
Immune System Effects on the Endocrine System



Among the most important and complex systems in the human body are the endocrine and immune systems. Emerging research over the last decade has shed light on their remarkable interplay, revealing a multitude of bidirectional communication pathways and reciprocal regulation mechanisms. Endocrine diseases, such as autoimmune thyroiditis, diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2, osteoporosis, and disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, as well as endocrine malignancies, such as thyroid cancer, are highly interconnected with dysregulations of the immune system.Thus, multiple cytokines, chemokines, and evolving inflammatory processes are involved in the pathogenesis of immune-related endocrine disorders, providing potential targets for immune-based therapeutic approaches. In this chapter, we provide a comprehensive overview of the molecular mechanisms underlying these complex endocrine-immune interactions, and discuss the implications of immune system function or dysfunction in endocrine disorders.




The immune system is a host defense system that comprises numerous biological structures and processes to defend the human body against potentially harmful substances and invading pathogens. It functions through a series of coordinated mechanisms, including innate and adaptive immunity. The innate immune response consists of i) phagocytosis by macrophages, neutrophils, monocytes, and dendritic cells, and ii) cytotoxicity by natural killer cells, providing an immediate, nonspecific defense against a wide range of invaders by recognizing common patterns shared by many pathogens (1).


Adaptive immunity, on the other hand, is an acquired, specially designed defense system; it develops over time and utilizes highly specialized immune cells involving antibody-dependent complement or cell-mediated cytotoxicity produced by T cells that recognize injurious agents, such as heat shock proteins or microbial antigens. During adaptive immunity, antigens taken up by antigen-presenting cells (APCs) are presented to T cells through binding with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules on the surface of these cells. Activated CD4 helper T cells stimulate the release of cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-2, which i) induce T cell proliferation and activation, ii) stimulate killer cell activity by CD8 suppressor T cells, and iii) activate B cells to differentiate into plasma cells and produce antibodies. Naïve T cells differentiate mainly into two main subsets that produce a different set of cytokines and regulate distinct immune functions. T-helper 1 (Th1) cells produce mainly interferon-γ (IFN)-γ, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF)-, and IL-12 to regulate cell-mediated responses, while T-helper 2 (Th2) cells secrete IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13, to stimulate antibody production. In addition, three other subsets of T helper cells have been identified: Th22, which secrete IL-22, Th17, which secrete IL-17, and Treg, which secrete transforming growth factor (TGF)- b, all of which also play a role in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases (2).


Multiple regulatory mechanisms are involved in maintaining central and peripheral T and B cell tolerance (1). Defects in the processes that ensure immune cell tolerance may induce a maladaptive immune response to a self-antigen and lead to the development of autoimmune diseases.


Emerging research of the last few decades has shed light on the remarkable interplay between endocrine and immune systems, revealing a multitude of bidirectional communication pathways and reciprocal regulation.


Autoimmune endocrine diseases, such as Hashimoto thyroiditis, diabetes mellitus type 1 (DM1), and Addison disease, as well as endocrine malignancies, such as differentiated, anaplastic, and medullary thyroid cancer (3), and other endocrine disorders, including diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2), osteoporosis, as well as a dysfunctional hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis response to stress and inflammation, are highly interconnected with dysregulations of the immune system.


This chapter seeks to elucidate the interplay between the endocrine and immune systems, exploring their interconnections and highlighting the impact of their crosstalk on health and disease. We present a comprehensive overview of the molecular mechanisms underlying this interaction and discuss the potential therapeutic implications of targeting the immune system for the management of endocrine diseases.




Autoimmune Thyroid Disease


Autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) results from a dysregulation of the immune system that leads to loss of tolerance to thyroid antigens and to an autoimmune attack on the thyroid gland. The most common clinical manifestations of AITD are Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves’ disease, while less prevalent manifestations are drug-induced thyroiditis, postpartum thyroiditis, or thyroiditis associated with polyglandular syndromes (i.e., autoimmune polyglandular syndromes type 1 and type 2). The underlying molecular mechanisms of AITD involve both circulating autoantibodies and T cell immune mechanisms, while genetic background, as well as cross-reactivity to external antigens (4-6), are also implicated.


There are three major thyroid autoantigens that are targeted during autoimmune thyroid attack and are critical for thyroid homeostasis, namely, thyroglobulin (Tg), thyroid peroxidase (TPO), and the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) (Figure 1).


Figure 1. Thyroid proteins that serve as autoantigens. Thyroglobulin (Tg) function as storage protein in thyroid cells, playing a critical role in the synthesis and release of thyroid hormones. Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) catalyzes iodination of tyrosines in thyroglobulin, which attaches one or two iodine molecules to form monoiodotyrosine (MIT) or diiodotyrosine (DIT), respectively. In addition, thyroid peroxidase catalyzes the coupling of iodotyrosine residues to form triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) attached to thyroglobulin. Thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) is a transmembrane G-protein coupled receptor that upon stimulation by circulating TSH activates the expression of downstream effector genes to regulate thyroid growth, thyrocyte differentiation, and thyroid hormone synthesis. Sodium/iodide symporter (NIS) is a membrane glycoprotein, which actively cotransports two sodium cations per each iodide anion, using the electrochemical sodium gradient generated by the Na+/K+-ATPase. Pendrin is involved in the apical iodide efflux in thyroid cells. It can also exchange chloride and bicarbonate. [Modified by Boguslawska et al (7)].


Thyroglobulin is a soluble glycoprotein homodimer composed of two subunits of ~330 kDa in size and is the most abundant glycoprotein in the thyroid gland. It is the scaffold for the synthesis of thyroid hormones and the storage-form of thyroid hormones inside the gland. Recently, researchers described the first atomic structure of full-length Tg and identified its hormone-forming tyrosine residues (8). Anti-Tg antibodies (TgAb) act mainly through antibody-dependent cytotoxicity cells rather than through complement fixation (7). In AITD, the prevalent TgAb species recognize native rather than denatured antigens and bind to a number of overlapping epitopic domains located mainly in the central region and C-terminal end of Tg. Of note, TgAb in the serum of healthy subjects have a different epitopic pattern (9).


Another major thyroid antigen is TPO, a glycosylated heme-containing homodimer of two 107-kDa transmembrane subunits located in the apical membrane of thyrocytes (Figure 1). It catalyzes the iodination of tyrosyl residues in Tg and the coupling of iodotyrosine residues to form iodothyronines attached to Tg (10). Both humoral and cellular immune responses are directed against TPO. TPO autoantibodies (TPOAb) occur in almost all patients with Hashimoto thyroiditis and approximately 75% of individuals with Graves’ disease (11). In addition, TPOAb may be involved in autoimmune thyroid cell death via antibody-dependent cytotoxic cells and C3 complement-mediated cytotoxicity (7). Specific patterns of TPOAb recognition remain stable in an individual over time and are genetically transmitted through family lineages (12).


Thyrotropin receptor is primarily expressed on the basolateral membrane of thyrocytes (Figure 1) and belongs to the transmembrane G protein-coupled receptor family. The intracellular signaling pathway that is activated by the interaction of TSH with TSHR is indispensable for the synthesis of thyroid hormones and the proliferation of follicular epithelial cells. TSHR-stimulating antibodies (TSAb) act as TSHR agonists and stimulate thyroid growth and production of thyroid hormone in an autonomous and unregulated manner. On the other hand, TSHR-blocking antibodies (TBAb) act as antagonists that block the intracellular signaling of TSH, leading to decrease of thyroid hormone synthesis and subsequently hypothyroidism. Neutral antibodies to TSHR, which may also be detected in the serum of patients with Graves’ disease, bind to the receptor but do not alter its activity (13). The exact antigenic sites of TSHR-specific TBAb and TSAb overlap and are mostly directed to the extracellular A subunit of the receptor (Figure 1) (14,15).


Other thyroid antigens include the iodide transporters, sodium iodide symporter (NIS), and pendrin (Figure 1). The presence of NIS antibodies is increased in AITDs, especially in patients with Graves’ disease, whereas their expression in euthyroid individuals is rare (16). Pendrin is an apical membrane-bound iodide transporter, but the diagnostic value of antibodies against pendrin is rather low (16).


Although the above-described circulating autoantibodies are useful markers of thyroid autoimmunity, it is the T cell immune mechanism, i.e., the loss of immune self-tolerance, that is the core of AITD pathophysiology. Loss of immune self-tolerance may result from either: i) the loss of central tolerance (i.e., disturbed deletion of autoreactive T cells in the thymus), ii) dysfunction of peripheral tolerance (i.e., impaired apoptosis of self-reactive T cells and inhibition of the activity of T-regulatory cells), or iii) disturbed energy (i.e., disturbance of the functional inactivation that prevents the lymphocytes from activating an immune reaction against the antigen).


Patients with AITD express IFN-γ-induced MHC class II molecules, which promotes the presentation of thyroid autoantigens and activates T cells (4). The subsequent infiltration of the thyroid gland by APCs (dendritic cells and macrophages) may be triggered by inflammation resulting from either viral or bacterial infection or exposure to toxins. The common mechanism involved in the initiation and perturbation of the inflammatory processes in AITDs and in other autoimmune endocrine diseases (e.g., type 1 diabetes and Addison disease) is the Th1-cytokine/chemokine axis (17). Upon activation, Th1 lymphocytes produce IFN-γ -and TNF-α, which stimulate thyrocytes and retroorbital cells (in Graves ophthalmopathy) to secrete chemokines (CXCL10, CXCL9, and CXCL11). Chemokines, in turn, bind and activate the CXCR3 receptor on Th1 cells and further enhance IFN-γ and TNF-α secretion in a positive feedback loop which aggravates recruitment and activation of inflammatory cells in the affected organs (Figure 2). In advanced thyroiditis, the thyroid gland is infiltrated by B cells (representing up to 50% of the infiltrating immune cells), as well as cytotoxic T lymphocytes and CD4+ cells (7).


Figure 2. Depiction of the molecular mechanism involved in the inflammatory processes in autoimmune thyroid diseases. Activation of Th1 lymphocytes by antigen presenting cells produce INF-γ -and IL-2 and 12, which stimulate thyrocytes and retroorbital cells to secrete chemokines (CXCL10, CXCL9, and CXCL11). Chemokines bind and activate the CXCR3 receptor on Th1 cells, further enhancing IFN-γ and ILs secretion. APC, antigen presenting cells; IFΝ-γ, interferon gamma; IL-2, interleukin 2; IL-12, interleukin-12; CXCR3, C-X-C Motif Chemokine Receptor 3.


In Hashimoto thyroiditis, the humoral immune response is characterized by the presence of autoantibodies to TPO or Tg and is related to thyroid lymphocytic infiltration. These autoantibodies are themselves cytotoxic or may affect antigen processing or presentation to T cells. Th1 cells are the predominant T cell clones found in patients with Hashimoto thyroiditis: they promote apoptosis of thyrocytes through secretion of IL-12, TNF-α, and INF-γ, which activate cytotoxic T lymphocytes and macrophages (18). In addition, the Toll-like receptor-3 protein is overexpressed in human thyrocytes surrounded by immune cells in all patients with Hashimoto thyroiditis, but not in Graves’ disease or in euthyroid individuals (17).


In patients with Graves’ disease, the predominant antibodies are directed against the TSHR. T cells are activated through the presentation of TSHR peptides and, in turn, trigger B-cells and plasma cells that infiltrate the thyroid to produce autoantibodies directed against the TSHR. Activity of B-cells and plasma cells is also regulated by liver-produced insulin growth factor 1 (IGF1). In contrast to TPO and Tg, TSHR is widely expressed in extrathyroidal tissues and cells, including lymphocytes, adipose tissue, and fibroblasts. In consequence, the presence of TSHR antibodies contributes to the extrathyroidal manifestations of Graves’ disease, such as Graves ophthalmopathy, Graves dermopathy, and Graves-associated thymus hyperplasia (19).


Particularly in Graves ophthalmopathy, the TSHR autoantigen is presented by macrophages and B cells recruited to the orbit (20). Activated T cells, in turn, initiate an immunological attack on the orbital fibroblasts expressing TSHR. In response to the cytokines released by Th cells, orbital fibroblasts and adipocytes —both expressing TSHR— produce and deposit large amounts of glycosaminoglycans (e.g., hyaluronan), leading to increased osmotic pressure and water uptake, swelling of the extraorbital muscles, and increased accumulation of orbital adipose tissue. The process is enhanced by the IGF1/IGF1R signaling pathway in fibroblasts and adipocytes, as well as the crosstalk between TSHR and IGF1R intracellular signaling (21). A similar molecular pathophysiology may underlie Graves dermopathy (19).




In recent years, non-coding RNAs, which are known to modulate gene transcription at the post-transcriptional level, have attracted a great deal of attention as potential biomarkers in various endocrine diseases. Although the study of microRNAs and circular RNAs is still in its infancy, these newly discovered non-coding, single-stranded RNA molecules have been implicated in the development and progression of AITDs.


A cluster of biomarkers consisting of miR-205/miR-20a-3p/miR-375/miR-296/miR-451/miR-500a/miR-326 has been reported to be differentially expressed in patients with Hashimoto thyroiditis (22,23). Similarly, multi-miRNA-based biomarkers, such as miR-762/miR-144-3p or miR-210/miR-155/miR-146, were differentially expressed in the serum of patients with Graves’ disease compared to healthy individuals. These dysregulated miRNAs can target key genes involved in the immune response and thyroid function. Regarding their prognostic role, higher miR-21-5p expression is associated with a worse prognosis for patients with Graves’ disease, whereas impaired expression of miR-155 correlates with the size of the goiter (22,24). Further understanding of the role of miRNAs in AITDs could provide valuable insights into disease mechanisms and potentially identify novel therapeutic targets. Data on other non-coding RNAs (such as long-noncoding RNAs and circular RNAs) are scarcer. Impaired expression of n335641, TCONS-00022357-xloc-010919, and n337845 was found in B cells of patients with Graves’ disease (25), while altered expression of 627 circRNAs in PBMCs of patients with Hashimoto thyroiditis has been tested for their potential prognostic value (26).




Emerging evidence suggests that the composition and function of the gut microbiome may be involved in AITDs. The gut microbiome refers to the complex community of microorganisms residing in the gastrointestinal tract, which plays a vital role in various aspects of human health, such as prevention of intestinal colonization by pathogenic bacteria, fermentation/degradation of food debris, and production of nutrients. Studies have indicated that alterations in the gut microbiome can influence immune responses and contribute to the development of autoimmune diseases (7). In this context, dysbiosis, or an imbalance in the gut microbiota, has been observed in patients with Hashimoto thyroiditis and Graves’ disease, thus distinguishing them from healthy controls, while it was associated with the stage of disease, the level of thyroid autoantibodies, and the response to therapy.


Targeting the microbiome through dietary interventions or probiotics may represent a promising potential therapeutic avenue. It is therefore of interest to note that in hypothyroid patients treated with LT4, symbiotic supplementation for 8 weeks resulted in decrease of TSH concentration and LT4 dose (27). Moreover, the results of a large clinical study, INDIGO, reported a significant effect of LAB4 probiotics on the gut microbiota composition of patients with Graves’ disease and a temporary reduction in the serum level of IgG and IgA antibodies (28). Further research involving patients from different populations is required to fully understand the relationship between the gut microbiome and AITDs and to explore potential strategies for intervention.


Postpartum Thyroiditis


Postpartum thyroiditis may occur up to 12 months after delivery. Usually it presents as transient hyperthyroidism (median time of onset, 13 weeks post-delivery), followed by transient hypothyroidism (median time of onset, 19 weeks post-delivery). In the majority of patients, restoration of normal thyroid function occurs. Pregnancy triggers hormonal changes and immune system alterations, such as a shift from Th1 to Th2 cytokine production followed by a "rebound" shift back to Th1 after delivery, and fluctuations in transforming growth factor-beta1 TGF-β1) serum levels (29,30).


Anti-TPO and anti-Tg antibodies are found in almost all patients with postpartum thyroiditis. Notably, up to 50% of women who had anti-TPO antibodies at the end of the first trimester of gestation (i.e., before thyroid antibody titers start to decline during pregnancy) developed postpartum thyroiditis. Furthermore, there is evidence that the anti-TPO antibody titer at 16 weeks of gestation is related to the severity of postpartum thyroiditis (31), while activation of the complement is also involved in the pathogenesis (23).


Euthyroid Sick Syndrome


Euthyroid sick syndrome (ESS) is a condition characterized by alterations in thyroid hormone levels despite normal thyroid gland function. The characteristic laboratory abnormalities of the ESS include low T3 and/or fT3, elevated reverse T3 (rT3), normal or low TSH, and normal or low serum T4 or fT4 concentrations. Clinical conditions that trigger the development of ESS include systemic inflammation, myocardial infarction, starvation, sepsis, surgery, trauma, chronic degenerative diseases, malignancy, and every other condition associated with severe illness.


During illness or periods of severe physiological stress, the immune system releases various proinflammatory cytokines, such as in IL-6, TNF-α, IL-1β, IFN-γ, and TGF-β2. These cytokines disrupt the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis and interfere with the normal synthesis, secretion, and metabolism of thyroid hormones (Figure 3), while the more severe the illness, the more extensive the hormonal alterations.


Figure 3. Secretion of proinflammatory cytokines during severe illness or stress inhibits the activity of hepatic deiodinase type 1- suppressing the peripheral conversion of T4 to T3. They also suppress intrathyroidal hormone synthesis, TRH release and TSH secretion from the pituitary. IL-6, interleukin-6; IL-1, interleukin-1; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor alpha; INF-γ, interferon gamma; TGF-β, tumor growth factor beta; TG, thyroglobulin; NIS, sodium/iodide symporter; TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone; TRH, Thyrotropin-releasing hormone.


Proinflammatory cytokines suppress the peripheral conversion of T4 to T3, resulting in low T3 levels and increase rT3 levels, by inhibiting the activity of hepatic deiodinase type 1, which promotes conversion of T4 to T3 and of rT3 to diiodothyronine (32). They also suppress TRH release and inhibit TSH response to TRH stimulation, leading to a decrease in TSH levels. Thus, the cause of the decreased T3 concentration in ESS is decreased T3 production, whereas the cause of the increased rT3 concentration is the result of impaired degradation. Prolonged and severe illness is marked by a decrease in circulating total T4 along with low T3 and high rT3, with very low T4 levels displaying a poor prognosis and having been associated with an increased mortality rate (32). In addition, cytokines reduce iodine uptake by inhibiting sodium-iodine symporter protein expression (25-27), and decrease thyrocyte growth (33), iodide organification (34,35), and thyroglobulin synthesis (36,37).


The central role of cytokines in the pathophysiology of ESS has been further elucidated in studies involving cytokine administration to humans. TNF-α administration in healthy volunteers caused a decrease in serum T3 and an increase in serum rT3 concentration (38). Unlike IL-6, serum TNF-α levels did not correlate with any of the typical thyroid parameters, such as low T3, increased rT3, or decreased TSH levels seen in ESS (39,40), suggesting that the changes of thyroid hormone profile following TNF-α administration might be indirect (i.e., through TNF-α increase in circulating IL-6 levels). Furthermore, both IL-6 and TNF-α can upregulate type 2 deiodinase in the anterior pituitary, affecting TSH release and contributing to the development of the non-thyroidal illness syndrome (41,42).


Leptin, a hormone primarily known for its role in regulating appetite and energy balance, has also been implicated in the development of EES. During acute illness or chronic inflammation, leptin levels are usually elevated. A link between leptin and the proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-6 in chronic inflammatory diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (43) and ankylosing spondylitis (44), respectively, has also been proposed previously.


The primary effect exerted by leptin on the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis is alteration of the setpoint for feedback sensitivity of hypophysiotropic TRH-producing neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus to thyroid hormones (mainly T3) by lowering of the setpoint when leptin levels are suppressed during fasting (45). Two anatomically distinct and functionally antagonistic populations of neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus, α-melanocortin-stimulating hormone (α-MSH)-producing neurons that co-express cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript and neuropeptide Y (NPY)-producing neurons that co-express agouti-related peptide (AGRP), are responsible for the effects of leptin on hypophysiotropic TRH. It has also been proposed that leptin directly affects hypophysiotropic TRH neurons (46). Leptin has been found to inhibit the conversion of T4 to T3 in peripheral tissues and increase the activity of the enzyme type 3 deiodinase, which converts T4 to rT3. These data suggest that leptin can disturb thyroid function in seriously ill patients via two different independent mechanisms (cytokine-dependent and directly).


Amiodarone-Induced Thyroid Disease


Amiodarone, a benzofuran derivative with a similar structure to that of thyroid hormones, is a highly effective antiarrhythmic agent widely used in the treatment of various types of tachyarrhythmias (supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias). Amiodarone contains two iodine atoms per molecule, which is approximately 37.5% iodine by molecular weight (47).


Treatment with amiodarone may be related to an increase in lymphocyte subsets leading to an exacerbation of pre-existing autoimmunity (48,49). The relative proportion of patients developing either thyrotoxicosis or hypothyroidism depends on the iodine content of the local diet and pre-existing thyroid autoimmunity. In relatively iodine-replete areas, approximately 25% of patients with amiodarone-induced thyroid dysfunction become thyrotoxic, accounting for approximately 3% of amiodarone-treated individuals (50).


Amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism is attributed to an increased susceptibility to the inhibitory effect of iodide on thyroid hormone synthesis and/or to a failure to escape the Wolff-Chaikoff effect (49). Hashimoto thyroiditis is the most common risk factor for amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism and it is considered the most likely reason for the female preponderance of this clinical entity (51). Female patients with positive anti-TPO and anti-Tg autoantibodies have a relative risk of 13.5% for developing amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism compared to men without thyroid autoantibodies (20).


The pathogenesis of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis is complex, although two distinct forms, type 1 and type 2, are recognized. Type 1 develops in patients with latent thyroid disease, predominantly nodular goiter, in whom the amiodarone iodine load triggers increased synthesis of thyroid hormones. Type 2 is the result of a destructive thyroiditis in a previously normal gland, with leakage of preformed thyroid hormones despite a reduction in hormone synthesis (47,50,52,53).


Differentiating between the two types of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis is an essential step in their management, as treatment of each type is different (50). Type 1 usually responds to thionamide therapy, which blocks hormone synthesis, and perchlorate, which blocks active transport of iodine into the thyroid, whereas type 2 responds to high-dose glucocorticoids (50,53-55). Nevertheless, several studies now suggest that these two types should be treated concomitantly; thus, currently, patients with amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis receive both antithyroid drugs and prednisolone. In cases resistant to medical treatment and/or in patients with severe cardiac diseases who cannot interrupt amiodarone or require quick amiodarone reintroduction, total thyroidectomy may be offered after rapid correction of thyrotoxicosis following combination treatment with thionamides, KClO4, glucocorticoids, and a short course of iopanoic acid (56).


Thyroid Cancer


Thyroid cancer is the most common endocrine cancer, the incidence of which has steadily increased over the past few decades (57).


The association of chronic inflammation induced by Hashimoto thyroiditis and thyroid cancer has been long recognized (58). However, the immune response triggered against thyroid cancer and AITDs differs significantly. In thyroid cancer, the immune response is more tolerant and allows tumor growth, whereas in AITDs, the response is more aggressive, triggering cell destruction and reduction of the function of the gland (59). Hashimoto thyroiditis is considered both a risk factor for the development of thyroid cancer (60) and a favorable prognostic factor due to chronic lymphocytic infiltration, which can downregulate tumor aggressiveness (60,61). In Graves’ disease, the presence of a strong humoral immune response appears to be protective against thyroid cancer. Patients with increased anti-TPO and anti-Tg levels show lower distant metastasis rates than patients without thyroid autoantibodies (62,63), suggesting their potentially protective role (59).


Immune infiltrates in the tumor microenvironment differ between the different thyroid neoplasm subtypes (Figure 4). In general, differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) has a higher number of tumor-associated lymphocytes and regulatory T cells (Tregs), while anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) and medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) display a high density of tumor-associated macrophages (64). The number of tumor-associated macrophages has been associated with dedifferentiation, lymph node metastases, and reduced survival (65). It is important to note, however, that most of the studies analyzing the immune milieu of DTC have used papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) tumor samples (66-69). Myeloid-derived suppressor cells are associated with aggressive characteristics of differentiated thyroid cancer and are related to poor prognosis (65).


Figure 4. Immune infiltrates differ in different types of thyroid cancer [Modified by Garcia-Alvarez et al, (70)]. TAM, tumor-associated macrophages; MDSC, myeloid-derived suppressor cell.


The dendritic cells, which play a critical role in antigen presentation, are increased in PTC, while neutrophils are found in more aggressive thyroid cancers (such as poorly differentiated or anaplastic). In addition, natural killer cells that play an important role in immunosurveillance are also increased in PTC and are negatively correlated with tumor stage, while lymphocytic infiltration is associated with better overall survival and low recurrence rate (71,72).


Cytokines, which may be produced by thyroid follicular cells and by immune cells infiltrating thyroid tumors, are also related to tumor development. IL-1 and IL-6 stimulate thyroid cell proliferation and tumor growth, while TGF-β, which is a suppressive cytokine, is overexpressed in aggressive cancers (73). In addition, multiple chemokines may be secreted by thyroid cancer or immune cells and affect chemiotaxis, angiogenesis, and lymphangiogenesis (73).


Immunomodulatory proteins, such as programmed death-ligand 1 (PDL1), cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4), T cell immunoglobulin and mucin-domain containing-3 (TIM-3), lymphocyte activation gene-3 (LAG-3), and T cell immunoglobulin and ITIM domain (TIGIT), which are considered major immune coinhibitory receptors and promising immunotherapeutic targets in cancer treatment, are also expressed in thyroid cancer, being associated with more aggressive tumor characteristics and a poor prognosis (64). Programmed death-ligand 1 staining by immunohistochemistry has shown higher expression in ATC than in other subtypes (70). Six cohort studies have been published to-date reporting positive PD-L1 expression, varying between 22% and 65%, this being higher compared to that detected in DTC and poorly differentiated thyroid cancer (74-79). TIM-3 expression was observed in 48% of patients with MTC, and in the majority of cases (84.4%) its expression was restricted to tumor cells (80). Other coinhibitory receptors, such as LAG-3 and T cell TIGIT, were observed in a lesser percentage of cases (approximately 3%) (80). Nevertheless, results from clinical trials with immunotherapy as monotherapy or combinations have shown limited efficacy (70). In one phase Ib KEYNOTE-028 trial assessing the efficacy of pembrolizumab in patients with PD-L1+ (membranous staining on ≥1%) locally advanced or metastatic follicular or papillary thyroid cancer, pembrolizumab achieved an objective response rate of 9% and a median progression-free survival of 7 months (81). Several clinical trials further investigating the efficacy of combination therapy of immune checkpoint inhibitors are currently ongoing.




The immune system plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes type 1, which is immune-mediated in more than 95% of cases, is an organ-specific autoimmune disease characterized by lymphocytic infiltration and inflammation that leads to pancreatic β-cell destruction and absolute insulin deficiency (82). The immune system’s attack on pancreatic β-cells is usually triggered by a number of factors, including genetic predisposition and environmental triggers such as viral infections (e.g., Coxsackie B4, mumps, and rubella) or dietary compounds (e.g., cow’s milk) (82). The process involves the activation of immune cells, particularly T cells, which recognize self-autoantigens in pancreatic β-cells and initiate an immune response.


On the other hand, in type 2 diabetes, the immune system also plays a different role from that in DM1. Chronic low-grade inflammation, often associated with obesity, leads to immune cell activation and the release of proinflammatory cytokines. These cytokines interfere with the normal functioning of insulin and promote insulin resistance. Macrophages infiltrate adipose tissue and release inflammatory molecules, further exacerbating insulin resistance with increasing adiposity. The immune system, thus, contributes to the development and progression of insulin resistance and eventually promotes the onset of DM2.


Understanding the intricate relations between the immune system and diabetes pathogenesis is essential for the development of effective treatments and interventions for the management of both types of diabetes.


Diabetes Type 1


The susceptibility to develop DM1 is associated with multiple alleles of the major histocompatibility complex MHC I and II locus. More than 90% of patients with DM1 express either HLA DR3, DQ2 or DR4, or DQ8 (83), whereas HLA haplotype DR2, DQ6 is protective against DM1 development.


The primary pathological presentation of DM1 is inflammation of the pancreatic islets, also known as insulitis, caused by infiltration of immune cells, including CD4 and CD8 T cells along with B cells (84-86). Although the initial events triggering autoreactive responses remain unclear, presentation of pancreatic islet autoantigens by the associated MHC class II molecules contribute to priming and expansion of pathogenic T cells.


CD4 T helper cells are required for the development of the autoimmune process in the pancreatic islets, while CD8 cytotoxic T cells are the cells responsible for β-cell destruction (Figure 5). T cell receptors recognize peptides bound to MHC molecules on the surface of antigen-presenting cells (B-cells, dendritic cells, and macrophages). Each T cell then generates a unique receptor for the recognition of an autoantigen presented in the MHC molecule. The interaction between T cell receptor/autoantigen/MHC leads to activation of the T cells.


Figure 5. T cell mediated destruction of β- cells in diabetes type 1. CD4+ effector T cells recognize an insulin or islet peptide presented by diabetes-risk conferring HLA-DQ8 or DR4 on APCs, migrate to the pancreas and promote pancreatic β-cell destruction. Inside the pancreatic islets CD8+ effector T cells recognize islet antigens presented by HLA-A2 leading to the destruction of the β-cells. [Modified by Mitchel et al (87)]. TCR, T cell receptor; APC, antigen presenting cell; HLA-A2, human leukocyte antigen-A2.


Three different mechanisms have been proposed to explain T cell activation in DM1. One mechanism is thought to involve molecular mimicry-activated T cell proliferation. The hypothesis for this mechanism is based on the assumption that epitopes of proteins expressed by infectious agents can be shared by unrelated molecules encoded by host genes (88). A second mechanism that may trigger molecular mimicry-activated T cell proliferation is “bystander” T cell proliferation. This mechanism involves the stimulation of non-antigen-specific T cells by various cytokines during infection, simply because they are in the area. The cytokines thought to be involved in this nonspecific stimulation are IFN-α and IFN-β (89). The 3rd mechanism might involve a superantigen-mediated T cell proliferation mechanism: this theory proposes that autoreactive T cells can be inappropriately primed to react against self-structures through an encounter with a superantigen (90).


Multiple autoantigens in the pancreatic islets have been identified, including non-specific islet cell autoantigens (ICA), insulin, glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 (GAD65), insulinoma antigen-2 (IA-2), heat shock protein (HSP), islet-specific glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit-related protein (IGRP), imogen-38, zinc transporter-8 (ZnT8), and the most recently identified pancreatic duodenal homeobox factor 1 (PDX1), chromogranin A (CHGA), and islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) (91). Autoantibodies against these autoantigens may be detected long before the onset of hyperglycemia and usually decline during the course of the disease (92).


Most patients diagnosed with DM1 have circulating islet cell autoantibodies directed against pancreatic islet autoantigens. However, although the detection of autoantibodies may be useful for DM1 diagnosis and prediction, it is the cellular immune system that eventually infiltrates the pancreatic islets and causes β-cell destruction. In turn, further β-cell destruction leads to more self-antigen presentation and ensuing amplification of the immune response (82,93,94).


Among several proinflammatory cytokines, IL-21, produced by CD8 T cells, is required for the development of DM1, while TNF-α may also be involved (95,96). IL-6 plays an important role in the pathogenesis of vitiligo-associated DM1 (97). In contrast, in vivo experiments with non-obese diabetic mice have shown that IL-4, produced by Th2 cells, may be protective against developing diabetes (95,96,98,99).


Understanding both the pathophysiology and the regulatory mechanisms involved in DM1 is a critical step towards the development of antigen-specific, β-cell-directed, immunomodulatory or cellular treatment modalities (100).


Investigations into the efficacy and safety of various immunotherapeutic strategies against the development of DM1 have been carried out in recent clinical trials and are still ongoing in current trials (101). Among them, T cell-directed therapies that aim at a favorable balance between effector T cell depletion and regulatory T cell preservation have shown the most promising results. Teplizumab, an anti-CD3-directed monoclonal antibody, was the first immunomodulatory agent to demonstrate a significant delay in disease progression in high-risk individuals before clinical onset (102) and has recently (November 17, 2022) been approved by the FDA as the first disease-modifying therapy for DM1 in adults and in children aged 8 years and older.


The Enigma of Pancreatic α-Cell Resistance in Diabetes Mellitus Type 1


Although both insulin-producing β-cells and glucagon-producing α-cells of the pancreatic islets share a similar embryonic origin and are directly exposed to the deleterious immune signals in DM1, it appears that the immune system selectively destroys β-cells, while α-cells survive even in long-term DM1 (103). α-Cells are located in close proximity to β-cells in human pancreatic islets (104), creating a closed communication loop that regulates their function and secretory capacity (105).  Dysfunction of α-cells plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of both types of diabetes (106). It has long been proposed that the reduced functional β-cell mass in DM1 and the consequent hypoglycemia were the key mechanisms indirectly inducing dysfunction of α-cells in diabetes (107). Advanced molecular technology of the last decade has, however, challenged this notion, showing that dysfunction of α-cells in diabetes is not secondary to β-cell pathology but is instead directly immune-induced (108-110). Despite this dysfunction, α-cells exhibit a remarkable autoimmune resistance that enables them to survive over β-cells in long-standing diabetes (103,111). Recent studies using single-cell RNA sequencing (109,112) have demonstrated important differences between these two cell types in terms of expression of: i) anti-apoptotic genes, ii) endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-related genes, III) innate immune response genes, and iv) antiviral response genes, all of which render α-cells less immunogenic and more resistant to viral infections and ER stress (113). In addition, CD8+ T cells invading the islets in DM1 are reactive to preproinsulin but not to glucagon. Furthermore, although β-cells are essential to life (neither humans nor animal models can survive without them), mice with 98% α-cell ablation retain near-normal glucose homeostasis (114): this points to the knowledge gap we have, from an evolutionary point of view, regarding the question of why β-cells are more fragile than α-cells. Certainly, greater understanding of the underlying mechanisms responsible for the autoimmune resistance of α-cells is critical since it is likely to reveal intracellular pathways amenable to therapeutic interventions that would increase the resistance of the β-cells themselves to the immune attack of the host’s immune system.


Diabetes Type 2


DM2 accounts for 90% of cases of diabetes worldwide (115). The increasing prevalence of DM2 around the world has been largely attributed to an unhealthy lifestyle and resultant development of obesity and overweight (116). Obesity is strongly related to DM2 mainly through inducing insulin resistance in the insulin sensitive tissues in the periphery.


The concept that a smoldering inflammatory process plays an important part in the pathogenesis of DM2 (117) has attracted much attention and is supported by evidence of inflammation in islets, adipose tissue, liver, and muscle that can provoke insulin resistance and β-cell dysfunction (118-120). Adipose tissue is characterized by infiltration by macrophages and other immune cells that produce cytokines and chemokines and contribute to the development of local and systemic chronic low-grade inflammation, this inflammatory milieu being the link between obesity, insulin resistance, and diabetes mellitus (121,122).


Earlier in vivo studies demonstrated that levels of TNF-α (123-125), IL-6, C-reactive protein, plasminogen activator inhibitor, and other inflammation mediators were elevated in adipose tissue and plasma of obese mice (126,127). It was also observed that these inflammatory mediators, together with saturated free fatty acids and reactive oxygen species (ROS), inhibited serine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor substrates (IRS-1 and 2) (128-130) in insulin sensitive tissues, such as adipose tissue and the liver (131), promoting insulin resistance (Figure 6). TNF-α is associated with increased release of free fatty acids by adipose tissue and leads to impaired insulin secretion and signaling (123,132).


Figure 6. Insulin resistance and inflammation in diabetes type 2. Insulin binds to insulin receptor (IR) in insulin sensitive tissues, and autophosphorylates tyrosine molecules of IRS-1 and -2 substrates. In the presence of obesity, and hyperlipidemia, the influx of free fatty acids, inflammatory cytokines and glucose activates IKKβ and JNK, which are the mediators for stress and inflammatory. In turn IKKβ and JNK inhibit tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS1 and 2 and promote transcriptional activation of genes related to inflammatory and stress responses resulting in insulin resistance. [Modified by Berbudi et al (133)]. IRS 1 -2, insulin receptor substrates; ER, Endoplasmic reticulum; IKKβ, inhibitory kappa B kinase β; JNK1 and c-Jun N-terminal kinase I.


In line with these early in vivo studies, studies in humans have shown that elevated levels of i) nonspecific indicators of inflammation, such as white cell count, fibrinogen, and CRP levels (134-136), ii) markers of reduced fibrinolysis, such as plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), and tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), iii) von Willebrand factor (vWf), which is a marker of endothelial injury, and iv) early markers of inflammation, such as monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), IL-8, and interferon-γ-inducible protein-10 (137), were predictive of DM2 development.


Furthermore, CRP and/or IL-6 were associated with the incidence of DM2 independently of adiposity or insulin resistance (136,138,139). Visceral adipose tissue appears to be a major source of circulating IL-6 in humans, and obese people with insulin resistance display high levels of plasma IL-6 concentration, also predictive of DM2 development (113). TNF-α is also increased in obese individuals with insulin resistance (124,140) and it plays a major role in the pathogenesis of obesity-linked DM2 (141).


At the cellular level, chronic exposure of adipocytes to low doses of TNF-α led to a dramatic decrease in insulin-stimulated auto-phosphorylation of the IRS 1-2 (142). Treatment of cultured murine adipocytes with TNF-α induced serine phosphorylation of IRS-1 and convert IRS-1 into an inhibitor of IR tyrosine kinase activity in vitro. TNF-α has also been shown to downregulate glucose transporter GLUT4 mRNA levels in adipocyte and myocyte cultures as well (125,143,144).


Oxidative stress, as a result of increased cytokine levels in DM2, is also thought to play an important role in activating inflammatory genes (145,146) (Figure 6). It is possible that oxidative stress markers do not adequately reflect the impact of increased ROS on β-cells or insulin signaling, while inflammatory, procoagulant or endothelial dysfunction markers are more specific to the pathophysiology of hyperglycemia (145,146). Hasnain et al. showed that islet-endogenous and exogenous IL-22 suppressed oxidative and ER stress caused by cytokines or glucolipotoxicity in mouse and human β-cells by regulating oxidative stress pathways. In obese mice, antibody neutralization of IL-23 or IL-24 partially reduced β-cell ER stress and improved glucose tolerance, whereas IL-22 administration modulated oxidative stress regulatory genes in islets, suppressed ER stress and inflammation, promoted secretion of high-quality efficacious insulin, and fully restored glucose homeostasis, followed by reinstitution of insulin sensitivity (147).


The chemokine system is also associated with obesity and insulin resistance. MCP-1, which acts on monocytes, macrophages, T cells and NK cells, is increased in obese compared to lean subjects and is related to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and other lipid overload states (148-153). A short-term program of 4-month lifestyle modification significantly decreases MCP-1 levels, with favorable effects on the glycemic and lipid profile (151).


Collectively, these findings supported the investigation of new therapeutic approaches that target inflammation to ameliorate diabetes and its complications. Regarding the latter, it is important to note that multiple sources of evidence support a pathogenic connection between rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and the mechanisms of DM2, via formation of a vicious circle that is perpetuated by impaired glucose metabolism and inflammation. In this context, ongoing clinical studies have shown that the inhibition of interleukin IL-1 and IL-6 may allow the treatment of RA and concomitant T2D at the same time (154).


Treatment with anakinra, a recombinant form of human IL-1 receptor antagonist that works as a competitive inhibitor of IL-1β, achieved significant improvements of glycemia and secretory function of β-cells (155,156), which was maintained after anakinra withdrawal during a 39-week follow-up (157). Canakinumab, a monoclonal antibody against IL-1β, significantly reduced inflammatory proteins, such as CRP, IL-6, and fibrinogen, in patients with DM2 and high cardiovascular risk (158,159), while regarding glycemic control, it reduced values of HbA1c during the first 6–9 months of treatment, without, however, consistent long-term benefits (159). Antagonists of IL-6 receptor tocilizumab and sarilumab have also been investigated in patients with RA with or without concomitant DM2. Tocilizumab showed a positive effect on insulin resistance in some studies (160-162), while other studies failed to report any beneficial effect on glycemic control (163,164). The efficacy of sarilumab was assessed in a post hoc analysis (165) of three randomized clinical trials in patients with RA with or without DM2 (166-168). Sarilumab, as monotherapy or in combination, significantly reduced HbA1c compared to adalimumab monotherapy or placebo plus methotrexate/convectional DMARDs in patients with RA and DM2 (165).


Several studies have analyzed the effects of TNF inhibitors (i.e., adalimumab, etanercept, and infliximab) on glucose metabolism, demonstrating a potential favorable effect on insulin resistance and insulin sensitivity (169,170). In a meta-analysis combining data from 22 randomized controlled trials and three cohort studies (171), new-onset DM2 was delayed in RA patients treated with TNF inhibitors.


The Effect of Diabetes on the Immune System


Like a mirror image, chronic hyperglycemia in diabetic patients impairs the host’s immune response, which in turn fails to control the spread of invading pathogens, rendering diabetic patients more susceptible to infections (133,172). Both innate immune response defects and defective adaptive immune response are implicated in this incapacity of the immune system to defend against invading pathogens in patients with diabetes. Several mechanisms have been proposed by experimental and human studies including: i) leukocyte recruitment inhibition (173,174), ii) defective pathogen recognition (175), iii) dysfunction of neutrophils (176-178), macrophages resulting in impairment of phagocytosis (179), iv) functional defects in natural killer cells (180), and v) dysfunction of complement activation (181).




Osteoporosis is a clinical condition characterized by low bone mass and impaired bone microarchitecture associated with an increased risk of fragility fractures. Growing evidence of the last few decades has demonstrated the effect of the immune system on bone metabolism, leading to the emergence of the new field of osteoimmunology (182-185) and immunology of osteoporosis (named as immunoporosis) (184-188).


States of immune dysfunction such as immunodeficiency, inflammatory diseases, or immune response to infections are associated with increased osteoclastic bone resorption and, therefore, increased bone loss and increased fracture risk.


Bone Remodeling and Bone Cells


Bone remodeling is a dynamic and continuous process that is responsible for the maintenance of skeletal health throughout life. It involves three consecutive phases: i) osteoclast-mediated bone resorption; ii) the reversal phase, during which mesenchymal derived osteoblasts are recruited to the bone site of bone resorption; and iii) osteoblast-mediated bone formation. The two processes of bone resorption and bone formation are tightly coupled and under control of the matrix-embedded osteocytes, capable of sensing and integrating mechanical and chemical signals from their environment to regulate bone formation and resorption at the bone surfaces.


Osteoclasts originate from the same myeloid precursor that derives macrophage and dendritic cells and are specialized in bone degradation (186). Osteoblasts are the main bone-forming cells and are derived from mesenchymal stem cells. Osteoclast formation and differentiation is regulated by macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) and the receptor activator of nuclear factor-kB (RANK) ligand (RANKL) produced by osteoblasts and osteocytes (189,190). Osteocytes are a significant source of RANKL and its decoy receptor, osteoprotegerin (OPG), which binds to RANKL, preventing its interaction with RANK, while they also secrete the Wnt signaling inhibitor sclerostin, which regulates bone formation (189). RANKL is additionally expressed by fibroblasts and immune cells, including antigen-stimulated T cells and dendritic cells (191-193), while OPG is also produced by B lymphocytes and dendritic cells (194).


Inflammatory Diseases


Activated T cells increase the production of TNF-α and RANKL and stimulate osteoclastogenesis during inflammation (182-185,192-195). Multiple cytokines may promote osteoclastogenesis mainly by regulating the RANK/RANKL/OPG axis. TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6, IL-7, IL-11, Il-17, and IL-23 promote osteoclast differentiation, while IFN-α, IFN-γ, IL-3, IL-4, IL-10, IL-27, and IL-33 are considered anti-osteoclastogenic cytokines that protect bone integrity (195). Th17 cells are considered an osteoclastogenic subset of T cells as they enhance osteoclastogenesis by secreting IL-1, IL-6, Il-17, RANKL, TNF-α, and IFN-γ. Activation of Th2 leads to enhanced production of PTH and promotes the anabolic activity of osteoblasts in several inflammatory states. Furthermore, Th2 lymphocytes are associated with a low RANKL/OPG ratio and inhibition of bone loss (196). In addition, β-cells produce RANKL and OPG and may influence bone formation and absorption, while it has been observed that in HIV infected patients, there is an altered β-cell RANKL/OPG ratio that is inversely correlated with BMD (197).


Interleukin 6, produced by both stromal and osteoblastic cells (198) in response to stimulation by systemic hormones such as PTH, PTH-related peptide (PTH-rP), thyroid hormones, and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and other cytokines (i.e., TGF-β, IL-1, and TNF-α), plays a major role in osteoclast development and function. Increased IL-6 levels contribute significantly to the abnormal bone resorption observed in patients with multiple myeloma (199), Paget’s disease of bone (200), rheumatoid arthritis (201), and Langerhans cell histiocytosis (202). Effects of increased osteoclast-induced bone resorption are not solely attributable to IL-6, but to all IL-6 family cytokines (203).


TNF-α has also been shown to induce bone resorption and plays an important part in inflammatory bone diseases (192). TNF-α promotes RANKL expression in osteoclast precursors and the formation of multinucleated osteoclasts in the presence of M-CSF. Furthermore, TNF-α increases RANKL and M-CSF expression in osteoblasts, stromal cells, and T lymphocytes, while RANKL can also enhance TNF-α mediated osteoclastogenesis (195). IL-1β increases RANKL expression and stimulates osteoclast formation and bone resorption while also promoting TNF-α induced osteoclastogenesis (204,205).


Postmenopausal Osteoporosis


Estrogen deficiency is a state of increased bone remodeling associated with an increased rate of bone resorption relative to bone formation, resulting in net bone loss. It has been shown that estrogen deficiency-induced bone loss has a complex mechanism mainly involving the immune system rather than a direct effect of estrogen on bone cells (206). Estrogen loss during menopause is associated with an expansion of T and B lymphocytes (207,208) leading to increased production of RANKL (209). In addition, an increased level of proinflammatory cytokines, including TNF-a and IL-1b, is observed in postmenopausal women (210,211). In addition, B lymphocytes may partially contribute to trabecular bone loss in postmenopausal osteoporosis (212). In the absence of estrogens, dendritic cells live longer, increasing their expression of IL-7 and IL-15. In turn, IL-7 and IL-15 induce IL-17 and TNF-a production in a subset of memory T cells, independent of antigen activation (213). These proinflammatory cytokines contribute to inflammation-induced bone loss in postmenopausal osteoporosis by activating low-grade inflammation. In contrast, Treg cells have a bone-protective role in postmenopausal osteoporosis (210). However, it has been shown that Th17/Treg balance is disturbed in estrogen deficiency. Treg cells lose their immunosuppressive function and convert to Th17 cells, which explains the imbalance of Th17/Treg in postmenopausal osteoporosis (214).


Senile Osteoporosis


Senile osteoporosis, on the other hand, is a low-bone turnover disease with decreased bone resorption and significantly reduced bone formation (215), which commonly occurs in older people, above 65, and affects both males and females. In recent years, it was demonstrated that aging is usually accompanied by systemic low-grade chronic inflammation and enhanced inflammatory mediators, such as IL-6 and TNF-a (216). A recent study found that senescent immune cells, such as macrophages and neutrophils, accumulate in bone marrow during aging in rats and mice (217). The senescent macrophages and neutrophils repress osteogenesis by promoting bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cell adipogenesis. In addition to directly inhibiting osteogenesis, the senescent immune cells contribute to chronic inflammation, thus leading to inflammatory bone resorption (217). Aging can tilt the balance of Th1/Th2 toward Th2 cells, resulting in an increased inflammatory response (218) and low-level chronic inflammation, ultimately leading to continuous bone loss.


Thyrotoxicosis-Induced Osteoporosis


IL-6 and IL-8 play a major role in thyrotoxicosis-induced osteoporosis and are increased in patients with thyrotoxicosis due to Graves’ disease or toxic multinodular goiter (219). In addition, patients with thyroid carcinoma on TSH suppressive therapy have significantly increased circulating levels of IL-6 and IL-8 compared to controls (219), which are tightly associated with serum T3 and fT4 concentrations. Both IL-6 and IL-8 have also been shown to be released by human bone marrow stromal cell cultures containing osteoblast progenitor cells in response to T3 (196). TNF-α elevations due to low TSH signaling in human hyperthyroidism also contribute to the bone loss that has traditionally been attributed solely to high thyroid hormone levels (220). Hyperthyroid mice lacking TSHR had greater bone resorption than hyperthyroid wild-type mice, demonstrating that the absence of TSH signaling contributes to low bone mass (221) in the hyperthyroid state.


Primary Hyperparathyroidism-Induced Osteoporosis


Bone resorption in primary hyperparathyroidism (PHP) also appears to be related to immune system effects. Circulating levels of IL-6 and TNF-α, which are significantly increased in patients with PHP, are strongly correlated with biochemical markers of resorption, returning to normal after successful parathyroidectomy (222). The hypothesis that IL-6 mediates the catabolic effects of parathyroid hormone (PTH) on the skeleton has been further strengthened by the finding that neutralizing IL-6 in vivo attenuates PTH-induced bone resorption in mice, while the resorptive response to PTH was also reduced in IL-6 knockout mice (223). Furthermore, it has been observed that transplantation of parathyroid from humans with hyperparathyroidism to mice lacking T cells was not associated with bone loss, suggesting a possible role of T lymphocytes in PTH-related osteoporosis (224). A direct action of PTH on T lymphocytes may also contribute, as deletion of the PTH receptor from T cells failed to induce bone loss (225). It has been proposed that PTH action on T cells results in secretion of TNF-α and, in combination with RANKL increase and OPG suppression, guides their differentiation to Th17 subsets, with subsequent IL-17 secretion and further RANKL amplification (226).


Drug-Induced Osteoporosis


The immune cells are also involved in drug-induced osteoporosis, such as glucocorticoid and chemotherapy-induced osteoporosis. A recent study demonstrated that glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis could not be induced in T cell-deficient mice, while re-establishment was found to be possible by transferring splenic T cells from wild-type mice (227).


Cyclophosphamide, is a chemotherapy drug that causes immunosuppression and is associated with increased risk of osteoporosis (228-230). By improving the functional status of immune cells in an immunosuppressive mouse model induced by cyclophosphamide, bone loss was dramatically reduced (231), pointing to the possible contribution of immune cells in cyclophosphamide-induced osteoporosis.




The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis


The relations between the immune and the stress systems are complex and bidirectional, denoting that while stress can affect immune function, immune responses can also influence stress levels through various ways and mechanisms.




During acute inflammation, the immune system is activated in response to infection or injury and releases proinflammatory cytokines and other inflammation-related factors into the central nervous system (CNS), plasma, and endocrine glands. Inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α, IL-1, and IL-6, produced by a variety of cells, including monocytes, macrophages, astrocytes, endothelial cells, and fibroblasts, activate the HPA axis leading to an increase of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and, finally, glucocorticoids (38, 184). In turn, increased circulating levels of glucocorticoids exert suppressive effects on the inflammatory reaction, controlling the immune response and helping the organism to reach its prior healthy homeostasis (232). Similarly, in acute stress, the amplitude and synchronization of CRH secretory pulses is increased, and this is reflected in the levels of ACTH and cortisol in the systemic circulation (233).


The proinflammatory cytokine IL-1, especially its β form, is probably the most important molecule capable of modulating cerebral functions during systemic and localized inflammation. Systemic IL-1β injection activates the neurons involved in the control of autonomic functions, and neutralizing antibodies or IL-1 receptor antagonists are capable of preventing numerous responses during inflammatory stimuli (234). Similarly to IL-1β, intravenous IL-6 stimulates the hypothalamic-pituitary unit, leading to the secretion of cortisol by the adrenal glands and subsequent termination of the inflammatory cascade (235). All three inflammatory cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-α) have the capacity to activate the HPA-axis, but it appears that IL-6 is the most critical component of this cascade. Studies in rats have demonstrated that immunoneutralization of IL-6 abolishes the effects of the other two cytokines on the HPA-axis (236). TNF-α and IL-1, on the other hand, stimulate the production of IL-6, which in turn stimulates the HPA-axis. The final end-product of HPA activation, glucocorticoids, inhibit IL-6 secretion at the transcriptional level through interaction of the ligand-activated glucocorticoid receptor with nuclear factor-kappa B, creating a negative feedback loop. In this way, IL-6 stimulates glucocorticoid release to control inflammation, and glucocorticoids subsequently inhibit IL-6 release through a negative feedback loop preventing uncontrolled and potentially harmful sequalae of inflammatory mechanisms, including tissue damage (237,238).


In an older study involving patients with Cushing disease studied before and after transsphenoidal adenectomy, plasma IL-6 concentration was increased when patients were hypocortisolemic, experiencing symptoms of glucocorticoid deficiency, as part of the “steroid withdrawal syndrome” (i.e., pyrexia, headache, anorexia, nausea, fatigue, malaise, arthralgias, myalgias, and somnolence of variable degree). Notably, IL-6 levels did not increase in patients who did not become hypocortisolemic after surgery, while following glucocorticoid replacement, a dramatic decrease of IL-6 levels concomitantly with relief of the observed symptoms was reported (239).


While acute stimulation with IL-6 activates the HPA axis mainly through the hypothalamic CRH neurons, chronic exposure to IL-6 may also directly stimulate the pituitary corticotropic cells and the adrenal cells via CRH receptor-independent mechanisms (240).


In vivo experiments have shown a stimulatory effect of IL-6 on cortisol production by the adrenal cortex in the absence of CRH and subsequent activation of the HPA axis (240) in cytomegalovirus-infected mice (241), as well as in murine colitis (242). In addition, experiments in mice deficient in CRH (CRH KO) and deficient in both CRH and IL-6 (CRH KO)/IL-6 KO) have demonstrated that IL-6 during prolonged immunological challenge may surpass CRH in augmentation of adrenal function (240). Protein expression of IL-6 and IL-6 receptor has been detected in primary cultures of human adrenocortical cells depleted of macrophages (CD68-positive cells), predominantly in the zona reticularis but also in the zona fasciculata and in single cells within the zona glomerulosa and the medulla (243). Moreover, IL-6 was able to induce adrenal steroidogenesis in vitro in a time- and dose-dependent manner in the absence of macrophages, suggesting that IL-6 may be a long-term stimulator of steroidogenesis but with no acute effects (243).


In humans, IL-6 may stimulate cortisol release directly at the level of the adrenal gland in long-term stress situations (244), and the same may also apply in chronic inflammatory diseases, although direct evidence is still lacking (245). In a recent clinical study, increased daily, and especially evening, saliva cortisol secretion, in the context of the acute viral infection COVID-19, appeared to be mostly driven by hypersecretion of IL-6, independently of ACTH (246). However, the hypothesis that IL-6 may partially replace ACTH when there is an acute requirement for increased cortisol secretion has yet to be tested.




Acute versus chronic stress and inflammation are distinct conditions that exert extremely different effects on the immune system, each altering its function in a distinct manner. Chronic stress is associated with a blunted circadian cortisol rhythm, a suppressed inflammatory response, and a shift from Th1   to Th 2 and a Th reg to Th 17 immunity. It has clearly been shown that in chronic stress, endogenous glucocorticoids fail to terminate the stress response and, in fact, cause body composition changes reminiscent of those in hypercortisolism, such as visceral adiposity, sarcopenia, and osteoporosis (247-249).


On the other hand, following a period of intense stress, there may be glucocorticoid-induced suppression of the HPA axis (238). In this case, long-term “inadequate” cortisol secretion may unleash its inhibitory effect on immune system activation, resulting in immune dysregulation and expression of sickness-syndrome manifestations. In this case, the post-stress sustained HPA axis suppression and hypocortisolism is reminiscent of the clinical picture of the intrinsic hypocortisolemia of primary adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s disease), associated with immune perturbations due to failure of cortisol to appropriately suppress the increased secretion of proinflammatory cytokines (239,250).


The subsequent protracted lack of axis recovery due to a post-illness state of hypocortisolism in probably predisposed individuals may explain the underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms responsible for some post-viral infection sickness syndromes (232,251), such as long COVID syndrome (252).




In some cases, chronic stress can contribute to the development or exacerbation of autoimmune disorders. Without appropriate cortisol regulation in cases of chronic stress and chronic inflammation, the organism fails to downregulate inflammatory processes, contributing to a vicious cycle where stress, inflammation, and compromised HPA axis function may result in the development of chronic immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Stress can potentially trigger or worsen these conditions by dysregulating the immune response.


Cortisol diurnal secretion displays a circadian rhythm in healthy individuals, with the highest levels in the morning and a gradual decline throughout the day, reaching the lowest levels around midnight (253). During acute stress (254-256) or infection (237,257), the rhythm is disturbed and the afternoon and/or midnight cortisol levels do not drop. A disturbed circadian cortisol rhythm with abnormally high afternoon and night cortisol levels was found in patients with even mild or moderate COVID-19 compared to healthy controls (246). However, although not systematically studied, the adrenal response to chronic versus acute exposure to proinflammatory cytokines appears to follow a different pattern.


In patients with rheumatoid arthritis, symptoms follow circadian rhythms with impaired function due to pain and joint stiffness being most severe in the early morning (258,259) because of increased proinflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-a and IL-6, that occur during late night hours (260,261). This explains the inverse relation between diurnal variation of circulating IL-6 and glucocorticoid levels (262). Increased endogenous nocturnal secretion of cortisol could alleviate these morning symptoms, but this is not the case in most patients with rheumatoid arthritis (263-270). To clarify this issue, several studies have been carried out reporting that the optimal time for delivery of glucocorticoid treatment would be during the night in order to target the effects of nocturnal proinflammatory stimuli (271-274).




The immune system also plays a role in maintaining overall psychological well-being. Chronic stress and its impact on the immune system can increase susceptibility to mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. Conversely, psychological well-being can improve the human body’s immune responses, enhance resistance to diseases (including infectious diseases), and improve mental health (275,276). Changes in psychological status of patients with Alzheimer’s induced significant differences in their immune response (277).

In addition, long-term practice of meditation was shown to decrease stress reactivity and exert a favorable therapeutic effect in chronic inflammatory conditions characterized by neurogenic inflammation (278), while joyful activities such as singing were able to boost the immune response in cancer patients and family members (279).




The chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla play a role in stress response by secreting catecholamines and various biologically active peptides (238). As the stress response starts, rapidly augmented secretion of norepinephrine and epinephrine is initiated, followed by activation of the HPA axis and increased release of CRH and ACTH and secretion of glucocorticoids (280). CRH and norepinephrine stimulate the secretion of each other through CRH-R1 and α1-noradrenergic receptors, respectively (281).


Cytokines TNF-α, IL-1, and IFN-γ act directly on chromaffin cells (282-285). It has also been demonstrated that cytokines regulate the secretion of various peptides that are co-secreted with catecholamines, such as vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), galanin and secretogranin II, enkephalin and neuropeptide Y (283,285). IL-6 directly modulates the secretion of catecholamines and neuropeptides by chromaffin cells and therefore influences the adrenal stress response. It has been hypothesized that medullary peptides may serve as paracrine modulators of glucocorticoid production (286). It has also been shown that IL-6 increases intracellular Ca2+ concentration and induces catecholamine secretion in rat carotid body glomus cells, a finding which has finally confirmed the relations between IL-6 and catecholamine secretion (287). Furthermore, IL-10 is a critical target downstream of epinephrine and norepinephrine which limits inflammation (288). On the other hand, norepinephrine may act directly on macrophages and dendritic cells to suppress inflammatory cytokine secretion through primarily the β2-adrenergic receptors that are expressed by both innate and adaptive immune cells (289,290).


Although scientific advances of the last decade have shed light on the previously unrecognized major role of the catecholamines epinephrine and norepinephrine in controlling the immune system, much remains to be discovered, and further revelations will reveal new therapeutic targets in the management of inflammation.




This chapter is an update of a previous chapter and the authors would like to thank Professor Gregory Kaltsas, an author of the prior chapter.




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Type 2 Diabetes In Children and Adolescents – A Focus On Diagnosis and Treatment


Nearly three decades have passed since the first publications on type 2 diabetes (T2D) in children and adolescents, and it is now well established as a global problem. As the prevalence of obesity continues to increase within the general population, diagnosing T2D in adolescents presents a multifaceted challenge. In this chapter, we shall delve into the epidemiological aspects, as well as the distinct characteristics inherent to various types of diabetes. Cohort studies with long-term follow-ups have illuminated our understanding of the alarming incidence of complications in adolescents diagnosed with T2D. Recent approvals of novel pharmaceutical interventions for teenagers have ushered in a new era of hope. Hopefully, in the forthcoming decade, we anticipate a decline in the prevalence of these complications. However, in the interim, a proactive and assertive approach remains essential for addressing the complications associated with T2D in adolescents.



Youth-onset type 2 diabetes (T2D) was initially described in Pima Indian children and adolescents (1). This tribe, also known as “the pathfinders,” has a notable history of obesity and early-onset diabetes. In the mid-nineties, studies from various clinics in the United States reported cases of T2D in children from diverse ethnic backgrounds, primarily non-Hispanic Blacks and Hispanics (2-4). While these reports were initially met with suspicion, it soon became clear that a new disease had emerged among children. Subsequently, similar reports emerged from various parts of the world. In 2000, the SEARCH for Diabetes Study was launched in the US. This prospective nationwide, multi-center study aimed at understanding the epidemiology of both type 1 diabetes (T1D) and T2D in children. A few years later, in 2004, the Treatment Options for Type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents and Youth (TODAY) study was initiated. The TODAY study was a prospective, randomized treatment trial, designed to explore treatment regimens and the clinical course of T2D in youth. Registries from Germany, Diabetes Prospective Follow-up Registry (DPV) (5), Hong Kong (6), China (7), India (Registry of People with Diabetes with Youth Age at Onset (YDR)) (8) and Israel (9), contributed to the current knowledge. Importantly, while the US is leading in the scope of the T2D epidemic, similar trends have been observed worldwide.




Epidemiology in the USA


According to the most recent data from the SEARCH study published in 2023, the adjusted incidence of T2DM among children and adolescents nearly doubled, from 9.0 to 17.9 cases per 100,000 persons per year, from 2002-03 to 2017-18 (10).




The incidence of T2D varies largely based on ethnicity, the highest incidence of T2D, 50.1 per 100,000 children age 10-20 years, was recorded in non-Hispanic Blacks, followed by Pima Indians (46), Hispanics (25.8), and Asian/Pacific Islanders (16.6). Among non-Hispanic Whites, the incidence is only 5.5 per 100,000. An annual increase was observed in all groups, but the highest increase was observed in Asian/Pacific Islanders (8.92%), followed by 7.17% in Hispanics and 5.99% in non-Hispanic Blacks, compared to 1.83% in non-Hispanic Whites.



The current incidence in females is 21.6 per 100,000 and in males 14.2; the temporal increase was similar in both genders. The incidence increases with age. One of the most remarkable findings in the SEARCH study is that among individuals 15-19 years of age, the incidence of T2D in 2017-2018 exceeded that of T1D (19.7 vs. 14.6 per 100,000). This is the first time the incidence of T2D surpassed that of T1D among youth, sounding alarming for other countries, which may have a lower incidence than the USA, but are showing steady increases.

Epidemiology in Europe

Although the overall incidence of T2D in Europe is much lower than in the US, a similar change over time has been reported. In Germany, a three-fold increase in the prevalence of T2D was reported for 10- to 19-year-olds between 2002 and 2020 (3.4 to 10.8 per 100,000) (5). Similar to the US, the estimated standardized prevalence of T2D was 1.4 times higher among girls (12.8) than boys (9.0). In the UK, the number of children registered as having T2D and being treated in pediatric diabetes units has risen by more than 50% in the past five years (11).

Epidemiology in Asia

Data retrieved from the Hong Kong Childhood Diabetes Registry revealed a threefold increase in T2D in children, from 1.27 per 100,000 in 1997-2007 to 3.42 per 100,000 in 2008-2018 (6). Data from China demonstrated an average annual increase of 26.6% in youth aged 10-19 years (12). There was no statistically significant difference in incidence between boys and girls. However, the risk of T2D was 1.49 times higher in urban areas than in rural areas.




The increased risk of developing T2D in children is associated with genetics, an obesogenic environment, and obesity, along with the interactions among these factors (Figure 1). This visual representation emphasizes the multifaceted nature of risk factors for T2D in children and adolescents, illustrating the intricate connections between genetics, environmental factors, obesity, and the eventual development of T2D.


Figure 1. Risk Factors for T2D in Children and Adolescents. Risk factors for T2D in children and adolescents can be visualized as a series of interconnected circles, illustrating the complex interplay of various influences:
Environment (Outer Circle): The outermost circle represents the broader environmental factors that encompass everything from the intrauterine environment to residential neighborhood.
Genetics (Second Circle): Within the environment circle, genetics forms an important inner circle. It signifies the genetic predisposition that some individuals may have towards developing obesity and, consequently, T2D.
Obesity (Third Circle): Nested within the genetics circle is the obesity circle. It is influenced by multiple factors such as immigration, sedentary lifestyle, diet, microbiome, medication use, depression, and abuse. Of note, not everyone exposed to the obesogenic environment will become obese, indicating the influence of other factors.
Type 2 Diabetes (Innermost Circle): The innermost circle represents the development of T2D. Importantly, not all obese individuals will go on to develop early-onset T2D, highlighting the complexity of these interrelated risk factors.



Severe obesity stands out as one of the most significant risk factors for youth-onset of T2D. Obesity is closely linked to the worsening of insulin resistance, a primary feature of the pathophysiology of T2D, along with progressive β-cell and α-cell dysfunction (13). In a recent meta-analysis comprising data from 30 studies involving 4688 children and adolescents, the prevalence of obesity at the time of T2D diagnosis was found to be 77 % (95% CI, 71%-83%) (14). Male participants exhibited higher odds of obesity than their female counterparts (odds ratio, 2.10; 95% CI, 1.3-3.3). These findings were sustained after several sensitivity analyses that excluded studies with uncertain or unspecified T2D diagnostic criteria, studies involving individuals with positive pancreatic autoantibodies, individuals presenting with weight loss, or those with genetically proven monogenic diabetes. While acknowledging the limitations of using BMI-based measures as a surrogate for obesity and considering the retrospective nature of the included studies, these data suggest that approximately 20-25% of adolescents with diabetes but without obesity may still have T2D. Furthermore, the definition of obesity needs to consider body composition variations among certain populations, such as East Asian and South Asian populations.


Family History of T2D


Most adolescents with T2D have a family member with the disease. In the TODAY study, 59.6% of adolescents with T2D had a first-degree family member with a history of diabetes, and 89% had a grandparent affected with diabetes (15). This increased risk of T2D associated with family history reflects genetic influences, the impact of the environment, and the intrauterine environment.

Maternal Obesity and Maternal T2D During Pregnancy


Exposure to maternal obesity has been linked to an increased risk of childhood obesity in offspring (16) and 2.8-fold higher odds of T2D. Exposure to maternal gestational diabetes was associated with 5.7-fold higher odds of T2D (17). Moreover, individuals exposed to maternal diabetes during pregnancy were diagnosed with diabetes at a younger age and exhibited worse β-cell function. Exposure in utero to maternal diabetes and obesity accounted for 47% of the T2D risk in this population (17,18), and, importantly, it sets up a vicious cycle for future generations. Suggested mechanisms affecting the developmental programming of offspring towards T2D include epigenetic modifications, alterations in stem cell differentiation, variation in the metabolome and microbiome, and immune dysregulation (19). Of note, assistedreproductive technology was not found to be a risk factor for early-onset T2D (20).

Pregnancies complicated by pre-existing diabetes are associated with extreme birth weights. In a large study, small for gestational age (SGA) babies, defined as below the 10th percentile for birth weight, were reported in 14.1% of pregnancies of women with T2D, while 26.2% had newborns with a large birth weight, defined as above the 90th percentile (21). Both SGA and high birth weight are associated with an increased risk of a history of early-onset T2D among adults. Of note, a lower birthweight was associated with an increased risk of developing T2D independently of adult BMI and the genetic risk of T2D (22).


Pregnancies complicated by pre-existing diabetes are associated with preterm delivery and birth weight extremes. In a national cohort study involving over 4 million singletons born in Sweden from 1973 to 2014, preterm birth (occurring before 37 weeks) was associated with a 1.3-fold increased risk of developing T2D before age 18 years (23). Notably, the association between preterm birth and T2D was significantly stronger among females (23).


Mental Health and Treatment


The association between psychiatric disorders in adolescents and T2D is bidirectional, complex, and not well studied in the pediatric population (24). On the one hand, youth with chronic illnesses such as obesity are more likely to develop depression, depressive symptoms, and anxiety than those without chronic illnesses. On the other hand, youth who have mental health morbidities are at increased risk for isolation, sedentary lifestyle, weight gain, and the development of T2D. Furthermore, some psychotropic medications, particularly atypical antipsychotics, are associated with weight gain and increased risk for T2D in adults. These associations have not been systematically studied in youth, but clinical experience suggests a contribution.




Globally, immigration is on the rise. Studies conducted among adults have indicated that immigrants, when compared to non-immigrants, exhibit higher rates of obesity, insulin-resistance, and hypertension. In a recent review (25) focusing on European countries, non-European migrant children face a greater risk of being overweight or obese compared to their native counterparts; the prevalence of obesity in migrant and native children ranged from 1.2 to 15.4% and from 0.6 to 11.6%, respectively. The increased rates of overweight and obesity among migrating children and adolescents render them more susceptible to developing T2D and other metabolic abnormalities. An Israeli study found that among adolescents of Ethiopian origin, the prevalence of overweight and obesity increased two-and-a-half fold and fourfold in males and females, respectively, during the study period, compared to a 1.5-fold increase among native Israeli-bornmales and females (26).


Socioeconomic Status


A discernible disparity exists in the socioeconomic status (SES) of children and adolescents with T2D. In developed countries, such as the United States, low SES is a recognized risk factor for the development of obesity and T2D. This is attributed to factors such as limited access to healthy foods and reduced physical inactivity. However, in developing countries, higher SES groups tend to have greater levels of physical inactivity and consume higher quantities of fat, salt, and processed foods compared to their lower SES counterparts (Figure 2). When data from 384 youth with T2D who completed a baseline research visit as part of the SEARCH study and 227 youth with T2D from the Registry of People with Diabetes with Youth Age at Onset (YDR) in India who completed a baseline visit were compared, only 23.6% of SEARCH youth belonged to a high SES group, in contrast to 88.5% of YDR youths (P < .001) (8).

Figure 2. Global Disparities in Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors. This illustrative figure offers insights into the diversity in risk factors for T2D among children across the world. It highlights how these risk factors vary across different regions and populations.
Gender Disparities (Upper Part of Figure): In many Western countries, the risk of developing T2D in children is higher in girls compared to boys. However, this pattern is not consistent globally. In other parts of the world, an equal or even higher risk of T2D has been documented in males. The upper portion of the figure visually represents these variations in risk, depicting the female-to-male ratios in different regions.
Socioeconomic Status (SES) Variation: (Lower Part of Figure) SES plays a significant role in T2D risk. In Western countries, lower SES is associated with an increased risk of T2D in children. Conversely, in developing countries, a contrary trend is observed, with a higher risk of T2D observed in populations with higher SES. These complex socioeconomic variations are highlighted in the figure, showcasing how T2D risk is influenced by economic factors on a global scale.


Data from 747 children and youths with T2D under 19 years of age, collected between 2009 and 2016 (from the population-based National Pediatric Diabetes Audit, covering over >95% of diabetes cases in England and Wales), revealed that under half of those with T2D reside in the most disadvantaged areas of England and Wales, and 41% fall into the most disadvantaged SES quintile (27). In contrast, in China, in Zhejiang, one of the most economically prosperous coastal provinces marked by industrialization and urbanization, changes in diet and decreased physical activity have led to a higher incidence of pediatric obesity. The mean annual incidence was 2.32 per 100,000 person-years in urban area compared with 1.44 in urban and rural area (12).

COVID-19 Pandemic

In a study conducted in the United States, the incidence of T2DM at 24 diabetes centers during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic was examined (28). The average number of new diagnoses per year in the two years before the pandemic was 825 but rose to 1463 during the first pandemic year. This increase of 77% is significantly higher than the 5% expected annual increase in incidence observed in the two previous years. Similarly, a retrospective cross-sectional review of youths (age ≤ 21) diagnosed with T2D during the COVID-19 pandemic (from May 1, 2020, to April 30, 2021) and the five years preceding it (from May 1, 2015, to April 30, 2020) at a tertiary diabetes center revealed an increase of 293% (29).  Similar trends were reported from Germany (30). Data on T2D in adolescents during 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic (2020–2021) were compared with the control period 2011–2019 in children aged 6 to <18 years were obtained from the DPV (German Diabetes Prospective Follow-up) Registry. The incidence of youth-onset T2D increased from 0.75 per 100,000 patient-years in 2011 to 1.25 per 100,000 in 2019, an annual increase of 6.8%. However, in 2021, the observed incidence was 1.95, significantly higher than expected. Of note, the observed incidence was significantly higher in boys (2.16), leading to a reversal of the sex ratio of pediatric T2D incidence (30).  The surge in T2D incidence during the pandemic can be attributed to several factors. First, there was an increase in obesity among young people during the COVID-19 pandemic, accompanied by increased consumption of processed foods and reduced physical activity, both of which contribute to the risk of developing T2D (31). In addition, there was increased psychosocial stress, which is emerging as an important contributor to the risk of T2D. Furthermore, viral mediated non-autoimmune β-cell destruction, resulting in reduced β-cell function in predisposed adolescents, has been suggested as a contributing factor (28).    



The genetics of T2D in children and adolescents have largely remained unexplored. ProDiGY is a multiethnic collaboration encompassing three studies (TODAY, SEARCH, and T2D-GENES) involving 3,006 youth subjects with T2D, diagnosed at a mean age of 15.1±2.9 years, along with 6,061 diabetes-free adult control subjects. Association analyses were conducted on approximately 10 million imputed variants, employing a generalized linear mixed model incorporating a genetic relationship matrix to account for population structure. The analysis was further adjusted for sex. This comprehensive study identified seven genome-wide significant loci that included a novel locus in PHF2, along with TCF7L2, MC4R, CDC123, KCNQ1, IGF2BP2, and SLC16A11. A secondary analysis involving 856 diabetes-free youth subjects uncovered an additional locus in CPEB2, and consistent directional effects for diabetes risk were observed (32). 


Diabetes Related Signs

The classical signs at the onset of diabetes - polydipsia and polyuria - are observed in about two-thirds of youth at the diagnosis of T2D. Only about one-third are diagnosed through routine screening of asymptomatic youth with obesity. Furthermore, the prevalence of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) among youth with T2D in the SEARCH study and the YDR in India was 5.5% and 6.6%, respectively. Importantly, the incidence of DKA at the onset of T2D was higher during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic (33). Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state is present at diagnosis in 2% of youth with T2D (34).  


Seasonal Diagnosis of T2D


There is significant seasonal variation in the onset of T2D in children and young people in the United States; diagnoses increased in August. Possible explanations for an August peak in diagnoses include weight gain during the summer vacation and an increase in physical exams for school athletic programs that may detect asymptomatic hyperglycemia. The greater proportion of diagnoses made during routine health visits rather than following symptoms is consistent with this latter possibility. Similar seasonal variations in incidence are beginning to emerge in other countries.


Age of Onset of T2D


The incidence of T2D rises gradually during puberty, primarily due to the physiological insulin resistance characteristic of this period. However, illustrating the heterogeneity of T2D in children and adolescents, there was a significant difference between the mean age of onset of youth in the United States (Pediatric Diabetes Consortium, PDC) databases who were diagnosed at the mean age of 12 years compared to the mean age in Germany of 13 years (35).



With the worldwide epidemic of childhood obesity on the rise, there are increasing reports of T2D occurring in prepubertal children. Initially, there were case reports on prepubertal children with T2D, including cases from Nigeria (36), and a 5-year-old Indigenous girl from Australia (37). Lately, several reports have described the onset of T2D in prepubertal children. A total of 42 children ≤ 10 years with T2DM were reported from Alabama (38), 12 from Australia (39), 35 prepubertal children from Houston, Texas (40), from San Antonio, Texas (41) and India (42). The common denominator of all reports of prepubertal children is extreme obesity, with a disproportionate impact on females and ethnic minorities as shown in Table 1. Additionally, there is a high prevalence of comorbidities.

Table 1. Characteristics of Prepubertal Children Diagnosed with T2D


San Antonio, Texas


Alabama, US




Houston, Texas.


Chennai, Tamil Nadu India


Age, years







10.6± 2.5















Hispanic 80%

African American 88(%)

 Caucasian 12%

Aboriginal Australians 92

Maori 8

 Hispanic 71

Black 23

Non Hispanic White 3%


Females (%)






BMI Z score



2.5 ± 0.4

2.38± 0.64



Hypertension (%)


























These reports suggest that there are unique features and pathophysiologic drivers distinct from the influence of pubertal hormones, which are often implicated in the mechanism underlying T2D in older children and adolescents. Furthermore, the emergence of T2D in prepubertal children and the high prevalence of comorbidities among them serve as a warning for an impending public health challenge.



In the Western world, youth-onset T2D is almost twice as common in girls as in boys, whereas Asian countries report no differences in incidence by sex. For T2D, SEARCH had a higher proportion of females, while studies from China show no difference between females and males, and there are reports of increased prevalence in males in the Middle East; in the UAE (43), the female to male ratio was 0.5:1, in Iraq (44) 0.6:1, and Kuwait (45) 0.8:1 (Figure 2). This may reflect the higher prevalence of obesity in males in these countries (46). Indeed, in the UAE, among children aged 11 to 14 years, the prevalence of obesity was reported as 24.3% and extreme obesity (BMI ≥99th percentile) as 5.7%; the rate of extreme obesity was 9.6-fold higher in boys than girls (47). In Kuwait, 41.4% of boys were classified as obese, compared to 28.9% of girls of the same age (46).




Early diagnosis of T2D is likely to bring several benefits, enabling prompt multifactorial treatment and management of cardiovascular risk factors. Considering the increasing prevalence of T2D among children and adolescents, clinical symptoms have become less distinct, and age, sex, and weight are no longer definitive criteria for a clear diagnosis. Therefore, the most important diagnostic feature is the presence or absence of pancreatic autoantibodies in any child diagnosed with hyperglycemia; positive antibodies indicate T1D even if the child is overweight or has a family history of T2D. If the antibodies are negative, a genetic test for monogenic diabetes (previously referred to as Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) should be considered if available.



Initial treatment for T2D includes a focus on lifestyle changes, including healthy diet, increasing regular physical activity, achieving weight loss, and receiving emotional support. While lifestyle change is recommended as a practical approach,there is limited evidence that lifestyle intervention alone has a sustained impact on glycemic control in youth with T2D (48).


The Impact of Lifestyle Changes


The impact of lifestyle intervention, as determined by changes in diet and cardiovascular fitness, on glycemic control in youth with T2D was assessed in the TODAY clinical trial cohort spanning 15 centers across the United States. The study included 699 youth aged 10 to 17 years with T2D for less than 2 years. Those participants randomly assigned to the lifestyle intervention participated in a family-based behavioral program aimed at promoting weight loss. Each family was assigned a dedicated leader responsible for guiding them through their journey of physical activity and nutrition improvement. The intervention was structured across three stages, initially there were weekly meetings for 6 to 8 months, focusing on physical activity, setting individual calorie intake goals, self-monitoring, and problem-solving. In the subsequent stage, biweekly meetings were held for 12 to 16 months. Lastly, meetings were held monthly for 24 to 28 months, concentrating on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Dietary data were collected through an interviewer-administered food frequency questionnaire, and cardiovascular fitness was assessed using a submaximal cycle ergometer test at baseline, 6 months, and 24 months (49). At 6 months, approximately 25% of females and 33% of males improved cardiovascular fitness. The authors concluded that a minority of youth improved fitness and/or diet over time, although those who did showed a beneficial impact on glycemic outcomes. However, the positive lifestyle behavior changes did not persist after 24 months, providing a sobering perspective on the challenges of implementing lasting lifestyle changes in this population.




The beginning of the third decade of the 21st century will be marked by the introduction of novel medications for children with T2D. There are several groups of medications for T2D, biguanides, sulfonylureas, GLP1 receptor agonists, SGLT2 inhibitors, dipeptidyl peptidase inhibitors, and combinations of the dual incretin analogs and the new triple G agents (dual incretin and glucagon). However, only biguanides, GLP1 receptor agonists, and SGLT2 inhibitors are currently FDA-approved for children. Doses and modes of administration are presented in Table 2.


Table 2. FDA-Approved Medications for Treating Type 2 Diabetes in Children Aged 10 Years and Older




p.o daily

850, 1000. up to 3000 day

GLP receptor agonist



s.c. daily




s.c weekly

2 mg



s.c weekly





SGLT2 inhibitor



p.o daily

10 mg

25 mg



p.o daily

10 mg


Five randomized control studies assessed the impact of these drugs in children with T2D. The inclusion criteria were consistent across all studies and included an age above 10 years, a BMI above the 85th percentile, and minor variations in HbA1c levels (between 7.0 and 11.0%, or 6.5% and 10%). The characteristics of the participants and outcomes are detailed in Table 3. Figure 3 depicts HbA1c results vs. placebo for each medication, and Figure 4 depicts the percent of individuals with HbA1c less than 7% at the end of each study.


Table 3. Effects of Various Medications on Glycemic and Anthropometric Parameters in Adolescents with Type 2 Diabetes After 26 Weeks of Treatment





0.75 mg


1.5 mg







































Age (years)

















Baseline HbA1c )%(

















HbA1c change

















HbA1c ETD 









% HbA1c <7%

















Baseline BMI (kg/m2)

































Weight change (kg)

















Weight ETD









Systolic BP ETD









Diastolic BP










Pl=placebo, Tx= treatment, ETD = estimated treatment difference, ND= no data, placebo group for Empagliflozin and Linagliptin was the same.


Figure 3. Change in HbA1c percentage points in adolescents with T2D under medication treatment compared with untreated control group. The differences in HbA1c percentage points from the baseline for adolescents diagnosed with T2D who received medication treatment (depicted in black) compared to control groups (shown in white with data points). In the medication-treated group, there is a significant decrease in HbA1c levels, denoted by the downward trend in the black bars. Conversely, in the control groups of all the studies, HbA1c levels increased, as indicated by the upward trend in the white bars with data points.

Figure 4. HbA1c Levels below 7% in adolescents with T2D. The percentage of adolescents who achieved HbA1c levels below 7% at the end of the follow-up period. A comparison is drawn between those treated with medication (depicted in black) and the control group (depicted in white).




Metformin is a biguanide antihyperglycemic used in conjunction with diet and exercise to control glycemia. Metformin is considered the preferred first-line agent for treating T2D in pediatric patients 10 or older (50). Its onset of action is around 1.5 hours, and its total duration of action is 16-20 hours. Metformin exerts its glucose-lowering effect through various mechanisms, including inhibiting hepatic gluconeogenesis, increasing glucose uptake in skeletal muscles, reducing adipogenesis, and activating brown adipose tissue, leading to enhanced thermogenesis. Additionally, metformin decreases the absorption of glucose from the intestine and downregulates inflammation.

Although it is the first line of treatment for children and adolescents with T2D, prospective, randomized, controlled, long-term studies are limited. In a randomized control study involving 82 children and adolescents, 42 received metformin at doses up to 2000 mg/day, and 40 received placebo (51). After 16 weeks, mean HbA1c levels were lower in the metformin group compared to the placebo (7.5% and 8.6%, respectively). The metformin group also experienced a mean weight decrease of -1.5 kg compared with a mean increase of 0.9 kg in the placebo group. The mean BMI changed by -0.5 units in the treatment group vs. -0.4 units in the placebo group. In another study, metformin (500–1000 mg twice daily) was compared to glimepiride, a sulfonylurea (1–8 mg once daily), for 24 weeks (52). Both metformin (-0.71%) and glimepiride (-0.54%) groups showed significant reductions from baseline HbA1c levels. A total of 48.1% of metformin-treated and 42.4% of glimepride-treated participants achieved HbA1c levels below 7.0% at week 24. While the incidence of hypoglycemia was similar in both groups, metformin resulted in less weight gain compared to glimepiride. In a large observational study (53), 927 youth aged 13.7±2.0 years old, who had been diagnosed with T2D for a median of 2 months and had a baseline HbA1c of 7.7±2.2%, were treated with metformin. After a median of 71 days, the mean HbA1c change was -1.33, and the mean weight change -0.43 kg (53,54).


Metformin-related side effects are gastrointestinal, including diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, and decreased appetite, which occur in about 50% of users. Gastrointestinal side effects are usually transient and improve over time. Another potential side effect of metformin is vitamin B12 deficiency, and regular monitoring is indicated, though no cases of vitamin B12 deficiency were identified in the TODAY study. Lactic acidosis is a concerning side effect associated with metformin use in adults. It occurs in the presence of hypoperfusion or hypoxemia; however, it has rarely been reported in children and adolescents.



Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a peptide hormone primarily produced by intestinal enteroendocrine cells at low basal levels that rapidly increases within minutes of food consumption. GLP-1 plays a vital role in regulating meal-related glycemic excursions by enhancing insulin secretion and inhibiting glucagon secretion. Additionally, GLP-1 slows gastric emptying and reduces food intake through a central effect on appetite, which contributes to weight loss. However, GLP-1 has a short half-life of approximately 2 minutes, as it is rapidly degraded by dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4). To enhance GLP-1 activity, medications such as DPP-4 inhibitors and GLP-1 receptor agonists have been developed.

The story of the development of GLP1 agonists is truly fascinating. It begins with the venomous Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum), native to New Mexico and Arizona. H. suspectum, a long-lived and reclusive species, spends a significant portion of its life underground. Although its venomous bite causes pain and weakness, it is rarely fatal to adult humans. In 1990, endocrinologist Dr. John Eng, while analyzing the venom to identify new hormones, identified a peptide named exendin-4. He discovered that exendin-4 had a remarkable ability to stimulate the synthesis and release of insulin from β-cells in the pancreas. Interestingly, exendin-4 closely resembled GLP-1. However, while GLP-1 remains active for about two minutes, the effect of exendin-4 persists for several hours. Preclinical studies demonstrated that a single daily injection of exendin-4 normalized blood glucose concentrations in mice with diabetes. Following extensive clinical testing, exenatide, an analog of exendin-4, was found to be safe and effective, leading to its FDA approval for adults in 2005.

Of note, in a 2-year rat carcinogenicity study involving prolonged-release exenatide, an increased incidence of thyroid adenoma and C-cell carcinoma was observed at doses ≥2-fold the human systemic exposure. The clinical relevance of these adverse findings is currently unknown. However, GLP-1 analogs are contraindicated in patients with a personal or family history of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) or in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2), as well as in patients with a serious hypersensitivity reaction. Patients should be counseled about the potential risk of MTC associated with the GLP1 receptor agonists, and it is important to inform them about the symptoms that may indicate thyroid tumors, such as a neck mass, dysphagia, dyspnea, and persistent hoarseness. Routine monitoring of serum calcitonin levels or use of thyroid ultrasound for the detection of MTC is of uncertain value.


Side effects include serious hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylactic reactions and angioedema. Additionally, acute pancreatitis, including fatal and nonfatal hemorrhagic or necrotizing pancreatitis, and the acute onset of gallbladder disease, such as cholelithiasis or cholecystitis, have been reported in GLP-1 receptor agonists trials and post-marketing surveys (55).




Children aged 10 to less than 17 years with T2D were randomly assigned 1:1 to receive subcutaneous liraglutide (up to 1.8 mg per day) or placebo for a 26-week double-blind period, followed by a 26-week open-label extension (56). At the 26-week visit, the mean HbA1c had decreased by 0.64 percentage points with liraglutide and increased by 0.42 percentage points with placebo, resulting in an estimated treatment difference of -1.06 percentage points. By 52 weeks, the difference had increased to -1.30 percentage points (Table 3). In the liraglutide group, 63.7% of patients achieved HbA1c levels of less than 7.0%, compared with 36.5% in the placebo group. On the other hand, there was no statistical benefit of liraglutide over placebo in lowering BMI or blood pressure (Table 3). The overall rate of adverse events, including gastrointestinal adverse events, was higher among patients receiving liraglutide. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved liraglutide injection for the treatment of pediatric patients 10 years of age or older with T2D. Liraglutide was the first non-insulin drug approved to treat T2D in pediatric patients since metformin was approved for pediatric use in 2000.

Mode of administration: The recommended initial dose is 0.6 mg subcutaneously once daily for the first week, followed by an increase to 1.2 mg once daily. It’s important to note that the initial dose of 0.6 mg once daily is primarily intended to mitigate gastrointestinal adverse effects and does not provide glycemic control. If adequate glycemic control is not achieved, the dose can be further increased to 1.8 mg once daily.




The effectiveness of once-weekly exenatide 2 mg (Bydureon AstraZeneca) in youth with suboptimally controlled T2D was evaluated (57). At 24 weeks, exenatide demonstrated superiority over the placebo in reducing HbA1c levels (a decrease of -0.36% with exenatide compared to +0.49% with placebo), resulting in a significant between-group difference of 0.85 percentage points. Notably, no major hypoglycemic events were reported. and the most frequently reported adverse events included gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting, along with injection site reactions such as pruritus, erythema, and nodules. Clinically meaningful differences were not observed in change from baseline in BMI Z score, body weight, or waist circumference, nor were there significant differences in blood pressure. The prolonged-release suspension of exenatide administered via injection with a pre-filled pen has received approval from the European Union and the FDA for the treatment of T2DM in children and adolescents aged 10 years and older.

Mode of administration: Bydureon (2 mg per dose) should be administered once every 7 days. The dose can be administered at any time of day, with or without meals. Bydureon is not recommended as first-line therapy for patients with inadequate glycemic control on diet and exercise because of the uncertain relevance of the rat thyroid C-cell tumor findings to humans.



Dulaglutide (Trulicity) is a GLP-1 receptor agonist administered via subcutaneous injections once a week. In a randomized, double-blind, phase 3 trial involving youth with inadequately controlled T2DM, the efficacy and safety of dulaglutide treatment in reducing HbA1c levels at 26 weeks were assessed (58). Remarkably, there was 99% adherence to treatment in this trial. Treatment resulted in a significant reduction in HbA1c relative to placebo; at week 26, HbA1c decreased by 0.8 percentage points but increased by 0.6 percentage points in the placebo group (1.4 percentage point difference). Gastrointestinal symptoms were among the most common adverse events, but they were primarily mild and were most likely to occur soon after the initiation of therapy. There were no clinically meaningful differences in the incidence or annual rate of hypoglycemia between the dulaglutide groups and the placebo group. Body weight did not decrease significantly following treatment.

Mode of administration: The recommended initiating dose of Trulicity is 0.75 mg once weekly, administered subcutaneously. The dose may be increased to 1.5 mg once a week for additional glycemic control. Trulicity can be administered any time of day, with or without meals, and should be injected subcutaneously in the abdomen, thigh, or upper arm. The day of weekly administration can be changed, if necessary, as long as the last dose was administered 3 days (72 hours) or more before. Trulicity and insulin should not be mixed in the same syringe and must be administered as two separate injections at two different injection sites.




Sodium-glucose transport protein 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors belong to a class of medications that modulate sodium-glucose transport proteins in the nephron. These inhibitors primarily target the SGLT2 proteins, expressed in the renal proximal convoluted tubules, to reduce the reabsorption of filtered glucose and sodium (59). Apart from their role in controlling glucose concentrations, SGLT2 inhibitors have demonstrated substantial cardiovascular benefits, particularly reducing heart failure events, for adults with T2D. In adults, the FDA-approved indications for SGLT2 inhibitors include the reduction of major adverse cardiovascular events in individuals with T2D and established cardiovascular disease, as well as the reduction of the risk of eGFR decline in patients with chronic kidney disease at risk of progression. The most common reported adverse events associated with SGLT2 inhibitors include female genital mycotic infections, urinary tract infections (including urosepsis and pyelonephritis), as well as nausea and constipation. Most importantly, SGLT2 inhibitors are associated with an almost three-fold increased risk for DKA in adults. The risk for DKA is highest for canagliflozin, followed by empagliflozin and dapagliflozin. Furthermore, individuals may develop euglycemic DKA, i.e., a triad of increased anion gap acidosis, ketosis, and a serum glucose level below 250 mg/dL. The association between SGLT-2 inhibitors and euglycemic DKA appears to be secondary to their noninsulin-dependent glucose clearance, compensatory hyperglucagonemia, and volume depletion. Currently, euglycemic DKA has not been reported among youth with T2D taking SLGT2 inhibitors.


Empagliflozin - Jardiance® 


A total of 105 children and adolescents were randomly assigned 1:1 to receive empagliflozin 10 mg or placebo (60). The adjusted mean change in HbA1c from baseline at week 26 was significantly greater in the empagliflozin group (–0·84%). Changes in body weight and blood pressure did not reach statistical significance. Adverse events occurred in 64% of participants in the placebo group and 77% in the empagliflozin group up to week 26, including severe adverse events in 4% of participants in the placebo group and 2% in the empagliflozin group. Mild and moderate hypoglycemia were the most frequently reported adverse events, with higher rates for those on active drug treatment compared with placebo; no severe hypoglycemic events were reported, and there were no episodes of DKA or necrotizing fasciitis associated with empagliflozin treatment. An increased incidence of bone fractures has been reported in adults, leading the American Diabetes Association to recommend avoiding SGLT-2 inhibitors in patients with a risk factor for fractures. Furthermore, SGLT2 inhibitors are not recommended for glycemic lowering in patients with T2D with an eGFR less than 30 mL/min/1.73 m2.

Mode of administration: Empagliflozin is an oral medication dosed at either 10 mg daily or 25 mg daily. The recommended dose is 10 mg once daily in the morning, taken with or without food. If tolerated initially, dosing may increase up to 25 mg. 


Dapagliflozin - Farxiga®


Participants aged 10–24 years with T2D and HbA1c concentrations ranging from 6.5 to 11% were given oral dapagliflozin 10 mg or placebo during a 24-week double-blind period (61); 39 participants were assigned to dapagliflozin and 33 were assigned to placebo. After 24 weeks, the mean change in HbA1c concentration was −0·25% for dapagliflozin and 0·50% for the placebo group; the between-group difference was −0·75%, which did not reach statistical significance. However, in a sub-analysis, excluding participants with poor compliance, the HbA1c change was -0.51%, while it was 0.62% for the placebo group, resulting in a between group significant difference of 1.13%.

Adverse events occurred in 69% of participants assigned to dapagliflozin and 58% of those assigned to placebo over a 24-week period. Over 52 weeks, adverse events occurred in 74% of participants who received dapagliflozin. Hypoglycemia was noted in 28% of participants assigned to dapagliflozin and in 18% of those assigned to placebo, none were considered serious adverse events. Notably, there were no reported episodes of DKA.

Mode of administration: To improve glycemic control the recommended starting dose is 5 mg once daily, taken in the morning. Increase dose to 10 mg once daily in patients tolerating 5 mg who require additional glycemic control. Dapagliflozin is not recommended for use in patients receiving loop diuretics or who are volume depleted, e.g., due to acute illness (such as gastrointestinal illness).




DPP-4 is a ubiquitous enzyme that degrades GLP-1 and GIP (gastric inhibitory peptide), resulting in a short half-life. By inhibiting the DPP-4 enzyme, DPP-4 inhibitors increase the levels of GLP-1 and GIP. This, in turn, enhances beta-cell insulin secretion, thus reducing postprandial and fasting hyperglycemia (62).

Linagliptin (Tradjenta)


105 children and adolescents were randomly assigned 1:1 to oral linagliptin (5mg daily) or placebo (60).  The adjusted mean HbA1c change from baseline at week 26 was 0.33% for linagliptin and 0·68% for the placebo group; the difference was not statistically or clinically significant. None of the adverse events of special interest occurred with DPP-4 inhibitors, such as hypersensitivity reactions, angioedema, angioedema-like events and anaphylaxis, skin lesions, pancreatitis, or hepatic injury, were present. Linagliptin is not approved for adolescents with T2D (60).


Sitagliptin (Januvia)


A total of 190 children and adolescents were randomly assigned 1:1 to oral sitagliptin 100 mg daily or placebo (63). The adjusted mean change in HbA1c from baseline at week 20 was -0.01% for sitagliptin and 0·18% for the placebo group, resulting in a between-group difference of 0.19%, which was not significant. There was no significant difference in the percentage of participants with HbA1c below 7%, with 49.5% in the sitagliptin group and 36.8% in the placebo group. Notably, after 54 weeks, the HbA1c in the sitagliptin group decreased from 7.4% at baseline to 7.1%. Sitagliptin is not approved for adolescents with T2D (50).




As obesity is a significant risk factor for the development of T2D, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends the use of anti-obesity medications as adjuvant therapy for adults with both T2D and overweight/obesity. In adults, adding anti-obesity medications to a diabetes regimen can improve glycemic control, reduce weight, and decrease the use of anti-diabetes medication (64). Semaglutide and tirzepatide have shown promise in reducing weight in adults with obesity and T2DM compared to liraglutide (65). Tirzepatide is a novel dual glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and GLP-1 receptor agonist. A study to evaluate tirzepatide in pediatric and adolescent participants with T2D, who are inadequately controlled with metformin, or basal Insulin, or both (SURPASS-PEDS) is currently ongoing.

Liraglutide 3.0mg/day 


A higher dose of liraglutide of 3.0 mg/day (Saxenda®) is FDA-approved for obesity in youth aged 12 years and older who weigh ≥ 60kg or have an initial BMI ≥ 30kg/m2. The Satiety and Clinical Adipose-Liraglutide Evidence Trial in Adolescents with and without T2D (SCALE-Teens) was a double-blind, placebo-controlled RCT that randomized 251 adolescents to either liraglutide 3.0 mg/day or placebo. However, only two adolescents with T2D were enrolled. Consequently, no conclusive findings can be drawn regarding the impact of high-dose liraglutide on reducing BMI and improving HbA1c in young individuals with T2D. Since almost all adolescents with T2DM have overweight or obesity and could potentially meet the prescribing criteria, it is reasonable to speculate that the results might resemble those observed in adult trials for T2D, potentially leading to reductions in weight and BMI as well as improvements in hyperglycemia.


Semaglutide 2.4mg Weekly


Semaglutide in its once-weekly injectable GLP-1RA form at doses up to 2.4 mg weekly (Wegovy®) has shown significant weight loss in obese children and has now been approved for treatment of obesity in adolescents aged 12 years and older (66). The mean change in BMI from baseline to week 68 was −16.1% with semaglutide and 0.6% with placebo. Of note, HbA1c decreased 0.4 percentage points in the treatment group compared with 0.1 in the placebo. However, the impact on youth with T2D has not yet been studied.


Semaglutide injection up to 2.0 mg (Ozempic®) and oral semaglutide up to 14 mg (Rybelsus®) are approved for adults with T2D, but studies in youth with T2D have not yet been reported.



The answer to this pivotal question hinges on the art of personalized medicine. First, it is crucial to recognize that 50% of youth with T2D can maintain good glycemic control on metformin monotherapy, making this agent still an excellent choice for initial therapy. However, several measures can predict the likelihood of glycemic deterioration, including decreased insulin secretion, impaired insulin processing (elevated proinsulin/insulin ratio), and HbA1c concentration after a few months on monotherapy. Longitudinally, a rising proinsulin and an increase in HbA1c of more than 0.5 percentage points over any 6-month period are predictive of loss of glycemic control on monotherapy (67).


If these parameters suggest a risk for deterioration, the next step is to consider the therapeutic objective(s). Is it primarily elevated HbA1c? If so, the best approach may involve selecting a medication known for its efficacy in reducing HbA1c. Is obesity the central concern for the patient? In such cases, exploring pharmaceutical interventions tailored for weight management may be prudent. Does the individual have concerns about needle-based treatments? In such instances, favoring orally administered medications could offer a more suitable solution. If there is an elevated risk of cardiac or renal complications, it would be wise to consider options from the SGLT2 inhibitor group or GLP1 agonist group. In essence, treatment needs to be tailored to the unique needs and circumstances of each individual, ensuring that treatment decisions align with their specific health challenges and objectives.




Weight reduction plays a crucial role in the management of T2D because weight loss is associated with improved insulin resistance and glycemic status. Considering the limited efficacy of lifestyle and pharmacologic interventions in treating severe obesity and obesity-related T2D, along with the remarkable weight reduction and remission of T2D observed in youth who undergo bariatric surgery the ADA recommends considering bariatric surgery for adolescents with T2D who have a BMI >35 kg/m2 (68). The two most common bariatric surgeries performed in adolescents with T2D are laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) and laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGB).


Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Glycemic Control


Studies have demonstrated improvement in HbA1c across all age groups. In one study, sixty-four pediatric patients diagnosed with morbid obesity and T2D underwent LSG surgery. The patients’ ages ranged from 5 to 14 years old. Their BMI decreased from 44.6±9.3 to 34.8 ± 9.6 kg/m2.Their HbA1c decreased from 6.0±0.8% prior to LSG surgery to 5.4±0.4%, 12 months post-surgery, a change of 10.9% (p = 0.001) (69). There was no significant difference in post-operative HbA1c between the age groups.


Impact of Bariatric Surgery on T2D Remission


Bariatric surgery in adolescents with T2D has a better outcome compared to medical treatment with metformin alone or in combination with rosiglitazone or intensive lifestyle intervention with insulin therapy given for glycemic progression (70). In a multicenter, nonrandomized, retrospective study of 202 obese adolescents with T2D (before the approval of new drugs for adolescents with T2D), 109 adolescents underwent surgery, and 93 adolescents received nonsurgical treatment (71(. In the surgery group, the remission rate for diabetes was 76%, compared to 6.5% in the medical treatment group. The remission was sustained for the two years of follow-up. Of note, LRYGB had better effects on weight loss and glycemic control than LSG.

Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Kidney Outcomes


In a three-year longitudinal study, kidney outcomes in youth following bariatric surgery were assessed. Improvement in albuminuria and GFR was observed in those with pre-operative kidney impairment. Among participants with a preoperative eGFR < 90 ml/min/1/73m2, eGFR improved from a mean of 76 ml/min/1.73m2 to 102 ml/min/1.73m2. Similarly, in those with an elevated albumin-to-creatinine ratio at baseline (ACR ≥30mg/g), the median ACR decreased from 74 mg/g to 17 mg/g. Estimated GFR and albuminuria remained stable in those without any evidence of pre-operative impairment. The effect of bariatric surgery on diabetic kidney disease was also investigated in adolescents with severe obesity and T2D five years after surgery compared to adolescents receiving medical management in the TODAY study (72). Elevated albuminuria was present in 21% of those receiving medical management at baseline, and it increased to 43% at 5 years. Conversely, albuminuria decreased from 27% prior to surgery to 5% at the 5-year follow-up. In adjusted analyses, the medical group had 27-fold higher odds of diabetic kidney disease at 5 years compared to Teen-LABS participants (72-73).

Impact of Bariatric Surgery on CVD Events


In another analysis, the risk for CVD events in two cohorts of adolescents with T2D and severe obesity undergoing medical or surgical treatment of T2D was assessed. Thirty adolescents who underwent bariatric surgery were matched to 63 who had received metformin alone or in combination with rosiglitazone or an intensive lifestyle intervention, with insulin therapy given for glycemic progression. The BMI of those who underwent bariatric surgery was 54.4±9.5 kg/m2, and that of the medical group was BMI 40.5±4.9 kg/m2. Although the baseline likelihood of CVD events was higher in the group that underwent bariatric surgery, one year after the surgery, the event risk was significantly lower and sustained at 5-year follow-up, whereas medical therapy was associated with an increase in risk among adolescents with T2D and severe obesity (74).


Adverse Effects of Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery in adolescents can lead to various potential complications beyond the first postoperative month. The most commonly reported include gastroesophageal reflux, incisional hernia, treatment failure requiring operative revision, and nutritional deficits (50). Less frequent complications include stomach cancer, liver necrosis, gallbladder disorders, pancreatic disorders, acute kidney failure, neuromuscular complications, skin complications, and rarely mortality (51).




In summary, bariatric surgery currently outperforms medical management of T2D in adolescents and is the most efficacious treatment for youth-onset T2D, albeit with significant risks and economic implications. However, given the rapidly emerging medical therapies for weight reduction in adults and youth, many of which (e.g., dual-incretin analogs, triple-G agonists (75)) are now achieving degrees of weight loss approaching those seen following surgery, the individual roles of surgical and medical treatment for youth-onset T2D will need continued reassessment in the coming years.




 Large cohort studies investigating the incidence of complications in children and teenagers with T2D unequivocally demonstrated a higher incidence of complications, both compared to the incidence of complications in T2D in adults and in T1D in children. In a multicenter observational study conducted from 2011 to 2020, the cumulative incidence of diabetic complications was assessed in 500 adolescents who had participated in the TODAY study (76). After only 13 years from diagnosis, higher complication rates were observed compared to those reported for pediatric patients with T1DM or for adults with T2D. The first striking finding from this report is the participants’ poor glycemic control despite participation in a well-resourced clinical trial. While glycemic control in adolescents with T1DM tends to improve with age, a gradual deterioration occurred in adolescents with T2D throughout the follow-up period. Approximately 45.0% had HbA1c of at least 10%, and an additional 20% were in the range of 8-10%. Their BMI remained consistently in the range of 35.0 to 37.5 kg/m2. It is important to note that poor glycemic control and obesity are associated with early complications. The complications associated with T2D in children affect various systems (Figure 5).


Figure 5. Comprehensive Overview of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) Complications in Adolescents. A comprehensive visual representation of the diverse range of complications affecting major physiological systems that can arise in adolescents with T2D.


On average, thirteen years after the initial diagnosis of T2D, incidence rates for hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetic kidney disease, and neuropathy were 67.5%, 51.6%, 54.8%, and 32.4%, respectively. Additionally, retinopathy was present in 51% of the participants. One-fifth of the cohort (21.3%) had two complications, and 7.1% had three. There were seventeen serious cardiovascular events, including myocardial infarctions, six cases of congestive heart failure, three cases of coronary artery disease, and four stroke events. Additionally, six deaths were reported. This rapid development of complications was associated with severe insulin resistance and poor socioeconomic circumstances.



Hypertension, defined as blood pressure ≥ 95th percentile for age, sex, and height or systolic BP ≥ 130/80 mm Hg, is often present at the time of diagnosis in adolescents with T2D. In a study of 391 children from Hong Kong under 18 years of age, 22.5% had hypertension at diagnosis. In the TODAY study, 11.6% were hypertensive at the time of diagnosis (77) and the cumulative incidence of hypertension was 67.5% at a mean age of 26.4±2.8 years and 13.3±1.8 years from diagnosis (78). A systematic review and meta-analysis of 31 international studies on 4363 children with T2D aged 6.5 to 21 years at diagnosis found a pooled prevalence of hypertension of 25.33% (95% CI, 19.57%-31.53%) (79).Male participants had a higher hypertension risk than female participants (odds ratio 1.42 [95% CI, 1.10-1.83]).


Initial treatment involves lifestyle modification, aiming to not only enhance glycemic control but also incorporate a diet that is low in sodium and abundant in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, and lean proteins. The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH diet) is highly recommended for its effectiveness in reducing high blood pressure and supporting weight loss. In addition to lifestyle modification, the ADA recommends starting Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme inhibitors (ACEis) or Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARBs). Due to the potential teratogenic effects, the use of reliable contraception should be encouraged in individuals of childbearing age (68). There are no agents specifically approved for use in youth with T2D, however, a once-daily medication is recommended for better compliance (80,81).   




The primary microvascular diabetic complication in adolescents with T2D is diabetic kidney disease (DKD), which develops in 25–40% of T2D patients and is associated with rapid progression and poor prognosis. The severity and risk of rapid deterioration in young people with T2D are reflected in the fact that microalbuminuria is reported at diagnosis among adolescents with T2D. In a recent systematic review and meta-analysis (79) that included 14 studies of 2250 children and adolescents with T2D, the prevalence of albuminuria was 22.17% (95%CI, 17.34%-27.38%), and the pooled prevalence of macroalbuminuria among 730 children and adolescents was 3.85% (79). In the SEARCH study (82) after a duration of 8 years, the prevalence was 19.9% among adolescents with T2D compared with 5.8% in those with T1D.

The accelerated development of kidney damage is attributed to inadequate glycemic control and the presence of various risk factors, including obesity, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, hypertension, elevated serum uric acid, female sex, and the presence of chronic inflammation (83).

While albuminuria is the earliest clinical sign of diabetic kidney disease (DKD), the natural history of DKD begins with hyperfiltration, characterized by an increase in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) >120 mL/min/1.73 m² as a consequence of obesity and impaired glucose tolerance (84).  This increase predicts deterioration before other clinical signs appear. The second stage in the evolution of kidney dysfunction, still without clinical manifestations, is a mild reduction in GFR (60-89 mL/min/1.73 m²) (Figure 6). Structural changes of the kidney are typical at this stage, yet they are often reversible, making this a critical time for risk factor reduction (84).


Figure 6. Heat map depicting diabetes kidney disease (DKD) staging by GFR and albuminuria and suggested treatments. Adapted from Naaman SC, Bakris GLJDC. Diabetic Nephropathy: Update on Pillars of Therapy Slowing Progression. 2023;46:1574-86.


Treatment in these early stages involves achieving adequate glycemic control along with lifestyle modification, including increasing physical activity, improving sleep quality, and quitting smoking. Additionally, a healthy diet with lower salt and potassium intake, along with a low protein intake of 0.8 g/kg/day, is recommended (68). Pharmacological treatment includes control of blood pressure and managing dyslipidemia. Theoretically, medications that improve glycemic control would also provide benefits for preventing and/or treating DKD. GLP1 receptor agonists are reported to have a renal protective effect in adults with T2D. A recent meta-analysis of approximately 60,000 adults with T2DM treated with GLP-1 receptor agonist found a significant reduction in the composite kidney outcome (development of macroalbuminuria, doubling of serum creatinine, 40% or greater decline in eGFR, kidney replacement therapy, or death from kidney disease) when compared to placebo, as well as a trend towards a reduction in worsening kidney function (84). Similarly, the hemodynamic and natriuretic effects of SGLT2 inhibition are also postulated as protective mechanisms for DKD (85).However, studies in adolescents with T2D did not show an effect of systolic or diastolic blood pressure (Table 3). Of note, these studies involved relatively small groups of youth, and were short-term. Larger, long-term studies are needed, as well as additional therapeutic options for reducing the risk of DKD, such as mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRAs), and endothelin receptor antagonists (ERAs).



Screening for dyslipidemia should be conducted once optimal glycemic control has been achieved or within 3 months after T2D diagnosis. Initial cholesterol screening can be performed non-fasting. The recommended target values are triglycerides <150 mg/dL (1.7 mmol/L), HDL cholesterol >35 mg/dL (0.91 mmol/L), and LDL cholesterol <100 mg/dL (2.6 mmol/L). If these levels are outside the normal range, medical nutritional therapy (MNT) should be initiated, including restricting caloric intake from fat to 20–30% and daily cholesterol intake to <200 mg/day, avoiding trans fatty acids, limiting saturated fats to <7%, and controlling mono and poly unsaturated fats to 10-15%. If, after 6 months of dietary intervention, the LDL-C remains >130 mg/dL, statin therapy should be initiated, with a goal of achieving LDL-C <100 mg/dL. Currently, there are 7 approved statins for use in children and adolescents: Lovastatin, Simvastatin, Atorvastatin, and Fluvastatin [children ≥10 years old], Pitavastatin and Pravastatin [> 8 years], and Rosuvastatin [>6 years old]. It is important to note that due to potential teratogenic effects, individuals of childbearing age should receive reproductive counseling, and statins should be avoided in individuals of childbearing age who are not using reliable contraception. If triglyceride levels are greater than 400 mg/dL (4.7 mmol/L) in a fasting state or exceed 1,000 mg/dL (11.6 mmol/L) in a non-fasting state, it is imperative to optimize glycemic control and initiate fibrate therapy. This is essential for reducing the risk of pancreatitis.


In a study assessing whether clinicians are sufficiently aggressive in treating diabetes-related hyperlipidemia in youth, among 278 youth with T2D <10 years, 57% had LDL-C exceeding 100 mg/dL, 24% had LDL-C at or above 130 mg/dL, and 9% had LDL-C surpassing 160 mg/dL (86). Additionally, 29% had hypertriglyceridemia, and 44% had HDL-C levels below 40 mg/dL. However, only 5% of these youth were prescribed lipid-lowering medications.


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)


There is a strong association between T2D in adolescent girls and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). A systematic review and meta-analysis comprising 6 studies that involved 470 girls diagnosed with T2D, with an age range at diagnosis between 12.9 and 16.1 years, revealed that the prevalence of PCOS was estimated at 19.58% (87). PCOS is associated with a range of metabolic diseases, including hypertension and dyslipidemia. Furthermore, it is associated with a higher prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, such as higher carotid intima thickness, β stiffness index, and reduced arterial compliance. Additionally, adolescent girls with PCOS have an increased likelihood of experiencing psychiatric comorbidities, such as anxiety and depression, which can negatively impact their health-related quality of life. A menstrual history should be taken on every girl with T2D at the diagnosis and at every follow-up visit. Metformin, in addition to lifestyle modification, is likely to improve menstrual cyclicity and hyperandrogenism in female individuals with T2D.


Pregnancy and Contraception


In the TODAY study, the maternal and offspring outcomes of young women with youth-onset T2D who experienced one or more pregnancies were evaluated (88). Over a span of up to 15 years, a total of 260 pregnancies were reported by 141 women. Their average age was 21.5±3.2 years, a mean BMI of 35.6±7.2 kg/m2, and an average diabetes duration of 8.1±3.2 years (88). Complications during pregnancy were identified in 65% of the women. Elevated HbA1c levels of ≥8% were observed in 31.9% of the pregnancies, and chronic hypertension complicated 35% of them. Pregnancy loss was observed in 25.3% and preterm birth occurred in 32.6% of pregnancies. Among the offspring, 7.8% of the babies were classified as small for gestational age, 26.8% as large for gestational age, and 17.9% fell into the macrosomic range. Other complications and congenital anomalies were noted in 10% of infants, including anencephaly, renal anomalies, and complications related to prematurity. The rate of known miscarriage for the entire study was 12.3%. The rate of known stillbirths in the cohort was 3%, which is more than triple the reported national rates.


The impact of T2D during pregnancy extends beyond the immediate prenatal and birth periods, exerting long-term effects on offsprings. Data pertaining to the diagnosis of diabetes in biological mothers were available for 621 participants in the TODAY study, of whom 301 had never been diagnosed with diabetes, 218 were diagnosed either before or during pregnancy, and 102 were diagnosed after pregnancy (89). For biological fathers, the data were available for 519 participants, with 352 having no history of diabetes and 167 having paternal diabetes. Notably, it was found that maternal diabetes, but not paternal diabetes, was associated with lower beta-cell function and deterioration of glycemic control over time. These effects remained significant even after accounting for variables such as age, sex, race/ethnicity, and household income (89).


Contraception is indicated in adolescent girls with T2D for several compelling reasons. Firstly, it is a recommendedtreatment for managing the symptoms of PCOS. Secondly, these young women are at increased risk of unintended pregnancy, which can lead to poor outcomes. Lastly, it is imperative for those treated with potentially teratogenic medications such as ACEis, ARBs, and statins. Unfortunately, despite the evident need, preconception counseling was reported only in 16.3% of women prior to their first pregnancy and only 14.9% used any method of contraception prior to the first pregnancy (88). This gap in reproductive health care highlights the importance of healthcare providers and support staff addressing this issue promptly and effectively.


Although in theory, adolescent girls with T2D without severe obesity, micro- or macrovascular disease, or other cardiovascular risk factors can consider a wide range of contraceptive methods, the practical reality often differs. A significant proportion of these individuals are afflicted by severe obesity, and a considerable number also exhibit elevated blood pressure. Consequently, when morbid obesity, severe hypertension, micro- or macrovascular disease, or multiple cardiovascular risk factors are present, it is advisable to prioritize nonhormonal or progestin-only contraceptive methods (Figure 7) (90).


Figure 7. Heat map of contraceptive treatment options for adolescent girls with T2D based on disease duration and complications. Adapted from Merino PM, Codner E. Contraception for Adolescents and Young Women with Type 2 Diabetes-Specific Considerations. Current diabetes reports 2022;22:77-84.


Diabetic Retinopathy 


Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the most important causes of visual loss worldwide. DR is often asymptomatic until the very late stages. Given the potential for a rapid rate of progression and the effectiveness of new therapies in slowing deterioration, it is imperative to routinely screen individuals with diabetes for the early detection of retinal changes. It is important to note that direct fundoscopy may be less sensitive than 7-field stereoscopic fundus photography for detecting retinopathy (91). Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is divided into two major forms: non-proliferative and proliferative, according to the presence of abnormal new blood vessels emanating from the retina. Non-proliferative DR consists of microvascular abnormalities (including microaneurysms, occluded vessels, and dilated or tortuous vessels) primarily in the macula and posterior retina, intraretinal hemorrhages, hard exudates; and the variable presence of nerve-fiber layer infarcts (cotton wool spots). Visual loss is mainly due to the development of macular edema. Proliferative DR is marked by the presence of neovascularization arising from the disc and/or retinal vessels, resulting in preretinal and vitreous hemorrhage, subsequent fibrosis, and traction retinal detachment resulting in visual loss.


In a meta-analysis that included 27 studies involving 5924 children and adolescents (91) with T2D duration between 6.5-21.0 years, 1.11% had DR less than 2.5 years after T2D diagnosis. The prevalence of DR increased over time, with rates of 9.04% at 2.5 to 5.0 years after T2D diagnosis, and 28.14% more than 5 years after T2D diagnosis. The global prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in pediatric T2D was found to be 6.99%. Optical coherence tomography (OCT)performed in adolescents with T2D in the TODAY study revealed that changes in retinal thickness correlated with HbA1c, fasting glucose, and blood pressure, illustrating the importance of intensive control of hyperglycemia, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia.(92)


Among the systemic strategies for the prevention and treatment of diabetic retinopathy, two randomized clinical trials, "The Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) Study and the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD)-Eye Study, documented a reduction in the risk of non-proliferative DR progressing in individuals using fenofibrate (93). The protective effects of fenofibrate have been attributed to its antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, and anti-angiogenic properties. Other treatments include pan-retinal photocoagulation, intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) therapy, integrin antagonists, and anti-inflammatory agents. Corticosteroids remain important second-line therapies for patients with macular edema.


Diabetic Neuropathy




Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is a cause of significant disability and poor quality of life. Signs and symptoms include sensory loss, paresthesia, and pain. However, subclinical signs of DPN may precede the development of frank neuropathic symptoms, and systematic screening is required to identify DPN in its earliest stages. Studies from USA (78,94), Canada (95), and India (96) reported the prevalence of DPN in adolescents with T2D assessed by examination for foot abnormalities, distal vibration perception, and ankle reflexes (97). In the SEARCH study, the prevalence of peripheral neuropathy assessed after 8 years in 258 adolescents with T2D was 22%, compared with 7% in T1DM (98). Data from the TODAY Study Group revealed that at baseline, 1.0% of the participants had nerve disease, and the cumulative incidence at 15 years was 32.4% (78). The risk factors associated with peripheral neuropathy in youth are longer duration of diabetes, older age, male sex, and smoking.  

Calcium channel a2δ ligands (gabapentin, pregabalin= Lyrica), serotonin- norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, and tricyclic antidepressants are the most widely used medications for painful DN in adults. These medications are used to treat various presentations of neuropathic pain in children, but there have been no clinical studies devoted to painful DPN and no agents are licensed specifically for painful DN in childhood and youth (99). “Fortunately, painful DPN is relatively rare in children and youth.



Diabetic autonomic neuropathy (DAN) is a common form of neuropathy in individuals with diabetes mellitus characterized by dysfunction due to impairment of peripheral autonomic nerves, with a wide spectrum of manifestations (100). DAN that involves autonomic fibers of the enteric nervous system may cause upper and lower gastrointestinal symptoms, including gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastroparesis, and constipation. Additional manifestations include bladder and sexual dysfunction. DAN also involves the cardiovascular system. Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy (CAN), secondary to the pathology of the autonomic nerve fibers that innervate the heart and blood vessels, results in resting tachycardia, exercise intolerance, orthostatic hypotension, syncope, and silent myocardial infarction and ischemia(101). A reduction in heart rate variability is an early sign of CAN and was reported in 47% of youth with T2D after a mean disease duration of only 1.7 years (102). In the SEARCH study, the prevalence of CAN assessed after duration of 8 years in 252 adolescents with T2D was 17% compared with 12% in T1DM (103). CAN was associated with elevated triglycerides and increased urinary albumin excretion.


Cardiovascular Complications 


T2D is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD), including myocardial infarction and stroke. Markers for early CVD include increased arterial stiffness, carotid intima-media thickness, an alteration in the vascular endothelium, and cardiac autonomic neuropathy.
Arterial stiffness prevalence was significantly higher among youth with T2D than those with T1D (104). Arterial stiffness (measured by pulse wave velocity from carotid-femoral, femoral-foot, and carotid-radial), was measured in 388 youth with T2D at a mean age of 21 years and a diabetes duration of 7.7±1.5 years (105). Higher arterial stiffness was associated with an adverse change in left ventricular diastolic function. Similarly, cardiac parameters were assessed in 177 individuals with T2D, with a mean age of 24.6±4.2 years and a disease duration of 10.3±3.5 years (106). Of these, 72% were females, and their HbA1c levels averaged 8.9±1.9. Their parameters were compared to those of individuals with T1D. The prevalence of increased atrial stiffness was significantly higher in those with T2D, at 75.7%, compared to only 23.4% in individuals with T1D. In addition, the prevalence of cardiac autonomic neuropathy was significantly higher in those with T2D, at 16.9%, compared to 9.0% in individuals with T1D. Participants with T2D exhibited a higher left ventricular mass index, lower systolic function, and lower diastolic function compared to those with T1D.

Adolescents with T2DM have increased carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) compared to obese and normal weight groups; the group difference was detected early at 14 years of age (107).  

Vascular endothelial function was lower in adolescents with T2D compared to normal weight and compared to adolescents with T1D (108).  These changes are of importance as the rate of all adjudicated heart, vascular, and cerebrovascular events was 3.73 per 1000 person-years (78). There were 17 serious cardiovascular events, myocardial infarction [4 events], congestive heart failure [6 events], coronary artery disease [3 events], and stroke [4 events].


Decreased Bone Mineral Density (BMD) 


In a study involving 17 adolescents newly diagnosed with T2D and 59 age, sex, and BMI-matched controls, bone mineral density (BMD) was assessed at multiple sites while accounting for potential confounding factors such as age, sex, Tanner stage, and BMI (109). The results revealed that BMD Z-scores for the femoral neck and bone mineral apparent density Z-scores of the lumbar spine were notably lower in individuals with T2D compared to their healthy counterparts.In another cross-sectional study of BMD in 180 youths aged 10 to 23 years, the participants were categorized into three groups: those with T2D were compared to those with obesity (n=226) and those with a healthy weight (BMI <85th percentile; n=238) (110). An age-dependent pattern emerged, wherein the BMD Z-score in children was higher in the T2D group compared to the obese group. However, in adolescents and young adults, the BMD Z-scores were lower in the T2D group when compared to the obese group. These findings suggest that T2D may have a detrimental impact on bone density, particularly around the age when individuals reach peak bone mass. Considering the elevated fracture risk observed in adults with T2D, the decrease in bone density at a young age raises concerns about potential long-term morbidity and fracture risk in adulthood.

Mental Health Comorbidity




As part of routine diabetes care, a total of 197 adolescents and youth diagnosed with T2D, with a mean age of 16.9 years and 57% male, completed the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) (111). 19.3% reported elevated depressive symptoms (PHQ score ≥10). Furthermore, in a sample of 53, 18.9% acknowledged thoughts of self-harm. Despite the prevalence of depressive symptoms, only 50.0% of those with depressive symptoms had a documented referral for mental health treatment in the electronic health record after the positive screening outcome. Older age, shorter diabetes duration, a higher HbA1c level, more blood glucose checks per day, and being prescribed oral medications were significantly associated with more depressive symptoms. Results from the TODAY study revealed that older teen girls had the highest rates of clinically significant depressive symptoms (112). Increased number of stressful life events were associated with elevated depressive symptoms. Depressive symptoms were correlated with low adherence to diabetes treatment, lower psychosocial functioning, and impaired health-related quality of life (QOL). In another study comparing PHQ between adolescents with T2D and T1D, the median PHQ-9 score in females with T2D was significantly greater than in females with T1D, but did not differ between males with T2D and T1D (113). The association between depression and T2D has been reviewed elsewhere (114).



In the TODAY study, out of 678 adolescents with T2D at a mean age of 14.0 years, 6% had clinical and 20% had subclinical levels of binge eating (115). Moreover, 50.3% of adolescents with T2D who are receiving insulin therapy had disordered eating behaviors (DEB) compared with 21.2% of those with T1DM (116). Disordered eating behavior is associated with poorer clinical outcomes and psychosocial well-being.




In the SEARCH study, over a median follow-up of 5.3 years, the mortality rate among individuals with T1D was 70.6 deaths per 100,000 patient-years, compared with 185.6 deaths per 100,000 patients-years for those with T2D (117)..When compared to the general populations of US states, it was observed that the mortality rate for individuals with T2D was significantly higher than expected while this was not the case for individuals with T1DM. Females had higher mortality rates than males. Among adolescents with T2D, the leading underlying cause of death was attributed to transport/motor vehicle accidents followed by accidental poisoning, and intentional self-harm. According to a life expectancy model, it was predicted that youth with T2DM lose approximately 15 years (118).




A summary of the key points is presented in Table 4.


Table 4. Key Points

•           The prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) varies across different countries and regions globally, but there is a consistent upward trend in its occurrence. Large-scale national studies in countries like Sweden, Germany, and India have reported similar increasing trends.

•           Contrary to common perception, not all adolescents with T2D are severely obese. Only 70-80% fall into this category.

•           Socioeconomic status plays a significant role in the prevalence of T2D, with lower socioeconomic status being associated with higher incidence in Western countries, while the opposite is observed in low-income countries.

•           Although adolescents are at higher risk of developing T2D, there are growing reports of T2D cases in children younger than 10 years old.

•           The gender distribution of T2D varies, with a higher proportion of cases in females in Western countries but a higher proportion in males in the Middle East and China.

•           Promisingly, there are new medications designed for weight loss, which hold the potential to reduce the high rates of complications associated with T2D in children.

•           There are low prescription rates for statins and contraception in the management of T2D in adolescents, highlighting potential gaps in medical care.

•           Many complications of T2D can potentially be reversed if detected and treated aggressively in their early stages.





The authors extend their heartfelt gratitude to the gifted illustrator, Mrs Noah Levek, for her exceptional eye-opening illustrations.




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Diabetes in People Living with HIV


People living with HIV (PLWH) are living longer and also have unique risk factors for developing several metabolic diseases, including diabetes. This has been observed in both high income and low to middle income countries. Risk factors for diabetes in PLWH consist of specific antiretroviral therapies (ART), including older generation protease inhibitors and nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, lipodystrophy, and hepatitis C co-infection. In addition, obese and overweight states are common in PLWH, and an increased risk of incident diabetes has been noted with weight gain after ART initiation in PLWH, compared to individuals without HIV. Inflammation associated with HIV has also been linked to incident diabetes. This chapter reviews points to consider in the diagnosis and monitoring of diabetes in PLWH and discusses interactions that may occur between specific ART agents and glucose-lowering medications. Moreover, PLWH have risk factors for complications involving organ systems that are also affected by microvascular disease in diabetes. Because PLWH have a greater risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) than individuals without HIV, modifiable risk factors of CVD should be addressed in the care of PLWH, considering that dyslipidemia, hypertension, and cigarette smoking are all highly prevalent in PLWH.



HIV infection is prevalent in 38.4 million people worldwide as of 2021 (1) and 1.2 million people in the United States as of 2019. The incidence of HIV infection has decreased from 2015 to 2019 in the United States but has remained stable in some demographic groups, including African-Americans and Latinos (2). Untreated, HIV infection can lead to opportunistic infections including cytomegalovirus disease and pneumocystosis (3) associated with AIDS, which is defined as a CD4+ cell count < 200 cells/mL. With advances in antiretroviral therapy (ART), however, HIV infection has been transformed from a disease strongly linked to AIDS and opportunistic infections into a chronic disease that is associated with several cardiometabolic consequences, including diabetes (4), heart disease (5), and other non-AIDS related illnesses such as osteoporosis (6). In part, this phenomenon is secondary to the fact that people living with HIV (PLWH) are living longer and are more susceptible to diseases of aging.

An important aspect to consider in the understanding of HIV associated cardiometabolic diseases is their growing global presence. The same factors that are associated with cardiometabolic disease prevalence in PLWH in high-income countries are also present in low-income countries, in addition to unique factors including industrialization, with resultant decreased physical activity and increased energy consumption (7) (8). As such, the care of PLWH needs to focus not only on ART but also on the management of chronic co-morbidities. This chapter will focus primarily on diabetes in PLWH.



PLWH have a unique set of risk factors that may increase their likelihood of developing diabetes. Illustrating the greater burden of diabetes in PLWH on ART, a study from 2005 on the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS) of gay and bisexual men with (MWH) and without HIV (MWoH) found that the incidence of diabetes was found to be more than fourfold higher in MWH and that the prevalence of diabetes was 14% in MWH on ART and 7% in MWH not on ART, compared to 5% in MWoH. These differences were significant even after adjusting for age and body mass index (BMI). Of note, the majority of MWH on ART in the study were on first generation protease inhibitor (PI) therapy (discussed further in the section Protease Inhibitors) (9). Other studies have described incidence rates of diabetes in PLWH of 4.4 cases per 1000 person-years of follow-up in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (10) and 5.72 cases per 1000 person-years of follow-up in the Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs (D:A:D) Study of participants from Europe, the US, Australia, and Argentina (11).

The effect of HIV disease on developing diabetes is also growing in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), where the majority of the people with diabetes live (12). Prevalence of estimates of diabetes in PLWH in LMIC range from 6.8% in Chile (13) to 26% in Cameroon (14). PLWH and diabetes in LMIC are younger than those in high income countries (15). The wide range of prevalence estimates of diabetes in PLWH in LMIC may be in part because of differences in the definitions used to identifying diabetes. In addition to factors common to PLWH globally, urbanization may be a contributing factor to the development of diabetes in PLWH in LMIC (16).

Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)



One risk factor for developing diabetes in PLWH is PI use. In 1995, saquinavir became the first FDA approved PI (17). Incidence rates of hyperglycemia as high as fivefold have been reported in the setting of PI use (18). In addition, PIs, including ritonavir, have been associated with hypertriglyceridemia (19,20) and lipodystrophy (21). Mechanisms that may account for these effects are multifold. In one study, insulin sensitivity, as measured by glucose infusion rate during hyperglycemic clamp, decreased significantly after 12 weeks of PI therapy compared to baseline. A defect in beta cell function, in particular, a decrease in the disposition index, was also observed after PI therapy (22). An in vitro study demonstrated that indinavir may lower the function of the glucose transporter GLUT4 (23). Additional mechanisms may include changes in the hormone adiponectin, which is associated with improved insulin sensitivity, although in vivo and in vitro effects of PIs on adiponectin have differed (24,25).

The prescribing patterns of PI use have evolved. One study found that in the Veterans Affairs system, the prevalence of PI based regimen use decreased from 1997 to         2004 (26). In addition, the effects of all PIs, namely older generation versus newer generation PIs, including atazanavir and darunavir, on glucose homeostasis are not equal. In an in vitro study, atazanavir, which received FDA approval in 2003 (27), did not inhibit either GLUT1 or GLUT4 glucose transporters (28). In a clinical study of HIV- participants, atazanavir in combination with ritonavir had a significantly lower effect on insulin sensitivity compared to lopinavir/ritonavir, as measured by glucose disposal rate during hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp. (29). Moreover, the newer generation PIs have not been associated with an increased incidence of diabetes, with one study showing a lower risk of diabetes in individuals on these medications (30).


In addition to PIs, certain nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) have been associated with diabetes. In the D:A:D study, incident diabetes was associated with exposure to the NRTIs stavudine and zidovudine, both thymidine analogs, and didanosine, after adjusting for age, sex, race, and BMI (11). NRTIs have also been implicated in mitochondrial dysfunction, which may be another mechanism by which NRTIs are associated with diabetes. One study found that one month of treatment with stavudine was associated with significant decreases in mitochondrial DNA from muscle biopsies and insulin sensitivity, as measured by the glucose infusion rate during a hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp (31). Because of serious adverse effects linked to the use of these NRTIs, stavudine, zidovudine, and didanosine are not advised for use in the United States (32).

Similar to the newer generation of PIs, the use of newer NRTIs, including emtricitabine, abacavir, and tenofovir, have been associated with a lower risk of diabetes (30). Supporting this finding, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF), in a study of participants without HIV or diabetes, did not significantly affect insulin sensitivity, as measured by hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp (33).

Tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) is a newer prodrug of tenofovir and is associated with less renal and bone toxicity than TDF (33a). However, TAF has been associated with weight gain in PLWH, compared with TDF (33b). Weight gain leading to an overweight state or obesity is a risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes. In a retrospective study of the ADVANCE trial, which included ART naïve PLWH randomized to 3 treatment arms, 2 of which included TDF and 1 of which included TAF, an increase in the 10-year predicted risk of type 2 diabetes was observed for participants in the TAF arm, compared to participants in one of the TDF arms, although the risk calculator that was used had not been validated for the population in the study (33c). On the other hand, in a cohort study of more than 4,000 PWH on a TDF-based ART regimen for at least 6 months, of whom about 80% switched to a TAF-based ART regimen and about 20% continued on a TDF-based ART regimen, TAF was associated with a significant weight gain, compared to TDF, after 18 months, but it was not associated with incident diabetes.


Integrase strand transfer inhibitor (INSTI) based regimens are among the recommended initial ART regimens for PLWH (32) (34). Reasons for this include the effectiveness of and fewer adverse effects associated with INSTIs in studies of treatment-naïve patients (34-37). However, studies have discovered some metabolic effects of INSTIs. These include weight gain on average of 2.9 kilograms over 18 months, as observed in a retrospective study of patients who switched to an INSTI based regimen from previously being on a non-NRTI (NNRTI)-based regimen. This was in contrast to an average 0.7 kg weight gain in those participants who switched to a PI-based regimen and 0.9 kg weight gain in those who continued on a NNRTI-based regimen (38). In addition to weight gain, case reports of new onset diabetes have been reported in conjunction with INSTI use (39,40). One clinical trial compared the INSTI raltegravir to 2 boosted PI regimens and found that the increases in homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) in all 3 arms were not significantly different from one another, were noted by 4 weeks, and appeared to be independent of changes in visceral adipose tissue (41). However, other studies have not demonstrated an association between diabetes and INSTI use (41a) or have found that the association between INSTI use and incident diabetes varies by individual INSTI (41b).

The exact mechanisms by which INSTIs may be related to weight gain and diabetes are not known. One proposed mechanism by which INSTIs may cause hyperglycemia is their effect on magnesium, which is a necessary cation for insulin action (40). In mice, INSTI use leads to an increase in fat mass and decreases brown and beige adipocyte differentiation, leading to lower energy expenditure and weight gain (41c).


Lipodystrophy associated with ART is characterized by either lipoatrophy in the face, arms, and legs, or lipoaccumulation that can lead to gynecomastia, dorsocervical fat tissue, and increased intra-abdominal fat,  (42,43), or mixed lipodystrophy, in which lipoatrophy and lipoaccumulation occur together. As noted above, lipodystrophy has been associated with PI use (21) and with older generation NRTI use, including stavudine (44), but less commonly with the newer generation NRTI tenofovir (45). In a cross-sectional study, HIV+ men with lipodystrophy had a greater insulin resistance than men without lipodystrophy (21). Lipodystrophy has also been associated with incident diabetes (46,47).

In one study that measured body fat changes longitudinally using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in PLWH on ART (specifically zidovudine and lamivudine or didanosine and stavudine in combination with nelfinavir, efavirenz, or both), 32% of participants had discordant changes in trunk and limb fat (48).

Lipodystrophy may also be persistent in patients with exposure to thymidine analogs. Although improvements in limb fat mass were reported in patients who switched from taking the thymidine analog zidovudine to the NRTI abacavir, no significant improvement was noted in self-assessment of dorsocervical fat (49).

Hepatitis C Co-Infection

25% of PLWH in the U.S. are co-infected with hepatitis C (50). Hepatitis C infection is associated with a higher risk of developing diabetes. Treatments for hepatitis C, including direct-acting antiviral treatment and pegylated interferon/ribivirin, have been found to lower the incidence of diabetes, with a larger effect in those patients with advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis. In addition among individuals who received treatment for hepatitis C, those with a sustained virologic response were less likely to develop diabetes than those without a sustained virologic response (51).

Weight Gain, Overweight, and Obesity

Weight gain that is observed after the initiation of ART in those patients with wasting associated with untreated HIV has been characterized as a “return to health” phenomenon. However, because of an emphasis on early ART initiation, the wasting that was previously seen with advanced HIV infection is less common in countries with access to ART (52). In one 2012 study conducted in Alabama, more than 40% of patients were overweight or obese at the time of starting ART. After 2 years on ART, the percentages of underweight and normal weight participants decreased significantly, and significant increases in the percentages of overweight and obese participants were observed. Having a lower baseline CD4 count and the use of a PI as a third drug were risk factors associated with a greater increase in BMI (53).

The consequences of weight gain in PLWH may be different from those in the general population. In a study of U.S. Veterans, the risk of incident diabetes with 10 or more pounds of weight gain during the first year after ART initiation in HIV+ Veterans was significantly greater than in HIV- Veterans (54).

Among cohorts of PLWH from different countries, prevalence estimates of an overweight state or obesity range from 25% to 68% (55,56). In one study of PLWH, risk factors for being overweight or obese in PLWH included increasing age and either no evidence of hepatitis C infection or evidence of cleared hepatitis C infection (57).


In addition to the risk factors for diabetes in PLWH outlined above, inflammation may play a role in the development of diabetes in PLWH. Systemic inflammation results from several factors: viral replication, immune activation, which leads to T cell depletion, as well as T cell loss specifically in the gastrointestinal tract, with associated translocation of microbial factors including lipopolysaccharide (58). Co-infection with viruses, including hepatitis C virus (as discussed above), hepatitis B virus, Epstein-Barr virus, and cytomegalovirus, perpetuate systemic inflammation (59).

Although ART reduces some inflammatory biomarkers in PLWH (60), there is evidence of residual inflammation, with levels of other inflammatory biomarkers in PLWH on ART that do not decrease to levels seen in HIV- individuals (61). Persistent inflammation measured months after ART initiation has been associated with incident diabetes in PLWH (62).



The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends the use of a fasting plasma glucose, hemoglobin A1c, or a 2-hour plasma glucose after a 75-gram oral glucose tolerance test to establish the diagnosis of diabetes in the general population. However, there is a caveat that for certain populations of patients, including PLWH, fasting plasma glucose is preferable to hemoglobin A1c (63). Hemoglobin A1c has been found to underestimate glycemia in PLWH (64,65). One reason for this is the use of medications that cause hemolysis, including dapsone and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, which are used for prophylaxis of Pneumocystis jiroveci, an opportunistic infection (65). However, another reason for the discrepancy between glucose levels and hemoglobin A1c is NRTI use. NRTIs, especially the thymidine analogs, are associated with an increased risk of macrocytosis (66), which can lower hemoglobin A1c. Finally, lower CD4 cell count (< 500 cells/mm3) was associated with a significant discordance between expected and measured hemoglobin A1c in MWoH in the MACS (67). As such, self-monitoring of blood glucose in PLWH may be preferable to using hemoglobin A1c for monitoring glycemic control (64).

The most recent Infectious Diseases Society of America guidelines on the primary care of PLWH recommends obtaining either a fasting plasma glucose and/or hemoglobin A1c at baseline and at 1 to 3 months after starting ART. In addition, hemoglobin A1c is preferred to fasting glucose for diagnosing diabetes because of the relative ease of obtaining a hemoglobin A1c over a fasting glucose. However, a hemoglobin A1c level ≥ 5.8% can be considered to diagnose diabetes in PLWH, instead of the ADA recommendation of ≥ 6.5%, as this improves the sensitivity of the test (68,69). Moreover, a hemoglobin A1c is recommended to be obtained every 6 months in PLWH and diabetes, with a goal hemoglobin A1c of < 7% (68).


Special considerations should be taken into account in the treatment of diabetes in PLWH. PLWH may not respond to treatment for diabetes in the same manner as HIV- individuals. Part of this observation may be because treatment responses were measured using hemoglobin A1c, which may be an inaccurate indicator of glycemia in PLWH (70), as noted above.

Interactions between several diabetes medications and ART are known. In addition, some diabetes medications may present advantages or disadvantages in PLWH. These conditions are described in further detail below and are organized by diabetes medication.

Lifestyle Interventions


Both the 2023 ADA Standards of Care on Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment and the 2023 updated American Association of Clinical Endocrinology algorithm of the management of type 2 diabetes highlight lifestyle interventions as part of the recommended treatment of type 2 diabetes (70a, 70b). Lifestyle interventions include not only a healthy diet and exercise but also smoking cessation and moderating alcohol intake (70b).

Physical activity has benefits for PLWH, including decreasing waist circumference (70c) and improvements in glucose and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (70d). However, low physical activity has been reported in some studies of PLWH (70e, 70f).


The 2023 ADA Standards of Care on Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment includes metformin as one first-line treatment to consider in patients in the general population with type 2 diabetes (70a) (71).

In PLWH with lipodystrophy and insulin resistance but without diabetes, 3 months of metformin 1000 mg twice daily was found to significantly decrease insulin area under the curve after an oral glucose tolerance test. Although no increased incidence in lactic acidosis was noted in the participants who received metformin, the study was not powered for this outcome, and liver and kidney dysfunction were exclusion criteria (72).

The commonly used integrase transfer strand inhibitor, dolutegravir, increases plasma levels of metformin, and thus adjusting the dose of metformin upon dolutegravir initiation has been recommended (73,74). However, one retrospective study found that there was no significant difference in glycemic control before and after starting dolutegravir in PLWH and diabetes on metformin (75).

In summary, there are no guidelines to suggest that metformin should not be a possible first-line treatment of type 2 diabetes in PLWH, after consideration of liver and kidney function and dolutegravir treatment.


Sulfonylureas are a substrate of the CYP2C9 enzyme. The PIs ritonavir and nelfinavir are CYP2C9 inducers and can decrease sulfonylurea levels (76,77). In comparison with initial use of metformin in PLWH, no significant difference in glycemia after one year of therapy was noted with initial use of a sulfonylurea (78).

The 2023 ADA guidelines note that sulfonylureas are a high efficacy drug class for glucose management and are less cost-prohibitive compared to many other drug classes (70a) (71). However, adverse effects of sulfonylureas include hypoglycemia and weight gain. In PLWH, consideration should be made if a patient is on ritonavir or nelfinavir and the possible loss of efficacy of sulfonylurea treatment.



The effect of thiazolidinediones on glycemic control in PLWH with diabetes specifically has not been studied, although some trials found that rosiglitazone lowered serum insulin levels in PLWH without diabetes (79) and improved insulin sensitivity in PLWH with hyperinsulinemia (80). Several studies have focused on the effect of thiazolidinediones (TZDs) on body fat in PLWH with lipodystrophy, with equivocal findings. One 24-week study on the effect of rosiglitazone on PLWH, all of whom were on a PI, found no significant difference in arm fat between the treatment and placebo groups (81). However, the study did not have enough power to detect a difference in this outcome (82). On the other hand, other studies demonstrated that rosiglitazone increased visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat in MWH with lipodystrophy over 6 months (83) and subcutaneous leg fat in PLWH with lipodystrophy over 3 months (80).

Adverse side effects of TZDs should be considered and discussed prior to initiation. These include fluid retention, osteoporosis, edema, and potential liver injury (84).

Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Inhibitors

Some clinical studies have demonstrated that dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) inhibitors exert an anti-inflammatory effect in patients with type 2 diabetes (85,86). This idea was further examined in PLWH in a pilot study of 20 PLWH on ART randomized to either the DPP4 inhibitor sitagliptin or placebo for 24 weeks. A significant decrease was noted in the chemokine SDF-1α in the treatment group. In addition, an improvement in glucose tolerance was noted at week 8 in the treatment group, but the difference in glucose tolerance between the two groups was no longer significant at the end of the study (87). In another study of PLWH with impaired glucose tolerance, sitagliptin resulted in a significant improvement in glucose tolerance and decreases in the inflammatory markers hsCRP and CXCL10 from baseline after 8 weeks of treatment, compared to placebo (88). Similarly, in a larger study of 84 PLWH on ART with viral suppression and without diabetes who were randomized to 16 weeks of sitagliptin versus placebo, a significant decrease from baseline was seen at week 15 in CXCL10 in participants in the treatment group (89).

Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists

Several glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists have been shown to improve weight and cardiovascular outcomes, albeit in patient populations not specific to PLWH (90,91). Liraglutide, dulaglutide, and semaglutide have been shown to lower the risk of a composite outcome of nonfatal stroke, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and cardiovascular death in patients with type 2 diabetes (90,91). Liraglutide, semaglutide, and dulaglutide have indications from the Food and Drug Administration for lowering cardiovascular event risk in patients with cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, and dulaglutide is also approved for lowering cardiovascular event risk in patients with multiple cardiovascular risk factors and type 2 diabetes. The 2023 ADA guidelines recommend the use of a GLP-1 receptor agonist as a first-line treatment in patients with cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes (70a).

One case report described a single PLWH who was able to discontinue insulin treatment (insulin glargine 60 units daily) and who experienced improvements in weight and hemoglobin A1c after starting liraglutide therapy (92). Another case report described improvements in hemoglobin A1c and fasting glucose on dulaglutide in a PLWH. Relatively scant literature exists on the effects of GLP-1 receptors agonists in PLWH and diabetes (93,94).

Sodium-Glucose Co-Transporter-2 Inhibitors

Similar to the GLP-1 receptor agonists, sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors have demonstrated reductions in adverse cardiovascular outcomes, including cardiovascular death and hospitalization for heart failure in general population studies (95,96). In addition, both dapagliflozin and canagliflozin have an FDA indication to reduce the risk of end-stage renal disease in patients with type 2 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy with albuminuria (96a). As such, the 2023 ADA guidelines on pharmacologic treatment of diabetes recommend that in those patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease, a SGLT2 inhibitor that has been shown to reduce risk of renal disease progression should be used (70a).

SGLT2 inhibitors are also approved for reduction of adverse cardiovascular events and heart failure hospitalization in people with diabetes and have cardiovascular benefits for patients with either systolic or diastolic heart failure (96a). Diastolic dysfunction is more common in PLWH compared with people without HIV. As such, the 2023 ADA guidelines recommend the use of an SGLT2 inhibitor with demonstrated benefit in patients with type 2 diabetes and heart failure (70a).

One small trial studied canagliflozin for 24 weeks in 8 obese PLWH with type 2 diabetes and hemoglobin A1c > 7% and observed improvements in weight and hemoglobin A1c at the end of the study compared to baseline (97).

Adverse side effects of SGLT2 inhibitors include genital mycotic and urinary tract infections. In addition, 55 post-marketing cases of Fournier’s gangrene have been reported between March 2013 to January 2019 (98). A risk factor for Fournier’s gangrene is HIV infection (99-101), especially a CD4 cell count < 200 cells/μL (102).


The 2023 ADA guidelines recommend considering insulin initiation in the patient 1) with a hemoglobin A1c > 11%, 2) with signs and symptoms of catabolism, 3) who has a presentation concerning for type 1 diabetes, and/or 4) whose hemoglobin A1c is not at goal despite taking 2 to 3 medications for diabetes, in addition to a GLP-1 receptor agonist.

As with all patients with diabetes, side effects of insulin therapy to consider in a discussion with a patient with HIV disease and diabetes include the risks of hypoglycemia and weight gain.

Sequence of Initiating Diabetes Medications in PLWH

There are no specific guidelines for the treatment of diabetes in PLWH. The 2023 ADA guidelines recommend the treatment of type 2 diabetes be tailored to the individual patient and consider factors including cost of medications, weight loss goals, and comorbidities including chronic kidney disease, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, and heart failure. Healthy lifestyle interventions should be incorporated alongside the pharmacologic treatment of type 2 diabetes.

For those patients with type 2 diabetes and ASCVD or who are at high risk for ASCVD, treatment with either a GLP-1 receptor agonist or SGLT2 inhibitor is recommended. If A1c is not at goal, then adding an additional agent, 1) such as a SGLT2 inhibitor, if the patient is already on a GLP-1 receptor agonist, or a GLP-1 receptor agonist, if the patient is already on a SGLT2 inhibitor, or 2) a thiazolidinedione, is recommended (70a). For patients with type 2 diabetes and heart failure, a SGLT2 inhibitor is recommended, as noted above. For patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease, a SGLT2 inhibitor, or if contraindicated, a GLP-1 receptor agonist is recommended. Finally, for those patients with type 2 diabetes for whom weight management is a priority, a medication with weight loss or weight neutral effects can be considered. With regards to weight loss, semaglutide and tirzepatide have the most effect, whereas metformin and DPP4 inhibitors are weight neutral. Dulaglutide and liraglutide have a high weight loss efficacy, and SGLT2 inhibitors have intermediate weight loss efficacy (70a).

In PLWH, an additional factor to consider is the possible interaction of a diabetes medication with specific ART.


Peripheral Neuropathy

HIV is associated with multiple peripheral neuropathies (PNs), including a distal, symmetric polyneuropathy (DSPN) (103). The prevalence of HIV-associated PN among PLWH varies < 10% to upwards of 50%, with the wide variability in prevalence estimates secondary in part to differences in methods used to assess PN (104). Risk factors for HIV-associated DSPN include use of the NRTIs zalcitabine, didanosine, and stavudine (105). In addition, HIV-associated DSPN has been observed in PLWH within 1 year of HIV transmission and is significantly associated with evidence of immune activation present in the central nervous system (106).

HIV-associated PN, in addition to the risk of developing PN secondary to diabetes, may place PLWH and diabetes at increased risk of sequelae including falls, particularly in those PLWH with a detectable viral load (107), foot ulceration, and amputations.

In summary, in addition to considering the risk of diabetic peripheral neuropathy, the risk of HIV-associated PNs should be kept in mind in the assessment and treatment of PLWH with diabetes.


The prevalence estimates of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in PLWH vary depending on geographic region, with 7.9% of PLWH affected in Africa (with the highest prevalence among African regions in West Africa at 22%), compared to 3.7% in Europe. In addition, prevalence estimates of CKD in PLWH are significantly greater among those individuals with co-morbid diabetes (108). In the MACS, two independent risk factors associated with greater odds of proteinuria were HIV+ serostatus with ART use, compared to HIV- serostatus, and a history of diabetes (109). Moreover, glomerular hyperfiltration, or a supranormal estimated glomerular filtration rate, is more prevalent among HIV+ men without CKD than HIV- men without CKD (110). Glomerular hyperfiltration has been reported to be an initial state of dysfunction seen in patients with diabetic kidney disease and proteinuria (111).

Other risk factors for CKD in PLWH include the following: recurrent acute kidney injury, African-American race, in part because of risk variants of the APOL1 gene, and persistent inflammation, even in the setting of ART (112-114). In addition, an HIV-associated nephropathy (HIVAN), which is characterized by several insults to the kidney, including focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis, exists. Certain ART drugs within the NRTI, NNRTI, and PI classes are also associated with renal injury (114). Among these are the NRTI tenofovir, which is associated with adverse kidney disease outcomes independent of diabetes (115), and the PI indinavir (116).


Ocular opportunistic infections in PLWH include CMV retinitis and ischemic HIV retinopathy (117). In addition, patients with a history of CMV retinitis should be monitored periodically for retinitis recurrence by an ophthalmologist (118). However, these ocular opportunistic infections are less common in the setting of ART. However, retinal disease has been noted in PLWH on ART as part of a larger syndrome of the HIV-associated neuroretinal disorder (117), which has an incidence of more than 50% at 20 years after a diagnosis of AIDS (119). One study found that among HIV+ men with a median duration of ART use of 12 years and suppressed viremia did have a significant difference in total peripheral retinal thickness from HIV- men, although the long-term clinical relevance of this is unknown (117).

There is limited literature on the effect of co-morbid diabetes on HIV-associated retinal disease.



PLWH are at increased risk of developing atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) compared to individuals without HIV, despite controlling for traditional cardiovascular (CV) risk factors such as diabetes (5,120). In addition, PLWH have a greater burden of traditional CV risk factors (120). Other non-traditional risk factors include some ART such as older generation PIs (121) and inflammation (122). As such, calculators developed for the general population to calculate ASCVD risk may not accurately capture risk in PLWH (123).



Recent American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) recommend the use of aspirin for primary prevention of ASCVD in general population patients age 40 to 70 years with high ASCVD risk (124), and similarly the American Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines also recommend aspirin use in select patients with diabetes < 70 years of age with high ASCVD risk and low bleeding risk (125). However, evidence has shown that aspirin use is lower in PLWH with CV risk factors than in HIV- individuals (126), and PLWH are less likely to be prescribed aspirin for primary prevention than HIV- individuals (127).

Blood Pressure

The prevalence of hypertension globally in PLWH is substantial. PLWH have several risk factors for developing hypertension, including a greater prevalence of smoking (as noted below) (128,129) and ART use (130). The relationship of ART to hypertension is thought to be in part from its association to weight gain. Moreover, in the MACS, ART use was associated with greater systolic hypertension but not diastolic hypertension. A mechanism for this could be a change in arterial compliance as a consequence of ART use (131).

The 2023 ADA guidelines recommend a goal blood pressure of < 130/80 (132).



Dyslipidemia is seen in both untreated PLWH and PLWH on ART (133,134). The decision to initiate a statin in a patient living with HIV for primary prevention should take into account the patient’s HIV serostatus, especially in those patients with a 10-year ASCVD risk of 5 to < 20% (124).

The primary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is a clinically important topic. The Evaluating the Use of Pitavastatin to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease in HIV-Infected Adults (REPRIEVE) study is a multicenter, international, randomized clinical trial on PWH on ART, in which participants with a low to moderate risk of ASCVD were randomized to either pitavastatin daily or placebo (134a). In March 2023, the Data Safety and Monitoring Board recommended premature closure of the study based on the observed efficacy of the study treatment to reduce the primary endpoint of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) by 35% relative to the placebo. The incidence of a major adverse cardiovascular event was 4.81 per 1000 person-years in the pitavastatin group and 7.32 per 1000 person-years in the placebo group (hazard ratio, 0.65; 95% confidence interval, 0.48 to 0.90; P = 0.002). Of note, similar to other studies the risk of diabetes was increased in the pitavastatin group (diabetes mellitus occurred in 5.3% in pitavastatin group and 4.0% in the control group. These results suggest that many PLWH should be on statin therapy.


Cigarette Smoking


Cigarette smoking is more prevalent in PLWH than in individuals without HIV (129), and life expectancy is estimated to be lower in HIV+ men and women who are current smokers at the time of HIV care initiation than in HIV+ men and women who are former or never smokers, with a 2.9 year gain in life expectancy at 10 years after HIV care initiation (135). The ADA guidelines recommend that people with diabetes not smoke cigarettes and that smoking cessation treatment be offered for those patients with diabetes who do smoke (136).


In summary, PLWH have unique risk factors that increase their risk of diabetes. Factors to take into consideration in the treatment of PLWH include the following: type of ART, evidence of lipodystrophy, co-infection with other viruses, and overweight or obese state. A caveat is that HbA1c may be inaccurate in diagnosing and monitoring diabetes in PLWH. PLWH have additional risk factors for developing microvascular complications of diabetes. Some glycemic agents may interact with ART, and other glycemic agents may have unwanted effects, including weight gain, that should be addressed in a patient-provider discussion. Finally, additional modifiable cardiovascular risk factors, including hypertension and smoking, should be addressed in the comprehensive treatment of diabetes in PLWH.



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Dyslipidemia in Patients With Diabetes


Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in both men and women with T1DM and T2DM. In patients with T1DM in good glycemic control, the lipid profile is very similar to the general population. In contrast, in patients with T2DM, even with good glycemic control, there are frequently lipid abnormalities (elevated TG and non-HDL-C, decreased HDL-C, and an increase in small dense LDL). In both T1DM and T2DM, poor glycemic control increases TG levels and decreases HDL-C levels with modest effects on LDL-C levels. Extensive studies have demonstrated that statins decrease ASCVD in patients with diabetes. Treatment with high doses of potent statins reduces ASCVD events to a greater extent than low dose statin therapy. Adding fibrates or niacin to statin therapy has not been shown to further decrease ASCVD events. In contrast, studies have shown that the combination of a statin and ezetimibe or a statin and a PCSK9 inhibitor result in a greater decrease in ASCVD events than statins alone. Studies have suggested that EPA, an omega-3-fatty acid, when added to statins also reduces ASCVD events but this result is controversial. In statin intolerant patients with T2DM bempedoic acid decreases ASCVD events. Current recommendations state that most patients with diabetes should be on statin therapy. In certain patients with diabetes ezetimibe, PCSK9 inhibitors, and bempedoic acid can play a role in reducing ASCVD.  




Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in both men and women with diabetes (1-5). In addition to coronary disease, ASCVD includes stroke and peripheral arterial disease (PAD).  PAD is common in diabetes, may be the first presentation of ASCVD and should be recognized as needing aggressive treatment of risk factors. The risk of ASCVD is increased approximately 2-fold in men and 3-4-fold in women (2-4,6,7). In the Framingham study, the annual rate of ASCVD was similar in men and women with diabetes, emphasizing that woman with diabetes need as aggressive preventive treatment as men with diabetes (2,6). In addition, several but not all studies, have shown that patients with diabetes with no history of ASCVD have a similar risk of having a myocardial infarction as non-diabetic patients who have a history of ASCVD, i.e., diabetes is an equivalent risk factor as a history of a previous cardiovascular event (8,9). The duration of diabetes and the presence of other risk factors or complications of diabetes likely determine whether a patient with diabetes has a risk equivalent to patients with a history of previous ASCVD events (10,11). In one study patients with T2DM who had the following risk factors within the target range, HbA1c, LDL-C, albuminuria, smoking, and blood pressure, the risk of an acute myocardial infarction or stroke was similar to individuals without diabetics (12). Moreover, numerous studies have shown that patients with diabetes who have ASCVD are at a very high risk of having another event, indicating that this population of patient’s needs especially aggressive preventive measures (1,8). This increased risk for the development of ASCVD in patients with diabetes is seen both in populations where the prevalence of ASCVD is high (Western societies) and low (for example, Japan) (2). However, in societies where the prevalence of ASCVD is low, the contribution of ASCVD as a cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with diabetes is relatively low compared to Western societies (2).


While the database is not as robust, the evidence indicates that patients with T1DM are also at high risk for the development of ASCVD (1,13-15). Interestingly, women with T1DM have twice the excess risk of fatal and nonfatal vascular events compared to men with T1DM (16,17). Additionally, developing T1DM at a young age increases the risk of ASCVD to a greater degree than late onset T1DM (17). Approximately 50% of patients with T1DM are obese or overweight and between 8% and 40% meet the criteria for the metabolic syndrome, which increases their risk of developing ASCVD (18).


While the development of diabetes at a young age increases the risk of ASCVD in patients with both T1DM and T2DM the deleterious impact is greater in patients with T2DM (19). Lastly, in patients with both T1DM and T2DM the presence of renal disease increases the risk of ASCVD (4,14). Of note is that the risk of developing ASCVD events in patients with diabetes has decreased recently, most likely due to better lipid and blood pressure control, which again reinforces the need to aggressively treat these risk factors in patients with diabetes (5,7,20). 




Numerous studies have demonstrated that the traditional risk factors for ASCVD play an important role in patients with diabetes (2,4,5,110). Patients with diabetes without other risk factors have a relatively low risk of ASCVD (in most studies higher than similar non-diabetic patients), whereas the increasing prevalence of other risk factors markedly increases the risk of developing ASCVD (2). The major reversible traditional risk factors are hypertension, cigarette smoking, and lipid abnormalities (2,4,5,14,111). Other risk factors include obesity (particularly visceral obesity), insulin resistance, small dense LDL, elevated TG, low HDL-C, procoagulant state (increased PAI-1, fibrinogen), family history of early ASCVD, homocysteine, Lp (a), renal disease, albuminuria, and inflammation (C-reactive protein, SAA, cytokines) (2,4,5,110,111). In the last decade, it has become clear that to reduce the risk of ASCVD in patients with diabetes, one will not only need to improve glycemic control but also address these other cardiovascular risk factors. In the remainder of this chapter, I will focus on the dyslipidemia that occurs in patients with diabetes.




As in non-diabetic populations, epidemiological studies have shown that increased LDL-C and non-HDL-C levels and decreased HDL-C levels are associated with an increased risk of ASCVD in patients with diabetes (2,4,110,111). In the UKPDS cohort LDL-C levels were the strongest predictor of coronary artery disease (112). While it is universally accepted that elevated levels of LDL-C and non-HDL-C cause atherosclerosis and ASCVD the role of HDL-C is uncertain. Genetic studies and studies of drugs that raise HDL-C have not supported low HDL-C levels as a causative factor for atherosclerosis (113). Rather it is currently thought that HDL function is associated with atherosclerosis risk and that this does not precisely correlate with HDL-C levels (113). In patients with diabetes, elevations in serum triglyceride (TG) levels also are associated with an increased risk of ASCVD (4,111,114). With regard to TG, it is not clear whether they are a causative factor for ASCVD or whether the elevation in TG is a marker for other abnormalities (4,111,114,115). Recent Mendelian randomization studies have provided support for the hypothesis that elevated TG levels play a causal role in atherosclerosis (115,116). Unfortunately, as will be discussed later in this chapter lowering TG levels in patients on statin therapy has not decreased cardiovascular events.




In patients with T1DM in good glycemic control, the lipid profile is very similar to lipid profiles in the general population (110). In some studies HDL-C levels are modestly increased in patients with T1DM (117). In contrast, in patients with T2DM, even when in good glycemic control, there are abnormalities in lipid levels (118-121). It is estimated that 30-60% of patients with T2DM have dyslipidemia (5,122). Specifically, patients with T2DM often have an increase in serum TG levels, increased VLDL and IDL, and decreased HDL-C levels. Non-HDL-C levels are increased due to the increase in VLDL and IDL. LDL-C levels are typically not markedly different than in normal subjects but there is an increase in small dense LDL, a lipoprotein particle that may be particularly pro-atherogenic (123). As a consequence, there are more LDL particles, which coupled with the increases in VLDL and IDL, leads to an increase in apolipoprotein B levels (118-121). Additionally, the postprandial increase in serum TG is accentuated and elevations in postprandial lipids may increase the risk of ASCVD (118-121).


It should be recognized that the lipid changes in patients with T2D are characteristic of the alterations in lipid profile seen in obesity and the metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance syndrome) (124). Since a high percentage of patients with T2DM are obese, insulin resistant, and have the metabolic syndrome, it is not surprising that the prevalence of increased TG and small dense LDL and decreased HDL-C is common in patients with T2DM even when these patients are in good glycemic control. Obesity is also accompanied by increased systemic inflammation. The increasing prevalence of obesity/overweight in patients with T1D will likely result in an increased prevalence of dyslipidemia in this population.


Studies have shown that the anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory functions of HDL isolated from patients with T1DM and T2DM are reduced (117,125). Additionally, the ability of HDL to facilitate cholesterol efflux is reduced in patients with T1DM and T2DM (126,127). Together these findings indicate that HDL-C levels per se may not fully reflect risk of ASCVD in patients with diabetes and that HDL function is perturbed in patients with diabetes.


In both T1DM and T2DM, poor glycemic control increases serum TG levels, VLDL, and IDL, and decreases HDL-C levels (119). Poor glycemic control can also result in a modest increase in LDL-C, which because of the elevation in TG is often in the small dense LDL subfraction. It is therefore important to optimize glycemic control in patients with diabetes because this will have secondary beneficial effects on lipid levels.


Lp(a) levels are usually within the normal range in patients with T1DM and T2DM (128). Some studies have observed no impact of diabetes mellitus on Lp(a) concentrations while other studies reported an elevation or a decrease in Lp(a) concentrations (128). The development of microalbuminuria and the onset of renal disease are associated with an increase in Lp (a) levels (129). Of note low Lp(a) levels are associated with an increased risk of developing T2DM (128). A recent very large case control study found that an Lp(a) concentration in the bottom 10% increases T2DM risk (130).


Table 1. Lipid Abnormalities in Patients with Diabetes


Lipid profile is similar to controls if glycemic control is good


Increased TG, VLDL, IDL, and non-HDL-C. Decreased HDL-C. Normal LDL-C but increase in small dense LDL, LDL particle number, and apolipoprotein B.

Poor glycemic control

Increased TG, VLDL, IDL, and non-HDL-C.  Decreased HDL-C. Modest increase in LDL-C with increase in small dense LDL, LDL particle number, and apolipoprotein B.




Some therapies used to improve glycemic control may have an impact on lipid levels above and beyond their effects on glucose metabolism. In reviewing the literature, it is often very difficult to separate improvements in glycemic control vs. direct effects of drugs. Additionally, many of the changes induced by drug therapy result in only small changes in LDL-C, HDL-C, and TG levels, are variable from study to study, and are of questionable clinical significance. Insulin, sulfonylureas, meglinitides, DPP4 inhibitors, and alpha-glucosidase inhibitors do not appear to markedly alter fasting lipid profiles other than by improving glucose control (there are data indicating that DPP4 inhibitors and acarbose decrease postprandial triglyceride excursions, but they do not markedly alter fasting lipid levels) (131). In contrast, metformin, thiazolidinediones, GLP1 receptor agonists, bromocriptine-QR, and SGLT2 inhibitors have effects independent of glycemic control on serum lipid levels (table 2).


Metformin may decrease serum TG levels and LDL-C levels without altering HDL-C levels (131). In a meta-analysis of 37 trials with 2,891 patients, metformin decreased TG by 11.4mg/dL when compared with control treatment (p=0.003) (132). In an analysis of 24 trials with 1,867 patients, metformin decreased LDL-C by 8.4mg/dL compared to control treatment (p<0.001) (132). In contrast, metformin did not significantly alter HDL-C levels (132). It should be noted that in the Diabetes Prevention Program 3,234 individuals with impaired glucose metabolism were randomized to placebo, intensive lifestyle, or metformin therapy. In the metformin therapy group no significant changes were noted in TG, LDL-C, or HDL-C levels compared to the placebo group (133). Thus, metformin may have small effects on lipid levels.    


The effect of thiazolidinediones depends on which agent is used. Rosiglitazone increases serum LDL-C levels, increases HDL-C levels, and only decreases serum TG if the baseline TG levels are high (131). In contrast, pioglitazone has less impact on LDL-C levels, but increases HDL-C levels, and decreases TG (131). In the PROactive study, a large randomized cardiovascular outcome study, pioglitazone decreased TG levels by approximately 10%, increased HDL-C levels by approximately 10%, and increased LDL-C by 1-4% (134). It should be noted that reductions in the small dense LDL subfraction and an increase in the large buoyant LDL subfraction are seen with both thiazolidinediones (131). In a randomized head-to-head trial, it was shown that pioglitazone decreased TG levels and increased serum HDL-C levels to a greater degree than rosiglitazone treatment (135,136). Additionally, pioglitazone increased LDL-C levels less than rosiglitazone. In contrast to the differences in lipid parameters, both rosiglitazone and pioglitazone decreased A1c and C-reactive protein to a similar extent. The mechanism by which pioglitazone induces more favorable changes in lipid levels than rosiglitazone despite similar changes in glucose levels is unclear, but differential actions of ligands for nuclear hormone receptors are well described.


Treatment with SGLT2 inhibitors results in a small increase in LDL-C and HDL-C levels (131). In a meta-analysis of 48 randomized controlled trials SGLT2 inhibitors significantly increased LDL-C (3.8mg/dL, p < 0.00001), HDL-C (2.3mg/dL, p < 0.00001), and decreased TG levels (8.8mg/dL, p < 0.00001) (137). The mechanism for these increases in LDL and HDL cholesterol is unknown but could be due to a decrease in plasma volume. The decrease in TG levels could be secondary to weight loss.


Bromocriptine-QR (Cycloset) treatment decreases TG levels but has no significant effect on LDL-C or HDL-C levels (138,139). The decrease in TG levels is thought to be due to a decrease in hepatic TG synthesis, likely due to a decrease in adipose tissue lipolysis resulting in decreased blood free fatty acid levels and reduced delivery of fatty acids to the liver for TG synthesis (140).


Colesevelam, a bile acid sequestrant that is approved for glucose lowering, lowers LDL-C levels by 15-20% and has only a modest effect on HDL-C levels (101,141). The effect of bile acid sequestrants on TG levels varies (141). In patients with normal TG levels, bile acid sequestrants increase TG levels by a small amount. However, as baseline TG levels increase, the effect of bile acid sequestrants on TG levels becomes greater, and can result in substantial increases in TG levels (141). In patients with TG > 500mg/dL the use of bile acid sequestrants is contraindicated (141).


Finally, GLP-1 receptor agonists can favorably affect the lipid profile by inducing weight loss (decreasing TG and very modestly decreasing LDL-C levels) (131). In a review by Nauck and colleagues it was noted that GLP-1 receptor agonists lowered TG levels by 18 to 62mg/dL depending upon the specific GLP-1 receptor agonist while decreasing LDL-C by 3-8mg/dL and increasing HDL-C by less than 1mg/dL (142). Additionally, GLP-1 receptor agonists reduce postprandial TG by reducing circulating chylomicrons by decreasing intestinal lipoprotein production (131,142). DPP4 inhibitors have a similar effect on postprandial TG levels as GLP-1 receptor agonists while having minimal effects on fasting lipid levels (142).


In the SURPASS trials, tirzepatide studies TG levels were consistently decreased by 13-25% (83,143). In most studies with the exception of SURPASS 5, HDL cholesterol levels increased by 3-11% (83,143). Total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels were modestly decreased in most studies (83,143). Not unexpectedly given the decrease in TG levels small LDL particles were decreased. For details see the Endotext chapter Oral and Injectable (Non-Insulin) Pharmacological Agents for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes (83).


Table 2. Effect of Glucose Lowering Drugs on Lipid Levels


Modestly decrease TG and LDL-C


No effect

DPP4 inhibitors

Decrease postprandial TG

GLP1 analogues

Decrease fasting and postprandial TG, modestly decrease LDL-C


Decrease TG, modestly decrease LDL-C, increase HDL-C


Decrease postprandial TG



Decrease TG and increase HDL-C. Small increase LDL-C but a decrease in small dense LDL

SGLT2 inhibitors

Small increase in LDL-C and HDL-C


Decrease LDL-C. May increase TG


Decrease TG


No effect




Figure 1. Pathophysiology of the Dyslipidemia of Diabetes


Multiple mechanisms account for the dyslipidemia seen in patients with T2DM, which are affected both by the level of glucose control and by factors such as obesity and inflammation that also contribute to dyslipidemia.


Increase in TG


There are a number of different abnormalities that contribute to the dyslipidemia seen in patients with T2DM and obesity (figure 1) (119-122,144-146).




A key abnormality is the overproduction of VLDL by the liver, which is a major contributor to the elevations in serum TG levels. The rate of secretion of VLDL is highly dependent on TG availability, which is determined by the levels of fatty acids available for the synthesis of TG in the liver. An abundance of TG prevents the intra-hepatic degradation of Apo B-100 allowing for increased VLDL formation and secretion. There are three major sources of fatty acids in the liver all of which may be altered in patients with T2DM. First, the flux of fatty acids from adipose tissue to the liver is increased. An increased mass of adipose tissue, particularly visceral stores, results in increased fatty acid delivery to the liver. Additionally, insulin suppresses the lipolysis of TG to free fatty acids in adipose tissue; thus, in patients with either poorly controlled diabetes due to a decrease in insulin or a decrease in insulin activity due to insulin resistance, the inhibition of TG lipolysis is blunted and there is increased TG breakdown leading to increased fatty acid deliver to the liver. A second source of fatty acids in the liver is de novo fatty acid synthesis. Numerous studies have shown that fatty acid synthesis is increased in the liver in patients with T2DM. This increase may be mediated by the hyperinsulinemia seen in patients with insulin resistance. While the liver is resistant to the effects of insulin on carbohydrate metabolism, the liver remains sensitive to the effects of insulin stimulating lipid synthesis. Specifically, insulin stimulates the activity of SREBP-1c, a transcription factor that increases the expression of the enzymes required for the synthesis of fatty acids. Thus, while the liver is resistant to the effects of insulin on carbohydrate metabolism the liver remains sensitive to the effects of insulin stimulating lipid synthesis. Additionally, in the presence of hyperglycemia, glucose can induce another transcription factor, carbohydrate responsive element binding protein (ChREBP), which also stimulates the transcription of the enzymes required for fatty acid synthesis. The third source of fatty acids is the uptake of TG rich lipoproteins by the liver. Studies have shown an increase in intestinal fatty acid synthesis and the enhanced secretion of chylomicrons in animal models of T2DM. This increase in chylomicrons leads to the increased delivery of fatty acids to the liver. The increase in hepatic fatty acids produced by these three pathways results in an increase in the synthesis of TG in the liver and the protection of Apo B-100 from degradation resulting in the increased formation and secretion of VLDL. Finally, insulin stimulates the post translational degradation of Apo B-100 in the liver and a decrease in insulin activity in patients with T2DM also allows for the enhanced survival of Apo B-100 promoting increased VLDL formation.




While the overproduction of triglyceride rich lipoproteins by the liver and intestine are important contributors to the elevations in serum TG levels in patients with T2DM, there are also abnormalities in the metabolism of these TG rich lipoproteins. First, there is a modest decrease in lipoprotein lipase activity, the key enzyme that metabolizes TG rich lipoproteins. The expression of lipoprotein lipase is stimulated by insulin and decreased insulin activity in patients with T2DM results in a decrease in lipoprotein lipase, which plays a key role in the hydrolysis of the TG carried in chylomicrons and VLDL. Additionally, patients with T2DM have an increase in Apo C-III levels, a key regulator of TG rich lipoprotein clearance. Glucose stimulates and insulin suppresses Apo C-III expression; thus, diabetes with hyperglycemia and either insulin deficiency or insulin resistance contribute to an increase in Apo C-III. Apo C-III is an inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase activity and thereby reduces the clearance of TG rich lipoproteins. In addition, Apo C-III also inhibits the cellular uptake of lipoproteins. Studies have shown that loss of function mutations in Apo C-III lead to lower serum TG levels and a reduced risk of ASCVD (147,148). Interestingly, inhibition of Apo C-III expression results in a decrease in serum TG levels even in patients deficient in lipoprotein lipase, indicating that the ability of Apo C-III to modulate serum TG levels is not dependent solely on regulating lipoprotein lipase activity (149). Lastly, insulin resistance is associated with an increase in Angptl3, an inhibitor of LPL (150). Thus, in patients with diabetes, a decrease in clearance of TG rich lipoproteins also contributes to the elevation in serum triglyceride levels.  


Mechanism for the Increase in Small Dense LDL and Decrease in HDL


The elevation in TG rich lipoproteins in turn has effects on other lipoproteins. Specifically, cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP) mediates the exchange of TG from TG rich VLDL and chylomicrons to LDL and HDL. The increase in TG rich lipoproteins per se leads to an increase in CETP mediated exchange, increasing the TG content of both LDL and HDL. The TG on LDL and HDL is then hydrolyzed by hepatic lipase and lipoprotein lipase leading to the production of small dense LDL and small HDL. Notably hepatic lipase activity is increased in patients with T2DM, which will also facilitate the removal of TG from LDL and HDL resulting in small lipoprotein particles. The affinity of Apo A-I for small HDL particles is reduced, leading to the disassociation of Apo A-I, which in turn leads to the accelerated clearance and breakdown of Apo A-I by the kidneys. Additionally, the production of Apo A-I may be reduced in patients with diabetes. High glucose levels can activate ChREBP and this transcription factor inhibits Apo A-I expression. Furthermore, insulin stimulates Apo A-I expression and a reduction in insulin activity due to insulin resistance or decreased insulin levels may also lead to a decrease in Apo A-I expression. The net result is lower levels of Apo A-I and HDL-C levels in patients with T2DM.


Role of Poor Glycemic Control


The above-described changes lead to the typical dyslipidemia observed in patients with T2DM (increased TG, decreased HDL-C, and an abundance of small dense LDL and small HDL). In patients with both Type 1 and T2DM, poor glycemic control can further adversely affect lipid and lipoprotein metabolism. As noted above the expression of lipoprotein lipase is stimulated by insulin. If insulin activity is very low the expression of lipoprotein lipase is severely suppressed and the metabolism of TG rich lipoproteins is markedly impaired. This leads to the delayed clearance of both chylomicrons and VLDL and elevations of TG rich lipoproteins. Additionally, insulinopenia results in a marked increase in lipolysis in adipose tissue, leading to the release of free fatty acids into the circulation. This increase in serum fatty acids results in the increased delivery of fatty acids to the liver, enhanced TG synthesis in the liver, and the increased production and secretion of VLDL. Whereas patients with T1DM who are well controlled and not obese or overweight typically have normal serum lipid profiles, if their control deteriorates, they will develop hypertriglyceridemia. In patients with T2DM deterioration of glycemic control will further exacerbate their underlying dyslipidemia resulting in greater increases in TG levels. If the synthesis of new VLDL is increased sufficiently this can result in an increase in LDL-C levels. HDL-C levels may decrease due to the formation of small HDL that are more susceptible to accelerated clearance. Improvements in glycemic control can markedly lower TG levels and may increase serum HDL-C levels. In patients with poorly controlled diabetes improvements in glycemic control may also lower LDL-C levels.


Role of Obesity and Inflammation


Most patients with T2DM and many patients with T1D are obese or overweight. Obesity is a pro-inflammatory state due to the macrophages that infiltrate adipose tissue. The cytokines produced by these macrophages and the adipokines that are produced by fat cells also alter lipid metabolism (151,152). The pro-inflammatory cytokines, TNF and IL-1, decrease the expression of lipoprotein lipase and increase the expression of angiopoietin like protein 4, an inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase. Together these changes decrease lipoprotein lipase activity, thereby delaying the clearance of TG rich lipoproteins. In addition, pro-inflammatory cytokines stimulate lipolysis in adipocytes increasing circulating free fatty acid levels, which will provide substrate for hepatic TG synthesis. In the liver, pro-inflammatory cytokines stimulate de novo fatty acid and TG synthesis. These alterations will lead to the increased production and secretion of VLDL. Thus, increases in the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines will stimulate the production of TG rich lipoproteins and delay the clearance of TG rich lipoproteins, which together will contribute to the increase in serum TG that occurs in obese patients.


Obesity and the increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines may also affect HDL-C levels (153-155). First, pro-inflammatory cytokines inhibit the production of Apo A-I, the main protein constituent of HDL. Second, in many tissues pro-inflammatory cytokines decrease the expression of ABCA1 and ABCG1, which will lead to a decrease in the efflux of phospholipids and cholesterol from the cell to HDL decreasing the formation of mature HDL. Third, pro-inflammatory cytokines inhibit the production and activity of LCAT, which will limit the conversion of cholesterol to cholesterol esters in HDL. This conversion step is required for the formation of a normal spherical HDL particle and is crucial for the ability of HDL to increase the efflux of cholesterol from cells (including macrophages). Together these effects may lead to a decrease in HDL-C levels and a decrease in reverse cholesterol transport. Reverse cholesterol transport plays an important role in preventing cholesterol accumulation in macrophages and thereby reduces atherosclerosis.


Inflammation also decreases other important functions of HDL, such as its ability to prevent LDL oxidation (156). This reduction in the ability of HDL to protect from oxidation may be mediated in part by inflammation inducing lower levels of the enzyme paraoxonase, which is commonly seen in patients with diabetes (151,157). In parallel inflammation increases the oxidation of LDL and the amount of small dense LDL that is more susceptible to oxidation.


Role of Adipokines


Adipokines, such as leptin, adiponectin, and resistin, regulate lipid metabolism and the levels are altered in obese patients. Obesity increases serum leptin levels and leptin stimulates lipolysis in adipocytes which will increase serum free fatty acid levels (158). The circulating levels of adiponectin are decreased in subjects who are obese (159). Decreased adiponectin levels are associated with elevations in serum TG levels and decreases in HDL-C levels (159). This association is thought to be causal as studies in mice have shown that overexpressing adiponectin (transgenic mice) decreases TG and increases HDL-C levels while conversely, adiponectin knock-out mice have increased TG and decreased HDL-C levels (159). The adiponectin induced decrease in TG levels is mediated by an increased catabolism of TG rich lipoproteins due to an increase in lipoprotein lipase activity and a decrease Apo C-III, an inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase (159). The increase in HDL-C levels induced by adiponectin is mediated by an increase in hepatic Apo A-I and ABCA1, which results in the increased production of HDL particles (159).


Resistin is increased in subjects who are obese and the levels of resistin directly correlate with plasma TG levels (160). Moreover, resistin has been shown to stimulate hepatic VLDL production and secretion due to an increase in the synthesis of Apo B, TG, and cholesterol (160,161). Finally, resistin is associated with a decrease in HDL-C and Apo A-I levels (160).




Monotherapy Studies




The Cholesterol Treatment Trialists analyzed data from 18,686 subjects with diabetes (mostly T2DM) from 14 randomized trials (162). In the statin treated group there was a 9% decrease in all-cause mortality, a 13% decrease in vascular mortality, and a 21% decrease in major vascular events per 39mg/dL (1mmol/L) reduction in LDL-C. The beneficial effect of statin therapy was seen in both primary and secondary prevention patients. The effect of statin treatment on cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes was similar to that seen in non-diabetic subjects. Thus, these studies indicate that statins are beneficial in reducing ASCVD in patients with diabetes. Because of the large number of patients with diabetes included in the Heart Protection Study (HPS) and CARDS these two studies will be discussed in greater depth.


The HPS was a double-blind randomized trial that focused on patients at high risk for the development of cardiovascular events, including patients with a history of MIs, other atherosclerotic lesions, diabetes, and/or hypertension (163,164). Patients were between 40 and 80 years of age and had to have total serum cholesterol levels greater than 135mg/dL (thus very few patients were excluded because they did not have a high enough cholesterol level). The major strength of this trial was the large number of patients studied (>20,000). The diabetes subgroup included 5,963 subjects and thus was as large as many other prevention trials. The study was a 2x2 study design comparing simvastatin 40mg a day vs. placebo and anti-oxidant vitamins (vitamin E 600mg, vitamin C 250mg, and beta-carotene 20mg) vs. placebo and lasted approximately 5 years. Analysis of the group randomized to the anti-oxidant vitamins revealed no beneficial or harmful effects. In contrast, simvastatin therapy (40mg per day) reduced cardiovascular events, including MIs and strokes, by approximately 25% in all participants and to a similar degree in the diabetic subjects (total ASCVD reduced 27%, coronary mortality 20%, MI 37%, stroke 24%). Further analysis of the subjects with diabetes revealed that the reduction in cardiovascular events with statin therapy was similar in individuals with diabetes diagnosed for a short duration (<6 years) and for a long duration (>13 years). Similarly, subjects with diabetes in good control (HbA1c <7%) and those not in ideal control (HbA1c >7%) also benefited to a similar degree with statin therapy. Moreover, both T1DM and T2DM patients had a comparable reduction in ASCVD with simvastatin therapy. The decrease in cardiovascular events in patients with T1DM was not statistically significant because of the small number of subjects. Nevertheless, this is the only trial that included patients with T1DM and suggests that patients with T1DM will benefit from statin therapy similar to T2DM. In general, statin therapy reduced ASCVD in all subgroups of subjects with diabetes (females, males, older age, renal disease, hypertension, high TG, low HDL, ASA therapy, etc.) i.e., statin therapy benefits all patients with diabetes (note this study did not include patients with end stage renal disease but other studies have failed to show benefits of statin therapy in patients with diabetes and end stage renal disease (165)).


The CARDS trial specifically focused on subjects with diabetes (166). The subjects in this trial were males and females with T2DM between the ages of 40 to 75 years of age who were at high risk of developing ASCVD based on the presence of hypertension, retinopathy, renal disease, or current smoking. Of particular note, the subjects did not have any evidence of clinical atherosclerosis (myocardial disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease) at entry and hence this study is a primary prevention trial. Inclusion criteria included LDL-C levels less than 160mg/dL and TG levels less than 600mg/dL. It is important to recognize that the average LDL-C in this trial was approximately 118mg/dL, indicating relatively low LDL-C levels. A total of 2,838 T2DM subjects were randomized to either placebo or atorvastatin 10mg a day. Atorvastatin therapy resulted in a 40% decrease in LDL-C levels with over 80% of patients achieving LDL-C levels less than 100mg/dL. Most importantly, atorvastatin therapy resulted in a 37% reduction in cardiovascular events. In addition, strokes were reduced by 48% and coronary revascularization by 31%. As seen in the HPS, subjects with relatively low LDL-C levels (LDL <120mg/dL) benefited to a similar extent as subjects with higher LDL-C levels (>120mg/dL).


HPS and CARDS, in combination with the other statin trials, provide conclusive evidence that statin therapy will reduce cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes. Importantly, the benefits of statin therapy are seen in patients with diabetes in both primary and secondary prevention trials. 


Effect of Aggressive LDL-C Lowering with Statins


Studies have compared reductions of LDL-C to approximately 100mg/dL to more aggressive reductions in LDL-C on atheroma volume. The Reversal Trial studied 502 symptomatic coronary artery disease patients with an average LDL-C of 150mg/dL (167). Approximately 19% of the patients in this trial had diabetes. Patients were randomized to moderate LDL lowering therapy with pravastatin 40mg per day or to aggressive lipid lowering with atorvastatin 80mg per day. As expected, LDL-C levels were considerably lower in the atorvastatin treated group (pravastatin LDL= 110mg/dL vs. atorvastatin LDL= 79mg/dL). Most importantly, when one analyzed the change in atheroma volume determined after 18 months of therapy using intravascular ultrasound, the group treated aggressively with atorvastatin had a much lower progression rate than the group treated with pravastatin. Compared with baseline values, patients treated with atorvastatin had no change in atheroma burden (there was a very slight regression of lesions), whereas patients treated with pravastatin showed progression of lesions. When one compares the extent of the reduction in LDL-C to the change in atheroma volume, a 50% reduction in LDL (LDL-C levels of approximately 75mg/dL) resulted in the absence of lesion progression. This study suggests that lowering the LDL-C to levels well below 100mg/dL is required to prevent disease progression as measured by intravascular ultrasound. Other studies, such as Asteroid, have shown that marked reductions in LDL-C (in Asteroid the mean LDL-C levels were 61mg/dL) can also result in the regression of coronary artery atherosclerosis determined by intravascular ultrasound measurements (168). Additionally, the Saturn trial demonstrated that aggressive lipid lowering with either atorvastatin 80mg or rosuvastatin 40mg would induce regression of coronary artery atherosclerosis to a similar degree in patients with and without diabetes if the LDL-C levels were reduced to less than 70mg/dL (169). Together these trials indicate that aggressive lowering of LDL-C levels to below 70mg/dL can induce regression of atherosclerotic lesions.


The Prove-It trial determined in patients recently hospitalized for an acute coronary syndrome whether aggressively lowering of LDL-C with atorvastatin 80mg per day vs. moderate LDL-C lowering with pravastatin 40mg per day would have a similar effect on cardiovascular end points such as death, MI, documented unstable angina requiring hospitalization, revascularization, or stroke (170,171). In this trial, approximately 18% of the patients were diabetic. As expected, the on-treatment LDL-C levels were significantly lower in patients aggressively treated with atorvastatin compared to the moderate treated pravastatin group (atorvastatin LDL-C = approximately 62 vs. pravastatin LDL-C = approximately 95mg/dL). Of great significance, death or major cardiovascular events was reduced by 16% over the two years of the study in the group aggressively treated with atorvastatin. Moreover, the risk reduction in the patients with diabetes in the aggressive treatment group was similar to that observed in non-diabetics.


In the treating to new targets trial (TNT) patients with stable coronary heart disease and LDL-C levels less than 130mg/dL were randomized to either 10mg or 80mg atorvastatin and followed for an average of 4.9 years (172,173). Approximately 15% of the patients had diabetes. As expected, LDL-C levels were lowered to a greater extent in the patients treated with 80mg atorvastatin than with 10mg atorvastatin (77mg/dL vs. 101mg/dL). Impressively, the occurrence of major cardiovascular events was reduced by 22% in the group treated with atorvastatin 80mg (p<0.001). In the patients with diabetes events were reduced by 25% in the high dose statin group.


Finally, the IDEAL trial was a randomized study that compared atorvastatin 80mg vs. simvastatin 20-40mg in 8,888 patients with a history of ASCVD (174). Approximately 12% of the patients had diabetes. As expected, LDL-C levels were reduced to a greater extent in the atorvastatin treated group than the simvastatin treated group (approximately 81mg/dL vs. 104mg/dL). Once again, the greater reduction in LDL-C levels was associated with a greater reduction in cardiovascular events. Specifically, major coronary events defined as coronary death, nonfatal MI, or cardiac arrest was reduced by 11% (p=0.07), while nonfatal acute MI were reduced by 17% (p=0.02).


Combining the results of the Heart Protection Study, CARDS, Reversal, Saturn, Asteroid, Prove-It, TNT, and IDEAL leads one to the conclusion that aggressive lowering of LDL-C with statin therapy will be beneficial and suggests that in high-risk patients lowering the LDL to levels well below 100mg/dL is desirable. Moreover, the Cholesterol Treatment Trialists reviewed five trials with 39,612 subjects that were designed to determine the effect of usual vs. aggressive reductions in LDL-C (175). They reported that intensive control (approximately a 19mg/dL difference in LDL-C) resulted in a 15% decrease in major vascular events, a 13% reduction in coronary death or non-fatal MI, a 19% decrease in coronary revascularization, and a 16% decrease in strokes. As will be discussed below treatment guidelines reflect the results of these studies. Additionally, as described in detail below, studies of the addition of either ezetimibe or PCSK9 inhibitors to statins further demonstrates that aggressive lowering of LDL-C levels further reduces cardiovascular events




The beneficial effect of monotherapy with fibrates (e.g., gemfibrozil, fenofibrate) on ASCVD in patients with diabetes is shown in Table 3. The results of these randomized trials suggest that monotherapy with this class of drug might reduce cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes, but the data is not very robust. The largest trial was the Field Trial (176). In this trial, 9,795 patients with T2DM between the ages of 50 and 75 not taking statin therapy were randomized to fenofibrate or placebo and followed for approximately 5 years. Fenofibrate therapy resulted in a 12% decrease in LDL-C, a 29% decrease in TG, and a 5% increase in HDL-C levels. The primary outcome was coronary events (coronary heart disease death and non-fatal MI), which were reduced by 11% in the fenofibrate group but did not reach statistical significance (p= 0.16). However, there was a 24% decrease in non-fatal MI in the fenofibrate treated group (p=0.01) and a non-significant increase in coronary heart disease mortality. Total ASCVD events (coronary events plus stroke and coronary or carotid revascularization) were reduced 11% (p=0.035). These beneficial effects of fenofibrate therapy on ASCVD were observed in patients without a previous history of ASCVD. In patients with a previous history of ASCVD no benefits were observed. Additionally, the beneficial effect of fenofibrate therapy was seen only in those subjects less than 65 years of age. The beneficial effects of fenofibrate in this study may have been muted by the increased use of statins in the placebo group, which reduced the differences in lipid levels between the placebo and fenofibrate groups. If one adjusted for the addition of lipid-lowering therapy, fenofibrate reduced the risk of coronary heart disease events by 19% (p=0.01) and of total ASCVD events by 15% (p=0.004). Thus, while the results of this large trial are intriguing they do not clearly show a benefit of fibrate therapy reducing ASCVD events. The number of patients with diabetes in the other fibrate trials are relatively small (table 3).


While the results of the monotherapy fibrate trials have been very heterogeneous it should be noted that fibrate trials in patients with elevated TG levels have reported a greater reduction of cardiovascular events (177). Additionally, subgroup analysis of several fibrate trials has also suggested that the benefit of fibrates was greatest in patients with elevated TG levels (177,178).


The mechanism by which fibrates may reduce cardiovascular events is unclear. These drugs lower serum TG levels and increase HDL-C, but it should be recognized that the beneficial effects of fibrates could be due to other actions of these drugs. Specifically, these drugs activate the nuclear hormone receptor PPAR alpha, which is present in the cells that comprise the atherosclerotic lesions, and it is possible that these compounds directly affect lesion formation and development. In addition, fibrates are anti-inflammatory. In fact, analysis of the VA-HIT study suggested that much of the benefit of fibrate therapy was not due to changes in serum lipoprotein levels (179,180).


To summarize, while in general the studies suggest that monotherapy with fibrates may reduce ASCVD in patients with diabetes, the results are not very robust or consistent as seen in the statin trials. Of note fibrate therapy appeared to be most effective in patients with increased TG levels and decreased HDL levels, a lipid profile typically seen in patients with T2DM. However, as will be presented in detail below (combination therapy section) the addition of fibrates to statins does not reduce ASCVD.


Table 3. Effect of Fibrate Monotherapy on Cardiovascular Outcomes



#Diabetic subjects

%Decrease controls

% Decrease diabetics

Helsinki Heart Study (181)





VA-HIT (180)





DIAS (182)





Sendcap (183)





Field (176)





* Not statistically significant




A single randomized trial, the Coronary Drug Project, has examined the effect of niacin monotherapy on cardiovascular outcomes (184). This trial was carried out from 1966 to 1974 (before the introduction of statin therapy) in men with a history of a prior MI and demonstrated that niacin therapy reduced cardiovascular events. The results of this study were re-analyzed to determine the effect of niacin therapy in subjects with varying baseline fasting and 1-hour post meal glucose levels (185). It was noted that 6 years of niacin therapy reduced the risk of coronary heart disease death or nonfatal MI by approximately 15-25% regardless of baseline fasting or 1-hour post glucose challenge glucose levels. Particularly notable is that reductions in events were seen in the subjects who had a fasting glucose level >126mg/dL or 1-hour glucose levels >220mg/dL (i.e., patients with diabetes). Thus, based on this single study, niacin monotherapy reduces cardiovascular events both in normal subjects and patients with diabetes. However, as will be presented in detail below (combination therapy section) the addition of niacin to statins does not reduce ASCVD.




A multicenter, randomized trial in Japan examined the efficacy of ezetimibe in patients aged ≥75 years with elevated LDL-C (≥140 mg/dL) without a history of coronary artery disease who were not taking lipid lowering drugs (186). Patients were randomized to ezetimibe (n=1716) or usual care (n=1695) and followed for 4.1 years. The primary outcome was a composite of sudden cardiac death, MI, coronary revascularization, or stroke. In the ezetimibe group LDL-C was decreased by 25.9% and non-HDL-C by 23.1% while in the usual care group LDL-C was decreased by 18.5% and non-HDL-C by 16.5% (p<0.001 for both lipid parameters). By the end of the trial 9.6% of the patients in the usual care group and 2.1% of the ezetimibe group were taking statins. Ezetimibe reduced the incidence of the primary outcome by 34% (HR 0.66; P=0.002). Additionally, composite cardiac events were reduced by 60% (HR 0.60; P=0.039) and coronary revascularization by 62% (HR 0.38; P=0.007) in the ezetimibe group vs. the control group. There was no difference in the incidence of stroke or all-cause mortality between the groups. Approximately 25% of the patients in this trial had diabetes and the beneficial effects were similar in the diabetic and non-diabetic subjects. It should be noted that the reduction in cardiovascular events was much greater than one would expect based on the absolute difference in LDL-C levels (121mg/dL in ezetimibe group vs. 132mg/dL). As stated by the authors “Given the open-label nature of the trial, its premature termination, and issues with follow-up, the magnitude of benefit observed should be interpreted with caution.” Nevertheless, this study provides suggestive evidence that ezetimibe monotherapy may reduce cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes.




A multicenter study of bempedoic acid in statin intolerant patients with ASCVD or at high risk for ASCVD was recently reported (187). Patients were randomized to bempedoic acid, 180 mg daily (n=6992), or placebo (n=6978) and the primary end point was death from cardiovascular causes, nonfatal MI, nonfatal stroke, or coronary revascularization. Bempedoic acid therapy reduced LDL-C and hsCRP levels by approximately 22% compared to the placebo group. The primary composite endpoint was reduced by 13% in the bempedoic acid group (HR 0.87; 95% CI, 0.79 to 0.96; P = 0.004). The four individual components of the primary endpoint were also significantly reduced in the bempedoic acid treatment group. In this trial approximately 45% of the patients had diabetes. In an analysis of the patients without clinical ASCVD, (i.e., primary prevention) (bempedoic acid n = 2100 or placebo n = 2106), there was a 30% decrease in cardiovascular events (HR 0.70: 95% CI, 0.55-0.89; P = .002) (188). In this subgroup analysis 66% of the patients had diabetes. This study clearly indicates that monotherapy with bempedoic acid will reduce cardiovascular events.




With regard to PCSK9 inhibitors and bile acid sequestrants there have been no randomized monotherapy studies that have examined the effect of these drugs on cardiovascular end points in subjects with diabetes. In non-diabetic subjects, monotherapy with bile acid sequestrants have reduced cardiovascular events (102,103). Since bile acid sequestrants have a similar beneficial impact on serum lipid levels in diabetic and non-diabetic subjects one would anticipate that these drugs would also result in a reduction in events in the diabetic population. Additionally, bile acid sequestrants improve glycemic control (101). However, bile acid sequestrants can raise TG levels and therefore must be used with caution in hypertriglyceridemic patients. There are no outcome studies with PCSK9 inhibitor monotherapy in patients with diabetes but given that these drugs reduce LDL-C levels and in combination with statins reduce cardiovascular events one would anticipate that PCSK9 inhibitor monotherapy will also reduce cardiovascular events.


Combination Therapy


The studies with statins have been so impressive that most patients with diabetes over the age of 40 are routinely treated with statin therapy and younger patients with diabetes at high risk for ASCVD are also typically on statin therapy (see Current Guidelines Section). Therefore, a key issue is whether the addition of other lipid lowering drugs to statins will result in a further reduction in cardiovascular events. A difficulty with such studies is that the reduction in cardiovascular events induced by statin therapy is so robust that very large trials may be required to see additional benefit.




The ACCORD-LIPID trial was designed to determine if the addition of fenofibrate to aggressive statin therapy would result in a further reduction in ASCVD in patients with T2DM (189). In this trial, 5,518 patients on statin therapy were randomized to placebo or fenofibrate therapy. The patients had diabetes for approximately 10 years and either had pre-existing ASCVD or were at high risk for developing ASCVD. During the trial, LDL-C levels were approximately 80mg/dL in both groups. There was only a small difference in HDL-C with the fenofibrate groups having a mean HDL-C of 41.2mg/dL while the control group had an HDL-C of 40.5mg/dL. Differences in TG levels were somewhat more impressive with the fenofibrate group having a mean TG level of 122mg/dL while the control group had a TG level of 144mg/dL. First occurrence of nonfatal MI, nonfatal stroke, or death from cardiovascular causes was the primary outcome and there was no statistical difference between the fenofibrate treated group and the placebo group. Additionally, there were also no statistically significant differences between the groups with regards to any of the secondary outcome measures of ASCVD. Of note, the addition of fenofibrate to statin therapy did not result in an increase in either muscle or liver side effects. On further analysis, there was a possible benefit of fenofibrate therapy in the patients in whom the baseline TG levels were elevated (>204mg/dL) and HDL-C levels decreased (<34mg/dL). Finally, similar to what has been reported in other trials, fenofibrate had beneficial effects on the progression of microvascular disease (190,191).


The PROMINENT trial studied the effect of pemafibrate, a new selective PPAR-alpha activator, in reducing cardiovascular outcomes in 10,497 patients (66.9% with previous ASCVD) with diabetes (192). This was a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial, in patients with T2DM, with mild-to-moderate hypertriglyceridemia (TG level, 200 to 499 mg/dL), LDL-C < 100mg/dL, and HDL-C levels < 40 mg/dL) who received either pemafibrate (0.2-mg tablets twice daily) or placebo in addition to statin therapy (96% on statins). The primary end point was a composite of nonfatal MI, ischemic stroke, coronary revascularization, or death from cardiovascular causes. Baseline fasting TG was 271 mg/dL, HDL-C 33 mg/dL, and LDL-C 78 mg/dL. Compared with placebo, pemafibrate decreased TG by 26.2%, while HDL-C increased 5.1% and LDL-C increased 12.3%. Notably non-HDL-C levels were unchanged and Apo B levels increased 4.8%. The primary endpoint was similar in the pemafibrate and placebo group (HR 1.03; 95% CI 0.91 to 1.15). The increase in LDL-C and Apo B levels likely account for the failure to reduce cardiovascular events.


Taken together the ACCORD study and the PROINENT trial indicate that the addition of fibrate therapy to statin therapy will not result in a reduction in cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes.




The AIM-HIGH trial was designed to determine if the addition of Niaspan to aggressive statin therapy would result in a further reduction in cardiovascular events in patients with pre-existing ASCVD (193). In this trial 3,314 patients were randomized to Niaspan vs. placebo. Approximately 33% of the patients had diabetes. On trial, LDL-C levels were in the 60-70mg/dL range in both groups. As expected, HDL-C levels were increased in the Niaspan treated group (approximately 44mg/dL vs. 38mg/dL), while TG were decreased (approximately 121mg/dL vs. 155mg/dL). However, there were no differences in the primary endpoint between the control and Niaspan treated groups (Primary endpoint consisted of the first event of death from coronary heart disease, nonfatal MI, ischemic stroke, hospitalization for an acute coronary syndrome, or symptom-driven coronary or cerebral revascularization). There were also no differences in secondary endpoints except for a possible increase in strokes in the Niaspan treated group. The addition of Niaspan to statin therapy did not result in a significant increase in either muscle or liver toxicity. Thus, this study does not provide support for the addition of niacin to statins. However, it should be recognized that this was a relatively small study and a considerable number of patients stopped taking the Niaspan during the course of the study (25.4% of patients discontinued Niaspan therapy). In addition, most of the patients included in this study did not have a lipid profile that one would typically consider treating with niacin therapy. In the subset of patients with TG > 198mg/dL and HDL-C < 33mg/dL niacin showed a trend towards benefit (hazard ratio 0.74; p=0.073), suggesting that if the appropriate patient population was studied the results may have been positive (194).


HPS 2 Thrive also studied the effect of niacin added to statin therapy (195). This trial utilized extended-release niacin combined with laropiprant, a prostaglandin D2 receptor antagonist that reduces the flushing side effect of niacin treatment. HPS 2 Thrive was a very large trial with over 25,000 patients randomized to either niacin therapy or placebo. Approximately 32% of the patients in this trial had diabetes. The LDL-C level was 63mg/dL, the HDL-C 44mg/dL, and the TG 125mg/dL at baseline. As expected, niacin therapy resulted in a modest reduction in LDL-C (10mg/dL), a modest increase in HDL-C (6mg/dL), and a larger reduction in TG (33mg/dL). However, despite these lipid changes there were no significant differences in major cardiovascular events between the niacin and control group (risk ratio 0.96 CI 0.90- 1.03). It is unknown whether laropiprant, the prostaglandin D2 receptor antagonist, might have effects that worsen atherosclerosis and increase event rates. Similar to the AIM-HIGH study, the group of patients included in the HPS 2 Thrive trial were not the ideal patient population to test for the beneficial effects of niacin treatment added to statin therapy. Ideally, patients with high TG and high non-HDL-C levels coupled with low HDL-C levels should be studied. Nevertheless, the results of the AIM-HIGH and HPS 2 Thrive trials do not provide support for the addition of niacin to statin therapy in patients with diabetes.




The IMPROVE-IT trial tested whether the addition of ezetimibe to statin therapy would provide an additional beneficial effect in patients with the acute coronary syndrome (196). This was a large trial with over 18,000 patients randomized to statin therapy vs. statin therapy + ezetimibe. Approximately 27% of the patients in this trial had diabetes. On treatment LDL-C levels were 70mg/dL in the statin alone group vs. 53mg/dL in the statin + ezetimibe group. There was a small but significant 6.4% decrease in major cardiovascular events (Cardiovascular death, MI, documented unstable angina requiring re-hospitalization, coronary revascularization, or stroke) in the statin + ezetimibe group (HR 0.936 CI (0.887, 0.988) p=0.016). Cardiovascular death, non-fatal MI, or non-fatal stroke were reduced by 10% (HR 0.90 CI (0.84, 0.97) p=0.003). These beneficial effects were particularly pronounced in the patients with diabetes (Primary endpoint hazard ratio, 0.85; 95% confidence interval, 0.78-0.94) (197,198). This trial provides evidence that the combination of a statin + ezetimibe that results in a greater reduction in LDL-C levels will lead to a larger decrease in cardiovascular events than statin alone. It should be noted that the observed reduction in events was in the range expected based on the decrease in LDL-C levels.


The RACING trial compared rosuvastatin 10 mg plus ezetimibe 10 mg (combination therapy) vs. rosuvastatin 20mg in 3,780 patients (1,398 patients (37.0%) with diabetes) at 26 centers in South Korea (199). In the patients with diabetes the baseline LDL-C levels was 74mg/dL and during the study the median LDL-C was 53mg/dL in the combination therapy group and 61mg/dL in the high-intensity statin group (P < 0.001). After a median follow-up of 3 years the rate of cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes was 10.0% in the combination therapy group and 11.3% in the high-intensity statin group (HR: 0.89; 95% CI: 0.64–1.22; P = 0.460). Interestingly the rate of discontinuation or dose reduction of the study drug due to intolerance was lower in the combination therapy group than in the high-intensity statin group (5.2 vs. 8.7%; P = 0.014). This study demonstrates that cardiovascular outcomes were comparable between those receiving combination therapy vs. high-intensity statin monotherapy and that combination therapy significantly reduced the rate of drug discontinuation or dose reduction due to intolerance.




The FOURIER trial was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of evolocumab vs. placebo in 27,564 patients with atherosclerotic ASCVD and an LDL-C level of 70 mg/dL or higher who were on statin therapy (200). Approximately 40% of the patients had diabetes (201). The primary end point was cardiovascular death, MI, stroke, hospitalization for unstable angina, or coronary revascularization and the key secondary end point was cardiovascular death, MI, or stroke. The median duration of follow-up was 2.2 years. Baseline LDL-C levels were 92mg/dL and evolocumab resulted in a 59% decrease in LDL-C levels (LDL-C level on treatment approximately 30mg/dL). Evolocumab treatment significantly reduced the risk of the primary end point (HR 0.85; 95% CI 0.79 to 0.92; P<0.001) and the key secondary end point (HR 0.80; 95% CI 0.73 to 0.88; P<0.001). The results were consistent across key subgroups, including the subgroup of patients in the lowest quartile for baseline LDL-C levels (median, 74 mg/dL). Of note, a similar decrease in cardiovascular events occurred in patients with diabetes treated with evolocumab and glycemic control was not altered (202). Further analysis has shown that in the small number of patients with a baseline LDL-C level less than 70mg/dL, evolocumab reduced cardiovascular events to a similar degree as in the patients with an LDL-C greater than 70mg/dL (203). Finally, the lower the on-treatment LDL-C levels (down to levels below 20mg/dL), the lower the cardiovascular event rate, suggesting that greater reductions in LDL-C levels will result in greater reductions in ASCVD (204).


The ODYSSEY trial was a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 18,924 patients who had an acute coronary syndrome 1 to 12 months earlier, an LDL-C level of at least 70 mg/dL, a non-HDL-C level of at least 100 mg/dL, or an Apo B level of at least 80 mg/dL while on high intensity statin therapy or the maximum tolerated statin dose (205). Approximately 29% of the patients had diabetes. Patients were randomly assigned to receive alirocumab 75 mg every 2 weeks or matching placebo. The dose of alirocumab was adjusted to target an LDL-C level of 25 to 50 mg/dL. The primary end point was a composite of death from coronary heart disease, nonfatal MI, fatal or nonfatal ischemic stroke, or unstable angina requiring hospitalization. During the trial LDL-C levels in the placebo group was 93-103mg/dL while in the alirocumab group LDL-C levels were 40mg/dL at 4 months, 48mg/dL at 12 months, and 66mg/dL at 48 months (the increase with time was due to discontinuation of alirocumab or a decrease in dose). The primary endpoint was reduced by 15% in the alirocumab group (HR 0.85; 95% CI 0.78 to 0.93; P<0.001). In addition, total mortality was reduced by 15% in the alirocumab group (HR 0.85; 95% CI 0.73 to 0.98). The absolute benefit of alirocumab was greatest in patients with a baseline LDL-C level > than 100mg/dL. In patients with an LDL-C level > than 100mg/dL the number needed to treat with alirocumab to prevent an event was only 16. It should be noted that similar to the FOURIER trial the duration of this trial was very short (median follow-up 2.8 years) which may have minimized the beneficial effects. Additionally, because alirocumab 75mg every 2 weeks was stopped if the LDL-C level was < 15mg/dL on two consecutive measurements the beneficial effects may have been blunted (7.7% of patients randomized to alirocumab were switched to placebo).


It should be noted that that the duration of the PCSK9 outcome trials were relatively short and it is well recognized from previous statin trials that the beneficial effects of lowering LDL-C levels takes time with only modest effects observed during the first year of treatment. In the FOURIER trial the reduction of cardiovascular death, MI, or stroke was 16% during the first year but was 25% beyond 12 months. In the ODYSSEY trial the occurrence of cardiovascular events was similar in the alirocumab and placebo group during the first year of the study with benefits of alirocumab appearing after year one. Thus, the long-term benefits of treatment with a PCSK9 inhibitor may be greater than that observed during these relatively short-term studies.


Additional support for the benefits of further lowering of LDL-C levels with a PCSK9 inhibitor added to statin therapy is seen in the GLAGOV trial (206). This trial was a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of evolocumab vs. placebo in 968 patients presenting for coronary angiography. Approximately 20-21% of the patients had diabetes. The primary efficacy measure was the change in percent atheroma volume (PAV) from baseline to week 78, measured by serial intravascular ultrasonography (IVUS) imaging. Secondary efficacy measures included change in normalized total atheroma volume (TAV) and percentage of patients demonstrating plaque regression. As expected, there was a marked decrease in LDL-C levels in the evolocumab group (Placebo 93mg/dL vs. evolocumab 37mg/dL; p<0.001). PAV increased 0.05% with placebo and decreased 0.95% with evolocumab (P < .001) while TAV decreased 0.9 mm3 with placebo and 5.8 mm3 with evolocumab (P < .001). There was a linear relationship between achieved LDL-C and change in PAV (i.e., the lower the LDL-C the greater the regression in atheroma volume down to an LDL-C of 20mg/dL). Additionally, evolocumab induced plaque regression in a greater percentage of patients than placebo (64.3% vs 47.3%; P < .001 for PAV and 61.5% vs 48.9%; P < .001 for TAV). The results in the patients with diabetes were similar to the non-diabetic patients.


Taken together these trials demonstrate that further lowering LDL-C levels with PCSK9 monoclonal antibodies in patients taking statins will have beneficial effects on ASCVD outcomes. A study of the effect of inclisiran on ASCVD endpoints is currently in progress.


The results of the ezetimibe and PCSK9 trials have several important implications. First, it demonstrates that combination therapy may have benefits above and beyond statin therapy alone. Second, it provides further support for the hypothesis that lowering LDL per se will reduce cardiovascular events. Third, it suggests that lowering LDL levels to much lower levels than usual will have significant benefits. These results have implications for determining goals of therapy.




ORIGIN was a double-blind study in 12,536 patients at high risk for ASCVD who had impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or diabetes (207).  Patients were randomized to receive a 1-gram capsule containing at least 900mg of ethyl esters of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA 465mg and DHA 375mg) or placebo for approximately 6 years. Greater than 50% of the patients were on statin therapy. The primary outcome was death from cardiovascular causes. TG levels were reduced by 14.5mg/dL in the group receiving omega-3-fatty acids compared to the placebo group (P<0.001), without a significant effect on other lipids. The incidence of the primary outcome was not significantly decreased among patients receiving omega-3-fatty acids as compared with those receiving placebo. The use of omega-3-fatty acids also had no significant effect on the rates of major vascular events, death from any cause, or death from arrhythmia.


A Study of Cardiovascular Events in Diabetes (ASCEND) was a randomized, placebo controlled, double blind trial of 1-gram omega-3-fattys acids (400mg EPA and 300mg DHA ethyl esters) vs. olive oil placebo in 15,480 patients with diabetes without a history of ASCVD (primary prevention trial) (208). Approximately 75% of patients were on statin therapy. The primary end point was serious vascular events (non-fatal MI, non-fatal stroke, transient ischemic attack, or vascular death). Total cholesterol, HDL-C, and non-HDL-C levels were not significantly altered by omega-3-fatty acid treatment (changes in TG levels were not reported). After a mean follow-up of 7.4 years the composite outcome of a serious vascular event or revascularization occurred in 882 patients (11.4%) on omega-3-fatty acids and 887 patients (11.5%) on placebo (rate ratio, 1.00; 95% CI, 0.91 to 1.09). Serious adverse events were similar in placebo and omega-3-fatty acid treated groups.


Taken together these studies indicate that low dose omega-3-fatty acids do not reduce cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes. Studies in non-diabetics have also found little effect of low dose omega-3-fatty acids on ASCVD (209).




The Japan EPA Lipid Intervention Study (JELIS) was an open label non-placebo controlled study in patients on statin therapy with total cholesterol levels > 254mg/dL with (n= 3664) or without ASCVD (n=14,981) who were randomly assigned to be treated with 1800 mg of EPA (Vascepa) + statin (n=9326) or statin alone (n= 9319) with a 5 year follow-up (210). Approximately 16% of the patients had diabetes. The mean baseline TG level was 153mg/dL. The primary endpoint was any major coronary event, including sudden cardiac death, fatal and non-fatal MI, and other non-fatal events including unstable angina pectoris, angioplasty, stenting, or coronary artery bypass grafting. On treatment total cholesterol, LDL-C, and HDL-C levels were similar in the two groups but plasma TG were modestly decreased in the EPA treated group (5% decrease in EPA group compared to controls; p = 0.0001). In the EPA + statin group the primary endpoint occurred in 2.8% of the patients vs. 3.5% of the patients in the statin alone group (19% decrease; p = 0.011). Unstable angina and non-fatal coronary events were also significantly reduced in the EPA group but in this study sudden cardiac death and coronary death did not differ between groups. Unstable angina was the main component contributing to the primary endpoint and this is a more subjective endpoint than other endpoints such as a MI, stroke, or cardiovascular death. A subjective endpoint has the potential to be an unreliable endpoint in an open label study and is a major limitation of the JELIS Study. The reduction in events was similar in the subgroup of patients with diabetes. In patients with TG levels >150mg/dL and HDL-C levels < 40mg/dL there was a 53% decrease in events (211). In the EPA group, small increases in the occurrence of bleeding (1.1% vs. 0.6%, p=0.0006), gastrointestinal disturbance (3.8%% vs. 1.7%, p<0.0001) and skin abnormalities (1.7 vs. 0.7%, p<0.0001) were seen. 


The Reduction of Cardiovascular Events with EPA – Intervention Trial (REDUCE-IT) was a randomized, double blind trial of 2 grams twice per day of EPA ethyl ester (icosapent ethyl) (Vascepa) vs. placebo (mineral oil) in 8,179 patients with hypertriglyceridemia (135mg/dL to 499mg/dL) and established ASCVD or high ASCVD risk (diabetes plus one risk factor) who were on stable statin therapy (212). Approximately 60% of the patients in this trial had diabetes. The primary end point was a composite of cardiovascular death, nonfatal MI, nonfatal stroke, coronary revascularization, or unstable angina. At baseline, the median LDL-C level was 75.0 mg/dL, HDL-C level was 40.0 mg/dL, and TG level was 216.0 mg/dL. The median change in TG level from baseline to 1 year was a decrease of 18.3% (−39.0 mg/dL) in the EPA group and an increase of 2.2% (4.5 mg/dL) in the placebo group. After a median of 4.9 years the primary end-point occurred in 17.2% of the patients in the EPA group vs. 22.0% of the patients in the placebo group (HR 0.75; 95% CI 0.68 to 0.83; P<0.001), indicating a 25% decrease in events. The beneficial effects were similar in patients with and without diabetes. The number needed to treat to avoid one primary end-point event was 21. The reduction in cardiovascular events was noted after approximately 2 years of EPA treatment. Additionally, the risk of cardiovascular death was decreased by 20% in the EPA group (HR 0.80; 95% CI, 0.66 to 0.98; P=0.03). The cardiovascular benefits of EPA were similar across baseline levels of TG (<150, ≥150 to <200, and ≥200 mg/dL). Moreover, the cardiovascular benefits of EPA appeared to occur irrespective of the attained TG level at 1 year (≥150 or <150 mg/dL), suggesting that the cardiovascular risk reduction was not associated with attainment of a normal TG levels. An increase in hospitalization for atrial fibrillation or flutter (3.1% vs. 2.1%, P=0.004) occurred in the EPA group. In addition, serious bleeding events occurred in 2.7% of the patients in the EPA group and in 2.1% in the placebo group (P=0.06). There were no fatal bleeding events in either group and the rates of hemorrhagic stroke, serious central nervous system bleeding, and serious gastrointestinal bleeding were not significantly higher in the EPA group.


These results demonstrate that EPA treatment reduces ASCVD events. Of note the reduction in TG levels is relatively modest and would not be expected to result in the magnitude of the decrease in ASCVD observed in the JELIS and REDUCE-IT trials. Other actions of EPA, such as decreasing platelet function, anti-inflammation, decreasing lipid oxidation, stabilizing membranes, etc. could account for or contribute to the reduction in cardiovascular events (213). It is likely that the beneficial effects of EPA seen in the JELIS and REDUCE-IT trials are multifactorial.


The Statin Residual Risk Reduction with Epanova in High Risk Patients with Hypertriglyceridemia (STRENGTH) trial was a randomized, placebo controlled, double blind trial of 4 grams per day of omega-3-fatty acids (Epanova) (carboxylic acid formulation of EPA and DHA) vs. placebo (corn oil) in 13,000 patients on statins with hypertriglyceridemia (180-500mg/dL), optimal LDL-C levels (< 100mg/dL or on maximal statin therapy), low HDL-C (<42mg/dL in men and < 47mg/dL in women), and either ASCVD or high risk for ASCVD (214). The primary outcome was major atherosclerotic cardiovascular events (cardiovascular death, MI, stroke, coronary revascularization or hospitalization for unstable angina). The primary end point occurred in 785 patients (12.0%) treated with omega-3 CA vs 795 (12.2%) treated with corn oil (HR, 0.99: [95% CI, 0.90-1.09]; P = .84) (215). Thus, in contrast to EPA alone this omega-3-fatty acid formulation failed to show benefits despite reducing TG levels (18% decrease) to a similar degree as in the REDUCE-IT trial.


Whether EPA has special properties that resulted in the reduction in cardiovascular events in the REDUCE-IT trial or there were flaws in the trial design (the use of mineral oil as the placebo) is uncertain and debated. It should be noted that in the REDUCE-IT trial LDL-C and non-HDL-C levels were increased by approximately 10% (LDL-C by approximately 9mg/dL and non-HDL-C by approximately 10mg/dL) in the mineral oil placebo group (212). Additionally, Apo B levels were increased by 7% (6mg/dL) by mineral oil (212). Finally, an increase in hsCRP (20-30%) and other biomarkers of atherosclerosis (oxidized LDL-C, IL-6, IL-1 beta, and lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2) were noted in the mineral oil group (212,216). In the STRENGTH trial there were no differences in LDL-C, Non-HDL-C, HDL-C, Apo B, or hsCRP levels between the treated vs. placebo groups (215). Whether EPA has special properties compared to DHA leading to a reduction in cardiovascular events or the mineral oil placebo resulted in adverse changes increasing ASCVD in the placebo resulting in an artifactual decrease in the EPA group is debated (217,218). Ideally, another large randomized cardiovascular trial with EPA ethyl ester (icosapent ethyl) (Vascepa) using a placebo other than mineral oil would resolve this controversy.




There are several different guidelines for treating lipids in patients with diabetes. While they all focus on lowering LDL-C there are differences between the various guidelines.


American Diabetes Association Guidelines


The 2023 American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends that adult patients with diabetes have their lipid profile determined at the time of diabetes diagnosis and at least every 5 years thereafter or more frequently if indicated (219). This profile includes total cholesterol, HDL-C, TG, and calculated LDL-C. A lipid panel should be obtained immediately prior to initiating statin therapy. Once a patient is on statin therapy testing should be carried out 4-12 weeks after initiating therapy and annually thereafter to monitor adherence and efficacy. Lifestyle modifications including a reduction in saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol intake, weight loss if indicated, an increase in omega-3-fatty acids, viscous fiber, and plant stanols /sterol intake, and increased physical activity is indicated in all patients with diabetes. A focus on a Mediterranean style diet or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet should be encouraged. In patients with elevated TG levels glycemic control is beneficial and dietary changes and lifestyle changes including weight loss and abstinence from alcohol should be undertaken. Secondary disorders and medications that raise TG levels should be evaluated. Optimize glycemic control to improve TG and HDL-C levels. The recommendations for lipid lowering therapy are shown in table 4. If one follows these recommendations almost all patients with diabetes over the age of 40 will be on statin therapy and many under the age of 40 will also be treated with statins. The addition of ezetimibe should be considered to further lower LDL-C levels in high-risk primary prevention patients. In very high-risk patients with ASCVD if the LDL-C level on statin therapy is greater than 70mg/dL the use of ezetimibe or a PCSK9 inhibitor should be considered. The use of fibrates or niacin with statins were generally not recommended as there is no evidence of benefit. However, in patients with ASCVD or other cardiovascular risk factors on a statin with controlled LDL-C but elevated TG levels (135-499mg/dL) the addition of icosapent ethyl can be considered. Finally, in patients with fasting TG levels greater than 500mg/dL an evaluation for secondary causes of hypertriglyceridemia should be initiated and consideration of drug therapy to reduce the risk of pancreatitis.


Table 4. ADA Recommendations for Lipid Lowering Therapy

Primary Prevention

Age 20-39: With additional risk factors may be reasonable to initiate statin therapy

Age 40-75: Use moderate-intensity statin therapy* in addition to lifestyle therapy

Age 40-75: If at higher cardiovascular risk, including those with one or more ASCVD risk factors, it is recommended to use high intensity statin therapy to reduce LDL cholesterol by >50% and to target an LDL-C <70 mg/dL

Age 40-75: If at higher cardiovascular risk, especially those with multiple ASCVD risk factors and an LDL-C >70 mg/dL, it may be reasonable to add ezetimibe or a PCSK9 inhibitor to maximum tolerated statin therapy

Age > 75: Initiating moderate intensity statin therapy is reasonable after discussion and in patient already on statin therapy it is reasonable to continue statin therapy

Secondary Prevention

All ages: High intensity statin therapy**/maximally tolerated stain

For people with diabetes and ASCVD, treatment with high intensity statin therapy is recommended to target an LDL-C reduction of >50% and an LDL-C l goal of <55 mg/dL. Addition of ezetimibe or a PCSK9 inhibitor is recommended if this goal is not achieved

*Moderate intensity statin- atorvastatin 10-20mg, rosuvastatin 5-10mg, simvastatin 20-40mg, pravastatin 40-80mg, lovastatin 40mg, Fluvastatin XL 80mg, pitavastatin 3-4mg.

**High Intensity statin- atorvastatin 40-80mg, rosuvastatin 20-40mg.


American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association Guidelines


The 2018 American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) guidelines recommend the following (220). “In patients 40 to 75 years of age with diabetes mellitus and LDL-C ≥70 mg/dL (≥1.8 mmol/L), start moderate-intensity statin therapy without calculating 10-year ASCVD risk. In patients with diabetes mellitus at higher risk, especially those with multiple risk factors or those 50 to 75 years of age, it is reasonable to use a high-intensity statin to reduce the LDL-C level by ≥50%.” In patients with diabetes and ASCVD they recommend “In patients with clinical ASCVD, reduce LDL-C with high-intensity statin therapy or maximally tolerated statin therapy. The more LDL-C is reduced on statin therapy, the greater will be subsequent risk reduction. Use a maximally tolerated statin to lower LDLC levels by ≥50%. In very high-risk ASCVD, use an LDL-C threshold of 70 mg/dL (1.8 mmol/L) to consider addition of non-statins to statin therapy. Very high-risk includes a history of multiple major ASCVD events or 1 major ASCVD event and multiple high-risk conditions. In very high-risk ASCVD patients, it is reasonable to add ezetimibe to maximally tolerated statin therapy when the LDL-C level remains ≥70 mg/dL (≥1.8 mmol/L). In patients at very high risk whose LDL-C level remains ≥70 mg/dL (≥1.8 mmol/L) on maximally tolerated statin and ezetimibe therapy, adding a PCSK9 inhibitor is reasonable, although the long-term safety (>3 years) is uncertain and cost effectiveness is low at mid-2018 list prices.” With regards to testing they recommend “Assess adherence and percentage response to LDL-C–lowering medications and lifestyle changes with repeat lipid measurement 4 to 12 weeks after statin initiation or dose adjustment, repeated every 3 to 12 months as needed”. Finally, there are several diabetes specific risk enhancers that are independent of other risk factors that should be considered in deciding the risk of cardiovascular events in a patient with diabetes (Table 5).


Table 5. Diabetes Specific Risk Enhancers That are Independent of Other Risk Factors in Diabetes

Long duration (≥10 years for type 2 diabetes mellitus or ≥20 years for type 1 diabetes mellitus

Albuminuria ≥30 mcg of albumin/mg creatinine

eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2



ABI <0.9

ABI indicates ankle-brachial index


American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists/American College of Endocrinology Guidelines


The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and American College of Endocrinology guidelines consider individuals with T2DM to be at high, very high, or extreme risk for ASCVD (221,222). Patients with T1DM and a duration of diabetes of more than 15 years or two or more risk factors, poorly controlled A1c, or insulin resistance with metabolic syndrome should be considered to have an equivalent risk to patients with T2DM (221). The recommended treatment goals are shown in Table 6.


Table 6. ASCVD Risk Categories and Treatment Goals

Risk Category

Risk Factors/10-year risk

LDL-C mg/dL

Non-HDL-C mg/dL

Apo B mg/dL



Extreme Risk

Diabetes and clinical ASCVD





Very High Risk

Diabetes with one or more risk factors





High Risk

Diabetes and no other risk factors






European Society of Cardiology and European Atherosclerosis Society Guidelines


The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) has 2019 guidelines for the treatment of lipids in patients with diabetes (223). These guidelines classify patients with diabetes as very high risk, high risk, or moderate risk (table 7). The recommended goals of therapy based on risk classification are shown in table 8. As with other guidelines intensification of statin therapy should be considered before the introduction of combination therapy. If the goal is not reached, statin combination with ezetimibe should be considered next.


Table 7. ESC/EAS Classification of Risk in Patients with Diabetes

Very High Risk- target organ damage, or at least three major risk factors, or early onset of T1DM of long duration (>20 years)

High Risk- without target organ damage, with DM duration >10 years or another additional risk factor

Moderate Risk- Young patients (T1DM <35 years; T2DM <50 years) with DM duration <10 years, without other risk factors. Calculated SCORE >1 % and <5% for 10-year risk of fatal CVD


Table 8. ESC/EAS Goals of Therapy in Patients with Diabetes




Apo B

Very High Risk

>50% reduction and <55mg/dL (<1.4mmol/L)



High Risk

>50% reduction and <70mg/dL (<1.8mmol/L)



Moderate Risk





European Society of Cardiology Guidelines


The ESC has updated their guidelines in 2023 (224). An important new recommendation is that in patients with T2DM without symptomatic ASCVD or severe target organ damage, it is recommended to estimate 10-year CVD risk using SCORE2-Diabetes (225). This has resulted in a new classification of risk in patients with T2DM (table 9). The LDL-C goals for each category are shown in table 9.


Table 9. Cardiovascular Risk Categories and Goals in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Very high risk

Clinically established ASCVD or

Severe target organ damage or

10-year risk of CVD> 20% using SCORE2-Diabetes

LDL-C < 55mg/dl

Non-HDL-C <85mg/dL

High risk*

10-year risk of CVD 10% to < 20% using SCORE2-Diabetes

LDL-C < 70mg/dL

Non-HDL-C <100mg/dL

Moderate risk*

10-year risk of CVD 5% to <10% using SCORE2-Diabetes

LDL-C < 100mg/dL

Low Risk*

10-year risk of CVD <5% using SCORE2-Diabetes

no recommendations

*Patients not meeting the very high-risk category.

Severe target organ damage is defined as eGFR <45 mL/min/1.73 m2 irrespective of albuminuria; or eGFR 45–59 mL/min/1.73 m2 and microalbuminuria (UACR 30–300 mg/g; stage A2); or proteinuria (UACR>300 mg/g; stage A3), or presence of microvascular disease in at least three different sites [e.g., microalbuminuria (stage A2) plus retinopathy plus neuropathy].


My Guideline Recommendations


Thus, different organizations have proposed somewhat different recommendations for the treatment of lipids in patients with diabetes. Despite these differences it is clear that the vast majority of patients with diabetes will need to be treated with statins regardless of which guidelines one elects to follow.


The approach I use is to combine these recommendations (Tables 10 and 11). In patients with diabetes who have pre-existing ASCVD I initiate intensive statin therapy. I prefer LDL or non-HDL-C goals over percent reduction goals. Given the extensive data showing that the lower the LDL-C the greater the reduction in cardiovascular events most secondary prevention patients would benefit from the addition of ezetimibe to maximize LDL-C lowering without markedly increasing costs (226). In patients with diabetes 40-75 years of age without pre-existing ASCVD I calculate the 10-year risk of developing ASCVD ( and identify risk enhancing factors (Table 5) and other factors that increase risk that are not included in the calculator (for example family history, inflammatory disorders, etc.). I initiate intensive statin therapy if the 10-year risk is > 7.5% or if there are multiple risk factors/risk enhancers. I initiate moderate statin therapy if the risk is < 7.5% without multiple risk factors/enhancers. Four to twelve weeks after initiating statin therapy I obtain a lipid panel to determine if the LDL and non-HDL-C levels are at goal. In patients with pre-existing ASCVD or multiple risk factors/risk enhancers (i.e., very high-risk patients) my goal is an LDL-C < 55mg/dL and a non-HDL-C < 80mg/dL. In patients that are at high-risk the goal my goal is an LDL-C < 70mg/dL and a non-HDL-C < 100mg/dL. In patients with moderate risk an LDL-C goal of < 100mg/dL and a non-HDL c < 130mg/dL is appropriate. If the levels are not at goal, I first adjust the statin dose until the patient is taking the maximally tolerated statin dose and then consider adding additional medications.  In patients with diabetes who are less than 40 years of age I initiate statin therapy if the patient has overt ASCVD, long standing diabetes, or risk factors/risk enhancers for ASCVD and the LDL and non-HDL-C levels are not at goal. In these younger patients I also calculate the life time risk of ASCVD events to start a discussion of beginning early therapy given the abundance of data indicating that initiating LDL-C lowering therapy early has great potential in markedly lowering ASCVD risk (226,227). In patients over 75 years of age with a reasonable life expectancy I begin moderate statin therapy and adjust based on response. When there is difficulty classifying a patient’s risk, I will obtain a coronary calcium score and use the score to help stratify the patient’s risk. In all cases the benefits and risks of lipid lowering therapy needs to be discussed with patients and the patient’s personnel preferences taken into account.


Table 10. ASCVD Risk Categories and Treatment Goals

Risk Category

Risk Factors/10-year risk

LDL-C mg/dL

Non-HDL-C mg/dL

Very High Risk

Diabetes and clinical ASCVD, multiple risk factors, 10-year risk > 20%



High Risk

Diabetes with one or more risk factors, 10-year risk >7.5% to <20%



Moderate Risk

Diabetes and no other risk factors. 10-year risk <7.5%




Table 11. Drug Therapy According to Risk Category that is Typically Required

Very High Risk

Intensive statin therapy + ezetimibe. Add PCSK9 if not close to goal

High Risk

Intensive statin therapy. Add ezetimibe if not at goal

Moderate Risk

Moderate statin therapy. Increase to intensive statin therapy if not at goal




Life Style Changes and Weight Loss


Initial treatment of lipid disorders should focus on lifestyle changes. There is little debate that exercise is beneficial and that all patients with diabetes should, if possible, exercise for at least 150 minutes per week (for example 30 minutes 5 times per week). Exercise will decrease serum TG levels and increase HDL-C levels (an increase in HDL-C requires vigorous exercise) (124). Exercise increases fitness and improves insulin resistance even with limited weight loss; reductions in obesity are even more beneficial. It should be noted that many patients with diabetes may have substantial barriers to participating in exercise programs, such as comorbidities that limit exercise tolerance, risk of hypoglycemia, and presence of microvascular complications (visual impairment, neuropathy) that make exercise difficult.


Diet is debated to a greater extent and for detailed information on nutrition therapy for adults with diabetes see the consensus report by the American Diabetes Association (228). Everyone agrees that weight loss in obese patients is essential (124). But how this can be achieved is hotly debated with many different "experts" advocating different dietary approaches. The wide diversity of approach is likely due to the failure of any approach to be effective in the long term for the majority of obese patients with diabetes. If successful, weight loss will decrease serum TG levels, increase HDL-C levels, and modestly reduce LDL-C (124,229). To reduce LDL-C levels, it is important that the diet decrease saturated fat, trans fatty acids, and cholesterol intake. Increasing soluble fiber is also helpful.


It is debated whether a low fat, high complex carbohydrate diets vs. a high monounsaturated fat  diet is ideal for obese patients with diabetes (124). One can find "experts" in favor of either of these approaches and there are pros and cons to each approach. It is essential to recognize that both approaches reduce simple sugars, saturated fat, trans fatty acids, and cholesterol intake. The high complex carbohydrate diet will increase serum TG levels in some patients and if the amount of fat in the diet is markedly reduced serum HDL-C levels may decrease. In obese patients, it has been postulated that a diet high in monounsaturated fats, because of the increase in caloric density, will lead to an increase in weight gain. Both diets reduce saturated fat and cholesterol intake that will result in reductions in LDL-C levels. Additionally, both diets also reduce trans-fatty acid intake, which will have a beneficial effect on LDL and HDL-C levels and simple sugars, which will have a beneficial effect on TG levels. Very high levels of TG (>1000mg/dL), require diets that are very low in fat.


The available data do not indicate that any particular diet is best for inducing weight loss and it is essential to adapt the diet to fit the food preferences of the patient. Ultimately no weight loss diet will be successful if the patient cannot follow the diet for the long term and therefore the diet needs to be tailored to the specific preferences of the patient. For more detailed information on the effect of diet on lipid and lipoprotein levels and cardiovascular disease see the Endotext chapter “The Effect of Diet on Cardiovascular Disease and Lipid and Lipoprotein Levels” (229).


While it is widely accepted that lifestyle changes will decrease ASCVD events it should be recognized that the Look Ahead trial failed to demonstrate a reduction in ASCVD events (230). In this trial, over 5,000 overweight or obese patients with T2DM were randomized to either an intensive lifestyle intervention group that promoted weight loss through decreased caloric intake and increased physical activity or to a group that received diabetes support and education (control group). After a median follow-up of 9.6 years there was no difference in cardiovascular events (hazard ratio in the intervention group, 0.95; 95% CI 0.83 to 1.09; P=0.51). A major limitation of this study was that while the weight difference between groups was impressive during the first year of the trial, over time the differences greatly narrowed such that at the end of the trial the intensive group had a 6.0% weight loss while the control group had a 3.5% weight loss. This very modest weight difference demonstrates the difficulty in sustaining long term lifestyle changes. Thus, while weight loss and diet therapy are likely to be beneficial in reducing cardiovascular events, in clinical practice they are seldom sufficient because long-term life style changes are very difficult for most patients to maintain.


In contrast to the failure of lifestyle therapy in the Look Ahead trial to reduce cardiovascular events, the PREDIMED trial employing a Mediterranean diet (increased monounsaturated fats) did reduce the incidence of major ASCVD events (231,232). In this multicenter trial center trial, carried out in Spain, over 7,000 patients at high risk for developing ASCVD were randomized to three diets (primary prevention trial). A Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil, a Mediterranean diet supplemented with mixed nuts, or a control diet. Approximately 50% of the patients in this trial had T2DM. In the patients assigned to the Mediterranean diets there was 29% decrease in the primary end point (MI, stroke, and death from ASCVD). Subgroup analysis demonstrated that the Mediterranean diet was equally beneficial in patients with and without diabetes. The Mediterranean diet resulted in only a small but significant increase in HDL-C levels and a small decrease in both LDL-C and TG levels, suggesting that the beneficial effects were not mediated by changes in lipids (233).


The CORDIOPREV study was a single center randomized trial that compared a Mediterranean diet to a low-fat diet in 1,002 patients with ASCVD (234). Approximately 50% of the patients had diabetes. The Mediterranean diet contained a minimum of 35% of the calories as fat (22% monounsaturated fatty acids, 6% polyunsaturated fatty acids, and <10% saturated fat), 15% proteins, and a maximum of 50% carbohydrates while the low-fat diet contained less than 30% of total fat (<10% saturated fat, 12–14% monounsaturated fatty acids, and 6–8% polyunsaturated fatty acids), 15% protein, and a minimum of 55% carbohydrates. The risk of an ASCVD event was reduced by approximately 25-30% in the Mediterranean diet group. Whether these diets differed in their effects on fasting lipid levels is unknown.


Finally, another secondary prevention trial of a Mediterranean diet has also demonstrated a reduction in cardiovascular events. The Lyon Diet Heart Study randomized 584 patients who had a MI within 6 months to a Mediterranean type diet vs usual diet (235,236). There was a marked reduction in events in the group of patients randomized to the Mediterranean diet (cardiac death and nonfatal MI rate was 4.07 per 100 patient years in the control diet vs. 1.24 in the Mediterranean diet; p<0.0001). Unfortunately, there is no indication of the number of patients with diabetes in the Lyon Diet Heart Study or whether patients with diabetes responded similar to the entire group. Lipid levels were similar in both groups in this trial (235).


The results of these three randomized trials indicate that we should be encouraging our patients to follow a Mediterranean type diet. It is likely that the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean diet on ASCVD is mediated by multiple mechanisms with alterations in lipid levels making only a minor contribution.


For additional information on the effect of diets on lipid levels and ASCVD see the chapter entitled “The Effect of Diet on Cardiovascular Disease and Lipid and Lipoprotein Levels” in the Lipids and Lipoproteins section of Endotext (229).


Bariatric surgery can have profound effects on weight and can result in marked improvements in lipid profiles with a decrease in TG and LDL-C and an increase in HDL-C (124,229) Additionally, observational studies have shown a decrease in cardiovascular events following bariatric surgery in patients with and without diabetes (237-241). For additional information see the chapter entitled “Obesity and Dyslipidemia” (124).


Ethanol and simple sugars, in particular fructose, increase serum TG levels in susceptible patients. In patients with hypertriglyceridemia efforts should be made to reduce the intake of ethanol, simple sugars, and fructose (229).


Lastly, in the past some "experts" advocated the addition of fish oil supplements to reduce cardiovascular events. However, both the Origin Trial and the ASCEND Trial did not demonstrate that fish oil supplements were beneficial in patients with T2DM or patients at high risk for the development of T2DM (207,208). It should be recognized that higher doses of fish oil are required to lower serum triglyceride levels (~ 3-4 grams of DHA/EPA per day) and are useful in treating patients with high TG levels (242). Most studies of fish oil supplements in patients with diabetes have demonstrated that this is a safe approach and that worsening of glycemic control does not occur in patients with diabetes treated with fish oil supplements (242). Additionally, in some patient's high dose fish oil increases LDL-C levels, particularly when serum TG levels are very high (242). For additional information on fish oil see the chapter on Triglyceride Lowering Drugs (209).


Drug Therapy


The effect of statins, fibrates, niacin, ezetimibe, omega-3-fatty acids, bile acid sequestrants, bempedoic acid, and PCSK9 inhibitors on lipid levels in patients with diabetes is virtually identical to that seen in non-diabetic patients (Table 12). Below we will highlight issues particularly relevant to the use of these drugs in patients with diabetes. For detailed information on lipid lowering drugs see the chapters on Triglyceride Lowering Drugs and Cholesterol Lowering Drugs (141,209).




Statins are easy to use and generally well tolerated by patients with diabetes. However, statins can adversely affect glucose homeostasis. In patients without diabetes the risk of developing diabetes is increased by approximately 10% with higher doses of statin causing a greater risk than more moderate doses (243,244). The mechanism for this adverse effect is unknown but older, obese patients with higher baseline glucose levels are at greatest risk. In patients with diabetes, an analysis of 9 studies with over 9,000 patients with diabetes reported that the patients randomized to statin therapy had a 0.12% higher HbA1c than the placebo group indicating that statin therapy is associated with only a very small increase in HbA1c levels in patients with diabetes, which is unlikely to be clinically significant (245). Individual studies such as CARDS and the Heart Protection Study have also shown only a very modest effect of statins on HbA1c levels in patients with diabetes (163,166,246). Muscle symptoms occur in patients with diabetes similar to what is observed in patients without diabetes.




Ezetimibe is easy to use and generally well tolerated by patients with diabetes. Ezetimibe does not appear to increase the risk of new onset diabetes (199,247,248).




Fibrates are easy to use and generally well tolerated by patients with diabetes. When combining fibrates with statin therapy it is best to use fenofibrate as the risk of inducing myositis is much less than when statins are used in combination with gemfibrozil, which can inhibit statin metabolism (249). In the ACCORD-LIPID Trial the incidence of muscle disorders was not increased in the statin + fenofibrate group compared to statin alone (189). The dose of fenofibrate needs to be adjusted in patients with renal disease and fenofibrate itself can induce a reversible increase in serum creatinine levels. It should be noted that marked reductions in HDL-C levels can occur in some patients treated with both fenofibrate and a TZD (250).


Diabetic Retinopathy


Fenofibrate has been shown to have beneficial effects on diabetic eye disease. The FIELD study, described earlier, was a randomized trial of fenofibrate vs. placebo in patients with T2DM. Laser treatment for retinopathy was significantly lower in the fenofibrate group than in the placebo group (3.4% patients on fenofibrate vs 4.9% on placebo; p=0.0002) (191). Fenofibrate therapy reduced the need for laser therapy to a similar extent for maculopathy (31% decrease) and for proliferative retinopathy (30% decrease). In the ophthalmology sub-study (n=1012), the primary endpoint of 2-step progression of retinopathy grade did not differ significantly between the fenofibrate and control groups (9.6% patients on fenofibrate vs 12.3% on placebo; p=0.19). In patients without pre-existing retinopathy there was no difference in progression (11.4% vs 11.7%; p=0.87). However, in patients with pre-existing retinopathy, significantly fewer patients on fenofibrate had a 2-step progression than did those on placebo (3.1% patients vs 14.6%; p=0.004). A composite endpoint of 2-step progression of retinopathy grade, macular edema, or laser treatments was significantly reduced in the fenofibrate group (HR 0.66, 95% CI 0.47-0.94; p=0.022).


In the ACCORD Study a subgroup of participants was evaluated for the progression of diabetic retinopathy by 3 or more steps on the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Severity Scale or the development of diabetic retinopathy necessitating laser photocoagulation or vitrectomy over a four-year period (190). At 4 years, the rates of progression of diabetic retinopathy were 6.5% with fenofibrate therapy (n=806) vs. 10.2% with placebo (n=787) (adjusted odds ratio, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.42 to 0.87; P = 0.006). Of note, this reduction in the progression of diabetic retinopathy was of a similar magnitude as intensive glycemic treatment vs. standard therapy.


Taken together these results indicate that fibrates have beneficial effects on the progression of diabetic retinopathy. The mechanisms by which fibrates decrease diabetic retinopathy are unknown.


Diabetic Nephropathy


The Diabetes Atherosclerosis Intervention Study (DAIS) evaluated the effect of fenofibrate therapy (n= 155) vs. placebo (n=159) on changes in urinary albumin excretion in patients with T2DM (251). Fenofibrate significantly reduced the worsening of albumin excretion (fenofibrate 8% vs. placebo 18%; P < 0.05). This effect was primarily due to reduced progression from normal albumin excretion to microalbuminuria (fenofibrate 3% vs. 18% placebo; P < 0.001).


In the FIELD trial, fenofibrate reduced urine albumin/creatinine ratio by 24% vs 11% in placebo group (p < 0.001), with 14% less progression and 18% more albuminuria regression (p < 0.001) in the fenofibrate group than in participants on placebo (252). As expected, fenofibrate therapy acutely increased plasma creatinine levels and decreased eGFR but over the long term, the increase in plasma creatinine was decreased in the fenofibrate group compared to the placebo group (14% decrease; p=0.01). Similarly, there was a slower annual decrease in eGFR in the fenofibrate group (1.19 vs 2.03 mL/min/1.73m2   annually, p < 0.001). The effect of fenofibrate on kidney function was greater in those with higher TG and lower HDL levels. End-stage renal disease, dialysis, renal transplant, and renal death were similar in the fenofibrate and placebo groups, but the incidence was low.


In the ACCORD-LIPID trial the post-randomization incidence of microalbuminuria was 38.2% in the fenofibrate group and 41.6% in the placebo group (p=0.01) and post-randomization incidence of macroalbumuria was 10.5% in the fibrate group and 12.3% in the placebo group (p=0.04) indicating a modest reduction in the development of proteinuria in patients treated with fenofibrate (189). There was no significant difference in the incidence of end-stage renal disease or need for dialysis between the fenofibrate group and the placebo group.


These studies suggest that fibrates may have a beneficial effect on diabetic kidney disease. One should recognize that reducing proteinuria is a surrogate marker and may not indicate a reduction in the development of end stage renal disease. The mechanisms accounting for decreased in proteinuria are unknown.




In the FIELD study the risks of first amputation were decreased by 36% (p=0.02) and minor amputation events without known large-vessel disease by 47% (p=0.027) in the fenofibrate treated group (253). The reduction in amputations was independent of glucose control or dyslipidemia. No difference between the risks of major amputations was seen in the placebo and fenofibrate groups. The basis for this reduction in amputations is unknown.


Do Fibrates have an Independent Effect on Microvascular Disease?


Multiple studies cited above have now shown that fenofibrate decreases retinopathy, nephropathy, and amputation in the absence of large vessel disease. The effects are independent of blood glucose control. Given that there also was no effect of fenofibrate on cardiovascular (macrovascular) disease, these results may suggest that fenofibrate has an independent effect on microvascular disease.  Further studies are warranted, but these results should be taken into account when considering treatment of marked hypertriglyceridemia in patients with diabetes. 




Bile acid sequestrants are relatively difficult to take due to GI toxicity (mainly constipation) (141). Diabetic subjects have an increased prevalence of constipation, which may be exacerbated by the use of bile acid sequestrants. On the other hand, in diabetic patients with diarrhea, the use of bile acid sequestrants may be advantageous. Bile acid sequestrants may also increase serum TG levels, which can be a problem in patients with diabetes who are already hypertriglyceridemic (141). An additional difficulty in using bile acid sequestrants is their potential for binding other drugs (141). Many drugs should be taken either two hours before or four hours after taking bile acid sequestrants to avoid the potential of decreased drug absorption. Patients with diabetes are frequently on multiple drugs for glycemic control, hypertension, etc., and it can sometimes be difficult to time the ingestion of bile resin sequestrants to avoid these other drugs. Colesevelam (Welchol) is a bile acid sequestrant that comes in pill, powder, or chewable bars and causes fewer side effects and has fewer interactions with other drugs than other preparations (254). The usual dose is3.75 grams per day and can be given as tablets (​take 6 tablets once daily or 3 tablets twice daily), oral suspension (​take one packet once daily), or chewable bars (take one bar once daily). Of particular note is that a number of studies have shown that colesevelam improves glycemic control in patients with diabetes resulting in an approximately 0.5% decrease in A1c levels (255).




Niacin is well known to cause skin flushing and itching and GI upset (256). Additionally, niacin reduces insulin sensitivity (i.e., causes insulin resistance), which can worsen glycemic control (256). Studies have shown that niacin is usually well tolerated in diabetic subjects who are in good glycemic control (257,258). In patients with poor glycemic control, niacin is more likely to adversely impact glucose levels. In the HPS2-Thrive trial, niacin therapy significantly worsened glycemic control in patients with diabetes and induced new onset diabetes in 1.3% of subjects that were non-diabetic (195). High doses of niacin are more likely to adversely affect glycemic control. Niacin can also increase serum uric acid levels and induce gout, both of which are already common in obese patients with T2DM (256). Additionally recent trials have reported an increased incidence of infection and bleeding with niacin therapy (256). However, niacin is the most effective drug in increasing HDL-C levels, which are frequently low in patients with diabetes. 




A Cochrane review of fish oil in patients with diabetes have demonstrated that this is a safe approach and does not result in worsening of glycemic control in patients with diabetes (242). Fish oil effectively lowers TG levels but, in some patients, particularly those with significant hypertriglyceridemia, high dose fish oil increases LDL-C levels (242). It should be noted that fish oil products that contain just EPA (Vascepa) do not adversely affect LDL-C levels (259). When using fish oil to lower serum TG levels it is important to recognize that one is aiming to provide 3-4 grams of DHA/EPA per day. The quantity of these active omega-3-fatty acids can vary greatly from product to product. Prescription fish oil products contain large amounts of these active ingredients whereas the amount of DHA/EPA in food supplements can vary greatly and in some products levels are very low. Additionally, while prescription omega-3-fatty acid preparations have high levels of quality control, omega-3-fish oil food supplements may have contaminants and the dosage may not be precisely controlled.




The beneficial effects of PCSK9 inhibitors in patients with diabetes is similar to what is observed in non-diabetic patients. Additionally, except for local reactions at the injection sites PCSK9 inhibitors do not seem to cause major side effects. PCSK9 inhibitors do not appear to increase the risk of developing new-onset diabetes (260,261).




The effect of bempedoic acid on LDL-C levels in patients with diabetes are similar to the decreases seen on non-diabetics. Patients with T2DM often have elevated uric acid levels and an increased risk of gouty attacks and a major side effect of bempedoic acid is elevating uric acid levels (141). In clinical trials, 26% of bempedoic acid-treated patients with normal baseline uric acid values experienced hyperuricemia one or more times versus 9.5% in the placebo group. Elevations in blood uric acid levels may lead to the development of gout and gout was reported in 1.5% of patients treated with bempedoic acid vs. 0.4% of patients treated with placebo. The risk for gout attacks were higher in patients with a prior history of gout (11.2% for bempedoic acid treatment vs. 1.7% in the placebo group). In patients with no prior history of gout only 1% of patients treated with bempedoic acid and 0.3% of the placebo group had a gouty attack.


In a meta-analysis, bempedoic acid therapy was associated with a decrease in the onset of diabetes and worsening of diabetes  (RR 0.65, p = 0.03) (7/100 vs 6.4/100 patient years) (262). In a study focusing solely on the development of new onset diabetes it was reported that new-onset diabetes/hyperglycemia occurred less frequently with bempedoic acid vs placebo (263). In the bempedoic acid cardiovascular outcome trial (CLEAR Outcomes) the development of diabetes and worsening of pre-existing diabetes was similar in the bempedoic acid and placebo groups (187).  


Table 12. Effect of Lipid Lowering Drugs







↓ 20-60%

↑ 5-15%

↓ 0-35%*

Bile acid sequestrants

↓ 10-30%

↑ 0-10%

↑ 0-10%**


↓ 0-15%***

↑ 5-15%

↓ 20-50%


↓ 10-25%

↑ 10-30%

↓ 20-50%


↓ 15-25%

↑ 1-3%

↓ 10-20%

PCSK9 Inhibitors

↓ 50-60%

↑ 5-15%

↓ 5-20%

Bempedoic Acid

↓ 15-25%

↓ 5-6%

No change

High Dose Fish Oil

↑ 0- 50%***

↑ 4- 9%

↓ 20- 50%*

 *Patients with elevated TG have largest decrease

** In patients with high TG may cause marked increase

*** In patients with high TG may increase LDL


Therapeutic Approach




The first priority in treating lipid disorders in patients with diabetes is to lower the LDL-C levels to goal, unless TG are markedly elevated (> 500- 1000mg/dL), which increases the risk of pancreatitis. LDL-C is the first priority because the database linking lowering LDL-C with reducing ASCVD is extremely strong and we now have the ability to markedly decrease LDL-C levels. Dietary therapy is the initial step but, in almost all patients, will not be sufficient to achieve the LDL-C goals. If patients are willing and able to make major changes in their diet it is possible to achieve significant reductions in LDL-C levels but this seldom occurs in clinical practice (264).


Statins are the first-choice drugs to lower LDL-C levels and the vast majority of diabetic patients will require statin therapy. There are several statins currently available in the US and they are available as generic drugs and therefore relatively inexpensive. The particular statin used may be driven by price, ability to lower LDL-C levels, and potential drug interactions. Patients with ASCVD (secondary prevention patients) should be started on intensive statin therapy (atorvastatin 40-80mg per day or rosuvastatin 20-40mg per day). Given the extensive data showing that the lower the LDL-C the greater the reduction in ASCVD events most secondary prevention patients would benefit from the addition of ezetimibe to maximize LDL-C lowering. Ezetimibe is now a generic drug and therefore this strategy will not markedly increase costs. Similarly, primary prevention patients who are at high risk for cardiovascular events will also benefit from the use of high intensity statin therapy in combination with ezetimibe. Primary prevention patients at moderate risk can be started on moderate intensity statin therapy.


If a patient is unable to tolerate statins or statins as monotherapy are not sufficient to lower LDL-C to goal the second-choice drug is either ezetimibe or a PCSK9 inhibitor. Ezetimibe can be added to any statin. PCSK9 inhibitors can also be added to any statin and are the drug of choice if a large decrease in LDL-C is required to reach goal (PCSK9 inhibitors will lower LDL-C levels by 50-60% when added to a statin, whereas ezetimibe will only lower LDL-C by approximately 20%).  Bile acid sequestrants and bempedoic acid are alternatives with the use of a bile acid sequestrant particularly useful if a reduction in A1c level is also needed. It should be noted that in statin intolerant patients with ASCVD or at high risk (approximately 45% with diabetes), bempedoic acid has been shown to reduce cardiovascular events by 13% (HR 0.87; 95% CI 0.79 to 0.96; P = 0.004) (187). Ezetimibe, PCSK9 inhibitors, bempedoic acid, and bile acid sequestrants additively lower LDL-C levels when used in combination with a statin, because these drugs increase hepatic LDL receptor levels by different mechanisms, thereby resulting in a reduction in serum LDL-C levels (141). Niacin and the fibrates also lower LDL-C levels but are not usually employed to lower LDL-C levels. 




The second priority should be non-HDL-C (non-HDL-C = total cholesterol – HDL-C), which is particularly important in patients with elevated TG levels (>150mg/dL). Non-HDL-C is a measure of all the pro-atherogenic apolipoprotein B containing particles. Numerous studies have shown that non-HDL-C is a strong risk factor for the development of ASCVD (265). The non-HDL-C goals are approximately 30mg/dL greater than the LDL-C goals. For example, if the LDL goal is <100mg/dL then the non-HDL-C goal would be <130mg/dL. Drugs that reduce either LDL-C or TG levels will reduce non-HDL-C levels. To lower TG levels initial therapy should focus on glycemic control and lifestyle changes including weight loss if indicated and a decrease in simple sugars and ethanol intake. Additionally, if possible, discontinue medications that increase triglyceride levels. As discussed above, studies with the omega-3-fatty acid icosapent ethyl (EPA; Vascepa) added to statin therapy have reduced the risk of cardiovascular events. The National Lipid Association has recommended “that for patients aged ≥45 years with clinical ASCVD, or aged ≥50 years with diabetes mellitus requiring medication plus ≥1 additional risk factor, with fasting TGs 135 to 499 mg/dL on high-intensity or maximally tolerated statin therapy (±ezetimibe), treatment with icosapent ethyl is recommended for ASCVD risk reduction” (266). As noted earlier in this chapter there is controversy regarding the benefits of icosapent ethyl on cardiovascular outcomes with some experts interpreting the beneficial results of the REDUCE-IT trial as being due to the adverse effects of the mineral oil placebo (217).




Patients with very high TG levels (> 500-1000 mg/dL) are at risk of pancreatitis and therefore lifestyle interventions including diet, exercise, and weight loss if indicated should be initiated early. Treatment is a low-fat diet and glycemic control. Additionally, decreasing simple sugars and avoiding alcohol is beneficial. When the TG levels are very elevated (> 1000mg/dL) a very low-fat diet (5-20% of calories as fat) should be the primary treatment until the TG levels decrease to < 1000mg/dL. Treating secondary disorders that raise TG levels and when possible, stopping drugs that increase TG levels is essential. If the TG levels remain above 500mg/dL the addition of fenofibrate or omega-3-fatty acids is indicated.




While there is strong epidemiologic data linking low HDL-C levels with ASCVD there is no clinical trials demonstrating that increasing HDL-C levels reduce ASCVD. Thus, the use of drugs such as niacin to raise HDL-C levels is not recommended.




Patients with diabetes, particularly T2DM, often have dyslipidemia. Modern therapy of patients with diabetes demands that we aggressively treat lipids to reduce the high risk of ASCVD in this susceptible population and in those with very high TG to reduce the risk of pancreatitis.




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Role Of Glucose And Lipids In The Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease In Patients With Diabetes


Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in both men and women with T1DM and T2DM. In patients with T1DM, intensive glycemic control results in a reduction in ASCVD. However, intensive glycemic control does not have a major impact in reducing ASCVD in patients with T2DM. Metformin, pioglitazone, SGLT2 inhibitors, and certain GLP-1 receptor agonists have been shown to decrease major cardiovascular events in patients with T2DM to a greater extent than other treatment modalities. In patients with T2DM other risk factors including, hypertension and dyslipidemia, play a major role in inducing ASCVD and control of these risk factors is paramount. In patients with T1DM in good glycemic control, the lipid profile is very similar to the general population. In contrast, in patients with T2DM, even with good glycemic control, there are frequently lipid abnormalities (elevated TG and non-HDL-C, decreased HDL-C, and an increase in small dense LDL). In both T1DM and T2DM, poor glycemic control increases TG levels and decreases HDL-C levels with modest effects on LDL-C levels.  Extensive studies have demonstrated that statins decrease ASCVD in patients with diabetes. Treatment with high doses of potent statins reduces ASCVD events to a greater extent than low dose statin therapy. Adding fibrates or niacin to statin therapy has not been shown to further decrease ASCVD events. In contrast, studies have shown that the combination of a statin and ezetimibe or a statin and a PCSK9 inhibitor result in a greater decrease in ASCVD events than statins alone. Studies have suggested that EPA, an omega-3-fatty acid, when added to statins also reduces ASCVD events but this result is controversial. In statin intolerant patients with T2DM bempedoic acid decreases ASCVD events. Current recommendations state that most patients with diabetes should be on statin therapy. In certain patients with diabetes ezetimibe, PCSK9 inhibitors, and bempedoic acid can play a role in reducing ASCVD.  




Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in both men and women with diabetes (1-5). In addition to coronary disease, ASCVD includes stroke and peripheral arterial disease (PAD).  PAD is common in diabetes, may be the first presentation of ASCVD and should be recognized as needing aggressive treatment of risk factors. The risk of ASCVD is increased approximately 2-fold in men and 3-4-fold in women (2-4,6,7). In the Framingham study, the annual rate of ASCVD was similar in men and women with diabetes, emphasizing that woman with diabetes need as aggressive preventive treatment as men with diabetes (2,6). In addition, several but not all studies, have shown that patients with diabetes with no history of ASCVD have a similar risk of having a myocardial infarction as non-diabetic patients who have a history of ASCVD, i.e., diabetes is an equivalent risk factor as a history of a previous cardiovascular event (8,9). The duration of diabetes and the presence of other risk factors or complications of diabetes likely determine whether a patient with diabetes has a risk equivalent to patients with a history of previous ASCVD events (10,11). In one study patients with T2DM who had the following risk factors within the target range, HbA1c, LDL-C, albuminuria, smoking, and blood pressure, the risk of an acute myocardial infarction or stroke was similar to individuals without diabetics (12). Moreover, numerous studies have shown that patients with diabetes who have ASCVD are at a very high risk of having another event, indicating that this population of patient’s needs especially aggressive preventive measures (1,8). This increased risk for the development of ASCVD in patients with diabetes is seen both in populations where the prevalence of ASCVD is high (Western societies) and low (for example, Japan) (2). However, in societies where the prevalence of ASCVD is low, the contribution of ASCVD as a cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with diabetes is relatively low compared to Western societies (2).


While the database is not as robust, the evidence indicates that patients with T1DM are also at high risk for the development of ASCVD (1,13-15). Interestingly, women with T1DM have twice the excess risk of fatal and nonfatal vascular events compared to men with T1DM (16,17). Additionally, developing T1DM at a young age increases the risk of ASCVD to a greater degree than late onset T1DM (17). Approximately 50% of patients with T1DM are obese or overweight and between 8% and 40% meet the criteria for the metabolic syndrome, which increases their risk of developing ASCVD (18).


While the development of diabetes at a young age increases the risk of ASCVD in patients with both T1DM and T2DM the deleterious impact is greater in patients with T2DM (19). Lastly, in patients with both T1DM and T2DM the presence of renal disease increases the risk of ASCVD (4,14). Of note is that the risk of developing ASCVD events in patients with diabetes has decreased recently, most likely due to better lipid and blood pressure control, which again reinforces the need to aggressively treat these risk factors in patients with diabetes (5,7,20). 




Epidemiological studies have shown an association between the level of glycemic control and the development of ASCVD in both T1DM and T2DM (1,4,5,21,22). However, the association of glycemic control with ASCVD is considerably weaker than the association of glycemic control with the microvascular complications of diabetes, such as retinopathy and nephropathy (4). It must be recognized that epidemiological studies can only demonstrate associations and that confounding variables could account for the association between poor glycemic control and ASCVD. For example, patients with poor glycemic control may not undertake other preventive measures that could reduce ASCVD such as exercise, healthy diet, etc. Furthermore, the patients with poor glycemic control may have less compliance with therapies that reduce lipids and blood pressure. Therefore, randomized studies are essential in determining the role of glycemic control on ASCVD. 


Early randomized studies, such as the University Group Diabetes Project (UGDP) and VA cooperative study, did not demonstrate a reduction in cardiovascular events in patients who were aggressively treated for glucose control (23-25). In fact, the data from these early studies suggested that improvements in glycemic control (VA cooperative study) or the use of certain drugs to treat diabetes (oral sulfonylureas in UGDP) may actually increase the risk of ASCVD.


Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) and Kumamoto Studies


Latter studies, the DCCT in patients with T1DM and the Kumamoto study in patients with T2DM, while finding a decrease in ASCVD events (DCCT 41% decrease) in the subjects randomized to improved glycemic control did not have enough ASCVD events to demonstrate a statistically significant reduction (DCCT studied a population at low risk for ASCVD and the Kumamoto study had a very small number of subjects) (26-28). In contrast, both the DCCT and the Kumamoto study clearly demonstrated that improvements in glycemic control resulted in a reduction in microvascular disease (26-28). However, the long- term follow-up of the DCCT has demonstrated that those in the intensive glycemic control group had a decrease in ASCVD in subsequent years (29,30). The initial DCCT compared intensive vs. conventional therapy for a mean of 6.5 years. At the end of the study, a very large proportion of subjects agreed to participate in a follow-up observational study (Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications- EDIC). During this follow-up period, glycemic control was relatively similar between the intensive therapy and conventional therapy group (glycosylated hemoglobin 7.9% vs. 7.8%) but during the actual trial there was a large difference in glycosylated hemoglobin levels (7.4% vs. 9.1%). After a mean 17 years of observation, the risk of any cardiovascular event was reduced by 42% and the risk of nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, or death from ASCVD was reduced by 57% in the intensive control group. This study demonstrates that being in the intensive glycemic control group (for 6.5 of the 17 years of observation) is sufficient to have long-term beneficial effects on the risk of developing ASCVD in patients with T1DM. This beneficial effect was not entirely due to the prevention of microvascular complications as the differences between the intensive and conventional treatment groups for ASCVD persisted after adjusting for microalbuminuria and albuminuria. When an outcome of improved glycemic control is seen, or persists for years after the trial is over the phenomenon is called a “metabolic memory” effect.


UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS)


A similar finding has been reported with regard to T2DM. The UKPDS studied a large number of newly diagnosed patients with T2DM at risk for ASCVD. In this study improved glycemic control, with either insulin or sulfonylureas, reduced ASCVD by 16%, which just missed being statistically significant (p=0.052) (31). In the UKPDS, the improvement in glycemic control was modest (HbA1c reduced by approximately 0.9%) and the 16% reduction in ASCVD was in the range predicted based on epidemiological studies. The results of a 10-year follow-up of the UKPDS study have been reported (total duration of observation 25 years) (32). After termination of the study, glycosylated hemoglobin levels became very similar between the control and treatment groups. Nevertheless, risk reductions for MI became statistically significant for the insulin and the sulfonylurea group compared to controls (15% decrease, p=0.01).


DiGami Studies


Similarly, the DiGami study, which used insulin infusion during the peri-MI period to improve glycemic control followed by long-term glycemic control, demonstrated that survival post MI was significantly improved by good glycemic control (33). While this study focused on a highly-selected population and time period (patients undergoing a MI), the results are consistent with the hypothesis that improvements in glycemic control will reduce ASCVD. However, the DiGami 2 study did not confirm the benefits of tight glucose control beginning in the peri-MI period on outcomes (34). It must be noted though that the differences in glucose control achieved in DiGami 2 were much smaller than planned and the number of patients recruited was less than anticipated. Together these deficiencies could account for the failure to demonstrate significant differences in ASCVD events in this study.




Because of the need for more definitive data on the effect of glycemic control on ASCVD in T2DM, three large randomized trials, the ACCORD, ADVANCE, and VA Diabetes Trial, have been carried out. Much to everyone’s surprise and disappointment, improvement in glycemic control did not clearly result in a significant reduction in ASCVD in these trials.


The ACCORD study randomized 10,251 subjects with T2DM in the US and Canada with either a history of ASCVD or at increased risk for the development of ASCVD (35). Multiple different treatment protocols were used with the goal of achieving an A1c level < 6% in the intensive group and between 7-7.9% in the standard glycemic control group. During the trial the A1c levels were 6.4% in the intensive group and 7.5% in the standard group. As expected, the use of insulin therapy was much greater in the intensive group, as was the occurrence of hypoglycemia and weight gain. After a mean duration of 3.5 years this study was stopped early by the data safety monitoring board due to an increased all-cause mortality in the intensive treatment group (1.41% vs. 1.14% per year; hazard ratio 1.22 CI 1.01- 1.46). The primary outcome (MI, stroke, ASCVD death) was reduced by 10% in the intensive control group but this was not statistically significant (p=0.16). Of note, intensive glycemic control reduced the incidence of any MI (i.e. fatal or non-fatal) by 16%, nonfatal MI by 19%, coronary revascularization by 16%, and unstable angina by 19% (36).The explanation for the increased death rate in the intensive treatment arm remains unknown, but it has been speculated that the increased deaths might have been due to hypoglycemia, weight gain, too rapidly lowering A1c levels, or unrecognized drug toxicity. Long term follow-up of the ACCORD study did not reveal any beneficial effects on the primary outcome (nonfatal MI, nonfatal stroke, or cardiovascular death), death from any cause, and an expanded composite outcome that included all-cause death in the intensive glycemic control group (37).




The ADVANCE study randomized 11,140 subjects with T2DM in Europe, Asia, Australia/New Zealand, and Canada who either had ASCVD or at least one other risk factor for ASCVD (38). In the intensive group the goal A1c was <6.5%. The achieved A1c levels during the trial were 6.3% in the intensive group and 7.3% in the standard treatment group. Of note is that compared to the ACCORD study, less insulin use was required to achieve these A1c levels. With regard to macrovascular disease (MI, stroke, and cardiovascular death), no significant differences were observed between the intensive and standard treatment groups (HR 0.94, CI 0.84-1.06, p=0.32). In contrast to the ACCORD trial, no increase in overall or cardiovascular mortality in the intensive treatment group was observed in the ADVANCE study. Long term follow-up did not demonstrate a decrease in the risk of death from any cause or major macrovascular events between the intensive-glucose-control group and the standard-glucose-control group (39).


VA Diabetes Trial


The VA Diabetes Trial randomized 1,791 subjects with poor glycemic control on maximal oral agent therapy or insulin (entry A1c 9.4%) (40). In the intensive group, the goal A1c was <6.0%. The achieved A1c levels during the trial were 6.9% in the intensive group and 8.5% in the standard treatment group. Similar to the other trials, a significant reduction in ASCVD was not observed in the intensive glycemic control group (HR 0.88, CI 0.74-1.05, p=0.12). Notably there were more ASCVD deaths and sudden deaths in the intensive treatment group, but this increase was not statistically significant. With long-term follow-up (approximately 10 years), the intensive-therapy group had a significantly lower risk of MI, stroke, congestive heart failure, amputation for ischemic gangrene, or cardiovascular-related death than did the standard-therapy group (hazard ratio, 0.83; P=0.04 (41). However, there was no reduction in cardiovascular or total mortality. Furthermore, with a longer period of follow-up (15 years) the risks of major cardiovascular events or death were not lower in the intensive-therapy group than in the standard-therapy group (42). In a careful analysis it was noted that that the risk of cardiovascular events was 17% lower in the intensive treatment group than in the standard control group during the approximate 10-year period when there was a separation of the glycated hemoglobin curves between the two groups, suggesting that glycemic control was reducing the risk of cardiovascular events (42).




In a meta-analysis of 6 randomized studies (UKPDS, Kumamoto, VA Feasibility study, ACCORD, ADVANCE, and VA Diabetes Trial) of intensive vs. conventional glycemic control in patients with T2DM (27,654 patients) there was no significant effect of tight blood glucose control on all-cause mortality (RR 1.03; 95% CI 0.90-1.17), cardiovascular mortality (RR 1.04; 95% CI 0.83-1.29), or nonfatal stroke (RR 1.02; 95% CI 0.88-1.17) but tight glucose control reduced the risk for nonfatal MI (RR 0.85; 95% CI 0.76-0.95) (43). In a meta-analysis of 4 studies (UKPDS, ACCORD, ADVANCE, and VA Diabetes Trial) the primary outcome was the composite of death from cardiovascular causes (including sudden death), non-fatal MI and non-fatal stroke, which was decreased by 9% (HR 0.91, 95% CI 0.84–0.99) in the intensive control group (44). Of note the risk of non-fatal/fatal MI was reduced by 15% (HR 0.85, 95% CI 0.76–0.94) in the intensive group without significant reductions in the risk of non-fatal/fatal stroke, fatal heart failure, all-cause mortality, or cardiovascular death.  


Limitations of Cardiovascular Outcome Studies


Thus, while the epidemiological data strongly suggests that glycemic control would favorably impact ASCVD the recent randomized trials that were designed specifically to prove this hypothesis have failed to definitively demonstrate a clear link. There are several explanations for why these trials may not have worked as planned.


First, in the ACCORD, ADVANCE, and VA Diabetes Trial, other ASCVD risk factors were aggressively treated (lipid and BP lowering, ASA therapy). As a result of these treatments, the actual number of ASCVD events was considerably less than expected in these trials. The lower event rate may have reduced the ability to see a beneficial effect of glucose control. Additionally, the beneficial effects of glucose control maybe more robust if other risk factors are not aggressively controlled. In this regard, it is worth noting that in the earlier UKPDS, which showed that improved glycemic control reduced ASCVD events, both BP and lipids were not aggressively treated by current standards (systolic BP 135-140mm Hg, LDL-C 135-142mg/dL), which could be why this older trial demonstrated a benefit of improving glycemic control on ASCVD.


Second, these three recent trials were comparing relatively low A1c levels in both the intensive and usual control groups (A1c in intensive from ~6.4-6.9% and usual control group from ~7.0-8.4%). It is likely that both levels are on the “flatter” portion of the glycemic control-cardiovascular risk curve and that if one compared patients with intensive glycemic control with a control group with higher A1c values one would see more impressive results. If the difference in A1c levels were greater in the intensive and control groups the likelihood of seeing a reduction in cardiovascular events in the intensive group would be enhanced.


Third, all three trials were carried out by initiating tight control in patients with long standing diabetes who either had pre-existing ASCVD or were at high risk for ASCVD. It is possible that patients with a different clinical profile would be more likely to benefit from intensive glucose control. Subgroup analysis from these trials have suggested that patients with a shorter duration of diabetes, less severe diabetes, or the absence of pre-existing ASCVD actually benefited from intensive control. It may be that glycemic control is most important prior to the development of significant atherosclerosis. Clearly additional studies on different types of patients (i.e., newly diagnosed without evidence of ASCVD) will be necessary to definitively determine the role of glycemic control in different diabetic populations.


Fourth, the duration of these studies was relatively short and it is possible that a much longer duration of glycemic control is required to show benefits on ASCVD. In the UKPDS study the beneficial effects of intensive glucose control was not statistically significant at the end of the study but with an extended duration of follow-up (15-25 years) became statistically significant.


Fifth, it may be that glycemic control will be more important in patients with T1DM where abnormalities in glucose metabolism are a major reason for the increased risk of ASCVD. In contrast, patients with T2DM have multiple risk factors for ASCVD (dyslipidemia, hypertension, inflammation, insulin resistance, coagulation disorders, etc.) and glucose may play only a minor role in the increased risk. The differences in other cardiovascular risk factors could account for why intensive glycemic control produced a marked reduction in ASCVD in the DCCT (T1DM trial) and had only minimal effects in the trials carried out in patients with T2DM.


Finally, it is possible that certain treatments have side effects that mask the beneficial effects of glucose control. For example, hypoglycemia and weight gain could counterbalance the beneficial effects of improvements in glycemic control. It is possible that different treatment strategies could lead to more profound benefits (see below). 




Thus, the currently available data do not definitively indicate that glycemic control will have major effects on reducing ASCVD in patients with T2DM. Furthermore, there are concerns that too tight control in patients with advanced disease could be harmful. In contrast, in patients with T1DM intensive glucose control appears to have a major beneficial effect on ASCVD based on the results of the DCCT.






In the UKPDS, metformin, while producing a similar improvement in glycemic control as insulin or sulfonylureas, markedly reduced ASCVD by approximately 40% (45). In the ten-year follow-up the patients randomized to metformin in the UKPDS continued to show a reduction in MI and all-cause mortality (32). Two other randomized controlled trials have also demonstrated cardiovascular benefits with metformin therapy.


A study by Kooy et al compared the effect of adding metformin or placebo in overweight or obese patients already on insulin therapy (46). After a mean follow-up of 4.3 years this study observed a reduction in macrovascular events (HR 0.61 CI- 0.40-0.94, p=0.02), which was partially accounted for by metformin’s beneficial effects on weight. In this study the difference in A1c between the metformin and placebo group was only 0.3%.


Hong et al randomized non-obese patients with coronary artery disease to glipizide vs. metformin therapy for three years (47). A1c levels were similar, but there was a marked reduction in cardiovascular events in the metformin treated group (HR 0.54 CI 0.30- 0.90, p=0.026).


In contrast, long term follow-up (21 years) of individuals in the Diabetes Prevention Program with “pre-diabetes” did not demonstrate a reduction in cardiovascular event in individuals treated with metformin (48). A reduction in the use of metformin when the formal study ended after 3 years coupled with out-of-study metformin use over time may have diluted the potential effects of metformin therapy.


Support for the beneficial effects of metformin on atherosclerosis comes from long term follow-up of the Diabetes Prevention Program, which compared the effect of lifestyle changes or metformin in patients at high risk of developing diabetes (49). Coronary artery calcium scores were measured on average 13-14 years after randomization (49). There were no differences in coronary artery calcium scores between the lifestyle and placebo groups. However, in males, coronary artery calcium scores were significantly lower in the metformin group vs. the placebo group. In females treated with metformin coronary artery calcium scores were similar to the placebo group. The absence of a beneficial effect of metformin in women could be due to the lower baseline coronary artery calcium scores making it more difficult to demonstrate a beneficial effect. In HIV-infected patients with the metabolic syndrome metformin similarly reduced the progression of coronary artery calcium scores (50).


Thus, while there are no large cardiovascular outcome trials with metformin, together, the above results suggest that metformin may reduce ASCVD and that this effect is not due to improving glucose control. Metformin decreases weight or prevents weight gain and lowers lipid levels and these or other non-glucose effects may account for the beneficial effects on ASCVD.




Based on the University Group Diabetes Project (UGDP) sulfonylureas carry a warning regarding an increased risk of ASCVD (24,25). However, the UKPDS studied a large number of newly diagnosed patients with T2DM at risk for ASCVD and in this study improved glycemic control with sulfonylureas reduced ASCVD by approximately 16%, which just missed being statistically significant (p=0.052) (31). In the UKPDS, A1c was reduced by approximately 0.9% and the 16% reduction in ASCVD was in the range predicted based on epidemiological studies. Thus, the reduction in cardiovascular events was likely due to improvements in glycemic control and not a direct benefit of sulfonylurea treatment. In support of this conjecture is that in the UKPDS, insulin treatment resulted in a similar decrease in A1c levels and reduction in cardiovascular events (31). Additionally, a large randomized cardiovascular outcome study (Carolina Study) reported that linagliptin, a DPP-4 inhibitor, and glimepiride, a sulfonylurea, had similar effects on cardiovascular events (hazard ratio 0.98) (51). Similarly, in the ADVANCE trial patients in the intensive therapy group were randomized to gliclazide and as noted above the occurrence of cardiovascular events was similar to the control group (38).Taken together these results suggest that sulfonylureas have a neutral effect on ASCVD.




The Navigator study was a double-blind, randomized clinical trial in 9,306 individuals with impaired glucose tolerance and either ASCVD or cardiovascular risk factors who received nateglinide (up to 60 mg three times daily) or placebo (52). After 5 years, nateglinide administration did not alter the incidence of cardiovascular outcomes suggesting that meglitinides do not have an adverse or beneficial effect on cardiovascular events.




Studies with pioglitazone have suggested a beneficial effect on ASCVD. The PROactive study was a randomized controlled trial that examined the effect of pioglitazone vs. placebo over a 3-year period in T2DM with pre-existing macrovascular disease (53). With regard to the primary endpoint (a composite of all-cause mortality, non-fatal MI including silent MI, stroke, acute coronary syndrome, endovascular or surgical intervention in the coronary or leg arteries, and amputation above the ankle), there was a 10% reduction in events in the pioglitazone group but this difference was not statistically significant (p=0.095). It should be noted that both leg revascularization and leg amputations are not typical primary end points in ASCVD trials and these could be affected by pioglitazone induced edema. When one focuses on standard ASCVD endpoints, the pioglitazone treated group did demonstrate a 16% reduction in the main secondary endpoint (composite of all-cause mortality, non-fatal MI, and stroke) that was statistically significant (p=0.027). In the pioglitazone treated group, blood pressure, A1c, triglyceride, and HDL-C levels were all improved compared to the placebo group making it very likely that the mechanism by which pioglitazone decreased vascular events was multifactorial.


A multicenter, double-blind trial (IRIS Trial), randomly assigned 3,876 patients with insulin resistance (defined as score of more than 3.0 on the homeostasis model assessment  of insulin resistance [HOMA-IR] index) but without diabetes and a recent ischemic stroke or TIA to treatment with either pioglitazone (target dose, 45 mg daily) or placebo (54). After 4.8 years, the primary outcome of fatal or nonfatal stroke or MI occurred in 9.0% of the pioglitazone group and 11.8% of the placebo group (hazard ratio 0.76; P=0.007). All components of the primary outcome were reduced in the pioglitazone treated group. Fasting glucose, fasting TG, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure were lower while HDL-C and LDL-C levels were higher in the pioglitazone group than in the placebo group. Although this study excluded patients with diabetes the results are consistent with and support the results of a protective effect of pioglitazone observed in the PROactive study.


In contrast, the TOSCA.IT study compared the effect of pioglitazone vs. sulfonylurea on ASCVD and did not observe a reduction in events with pioglitazone treatment (55). Patients with T2DM (n= 3028), inadequately controlled with metformin monotherapy (2-3 g per day), were randomized to pioglitazone or sulfonylurea and followed for a median of 57 months. Only 11% of the participants had a previous cardiovascular event. The primary outcome, was a composite of first occurrence of all-cause death, non-fatal MI, non-fatal stroke, or urgent coronary revascularization and occurred in 6.8% of the patients treated with pioglitazone and 7.2% of the patients treated with a sulfonylurea (HR 0.96; NS) (55). Limitations of this study are the small number of events due to the low-risk population studied and the relatively small number of participants. Additionally, 28% of the subjects randomized to pioglitazone prematurely discontinued the medication. Furthermore, it should be noted that when patients in this study were analyzed based on the risk of developing ASCVD those at high risk had a marked reduction in events when treated with pioglitazone compared to the sulfonylurea (56).Thus, the results of this study should be interpreted with caution.


Further support for the beneficial effects of pioglitazone on atherosclerosis is provided by studies that have examined the effect of pioglitazone on carotid intima-medial thickness. Both the Chicago and Pioneer studies demonstrated favorable effects on carotid intima-medial thickness in patients treated with pioglitazone compared to patients treated with sulfonylureas (57,58). Similarly, Periscope, a study that measured atheroma volume in the coronary arteries by intravascular ultrasonography, also demonstrated less atherosclerosis in the pioglitazone treated group compared to patients treated with sulfonylureas (59).


While the data from a variety of different types of studies strongly suggests that pioglitazone is anti-atherogenic, the results with rosiglitazone are different. Several meta-analyses of small and short-duration rosiglitazone trials suggested that rosiglitazone was associated with an increased risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes (60,61). However, the final results of the RECORD study, a randomized trial that was specifically designed to compare the effect of rosiglitazone vs. either metformin or sulfonylurea therapy as a second oral drug in those receiving either metformin or a sulfonylurea on ASCVD events, have been published and did not reveal a difference in ASCVD death, MI, or stroke (62-64). Similarly, an analysis of patients on rosiglitazone in the BARI 2D trial also did not suggest an increase or decrease in ASCVD events in the patients treated with rosiglitazone (65). Thus, while the available data suggests that pioglitazone is anti-atherogenic, the data for rosiglitazone suggests a neutral effect. Whether these differences between pioglitazone and rosiglitazone are accounted for by their differential effects on lipid levels are unknown (see below for information on the effects of these drugs on lipid levels).


Numerous studies have shown that both pioglitazone and rosiglitazone increase the risk of heart failure (66).


DPP4 Inhibitors


Because of the importance of ASCVD in patients with diabetes the FDA is requiring manufacturers of new drugs to treat diabetes to carry out studies addressing ASCVD endpoints. The effect of the DPP4 inhibitors saxagliptin, alogliptin, sitagliptin, and linagliptin on ASCVD endpoints has been reported. In the saxagliptin study (SAVOR‐TIMI 53 trial), 16,492 patients with T2DM who had a history of cardiovascular events or who were at high risk were randomized to saxagliptin or placebo for 2.1 years (67). Saxagliptin did not increase or decrease cardiovascular death, MI, or ischemic stroke. Interestingly more patients treated with saxagliptin were admitted to the hospital for heart failure. The risk of heart failure with saxagliptin was greatest in patients at a high overall risk of heart failure (i.e., history of heart failure, impaired renal function, or elevated baseline levels of NT-proBNP) (68). Additionally, in the patients treated with saxagliptin the increase in heart failure was an early event with a 6-month rate of 1.1% vs. 0.6% in the placebo group (HR 1.80, p=0·001) and a 12-month rate of 1·9% vs. 1·3% (1.46; p=0.002) (68). In contrast, after 12 months no difference in the rate of heart failure was observed in the saxagliptin and placebo groups indicating that the development of heart failure is an early event (68).


In the alogliptin trial (EXAMINE), 5,380 patients with either an acute MI or unstable angina within the previous 15-90 days were randomized to alogliptin or placebo and followed for a median of 18 months (69). As seen in the saxagliptin study the rates of ASCVD events were similar in the alogliptin and placebo groups. The risk of hospitalization for heart failure was not statistically increased in the entire subset of patients treated with alogliptin (70). However, the hazard ratio for the subgroup of patients without heart failure at baseline was 1.76, p=0.026) (70). 


In the sitagliptin trial (TECOS), 14,671 patients with established ASCVD were randomized to sitagliptin or placebo for 3 years (71). Sitagliptin did not decrease the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events or increase hospitalization for heart failure. Finally, in the linagliptin trial (CARMELINA), 6,979 patients at high risk for ASCVD were randomized to linagliptin or placebo for a median follow-up of 2.2 years (72). As in the other DPP4 inhibitor studies, linagliptin did not have a beneficial effect on ASCVD events. Additionally, linagliptin did not increase the risk of hospitalization for heart failure. Thus, these results indicate that DPP4 inhibitors do not increase or decrease ASCVD. The extent to which specific DPP4 inhibitors affect heart failure needs further investigation.


SGLT2 Inhibitors




The effects of empagliflozin on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with T2DM has been reported (73). In this study, 7,020 patients at high risk for ASCVD were randomly assigned to receive 10 mg or 25 mg of empagliflozin or placebo once daily and were followed for 3.1 years. In the combined empagliflozin treated groups there was a statistically significant 14% reduction in the primary outcome (death from cardiovascular causes, nonfatal MI, or nonfatal stroke). As compared with placebo, empagliflozin treatment did not result in a significant difference in the occurrence of non-fatal MI or strokes. However, empagliflozin resulted in a significantly lower risk of death from cardiovascular causes (hazard ratio, 0.62), death from any cause (hazard ratio, 0.68), and hospitalization for heart failure (hazard ratio, 0.65). The beneficial effects of empagliflozin were noted to occur very rapidly and the beneficial effects on heart failure appeared to be the dominant effect compared to effects on ASCVD events. Decreases in cardiovascular outcomes and mortality with empagliflozin occurred across the range of cardiovascular risk (74). Additionally, the reduction in hospitalizations for heart failure and cardiovascular death were observed both in patients with and without heart failure at baseline (75).




The effects of placebo vs. canagliflozin were determined in two combined trials involving a total of 10,142 participants with T2DM and high cardiovascular risk (76). The primary outcome was a composite of death from cardiovascular causes, nonfatal MI, or nonfatal stroke and the mean follow-up was 188 weeks. The primary outcome was reduced in the canagliflozin group (hazard ratio, 0.86; P=0.02). Death from any cause (hazard ratio 0.87; 95% CI 0.74-1.01) and death from ASCVD (hazard ratio 0.87; 95% CI 0.72-1.06) were reduced but were not statistically significant. Similarly, canagliflozin treatment did not result in a significant difference in non-fatal strokes or non-fatal MI (hazard ratio 0.90 for stroke and 0.85 for myocardial infarction). As seen with empagliflozin, hospitalization for heart failure was markedly reduced (hazard ratio 0.67; 95% CI 0.52-0.87) and this beneficial effect occurred rapidly. Notably, there was an increased risk of amputation (hazard ratio, 1.97; 95% CI, 1.41 to 2.75), which were primarily at the level of the toe or metatarsal. The basis for the increase in amputations is unknown. In other SGLT2 inhibitor studies an increase in amputations was not noted.




In a second canagliflozin trial that focused on kidney disease, a decrease in cardiovascular events was also observed (77). In this double-blind trial 4,401 patients with chronic kidney disease and T2DM were randomized to canagliflozin 100mg per day or placebo and followed for a median of 2.62 years. All the patients had an eGFR of 30 to <90 ml per minute per 1.73 m2 and albuminuria (ratio of albumin [mg] to creatinine [g], >300 to 5000). In this trial hospitalization for heart failure was reduced by 39%. The relative benefits of canagliflozin for cardiovascular outcomes was similar in individuals across the spectrum of eGFR levels (78). In contrast to the CANVAS trial, an increased risk of amputations was not observed.




The effect of dapagliflozin on cardiovascular events has also been reported (79). 17,160 patients, including 10,186 without ASCVD were randomized to dapagliflozin or placebo and followed for a median of 4.2 years. The primary outcome was a composite of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), defined as cardiovascular death, MI, or ischemic stroke. The primary efficacy outcomes were MACE and a composite of cardiovascular death or hospitalization for heart failure. Dapagliflozin did not result in a lower rate of major adverse cardiovascular events (8.8% in the dapagliflozin group and 9.4% in the placebo group; hazard ratio, 0.93; P=0.17) but did result in a lower rate of cardiovascular death or hospitalization for heart failure (4.9% vs. 5.8%; hazard ratio, 0.83; P=0.005), which reflected a lower rate of hospitalization for heart failure (hazard ratio, 0.73; 95% CI, 0.61 to 0.88). Interestingly, in the patients with a history of a previous MI, dapagliflozin reduced the risk of a MACE (HR 0.84; P=0.039), whereas there was no effect in patients without a previous MI (80). Additionally, there was no increase in lower extremities amputations in the dapagliflozin treated group.




Patients with ASCVD and T2DM were randomized to ertugliflozin 5mg (n=2752), 15mg (2747), or placebo (n=2747) and the primary composite outcome of cardiovascular death and non-fatal MI or stroke was determined after a mean duration of follow-up of 3.5 years (81). This trial did not demonstrate a significant difference in the primary endpoint (MACE) nor any components of the primary endpoint. However, heart failure hospitalizations were significantly reduced by 30% in the patients treated with ertugliflozin (HR 0.70; CI 0.54–0.90). The benefits on heart failure were observed in both patients with a history of heart failure (decreased 37%) and patients without a history of heart failure (decreased 21%) (82).




Thus, all four SGLT2 inhibitor studies demonstrated a decrease in heart failure with SGLT2 inhibitor therapy without consistent effects on ASCVD events. For additional information on the beneficial effects of SGLT2 inhibitors and SGLT1/SGLT2 inhibitors on ASCVD and heart failure see the Endotext chapter entitled “Oral and Injectable (Non-Insulin) Pharmacological Agents for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes” (83).


GLP-1 Receptor Agonists


The effect of six GLP-1 receptor agonists on ASCVD has been reported.




In the ELIXA trial 6,068 patients with T2DM who recently had a MI or been hospitalized for unstable angina were randomized to placebo or lixisenatide and followed for a median of 25 months (84). The primary end point of cardiovascular death, MI, stroke, or hospitalization for unstable angina was similar in the placebo or lixisenatide groups.




In contrast, the LEADER trial has shown that liraglutide decreased cardiovascular events (85). In this trial 9,340 patients at high cardiovascular risk were randomly assigned to receive liraglutide or placebo. After a median time of 3.5 years, the primary outcome of death from cardiovascular causes, nonfatal MI, or nonfatal stroke occurred in significantly fewer patients in the liraglutide group (13.0%) than in the placebo group (14.9%) (hazard ratio, 0.87, P=0.01). Additionally, deaths from cardiovascular causes (hazard ratio 0.78, P=0.007) or any cause was lower in the liraglutide group than in the placebo group (hazard ratio, 0.85; P=0.02). Interestingly patients with established ASCVD or decreased renal function (eGFR < 60) appeared to derive the greatest benefit of liraglutide treatment (86,87). As expected, weight and blood pressure were decreased in the liraglutide treated group and A1c levels were also decreased by 0.4%.




In support of the beneficial effects of GLP1 receptor agonists to reduce cardiovascular events, semaglutide, a long acting GLP-1 receptor agonist, has been shown to also reduce cardiovascular events (88). In this trial, 3,297 patients with T2DM with established ASCVD, chronic heart failure, chronic kidney disease, or age >60 with at least one cardiovascular risk factor were randomized to receive once-weekly semaglutide (0.5 mg or 1.0 mg) or placebo for 104 weeks. The primary outcome of cardiovascular death, nonfatal MI, or nonfatal stroke occurred in 6.6% of the semaglutide group and 8.9% of the placebo group (hazard ratio, 0.74; P = 0.02). In this study, both body weight and A1c levels were decreased in the patients treated with semaglutide.




In the PIONEER 6 study 3,183 patients with T2DM at high cardiovascular risk (age ≥50 years with established cardiovascular or chronic kidney disease, or age ≥60 years with cardiovascular risk factors) were randomly assigned to receive oral semaglutide or placebo (89). After a median time of 15.9 months, major adverse cardiovascular events, the primary outcome, occurred in 3.8% of the subjects treated with oral semaglutide and 4.8% of the placebo group (HR 0.79; 95% CI 0.57 to 1.11). Deaths from cardiovascular causes were 0.9% in the oral semaglutide group and 1.9% in the placebo group (HR 0.49; 95% CI, 0.27 to 0.92) while death from any cause occurred in 1.4% in the oral semaglutide group and 2.8% in the placebo group (HR 0.51; 95% CI, 0.31 to 0.84). It should be noted that the primary outcome was not statistically decreased in this study, which may be due to the relatively small number of subjects studied and the short duration of the study that together resulted in a small number of events. Additionally, more patients in the placebo group received treatment with an SGLT2 inhibitor than in the oral semaglutide group and SGLT2 inhibitors are well recognized to reduce cardiovascular events, which could also have diminished the ability to observe a decrease in events in the oral semaglutide group. Because the direction of change in cardiovascular events in PIONEER 6 and glucose lowering, weight loss, and many other effects of oral semaglutide are very similar to injected semaglutide many experts consider the effects on cardiovascular to also be similar. 




The effect of once weekly exenatide vs. placebo on cardiovascular outcomes was tested in 14,752 patients, 73% who had ASCVD (90). The primary outcome was the occurrence of death from cardiovascular causes, nonfatal MI, or nonfatal stroke. After a median follow-up of 3.2 years (duration of drug exposure 2.4 years) the primary outcome was reduced in the exenatide treated group but this difference just missed achieving statistical significance (hazard ratio 0.91; 95% CI 0.83-1.00; p=0.06). While not statistically significant these results are consistent with the results observed with liraglutide and semaglutide treatment. It should be recognized that a high percentage of patients discontinued exenatide therapy in this trial (>40%) and this could have adversely affected the ability of exenatide treatment to favorably effect ASCD outcomes.




The effect of once weekly albiglutide vs. placebo was tested in 9,463 patients with ASCVD (91). The primary outcome was first occurrence of cardiovascular death, MI, or stroke. After a median follow-up of 1.6 years a 22% decrease in the primary endpoint was observed in the albiglutide group (hazard ratio 0·78, p<0·0001). It should be noted that albiglutide is no longer available as it was removed from the market due to commercial considerations by Glaxo.




REWIND was a randomized study of weekly subcutaneous injection of dulaglutide (1.5 mg) or placebo in 9,901 patients with T2DM who had either a previous cardiovascular event or cardiovascular risk factors (approximately 70% of patients did not have prior ASCVD) (92).  During a median follow-up of 5.4 years the primary outcome of non-fatal MI, non-fatal stroke, or death from cardiovascular causes was decreased by 12% in the dulaglutide treated group (HR 0.88, p=0.026). The decrease in events was similar in participants with and without previous ASCVD. In an analysis that focused on stroke it was noted that dulaglutide reduced ischemic stroke by 25% compared to placebo but had no effect on hemorrhagic stroke (93).




Thus, four studies have clearly demonstrated that treatment with GLP-1 receptor agonists reduces cardiovascular events, two studies has provided data consistent with these results, and one study failed to demonstrate benefit (Table 1). In a meta-analysis of these seven trials it was observed that cardiovascular death, stroke, or MI was decreased by 12% (HR 0.88, p<0.0001), death from cardiovascular causes by 12% (HR 0.88, p=0.003), fatal or non-fatal stroke by 16% (HR 0.84, p<0.0001) and fatal and non-fatal MI by 9% (HR 0.91, p=0.043) (Table 1) (94). Why there are differences in results between these studies is unknown but could be due to differential effects of the GLP-1 receptor agonists, differences in the patient populations studied, or other unrecognized variables. For additional information on the beneficial effects of GLP-1 receptor agonists on ASCVD see the Endotext chapter entitled “Oral and Injectable (Non-Insulin) Pharmacological Agents for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes” (83).


Table 1. Summary of GLP-1 Receptor Agonist Cardiovascular Outcome Trials



Prior CVD


Mean Follow-up (years)

Hazard Ratio* (95% CI)

P value











































Semaglutide oral







Overall (94)




*CVD death, MI, Stroke.


The mechanism accounting for this decrease in ASCVD is uncertain but could be related to reductions in HbA1c, body weight, systolic blood pressure, postprandial triglyceride levels, or the direct effect of activation of GLP-1 receptors on the atherosclerotic process such as improving endothelial function (95).




Tirzepatide activates both GLP-1 and GIP receptors. Long term cardiovascular trials with tirzepatide are underway. In a meta-analysis of seven randomized controlled trials with a duration of at least 26 weeks with 4,887 participants treated with tirzepatide and 2,328 control participants a 20% decrease in cardiovascular events was observed in the tirzepatide group (HR 0.80; 95% CI 0.57-1.11) suggesting that the effect of tirzepatide will be similar to the GLP-1 receptor agonists (96).   




In the STOP-NIDDM trial 1,429 subjects with impaired glucose tolerance were randomized to placebo vs. acarbose and followed for 3.3 years (97). In the acarbose group a 49% relative risk reduction in the development of ASCVD events (hazard ratio 0.51; P =0.03) was observed. Among cardiovascular events, the major reduction was in the risk of MI (HR, 0.09; P =.02). In a smaller trial, 135 patients hospitalized for the acute coronary syndrome who were newly diagnosed with IGT were randomly assigned to acarbose or placebo (98). During a mean follow-up of 2.3 years the risk of recurrent major adverse cardiovascular event was decreased significantly in the acarbose group compared with that in control group (26.7% versus 46.9%, P < 0.05).


Despite these favorable observations a large trial failed to demonstrate a beneficial effect of acarbose in Chinese patients with impaired glucose tolerance (99). In a randomized trial acarbose vs. placebo was compared in 6,522 patients with coronary heart disease and impaired glucose tolerance. The primary outcome was cardiovascular death, non-fatal MI, non-fatal stroke, hospital admission for unstable angina, and hospital admission for heart failure and patients were followed for a median of 5 years. The primary outcome was similar in the acarbose and placebo groups (hazard ratio 0.98; 95% CI 0.86-1.11, p=0·73). No significant differences were seen for death from any cause, cardiovascular death, fatal or non-fatal MI, fatal or non-fatal stroke, hospital admission for unstable angina, hospital admission for heart failure, or impaired renal function.


Thus, whether acarbose favorably affects ASCVD in patients at high risk for developing diabetes is uncertain. Moreover, the effect of acarbose on ASCVD in patients with diabetes is unknown. 




Cycloset is a quick-release bromocriptine formulation (bromocriptine-QR) that activates the D2 dopamine receptor and is approved for the treatment of diabetes. A 52 week, randomized, double-blind, multicenter trial evaluated cardiovascular safety in 3,095 patients with T2DM treated with bromocriptine-QR or placebo (100). The composite end point of first MI, stroke, coronary revascularization, or hospitalization for angina or congestive heart failure occurred in 1.8% of the bromocriptine-QR treated vs. 3.2% of the placebo-treated patients resulting in a 40% decrease in cardiovascular events (HR 0.60; CI 0.37– 0.96). Clearly further studies to confirm this finding and to elucidate the mechanism of this beneficial effect are required.


Bile Acid Sequestrants


Colesevelam is a non-absorbed, polymeric, LDL-C lowering and glucose lowering agent that is a high-capacity bile acid-binding molecule. This drug was developed primarily to lower LDL-C levels and was later noted to have favorable effects on blood glucose levels and was approved for improving glycemic control in patients with T2DM (101).


There have been no randomized studies that have examined the effect of bile acid sequestrants on cardiovascular end points in subjects with diabetes. In non-diabetic-subjects bile acid sequestrants have reduced cardiovascular events(102,103). Since bile acid sequestrants have a similar beneficial impact on LDL-C levels in diabetic and non-diabetic subjects one would anticipate that these drugs would also result in a reduction in events in the diabetic population.




As described above in patients with T1DM the DCCT trial and in T2DM in the UKPDS trial demonstrated that insulin therapy reduced cardiovascular events by improving glycemic control (29-32). In the Origin Trial 12,537 people with cardiovascular risk factors plus impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or T2DM were randomized to receive insulin glargine or standard care (104). The cardiovascular outcomes, which included nonfatal MI, nonfatal stroke, death from cardiovascular causes, revascularization, or hospitalization for heart failure, were similar in the glargine and placebo groups. Extended follow-up also did not demonstrate favorable effects on cardiovascular events in the glargine treated patients (105). Additionally, in patients with T2DM at high risk for cardiovascular events the occurrence of major cardiovascular events was similar in patients treated with degludec insulin or glargine insulin (106). These studies demonstrate that insulin does not accelerate atherosclerosis and by lowering glucose levels may decrease atherosclerosis, although the protective effects are mainly observed in patients with T1DM over a protracted period of time.


Other Studies


Finally, the Bari 2D study compared the effect of insulin sensitizers (metformin/TZD- mostly rosiglitazone) vs. insulin provision therapy (sulfonylureas/insulin) on cardiovascular outcomes in patients with T2DM and coronary artery disease (> 50% stenosis and positive stress test or > 70% stenosis and classic angina) (107,108). In this study, no differences in survival or cardiovascular endpoints were observed between metformin/TZD therapy vs. sulfonylurea/insulin therapy for the entire study. However, in the group with more severe coronary artery disease who were selected for coronary artery bypass surgery, the combination of coronary artery bypass and treatment with insulin sensitizers was associated with a lower rate of cardiovascular events. Why the metformin/TZD group only derived an enhanced benefit in the coronary artery bypass patients in this study is unknown. It should be noted that the vast majority of patients on TZD therapy were treated with rosiglitazone and, as discussed above, the effects of rosiglitazone on ASCVD do not appear to be as beneficial as pioglitazone. 




These studies clearly demonstrate that the method by which one improves glycemic control may be very important with different drugs having effects in addition to glucose lowering that reduce cardiovascular events (table 2). While previous treatment algorithms have primarily focused on the effect of drugs on glycemic control, current treatment recommendations for patients with diabetes are using the results of these ASCVD trials to decide which drugs should be employed. For example, the ADA is recommending that in patients with high risk or established ASCVD an SGLT inhibitor or GLP1 receptor agonist with proven cardiovascular benefit should be part of the initial treatment regimen independent of A1c levels (109).


Table 2. Effect of Glucose Lowering Drugs on Atherosclerotic ASCVD


Studies suggest benefit


No effect


No effect


Rosiglitazone no effect; Pioglitazone- studies suggest benefit

DPP4 Inhibitors

No effect on atherosclerosis.

SGLT2 Inhibitors

Marginal effect on ASCVD, Large effect on heart failure

GLP-1 Receptor Agonists

Decrease events


Study ongoing


No effect


Further studies required

Bile Acid Sequestrants

Decrease events, further studies required


No effect

Thiazolidinediones clearly increase the risk of heart failure while saxagliptin and alogliptin may increase risk of heart failure. SGLT2 inhibitors decrease the risk of heart failure.




Numerous studies have demonstrated that the traditional risk factors for ASCVD play an important role in patients with diabetes (2,4,5,110). Patients with diabetes without other risk factors have a relatively low risk of ASCVD (in most studies higher than similar non-diabetic patients), whereas the increasing prevalence of other risk factors markedly increases the risk of developing ASCVD (2). The major reversible traditional risk factors are hypertension, cigarette smoking, and lipid abnormalities (2,4,5,14,111). Other risk factors include obesity (particularly visceral obesity), insulin resistance, small dense LDL, elevated TG, low HDL-C, procoagulant state (increased PAI-1, fibrinogen), family history of early ASCVD, homocysteine, Lp (a), renal disease, albuminuria, and inflammation (C-reactive protein, SAA, cytokines) (2,4,5,110,111). In the last decade, it has become clear that to reduce the risk of ASCVD in patients with diabetes, one will not only need to improve glycemic control but also address these other cardiovascular risk factors. In the remainder of this chapter, I will focus on the dyslipidemia that occurs in patients with diabetes.




As in non-diabetic populations, epidemiological studies have shown that increased LDL-C and non-HDL-C levels and decreased HDL-C levels are associated with an increased risk of ASCVD in patients with diabetes (2,4,110,111). In the UKPDS cohort LDL-C levels were the strongest predictor of coronary artery disease (112). While it is universally accepted that elevated levels of LDL-C and non-HDL-C cause atherosclerosis and ASCVD the role of HDL-C is uncertain. Genetic studies and studies of drugs that raise HDL-C have not supported low HDL-C levels as a causative factor for atherosclerosis (113). Rather it is currently thought that HDL function is associated with atherosclerosis risk and that this does not precisely correlate with HDL-C levels (113). In patients with diabetes, elevations in serum triglyceride (TG) levels also are associated with an increased risk of ASCVD (4,111,114). With regard to TG, it is not clear whether they are a causative factor for ASCVD or whether the elevation in TG is a marker for other abnormalities (4,111,114,115). Recent Mendelian randomization studies have provided support for the hypothesis that elevated TG levels play a causal role in atherosclerosis (115,116). Unfortunately, as will be discussed later in this chapter lowering TG levels in patients on statin therapy has not decreased cardiovascular events.




In patients with T1DM in good glycemic control, the lipid profile is very similar to lipid profiles in the general population (110). In some studies HDL-C levels are modestly increased in patients with T1DM (117). In contrast, in patients with T2DM, even when in good glycemic control, there are abnormalities in lipid levels (118-121). It is estimated that 30-60% of patients with T2DM have dyslipidemia (5,122). Specifically, patients with T2DM often have an increase in serum TG levels, increased VLDL and IDL, and decreased HDL-C levels. Non-HDL-C levels are increased due to the increase in VLDL and IDL. LDL-C levels are typically not markedly different than in normal subjects but there is an increase in small dense LDL, a lipoprotein particle that may be particularly pro-atherogenic (123). As a consequence, there are more LDL particles, which coupled with the increases in VLDL and IDL, leads to an increase in apolipoprotein B levels (118-121). Additionally, the postprandial increase in serum TG is accentuated and elevations in postprandial lipids may increase the risk of ASCVD (118-121).


It should be recognized that the lipid changes in patients with T2D are characteristic of the alterations in lipid profile seen in obesity and the metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance syndrome) (124). Since a high percentage of patients with T2DM are obese, insulin resistant, and have the metabolic syndrome, it is not surprising that the prevalence of increased TG and small dense LDL and decreased HDL-C is common in patients with T2DM even when these patients are in good glycemic control. Obesity is also accompanied by increased systemic inflammation. The increasing prevalence of obesity/overweight in patients with T1D will likely result in an increased prevalence of dyslipidemia in this population.


Studies have shown that the anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory functions of HDL isolated from patients with T1DM and T2DM are reduced (117,125). Additionally, the ability of HDL to facilitate cholesterol efflux is reduced in patients with T1DM and T2DM (126,127). Together these findings indicate that HDL-C levels per se may not fully reflect risk of ASCVD in patients with diabetes and that HDL function is perturbed in patients with diabetes.


In both T1DM and T2DM, poor glycemic control increases serum TG levels, VLDL, and IDL, and decreases HDL-C levels (119). Poor glycemic control can also result in a modest increase in LDL-C, which because of the elevation in TG is often in the small dense LDL subfraction. It is therefore important to optimize glycemic control in patients with diabetes because this will have secondary beneficial effects on lipid levels.


Lp(a) levels are usually within the normal range in patients with T1DM and T2DM (128). Some studies have observed no impact of diabetes mellitus on Lp(a) concentrations while other studies reported an elevation or a decrease in Lp(a) concentrations (128). The development of microalbuminuria and the onset of renal disease are associated with an increase in Lp (a) levels (129). Of note low Lp(a) levels are associated with an increased risk of developing T2DM (128). A recent very large case control study found that an Lp(a) concentration in the bottom 10% increases T2DM risk (130).


Table 3. Lipid Abnormalities in Patients with Diabetes


Lipid profile is similar to controls if glycemic control is good


Increased TG, VLDL, IDL, and non-HDL-C. Decreased HDL-C. Normal LDL-C but increase in small dense LDL, LDL particle number, and apolipoprotein B.

Poor glycemic control

Increased TG, VLDL, IDL, and non-HDL-C.  Decreased HDL-C. Modest increase in LDL-C with increase in small dense LDL, LDL particle number, and apolipoprotein B.




Some therapies used to improve glycemic control may have an impact on lipid levels above and beyond their effects on glucose metabolism. In reviewing the literature, it is often very difficult to separate improvements in glycemic control vs. direct effects of drugs. Additionally, many of the changes induced by drug therapy result in only small changes in LDL-C, HDL-C, and TG levels, are variable from study to study, and are of questionable clinical significance. Insulin, sulfonylureas, meglinitides, DPP4 inhibitors, and alpha-glucosidase inhibitors do not appear to markedly alter fasting lipid profiles other than by improving glucose control (there are data indicating that DPP4 inhibitors and acarbose decrease postprandial triglyceride excursions, but they do not markedly alter fasting lipid levels) (131). In contrast, metformin, thiazolidinediones, GLP1 receptor agonists, bromocriptine-QR, and SGLT2 inhibitors have effects independent of glycemic control on serum lipid levels.


Metformin may decrease serum TG levels and LDL-C levels without altering HDL-C levels (131). In a meta-analysis of 37 trials with 2,891 patients, metformin decreased TG by 11.4mg/dL when compared with control treatment (p=0.003) (132). In an analysis of 24 trials with 1,867 patients, metformin decreased LDL-C by 8.4mg/dL compared to control treatment (p<0.001) (132). In contrast, metformin did not significantly alter HDL-C levels (132). It should be noted that in the Diabetes Prevention Program 3,234 individuals with impaired glucose metabolism were randomized to placebo, intensive lifestyle, or metformin therapy. In the metformin therapy group no significant changes were noted in TG, LDL-C, or HDL-C levels compared to the placebo group (133). Thus, metformin may have small effects on lipid levels.    


The effect of thiazolidinediones depends on which agent is used. Rosiglitazone increases serum LDL-C levels, increases HDL-C levels, and only decreases serum TG if the baseline TG levels are high (131). In contrast, pioglitazone has less impact on LDL-C levels, but increases HDL-C levels, and decreases TG (131). In the PROactive study, a large randomized cardiovascular outcome study, pioglitazone decreased TG levels by approximately 10%, increased HDL-C levels by approximately 10%, and increased LDL-C by 1-4% (134). It should be noted that reductions in the small dense LDL subfraction and an increase in the large buoyant LDL subfraction are seen with both thiazolidinediones (131). In a randomized head-to-head trial, it was shown that pioglitazone decreased TG levels and increased serum HDL-C levels to a greater degree than rosiglitazone treatment (135,136). Additionally, pioglitazone increased LDL-C levels less than rosiglitazone. In contrast to the differences in lipid parameters, both rosiglitazone and pioglitazone decreased A1c and C-reactive protein to a similar extent. The mechanism by which pioglitazone induces more favorable changes in lipid levels than rosiglitazone despite similar changes in glucose levels is unclear, but differential actions of ligands for nuclear hormone receptors are well described.


Treatment with SGLT2 inhibitors results in a small increase in LDL-C and HDL-C levels (131). In a meta-analysis of 48 randomized controlled trials SGLT2 inhibitors significantly increased LDL-C (3.8mg/dL, p < 0.00001), HDL-C (2.3mg/dL, p < 0.00001), and decreased TG levels (8.8mg/dL, p < 0.00001) (137). The mechanism for these increases in LDL and HDL cholesterol is unknown but could be due to a decrease in plasma volume. The decrease in TG levels could be secondary to weight loss.


Bromocriptine-QR (Cycloset) treatment decreases TG levels but has no significant effect on LDL-C or HDL-C levels (138,139). The decrease in TG levels is thought to be due to a decrease in hepatic TG synthesis, likely due to a decrease in adipose tissue lipolysis resulting in decreased blood free fatty acid levels and reduced delivery of fatty acids to the liver for TG synthesis (140).


Colesevelam, a bile acid sequestrant that is approved for glucose lowering, lowers LDL-C levels by 15-20% and has only a modest effect on HDL-C levels (101,141). The effect of bile acid sequestrants on TG levels varies (141). In patients with normal TG levels, bile acid sequestrants increase TG levels by a small amount. However, as baseline TG levels increase, the effect of bile acid sequestrants on TG levels becomes greater, and can result in substantial increases in TG levels (141). In patients with TG > 500mg/dL the use of bile acid sequestrants is contraindicated (141).


Finally, GLP-1 receptor agonists can favorably affect the lipid profile by inducing weight loss (decreasing TG and very modestly decreasing LDL-C levels) (131). In a review by Nauck and colleagues it was noted that GLP-1 receptor agonists lowered TG levels by 18 to 62mg/dL depending upon the specific GLP-1 receptor agonist while decreasing LDL-C by 3-8mg/dL and increasing HDL-C by less than 1mg/dL (142). Additionally, GLP-1 receptor agonists reduce postprandial TG by reducing circulating chylomicrons by decreasing intestinal lipoprotein production (131,142). DPP4 inhibitors have a similar effect on postprandial TG levels as GLP-1 receptor agonists while having minimal effects on fasting lipid levels (142).


In the SURPASS trials, tirzepatide studies TG levels were consistently decreased by 13-25% (83,143). In most studies with the exception of SURPASS 5, HDL cholesterol levels increased by 3-11% (83,143). Total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels were modestly decreased in most studies (83,143). Not unexpectedly given the decrease in TG levels small LDL particles were decreased. For details see the Endotext chapter Oral and Injectable (Non-Insulin) Pharmacological Agents for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes (83).


Table 4. Effect of Glucose Lowering Drugs on Lipid Levels


Modestly decrease TG and LDL-C


No effect

DPP4 inhibitors

Decrease postprandial TG

GLP1 analogues

Decrease fasting and postprandial TG, modestly decrease LDL-C


Decrease TG, modestly decrease LDL-C, increase HDL-C


Decrease postprandial TG



Decrease TG and increase HDL-C. Small increase LDL-C but a decrease in small dense LDL

SGLT2 inhibitors

Small increase in LDL-C and HDL-C


Decrease LDL-C. May increase TG


Decrease TG


No effect



Figure 1. Pathophysiology of the Dyslipidemia of Diabetes


Multiple mechanisms account for the dyslipidemia seen in patients with T2DM, which are affected both by the level of glucose control and by factors such as obesity and inflammation that also contribute to dyslipidemia.


Increase in TG


There are a number of different abnormalities that contribute to the dyslipidemia seen in patients with T2DM and obesity (figure 1) (119-122,144-146).




A key abnormality is the overproduction of VLDL by the liver, which is a major contributor to the elevations in serum TG levels. The rate of secretion of VLDL is highly dependent on TG availability, which is determined by the levels of fatty acids available for the synthesis of TG in the liver. An abundance of TG prevents the intra-hepatic degradation of Apo B-100 allowing for increased VLDL formation and secretion. There are three major sources of fatty acids in the liver all of which may be altered in patients with T2DM. First, the flux of fatty acids from adipose tissue to the liver is increased. An increased mass of adipose tissue, particularly visceral stores, results in increased fatty acid delivery to the liver. Additionally, insulin suppresses the lipolysis of TG to free fatty acids in adipose tissue; thus, in patients with either poorly controlled diabetes due to a decrease in insulin or a decrease in insulin activity due to insulin resistance, the inhibition of TG lipolysis is blunted and there is increased TG breakdown leading to increased fatty acid deliver to the liver. A second source of fatty acids in the liver is de novo fatty acid synthesis. Numerous studies have shown that fatty acid synthesis is increased in the liver in patients with T2DM. This increase may be mediated by the hyperinsulinemia seen in patients with insulin resistance. While the liver is resistant to the effects of insulin on carbohydrate metabolism, the liver remains sensitive to the effects of insulin stimulating lipid synthesis. Specifically, insulin stimulates the activity of SREBP-1c, a transcription factor that increases the expression of the enzymes required for the synthesis of fatty acids. Thus, while the liver is resistant to the effects of insulin on carbohydrate metabolism the liver remains sensitive to the effects of insulin stimulating lipid synthesis. Additionally, in the presence of hyperglycemia, glucose can induce another transcription factor, carbohydrate responsive element binding protein (ChREBP), which also stimulates the transcription of the enzymes required for fatty acid synthesis. The third source of fatty acids is the uptake of TG rich lipoproteins by the liver. Studies have shown an increase in intestinal fatty acid synthesis and the enhanced secretion of chylomicrons in animal models of T2DM. This increase in chylomicrons leads to the increased delivery of fatty acids to the liver. The increase in hepatic fatty acids produced by these three pathways results in an increase in the synthesis of TG in the liver and the protection of Apo B-100 from degradation resulting in the increased formation and secretion of VLDL. Finally, insulin stimulates the post translational degradation of Apo B-100 in the liver and a decrease in insulin activity in patients with T2DM also allows for the enhanced survival of Apo B-100 promoting increased VLDL formation.




While the overproduction of triglyceride rich lipoproteins by the liver and intestine are important contributors to the elevations in serum TG levels in patients with T2DM, there are also abnormalities in the metabolism of these TG rich lipoproteins. First, there is a modest decrease in lipoprotein lipase activity, the key enzyme that metabolizes TG rich lipoproteins. The expression of lipoprotein lipase is stimulated by insulin and decreased insulin activity in patients with T2DM results in a decrease in lipoprotein lipase, which plays a key role in the hydrolysis of the TG carried in chylomicrons and VLDL. Additionally, patients with T2DM have an increase in Apo C-III levels, a key regulator of TG rich lipoprotein clearance. Glucose stimulates and insulin suppresses Apo C-III expression; thus, diabetes with hyperglycemia and either insulin deficiency or insulin resistance contribute to an increase in Apo C-III. Apo C-III is an inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase activity and thereby reduces the clearance of TG rich lipoproteins. In addition, Apo C-III also inhibits the cellular uptake of lipoproteins. Studies have shown that loss of function mutations in Apo C-III lead to lower serum TG levels and a reduced risk of ASCVD (147,148). Interestingly, inhibition of Apo C-III expression results in a decrease in serum TG levels even in patients deficient in lipoprotein lipase, indicating that the ability of Apo C-III to modulate serum TG levels is not dependent solely on regulating lipoprotein lipase activity (149). Lastly, insulin resistance is associated with an increase in Angptl3, an inhibitor of LPL (150). Thus, in patients with diabetes, a decrease in clearance of TG rich lipoproteins also contributes to the elevation in serum triglyceride levels.  


Mechanism for the Increase in Small Dense LDL and Decrease in HDL


The elevation in TG rich lipoproteins in turn has effects on other lipoproteins. Specifically, cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP) mediates the exchange of TG from TG rich VLDL and chylomicrons to LDL and HDL. The increase in TG rich lipoproteins per se leads to an increase in CETP mediated exchange, increasing the TG content of both LDL and HDL. The TG on LDL and HDL is then hydrolyzed by hepatic lipase and lipoprotein lipase leading to the production of small dense LDL and small HDL. Notably hepatic lipase activity is increased in patients with T2DM, which will also facilitate the removal of TG from LDL and HDL resulting in small lipoprotein particles. The affinity of Apo A-I for small HDL particles is reduced, leading to the disassociation of Apo A-I, which in turn leads to the accelerated clearance and breakdown of Apo A-I by the kidneys. Additionally, the production of Apo A-I may be reduced in patients with diabetes. High glucose levels can activate ChREBP and this transcription factor inhibits Apo A-I expression. Furthermore, insulin stimulates Apo A-I expression and a reduction in insulin activity due to insulin resistance or decreased insulin levels may also lead to a decrease in Apo A-I expression. The net result is lower levels of Apo A-I and HDL-C levels in patients with T2DM.


Role of Poor Glycemic Control


The above-described changes lead to the typical dyslipidemia observed in patients with T2DM (increased TG, decreased HDL-C, and an abundance of small dense LDL and small HDL). In patients with both Type 1 and T2DM, poor glycemic control can further adversely affect lipid and lipoprotein metabolism. As noted above the expression of lipoprotein lipase is stimulated by insulin. If insulin activity is very low the expression of lipoprotein lipase is severely suppressed and the metabolism of TG rich lipoproteins is markedly impaired. This leads to the delayed clearance of both chylomicrons and VLDL and elevations of TG rich lipoproteins. Additionally, insulinopenia results in a marked increase in lipolysis in adipose tissue, leading to the release of free fatty acids into the circulation. This increase in serum fatty acids results in the increased delivery of fatty acids to the liver, enhanced TG synthesis in the liver, and the increased production and secretion of VLDL. Whereas patients with T1DM who are well controlled and not obese or overweight typically have normal serum lipid profiles, if their control deteriorates, they will develop hypertriglyceridemia. In patients with T2DM deterioration of glycemic control will further exacerbate their underlying dyslipidemia resulting in greater increases in TG levels. If the synthesis of new VLDL is increased sufficiently this can result in an increase in LDL-C levels. HDL-C levels may decrease due to the formation of small HDL that are more susceptible to accelerated clearance. Improvements in glycemic control can markedly lower TG levels and may increase serum HDL-C levels. In patients with poorly controlled diabetes improvements in glycemic control may also lower LDL-C levels.


Role of Obesity and Inflammation


Most patients with T2DM and many patients with T1D are obese or overweight. Obesity is a pro-inflammatory state due to the macrophages that infiltrate adipose tissue. The cytokines produced by these macrophages and the adipokines that are produced by fat cells also alter lipid metabolism (151,152). The pro-inflammatory cytokines, TNF and IL-1, decrease the expression of lipoprotein lipase and increase the expression of angiopoietin like protein 4, an inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase. Together these changes decrease lipoprotein lipase activity, thereby delaying the clearance of TG rich lipoproteins. In addition, pro-inflammatory cytokines stimulate lipolysis in adipocytes increasing circulating free fatty acid levels, which will provide substrate for hepatic TG synthesis. In the liver, pro-inflammatory cytokines stimulate de novo fatty acid and TG synthesis. These alterations will lead to the increased production and secretion of VLDL. Thus, increases in the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines will stimulate the production of TG rich lipoproteins and delay the clearance of TG rich lipoproteins, which together will contribute to the increase in serum TG that occurs in obese patients.


Obesity and the increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines may also affect HDL-C levels (153-155). First, pro-inflammatory cytokines inhibit the production of Apo A-I, the main protein constituent of HDL. Second, in many tissues pro-inflammatory cytokines decrease the expression of ABCA1 and ABCG1, which will lead to a decrease in the efflux of phospholipids and cholesterol from the cell to HDL decreasing the formation of mature HDL. Third, pro-inflammatory cytokines inhibit the production and activity of LCAT, which will limit the conversion of cholesterol to cholesterol esters in HDL. This conversion step is required for the formation of a normal spherical HDL particle and is crucial for the ability of HDL to increase the efflux of cholesterol from cells (including macrophages). Together these effects may lead to a decrease in HDL-C levels and a decrease in reverse cholesterol transport. Reverse cholesterol transport plays an important role in preventing cholesterol accumulation in macrophages and thereby reduces atherosclerosis.


Inflammation also decreases other important functions of HDL, such as its ability to prevent LDL oxidation (156). This reduction in the ability of HDL to protect from oxidation may be mediated in part by inflammation inducing lower levels of the enzyme paraoxonase, which is commonly seen in patients with diabetes (151,157). In parallel inflammation increases the oxidation of LDL and the amount of small dense LDL that is more susceptible to oxidation.


Role of Adipokines


Adipokines, such as leptin, adiponectin, and resistin, regulate lipid metabolism and the levels are altered in obese patients. Obesity increases serum leptin levels and leptin stimulates lipolysis in adipocytes which will increase serum free fatty acid levels (158). The circulating levels of adiponectin are decreased in subjects who are obese (159). Decreased adiponectin levels are associated with elevations in serum TG levels and decreases in HDL-C levels (159). This association is thought to be causal as studies in mice have shown that overexpressing adiponectin (transgenic mice) decreases TG and increases HDL-C levels while conversely, adiponectin knock-out mice have increased TG and decreased HDL-C levels (159). The adiponectin induced decrease in TG levels is mediated by an increased catabolism of TG rich lipoproteins due to an increase in lipoprotein lipase activity and a decrease Apo C-III, an inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase (159). The increase in HDL-C levels induced by adiponectin is mediated by an increase in hepatic Apo A-I and ABCA1, which results in the increased production of HDL particles (159).


Resistin is increased in subjects who are obese and the levels of resistin directly correlate with plasma TG levels (160). Moreover, resistin has been shown to stimulate hepatic VLDL production and secretion due to an increase in the synthesis of Apo B, TG, and cholesterol (160,161). Finally, resistin is associated with a decrease in HDL-C and Apo A-I levels (160).




Monotherapy Studies




The Cholesterol Treatment Trialists analyzed data from 18,686 subjects with diabetes (mostly T2DM) from 14 randomized trials (162). In the statin treated group there was a 9% decrease in all-cause mortality, a 13% decrease in vascular mortality, and a 21% decrease in major vascular events per 39mg/dL (1mmol/L) reduction in LDL-C. The beneficial effect of statin therapy was seen in both primary and secondary prevention patients. The effect of statin treatment on cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes was similar to that seen in non-diabetic subjects. Thus, these studies indicate that statins are beneficial in reducing ASCVD in patients with diabetes. Because of the large number of patients with diabetes included in the Heart Protection Study (HPS) and CARDS these two studies will be discussed in greater depth.


The HPS was a double-blind randomized trial that focused on patients at high risk for the development of cardiovascular events, including patients with a history of MIs, other atherosclerotic lesions, diabetes, and/or hypertension (163,164). Patients were between 40 and 80 years of age and had to have total serum cholesterol levels greater than 135mg/dL (thus very few patients were excluded because they did not have a high enough cholesterol level). The major strength of this trial was the large number of patients studied (>20,000). The diabetes subgroup included 5,963 subjects and thus was as large as many other prevention trials. The study was a 2x2 study design comparing simvastatin 40mg a day vs. placebo and anti-oxidant vitamins (vitamin E 600mg, vitamin C 250mg, and beta-carotene 20mg) vs. placebo and lasted approximately 5 years. Analysis of the group randomized to the anti-oxidant vitamins revealed no beneficial or harmful effects. In contrast, simvastatin therapy (40mg per day) reduced cardiovascular events, including MIs and strokes, by approximately 25% in all participants and to a similar degree in the diabetic subjects (total ASCVD reduced 27%, coronary mortality 20%, MI 37%, stroke 24%). Further analysis of the subjects with diabetes revealed that the reduction in cardiovascular events with statin therapy was similar in individuals with diabetes diagnosed for a short duration (<6 years) and for a long duration (>13 years). Similarly, subjects with diabetes in good control (HbA1c <7%) and those not in ideal control (HbA1c >7%) also benefited to a similar degree with statin therapy. Moreover, both T1DM and T2DM patients had a comparable reduction in ASCVD with simvastatin therapy. The decrease in cardiovascular events in patients with T1DM was not statistically significant because of the small number of subjects. Nevertheless, this is the only trial that included patients with T1DM and suggests that patients with T1DM will benefit from statin therapy similar to T2DM. In general, statin therapy reduced ASCVD in all subgroups of subjects with diabetes (females, males, older age, renal disease, hypertension, high TG, low HDL, ASA therapy, etc.) i.e., statin therapy benefits all patients with diabetes (note this study did not include patients with end stage renal disease but other studies have failed to show benefits of statin therapy in patients with diabetes and end stage renal disease (165)).


The CARDS trial specifically focused on subjects with diabetes (166). The subjects in this trial were males and females with T2DM between the ages of 40 to 75 years of age who were at high risk of developing ASCVD based on the presence of hypertension, retinopathy, renal disease, or current smoking. Of particular note, the subjects did not have any evidence of clinical atherosclerosis (myocardial disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease) at entry and hence this study is a primary prevention trial. Inclusion criteria included LDL-C levels less than 160mg/dL and TG levels less than 600mg/dL. It is important to recognize that the average LDL-C in this trial was approximately 118mg/dL, indicating relatively low LDL-C levels. A total of 2,838 T2DM subjects were randomized to either placebo or atorvastatin 10mg a day. Atorvastatin therapy resulted in a 40% decrease in LDL-C levels with over 80% of patients achieving LDL-C levels less than 100mg/dL. Most importantly, atorvastatin therapy resulted in a 37% reduction in cardiovascular events. In addition, strokes were reduced by 48% and coronary revascularization by 31%. As seen in the HPS, subjects with relatively low LDL-C levels (LDL <120mg/dL) benefited to a similar extent as subjects with higher LDL-C levels (>120mg/dL).


HPS and CARDS, in combination with the other statin trials, provide conclusive evidence that statin therapy will reduce cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes. Importantly, the benefits of statin therapy are seen in patients with diabetes in both primary and secondary prevention trials. 


Effect of Aggressive LDL-C Lowering with Statins


Studies have compared reductions of LDL-C to approximately 100mg/dL to more aggressive reductions in LDL-C on atheroma volume. The Reversal Trial studied 502 symptomatic coronary artery disease patients with an average LDL-C of 150mg/dL (167). Approximately 19% of the patients in this trial had diabetes. Patients were randomized to moderate LDL lowering therapy with pravastatin 40mg per day or to aggressive lipid lowering with atorvastatin 80mg per day. As expected, LDL-C levels were considerably lower in the atorvastatin treated group (pravastatin LDL= 110mg/dL vs. atorvastatin LDL= 79mg/dL). Most importantly, when one analyzed the change in atheroma volume determined after 18 months of therapy using intravascular ultrasound, the group treated aggressively with atorvastatin had a much lower progression rate than the group treated with pravastatin. Compared with baseline values, patients treated with atorvastatin had no change in atheroma burden (there was a very slight regression of lesions), whereas patients treated with pravastatin showed progression of lesions. When one compares the extent of the reduction in LDL-C to the change in atheroma volume, a 50% reduction in LDL (LDL-C levels of approximately 75mg/dL) resulted in the absence of lesion progression. This study suggests that lowering the LDL-C to levels well below 100mg/dL is required to prevent disease progression as measured by intravascular ultrasound. Other studies, such as Asteroid, have shown that marked reductions in LDL-C (in Asteroid the mean LDL-C levels were 61mg/dL) can also result in the regression of coronary artery atherosclerosis determined by intravascular ultrasound measurements (168). Additionally, the Saturn trial demonstrated that aggressive lipid lowering with either atorvastatin 80mg or rosuvastatin 40mg would induce regression of coronary artery atherosclerosis to a similar degree in patients with and without diabetes if the LDL-C levels were reduced to less than 70mg/dL (169). Together these trials indicate that aggressive lowering of LDL-C levels to below 70mg/dL can induce regression of atherosclerotic lesions.


The Prove-It trial determined in patients recently hospitalized for an acute coronary syndrome whether aggressively lowering of LDL-C with atorvastatin 80mg per day vs. moderate LDL-C lowering with pravastatin 40mg per day would have a similar effect on cardiovascular end points such as death, MI, documented unstable angina requiring hospitalization, revascularization, or stroke (170,171). In this trial, approximately 18% of the patients were diabetic. As expected, the on-treatment LDL-C levels were significantly lower in patients aggressively treated with atorvastatin compared to the moderate treated pravastatin group (atorvastatin LDL-C = approximately 62 vs. pravastatin LDL-C = approximately 95mg/dL). Of great significance, death or major cardiovascular events was reduced by 16% over the two years of the study in the group aggressively treated with atorvastatin. Moreover, the risk reduction in the patients with diabetes in the aggressive treatment group was similar to that observed in non-diabetics.


In the treating to new targets trial (TNT) patients with stable coronary heart disease and LDL-C levels less than 130mg/dL were randomized to either 10mg or 80mg atorvastatin and followed for an average of 4.9 years (172,173). Approximately 15% of the patients had diabetes. As expected, LDL-C levels were lowered to a greater extent in the patients treated with 80mg atorvastatin than with 10mg atorvastatin (77mg/dL vs. 101mg/dL). Impressively, the occurrence of major cardiovascular events was reduced by 22% in the group treated with atorvastatin 80mg (p<0.001). In the patients with diabetes events were reduced by 25% in the high dose statin group.


Finally, the IDEAL trial was a randomized study that compared atorvastatin 80mg vs. simvastatin 20-40mg in 8,888 patients with a history of ASCVD (174). Approximately 12% of the patients had diabetes. As expected, LDL-C levels were reduced to a greater extent in the atorvastatin treated group than the simvastatin treated group (approximately 81mg/dL vs. 104mg/dL). Once again, the greater reduction in LDL-C levels was associated with a greater reduction in cardiovascular events. Specifically, major coronary events defined as coronary death, nonfatal MI, or cardiac arrest was reduced by 11% (p=0.07), while nonfatal acute MI were reduced by 17% (p=0.02).


Combining the results of the Heart Protection Study, CARDS, Reversal, Saturn, Asteroid, Prove-It, TNT, and IDEAL leads one to the conclusion that aggressive lowering of LDL-C with statin therapy will be beneficial and suggests that in high-risk patients lowering the LDL to levels well below 100mg/dL is desirable. Moreover, the Cholesterol Treatment Trialists reviewed five trials with 39,612 subjects that were designed to determine the effect of usual vs. aggressive reductions in LDL-C (175). They reported that intensive control (approximately a 19mg/dL difference in LDL-C) resulted in a 15% decrease in major vascular events, a 13% reduction in coronary death or non-fatal MI, a 19% decrease in coronary revascularization, and a 16% decrease in strokes. As will be discussed below treatment guidelines reflect the results of these studies. Additionally, as described in detail below, studies of the addition of either ezetimibe or PCSK9 inhibitors to statins further demonstrates that aggressive lowering of LDL-C levels further reduces cardiovascular events




The beneficial effect of monotherapy with fibrates (e.g., gemfibrozil, fenofibrate) on ASCVD in patients with diabetes is shown in Table 5. The results of these randomized trials suggest that monotherapy with this class of drug might reduce cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes, but the data is not very robust. The largest trial was the Field Trial (176). In this trial, 9,795 patients with T2DM between the ages of 50 and 75 not taking statin therapy were randomized to fenofibrate or placebo and followed for approximately 5 years. Fenofibrate therapy resulted in a 12% decrease in LDL-C, a 29% decrease in TG, and a 5% increase in HDL-C levels. The primary outcome was coronary events (coronary heart disease death and non-fatal MI), which were reduced by 11% in the fenofibrate group but did not reach statistical significance (p= 0.16). However, there was a 24% decrease in non-fatal MI in the fenofibrate treated group (p=0.01) and a non-significant increase in coronary heart disease mortality. Total ASCVD events (coronary events plus stroke and coronary or carotid revascularization) were reduced 11% (p=0.035). These beneficial effects of fenofibrate therapy on ASCVD were observed in patients without a previous history of ASCVD. In patients with a previous history of ASCVD no benefits were observed. Additionally, the beneficial effect of fenofibrate therapy was seen only in those subjects less than 65 years of age. The beneficial effects of fenofibrate in this study may have been muted by the increased use of statins in the placebo group, which reduced the differences in lipid levels between the placebo and fenofibrate groups. If one adjusted for the addition of lipid-lowering therapy, fenofibrate reduced the risk of coronary heart disease events by 19% (p=0.01) and of total ASCVD events by 15% (p=0.004). Thus, while the results of this large trial are intriguing they do not clearly show a benefit of fibrate therapy reducing ASCVD events. The number of patients with diabetes in the other fibrate trials are relatively small (table 4).


While the results of the monotherapy fibrate trials have been very heterogeneous it should be noted that fibrate trials in patients with elevated TG levels have reported a greater reduction of cardiovascular events (177). Additionally, subgroup analysis of several fibrate trials has also suggested that the benefit of fibrates was greatest in patients with elevated TG levels (177,178).


The mechanism by which fibrates may reduce cardiovascular events is unclear. These drugs lower serum TG levels and increase HDL-C, but it should be recognized that the beneficial effects of fibrates could be due to other actions of these drugs. Specifically, these drugs activate the nuclear hormone receptor PPAR alpha, which is present in the cells that comprise the atherosclerotic lesions, and it is possible that these compounds directly affect lesion formation and development. In addition, fibrates are anti-inflammatory. In fact, analysis of the VA-HIT study suggested that much of the benefit of fibrate therapy was not due to changes in serum lipoprotein levels (179,180).


To summarize, while in general the studies suggest that monotherapy with fibrates may reduce ASCVD in patients with diabetes, the results are not very robust or consistent as seen in the statin trials. Of note fibrate therapy appeared to be most effective in patients with increased TG levels and decreased HDL levels, a lipid profile typically seen in patients with T2DM. However, as will be presented in detail below (combination therapy section) the addition of fibrates to statins does not reduce ASCVD.


Table 5. Effect of Fibrate Monotherapy on Cardiovascular Outcomes



#Diabetic subjects

%Decrease controls

% Decrease diabetics

Helsinki Heart Study (181)





VA-HIT (180)





DIAS (182)





Sendcap (183)





Field (176)





* Not statistically significant




A single randomized trial, the Coronary Drug Project, has examined the effect of niacin monotherapy on cardiovascular outcomes (184). This trial was carried out from 1966 to 1974 (before the introduction of statin therapy) in men with a history of a prior MI and demonstrated that niacin therapy reduced cardiovascular events. The results of this study were re-analyzed to determine the effect of niacin therapy in subjects with varying baseline fasting and 1-hour post meal glucose levels (185). It was noted that 6 years of niacin therapy reduced the risk of coronary heart disease death or nonfatal MI by approximately 15-25% regardless of baseline fasting or 1-hour post glucose challenge glucose levels. Particularly notable is that reductions in events were seen in the subjects who had a fasting glucose level >126mg/dL or 1-hour glucose levels >220mg/dL (i.e., patients with diabetes). Thus, based on this single study, niacin monotherapy reduces cardiovascular events both in normal subjects and patients with diabetes. However, as will be presented in detail below (combination therapy section) the addition of niacin to statins does not reduce ASCVD.




A multicenter, randomized trial in Japan examined the efficacy of ezetimibe in patients aged ≥75 years with elevated LDL-C (≥140 mg/dL) without a history of coronary artery disease who were not taking lipid lowering drugs (186). Patients were randomized to ezetimibe (n=1716) or usual care (n=1695) and followed for 4.1 years. The primary outcome was a composite of sudden cardiac death, MI, coronary revascularization, or stroke. In the ezetimibe group LDL-C was decreased by 25.9% and non-HDL-C by 23.1% while in the usual care group LDL-C was decreased by 18.5% and non-HDL-C by 16.5% (p<0.001 for both lipid parameters). By the end of the trial 9.6% of the patients in the usual care group and 2.1% of the ezetimibe group were taking statins. Ezetimibe reduced the incidence of the primary outcome by 34% (HR 0.66; P=0.002). Additionally, composite cardiac events were reduced by 60% (HR 0.60; P=0.039) and coronary revascularization by 62% (HR 0.38; P=0.007) in the ezetimibe group vs. the control group. There was no difference in the incidence of stroke or all-cause mortality between the groups. Approximately 25% of the patients in this trial had diabetes and the beneficial effects were similar in the diabetic and non-diabetic subjects. It should be noted that the reduction in cardiovascular events was much greater than one would expect based on the absolute difference in LDL-C levels (121mg/dL in ezetimibe group vs. 132mg/dL). As stated by the authors “Given the open-label nature of the trial, its premature termination, and issues with follow-up, the magnitude of benefit observed should be interpreted with caution.” Nevertheless, this study provides suggestive evidence that ezetimibe monotherapy may reduce cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes.




A multicenter study of bempedoic acid in statin intolerant patients with ASCVD or at high risk for ASCVD was recently reported (187). Patients were randomized to bempedoic acid, 180 mg daily (n=6992), or placebo (n=6978) and the primary end point was death from cardiovascular causes, nonfatal MI, nonfatal stroke, or coronary revascularization. Bempedoic acid therapy reduced LDL-C and hsCRP levels by approximately 22% compared to the placebo group. The primary composite endpoint was reduced by 13% in the bempedoic acid group (HR 0.87; 95% CI, 0.79 to 0.96; P = 0.004). The four individual components of the primary endpoint were also significantly reduced in the bempedoic acid treatment group. In this trial approximately 45% of the patients had diabetes. In an analysis of the patients without clinical ASCVD, (i.e., primary prevention) (bempedoic acid n = 2100 or placebo n = 2106), there was a 30% decrease in cardiovascular events (HR 0.70: 95% CI, 0.55-0.89; P = .002) (188). In this subgroup analysis 66% of the patients had diabetes. This study clearly indicates that monotherapy with bempedoic acid will reduce cardiovascular events.




With regard to PCSK9 inhibitors and bile acid sequestrants there have been no randomized monotherapy studies that have examined the effect of these drugs on cardiovascular end points in subjects with diabetes. In non-diabetic subjects, monotherapy with bile acid sequestrants have reduced cardiovascular events (102,103). Since bile acid sequestrants have a similar beneficial impact on serum lipid levels in diabetic and non-diabetic subjects one would anticipate that these drugs would also result in a reduction in events in the diabetic population. Additionally, bile acid sequestrants improve glycemic control (101). However, bile acid sequestrants can raise TG levels and therefore must be used with caution in hypertriglyceridemic patients. There are no outcome studies with PCSK9 inhibitor monotherapy in patients with diabetes but given that these drugs reduce LDL-C levels and in combination with statins reduce cardiovascular events one would anticipate that PCSK9 inhibitor monotherapy will also reduce cardiovascular events.


Combination Therapy


The studies with statins have been so impressive that most patients with diabetes over the age of 40 are routinely treated with statin therapy and younger patients with diabetes at high risk for ASCVD are also typically on statin therapy (see Current Guidelines Section). Therefore, a key issue is whether the addition of other lipid lowering drugs to statins will result in a further reduction in cardiovascular events. A difficulty with such studies is that the reduction in cardiovascular events induced by statin therapy is so robust that very large trials may be required to see additional benefit.




The ACCORD-LIPID trial was designed to determine if the addition of fenofibrate to aggressive statin therapy would result in a further reduction in ASCVD in patients with T2DM (189). In this trial, 5,518 patients on statin therapy were randomized to placebo or fenofibrate therapy. The patients had diabetes for approximately 10 years and either had pre-existing ASCVD or were at high risk for developing ASCVD. During the trial, LDL-C levels were approximately 80mg/dL in both groups. There was only a small difference in HDL-C with the fenofibrate groups having a mean HDL-C of 41.2mg/dL while the control group had an HDL-C of 40.5mg/dL. Differences in TG levels were somewhat more impressive with the fenofibrate group having a mean TG level of 122mg/dL while the control group had a TG level of 144mg/dL. First occurrence of nonfatal MI, nonfatal stroke, or death from cardiovascular causes was the primary outcome and there was no statistical difference between the fenofibrate treated group and the placebo group. Additionally, there were also no statistically significant differences between the groups with regards to any of the secondary outcome measures of ASCVD. Of note, the addition of fenofibrate to statin therapy did not result in an increase in either muscle or liver side effects. On further analysis, there was a possible benefit of fenofibrate therapy in the patients in whom the baseline TG levels were elevated (>204mg/dL) and HDL-C levels decreased (<34mg/dL). Finally, similar to what has been reported in other trials, fenofibrate had beneficial effects on the progression of microvascular disease (190,191).


The PROMINENT trial studied the effect of pemafibrate, a new selective PPAR-alpha activator, in reducing cardiovascular outcomes in 10,497 patients (66.9% with previous ASCVD) with diabetes (192). This was a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial, in patients with T2DM, with mild-to-moderate hypertriglyceridemia (TG level, 200 to 499 mg/dL), LDL-C < 100mg/dL, and HDL-C levels < 40 mg/dL) who received either pemafibrate (0.2-mg tablets twice daily) or placebo in addition to statin therapy (96% on statins). The primary end point was a composite of nonfatal MI, ischemic stroke, coronary revascularization, or death from cardiovascular causes. Baseline fasting TG was 271 mg/dL, HDL-C 33 mg/dL, and LDL-C 78 mg/dL. Compared with placebo, pemafibrate decreased TG by 26.2%, while HDL-C increased 5.1% and LDL-C increased 12.3%. Notably non-HDL-C levels were unchanged and Apo B levels increased 4.8%. The primary endpoint was similar in the pemafibrate and placebo group (HR 1.03; 95% CI 0.91 to 1.15). The increase in LDL-C and Apo B levels likely account for the failure to reduce cardiovascular events.


Taken together the ACCORD study and the PROINENT trial indicate that the addition of fibrate therapy to statin therapy will not result in a reduction in cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes.




The AIM-HIGH trial was designed to determine if the addition of Niaspan to aggressive statin therapy would result in a further reduction in cardiovascular events in patients with pre-existing ASCVD (193). In this trial 3,314 patients were randomized to Niaspan vs. placebo. Approximately 33% of the patients had diabetes. On trial, LDL-C levels were in the 60-70mg/dL range in both groups. As expected, HDL-C levels were increased in the Niaspan treated group (approximately 44mg/dL vs. 38mg/dL), while TG were decreased (approximately 121mg/dL vs. 155mg/dL). However, there were no differences in the primary endpoint between the control and Niaspan treated groups (Primary endpoint consisted of the first event of death from coronary heart disease, nonfatal MI, ischemic stroke, hospitalization for an acute coronary syndrome, or symptom-driven coronary or cerebral revascularization). There were also no differences in secondary endpoints except for a possible increase in strokes in the Niaspan treated group. The addition of Niaspan to statin therapy did not result in a significant increase in either muscle or liver toxicity. Thus, this study does not provide support for the addition of niacin to statins. However, it should be recognized that this was a relatively small study and a considerable number of patients stopped taking the Niaspan during the course of the study (25.4% of patients discontinued Niaspan therapy). In addition, most of the patients included in this study did not have a lipid profile that one would typically consider treating with niacin therapy. In the subset of patients with TG > 198mg/dL and HDL-C < 33mg/dL niacin showed a trend towards benefit (hazard ratio 0.74; p=0.073), suggesting that if the appropriate patient population was studied the results may have been positive (194).


HPS 2 Thrive also studied the effect of niacin added to statin therapy (195). This trial utilized extended-release niacin combined with laropiprant, a prostaglandin D2 receptor antagonist that reduces the flushing side effect of niacin treatment. HPS 2 Thrive was a very large trial with over 25,000 patients randomized to either niacin therapy or placebo. Approximately 32% of the patients in this trial had diabetes. The LDL-C level was 63mg/dL, the HDL-C 44mg/dL, and the TG 125mg/dL at baseline. As expected, niacin therapy resulted in a modest reduction in LDL-C (10mg/dL), a modest increase in HDL-C (6mg/dL), and a larger reduction in TG (33mg/dL). However, despite these lipid changes there were no significant differences in major cardiovascular events between the niacin and control group (risk ratio 0.96 CI 0.90- 1.03). It is unknown whether laropiprant, the prostaglandin D2 receptor antagonist, might have effects that worsen atherosclerosis and increase event rates. Similar to the AIM-HIGH study, the group of patients included in the HPS 2 Thrive trial were not the ideal patient population to test for the beneficial effects of niacin treatment added to statin therapy. Ideally, patients with high TG and high non-HDL-C levels coupled with low HDL-C levels should be studied. Nevertheless, the results of the AIM-HIGH and HPS 2 Thrive trials do not provide support for the addition of niacin to statin therapy in patients with diabetes.




The IMPROVE-IT trial tested whether the addition of ezetimibe to statin therapy would provide an additional beneficial effect in patients with the acute coronary syndrome (196). This was a large trial with over 18,000 patients randomized to statin therapy vs. statin therapy + ezetimibe. Approximately 27% of the patients in this trial had diabetes. On treatment LDL-C levels were 70mg/dL in the statin alone group vs. 53mg/dL in the statin + ezetimibe group. There was a small but significant 6.4% decrease in major cardiovascular events (Cardiovascular death, MI, documented unstable angina requiring re-hospitalization, coronary revascularization, or stroke) in the statin + ezetimibe group (HR 0.936 CI (0.887, 0.988) p=0.016). Cardiovascular death, non-fatal MI, or non-fatal stroke were reduced by 10% (HR 0.90 CI (0.84, 0.97) p=0.003). These beneficial effects were particularly pronounced in the patients with diabetes (Primary endpoint hazard ratio, 0.85; 95% confidence interval, 0.78-0.94) (197,198). This trial provides evidence that the combination of a statin + ezetimibe that results in a greater reduction in LDL-C levels will lead to a larger decrease in cardiovascular events than statin alone. It should be noted that the observed reduction in events was in the range expected based on the decrease in LDL-C levels.


The RACING trial compared rosuvastatin 10 mg plus ezetimibe 10 mg (combination therapy) vs. rosuvastatin 20mg in 3,780 patients (1,398 patients (37.0%) with diabetes) at 26 centers in South Korea (199). In the patients with diabetes the baseline LDL-C levels was 74mg/dL and during the study the median LDL-C was 53mg/dL in the combination therapy group and 61mg/dL in the high-intensity statin group (P < 0.001). After a median follow-up of 3 years the rate of cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes was 10.0% in the combination therapy group and 11.3% in the high-intensity statin group (HR: 0.89; 95% CI: 0.64–1.22; P = 0.460). Interestingly the rate of discontinuation or dose reduction of the study drug due to intolerance was lower in the combination therapy group than in the high-intensity statin group (5.2 vs. 8.7%; P = 0.014). This study demonstrates that cardiovascular outcomes were comparable between those receiving combination therapy vs. high-intensity statin monotherapy and that combination therapy significantly reduced the rate of drug discontinuation or dose reduction due to intolerance.




The FOURIER trial was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of evolocumab vs. placebo in 27,564 patients with atherosclerotic ASCVD and an LDL-C level of 70 mg/dL or higher who were on statin therapy (200). Approximately 40% of the patients had diabetes (201). The primary end point was cardiovascular death, MI, stroke, hospitalization for unstable angina, or coronary revascularization and the key secondary end point was cardiovascular death, MI, or stroke. The median duration of follow-up was 2.2 years. Baseline LDL-C levels were 92mg/dL and evolocumab resulted in a 59% decrease in LDL-C levels (LDL-C level on treatment approximately 30mg/dL). Evolocumab treatment significantly reduced the risk of the primary end point (HR 0.85; 95% CI 0.79 to 0.92; P<0.001) and the key secondary end point (HR 0.80; 95% CI 0.73 to 0.88; P<0.001). The results were consistent across key subgroups, including the subgroup of patients in the lowest quartile for baseline LDL-C levels (median, 74 mg/dL). Of note, a similar decrease in cardiovascular events occurred in patients with diabetes treated with evolocumab and glycemic control was not altered (202). Further analysis has shown that in the small number of patients with a baseline LDL-C level less than 70mg/dL, evolocumab reduced cardiovascular events to a similar degree as in the patients with an LDL-C greater than 70mg/dL (203). Finally, the lower the on-treatment LDL-C levels (down to levels below 20mg/dL), the lower the cardiovascular event rate, suggesting that greater reductions in LDL-C levels will result in greater reductions in ASCVD (204).


The ODYSSEY trial was a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 18,924 patients who had an acute coronary syndrome 1 to 12 months earlier, an LDL-C level of at least 70 mg/dL, a non-HDL-C level of at least 100 mg/dL, or an Apo B level of at least 80 mg/dL while on high intensity statin therapy or the maximum tolerated statin dose (205). Approximately 29% of the patients had diabetes. Patients were randomly assigned to receive alirocumab 75 mg every 2 weeks or matching placebo. The dose of alirocumab was adjusted to target an LDL-C level of 25 to 50 mg/dL. The primary end point was a composite of death from coronary heart disease, nonfatal MI, fatal or nonfatal ischemic stroke, or unstable angina requiring hospitalization. During the trial LDL-C levels in the placebo group was 93-103mg/dL while in the alirocumab group LDL-C levels were 40mg/dL at 4 months, 48mg/dL at 12 months, and 66mg/dL at 48 months (the increase with time was due to discontinuation of alirocumab or a decrease in dose). The primary endpoint was reduced by 15% in the alirocumab group (HR 0.85; 95% CI 0.78 to 0.93; P<0.001). In addition, total mortality was reduced by 15% in the alirocumab group (HR 0.85; 95% CI 0.73 to 0.98). The absolute benefit of alirocumab was greatest in patients with a baseline LDL-C level > than 100mg/dL. In patients with an LDL-C level > than 100mg/dL the number needed to treat with alirocumab to prevent an event was only 16. It should be noted that similar to the FOURIER trial the duration of this trial was very short (median follow-up 2.8 years) which may have minimized the beneficial effects. Additionally, because alirocumab 75mg every 2 weeks was stopped if the LDL-C level was < 15mg/dL on two consecutive measurements the beneficial effects may have been blunted (7.7% of patients randomized to alirocumab were switched to placebo).


It should be noted that that the duration of the PCSK9 outcome trials were relatively short and it is well recognized from previous statin trials that the beneficial effects of lowering LDL-C levels takes time with only modest effects observed during the first year of treatment. In the FOURIER trial the reduction of cardiovascular death, MI, or stroke was 16% during the first year but was 25% beyond 12 months. In the ODYSSEY trial the occurrence of cardiovascular events was similar in the alirocumab and placebo group during the first year of the study with benefits of alirocumab appearing after year one. Thus, the long-term benefits of treatment with a PCSK9 inhibitor may be greater than that observed during these relatively short-term studies.


Additional support for the benefits of further lowering of LDL-C levels with a PCSK9 inhibitor added to statin therapy is seen in the GLAGOV trial (206). This trial was a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of evolocumab vs. placebo in 968 patients presenting for coronary angiography. Approximately 20-21% of the patients had diabetes. The primary efficacy measure was the change in percent atheroma volume (PAV) from baseline to week 78, measured by serial intravascular ultrasonography (IVUS) imaging. Secondary efficacy measures included change in normalized total atheroma volume (TAV) and percentage of patients demonstrating plaque regression. As expected, there was a marked decrease in LDL-C levels in the evolocumab group (Placebo 93mg/dL vs. evolocumab 37mg/dL; p<0.001). PAV increased 0.05% with placebo and decreased 0.95% with evolocumab (P < .001) while TAV decreased 0.9 mm3 with placebo and 5.8 mm3 with evolocumab (P < .001). There was a linear relationship between achieved LDL-C and change in PAV (i.e., the lower the LDL-C the greater the regression in atheroma volume down to an LDL-C of 20mg/dL). Additionally, evolocumab induced plaque regression in a greater percentage of patients than placebo (64.3% vs 47.3%; P < .001 for PAV and 61.5% vs 48.9%; P < .001 for TAV). The results in the patients with diabetes were similar to the non-diabetic patients.


Taken together these trials demonstrate that further lowering LDL-C levels with PCSK9 monoclonal antibodies in patients taking statins will have beneficial effects on ASCVD outcomes. A study of the effect of inclisiran on ASCVD endpoints is currently in progress.


The results of the ezetimibe and PCSK9 trials have several important implications. First, it demonstrates that combination therapy may have benefits above and beyond statin therapy alone. Second, it provides further support for the hypothesis that lowering LDL per se will reduce cardiovascular events. Third, it suggests that lowering LDL levels to much lower levels than usual will have significant benefits. These results have implications for determining goals of therapy.




ORIGIN was a double-blind study in 12,536 patients at high risk for ASCVD who had impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or diabetes (207).  Patients were randomized to receive a 1-gram capsule containing at least 900mg of ethyl esters of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA 465mg and DHA 375mg) or placebo for approximately 6 years. Greater than 50% of the patients were on statin therapy. The primary outcome was death from cardiovascular causes. TG levels were reduced by 14.5mg/dL in the group receiving omega-3-fatty acids compared to the placebo group (P<0.001), without a significant effect on other lipids. The incidence of the primary outcome was not significantly decreased among patients receiving omega-3-fatty acids as compared with those receiving placebo. The use of omega-3-fatty acids also had no significant effect on the rates of major vascular events, death from any cause, or death from arrhythmia.


A Study of Cardiovascular Events in Diabetes (ASCEND) was a randomized, placebo controlled, double blind trial of 1-gram omega-3-fattys acids (400mg EPA and 300mg DHA ethyl esters) vs. olive oil placebo in 15,480 patients with diabetes without a history of ASCVD (primary prevention trial) (208). Approximately 75% of patients were on statin therapy. The primary end point was serious vascular events (non-fatal MI, non-fatal stroke, transient ischemic attack, or vascular death). Total cholesterol, HDL-C, and non-HDL-C levels were not significantly altered by omega-3-fatty acid treatment (changes in TG levels were not reported). After a mean follow-up of 7.4 years the composite outcome of a serious vascular event or revascularization occurred in 882 patients (11.4%) on omega-3-fatty acids and 887 patients (11.5%) on placebo (rate ratio, 1.00; 95% CI, 0.91 to 1.09). Serious adverse events were similar in placebo and omega-3-fatty acid treated groups.


Taken together these studies indicate that low dose omega-3-fatty acids do not reduce cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes. Studies in non-diabetics have also found little effect of low dose omega-3-fatty acids on ASCVD (209).




The Japan EPA Lipid Intervention Study (JELIS) was an open label non-placebo controlled study in patients on statin therapy with total cholesterol levels > 254mg/dL with (n= 3664) or without ASCVD (n=14,981) who were randomly assigned to be treated with 1800 mg of EPA (Vascepa) + statin (n=9326) or statin alone (n= 9319) with a 5 year follow-up (210). Approximately 16% of the patients had diabetes. The mean baseline TG level was 153mg/dL. The primary endpoint was any major coronary event, including sudden cardiac death, fatal and non-fatal MI, and other non-fatal events including unstable angina pectoris, angioplasty, stenting, or coronary artery bypass grafting. On treatment total cholesterol, LDL-C, and HDL-C levels were similar in the two groups but plasma TG were modestly decreased in the EPA treated group (5% decrease in EPA group compared to controls; p = 0.0001). In the EPA + statin group the primary endpoint occurred in 2.8% of the patients vs. 3.5% of the patients in the statin alone group (19% decrease; p = 0.011). Unstable angina and non-fatal coronary events were also significantly reduced in the EPA group but in this study sudden cardiac death and coronary death did not differ between groups. Unstable angina was the main component contributing to the primary endpoint and this is a more subjective endpoint than other endpoints such as a MI, stroke, or cardiovascular death. A subjective endpoint has the potential to be an unreliable endpoint in an open label study and is a major limitation of the JELIS Study. The reduction in events was similar in the subgroup of patients with diabetes. In patients with TG levels >150mg/dL and HDL-C levels < 40mg/dL there was a 53% decrease in events (211). In the EPA group, small increases in the occurrence of bleeding (1.1% vs. 0.6%, p=0.0006), gastrointestinal disturbance (3.8%% vs. 1.7%, p<0.0001) and skin abnormalities (1.7 vs. 0.7%, p<0.0001) were seen. 


The Reduction of Cardiovascular Events with EPA – Intervention Trial (REDUCE-IT) was a randomized, double blind trial of 2 grams twice per day of EPA ethyl ester (icosapent ethyl) (Vascepa) vs. placebo (mineral oil) in 8,179 patients with hypertriglyceridemia (135mg/dL to 499mg/dL) and established ASCVD or high ASCVD risk (diabetes plus one risk factor) who were on stable statin therapy (212). Approximately 60% of the patients in this trial had diabetes. The primary end point was a composite of cardiovascular death, nonfatal MI, nonfatal stroke, coronary revascularization, or unstable angina. At baseline, the median LDL-C level was 75.0 mg/dL, HDL-C level was 40.0 mg/dL, and TG level was 216.0 mg/dL. The median change in TG level from baseline to 1 year was a decrease of 18.3% (−39.0 mg/dL) in the EPA group and an increase of 2.2% (4.5 mg/dL) in the placebo group. After a median of 4.9 years the primary end-point occurred in 17.2% of the patients in the EPA group vs. 22.0% of the patients in the placebo group (HR 0.75; 95% CI 0.68 to 0.83; P<0.001), indicating a 25% decrease in events. The beneficial effects were similar in patients with and without diabetes. The number needed to treat to avoid one primary end-point event was 21. The reduction in cardiovascular events was noted after approximately 2 years of EPA treatment. Additionally, the risk of cardiovascular death was decreased by 20% in the EPA group (HR 0.80; 95% CI, 0.66 to 0.98; P=0.03). The cardiovascular benefits of EPA were similar across baseline levels of TG (<150, ≥150 to <200, and ≥200 mg/dL). Moreover, the cardiovascular benefits of EPA appeared to occur irrespective of the attained TG level at 1 year (≥150 or <150 mg/dL), suggesting that the cardiovascular risk reduction was not associated with attainment of a normal TG levels. An increase in hospitalization for atrial fibrillation or flutter (3.1% vs. 2.1%, P=0.004) occurred in the EPA group. In addition, serious bleeding events occurred in 2.7% of the patients in the EPA group and in 2.1% in the placebo group (P=0.06). There were no fatal bleeding events in either group and the rates of hemorrhagic stroke, serious central nervous system bleeding, and serious gastrointestinal bleeding were not significantly higher in the EPA group.


These results demonstrate that EPA treatment reduces ASCVD events. Of note the reduction in TG levels is relatively modest and would not be expected to result in the magnitude of the decrease in ASCVD observed in the JELIS and REDUCE-IT trials. Other actions of EPA, such as decreasing platelet function, anti-inflammation, decreasing lipid oxidation, stabilizing membranes, etc. could account for or contribute to the reduction in cardiovascular events (213). It is likely that the beneficial effects of EPA seen in the JELIS and REDUCE-IT trials are multifactorial.


The Statin Residual Risk Reduction with Epanova in High Risk Patients with Hypertriglyceridemia (STRENGTH) trial was a randomized, placebo controlled, double blind trial of 4 grams per day of omega-3-fatty acids (Epanova) (carboxylic acid formulation of EPA and DHA) vs. placebo (corn oil) in 13,000 patients on statins with hypertriglyceridemia (180-500mg/dL), optimal LDL-C levels (< 100mg/dL or on maximal statin therapy), low HDL-C (<42mg/dL in men and < 47mg/dL in women), and either ASCVD or high risk for ASCVD (214). The primary outcome was major atherosclerotic cardiovascular events (cardiovascular death, MI, stroke, coronary revascularization or hospitalization for unstable angina). The primary end point occurred in 785 patients (12.0%) treated with omega-3 CA vs 795 (12.2%) treated with corn oil (HR, 0.99: [95% CI, 0.90-1.09]; P = .84) (215). Thus, in contrast to EPA alone this omega-3-fatty acid formulation failed to show benefits despite reducing TG levels (18% decrease) to a similar degree as in the REDUCE-IT trial.


Whether EPA has special properties that resulted in the reduction in cardiovascular events in the REDUCE-IT trial or there were flaws in the trial design (the use of mineral oil as the placebo) is uncertain and debated. It should be noted that in the REDUCE-IT trial LDL-C and non-HDL-C levels were increased by approximately 10% (LDL-C by approximately 9mg/dL and non-HDL-C by approximately 10mg/dL) in the mineral oil placebo group (212). Additionally, Apo B levels were increased by 7% (6mg/dL) by mineral oil (212). Finally, an increase in hsCRP (20-30%) and other biomarkers of atherosclerosis (oxidized LDL-C, IL-6, IL-1 beta, and lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2) were noted in the mineral oil group (212,216). In the STRENGTH trial there were no differences in LDL-C, Non-HDL-C, HDL-C, Apo B, or hsCRP levels between the treated vs. placebo groups (215). Whether EPA has special properties compared to DHA leading to a reduction in cardiovascular events or the mineral oil placebo resulted in adverse changes increasing ASCVD in the placebo resulting in an artifactual decrease in the EPA group is debated (217,218). Ideally, another large randomized cardiovascular trial with EPA ethyl ester (icosapent ethyl) (Vascepa) using a placebo other than mineral oil would resolve this controversy.




There are several different guidelines for treating lipids in patients with diabetes. While they all focus on lowering LDL-C there are differences between the various guidelines.


American Diabetes Association Guidelines


The 2023 American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends that adult patients with diabetes have their lipid profile determined at the time of diabetes diagnosis and at least every 5 years thereafter or more frequently if indicated (219). This profile includes total cholesterol, HDL-C, TG, and calculated LDL-C. A lipid panel should be obtained immediately prior to initiating statin therapy. Once a patient is on statin therapy testing should be carried out 4-12 weeks after initiating therapy and annually thereafter to monitor adherence and efficacy. Lifestyle modifications including a reduction in saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol intake, weight loss if indicated, an increase in omega-3-fatty acids, viscous fiber, and plant stanols /sterol intake, and increased physical activity is indicated in all patients with diabetes. A focus on a Mediterranean style diet or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet should be encouraged. In patients with elevated TG levels glycemic control is beneficial and dietary changes and lifestyle changes including weight loss and abstinence from alcohol should be undertaken. Secondary disorders and medications that raise TG levels should be evaluated. Optimize glycemic control to improve TG and HDL-C levels. The recommendations for lipid lowering therapy are shown in table 6. If one follows these recommendations almost all patients with diabetes over the age of 40 will be on statin therapy and many under the age of 40 will also be treated with statins. The addition of ezetimibe should be considered to further lower LDL-C levels in high-risk primary prevention patients. In very high-risk patients with ASCVD if the LDL-C level on statin therapy is greater than 70mg/dL the use of ezetimibe or a PCSK9 inhibitor should be considered. The use of fibrates or niacin with statins were generally not recommended as there is no evidence of benefit. However, in patients with ASCVD or other cardiovascular risk factors on a statin with controlled LDL-C but elevated TG levels (135-499mg/dL) the addition of icosapent ethyl can be considered. Finally, in patients with fasting TG levels greater than 500mg/dL an evaluation for secondary causes of hypertriglyceridemia should be initiated and consideration of drug therapy to reduce the risk of pancreatitis.


Table 6. ADA Recommendations for Lipid Lowering Therapy

Primary Prevention

Age 20-39: With additional risk factors may be reasonable to initiate statin therapy

Age 40-75: Use moderate-intensity statin therapy* in addition to lifestyle therapy

Age 40-75: If at higher cardiovascular risk, including those with one or more ASCVD risk factors, it is recommended to use high intensity statin therapy to reduce LDL cholesterol by >50% and to target an LDL-C <70 mg/dL

Age 40-75: If at higher cardiovascular risk, especially those with multiple ASCVD risk factors and an LDL-C >70 mg/dL, it may be reasonable to add ezetimibe or a PCSK9 inhibitor to maximum tolerated statin therapy

Age > 75: Initiating moderate intensity statin therapy is reasonable after discussion and in patient already on statin therapy it is reasonable to continue statin therapy

Secondary Prevention

All ages: High intensity statin therapy**/maximally tolerated stain

For people with diabetes and ASCVD, treatment with high intensity statin therapy is recommended to target an LDL-C reduction of >50% and an LDL-C l goal of <55 mg/dL. Addition of ezetimibe or a PCSK9 inhibitor is recommended if this goal is not achieved

*Moderate intensity statin- atorvastatin 10-20mg, rosuvastatin 5-10mg, simvastatin 20-40mg, pravastatin 40-80mg, lovastatin 40mg, Fluvastatin XL 80mg, pitavastatin 3-4mg.

**High Intensity statin- atorvastatin 40-80mg, rosuvastatin 20-40mg.


American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association Guidelines


The 2018 American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) guidelines recommend the following (220). “In patients 40 to 75 years of age with diabetes mellitus and LDL-C ≥70 mg/dL (≥1.8 mmol/L), start moderate-intensity statin therapy without calculating 10-year ASCVD risk. In patients with diabetes mellitus at higher risk, especially those with multiple risk factors or those 50 to 75 years of age, it is reasonable to use a high-intensity statin to reduce the LDL-C level by ≥50%.” In patients with diabetes and ASCVD they recommend “In patients with clinical ASCVD, reduce LDL-C with high-intensity statin therapy or maximally tolerated statin therapy. The more LDL-C is reduced on statin therapy, the greater will be subsequent risk reduction. Use a maximally tolerated statin to lower LDLC levels by ≥50%. In very high-risk ASCVD, use an LDL-C threshold of 70 mg/dL (1.8 mmol/L) to consider addition of non-statins to statin therapy. Very high-risk includes a history of multiple major ASCVD events or 1 major ASCVD event and multiple high-risk conditions. In very high-risk ASCVD patients, it is reasonable to add ezetimibe to maximally tolerated statin therapy when the LDL-C level remains ≥70 mg/dL (≥1.8 mmol/L). In patients at very high risk whose LDL-C level remains ≥70 mg/dL (≥1.8 mmol/L) on maximally tolerated statin and ezetimibe therapy, adding a PCSK9 inhibitor is reasonable, although the long-term safety (>3 years) is uncertain and cost effectiveness is low at mid-2018 list prices.” With regards to testing they recommend “Assess adherence and percentage response to LDL-C–lowering medications and lifestyle changes with repeat lipid measurement 4 to 12 weeks after statin initiation or dose adjustment, repeated every 3 to 12 months as needed”. Finally, there are several diabetes specific risk enhancers that are independent of other risk factors that should be considered in deciding the risk of cardiovascular events in a patient with diabetes (Table 7).


Table 7. Diabetes Specific Risk Enhancers That are Independent of Other Risk Factors in Diabetes

Long duration (≥10 years for type 2 diabetes mellitus or ≥20 years for type 1 diabetes mellitus

Albuminuria ≥30 mcg of albumin/mg creatinine

eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2



ABI <0.9

ABI indicates ankle-brachial index


American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists/American College of Endocrinology Guidelines


The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and American College of Endocrinology guidelines consider individuals with T2DM to be at high, very high, or extreme risk for ASCVD (221,222). Patients with T1DM and a duration of diabetes of more than 15 years or two or more risk factors, poorly controlled A1c, or insulin resistance with metabolic syndrome should be considered to have an equivalent risk to patients with T2DM (221). The recommended treatment goals are shown in Table 8.


Table 8. ASCVD Risk Categories and Treatment Goals

Risk Category

Risk Factors/10-year risk

LDL-C mg/dL

Non-HDL-C mg/dL

Apo B mg/dL



Extreme Risk

Diabetes and clinical ASCVD





Very High Risk

Diabetes with one or more risk factors





High Risk

Diabetes and no other risk factors






European Society of Cardiology and European Atherosclerosis Society Guidelines


The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) has 2019 guidelines for the treatment of lipids in patients with diabetes (223). These guidelines classify patients with diabetes as very high risk, high risk, or moderate risk (table 9). The recommended goals of therapy based on risk classification are shown in table 10. As with other guidelines intensification of statin therapy should be considered before the introduction of combination therapy. If the goal is not reached, statin combination with ezetimibe should be considered next.


Table 9. ESC/EAS Classification of Risk in Patients with Diabetes

Very High Risk- target organ damage, or at least three major risk factors, or early onset of T1DM of long duration (>20 years)

High Risk- without target organ damage, with DM duration >10 years or another additional risk factor

Moderate Risk- Young patients (T1DM <35 years; T2DM <50 years) with DM duration <10 years, without other risk factors. Calculated SCORE >1 % and <5% for 10-year risk of fatal CVD


Table 10. ESC/EAS Goals of Therapy in Patients with Diabetes




Apo B

Very High Risk

>50% reduction and <55mg/dL (<1.4mmol/L)



High Risk

>50% reduction and <70mg/dL (<1.8mmol/L)



Moderate Risk





European Society of Cardiology


The ESC has updated their guidelines in 2023 (224). An important new recommendation is that in patients with T2DM without symptomatic ASCVD or severe target organ damage, it is recommended to estimate 10-year CVD risk using SCORE2-Diabetes (225). This has resulted in a new classification of risk in patients with T2DM (table 9). The LDL-C goals for each category are shown in table 11.


Table 11. Cardiovascular Risk Categories and Goals in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Very high risk

Clinically established ASCVD or

Severe target organ damage or

10-year risk of CVD> 20% using SCORE2-Diabetes

LDL-C < 55mg/dl

Non-HDL-C <85mg/dL

High risk*

10-year risk of CVD 10% to < 20% using SCORE2-Diabetes

LDL-C < 70mg/dL

Non-HDL-C <100mg/dL

Moderate risk*

10-year risk of CVD 5% to <10% using SCORE2-Diabetes

LDL-C < 100mg/dL

Low Risk*

10-year risk of CVD <5% using SCORE2-Diabetes

no recommendations

*Patients not meeting the very high-risk category.

Severe target organ damage is defined as eGFR <45 mL/min/1.73 m2 irrespective of albuminuria; or eGFR 45–59 mL/min/1.73 m2 and microalbuminuria (UACR 30–300 mg/g; stage A2); or proteinuria (UACR>300 mg/g; stage A3), or presence of microvascular disease in at least three different sites [e.g., microalbuminuria (stage A2) plus retinopathy plus neuropathy].


My Guideline Recommendations


Thus, different organizations have proposed somewhat different recommendations for the treatment of lipids in patients with diabetes. Despite these differences it is clear that the vast majority of patients with diabetes will need to be treated with statins regardless of which guidelines one elects to follow.


The approach I use is to combine these recommendations (Tables 12 and 13). In patients with diabetes who have pre-existing ASCVD I initiate intensive statin therapy. I prefer LDL or non-HDL-C goals over percent reduction goals. Given the extensive data showing that the lower the LDL-C the greater the reduction in cardiovascular events most secondary prevention patients would benefit from the addition of ezetimibe to maximize LDL-C lowering without markedly increasing costs (226). In patients with diabetes 40-75 years of age without pre-existing ASCVD I calculate the 10-year risk of developing ASCVD ( and identify risk enhancing factors (Table 7) and other factors that increase risk that are not included in the calculator (for example family history, inflammatory disorders, etc.). I initiate intensive statin therapy if the 10-year risk is > 7.5% or if there are multiple risk factors/risk enhancers. I initiate moderate statin therapy if the risk is < 7.5% without multiple risk factors/enhancers. Four to twelve weeks after initiating statin therapy I obtain a lipid panel to determine if the LDL and non-HDL-C levels are at goal. In patients with pre-existing ASCVD or multiple risk factors/risk enhancers (i.e., very high-risk patients) my goal is an LDL-C < 55mg/dL and a non-HDL-C < 80mg/dL. In patients that are at high-risk the goal my goal is an LDL-C < 70mg/dL and a non-HDL-C < 100mg/dL. In patients with moderate risk an LDL-C goal of < 100mg/dL and a non-HDL c < 130mg/dL is appropriate. If the levels are not at goal, I first adjust the statin dose until the patient is taking the maximally tolerated statin dose and then consider adding additional medications.  In patients with diabetes who are less than 40 years of age I initiate statin therapy if the patient has overt ASCVD, long standing diabetes, or risk factors/risk enhancers for ASCVD and the LDL and non-HDL-C levels are not at goal. In these younger patients I also calculate the life time risk of ASCVD events to start a discussion of beginning early therapy given the abundance of data indicating that initiating LDL-C lowering therapy early has great potential in markedly lowering ASCVD risk (226,227). In patients over 75 years of age with a reasonable life expectancy I begin moderate statin therapy and adjust based on response. When there is difficulty classifying a patient’s risk, I will obtain a coronary calcium score and use the score to help stratify the patient’s risk. In all cases the benefits and risks of lipid lowering therapy needs to be discussed with patients and the patient’s personnel preferences taken into account.


Table 12. ASCVD Risk Categories and Treatment Goals

Risk Category

Risk Factors/10-year risk

LDL-C mg/dL

Non-HDL-C mg/dL

Very High Risk

Diabetes and clinical ASCVD, multiple risk factors, 10-year risk > 20%



High Risk

Diabetes with one or more risk factors, 10-year risk >7.5% to <20%



Moderate Risk

Diabetes and no other risk factors. 10-year risk <7.5%




Table 13. Drug Therapy According to Risk Category that is Typically Required

Very High Risk

Intensive statin therapy + ezetimibe. Add PCSK9 if not close to goal

High Risk

Intensive statin therapy. Add ezetimibe if not at goal

Moderate Risk

Moderate statin therapy. Increase to intensive statin therapy if not at goal




Life Style Changes and Weight Loss


Initial treatment of lipid disorders should focus on lifestyle changes. There is little debate that exercise is beneficial and that all patients with diabetes should, if possible, exercise for at least 150 minutes per week (for example 30 minutes 5 times per week). Exercise will decrease serum TG levels and increase HDL-C levels (an increase in HDL-C requires vigorous exercise) (124). Exercise increases fitness and improves insulin resistance even with limited weight loss; reductions in obesity are even more beneficial. It should be noted that many patients with diabetes may have substantial barriers to participating in exercise programs, such as comorbidities that limit exercise tolerance, risk of hypoglycemia, and presence of microvascular complications (visual impairment, neuropathy) that make exercise difficult.


Diet is debated to a greater extent and for detailed information on nutrition therapy for adults with diabetes see the consensus report by the American Diabetes Association (228). Everyone agrees that weight loss in obese patients is essential (124). But how this can be achieved is hotly debated with many different "experts" advocating different dietary approaches. The wide diversity of approach is likely due to the failure of any approach to be effective in the long term for the majority of obese patients with diabetes. If successful, weight loss will decrease serum TG levels, increase HDL-C levels, and modestly reduce LDL-C (124,229). To reduce LDL-C levels, it is important that the diet decrease saturated fat, trans fatty acids, and cholesterol intake. Increasing soluble fiber is also helpful.


It is debated whether a low fat, high complex carbohydrate diets vs. a high monounsaturated fat  diet is ideal for obese patients with diabetes (124). One can find "experts" in favor of either of these approaches and there are pros and cons to each approach. It is essential to recognize that both approaches reduce simple sugars, saturated fat, trans fatty acids, and cholesterol intake. The high complex carbohydrate diet will increase serum TG levels in some patients and if the amount of fat in the diet is markedly reduced serum HDL-C levels may decrease. In obese patients, it has been postulated that a diet high in monounsaturated fats, because of the increase in caloric density, will lead to an increase in weight gain. Both diets reduce saturated fat and cholesterol intake that will result in reductions in LDL-C levels. Additionally, both diets also reduce trans-fatty acid intake, which will have a beneficial effect on LDL and HDL-C levels and simple sugars, which will have a beneficial effect on TG levels. Very high levels of TG (>1000mg/dL), require diets that are very low in fat.


The available data do not indicate that any particular diet is best for inducing weight loss and it is essential to adapt the diet to fit the food preferences of the patient. Ultimately no weight loss diet will be successful if the patient cannot follow the diet for the long term and therefore the diet needs to be tailored to the specific preferences of the patient. For more detailed information on the effect of diet on lipid and lipoprotein levels and cardiovascular disease see the Endotext chapter “The Effect of Diet on Cardiovascular Disease and Lipid and Lipoprotein Levels” (229).


While it is widely accepted that lifestyle changes will decrease ASCVD events it should be recognized that the Look Ahead trial failed to demonstrate a reduction in ASCVD events (230). In this trial, over 5,000 overweight or obese patients with T2DM were randomized to either an intensive lifestyle intervention group that promoted weight loss through decreased caloric intake and increased physical activity or to a group that received diabetes support and education (control group). After a median follow-up of 9.6 years there was no difference in cardiovascular events (hazard ratio in the intervention group, 0.95; 95% CI 0.83 to 1.09; P=0.51). A major limitation of this study was that while the weight difference between groups was impressive during the first year of the trial, over time the differences greatly narrowed such that at the end of the trial the intensive group had a 6.0% weight loss while the control group had a 3.5% weight loss. This very modest weight difference demonstrates the difficulty in sustaining long term lifestyle changes. Thus, while weight loss and diet therapy are likely to be beneficial in reducing cardiovascular events, in clinical practice they are seldom sufficient because long-term life style changes are very difficult for most patients to maintain.


In contrast to the failure of lifestyle therapy in the Look Ahead trial to reduce cardiovascular events, the PREDIMED trial employing a Mediterranean diet (increased monounsaturated fats) did reduce the incidence of major ASCVD events (231,232). In this multicenter trial center trial, carried out in Spain, over 7,000 patients at high risk for developing ASCVD were randomized to three diets (primary prevention trial). A Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil, a Mediterranean diet supplemented with mixed nuts, or a control diet. Approximately 50% of the patients in this trial had T2DM. In the patients assigned to the Mediterranean diets there was 29% decrease in the primary end point (MI, stroke, and death from ASCVD). Subgroup analysis demonstrated that the Mediterranean diet was equally beneficial in patients with and without diabetes. The Mediterranean diet resulted in only a small but significant increase in HDL-C levels and a small decrease in both LDL-C and TG levels, suggesting that the beneficial effects were not mediated by changes in lipids (233).


The CORDIOPREV study was a single center randomized trial that compared a Mediterranean diet to a low-fat diet in 1,002 patients with ASCVD (234). Approximately 50% of the patients had diabetes. The Mediterranean diet contained a minimum of 35% of the calories as fat (22% monounsaturated fatty acids, 6% polyunsaturated fatty acids, and <10% saturated fat), 15% proteins, and a maximum of 50% carbohydrates while the low-fat diet contained less than 30% of total fat (<10% saturated fat, 12–14% monounsaturated fatty acids, and 6–8% polyunsaturated fatty acids), 15% protein, and a minimum of 55% carbohydrates. The risk of an ASCVD event was reduced by approximately 25-30% in the Mediterranean diet group. Whether these diets differed in their effects on fasting lipid levels is unknown.


Finally, another secondary prevention trial of a Mediterranean diet has also demonstrated a reduction in cardiovascular events. The Lyon Diet Heart Study randomized 584 patients who had a MI within 6 months to a Mediterranean type diet vs usual diet (235,236). There was a marked reduction in events in the group of patients randomized to the Mediterranean diet (cardiac death and nonfatal MI rate was 4.07 per 100 patient years in the control diet vs. 1.24 in the Mediterranean diet; p<0.0001). Unfortunately, there is no indication of the number of patients with diabetes in the Lyon Diet Heart Study or whether patients with diabetes responded similar to the entire group. Lipid levels were similar in both groups in this trial (235).


The results of these three randomized trials indicate that we should be encouraging our patients to follow a Mediterranean type diet. It is likely that the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean diet on ASCVD is mediated by multiple mechanisms with alterations in lipid levels making only a minor contribution.


For additional information on the effect of diets on lipid levels and ASCVD see the chapter entitled “The Effect of Diet on Cardiovascular Disease and Lipid and Lipoprotein Levels” in the Lipids and Lipoproteins section of Endotext (229).


Bariatric surgery can have profound effects on weight and can result in marked improvements in lipid profiles with a decrease in TG and LDL-C and an increase in HDL-C (124,229) Additionally, observational studies have shown a decrease in cardiovascular events following bariatric surgery in patients with and without diabetes (237-241). For additional information see the chapter entitled “Obesity and Dyslipidemia” (124).


Ethanol and simple sugars, in particular fructose, increase serum TG levels in susceptible patients. In patients with hypertriglyceridemia efforts should be made to reduce the intake of ethanol, simple sugars, and fructose (229).


Lastly, in the past some "experts" advocated the addition of fish oil supplements to reduce cardiovascular events. However, both the Origin Trial and the ASCEND Trial did not demonstrate that fish oil supplements were beneficial in patients with T2DM or patients at high risk for the development of T2DM (207,208). It should be recognized that higher doses of fish oil are required to lower serum triglyceride levels (~ 3-4 grams of DHA/EPA per day) and are useful in treating patients with high TG levels (242). Most studies of fish oil supplements in patients with diabetes have demonstrated that this is a safe approach and that worsening of glycemic control does not occur in patients with diabetes treated with fish oil supplements (242). Additionally, in some patient's high dose fish oil increases LDL-C levels, particularly when serum TG levels are very high (242). For additional information on fish oil see the chapter on Triglyceride Lowering Drugs (209).


Drug Therapy


The effect of statins, fibrates, niacin, ezetimibe, omega-3-fatty acids, bile acid sequestrants, bempedoic acid, and PCSK9 inhibitors on lipid levels in patients with diabetes is virtually identical to that seen in non-diabetic patients (Table 14). Below we will highlight issues particularly relevant to the use of these drugs in patients with diabetes. For detailed information on lipid lowering drugs see the chapters on Triglyceride Lowering Drugs and Cholesterol Lowering Drugs (141,209).




Statins are easy to use and generally well tolerated by patients with diabetes. However, statins can adversely affect glucose homeostasis. In patients without diabetes the risk of developing diabetes is increased by approximately 10% with higher doses of statin causing a greater risk than more moderate doses (243,244). The mechanism for this adverse effect is unknown but older, obese patients with higher baseline glucose levels are at greatest risk. In patients with diabetes, an analysis of 9 studies with over 9,000 patients with diabetes reported that the patients randomized to statin therapy had a 0.12% higher HbA1c than the placebo group indicating that statin therapy is associated with only a very small increase in HbA1c levels in patients with diabetes, which is unlikely to be clinically significant (245). Individual studies such as CARDS and the Heart Protection Study have also shown only a very modest effect of statins on HbA1c levels in patients with diabetes (163,166,246). Muscle symptoms occur in patients with diabetes similar to what is observed in patients without diabetes.




Ezetimibe is easy to use and generally well tolerated by patients with diabetes. Ezetimibe does not appear to increase the risk of new onset diabetes (199,247,248).




Fibrates are easy to use and generally well tolerated by patients with diabetes. When combining fibrates with statin therapy it is best to use fenofibrate as the risk of inducing myositis is much less than when statins are used in combination with gemfibrozil, which can inhibit statin metabolism (249). In the ACCORD-LIPID Trial the incidence of muscle disorders was not increased in the statin + fenofibrate group compared to statin alone (189). The dose of fenofibrate needs to be adjusted in patients with renal disease and fenofibrate itself can induce a reversible increase in serum creatinine levels. It should be noted that marked reductions in HDL-C levels can occur in some patients treated with both fenofibrate and a TZD (250).


Diabetic Retinopathy


Fenofibrate has been shown to have beneficial effects on diabetic eye disease. The FIELD study, described earlier, was a randomized trial of fenofibrate vs. placebo in patients with T2DM. Laser treatment for retinopathy was significantly lower in the fenofibrate group than in the placebo group (3.4% patients on fenofibrate vs 4.9% on placebo; p=0.0002) (191). Fenofibrate therapy reduced the need for laser therapy to a similar extent for maculopathy (31% decrease) and for proliferative retinopathy (30% decrease). In the ophthalmology sub-study (n=1012), the primary endpoint of 2-step progression of retinopathy grade did not differ significantly between the fenofibrate and control groups (9.6% patients on fenofibrate vs 12.3% on placebo; p=0.19). In patients without pre-existing retinopathy there was no difference in progression (11.4% vs 11.7%; p=0.87). However, in patients with pre-existing retinopathy, significantly fewer patients on fenofibrate had a 2-step progression than did those on placebo (3.1% patients vs 14.6%; p=0.004). A composite endpoint of 2-step progression of retinopathy grade, macular edema, or laser treatments was significantly reduced in the fenofibrate group (HR 0.66, 95% CI 0.47-0.94; p=0.022).


In the ACCORD Study a subgroup of participants was evaluated for the progression of diabetic retinopathy by 3 or more steps on the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Severity Scale or the development of diabetic retinopathy necessitating laser photocoagulation or vitrectomy over a four-year period (190). At 4 years, the rates of progression of diabetic retinopathy were 6.5% with fenofibrate therapy (n=806) vs. 10.2% with placebo (n=787) (adjusted odds ratio, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.42 to 0.87; P = 0.006). Of note, this reduction in the progression of diabetic retinopathy was of a similar magnitude as intensive glycemic treatment vs. standard therapy.


Taken together these results indicate that fibrates have beneficial effects on the progression of diabetic retinopathy. The mechanisms by which fibrates decrease diabetic retinopathy are unknown.


Diabetic Nephropathy


The Diabetes Atherosclerosis Intervention Study (DAIS) evaluated the effect of fenofibrate therapy (n= 155) vs. placebo (n=159) on changes in urinary albumin excretion in patients with T2DM (251). Fenofibrate significantly reduced the worsening of albumin excretion (fenofibrate 8% vs. placebo 18%; P < 0.05). This effect was primarily due to reduced progression from normal albumin excretion to microalbuminuria (fenofibrate 3% vs. 18% placebo; P < 0.001).


In the FIELD trial, fenofibrate reduced urine albumin/creatinine ratio by 24% vs 11% in placebo group (p < 0.001), with 14% less progression and 18% more albuminuria regression (p < 0.001) in the fenofibrate group than in participants on placebo (252). As expected, fenofibrate therapy acutely increased plasma creatinine levels and decreased eGFR but over the long term, the increase in plasma creatinine was decreased in the fenofibrate group compared to the placebo group (14% decrease; p=0.01). Similarly, there was a slower annual decrease in eGFR in the fenofibrate group (1.19 vs 2.03 mL/min/1.73m2   annually, p < 0.001). The effect of fenofibrate on kidney function was greater in those with higher TG and lower HDL levels. End-stage renal disease, dialysis, renal transplant, and renal death were similar in the fenofibrate and placebo groups, but the incidence was low.


In the ACCORD-LIPID trial the post-randomization incidence of microalbuminuria was 38.2% in the fenofibrate group and 41.6% in the placebo group (p=0.01) and post-randomization incidence of macroalbumuria was 10.5% in the fibrate group and 12.3% in the placebo group (p=0.04) indicating a modest reduction in the development of proteinuria in patients treated with fenofibrate (189). There was no significant difference in the incidence of end-stage renal disease or need for dialysis between the fenofibrate group and the placebo group.


These studies suggest that fibrates may have a beneficial effect on diabetic kidney disease. One should recognize that reducing proteinuria is a surrogate marker and may not indicate a reduction in the development of end stage renal disease. The mechanisms accounting for decreased in proteinuria are unknown.




In the FIELD study the risks of first amputation were decreased by 36% (p=0.02) and minor amputation events without known large-vessel disease by 47% (p=0.027) in the fenofibrate treated group (253). The reduction in amputations was independent of glucose control or dyslipidemia. No difference between the risks of major amputations was seen in the placebo and fenofibrate groups. The basis for this reduction in amputations is unknown.


Do Fibrates have an Independent Effect on Microvascular Disease?


Multiple studies cited above have now shown that fenofibrate decreases retinopathy, nephropathy, and amputation in the absence of large vessel disease. The effects are independent of blood glucose control. Given that there also was no effect of fenofibrate on cardiovascular (macrovascular) disease, these results may suggest that fenofibrate has an independent effect on microvascular disease.  Further studies are warranted, but these results should be taken into account when considering treatment of marked hypertriglyceridemia in patients with diabetes. 




Bile acid sequestrants are relatively difficult to take due to GI toxicity (mainly constipation) (141). Diabetic subjects have an increased prevalence of constipation, which may be exacerbated by the use of bile acid sequestrants. On the other hand, in diabetic patients with diarrhea, the use of bile acid sequestrants may be advantageous. Bile acid sequestrants may also increase serum TG levels, which can be a problem in patients with diabetes who are already hypertriglyceridemic (141). An additional difficulty in using bile acid sequestrants is their potential for binding other drugs (141). Many drugs should be taken either two hours before or four hours after taking bile acid sequestrants to avoid the potential of decreased drug absorption. Patients with diabetes are frequently on multiple drugs for glycemic control, hypertension, etc., and it can sometimes be difficult to time the ingestion of bile resin sequestrants to avoid these other drugs. Colesevelam (Welchol) is a bile acid sequestrant that comes in pill, powder, or chewable bars and causes fewer side effects and has fewer interactions with other drugs than other preparations (254). The usual dose is 3.75 grams per day and can be given as tablets (​take 6 tablets once daily or 3 tablets twice daily), oral suspension (​take one packet once daily), or chewable bars (take one bar once daily). Of particular note is that a number of studies have shown that colesevelam improves glycemic control in patients with diabetes resulting in an approximately 0.5% decrease in A1c levels (255).




Niacin is well known to cause skin flushing and itching and GI upset (256). Additionally, niacin reduces insulin sensitivity (i.e., causes insulin resistance), which can worsen glycemic control (256). Studies have shown that niacin is usually well tolerated in diabetic subjects who are in good glycemic control (257,258). In patients with poor glycemic control, niacin is more likely to adversely impact glucose levels. In the HPS2-Thrive trial, niacin therapy significantly worsened glycemic control in patients with diabetes and induced new onset diabetes in 1.3% of subjects that were non-diabetic (195). High doses of niacin are more likely to adversely affect glycemic control. Niacin can also increase serum uric acid levels and induce gout, both of which are already common in obese patients with T2DM (256). Additionally recent trials have reported an increased incidence of infection and bleeding with niacin therapy (256). However, niacin is the most effective drug in increasing HDL-C levels, which are frequently low in patients with diabetes. 




A Cochrane review of fish oil in patients with diabetes have demonstrated that this is a safe approach and does not result in worsening of glycemic control in patients with diabetes (242). Fish oil effectively lowers TG levels but, in some patients, particularly those with significant hypertriglyceridemia, high dose fish oil increases LDL-C levels (242). It should be noted that fish oil products that contain just EPA (Vascepa) do not adversely affect LDL-C levels (259). When using fish oil to lower serum TG levels it is important to recognize that one is aiming to provide 3-4 grams of DHA/EPA per day. The quantity of these active omega-3-fatty acids can vary greatly from product to product. Prescription fish oil products contain large amounts of these active ingredients whereas the amount of DHA/EPA in food supplements can vary greatly and in some products levels are very low. Additionally, while prescription omega-3-fatty acid preparations have high levels of quality control, omega-3-fish oil food supplements may have contaminants and the dosage may not be precisely controlled.




The beneficial effects of PCSK9 inhibitors in patients with diabetes is similar to what is observed in non-diabetic patients. Additionally, except for local reactions at the injection sites PCSK9 inhibitors do not seem to cause major side effects. PCSK9 inhibitors do not appear to increase the risk of developing new-onset diabetes (260,261).




The effect of bempedoic acid on LDL-C levels in patients with diabetes are similar to the decreases seen on non-diabetics. Patients with T2DM often have elevated uric acid levels and an increased risk of gouty attacks and a major side effect of bempedoic acid is elevating uric acid levels (141). In clinical trials, 26% of bempedoic acid-treated patients with normal baseline uric acid values experienced hyperuricemia one or more times versus 9.5% in the placebo group. Elevations in blood uric acid levels may lead to the development of gout and gout was reported in 1.5% of patients treated with bempedoic acid vs. 0.4% of patients treated with placebo. The risk for gout attacks were higher in patients with a prior history of gout (11.2% for bempedoic acid treatment vs. 1.7% in the placebo group). In patients with no prior history of gout only 1% of patients treated with bempedoic acid and 0.3% of the placebo group had a gouty attack.


In a meta-analysis, bempedoic acid therapy was associated with a decrease in the onset of diabetes and worsening of diabetes  (RR 0.65, p = 0.03) (7/100 vs 6.4/100 patient years) (262). In a study focusing solely on the development of new onset diabetes it was reported that new-onset diabetes/hyperglycemia occurred less frequently with bempedoic acid vs placebo (263). In the bempedoic acid cardiovascular outcome trial (CLEAR Outcomes) the development of diabetes and worsening of pre-existing diabetes was similar in the bempedoic acid and placebo groups (187).  


Table 14. Effect of Lipid Lowering Drugs







↓ 20-60%

↑ 5-15%

↓ 0-35%*

Bile acid sequestrants

↓ 10-30%

↑ 0-10%

↑ 0-10%**


↓ 0-15%***

↑ 5-15%

↓ 20-50%


↓ 10-25%

↑ 10-30%

↓ 20-50%


↓ 15-25%

↑ 1-3%

↓ 10-20%

PCSK9 Inhibitors

↓ 50-60%

↑ 5-15%

↓ 5-20%

Bempedoic Acid

↓ 15-25%

↓ 5-6%

No change

High Dose Fish Oil

↑ 0- 50%***

↑ 4- 9%

↓ 20- 50%*

 *Patients with elevated TG have largest decrease

** In patients with high TG may cause marked increase

*** In patients with high TG may increase LDL


Therapeutic Approach




The first priority in treating lipid disorders in patients with diabetes is to lower the LDL-C levels to goal, unless TG are markedly elevated (> 500- 1000mg/dL), which increases the risk of pancreatitis. LDL-C is the first priority because the database linking lowering LDL-C with reducing ASCVD is extremely strong and we now have the ability to markedly decrease LDL-C levels. Dietary therapy is the initial step but, in almost all patients, will not be sufficient to achieve the LDL-C goals. If patients are willing and able to make major changes in their diet it is possible to achieve significant reductions in LDL-C levels but this seldom occurs in clinical practice (264).


Statins are the first-choice drugs to lower LDL-C levels and the vast majority of diabetic patients will require statin therapy. There are several statins currently available in the US and they are available as generic drugs and therefore relatively inexpensive. The particular statin used may be driven by price, ability to lower LDL-C levels, and potential drug interactions. Patients with ASCVD (secondary prevention patients) should be started on intensive statin therapy (atorvastatin 40-80mg per day or rosuvastatin 20-40mg per day). Given the extensive data showing that the lower the LDL-C the greater the reduction in ASCVD events most secondary prevention patients would benefit from the addition of ezetimibe to maximize LDL-C lowering. Ezetimibe is now a generic drug and therefore this strategy will not markedly increase costs. Similarly, primary prevention patients who are at high risk for cardiovascular events will also benefit from the use of high intensity statin therapy in combination with ezetimibe. Primary prevention patients at moderate risk can be started on moderate intensity statin therapy.


If a patient is unable to tolerate statins or statins as monotherapy are not sufficient to lower LDL-C to goal the second-choice drug is either ezetimibe or a PCSK9 inhibitor. Ezetimibe can be added to any statin. PCSK9 inhibitors can also be added to any statin and are the drug of choice if a large decrease in LDL-C is required to reach goal (PCSK9 inhibitors will lower LDL-C levels by 50-60% when added to a statin, whereas ezetimibe will only lower LDL-C by approximately 20%).  Bile acid sequestrants and bempedoic acid are alternatives with the use of a bile acid sequestrant particularly useful if a reduction in A1c level is also needed. It should be noted that in statin intolerant patients with ASCVD or at high risk (approximately 45% with diabetes), bempedoic acid has been shown to reduce cardiovascular events by 13% (HR 0.87; 95% CI 0.79 to 0.96; P = 0.004) (187). Ezetimibe, PCSK9 inhibitors, bempedoic acid, and bile acid sequestrants additively lower LDL-C levels when used in combination with a statin, because these drugs increase hepatic LDL receptor levels by different mechanisms, thereby resulting in a reduction in serum LDL-C levels (141). Niacin and the fibrates also lower LDL-C levels but are not usually employed to lower LDL-C levels. 




The second priority should be non-HDL-C (non-HDL-C = total cholesterol – HDL-C), which is particularly important in patients with elevated TG levels (>150mg/dL). Non-HDL-C is a measure of all the pro-atherogenic apolipoprotein B containing particles. Numerous studies have shown that non-HDL-C is a strong risk factor for the development of ASCVD (265). The non-HDL-C goals are approximately 30mg/dL greater than the LDL-C goals. For example, if the LDL goal is <100mg/dL then the non-HDL-C goal would be <130mg/dL. Drugs that reduce either LDL-C or TG levels will reduce non-HDL-C levels. To lower TG levels initial therapy should focus on glycemic control and lifestyle changes including weight loss if indicated and a decrease in simple sugars and ethanol intake. Additionally, if possible, discontinue medications that increase triglyceride levels. As discussed above, studies with the omega-3-fatty acid icosapent ethyl (EPA; Vascepa) added to statin therapy have reduced the risk of cardiovascular events. The National Lipid Association has recommended “that for patients aged ≥45 years with clinical ASCVD, or aged ≥50 years with diabetes mellitus requiring medication plus ≥1 additional risk factor, with fasting TGs 135 to 499 mg/dL on high-intensity or maximally tolerated statin therapy (±ezetimibe), treatment with icosapent ethyl is recommended for ASCVD risk reduction” (266). As noted earlier in this chapter there is controversy regarding the benefits of icosapent ethyl on cardiovascular outcomes with some experts interpreting the beneficial results of the REDUCE-IT trial as being due to the adverse effects of the mineral oil placebo (217).




Patients with very high TG levels (> 500-1000 mg/dL) are at risk of pancreatitis and therefore lifestyle interventions including diet, exercise, and weight loss if indicated should be initiated early. Treatment is a low-fat diet and glycemic control. Additionally, decreasing simple sugars and avoiding alcohol is beneficial. When the TG levels are very elevated (> 1000mg/dL) a very low-fat diet (5-20% of calories as fat) should be the primary treatment until the TG levels decrease to < 1000mg/dL. Treating secondary disorders that raise TG levels and when possible, stopping drugs that increase TG levels is essential. If the TG levels remain above 500mg/dL the addition of fenofibrate or omega-3-fatty acids is indicated.




While there is strong epidemiologic data linking low HDL-C levels with ASCVD there is no clinical trials demonstrating that increasing HDL-C levels reduce ASCVD. Thus, the use of drugs such as niacin to raise HDL-C levels is not recommended.




Patients with diabetes, particularly T2DM, often have dyslipidemia. Modern therapy of patients with diabetes demands that we aggressively treat lipids to reduce the high risk of ASCVD in this susceptible population and in those with very high TG to reduce the risk of pancreatitis.




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Idiopathic Short Stature and Growth Failure of Unknown Etiology



Idiopathic short stature (ISS) is defined by a height standard deviation score (SDS) ≤ -2.25 (≤1.2nd percentile) in pediatric patients for whom diagnostic evaluation has excluded other causes of short stature, and growth hormone levels are above 10 nanograms per milliliter in response to physiologic/pharmacologic stimulation. This definition, while comprehensive, is static and does not consider the importance of longitudinal follow up of growth, and consideration of evolving causes of growth hormone deficiency in these children. Using three illustrative cases, we highlight the importance of longitudinal evaluation of children with short stature to establish a growth pattern, identifying evolving causes of GH deficiency which may not be apparent on the initial work up, as well as exclusion of non-growth hormone related factors that affect growth including malabsorptive diseases, familial short stature, constitutional delay in puberty, Turner's syndrome, and SHOX Gene haploinsufficiency to accurately make a diagnosis of growth failure of unknown etiology (GFUE). 




In the 1980s, data on growth outcomes on patients who received growth hormone treatment were reported in an observational study (1); this included children who had a normal peak growth hormone response to stimulation, a group that was termed “constitutional short stature”.  The term, idiopathic short stature (ISS), was later adopted to describe such patients (2).   Guidelines for the use of growth hormone in children published by the Pediatric Endocrine Society defined ISS by a height standard deviation score (SDS) ≤-2.25 (≤1.2nd percentile) in pediatric patients for whom diagnostic evaluation excludes other causes of short stature, and with growth hormone levels above 10 nanograms per milliliter in response to physiologic/pharmacologic stimulation (3). The evaluation of children with short stature includes observation over a prolonged period to establish a growth pattern as well as the exclusion of non-growth hormone related factors that affect growth (4, 5).  To monitor children's growth patterns in the United States, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) chart utilizes percentiles, with the 3rd and 95th percentiles serving as the defined limits. Across the globe, the World Health Organization (WHO) charts are used to track a child's growth progression, and the limits  are set at 2.3rd and 97.7th percentiles (5). There are wide variations in normal growth patterns and an even greater variety of conditions that manifest with growth abnormalities.  Various factors contribute to the etiology of short stature, and this includes normal variants of growth such as familial short stature, constitutional delay in growth and puberty, as well as systemic conditions such as malabsorptive diseases, Turner's syndrome, and SHOX Gene haploinsufficiency, among others (Table 1).  Diagnostic tests at initial presentation by pediatric endocrinologists focus on elucidating the underlying cause of poor growth (Table 2).  Globally, malnutrition remains the main cause of poor growth (5).


In 2003, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of growth hormone (GH) for children with ISS. Two decades later, growth hormone therapy for idiopathic short stature remains controversial. ISS is not universally accepted as an indication for treatment with GH. This medication was approved for ISS in US, Canada, and Latin America, but not in the European Union or Japan (6). Along with other investigators, we have expressed concerns about the definition of ISS (7). The Pediatric Endocrine Society consensus statement did not specifically exclude patients with normal variants of growth such as constitutional growth delay and familial short stature (3). The definition focuses on stature, rather than growth and growth failure, therefore making GH treatment of such patients open to criticism for its use as only a height enhancer. In addition, as we have previously argued, a child whose height decelerates from the 75 to the 25th percentile without any known cause would also be of concern even though the height would not fit the ISS definition (7).  If no cause is found after clinical, appropriate biochemical and radiologic evaluation, such a patient may have what we would prefer to term idiopathic growth failure (IGF). In as much as those initials are already in use for Insulin Like Growth Factor, we prefer the term GFUE, or growth failure of unknown etiology, thereby emphasizing the concern about growth failure, not just stature.


To illustrate the potential dilemmas in diagnosis, we present three patients with similar patterns of growth and a normal response to initial growth hormone stimulation testing with 2 provocative agents; each of these children may have been called ISS but demonstrate radically different outcomes. 

Table 1. Common Causes of Short Stature and Growth Failure

Normal variants of growth


Familial short stature


Constitutional delay in growth and puberty (CDGP)

Systemic disorders



Growth hormone deficiency



Cortisol excess (endogenous or exogenous)




Malabsorptive diseases


Genetic syndromes: Turner's syndrome, Noonan’s syndrome, Achondroplasia, SHOX gene haploinsufficiency


Chronic inflammatory conditions (e.g.: Inflammatory bowel diseases)


Chronic medical conditions (e.g.: asthma on inhaled steroids)


Table 2. Diagnostic Tests at Initial Investigation of Idiopathic Short Stature and Growth Failure of Unknown Etiology



Basic metabolic panel- BUN, creatinine, electrolytes

Celiac screen


TSH, Free T4


Bone age x ray




A boy aged 12 years and 5 months was evaluated for poor growth; both the father and paternal uncle were “late bloomers”. The height was at the 6th percentile, weight at 9th percentile, and Body Mass Index or BMI (weight in Kg divided by the square of height in meters) was at 32nd percentile, and his growth velocity was 3.8 cm per year. Clinical examination indicated Tanner stage 1 pubertal development with testes volume of 2-3mL bilaterally. Laboratory tests performed by the referring pediatrician before endocrine consultation showed normal thyroid function tests, sedimentation rate, C-Reactive protein, and no thyroid autoantibodies. A radiological bone age study confirmed delayed skeletal maturation, with a bone age of 10 years.  No additional tests were recommended at the Pediatric endocrinology clinic, and he was observed clinically.


At 14 years of age, the patient showed no signs of puberty. Figure 1 shows his longitudinal growth during follow up.  His height was the 2nd percentile, weight at the 6th percentile, BMI at the 31st percentile, and growth velocity remained at 3.8 cm per year. Delayed puberty in males is defined as the absence of testicular growth at an age that is 2 to 2.5 SD later than the reference population, which usually is around 14 years of age. (7) Laboratory results revealed low IGF-1 levels (-1.8 SDS for age and gender), while LH levels were close to pubertal levels, and testosterone levels remained prepubertal. A growth hormone (GH) stimulation test with the provocative agents, arginine and clonidine, was conducted due to the declining growth velocity and the low IGF-1 levels. Upon stimulation, peak GH level was 15 ng/ml.  At 14 years and 6 months old, the patient's height was at the1st percentile and growth velocity had decreased to 1.9 cm per year. The laboratory tests at that visit showed that IGF-1 levels had increased to 226 ng/mL and testosterone was now 45.7 ng/dL, consistent with Tanner stage 2 pubic hair, and 4 ml testicular volume noted on examination.  A bone age study confirmed delayed skeletal maturation, with a bone age of 10 years and 6 months. Since the patient had not progressed in puberty at the age of 14 years and 6 months, testosterone priming at a dose of 100 mg intramuscularly, once in 4 weeks for 3 months was initiated. At 15 years of age, his growth velocity had accelerated to 16.4 cm per year and his height was at the 5th percentile. Laboratory tests performed at 15.5 years showed that testosterone level was 301 ng/dL with a LH of 0.57 mIU/ml and IGF-1 levels had increased to 340 ng/ml. A bone age study showed the bone age to be consistent with 14 years and 6 months old. At 16 years and 11 months of age, the patient's height had reached the 36th percentile. Pubertal development had advanced with Tanner stage 3-4 for pubic hair development and testicular volume of 15mL bilaterally.


Figure 1. Patient 1 growth chart: Longitudinal growth chart in patient 1 before and after sex hormone priming.




This patient’s height at presentation met the criteria for the diagnosis of Idiopathic Short Stature (ISS) since the patient's height was below -2.25 SD (8). However, with longitudinal follow-up, patient 1 ultimately proved to have constitutional growth delay (Figure 1). The diagnostic approach employed for this patient centered on monitoring. Once testosterone priming was employed, puberty progressed, and he reached his expected adult height. Through a targeted endocrine evaluation and longitudinal monitoring, the patient's condition was successfully managed without growth hormone treatment. This case underscores the importance of judicious use of testing.


The onset of puberty differs between boys and girls. In girls, 95% manifest at least one sign of puberty by 13 years of age whereas boys should begin signs of puberty by 14 years of age. In patients with delayed puberty and slow growth, a careful family history may be consistent with constitutional delay of growth and puberty. There often may be a history of a family member who also did not begin puberty until late into the teenage years, as in the case with the proband’s father and uncle. These patients can be difficult to diagnose because they may appear to be slowing in growth as they cross growth percentiles around the time of the anticipated pubertal growth spurt. Patients with constitutional growth delay fall behind their peers initially but have increased growth velocity later when puberty progresses and most reach adequate adult heights. Patients with constitutional growth delay have delayed bone ages and do not require treatment with growth hormone.




A boy presents at 12 years 9 months of age with growth failure and short stature. The patient's height had declined from 25th percentile to 10th percentile over 1.5 years, BMI was 40th percentile, growth velocity was 3.8 cm per year, and he was prepubertal. The parental target height was 176.7 cm (50th percentile). Laboratory tests showed that the testosterone level was 12 ng/dL, IGF-1 level was 125ng/mL (-2.06 SD), and bone age study was consistent with 12 years of age. Because of the low growth velocity and IGF1 level, the patient had a growth hormone (GH) stimulation test with provocative agents, arginine, and clonidine. The results showed a peak GH level of 16.9 ng/ml. At 13.5 years old, the patient’s height further declined to be at -2.25 SD and growth velocity was 2.84 cm per year.  Figure 2 shows patient 2’s growth trajectory during follow-up.  His testicular volume was 6mL bilaterally while tests showed IGF-1 to be114 ng/mL (-2.21 SD), thyroid function tests were normal, early morning cortisol level was 15.2 ug/dL, prolactin was 10 ng/ml, testosterone level 79 ng/dL, the luteinizing hormone was 3.2 mIU/mL, and the follicle-stimulating hormone was 2.1 mIU/mL, all consistent with pubertal progression. As puberty progressed, the growth velocity did not increase leading to a decline in height standard deviation.  In the setting of this growth deceleration despite pubertal progression, a second growth hormone stimulation test with arginine and L-dopa was performed. The GH stimulation test revealed a peak GH level of 5.4 ng/ml. This low peak GH level is consistent with growth hormone deficiency (GHD).  On pituitary magnetic resonance imaging, the pituitary gland appeared normal but small. The patient was treated with daily recombinant human growth hormone for 4.8 years. He reached an adult height at the 90th percentile (1.3 SDS), slightly above mid parental height (Figure 2).


Figure 2. Patient 2 growth chart: Longitudinal growth chart in patient 2 before and after growth hormone therapy. GH denotes growth hormone. MPTH denotes mid-parental target height.




This patient's referral to a pediatric endocrinologist stemmed from decline in height, subpar growth velocity considering stage of puberty, and low levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Based on his normal response to the first growth hormone (GH) stimulation test, the patient’s diagnosis was consistent with Idiopathic Short Stature (ISS). With continued monitoring, it was apparent that further growth deceleration occurred despite advent and progression of puberty. With an additional growth hormone (GH) stimulation test, the patient was ultimately diagnosed to have evolving growth hormone deficiency. GHD can be congenital or acquired, developing over time. The mechanism of idiopathic GHD might be due to a functional, transient decrease in somatomedin secretion insufficient to maintain growth as puberty sets in. Isolated GHD can be  diagnosed using a combination of measuring growth factors, bone age X-rays, and growth hormone stimulation testing (9). Long-term monitoring as children progress into puberty is essential to uncover these instances of evolving GHD (9). It is imperative to emphasize the significance of prolonged follow-up and repeated testing to ensure the accurate diagnosis of GHD, rather than classifying the patient under the category of ISS or constitutional delay in growth and puberty (CDGP). In this case, physicians employed a meticulous approach of closely observing the decline in height and height velocity as puberty advanced, alongside screening tests such as IGF-1 measurement and multiple growth hormone stimulation tests. This comprehensive methodology allowed for the accurate diagnosis of GHD.


Despite the recognition of their many flaws, including poor reproducibility, non-physiologic assessment, and practical considerations, provocative tests remain part of the comprehensive evaluation of growth and are essential for the diagnosis of GHD (10).  For GH stimulation testing, two agents that provoke GH secretion from the pituitary (L-dopa, clonidine, arginine, glucagon) are administered following an overnight fast. These provocative agents are not physiological and do not replicate normal secretory dynamics. In this patient with short stature, the clinical picture of low growth velocity as puberty progressed plus low IGF-1 levels are indicative of late, or evolving GHD. 




A girl aged 13 years and 6 months was referred to a pediatric endocrinology clinic to evaluate her short stature. The patient had a medical history of ADHD diagnosed at the age of 7 years, and multiple surgeries for strabismus in both eyes. Her mid-parental height was at the 5th percentile. Axillary hair developed at 11 years of age and breast development started around 10-11 years. At age 13.5 years, the height was at the 1st percentile (-2.27 SD), weight was at <1 percentile, and BMI was at the 6th percentile. Tanner stage of breast development was 3 and pubic hair had been shaved. The patient had small hands and feet, bilateral fifth finger clinodactyly, brachydactyly, and a slightly increased carrying angle. The bone age was12.5 years old with shortening and broadening of the metacarpals which raised concerns for hypochondroplasia. Chromosomal analysis showed a normal female karyotype, 46XX. SHOX gene analysis did not reveal mutations or deletions. This patient had a normal response to growth hormone stimulation test with provocative agents, arginine, and clonidine; peak growth hormone level was 18 ng/ml. The patient was referred to a medical geneticist to undergo further genetic testing to explain her short stature. Repeated chromosome analysis counting 50 cells, had normal female karyotype of 46XX excluding mosaic Turner Syndrome. The microarray results found gain in a 1.5 Mb copy at 10p15.3. The Fragile X test was negative, it did not reveal FMR1 CGG repeat expansions. A genetic testing panel for skeletal dysplasia investigated twenty-nine genes associated with skeletal dysplasia and the results showed no mutations or deletions. Whole exome sequencing did not reveal any variant in disease genes possibly associated with a short stature phenotype. In this patient with height -3 SDS and low mid parental height, treatment with growth hormone resulted in modest gains in height SDS. Figure 3 shows this patient’s growth before and after growth hormone therapy. 


Figure 3. Patient 3 growth chart: Longitudinal growth chart in patient 2 before and after growth hormone therapy. GH denotes growth hormone.




The cause of this patient’s short stature was not apparent despite extensive testing; thus, the diagnosis remains Growth Failure of Unknown Etiology, (GFUE) or Idiopathic short stature (ISS). After repeated genetic testing and thorough whole exome sequencing the etiology of the patient’s growth failure remained elusive. Case three presents the roadmap for a proper diagnosis of GFUE/ ISS using diagnoses of exclusion. The patient's height declined below >2.25 SD score below the mean height for a given age and sex, and through extensive genetic testing, there were no abnormalities found. Through a rigorous process of extensive evaluations and the systematic elimination of alternative causes for short stature, including malabsorptive diseases, familial short stature, constitutional delay in puberty, Turner syndrome, and SHOX Gene haploinsufficiency, the patient ultimately received a diagnosis of GFUE or idiopathic short stature.


ISS or GFUE may exist as a primary diagnosis alone or may be subcategorized to include ISS with familial short stature or constitutional delay of growth and puberty. Patients with ISS are often predicted to have an adult height below that expected based on mid parental height. It is thought that GH may increase the adult height of patients with ISS by 3.5 to 7.5 cm when compared with controls (11).  GH-treated children with ISS have also been reported to achieve height gain similar to patients with isolated GHD (6). Additional considerations for treatment in conjunction with GH include gonadotropin- releasing hormone (GnRH) analogs and aromatase inhibitors. Both classes of medications seek to decrease bone age maturation while allowing the child to continue to grow. These agents are still considered experimental when used for improving growth and more studies are needed (12, 13).  IGF-1 has received some attention recently as a potential treatment for ISS. Currently, IGF-1 is only approved for those patients with proven IGF-1 deficiency (IGF-1 levels –3 SD from the mean) with heights below –3 SD from the mean for age and normal stimulated GH levels. There is a lack of prospective studies that show clear benefit of IGF-1 for ISS. IGF-1 has also been associated with potential side effects, including hypoglycemia, headaches, lymphoid tissue hypertrophy, and coarsening of facial features (4).  Further studies must be performed before IGF-1 can be considered a treatment option for GFUE/ISS.


The concept that short stature alone is a problem that must be treated often leads to patients seeking treatment for cosmetic, rather than medical reasons to attain an adult height the patient or family feel is appropriate. It is important to stress that short stature itself is not necessarily a medical problem. However, a pattern of growth consistent with growth failure (decreasing growth velocity, growth velocity consistently <50 percentile) regardless of height percentile should be evaluated further. If an underlying cause of growth failure cannot be found, we propose that it is appropriate to use a term such as “idiopathic growth failure” or “growth failure of unknown etiology” (GFUE) rather than “idiopathic short stature.” These terms take the focus off stature as the overriding problem, placing it into an element that all can agree needs investigation and, if persistent, needs intervention for its reversal. Height predictions always, but especially in the face of subnormal growth rates, are likely to be inaccurate and should be provided with a great deal of caution (5).  We believe that familial short stature and constitutional delay of growth and puberty should be removed from the current overall category of “ISS” and placed under the category “normal variant.”


A child should be labeled as GFUE/ISS only after an in depth evaluation for other etiologies has been performed (7). As Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and other diagnostic techniques become established, the number of patients with unidentified causes for growth failure is likely to diminish.




The three illustrative cases above help to show the significance of comprehensive testing, thorough evaluations, and rigorous longitudinal monitoring, to exclude currently known causes of short stature. Every effort should be made to avoid any bias in referral and evaluation of short stature based on gender, ethnic or racial differences (14).  With these guidelines, two of the three patients initially presented with features aligned with the diagnostic criteria for growth failure of unknown etiology (GFUE)/ISS. Through subsequent testing and prolonged monitoring, alternative underlying diagnoses were identified: constitutional growth delay, and acquired, idiopathic, isolated growth hormone deficiency. In the third case, we present the roadmap for a proper diagnosis of GFUE/ ISS that is based on specific phenotypic characteristics. The diagnosis of ISS/GFUE should only be assigned after an exhaustive exploration of all diagnostic possibilities, ensuring that patients are provided with precise diagnoses and subsequently, if indicated, appropriate medication-based treatments to achieve height gain.




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  2. Hintz, R.L., Growth hormone treatment of idiopathic short stature. Horm Res, 1996. 46(4-5): p. 208-14.
  3. Wilson, T.A., et al., Update of guidelines for the use of growth hormone in children: the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrinology Society Drug and Therapeutics Committee. J Pediatr, 2003. 143(4): p. 415-21.
  4. Grimberg, A., et al., Guidelines for Growth Hormone and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Treatment in Children and Adolescents: Growth Hormone Deficiency, Idiopathic Short Stature, and Primary Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Deficiency. Horm Res Paediatr, 2016. 86(6): p. 361-397.
  5. Graber, E. and R. Rapaport, Growth and growth disorders in children and adolescents. Pediatr Ann, 2012. 41(4): p. e1-9.
  6. Child, C.J., et al., Height Gain and Safety Outcomes in Growth Hormone-Treated Children with Idiopathic Short Stature: Experience from a Prospective Observational Study. Horm Res Paediatr, 2019. 91(4): p. 241-251.
  7. Rapaport, R., J.M. Wit, and M.O. Savage, Growth failure: 'idiopathic' only after a detailed diagnostic evaluation. Endocr Connect, 2021. 10(3): p. R125-R138.
  8. Cohen, P., et al., Consensus statement on the diagnosis and treatment of children with idiopathic short stature: a summary of the Growth Hormone Research Society, the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society, and the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology Workshop. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2008. 93(11): p. 4210-7.
  9. Samuels, J.G., Chimatapu, S. N., Savage, M. O., Rapaport, R, Late-Onset Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency. JCEM Case Reports, 2023. 1(2).
  10. Yau, M. and R. Rapaport, Growth Hormone Stimulation Testing: To Test or Not to Test? That Is One of the Questions. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne), 2022. 13: p. 902364.
  11. Allen DB, Cuttler L. Clinical practice. Short stature in childhood--challenges and choices. N Engl J Med. 2013 Mar 28;368(13):1220-8. doi: 10.1056/NEJMcp1213178. PMID: 23534561; PMCID: PMC5754004.
  12. Mauras, N., et al., Randomized Trial of Aromatase Inhibitors, Growth Hormone, or Combination in Pubertal Boys with Idiopathic, Short Stature. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2016. 101(12): p. 4984-4993.
  13. Carel, J.C., Management of short stature with GnRH agonist and co-treatment with growth hormone: a controversial issue. Mol Cell Endocrinol, 2006. 254-255: p. 226-33.
  14. Beliard, K., et al., Identifying and addressing disparities in the evaluation and treatment of children with growth hormone deficiency. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne), 2022. 13: p. 989404.

Lipoprotein (a)



Lipoprotein(a) is an apo B-containing lipoprotein which has a unique plasminogen-like apolipoprotein(a) attached to apo B-100. The levels of lipoprotein(a) are under strong genetic regulation and vary by several hundred-fold in the general population. Although the exact function of lipoprotein(a) is still a mystery, recent studies have shown that lipoprotein(a) has a causal role in atherosclerosis and its level has been shown to be a risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) and calcific aortic valvular disease. Measurement of lipoprotein(a) level and comparison between different assays are challenging due to differences in reporting units and the absence of a reference method. Various guidelines recommend measurement of lipoprotein(a) levels in order to define cardiovascular risk. Lifestyle modifications have a minimal effect in reducing lipoprotein(a) levels. Currently available lipid-lowering therapies also result in only modest reductions in lipoprotein(a) levels. At present, there is no approved pharmacological treatment option for lowering lipoprotein(a) levels. More potent lipoprotein(a)-lowering medications are under active investigation to prove that lowering lipoprotein(a) level reduces ASCVD events. Lipoprotein(a), therefore, remains a viable and attractive therapeutic target in ASCVD risk reduction.   




Lipoprotein(a) was first described by Kare Berg in 1963 (1) and later purified and characterized by Ehnholm and colleagues as part of human lipoproteins (2). Subsequent studies linked lipoprotein(a) to coronary artery disease (CAD) (3,4) and the threshold of 30 mg/dL was introduced (5). In 1987, amino acid sequences of apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)], a major protein of lipoprotein(a), were identified and the LPA gene, encoding apo(a), was cloned (6,7). The sequence showed homology to plasminogen, a fibrinolytic proenzyme, but the protease domain was inactive (6). Apo(a) size polymorphism and its underlying molecular genetics were discovered and the inverse correlation between apo(a) isoform and lipoprotein(a) levels were demonstrated (8). Early observational and prospective studies showed higher levels of lipoprotein(a) in patients with CAD and myocardial infarction (MI) (4,5,9-12), but others did not (13,14). Lipoprotein(a) was later identified as a main carrier of oxidized phospholipids in the plasma (15). Results from large population-based studies along with Mendelian randomization studies in the past 2 decades have shown that lipoprotein(a) is a causal risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), especially MI and atherosclerotic stenosis (16-19). A surprise finding in 2013 also identified lipoprotein(a) as a key player in calcific aortic valvular disease (CAVD) (20). Currently, lipoprotein(a) is an active therapeutic target and results from ongoing phase 3 clinical studies will soon clarify the lipoprotein(a) hypothesis in ASCVD and CAVD.           




Lipoprotein(a) is an apoB-containing lipoprotein resembling low-density lipoprotein (LDL), but apolipoprotein B-100 is covalently linked to a unique glycoprotein, called apolipoprotein(a) or apo(a). Apo(a), encoded by the LPA gene, is structurally similar to plasminogen, an important protein involved in fibrinolysis. In vitro, apo(a) has been shown to inhibit fibrinolysis (21)


Apo(a) is present only in a subset of primates, including humans, Old World monkeys, and orangutans, but not in New World monkeys or other primates. The exception is the occurrence of an apo(a)-like protein in the hedgehog (22). A characteristic feature of apo(a) is the presence of loop-like structure stabilized by 3 internal disulfide bonds, called “kringles”. These kringle domains are triple-loop structures found in other coagulation factors, including plasminogen. While plasminogen has 5 kringle domains (KI, KII, KIII, KIV and KV) and one protease domain at the end, apo(a) has only KIV, KV and an inactive protease domain (Figure 1).


Figure 1. Structure of lipoprotein(a) (from


In apo(a), the number of the fourth kringle domain is highly variable due to expansion and differentiation of KIV into 10 different types of KIV domains, called KIV1-KIV10. While KIV1 and KIV3-KIV10 are present as single copies, kringle IV type 2 (KIV2) are further expanded, resulting in multiallelic copy number variation (1 to >40 copies). This expansion of KIV2 leads to a size polymorphism of apo(a), ranging from 300-800 kDa (23). Circulating levels of lipoprotein(a) are determined by the number of KIV2 copies. A low number of KIV2 copies results in small apo(a) isoforms, which lead to efficient secretion and contribute to higher levels of lipoprotein(a). On the other hand, the high number of KIV2 copies leads to large apo(a) isoforms and low levels of circulating lipoprotein(a).     


Apo(a) is mainly synthesized in the liver. Newly formed apo(a) is then bound to apo B-100 of LDL to become lipoprotein(a). The assembly of lipoprotein(a) particles is a two-step process (24). The first step is the non-covalent docking of the lysine-binding site at the KIV7-KIV8 domains of apo(a) to the lysine residues at the N-terminus of apo B-100. The second step is the covalent binding through the disulfide bond between the 2 free cysteines in the KIV-9 of apo(a) and apo B-100 (25). The site of lipoprotein(a) assembly has been controversial whether it occurs intracellularly or extracellularly (23,25,26), but a recent study using a hepatocyte cell model suggests that the first non-covalent step occurs intracellularly, whereas the second covalent bond formation occurs extracellularly (27,28).




The physiological function of lipoprotein(a) remains obscure (23). Earlier, it has been suggested that lipoprotein(a) may assist in wound healing (16,29). Lipoprotein(a) can interact with fibrin and other components of the extracellular matrix (30) via the lysine-binding sites in its kringle domains and it delivers cholesterol to the site of injury. Besides carrying cholesterol esters, free cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids, lipoprotein(a) is the main carrier of oxidized phospholipids in the circulation (15). Lipoprotein(a) might also act as a carrier/scavenger for oxidized lipids since oxidized phospholipids and platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase, an enzyme involved in hydrolyzing PAF, are found on lipoprotein(a) particles. In vitro, lipoprotein(a) can interfere with many steps of blood clotting and fibrinolysis (21), but the evidence for its thrombogenic role in vivo is less convincing (16).


In the Finnish population, loss-of-function variants in the LPA gene have been found (31). Although these subjects have very low levels of lipoprotein(a), no identifiable clinical abnormalities have been demonstrated (31). An increased risk of type 2 diabetes has been reported in those who have very low levels of lipoprotein(a) (32-36). Whether low levels of lipoprotein(a) are causally associated with type 2 diabetes is still unclear.




Circulating levels of lipoprotein(a) are primarily determined by isoform size-dependent production rate and not catabolism (37). Fractional catabolic rates for lipoprotein(a) with short and long isoforms have been shown to be relatively indifferent (37). Liver is the main site of lipoprotein(a) catabolism, with a minor contribution from the kidney (26). Apo(a), apo B-100 and oxidized phospholipids carried on lipoprotein(a) may play a role in catabolism of lipoprotein(a) particles by acting as ligands for various receptors. A number of receptors have been shown to be associated with clearance of lipoprotein(a), including lipoprotein receptors, scavenger receptors, plasminogen receptors, Toll-like receptors (TLRs), and carbohydrate receptors or lectins (38). However, the relative contribution of these different receptors in lipoprotein(a) clearance remains to be explored. The lack of suitable animal models and the conflicting data on the role of certain receptors on the catabolism of lipoprotein(a) also make it difficult to conclude the definite role of these receptors. Following uptake into the cells, it has been shown that lipoprotein(a) dissociates into 2 components, with LDL being degraded in lysosomes and apo(a) being recycled to be re-secreted (39). It has been estimated that approximately 30% of apo(a) is recycled after lipoprotein(a) internalization into the cells (39), which could potentially contribute to the circulating level of lipoprotein(a).




Lipoprotein(a) levels are strongly determined by the genetic locus at the LPA gene on chromosome 6, which encodes apo(a). The LPA gene is closely related to the PLG gene, which encodes plasminogen. These 2 genes diverged about 40 million years ago with the loss of KI-KIII and the expansion and differentiation of KIV domain (23). The major genetic determinant is a copy number variation of the KIV2 repeat, which explains approximately 30-70% of the variability in lipoprotein(a) levels, depending on ethnicity (40). The apo(a) size is highly variable among individuals and depends on the number of KIV2 repeats in the LPA gene. Expression of a low number (10-22) of KIV2 repeats is characterized by small apo(a) isoforms and higher lipoprotein(a) levels, whereas a higher number (>23) of KIV2 repeats results in large apo(a) isoforms and lower lipoprotein(a) levels. Smaller apo(a) isoforms are associated with higher apo(a) production rates from the liver (41), whereas larger isoforms are more susceptible to proteosomal degradation in the endoplasmic reticulum (42). Subjects who carry a low number of KIV repeats have 4-5 times higher median lipoprotein(a) levels than those with a high number of KIV repeats (43).


Because every individual has 2 copies of this gene, 2 different isoforms may be present in plasma. In general, plasma levels of lipoprotein(a) are determined by the net production of apo(a) in each isoform. In Caucasians, with an increasing number of KIV repeats, and hence the larger apo(a) isoform, the frequency of the non-expressed allele is also increasing (44). As a result, the major isoform in circulation is mainly driven by the smaller ones. However, in about one-quarter of Caucasians, the larger allele is reported to be the dominant one (44) so the smaller allele is not always dominant (45). The frequency of the non-expressed alleles in Caucasians was highest in the mid-range whereas in African Americans, the non-expressed alleles were fairly distributed across apo(a) sizes (44).        


It is of note that among those who carry the same number of KIV-2 repeats, there is a wide range of variability in the lipoprotein(a) levels. This could be explained by the presence of other genetic variants beyond the KIV repeat polymorphism that are also known to influence lipoprotein(a) levels (23,43,45) with a variable impact among various populations. A large genome-wide association meta-analysis has identified a number of independent single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) around the LPA gene which are significantly associated with lipoprotein(a) levels (46). Certain SNPs are functionally lipoprotein(a)-increasing, such as rs1800769 and rs1853021, whereas other SNPS, such as rs10455872 and rs3798220, have no functional effect, but they are in linkage disequilibrium with other small apo(a) isoforms or other variants associated with elevated lipoprotein(a) levels (47).  


On the contrary, other genetic variants of the LPA gene are associated with low levels of lipoprotein(a), such as the common splice variants, 4733G>A (48) and 4925G>A (49) in the KIV-2 repeat, and the missense variant rs41267813 (50). Other SNPs are null alleles which decrease lipoprotein(a) levels, such as rs41272114, rs41259144 and rs139145675. Individuals who carry these variants are found to be protected against the development of ASCVD.


Other genes, besides the LPA gene, have also been shown to influence lipoprotein(a) levels (45) although a meta-analysis has not confirmed the findings (51), suggesting that further studies with large sample sizes are required to replicate these findings. A recent genome-wide association study from the UK Biobank in almost 300,000 individuals has identified APOE, APOH, and CETP as additional loci that affect lipoprotein(a) levels (52).


Although lipoprotein(a) is under a strong genetic regulation, currently, there is no recommendation or advice to perform genetic testing for the LPA gene. Measuring lipoprotein(a) level in the circulation is considered sufficient since it reflects the overall genetic interaction of all variants.




The distribution of lipoprotein(a) level in plasma is highly skewed with a tail toward higher levels as shown in Figure 2 (16,17,53). The range varies widely from <0.1 mg/dL to >300 mg/dL (<0.2 – 750 nmol/L). In people of European descent, 80% of the population have a serum level of lipoprotein(a) <40 mg/dL or 90 nmol/L (18). It is well known that plasma levels of lipoprotein(a) are different among various ethnicities, which are predominantly determined by lipoprotein(a) isoform size and other genetic variants in the LPA locus (45). Data from the UK Biobank showed that the mean lipoprotein(a) levels were lowest in Chinese individuals (16 nmol/L), followed by White (19 nmol/L), South Asian (31 nmol/L), and highest in Black individuals (75 nmol/L) (17). Data from subjects with various ethnicities have demonstrated that the level of lipoprotein(a) is slightly higher in women than in men (17,53-56), although other studies have shown a lack of difference between men and women (57,58).


Figure 2. Distribution of lipoprotein(a) in the Danish general population (from (16)).


Lipoprotein(a) level is fully expressed by the age of 2 years and the adult levels are usually achieved by 5 years (59). The level of lipoprotein(a) seems to be stable throughout life because it is under a strong genetic influence (60). Except for certain medical conditions, plasma lipoprotein(a) levels are relatively stable across the lifespan independent of lifestyle. A long-term study over a period of 15 years has shown that the overall absolute change in lipoprotein(a) levels is relatively modest but may be more pronounced in subjects with very high lipoprotein(a) levels (60). The level is also not affected by fasting (61).


Because lipoprotein(a) levels are predominantly determined by genetics, lifestyle modifications appear to have minimal effects (45). A low carbohydrate/high saturated fat diet was shown to result in a 15% decrease in lipoprotein(a) levels (62), whereas a decrease in saturated fat was associated with a 10-15% increase in lipoprotein(a) levels (63). Dietary changes may affect lipoprotein(a) levels in the opposite direction to LDL-C. Physical activity and exercise may affect lipoprotein(a) levels but the results are inconsistent and it may depend on the host, type, intensity, and duration (64).


As lipoprotein(a) is produced by the liver, a reduction in lipoprotein(a) levels is observed in liver disease (65,66). Liver transplantation has been shown to change apo(a) isoform to that of the donor with corresponding changes in lipoprotein(a) levels (67). In contrast, elevations of lipoprotein(a) levels are shown in nephrotic syndrome and chronic kidney diseases, either from impaired catabolism or increased hepatic production in response to protein loss in urine or in dialysis (68,69). A large increase is found among subjects who carry large apo(a) isoform sizes (70). Initiation of dialysis has no effect on lipoprotein(a) levels (71). Kidney transplantation can rapidly normalize lipoprotein(a) levels within several weeks (72-74).


Infection and inflammation also affect lipoprotein(a) levels. In acute and chronic inflammatory conditions, such as autoimmune diseases, lipoprotein(a) levels were increased (10,75), but in severe life-threatening conditions, such as sepsis and burns, lipoprotein(a) levels were decreased (76). Lipoprotein(a) levels increased during COVID infections, which might be responsible for increased thromboembolic events (77,78). The LPA gene contains interleukin-6 response elements (79) and elevated lipoprotein(a) levels could be decreased using interleukin-6 receptor blockade by tocilizumab (80). Following acute myocardial infarction, earlier results on the changes in lipoprotein(a) were conflicting, which could be due to differences in assay system (81,82).


Changes in endogenous sex hormones, including menopause and ovariectomy, have been found to have minimal effects on lipoprotein(a) levels (83,84), although a 27% increase after menopause has also been reported (85). Castration and orchidectomy have been shown to slightly increase lipoprotein(a) levels (86,87). Hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women reduces lipoprotein(a) levels by approximately 12-25% (85,88).


Longitudinal studies during pregnancy have shown that lipoprotein(a) levels are increased during the first trimester, peak at the middle of the second trimester and return to baseline after childbirth (89-91). Other studies, however, report no changes in lipoprotein(a) during pregnancy (92,93).


Hyperthyroidism is associated with a reduction in lipoprotein(a) level and treatment is found to increase it (94). Hypothyroidism is also associated with an elevation in lipoprotein(a) level and treatment with thyroxine can reduce it (94). Growth hormone (GH) therapy for GH-deficient adults can markedly increase lipoprotein(a) levels (95). 


A decrease in lipoprotein(a) level has been reported in several genetic disorders of lipoprotein metabolism including abetalipoproteinemia, lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) deficiency, and lipoprotein lipase deficiency (96). In contrast, an increase in lipoprotein(a) level is observed in familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) and familial defective apo B (96).


Conditions that have been reported to increase or decrease lipoprotein(a) levels are shown in Table 1.


Table 1. Conditions Associated with Changes in Lipoprotein(a) Levels



No change

High carbohydrate/low fat diet (10-15%)

Low carbohydrate/high fat diet (10-15%)

Lifestyle intervention

Hypothyroidism (5-20%)

Hyperthyroidism (20-25%)

Alcohol consumption

Pregnancy (200%)

Hormone replacement therapy (25%)


Castration/ovariectomy (small)

Severe acute-phase reactions (burn/sepsis)

Endogenous sex hormone

Growth hormone therapy (25-100%)

Tocilizumab (30-40%)


Chronic kidney disease (200-400%)



Nephrotic syndrome (300-500%)



Severe inflammatory condition



Protease inhibitors/antiretroviral therapy






The wide variation in apo(a) isoform size among individuals poses challenges in measuring and reporting lipoprotein(a) levels. Most commercially available immunoassays use polyclonal antibodies which may cross-react with multiple KIV2 repeats (97). As a result, it may overestimate or underestimate lipoprotein(a) levels in subjects with large or small apo(a) isoforms, respectively. Currently, the latex-enhanced immunoturbidimetric method by Denka Seiken, Japan, has been shown to be less affected to apo(a) isoform size variability with high concordance of values when compared with the reference enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method (98,99). Although the antibodies used in the Denka assay are still isoform dependent, the impact of apo(a) size variation is minimized by the use of five different calibrators (99). Nevertheless, results comparing six commercially available immunoassays, all of which use five-point calibrators, show a wide range of discrepancy among various assays (100). The reference ELISA method using monoclonal antibodies developed by a group at the University of Washington is considered the least apo(a) isoform size-sensitive immunoassay available (98,99). Recently, a newly developed LC-MS/MS method has been shown to be unaffected by the apo(a) isoform size polymorphism and proposed as a candidate reference method for standardization of lipoprotein(a) assay (101).


Besides the issues in measuring lipoprotein(a) levels, the reporting of lipoprotein(a) levels is also challenging. Currently, there are 2 types of commercially available assays to measure and report lipoprotein(a) levels. The first one reports the level in total lipoprotein(a) mass concentrations, which include the mass of apo(a), apo B-100, lipid, and carbohydrate components. The values are based on assay calibrators and are expressed in mg/dL. In the first method, there is no traceability of the various calibrators to the reference material (102). In the second method, the level is reported in lipoprotein(a) particle number and expressed in nmol/L of apo(a). The assay calibrators used in the second approach are traceable to the World Health Organization/International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (WHO/IFCCLM) secondary reference material (98) and the values are compared to the “gold standard” monoclonal antibody-based ELISA developed by Marcovina et al. (103). It is recommended that lipoprotein(a) levels should be measured with an assay which is least subjected to apo(a) isoform size and has been calibrated with the WHO/IFCCLM reference material. Current recommendations also encourage the reporting of lipoprotein(a) levels in molar units, but if it is not available, the units in which the assay is calibrated should be used for reporting (59,104,105).


It is known that different apo(a) isoform sizes give different molecular weights (106), therefore, direct conversion between molar and mass concentrations (i.e. nmol/L and mg/dL) using a single conversion factor could be misleading and is discouraged (59,99,106). Nevertheless, a factor of 2.0-2.5 is traditionally used to convert from a mass unit to a molar unit (97), although it may vary from 1.85 for a large apo(a) size to 2.85 for a small apo(a) size (99).


Since lipoprotein(a) and LDL have relatively similar size and density, cholesterol contained in lipoprotein(a) particles cannot be separated from that in LDL particles and is therefore collectively reported as LDL-C concentration. Previous experiments of isolated lipoprotein(a) particles showed that cholesterol accounted for approximately 30% of lipoprotein(a) mass concentration, therefore, lipoprotein(a)-cholesterol could be estimated by multiplying lipoprotein(a) mass (mg/dL) by 0.3 and used to correct LDL-C (lipoprotein(a)-cholesterol-corrected LDL-C) (59). However, a recent study directly measured lipoprotein(a)-cholesterol relative to lipoprotein(a) mass demonstrated that the percentage varied widely, ranging from 5.8% to 57.3% with a median of 17.3% (107), therefore, routine correction of LDL-C for lipoprotein(a)-cholesterol is currently not recommended in clinical practice (59). There are certain exceptions to this. First, in patients with clinically suspected familiar hypercholesterolemia (FH) and elevated lipoprotein(a) levels, measurement of lipoprotein(a)-cholesterol may be warranted since the corrected value may help exclude the diagnosis of FH and avoid unnecessary genetic testing (108). Second, correcting LDL-C for lipoprotein(a)-cholesterol may help explain the suboptimal response or resistance to statin therapy. High levels of lipoprotein(a) result in falsely elevated LDL-C. Since statins do not lower lipoprotein(a) levels, cholesterol in lipoprotein(a) is considered a statin-resistant fraction of LDL-C.




Lipoprotein(a) exerts multiple effects that could be proatherogenic, proinflammatory, and prothrombotic.


Lipoprotein(a) could be atherogenic since lipoprotein(a) is small enough (<70 nm in diameter) to enter and become trapped in the vascular wall. Cholesterol carried on lipoprotein(a) particle could then be deposited in the arterial intima and aortic valvular leaflets. However, the number of circulating lipoprotein(a) particles is substantially lower than that of LDL particles. As a result, the amount of cholesterol deposited from lipoprotein(a) is expected to be much lower than that from LDL (109). Apo(a), the main protein of lipoprotein(a), also contains lysine-binding sites that could tightly bind to exposed surface of denuded endothelium of the vascular wall or the aortic valve leaflets. In an animal experiment of endothelial injury, it was found that lipoprotein(a) preferentially accumulated at injured sites, compared with LDL (110). These findings suggest that accumulation of lipoprotein(a) at the site of vascular injury could be the primary mechanism by which elevated lipoprotein(a) causes cardiovascular disease.   


There is increasing evidence that oxidized phospholipids carried on lipoprotein(a) play a major role in atherogenesis and valvular calcification. In plasma, lipoprotein(a) is the main carrier of oxidized phospholipids (15). Interaction between oxidized phospholipids and apo(a) is mediated by the histidine residues in the KIV-10 domain of apo(a) (111,112). These oxidized phospholipids are both proatherogenic and proinflammatory (113). Oxidized phospholipids can induce inflammation by binding TLR2, TLR4, CD14 and CD36 on monocytes, macrophages, and endothelial cells (79,114). The result is an activation of multiple cytokines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules that mediate monocyte activation and migration into the vascular wall, endothelial dysfunction and proliferation, proliferation and migration of vascular smooth muscle cells into the atheromatous plaques, generation of reactive oxygen species, progression of vascular wall inflammation, and cell apoptosis that could lead to plaque rupture (115,116).


Structurally, apo(a) is similar to plasminogen, but the protease domain of apo(a) is catalytically inactive. Therefore, apo(a) may inhibit binding of plasminogen to endothelial cell surface receptor, compete with plasminogen for fibrin affinity sites, and interfere with fibrinolytic activity of plasminogen through a molecular mimicry mechanism (21). However, lowering lipoprotein(a) levels does not affect ex vivo fibrinolysis (117), suggesting that the role of lipoprotein(a) in thrombosis may involve other mechanisms beyond fibrinolysis (118). Lipoprotein(a) has also been shown to induce tissue factor expression, inhibit tissue factor pathway inhibitor, promote platelet activation and aggregation, and alter the structure of fibrin, which ultimately leads to thrombosis (118).


It is of note that these proatherogenic, proinflammatory, and prothrombotic effects of lipoprotein(a) have been demonstrated mainly from in vitro studies, and the clinical significance of these findings needs to be established from human studies.  




Over the past two decades, data from epidemiological studies, meta-analyses, genome-wide association studies, and Mendelian randomization studies, have provided conclusive evidence that elevated lipoprotein(a) levels are associated with a higher risk of ASCVD (16,18,47,119-121). This is true in all ethnicities studied to date (17,55,122). The result of a genome-wide association study revealed that the most potent genetic association with coronary artery disease (CAD) was the LPA locus (121). A number of Mendelian randomization studies have shown that genetic variants associated with high lipoprotein(a) levels are more prevalent in subjects with ASCVD (18,47), whereas genetic variants associated with low lipoprotein(a) levels are protective against the development of ASCVD (31,49).


Several epidemiological studies, both in primary prevention and secondary prevention settings, have shown an association between lipoprotein(a) levels and ASCVD (17,19,55,120,123). The association is continuous and linear in different ethnicities without evidence of a threshold effect (17,120). Data from a large prospective cohort study from the UK Biobank showed a broadly linear relationship between lipoprotein(a) levels and ASCVD with an 11% increased risk of ASCVD with every 50 nmol/L increase in lipoprotein(a) levels (17). Another study also reported a relatively similar result, showing a 2.9% increased risk of CVD with every 18 nmol/L (10 mg/dL) increment in lipoprotein(a) levels (124).


Results from the clinical trials suggest that lipoprotein(a) might be a determinant of residual risk of ASCVD in patients who achieved low levels of LDL-C. For example, in the JUPITER trial using high-intensity rosuvastatin, on-statin lipoprotein(a) levels were associated with a residual risk of ASCVD even at low LDL-C levels (125). Similarly, findings from the FOURIER and ODYSSEY-OUTCOMES trials, using statins and PCSK9 inhibitors evolocumab and alirocumab, respectively, also demonstrated that patients with the higher baseline lipoprotein(a) levels were at an elevated risk of ASCVD irrespective of LDL-C levels (126,127). Lipoprotein(a) level is not associated with coronary artery calcium score, but both are independently associated with ASCVD risk (128). Elevated levels of lipoprotein(a) are associated with accelerated progression of atherosclerotic plaque (129).


The association between lipoprotein(a) levels and ASCVD is strongest for MI, atherosclerotic stenosis, and calcific aortic valvular disease (CAVD) (16). Additionally, very high levels of lipoprotein(a) levels are also associated with an increased risk of ischemic stroke (120,130) and heart failure (131), although the associations are weaker.  


Not only that lipoprotein(a) is a determinant of ASCVD in patients with lower risk of ASCVD, but in subjects who are at higher risk of ASCVD, such as those with FH, elevated lipoprotein(a) levels have also been shown to be associated with a higher risk of ASCVD (132,133). Lipoprotein(a) is also an independent predictor of MI and mortality in patients with CKD (134).


Regarding prothrombotic effects of lipoprotein(a), although in vitro data demonstrated that lipoprotein(a) might impair fibrinolysis, a potential role for lipoprotein(a) in prothrombotic and antifibrinolytic activity in vivo remains unproven (21). Epidemiological studies and Mendelian randomization studies have failed to establish the major role of lipoprotein(a) in venous thrombosis in adults (135,136). In children, however, there is some evidence that elevated lipoprotein(a) level is a risk factor for arterial ischemic stroke and venous thromboembolism (137).




Calcific aortic valvular disease (CAVD) is the disease of the aortic valve that includes early valvular sclerosis and advanced aortic valvular stenosis. CAVD is the leading cause of aortic valve replacement in developed countries, but there is currently no available medical treatment for CAVD. CAVD is characterized by thickening of the aortic valve leaflets with progressive stenosis of the aortic valve. Although the early stages of CAVD are asymptomatic, severe aortic stenosis may lead to significant left ventricular outflow obstruction and subsequent development of syncope, angina and heart failure.


Early cross-sectional studies have shown a strong association between elevated lipoprotein(a) and CAVD (138,139). Such association, however, cannot be used to indicate that lipoprotein(a) is causal for CAVD. In 2013, a genome-wide association study in subjects of European ancestry reported an association between genetic variants in the LPA locus and CAVD (20), which was also confirmed across multiple ethnic groups (20,140). Subsequent cohort and case-control studies have verified this finding and further linked lipoprotein(a) levels and oxidized phospholipids to CAVD (141-144). Lipoprotein(a) is now considered as a new causal risk factor for CAVD (16). Two recent meta-analyses show that plasma lipoprotein(a) levels ³50 mg/dL are associated with a 1.76-1.79-fold increased risk of CAVD (145,146). Elevated lipoprotein(a) levels have also been associated with the faster progression of CAVD and the increased risk for aortic valve replacement and cardiovascular death (143,146-149). In contrast, genetically lowered levels of lipoprotein(a) are associated with a 37% lower risk of aortic stenosis (150).


The normal aortic valve consists of endothelial cells and valvular interstitial cells. In the early stage of CAVD, increased permeability of valvular endothelial cells occurs and results in endothelial barrier dysfunction. Mechanical shear stress may cause further injury to the valvular endothelial cells, leading to endothelium denudation. As a result, lipid infiltration by LDL and lipoprotein(a) follows, similar to the development of atherosclerosis. Inflammatory responses ensue and induce the valvular interstitial cells to gain a myofibroblast-like phenotype and release collagen matrix along with other bone-related proteins. The later stage of CAVD is characterized by the osteogenic differentiation of the valvular interstitial cells, resulting in progressive calcification of the aortic valve. Apoptosis of the valvular interstitial cells can lead to formation of hydroxyapatite crystals and further calcification, creating the propagation of both inflammation and calcification. Progressive fibrosis and widespread calcification ultimately result in thickening and dysfunction of the aortic valvular leaflets.  


The role of lipoprotein(a) in the molecular pathogenesis of CAVD is now accumulating. Apo(a) may increase the endothelial cell permeability through the Rho/RhoK signaling pathway, which is dependent on the lysine-binding site in the KIV10 domain. Since lipoprotein(a) is a major carrier of oxidized phospholipids in plasma, infiltration of lipoprotein(a) in the valvular tissue can deliver oxidized phospholipids to the valve. Oxidized phospholipids can directly attract monocytes and promote the transformation into macrophages. Oxidized phospholipids can then interact with various receptors on the macrophage, resulting in the release of several pro-inflammatory cytokines and subsequent formation of foam cells. Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) from the macrophage carried on lipoprotein(a) can also act on oxidized phospholipids and generate lysophosphatidylcholine. Autotaxin, a lysophospholipase D enzyme secreted by the valvular interstitial cells and carried on lipoprotein(a) particles (151), can convert lysophosphatidylcholine into lysophosphatidic acid. Lysophosphatidic acid is both pro-inflammatory and pro-calcifying. By binding the lysophospholipid receptor on the valvular interstitial cells, it can activate the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) and the Wnt-b-catenin pathways, leading to increased transcripts of IL-6 and various osteogenic genes, including runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2) and bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2). The result is the production of alkaline phosphatase, calcium deposition, inflammation, and calcification of the aortic valve (152).


These molecular pathways involved in the pathogenesis of CAVD provide several targets of interest, in addition to lipoprotein(a), that could be targeted and may lead to novel therapies for CAVD in the future.




Measurement of lipoprotein(a) levels could help refine the cardiovascular risk in certain conditions and various professional societies have recommended specific clinical conditions that warrant the measurement of lipoprotein(a) levels (59,105,153-156) as shown in Table 2.


Table 2. Guideline Recommendations for Lipoprotein(a) Measurement







CCS 2021



EAS 2022

1. Familial hypercholesterolemia



All Adults

2. Family history (1stdegree relatives) of premature ASCVD

3. Family history (1stdegree relatives) of elevated lipoprotein(a)


4. Personal history of premature ASCVD



5. Recurrent CVD despite optimal statin treatment




6. Inadequate LDL-C reduction in response to statin




7. Borderline or intermediate risk of ASCVD

8. Calcific valvular aortic stenosis


It has been pointed out that different recommendations on measurement of lipoprotein(a) among various guidelines may be related to when the guidelines have been written (157). Most of the earlier guidelines list a number of conditions in which lipoprotein(a) should be measured, but the 2019 European Society of Cardiology/European Atherosclerosis Society (ESC/EAS) dyslipidemia guidelines have simplified this and recommended that lipoprotein(a) measurement should be considered at least once in each adult person’s lifetime (158). The rationale behind this recommendation is to identify individuals with very high levels of lipoprotein(a), i.e., >180 mg/dL or >430 nmol/L, who have a lifetime risk of ASCVD equivalent to that of heterozygous FH (158). Thus, measuring lipoprotein(a) levels in those with very high levels could make a significant contribution in the overall management to reduce cardiovascular risk. For the latest EAS lipoprotein(a) consensus statement published in 2022, it is recommended that lipoprotein(a) levels should be measured at least once in every adult (59). Incorporating lipoprotein(a) levels in the cardiovascular risk assessment could help improve risk stratification and provide comprehensive ASCVD risk evaluation. In addition, failure to consider an individual’s lipoprotein(a) level could lead to an underestimate of the absolute cardiovascular risk (59). For example, in a person with baseline risk of ASCVD events of 25%, a lipoprotein(a) level of 150 mg/dL will substantially increase the risk to 68% (59). A new risk calculator incorporating lipoprotein(a) levels and other traditional cardiovascular risk factors is now publicly available at


Elevated lipoprotein(a) level is transmitted as a co-dominant trait. When an index subject is found to have high lipoprotein(a) level, screening for high lipoprotein(a) level in other family members is recommended and could help identify other affected family members (59). This approach is relatively similar to cascade screening in FH, except that genetic testing is not required. For children, there is a recommendation that children who have history of hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke, children of a parent with premature ASCVD and no other identifiable risk factors, and children of a parent with high levels of lipoprotein(a) should have lipoprotein(a) testing (59,154).


In general, the higher the lipoprotein(a) level, the greater risk for ASCVD. Therefore, the use of a specific threshold is biologically implausible and not appropriate. However, clinical practice guidelines prefer the use of a certain threshold for therapeutic decisions. An early study in patients who suffered acute MI proposed the lipoprotein(a) level of >30 mg/dL to reflect a higher risk of MI (5), and this cutoff values have been referred to in several guideline recommendations from various international societies (156,159,160). Another threshold level of lipoprotein(a) that has been used by other professional societies to confer an increased risk of ASCVD is 50 mg/dL or 100-125 nmol/L (153,154), which corresponds to the 80th percentile in the European descent (45). A recent 2022 consensus statement from the EAS proposed a threshold of ³50 mg/dL (125 nmol/L) to rule in and <30 mg/dL (75 nmol/L) to rule out cardiovascular risk, whereas levels between 30-50 mg/dL (75-125 nmol/L) are grey zones (59). Different thresholds according to ethnicities have been proposed (161), although a large study from the UK Biobank has shown that the ASCVD risk among various ethnicities is similar when using a uniform threshold of ³150 nmol/L (17). At present, current management should remain the same regardless of ethnicity.


Interestingly, an inverse relationship between lipoprotein(a) levels and the risk of type 2 diabetes has been demonstrated from various studies and subjects with very low levels of lipoprotein(a) are at increased risk of diabetes (32-36,162). Some, but not all, genetic studies also suggest that low lipoprotein(a) level is causally associated with the risk of diabetes (33-35). The exact mechanism underlying this association is currently unclear. Whether potent specific lipoprotein(a)-lowering therapy might increase the risk of diabetes remains to be determined.




Currently, there is no approved medication for lowering lipoprotein(a) levels. Currently available lipid-lowering medications result in modest (10-30%) reduction in lipoprotein(a) levels (table 3) (163). Data from the Mendelian randomization studies have suggested that lowering lipoprotein(a) levels by approximately 100 mg/dL (215 nmol/L) would produce a similar benefit of reducing ASCVD risk by 22% as shown by lowering LDL-C levels by 38.6 mg/dL (1 mmol/L) using statin therapy (164). A separate analysis using data from primary prevention studies suggested that this number might be overestimated and lowering lipoprotein(a) levels by 65 mg/dL would be enough to give 22% ASCVD risk reduction (165,166). Similarly, data from the Copenhagen General Population Study demonstrated that lowering lipoprotein(a) by 50 mg/dL (105 nmol/L) within a 5-year period would produce a 20% reduction in major adverse cardiovascular events for secondary prevention (167). It is of note that lowering LDL-C levels of 38.6 mg/dL to give a reduction of an adverse cardiovascular event of 22% was used only as a benchmark and it is possible that lowering lipoprotein(a) levels by smaller amount may also be beneficial as previously shown for LDL-C lowering.


Although early studies report an increase in lipoprotein(a) levels after statin therapy, recent meta-analyses of statin therapy show that there is heterogeneity across studies. In addition, the changes in lipoprotein(a) levels are relatively small and may not be clinically meaningful (168,169). Currently, it is widely accepted that the benefits of statin in lowering LDL-C levels and decreasing ASCVD risk outweigh the potential risk associated with a small increase in lipoprotein(a) levels. 


PCSK9 inhibitors, including evolocumab, alirocumab and inclisiran, can lower lipoprotein(a) levels by 10-30% and the absolute reduction is greatest in those with high lipoprotein(a) levels at baseline (126,127,170). A post-hoc analysis from the FOURIER trial using evolocumab reported a 23% decrease in adverse cardiovascular events in those with a baseline lipoprotein(a) level >37 nmol/L and a 7% reduction in those with <37 nmol/L (126). A significant relationship between a 15% lower risk per 25 nmol/L reduction of lipoprotein(a) levels was also observed. These data suggest that a small lowering in lipoprotein(a) level might have a clinical benefit. Results from the ODYSSEY Outcomes trial using alirocumab also showed a significant reduction in major cardiovascular events among those in the two highest quartiles of baseline lipoprotein(a) levels (127).    


Interestingly, an exploratory analysis of the FOURIER trial further showed that lipoprotein(a) level was associated with future aortic stenosis (AS) events (new or worsening CAVD or aortic valve replacement) and that evolocumab therapy beyond one year might reduce these AS events (171). However, it should be noted that this post hoc analysis was performed in only a small number of subjects and the original trial was not designed to evaluate the impact of PCSK9 inhibitors on CAVD.


Other lipid-lowering medications, such as fibrates, ezetimibe, bempedoic acid and bile acid sequestrants, also have modest effects on lipoprotein(a) levels (163). Niacin can lower lipoprotein(a) levels by 20% due to decreased LPA mRNA and apo(a) production rate (172). Mipomersen and CETP inhibitors also decrease lipoprotein(a) levels by 20-30% (173). Currently, the use of these medications to lower lipoprotein(a) level is not advised.


Lipoprotein apheresis is an option to lower lipoprotein(a) levels in clinical practice, although levels of all apoB-containing lipoproteins are reduced after treatment (174). A median reduction in lipoprotein(a) level by 70% was observed (175) but the time-averaged reduction was around 30-35% (176). Notably, a reduction in CAD events has been reported from several retrospective studies (177-180). Lipoprotein apheresis could therefore be considered in those with very high levels of lipoprotein(a) and progressive cardiovascular disease despite optimal management of other risk factors (174). Worldwide, lipoprotein apheresis is not commonly performed except in Germany where it is approved for ASCVD patients who have elevated lipoprotein(a) levels (>120 nmol/L or >60 mg/dL) and recurrent ASCVD events, irrespective of LDL-C levels (175). Recently, it is also approved in the United States for patients with lipoprotein(a) levels >60 mg/dL and LDL-C levels >100 mg/dL with documented CAD or peripheral arterial disease (163).


Without specific lipoprotein(a)-lowering therapy yet available, in subjects with elevated lipoprotein(a) levels, intensive risk factor management, such as healthy diet and lifestyle behavior modifications, is recommended along with the intensification of statin therapy to lower the risk of ASCVD (59). Data from the EPIC-Norfolk population-based study showed that in subjects with elevated lipoprotein(a) above 50 mg/dL, those who modified their lifestyles to maintain ideal cardiovascular health had about one third of cardiovascular risk compared to those with poor cardiovascular health (181). These modifiable cardiovascular health scores included body mass index, healthy diet, physical activity, smoking status, high blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol concentration (181). In those whose LDL-C target levels are not achieved, ezetimibe or PCSK9 inhibitors could be considered (154).


Aspirin has been shown to be associated with a cardiovascular risk reduction in subjects who carried the SNP rs3798220-C with elevated lipoprotein(a) levels from the Women’s Health Study and the Aspirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly (APREE) trial (182). However, this SNP was present in only a small percentage of Caucasian subjects (approximately 3-4%) in these 2 trials. Therefore, further studies with a larger number of subjects in broader populations are needed to confirm the benefits of aspirin.




Since apo(a) is exclusively produced by the liver, novel therapies targeting hepatic apo(a) production using antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) and small interfering RNA (siRNA) technologies are under active investigation. 


Pelacarsen, formerly known as TQJ230, IONIS-APO(a)-LRx and AKCEA-APO(a)-LRx, is a second generation of apo(a) ASO, conjugated with N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc). Since GalNac is preferentially bound to asialoglycoprotein receptor on the cell surface of hepatocytes, the design of this GalNac-conjugated molecule will ensure the selective uptake by hepatocytes. Administered by subcutaneous injection every 4 weeks, it can bind apo(a) RNA in the hepatocytes, leading to an approximately 80% reduction in lipoprotein(a) levels in subjects with lipoprotein(a) level >150 nmol/L or approximately 60 mg/dL (183). Pelacarsen is generally well tolerated with the most frequently reported adverse event being injection site reactions. Currently, a phase 3 Lp(a)-HORIZON (NCT04023552) cardiovascular outcome study is underway to investigate the efficacy and safety of pelacarsen at the dose of 80 mg monthly for 4 years in subjects with ASCVD and lipoprotein(a) ³70 mg/dL.


Olpasiran, formerly known as AMG890 and ARO-LPA, is a GalNAc-conjugated siRNA that could be given every 3-6 months and result in a greater (>90%) reduction in lipoprotein(a) levels in subjects with lipoprotein(a) level >150 nmol/L or approximately 70 mg/dL (184). The most common adverse events were injection site reactions and hypersensitivity reactions. A cardiovascular outcome study (NCT05581303) is currently investigating the effects of olpasiran given every 12 weeks for 4 years in subjects with ASCVD and lipoprotein(a) levels ³200 nmol/L.


Zerlasiran, also known as SLN360, is another GalNAc-conjugated siRNA (185). A Phase 1 study investigated the safety and tolerability of zerlasiran after single ascending doses and multiple doses in healthy subjects with elevated lipoprotein(a) level ³150 nmol/L. A dose-dependent and sustained reduction in lipoprotein(a) level has been observed with a 98% reduction in the group receiving 600 mg of zerlasiran (185). A phase 2 ALPACAR-360 study (NCT05537571) to evaluate the Lipoprotein (a) lowering efficacy, safety and tolerability of zerlasiran in adult participants with elevated lipoprotein(a) (³125 nmol/L) at high risk of ASCVD is now underway.


Besides nucleic acid therapeutics to inhibit hepatic production of apo(a), small molecule inhibitors of lipoprotein(a) formation have been developed. Muvalaplin, an oral small molecule that blocks the initial noncovalent binding between apo(a) and apo B-100, thus disrupting lipoprotein(a) formation, has been reported to lower lipoprotein(a) level by 65% after 14 days of daily dosing in a phase 1 study (186). No serious adverse effects have been noted.


The effect of lipid-lowering medications on lipoprotein(a) levels is shown in Table 3.


Table 3. Effect of Lipid-Lowering Medications on Lipoprotein(a) Levels


No effect or slight increase


No effect or slight increase


No effect

Bempedoic acid

Minimal effect

Bile acid sequestrants

Minimal effect

Omega-3 fatty acids

No effect


Decrease 15-25%


Decrease 15-20%


Decrease 20-30%

CETP inhibitors*

Decrease 20-30%


Decrease 20-35%

PCSK9 inhibitors

Decrease 10-30%

Apo(a) ASO*

Decrease 80%

Apo(a) siRNA*

Decrease 90-98%

Apo(a) small molecule inhibitor*

Decrease 65%

*not currently available


The results of these ongoing and future clinical trials of lipoprotein(a) reduction are eagerly awaited and are expected to be the last piece of evidence supporting and confirming the causal relationship between lipoprotein(a) and ASCVD. Until a specific therapy for elevated lipoprotein(a) is available, intensive management of other modifiable cardiovascular risk factors is strongly recommended. Whether these lipoprotein(a)-lowering treatments would also be beneficial in CAVD remains to be further explored.




After 60 years of its discovery, several issues of lipoprotein(a) remain unresolved, including its function and metabolism. While the causality of lipoprotein(a) in ASCVD and CAVD has now been firmly established by epidemiological, genetic association, and Mendelian randomization studies, the next challenge is to prove that lowering lipoprotein(a) levels also leads to cardiovascular benefit in patients with elevated lipoprotein(a) levels.




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Paget’s Disease of Bone



Sir James Paget described a skeletal disorder affecting one or more areas of the skeleton in 1876.  It is most common in England and in countries to which the English migrated. In recent years the prevalence in most countries has decreased. A common feature is skeletal deformity which evolves over many years and is most visible in the skull and lower extremities. Pathological fractures are most likely to occur in the femurs. Pain is a common feature in patients with Paget’s disease and may be of skeletal, joint, neurologic, or muscle origin. The radiologic features begin with a localized area of osteolysis which advances very slowly in the absence of therapy. Over time the lesion becomes osteosclerotic and once an entire bone is affected the entire lesion is sclerotic with areas of osteolysis remaining. Bone scans utilizing technetium99m-labeled bisphosphonates exhibit markedly increased uptake in the untreated state. Histologic evaluation of early lesions reveals an increased number of osteoclasts advancing at the interface of normal bone. They are often larger than normal and contain many more nuclei than normal osteoclasts. Subsequently numerous osteoblasts are found to be producing a large amount of disorganized bone. Associated with the increase in osteoclasts and osteoblasts there is a highly vascular fibrocellular marrow replacing the hematopoietic marrow. The osteoclasts have an abnormal ultrastructure featuring nuclear inclusions, and sometimes, cytoplasmic inclusions resembling nucleocapsid-like structures of the Paramyxoviridae family. Measurement of serum or urine N- or C-telopeptides documents the degree of bone resorption and serum total alkaline phosphatase activity, serum bone specific alkaline phosphatase and serum procollagen type 1 amino-propeptide document bone formation. Serum total alkaline phosphatase activity is the least expensive and most widely used test. Patients may develop sarcomas or giant cell tumors in affected bone but this is rare. Metabolic complications include hypercalcemia associated with immobilization and hyperuricemia and gout in patients with more extensive disease. Increased cardiac output may occur in patients with extensive disease due to the vascularity of the lesions. The earliest effective treatment was calcitonin but with the increased efficacy of the more potent bisphosphonates calcitonin is seldom prescribed. The treatment of choice is presently an intravenous infusion of 5 mg zoledronate. This normalizes bone resorption and formation markers for up to six and a half years in most patients. Indications for treatment include bone pain, hypercalcemia, neurologic deficits with vertebral disease, congestive heart failure, preparation for orthopedic surgery, and prevention of complications such as hearing loss and deformity. Surgery most commonly is needed for lower extremity joint replacement and correction of deformities of the lower extremity. The etiology remains somewhat controversial with some studies indicating a role for measles virus. The observation that the prevalence of the disease has decreased could be explained by the introduction of measles vaccine in 1963. Clearly genetic factors also play a role. Mutations in the sequestosome 1 gene produce susceptibility to develop Paget’s disease but not all family members with the mutation develop Paget’s disease. Many other gene abnormalities may also increase disease susceptibility.




In 1876, Sir James Paget (Figure 1), a prominent English surgeon, described five men who had at least two deformed areas of the skeleton (1). His description of the disorder he called osteitis deformans included clinical features, and gross and histologic pathology. He believed he was describing a rare inflammatory disorder, but by the start of the new century, numerous publications describing similar patients appeared in England, France, and the United States. A small number of reports also came from Australia, Germany, Holland, Italy, and Sweden. By this time, the condition commonly became known as Paget's disease of bone.

Figure 1. The bust of Sir James Paget in the Museum of St. Bartholomew's Hospital.


Further realization that Paget's disease was not a rare disorder came about after the discovery of X-rays in 1895 by Roentgen. It was then possible to detect affected bones, which exhibited no external manifestations of the disease. The first X-ray report appeared in 1896 (2) and osteolytic disease was recognized by1901 (3).


The first biochemical marker of Paget's disease was recognized in 1929 by Kay (4). He reported elevated alkaline phosphatase activity in the patients' sera. Over time, it came to be appreciated that serum alkaline phosphatase activity could reach higher levels in Paget's disease than in any other disorder.




The distribution of Paget's disease throughout the world is one of its most striking features. While commonly found in the population of England, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, and France, it appears to be rare throughout Asia and Scandinavia. Estimates of the prevalence in individual British cities even suggest a striking variability within one country (5). Analysis of hospital radiographs indicated prevalence ranging from 2.3% in Aberdeen, Scotland to 8% in Lancaster, England. Recently analysis of 1000 CT scans of the abdomen revealed a striking decrease in prevalence to 0.8% in the Lancashire region (6). The most recent prevalence estimate in the United States is 1-2% (7), and in France is 1.1-1.8% (8).  In many countries the prevalence of Paget’s disease appears to have decreased (9-13) although this has not been observed in Italy (14) or in the Salamanca province of Spain (15).   It is particularly difficult to obtain a true estimate of prevalence in a population as serum alkaline phosphatase activity may be elevated in as few as 14% of individuals with x-ray evidence of Paget’s disease (16).


Paget's disease probably occurs equally often in men and women and clearly increases in prevalence with age (17). The diagnosis is nearly always determined in individuals over the age of 50 years. The prevalence in the past approached 10% by 90 years and affected individuals are rarely discovered before 20 years.


The occurrence of Paget's disease in more than one member of a family was first reported in 1883 (18). Analysis of numerous kindreds indicates an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance (19). A positive family history of Paget's disease was reported in nearly 15% of patients in two large studies (20,21). In a clinic in Spain, 40% of the patients had at least one first-degree relative with Paget's disease after screening with bone scans (22). Gene analysis of Paget's disease kindreds will be discussed subsequently.




Paget's disease is a localized disorder of the skeleton with a wide range of skeletal involvement. One bone was affected in 5% of patients whereas the average number of lesions was about 6.5 per patient in a series of 197 patients (23). In a more recent study younger patients had a 47% prevalence of monostotic disease while 28% of older patients had monostotic disease (24).  In patients with familial disease there may be somewhat more bones affected than in patients with sporadic disease (25).




A common feature of Paget's disease is skeletal deformity. This clearly evolves over a period of many years (probably decades) in most patients. The deformity is most visible in the skull and lower extremities.


Asymmetric enlargement of the cranium may first come to attention in those individuals who notice an increase in hat size. An increase in the size of superficial scalp veins, best appreciated over the frontal and temporal bones, is not uncommon. In patients with cranial enlargement, hearing loss is a common complication. Hearing loss correlates with loss of bone mineral density in the cochlear capsule (26). Inexplicably, despite the common skull involvement, Paget's disease is quite unusual in the facial bones. Facial disfigurement may be a consequence of enlargement of the maxilla and/or mandible and can be accompanied by spreading of the teeth, malocclusion, and loss of teeth (27).


One or, less often, two clavicles may become enlarged. An enlarged scapula is uncommonly appreciated perhaps because of its location.


The spine is a common source of morbidity from Paget's disease. The lumbar vertebrae and sacrum are most frequently affected. A single vertebra or multiple vertebrae may be involved. Over time, the vertebrae generally enlarge, but in some instances, vertebral compression may produce significant kyphosis.


Although Paget's disease is commonly found to affect the pelvis, only in its most severe form is it apparent on physical examination that the bone is thicker than normal. It is much easier to detect in the extremities, particularly when bowing of the femur and/or tibia is present (Figure 2). An increase in skin temperature is more readily detected over the tibia, a reflection of increased blood flow to the bone and surrounding soft tissue. Bowing of the upper extremity long bones is much less common than in the lower extremity, presumably because these are not weight-bearing bones.

Figure 2. Typical bowing of the leg due to Paget's disease involving the right tibia.

Pathological fractures in the lower extremity are most likely to occur in the femur and typically are transverse in nature (Figure 3). They are much more likely to result in nonunion than are tibial fractures (28).

Figure 3. Transverse fracture of the left femur.




Pain is a quite common symptom in patients with Paget's disease. It may be of skeletal, joint, neurologic, or muscle origin. Surprisingly, bone pain is usually absent even in patients with extensive disease or, when present, is mild to moderate in severity. The pain is usually dull in quality and often persists during the night. Weight bearing seldom produces a significant increase in bone pain.


Severe pain in a patient with Paget's disease is most likely to be due to osteoarthritis. This commonly occurs in the hip joint. Deterioration of the cartilage can occur when Paget's disease affects the acetabulum alone (Figure 4), but is likely to be more severe when both the acetabulum and head of the femur are affected by Paget's disease. If the femoral head is the only site of the disease, osteoarthritis is a less likely complication. A major feature of the pain in these patients is a significant increase in severity with weight bearing. In some patients, the combination of pain and impaired motion of the joint severely limits mobility. Knee pain and joint effusion may be prominent features in patients with bowing of the tibia. Back pain due to osteoarthritis also occurs in association with Paget's disease (Figure 5). Pain from osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint is relatively uncommon.

Figure 4. Paget's disease involving the left hemipelvis and right femur. There is severe osteoarthritis of the left hip but a relatively normal joint space in the right hip.

The most severe chronic pain in patients with Paget's disease is probably of neurologic origin. Pain from compression of the spinal cord or nerve roots may follow from enlargement of the vertebral bodies, pedicles, or laminae as well as from compression fractures. Pain from this source is more likely to arise from Paget's disease affecting the thoracic spine.

Figure 5. Patient with back pain who has multiple vertebrae affected by Paget's disease, large osteophytes, and narrowed disc spaces.


In a number of individuals, the weight of the skull may be so great that they have difficulty in keeping the head erect. This can produce neck pain and tension headaches due to muscle spasm. Deformity of the spine may also be associated with intermittent pain due to spasm of the paravertebral muscles.




The radiologic features of Paget's disease include osteolytic, osteosclerotic, and mixed lesions.

The earliest lesions are osteolytic in character and are most readily appreciated in the skull (Figure 6). Circumscribed osteolytic skull lesions were called "osteoporosis circumscripta" by Schuller (29). These most often are seen in the frontal and occipital regions and with time may slowly coalesce. The other region where osteolytic lesions are commonly observed is the long bones of the lower extremity. The lesions usually arise at either end of the bone, seldom in the diaphysis. At the junction of the lesion with normal bone, the osteolytic lesion has the shape of a flame or inverted V (Figure 7). Such lesions have been noted to extend into normal bone at an average rate of about 1 cm per year (30).

Figure 6. Large osteolytic lesion in the skull of a woman with Paget's disease.

Figure 7. Osteolytic lesion of the distal left femur which is progressing proximally.


A heterogeneous region of osteosclerotic bone slowly develops in areas of the skeleton previously exhibiting a purely osteolytic character. This can be readily seen in long bones where the advancing front of osteolysis is trailed by patchy sclerosis superimposed on the earlier osteolytic process. With more time, the character of the bone may evolve into a dominant osteosclerotic appearance. This is often accompanied by periosteal new bone formation, which results in an increase in circumference of the bone. In the first observations reported by Paget, the thickness of the calvarium was fourfold greater than normal in one patient (1). The most severe skull involvement may be associated with basilar impression (Figure 8) which can produce compression of the structures in the posterior fossa resulting in ataxia, muscle weakness, and respiratory distress. With the evolution of the sclerotic phase of the disease, the lower extremity long bones often exhibit lateral and anterior bowing. Another radiologic feature in the long bones of the lower extremity is the presence of linear transverse radiolucencies in the cortex of the convex aspect of the bowed bone. These have been termed fissure fractures. Multiple fissure fractures may be seen. Although they usually remain stable, a small percent progress to complete transverse fractures.

Figure 8. Far advanced Paget's disease of the skull. Note the thickened inner and outer tables, the chaotic new bone deposition termed cotton-wool patch, and basilar impression.


It has been observed that after a dominant sclerotic lesion has developed, there may be secondary osteolytic lesions superimposed upon the sclerotic bone. These are most readily seen as clefts in the cortex of the long bones.


Computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are generally not needed in the evaluation of most patients (31).  CT may be needed to detect subtle fractures, spinal stenosis and secondary neoplasms.  MRI may be particularly useful in evaluating spinal complications.


The commercial availability of a technetium99m-labeled bisphosphonate in 1974 ushered in the era of routine use of bone scans in clinical medicine (32). In patients with Paget's disease, the affected bone has increased nuclide activity five minutes after intravenous administration of the bone-seeking tracer when compared with normal bone. The nuclide activity is 3-5 times higher than in normal bone. A bone scan is a very effective means of determining the extent of the disease and is clearly more sensitive than X-rays in determining the presence of small osteolytic areas of the disease (Figure 9). Since occult fractures and bone metastases may mimic some lesions of Paget's disease, it is necessary to do X-rays or CT scans of areas of increased nuclide uptake to distinguish the nature of the lesions. Very seldom is it necessary to do a bone biopsy to ascertain the diagnosis.

Figure 9. A technetium 99m-bisphosphonate bone scan of a patient with polyostotic Paget's disease.


In addition to the classical bone scan using a technetium-labeled bisphosphonate, gallium scans (33), fluorine-18-FDG PET scans (34), and Tl-201 scans (35) have been observed to delineate lesions of Paget's disease. In one study, the response to calcitonin treatment was more rapid with gallium scan than with a bone scan (33).




Based on histological examinations of the interface of normal bone with an advancing osteolytic focus of Paget's disease, it has been concluded that the primary abnormality is a localized excess of osteoclastic bone resorption. An increased number of osteoclasts are present in Howship's lacunae in cortical and trabecular bone (Figure 10). They are frequently larger than normal and may have up to 100 nuclei in a single cross-section rather than the 3-10 found in normal osteoclasts (36). With progression of osteoclastic activity in the cortex, bone volume is reduced and individual osteons become confluent. The bone volume in trabecular bone of the medullary cavities is similarly reduced by osteoclastic activity. In association with the intense osteoclastic activity, the normal fatty or hematopoietic marrow is replaced by a fibrocellular stroma, which is highly vascular.

Figure 10. A bone biopsy of the iliac crest revealing an intense area of osteoclastic bone resorption. The osteoclasts are increased in size and have a greater number of nuclei than average.


In the mature lesion, there is a mixture of lamellar and woven bone, which transforms the matrix into a chaotic "mosaic" pattern of irregularly juxtaposed pieces of lamellar bone, interspersed with woven bone (Figure 11). The normal outer and inner circumferential lamellae and interstitial lamellae of the cortex are completely disrupted. Plump osteoblasts are found in large numbers on surfaces of new bone formation. There is an abundance of osteoid on bone surfaces but there is no increase in thickness of the osteoid seams (37). It has been noted that the size of the periosteocytic lacunae in the woven bone is greater than in the lamellar bone of Paget’s disease (37).  Since this is also the finding in woven bone from non-pagetic individuals the relevance of this observation is unclear.

Figure 11. A bone biopsy demonstrating the "mosaic" pattern of bone matrix in Paget's disease. Note the chaotic lamellar pattern intermixed with woven bone as demonstrated with polarized light.


There is some evidence of a "burned out" phase of Paget's disease in which the abnormal matrix persists but cellular activity is nearly absent and the marrow space is mainly filled with fat. It is more likely that such a finding does not occur throughout an entire lesion, but is found with all stages of the disease in a single bone.


Studies of the ultrastructure of osteoclasts in Paget's disease have demonstrated that many of these cells harbor microfilaments in the nucleus and occasionally, in the cytoplasm (38,39) (Figure 12). The microfilaments have the same structural features as nucleocapsids of viruses of the Paramyxoviridae family, a family of RNA viruses known to cause childhood infections such as measles and pneumonia due to respiratory syncytial virus. The nucleocapsid-like structures have not been found in osteoblasts, osteocytes, or bone marrow cells in the same specimens containing the osteoclast microfilaments. Identical microfilaments have been found in a small percentage of the osteoclasts in giant cell tumors of bone and in the osteoclasts of some patients with osteopetrosis and pyknodysostosis (40).

Figure 12. Electron microscopic examination of an iliac crest biopsy revealing microfilaments within remnants of a degenerating osteoclast nucleus. The arrow indicates microfilaments in adjacent cytoplasm. Magn. x 25,800


In addition to the structural evidence for the presence of viral nucleocapsids in the osteoclasts of Paget's disease, evidence of paramyxoviridae nucleocapsid proteins (41,42), and mRNA (43) has been reported, although not by all investigators (44). In one study addressing the identity of the osteoclast microfilaments, the full-length sequence for the measles virus nucleocapsid gene was delineated from the bone marrow of one patient as were more than 700 base pairs of the nucleocapsid gene in three additional patients (45).




The radiologic and histologic evidence of increased bone resorption and formation in patients with Paget's disease is readily assessed by measuring biochemical markers of bone turnover. In general, these tests reflect the extent and activity of the disease.


Bone Resorption


Since the underlying cellular abnormality in Paget's disease seems to be increased bone resorption, one might expect that serum calcium and/or urinary calcium levels would be increased in some individuals with active Paget's disease. In the absence of fractures, immobilization, primary hyperparathyroidism, or bone metastases, this is not the case (46). Presumably, this is explained by a concomitant increase in bone formation, which has been defined by histopathology and by kinetic analysis of plasma disappearance rates and skeletal uptake of radiocalcium (46). Evidence of increased bone matrix resorption was first provided by the demonstration of increased urinary hydroxyproline excretion, a component of all types of collagen. Subsequently, more specific indices of bone resorption have been developed including pyridinoline, deoxypyridinoline, type I collagen N-telopeptide, and C-telopeptide. The latter two collagen components are the most specific markers of bone collagen resorption (47); serum and urine assays of the telopeptides are widely available for clinical use.


Bone Formation


Measurement of total serum alkaline phosphatase activity has been a means of evaluating Paget's disease for 90 years (4). The enzyme activity, which is localized in the plasma membrane of osteoblasts before extracellular release, correlates with the extent of the disease on skeletal surveys (48) and with parameters of bone resorption (48). The circulating enzyme activity usually increases gradually or does not change during long-term follow up of patients who are untreated (49). In patients with liver disease or who might be pregnant, it would be preferable to measure bone-specific alkaline phosphatase levels by immunoassay (50). Several of these assays have been developed which have little cross-reactivity with non-skeletal alkaline phosphatase. Measurement of serum procollagen type1-N-terminal peptide has proven to be valuable in assessing the response to teriparatide in osteoporosis patients. While these assays may have an advantage over the nonspecific total alkaline phosphatase activity with respect to specificity, no study has been done which indicates that they should replace this inexpensive assay for routine clinical use (51).


Other markers of bone formation such as serum osteocalcin or type I procollagen carboxyl-terminal peptide are not as sensitive as total or bone-specific alkaline phosphatase levels in assessing the response to therapy (47).


Sclerostin is an important protein produced by osteocytes which inhibits bone formation.  Serum sclerostin has been noted to be elevated in patients with Paget’s disease (52) but is not correlated with serum C-telopeptide or serum procollagen type1-N-terminal peptide levels.  The relevance of this finding remains to be established.


Calciotropic Hormones


Serum parathyroid hormone levels are generally normal in patients with Paget's disease (23). Elevated levels are found in the presence of concomitant primary hyperparathyroidism (53) and would be expected to also be increased in the presence of renal failure or vitamin D deficiency. Serum calcitonin levels are normal in Paget's disease (54) although there was prior speculation that low levels might contribute to the pathogenesis of the disease. In the absence of vitamin D deficiency, serum 25-hydroxy-vitamin D and 1, 25 dihydroxyvitamin D levels are normal. Inexplicably, 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels have been reported to be low (55).





Sarcomas develop in the lesions of Paget's disease more often than in an age-matched normal population, although the incidence is less than 1% overall (56). However, in patients with extensive disease, the incidence has been estimated at 10% (57), although a subsequent study suggests this is not so (58). Rarely, sarcomas have been known to develop in multiple members of a family.


A sarcoma should be suspected when new pain and swelling develop in a bone previously affected by Paget's disease. The most common sites are in the pelvis, femur, humerus, skull, and facial bones.


There is a variable histology of the sarcomas of Paget's disease including osteosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, and anaplastic sarcoma (57). Several types of histology may be present in a single tumor. Multinucleated giant cells (probably osteoclasts) may be scattered throughout a tumor. They may contain the nuclear microfilaments seen in the osteoclasts and are not thought to be neoplastic in nature (59).


Because of the underlying distortion of the pagetic bone, it is difficult to detect an early stage of a sarcoma. Typically, a radiolucent focus with speckled regions of calcification will be observed to disrupt the cortex of the bone (Figure 13). The best means of delineating the extent of the tumor mass is by CT or MRI.

Figure 13. Multiple sites of osteogenic sarcoma in a patient with Paget's disease of the right hemipelvis. Note the extension of the tumor through the cortex of right ischium.


Perhaps because of a failure of early diagnosis in most patients with sarcoma arising in Paget's disease, survival is brief. Only 7.5%-10% of patients survive five years and despite the multiple modalities of therapy presently available, the prognosis remains poor (56,60).


Giant Cell Tumor


Giant cell tumors of bone may arise in lesions of Paget's disease, often in the skull and facial bones (61). They are nearly always benign and appear to be less common than sarcoma in Paget's disease. As is the case with sarcoma, they rarely may appear in multiple family members who have Paget's disease (62).


A prominent feature of the tumors is the presence of large numbers of multinucleated giant cells, a small percentage of which contain the nuclear microfilaments typical of the osteoclasts of Paget's disease (61). The neoplastic component of the giant cell tumor is a spindle-shaped cell with fusiform nuclei and clumped chromatin. These cells rarely have mitoses. There may be some difficulty in distinguishing these tumors from giant cell reparative granulomas, which commonly arise in the jaws (63).


Giant cell tumors in Paget's disease are usually successfully treated with surgery and radiation therapy. In a few patients, high doses of dexamethasone have been shown to shrink the tumors (64).  Denosumab has been effective in treating patients with giant cell tumors (65) but has not been studied in patients with giant cell tumors arising in the lesions of Paget’s disease.


Other Neoplasia


Other neoplastic processes such as lymphoma (56), multiple myeloma (57), various carcinomas, and parathyroid tumors (53) have been reported in association with Paget's disease, but are probably chance occurrences. Metastatic cancers have been reported to metastasize to the highly vascular lesions of Paget's disease.






Hypercalcemia may occur as a consequence of immobilization in patients with Paget's disease (66), although this is an unusual clinical event. This is believed to occur because immobility results in increased bone resorption and decreased bone formation.


Hypercalcemia can also occur in association with a malignancy (67). More commonly hypercalcemia in Paget's disease occurs as a consequence of primary hyperparathyroidism (53). Correction of the hyperparathyroidism by surgery produced a decrease of 68% in plasma alkaline phosphatase in a series of 18 patients (53). The clinical features of these patients were quite similar to hyperparathyroid patients without Paget's disease, prompting the investigators to speculate that the two diseases were associated by chance.


Hyperuricemia and Gout


Hyperuricemia has been observed to be common in males with relatively severe Paget's disease (48). Clinical episodes of gouty arthritis occurred in almost half of these individuals. In a larger population of Paget's disease patients, hyperuricemia (20%) and gout (4%) were not felt to be increased in incidence (68). The differences in hyperuricemia and gout might be explained by the severity of the disease in the two study populations. With extensive skeletal involvement, a high turnover of nucleic acids in the lesions of Paget's disease could increase the urate pool enough to produce a clinical disturbance of urate metabolism (69).


Cardiovascular Dysfunction


A hallmark of the pathology of Paget's disease is the increased vascularity of affected bones. Further evidence for this has been documented by demonstration of an increase in blood flow to the extremities (70), although it has been suggested that this is mainly caused by cutaneous vasodilation (71). An echocardiographic study of cardiac function in Paget's disease found that patients with more severe disease had lower peripheral vascular resistance and higher stroke volume (72). These observations help account for the finding that patients with 15% or more of their skeleton affected by Paget's disease have increased cardiac output (73). High output congestive heart failure can occur.


It is possible that increased cardiac output in patients with Paget's disease accounts for an increased incidence in calcific aortic stenosis through causing turbulence across the valve. Patients with Paget's disease have a 4-6 times higher incidence of this lesion than control subjects (74,75). Calcification of the interventricular septum has also been reported in patients with Paget's disease and may be associated with complete heart block (75,76).  It also has been reported that arterial calcification is more common in Paget’s disease than in control subjects in the aorta as well as in iliac, femoral, gluteal and pelvic arteries (77). The explanation for this is unknown.


A less certain consequence of an increase in vascularity of bone and surrounding soft tissues is a variety of vascular steal syndromes. Patients with marked enlargement of the skull have been noted to be withdrawn, somnolent, and weak. These findings might be explained by shunting of blood from brain vessels to the external carotid artery system (78). It has also been proposed that spinal cord dysfunction might be a consequence of shunting of blood flow from the spinal arteries to the bone (79).




Prior to 1975, a number of nonspecific treatments were used to attempt to alleviate some of the manifestations of Paget's disease. With the exception of pain medications none were of value. With the development of salmon calcitonin, a new era of effective treatment began. Presently, there are a number of highly effective agents which make possible excellent control of the disease.


Pretreatment Evaluation


The initial goal of patient evaluation is to establish which bones are affected by Paget's disease and what symptoms the lesions produce. A search for skeletal deformity may indicate one or more bones are involved, but this should be confirmed by X-rays. The full extent of the disease would best be ascertained by full body bone scan followed by radiologic confirmation of the disease in areas of increased tracer uptake. The decision as to which patient requires a bone scan is an individual one. For example, a 90-year old asymptomatic patient who is found to have Paget's disease in the pelvis during an intravenous pyelogram probably does not need a scan.


There is now a considerable choice of bone resorption and bone formation parameters which could be used to determine the overall metabolic activity of the disease. For routine clinical purposes, in most patients, measurement of total serum alkaline phosphatase activity is an effective and inexpensive test.


Drug Therapy




Calcitonin is a peptide hormone whose main pharmacologic effect is rapid inhibition of bone resorption. This is mediated by binding of the hormone to its receptor on the surface of osteoclasts.


Salmon calcitonin was the first calcitonin species approved by regulatory agencies for treatment of Paget's disease. A dose of 50 to 100 U given daily or three times a week produces relief of bone pain in most patients within 2-6 weeks. Following suppression of the metabolic activity of the disease cardiac output is reduced (80) as is the skin temperature over affected tibiae. In addition, some patients have had dramatic improvement of neurologic deficits (81). Stabilization of hearing loss has also been noted (82). Because the drug has been shown to reduce the vascularity of bone affected by Paget's disease, it has been given preoperatively to reduce the degree of hemorrhage in patients scheduled for orthopedic procedures (83).


A single injection results in an immediate decrease in urinary hydroxyproline reflecting an acute inhibition of bone resorption. A maximal effect occurs in several months. Serum alkaline phosphatase activity falls more slowly; a significant decrease is generally not seen for one month. Within 3-6 months, both hydroxyproline excretion and alkaline phosphatase activity decrease on average by 50%. If treatment is stopped, urinary hydroxyproline gradually increases over several months followed by an increase in alkaline phosphatase activity back to pretreatment levels. With chronic treatment osteolytic lesions generally are reversed (84). However, if treatment is not continuous, the osteolytic lesion will recur. Reduced uptake of radiolabeled bisphosphonate (85) and gallium (33) occurs during long term treatment. Bone biopsies exhibit a reduced number of bone cells, a decrease in marrow fibrosis, and a reduction of woven bone volume (86).


Since salmon calcitonin is a foreign protein, it is not surprising that more than half of patients on long-term treatment develop specific antibodies against the hormone in the circulation (87). High titers of these antibodies almost always impair the response to continuing treatment so that up to 26% of patients have become resistant to the drug. Although no longer available for clinical use, human calcitonin was effective in inducing remissions in salmon calcitonin-resistant patients. Presently, any of the bisphosphonates can be used to treat these patients.

Salmon calcitonin injections may cause nausea and facial flushing in 10-20% of patients. Vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and polyuria are much less common side effects. Rarely tetany and allergic reactions have been reported. Nasal spray salmon calcitonin is much less likely to cause side effects but has lower potency (88). At this time, salmon calcitonin is used much less frequently than in the past because of the development of potent bisphosphonates.




The development of the bisphosphonates for the treatment of skeletal disorders associated with increased bone resorption has been a major advance in the management of Paget's disease (89). These drugs, initially known as diphosphonates, are analogues of inorganic pyrophosphonate, a factor believed to be a necessary component for the mineralization of bone. All bisphosphonates have a central P-C-P core, which was substituted for the naturally occurring P-O-P core of pyrophosphate, because unlike P-O-P, the P-C-P structure is impervious to metabolic degradation. The bisphosphonates have a profound influence on bone metabolism, in part, because they bind to hydroxyapatite. The primary effect of bisphosphonates is to inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption, which in vivo is followed by a secondary decrease in bone formation. The earliest bisphosphonates which were developed, etidronate and clodronate, appear to achieve their effects by generating nonhydrolyzable analogues of adenosine triphosphate, while the later generation of more potent aminobisphosphonates, such as pamidronate and risedronate, inhibit protein prenylation through inhibition of farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase, a key enzyme in the mevalonate pathway. Although it is generally believed that bisphosphonates act directly on the differentiation and function of osteoclasts, evidence has accumulated which indicates that some bisphosphonates regulate cell proliferation, differentiation, and gene expression in human osteoblasts in vitro (90). How such observations translate into in vivo actions of bisphosphonates is unclear.


In table I, the bisphosphonates presently approved for treatment of Paget's disease in the United States are listed with their recommended regimes. There are four oral bisphosphonates available whose recommended daily treatment courses range from two months to six months and two intravenous bisphosphonates.


Table 1. Bisphosphonates Approved for Treatment of Paget's Disease

Bisphosphonates available in U.S.A.

 Administration and Dosage




Trade Name: Didronel®


FDA approval: 1977 


1. Tablet

2. 200 to 400 mg once daily for 6 months

200-400 mg dose is approved; 400 mg dose is preferred

3. Must be taken with 6-8 ounces of water on an empty stomach (no food, beverages, or medications for 2 hours before and after dose).

4. Course of Didronel® should not exceed 6 months.

5. Repeat courses can be given after rest periods of 3-6 months duration.




Trade Name: Aredia®


FDA approval: 1994 

Generic available

1. Intravenous

2. Approved regimen is 30 mg intravenous infusion over 4 hours on 3 consecutive days

3. A more commonly used regimen is a 60 mg or 90 mg intravenous infusion over 2-4 hours and repeated as clinically indicated.

4. A single infusion is sometimes effective in mild disease; 2-3 or more infusions may be required in more severe disease.

5. A course of Aredia® may be readministered at intervals as needed.




Trade Name: Fosamax®


FDA approval: 1995 

Generic available

1. Tablet

2. 40 mg once daily for 6 months· Must be taken on an empty stomach, with 6-8 ounces of water, in the morning.

3. Wait at least 30 minutes after taking Fosamax® before eating any food, drinking anything other than tap water, or taking any medication.

4. Do not lie down for at least 30 minutes after taking Fosamax®. (Patient may sit.)

5. Available by mail order to the general public.




Trade Name: Skelid®


FDA approval: 1997


1. Tablet

2. 400 mg (two 200 mg tablets) once daily for 3 months

3. Must be taken on an empty stomach with 6-8 ounces of water.

4. Skelid® may be taken any time of day, as long as there is a period of 2 hours before and after resuming food, beverages, and medications.




Trade Name: Actonel®


FDA approval: 1998 


1. Tablet

2. 30 mg once daily for 2 months

3. Must be taken on an empty stomach, with 6-8 ounces of water in the morning.

4. Wait at least 30 minutes after taking Actonel® before eating any food, drinking anything other than tap water, or taking any medication.

5. Do not lie down for at least 30 minutes after taking Actonel®. (Patient may sit.)


Zoledronic Acid


Trade Name: Reclast®


FDA approval: 2007


1. Intravenous

2. A 15 minute infusion of 5mg

3. Creatinine clearance must be >35 ml/min

4. Correct vitamin D deficiency and/or hypocalcemia before infusion

5. To reduce the risk of hypocalcemia after infusion, patients should receive 1500mg calcium and 1000 units vitamin D3 daily for two weeks

*Adapted from Information for Patients about Bisphosphonates, A Publication of the Paget Foundation for Paget's Disease of Bone and Related Disorders (2007).


The least potent bisphosphonate, etidronate, is similar to salmon calcitonin with respect to suppression of the metabolic activity of Paget's disease. The more potent aminobisphosphonates, pamidronate, alendronate, risedronate, and zoledronic acid can induce biochemical remissions in the majority of patients. In the past patients with extensive disease and markedly elevated biochemical parameters may have impressive reductions in serum alkaline phosphatase activity yet not reach normal levels (91). However, patients treated with zoledronic acid, no matter how high the baseline serum alkaline phosphatase activity, nearly always reach the normal range of enzyme activity (92). Most of the clinical benefits attributed to salmon calcitonin are produced by the aminobisphosphonates, yet it remains to be demonstrated whether long term biochemical remissions with any agent can reduce the incidence of future complications such as hearing loss and deformity.


The oral bisphosphonates are poorly absorbed and must be taken with water only. In clinical trials, side effects involving the gastrointestinal tract were not greater in patients receiving the drug than in the placebo group. However, some individuals experience abdominal distress or diarrhea. Patients receiving an oral aminobisphosphonate are advised to remain upright for at least 30 minutes after taking the drug to reduce the chance of esophageal irritation. A small percentage of patients may experience a transient increase in bone pain. The first infusion of pamidronate (93) or zoledronic acid (92) may produce an acute phase reaction in 30-50% of patients manifested by fever, myalgia, and elevation of circulating interleukin 6 levels (93).  Subsequent infusions produce little or no side effects. The mechanism responsible for the acute phase reaction appears to be release of cytokines from gamma delta T cells (94), which is worsened by vitamin D deficiency (95). Vitamin D supplementation in patients with low levels is very effective in preventing acute phase reactions and all patients who will be receiving pamidronate or zoledronic acid should have normal levels of serum 25OHD prior to the infusion (96). Allergic reactions to bisphosphonates are rare and most commonly manifest as inflammatory eye reactions due to pamidronate (97). If etidronate is used at a dose greater than 5 mg/kg body weight, osteomalacia may be a consequence (98). Another disadvantage of etidronate use is that osteolytic lesions may progress despite evidence of biochemical improvement (99).


Treatment with a potent bisphosphonate may produce long remissions. This is the most likely to be seen after treatment with zoledronic acid. A single infusion restores biochemical markers of bone turnover into the normal range and this is maintained for up to six and a half years in most patients (100). This response is largely independent of pretreatment disease activity. However, with the older bisphosphonates induction of a remission correlates well with the extent and activity (alkaline phosphatase) of the disease (101). Patients with less extensive disease and lower alkaline phosphatase activity are more likely to achieve remission. With respect to the duration of a remission, this appears to be dose-dependent as well as correlated with the nadir value of serum alkaline phosphatase activity, the number of affected bones, and the number of previous therapies (101).  Intravenous ibandronate may produce a prolonged response but is not an FDA-approved therapy for Paget’s disease (102).


Resistance to etidronate therapy is commonly seen after two six-month courses of the drug (103). There is also evidence that resistance to intravenous pamidronate (101) or clodronate (104) can occur. In pamidronate-resistant patients, treatment with alendronate was effective (104). In the clodronate-resistant patients, either risedronate or pamidronate was effective (105). There is no information which explains the mechanism responsible for apparent decreased efficacy of these agents with time. It is possible that an increase in the disease activity is responsible for these observations rather than a change in efficacy of the drugs.

Considerable publicity has been given to the development of osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients treated with bisphosphonates (106). This mainly is seen in cancer patients given monthly infusions and is rare in patients with Paget’s disease.


Miscellaneous Agents


Other inhibitors of bone resorption such as plicamycin and gallium nitrate, approved for treatment of hypercalcemia of malignancy, are effective in treating Paget's disease (107,108). In view of the safety and efficacy of the aminobisphosphonates, there is very little present use of these agents. The most potent antiresorptive agent, denosumab, has been reported to decrease disease activity in two patients with Paget’s disease (109, 110). In 1971 glucagon infusions were reported to markedly reduce of bone turnover parameters in four patients with Paget’s disease (111) but large trials have not been reported.


Treatment and Posttreatment Evaluation


Assessment of total serum alkaline phosphatase activity is generally sufficient to determine the success of treatment. The frequency of evaluation does not need to be more frequently than every 3 months after the onset of the treatment and can be extended to every 6-12 months after a nadir has been reached. Serial nuclear scans of the skeleton are more sensitive in defining no residual disease activity than biochemical results as reported in one study (112).  Minimal to significant disease activity was found in two-thirds of patients who had normal biochemical parameters after zoledronic acid infusions.  A second infusion produced complete remission.  It is uncertain how clinically important it is to produce complete suppression of radioisotope uptake in patients with normal biochemistry after treatment. If a patient has a well- defined osteolytic lesion on X-ray, it can be assessed annually to assure the disease is well-controlled. 


Indications for Treatment


Effective drug treatment for Paget's disease has evolved over 45 years, but there have been no large, randomized, long-term clinical trials, which can provide definitive guidelines for treatment. Nevertheless, in table 2, indications for drug treatment of Paget's disease are listed. These are based on a review of the literature and a large personal experience.


Table 2.  Indications for Drug Treatment of Paget's Disease

1. Bone pain

2. Hypercalcemia due to immobilization

3. Neurologic deficit associated with vertebral disease

4. High-output congestive heart failure

5. Preparation for orthopedic surgery

6. Prevention of complications including hearing loss, deformity


Although bone pain is not a problem in the majority of patients, it is a clear indication for treatment. In patients in whom bone pain is difficult to distinguish from joint pain treatment of the Paget's disease will usually clarify the source of pain. Treatment should also correct hypercalcemia in an immobilized patient, a rare situation. Neurologic deficits may improve with treatment, also a very unusual complication. High output heart failure should respond favorably to a treatment which lowers the cardiac workload. Reducing the vascularity of the bone and surrounding soft tissue before elective orthopedic surgery should reduce perioperative bleeding.

A major indication for treatment could be the prevention of future complications. There is some evidence that progression of hearing loss is reduced by treating patients with cranial disease. Prevention of deformity of lower extremity long bones and secondary osteoarthritis is a reasonable possibility. Presumably, early treatment would reduce the incidence of future fractures. It would be more speculative as to whether the incidence of sarcoma or giant cell tumor formation would be influenced.


To achieve the long-term goals of therapy such as prevention of future complications, it may be necessary to maintain the serum alkaline phosphatase activity within the normal range. Future very long-term studies would be needed to determine if complications can be abolished.




In table 3, the various surgical procedures which have been utilized in the management of Paget's disease are listed.


Table 3. Surgical Procedures for Management of Paget's Disease

1. Total hip replacement

2. Total knee replacement

3. Femoral osteotomy

4. Tibial osteotomy

5. Suboccipital craniectomy and upper cervical vertebral laminectomy for basilar impression

6. Ventricular shunting for hydrocephalus

7. Stapes mobilization or stapedectomy

8. Surgery for correction of spinal stenosis or nerve root compression


Total hip replacement is probably the most common elective orthopedic procedure in patients with Paget's disease (113,114). Pain relief and improved mobility occur in a high percentage of patients. Postoperatively, heterotopic ossification may be somewhat more common, but is seldom a significant problem. For patients with severe osteoarthritis of the knees, total knee replacement is an effective treatment (115). Knee pain and joint effusions associated with osteoarthritis and tibial bowing may be effectively treated by tibular and fibular osteotomy (83).


There is much less experience with neurosurgical procedures in treating Paget's disease. However, successful relief of symptoms is expected after surgery for spinal stenosis or nerve root compression (116).  Percutaneous vertebroplasty might be considered in patients thought to have vertebral bone pain who do not respond to conservative therapy (117). Stapes mobilization or stapedectomy has not proven to be effective in improving hearing loss. One patient treated with cochlear implantation was reported to have improved speech perception (118).




Slow Virus Infection


The possibility that Paget's disease fell into the category of a slow virus infection was suggested by the observation that the osteoclasts in this disorder harbored nuclear and cytoplasmic microfilaments which were essentially identical in structure to nucleocapsids of the Paramyxoviridae virus family (38,39). Immunochemical studies (40-42), and sequence analysis of nucleocapsid transcripts (43) have supported the initial hypothesis although not all studies have been positive with respect to a viral presence in the osteoclasts (44). Indirect support for the role of measles virus comes from a consideration of the availability of measles vaccine throughout the world (119). The vaccine was introduced in the United States in 1963, in Australia in 1967, in the United Kingdom and France in 1968, in New Zealand in 1969, in the Netherlands and Italy in 1976 and in Spain in 1978.  Availability of the vaccine for more than 50 years in several countries might explain a decrease in prevalence whereas delayed availability might explain why other regions may not have had a decrease as yet.


Non-Viral Environmental Influences


A number of reports have suggested that toxins such as arsenic and lead and animal exposure to dogs and cattle may be factors in the pathogenesis of Paget’s disease (119).  The most recent study indicates that exposure to woodburning during childhood, living near a mine, and hunting may be related to developing the disorder (120).  Exactly how these factors might produce pagetic lesions is unknown.




Since there is clearly a familial aggregation of Paget's disease in up to 40% of patients with Paget's disease (17,19), a search for a predisposition gene or genes has been undertaken by a number of investigators. The initial attempts to define genetic susceptibility in Paget's disease centered on chromosome 6 because of known associations between disease susceptibility and histocompatibility loci on this chromosome (121). Although there is some evidence for human leucocyte antigen linkage in families with Paget's disease no gene locus has yet been defined on chromosome 6.


The initial localization of a predisposition gene for Paget's disease came from linkage studies with chromosome 18 markers (122,123). Attention was given to chromosome 18 because of the discovery that mutations of receptor activator of nuclear factor kB (RANK), a critical osteoclastogenic factor, were responsible for the skeletal disorder, familial expansile osteolysis (124), a condition which bears some resemblance to Paget's disease (125). Although chromosome markers have indicated linkage to Paget's disease in the region of the RANK gene on chromosome 18, no RANK mutations have been found in families of typical Paget's disease.


A second susceptibility locus, not associated with RANK, has been identified on chromosome 18 in a large Australian kindred (126). A further finding of interest on chromosome 18 is that sarcomas arising in Paget's disease may harbor a tumor suppressor gene in the same region as the first locus to be described (127).


In 2002 Laurin and colleagues (128) reported that mutations in the sequestosome 1 gene on chromosome 5 were associated with Paget’s disease in 11/24 French Canadian families and in 18/112 apparently sporadic patients. Mutations of this gene were subsequently found in families in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and The Netherlands. Mutations have also been found in a smaller percentage of patients with sporadic disease. More than 20 different mutations have been described, nearly all of which are clustered around the ubiquitin binding domain of the sequestosome 1 protein (128-131). This protein modulates activity of the NF-κβ pathway, an important mediator of osteoclast function, and has also been implicated in the process of autophagy in osteoclasts (132).


A second gene abnormality has been described in the rare syndrome of inclusion body myopathy, frontotemporal dementia, and Paget’s disease (133).  More than 50 mutations have been identified in the VCP gene (134).  Only about 50% of the individuals with a mutation have demonstrable Paget’s disease (135).  VCP has a ubiquitin-binding domain as does sequestosome 1 and like sequestosome 1 is thought to play a role in autophagy (136). A search for VCP mutations in familial and sporadic Paget’s disease patients was negative in one study (137) and revealed a polymorphism associated with sporadic Paget’s disease in another study (138).


Further evidence of the heterogeneity of the genetics of Paget’s disease has come from studies reporting linkage of the disease with candidate loci at chromosome 5q31 and 5q35-qter (139), chromosome 2q36 (140), and chromosome 10p13 (140,141).


In a relatively small group of Paget’s disease patients, no mutations of the osteoprotegerin gene were found and a statistically significant increased frequency for the C allele in exon 2 was noted compared to control subjects (142). In a larger study a common polymorphism of the osteoprotegerin gene, G1181C, was found to predispose to the development of sporadic and familial Paget’s disease (143). Estrogen receptor-a and calcium-sensing receptor genotyping were significantly different in Paget’s disease versus control subjects in another study (144).

In the past 10 years 14 new susceptibility loci for Paget’s disease have been reported (145-158).  Most of these are likely to influence bone metabolism (CSF1, TNFRSF11A, PML, TM7SF4, UCMA/GRP, DKK1, CTHRC1, OPTN, RIN3, hnRNPA2B7, FKBP5, ZNF687, BER, C9ORF72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion frequency).  In one study single nucleotide polymorphisms were believed to amplify the effect of sequestosome 1 mutations and thereby magnify the severity of Paget’s disease (159).


In giant cell tumors arising in pagetic lesions H3F3A mutations have been detected and are associated with a higher number of osteoclast-like giant cells and an increased number of nuclei per cell (154) as compared with giant cell tumors occurring without Paget’s disease.


Clearly great progress has been made in studies of the genetics of Paget’s disease but the data suggest that an individual with a mutation has an increased susceptibility to develop particularly severe Paget’s disease but may not ever manifest evidence of the disorder. In a study of 84 offspring from 10 families whose Paget’s disease was associated with sequestosome 1 mutations, only 17% of the 23 offspring (mean age 45 years) who had mutations had evidence of the disease as indicated by bone scans (160). The offspring with normal scans had a mean age of 44 years and the mean age of the parents at the time of diagnosis was 48 years. There is incomplete penetrance of the Paget’s disease trait in these families although it is possible more offspring with aging will develop Paget’s disease in the future. In another study only 52% of patients with a VCP/p97 gene mutation were noted to have a lesion of Paget’s disease after extensive radiologic surveys (134). No assessment of viruses in the bone of these patients has been reported. In the most recent report from The Netherlands after 15.9 years of follow-up of sequestosome 1 mutation family members of pagetic patients only one individual (7.1%) was found to develop Paget’s disease (161). Fourteen individuals were followed and their ages ranged from 52 to 74 years.


Animal Models and In Vitro Models of Paget’s Disease 


Transgenic mice have been utilized to investigate the potential roles of the measles virus nucleocapsid gene and the sequestosome1/p62 and VCP/p97 gene mutations in the pathogenesis of Paget’s disease. Targeting of the measles virus nucleocapsid gene into osteoclasts of transgenic mice produced lesions in some vertebrae which strongly resembled the lesions of Paget’s disease, increased osteoclastic activity with exuberant new bone formation often of woven character was observed (162).  The same investigators targeted the most common sequestosome1/p62 mutation in familial Paget’s disease, P392L, into the osteoclasts of transgenic mice (163). They observed increased numbers of osteoclasts associated with bone loss but no increase in osteoblastic activity characteristic of Paget’s disease. Transduced osteoclast precursors isolated from the mice were hyperresponsive to receptor activator of NF-kappa B ligand (RANKL) and TNF-alpha but did not exhibit increased 1,25 (OH)2D3 responsivity, TAF(11)-17 expression, or increased number of nuclei per osteoclast, features found in osteoclast precursors isolated from individuals with Paget’s disease. In contrast to this study, Daroszewska and colleagues did find that targeting the P392L mutation into transgenic mice produced a Paget-like bone pathology predominantly in the lower limbs (164). They also found that osteoclast precursors had increased sensitivity to RANKL in vitro but did not examine 1,25(OH)2D3 sensitivity or TAF(11)-17 expression.  They found nuclear inclusions also but it was not certain that they were identical to those found in patients.  The explanation for the different results in these two studies is not apparent.


To examine the potential interaction of the measles virus nucleocapsid gene and the P392L mutation Kurihara and colleagues undertook studies of bone marrow specimens from patients with familial Paget’s disease who had the P392L mutation, utilizing specimens from pagetic and normal bone as well as from normal volunteers (165). The effects of antisense-measles virus nucleocapsid protein (MVNP) on osteoclast characteristics were different in marrow specimens from pagetic bone versus nonpagetic bone. The patient specimens which had MVNP expression responded to the antisense –MVNP with a reduction in osteoclast number, TATA box-binding protein associated factor 12 expression, 1,25 (OH)2D3 –stimulated IL-6 production and bone resorption, observations indicating a reversal of the usual features of osteoclasts generated from the marrow of sporadic or familial Paget’s disease patients. The results indicate an important role of measles virus in pagetic lesions.  A contribution of the P392L mutation to the pathologic process was suggested by the fact that there was hyperresponsiveness to RANKL in both the pagetic and nonpagetic bone marrows obtained from the familial patients.  These investigators then went on to carry out experiments in transgenic mice by cross breeding mice with MVNP and P392L mutations (165). The mice who harbored both MVNP and P392L had more severe Paget-like lesions than mice with MVNP alone.  As expected zoledronic acid treatment of p62P394L mice with a high rate of bone resorption produced marked suppression of bone resorption (166).


Two groups have generated transgenic mice expressing mutant forms of the VCP/p97 gene (167,168). In both studies increased osteoclastic activity appeared to be the dominant histologic feature with a modest amount of sclerotic bone being present.  No studies evaluating the characteristics of the osteoclast precursors were reported.


In a mouse study it was discovered that osteoclasts obtained from optineurin mutant mice have an increase in NF-kB activation and a reduction in response to RANKL as compared to wild-type mice (169). Bone histology revealed increased osteoclastic activity and increased bone formation but the overall histology was not typical of Paget’s disease.


A model to explain the coupling of bone resorption to bone formation in Paget’s disease has been developed utilizing osteoclasts from pagetic patients and transgenic mice harboring a knock-in of p62P394L (170).  It was concluded that in Paget’s disease, measles virus nucleocapsid protein upregulates IL-6 and IGF1 in osteoclasts to increase ephrinB2-EphB4 coupling and thereby promotes bone formation.  This is the first hypothesis to explain the masked level of bone formation in Paget’s disease.




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The Epidemiology and Pathogenesis of Osteoporosis



Osteoporosis is a multifactorial disorder associated with low bone mass and enhanced skeletal fragility. Although most prevalent in older females, some men are also at high risk. Risk factors in men and women include smoking, family history of fracture, age greater than 65 years, and low but also high BMI particularly in men.  Secondary causes of osteoporosis include chronic treatment with glucocorticoids, gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes mellitus (T1D, T2D), rheumatoid arthritis, liver disease, gluten enteropathy, multiple myeloma and other hematologic disorders.  However, primary osteoporosis is most often related to either postmenopausal estrogen loss or age-related deterioration of skeletal microarchitecture; both are due to uncoupling in the bone remodeling unit. Reduced bone formation with age is almost certainly a function of impaired stem cell differentiation into the osteoblast lineage with a resultant increase in marrow adipogenesis. Increased bone resorption also characterizes most forms of osteoporosis but the etiology is multifactorial. Changes in local and systemic growth factors are often responsible for uncoupling between resorption and formation. However, alterations in peak bone acquisition contribute years later to low bone mass and enhanced skeletal fragility. Fracture risk assessment tools (e.g. FRAX) in handheld apps and computers which combine bone density score and risk factors, have provided rapid assessments of future osteoporotic fractures and can be performed at the bedside. Newer methods of measuring bone quality have led to insights into micro-architectural deterioration that contributes to skeletal fragility. Notwithstanding, low areal bone mineral density by DEXA remains the strongest predictor of subsequent fracture beyond age, and this is potentially measurable in everyone after age 65.




Osteoporosis is a disorder characterized by reduced bone mass, impaired bone quality, and a propensity to fracture. For decades, this disease was considered a syndrome characterized by back pain, vertebral fractures, and osteopenia on plain films. Identifying secondary causes of low bone mass was the principle objective of most clinicians. However, osteoporosis is now classified as a primary disorder of the skeleton related to profound metabolic changes not only in bone but also related to changes in whole body homeostasis. Significant progress has been made in both defining this disorder and in understanding its complex pathogenesis. In addition, a consensus has emerged concerning the strength of the association between low bone mineral density and fracture risk, and the importance of qualitative aspects of the skeleton, as additional risk determinants.


Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (subsequently referred to as DEXA) revolutionized our ability to predict fractures in large numbers of subjects by measuring areal bone mineral density (subsequently referred to as BMD).  Virtually all population studies have confirmed that for every one standard deviation below young normal mean bone mineral density (at virtually any skeletal site) there is a nearly two-fold greater risk of a subsequent hip fracture (1). Some clinicians, as well as the WHO and the National Osteoporosis Foundation define osteoporosis purely on a bone mineral density (BMD) T-score more than 2.5 standard deviations below young normal reference ranges for the spine, hip or radius (2). Although this "bar" has been used to establish prevalence estimates and to define high risk individuals who should be considered for treatment, it is also evident that even this definition demands a better understanding of the pathophysiologic processes that result in low bone mass, and a more thorough review of 'bone quality'. Indeed, despite the strength of the association between BMD and fracture risk, qualitative measurements of the skeleton, such as bone turnover, mineralization, and trabecular connectivity also contribute to risk. In this chapter, the mechanisms responsible for altering bone microarchitecture and strength in such a way as to enhance the likelihood of fragility fractures will be reviewed. Irrespective of the epidemiology and pathogenesis of osteoporosis, the stark fact remains that this disease has significant morbidity, mortality, and economic costs. Just as importantly, understanding how this disorder develops and progresses, has important socio- economic as well as medical consequences.




Estimating exactly how many women have osteoporosis depends on the working definition of this disease and the appropriate diagnostic criteria (3). Prior to the widespread application of DEXA, osteoporosis was rarely diagnosed and then only in women with symptomatic vertebral fractures or osteopenia noted by x-ray for other reasons. Indeed, for too long, hip fractures, the end point of this metabolic syndrome, were either written off as a consequence of aging, or ignored in respect to treatment. BMD measurements by DEXA and CT changed all that, especially when it became clear that a single BMD measurement at any site was a very strong predictor of future spine and hip fractures (1,2,4). As such, the definition of osteoporosis began to evolve, and estimates of how many people were affected also changed. When the World Health Organization (WHO) set a cut off point of 2.5 standard deviations below a young normal mean value for BMD in the spine or hip of postmenopausal women, as an indicator of osteoporotic risk, estimates of disease prevalence increased (5). These were confirmed by publication of larger epidemiologic studies in women such as The Study of Osteoporotic Fractures (SOF) and MrOs, a large international cohort of men which provided better estimates of disease prevalence, onset and clinical course (4,6).


Currently most estimates suggest that there are approximately 0.3 million hip fractures per annum in the U.S. and 1.7 million hip fractures in Europe (7,8).  With the introduction of readily available treatments, and clear prevention messaging annual hip fracture rates in the early 2000s started to decline. However, by 2015 those rates had flattened out and were trending upwards, following widespread reporting of atypical femoral fractures in patients treated with bisphosphonates and denosumab. Virtually all hip fractures can be attributed to osteoporosis, whether primary or secondary. Moreover, in most if not all cases, falls are a primary event leading to the fracture. The female to male ratio of hip fractures is approximately 2:1.0 (6,9). Not surprisingly, the occurrence of these fractures increases exponentially with age. In contrast, the incidence of wrist fractures in the UK and the US ranges from about 400- 800 per 100,000 women but is relatively stable over several decades of older life (9). Women are far more likely to suffer a Colle's fracture than a man (i.e. a ratio upwards of 10:1 by age 75) (9). Compression fractures of the vertebrae are much more difficult to estimate because often these can be asymptomatic. Best estimates are that more than a million American postmenopausal women will suffer a spine fracture in the course of a single year (9-11). The female to male ratio of occurrence is approximately 2:1. Moreover, both symptomatic, and radiographic (morphometric) fractures are associated with significant morbidity and disability (10). Finally, estimates about disease prevalence in women and men without fractures, but with low BMD (-2.5 or lower) vary greatly, but place the overall number at close to 25 million Americans and many more world-wide (9,12).


Bone loss as a result of aging/and or estrogen deficiency is the predominant pathophysiologic disorder of primary osteoporosis. However, the frequent use of glucocorticoids in both men and women, contribute dramatically to the total number of individuals with very low BMD and/or osteoporotic fractures (11). It is estimated that more than 5 million American men are afflicted with osteoporosis, based on either the presence of osteoporotic fractures (i.e. vertebral compressions, wrist fractures, hip fractures, or humerus/tibial fractures) or low BMD (11). However, the number of cohort studies in men with this disease is somewhat limited, and a more complete epidemiologic picture of male osteoporosis is becoming clearer with the MrOS study. Importantly, and somewhat surprisingly, in this cohort of more than 5000 men over the age of 65, obesity was associated with a significantly increased risk of fracture (11-13).


More frightening than estimates of the extent of low bone mass is the concern about the lower frequency of diagnosing osteoporosis and the poor adherence to therapy. It is now estimated that more than 70% of individuals who are at risk for osteoporosis, and who are receiving therapy, will not continue beyond the first year (14). Moreover, prescribing rates for bisphosphonates have fallen significantly due to the perceived risk of atypical femoral fractures (15,16). Whereas, osteoporosis was once considered a disorder of old Northern European women, it is now clear that this disease can occur in postmenopausal African Americans, that it is much more common in men than previously appreciated, and that the use of glucocorticoids and/or immunosuppressive therapies for transplant patients, markedly enhances that risk. Interestingly, and somewhat alarmingly although the prevalence of hip fractures has increased slightly, (possibly due to poor compliance from the perceived adverse events with anti-osteoporosis therapy) the diagnosis of osteoporosis by primary physicians has dropped.




Several risk factors predispose individuals to osteoporotic fractures. For a hip fracture, these include age greater than 65 years, a previous spine or hip fracture, maternal history of a hip fracture, poor neuromuscular function, weight loss after the age of 50, and low body mass index (1,18) (See Table 1). Falls are a major cause of fractures, and in all clinical situations, some degree of trauma can be linked to the injury (19). But many osteoporotic patients suffer fractures with minimal trauma, and this feature is pathognomonic of the skeletal fragility which accompanies low bone mass. It is for this reason that the most significant risk factor for fractures of the spine, hip or wrist remains low BMD (20).  This association has been confirmed by use of the FRAX score ( that includes areal BMD plus clinical risk factors including family history, BMI, smoking and use of glucocorticoids (21). The continuous but inverse relationship between BMD and fracture is consistent at all points below the mean suggesting there is no threshold effect (18,19). And, it is applicable at virtually every skeletal site by multiple types of measurements from the spine to finger to the calcaneus. Moreover, the advent of newer technology to measure bone mass has allowed widespread screening for risk as well as defining risk reduction with therapy. Notwithstanding the strength of the inverse relationship of BMD to fracture risk, it is important to note that the presence of a previous fracture is also an extremely important, BMD-independent risk for subsequent fracture. This is relevant clinically since the recognition of fracture at any BMD defines a skeleton that has poor bone quality, and hence is likely to fracture again.


Table 1. Phenotypic Characteristics that Adversely Affect Bone Strength



Recognized Risk Factor for Fracture


Clinically Measurable


Bone Mineral Density (areal)




Yes (DXA)


Bone Mineral Density (volumetric)




Yes (QCT)






No (Histology)


Trabecular Connectivity






Periosteal Circumference




Yes (pQCT/DXA)


Cortical Thickness




Yes (pQCT/DXA)


Bone Turnover




Yes (markers)


Previous Osteoporotic Fracture




Yes (radiograms or IVA)


Mineralization and cortical porosity




No/yes (back scatter EM) and sometimes with high resolution microCT


See references 22-26  for more discussion about bone quality and its relationship to fracture risk. uCT- micro CT, pQCT- peripheral quantitative CT, DXA- dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, TBS-trabecular bone score.

IVA- instant vertebral assessment- DXA scan for morphometric changes in the thoracic and lumbar spine.


Bone mass measurement defines mineral content per area of bone. In the laboratory, bone density by DEXA is a very strong predictor of bone strength and accounts for about 80% of the variability in the breaking strength of a single femur. Thus, a very low BMD can be linked to increased skeletal fragility with a great degree of confidence.  Indeed, the FRAX tool has been independently validated as the most accurate tool to measure fracture risk and includes bone mineral density as a major component (21). But there are other determinants of bone strength, often referred to as qualitative measures, including the rate of bone turnover, the extent of trabecular connectivity, cortical and periosteal bone size, and skeletal morphometry (See Figure 1 and Table 1). Indeed, much progress has been made in quantifying several aspects of bone 'quality' utilizing tools such as single energy QCT of the spine/hip, ‘extreme’ CT (i.e. high resolution hr pQCT) of the radius or tibia (See Figure 1), TBS (i.e. trabecular bone score), histomorphometry and magnetic resonance imaging of the radius (22-26). However, more work still needs to be done to ascertain their role in clinical medicine. Still, BMD represents the most accurate, cost effective, and easiest parameter for risk assessment (21). In part, two-dimensional DEXA measurements integrate actual bone mineral content in both trabecular and cortical compartments with bone size. Due to the strong association between bone mineral density and future fractures, this phenotype remains an excellent surrogate for defining both the genetic and acquired components of the disease process. TBS, (trabecular bone score) in the vertebrae, which can be measured from DXA, provides a relatively rapid way of assessing bone quality, although its role in providing additional risk assessment remains to be determined (24).


Figure 1. This is a high resolution QCT image of the distal radius of an individual patient. One can image the trabecular bone of the peripheral skeleton and define measures of bone “quality” by specific measurements. It is still not clear whether these measurements provide a better insight into fracture risk than DXA.




Adult bone mineral density represents the end result of two processes; acquisition of peak bone mass during adolescence and maintenance of bone mass during the middle and later years. Changes in bone mass result from physiologic and pathophysiologic processes in the bone remodeling cycle (25). This can occur during the stage of accelerated linear growth in adolescence, or much later in life, usually after menopause in women. The bone remodeling cycle is a tightly coupled process whereby bone is resorbed at approximately the same rate as new bone is formed. Basic multicellular units (BMUs) compose the remodeling unit of bone and include: osteoclasts which stimulate bone resorption, osteoblasts, which are responsible for new bone formation, and osteocytes, older osteoblasts surrounded by bone and present in a reduced state of activity (26) (See Figure 2). Activation of the remodeling cycle serves two functions in the adult skeleton: 1) to produce a supply rapidly, as well as chronically, of calcium to the extracellular space; 2) to provide elasticity and strength to the skeleton. When the remodeling process is uncoupled so that resorption exceeds formation, bone is lost. On the other hand, during peak bone acquisition, formation exceeds resorption resulting in a net gain of bone. Remodeling is more pronounced in the trabecular skeleton (e.g. spine, calcaneus and proximal femur) due to much greater surface area, and is the most metabolically active component of bone, in part because of its proximity to the marrow space. However, trabecular bone is also extremely vulnerable to perturbations by local or systemic factors that can cause significant imbalances in bone turnover.


Figure 2. The bone remodeling cycle. The osteoblast (OB) orchestrates the orderly process of bone remodeling through activation signals from systemic factors including growth hormone (GH), interleukins (IL-1,IL-6), parathyroid hormone (PTH), and withdrawal of estrogen (-E2). M-CSF and RANKL are the two major OB mediated factors which regulate the recruitment and differentiation of the osteoclast (OC). Osteoprotogerin (OPG) is also synthesized by OBs and serves as a soluble decoy receptor blocking activation of RANK. Inhibition or knockout of these signals from OB-OC results in reduction in bone resorption. Other cells including activated T lymphocytes may contribute to the marrow milieu. Not pictured are IGFs which are released during bone resorption and serve as coupling factors to recruit new OBs to the surface. These peptides may also be important for osteoclast activity. Also sclerostin, a peptide produced by osteocytes reduces new bone formation by blocking Wnt signaling.

The initiation of the bone remodeling cycle remains unclear. The long-standing dogma was that activation of resting osteoblasts on the surface of bone and marrow stromal cells began the process (27-33). This would mean that there were initiating signals, either paracrine or endocrine that would stimulate osteogenesis. One possibility is that osteocytes, which can sense fluid shifts and microcracks, and are imbedded deep within the matrix of the skeleton, induce the remodeling sequence, by paracrine signaling to the osteoblast (27-29). But those same cells secrete factors that can initiate osteoclast differentiation as well as alter osteoblast mediated bone formation. Osteocytes, for those reasons, are now considered the ‘command and control’ system for remodeling. More recently, investigators believe that RANKL, released from osteocytes as well as stromal cells, drives osteoclast differentiation, beginning the process of active resorption prior to osteoblast differentiation. This can occur as a result of hormonal signals or mechanical loading. Resting lining cells or osteoblast progenitors as well as mesenchymal stromal cells can become activated at the same time when osteoclast differentiation is ongoing. Those progenitors also signal to osteoclast precursors to induce further differentiation and induction of hematopoietic cells (29).  Osteoclasts, once differentiated, may also elaborate growth factors, such as the Wnts and sphingosine to signal back to osteoblast progenitors.  After osteoclast- induced bone resorption, matrix components such as TGF-beta and IGF-I, as well as collagen, osteocalcin, and other protein and mineral components, are released into the micro environment of the niche. Growth factors released by resorption contribute to the recruitment of new osteoblasts to the bone surface, which begin the process of collagen synthesis and mineralization. But, in addition stromal factors such as the Wnts can induce further osteoblast differentiation via the LRP5/6 signaling pathway. In healthy adults as many as two million remodeling sites may be active at any given time, and it is estimated that nearly one fourth of all trabecular bone is remodeled each year. In general resorption takes only 10-13 days, while formation is much more deliberate and can take upwards of three months (Figure 2). Under ideal circumstances, by the end of the cycle, the amount of bone resorbed equals the amount reformed. Cessation of bone formation almost certainly occurs via osteocyte mediated sclerostin (see below) which blocks further Wnt signaling. In sum, remodeling begins at the surface of the trabecular and cortical bone via signals from the osteocytes, probably starting with osteoclast differentiation and then signaling backwards to osteoblasts, and vice versa.


In contrast to normal remodeling, osteoporosis has been classically defined in a pathogenic manner as an uncoupling in which resorption exceeds formation resulting in a net loss of bone. However, it is also apparent that some individuals have impaired peak bone acquisition. This scenario may be more common than previously appreciated and almost certainly represents inherited or acquired alterations in the rate of either bone formation or bone resorption during a critical period when several hormones in synchrony orchestrate a marked increase in bone mass (see later).


There are several key components of the remodeling cycle which are susceptible to systemic and local alterations and when perturbed, can lead to deleterious changes in bone mass. In particular, activation of remodeling via the osteoblast, and recruitment of osteoclasts, represent the two most vulnerable sites in the cycle. A third cell, altered by disease states is the osteocyte, an entombed fully differentiated osteoblast that connects to the surface osteoblasts, and likely senses mechanical stimulation. Osteocyte apoptosis may contribute to age-related osteoporosis either directly or through the elaboration of systemic peptides. Interestingly, remodeling may end with the osteocyte as well, since it produces a protein, sclerostin, which inhibits osteoblast activity by antagonizing the Wnt and BMP pathways (see below) (34).  Monoclonal antibodies that bind to sclerostin have been developed and one (e.g. romosozumab) has been approved for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis (35-36). That monoclonal antibody enhanced bone formation, increased bone mineral density by 13-15% at one year, suppressed bone resorption (via Wnt mediated RANKL), and reduced overall fractures of the spine (32). Finally, one could consider macrophages to have an important role in remodeling, since these cells are present in the bone marrow niche and respond to injury with inflammatory cytokines and immune modulators (37).  On the other hand, the bone marrow niche may be protected against macrophage induced cytokine release due to a protective ‘canopy’ of lining cells, although recent evidence suggests that there is a pro-inflammatory response in the marrow with certain perturbations such as diet induced obesity or aging (29).


Uncoupled remodeling occurs during menopause, with estrogen deprivation or antagonists, or in response to endogenous parathyroid hormone fluxes, cytokine stimulation, growth hormone surges, glucocorticoid excess, or changes in serum calcium. For the most part, estrogen deprivation remains one of the most common and critical elements in shifting resorption rates to a higher set point (38-42). Although bone formation initially can "catch up", the length of time for each component of the remodeling cycle clearly favor resorption over formation as the process of laying down new bone requires the interaction of several processes (see Figure 2). But, it is still unclear why falling estrogen levels, which is a universal event during the menopausal years, causes such rapid bone loss in a relatively small percentage of women (43). Clearly, factors such as peripheral conversion of testosterone to estradiol, adrenal androgen production, FSH levels, and genetic determinants, as well as other local signals may also be important. In regards to FSH, SWAN (Studies of Women Across the Ages) reported that higher FSH precedes estrogen loss and this is associated with longitudinal bone loss more closely than circulating estrogen.  Although not identified in humans, mice have strong heritable determinants that affect the rate of age-related bone loss and in one mouse model high FSH levels drove significant bone loss independent of estrogen.


The nature of the osteocyte-osteoblast-osteoclast interaction has been one of the most active areas of recent investigation (see Figure 2). External signals (such as PTH, growth hormone, interleukin-1, estrogen deprivation) to resting osteoblasts and stromal cells cause these cells to release a potpourri of cytokines (i.e. interleukins such as IL-1, -6, -11 as well as m-CSF, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and TGF-beta) that enhance the recruitment and differentiative function of multinucleated giant cells destined to become bone resorbing cells (38). However, one of the most critical pathways in the osteoblast-osteoclast interaction scheme is the RANKL- Osteoprotogerin (OPG) relationship. OPG is a soluble peptide originally described as a factor which markedly inhibited bone resorption and osteoclast differentiation in vitro (42). This protein is a member of the TNF receptor super-family and its role in bone remodeling is to act as a decoy receptor for the peptide known as osteoprotegerin ligand i.e. OPGL (or RANKL) (42). In fact, RANKL is a surface peptide which when expressed on the osteoblast, binds to the true OPGL receptor (also called RANK-receptor activator of NFkB Ligand) on osteoclasts, and initiates cell-cell contact necessary for osteoclast activation and subsequent bone resorption (42).  More recently RANKL has been shown to be produced by osteocytes and can result in osteocytic osteolysis during states of high calcium demand such as lactation, estrogen deficiency, and even acute exercise (43).


The OPG, OPGL and RANK system that affects osteoclast differentiation, in addition to the effects of m-CSF on osteoclast proliferation, provides the critical link among osteocytes, osteoclasts and osteoblasts. It has also led to the synthesis of RANKL antibodies. Denosumab, (brand name Prolia) was the first approved monoclonal antibody against RANKL for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis due to its strong efficacy in reducing spine and hip fractures (44-46). It is administered once every six months and it suppresses bone resorption by 80-90%.  Unlike the bisphosphonates, denosumab’s anti-resorptive effect wanes in 4-6 months, thereby providing a margin of safety in terms of total suppression in remodeling (46). On the other hand, because the anti-resorptive effect wanes rapidly, there is concern about post treatment rebound and fractures, particularly of the vertebral spine (47).


The osteoblast functions not only to signal osteoclasts during remodeling as well as receive signals from them, but also to lay down collagen and orchestrate mineralization of previously resorbed lacunae in the skeletal matrix. These complex functions are tied to differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells which become terminally differentiated osteoblasts and rest on the surface of the remodeling space (29). Recruitment of stromal cells or lining cells into osteoblasts, rather than adipocytes is a critical step in bone formation and requires a series of transcription factors that enhance differentiation. This is particularly important since one of the features of estrogen deficiency and age-related osteoporosis is the development of increased bone marrow adiposity (48,49). Indeed, the presence of excess bone marrow fat may be a major risk factor for osteoporotic fractures (50).


One of the most important components driving osteogenesis is Runx2, a unique transcription factor which is essential in the early differentiation pathway of osteoprogenitors (51). Regulation of Runx2 has become a major focus of work in as investigators have begun to consider novel ways to enhance bone formation and reduce marrow adipogenesis (50). Also, it should be noted that there are metabolic programs activated by transcription factors that are essential for fueling the work of the osteoblast. Conditions of substrate insufficiency; e.g. anorexia nervosa, diabetes mellitus etc. also impair bone formation by altering their metabolic programs.


With activation of resting osteoblasts and lining cells, osteoblasts synthesize several types of collagen as well as elaborating a series of growth factors such as IGF-I, IGF-II, TGF-b. These, in turn, are necessary for further recruitment of bone forming cells (52). In addition, osteoblasts deposit growth factors in the skeletal matrix where they are stored in latent forms, and released during subsequent remodeling cycles. After deposition of new bone, some osteoblasts are encased by matrix. These osteocytes, are still viable, although less metabolic and, can, through newly developed caniculi, provide signals to other bone cells. Indeed, most evidence suggests that osteocytic signals are important in the so-called "mechanostat", the gravitary sensing device which modulates bone formation, as well as initiating normal remodeling sequences.  As noted earlier, osteocytes may participate in bone resorption of the cortex by secreting RANKL. This is termed ‘osteocytic osteolysis’ and may occur during lactation and other states of high calcium demand.


In the last half-decade, the Wnt/b catenin signaling pathway has emerged as a major regulator of bone formation and a potential mediator of the mechanostat.  Wnts belong to a large family of peptides that bind to two membrane bound receptors, Lrp5 or 6 and Frizzled (see Figure 3) (53). Once these ligands bind, activation occurs through a complex intracellular signaling pathway mediated by /b catenin which translocates to the nucleus and stimulates the transcription of several genes through the TCF/Lef network.  Sclerostin (SOST), the osteocyte specific protein that inhibits bone formation does so by binding to Lrp5 and blocking Wnt signaling (54). The anti-sclerostin antibody, romosozumab, was shown to markedly increase bone mass and reduce fractures in postmenopausal women after only 1 year of treatment (55,56). It was approved by the FDA and European Regulatory Agencies for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis.


Figure 3. The Wnt/-catenin signaling pathway that is critical for osteoblast differentiation (53).


In summary, the bone remodeling cycle is complex and redundant. The three major cells, osteocytes, osteoblasts and osteoclasts, arise from different stem cells (mesenchymal for osteoblasts and osteocytes, and hematopoietic for osteoclasts) and are under the control of various factors which in harmony orchestrate an orderly remodeling sequence. Their birth and death (i.e. the cycle of recruitment, proliferation and programmed cell death) and the regulatory factors which control those events, are also complex, yet vitally important for understanding the pathogenesis of osteoporosis. Alterations at any stage along the process of recruitment, activation, differentiation, or cell death can lead to imbalances in remodeling which eventually would result in bone loss, reduced bone mass and ultimately fractures. Some of those perturbations are noted below.




The importance of estrogen in maintaining calcium homeostasis for the postmenopausal woman was first established by Fuller Albright, more than 70 years ago (57). Since that time more evidence has accumulated from randomized intervention trials demonstrating that hormone replacement (estrogen with or without progesterone) reduces bone turnover and increases bone mass (58). However, these data provide only indirect evidence that estrogen levels are important as pathogenic components of the osteoporosis syndrome. More recent studies provide stronger evidence of the association between low estradiol concentrations and low bone mass. Several investigators have demonstrated that the lowest estradiol levels in postmenopausal women (i.e. <5 pg/ml) are associated with the lowest bone mineral density and the greatest likelihood of fracture (59). In addition, at least one study has shown that males with osteoporosis have lower serum levels of estradiol then do age-matched men who do not have low bone mass (60). Moreover, there are now two case reports describing mutations in either aromatase activity or the estrogen receptor, which produced a phenotype of severe osteoporosis in men (61,62). In the former case, estrogen replacement therapy for this young man, resulted in a marked increase in spine and hip bone mineral density. In both situations the lack of functional estrogen, despite normal to high levels of testosterone, resulted in very low BMD (63).


Although declining estradiol levels contribute to the osteoporosis syndrome, the precise molecular events or sequences that result from changes in ambient hormonal concentrations are not clear. In some animal models, estrogen deprivation is associated with a marked increase in IL-6 synthesis from stromal and osteoblastic cells. This is consistent with experimental findings which demonstrate that estrogen regulates the transcriptional activity of the IL-6 promoter (39,41). However, results in other studies are conflicting. In other experimental paradigms, changes in TNF, IL-11 and IL-1 can all be associated with increased bone resorption (40). Recently RANKL has been identified as a major regulator of osteoclast differentiation. Thus, it seems likely that several cytokines, working in concert, are active during estrogen deprivation, and each can accelerate the process of bone resorption. RANKL, however may be the most critical and necessary for full activation of remodeling. Enhanced bone resorption eventually leads to bone loss from estrogen deprivation since bone formation rates cannot keep up with rates of bone resorption (31,42, 43). Moreover, the faster the resorption, the greater the loss resulting in more damage to the structure integrity of the skeleton.


In contrast to the plethora of studies on bone loss and estrogen, there are few good studies relating androgen deprivation to bone loss in women. Androgen receptors are present on osteoblasts. However, both in vitro and in vivo studies in men have yielded conflicting results. Like estrogen, androgens can regulate the IL-6 promoter and in experimental animals, orchiectomy has been associated with increased IL-6 production and bone loss (64). In men, chronically low androgen levels have been associated with low bone mass, and testosterone replacement can enhance bone mineral density (65). However, estradiol levels in men may be a more important risk factor for fracture than androgen levels and correlate more closely with trabecular bone volume as measured by QCT. At the present time it is not clear precisely what role androgens play in the maintenance of bone mass in both men and women except in deficiency syndromes, particularly hypogonadism.


Other more common causes of male osteoporosis include alcoholism, glucocorticoid excess, and hypercalciuria (see Table 2). In the first two cases, hypogonadism remains a pathogenic feature of that osteoporosis syndrome. Less frequently, men with gluten enteropathy or an endocrinopathy such as thyrotoxicosis or primary hyperparathyroidism can present with multiple fractures and low bone mass (see Table 2).


Table 2. Etiology of Osteoporosis in Men





Clinical Features






low Test, low E2, increased resorption






low test, E2+/-, +/- turnover






 +/- test, E2 +/-, increased resorption, Decreased formation


 Multiple myeloma




 Hypercalcemia, ESR



Test, E2 nl; increased resorption Hypercalcuria, inc PTH, kidney stones

Idiopathic Osteoporosis-




fractures, low formation, low IGF-I


Gluten enteropathy




low 25OHD, turnover increased


Endocrine Disorders




Cushing’s ±




PTH increased in all cases; increased resorption




Decreased PTH

E2- estradiol; Test-testosterone; PTH-parathyroid hormone; PHPT-primary hyperparathyroidism; Inc- increased


In women, bone loss is accelerated immediately after menopause. However, recent studies demonstrate that markers of bone resorption are also very high later in life. In particular, women in their 80s and 90s have been noted to lose bone at a rate of greater than 1% per year from the spine and hip (65), Contrary to earlier studies, it is now evident that the older woman who is not as physically active, and is not on estrogen, is at extremely high risk of bone loss and subsequent fractures. The pathogenesis of this process is multifactorial although dietary calcium deficiency, leading to secondary hyperparathyroidism, certainly plays a central role. The average calcium intake of women in their 8th and 9th decades of life is now estimated to be between 800-1000 mg/day (66). If vitamin D intake is also sub-optimal, and serum levels of 25 OH vitamin D <20 ng/ml, or 50nmol/l, secondary hyperparathyroidism may occur, although there are other causes for increases in PTH, including chronic renal insufficiency and low calcium diet (67). PTH stimulates osteoblasts and provokes the remodeling sequence including the elaboration of several cytokines that accelerate bone resorption. Unfortunately, in most elders, bone formation is not enhanced although the reasons for this are not entirely clear beyond the simplistic notion that stem cell recruitment is impaired in the elderly. Nonetheless, this leads to further uncoupling in the bone remodeling cycle, and significant bone loss. Among elders with poor calcium intake who live in northern latitudes, seasonal changes in vitamin D lowering levels below 20 ng/ml might aggravate bone loss (68,69). Whether increased bone loss from vitamin D deficiency is an independent risk factor for future fractures in the elderly remains somewhat controversial necessitating further studies to define such a risk. Overall, there is evidence that vitamin D deficiency is associated with a greater risk of fracture in frail elderly institutionalized men and women (<20 ng/ml; 50 nmol/l), whereas it is unlikely that those individuals with 25 OHD levels between 20-30 ng/ml are at a greater risk (70).  The recently completed VITAL trial demonstrated that 2000 IU of vitamin D to healthy men and women did not prevent bone loss or alter bone turnover (LeBoff, personal communication and abstract ASBMR,2019).


There is growing evidence that low serum levels of vitamin D, through impaired calcium absorption, can stimulate PTH release and increase bone turnover in the elderly. Increased PTH enhances 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D, and this in turn could suppress further bone formation and mineralization (71). Thus, bone loss is associated with uncoupled remodeling. Many older individuals already have established osteoporosis. Coincidental vitamin D deficiency due to poor intake, absent sunlight exposure, or impaired conversion of vitamin D to its active metabolite, can result in osteomalacia as well as aggravating pre-existent osteoporosis (70).  LeBoff et al reported that more than 50% of elders who presented with a hip fracture were frankly vitamin D deficient (71). Therefore, the combination of vitamin D deficiency with inadequate calcium intake enhances the likelihood of rapid bone loss in the very susceptible elderly population. Still, it is unclear how secondary hyperparathyroidism causes bone loss. Chronic elevations in PTH secretion due to primary or tertiary hyperparathyroidism, have been associated with low bone mass at several skeletal sites including the radius. Elevated PTH levels in older women have been associated with bone loss in some studies but not in others. In elderly individuals, it has been reported that PTH levels are closely correlated with increased synthesis of an insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP-4) which suppresses IGF action on bone cells and may increase sclerostin secretion (72, 34). Since IGF-I is an important growth factor for osteoblasts, it is conceivable that PTH down regulates IGF activity during states of relative calcium/and or vitamin D deficiency. This would shift the remodeling balance towards preserving intravascular calcium concentrations, while inhibiting new calcium incorporation into the skeletal matrix. In sum, there is little doubt that calcium and vitamin D insufficiency are prominent causes of accelerated bone loss in the elderly (73). However, in the healthy postmenopausal population, there is little evidence that vitamin D supplementation prevents bone loss or fractures.


As noted previously, high circulating levels of glucocorticoids have a significant impact on bone acquisition and maintenance. In 1932 Harvey Cushing recognized the syndrome of endogenous steroid excess which included marked osteopenia and fractures (74). Long term exposure to pharmacologic doses of glucocorticoids results in significant bone loss and enhanced marrow adipogenesis as marrow stromal cells differentiate down the fat lineage. In addition to having direct effects on the osteoclast and osteoblast, glucocorticoids also induce secondary hypogonadism and hyperparathyroidism, impaired vitamin D metabolism, muscle atrophy, and hypercalciuria (See Table 3). All these factors contribute to a rapid and sustained loss of bone during the first few months of steroid therapy (75). The addition of other immunosuppressants such as cyclosporine has been shown to aggravate bone loss by further increasing bone resorption. As the number of organ transplants have increased exponentially over the last decade, the prevalence of post-transplantation osteoporosis has risen substantially. Steroid induced osteoporosis is now considered the second most common cause of low bone mass in the general population and one of the most common causes of osteoporotic fractures (75). It is listed in the FRAX data set as one critical risk factor to assess in determining 10-year fracture likelihood.


Table 3. Effects of Glucocorticoids on Bone Mass

 Response to Glucocorticoids


Effects on Bone Remodeling


Effects on Bone Mass


Increased PTH secretion


Increased bone resorption

? decreased bone formation


rapid loss of bone


Decreased LH/FSH secretion



Increased bone resorption due loss of estrogen



loss of bone


Impaired calcium absorption due to decreased 1,25 D


Increased PTH, increased bone resorption


loss of bone


Increased calcium loss in urine


Secondary increase in PTH, Increased bone resorption



loss of bone


Acute suppression of osteoblasts and apoptosis


Reduced bone formation


gradual bone loss


Stimulation of osteoclastogenesis


Increased bone resorption rapid


loss of bone





Peak bone mass is acquired between the ages of 10-16 years. It is the zenith of bone acquisition and represents the sum of several processes including a marked increase in bone formation (76,77). Boys tend to reach peak 2 years later than girls and their bone mineral density is higher than women at all skeletal sites. In part this relates to a greater cross-sectional bone area in males than females (78). Peak bone mass results from linear growth and consolidation of cortical and trabecular components. Acquisition is most rapid during the latter stages of puberty and coincides with maximum growth hormone secretion, high serum IGF-I levels, and rising levels of estradiol and testosterone. In addition, calcium absorption is maximal and skeletal accretion is optimal. All these processes combine over a relatively short period of time to produce a bone mass that subsequently plateaus and then falls during later life. It is estimated that more than 60% of adult bone mass can be related to peak acquisition. Hence understanding the mechanisms responsible for low bone mass must include perturbations in peak bone acquisition.


There are several hormonal, environmental, nutritional and heritable determinants of peak bone mass. These include estrogen/testosterone, growth hormone/IGF-I, adequate nutrition, calcium/vitamin D, and unknown genetic factors. If each is perturbed, dramatic alterations in peak bone mass may occur, setting the stage for low bone density throughout life. Gonadal steroids are important not only to bone maintenance but also to its acquisition. During puberty, estrogen and testosterone levels rise and contribute to consolidation of bone mass. Estrogen is also necessary for epiphysial closure. Studies of a male with an estrogen receptor mutation and men with an aromatase deficiency established that estradiol is critical for bone acquisition (61,62). These young men share several phenotypic characteristics including tall stature unfused epiphysis, and very low bone mass. Hence, there must be a threshold effect for estradiol in men, and this effect must be time dependent. Similar conclusions can be drawn from studies in women. Acquired deficiencies in estrogen, such as anorexia nervosa, or chemotherapy induced ovarian dysfunction, result in low peak bone mass and lead to subsequent risk for osteoporosis (79,80,81). Nearly identical findings have been noted in patients with untreated Turner's syndrome and in men with Klinefelter's syndrome, although the high FSH levels could also contribute to bone loss.


The timing of gonadal steroid surges is critical for bone acquisition since there is a relatively short window of time in which bone formation is favored and matrix synthesis is markedly enhanced. That window is likely to be less than three years and earlier in girls than boys. Probably the best study which addressed this issue comes from a retrospective analysis of men in their thirties who underwent late onset of puberty (i.e. at the age of 17 or 18) but were otherwise normal by full endocrine testing. These men had significantly lower bone mineral density in their thirties than age matched men who went through puberty at a normal time. These data suggest that timing as well as quantity of gonadal steroids is critical for bone acquisition.


Pubertal surges of estrogen and androgens are also important for priming the growth hormone/ IGF-I axis. Rising levels of both contribute to growth hormone surges that lead to increases in circulating and tissue expression of IGF-I, an essential growth factor for chondrocyte hypertrophy and expansion. IGF-I may also be critical in defining the cross-sectional size of bone, a potentially important determinant of bone strength. Once again, studies in growth hormone deficient, or growth hormone resistant individuals have established that low levels of circulating IGF-I, especially during puberty, are associated with reduced bone mass (82). In addition, rhGH replacement has been shown to restore linear growth and improve peak bone mass acquisition. Several studies in experimental animals, including inbred strains of mice, have established that IGF-I is important for bone acquisition and the timing of IGF-I peaks coincide with maximal rates of bone formation. Impairment in production of IGF-I due to acquired disorders such as anorexia nervosa, malnutrition, and delayed puberty can also impede peak bone acquisition (80). Recently, it has become apparent that Type I IDDM can impact the bone marrow niche and suppress bone formation and increase resorption. This uncoupling can lead to an impairment in peak bone mass, although there are other determinants of glucose intolerance that can impact the skeleton; e.g. increased advanced glycation end products, glucose toxicity, material property changes in the matrix.


Hormonal abnormalities not only enhance bone resorption in older individuals, but may blunt the capacity of bone cells to maximize bone formation during adolescence. Clearly, hypogonadal boys and girls have impaired peak bone mass, resulting in low adult bone mineral density. Even one form of contraception, Depo-provera, may reduce estrogen concentrations enough in the teen girl, to reduce her capacity to acquire peak bone mass. Similarly, it seems likely although not proven that smoking during the teen years could impair osteoblast activity and flatten projected trajectories for peak bone acquisition.


More recently diabetes mellitus has been established as a secondary cause of osteoporosis. TIDM, particularly at early onset (e.g. childhood or adolescence) is associated with low bone mass and fractures (83).  Both hip and vertebral fractures are more common in adult T1DM, whereas in T2D, in which areal BMD is normal, fracture risk is increased by 20%, but the type of fractures are usually peripheral in nature (84). Importantly use of rosiglitazone, a TZD is also associated with an increased risk of fracture whereas DPP4 inhibitors and GLP1 agonists are bone neutral or favor a slight increase in bone mass.  The newer SGLT-2 inhibitors are associated with a greater risk of fracture as a class. Despite the greater risk with glucose intolerance, the pathophysiology of these disorders is not well defined, although changes in advanced glycation end products, enhanced reactive oxygen species, and glucose toxicity are all considered likely contributors.


In order to mineralize newly synthesized bone, calcium must become bioavailable to the skeletal matrix. In experimental studies in rodents and humans, it is clear that the several pools of available calcium are markedly enhanced during puberty. These include calcium efflux from the gastrointestinal tract, and the calcium pool available for incorporation in the matrix. It is no coincidence that growth hormone surges not only increases IGF-I, (thereby enhancing skeletal growth and matrix biosynthesis) but also result in increases in 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (possibly via IGF-I induction of 1, alpha hydroxylase activity), the active metabolite of vitamin D which markedly enhances calcium absorption from the gut. Although there are no longitudinal studies in pubertal individuals with prolonged calcium deficiency, several randomized placebo-controlled trials in pubertal and pre-pubertal girls and boys have established that supplemental calcium can enhance bone mineral density. In a twin study, in which one twin receives 1200 mg of calcium supplementation, and one receives placebo, radial BMD increases by as much as 5% after three years compared to placebo (81). This study suggests that there is significant gene-environmental interaction, and that even in those individuals with heritable determinants of low peak bone mass, calcium supplementation may provide an important and relatively simple means of protecting individuals from future osteoporotic fractures.




Probably the most important determinant of peak bone mass, but one that has lacked clear definition is the genetic contribution. In part this is due to the complex nature of bone mineral density as a trait. Nevertheless, low peak bone mass may be the most important pathogenic factor in the osteoporosis syndrome of later life. And, it appears that at least 50% of peak bone mass is determined by genetic factors (85). What are these determinants and how are they modified by environmental factors?


Efforts to define heritable determinants of peak bone mass have been complicated by a number of issues which are also common to analyses of other complex traits. These include the following:

  1. A quantifiable phenotype;
  2. Heterogeneity within a given population under study;
  3. The polygenic nature of the disorder;
  4. Epistasis (gene-gene interaction)
  5. Pleiotropy- phenotypic differences with identical genotypes, and
  6. Gene by environmental interactions.


Notwithstanding these complexities it is clear that BMD is an acceptable phenotype for defining heritable determinants of future risk. Bone mineral density in the population is distributed in a gaussian manner, thereby allowing analyses at the extremes (<-2.0 SD or > 2.0 SD) of the density distribution. Large homogeneous and heterogeneous populations are now being studied as part of the GEFOS consortium, to ascertain genetic determinants of BMD and fractures in humans (86-91). Candidate genes are those associated previously by biologic determinants or previous studies as being important for skeletal maintenance.  Indeed, many of these have been identified by whole genome studies (GWAS) include RANKL, OPG, the vitamin D receptor, collagen IA1, the estrogen receptor, interleukin-1, and IGF-I. Additionally several other candidate genes that have not been previously associated with osteoporosis have been identified. These studies have been reviewed in depth elsewhere (86-89).  Depending on the cohort, the phenotype, and the number of individuals studied, it is predicted there will be hundreds of genes that contribute to individual variation in bone mass (90,91). Twin studies examining discordant or concordant phenotypes are also helpful, as are sib-pair studies, although the results have been less generalizable.


One example of a candidate gene that has also been shown to have strong heritability and predictive value for osteoporosis from GWAS studies is Lrp5 (92). Originally Recker and colleagues identified an extended family with very high bone density and fine mapped the locus to a region in chromosome 11. After several years of intense high through put analysis, that group identified a 'high bone density' gene, LDL receptor related protein 5 (LRP-5) that was mutated in this family (92). The low affinity lipoprotein receptor is important in binding Wnts, ligands critical for cell differentiation in several organisms. At the same time, Warman and colleagues identified several children with osteoporosis pseudoganglioma syndrome and subsequently mapped the gene which resulted in 'loss of function' in these individuals (93). This turned out to also be Lrp5. The potential pathways that direct osteoblast function and mineralization through Lrp5, and its co-receptor frizzled, have opened up new areas of investigation (See Figure 3 and discussion above). Moreover, natural antagonists to the Wnt/Lrp5 signaling system including sclerostin and DKK-1 have been studied using genetic engineering in mice. This pathway continues to show great promise for therapeutic interventions such as romosozumab, recently approved by the FDA for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis (54, 99).


In the past five years, Lrp5 has been studied extensively both in its function and its allelic effects through genome wide association studies as well as in translational bench work. Hence this pathway is important in regulating peak bone mass. But it is also clear that since BMD is a polygenic trait, other genes are now being discovered. Moreover, gene environmental interactions must play a major role in defining heritable risk for low BMD and fracture. In addition to the search for osteoporosis genes, intervention studies in adolescents have provided insight into at least one of the environmental impacts on genetic determinants (94-97). A twin study in Indiana revealed that as long as calcium supplementation continued during puberty, young boys could enhance their peak bone mass. In a Swiss study, younger pre-pubertal girls supplemented with a protein product had a significant increase in spine bone density, as did a cohort of pubertal girls receiving a milk powder in England (96,97). Remarkably, in the latter cohort, serum IGF-I levels also rose dramatically, providing further indirect evidence of a link between pubertal status, bone mass, and the growth hormone/IGF-I axis. Thus, there is strong evidence that nutritional, hormonal and environmental factors play a major role in regulating peak bone mass.




The epidemiology of osteoporosis is well established and risk factors have been defined. On the other hand, the pathogenesis of osteoporosis is complex and multifactorial (41,98). Alterations in bone mineral density almost certainly represent the final common pathway by which pathologic factors affect risk of future osteoporotic fracture. The interplay of various physiologic processes which result in peak bone mass, and maintenance of adult bone mass are key to understanding the pathogenesis of this disease. Changes in hormonal status, and in particular estradiol, clearly are important factors in regulating both bone formation and bone resorption in men and women. Perturbations in growth hormone activity, musculoskeletal function, dietary intake of calcium and vitamin D, and genetic determinants are also important pathogenic factors. Defining the role of genetic factors and their interaction with many of the environmental and hormonal determinants that have been established as potential etiologic agents responsible for low bone mineral density and fracture will certainly be the most difficult challenge facing basic and clinical researchers. On, the other hand, the strength of data from basic and clinical studies over the last decade, now allows practitioners to confidently diagnose osteoporosis. New treatment strategies offer greater hope for patients suffering from this disease.




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99     Shoback D, Rosen CJ, Black DM, Cheung AM, Murad MH, Eastell R. Pharmacological Management of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women: An Endocrine Society Guideline Update. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020 Mar;105(3):587-594.