable body weights (100). Leptin-deficient mice expended less energy and showed less motor activity as compared to control animals. The energy expended relative to metabolic size was greater in lean littermates, who were also more active than the ob⁄ob mice. It was calculated that activity-related energy expenditure accounted for at least part of the body mass difference observed between ob⁄ob and wild-type mice (100, 101). A central mediator of leptin action on NEAT partly includes the orexin signaling system, since the activity of orexin neurons has been shown to be modulated by leptin among other metabolic indicators (reviewed in (93)).


With respect to humans, Franks et al. have shown that fasting leptin levels were significantly associated with physical activity-related energy expenditure (101). Moreover, it was pointed out in a recent review that replacement of leptin in weight-reduced subjects was capable of reversing neuroendocrine adaptations that accompany caloric reduction as evidenced by an increase in SNS activity, suggesting that this component of the non-resting energy expenditure and adaptive thermogenesis is at least in part under endocrine control (72). In response to caloric restriction, the authors therefore suggest an adaptation model where in an initial fast “first set,” reduced insulin secretion and glycogen stores are accompanied by a reduction of both REE and non-resting energy expenditure within days, while in the long term, with maintenance of reduced body weight, a “second set” mediated by a drop in leptin levels becomes active that keeps energy expenditure low so as to preserve fat depots and maintain reproductive function (72). This endocrine action resulting from the drop in leptin levels with related activation of multiple pathways then enhances the risk of weight regain (72).


Overall, available data suggest that leptin’s central actions include not only reducing food intake but potentially also increasing energy expenditure mediated, in part, through increasing physical activity levels (reviewed in (34)). The potential role of leptin on NEAT in human obesity is of particular interest given the phenomenon of central leptin insensitivity under conditions of overfeeding and related obesity (102, 103). However, it must be also kept in mind that the leptin system represents only one component of peripheral tissue signaling that impacts NEAT. Other endocrine systems, such as thyroid hormone status, also have major influences on energy expenditure. For example, hyperthyroid rats have been shown to have significantly increased NEAT (104).


Energy availability from food and internal energy stores, ambient and body temperature, and systemic inflammation are further determinants of thermogenesis regulation. In WAT, two relevant factors converge: WAT represents the principal energy storage depot and, under conditions of significant obesity, WAT is a site of low-grade inflammatory activity that contributes to systemic inflammation. Recent epidemiological data from humans support this hypothesis (105). It was shown that levels of systemic low-grade inflammation (e.g., circulating interleukin-6 and interleukin-1β) were related to non-exercise physical activity. Although no causal relationship can be drawn from these findings, inflammation is theoretically one signaling system involved in NEAT regulation.


Signals from WAT can induce enhanced sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity and affect downstream regulators of adaptive thermogenesis (Figure 7). Indeed, experimental data indicate that NEAT is one component affected by WAT signaling (93). Related to the hypothesis of “adaptive thermogenesis”, Dulloo et al. in their review regarding human starvation and overfeeding suggest SNS as key regulatory effector mechanism (46). Of note, activation of brown adipose tissue, which has recently gained a lot of interest with respect to human obesity (106–108), is suggested to be an additional site of adaptive thermogenesis.


Skeletal Muscle as Peripheral NEAT Modulator


Skeletal muscle is a major contributor not only to REE, but also to spontaneous physical activity and has been newly recognized as important NEAT effector. Human subjects maintaining a 10% weight loss in response to caloric restriction have increased skeletal muscle work efficiency (92, 109). This mechanism is believed to be responsible for the phenomenon that, even after adjustment for the reduced body mass, weight-loss maintaining subjects need proportionally fewer calories for performing comparable physical-activity tasks compared to before weight loss (92, 109). Therefore, adaptations of skeletal muscle work efficiency can contribute to reduced NEAT after low-calorie induced weight loss. Several recent animal models are in line with this hypothesis (82, 110). For example, a recent study in rats investigated the contribution of REE and non-resting energy expenditure to reduced TEE observed after three weeks of 50% energy deprivation (82). They reported a 42% reduction in TEE, even after correction for the loss in body weight and LBM (82). Moreover, 48% of the detected TEE reduction was explained by a significant decline in non-resting energy expenditure, e.g. spontaneous physical activity (82). Reduced baseline and activity-related muscle thermogenesis was also found in this study. Reduced skeletal muscle norepinephrine turnover as a surrogate of SNS drive and increased expression of the more energy “economic” myosin heavy chain (MHC) 1 isoform were identified potential mechanisms for the observed changes (82, 92, 109). Thus, according to these findings, restriction of caloric intake apparently not only suppresses spontaneous physical activity, but in addition reduces related caloric demand, which is mediated by reduced SNS activity to skeletal muscle and altered expression of MHC isoforms. These findings are supported by data from another recent animal study investigating rodents with “high intrinsic physical activity” and counterparts with “low intrinsic running capacity” under eucaloric conditions (87). It was found that animals with high intrinsic physical activity were lean, had lower skeletal muscle economy along with increased skeletal muscle heat dissipation during activity. This resulted in higher TEE and NEAT and was related to increased activation of skeletal muscle by SNS (110).


Taken together, skeletal muscle is an intrinsic site for NEAT and not only of great importance quantitatively, but also represents an important effector system for NEAT mediated through modifications on the level of SNS activity and gene expression, particularly under conditions of altered caloric intake. Therefore, evidence indicates that NEAT is modified by a complex network regulation of central and peripheral systems. The latter involve a variety of redundantly organized immediate and delayed mechanisms, including central neuropeptides and signaling systems to and from peripheral tissues. Involvement of such biochemical signaling systems identifies spontaneous physical activity and NEAT as a potential site for pharmaceutical targeting. Pharmaceutical manipulation of such a system could be envisioned to either increase the amounts of activities people undertake, or elevate activity-related energy expenditure.



As stated in the introduction, obesity is associated with a many adverse health outcomes (1, 111). Energy expenditure in occupational activities has declined by a mean of 140 kcal/d since 1960 in the United States and this reduction is thought to account for a significant portion of the observed increase in mean BMI (reviewed in (1)).The latter hypothesis is supported by observational data showing that reduced energy expenditure of 100 kcal/d below expected values corresponds to a 0.2 kg/year weight gain, of which 0.1 kg/year are fat mass (112). In addition there is ample evidence from epidemiological, cross-sectional, and longitudinal studies showing that individuals with higher physical activity levels have lower mean body weight, gain less weight and fat mass over time, and show reduced weight regain after intended loss in body mass (113–117). Moreover, regular physical activity can moderate or even eliminate weight gain among those carrying a risk at the FTO (fat mass and obesity associated) gene variants ((118), reviewed in (93)). It has further been evidenced that  levels of habitual or spontaneous physical activity are positively related to reduced risk of major cardiovascular disease and premature mortality, while an increase of sitting time correlates with a raise in complications (119–123).


Associations of NEAT with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and NAFLD/MAFLD as Common Sequelae of Obesity


In industrialized countries the daily time spent sitting is estimated to be 6-7 hours per day, which is closely correlated not only with obesity rates but also with the incidence of T2D (120, 124). A plethora of data suggest, on the other hand, beneficial effects of lifestyle interventions on insulin resistance, metabolic control, pain and clinical endpoints in these patients (e.g. (125, 126), reviewed in (127)). In subjects with impaired glucose tolerance or prediabetes, lifestyle interventions have proven to decrease the incidence of T2D, of which prominent examples comprise the DaQuing Study, the Finish Diabetes Prevention Study, the Diabetes Prevention Program and others (128–131). This was newly confirmed by the lifestyle intervention and impaired glucose tolerance Maastricht (SLIM) trial, which has shown to impact clinical endpoints even four years after stopping the intervention (132, 133).


The prevalence of NAFLD/MAFLD parallels the pandemic rise in T2D. A recent meta-analysis indicates that on a global perspective more than 55% of T2D patients suffer from bland liver steatosis, while a further 37% show signs of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (reviewed in (127)). “NAFLD” was defined in the 1980s to describe excess hepatocellular lipid accumulation in absence of significant alcohol intake, autoimmune, or viral liver disease, and the course of this pathology was long believed to follow the so-called “two-hit hypothesis” (134). Manifestation of bland steatosis was defined as first hit, while histological signs of liver inflammation, fibrosis and hepatocyte injury were proposed as succeeding second hit (NASH). Insulin resistance has now been recognized as the most valid predictive parameter of NAFLD/MAFLD progression to NASH. Moreover, presence of insulin resistance puts these patients to an elevated risk of morbidity and mortality, while sedentary behavior constitutes a complementary risk factor and correlates with clinical outcomes (reviewed in (135, 127)).


Since physical exercise is capable of improving and maybe reversing insulin resistance, while short term decreases in physical activity reduce multiorgan insulin-sensitivity and in parallel increase liver fat (reviewed in (127)), it is reasonable to assume that physical activity represents a potent treatment modality for NAFLD/MAFLD. There is indeed some evidence from prospective controlled randomized intervention studies that liver fat can be reduced independently from changes in body weight by structured exercise regimens in a limited, yet significant manner, while effects on liver inflammation and fibrosis remain to be investigated (extensively reviewed in (127)). Although no direct research of NEAT effects on NAFLD/MAFLD is currently available, one well-designed study using brisk walking as an intervention has shown reduced liver fat after 6 and 12 months (136). This suggests that low to moderate intensity activities potentially impact hepatic steatosis, which should be further evaluated.


For weight maintenance purposes, current recommendations encourage subjects with obesity to engage in 200-300 minutes per week in activities as e.g. walking (8). Yet, patients with T2D show markedly reduced TEE (< 300 kcal per day), number of steps taken (<1500 per day), physical activity duration (<130 min per day), and activity related energy expenditure (<300 kcal per day) as compared to subjects without diabetes (137). Accordingly, only 28% of patients with T2D in the U.S. achieve the recommended physical activity levels and less than 40% engage in regular voluntary exercise (120, 138, 139). In line with this, recent observational studies have shown that reduced NEAT is related to measures of insulin resistance, glycated hemoglobin A1c, and other features of the metabolic syndrome, consistent with the hypothesis that increasing spontaneous physical activity could be beneficial for those with T2D and NAFLD/MAFLD (140–142). This is supported by data coming from the Nurses’ Health Study showing that regular walking at normal pace (e.g. 3.2-4.8 km h-1) was associated with a 20-30% relative risk reduction of T2D, while in another study, frequent walking was correlated with an equally remarkable risk reduction of mortality in T2D (120, 143, 144).


On the other hand, it must be acknowledged that data on NEAT, T2D and NAFLD/MAFLD are limited. First, evidence suggests interindividual differences in the response to a standardized exercise schedule at a given dose and there is, moreover, strong indication of genetic components to the variation in human trainability (reviwed in (145)). Second, available evidence almost exclusively comes from observational and cross-sectional studies. Furthermore, the data on lifestyle interventions on sequalae of insulin resistance and manifest T2D also have limitations (146). For instance the 10-year prospective randomized LookAHEAD study in T2D patients was stopped early based on a futility analysis, since the trial was unable to detect substantial effects on cardiovascular events, although the intervention group experienced significant weight loss (147). Otherwise, secondary analyses of this hallmark study were able to show that the magnitude of weight loss may be predictive of outcome measures (148). In more detail, obese and overweight subjects suffering from T2D were examined regarding the association of the magnitude of fitness change (n=4406 and weight loss (n=4834) over a median of 10 years of follow-up for the primary outcome. The primary outcome was a composite of death, cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, hospitalization for angina, and stroke. Subjects losing more than 10% of body mass in the first year of the intervention had a 21% lower risk of the primary outcome relative to participants with stable body mass or weight gain. Interestingly, achieving a > 2 metabolic equivalents (MET) fitness change was not significantly associated with the primary, but with the secondary endpoint (composite of coronary–artery bypass grafting, carotid endartectomy, percutaneous coronary intervention, hospitalization for congestive heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, or total mortality (148). Therefore, it appears that life style modifications are principally capable of beneficially modulating clinical endpoints in, while the optimal exercise (and lifestyle intervention) therapy for individuals with T2D, particularly with co-existing complications, remains unknown (120). These findings suggest that priority should be made for subjects who are obese to engage in any type of regular physical activity before T2D and NAFLD/MAFLD become manifest ((144), reviewed in (120, 8)). Accordingly, the “Step It Up! (The Surgeon General’s Call to  Action to Promote Walking and Walkable Communities)” program was recently released, focusing on promoting optimal health before disease occurs (149).


In summary, since EAT is negligible in the vast majority of subjects and NEAT represents the main contributor to daily PEE/AEE and therefore TEE in Western populations NEAT can be recognized as a major potential target for lifestyle modification in subjects suffering from T2D and probably also under conditions of NAFLD/MAFLD.


Personalized Approaches versus Environmental Re-engineering for Promoting NEAT


In free-living individuals, counterbalancing effects of an obesity-promoting environment involves addressing several central questions:


  • How can the amount of NEAT be increased or preserved under conditions of caloric restriction?


  • What are realistic goals for daily spontaneous physical activity and what are appropriate activities for increasing NEAT?


When aiming to prevent or treat obesity, it can be argued that in an obesogenic environment each person needs to increase physical activity levels (45). Alternatively, it could be argued that the epidemic of obesity needs to be addressed at the population level, since obesity has emerged as a result of environmental pressures that have led to decreased population-wide activity levels (e.g., more sedentary jobs, more time at work and less in leisure) (45). In reality, these contributors are not mutually exclusive. However, in order to substantially increase NEAT it is useful to categorize these perspectives as the “individualized approach” versus the “environmental re-engineering approach”(45). Accordingly, Levine and Kotz have developed the “egocentric” and the “geocentric” models, which provide a theoretical framework to understand important environmental determinants of NEAT from these two perspectives (20).The egocentric model focuses on a single person. Accordingly, environmental factors that impact a particular person’s spontaneous physical activity levels are considered, such as “my occupation”, “my transportation to work”, or “my leisure time activities” (Figure 8) (20). By contrast, the geocentric model is focused on how the environment impacts NEAT of multiple subjects, such as city planning to ensure walk-friendly or bike-accessible environments (Figure 8) (20). These models may help to elucidate how NEAT can be effectively modulated. 


Figure 8. Environmental determinants of NEAT – the egocentric versus the geocentric model (adapted from (20)).


In the geocentric model a variety of environmental factors impact spontaneous physical activity. The most prominent negative influences on NEAT are represented by urbanization and mechanization, which are largely a phenomenon of high- and middle-income countries. Examples include televisions, drive-through restaurants, clothes washing machines, motorized walkways, and others (20).


Accordingly, when comparing daily energetic costs of mechanized tasks with the same tasks performed manually a century ago, the difference in daily energy costs approximates 111 kcal, or more than 40,000 kcal per year (150). Evidence such as this has been used in support of the proposal that urbanization and mechanization have likely had a dramatic impact on energy balance (20). Hence, proposals to increase NEAT on a population level have included environmental “re-engineering,” including provisions for adequate walkways, to build schools within walking distance, and to adapt employment laws for promoting office fitness. The problem with this argument is that it includes imposing high economic costs on business and localities without agreed upon standards for success (45).


It is self-evident that to intentionally increase NEAT over a protracted time period presupposes a significant amount of self-discipline. To facilitate behavior modification Levine has published approaches for promoting NEAT that focus on behavioral economic theory (for extensive review see (45)). Behavioral economic theory is a framework for conceptualizing how people make behavioral choices based upon their perceived relative value. When applied to NEAT, behavioral economic theory is concerned with how people choose between various activity/inactivity options. Consequently, Levine proposes four key elements (45): 1) It is critical to provide individuals with free-choice. By contrast, forcing a subject to choose a specific NEAT-promoting activity is likely to have the opposite to the intended effect. Otherwise, if an activity is self-selected, it is likely to be more reinforcing and consequently self-selected more often; 2) The delay between performing a NEAT-promoting behavior and the outcome needs to be minimized. While sedentary behaviors that people enjoy have immediately reinforcing consequences, health benefits of standing or ambulation may take longer to manifest. Therefore, it is important to choose NEAT-promoting physical activities; that are pleasing. For example, walking while listening to music or walk-and-talk with a friend. 3) Behavioral “costs” determine which sorts of activity/inactivity become selected. If a person has to work strenuously to participate in a given activity, they will be less likely to do it. For example, it is unlikely that many people will drive 40 minutes to the gym long-term just to engage in fitness training. People are more likely to choose physical activities that are easily accessible, such as home- or even office-based activities that do not require changing location or clothes; and 4) For an individual to choose a NEAT-promoting activity, it has to be more attractive than available alternatives. For example, behavior will change when providing a competing behavior that is more valued: a given person may prefer to surf the internet while seated rather than visiting the gym for a fitness workout. If, however, walk-and-talk with a friend was an option, the individual could choose that instead of internet-surfing. These behavioral components have been synthesized into a simplified approach termed, STRIPE (45): STRIPE is an acronym that represents S = Select a NEAT-activity that is enjoyed and start it; T = targeted, specific individual goals must be defined; R = rewards need to be identified for reaching the defined goals; I = identify barriers and remove them; P = plan NEAT-activity sessions; E = evaluate adherence and efficacy.


Overall, to increase NEAT in the prevention and treatment of obesity, egocentric and geocentric approaches should be considered. Occupation and leisure time are the two principal time frames that have to be targeted for promoting individual NEAT. To increase NEAT by means of changing behavior, the STRIPE approach is considered as safe and well-grounded in conceptual evidence. Unfortunately, there is no evidence as to whether an individualized or the population-based approach is more effective in terms of increasing physical activity levels and/or to affect body mass. Despite this, however, it is our opinion that both approaches should be still considered when counseling patients regarding ways they can improve their daily life conditions (45).


Increasing NEAT: Realistic Goals, Pitfalls and Appropriate Activities


Obesity is not a problem in only one component of energy balance and food restriction alone is surely not the complete answer on a long-term perspective. Hill et al. hypothesized that a person who is physically highly active could maintain energy balance and a healthy body weight by eating and expending at, say, an estimated 3000 kcal per day. This person, if adopting a sedentary lifestyle, could alternatively maintain energy balance and consequently body weight by eating and expending 2000 kcal per day. If, however, this sedentary person fails to strictly keep energy intake at 2000 kcal per day to match reduced energy expenditure over time, experiencing weight gain would be the unavoidable consequence (16). In other words, for a majority of subjects in a given population, maintaining energy balance at substantial higher levels by increasing NEAT could be in the long term much more realistic under free-living conditions (e.g. in an environment with high access to energy dense foods), than maintaining caloric intake at lower levels (16). Therefore, when attempting to increase NEAT, it is important to establish what goals have to be addressed for prevention or treatment of obesity. According to a review, the amount of physical activity necessary for weight loss approximates 2000-2500 kcal per week or about 2 ½ hours of additional daily ambulation, which is considered realistic for a majority of subjects with obesity (45). This is in line with current recommendations, suggesting ≥ 150 minutes per week of aerobic exercise in combination with a hypocaloric diet (8).


However, evidence is lacking from randomized, controlled studies as to whether strategies to promote NEAT in absence of dietary manipulation are effective for obesity prevention or treatment. Moreover, some lines of evidence suggest a compensatory upregulation of energy intake with rising physical activity energy expenditure, especially at higher workloads and energy expenditure levels (reviewed in (90, 112, 151, 80). Therefore, it remains unclear whether substantially increasing NEAT for body mass control under free-living conditions will be capable of inducing weight loss without caloric restriction. Probably this shows large inter-individual variability, since it was recently shown that subjects losing weight over a two year time span increased their daily activity by about 35 minutes, while subjects gaining weight showed a reciprocal decrease (113). Energy intake was comparable in both of these groups. Contrasting with that, subjects either losing body weight or weight maintainers did not show alterations in daily activity as compared to weight gainers in another study (152). Thus, even under real life conditions there might be “responders” and “non-responders” in terms of daily activity/NEAT and body weight control. These groups remain, however, to be better defined.


Recent work could help to better categorize “responders” and “non-responders” by applying the above mentioned constrained energy expenditure model (153). The authors hypothesized that total energy expenditure would increase with physical activity at low levels, while plateauing at higher activity levels. It was found that after adjusting for body size and composition, TEE is indeed positively associated with PEE/AEE, but the relationship was markedly stronger over the lower range of physical activity. For subjects in the upper range TEE plateaued (Figure 9). According to the author’s hypothesis, body fat and activity intensity appeared to modulate the metabolic response to physical activity (153). In other words, subjects who maintain high levels of physical activity in their daily lives could show a smaller response to attempts of further increasing NEAT as it contributes to TEE increment, while subjects with habitually low activity levels could increase NEAT contribution and can therefore possibly be categorized as “responders”.


Figure 9. Effects of physical activity on PEE/AEE and its components (adapted from (153)).


Since hypocaloric diets can significantly reduce NEAT (see previous sections), a major goal has to include prevention of this reduction in NEAT. There is strong evidence that physical activity is essential for the prevention of weight regain after weight loss, and for weight maintenance (16, 80). For instance, it was shown that low physical activity levels are related to significant weight regain at follow up after hypocaloric diets (154). Furthermore, when subjects gaining weight under free-living conditions are compared to weight stable counterparts, the “weight gainers” demonstrated markedly lower physical activity related energy expenditure and less muscle strength (155). Of note, after a one year period, lower physical activity energy expenditure explained approximately 77% of body mass increase in the “weight gainers” as compared to “weight maintainers” (155). A recent meta-analysis on weight loss maintenance shows that physical activity has a significant treatment effect of approximately 1.6 kg in the short term (156). However, long term this effect was lost, probably due to reduced compliance since effects of voluntary physical exercise were examined (156).


As discussed above, for prevention of a decrease in NEAT resulting from hypocaloric dieting, an effective strategy could therefore be to recommend moderate voluntary exercising during weight reduction, and then to engage in NEAT-enhancing activities at the initiation of weight maintenance. This strategy could mitigate poor long-term compliance and substantially contribute to lower body mass preservation. However, when purposeful training is initiated in combination with a hypocaloric diet, the exercise schedule must be moderate as too intense of an exercise regimen during caloric restriction can disproportionally reduce NEAT rather than stabilize it (157, 85). Otherwise, even purposeful exercise training cannot completely overcome hypocaloric diet-induced reductions of TEE, as the REE-component remains largely unaffected by this kind of intervention even when LBM is preserved (85, 72, 36, 80).


From a practical point of view this is a central issue, as after weight loss reduced TEE will persist over years. This was recently shown by a follow up study on participants of the “The Biggest Loser” televised weight loss competition in the U.S.(158). Fourteen subjects who were severely obese lost approximately 59 kg during a 30 week period of strenous physical exercise in combination with dieting. Fat mass was primarily lost, while LBM was largely preserved (158). Compared to baseline, by the end of the 30-week competition TEE decreased significantly by 800 kcal per day, which was mainly explained by the decline in RMR, approximating 600 kcal per day (158).  Unfortunately, NEAT was not directly measured. However, keeping in mind that subjects underwent an intense physical exercise schedule it can be hypothesized that the observed difference of TEE and RMR (e.g. 200 kcal per day) was contributed to by a decline in spontaneous physical activity, which is comparable to earlier studies (157, 39, 72). After six years, the participants had regained 41 kg, TEE was reduced by roughly 400 kcal day-, and in spite of the significant weight regain, RMR remained reduced by 600 kcal per day (158). Therefore, after six years, “The Biggest Loser” televised weight loss competition resulted in a total weight loss of approximately 12 kg in subjects who were previously severely obese. The data indicate that these individuals will have to live with remarkably reduced dietary energy needs, even after adjustment for body weight and age (158) that contributes to their ongoing weight regain. Remarkably, the fact that after six years the reductions in RMR were lower than TEE indicates that some form of compensation is occuring, but it is unclear which component of daily energy needs is accounting for it (Figure 1). From the previously reported findings it can surmised that decreased NEAT was one of the factors contributing to the large weight regain (158, 39). Indeed, it was shown that participants of the “The Biggest Loser” television show with high levels of physical activity over years had significantly lower body mass regain compared to subjects with low physical activity levels. Weight loss maintainers had physical activity thermogenesis of roughly 12 kcal/kg/d as compared to weight regainers with approximately 8 kcal/kg/d, which was reflectetd by a significant negative correlation of body mass regain and physical activity levels (114).


Overall, moderate voluntary exercise results in significantly preserved weight loss during hypocaloric dieting (159, 160), which can be a helpful tool for preventing significant decreases in NEAT that will later help to stabilize body weight loss. With initiation of weight maintenance, subjects should be encouraged to engange in actvities increasing NEAT, to compensate at least in part for the obligatory weight loss-induced reduction in RMR. As stated previously, additional voluntary exercise is a useful tool for weight maintenance, but engagement in NEAT-related activities can be more easiliy integrated in daily life and will therefore likely result in higher adherence and compliance rates.


In terms of appropriate activities, it can be relatively easy to increase NEAT (Figure 10). Standing instead of sitting burns three times more kcal per hour, gum chewing increases energy expenditure four times, and stair climbing more than 40 times above resting levels (45). Ambulation (e.g., walking) in particular can raise NEAT and is easily performed at almost any place and at any time. But how can a goal of 2.5 hours of additional daily ambulation/standing time be realistically be integrated into daily routine? A key problem is that people’s occupations and personal lives regularly contribute to prohibit this degree of adaptation (45). As one’s occupation is the principal determinant of NEAT in adulthood and can represent an efficient means of promoting physical activity (45), how NEAT can be primarily integrated at the site of occupation needs examining. One important issue in this context addresses transportation to work. Similar to the NHANES data for the United States (42, 43, 41), recent results from the English and Welsh 2011 Census show that among the 23.7 million adult commuters, approximately 67% used private motorized transport as their usual main commute mode, while about 18% used public transport (161). In contrast, only 10.9% walked and 3.1% cycled (161). Thus, the majority of subjects rely on motorized transport. Promoting cycling or walking as a daily routine, not only with regard to transportation to work but also with respect to other daily needs (such as going to the grocery store), could represent a promising and realistic way for a majority of subjects to increase individual NEAT levels.


Figure 10. Effects of physical activity on PEE/AEE and its components (adapted from (153)).


Together, 2.5 hours of additional ambulation and standing time per day are proposed as goals for those considering weight loss. However, potential beneficial effects on weight loss could be at least partially compensated for by increasing energy intake from food. Increasing NEAT as an adjunct for weight maintenance could overcome potential compensatory effects to the low-calorie state and hypothetically represent an alternative strategy for body mass control.


Limitations to Increasing NEAT


A number of factors potentially affect time spent in NEAT, of which some (sociological and environmental factors) can be influenced, while others cannot (genetic and endocrine factors) (Figure 11). Two points are important to make. First, as was shown previously in this chapter, skeletal muscle can increase in fuel economy and work efficiency not only in response to the loss of body mass, but also so that benefits of NEAT may be diminished. Moreover, it has also been reported that under weight-loss conditions, subjects with obesity oxidize proportionally more carbohydrates and less fat as compared to lean counterparts, and that differences in skeletal muscle metabolism and SNS activity underlie some of the observed differences between subjects who are and are not obese (reviewed in (21)). And second, even though regular physical activity can increase the capacity of skeletal muscle to oxidize lipids and to store glycogen (85), regular physical activity can also increase work efficiency and thereby possibly reduce the energetic costs of NEAT (85). Even so, given the known contribution of physical activity to body weight maintenance, the recommendation to patients who are overweight and with obesity to increase NEAT-related activities such as ambulation or bicycling is logical, even before definitive evidence is reported.


Figure 11. Factors interfering with spontaneous physical activity and NEAT (adapted from (120)).




The epidemic of worldwide obesity in past decades is contributing to serious health concerns. Apart from poor diet, reduced physical activity and increased sedentary behavior contribute to the pathogenesis of obesity. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis is a highly variable component of daily total energy expenditure and essentially a function of environmental and individual factors. Whether caloric overfeeding systematically affects non-exercise activity thermogenesis is a matter of debate, while a negative energy balance due to voluntary caloric restriction and/or exercise can decrease it. As physical activity contributes to weight maintenance and prevention of body mass regain after hypocaloric dietary interventions, overcoming current obesogenic environmental pressures and increasing non-exercise activity thermogenesis could holds tremendous promise as a tool for body weight control.




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The Control of Food Intake in Humans



Knowledge of the factors influencing food intake is crucial to form an understanding of energy balance and obesity. Classical physiological feedback models propose that eating behavior is stimulated and inhibited by internal signaling systems (for the drive and suppression of eating, respectively) to maintain stability of the internal environment (usually energy or nutrient stores). However day-to-day food intake involves complex interactions of both internal and external inputs coordinated through homeostatic, hedonic, and cognitive processes in the brain. Twenty-five years ago, the term ‘obesogenic environment’ entered into scientific discourse and implies that prompts, cues, and triggers from the external environment are largely responsible for the increases in food intake that underlie the epidemic of obesity. This approach revitalized interest in the sensory and external stimulation of food intake and has drawn attention to the hedonic dimension of appetite. There is now a very strong current of thought that energy balance regulation is asymmetric and excess food intake is due to poor homoeostatic defense against positive energy balances in an environment rich in available, accessible, and readily assimilated food energy. This does not mean that regulatory signals concerned with energy balance regulation are unimportant. Indeed, they appear to be of incremental importance in prolonged negative energy balances and help explain control and loss of control of food intake as a dynamic continuum.




Traditionally food intake has been researched within the homeostatic approach to physiological systems pioneered by Claude Bernard (1), Walter Cannon (2) and others, and because eating is a form of behavior, it forms part of what Curt Richter referred to as the behavioral regulation of body weight (or behavioral homeostasis) (3). This approach views food intake as the vehicle for energy supply whose expression is modulated by the metabolic requirement to replenish energy stores. The idea was that eating behavior is stimulated and inhibited by internal signaling systems (for the drive and suppression of eating, respectively) in order to maintain stability in the internal environment (energy stores, tissue needs). Since this time, it has become clear that energy intake is not as tightly regulated under modern environmental conditions as symmetrical negative feedback models initially suggested. Compensatory changes in physiology and behavior are more pronounced in response to negative than positive energy balances. Furthermore, energy intake is determined by eating behavior, which itself, may be determined by a number of complex physiological, environmental, social, and cultural factors. One should not perhaps expect to see strict regulation of food or energy intake on a day-to-day basis in modern environments.




The control of appetite is often viewed to operate within an energy balance model of body weight regulation, but this should not lead to the view that appetite is controlled simply as an outcome of energy balance. Eating (food, energy, and nutrient intake) is a form of behavior, and like many aspects of volitional behavior, the factors leading to changes in that behavior are complex and are the outcome of factors which can be described by behavior change models. Using a COM-B model of behavior (Capability, Opportunity, Motivation, Behavior) (4), these factors include capability (psychological or physical ability to enact the behavior), motivation (reflective and automatic mechanisms activate or inhibit behavior), opportunity (physical and social environments that enables the behavior). Given the interacting and complex nature of these influences it is to be expected that unless homeostatic or other physiological feedback signals are particularly powerful, their effects on eating behavior would be difficult to detect. It is often implied (but not explicitly stated) that eating behavior is part of a feedback loop that is subsumed to the regulation of energy balance, but under the conditions of modern environments, there is little rationale for why eating behavior per se should be a regulated phenomenon as described by classic homeostatic models. Eating behavior may show repeated patterns which are stable over time, but these patterns may be quite different from the concept of regulation described in typical homeostatic models of blood glucose regulation or thermoregulation for example.


While eating behavior is influenced by a number of factors, it is reasonable to argue that some of those factors may become particularly salient under specific physiological or environmental circumstances. This is important as energy balance regulation appears asymmetric, with compensatory changes in physiology and behavior more pronounced in response to negative than positive energy balances. The exact mechanisms that oppose energy deficits are complex, inter-related, and individually subtle (5, 6). While energy expenditure and its components change in response to energy deficits in a quantitatively important manner, it is likely that changes in energy intake (EI) have a greater capacity to produce relatively large alterations in energy balance and body composition (7). The physiological and psychological impacts of weight loss likely occur on a continuum, with the point on this continuum influenced by (i) the degree of energy deficit, (ii) its duration, (iii) body composition at the onset of the energy deficit, and (iv) the psychosocial environment in which it occurs (8). In contrast, as weight is progressively gained there is very little evidence of physiological or behavioral systems exerting negative feedback to actively limit further weight gain. However, there is considerable heterogeneity in the rate of weight gain during overfeeding (9), which may in part, reflect inter-individual variations in physical activity and/or partitioning the excess energy between fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM) (10, 11).


The implication of asymmetric energy balance regulation would be that appetite is under stronger physiological control in relation to negative energy balances, whereas in a state of energy balance or positive energy balances weak linkages (negative feedback) exist between physiological functioning, food intake, and the motivation to eat. If energy balance regulation is asymmetric and modern environments are spatially and temporally rich in energy dense foods, it is logical to assume that many of the factors that shape eating behavior and energy intake are due to environmental influences such as sensory and environmental cues for food intake (which are presumably mediated through hedonic and other affective mechanisms). There is now a strong current of thought that a major cause of an increase in food intake associated with the rise of obesity resides in the hedonic rather than the homeostatic system. Some authors argue that in the resource limiting environments in which we evolved, hedonic and homeostatic systems functioned in a synchronized manner to facilitate over consumption during relatively brief periods of food abundance. In an environment where food resources are unpredictable and finite, overconsumption would have been an adaptive behavior limited (capability, opportunity) by environmental uncertainty. Natural selection would favor such behaviors. There would have been little need to evolve systems that protect against weight gain as it would be an improbable outcome in resource limited environments. This does not mean that the so-called ‘energy homeostasis system’ is no longer important in modern environments. Modern day environments have changed very rapidly and radically relative to the environment shaping energy balance regulation. Therefore, to understand how homeostasis and hedonics may influence food intake in modern environments requires an appreciation of the asymmetry of energy balance regulation, the time course over which such regulation may operate, and the very rapid time-course over which the modern food environment has changed.




The Motivation to Eat


Within the COM-B model of behavior, motivation is an important factor influencing behavior if capability and opportunity do not constrain behavior (as is the case in today’s so called ‘obesogenic’ environment). In the field of ingestive behavior, motivation to eat usually refers to reflective processes that are subjectively experienced or expressed. They are often believed to relate to underlying physiological or external environmental influences, but have the status of a self-reported, subjectively expressed psychological construct. Appetite has been defined as the subjective expression of willingness or motivation associated with qualitative selection and quantitative consumption of specific foods during an ingestive event (12). Appetite is not necessarily solely related to situations of nutritional depletion and can be influenced by a number of physiological and non-physiological factors. Appetites are specific to certain foods, often learned and frequently sensory specific (13). Unfortunately, the term appetite control is often used without specifying what is being controlled. Does eating behavior change to maintain some constancy and motivation to eat? Does appetite change in order to control food intake around some central tendency? Does appetite change with the aim of changing food intake to regulate energy balance? Often it is the latter view that is implied but not clearly articulated.


Table 1. Key Psychobiological Components of Appetite (14, 15)




The subjective sensation described as the primary motivation to eat. An increase in subjective hunger usually predicts meal initiation under ad libitum feeding situation. It does not necessarily predict type or amount of food eaten.


The process during a meal that generates the negative feedback leading to its termination (within-meal inhibition).


The degree of satisfaction and/or fullness following food consumption. This bears some reciprocal relationship to hunger and inhibits further motivation to eating.


The sensory pleasure elicited by contact with food contributing to the hedonic motivation to consume (wanting).


The motivation to consume a specific food, manifesting explicitly (desire to eat) or implicitly.


Because a great deal of human behavior is both reactive and learned, it is possible that the environment can produce prompts, cues, and stimuli that influence learned patterns of motivation to eat. Because eating behavior is a significant determinant of energy balance it is often argued that manipulation or control of motivation to eat (commonly termed appetite control) can be used as a means to prevent excess energy intake and obesity, usually via putative mechanisms of satiety. This is a logical proposition particularly if appetite is not actually very tightly controlled with reference to overconsumption and the development of obesity. Some characteristics of the expression of appetite do appear to render individuals vulnerable to over-consumption of food - these characteristics can be regarded as risk factors that vary between individuals (16). Other significant and salient environmental, acquired, and inherited influences on eating behavior aside, there has been considerable work dedicated to trying to conceptualize and understand putative mechanisms that may link motivation to eat to food and energy intake.




One of the most commonly accepted theoretical models for the control of appetite is the satiety cascade, a putative network of interactions between physiological, psychological, and behavioral factors which form a psychobiological system. The term psychobiological assumes that physiological functions provide internal cues that may impact motivation to eat, and can be conceptualized on three levels (Figure 1). These are the levels of psychological events (hunger perception, cravings, and hedonic sensations) and behavioral operations (meals, snacks, energy, and macronutrient intakes); the level of peripheral physiology and metabolic events; and the level of neurotransmitter and metabolic interactions in the brain (17) (see for Andermann & Lowell (18) for a review of the central control of food intake). Appetite reflects the synchronous operation of events and processes in the three levels. Implicit in this theoretical model is the notion that the physiological signaling systems influence motivation to eat and that motivation to eat shapes eating behavior. The model suggests that neural events trigger and guide behavior, but each act of behavior involves a response in the peripheral physiological system. In turn, these physiological events are translated into brain neurochemical activity that is related to the strength of motivation to eat and the willingness to refrain from eating. In this model it is assumed that motivations to eat change with the aim of changing food intake to regulate energy balance. The lower part of the psychobiological system (Figure 1) illustrates the satiety cascade links motivation and behavior to peripheral and central signals related to eating. It also includes those behavioral actions which actually form the structure of eating, and those processes which follow the termination of eating and which are referred to as post-ingestive or post-prandial events.

Figure 1. The satiety cascade, as originally presented (17), showing the expression of appetite as the relationship between three levels of operations: the behavioral pattern, peripheral physiology and metabolism, and brain activity. See for Andermann & Lowell (18) for a more recent review of the central control of food intake. PVN, paraventricular nucleus; NST, nucleus of the tractus solitarius; CCK, cholecystokinin; FFA, free fatty acids; T: LNAA, tryptophan: large neutral amino acids.



Traditionally a distinction has been drawn between episodic and tonic signals in the control of appetite (19). Episodic signals are mainly inhibitory (but can be excitatory) and are usually generated by episodes of eating. These signals oscillate in accordance with the pattern of eating, and most are closely associated with the signaling of satiety. Tonic signals arise from tissue energy stores such as adipose tissue and metabolically active tissues to exert some degree of feedback on the expression of appetite to match day-to-day food intake with longer-term energy needs. These two sets of signals, one set responding sharply to nutrient flux and the other providing a slow modulation of appetite and food intake, are integrated within complex brain networks that control the overall expression of appetite. Examination of these putative mechanisms tend to be more common in acute or short-term studies of ingestive behavior in which the primary change is motivation to eat or eating behavior rather than longer term studies. Short-term experiments are valuable for mechanistic understanding, but such studies often make the assumption that changes in the motivation to eat or eating behavior will translate in the long term into aspect of energy balance regulation. However, concentrating only on short-term effects without considering the longer-term time scale may fail to reveal the way that food intake is affected or energy balance is regulated as the experimental time window is much narrower than is relevant for such regulation to occur (e.g., weeks and months rather than minutes, hours or days). Put simply, many investigators may be looking for evidence of regulation over a period where no such regulation is likely to occur. It is therefore important to distinguish between longer term (tonic) mechanisms of putative energy balance regulation and shorter term (acute, episodic) mechanisms that may affect motivation to eat or EI.


Episodic Appetite Signals


Episodic signals are those physiological events that are triggered as responses to the ingestion of food. These form the inhibitory processes which first of all stop eating and then prevent its re-occurrence and are therefore termed satiety signals. The types of signals involved in terminating a meal (satiation) and preventing further consumption (post meal satiety) can be represented by the satiety cascade. Initially the brain is informed about the amount of food ingested and its nutrient content via sensory input. The gastrointestinal tract is equipped with specialized chemo- and mechano-receptors that monitor physiological activity and pass information to the brain mainly via the vagus nerve (20). This afferent information constitutes one class of ‘satiety signals and forms part of the pre-absorptive control of appetite. It is usual to identify a postabsorptive phase that arises when nutrients have undergone digestion and have crossed the intestinal wall to enter the circulation. These products, constitute the flux of energy and nutrients into the circulation, may be metabolized in the peripheral tissues or organs, or may enter the brain directly via the circulation. In either case, these products constitute a further class of metabolic satiety signals. Additionally, products of digestion and agents responsible for their metabolism may reach the brain and bind to specific chemoreceptors, influence neurotransmitter synthesis or alter some aspect of neuronal metabolism. In each case the brain is informed about some aspects of the metabolic state resulting from food consumption. It seems likely that chemicals released by gastric stimuli or by food processing in the gastro-intestinal tract are involved in the control of appetite (21). Many of these chemicals are peptide neurotransmitters, and many peripherally administered peptides cause changes in food consumption (22). (Please refer to ENDOTEXT chapter ‘Endocrinology of The Gut and the Regulation of Body Weight and Metabolism’ by Andrea Pucci and Rachel L. Batterham for additional information on gut hormones physiology).




Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a hormone released in the proximal small intestine mediating meal termination (satiation) and possibly early phase satiety. CCK reduces meal size and also suppresses hunger before the meal; these effects do not depend on the nausea that sometimes accompanies an IV infusion (23). Food consumption (mainly protein and fat) stimulates the release of CCK (from duodenal mucosal cells), which in turn activates CCK-A type receptors in the pyloric region of the stomach. Fat in the form of free fatty acids (FFA) of carbon chain lengths C12 and above produce pronounced CCK releases (24, 25). This signal is transmitted via afferent fibers of the vagus nerve to the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) in the brain stem. From here the signal is relayed to the hypothalamic region where integration with other signals occurs.


Animal data suggest that endogenous CCK release mediates the pre-absorptive satiating effect of intestinal fat infusions, and may in turn be critical in regulating the intake of fat (26). As in rats, intestinal infusions of fat produce a reduction in food intake and promote satiety in humans (27). In humans the satiety effect of fat infused directly into the duodenum can be blocked by the CCKA receptor antagonist loxiglumide (28). High-fat breakfasts have been shown to produce both greater feelings of satiety (signified by reduced levels of hunger, desire to eat and prospective consumption) and elevated endogenous plasma CCK levels. Collectively, these studies support the theory that CCK plasma levels are a potent fat (or fatty acid) -stimulated endogenous satiety factor, whose effects on food intake and eating behavior are mediated by CCKA receptors.


It has also been shown that synthetic CCK-A type agonists suppress food intake in humans. A drug, known by the number ARL1718, caused a significant reduction in meal size and had a longer duration of action than observed after infusions of CCK itself. A number of other CCK analogues / CCK 1 receptor agonist treatments have been developed including most recently GW181771 (GlaxoSmithKline) and SR146131 (Sanofi-Aventis). Studies with such drugs, together with those on the peptide hormone itself, do suggest that CCK has the properties of a true satiation signal which contributes, under normal circumstances, to the termination of a meal. However, CCK is not uniquely involved in the expression of satiety and is also involved in a spectrum of physiological responses generated following nutrient consumption. The action of CCK certainly acts in concert with other meal-related events, such as gastric distention for example.




Glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 is an incretin hormone, released from the gut into the blood stream in response to intestinal nutrients. Endogenous GLP-1 levels increase following food intake, particular of carbohydrate (29, 30). These studies suggest a role for GLP-1 in mediating the effects of carbohydrate (specifically glucose) on appetite. In healthy men of normal weight, infusions of synthetic human GLP-1 (7-36) during the consumption of a fixed breakfast test meal, enhanced ratings of fullness and satiety when compared to the placebo infusion (31). During a later ad libitum lunch, food intake is also significantly reduced by the earlier GLP-1 infusion. Intravenous GLP-1 also dose-dependently reduces spontaneous food intake and adjusts appetite in healthy weight male volunteers. This marked reduction in food intake and enhancement in satiety is also observed in male patients living with overweight or obesity and type 2 diabetes. In men living with obesity, intravenous GLP-1 potently reduces food intake either during or post-infusion (32) and, at lower sub-anorectic doses, slows gastric emptying. Reductions in intake and slowed gastric emptying are accompanied by decreased feelings of hunger, desire to eat and prospective consumption, and a prolonged period of post-meal satiety. These data demonstrate that exogenous GLP-1 reduces food intake and enhances in satiety in humans, both those healthy weight and living with obesity. However, it should be kept in mind that the doses of GLP-1 often administered are usually higher than the normal values seen in blood after a meal. Consequently, although GLP-1 receptors could be a possible target for anti-obesity drugs, the physiological role of GLP-1 itself in the normal mediation of satiety is still not confirmed. Nonetheless, GLP-1 through its action as an incretin which prompts the release of insulin, will certainly have some indirect role on the pattern of eating behavior. Interestingly, two of the most promising drug options for people living with obesity are liraglutide and semaglutide; both GLP-1 agonists. These drugs have been shown to decrease hunger (33) and/or increase satiety (34). The action of the pharmacological agents may mean that people living with obesity gain some control over their eating behaviors, however longer-term studies are required to investigate their true potential. In addition, it should be noted that the GLP-1 receptors responsible for the anti-obesity action of semaglutide and liraglutide are located in the brain rather than the periphery.


Peptide YY 3-36


Peptide YY 3-36 (PYY 3-36) is one of the two main endogenous forms of PYY. It is produced from the cleavage of PYY 1-36 (the other major form of PYY) by dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV). PYY is a 36 amino acid ‘hind gut’ peptide released from endocrine cells in the distal small intestine and large intestine. This hormone is similar in structure to the orexigenic neuropeptide NPY (70% amino acid sequence identity), and in the past, PYY has been regarded, like NPY, as a potent stimulator of food intake. However, in a series of studies in rats, mice and in one human study (all included in one paper), Batterham et al. (35) have demonstrated that peripheral PYY 3-36 administration reduces food intake and inhibits weight gain in rodents. These effects on intake and body weight are not observed in transgenic animals lacking NPY Y2 receptors (the NPY Y2 receptor knock-out), thereby implicating these receptors in mediating the anorectic effects of PYY. PYY release in the distal intestine is triggered by a variety of nutrients, including fats (particularly FFA), some forms of fiber and bile acid (24, 25). In humans, endogenous PYY is released predominantly after, rather than during a meal (35, 36) and causes a decrease in gastric emptying (the so-called ‘ileal brake’). Thus, it is more associated with post-meal satiety. PYY (including PYY 3-36) can cross the blood brain barrier via a non-saturable mechanism. Moreover, some of the effects of peripheral PYY 3-36 on food intake are either independent of or dependent on vagal afferents running from the periphery to the brain (37, 38).


With regard to the effect of PYY on human appetite, Batterham et al. (35) demonstrated that in healthy humans a 90-minute PYY 3-36 infusion reduced hunger and subsequent food intake two hours later. In a further report, PYY infusions in people who were either a healthy weight or living with obesity caused a 30% reduction in lunch intake post infusion and decreased the 24 h energy intake by 23% in those with a healthy weight and by 16% in those living with obesity (36). The natural plasma levels of PYY were lower in those with living with obesity than in the healthy weight participants, and were inversely correlated with the body mass index. The lower levels of PYY in those with living with obesity could mean a weaker satiety signaling through this hormone and therefore a greater possibility of over-consumption. However, as the authors noted these effects required doses greater than the normal physiological range of endogenous PYY and marked nausea was observed in one experiment (39-41).




Research has also focused on amylin, a pancreatic rather than a gastrointestinal hormone, which also has a potent effect on both food intake and body weight (42). Peripheral administration of amylin reduces food intake in mice and rats, and meal size in rats. Chronic or peripheral administration of amylin over a period of 5 to 10 days produces significant reductions in cumulative food intake and body mass of rats (43). Thus, amylin appears to be a component part of the appetite regulation system. The effects of amylin on human food intake, food choice or appetite expression has yet to be fully assessed. However, pramlintide (a human amylin analogue), given to replace deficits in endogenous amylin in people with diabetes, has been shown to alter body weight in people living with obesity and diabetes treated with insulin (44-46) and people with obesity without diabetes (47). In healthy weight participants pramlintide induces reductions in meal intake and duration, and reduces pre meal appetite (48). Similar effects of pramlintide on intake and eating behavior are reported in people living with obesity (with and without type 2 diabetes) (49, 50).




In contrast to the peptides mentioned above, ghrelin is the only known excitatory peptide released in the gastrointestinal system. Ghrelin is a 28-amino acid peptide that stimulates the release of growth hormone from the pituitary (51). Secreted primarily from the stomach, it is also found in a number of other tissues (52, 53). Ghrelin was the first excitatory peptide discovered and acts upon the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (51, 54, 55). The composition and action of ghrelin is uniquely modified by the addition of an octanoyl group to the serine residue at position three. Some studies suggest this acylation is crucial for ghrelin to bind to the growth hormone-secretagogue receptor (GHS-R) and cross the blood-brain barrier (56). Ghrelin’s effects on food intake are mediated by neuropeptide Y (NPY) and agouti-related protein in the central nervous system (57).


The majority (80-90%) of circulating ghrelin is in the deacylated form (51). Two theories have been proposed, firstly that deacylated ghrelin could result from incomplete acylation of the peptide, with both forms utilising differently regulated pathways, or secondly, that DG could result from the deacylation of ghrelin (58). More recently, deacylated ghrelin has been termed the inactive form. Ghrelin is thought to be involved in meal initiation as it is high during periods of fasting and decreases in response to food intake, thus suggesting a physiological role for ghrelin in meal initiation (59). Intravenous infusion or subcutaneous injection of ghrelin in humans increases both feelings of hunger and food intake (56, 60) and to promote increased food intake, weight gain and adiposity in rodents (60).


Satiety Cascade Peptides


In the overall control of the eating pattern, the sequential release and then de-activation of the peptides described above, can account for the evolving biological profile of influence over the sense of hunger and the feeling of fullness (61). The actions of these hormones therefore contribute to the termination of an eating episode (thereby controlling meal size) and subsequently influence the strength and duration of the suppression of eating after a meal. Evidence of this is shown by Gibbons et al. (62) whereby the post meal period was separated into early and late phases of satiety. It should be noted that whilst the profiles of peptide response shown in papers often show the expected increase and decrease (in the case of satiety peptides) and decrease and increase (in the case of ghrelin), there is a wide degree of individual variability in peptide responses. This is not often commented on, or shown. Furthermore, the majority of papers do not measure a range of peptides but rather focus on one or two. Individual variability in the release and maintenance of the levels of hormones (or the sensitivity of receptors) may determine whether some individuals are prone to snacking between meals or to other forms of opportunistic eating. The overall strength or weakness of the action of these peptides will help to determine whether individuals are resistant or susceptible to weight gain. Individual variability in the response of gut peptides to different food types has been shown more recently (63) and can be seen in Figure 2. At present, it does not appear that a poor response in one peptide means a poor response in all peptides, and it is likely that the cumulative response of the peptides (of which there are many) is key for the modulation of appetite and EI. Since different foods may produce the same effect on hunger and fullness but display quite distinctive profiles of post-prandial peptides, this suggests that the satiety signaling system is complex and there is no single unique pattern of peptides that defines satiety. This questions to what extent short term satiety can be accounted for by individual changes in putative satiety peptides, and what other factors may contribute to subjective satiety or cessation of eating behavior in humans.

Figure 2. Panel A shows the average ghrelin suppression after high fat and low-fat meals and Panel B and C shows the individual profiles of ghrelin for each participant after both high and low-fat meals. Adapted from (63).



Ghrelin and the Hunger Drive


As noted above, ghrelin is an episodic peptide increasing during periods of fasting and decreasing in response to food intake. However, ghrelin is also unique since it has been proposed that in addition to being linked to the initiation of eating, ghrelin also acts as a compensatory hormone. Circulating ghrelin decreases in response to overfeeding and increases in response to chronic negative energy balance such as occurs with exercise or anorexia nervosa (64). This means that in people living with obesity and in animals experimentally made fat, circulating ghrelin levels would be reduced in an apparent attempt to restore a normal body weight status. Therefore, ghrelin illustrates the characteristics of both an episodic and tonic signal in appetite control. From meal to meal the oscillations in the ghrelin profile act to initiate and to suppress hunger; over longer periods of time, some factor associated with fat mass applies a general modulation over the profile of ghrelin and therefore, in principle, over the experienced intensity of hunger. At some point, it seems likely that people living with obesity are insensitive to lower ghrelin levels and/or other factors outweigh the relative importance of circulating ghrelin. When weight is lost, for example following a period of food restriction and weight loss, ghrelin levels would rise (or normalize), and therefore promote the feeling of hunger. This is likely to be one of the signals that makes the loss of body weight difficult to maintain. Ghrelin blockade therefore may prove a useful anti-obesity treatment. Whilst people living with obesity have lower fasting ghrelin levels, they have been shown to show a similar response to infused ghrelin as normal-weight participants, that is, increased food intake (65). Ghrelin levels in people living with obesity do fall after food, but not to the same degree as healthy weight participants in whom different calorie loads were shown to decrease ghrelin levels in a dose-response manner, but in people living with obesity this clarity was not shown as clearly (66). This points towards a potential mechanism for weight gain to be a consequence of a down regulation of gut peptide signaling and that the sensitivity to ghrelin is being overridden by other factors, for example, hedonic control of appetite. 


The Role of Leptin


One of the classical theories of appetite control has involved the notion of a long-term signal, leptin, which informs the brain about the state of energy stored in adipose tissue (67). In 1994 a mouse gene that controls the expression of a protein by adipose tissue which could be measured in the peripheral circulation (leptin) was discovery. It is now well accepted that there is a good correlation between the plasma levels of leptin and adipose tissue (68), and leptin interacts with NPY, one of the brain’s most potent neurochemicals involved in appetite, and with the melanocortin system, in the central control of appetite. Alongside other neuromodulators involved in a peripheral-central circuit, leptin links adipose tissue with central appetite mechanisms and metabolic activity. A number of mutations in the genes controlling molecules in the leptin-insulin pathways are associated with the loss of appetite control and obesity. For example, the MC4-R mutation (melanocortin concentrating hormone receptor 4) leads to an excessive appetite and massive obesity in children, similar to leptin deficiency. Studies have shown for individuals with a genetic form of leptin deficiency that leptin treatment produces dramatic weight loss, an effect associated with marked decreases in hunger (69-71). Further, the administration of exogenous leptin to humans, with either an insufficiency in or a specific deficit of endogenous leptin appears to strengthen within meal satiation and post meal satiety (71, 72). However, leptin-based obesity treatments for most individuals with obesity seem inappropriate given they appear leptin insensitive rather than leptin deficient. Indeed, despite extensive literature on leptin and other putative feedback signals arising from adipose tissue (73, 74), there appears to be limited evidence in humans of the extent to which changes in adipose tissue exert strong negative feedback on motivation to eat or EI in individuals in approximate daily energy balance or modest positive imbalances (as characterize the majority of individuals in the modern environment). As a number of questions still exist regarding the applicability of a 'lipostatic' control system to the regulation of appetite in humans free from congenital leptin deficiency (75). Consequently, recent models of human appetite have attempted to integrate the role of both FM and FFM into the control of appetite and energy balance to better account for the peripheral signals of appetite.


Fat-Free Mass and Resting Metabolic Rate and Associations with Appetite


A conceptual model of human appetite that incorporates the energetic demands of metabolically active tissues has been proposed, with a tonic drive to eat arising from components of energy expenditure (e.g., resting metabolic rate; RMR) and its main determinants (e.g., FFM). This model is based on a series of studies demonstating that FFM, but not FM, is associated with hunger and EI under conditons of energy balance (76-81) (see Figure 3). For example, Blundell et al. (78) reported that FFM was associated with self-selected (ad libitum) meal size and total daily EI in 93 individuals living with overweight or obesity. In contrast, no associations were found between FM and EI. Resting metabolic rate, of which FFM is the main determinant (82), has also been found to be associated within-day hunger sensations and EI (80, 81, 83). These findings have been replicated in studies employing a wide range of participants and under a variety of experimental conditions, with the associations between FFM and EI observed under laboratory (79-81, 84) and free-living settings (85, 86), in new born babies (87), adolescents (88, 89), normal weight women (90),people living with moderate (91) or extreme obesity (92), and people of varying ethnic origin (93, 94). These studies provide evidence that the relationship between FFM and EI exists across the entire age spectrum from birth (87), through childhood and adolescence (88) and into adulthood (78, 81, 84, 93, 95) and older age (96). There is also limited evidence that losses of both FFM and FM may be associated with changes in appetite (97) and weight regain (98) following weight loss, suggesting that integrated models of weight loss that account for FFM and FM losses may better explain changes in appetite during prolonged energy deficit (see below sections). However, there are few prospective longitudinal studies relating changes in functional body composition to appetite or EI, and where there is evidence, it often from studies with extreme weight loss induced via semi-starvation or military training.


Figure 3. Association between fat-free mass, resting metabolic rate and daily energy intake (top panels), and a path diagram illustrating a mediation model for the direct effects of FM and FFM on RMR and RMR on EI, the indirect effect of FM and FFM on EI mediated by RMR, and the squared multiple correlations (R2) for RMR and EI. Data originally reported in Hopkins et al. (80, 85).


While often not explicitly discussed in relation to models of human appetite, the concept that energy needs exert influence on food intake is not new. In 1962, Kenneth Blaxter (99) noted that the basal metabolism of mature animals of different species increases to a fractional power of weight, with small animals have a higher basal metabolism per kilogram of weight than the large ones. This implies that to maintain body weight, small animals must obtain each day from food a larger number of calories per unit of the weight the large ones. If the total habitual energy expenditures of different species are all about the same multiples of their basal energy expenditure, then both the calorie intake and the basal metabolism are likely to be proportional to the same fractional power of bodyweight. Furthermore, the energetic demands of individual tissue-organs such as the liver (100) or the growth and maintenance of lean tissues (101, 102) have previously been suggested as sources of appetitive feedback. For example, Millward’s protein-stat theory suggests that lean mass, and in particular skeletal muscle mass, is tightly regulated such that food intake (specifically, dietary protein) is directed to meet the needs of lean tissue growth and maintenance (101). This theory is based on the existence of an ‘aminostatic’ feedback mechanism in which food intake is adjusted in response to amino acid availability to meet the protein demands of lean tissue growth and maintenance.


Studies Examining the Associations between Fat-free Mass, Resting Metabolic Rate and Energy Intake


Using statistical mediation models, a number of cross-sectional studies conducted under conditions of energy balance have demonstrated that the effect of FFM on EI is mediated by RMR (80, 103) and total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) (104), suggesting that energy expenditure per se may exert influence over EI. For example, Hopkins et al. (80) reported that the effect of FFM on EI was fully mediated by RMR i.e. FFM had no ‘direct’ effect on EI but rather ‘indirectly‘ influenced EI via its effect on RMR. In agreement with these findings, Piaggi et al. (104) reported that TDEE accounting for 80% of the observed effect that FFM exerted on EI in 107 healthy individuals. Such findings suggest that the associations between FFM and RMR with EI may reflect a ‘mass-dependent’ effect arising from the energetic demands of FFM and its constituent tissue-organs rather than a specific endocrine signal secreted by these tissue-organs. However, it should be acknowledged that such findings represent statistical rather than biological pathways. Furthermore, skeletal muscle, a major component of FFM by weight, secretes a large number of myokines (105)which provide a molecular signal for bi-directional communication with other organs (106). While myokines such as interleukin 6 (107) and irisin (108) have been linked to food intake and energy expenditure, the specific role that these (and other myokines) play in the control of appetite is unclear.


An important consideration in the proposed relationship between FFM and EI is that FFM is a heterogeneous tissue compartment that is comprised of numerous individual tissue-organs with wide ranging metabolic functions and mass-specific metabolic rates (109-111). Tissue-organ structure and function are tightly coupled and determine their tissue-specific metabolic rate (112). In turn, the tissue-specific metabolic rates of individual organs summate to determine whole-body metabolic rate (e.g., RMR). The maintenance of tissue-organ structural integrity and function is therefore a metabolic priority (112), but to date there has been little attempt to integrate individual tissue-organs and their mass-specific energy expenditures into homeostatic models of human appetite. Recently however, Casanova et al., (113)used whole-body magnetic resonance imaging to examine whether the masses of high-metabolic rate organs (brain, liver, heart and kidneys) were associated with fasting hunger in 21 healthy males (age= 25 ± 3 years; BMI = 23.4 ± 2.1 kg/m2) (114). As expected, fasting hunger was associated with FFM (r = 0.39; p = 0.09) but not FM (r = -0.01; p = 0.99). Interestingley, the association between the combined masses of the high-metabolic rate organs and fasting hunger (r = 0.58; p = 0.01) was stronger than with FFM as a single uniform body compartment. In particular, liver (r = 0.51; p = 0.02) and skeletal muscle mass (rs = 0.57; p = 0.04) were strongly associated with fasting hunger. As the masses of the liver and skeletal muscle explained ~17% and ~21% of the variance in RMR, respectively, these findings again suggest that energy expenditure per se may exert influence over food intake.


Another important consideration is how behavioral components of total daily energy expenditure (e.g., physical activity or activity energy expenditure) influence energy intake. The effects of physical activity and/or exercise on appetite is discussed below. As noted, physical activity may influence the control of appetite via a number of physiological and psychological pathways (e.g., alterations in gastric emptying (115), appetite-related hormones (116), food reward (117), and eating behavior traits (118)). In addition, physical activity or exercise may also exert influence, albeit modestly, on appetite and EI via its contribution to TDEE. Hopkins et al. reported in 242 individuals in which physical activity and EI were measured under free-living conditions that activity energy expenditure was independently associated with daily EI alongside FFM and RMR (86). As activity energy expenditure only explained 3% of the variance in total daily EI, its effect on daily EI was much more modest than that seen for FFM or RMR. This is perhaps not surprising given the smaller and more variable contribution of physical activity energy expenditure to TDEE as compared to FFM and RMR (119). It could be argued that while FFM and RMR are well placed to exert stable influence over day-to-day food intake, the contribution of physical activity energy expenditure to daily EI is likely to be weaker and more variable (and therefore, also harder to quantify).


Factors Affecting the Strength of Association Between Fat-Free Mass and Energy Expenditure with Energy Intake


It has been suggested that excess FM may disrupt the coupling between FFM and EI, with associations between FFM and EI weaker in those living with obesity than in healthy weight individuals (90, 95, 104, 120). Early work by Cugini et al. reported that a positive association existed between FFM and hunger, while FM and hunger were negatively associated, in healthy weight individuals (121). However, no such associations were seen between FFM or FM and hunger in those living with obesity (120). Based on these data, the authors suggested that FM accumulation may disrupt the feedback mechanisms linking these tissues to hunger. More recently, Grannell et al. reported a positive association between FFM and EI during an ad libitum test meal in 43 individuals living with severe obesity, but the strength of this association was weaker in individuals with a higher BMI (92). To further explore the moderating effect of FM, Casanova et al., (90) examined the linear and non-linear associations between body composition (FFM and FM), energy expenditure (RMR and TDEE) and EI (ad libitum test meal intake and free-living 24-hour EI) in 45 healthy weight and 48 individuals living with obesity. Percentage body fat moderated the associations between RMR (β=-1.88; p=0.02) and TDEE (β=-1.91; p=0.03) with free-living 24-hour EI. Furthermore, FM was negatively associated with test meal EI only in the leaner group (r=-0.43; p=0.004), with a weak non-linear association observed between FM and EI in the whole sample (r2=0.092; p=0.04).


Such findings point to a non-linear relationships between FM and EI, and this may help account for why negative associations between FM and EI have been observed in healthy weight individuals (121, 122), but studies in those living with overweight or obesity often report no association between FM and EI (79, 88, 91, 123). A weaker negative association between FM and EI at higher body fatness is in line with the notion of leptin and insulin resistance (124, 125), which may alter central and peripheral sensitivity to appetite-related feedback signals (126-128). Furthermore, while the contribution of FM to RMR is smaller than FFM (129), its contribution to RMR becomes proportionally larger as FM increases with excessive weight gain. Therefore, differences in the strength and direction of association between FM and EI at higher body fatness may reflect the increased contribution of FM to body weight and RMR alongside a blunting of its inhibitory influence on EI. It should also be acknowledged that the associations between FM and EI likely reflects both biological and psychological factors. Indeed, Hopkins et al., (85) have demonstrated that psychological factors such as cognitive restraint are robust predictors of EI when considered alongside physiological determinants of EI (e.g. FFM and RMR), and have the potential to play a mediating role in the overall expression of EI (85). A recent paper also suggests that the associations between FFM and TDEE with EI may become weaker with age (96). Based on a secondary analysis of the Interactive Diet and Activity Tracking in AARP Study, a biomarker validation study of self-reported diet and PA measures in older adults, Hopkins et al., reported that FFM and TDEE (derived from doubly labelled water) predicted self-reported EI in 590 older adults (mean age 63.1 ± 5.9 years). Interestingly, while the associations between FFM or TDEE and EI existed across age quintiles, age moderated the associations between FFM and TDEE with EI such that these associations weakened with increasing age (96). Please refer to ENDOTEXT chapter ‘Control of Energy Expenditure in Humans’ by Klaas R Westerterp for additional information).


Associations Between Body Composition and Energy Intake During Prolonged Negative or Positive Energy Balances


Another important point to note is that the aforementioned associations between body composition, energy expenditure, and EI are from cross-sectional analysis performed in weight stable individuals at or close to energy balance. However, the effect of FFM on appetite appears to be dependent on energy balance status, with evidence suggesting that losses of FFM may also act as an orexigenic signal during energy deficit. During the Minnesota semi-starvation study (130), 32 healthy men undertook 24 weeks of semi-starvation (25% of weight loss), 12 weeks of controlled refeeding and 8 weeks of ad libitum refeeding. During the last phase (n = 12), hyperphagia remained until baseline levels of FFM were restored. This led to FM accumulation that surpassed baseline levels (i.e., “fat-overshoot”), a phenomenon that has been reported elsewhere following underfeeding or military training (131, 132). As hyperphagia persisted until FFM had been restored to pre-weight loss levels, it was suggested that independent appetitive feedback signals from both adipose tissue and FFM (e.g., a ‘proteinostatic’ mechanism) contributed to the changes in  hunger and food intake seen and restoration of body weight (133, 134).


While the demands imposed by semi-starvation or military training on energy balance clearly exceed those experienced during common diet and/or weight loss interventions, evidence also exists to suggest that FFM loss during clinically relevant weight loss may also act as an orexigenic signal. Following weight loss, it is commonly suggested that subjective hunger and orexigenic hormone concentrations increase (135, 136), but studies have also reported no change or reduced hunger following weight loss (137-139). The composition of the weight lost, which is a function of initial body fat, the rate and extent of weight loss, diet composition and exercise (140, 141), may also influence any accompanying changes in appetite. It has been suggested that greater FFM loss during weight loss is associated with increased hunger (97) and weight regain (98) following weight loss. To assess whether changes in body composition occurring during weight loss were associated with subsequent energy balance behaviors under conditions of therapeutic weight loss, Turicchi et al. conducted a systematic review and meta-regression examining weight loss studies in weight clinical weight loss was achieved (mean = 10.9%) and weight regain occurred in the follow-up period (mean = 5.4%) (98). They found that while both greater rate and amount of WL predicted weight regain, the composition of weight loss i.e. the (amount of FM and FFM) explained greater variance in weight loss alone (40% vs 29%) (98). Furthermore, Turicchi et al., reported that greater FFM loss following a 12% reduction in body weight via a low-calorie diet was associated with greater increases in hunger in men (r = 0.69, p = 0.002) but not women (r = 0.25, p = 0.24) (97). In line with these findings, after 5 weeks of very-low calorie diet (500kcal/d) or 12 weeks of low-calorie diet (1250kcal/d) Vink (142) reported that greater FFM loss during energy restriction was associated with greater weight regain during a subsequent 9-month follow-up period. Data examining FFM loss during extensive periods of energy deficit are therefore suggestive that FFM loss may be part of an integrated response driving post-weight loss increases in EI and weight regain, potentially as a means to restore the structural integrity of FFM compartments (although the influence of FFM loss appears more modest than FM loss). These data also emphasize the importance of developing integrative models of energy balance that consider the dynamic relationships between body structure, physiological function, and the way these mechanistic interactions influence key psychological and behavioral determinants of energy balance such as appetite. However, there are few prospective longitudinal studies relating changes in functional body composition to appetite or EI, and further research using advanced imaging methods for tissue-organ composition and multi-compartmental body composition models across a range of initial body compositions and weight losses would provide additional mechanistic insight (97).


Taken together, cross-sectional research in weight stable individuals indicates that greater FFM is associated with increased EI, but research also indicate that FFM loss is associated with increased appetite and EI. If greater FFM is associated with increased appetite, how is it that FFM loss during weight loss is also associated with increased appetite? One explanation is that FFM exerts ‘passive’ and ‘active’ effects on appetite under situations of differing energy balance (6, 143). At or near to energy balance, Dulloo et al. (143) has suggested that the energy demand of FFM and its constituent components create a ‘passive’ background pull on EI that ensures the energetic demands of metabolically active tissues are met through day-to-day food intake. In contrast, during weight loss, FFM loss may act as an ‘active’ orexigenic signal that stimulates increased hunger and EI in an attempt to ensure the preservation of FFM and the functional integrity of its constituent tissue-organs (143). However, it should be noted that long-term studies with longitudinal tracking of appetite, body composition and energy expenditure are rare, particularly under-conditions in which body composition is systematically manipulated.


Body weight gain leads to an expansion of FFM which increases RMR, but how such changes causally influence appetite or food intake has not been examined. As weight is gained, both FM and FFM expand but at different rates. While such changes may not drive weight gain per se, a higher FFM and associated RMR may increase the background tonic drive to eat, favoring maintenance of a higher body weight. Expansion of FM over the long term induces insulin and leptin resistance, expansion of FFM and, in extremis, some slight elevation of RMR, could account for the apparent diminishing negative feedback from FM as adipose tissue expands (90, 95, 104, 120). Therefore, it may be argued that any putative effect of FFM or RMR on the drive to eat may decrease with increasing BMI, since FFM and RMR increase at a decelerating rate with increase in weight, while the energy content of the body expands disproportionately as FM expands. While factors associated with energostatic models of appetite may be unlikely to drive body weight up in the first place, it is not inconsistent with maintenance of a higher body weight once this is achieved by other means. Thus, it may be that RMR is associated with EI at or close to energy balance, but that RMR (and its primary determinant FFM) become dissociated from the process of overconsumption during significant weight gain as the signal(s) becomes ‘overwhelmed’ by other stimuli important in driving weight gain e.g., food availability, sensory variety, dietary energy density and food reward.




Food intake is clearly influenced by homeostatic processes of hunger and satiety, modulated according to short term and long-term signals of nutritional and energy status and moderated by lifestyle factors such as physical activity. However, human eating behavior is a complex phenomenon and people eat for many other reasons too: for friendship and celebration, in response to sadness or stress. All these cognitive and emotional motives converge on the fact that eating is a potent source of reward. It provides the eater with an instant but temporary hit of gratification. The greater the reward, the harder it is to resist the behaviors that produce it even when the consequences are risky or harmful and especially when the risk is removed in time. Therefore, a key issue in the study of appetite control is the relationship between hedonic and homeostatic drives (144). Historically, hedonic processes have been viewed as a function of nutritional need-state. In a state of depletion, the hedonic response (experienced palatability or pleasure) to energy providing foods is enhanced and when replete, the hedonic effect of these foods is reduced (145). This view is compatible with the association between energy density and palatability (146) and also that the consumption of fats and sugars “energy-dense nutrients“ may be under neuro-regulatory control (147). However, the idea of reward as merely serving the fulfilment of nutritional need is not sufficient to explain non-homeostatic food intake and it is perhaps more useful to try and distinguish the substrates of homeostatic and hedonic systems and to assign them separate identities (148).


Homeostasis and Hedonics: Cross-Talk and Interaction


Advances in our understanding of the molecular and neural mechanisms behind food intake regulation and appetite control are revealing how the reward system can interact with homeostatic mechanisms. For example, cannabinoid receptors and their endogenous ligands (e.g., anandamide) are implicated in the reward system. Peripheral and central administration of anandamide increased appetite in rodents, and this seemed to be related to alterations in incentive value (wanting) for palatable foods (149). However, the cannabinoid system has been shown to interact with homeostatic processes in a number of ways: Leptin signaling becomes defective when hypothalamic endocannabinoid levels are high (150); activation of CB1 receptors prevent the melanocortin system from altering food intake (151); furthermore, CB1 receptors can be found on adipocytes where they may directly increase lipogenesis (152). Opioid neurotransmission also forms part of the biological substrate mediating reward processes of consumption. For example, endogenous opioids are associated with the reinforcing effect of food (especially when palatable) (153, 154). However, there is evidence to show that in a fasted state, the reinforcing effect of food can be reinstated in enkephalin and β-endorphin knock-out mice (155). Therefore, homeostatic processes may interact with hedonic signaling to override selective reward deficit.


Hence although homeostatic and hedonic systems can be given separate identities (148), they are also - to an extent - inseparable, with neural cross-talk permitting functional interactions which may influence the organization of eating behavior. From this standpoint, the interaction of homeostatic and non-homeostatic pathways in the neuro-regulatory control of eating may be more important than the two systems studied in isolation. From behavioral and anatomical observations (156), it has been suggested that projections from the hypothalamus to the nucleus accumbens may modulate the motivation to eat via metabolic signals. Furthermore, direct and indirect projections from the accumbens to the hypothalamus may explain the ability for mesolimbic processes “activated by relevant environmental cues and incentives” to essentially hijack the homeostatic regulatory circuits and drive-up energy intake. Further research is necessary to identify the pathways that mediate such interactions; however progress has been made (157).


Liking vs. Wanting Food


The hedonic perspective on appetite control accounts for eating behavior motivated by the expectation or experience of pleasure from consuming specific foods and involves dissociable processes of “wanting” and “liking”. The “liking” component refers to the subjective experience of pleasure elicited by the sensory perception of food and is associated with the release of endogenous opioids acting on localized clusters of neurons termed “hedonic hotspots” (158) The “wanting” component of reward refers to the process by which food is assigned motivational significance or “incentive salience attribution” and is associated with the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the mesocorticolimbic pathway. This latter component can be activated by thoughts or cues signaling food and often precedes the actual receipt of food (159).


In human neuroimaging studies, regional differences in the neural activation to food stimuli during either anticipatory or consummatory phases of reward processing are broadly supportive of the distinction between liking versus wanting. Response to passive viewing of high- versus low-calorie foods or cues signaling the imminent receipt of a tasty food are more reliably observed in the amygdala and ventral striatum, whereas the response to the actual taste and consumption of a palatable food is associated with activation in the primary taste cortex in the insular and opercular cortices (160). Some researchers have proposed that differences between individuals who are healthy weight and those with obesity in neural activation to palatable food can be understood as a dissociation in both the direction and region of responding during the anticipatory and consummatory phases of food intake- with greater striatal activation in individuals living with obesity compared to healthy weight controls when a food is wanted but lower activation in liking-related regions when a food is actually tasted (161). However, several inconsistencies in the brain imaging literature have been noted (162), and further research is needed to substantiate this hypothesis.


Liking and wanting for food are often viewed in relation to subjective states or explicit feelings that refer to the everyday understanding of these terms in the context of food choice and food intake (163). Wanting might describe subjective states of desire, craving or perceived deprivation of pleasure, whereas liking is characteristically understood as the perceived hedonic effect of a food, the appreciation of its sensory properties or some evaluative judgment of its potential to give pleasure. As the subjective sensations of liking and wanting often overlap and are subject to interference or misinterpretation, their relationship with behavior is often difficult to discern (163). However, liking and wanting responses to food are not necessarily consciously monitored or even always accessible to the individual. Although people tend to be very good at estimating and reporting their liking for food, they are often unable to accurately gauge their implicit wanting for food (i.e., why they are unconsciously drawn to one food over another).


The hedonic aspect of eating is important in a well-functioning homeostatic system for the directing and motivating an adequate supply of nutrients and energy. Increasingly, evidence for the interplay between liking and wanting with hunger and satiety is helping to clarify the role of hedonics in the control and loss of control over food intake (164). This extension to the conventional homeostatic model recognizes that hedonic processes are affected by acute nutritional need states and might modulate food intake through their interaction with other physiological processes involved in satiation and satiety. Likewise, cognitive and sensory inputs implicated in food liking and wanting can modulate the metabolic processes associated with homeostatic control over food intake (165). In addition to the effect of liking and wanting on episodic appetite responses, more recent evidence is emerging to suggest that tonic signals of nutritional status might affect liking and wanting for food to influence food preference and the composition of the diet (164).




Physical Activity and Control of Food Intake


Some individuals believe that the energy expended during exercise will automatically drive-up hunger and food intake to compensate for the energy deficit incurred. However, evidence shows that interventions of acute exercise generate little or no immediate effect on levels of hunger or daily EI (see (166-170) for reviews). One reason that studies do not demonstrate an increase in EI following acute exercise could be that they fail to track EI for sufficiently long periods after the bout of exercise, or that the exercised-induced energy expenditure is not large enough to stimulate appetite. However, even with a high dose of exercise (gross exercise-induced increase in energy expenditure = 4.6 MJ) in a single day and following tracking of EI for the following two days, there is no automatic compensatory rise in hunger and EI (171).


Exercise training interventions have shown similar findings with regards to EI (169, 172). In a recent systematic review and meta-analysis of exercise training interventions in people living with overweight or obesity, Beaulieu et al. (172)found that among 25 exercise groups, exercise training (ranging 2-72 weeks) did not lead to any significant post-intervention differences in EI compared to non-exercise control groups. Meta-regression showed this was not affected by intervention duration. However, due to the high number of poor-quality studies (i.e., using self-reported measured of dietary intakes), further analyses were conducted in only fair/good quality studies (reduced to 5 exercise groups), and found a 102-kcal post-exercise difference between exercisers and controls. It is important to note that this is an effect observed on the average and does not illustrate inter-individual variability (discussed below). Therefore, over time, on average there may be small compensatory increases in EI in response to the increased energy demands from greater physical activity levels. Indeed, the review also found a small increase in fasting hunger after exercise training in 19 exercise groups (172). Nevertheless, depending on the daily energy expenditure accrued with exercise training, this should still lead to some degree of weight loss and favorable changes in body composition, as reviewed by Bellicha et al.(173). Small positive changes were also observed in relation to eating behavior traits, with a reduction in disinhibition (13 exercise groups) and an increase in restraint (12 exercise groups) assessed by the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire (172). A small number of studies in the review also suggested that exercise training may reduce reward or preference for high-fat foods (172). Overall, most of the evidence indicates that exercise training in people living with overweight or obesity appears to have a relatively small but positive influence on eating behavior. This effect may be heightened with longer-term physical activity by altering the sensitivity of appetite regulation. It should be kept in mind that most exercise training studies are of modest duration (e.g. up to 72 weeks the meta-analysis of Beaulieu et al. (172)), and the long-term changes in appetite and eating behavior, and the time-course over which these occur, are yet to be fully understood. Fewer studies have examined the relationship between changes in energy expenditure and eating behavior in non-obese participants who do not have a preconceived goal associated with weight reduction.


Does Habitual Physical Activity Level Affect Appetite Sensitivity?


Appetite sensitivity refers to the capacity to detect over- or under-consumption with the potential to subsequently adjust intake accordingly. This can be achieved by compensating for a particular EI by adjusting the size of the next meal. There is some evidence to suggest that regular exercisers, or habitually physically active individuals, have a better capacity to control food intake and energy balance due to increased appetite sensitivity. Long et al. (174)demonstrated that habitual exercisers have an increased accuracy of short-term regulation of EI in comparison to non-exercisers. In this study, participants were given either a low or high energy preload for lunch, and were then asked to eat ad libitum from a test meal buffet. Energy intake did not significantly differ following the two preloads in the non-exercise group, indicating a weak compensation. However, the habitual exercisers demonstrated nearly full compensation (~90%) by reducing their EI following the high energy preload compared to the low energy preload. This study has been replicated in groups varying in objectively-assessed habitual physical activity levels (175). Similarly, Martins et al. (176) reported that the sensitivity of short-term appetite control increased in previously sedentary individuals following 6 weeks of aerobic exercise training, with participants again better able to adjust subsequent EI following high and low energy pre-loads following the exercise intervention. Furthermore, King et al. (177) examined the effects of 12 weeks of supervised aerobic exercise on hunger and satiety in 58 individuals living with overweight or obesity. Two separate processes were revealed that acted concurrently to influence the impact of exercise on appetite regulation. Post-intervention, a significant increase in fasting hunger was seen, but this increased orexigenic drive was offset by a parallel increase in post-prandial satiety (as measured in response to a fixed energy meal). Therefore, this ‘dual process’ may reflect the balance between the strength of tonic and episodic signaling following chronic exercise, and may be an important factor which determines whether individuals successfully lose weight or not. Interestingly, these improvements in appetite control appear to be related to satiety and perhaps not to satiation (178), but more research on the interplay between diet composition, satiation/satiety and physical activity level is required, as well as underlying mechanism.


Findings of improved appetite sensitivity with increased physical activity are in line with Jean Mayer’s work over 60 years ago. Mayer et al. (179) demonstrated a non-linear relationship between energy expenditure and EI in Bengali jute mill workers. Daily occupational physical activity and EI were closely matched in those performing physically demanding jobs. However, in those performing light or sedentary occupational roles, this coupling was lost such that daily EI exceeded expenditure. Such work has led Blundell et al. (180) to suggest a J relationship between physical activity and appetite regulation, with ‘regulated’ and ‘non-regulated’ zones of appetite regulation seen across the physical activity spectrum. Sedentary or low levels of physical activity coincide with an ‘unregulated zone’ of appetite in which EI and energy expenditure are disassociated (thereby promoting overconsumption of food at low levels of physical activity). At higher levels of physical activity however, stronger regulation of appetite and food intake exists such that EI better matches energy expenditure. This would promote the better maintenance of energy balance, albeit at higher levels of absolute intake and expenditure, i.e. higher ‘energy turnover/flux’ (180). This non-linear relationship has since been replicated in a systematic review (181) and in a study of over 400 participants (182). The model proposed by Blundell was recently updated by Beaulieu et al. (183), as shown in Figure 4. Furthermore, emerging evidence from a highly-controlled metabolic chamber study suggests that appetite control is indeed improved at higher levels of energy turnover (184). Longer-term studies are required to understand the impact of high energy turnover on appetite control, but it is believed that high levels of EI relative to expenditure may improve weight management via a favorable impact on physiological adaptations (185).

Figure 4. Regulated and non-regulated zones of appetite with varying levels physical activity from Beaulieu et al. (183). Model based on Jean Mayer’s study in Bengali jute mill workers (179) and previously published in Blundell (180).

While the mechanisms behind an improvement in appetite control with regular physical activity remains unclear, insulin sensitivity has been proposed as one mechanism by which activity-induced improvements in appetite regulation may occur. Exercise is known to increase insulin sensitivity (186-188), and insulin sensitivity is known to be involved in satiety induced by particular foods (189) and in the compensatory response to high energy loads (190). A further mechanism by which exercise could affect appetite is through altering gut peptide action. For example, CCK is implicated in the short-term regulation of appetite, and levels of CCK have been shown to rise after exercise (191). Interestingly, Martins et al. (192) measured fasting and post-prandial levels of orexigenic (total and acylated ghrelin) and anorexigenic (PYY, GLP-1) peptides in 15 individuals living with overweight or obesity during 12 weeks of supervised aerobic exercise. A significant increase in fasting hunger was again seen following the intervention, but this was offset by greater satiety in response to a fixed energy meal following the intervention. Interestingly, there was also a significant increase in the suppression of acylated ghrelin following the fixed energy meal, and a tendency toward an increase in the post-prandial release of GLP-1 following the exercise intervention. These hormonal responses would have acted to augment satiety during the post-prandial period. Further work by Gibbons et al. (193)revealed that exercise training had no overall impact on pre and postprandial appetite peptide release; however, differences emerged when participants were classified as ‘responders’ and ‘non-responders’. Compared to non-responders, responders had overall greater suppression of acylated ghrelin and greater increase in GLP-1 and total PYY. This effect was independent of the exercise intervention as differences were observed from baseline. Therefore, the specific role that appetite-related peptides play in activity-induced improvements in appetite regulation remains to be fully understood.


In addition to gastrointestinal mechanisms, it is important to understand how physical activity timing and patterns impact energy balance and appetite control. Physical activity can be prescribed by the FITT principle: frequency, intensity, time (duration) and type, and more recently, timing as another parameter has been proposed, as emerging evidence suggests that when exercise is performed relative to a meal or the time-of-day may influence obesity and cardiometabolic health in both adults and children (194). Indeed, physical activity is also another cue that influences circadian rhythms (195). In a systematic review and meta-analysis of exercise training interventions in individuals living with overweight or obesity (117), only 3 studies (1 RCT) on diurnal exercise timing were identified (196-198).These studies, in addition to observational studies (reviewed in (199)), suggest that early relative to late day exercise timing may lead to greater weight/fat loss. However, a recent RCT suggests no effect of exercise timing on weight loss, but this may have been due to the relatively low dose of aerobic exercise (200). The underlying mechanisms the greater weight loss in response to early exercise timing likely involve an impact on both behavioral and physiological processes regulating energy balance and appetite control (201). Performing morning exercise may lead to greater weight loss by enhancing the satiety response to food throughout the day, reducing the desire for and intake of high-energy-dense foods, and shifting food intake timing to earlier in the day, thus reducing daily energy intake (199).Evidence for this hypothesis is scarce, with an acute study showing that morning exercise led to greater post-exercise satiety; however, this was not examined in response to actual food intake (196). More rigorous research in this area is needed to clarify these proposed effects.




The control of food intake in humans is a biopsychological phenomenon. Motivation to eat is an important factor influencing food intake if the environment does not constrain behavior. Food intake is not necessarily solely related to situations of nutritional depletion and can be influenced by a number of homeostatic and non-homeostatic factors. Appetites are often learned and frequently sensory specific. The implication of asymmetric energy balance regulation is that food intake is under stronger physiological control in relation to negative energy balances, whereas in a state of energy balance or positive energy balances the linkages between physiological signaling and subjective motivation to eat are weaker. In obesogenic environments where palatable, energy dense food is ubiquitous, intake can easily exceed energy requirements due to motivation underpinned by food reward. Another consideration is how physical activity or exercise influence energy intake. Physical activity may influence the control of appetite via a number of pathways (e.g., alterations in gastric emptying, appetite-related hormones, food reward, circadian synchrony).




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