
Figure 1. Examples of LH pulsatile secretion at various stages of the hypothalamic-pituitary activation. GnRH-LH secretion can progress from an apulsatile stage; to a high amplitude infrequent pulse stage; to a sleep-entrained pulse stage; and to regular every ninety minute pulse (1).

Figure 1. Examples of LH pulsatile secretion at various stages of the hypothalamic-pituitary activation. GnRH-LH secretion can progress from an apulsatile stage; to a high amplitude infrequent pulse stage; to a sleep-entrained pulse stage; and to regular every ninety minute pulse (1).

Figure 1. Examples of LH pulsatile secretion at various stages of the hypothalamic-pituitary activation. GnRH-LH secretion can progress from an apulsatile stage; to a high amplitude infrequent pulse stage; to a sleep-entrained pulse stage; and to regular every ninety minute pulse (1).