
Insulin – Pharmacology, Therapeutic Regimens And Principles Of Intensive Insulin Therapy



Since the introduction of insulin analogs in 1996, insulin therapy options for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes have expanded. Insulin therapies are now able to more closely mimic physiologic insulin secretion and thus achievebetter glycemic control in patients with diabetes. This chapter reviews the pharmacology of available insulins, types of insulin regimens, and principles of dosage selection and adjustment, and provides an overview of insulin pump therapy.




In 1922, Canadian researchers were the first to demonstrate a physiologic response to injected animal insulin in a patient with type 1 diabetes. Insulin was the first protein to be fully sequenced. The insulin molecule consists of 51 amino acids arranged in two chains, an A chain (21 amino acids) and B chain (30 amino acids) that are linked by two disulfide bonds (1) (Figure 1). Proinsulin is the insulin precursor that is transported to the Golgi apparatus of the beta cell where it is processed and packaged into granules. Proinsulin, a single-chain 86 amino acid peptide, is cleaved into insulin and C-peptide (a connecting peptide); both are secreted in equimolar portions from the beta cell upon stimulation from glucose and other insulin secretagogues. While C-peptide has no known physiologic function, it can be measured to provide an estimate of endogenous insulin secretion.


Figure 1. Insulin Structure.



With the availability of human insulin by recombinant DNA technology in the 1980s, use of animal insulin declined dramatically. Beef insulin, beef-pork, and pork insulin are no longer commercially available in the United States. The United States FDA may allow for personal importation of beef or pork insulin from a foreign country if a patient cannot be treated with human insulin (2). Beef insulin differs from human insulin by 3 amino acids and pork insulin differs by one amino acid (2).


Currently, in the United States, insulins used are either human insulin and/or analogs of human insulin. The recombinant DNA technique for producing insulin for commercial use involves insertion of the human proinsulin gene into either Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker’s yeast) or a non-pathogenic laboratory strain of Escherichia coli (E coli) which serve as the production organism. Human insulin is then isolated and purified (3–11) .




Recombinant DNA technology has allowed for the development and production of analogs to human insulin. With analogs, the insulin molecule structure is modified slightly to alter the pharmacokinetic properties of insulin, primarily affecting the absorption of the drug from the subcutaneous tissue. The B26-B30 region of the insulin molecule is not critical for insulin receptor recognition and it is in this region that amino acids are generally substituted (12).


Thus, the insulin analogs are still recognized by and bind to the insulin receptor. The structures of three rapid-acting insulin analogs are shown in Figure 2 (insulin aspart, lispro and glulisine) and the structures of three long-actinginsulin analogs are shown in Figure 3 (insulin glargine, detemir, and degludec).


Figure 2. Insulin Aspart, Glulisine and Lispro Structures.

Figure 3. Insulin Glargine and Detemir Structures.

In vitro studies have demonstrated the mitogenic effects of insulin at high concentrations, as well as carcinogeniceffects of insulin binding to the insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) receptor,


suggesting that hyperinsulinemia may promote tumorigenesis. Subcutaneously administered insulin bypasses the usual 80% hepatic first pass clearance of pancreatic islet cell-secreted insulin, and therefore contributes to systemic hyperinsulinemia in insulin-treated patients with diabetes (13). Because insulin analogs are modified human insulin, the safety and efficacy profiles of these insulins have been compared to human insulin (12) . Insulin and IGF-1 receptor binding affinities, and the metabolic and mitogenic potencies of insulin analogs relative to human insulin have been assessed. Insulin lispro and aspart are similar to human insulin on all of the above parameters, except insulin lispro was found to be 1.5-fold more potent in binding to the IGF-1 receptor compared to human insulin. Insulin glargine was found to have a 6- to 8-fold increase in mitogenic potency and IGF- 1 receptor affinity compared to human insulin. However, glargine is rapidly degraded to metabolites. The predominant metabolite M1 has been shown to have a 0.4-fold binding affinity to the IGF-1 receptor compared with human insulin (14) . In human studies, meta-analyses comparing exogenous insulin to non-insulin antihyperglycemic therapies have shown associations of insulin with several cancers (15,16) . However, there are inherent limitations to such analyses. A review of large epidemiologic studies did not find evidence of an increased risk of malignancy among glargine-treated patients when compared with other insulin therapies (14). Observational studies with up to 7 years of follow up have also not shown an association of cancer with insulin glargine or detemir use (17).


Insulin detemir was found to be more than 5-fold less potent than human insulin in binding to IGF-1 (12). An in vitro study showed that insulin degludec had a low IGF-1 receptor binding affinity compared to human insulin (18) . Thelong-term clinical significance of differences in IGF- 1 binding among available insulins is not known.




Because pork and beef insulin differ from human insulin by 1 and 3 amino acids respectively, they are more immunogenic than exogenous human insulin. Older formulations of insulin were less pure, containing islet-cell peptides, proinsulin, C-peptide, pancreatic polypeptides, glucagon, and somatostatin, which contributed to the immunogenicity of insulin (19). Components of insulin preparations (e.g., zinc, protamine) and subcutaneous insulin aggregates are also thought to contribute to antibody formation (19). Because of the availability of human insulin and the increased potential for animal source insulin to be immunogenic, animal source insulins are no longer availablein the United States.


Rare hypersensitivity responses to insulin can be immediate-type, local or systemic IgE- mediated reactions (19) . Patients who experience a true allergic reaction to insulin have typically received insulin in the past, and experience the reaction after insulin is restarted. Delayed, IgG-mediated allergic reactions also develop with animal insulins (19). Insulin therapy can rarely result in the production of insulin antibodies of the IgG class, which inactivate insulin.Immunological insulin resistance can develop in patients with very high titers of IgG- antibodies.


Lipodystrophy resulting from insulin injections refers to two conditions: lipoatrophy and lipohypertrophy. Lipoatrophy is an immune-mediated condition resulting in loss of fat at insulin injection sites (19) and occurs rarely with purified human insulins. Treatment for patients who developed lipoatrophy due to animal insulin use was injection of human insulin into the atrophied site. Lipohypertrophy is a common, non-immunological side effect of insulin resulting frominsulin’s trophic effects following repeated injections of insulin into the same subcutaneous site (20) . Lipohypertrophy can delay the absorption of insulin and therefore it is best if patients do not continue to administer insulin in these locations.




In the United States, all insulins are available in the concentration of 100 units/ml (denoted as U-100). Insulin syringes are designed to accommodate this concentration of insulin. Regular human insulin (Humulin R, Lilly) is available in a more concentrated insulin, U-500 (500 units/ml), and is used primarily in cases of marked insulin resistance, when large doses of insulin (generally > 200 units per day) are required. Extreme caution must be taken as each marked unit on a U-100 syringe will deliver 5 units of insulin. However, syringes specific to U- 500 insulin are available, and U-500 insulin is also available for administration via a pen device. For both the syringe and pen specific to U-500 insulin, the units, not the volume, of insulin are marked. Insulin glargine is also available in a U-300 concentration, delivering 300 units/ml, and insulin degludec and insulin lispro are available in U-200 concentrations that deliver 200 units/mL. Both U-300 and U-200 insulin are only available in pen devices, and for both U-300 and U-200, the dose of insulin a patient dials into the pen device is in units and not in mL.


Outside the United States, a less concentrated insulin preparation, U-40, (40 units/ml) is still available and sometimes used, although this has become uncommon (21). Specific U-40 syringes are used with this insulin. It is important thatpatients traveling from one country to the next be aware of the concentration of insulin they use and that the appropriate syringe is used.




Regular human insulin is crystalline zinc insulin dissolved in a clear solution. It may be administered by any parenteral route: subcutaneous, intramuscular, or intravenous. Insulin aspart, glulisine and lispro are also soluble crystalline zinc insulin, but are intended for subcutaneous (SQ) injection. When administered intravenously, the action of theserapid-acting insulin analogs is identical to that of regular insulin. NPH, or neutral protamine Hagedorn, is a suspension of regular insulin complexed with protamine that delays its absorption. Insulin suspensions should not be administered intravenously. All insulins, except insulin glargine, are formulated to a neutral pH.


Long-acting insulin glargine is a soluble, clear insulin, with a pH of 4.0 which affects its SQ absorption characteristics, discussed further in the pharmacokinetics section. Insulin glargine should not be mixed with other insulins, and should only be administered subcutaneously (8). Insulin detemir is an insulin analog coupled to an 18-chain fatty acid that binds to albumin in the SQ tissue. This results in delayed absorption and a prolonged duration of action. Insulin degludec is an ultra-long insulin analog that breaks down into monomers by dissociating from zinc molecules after administration (22). Insulins detemir and degludec should also not be mixed with other insulins and are intended only for subcutaneous use (5,7).






Insulin administered via SQ injection is absorbed into the bloodstream, and the lymphatic system also plays a role intransport (23). The absorption of human insulin into the bloodstream after SQ absorption is the rate limiting stepof insulin activity. This absorption is inconsistent with the coefficients of variation of T50% (time for 50% of the insulin dose to be absorbed) varying ~ 15% within an individual and 30% between patients (24). Most of this variability of insulin absorption is correlated to blood flow differences at the various sites of injection (abdomen, deltoid, gluteus, and thigh) (25). For regular insulin, the impact of this is a more than 2 times faster rate of absorption from theabdomen than the thigh (25). The clinical significance of this is that patients should avoid random use of different body regions for their injections. For example, if a patient prefers to use their thigh for a noontime injection, this site should be used consistently for this injection. The abdomen is the preferred site of injection because it is the least susceptible to factors affecting insulin absorption (see Table 1). Insulin aspart, glulisine and lispro appear to have lessday-to-day variation in absorption rates and also less absorption variation from the different body regions (3,9,10,26). Insulin glargine’s pharmacokinetic profile is similar after abdominal, deltoid or thigh SQ administration (8). Similarly, the glucose-lowering effect of insulin degludec has not been found to vary between abdominal, upper arm, or thigh SQ sites (27) .


Factors that alter insulin absorption do so mostly by changing local blood flow in the SQ tissue. Factors thatincrease SQ blood flow increase the absorption rate. Table 1 lists factors that affect insulin absorption.


Table 1. Factors Affecting Insulin Absorption (12,28)



Exercise of injected area

Strenuous exercise of a limb within 1 hour of injection will speed insulin absorption.

Clinically significant for regular insulin analogs.

Local massage

Vigorously rubbing or massaging the injection site will speed absorption.


Heat can increase absorption rate, including use of a sauna, shower, or hot bath soon after injection.

Cold has the opposite effect.

Site of injection

Insulin is absorbed faster from the abdomen. Less clinically relevant with rapid-acting insulins, insulin glargine, and insulin detemir.


Injection into hypertrophied areas delays insulin absorption.

Jet injectors and inhaled insulin

Increase absorption rate.

Insulin mixtures

Absorption rates are unpredictable when suspension insulins are not mixed adequately (i.e., they need to be resuspended).

Insulin dose

Larger doses delay insulin action and prolong duration.

Physical status (soluble vs.suspension)

Suspension insulins must be sufficiently resuspended prior to injection to reduce variability.




The kidneys and liver account for the majority of insulin degradation. Normally, the liver degrades 50-60% of insulin released by the pancreas into the portal vein, and the kidneys ~35- 45% (26,29) . When insulin is injected exogenously, the degradation profile is altered since insulin is no longer delivered directly to the portal vein. The kidneys play a greater role in insulin degradation with SQ insulin (~60%), with the liver degrading ~30-40% (30).


Because the kidneys are involved in the degradation of insulin, renal dysfunction will reduce the clearance of insulin and prolong its effect. This decreased clearance is seen with both endogenous insulin production (either normalproduction or that stimulated by oral agents) and exogenous insulin administration. Renal function generally needs to be greatly diminished before this becomes clinically significant (31). Clinically, a deterioration in renal function leads to a progressive decline in exogenous insulin requirements and an increased risk of hypoglycemia.




The onset, peak, and duration of effect vary among insulin preparations. Insulin pharmacodynamics refers to the metabolic effect of insulin. Commercially available insulins are categorized as rapid-acting, short-acting, intermediate-acting, and long- acting. Insulins currently available in the United States are listed in Table 2. Insulin pharmacodynamics of the various insulins are shown in Table 3. Ranges are listed for the onset, peak and duration, accounting for intra/inter-patient variability. By having patients self-monitor their blood glucose frequently, the patient-specific time-action profile of the specific insulin can be better appreciated. Figures 4-6 show the time-activity profiles for available injectable and inhaled insulins.


Table 2. Insulins Commercially Available in the US (Recombinant DNA Origin)

Category/Nameof Insulin

Brand Name (manufacturer)



Insulin Lispro

Humalog (Lilly)

Admelog (Sanofi)

Lyumjev (Lilly)

Vial, cartridge, pen

Vial, pen

Vial, pen

Insulin Aspart

Novolog (Novo Nordisk)

Fiasp (Novo Nordisk)

Vial, cartridge, pen

Vial, cartridge, pen

Insulin Glulisine

Apidra (Sanofi-Aventis)

Vial, pen

Technosphere insulin




Regular Human

Humulin R (Lilly)

Novolin R (Novo Nordisk)




NPH Human

Humulin N (Lilly)

Novolin N (Novo Nordisk)

Vial, pen

Vial, pen


Insulin Detemir

Levemir (Novo Nordisk)

Vial, pen

Insulin Glargine

Lantus (Sanofi-Aventis)

Basaglar (Lilly)

Toujeo (Sanofi-Aventis)

Vial, cartridge, pen



Insulin Glargine-yfgn

Semglee (Viatris)

Vial, pen

Insulin Degludec

Tresiba (Novo Nordisk)


Insulin Mixtures

NPH/Regular (70%/30%)

Humulin 70/30 (Lilly)

Novolin 70/30 (Novo Nordisk)

Vial, pen

 Vial, pen

Protamine/Lispro (50%/50%)

Protamine/Lispro (75%/25%)

Protamine/Aspart (70%/30%)

Humalog Mix 50/50(Lilly)

Humalog Mix 75/25(Lilly)

Novolog Mix 70/30 (NovoNordisk)

Vial, pen

Vial, pen

Vial, pen


Table 3. Insulin Pharmacodynamics  (3–11,28,30,32–35)


Onset of action (hr.)

Peak (hr.)

Duration (hr.)


Fast-acting Insulin Aspart

16 min




Insulin Lispro

23-27 min

~ 1-2



Insulin Lispro-aabc

15-18 minutes

~ 1-2



Insulin Aspart

21 min




Insulin Glulisine



~ 4



within 5 min

15 min

~ 3



~ 1









Insulin Detemir


6-8 (though

relatively flat)

up to 20-24


Insulin Glargine





Insulin Degludec





Lispro Mix 50/50





Lispro Mix 75/25





Aspart Mix 70/30





Patient specific onset, peak, duration may vary from times listed in table.


Figure 4. Pharmacodynamic Profiles of a Rapid Insulin Analog (insulin lispro) and Regular Insulin (33,36).

Figure 5. Pharmacodynamic Profiles of Faster Aspart and Insulin Aspart (37).

Figure 6. Pharmacodynamic Profiles of Long-Acting and Intermediate-Acting Basal Insulins (38,39).

Dose-Dependent Effect


The pharmacodynamics of regular and NPH are particularly affected by the size of the dose (40). Larger doses can cause a delay in the peak and increase the duration of action.




Short-Acting (Prandial or Bolus) Regular Insulin


Regular insulin is injected pre-meal to blunt the postprandial rise in glucose levels. It forms hexamers after injection into the SQ space slowing its absorption. Hexameric insulin progressively dissociates into absorbable insulin dimersand monomers. For this reason, regular insulin has a delayed onset of action of 30-60 minutes, and should be injected approximately 30 minutes before the meal to blunt the postprandial rise in blood glucose. Adherence to a 30-minute pre-meal schedule is inconvenient and difficult for many patients.


Rapid-Acting (Prandial or Bolus) Insulin Analogs


Rapid-acting analogs result from changes to the amino acid structure of human insulin which lead to decreases in hexameric insulin formation after injection into the SQ space. This leads to more rapid dissolution of insulin into monomers, more rapid insulin absorption into the bloodstream, and a shorter duration of action. While on a molar basis rapid-acting insulin analogs have identical in vivo potency compared to regular human insulin, higher peak concentrations are achieved (30). For this reason, when converting from regular to a rapid-acting insulin analog, the dose of insulin may need to be reduced. When compared to regular insulin, the rapid-acting insulin analogs lead to less postprandial hyperglycemia and less late postprandial hypoglycemia (41–43). Injection of rapid-acting insulin analogs 15-20 minutes pre-meal leads to maximal reduction of postprandial glucose excursions (44,45), as compared to 30 or more minutes pre-meal for regular insulin. This shorter interval for insulin injection pre-meal is more convenient for patients and leads to greater adherence with prescribed injection timing guidelines. In patients who areunsure of the amount of carbohydrate to be served for a meal, immediate pre-meal dosing allows more accurate dosing and reduces the risk of hypoglycemia.


The use of faster aspart in Medtronic insulin pumps in people with type 1 diabetes was compared to use of insulin aspart in a randomized trial. Faster aspart was non-inferior to aspart with respect to change in A1c from baseline, and no statistically significant difference in rates of severe hypoglycemia was noted between the two arms (46). In a randomized trial of patients on insulin pumps, lispro-aabc was also shown to be non-inferior with respect to change in baseline A1c when compared with insulin lispro, with similar rates of hypoglycemia (47). Both faster aspart and lispro-aabc lower postprandial glucose levels more effectively but cause more frequent infusion site reactions than aspart and lispro, respectively. Based on manufacturer’s recommendations, any rapid-acting insulin analogs, including Fiasp and Lyumjev, can be used in Omnipod pumps (48). For Tandem and Medtronic insulin pumps, only Humalog and Novolog insulin have been approved (49,50).




Insulin lispro (Humalog) results from the reversal of the B28 (proline) and B29 (lysine) amino acid sequence of insulin. Insulin lispro has been approved for injection before and immediately after a meal. Post-meal insulin dosing isuseful for parents of young children with type 1 diabetes or for ill, insulin-requiring hospitalized patients, inwhom the amount of carbohydrates consumed at a meal can be unpredictable. When compared with pre-meal regular insulin in prepubertal children, post meal insulin lispro showed no significant differences inpost meal glucose levels, rates of hypoglycemia, or HbA1c (51). In the rare case of severe human insulin allergy, insulin lispro has been shown to be less immunogenic (52). Lispro-aabc includes 2 excipients, citrate and trepostinil that speed insulin absorption by their effects on local blood vessels (34). Citrate increases vascular permeability and treprostinil promotes vasodilation.




Insulin aspart differs from human insulin by a substitution of the B28 amino acid proline with aspartic acid. Chemicallyit is B28-aspartic acid-human insulin. Fast-acting aspart adds 2 excipients, niacinamide and L-arginine, to conventional aspart (53). Proposed mechanisms by which niacinamide promotes more rapid insulin aspart absorption include more rapid formation of monomeric insulin, and enhanced local vascular vasodilatation and permeability (54).




Insulin glulisine differs from human insulin by changes in the amino acid asparagine at position B3 to lysine and the lysine at position B29 to glutamic acid. Chemically, it is 3B-lysine-29B-glutamic acid-human insulin.




Inhaled insulin formulations deliver powdered recombinant human regular insulin into the lower airways using an inhaled delivery device. Exubera received FDA approval in 2006 but failed to gain market share and production was discontinued after 1 year. Technosphere insulin (Afrezza) was FDA approved in 2014. Its pulmonary absorption leads to a more rapid absorption than currently available, subcutaneously administered rapid-acting insulin preparations. In subjects with type 2 diabetes, serum insulin levels rise within 5 minutes after inhalation and peak after 17 minutes (55). When compared with pre-meal human regular insulin, technosphere insulin more effectively reduced 4-hour postprandial glucose area under the curve by 52% (56). Only 0.3% of technosphere insulin is detectable in the lungs after 12 hours.


Technosphere insulin leads to a dry cough in 19-30% of subjects tested (36,55,57,58). Small reductions in forced expiratory volume (FEV1) are observed in the first 3-6 months of use which are non-progressive for up to 2 years of follow up and reversible after drug discontinuation (42,44,45). The use of technosphere insulin is contraindicated inpatients who smoke or have COPD because of alterations in drug absorption. Spirometry needs to be performed priorto initiation of technosphere insulin, after 6 months, and then annually thereafter, with a 20% or higher decline in FEV1being an indication for drug discontinuation (59).




No significant differences in glycemic control have been observed in most studies comparing insulin aspart, insulin lispro, and insulin glulisine. Although insulin glulisine exhibits a more rapid onset of action than either insulin lispro or insulin aspart, this does not translate to meaningful clinical differences between these short-acting analog insulins (60).


Faster aspart results in a more rapid onset of action and more glucose lowering within 30 minutes of administration than insulin aspart. However, no significant difference between faster aspart and insulin aspart has been observed in total glucose lowering (61).  Lispro-aabc has a more rapid onset of action and a shorter duration of action compared with lispro (34). Insulin lispro-aabc also has faster absorption than both insulin aspart and faster aspart (62).


Intermediate-Acting Insulins (NPH)


NPH (Neutral Protamine Hagedorn) insulin, was created in 1936 after it was discovered that the effects of subcutaneously injected insulin could be prolonged by the addition of the protein protamine. NPH insulin is an intermediate-acting insulin, with an onset of action of approximately 2 hours, peak effect 6-14 hours, and duration ofaction 10-16 hours (depending on the size of the dose). Because of its broad peak and long duration of action, NPH can serve as a basal insulin only when dosed at bedtime, or a basal and prandial insulin when dosed in the morning. NPH insulin is available in various combinations with either regular insulin or rapid-acting insulins (Table 2).


Long-Acting (Basal) Insulin Analogs


Long-acting insulins provide basal insulin coverage. Basal insulins suppress hepatic gluconeogenesis to preventglucose levels from rising during the fasting state in insulin-deficient patients. Among patients with type 1 diabetes, basal insulins additionally prevent ketogenesis.




Insulin glargine (21A-Gly-30Ba-L-Arg-30Bb-L-Arg-human insulin) contains two modifications to human insulin. Twoarginines are added to the C-terminus of the B chain shifting the isoelectric point of the insulin from a pH of 5.4 to 6.7 (63). This change makes the insulin more soluble at an acidic pH, and insulin glargine is formulated at a pH of 4.0. The second modification is at position A21, where asparagine is replaced by glycine. This substitution prevents deamidation and dimerization that would occur with acid-sensitive asparagine. When insulin glargine is injected into subcutaneous tissue, which is at physiologic pH, the acidic solution is neutralized. Microprecipitates of insulin glargine are formed, from which small amounts of insulin are released throughout a 24- hour period, resulting in a relativelystable level of insulin throughout the day (64). The biological activity of insulin glargine is due to its absorption kinetics and not a different pharmacodynamic activity (e.g., stimulation of peripheral glucose uptake) (65).


Insulin glargine should not be mixed in the same syringe with any another insulin or solution because this will alterits pH and thus affect its absorption profile. Glargine has an onset of action of about 2 hours, and a duration ofaction of 20-24 hours. It may be given once daily at any time of day, or twice daily at higher doses (typically more than 50 units daily) to better maintain its relatively flat action profile. Its more consistent rate of absorption andlack of a significant peak action result in reduced nocturnal hypoglycemia when insulin glargine is used atbedtime compared with NPH insulin (66,67).




Insulin detemir (Levemir) is a long-acting insulin analog in which the B30 amino acid is omitted and a C14 fatty acidchain (myristic acid) is bound to the B29 lysine amino acid. Insulin detemir is slowly absorbed due to its strong association with albumin in the SQ tissue. When it reaches the bloodstream it again binds to albumin delaying its distribution to peripheral tissues. Detemir has an onset of action of about 2 hours, and a duration of action of 16-24 hours. It can be given once or twice daily. Patients who experience a rise in glucose levels in the hours prior to a once daily injection due to the waning action of detemir should use a twice daily dosing regimen.




Insulin degludec (Tresiba) is an ultra-long-acting modified human insulin in which the B30 amino acid is omitted and a glutamic acid spacer links a 16-carbon fatty di-acid chain to the B29 amino acid. Deguldec forms multihexamersfollowing SQ injection, leading to a slow release of insulin monomers into the bloodstream and a prolonged duration of action. The half-life of degludec is about 25 hours and its duration of action more than 42 hours. Flat insulin levels are seen within 3 days of the first injection with less daytime variability when compared with glargine insulin (68) . With overall similar HbA1c lowering when compared with glargine insulin, reduced rates of hypoglycemia have been seen with degludec use in type 2 diabetes patients, but not in type 1 diabetes patients (69). No differences in local site reactions, weight gain, or other adverse reactions have been seen with degludec use.


In a preapproval cardiovascular outcomes trial of patients with type 2 diabetes with a history of cardiovascular diseaseor at high cardiovascular disease risk, insulin degludec was found to be non- inferior to insulin glargine with respect to the likelihood of major adverse cardiovascular events, including cardiovascular death, nonfatal MI, or nonfatal stroke (70). Insulin degludec was associated with less overall symptomatic hypoglycemia when compared to insulin glargine in a randomized, controlled trial of patients with type 1 diabetes who were at risk for hypoglycemia, with no significant difference in glycemic control between the two treatment arms (71). Similar results were noted in a randomized, controlled trial of patients with type 2 diabetes on insulin and at risk for hypoglycemia (72).




Compared to NPH, insulin glargine results in significantly less overnight hypoglycemia and a lower rate of hypoglycemic events (73,74). Insulin detemir also results in less overall and nocturnal hypoglycemia compared to NPH (73,75).


Differences have also been noted between U-100 insulin glargine and U-300 insulin glargine. In a study of patientswith type 2 diabetes who used mealtime insulin and were on ≥ 42 units insulin daily, U-300 insulin glargine resulted in less nocturnal hypoglycemia compared to U-100 insulin glargine (76). A similar result was seen in a study of patients with type 2 diabetes on basal insulin and oral antihyperglycemic agents (77). In a study of patients with type 2 diabetes who had not previously been treated with insulin, U-300 insulin glargine was associated with a lower risk of hypoglycemia over the study period, although there was no significant difference in the treatment groups in nocturnalhypoglycemia (78). No significant difference in A1C lowering between U-100 glargine and U-300 glargine was noted in these studies (76–78).


Pre-mixed Intermediate with Short or Rapid-acting insulins (50/50, 70/30 and 75/25)


NPH insulin or protamine added to rapid-acting insulin analogs can be mixed together with regular or rapid-acting insulin analogs in fixed combinations. These insulins thus provide bolus insulin coverage for the meal that follows the injections well as basal coverage from the intermediate-acting component of the insulin. They are given either before a larger breakfast or dinner meal as once daily dosing, or more commonly twice daily before breakfast and dinner. Patients who require basal/bolus insulin replacement but have difficulty with frequently missed insulin dosages maybenefit from a regimen utilizing twice daily mixed insulin. However, given the fixed proportions of mixed insulins and their less physiologic action, there is an increased risk of hypoglycemia using these insulin preparations when compared with basal and pre-meal bolus insulin regimens (79).


Follow-on Biologic, and Biosimilar Insulins


Relative to the production of other medications, the production of a biologically similar insulin is a more complicated process, which contributes to reduced cost savings in purchasing insulin (68). Basaglar, a “follow-on biologic” insulin of Lantus or insulin glargine, was approved by the FDA in 2015 (80). Similarly, Admelog is a follow-on insulin ofHumalog, or insulin lispro (81). In 2021, Glargine-yfgn (Semglee)became the first biosimilar insulin to be approved in the United States. Biosimilar insulins possess the same biologic and pharmacokinetic properties as the reference insulin. Trials comparing glargine-yfgn to glargine have shown no significant differences in glycemic control or adverse effects, even when the insulins were switched during the study, among participants with type 1 and type 2 diabetes (82–84). Glargine-yfgn has been given the designation of an interchangeable biosimilar insulin, meaning it can be substituted for brand glargine by the pharmacy based on insurance coverage without notification of the prescriber.




All insulins have an expiration date on the package labeling that applies to insulins that are unopened and refrigerated. Unopened insulin (i.e., not previously used) should be stored in the refrigerator at 36°F- 46°F (2°C- 8°C). Insulin should never be frozen, kept in direct sunlight, or stored in an ambient temperature greater than 86°F (30°C). Exposure to extremes of temperature can lead to loss of insulin effectiveness and a deterioration in glycemic control. Insulin that has been removal from the original vial (i.e., for pump use) should be used within two weeks or discarded. Insulin vials, cartridges, or pens may be kept at room temperature, between 59 °F-86°F (15 °C-30°C), for 28 days, orabout 1 month. Insulin detemir can be stored at room temperature for up to 42 days.


Regular insulin, the basal insulin analogs (glargine, detemir, and degludec) and the rapid-acting insulin analogs(lispro, aspart, and glulisine) are clear and colorless and should not be used if they become cloudy or viscous.






Hypoglycemia is the most serious adverse effect of insulin therapy and the major barrier to achieving glycemic targets in patients with type 1 diabetes and insulin-requiring type 2 diabetes (85). Intensive insulin therapy in patients with type 1 diabetes in the DCCT was associated with a 2-3 fold increase in severe hypoglycemia (SH), defined as hypoglycemia requiring assistance from others (86). In studies of intensive therapy in type 2 diabetes, including the UKPDS, VADT, ADVANCE, and ACCORD trials, intensive therapy resulted in significantly more common SH when compared with standard therapy (29,87–89). SH can cause confusion, motor vehicle accidents, seizures and coma,and is estimated to be a cause of death in 4-10% of patients with type 1 diabetes (90).


In one study, the adjusted probability of SH was found to range between 1.02 to 3.04% in patients with type 2 diabetes, depending on clinical complexity and intensity of treatment (91). Patients with type 2 diabetes who have had SH are at increased risk of death regardless of the intensity of their glycemic control. Hypoglycemia increases heartrate, systolic blood pressure, myocardial contractility and cardiac output, which may adversely affect those with diabetes who frequently have underlying coronary artery disease (CAD). Glucose levels below 70 mg/dl have been shown to cause ischemic ECG changes in patients with type 2 diabetes and CAD during continuous glucose and ECG monitoring (92). Hypoglycemia may lead to increased mortality due to the pro-arrhythmic effects of sympathoadrenal activation and hypokalemia (93), or from cardiac repolarization, especially in older patients with underlying cardiac disease.


Risk factors for hypoglycemia among insulin-treated patients include older age, longer duration of diabetes, renalinsufficiency, hypoglycemia unawareness, prior hypoglycemia, and lower HbA1c (94–97). Avoidance of hypoglycemia therefore takes on particular importance in older patients, given the greater prevalence of cardiovascular disease, cognitive dysfunction, and higher risk of falls and fractures. To help reduce the incidence of hypoglycemia, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) advises targeting a higher HbA1c of less than 8% in patients who are older, with a longer duration of disease, more comorbidities, frequent hypoglycemia, and underlying cardiovascular disease (98). All patients receiving insulin should learn to recognize the symptoms of hypoglycemia and how best to treat low glucose levels.


The use of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in adolescent, young and older adults with type 1 diabetes has been shown to reduce the frequency of hypoglycemia, while lowering hemoglobin A1c (99,100). Whether CGM use reduces death from hypoglycemia remains to be determined.


Weight Gain


Weight gain is a common side effect of insulin therapy. In part, the weight gain can be a result of frequenthypoglycemic episodes in which patients consume extra calories to treat the low glucose level and oftenovereat in response to hunger. Additionally, amelioration of glycosuria can prevent the loss of calories in the urine. One of the anabolic effects of insulin is to promote the uptake of fatty acids into adipose tissue. The amount of weight gain in the DCCT (type 1 patients) and UKPDS (type 2 patients) associated with insulin therapy was 4.6 kg and 4.0 kg respectively (86,87). Less weight gain is encountered with detemir insulin than withNPH or glargine insulin (101,102). The etiology of lower weight gain with detemir when compared with NPH or glargine is not entirely understood (103). Basal insulin added to oral antihyperglycemic agents leads to less weightgain than either biphasic insulin aspart or prandial aspart insulin (79). Lispro mix 75/25 insulin leads to greaterweight gain than glargine insulin when added to oral antihyperglycemic agents (104).


Local Reactions


True allergic reactions and cutaneous reactions are rare with human insulin and insulin analogs. Hypersensitivity reactions rarely develop in response to the insulin or one of its additives (protamine for example) and can result in local erythema, pruritus, a wheal or more systemic reactions including anaphylaxis. Successful approaches to insulin allergies include continuous subcutaneous insulin infusions, and use of lispro insulin which appears to be less allergenic (52,105). Lipoatrophy was common with use of less pure and animal insulins, but is now rarely seen with insulin analogues and believed to be immune-mediated. Cases of lipoatrophy have been reported with the use of glargine, aspart, and lispro insulins (106). To avoid the lipohypertrophic effects of insulin, patients should be instructed to rotate their insulin injection sites, preferably rotating within one area and not reusing for one week.


Mitogenic Properties


Several retrospective, observational studies have shown correlations between insulin dose and cancer risk for most insulin types (human insulin, aspart, lispro or glargine) (107–109). These observational studies assessed large patient databases and have significant, inherent limitations, such as the potential for different pre-treatment characteristics of the groups, selection bias, the small numbers of cancer cases found, and short duration of follow-up. Meta-analyses of studies comparing exogenous insulin to non-insulin antihyperglycemic therapies have shown associations of insulin with several cancers (15,16). However, there are also inherent limitations to such analyses. In a randomized, 5-year, open-label trial comparing the progression of retinopathy in NPH and insulin glargine users, no increased risk ofcancer was found in the 1,017 patient sample (102). In an analysis of 31 randomized controlled trials from the Sanofi-Aventis safety database (phase 2, 3, and 4 studies), insulin glargine was not associated with an increased risk of cancer (110). The 7-year, randomized ORIGIN trial assessed the cardiovascular effects of insulin glargine versus standard care in more than 12,500 individuals with diabetes or pre-diabetes and found no increased risk of all- cancer-combined or of cancer mortality among glargine-treated individuals (111). A review of large epidemiologicstudies did not find evidence of an increased risk of malignancy among glargine- treated patients when compared with other insulin therapies (16).


Cardiovascular Disease


Among intensively controlled patients in the VADT (Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial), ADVANCE (Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron MR Controlled Evaluation), and ACCORD (Action to ControlCardiovascular Risk in Diabetes), a higher proportion (41–90%) required insulin therapy than among the standard control groups (24–74%) (29,88,89). Nonsignificant reductions in cardiovascular events were seen with intensive diabetes control when compared with standard control in ADVANCE, ACCORD, and VADT respectively. An increased mortality rate was observed in ACCORD after 3.5 years of intensive therapy when patients were targeted to an HbA1c of less than 6.0%, 73% of whom received insulin. However, mortality was not temporally associated with severe hypoglycemia. The results of ACCORD support less aggressive diabetes management among patients at high risk for a cardiovascular event. The 7-year, randomized ORIGIN trial assessed the cardiovascular effects of insulin glargine versus standard care in more than 12,500 individuals with diabetes or pre-diabetes and found no increasedrisk of cardiovascular events or of cardiovascular mortality among glargine-treated individuals (111). In a retrospective study of more than 57,000 insulin-treated persons with type 2 diabetes followed for 4 years, treatment with combined long and short-acting insulins compared to long-acting insulin alone was associated with increased all-cause mortality, but fewer myocardial infarctions, and no difference in major cardiovascular events or cardiovascular mortality (112).




General Principles




Autoimmune beta cell destruction results in a progressive decline in insulin production in patients with type 1 diabetes who eventually require insulin for survival. Patients with type 1 diabetes generally require a replacementdose of 0.5-1.0 units per kg of body weight per day of insulin (113).


During the early stages of type 1 diabetes, patients commonly require less insulin because remaining beta cells still produce some insulin; during their “honeymoon period” insulin requirements can be in the range of 0.2-0.6 units per kg per day (113,114). Intensive insulin therapy (defined as 3 or more insulin injections daily or insulin pump therapy) is indicated for patients with type 1 diabetes to provide better glycemic control with less glucose variability than 1 or 2 daily injections, and reduce the development and progression of microvascular and macrovascular complications (86,115,116).




The slowly progressive beta cell loss in patients with type 2 diabetes means many patients with type 2 diabetes will eventually require insulin therapy to attain adequate glycemic control. Initiation of basal insulin can be consideredin any of the following situations: 1) a patient with an HbA1C > 11% with concern for insulin deficiency; 2)a patient without atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and/or chronic kidney disease with an HbA1C above goal after 3 months of metformin monotherapy; 3) a patient with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and/or chronic kidney disease with an HbA1C above goal after 3 months of treatment withmetformin, a GLP-1 receptor agonist, and/or an SGLT2 inhibitor (98). Since type 2 diabetes is associated with insulin resistance, insulin requirements can exceed 1 unit/kg/day. When initiating insulin therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes, basal insulin is often used in combination with other non-insulin antihyperglycemic medications a patient is taking. An intermediate or long-acting insulin (e.g., NPH, glargine, detemir, or degludec) is added at bedtime, and the dose titrated to attain a target fasting glucose (117).


Basal insulin is effective at lowering HbA1c when added to oral hypoglycemic agents starting at a dose of 10 U daily or 0.2 U/kg. When used in patients uncontrolled on oral agents, basal insulin lowers HbA1c 1.2–1.5% (79,102). In these treat-to-target studies, patients were instructed to titrate their basal insulin dosages up every 2–3 days by 1–4 units based on algorithms to achieve fasting plasma glucose (FPG) levels in the 70- to 126mg/dl range. Those studies targeting a FPG < 108 mg/dl achieve modestly better success in achieving an HbA1c < 7% (63.2 vs. 52%) than those targeting a FPG of less than 126 mg/dl, with mildly higher rates of hypoglycemia (79,102).


Basal insulin, by suppressing hepatic glucose output during the night, will control the fasting blood glucose (FPG), while concomitant use of other antihyperglycemic medications control postprandial glucose levels throughout the day (118). A starting dose of 10 units of basal insulin is commonly utilized, though starting a dose of 0.1-0.2 units/kg will more rapidly attain the target fasting glucose level (119). In patients whose fasting glucose levels becomewell controlled with basal insulin, but whose glucose levels rise significantly higher later in the day with apersistently elevated HbA1C, prandial insulin is indicated. At this point, the patient is experiencing beta- cell failure. If the patient is taking an insulin secretagogue (e.g., a sulfonylurea or meglitinide) it should be discontinued, as insulin will now be replaced exogenously. However, other agents not having a predominantly insulin-stimulating effect should be continued to address insulin resistance and reduce insulin requirements.




Before starting a patient on insulin, or adjusting their current insulin therapy, it is important to establish glycemic goals tailored to the patient. The American Diabetes Association currently recommends individualized glycemic goals (98).Those with a longer duration of diabetes, shorter life expectancy, presence of important comorbidities orestablished vascular complications, and at higher risk of hypoglycemia should have higher glycemic targets, with an A1C of < 8% reasonable for those with the least to gain from more intensive control and at highestrisk for adverse outcomes from hypoglycemia. For the majority of patients who are otherwise healthy, glycemic targets include the following: preprandial plasma glucose 80-130 mg/dl; postprandial plasma glucose <180 mg/dl; and A1C <7% (98).


In the DCCT, retinopathy initially worsened during the first year in patients with type 1 diabetes who received intensive therapy (86). This was associated with rapid lowering of glucose levels. Thus, in patients with proliferative retinopathy or those with underlying non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy and a high A1C (e.g., >10%), slower lowering of glucose is warranted. Another example of individualizing glycemic goals is a patient with hypoglycemic unawareness, in whom glycemic goals should be less aggressive to reduce the frequency of severe hypoglycemia  (115).




Physiologic Insulin Replacement


A functioning pancreas releases insulin continuously, to supply a basal amount to suppress hepatic glucose outputand prevent ketogenesis between meals and overnight, and also releases a bolus of insulin prandially to promote glucose utilization after eating (108) . Replacing insulin in a manner that attempts to mimic physiologic insulin release is commonly referred to as basal/bolus insulin therapy. Physiologic replacement requires multiple daily injections (3 or more) or the use of an insulin pump. Basal insulin requirements are approximately 40-50% of the total daily amount. Prandial insulin is 50-60% of the total daily insulin requirement administered before meals (114) . Providing basal-bolus insulin regimens allows patients to have flexibility in their mealtimes and achieve better glycemic control.


Non-Physiologic Insulin Replacement


When insulin is given once or twice daily, insulin levels do not mimic physiologic insulin release patterns. For people with type 2 diabetes, in whom bolus insulin replacement is not as critical, once or twice daily basal insulin injection regimens often work well with reasonable glycemic control achieved when combined with non-insulin agents that control postprandial glucose levels.


In patients with type 2 diabetes, a starting daily basal insulin dose can be calculated by multiplying 0.1 or 0.2 by thepatient’s weight in kilograms and increased after taking into account factors such as the severity of hyperglycemia (98). The basal insulin dose in type 2 patients is adjusted to attain a target fasting glucose level. The patient’s other non-insulin anti-hyperglycemic agents then can better control daytime glucose levels.


The current American Diabetes Association guidelines recommend that if a patient’s A1C is not at goal despite the use of basal insulin attaining target fasting glucose levels, then an additional injection of prandial insulin, with astarting dose comprised of 4 units or 10% of the daily basal insulin dose, can be added before the biggest meal of the day. Prandial insulin can be titrated based on blood glucose measurements by 10-15% twice a week. If glycemic control is suboptimal, then more prandial insulin injections can be added before other meals (98).




Once Daily Insulin Regimen (for patients with type 2 diabetes on oral agents)


NPH (Figure 7), insulin glargine (Figure 8), or insulin detemir are most often given at bedtime. However, given their longer duration of action, insulin glargine and insulin degludec can be administered anytime of the day (101). For patients who eat large amounts of carbohydrates at dinner, an insulin mixture, regular and NPH or a premixed insulin, can be given prior to dinner (Figure 9).


Figure 7. PM NPH Administration.

Figure 8. Glargine Administration.

Figure 9. NPH and Regular Insulin at Dinner.

Twice-Daily Insulin Regimen (Split-Mixed and Pre-Mixed Regimens)


Two-thirds of the insulin dose is typically given in the morning before breakfast and one-third is given before dinner. Premixed insulins can be used or a mixture of a short-acting insulin (e.g., regular, insulin aspart/glulisine/lispro) and an intermediate-acting insulin (e.g., NPH) (Figure 10) (114) .


Figure 10. NPH and Twice a Day Regular Insulin.


2/3 total daily dose at breakfast: given as 2/3 NPH and 1/3 Regular (or insulin aspart/glulisine/lispro) 1/3 total daily dose at dinner: divided in equal amounts of NPH and Regular (or insulin aspart/glulisine/lispro)


For patients who experience nocturnal hypoglycemia when NPH is administered at dinner with a short-acting insulin, moving the NPH dose to bedtime helps reduce the risk for nocturnal hypoglycemia (120). Conversely, NPH at dinner can result in fasting hyperglycemia due to dissipation of insulin activity and the early morning rise in counter-regulatory hormones cortisol and growth hormone (the dawn phenomenon). Moving the NPH dose to bedtime can also help resolve this problem (121)  (Figure 11). An obvious limitation to using premixed insulin is reduced flexibility in dosing; if the dose is adjusted, both types of insulin in the mixture will be adjusted.


Figure 11. Twice a Day NPH and Regular.

Multiple Daily Insulin Injection Regimen: Basal plus Prandial Insulin


Many different types of regimens are possible with multiple daily injections. Regular, insulin aspart, glulisine and lispro are used to provide prandial insulin. NPH, insulin glargine, insulin detemir, and insulin degludec are used to provide basal insulin.


Regular, insulin aspart/glulisine/lispro before meals and NPH, insulin glargine, insulin detemir, or insulin degludec at bedtime (hs) (Figure 12, 13).


Insulin aspart/glulisine/lispro before meals and NPH twice daily (breakfast and bedtime) (Figure 14).


Figure 12. Bedtime NPH and Regular Insulin with Meals.

Figure 13. Bedtime Glargine Insulin and Lispro/Aspart with Meals.

Figure 14. NPH Twice a Day and Lispro/Aspart with Meals.


Insulin Pump Therapy


Insulin pump or continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) therapy is another option for intensive insulin therapy using only rapid-acting insulin. Insulin pump therapy is indicated in patients with type 1 diabetes, and in thosewith markedly insulin-deficient type 2 diabetes (122). Patients initiated on insulin pump therapy need to have been trained in the components of intensive diabetes management or will not gain significant benefit from conversion to insulin pump therapy. The components of intensive diabetes management include knowledge of carbohydrate counting and adjustments in the insulin bolus dose based on the carbohydrate content of meals and snacks, the measured glucose level, and the amount and duration of exercise. Some insulin pumps are able to deliver insulinboluses in as low as 0.01-unit increments, ideal for patients who are insulin sensitive. The basal insulin infusion can be delivered in as low as 0.001-unit increments and can be adjusted based on an individual patient’s needs. Basal rate requirements are typically higher in the early morning hours to counter the dawn rise in glucose levels and lower in the afternoon when patients are more active and overnight when patients are at rest. Temporary basal rates can be programmed to be increased during times of inactivity or illness when insulin requirements are higher, and decreased when physically active and insulin requirements are reduced.


The bolus calculator function of insulin pumps helps patients determine insulin bolus doses required for the carbohydrate content of foods and the measured glucose level. After a patient enters this information into the pump, a recommended bolus dose is displayed by the pump based on the patient’s insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio and insulin sensitivity factor. This function is especially helpful when a patient needs to determine the amount of supplementalinsulin required to correct a high postprandial glucose level. The pump takes into account the active insulin remaining from the pre-meal bolus (insulin on board), and recommends a reduced corrective supplemental insulin dose, thereby preventing insulin stacking and hypoglycemia.


Potential benefits of insulin pumps include less weight gain, less hypoglycemia, and lowering of hemoglobin A1c levels when compared to multiple daily injections (123–126). The addition of continuous glucose monitoring to patients on insulin pumps has been shown to further improve glycemic control and reduce the frequency of symptomatic and severe hypoglycemia. Insulin pumps are available with a threshold suspend function which can discontinue the basal insulin infusion for up to a period of 2 hours when the monitor detects a low glucose level that is untreated. This prevents a further decline in glucose levels (127).


To date, several hybrid closed loop (HCL) systems exist. The Medtronic 670G and 770G HCL systems have an “Auto Mode,” in which the basal rate of the insulin pump is adjusted up or down every 5 minutes based on data from the continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) system to achieve a target glucose of 120 mg/dl (128). For the Tandem X2 HCL system, not only is the basal rate of the pump suspended, increased, or decreased every 5 minutes based on CGM data, but automatic bolus doses of insulin, which are comprised of 60% of a calculated corrective bolus dose, are administered up to every hour, to target a glucose of 110 mg/dl (129).  Finally, in the Omnipod 5 HCL system, different target blood glucose values can be set, and basal rates are automatically adjusted (130). It should be noted that once in the automated insulin delivery mode, for Medtronic HCL systems and the Omnipod 5 system, adjustments to manual basal rates do not affect the amount of insulin delivered during basal insulin delivery. For the Medtronic HCL systems, the insulin to carbohydrate ratio and active insulin time can be adjusted, and a temporary target glucose of 150 mg/dl can be selected to better prevent hypoglycemia as during exercise or when fasting for a medical or surgical procedure. For the Omnipod 5, the insulin to carbohydrate ratio, correction factor, and active insulin time can be adjusted. For the Tandem X2 HCL system, active insulin time and target blood glucose cannot be modified, but the basal rate, insulin to carbohydrate ratio, and correction factor can be adjusted (130,131).


Timing of Prandial Insulin Injections


The onset of action of regular insulin is approximately 30 minutes; while insulin aspart/glulisine/lispro begin to lower glucose levels within about 15 minutes after a subcutaneous bolus is given. Ultra-rapid-acting Lispro-aabc and Faster aspart can be measured in the blood within 1-2.5 minutes after subcutaneous injection. The timing of the pre-meal insulin bolus can be reduced when the measured glucose level is low and lengthened when hyperglycemia is present before eating. To best match the insulin action with the glycemic effect of meals, regular insulin is optimally given 30 minutes before the meal, the rapid-acting insulins 15-20 minutes before the meal, and the ultra-rapid-acting insulins 0-2 minutes before meals. When dosed immediately before a solid mixed meal tolerance test, lispro-aabc resulted in a lower postprandial glucose compared with insulin lispro, over 2 and 5 hours (34). Insulin pumps and multi-dose insulin injection regimens using basal analog insulin combined with a rapid-acting or ultra-rapid-acting insulin provide patients with the greatest flexibility of varying the time of meals without sacrificing an increased risk of hypoglycemia, when compared with NPH-based insulin regimens.




Insulin doses should be adjusted to achieve glycemic targets. Typically, a 10-20% increase or decrease in an insulin dose is appropriate, based on the degree of hyper- or hypoglycemia, and the insulin sensitivity of the patient.Hypoglycemia that is frequent or severe should prompt an immediate reduction in the responsible insulin dose. Increases to insulin doses should be based on the occurrence of consistently elevated glucose levels at a particulartime of day, rather than periodic glucose elevations that are more likely diet-mediated.


Adjustment of Intermediate to Long-Acting Insulin


When a dose of intermediate or long-acting insulin is adjusted, it is recommended to wait at least 3-5 days before further changes in the dose to assess the response (114) .


Adjustment of Once-Daily Evening Insulin


Basal insulin can be started either using 10 units or 0.1-0.2 units/kg body weight at bedtime. The FPG is used toadjust the intermediate (NPH), long-acting insulin (glargine, detemir, or degludec) given in the evening.Algorithms provided to patients to adjust their basal insulin dose based on fasting glucose levels have beenshown to improve glycemic control (132). The algorithm should target the fasting glucose range of 80-130mg/dl (98). An example of a forced titration schedule is show below (Table 4):


Table 4. Forced Titration Algorithm

Fasting Glucose the past 3 Days

Increase in Basal Insulin (units)









Over 220


Decrease dose by 2-4 units for any glucose level < 80


Lower dose adjustments are used for more insulin sensitive patients (usually type 1 patients) and higher doses for more insulin resistant patients (usually those with type 2 diabetes). A simple algorithm for patients with type 2diabetes recommends adjusting the basal insulin dose by 2 units every 2 to 3 days if fasting glucose levelsare consistently above the target upper range (98).


Supplemental Insulin for Correction of Hyperglycemia


Regular insulin, the rapid-acting insulins aspart/glulisine/lispro or the ultra-rapid-acting insulins Lispro-aabc and Faster aspart can be used to correct high glucose levels (133). In type 2 patients, 1-2 units of insulin will lower the blood glucose by 30-50 mg/dl. A commonly used correction insulin regimen which targets a glucose of 100 mg/dlpre-meal and 150 mg/dl at bedtime is shown below (Table 5).


Table 5. Basal insulin Forced Titration Algorithm






Blood Glucose

Extra units of Short or Rapid-

acting insulin

Extra units of Short or Rapid-

acting insulin

Extra units of Short or Rapid-

acting insulin

Extra units of Short or Rapid-

acting insulin































Over 400






The rule of 1800 can be used to approximate the amount that 1 unit of supplemental insulin will lower the glucose, alsotermed the insulin sensitivity factor (ISF), using the total daily dose (TDD) of insulin:


Calculation of the insulin sensitivity factor (ISF):

ISF= 1800/TDD


An individual using 60 units of insulin each day would have a calculated ISF of 1:30, and would use 1 unit ofsupplemental insulin for every 30 mg/dl the glucose is above the glucose target (usually 100 mg/dl before meals) as a starting supplemental dose (123).


For example, if this person’s pre-meal glucose was 280 mg/dl, 6 units of supplemental insulin would be added to their usual dose of pre-meal insulin to decrease glucose by 180mg/dl.


Carbohydrate Counting


In patients on set dose of prandial insulin, post meal glucose variability can be controlled by having patients keep the carbohydrate content of the meal similar at mealtimes from day to day. A more sophisticated type of prandial insulinregimen is one in which a patient doses their prandial insulin based on the number of carbohydrates eaten at the meal. By learning how to count carbohydrates, and dosing their insulin accordingly, patients are afforded flexibility in the carbohydrate content of their meals. Adjusting the prandial insulin dose based on the accurately-assessed carbohydrate content of the meal will reduce glucose. The rule of 500 can be used to approximate the amount of carbohydrates covered by 1 unit of prandial insulin, termed the insulin to carbohydrate ratio (ICR), using the total daily dose (TDD) of insulin:


Calculation of the insulin to carbohydrate ratio:

ICR= 500/TDD


For example, for a patient using 60 units of insulin per day, the ICR would be 500/60 or approximately 1:8, or 1 unit for each 8 grams of carbohydrate in the meal or snack.


This ratio is adjusted based on post meal glucose levels and may be different for each meal. The ICR is adjusted toattain post meal glucose levels in the target range (usually 100-180 mg/dl). The ICR can also be used forsnacks (134) . Carbohydrate counting can be challenging for some patients. Education in medical nutrition therapy is critical for patients on insulin.


A comprehensive diabetes education class that teaches self-management skills, such as how to dose prandial insulin by matching it to the amount of carbohydrate intake is an excellent resource to facilitate patients in adopting an intensive insulin therapy regimen (135).


Adjustments for Exercise


Exercise improves insulin sensitivity. Thus, when a patient exercises, it is often necessary to decrease insulin delivery (and/or increase caloric intake) to prevent hypoglycemia. For morning exercise, the pre-breakfast insulin dose should be reduced (by about 25%) depending on the duration and intensity of the exercise. For late-morning/early-afternoon and evening exercise, the pre-lunch and pre-dinner insulin dose should be reduced respectively (136). A more recent consensus statement notes that nutritional insulin should be decreased between 25-75%, depending on the intensity of exercise planned after the meal, with a 25% nutritional insulin dose reduction prior to low-intensity exercise, and a 75% nutritional insulin dose reduction prior to high-intensity exercise (137). In addition, for individuals with type 1 diabetes, before exercise is undertaken, different glycemic thresholds can be set at which point carbohydrates should be ingested, depending on risk of hypoglycemia and intensity of exercise, with a higher glucose goal for the more prolonged exercise and/or for those at highest risk of hypoglycemia (138). The effect of exercise on insulin sensitivity can last for many hours; so more than 1 insulin dose may need to be adjusted. After more prolonged exercise, the bedtime long-acting insulin dose may need to be reduced should such exercise lead to a pronounced fall in overnight glucose levels.  In patients on insulin pumps, temporary basal rate reductions can be employed starting 0-60 minutes before exercise to prevent exercise-induced hypoglycemia. The Tandem X2 and OmniPod 5 automated insulin delivery systems have an “exercise/activity” modes, that target a higher glucose goal within the glucose range of the automated delivery system. The Medtronic automated insulin delivery system has a temporary target glucose level of 150 mg/dl, that can be used during exercise.




Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) allows patients and physicians to recognize glucose trends to guideinsulin dosage adjustments. In those using short or rapid-acting inulin, SMBG also provides a patientwith the information needed to give an accurate supplemental insulin dose to return an elevated glucose level back to the target glucose range. Studies in patients with type 1 diabetes have shown aprogressive reduction in hemoglobin A1C levels with more frequent glucose monitoring (139) Currently, theADA recommends that patients with diabetes on multiple daily injections of insulin or on an insulin pump check blood glucose before eating, exercise, and bedtime, for symptoms of hypoglycemia, and periodically after meals. For patients with type 2 diabetes not on multiple daily injections of insulin, no specific frequency of SMBG isrecommended but rather it is recommended that SMBG and its assessment be a part of patients’ treatmentand management plan (139).


Most glucose meters are now plasma-referenced, correlating better to the ADA’s glycemic goals. Plasma glucose concentrations are approximately 10-15% higher than whole blood glucose concentrations (140) .


CGM, which measures interstitial glucose, is available in 2 forms: an intermittent or “flash” CGM system and real-timeCGM systems (141). To date, the intermittent CGM system and one of the real-time CGM systems do not require calibration with blood glucose. Intermittent CGM has been associated with less time spent in hypoglycemia in patients with type 1 diabetes and in patients with type 2 diabetes (142,143) , and the real-time CGM systems have beenassociated with improved glycemic control, more so when used consistently, and less time spent inhypoglycemia, and less severe hypoglycemia in patients with type 1 diabetes (144,145).




A common misconception among patients is that if they are sick enough that they do not eat or they vomit, they should not take their anti-hyperglycemic medications, insulin included. Patients who are ill should be instructed to continue their basal insulin therapy, maintain fluid intake, eat smaller meals as tolerated, and test their glucoselevels every 1-4 hours (ketones as well for people with type 1 diabetes when glucose levels are over 200 mg/dl).Supplemental insulin doses to correct hyperglycemia can be given up to every 4 hours as needed for persistent hyperglycemia, or more often when the insulin on board from an insulin pump or a smart insulin pen is taken into account. For patients using the bolus calculator function of their insulin pump, the recommended bolusdose to correct an elevated glucose level automatically takes into account the insulin on board from priorinsulin boluses. If the glucose is >240 mg/dl with large ketonuria, patients should contact their provider immediately,or proceed to an emergency room for treatment of ketoacidosis using intravenous fluids and insulin. Sick day guidelines can be found online (146).




The prior version of this chapter was extensively modified based on a previous chapter written by Lisa Kroon, PharmD, CDE, Ira D. Goldfine, M.D. and Sinan Tanyolac, M.D.




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Lipid Screening in Youth



As improvements in cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk reduction in adults’ plateau and risk factors accumulate in youth, focus is shifting to children as the future of CVD prevention. Abnormal lipid levels are relatively common in the pediatric population and treatments are available and effective thereby supporting the need to screen children for abnormal lipids. Recent data suggests that lipid screening is occurring in youth but is neither detecting the expected proportion of affected individuals nor translating into higher rates of therapy. Future work should expand on current screening efforts and overcome identified barriers to lipid screening toward the goal of avoiding CVD events and maintaining the ideal CVD health of childhood throughout the life course.



Salutary trends in adult CVD mortality are documented and appear to stem largely from improvements in atherosclerotic risk factor treatment (1). But key danger signals are also present. First the rate of improvement is waning. Second and perhaps not coincidentally, recent advances focus on reducing thresholds for pharmacological risk factor management and thereby enlarge the proportion of the population eligible for therapy (2, 3). Finally, an alarming trend towards high and increasing obesity, obesity-related dyslipidemia, and type 2 diabetes portend an impending tidal wave of CVD (1).


Recent data has demonstrated the first continuous decline in average life expectancy during peacetime in modern American history wherein some component is due to increasing ASCVD in older age groups (4). Population data from 1999-2016 demonstrates lipid abnormalities in one-fifth of children and one-fourth of teenagers (5). At a point where progress is plateauing and efforts are being made to medicate wider swaths of the adult population, children offer an opportunity in the life course to further intensify CVD risk reduction. Childhood is a key time point for progress because children are already accumulating atherosclerotic phenotypic changes, have a high prevalence of CVD risk factors, are susceptible to deleterious lifestyle influences but are also malleable to lifestyle habit alterations. Typically, children have not yet suffered from actual CVD events nor are they likely to in youth. As CVD primary prevention is preventing the first CVD event by the treatment of risk factors, and secondary prevention is evading recurrent CVD events in patients with a history of CVD, primordial prevention aims to prevent or delay development of CVD risk factors.


Professional groups including the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Diabetes Association and governmental entities including the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), Department of Health and Human Services have promulgated scientific statements and practice preferences identifying primordial and primary CVD prevention generally and dyslipidemia management specifically as priority area (6-8). The 2011 NHLBI guidelines recommend universal lipid screening for the general population at age 9-11 years. The most recent American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines on CVD risk reduction in high-risk pediatric patients including homozygous FH, type 1 and 2 diabetes, end-stage renal disease, KD with persistent aneurysms, solid organ transplant vasculopathy, and childhood cancer survivors recommends non-fasting non-HDL screening yearly (9).


It is clear that population-wide interventions can be successful, as illustrated by cigarette use reduction (1). Tobacco smoking reduction has been achieved through mobilizing public sentiment; placing restrictions on the procurement, advertisement, and use of tobacco products; and use of economic disincentives. Similar efforts to reduce the causes of hyperlipidemia, hypertension, or obesity in adults meet entrenched resistance from the lack of data supporting second-hand harm from these lifestyle behaviors leading to trepidation about restricting an individual’s freedom of personal choice. In contrast, addressing CVD risk factors in children may be more acceptable because their lifestyle choices are appropriately constrained by caregivers. To illustrate, the fact a child would consistently choose ice cream over cauliflower every day is immaterial to whether daily ice cream consumption in children should be discouraged. Therefore, focusing on children offers an opportunity to leverage an identified CVD risk factor abnormality into a multifaceted cardiometabolic remedy. Moreover, children are a powerful motivating factor for lifestyle change in their parents offering the promise for a multiplicative effect on a pediatric intervention. But first we must find affected children.



The passionate pediatric provider might be motivated to identify all CVD risk factors in every child with the hopes of improving the health of the population one individual at a time. But from a policy and implementation perspective screening tests entail certain trade-offs that must be addressed. These pitfalls include the occurrence of false testing results that may be rare in any individual case but virtually guaranteed when mandatorily applied to many cases; the downstream effects of false test results in terms of additional confirmatory testing and patient emotional distress; test-related harms when instantiated widely; ethical conflicts between identifying sick individuals versus testing related physical and emotional harms to unaffected individuals; and lastly cost-effectiveness concerns. Each of these general concerns is amplified when the patient in question is a developing, vulnerable child for whom identifying risk factors has lasting implications but screening related harms can also have lasting implication rippling through the family. To be more specific, whereas adult providers find a patient blood draw to be trivial, violating bodily integrity is not as facile in children or for their parents, and therefore for providers to order. Nonetheless, many diseases are screened for including with blood testing in the extremely vulnerable newborn period (10). This state screening of newborns searches for disorders with prevalence’s on the order of 0.02% for sickle cell disease to 0.004% for phenylketonuria. Each of the screened disorders has therapies of varying efficacy by disease. Decisions to screen for these diseases are in some part determined by adherence to the World Health Organization Criteria for screening after Wilson and Jungner’s classic formulation (Table 1) (11). These classic criteria offer excellent structure for a discussion of pediatric lipid screening.


TABLE 1. Wilson & Jungner Criteria (11)

1. The condition sought should be an important health problem.

2. There should be an accepted treatment for patients with recognized disease.

3. Facilities for diagnosis and treatment should be available.

4. There should be a recognizable latent or early symptomatic stage.

5. There should be a suitable test or examination.

6. The test should be acceptable to the population.

7. The natural history of the condition, including development from latent to declared disease, should be adequately understood.

8. There should be an agreed policy on whom to treat as patients.

9. The cost of case-finding (including diagnosis and treatment of patients diagnosed) should be economically balanced in relation to possible expenditure on medical care as a whole.

10. Case-finding should be a continuing process and not a “once and for all” project.




The causal relation between low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) and CVD events is well established (12-17). Interventions of triglycerides (TG) have not been quite as successful but observational studies using genes in instrumental analysis have determined a prospective unconfounded relation between TG and CVD events (18,19). High density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) is associated with incident CVD in observational cohorts but multiple HDL specific interventions have not led to CVD event reduction leading to doubts about the so-called HDL hypothesis (16, 20-22).


In general, the relationship between lipid disorders and CVD events is well established. In children it is especially well studied in the Mendelian genetic disorder familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), generally attributed to a dominant negative mutation in the receptor for LDL receptor or apolipoprotein B component of LDL (13). Heterozygous FH occurs in 1 in 500 births while more recent studies suggest it may be as common as 1 in 250. Homozygous FH may be as common as 1 in 160,000 to 1 million (23,24). FH leads to markedly elevated LDL levels. Heterozygous girls suffer coronary events before age 60 in approximately 20% of cases and boys in 50% of cases, while homozygous children have events in the second decade of life (25-27,24). Prior to these events, these children are well documented to have vascular changes predictive of future CVD events (28). Even more common is lifestyle related high TG, low HDL atherogenic dyslipidemia which is present in nearly one in five youth under 17 years old (29,30). Data from young adults in CVD-free general population who have suffered unfortunate mortality from unrelated causes clearly demonstrate arterial atherosclerotic plaques and these plaques are predicted by elevated lipid levels earlier in life (31-33). Lipids predict thicker carotid intimal medial thickness, stiffer aorta, and other preclinical atherosclerotic changes in CVD unaffected individuals (28, 34-37). More recent data combining multiple youth cohorts into a single meta-cohort followed through adulthood clearly demonstrates lipids in childhood directly predict clinically definitive “hard” adult CVD events. Intriguing data also suggests childhood lipoprotein (a) concentrations predict adult “hard” CVD events, including in combination with other CVD risk factors like lipids. Thus, severe and moderate lipid abnormalities occur in youth; these dyslipidemias and hyperlipidemias have important consequences following a predictable pattern from lipid elevation to atherosclerotic progression and eventually CVD events; and are orders of magnitude more common than already universally screened for metabolic conditions.


Blood testing is the definitive, rather straightforward mode of lipid abnormality detection with false positive rates of less than one percent. Classic practice is to obtain fasting lipid panels as the ideal, especially for detection of triglyceride elevations (6,27,38). However, obtaining fasting lipids in children can be challenging and so non-fasting lipid panels may be obtained initially with fasting panels obtained to confirm as necessary in an attempt to enhance acceptability (6). In addition, life-course issues are a core concern in lipid assessment of children. While prenatal detection of dyslipidemia is noted, infancy and young childhood is a notoriously difficult period for dyslipidemia assessment due to wildly varied diet habits and food preferences during a child’s introduction and embrace of solid food intake. Toddlers not infrequently habituate to an extremely limited dietary range which they broaden a few years later. Dietary habits and lipid levels tend to stabilize in the early school age until around 10 years of age when pubertal changes with a high degree of variability. Hormonal changes around puberty can be associated with substantial changes in lipid levels (6,25,38). Thus, children could be inappropriately labeled “abnormal” from lipid tests since CVD risk factors fluctuate throughout childhood and adulthood (39). The NHLBI Integrated Guidelines for CVD Risk Reduction in Children and Adolescents recommend taking the average of multiple lipid values to help avoid misclassification and errors from regression to the mean (6). But also similar to adults, single lipid measurements in childhood do predict adult atherosclerotic progression, thereby underscoring the utility of even a single lipid test (31-35).


Physical exam findings can induce lipid testing. For example, the presence of tendinous xanthomata on extensor surfaces in young child should trigger lipid investigation for familial hypercholesterolemia or other lipid disorders (6,39). Similarly, many providers appreciate a higher relative risk of lipid abnormalities in overweight individuals. Overweight youth are known to have roughly double the risk of lipid problems while obese youth have roughly three times the risk (29,30,40). However, nearly 10% of normal weight individuals have abnormal lipid levels. So, while it is true that excess weigh individuals are at higher risk of abnormal lipids, the converse is also true, that a substantial proportion of youth with abnormal lipids are normal weight. In fact, since nearly 35-45% of youth with abnormal lipids are normal weight, fixating on excess weight youth misses a substantial proportion of the population’s lipid problem. While the origins of both abnormal lipids and obesity derive from suboptimal diets, activity and inactivity levels, the two are not synonymous. This epidemiological conundrum is a key pillar in favor of the NHLBI guidelines recommending the extension from selective to universal screening of youth depending on age group (Table 2).


TABLE 2. NHLBI Recommendations on Lipid Testing by Age Group (6)

Birth to 2 years

No screening


2 to 8 years

Selective Screening

Fasting Lipid Profiles (Average of two sets) for:

1st or 2nd degree relative with history of CVD or history of total cholesterol ≥ 240 mg/dL or child has CVD high or moderate risk factors or conditions 


9 to 11 years

Universal Screening

Non-fasting Lipid Profile followed by Fasting Lipid Profile for non-HDL≥145 or HDL≤40 or

Fasting Lipid Profile with repeat if LDL≥ 130 mg/dL or non-HDL ≥145 mg/dL or HDL < 40mg/dL or TG ≥100mg/dL for under 10-year-olds; LDL ≥130 mg/dL for at or over 10-year-olds


12 to 16 years

Selective Screening

Fasting Lipid Profiles (Average of two sets) for:

1st or 2nd degree relative with history of CVD or history of total cholesterol ≥ 240 mg/dL or child has CVD high or moderate risk factors or conditions


17 to 19 years

Universal Screening

Non-Fasting Lipid Profile followed by Fasting Lipid Profile (average two sets) if non–HDL>145 mg/dL or HDL cholesterol< 40 mg/dL or Fasting Lipid Profile and If LDL> 130 mg/dL or non–HDL> 145 mg/dL or HDL< 40 mg/dL or TG> 130 mg/dL. Repeat FLP and average results 


20 to 21 years

Universal Screening

Non-Fasting Lipid Profile

Non–HDL> 190 mg/dL or HDL< 40 mg/dL

Measure FLP twice, average results or 

Fasting Lipid Profile

If LDL> 160 mg/dL or non–HDL> 190 mg/dL or HDL< 40 mg/dL or TG> 150 mg/dL

Repeat and average results

CVD: MI, angina, stroke, coronary bypass surgery, coronary stent, coronary angioplasty at or under 55 y in males, 65 y in females 

High risk factors: Hypertension that requires drug therapy (BP> 99th percentile 5 mm Hg), Current cigarette smoker, Body Mass Index at the 97th age-sex specific percentile

High risk conditions: Diabetes mellitus Type 1 or Type 2, Chronic kidney disease, end-stage renal disease, post–renal transplant, post–orthotopic heart transplant, Kawasaki disease with current aneurysms

Moderate risk factors: Hypertension that does not require drug therapy, Body Mass Index between 95th percentile and 97th percentile, HDL< 40 mg/dL

Moderate risk conditions: Kawasaki disease with regressed coronary aneurysms, chronic inflammatory disease (systemic lupus erythematosus, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis), HIV infection, nephrotic syndrome


The Guidelines recommend using relatively high thresholds to designate abnormal levels in conjunction with taking the average of multiple lipid values to help avoid misclassification and errors from regression to the mean. The NHLBI guidelines reflect the age-specific distribution of lipid levels while at the same time mirroring the acceptable lipid values category groupings of the Adult Treatment Panel III/National Cholesterol Education Program (Table 3). The key CARDIAC study assessed selective versus universal lipid screening in a general population of more than 20,000 5th graders in West Virginia. Of these more than 70% met NCEP guidelines for selective lipid screening (41). Of those with mildly elevated LDL over 130mg/dL, NCEP guideline based testing did not capture 30% of cases. Of those with LDL at or over 160 mg/dL, NCEP guidelines missed 37% of affected children. Therefore, universal lipid screening identifies children with either a modest or more marked elevations in LDL-C than selective screening. Universal screening becomes an attractive method to detect both genetic and lifestyle related dyslipidemias when considering parental lack of understanding about lipid levels, the ability of lipid lowering medications to prevent CVD events and treat lipid levels in affected parents, or a parent’s refusal to examine their own cholesterol levels hindering screening programs contingent on other exigencies (42-45). The NHLBI guidelines refine the universal screening to apply in age strata around age 10 primarily to detect genetic dyslipidemias and around age 18 when patient-driven lifestyle habits have been established and modifications can still occur just prior to the transition to full adult independence. On balance, lipid disorders appear to be accurately assessed through a simple investigation that can be repeated on multiple occasions.


TABLE 3. NHLBI Guideline Lipid Thresholds by Age (mg/dL)





Total Cholesterol


Young Adults










LDL Cholesterol


Young Adults










Non-HDL Cholesterol


Young Adults











0-9 years

10-19 years

Young Adults













HDL Cholesterol


Young Adults













Lipid disorders also appear to be a treatable phenomenon. Compelling data from Braamskamp et al compared FH offspring who have been treated with statins from an early age followed to age 30 years with their parents until age 30. A dramatic separation in freedom from coronary event curves were seen with cumulative coronary event incidence of 25% in parents while only 1 offspring had an event. The presumed difference between these two genetically comparable groups is the youth age use of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase (statins). Indeed, the one event in offspring occurred in a youth who self-discontinued therapy. These results suggest long-term LDL-C reduction is beneficial in delaying events (46). That data has recently been extended to show protection through age 40. The effect of statins in treating LDL-C levels has been examined in randomized, placebo-controlled, clinical trials of FH children and found to be safe and efficacious. RCTs in children with FH age 8 to 17 years show those in the statin group had regression of carotid IMT thickness (cIMT) while the placebo group was stable or worsened. In young FH adults, statin use has led to a substantial reduction in coronary mortality (27,28,36,37,47). In the CHARON study children age 6-9, 10-13 and 14-17 treated with rosuvastatin showed LDL level reduction by 43%, 45% and 35% respectively. There were no serious adverse events related to treatment and no deleterious effects on growth or sexual maturation (48). An elegant combined meta-analysis of randomized control trials trial-duration statin therapy was compared to meta-analyzed LDL-lowering genetic mutations on CVD events (49). CVD prevention per unit LDL decrease was several fold more effective by genetic polymorphism than by pharmacologic intervention. The implication was that the degree of LDL lowering was synergistically enhanced by the amount of time spent at a reduced LDL concentration (15,50). Another recent study comparing cholesterol at various ages in adulthood found lowering had better outcomes when occurring earlier in life. (51) On balance observational data abounds on the safety and efficacy of pharmacologic LDL lowering in hyperlipidemia.


With respect to dietary modification in LDL-C patients, a key study in pediatric practice was the Dietary Intervention Study in Children which delivered a low total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol message to 7–10-year-olds with elevated LDL. The trial successfully lowered LDL roughly 10% from baseline (52). The STRIP trial provided similar messaging into the infant age group with similar long-term results and no safety concerns throughout younger childhood (53). While it is true that meta-analytic data from adults suggests that dietary quality alterations are not associated with elevated CVD event risk, broad-based adult cohort studied are inappropriately applied to subpopulations presenting early in life with markedly abnormal lipid values (12). In addition, the NHLBI guidelines pursue primordial prevention by recommending for all children a widely accepted sensible diet approach which moderates simple carbohydrates, processed foods, and saturated fat as well as encourages vegetables and lean proteins.


Data on pharmacological or lifestyle modification in youth leading to CVD event reduction in adulthood are not yet available and are unlikely to be forthcoming given the logistical complexity and cost of clinical trials assessing CVD events in large numbers of children over several decades. In the absence of decades long trial data, the data previously quote on life course cholesterol levels are relevant. In addition, anthropological epidemiology demonstrates lower rates of CVD in cultures with habitually low cholesterol on a population basis (15). Additional supportive data comes from cost-effectiveness modeling. Identifying and treating patients with FH yields costs of about $7000/quality-adjusted life year, which generally falls into a willing-to-pay threshold of virtually every high per capita income and many middle per capita income nations (54). Although the additional costs of universal screening are not known, the benefits of earlier CVD prevention in high-risk individuals would be considerable as will cost savings (55). The inferences from lifestyle and pharmacotherapy data stands against a common criticism that youth are not the appropriate population for lipid management. Indeed data, however limited, suggests youth are indeed worthy of respect as persons and health conditions they accrue are also worthy of inspection and intervention.


For the highly prevalent, high TG-low HDL so-called atherogenic dyslipidemia, the primary treatment of lifestyle modification has been towards weight management (56-60). These studies have noted consistent relations between weight loss and improved TG and HDL that may persist for up to 5 years. Other data suggests that changes in dietary quality toward a lower carbohydrate intake may be effective in a trend towards TG reduction and HDL improvement. Some publications detail the dominant role of dietary quality recommendations without weight loss documenting a roughly one-third reduction in TG (61). Therefore, specific dietary quality modification can modify abnormal lipids without affecting weight immediately. These dyslipidemia-specific dietary modifications are effective but onerous for families and so should not be applied to the entire population. When motivated to avoid medication, youth and families may become more engaged.



Focusing on kids ratifies their status as individuals worthy of care independent of their parents. Focusing on kids may also boost identification of dyslipidemic family members in a reverse cascade. Pediatric lipid screening and especially universal screening are controversial despite demonstrated failures of selective screening and examination-based screening (62-64). First, it is highly likely that a very small number will be inappropriately labeled as abnormal lipids due to fluctuating levels during childhood. Second, since obesity increases the risk of abnormal lipid values, objections arise about classifying a multitude of children already psychologically vulnerable from an “abnormal” weight label, with an “abnormal” cholesterol label. Adding to the problems of these already disadvantaged youth makes the child even more demoralized. All providers are concerned about pediatric lipid patients being loosely prescribed statins. The NHLBI panel mandates lifestyle alterations as the primary response, but there is skepticism (64). A survey of US pediatricians in 2013-2014 showed that only 26% were well informed about the 2011 NHLBI guidelines and 68% never or rarely screen healthy 9- to 11-year olds. Instead, most providers screened based on family history of CVD or obesity. Most surprisingly, 62% and 89% believe that statins are appropriate for children and adolescents with LDL levels refractory to lifestyle modification but only 8% and 21% initiated statins (65).


Barriers to screening include health insurance availability and having a health care provider. Neither child’s age, family financial status, gender, obesity status, nor other health outcomes seemed to affect the likelihood of participating in lipid screening (41). Parents appeared to find lipid screening acceptable (66). However, in previous cascade screening programs of life-threatening FH where an index case leads to screening of 1st degree relatives, the prevalence of FH detected did not increase perhaps due to over 90% parents wanting possibly affected children to be screened but over 90% also wanting child testing to be done in the home (27,54,67,68). This preference has implications for lipid management logistics as well as inferences for parent preferences regarding minor children. Parental survey results in general population African-American families found most mothers of older children were in favor of cholesterol screening, but the majority of children with abnormal lipid levels did not return for follow-up due to doubts about test accuracy and the child’s anxiety or discomfort (69). Exacerbating the complicated parental attitudes are conflicted provider attitudes. Roughly three out of four providers believed future CVD risk could be prevented through pediatric lipid screening and treatment. But large majorities expressed lack of familiarity with pediatric lipid management while at the same time less than one-quarter would refer children to pediatric lipid specialists (70,71). So, lipid testing appears to be widely acceptable to families and providers, but with complex barriers to implementation.



Since lipid screening in children appears to satisfy all WHO criteria for screening, it would be useful to know the benefits of screening. Following on the results of the CARDIAC study, recent data details the era of selective screening up to the NHLBI guidelines of late 2011 (72-74). The first such study in the modern era showed lipid testing rates in a geographically dispersed managed health care system network from 2002 to 2012 actually appear to have decreased (72). The proportion detected with severe FH-level LDL elevation did increase over time, but the yearly detection rate and cumulative incidence of those identified were far below the expected proportion of the cohort with FH. Within those tested each year, the proportion detected with moderately high LDL elevation or low HDL increased 5- to 9-fold at a time when nationally representative general pediatric population data indicated HDL levels had generally risen and LDL levels declined. Increased detection of low HDL-C and declining cohort mean HDL-C level led to an inference that providers were selectively testing youth with higher risk of having lifestyle dyslipidemia. Among those tested, the proportion with FH-level LDL was more than double the classic prevalence of FH suggesting that providers may also have been selectively screening youth with high risk of genetic dyslipidemia. A separate study based on 3 other managed care populations showed roughly similar screening proportions over a 3-year frame from 2007 to 2010, when accounting for cohort exclusions (74). In contrast, a study from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) database showed an increasing trend in lipid testing, but with rates substantially lower than rates overall (73). The discrepancy may be related to NAMCS being composed of a national probability sample of physician self-reported data of outpatient encounters over a 1-week period. Using this approach, NAMCS data under-reports lipid testing by roughly 50% in adult patients (75). Moreover, the pediatric report included testing at well-child visits only and not subspecialty visits where high-risk youth may be more likely to be tested and treated (76).


Several studies have looked at screening after the promulgation of the 2011 NHLBI guidelines. Overall screening rates remain low but one study of patients in an ambulatory pediatric clinic demonstrated an increase in screening rates after 2011 from 17.1% to 20.1% (77). Other similar studies demonstrate no difference in screening patterns (78). Another study reviewed records from two pediatric clinics demonstrating only 27% adherence to the universal screening guidelines (79). With dismal screening rates many centers have implemented quality improvement efforts to increase screening rates. Peterson et al retrospectively reviewed charts of a general pediatric practice before and after guideline implementation, education initiatives, and EHR alerts demonstrating an increase in screening prevalence from 8.9% to 50% at the end of the study period (80). In a similar retrospective chart review an EHR prompt was created which required physicians to choose which lipid screening test was ordered or document why lipid screening was not performed. Lipid testing was also built into the 9, 10 and 11 year well child check order sets. With these efforts along with monthly data presentations by the QI team, authors showed a 64% increase in screening (81). In an alternate approach, a feasibility study on child-parent screening suggests testing at a well-child visit, particularly one where immunizations will be administered, as parents are primed for disease prevention (82).


Lipid screening does not necessarily lead to optimal outcomes. As noted, previous European data suggests a cascade screening approach did not substantively increase the prevalence of detected FH. In the CARDIAC universal screening study, parent telephone interviews were conducted between four and six weeks after screening. Only 40% of 342 respondents with at-risk children had made changes to their children’s diets in the immediate follow-up period and only 34% had modified physical activity (66). Data from the managed care network study showed that despite increased detection of severe dyslipidemia pharmacotherapy had not increased at all (72). The yearly rate of newly detected FH level LDL dwarfed the rate of pharmacotherapy initiation, signaling that screening for lipid abnormalities is not a panacea for improved lipid management. Finally, the International Childhood Cardiovascular Cohort Consortium found that incorporating lipid screening and clinical risk factor assessment provided a statistically significant improvement in prediction of cIMT in adulthood (83).



Pediatric lipid testing appears to satisfy multiple criteria to make it worthy of wide screening. It is acceptable, accurate, repeatable, and testing is widely available. The natural history is well understood and childhood is a clear period of mounting severity but still latent and modifiable through acceptable therapies including lifestyle modification and simple pharmacotherapy. Accumulated data suggests selective screening is ineffective at detecting relevant cases and in translation to robust therapies lending support for universal screening programs. But several aspects are worthy of attention and future study in pursuing lipid testing of youth. Several aspects bolstering the success of universal screening efforts have been enumerated by the CARDIAC study investigators. Informational materials managing expectations about what happens on screening day, the risk factors assessed in the program, and follow up after the screening is useful. Another paramount task is effectively processing screening results and facilitating referral to treatment facilities, which requires cooperation between local hospitals, laboratories, and testing site. Testing programs can be leveraged to discuss primordial prevention and primary prevention in testing site or other locations where relevant children and families are gathered. Lipid results can also be integrated into broader health screening report that includes not only other assessment results but also broadly applicable treatment recommendations. Integrated these previously documented features into ongoing or future programs would be of great utility. Moving forward additional data needs to be gathered on the broader effects of universal screening. These effects may include dyslipidemia cases detected, the referral to lifestyle modification practitioners, pharmacotherapy initiation, and effects of therapy on improving lipid levels. Longer term studies are needed to document the CVD event risk modification stemming from early life CVD risk factor modification. Determinants of lipid testing, dyslipidemia identification, and lipid therapy need to be determined including at the patient, family, provider, practice, and geographic levels. While it appears to be a worthwhile endeavor, more study is urgently needed on improving the implementation of pediatric lipid screening.




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Genetic Etiology of Congenital Hypopituitarism



Congenital hypopituitarism refers to a deficiency of one or more pituitary hormones resulting from issues in fetal development. Embryological pituitary development involves a complex interplay of transcription factors, extrinsic and intrinsic to the oral ectoderm and neuroectoderm which develop to form the mature pituitary during early embryogenesis. Disruption of this process can result in isolated pituitary dysfunction, or effect nearby structures, such as the eye, olfactory bulbs, midline structures, and forebrain. Genetic causes make up an important portion of cases and have varying phenotypes even within identical mutations. This chapter provides an overview of pituitary development, and various causes of hypopituitarism including septo-optic dysplasia, syndromic and non-syndromic causes, isolated pituitary deficiencies, and syndromes associated with hypopituitarism. It also provides guidance on the investigation of genetic causes of hypopituitarism in the current genetic landscape.




The pituitary gland can be thought of as the “hormonal control center” from which most endocrine organs are regulated. It is located in the sella turcica, posterior to the sphenoid sinus, inferior to the optic chiasm and the hypothalamus. The pituitary comprises 3 lobes, the anterior, intermediate and posterior.


The posterior lobe or neurohypophysis contains antidiuretic hormone (ADH or AVP) and oxytocin, contained in vesicles, as part of axonal projections from hypothalamic cells, known as the hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract. The intermediate lobe contains melanotrophs which produce alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (αMSH), although in humans is typically an embryological remnant and may not be present.


The anterior lobe or adenohypophysis contains 5 cell lines, producing 6 different hormones regulated by hypothalamic hormones via the hypophyseal portal system. Somatotrophs produce growth hormone (GH) while lactotrophs produce prolactin making up the somatomammotroph class of hormones. The glycoprotein hormone class consists of hormones with identical alpha subunits and different beta subunits, with thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) produced by thyrotroph cells, and gonadotroph cells producing follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Corticotroph cells produce adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH).


Growth hormone mediates its effect through induction of insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) from the liver and is critical for linear growth in the child. Prolactin stimulates development of the mammary gland and lactation and is typically quiescent outside of pregnancy or childrearing. TSH stimulates production of thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland, which regulates metabolic rate and is critical for growth and cognitive development in early childhood. FSH and LH support gonadal development, production of testosterone or estrogen, and maturation of gamete cells. ACTH stimulates production of cortisol which is an essential stress hormone and ADH regulates plasma osmolality by inducing resorption of water in the collecting duct of the kidney.


Congenital hypopituitarism refers to a deficiency of one or more pituitary hormones resulting from events during fetal development. This may be the result of genetic mutation, antenatal insult, or as is commonly the case, be idiopathic. Pituitary deficiencies may be detected during the neonatal period; however, in some individuals’ pituitary deficiencies may not manifest until later in childhood. Furthermore, the severity can be variable.


Hypopituitarism may be isolated, affecting one cell line (isolated hormone deficiency), or multiple, termed combined or multiple pituitary hormone deficiency (CPHD, MPHD). Pan-hypopituitarism is typically used to describe deficiency of all anterior pituitary hormones; however, in some cases this term may also include the presence of AVP deficiency. AVP (or ADH) deficiency is termed as central diabetes insipidus (DI) but is undergoing a formal process to change the name to AVP deficiency. The new name is preferred as it highlights both etiology and treatment, while avoiding confusion with diabetes mellitus. AVP deficiency may coexist with other deficiency’s or be isolated.


The incidence of isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) is reportedly 1 in 4000 live births (3), with CPHD also seen in 1 in 4000 live births (4), thus presenting an uncommon but important chronic condition.


Embryological pituitary development involves a complex interplay of transcription factors, extrinsic and intrinsic to the oral ectoderm and neuroectoderm which develop to form the mature pituitary. Disorders occurring during early development may affect nearby structures commonly the eye, olfactory bulbs, midline structures, and forebrain, whereas later events are typically isolated to pituitary abnormalities. Transcription factor gene defects have been demonstrated to cause different biochemical and structural forms of congenital hypopituitarism, although the majority of cases remain idiopathic. There is considerable phenotypic variability within known genetic causes of hypopituitarism, with some forms having incomplete penetrance, and presentation ranging from asymptomatic, to severe neonatal onset forms. This review discusses the clinical phenotypes of various genetic anomalies associated with hypopituitarism. Clinical manifestations and investigation of hypopituitarism are discussed in the “Hypopituitarism” chapter of Endotext.


This chapter will present an overview of the embryology of pituitary development before discussing the genetic causes of hypopituitarism. It will firstly discuss genes that cause septo-optic dysplasia, before discussing genes that cause other clinical phenotypes and hypopituitarism. After describing the genes associated with non-syndromic hypopituitarism, and isolated hormone deficiencies we will discuss other syndromes where hypopituitarism may be part of the phenotype. Each gene is described within the subheading that they most typically present; however, due to phenotypic variability some genes can present in multiple categories. For example, PROKR2 mutation classically causes isolated hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, but can result in non-syndromic CPHD or septo-optic dysplasia in some cases (5-8). The information within this review is up to date as of May 2022; however, understanding of these genes continues to progress.

Figure 1. Stages of rodent pituitary development. (a) Oral ectoderm. (b) Rudimentary pouch. (c) Definitive pouch. (d) Adult pituitary gland. I infundibulum; NP neural plate; Nnotochord; PP pituitary placode; OM oral membrane; H heart; F forebrain; MB midbrain; HB hindbrain; RP Rathke's pouch; AN anterior neural pore; O oral cavity; PL posterior lobe; OC optic chiasm; P pontine flexure; PO pons; IL intermediate lobe; AL anterior lobe; DI diencephalon; SC sphenoid cartilage. Adapted from Sheng and Westphal, Trends in Genetics 1999;15:236-240, with permission (2).



Pituitary gland development is classically expressed based on timing with murine development. The pituitary gland forms from the hypophyseal placode on the anterior neural ridge of the neural plate (evident embryonic (E) day 7.5 in the mouse model). Ventral displacement leads to the formation of the oral ectoderm and the roof of the mouth. A portion of this ectoderm thickens (E8.5) before invaginating rostrally at E9. At E9.5, corresponding with 4 weeks gestation, this migrates dorsally resulting in a cone shape, known as the rudimentary Rathke’s pouch. This continues to thicken with increased rostral mitosis spreading into the mesenchyme. Following ongoing proliferation, it separates from the oral ectoderm at E12.5 (approximately 6 weeks gestation). Hormonal cell progenitors arise from ventral proliferation forming the anterior pituitary. (Figure 1) The somatotrophs arise caudomedially, gonadotrophs rostroventrally and corticotrophs ventrally. The dorsal aspect later adjoins the descending infundibulum and remains thin (Intermediate lobe) (9).


Throughout this process the tissue is in contact with the neural plate neuroectoderm, at the base of the developing diencephalon. This neuroectoderm evaginates and progress dorsally to form the posterior pituitary. The tissue immediately ventral to this evagination forms the optic chiasm. The diencephalon develops throughout this process to form the hypothalamus (9).


The olfactory placode forms immediately lateral to the hypophyseal placode on the neural plate. These cells form the olfactory bulb but also the GnRH secreting cells which migrate to the forebrain from 6 weeks gestation, progressing to the hypothalamus by week 15. Axons from these cells extend into the hypothalamic portal system allowing regulation of gonadotroph cells (10-12). The optic nerve origin and optic chiasm develop from the neuroectoderm immediately anterior to the posterior pituitary, which has a complex interplay with some causes of hypopituitarism (13).


Correlation of pituitary development in mice to humans is difficult. Whilst pluripotent stem cells have been induced to form hypothalamic and anterior pituitary cells, the complex interplay of transcription factors, as well as interaction from other anatomical structures, mean these methods cannot give us a clear timeline in humans (14). Historical embryo samples demonstrate the formation of Rathke’s pouch by week 4, with interruption of connection to the oral cavity by week 6 with the anterior pituitary fully differentiated by 16 weeks (15).


Using hormone expression to correlate these two embryonic timelines, humans start producing GH, FSH, LH and ACTH at 8 weeks gestation, with TSH and prolactin at 13 weeks (9). Somatotrophs make up 50% of the cellular composition of the anterior pituitary, with 15-20% of cells being lactotrophs, 5% thyrotropes, 10-15% gonadotrophs and 15-20% corticotrophs (16) (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Structural development of pituitary. Lateral representation of process of oral and neuroectoderm folding. Cross-sectional representation of hormone producing pituitary cell groups. Adapted from Larkin S. et al, Endotext (1).

Various transcription factors are involved in coordinating these processes and gene mutation can result in underdevelopment or arrest of pituitary development. Figure 3 summarizes the temporal expression of various transcription factors within the pituitary. Abnormalities in genes expressed early in development such as SOX2, HESX1 and GLI2 more frequently effect other nearby structures, whereas those expressed later such as PROP1 and POU1F1 typically have localized effects. Transcription factors may be induced, upregulated or downregulated by multiple other transcription factors and the degree and site of expression can vary across the embryological development. For a diagrammatic overview of the role each transcription factor plays in pituitary development please see figure 1 of the 2020 JCEM review by Gregory L and Dattani M (4).

Figure 3. Timing of gene expression of transcription factors implicated in combined hypopituitarism.

Disruptions to this cascade of transcription factors causes a range of structural phenotypes, varying from a normal pituitary appearance, to anterior pituitary hypoplasia or agenesis. The infundibulum/pituitary stalk may be thin or absent and the posterior pituitary may be hypoplastic, absent, or ectopic. The combination of anterior pituitary hypoplasia (APH), infundibular thinning/absence, and ectopic posterior pituitary (EPP), is known as pituitary stalk interruption syndrome (PSIS) (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Lateral appearance of structural pituitary phenotypes. Adapted from Larkin et al, Endotext (1).



Septo-optic dysplasia (SOD) is defined by the presence of two or more of: optic nerve hypoplasia, hypopituitarism, and midline defects (agenesis of the corpus callosum or septum pellucidum) forming a clinical triad. SOD is a rare condition with incidence estimates between 1 in 9,000 to 1 in 40,000 (17,18). The association between hypopituitarism and optic nerve hypoplasia relates to the embryological origin of the optic chiasm being immediately anterior to the infundibular tissue, thus an insult at this location can interrupt both pathways. The phenotype is highly variable even in familial SOD (13). Although several genetic causes have been identified, these make up less than 10% of cases of SOD, and are summarized in Table 1 (19). Septo-optic dysplasia is commonly seen in young primiparous mothers (20) and while antenatal exposure to alcohol and drug use have been suggested, there is a lack of evidence to support causality (21).


Optic nerve hypoplasia (ONH) is typically bilateral (80-90%) with midline defects typically being septum pellucidum (85%) or corpus callosum (30%) hypoplasia or aplasia (21). 55-80% of cases have pituitary hormone deficiency, with growth hormone (GHD) and TSH deficiency (TSHD) being the most common deficiencies, followed by ACTH. Diabetes insipidus and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (HH) are found in less than 30% of hormone deficient cases (22-25). Approximately half of these hormone deficiencies are detected in the first 2 years of life and can present with severe neonatal hypoglycemia and cardiovascular instability, with the remainder of cases presenting across childhood to adolescence. The degree of deficiency is also noted to progress over time (22). Children with SOD typically have at least some degree of visual impairment, with 44- 80% being legally blind (22,26), while epilepsy and behavioral issues can be seen in approximately a quarter of patients, and cognitive impairment in 42.5% (22). Recently, 31% of cases were found to be obese despite therapy, suggesting the contribution of hypothalamic obesity (22).




HESX1 is a member of the paired-like class of homeobox genes, located on chromosome 3p14.3 with autosomal dominant and recessive mutations described, making up approximately 1% of septo-optic dysplasia cases (19,27).


It appears from E8.5 through to E13.5 in the ventral diencephalon and oral ectoderm (28). HESX1 regulates the structural organization of the pituitary and interacts with the infundibulum and surrounding tissues through repressing transcription. Murine studies suggest absence typically does not prevent Rathke’s pouch/anterior pituitary formation (5%) but can result in polypituitary. It is suggested HESX1 regulates the regional expression of LHX3, PROP1, FGF8 and FGF10, preventing excessive expansion of the pituitary (19). HESX1 is upregulated by OTX2 and LHX3 transcription factors while being repressed by FGF8 and PROP1 (28,29).


Dattani et al. described a sibling pair with consanguineous parents, with a homozygous (R160C) HESX1 mutation in the late 1990’s. The SOD phenotype comprised optic nerve hypoplasia, midline defects (absent corpus callosum (CC) and septum pellucidum (SP)), ectopic posterior pituitary and anterior pituitary hypoplasia with hypopituitarism (30). Subsequent reports indicate that HESX1 mutation results in the complete SOD triad in approximately 30% of cases with ophthalmic changes including anophthalmia, microphthalmia, optic nerve hypoplasia and optic nerve aplasia (28,31). The majority of HESX1 pathogenic variants manifest GHD, with variability in deficiency of the other anterior hormones and ADH deficiency being uncommon. MRI appearance varies from normal to posterior pituitary ectopia and anterior pituitary hypoplasia in affected individuals (19). It is also associated with hypoplastic nasal cavities/olfactory bulbs and underdevelopment of the forebrain (28).


Autosomal dominant forms typically cause a milder phenotype, with undescended posterior pituitary and GHD, but phenotype-genotype correlation is poor (19). Penetrance is variable with asymptomatic parents and siblings being reported and midline defects and optic nerve anomalies absent in some cases (31,32). Testing of 217 patients with Kallmann syndrome (hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (HH) and anosmia) revealed 1.4% had a mutation of HESX1 and normal pituitary on imaging (33).




SOX2 and SOX3 are from the SOX (SRY-related high mobility group HMG Box) family of transcription factors and are both single exon genes that are expressed early in development and decline as cells differentiate. SOX 2 is located on chromosome 3q26.33 with autosomal dominant expression and cause 10-15% of microphthalmia and anophthalmia cases (19,34).


SOX2 is expressed during the morula stage, E2.5 but from gastrulation is restricted to the presumptive neuroectoderm, and E9.5 is found in the brain, CNS, sensory placodes, in the branchial arches, esophagus and trachea (28). At E11.5 it is expressed throughout Rathke’s pouch but from E18.5 is restricted to the intermediate lobe(35). In humans it is expressed within the developing anterior pituitary from weeks 3.5-9 and in the diencephalon but not in the neurohypophysis or infundibulum (19).


In 2006 Williamson et al. described heterozygous de novo mutations of SOX2 causing bilateral anophthalmia or severe microphthalmia associated with developmental delay, esophageal atresia and genital anomalies (36). Later that year, Kelberman et al. reported the association of SOX2 with HH, GHD and anterior pituitary hypoplasia (37). A cohort of 18 participants with SOX2 mutation showed 33% (6/18) had short stature or GHD, and 44% (8/18) had genital anomalies or hypogonadism (38).


Alongside hypoplastic anterior pituitary, hypothalamic hamartomas and corpus callosum abnormalities are often seen, as are hippocampus anomalies, sensorineural hearing loss, learning difficulties and cognitive impairment. The vast majority have anophthalmia in at least one eye, but milder cases have microphthalmia, coloboma and optic nerve hypoplasia, with normal ocular structures seen very rarely (34). SOX2 mutations are associated with esophageal/tracheal abnormalities and underdeveloped genitalia known as Anophthalmia-Esophageal-Genital (AEG) syndrome. Micropenis and cryptorchidism are commonly seen, and while genital anomalies are noted less commonly in females, they can be severe, with some cases having vaginal agenesis (28).


Anophthalmia or microphthalmia with esophageal abnormalities, sensorineural hearing loss or GHD and HH should raise the question of a SOX2 mutation for a clinician. Given the autosomal dominant inheritance, detection would be critical for family planning for both the patient and their parents.




SOX3 gene is found at Xq27 causing X-linked recessive inheritance found to cause 0.2% of all GH deficient cases (28,39). SOX3 is expressed throughout the central nervous system during embryonic development.


It is first expressed at E6.5 but is rapidly restricted to the anterior ectoderm, and to the presumptive neuroectoderm. It is highly expressed in the infundibulum and presumptive hypothalamus but not in Rathke’s pouch (28).


SOX3 supports development of the hypothalamus and infundibulum as well as the development of the AP. Absence results in thinning of the infundibulum, which is thought to reduce expression of other genes involved with supporting pituitary proliferation. As a result, Rathke’s pouch is initially expanded but eventually the anterior pituitary becomes hypoplastic. It is important in confining the expression of FGF8 and BMP4, preventing excessive activity. Interestingly, duplications of SOX3 are also associated with similar phenotypes to those with non-functional mutations (typically polyalanine expansions). This suggests that correct dose of SOX3 is required for optimal embryonic development (28).


In 2002, Laumonnier et al. described a boy with IGHD and learning difficulties associated with a SOX3 mutation (40). Subsequently, GHD has been found in affected males and is associated with developmental delay or cognitive impairment of varying severity. One family of 5 affected females with short stature and language/ hearing impairment has been described (28). Other concurrent pituitary hormone deficiencies are present with variable frequency with panhypopituitarism described in some cases (28).


MRI findings include absent corpus callosum and absent or hypoplastic infundibulum and ectopic posterior pituitary, with cognitive impairment and learning difficulties also reported. SOX3 is not associated with optic nerve hypoplasia and has not been reported in patients with the complete SOD triad. Craniofacial abnormalities were reported frequently in murine models but are rare in human populations and 1 case of spina bifida has been reported (28).


Patients with an x-linked pattern of inheritance, and isolated GHD or CPHD should raise clinical suspicion for SOX3 mutation.




Orthodentic Homeobox 2 (OTX2) is critical for anterior structure development and forebrain maintenance (28). It is located on chromosome 14q22.3 with an autosomal dominant inheritance that has been detected in 2-3% of cases of anophthalmia/microphthalmia and can be associated with hypopituitarism (29,38,41).


From E10.5 OTX2 is strongly expressed in the neurohypophysis and hypothalamus but the expression in Rathke’s pouch is minimal. Expression continues until E16.5 but is silenced by E12.5. Knockout within Rathke’s pouch caused no abnormalities in pituitary development or function (42). OTX2 deficiency results in decreased posterior lobe and pituitary stalk development and secondary anterior lobe hypoplasia. This is mediated through failure of FGF10 production, resulting in the hypoplastic anterior pituitary, but with normal cell differentiation (42). It is also important for upregulating HESX1 and POU1F1 (29).


Isolated GHD is classical for OTX2 mutations but CPHD, typically TSHD or HH and panhypopituitarism have been described. Imaging typically demonstrates ectopic or absent posterior pituitary with hypoplastic or normal anterior pituitary but may be normal (28,41). Ocular manifestations vary from anophthalmia/microphthalmia, to optic nerve hypoplasia or retinal dystrophy, with normal ocular phenotype also described. Additional anomalies are rarely reported (41).


OTX2 abnormalities should be considered in cases of anophthalmia/microphthalmia and hypopituitarism. Posterior pituitary anomalies and absence of extracranial features may differentiate from SOX2 mutations (28,41).




Other genes known to be associated with anophthalmia/microphthalmia have been shown to causes septo-optic dysplasia and hypopituitarism. PAX6 is located on chromosome 11p13 and is inherited in autosomal dominant pattern with incomplete penetrance (43). In murine pituitary development, PAX6 is expressed in the dorsal side of Rathke’s pouch from E9-12.5 and establishes the ventral-dorsal cell boundaries (44). It has a major role in early eye development, classically causing aniridia, with optic nerve anomalies including hypoplasia or microphthalmia or anophthalmia also described (43). Over 500 cases of PAX6 mutation have been described with only four cases of hypopituitarism, including isolated ACTH deficiency in one, GH deficiency in the remainder, two of which had plausible HH. Two were noted to have a hypoplastic pituitary (45-47). Thus, PAX6 is a rare cause of hypopituitarism in patients with eye abnormalities and may present with SOD.




The RAX gene found on chromosome 18q21.32 is involved in forebrain and eye development and is inherited in an autosomal recessive nature. In humans, it is associated with anophthalmia, microphthalmia and palatal anomalies and is present in approximately 3% of anophthalmia/microphthalmia cases (38). One patient to date with a severe mutation had anterior and posterior pituitary agenesis on MRI resulting in panhypopituitarism, but other patients have not been found to have pituitary anomalies (48).




The transcription factor 7-like 1 (TCF7L1) gene on chromosome 2p11.2 is a transcription regulator gene, important for brain development through WNT/β-catenin signaling pathway. Heterozygous mutations of TCF7L1 have been identified in 2 SOD patients, 1 of whom had GHD and ACTHD and MRI demonstrating ONH, anterior pituitary hypoplasia and absent posterior pituitary (49).


Other Genes


GLI2, BMP4, TBC1D32, PROKR2, FGF8, FGFR1 mutations are also associated with SOD but are described later as this is not their typical phenotype. Genes causing SOD are summarized in Table 1.


Table 1. Genes Associated with Septo-Optic Dysplasia


Inheritance/ prevalence

Ocular Phenotype

Pituitary appearance

Pituitary deficiencies

Other Features


Chr 3p14.3

AD/AR (incomplete penetrance)

1% of SOD




ACTH + ADH less common

CC/SP changes, hypoplastic olfactory, underdeveloped forebrain


Chr 3q26.33


10-15% of AO/MO


APH, hypothalamic hamartoma


CC changes, SNHL, ID,
esophageal anomalies, genital anomalies


Chr Xq27


0.4% of IGHD


Thin infundibulum, EPP, APH, PSIS


CPHD uncommon

CC changes, ID


Chr 14q22.3


3% of AO/MO

AO/MO, ONH, retinal dystrophy




ACTH less common



Chr 11p13



Aniridia, ONH, AO/MO





ASD, ADHD, obesity, diabetes mellitus




3% of AO/MO





Palate changes


Chr 2p11.2




Normal, APH, absent posterior pituitary


CC/SP changes




1-13% of CPHD





SP/CC changes, polydactyly, midface hypoplasia, cleft palate/lip, HPE


Chr 14q22-23






Myopia, cleft palate/lip, polydactyly



Chr 6q22.31




APH, EPP or absent pituitary


Oro-facial-digital syndrome, CC agenesis


Chr 20p12.3


5-23% of HH






Chr 10q24


1% of HH






Chr 8p11.2p12


5-11% of HH




Split hand/foot malformation

AD – Autosomal Dominant, ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, AO – Anophthalmia, APH – Anterior Pituitary Hypoplasia, AR – Autosomal Recessive, ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorder, CC– Corpus Callosum, CPHD - Combined Pituitary Hormone Deficiency, EPP – Ectopic Posterior Pituitary, HH – Hypogonadotrophic Hypogonadism, HPE – Holoprosencephaly, ID – Intellectual Disability, MO – Microphthalmia, ONH – Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, PSIS – Pituitary Stalk Interruption Syndrome, SP – Septum Pellucidum, SNHL – Sensorineural Hearing Loss, VACTERL – Vertebral defects, Anal atresia, Cardiac defects, Tracheo-esophageal fistula, Renal anomalies, and Limb abnormalities.




Septo-optic dysplasia is the most common syndromic presentation of hypopituitarism. Other genes causing hypopituitarism, which do not typically cause optic nerve hypoplasia are discussed below, although GLI2 and BMP4 may present with SOD. Syndromic causes of hypopituitarism are summarized in Table 3.




The LIM homeobox proteins LHX3 and LHX4 are expressed in early development and have a co-dependent role in supporting pituitary development. The LHX3 gene located on chromosome 9q34.3 has autosomal recessive expression and is seen in 0.5-1.2% of hypopituitarism cases (39,50,51).


LHX3 is first expressed in Rathke’s pouch at E9.5 following induction by FGF8 and by E12.5 is predominantly expressed in the dorsal aspect of the pouch. LHX3 is also expressed in the ventral hindbrain, inner ear and spinal cord, and is upregulated by LHX4 in the pituitary and SOX2 in the inner ear. LHX3 is expressed in the anterior and intermediate pituitary throughout development, persisting into adulthood and is thus thought to have a role in maintaining some of the cell types. In LHX3 null mice, Rathke’s pouch is initially formed, but regresses resulting in aplasia of the anterior and intermediate lobes, which is at least in part due to failure to support HESX1 and POU1F1 production. LHX3 is critical for maturation of Rathke’s pouch into the anterior pituitary and regulates differentiation of all anterior cell lines, although corticotrophs are somewhat preserved (52).


As a result, LHX3 mutations commonly cause CPHD or panhypopituitarism, with ACTH production normal in approximately half. Children typically present with CPHD at birth but milder phenotypes of developing hypopituitarism throughout childhood are described. A variable appearance is seen on imaging, ranging from normal (10%) to aplasia or hyperplasia, with one case having a microadenoma type appearance (53). Sensorineural hearing loss is seen in up to 50% of cases as LHX3 is present in a restricted region of the inner ear in tandem with SOX2. Intellectual or learning difficulties are reported in 38% of cases (51). A short stiff neck with limited rotation is seen in approximately 70% of cases, with other vertebral anomalies such as scoliosis seen in approximately 50% of cases. Respiratory distress has occasionally been described (54,55).


LHX3 should be suspected in patients with early-onset CPHD with a stiff neck and/or hearing impairment. Neonatal respiratory distress is a rare but important association that may also point to LHX3 mutation.




The LHX4 gene is found at chromosome 1q25.2 with autosomal dominant expression causing 0.9-1.4% of hypopituitarism cases (50,56).


LHX4 is expressed in Rathke’s pouch from E9.5 like LHX3; however, by E12.5 it is restricted to the anterior lobe. It also expressed in hindbrain, cerebral cortex and spinal cord tissues. LHX4 and LHX3 work in tandem to support specialization of pituitary cells and LHX4 is important for upregulating LHX3 and POU1F1 and ensuring correct timing of this induction. Thus, LHX4 deficiency may result in an element of LHX3 deficiency and causes a hypoplastic anterior pituitary with appropriate cell differentiation but reduced numbers of hormone producing cells (2,57-59).


Like in LHX3, LHX4 also typically results in CPHD, but milder presentations, including transient isolated GHD, have been reported (56). One family of recessive lethal LHX4 has been reported with severe combined hypopituitarism and fatal respiratory distress thought to be secondary to their hypopituitarism (60). Appearances are again variable on imaging; ectopic posterior pituitary is common with the anterior pituitary ranging from normal to aplasia. Chiari 1 malformation is also associated but likely represents a minority of cases (56). Cardiac defects have been reported in 2 cases and respiratory distress in 4 cases (56,60-62). Penetrance is variable with asymptomatic effected parents being a common occurrence (56).


LHX4 mutation should be considered in patients with Chiari malformation or respiratory/cardiac defects in a patient with hypopituitarism.




The GLI2 gene is a zinc finger transcription factor found on chromosome 2q14.2 and has an autosomal dominant inheritance with incomplete penetrance (63). Whilst prevalence has been reported in as many of 13.6% of cases of hypopituitarism, other cohorts have found it to be rare (<1%) (39,63).


GLI2 is expressed in the ventral diencephalon, where it induces BMP4 and FGF8 and is present in the oral ectoderm and Rathke’s pouch from E8.5, where it is important for mediating SHH (Sonic Hedgehog) response. GLI2 is important for supporting pituitary progenitor proliferation and its absence results in reduced pituitary cell numbers, particularly corticotrophs, somatotrophs and lactotrophs, but appropriate differentiation of cells in general (64).


GLI2 has been shown to mediate SHH effect and causes of holoprosencephaly (HPE) are commonly known to affect SHH. In 2003, Roessler et al. identified GLI2 gene mutations in 7 out of 390 patients meeting HPE criteria (65); however, this has since been shown to be an uncommon manifestation GLI2 (66). A study of 112 cases with GLI2 mutations found only three children with holoprosencephaly, and one of whom had an alternative causative gene detected. This study showed that of those with a truncated GLI2 mutation, 62% had pituitary abnormalities and polydactyly and only 15% did not have either anomaly. 58% of those with non-truncated variants had hypopituitarism. 13% had midface hypoplasia with 16% having cleft palate/lip (66). Unlike other causes of holoprosencephaly, GLI2 typically manifests with anterior pituitary anomalies, particularly GH and ACTH deficiency (63).


MRI findings vary, including optic nerve hypoplasia, septum pellucidum or corpus callosum hypoplasia/agenesis, anterior pituitary hypoplasia, ectopic posterior pituitary or PSIS. Thus SOD, PSIS, and rarely HPE are all plausible manifestations of GLI2 mutation (67).


The presence of anterior pituitary deficiency and polydactyly or midface abnormalities/central incisor should raise suspicion for GLI2 and trigger further investigation.




Heterozygous mutation of another zinc finger transcription factor GLI3 found on chromosome 7p14.1, results in Pallister-Hall syndrome which presents with mesoaxial polydactyly and hypothalamic hamartoma (68). In mouse studies, GLI3 is not critical for pituitary or hypothalamic development or differentiation, but if combined with GLI2 mutation, the phenotype is more severe than GLI2 anomalies alone (64,69). Mutation in the amino-terminal third of the GLI3 gene results in Greig Cephalosyndactyly syndrome, associated with polydactyly, macrocephaly and hypotelorism, without hypothalamic abnormalities, with Pallister Hall being caused by mutations in the middle third of the gene (70).


In 1980 Hall and Pallister et al. described 6 cases with hypothalamic hamartoma, panhypopituitarism, postaxial polydactyly and imperforate anus, with lethality in all cases (71). Since this time, milder/non-lethal familial forms have been denoted, with the pituitary phenotype varying from normal pituitary function to isolated GHD and panhypopituitarism, thus all cases should be assessed for pituitary dysfunction (72). As with other causes of hypothalamic hamartoma, central precocious puberty can also be associated and should be monitored for (68).


Hypopituitarism Associated With Holoprosencephaly


The prosencephalon cleaves into right and left hemispheres between day 18 and 28 gestation in humans. Failure of this process results in holoprosencephaly (HPE) of varying degrees with lobar holoprosencephaly having separated 3rd ventricles with a connection within the frontal cortex, semilobarholoprosencephaly being partially separated and alobarholoprosencephaly having a continuous single anterior ventricle. (Figure 5) Facial development is affected by the same process and can cause hypotelorism or cleft palate, but also severe cases may have anophthalmia or cyclopia with a superiorly displaced proboscis. Holoprosencephaly is present in 1 in 250 embryos’ but there is a high rate of fetal demise. It is estimated to occur in 1 in 8,000-16,000 live births (73).

Figure 5. Types of holoprosencephaly.

Other associated midline defects include underdevelopment of olfactory bulbs and corpus callosum, single midline maxillary incisor and hypoplastic pituitary or ectopic posterior pituitary. Holoprosencephaly is associated with anterior hypopituitarism in 5-10% of cases, with 70% having diabetes insipidus (DI) (74).


Many cases are caused by trisomy 13 making up 40-60% of all causes with a genetic anomaly, trisomy 18 and triploidy are also associated. Sonic hedgehog and ZIC2 mutations make up 5% of non-syndromic cases each. Importantly, structural chromosomal anomalies in almost all chromosomes have been shown to cause holoprosencephaly (75,76).


The SHH gene on chromosome 7q36 is critical for early development of the CNS, particularly the forebrain and is present in the notochord, neural tube and posterior limb buds of the gut. It is a major gene implicated in holoprosencephaly and its effect is mediated through other transcription factors, many of which have been demonstrated to cause HPE shown in Table 2 (73).


There is limited data regarding the rates of anterior pituitary dysfunction with each gene type although cases in SHH and ZIC2 have been reported (67,77).


Table 2. Genes Associated with Holoprosencephaly and Hypopituitarism



% of HPE

Other Features




Renal-urinary anomalies




Renal-urinary anomalies




Typically, severe HPE phenotype




Wide spectrum of severity




CHD, renal dysplasia, radial defects, gallbladder agenesis

CHD – Congenital Heart Disease, HPE – Holoprosencephaly. Adapted from Tekendo-Ngongang C, et al. Holoprosencephaly Overview. GeneReviews. 2020 (76).


Pituitary Stalk Interruption Syndrome


Pituitary stalk interruption syndrome (PSIS) is a triad of a thin/absent pituitary stalk, ectopic posterior pituitary and aplasia/hypoplasia of the anterior pituitary (Figure 6). SHH and other downstream genes of the SHH signaling pathway, including SIX3, TGIF, CDON and GPR161 have all been reported in 1-2 cases with PSIS and CPHD, without holoprosencephaly (76,78-82). Other causes of hypopituitarism that have been associated include POU1F1, PROP1, LHX3, LHX4, HESX1, SOX3, OTX2, PROKR2 and FOXA2. 100% of patients have been GHD in large case series with gonadotrophin, ACTH and TSH deficiencies in the majority and hyperprolactinemia in a minority (83).

Figure 6. Lateral appearance of pituitary stalk interruption syndrome (PSIS). Adapted from Larkin S. et al, Endotext (1).



Heterozygous ROBO1 gene mutations (found on chromosome 3p12.3) has been described in 5 patients with PSIS, with a 6th case of homozygous mutation (84,85). Ocular anomalies, including hypermetropia and ptosis were also seen, but penetrance was incomplete with unaffected parents in some cases. Combined GHD and TSHD, and a case of panhypopituitarism have been described (84).




The forkhead box A2 (FOXA2) gene is found on chromosome 20p11.21 with dominant or de novo inheritance (86). FOXA2 regulates expression of GLI2 and SHH and mutations of the FOXA2 gene and 20p11 deletions have been reported to cause hypopituitarism (87-89). Imaging demonstrates anterior pituitary hypoplasia, absent or ectopic posterior pituitary and absent or thin pituitary stalk (86,90). FOXA2 is also involved in regulation of the ABCC8 and KCNJ11 genes, critical for the K-ATP channels in pancreatic beta-cells, and mutation has been shown to cause congenital hyperinsulinism (91). Other phenotypic features include craniofacial dysmorphism, choroidal coloboma and malformations of the liver, lung and heart (90,92,93).




Mutations in the EIF2S3 gene found on chromosome Xp22.11, result in the MEHMO syndrome (Mental retardation, Epileptic seizures, Hypogenitalism, Microcephaly and Obesity). EIF2S3 is expressed in the pituitary and hypothalamus during embryological development (94). Mutation typically results in GHD, and panhypopituitarism has been described (94,95). Imaging typically demonstrates corpus callosum thinning and either normal, or hypoplastic anterior pituitary (94).




Bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) gene is found on chromosome 14q22-q23 with dominant inheritance and incomplete penetrance (70). BMP4 is expressed in the diencephalon and infundibulum from E8.5, and absence results in failure of pituitary placode and Rathke’s pouch development in mouse studies (96). Mutations are frequently associated with anophthalmia/microphthalmia, cleft lip/palate and polydactyly/syndactyly. In 2018 Rodríguez-Contreras et al. reported a pathogenic BMP4 mutation in a boy with GH and TSH deficiency and myopia, but further cases have not yet been described (97).




Chromosome 15q25.1 is the locus for the aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 2 (ARNT2) gene and has autosomal recessive inheritance. ARNT2 is expressed in the developing anterior and posterior pituitary and hypothalamus and mutations result in CPHD with diabetes insipidus. Pituitary imaging demonstrates absent posterior pituitary bright spot with stalk thinning and a hypoplastic anterior pituitary. It is also associated with postnatal microcephaly, hypoplastic frontal and temporal lobes, renal anomalies and vision impairment (98).




The TBC1 domain family member 32 (TBC1D32) gene is found at Chromosome 6q22.31 and results in disease with an autosomal recessive inheritance. TBC2D32 is expressed in the developing hypothalamus and Rathke’s pouch and is involved in SHH signaling and ciliary functioning. Isolated GHD or panhypopituitarism were found in the limited cases reported to date. Anterior pituitary hypoplasia or aplasia is described with ectopic or absent posterior pituitary as is partial agenesis of the corpus callosum and optic chiasm hypoplasia. Other phenotypic features include oral anomalies (cleft palate), facial dysmorphism (hypertelorism/cleft lip) and limb anomalies (polydactyly/syndactyly), consistent with oro-facial-digital syndrome (99).


Table 3. Syndromic Causes of Hypopituitarism


Inheritance/ prevalence




Pituitary appearance

Pituitary deficiencies

Other Features


Chr 9q34.3




APH, Normal, hyperplasia

ACTH in 50%

SNHL, ID, short stiff neck, scoliosis, rarely RDS








CC hypoplasia, Chiari 1 malformation, rarely CHD/RDS









ONH, SP/CC changes, polydactyly, midface hypoplasia, cleft palate/lip


Chr 7p14.1




Hypothalamic hamartoma



Postaxial polydactyly, imperforate anus. CPP


Chr 3p12.3







Hypermetropia, ptosis


Chr Xp22.11



Normal, APH



CC hypoplasia, ID, epilepsy, gonadal failure, microcephaly, obesity


Chr 14q22-23






AO/MO, myopia, cleft palate/lip, polydactyly


Chr 20p11.21

AD/De novo





Hyperinsulinism, craniofacial dysmorphism, choroidal coloboma, and liver, lung and heart malformations


Chr 15q25.1



APH, thin stalk, absent PP

Pan-hypopituitarism, ADH

Microcephaly, fronto-temporal hypoplasia, renal anomalies and vision impairment.


Chr 6q22.31



APH, EPP or absent pituitary

GH, pan-hypopituitarism

Oro-facial-digital syndrome, CC agenesis

HPE Genes  

-       SHH

-       ZIC2

-       SIX3

-       TGIF

-       CDON





Rarely PSIS


Rarely CPHD



AO – Anophthalmia, APH – Anterior Pituitary Hypoplasia, CC – Corpus Callosum, CHD – Congenital Heart Disease, CPP – Central Precocious Puberty, EPP – Ectopic Posterior Pituitary, FTT – Failure To Thrive, HPE – Holoprosencephaly, ID – Intellectual Disability, MO – Microphthalmia, PP – Posterior Pituitary, PSIS – Pituitary Stalk Interruption Syndrome, RDS - Respiratory Distress, SOD – Septo-optic Dysplasia, SNHL – sensorineural hearing loss, SP – Septum Pellucidum, XR – X-linked Recessive





Figure 7. Cross-sectional representation of pituitary cell groups in POU1F1. Adapted from Larkin S. et al, Endotext (1).

POU1F1 was the first genetic cause of CPHD detected, initially described in mice (known as PIT-1) and 2 years later in humans. It is a member of the POU family of transcription factors, and the gene is located at 3p11.2. Approximately 65% of cases are autosomal recessive (homozygous/compound heterozygous) with 35% having an autosomal dominant form, the most common being the R271W mutation. In a review of 15 cases, the majority had affected parents, with only 3 cases of hormonally intact parents (100). POU1F1 is present in 2.8% of CPHD, with up to 21% of familial CPHD (50). There is considerable variability between countries, with one cohort of 23 CPHD patients in India detected 6 POU1F1 mutations and many other studies having low numbers of detected mutations (50,100,101).


Expression of POU1F1 is triggered by PROP1 and is seen within the pituitary from E13.5, persisting through to adulthood. It is critical for supporting the differentiation and proliferation of thyrotroph, lactotroph and somatotroph cells, and stimulates the GH1, prolactin and TSHB genes, required for hormone synthesis (102). LHX3, LHX4 and OTX2 upregulate POU1F1 but PROP1 is essential for its function (52,57,59).


Tatsumi et al. detected the mutation in a case of “cretinism” with cognitive impairment and short stature, with GH, TSH and prolactin deficiency, reported in 1992 (103). 100% of cases in the literature have GH deficiency with 87.5% having TSH deficiency and 95.6% having prolactin deficiency (demonstrated in Figure 7). TSH deficiency is typically detected in infancy, either prior to, or simultaneously with GH and prolactin deficiency, with ~13.5% detected after GHD. 70% have anterior pituitary hypoplasia, but other midline and peripheral defects are rarely seen. Autosomal dominant forms are less likely to have an absent pituitary (63.6%) and typically have less severe GHD with 20% having an undetectable GH peak on stimulation testing, compared to 48%. Apart from hypopituitarism, there are no other phenotypic features known to be associated with POU1F1 (100).


Patients with severe short stature, GHD, prolactin deficiency and TSH deficiency only and isolated anterior pituitary findings on MRI should raise suspicion of POU1F1 mutation, especially if there is a known family history.




The prophet of POU1F1 (PROP1) is a paired like homeodomain transcription factor on chromosome 5q35 with autosomal recessive inheritance (104). It has been shown to cause 11% of all CPHD patients, with up to 50% of familial forms and approximately 7% of sporadic forms (50). This is highly variable across different populations and ethnicities with no cases found in studies in Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain or Australia and numbers in Lithuania being as high as 65% of CPHD cases and >90% of familial cases (50).


Prop1 is initially expressed in Rathke’s pouch at E10, with levels rising until E12 and decreasing to E15.5 when it ceases. It stimulates stem cell transformation to mesenchymal cells and supports cell migration and differentiation, without which cells remain static. It is essential for POU1F1 initiation and failure of this results in further issues with cell differentiation. It is involved in the stimulation and differentiation of all cell lines including gonadotrophins and to a lesser extent, corticotrophs (104).


Most cases have CPHD, and is typically progressive, with the number of diagnosed deficiencies and severity of deficiency increasing over time. Onset of GHD, TSHD and HH can occur antenatally with diagnosis at birth, but often present later, and in rare cases, some cell lines are normal. ACTH deficiency has been described from the age of 6 and typically develops across late childhood and adolescence. Imaging demonstrates a normal or hypoplastic anterior pituitary (occasionally hyperplastic) with normal posterior pituitary structures, and aside from features secondary to hypogonadism (micropenis and undescended testis) no extracranial phenotype has been described (105).


The presentation is typically milder than POU1F1 mutation and the presence of features of hypogonadism and adrenal insufficiency in a non-syndromic child with CPHD should raise suspicion for PROP1 over POU1F1.




The presence of any pituitary hormone deficiency raises the question of other hormone deficiencies. While isolated forms of pituitary deficiency occur, there is the potential for other deficiencies to develop over time as is seen in POU1F1 or LHX, and routine monitoring is required (53,100). It is also true that genes classically causing isolated hormone deficiencies, like GH1, can cause CPHD, and thus screening may be required (106,107).


Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency

Figure 8. Cross-sectional representation of pituitary cell groups in isolated growth hormone deficiency. Adapted from Larkin S. et al, Endotext (1).

Isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) is reported to have a prevalence between 1 in 4,000-10,000. Whilst most cases are sporadic, suggesting an in-utero insult to development of a specific cell-line, 3-30% have a first degree relative, supporting the possibility of genetic causes (108). Approximately 6.5% of patients have a genetic cause currently detectable (39) with rates as high as 38% in those with a family history (109). Growth Hormone 1 (GH1) and Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone Receptor (GHRHR) genes are the most commonly implicated, although genes implicated in CPHD, such as HESX1, SOX3, OTX2, LHX4 and GLI2 can also present as isolated GHD, (appearance shown in figure 8). Genetic causes are classified into 4 categories, listed in table 4. Type 1A which has undetectable GH levels caused by autosomal recessive GH1 gene deletions, Type 1B caused by GH1 gene splice site mutation or other genes (such as listed above), Type 2 caused by exon skipping mutations in GH1 cause an autosomal dominant phenotype, and Type 3 is X-linked recessive, and is associated with agammaglobulinemia (108).


The GH1 gene located on 17q22-24consists of 5 exons and 4 introns and encodes for a 191 amino acid peptide with a molecular weight of 22kDa. Transcription of GH1 is triggered by cAMP release in response to GHRH binding to the GHRHR, and is down-regulated by somatostatin via inhibiting cAMP release, in response to receptor binding (108). This pathway is demonstrated in Figure 9. GH1 mutations cause 22.7% of familial isolated GHD, the majority being type 2 autosomal dominant mutations (109).

Figure 9. Cellular function of somatotroph cell. cAMP- Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate, GH – Growth Hormone, GHRH – Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone, GHRHR – Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone Receptor.



In 1981 Phillips et al. described GH1 mutation in Swiss children with a homozygous deletion causing Type 1A GHD (110). Type 1A GHD is caused by a GH1 gene deletion or less commonly, by a frameshift or nonsense mutation and makes up <15% of GH1 mutation related disease (109). The resulting phenotype is of severe GHD, with undetectable levels and can present with hypoglycemia neonatally as well as growth failure in the first 6 months. Complicating therapy is the frequent occurrence of anti-GH antibodies requiring therapy with recombinant insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) (108).




Type 1B GHD caused by GH1 mutations are typically the result of gene splice site mutations and are again autosomal recessive. They have a variable phenotype ranging from an IGHD Type 1A phenotype to mid-childhood growth failure (108).


GHRHR anomalies also cause a Type 1B phenotype. GHRHR is found on chromosome 7p14.3 and was reported in 1996 by Wajnrajch et al. (111). Patients have normal GHRH levels but undetectable GH and low IGF1 levels. The phenotype is of proportional short stature, with anterior pituitary hypoplasia (108). GHRHR mutations are responsible for 16-19% of familial IGHD but are rarely the cause of sporadic IGHD (109). No GHRH mutations causing short stature have been reported to date (108).




Type 2 GHD originates from mutations that result in loss of exon 3 from the final protein. This causes a dominant negative effect on secretion of normal GH from the other allele, through retention in the endoplasmic reticulum, impairing Golgi apparatus activity (108). Type 2 GHD has varying degrees of severity as well as of pituitary hypoplasia and represents approximately 70% of GH1 mutation related disease (109).




IGHD has been reported in 10 cases of X-linked agammaglobulinemia, known as IGHD type 3; however, an individual gene causing both associations has not been well characterized (112).


Sporadic IGHD does not typically have a genetic basis; however, familial forms have a high likelihood of detecting a mutation (38%) (107). It is important in patients with IGHD to always consider the possibility of a developing CPHD, with this occurring in 5.5% without structural anomalies, and 20.7% with structural anomalies(106,107(113)). This should be considered even in patients with GH1 mutation’s, in particular Type 2 mutations have been found to develop other deficiencies, in particular TSH and ACTH deficiency (106,107).


Table 4. Summary of Types of Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency.

IGHD type

Genetic abnormalities


Pituitary imaging

Percentage of familial cases



GH1 gene deletions and nonsense mutations


Normal/ hypoplastic


GH levels undetectable, anti-GH antibodies, transient response to GH therapy,


GH1 gene splice site mutations


Normal/ hypoplastic



GHRHR gene mutations


Normal/ hypoplastic




GH1 gene splice site and missense mutations and intronic deletions


Normal/ hypoplastic


Variable height, CPHD may occur







AD – Autosomal Dominant, AR – Autosomal Recessive, CPHD – Combined Pituitary Hormone Deficiency, EPP – Ectopic Posterior Pituitary, GHRHR – Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone Receptor, IGHD – Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency, XR – X-li linked Recessive. Adapted from Alatzoglou K. et al, JCEM;94:3191-3199 and Casteras A. et al, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Case Reports (109,114).


Central Hypothyroidism


Neonatal screening studies using T4 testing determined neonatal central hypothyroidism to occur in 1 in 16000-30000 infants (115,116). Up to 40% of these cases have isolated central hypothyroidism, with neonatal rates between 1 in 40,000 to 75,000, while some cases of isolated central hypothyroidism develop after the neonatal period (117). Thyroid hormone receptors (THR) are present on both the hypothalamus and pituitary and downregulate hormone secretion. Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) is released from the hypothalamus and binds the TRH receptor (TRHR) upregulating TSH production (pathway demonstrated in Figure 10). 5 different genes have been implicated but there is limited data on the frequency of genetic mutations in patient with isolated central hypothyroidism (118).

Figure 10. Cellular function of thyrotroph cell. cAMP- Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate, TRH – Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone, TRHR – Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone Receptor, TSH – Thyroid Stimulating Hormone.




Thyroid stimulating hormone beta subunit (TSHB) gene is found on chromosome 1p13.1 and is associated with autosomal recessive inheritance (118). Hayashizaki et al. described the mutation in 1989 in a patient with severe neonatal onset hypothyroidism associated with prolonged jaundice, failure to thrive and developmental delay (119). Subsequent cases have also had severe deficiencies presenting neonatally (118).




The thyrotropin releasing hormone receptor (TRHR) gene is found on chromosome 8q23.1 and again has autosomal recessive inheritance. The phenotype is milder than for TSHB with detection ranging from neonatal period to late childhood, and other patients being asymptomatic in adulthood. This is likely due to the presence of thyroid hormone receptors on the thyrotroph cells, upregulating TSH release independently of TRH (118).




Immunoglobulin superfamily 1 (IGSF1) gene is found on chromosome Xq26.1 and is associated with X-linked recessive central hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is seen in all cases, but the degree of deficiency can be variable, with many presenting in the neonatal period with jaundice and failure to thrive, others are detected asymptomatically on family screening (118).


IGSF1 is expressed in Rathke’s pouch and the adult pituitary gland and mutation results in low TSHB and TRHR mRNA, thus it is proposed IGSF1 has a role in regulating expression of these genes. 60% of patients have prolactin deficiency, supporting the involvement of decreased TRHR activity. GHD has been reported in a few cases, and 1 patient has been reported to have a hypoplastic anterior pituitary and ectopic posterior pituitary (118).


Other known associations include macroorchidism in 80% with low adulthood testosterone levels but preserved fertility. Follow up shows that despite thyroxine replacement, 25% of children and 75% of adults are overweight and 65% of cases have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) (118).




Transducing b-like protein X-linked (TBL1X) gene is found at chromosome Xp22.2 and mutations are thought to prevent upregulation of TSHB and TRHR transcription, causing central hypothyroidism. It has a mild hypothyroid phenotype and is associated with hearing loss, and ADHD (118).


Insulin receptor substrate 4 (IRS4) is found on chromosome Xq22.3 is often described as a cause of TSHD; however, mutations to date have resulted in low T4 but normal T3 and TSH, which does not suggest true central hypothyroidism (118).


Central hypothyroidism is rare and while genetic testing may be appropriate, the prevalence of individual causative genes is unknown. If genetics are not performed, siblings of patients should have formal thyroid function tests including a T4 arranged in the newborn period.


Table 5. Genetic Causes of Isolated Central Hypothyroidism



Degree of hypothyroidism

Other pituitary deficiency

Other features






Jaundice, FTT, developmental delay










Variable (mild to severe)

Prolactin, (rarely GH)

Macroorchidism, low testosterone, obesity, ADHD






Hearing loss, ADHD


AD – Autosomal Dominant, ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, AR – Autosomal Recessive, XR – X-linked Recessive. Adapted from Tajima T. et al, Clin Pediatr Endocrinol;28(3):69-79 (118).


Isolated ACTH Deficiency


Isolated ACTH deficiency (IAD) is an extremely rare but serious condition with mortality rates of up to 25% in severe neonatal-onset forms (120).


Corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) is produced by the hypothalamus in response to low cortisol levels and binds to corticotroph cells. CRH stimulates cAMP release triggering protein kinase A (PKA) which binds CRH response element-binding protein (CREB) which in turn stimulates TBX19 which stimulates production of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC). This is converted by prohormone convertase 1/3 (PCSK1 gene) to ACTH, which stimulates glucocorticoid production in the adrenal gland (Figure 11) (121). Abnormalities in TBX19, POMC and PCSK1 genes have all been shown to cause IAD, and NFKB2 mutation causes IAD and immunodeficiency. Genetic causes are summarized in Table 6.

Figure 11. Cellular function of the corticotroph cell. ACTH – Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone, cAMP- Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate, CRH – Corticotropin Releasing Hormone, CRHR – Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Receptor, PC 1/3 – Prohormone Convertase 1/3, POMC – Pro-opiomelanocortin, TBX19 – T-Box Transcription Factor 19.



T-box transcription factor 19 (TBX19) previously known as TPIT is located on chromosome 1q24.2 and causes severe neonatal onset IAD. It has an autosomal recessive inheritance and has been detected in 65% of cases of severe IAD, with 100% penetrance reported to date (120). As reported above, TBX19 is an important part of the pathway from CRH stimulation to ACTH release but is also critical for terminal differentiation of corticotrophs and can result in absence or severely hypoplastic cells (120).


All patients present with severe neonatal hypoglycemia and >50% have hypoglycemic seizures, with a mortality rate of 25%. >60% have prolonged cholestatic/ conjugated jaundice and if diagnosis is delayed, intellectual impairment and developmental delay have been reported (120). Other abnormalities have occasionally been reported including Chiari type 1 malformation, and subtle dysmorphic features (120,122).


Cortisol assessment should be performed in any neonate with recurrent hypoglycemia and cholestatic jaundice, and consideration of TBX19 gene assessment on confirmation of the diagnosis. Low levels of maternal estriol on antenatal testing has been shown to herald adrenal steroidogenesis issues and seen in a case of IAD caused by TBX19, but estriol is no longer routinely used in antenatal screening (123).



Proprotein convertase of Subtisilin/Kexin 1 gene (PCSK1) found on chromosome 5q15-21, codes for prohormone convertase 1/3 (PC 1/3) and has an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance. It is found throughout the body including the pituitary, hypothalamus and endocrine pancreas. It plays a critical role in processing POMC, proinsulin and proglucagon but multiple other hormones as well (124).


PC 1/3 is required for conversion of POMC to ACTH in corticotroph cells. Deficiency thus results in low levels or absence of ACTH production. Despite this, there is typically a mild clinical phenotype, only 75% of patients have ACTH deficiency and not all are associated with hypocortisolemia. It is unclear whether this is due to partial ACTH binding capacity of POMC or other ACTH precursors, or whether an alternative enzyme compensates (124).

PC1/3 deficiency can also cause CPHD. HH, TSHD, and GHD are seen in approximately 50%, 70% and 35% of cases respectively and have been demonstrated or proposed to be secondary to failure of hypothalamic conversion of pro-releasing hormones (proGnRH to GnRH (suspected), proTRH to TRH, proGHRH to GHRH). Like with the corresponding adrenal insufficiency, thyroid and GH deficiency are often phenotypically mild. DI, presumed due to ineffective provasopressin conversion to vasopressin is also reported in a subset of patients (124).


Other associated features include obesity, occurring in nearly all patients, associated with hyperphagia and develops from approximately 2 years of age, the cause of which is multifactorial. Like in Prader-Willi syndrome, initially children present with failure to thrive; however, this is likely due to the presence of malabsorptive diarrhea. All cases to date have had severe neonatal diarrhea with demonstrated fat, amino acid and monosaccharide malabsorption, with the majority requiring hospitalization and parenteral nutrition. The underlying mechanism is not understood, and the intestinal architecture is typically normal on biopsy. The malabsorptive state typically displays partial improvement after the first year of life (124).


PC1/3 is also critical for cleavage of proinsulin to insulin, resulting in undetectable insulin levels. To compensate, much higher quantities of proinsulin are produced which typically prevents diabetes mellitus as it is maintains a 2-5% activity at the insulin receptor. The most common symptom is in fact postprandial hypoglycemia, resulting from proinsulins four to six times longer half-life, causing a relative hyperinsulinism after meals. Later in life some patients proceed to diabetes mellitus likely due to b-cell exhaustion (124).


PCSK1 mutation should be considered in patients with early onset malabsorptive diarrhea and later onset obesity. Other features may include post-prandial hypoglycemia, gonadal abnormalities and reduced linear growth. CPHD and DI should be screened for but are typically mild (124).




Pro-opiomelanocortin gene (POMC) is found on chromosome 2p23.3 and deficiency manifests in an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern (125). It causes a classic triad of adrenal insufficiency, hypopigmented skin with red hair, and obesity associated with hyperphagia, that can commence within infancy (125,126).


Children typically present with neonatal hypoglycemia (~70%) and adrenal insufficiency is detected at this point. Convulsions, hyperbilirubinemia and hyponatremia were present in over 30% of presenting cases. All known cases to date have been reported to have adrenal insufficiency and obesity, with 75% having red or Reddish-brown hair (125).


Other endocrinopathies have been reported, TSHD being the most common. Melanocyte stimulating hormones (MSH) bind the melanocortin 4 receptor which has been shown to regulate TRH release and it is hypothesized that the limited production of MSH’s drives the hypothyroidism. TSHD is reported in 35% of cases to date and is often subclinical. GHD and HH have been reported in 10-20% of patients with mechanisms not well understood. Type 1 diabetes has also been seen in 10-20% of cases (double antibody positive) it is thought this may be secondary to the increased inflammatory state in the absence of melanocortin which have been demonstrated to have an anti-inflammatory effect (125).


DAVID Syndrome


DAVID syndrome (Deficient Anterior pituitary with Variable Immune Deficiency) was first described in 2011 and results from a mutation of NFKB2 gene on chromosome 10q24.32. Classically it presents with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) due to hypogammaglobulinemia, typically resulting in recurrent sinopulmonary infections. IAD typically develops years or decades later; however, initial presentation with IAD has been reported in 1 case (127). GHD has been reported in 2 cases and TSHD in a single case, and imaging may demonstrate a normal or hypoplastic anterior pituitary (127,128).


Neonatal onset isolated adrenal deficiency should be screened for TBX19 mutations, and if absent, especially in a child with red hair, POMC gene testing should be considered, similarly the possibility of PCSK1 mutation in children with malabsorptive diarrhea and adrenal insufficiency.


Table 6. Summary of Genetic Causes of Isolated ACTH Deficiency (IAD).



Onset of IAD


Other pituitary deficiencies

Other phenotype

Chr 1q24.2

AR, 100% penetrance

65% of severe neonatal onset IAD

Neonatal hypoglycemia, cholestatic jaundice


Intellectual impairment if delayed diagnosis, Chiari type 1 malformation

Chr 5q15-21



Infantile malabsorptive diarrhea,

FSH, LH, GH, TSH, Rarely ADH

Obesity in early childhood


Chr 2p23.3



Neonatal hypoglycemia, jaundice

TSH (35%), GH, LH/FSH (10%)

Obesity, reddish brown hair. Type 1 diabetes


Chr 10q24.32




Recurrent sinopulmonary infections

GH, TSH (rare)

Combined variable immunodeficiency

AD -- Autosomal Dominant, AR – Autosomal Recessive.


Central Hypogonadism


Congenital hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (HH), also known as Kallmann syndrome when seen in association with anosmia, occurs in 1 in 10,000 – 50,000 people, with a 4 to 1 male predominance (12,129).


Gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) is secreted in a pulsatile manner from the hypothalamus and has a complex pattern of regulation by estradiol and other factors. It binds GnRH receptors on gonadotroph cells leading to secretion of LH and FSH. In fetal development, the cells responsible for GnRH release migrate to the hypothalamus from the olfactory placode, and thus mutations triggering HH are often associated with olfactory dysgenesis and anosmia (12).


There are over 25 gene defects implicated in HH, and a mutation is found in up to 50% of cases. No gene is implicated in more than 10% of familial cases. Oligogenicity is also described in multiple genes which further complicates diagnosis. Broadly speaking, HH is a result of one of four mechanisms, defects in GnRH fate specification, GnRH neuron migration, abnormal neuroendocrine secretion/homeostasis or gonadotroph cell defects (130).


55% of cases have anosmia/hyposmia (129). The majority of anosmic cases have an autosomal dominant inheritance, except for FEZF1, PROK2 and PROKR2, while norosmic cases may be autosomal dominant or recessive. However, incomplete penetrance, oligogenicity and variability of anosmia and norosmia of some genes makes delineating likely causative genes difficult. X-linked recessive inheritance is seen in KAL1 mutations only to date (12,130).


While individual genes have specific associations, larger studies demonstrate between 5 and 15% of cases have hearing loss, palate anomalies or unilateral renal agenesis. Up to 30% have synkinesia or eye movement disorders and one study found 5-15% of patients had dental agenesis, scoliosis or finger anomalies (129).


In the absence of anosmia or congenital anomalies, HH can be difficult to separate from constitutional delay (normal late onset puberty). Adolescents require pubertal induction to support bone, metabolic and sexual health and to limit the effect on mental health, and input from fertility specialists may be required when starting a family (129).


Multiple genes associated with HH have been implicated in combined hypopituitarism including PROKR2, FGF8, FGFR1 and CHD7 and summarized in Table 7.


CHARGE Syndrome (CHD7)


CHARGE syndrome results from mutation of the CHD7 gene on chromosome 8q12.2 with autosomal dominant inheritance, although typically resulting from de novo mutation and occurs in 1 in 15,000 to 17,000 live births (131). The acronym CHARGE is of Coloboma of the eye, Heart defects, Atresia of the choanae, Retardation of growth and development, Genital hypoplasia and Ear and hearing abnormalities, and was coined by Pagon et al. in 1981 (132).


HH, typically presenting with cryptorchidism and micropenis in males is present in 60-88% of patients, most of whom will not enter puberty spontaneously (131,133). Growth failure is present in 60-72% of cases, with approximately 10% being due to GHD (131,134-136). Other pituitary abnormalities are rare with one study reporting 2 out of 25 patients with TSHD, and while other studies report hypothyroidism, these are typically primary, or the etiology is not reported. Imaging typically demonstrates olfactory bulb anomalies, but the pituitary gland is typically normal (134,136). Thus, while hypogonadism is a well-known consequence of CHARGE syndrome, GHD and TSHD must also be considered.




Prokineticin-2 Receptor (PROKR2) gene is found on chromosome 20p13 and typically has dominant inheritance with incomplete penetrance, but recessive mutations are also described (70). PROKR2 prevalence within HH varies greatly, ranging from 5.1-23.3% of mutations in different populations(137). PROKR2 is highly expressed in the olfactory placode and GnRH neurons in the mouse model but is not seen in the pituitary or infundibulum. It typically causes HH and individuals often harbor mutations in other HH genes, demonstrating it sometimes has an oligogenic effect (70). CPHD has been described in 20 patients, 13 of whom had SOD and 4 with pituitary stalk interruption syndrome (PSIS) (5-8). The pathogenicity of the mutations in these cases is uncertain (6,70).




The fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8) gene is found on chromosome 10q24 and mutations can have either autosomal dominant or recessive inheritance, making up approximately 1% of HH cases (70,137). FGF8 is first expressed at E9.25 in the diencephalon, prospective hypothalamus and infundibulum, and activates LHX3 (70,96,138,139). FGF8 plays a role in coordinating anterior pituitary development, with excess in mice resulting in a dysplastic, hyperplastic pituitary and absence results in pituitary hypoplasia. Most mutations are associated with Kallmann syndrome; however, multiple cases of CPHD have been identified as well as a case of Holoprosencephaly, and SOD with GH deficiency. VACTERL (Vertebral defects, Anal atresia, Cardiac defects, Tracheo-esophageal fistula, Renal anomalies, and Limb abnormalities) or VACTERL like phenotype has also been described (70).




The Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 (FGFR1) gene is found on chromosome 8p11.2-p12 with autosomal dominant inheritance making up 5-11.7% of mutations associated with HH (138,140). It is expressed in the olfactory placode where is ensures fate specification, proliferation and migration of GnRH neurons (140). It typically causes HH, with or without anosmia but also been reported in CPHD. 9 cases have been described, 3 associated with SOD, 3 with PSIS and 3 without (5,7,141,142). While some variants have demonstrable pathogenicity for this phenotype, it is unclear in others. Split hand/foot malformation is frequently part of the FGFR1 phenotype and the mutation is also seen in Pfeiffer syndrome, Hartsfield syndrome and Jackson-Weiss syndrome (142).


Table 7. Causes of Hypogonadotrophic Hypogonadism Associated with Combined Pituitary Hormone Deficiency.


Inheritance/ prevalence



Other pituitary deficiencies

Other Features


Chr 20p12.3


5-23% of HH





Chr 10q24


1% of HH





Chr 8p11.2-p12


5-11% of HH



Split hand/foot malformation



Chr 8q12.2

AD/de novo

6% of HH



Coloboma, CHD, choanal atresia, short stature, ID, genital hypoplasia, ear abnormalities

 AD – Autosomal Dominant, AR – Autosomal Recessive, CHD – Congenital Heart Disease HPE – Holoprosencephaly, ID – Intellectual Disability, PSIS – Pituitary Stalk Interruption Syndrome, SOD – Septo-optic Dysplasia, VACTERL- Vertebral defects, Anal atresia, Cardiac defects, Tracheo-esophageal fistula, Renal anomalies, and Limb abnormalities.


Central Diabetes Insipidus


Isolated diabetes insipidus (DI) is rare, with a reported prevalence of 1 in 25000, including both nephrogenic and central forms (143). Arginine vasopressin (AVP) or antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is produced from pre-pro-AVP in the supraoptic and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei, and their axonal projections extend into the posterior pituitary. AVP mediates its affect through the AVPR2 receptor which increases urine concentration in the collecting duct. Apart from cases related to holoprosencephaly, genetic causes are rare (144).




The AVP gene is located on chromosome 20p13 and has an autosomal dominant inheritance except for a few recessive mutations. The AVP mutant proteins are thought to accumulate in the endoplasmic reticulum resulting in cell death. As a result, it usually manifests between 1 to 6 years of age with gradual progression of deficiency but there is wide variation even within affected families. Along with polyuria and polydipsia classically seen in DI, failure to thrive is commonly seen and resolves with AVP replacement (144).


Wolfram Syndrome


The WFS1 gene, located on chromosome 4p16.1 encodes for wolframin which is an endoplasmic reticulum channel and has an autosomal recessive inheritance (144). Prevalence is estimated between 1 in 500,000 – 770,000 children with rates higher in areas of increased consanguinity (1 in 68,000 in Lebanon) (145). Wolfram syndrome causes diabetes mellitus, usually diagnosed at 6 years of age, optic nerve atrophy at around age 11 and sensorineural hearing loss typically progressing over time. DI is seen in approximately 70% of cases and is typically diagnosed in the 2nd or third decade of life (143). A case DI without other manifestations of Wolfram syndrome has been reported (146). The mechanism of DI in Wolfram syndrome is not well understood (144).




Hypopituitarism has been reported in a wide variety of syndromes as an associated feature. These syndromes are reported separately as hypopituitarism is a less common association.


Prader-Willi Syndrome


Prader Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a complex condition with major neurological and endocrine challenges. It results from a lack of the paternally imprinted genes on chromosome 15q11.2-q13 which can result from paternal gene deletion, maternal uniparental disomy, or imprinting defects (147). Children typically have hypotonia and failure to thrive in infancy, but later progress to hyperphagia and obesity. Obesity and pituitary hormone deficiencies result from hypothalamic dysfunction. Growth failure and GHD are commonly seen but CPHD can also occur, and the anterior pituitary can be hypoplastic in approximately 70% of patients (148,149).


Growth failure in Prader-Willi Syndrome occurs due to failure within the GH-IGF-1 axis, with GHD reported in 40-100% of patients and IGF-1 deficiency in nearly 100% of cases. Growth hormone replacement early in life (<1 year of age) is recommended regardless of GHD and is shown to improve lean muscle mass, motor development and cardiovascular health (150-153).


Primary gonadal failure is present in most cases, with underdeveloped gonads typical in both genders. HH may compound this in some cases (154). TSHD has been reported in up to 30% cases, but the true prevalence is unclear. High rates were reported in the population younger than 2 years of age but in older children, rates did not exceed the general population, suggesting CNS maturation may result in this early childhood phenotype being transient. It is unclear if there is an association between PWS and ACTH deficiency with reported rates ranging from 0-60%, with rates likely being 5-14%. Routine screening of 8 AM cortisol is recommended (147).


The mechanism for hypopituitarism in PWS is not well understood. The MAGEL2 gene, located within the PWS locus causes Schaaf-Yang Syndrome and presents similarly to PWS but with arthrogryposis. MAGEL2 is highly expressed in the developing hypothalamus and pituitary between 7-8 weeks gestation and mutations can result in IGHD or CPHD (155).

Genetic testing is indicated in children with a history of neonatal hypotonia and failure to thrive that progress to obesity, with or without short stature.


Axenfield-Rieger Syndrome (PITX2)


Axenfield-Rieger syndrome involves dysgenesis of the anterior segment of the eye, typically resulting in glaucoma. The cause of many cases is unknown; however, 40% are due to either the PITX2 or FOXC2 genes. PITX2 is a pituitary homeobox gene located on chromosome 4q25 with autosomal dominant inheritance and variable penetrance (156). PITX2 is expressed early in the oral ectoderm (E8.5), and later in the anterior pituitary where it induces POU1F1 amongst other factors (156,157). Some cases of PITX2 mutation present with GHD, with dental and cardiac issues also associated (156).


Johanson-Blizzard Syndrome (UBR1)


Mutation of the UBR1 gene on 15q15-21 results in Johanson-Blizzard syndrome (JBS) and is inherited autosomal recessively, occurring in 1 in 250,000 live births, with 70 patients reported in the literature (158). It is characterized by exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, nasal alae hypoplasia/aplasia and cutis aplasia of the scalp. Along with developmental delay, failure to thrive and hearing impairment, hypothyroidism, genitourinary abnormalities and hypopituitarism are sometimes reported (159).


In 2007, Hoffman et al. reported a case of a 4-year-old deceased boy with ACTH, GH and TSH deficiency, with undescended testicles and hypoplastic pituitary gland with an absent stalk (160). 3 cases of IGHD and isolated TSHD have also been reported, with microgenitalia reported in 4 patients, who have not been evaluated for HH. Other known endocrine associations include diabetes mellitus and primary hypothyroidism (158,159).


Oliver-McFarlane Syndrome (PNPLA6)


Oliver McFarlane syndrome is caused by a recessive mutation of chromosome 19p13 encoding for the PNPLA6 gene. This encodes for neuropathy target esterase (NTE) and is found in the human eye, brain and pituitary, which also results in other syndromes including Gordon-Holmes, Lawrence-Moon and Boucher–Neuhäuser syndrome, which are associated with HH and occasionally hypopituitarism (161). A 2021 systematic review found of the 31 cases in the literature, 90% had hypopituitarism, with 67% having GHD or HH and 50% having TSHD (162). Other features include chorioretinal atrophy, trichomegaly, alopecia, and spinocerebellar involvement (161,162).


Wiedemann-Steiner Syndrome (KMT2A)


Wiedemann-Steiner syndrome results from heterozygous mutation of the KMT2A gene on chromosome 11q23.3. It classically presents with intellectual disability, facial dysmorphism, hypertrichosis of the elbow and short stature. A study of 104 individuals found short stature in 57.8% (163) and of the 12 patients tested within a cohort of 33, 6 were found to have GHD. The mechanism for hypopituitarism is not well understood (164).


Kabuki Syndrome (KMT2D)


Mutations of KMT2D gene on chromosome 12q13.12 are responsible for 55-80% of cases of Kabuki syndrome and result in autosomal dominant inheritance (165). Kabuki syndrome is characterized by distinctive facial features, intellectual disability, short stature and cardiac disease. 10 cases of hypopituitarism have been reported in the literature, 6 with GHD, 2 with DI and precocious puberty, 1 with ACTH deficiency and 1 with GHD and DI. Imaging showed 2 had PSIS and 1 had an absent posterior pituitary bright spot (166).


Williams Syndrome


Deletions of the 7q11.23 region result in Williams or Williams-Beuren syndrome, which has autosomal dominant inheritance. Williams syndrome occurs in between 1 in 7,500 and 20,000 live births and is characterized by congenital heart disease (supravalvular aortic stenosis), intellectual impairment, short stature and facial dysmorphism (167). 40% of patients have short stature, with hypercalcemia, precocious puberty and primary hypothyroidism commonly reported (168). Growth hormone deficiency is less frequently reported (168-170), and a case of combined ACTH and TSH deficiency has also been described (167). MRI imaging is typically normal, with one patient having an absent posterior-pituitary bright spot but normal ADH production (170), and another with ONH and normal pituitary function has been described (171).



PHACES syndrome is a rare constellation of signs including Posterior fossa brain malformations, cervicofacial infantile Hemangiomas, Arterial anomalies, Cardiac defects, Eye anomalies and midline/ ventral defects. It is typically diagnosed following the detection of large, segmental facial hemangiomas and no gene defect has been identified. Over 300 cases have been reported to date (172). Goddard et al. reported a child with partially empty sella and GHD and TSHD in 2006 (173). Since then, 11 cases with hypopituitarism have been reported, 7 with abnormal pituitary MRI, 2 unreported, and 2 with normal pituitary appearance. The majority had GH (9/11) or TSH deficiency (7/11) with adrenal insufficiency and HH occurring in 2 out of 11 each. There is also an association with thyroid development issues and primary hypothyroidism (172). Thus, patients with PHACES syndrome should be monitored for growth and development with consideration of endocrine assessment if there are concerns. Abnormal pituitary appearance on MRI requires routine endocrine follow up (174).


Table 8. Syndromes Associated with Hypopituitarism.


Inheritance/ prevalence

Pituitary appearance

Pituitary deficiencies

Other Features

Prader Willi






Infantile FTT, obesity, hyperphagia, ID, typically primary hypogonadism, dysmorphic features

Axenfield-Rieger PITX2

Chr 4q25




Eye changes, glaucoma, dental issues, CHD

Johansson Blizzard




APH, absent stalk



Exocrine pancreas insufficiency, nasal anomalies, cutis aplasia, ID, genitourinary anomalies



Chr 19p13





Chorioretinal atrophy, trichomegaly, alopecia, spinocerebellar involvement.



Chr 11q23.3




ID, facial dysmorphism, elbow hypertrichosis, short stature



Chr 12q13.12


Normal, PSIS / absent PP



Facial dysmorphism, ID, short stature, CHD






Facial dysmorphism, ID, short stature, CHD, hypercalcemia, precocious puberty, primary hypothyroidism


(gene unknown)




Posterior fossa brain malformations, hemangiomas, arterial anomalies, CHD, eye anomalies and midline/ ventral defects.

ACTH – Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone, AD – Autosomal Dominant, APH – Anterior Pituitary Hypoplasia, CHD – Congenital Heart Disease, FTT – Failure To Thrive, ID – Intellectual Disability, PP – Posterior Pituitary, PSIS – Pituitary Stalk Interruption Syndrome.




Known genetic causes make up only a small proportion of the current hypopituitarism population, thus routine broad screening will not be appropriate at most centers and currently remains in the realms of research. Testing should be targeted to patients with consistent features, such as anophthalmia and SOX2 or a short stiff neck in LHX4. Individual genes can have a wide range of presentations and thus presence of a family history of hypopituitarism, whether similar in presentation or varied, should raise a high index of suspicion and screening should be strongly considered. Autosomal recessive causes are frequently seen, and dominant causes often have incomplete penetrance thus even relatively distant family associations should cause consideration for testing. Finally, presence of hypopituitarism in the context of a consanguineous parents should again raise suspicion of a likely genetic cause. Genetic testing typically is through next generation sequencing (NGS), although some mutations may be detectable on chromosomal microarray. Deletions on chromosomal microarray may include associated genes causing hypopituitarism. All the genes described above are summarized in table 9, in order of gene location, to assist in determining which mutations may be associated in such cases.


Septo-Optic Dysplasia


Current evidence suggests genetic causes of SOD make up <10% of cases thus routine screening will not be appropriate in most centers (19). In the absence of family history, the main indication for testing is in patients with microphthalmia or anophthalmia, where testing for SOX2 and OTX2 would be appropriate, and if negative, testing could be extended to PAX6, RAX and BMP4 (38). In patients with facial midline defects or polydactyly, GLI2 testing should also be considered (66).


Syndromic Causes


Syndromic causes should be tested for based on clinical suspicion, with family history and consanguinity again increasing the likelihood. Respiratory distress syndrome and a short stiff neck or Chiari I malformation should raise suspicion of LHX3 and LHX4 mutations respectively (53,56). Polydactyly and either midline facial changes or hypothalamic hamartoma suggest GLI2 and GLI3 mutations respectively (66,68). In cases of holoprosencephaly with anterior pituitary dysfunction, outside of GLI2, there are only case reports of other known genes causing hypopituitarism (66).




POU1F1 testing may be appropriate in patients with severe short stature, GHD, TSHD and prolactin deficiency alone, especially in Western-Indian populations where rates of up to 25% of the CPHD cohort have been reported (100). PROP1 typically has progressive hypopituitarism with late onset ACTH deficiency and routine screening in European countries, particularly Lithuania, may be appropriate (50).


Isolated Hormone Deficiencies


Unless familial, isolated GH deficiency rarely has a genetic basis thus genetic testing is not currently indicated with the exception of those with absent GH levels on stimulation testing as seen in type 1a GH1 mutations (109). The frequency of genetic causes within the TSH deficient cohort is unknown. Macroorchidism points to IGSF1 mutation but otherwise family history is the main indicator for genetic testing (118). Cases with isolated ACTH deficiency in the neonatal period should be tested for TBX19 mutations, and if absent, especially in a child with red hair, POMC gene testing should be performed (120,124). Children with malabsorptive diarrhea and adrenal insufficiency should be screened for PCSK1 mutation, and NFKB2 if there is known immunodeficiency (125,127). Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism testing is well described and typically involves panel testing, but targeted testing based on inheritance pattern may be appropriate (12,130). Isolated diabetes insipidus is rare and testing should be based on a family history or presence of other features consistent with Wolfram syndrome, such as childhood onset optic atrophy or diabetes mellitus (144).


Syndromes Associated with Hypopituitarism


Testing for Prader-Willi, Williams, PITX2, UBR1, PNPLA6, KMT2A and KMT2D gene mutations should be considered based on their clinical features as listed in table 8, and in patients known to have these mutations, pituitary screening may be necessary, especially in the context of growth failure.


Table 9. Summary of Genes Associated with Hypopituitarism



Pituitary deficiencies


1p13.1 - TSHB



Jaundice, FTT, developmental delay

1q24.2 - TBX19



Intellectual impairment if delayed diagnosis, Chiari type 1 malformation 

1q25.2 - LHX4



CC hypoplasia, Chiari 1 malformation, rarely CHD/RDS

2p11.2 - TCF7L1



SOD, CC/SP changes

2p21 - SIX3




2p23.3 - POMC


ACTH, TSH (35%), GH, LH/FSH (10%)

Obesity, reddish brown hair. Type 1 diabetes

2q14.2 - GLI2



SOD, PSIS, SP/CC changes, polydactyly, midface hypoplasia, cleft palate/lip, HPE

3p11.2 - POU1F1


GH, TSH, prolactin (typically CPHD)


3p12.3 - ROBO1



PSIS, hypermetropia, ptosis

3p14.3 - HESX1


GH, CPHD, (ACTH, ADH uncommon)

SOD, CC/SP changes, hypoplastic olfactory, underdeveloped forebrain

3q26.33 - SOX2



SOD, AO/MO, hypothalamic hamartoma, CC changes, SNHL, ID,
esophageal anomalies, genital anomalies

4p16.1 - WFS1 Wolfram



Diabetes mellitus, optic nerve atrophy, SNHL

4q25 - PITX2 Axenfield-Rieger



Eye changes, glaucoma, dental issues, CHD

5q15-21 - PCSK1



Obesity in early childhood

5q35 - PROP1




6q22.31 - TBC1D32



SOD, Oro-facial-digital syndrome, CC agenesis

7p14.1 - GLI3 Pallister-Hall



Hypothalamic hamartoma, Postaxial polydactyly, imperforate anus. CPP

7p14.3 - GHRHR




7q11.23 - Williams


GH, (TSH, ACTH uncommon)

Facial dysmorphism, ID, short stature, CHD, hypercalcemia, precocious puberty, primary hypothyroidism

7q36 - SHH



HPE, PSIS, renal-urinary anomalies

8p11.2-p12 - FGFR1


FSH/LH, (GH/CPHD uncommon)

SOD, PSIS, split hand/foot malformation

8q12.2 – CHD7 CHARGE

AD/de novo

FSH/LH, (GH/TSH uncommon)

Coloboma, CHD, choanal atresia, short stature, ID, genital hypoplasia, ear abnormalities

8q23.1 - TRHR


TSH, Prolactin


9q34.3 - LHX3


CPHD, ACTH in 50%

SNHL, ID, short stiff neck, scoliosis, rarely RDS

10q24.32 - NFKB2


ACTH, (GH, TSH uncommon)

Combined variable immunodeficiency

10q24.32 - FGF8


FSH/LH, (GH/CPHD uncommon)


11p13 - PAX6



SOD, AO/MO, ASD, ADHD, obesity, diabetes mellitus

11q23.3 - KMT2A Wiedemann-Steiner



ID, facial dysmorphism, elbow hypertrichosis, short stature

11q24.2 - CDON



HPE, PSIS, CHD, renal dysplasia, radial defects, gallbladder agenesis

12q13.12 - KMT2D Kabuki



Facial dysmorphism, ID, short stature, CHD

13q32 - ZIC2



HPE, PSIS, renal-urinary anomalies

14q22.3 - OTX2


(ACTH uncommon)


14q22-23 - BMP4



myopia, cleft palate/lip, polydactyly

15q11.2-q13 - Prader Willi



Infantile FTT, obesity, hyperphagia, ID, primary hypogonadism, dysmorphic features

15q15-21 - UBR1 Johansson Blizzard


GH, TSH, (ACTH uncommon)

Exocrine pancreas insufficiency, nasal anomalies, cutis aplasia, ID, genitourinary anomalies

15q25.1 - ARNT2



Microcephaly, fronto-temporal hypoplasia, renal anomalies and vision impairment.

17q22-24 - GH1


GH, (CPHD uncommon)

Anti-GH antibodies in some forms

18p11.3 - TGIF




18q21.32 - RAX



SOD, AO/MO, palate changes

19p13 - PNPLA6 Oliver-McFarlane



Chorioretinal atrophy, trichomegaly, alopecia, spinocerebellar involvement.

20p11.21 - FOXA2

AD/de novo


PSIS, hyperinsulinism, craniofacial dysmorphism, choroidal coloboma, and liver, lung and heart malformations

20p12.3 - PROKR2


FSH/LH, (CPHD uncommon)


20p13 - AVP



FTT, polyuria

Xp22.11 - EIF2S3



CC hypoplasia, ID, epilepsy, gonadal failure, microcephaly, obesity

Xp22.2 - TBL1X



Hearing loss, ADHD

Xq26.1 - IGSF1


TSH, Prolactin (GH uncommon)

Macroorchidism, low testosterone, obesity, ADHD

Xq27 - SOX3


GH (CPHD uncommon)

PSIS, CC changes, ID

AD – Autosomal Dominant, ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, AO – Anophthalmia, AR – Autosomal Recessive, ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorder, CC– Corpus Callosum, CHD – Congenital Heart Disease, CPHD – Combined Pituitary Hormone Deficiency, CPP – Central Precocious Puberty, FTT – Failure To Thrive, HH – Hypogonadotrophic Hypogonadism, HPE – Holoprosencephaly, ID – Intellectual Disability, MO – Microphthalmia, PSIS – Pituitary Stalk Interruption Syndrome, RDS – Respiratory Distress Syndrome, SOD – Septo-optic dysplasia, SP – Septum Pellucidum, SNHL – Sensorineural Hearing Loss, VACTERL- Vertebral defects, Anal atresia, Cardiac defects, Tracheo-esophageal fistula, Renal anomalies, and Limb abnormalities, XR – X-linked Recessive.




ACTH – Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone

AD       – Autosomal Dominant

ADH    – Antidiuretic Hormone (also known as AVP)

ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

APH    – Anterior Pituitary Hypoplasia

αMSH – Alpha-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone

AR       – Autosomal Recessive

AVP     – Arginine Vasopressin (also known as ADH)

CC       – Corpus Callosum

CHD    – Congenital Heart Disease

CPHD  – Combined Pituitary Hormone Deficiency

CRH    – Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone

CVID   – Common Variable Immunodeficiency

DI        – Diabetes Insipidus

EPP     – Ectopic Posterior Pituitary

FSH     – Follicle Stimulating Hormone

GH      – Growth Hormone

GHD    – Growth Hormone Deficiency

HH       – Hypogonadotrophic Hypogonadism

HPE    – Holoprosencephaly

IAD      – Isolated ACTH Deficiency

ID        – Intellectual Disability

IGF1    – Insulin-like Growth Factor 1

IGHD   – Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency

LH       – Luteinizing Hormone

MPHD – Multiple Pituitary Hormone Deficiency

NGS    – Next Generation Sequencing

ONH    – Optic Nerve Hypoplasia

PSIS    – Pituitary Stalk Interruption Syndrome

SOD    – Septo-Optic Dysplasia

SP       – Septum Pellucidum

THR    – Thyroid Hormone Receptor

TRH    – Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone

TRHR – Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone Receptor

TSH     – Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

TSHD – Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Deficiency

XR       – X-linked Recessive




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Lipid Disorders In People With HIV



Dyslipidemia is highly prevalent in people with HIV (PWH) and contributes to the increased risk of cardiovascular disease seen in this patient population. Factors that contribute to dyslipidemia include HIV infection itself and certain types of antiretroviral therapy (ART). Moreover, the effects of ART on lipids have changed over time as newer therapies have become available. Because some ART medications interact with lipid-lowering therapies, the type of lipid-lowering therapy initiated needs to be considered in this context. Of note, current cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk calculators underestimate CVD risk in PWH because HIV-specific factors also contribute to CVD. HIV-specific variables should be taken into account when calculating atherosclerotic CVD risk in PWH. In addition to statins, other lipid lowering agents, including PCSK9 inhibitors, have been studied in PWH and can be considered in the treatment of dyslipidemia, particularly for low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) lowering. The ongoing REPRIEVE study will contribute to a better understanding of the use of statins in primary prevention of CV disease in PWH with low CVD risk.  Aggressive lipid management in PWH is essential for primary and secondary CVD prevention and optimization of health span and lifespan in this high-risk population.




People with HIV (PWH) are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular (CV) disease, including acute myocardial infarction (MI), even after adjusting for traditional CVD risk factors. Multiple factors, including HIV itself, antiretroviral therapy (ART), inflammation, and dyslipidemia, account for this finding (1). In the SMART study, PWH were randomized to either drug conservation, in which ART was administered or held based on pre-specified CD4 cell counts, or viral suppression, in which ART was continued uninterrupted. Published in 2006, the SMART study showed that drug conservation was associated with a greater rate of death from any cause compared to continuous viral suppression. PWH in the drug conservation experienced a greater number of CV events, compared to those participants in the continuous viral suppression group (hazard ratio 1.6, 95% confidence interval (1.0 to 2.5), p = 0.05) (2). This finding was the opposite of the investigators’ hypothesis that increased exposure to ART might be associated with greater CV events in the continuous viral suppression group (2), based on data from that time period, including an association between longer duration of combination ART (including a protease inhibitor (PI) or non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) and incident MI (Table 1) (3). This study unequivocally showed the importance of uncontrolled HIV, even with relatively preserved immune function, in the pathogenesis of CVD.


Table 1. Classes of ART and Some Individual Drugs within the Classes

Class of ART




Tenofovir alafenamide

Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate


















Medications used for boosting or increasing another ART medication’s effect



NRTIs = nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; NNRTIs = non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; PIs = protease inhibitors; INSTIs = integrase inhibitors


Another landmark study on the risk of CV disease in PWH, conducted within the Veterans’ Administration from 2003 to 2009, found that HIV serostatus was associated with a 50% increased risk of acute MI in a predominantly male cohort of veterans, despite controlling for traditional CV disease risk factors including hypertension, dyslipidemia, and smoking (1). Other major studies found similar findings. In the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study of men with and without HIV, Post et al showed that men with HIV had greater coronary artery plaque prevalence than men without HIV, as measured by coronary CT angiography, and among men with coronary artery plaque, men with HIV had a greater extent of non-calcified plaque, which is more prone to rupture (4). Similarly, in a cohort study within the Partners HealthCare system, investigators demonstrated that the rate of acute MI was greater in PWH compared to individuals without HIV, particularly in women with HIV (unadjusted acute MI rate of 12.71 in women with HIV versus 4.88 in women without HIV) (5). Thus, studies from several different cohorts of PWH and individuals without HIV exhibit the association of HIV serostatus with CV disease and subclinical coronary atherosclerosis.


One question that has been raised is the effect of ART on CV disease risk, a topic that is addressed further below in this chapter. In the multicenter, international Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs (D:A:D) Study, the predicted risk of MI in those PWH without prior MI was highest in those patients who were taking 3 different classes of ART (nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI), NNRTI, and PI) (6). Certain types of ART, including the NRTI abacavir, and the PIs darunavir (with ritonavir boosting), indinavir, and lopinavir (with ritonavir boosting), have been associated with a higher risk of adverse cardiovascular events (7,8). (Pharmacokinetic boosting or enhancing of ART is achieved via medications including ritonavir and cobicistat). Most recently, in a large multicenter cohort study of PWH from Europe and Australia, recent integrase strand transfer inhibitor (InSTI) exposure (<6 months) was associated with an increase risk of MI, compared to a lack of InSTI exposure, after accounting for CVD risk factors. After 6 months exposure, however, this elevated risk decreased and was no longer observed after 24 months. This finding requires replication in other cohorts and the potential underlying mechanisms need to be further explored.


Also, up to 30% of PWH have hepatitis C co-infection (9). Individuals with HIV and hepatitis C co-infection are at greater risk of CV disease than individuals with HIV infection alone (10). One reason for this may include higher levels of inflammatory markers seen in PWH with hepatitis C co-infection, including sICAM-1 and IL-6, that have been associated with CV disease in PWH (11).


In summary, multiple factors, including dyslipidemia, inflammation, diabetes, smoking, hypertension, and central obesity, as well as ART-specific effects, contribute to increased CV disease risk in PWH.




HIV infection is associated with dyslipidemia. In the absence of antiretroviral therapy (ART), HIV infection results in lower total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein (HDL-C), and low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) levels (Table 2) (12). The decreases in HDL-C and LDL-C can also be seen in other states of infection and/or inflammation (13).


Table 2. The Effect on Lipid Levels in Different Clinical Situations of PWH (12,14,15)

Class of ART

Effect on TC

Effect on LDL-C

Effect on HDL-C

Effect on TG

HIV not on ART

Decrease (v. pre-seroconversion)

Decrease (v. pre-seroconversion)

Decrease (v. pre-seroconversion)

No change (v. individuals without HIV)


Increase (v. before ART initiation)

Increase (v. before ART initiation)

No change (v. before ART initiation)

Effect can depend on ART type


Decrease (v. individuals without HIV)

Decrease (v. individuals without HIV

Decrease (v. individuals without HIV)

Increase (v. PWH without AIDS and individuals without HIV)


Early studies of lipids in PWH described differences in levels of triglycerides (TG), HDL-C, and LDL-C between individuals with AIDS, individuals with HIV but without AIDS, and control participants. Grunfeld et al found that participants with AIDS had the highest levels of TG compared to participants with HIV and controls. TC and HDL-C were lower in individuals with AIDS and in those with HIV compared to controls, and LDL-C was significantly lower in individuals with AIDS compared to control participants. The high levels of TG in participants with AIDS is secondary to increased hepatic output of VLDL and slower TG clearance (14,16).


In a study of lipid level changes pre- and post-HIV seroconversion and pre- and post-ART initiation in 50 men from the Multicenter Cohort AIDS Study, investigators observed mean increases in TC and LDL-C three years after ART initiation, compared to before ART initiation, with a minimal change in HDL. In addition, they found that TC, HDL-C, and LDL-C decreased from pre-seroconversion to the time before initiating ART (12). These findings demonstrated that ART is associated with an increase in TC and LDL-C in PWH. It is unclear however whether these changes with ART initiation were due to return to heath with reduction of systemic inflammation with virologic suppression or metabolic toxicity of ART. Of note, the majority of men in this study, which was published in 2003, received older generation protease inhibitor (PI) based regimens so the findings may not be as applicable to PWH treated with current ART regimens.


In addition, changes in non-traditional lipid markers have been studied in HIV infection. A higher proportion of men with AIDS have been shown to have small, dense LDL, compared to control patients without AIDS (17). In the Swiss National HIV Cohort, greater pro-atherogenic small dense LDL was directly associated with coronary heart disease events (18). In addition to small dense LDL, lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) has also been studied in PWH. In the general population, lipoprotein (Lp(a)) is associated with increased CVD risk (19,20). However, the association between HIV and Lp(a) levels has been equivocal (21,22). Nonetheless, poorly controlled HIV infection is thought to increase the atherogenic effect of allele-specific apolipoprotein(a), which is carried by Lp(a) (23). Moreover, Lp(a) and pro-atherogenic smaller apo(a) have been associated with greater carotid intima media thickness in women with HIV (24).


As alluded to above, the study and management of lipids in PWH have evolved over the course of the history of HIV infection and can be divided into the following time periods: before ART, early ART, and present-day ART.




CDC, NIH, and HIV Medicine Association of the IDSA guidelines recommend that a fasting or random lipid profile be obtained in PWH at the following time points: at introduction to care, at ART initiation or at the time of change in ART, and then every year, if the previous lipid test results were normal, or every 6 months, if the previous lipid test results were abnormal. If a random lipid panel is outside of the reference range, then the guidelines recommend obtaining a fasting lipid panel (25). Specialized tests, including Lp(a) or small dense LDL, are not specifically mentioned in the IDSA guidelines.






Current IDSA guidelines recommend the following ART regimens: 2 NRTIs plus a 3rd agent from the following categories, integrase inhibitors (INSTIs), NNRTIs, or PIs with either cobicistat or ritonavir added as pharmacokinetic boosters. An alternative regimen can consist of the INSTI dolutegravir and the NRTI lamivudine. Specific considerations are outlined in detail and accessible on the website (26).


Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs)


Tenofovir is an NRTI, and tenofovir-based regimens are among the initial treatments recommended for most PWH by current CDC, NIH, and HIV Medicine Association of the IDSA guidelines (27). Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF)-based regimens result in elevated plasma levels of tenofovir, which can cause adverse renal and bone effects. On the other hand, tenofovir alafenamide (TAF)-based regimens result in lower plasma levels of tenofovir, but greater intracellular levels of tenofovir-diphosphate than TDF and fewer adverse renal and bone effects.


Moreover, TAF results in a more atherogenic lipid profile than TDF (Table 3), and a “statin-like” effect of TDF has been reported. In one study of PWH switching to a TAF-based regimen, investigators observed significant increases in TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, and TG post switch; the mean increase in LDL-C was 9.8 mg/dL (28). In a safety and efficacy study of 1733 treatment-naïve PWH randomized to either a TDF-based regimen or TAF-based regimen over a 144 week duration, TAF-based regimens increased median levels of TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, and TG, compared to the TDF treatment group (at 144 weeks, median increase in LDL-C of 19 mg/dL in TAF-based treatment group versus 6 mg/dL in TDF-based treatment group, p < 0.001). However, no significant differences in either CV or cerebrovascular events between the treatment groups (2.8% of participants in the TAF group, 3.8% of participants in the TDF group, p = 0.28) was noted (29). The investigators also found that atherosclerotic CV disease (ASCVD) risk when estimated at week 96 and as calculated using the ACC/AHA 2013 Pooled Cohort equations was similar between the two treatment groups, and no difference was detected in the proportion of participants in each treatment group eligible for high-intensity statin use based on 2013 ACC/AHA guidelines (30). Thus, despite the more negative effect of TAF-based regimens on lipids compared to TDF-based regimens, studies to date have not shown that there is a difference between the two treatment regimens in cardiovascular outcomes.


Table 3. Some Effects of Different Classes of ART on Lipid Levels*

Class of ART

Effect on TC

Effect on LDL-C

Effect on HDL-C

Effect on TG


Increase, no change with lamivudine

Increase, no change with lamivudine

Increase, no change with lamivudine

Increase, no change with lamivudine


Increase, except no change with etravirine

Increase, except no change with etravirine

Increase, except no change with etravirine

Increase, except no change with etravirine



Increase by most PIs

Decrease by low dose ritonavir



No change

No change

No change

No change

*This table was adapted from Myerson et al. “Management of lipid disorders in patients living with HIV.” Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2015, 55(9) 957-974 and Lagathu et al. “Metabolic complications affecting adipose tissue, lipid, and glucose metabolism associated with HIV antiretroviral treatment.” Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2019 Sep;18(9):829-840.


Another point of difference between TAF- and TDF-based regimens is the effect of each on weight. In one study of PWH with a mean history of HIV infection of 18 years who switched from a TDF-based regimen to a TAF-based regimen, participants had a significant increase in weight, from 73.8 ± 14.3 kg (mean ± standard deviation) at 12 months before switch to 77.7 ± 42.3 kg at 3 months after switch and 75.5 ± 14.5 kg at 6 months after switch (p < 0.0001 for trend) (31). Similar findings have been seen in PWH who were ART naïve (32). The different effects of TAF- and TDF-based regimens on weight should be taken into consideration in the treatment of PWH, as these weight changes may alter CVD risk.


As noted previously, the NRTI abacavir has been linked to adverse cardiovascular events. However, studies comparing CVD risk with abacavir to other NRTIs have had equivocal results, and a clear mechanism that would explain such an association has not been presented (33). Of note, switching to an abacavir-based regimen from a TDF-based regimen has not been associated with a significant change in lipid levels (34).


Another point of interest with regards to NRTIs is the legacy effect of older generation NRTIs on metabolic health, as defined by having ≤ 2 of the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel criteria, including TG > 150 mg/dL and HDL-C < 40 mg/dL. In a study focused on the prevalence of metabolic health in men with HIV in the MACS, both zidovudine and stavudine use were associated with a lower probability of being metabolically healthy, even though very few participants were receiving these medications at the time of assessment (35). Of note, stavudine, an older generation NRTI, is no longer recommended (25).


Protease Inhibitors (PIs)


PIs can be divided into older and newer-generation categories. Older-generation PIs include indinavir, saquinavir, and full dose ritonavir, and newer-generation PIs include atazanavir and darunavir (36). Current guidelines do not recommend indinavir (25). Newer generation PIs that are part of first-line ART have fewer adverse effects on lipids than older generation PIs (37).


Hypertriglyceridemia is associated with specific PIs (38,39), and in particular, the PI ritonavir has been associated with hyperlipidemia (40). In a study that compared cholesterol levels among PI-naïve participants and PI-treated participants started on ritonavir, indinavir, or nelfinavir, either alone or in addition to saquinavir, the greatest increases in TC and TG were seen in the ritonavir based treatment group (77.3 ± 11.6 mg/dL (mean ± standard error of mean), p ≤ 0.001 versus change in the PI-naïve group, and 70.8 ± 17.8 mg/dL, p ≤ 0.001 versus change in the PI-naïve group, respectively) (41). In another study of 415 PWH on a boosted PI regimen and at high risk of CV disease, a switch from taking a boosted PI to the integrase inhibitor (INSTI) dolutegravir (N = 205 participants) resulted in significant decreases in TC (mean change from baseline -8.7% versus 0.7%) and LDL-C (mean change from baseline -7.7% versus 2%) compared to those seen in participants who did not switch (N = 210 participants) (42).


In a 24-week study focusing on the effects of newer generation PIs, including atazanavir and darunavir on lipids, PWH were randomized to the NRTIs TDF/emtricitabine and either ritonavir-boosted atazanavir or ritonavir-boosted darunavir. No significant differences in TC, LDL-C, or HDL-C were observed between the two treatment groups. TG increased in both treatment groups, but there was no significant difference in TG change between the two groups (43). Similarly, in another study of PWH, the effects of ritonavir-boosted darunavir and ritonavir-boosted atazanavir on TG over 12 weeks were similar (44). Of note, ritonavir-boosted lopinavir increases in TG more than ritonavir-boosted darunavir (45) or ritonavir-boosted atazanavir (46).


In summary, newer PIs have less metabolic side effects, but their effects on lipids should be considered in the care of PWH with dyslipidemia.


Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs)


The effects of NNRTIs on lipids varies depending on the individual drug. Etravirine has a neutral effect on TC, LDL-C, and TG. Efavirenz increases LDL-C more than rilpivirine and increases TG more than both rilpivirine and nevirapine (15). However, nevirapine is not a first-line recommended ART in part because of its side effect profile. Switching from nevirapine-based ART to rilpivirine-based ART was shown to result in a mean (95% confidence interval) decrease in TC of -25.9 mg/dL (-19.3 to -32.1 mg/dL) and LDL-C of -13.9 (-8.1 to -19.7 mg/dL) at 24 weeks (47). The NNRTI, doravirine, has been associated with decreases in LDL-C and non-HDL-C in those switching from a PI-based regimen. With ART initiation, doravrine was associated with fewer lipid changes compared to efavirenz.


Integrase Inhibitors (INSTIs)


Integrase inhibitors (INSTIs), in particular, bictegravir, dolutegravir and raltegravir, are among the initial ART recommended in ART-naïve PWH, based on their efficacy in lowering viral load and favorable adverse effect profiles (15). With respect to the effects of individual INSTIs on lipid profiles, in a phase 3 study of PWH randomized to 2 NRTIs and either the INSTI dolutegravir or the INSTI raltegravir, no significant differences in fasting lipid panels were observed between the two groups over the study duration of 48 weeks (48).


The effects of INSTIs on lipids in comparison to other classes of ART has also been studied. In the Surveillance Cohort Long-Term Toxicity Antiretrovirals (SCOLTA), an observational cohort study, 490 PWH on either 2 NRTIs and the NNRTI efavirenz or a ritonavir-boosted PI switched either from efavirenz or a ritonavir-boosted PI to dolutegravir, elvitegravir, or the NNRTI rilpivirine. Among those who switched to an INSTI, a decrease in TC was seen in all groups except in the efavirenz to elvitegravir group, and a decrease in LDL-C was noted in those patients who switched from a ritonavir-boosted PI to elvitegravir (-12 ± 5.6 mg/dL for LDL-C (mean ± standard error). No significant change in TG was noted in any of the participants who switched to an INSTI-based regimen. In summary, the investigators found that switching off of a ritonavir-boosted PI-based regimen to either dolutegravir, elvitegravir, or rilpivirine improved TC, whereas switching off of a ritonavir-boosted PI-based regimen to rilpivirine improved TG and LDL-C also. Moreover, the switch from efavirenz to rilpivirine improved LDL and TG, compared to switching to an INSTI, although inter-group differences were not significant (49).


With regards to those ART naïve PWH, in the FLAMINGO study of PWH who were ART naïve and randomized to either dolutegravir-based or ritonavir-boosted darunavir-based ART, LDL-C was significantly greater at 96 weeks in the ritonavir-based darunavir-based ART arm compared to the dolutegravir-based ART arm (adjusted mean difference -12.8 mg/dL, 95% CI -17.4 to -8.1 mg/dL). Similarly, TG increased more in the ritonavir-boosted darunavir-based ART group than in the dolutegravir-based ART group (50). In summary, in ART naïve PWH started on either an INSTI-based or ritonavir-boosted PI based ART, those who received an INSTI-based treatment regimen had lower TG and TC at 96 weeks. 


Another aspect of metabolic health to consider in patients on integrase inhibitors, in particular, dolutegravir and bictegravir, is their effects on weight. Data from observational and retrospective studies suggests that weight gain is seen in PWH who start or switch to an INSTI (51). In addition, data from randomized trials also supports this. For example, in the open-label ADVANCE study conducted in South Africa, ART naïve PWH were randomized to either TDF-emtricitabine (or lamivudine)-efavirenz or one of the following: TAF-emtricitabine-dolutegravir or TDF-emtricitabine-dolutegravir. After 48 weeks, absolute weight gain and incident obesity (body mass index ≥ 30 kg/m2) was greater in the dolutegravir-based arms (6 kg in the TAF-emtricitabine-dolutegravir group and 3 kg in the TDF-emtricitabine-dolutegravir group compared to 1 kg in the TDF-emtricitabine (or lamivudine)-efavirenz group) (52).


INTSI use has also been associated with incident diabetes mellitus.  In an administrative database from the US examining PWH who initiated ART, INSTI use was associated with a 31% increase in incident diabetes compared to non-INSTI use.  In the NA_ACCORD study, INSTI initiation was associated with an increased risk of diabetes compared to ART initiation with either a PI or NNRTI-based regimen, an effect which was mediated in part by weight gain. In the treatment of overall metabolic health of PWH, the effect of INSTIs on weight gain should be kept in mind.


Additional Considerations Regarding ART and Dyslipidemia


The question of whether one type of ART should be changed to another to avoid negative effects on lipids must take into consideration multiple factors, including compliance with medications, resistance to ART, and additional co-morbidities (37,53). The effects on CVD outcomes of switching from a PI-based ART regimen to an NNRTI- or INSTI-based treatment in PWH with dyslipidemia have not been studied in controlled trials (54). However, in patients who are receiving PIs and have significant dyslipidemia, a switch to an INSTI or a lipid neutral NNRTI (rilpivirine, etravirine, doravirine) should be considered if equally as efficacious from an HIV control standpoint. In general, older generation PIs should be avoided.




CV Risk Calculators in Patients With HIV and Goal LDL-C


Because of non-traditional risk factors that place PWH at heightened risk of CV disease, the question of whether risk calculators including the Pooled Cohort equations (PCE) are accurate in PWH has been raised. A 2018 Circulationstudy compared CV risk calculators, including the Framingham equation for coronary heart disease, the Framingham equation for ASCVD, and the PCE and found that all of these equations underestimated CV outcomes in men with HIV, with suboptimal discrimination (c statistics 0.68, 0.67, and 0.65, respectively). In other words, these equations may not be able to detect those patients with HIV at high risk of CVD who would benefit from treatment of modifiable risk factors (55).


Risk models specific to PWH were created using the D:A:D Study. In addition to including traditional CV risk factors, the D:A:D models included exposure to specific ART agents, including abacavir, ritonavir-boosted lopinavir, and indinavir (56). However, in a study that compared 4 CV risk algorithms, including the D:A:D and the PCE, within the ATHENA cohort of PWH in the Netherlands, both the D:A:D and PCE algorithms underestimated CV disease risk in PWH with low baseline CV disease risk, with mean observed:expected ratios of 1.34 and 1.4 (57).


Questions that providers may have include which CV risk equation(s) should be used in PWH. A 2019 Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association (AHA) on CV disease in PWH notes that no optimal CV risk calculator exists, although HIV-specific risk factors, including hepatitis C co-infection, a current or nadir CD4 T cell count of < 350 cells/mm3, and lipodystrophy, contribute to increased ASCVD risk (Figure 1) (37). However, the statement does not specify what the goal LDL-C level should be in PWH. For the general population, the 2019 American College of Cardiology/AHA (ACC/AHA) Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease recommend that LDL-C should be lowered by ≥ 50% in those patients at high risk of CV disease (ASCVD risk score ≥ 20%). In those patients with intermediate risk of CV disease (ASCVD risk score of ≥ 7.5 to < 20%), risk enhancers, of which HIV is considered one, should be considered in the decision to start a moderate intensity statin with the goal of lowering LDL by 30-49% (58).


Figure 1: Estimating and Treating Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD) Risk in People with HIV. *In patients on atazanavir/cobicistat, atorvastatin is contraindicated. In patients on darunavir/ritonavir, darunavir/cobicistat, or elvitegravir/cobicistat, the maximum recommended dose of atorvastatin is 20 mg daily. Similarly, atazanavir/ritonavir and lopinavir/cobicistat, the maximum recommended dose of rosuvastatin is 10 mg daily.


Statin Initiation Decision Making: When to Start a Statin in Patients With HIV?


As noted above, the 2019 ACC/AHA Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease guidelines recognize HIV infection as a risk-enhancing factor for CV disease. As such, for those PWH who are at either borderline or intermediate risk of CV disease, HIV infection should be considered in the patient-provider discussion on statin initiation (58). The 2019 AHA Scientific Statement on CV disease in PWH also recommends that treatment decisions, such as statin initiation, should be based on an individualized assessment of CV disease risk, taking into account factors including prolonged viremia (Figure 1) (37). Coronary artery calcium (CAC) may also be useful in determining whether a patient with HIV is at high risk for ASCVD. If CAC > 0, then healthy lifestyle changes and statin treatment are indicated (37).


However, evidence has shown a disconnect between guidelines regarding CV disease and the practice of these guidelines, specifically in the care of PWH. Agents used in the primary and secondary prevention of CV disease, including statins, aspirin, and antihypertensives, are often under-prescribed in PWH compared to people without HIV (59).


An ongoing study to date that will better inform the patient-provider discussion on statin initiation for primary prevention of CV disease in PWH is the Randomized Trial to Prevent Vascular Events in HIV (REPRIEVE). REPRIEVE is a multisite, international study of PWH on ART, aged 40-75 years at low CVD risk. Participants were randomized to either placebo or pitavastatin 4 mg daily, and the primary outcome is time to major adverse cardiac event. Between March 2015 and March 2019, more than 7000 participants were enrolled, with a median follow-up time planned for 6 years (60).


Considerations to make in the decision to start a statin include the type of ART the patient is taking (Table 4). Several types of ART increase levels of atorvastatin, including ritonavir-boosted lopinavir, darunavir, and atazanavir, atazanavir alone, and cobicistat-boosted atazanavir and darunavir. As such, atorvastatin doses should be adjusted accordingly, and patients should be monitored for any adverse drug effects. Similarly, ritonavir-boosted lopinavir, darunavir, and atazanavir and cobicistat-boosted atazanavir and darunavir increase rosuvastatin levels. Although atazanavir and ritonavir-boosted lopinavir and darunavir affect pitavastatin levels, no dose adjustment of pitavastatin is recommended. A comprehensive list of statin-ART interactions is shown in Table 5 and detailed on the website (under Drug-Drug Interactions) (26,61).


Table 4. Some Statin-ART Interactions*












Contraindicated with cobicistat-boosted atazanavir


Decrease levels with etravirine

No change in levels


With some PIs, levels increase


No change in levels

Increase levels with cobicistat-boosted elvitegravir


No interactions with PIs


No change in levels

No change in levels; no data however with elvitegravir


** PIs=protease inhibitors; NRTIs=nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; NNRTIs=non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; INSTIs=integrase inhibitors


Table 5. Interaction of Antiretroviral Therapy and Statins


Antiretroviral Drug


                          Protease Inhibitors





Titrate atorvastatin dose carefully and administer the lowest effective dose while monitoring for toxicities.


Do not co-administer.



Titrate atorvastatin dose carefully and administer the lowest effective dose while monitoring for toxicities. Do not exceed 20 mg atorvastatin daily.


Titrate atorvastatin dose carefully and administer the lowest effective dose while monitoring for toxicities. Do not exceed 20 mg atorvastatin daily.


Do not co-administer.


All protease inhibitors



All protease inhibitors

No dose adjustment needed.





Titrate pravastatin dose carefully while monitoring

for pravastatin-related adverse events.



Titrate pravastatin dose carefully while monitoring

for pravastatin-related adverse events.


No dose adjustment needed.




Titrate rosuvastatin dose carefully and administer lowest effective dose while monitoring for rosuvastatin-related adverse events.


Do not exceed rosuvastatin 10 mg daily.


Titrate rosuvastatin dose carefully and administer lowest effective dose while monitoring for rosuvastatin-related adverse events. Do not exceed rosuvastatin 20 mg daily.


Titrate rosuvastatin dose carefully and administer the lowest effective dose while monitoring for rosuvastatin-related adverse events.


Titrate rosuvastatin dose carefully and administer the lowest effective dose. Do not exceed rosuvastatin 10 mg daily.


No dose adjustment needed.


All protease inhibitors


                      Non-Nucleoside Reverse

                      Transcriptase Inhibitors





No dose adjustment needed.



Adjust atorvastatin dose according to lipid response, but do not exceed the maximum recommended dose.


Adjust atorvastatin dose according to lipid response, but do not exceed the maximum recommended dose.






No dose adjustment needed.



Dose adjustments for fluvastatin may be necessary. Monitor for fluvastatin toxicity.






No dose adjustment needed.


Adjust simvastatin dose according to lipid response, but do not exceed the maximum recommended dose.



Adjust lovastatin or simvastatin dose according to lipid response, but do not exceed the maximum recommended dose.



No dose adjustment needed.






No dose adjustment needed.



Adjust statin dose according to lipid responses, but do not exceed the maximum recommended dose.



No dose adjustment needed.

                       Nucleoside Reverse

                      Transcriptase Inhibitors

All Statins


No dose adjustment needed.

                        Integrase Strand

                       Transfer Inhibitors






No dose adjustment needed.


Titrate statin dose carefully and administer the lowest effective dose while monitoring for adverse events. Do not exceed 20 mg atorvastatin daily.






No dose adjustment needed.



Pitavastatin Pravastatin





No dose adjustment needed.


No data available for dose recommendation.






No dose adjustment needed.


Titrate statin dose carefully and use the lowest effective dose while monitoring for adverse events.






No dose adjustment needed.




We generally prefer the high potency statins, atorvastatin and rosuvastatin, but will limit the dose if needed depending on the specific antiretroviral medications the patient is receiving and the potential for drug-drug interactions. In patients receiving concomitant PIs, the maximum dose of atorvastatin is 20 mg daily and the maximum dose of rosuvastatin is 10-20 mg daily ( If drug-drug interactions are a major concern, pitavastatin, which does not have drug-drug interactions with PIs, is a good alternative. 


Lifestyle Interventions


Lifestyle interventions to improve lipids and CV risk include change in diet, weight loss, and/or exercise.


The 2019 ACC/AHA Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease guidelines recommend either ≥ 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week or ≥ 75 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise per week (58). However, factors associated with decreased activity in PWH include older age, lower CD4 T cell count, and having lipodystrophy (62). These factors and any other barriers to exercise should be considered when counseling PWH about exercise.


The Primary Prevention guidelines also recommend greater intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and fish and less intake of trans fats, sugar sweetened beverages, processed meats, and refined carbohydrates (58). Studies on diet quality in PWH, however, have demonstrated lower diet quality, as measured by the Healthy Eating Index, in PWH compared to individuals without HIV (63-65). Diet is an important modifiable risk factor in primary prevention ASCVD and should be addressed in the care of PWH.


In a study of PWH with a Framingham score > 10% randomized to either intensive lifestyle intervention, which included diet and exercise counseling, or routine care, TC in the participants in the intensive lifestyle arm decreased by −27.1 mg/dL (p = 0.021) at 36 months, compared to baseline, whereas the change in TC in the routine care arm was not significant. Similarly, at 24 months, LDL-C decreased significantly (p = 0.011) in the treatment arm, compared to the routine care arm (66). However, a meta-analysis of dietary interventions in PWH demonstrated that dietary intervention did not result in a significant change in TC or LDL-C compared to control, but did result in a significantly lower TG level, with a weighted mean difference (95% confidence interval) of -41 mg/dL (-75 to -6) (67). Thus, the above data on the effect of lifestyle interventions on specific lipid parameters in PWH are somewhat equivocal, although in general, anti-atherogenic lipid changes were noted with lifestyle interventions.


Weight loss improves ASCVD risk factors in patients who are overweight or obese (58). Especially because the median BMI of ART-naïve PWH has increased over time (68), weight loss is an important point to address in PWH when discussing ASCVD risk reduction. However, studies in PWH to date have not necessarily demonstrated an improvement in lipids with weight loss. In women with obesity with and without HIV who lost 6-8% weight, no significant changes from baseline in either LDL-C or triglycerides was observed in either group of women (69). Similar findings were observed in another study (70). However, other CV benefits were seen, including improved insulin sensitivity (69).


When to Start Non-Statin Agents in Patients With HIV for LDL-C Lowering?




Ezetimibe has been studied as monotherapy for treatment of dyslipidemia in PWH. In PWH with LDL ≥ 130 mg/dL on low-dose pravastatin, the addition of ezetimibe resulted in LDL levels < 130 mg/dL in 62.5% of the participants (71). In PWH with LDL-C ≥ 130 mg/dL already on statin therapy (stable doses of either fluvastatin, pravastatin, or atorvastatin), ezetimibe has been shown to significantly lower LDL-C (median (interquartile range) percent change -20.8% (-25.4, -10.7), compared to placebo (72). In a separate study of 43 PWH on either rosuvastatin 10 mg daily and ezetimibe 10 mg daily or rosuvastatin 20 mg daily alone for 12 weeks, Saeedi et al noted that participants in the two treatment groups had similar levels of LDL-C lowering (-26.3 ± 20.9 mg/dL in the combined treatment group and -18.6 ± 21.3 mg/dL in the rosuvastatin only group). No significant change in HDL-C was noted in either arm, but a significant decrease in TG (mean ± standard deviation -54.9 mg/dL ± 51.4) from baseline was noted in the ezetimibe add-on arm. In terms of adverse drug effects, both treatments were tolerated well (73). Ezetimibe should be considered in a PWH at higher CVD risk if a statin is not tolerated or as an adjunctive treatment to maximum tolerated doses of statins if the treatment goal has not been achieved (either by % LDL-c reduction or LDL-c > 70 mg/dL).




PCSK9 inhibitors have not been well studied in PWH. However, given the interactions of statins with some ART, PCSK9 inhibitors do appear to be an attractive alternative LDL lowering medication class.


In a meta-analysis not restricted to PWH, PCSK9 levels were found to be independently associated with incident CV disease (74). PCSK9 levels have been studied in PWH, with some studies finding elevated levels in PWH compared to people without HIV (75,76). A cross-sectional study within the Swiss HIV Cohort Study that included PWH ≥ 40 years of age not on statin treatment found that in a multivariate analysis with traditional CV risk factors, low CD4 count (≤ 200 cells/μL) was positively associated with plasma PCSK9 levels (77). In another study, in individuals with HIV and hepatitis C co-infection, PCSK9 levels were found to be higher and TC, HDL-C, and LDL-C lower, than in uninfected controls or individuals with HIV infection alone, thought to be in part secondary to a greater level of IL-6 negatively impacting hepatic production of lipoproteins.


As LDL lowering medications, PCSK9 inhibitors’ use in PWH is beginning to be studied. In one study, “Evolocumab in HIV-Infected Patients With Dyslipidemia: Primary Results of the Randomized, Double-Blind BEIJERINCK Study,” participants were randomized to either placebo or evolocumab for 24 weeks. The primary outcome of this study was change in LDL-C from baseline. Compared to placebo, the treatment decreased LDL-C by 56.9% (95% confidence interval: -61.6% to -52.3%). In addition, evolocumab was found to be safe and was well-tolerated (78).


In an ongoing study, the Effect of PCSK9 Inhibition on Cardiovascular Risk in Treated HIV Infection (EPIC-HIV Study), PWH on ART with either established ASCVD or moderate or high risk for ASCVD will be randomized to either alirocumab or placebo for 52 weeks. Two of the primary outcomes of this study are change in arterial inflammation as measured by FDG PET/CT and change in lipids and lipoproteins (79).  PCSK9 inhibitors should be considered in high-risk CVD patients, especially in those with a previous CVD event, who have not reached LDL-c goals on a statin +/- ezetimibe.


To date, no studies have been published on the effects of bempedoic acid or bile acid sequestrants on lipids in PWH.


When to Start Non-Statin Agents in Patients With HIV for TG Lowering?




In the general population, the 2018 ACC/AHA Cholesterol Clinical Practice Guidelines note that TG levels from 500 to 999 mg/dL are a risk factor for acute pancreatitis (80). General population studies have shown a direct association between triglyceride levels and atherosclerotic CVD (ASCVD) (81,82), with some suggesting that certain gene alleles associated with elevated TG may be causal factors in the development of ASCVD (83,84). However, this link is not completely certain (85).


The 2019 AHA Scientific Statement on CV disease in PWH does not note a specific TG goal for PWH. However, studies of PWH treated with non-statin agents have addressed their effects on TG.




As seen in the general population AIM-HIGH study, the use of niacin in patients on statins with ASCVD and LDL-C < 70 mg/dL did not reduce ASCVD events, despite significant TG lowering (86). Niacin has been studied in PWH. In one study of PWH on ART with TG levels between 150 to 800 mg/dL, extended-strength niacin was compared to fenofibrate on the primary outcome of endothelial function as measured by brachial artery flow-mediated dilation. Over the 24-week study duration, the decreases in TG and increases in HDL-C were similar between the two treatment groups (for TG, -65 mg/dL (interquartile range -163 to 8 mg/dL) in the niacin group and -54 mg/dL (interquartile range -113 to -1 mg/dL) in the fenofibrate group). Flushing was the most common adverse effect among participants on niacin. No change in endothelial function was observed in either treatment group (87). Given that the results of AIM-HIGH did not demonstrate a benefit in ASCVD event reduction, we would not recommend the first-line use of niacin for TG lowering.




In a study by Saeedi et al cited earlier of PWH on either rosuvastatin 10 mg daily and ezetimibe 10 mg daily or rosuvastatin 20 mg daily for 12 weeks, participants in the combined statin-ezetimibe group experienced a significant drop in TG, compared to the other treatment group (-55 mg/dL versus -15 mg/dL, p = 0.03) (73). Similarly, in the IMPROVE-IT study in which participants from the general population with a history of an acute coronary syndrome were randomized to either simvastatin/ezetimibe or simvastatin/placebo, simvastatin/ezetimibe resulted in a greater reduction in triglycerides (least squares estimate difference in means at 1 year, -14.04 mg/dL (-15.71, -12.37) (88). However, the American Heart Association guidelines focus on ezetimibe as an LDL-C lowering adjunct to statins, not as a triglyceride lowering agent (80).




The Heart Positive study of 191 PWH on ART participants randomized to one of five treatment groups: usual care, low saturated fat diet and exercise, diet exercise plus fenofibrate, diet and exercise plus niacin, or diet and exercise plus fenofibrate and niacin. Compared to usual care, a combination of fenofibrate, niacin, and diet and exercise significantly decreased TG by 52% over 24 weeks (89).




In a meta-analysis of PWH treated with omega-3-fatty acids, Oliveira et al found that omega-3-fatty acids reduced TG by about 80 mg/dL. However, limitations of the meta-analysis were that the included studies varied with respect to dose of omega-3-fatty acids studied and study duration (90). Omega-3-fatty acids do not interact with available ART formulations. The current literature does not have any studies on the effect of icosapent ethyl in PWH, although the REDUCE-IT trial, which was conducted in a general population group of participants with either ASCVD or diabetes and a fasting TG of 135 to 499 mg/dL and on statin therapy, showed a benefit from icosapent ethyl in reducing ASCVD events (91).




Our general approach is to focus on triglyceride lowering if the TG>500 mg/dL to prevent possible pancreatitis.  In addition to controlling secondary factors (e.g., hyperglycemia, excess adiposity, heavy alcohol use, estrogen use, other drugs that increase triglycerides, etc.), pharmacologic treatment with fibrates or omega-3 fatty acids is indicated in this population. For patients with TG between 150 and 500 mg/dL, pharmacologic interventions (fibrates or omega-3 fatty acids) can be considered after the LDL-C goal has been reached, especially in those at higher CVD risk (>20% 10-year risk). Note that in these patients non-HDL-C levels will likely be above goal. 




Dyslipidemia is common in PWH and is a modifiable risk factor for CV disease. PWH are at increased risk for developing interactions of specific ART with lipid lowering agents and this should be kept in mind in the treatment of dyslipidemia in PWH. Non-statin agents have been studied in the treatment of dyslipidemia in PWH and can be considered in cases of statin intolerance or contraindication. Ongoing research will provide more information on the use of statins in primary prevention of CV disease in PWH.




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Is Atherosclerosis a Pediatric Disease



In the US and other developed countries, cardiovascular disease is a major health burden and the leading cause of death. There are at least three lines of evidence that support the concept of atherosclerosis, the principle cause of cardiovascular disease, having its origins in childhood.  Although the most direct is in children with genetic dyslipidemia, such as familial hypercholesterolemia, there is evidence that in-utero and acquired effects may play a role as well. The ability to identify genetic mutations and/or acquired factors or conditions early in childhood creates the opportunity to prevent development of risk factors and future CVD-related events by effective and timely intervention.  




Since publication of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) recommendations in 1992 (1), there has been growing interest in early identification and intervention of children at moderate to high risk of premature cardiovascular disease.  Since that time, additional pediatric specific guidelines and recommendations have been published (2,3, 4). A fundamental question, however, is whether atherosclerosis, the underlying basis for cardiovascular disease, is a pediatric disease.


Arteriosclerosis is characterized by deposits of lipoproteins and calcium in the arterial intima (plaques), resulting in inflammation and subsequent fibrosis. The buildup of arterial plaques reduces blood flow and often leads to symptoms of cardiovascular disease (CVD), such as angina, and CVD-related events, such as myocardial infarction and stroke.  Although the atherosclerotic process rarely leads to CVD-related symptoms or events in children, its origins can be demonstrated at a very young age in those with genetic mutations and acquired risk factors and conditions.  In contrast to those with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, children with a homozygous disease have early clinical manifestations (xanthoma) and significant, symptomatic ASCVD that generally results in premature death, often during adolescence or early adulthood.


There are at least three lines of evidence that support the concept of atherosclerosis having its origins in childhood.  Although the most direct is in children with genetic dyslipidemia, such as familial hypercholesterolemia, there is evidence that in-utero and acquired effects may play a role as well.




During pregnancy maternal hypercholesterolemia, such as occurs in women with familial hypercholesterolemia, may have an adverse effect on the future health of the fetus. The presence of greatly increased fatty streak formation in human fetal arteries has been reported in over 50% of fetuses of mothers who were hypercholesterolemic during pregnancy (5).  Strong correlations were noted between maternal and fetal plasma cholesterol levels, which in turn were proportional to the extent of lesion formation in the fetus. Despite similar plasma cholesterol levels during childhood, atherosclerosis in children of hypercholesterolemic mothers progressed much more rapidly than did children of mothers who had normal cholesterol levels (6).  Use of cholesterol lowering agents or antioxidants in the mother greatly reduced fetal and postnatal atherosclerosis in the offspring (7). 


A potential mechanism for this susceptibility to atherosclerosis is suggested by animal models that demonstrate persistence differences in arterial gene expression after birth between offspring of mothers who have normal compared to elevated levels of cholesterol. This evidence supports the assumption that fetal lesion information is associated with genetic programming, which may in turn affect postnatal atherogenesis (8).  Cholesterol-lowering and antioxidant treatment during pregnancy appear to positively influence in-utero programming and decrease postnatal susceptibility to atherogenesis (9).




Fatty streaks, the earliest progenitor lesions, are present from early childhood and well established by 20 or 30 years of age. Such lesions, as well as raised plaques, increase rapidly in prevalence and extent during the 15-34 year age span.  Relatively advanced levels of atherosclerosis, including fibrous plaques, have been found in adolescents and young adults. (10-12). Fatty streaks progress to raised lesions at vulnerable anatomic sites (13).  Vascular surfaces subjected to turbulent flow, the preferred sites for fatty streaks, are the same sites as those for advanced lesions, the latter being vulnerable to plaque rupture and thrombosis (10,14,15). Observational studies from autopsies have helped inform us about the timing, extent and severity of atherosclerotic lesions. Thirty percent (30%) of autopsy specimens of black males contained aortic atheroma by age 10 years (16).  Autopsy studies of U.S. soldiers killed during the Korean War showed significant evidence of CVD in 77% of soldiers, with an average age of 22 years. (17). Similar findings were reported in Vietnam War casualties (18).


In addition to autopsy findings, studies using noninvasive measures, including carotid intima-medial thickness (cIMT) and arterial distensibility, have shown anatomic and functional changes of atherosclerosis in youth (10-23). Thickness of the far wall of the internal carotid progresses with age and risk factors alone and together predict thickness in young adults (24).


The risk factors associated with early arterial lesions in children and young adults are the same as those associated with the advanced lesions that cause symptomatic coronary artery disease in adulthood (12, 25).  Increased body mass index (BMI), systolic and diastolic blood pressures, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), low levels of high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), diabetes mellitus, and the presence of cigarette smoking are all associated with greater atherosclerotic plaque coverage and more advanced atherosclerotic lesions. (12,26-28). Autopsy data show that the severity of asymptomatic CVD increases as the number of risk factors increase from 2 - 39 years of age (13,29).


Based on considerable evidence, we can conclude that observational and epidemiologic studies have documented: 1) the origins of atherosclerosis are present from a very early age; 2) there is a striking increase in both the severity and extent of atherosclerosis as age and the number of risk factors increase; 3) the presence and intensity of risk factors are highly correlated with the extent and severity of atherosclerosis; and 4) the combined impact of multiple risk factors is exponentially greater than individual factors alone.




Genetic mutations characterized by lifelong elevations of cholesterol are associated with increased cardiovascular disease and premature events, and provide the best evidence relating risk to future probability of ASCVD.  Conversely, genome wide analysis has demonstrated many alleles that profoundly decrease CVD risk by lifelong lower levels of cholesterol (Table 1). (30-32). It cannot be assumed, however, that a comparable level of lipid lowering achieved with the use of medication will offer the same protective effects (33). This, in part, may be due to initiation of lipid-lowering therapy after clinical disease is recognized, which may be insufficient to prevent the progression of established atherosclerosis. Additionally, the duration of the low cholesterol level is lifelong vs. relatively short number of years on lipid lowering therapy.


In a 20-year follow-up study of statin therapy in children with hypercholesterolemia, 98% of whom had genetically confirmed FH, early treatment was shown to slow the progression of cIMT thickness and reduced the risk of CVD in adulthood (34). In this study of 184 subjects with FH were compared to 77 unaffected siblings, as well as the outcomes of their affected parent. The mean LDL-C level in the subjects with FH decreased 32% from the baseline (237.3 to 160.7 mg/L or 6.13 to 4.16 mmol/L); while treatment goals of LDL-C <100 mg/dL (2.59 mmol/L) were achieved in only 20%. Mean progression of cIMT thickness was not significantly different between those with FH and their siblings, indicating a normalization of the rate of cIMT thickening. The cumulative incidence of CVD-related events (1% vs. 26%) and of death from CVD causes at 39 years of age (0% vs. 7%) was lower among the subjects with FH than among their affected parents. Such findings suggest early identification and initiation of effective lipid lowering therapy, although not to LDL-C levels less than 100 mg/dL, significantly reduces the occurrence and progression of atherosclerosis.


Thus, growing trial evidence is consistent with genetic studies that support therapeutic intervention to achieve lower lipid levels, although the long-term safely and efficacy of medications to accomplish this goal in the pediatric population cannot be documented at this time.


Table 1. Key Mendelian Randomization Studies


LDL-Cholesterol Reduction

CHD Risk



↓23.4 mg/dL

(0.60 mmol/L)


NPC1L1 (36)


↓12 mg/dL

(0.31 mmol/L)


PCSK9 (30)







↓40 mg/dL

↓20 mg/dL


(1.0 mmol/L)

(0.5 mmol/L)




From: Wilson, Don P and Gidding, S. The Journal of Clinical Lipidology. September–October, 2015. Volume 9, Issue 5, Supplement, Pages S1–S4


Although limited information is available in youth, there is growing interest in the role of TGs as a CVD risk factor. Mendelian randomization studies of individuals with TG-lowering variants in the lipoprotein lipase gene and LDL-C-lowering variants in the LDL receptor gene were found to be associated with similar lower risk of coronary heart disease per 10-mg/dL lower level of ApoB-containing lipoproteins (odds ratios of 0.771 and 0.773, respectively).  Importantly, the clinical benefit of lower TG levels was similar to that of lower LDL-C levels per 10mg/dl decrease in ApoB. However, a much larger decrease in TG levels (approx. 70mg/dl) was required to decrease Apo B by 10mg compared to LDL cholesterol (approx. 14mg/dl). This finding suggests that the causal effect of all ApoB-containing lipoprotein particles on the risk of CVD appears to be determined by the circulating concentration of those particles rather than by the mass of cholesterol or triglyceride that they carry (37). This observation, if confirmed, could prove important since 1) significant numbers of youth have elevated non-HDL cholesterol levels, a surrogate marker of apoB, as a result of adverse lifestyles, underlying genetic mutations in TG metabolism, or both; 2) the presence of elevated ApoB during childhood, which often persists into adulthood, represent a much longer period of exposure than that of adult onset; and 3) several novel therapies that potently reduce TG levels are currently in development, some of which have been shown to be effective in youth. However, long-term studies addressing risk reduction and outcomes, safety and FDA approval for use in youth are lacking at this time.


As an alternative to statins, the utility of newer therapies such as ATP citrate lyase inhibitors (ACLY), an enzyme in the cholesterol–biosynthesis pathway upstream of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl–coenzyme A reductase (HMGCR), are being explored.  Studies of genetic variants that mimic the effect of ATP citrate lyase inhibitors showed that, compared to statins, ACLY inhibitors appear to lower plasma LDL-C levels by the same mechanism of action. Both were associated with similar effects on the risk of CVD per unit decrease in the LDL-C level (38). These findings, if found to be safe and effective, offer new opportunities for future drug development.


Table 2.  Effects on the Risk of CV Events per Decrease of 10 mg/DL in the LDL-C* or ApoB-containing Lipoproteins** Level

Polygenic Risk Score


95% CI



*ACLY score


0.78 to 0.87


Ference, NEJM 2019

*HMGCR score


0.81 to 0.87


Ference, NEJM 2019






**LPL score


0.741 to 0.802

3.9 × 10−38

Ference, JAMA 2019

**LDLR score


0.747 to 0.801

1.1 × 10−46

Ference, JAMA 2019

*Mendelian Randomization Study of ACLY and Cardiovascular Disease. Ference BA, Ray KK, Catapano AL, Ference TB, Burgess S, Neff DR, Oliver-Williams C, Wood AM, Butterworth AS, Di Angelantonio E, Danesh J, Kastelein JJP, Nicholls SJ. N Engl J Med. 2019 Mar 14;380(11):1033-1042.

**Association of Triglyceride-Lowering LPL Variants and LDL-C-Lowering LDLR Variants With Risk of Coronary Heart Disease. Ference BA, Kastelein JJP, Ray KK, Ginsberg HN, Chapman MJ, Packard CJ, Laufs U, Oliver-Williams C, Wood AM, Butterworth AS, Di Angelantonio E, Danesh J, Nicholls SJ, Bhatt DL, Sabatine MS, Catapano ALJAMA. 2019 Jan 29;321(4):364-373




Risk factors and risk conditions (Table 3) are often acquired during childhood and may accelerate development of ASCVD. In clinical practice dyslipidemia is most commonly encountered in children and adolescents who are obese (BMI > 95th percentile) and insulin resistant, the latter clinically manifest by the presence of acanthosis nigricans, impaired or elevated fasting glucose, hypertension, and in girls, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).  There is a striking increase in both severity and extent of atherosclerosis as age and the number of risk factors increases. The presence and intensity of risk factors are highly correlated with the extent and severity of atherosclerosis. Furthermore, risk factors measured in childhood and adolescence have been shown to be better predictors of the severity of atherosclerosis than risk factors measured in young adults (13).


Table 3. Acquired Risk Factors and Risk Conditions

Risk Factors



·       Family History

·    Nutrition/Diet

·       Age

·    Physical Inactivity

·       Gender

·    Tobacco Exposure

·       Perinatal Factors

·    Blood Pressure


·    Lipid Levels


·    Overweight/Obesity


·    Diabetes Mellitus


·    Metabolic Syndrome


·    Inflammation

Risk Conditions

Moderate Risk

High Risk

·       Kawasaki disease with regressed coronary aneurysms

·    Kawasaki disease with current coronary aneurysms

·       Chronic inflammatory diseases

·    Type 1 and 2 Diabetes Mellitus

·       HIV infection

·    Post-orthotopic heart transplant


The ability to identify genetic mutations and/or acquired factors or conditions early in this vulnerable population creates the opportunity to prevent development of risk factors and future CVD-related events by effective and timely intervention.  All children, including those with genetic dyslipidemia, should be encouraged to follow a heart healthy lifestyle.  If begun early, such efforts have the potential of preventing behaviors and risk factors that increase future CVD risk. To assist clinicians in this task, the American Heart Association (AHA) has defined four health behaviors and four health factors that are strongly correlated with ideal cardiovascular health (39). Observational studies of individuals who were able to achieve and maintain one or more ideal cardiovascular health behaviors into middle age had greater longevity, longer morbidity-free survival, compression of morbidity to the end of the lifespan, greater health-related quality of life in older age, and substantially lower healthcare costs later in life (Table 4).


Table 4. Correlation of Health Behaviors and Factors with Ideal Cardiovascular Health



Number of Health Behaviors* (% lower risk for incidence CHD)








Males (40)







Females (41)









Using the seven AHA cardiovascular health metrics, scoring of adolescents using NHANES data showed low scores, especially deficient in points for diet and exercise (42). Retrospective analysis revealed that the seven metrics score in adolescents is inversely associated with cIMT and directly associated with arterial elasticity, suggesting that this evaluation of cardiovascular wellness can be applied to evaluation of adolescents and targeted as part of primordial prevention (43). 


Cardiovascular disease risk factors are associated with both the early and advanced stages of atherosclerosis. Individuals at increased risk should be encouraged to achieve a low lifetime risk by preventing development of risk factors starting in youth. Recognizing that this process begins during childhood is key to facilitating implementation of measures that will prevent atherosclerosis and thereby reduce or eliminate future CVD-related events.




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Male Androgenetic Alopecia



Male androgenetic alopecia (MAA) is the most common form of hair loss in men, affecting 30-50% of men by age 50. MAA occurs in a highly reproducible pattern, preferentially affecting the temples, vertex and mid frontal scalp. Although MAA is often regarded as a relatively minor dermatological condition, hair loss impacts self-image and is a great cause of anxiety and depression in some men. MAA is increasingly identified as a risk factor for arterial stiffness and cardiovascular disease. A familial tendency to MAA and racial variation in the prevalence is well recognized, with heredity accounting for approximately 80% of predisposition. Normal levels of androgens are sufficient to cause hair loss in genetically susceptible individuals. The key pathophysiological features of MAA are alteration in hair cycle development, follicular miniaturization, and inflammation. In MAA, the anagen phase decreases with each cycle, while the length of telogen remains constant or is prolonged. Ultimately, anagen duration becomes so short that the growing hair fails to achieve sufficient length to reach the surface of the skin, leaving an empty follicular pore. Hair follicle miniaturization is the histological hallmark of androgenetic alopecia. Once the arrector pili muscle, that attaches circumferentially around the primary follicle, has detached from all secondary follicles and primary follicles have undergone miniaturization and detachment, hair loss is likely irreversible. While many men choose not to undergo treatment, topical minoxidil and oral finasteride are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (USA) for the treatment of MAA. Both medications prevent further hair loss, but only partially reverse baldness, and require continuous use to maintain the effect. Topical minoxidil is well tolerated as a 2% or 5% solution or 5% foam. There is initially accelerated hair loss for several weeks due to telogen hairs falling out. Minor adverse effects include itching of the scalp, dandruff, and erythema. Finasteride is a potent and selective antagonist of the type II 5 alpha reductase, and is not an anti-androgen. 5 alpha reductase converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT).  DHT binding to the scalp hair follicle androgen receptors produces MAA. A daily oral finasteride dose of one milligram reduces scalp dihydrotestosterone by 64% and serum dihydrotestosterone by 68%. Adverse effects, including sexual dysfunction (erectile dysfunction, low libido, anorgasmia) are uncommon, and most often resolve without discontinuing treatment. Permanent sexual adverse effects have been reported on social media and internet forums; however, the true incidence is unknown. Dutasteride inhibits type I and type II 5 alpha reductase, and it might be superior to finasteride in improving hair growth in young males. However, adverse sexual side effects are more common with dutasteride than with finasteride. Combining medications with different mechanisms of action enhances the efficacy. Topical antiandrogens, prostaglandin analogues, topical antifungals, growth factors, and laser treatment are all emerging medical treatments for MAA, yet lack the necessary research to confirm efficacy and safety. Hair transplantation involves removal of hair from the occipital scalp and re-implantation into the bald vertex and frontal scalp. With modern techniques, graft survival in excess of 90% can be reliably achieved. A combination of these therapeutic options is now available for men experiencing MAA, with favorable cosmetic outcomes possible.




Male androgenetic alopecia (MAA, male pattern baldness) is the most common cause of hair loss in men. The hair loss is progressive. Gradual conversion of terminal hairs into vellus hairs occurs in a highly reproducible pattern, denudes the scalp and leads to baldness. While some degree of androgen-dependent hair loss is universal after puberty, the prevalence of alopecia of sufficient severity to warrant a diagnosis of balding increases with advancing age. Twin studies confirm that hair loss is a genetically determined phenomenon. Observational studies in eunuchs have established the androgen-dependent nature of this condition.


The morbidity of MAA is predominately psychological, although MAA is associated with slight increased risk of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer of the scalp. MAA has a variable psychosocial impact on the affected individual, however premature MAA is more likely to cause emotional distress. MAA is reportedly associated with increased incidence of myocardial infarction, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia.


Topical minoxidil and finasteride (5 alpha reductase type II inhibitor) are the only FDA approved treatments for MAA. Both agents arrest progression of hair loss and stimulate partial regrowth of hair. Dutasteride (dual 5 alpha reductase type I and II inhibitor) is more potent and has been more effective than finasteride in phase II trials but phase III trial data are limited. Hair transplantation is widely practiced in the USA and takes advantage of the relative sparing and androgen-resistant nature of donor occipital hairs.


New insights into the pathophysiology, genetic basis of MAA, and the role of androgens may help in the discovery of additional treatments for androgenetic alopecia.




Hamilton estimated that 30% to 50% of men developed MAA by the age of 50 (1). Many Western studies have shown that there are racial as well as age-related differences in the incidence and pattern of hair loss in MAA (2).


The incidence and severity of MAA is reported to be more common in Caucasian men than other nationalities. It has been observed that advanced degrees of alopecia are more frequent and develop at an earlier age in Caucasian than in Mongolian populations (3). The onset of MAA in the Japanese occurs one decade later than in Caucasians.(4) Black, Oriental, Native American, and African-American men are more likely to have preservation of their frontal hair lines, less extensive and late onset baldness than Caucasians (1,5-7). A population study completed in Singapore supports that Chinese men are reported to have a lower incidence of MAA (8).


Age prevalence of MAA has been documented in numerous study populations. In Australia, a study of 1390 men between the ages of 40 and 69 was conducted to determine the prevalence and risk factors for MAA. The prevalence of vertex or full baldness (Figure 1) (Norwood Hamilton scale) increases with age from 31% (age 40-55) to 53% (age 65-69). A receding frontal hairline was found in 25% of men aged 40-55 and 31% aged 65-69 (9). A survey done in the USA reported a prevalence of moderate or severe MAA of 53% in the age group 40-49 (10). An increased incidence of MAA with aging has also been reported in Korean population, with type III-vertex involvement most commonly seen in the third to seventh decades (11).  The prevalence of MAA in Singaporean males was reported to be 63%, increasing with age, from 32% at 17-26 years to 100% after 80 years (8).

Figure 1. Androgenetic alopecia patterns in men.




Hair is an essential part of an individual's self-image and its main significance relates to socialization. Thus, the consequences of MAA are predominantly psychological. Several studies show that the negative self-perception of balding patients appears to be consistent between Western (12, 13) and Asian cultures (14). The negative impact of MAA is often trivialized or ignored by unaffected people (15). However, there is evidence that perception by others may compound the psychological problems suffered by balding men. A Korean study of the perception of balding men by women and non-balding men found that their negative perception of men with MAA was similar to the psychosocial effects reported by the patients themselves (14). Of note, a perception of bald men looking less attractive was found in more than 90% of subjects surveyed. This view was more common in women than non-balding men. Such negative perceptions may further impair the social functioning of balding men. A recent study confirmed a high prevalence of depression and anxiety in patients experiencing androgenetic alopecia, who often utilize avoidant coping strategies (16). It is important to note however, that most affected men cope well with androgenetic alopecia, without significant impact on their psychosocial function. Thus, those who do seek help are likely to be in greater emotional distress and have been dissatisfied with any treatment they have received. The most distressed balding men are those with more extensive hair loss, those who have very early onset, and those that believe their balding is progressive (12). It is important for the physician to address the patients’ emotional responses to alopecia, including anger, anxiety, and depression, including their beliefs about the impact of their condition (16).




Cotton et al. first suggested idea that male pattern baldness may be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (17). This has been subsequently supported by several other studies (18-21). A recent study found that asymptomatic young men with at least Grade 3 vertex baldness have a significantly greater risk of arterial stiffness than those with normal hair status (22). However, most of these studies were conducted by non-dermatologists and no dermatologic input was included for confirmation of MAA diagnoses. These statistically-significant, though weak, associations were discovered in epidemiological, cohort, and case control studies. Severe early onset of MAA in subjects before age 30 may be associated with a higher risk for ischemic heart disease. In a retrospective study of 22,071 American subjects, men experiencing vertex balding were shown to have an increased incidence of myocardial infarction compared with frontal alopecia (23). One study showed that frontal male pattern baldness in young men was associated with increased serum cholesterol levels and higher blood pressure compared to men of similar age with no hair loss (23). Increased incidences of hypertension and elevated aldosterone levels have also been found in women with female pattern hair loss (24,25). No clear link between cardiovascular diseases and MAA has been established. High androgen levels have been postulated to cause MAA as well as atherosclerosis and thrombosis, however some data has shown no association between baldness and established coronary risk factors (26).


An increased incidence of benign prostatic hyperplasia has been associated with MAA, and MAA could be an early marker of the disease (27-29). A recent study, however, suggested that there is no relationship between androgenetic alopecia, benign prostatic hyperplasia, PSA level, and prostate volume (30). Prostate cancer has also been found to be positively associated with MAA in various studies (31,31). A large scale Australian case-control study found that vertex balding was associated with a 50% increase in risk of prostate cancer and 11 year follow up data suggests that vertex androgenetic alopecia at age of 40 years might be a marker of increased risk of early-onset prostate cancer (32,33). A meta-analysis conducted using Medline and Cochrane databases suggests that an increased risk of prostate cancer was only associated with vertex baldness, whereas other patterns appear to have no association (34).However, associations with high-grade prostate cancer were found in all patterns of MAA, being especially significant in men aged 60-69 years. An association and a pathophysiological mechanism for the link between MAA and prostate cancer also remains to be established but may involve the dual dependence of these conditions on dihydrotestosterone (35).


A meta-analysis of case-control studies (n=5) has suggested a reduced risk of testicular germ cell tumor (TGCT) in men with MAA (36).  They reported that a statistically significant association was observed, suggesting that MAA might become a protective factor for the risk of TGCT. Testicular cancer is hormone-dependent as supported by its rapid increase in incidence starting at pubertal age and late onset of puberty has been inversely associated with the risk of testicular cancer. MAA and testicular cancer share some biological and epidemiologic risk factors including: aging, genetic inheritance, and androgenetic influence. Androgen metabolic pathway genetic variation studies showed that Ser312-Asn polymorphism of the luteinizing hormone receptor was linked to a decreased relative risk of TGCT(37). These conclusions have been based on a limited number of case-control studies and further research is required. 


Recent studies suggest higher prevalence, comorbidity, and mortality rates of COVID-19 in males than females. A review of 59,254 individuals from 11 countries, demonstrated higher mortality of SARS-CoV-2 infection in males. A possible suggestion of MAA and worse Covid-19 outcomes has led to several studies reviewing this association (38-40). One study assessed the severity of hair loss in 1,941 admitted male symptomatic patients that tested  for SARS-CoV-2 infection, consisted of 1,605 negative-tested and 336 positives. Classification of hair loss was obtained from the UK Biobank data based on the Hamilton–Norwood Scale (HNS). Severe MAA (HNS 4–7) was significantly associated with a higher rate of positive COVID-19 tests (41). In addition, severe MAA had a higher odds ratio than other important risk factors consisting of increased Body Mass Index, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes. However, mild and moderate MAA (in comparison with patients with no hair loss) did not correlate significantly with increased COVID-19 positivity. The main limitation of that study was that the MAA characterization of patients was based on self-reported data (41). Wambier et al. in a recent study, described SARS-CoV-2 infectivity through transmembrane protease serine 2 (TMPRSS2), which is associated with androgen sensitivity (42). Moreover, the prospective cohort study of Goren et al. involved 77 men admitted with COVID-19; ICU admission was significantly lower (1 out of 12 patients; 8%) in the group taking anti-androgens (dutasteride, finasteride, spironolactone, etc.) relative to the group that did not use anti-androgens (38 out of 65 patients; 58%) (43). Recent studies suggested both high and low androgen levels could lead to a severe course of COVID-19 (44). Increased tissue dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels are seen in hyperandrogenic conditions like MAA, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and prostate cancer (45).Notably, Motopoli et al. studied androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) in 118 prostate cancer patients and demonstrated that ADT might have a protective role against SARS-CoV-2 infection (46).




Genetic factors and androgens both play key roles in causing “androgenic” hair loss.


Genetics and Androgenetic Alopecia


A familial tendency to MAA and racial variation in the prevalence of balding is well recognized (5,47). Twin studies identified heredity as accounting for around 80% of the predisposition to baldness (48). Genetic factors modify the magnitude of the hair follicle response to circulating androgens. Those with a strong predisposition go bald in their teenage years, while those with a weak predisposition may not go bald until they are in their 60s or 70s. Fewer than 15% of men have little or no baldness by the age of 70 (49). Osborne in 1916 suggested that the baldness gene behaved in an autosomal dominant manner in men and an autosomal recessive fashion in women (50). Happle and Küster were unable to demonstrate a bimodal distribution of phenotypes with clearly unaffected and clearly affected individuals as is usually seen in autosomal dominant disorders (51). In contrast they observed a range of phenotypes for men and women that seem to follow a normal distribution. This, together with the finding that baldness risk increases with the number of affected family members, is more consistent with polygenic inheritance. Furthermore, they noted that inherited traits due to single gene defects rarely have an incidence greater that 1:1000, while polygenic diseases are much more common, as is the case with androgenetic alopecia. The current concept of it being a polygenic inheritance is supported by an Australian study that examined the frequency of baldness in the fathers of balding men (52). Of the fifty-four father-son relationships, 81.5% of balding sons had fathers who had cosmetically significant balding. This figure greatly exceeded the proportion expected of an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. The same authors also described an association of male pattern baldness with a polymorphism of the androgen receptor gene on the X chromosome (52,53). The androgen receptor gene restriction fragment length polymorphism [RFLP] was found in almost all (98.1%) young bald men, older bald men (92.3%), but only in 77% of non-bald men. This polymorphism appears to be necessary for the development of MAA, but its presence in non-bald men indicates that it is necessary but not sufficient to cause the phenotype (53). In addition, several shorter triplet repeat haplotypes were found in higher frequency in bald men than in normal controls. These RFLPs appear to be associated with a functional variant of the androgen receptor (AR) gene. Of note, the androgen receptor gene is located on the X chromosome, which is passed on from mother to a male child. However, family studies have shown resemblance of hair loss between fathers and sons, which cannot be explained by AR gene mutations alone. 


These data suggest that other autosomal genes may also be contributing to the phenotype. Several studies have examined the other candidate genes and chromosomal regions that can contribute to the hair loss.


Genetic association studies of 5 alpha reductase genes SRD5A1 on chromosome 5 and SRD5A2 on chromosome 2, using dimorphic intragenic restriction fragment length polymorphisms in 828 families, failed to show an association between these genes and MAA (53). However, the role of the 5 alpha reductase enzyme in MAA is evident from its role in the metabolism of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and the effect of 5 alpha reductase inhibitors in treating hair loss. The cytochrome p450 alpha aromatase enzyme has also been found to contribute to androgenetic alopecia. Aromatase diminishes intra-follicular testosterone by catalyzing the conversion of testosterone to estradiol. Differences exist in the expression of aromatase in balding and non-balding scalp (54). Yip et al suggest that the aromatase gene (CYP19A1) might predispose to hair loss in women (55).  


Hillmer et al sought to identify new susceptibility genes in MAA (56). In a genome wide scan and fine mapping linkage study performed on 95 families, they found that there is strong evidence for an MAA susceptibility locus on chromosome 3q26 (56). This study could not confirm or exclude the relevance of chromosomes 11q22-q24, 18p11-q22, and 19p13-q13 in causing MAA. Another genome-wide association study completed by Hillmer et al found a highly significant association on chromosome 20p11 suggesting that the 20p11 locus has a role in a yet-to-be-identified androgen-independent pathway (57). A new susceptibility variant on chromosome 7p21.1 suggests HDAC9 is a 3rd candidate gene for male-pattern baldness (58).


A recent genome wide association study conducted in the United Kingdom, using 25,662 MPB cases and 17,928 controls, found 71 significantly associated loci, 30 of which were previously undescribed. These loci account for 38% of the heritability of MAA, suggesting a relatively low level of complexity in the genetic architecture (59).




A gene polymorphism-based diagnostic test that will predict the chances of future androgenetic alopecia development is now in the market (53,56). For young patients concerned about hair loss, this test may help to define the value of early treatment initiation.

In males, the gene test can predict the chances for MAA by reporting the presence or absence of a specific variation in the androgen receptor gene found on the X chromosome. The variant androgen receptor gene causes changes in the hair follicle’s response to dihydrotestosterone, resulting in alterations in the hair growth cycle. A positive test result indicates a 70% chance of developing MAA, whereas a negative test result indicates a 70% chance of not developing MAA. The test is of value as a screening test in predicting the future chances of developing MAA rather than a confirmatory test.


Recently, a gene test has been developed that is designed to evaluate an individual’s response to finasteride therapy. The test is based on significant association of specific variations in the androgen receptor gene and the likelihood that a man will respond to finasteride therapy (60). The test provides the patient’s CAG repeat length score in the androgen receptor gene. A shorter CAG repeat length (<22) is associated with a greater likelihood that the patient will experience a significant benefit by using finasteride for the treatment of MAA. The genetic test for finasteride response helps determine if the patient will have a slight, moderate, or great response to finasteride treatment. These tests are not routinely performed in clinical practice currently.


Hormones and Androgenetic Alopecia


The role of androgen in male pattern hair loss is well established. American anatomist James Hamilton observed that castrated males did not develop MAA unless they were supplemented with testosterone (61).


Measurements of serum androgens, testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEA), and free testosterone levels have failed to demonstrate a reproducible difference between cases and controls (62). A study that assessed different hormonal levels in MAA and age-matched controls measured elevated levels of cortisol and androstenedione in those experiencing MAA (63). This study further suggests a broad range of hormones may influence androgenetic alopecia. Even though scalp hair loss and hirsutism are essential features of hyperandrogenism in women, several investigations failed to demonstrate raised androgen levels in women (64). Therefore, it is suggested that normal levels of androgens are sufficient to cause hair loss in genetically susceptible individuals.


The observation that eunuchoidal patients with androgen-insensitivity syndrome and 5 alpha-reductase deficiency do not go bald suggests that MAA is induced by activation of follicular androgen receptors by DHT (65-67). Patients affected by Kennedy's disease, with a functional abnormality of the androgen receptor gene, have a reduced risk of MAA (68). Increased levels of DHT have been found in balding scalp compared to non-balding scalp (69).


Intrafollicular androgen over-activity may also be the result of local factors including an increased number of androgen receptors, functional polymorphisms of the androgen receptor, increased local production of DHT, and reduced local degradation of DHT (70).

Similar to the classical steroidogenic organs, such as gonads and adrenal glands, the skin and its appendages, including hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and eccrine/apocrine glands, are armed with all the necessary enzymes required for androgen synthesis and metabolism. The 5 alpha reductase enzyme plays a central role through the intrafollicular conversion of testosterone to the more active metabolite DHT (71). DHT binds the androgen receptor with 5 times the avidity of testosterone and is more potent in its ability to cause downstream activation (72). Two 5 alpha reductase isoenzymes have been characterized, based on their different pH optima and tissue expression patterns (73). Type 1 5 alpha reductase is found immunohistochemically in sebaceous glands, epidermis, eccrine sweat glands, apocrine sweat glands, and hair follicles. In the skin, the activity of the type 1 5 alpha reductase is concentrated in sebaceous glands and is significantly higher in sebaceous glands from the face and scalp compared with non-acne-prone areas. Northern blot studies reveal an abundance of type 1 mRNA in neonatal foreskin keratinocytes, followed by adult facial sebocytes, and stronger expression in dermal papilla (DP) from occipital hair cells than from beard (74). It is also found in the liver, adrenals and kidneys. Despite the wide expression pattern of type 1 enzyme, its physiological function is uncertain. The type 2 enzyme has been found by immunohistochemistry to be in the dermal papilla, the inner layer of the outer root sheath, the sebaceous ducts, and proximal inner root sheath of scalp hair follicles (75). It is also found in the prostate, testes, and liver. Type 2 5 alpha reductase accounts for about 80% of circulating DHT.


Recent studies by Hoffmann et al demonstrate that there are number of other enzymes involved in the pathogenesis of androgenetic hair loss. 17-beta- and 3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (HSD), with type 2 5 alpha reductase within the dermal papilla, play a central role in the intrafollicular conversion of testosterone to DHT (76). Fritsch et al suggest that small levels of some isoenzymes found in normal states may have important implications in disease states (77). Steroid sulfatase, 3-beta-HSD1, 17-beta-HSD3, and type 1 5 alpha reductase are the major steroidogenic enzymes responsible for the formation of potent androgens, whereas 17-beta-HSD2, 3-alpha-HSD, and aromatase seem to inactivate the excess androgens locally in order to achieve androgen homeostasis in the hair follicles (77).


Human hair follicles, distributed in specific sites of the body, appear to have an inherited susceptibility for androgen-dependent growth starting during puberty. Depending on the body sites, androgens have paradoxically different effects on human hair follicles. Androgens stimulate hair growth in some sites such as the beard, axillary, and pubic areas and suppress the growth of frontal scalp hair of genetically disposed individuals. Itami et al proposed that the second messenger system determines whether androgen sensitive follicles will respond to androgens by either miniaturization or enhancement (78). Androgen stimulation of cultured beard dermal papilla cells lead to increased transcription of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and enhanced growth of co-cultured keratinocytes. Androgen stimulation of dermal papilla cells derived from balding scalp lead to suppression of growth of co-cultured keratinocytes. This growth suppression of keratinocytes was mediated by transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) derived from dermal papilla cells from men with MAA, suggesting that TGF-beta1 is a paracrine mediator for MAA (79). Beard dermal papilla cells are known to secrete growth-inducing autocrine growth factors in response to testosterone, leading to an increase in dermal papilla size and enlargement of the hair follicle and hair cortex. IGF-1 has been identified as a major component of secreted cytokines (80).


Hair loss on the scalp progresses in an orderly and reproducible pattern, and is a function of factors intrinsic to each hair follicle. In vitro experiments have shown that the hair follicles are able to self-regulate their response to androgens by regulating the expression of 5 alpha reductase and androgen receptors (81-83). This self-regulation is postulated to produce the quantifiable difference in androgen receptor numbers and 5 alpha reductase activity that is observed between balding and non-balding areas of the scalp (54, 81, 82, 84). This intrinsic regulation is best demonstrated in hair transplantation experiments: occipital hairs maintain their resistance to MAA when transplanted to the vertex, and scalp hairs from the vertex transplanted to the forearm miniaturize at the same pace as hairs neighboring the donor site (85).




Large terminal follicles are shed and replaced by small vellus hairs in androgenetic alopecia. Three areas of the scalp are affected preferentially: the temples, vertex scalp, and mid frontal scalp (Figure 2). Within these areas the process is strictly patterned. Bitemporal hair loss starts at the anterior hairline and moves posteriorly over the scalp. Hair loss over the vertex scalp begins centrally and radiates outwards circumferentially. Over the mid frontal scalp, hair follicle miniaturization leads to a pattern of hair loss reminiscent of a Christmas tree (86). These three zones are not affected equally leading to clinical variations in the pattern of hair loss, with some men balding more to the front while other bald more over the crown.

Figure 2. Areas of the scalp. F-Frontal / M-Mid frontal / T-Temple / V-Vertex.


The 3 key features of MAA are alteration of hair cycle dynamics, follicular miniaturization, and inflammation.


Hair Cycle Dynamics and Androgenetic Alopecia


Hair is lost and replaced cyclically. Follicles undergo corresponding cyclic phases of growth, involution, quiescence, and regeneration (Figure 3). The growth phase (anagen) lasts for 3-5 years (87). As hair elongation is relatively constant at 1 cm per month, the duration of the growth phase is the primary determinant of the final hair length. At the end of anagen the involutional phase (catagen) lasts for a few weeks. The period of hair follicle quiescence (telogen) that follows lasts approximately 3 months (88). Hair follicle regeneration occurs in approximately the first week of anagen and once regenerated, the anagen phase continues until the hair reaches its final (possibly predetermined) length.

 Figure 3. Normal hair cycle - Each telogen hair is replaced by a new anagen hair.


Hair cycle in mammals has an intrinsic rhythmic behavior and this is modified by systemic and local factors. Humans have an asynchronous hair cycle and the duration of anagen and the final length of hair differ between regions of the body. A number of molecular signals including growth factors, nuclear receptors, cytokines, and intracellular signaling pathways are involved in controlling the hair cycle. Growth factors such as IGF-1, hepatocyte growth factor, keratinocyte growth factor, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) promote the anagen phase of the hair cycle. Similarly, transforming growth factor-beta (TGF beta), interleukin 1-alpha, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha promote onset of catagen (89).


In androgenetic alopecia, the duration of anagen decreases with each cycle, while the length of telogen remains constant or is prolonged; this results in a reduction of the anagen to telogen ratio (47). Balding patients often describe periods of excessive hair shedding, most noticeable while combing or washing. This is due to the relative increase in numbers of follicles in telogen. As the hair growth rate remains relatively constant, the duration of anagen growth determines hair length. Thus, with each successively foreshortened hair cycle, the length of each hair shaft is reduced. Ultimately, anagen duration becomes so short that the growing hair fails to achieve sufficient length to reach the surface of the skin, leaving an empty follicular pore. Prolongation of the kenogen phase, the lag phase or the delayed replacement of telogen hair, seems to last longer in MAA leaving a higher percentage of empty hair follicles contributing to balding (90,91). Further, the kenogen (latent phase) is prolonged in MAA, reducing hair numbers and contributing to the balding process (90).


In MAA tiny, pale hairs gradually replace large, pigmented ones. Androgens appear to reduce alopecia hair color by inhibiting dermal papilla stem cell factor (SCF) production, which is important in embryonic melanocyte migration and bulbar melanocyte pigmentation (92).


Hair Follicle Miniaturization


Hair follicle miniaturization is the histological hallmark of androgenetic alopecia (93). Hair follicles consist of mesenchymal and ectodermal components. The ectodermal part consists of an invagination of epidermis into the dermis and subcutaneous fat. The hair bulb contains the hair matrix which produces the hair shaft. The mesenchymal component is the dermal papilla, a small collection of specialized fibroblasts that is totally surrounded by the hair bulb.


In association with the changes in hair cycle dynamics, there is progressive, stepwise miniaturization of the entire follicular apparatus in MAA (Figure 4). The mesenchyme-derived dermal papilla, located in the middle of the hair bulb at the follicle base, regulates many aspects of the epithelial follicle and determines the type of hair produced (94,95).As the dermal papilla is central in the maintenance and control of hair growth, it is likely to be the target of androgen-mediated events leading to miniaturization and hair cycle changes (96-98). The constant geometric relationship between the dermal papilla size and the size of the hair matrix suggests that the size of the dermal papilla determines the size of the hair bulb and ultimately the hair shaft produced (99, 100).

Figure 4. Progressive miniaturization of hair in each cycle.


A greater than tenfold reduction in overall cell numbers is likely to account for the decrease in hair follicular size (101).The mechanism by which this decrease occurs is unexplained, and may be the result of either apoptotic cell death, decreased proliferation of keratinocytes (92), cell displacement with loss of cellular adhesion leading to dermal papilla fibroblasts dropping off into the dermis, or migration of dermal papilla cells into the dermal sheath associated with the outer root sheath of the hair follicle (100, 102). In vitro studies demonstrate that human balding dermal papilla cells secrete inhibitory factors, which affect the growth of both human and rodent dermal papilla cells, and factors that delay the onset of anagen in mice in vivo. These inhibitory factor(s) probably cause the formation of smaller dermal papillae and smaller hairs in MAA (103). Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP3) has a demonstrated antagonistic effect on keratinocyte proliferation in the hair follicle in transgenic mice studies (104).


Smaller follicles result in finer hairs. The caliber of hair shafts reduces from 0.08mm to less than 0.06mm. On the balding scalp, transitional indeterminate hairs represent the bridge between full-sized and miniaturized terminal hairs (105). Traditional models of MAA show follicular miniaturization occurring in a stepwise fashion. This has recently been contested, and it is now believed that the transition from terminal to vellus hair occurs as an abrupt, large step process. Either way, the cross-sectional area of individual hair shafts remains constant throughout fully developed anagen, indicating that the hair follicle, and its dermal papilla, remains the same size (105). Therefore, follicular miniaturization occurs between anagen cycles rather than within the anagen phase. This short window of androgen effect may also explain the lengthy delay experienced between clinical response and the commencement of therapy, as any pharmacological intervention will only have effect at the point of miniaturization (105).


Follicular miniaturization leaves behind stelae as dermal remnants of the full-sized follicle. These stelae, also known as fibrous tracts or streamers, extend from the subcutaneous tissue up the old follicular tract to the miniaturized hair and mark the formal position of the original terminal follicle (106, 107). Arao-Perkins bodies may be seen with elastic stains within the follicular stelae. An Arao-Perkins body begins as a small cluster of elastic fibers in the neck of the dermal papilla. These clump during catagen and remain situated at the lowest point of origin of the follicular stelae. With the progressive shortening of anagen hair seen in androgenetic alopecia, multiple elastic clumps may be found in a stela, like the rungs of a ladder (108).


In addition to the hair follicle miniaturization that leads to thin fibers in androgenetic alopecia, a reduction in anagen duration leads to shorter hair length, while an increase in telogen duration delays regeneration. This results in hairs so short and fine that they fail to achieve sufficient length to reach the surface of the scalp.


 While miniaturized hairs are also seen in alopecia areata, that autoimmune condition is potentially fully reversible with treatment (e.g., corticosteroid). In contrast, MAA is only partially reversible at its best. The mechanism for the difference may be related to the attachment of arrector pili muscle and the hair follicle, which will be discussed later in this chapter.


Pattern of Hair Loss


There are 2 concurrent patterns in the hair loss; a macroscopic pattern and a microscopic pattern. The macroscopic pattern of hair loss is highly reproducible with certain zones of the scalp being affected preferentially. This is best seen over the vertex scalp where the baldness begins at a central focus and hair loss progresses radially in all directions.  There are no-skip lesions. Hair transplantation studies have demonstrated that this pattern is not due to a local signal or a diffusible chemical but rather genetically imprinted in the follicle. The orderly and systematic progression of hair loss is retained even when follicles are relocated to distant sites. 


The microscopic pattern of hair loss refers to the pattern of hair loss within scalp follicular units (109). In contrast to beard hairs, scalp hairs exist as compound follicles with between 2 and 5 hairs emerging from a single pore. Miniaturization within these follicular units is also ordered and leads to a reduction in the number of terminal hairs per follicular unit, which can be demonstrated via dermoscopy (Figure 5). This is perceived by the affected individual as a loss of hair volume. When all the hairs within a follicular unit have miniaturized, additional denuded scalp is visible and perceived by affected individuals as baldness.

Figure 5. Dermoscopic images of scalp in different stages of alopecia. A) Normal scalp with 2-4 hairs in most follicular units. B) Early androgenetic alopecia with mixture of multiple and single hair in follicular units. C)  Advanced androgenetic alopecia with thin and single hair in most follicular units.




Studies suggest that inflammation is a feature in MAA even though its significance in the pathogenesis of the disease is controversial. Activated T-cells infiltrating the lower portions of follicular infundibula have been demonstrated in scalp biopsies (110). A moderate perifollicular, lymphohistiocytic infiltrate, perhaps with concentric layers of perifollicular collagen deposition, is present in some 40% of cases of androgenetic alopecia, but only 10% of normal controls (107). Occasional eosinophils and mast cells can be seen. The cellular inflammatory changes also occur around lower follicles in some cases and occasionally involve follicular stelae. A considerable difference in the inflammatory infiltrate has been observed between balding and non-balding scalp (111).


A modest degree of chronic inflammation around the upper part of hair follicles has been well described by many investigators (108, 111, 112).




The possibility of a slow inflammatory scarring process has been suggested by the irreversibility of the hair loss, the histological evidence of fibrous tracts, and the histological similarity seen between MAA and lichen planopilaris (113).



Histological diagnosis is rarely necessary for MAA. In patients where the diagnosis is equivocal, 4mm punch vertex scalp biopsies are the ideal specimen. Horizontal scalp biopsies have more diagnostic information than vertical biopsies (107). Triple horizontal biopsies have showed 98% diagnostic accuracy compared with 79% in a single biopsy in female androgenetic alopecia (114).


The prime feature found in scalp biopsies is the reduction in the terminal anagen hair count. The apparent reduction in the number of terminal hairs is due to progressive replacement of terminal hairs with secondary pseudo-vellus hairs, with residual angiofibrotic tracts (112). There is a change in the ratio of terminal to vellus hairs from greater than 6:1 to less than 4:1. Also, the anagen to telogen hair ratio reduces from 12:1 to 5:1 (107).


Messenger et al reported that there is an increase in vellus follicle numbers with increasing severity of hair loss in women with female pattern hair loss, suggesting that terminal follicles do indeed miniaturize (115).


Considering that hair follicle miniaturization is the key point during androgenic alopecia onset and development, diversity in hair diameter represents an important feature histologically, reflecting the different stages of miniaturization, and this accurately correlates with the clinical hair diameter diversity (116).


Arrector Pili Muscle and Androgenetic Alopecia


Hair exists as follicular units consisting of 3-5 terminal hairs per follicular unit nourished by a single arborizing arrector pili muscle (APM), which attaches circumferentially around the primary follicle with variable attachment to other follicles (103, 109). A study by Yazdabadi et al demonstrated that in MAA and female pattern hair loss, where follicle miniaturization is either irreversible or only partially reversible, there was a consistent loss of attachment of the arrector pilli muscle to vellus hair follicles (Figure 6). This was in contrast to potentially reversible alopecia areata, in which the arrector pilli muscle maintained contact with the miniaturized secondary vellus follicles (Figure 7). The study suggests that the persisting contact between the APM and follicular unit predicts reversibility of miniaturization (117).


A recent proposition for the pathogenesis and mechanism of androgenetic alopecia suggests that in the early stages of MAA, the arrector pili muscle remains attached to the primary follicle, yet loses attachment to a number of the regressing secondary follicles in some follicular units (93). As further miniaturization and detachment occurs, patients may first notice a change in their hair density and complain of thinning. Once the arrector pili muscle has detached from all secondary follicles and primary follicles have undergone miniaturization and detachment, hair loss is likely irreversible (93). This proposed mechanism establishes the importance of early treatment to halt balding prior to the loss of primary hair follicles.

Figure 6. Illustrations showing the progressive miniaturization within the follicular units and the detachment with the arrector pili muscle.

Figure 7. Three-dimensional reconstructions of alopecia areata (a) and MAAs (b) demonstrating the loss of contact of the arrector pili muscle with the outer root sheath of the vellus hair follicle in MAA that is largely irreversible compared with maintenance of this contact of the arrector pili muscle with outer root sheath which is potentially completely reversible in alopecia area.




The clinical appearance of MAA is universally and instantly recognizable in most cases. The progression of the hair loss occurs in an orderly manner and has been well documented by Hamilton (1) and Norwood (118) (Figure 8). These authors use a modified grading scale for male pattern hair loss (Figure 9). Affected hairs are miniaturized and there is decreased hair density. Progressive replacement of terminal hairs by vellus hairs leads to an overall decrease in hair density in affected zones as a precursor to total baldness.


Androgenetic alopecia in men typically presents with bitemporal recession and vertex balding (male pattern hair loss). However, 3.9% of Australian men (119) and 11.1% of Korean men (11) with androgenetic alopecia present with “female pattern hair loss (FPHL),” characterized by diffuse rarefaction of hair on the mid-frontal aspect of the scalp and crown, with preservation of the anterior hairline. Expert dermatologists experienced in the treatment of hair disorders participated in the development of a modified Sinclair scale for men by modeling it on the original Sinclair scale, a 5-point visual analog scale for the assessment of FPHL in women. The modified Sinclair scale similarly comprises 5 clinical photographs of men's scalps and is made up of 2 separate composite images for use in men with shorter and longer hairstyles (Figure 10) (120).


The scalp is generally normal, and periods of increased hair shedding may be accompanied by a positive “hair pull” on examination. A positive hair pull test is when hair is easily plucked from the scalp. A family history of MAA on either side of the family is seen in around 80% while in 20% of cases, there is no family history.

Figure 8. The Hamilton-Norwood classification of male androgenetic alopecia.

Figure 9. Modified male pattern hair loss grading scale.

 Figure 10. Modified Sinclair Scale for female pattern hair loss (a less common type of MAA) in men with short hair and long hair.




A number of options are available to balding men. Firstly, as the condition is not life threatening and the morbidity are variable, a reasonable option is to have no treatment and allow the balding to progress naturally. In fact, this is what the vast majority of men elect to do. Regardless of whether patients pursue treatment, an adequate explanation of the pathogenesis of the disease, how common it is in the community, and the various treatment options available form an important part of the support and counselling that should occur with each patient. It is very important to ascertain whether patients' expectations regarding treatment outcome are achievable before embarking on medical therapy. Patients should also be educated about the advantage of early treatment and the necessity of prolonged therapy.

Camouflage and Wigs


Camouflage is the simplest and easiest way to deal with mild MAA. Changing the hair styling to cover the balding scalp, adding small fibers held in place electrostatically and dyeing the scalp the same color as hair are important and cheap measures that can achieve cosmetically satisfactory results. Modern wigs can be styled, washed, and give a natural look.


Medical Management


Topical minoxidil and oral finasteride are the only two treatments currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (USA) for androgenetic alopecia in men. Both of these medications prevent further hair loss but are only able to partially reverse the baldness. Both require continuous use to maintain the effect. As clinical response may take 6-12 months to become apparent, these agents should be used for at least one year before deciding whether to continue treatment. HairMax LaserComb, also known as low level laser therapy is also FDA-cleared in the context of androgenetic alopecia (121). These are the only treatments recognized by the FDA for treatment of androgenetic alopecia.




Oral Minoxidil has been used to treat hypertension since the 1960s (122). Hypertrichosis as a consequence of minoxidil treatment was observed shortly thereafter and has been said to occur in 100% of the users (123, 124).These observations led to the development of topical minoxidil as a treatment for hair loss (125). It was approved by the FDA for the treatment of male androgenetic alopecia in 1984.


A number of investigators have advanced hypotheses as to the mechanism of action of minoxidil. One important hypothesis is that it has vasodilatory properties. Cutaneous blood flow was observed to increase after 10 to 15 minutes of applying topical minoxidil (126). Up-regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which helps in maintaining dermal papilla vasculature and hair growth, is another important action of minoxidil (127). Li et al proposed a possible mechanism for minoxidil stimulation of VEGF from experiments on dermal papilla cells (128).They suggest that binding of minoxidil to adenosine receptors A1 and A2, as well as the sulphonylurea receptor SUR2B, activates adenosine-signaling pathways and increase the release of VEGF. Overexpression of VEGF increases perifollicular vascularization and accelerate hair growth.


The prevailing view is that minoxidil promotes hair regrowth through its action to open potassium channels (129, 130).It is postulated that minoxidil sulfate, the active metabolite, opens the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) sensitive potassium channels (KATP channel), thereby having a relaxant effect on vascular smooth muscle and rendering the intracellular potential more negative. This negative gradient promotes depletion of intracellular calcium. In the presence of calcium, epidermal growth factor has been shown to inhibit hair follicular growth in vitro. The conversion of minoxidil to minoxidil sulfate is higher in hair follicles than in the surrounding skin and may suppress EGF-induced inhibition of growth, prolonging the anagen growth phase of hair follicles (128). The effect on the cell cycle is to initiate the onset of anagen (and thereby shorten telogen duration) and to prolong the duration of anagen by delaying initiation of catagen. 


Several studies have shown the effect of topical minoxidil in promoting hair growth (131, 132).  A five-year follow up with topical minoxidil has shown the sustained effect of minoxidil with long term use (133). Minoxidil works as a non-specific promoter of hair growth, but the slow miniaturization of hair follicles induced by androgens continues in spite of treatment. Evidence for this is seen in a 120-week double-blind study comparing the clipped hair weight of men treated with 5% minoxidil, 2% minoxidil, and placebo and a group with no treatment (132). As expected, the minoxidil groups experienced a surge in hair weights at the induction of therapy. The 5% group was superior to the 2% group in terms of the initial peak in hair weights. Both were superior to placebo and no treatment groups. However, all groups (minoxidil, placebo, and no treatment) showed a progressive 6% per annum decrease in hair weights during the treatment period. This would mean that patients using minoxidil as mono-therapy for MAA continue to bald despite of treatment. If treatment is ceased, any positive effect on hair growth is lost in 4-6 months (134).

Minoxidil topical preparations are available in 2% and 5% solutions. Both strengths are currently in use for treatment in males, yet the 5% minoxidil solution used twice daily has shown higher efficacy than the 2% solution (135). A recent advancement in the use of minoxidil as a hair loss treatment is the development of a 5% topical foam. The traditional topical solution consists of a liquid vehicle with a tendency to spread beyond the intended site of treatment, and that takes time to dry. It also contains a high concentration of propylene glycol, a potential irritant. The newly developed topical hydroalcoholic foam is propylene glycol-free, and it is more easily applied specifically to target areas and rubbed directly on to the scalp skin. Placebo controlled double-blind trials have demonstrated that the hydroalcoholic foam is efficacious, safe and well accepted cosmetically by patients (136).


On commencing treatment, minoxidil may cause a surge in the growth of miniaturized hairs and induction of anagen from resting hair follicles. This may produce a rapid hair shedding of previous telogen hairs 2-8 weeks after treatment initiation. This temporary shedding may be interpreted as a clinical indication that the minoxidil is having a beneficial effect and the hair shedding usually resolves after a few weeks.


Hypertrichosis (fine hairs on non-androgen-sensitive skin) on the face and hands is a common side effect observed following topical and oral minoxidil. Itching of the scalp, increased dandruff, and erythema are commonly reported with topical minoxidil preparations. Contact allergic dermatitis to minoxidil can occur and could either be due to minoxidil itself or more commonly to propylene glycol in the vehicle (137). Patch testing is worthwhile in differentiating the cause of contact dermatitis and the new minoxidil form which does not contain propylene glycol is an alternative in these patients.


Oral Minoxidil is not licensed for the use in androgenetic alopecia; however, it is increasingly being utilized for a variety of hair disorders including MAA (138). An open-label, prospective, single-arm study of thirty men aged 24–59 years with AGA types III vertex to V were treated with oral minoxidil 5 mg once daily for 24 weeks (139). They found a significant increase in total hair counts from baseline at weeks 12 and 24 (both p = 0.007). Photographic assessment of the vertex area by an expert panel revealed 100% improvement, with 43% of patients showing excellent improvement. The frontal area also showed a significant response but less than that of the vertex area. Common side effects were hypertrichosis (93%) and pedal edema (10%). No serious cardiovascular adverse events and abnormal laboratory findings were observed. The reassuring safety profile of oral minoxidil has also been reflected in a large multicenter study evaluating the safety of oral minoxidil in a total of 1404 patients (943 women [67.2%] and 461 men [32.8%]) with a mean age of 43 years (range 8-86). The most frequent adverse effect was hypertrichosis (15.1%). Systemic adverse effects included lightheadedness (1.7%), fluid retention (1.3%), tachycardia (0.9%), headache (0.4%), periorbital edema (0.3%), and insomnia (0.2%), leading to drug discontinuation in 29 patients (1.2%). No life-threatening adverse effects were observed (140).




Finasteride is a synthetic azo-steroid that is a potent and highly selective antagonist of type II 5 alpha reductase. It is not an anti-androgen. It binds irreversibly to the enzyme and inhibits the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. Thus, while the pharmacokinetic half-life is approximately eight hours, the biological effect persists for much longer. Finasteride was initially FDA approved for use in benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) and was approved to treat MAA in 1997. The underlying principle for its use in MAA is the reduction of DHT production in order to limit its action on scalp hair follicles.


Various studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of finasteride in MAA, with the most benefits seen in patients with primarily type III vertex or type IV Hamilton/Norwood hair loss  (141-147). Finasteride has been reported to slow the progression of MAA and to produce partial regrowth in about two thirds of men (141). A study measuring hair counts using macrophotographs found that both total and anagen hair counts increase with treatment of finasteride (142). A significant increase in the anagen to telogen ratio was also achieved. This demonstrates the ability of finasteride to stimulate conversion of hair follicles into the anagen phase, possibly through reversion of the decrease in anagen phase and the increase in lag phase. A study looking at scalp biopsies shows that finasteride stimulates an increase in terminal hair counts and a decrease in vellus hair counts (143). Other studies have used hair count and hair weight as objective measures of outcome and demonstrated that both increase, with hair weight increasing to a larger extent (144, 148). Factors that affect hair weight include the number of hairs, hair growth rate and hair thickness. These findings show the ability of finasteride to reverse the miniaturization process, producing hair of greater length and thickness, and possibly with a greater growth rate.


A daily oral finasteride dose of one milligram reduces scalp DHT by 64% and serum DHT by 68% (145). Finasteride was originally given for benign prostatic hyperplasia at 5mg daily. For the treatment of androgenetic alopecia, dose ranging studies have found no significant difference in clinical benefit between five and one milligram daily regimens, nor is there any significant further reduction of scalp or serum DHT levels (135). In practice, finasteride can be administered at either a dose of one milligram per day, or at longer intervals. A 5-year multinational study looking at the effect of finasteride on treatment of MAA found it to be superior to placebo (146).  The placebo group suffered a progressive decline in hair count, losing approximately 26% of terminal hairs compared to baseline counts at the end of the 5-year study. In contrast, patients on finasteride experienced a 10% increase in hair count at the end of the first year. Hair count declined somewhat thereafter but remained above baseline, remaining at 5% above baseline hair count after 5 years of treatment. The rate of decline in hair count in the finasteride group is significantly less than that of the placebo group. Taken together, there is a progressive increase in the difference between treatment and placebo group over time. This demonstrates the effects of finasteride in stimulating a substantial amount of hair regrowth, reaching its peak efficacy after one year of treatment, and slowing the progression of hair loss thereafter. At the end of the first year, some in the placebo group were swapped onto receiving finasteride for the remaining four years. These patients demonstrated a decrease in hair count during the first year with placebo, followed by an improvement in the subsequent four years with finasteride. The improvement is similar to that of the group who received finasteride for five years throughout the study. However, mean hair count level is less than that of the patients who have taken finasteride "a year earlier" at all comparable time points, with the difference being similar to the amount of hair loss sustained during the year of placebo treatment. This shows the relative benefits of early commencement of treatment with finasteride. Some of the finasteride patients were also crossed-over to receive placebo after a year of finasteride treatment. A decrease in hair count was observed twelve months later, demonstrating the reversal of the beneficial effects of treatment obtained during the first year.


Further evidence of the efficacy of finasteride in the treatment of MAA is seen in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled twin study (147). At month 12, all subjects in the finasteride group demonstrated an increase in hair count, while a decrease was found in 44% of the placebo group. Serum DHT levels were significantly decreased in the finasteride group, with no significant change observed in the placebo group. Global photography assessment shows significant improvement on hair growth in vertex and superior-frontal scalp in the finasteride group, with no significant differences between treatment groups observed in the temporal or anterior hairline views. This finding shows the relative effectiveness of finasteride for protecting hair loss over the vertex and superior-frontal regions of the scalp, in comparison to the minimal response over the temporal and the anterior hairline regions. An open randomized comparative study with 5% topical minoxidil and oral finasteride 1 milligram a day showed significantly more hair growth in the finasteride group (149).


One Japanese study shows that the hair growth with finasteride continues to increase with continuing treatment without significant side effects (150).  A recent 10-year study of 118 men treated with 1 mg/day finasteride for androgenic alopecia found that 86% of men continued to benefit from treatment over the entire course of 10 years — showing increased or stable rates of hair growth and only 14% experiencing any further hair loss (151). Sexual side effects are a main concern when treating patients for male pattern baldness with finasteride. The evidence available to date about the safety of the drug is controversial and needs to be further evaluated. In view of this, it is very important to properly counsel patients before the treatment.


Long-term studies have reported few adverse effects when using finasteride. In the finasteride group loss of libido was reported in 1.9% and erectile dysfunction (ED) in 1.4% in the first year. The placebo groups reported these same events with frequencies of 1.3% and 0.6% respectively. These events appeared to resolve on cessation of the drug and, in some ceased with continued treatment. It has been suggested that even these figures overstate the true incidence of sexual dysfunction (106, 148, 152). A recent review of the efficacy and safety of 5-alpha reductase inhibitors for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia concluded that sexual side effects are uncommon and most often resolve spontaneously even without discontinuing treatment (153).


However, a recent study by Irwig et al conducted standardized interviews with 71 otherwise healthy men aged 21-46 years taking finasteride (154). The subjects reported the onset of sexual side effects associated with the temporary use of finasteride, with symptoms persisting for at least three months despite stopping the drug. The study revealed that the subjects reported new-onset persistent sexual dysfunction (low libido, ED, and problems with orgasm) associated with the use of finasteride. Total sexual dysfunction score increased for both before and after finasteride use (P< 0.0001 for both). The small number of patients, selection bias, recall bias prior to finasteride use, and the absence of serum hormone analyses were the limiting factors of the study. The study recommended that physicians treating MAA should discuss the potential risk levels with patients while prescribing the drug. Furthermore, a meta-analysis in 2015 describes available toxicity information for finasteride as limited, of poor quality, and systematically biased (155). Further pharmaco-epidemiological studies, with clear evaluation of adverse events and their duration, may be needed.


In view of the conflicting and continuing data and importance of the subject, the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) established a Task Force on Finasteride Adverse Event Controversies to evaluate published data and make recommendations. ISHRS recommend that finasteride use for MAA is entirely at the discretion of the patient given that the male pattern hair loss is largely a cosmetic condition. However, the treating physician should provide full information about the drug to enable the patient to make an informed decision.


Of note, older men on finasteride experienced a 50% reduction in serum prostate specific antigen [PSA] levels, which could result in an underestimation of prostatic cancer risk. Previous recommendations in the urology literature state that PSA levels remain valid whilst patients are on finasteride, but the value should be doubled to correct for the finasteride effect (156, 157).  Men between 18 to 41 years old are thought to have a negligible decrease in measured PSA levels. More recent studies now suggest that finasteride treatment at the 5mg/day dose affects the serum PSA concentration in a time-dependent manner (158). In the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial, the adjustment factor needed to be increased from 2 at 24 months to 2.5 at 7 years after the initiation of finasteride (159). In a study conducted with men aged 40-60 years taking 1mg finasteride /day for 48 weeks, results suggest that existing recommendations for the adjustment of serum PSA concentration in prostate-cancer screening in men taking 5 mg/day finasteride should also apply to men taking the 1 mg/day preparation for MAA (160). Limited data suggest that reduction in PSA of malignant origin appears to be no greater than the percentage reduction in PSA of benign origin (161). The free/total PSA ratio, currently used to help differentiate benign from malignant processes in the prostate, remains valid during treatment with finasteride, as finasteride does not affect the free/total PSA ratio in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (but might decrease the ratio in men with prostate cancer) (156).


The effect of finasteride on the incidence and severity of prostate cancer has been extensively investigated and conflicting evidence for the risk of increased incidence of high-grade prostate cancer associated with finasteride prevents its use as a chemoprevention agent. In a trial involving 18,882 men older than 54 years with a normal digital rectal examination and a serum PSA equal to or less than 3ng/ml, men were randomized to finasteride 5mg daily or placebo groups. There was a 25% reduction in prostate cancer prevalence in those taking finasteride (162). However, 6.4% of the men taking finasteride developed histologically high-grade cancer (Gleason score 7-10), compared with 5.1% of those in the placebo group. Recent data suggest that several confounding factors could have contributed to the above results. It is suggested that morphological and histological alterations, the degree of sampling error induced by the reduction of prostate volume, differential sensitivity of the biopsy between the groups, and increased sensitivity of PSA in detecting prostate cancer with finasteride may have contributed to an apparent increase of higher grade cancers (163-167). Alternatively, finasteride use has also been suggested to significantly improve prostate cancer detection with digital rectal examination (168).


Topical finasteride has been investigated as potential variation in drug delivery. While a 0.05% of finasteride solution applied to the scalp was well absorbed and produced a 40% reduction in serum DHT, it had shown no effect on hair regrowth. One explanation for this observation is that inhibition of prostatic DHT production is an important factor in preventing hair loss with finasteride, i.e. a significant reduction in circulating DHT is required in addition to the local blockade of 5 alpha reductase at the hair follicle (169). However, a double blind, randomized clinical study between oral finasteride and topical finasteride showed similar efficacy after 18 months in one study (170). Further studies are needed to assess the efficacy of topical finasteride.


Medical treatment should be continued indefinitely, as the benefit will not be maintained upon ceasing therapy. Up to one year of treatment may be required before any clinical response is noticeable.


Baseline and follow up photographs are helpful in monitoring the response to treatment, but unlikely to detect changes of less than 20% in hair density. The authors make use of a camera mounted on a stereotactic device; a system that is identical to the set-up used in the phase III finasteride trials (169). Photographs are taken of the vertex and frontal hairline at six-monthly to yearly intervals and hair densities at these time points can be readily compared. This set-up is proving to be useful in the long-term monitoring of treatment response (Figure 10 & 11). Patients are able to observe their regrowth during treatment, while the photographs serve as a motivating factor, improving long-term patient compliance to medical treatment. Similar set-ups using digital photographs also appear useful (171).



 Figure 11. Photographic evaluation of treatment response to finasteride. a - pretreatment. b - post treatment.


Figure 11. Hair photography using the stereotactic device.


Finasteride is a teratogen, pregnancy category X drug and is therefore contraindicated in pregnancy. Male rats exposed to finasteride in utero develop hypospadias with cleft prepuce, decreased anogenital distance, reduced prostate weight, and altered nipple formation (160). As the drug is secreted in the semen and can be absorbed through the vagina during intercourse, it was originally advocated that men taking finasteride should avoid unprotected intercourse with pregnant women. In practice, the concentration of finasteride in the semen is well below the minimum effect dosage, and no recommendations regarding the use of condoms are made in the product information leaflet. To date there are no reports of adverse pregnancy outcomes among women whose partners take finasteride.


Finasteride has demonstrable small effect on semen parameters in normal men including decreased total sperm count, semen volume, sperm concentration, and sperm motility but no apparent effect on sperm morphology (172). With regards to long-term safety, finasteride has now been in use for over 10 years. Many recipients are elderly men taking 5mg per day. Very few side-effects have been observed. There is no effect of long-term use on bone mineral density (173-174). Reversible painful gynecomastia has been reported and the incidence is thought to be around 0.001% (175, 176). Depression measured by increased Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) before and after treatment has been reported (177)


Finasteride related reports of suicidality and psychological adverse events have led to coining of the term post finasteride syndrome and the creation of organizations such as the Post-Finasteride Syndrome Foundation (178). In 2011, a post-marketing report was sent to the US Food and Drug Administration suggesting that finasteride might be linked to depression, self-harm, and suicide (178). In the last 5 years, health authorities in Canada, Korea, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom have also acknowledged these potential adverse effects and issued warnings for finasteride (178). There is a potential biological basis linking finasteride with depression and anxiety. Some reports suggest that men with depression have lower levels of the neurosteroid allopregnanolone, which is produced by the 5α-reductase enzyme and has antidepressant and anxiolytic effects (179).


Topical finasteride application for the treatment of MAA was first explored by Mazarella et al. in a study involving 52 patients (28 men). They reported at 6 months of treatment, a progressive and significant decrease in the rate of hair loss was observed in the topical finasteride versus placebo group, with no significant changes in plasma levels of total testosterone, free testosterone, and DHT between treatment groups (180). Pirraccin et al. reported a phase III randomized control trial reviewing safety and efficacy of topical finasteride spray solution (181). A total of 458 patients were randomized, 323 completed the study and 446 were evaluated for safety. Their primary endpoint was defined as change from baseline in target area hair count at week 24. They found this was significantly greater with topical finasteride than placebo (adjusted mean change 20.2 vs. 6.7 hairs; P<0.001), and numerically similar between topical and oral finasteride. No serious adverse events were reported. As maximum plasma finasteride concentrations were >100 times lower, and reduction from baseline in mean serum DHT concentration was less (34.5 vs. 55.6%), with topical versus oral finasteride, there is less likelihood of systemic sexual adverse events related to a decrease in DHT with topical finasteride (181).




Dutasteride inhibits both type I and type II 5-alpha reductase. It is approximately 3 times and more than 100 times more potent than finasteride at inhibiting the type I and II 5-alpha reductase isoenzymes respectively (182).  Dutasteride can decrease serum DHT by more than 90%, while finasteride decreases serum DHT by 70% (182, 183).


The serum half-life of dutasteride is 4 weeks as compared with a serum half-life of 6-8 hours for finasteride. There is persistent suppression of DHT level after dutasteride is ceased. For this reason, patients taking dutasteride should not donate blood until at least 6 months after stopping their medication, to prevent administration to a pregnant transfusion recipient (184). Dutasteride 0.5mg dose is FDA approved for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia while its use in MAA is ‘off label’.


A phase II randomized placebo-controlled study of dutasteride versus finasteride showed that the effect of dutasteride was dose dependent and 2.5mg of dutasteride was superior to 5mg finasteride in improving scalp hair growth in men between the ages of 21 and 45 years (184). It was also able to produce hair growth earlier than finasteride. This was evidenced by target area hair counts and clinical assessment at 12 and 24 weeks. In addition, a recent randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study on the efficacy of dutasteride 0.5mg/day in identical twins demonstrated that dutasteride was able to significantly reduce hair loss progression in men with MAA (185). A single case report showed improvement of hair loss with dutasteride 0.5mg in a woman who had failed to show any response to finasteride (186).


In one phase III study dutasteride 0.5mg daily showed significantly higher efficacy than placebo based on subject self-assessment and by investigator and panel photographic assessment (187).  There was no major difference in adverse events between the two groups, the treatment and placebo groups. However, this study was limited to only 6 months. Another more recent phase III trial found that dutasteride 0.5mg was statistically superior to finasteride 1mg and placebo at 24 weeks (188).


Side effects, including decreased libido, impotence, and gynecomastia, are slightly more common with dutasteride than with finasteride (184, 189). Reduction in the sperm count and the volume has been reported with dutasteride (187, 190).  There is no effect on bone density (189). The issue of 5alpha reductase inhibitor use and prostate cancer is considered in another Endotext chapter.


Dutasteride mesotherapy or microinjections were developed as an alternative to systemic antiandrogens in view of several men being reluctant to treat their MAA with systemic 5a-reductase enzyme inhibitors due to risk of adverse sexual side-effects. Saceda-Corralo et al. reported improvement of AGA in men treated with 1 mL of intradermal dutasteride 0.01% mesotherapy. Another study evaluated intradermal injection of dutasteride in 28 male patients with AGA over 11 weeks (191). Villarreal-Villarreal et al. reviewed dutasteride injections combined with oral minoxidil versus oral minoxidil alone and found a better response on the vertex area compared to the frontal area. They hypothesize that dutasteride might be more effective in vertex due to the greater concentration of 5 alpha reductase compared to the frontal zone. There have been no reports of sexual dysfunction in these patients and the main adverse event experienced is pain during the injections (192, 193).


Emerging Medical Therapy




Oral anti-androgens (e.g., spironolactone, cyproterone acetate) have been widely used to treat women with androgenetic alopecia. However, these are contraindicated in men due to its feminization effects. A topical anti-androgen, fluridil has been rationally developed for use in male androgenetic alopecia. It is designed to be locally metabolized, not systemically resorbable, and degradable into inactive metabolites without systemic anti-androgenic activity (194). A double blind, placebo-controlled study showed that patients using topical fluridil had an increase in the anagen to telogen ratio, and the maximum attainable effect was achieved within the first 90 days of daily use. No side effects on libido and sexual performance have been found. Nevertheless, a long-term study is required to further investigate fluridil's long-term safety and effectiveness in male androgenetic alopecia.


Clascoterone (cortexolone 17α-proprionate) is a novel androgen receptor inhibitor, and recent trials reporting its topical use in acne have demonstrated promising results. Clascoterone antagonizes dihydrotestosterone (DHT) through competitive binding with cytoplasmic androgen receptors as it shares the same fused four-ring backbone structure (195). In August 2020, clascoterone cream 1% received its first approval in the USA for the treatment of acne vulgaris in patients 12 years of age or older (196). Clascoterone has been found to have the same efficacy as finasteride in vitro (197).




The prostaglandin analogue latanoprost stimulates hair growth supposedly by prolonging the anagen phase of the hair cycle. Lengthening of eyelashes and eyebrows has been observed when latanoprost is used topically for glaucoma (198). In a placebo controlled study, latanoprost was able to significantly increase hair density compared with baseline and placebo and may also encourage pigmentation (199)




The role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of MAA is not clear. In particular, the significance of inflammatory cells close to the infra infundibulum of transitional hairs remains obscure. A study conducted in 20 men who used a lotion containing antimicrobials, piroctoneolamine and triclosan, regularly for 18 months showed a decrease in the density of activated T cells in the region of the follicular infra-infundibulum and isthmus over time (200). Trichograms taken at 3-month intervals suggested signs of hair regrowth with moderate increase in density of transitional hairs. Further studies are needed to confirm the effect of topical antimicrobials as a therapeutic option for MAA.


Topical ketoconazole shampoo has been shown to increased hair growth in both humans and in rodents when compared with placebo (201). Oral ketoconazole has been beneficial in treating hirsutism but the potential side effects do not warrant its use for androgenic alopecia. Ketoconazole shampoo is a good additive treatment and thought to be having anti-inflammatory and anti-androgenic properties, and it will also help associated seborrheic dermatitis if present (202).




The growth and development of hair follicles is influenced by a number of different growth factors and cytokines. Use of such growth factors to promote hair growth, topically or subcutaneously, is a potential therapeutic target. Preliminary investigations using animal models have shown positive results. A phase I, double-blind clinical trial designed to evaluate the safety of a bioengineered, non-recombinant, human cell–derived formulation containing follistatin, keratinocyte growth factor (KGF), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was performed to assess the efficacy in stimulating hair growth (203). Twenty-six subjects were entered into the study and none showed an adverse reaction to the single intradermal injection. After one year, a statistically significant increase in total hair count continued to be seen.


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) isolated from whole blood can be used for its growth factors and stimulatory mediators. Some hair transplant surgeons use this product to encourage transplanted graft growth (204). Platelet-rich plasma is also available as a stand-alone treatment for MAA, with recent limited data suggesting positive regrowth with minimal side effects (205, 206).  It is hypothesized that platelet-rich plasma stimulates hair growth by improving follicle vascularization, inhibiting apoptosis and therefore, prolonging the anagen phase, and inducing a faster transition from the telogen to the anagen phase (207).




Laser/light treatment for hair loss has become very popular in the last few years for a number of dermatological conditions. It has also been promoted as a preventative measure against MAA. Several different manufacturers provide lasers and light sources of varying wavelengths and with different suggested modes of use. Whilst there is evidence that laser light can stimulate hair growth at some wavelengths, the biological mechanism by which it occurs has not been defined and clinical data from large scale, placebo controlled trials is lacking (208-210).  The most well-recognized modality are low-level laser/light therapies (LLLT), such as the HairMax Lasercomb®, and He-Ne laser, which are considered safe, effective, and easily accessible treatment options (211). Fractional laser is hypothesizedthat it induces hair growth when restricted to appropriate settings by upregulating the Wnt/βcatenin pathways and efficiently penetrating the scalp (212). Although the exact mechanisms of certain fractional lasers on hair regrowth arestill uncertain, trauma stimulated wound healing likely plays a role. Hair follicle stem cells provide progeny that migrate to the epidermal defect and promote re-epithelialization (212).


Laser-assisted drug delivery is an evolving technology with potentially broad clinical applications. Lasers stimulate drug delivery by means of 3 processes; 1) tissue ablation; 2) photomechanical waves, resulting from the conversion of light into mechanical energy giving the laser a therapeutic effect; and 3) non-ablative resurfacing where thermal and physical injuries disrupt the skin barrier, promoting the delivery of medications through these laser channels (213). A prospective study comparing the efficacy and safety of fractional erbium-glass (Er:Glass) laser used in combination with topical 5% minoxidil versus 5% minoxidil alone for the treatment of male AGA. They treated 30 men with AGA who were randomized to 24 weeks of split-scalp treatment using fractional Er:Glass laser and 5% minoxidil on one side (combined therapy) or 5% minoxidil alone on the other side (monotherapy). The primary outcome was the difference in hair density and diameter, from baseline, between two treatment sides, at week 24. The secondary outcome was a global photographic assessment, evaluated by two dermatologists and the participants. Results demonstrated that combination therapy provided significantly superior results for both the primary and secondary outcomes (214). Further studies are required to formally evaluate the role of LAD in MAA treatment algorithm.




There is currently an open label study, evaluating the safety, tolerability, and efficacy in both males and females with androgenetic alopecia being treated with HMI-115 over a 24-week treatment period (215). HMI-115 is a potent monoclonal antibody, blocking the prolactin (PRL) receptor-mediated pathway in a non-competitive manner. It can be administered subcutaneously. The antibody was well tolerated in a clinical Ph I study (combined single and multiple dosing). The antibody was effective in stimulating hair growth in aged stump-tailed macaques, nearly doubling the number of terminal hairs after 6 months even in previously fully bald areas and showing a sustainable impact even after 2 years post treatment (216). The stump-tail macaque model is considered one of the rare predictive animal models for male and female pattern hair loss in humans (217).


Surgical Treatments


Hair transplantation involves removal of hair from the occipital scalp and re-implantation into the bald vertex and frontal scalp. With modern techniques, graft survival in excess of 90% can be reliably achieved. Prerequisites for the procedure are stabilization of the hair loss with medical treatment and good donor hair population on the occipital hair. 


The modern hair transplant technique was started in Japan in the 1930s, where small punch grafts were used to cover damaged eyebrows or lashes.(218)  Norman Orentreich reported on the use of autografts and proposed the term "donor dominance", in that the hair taken from the androgen resistant occipital scalp remain androgen resistant when implanted into the androgen sensitive bald areas of the scalp (85).


In 1995, Bernstein, Rassman et al introduced "Follicular Unit Transplantation," where hair is transplanted in naturally occurring units of 1-4 hair (219). In "Follicular Unit Transplantation", donor hair can be harvested in two different ways:


Strip Harvesting - a strip of scalp 8 - 14 mm and 20 – 30 cm is removed under local anesthesia, from the occipital scalp and the wound is then sutured back together. The donor hair is then separated into follicular units and then transplanted into the balding area. The main disadvantage of this method is that it will leave a linear scar in the donor occipital area.


∙Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Harvesting - individual follicles of occipital hair are removed under local anesthesia with 1mm punch biopsies. Each unit is then reinserted back into the scalp in the bald areas using a micro blade. The advantages of this technique are that there are no visible scars and takes a shorter time to heal than strip harvesting.


Both techniques can achieve good results, but follicular unit transplantations have the advantage of being able to achieve much greater hair densities. It is preferable that surgical candidates have frontal or mid-frontal hair loss as opposed to hair loss at the vertex, and their donor hair density needs to be adequate to support the surgery (i.e., > 40 follicular units/cm2). Also, thicker donor hairs are able to create better coverage compared with finer hair. Disadvantages of hair transplants are increased time and labor requirements, which translates to greater cost for the patient. Transplanted hairs seem to immediately go into a telogen resting phase after insertion. Thus, surgical results can only be adequately assessed after no less than three months after surgery. There is always a degree of graft failure. Various reasons account for dead grafts, including the skill of the surgeon, the density of graft placement, careless handling and preparation of the graft units, and desiccation of the grafts whilst awaiting insertion. 


Scalp reductions result in a more unnatural look with excision scars tending to be more noticeable over time (220). In addition, the inability to predict further hair loss over time in each patient has meant that the procedures are now uncommonly performed.


Combination of Medical, Medical and Surgical Therapy


An open, randomized, parallel-group study comparing the efficacy of available medications as monotherapy or combined therapy (finasteride alone, finasteride and 2% topical minoxidil, topical minoxidil alone and finasteride and ketoconazole shampoo) showed that finasteride in combination with either topical minoxidil or ketoconazole showed significantly better hair regrowth than with finasteride as monotherapy and showed no difference in the incidence of side effects. It is inferred that the combination of medication with different mechanisms of action enhances the efficacy (221). A recent case study showed that adding dutasteride 0.5mg in a patient who had poor response to finasteride had marked improvement of hair loss (222).


Topical minoxidil and finasteride can be a useful adjunct to hair transplant surgery for MAA. Without adjuvant medical therapy to prevent progression of balding process, an unnatural appearance can evolve over time. A successful medical treatment is key to stopping hair loss progression and offering a better guarantee of a sustained long-term transplant outcome. Hair transplant surgeons therefore recommend medical therapy should first be initiated prior to reviewing the option of transplantation (223). Studies have found that topical use of minoxidil in perioperative period could prevent the usual shedding that occurs 1 to 2 weeks after transplantation and speed the time for regrowth (224). These results were confirmed by a double-blind trial, which showed that significantly less grafted hair was lost during the shedding period (225). Use of topical minoxidil as a premedication in hair transplant surgery has the advantage of stabilizing the hair loss, increasing the number of hairs in anagen phase and decreasing post-surgical telogen effluvium. Minoxidil should be stopped 2 to 3 days before surgery to minimize skin irritation and to reduce the theoretical risk of intraoperative bleeding caused by vasodilation. Therapy should be restarted in 1-2 weeks. A randomized, double-blind trial in 79 men with MAA using finasteride 1 mg daily or placebo 4 weeks before and 48 weeks after hair transplantation demonstrated that the treatment group had significant improvement from baseline, in comparison with placebo group (226).




MAA is increasingly common among men as they age. Many men find it a distressing and unwelcome event and increasing numbers are seeking treatment to prevent further hair loss and reverse the process. In addition, MAA may be a marker of increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. The hair follicle is a complex organ biologically. The changes in the hair follicles that lead to baldness have caught the interest of stem cell scientists, geneticists, developmental biologists, and immunologists and hair biology has become an increasingly fruitful field of scientific endeavor. A number of therapeutic options are now available for these men with favorable cosmetic outcomes possible in the majority of cases.




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Adrenal Androgens and Aging



Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its metabolite DHEA sulfate (DHEAS), are steroid pre-hormones synthesized and secreted primarily by the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex in response to adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). They are both precursor hormones that may be transformed into weak androgens or estrogens. During the last decades, several epidemiologic and cohort studies have shown the age-related circulating levels of DHEA/DHEAS; these first increase in childhood, a process called “adrenarche”, peak in the 3rd decade of life, and progressively decrease in midlife, a phenomenon called “adrenopause”.  Some authors have linked obesity in childhood with early adrenarche, i.e., increased circulating levels of adrenal androgens; others have associated low levels in late life with increased frailty and all-cause mortality. The potential clinical and therapeutic roles of DHEA/DHEAS have been studied extensively, but the data remain controversial and largely inconclusive. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the physiology and pathophysiology of adrenal androgen synthesis, secretion, and action and present current evidence regarding their efficacy in the management of adrenal insufficiency or aging-related disorders.




Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its metabolite DHEA sulfate (DHEAS), are steroid hormones synthesized and secreted primarily by the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex in response to adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). They exert weak androgenic effects and are therefore considered precursor hormones that need to be transformed to potent androgens or estrogens to exert their effects. The potential clinical roles of DHEA/DHEAS have been studied extensively, as previous epidemiologic and prospective studies associated the age-related decrease of DHEA/DHEAS levels with higher prevalence of degenerative disorders and increased frailty and mortality from all causes in the elderly, attributing to adrenal androgens anti-aging properties. But do they really suggest that they are hormones related to longevity or just another pointless alchemy against aging? This chapter summarizes the physiology and pathophysiology of adrenal androgen synthesis, secretion, and action and provides current evidence regarding their efficacy in the management of aging-related disorders.




The Adrenal Cortex; Embryology and Normal Structure


The adrenal cortex is derived from the mesoderm lining the posterior abdominal wall. The fetal cortex begins its development in the 5-week-old fetus. At 2 months of gestation, it is already identifiable as a separate organ and is composed of the inner fetal zone (85% of the cortex) and the outer permanent definitive zone. The anatomic relation of the fetal and definitive zones is maintained during gestation; at birth the adrenal glands are 10–20 times larger than the adult gland, relative to kilograms of body weight. After birth, the fetal zone undergoes rapid involution resulting in a rapid decrease of adrenocortical weight in the 3 months following birth. During the next 3 years, the adult adrenal cortex develops from cells of the outer layer of the cortex and differentiates into the three adult zones, the subcapsular zona glomerulosa, the zona fasciculate, which is the thickest zone (70% of the cortex), and the inner zona reticularis.


Biosynthesis of Adrenal Androgens


The adrenal cortex produces many steroid hormones among which the major ones are cortisol, aldosterone, and the adrenal androgens. The subcapsular zona glomerulosa produces aldosterone while the inner two zones fasciculata and reticularis appear to function as a unit and produce cortisol, androgens, and small amounts of estrogens under the regulatory effect of ACTH and maybe of some other factors produced within the adrenal gland, including neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, and nitric oxide. The biosynthetic pathway of the adrenal androgens is shown below (Fig. 1).


Figure 1. Steroid biosynthesis in the adrenal cortex.

Quantitatively, the most abundantly produced adrenal androgens are dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its sulphated form dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS); the latter is the most abundantly produced adrenal steroid. It also has a long half-life and provides a stable pool of circulating DHEA. The ovaries also synthesize DHEA; however, they lack the enzyme DHEA-sulphotransferase so that DHEAS is almost exclusively synthesized and secreted by the adrenals. DHEA is further metabolized to androstenedione (1,2), which may in turn be aromatized to estrone. Whether the adrenals may also produce small amounts of testosterone by further metabolism of androstenedione is controversial (3). Although DHEA and DHEAS are secreted in greater quantities, androstenedione is qualitatively more important since it is more readily converted to testosterone in peripheral tissues. Roughly, the relative androgenic potency of DHEA, androstenedione, testosterone, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) are 5:10:100:300, respectively. As ACTH is the main regulator of adrenal androgen production in adults, both DHEA and androstenedione exhibit circadian periodicity in concert with ACTH and cortisol and their plasma concentrations increase rapidly following ACTH administration; also, they are suppressed by glucocorticoid administration. Because of its slow metabolic clearance, DHEAS does not exhibit diurnal rhythm variation.


Circulation of Adrenal Androgens


The adrenal androgens are secreted in an unbound state. Soon after their release in the circulation they bind to plasma proteins, chiefly to albumin (90%). Androstenedione, DHEA, and DHEAS circulate weakly bound to albumin, while testosterone is bound extensively to the sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). Bound steroids are biologically inactive; the unbound steroids are free to interact with target cells either to exert their effects or to be transformed into inactive or active metabolites.


Metabolism of Adrenal Androgens; Gender-Dependent Synthesis Of DHEA/DHEAS


Due to lack or only minor inherent steroidogenic activity, adrenal androgens are precursor hormones (pro-hormones) that need to be transformed to potent androgens or estrogens to exert their effects (4,5). Their transformation into active sex steroids depends upon the level of expression of the various steroidogenic and metabolizing enzymes in each cell type which allows all androgen-sensitive and estrogen-sensitive tissues to have some control over the local levels of sex steroids according to their needs (6). Active androgens and estrogens thus synthesized exert their activity in the target cells with little diffusion, resulting in low levels in the general circulation. This intracrine mechanism serves to eliminate the exposure of other tissues to androgens or estrogens, minimizing unwanted side effects (4,7-9).


In males with normal gonadal function, the conversion of adrenal androgens to testosterone accounts for less than 5% of the total amount of this hormone, and thus the physiologic effect is negligible. In females of reproductive age, the adrenal contribution to total androgen production is more important; during the follicular phase, the adrenal precursors account for 2/3 of total testosterone production and 1/2 of DHT production. During midcycle, the ovarian contribution increases, and the adrenal precursors account for only 40% of testosterone production.


Apart from their peripheral conversion to more potent androgens, the adrenal androgens may be also aromatized to estrogens or undergo degradation and inactivation (4,5) (Fig 2). In more detail, DHEA is readily converted within the adrenal gland to DHEAS. DHEA secreted by the adrenal glands and the ovaries is also converted to DHEAS by the liver and the kidneys or it may be converted to Δ4-androstenedione. The adrenally produced DHEAS may be excreted without further metabolism or it may further undergo limited conversion to DHEA. Both DHEAS and DHEA may be metabolized to 7alpha- and 16alpha-hydroxylated derivatives and by 17β reduction to Δ5-Androstenediol and its sulfate. Androstenedione is converted either to testosterone or by reduction of its 4,5 double bonds to etiocholanolone or androsterone, which may be further converted by 17 alpha reductions to etiocholanediol and androstanediol, respectively. Testosterone is converted to DHT in androgen-sensitive tissues by 5 alpha reduction and it in turn is mainly metabolized by 3 alpha reductions to androstanediol. The metabolites of these androgens are conjugated either as glucuronides or sulfates and excreted in the urine. Regarding aromatization to estrogens, it was shown that not only androstenedione and testosterone, but also DHEA, may be converted to estrogens in peripheral tissues such as brain, bone, breast, and ovaries (6,10); this might be of importance, especially in women during the menopausal transition (see below) (11,12).

Figure 2. Metabolism of adrenal androgens; 3BHSD, 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase isozymes; 17BHSD, 17β -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase isozymes; 5aRed, 5α -reductase isozymesP450 aromatase, steroid sulfatase, STS.

Age-Dependent Synthesis of DHEA/DHEAS


Fetal DHEA and DHEAS fall rapidly after birth and remain low until adrenarche; they then start rising again and peak during the third decade of life after which the serum levels of DHEA and DHEAS progressively decline with advancing age by around 2–5% per year (10,13), so that by menopause the DHEA level has decreased by 60% (14), and by 80-90% of the peak production by the eighth or ninth decade of life (15,16). This decline has been termed “adrenopause”, however, cortisol secretion does not decline with age or may even increase (16,17). Adrenopause is independent of menopause and occurs in both sexes as a gradual process at similar ages. A decrease in 17,20-lyase activity may be responsible for the progressive diminution of DHEA and DHEA-S with advancing age (18,19), although other mechanisms, such as a reduction in the mass of the zona reticularis (20) or a decrease in IGF-I and IGF-II have also been proposed (21). Recent study by Heaney et al. in accordance with previous research found that older subjects exhibited lower plasma and saliva DHEA levels overall, while with increasing age, the DHEA area under the curve was attenuated and the slope of decline became less steep (17,22).


Although DHEAS concentration does not vary throughout the day, DHEA secretion exhibits a diurnal rhythm like that of cortisol. Studies have indicated that DHEA secretion is reduced in the morning period resulting in a flatter diurnal rhythm among the oldest old, in contrast to cortisol which remains stable or even increases in the morning (17,23). The above diurnal rhythms of cortisol and DHEA, lead to an elevated cortisol: DHEA ratio, which is most pronounced in the morning period.


The age-related decline in DHEA/DHEAS levels shows high inter-individual variability (20). There is a clear sex difference in DHEA/DHEAS concentrations with lower DHEAS concentrations in adult women compared to men (24), while there is also a clear genetic component predetermining circulating DHEA/DHEAS. Notably, data from the largest population-based twin study to estimate the genetic and environmental contributions of diurnal DHEAS concentrations demonstrated that salivary DHEAS is a heritable measure, with genetic effects accounting for 37%–46% of the total variance for the late morning and afternoon age-adjusted measures (25).


Since DHEA is the main source of androgens in women, its age-related decline leads to a corresponding decrease in the total androgen pool. Although there is no defined level of androgen below which women can be said to be deficient, the decline of DHEA in postmenopausal women would suggest they are “deficient” in both estrogens and androgens (14). The declining circulating levels of adrenal androgens with advancing age have been related to clinical symptoms and disorders (see below).


In the last few years, the concept that adrenal androgen production gradually declines with advancing age has changed following the analysis of the longitudinal data collected in the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation (SWAN) (26). When the annual serum levels of DHEAS were aligned according to ovarian status, it was recognized that despite the overall age-related decline in DHEAS, in most women (85% of those studied) the adrenal androgen production rose during the menopausal transition, starting in the early peri-menopause and continuing into the early post-menopause. The DHEAS rise was attributed to the adrenals and not the ovaries, as a similar rise was also observed in intact and ovariectomized women (27); the gender-related rise of adrenal DHEAS and the time course of that rise that returns to a progressive decline following menopause, implies ovarian influences over adrenal steroidogenesis (28). Considering previous failure to adequately attribute phenotype, symptoms, and health trajectories to the observed longitudinal changes in circulating estradiol and progesterone (29), the perimenopausal rise in adrenal androgens could potentially suggest a more important role of these hormones in the occurrence of symptoms during the menopausal transition (30). The observational, epidemiologic, and interventional studies addressing this hypothesis are analyzed below. Some conditions and diseases, like poor life quality, satisfaction and psychosocial, as well as acute stress, severe chronic systemic diseases, anorexia nervosa, Cushing syndrome and chronic administration of glucocorticoids are associated with lower levels of DHEA and DHEAS. Hyperprolactinemia is associated with elevated levels of DHEAS (31,32).


Biologic Effects of Adrenal Androgens; Cellular and Molecular Actions




DHEA possesses pleiotropic effects. Epidemiologic and prospective studies have associated the decline of circulating levels of androgens with the development and progression of degenerative disorders. The exact mechanism of action and clinical role of DHEA and DHEAS, if any, remain unclear. Due to lack or only minor inherent steroidogenic activity, the adrenal androgens need to be transformed to potent androgens or estrogens to exert their effects on peripheral tissues. Recent data suggest additional direct actions of the adrenal androgens further to those exerted through the androgen and estrogen receptors (see below).


The principal biologic effects of the adrenal androgens typically seen during adrenarche consist mainly of pubic and axillary hair growth and the change of sweat composition that produces adult body odor (33). During the reproductive years, in males with normal gonadal function, the adrenal androgens account for less than 5% of the daily production rate of testosterone and thus the physiologic effect is negligible. DHEA and DHEA-S levels have been shown to be associated with nutritional status. Obese children have higher levels of DHEA and/or DHEA-S and achieve adrenarche earlier than lean children. Indeed, a recent study showed that obese children with higher DHEAS concentrations at the age of seven years had more total and central adiposity and higher insulin than did nonobese children of the same age (34,35). Some research suggests that adrenal androgens directly or after peripheral conversion to estrogen modulate hypothalamic activity influencing the gonadarche. When produced in excess however, the adrenal androgens may have no clinical consequences in adult males or result in LH /FSH suppression and oligospermia/infertility. In boys, the adrenal androgen excess is associated with clinical manifestations including premature penile enlargement, early development of secondary sexual characteristics, premature closure of the epiphyseal growth plates and short final height. In females the excessive production of adrenal steroids as seen in Cushing syndrome, adrenal carcinoma, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia via peripheral conversion to testosterone and eventually to DHT result in acne, hirsutism, and menstrual/fertility defects or even virilization in more severe cases. 




Further to their effect via the estrogen and androgen receptors, recent data support direct actions of DHEA through specific G protein-coupled membrane receptors in bovine aortic and primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) (36-38) through which DHEA activates the endothelial NO synthetase (eNOS) (eNOS/cGMP pathway) [38] and increases the production of nitric oxide (NO), a key modulator of vascular function, by endothelial cells. Such receptors are also seen in the kidney, heart, and liver but at lower level than that in bovine aortic endothelial cells (39) as well as in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMCs), where DHEA inhibits voltage-dependent T type Ca-channels (40). In systemic circulation, a plasma membrane receptor has been suggested in the anti-remodeling action of DHEA involving inhibition of the Akt/GSK-3β signaling pathway (41). Other studies have shown inhibitory effect of DHEA on proliferation and apoptosis of endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells independently of both estrogen and androgen receptors (42,43). The above suggest the presence of a membrane-associated DHEA specific receptor; the molecular structure of this receptor remains to be elucidated.




Steroid action involves cytosolic/nuclear hormone receptors (44); thus, most of the studies looking at the mechanism(s) responsible for DHEA action focused on such receptors (45). However, since DHEA can be metabolized into androgens/estrogens, it is not always easy to determine whether DHEA exerts its effects directly through the estrogen/androgen receptors or after conversion to these hormones. There is some new evidence showing that DHEA and some of its metabolites either bind to or activate nuclear receptors such as pregnane X receptor, constitutive androstanol receptor, estrogen receptor-β, and peroxisome proliferators activated receptors (46-49). Through the activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha for example, DHEA inhibits the activation of nuclear factor-κB and the secretion of interleukin-6 and interleukin-12, through which DHEA exerts anti-inflammatory effects (50,51). 7α-and 7β-hydroxylated derivatives of DHEA also seem to have direct effects on nuclear receptors, but their physiological function is not clear (39). Finally, DHEA inhibits apoptosis and promotes proliferation of osteoblasts in rats through MAPK signaling pathways, independently from androgens and estrogens (52); this action could be beneficial for preservation of bone mass and reduction of fracture risk.




More recently, it has been suggested that DHEA is an agonist of sigma-1 receptor (Sigma-1R) expressed in the endoplasmic reticulum of the heart, kidney, liver, and brain (53,54). Under physiological conditions, the sigma-1 receptor chaperones the functional inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate receptor at the endoplasmic reticulum participating in the calcium signaling pathway (53,55). Animal studies have shown that via sigma-1R, but also by Akt– eNOs signaling pathway stimulation, DHEA may improve cardiac function (56) and exert vasculo-protective effects (57). There is a great volume of data suggesting antioxidant properties of DHEA; overproduction of oxygen-free radicals (oxidative stress) upregulates inflammation and cellular proliferation and is believed to play a critical role in the development of cancer, atherosclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease, as well as the basic aging process (58-60). DHEA inhibits glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH) (61,62) and NADPH production. The decrease in NADPH levels results in reduced oxygen-free radical production via NADPH oxidase (62). Moreover, a study found that DHEA treatment of mice increased the number of Brd U-positive neurons co-expressing β-catenin, a downstream GSK-3β target, concluding that sigma-1 receptor stimulation by DHEA led to altered OBX-induced depressive-like behaviors by increasing neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus through activation of the Akt/GSK-3β/β-catenin pathway (63). Increased plasma DHEA and DHEAS have been demonstrated in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), predicting symptom improvement and coping as well as resilience adaptation. The same study suggested that decreased cortisol/DHEA ratio was associated with severe childhood trauma and current symptoms (64).


In summary, DHEA mediates its action via transformation into androgen and estrogen derivatives acting through their specific receptors, but also via multiple (57,65) signaling pathways involving specific membrane, cytosolic/nuclear and endoplasmic reticulum receptors.




Data from epidemiologic and prospective studies indicate an inverse relation between low circulating levels of DHEA and DHEA-S and a host of aging-associated pathologies such as sexual dysfunction, mood defects, and poor sense of well-being (27,28), as well as higher risk of hospital admission (66), poor muscle strength (67) and mobility (66,68), and higher prevalence of frailty (69), insulin resistance, obesity, cardiovascular disease (45) and mortality from cardiovascular disease (70). At the same time, a positive relation between higher levels of DHEA-S and better health and well-being was documented (71). Furthermore, animal (primarily rodent) studies have suggested many beneficial effects of DHEA treatment, including improved immune function and prevention of atherosclerosis, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Therefore, the therapeutic role of DHEA replacement as an anti-aging factor for the prevention and/or treatment of the above conditions was studied; recent systematic reviews of the reports do not seem promising, however (72-78).


Treatment Modalities


DHEA is considered as a hormone in Europe and thus becomes available only by prescription, while in the United States it is considered as a nutritional supplement and is sold over the counter without a prescription. This difference has no scientific foundation and is mostly a matter of declaration. Most DHEA supplements are made in laboratories from a substance called diosgenin, a plant sterol found in soy and wild yams. DHEA supplements were taken off the U.S. market in 1985 because of their unproven safety and effectiveness, but were reintroduced as a dietary supplement after the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act was passed in 1994. At present, questionable over-the-counter DHEA preparations lacking pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data are widely used in the United States. There is no standard dosage of DHEA replacement; some studies have used between 25 and 200 milligrams a day, or sometimes even higher amounts. DHEA in current preparations has a long half-life (45), which allows a single intake a day. Target levels of DHEA are around the middle of normal range for healthy young subjects, measured in a blood sample 24 hr after the last intake (79).


The adrenal androgens are mainly thought to act as prohormones and exert at least part of their action via conversion to androgens and/or estrogens. Previous studies have shown that the end- products of DHEA supplementation depend on the patient’s gender, with a non-symmetrical transformation of DHEA favoring androgens in women and estrogens in men (72,80,81). The above refer to oral administration of DHEA supplements; percutaneous administration of DHEA seems to provoke similar increases in both estrogens and androgens in the two genders (82).


Adrenal Insufficiency


Adrenal insufficiency, despite supplementation of glucocorticoids, has been associated with decreased quality of life when compared to a healthy population (79,83,84). DHEA supplementation has been suggested as an accessory treatment to conventional adrenal replacement therapy with glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. The exact physiological roles of DHEA still remain unclear and the routine therapy of individuals with adrenal insufficiency is still controversial. Some authors reported significant improvements of mood, well-being, sexual thoughts, libido, interest, and satisfaction following DHEA replacement, particularly in females (79,83-85). Other analyses of DHEA administration in women with primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency have resulted in inconsistent and unreproducible results (85). Recently, the supplementation of DHEA was suggested in women with adrenal insufficiency and low libido, depressive symptoms, or low energy levels despite optimal glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid replacement (86).




DHEA And Musculoskeletal Disorders


The increasing incidence of fractures with advancing age has been related, among other factors, with the aging-related reduced muscle mass and strength, that increase the propensity for falling (87). A body of evidence exists on the effect of circulating DHEA/DHEAS on various markers of strength and physical function in older individuals. Studies in elderly individuals support a positive relation between DHEA blood levels and muscle mass (67), muscle strength (67,88), and mobility (68), as well as better self-reported (89) and objectively assessed physical function (90), and measured peak volume of oxygen consumed per minute (91) in elderly with higher DHEA/DHEAS concentrations. In this direction, higher DHEAS levels were associated with increased bone mass density (BMD) in both men (92) and post-menopausal women and inversely related to risk for falls (93). Finally, low DHEAS levels have been associated with a higher prevalence of frailty, a geriatric syndrome of loss of reserve characterized by weight loss, fatigue, weakness, and vulnerability to adverse events (69,94), and low back pain in both genders and slow rehabilitation of low-back pain in women (71,95,96).


Reports from interventional studies support a therapeutic role of DHEA replacement in aging-associated musculoskeletal defects. For example, DHEA exerted positive effects on muscle strength, body composition (97-99), and physical performance (100), as well as on bone mass density (BMD) in both lumbar spine and the hip (15,72,98,101-105) when administered to post-menopausal women and elderly people over a period of 52 weeks. The above positive effects on musculoskeletal system were attributed to the DHEA-related increase of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) levels (97,106) and bioavailability (decrease of insulin growth factor binding protein-1 [IGFBP-1]) (106) in both men and women and/or to the increase of androgen levels mostly in women (97,106,107). Some other data also suggest aromatase activity of primary human osteoblasts converting DHEA to estrone (108), while it was shown in vitro that DHEA inhibits apoptosis and promotes proliferation of rat osteoblasts through MAPK signaling pathways, independently from androgen and estrogen effects (52). The above support a positive effect of DHEA on bone through conversion to estrogens, but also independently from its hormonal end-products. Other studies, however, failed to show a beneficial effect of DHEA supplementation on muscle function (109-111) or on BMD (99,100,112); of note all these studies were conducted over a shorter period (26 weeks only). Whether these conflicting data result from DHEA’s mild/moderate effect or from great differences between study designs, such as short duration of treatment and small number of participants, is difficult to say (73). Overall, the effect of DHEA supplementation on BMD is small in relation to other treatments for bone loss, and no fracture data are available. Therefore, its therapeutic utility in rehabilitation and/or fracture/frailty prevention and treatment protocols for older patients remains unclear.


A recent systematic review (73) of the literature (72,83,97,100,113-116) concluded that overall, the benefit (113,116) of DHEA on muscle strength and physical function in older adults remains inconclusive. Some measures of muscle strength may improve, although DHEA does not appear to routinely benefit measures of physical function or performance. Therefore, consensus has not been reached. Further large clinical trials are necessary to better identify the clinical role of DHEA supplementation in this population.


DHEA, Well-Being and Sexual Function


If DHEA’s effects on musculoskeletal disorders are inconclusive, its utility for the management of ageing-related poor sense of well-being and sexual dysfunction is a question for top puzzle solvers. What we know so far from epidemiologic studies is that sexual function problems are common among women and increase with increasing age (117-119). The sex steroid hormones estrogens and androgens seem to play an important role in the sexual life of women; androgens affect the reusability, pleasure, and intensity of orgasm in women and are particularly implicated in the neurovascular smooth muscle response of swelling and lubrication, whereas estrogens contribute to vulval and vaginal congestive response and affect mood and sexual responses (120). Conditions such as menopausal symptoms, loss of libido, vulvovaginal atrophy-related sexual dysfunction, and poor sense of well-being seen in menopausal and peri-menopausal women were related to the age-associated decline in sex steroids (121). Furthermore, interventional studies in postmenopausal women with estrogens have shown much improvement on vaginal atrophy and vasomotor symptoms (121-124); there is also much clinical evidence for the efficacy of testosterone treatment for low sexual function in women (119,125-129).


Given that a) the adrenal steroids are the most abundant sex steroids in post-menopausal women and provide a large reservoir of precursors for the intracellular production of androgens and estrogens in non-reproductive tissues, b) DHEA levels decline with age, c) pre- and post-menopausal women with lower sexual responsiveness have lower levels of serum DHEAS (130) and d) treatment of postmenopausal women with estrogen and testosterone have shown some improvement in sexual function, it was proposed that restoring the circulating levels of DHEA to those found in young women may improve sexual function and well-being in postmenopausal women (131). Some early randomized trials that suffered from methodological issues, such as small number of participants, short treatment duration, and supraphysiological doses, demonstrated positive effects of DHEA replacement on sexual function and well-being (15,130,132-134), as well as on relief of menopausal symptoms (134-136). Similarly, women with adrenal insufficiency treated with oral DHEA replacement demonstrated significant improvement in overall well-being, as well as in frequency of sexual thoughts, sexual interest, and satisfaction (80,84). Other studies, however, failed to show any benefit of DHEA replacement on sexual function, well-being, and menopausal symptoms in peri- and post-menopausal women (74,75,106,137,138) and women with adrenal insufficiency (85,139,140). A recent review of the available data concluded that current evidence does not support the routine use of DHEA in women with adrenal insufficiency (76). Furthermore, the more recent placebo-controlled randomized trials that are of superior design compared to the early trials, as they use validated measures of sexual function, have larger sample sizes, and are of longer duration, failed to document any significant benefit of oral DHEA therapy on well-being or sexual function in women (72-75,77). It has been hypothesized that the efficacy of DHEA to improve sexual function might be dependent on the route of its administration. In women, androgens and estrogens are produced from DHEA in the vagina tissue. As vaginal atrophy and dryness are common symptoms of estrogen deficiency during menopause, causing dyspareunia and sexual dysfunction (141), a possible benefit that emerged is that vaginally administered DHEA may improve the postmenopausal vaginal atrophy-related sexual dysfunction (142) without increasing the circulating levels of estrogen above the postmenopausal range (80,142-144). Despite initial promising, beneficial effects on sexual function, again, even with intravaginally administered DHEA, a study failed to show significant benefits (77).


In men lower circulating levels of DHEA was related to erectile dysfunction. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study that enrolled men with erectile dysfunction treated with oral DHEA 50 mg daily has shown some promise for improving sexual performance in men who had low DHEA blood levels (145). However, high-quality studies have demonstrated inconsistent results regarding DHEA supplementation for improving sexual function, libido, and erectile dysfunction. Although research in this area is promising, additional well-designed studies are required.


DHEA And Mood Disorders


The prevalence of depression increases in cohorts of the elderly and has been independently related to high morbidity and mortality (146). In the central nervous system, DHEA is considered a neurosteroid with a wide range of functions. Animal studies demonstrated several DHEA-modulated neurotransmitters, including dopamine, glutamate, and c-amino butyric acid (39), as well as DHEA-induced increased activity of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) neurons (147), providing the cellular basis for a potential antidepressant effect of DHEA. Furthermore, typical neuroleptic-like effects of DHEA were displayed in animal models of schizophrenia suggesting potential role of DHEA replacement in the treatment of schizophrenia (148).


Previous studies suggested a strong relation between low levels of DHEA/DHEA-S and major depression in children and adolescents (149), as well as adults and the elderly (150,151). On the contrary, higher DHEA-S levels were positively associated with depressive symptoms during the menopausal transition (152) and depression in patients with major depression (153,154); whether the elevated DHEA-S levels in the above studies represent increased adrenal activity that could explain the depressive symptoms is not clear, as cortisol was not measured. Moreover, successful treatment of depression was followed by reductions in both DHEA-S (153-155) and DHEA levels (155), making the relation between DHEA/DHEAS and depression even more confusing.


Several interventional studies have shown that DHEA replacement may improve negative and depressive symptoms (132,133,156-158). In women with adrenal insufficiency, oral DHEA replacement significantly improved the overall well-being, as well as scores for depression and anxiety (110); similar results were found in the management of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia (158). Recent placebo-controlled randomized trials, however, failed to demonstrate a beneficial effect of DHEA therapy on mood, quality of life, perceptions of physical and emotional health, and life satisfaction in postmenopausal women (72,74,75). However, recent data have suggested that increased circulating DHEA(S) levels may predict SSRI-associated remission in major depression (159). Thus, the therapeutic role of DHEA on mood disorders remains unclear.


DHEA and Psychosocial Stress


It has long been suggested that long-term psychosocial stress may cause or contribute to different diseases and symptoms, including atherosclerosis (160), coronary heart disease (161) and acute coronary events (162), as well as accelerated aging (163,164). Whether DHEA/DHEAS levels are related to psychological stress or not is still debatable. Exposure to prolonged psychosocial stress has been related to reduced (165-167) or elevated levels of DHEA/DHEA-S (168), while some other studies failed to show any clear association in any direction (169,170). A recent study by Lennartsson et al. demonstrated that DHEA and DHEA-S levels are markedly lower in individuals that report perceived stress at work than in individuals who report no perceived stress at work (171). Whether this is of clinical importance is not clear.



The incidence of dementia increases exponentially with increasing age in both men and women (172). The number of elderly people nowadays is the fastest growing segment of the population, which means the related personal, social, and economic burdens of dementia are extremely high and could increase dramatically over the next few decades. Therefore, effective prevention/treatment of neurodegenerative disorders is imperative. It has been proposed that DHEA and DHEAS may exert neuroprotective effects in the brain mainly through DHEA-dependent neural stem cell stimulation, genomic activity modulation, and upregulation of androgen receptor levels (173,174), as well as via the DHEA-induced inhibition of pro-inflammatory factor production, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) (39) that are involved in the pathogenesis of the amyloid plaques of Alzheimer disease (175). Higher serum levels of DHEAS have been related to more favorable cognitive function in older people, such as better concentration and working memory (176,177) and higher scores on the Mini Mental State Examination (178). In this direction, low DHEA/DHEAS levels in particular brain regions were thought to play a role in the development of Parkinson disease, which is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder, just behind Alzheimer (179), while DHEA administration showed some beneficial effect in a primate model of Parkinson disease (180,181). Inverse relations between DHEAS levels in saliva (181) and circulation (176) and some domains of memory impairment were also documented, supporting the hypothesis that DHEA supplementation may improve cognition in the elderly; yet solid evidence of associations between the endogenous levels of these steroids and measures of cognitive function is lacking.


No studies with DHEA replacement, either acute administration or chronic (up to 12 months) supplementation, have shown a benefit in cognitive function in healthy elderly populations (74,137,181-185). Furthermore, DHEA supplementation failed to show any benefit in patients with Alzheimer disease (186) and had only minimal beneficial effect on specific cognitive domains such as the verbal fluency in older women with mild to moderate cognitive impairment (187). Remarkably, some other studies have shown a negative effect of DHEAS replacement on cognitive performance (183,188,189). It should be noted however, that most studies included only small groups of patients and were up to a yearlong, which is probably not enough time to address the potential role of DHEA / DHEAS in neurodegenerative disorders.


DHEA and Metabolism




In women, the effects of sex steroids on lipid profile differ according to the steroid treatment (estrogen or androgen) and to the route of administration. Thus, oral methyltestosterone lowers high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol (190), and oral estrogen increases HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides and lowers low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol and total cholesterol (191,192), while transdermal estradiol and transdermal testosterone have little or no effect on lipids (193). Combined oral estrogen and methyltestosterone is associated with lowering of HDL-cholesterol (194,195). Considering that DHEA can be converted intracellularly to estrogens and androgens, the effect on the lipid profile could be mixed and may vary between individuals. Most of the recent well-designed studies, addressing this issue report no association or even an adverse association (at least in women) (196,197) between plasma levels of DHEA (198,199) or DHEA administration (97,109,192,200,201) and the lipid profile.




Animal studies support a beneficial effect of DHEA administration on obesity (202-204). In humans, two sets of longitudinal analyses of studies with women in menopausal transition showed that elevated DHEAS level is negatively related to BMI (27,28). On the other hand, baseline analyses by Santoro et al [209] did not find much association between DHEAS and BMI, waist-hip ratio, or waist. Childhood obesity is associated with higher levels of DHEAS (34). Similarly, a 2-year, placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind study involving elderly men and women with low levels of DHEAS, showed no significant effect of DHEA replacement (75 mg per day orally) on body composition measurements (72). Interestingly, a, recent meta-analysis of intervention studies showed that DHEA supplementation in elderly men can induce only a small positive effect on body composition which is strictly dependent on DHEA conversion into its bioactive metabolites such as androgens or estrogens (205). Putting together these results, current data regarding DHEA effect on BMI contradict each other, and its usage in clinical practice for body weight management is not suggested or recommended at the present.




DHEA may at least theoretically improve endothelial function (43), and ameliorate local/systemic inflammation (50,51) and oxidative stress (58-60,206). These effects in association with DHEAS’s inverse relation with body mass index (BMI) (23,27,28,207) would most probably suggest beneficial effect of DHEA/DHEAS supplement on insulin sensitivity (207). This hypothesis was confirmed by reports from animal studies in which DHEA replacement had a beneficial effect on insulin sensitivity (202,203). In human studies, however, the results are rather inconsistent. In some studies, the lower levels of DHEA seen with aging have been associated with impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, and diabetes (208-211), while in another (212) exactly the opposite relation was shown as higher levels of DHEA were associated with impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes mellitus in post-menopausal women. The truth regarding DHEA/DHEAS and insulin resistance and its associated conditions gets even more complicated considering conflicting results from interventional studies with DHEA replacement. Thus, an ameliorating effect of long-term treatment with DHEA on insulin resistance was described in a group of middle-aged hypo-adrenal women treated with DHEA (213), but also in groups of elderly men (214) and postmenopausal women (213-217) replaced with DHEA. The DHEA dose used ranged between 25 and 100 mg/day oally and the duration of treatment varied between 3 and 12 months; in one study transdermal DHEA was used (217). Most other interventional studies addressing this issue, failed to demonstrate any significant effect of DHEA on insulin resistance/sensitivity (72,97,110,112,113,139) and so did a recent review of the available data regarding use of DHEA in women with adrenal insufficiency (76). Remarkably, Mortola and Yen (84) reported worsening insulin resistance with DHEA replacement in postmenopausal women; in this study however, the number of participants was small (n=6), the duration of treatment short (28 days), and the DHEA dosage supraphysiological (1600 mg/day orally). Putting together the above, the relation between DHEA and carbohydrate metabolism is still uncertain.


DHEA and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)


CVD represents a serious public health problem; its prevalence increases with advancing age (218). Low androgen levels have been related to atherogenic profile in men (219,220), while data from acute coronary units have shown a transient fall of the testosterone levels in the first 24 hours after myocardial infarction (MI) (221,222), which probably deprives these patients of testosterone’s pro-fibrinolytic activity (223-225) and may actually result in increased 30-day mortality rate following acute MI (226); the above findings suggest a strong relation between sex steroid hormones and CVD morbidity and mortality. Many studies have previously documented a significant inverse relation between low DHEA/DHEAS levels and key elements involved in the development of atherosclerosis and CVD, including carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT) (227,228), oxidative stress (58,59), and endothelial dysfunction (229), independent of other coronary risk factors. Low DHEAS levels (201,230-233) were also predictive of severe coronary atherosclerosis on coronary angiography (234), but also of earlier cardiac allograft vasculopathy development in heart transplant patients (235).


These findings are suggestive of anti-atherogenic and cardioprotective effect of DHEA/DHEAS. Numerous epidemiological studies have, therefore, looked at the specific relation between plasma levels of adrenal androgens and CVD. Most have shown that low plasma levels of DHEA/DHEA-S were clearly associated with increased incidence of atherosclerotic vascular diseases (91,234,236-238) and cardiovascular morbidity (234,239-245), independently from classic cardiovascular risk factors, as well as with increased CVD-related mortality in elderly men but not in postmenopausal women, unless they had pre-existing coronary disease (16,70,199,241,246-248).


The plasma levels of DHEA were also inversely associated with the progression (249) and prognosis of heart failure (250), at least in men. The exact pathophysiologic background is still more or less unclear. Some preliminary data in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus suggest that the adrenal androgens may increase the generation of activated protein C, an important anticoagulant protein that protects from acute coronary events (228). Furthermore, DHEA may directly stimulate eNOS phosphorylation/activation in endothelial cells and NO production (36,39,251), which in turn induces vasodilation, and preserves myocardial perfusion (252). DHEA may also exert anti-inflammatory actions (39,253), through which it may alleviate endothelial dysfunction, atherogenesis (254), and the acute thrombotic complications of atheroma (39,253,255-258) enhanced by systemic inflammation. The protective effects of DHEA on endothelium were also shown in several in vitro studies in which DHEA increased endothelial proliferation (43) and protected endothelial cells against apoptosis (59,259). Finally, DHEA can alleviate oxidative stress and inflammation in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) via ERK1/2 and NF-κB signaling pathways, although it has no effect on their phenotype transition (260).


Other studies, however, have failed to show a significant relation between DHEA/DHEA-S and CVD. In men for example, myocardial infarction occurrence was not altered by DHEA-S levels, and acute myocardial infarctions were seen in patients with either low or high DHEA-S levels (261-264). Similarly in women, lower DHEA-S levels in ischemic heart disease patients versus control were observed in some studies, but not in others (238,265,266). The reasons that account for the discrepancies among the above studies are not clear. It can be argued that smoking could be a possible confounding variable for both DHEA-S levels and CVD, as smoking increases DHEA-S levels but also increases the incidence of adverse cardiovascular events (267,268). The discrepancies among the above studies may also be attributed to population variability; for example, in the study by Mazat et al. the relative risk of an 8-year mortality associated with low DHEA-S was 3.4 times higher in males under 70 years compared to older men (odds ratio of 6.5 versus 1.9) (16). Finally, DHEA-S was checked just once in some retrospective studies, often several years before the adverse cardiovascular events (269).


Whether exogenously administered DHEA could ameliorate key elements involved in the generation and progression of the atherosclerotic process was addressed in humans with atherosclerosis and experimental animal models. The human studies have shown a beneficial effect of DHEA on angiographic evidence of atherosclerosis and improvement of vascular endothelial function (43,234,270). Several animal studies have also clearly demonstrated the inhibitory effect of orally administered DHEA on atherosclerosis and plaque progression (271,272) as well as beneficial effects on ischemia–reperfusion injury in the microcirculation (273,274) and cardiac dysfunction (56,57). Arterial stiffness, which is also considered a risk factor for CVD, significantly improved after DHEA replacement in both elderly men and women (275,276). Whether the above findings could be translated into DHEA administration in clinical practice for the reduction of CVD morbidity and/or mortality is not well documented and supported by current reports. However, since DHEA is a well-tolerated molecule and an inexpensive drug, additional large multi-centric clinical studies could address its role in the prevention and/or management of CVD.


DHEA and Cerebrovascular Disease


Stroke is the third-leading cause for disability worldwide (277); therefore, early risk stratification for an optimized allocation of health care resources is imperative. The ischemic strokes that account for the great majority of all stroke cases (87 percent) occur as a result of acute obstruction of atherosclerotic blood vessels supplying blood to the brain (278). Considering DHEAS has neuroprotective and antiatherosclerotic properties (243,279,280) and its synthesis has been documented in the brain (175,281,282), the role of DHEA/DHEAS in acute stroke incidence and outcome was investigated. Interestingly, in women from Nurses’ Health Study, lower DHEAS levels were associated with a greater risk of ischemic stroke (283). In addition, it was suggested that DHEAS levels in the blood may predict the severity and functional outcome of acute strokes (284,285). Whether the above findings suggest baseline DHEAS levels could alter stroke management in clinical practice or whether DHEA replacement has a therapeutic potential role in stroke management need to be addressed.


DHEA and Pulmonary Hypertension


The previously described vasorelaxant properties of DHEA in systemic circulation were also investigated in pulmonary hypertension in animal models and in humans. Several studies have shown that DHEA replacement could effectively prevent and reverse hypoxic pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary arterial remodeling, and right ventricular hypertrophy in rats (286-288) in a dose-dependent manner (289) and also prevent the age-related frailty induced by hypoxic pulmonary hypertension in older mice (288). The effect of DHEA is selective to the pulmonary circulation since the systemic blood pressure was not altered. It was shown that the beneficial effects of DHEA on pulmonary hypertension were at least partly independent of its conversion to estrogen/testosterone and eNOS activation. Some of the potential molecular mechanism by which DHEA promotes pulmonary artery relaxation appears to involve K+ channel activation, upregulation of soluble guanylate cyclase (287,290,291), downregulation of hypoxia inducible factor 1a (HIF-1a) (292), and by NADPH oxidation-elicited subunit dimerization of protein kinase G 1α (293).


As previously discussed, DHEA may inhibit and reverse chronic hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension in rats. Little is known, however, about the effects of DHEA on the pulmonary circulation in humans. The levels of DHEA/DHEA-S in patients with pulmonary hypertension over time have not been determined, but the recent Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) - Right Ventricle (RV) Study found that higher DHEA levels were associated with increased RV mass and stroke volume in women (294). Another prospective study suggested a strong inverse correlation between natural DHEA/DHEA-S blood levels and the ten-year mortality in old male smokers and ex-smokers (16). Prompted by the experimental findings in the pulmonary circulation, a recent study investigated whether DHEA can improve the clinical and hemodynamic status of patients with pulmonary hypertension associated to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; eight patients with the disease were treated with DHEA (200mg daily orally) for 3 months. The results were very promising as DHEA treatment significantly improved the pulmonary hemodynamics and the physical performance of the patients, without worsening gas exchange, as do other pharmacological treatments of pulmonary hypertension (295).


Putting together the above evidence, there are experimental data to support the beneficial role of DHEA treatment in models with pulmonary hypertension, but only a few studies supporting its beneficial effect in patients with pulmonary hypertension associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Further clinical studies would probably clarify its therapeutic role in the management of pulmonary hypertension in clinical practice.


DHEA and Autoimmune Disorders




DHEA has anti-inflammatory properties (50,51). Its levels appear to be low in people with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, irrespective of the patient’s age (296,297). A phase II small pilot trial in patients with active inflammatory bowel disease refractory to other drugs, treated with 200 mg dehydroepiandrosterone per day orally for 56 days (298) showed that DHEA may decrease the clinical activity of the disease and may even cause a remission. More studies are needed before saying for sure whether DHEA helps IBD or not.




Several randomized controlled clinical studies have reported that regardless of the patient’s age, taking DHEA (50-200mg/day) along with other medications improves quality of life for people with mild to moderate SLE, decreases corticosteroid requirements, and reduces the frequency of flare-ups, though it probably does not change the overall course of their disease (84,299-303). A study had shown DHEA replacement may increase bone mass in women with lupus (302). A 2007 report in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (78) suggests a "modest but clinically significant impact" of DHEA replacement on health-related quality of life in the short-term for people with SLE; the impact on disease activity was inconsistent. Long- term outcomes and safety remain unstudied.




DHEA levels have been found to be low in people with rheumatoid arthritis (304,305) and decrease further with glucocorticoid therapy (306). Considering the well-demonstrated immune-suppressive activities exerted by the adrenal androgens and their derivatives (307-309), the utility of DHEA as potential therapy for management of male and female RA patients was studied. Preliminary data from animal studies showed benefits of DHEA treatment in collagen-induced arthritis (310-312). However, in carefully controlled human clinical trials, DHEA treatment produced only modest benefits (313), probably with the exception of female-treated RA patients who benefit the most by DHEA replacement (314). The noted discrepancy in benefits from DHEA treatment between animals and humans may be related to the low endogenous DHEA in rodents relative to humans because of low levels of cytochrome P450 17α-hydroxylase (175), but also because of different DHEA metabolism between species; remarkably, in rodents DHEA has many highly oxygenated metabolites and a surprisingly complex metabolism that results in production of a multitude highly oxygenated species that may exert the beneficial effects on arthritis (315).




DHEA supplements are generally well tolerated in studies using oral or percutaneous administration, with daily doses ranging from 25 mg to 1,600 mg. DHEA is an important precursor for estrogen and androgen production. In women DHEA when administered orally is mainly converted to androgen metabolites. As a result, some minimal androgenic adverse effects have been reported, including mild acne, seborrhea, facial hair growth, and ankle swelling (45,75,315).


A hormonal etiology has long been suspected for breast and endometrial cancer as several risk factors for each cancer, such as obesity, nulliparity, and early menarche are hormonally related (78,316-318). The plasma concentrations of the adrenal androgens in premenopausal women were previously associated with higher risk for development of breast cancer (319-321). Furthermore, DHEA-S levels above a cut off limit predicted disease progression in hypoestrogenized women treated for breast cancer (322). On the other hand, in vitro studies support an inhibitory effect of DHEA on the growth of human mammary cancer cells and the growth of chemically-induced mammary cancer in rats (10,62,323). It was shown that the effect of DHEA in mammary tissue depends on the level of plasma estrogens. Thus, growth inhibition occurs only in the presence of high estrogen concentrations, and growth stimulation occurs in the presence of a low-level estrogen milieu (12,324). The exact role of DHEA supplementation on breast cancer in humans has not been fully studied. A previous review of clinical, epidemiological, and experimental studies suggests late promotion of breast cancer in postmenopausal women by prolonged intake of DHEA, especially if central obesity coexists, and suggests extra caution when DHEA supplements are used by obese postmenopausal women (325). A more recent review of the medical literature investigating DHEA physiology and randomized controlled trials of the use of DHEA in postmenopausal women, however, did not find any adverse effect of DHEA supplementation (31).


Unopposed estrogen is also known to be associated with an increased risk of endometrial carcinoma (316). DHEA supplementation did not increase the endometrial thickness in postmenopausal women treated with 25 mg/day DHEA orally for 6 months (136) or 50 mg daily for 12 months (135,136,326). In addition, DHEA administered percutaneously for 12 months to postmenopausal women was shown to have an estrogenic effect on the vagina without affecting the endometrium that remained atrophic (105).


In men, DHEA supplements are mainly transformed to estrogen metabolites but also to more potent androgens. As a result, concerns regarding the effect of DHEA supplementation on prostate were raised, especially after the finding that about 15% of DHT present in the prostate comes from DHEA metabolism (327). A 2-year, placebo-controlled, randomized, double blind study involving elderly men receiving DHEA did not show any adverse effects in prostate (72).


As long as long-term safety data for DHEA supplementation are lacking, the American Cancer Society advices caution in its use in people who have cancer, especially types of cancer that respond to hormones, such as certain types of breast cancer, prostate cancer, and endometrial cancer (328). The authors of a Cochrane Systematic Review regarding the supplementation of DHEA in peri- and post-menopausal women, questioned the effectiveness of DHEA in women, and concluded that the overall quality of the studies analyzed was moderate to low and that the study outcomes were inconsistent and could not be pooled to obtain an overall effect due to the diversity of the measurement methods employed (329).




Theoretically, supplementing a pre-hormone is extremely interesting as it would provide peripheral tissues with levels of sex steroids according to local needs and would eliminate the exposure of other tissues to androgens or estrogens, minimizing unwanted side effects. Therefore, DHEA administration is closer to ‘‘hormonal optimization’’ than hormonal supplementation. In older people, lower than normal levels of DHEA/DHEAS were previously related to aging-associated degenerative disorders, including metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, poor physical performance, mood and memory defects, sexual dysfunction, and poor sense of wellbeing. Whether this is just a statistical finding with no practical clinical meaning has been investigated by many interventional studies most of which, however, were of short duration and had a small number of participants. Without exception, all recent reviews of the available data regarding DHEA replacement utility for the management of aging-related disorders do not support its use in clinical practice (72-78); no significant adverse or negative side effects of DHEA were reported in clinical studies, but also no significant evidence that low levels of DHEA cause the aging-related degenerative disorders or that taking DHEA can help prevent/treat them. Thus, current clinical modalities with DHEA supplements do not comply with evidence-based medicine. Since there are several known biochemical actions by which DHEA could ameliorate disorders affecting the elderly population and is a well-tolerated molecule and an inexpensive drug, additional large multi-center clinical studies would probably give us a better understanding of its clinical utility in the management of aging-related disorders. Till then, we should probably reconsider suggesting patients to start on a pro-hormone that would help them only as much as a placebo would help.




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Guidelines for Screening, Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Dyslipidemia in Children and Adolescents



Clinical practice guidelines are developed to create a synthesis of evidence which, in turn, leads to recommendations that improve clinical decision-making. Guidelines are helpful for busy clinicians to improve outcomes and reduce unnecessary practice variation. Historically, guidelines were largely based on expert opinion. The modern approach to guideline development includes a complete review and grading of the available evidence.  The evidence is then used to construct recommendations for clinical practice with grades based on the level of evidence to support them. Pediatric lipid guidelines were first published in 1992. These guidelines included a screening approach based on family history and recommended a population approach to improve diet and physical activity in all children and adolescents, as well as a high-risk approach. This approach focused on treatment with lifestyle or with pharmacologic agents for those identified at high risk. The 2011 Integrated Guidelines provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date approach to pediatric dyslipidemia. In these guidelines, universal screening in 9-11-year-olds is recommended to identify children with genetic dyslipidemia or more lifestyle- related dyslipidemia. Pharmacologic treatment is recommended only for a small group of children and adolescents with marked elevation of LDL-C due to genetic dyslipidemias. New guidelines from the American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology largely support the Integrated Guidelines.




Clinical practice guidelines are becoming an increasingly important aspect of clinical care. Guidelines are designed to create a synthesis of evidence, including expert opinion where little evidence exists, to provide a straightforward approach to clinical decision making. Guideline development recognizes that the average practicing clinician has difficulty keeping abreast of developing medical science across a wide range of areas. This is especially true for generalists in primary care who must cover a wide range of medical issues with their patients. Guidelines are particularly helpful where there may be conflicting evidence or a range of levels of quality among studies included in the evidence base. In addition, when guidelines are widely utilized, they help to diminish unnecessary practice variation, improve outcomes, and potentially can reduce costs by providing a more efficient pathway to appropriate diagnosis and treatment while eliminating unnecessary tests and procedures.



While the value of well-done clinical practice guidelines is now widely accepted, concerns have been expressed historically about their development (1). These concerns include the fact that there were no standards for the guideline development process or guideline committee composition. This sometimes resulted in concerns about the balance in expertise. In addition, relationships between committee members and pharmaceutical companies or other entities were often not disclosed, making potential conflicts of interest difficult to discern. There also have been no universal standards for the approach to reviewing and grading the evidence. This can lead to selective inclusion of research or to different approaches to weighting of the evidence. There has also been no standard approach to translating the evidence review into graded recommendations, which is the aspect of the process that is most useful, and most used by clinicians. Often, clinical recommendations were presented as unanimous when, in fact, there was substantial discussion and even disagreement on the part of the committee members. This lack of a standard accepted process has sometimes led to clinical practice guidelines from different organizations that presented very different recommendations on the same topic, which potentially increases the confusion of clinicians even more.


As more experience has been gained with the process of guideline development, the process has improved over time. Presently, the government and health organizations which oversee guideline construction now generally focus on more balanced committee membership and a more transparent approach to potential conflicts of interest. They require completion of a documented review of the evidence, increased transparency of committee discussion, and improved identification of expert opinion in the guideline development process. However, key elements of the process remain controversial. Good guidelines require the development of good key questions at the onset of the process. Constructing the best key questions still seems more of an art than a scientific endeavor. In addition, different organizations have different approaches to grading evidence and to constructing and grading recommendations from the evidence. For example, some organizations will essentially accept only evidence derived from randomized controlled clinical trials. While those trials do represent the strongest science, they are also the most difficult and expensive studies to perform. Clinical trials by their nature often address very narrow scientific and clinical questions. In addition, there are many areas that remain unaddressed by clinical trials for a variety of reasons, including areas where such trials are difficult to perform or even may be considered unethical, as well as areas where funding for such studies has not been available.


In the past, clinical practice guidelines have been viewed as static documents. This is not appropriate as the science that informs clinical decision making is always evolving. In the case where the science is rapidly evolving, a guideline may be out of date shortly after it is published. Thus, guideline creation should best be viewed as a continuous improvement process with new studies reviewed and graded as they become available. Newer electronic data bases and electronic health records make this approach to ongoing refinement of guidelines more feasible.


Unfortunately, guidelines are often not implemented in practice. Research has demonstrated that there is often a lag, which can be as long as a decade or more between development and routine implementation of guidelines (2). This suggests that clinicians may be implementing treatment that is not supported by the best evidence. This is an area where more research is needed to determine best practices to encourage and enhance utilization of guidelines once they are developed.




National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) 1992


The first guidelines on pediatric lipid management were developed by the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) of the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and were published in 1992 (3). The guidelines were developed by a pediatric committee that worked in parallel with the NCEP adult panel of experts. The guideline construction did not involve a complete, formal evidence review with grading of the evidence.  Much of the report was based on expert opinion and extrapolation of data collected in adults to create an approach to pediatric patients. The report presented two approaches to pediatric dyslipidemia. The first was a population-based approach, which focused on diet and lifestyle issues for the entire population. The second was focused on identification and treatment of higher risk children and adolescents. The goal of the population approach was to prevent dyslipidemia from developing in the first place. This has come to be called primordial prevention. The population approach encourages healthy diet and physical activity for all children and adolescents. This approach includes all family members, as well.


The individualized approach aimed to identify and treat children and adolescents who are at greatest risk for having high blood cholesterol as adults and who had an increased lifetime risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. In the individual approach, the committee recommended selective screening of children who have a family history of premature cardiovascular disease or at least one parent with elevated serum cholesterol. This approach assumed that all adults would have their lipid levels tested as part of routine care. The committee considered universal screening, but decided that the selective screening approach would recognize the influence of genes and environment and would be more efficient. This selective screening approach, sometimes referred to as cascade screening, is used in many European countries to identify children and adolescents with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). The committee also presented cut points for acceptable, borderline and high elevated LDL-C based on percentiles from the Lipid Research Clinical Prevalence Study (4). The panel then used these cut points to establish an approach to initiation of and goals for diet therapy. The panel developed separate cut points derived from studies of adults for initiation of drug therapy. They developed a two-step approach to diet therapy with Step 2 having greater restriction of saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet. For drug therapy, the panel recommended the use of bile acid sequestering agents for routine use. This report did not provide a focus on triglycerides or HDL-C and did not recommend the use of HMG CoA reductase inhibitors for pharmacologic therapy.


These 1992 Guidelines served as the approach to screening, diagnosis, and treatment for many years. They also served as the basis for research with investigators studying the effectiveness of a selective approach to screening and other aspects of the guidelines (5). In addition, clinical trials were launched to study the effect of dietary and pharmacologic intervention in children and adolescents with dyslipidemia (6,7).


As new evidence became available, some of which supported the 1992 Guidelines and others which suggested alternative approaches, organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics (8,9) and the American Heart Association (10,11) empaneled committees to produce guidelines and recommendations, which were refinements of the original 1992 guidelines. None of these efforts included a formal, complete review and grading of the evidence or grading of the recommendations.


United States Preventive Services Task Force 2016


In a parallel process, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) initiated a review of the evidence regarding cholesterol screening in children and adolescents (12). This review was updated in 2016. The USPSTF uses a formal evidence review and grading based on a series of key questions. The USPSTF has reported an “I” recommendation on lipid screening. This means that they found insufficient evidence for or against lipid screening in children and adolescents. This is a call for more research in this area.


There are several reasons why an “I” recommendation resulted from the USPSTF review of the evidence. The first has to do with the key questions asked as the framework for the review. A close inspection of the key questions demonstrates that several of the key questions are probably not answerable because the types of studies needed to answer the questions cannot reasonably be done. The USPSTF also requires a very high standard for research, including randomized clinical trials of screening, which are much less likely to be done in children than in adults.


The 2016 USPSTF review of cholesterol screening was improved in several ways compared to previous reviews (13-15). First, there was a separate analysis of the evidence to support screening for individuals with familial hypercholesterolemia. In previous USPSTF reviews, these individuals had been excluded from consideration. The 2016 USPSTF review also included a review of the evidence to screen for multifactorial dyslipidemia. The key questions were also modified somewhat from previous reviews. However, the answer for key questions, such as:


1)   Does screening for dyslipidemia in asymptomatic children and adolescents delay or reduce the incidence of myocardial infarction or stroke in adulthood, or


2)   Does treatment of dyslipidemia with lifestyle modification or lipid lowering medications in children and adolescents delay or reduce the incidence of adult myocardial infarction and stroke events?


These questions still require studies that are virtually impossible to do. Such studies would require randomization of young individuals and following them for decades to observe the outcomes. Utilization of these key questions make it quite difficult for the USPSTF to achieve anything other than an “I” statement for pediatric lipid screening.


There were several commentaries of the 2016 USPSF reviews that serve to put the results in broader context (16, 17). These commentaries pointed out that a statement of insufficient evidence for or against lipid screening was not particularly helpful for the clinician on the front line and that other health organizations, such as the American Heart Association and the American Academy of Pediatricians have recommended lipid screening in children and adolescents based on separate review and grading of the evidence.


It is important to note that an “I” statement from the USPSTF should not be taken as a recommendation against lipid screening. The USPSTF does recommend against screening when the evidence demonstrates that screening or treatment are ineffective or harmful. In the face of an “I” statement and given the high bar for evidence required by the USPSTF, it is up to individual clinicians and health organizations to weight the available evidence and decide on a course of action.


National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) 2011


In 2011, the results of an NHLBI panel, which performed a complete review and grading of the evidence for screening and treatment of cardiovascular disease risk factors in children and adolescents, including dyslipidemia, were published as part of an integrated approach to CVD risk factor evaluation and management (18, 19). These Integrated Guidelines represent the most comprehensive, up-to-date approach to lipid screening, diagnosis, and treatment and are a departure from previous guidelines. First, the guidelines recommended universal screening for lipid disorders. This means that all children should have their lipids tested one time between the ages of 9-11. This can be performed with either a fasting lipid profile or a non-fasting test to evaluate non-HDL-C. This universal approach was recommended because studies showed that using only a selective screening approach based on family history would potentially miss 30-60% of children and adolescents with substantial elevations of cholesterol (5). The universal screening approach is largely designed to identify children with genetic dyslipidemia, such as familial hypercholesterolemia. However, it will also identify children with dyslipidemia, largely elevated triglycerides and low HDL-C, due to lifestyle factors and obesity.


The Integrated Guidelines continued to support both a population and a high-risk approach to dyslipidemia. The recommendation for diet for the general population is the Cardiovascular Health Integrated Lifestyle Diet (CHILD) 1. For higher-risk patients identified through screening, the CHILD 2-LDL diet was recommended if the LDL-C was elevated. This diet further restricts intake of saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet. For those with elevated triglycerides and low HDL-C, the CHILD 2-TG diet was recommended. This diet includes reduced intake of simple sugars in addition to reduction in saturated fat.


The Integrated Guidelines presented statin agents as first-line pharmacologic treatment for substantial elevation of LDL-C (>190mg/dL) with no other risk factors, or >160mg/dL with 1 high level or ≥ 2 moderate-level risk factors in children and adolescents age 10 years and older.


The Integrated Guidelines have not been without controversy (20-22). In addition, uptake of the Integrated Guidelines has been less than optimum (23,24). One potential reason for confusion regarding the guidelines is the potential concern about the impact of obesity on dyslipidemia. This result, in part, derives from a misunderstanding of the difference between the issues related to genetic forms of dyslipidemia, such as FH, and those that are largely due to lifestyle. It needs to be clarified that most individuals who have an LDL-C level in the range where medication would be recommended have a genetic form of dyslipidemia, usually heterozygous FH. Children and adolescents with lifestyle-based dyslipidemia rarely have LDL-C levels that would trigger the recommendation for pharmacologic treatment. Obesity results in elevated triglycerides and low HDL-C with only a modest increase in LDL-C. These children and adolescents should be treated with changes in lifestyle, including a more healthful diet and increased levels of physical activity. Estimates are that fewer than 1% of children and adolescents would qualify for statin treatment (25).


American Heart Association (AHA) and the National Lipid Association (NLA)


This potential confusion over different aspects of dyslipidemia and their consequences have led to American Heart Association (AHA) and the National Lipid Association (NLA) to sharpen the focus on familial hypercholesterolemia (25-27). While these scientific statements did not include a formal review and grading of the evidence, they provided a new focus for clinicians and may simplify the clinical approach to pediatric dyslipidemia. Clinicians should probably focus first on identification and treatment of individuals with the array of genetic defects that underlie FH and their family members who also have this genetic abnormality. Because this genetic defect occurs in approximately 1:250 individuals, it is one of the most prevalent genetic diseases. Individuals with heterozygous FH have substantial and often marked elevation of LDL-C. These individuals have been shown to be at increased lifetime risk of atherosclerotic CVD and are at risk for adverse outcomes in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. Unfortunately, the first clinical sign of the disease for these patients may be a myocardial infarction or sudden cardiac death. Because this is often an asymptomatic condition, particularly in childhood, lipid testing is essentially the only way to identify affected individuals. Treatment with statins and other pharmacologic agents can be quite effective at lowering LDL-C levels and decreasing the risk for adverse cardiovascular outcomes.


American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology Cholesterol Clinical Practice Guidelines 2018


The most recent clinical practice guidelines regarding dyslipidemia are the American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology Cholesterol Clinical Practice Guidelines published in 2018 (28). These guidelines included a complete evidence review and systematic grading of the evidence and the recommendations. These guidelines largely focus on the management of blood cholesterol in adults, but also included a section on children. These guidelines indicate that, in children (age 10-19 years of age) and young adults (20-39 years of age), priority should be given to evaluation of lifetime risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and promotion of lifestyle risk reduction.


In the AHA/ACC 2018 guidelines, screening for dyslipidemia based on family history is given a B-nonrandomized level of evidence and a IIa strength of recommendation (28). Universal screening for dyslipidemia once between age 9-11 years and once between age 17-21 is given a B-nonrandomized level of evidence and a IIb strength of recommendation. The B-NR level of evidence indicates moderate quality of evidence from observational studies. The class IIa recommendation is a moderate recommendation, while a class IIb recommendation is considered weaker (might be reasonable).


For treatment of dyslipidemia in children and adolescents, lifestyle approaches receive a level A for the evidence and have a class I strength of recommendation. For children and adolescents age 10 and over with an LDL-C persistently above 190mg/dL or above 160mg/dL with a clinical presentation consistent with familial hypercholesterolemia who do not adequately respond to lifestyle change after 3-6 months, initiating statin therapy received a B-randomized level of evidence and a class IIa recommendation (22).


These newest guidelines are essentially in line with the 2011 Integrated Guidelines from the NHLBI. However, they also emphasize that more high-quality evidence is needed. This should drive research efforts in the areas of screening and management for pediatric dyslipidemia.




In conclusion, the evidence related to risk, identification, and effective treatment of dyslipidemia has continued to expand. This has allowed development of guidelines for management of pediatric patients with dyslipidemia. Unfortunately, uptake of these guidelines by primary care clinicians has been slow. There is a need for ongoing high-quality studies in this area so that new study results can be included in subsequent evidence reviews and clinical practice guidelines can be improved.


A major limiting factor in the development of Guidelines regarding the screening, identification, and treatment of dyslipidemia in children and adolescents is the lack of studies which produce the evidence to support such guidelines. There are examples of guidelines in pediatric healthcare that have been well accepted based on evidence. These include US Preventive Services Task Force recommendations for screening for obesity using Body Mass Index (22), guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (23), and for the diagnosis and management of an initial urinary tract infection in febrile infants from the American Academy of Pediatrics (24). These guidelines have generally been accepted in pediatric practice, although not always without controversy (25). As we seek to improve outcomes through better standardization of delivery of healthcare, improved evidence-based guidelines will be increasingly important.




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Gynecomastia: Etiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment



Gynecomastia is a relatively common disorder. Its causes range from benign physiological processes to rare neoplasms. To diagnose the etiology of the gynecomastia, the clinician must understand the hormonal factors involved in breast development. Parallel to female breast development, estrogen, growth hormone (GH), and IGF-1 are required for breast growth in males. Since a balance exists between estrogen and androgens in males, any disease state or medication that increases circulating estrogens or decreases circulating androgens, causing an elevation in the estrogen to androgen ratio, can induce gynecomastia. Due to the diversity of possible etiologies, including a neoplasm, performing a careful history and physical is imperative. Once gynecomastia has been diagnosed, treatment of the underlying cause is warranted. If no underlying cause is discovered, then close observation is appropriate. If the gynecomastia is severe and of recent onset, medical therapy can be attempted, and if ineffective, glandular tissue can be removed surgically.




This chapter reviews the ontogeny and physiology of breast development; factors that influence breast enlargement in the male; the differential diagnosis of gynecomastia; the process of diagnostic investigation; and treatment of gynecomastia.




Male breast development occurs in an analogous fashion to female breast development. At puberty in the female, a complex hormonal interplay occurs resulting in growth and maturation of the adult female breast.


In early fetal life, epithelial cells, derived from the epidermis of the area programmed to become the areola, proliferate into ducts, which connect to the nipple at the skin's surface. The blind ends of these ducts bud to form alveolar structures in later gestation. With the decline in fetal prolactin and placental estrogen and progesterone at birth, the infantile breast regresses until puberty (1).


During thelarche in females, the initial clinical appearance of the breast bud and growth and division of the ducts occur, giving rise to club-shaped terminal end buds, which then form alveolar buds. Approximately a dozen alveolar buds will cluster around a terminal duct, forming the type 1 lobule. The type 1 lobule will mature into types 2 and 3 lobules, called ductules. The number of alveolar buds increases to as many as 50 in type 2 and 80 in type 3 lobules. The entire differentiation process takes years after the onset of puberty and, if pregnancy is not achieved, may never be completed (2). On the contrary, there is usually no further development of breast because of the rising testosterone concentrations at puberty. Some peri-pubertal boys may transiently develop type 1 lobules that may undergo atrophy at a later stage.




The initiation and progression of breast development involves a coordinated effort of pituitary and ovarian hormones, as well as local mediators (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Hormones affecting growth and differentiation of breast tissue.



Estrogen and progesterone act in an integrative fashion to stimulate normal adult female breast development. Estrogen, acting through its estrogen receptor (ER), promotes ductal growth, while progesterone, acting through its receptor (PR), promotes alveolar development (1). This is demonstrated by experiments in ER knockout mice that display grossly impaired ductal development, whereas PR knockout mice possess significant ductal development, but lack alveolar differentiation (3, 4).


Although estrogens and progestogens are vital to mammary growth, they are ineffective in the absence of anterior pituitary hormones (5). Thus, neither estrogen alone nor estrogen plus progesterone can sustain breast development without other mediators, such as GH and IGF-1. This was confirmed by studies involving the administration of estrogen and GH to hypophysectomized and oophorectomized female rats that resulted in breast ductal development. The GH effects on ductal growth are mediated through stimulation of IGF-1. This is demonstrated by studies of estrogen and GH administration to IGF-1 knockout rats that showed significantly decreased mammary development when compared to age-matched IGF-1- intact controls. Combined estrogen and IGF-1 treatment in these IGF-1 knockout rats restored mammary growth (6, 7). In addition, Walden et al. demonstrated that GH-stimulated production of IGF-1 mRNA in the mammary gland itself, suggesting that IGF-1 production in the stromal compartment of the mammary gland acts locally to promote breast development (8). Furthermore, other data indicates that estrogen promotes GH secretion and increases GH levels, stimulating the production of IGF-1, which synergizes with estrogen to induce ductal development. In a population-based study of healthy boys and adolescents, IGF-I levels were found to be elevated in boys with pubertal gynecomastia compared with boys without gynecomastia suggesting that the GH-IGF-I axis may be involved in the pathogenesis of pubertal gynecomastia (9). Indeed, dating back to 1950, it had already been reported that gynecomastia was found in a young patient with acromegaly (97).


Progesterone has minimal effects on breast development without concomitant anterior pituitary hormones, indicating that progesterone also interacts closely with pituitary hormones. For example, prolonged treatment of dogs with progestogens such as depot medroxyprogesterone acetate or with proligestone was associated with increased GH and IGF-1 levels, suggesting that progesterone may stimulate GH secretion (10). In addition, clinical studies have correlated maximal cell proliferation to specific phases in the female menstrual cycle. For example, maximal proliferation occurs not during the follicular phase when estrogens reach peak levels and progesterone is low (less than 1 ng/mL [3.1nmol/mL]), but rather, it occurs during the luteal phase when progesterone reaches concentrations of 10-20 ng/mL (31- 62 nmol/mL) and estrogen concentrations are two to three times lower than in the follicular phase (11). Furthermore, immunohistochemical studies of ER and PR showed that the highest percentage of proliferating cells, found almost exclusively in the type 1 lobules, contained the highest percentage of ER and PR positive cells (2). Similarly, there is immunocytological presence of ER, PR, and androgen receptors (AR) in gynecomastia and male breast carcinoma. ER, PR and AR expression was observed in 100% (30/30) of gynecomastia cases (12). Given these data and the fact that PR knockout mice lack alveolar development in breast tissue, it seems that progesterone, analogous to estrogen, increases GH secretion and acts through the PR on mammary cells to enhance breast development and alveolar differentiation (13, 4).


Prolactin is another anterior pituitary hormone integral to breast development. Prolactin is not only secreted by the pituitary gland but may be produced by normal mammary tissue epithelial cells and breast tumors (14, 15). Prolactin stimulates epithelial cell proliferation only in the presence of estrogen and enhances lobulo-alveolar differentiation only with concomitant progesterone. Gynecomastia is seen rarely in hyperprolactinemia, possibly because of the low estrogen levels due to suppression of LH secretion. Previously, receptors for LH/ human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) have been found in male and female breast tissues, but their functional roles remain to be determined (16).




Estrogen effects on the breast is the result of circulating estradiol levels or locally produced estrogens. Aromatase P450 catalyzes the conversion of the C19 steroids-- androstenedione, testosterone, and 16- α- hydroxyandrostenedione-- to estrone, estradiol-17β and estriol. As such, an overabundance of substrate (e.g., testosterone) or an increased enzyme activity (aromatase) for estrogen production can increase serum and breast estrogen concentrations and initiate the cascade to breast development in females and males. For example, in the more complete forms of androgen insensitivity syndromes in genetically male (XY) patients, excess androgen is aromatized into estrogen that results in gynecomastia and an overall phenotypic female appearance. Furthermore, the loss of the anti-proliferative effect of androgens on breast also contributes significantly to breast development in XY individuals with complete androgen insensitivity. Likewise, the biologic effects of over-expression of the aromatase enzyme in female and male mice transgenic for the aromatase gene result in increased breast proliferation. In female transgenics, over-expression of aromatase promotes the induction of hyperplastic and dysplastic changes in breast tissue. Over-expression of aromatase in male transgenics causes increased mammary growth and histological changes similar to gynecomastia, increased estrogen and progesterone receptors, and increased downstream breast growth factors such as TGF-beta and βFGF (17). Interestingly, treatment with an aromatase inhibitor leads to involution of the mammalian gland phenotype (18). Thus, although androgens do not stimulate breast development directly, they may do so if they aromatize to estrogen. This occurs in cases of androgen excess or in patients with increased aromatase activity.




Gynecomastia, breast development in males, can occur normally during three phases of life. The first occurs shortly after birth in both males and females. This is partly caused by the high fetal blood levels of estradiol and progesterone (produced by the mother) that stimulate breast tissue in the newborn. Another mechanism is the increased conversion of steroid hormone precursors to sex steroids and increased aromatization of androgen as a result of neonatal surge of luteinizing hormone (LH). Neonatal gynecomastia may persist for several weeks after birth and may be associated with a milky breast discharge called "witch's milk" (2).


Puberty marks the second period when gynecomastia can occur physiologically. In fact, up to 60% of boys have clinically detectable gynecomastia by age 14. Although it is mostly bilateral, it is often asymmetrical and can occur unilaterally. Pubertal gynecomastia usually resolves within 3 years of onset (2). In early puberty, the pituitary gland releases gonadotropins at night and stimulates testicular production of testosterone during the very early morning hours. Serum estradiol concentration, however, remains elevated above prepubertal concentrations throughout the day. Compared with boys who do not develop gynecomastia, boys with pubertal gynecomastia have a decreased androgen to estrogen ratio (19, 100). Furthermore, another study showed increased aromatase activity in the skin fibroblasts of boys with gynecomastia (103). Thus, the mechanism by which pubertal gynecomastia occurs may be due to either decreased production of androgens or increased aromatization of circulating androgens, thus increasing the estrogen to androgen ratio (20).


The third age range in which gynecomastia is frequently seen is during older age (>60 years). The reported prevalence varies from 36 to 57%, possibly because of different selected populations and different diagnostic criteria (101). Although the exact mechanisms by which this occurs have not been fully elucidated, evidence suggests that it may result from increased peripheral aromatase activity secondary to increased total body fat, relatively elevated LH concentrations, and decreased serum testosterone concentrations associated with male aging. For instance, investigators have shown increased urinary estrogen concentrations in obese individuals and have demonstrated aromatase expression in adipose tissue (21). Thus, like the gynecomastia of obesity, the gynecomastia of aging may partly result from increased aromatase activity, causing increased conversion of androgens to estrogens (22). Moreover, not only does total body fat increase with age, but there may be an increase in aromatase activity in the adipose tissue already present, further increasing circulating estrogens. Serum sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) concentrations increase with age in men. Because SHBG binds estrogen with less affinity than testosterone, the bioavailable estradiol to bioavailable testosterone ratio may increase in older men. Lastly, elderly patients may take multiple medications associated with gynecomastia. One cohort study suggests medications play a role in 80% of gynecomastia in older men (23).     




Pathologic gynecomastia is due to an increase in the circulating and/or local breast tissue ratio of estrogen to androgen.


Increased Estrogen


Breast development requires the presence of estrogen. Androgens, on the other hand, have anti-proliferative effects on breast tissue. Thus, an equilibrium exists between estrogen and androgens in the adult male to prevent growth of breast tissue, whereby either an increase in estrogen or a decrease in androgen can tip the balance toward gynecomastia. Increased estrogen levels will increase glandular proliferation by several mechanisms. These include direct stimulation of glandular tissue and by suppressing LH, therefore decreasing testosterone secretion by the testes and exaggerating the already high estrogen to androgen ratio. Since the development of breast tissue in males occurs in an analogous manner to that in females, the same hormones that affect female breast tissue can cause gynecomastia. In post-pubertal boys and adult men, the testes secrete 6-10 µg of estradiol and 2.5 µg of estrone per day. Testicular production comprises a small fraction of estrogens in circulation (i.e., 15% of estradiol and 5% of estrone), and the remainder of estrogen in men is derived from the extraglandular aromatization of testosterone and androstenedione to estradiol and estrone (24). Thus, any cause of estrogen excess from overproduction to peripheral aromatization of androgens can initiate the cascade to breast development.




Testicular tumors can lead to increased blood estrogen levels by the following mechanisms: estrogen overproduction, androgen overproduction with extragonadal aromatization to estrogens, and secretion of hCG that stimulates normal Leydig cells (via the LH receptor). Tumors causing an overproduction of estrogen represent an unusual but important cause of estrogen excess. Examples of estrogen-secreting tumors include Leydig cell tumors, Sertoli cell tumors, granulosa cell tumors, and adrenal tumors.


Leydig cell tumors constitute 1%-3% of all testicular tumors. Usually, they occur in men between the ages of 20 and 60, although up to 25% of them occur prepubertally. In prepubertal cases, isosexual precocity, rapid somatic growth, and increased bone age with elevated serum testosterone and urinary 17-ketosteroid levels are the presenting features. In adults, elevated estrogen levels coupled with a palpable testicular mass and gynecomastia suggests a testicular tumor. Of note, feminization (particularly gynecomastia) is common in adults, but it is rare in boys. Some Leydig cell tumors may only be apparent on ultrasound because of their small size; some may produce testosterone and do not cause gynecomastia. Though mostly benign, Leydig cell tumors may be malignant and metastasize to lung, liver, and retroperitoneal lymph nodes (25, 26).


Sertoli cell tumors comprise less than 1% of all testicular tumors and occur at all ages, but one third have occurred in patients less than 13 years, usually in boys under 6 months of age. Although they arise in young boys, they usually do not produce endocrine effects in children. Again, the majority are benign, but up to 10% are malignant. Gynecomastia occurs in one third of cases of Sertoli cell tumors, presumably due to increased estrogen production (26). Sertoli cell tumors in boys with Peutz-Jegher syndrome, an autosomal dominant disease characterized by pigmented macules on the lips, gastrointestinal polyposis, and hormonally active tumors in males and females, for instance, have aromatase overactivity, resulting in gynecomastia, rapid growth, and advanced bone age as presenting features (29, 30, 31). Feminizing Sertoli cell tumors with increased aromatase activity can also be seen in the Carney complex, an autosomal dominant disease characterized by cardiac myxomas, cutaneous pigmentation, adrenal nodules and hypercortisolism


Granulosa cell tumors, occurring very rarely in the testes, can also overproduce estrogen. Gynecomastia at presentation was reported in some cases (27).


Germ cell tumors are the most common cancer in males between the ages of 15 and 35. They are divided into seminomatous and non-seminomatous subtypes and include embryonal carcinoma, yolk sac carcinoma, choriocarcinoma, and teratoma. Elevated serum hCG or hCG subunits (e.g., may be present in both seminomatous and non-seminomatous types of germ cell tumors), whereas AFP may be elevated only in the non-seminomatous type. As a result of the increased hCG that stimulates the Leydig cell via the LH receptor, testicular testosterone and estrogen (estrogen out of proportion to testosterone) production is increased and may cause gynecomastia. Although germ cell tumors generally arise in the testes, they can also originate extragonadally, specifically in the mediastinum. These extragonadal tumors also possess the capability of producing hCG, but they must be differentiated from a multitude of other tumors such as large cell carcinomas of the lung that can synthesize hCG or hCG subunits (28).


Some neoplasms that overproduce estrogens also possess aromatase overactivity. Other than sex-cord tumors, fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma has also been shown to possess ectopic aromatase activity, causing severe gynecomastia in two boys (32, 33).


Furthermore, adrenal tumors can secrete excess dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), DHEA-sulfate (DHEAS), and androstenedione that can then be aromatized peripherally to estradiol. Some adrenal tumors may secret estrogen directly. Typically, feminizing-adrenal tumors are large, aggressive, and malignant (90).    


Table 1. Tumors Causing Gynecomastia

Tumor type

Hormone produced

Aromatase overactivity

Leydig cell tumor

Testosterone, estrogen  


Sertoli cell tumor


+ (in Peutz-Jegher syndrome), + (in Carney complex)

Granulosa cell tumor



Adrenal tumor

Estrogen, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEA-S), and androstenedione that are converted in the periphery to estrogens.


Gonadal germ cell tumor

hCG and β-hCG


Extragonadal germ cell tumor e. G lung, gastric, renal cell and hepatocellular carcinoma

hCG and β-hCG





Increased Aromatase Activity


Besides tumors, other conditions have also been associated with excessive aromatization of testosterone and other androgens to estrogen leading to gynecomastia. For instance, obesity is strongly associated with gynecomastia. The mechanism is thought to be related to the increased aromatase activity in adipose tissues, but most obese men do not have high estrogen concentrations (104). Leptin has also been implicated in the pathogenesis of gynecomastia because it might stimulate aromatase in adipose and breast tissue. Leptin might also directly stimulate the growth of epithelial cells in the breast or enhance the sensitivity of epithelial cells to estrogen (98). There is a very rare familial form of gynecomastia in which affected family members have an elevation of extragonadal aromatase activity (34). Novel gain-of-function mutations in chromosome 15 have been reported to cause gynecomastia, possibly by forming cryptic promoters that lead to over expression of aromatase (35). Polymorphism of the aromatase cytochrome P45019 (CYP19) has also been found to be associated with gynecomastia (36).


Displacement of Estrogens From SHBG   


Another cause of gynecomastia from estrogen excess includes steroid displacement from SHBG. SHBG binds androgens more avidly than estrogen. Thus, any condition or drug such as spironolactone that displaces steroids from SHBG more easily displace estrogen than testosterone, resulting in a higher estrogen to testosterone ratio. Drugs can cause gynecomastia by numerous mechanisms besides displacement from SHBG. These drugs and their mechanisms are discussed below.


Decreased Testosterone and Androgen Resistance  


Besides increased estrogen production, decreased testosterone levels can cause an elevation in the estrogen to androgen ratio, thereby producing gynecomastia. Primary hypogonadism, with its reduction in serum testosterone and increased serum LH levels increases aromatization of testosterone to estradiol and is associated with an increased estrogen to androgen ratio. Klinefelter syndrome occurs in 1 in 600-700 males and is caused by supernumerary X chromosomes (XXY or XXXY karyotype) and primary testicular failure and often prominent gynecomastia, due to decreased testosterone production, compensatory increased LH secretion, overstimulation of the Leydig cells, and relative estrogen excess. In addition, any acquired testicular disease resulting in primary hypogonadism such as severe, postpubertal viral and bacterial orchitis, or scrotal trauma or radiation can promote gynecomastia by the same mechanisms (24). Lastly, enzyme deficiencies in the testosterone synthesis pathway from cholesterol also result in depressed testosterone levels and hence a relative increase in estrogen. Deficiency of 17-oxosteroid reductase, the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of androstenedione to testosterone and estrone and estrone to estradiol, for example, will cause elevation in estrone and androstenedione, which is then further aromatized to estradiol (22).


Secondary hypogonadism results in low serum testosterone and unopposed estrogen effect from increased conversion of adrenal precursors to estrogens (24). Thus, patients with Kallmann syndrome, a form of congenital secondary hypogonadism with anosmia, also develop gynecomastia. In fact, androgen deficiency (hypogonadism) from whatever cause constitutes most cases of gynecomastia.


The androgen resistance syndromes, including complete and partial testicular feminization are characterized by gynecomastia and varying degrees of pseudohermaphroditism. Kennedy disease, a neurodegenerative disease, is caused by an increased number of CAG (polyglutamine) repeats in the androgen receptor gene that leads to a decrease in sensitivity of the receptor (2). The gynecomastia is the combined result of decreased androgen responsiveness at the breast level and increased estrogen production as a result of elevated androgen precursors of estradiol and estrone. Androgen resistance at the pituitary results in elevated serum LH levels and increased circulating testosterone. The increased serum testosterone is then aromatized peripherally, promoting gynecomastia.


Other Diseases  


Men with end-stage renal disease may have reduced testosterone and elevated gonadotropins. This apparent primary testicular failure may then lead to increased breast development (13). The gynecomastia of liver disease, particularly cirrhosis, does not have a clear etiology. Cirrhosis is associated with increased SHBG that binds testosterone more avidly than estrogen. Some have speculated that the gynecomastia is the result of estrogen overproduction, possibly secondary to increased extraglandular aromatization of androstenedione, which may have decreased hepatic clearance in cirrhosis. However, testosterone administration to patient with cirrhosis causes a rise in estradiol, but decreases the prevalence of gynecomastia (5, 37, 38). Therefore, although the association of gynecomastia with liver disease is apparent, current data are conflicting and the mechanism remains unclear.


Thyrotoxicosis is associated with gynecomastia. Patients often have elevated estrogen that may result from a stimulatory effect of thyroid hormone on peripheral aromatase. In addition, LH is also increased in many men with thyrotoxicosis, and LH also stimulates aromatization of testosterone (13,39, 96). Furthermore, thyroxine stimulates production of SHBG in the liver. Because SHBG binds testosterone more avidly than estradiol, there is a higher ratio of free estradiol to free testosterone. Thus, with normal testosterone and increased estrogen, there is an elevated free estrogen to testosterone ratio.


Gynecomastia is associated with spinal cord disorders. Most patients with spinal cord disorders often have low testosterone levels and, in fact, can develop testicular atrophy with resultant hypogonadism and infertility, which may be exacerbated by increased scrotal temperature. The exact mechanism, however, remains elusive (40).


Refeeding gynecomastia refers to breast development in men recovering from a malnourished state (1). Although most cases regress within several months, the etiology of this phenomenon has not been fully elucidated.


HIV patients can also develop gynecomastia. There is a high incidence of androgen deficiency due to multifactorial causes, including primary and secondary hypogonadism and certain drugs used to treat HIV (e.g., efavirenz) (24).




About 20% of gynecomastia is caused by medications or exogenous chemicals (41). Some drugs may increase estrogen effect by several mechanisms: 1) they possess intrinsic estrogen-like properties, 2) they increase endogenous estrogen production, or 3) they supply an excess of an estrogen precursor (e.g., testosterone or androstenedione) that can be aromatized to estrogen. Examples of drugs that cause gynecomastia are listed in Tables 2 and 3. Contact with estrogen vaginal creams, for instance, can elevate circulating estrogen levels. Since some of the creams contain synthetic estrogens, they might not be detected by standard estrogenic qualitative assays. An estrogen-containing embalming cream has been reported to cause gynecomastia in morticians (42, 43). A topical estrogen spray, used for relief of menopausal hot flushes may lead to gynecomastia in children through skin contact (44). Recreational use of marijuana, heroin, methadone, and amphetamines has also been associated with gynecomastia (45). Herbs containing phytoestrogen or ginseng with estrogen-like structure (46) may also lead to gynecomastia. It has been suggested that digitalis causes gynecomastia due to its ability to bind to estrogen receptors (13, 47). The appearance of gynecomastia has been described in body builders and athletes after the administration of aromatizable androgens. The gynecomastia was presumably caused by an excess of circulating estrogens due to the conversion of androgens to estrogen by peripheral aromatase enzymes (48).


Table 2. Drugs That May Induce Gynecomastia by Known or Proposed Mechanisms  

Estrogen-like, or binds to estrogen receptor

Stimulate estrogen synthesis

Supply aromatizable estrogen precursors

Direct Testicular Damage

Block testosterone synthesis

Block androgen action

Displace estrogen from SHBG

Estrogen vaginal cream


Exogenous androgen





Estrogen-containing embalming cream

Growth Hormone

Androgen precursors (i.e., androstenedione and DHEA)





Delousing powder

















Tyrosine kinase inhibitor

























* Weak evidence


Table 3. Drugs That May Cause Gynecomastia by Uncertain Mechanisms


Cardiac and antihypertensive medications:

1.     Calcium channel blockers (verapamil, nifedipine, diltiazem)

2.     Angiotensin-converting enzyme Inhibitors* (captopril, enalapril)

3.     Alpha-blockers*

4.     Amiodarone

5.     Methyldopa

6.     Reserpine

7.     Nitrates

Psychoactive drugs:

1.     Neuroleptics

2.     Anxiolytic agents* (e.g., diazepam)

3.     Phenytoin

4.     Tricyclic antidepressants

5.     Haloperidol

6.     Atypical antipsychotic agents

Drugs for infectious diseases:

1.     Antiretroviral therapy for HIV/AIDS (e.g., efavirenz)

2.     Isoniazid

3.     Ethionamide

4.     Griseofulvin

5.     Minocycline

Drugs of Abuse:

1.     Amphetamines

2.     Heroin

3.     Methadone


1.     Theophylline

2.     Omeprazole

3.     Auranofin

4.     Diethylpropion

5.     Domperidone

6.     Penicillamine

7.     Sulindac

8.     Heparin

9.     Methotrexate

10.  Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors  

11.  Statin*

* Weak evidence


Drugs and chemicals that cause decreased testosterone levels either by causing direct testicular damage, by blocking testosterone synthesis, or by blocking androgen action can also produce gynecomastia. For instance, phenothrin, a chemical component in delousing agents, possessing anti-androgenic activity, has been attributed as the cause of an epidemic of gynecomastia among Haitian refugees in US detention centers in 1981 and 1982 (49). Chemotherapeutic drugs, such as alkylating agents and tyrosine kinase inhibitors (102), can cause Leydig cell and germ cell damage, resulting in primary hypogonadism. Flutamide, an anti-androgen used as treatment for prostate cancer, blocks androgen action in peripheral tissues. Ketoconazole, on the other hand, can inhibit steroidogenic enzymes required for testosterone synthesis. 5α-reductase inhibitors, finasteride and dutasteride, that reduce the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone may cause gynecomastia (50). They also cause an increase in the synthesis of testosterone and, subsequently estrogen through aromatization. Spironolactone causes gynecomastia (up to 10%) by several mechanisms. Like ketoconazole, it can block androgen production by inhibiting enzymes in the testosterone synthetic pathway (i.e., 17α-hydroxylase and 17-20-desmolase), but it can also block receptor-binding of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (51). In addition to decreasing testosterone levels and biologic effects, spironolactone also displaces estradiol from SHBG, increasing free estrogen levels. Of note, the anti-androgenic property of spironolactone has been used in gender identity disorder (from male to female) and spironolactone is considered to be a cost-saving medication (52). On the other hand, eplerenone is more specific for the mineralocorticoid receptor and less associated with ant-androgenic effects such as gynecomastia (up to 0.5%) (53). Switching from spironolactone to eplerenone may reverse painful gynecomastia induced by spironolactone in patients with cirrhosis (54). Ethanol increases the estrogen to androgen ratio and induces gynecomastia by multiple mechanisms as well. Firstly, it is associated with increased SHBG, which decreases free testosterone levels. Secondly, it increases hepatic clearance of testosterone, and thirdly, it has a direct toxic effect on the testes (24). Besides the drugs stated, a multitude of others have been associated with gynecomastia by unknown mechanisms (92) (Table 3). For many of these drugs, the causal relationship with gynecomastia has not been established or the evidence is weak.




Male breast cancer is rare and comprises only 0.2% of all male cancers. The overall prevalence of invasive carcinomas was 0.11% and of in situ carcinomas was 0.18% in in a 20-year national registry study of surgically excised breast specimens with the diagnosis of gynecomastia (55).  Although male breast cancer is rare and gynecomastia is not considered a premalignant condition (101), men with gynecomastia, especially elderly, worry about breast cancer and often seek medical advice (56) and it is important to differentiate male breast cancer from gynecomastia (Table 4). Of note, men with Klinefelter syndrome have a 20- to 50-fold increased risk of breast cancer. Other risk factors include hyperestrogenic conditions like obesity, alcohol, exogenous estrogen exposure (e.g., gender reassignment), and testicular disorders. It is unclear if these are specific risks for breast cancer are linked to the stimulatory process responsible for gynecomastia (57). Old age, working in environment with high temperature, exhaust emissions, radiation to chest, and liver damage are also risk factors for male breast cancer (58). Family history should always be explored. In particular, a family history of BRCA2 positive breast cancer significantly increases the risk of male breast cancer in carriers of mutation (59).


Table 4. Clinical Findings of Gynecomastia and Male Breast Cancer

Clinical findings


Male breast cancer

Unilateral/ bilateral  

Mostly bilateral, can be unilateral



Rubbery or firm

Firm or hard


Concentric, around the nipple

More peripheral, outside the nipple


Painful if recent onset or rapid enlargement

Usually painless

Associated features such as skin dimpling, nipple retraction, bloody discharge



Palpable axillary or supraclavicular lymph node(s)






History Taking and Physical Examination


At presentation, all patients require a thorough history and physical exam. Particular attention should be given to medications, drugs and alcohol abuse, as well as other chemical exposures. Symptoms of underlying systemic illness, such as hyperthyroidism, liver disease, or renal failure should be sought. Furthermore, the clinician must recall neoplasm as a possible etiology and should establish the duration and timing of breast development. Chronic gynecomastia is more reassuring because it is almost never due to malignancy. Additionally, the clinician should inquire about fertility, erectile dysfunction, and libido to rule out hypogonadism.


In our experience, the breast examination is best performed with the patient supine and with the examiner palpating from the periphery to the areola. When firmness is noted, the glandular mass should be measured in diameter. Clinically, gynecomastia is diagnosed by finding subareolar breast tissue of 2 cm in diameter or greater. Malignancy should be suspected if an immobile, firm mass is found on physical examination. Skin dimpling, nipple retraction or discharge, and large, firm axillary or supraclavicular lymphadenopathy further support malignancy as a possible diagnosis. Tenderness may be present in patients with gynecomastia of less than 6 months’ duration, but it is unusual in patients with breast cancer (Table 4).


A thorough testicular exam is essential. When clinical exam suggests a testicular mass or when serum hCG is elevated, testicular ultra-sound (USG) is warranted. Bilaterally small testes imply testicular failure, while asymmetric testes or a testicular mass suggest the possibility of neoplasm. Visual field impairment may suggest pituitary disease. Physical findings of underlying systemic conditions such as thyrotoxicosis, HIV disease, liver, or kidney failure should also be assessed. As obesity is often associated with gynecomastia, body mass index should be documented (56).


Laboratory Evaluation


All patients who present with gynecomastia should have serum testosterone, estradiol, LH, and hCG measured (93) (using an assay that detects all forms of hCG) (Fig 2). Further testing should be tailored according to the history, physical examination and the results of these initial tests. An elevated beta hCG or hCG or a markedly elevated serum estradiol suggests neoplasm and a testicular ultrasound is warranted to identify a testicular tumor. However, non-testicular tumors can also secrete beta hCG or hCG and therefore further imaging such as CT thorax and abdomen is indicated if ultrasound does not show a testicular mass. A low testosterone level, with an elevated LH indicates primary hypogonadism. If the history suggests Klinefelter syndrome, then a karyotype should be performed for definitive diagnosis. Low testosterone and low LH indicate secondary hypogonadism, and hypothalamic or pituitary causes should be sought. If testosterone and LH are elevated, then the diagnosis of androgen resistance should be considered. In case of estrogen-secreting tumor, LH is usually suppressed with low or low normal testosterone concentrations and negative pituitary imaging. Estradiol concentrations are high. Liver, kidney and thyroid function should be assessed if clinically indicated. Furthermore, if examination of breast tissue suggests malignancy, a biopsy should be performed. This is of particular importance in patients with Klinefelter syndrome, who have an increased risk of breast cancer. On the other hand, if the examination finding is compatible with breast abscess, then fine needle aspiration for microscopy and culture is warranted (60). Acid-fast bacilli and tuberculosis culture can be done if there is risk factor(s) for tuberculosis.


Figure 2. Algorithm for investigation of gynecomastia



Treatment of the underlying endocrinologic or systemic disease that has caused gynecomastia is appropriate when possible. Testicular tumors, such as Leydig cell, Sertoli cell, or granulosa cell tumors should be surgically removed. In addition to surgery, germ cell tumors are further managed with chemotherapy involving cisplatin, bleomycin, and either vinblastine or etoposide (25, 26). Should underlying thyrotoxicosis, renal, or hepatic failure be discovered, appropriate therapy should be initiated. Medications that cause gynecomastia should also be discontinued whenever possible based on their role in management of the underlying condition. The improvement should be apparent within a month after discontinuation of the culprit drug (61). If the gynecomastia has been present for more than six months, regression is unlikely because of the presence of less reversible fibrotic tissues (62). Of course, if a breast biopsy indicates malignancy, then mastectomy should be performed.


If no pathologic etiology is detected, then appropriate treatment is close observation. A careful breast exam should be done initially every 3-6 months until the gynecomastia regresses or stabilizes, after which a breast exam can be performed yearly. It is important to remember that most cases of pubertal gynecomastia may resolve spontaneouslywithin one to two years, around 20% of patients have residual gynecomastia at the age of 20 (63). An information sheet about gynecomastia is available for those patients who are interested to know more about their conditions (64).


Medical Treatment  


If the gynecomastia is severe, does not resolve, of recent onset (less than 6 months) and does not have a treatable underlying cause, some medical therapies may be attempted. There are 3 classes of medical treatment for gynecomastia: androgens (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, danazol), anti-estrogens (clomiphene citrate, tamoxifen), and aromatase inhibitors such as letrozole and anastrozole.


Once gynecomastia is established, testosterone treatment of hypogonadal men with gynecomastia often fails to produce breast regression. Testosterone treatment may theoretically produce the side effect of gynecomastia by being aromatized to estradiol, but this side effect is uncommon and transient. Having said that, there is limited data to suggest its use to specifically counteract gynecomastia in hypogonadism (65). Dihydrotestosterone, a non-aromatizable androgen, has been used in patients with prolonged pubertal gynecomastia with good response rates but it is not commercially available (66). Danazol, a weak androgen that inhibits gonadotropin secretion, resulting in decreased serum testosterone levels, has been studied in a prospective placebo-controlled trial, whereby gynecomastia resolved in 23 percent of the patients, as opposed to 12 percent of the patients on placebo (67). The dose used for gynecomastia is 200 mg orally twice daily. Unfortunately, undesirable side effects including edema, acne, and cramps have limited its use (24).


Investigators have reported a 64 percent response rate with 100 mg/day of clomiphene citrate, a weak estrogen and moderate anti-estrogen in a cohort study (68). Lower doses of clomiphene have shown varied results, indicating that higher doses may need to be administered, if clomiphene is to be attempted. Tamoxifen, also an anti-estrogen, has been studied in 2 randomized, double-blind studies in which a statistically significant regression in breast size was achieved, although complete regression was not documented (69). One retrospective study compared tamoxifen with danazol in the treatment of gynecomastia. It was found that patients taking tamoxifen had a greater response with complete resolution in 78 percent of patients treated with tamoxifen, as compared to only a 40 percent response in the danazol-treated group, and the relapse rate was higher for the tamoxifen group (70), though the relapse was not systemically defined and patients with chronic gynecomastia were included. Another prospective cohort study found that 90% of patients taking tamoxifen had successful resolution of their symptoms (89). Although there is a chance of recurrence with cessation of therapy, tamoxifen, due to relatively lower side effect profile and high efficacy, may be a more reasonable choice when compared to the other therapies. If used, tamoxifen should be given at a dose of 10 mg twice or 20 mg daily a day for 3-6 months (24). Responders usually improve with reduced pain within 1 month. Another anti-estrogen, raloxifene, has also been used in the treatment of pubertal gynecomastia but its efficacy needs to be evaluated in randomized prospective studies (71).


An aromatase inhibitor, testolactone, has also been studied in an uncontrolled trial with promising effects (72). Further studies must be performed on this drug before any recommendations can be established on its usefulness in the treatment of gynecomastia. Newer aromatase inhibitors such as anastrozole and letrozole may have therapeutic potential (73, 74), but randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials have not confirmed their efficacy. In a study involving patients receiving bicalutamide therapy for prostate cancer, only tamoxifen, but not anastrozole, significantly reduced the incidence of gynecomastia/breast pain when used prophylactically and therapeutically (75, 76). In another study with pubertal gynecomastia, no significant difference was demonstrated between the anastrozole and placebo groups in patients suffering from pubertal gynecomastia (77). The use of aromatase inhibitors is notorious for accelerated bone loss in women, but it is uncertain whether the extent of bone loss is similar in adult men (91). Furthermore, men taking anastrozole results in an increase in body fat and decline in sexual function (105).


From various case series, many patients with idiopathic gynecomastia show no significant improvement after medical treatment. The disappointing result may be related to the stage of disease at which medical treatment is initiated. It is likely that many or all of the men who failed to respond to medical therapy had chronic gynecomastia with fibrotic breast tissue that will not change with medical therapy or over time (56, 63). Medical therapy is only used for a short time (up to 6 months) in men with idiopathic and acute (tender, breast tissue present < 6 months) gynecomastia. Tamoxifen has the best evidence for effective medical therapy of acute, idiopathic gynecomastia.    


Surgical Treatment  


When medical therapy is ineffective, particularly in cases of longstanding gynecomastia, or when the gynecomastia interferes with the patient's activities of daily living, or when there is suspicion of malignancy of breast, then surgical therapy is appropriate. On the other hand, surgical treatment should be postponed in pubertal gynecomastia, after completion of puberty, to minimize the chance of recurrent gynecomastia after surgery (62). Surgery should also be deferred until the underlying cause of gynecomastia has resolved or been treated. Surgical treatment includes removal of glandular tissue coupled with liposuction, if needed, preferably with an individualized approach (78, 79). Nowadays, minimally invasive surgery is available and it may be associated with few complications and prompt recovery (80). If malignancy is suspected, histological examination is mandatory (56). Use of delicate cosmetic surgical techniques are warranted to prevent unsightly scarring.




Because androgen deprivation is one of the commonly used treatment modalities for advanced prostate cancer, its possible role in the development of gynecomastia is of particular concern to clinicians. Up to 80% of patients receiving non-steroidal anti-androgen therapy may develop gynecomastia, usually 6-9 months after hormonal treatment. Some patients may have painful and disfiguring gynecomastia (81). Preventive options include tamoxifen, radiation therapy, or aromatase inhibitors.


Tamoxifen is the most effective preventive therapy for gynecomastia due to anti-androgen therapy for treatment of prostate cancer. Tamoxifen is superior to radiotherapy in preventing gynecomastia in patients receiving bicalutamide (Casodex) for prostate cancer in a randomized controlled trial (82). Tamoxifen is superior to aromatase inhibitor to prevent gynecomastia in patients with prostate cancer. For instance, Boccardo, et al. showed that 10% patients in the tamoxifen group (20 mg daily dose) developed gynecomastia, whereas 51% in the anastrozole group and 73% in the placebo group had gynecomastia over a period of 48 weeks (74). Fradet, et al. showed tamoxifen reduced the incidence of breast events (gynecomastia and/or breast pain) in patients with prostate cancer receiving bicalutamide in a dose-dependent manner (83). Likewise, it has been shown that low dose weekly tamoxifen (20 mg/week) is inferior to the usual dose daily regimen (20mg/day) in terms of the prevention and treatment of gynecomastia (84). Current data suggests tamoxifen 10-20 mg per day is the optimum dose required for prophylaxis of gynecomastia in patients with prostate cancer receiving androgen deprivation therapy (83, 84, 85). Low dose prophylactic irradiation has been reported to reduce the rate of gynecomastia but not breast pain in men receiving estrogens or anti-androgens for prostate cancer (11, 86, 87). Compared with tamoxifen, irradiation seems to be less effective for prevention and treatment of gynecomastia but it is usually well-tolerated (94).


Some studies suggest that the new generation of anti-androgen drugs such as abiraterone acetate, enzalutamide, apalutamide, and darolutamide might be associated with less gynecomastia (88, 95); More recently, it has been reported that 36.6% of patients receiving enzalutamide develop gynecomastia; this incidence seems to be lower than reported in patients who were treated with older anti-androgens such as bicalutamide (99).




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Utility of Advanced Lipoprotein Testing in Clinical Practice



A standard lipid panel includes total cholesterol, triglycerides, and HDL-C. LDL-C can then be calculated. While the Friedewald formula is the classical method to calculate LDL-C levels recently developed formulas such as Martin Hopkins formula or Sampson-NIH formula are more accurate when triglycerides are elevated and/or LCL-C levels are low. In some instances, a direct LDL-C assay is employed, particularly when the triglyceride levels are elevated (>400mg/dL). Non-HDL-C can also be calculated (non-HDL-C = total cholesterol – HDL-C). Increasing levels of LDL-C and non-HDL-C are associated with an increased risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). However, numerous studies have demonstrated that the association of non-HDL-C with ASCVD is more robust. It is possible to measure apolipoprotein B and A-I levels, LDL and HDL size, LDL and HDL particle number, and Lp(a). Numerous studies have documented a link between small dense LDL particles and an increased risk of ASCVD; however, the association is markedly reduced or entirely eliminated when the analyses are adjusted for other factors that affect ASCVD risk. Similarly, there is little data demonstrating that HDL subfractions are useful in risk prediction beyond HDL and other traditional risk factors. Apolipoprotein B levels and LDL particle number are more strongly associated with ASCVD than LDL-C, particularly when the levels of LDL-C and apolipoprotein B levels or LDL particle number are discordant. Similarly, while apolipoprotein B levels or LDL particle number are significantly better than non-HDL-C in predicting ASCVD risk when the levels of non-HDL-C and apolipoprotein B levels or LDL particle number are discordant whether this will alter therapy in most patients is debated. The guidelines put forth by a variety of different expert panels and organizations do not require apolipoprotein B or LDL particle number but may use them as risk enhancing factor. It is also the author’s opinion that at this time the routine measurement of apolipoprotein B and/or LDL particle number is not required. Until data demonstrate the superiority of measuring apolipoprotein B or LDL particle number on clinical outcomes it is hard to recommend the routine use of such testing. However, in situations where there is uncertainty measurement of apolipoprotein B and/or LDL particle number can be helpful. Studies have demonstrated an association of Lp(a) with ASCVD. Many experts recommend measuring Lp(a) once in all patients while other experts recommend measuring Lp(a) more selectively in a) patients with unexplained premature CHD, b) patients with a strong family history of premature CHD, c) patients with resistance to LDL lowering with statins, d) patients with rapid unexplained progression of atherosclerosis, and e) patients with familial hypercholesterolemia. Elevations in Lp(a) will stimulate more aggressive lowering of LDL and the consideration of adding drugs that lower Lp(a) such as PCSK9 inhibitors. While routine use of advanced lipoprotein testing is not routinely recommended it should be recognized that in selected patients the additional information provided can be helpful and result in changes in treatment. As additional drugs to treat lipids are developed and our understanding of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism expands in the future the use of advanced lipoprotein analysis may assume a more important role.




A variety of specialized lipid and lipoprotein tests are available and a question that is frequently asked is whether and when to utilize these tests in evaluating and treating patients with lipid disorders. The standard lipid panel includes the measurement of total cholesterol, triglycerides, and HDL cholesterol (HDL-C). The LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) can then be calculated using the Friedewald formula (LDL-C = total cholesterol – HDL-C – TG/5). In some instances, a direct LDL-C assay is employed because as the triglyceride levels increase the accuracy of the calculated LDL-C decreases and once the triglyceride levels are greater than 400mg/dl most laboratories will no longer provide a calculated LDL-C level. In patients with normal triglyceride levels and LDL levels > 100mg/dl calculated LDL-C and directly measured LDL-C are very strongly correlated and the difference between the levels is relatively small (1-3). However, if the triglyceride levels are greater than 150-200mg/dl the calculated LDL-C will be lower than the directly measured LDL-C level (1). Additionally, if the LDL-C level is low (<100mg/dl) the calculated LDL-C also tends to underestimate the true LDL-C level (1-5). Because of the inaccuracies of LDL-C levels calculated by the Friedewald formula a new and more accurate formula (Martin Hopkins Formula) has been developed (6). Several studies have demonstrated the increased accuracy of this new formula compared to the Friedewald formula with a particular advantage in settings of low LDL-C and high triglycerides (7-12). Major laboratories such as Quest now calculate LDL-C levels using the Martin Hopkins formula. A disadvantage of the Martin Hopkins formula is that it is more complex than the Friedewald formula and the LDL-C cannot be simply calculated. However, there is free, online access that allows for the automated calculation of LDL cholesterol by the Martin Hopkins formula ( and a smart phone application (LDL cholesterol calculator: In addition to the Martin Hopkins formula other formulas to more accurately calculate LDL-C levels have been developed. The Sampson-NIH equation in some studies was more accurate when the triglyceride levels were elevated than the Martin Hopkins formula (13,14) but in other studies the Martin Hopkins formula was more accurate (15). The key is that there are better methods to calculate LDL-C levels than the Friedewald formula when triglyceride levels are elevated or LDL-C levels are low.

Non-HDL cholesterol (non-HDL-C) levels can also be calculated from a routine lipid panel (non-HDL-C = total cholesterol – HDL-C). “Remnant cholesterol” can also be estimated from the routine lipid panel (Remnant cholesterol = total cholesterol – LDL-C (direct measurement) – HDL-C) (16,17). High calculated remnant cholesterol levels are associated with an increased risk of ASCVD (16). Whether remnant cholesterol levels provide information on ASCVD risk above that provided by non-HDL-C and triglyceride levels is not clear. It should be noted that there is no accepted standard for defining remnant lipoproteins or the methods used to accurately measure remnant particles (18). Of note most guidelines and risk calculators do not require lipid and lipoprotein measurements beyond a routine lipid panel. For example, the ACC/AHA (Pooled Cohort Equations), QRISK, Reynolds, SCORE, and Framingham calculators utilize total cholesterol and HDL-C levels in order to calculate the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) (19-23).


In the past fasting lipid panels were exclusively recommended but recent guidelines recommend either fasting or non-fasting lipid panels ((24-26). Non-fasting lipid panels will increase the convenience of obtaining lipid studies. Additionally, in patients with diabetes, fasting for the lipid panel increases the risk of hypoglycemia (27). Moreover, studies have shown that the ability of fasting and non-fasting lipid panels to predict ASCVD is similar (28-32). Fasting and non-fasting total cholesterol, HDL-C, and non-HDL-C levels are virtually identical (33,34). Triglyceride levels may increase in the fed state depending upon the amount of fat consumed and the time after consumption and therefore depending upon the circumstances there may be a considerable difference between fasting and non-fasting triglyceride levels in some patients (33,34). LDL-C levels calculated by the Friedewald formula are often decreased in the fed state due to increases in triglyceride levels (33). In the non-fasting state when LDL-C levels were calculated using the Friedewald formula 30% of patients had a ≥ 10 mg/dL difference compared to direct LDL-C measurements (9). In contrast, when LDL-C was calculated using the Hopkins Martin or Sampson-NIH formula the results were very similar to direct measurements. Therefore, if one is using non-fasting LDL-C in decision making one should calculate the LDL-C level using the Hopkins Martin or Sampson-NIH formula to increase accuracy. It should be noted that in patients where a genetic disorder of lipid metabolism is suspected or with previously elevated triglyceride levels a fasting lipid panel is preferred. Similarly, if triglyceride levels are elevated (>175mg/dL) with a non-fasting lipid panel the lipid panel should be repeated while fasting.




LDL-C and non-HDL-C levels are strongly correlated and increasing levels of either parameter is associated with an increased risk of ASCVD. Numerous studies have compared the ability of LDL-C and non-HDL-C to predict ASCVD events (35). In general, while both LDL-C and non-HDL-C predict an increased risk, non-HDL-C levels are a better predictor (35-42). For example, in the Women’s Health Study, a prospective cohort study of 15,632 initially healthy US women aged 45 years or older, the relative risk of a cardiovascular event in the top vs. bottom quintile was 1.62 for LDL-C and 2.51 for non-HDL-C (41). Similarly, in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, a study of 51,529 US male health professionals between 40 to 75 years of age, the relative risk of a cardiovascular event in the highest quintile compared with the lowest quintile was 1.81 for LDL-C and 2.76 for non-HDL-C (42).


While LDL-C and non-HDL-C are strongly correlated there are some individuals where these measurements are discordant (i.e., a relatively low LDL-C and a relatively high non-HDL-C or conversely a relatively high LDL-C and a relatively low non-HDL-C). In discordant situations the non-HDL-C levels are a much better predictor of cardiovascular events than the LDL levels. For example, in a study by Mora of 27,533 healthy women, 11.6% had discordant levels with discordance defined as an LDL-C above the median and a non-HDL-C below the median or an LDL-C below the median with a non-HDL-C above the median (43). Most significantly, in women with a below-median LDL-C but a non-HDL-C above the median coronary risk was underestimated by almost 3-fold for women when the LDL-C was used to predict events (43). Conversely, in women with above-median LDL-C but a non-HDL-C below the median coronary risk was overestimated by almost 3-fold when their LDL-C was used to predict events (43). Thus, the risk of ASCVD tracks more closely with non-HDL-C levels and these results highlight the advantage of non-HDL-C measurements compared to LDL-C measurements in determining risk of ASCVD.


In addition, this discordance between calculated LDL-C (measured by the Friedewald formula) and non-HDL-C levels can result in the misclassification of patients. For example. in patients with LDL-C levels <70 mg/dl, 15% had a non-HDL-C level ≥ 100 mg/dl and if the triglyceride levels were between 150-199mg/dl 22% had a non-HDL-C ≥ 100 mg/dl (44). Thus, a significant number of patients who have reached their LDL-C goal of < 70mg/dl have not reached their non-HDL-C goal. The method used to determine LDL-C levels influences the rate of discordance between LDL-C and non-HDL-C levels. When the LDL-C levels were measured by the Friedewald formula the discordance was considerable higher than when LDL-C levels were measured using the Hopkins Martin formula (Table 1) (45).


Table 1. Discordance Between LDL-C and Non-HDL-C Levels


Percent with Non-HDL-C > 100mg/dl

LDL-C < 70mg/dL Friedewald Formula


LDL-C < 70mg/dL Hopkins Martin Formula



Percent with Non-HDL-C > 130mg/dl

LDL-C < 100mg/dl Friedewald Formula


LDL-C < 100mg/dl Hopkins Martin Formula

~ 1%


Finally, studies have examined the relative utility of LDL-C and non-HDL-C levels in determining the benefits of statin therapy. A meta-analysis by Boekholdt and colleagues looked at 8 statin trials with 62,154 patients (46). They found that while on treatment levels of both LDL-C and non-HDL-C were associated with the risk of future cardiovascular events the association was more robust for non-HDL-C (46).


Taken together these data indicate that while both LDL-C and non-HDL-C levels are predictive of ASCVD events non-HDL-C is a better predictor. The older NCEP guidelines recommended non-HDL-C as a therapeutic target if the triglyceride levels were greater than 200mg/dl and the newer National Lipid Association and American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists recommendations consider non-HDL-C as a target along with LDL-C (19,26,47). The non-HDL-C targets are 30mg/dl higher than the LDL-C targets (for example if the LDL-C target is 70mg/dl the non-HDL-C target would be 100mg/dl). It is the opinion of this author that clinicians should utilize non-HDL-C levels more frequently in the evaluation and management of patients with hyperlipidemia. Additionally, non-HDL-C levels are easily calculated when one obtains a routine lipid panel in the fed or fasted state.




In addition to a routine lipid panel, it is possible for the clinician to measure a number of other parameters including apolipoprotein B and A-I levels, LDL and HDL size, LDL and HDL particle number, and lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)) levels. A number of different tests are offered by large commercial laboratories. Currently, lipoprotein analysis by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) is offered by LabCorp and Ion-Mobility Analysis is offered by Quest Diagnostics. Density Gradient Ultracentrifugation (VAP) by Atherotec was discontinued (Feb 2016). Both, LabCorp and Quest provide routine lipid panel measurements plus LDL particle number, apolipoprotein B levels, indication of LDL and HDL size, and Lp(a) measurements.


It should be recognized that the standardization of certain of these assays is not as rigorous as the standardization of routine lipid panel assays (3). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) maintains a Lipid Standardization Program (LSP) that provides standards for measuring total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-C, apolipoprotein A-I, and apolipoprotein B. Measurements of LDL and HDL size and particle number are not as standardized and studies have shown differences in results between different methods (3,48,49). For example, Witte and colleagues compared LDL size using NMR and gradient gel electrophoresis and observed a correlation of only 0.39 between the two methods with an average difference in LDL size of 5.38nm with NMR values being lower (50). When these investigators classified patients according to whether they had small dense LDL (Pattern B) less than 50% of patients classified as pattern B using gradient gel electrophoresis were classified as pattern B using NMR (50). Similarly, Ensign et al., compared VAP, NMR, tube gel electrophoresis, and gradient gel electrophoresis to determine LDL subclasses and found a strong disagreement in patient LDL phenotyping among these four different methods (51). Measurement of LDL and HDL particle number has also shown discrepant results between different methods (52,53). These and other results highlight the lack of rigorous standardization (54).




The size of LDL particles is heterogeneous and there are a number of different methods to determine LDL size (ultracentrifugation, gradient gel electrophoresis, ion mobility, NMR) (55). As noted above, the different methods of LDL subclass analysis may produce different results and significant variations are possible even within one method (48). Studies have shown that small dense LDL is more pro-atherogenic than large LDL particles. Small dense LDL are thought to be more atherogenic because they are better able to penetrate the endothelial cell barrier and enter the intima, are more susceptible to oxidation, bind to proteoglycans in the arterial wall, and have a longer half time in the circulation than large LDL particles (56). It should be noted though that large LDL particles are also pro-atherogenic (57-61). For example, patients with familial hypercholesterolemia tend to have large LDL particles and these patients are at high risk to develop ASCVD (60). Small LDL particles are typically seen in patients with elevated triglyceride levels and decreased HDL-C levels (i.e. patients with the metabolic syndrome, obese patients, patients with diabetes) (62). Numerous studies have documented a link between small dense LDL particles and an increased risk of ASCVD (63,64). However, the association of small dense LDL with ASCVD is markedly reduced or entirely eliminated when the analyses are adjusted for other factors that affect the risk of ASCVD (63,64). The National Lipid Association expert panel was unable to identify any patient subgroups in which measuring LDL size is necessary (65). The author concurs with that viewpoint.




HDL particles are heterogeneous and vary in size (66,67). The metabolism and function of the spectrum of HDL particles is poorly understood. Additionally, there are a number of different methods of measuring HDL size and the comparability of the various methods is uncertain (54,66,67). Finally, and most importantly there is little data demonstrating that measurements of HDL subfractions are useful in risk prediction beyond measuring HDL and other traditional risk factors (64,67,68). Because of these issues the National Lipid Association Expert Panel was unable to find situations where HDL subfraction measurements would be recommended (65).


It should be recognized that the crucial issue with HDL may not be the HDL levels per se but rather the function of the HDL particles (54). Assays have been developed to determine the ability of HDL to facilitate cholesterol efflux from macrophages and these studies have shown that the levels of HDL-C do not necessarily indicate the ability to mediate cholesterol efflux (69). Moreover, cholesterol efflux from macrophages had a strong inverse association with both carotid intima-media thickness and the likelihood of angiographic coronary artery disease, independently of the HDL-C level (70). Additionally cholesterol efflux was also inversely associated with the incidence of cardiovascular events (71,72). These results indicate that it is the functional capability of HDL to facilitate cholesterol efflux that is important rather than simply HDL-C levels (73).


Assays have also been developed to measure the ability of HDL to protect LDL from oxidation (74). The ability of HDL to protect LDL from oxidation is decreased in patients with cardiovascular disease and in patients with inflammatory disorders who are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease (74,75). Similar to studies of cholesterol efflux these observations suggest that HDL function is a key variable. Unfortunately assays to measure cholesterol efflux or the ability of HDL to prevent oxidation are not available outside of research laboratories.




All of the pro-atherogenic lipoproteins (chylomicron remnants, VLDL remnants, IDL, LDL, and Lp(a)) carry one apolipoprotein B on their surface such that apolipoprotein B levels reflect the total number of atherogenic particles (76). Most of the circulating apolipoprotein B is associated with LDL particles (76). However, the contribution of very high Lp(a) levels to total Apo B levels can be substantial (Estimated Apo B in LDL/VLDL = Apo B mg/dl – (Lp(a) mg/dl x 0.16) (77). Apo B levels measured in the non-fasting state are similar to fasting values.


The levels of apolipoprotein B, LDL-C, and non-HDL-C are strongly correlated. Almost all studies have shown that apolipoprotein B levels are more closely associated with ASCVD than LDL-C levels and the general consensus is that apolipoprotein B levels are a more accurate predictor of ASCVD events than LDL-C (41,42,65,78-85). Apolipoprotein B levels are equivalent to non-HDL-C levels in predicting ASCVD but when these measurements are discordant apolipoprotein B levels are a more accurate predictor of ASCVD.  


There are two large meta-analyses that have compared the ability of non-HDL-C and apolipoprotein B to predict ASCVD. The Emerging Risks Factor Collaboration examined 22 long term perspective studies with 91,307 subjects with a large number of events (4499) (28). In this study there were no differences in the ability of non-HDL-C or apolipoprotein B to predict ASCVD. The hazard ratio was increased approximately 2-fold in the upper quantile of non-HDL-C and apolipoprotein B compared to the lowest quantile. In contrast, another meta-analysis of 12 studies (not all perspective) with 233,455 subjects and 22,950 events reported slightly different results (86). In this study the relative risk ratio for apolipoprotein B was 1.43 (1.35-1.51) vs. 1.34 (1.24-1.44) for non-HDL-C, indicating a slightly greater predictive ability of apolipoprotein B (86).


A recent very large study has compared the predictive ability of non-HDL-C and apolipoprotein B (87). In the UK Biobank study 346,686 individuals without baseline CVD and not taking statins were followed for a median of 8.9 years. Fatal or nonfatal CVD events occurred in 6216 participants (1656 fatal). The conclusion of this very large study was that measurement of non-HDL-C was sufficient to capture the lipid-associated risk in CVD prediction, with no meaningful improvement from addition of apolipoprotein B.


Studies have also examined the predictive ability of non-HDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein B during treatment of dyslipidemia. In the Heart Protection Study (placebo vs. simvastatin) with over 20,000 participants and over 5,000 events the ability of non-HDL-C and apolipoprotein B to predict cardiovascular events were virtually identical (88). A meta-analysis by Boekholdt and colleagues looked at 8 statin trials with 62,154 patients and the adjusted hazard ratios for major cardiovascular events per 1-SD increase were very similar for apolipoprotein B and non-HDL-C (46). A meta-analysis by Robinson et al of 25 trials (n = 131,134): 12 on statin, 4 on fibrate, 5 on niacin, 2 on simvastatin-ezetimibe, 1 on ileal bypass surgery, and 1 on aggressive versus standard low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and blood pressure targets observed that decreases in non-HDL cholesterol levels modestly outperformed apolipoprotein B in predicting cardiovascular events (89). Additionally, apolipoprotein B and non-HDL-C decreases similarly predicted cardiovascular disease risk in the statin trials.


While apolipoprotein B and non-HDL-C are strongly correlated there are some individuals where these measurements are discordant (i.e., a relatively low apolipoprotein B and a relatively high non-HDL-C or conversely a relatively high apolipoprotein B and a relatively low non-HDL-C). An analysis of the Interheart study explored the effect of discordance of apolipoprotein B and non-HDL-C (90). The Interheart study is a case-control study of acute myocardial infarction with blood samples in 9345 cases and 12,120 controls from 52 countries. Concentrations of non-HDL-C and apolipoprotein B were expressed as percentiles within the population. Concordance was defined as percentile non-HDL-C = percentile apolipoprotein B. Discordance was defined as percentile non-HDL-C > percentile apolipoprotein B or percentile non-HDL-C < percentile apolipoprotein B by 5%. The results of this study demonstrated that when apolipoprotein B and non-HDL-C levels were discordant the apolipoprotein B measurement was a significantly better predictor of ASCVD (90). Subjects with a low apolipoprotein B and a high non-HDL-C were at low risk (Odds Ratio 0.72 (0.67-0.77 95% CI) whereas subjects with a high apolipoprotein B and a low non-HDL-C were at a high risk (Odds Ratio 1.58 (1.38-1.58 95% CI). Similar results have recently been reported from the Women’s Health Study (91). Subjects with a high apolipoprotein B level and a discordant lower non-HDL cholesterol level had an increased risk (hazard ratio 1.22 CI 1.07- 139). Of note the subjects with higher apolipoprotein B levels relative to non-HDL-C had an increased prevalence of the metabolic syndrome including higher triglyceride levels and decreased HDL-C levels. Finally, the Cardia study compared the ability of apolipoprotein B and non-HDL-C levels to predict the development of coronary artery calcium, a surrogate marker of cardiovascular events (92). In this study apolipoprotein B levels were superior to non-HDL-C in predicting the development of coronary artery calcium (Table 2) (92). It is worth noting that the number of subjects that are discordant is relatively small (430 discordant/ 2794 total; 15.4% discordant).


Table 2. Cardia Study

Apo B/non-HDL-C (number of subjects)               

Odds Ratio (CI)

Low/low (1184)


Low/high (213)

1.30 (0.91-1.85)

High/low (217)

1.63 (1.15-2.32)

High/high (1180

2.32 (1.91-2.83)


A key question is whether measuring apolipoprotein B in addition to routine risk factors will significantly affect our ability to decide on whether and how to treat patients. Using data from the Framingham Heart Study it was shown that adding apolipoprotein B to non-HDL-C and standard risk factors increased the C-statistic from 0.723 to 0.730, a very small increase suggesting that routine measurements of apolipoprotein B would not be very helpful (81,93). Similarly, the Emerging Risk Factor Collaboration group and the Women’s Health Study also examined the effect of adding apolipoprotein B results on the C-statistic and found very little change (83,94). Additionally, the Emerging Risk Factor Collaboration modelled the effect of measuring apolipoprotein B levels on patient classification using the NCEP III guidelines. In 15,436 subjects with a cardiovascular risk of 10-20% over the next 10 years the addition of apolipoprotein B measurements would result in a change in classification in only 488 subjects (3.2%) (94). Most subjects would be moved to a lower risk category (334) and a very small number would be reclassified to a higher risk category (154). These results coupled with the C-statistic results noted above suggest that the routine addition of apolipoprotein measurements in primary prevention patients would likely not have a major effect in altering patient management.


In patients treated with statins a meta-analysis has compared the association of apolipoprotein B and non-HDL-C levels on the risk of major cardiovascular events (46). While both on-treatment decreases in apolipoprotein B and non-HDL-C levels were associated with a decrease in cardiovascular events the strength of the association was somewhat greater for non-HDL-C than apolipoprotein B (Table 3) (46). A meta-analysis of seven randomized controlled trials comprising more than 60 000 study participants has also shown that changes in LDL-C, apoB100, and non-HDL-C all predicted similar CVD risk reduction after 1-year of statin therapy (-20, -24, and -20% risk reduction, respectively) (95). Finally, in another meta-analysis of 25 trials (12 statin, 4 fibrate, 5 niacin, 2 simvastatin-ezetimibe, 1 ileal bypass, 1 intensive vs. standard statin) the authors concluded that “across all drug classes, apo B decreases did not consistently improve risk prediction over LDL cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol decreases” (89). Thus, in patients treated for hyperlipidemia the measurement of apolipoprotein B levels also does not appear to significantly contribute to the management of these patients.


Table 3.  Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Statin Treated Patients (Hazard Ratios)



Apo B


1 (reference)

1 (reference)











Another approach to addressing the question of the importance of routinely measuring apolipoprotein levels is to determine if measuring apolipoprotein B level will alter our therapeutic approach. While most guidelines have not included apolipoprotein B goals there are guidelines that do recommend apolipoprotein B levels. For example, the National Lipid Association recommends in very high risk patients a LDL-C < 70mg/dL, a non-HDL-C < 100mg/dL, and an apolipoprotein B level < 80mg/dL (96). In an analysis by Sathiyakumar and colleagues if the LDL-C was < 70mg/dL and the non-HDL-C was < 100mg/dL (over 9000 subjects) fewer than 2% of the patients had an apolipoprotein B level > 80mg/dL (45). These results indicate that measuring apolipoprotein B levels will not identify a large number of patients that are not meeting the proposed goals.


In summary while measurement of apolipoprotein B levels is an excellent and likely the best predictor of ASCVD events whether it provides a substantial amount of information above and beyond what is provided by LDL-C and non-HDL-C and standard risk factors to justify routine apolipoprotein B measurement remains to be definitively determined. Whether routinely measuring apolipoprotein B levels will alter management in a sufficient number of patients to justify the extra expense of measuring apolipoprotein B needs to be rigorously studied. As noted earlier many of the patients with elevated apolipoprotein B levels relative to non-HDL-C levels are obese, diabetic, and have the metabolic syndrome and it is likely that clinicians will recognize based on non-lipid risk factors that these individuals are at high risk for ASCVD. There will of course be individual patients where measuring apolipoprotein levels will be helpful in determining treatment. For example, in patients thought to have Familial Dysbetalipoproteinemia (Type 3 disease) the non-HDL-C/apolipoprotein B ratio is a simple test for selecting patients with mixed hyperlipidemia that may have Familial Dysbetalipoproteinemia for additional studies (97). Similarly, in patients with high cholesterol levels and biliary obstruction a low apolipoprotein B level suggests the presence of lipoprotein X, an atypical lipoprotein particle containing unesterified cholesterol and phospholipids but not apolipoprotein B (3,98).




The cholesterol content of LDL is not constant and can vary greatly between individuals and can change over time in a particular individual. For example, treatments that lower serum triglyceride levels can increase the size and cholesterol content of LDL (99,100). Measuring LDL particle number is an alternative way to quantitate LDL burden. While LDL-C and LDL particle number are strongly correlated there are some individuals who are discordant (relatively high LDL-C and relatively low LDL particle number or relatively low LDL-C and relatively high particle number). In patients with elevated triglycerides and/or low HDL levels the LDL-C levels are relatively low compared to LDL particle number (101,102).  Studies have shown that LDL particle number is more strongly associated with ASCVD than LDL-C, particularly when the levels of LDL-C and LDL particle number are discordant (43,83,103-106). Whether LDL particle number is a better predictor than non-HDL-C is discussed below.


Several studies have compared the ability of LDL particle number and non-HDL-C to predict ASCVD. In the Framingham Offspring Study there were 3,066 subjects with 431 events and LDL particle number was measured by NMR (103). In this study LDL particle number was more strongly associated with ASCVD than non-HDL-C (Hazard ratio 1.28 (CI 1.17-1.39) for LDL particle number vs. 1.21 (CI 1.10-1.33) for non HDL-C) (103). In the Women’s Health Study there were 27,673 subjects with 1015 events and LDL particle number was also measured by NMR (83). In this study the association of LDL particle number and non-HDL-C with ASCVD was very similar with the hazard ratio of 2.51 for LDL particle number and 2.52 for non-HDL-C (83). Finally, in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis subjects (n = 6693) no benefit of measuring LDL particle number compared to routine lipid measurements on predicting ASCVD could be demonstrated (107).


While there are several studies that have examined patients discordant for apolipoprotein B levels and non-HDL-C levels (see section on apolipoprotein B) only two studies have examined discordance between LDL particle number and non-HDL-C. In the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis there were 6,814 men and women and LDL particle number was measured by NMR (108). The endpoint in this study was carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and coronary artery calcium (CAC), surrogate markers for ASCVD events. When there was discordance between LDL particle number and non-HDL-C, LDL particle number was more closely associated with CIMT and CAC but the differences were very modest (108). In the Women’s Health Study subjects with high LDL particle number measured by NMR that was discordant with non-HDL cholesterol levels were at increased risk of CHD (hazard ratio 1.13 CI 0.99-1.29) (91).


In patients on-treatment there is only a single study comparing LDL particle number and non-HDL-C. In the Heart Protection study 20,536 subjects were treated with simvastatin or placebo and LDL particle number was measured by NMR (88). The predictive strength of LDL particle number and non-HDL-C was very similar in both the placebo group and the statin group indicating no advantage of measuring LDL particle number (88).


It should also be noted that while LDL particle number and Apo B levels are highly correlated there are circumstances when they are discordant (109). High LDL particle number relative to Apo B levels was seen with insulin resistance, smaller LDL particle size, increased systemic inflammation, and low circulating LDL-C and HDL-C levels while high Apo B levels relative to LDL particle number was seen with larger LDL particle size and elevated levels of lipoprotein(a) (109).


In summary, while measurement of LDL particle number is an excellent predictor of ASCVD events whether it provides a substantial amount of information beyond what is provided by non-HDL-C and standard risk factors to justify routine LDL particle measurement remains to be definitively determined.




Lp(a) is an LDL particle with a single apolipoprotein B with a plasminogen like protein, apoprotein (a), attached by a disulfide bond (110-112). Apoprotein (a) is genetically very heterogeneous due to variations in molecular weight (from 300-800 kDa) due to differences in the number of Kringle repeats (110-112). The plasma levels of Lp(a) vary greatly with undetectable levels in some individuals (0.1mg/dl) and very high levels in others (>200mg/dl) (113). Individuals with genetically determined small apoprotein (a) have high plasma levels of Lp(a) whereas individuals with genetically determined large apoprotein (a) have low levels (110-112). The size of the apo(a) isoforms is inherited with an individual having two distinct apo(a) isoforms derived from apo(a) genes from their mother and father (113). This results in individuals having two different size Lp(a) particles in the serum. It is estimated that up to 90% of the variation in Lp(a) levels is determined genetically with environment having minimal effects. Lp(a) levels are very stable within an individual over their lifespan. Inflammation and renal disease increase while severe liver disease decrease Lp(a) levels (75,114).


Approximately 20% of subjects have Lp(a) levels greater than 50mg/dL and 30% have Lp(a) greater than 30mg/dL. Ethnicity greatly affects Lp(a) levels (114). The levels of Lp(a) in Blacks are approximately 2-3-fold higher than in Caucasians, Caucasians and Chinese have similar levels, South Asians have levels between Blacks and Caucasians, and Mexicans have levels lower than Caucasians (Blacks> South Asians > Caucasians/Chinese > Mexicans) (114). Lp(a) levels do not correlate with LDL-C, non-HDL-C, apolipoprotein B, or LDL particle number.


Several large meta-analyses have demonstrated an association of Lp(a) levels with ASCVD. For example, a meta-analysis by the Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration looked at the individual records of 126,634 participants in 36 prospective studies with 9,336 CHD outcomes, 1,903 ischemic strokes, and 8,114 nonvascular deaths (115). They found a continuous association of Lp(a) with the risk of ASCVD that was not greatly affected by adjustment for other lipid levels or other established risk factors. In an analysis of 31 prospective studies with 9,870 events Bennet et al reported an odds ratio of 1.45 for individuals in the top third of Lp(a) compared with those in the bottom third (116). Of note adjustment for lipid levels and other established risk factors also had little effect on this association indicating that Lp(a) is an independent risk factor (116). Additionally, in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia elevated Lp(a) levels markedly increases the risk of the development of ASCVD (117). Mendelian randomization studies and basic science studies including experiments in animals that overexpress apoprotein (a) have suggested that increases in Lp(a) are not just a risk factor for atherosclerosis but causative for atherosclerosis (111,112,118-120). Finally, elevations in Lp(a) account for a significant proportion of the increased risk of ASCVD that is related to family history (121).


While the above studies clearly indicate that Lp(a) levels are a risk factor for the development of ASCVD the significance of Lp(a) in secondary prevention is not clear (122). Some studies have reported that Lp(a) is a risk factor in the setting of ASCVD (123-127) while other studies have failed to demonstrate a role for Lp(a) (128-131). In a meta-analysis of 11 studies with a total of 18,978 subjects the association between Lp(a) and ASCVD  was significant in studies in which the average LDL cholesterol was ≥130 mg/dl (OR: 1.46, 95% CI: 1.23 to 1.73, p < 0.001), whereas this relationship was attenuated and did not achieve statistical significance for studies with an average LDL cholesterol <130 mg/dl (OR: 1.20, 95% CI: 0.90 to 1.60, p = 0.21) (128). This observation suggests that in individuals with elevated LDL-C levels the impact of elevated Lp(a) levels will be magnified. However, in other studies Lp(a) was a risk factor even though LDL-C levels were relatively low (123,127). Recently Williet and colleagues reported a meta-analysis of patient-level data from seven randomized, placebo-controlled, statin outcomes trials that included 29,069 patients with repeat Lp(a) measurements (132). They found that elevated baseline and on-statin lipoprotein(a) showed an independent approximately linear relation with cardiovascular disease risk. Additionally, studies have shown that genetic variations at the LPA locus (apo(a) gene that effects Lp(a) levels) are associated with ASCVD events during statin therapy in patients (133). Taken together the bulk of the data suggests that elevated Lp(a) levels increase ASCVD risk even in patients with underlying cardiovascular disease.


The Emerging Risk Factor Collaboration modelled the effect of measuring Lp(a) levels on patient classification using the NCEP III guidelines (94). In 15,436 subjects with a cardiovascular risk of 10-20% over the next 10 years the addition of Lp(a) measurements would result in a change in classification in 1,517 subjects (9.8%). Most subjects would be moved to a lower risk category (962) and a number of subjects would be reclassified to a higher risk category (555) (94). These results coupled with the above findings suggest that the addition of Lp(a) measurements in patients might be useful in selected patients.


The potential benefits of measuring Lp(a) levels will become clearer when drugs are developed that specifically lower Lp(a) levels and clinical trials determining the effect of these drugs on ASCVD outcomes are completed. Without definitive data from randomized outcome trials demonstrating that specifically lowering Lp(a) levels results in a reduction in ASCVD events the advantages of measuring and treating Lp(a) will remain uncertain. Therapy to specifically lower Lp(a) is under development and hopefully in the near future will provide a clear demonstration of the benefits of monitoring and treating Lp(a) levels (134,135).


In the meantime, many experts would recommend measuring Lp(a) levels once in all patients (136-138) while other experts would measure Lp(a) in selected patients (Table 4) (65,139,140).  Elevations in Lp(a) will stimulate more aggressive lowering of LDL levels and the consideration of adding drugs that lower Lp(a) such as PCSK9 inhibitors (141).



·       Patients with unexplained premature CHD

·       Patients with a strong family history of premature CHD

·       Patients with a family history of elevated Lp(a) levels (Cascade screening)

·       Patients with resistance to LDL-C lowering with statins

·       Patients with rapid unexplained progression of atherosclerosis

·       Patients with familial hypercholesterolemia

·       Patients with aortic valvular stenosis of uncertain cause

·       Patients with intermediate risk profiles?


Standard measurements of LDL-C (either calculated or measured) include Lp(a) cholesterol (139,142). When Lp(a) levels are very high they can make a significant contribution to LDL-C levels. Similarly, when LDL-C levels are markedly reduced with treatment the LDL-C measured may include a significant contribution from Lp(a). The contribution of Lp(a) cholesterol to calculated LDL-C is approximately mg/dL Lp(a) x 0.3 (when both are expressed in mg/dL) (139,142). For example, if the Lp(a) level is 100mg/dL one can estimate that approximately 30mg/dL of the calculated LDL level is due to Lp(a). Note that these estimates are not precise and the percent cholesterol per mg Lp(a) particle can vary from 5.8% to 57.3% (143). Assays are underdevelopment to accurately determine the cholesterol in Lp(a) to allow for more accurate determinations of LDL-C levels (143).


Accurate measurement of Lp(a) represents a formidable technical challenge, unequalled in the world of biochemical diagnostics (139,144). This is due to the extreme length polymorphism of apo(a), whose size can vary over five-fold. Currently Lp(a) assays are not well standardized and there can be considerable variation between commercial assays. One study of 6 different assays found a variation from reference material of −8% to +22% (145) and another study found considerable variation in Lp(a) levels between 5 different assays (146). Hopefully more accurate assays using monoclonal antibodies will become widely available (147).  


Measuring Lp(a) mass (in mg/dL), as it is frequently done in commercial clinical labs, will not allow for a reliable and consistent way to convert Lp(a) concentration to nmol/l. For example, 50 mg/dL of Lp(a) with 40 kringle IV type 2 repeats is actually fewer particles than 30 mg/dL of an Lp(a) with 15 kringle IV type repeats. The solution is the adoption of an isoform-independent method that equally identifies each Lp(a) particle (139). Such a method is currently approximated by the use of a spectrum of isoform-specific calibrators, and providers should, if possible, have Lp(a) measured using this method and reported as concentration in nmol/l.




While advanced lipoprotein measurements can provide additional insights and information it is not clear that for the evaluation and treatment of the vast majority of our patients that these measurements are necessary. Notably, the guidelines on the evaluation and treatment of hyperlipidemia put forth by a variety of different expert panels and organizations do not require advanced lipoprotein measurements. It is also the author’s opinion that at this time the routine use of advanced lipoprotein testing in clinical practice is not required and that LDL-C and non-HDL-C levels provide sufficient information to guide evaluation and treatment for most patients. Until clinical trial data demonstrate the superiority of utilizing advanced lipoprotein testing on clinical outcomes it is hard to recommend the routine use of such testing. However, it should be recognized that in selected patients the additional information provided can be helpful and result in changes in treatment. It is hoped that as additional drugs to treat lipids are developed and our understanding of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism expands that in the future the use of advanced lipoprotein analysis will assume a more important role in the evaluation and treatment of patients to prevent ASCVD.




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