
Clinical Management of Dyslipidemia in Youth with Chronic Kidney Disease



Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is commonly associated with abnormal lipid metabolism which may contribute to the morbidity and premature mortality associated with impaired renal function.  Dyslipidemia often occurs in the early phases and becomes progressively worse with disease severity and progression to end stage renal disease (ESRD). In this review, we discuss the clinical features, diagnosis, and management of dyslipidemia in children with renal disease, focusing primarily on nephrotic syndrome (NS) and ESRD.  There are limited data on treatment of dyslipidemia, outcomes, and prevention of CVD in youth with these conditions to help inform clinical decision-making and define best practices. 




Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is characterized by a progressive decrease in renal function, divided into five stages (Table 1).  The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) defines CKD as a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) persistently < 60 mL/min (1). Further decline in kidney function results in ESRD, with permanent and complete loss of renal function, necessitating either dialysis or renal transplantation. Due to a wide variety of common causes, including diabetes and hypertension, the prevalence of CKD is increasing (2).  In individuals with CKD, CVD is the leading cause of death and dyslipidemia is recognized as a major risk factor (3).  Mortality in up to half of individuals with CKD is the result of CVD (4).


Table 1. CKD Stages




> 90















< 15


Modified from Table 1 Hager et al (1).


Nephrotic Syndrome (NS), clinically characterized by proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, and edema, is one of the most common kidney diseases affecting youth. Injury to podocytes and glomeruli in NS is well described. Complications include acute injury of the kidney, systemic infection, and thromboembolism. Dyslipidemia is common and corresponds to the severity of proteinuria with or without CKD. In adults, risk of fatal and non-fatal MI is based upon the degree of proteinuria and the GFR. Despite the presence of dyslipidemia similar to that in adults, youth with CKD are often undertreated. This, in part, may reflect a lack of data regarding CVD risk in this population (5).


In addition to traditional risk factors, CVD disease in youth with ESRD appears to be directly related to the effects of renal impairment, exacerbated, in part, by medications necessary for treatment. Because mono and polygenic disorders affecting lipid and lipoprotein metabolism are common, some youth may also have an underlying predisposition to atherosclerosis in addition to the risk associated with renal failure – the impact of these on the risk of coronary artery disease and of congestive heart failure may well be substantially larger among younger patients (6,7).


Early onset of risk factors in children with kidney disease provides a longer period of exposure, significantly increasing risk of premature CVD. Although unproven, it is likely that optimum management of risk factors, such as elevated cholesterol and blood pressure, especially when implemented at an early age, may result in substantial reduction in subsequent incidence of CVD-related events. It is important, therefore, that youth with ESRD undergo global risk factor assessment and that all risk factors be optimally managed. Based on randomized trials, data suggests that reduction of LDL-C concentrations may decrease the risk of CVD among individuals with renal failure who have average (or even below average) LDL-C concentrations (8-11).




The pattern of dyslipidemia seen in CKD is typically characterized by hypertriglyceridemia (HTG), decreased HDL-C, variable changes in LDL-C, increase in non-HDL-C, and an increase in small dense LDL-C (12), as well as an increase in the apoB to apoA-I ratio. Elevations in Lp (a) are also common in CKD.  However, elevations in Lp (a) generally occur in subgroups of individuals who express larger Lp (a) isoforms (13). HTG is present in early stages of renal disease and its origin is multifactorial, including impaired catabolism of VLDL and chylomicrons secondary to decreased lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity. With the onset of uremia, inhibitors of LPL are increased, including apoC-III and pre-beta-HDL.  A decrease in lecithin cholesterol ester transfer protein (LCAT), important for the maturation of HDL, and reduced expression of the apoA-I gene APOA1, the main apolipoprotein of HDL, have also been reported. These changes in gene expression and protein availability lead to alterations in two key HDL functions: 1) reverse cholesterol transport; and 2) anti-oxidation (1).


Individuals with NS often have elevated triglycerides (TG) and other atherogenic apoB-containing lipoproteins, including VLDL, IDL, LDL, and lipoprotein(a).  A decrease in oncotic pressure may be contributory to increased production of lipoproteins by stimulating the synthesis of apoB.  However, the mechanisms are not well understood. HDL-C levels are similar to those of healthy individuals.  Despite normal levels, however, it is likely the efficiency of the HDL-related reverse cholesterol transport in NS is decreased. The elevation in TG is likely due to decreased LPL activity. There is also downregulation of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored HDL-binding protein 1 (GPIHBP1), which serves to anchor LPL to heparin sulfate proteoglycans on endothelial cells. The increased levels of LDL-C seen in NS is believed to be the result of increased production through increased acyl-CoA cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) and HMG-CoA reductase activity and decreased clearance through decreased LDL-receptor activity.  Increased activity of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) has also been reported, leading to a decrease in the number of LDL receptors and a reduction in hepatic uptake (5).


Table 2- Lipid Patterns in Kidney Disease

Lipid / Lipoprotein

CKD 1-5

Nephrotic Syndrome


Peritoneal Dialysis

Total Cholesterol

Progressive increase


↔ ↓


Progressive increase




Progressive increase


↔ ↓

Non-HDL cholesterol

Progressive increase


↔ ↓

Lipoprotein (a)

Progressive increase



Modified from Mikolasevic et al (14).




Nephrotic Syndrome


Elevated fractions of apoB-containing particles in NS can increase the risk for formation of atherosclerotic plaque, leading to CVD-related events, such as MI and stroke, and may contribute to the increased risk for thrombosis and other adverse events (Table 3).  Progressive loss of renal function and development of CKD further increases the risk of morbidity (5).


Dyslipidemia may also contribute to glomerulosclerosis (15), further damaging the kidney (i.e., the lipid nephrotoxicity hypothesis). Excess accumulation of lipids, particularly in the interstitium and glomeruli (16), is accompanied by a pronounced inflammatory response, which appears to injure glomerular podocytes and mesangial cells. Such changes contribute to renal injury and impaired function. 


Table 3. Nephrotic Syndrome and CKD Estimates of Clinical Consequences of Dyslipidemia




NS and CKD


·       Atherosclerosis




·       Myocardial infarction




·       Stroke




Progressive Kidney Disease

·       Glomerulosclerosis




·       Mesangial Proliferation




·       Podocyte injury




·       Tubuloinsterstitial disease




·       Proximal tubular cell injury




NS=nephrotic syndrome; CKD=chronic kidney disease.

Adapted from Table 2 Agrawal, et al (5).


Chronic Kidney Disease  


Dyslipidemia in CKD is characterized by increased serum levels of TG, decreased HDL-C, variable levels of LDL-C and an increase in apoB to apoA-I ratio. HTG is often present even in the early stages of CKD and is one of the most common lipid abnormalities encountered in this population. A large cross-sectional analysis of 391 children ((236 male, 154 female aged 1-16 years (median age 12 years), 71% Caucasian) with moderate CKD (median GFR 43 mL/min/1.73m2) enrolled in the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) Study noted 32% of children with HTG, 21% low HDL-C and 16% elevated non-HDL-C (17). Overall, 45% children with CKD had dyslipidemia, and of those 179 children, 45% had two or more lipid abnormalities.


There was a higher prevalence of HTG in children with nephrotic-range proteinuria (61%), as compared to 21%, 30%, and 24% in children with normal, mild, and moderate proteinuria, respectively. Twenty-one percent (21%) had a total cholesterol (TC) >200 mg/dl.  However, no relationship was observed between TC and GFR. Twenty-one percent (21%) had HDL-C <40 mg/d, and obese children had an average HDL-C 14% lower than children with normal BMI. Changes in LDL-C levels were not discussed in this study (17).


Longitudinal data of 508 children (76% non-glomerular CKD, 24% glomerular CKD) from the CKiD study, representing 1,514 person-visits and a median follow-up of 4 years (interquartile range, 2.1–6.0), showed that non-HDL-C and TG worsened in proportion to declining GFR, increasing BMI and worsening proteinuria (18).  A waist to height ratio of >0.49 has also been shown to be associated with lower HDL-C, higher left ventricular mass index, TGs, and non-HDL cholesterol compared to lean controls (19).


The prevalence of dyslipidemia was 61.5% among 356 East Asian pediatric patients < 20 years of age (median age 10.8 years; 246 males, 110 females) with CKD who participated in the KoreaN cohort study for Outcomes in patients WithPediatric Chronic Kidney Disease (KNOW-PedCKD) (20). Twenty-five percent (25%) had elevated TC, 19% elevated LDL-C, 15.2% low HDL-C, and 15.2% elevated TG. The authors demonstrated that children with glomerulonephropathy and nephrotic range proteinuria exhibited increased risk for high TC; whereas increased BMI z-score, elevated proteinuria, hypocalcemia, and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D deficiency were associated with low HDL-C. Glomerular filtration rate stage 3b or higher and hyperphosphatemia were associated with increased the risk for HTG (20).




While dyslipidemia is common in ESRD, the need for chronic dialysis, either hemodialysis (HD) or continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), often results in further alteration in lipids and lipoproteins (21,22). Some studies demonstrate no significant differences in TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TG, ApoA, ApoB, or Lp(a) serum levels between individuals receiving HD when compared to PD (23).  However other studies reported important differences in lipoprotein concentrations and their composition in adults undergoing HD and CAPD. A more atherogenic profile was observed in the latter group, consisting mainly of lower concentrations of HDL-C with higher levels of TC, TG, LDL-C, ApoB and ApoE. CAPD patients showed significantly higher TG and LDL-C levels, with a different pattern of apoprotein profile characterized by lower ApoA-I levels and higher ApoE levels than controls. Similar differences in ApoA-I and ApoE were also seen between controls and HD patients, whereas in the hemodialysis group a significant increase in ApoB was also observed (24).


There have been studies demonstrating different lipid patterns in children receiving dialysis.  Children (aged 12.6 +/- 4.7 years) undergoing treatment with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis/continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis (CAPD/CCPD) were found to have fasting mean levels of TGs (90%) and cholesterol (69%) above the 95th percentile of published normal values prior to the start of dialysis. The authors found a high prevalence of hyperlipidemia at baseline with no significant change of serum lipid levels during 2 years of treatment with CAPD/CCPD. (25).


Renal Transplantation


Second only to infection, cardiovascular disease is a significant cause of mortality in pediatric renal transplant patients (26). Analysis of retrospective data from the CERTAIN registry (386-transplant recipients aged 0.5-25 years) showed the prevalence of dyslipidemia to be 95% before engraftment and 88% at 1-year following transplant (27). TC and LDL-C levels are considerably higher post-renal transplant compared to children undergoing hemodialysis (27). Risk factors include elevated pre-transplant serum cholesterol, years since renal transplant (28), and use of certain immunosuppressive medications (28).


Immunosuppressive drugs, including prednisone, cyclosporine, and sirolimus, have been shown to be associated with dyslipidemia, whereas the use of tacrolimus and mycophenolic acid is associated with lower lipid parameters (27,28,29). TC and LDL-C in these children have not been shown to have direct association with age, sex, ethnicity, duration of ESRD, stage of chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, or BMI (27,28). Reduced GFR is a risk factor for elevated TGs in this population (27,30). 




Dyslipidemia in children with renal disease is the result of complex interactions of a variety of factors, including the primary disease process, use of medications such as corticosteroids, the presence of malnutrition or obesity, diet, and genetics.  When present in NS or those who have undergone renal transplantation, dyslipidemia it is easily recognized; while often less obvious in those with chronic renal insufficiency or ESRD.  Detection of dyslipidemia in the latter requires more careful analysis and knowledge of normal laboratory ranges for children. Current KDIGO clinical practice guidelines recommend an initial lipid profile in all newly diagnosed children with CKD, including those who require chronic dialysis therapy or kidney transplant therapy. After the initial lipid profile, annual testing is recommended (31).




Since publication of the 2003 National Kidney Foundation-Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (NKF-KDOQI) clinical guidelines for management of dyslipidemia in CKD, data from randomized controlled trials on statin therapy in adults with CKD KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes or KDIGO) have helped inform management guidelines.  Recommendations for treatment (Table 4 and Table 5) are based on risk for coronary heart disease (32, 33, 34). It should be recognized, however, that clinical recommendations (Table 5) differ for adults as well as children. While all guidelines target CVD prevention, none specifically address treatment of lipid abnormalities to prevent deterioration of kidney function, especially in youth with NS (15,16).


Table 4.  Assessment of lipid status and treatment in children (< 18 years-of-age) with chronic kidney disease (CKD)

Clinical Scenario

Lipid Profile

Statins ± Ezetimibe

Management of HTG

CKD, including those treated with chronic dialysis or kidney transplantation.

Recommended at initial diagnosis and repeated annually.

Not recommended.

Therapeutic lifestyle changes are recommended.

Lipid profile=TC, TG, HDL-C and LDL-C. Modified from: Wanner (32).


Table 5. Lipid management guidelines for CKD in Children < 18 years-of-age



2014 ADA


Do not initiate.

Prior AHA statement for high-risk patients (including CKD) recommends therapeutic lifestyle intervention; if >10 years-of-age and LDL-C remains >100 mg/dL despite therapeutic lifestyle recommendations, treat with statin.

If patient has DM, consider statin use ≥10 years-of-age if, following changes in diet and lifestyle, LDL-C >160 or >130 mg/dL with multiple risk factors.

Recommend pharmacotherapy for > 8 years-of-age if no response to therapeutic lifestyle, especially if LDL-C ≥ 190 or ≥ 160 mg/dL with additional risk factors.

Adapted from Table 1; Sarnak (33).  ACC/AHA, 2014 ADA, and AACE guidelines not CKD specific.


Nephrotic Syndrome


Treatment options for dyslipidemia in children with NS include lifestyle changes and pharmacologic agents.  Little evidence exists on optimal lifestyle management in children with NS, and the majority of studies have included adult populations. Studies of soy-based vegetarian diets have shown promising results, but include limited subjects and these findings have not been confirmed (35,36). The addition of omega-3 fatty acids has demonstrated a small decrease in TG and postprandial chylomicron levels (37,38).


There is also very limited data on pharmacologic treatment in youth compared with the adult population. Medications commonly used in adults include statins, bile acid sequestrants, and fibric acid derivatives. Most of the studies in youth have been limited to statins. These studies have shown reductions in TG and LDL-C levels but tend to be small in number and often lack a control group (5).


The utility of lipid apheresis, a technique used to lower cholesterol in patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, has been assessed in youth with NS.  A study of children who underwent lipid apheresis in combination with prednisone found reductions in both cholesterol and TG.  Of the study group, 7/11 youth achieved a partial or complete remission of NS; and all remained in remission at their 10-year follow-up (39).  However, as discussed in other chapters of Endotext, lipid apheresis is currently not preformed specifically for lipid management.  At present, apheresis is only FDA approved for new onset focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in pediatric patients who are resistant to standard forms of treatment (40).


Chronic Kidney Disease


The American Heart Association (AHA) classifies youth with ESRD in the highest risk group and those with pre-dialysis CKD at moderate risk for development of CVD and its sequelae. It recommends therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLC) as the initial management strategy, with the goal of lowering LDL to ≤130 mg/dL and TG <400; with addition of pharmacological therapy if these goals are not met (41).  In the SHARP trial, 9270 adult patients with CKD or ESRD were randomly divided into simvastatin plus ezetimibe, simvastatin, and placebo groups (42).  The goal of the study was to look at primary prevent of a major atherosclerotic cardiac event.  The patients were followed for a median of 4.9 years, and the simvastatin and ezetimibe group had significant risk reduction of a major atherosclerotic event.


In contrast, the KDIGO 2013 clinical practice guidelines recommend assessment of fasting lipids annually, while discouraging the use of statin or statin/ezetimibe combination in youth <18 years with CKD (33,43).  Boys >10 years-of-age and post-menarche girls with severely elevated LDL-C in the setting of a family history of premature coronary disease, diabetes, hypertension, smoking, and ESRD might be candidates for low dose statin use. However multi-drug regimens, even in youth with severely elevated LDL-C (43), is not recommended.


In youth with fasting TG >500 mg/dL, KDIGO recommendations a very low-fat diet (<15% total calories), use of medium-chain triglycerides, and fish oil. Pharmacologic treatment can be considered in those with TG >1000 mg/dL, however, the safety or efficacy of fibric acid or niacin for this population is unknown (44).


In 2011, the NHLBI, although focused primarily on youth with FH, recommended pharmacologic management for children >10 years-of-age with LDL-C >190 mg/dL alone, >160 mg/dL with one high-risk condition, or >130 mg/dL with two high-risk conditions despite lifestyle modifications. High-risk conditions include high blood pressure (treated with antihypertensive medication), BMI >97th percentile, smoking, and chronic kidney disease (45).




CVD-related events are the leading cause of death among adults with ESRD receiving maintenance dialysis.  It accounts for 45% of deaths, a rate 10-30 times higher than that in the general population (46-50).


The relationship between serum cholesterol and CVD is more complex in individuals with CKD, particularly those receiving maintenance hemodialysis. A history of coronary heart disease, coronary artery bypass surgery, coronary angioplasty or an abnormal coronary angiogram was present in 36% (peritoneal dialysis) and 42% (hemodialysis dialysis) (51).


In contrast, comparable data in youth receiving maintenance dialysis are limited in regards to the prevalence of CVD-related risk factors, clinical management of modifiable risk factors, and the incidence of morbidity and mortality.  Despite the common occurrence of hyperlipidemia in youth with ESRD, monitoring is rarely performed (52,53). The relative risk of CVD, however, appears to be even greater in younger dialysis patients (8).


A study by Blanche and colleagues suggests CVD is also common amongst children who require chronic dialysis. (Table 6) The type of cardiac-related events differed significantly among ethnic groups, being highest among Black youth (54).


Table 6.  Adjusted annual cardiac events/1000 patient-years in children receiving chronic dialysis

















Cardiac Arrest








Valvular disease















P= 0.003

All-cause death








Cardiac death








Adapted from Table 2, Chavers (54).


Despite the increased prevalence of CVD, randomized controlled trials have not shown definitive evidence that lipid-lowering therapies are effective in reducing risk in adults with ESRD who require chronic dialysis. This lack of benefit may be the result of 1) a significant difference in the pathophysiology and spectrum of CVD in adults who require chronic dialysis compared to the general population; and 2) although affected by atherosclerosis, the majority of deaths in dialysis patients are not related to coronary artery disease and, therefore, would not be expected to respond favorably to lipid-lowering therapy.


As noted in the Table 6, coronary disease in youth with ESRD receiving chronic dialysis is also rare. Most of the CVD involves cardiomyopathy and/or dysrhythmia. Therefore, as in adults, lipid-lowering therapy may be of limited benefit in this population.


In its 2014 clinical practice guidelines, the KDIGO Work Group noted that the magnitude of any relative risk reduction in individuals who require chronic dialysis appears to be substantially smaller than in earlier stages of CKD. Therefore, the KDIGO Work Group does not recommend initiation of statin treatment for most adults and children undergoing chronic dialysis. Previous guidelines in this population suggested the use of targets for LDL-C, with treatment escalation to higher doses of statin when LDL-C targets are not achieved with lower dose therapy. Current recommendations, however, do not support this strategy since higher doses of statins have not been proven to be safe in the setting of CKD. Furthermore, since LDL-C levels do not necessarily suggest the need to increase statin doses, follow-up measurement of lipid levels is not recommended (55).


While there is little evidence that lifestyle changes will reduce serum TG levels and/or improve clinical outcomes in adults, the KDIGO Work Group recommend advising youth with high fasting levels of serum TGs (>5.65 mmol/l or >500 mg/dl) to adopt lifestyle changes (54). Dietary modification should be used judiciously, if at all, in youth who are malnourished. The safety and efficacy of fibric acid and niacin have not been established in youth nor FDA approved for use in this population. Prescription omega-3-fatty acids appear to lower serum TGs in adults. The benefits, harms, and tolerability of such treatment in children is unproven, nor are there data to suggest preferential use of EPA vs combination EPA/DHA productions.


Renal Transplantation


TLC remains the first-line intervention for treatment of dyslipidemia in youth who undergo renal transplantation. The KDOQI clinical practice guidelines for nutrition in youth recommend that families receive intensive nutrition guidance to promote a heart-healthy diet and ≥60 minutes of active play time daily, along with limiting screen time (television + computer + video games) to ≤2 hours per day (56). KDIGO guidelines recommends against the use of statin or statin/ezetimibe combination in youth <18 years, although low dose statin should be considered in boys >10 years and post-menarche girls with severely elevated LDL-C in the setting of a family history of premature coronary disease, diabetes, hypertension, smoking, and ESRD (43).


NHLBI and AHA both recommended considering pharmacologic therapy if LDL-C goals are not met with TLC alone. If statins are considered, caution needs to be exercised and low doses given concommitentlly with medications that utilize the CYP3A4 pathway, like cyclosporine, as they may increase serum concentration of the statin and risk of statin-induced rhabdomyolysis. There are no randomized trials for use of ezetimibe or bile acid sequestrants in pediatric renal transplant patients; and KDIGO does not recommend multi-drug regimens even in those with severely elevated LDL-C. The use of fibrates in adult renal transplant recipients with HTG has been accompanied by elevations in serum creatinine and also with reduced cyclosporine concentrations when used concomitantly (57).  It should be noted that the effect of cyclosporine is more complex than CYP3A4 inhibition alone (see chapter 18 of Endotext on medications which states, in part, “ Most statins are transported into the liver and other tissues by organic anion transporting polypeptides, particularly OATP1B1. Drugs, such as clarithromycin, ritonavir, indinavir, saquinavir, and cyclosporine that inhibit OATP1B1 can increase serum statin levels thereby increasing the risk of statin muscle toxicity. Fluvastatin is the statin that is least affected by OATP1B1 inhibitors. In fact, fluvastatin 40mg per day has been studied in adults receiving renal transplants concomitantly treated with cyclosporine and over a five year study period the risk of myopathy or rhabdomyolysis was not increased in the fluvastatin treated patients compared to those treated with placebo.”)


Several studies have shown an impact of cyclosporine mTOR inhibitor and prednisone immunosuppressive regimen on post-transplant dyslipidemia and this may contribute to CVD morbidity and mortality in pediatric renal transplant recipients (27,28,58).  One study noted the prevalence of post-transplant dyslipidemia may be decreasing with the use of newer immunosuppressive regimens that include tacrolimus and lower doses of prednisone (28). Thus, improvement of the CVD risk profile may be accomplished by alteration of the immunosuppressive regimen.




Chronic kidney disease and nephrotic syndrome are often accompanied by dyslipidemia, contributing to disease-related morbidity and increasing risk of premature CVD. Given the lack of randomized controlled trials in youth and long-term clinical outcomes, such as CVD-related events and mortality, optimum management is unknown. Further research is needed to demonstrate the benefit of strategies to improve health and wellbeing in this vulnerable population, including use of lipid-lowering medications, with the aim of decreasing CVD-related events. In addition, given the role of dyslipidemia in potentially contributing to deterioration of renal function in youth with NS, aggressive lipid-lowering therapy may be beneficial. Further studies, however, are needed.




The authors would like to acknowledge Luke Hamilton, Suzanne Beckett, Dena Hanson, and Ashley Brock for their assistance in preparing and editing this manuscript.




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Diabetes Mellitus and Infections



Diabetes presents a significant risk factor for all kinds of infections. It has been well described to increase rates of outpatient infection as well as the incidence of infections requiring hospitalization. This appears to be related to deficits in the immune system, particularly changes seen in innate immunity. Respiratory infections, skin and soft tissue infections, gastrointestinal and genitourinary infections all appear to occur more frequently in patients with DM. Not only are they more frequent, but these infections appear to have a poorer response to therapy and more rapid progression to severe forms of infection. There is good evidence that reduction of hyperglycemia can improve outcomes. Among the antihyperglycemic agents available, translational and clinical data exists that insulin can help to improve immune function and potentially metformin as well.




The 2020 release of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Diabetes Statistics Report revealed that in 2018, 34.2 million individuals had diabetes mellitus (DM), representing approximately 10.5% of the US population and a total cost of care in excess of US $300 billion (1). Part of these numbers reflects the impact of DM on infection rates and morbidity/mortality. Both type 1 and type 2 DM are associated with a significantly higher risk of infection, both in the outpatient and inpatient context, and the outcomes are generally worse than in those without diabetes. We will discuss here the impact of diabetes on the immune system, specific infections which are commonly seen in diabetes, and the influence of various therapies targeted both at glycemic control and also on immunomodulation on infection outcomes.




DM, both type 1 and type 2, is associated with a high risk of infection. A large retrospective study of primary care patients revealed that diabetes is likely to account for 6% of infection-related hospitalizations and 12% of infection-related deaths, with the strongest associations being for bone and joint infections, development of sepsis, and cellulitis (2).




A number of studies have been performed on the rate of infection among patients with diabetes in the primary care and other outpatient settings. In a Canadian cohort of 1,779 patients with DM matched to 11,066 without DM the patients with DM had an increased risk of infection (adjusted odds ratio 1.21, adjusted for confounding variables). with skin and soft tissue infections having the strongest association with having DM. Interestingly, DM was not found in this study to be associated with head and neck, musculoskeletal, or viral infections (3). Another large Canadian study including more than a million individuals matched those with DM to those without, and assessed all physician and hospital claims for infectious disease. It found that almost half of all individuals with DM had a claim for an infectious disease within a cohort year compared with 38% of those without DM. The risk ratio was skewed most towards those with DM for upper respiratory tract infections, cystitis, and pneumonia (4).




In one study, having diabetes led to a 2-fold increased risk for hospitalization when presenting with an infection to the emergency room, and up to 12% of inpatient admissions in patients with diabetes were the consequence of an infection (5). A South Korean showed that those with diabetes had a significantly greater risk of infection-related ICU admission and death when hospitalized with infections of skin or soft tissue, central nervous system infection, or bone and joints (6). The previously-mentioned Canadian retrospective cohort study showed that, while the overall risk ratio for infection in those with diabetes versus without was 1.21, this number rose to 2.17 and 1.92 when considering infection which led to hospitalization and death, respectively (4). These and other studies (7,8) have revealed that not only is diabetes associated with (and causative of) an increased risk of infection, but also with higher rates of hospitalization, ICU stays, and death related to these infections. Of note, many of these patients with DM have other comorbidities which may not be able to be fully controlled for in these epidemiologic studies demonstrating higher estimates of the risk of infection with DM.


One important entity to consider in the inpatient arena is sepsis. The studies on sepsis are not consistent — though some show worse outcomes from DM, others have suggested either no effect or even a protective effect from DM (9). Data for the latter come from studies assessing acute respiratory failure and respiratory distress syndrome in the ICU, and it may be that the blunted immune response that we see in some patients with DM are responsible for the findings (i.e., reduced inflammation and injury related to impaired neutrophil function as described in section on Innate Immunity) (10). More studies are needed to better understand in what specific clinical contexts DM results in higher risk.




There is well-known disruption of the immune system in diabetes which occurs at multiple levels. Innate and adaptive immunity are affected along with cytokine signaling within both. This dysregulation occurs both in those with type 1 and 2 DM. Microvascular complications such as neuropathy also increase susceptibility to an accidental lesion in the barrier of the skin which forms one of the first lines of defense. Furthermore, poor vascular flow to sites of infection can further compromise an appropriate immune response and healing leading to worsening or secondary infections (11,11b). In our discussion on alterations of the immune system, it is important to note that we have focused on alterations in function as opposed to baseline differences in the number of immune cells or cytokine levels between those with and without DM. Table 1 provides a summary of the alterations in immune dysfunction that are known.


Innate Immunity



The complement system plays a critical role in both innate and adaptive immunity and leads to the opsonization, lysis and phagocytosis of pathogens along with recruitment of immune cells to the site of infection. There is known to be a reduction in the complement factor 4 (C4) level in those with type 1 DM, although it is unclear if that alone can precipitate an increased risk of infection (12). A variety of studies demonstrate that hyperglycemia can inhibit phagocytosis through the system, potentially by reducing complement binding to immunoglobulins. Glycosylation of C3 can also impair its ability to attach to the pathogen surfaces (13).


Table 1. Impact of Diabetes and Hyperglycemia on the Immune System

Innate Immunity

Complement System

-  Reduction in C4 levels (Unclear relevance for infection risk)

-  Reduction complement binding to immunoglobulins

-  Glycosylation of C3 can impair binding to pathogen surface

Recruitment and Pathogen Recognition

-  Reduced CAM expression leading to reduced leukocyte recruitment

-    In setting of hyperglycemia reduced production of chemokine in response to bacterial LPS

-    Advanced glycation end products inhibit neutrophil transendothelial migration

-  Reduced expression TLR (which allows for recognition LPS)

Cellular Dysfunction

-    Reduced H2O2 production leading to reduced bactericidal ability in both macrophage and neutrophils

-    Impairment of macrophage phagocytic ability through complement pathway

-  Impaired metabolism of glucose in macrophages reducing activity

-    NK cell activity reduced through reduced expression activating receptors NKG2D and NKp46

Adaptive Immunity

-  Depletion and dysfunction memory CD4+ cells

-  Not as well described as alterations in innate immunity

Cytokine Signaling

- Deficiency of IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, IL-22, IFN-γ, TNF α

Skin and Mucosal


-  Vascular compromise leading to impaired healing

-  Neuropathy making breakage of the skin more likely




A number of older studies reported reduced chemotaxis of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) in patients who have DM (14,15). One of the mechanisms appears to be related to disruption of cellular adhesion molecules (CAMs) which are critical for the recruitment of leukocytes to the site of infection. This was seen when db/db (a diabetic mouse model) and wild type mice were infected with West Nile Virus and subsequent analysis of the brains of the db/db showed less leukocyte recruitment consistent with reduced CAM expression compared with the brains of the wild type mice (16). When hyperglycemia was induced in mice exposed to Klebsiella pneumoniae, there was a reduced recruitment of granulocytes to the site of infection as compared with control mice. This was felt to be related to a reduction in the chemokine production able to be induced by the bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (17). There are also in vitro data which reveal that advanced glycation end products are able to inhibit neutrophil transendothelial migration (18). A reduction in the expression of Toll- like receptors (TLR, which bind to LPS and allow for pathogen recognition) in patients with poorly controlled diabetes has been described as well (19).




Multiple immune cells are impacted in DM. Neutrophil recruitment is not only reduced, but there are also good data demonstrating their reduced phagocytic activity and hydrogen peroxide production, leading to reduced bactericidal ability (20-23). The mechanism for the alteration appears may be partially linked to impaired metabolism of glucose and glutamine, as was demonstrated in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (24). Macrophages are also similarly affected. Examination of cells from patients with type 2 DM have revealed that there is impairment of both the complement and Fc-gamma receptor-mediated pathways by which macrophages are able to phagocytize pathogens (25). When macrophages from diabetic mice were cultured in normal versus high glucose, there was a reduction in the phagocytic and bactericidal activity, apparently through a defect similar to that seen in neutrophils, specifically impaired metabolism of glucose (26). NK cell activity is also known to be reduced in a manner which is related to level of glycemic control, demonstrated in multiple studies comparing NK cells from patients with DM, prediabetes, and also without DM (27). The mechanism of the reduced activity may be in part related to decreased expression of activating receptors NKG2D and NKp46 on the NK cells in patients with DM (28).


Adaptive Immunity


The adaptive immune system is activated in response to specific pathogens and involves the immunologic memory for those pathogens. There are two components of adaptive immunity, the humoral and cellular, which carry out the major purposes of generating an antibody and cellular (involving B and T cells) response to a specific antigen. The adaptive humoral immunity is involved in antibody production. This appears to be preserved in those with DM on the basis of overall appropriate response to various vaccines (29,30). However, there may be some dysregulation of the adaptive cellular immunity. There is a depletion of memory CD4+ cells that has been noted prior to the development of type 1 DM (31). Furthermore, a dysfunction of and an impaired response of these cells to Streptococcus pneumoniae has been described (32). However, the dysfunction seen in DM with innate immunity is better understood than that the dysfunction in adaptive immunity (33).


Cytokine Signaling Defects


Cytokines play a vital role in the signaling cascades which underpin the immune system, allowing for full activation of both innate and adaptive immune responses. Multiple points of dysregulation have been identified in DM. With stimulation, multiple of these cytokines have been shown to be secreted at lower levels than would be typical with stimulation. In vitro studies done on monocytes isolated from patients without DM showed suppression of IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, and IL-10 secretion in the presence of hyperglycemia (34-36). In diabetic mice, there was noted to be immune dysregulation and also inflammation which was related to IL-22 deficiency reversed with provision of IL-22 (37). There is also evidence for impaired interferon gamma (IFN-γ) and TNF alpha production from T cells in the setting of methylglyoxal, a compound which is increased in those with DM (38). The end result of these deficits is that there is attenuation of the phagocytic and cellular immune response.




In addition to many infections having a worse course in those with diabetes, specific types of infections are also significantly more common in those with diabetes. We will review these diabetes-predominant infections (39-42). Table 2 also provides an overview of common infections and considerations in those with DM.



Table 2. Common infections seen in patients with diabetes with attention to diagnosis,

common responsible organisms, management, and outcomes

Respiratory Infections


-  Higher rates of hospitalization and also mortality in those with DM compared with those without

-  Less commonly presents with purulent cough and pleuritic chest pain, more commonly with altered consciousness

-  Aspiration and skin colonization common etiologies

S pneumonia, S aureus, and K pneumoniae among most common organism

-  Rx with amoxicillin/clavulanate or cephalosporin +

macrolide/doxycycline vs fluoroquinolone


-  Higher risk contracting with risk corresponding with level of glycemic control

-  Higher risk of treatment failure

-  Isoniazid needs to be taken with pyridoxine to prevent neuropathy

-  Rifampin can cause hyperglycemia and also induces cyp450 leading to increased clearance of various DM agents

Skin and Soft Tissue


-  Most common SSTI seen in those with DM

-  Most common organism Staph species

-  For abscess culture is needed to determine organism and resistance

-  Oral abx: Doxycycline, clindamycin, TMP-SMX, cephalexin

-  Presence SIRS or other complication: IV vancomycin, linezolid, ceftaroline

Necrotizing Fasciitis

-  Comorbid DM much more common

-  Limb loss seen more often

-  Polymicrobial typically but can be only K pneumoniae

-  Surgical rx most common and need broad spectrum coverage

Fournier Gangrene

-  More commonly seen in those with DM

-  Anaerobic and aerobic bacteria such as S aureus and

Pseudomonas species

-  Debridement a must

-  Seen with SGLT2 inhibitors

Sternal Wound Infection

-  DM one of strongest predictors for infection

-  Improved glycemic control with insulin shown to reduce rate of infection



- HCV outcomes worse with more frequent cirrhosis and failure of


Emphysematous Cholecystitis

-  Diagnosis through sonography or CT typically as first step

-  Most common organism C perfringens and E coli

-  Rx is typically cholecystectomy but can try abx in mild case


Urinary Tract Infection

-  Higher rate of infection and failure/relapse with rx

-  Most common organism E choli and Enterobacteriaceae

-  Urine culture is strongly recommended

-  Do not treat asx bacteriuria

-  Decision for abx is based on local organism and resistance trend

-    Higher risk of progression to pyelonephritis which is more severe and often bilateral

Head and Neck

Necrotizing Otitis Externa

-  DM higher risk of abscess formation requiring draining

-    Vascular compromise and pseudomonal vasculitis much more commonly seen in DM

-  P aeruginosa most common organism

-  Confirm with CT

-    Systemic abx with antipseudomonal action and local therapy to the canal including cleaning/debridement

Fungal Infections


-  Potentially up to 1/3 of all patients with DM impacted

-  Diagnosis based on fungal culture/microscopy

-  Oral agents most effective


-  Most common Candida specie

-  Increased ability to bind with receptor in DM


-  Communicate with lab on culture that Candida specie is suspected

-  If symptomatic, then fluconazole first line


-  Causative agents are the mucormycetes

-  Most commonly sinus +/- cerebrum/orbits

-  Respiratory tract second most common

-  Skin third most common and has ulcerative necrotic lesion

-    Tissue biopsy needed and imaging helpful to identify extent of infection

-  Debulking of infection with adjuvant



Abbreviations: Rx (Treatment), Abx (Antibiotics), Asx (Asymptomatic), SSTI (Skin and soft tissue infections), UTI (Urinary tract infection)



Respiratory Infections


Pneumonia is a frequently-seen infection in those with DM. In a large Danish population-based case-control study of 34,239 patients, the relative risk for hospitalization from community-acquired pneumonia was 1.26 compared with patients without DM. Furthermore, the risk appeared to be correlated with level of glycemic control with relative risk (RR) for those with HbA1c <7% being 1.22, versus a RR of 1.6 when HbA1c was ≥9% (43). A Portuguese study similarly showed DM prevalence was higher in those with pneumonia and that outcomes were worse with a longer hospital stay and significantly higher mortality in patients with DM versus those without (15.2% vs 13.5%) (44). These trends were also seen in another Danish study which showed mortality was greater in those with type 2 DM compared with other patients at both 30 and 90 days after the initial pneumonia episode (45). The presentation of pneumonia is potentially different in those with DM as typically bacterial pneumonia presents with a purulent cough and pleuritic chest pain, symptoms which are less commonly seen in those with DM. The hypothesis is that the lowered immune defense results in a decreased inflammatory response and symptoms. Notably, altered consciousness is more common on presentation with pneumonia in those with DM. The causative agent of pneumonia is similar in those with and without DM with the most common being Streptococcus pneumoniae (46). However, there is an over-representation of organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae related to skin colonization and more frequent aspiration in those with DM. Management is using combination therapy with amoxicillin/clavulanate or cephalosporin and a macrolide or doxycycline versus monotherapy with respiratory fluoroquinolone (47). Use of certain DM medications like metformin have been shown to reduce the risk of development of bacterial pneumonia (odds ratio 0.89) and also morbidity and mortality when pneumonia develops, hypothesized to be related to improvement in function of the innate immune system and reduction in levels of inflammation which is explored later in this chapter (47b).


Diabetes also represents an important risk factor for contracting tuberculosis (TB). The odds of developing tuberculosis appear to be higher in those with DM compared to those without with the odds ratio ranging from 2.44-8.33 in various studies. Furthermore, severity of DM appears to be correlated with greater risk of contracting TB based on studies comparing the incidence of TB in those with insulin-dependent versus non-insulin dependent DM. Risk of treatment failure despite good adherence to medication regimen and also death from tuberculosis all appear to be increased (48). There are side effects of medications targeted at tuberculosis with particular relevance in DM. Isoniazid can cause peripheral neuropathy that could be mistaken for diabetic neuropathy, and pyridoxine should be administered to ameliorate this risk. Rifampicin has the ability to cause hyperglycemia. Rifampicin also is a powerful inducer of the cytochrome P450 system leading to increased clearance of multiple DM agents (i.e., sulfonylurea, pioglitazone, meglitinides). Hence while the regimen to treat TB seen in patients with DM is the same as the regimen in those without, special attention must be paid to these DM specific issues.


Skin and Soft Tissue Infections (SSTI)


There is a significantly increased risk of skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI) in DM. Up to 80% of patients with DM will experience a skin complication related to DM during their lifetime, many of which are SSTIs (48b). Using a large administrative claims database (HealthCore Integrated Research Database), Suaya et al were able to demonstrate complications from SSTI were five times higher, and hospitalization four times higher, in patients with DM than those without DM in their cohort (49). The most common agent of infection is Staphylococcus aureus (S aureus). The foot represents the most common site of infection as well which has been expertly covered in another chapter (50). In the last few years, a number of therapies directed at improving immune function, blood flow, and better restoring integrity of the barrier of the skin have been developed that likely have implications for other non-foot related infections (50b).


For cellulitis, the diagnosis is typically clinical, as opposed to an abscess which often is cultured for organism identification and resistance profiling. The decision for antibiotics in cellulitis and with abscess is often empiric, and in those with DM it is imperative that the choice cover Staphylococcus species. Potential first line therapy for outpatient oral antibiotics includes doxycycline, clindamycin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and cephalexin. If there is admission due to SIRS criteria being present or a suspected complication, then the recommendations change to IV predominant choices including vancomycin, linezolid, and ceftaroline (51).


Necrotizing fasciitis is a life-threatening condition involving the subcutaneous fat and deep fascial layers. A retrospective report of 59 necrotizing fasciitis cases at a single center revealed that 11 of the cases had DM, and another study showed that 51% of 84 patients in the cohort with necrotizing fasciitis had DM (52,53). Though most commonly a polymicrobial infection, Klebsiella pneumoniae is also commonly seen as a single isolate (53). Prognosis appears to be poorer in those with DM, with a higher rate of limb loss than that seen in those without DM. Broad spectrum antibiotics are utilized, related to the frequent polymicrobial nature of the infection. However, ischemia compromises appropriate antibiotic concentration at the site, therefore the management is primarily surgical involving a combination of debridement, necrosectomy, and fasciotomy frequently (54).


Fournier gangrene represents a particularly serious SSTI, defined as a necrotizing skin infection of the scrotum and penis or vulva. Typically, patients are between the age of 50-60 years and DM represents a serious risk factor for development. Usually, the infection will begin in the perianal or retroperitoneal region and then spreads to the genitalia or as a urinary tract infection which then also moves towards the genitalia. There will be necrosis and crepitus which is an indication of involvement of the underlying skin and soft tissue. The etiology is usually a mix of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria which can commonly include S aureus and Pseudomonas (51). Surgical debridement is typically necessary. This condition has become of particular relevance with the release of a warning from the US Food and Drug Administration in August 2018 that Fournier’s represented a rare but serious complication of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i), a newer but increasingly utilized class of DM medications (55). There were 55 cases of Fournier’s reported to the FDA between March 2013 and January 2019 (56). However, it is important to note that while this number appears to be higher than for other anti-hyperglycemic agents, that there has not been a clear establishment of causality here. In fact, other studies including a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials involving SGLT2i and a “real-world” study using IBM MarketScan were unable to confirm an increased risk of Fournier’s Gangrene for those using SGLT2i versus those who did not (57,58). Intriguingly, a single center retrospective review of cases of Founier Gangrene admitted actually suggested use of SGLT2i and metformin were both protective in reducing length of ICU and hospital stay (58b).


Sternal wound infections after surgery are also known to occur more frequently in those with DM. After coronary artery bypass, presence of DM is one the strongest predictors for a deep sternal wound infection (odds ratio 2.6) (59). Improved glycemic control in the post-operative period has been shown to be able to significantly reduce the rate of sternal wound infection (60-62). Furnary et al in their seminal study were able to demonstrate in a prospective manner that use of an IV insulin infusion to keep glucose <200 mg/dL resulted in a 66% reduction in risk of sternal infection compared with nonrandomized historical controls (60).


Gastrointestinal Infections


The presence of DM has been known to worsen viral hepatitis. The outcome in chronic hepatitis C infection is worse in those with DM as compared to those without, corresponding to a significantly increased risk for cirrhosis and a reduced response to antiviral therapy in those with DM and hepatitis C (63). Emphysematous cholecystitis is a rare progression of acute cholecystitis, defined as presence of gas in the gallbladder wall for which DM serves as a major risk factor. The prevalence of DM among those with emphysematous cholecystitis has been described as high as 50% in the literature (64). Sonography is able to detect the presence of gas within the gallbladder wall and an abdominal radiograph will show a curvilinear lucency around the gallbladder. CT can also detect the condition with nearly 100% sensitivity. The two most common causative agents are Clostridium perfringens and Escherichia coli. The treatment is often surgical with prompt cholecystectomy although for a mild case antibiotic therapy can be initiated but without improvement within 3-4 days then the recommendation is still for cholecystectomy (65).


Genitourinary Infections


Urinary tract infections (UTI) are significantly more common in patients with DM with a large UK study showing an incidence of UTI of 46.9 per 1000 person- years among those who had type 2 DM versus 29.9 for those without DM (66). The most common pathogens in those with DM are Escherichia coli and the Enterobacteriaceae (Klebsiella, Proteus, Enterobacter, etc.). There is an increased risk of drug- resistant organisms being present. In making the diagnosis, beyond the typical clinical symptoms of dysuria and increased frequency, it is important to note that a urine culture really should be obtained in all individuals with DM prior to therapy (67). Outcomes are worse in those with DM, being associated with increased relapse and reinfection (at 7.1% and 15.9% respectively in those with DM versus 2% and 4.1% in those without) (68). Asymptomatic bacteriuria should not be treated even in those with DM. In those with symptoms, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and ciprofloxacin are good choices but the general consensus is to follow local infection and resistance trends and tailor antibiotic therapy towards those organisms (67). From a lower UTI, there is also more risk of progression to pyelonephritis (both emphysematous and nonemphysematous) which tends to be more severe requiring hospitalization and are often bilateral in those with DM (69,70).


It would be important to note that the class of medications called SGLT2i, previously mentioned under the section of Fournier gangrene, was initially thought to be associated with increased risk of UTIs. The purported mechanism is the increased glucose level in the urine, favoring the growth of microorganisms. However, database-driven studies and meta-analyses have not borne out this association (70b,70c). The initial observation of increased rates of UTI may have been related to surveillance bias or mycotic infections being mistaken for UTI in patients on SGLT2i.


Head and Neck Infections


Consistent with the findings in many types of infections, head and neck infections are more common and appear to be more severe in those with DM. An assessment of 185 patients at the National Taiwan University Hospital with deep neck infections found that those with DM had a significantly higher rate of abscess formation than those without (89.3% vs 71.3%) and that surgical drainage was required more frequently as well (86% vs 65.2%) (71). One concerning entity commonly associated with DM is necrotizing external otitis. This term references an infection which has spread to the temporal and adjacent bones at the base of the skull. The causative agent is often Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The increased frequency of this in those with DM appears to be related in part to the vascular compromise seen in DM combined with a pseudomonal vasculitis (72,72b). A certain level of suspicion for this condition needs to be present when there is external otitis in a patient at risk of necrotizing progression. Imaging is often needed to confirm with CT used. Systemic antibiotics are a requirement along with local treatment of the canal (i.e., cleaning, antimicrobial topicals, etc.). The antibiotic chosen needs to have antipseudomonal action such as the fluoroquinolones with the understanding that poor vascularization of the area often means higher doses are required (72).


Fungal Infections


Infection with Candida species is common in those with DM (73). Skin and soft tissue along with mucosa can be commonly impacted. Assessment of mouth swabs from patients with and without DM revealed that there was a higher frequency of Candida infection in the patients with DM (74). This appears to be related to decreased salivary pH and salivary flow which promoted colonization with the yeast. But there is also the possibility that in DM there is increased ability of Candida to bind to its receptor (75). Onychomycosis, a fungal infection of the nails, is also very common with DM with some studies suggesting up to 1/3 of individuals with DM are impacted. Diagnosis is made based on a positive fungal culture for a dermatophyte or microscopy showing fungus prior to initiation of therapy. Oral agents tend to be the most efficacious but topical lacquers are used as well (76).


Beyond the skin and mucosa, there is a high rate of genitourinary infections with Candida species. Among fungal infections of the urinary tract system, the vast majority involve Candida species. For both outpatient and inpatient urinary tract infections where Candida species was the causative agent, DM is present as a comorbid condition in 29% and 39% of cases respectively. Initial work-up would be similar to that of any other for urinary tract infection including urinalysis and culture. If there is a concern for Candida then that should be communicated with the reporting lab as there can be slow growth on certain cultures. It is important to remember that symptomatic urinary tract infections with Candida are rare. However, if truly a symptomatic infection is felt to be present, then fluconazole is typically the first line therapy of choice because of its ability to accumulate in high concentrations within the urine. If there is progression to pyelonephritis then speciation and sensitivities will be required given the presence of resistant strains and often dual agent therapy is required (77).


Mycotic genital infections are driven by Candida species. in both men and women (78). A very large percentage of women will experience symptomatic vulvovaginal candidiasis within their lifetime, and DM represents a risk factor for development of infection, with worsening glycemic control predisposing to an even higher risk (73). This appears to be related to known defects in immune cell function (PMNs and macrophages) and the impact of glucose in the urine, leading to worsening virulence in addition to improved adherence of yeast. Clinically, women present with pruritis and discomfort. Diagnosis is best made with microscopy and can be suspected in those with a negative amine (“whiff”) test and normal pH. Treatment is typically with a short course of intravaginal imidazole or triazole as opposed to oral fluconazole (78). For male patients, a similar finding of increased risk of balanitis (i.e., inflammation of the glans penis and prepuce) with DM and with increasing HbA1c is noted (73,79). This condition also occurs almost exclusively in males who have not been circumcised. Diagnosis is best made based on clinical presentation (burning and itching of penis worse after intercourse) in combination with a subpreputial culture. Imidazole or triazole creams represent the mainstay of therapy (78). 


It is worth mentioning that SGLT2i as a class are known to be associated with genital infections, particularly mycotic genital infections caused by Candida species. Using information from two US based health insurance databases, Dave et al were able to demonstrate in a retrospective cohort study that use of an SGLT2i compared with dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors and glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists led to an approximately three-fold increase in risk of genital infection (80). This might be mitigated in part by improved hygiene (i.e., rinsing the genital area with water after every episode of urination and before going to bed) (81). Interestingly, the association between use of SGLT2i and genital infections does not appear to extend to UTIs (82). This may be related to increased volume and flow through the urinary tract preventing excess bacterial load from developing (83). As SGLT2i are increasingly a mainstay of therapy for patients with type 2 DM, this association with mycotic genital infections needs to be carefully considered.


Mucormycosis is a rare but life-threatening fungal infection caused by a mucormycetes, a group of molds (commonly the mucor and rhizppus species). A metanalysis of cases of mucormycosis showed that DM was the commonest underlying condition present in 40% of cases (84). Frequently the DM associated is type 2 and uncontrolled. It carries with it a high fatality rate which ranges from 32-57%. The most common site of infection (66% of cases in a large 929 case series) is the sinus-cavity leading to rhinocerebral infection which can also impact the orbits. In these cases, there are often symptoms of sinus congestion/inflammation, fever, facial swelling along with ophthalmoplegia, cellulitis, and cranial nerve palsies. Necrotic eschars in the nasal cavity and on the hard palate are classic findings and also indicate a rapidly progressive infection. The respiratory tract is the second most commonly affected location (16%) with endobronchial lesions commonly found in those with DM. The subsequent invasion of the vasculature can lead to more distant infection. Finally, the third most common site is the skin (10%). Cutaneous mucormycosis presents with erythematous or ulcerative necrotic lesions which can also lead to osteomyelitis (85,86). Tissue biopsy is a requirement for diagnosis while various imaging modalities can help provide further evidence of an infection. Debulking of the infection through surgery is necessary. Amphotericin B and isavuconazole have been utilized as adjunctive therapies (85,87).


COVID-19 and DM


There is clearly a significant interaction between DM and SARS-CoV-2 (causative agent of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)). Multiple risk factors for contracting and having a more severe course of COVID-19 have been identified, including advanced age and male gender, but both type 1 and type 2 DM are now known to be important risk factors for morbidity and mortality with the disease (88). An assessment of patients who contracted COVID-19 and were tested within the Vanderbilt University Medical system demonstrated that there was a significantly increased risk for hospitalization in those with DM compared to without DM (odds ratio 3.36 for type 2 and 3.9 for type 1) and also for more severe disease course (odds ratio 3.42 for type 2 and 3.35 for type 1) (89). From a cohort of patients in England, there is evidence that poorly-controlled DM as compared with well-controlled DM (HbA1c 6.5-7% versus  greater than 10%) results in significantly increased mortality in both type 1 and type 2 DM (hazard ratio 2.23 and 1.61 respectively) (90). Increased mortality has also been seen in another English cohort (83). A more comprehensive review on this topic is offered by Lim et al, where the multiple points at which COVID-19 and DM interact – including the impact of glucotoxicity on the lungs, increased thromboembolic risk, worsened oxidative stress. and inappropriately high levels of cytokine production leading to organ damage – are outlined (91).





Glycemic Control and Diabetes Therapies


There is good evidence that glycemic control is correlated with infection. A study of 69,318 patients with type 2 DM in Denmark revealed an association between increased risk for community- and hospital- treated infection in those with higher HbA1c ≥10.5% compared with HbA1c 5.5-<6.4% (92). Similarly, in a large English cohort there was an increasing risk of infection in parallel with HbA1c for patients with both type 1 and type 2 (2). In a Taiwanese study looking at outcomes from a community-based health screening program, the authors found that fasting plasma glucose >200 mg/dL and DM was associated with the highest risk of infection and also a 3-fold higher risk of death than those without DM (93). Looking at an older population, the risk of certain infections was significantly higher in those with poor glycemic control HbA1c >8.5% compared with good glycemic control (relative risk infections ranging from 1.28-2.38) (94). Intervening to lower glucose appears to mitigate the risks. Zerr et al assessed incidence of sternal wound infection in patients with and without DM before and after implementation of a postoperative continuous IV insulin protocol to keep blood glucose <200 mg/dL. They found that lower glucose in the first 2 days postoperatively was associated with a decrease in deep wound infection from 2.4% to 1.5% (62).


Insulin, in both translational and clinical studies, has been suggested to have a protective effect against infection risk in those with DM (Table 3). A large surgical ICU trial assessing tight (80-110 mg/dL) versus conventional (treatment with insulin only if glucose >215 mg/dL) glycemic control using IV insulin found a lower mortality with tight glycemic control, and the greatest reduction in mortality was seen in those with sepsis leading to multi-organ dysfunction. In those treated with IV insulin, there was a significant reduction in the risk of developing sepsis (46%) (95).


While these data were later brought into question by the findings of the NICE-SUGAR trial (96) which demonstrated increased mortality with intensive glycemic control using IV insulin, other studies have suggested that there is improvement in rates of infection with use of insulin (60,97) particularly in the post-cardiac surgery setting for sternal wound infections. Furthermore, the increased risk of mortality in the intensive glycemic control arm in NICE-SUGAR is felt to be related to an excess of hypoglycemia seen in the cohort compared with normal care. If improved glycemic control can be achieved without causing a significant increase in hypoglycemia, a different outcome may be able to be achieved (98). Translational studies have been able to show in vivo that T cells which lack insulin receptor expression are unable to proliferate and produce cytokines properly and that insulin enables the cells to take up nutrient which supports their function (99). As mentioned earlier chemotaxis of PMNs is impaired in patients with DM and it has been noted that provision of glucose and insulin can restore these to baseline (15).


While data for immune function improvement and infection using other antihyperglycemic medications are relatively sparse, there are some suggestions that therapies beyond insulin can have an immune- restorative effect (Table 3). Metformin has demonstrated an ability to increase the number and action of CD8+ tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, resulting in improved production of cytokines IL-2, TNFα, and IFNγ (100). In a mice model with an absence of the TNF receptor-associated factor 6 (TRAF6), there is a relative inability to generate memory T cells that is related to defects in fatty acid metabolism. When TRAF6-deficient antigen specific effector T cells and TRAF6-deficient mice were exposed to metformin, there was a restoration of the production of memory T cells (101). While a number of other diabetes therapies have well-established anti- inflammatory effects (i.e., peroxisome proliferator- activated receptor-γ agonists, glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors) data are lacking as to their specific impact on immune function with regards to infection risk apart from their reduction of hyperglycemia (102-104).


Immunomodulating Therapies


There are data showing that the use of granulocyte- colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), which induces differentiation and release of PMN from marrow, is able to assist with healing in foot infections (105). While a subsequent meta-analysis did not show that the use of G-CSF was able to significantly impact the resolution or healing of wounds, there was a reduction in risk of needing amputation or surgical intervention (106).


While not a “medication”, physical activity has long been known to be associated with improvement in the immune system which are known to extend as well to those with DM (107). In diabetic rats, exercise was able to improve the neutrophil and lymphocyte count significantly (108).


Table 3. Anti-Hyperglycemic Agents Associated with a Reduced Risk of Infection


-    T cells in vivo which lack insulin receptor are unable to proliferate and produce cytokines due to the inability to take up nutrients

-  Chemotaxis in PMNs impaired in DM which is restored with glucose and



-    Increase number of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and improved cytokine production

-  Restoration of production of memory T cells from effector T cells





Diabetes represents an incredibly important risk factor for infection raising the likelihood of infection for both outpatient treated conditions and those which lead to hospitalization. Beyond raising the risk for contracting an infection, prognosis is frequently worse for many of these conditions which increases the frequency of rare and life-threatening infectious processes seen in those with DM. This is the consequence of disturbances in the immune system which have been well described involving both innate and adaptive immunity. However, glucose lowering therapies appear to be able to counteract some of the increased risk of infection and worsened prognosis by improving function of immune cells. More work is needed to fully elucidate if and how newer diabetes agents may be able to reduce risk of infection.




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Genetic Testing in Youth – A Primer for Pediatric Lipidologists



The genetic causes of several dyslipidemias have been identified. Our knowledge of the role of genetics in disorders affecting lipid and lipoprotein metabolism continues to improve along with advancements in technology and access of testing. Genetic testing offers diagnostic confirmation of disease, risk stratification, the ability to identify at risk biologic relatives, and individualized treatment options. While currently underutilized, genetic testing will increasingly play a key role in the treatment and management of children with lipid disorders.




In 2003, the cost of sequencing the first human genome was $2.7 billion. This pioneering work paved the way for genetic testing to become a practical tool in clinical practice. By 2016, the cost of genetic testing was under $1,000. With the cost continuing to decline, genetic testing is being utilized more frequently to help clinicians make informed decisions about clinical care. As genetic testing plays an increasingly important role in clinical management, it has become imperative of clinicians to understand the basic principles of genetic testing to provide appropriate care and accurate counseling, especially for youth with abnormalities of lipids and lipoproteins.


Although often underutilized, genetic testing helps to identify variants that play a causal role in disturbances of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism. Despite its benefits, the decision to perform a genetic test in youth requires a thorough understanding of the utility of genetic testing, as well as the nuances associated with testing of those under 18 years of age. Are youth able to understand the purpose of the test being recommended and the potential short- and long-term consequences associated with genetic test results? What rights do youth have in deciding whether to undergo testing?  While many excellent and comprehensive publications are available on the genetic causes of lipid and lipoprotein disorders, the goal of this chapter is to discuss basic concepts of genetic testing and assist providers in its use, including the interpretation of test results, counseling and effective communication of results. Furthermore, this chapter will address unique aspects of genetic testing in youth and discuss future directions in the field of diagnostic genetics as it relates to the practice of pediatric lipidology.




When correctly utilized and properly communicated, genetic testing has the potential to provide significant benefits for both clinical management and patient education (1). Correct diagnosis of a genetic disorder can accurately assess risk and help inform clinical decision-making for the child as well as family members.    


For example, familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), a common condition (1:220), significantly increases an individual’s risk of premature cardiovascular disease (CVD) due to elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) (2). Although individuals with heterozygous FH have a variable phenotype, the presence of a genetic variant results in a significantly higher risk for development of CVD due to lifelong exposure of elevated levels of atherogenic LDL-C (3, 4).  The CDC has designated FH as a Tier 1 genetic condition, with strong evidence and potential to improve public health, alongside international recommendations supporting implementation of genetic testing for FH (5). Because FH is inherited in an autosomal co-dominant manner, first degree family members of those identified with a causative FH variant have a 50% chance of being affected and are at increased risk for developing CVD prematurely. Genetic testing can assist in therapeutic decision-making for the index case and at-risk family members known to have hypercholesterolemia or identified through cascade screening (6, 7). A government funded cascade screening program in the Netherlands identified over 30,000 genetically confirmed cases of FH – similar programs in several European countries have been successfully implemented.


Value to Youth


When considering FH, unique benefits exist in identifying the genotype of those under 18 years of age. While CVD-related events typically occur in adulthood, the presence of persistently elevated cholesterol levels from an early age leads to atherosclerosis, beginning in childhood (8), and plays a key role in CVD risk and progression (9). By identifying an at-risk child, properly assessing risk and initiating treatment, including early introduction of a heart-healthy lifestyle and appropriate lipid-lowering medication, risk of future ASCVD-related events such as a heart attack or stroke can be dramatically reduced (9, 10).


Furthermore, when youth are identified with FH, reverse cascade screening has the potential of identifying other affected family members. Because of its mode of inheritance, 50% of first-degree relatives of a child with genetically confirmed heterozygous FH are also affected, often unaware of their condition and not receiving lipid lowering medications (Figure 1) (11).

Figure 1. Sample pedigree from reverse cascade screening of proband. From Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 2019, with permission.




Proper ordering and interpretation of a genetic test requires an understanding of commonly terms used. The following list of and diagram will help clinicians develop an understanding of some of the basic concepts of and visual image involved in genetic testing. 


Coverage: Number of genes sequenced. 

Depth: Number of times each nucleotide within a gene is sequenced.

Exome: Part of the genome that consists of exons. The exome accounts for roughly 1% of the genome.

Exon: A segment of a gene that encodes a protein.

Genome: A complete set of genetic information that provides all the necessary information required for a human to function. 

Intron: A noncoding region of DNA, or a segment of DNA that does not encode a protein.

Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP): A common (present in >1% of population), typically low effect variant, occurring at a single nucleotide in the genome.

Splicing: A process by which introns are removed from a transcript to produce mature RNA, made up of exons.

Variant: An alteration in the DNA nucleotide sequence. Variants can be benign, pathogenic, or of unknown significance.


Figure 2. Visual depiction of a gene, nucleotide, introns and exons, splicing, and genome and exome sequencing.




Targeted Panel


When considering conditions with known causal genetic loci, such as FH, targeted panels are often considered as a primary testing method. Four genes – LDLR, APOB, PCSK9, and LDLRAP1 – are principally considered when identifying pathogenic variants causing FH. While coverage is low (i.e., 4 genes), depth – depending on the performing laboratory – is high, often 100X or more, up to 1,000X.


Targeted panels are most accurate when used to identify variants in exons and smaller deletions or duplications. Using a combination of next generation sequencing technologies, Sanger sequencing, and deletion/duplication analysis, genetic variation often identified with >99% sensitivity and specificity. Introns are typically not sequenced beyond +/- 10 to 15 exon flanking base pairs.


Whole Exome Sequencing (WES)


As NGS technologies continue to evolve and cost declines, sequencing DNA of higher volume has become more feasible. WES allows for sequencing of all protein coding regions of a person’s genome—also known as the exome—along with flanking intronic regions. WES is often performed when the differential diagnosis is unclear or broad, or after a targeted genetic testing returns negative.


In the case of FH, WES can be helpful when no known variant is found in a traditional targeted panel. Several other conditions affecting lipid metabolism with known genetic variants – in APOE, ABCG5, ABCG8, LIPA, etc. – can produce a “FH phenotype,” in which conditions associated with variants in these genes create an overlap in elevated LDL-C levels with those seen in pathogenic FH variant carriers. Coverage in WES is high (i.e., 95 to >99% of the exome), while depth is often 20X up to 100X.


Secondary Findings


It is important to note that targeted panels inclusive of candidate genes and WES have the potential for identifying unintentional or secondary findings. For example, certain variants in APOE are associated with a FH phenotype; however, other APOE variants are associated with a predisposition for Alzheimer’s disease. When WES is performed, secondary findings for variants in gene sites unrelated to the condition under suspicion can occur.  For example, WES ordered for suspicion of FH could identify variants in BRCA1/2 associated with a predisposition to develop breast or ovarian cancer, which carry implications for other potentially affected family members. When secondary findings are identified, it is helpful to refer the family to either to a geneticist or other qualified specialist.  However, secondary findings can be excluded, directed by the preferences of family and provider. Concerns about secondary findings in WES and targeted panels can be alleviated by masking extraneous results.


Should Family Members Be Tested?


Low or no cost genetic testing is sometimes offered to family members to both identify additional at-risk family members and help inform genotype/phenotype correlations for more accurate classification of gene variants.




How Are Genetic Variants Classified?


Understanding the classification of an individual’s genetic variant can be a daunting task. No standardization of classification is uniformly adhered to, with each genomics laboratory offering their own definition or algorithm for classification. This ultimately results in the potential for one laboratory to define a variant as benign, while another may define the same variant as pathogenic. To further complicate matters, classification for each variant is subject to change as new and additional data about the variant is considered (12).


Interpretation of a pathogenic classification is the most straightforward. In the case of FH, the observed variant is considered to be the cause of the phenotype based on sufficient evidence of 1) the variant type, and 2) other individuals previously identified with the same variant.


Interpretation becomes more complicated in those with a variant of unknown significance (VUS) and for individuals in whom no mutation is identified. When faced with a VUS, it is important to consider how important additional data is in determining a causal link between a VUS and the clinical condition. Fortunately, many, but not all, genetic testing laboratories offer first degree relatives testing at low or no cost. Familial testing provides additional data to assist in more accurate classification of the finding in question, and guides health care decision-making.


In the case of a negative result, it is important to understand any limitations that exist with the test that was ordered. If a targeted panel for FH is performed and no mutation is found, 1) the test ordered may not cover all known variant sites; 2) additional potential variants exist; and 3) additional testing (WES) may be helpful.




What Is The Role Of A Genetic Counselor?


Given the complex nature of genetic testing as a diagnostic tool, genetic testing plays a crucial role in youth and family members understanding of the risks and benefits of testing (13). However, genetic counseling is highly underutilized in current clinical practice (5). Counseling is a process that should begin prior to testing, and should continue after as a conversation with both the child, when appropriate, and their family.


Prior to testing, the child and family should be informed of: the suspected condition and how genetics may play a role, the possible benefits and risks of performing testing, and the potential of discovering uncertain or secondary findings.


After completion, test results and interpretation of their impact on both direct patient care and family members should be discussed. If necessary, counseling for family planning and any further testing should be provided.


What Is The Potential Impact Of Genetic Testing Upon The Child? The Family?


Proper communication of genetic test results and counseling provide the child and family information of high utility, usually with minimal adverse impact (14). In 2017, Hallowell et al. found during interviews of patients treated for FH who were the first to be genetically tested in their family, testing was considered beneficial, as it provided patients with an origin of their disease and assessed their own and their family members’ risk (15). The majority of parents of children with FH want their children to be tested (16) and children have been found to understand and articulate their understanding of testing being conducted (17). A majority of families do not report psychological problems due to a diagnosis of FH (18).




Progression of genetic testing has resulted in slowly changing the paradigm of clinical practice.  Having most recently experienced the evolution of evidence-based medicine, we are entering an era of personalized medicine, and eventually, predictive medicine. In the coming years, existing methods and results will become better understood, and additional testing will likely become more affordable, accurate, and widely used, leading to a potential shift in the clinical focus from phenotype to genotype.


Genomic Medicine


The current focus of genetic testing involves sequencing of exomes, accounting for only 1% of the genome. In contrast, whole genome sequencing (WGS) offers sequencing of both exons – protein encoding regions – and introns, containing regulatory information which controls exon splicing, transcription, and translation. Deep intronic variants are currently associated with over 75 genetic conditions (19).


RNA testing also offers similar benefits to WGS without having to analyze such a large volume of data. RNA testing potentially identifies any errors, including intronic variants, leading to incorrect splicing or transcript sequence. In the realm of lipidology, those with FH caused by a variant affecting apolipoprotein B (apoB) may have the most to benefit from RNA testing. ApoB circulates in 2 forms: apoB48, produced by the small intestine, and apoB100, produced by the liver, the latter involved in LDL assembly and uptake of LDL-C by the LDL receptor. Both forms are encoded by a single APOB gene, which undergoes a RNA editing process, producing both forms (20). In the future, investigating transcription and translation of APOB may prove useful in determining etiology of disease in patients with a currently unidentified variant.


Predictive Medicine


A significant portion of the general population, including those with a monogenic cause of FH, contain variants in genes associated with elevated cholesterol and CVD risk other than LDLR, APOB, PCSK9, and LDLRAP1.  These SNPs in “low effect genes,” or genetic locations that do not greatly affect the phenotype, when cumulatively expressed, alter both cholesterol and CVD risk.  LDL and CAD polygenic risk scores have proven to be accurate and appear to be nearing their time in clinical care (21-25).


Screening and Preventive Medicine


Considering the future of current methodologies, genetic testing of youth and their parents has proven feasible and effective in the UK, and universal phenotypic screening of young children in the US is currently recommended (2, 26). The first successfully implemented universal pediatric FH screening initiative occurred in Slovenia in 1995, within which a two-step approach was utilized – conducting universal biochemical cholesterol testing at 5 years of age, followed by genetic testing for those with elevated total cholesterol (7). FH also has potential to be a target for prenatal testing (27). Bellow et al. combined UK Biobank whole exome data with NHANES survey data, creating a predictive model which would yield 3.7, 3.8, and 6.6 identified FH cases per 1,000 people through clinical criteria alone, genetic testing alone, and combining clinical criteria and genetic testing, respectively (28). By combining established universal phenotypic childhood screening29 with reflex genetic and parental testing, the potential exists to identify every existing case of FH within one generation of testing. From then on, targeted testing of affected patient’s children would identify future cases.  




While benefits exist that are unique to a pediatric population, additional unique circumstances should be also be considered when testing a child for a condition in which the onset occurs during adulthood.


Should Children Be Given A Choice?


The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advocates for youth to have an increasingly important role in their own health care decision-making as they age and mature. From a legal perspective, virtually no legal rights exist, nor are protections in place, to ensure a child possesses any autonomy in the decision-making process of their health care (30). The decision whether to include the child in the decision-making process is ultimately left to the child’s parents and health care provider. 


Should Testing Be Deferred Until A Child Is 18 Years-Of-Age Or Older?


In 2013, the AAP and American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG) released a joint policy statement on the use of genetic testing and screening of children (31), agreeing that the principal factor in determining whether to offer genetic testing should be the best interest of the child. When considering FH, clear benefit exists in testing of children, as atherosclerosis can be reduced or prevented with early identification and treatment, ultimately reducing CVD risk.  


Do The Results Of Genetic Testing Create The Potential For Discrimination?


Once a child has undergone testing, results are entered into the clinical record. The 2008 Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) protects individuals from discrimination in health insurance and employment based on genetic information; however, individuals are not protected against discrimination in life or disability insurance. 


All of this must be weighed and discussed in the benefit-to-risk analysis when ordering a genetic testing involving a child. Whenever possible, the child should be provided age and developmentally appropriate information, allowed to participate in the discussion, encouraged to ask questions and share concerns, and help formulate the best course of action. 




Genetic testing offers 1) diagnostic confirmation; 2) enhanced risk assessment; 3) an ability to identify affected family members; and 4) the opportunity to individualized treatment options.  Lipidologists are encouraged to use this emerging technology judiciously, mindful of the unique needs of youth. In the near future, genetic testing will likely be used on a wide scale to screen children and family members at-risk of CVD with the goal of prevention. Given its current trajectory, genetic testing is becoming increasingly critical in our ability to provide accurate risk assessment as well as age appropriate and timely intervention to help guide our efforts in educating and managing youth with disorders of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism.




Select Laboratories Offering Genetic Testing For Dyslipidemias


Ambry Genetics:

Blueprint Genetics:




The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) of 2008




The authors would like to acknowledge Ryan Lokkesmoe, MD, and Ariel Brautbar, MD, for their contributions in editing this manuscript.




  1. W Burke. “Genetic testing.” New England Journal of Medicine, 2002.
  2. D Wald et al. “Child-parent familial hypercholesterolemia screening in primary care.” New England Journal of Medicine, 2016.
  3. A Sturm et al. “Clinical genetic testing for familial hypercholesterolemia.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2018.
  4. A Khera et al. “Diagnostic yield and clinical utility of sequencing familial hypercholesterolemia genes in patients with severe hypercholesterolemia.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2016.
  5. GF Watts et al. “International Atherosclerosis Society guidance for implementing best practice in the care of familial hypercholesterolemia.” Nature Reviews Cardiology, 2023.
  6. DM Kusters et al. “Carotid intima-media thickness in children with familial hypercholesterolemia.” Circulation Research, 2014.
  7. AM Medeiros et al. “Genetic testing in familial hypercholesterolemia: Is it for everyone?” Current Atherosclerosis Reports, 2024.
  8. DP Wilson et al. “Screening for genetic variants in children and adolescents with dyslipidemia: importance of early identification and implications of missed diagnoses.” Expert Opinions on Orphan Drugs, 2016.
  9. M Braamskamp et al. “Statin initiation during childhood in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia: consequences for cardiovascular risk.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2016.
  10. A Wiegman et al. “Familial hypercholesterolemia in children and adolescents: gaining decades of life by optimizing detection and treatment.” European Heart Journal, 2015.
  11. A Vinson et al. “Reverse cascade screening for familial hypercholesterolemia.” Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 2018.
  12. S Aronson et al. “Communicating new knowledge on previously reported genetic variants.” Genetics in Medicine, 2012.
  13. A Brautbar et al. “Genetics of familial hypercholesterolemia.” Current Atherosclerosis Reports, 2015.
  14. N Jenkins et al. “How do index patients participating in genetic screening programmes for familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) interpret their DNA results? A UK-based qualitative interview study.” Patient Education and Counseling, 2013.
  15. N Hallowell et al. “A qualitative study of patients’ perceptions of the value of molecular diagnosis for familial hypercholesterolemia (FH).” Journal of Community Genetics, 2017.
  16. M Umans-Eckenhausen et al. “Parental attituate towards genetic testing for familial hypercholesterolemia in children.” Journal of Medical Genetics, 2002.
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  18. S Tonstead. “Familial hypercholesterolaemia: a pilot study of parents’ and children’s concerns.” Acta Paediatrica, 1996.
  19. R Vaz-Drago et al. “Deep intronic variants and human disease.” Human Genetics, 2017.
  20. N Davidson et al. “Apolipoprotein B: mRNA editing, lipoprotein assembly, and presecretory degredation.” Annual Review of Nutrition, 2000.
  21. J Dron et al. “The evolution of genetic-based risk scores for lipids and cardiovascular disease.” Current Opinions in Lipidology, 2019.
  22. P Talmud et al. “Use of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol gene score to distinguish patients with polygenic and monogenic familial hypercholesterolaemia: a case-control study.” The Lancet, 2013.
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  28. J Vergotine et al. “Prenatal diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolemia: importance of DNA analysis in the high-risk South African population.” Genetic Counseling, 2001.
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  30. E Clayton. “How much control do children and adolescents have over genomic testing, parental access to their results, and parental communication of those results to others?” Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 2016.
  31. “Ethical and policy issues in genetic testing and screening of children.” Pediatrics, 2013.


Adrenal Insuffciency Due To X-Linked Adrenoleukodystrophy



X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is a rare inherited neurodegenerative disorder, involving mainly the white matter and axons of the central nervous system and the adrenal cortex and is a frequent but under-recognized cause of primary adrenocortical insufficiency. X-ALD is caused by a defect in the gene ABCD1 that maps to Xq 28 locus. The primary biochemical disorder is the accumulation of saturated very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA) secondary to peroxisomal dysfunction. The incidence in males is estimated to be 1:14,700 live births, without any difference among different ethnicities. X-ALD presents with a variable clinical spectrum that includes primary adrenal insufficiency, myelopathy, and cerebral ALD; however, there is no correlation between X-ALD phenotype and specific mutations in the ABCD1 gene. When suspected, the diagnosis is established biochemically with the gold standard for diagnosis being genetic testing (ABCD1 analysis). Currently, there is no satisfying treatment to prevent the onset or modify the progression of the neurologic or endocrine components of the disease. Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation is the treatment of choice for individuals with early stages of the cerebral form of the disease. An alternative option for patients without HLA-matched donors is autologous HSC-gene therapy with lentivirally corrected cells. Once adrenal insufficiency is present, hormonal replacement therapy is identical to that of autoimmune Addison’s disease.




Leukodystrophies are inherited neurodegenerative disorders, primarily affecting the brain myelin. X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD; OMIM:300100) is the most common leukodystrophy usually presenting as chronic myelopathy and peripheral neuropathy, a clinical entity called adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN), frequently accompanied by adrenocortical insufficiency (1). The pattern of inheritance is X- linked and the disease is clinically evident in almost all male patients and in more than 80% of female carriers older than 60 years, though with milder clinical presentation. Occasionally, male patients and very rarely female carriers may develop a rapidly progressive, devastating cerebral form of the disease known as Cerebral Adrenoleukodystrophy (CALD). The pathophysiological basis of the disease is peroxisome dysfunction and accumulation of very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA) due to impaired VLCFA degradation (2).


In the early 20th century, patients with signs and symptoms belonging to the Leukodystrophies spectrum were grouped under the name “Addison–Schilder disease”. It was not until the 1960s that Blaw introduced the term “adrenoleukodystrophy” as a distinct disease entity with X-linked inheritance (3). In 1976 it was shown that the principal biochemical disorder in X-ALD was the accumulation of VLCFA (4). In 1993, the gene responsible for the disease was identified at the Xq28 locus and it was subsequently shown to be the ABCD1 gene, which encodes the Adrenoleukodystrophy Protein (ALDP) (5).


This chapter summarizes the latest data in the literature regarding the progress made in elucidating the pathogenesis of the disease, the strategies for early diagnosis, and the results of established as well as newer experimental therapies.




ALD is a rare progressive neurodegenerative disorder with an annual incidence of 1:14,700 live births (considering both hemizygous males and heterozygous females), and no marked difference between males and females (6).  


X-ALD is caused by mutations in the ABCD1 gene located on the X chromosome (Xq28), which covers 19.9 kb and contains 10 exons (7) with approximately 900 different mutations reported (8). Mutations in the ABCD1 gene include missense, nonsense, frameshift, and splice-site variants (9). However, identical variants can result in highly diverse clinical phenotypes, suggesting the presence of unknown additional factors that have an impact on the expression of the disease (2). Thus, there is a lack of a genotype-phenotype correlation in ALD (10, 11).


The ABCD1 gene encodes a peroxisomal trans-membrane protein of 745 amino acids, ALDP, a member of the ATP binding cassette (ABC) transport protein family, which helps to form the channel through which VLCFAs move into the peroxisome as VLCFA-CoA (12). ALDP deficiency leads to an impaired peroxisomal β-‑oxidation of saturated straight-chain very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA) (13) resulting in the accumulation of VLCFAs in plasma and tissues, including the white matter of the brain, spinal cord, and adrenal cortex (14). Chronic accumulation of cholesterol with saturated VLCFA in the zona fasciculata and reticularis of the adrenal cortex is believed to result in cytotoxic effects, apoptosis and ultimately atrophy of the adrenal cortex and with loss of cortisol production (15, 16). The pathogenesis of X-ALD is summarized in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The pathogenesis of ALD. Adapted with permission from


The mode of inheritance of X-ALD is X-linked recessive (figure 2), thus the possibility of a son of a female carrier developing X-ALD is 50%, whilst 50% of female offsprings will also be heterozygous carriers. All female offsprings of an affected male will be carriers but none of his male offsprings will be affected. Since X-ALD is an X-linked inherited disorder, males are more severely affected than females. Some heterozygous X-ALD females can exhibit symptoms due to skewed X-chromosome inactivation or other genetic factors. Females who carry the defective gene used to be referred to as “carriers” because it was thought that only a small percentage of them will develop clinical symptoms. However, it has been recently shown that 80% of female patients will eventually develop symptoms although milder in severity than males. The most likely explanation for this clinical manifestation is the presence of a normal copy of the ABCD1 gene on their other X-chromosome that protects women with ALD from developing the brain variant (cerebral ALD) or other still unexplored genetic factors.


Figure 2. Adapted with permission from


Significant intra-familiar phenotype variability has been observed as different clinical phenotypes can occur even among monozygotic twins (17). Fifty percent of ABCD1 mutations lead to a truncated ALDP, whereas many missense mutations result in the formation of an unstable protein (18). The complete absence of a functional ALDP does not necessarily lead to the severe form of X-ALD, implicating the existence of additional factors that could modify the disease’s clinical expression. Factors, such as moderate head trauma, have been shown to trigger the progression of the disease to the severe central nervous system (CNS) form (19), but other unknown genetic and environmental factors are likely required for the development of CALD. In contrast, mutations with residual transporter activity or over-expression of ALDP-related protein (ALDRP, ABCD2), the closest homolog of ALDP, might prevent this progression (20). Variations in methionine metabolism have also been associated with the wide phenotypic spectrum of X-ALD (21).




The range of clinical expression of X-ALD varies widely. The main phenotypes of X-ALD are primary adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s disease), myelopathy, and cerebral ALD (CALD), either alone or in any combination.


The most devastating form of ALD is CALD which presents early in life between 4-12 years of age, affecting 1/3 of boys with X-ALD and is rare after 15 years of age (22). It is characterized by inflammatory demyelination mainly of the supratentorial and infratentorial white matter and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings usually precede clinical symptomatology (23). The onset of CALD is insidious, with symptoms at school age such as learning, behavioral, and cognitive disabilities often being attributed to Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder that delay the diagnosis. As the disease progresses, overt neurologic deficits become apparent, including cortical blindness, central deafness, hemiplegia, and quadriparesis. Progression of the disease is often rapid, leading to death within 5 – 10 years following diagnosis (24). Most men who do not develop CALD during childhood develop myelopathy in adult life.


Myelopathy manifests later in life, typically presents in adult males between 20 and 40 years of age, with a median age at onset of 28 years (25). The primary clinical presentation is spinal cord and peripheral nerve dysfunction, leading to progressive spastic paraparesis, abnormal sphincter control, sensory ataxia, and sexual dysfunction. Symptoms are progressive over years or decades, with most patients losing unassisted functionality by the 5th – 6th decade of life. Brain MRI is usually normal but spinal cord atrophy can be detected by conventional T2-weighted MRI sequences. Although myelopathy is a milder form of ALD, cerebral involvement can occur in 27% to 63% of patients (26). Cerebral involvement leads to rapid neurologic deterioration with disabilities and early death in 10% to 20% of adult males (26). Adrenal insufficiency is often present at the time of myelopathy diagnosis, a clinical entity called adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN).


Incidence Of Primary Adrenal Deficiency In X-ALD


The natural history of adrenal insufficiency in ALD is largely unknown because large prospective natural history studies are lacking. However, the loss of adrenal function evolves gradually and initially starts with elevated plasma corticotropin hormone (ACTH) levels before overt adrenal insufficiency with an abnormal cortisol response after cosyntropin stimulation and endocrine symptoms become apparent (10, 27). The average time to adrenal insufficiency or time from initial plasma ACTH elevation to the onset of endocrine symptoms is unknown (27, 28).


The estimated lifetime prevalence of adrenal insufficiency in ALD is considered to be approximately 80% (27, 29, 30). Addison’s disease is reported to be the initial clinical manifestation of ALD in 38% of cases, representing the most common presenting symptom of ALD in childhood (10, 29). ALD has been reported to account for 4% to 35% of cases of idiopathic primary adrenal insufficiency with no detectable steroid-21-hydroxylase antibodies or other obvious cause (31, 32, 33).


Therefore, all boys must be tested for ALD upon diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency if the cause is otherwise not clear. The risk for adrenal insufficiency varies throughout the lifetime and peaks during the first decade of life between 3 and 10 years of age (27, 29). The youngest patients suffering from adrenal insufficiency and ALD have been reported to be as young as 3, 5 and 7 months of age (27, 29, 34). it has therefore been recommended to start adrenal testing in the first six months of life (29).


In a large natural history study of adrenal insufficiency in ALD (29) the cumulative probability of adrenal insufficiency was highest until the age of 10 years, remained prominent until 40 years of age, and decreased substantially thereafter. A timeframe for adrenal testing has been suggested as follows: Besides on-demand testing if endocrine symptoms are present, screening for adrenal insufficiency should be initiated in the first 6 months of life, then routine adrenal testing should be performed every 3 to 6 months until 10 years of age, annual testing thereafter until 40 years of age, and solely on-demand testing in case of endocrine symptoms from age 41 years onward (29).


In this context, International Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Management of Patients with Adrenoleukodystrophy have been recently issued emphasizing the need for early and regular adrenal testing (35, figure 3).


Figure 3. Screening and management overview in ALD. Adapted with permission from: International Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Management of Patients with Adrenoleukodystrophy. Neurology 2022.


The most recent Endocrine Society and Pediatric Endocrine Society clinical practice recommendations for the evaluation of adrenal insufficiency are used as guides for establishing cutoff values for ACTH and cortisol (36).


An ACTH value of > 100 pg/mL and a cortisol value of < 10 mcg/dL is suggestive of adrenal insufficiency. Children with normal ACTH and cortisol levels (<100 pg/mL and ≥5 mcg/dL respectively) do not require immediate treatment and should be retested in 3 to 4 months. Children with clearly abnormal ACTH (> 300 pg/mL) and inappropriately low cortisol levels should begin daily and stress-dose glucocorticoid replacement. ACTH and cortisol values of 100 - 299 pg/mL and < 10 mcg/dL respectively should prompt high-dose ACTH (cosyntropin) stimulation testing (34). The median time to transition from stress to maintenance dose has been reported as short as 1.46 years (30). The recommended hormonal workup is depicted in figure 4.


Figure 4. Suggested hormonal work up for glucocorticoid deficiency in ALD.


Of note, the mineralocorticoid function often remains intact, reflecting the relative sparing of the zona glomerulosa in the adrenal cortex (10). Mineralocorticoid deficiency, leading to salt wasting, is not typically described in patients with ALD, consistent with the preservation of aldosterone production and the lack of VLCFA accumulation (37, 38). As VLCFAs mainly accumulate in the zona fasciculata and reticularis, the relative preservation of the zona glomerulosa aligns with the observation that mineralocorticoid function remains functional in approximately 50% of the patients (29). Therefore, mineralocorticoid replacement therapy should not be initiated unless abnormal signs/plasma renin activity and electrolyte levels become evident.


Once the diagnosis of glucocorticoid deficiency has been made, further evaluation of aldosterone production should be considered in case of symptoms, such as salt craving and hypotension. Because symptoms are difficult to assess in infancy, it is recommended that serum plasma renin activity and electrolytes be tested every 6 months (34). Fludrocortisone should be started when there is evidence of mineralocorticoid deficiency. Infants would also require additional salt supplementation.


Mineralocorticoid deficiency is reported to be present in 40% of patients with ALD with the vast majority presenting in adulthood (30). Given that mineralocorticoid deficiency is less common and generally follows glucocorticoid deficiency, evaluation with plasma renin activity and electrolytes is recommended every 6 months starting after diagnosis of glucocorticoid deficiency (34). The median time until mineralocorticoid replacement therapy has been reported to be 56 years of age in contrast to a much shorter time for glucocorticoid replacement therapy which was 16 years of age (29).


Female Patients


As ALD is an X-linked disease, women were previously considered to be asymptomatic carriers. It is now known that even though adrenal insufficiency and cerebral disease are rare in women, more than 80% eventually develop progressive spinal cord disease (39, 40); however, the progression rate of myeloneuropathy remains slow (29). Female patients with ALD typically remain asymptomatic in childhood and adolescence, while, myeloneuropathy symptoms usually arise in adulthood.


Fewer than 1% of female patients are reported to develop adrenal insufficiency (30, 35, 39, 41). Therefore, routine monitoring for adrenal insufficiency and MRI of the brain in women are not recommended (34). Only a few females have been reported to develop CALD and this has been attributed to skewed inactivation of the X-chromosome carrying the mutated ABCD1 gene (42).


Primary Hypogonadism


Gonadal function can also be affected in ALD. Abnormal hormone levels indicating gonadal insufficiency have been described in boys and men with ALD (35, 43, 44). Levels of testosterone in men with ALD are usually in the low-normal range with elevation of luteinizing hormone in some patients (45). These findings indicate primary hypogonadism, possibly due to the toxicity of VLCFA in Leydig cells, but tissue androgen receptor resistance has also been suggested as an alternative hypothesis to explain this finding (46).


To date, no trials have been performed to test the outcome of testosterone supplementation in men with ALD. In most men with ALD, fertility seems to be normal (29, 47). No data exists on fertility in women with ALD.


Tables 1 and 2 summarize the clinical phenotypes in male and female patients.


Table 1. X-ALD Phenotypes in Males



Estimated Relative Frequency



Childhood cerebral

Onset 3-10 years.



Progressive behavioral, cognitive, neurologic deficits.


Total disability often within 3 years.



Adolescent cerebral

Like childhood cerebral; somewhat slower progression



Adult cerebral

Dementia, behavioral disturbances, focal neurologic deficits without preceding adrenomyeloneuropathy




Onset 28 ± 9 years.




Slowly progressive paraparesis, sphincter disturbances



Addison only

Primary adrenal insufficiency without neurologic involvement.

Varies with age. Up to 50% in childhood



Most common onset 5-7 years. Most eventually develop AMN or cerebral forms




No demonstrable neurologic or adrenal involvement

Common before 4 years. Diminishes with age.

50% plus with testing


Table 2. Phenotypes In Female X-ALD Carriers



Estimated relative frequency


No neurologic or adrenal involvement

Diminishes with age

Mild myeloneuropathy

Increased deep tendon reflexes and sensory changes in lower extremities

Increases with age.

~ 50% at age >40 years.

Moderate to severe myeloneuropathy

Resembles AMN, but milder and later onset

Increases with age

>15% at age >40.

Clinically evident Addison’s disease

Rare at any age





In patients highly suspected of having ALD, measurement of very long chain fatty acids (VCLFA) in the blood is diagnostic, with high specificity and sensitivity (48). VLCFA levels are already increased on the day of birth and in untreated patients remain stable throughout life. Testing typically includes three VLCFA parameters: the level of hexacosanoic acid (C26:0) and tetracosanoic acid (C24:0), and the ratio of these two compounds to docosanoic acid (normal values of C24:0/C22:0 ratio <1.0 and C26:0/C22:0 ratio <0.02). Hexacosanoic acid is the one most consistently elevated and is therefore considered to be diagnostic of the disease. Of note, VLCFA levels are also elevated in other peroxisomal disorders whereas they can be falsely elevated in patients with liver insufficiency or on ketogenic diets (49). False negative results may occur in approximately 20% of female patients, thus, any woman with symptoms of myelopathy with or without a family history of ALD should undergo further genetic testing (48). Plasma C26:0/C22:0 and C24:0/C22:0 ratios, although diagnostic for ALD, are not associated with the (age-dependent) risk of developing adrenal insufficiency, spinal cord disease, or cerebral disease (50, 51).  


However, genetic testing (ABCD1 analysis) is the gold standard for diagnosis.

The diagnosis of X-ALD should be sought (35):


  1. In boys and men with confluent white matter abnormalities on brain MRI in a pattern suggestive of ALD with or without cognitive and neurologic symptoms
  2. In adult men and women with symptoms and signs of chronic myelopathy with a normal MRI;
  3. In boys and men with primary adrenal insufficiency with no detectable steroid-21-hydroxylase antibodies or other organ-specific antibodies;
  4. In all at-risk patients with a relative diagnosed with ALD.


Genetic Testing


To date, more than 800 ABCD1 mutations have been described in the X-ALD database (52). Mutations include missense mutations (49%), large deletions (3%), frameshifts (24%), amino acid insertions/ deletions (6%), and nonsense mutations (12%), leading to decreased or absent ABCD1 protein expression. De novo mutation rate is reported to range from 5% to 19% (53). Importantly all clinical phenotypes of X-ALD can occur within the same nuclear family and there is no correlation between ABCD1 mutation and clinical phenotype except for rare cases such as all reported cases of translation initiation mutations in ABCD1 have presented with an AMN-only phenotype (54, 55).


Newborn Screening


Newborn screening (NBS) is justified for a disorder, provided that therapy is available, and that early diagnosis allows timely implementation. This is particularly relevant for X-ALD as early diagnosis at birth would allow for the early detection of adrenal insufficiency for timely initiation of adrenal steroid replacement therapy and early detection of cerebral ALD would permit hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) before severe neurologic impairment is established. Important improvements towards this target were the development of mass spectrometry methods to assess the presence of VLCFA in dried-blood spots as well as a combined liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) high-throughput assay that could measure VLCFA enriched lysophosphatidylcholine (lysoPC), thus providing the technical background for NBS (56).


New York State (NYS) in 2013 was the first authority to include screening for X-ALD in the NBS program and since February 2016, X-ALD has been added to the United States Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP) (57).


NYS NBS for X-ALD is used by most states in the United States (US) and is based on a 3-tier algorithm: the first tier is tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) of C26:0-lysophosphatidylcholine (LPS); the second tier is a confirmatory HPLC-MS/MS; and the third tier is Sanger DNA sequencing of the ABCD1 gene (58). If ABCD1 mutation analysis is negative, then other peroxisomal disorders which are also C26:0-HLPC positive should be sought, such as Zellweger Spectrum Disorders, ACOX1, HSD1B4, ACBD5 deficiency, and CADDS (Contiguous ABCD1 DXS1357/BCAP31 Deletion Syndrome) (57).


As of January 2023, thirty-five US states have successfully added ALD to the conditions screened via NBS with plans to expand to all states (59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66). Globally, the Netherlands is the only other country that is actively screening for ALD through the Screening for ALD in the Netherlands (SCAN) pilot study, a sex-specific newborn screen for boys (67). Since the implementation of Newborn screening for ALD, data show a rise in the diagnosis of ALD up to ~1 in 10,500 births as well as an earlier diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency (30).


Genetic Counseling


As soon as an index case is detected either as a consequence of symptoms or as a result of NBS, genetic counseling should be offered to the family. If the index case is male, testing should be offered to his mother and female offspring.  If the mother is confirmed to be a carrier for an ABCD1 mutation, testing should also include all the male siblings of the index case. If the index case is female, initial testing should include both parents. Regarding mutation testing of minor females of an affected family, there is no consensus on whether it should be performed on a routine base. (57).




All individuals with confirmed ALD/AMN complex should undergo neuroimaging to determine if cerebral involvement is present. Brain MRI abnormalities precede symptoms in patients with the cerebral forms of X-ALD (23). Findings are always abnormal in symptomatic patients, demonstrating cerebral white matter demyelination (Figure 5). The lesions typically begin in the splenium of the corpus callosum before gradually expanding to the occipito-parietal region and they are usually bilateral but occasionally can be limited to only one side, particularly if previous head trauma has triggered CALD (19). The presence of contrast enhancement just behind the outermost edge of the lesions as seen in T1-weighted images (WI), heralds the progression to inflammatory devastating form of CALD (68). A grading system to assess the degree of MRI abnormalities in X-ALD has been proposed by Loes et al. (69). This is a 32-point scale score (0: normal, 32: most severe) that assesses the degree and extent of hyperintense lesions on FLAIR or T2W images as well as the degree of regional atrophy and has proven to have predictive value for the response to allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (70).


Regarding AMN, MRI of the spinal cord is unremarkable on standard sequences, it can however show atrophy in advanced cases (71). Contrast enhancement is not observed in AMN, since inflammation is not a feature of extra-cerebral lesions.


Brain F18 fludeoxy-glucose positron emission tomography (PET) may reveal hypometabolic regions particularly in the cerebellum and temporal lobe areas, before lesions emerge in MRI (72). In contrast, hypermetabolism may be evident in the frontal lobes, related to the clinical severity of the disease (73).


Figure 5. MRI of a patient with cerebral ALD, showing reduced volume and increased signal intensity of the white matter localized mainly at the parieto-occipital regions. The anterior white matter is spared. (




Dietary Treatment


Τherapeutic options include dietary therapies with restriction of fat intake and particularly of VLCFAs and saturated fats to avoid their accumulation. In order to achieve this, total fat intake is restricted to 15% of the total calorie supply and a maximum of 5-10 mg of C26:0 is allowed on a daily basis (Table 3).


Table 3. Dietary Restrictions In X-ALD. Adopted Form Ref. 2

Foods rich in VLCFAs

Foods rich in saturated fat

Vegetable oils

Fatty fish and meat

Plant cover and cuticle

Fruit peel and seeds

Grains and nuts

Vegetable oils

Fatty fish and meat

Milk and milk products

Egg yolk

Industrial pastry


However, since the majority of VLCFA are of endogenous origin (74), this approach is not sufficient. A mixture of oleic acid [C18:1] and erucic acid [C22:1], also referred to as Lorenzo's Oil (LO), has also been applied (75). LO has been shown to halt the elongation of VLCFA by inhibiting ELOVL1, the primary enzyme responsible for VLCFA synthesis.


LO in combination with a low-fat diet nearly normalizes plasma VLCFA levels within four weeks and in a study involving asymptomatic X-ALD patients with normal brain MRI, dietary treatment with LO resulted in a two-fold or greater reduction in the risk of developing the childhood cerebral form of X-ALD (76). However, in patients who are already symptomatic, controlled clinical trials failed to show improved neurological or endocrine function, nor did it arrest the progression of the disease (35, 77, 78). Treatment with LO may be continued for an indefinite time until disease progression and/or severe side effects occur. It is not recommended in children under one year of age, as it causes a decrease in the levels of other fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic acid, which is essential for neurocognitive development.


Allogenic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT)


Allogeneic HSCT is the treatment of choice for individuals with early stages of cerebral involvement of X-ALD, which may increase disease-specific survival and can lead to long-term stabilization and improvement of neurological status (77, 79, 80). Stem cells can be harvested from peripheral blood, bone marrow, and umbilical cord blood of immune-compatible donors. Although the mechanism of this effect is still unclear, bone marrow cells do express the ABCD1 gene and plasma VLCFA levels are reduced after bone marrow transplantation, offering a useful biomarker for the assessment of engraftment, graft failure, or rejection (81). It has been shown that bone marrow-derived cells do enter the brain-blood barrier and that a portion of perivascular microglia is gradually replaced by donor-derived cells (82).


Allogeneic HSCT has been shown to increase 5-year survival compared to no transplant (95% versus 54%) and arrest the progression of the neurologic disease when undertaken early in the course of cerebral disease (44). In contrast, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is not effective in patients with advanced cerebral ALD, therefore the general criteria for eligibility are a genetically and/or clinically confirmed diagnosis of ALD and the presence of cerebral disease that is not advanced, based on neurological symptoms and brain MRI findings (83). Eligibility of a patient for transplantation can be assessed using the ALD-specific Neurologic Function Scale (NFS) and the Loes MRI severity score (54). The NFS scale is a 25-point, ALD-specific tool that assesses the severity of neurological disability according to the severity of symptoms, but no score absolutely determines the decision for HSCT. HSCT affects not only survival, but also the long-term functional status of patients. Studies have shown that post-transplant survival and major functional disability (MFD)-free survival are superior in patients with lower NFS and Loes score (84, 85). A recent multi-center analysis showed that in early-stage transplanted patients the overall survival at 5 years from CALD diagnosis was 94% and the MFD -free survival was 91%, whereas in patients with advanced disease the overall survival and the MFD-free survival were 90% and 10% respectively (83).


Allogeneic HSCT has its limitations. Transplantation is not effective in patients with advanced disease. Neurologic findings present at the time of HSCT do not reverse and symptoms can progress after HSCT as cerebral disease stabilization is not achieved before 3 to 24 months after stem cell infusion (54). Furthermore, the identification of an acceptable donor for HSCT could be very challenging. Significant risks associated with HSCT include acute mortality (10% at day 100 from transplant), failure of donor cell engraftment (5% risk), and graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) (10-40% risk of acute GVHD and 20% risk of chronic GVHD) (85).


HSCT has not been tested systematically in AMN because of concerns that the risk-benefit ratio may not be favorable: up to 50% of AMN patients will never develop cerebral involvement, whereas it is highly unlikely that HSCT will affect the non-inflammatory distal axonopathy which is the main pathological feature in AMN (86). Moreover, in retrospective series of patients who successfully underwent HSCT for CALD in childhood, it was shown that it could not prevent the onset of AMN in adulthood (87).


Although data are limited, HSCT is unlikely to affect adrenal insufficiency (35). The proposed underlying mechanism is that VLCFAs accumulation in the adrenal cortex has already reached a critical point that is irreversible by the time of transplant, whereas cerebral ALD has a considerable progressive inflammatory component that is stabilized by the transplant (88).


Gene Therapy


In case of patients without HLA-matched donors or adult patients with CALD (given the higher mortality risk of allogeneic HSCT compared to children), an alternative option is autologous HSC-gene therapy with lentivirally corrected cells (89). In this procedure, CD34+ cells from X-ALD patients are transfected ex vivo using a lentiviral vector encoding the wild-type ABCD1 cDNA. As a result of this therapy, 7-14% of granulocytes, monocytes, T and B lymphocytes express the lentivirally encoded ALDP. In a recent phase 2-3 study including 17 boys, short-term clinical outcomes were reported to be comparable to that of allogeneic HSCT (90). The procedure called Lenti-D gene therapy resulted in clinical disease and imaging stabilization according to neurological symptoms and brain MRI findings in the vast majority of enrolled patients. An ongoing study recruiting for a phase III trial that has been recently opened across the US and Europe (NCT03852498) will further evaluate the efficacy and safety of Lenti-D gene therapy in participants with CALD.Nevertheless, concerns regarding long-term efficacy, biosafety of lentiviral vectors, as well as the high cost of this therapy need to be taken into account (91, 92). An alternative approach is performing allogeneic HSCT from healthy siblings conceived after preimplantation HLA matching which offers the possibility of selecting unaffected embryos that are HLA compatible with the sick child (93).


Regarding adrenal function, similarly to HSCT, there is no evidence for the reversal of adrenal failure after autologous HSC gene therapy (88). Advances in gene therapy could offer new treatment options for ALD. Potential therapies include a) antisense oligonucleotides which target specific mutations to exclude pathogenic variants or to establish a normal reading frame shift, b) gene editing through the use of endonucleases that allows permanent modifications to specific DNA segments and c) targeted viral vector therapy that could deliver a normal copy of the ABCD1 gene to steroidogenic and to microglial cells to prevent adrenal disease and neurological dysfunction respectively (54).


Treatment Of Adrenal Insufficiency and Hypogonadism


For those patients with X-ALD who have impaired adrenal function, glucocorticoid replacement therapy is mandatory. Glucocorticoid replacement requirements are generally the same as in other forms of PAI, whereas most patients may not require mineralocorticoid replacement.


 Male patients who present clinical manifestations of hypogonadism and confirmed low serum testosterone levels, should be treated with testosterone. Nevertheless, careful evaluation should be warranted, since impotence, in most instances may imply spinal cord involvement or neuropathy, rather than testosterone deficiency.


Experimental Therapies


Experimental treatment options include a) agents that bypass the defective ALDP by inducing alternative pathways for VLCFA degradation, b) combinations of antioxidants that diminish oxidative stress, c) agents that halt VLCFA elongation and d) the use of neurotrophic factors.


 Apart from ALDP, three additional closely related ABC half-transporters exist: ALDRP, PMP70, and PMP69, which are located on the membrane of peroxisomes. ALDP must dimerize with one of these half-transporters to form a functional full transporter (94). Over-expression of ABCD2, the gene producing ALDRP has been shown to compensate for ABCD1 deficiency and ameliorate VLCFA production from X-ALD cell series (95). Valproic acid (VPA), a widely used anti-epileptic drug, 4-phenylbutyrate, and other histone deacetylase inhibitors, are known inducers of the expression of ALDRP. In a 6-month pilot trial of VPA in X-ALD patients marked correction of the protein oxidative damage was observed (96). Other agents known to evoke induction of the ABCD2 gene are ligands to several nuclear receptors: fibrates for PPAR alpha, thyroid hormones and thyromimetics, retinoids, and lately LXR antagonists, which are being tested in vitro and in vivo for the treatment of X-ALD (97, 98, 99). Lately, it has been shown that AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPKα1) is reduced in X-ALD, raising the question if metformin, a well-known AMPKα1inducer, may have a therapeutic role for X-ALD (100).


 Regarding the use of antioxidative treatments, experimental data show that treatment of ABCD1 null mice with a combination of antioxidants containing α-tocopherol, N-acetyl-cysteine and α-lipoic acid reversed oxidative damage, axonal degeneration, and locomotor impairment (101). Similar results have been observed with the oral administration of pioglitazone, an agonist of the PPAR gamma receptor, which restored oxidative damage to mitochondrial proteins and DNA, and reversed bioenergetic failure. Lately, bezafibrate, a PPAR pan agonist has been demonstrated to reduce VLCFA levels in X-ALD fibroblasts (102). The mechanism for this action is by decreasing the synthesis of C26:0 through a direct inhibition of ELOVL-1 and subsequent fatty acid elongation activity. Unfortunately, these actions could not be confirmed in vivo as in a recent clinical trial, bezafibrate was unable to lower VLCFA levels in plasma or lymphocytes of X-ALD patients (103).


The options for treatment of the advanced progressive form of CALD remain limited. Even though the presence of inflammatory lesions is well recognized, trials of immunosuppressive therapies have yielded poor results. Cyclophosphamide, interferon, IVIG, and other immunomodulators have been used without success (104, 105). Promising results have been extracted by the use of the antioxidant N-acetyl-L-cysteine as adjunctive therapy to HSCT in patients with advanced CALD (106, 107).




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Cardiovascular Risk Reduction In Youth With Diabetes- Opportunities And Challenges



Despite a notable decline over the past few decades, cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the leading cause of premature mortality in individuals with diabetes mellitus. Compared to individuals without diabetes, there is ~2-fold or higher increase in CVD and mortality in those with diabetes. While CVD-related complications are seen predominantly during adulthood, the atherosclerotic process begins in childhood and is accelerated in individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1D), and even more so in type 2 diabetes (T2D). While there are improved methods of achieving glycemic control, earlier recognition and management of CVD risk factors, and advances in treatment, an increase in the prevalence of both T1D and T2D among youth continues to present additional challenges, especially because newer medications are underutilized. In this review, we discuss the origin and progression of atherosclerosis in youth with both T1D and T2D, CVD risk factors, and current guidelines. We conclude with key clinical questions that urgently need to be addressed to increase risk factor screening rates and treatment to improve outcomes in this high-risk population.




Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of premature mortality in individuals with diabetes (1, 2).  There is ~2-fold increase in CVD and premature mortality in those with versus those without diabetes (3-5). Moreover, the incidence and prevalence of diabetes continues to increase, both in adults and children. It is estimated that by 2025, 1.3 billion individuals are projected to have diabetes worldwide.  In addition to the individual burden of this disease, diabetes increases health care utilization and costs. Despite these challenges, within the past two decades there has been a significant reduction in all-cause and CV-related mortality in this population (6). When CV risk factors (hemoglobin A1c, LDL cholesterol, albuminuria, smoking and blood pressure) are within the target ranges, risk of death, myocardial infarction, or stroke appears similar to the general population (6).




T1D results from destruction of pancreatic beta-cells, secondary to an autoimmune process. It is characterized by dysregulation of plasma glucose, resulting in chronic hyperglycemia. An inability to secrete insulin necessitates exogenous insulin to maintain normal or near-normal levels of plasma glucose. Improved formulations of insulin, automated delivery systems, and continuous glucose monitoring devices have significantly improved the management of T1D.


T2D likely results from a combination of genetic, environmental, and metabolic risk factors. The pathophysiology of youth-onset T2D includes hepatic, peripheral, and adipose tissue insulin resistance together with relative insulin deficiency due to impaired pancreatic beta (β)-cell function (6-9), hyperglucagonemia due to alpha (α)-cell dysfunction, and impaired incretin effect (10). While youth share similar pathophysiological features with adults with T2D, some unique characteristics have been identified in youth. Youth with T2D have greater insulin resistance (11, 12), more rapid pancreatic beta cell decline, and poorer responses to diabetes medications compared to adults (13-17). In the last five years, medications including glucagon like peptide-1 receptor agonists and sodium-glucose transport protein 2 inhibitors have been approved for use in pediatric patients. Interested readers can find more information about the pathophysiology and types of diabetes at Endotext: Etiology and Pathogenesis of Diabetes Mellitus in Children and Adolescents. 2021 Jun 19. PMID: 29714936.; Pathogenesis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. 2021 Sep 27. PMID: 25905339 (18).


There are other types of diabetes that develop in childhood including monogenic forms of diabetes, diabetes secondary to medications (e.g steroids), and diabetes associated with exocrine pancreas dysfunction (cystic fibrosis-related diabetes). CVD risk in these rare forms of diabetes is relatively unknown and, therefore, not the focus of this chapter. Interested readers can find more information about atypical forms of diabetes at Endotext: Atypical Forms of Diabetes. 2022 Feb 24. PMID: 25905351 (19).




Among youth 19 years-of-age or younger, 7,759 in a population of 3.61 million in 2017 had T1D i.e. a prevalence of  approximately 1:500.This represents an increase of 45.1% (95% CI, 40.0%-50.4%) from 2001 (20). The greatest absolute increases were observed among non-Hispanic White (0.93 per 1000 youth [95% CI, 0.88-0.98]) and non-Hispanic Black (0.89 per 1000 youth [95% CI, 0.88-0.98]) (20). The increased incidence of T1D in children 5 years-of-age and younger is of particular concern, since adverse CVD outcomes are associated with duration of diabetes (21).


Among youth 10 to 19 years-of-age, 1,230 in a population of 1.85 million in 2017 had T2D. This represents a prevalence of ~1:1500 and an increase of 95.3% (95% CI, 77.0%-115.4%) from 2001. The increase largely parallels the rise in childhood obesity. The incidence of T2D from 2002 to 2012 differed across race/ethnic groups with the largest increases observed in non-Hispanic Black, Native American, and Asian/Pacific Islander youth, followed by Hispanic youth, with a low and stable incidence in non-Hispanic White youth.




It is estimated that 14-45% of children with T1D have at least 2 CVD risk factors and this risk increases with age (22); 32% of youth with T2D had ≥2 and 32% had ≥3 CVD risk factors. The two most common CVD risk factors independent of diabetes type were increased waist circumference and low HDL-C, despite the traditional presentation of T1D thought to be in youth without obesity. The SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth study found participants with youth-onset T2D were 5-fold more likely to have ≥2 CVD risk factors, relative to T1D participants (OR = 5.1 [4.8, 5.4], P < 0.0001) (23).


Long term observational data from Treatment Options for Type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents and Youth (TODAY) study found 60% of young adults with youth-onset T2D had ≥1 microvascular complication by a mean age of 26 years and 17/500 youth had already experienced a serious cardiovascular event (myocardial infarction [4 events], congestive heart failure [6 events], coronary artery disease [3 events], and stroke [4 events]) (24). Observations from the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth study have shown microvascular complications, including diabetes-related kidney disease, retinopathy, and peripheral neuropathy, are >2-fold higher in youth with T2D compared to T1D, though complications were frequent in both teenagers and young adults with T1D and T2D (25).


The presence of CV risk factors in diabetes, including dyslipidemia, hypertension, and adiposity, confers an increased risk of myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, incident peripheral arterial disease, heart failure hospitalization, and CV death that increases with age (26). While the latter events occur during adulthood, their origins begin much earlier. Ample evidence supports the presence of atherosclerosis, the underlying origin of CVD, beginning in childhood, and is accelerated in youth with T1D and T2D (27).


Although randomized controlled trials (RCT) have conclusively demonstrated that intense glycemic control can reduce the risk of microvascular complications in both T1D and T2D (28), the relationship of glycemia per se to macrovascular risk in diabetes has been mixed (29). Risk factors other than hyperglycemia (e.g. hypertension, dyslipidemia, overweight/obesity, chronic inflammation, and renal impairment) are key determinants of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) event risk and often precede the onset of hyperglycemia, especially in T2D (30, 31). Additionally, chronic hyperglycemia, if present, is strongly associated with worsening of retinopathy, neuropathy, and nephropathy (32). There may also be aspects of less-than-ideal medication adherence which also contribute to higher CVD risk (33). Reduction in ASCVD related morbidity and mortality is possible with early identification and aggressive management of concomitant risk factors (34-36). Further, optimal glycemic control, is helpful to achieve better clinical outcomes in both T1D and T2D (6).


To improve outcomes for youth with diabetes, global risk factor screening, including assessment of modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors (enhancers), health behaviors and social determinants of health (Figure 1) screening should be performed to help appropriately categorize risk and define targets for early intervention. Particularly concerning are genetic disorders, such as familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) and elevated levels of lipoprotein (a) which, when present, result in lifetime exposure to atherogenic lipoproteins and a significant increase in CVD risk independent of diabetes (37, 38).


Figure 1. Global risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease. Adapted from (39).

Non-Modifiable Risk Factors


Risk factors for CVD are generally classified as non-modifiable or modifiable. Non-modifiable risk factors are those that cannot be changed. These include sex, race/ethnicity, and family history of premature CVD. There is evidence that the in-utero environment (gestational diabetes, maternal hypercholesterolemia), low birth weight, and polygenic risk factors play a significant role in the future CVD risk of a child. While non-modifiable risk factors are not amenable to therapy, their presence suggests the need for early identification and optimal management of modifiable risk factors.


Modifiable Risk Factors


CV biomarkers, such as lipids and lipoprotein levels are commonly used to assess risk and serve as therapeutic targets. Published guidelines provide recommendations for initial and follow-up measurements of key CV risk factors in youth with diabetes, as well as goals to achieve optimum health (40, 41). While an in-depth discussion of modifiable risk factors is beyond the scope of this review, several highlights by diabetes type are discussed below and in the Table 1.


Table 1. Recommendations for Cardiovascular Risk Factor Screening in Youth with Diabetes


Risk Factor


Recommendations for T1D


Differences for T2D






Real-time CGM or intermittently scanned CGM should be offered


Glycemic status should be assessed at least every 3 months


Automated insulin delivery systems may be considered to improve glycemic control.

Glycemic status should be assessed at least every 3 months


Real-time CGM or intermittently scanned CGM should be offered when on multiple daily injections or on continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion

An A1C of <7% is appropriate for many children and adolescents with T1D and T2D.

In T1D an A1c target of 7.5 or 8% may be appropriate for selected individuals.

In T2D an A1c target <6.5% may be appropriate for selected individuals.

A1c targets need to consider risk of hypoglycemia and be adjusted accordingly.


Initial lipid profile should be performed soon after diagnosis, preferably after glycemia has improved and age is ≥2 years. If initial LDL-C is ≤100 mg/dL (2.6 mmol/L), subsequent testing should be performed at 9-11 years of age.


If LDL-C values are within the accepted risk level (<100 mg/dL [2.6 mmol/L]), a lipid profile repeated every 3 years is reasonable.




Initial lipid profile should be performed soon after diagnosis, preferably after glycemia has improved.


If LDL-C values are within the accepted risk level (<100 mg/dL [2.6 mmol/L]), a lipid profile repeated annually.






LDL-C value <100 mg/dL (2.6 mmol/L).


Non-HDL-C level has been identified as a significant predictor of the presence of atherosclerosis—as powerful as any other lipoprotein cholesterol measure in children and adolescents. Non-HDL-C target is <130mg/dL

Initial testing may be done with a non-fasting lipid level with confirmatory testing with a fasting lipid panel.

Children with a primary lipid disorder (e.g., familial hyperlipidemia) should be referred to a lipid specialist.


A major advantage of non-HDL-C is that it can be accurately calculated in a non-fasting state and therefore is practical to obtain in clinical practice as a screening test

Blood Pressure

BP should be measured at every routine visit.

Same as T1D

BP <90th percentile for age, sex, and height or, in adolescents aged ≥13 years, <130/80 mmHg.

In youth with high BP (≥90th percentile for age, sex, and height or, in adolescents aged ≥13 years, BP ≥120/80 mmHg) on three separate measurements, ambulatory BP monitoring should be strongly considered.

Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; Non-HDL-C, non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; T1D, type 1 diabetes mellitus




Although glycemic control is critically important in managing diabetes, data linking improved glycemic control to a reduction in macrovascular complications are limited (27). Nonetheless, compared to those receiving standard care, CVD events in individuals with T1D who received intense insulin treatment at diabetes onset were reduced by 42% (95% CI, 9-63%) and the combined end-point of non-fatal MI, stroke or mortality by 57% (95% CI, 12-79%), despite similar treatment and glycemic control after completion of the study (42, 43). Similarly, results from the UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) (44) and its 10-year cohort follow-up (45) suggest that intensive glucose control may be of greater CVD benefit when initiated early in T2D. One study found a 1% increase in HbA1c was associated with a 6-fold increase in coronary artery stenosis (46). In youth with diabetes, noninvasive measures of subclinical CVD, such as arterial stiffness and carotid intima media thickness (cIMT) are correlated with glycemic control (46-51). While hyperglycemia promotes endothelial dysfunction and arterial stiffness, there is growing evidence that optimum glycemic control alone is insufficient to significantly reduce the burden of CVD in persons with diabetes (52, 53). Glycemic recommendations for youth with diabetes are shown in Table 1.




There is a high prevalence of dyslipidemia in adolescents with T1D; with 24-35% estimated to have hypercholesterolemia (54, 55). In the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth study, approximately 15% of youth with T1D had high triglycerides,10% with low HDL-C and 10% with elevated apoB levels (56). In youth with T2D, 65% had elevated triglyceride levels, 60% had low HDL-C levels and 35% had elevated apoB levels. In a Denver cohort of youth, Maahs et al. demonstrated sustained abnormalities of total cholesterol, HDL-C and LDL-C over 10 years in children and adolescents with T1D, with 28% and 11 % having LDL-C levels ≥160 and 190 mg/dL, respectively. They also reported that 40-63% of childhood lipid abnormalities track from childhood to adulthood (57). In a retrospective analysis by Pelham et al, higher hemoglobin A1c levels were associated with higher LDL-C and apoB levels in youth with type 2 (58). Moreover, youth with T2D who had hemoglobin A1c levels of greater than 8% had significantly higher total cholesterol, LDL-C, and apoB levels compared to youth whose hemoglobin A1c levels were <8% (58).


The adverse vascular effects of prolonged exposure to atherogenic lipoproteins are well known and likely contribute to the subclinical atherosclerosis at an early age and accelerated in youth with diabetes (59). The current LDL-C goal of < 100 mg/dL (< 2.6 mmol/L) is supported by data in adults with childhood onset T1D which show that LDL-C levels of > 100 mg/dL are associated with increased CVD (54). Currently, guidelines for youth with diabetes do not recommend screening or treatment for apoB or lipoprotein (a) concentrations. Lipid recommendations are shown in Table 1. Interested readers can find more information about the roles of lipid and lipoprotein atherosclerosis at Endotext [Internet]: Linton MF, Yancey PG, Davies SS, Jerome WG, Linton EF, Song WL, Doran AC, Vickers KC. The Role of Lipids and Lipoproteins in Atherosclerosis. PMID: 26844337 (19).


There has been one RTC evaluating atorvastatin 10mg in youth 10-16 years of age with T1D. Compared to placebo, in the statin treated group there was a significant reduction in total, LDL-C, and non-HDL-C levels as well as in triglyceride levels, and in the ratio of apolipoprotein B to apolipoprotein A1. Of note, statin use during 48 months of the trial was not associated with differences between groups in carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT), glomerular filtration rate, or progression of retinopathy (60).




Hypertension in youth with diabetes is common, with an estimated prevalence of 4-7% in youth with T1D (61); and 25-40% in those with T2D (62). In the TODAY study baseline prevalence of hypertension among youth with T2D was 19.2%. Over 14- years the cumulative incidence was 59.2%. Males were at higher risk of developing hypertension as were non- Hispanic whites compared with Hispanic youth (63). Hypertension is likely under-recognized, in part related to the challenges of measuring blood pressure in an ambulatory setting. Increases in arterial stiffness and cIMT have been observed in the setting of hypertension (2, 62), and correlate with the progression of diabetic nephropathy (64). While there are data that support hypertension-related target organ damage beginning in youth, CV clinical trials with measures of hard outcomes, such as fatal and non-fatal MI and stroke, are lacking in children. Nonetheless, current guidelines recommend blood pressures of < 90th percentile for age, sex and height (<120/80 if over age 13 years) and intervention when higher BP levels are sustained, Table 1.




The prevalence of obesity (BMI > 95th percentile), a known risk factor for CVD, has been estimated to be 4.4-25% in T1D youth (65-67). T1D youth with obesity have a higher prevalence of hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and elevated alanine aminotransferase than those with a normal BMI (68). Prevalence of obesity approaches ~80% among youth with T2D; ~10% being overweight (67). In the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth study among children 3-19 years-of-age, the prevalence of a BMI >85th in those with diabetes was higher than those without diabetes. In a 20-year follow-up of 655 individuals with T1D, an age-independent increase in overweight/obesity was observed; the relationship of adiposity with mortality resembling that of the general population, albeit with a marked increased risk in those who are underweight (69). Increased food intake secondary to concerns of hypoglycemia and intense insulin regimens may also contribute to excessive weight gain (69). Compared with BMI or percent body fat, central adiposity may be a better predictor of cardiovascular risk (2, 70). Higher waist circumference is an independent risk factor of subclinical CVD (arterial stiffness and cIMT) in youth with diabetes (2, 47, 49, 71). Current guidelines utilize BMI targets for weight optimization.


Health Behaviors and Conditions




Numerous studies have found that a sedentary lifestyle is a risk factor for future CVD. Moreover, physical activity is inversely related to hemoglobin A1c, occurrence of diabetic ketoacidosis, BMI, dyslipidemia, and hypertension as well as retinopathy and microalbuminuria (72). Conversely, interventions to increase physical activity have demonstrated positive effects on hemoglobin A1c, BMI, triglycerides, and total cholesterol (73); the most effective being interventions >12 weeks in duration, with 3 or more 60-minute sessions per week which include resistance and aerobic exercise (74). Exercise once a week for 30 minutes has also been reported to lower hemoglobin A1c and diastolic blood pressure and improve dyslipidemia (72). Regardless of diabetes type, current pediatric guidelines recommend 3 or more 60-minute sessions per week which include resistance training and aerobic exercise.




In adults, active as well as passive smoking has been shown to be major risk factor for CVD and associated with poor glycemic control, adverse changes in lipid profile, nephropathy, endothelial dysfunction, and vascular inflammation (75-77).  Although limited, there are data that demonstrate similar findings in teens (77). The prevalence of smoking in children and young adults with T1D is estimated to be 3-28 %, with higher prevalence in those 15 years-of-age and older (2, 54, 78). In the TODAY study smoking incidence increased 6-fold over 14 year study with the average prevalence of 24% in youth 18 years and older (63). All youth should be encouraged to avoid/cease cigarette smoking, including electronic cigarettes.




The presence of target organ damage, particularly related to renal function, is a strong risk factor for CVD (1, 64). Persistent albumin excretion rate of 30 to 299 mg/24h and >300 mg/24hr are associated with CVD, and increased mortality with reduced glomerular filtration rates in individuals with T1D (79-81). Although the underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood, reduced glomerular filtration rate, independent of albuminuria, is also associated with increased risk of CVD (82, 83). Optimum control of modifiable risk factors, such as glucose, smoking, blood pressure, and dyslipidemia has been shown to reduce the incidence of both albuminuria and impaired renal function (28, 84-86).  Interested readers can find more information about kidney disease in diabetes at Endotext [Internet]: Diabetic Kidney Disease. 2022 Aug 3. PMID: 25905328 (87).




Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) is a risk factor for ASCVD. MASLD is commonly associated with other CV risk factors including visceral adiposity, atherogenic dyslipidemia (low HDL-C, elevated triglycerides/remnant lipoproteins, and small dense low-density lipoprotein [LDL]), and insulin resistance with or without hyperglycemia (88). Although a portion of the risk is attributable to these comorbidities, a diagnosis of MASLD is associated with greater risk than the sum of these individual components (88).




Youth with diabetes may also experience other independent health conditions associated with increased risk of CVD (89). For example, FH is a genetic disorder which is highly prevalent (1:200) in the general population and may coexist with diabetes. Although outcome studies are not available for children, adults with both diabetes and phenotypic FH had higher risk of CV mortality (T1D: hazard ratio 21.3 [95% CI 14.6–31.0]; T2D: 2.40 [2.19–2.63]) and of a CV event (T1D: 15.1 [11.1–20.5]; T2D: 2.73 [2.58–2.89]) compared to those with T1D and no FH. Further, patients with diabetes and phenotypic FH had increased risk of all major cardiovascular outcomes (p < 0.0001). These findings were observed despite a greater proportion of diabetes and phenotypic FH receiving lipid-lowering treatment (p < 0.0001) (90).


Of note, an association between T2D prevalence and FH has been reported. A cross-sectional study of 63,320 individuals who underwent DNA testing for FH in the Netherlands found the prevalence of T2D among those found to have FH was significantly lower than among unaffected relatives, with variability by mutation type. This finding, if confirmed, raises the possibility of a causal relationship between LDL receptor-mediated transmembrane cholesterol transport and T2D (91).




Other chronic conditions known to be associated with CVD include connective tissue disorders, thyroid abnormalities, and acquired conditions, such as HIV/AIDS. In addition to accelerating risk, the presence of other health conditions may present unique challenges, including financial, psychosocial, relational, and quality of life. Keeping up with personal, social, and work demands is often challenging for young adults with one or more chronic conditions in addition to diabetes. Growing up with a chronic disease showed a lower likelihood of having a paid job (92), higher unemployment and sick leave rates compared to the general population (93, 94), and fatigue. (95, 96). Figure 2 below outlines several health conditions commonly associated with increased risk of premature CVD. Children with these conditions should be monitored frequently and abnormal values optimally managed to improve outcomes.


Figure 2. Health Conditions Associated With Increased Risk of CVD (97). †Any moderate-risk condition with ≥2 additional risk enhancers. ‡Severe obesity is defined as BMI ≥99th percentile or ≥35 kg/m2, and obesity is defined as BMI ≥95th percentile to <99th percentile. §Defined as blood pressure >95th percentile or ≥130/80 mmHg on 3 separate occasions. ΔDefined as ≥3 risk enhancers. ‖ Involves obstructive lesions of the left ventricle and aorta, cyanotic congenital heart defects leading to Eisenmenger syndrome, and congenital coronary artery anomalies in isolation or in association with other congenital defects. ApoB, apolipoprotein B; BMI, body mass index; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; DM, diabetes mellitus; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; FH, familial hypercholesterolemia; HeFH, heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; HoFH, homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia; Lp(a), lipoprotein (a); MI, myocardial infarction.


Social Determinants of Health


Social determinants of health (SDOH) play a major role in access to appropriate health care and clinical outcomes including CVD. These include food insecurity, housing instability, transportation barriers, low socioeconomic status, limited access to healthcare, early childhood adversity, and social isolation, all of which adversely influence the level and distribution of health within a society. Political systems and racism have been cited as upstream drivers of SDOH (98). Although recognized as obstacles, appropriate assessment and understanding of SDOH in youth with diabetes is limited, and strategies to improve health challenging. Lack of understanding of what interventions work, entrenched interests that benefit from health-harming aspects of the status quo, and the need to establish new mechanisms of finance for these programs have all made progress difficult (99).


In the U.S. T2D affects racial and ethnic minorities, including children, and low-income populations disproportionately, resulting in consistently higher risk of diabetes and rates of diabetes complications and premature mortality (100). Evidence supports an association of socioeconomic status (SES), neighborhood and physical environment, food environment, health care, and social context with diabetes-related outcomes. The living and working conditions and the environments in which children reside have a direct impact on biological and behavioral outcomes associated with diabetes prevention and control.


Food insecurity and adverse childhood experiences have been highlighted as important mediators of CVD in children (101, 102). For a comprehensive review, see Although food insecurity has been associated with the development of childhood obesity and cardiometabolic disease in adults, this relationship is inconsistent in youth (103, 104). While some studies have detected relationships, the National Human and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007-2012 (NHANES) in adolescents at or below 300% of the poverty line did not find a relationship between food insecurity and childhood CVD risk factors (105). Further analysis of these findings suggests that socio-ecological factors such as household income and parental education as well as individual level of physical activity, sedentary time, and smoking status may be interdependent mediators of CVD risk in youth. Youth and young adults with T1D and T2D report nearly twice the prevalence of food insecurity; predictors of household food insecurity include youth without insurance or receiving Medicaid or Medicare, level of parental education, and lower household income (106).


Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are also closely associated with poor cardiovascular outcomes with or without underlying food insecurity (107) resulting from 1) unhealthy behaviors such as physical inactivity, poor-quality diet, poor quality and duration of sleep, and smoking; 2) adverse physiologic mechanisms including inflammation and hypercortisolemia; 3) substance abuse and mental health disorders and mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.


Current recommendations for the care of children with diabetes include assessing psychosocial concerns (e.g., diabetes distress, depressive symptoms, and disordered eating), family factors, and behavioral health concerns that could impact diabetes management. Health care professionals should also screen for food security, housing stability/homelessness, health literacy, financial barriers, and social/community support and incorporate that information in treatment decisions. Social workers and behavioral health professionals should be considered integral members of the pediatric diabetes interprofessional team to aid in screening, assessment and interventions (108).




Guidance for screening and management of youth with diabetes has been published by a number of professional organizations (40, 41). Cardiovascular risk in diabetes arises from microvascular and macrovascular pathology, as well as changes in cardiac structure and function. Therefore, the objectives of efforts to reduce CV risk are to maintain glycemic control, which is a key driver of microvascular complications and a contributor to macrovascular complications, as well as optimally managing cardiometabolic risk factors to reduce the risks for ASCVD and heart failure (26).


Challenges to Cardiovascular Risk Reduction in Youth with Diabetes




Despite evidence in youth with T1D and T2D demonstrating an increased prevalence of modifiable risk factors, and risk factors present at an early age predict premature CVD during adulthood, screening rates are less than ideal based on the limited available data. A study in the United Kingdom found 83.5% compliance with lipid screening in patients with T1D (109), while in children with T2D only half had lipid testing (68). In a survey of 1,514 US clinicians, blood pressure was stated to be measured at most or all visits in 95% and lipid screening in 88% of patients (although less frequently in older patients with T2D (69%) (110). When adherence to the International Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) clinical practice guidelines was assessed for patients with T1D, two-thirds of physicians reported adherence to nephropathy and retinopathy screening and only half reported adherence to recommendations for neuropathy and macrovascular disease risk factors. Patient financial issues, the lack of laboratory resources and/or other equipment, and the need for referral were cited as the main reasons for variation in screening practices (111).




Treatment with lipid lowering and blood pressure medications are low in pediatric patients with diabetes. When the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth study examined their data in 2007, only 1% of T1D youth and 5% of T2D youth were on lipid lowering medications despite lipid abnormalities present in ~30-60% of youth (112). In 2020 the T1D Exchange Clinic Network (TIDX, US) and the Prospective Diabetes Follow-up Registry (DPV, Austria and Germany) examined medication use in young adults <26 years of age. Anti-hypertensive medication use was reported as 5% in T1DX and 3% in DPV and lipid lowering medication was 3% in the T1DX and 1% in DPV in those with T1D(113).  Slightly higher medication use, but still low rates, were reported in the TODAY study cohort.  Approximately half of the youth with hypertension were on blood pressure lowering medication and one third of those with a high LDL-C were on lipid lowering medication (63).




Data were evaluated for 13,316 participants in the T1D Exchange clinic registry (<20 years old) to see how many youth and young adults with T1D met lipid, blood pressure, and BMI targets. Among participants with available data, 86% met HDL-C target of >40mg/dL, 65% had an LDL-C <100mg/dL, and 90% had triglycerides <150mg/dL. For blood pressure 78% had readings < 90th percentile for age, sex and height and 63% had a BMI of <85th percentile by CDC charts. Moreover, 17% of patients <18 years of age (in the 2016–2018 study) (114) and only 22% of children 6-12 years of age and 17% of children 13-17 years of age (in the 2010–2012 study) met the prior ADA A1C target of <7.5% (115). At the end of the TODAY study 73.2% of youth with T2D met optimal targets for blood pressure and 56.1% met optimal targets for LDL-C (63). Achieving targets in youth with T1D has been shown to be associated with greater insulin sensitivity, improved cardiopulmonary fitness (116), and cardiorenal protection at 2-year follow-up (117).




Inconsistencies in pediatric versus adult guidelines for risk factor screening and management in individuals with diabetes creates challenges when children transition into adult health care. Complex treatment algorithms to determine the timing and frequency of risk factor assessment also appear to complicate screening of CV risk factors. Multiple guidelines for the identification and management CVD risk factors in youth with diabetes have been published (43, 118-122) with the goal of achieving CVD risk reduction. While some guidelines are applicable to all children, others specifically address risk assessment and management in those with diabetes. The latter contains unique recommendations based upon the type of diabetes, necessitating an accurate classification (i.e. T1D vs T2D). While highly desirable, differentiation between the diagnosis of T1D and T2D in youth can be challenging and not always performed/feasible in clinical practice. Although all published guidelines identify glycemic control, hypertension, and dyslipidemia as targets for CVD risk reduction, differences exist in optimum goals and approaches to risk factor reduction as outlined in Table 1.


Additional research is needed to understand the role of CVD risk factors in diabetes and identify barriers to screening and treatment in clinical practice. While the advantages of early CV risk reduction appear clear, there is also potential hesitancy due to unanswered questions. Ideally, professional societies and organizations would work together to provide viable solutions to several urgent clinical questions, Table 2.


Table 2. Key Clinical Questions Regarding CV Risk Management and Treatment in Youth 


·       What is the ideal age to begin screening?

·       Which CV risk factors should be measured and how often?

·       If low risk (or values are normal), how often should risk factors measurements be repeated?


·       What BMI/waist circumference is ideal to aid in CV risk reduction?

·       How do we define optimal therapeutic goals?

·       What is the impact of MASLD and other diabetes related co-morbidities and complications?

·       Should risk factor screening and management be the same for T1D and T2D?

·       Should risk factor screening differ in children vs adults? What if there is concomitant FH?


·       Is lowering hemoglobin A1c, blood pressure and lipids enough to reduce CV risk and disease?

·       What thresholds suggest the need for pharmacotherapy? Dose escalation? Dose reduction?

·       Should certain risk factors be more aggressively targeted to reduce future CV risk and CVD?


·       What are the barriers for risk factor screening and treatment?

·       Would utilization of implementation science help increase screening rates?

·       Can artificial intelligence analyze big data to determine what diabetes therapies achieve the best CV reduction?




Individuals with diabetes have a 2-fold increase in CVD and premature mortality. Duration of diabetes is a predictor of premature mortality, placing youth at significant risk. Glycemic control alone appears to be insufficient to substantially reduce macrovascular complications, such as fatal and non-fatal MI and stroke. Global risk factor assessment and early intervention play a key role in reducing CVD-related risk and improving outcomes. While helpful, current recommendations for risk factor assessment and optimum management in youth are often inconsistent amongst published guidelines and the need for complex algorithms to determine the timing and frequency of risk factor assessment challenging. Additional research is needed to understand the role of CVD risk factors in youth-onset diabetes and identify barriers to screening and optimum management in clinical practice.




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Body Weight Regulation



Body weight reflects the chronic balance between energy intake and energy expenditure. The pathophysiology of weight loss and gain is complex with genetic, physiological, and environmental factors contributing to a person’s ability to maintain, lose or gain weight. The inability for the body to counteract chronic caloric surplus leads to overweight and obesity. Among U.S. adults, overweight and obesity has dramatically increased over the last 60 years and, particularly within the past decade and more recently as a result of the COVID-19 global pandemic. The prevalence of children with obesity has also continued to rise, which is a major health concern for future generations. The objective of this chapter is to review of the current state of obesity in the United States, discuss mechanisms of body regulation in humans, and present key factors that may be contributing to its global epidemic.




Body weight in the United States (US) has increased dramatically since the 1980s, with a steeper increase from 2011 to 2014 (Figure 1). Although controversial, to determine an individual’s body weight status, body mass index (BMI) is calculated from weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. This results in a general classification for body weight ranges attributable to health risks, including normal weight (18.5 kg/m2  > BMI < 24.9 kg/m2), overweight (25 kg/m2  > BMI < 29.9 kg/m2), and obesity (BMI > 30 kg/m2) (1). The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) has been conducting BMI surveillance studies in the US since 1960. The first report (1971-1974) found that 44.9% of adults aged 20-74 years were living with overweight or obesity combined (2). The latest available survey 43 years later (2017-2018) reports that 31.0% of US adults are overweight and 42.8% are obese (3). Obesity prevalence is particularly high among American females, non-Hispanic Blacks, and individuals aged 60-69 years (3). Also, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children (defined by weight for height above the 95th percentile for age) aged 2-20 years has increased from 14% to 19.2% and 3.9% to 6.1%, respectively, between 1992 and 2018. Hispanic, Mexican American, and Black children had a higher prevalence of developing obesity (26.9% and 24.2%, respectively) compared to non-Hispanic white children (16.1%) in 2017-2018 (4).


Figure 1. Prevalence of males and females aged 20-74 with overweight and obesity in the United States between 1988 and 2018. The table represents overweight and obesity trends overall. Values are age-adjusted by the direct method to the year 2000 U.S. Census Bureau estimates using the age groups 20-39, 40-59, and 60-74. Females who were pregnant were not included in the analysis. Source: CDC/NCHS, National Health Examination Survey and National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.


The racial and ethnic disparities in overweight and obesity prevalence are a result of the effects of both social and environmental factors contributing to physiological changes over time (Figure 2). The growing health disparities following the COVID-19 pandemic encapsulate the interaction between social, environmental, and physiological components of health. Symptoms of COVID-19 were more severe in individuals with obesity, exposing them to greater risks of hospitalization, long-term comorbidities, and even death (5,6). Simultaneously, obesity prevalence increased at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, most pointedly among children and individuals from marginalized backgrounds (7). During the pandemic, school shutdowns, limited access to exercise facilities and fresh foods, along with declining mental health rates culminated in increases in metabolic health risks including obesity, highlighting the importance of considering both biological and behavioral aspects of weight regulation (7,8).


The worldwide acceleration in obesity prevalence is commonly explained by a gene-environment interaction. Overtime global populations have endured rapid socioeconomic shifts from their traditional environment where human manual labor was the primary driver of economic growth and sustainability, to a modern environment characterized by industrial and technological advances. This shift lessened the need for physical activity and changed the food supply, leading to physiological and behavioral adaptations among people. As illustrated in Figure 2, the “traditional” environment is defined by whole food consumption and high occupational physical activity levels entrained normal appetite regulation which was coupled with energy expenditure to result in maintained leanness (leptogenic) and a lower BMI. In contrast, the industrial revolution and technology boom promoted obesogenic behaviors, such as the consumption of abundant, sweetened, and inexpensive calorie-dense and ultra processed food (UPF) and sedentariness. In obesogenic environments, food intake is uncoupled from energy expenditure and the population has a higher BMI than compared to that of the leptogenic environment.


Figure 2. The potential effects of genetic and environmental drivers on adiposity are assessed by body mass index (BMI). Some concepts described in this figure were proposed by Bouchard et al. (9). This figure was reprinted with permission from Galgani & Ravussin (42).

The following sections review the physiological regulators of energy balance and weight loss and maintenance to further understand the effects of changing environments on physiology and behaviors that affect weight regulation. The chapter concludes with a discussion of physiological factors that are contributing to weight gain and obesity.




The balance between energy intake and energy expenditure determines the body energy stores (Figure 3). Energy intake is defined as the calories consumed and metabolized from food and drink, while energy expenditure consists of three components: 1) resting or basal metabolic rate – the energy required for basic organismal functions, 2) activity energy expenditure – the energy required for all non-sedentary activity, and 3) the thermic effects of food – the energy needed to digest and metabolize food. The thermic effect of food makes up approximately 8-10% of the total energy expenditure, while activity energy expenditure and resting metabolic rates are highly variable depending on an individual’s body composition and lifestyle. Fat free mass particularly is the largest determinant of energy expenditure (10). Energy is primarily stored in the body as fat. This renders the balance between energy intake and energy expenditure the main determinant of body fat acquisition and loss. For body weight to be maintained, a long-term energy balance with a possible variation of 100-250 calories per day (i.e., the energy imbalance gap) is required (11,12).


The energy balance equation (Energy Balance = Energy Intake - Energy Expenditure) is used to predict fluctuations in body weight when energy intake or energy expenditure change. Despite the intuitiveness of the energy balance equation, Alpert (13) elegantly demonstrated that it is inadequate for calculations on living organisms, given that it does not account for increasing or decreasing energy expenditure that ensues alongside weight gain or loss (14-16). Contrary to initial assumptions, small increases in energy intake sustained over several years do not lead to large weight gain. The more appropriate equation shown below incorporates the use of rates by introducing time dependency and allowing the effect of changing energy stores (especially fat-free mass and weight) on energy expenditure into the calculation (13).


Rate of Change of Energy Stores = Rate of Energy Intake - Rate of Energy Expenditure


This equation explains why a small initial positive energy balance (i.e., from an increased energy intake) will not lead to large weight increases over a number of years. After a short period of positive energy balance, the energy stores (fat mass and fat-free mass) will increase, in turn increasing energy expenditure thereby matching energy intake. These fluxes restore energy balance when there is a higher energy intake, greater energy expenditure, or larger energy storescompared to the initial energy balance state. Weight gain can therefore be viewed not only as the consequence of an initial positive energy balance, but also as the mechanism by which energy balance can eventually be re-established. This highlights the non-linear relationship between the changes in energy fluxes and the changes in energy stores.


To minimize fluxes in energy balance, it is important to calibrate energy intake with body weight. In January 2023, the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine published updated Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) providing the US and Canada populations with guidance on energy intake requirements to maintain a healthy weight status. The DRI includes estimated energy requirement equations for males and females in different age categories and separate DRI equations are provided for children, adolescents, and pregnant individuals. DRI equations account for factors contributing to energy expenditure such as gestational age, obesity category, and physical activity levels (17) In addition to providing energy intake estimates, the DRI also provides nutrient specific goals for maintaining a healthy weight and overall metabolic state. The following section will explore the role of nutrient balance in body weight regulation.




Nutrition is a critical part of maintaining health and well-being and nutritional status affects clinical outcomes such as obesity. Nutrient intake requirements depend on various factors such as age, sex, and activity level. A classical approach to understanding how a chronic mismatch of intake and expenditure might occur is to examine dietary recommendations for macronutrients (i.e., carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and their contribution to overall caloric intake.  


An imbalance in nutritional intake can lead to malnutrition and hidden hunger (18,19). In the US, the Food and Nutrition Board of the Academy of Medicine issues nutrition recommendations for populations across the lifespan providing Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR) that can be used to assess nutrient intake. The AMDR expresses intake recommendations as a percentage of total caloric intake for proteins (10-35%), carbohydrates (45-65%), and fats (20-35%) (20). These ranges are based on evidence from intervention trials, suggesting they provide the lowest relative risk for chronic diseases and should be tailored to the individual to ensure proper nutrient intake.


Protein Balance


Protein stores constitute an important component of body composition, specifically lean body mass, and are vital for growth and development, physical functioning, and hormone balance. Protein stores respond to growth stimuli such as growth hormones, androgens, physical training, and weight gain. In addition, dietary protein intake is required to replace irreversibly oxidized amino acids that cannot be synthesized in the body (e.g., essential amino acids). The AMDR for protein is 10–35% of caloric intake which is 1.05–3.67 g/kg of body weight/day when the reference body weights (57 and 70 kg for women and men, respectively) are used. This translates to an estimated energy requirement of 36.5 kcal/kg body weight/day (Figure 3) (21,22). The actual protein requirement of an individual depends on sex, body weight, lean body mass, activity level and other factors that influence the rate of protein synthesis and degradation (e.g., protein turnover). Protein stores are ~1% and therefore tightly controlled and physiological mechanisms exist to ensure protein balance is achieved in healthy individuals on a day-to-day basis (23). As such, protein imbalance is not a direct cause of obesity. The fate of excess protein is not in tissue storage, but excretion through urea or other metabolic pathways (24). In a controlled inpatient study, 25 healthy individuals were overfed diets that contained either low (5%), normal (15%), or high (25%) protein for 8 weeks (25). Individuals in the low protein group gained significantly less weight [3.16 kg (95% CI 1.88, 4.44)] compared to individuals in the normal [6.05 kg (95% CI 4.84, 7.26)] or high protein [6.17 kg (95% CI 5.23, 7.79)] groups (p=0.0016). Body fat increased similarly in all 3 groups and represented up to 90% of the excess stored calories implying that differences in body mass were due to differences in the accumulation of body protein or lean body mass [normal protein group: 2.86 kg (CI 2.11, 3.62); high protein group: 3.17 kg (CI 2.37, 3.98)]. To reconcile the contradicting understandings of the effects of protein imbalance on weight regulation, the protein leverage hypothesis suggests that a diet with a low protein to non-protein energy nutrients (i.e., carbohydrates and fats) ratio is compensated for by overfeeding and through increased energy intake (26). The idea is that the body [and brain] prioritizes protein intake to ensure a chronic protein deficit does not impact tissues and organs, and hence through signaling molecules such as FGF21 (fibroblast growth factor 21), energy intake is stimulated with the signal being inhibited when protein balance is achieved (27). In the modern obesogenic environment, an increase in caloric intake for protein is often accompanied by an overconsumption of carbohydrate and fat. Prospective and cross-sectional studies have demonstrated that a smaller percentage of protein intake (e.g., <10%) can lead to excess energy intake (28). Compared to low carbohydrate and low fat diets, high-protein diets (>0.8 g/kg body weight/day) are often touted as robust nutritional strategies for weight management as protein increases satiety, reduces prospective food consumption and over time, leads to greater reductions in fat mass, supports lean mass growth, and increases thermic effect of food (25). 


Carbohydrate Balance


Dietary carbohydrates are eventually converted to glucose, which is the primary metabolic fuel for the body. Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen, yet the body storage capacity of glycogen is limited to 500-1000 g on average equating to ~2000-4000 kcals of energy stored as carbohydrates (500 g x 4kcal/g) (29). Dietary intake of carbohydrates corresponds to ~50-70% of carbohydrate stores, compared to ~1% for protein and fat (Figure 3). Because glucose is the main source of energy, the AMDR for carbohydrates is the highest of the macronutrients at 45-65% of caloric intake. The homeostatic regulatory mechanisms that occur to maintain euglycemia suggest that carbohydrate availability is important for energy balance. Intake of dietary carbohydrates stimulates both glycogen storage and glucose oxidation, thereby suppressing fat oxidation (30). However, a modern hypothesis to explain the increased prevalence of obesity is the carbohydrate-insulin model of obesity. Ludwig and colleagues postulate that diets with a large relative intake of carbohydrate elevate insulin section, thereby suppressing the release of fatty acids from adipose tissue (31). In turn, these decreases circulating fatty acid subsequently partitioning substrates away from fatty acid oxidation and directing them to adipose tissue storage. This metabolic dysregulation leads to a state of cellular ‘internal starvation’ triggering compensatory mechanisms of increasing hunger and decreasing energy expenditure (31,32). However, both animal models and human studies testing the carbohydrate-insulin model have mixed results, suggesting the important aspect of the model may relate to the relative intake of carbohydrate in the diet (31). Moreover, excess intake of carbohydrates during overall excess energy intake results in high levels of acetyl-CoA, which is eventually converted to malonyl-CoA, the precursor of de novo lipogenesis. During excess carbohydrate and energy intake, carbohydrate stores remain in balance while excess carbohydrates are converted to fat contributing to weight gain. This is supported by a large analysis of US dietary data that suggests the increased consumption of refined carbohydrates is positively associated with weight gain (33). While there is no clear evidence suggesting that altering the relative intake of total carbohydrate in the diet is an important determinant of energy intake (34), there is strong evidence that reducing total carbohydrate intake (e.g., < 45%) is effective for improving weight loss, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and triglyceride profiles (35). Indeed, a large randomized controlled trial examining the effects of diets varying in carbohydrate to fat ratio on energy expenditure during weight loss found in participants consuming low carbohydrates (20%), energy expenditure was increased by an average of 209 kcal/day compared to a 91 kcal/day increase in the moderate carbohydrate group (40%). Therefore, lowering dietary carbohydrate increased energy expenditure during weight loss maintenance (36).


Fat Balance


Dietary fat provides energy and essential fatty acids that cannot be synthesized in the body. Fatty acids, although often seen as harmful, are critical for life as they support membrane structure and function, cell signaling, steroid hormone production, and metabolism (37). The daily fat intake represents <1% of the total energy stored as fat (Figure 3), but the fat stores contain about 3 times the energy of the protein stores (38). The AMDR for dietary fats (20-35%) with the minimum recommendation ensuring there is adequate consumption of total energy and essential fatty acids to prevent atherogenic dyslipidemia that can occur with low fat, high carbohydrate diets (39,40). The maximum of 35% fat intake relies on limiting saturated fat and on the observation that higher fat diets lead to consumption of more calories often resulting in weight gain (39). Fat stores are the energy buffer for the body, and fat and energy balance are tightly positively associated (41). A deficit of 200 kcal of energy intake over 24 hours thus means that 200 kcal of energy expenditure comes from fat stores, and the same is assumed for an excess of 200 kcal of energy intake, which is stored as fat. As increased dietary fat intake leads to fat storage and, ultimately, to increased adipose tissue mass (42), a reduced fat oxidation that favors positive fat (and thus total) daily energy balance may indicate a greater predisposition to weight gain over time (43). This principal has been demonstrated in conditions of spontaneous overfeeding, where the entire excess fat intake was stored as body fat (44).One randomized controlled trial examining two 24-hr 200% overfeeding dietary intake (high carbohydrate and high fat) found a high fat overfeeding diet was linked to a decreased capacity to oxidize dietary fat, thereby leading to greater weight gain at 6 and 12 months (45). Interestingly, a 24-hour fast also disrupted metabolic oxidation rates such that a lower (or higher) 24-h oxidation during fasting was associated with lower (or higher) 24-h oxidation during feeding and overfeeding, respectively (45).


In contrast to the other macronutrients, body fat stores are large and fat intake has little influence on fat oxidation (30,46). When a mixed meal is consumed, there is an increase in carbohydrate oxidation and a decrease in fat oxidation, demonstrating the macronutrient composition of a meal significantly affects metabolism. The addition of extra fat in a mixed meal does not alter the nutrient oxidation pattern (30,46). The amount of total body fat exerts a small, but significant, effect on fat oxidation, with higher body fat levels leading to higher fat oxidation. This may be a mechanism allowing for the attenuation of the rate of weight gain when high levels of dietary fat are consumed (47). Given that energy balance is the driving force for fat oxidation (41,47), fat oxidation increases when energy balance is negative (i.e., energy expenditure exceeds energy intake). Additionally, the type of dietary fat consumed may have implications for metabolic health and weight balance, with recommendations encouraging the consumption of polyunsaturated fats over saturated fats for metabolic health (37).


Figure 3. The daily energy and nutrient balance in relationship to macronutrient intake, and oxidation for a 30-year-old female that is 90-kg and 165 cm tall with 35% body fat on a 2,400 kcal/day standard American diet (35% fat, 50% carbohydrate, 15% protein) (48). Energy stores were calculated using the energy coefficient for fat free mass (1.1 kcal/g) and fat mass (9.3 kcal/g) (49). Macronutrient intake and oxidation are based on individual energy requirements computed using the Dietary Reference Intake equations (17). Macronutrient percentage, equivalent to the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans (50), is shown on the left as absolute intake in kilocalories and on the right as a percentage of its respective nutrient store. Because carbohydrate and protein intake and oxidation rates are tightly regulated daily, any inherent differences between energy intake and energy expenditure therefore predominantly impact body fat stores. During chronic overfeeding (shown in red), the oxidation of carbohydrate and protein is increased to compensate for their increased intake and at the expense of fat intake and the increase in fat oxidation is not equally coupled with its intake. Thus, if sustained fat kilocalories are stored, fat stores expand, and body weight is gained. This figure was adapted with permission from Galgani & Ravussin (42).

Alcohol Balance


Alcohol consumption is considered a risk factor for weight gain and obesity contributing to other noncommunicable diseases and early mortality (51). Alcohol, an energy dense diet component, provides 7 kcal/g. Evidence suggest there is a hierarchy in macronutrient oxidation rate during the postprandial state with the sequence alcohol > protein > carbohydrate > fat (52-54). Diet induced thermogenesis is increased after meals rich in alcohol (~20% of energy) (54), suggesting the body recognizes the caloric contribution of alcohol similar to the other macronutrients. The energy derived from alcohol consumption is additive to other energy sources, promoting positive energy balance and leading to weight gain (55). Alcohol consumed before or with meals induces an orexigenic effect, which increases appetite and reduces satiation via mediation of the rewarding perception of food leading to greater food intake (55). However, prospective studies demonstrate that light-to-moderate alcohol intake is not associated with adiposity gain while heavy drinking is more consistently related to weight gain (56). The interindividual differences between alcohol consumption habits and the types of alcohol (e.g. beer, wine, liquor) may have a differential impact on abdominal adiposity and weight gain (57). A population-based cross-sectional study found alcohol intake was inversely associated to relative body fat in women whereas spirits consumption was positively related to central and general obesity in men (57). This may reflect a variance effect by sex and the type of alcohol consumed on body weight regulation. While the imbalance between alcohol intake and oxidation may not be a direct cause of obesity, it may be linked to behavioral factors that are related to obesity.


Energy Imbalance Is Buffered By Fat Stores


The intake of carbohydrates, protein, and alcohol, and subsequent oxidation rates, are tightly regulated. Amino acids, glucose, and alcohol oxidation rates adjust to the amount consumed. Fat oxidation, however, relies on various regulatory mechanisms such as leptin, peptide YY and ghrelin, to regulate energy expenditure, satiety, appetite and hence energy stores (58,59). Specifically, leptin, an adipose tissue derived hormone, controls adipose tissue mass by regulating energy intake and energy expenditure via negative feedback loop hormonal signaling to the hypothalamus (60). Lower leptin levels decrease energy expenditure and inhibit appetite regulation, which is an issue often observed in obesity (61). However, because fat provides a greater storage of energy, there may be a higher propensity for the body to store excess energy intake as fat, thus, directly contributing to the flux in adipose tissue mass and associated weight regulation (Figure 3). Another way energy imbalance is buffered by fat storage is through glucagon like peptide-1 [GLP-1], a gut hormone vital to glucose homeostasis, which acts through the GLP-1 receptor (62). GLP-1 decreases blood glucose levels by stimulating insulin secretion and by inhibiting glucagon secretion. These mechanisms decrease endogenous glucose production, subsequently reducing the need for energy intake and decreasing gastric emptying time (63,64). Obesity interferes with gut hormones’ (e.g., GLP-1) ability to secret peptides (e.g. AgRP, peptide tyrosine tyrosine [PPY]), thereby interfering with the homeostatic control of body mass via energy intake (brain) and energy expenditure (metabolism) regulation (65).


Is A Calorie Truly A Calorie?


Thermodynamically, a calorie is a unit of measurement that reflects the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1°C. However, when evaluating the metabolizable energy content of calories from macronutrients, many factors influence the actual caloric value of food. For example, dietary fiber, often found in carbohydrate sources, has been shown to decrease transit time of food in the intestine, resulting in less time for digestion and absorption of energy (66). The thermic effect of food, the obligatory energy expenditure, increases with digestion and processing of ingested foods. Conversely, degradation of amino acids increases transit time of protein sources. Thus, diet composition has a strong effect on the thermic effect of foods with isocaloric amounts of protein having a greater thermic effect compared to carbohydrates and fat. Diets high in carbohydrates, fat, or both, produce a 4%-8% increase in energy expenditure (67), while meals high in protein cause an 11%-14% increase above resting metabolic rate due to the extra energy needed for amino acid degradation (68). One study comparing isocaloric low-fat and very low-carbohydrate diets found that total energy expenditure was approximately 300 kcal/day higher in the low-carbohydrate diet, an effect corresponding to the amount of energy typically expended in 1 h of moderate-intensity physical activity (69). As protein content was the same in both diets, the authors suggest the dietary composition differentially affected the availability of metabolic fuel types and efficiency, changes in hormone secretion, and skeletal muscle efficiency as regulated by leptin. As such, a calorie ingested does not necessarily correspond to a calorie absorbed, highlighting the importance of diet content on weight regulation. This is highlighted in an examination of a plant-based, low-fat diet versus an animal-based, ketogenic diet on ad libitum energy intake showing that the low-fat diet led to ~690 kcal/day less energy intake than the low-carbohydrate diet over 2 weeks (70). Furthermore, the same research group assessed the effects of UPF on energy intake finding an ultra-processed diet increased calories (508 kcal/day), carbohydrates (280 kcal/day), and fat (230 kcal/day) when compared to an unprocessed diet (71). Notably, weight changes were highly correlated with energy intake with the ultra-processed diet leading to a ~1 kg weight gain in 2 weeks, whereas the unprocessed diet led to a loss of ~ 1 kg. 




Dietary modification is central for weight management and obesity treatment. A variety of approaches exist with weight loss diets including versions of energy restriction, manipulations of macronutrient composition, and dietary intake patterns (72). While caloric restriction is the most common method for weight loss, other methods such as time-restricted feeding, low-fat, and low-carbohydrate diets may be as effective. However, there are considerations with weight loss like weight cycling and disease status that should evaluated to ensure long-term success.


Calorie Restriction


Calorie restriction followed by macronutrient modification are the primary non-surgical and non-pharmaceutical drivers of weight loss (73). Caloric restriction is the reduction of average daily caloric intake below what is typical or habitual without causing malnutrition or restricting the intake of essential nutrients allowing for the diet to provide sufficient micronutrients, fiber, and energy needed for metabolic homeostasis (74). Caloric restriction may be more successful than other dietary strategies because it is an eating pattern rather than a temporary weight loss plan. Several approaches can be taken to achieve caloric restriction. A prescribed eating plan that consists of 1,200-1,500 kcal/day for women and 1,500-1,800 kcal/day for men (75). Another approach is to determine baseline energy requirements, modify them to factor in an individual's level of physical activity, and create a 500 kcal/day (women) or 750 kcal (men) energy deficit. When caloric restriction is paired with behavioral changes (e.g., monitoring food intake, physical activity), an average weight loss of 8 kg by 6 months can be expected (75). Tools like the NIH Body Weight Planner that estimate energy intake required for the target weight loss can be useful for self-management. Other options exist such as popular commercial diets such as Atkins, Weight Watchers, and Zone diets, which focus on macronutrient composition in addition to calorie reduction. These diets have shown modest long-term weight loss after 1 year (73). As discussed throughout this chapter, reducing daily calorie intake is the most important factor for weight loss and is outlined in theAmerican College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines 2013 for the management of overweight and obesity in adults (76). Results from a systematic review and meta-analysis of 8 clinical trials concluded that 20-30% caloric restriction induced weight loss in overweight (-6.50 kg) and obese (-3.30 kg) adults, with greater weight loss in studies that were ≥ 6 to ≤ 11 months (-8.70 kg) and ≥ 12 months long (-7.90 kg) compared to studies of shorter duration of calorie restriction (≤ 5 months; -4.26 kg). Further, 20-30% calorie restriction reduced fat mass in overweight ( -3.64 kg) and obese adults (-2.40 kg), again, with greater losses with > 6 months of calorie restriction (-5.80 kg) compared to ≤ 6 months of duration (-1.91 kg) (77). However, more human clinical trials are needed to fully understand the long-term implications such as weight maintenance.


Time-Restricted Feeding


In a fasting diet, an individual does not eat at all or severely limits dietary intake during certain times of the day, week, or month. Recently, intermittent fasting, limiting the number of hours (e.g., 6-8 h) each day food can is consumed, has become a popular and effective dietary pattern for weight loss, as the primary focus is on frequency of eating (78). This eating pattern may be a practical way to reduce caloric intake because there is less time for regular eating. Time-restricted feeding may improve body weight regulation through the extended fasting duration, which promotes the mobilization of free fatty acids and increases fat oxidation and the production of ketones (79). While there is no calorie goal for time-restricted feeding, there is about a 3-5% caloric reduction as a result of having less time to eat during the day (80). Currently, there are only a few human trials examining time-restricted feeding (eating window ≤ 8-10 h for ≥ 8 weeks). One study demonstrated weight loss of 3.3 kg (95% CI −5.6 to −0.9 kg) with a self-selected 20% reduction in daily caloric intake estimates (81). Another study examining restricted feeding (without calorie counting) to an 8 h window (10:00 to 18:00) for 12 weeks demonstrated a 2.6 ± 0.5% weight loss compared to control (82). Restricting energy intake to a short window during waking hours and extending the length of the overnight fast appears to provide metabolic and potential health benefits, but more human research is needed. Additionally, for time-restricted feeding to be effective, a reduced calorie intake relative to energy expenditure must be achieved. Compared to a traditional caloric restriction diet, time-restricted feeding may pose unique barriers to weight loss such as diet quality, scheduling conflicts, and social influences (80). 


Low-Carbohydrate vs Low-Fat


The most common adjustment to macronutrients for weight loss has been a reduction in fat intake since, in comparison to both carbohydrate and protein, fat contains more than twice as much energy per gram and fat tends to be overconsumed compared to dietary recommendations. Dietary macronutrient composition has been studied extensively regarding weight loss efficacy. The results of these studies were combined in a recent meta-analysis (83) where a total of 53 randomized controlled trials that imposed a low-fat diet or an alternative dietary intervention for 1 year. Collectively, these studies showed that dietary interventions targeting reduced fat intake do not lead to significantly greater weight loss than dietary interventions targeting reduced carbohydrate intake, which produced an average long-term weight loss of 1.15 kg (83). The reported weight loss with a low carbohydrate diet should be cautioned. It may be ill-advised to tout low-carbohydrate higher-fat diets as superior to low-fat diets since only 1 extra kg of weight was lost, which can be considered irrelevant and even indicative of weight maintenance in clinical settings.


Low-carbohydrate diets have had positive effects on health; however, the reduction of refined carbohydrates can induce weight loss through a decrease in the insulin-induced action for lipogenesis (storage of excess carbohydrates in adipose tissue) and the action to inhibit lipolysis (84). Since refined carbohydrates are strong stimulators of insulin, the unintentional reduction in refined carbohydrates as a result of improved overall diet quality in low-carbohydrate diets could be the reason for weight loss success (34). Furthermore, carbohydrates that are higher in fiber may reduce the metabolizable energy content leading to lower total calorie consumption. The low-fat versus low-carbohydrate diet debate for weight loss was recently put to the test in an elegant study conducted at the NIH (85). Individuals with obesity were randomized into 2 groups in an in-patient clinical setting where one group received 30% fewer calories from fat (~800 kcal/day) while keeping carbohydrates comparable to the baseline diet and the other group received 30% fewer calories from carbohydrates (~800 kcal/day) while keeping fat comparable to the baseline diet. Interestingly, only the reduced carbohydrate group had an increase in fat oxidation, whereas the reduced fat group did not. However, the reduced fat group astonishingly had a greater rate of body fat loss even though fat oxidation was unchanged (85). The reduced carbohydrate group, however, saw a reduction in insulin secretion. The mathematical model that was used to simulate the effects of these 2 diets on weight and fat suggests that the reduced fat diet group would continue to show enhanced fat loss for up to 6 months (85). Although as energy balance is reached again with weight loss, differences in fat loss between groups will likely diminish over time. Additionally, systematic review and meta-analysis comparing 14 dietary macronutrient patterns demonstrated that most macronutrient diets resulted in modest weight loss over 6 months, but weight reduction and improvements in cardiometabolic factors largely disappeared after 12 months (86). This suggests that caloric restriction, regardless of whether the diet is low fat or low carbohydrate, can lead to weight loss.


Recently, the focus on intra-individuality surrounding carbohydrate and fat oxidation has gained momentum. In a 12-week weight loss study, 145 participants with overweight/obesity were identified as fat-responders or carbohydrate-responders based on their combined genotypes at 10 genetic variants, and then randomized to a high-fat or high-carbohydrate diet. However, weight loss did not differ between the genotypes (87). Another randomized control trial examining whether a low-fat diet compared to a low-carbohydrate diet related to genotype patterns or insulin secretion found no significant differences in weight loss over 12 months between the low fat and low carbohydrate diets, and neither genotype pattern nor baseline insulin secretion was associated with the dietary effects on weight loss. Taken together, it appears that understanding who may benefit from a low-fat versus low-carbohydrate diet remains convoluted (88).


Weight Cycling


Weight regain following weight loss is a common issue that people with obesity encounter. Common mechanisms of action that spur weight regain are related to gut hormone secretion profiles, changes in appetite and reward centers related to food, decreases in energy expenditure, and changes in body composition (89). Indeed, research demonstrates that the ratio of fat mass to fat-free mass in an individual can predict food and macronutrient intake impacting energy homeostasis (90). Even with assisted weight loss (e.g., anti-obesity medications, bariatric surgery), weight regain can occur. Repeated episodes of weight loss and regain is popularly known as ‘weight cycling’ (91). Although a standardized definition is lacking (92), a 5% weight loss and regain is a common clinical definition of weight cycling (93). Weight cycling is thought to have an adverse impact on metabolism and increase the likelihood of increased fat regain. The weight-reduced state elicits a complex response of hunger, increased metabolic efficiency, and reduced energy expenditure, which together favor weight regain (94). Specifically, weight regain can lead to collateral fattening, the process where excess fat is deposited because of the body’s attempt to counter a deficit in lean mass through overeating. Under the weight regain conditions post weight loss, persistent hyperphagia driven by the need to complete the recovery of lean tissue will result in the excess fat deposition (hence collateral fattening) and fat overshooting (95).Achieving long-term weight reduction requires overcoming neuroendocrine systems that favor restoration of one’s initial weight (96).


Population-based studies have shown that individuals who reported a history of large weight fluctuations over adulthood (besides pregnancy) had an increased risk for cardiovascular and all-cause morbidity and mortality (97-100). In 441,199 participants, body-weight fluctuation was associated with increased risk for all-cause mortality (RR, 1.41; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.27–1.57), CVD mortality (RR, 1.36; 95% CI 1.22–1.52), and morbidity of CVD (RR, 1.49, 95% CI 1.26–1.76) and hypertension (RR, 1.35, 95% CI 1.14–1.61) (98). A weight fluctuation of 4.5 kg between the ages of 40 and 60 y significantly increased the relative risk for diabetes by 1.7, even more so than a weight gain by the same amount (101). Furthermore, larger fluctuations in weight were associated with higher fasting insulin (102), impaired glucose tolerance (103) and greater risk for metabolic syndrome (104) independently of BMI. An inherent issue with these data is separating the contribution of pre-existing conditions, unintentional weight loss, and BMI to the outcomes (105-109). Therefore, individuals should be counselled on weight loss and the importance of weight loss maintenance because subsequent weight regain might be worse for long-term health than maintaining the original obese state.


Personalization of Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance Interventions


The concept of precision medicine is rapidly gaining attention as an innovative approach for the management of obesity. Within this concept, individual differences in genes, demographics, environments, and lifestyles are considered for nutrition, exercise, and medical prescriptions. Individual-specific diet and physical activity components are identified and used for tailoring weight loss or weight maintenance strategies (110). By evaluating an individual’s cardiometabolic profile and other risk factors associated with obesity, precision health directly targets the disease. Laboratory tests for the assessment of metabolic profiles, metabolomics, and nutritional status are recommended along with the assessment of diet quality.


Better understanding the differing phenotypes of obesity may aid in addressing anti-obesity treatment response heterogeneity among individuals. Obesity-related cardiometabolic complications and metabolic disorders are often liked to a proinflammatory state (111). Yet, the occurrence of these obesity-related morbidities is not present in all individuals with obesity. Consequently, the terms “metabolically unhealthy obese” and “metabolically healthy obese”, have been introduced to define individuals with obesity who have cardiometabolic risk factors or those who do not, respectively (112). While there is no standard definition of these obesity phenotypes, the most common criteria to define metabolically unhealthy obese are based on the presence of ≥ 2 of the 4 diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome (112). Other proposed criteria to identify obesity phenotypes are the presence of insulin resistance, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels, and indices of visceral adiposity and fatty liver. Identifying the phenotype of obesity can provide a tailored approach to clinical care for those with overweight and obesity. Recent work by Acosta and colleagues suggests obesity presents in 4 distinct ways: hungry brain (abnormal satiation), emotional hunger (hedonic eating), hungry gut (abnormal satiety), and slow burn (decreased metabolic rate) (113). In a 12-month pragmatic weight management trial with 450 adults, 32% of patients were presented with hungry brain, 32% with hungry gut, 21% with emotional hunger, and 21% with slow burn. Addressing hedonic eating behavior (energy intake), homeostatic eating behavior (hunger, satiation, and satiety), and energy expenditure (resting metabolic rate) separately was shown by Acosta to provide a deeper assessment of potential mechanisms for precision health for obesity (113). Understanding the key determinants to an individual’s eating behavior and energy expenditure is the first step in addressing weight management with behavioral counseling.




Sedentary Lifestyle and Energy Intake


A NHANES analysis on physical activity in adults ≥ 18 years old reported that sitting time has increased 19 minutes in 2007-2008 to 2017-2018 (from 332 min/day to 351 min/day, respectively) (114), with the highest point of sitting time being in 2013-2014 (426 min/day) (114). In 2007-2008, 33.6% adults (n = 5838) reporting sitting < 4 h/day, 23.6% 4-6 h/day, 24.8% 6-8 h/day, and 18.0% > 8 h/day (same as above). Sitting time increased in 2017-2018, with 26.9% adults (n = 5350) were sitting < 4 h/day, 26.3% 4-6 h/day, 27.2% 6-8 h/day, and 19.7% > 8 h/day (same citation as above).


Increased sitting time contributes to a sedentary lifestyle due to factors such as limited availability/feasibility to exercise facilities, occupation (e.g., office/desk job), television, video games, and smartphones and devices. Exercise facilities may be too expensive or too far commute for some people and households to get to. Sedentary occupational activities and the associated drop in energy expenditure have been related to the gradual increase in bodyweight in the US population (115).There is also growing evidence for a strong association between hours/day spent watching television and obesity in adults (116) and children (117). The iPhone was first released in 2007 exposing the world to easy access to the internet, applications, and games, and it has been shown that smartphone use is associated with obesity in children and adolescents (118). Lastly, according to NHANES, the average energy intake for adults aged 20 to 64 years is approximately 2,093 kcals/day from 2017-2018, only increasing slightly from 2,044 kcals/day in 2007-2010 (119). Based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 (120), the average calorie needs for adults ranges from 1,600 to 2,400 kcals/day for females and 2,000 to 3,200 for males (website above) depending on activity level and exact age (website above). Although US adults have not necessarily increased overall mean energy intake over the past 10-15 years, adults may be consuming more than the recommended number of calories per day which combined with increased sedentary behavior (e.g., sitting time) is likely contributing to weight gain and obesity.


Diet Quality and Ultra-Processed Foods


Overall diet quality is shown to contribute to weight gain and obesity (121). Increasing consumption of whole foods such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and fibers have been associated with weight loss and reduction of caloric intake (122) as well as lower rates of long-term weight gain (123,124). However, the opposite is found with the typical Westernized diet, which is known to be high in sugar, calories, and portion sizes (122,124). Diet index scores classify the quality of the diet, such as the NIH Healthy Eating Index (HEI). HEI score is widely used to assess diet quality based on the US Department of Agriculture 2015-202 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (125). Calculated on a scale of 0 (lowest quality) to 100 (highest quality), the HEI contains 13 components, 9 of which are classified as beneficial (total fruits, whole fruits, greens and beans, total vegetables, whole grains, seafood and plant proteins, fatty acids, total protein foods, and dairy) and 4 as harmful (sodium, refined grains, added sugar, and saturated fats) (125). A higher HEI score is indicative of a healthier diet and associated with lower BMI (126). NHANES analysis of 24-h food recall showed that a 1-point increase in HEI score was associated with a 0.8% decreased risk for abdominal obesity in adult women and 1.4% decreased risk in adult men (126,127). From 2001-2002 to 2017-2018, HEI-2015 decreased 47.82 to 45.25 (of 100 result in lower than the 50th percentile for diet quality) in adults 65 years and older who completed the NHANES 24-h dietary recall (125). Furthermore, another NHANES analysis of 24-h recalls in adults 20 years of age and older indicated that HEI-2015 for the overall population significantly decreased from 2011 to 2018 (128).


A possible reason for diet quality decreasing in the US could be due to the increase of UPF (129). UPF have become a large source of dietary food intake in high-income countries, including the US (130), and such foods have become increasingly available around the world due to the globalization of food systems (i.e., post 1970s). UPF are foods that have 5 or more ingredients, including chemically synthesized ingredients that are not found in unprocessed or minimally processed foods, such as artificial sweeteners, hydrogenated oils, and colorants (131,132). UPF are cheaper for consumers as they are mostly produced from high yielding crops such as soy, wheat, and maize. Data indicates that sales of UPF, but not ultra-processed beverages, per capita have been steadily increasing since 2012 in the US (130). A NHANES cross-sectional analysis in US adults age >19 years indicates that UPF consumption increased from 2001-2002 to 2017-2018 (129). Further, consumption of UPF has been positively associated with obesity possibly due to being energy dense and containing higher levels of trans- and saturated fatty acids, sodium, sugar, and refined carbohydrates (132). A randomized controlled clinical trial showed that energy intake was significantly increased in weight-stable adults during the UPF diet compared to the unprocessed food diet, with increased consumption of carbohydrates and fat (71). Weight gain was also correlated with UPF diet while losing weight was correlated with the unprocessed food diet (71).


Intrauterine and Intergenerational Effects


As obesity is continuously rising, the prevalence of obesity in pregnant women has also increased (133). In addition to the interrelated physiological and environmental components affecting metabolism, recent work shows that obesity (and other disorders) may be the result of genetic and epigenetic programming that occurs in utero and can be traced back up to two generations (Figure 4). Genetics alone are unlikely to be causing the ballooning of obesity observed the past decades, as genetic mutations are the result of evolutionary pressures occurring over multiple generations (134,135). Instead, environmental factors contributing to physiological changes can have implications for health and weight regulation in future generations. Rodent studies show that overfeeding results in increased body weight and adiposity both in sample animals and also in their offspring across 3 generations (136). Environmental changes, such as the shift towards predominantly obesogenic environments promote the expression of so-called “mal-adaptive” genes, predisposing the offspring to greater metabolic health risks (137). Accumulating evidence suggests that predisposition to obesity starts in utero if not earlier. Epigenetic factors such as the intrauterine environment affect health and phenotype outcomes in the offspring. Pregnant individuals with obesity are at risk for having infants born large for gestational age, which increases the infant’s risk for adult-onset obesity (138). Furthermore, pregnant individuals with obesity are also at higher risk of having overweight or obesity during postpartum and entering a subsequent pregnancy with obesity, perpetuating a cycle of weight gain, putting both parent and child at risk of adverse health outcomes. Lifestyle interventions during pregnancy focusing on altering the maternal milieu through increased physical activity, time-restricted eating, and individual feedback are likely to lead to healthy pregnancies and outcomes (139-142).


Obesogenics (Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals)


Obesogens, ingested or internalized environmental chemicals, interfere with endocrine signaling leading to adiposity and weight gain (143). Increased exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in the past half-century is both an ecological and a health concern. EDCs can be naturally occurring or man-made chemicals, with the most common including bisphenol A (BPA; used in plastic manufacturing), pesticides, phthalates (liquid plasticizers common in food packaging, cosmetics, and fragrances), and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS; chemicals common in paper, non-stick pans, and clothing) (144). All of these substances affect numerous metabolic outcomes, including adipocyte differentiation, number, size, and function, lipid profiles, energy intake, energy expenditure, the gut microbiome, basal inflammation, and insulin resistance (145). The most common methods of exposure include in utero, environmental exposures, food and beverages, cosmetics, household products, pollution, drugs, medical devices, and toys. Early exposure leads to higher risk for subsequent disease development later in life, as the umbilical cord, placenta, and breast milk are primary accumulation locations of EDCs and routes of exposure to developing young at their most susceptible (146). Given the abundance of obesogens in our everyday lives, it is imperative the obesogen hypothesis/model of obesity receive greater attention by the broader scientific community as a potential contributor to the increased prevalence of obesity.




In the US, overweight and obesity among adults and children has dramatically increased in the last 50 years. While body weight is ultimately regulated by the interplay between energy intake and energy expenditure over the long term, it is likely that the drastic environmental changes that have occurred over the past decades have dramatically contributed to the epidemic of obesity. Changes in our environment not only directly influence the mechanisms regulating energy intake and energy expenditure, but also may indirectly reprogram the genetic and epigenetic background of human beings predisposing future generations to weight gain and adiposity. The obesity epidemic can be considered a predictable adaptation to changes in the pathogenic environment. In addition, more emphasis is being placed on the macronutrient content of diets. Not only are low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets showing differences in substrate use and fat loss, but low-protein diets may have a new place in the regulation of body weight due to the activation of FGF21. Although these various effects of each macronutrient are intriguing, it may still be the case that all calories are equal, and that weight loss follows a negative energy balance. Weight cycling resulting from repetitive intentional fluctuations in weight loss and regain is becoming more prevalent as well and could have negative implications on health. Furthermore, other factors that could be contributing to the consistent rise in obesity include increased sitting time, energy intake, consumption of ultra-processed food (UPF) and obesogens. This is something that must be addressed appropriately because it could add to an increased prevalence of cardiovascular episodes and other morbidities in upcoming decades.




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Male Gonadal Disorders In The Tropics



Male hypogonadism arising from disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis is characterized by insufficient testosterone production. It is usually associated with subfertility or infertility. While hypogonadism is a global health concern, its diagnosis and management in tropical regions present unique challenges due to a combination of factors. Infectious etiologies often dominate the cause of male hypogonadism in certain areas of the tropics, but other factors such as environmental toxins, heat exposure, and high prevalence of metabolic disorders can also contribute. Atypical but not uncommon etiologies in the context of tropical conditions include snake envenomation, calorie deficiency, trauma, and androgen and recreational drug abuse. Understanding the specific causes of male hypogonadism in tropical regions requires a comprehensive assessment considering both medical and contextual factors. Addressing these causes involves targeted interventions, including infectious disease management, environmental regulations, genetic screening, appropriate medication use, and culturally sensitive healthcare approaches.




Male gonadal function primarily refers to the role of the testes in producing testosterone and sperm. It is regulated by a complex interplay of hormones and feedback mechanisms. The hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis is the critical regulatory system that governs the function of the testes in producing sex hormones and sperm (1).

Male hypogonadism encompasses abnormalities in sperm production, including changes in quantity or quality, alongside androgen deficiency. In tropical regions, male hypogonadism can arise due to diverse factors such as heat exposure, nutritional deficiencies, infectious diseases, toxins, genetic disorders, and metabolic dysfunction. Effective management in tropical areas necessitates a comprehensive approach that takes into account environmental, nutritional, hormonal, and metabolic factors.



The epidemiology of male hypogonadism remains insufficiently researched, particularly in tropical countries. Among the known causes of endogenous androgen deficiency, Klinefelter syndrome is relatively common, with a likely population prevalence ranging from 5 to 25 cases per 10,000 men (2). The percentage of infertile men varies widely, ranging from 2.5% to 12%. Infertility rates tend to be highest in Africa and Central/Eastern Europe (3).

In many tropical countries, endemic infections such as tuberculosis, leishmaniasis, leprosy, and schistosomiasis persist, leading to hypogonadism due to scrotal involvement (4). The precise prevalence, however, remains unknown.


Infectious causes of hypogonadism can result from various pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, that directly or indirectly affect the gonads or disrupt hormonal regulation. Bacterial infections ascending through the urogenital tract primarily affect the epididymis and accessory glands, whereas viral infections transmitted via the bloodstream predominantly involve the testes (5). Infections of the male genitourinary tract are responsible for 10% to 15% of cases of male infertility and may be especially relevant in the tropics (6). These conditions present as urethritis, prostatitis, orchitis, or epididymitis and are potentially curable (7).

The testis is considered an immune-privileged organ, crucial for safeguarding immunogenic germ cells during spermatogenesis from immune system activation. This protection is primarily achieved through a local immunosuppressive environment and systemic immune tolerance (8). The testis induces local innate immune responses to counter pathogens despite its immune privilege. However, certain pathogens can evade these defenses, leading to infection and persistence in the male reproductive tract (9).

Viral infections


Mumps virus and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections are recognized viral causes of orchitis and male infertility. Additionally, various emerging viral infections, including tropical ones, can affect male gonads.


Mumps infection is known to cause hypogonadism and male infertility. The extensive use of mumps vaccines has reduced the occurrence and severity of mumps-related complications. In Asia, infection is more prevalent during summer months, and a correlation between increased temperature and humidity has been suggested (10). A possible cause of mumps outbreak in many tropical countries could be inadequate vaccine coverage.

Clinical orchitis is rare in prepubertal males but affects 15-25% of adult men about a week after parotitis. Infertility or subfertility occurs in about 30% of orchitis cases, likely due to germinal cell damage, ischemia, or immune responses to the infection (10,11). Germ cell failure is more common than androgen deficiency in mumps and related viral infections. Treatment during the acute phase is supportive, as no proven therapy prevents sperm cell damage. Universal vaccination remains the primary strategy for preventing mumps-related infertility (12).



Studies report low serum testosterone in HIV-positive men ranging from 13% to 40%, with a recent meta-analysis suggesting a 26% prevalence (13,14). Secondary hypogonadism accounts for up to 80% of the cases and is attributable to functional hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (FHH) (13). In tropical countries, socioeconomic factors such as poverty, limited education, and inadequate healthcare resources contribute to increased rates of HIV transmission and hinder access to testing and highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Studies conducted in tropical Africa show a prevalence of hypogonadism ranging from 8.7% to 37% in men with HIV (15,16).



HIV-specific factors, alongside traditional ones, contribute to testosterone deficiency in men with HIV. While some association exists between testosterone levels and HIV-related parameters, such as low CD4 count, uncontrolled HIV viremia, weight loss, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) wasting, the evidence is not strong (17). The pathogenesis of hypogonadism in these men is multifactorial and complex, with classical risk factors playing a minor role compared to HIV-negative men. It's essential to note that the lack of a strong association between testosterone levels and traditional risk factors doesn't exclude their involvement; rather, numerous HIV-specific factors can mask their significance statistically (13).

HIV-related co-morbidities, chronic inflammation, illicit drug use, and body composition changes from HAART have been implicated in the development of hypogonadism. HIV infection makes the testes more susceptible to opportunistic infections like cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus, and tuberculosis (18). Up to 25% of individuals with AIDS will demonstrate testicular involvement with widespread opportunistic infection or systemic neoplasms, including CMV, toxoplasmosis, Kaposi sarcoma, and testicular lymphoma. However, primary hypogonadism may not develop in all cases(19).

Drug-Induced Hypogonadism

Several medications used for the treatment of HIV and AIDS may affect the HPG axis. Ketoconazole inhibits side-chain cleavage enzymes and other critical enzymes in testicular steroidogenesis. Megestrol acetate is used to increase appetite, but as a synthetic progesterone agent it suppresses gonadotropin secretion and results in hypogonadism. Central hypogonadism can also occur from opiate-induced inhibition of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) release.

Hyperprolactinemia and Gynecomastia

Increased prolactin levels are reported in almost 20% of men living with HIV (20,21). In a case-control study, gynecomastia was seen in 1.8% of 2275 consecutively screened cases and was associated with hypogonadism, hepatitis C, and the degree of lipoatrophy associated with HAART (22). Efavirenz, a commonly used HAART, is often responsible for gynecomastia which is due to direct activation of the estrogen receptor (23). Hyperprolactinemia has been reported in 21% men with stable disease and was significantly associated with opioid and protease inhibitor usage.

Testicular Changes

HIV infection itself doesn't result in observable morphological changes, especially with the advent of HAART, which has majorly reduced the risk of primary testicular damage (24). An earlier autopsy-based study had categorized testicular findings in AIDS into five groups: "Sertoli cell-only" syndrome (43%), germ cell damage (27%), peritubular fibrosis (15%), maturation arrest (12%), and normal appearance (3%) (25). A subsequent study reported decreased spermatogenesis, subacute interstitial inflammation, or their combination in autopsy (26).


Diagnosis and Management


The approach to diagnosis and management is generally similar to other causes of male hypogonadism. Readers can refer to relevant sections in for more detailed information (27–29). Of note, about 30% to 55% of men with HIV have increased sex hormone–binding globulin (SHBG). As a result, using bioavailable or free testosterone instead of total testosterone is recommended for diagnosis. Though, in cases of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, addressing the primary pathology is the standard treatment, the chronic nature of the condition demands more frequent consideration for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for men with hypogonadism and HIV (30).

Treatment options include TRT, addressing underlying comorbidities, optimizing HAART regimens to minimize side effects, and promoting healthy lifestyle practices to prevent metabolic disorders. Regularly monitoring hormone levels, bone health, and metabolic parameters is crucial for long-term management.


Zika virus is a flavivirus borne by mosquito vectors such as Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. It is endemic to tropical countries of Africa, Asia, and South America. The virus can also spread through sexual contact, blood transfusion, and from mother to fetus (31).

The infection remains asymptomatic in the majority, but manifestations may include low-grade fever, rash, conjunctivitis, myalgia, and arthralgia. Zika virus RNA persists in the semen and in male and female reproductive tracts. Zika virus has been associated with testicular inflammation and damage, leading to infertility in some cases (32,33). The virus's ability to alter mature sperm can reduce fertility and has implications for assisted reproduction, particularly due to its teratogenic potential (34). Typically, the testes do not show any inflammatory response, and normal morphology and hormone production are maintained. This enables the virus to remain dormant, acting as a covert carrier for asymptomatic sexual transmission.


Several viruses prevalent in tropical countries have been linked to testicular damage and infertility. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in males is often linked to external genital warts, but asymptomatic infections are equally common. HPV has been detected in the epididymis, testicles, vas deferens, prostate, and seminal fluid. High-risk HPV strains such as HPV-16 can affect sperm parameters, including count and motility, possibly reducing fertility (35,36). Both herpes simplex virus (HSV)-1 and HSV-2, like HPV, can localize in the male genital tract, but it's unclear if they affect fertility (37).

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) can enter male germ cells by crossing the blood-testis barrier, integrating its genome, and inducing oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, leading to sperm apoptosis. HBV infection in chronic cases results in higher apoptotic sperm cells and membrane integrity loss (38). Despite its effects on sperm, fertility outcomes in assisted reproduction remain unaffected, with vertical transmission being unlikely, especially with a vaccinated female partner (39).

Hypogonadism has been documented in men infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV), but the etiology has not been clearly established and is likely to be multifactorial. While systemic inflammation associated with HCV may suppress the HPG axis, the effect of advanced liver disease on testosterone metabolism may also be responsible (40). HCV infection reduces sperm count, motility, and morphology, affecting fertility potential. Elevated oxidative stress can lead to sperm chromatin condensation and cell death. It can also trigger an autoimmune response. Interestingly, treatment with ribavirin and interferon can also worsen semen parameters (41).

Male reproductive organs have been found to be vulnerable in moderate to severe illness with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (42,43). The negative effect on seminal parameters was found to persist even at six months (44).


Bacterial Infection

Bacterial infections in the male reproductive tract can lead to epididymitis, orchitis, prostatitis, and urethritis. These infections are typically caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas, and other bacteria. They are more common in tropical developing countries. Mycobacterial affection of the male genital tract is also prevalent in these regions. Symptoms include pain and swelling of the genitalia, penile discharge, and discomfort during urination or ejaculation. Treatment usually involves antibiotics targeted at the specific bacteria causing the infection (45).

Infertility can result from these infections, with underlying mechanisms possibly including damage to the germinal epithelium, ischemia, immune dysfunction, and cell damage from increased ROS (46). Spermatozoa can be affected at various stages of their development, maturation, and transport. Infections are also associated with obstruction along the seminal tract, such as urethral strictures.

Many pathogens of the male genitourinary tract are asymptomatic, and it is often difficult to distinguish colonization from infection detrimental to fertility (47). Bacteriospermia is suspected when there are more than one million peroxidase-positive white blood cells per milliliter of ejaculate (leukocytospermia). It is confirmed through a semen culture or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to identify the pathogen. Antibiotic treatment may improve sperm quality and prevent testicular damage and complications, but its effects on natural conception are not clear (48). Furthermore, leukocytospermia is a sign of inflammation and may not be associated with a bacterial or viral process, hence its clinical significance in the ejaculate is controversial (49).


C. trachomatis, an intracellular gram-negative bacterium, causes asymptomatic infection of the genital tract in 85%–90% of cases. Symptoms of epididymo-orchitis and prostatitis include mucoid or watery urethral discharge and dysuria. Some but not all studies have demonstrated an association with male infertility and altered semen quality (45,50,51).

While some research suggests that C. trachomatis could affect sperm-egg penetration, impacting fertilization potential, others propose that its impact on male fertility might be related to transfer to a female partner and resulting inflammatory processes, anti-sperm antibody generation, or defective implantation. Overall, the association between C. trachomatis and male fertility remains complex and may vary depending on individual cases (45).


N. gonorrhoeae is a leading cause of genital infection in the tropics. It primarily spreads through sexual contact and can lead to asymptomatic colonization or inflammatory diseases like urethritis, orchitis, prostatitis, and epididymitis. These infections can manifest as mucopurulent urethral discharge, or infertility from testicular damage or ductal obstruction. The bacteria attach to spermatozoa using pili or direct contact, and their infection triggers an influx of inflammatory cells. While the exact causative role of N. gonorrhoeae in pathogenesis of male infertility remains unclear, studies have noted higher infection rates in men with infertility compared to those without fertility issues (52).


Of the genital ureaplasmas and mycoplasmas, Ureaplasma urealyticum, and Mycoplasma hominis are potentially pathogenic and can contribute to both genital infections and male infertility (53,54). The prevalence of U. urealyticumranges from 10 to 40%. Both U. urealyticum and M. hominis have been linked to prostatitis and epididymitis (45). The mechanism of infertility could be due to a reduction in ejaculate's oxidoreductive potential, making sperms more susceptible to peroxidative damage (55).


Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, primarily affecting the skin, peripheral nerves, mucosa of the upper respiratory tract, and eyes. The condition is prevalent in tropical countries, and according to World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, over 17 million patients received multidrug therapy (MDT) for leprosy in the past four decades. The lower temperature of the scrotal contents, between 27–30˚C, makes the testes prone to infection in those with the lepromatous form and during flares of erythema nodosum leprosum (type 2 reaction).

The testes can serve as a reservoir for leprosy bacilli, potentially leading to testicular atrophy through the mediation of inflammatory cytokines and endarteritis, ultimately resulting in fibrosis. Early symptoms include testicular pain or swelling. Hypogonadism can lead to decreased or absent libido (28%), followed by gynecomastia (16.3%). Smaller, softer, and less sensitive testes is a characteristic feature of leprosy. Ultrasonography demonstrates reduced testicular volume in 72% of affected males (56). Laboratory investigations reveal oligospermia or azoospermia, elevated luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and low serum testosterone levels (57–59).



Male genital tuberculosis is found worldwide but is more common in regions with high tuberculosis prevalence, such as parts of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Genitourinary involvement accounts for 20-40% of extrapulmonary forms.Isolated genital infection is uncommon and occurs in 5–30% of the cases of genitourinary infection (60). Clinical reports likely underestimate the actual prevalence of male genital tuberculosis as symptoms are often absent (61).

Mode of Infection


Male genital tuberculosis typically originates from bacillaemia following primary infection of the lungs. Older studies suggest that the prostrate is often seeded by infected urine, with subsequent canicular or lymphatic spread to the epididymis (62). Though current literature suggests that direct hematogenous spread may be the primary mode of initial genital infection, especially in miliary cases. Granulomas formed systematically during primary infection can harbor bacilli for long periods, and reactivation can lead to genital tuberculosis. Disease progression often involves adjacent sites through direct extension, with orchitis almost always occurring secondary to epididymal disease. Concurrent or sequential involvement of multiple genital sites is common (63).

Clinical Features

Epididymis and prostate are the most commonly affected sites. Epididymitis is the most frequently reported form of male genital tuberculosis, characterized by gradual onset of swelling and pain. Acute infections are also observed. Spread to the testis can manifest as non-tender testicular mass, with coexisting enlarged, hard epididymis, beaded vas deferens, and sometimes scrotal edema. Oligospermia or azoospermia can occur from occlusion or granulomatous destruction of vas deferens or epididymis. Prostatic tuberculosis may present with dysuria, frequency, hematuria, and hemospermia. Physical examination may reveal firm enlargement, nodularity, or soft areas of necrosis (61,63).

Diagnosis and Treatment


Diagnosing male genital tuberculosis often requires a combination of clinical evaluation, imaging studies (such as ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging), laboratory tests (including semen analysis, urine analysis, and tuberculosis-specific tests like PCR or culture), and sometimes biopsy of affected tissues. All patients with genital tuberculosis should be screened for pulmonary and renal lesions. Treatment typically involves conventional tuberculosis chemotherapy courses. In cases of infertility or complications, additional management strategies such as surgical interventions or assisted reproductive techniques may be considered. Early recognition and treatment are crucial in managing male genital tuberculosis and preventing complications such as infertility (64).

Other Mechanisms of Gonadal Dysfunction

Central nervous system tuberculosis, including tuberculomas involving the sellar region, can lead to hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (65). Pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as tissue necrosis factor-α (TNFα), interferon-γ, and interleukin (IL)-6, have been implicated in the impaired production of gonadal androgens in cases with pulmonary tuberculosis. These cytokines can disrupt the normal functioning of Leydig cells, leading to reduced testosterone synthesis (66).


Brucellar epididymo-orchitis is a rare infection affecting the testis and epididymis, occurring in approximately 2–14% of cases of brucellosis. Brucellosis is still prevalent in individuals dealing with livestock in developing countries and is reported to be hyper-endemic in Iran. Necrotizing orchitis, testicular abscess, infarction, atrophy, suppurative necrosis, azoospermia, and infertility can occur if diagnosis is delayed or management is inappropriate (67).


Several other bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus agalactiae, Gardnerella vaginalis, Treponema pallidum, Helicobacter pylori have been linked to male infertility through different mechanisms (45). However, more research is needed to fully comprehend their roles, particularly in tropical regions where these bacterial infections are more prevalent.



Protozoan parasitic diseases are endemic in many tropical countries. Protozoan infections of the male genital tract are rare, and only a few species, such as Trichomonas vaginalis, Trypanosoma species, Leishmania donovani, Entamoeba histolytica, Acanthamoeba, Toxoplasma gondii, and Plasmodium falciparum, have been linked to pathogenesis of testicular damage (68).


T. vaginalis is a common sexually transmitted infection that can affect various parts of the male genital tract, including the urethra, prostate, and epididymis. Although uncommon, T. vaginalis can impact male fertility. Studies indicate a higher prevalence of T. vaginalis in infertile men compared to fertile individuals, and its presence in semen is linked to decreased sperm motility, normal morphology, and viability. In vitro studies confirm that T. vaginalis and its secretions can reduce sperm motility and fertilizing capacity (68,69).


Congenital toxoplasmosis is characterized by meningoencephalitis with significant perivascular inflammation, particularly in the basal ganglia and periventricular regions. This condition likely affects important hypothalamic regulatory centers, resulting in hypothalamo-pituitary dysfunction. The clinical features of toxoplasmosis stem from both direct tissue destruction by the parasite and immunopathological changes mediated by inflammatory cytokines. Hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction, precocious puberty, and central diabetes insipidus with hypogonadism have all been described in association with congenital toxoplasmosis (70–73). In immunocompromised individuals, such as individuals with AIDS, the male reproductive tract can rarely be affected, leading to conditions like epididymitis or orchitis. Although direct links to infertility aren't fully established, some studies suggest potential negative impacts on sperm health.


Infections with Leishmania can lead to genital lesions and testicular amyloidosis, contributing to hypogonadism. Parasitism of the testes and reduced testicular size with fewer Sertoli and Leydig cells have been reported (74). Evidence of involvement of several endocrine organs- pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, and sex glands- via histopathologic studies have been documented in Visceral Leishmaniasis (75). However, abnormal endocrine function tests in some instances without clinical manifestations have been documented. Genital leishmaniasis lesions on the penis, mimicking a painless, slow-growing scabies-like ulcers, can occur uncommonly (76).


African trypanosomiasis, also known as sleeping sickness, is caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei, which is transmitted by the bite of a tsetse fly. In a study involving 31 Congolese men with confirmed trypanosomiasis, 70% experienced impotence, and 50% exhibited decreased testosterone levels (77). The gonadotrophins were found to be disproportionately normal, suggesting hypothalamic-pituitary involvement (78). The endocrine dysfunction observed in patients with trypanosomiasis may be secondary to inflammatory cytokines (79,80). However, further studies are required to confirm the hypothesis.

Chagas disease, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, affects 6–7 million people worldwide, mainly in Latin America. It is primarily transmitted by triatomine bugs, with congenital and blood-transfusion transmission also reported. In its chronic phase, the disease commonly leads to cardiac, digestive, or neurological disorders. Early antiparasitic treatment can cure the acute phase, while treatment during the chronic phase can slow progression (81). Animal experiments demonstrated the presence of amastigote forms in seminiferous tubules of infected mice (82). Subsequent autopsy studies only revealed focal chronic phlebitis and mononuclear interstitial infiltration of the testis and failed to show any parasites (83). Early studies of testicular biopsies in chronic Chagas disease revealed arrested germ cell maturation and regressive alterations, worsening progressively from normospermia to azoospermia (84). Immune neuro-endocrine disturbance could possibly play a role in the pathogenesis (85).


Rare cases of scrotal and penile amebiasis have been described (86,87). Rare reports in the medical literature have mentioned cases where infections caused by Plasmodium falciparum or Plasmodium vivax, the parasites responsible for malaria, have led to testicular pain or hypogonadism (88,89).




Fungal epididymitis, caused by Candida glabrata, is uncommon but should be considered, especially in individuals with diabetes and a history of catheterization or antibiotic use. Rare cases with enlarged and tender hemiscrotum responding to fluconazole and surgical excision have been described (90). The risk of epididymitis in individuals with diabetes with C. glabrata and C. albicans increases with urinary tract instrumentation and prior antibiotic therapy. Diagnosis relies on recognizing fungi in histology or pus cultures, often indicating retrograde spread from urine. Fungal epididymo-orchitis can occur as an isolated entity or, more often, during disseminated infection (91).

As with any gonadal infection, fungal epididymo-orchitis can cause infertility because of gonadal destruction and resultant azoospermia. In addition to invading tissue, fungi can contribute to infertility by inducing anti-sperm effects and secreting mycotoxin. C. guilliermondii and C. albicans are able to inhibit sperm viability and motility in vitro. A proportion of infertile men and women have antibodies positive for C. guilliermondii, the implications of which are unknown. Restoration of fertility was achieved in some patients after the eradication of C. guilliermondii by ketoconazole (92).  



Other fungi reported to infect testis and epididymis include blastomycosis, histoplasma, aspergillus, and cryptococcus (93–95). Cryptococcus neoformans can also cause hypospermia and teratospermia (96). The fusarium toxin zearalenone and its metabolite zearalenol bind as agonists to estrogen receptor-α and -β, causing hyperestrogenism-mediated decreases in testosterone and libido, azoospermia, and feminization in mammals. Whether such hyperestrogenic effects occur in humans with fusariosis is unclear (97).

Granulomatous epididymo-orchitis can also occur as a part of disseminated histoplasmosis in an immunocompromised state (94). Genital blastomycosis is described mostly as a part of disseminated disease. Majority present with unilateral or bilateral pain and swelling of the scrotum. Onset can be acute or insidious, with symptoms lasting from days to months. Bacterial infection on the other hand is typically unilateral and acute (93). Some fungal infections may remain asymptomatic and only get detected during autopsy.


Pituitary fungal infections or abscesses are extremely unusual and mostly found in immunocompromised states. (98). The mode of spread could be hematogenous, extension from adjacent structures like meninges, sphenoid sinus, cavernous sinus, and skull base, or iatrogenic during transsphenoidal procedures. Aspergillus is the most frequently reported fungal infection of the pituitary (99). Candida, Pneumocystis jirovecii in HIV/AIDS, and coccidia are also reported to infect the pituitary (100–102).  Gonadotrophin and other pituitary hormone secretion can be affected, but such reports are very rare (103). Pituitary stalk compression due to fungal lesion can induce hyperprolactinemia (104).




Schistosomiasis, caused by Schistosoma haematobium, S mansoni, and S. japonicum, represent a major tropical disease transmitted through contact with infested freshwater. S. haematobium, common in sub-Saharan Africa, infects around 112 million people and often affects the urinary tract, with potential extension to the genitalia. The infection can persist for decades and, if untreated, becomes chronic, with potential for causing complications (105). S. manson, iprevalent in the Caribbean, South America, and Africa, and S. japonicum in Southeast Asia are primarily associated with hepato-intestinal infection with very rare occurrence of genital disease. Genital involvement is primarily observed with S. haematobium (106).

Early symptoms include hemospermia, that results from mucosal ulceration caused by egg penetration into the seminal vesicle. Schistosoma eggs can become entrapped in the prostate, vas deferens, epididymis, or testes, and trigger immune reactions and granuloma formation. Clinical features include genital or ejaculatory pain, infertility, and abnormally enlarged organs from granulomatous infiltration, fibrosis, and calcifications (105–107). Diagnosis depends on identifying ova in semen or urine, but detecting chronic infection is challenging as ova might often be absent. Praziquantel (at 40 mg/kg) is the standard treatment for most forms of schistosomiasis (106).

S. mansoni infection has been associated with low normal testosterone and elevated estrogen levels in males, although hepatic dysfunction may play a role in these abnormalities (108).


Filariasis is a neglected tropical disease transmitted by mosquitos caused by Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, and B. timori. Filariasis occurs in Africa, Asia, South America, the Caribbean, and the Pacific. Globally, it is estimated that 25 million men have hydrocele due to lymphatic filariasis, and over 15 million people are affected by lymphoedema (109). Initial infections are often asymptomatic, but chronic disease can damage the lymphatics of the spermatic cord. Common genital manifestations include recurrent scrotal pain and swelling, hydrocele, and epididymo-orchitis (110). Azoospermia and oligospermia are also described (111). The WHO's Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis (GPELF) was launched in 2000 with a strategy focused on large-scale annual treatment in endemic areas to stop infection spread and provide essential care.

Ecdysteroids are compounds related to 20-hydroxyecdysone, the insect molting hormone, in Loa Cystoids and Mansonella perstans infections, the other form of filariasis. Microfilaremic males with these infections had low testosterone in 12%, and high gonadotrophins in 24%, and abnormal levels of both in 21%. Ecdysteroids were found in the serum of 90% of individuals with microfilaremia and in all urine samples, but their levels did not correlate with hormonal changes. A possible link between microfilaremia and endocrine disruptions, including hypogonadism, has been suggested, but the direct role of parasitic ecdysteroids remains unproven (112).




Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)


EDCs pose a significant and ubiquitous threat to global and tropical health. EDCs include both natural and synthetic chemicals widely dispersed in the environment. These chemicals can be ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through various media, including food, water, air, and consumer products, and can interfere with any aspect of hormone action. EDCs can bind to hormone receptors, such as estrogen and steroid receptors, disrupting development and reproductive function, among many other health impacts.

Common EDCs include bisphenol A (BPA), found in plastics and food containers, and phthalates, used to make plastics more flexible and present in products like cosmetics and toys. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), industrial chemicals in electrical equipment and paints, and dioxins, by-products of industrial processes and combustion, are also significant EDCs. Pesticides such as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and glyphosate, widely used in agriculture represent another major group of EDCs. For more details, please refer to the sections on EDC in Endotext (113).


Despite growing recognition of their impact, the full extent of their damage remains inadequately addressed due to insufficient evidence and lack of comprehensive testing (114). In tropical regions, extensive use of pesticides and industrial chemicals increases exposure to EDCs. For example, glyphosate, a commonly used herbicide, has been linked to endocrine disruption and adverse reproductive health outcomes (115)​. Similarly, heavy metals like lead and arsenic, prevalent in some tropical areas, cause significant endocrine-related health issues ​(116,117).

A review of data on prioritized EDCs (e.g., DDT, lindane, PCBs, etc.) reported elevated concentrations in the Indian environment and human population compared to the international context (118). A recent nationwide pilot study has reported the widespread occurrence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and phthalates in humans from different locations across India, including those residing along the Indian Himalayas (119,120). Both DDT and pyrethroids used for malaria control in African countries have endocrine-disrupting potential (121).




EDCs act as anti-androgens, mimic estrogens, and inhibit steroidogenic enzymes, interfering with androgen production and function. Phthalate esters like di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and BPA can reduce testosterone synthesis and disrupt gene expression related to hormone balance. DDT, PCBs, and their metabolites can also block hormone receptors, affecting estrogen and androgen signaling crucial for spermatogenesis and testicular development (122).




EDCs are known to disrupt hormonal balance and have been linked to impaired sperm production, quality, and function. Factors such as type of EDCs, duration of exposure, and individual susceptibility play roles in their effects on reproductive health. EDCs impact sperm function by targeting testicular development and influencing the HPG axis, affecting estrogen and androgen receptors, influencing ROS production, inducing epigenetic modifications, and directly affecting spermatozoa and testicular tissue cells (123). Pesticides have been extensively studied for their effects on sperm parameters and DNA integrity. While some studies report reductions in sperm concentration and alteration in sperm morphology due to pesticide exposure, others show no significant impact (124). DDT, BPA, and phthalates are associated with decreased semen volume and sperm concentration, motility, and abnormal morphology (125). Increased urinary BPA level is associated with reduced number, motility, and sperm vitality, leading to male infertility (126). Continued research is needed to better understand the effect of EDCs on reproductive health.


Developmental Disorders


Testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS) is a condition linking poor semen quality, testicular cancer, undescended testes, and hypospadias. Experimental and epidemiological studies indicate that TDS stems from disturbances in embryonic programming and gonadal development during fetal stages. These disorders share a common pathway by which environmental chemicals and genetics result in abnormal development of the fetal testis (127,128). Though harmful effects on testicular development in animals have been demonstrated, the current evidence does not conclusively clarify the impact of EDCs on human male reproductive development (129).




Gynecomastia prevalence has increased over recent decades, partly attributable to exposure to EDCs. Higher plasma concentrations of DEHP and its major metabolite mono(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (MEHP) in boys with gynecomastia have been demonstrated (130). Another study reported an outbreak of gynecomastia linked to the anti-androgenic delousing agent phenothrin (131). Additionally, essential oils like lavender and tea tree oil have been associated with gynecomastia. Components of these oils have estrogen receptor (ER) agonist activities (132). Occupational exposure to gasoline vapors and combustion products may play a role in the causation of male breast cancer (133).


Current literature indicates a possible link between EDC exposure and development of gynecomastia. Increasing rates of the condition indicate that environmental factors are important to disease etiology. The data from tropical countries is sparse, and epidemiological studies to evaluate the influence of EDCs on diseases of the male reproductive tract, including gynecomastia, are necessary (134).


Testicular Cancers


Few studies have explored the correlation between EDC exposure and testicular cancer, and even less so in tropical countries. The results are inconsistent, with some but not all studies showing an association between pesticide exposure and testicular cancer. Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), chlordane, and PCB exposure have been linked to testicular cancer (135–137). These mixed findings highlight the need for more focused research on EDCs and testicular cancer, especially in tropical countries with high exposure to pesticides (129).


Reducing exposure to EDCs through lifestyle changes, environmental regulations, and occupational safety measures can help mitigate their potential impact on male gonadal disorders. Additionally, further research is needed to understand better the mechanisms by which EDCs affect male reproductive health and to develop strategies for prevention and treatment.



Heat exposure is a significant factor in male infertility, affecting sperm production and quality. Global warming and episodes of heat stress, occupational exposure, and lifestyle factors can be responsible for increasing scrotal temperature (138).

The testes are located outside the body in the scrotum to maintain a temperature of 2-4°C below core body temperature, optimal for spermatogenesis. A recent meta-analysis concluded that high ambient temperatures in tropical climates can negatively affect sperm quality, including decreased semen volume, sperm count, sperm concentration, motility, and normal morphology (139). This may be especially relevant for men working in high-temperature environments (e.g., welders, bakers, and drivers) or exposed to prolonged heat (e.g., saunas and hot tubs) (140,141). Studies have shown that even temporary exposure to high temperatures can significantly impact sperm parameters (142).

Similarly, febrile illness, prolonged sitting during work or truck driving, tight-fitting underwear, and laptop use with increased heat to the testes have been proposed to affect male fertility adversely (146,147). Studies in men have shown that small increases in testicular temperature accelerate germ cell loss through apoptosis. The data to support these associations are, however, inconsistent (143).




Traumatic injuries to the genitalia, common in tropical regions due to occupational hazards, accidents, and interpersonal violence, can cause direct damage to the testes. Severe trauma can result in testicular rupture or vascular compromise, leading to hypogonadism due to impaired blood supply or loss of testicular tissue. Radical prostatectomy or other overt genital tract trauma is a physical cause of a sudden loss of male sexual function (144).

Males who experience a traumatic pelvic fracture or genital trauma may also have psychogenic erectile dysfunction (145). Post-traumatic hypopituitarism is responsible for about 7.2% of all causes of hypopituitarism and can develop after road traffic accidents, sports injuries, blast injuries, and other trauma. Peripherally placed somatotrophs and gonadotrophs are first affected by ischemic damage, while centrally located corticotrophs and thyrotrophs are subsequently involved (146).


Snake Envenomation

Snakebite envenoming is a medical emergency prevalent in tropical regions of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Venom toxins can cause severe local damage and multi-organ dysfunction, impacting the neurological, hematological, and vascular systems. Endocrine disorders, though less frequently reported, can occur, with anterior pituitary insufficiency being the most common. This is typically found following bite from Russell’s viper (Daboia russelii and D. siamensis). The presentation of hypopituitarism can be acute or delayed (147).

Pathophysiology is similar to Sheehan’s syndrome and results from hemorrhagic infarction in an engorged gland, made susceptible by venom toxin. Kidney injury and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) are predictors of the development of hypopituitarism. Pituitary imaging may show a spectrum of findings from completely normal to an empty sella (148). Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism may present as erectile dysfunction. Delayed puberty has been reported in males (149). The interested reader may refer to the Endotext chapter “Snakebite Envenomation and Endocrine Dysfunction” for further details (150).


The prevalence of diabetes and metabolic syndrome in tropical countries has been rising significantly in recent years (151). Type 2 diabetes in tropical countries shows distinctive features such as onset at younger ages and lower levels of obesity compared to Caucasians (152). Functional hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (FHH) has emerged as an important complication of diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome across the globe. FHH results from impaired HPG axis function in the absence of an organic cause, leading to decreased testosterone levels, low or normal gonadotropin levels, and subfertility or infertility (153).

 In a study from China, 26% of men with diabetes had hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and its presence correlated with BMI (154). Lifestyle changes and weight loss can improve insulin sensitivity and restore normal HPG axis function. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) may be indicated in some men, although it should be used cautiously and monitored for potential side effects. Optimizing diabetes management and treating obesity are crucial and may improve hypogonadal status (155).

FHH can coexist in individuals with malnutrition and chronic energy deficit, malignancy, chronic opioid exposure, chronic kidney disease, chronic liver disease, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, depression, and other psychiatric disorders. Systemic diseases can downregulate GnRH secretion by the hypothalamus and lead to secondary hypogonadism. This is thought to be at least partly due to the direct effects of elevated inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1, IL-6, and TNFα (156). Sickle cell disease can cause vaso-occlusive crises and can induce both primary and/or secondary hypogonadism (157,158).


The misuse of anabolic steroids and other hormones for performance enhancement is described among athletes and bodybuilders. Chronic abuse of these hormones can disrupt normal endocrine function, leading to hypogonadism, testicular atrophy, gynecomastia, and infertility (159).

Impairment of sperm characteristics, including alteration in total number, concentration, motility, normal morphology, prostate gland hyperplasia, and hypertrophy are recognized (160). Androgen abuse can lead to hypogonadotropic hypogonadism also, as it negatively impacts the HPG axis (161). The adverse effects may reverse over 6-18 months after discontinuation, although testicular volume and SHBG levels may not fully recover. There can be persistent quantitative and qualitative sperm changes 8–30 weeks following withdrawal of anabolic steroids (162).

The use of recreational drugs, including cannabis and opioids, has been linked to negative effects on male reproductive health. Studies have shown that these substances can decrease sperm quality, increase sperm DNA fragmentation, and lower fertility in men (163,164). Heavy use of cannabis (marijuana) has been associated with reduced semen quality, potentially due to disruption of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the male reproductive tract by exogenous cannabinoids. The ECS is crucial in regulating various physiological processes, including reproduction. Exogenous cannabinoids from marijuana may interfere with the normal functioning of the ECS, leading to negative effects on semen quality (165). Additionally, opioids have been found to induce secondary hypogonadism by suppressing the activity of kisspeptin-neurokinin B-dynorphin neurons. They may directly affect the testes, through endogenous opioid receptors present there (166).



Male gonadal disorders in the tropics face unique challenges due to a combination of healthcare, socioeconomic, and environmental factors. These include inadequate healthcare infrastructure, especially in rural areas, economic constraints with high costs of diagnosis and treatment, and limited awareness among the population and healthcare providers, leading to underdiagnosis. Further, the cultural stigmas and beliefs around sexual health deterring men from seeking help, deficiencies in training of primary care providers to diagnose and manage gonadal disorders, complications from the tropical climate, and the high burden of infectious diseases add to the problem. There is also a scarcity of treatment guidelines tailored to regional needs and inadequate research and evidence to guide therapy.

These challenges necessitate comprehensive strategies that address healthcare infrastructure improvements, affordability, awareness campaigns, cultural sensitivity training, enhanced medical education, research into tropical-specific treatments, and telemedicine utilization for remote areas. All require collaboration among various stakeholders to improve hypogonadism management in tropical regions.




Male hypogonadism in the tropics is caused by a combination of factors, including high prevalence of infectious diseases, exposure to environmental toxins, chronic heat stress, systemic disorders including diabetes and obesity, nutritional deficiencies, and substance abuse. Significant challenges exist due to limited healthcare access, high costs, low awareness, cultural stigma, inadequate training for primary care providers, environmental factors, and a lack of region-specific treatment guidelines. These issues lead to underdiagnosis and poor management of male hypogonadism in the tropics. Improving healthcare infrastructure, raising awareness, enhancing provider training, and developing tailored treatment guidelines are essential to address these challenges effectively.


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Adrenal Incidentalomas



Wider application and technical improvement of abdominal imaging procedures in recent years, has led to the discovery of unsuspected adrenal tumors in an increasing frequency. These incidentally detected lesions, also called adrenal incidentalomas, have become a common clinical problem and need to be investigated for evidence of hormonal hypersecretion and/or malignancy. In this chapter, current information on the prevalence, etiology, radiological features, and appropriate biochemical evaluation are presented as a narrative review of the available literature. Despite the flurry of data accumulated, controversies are still present regarding the accuracy of diagnostic tests and cut-offs utilized to establish hormonal hypersecretion, potential long-term sequelae, indications for surgical treatment as well as duration and intensity of conservative management and follow-up. Recently, clinical guidelines proposing diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms have been published to aid in clinical practice, however an individualized approach through a multidisciplinary team of experts is recommended.




Abdominal computed tomography (CT), since its introduction in the late 1970’s, has proven to be an excellent tool for identifying pathology in patients with suspected adrenal disease. It was also predicted that the ability of CT to image both adrenal glands could lead to the occasional discovery of asymptomatic adrenal disease (1). Nowadays, further technological advances and broader availability of CT and other imaging modalities such as Ultrasonography (US), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) have made the detection of unexpected lesions in adrenal and other endocrine glands a common finding (2). Although incidental detection of adrenal disease may lead to earlier diagnosis and possibly improved outcome in certain cases, it is now recognized that diagnostic evaluation and follow-up of all incidentally discovered adrenal masses, or so-called “adrenal incidentalomas”, may put a significant burden on patient’s anxiety and health and produce increasing financial consequences for the health system (3). It is therefore important to develop cost-effective strategies to diagnose and manage patients with adrenal incidentalomas.




According to the NIH State-of-the-Science Statement (4), adrenal incidentalomas (AIs) are defined as clinically inapparent adrenal masses discovered serendipitously during diagnostic testing or treatment for conditions not related to the adrenals, such as abdominal or back pain or for exclusion of pulmonary embolism or other lung disease. Although an arbitrary cut-off of 1 cm or more has been employed to define an adrenal lesion as AI (5,6), this cut-off might be challenged following the higher resolution that modern imaging modalities offer, mainly MRI and CT. Nonetheless, in all published guidelines this cut-off is accepted as the minimum size above which additional diagnostic work-up should be performed, unless clinical signs and symptoms suggestive of adrenal hormone excess are present. Patients harboring an AI, by definition, should not have any history, signs, or symptoms of adrenal disease prior to the imaging procedure that led to its discovery. This strict definition excludes cases in which adrenal-specific signs and symptoms are “missed” during history taking or physical examination, or in which a hereditary syndrome associated with an increased likelihood to develop adrenal tumors is suspected (6). Similarly, adrenal masses discovered on imaging for tumor staging or follow-up in extra-adrenal malignancies fall outside the definition of an AI (7). This is because adrenal metastases are a common finding in this setting, with a prevalence ranging from 3 to 40% in autopsy and from 6 to 20% in radiological series (8). A recent population-based cohort study reported a 22-fold higher likelihood of an AI being a metastatic lesion when discovered during cancer staging, reaching a prevalence of 7.5% (9). In another single-center cohort study including 475 patients with colorectal cancer, the incidence of AIs was 10.5% (10).




The precise prevalence and incidence of AIs cannot be easily defined since data from population-based studies are scarce. Most previous data were extrapolated from autopsy or radiological studies that are inherently biased due to their retrospective nature, insufficient clinical information, different referral patterns and patient selection criteria.


In autopsy studies, the reported prevalence of AIs was found to be around 2.3%, ranging from 1 to 8.7% (11–23), without any significant gender difference. The prevalence of AIs increases with age, being 0.2% in young subjects compared to 6.9% in subjects older than 70 years of age (24), and is higher in white, obese, diabetic, and hypertensive patients (8). The variability of the reported prevalence in different series could also be attributed to the size cut-off used for the definition of AI as in some post-mortem series, small nodules (<1 cm) were detected in more than half of the patients examined (23).


In radiological studies, the prevalence of AIs differs depending on the imaging modality used and should be interpreted carefully due to referral and under-reporting bias. Transabdominal US during a routine health examination identified AIs in 0.1% of those screened (25), while studies using CT reported a mean prevalence of 0.64% ranging from 0.35 to 1.9% in a total of 82,483 scans published in the literature between 1982 and 1994 (21,26–30). However, two more recent studies utilizing high-resolution CT scanning technology, have reported prevalence rates of 4.4% and 5% respectively, which are more consistent with those observed in autopsy studies (31,32). This increase in detection frequency paralleled by the technological advances in medical imaging quality, can explain why AIs are considered a “disease of modern technology”. Age has also been found to affect AI radiological detection rates, as these lesions are found in 0.2% of individuals younger than 30 years, in 3% at the age of 50 years and up to 10% in individuals above 70 years of age (24,31,33). However, a recent publication from China including 25,356 healthy individuals (aged 18-78) who underwent abdominal CT imaging as part of a funded health check, reported an AI detection rate of 1.4%, increasing with age, from 0.2% in the youngest group (18-25 years) to 3.2% in those older than 65 years (34). The prevalence of AIs is very low in childhood and adolescence accounting for 0.3-0.4% of all tumors (35). Adrenal incidentalomas appear to be slightly more frequent in women in radiological series, in discordance with autopsy studies, probably because women undergo abdominal imaging more frequently than men (33). Bilateral AIs are found in 10-15% of cases (36), while distribution between the two adrenals appears to be similar in both post-mortem and CT studies (8,33).




Adrenal Incidentalomas are not a single pathological entity, but rather comprise a spectrum of different pathologies that share the same path of discovery and include both benign and malignant lesions arising from the adrenal cortex, the medulla, or being of extra-adrenal origin (Table 1).


Table 1. The Spectrum of Lesions Presenting as AIs, Modified from (37)

Adrenal Cortex lesions

·    Adenoma (non-functioning)

·    Adenoma (functioning)

-        Cortisol-secreting (MACS)

-        Aldosterone-secreting

·    Nodular hyperplasia (primary bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia)*

·    Adrenocortical Carcinoma (secreting or non-secreting)

Adrenal Medulla lesions

·    Pheochromocytoma (benign or malignant)*

·    Ganglioneuroma

·   Neuroblastoma, ganglioneuroblastoma

Other adrenal lesions

·    Myelolipoma, lipoma

·    Hemangioma, angiosarcoma

·    Cyst

·    Hamartoma, teratoma

Metastases* (lung, breast, kidney, melanoma, lymphoma)


·    Amyloidosis

·    Sarcoidosis

·    Lymphoma


·    Abscess


·    Fungal/parasitic (histoplasmosis, coccidiomycosis, tuberculosis)

·    Cytomegalovirus

Adrenal hemorrhage or hematomas*

Adrenal pseudotumors

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)*

* Should be considered when bilateral adrenal lesions are detected


In general, the vast majority (80-90%) of AIs are benign adrenal adenomas, as shown by accumulated follow-up data from their natural history, even in the absence of pathological confirmation, since adrenal adenomas are rarely excised (5). However, a number of these lesions may be malignant and/or exhibit autonomous hormonal secretion that is not clinically detected due to subtle secretory pattern or periodical secretion. Therefore, the task a physician faces when dealing with an AI is mainly to exclude malignant and functioning tumors.


Mild autonomous cortisol secretion (MACS) is the most frequent endocrine dysfunction detected in patients with AIs, with a prevalence ranging from 5 to 30%, depending on the study design, work-up protocols, and mainly diagnostic criteria used (5). This condition exclusively identified in the setting of AIs, also termed subclinical Cushing’s syndrome or subclinical hypercortisolism, is characterized by the absence of the typical clinical phenotype of hypercortisolism and by the presence of subtle alterations of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. These tumors do not secrete cortisol under the physiological control of corticotropin (ACTH), but rather autonomously and in some cases under the control of one or more aberrant hormone receptors (38,39).


Pheochromocytomas (PCCs), albeit rare in the general population, are discovered in approximately 5% of patients with AIs (40), while more than 30% of PCCs are diagnosed as AIs (41). Clinical manifestations are highly variable, and the classic clinical triad (headache, palpitations and diaphoresis) is not present in most patients. In addition, several patients harbor ‘‘silent pheochromocytomas’’, being totally asymptomatic or having intermittent and subtle symptoms. In a large multicentric study, approximately half of the patients with PCCs presenting as AIs were normotensive, whereas the remaining had mild to moderate hypertension (33).


Primary aldosteronism (PA) has a median prevalence of 2% (range 1.1-10%) among patients with AIs (42). After excluding cases with severe hypertension and hypokalemia a retrospective study found that 16 out of 1004 subjects with AIs (1.5%) had PA (33). This figure is relatively low when compared to the prevalence of PA in unselected hypertensive populations which ranges from 4.6 to 16.6% (43) and may be related to the different investigational protocols and cut-offs indicative of autonomous aldosterone secretion used. The absence of hypokalemia does not exclude this condition, but absence of hypertension makes PA unlikely, although normotensive patients with PA have occasionally been reported (44). A recent study using a new diagnostic approach, considering the stimulatory effect that adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) could exert on aldosterone secretion, revealed a 12% prevalence of PA in normotensive and normokalemic patients with AIs (45).


Over secretion of adrenal androgens is usually accompanied with clinical signs or symptoms of virilization in women and feminization in men (46), thus falling out of the strict definition of AI’s requiring absence of adrenal-related manifestations. Presence of elevated adrenal androgens should alert the physicians for the possibility of an adrenocortical carcinoma, although benign androgen-secreting tumors have rarely been reported (47).


Combining studies that used a broad definition of incidentaloma without clearly stated inclusion criteria and those that reported descriptions of individual cases, Mansmann et al found 41% of AIs to be adenomas, 19% metastases, 10% ACCs, 9% myelolipomas, and 8% PCCs, with other benign lesions, such as adrenal cysts, ganglioneuromas, hematomas, and infectious or infiltrative lesions representing rare pathologies (48). However, the relative prevalence of any pathology depends on the inclusion criteria used and is highly influenced by referral bias. Surgical series and data from referral centers tend to overestimate the prevalence of large, malignant and functioning tumors, because such cases are mainly referred for surgery or expert evaluation. Similarly, metastatic lesions are much more common when patients with known extra-adrenal cancer are included in the study population. The probability of an incidentally discovered adrenal lesion in a patient without a history of cancer to be metastatic is as low as 0.4% (29). Studies applying more strict inclusion criteria may identify a greater number of small and biochemically silent tumors. In a comprehensive review, Cawood et al. (3) concluded that the prevalence of malignant and functioning lesions among AIs is likely lower when strict inclusion and exclusion criteria for the study populations are used. By analyzing 9 studies that more accurately simulated the clinical scenario of a patient referred for assessment of an AI, they reported a mean prevalence of 88.1% (range 86.4-93%) for non-functioning benign adrenal adenomas (NFAIs), 6% (range 4-8.3%) for MACS, 1.2% for aldosterinomas, 1.4% (range 0.8-3%) for ACCs, 0.2% (range 0-1.4%) for metastases and 3% (range 1.8-4.3%) for PCCs. These low rates for clinically significant tumors compared to those reported by previous studies (6,8,48), highlight the limitations of epidemiological data and raise significant questions concerning the appropriate diagnostic and follow-up protocols. Notably, it has recently been suggested that a significant number of patients with small AIs do not undergo the recommended evaluation (9), adding further confusion in defining the relative prevalence of each pathology, through under-reporting bias.


In the case of bilateral AIs, a broader spectrum of diagnoses needs to be considered (Table 1), particularly in a relevant clinical setting, including metastatic or infiltrative diseases of the adrenals, hemorrhage, congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), bilateral cortical adenomas or PCCs, and primary bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia (PBMAH) (49). Occasionally, adrenal tumors of different nature may simultaneously be present in the same patient or in the same adrenal gland (50–53). Adrenal pseudotumor is a term used to describe radiological images of masses that seem to be of adrenal origin, but arise from adjacent structures, such as the kidney, spleen, pancreas, vessels and lymph nodes or are results of technical artifacts.




The pathogenesis of AIs is largely unknown. Early observations in autopsy studies which revealed that AIs are more frequent in older patients, led to the notion that these tumors are a manifestation of the ageing adrenal and could represent focal hyperplasia in response to ischemic injury, a concept that was supported by histopathological findings of capsular arteriopathy (54). Clonal analysis of adrenal tumors later revealed that the vast majority are of monoclonal origin and only a few arise from polyclonal focal nodular hyperplasia under the putative effect of local or extra-adrenal growth factors (55,56). In this sense, it has been postulated that hyperinsulinemia associated with the insulin resistance in individuals with the metabolic syndrome, which frequently coexists in patients harboring AIs, could contribute to the development of these tumors, through the mitogenic action of insulin on the adrenal cortex (57,58). However, the opposite causal relationship, that subtle autonomous cortisol production from AIs results in insulin resistance, has also been proposed (59). It is plausible that both pathways can be true in a reciprocal triad. Another interesting hypothesis involves alterations in the glucocorticoid feedback sensitivity of the HPA axis acting as a drive for adrenal cell proliferation especially in cases with bilateral involvement. In a recent study, unexpected ACTH and cortisol responses to the combined dexamethasone-CRH (corticotropin-releasing hormone) test were found, in about half of the patients with bilateral AIs, when compared to control and unilateral adenoma cases (60). Such a dysregulated ACTH secretion during lifetime may lead to subtle but chronic trophic stimulation of the adrenals by repeatedly inappropriately higher ACTH levels, particularly in response to stress, favoring nodular adrenal hyperplasia.


Although several genetic syndromes are known to be associated with adrenal tumors, germline or somatic genetic alterations are identified only in subgroups of sporadic tumors that are mainly functioning (61–63). Elucidation of specific signaling pathways involved in these familial syndromes has led to the identification of several mutations in genes not previously described in ACCs, cortisol- and aldosterone-secreting adenomas as well as PCCs, creating new insights in adrenal tumorigenesis (Figure 1). However, the genetics of benign NFAIs that account for the majority of AIs are poorly understood.


Figure 1. Genes Involved in the Development of Adrenocortical Tumors IN Sporadic or Familial Cases. MEN: Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia; CTNNB1: Catenin Beta-1 gene; CYP21A2: 21-Hydroxylase gene; CAH: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia; APC: Adenomatous polyposis coli; FAP: Familial adenomatous polyposis; KCNJ5: gene encoding potassium channel, inwardly rectifying subfamily J, member 5; ATP1A1: gene encoding sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha 1; ATP2B3: plasma membrane calcium-transporting ATPase 3; CACNA1D: gene encoding calcium channel, voltage-dependent, L type, alpha 1D subunit; ARMCS: Armadillo repeat containing 5; ZNRF3: gene encoding Zinc and Ring Finger3; IGF-2: Insulin-like growth factor 2; TP53: tumor protein p53; CDKN2A: cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A; RB1: retinoblastoma protein; DAXX: death-associated protein 6; GNAS: gene encoding G-protein alpha subunit: PDE11A: phosphodiesterase 11A; PDE8B: phosphodiesterase 8B; PRKACA: gene encoding catalytic subunit alpha of protein kinase A; SDH-A-B-C-D: gene encoding succinate dehydrogenase complex subunit A, B, C, and D; SDHAF2: succinate dehydrogenase complex assembly factor 2; VHL: von-Hippel-Landau; RET: rearranged during transfection proto-oncogene; MAX: myc-associated factor X; TMEM127: gene encoding transmembrane protein 127.




Although the prevalence of potentially life-threatening disorders associated with AIs is relatively low, the question of whether a lesion is malignant (mainly an ACC) or functioning needs to be addressed in patients with an incidentally discovered adrenal mass. A careful clinical examination and a detailed medical history, evaluation of the imaging characteristics of the adrenal tumor(s), and biochemical evaluation to exclude hormonal excess can help clinicians identify the few cases that pose a significant risk and intervene accordingly.




Per definition, patients with AIs should have no signs or symptoms implying adrenal dysfunction before the radiological detection of the adrenal tumor(s). In everyday clinical practice though, physicians who are not familiar with endocrine diseases may overlook mild signs of hormone excess and pursue evaluation of adrenal function following the incidental discovery of an adrenal mass. In this setting, such cases should not be designated as AIs and highlight the need for detailed and careful clinical history and examination (64).




Distinguishing malignant from benign AI lesions should be the priority at the time of their initial detection, and determination of their imaging phenotype is currently considered the most reliable and non-invasive approach to aid in this distinction. Traditionally the size of the lesion reported by CT or MRI has been considered as indicative of malignancy as most ACCs are large or significantly larger than adenomas at the time of diagnosis (33). In a meta-analysis, ACCs represented 2% of all tumors ≤4 cm in diameter, but the risk of malignancy increased significantly with tumor size greater than 4 cm, being 6% in tumors with size 4.1-6 cm and 25% in tumors >6 cm (65). However, size alone has low specificity in distinguishing benign from malignant lesions, since ACCs can also be relatively small during early stages of development and exhibit subsequent progressive growth (5). An analysis of 4 recent studies investigating the 4cm size cut-off to distinguish benign from malignant lesions reported sensitivities ranging from 23% to 90% while the pooled sensitivity was 77% (95% CI 45%-93%) and the pooled specificity was 90% (95% CI 78%-96%) (66). Other than size, findings suggestive of malignancy include irregular shape and borders, tumor heterogeneity with central necrosis or hemorrhage, and invasion into surrounding structures. Benign adenomas are usually small (<4 cm), homogenous, with well-defined margins. Slow growth rate or stable size of an adrenal mass have also been proposed as indicators of benign nature (4). However, studies on the natural history of AIs suggest that up to 25% of benign adenomas can display increase in size by almost 1 cm, while adrenal metastases with no change in CT appearance over a period of 36 months have been described, not allowing for the introduction of a safe cut-off of absolute growth or growth rate to distinguish benign from malignant lesions (67).


Computed Tomography (CT)


CT has a high spatial and contrast resolution, which allows assessment of tissue density by measuring X-ray absorption compared to water (attenuation, expressed in Hounsfield Units - HU).  Water and air are conventionally allocated an attenuation value of 0 HU and -1000 HU respectively, while fat is usually characterized by a HU value between -40 and -100. Because there is an inverse linear relation between the fat content of a lesion and attenuation, lipid-rich adenomas express lower HU in unenhanced (without contrast medium) CT images compared to malignant lesions, which are usually lipid-poor (68). A value of ≤10 HU in unenhanced CT images is the most widely used and accepted attenuation threshold for the diagnosis of a lipid-rich, benign adrenal adenoma (69,70). In several studies a density of ≤10 HU was found to be superior to size in differentiating benign from malignant masses, displaying a sensitivity of 96-100% and a specificity of 50-100% (71). Data from 6 studies (9,72–76) on the diagnostic accuracy of unenhanced attenuation values, reported that a CT density >10 HU has a very high sensitivity for detection of adrenal malignancy (100% in all 6 studies), while the pooled specificity was clearly lower (56%-59%). This means that adrenal masses with a density of ≤10 HU are virtually never malignant, however a large number of benign lesions had HU > 10. Increasing the cutoff to HU > 20, provided a pooled sensitivity of 94%-98% and a higher specificity (75%-78%), leaving a fairly significant number of malignant tumors lying between 10 and 20 HU. In this context, the risk of malignancy in a homogeneous 5 cm adrenal mass with a CT attenuation value of 10 HU is close to 0% (49). On the other hand, up to 30-40% of benign adenomas are considered lipid-poor and have an attenuation value of >10 HU on non-contrast CT, which is considered indeterminate since it overlaps with those found in malignant lesions and PCCs. Hence, unenhanced CT attenuation is a useful screening tool to identify a lesion as benign and exclude malignancy but is less reliable in diagnosing a malignant mass with certainty. When considering patients with a history of extra-adrenal malignancy though, several studies evaluating the >10 HU cut-off as indicative of malignancy showed high sensitivity (93%) for the detection of malignancy but variable specificity, meaning that 7% of adrenal metastases were found to have a tumor density of ≤10 HU (70). Attenuation values in non-contrast CT can also reliably identify typical myelolipomas that have a density lower than -40 HU (49).


For those indeterminate adrenal lesions (>10HU) intravenous contrast administration reveals their hemodynamic and perfusion properties that can be utilized to distinguish benign from malignant lesions. The attenuation on delayed images (10-15 min post contrast administration) decreases more quickly in adenomas because they exhibit rapid uptake and clearance compared to malignant lesions that usually enhance rapidly but demonstrate a slower washout of contrast medium (77). There are two methods of estimating contrast medium washout: absolute percentage washout (APW) and relative percentage washout (RPW) and can be calculated from values of pre-contrast (PA), enhanced (EA, 60-70 seconds after contrast medium administration) and delayed (DA, 10-15 mins after contrast medium administration) attenuation values according to the formulas below:


APW=100 x (EA-DA) / (EA-PA)

RPW=100 x (EA-DA) / EA


Initial studies suggested that lipid-poor adenomas demonstrate rapid washout with APW >60% (sensitivity of 86-100%, specificity 83-92%) and a RPW >40% (sensitivity of 82-97%, specificity 92-100%) (78). Metastases usually demonstrate slower washout on delayed images (APW<60%, RPW<40%) than adenomas and ACCs typically have a RPW of <40% (79). It is important to note that the above values of sensitivity and specificity were produced in studies with limitations and high risk of bias due to the lack of definitive pathological diagnosis, different timing in acquiring post-contrast images, and the use of broad inclusion criteria, including not only AIs but also clinically overt adrenal masses. Recent data have suggested that these percentage washout cutoffs have suboptimal performance for characterizing benign lesions, since 22% (using APW) and 8% (using RPW) of malignant tumors are not correctly identified (70,75,80). To detect all malignant tumors, the RPW cutoff should be increased to 58%, leading to a specificity of only 15% (75).


Furthermore, contrast-enhanced washout CT studies may not suffice for characterization of lesions such as PCCs, cysts, and myelolipomas; in these cases, further biochemical, anatomical and/or functional imaging may be required. Findings consistent, but not diagnostic, of PCC on CT include high attenuation values, prominent vascularity, and delayed washout of contrast medium (79). Another recent study (81), showed that only a minority (21%) of cortisol-secreting adenomas has the typical unenhanced attenuation value of <10 HU, because cortisol secretion is associated with decreased intra-cytoplasmic lipid droplets containing cholesterol esters which are necessary for cortisol synthesis. Nevertheless, among the adenomas with high pre-contrast density (>10 HU), washout analysis after contrast administration was consistent with the benign nature of the tumor in 60% of the cases.


Another crucial key point in clinical practice is that most abdominal and chest CT scans leading to the unexpected discovery of an adrenal mass are obtained with the use of intravenous contrast that may not fulfill current technical recommendations for an optimal CT study of the adrenal glands, such as analysis on contiguous 3-5 mm-thick CT slices, preferentially on multiple sections using multidetector (MDCT) row protocols (82). In such cases, it may be worthwhile to obtain a new CT scan, specifically aimed for the study of the adrenal glands, including washout protocols in order to avoid the radiation exposure of a subsequent third CT scan in case of indeterminate unenhanced attenuation values.


Finally, the importance of thorough and standardized reporting by radiologists (including common terminology, nodule size, and HU) needs to be highlighted, in order to improve the percentage of patients with AIs that receive appropriate diagnostic testing and follow-up. This is a recently raised issue based on evidence that suggests that most of AIs are not adequately investigated according to international guidelines due to inconsistent use of terms and lack of specific details and recommendations in radiology reports (83–85).


Typical CT images of adrenal pathologies is shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2. CT images of adrenal pathologies presenting as adrenal incidentalomas. a,b,c: A patient with a benign (lipid-rich) adrenal adenoma with unenhanced attenuation value - 3 HU (a), early attenuation (60 seconds after i.v. contrast medium administration) 35 HU (b) and delayed attenuation (10 min post-contrast administration) 18 HU. ARW = 45% and RPW=49%. Absolute washout (APW) less than 60% is indeterminate. However, the low pre-contrast attenuation is suggestive of an adenoma. Relative washout (RPW) of 40% or higher is consistent with an adenoma; d,e,f: Biochemically and histologically proven pheochromocytoma with unenhanced attenuation of 49 HU (d), early attenuation 90 HU (e) and delayed attenuation 64 HU. ARW = 63% and RPW=29%. Absolute washout >60% is suggestive of an adenoma, however relative washout less than 40% and unenhanced attenuation >10 HU are indeterminate; g,h: A patient with a primary adrenocortical carcinoma characterized by heterogeneity an unenhanced attenuation value >10 HU (g) and inhomogeneous contrast medium uptake due to central areas of necrosis; i: Typical myelolipoma.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)


Adrenal imaging with MRI can also aid in the differential diagnosis between benign and malignant adrenal pathology. Benign adrenal adenomas appear hypotense or isotense compared to the liver on T1-weighted images and have low signal intensity on T2-weighted images. The majority of PCCs show high signal intensity on T2-weighted imaging (“light bulb sign”) which is a non-specific finding; however, a wide range of imaging features of PCCs mimicking both benign and malignant adrenal lesions have also been described (79). Primary ACCs are characterized by intermediate to high signal intensity on T1- and T2-weighted images and heterogeneity (mainly on T2- sequence due to hemorrhage and/or necrosis) as well as avid enhancement with delayed washout. However, these features are not specific and display significant overlap between benign and malignant lesions. The MRI technique of chemical-shift imaging (CSI) exploits the different resonance frequencies of protons of water and triglyceride molecules oscillating in- or out-of-phase to each other under the effect of specific magnetic field sequences, to identify high lipid content in adrenal lesions (86). Adrenal adenomas with a high content of intracellular lipids usually lose signal intensity in out-of-phase images compared to in-phase images, whereas lipid-poor adrenal adenomas, malignant lesions, and PCCs remain unchanged. Signal intensity loss can be assessed qualitatively by simple visual comparison or by quantitative analysis using the adrenal-to-spleen signal ratio and can identify adenomas with a sensitivity of 84-100% and a specificity of 92-100% (87). It must be noted however, that ACC and clear renal cell cancer metastases may sometimes also show signal loss (88).


The evidence regarding the diagnostic accuracy of MRI is generally considered poor for several reasons, such as: low number and quality of studies, lack of standardized quantitative assessment, subjective interpretation of qualitative loss in signal intensity, and paucity of recent high-quality research. Additionally, there are no good quality studies comparing the diagnostic performance of MRI and CT in AIs. Hence, based on the higher strength of evidence, CT is considered the primary radiological procedure for evaluating AIs, being also more easily available and cost-effective. MRI should be reserved for cases in which CT is less desirable (as in pregnant women and in children) (66,89).


Figure 3. MRI images of different adrenal lesions presenting as incidentalomas, using the chemical shift imaging (CSI) technique. The loss of signal in out of phase images is typical in benign lipid-rich adenomas (a, b) in contrast with pheochromocytomas (c, d) and adrenocortical carcinomas (e, f) which do not display any signal loss.




In recent years, positron emission tomography (PET) using 18-fluoro-deoxyglucose (18F-FDG) has emerged as an effective tool in identifying malignant adrenal lesions. By utilizing the increased glucose uptake properties of cancer cells, 18F-FDG-PET combined with a CT scan (18F-FDG-PET/CT) achieves a sensitivity and specificity in identifying malignancy of 93-100% and 80-100% respectively (90,91). Both quantitative analysis of FDG uptake using maximum standardized uptake values (SUVmax) and qualitative assessment using a mass/liver SUV ratio have been used as a criterion, with the latter displaying better performance (92). A SUV ratio <1.45–1.6 between the adrenal and the liver is highly predictive of a benign lesion (93). Caveats in utilizing 18F-FDG-PET/CT include cost and availability, risk of false negative results in the case of necrotic or hemorrhagic malignant lesions, size <1cm, extra-adrenal malignancies with low uptake (such as metastases from renal cell cancer or low-grade lymphoma), and false positive results in cases of sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, and other inflammatory or infiltrative lesions and some adrenal adenomas and PCCs that show moderate FDG uptake (94). Because of its excellent negative predictive value, 18F-FDG-PET may help in avoiding unnecessary surgery in patients with non-secreting tumors with equivocal features in CT demonstrating low FDG uptake. Moreover, 18F-FDG-PET/CT may favor surgical removal of tumors with elevated uptake and no biochemical evidence of a PCC (90). Newer PET tracers such as 18F-fluorodihydroxyphenylalanine (F-DOPA) and 18F-fluorodopamine (FDA) for detection of PCC have also been developed but their availability is limited (95).

Conventional adrenal scintigraphy using radiolabeled cholesterol molecules such as 131I-6-b-iodomethyl-norcholesterol (NP-59) and 75Se-selenomethyl-19-norcholesterol has been used in the past to discriminate benign from malignant lesions. These tracers enter adrenal hormone synthetic pathways and act as precursor-like compounds, providing information regarding the function of target tissue. Typically, benign hypersecreting tumors, and non-secreting adenomas, show tracer uptake, whereas primary and secondary adrenal malignancies, space-occupying or infiltrative etiologies of AIs appear as ‘cold’ masses, providing an overall sensitivity of 71-100% and a specificity of 50-100% (96). However, some benign adrenal tumors such as myelolipomas and some functioning ACCs, may also be visualized with these modalities. Several additional limitations of adrenal scintigraphy such as insufficient spatial resolution, lack of widespread expertise, limited availability of the tracer, being a time-consuming procedure (which requires serial scanning over 5-7 days), and high radiation doses received by the patient, have limited its value in routine clinical practice, especially when conventional imaging can provide more reliable information. Recently, 123I-iodometomidate has been introduced as a tracer because it binds specifically to adrenocortical enzymes, but its application is hampered by its limited availability and heterogeneous uptake by ACCs (97). Scintigraphy with 123I-meta-iodo-benzyl-guanidine (MIBG) is the preferred method for identifying PCCs when clinical, biochemical, and imaging features are not conclusive, or when multiple or malignant lesions need to be excluded (40).


Table 2 summarizes the imaging properties of different underlying AI pathologies that can be helpful for the differential diagnosis.


Table 2. Image Findings Differentiating Common Adrenal Pathologies in AIs


Benign adenoma





Usually <4cm

Usually >4cm



Growth rate

Stable or <0.8cm/year

Significant growth (>1cm/year)

Slow growth

Significant growth (>1cm/year)

Shape & margins

Round or oval with well-defined margins

Irregular shape and margins. Invasion to surrounding tissues





Heterogeneous (hemorrhage, necrosis)

Heterogeneous (necrosis)

Heterogeneous (hemorrhage, necrosis)

CT Unenhanced attenuation

≤10 HU (or >10 HU for lipid-poor adenomas)

>10 HU

>10 HU

>10 HU

CT Percent Washout (PW)

APW >60%


APW<60%, RPW<40%



APW<60%, RPW<40%


(out-of phase)

Signal loss

(except in lipid-poor adenomas)

No change in signal intensity

No change in signal intensity

No change in signal intensity

FDG uptake (PET)

Low (some can have low to moderate uptake)


Low (malignant pheochromocytomas show high uptake)


NP-59 uptake


Absent (except in some secreting tumors)



ACC: Adrenocortical carcinoma; HU: Hounsfield Units; APW: Absolute PW; RPW: Relative PW; CSI: Chemical-shift Imaging; FDG: fluoro-deoxyglucose; NP-59: 131I-6-b-iodomethyl-norcholesterol




Patients with AIs should be screened at presentation for evidence of excess catecholamine or cortisol secretion and, if hypertensive and/or hypokalemic, for aldosterone excess. As already discussed, the definition of AI per se implies the absence of clinical symptoms/signs related to these entities, however subtle hormonal hypersecretion not leading to the full clinical phenotype of a related syndrome may be present in patients with an AI (6).


Screening for Cortisol Excess


According to the Endocrine Society’s Clinical Practice Guidelines for the diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome and the AACE/AAES Medical Guidelines for the management of AIs, all patients with an incidentally discovered adrenal mass should be tested for the presence of hypercortisolism (64,98). Signs and symptoms of overt Cushing’s syndrome if present in a thorough clinical evaluation should prompt the physician to proceed with the recommended diagnostic approach described in the relevant Endocrine Society’s Clinical Guidelines (98). In this case, as discussed earlier, the validity of the term “incidentaloma” is debated.


In the absence of overt disease, biochemical investigation frequently reveals subtle cortisol hypersecretion and abnormalities of the HPA axis, a state previously termed as subclinical Cushing’s syndrome (6). Based on the most recent clinical practice guidelines by the European Society of Endocrinology (ESE) and European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumors (ENSAT) the term “mild autonomous cortisol secretion” (MACS) is preferred and will also be used throughout this chapter. Although MACS is poorly defined, and its natural history is unclear (3), the prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, other features of the metabolic syndrome, and osteoporosis has been found to be increased in such patients (5,99). Because standard biochemical tests used to screen for Cushing’s syndrome were not designed to reveal the subtle changes encountered in MACS, and since a definitive clinical phenotype to ascertain the presence of this condition is missing, a combination of various parameters used to assess the integrity of the HPA axis have been employed. Alterations of the HPA axis suggestive of MACS in AIs include altered dexamethasone suppression (DST) and response to CRH, increased mean serum cortisol and urinary free cortisol (UFC) levels, reduced dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) and reduced ACTH levels (33), although the latter has recently been questioned since most ACTH assays lack sensitivity at the lower part of the reference range (100). Incorporation of midnight salivary cortisol as a means to diagnose MACS has produced inconsistent results (101).


Currently, the 1 mg overnight DST, remains the most reliable and easily reproducible method and is the recommended test to detect cortisol secretion abnormalities based on pathophysiological reasoning, simplicity, and incorporation in the diagnostic algorithms of most studies. (5,101). Cortisol autonomy in AIs reflects a biological continuum without a clear separation between functioning and non-functioning tumors. Different cortisol cut-off values following the 1 mg DST have been advocated from different authors and were adopted by several authorities, ranging from 50 to 138 nmol/l (1.8 to 5 μg/dl) (64,102). Higher thresholds increase the specificity of the test but lower its sensitivity (103). The post 1 mg DST cortisol cutoff of >5 μg/dl (138 nmol/l) approach was substantiated by studies showing that all patients with such a cortisol value had uptake only on the side of the adenoma on adrenal scintigraphy (104). On the other hand, studies that used post-surgical hypoadrenalism as indicative of autonomous cortisol secretion suggested that lower cortisol cut-offs may be needed to identify these cases (105–107). Furthermore, older stratification of autonomy based on different post-1mg ODST cortisol levels has been abandoned by recent guidelines (66). A negative DST using a cortisol cut-off value of 1.8 μg/dl (50 nmol/l) virtually excludes MACS. Furthermore, several studies have found that patients with post DST cortisol values >1.8 μg/dl (50 nmol/l) have increased morbidity or mortality (108,109) .The formal low dose dexamethasone suppression test (LDDST) can be used to confirm and quantify the degree of autonomous cortisol secretion or to exclude a false positive test (110,111). Based on our experience, the post-LDDST cortisol value should be considered in patients with such intermediate cortisol values following the 1 mg DST because, in addition to its high specificity, it correlates well with other indices of cortisol excess and the size of the adenoma, thus providing a quantitative measure of the degree of cortisol production from the adenoma and a more robust means for further follow-up (110,112). Although confirmation of ACTH independency (through suppressed ACTH levels) is also required to establish the diagnosis of MACS (64), the 1 mg DST should be the initial screening test based on pathophysiology and the fact that it represents the most common HPA axis abnormality reported by most studies (49). It should also be noted that cortisol levels after 1mg DST are increasing with age, making the diagnosis of MACS in frail elderly patients difficult. Especially for this subgroup of patients in which comorbidities are already frequently present, MACS diagnosis is not considered clinically relevant, and could be omitted. Finally, it is important to consider drugs or conditions that interfere with this test by altering dexamethasone absorption, metabolism by CYP3A4, or falsely elevate cortisol levels through increased cortisol-binding globulin (CBG) levels (113). Consequently, repeating the 1mg overnight DST in patients who were previously tested positive, and especially those who are candidates for surgery, is advisable.


Reduced levels of DHEA-S also reflect chronic suppression of ACTH secretion and have been found to offer comparable sensitivity and greater specificity to the existing gold-standard 1 mg DST for the diagnosis of MACS (114). In a study of 185 patients with AIs of which 29 patients (16%) were diagnosed with autonomous cortisol secretion, an age- and sex-specific DHEA-S ratio (derived by dividing the DHEA-S by the lower limit of the respective reference range for age and sex) of <1.12 was >99% sensitive and 92% specific for the diagnosis of MACS (115). In a retrospective study of 256 patients with AIs and MACS, a serum DHEA-S concentration <40 μg/dL was 84% specific for MACS, whereas an ACTH concentration <10 pg/mL was only 75% specific for MACS. In addition, a serum concentration of DHEAS >100 μg/dL combined with an ACTH >15 pg/mL was 96% percent specific for excluding MACS (116). The only caveat is that age- and sex- adjusted DHEA-S reference values are not well established.


Recently, studies utilizing gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) to measure serum and 24-hour urine levels of several steroids in patients with AIs have emerged, showing promising potential. Patients with MACS have been found to have decreased levels of adrenal androgens and their metabolites and increased levels of glucocorticoid metabolites compared to healthy individuals, with sensitivity and specificity rates comparable to routine methods (117–119).


Since cortisol-related comorbidities play such an important role in planning patient management, it is crucial to gather medical information and laboratory data about glucose and lipid metabolism, hypertension, bone density and fractures. 


Screening for Pheochromocytoma


Although arterial hypertension and other signs of catecholamine excess are considered classical clinical manifestations of PCCs, screening should be performed even in normotensive patients with AIs since catecholamine secretion can be intermittent, and cases of “silent” PCCs are increasingly being recognized (120). The initial recommended biochemical screening test is measurement of plasma free (from blood drawn in the supine position) or urinary fractionated metanephrines using liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric or electrochemical detection methods (40). This approach has a sensitivity and specificity of 99% and 97% respectively and has proven to be superior to measurement of plasma or urine catecholamines and vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) (121). The   issue   concerning   the   diagnostic   performance   of   plasma   free   versus   urinary   fractionated metanephrines has been recently settled in a multicenter prospective study involving over 2,000 patients, with follow-up to exclude patients without PPGL and with LC-MS/MS measurements of plasma and urinary free metanephrines compared to urinary deconjugated metanephrines (122). In this study, diagnosis of PPGLs using plasma or urinary free metabolites provided advantages of fewer false-positive results compared with commonly measured de-conjugated metabolites. The plasma panel offered better diagnostic performance than either urinary panel for high-risk patients but was comparable for patients at low risk of disease. Sane et al suggested that routine biochemical screening for PCC in small (<2cm) homogenous AIs characterized by attenuation values <10 HU may not be necessary, since none of the 115 patients in his cohort with lipid-rich tumors (<10 HU) had constantly elevated 24-hour urinary metanephrines or normetanephrines, whereas all 10 histologically proven PCCs were larger than 2cm and were characterized by >10 HU in unenhanced CT scans (123). This was also confirmed from a recent multicenter retrospective study including 376 PCCs with sufficient data from CT imaging. Based on the lack of PCCs with an unenhanced attenuation of <10 HU and the low proportion (0.5%, 2/376) of PCCs with an attenuation of 10 HU, it was suggested that abstaining from biochemical testing for PCC in AIs with an unenhanced attenuation of ≤10 HU is reasonable, whereas contrast washout measurements were unreliable for ruling out PCC (124).


A recent study (125) comparing the clinical, hormonal, histological, and molecular features of normotensive incidentally discovered PCCs (previously referred as “silent”) with tumors causing overt symptoms, revealed lower diagnostic sensitivity (75%) for plasma and urinary metanephrines irrespective of tumor size, while genetic and histological studies showed decreased expression of genes and proteins associated with catecholamine production and increased cellularity and mitotic activity in “silent” tumors. It was implied that asymptomatic incidentally discovered PCCs do not represent an early stage of development of PCCs but rather correspond to a distinct entity characterized by cellular defects in chromaffin machinery resulting in lower efficiency to produce or release catecholamines. It is, therefore, crucial to consider that normotensive patients with an AI and normal values of metanephrines, may indeed harbor a PCC. In such instance, the CT and MRI scan features of the tumor if suspicious for PCC, should alert the clinician to perform complementary investigations, such as plasma chromogranin A measurement, MIBG scintigraphy, 18F-FDG-PET/CT, or other alternative functional imaging (F-DOPA/PET or FDA/PET) to rule out this possibility.


Screening for Aldosterone Excess


According to published guidelines from the Endocrine Society, all patients with an AI and hypertension, irrespective of serum potassium levels, should be tested for PA using the plasma aldosterone/renin ratio (ARR) as a screening test (42). However, the knowledge that PA can be diagnosed in normotensive patients with hypokalemia necessitates testing of all patients with hypertension or hypokalemia (44). Although there is no current consensus regarding the most diagnostic ARR cut-off, values >20-40 (plasma aldosterone expressed as ng/dl and plasma renin activity [PRA] as ng/ml/h) obtained in the morning from a seated patient are highly suggestive. However, the plasma aldosterone level also needs to be considered because extremely low PRA, even in the presence of normal aldosterone levels, will result in a high ARR; an aldosterone level less than 9 ng/dl makes the diagnosis of PA unlikely, whereas a level in excess of 15 ng/dl is suggestive (49). Attention should also be given in certain technical aspects required for the prompt interpretation of the ARR such as unrestricted dietary salt intake, corrected potassium levels, and washout of interfering antihypertensive medication. Patients may be treated with a non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker (verapamil slow release) as a single agent or in combination with α-adrenergic blockers (such as doxazosin) and hydralazine for blood pressure control during the washout period, if needed.


When suspected based on the ARR, PA should be verified with one of the commonly used confirmatory tests (oral sodium loading, saline infusion, fludrocortisone suppression, and captopril challenge). Admittedly, the extent that patients with AI should be investigated to exclude PA is still not known. Although PA has been reported with a low prevalence between patients with AIs (1-10%), substantially higher rates (24%) have recently been described using a recumbent post-low dose dexamethasone suppression (LDDST)-saline infusion test (PD-SIT) (45). Further studies evaluating the optimal biochemical diagnostic approach of PA in patients with AIs are required by comparing established versus evolving investigational protocols.


Screening for Androgen/Estrogen Excess


Measurement of sex hormones is not recommended in patients with an AI on a routine basis (64). Elevated levels of serum DHEA-S, androstenedione, 17-OH progesterone as well as testosterone in women and estradiol in men and postmenopausal women can be found in more than half of patients with ACCs (126). Although cases of androgen or estrogen excess have been rarely described in patients with benign adrenocortical adenomas (127–130), they are usually accompanied by symptoms or signs of virilization in women (acne, hirsutism) or feminization in men (gynecomastia), and therefore such lesions cannot be considered as true AIs. Thus, the usefulness of measuring sex hormones and steroid precursors is limited to cases of adrenal lesions with indeterminate or suspicious for malignancy imaging characteristics, where elevated levels can point towards the adrenocortical origin of the tumor and suggest the presence of an ACC rather than a metastatic lesion. Additionally, increased basal or after cosyntropin stimulation levels of 17-OH progesterone can also indicate CAH in patients with bilateral AIs (6).


Screening for Hypoadrenalism


Bilateral AIs caused by metastases of extra-adrenal malignancies or infiltrative diseases can rarely cause adrenal insufficiency (131). Therefore, in all patients with bilateral adrenal masses, adrenal insufficiency should be considered and evaluated clinically and if likely, diagnosis should be established using the standard 250μg cosyntropin stimulation test according to the Endocrine Society’s recently published clinical guidelines (132). 




Percutaneous fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) as means to clarify the nature of an AI has now been surpassed by the non-invasive radiological methods because they have better diagnostic accuracy and are devoid of potential side effects (133,134). It should be noted that FNAB is not considered an accurate method in differentiating benign from malignant primary adrenal tumors (135) but can be helpful in the diagnosis of metastases from extra-adrenal malignancies, lymphoma, sarcoma, infiltrative or infectious process with a sensitivity of 73-100% and a specificity of 86-100% using variable population inclusion criteria, reference standards, and biopsy techniques (136–138). Adrenal biopsy is not needed if the patient is already known to have widespread metastatic disease. Biopsy is only recommended for hormonally inactive masses not characterized as benign on imaging and where a biopsy result would affect treatment decisions. FNAB has significant procedural risk with complications such as pneumothorax, bleeding, infection, pancreatitis, and dissemination of tumor cells along the needle track reported at a rate up to 14% by some, but not all available studies (133). To avoid the risk of a potentially lethal hypertensive crisis, PCC should always be excluded biochemically before FNA of an adrenal mass is attempted (139).




Since AIs do not represent a single clinical entity, their natural history varies depending on the underlying etiology. Primary malignant adrenal tumors typically display rapid growth (>2 cm/year) and a poor outcome with an overall 5-year survival of 47%. It is not known whether prognosis of patients with incidentally discovered ACC is different from symptomatic cases, however detection of the tumor at an early stage provides the possibility of definitive surgical cure (140). Patients bearing adrenal metastases have a clinical course depending on stage, grade, and site of the primary tumor (4). PCCs grow slowly and are mostly benign, but if untreated are potentially lethal displaying high cardiovascular mortality and morbidity, whereas 10-17% of the cases can be malignant (40). This is further emphasized by the fact that PCCs detected in autopsy series had not been suspected in 75% of the patients while they were alive, although they contributed to their death in approximately 55% of cases (141).


In benign adrenal tumors, which constitute the majority of AIs, the main concerns about their natural history revolve around their progressive growth, the possibility of malignant transformation, and the risk of evolution towards overt hypersecretion. Several cohort studies, despite their limitations, have shown that the majority of benign tumors remain stable in size; only 5-20% show a >1 cm increase in size, mostly within the first three years after prolonged follow-up (142,143), whereas occasional shrinkage, or even complete disappearance, of an adrenal mass have also been reported in about 4% of cases (8,144). Although there is not a specific growth rate cut-off indicative of a benign nature, ACCs initially presenting as AIs, are invariably characterized by a rapid growth within months (at least > 0.8cm/year). The risk of an AI initially considered to be benign to become malignant has been estimated at <1/1000 (3,8) by Cawood et al, who found only two reports of a malignancy detected during the follow-up of AIs presenting as benign at diagnosis; the first was a renal carcinoma metastasis in a patient with a known history of renal carcinoma and the other was a non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that showed a mass enlargement after 6 months (3). Two case reports of patients with a well-documented history of adrenal incidentalomas with totally benign imaging features on CT, who were diagnosed on follow-up (8 and 14 years later) with a malignant tumor in the same adrenal gland have recently been described (145,146). It is not known whether these cases can be explained by the independent occurrence of two events in a single adrenal (initially a typical benign adenoma and consequently the occurrence of an ACC) or whether a malignant transformation of a benign adenoma to carcinoma was the underlying course of events. Although there is evidence to suggest the adenoma-carcinoma sequence is possible in the adrenal cortex (147,148), the high prevalence of adenomas contrasting with the extremely low prevalence of ACCs suggest that this process is probably exceptionally rare. These findings highlight the low risk of malignant transformation of AIs and the adequacy of current imaging to ascertain the diagnosis at presentation deterring the need for long-term imaging follow-up.


The appearance of hormonal hypersecretion over time in initially NFAIs varies in different series. New-onset catecholamine or aldosterone overproduction is extremely rare (<0.3%), whereas development of overt hypercortisolism during follow-up is found in <1% (8). The most common disorder observed during follow-up is the occurrence of autonomous cortisol secretion eventually leading to MACS, reported with a frequency of 5.4% (CI 3,1-8,1%) (66,144). This risk is higher for lesions >3 cm in size and during the first 2 years of follow-up but seems to plateau after 3-4 years, even if it does not subside completely (149). On the other hand, subtle hormonal alterations discovered at initial screening may also improve over time, indicating possible cyclical cortisol secretion from AIs and/or highlighting the inherent difficulty in biochemical confirmation of this condition (143).


Another issue of debate regarding the natural history of AIs that has attracted research, producing frequently conflicting data, is the sequelae of MACS on cardiovascular risk and subsequent mortality and morbidity. Several cross-sectional and cohort studies have reported a clustering of unfavorable cardiovascular risk factors in patients with AIs similar to those found in patients with overt Cushing’s syndrome (150,151). It is biologically plausible to anticipate that the presence of even mild to minimal cortisol excess may lead to some extent to the classic long-term consequences of overt hypercortisolism, such as hypertension, obesity, impaired glucose tolerance or frank diabetes, dyslipidemia, and osteoporosis (figure 4). Because these metabolic derangements are common in the general and particularly the elderly population, in whom AIs are more frequently found, it is difficult to extrapolate whether there is a causal relationship between them. Whether these metabolic abnormalities in patients with AIs result in increased cardiovascular mortality and morbidity has not as yet been fully clarified. Although, some recent retrospective studies (108,109,152,153) have shown higher rates of cardiovascular events and mortality in patients with higher cortisol levels after the 1 mg DST, data from patients who underwent adrenalectomy are contradictory, regarding the outcome on metabolic and cardiovascular profile, whereas there are relatively few data on the risk of major cardiovascular events or mortality (107,154–156). Similarly, evidence on the detrimental effects of MACS on bone metabolism, such as lower bone density and high prevalence of vertebral fractures (43-72%) in postmenopausal women and eugonadal male patients with AIs (99,157–160) are conflicting with studies not showing reversal of these effects following surgical treatment (154,161). Additionally, most of the detected vertebral fractures were minor and of uncertain clinical impact (99).


Moreover, there is growing evidence that even non-functioning Ais (NFAIs) may be associated with similar metabolic disturbances and manifestations of the metabolic syndrome that are considered cardiovascular risk factors (162–164). Compared with controls, patients with NFAIs exhibit subtle indices of atherosclerosis such as increased carotid intima-media thickness (IMT)(165), impaired flow-mediated vasodilatation (FMD) (166), and left ventricular hypertrophy (167). A recent study excluding patients with traditional risk factors (diabetes, hypertension or dyslipidemia) reported similar findings in patients harboring NFAIs, with increased insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction that correlated with subtle but not autonomous cortisol excess (168). Furthermore, an observational study suggested that patients with NFAIs had a significantly higher risk of developing diabetes compared with control subjects without adrenal tumors prompting a re-assessment of whether the classification of benign adrenal tumors as “non-functional” adequately reflects the continuum of hormone secretion and metabolic risk they may harbor (169).


A recent meta-analysis (170) of 32 studies including patients with NFAIs and adrenal tumors associated with MACS provided important insights on the natural history of such tumors that help in solving controversy and informing practice. First and foremost, it was observed that only a small proportion of patients with NFAI or MACS had tumor growth or changes in hormone production during follow-up. Only 2.5% of adrenal incidentalomas grew by 10 mm or more over a mean follow-up of 41.5 months, whereas the mean difference in adenoma size between follow-up and baseline in all patients was negligible at 2.0 mm. Larger adenomas at diagnosis (≥25 mm) were even less likely than smaller tumors to grow during follow-up, which, according to the authors, suggests attainment of maximum growth potential. More importantly malignant transformation was never observed at the end of follow-up. Similarly, in patients with NFAIs or MACS at diagnosis, the risk of developing clinically overt hormonal hypersecretion syndromes (Cushing’s, PA, or catecholamine excess) was negligible (<0,1%), suggesting that these rare cases are probably attributed to the development of subsequent adrenal tumors and that MACS does not represent a preliminary stage of overt Cushing’s. Inapparent cortisol autonomy ensued only in 4.3% of patients with initially nonfunctioning tumors. The third and most novel finding of this thorough meta-analysis pertained to comorbidities, cardiovascular risk, and mortality. It was confirmed, like in other similar studies, that patients with MACS had a high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors (such as hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia, and type 2 diabetes) and were more likely than those with NFAIs to develop or show worsening of these factors during follow-up. However, the prevalence of such factors in patients with NFAIs was also significant and higher than expected for Western populations. This finding could be explained by a subtle degree of glucocorticoid excess not detected by current diagnostic criteria or perhaps by cyclical cortisol secretion or even by excess cortisol secretion in response to stress situations. It could also represent ascertainment bias since patients with diseases are more likely to have imaging tests that may detect an AI or could be a result of the previously theorized reverse causality concept that diabetes or the metabolic syndrome promote adrenal tumor development (171). Interestingly, reported all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients with NFAI during follow-up were similar to those in patients with MACS, warranting close clinical follow-up and treatment for both groups of patients.




A proposed algorithm for diagnostic approach and management of AIs based on the more recently published and widely accepted guidelines (66) is presented in Figures 4 and 5. A patient presenting with a newly discovered AI should be initially assessed in parallel for its malignancy potential and functional status. Exclusion of malignancy is critical and imaging review by an experienced radiologist is of crucial importance. Since evidence for the accuracy of MRI-CSI is not as strong, non-contrast CT is the first modality that should be used if not already performed. An unenhanced attenuation value of ≤ 10 HU combined with homogeneity can safely, based on available data, confirm the diagnosis of benign adenoma and exclude malignancy, requiring no further imaging investigation or follow-up. The same can be applied for larger AIs (>4cm) with unequivocal benign phenotype (≤ 10 HU, homogeneous), since recent observational data have provided better quality evidence for their benign natural course (72,172). For tumors with >10 HU, management is dependent on the risk of malignancy based on a combination of imaging properties such as attenuation (11-20 HU or >20 HU), size (< or > 4cm) and homogeneity (homogeneous or heterogeneous). In a homogeneous, < 4 cm adrenal mass with unenhanced HU between 11 and 20, the likelihood of malignancy is <10%. Thus, the proposed approach is to immediately acquire an additional imaging study, depending on the local experience and preference (FDG-PET/CT, MRI with CSI or CT with washout protocol). If the findings from the additional imaging are suggestive of a benign lesion, no further imaging follow-up is required. Alternatively, interval imaging (with non-contrast CT or MRI) after 12 months could be performed, to ensure that no significant change in size has occurred. On the opposite side, AIs that have relatively high risk of malignancy should be discussed in a multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting. Those include AIs ≥4 cm with density > 20 HU or a heterogeneous appearance and are most likely candidates for immediate surgical removal. Prior to surgery staging with chest CT and/or FDG/PET-CT is recommended to detect metastatic disease if present. In case the MDT recommendation is not surgery, interval imaging (with non-contrast CT or MRI) in 6-12 months is advised. All other AIs with intermediate tumor characteristics (tumor size ≥ 4 cm with unenhanced HU 11-20, or tumor size < 4 cm with unenhanced HU > 20, or tumor size < 4 cm with heterogeneous appearance), have a smaller but considerable relative risk for malignancy and should be examined in detail in an MDT meeting. Ordering additional imaging (FDG-PET/CT, MRI with CSI or CT with washout protocol, depending on local availability and expertise) seems to be the appropriate strategy. In these cases, additional imaging with FDG/PET-CT might have an advantage over the other modalities due to the low risk of false negative results. If the tumor remains indeterminate after the additional imaging workup, surgery or interval imaging (with non-contrast CT or MRI) after 6-12 months could be offered. A promising alternative to additional imaging, that has appeared in recent years, is urine or plasma steroid metabolomics (profiling) by tandem mass spectrometry. In two published retrospective studies (72,119), one using urine and the other plasma samples, sensitivity for excluding adrenocortical cancer, as stand-alone tests, was approximately 80%. However, when combined with imaging properties (namely attenuation >20 HU and size >4cm) urine steroid metabolomics showed a negative predictive value of 99.7%.


Interval imaging at 6 and/or 12 months in case no surgery is performed (MDT decision or for any other reason) is done to monitor possible progressive growth. An increase of >20% of the largest tumor diameter together with an at least 5 mm increase in this diameter (101), as defined by RECIST 1.1 criteria, or an absolute increase by >8 mm over 12 months, as suggested by some studies (67), probably warrant re-evaluation by the MDT. Further imaging follow-up may not be needed if no change is size is seen at the first interval imaging.


In indeterminate cases, age is a parameter that needs to be considered by the MDT when deciding which patients to refer for adrenalectomy. For example, most clinicians would tend to advise in favor of removing a lipid-poor (19 HU) 3.2 cm AI in a 23-year-old woman, whereas serial imaging follow-up would be favorably recommended in an 83-year-old woman with a lipid-poor (15 HU) 4.7 cm adrenal tumor.


All published guidelines and expert reviews agree that patients with unilateral adrenal masses causing unambiguous hormonal overactivity, and those with suspected malignancy (mainly ACC), are candidates for surgical interventions (5,6,40,42,64,66,101,102,173,174). There is also broad consensus that the majority of AIs with clearly benign imaging phenotype in unenhanced CT and no evidence of functionality do not require surgery.


The management of patients harboring AIs who have MACS is debatable and the beneficial effect of adrenalectomy has not been proven adequately in the literature. Some, but not all, predominantly retrospective studies have shown a beneficial effect in hypertension and diabetes mellitus in patients with AIs who underwent an adrenalectomy, compared to those who did not undergo such a procedure (107,154,156). In one prospective study with an 8-year follow-up, operated patients with MACS had an improvement in features of the metabolic syndrome, but not of osteoporosis, compared to those who were conservatively managed; however, no control group was included in the study (154). An improvement of blood pressure and blood glucose was noted in a retrospective study of adrenalectomized patients with MACS, whereas these indices worsened in non-operated patients; even so, some patients apparently with NFAI also showed an improvement in some of these parameters (107). In a recent prospective multicenter randomized study including 62 patients aged 40-75, Morelli et al showed that adrenalectomy more frequently ameliorated hypertension (68% versus 13%) and glycometabolic control (28% versus 3,3%) than the conservative approach, while the latter was associated with a more frequent worsening of blood pressure and insulin resistance (12% versus 40%). Since available data from the aforementioned retrospective and the two recent small prospective studies are not considered high-quality, the decision to recommend surgery should be taken in a multidisciplinary setting while taking several other factors into consideration, such as: duration and evolution of comorbidities and their degree of control, presence and extent of end organ damage inappropriate for age, discrepant family history, presence of multiple comorbidities, age, sex, general health, degree and persistence of nonsuppressible cortisol after dexamethasone, and patient’s preference. Young patients with MACS and those with new onset and/or rapidly worsening comorbidities resistant to medical treatment(6,175) could thus be candidates for surgical intervention.


Myelolipomas are considered benign tumors, their diagnosis is mostly based on imaging characteristics and biochemical evaluation is not usually needed unless informed by clinical presentation. Measurement of 17(OH) progesterone is advised in large and/or bilateral myelolipomas for the possibility of CAH. Their management is mostly conservative with yearly imaging follow-up, since in up to 16% of the cases a median tumor growth of at least 1cm per year was demonstrated. Surgery is usually reserved for large tumors, those with tumor growth, acute hemorrhage, symptoms of abdominal mass effect, or uncontrolled CAH (176).


Before proceeding to surgical therapy, appropriate medical therapy must be given to all functioning lesions, aiming at symptom control. Apart from patients with Cushing’s syndrome, post-surgical adrenal insufficiency may ensue in MACS patients (177,178). Because the need for glucocorticoid coverage cannot be predicted before surgery, patients should be covered by steroids post-operatively until the HPA-axis can be formally assessed (105). Low morning cortisol levels the day after surgery, and before glucocorticoid replacement, provide evidence for post-surgical hypoadrenalism (107). All patients diagnosed with PCC, including normotensive patients with “silent” tumors should receive preoperative α-adrenergic blockade for 7 to 14 days to prevent perioperative cardiovascular complications. Treatment should also include a high-sodium diet and fluid intake to reverse catecholamine-induced blood volume contraction preoperatively and prevent severe hypotension after tumor removal (40). Finally, patients diagnosed with PA and bilateral tumors or a unilateral AI (if older than 40 years of age) who seek a potential surgical cure, should be considered for adrenal venous sampling (AVS) before proceeding to surgery, to confirm lateralization of the source of the excessive aldosterone secretion. In cases where decision for adrenalectomy is based on imaging phenotype it would also be prudent to exclude the possibility of a “silent” PCC before proceeding to surgery, because hemodynamic instability during surgical excision may ensue.


According to earlier published AACE/AAES Medical Guidelines for the management of adrenal incidentalomas, patients with AIs not elected for surgery after the initial diagnostic work-up, should undergo re-imaging 3-6 months after the initial diagnosis and then annually for the next 1-2 years, while annual biochemical testing is advised for up to 4-5 years following the diagnosis (64). However, it has recently been suggested by some authors that given the low probability of the transformation of a benign and non-functioning adrenal mass to a malignant or functioning one, the routine application of the current strategies in all patients with AIs is likely to result in a number of unnecessary biochemical and radiological investigations (3,179,180). Such an approach is costly, and it does not take into account harmful consequences of diagnostic evaluation such as patients’ anxiety associated with repeated clinical visits and a high rate of false positive results leading to further testing or unnecessary adrenalectomy. Moreover, exposure to ionizing radiation from repeated CT scans increases the future cancer risk to the level that is similar to the risk of the adrenal lesion becoming malignant (3,181).


Patients without any biochemical abnormalities at presentation could be spared the burden of repeated testing, since the risk of developing clinically overt hormonal excess is extremely low. Clinical follow-up with assessment of cardiovascular risk factors that have been associated with the presence of AIs may be adequate to detect the reported ~10% of the cases of new onset MACS (5). Patients with worsening of their metabolic parameters should be retested with the 1mg DST and be advised to apply lifestyle changes and effective medical treatment to reduce cardiovascular risk. If biochemical abnormalities suggesting MACS are present during the initial screening, annual clinical follow-up including evaluation of potentially cortisol excess-related comorbidities, as well as periodic testing of the HPA axis, is advisable. Patients with MACS who do not reach the treatment goals despite an adequate medical therapy could be offered surgery. Duration of follow-up is also under debate, however based on available data, annual hormonal evaluation may be suggested for up to five years, and especially for lesions >3 cm (64).




AIs are increasingly being recognized, particularly in the aging population. Adrenal CT and MRI can reliably distinguish benign lesions, while 18F-FDG-PET/CT scan can be helpful in identifying tumors with malignant potential. MACS is the most common hyperfunctional state that is best substantiated using the 1 mg DST; urinary/plasma metanephrines and ARR are used to screen for PCCs and hyperaldosteronism. Adrenal lesions with suspicious radiological findings, PCCs and tumors causing overt clinical syndromes, as well as those with considerable growth during follow-up, should be treated with surgical resection. Although there is no consensus, the interval for diagnostic follow-up testing relies on the radiological and hormonal features of the tumors at presentation. The benefit of surgical resection in patients with substantial comorbidities and associated subclinical adrenal hyperfunction, mainly in the form of MACS, is still under investigation.


Figure 4. Proposed algorithm for diagnosis and management of AIs (imaging evaluation).

Figure 5. Proposed algorithm for diagnosis and management of AIs (biochemical evaluation)




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The Role Of Parents In The Care Of Children With Dyslipidemia



Parents should be viewed as an integral part of the child’s healthcare team, being both legally and morally responsible for providing proper care to the child. In this paper, we discuss the role of parents as critical members of the healthcare team in caring for youth with dyslipidemia and how clinicians can best leverage this important resource.




Providing healthcare to a child with a chronic medical condition requires a multidisciplinary team of specially trained and experienced healthcare professionals. Cooperation, empathy, and effective communication between the child, caregivers, and the healthcare team all play key roles in achieving success. This unique model, consistently applied in the healthcare setting, is a cornerstone in promoting physical and emotional wellbeing, and improving outcomes. The development of effective communication takes time and practice, with the goal of developing trust, enhancing bidirectional understanding, and facilitating shared decision-making. Parents should be viewed as an integral part of the child’s healthcare team, being both legally and morally responsible for providing proper care to the child. In this paper, we discuss the role of parents as critical members of the healthcare team in caring for youth with dyslipidemia and how clinicians can best leverage this important resource.




In contrast to adult healthcare, the treatment of children (<18 years-old) is triangulated between the child, parent, and clinician (1). As in all medical encounters, clinicians are provided intimate details about the child and family, based upon perceptions of respect for their autonomy and assurances of confidentiality.


Pediatric healthcare professionals routinely consider a child’s age, developmental level, and likes/interests in their clinical interactions and recommendation for care. Their approach is modified as the child grows and matures, building upon a foundation of trust and mutual respect. Yet, given their pivotal role, few clinicians are trained to assess the best way to communicate with the parent based upon the latter’s communication and parenting style. Establishing trust in clinical encounters takes time and a conscious effort by the clinician, and includes getting to know the child and family, providing factual information in a timely manner, use of simple language and examples, and most importantly, the clinician’s willingness to listen. Parents need to feel included and assured that the healthcare team is there to support them in providing for their child’s health and wellbeing. Thus, it is the clinician’s responsibility to find ways to build trust, facilitate effective communication, and identify barriers to success that best serve the needs of the child and their parents.




 “Parents don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” High quality healthcare is more than addressing a child’s chief complaint. During the initial clinical encounter, a clinician should strive to get to know the child and the family, developing an understanding of who they are, where they come from, what they do for a living, personal interests, and healthcare beliefs. Inclusion of personal information in a child’s clinic note can provide insight into the social determinants of health that may affect the child’s care and the parent’s resources in providing for their child’s needs. Such information can provide clues as to how best to assist the family and what additional services and resources may be needed (2). The following are two brief examples of a “personalized” clinic note:


Eric is a 12-year-old boy who is homeschooled, plays soccer, and has a schnauzer named “Ringo”. His father is a minister, the mother a CPA. There are 2 siblings, one of whom is autistic. Eric was referred by his primary care physician for high cholesterol noted following a routine screening test.


Julie is a 16-year-old girl who attends a public school and wants to become a beautician. Her mother is a single parent who works in retail and has 3 other children. Julie is concerned about her weight and has combined dyslipidemia.


Personal details included in clinic notes may provide a nonthreatening context to discuss potentially sensitive topics such as diet, physical activity, weight, healthcare beliefs and practices, and potential barriers to achieving goals (3). This information can be invaluable in helping guide the healthcare team’s approach to patient education and treatment.




In addition to their many roles, parents of children with dyslipidemia have extended responsibilities, including but not limited to:


  1. Modeling healthy behaviors.
  2. Educating themselves and their child about the child’s condition.
  3. Overseeing the child’s medical care, including:
    1. Scheduling and attending clinic visits.
    2. Completing laboratory tests and procedures.
    3. Overseeing medication(s), if prescribed.
    4. Helping implement recommendations such as therapeutic lifestyle changes.
    5. Managing healthcare costs.


As such, parents play an integral role in the successful outcome of the child with a chronic health condition. By engaging parents in their child’s care, clinicians can increase the likelihood of the child’s compliance with lifestyle changes and treatment recommendations (4).




Psychologists suggest that there is a close relationship between a parent’s parenting style and their child’s behavior. Different parenting styles can also contribute to a child’s short- and long-term health outcomes (5).


Figure 1. Parenting styles.


As clinicians get to know the child and family through clinical interviews, certain questions can be used to gauge a caregiver’s parenting style, which are summarized below.


Table 1. Characteristics of Various Parenting Style





Warm and Receptive




Clear Rules

Strict Rules

Few or No Rules

No Rules

High Expectations

High Expectations




Value Independence

Expected Blind Obedience




During a clinic visit, a few simple questions can often provide insight about parenting styles.  For example, you may ask the child:


Do you have any household chores? If so, what happens if you fail to do them? The interpretation of the answers is shown in table 2.


Table 2. Examples of a Child’s Response Based Upon Parenting Style









“My mom helps me.”

“I can’t play video games for a week.”

“I do them if I remember or have time.”



Based on the parenting style, a clinician can determine how best to engage the parent in the child’s care. The following is an example of a common clinical scenario and how caregivers with different parenting styles might respond.


Arturo is a 14-year-old boy with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). He has a confirmed pathologic variant in the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor. He plays the trombone in the school band. His father had a fatal MI at 42 years-of-age; the mother, who has T2D, works as a bank teller and has one other child. His current medications include atorvastatin 20 mg + ezetimibe 10 mg daily.


Laboratory test results are shown in table 3.


Table 3. Laboratory Test Results






Visit #1





Visit #2





Visit #3





Visit #4





Visit #5











<170 mg/dl

<150 mg/dl

>40 mg/DL

<100 ng/dL


Based on Arturo’s lab results, the clinician tells the mother, “I am concerned Arturo may have been inconsistent in taking his statin.”


A questionnaire, completed independently by both the child and parent prior to the visit, can provide valuable insight into perceptions of compliance. Responses can help guide the clinician’s approach during the visit, addressing concerns about side effects, proper medication administration, financial barriers, and the importance of compliance (Figure 2).


Figure 2. Self-Reported Medication Questionnaires


When confronting a parent about a child’s inadequate adherence to medical management, the caregiver’s parenting style may dictate their response (figure 3).


Figure 3. Example of responses based upon parenting style.




A clinician’s personality type helps define their style of communication. One commonly used tool to assess an individual’s personality type is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a psychometric questionnaire designed to help understand how people perceive the world and make decisions (figure 4) (6).


Figure 4. The Briggs Myers Type Indicator (MBT I).


To improve communication and help build trust, it is often useful for clinicians to adapt their style of communication based upon the personality type of the parent. The following is an example of a clinical scenario in which a parent’s personality type may impact their response to a clinician:

Clinician recommendation: “I think your child would benefit from a statin.” Possible parent responses are shown in figure 5.


Figure 5. Parent Responses.


Knowing the parent’s personality style, a clinician can modify their language to facilitate understanding and help the parent intensify strategies which are likely to be successful.




Psychologists have identified two basic dimensions of clinician behavior during a clinic visit.


  1. Control - For most clinician's this is the dominant form of behavior, such as frequent interruptions or a louder voice often used to:
    1. Obtain “pertinent information.”
    2. Control the direction and tempo of the interview; and
    3. Stay within the time allocated for the visit.
  2. Affiliation - This behavior reflects friendliness and psychosocial orientation (e.g., showing concern, smiling, offering help).


It comes as no surprise that there is a positive association between a clinician’s affiliative behavior and parental perception. But what about clinicians who focus on control? Studies of clinician speech complexity and interruptions have shown that interrupting behavior is negatively associated with recall of medical information and parental satisfaction, especially when used by male clinicians, and that parents report lower satisfaction when clinicians employ more complex language (7).  


Some forms of interruption, however, may be perceived as positive, such as when clinicians employ them to enhance understanding, provide assistance, communicate support, or ask for clarification. Here are some examples:


“Pardon me for interrupting, [respect] but I want to be clear on what you just shared with me.” [interest, asking for clarification]


“I can understand how difficult it must be talking about the loss of your husband. [empathy] If you would like, we can talk about this later”. [concern, compassion]




Communication during a clinic visit is often facilitated by asking the parents open-ended questions, such as the following.


  • What concerns, if any, do you have about your child’s cholesterol?
  • What has been your experience with medications to lower cholesterol?
  • How would you feel about treating your child with medication to lower his/her cholesterol?


During follow-up clinic visits, it is often informative to ask children and parents to share what they have learned about their condition at previous visits. For example, ask the child or parent:


  1. What they remember about their last clinic visit.
  2. To explain their understanding of cholesterol and triglycerides, and what effects high levels may have on their health.
  3. What medication the child is taking and the proper way to take it.
  4. The likelihood early treatment can prevent heart disease in adulthood.


Another way to assess understanding is to ask the child or parent to explain the child’s medical condition and need for medication and monitoring to a medical student or resident present during the clinic visit.


Some children and parents may be more comfortable answering theoretical questions or discussing 3rd person examples. For example, you may ask a parent:


“Before we talk about your son, John, today, I would appreciate your advice. I saw a 10-year-old boy this morning whose 42-year-old father recently survived a heart attack. Like his father, the son has a very high blood cholesterol level. Having experienced something similar in your family, do you have any advice as to how I can best help this family? What do you feel would be the mother’s main concerns and how should they be addressed?”




As they become young adults, the roles and responsibilities of the child verses those of the parents change, necessitating a change by the treating physician.  


Children are considered adults when they are 18 years-of-age and older. Unless declared incompetent, they have the legal right to make medical decisions for themselves. At 18, health care providers and clinic staff are not legally permitted to disclose a young adult’s medical information or discuss his/her health status or treatment with anyone - even the parent - although the young adult may still be covered by their parent’s health insurance plan. Thus, at 18, it is the responsibility of the young adult to decide who can be involved in and have information pertaining to their care, as well as whether they consent to treatment. According to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which expanded health care coverage up to 26 years-of-age, as the primary insurance policy holder, a parent may receive a detailed explanation of benefits (EOB) from private insurers, which includes what doctor(s) the young adult visited, what type(s) of procedure(s) took place, and if specimens were sent to a lab for analysis (8). Therefore, one of the unintended consequences of the ACA is that it provides parents access to their adult child’s health information, if that child is still using their parents’ health insurance, which could inherently violate a young adult’s privacy. Information related to sexual or mental health are sensitive topics in many families, and revealing a young adult’s information regarding sexual or mental healthcare could cause relational issues within a family (9).


When planning transition into adult health care, it is helpful to review the family’s knowledge of the child’s diagnosis, key findings (e.g., pre- and post-treatment test results, pertinent family history, treatment goals, and risk enhancers such as lipoprotein(a) and genetic test results), reproductive health, family planning, and genetic transmission. Provide recommendations for appropriate future healthcare, discuss how long prescription refills will be available, and review how to access healthcare records. Discuss the importance of timely follow-up, healthcare costs, health insurance, and legal responsibilities and restrictions. Suggest the young adult/parent investigate the potential benefits of:


  • HIPAA waiver - Granting the parents (or another trusted adult) access to their records; and their health care provider permission to talk with the parents and other health care providers about their care.
  • Medical power of attorney - Appoint an individual to make health care decisions on their behalf should they become incapacitated due to serious injury or illness.
  • Durable power of attorney - Enables the parent to handle their child’s financial affairs if they were to become incapacitated.
  • Living will - Specifies personal choices about life-extending medical treatment in the event that a person cannot communicate their wishes themselves.




In partnering with parents, clinicians should always strive to treat them with dignity and respect. Listen to their point of view and consider the family’s values, beliefs, and cultural background when discussing your recommendations, and respect their choices. When sharing information, explain all options, treatments, and results in an informative, unbiased, and timely manner. Encourage and empower the parents to participate in all decisions regarding their child and prepare the young adult to do so in the future. Ultimately, by including parents in their child’s care, clinicians can equip children and their families to optimally manage their chronic medical condition both now and in the future.




  1. Tates K, Meeuwesen L. Doctor–parent–child communication. A (re)view of the literature. Soc Sci Med. 2001;52(6):839-851. doi:10.1016/s0277-9536(00)00193-3  
  2. Andermann A. Taking action on the social determinants of health in clinical practice: a framework for health professionals. CMAJ. 2016;188(17-18):E474-E483. doi:10.1503/cmaj.160177  
  3. McBride R. Talking to patients about sensitive topics: Communication and screening techniques for increasing the reliability of patient self-report. MedEdPORTAL. Published online 2012. doi:10.15766/mep_2374-8265.9089  
  4. Dalton WT 3rd, Kitzmann KM. Broadening parental involvement in family-based interventions for pediatric overweight: implications from family systems and child health. Fam Community Health. 2008;31(4):259-268. doi:10.1097/01.FCH.0000336089.37280.f8  
  5. Park H, Walton-Moss B. Parenting style, parenting stress, and childrenʼs health-related behaviors. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2012;33(6):495-503. doi:10.1097/dbp.0b013e318258bdb8  
  6. Woods RA, Hill PB. Myers Brigg. Published online 2023. Accessed September 5, 2023.  
  7. Gemmiti M, Hamed S, Wildhaber J, Pharisa C, Klumb PL. Physicians’ speech complexity and interrupting behavior in pediatric consultations. Health Commun. 2022;37(6):748-759. doi:10.1080/10410236.2020.1868063  
  8. Read the Affordable Care Act. Accessed September 5, 2023.  
  9. Campbell-Salome G. “Yes they have the right to know, but…”: Young Adult Women Managing Private Health Information as Dependents. Health Commun. 2019;34(9):1010-1020. doi:10.1080/10410236.2018.1452092

Primary Generalized Glucocorticoid Resistance Syndrome



Primary generalized glucocorticoid resistance syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by resistance of entire tissues to glucocorticoids. Affected subjects demonstrate elevation of serum cortisol without Cushingoid manifestations, as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is upregulated to compensate for the reduced action of this steroid in local tissues. Instead, these patients develop hypertension and/or signs of hyperandrogenism, because hyper-secreted adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulates production of adrenal mineralocorticoids and/or androgens in addition to the glucocorticoid cortisol. At the molecular level, this syndrome is caused by inactivating mutations in the NR3C1 gene that encodes the human glucocorticoid receptor (hGR) protein. Biochemical, molecular and structural exploration on pathologic mutant receptors revealed a variety of functional defects, such as reduced affinity to glucocorticoids or target DNA, inability to transactivate glucocorticoid-responsive genes, and slowing of the cytoplasmic to nuclear translocation. The clinical spectrum of this syndrome is thus broad, ranging from asymptomatic to severe cases of mineralocorticoid and/or androgen excess depending on the severity of genetic defects and resulting dysfunction of the mutated receptors. When this syndrome is suspected, a detailed personal and family history should be obtained. Physical examination should include an assessment for signs of mineralocorticoid and/or androgen excess. In neonates and young children, severe hypoglycemia and loss of consciousness due to reduced actions of glucocorticoids in the liver may be present as initial manifestations in addition to hypertension and/or genital abnormalities. Suspected subjects should undergo a detailed endocrinologic evaluation with particular emphasis on the measurement of diurnal serum cortisol and plasma ACTH concentrations and determination of the 24-hour urinary free cortisol excretion to identify upregulation of the HPA axis with preservation of the normal circadian rhythmicity. The diagnosis of this syndrome should be confirmed by sequencing of the NR3C1 gene including exon/intron junctions and subsequent validation of functional defects of the mutated receptors. Treatment involves administration of high doses of mineralocorticoid activity-sparing pure glucocorticoids like dexamethasone, which stimulate the mutant and/or the wild-type hGR, and suppress the endogenous secretion of ACTH and adrenal steroids in the affected subjects.




Organisms are exposed continuously to internal and external stressors, and live through them by maintaining the internal equilibrium called homeostasis (1). In order to respond adequately to such stressors through coordinating various body activities, we humans are equipped with a highly sophisticated stress responsive system, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which consists of the brain hypothalamus, the anterior pituitary gland, and the adrenal cortex, and employs glucocorticoids as its end-effector hormones. Actions of glucocorticoids, which are essential for life, can be determined by a balance between circulating levels of these hormones and local tissue sensitivity (2, 3). Exceeding appropriate ranges of tissue sensitivity to glucocorticoids may present either as glucocorticoid resistance or glucocorticoid hypersensitivity with their specific manifestations (3, 4). Such alterations in tissue glucocorticoid actions can occur in general (that is, throughout the body) or in tissue-specific manner (restricted in some organs and tissues; e.g., immune organs/cells, central nervous system (CNS), liver and fat tissues) (3). They are caused primarily by genetic defects of the molecules involved in the glucocorticoid signaling pathway or secondary through modulation of this pathway by other pathologic conditions, such as infectious, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, obesity, and insulin resistance/overt diabetes mellitus. One such condition is the primary generalized glucocorticoid resistance syndrome, which is caused by inactivating mutations in the glucocorticoid receptor gene (5). Affected subjects develop partial glucocorticoid resistance observed in entire organs and tissues of the affected subjects (5). In recognition of Professor George P. Chrousos' novel and extensive research work in this field, the term “Chrousos Syndrome” may be used for this syndrome (6, 7).




Glucocorticoids (cortisol in humans and corticosterone in rodents) are produced from cholesterol through multiple enzymatic reactions in the zona fasciculata of the adrenal cortex in response to the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) released from the pituitary gland (1). Glucocorticoids regulate a broad spectrum of physiologic functions essential for life, such as growth, reproduction, immunity, intermediary metabolism, cardiovascular tone, and CNS functions, playing essential and indispensable roles in the maintenance of resting and stress-related homeostasis (1, 7, 8). In addition, glucocorticoids exert potent anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects particularly with their stress-equivalent or pharmacologic doses, thus they are widely used in the treatment of inflammatory, autoimmune, and lymphoproliferative diseases (8).




Circulating cortisol freely passes through the cytoplasmic membrane and enters into the cytoplasm of its target cells, and binds to an intracellular protein, the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) (9, 10). The human (h) GR is one of the steroid/thyroid/retinoic acid nuclear hormone receptor superfamily proteins, which consist of over 600 members in the animal kingdom (11). Many of them mediate extracellular signals transduced mainly by lipophilic hormones/compounds into the cell nucleus by binding them as ligands and by acting as ligand-dependent transcription factors (12, 13). hGR influences transcription rates of numerous glucocorticoid-responsive genes (up to 3~5% of the entire protein-coding genes) in a positive or a negative fashion by interacting directly or indirectly with promoter/enhancer regions of these genes (14). The hGR gene (NR3C1: nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1) consists of 9 exons and is located at chromosome 5q31.3. Exons 2-9 constitute the protein-coding sequence, whereas exon 1 encodes an untranslated region (12, 14, 15). The human NR3C1 gene has multiple exon 1s (see below) that harbor specific promoters containing a respective transcription start site for conferring tissue-specific expression of the receptor protein (15). Alternative splicing of the NR3C1 gene in exon 9s generates two highly homologous receptor isoforms, the hGRα and the hGRβ (16). They share amino (N)-terminal 727 common amino acids, but then diverge, with hGRα having an additional 50 amino acids and hGRβ having an additional, nonhomologous 15 amino acids at their carboxyl (C)-termini (17). hGRα resides primarily in the cytoplasm of cells and represents the classic GR that binds natural and synthetic glucocorticoids and mediates most of the actions of these hormones (15). On the other hand, hGRβ does not bind glucocorticoids, has intrinsic, gene-specific transcriptional activity, and exerts a dominant negative effect on the transcriptional activity of hGRa (18). Although physiologic and pathologic roles of hGRβ are still largely unknown (19, 20), recent studies demonstrated that this isoform is implicated in modulation of the insulin signaling and participates in the pathogenesis of brain gliomas (21-23).  


The hGRα mRNA expresses not only the classic, full-length hGRα, but also multiple translational isoforms by using at least eight alternative amino-terminal translation initiation sites (24). All these hGRα isoforms are differentially distributed in the cytoplasm and/or the nucleus in the absence of ligand, have different transcriptional activity, and display distinct transactivating or transrepressing activities on various glucocorticoid-responsive genes (24). Since hGRβ shares with hGRα a common amino-terminal domain that contains the same translation initiation sites, the hGRβ variant mRNA might also be translated through the same translation initiation sites to a similar host of hGRβ isoforms (14).


The human NR3C1 has 11 different promoters with their alternative first exons (1A1, 1A2, 1A3, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 1H, 1I and 1J) (25, 26). Therefore, it can produce 11 different hGRa mRNA transcripts from different promoters that encode the same hGRa protein, as these transcripts share common exon 2 to exon 9a that contains the same translation initiation codon. 1A1, 1A2, 1A3 and 1I are located in the distal promoter region spanning ~32,000-36,000 bps upstream of the translation initiation site, while 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 1H and 1J position in the proximal promoter region located up to ~5,000 bps upstream of this site (25). Through differential use of these promoters, expression levels of hGRa can vary among tissues in different physiologic and pathologic conditions, as each tissue has specific expression profiles of local transcription factors and epigenetic modification of chromatin-associated molecules bound on these exon 1-associated promoters (25, 27, 28). Again, differential tissue-specific expression of hGRb through the use of these promoters appears to be present. The above-indicated marked complexity in transcription/translation of the human NR3C1 gene enables target tissues to respond differently to circulating cortisol and accounts for stochastic, but still a highly organized nature of tissue glucocorticoid actions, in order to fulfil specific local needs of glucocorticoid hormonal effects (14). Such complexity of the glucocorticoid signaling at the receptor level also indicates that the proper biologic action of glucocorticoids in every target tissue is extremely important.


The hGRα protein consists of three major domains and one region, namely the N-terminal (NTD), DNA-binding (DBD) and ligand-binding domain (LBD), and the hinge region (HR) (15). Exact amino acid location of these domains/region in the hGRa protein explained below is based on the data retrieved from the Pfam source of the Ensembl database ( NTD is encoded by exon 2 and represents the largest domain of the receptor, spanning over amino acids 1 to 401. It contains an unstructured acidic transactivation surface called activation function (AF) -1, which is used as a molecular platform for modulating the transcription of glucocorticoid-responsive genes (10). This domain also undergoes several post-translational modifications particularly at AF-1.  DBD is expressed from exons 3 and 4, and lies between amino acids 417 and 494. This domain consists of two 4C (cysteine)-type zinc fingers and support the interaction between the receptor and its target DNA sequences known as glucocorticoid response elements (GREs) (10, 29). LBD is encoded by exons 5-9 and positions at the C-terminal end of the receptor corresponding to amino acids 531 to 777. This domain is structurally formed with 12 a-helices and four b-sheets, and contains two functional structures, the ligand-binding pocket (LBP) and the second transactivation surface called AF-2, as well as several other molecular platforms including the one responsible for nuclear translocation of the receptor (29, 30). Most of the protein surfaces of LBD that mediate these LBD-specific functions are formed upon binding of the receptor to a ligand and following conformational changes of this domain (15). Finally, HR lies between DBD and LBD, is encoded by 5’ part of exon 5, and spans between amino acids 495 and 530. This region provides appropriate structural flexibility to the receptor and allows the dimerized receptors to interact with different classic/alternative tandem GREs with various length of spacing nucleotides (the classic tandem GREs has three spacing nucleotides)  (15).




Intracellular Shuttling of hGRa and its Regulators


At target cells, hGRα in the absence of glucocorticoids resides primarily in the cytoplasm as part of the hetero-oligomeric complex consisting of chaperone heat shock proteins (HSPs) 90, 70 and 50, immunophilins (e.g., FK506-binding protein (FKBP)), and possibly other proteins (31) (Figure 1). Binding of HSP90 to hGRα induces a conformational change in receptor’s LBD, and confers its ligand-friendly state, exposing the LBP to glucocorticoids and masking two nuclear localization signals (NLS), NL1 and NL2. Upon binding to a ligand, hGRα dissociates from the complex, exposes NL1 and NL2 to their counterpart molecular machinery, and translocates into the nucleus through the nuclear pore. NL1 harbors a classic NLS and is located between the C-terminal portion of DBD and the N-terminal part of HR (32). The function of NL1 is dependent on the importin a, a protein component of the nuclear pore-associated nuclear import system, which transports a liganded GRa as a cargo from the cytoplasm to the nucleus through the nuclear pore in an ATP-dependent fashion (33). NL2 spans over most of the LBD whose molecular mechanism(s) for supporting nuclear translocation of the receptor has(ve) not yet been elucidated (31, 34). Inside the nucleus, ligand-bound hGRα dimerizes and modulates transcription rates of glucocorticoid-responsive genes by associating with promoter/enhancer regions of their encoding genes (15) (Figure 1). The receptor subsequently liberates the ligand and is dissociated from its target genes and slowly translocates back to the cytoplasm with the molecular mechanisms described below (15). The ubiquitin-proteasomal pathway degrades some of the liganded hGRa in the nucleus, facilitating clearance of the receptor from GREs; thus this system negatively regulates the transcriptional activity of hGRa (35).


In addition to translocating into the nucleus, some liganded hGRas migrate to the cytoplasmic membrane where they modulate the activity of cell surface receptors by associating with their intracellular signaling molecules, such as classic and small GTP-binding (G) proteins, and several serine/threonine and tyrosine kinases (36-38). The ligand-bound hGRais also known to translocate into the mitochondria and to modulate the activity of this intracellular organelle (39). After modulating transcription rates of glucocorticoid-responsive genes in the nucleus, ligand-liberated hGRα is exported back to the cytoplasm and is re-incorporated into the HSP-containing multiprotein complex to function again as a ligand-binding competent receptor (31, 40) (Figure 1). Several mechanisms are postulated for mediating the GRa export from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. The Ca2+-binding protein calreticulin plays a role in this process, directly binding to DBD of the receptor (41-43). The chromosomal maintenance 1 (CRM1, also known as exportin 1)- and the classic nuclear export signal (NES)-mediated nuclear export machinery does not appear to function directly on hGRa (32, 42). Rather, NES-harboring and phospho-serine/threonine-binding proteins 14-3-3s can bind hGRa, and shift its intracellular localization toward the cytoplasm (44, 45). This action of 14-3-3s on hGRa appears to be independent to the ligand-induced nuclear translocation of the receptor, which is mediated in part by the NL1/importin a-associated nuclear pore complex. Numbers of serine and threonine residues of hGRa are phosphorylated by several serine/threonine kinases at their specific target residues, some of which function as phosphorylation-dependent binding sites of 14-3-3 proteins (46). For example, the v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1 (AKT1) (or the protein kinase B a) phosphorylates serine (S) 134 of the hGRa, and 14-3-3 binds to phosphorylated S134. Binding of 14-3-3 on hGRa at this site shifts subcellular localization of the latter to the cytoplasm and downregulates its transcriptional activity inside the nucleus (45, 47). The misshapen-like kinase 1 (MINK1) and the Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) respectively phosphorylate threonine (T) 524 and S617 (48). 14-3-3s bind phosphorylated forms of these residues as a dimer (48), possibly modulating subcellular localization and transcriptional activity of the hGRa.


Figure 1. Intracellular circulation and actions of hGRα. hGRα resides in the cytoplasm in the absence of ligand by forming a heterocomplex with several heat shock proteins (HSPs), immunophilins (e.g., FKBP), and some other proteins. Upon binding to ligand cortisol, hGRα dissociates from the complex and translocates into the nucleus through the nuclear pore. Inside the nucleus, hGRα binds directly to glucocorticoid response elements (GREs) located in promoter/enhancer regions of glucocorticoid-responsive genes. DNA-bound hGRα then stimulates transcription rates of glucocorticoid-responsive genes by attracting the regulatory regions the transcription regulatory complex including the RNA polymerase II (RNPII) and its ancillary components through bridging coactivators, such as p300/CBP and p160 proteins. Promoter/enhancer-bound hGRα also recruits in collaboration with these coactivators various chromatin remodeling molecules, including the DRIP/TRAP complex (DRIP/TRAP), the SWI/SNF chromatin modulator (SWI/SNF), and the Mediator complex (MED). In addition to binding directly to DNA and regulating transcription, hGRα interacts indirectly with regulatory regions of glucocorticoid-responsive genes via protein-protein interaction with other transcription factors (TFs) and/or attracted cofactor molecules, ultimately modulating positively and negatively the transcriptional activity of GRE- and non-GRE-containing glucocorticoid-responsive genes. hGRα then moves back to the cytoplasm to re-form a heterocomplex with HSPs for regaining a ligand-friendly status or is cleared from DNA by proteasomal degradation. Further, hGRα can influence the action of cell surface receptors by associating with their intracellular signaling molecules, such as classic and small G-proteins, and several serine/threonine and tyrosine kinases (known as non-genomic actions of glucocorticoids). Accumulating evidence suggests that liganded hGRα also influences the transcription of mitochondrial genes by translocating into this intracellular organelle. CBP: cAMP-responsive element-binding protein (CREB)-binding protein; DRIP/TRAP: vitamin D receptor-interacting protein/thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein complex; FKBPs: FK506-binding proteins; GREs: glucocorticoid response elements; GR: glucocorticoid receptor; HSPs: heat shock proteins; MED: Mediator complex; p160: p160-type nuclear receptor coactivator; RNPII: RNA polymerase II; SWI/SNF: switching/sucrose non-fermenting complex; TFs: transcription factors; TREs: transcription factor response elements.


Genomic and Non-genomic Actions of hGRα


After binding to glucocorticoids and translocating into the nucleus, hGRα binds as a dimer to a tandem GREs located in promoter/enhancer regions of glucocorticoid-responsive genes, and regulates their mRNA expression positively or negatively, depending on the GRE sequence and the promoter/enhancer context (15, 49, 50) (Figure 1). GRE-bound hGRα stimulates transcription of responsive genes by facilitating formation of the transcription regulatory complex, which includes the RNA polymerase II (RNPII) and its ancillary components (51). Mechanically, hGRα uses its two transactivation domains, AF-1 and AF-2, as protein surfaces for interacting with and attracting nuclear receptor coactivators (51). These proteins then act as bridges between the DNA-bound hGRα and the RNPII-containing transcription initiation complex (52, 53) (Figure 1). In addition, they act in themselves as histone acetyltransferases (HAT) as well as attract other enzymatic proteins, and loosen tightly packed chromatin DNA by chemically modulating specific amino acid residues of histones and other chromatin-associated molecules (54). Representatives of these HAT coactivators include p300 and its homologous cAMP-responsive element-binding protein (CREB)-binding protein (CBP), and the p160 family of nuclear receptor coactivators (NCoAs). The former proteins serve as macromolecular docking “platforms” for many transcription factors, including nuclear hormone receptors, CREB, activator protein-1 (AP-1), nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), p53, and signal transducers and activators of transcription (STATs), and thus, are called co-integrators (55). On the other hand, the p160 family of nuclear receptor coactivators (NCoAs) is more specific to nuclear hormone receptors including hGRa, and play a central role in the initiation of transcription by hGRa, as they are first attracted to the DNA-bound receptor molecule (55, 56). For physical interaction with hGRa, p160-type coactivators employ the LxxLL motif in which “L” is leucine and “x” is any amino acids. They harbor in their nuclear receptor-binding domain (NRB) multiple LxxLL motifs, each of which have different affinity to respective nuclear hormone receptors (55-58). The LxxLL motif forms the a-helical structure and is deeply buried into the molecular cleft formed by the AF-2 surface of the liganded hGRa (58). Interestingly, p160 family proteins also serve as transcriptional coactivators for some other transcription factors (e.g., NF-kB) (59, 60). In collaboration with these transcriptional coactivators and promoter/enhancer-bound other transcription factors, hGRα interacts with and attracts several distinct chromatin remodeling complexes (e.g., the mating-type switching/sucrose non-fermenting (SWI/SNF) complex, the vitamin D receptor-interacting protein/thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein (DRIP/TRAP) complex, and the Mediator (MED) complex) as well as various enzymatic molecules, scaffold proteins, and long non-coding RNAs (e.g., the steroid receptor RNA coactivator (SRA) and the growth arrest-specific 5 (Gas5)), ultimately forming a huge transcriptional regulatory complex for initiating transcription of the downstream coding sequence though the attracted RNPII (61-64). These newly identified functional oligonucleotides exert their transcriptional regulatory activity in part by modulating the liquid-liquid phase separation among various proteins inside the transcription regulatory complex formed on the DNA-bound hGRa (65).


Similar to the transcription factors incorporated in the transcriptional regulatory complex recruited by GREs-bound hGRα, liganded hGRα is also attracted to the transcription regulatory complex formed by DNA-bound other transcription factors (e.g., AP-1, NF-κB, p53, STATs, and forkhead transcription factors: FOXOs). This incorporation of hGRα can be independent to its physical association with DNA GREs, and the recruited hGRα modulates their transcriptional activity positively or negatively (15, 66) (Figure 1). The interaction between hGRα and these transcription factors are mediated by mutual protein-protein interactions between these proteins or indirectly through bridging coactivators, such as p300/CBP and p160-type coactivators (15). This GRE-independent activity of hGRα may be more important than the GRE-mediated one, given that the mice harboring a mutant GR defective in the dimerization surface, and thus, active in protein-protein interaction but inactive in transactivation via tandem GREs, survive and procreate, in contrast to the mice with Nr3c1 gene knock-out, which die immediately after birth due to respiratory failure (67). Suppression of transactivation of other transcription factors through such protein-protein interactions appears to be important particularly in the suppression of immune functions and inflammation by glucocorticoids (68-70).


Mounting evidence suggests that glucocorticoids also signal within seconds or minutes. These effects are called “non-genomic”, since they do not require the transcriptional activity of hGRα (15). Representative examples of these actions are: (i) the immediate suppression of ACTH release from the anterior pituitary gland by glucocorticoids (71); (ii) the increased frequency of excitatory post-synaptic potentials by glucocorticoids in the brain hippocampus (72); (iii) the cardioprotective role of glucocorticoids through nitric oxide-mediated vasorelaxation (73); and (iv) some immunomodulatory effects of glucocorticoids via inhibition of the T-cell receptor signaling (74). Some of the molecular mechanisms underlying these actions of hGRα have been proposed. For example, ligand-activated hGRα physically interacts with the classic G protein b through its NTD, and may modulate the action of G protein-coupled receptors located at the cytoplasmic membrane (36). Recent studies also demonstrated that hGRα influences the activity of kinase-mediated signaling, such as of the mitogen-activated protein kinase and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase through interacting with their key signaling molecules residing under the cytoplasmic membrane or in the cytoplasm (71-75)(Figure 1).


These non-genomic effects of hGRα modulate the action of some intracellular signaling pathways, whereas the latter can influence the activity of hGRα through post-translational modifications (PTMs) of this receptor protein. Such PTMs include phosphorylation, ubiquitination, acetylation, and sumoylation (15). These covalent changes may influence receptor stability, subcellular localization, as well as its interaction with other proteins including transcription factors and transcriptional cofactors/regulators (10). Thus, enzymes catalyzing these PTMs act as molecular effectors of their upstream intracellular signaling pathways for modulating the biologic effects of glucocorticoids by targeting the hGRaprotein.


In addition to the above-explained diverse actions, glucocorticoids can modulate expression of the mitochondrial genes by translocating into this cytoplasmic organelle, and by binding to the classic GREs located in some regulatory sites (D-loop) of these genes (76-78) (Figure 1). This action of hGRα in the mitochondria appears to play a role in the glucocorticoid-mediated modulation of apoptosis, a well-known process of the programmed cell death, and may contribute to the therapeutic effects of glucocorticoids on hematologic and other malignancies (79).




Pathophysiology and Clinical Manifestations


This syndrome is a condition first described by Chrousos,, as a rare, familial or sporadic, genetic disorder characterized by generalized, partial target tissue insensitivity to glucocorticoids (80). Because of glucocorticoid insensitivity in the central components of the HPA axis, glucocorticoid-mediated negative feedback inhibition on the brain hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary gland is decreased (5, 81) (Figure 2). These changes result in compensatory elevation of the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and the arginine-vasopressin (AVP) at the hypothalamus and systemic release of the ACTH from the anterior pituitary gland. Excess ACTH secretion then causes bilateral adrenocortical hyperplasia and increased production/secretion of cortisol, which compensates for its reduced actions in target tissues. However, elevated circulating ACTH also stimulates production of other adrenal steroids, such as mineralocorticoids (e.g., deoxycorticosterone (DOC) and corticosterone) and/or adrenal androgens (e.g., androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and DHEA-sulfate (DHEA-S)), leading to the development of excess manifestations of these hormones, because tissue sensitivity to these steroids is not altered. Increased mineralocorticoids may cause hypertension and/or hypokalemic alkalosis, whereas elevated adrenal androgens may develop manifestations (see below) through their direct effects on target tissues and/or indirect actions via modulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.


Figure 2. Pathophysiologic mechanisms and clinical manifestations of primary generalized glucocorticoid resistance syndrome (PGGRS). The HPA axis consists of the brain hypothalamus, the anterior pituitary gland, and the adrenal cortex with their secreting hormones/peptides, CRH/AVP, ACTH and cortisol, respectively. In patients with this syndrome, their HPA axis is re-set to upward with preservation of circadian rhythmicity due to generalized, partial insensitivity to glucocorticoids in entire tissues. Thus, hypothalamic CRH/AVP, pituitary ACTH and adrenal cortisol are all hyper-secreted in order to compensate for the reduced actions of cortisol in both CNS and peripheral tissues. In addition to augmenting production of cortisol in the adrenal glands, elevated ACTH stimulates secretion of mineralocorticoids (e.g., deoxycorticosterone and corticosterone) and androgens (e.g., androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and DHEA-sulfate(S)), which in turn cause a variety of manifestations associated with excess secretion of these hormones. In contrast, manifestations associated with overproduction of cortisol are rare in adult patients but neonates/young children may develop hypoglycemia and associated seizures due to reduced actions of cortisol in the liver. Elevated CRH/AVP in CNS may precipitate anxiety and depression in some patients. Solid lines indicate positive effects, whereas dashed lines show negative effects. Manifestations associated with elevation of the indicated molecules/compounds are shown with red letters. ACTH: adrenocorticotropic hormone; AVP: arginine vasopressin; CNS: central nervous system; CRH: corticotropin-releasing hormone; DHEA: dehydroepiandrosterone; DHEA-S: DHEA-sulfate; PGGRS; primary generalized glucocorticoid resistance syndrome.


Manifestations associated with excess adrenal androgens observed in patients with this syndrome include acne, hirsutism (more common in females), decreased fertility in both sexes, male-pattern hair loss, menstrual irregularities and oligo-anovulation in females, and oligospermia in males. Affected children may develop advanced bone age and subsequent short stature in their adulthood. In female new born babies, clitoromegaly/ambiguous genitalia may be seen (5, 82, 83).


Clinical manifestations of glucocorticoid deficiency are rare in adult patients but are reported in neonates/young children as severe hypoglycemia and associated seizures/coma, because gluconeogenesis depends on the proper action of glucocorticoids in the liver during early childhood (84-86). Some adult patients develop anxiety and/or chronic fatigue, which appear to be caused by elevated hypothalamic CRH and/or AVP (87-92). Increased circulating ACTH may cause bilateral adrenal hyperplasia (5). Some patients harbor adrenal incidentalomas (93, 94). Although this adrenal neoplasm is very common in general population (95), elevated circulating ACTH may facilitate tumor development and/or its growth. Further, one patient with this syndrome harbored an ACTH-producing pituitary adenoma, which might have been caused/facilitated by the elevated CRH/AVP (96).


Finally, the clinical spectrum of this syndrome is broad, ranging from severe to mild forms, and a number of patients may even be asymptomatic, displaying biochemical alterations only (5, 93, 97, 98). This heterogeneity is mainly due to variable impact of the patients’ genetic changes in the receptor protein, but other factors, such as their genetic backgrounds and/or epigenetic and biochemical changes, for example, associated with their ageing and lifestyles, may also contribute to variability of disease expression.


NR3C1 Gene Mutations That Cause Primary Generalized Glucocorticoid Resistance Syndrome


The molecular basis of this syndrome is ascribed to inactivating mutations in the NR3C1 gene, which impair molecular actions of hGRα and hence decrease tissue sensitivity to glucocorticoids. Currently, 36 pathologic mutations that cause this syndrome have been reported (Table 1 and Figure 3). Chrousos, et. al., reported the first family of this syndrome who carried a homozygous miss-sense mutation, which replaces adenine by thymine at nucleotide position 1,922 (80). The NR3C1 gene harboring this mutation expresses the hGRαD641V mutant receptor, which has valine (V) instead of aspartic acid (D) at amino acid position 641 in the LBD (80). Since then, numbers of patients were reported whose pathologic mutations were identified mostly as heterozygous in the coding sequence of LBD (90, 96, 99-102). Most of these patients demonstrated characteristic manifestations, such as those of mineralocorticoid and androgen excess, similar to the original case of Chrousos, et. al., thus they may be considered as “classic cases”. More recently, technological progress in the genome sequencing including the use of capillary or high through-put next generation sequencers enabled clinical researchers to conduct large studies with recruitment of the subjects with conventional/unconventional manifestations, (e.g., obesity and bilateral adrenal incidentalomas, as evident in the French Muta-GR study ( Identifier: NCT02810496) (97)). Clinicians are now able to obtain much easier and faster than before the data of patients’ genome sequence around the NR3C1 gene. Together with growing acknowledgement of this syndrome among clinicians and clinical researchers, such technological progress appears to have facilitated the discovery of new cases with classic symptoms, as well as those with much milder and/or alternative manifestations or even with biochemical changes only. Further, the identified mutations tend to distribute over the entire NR3C1 gene including coding areas of all three major domains and intronic sequences (Table 1 and Figure3).


Among 36 pathologic NR3C1 mutations, only three are homozygous mutations, while the other 33 are heterozygous (Table 1 and Figure 3). One patient harbors two different NR3C1 mutations each of which are identified in different alleles (thus, compound heterozygous) (86). Among 34 mutations found in the NR3C1 coding sequence, 24 are miss-sense mutations, which replace one amino acid with another (thus, point mutations), five are non-sense mutations, which introduce a stop codon and generate truncated receptor proteins, and another five are frame-shift mutations, which also develop truncated receptors but with additional unrelated amino acids after the mutation point. At the receptor protein level, 22 mutations are located in LBD, two in HR, seven in DBD, and four are in NTD (Figure 3). In addition to these coding sequence mutations, two mutations are identified in the intronic sequence, located in intron F (between exon 5 and 6) and in intron I (between exon 7 and 8), respectively (91, 103).



Table 1. The NR3C1 Gene Mutations that Cause Primary
Generalized Glucocorticoid Resistance Syndrome

Amino Acid Change

Nucleotide Change


Mutation Type

Proband’s Gender and Age

Clinical Manifestations

Molecular Defects


NTD Mutations




Point Mutation

M, 33







Point Mutation

F, 31

Fatigue, Anxiety, Hirsutism, Irregular menstruation, Infertility





Compound heterozygous with 2141G>Amutation

Point Mutation

F, 3



Also harbors R714Q expressed from a different allele





Point Mutation

F, 43



Increased transcriptional activity


DBD Mutations




Point Mutation

M, 9




Decreased DNA-binding activity





Point Mutation

M, 46

Adrenal hyperplasia



No GR mRNA and protein expression from the affected allele





Point Mutation

F, 12

Mild hirsutism

Elevated cortisol






Point Mutation

F, 41

Hypertension, Hirsutism,


No DNA-binding activity





Point Mutation

F, 30


Elevated serum cortisol

No DNA-binding activity





Point Mutation

M, 49


Adrenal incidentaloma

No symptoms

Decreased DNA-binding activity


HR Mutations




Point Mutation

M, 44

Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia

Elevation of ACTH and cortisol

Decreased transcriptional activity





Point Mutation

F, 60

No symptoms

Mild elevation of urinary free cortisol

Decreased transcriptional activity


LBD Mutations




Point Mutation

M, 14


Hypokalemia Hypertension


Decreased affinity to ligand

Decreased transcriptional activity





Point Mutation

M, 56

Adrenal incidentaloma

Increased UFC






Point Mutation

M, 33


Oligospermia, Infertility

No ligand-binding activity

(96, 99)




Point Mutation


F, 9

Ambiguous genitalia*, Hypertension, Hypokalemic Alkalosis


Highly decreased ligand-binding activity

(82, 100)




Point Mutation

M, 70

Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia

(His daughters have mild hirsutism)

Decreased affinity to ligand

Decreased transcriptional activity





Frame Shift

F, 41









Point Mutation

F, 16

No symptoms

Decreased affinity to ligand

Decreased transcriptional activity





Frame Shift

F, 20



No ligand-binding activity





Point Mutation

M, 48

Hypertension, Hypokalemic alkalosis

Reduced affinity to ligand

Reduced transcriptional activity





Point Mutation

F, 70



No transcription activity






Point Mutation

M, 46

No symptom

Mild elevation of urinary free cortisol

Adrenal incidentaloma

No ligand-binding activity

No transcriptional activity





Point Mutation

F, 19




Decreased affinity to ligand

Decreased transcriptional activity





Point Mutation

F, 2


Mild clitoromegaly

Advanced bone age

Precocious puberty


Decreased affinity to ligand

Decreased transcriptional activity





Point Mutation

F, 31

Unsuccessful attempts for pregnancy for 2.5 years

Decreased affinity to ligand

Decreased transcriptional activity




Compound heterozygous with 592G>T mutation

Point Mutation

F, 3



Also harbors E198X expressed from the other allele





Point Mutation

F, 30






Irregular menstrual cycles

Decreased affinity to ligand

Decreased transcriptional activity





Point Mutation

M, 6

Precocious puberty


Reduced affinity to ligand

Reduced transcriptional activity





Point Mutation

M, 7



Decreased affinity to ligand

Decreased transcriptional activity





Point Mutation

F, 18



Decreased affinity to ligand

Decreased transcriptional activity





Point Mutation

F, 23

No symptoms

Decreased affinity to ligand

Decreased transcriptional activity





Point Mutation

F, 29





Decreased affinity to ligand

Decreased transcriptional activity





Frame Shift

M, 27


Fatigability with feeding


No ligand-binding activity





Frame Shift

M, 1




No ligand-binding activity


Intronic Mutations

NR (No protein expression)



Destruction of the splice donor site

F, 26


Menstrual Irregularities

No GR mRNA and protein expression from the affected allele



Predicted to generate V675GfsX10

2024G > T


Predicted to skip exon 8

F, 49


Menstrual Irregularities, Anxiety





*: The case also harbors a heterozygous mutation in the 21-hydroxylase gene.

:  The 1201G>T D401H mutation causes mild glucocorticoid hypersensitivity.

N.D.; not determined。

Figure 3. Location of the NR3C1 gene mutations that cause primary generalized glucocorticoid resistance syndrome†. Currently, 36 independent mutations are reported. The mutations identified in the coding sequence of LBD, HR, DBD and NTD are shown in a light green, green, yellow and red box, respectively. Miss-sense mutations, non-sense mutations and frame-shift mutations are shown with black, purple and blue letters, respectively. Two mutations identified in the intronic sequence are shown with red letters. Homozygous mutations are shown with underlines. †: The 1201G>T D410H mutation causes mild glucocorticoid hypersensitivity; *: The same miss-sense mutation but found in unrelated subjects/families; $: Prediction only (the mutated hGR protein was not biologically identified); #: These two mutations were found as compound heterozygous in one affected subject. Numbers of nucleotides and amino acids are based on the transcription initiation site and the first methionine of the hGR protein, respectively. DBD: DNA-binding domain; HR: hinge region; LBD: ligand-binding domain; NTD: N-terminal domain


Molecular Defects of Pathologic hGRa Mutants


Molecular defects of pathologic mutant receptors have been extensively investigated by focusing on their defects in ligand-association, transactivation of glucocorticoid-responsive genes, cytoplasmic to nuclear translocation, and others (5). Recently, computer-based in silico structural simulation has also been used for estimating the structural impact of mutations to hGRa LBD and DBD (88, 114).


Pathologic mutant receptors generally cause inactivation/reduction of one or some of the receptor functions, whereas they are in most cases heterozygous mutations that enables affected subjects to harbor both mutated and intact hGRaprotein in their tissues (5, 6). Thus, affected subjects of this syndrome demonstrate partial loss of glucocorticoid actions in their tissues, consistent with the experimental evidence that genetic knock-out (inactivation) of the Nr3c1 gene in mice (thus, complete abbreviation of the GR protein and its actions) is lethal (115). However, one homozygous case who only expresses a mutant receptor with complete loss of the ligand-binding activity was reported (2318-2319delTG F774SfsX24) (85). Given that the ligand-binding is essential for subsequent receptor activation, this mutant receptor might have residual activities including minimal association to glucocorticoids or other steroids, enabling the patient to survive even though he only expresses this highly damaged receptor.




There are 22 pathologic mutations whose amino acid changes are identified in the LBD. Among them, 17 are miss-sense mutations (see Table 1 and Figure 3 for details), one is a non-sense mutation (1992A>T Y660X) (115), and four are frame-shift mutations (1762-1765insTTAC>G H588LfsX5, 1835delC S612YfsX15, 2317-2318delCT L773VfsX25 and 2318-2319delTG F774SfsX24) (85, 92, 109, 113). Since LBD is the domain harboring a majority of receptor functions with established evaluation means (15), molecular defects of these mutant receptors have been most extensively and systemically investigated. These molecular examinations include: i) the affinity of the mutant receptors for the ligand (the synthetic pure glucocorticoid dexamethasone was used in most cases, thus the method is called “dexamethasone binding assay”); ii) the transcriptional activity of the mutant receptors on endogenous glucocorticoid-responsive genes and/or transiently introduced exogenous GRE-driven reporters; iii) the ability of in vitro physical interaction of the mutant receptors with p160-type nuclear receptor coactivators, such as the glucocorticoid receptor-interacting protein 1 (GRIP1 or NCoA2); iv) the subcellular localization of the mutant receptors and their nuclear translocation in response to glucocorticoids (in most cases, dexamethasone was used as a ligand); v) the ability of the mutant receptors to bind endogenous DNA GREs (using the chromatin-immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay); vi) the structural analysis on the mutant receptors’ LBDs by employing the computer-based in silico three-dimensional (3D) simulation using as a template crystallographic data of the LBD peptide; vii) the motility of the mutant receptors inside the nucleus using the fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) analysis.


Molecular defects in two major functions of the hGRa, the ability to bind glucocorticoids and the transactivation of glucocorticoid-responsive genes are summarized in Table 1. Compared with the wild-type receptor, all mutant receptors demonstrate variable reduction in their affinity to dexamethasone, and attenuate their transactivation of GREs-driven genes following exposure to this steroid, with the most severe impairment observed in the cases of I559N, V571A, D641V, L672P, R714Q, I747M, L773P, L773VfsX25 and F774fsX24 mutations (80, 82, 84, 85, 96, 99, 100, 102, 110, 113). In the in silico 3D structural simulation analysis on LBD of the miss-sense point mutant receptors, most of the replaced amino acids are located outside the molecular structures, which directly mediate these two major functions, LBP and the AF-2 surface, respectively (114). The latter is used for physical interaction with the LxxLL motif of p160-type coactivators (58). Further analysis revealed that these point mutations damage and/or alter multiple intramolecular amino acid interactions necessary for maintaining the proper structural conformation of LBD, resulting in the alteration in these two protein surfaces indirectly but simultaneously (114). More detailed structural analysis revealed that the amino acid replacements damage LBP by indirectly reducing the electrostatic interaction between key residues of LBP and those of the dexamethasone molecule (especially, the interaction formed against the carbonyl oxygen of carbon (C) 3 of this steroid) (114). Their impact on the interaction between the AF-2 surface and the LxxLL motif of the p160-type coactivator GRIP1 protein is variable, but tends to damage the ionic interaction (or salt bridge) of non-core leucines of this motif as well as the noncovalent interaction of its core leucine residues formed against key amino acids of the AF-2 surface, ultimately reducing the affinity of this motif to the hydrophobic cleft of the AF-2 surface (114).


The C-terminal portion of the hGRa LBD that follows the a-helix-12 of this domain is one of the hot spots of pathologic hGRa mutations, as evident in the accumulation of three independent mutations to this region (L773P, L773VfsX25 and F774fsX24) (85, 90, 113). Indeed, this molecular area is particularly important for creating the AF-2 surface and for maintaining the ligand-bound LPB conformation through its dramatic intramolecular shift upon binding to a ligand (30). Arginine (R) at amino acid position 714 is another hot spot of the point mutations, as three patients independently harbor this mutation that replaces this amino acid to glutamine (Q) (84, 86, 112). In the structural simulation analysis on the R714Q mutant receptor, substitution of R for Q in LBD causes a rearrangement of the side chains resulting in forming a new salt bridge between R704 and D662 and displacing Q714 (84). This relaxes some constraint on the helix-10 and results in structural changes throughout the LBD, indirectly damaging conformation of both LBP and the AF-2 surface (84). Interestingly, the third case with the R714Q mutation harbors another point mutation (592G>T E198X) in the other allele (compound heterozygous), which generates a truncated receptor at E198 (E198X) (86). Thus, the patient expresses both R714Q and E198X mutant receptors but no intact receptor in her tissues.


The LBD mutant receptors frequently demonstrate delay of their translocation from the cytoplasm to the nucleus compared to the wild-type receptor, consistent with the fact that the ligand-binding “turns on” the nuclear translocation of the receptor by inducing the conformational change that allows the receptor to expose NL1 and NL2 surfaces to their counterpart nuclear import systems (7, 84, 85, 89, 90, 98-100, 102, 116). Although detailed molecular mechanisms underlying this defect have not been examined yet, it is likely that the mutations interrupt proper functions of these domains (32). Some mutant receptors, such as hGRaV729I and hGRaF737L, shift their subcellular localization toward the nucleus in the absence of ligand (7, 100), possibly by their defective intracellular circulation, such as through defective NL1 activity and/or altered interaction with14-3-3 proteins, calreticulin or others.


All LBD mutant receptors tested for their interaction with DNA GREs preserve their ability to bind this recognition sequences, because they have intact DBD, which can function independently to LBD (7, 84, 85, 89, 90, 98-100, 102, 116). Further, many of these mutant receptors demonstrate a dominant negative effect on the transcriptional activity of the wild-type receptor, because they are in most cases partially active mutants, and thus, can interfere with the full activity of the wild-type receptor, such as by competing for the molecules mediating the latter’s transcriptional activity (e.g., by squelching transcriptional cofactors including p160-type coactivators) (5, 6, 102). Finally, the LBD point mutant receptors tested in the FRAP analysis demonstrate dynamic motility defects inside the nucleus of living cells, possibly due to their reduced affinity to ligand and/or inability to interact properly with key cofactors and/or chromatin molecules (117).


Molecular characterization of the LBD mutants explained above have been performed mostly by employing cell-based bioassays. However, Kaziales, et. al., recently performed in vitro biochemical assays on the L773P mutant receptor by employing its purified peptide consisting of DBD, HR, and intact or mutated LBD (118). The “wild-type” receptor peptide (called GRm) employed for their assays harbors multiple amino acid replacements for conferring its peptide stability. Thus, the authors compared GRm and GRmL773P, and found that the latter has altered physical interaction with HSP90 (118). They suggested that this molecular defect underlies the reduced interaction of the receptor peptide to dexamethasone, the LxxLL motif, and further, DNA GREs, although exact molecular evidence and associated mechanisms were not demonstrated.




Two pathologic mutations were identified in HR (Table 1 and Figure 3). One is a non-sense mutation (1471 C>T R491X) and the other is a miss-sense mutation (1503 G>T Q501H) (97). Both are located in exon 5. The patient harboring R491X developed typical manifestations of Chrousos syndrome, as the mutant receptor lacks the entire LBD (97). On the other hand, the subject harboring Q501H demonstrated biochemical changes only, while the mutant receptor showed weakly reduced transactivation of the exogenous glucocorticoid-responsive gene (97).




Currently, seven pathologic mutations were identified in DBD (Table 1 and Figure 3). Among them, five are miss-sense (point) mutations. The other two are a non-sense mutation and a frame-shift mutation. All five point mutant receptors reduce or lose their affinity to DNA GREs  (88, 92, 93, 97, 107). In contrast, they retain intact affinity for ligand dexamethasone, because DBD and LBD function independently with each other (88, 92, 93, 97, 107). Among these point mutations, three (1430G>A R477H, 1429C>T R477S and 1429C>T R477C) replace arginine (R) at amino acid position 477 to other amino acids (histidine (H), serine (S) and cysteine (C), respectively), while one targets tyrosine (Y) at position 478 and changes it to cysteine (C) (1433A>G Y478C). Thus, the area around R477 and Y478 appears to be a hot-spot of DBD mutations. These two amino acids are located just C-terminally to the fourth cysteine residue of the second zinc finger of DBD, which participates in holding a zinc ion together with the other three cysteines of this finger motif. R477 is critical for maintaining the ability of the receptor to bind GREs by providing the hydrophobicity required for its interaction with the backbone chain of the GRE DNA. Thus, replacement of either of these two amino acids seems to reduce the affinity of the mutant receptors to the GRE DNA through damaging this local hydrophobicity.


The point mutation 1268T>C V423A replaces valine (V) at amino acid position 423 to alanine (A) (88). V423 is located just N-terminally to the second cysteine of the first zinc finger of DBD. Replacement of this valine to alanine at amino acid position 423 permits water molecules to diffuse into the zinc-binding region of the receptor and indirectly damages the hydrophobicity maintained by R477, leading to the reduction in the affinity of this mutant receptor to the GRE DNA (88).


Interestingly, the mutant receptors V423A, R477S and Y478C demonstrate delayed cytoplasmic to nuclear translocation upon exposure to dexamethasone (88, 93). Molecular defect(s) underlying this impairment have(s) not been elucidated, but these mutations appear to affect indirectly the function of NL1, because this molecular surface spans over the second zinc finger of DBD, while these mutations damage the hydrophobic circumstance around this finger (88, 107). The second zinc finger of the DBD is also critical for receptor homodimerization, which is a prerequisite for the receptor to bind a tandem GREs and subsequent transactivation of glucocorticoid-responsive genes harboring this DNA sequence (119). Thus, defective homodimerization may also contribute to the reduced transcriptional activity of these DBD mutant receptors.




Four independent point mutations are reported in NTD. These include 26C>G P9R, 367G>T Q123X, 592G>T E198X and 1201G>T D401H (86, 87, 104, 105). The 367G>T Q123X and the 592G>T E198X are non-sense mutations generating truncated receptors, respectively at amino acid position 123 and 198. Because both receptors appear to be highly damaged as they lack the entire DBD and LBD, the affected subjects demonstrated clear-cut manifestations of Chrousos syndrome (86, 87).


The patient harboring the 26C>G P9R mutation demonstrated mild clinical manifestations with slight increase in ACTH and cortisol secretion (104). Molecular characterization was not performed for this mutant receptor (104), thus there is a possibility that the identified nucleotide change is not pathologic. Indeed, NTD (exon 2) is the domain most harboring single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) among all three major domains throughout the nuclear hormone receptor genes (13), thus this domain can well tolerate to nucleotide replacements and tends to maintain its proper functions compared to the other domains.


The patient harboring the 1201G>T D401H mutation demonstrated mild hypersensitivity to glucocorticoids in contrast to the other pathologic mutations that cause glucocorticoid resistance (105). Compared to the wild-type receptor, the D401H mutant receptor demonstrated ~2-fold stronger transcriptional activity in a reporter assay, which is equivalent to the activity of the N363S mutant receptor in a side-by-side assay. The nucleotide change causing the N363S replacement is a well-known polymorphism associated with mild glucocorticoid hypersensitivity (120-122). Thus, the 1201G>T D401H may be another weakly functional polymorphism causing mild tissue hypersensitivity to glucocorticoids.


The 3-year-old girl with the 592G>T E198X mutation additionally harbors the 2141G>A R714Q mutation in the other allele as explained in the section of “LBD mutations” (86). She developed severe manifestations of glucocorticoid resistance, such as uncontrollable hypertension, brain micro-infarctions, and hypoglycemic coma, because both mutant receptors she harbored are highly damaged. The family study revealed that the 592G>T E198X mutation is maintained among her family, while the 2141G>A R714Q mutation is de novo in the affected girl (86).




So far, only two intronic mutations are reported. One is the 1891-1894 delGAGT NR, which deletes four nucleotides (GAGT) at the nucleotide position 1891-1894 (in intron F located between exon 4 and 5) that destroys the intron-acceptor site located 5’ terminally to exon 6 (91, 103). The mutated mRNA expressed from the affected allele loses its biological stability, therefore the mutation functionally “knocks-out” NR3C1 of this allele (103). The amount of patient’s tissue hGRa is thus 50% of the healthy subjects as the receptor protein is only expressed from the intact allele (103). The other mutation is the 2024G>T, which replaces G with T at the position one nucleotide 5’ terminally to exon 8 (thus, located at the 3’-terminal portion of intron I) (91). Although biochemical characterization on the mutant receptor was not performed, the computer-based prediction indicated that the mutation appears to cause a skip of the entire exon 8 and to generate the V675GfsX10 truncated receptor whose molecular function appears to be highly damaged (91). It is also possible that the mutation reduces stability of its mRNA, leading to functional “knock-out” of NR3C1 of the affected allele similar to the 1891-1894 delGAGT NR mutation (103). Thus, biochemical evaluation on the mutated mRNA and hGRaprotein is needed.


Clinical Evaluation of Patients with Primary Generalized Glucocorticoid Resistance Syndrome


Key for evaluating patients with this syndrome is to identify the manifestations suggesting upregulation of the HPA axis without Cushingoid features (5) (Table 2). Circadian rhythmicity of circulating ACTH and cortisol should be preserved, in contrast to the patients with Cushing syndrome (5). In addition, any evidence suggesting psychiatric problems (e.g., anxiety and depression), possibly through upregulation of brain CRH and/or AVP may be noted (5).


Physical examination should include an assessment for signs of hypertension and associated metabolic alkalosis caused by elevated levels of adrenal mineralocorticoids (5). Arterial blood pressure should be recorded and should be monitored over a 24-hour period. Signs of hyperandrogenism and/or virilization caused by over-production of the adrenal androgens, such as acne, hirsutism, pubic and axillary hair development, male-pattern hair loss, and clitoromegaly, should be evaluated. Hirsutism should be assessed using the Ferriman-Gallwey score (123), while pubic hair development should be classified according to the Tanner scale (124, 125). All subjects should be screened for signs associated with Cushing syndrome or therapeutic use of high-dose glucocorticoids.


Table 2. Clinical Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation of Primary Generalized Glucocorticoid Resistance Syndrome

Clinical Presentation

Glucocorticoid excess

Apparently normal glucocorticoid actions without Cushingoid features

(However, hypoglycemia and associated coma/seizures can be observed in affected neonates/young children)


Mineralocorticoid excess


                   Hypokalemic alkalosis


Adrenal androgen excess

Children: Ambiguous genitalia at birth*, clitoromegaly, premature adrenarche, gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty

Females: Acne, hirsutism, male-pattern hair loss, menstrual irregularities, oligo-anovulation, infertility

Males: Acne, hirsutism, oligospermia, adrenal rests in the testes, infertility


CRH/AVP excess in brain hypothalamus and elevation of circulating ACTH levels


Benign pituitary tumors (ACTH-producing)

Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia

Adrenal adenomas


Diagnostic Evaluation

Upward shift of the HPA axis activity and responsiveness to high-dose glucocorticoids

Elevated plasma ACTH concentrations

Elevated serum cortisol concentrations

Increased 24-hour urinary free cortisol (UFC) excretion

Resistance of the HPA axis to dexamethasone suppression but positive response to its high, grading doses


Normal circadian rhythmicity of circulating cortisol and ACTH concentrations


Presence of glucocorticoid resistance in patients’ tissues

The thymidine incorporation assay using patients’ PBMCs: Reduced dexamethasone-induced suppression of phytohemagglutinin-stimulated thymidine incorporation compared to normal subjects

The dexamethasone binding assay using patients’ PBMCs: Decreased affinity to dexamethasone compared to normal subjects


Identification of mutation(s) in the NR3C1 gene (mostly in its coding sequence but can be in exon/intron junctions)


Identification of molecular defects of mutant receptors in appropriate assay systems


* The case demonstrating this manifestation also harbored a heterozygous mutation in the 21-hydroxylase gene.


Endocrinological Evaluation of Patients with Primary Generalized Glucocorticoid Resistance Syndrome


The aim of the endocrinological evaluation is to demonstrate up-regulation of the HPA axis with preservation of its normal circadian rhythmicity and blunted responsiveness to exogenous glucocorticoids (5). Concentrations of plasma ACTH, renin activity and aldosterone, as well as serum cortisol, corticosterone, deoxycorticosterone, testosterone, androstenedione, DHEA, and DHEA-S should be measured. Determination of 24-hour UFC excretion on 2 or 3 consecutive days is important to access the presence of hypercortisolism. Diurnal fluctuation of plasma ACTH and serum cortisol should be evaluated, for example, by monitoring them both in the morning and in the evening.


Responsiveness of the HPA axis to exogenous glucocorticoids should be examined using the dexamethasone suppression test (5). Increasing doses of dexamethasone (e.g., 0.3, 0.6, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0 mg) should be given orally at midnight every other day, and a serum sample should be drawn at 0800h the following morning for determining serum cortisol concentrations. Affected subjects demonstrate resistance of the HPA axis to administered dexamethasone but can respond to higher doses. Concurrent measurement of serum dexamethasone concentrations is recommended in order to exclude the possibility of increased metabolic clearance or decreased absorption of this compound (83). Pituitary and adrenal imaging studies should be performed, because patients with this syndrome frequently harbor hypertrophy of these organs or may develop their benign tumors. 


Cellular and Molecular Studies on Patients with Primary Generalized Glucocorticoid Resistance Syndrome


The purpose of cellular studies is to identify the presence of tissue resistance to glucocorticoids in actual tissues of the affected subjects. The thymidine incorporation assay and the dexamethasone binding assay employing subjects’ peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are generally employed (5, 126) (Table 2). In the former assay, dexamethasone administration strongly suppresses phytohemagglutinin-stimulated thymidine incorporation of PBMCs in normal subjects. However, this response is significantly blunted in the affected subjects due to reduced affinity/actions of this steroid in these cells. The dexamethasone binding assay can address reduction in the affinity of patients’ tissue hGRa to dexamethasone, because mutant receptors harboring their defects in LBD almost always show reduced affinity for this steroid.


As part of the molecular examination for verifying pathologic causes and their molecular mechanisms, sequencing of the coding region of the NR3C1 gene including exon/intron junctions should be performed (126). Identification of mutations in the NR3C1 gene is critical for diagnosing this syndrome. Once mutations are identified, the next step is to prove that the identified mutations have biologic impact. Because the NR3C1 gene harbors so many neutral polymorphisms (13), there is always a possibility that the identified nucleotide changes are just coincidental but not pathologic. Population incidence of the identified nucleotide changes is important if available, as pathologic mutations generally have a very low allele frequency. Molecular studies can be started by constructing the mutant hGRa-expressing plasmids. Then, molecular actions of mutant receptors can be examined by transfecting the created plasmids (transiently or stably) to appropriate cell lines (e.g., GR-negative African green monkey kidney CV1 and COS7 cells, and GR-positive human cervical cancer HeLa cells). Using mutant receptor-expressing cultured cells, reporter transactivation assays using the GREs-driven luciferase gene can be performed to address the reduced transcriptional activity of mutant receptors. The dexamethasone binding assay can also be performed in the COS7 cells transiently expressing mutant receptors to evaluate their affinity to dexamethasone in the absence of the wild-type GR. In microscope-based imaging studies on the cells transfected with plasmids expressing mutant receptors, their abnormal subcellular localization and delayed nuclear translocation in response to dexamethasone can be evaluated.


Management of Patients with Primary Generalized Glucocorticoid Resistance Syndrome


The aim of the treatment for patients with this syndrome is to suppress the excess ACTH secretion in order to reduce production of the adrenal steroids with mineralocorticoid and/or androgenic activity to minimize their pathologic effects (5). Treatment involves the administration of high doses of mineralocorticoid activity-sparing pure glucocorticoids (e.g., dexamethasone), which activate mutated and/or wild-type hGRα in the hypothalamus/pituitary gland of the affected subjects and suppress their ACTH secretion. Adequate suppression of the HPA axis is of particular importance, given that the treatment is virtually life-long, thus any side effects of exogenous glucocorticoids should be avoided as much as possible. Long-term dexamethasone treatment should be titrated carefully according to the clinical manifestations and biochemical profiles of the affected subjects.




Primary generalized glucocorticoid resistance syndrome is characterized by hypercortisolism without Cushingoid features but with manifestations caused by upregulation of the HPA axis, such as hypertension (by mineralocorticoid excess) and signs of hyperandrogenism (by adrenal androgen excess) (81). The pathologic cause of this syndrome is ascribed to mutations in the NR3C1 gene, which decrease the action of its encoding protein hGRa, a ligand-dependent transcription factor (15, 81). In honor to Professor George P. Chrousos who discovered the first case and significantly contributed to the progress of this field, this syndrome may be called “Chrousos syndrome”, particularly for the cases who demonstrate classic and characteristic manifestations of this syndrome (6, 80). Recent progress in genome technology including high through-put sequencing has enabled clinical researchers to handle large patient cohorts and clinicians can get access to the NR3C1 gene sequencing much easier and faster than before. Consequently, 35 cases/families of this syndrome are currently reported world-wide who harbor pathologic mutations in the NR3C1 gene. It is of note that some of the recent cases tend to demonstrate much milder manifestations compared to the classic cases of Chrousos syndrome (97, 110). Further, some of them even lack obvious manifestations but show biochemical or imaging abnormalities only (93, 97). For these cases with very mild or no manifestations, their genetic changes may be considered as rare polymorphisms rather than pathologic mutations. Further discussion is needed for distinguishing pathologic mutations and mildly functional polymorphisms based on their clinical manifestations and allele frequency of the nucleotide changes. 


In some reported cases, molecular defects of the mutated receptors were not evaluated. Testing them in tandem with the wild-type receptor is crucial for avoiding false-diagnosis, because the NR3C1 gene harbor substantial numbers of biologically silent polymorphisms (13). On the other hand, there are patients who demonstrate characteristic manifestations of Chrousos syndrome but do not harbor pathologic mutations in the NR3C1 gene. These “mutation-silent” subjects might carry their genetic defects not in NR3C1 but in other genes whose encoding proteins function in the glucocorticoid signaling pathway. For example, there was a boy who demonstrated manifestations compatible with multiple steroid hormone resistance (127). He harbored a small gene segmental deletion around one zinc finger protein (ZNF) gene, and Its encoding protein ZNF764 turned out to function as a coactivator of several steroid hormone receptors including the hGRa (127). As our knowledge of the glucocorticoid signaling pathway increases, including new players like long non-coding RNAs (15, 128, 129), we hope that genetic cause(s) of undiagnosed cases with Chrousos syndrome will soon be identified, by employing classic genetic methods (e.g., the linkage analysis) as well as cutting-edge genome-related methodologies including the whole genome/exome sequencing and sophisticated bioinformatical/statistical analysis tools.




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